The Tim Dillon Show - 368 - A Case For Israel with Noa Tishby

Episode Date: November 4, 2023

Tim sits down with actress, writer, producer & activist Noa Tishby on Israel and the conflict in the Gaza Strip. Recorded October 28, 2023. American Royalty Tour 🎟 SPONSORS: Keeps For your first month free go to Express VPN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to the channel: Instagram: Twitter: Listen on Spotify! #TheTimDillonShow Merch: For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same. #TimGivesBack

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tim Dylan show. We have a really exciting episode today. Noah Tishbius here. She is the big Israel advocate. She was just profiled in the New York Times and we talked to her. Some news on the book. I am switching publishers.
Starting point is 00:00:14 We did not really get along. These are things that happen. I'm not a huge fan of people editing me. So we're trying to work it out where we can keep some of the pre the pre sales. I don't know if we can. So you all may get refunded and then just there'll be no other pre sales. You just come by the book when it's out in the spring. But we couldn't really hammer out an agreement on what I wanted.
Starting point is 00:00:34 So that's the way it is, you know, it's like, hey, who cares? So go out. We'll see. I'll do a little book tour in the spring. We'll be out talking about the book. This is an interesting episode. Noah knows a lot about Israel. She's a fierce advocate of Israel and a staunch defender
Starting point is 00:00:54 of Israel. And I'm sure there's a lot of people that will agree with her. And there's a lot of people that will disagree with her. It's a very good conversation, very respectful. I appreciate her taking the time to speak with her. It's a very good conversation, very respectful. I appreciate her taking the time to speak with us. So without further ado, here is Noah Tishby. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tim Dylan show special guests here Noah Tishby. I pronounced that right. I became aware of you a few weeks ago when you were on your Instagram page, talking about what's going on in the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And I read a little bit about you. You are very accomplished person. You worked for Benjamin Netanyahu's government. Nope. No? Well, that's very briefly, but we'll get to that in a second. Okay. I wasn't completely.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I'm not completely wrong. I was appointed. I was appointed. So I'm an Israeli-American. I was appointed. I was appointed. So I'm an Israeli American. I was born and raised in Israel. I was an actress and a producer. I brought the first television show to the United States and treatment. So I did it to HBO. It was the first television format to ever make it to Israel, to America, from Israel. I have been an Israel advocate and a Jewish advocate and worked in the anti-Semitism space for a very long time
Starting point is 00:02:06 I started the first online advocacy and rapid response organization in 2011 and in Last year was appointed by your Lapid actually To be Israel's first special envoy for combating anti-Semitism and delegitimization and I worked for the Lapid Bennett government Which was the quote-unquoteid Bennett government, which was the quote unquote, the good government in terms of the American kind of left and progressives. And then the new government got in, which is much more right wing and much more religious.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And I still said I was going to, I wanted to continue working because I feel like the space of anti-Semitism is more important than any politics. And then I criticized the attempt in a judicial overhaul in his room and was relieved for my position. So I can say that I worked for the Netanyahu government
Starting point is 00:02:56 for a couple of months. Briefly. And you were dismissed. I was dismissed, yeah. So you were a critic of the right wing, what you thought was right wing overreach of the net and economic government. Yeah, which is, which is the perfect example of how you can, you can criticize Israeli government
Starting point is 00:03:11 policies while acknowledging that Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish state, which is what we are actually here to discuss. Right. What in your estimation, what has the media gotten wrong about the narrative about what has happened since the Hamas attack? Oh, the question is, what did the media get wrong in the past like 25 years or even more? So first of all, let's go back for a second. On October 7th, Israel was invaded, not by like a couple of cute terrorists, which is when we say a terrorist attack,
Starting point is 00:03:46 you kind of think, you know, five, six, 10, 19, like we had here in September 11th, what people need to understand is that Israel was invaded by nearly 3,000 terrorists, not give or take, so it's a battalion. It's essentially a military that attacked Israel from the south, broke the border down, and invaded cities and towns in Kibbutzim with the clear orders to murder slaughter rape, torture, and kidnap as many people as they possibly can. The stories, the photos, the videos that are coming out of it, so not only did they create, like,
Starting point is 00:04:24 they caused the greatest slaughter in massacre on the Jewish people since the Holocaust in one day. So 1,500 now people, men, women, and children were slaughtered that day. The level of barbarism and sadism is beyond the pale and they filmed it. So their intention was to show the world and the Jewish community what it is that they're capable and willing to do. I can't that there's there's
Starting point is 00:04:51 the beheading of babies, the burning of families up alive. There was a I'm sorry to be graphic, but I'm just gonna have to be there's a there was a 30 year old woman who was pregnant. They sliced her belly open. They pulled out the fetus and they beheaded that fetus, such that they literally, I mean, this is inhuman and barbaric. Torturing families next to the children, like it's unbelievable. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And this is something that Israel's been dealing with in a very small scale for a very long time. So there's this culture of radical Islam, radical Islamic Nazism, basically, that is not interested in what we in the West think that they're interested in. So what they're not interested is a two-state solution. What they're not interested is living peacefully side by side. What they're not interested in anything that we hold dear as our Western values. And this is
Starting point is 00:05:43 one of the things that I've been trying to warn for against for a very long time, and a lot of us has, because you think that you can, the American, specifically, like the left, right, is creating some sort of a projection. They're projecting their values on the region. And they're saying, oh, well, certainly everybody just wants to live in peace. Like certainly every mother just wants the children
Starting point is 00:06:05 to grow up and have a great future. And as a liberal, living in America, when I moved from Israel to heroes, very challenging for me to see that a lot of people don't get that. They don't get that, no, not everybody has the same culture. So, many, many years, no to answer your question about the media.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I also, I wrote a book a couple of years ago it came out and it's called Israel a simple guide to the most misunderstood country on earth and the reason I wrote that book is because I realized there was no book that tells the story of Israel in a way that's easy to understand. That's like fun, that's funny, God forbid, right? And I literally wrote that book because the media was getting Israel wrong all the time. And that is, I mean, the book is selling again really well and people are finding it now, because everything that's happening right now, including the media, including universities,
Starting point is 00:06:53 including all of it is written in the book because it's been something that I've been working on for a long time. There has been and is an anti-Israel media bias that, as in Israeli and an American Jew, right, is kind of funny when people keep blaming the Jews for having a media cabal. Aren't there a lot of Jews that work in the media? A lot of Jews working in a field doesn't equate control of the field. No, for sure. So here's where anti-Semitism jumps in, which is anti-Semitism is anti-Jewish racism. It's where you have this subconscious bias against the other, a people, right?
Starting point is 00:07:32 Blacks and Asians and whatever, you come up with suspicious about them. Gotcha. With anti-Semitism, it's not simple racism. So it's not, you don't just look down at something or someone, you look up at them a little bit. So anti-Semitism in essence is a shape-shifting conspiracy theory. And the conspiracy theory sounds like, yeah, these fucking Jews, they control everything. So when you think to yourself for real that the Jews control everything and a lot of your
Starting point is 00:07:58 viewers and listeners right now are like, well, don't they? That is a conspiracy theory. And that is what allows later on for your opinions about Israel to be completely skewed. So if you think that the Jews control everything, then of course Israel is the big bad wolf because it's like the Jews control everything. And we're sending there going,
Starting point is 00:08:15 we are the worst fucking cabal in the world. Now, it was very funny to some extent, but now it's not funny anymore. Well, no, for sure, but is there a space like you said to be critical of maybe the settler program? Sure. You can create an expansionism of, you know, moving it. Tim, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yeah. You can be a Republican, a Democrat, a libertarian, it doesn't matter what, right? Yeah. None of us love the policies of putting kids in cages, right? In the border. Right. Nobody. Well, as liberal Jews have been the ones who've advocated on behalf of having a lot of immigration.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, pause, pause for a second. That's another, wait, just a second. Nobody is for any, there are policies in America that we don't love, right? Sure. Nobody's talking about dismantling America. Right, but I don't think any serious people are talking about dismantling. You think so? Are you seeing what's happening on colleges?
Starting point is 00:09:08 I literally had the same argument with the Marne. He's like, no, and I'm like, the colleges have gone insane. But that's the young American minds that are going on and saying from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. And they're saying something like this. And this is something that I've noticed like 10 years ago, right? The conversation about Israel and certain circles turned from policies, bibinatanyahu yes or no,
Starting point is 00:09:31 settlement yes or no, policies which is totally legit to have a conversation about. There's something that sounded like this, right? Yeah, but like is Israel a real state though? Or is it like a colonialist subtler than devil that needs to be dismantled? Then that is something that we can't allow to happen. Is it the only country that you have a debate on whether or not it should exist? I don't know of any serious person that I know of that has said Israel doesn't have a right to
Starting point is 00:09:58 exist. You're absolutely right because the normal people that actually have education know this, but you watch the ones that are ripping the posters of the kids, the kids. But these roles are people that tell have education know this, but you watch the ones that are ripping the posters of their crazy people, but these roles are a lot of tell us there's 1500 genders and I have to learn a new language to talk to them. How's everyone enjoying this episode? Are you enjoying the episode? Don't be angry about whatever you're angry about? People lose their hair. This is something that happens. We know this. In a war zone or not,
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Starting point is 00:12:17 And the Democrats have been very pro-immigration. Okay. And recently there have been a lot of, you know, protests happening, you know, not only in America, but in places like Australia, where they yelled gas to Jews outside of the city. Yeah, perhaps. So, by the way, just so you're clear, it's a massacre that occurred in the Jewish people that people on the left are asking for more massacre. Yeah. Why are the, why are Jewish people so devoted to the Democratic Party when the Democratic Party says we're going to bring every culture into America no matter what they're feeling
Starting point is 00:12:50 is towards Jews or what their values are or whether they like Western culture or not. Why, why have the Jewish people historically been so pro-democrat? Well, I can't answer to immigration specifically because everybody knows from the Democrats or Republicans, everybody knows that we need to have some sort of an immigration reform. There's no question about that. Although I got to say that saying that there's no immigration system that's based on merit is also insane because I came into the country based on an immigration system that's based on merit. I had to prove that I was called extraordinary in this field. That's how I got my citizenship, which I'm a very proud American too. So do think that, do you think it's a little far, though, to I understand, listen,
Starting point is 00:13:29 college kids are nuts. Do you think it's a good idea when you have the CEOs of companies coming out and going, I want a list of all the college kids who went to the protest? I want a list of everybody who signed this letter to the Harvard Crimson or whatever. Can I tell you something? Because it does seem like it's a good behavior. I can't tell you something. Well, it does seem overly paranoid and it does seem like I completely understand where it comes from, but I don't think
Starting point is 00:13:53 it's the right course of action to take because it feels, again, it feeds into the idea of a cabal, of a control of it. Yeah, it's people going, I want to know everybody who's ever disagreed with me. And if a dumb kid is 19 and goes to a protest, should they never get a job or should they be blacklisted? I got to tell you, all I'm for is equal opportunity.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Okay. And what we have seen as the Jewish community in the past like few years, right? Is that every marginalized community is getting protected, is getting, people are sensitive about it. There's no microaggressions towards any other marginalized community. is getting protected, is getting, people are sensitive about it. There's no microaggressions towards any other marginalized
Starting point is 00:14:27 community. Everybody's very sensitive. And when it comes to the Jewish community, when it comes to Israel, which is protected on the title six, of the human right of the Civil Rights Act, right? All bets are off. So right now what's happening is the pendulum
Starting point is 00:14:41 is going to the other direction. Look, am I for any kind of naming names? I'm absolutely not. But if somebody said something racist or anti or xenophobic or anti or misogynistic, they're going to get repercussions. And up until now, if somebody said anything antisemitic, there were no repercussions. So I'm all for equal opportunity. If you're doing this for any other minority, you do that for the Jews as well. Because let's just, do you know how many Jews there are in the world? What the percentage of Jews in the world? Me? Do I know how many Jews? Yeah, you'll have to know. You don't? I would say it's 10% of the population.
Starting point is 00:15:19 That would be why? Maybe 3%. I grew up in Long Island and now I live in Beverly Hills So my answer when somebody says how many Jews are it's always too many Because I come from one island and the world is 0.18. That's wild There are Okay, let me say this very few 14.9 or 15.1 depend on who you're counting or what you're counting. Million Jews in the world. So let's just go 15, right?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Right. That's it. Wow. That's it. It's less than the population of LA. That's it. Yeah. That's it in the entire universe. And the Israel's the only Jewish state. Israel's the only Jewish state.
Starting point is 00:15:59 They're 21 Arab state. Give us a fucking break. That's what we can say. We're like, relax on this. We are a minority. We are marginalized. Is it okay to look at the context of it? Like I fully think that the Hamas attack is barbaric and that is you'll has right to defend itself. That's 100% the case. Does Israel have the right to exist? I believe so. Great. Then by the way, to your viewers, you're a Zionist. Well,
Starting point is 00:16:23 well, but here's the thing I would say. You're just the first in the world. It's the worst to also hang on, hang on. You just, let's just talk about that word for a second. Because the word was taken away from us to mean something different. But they won't let me host a daily show. Why?
Starting point is 00:16:35 I don't know, but if they do, I'll be a Zionist. But they won't. What does it want us to do with that? They won't even give me a test. They won't even give me a test, bro. No, no, no, come. What? Why not?
Starting point is 00:16:43 I don't know. What does that have to do with being a Zionist? No, I'm kidding. Talk to the Kabbal. I mean, can I tell you one more thing? I've been saying this for like two years. I've been joking. I'm like, they keep saying we have a Kabbal. Man's will start acting like we fucking do. So the thing about being a Zionist is like, I'm not an evangelical Christian because I'm not going out there being like, you believe in Jesus to me, Zionism is like this weird evangelism where it's like, you're going out and telling people all the time. Isn't that what it kind of is? Absolutely not. But I love that we're having this conversation.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I've noticed in the past like decade or so that people are saying Zionism as if it's like some sort of an evil Zionism as a Jewish people's right for a state. That's it. That's all it is. And a little bit more kind of elaborate way. But is more elaborate way. Is it inherent in that the Jewish people's right for the state to be wherever Israel wants it, to be in wherever the borders are? Absolutely not at the point. Zionism is a movement for Jewish liberation and self-determination in some parts of their ancestral land
Starting point is 00:17:39 in a Jewish, not an exclusively Jewish state. So it was never supposed to be an exclusively Jewish. It's not now. But it is never supposed to be an exclusively Jewish. It's not now. But it is, but it is pretty much an ethno state now. No, it isn't. They're 21% of Arab Israelis, of Arab Israelis, Palestinian living within Israel.
Starting point is 00:17:53 But they're Jewish. It's no, there are Muslims and Christians. And they have full voting rights. Full voting rights. That's the other, that's the other bullshit. Well, I'm just saying what's happening. You're amazing. That's why I'm coming on the show.
Starting point is 00:18:04 It's just good to out to. Listen, I'm coming on a comedy show in the middle of a war. So obviously, it's important, right? Right, right. You know, and I'm not I'm not making light of anything. Of course. Israel's the only country in the in the Middle East where Christian population is growing. Okay. Israel is not in a partite state. That was something that has been like the popular people are going to be watching this right now and their minds going to go by the way, I told you this before, we get ready for a lot of hate. Well, the reality is that when people come on, I let them say what they're going to say because this is, you got to push back on.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I am pushing back a little bit, but I believe in the ability of anybody to go and speak freely. And that's what I've always believed. That's what I built my career on. So, let me go back to the apartheid. If people are not agreeing with you, let me go back to the apartheid stage, because your viewers and listeners are gonna freak out right now, okay?
Starting point is 00:18:54 Within the green line, within the state of Israel, what is the state of Israel? There are equal rights, one person, one vote. There are Arab Muslims on the Supreme Court bench. There's a Supreme Court judge who's an Arab. A Supreme Court judge has sentenced the former president of Israel to jail. There are 21.8% of doctors and nurses in Israel are Arabs. Arabs railies have the same rights as Jews.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Okay. Now, Gaza is not even occupied by Israel at all. Right. So Gaza was, that's supposed to be Palestine. Number one, the West Bank is a military control unhold being waiting to negotiate some sort of a peace with the Palestinians. So when you talk about Israel's in apartheid state, you are 100% wrong. If you want to talk about what's happening in the West Bank, that's a whole other conversation. The people in Gaza cannot leave. Well, of course they can't leave because Hamas is not letting them out even through Rafiq, through Egypt. Right, but they're living in this place that is kind of like a prison. 100%. They're existing in these horrible conditions. 100%. Israel has limited the
Starting point is 00:19:59 type of supplies that can go in there historically. You know why? You know why? I don't. Because for years, we've been saying that Hamas has taken the supply to build tunnels to arm and look at what happened. You know, right now that they found out that the Hamas is holding gasoline, not giving it to the population, not letting them leave. Did Israel fund Hamas and didn't they want Hamas instead of the PLO because Hamas was more extreme
Starting point is 00:20:24 and easier to delegitimize? Whereas the PLO because Hamas was more extreme and easier to delegitimize. Whereas the PLO was pushing for two state solution has Israel always been interested in a two state solution or is their support of Hamas signaling that they actually don't want a two state solution. They'd rather this crazy terrorist group controlling Gaza so that they never have to have a two state solution. A lot to unpack there. So Israel is along with Hamas, with Qatar, with the US.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Everybody kind of fell into Hamas pretend game. So Hamas in their charter is very clear. And I talk about this in my book that what they're after is destroying the Jewish state, jihad on all the Jews, slaughter all the Jews, except for the ones that are hiding behind the Jewish tree. And then the tree in the stone are going to say, oh, there's a Jew behind me. Like it's ridiculous. It's a joke. It's almost it's like a joke. They're charter.
Starting point is 00:21:10 But that's what they're after. In recent years, they've been playing a game of like, no, no, no, you can work with us. That's fine. Well, we're, you know, we'll, we'll be okay. And Israel mistake, mistake this, like, literally made the mistake of thinking they actually went and ruled the Palestinians that they're actually interested in some sort of a normality. And they were not. This was a ploy in order to destroy Israel and what they did in the process is sacrifice Gaza. And it's not for nothing by the way they could destroy Israel.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Israel so they had a plan. But they Israel is so much military supremacy. It's true. But they did a very. They did a very. But Israel is so much military supremacy. That's true, but they did a very, they did a very, first of all, they slaughtered 1500 Israelis and utilated bodies and raped women. So to them, this is a big win.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah, it's very, it's incredible. They were able to do that. Unbelievable. It's unbelievable. And is there a massive investigation in Israel now as to how that happened? Look, the military, everybody woke up. The military is like this.
Starting point is 00:22:08 It's on the offense. Everybody woke up. This was a very, very, very, very well-planned operation. I said this from the beginning. I'm like, yeah, Hamas, they put a good effort. They put a really good effort. Good for them. But you know who else put a good effort in destroying the Jews?
Starting point is 00:22:23 Germany. Exactly. Nazis also put a good effort in destroying the Jews? Germany. Exactly. Nazis also put a good fucking effort. You know, who else? In the Inquisition days, they also put a good effort. So every few years, some evil shit people try to put a good effort to exterminate the Jews and never in the long term works. But this was a big thing.
Starting point is 00:22:39 And also remember, this is Israel and Hamas and the whole region. Hamas is a pawn of Iran. And Iran sacrificed Hamas. When people say that it is real funded Hamas, what are they talking about? That's bullshit. Israel funded Hamas. It was like Israel allowed Hamas through Qatar to get money because they thought they're going to rule Gaza because there are two million people there.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And Israel is trying to help them to rule these people. And honestly, any more, it's not the responsibility of these. You know, the end of it was it. That Israel might have known just the same way that we funded the Soviets against, I'm sorry, we funded Al Qaeda against the Soviets. Is there any part of Israel thinking when they're allowing Hamas or to get money or funding Hamas? Are they going like, we would rather the representatives at Palestinians be these crazy terrorists instead of like legitimate people.
Starting point is 00:23:28 It's very, look, there were elections in Hamas one. Right. So Israel was given two entities. Can I go on, could you guys unite? Into one? Look at the establishment of Israel. There was the Haganah, the Etsil in the Lachee. There were three separate kinda entities in the Yashuv,
Starting point is 00:23:43 in the Jewish Yashuv. There were a kinda like militant in their ways and trying to build the state in their ways. David Bengorion, as soon as the state was funded, he's like, done with everything, enough with all of this. Everybody underneath the IDF, I ran an entity, one government, one voice, one Jewish people because the commitment of the Jewish people was always to have a state. It wasn't to destroy anybody else. And Hamas' commitment is destroying the Jews. They're not interested.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Hamas is insane. And we know that. And they've put the entire Arab world now in trouble because this is also Iran sacrificed them. Basically, they are the, the, you know, the, the resuñee, the Slavejijak. He came out and he said, listen, the attack is barbaric. Israel has a right to defend himself. He goes, let me, but know, the, the, the, the Slamo Gishek had a, he came out and he said, listen, the attack is barbaric.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Israel has a right to defend himself. He goes, let me, but he also said, there does seem to be a knee jerk reaction where we can't look at context. And context never justifies anything, right? But there's the context of where this comes from. Yeah, I, I disagree with this vehemently. Well, okay, but I'm just saying what's out there. I'm saying what's out there. That's why I'm here.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I understand when you talk about contacts, when you talk about people from Ramallah, protesting peacefully and saying, let's build NGOs and let's build a government. That's okay, because what they're after is what the Jewish issue was after, which is a state. They're after building something for themselves. Sure. Hamas is just not interested in that. I don't know if Hamas is interested in that. And I agree with you. No, there's no context.
Starting point is 00:25:10 What they want is the context is not, it's that there's two million Palestinians that are not necessarily in Hamas. That's the, that's the excuse is the occupation. Well, they're living in, but again, there's no occupation and Gaza. They, this could have been syncopated. Israel has left Gaza, but the, the settlements, these really no occupation in Gaza. This could have been Singapore. Israel has left Gaza, but the settlements, these really settlements are being built.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Where? They're built, well, going, hides a bunch of places, right? Well, on Hites is a done deal. But the whole idea is that the UN has been roundly critical of Israeli settlement. You're talking about the West Bank. You're not talking about Gaza,
Starting point is 00:25:41 because there are no settlements in the gut. One of the Israel left Gaza. You're not literally pull out of Gaza are no settlements in the United States. When Israel left Gaza, you know, laterally pull out a Gaza in 2005. Yes. We left houses and greenhouses and farms and we left everything. Well, when you hear about Palestinians, yeah, they burned them down. Because when we hear about Palestinians going, hi, I'm being evicted from my home. I have this deed that says I'm on this home. I'm being evicted from it. We're talking about Chawara. We're talking about all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Right. Let's be specific. I'm being evicted from it. Talk about Chawara. We're talking about all that stuff, right? Let's be specific. I know what you're talking about. We'll be specific. This is what Israel's criticized for throughout the world. And listen, I'd rather live in Israel. It's much nicer. It is more progressive. We know that.
Starting point is 00:26:16 We know that the values are to live in Israel. Gay is women, everybody. 86% of Arab Israelis say that they do not wish to live in a Palestinian state should one gets. Theocracy is never the the form of government that I choose. Israeli Palestinians prefer to stay living in Israel than live in a Palestinian state. But the issue of settlements, the issue of the expansionist nature of the state of Israel. Is this something that you, is there anything that you can see?
Starting point is 00:26:46 Do you go, we've made mistakes or things have happened that shouldn't have happened? Absolutely. Again, you know why? Because Israel is the country and countries make mistakes. That's right. Not America. Not us. Again, by the way, they're trying to, what they're trying to do, all these like, these protest movements right now that are yelling and screaming about the occupation. They're not talking about occupation 67, which is the West Bank and the settlement.
Starting point is 00:27:12 They're talking about the whole thing. Exactly. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation.
Starting point is 00:27:19 They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. They're talking about the occupation. Right. Right after the Holocaust. Okay. So that's number one. In terms of the settlement, when you read my book, you understand exactly where I stand politically. Do I think the settlements are great? No. Do I think that they are red-haired? Fuck yeah. Okay. Because you're talking about expansionism. Okay. Right. And you still have to understand
Starting point is 00:27:37 that even in the West Bank, which is a disputed state, it's still under military control and never was annexed by Israel, not even under the right wing government. So everybody is aware that that is kind of like a limbo area, right? 90% of the Palestinians live under Palestinian rule at the areas A and B, right? And in terms of numbers, it's not that expansionism when there are about 40, 450 or 495,000 Jews there, and 2.9 million Arabs. So it's not that expansionism. It's just that every time you hear about this deed, you kind of go a deed, right? And people don't understand Americans are kind of like,
Starting point is 00:28:10 what's with that deed? And it's terrible. Well, if somebody was living in some place that they own, and they have proof of ownership, well, do they though? I've seen things where they've had deeds saying they own the house, but even if they didn't have deeds, the idea that you can just go and if they're somebody from a house and make them homeless, that is seen as horrible. It's seen as a war crime and a violation of international law. It's 100% horrible.
Starting point is 00:28:37 But again, when you're talking about Chowara specifically is a land dispute. It's an ownership dispute. There are two land disputes, right? Two groups there that are pretty extreme in their positions and they're trying to a land dispute, it's an ownership dispute. There are two land disputes, right? Two groups there that are pretty extreme in their positions and they're trying to duke it out and they know that this is going to cause international uproar. And again, I'm not even talking in this conversation and the conversations that we're having right now because remember, there's a war going on in Israel right now, right?
Starting point is 00:29:01 I'm not even talking about who did what and what the land, this has nothing to do with it. This is about people that want to exterminate Jews, period. For sure, I was just, for sure, I was just saying that there is all of this merkiness. This has been unending for a long time. As long as I've grown up, we've always heard about violence in the Middle East, two-state solution, getting close, never quite getting there. And why are we never getting there? never quite getting there. And why are we never getting there? I would say that it just, the deal hasn't been made. Why wasn't it made?
Starting point is 00:29:31 I don't know. We got very close, right? Didn't we get very close with Clinton under Yasser Arifat? We got very close. Yes, our effort was on the plane in order to sign the deal. He received 96% of everything that he got in landed in DC and decided to and and Cam David and said I'm not signing. So when you look historically at what happened with Israelis and Pasadena, and again, I am I
Starting point is 00:29:52 come from a liberal household like a very progressive household actually, right? So when you look at the history of this and you see how many times Israel offered a Palestinian state and how many times it was rejected. And you realize that the Palestinians, as a national movement, have practiced rejectionism. And you kind of go, well, what do they want then? And you go, oh, well, here's the thing. If the Palestinian is a national movement, first of all,
Starting point is 00:30:22 it needs to be called out to be a bit more responsible. Let's number one. And number all, it needs to be called out to be a bit more responsible. That's number one. And number two, if the Palestinians would have actually been interested in a two-state solution, I'm sure that conversation could have been had. Is it a specific piece of land that they are refusing? Is the two-state solution? Is it just that they don't want Israel to exist? Is that the whole?
Starting point is 00:30:40 I'm not saying they, because it's not everyone. It's a certain sect of people, sect of people. But if you say from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. That means no Israel. That means exterminating and ethnically cleansing the Jews from their ancestral land, from the Jordan River, to the Mediterranean Sea. And we saw what that looks like. That looks like the I don't know. Yeah, no, for sure. Israel right now preparing a ground incursion into Gaza, potentially.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Thomas Friedman, writer at the New York Times, other people who are traditionally historically pro-Israel feel like it might be a trap. It might be a quagmire. It's similar to Iraq. It's a very dense, very dense, very dense, populated urban warfare. What is the end game there? I mean, I think there's something about eight or 10,000 Palestinians. A billion supposedly have been killed according to the ministry there.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I don't know. I would take with the grain of salt and I'll hurt for every child who is uninvolved. Yeah. So there's a ton of innocent Palestinians who've died. Just like ton of innocent Israelis who've died. Don't argue that. It's horrible. By the way, but again, the difference is the intentionality of breaking
Starting point is 00:31:47 into people's homes and slaughtering and mutilating them. One, I will agree with you collateral damage of war, which is horrible. Right, but when you are flattening and leveling whole sections of a city, you are aware also that you're going to kill civilians. I mean, this is true. Listen, I'm nobody is for war. And again, Iran by training Hamas the way that they did and arming them and paying them and creating
Starting point is 00:32:13 this entire entity has basically sacrificed Gaza. Because this operation, everybody that's involved, that planned it and executed that, knew the price the Gaza is gonna pay. There's no other choice. When Israel sat us. And by the way, when 9-11 happened, we didn't know where the terrorists were.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I think, and we know where they are now. We've made a lot of mistakes since 9-11. Exactly, but there's a lot of advocates of Israel that say they wouldn't want Israel to go down the same path that the United States went down where we got into unwinnable wars, spent trillions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:32:46 We left Gaza for a reason. We know what to be in there. We didn't want to be in there, right? Like here you go, here are the keys. Go build yourself a home. Is this any part of this ground offensive concern you in terms of the objectives and what the reality of it is and what would be considered a victory?
Starting point is 00:33:04 It concerns me very much also from personal level, on a personal level, because I know people who will be operating this ethereal ground operation. So very personally invested in it. There is no other option other than to eliminate Hamas. There is just no other option. What does that look like? It's a good question. We don't know, but I'm sure the United States and Europe and normal countries will have to
Starting point is 00:33:27 help the Palestinians make good choices for themselves too. When Israel tells the Palestinians leave this area or evacuate because they don't really have anywhere to go, is that somewhat disingenuous? They do have places to go. Hamas doesn't let them go. It's not this is horrible. Tim, I'm not here to defend war in any. In any level. But these are these are the questions of people around. Sure. It's not simply, you know, these are the questions that people are asking.
Starting point is 00:33:53 And these are questions that I think people are concerned about. They're concerned about, does this increase anti-Semitism throughout the world? It's first of all, here's the thing. So Israel gave God's in two days warning. Okay. Right. Hamas didn't give Israel two minutes. No, Hamas is a barbaric terrorist organization. So we can't compare the government.
Starting point is 00:34:20 You know, we're trying not to, we don't want to get into that moral equivalence, right? Right. Because there isn't. Hamas, there into that moral equivalence, right? Because they're, right. Hamas, there is no moral equivalence there. So when you're not part about it, I don't know if you've seen their photos of Hamas blocking civilian cars, not letting them evacuate.
Starting point is 00:34:35 This is not a good thing, but have you seen the recent reports about the Shefa hospital? Okay, so that is the hospital that we, it would claim that in Israeli missile hit or they're two stories about the hospital that we it claimed that in Israeli missile hit or no no They're two the two stories about the hospital about two different hospitals hospital number one is the air strike that happened last week That immediately there was a push notification on every news magazine Israel bomb the hospital and 500 people died within a second
Starting point is 00:34:59 So of course we're all like oh my god Israel does not fucking hospitals. And then you look back and you realize it was a misspelled, um, um, miss launch rocket of Islamic jihad that landed in a parking garage. And BBC still has the tweet that says that Israel did it. It's still out there, right? That's number one. But hang on. The other thing is, um, that they just revealed yesterday that Hamas headquarters is located underneath the biggest hospital in Gaza.
Starting point is 00:35:26 She's a hospital, right? 40,000 displaced people are there, and there's a Hamas terrorist that they interrogated that speaking that all the visuals are online, of saying, yeah, we place our headquarters underneath hospitals and because we know Israel is not in a bomb there. Yes. That's what they do. But Israel, I imagine, has had the bomb schools and hospitals to get out of. Never bomb schools and hospitals.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Never never bomb schools. I mean, I believe you, but I had Barry Weiss on the show to go and we have to bomb schools. We have to bomb when they're clean and clear. Israel's never gonna bomb a hospital when there are people there. Right. So we made sure they're headquartered.
Starting point is 00:36:03 And it's a big problem. It's a big problem. It's a big problem. And here's the thing. Israel never started a war. Right. Hamas always broke ceasefires. Israel always had to win a war because the only one Jewish state like that's the reality. Israel wants peace. I know it's hard for people to understand because they're like Israel's the big bad wolf. But like I don't think it's people are saying Israel's a big bad wolf. I think people are looking at the situation and going, what happened to Israel was terrible.
Starting point is 00:36:30 What happened on 9-11 was terrible. United States after 9-11 went out and did a lot of things that probably made us less safe went to the wrong country. Certainly in the short term. And we went to the wrong terms. And heard our credibility worldwide. Sure.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Guantanamo Bay, these underground torture prisons, you know, not following the Geneva conventions, these unilateral wars that enriched, you know, maybe defense contractors, but didn't make sent a wave of refugees throughout Europe destabilize the political situation in Europe. All of that kind of starting after 9.00. I think there's a concern that Israel in its very understandable anger in this situation could end up doing things that are unwise. 100%. The difference is we didn't know where the terrorists are coming from. Right. And here, we know exactly where they're at. What does a post-Hamasse Gaza look like?
Starting point is 00:37:29 I hope it's a flourishing, beautiful Singapore. Ever get the feeling that somebody's watching you, like, there's somebody else in the room. Now, I know you're probably thinking, oh, it's spooky Halloween time. You're just being paranoid, but this is actually real. Every single day, there's actually somebody watching or every move.
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Starting point is 00:39:21 something. You do. You need a little something. I, I hope they turn Palestine into a flourishing country, side by side, safely with Israel. Saudi Arabia and Israel were about to normalize relations. Very good. I mean, yeah, and that's the most important. This is a big plan for the MBS, the new Middle East,
Starting point is 00:39:37 the birthplace of Islam, recognizing Israel's right to exist. Yeah. Do you think that Hamas chose to act when they did to destroy that plan? Yes. I think Iran did because because Iran and Saudi Arabia don't really get along. They don't. The Sunnis and Shiites, they're big enemies, big enemies in Israel. So they're using Hamas. So Iran is basically using Hamas. Hamas is also Sunni, right? So they're using Hamas. They're sacrificing Hamas in order to start a war with Israel. So the Sunni population
Starting point is 00:40:03 in Saudi Arabia would be like, whoa, whoa, no, no, no, we don't want peace with Israel. It's very important. This bond between Saudi Arabia, Israel, the United States is very important in order to alienate Iran and Russia and all the bad actors in the world, right? Everybody knows. But I also believe trying to play very constructive role in this.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Will they though? I believe they could. Of course they could, but will. And I believe that, listen, we could say bad actors and good actors and I would agree with you probably on some of those things for sure. But I also think that we have to, in order to avoid a larger war and more bloodshed,
Starting point is 00:40:38 we have to enfranchise countries like China to play a productive role, hopefully. I'm all for it. You know, and I think China would want to. My godson is Chinese. And although he has choice words about Taiwanese three, but he's still, I think, in play a constructive role. You living in California, you live in a multi-ethnic place.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I live in a multi-ethnic place. You come in contact with people from all over the world. Do you have very interesting discussions, debates? I mean, is this? Very interesting. Right. Look, it's right now. Because you are now, you have become the focal point
Starting point is 00:41:23 of this campaign as somebody who's an advocate for Israel in the media and I imagine that there are people that Not working for the Israeli government by in any way. No, you're just you're having it with them This is your homelands what it's who you Identify with you in Israeli person. Not just that It's that Israel is the only country in the region that shares our values for real. It's the only true ally that we have over there. It's the stabilizing force of the region. For sure, but America has backed Saudi Arabia and they have never shared our values. And America's been very cozy with them. So Iran also was going to be a progressive country before the coup that was sponsored by the British government,
Starting point is 00:42:03 the American government and their intelligence agencies. A lot of mistakes were made in this way. A lot of mistakes were made. So I agree with you. I think there's a lot of backwards, you know, countries in the Middle East that are incredibly oppressive. And unfortunately, if you look back at the history of who propped up some of those leaders,
Starting point is 00:42:22 it does lead back. Of course, let me just say one word about Saudi Arabia, and just with people that I know that have been there recently, the MBS is trying. 1000%? I'm actually trying. And people say that it's palatable on the street
Starting point is 00:42:33 that you see a difference. Yeah, I'm hopeful I'm a big fan of Saudi Arabia. Again, I live in Beverly Hills. They never had a Vax mandate or a mask mandate. I felt like, you know, it was, like it was living in a place that was really cool. And I'm a big fan of that kind of Persian aesthetic of being not that, you know, Saudis or Persians,
Starting point is 00:42:54 but like that kind of very loud. All for the Persian aesthetic. That loud, Arab, I'm just, I told as though. I drove it Bentley, you know what I mean? I believe in that. That's the culture I believe in. I'm gonna buy Trevor Noah's Rolls Royce, hopefully. I believe in their culture.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I believe in that culture of not only having it, but showing it. Dude, I drive a Prius. I'm like, I know. Well, I mean, what are you producing? In Treymay. Of course you drive a Prius.
Starting point is 00:43:20 What you mentally ill. But so, yeah, so let me ask you, Hollywood now, we've got dueling letters. And I, no one's asking me to sign either one. I'll get you on the right one. And someone get me on a letter here. I'll get you on the right one.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Well, you got one group of celebrities going, hey, cease fire. You got one group of celebrities going to hang, release the hostages. Release the hostages. Let's talk about the hostages. I agree with you. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Now we know over 230 men, women, children there are 30 Children under the age of 16 Including a nine months old a four-year-old a 12-year-old the 16-year-old They were taken from their homes taken from their parents their parents shot in front of their faces and taken into Gaza. This is, this is, it's unheard of and Hamas needs to release them immediately. Now, there is, there is a letter that was signed by the biggest names in Hollywood, like
Starting point is 00:44:19 Katy Perry and Justin Timberlake and Madonna and, and, and and Orlando Bloom and Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Rock and a lot of people, Gal Gadot and Amy Schumer and a lot of people. And Jared Seinfeld and Tiffany Hadish had it and I can continue on and on. Hadish. I love this. Tiffany Hadish. Oh boy. She's a parent.
Starting point is 00:44:41 She's Jewish. Oh lovely. Great. Seined calling on the release of the hostages. We purposefully did not call for a ceasefire. Because you cannot expect Israel three weeks after the greatest slaughter of Jewish people since the Holocaust to all of a sudden go, oh, no, no, no, no, no, stop, stop now. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:45:03 You cannot call for it. Calling for it. It's like literally when America went after ISIS, we all agree that the world is a safer place and go, oh are you done? Okay, ceasefire now. Nobody. That's understood. No calling for a ceasefire, Israel needs to be able to do whatever the fuck it needs to. This is fire, I think, solve this. I think what the ceasefire is.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah. Is people looking at what could, what they consider humanitarian catastrophe and God. A lot of the people that were on that letter, well, they have no idea. Publicists are going to sign it. Not just that. A lot of the people on that letter have,
Starting point is 00:45:51 they have an idea. And those are people that we know their names and they sign on to every anti-Israel shit that's out there. So we were like, oh, of course, she's on it. Oh, of course, she's on it. Yeah. Like, we know all these people are. It's not in naming names.
Starting point is 00:46:04 It's just that I've been in the, this work for a long time. And I'm kind of like, yeah, Mark Ruffalo is always going to fucking be on the wrong side of history here always because he doesn't, literally doesn't understand the region. Well, so, but can't, and I don't know Mark Ruffalo at all. And I'm sure I disagree with him on a lot of things. I'm sure I would. You know, can't, like I'm not naming names, but Mark Ruffalo. Sure. And if you signed on that letter, but you know, can't like I'm not naming names, but Mark Ruffel. Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:25 If you signed on that letter, but you said, is there space for someone to go? I believe Israel has the right to defend itself. Um, and I believe Israel has the right to exist. But I feel like the military operation in Gaza will get to a point where casualty numbers will reach such a level that it will not only hurt the ultimate cause because it will start turning western countries against Israel because they'll go, there are so many casualties now and such a humanitarian situation and refugees pouring into other countries. Is there a room for that person who
Starting point is 00:47:06 goes, I'm, I'm curious, I'm cautious about the course of action that is about the course of action. I'm the one that wants a humanitarian aid and not like people that aren't hurt and I get hurt more. I want to want them to evacuate. Have you seen what they're doing with the water pipes? They're making missiles. Thank you. Right. But they're pulling the water. I'm saying stuff and people are going to think that I'm crazy, but just look it up. Yeah. The you knew this. Tim just knew this. Yeah. They they pull out the water pipes from the from the ground. Yeah. The water pipes that's supposed to bring water to their people and they turn them into rockets. Right. But the two million, the two two million civilians that are being deprived of water, that is a huge
Starting point is 00:47:47 sticking point for critics of Israel going, the electricity, the internet, the water. Absolutely. Why didn't they build their own water system, by the way, or they're all, like, I don't know these things. I'm just saying that this is, this right now is a disaster. I'm trying to see where those Zampic, I don't know why. I don't even understand that. My friends, it looks better, but now like a little bit of an old witch. Here's what I'm saying. When you when there is this is this is again, this is again, a war that Israel didn't want.
Starting point is 00:48:18 This is again, a war that Israel didn't want. It's and it's it's it's just it's just it's just I think the people that are concerned are concerned about this civilians and the way that they should be concerned about the hostages. I said, if you're calling for a ceasefire, you should also be calling for the release of all hostages. All of them. Every single one of them. I, 100% agree with you.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I'm wearing a dog tag if you want it. It says bring them home now. I 100% agree with, I don't really wear jewelry, but I agree with the sentiment, but I 110% think all hostages should be released. Absolutely. It's just heartbreaking, and they're doing this psychological war, and which they're releasing to here,
Starting point is 00:48:52 and one there, and it's a fucking disaster. It really is, and everybody needs to call for that. So don't call. Is Benjamin Netanyahu, has this heard him politically? Has this helped him? Is this neutral? Well, it certainly didn't help him. He's the he's the man in charge. I the bottom line is this I don't I don't think it's the time to talk politics right now Right
Starting point is 00:49:13 if you read between the lines of my work in the past 20 years, you know exactly what I think Where my policies are more or less? It's not the time. He is in charge and was in charge for the last 15 or so years. So it's always the responsibility of the CEO at the end of the day, but it's not the time right now to discuss this. And I'm sure these conversations are to be had after Israel gets it.
Starting point is 00:49:36 People that say that Israel does have a right to exist are not in my mind serious people, but I do know that there's a lot of them. Watch the comments that you're gonna be getting. Oh, I'll get a lot. You're gonna get so much hate and you're gonna get so much free Palestine. Well, we have Israel and Fahla. We have, Hezbollah is coming.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Oh, fabulous. So we have Ball, we have everybody. Yeah, that's great. No, but I, I, I will say listen. My next guest. Right. My Khaled Mashal. I say from Doha.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Right. Now, what about Qatar? That's interesting. You know, Qatar is this kind of, you know, somewhat Westernized country that's like going to give us a World Cup. Do this. And Hamas is living there in the four seasons. So I prefer Hania, Ismail Ania and Khaled Mashal living in Doha than living in Tehran, honestly.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Okay. Because there's somewhat, probably a couple of other eyes on them, they're rather than in Tehran, they'll just be lost in, fuck knows where. Right. I think the Qatar's role is going to be very interesting.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Obviously Qatar has been extremely involved in releasing the four hostages that were released up until now. And I can only say that I hope they play an even bigger role. I hope that the brutality of this attack shocked a lot of people in the Arab world as well. I know that to be the case, because I see the reports. And I hope this realigns the region in a way that's prosperous and better for the citizens of the region. And Qatar has a big role to play here.
Starting point is 00:51:08 What is the solution, do you think? And I mean, this is asking you to maybe predict the future. But how do we move towards a situation in Israel with the Palestinians where we can? I would like some responsible Palestinian leadership, because the Palestinian leadership as a national movement Need to figure out what it is that they want and what it is that they're after they need to unite is my mutabas still involved My motorbases involved. He's the head of the PA is completing a 16 year term of a four-year term of sentence No of being in power, right. There's been no elections
Starting point is 00:51:41 Yeah, no, so he's elected for four four year term and is completing his 16th year. But he is the more moderate and I mean other than being Holocaust and I ever known then, and I think something stupid about the Holocaust. They, the Palestinian people as a national movement. So what does he say about the Holocaust? It didn't happen? Yeah, it's a whole thing. He had a thesis about the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:52:05 But they need to figure out what it is that they want. And I would like to see the American left and American progressives instead of engaging in stupid virtue signaling on online stupid virtue signaling activism and bashing Israel. How about holding the Palestinians accountable too? Because they think that I'm such a great Social Justice warrior and I go, Israel's terrible. Well, yeah, they don't care about social justice. They seem to care about power You know women are being raped. You're not hearing about that. You know, you're not hearing about the heinous crimes I'm asking it. It's literally cutting cutting cutting
Starting point is 00:52:42 Babies cutting babies heads is not as bad as cutting Gaza's internet. Like people are up in arms about the internet being cut up. I'm like, there were babies that were being cut in hell. Right. I think what people are saying is, if you cut off water and you cut off electricity and you cut off the internet, you have a situation where you're going to have, you know, I understand. Tens of thousands of people.
Starting point is 00:53:03 It's horrific, but you have to understand Israel is not responsible for the citizens of Gaza. Hamas is responsible for the citizens of Gaza. Right, but Israel is taking certain steps to, you know, I don't know exactly where we're at right now. Israel is always trying to have as little amount of casualties as possible. And Hamas is trying to have as many of them as possible. I understand that people might look at it and think of me as some mouthpiece of the Israeli government,
Starting point is 00:53:28 look me up and know that it's not the case. But I'm just saying, there's right a wrong in the world and Israel and the Jewish people have a right for a tiny state. What in closing, and I do appreciate you kind of coming on and letting this out because I do think that there's a lot of people that don't have a full understanding of, you know, what's going on and they're just hearing snatches from this part one and that. And especially when social media is flooded, number one, because we're
Starting point is 00:53:55 again, 0.1, 8% or 0, less than one. It just seems to a lot of people that think about Gaza. And they go, these people are living in a hell. Yep. And there are Israeli guards on the, you know, on the standing there with guns. Yeah. There have been instances of young Palestinians being killed. You know why they're going? Because again, I'm going to say this again,
Starting point is 00:54:18 because that's historical, that's what happened. Right. In 2005, Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza, handed the keys over to the Palestinians. Hamas took over Gaza and Kuditha killed the Palestinians people. The Palestinians literally threw them off the rooftops and dragged, like tied them into cars and drove them through the streets, took over Gaza, killed the Palestinian authority
Starting point is 00:54:38 people, and basically he's been holding Gaza in prison ever since. So free Gaza indeed, free Gaza from Hamas. It's a terrorist organization, it's the Taliban. So as if you're saying, I support Afghan people, then I support the Taliban. Right. Like, those organization, those groups, those movements. Most people that are critical of, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:59 outside of the people that are just openly anti-Semitic. There are a lot of them, there's elective leaders in America that are openly anti-Semitic. There are a lot of them. There's a lot of leaders in America that are openly anti-Semitic, right? True that. And the anti-everybody, anti-white men, anti this, anti that, anti-everything, and they're very vocal about it.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Everything is, you know, but there are people that are, what's true? It is, I'm just laughing because you find, you know, today with how communications work, you find psychosis. A lot of the same people that when people have been saying, hey, the colleges are getting a little crazy. A lot of the liberals that are now calling that out
Starting point is 00:55:33 had ignored it for years and said everybody was overstating it. And it was the right for their opinion. And it's the right to speak. And I'm like, yeah, but they're not speaking. They're calling for a massacre. There are people that are genuinely anti-semitic. There are people that say there is not, not adressification for the attack, but there is a context with,
Starting point is 00:55:54 with what we can put all of these things into it. Excuse us. It's not context, please. But it's not looking. It's not a Hamas per se. It's that you have this thing. If I could think of a place to grow terrorists, it would be Gaza. If I could design a place where terrorists would become terrorists, it would be a place like Gaza. Is that not true? Right. That's because they took over by
Starting point is 00:56:19 force. Literally, they have been controlling that place. They're not interested. They're not even interested in the lives of Palestinian people. I don't know what's hard to understand here. They're just, they're just not. For sure, but the fact that they are occupying this small sliver of Palestinian people. By the way, that's a good way. That's the way to put it.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Hamas is occupying Gaza. Israel's not occupying Gaza. Right, but Israel is enforcing the blockade. And Egypt is what? And presenting a lot of things from getting into Gaza and has for a long time. And Egypt as well, because they're terrorists. So the blockade that Israel put on Gaza periodically is always put on by Egypt as well. So it would be nobody talks about that.
Starting point is 00:56:59 That there was a blockade of both these countries, one Arab, one Jewish, kind of go and Hamas is fucked and we need to contain them. And we can't let them just get cement because they're building tunnels. We can't just let them get a gasoline because they're stockpiling it. And they're taking the shit from their people. And right, it's a fire. Isn't it curious for people that Hamas is literally,
Starting point is 00:57:20 that Gaza's running out of everything except rockets? Well, that keep throwing. They there was a tech on Tel Aviv today. Ever. This is the other thing that you have to understand. The war didn't just this thing didn't just happen on October 7th and ended. It wasn't one day. There were eight terrorists that were caught yesterday trying to get in through the ocean. There were four. They were trying to get through the North and there are rockets
Starting point is 00:57:41 that are being launched at Israel all the time. You also have Hezbollah and Lebanon as well. Yes. Still today I'm talking to my sister and she's like, the North and there are rockets that are being launched at Israel all the time. You also have Hezbollah and Lebanon as well. Yes, still today I'm talking to my sister and she's like, oh shit, Siren. I'm on fire. I'm like, oh my God, she's in Tel Aviv. So this is ongoing. They haven't stopped.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Right. But people are going to see Israel. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Israel. Seize fire. Stop. Israel, please stop. Right. And by now we're like, we can't listen to what Israel can do no right.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Okay? People are always gonna have a problem with it. And by now, it's like, we just better fucking do what we need to do. Because they're gonna say shit anyways. I'm just hoping that this has an end game and a, you know what I mean? I'm speaking from experience, being a citizen of a country that went on a very long, you know, very convoluted path after 9-11. And it ended up spending a lot of money. I don't think we made any one safer.
Starting point is 00:58:34 After 9-11, I was like, you know, young and all that. But as in Israeli, I was watching the US going into Iraq and like the fuck are you doing at Iran? Like we knew that Iran is the destabilizing entity in the region. You look back at every shit that's happening in the world, every terrorist, every thing, it's all leads back to Iran. How did the Masad miss this attack? Oh God, nobody knows. There was so many. There was so many.
Starting point is 00:59:02 One of the best intelligence agencies in the world. There was so, Masad isn't external though. Masad is not technically, look, there was so one of the best intelligence agencies in the world. There was so misad isn't external though. Masad is not technically look. There was so many. It's like the CIA's technically external. We all know it's technically ever. Everything's external. There was so how did the Americans miss it? How did everybody miss this? It was there was a major meltdown. I don't know if the Americans have the human intelligence on the ground that Masad does. We have great satellites. We know that. We know now we're starting a few people. We're starting to kind of break down
Starting point is 00:59:31 backwards the moves that they did and they were, look again, really good effort. Good effort, Hamas. You're not winning this one either, but good effort. Right. No, we don't, we don't, nobody, I don't think with nobody wants a monster win, except AOC. She does. But no, she see my face, how I didn't move. Yeah, of course. Try Ilhan Omar, see what my face does. Or something. No, I mean, listen, they don't, they don't seem to love the Jews.
Starting point is 00:59:58 I mean, that's just what it is, you know, I mean, that doesn't, but she also, AOC, she, you got to respect the ones that come right out and say AOC like pretending to be Jewish ones, which I don't have a respect for. She was like, I'm like, I just started doing it. I did a thing about it years ago. I just come out and say what you believe. That's what I respect about you. I respect that about what Schumer's doing.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Again, I'm a long Island guy, Catholic, didn't grow up with this around the dinner table. This was not discussed. We heard about it, but we didn't have an intimate involvement. I had friends at one on birthright. I have friends that are more well versed in it. I know there's a lot of Muslim comedians that are talking about it. I know that there's a lot of Jewish comedians that are talking about. I know that it's split a lot of people and it's been a very contentious thing. If you support democracy for you to miss speech human rights, women's rights, LGBTQ plus rights, any kind of rights that we hold here and you do not support Israel within
Starting point is 01:00:52 the context of Middle East, you're a fucking idiot. I think you should support Israel within the context of the Middle East, but I also think you should support the idea that we need to eventually bring an end to the suffering and the death of innocent people. And we need to somehow figure out some type of self-determination for Palestinians and life. And a life for them outside of Gaza, which is a training camp that grows extremism and terrorism. I'm pro-Israeli and also pro-Palestinian and these two things are not mutually exclusive. It's only on the American fringes
Starting point is 01:01:26 that it's presented as mutually exclusive. By the way, almost all of these towns and Kibbutzim on the South and the party, the Nova Party, the slaughter at the party. All these people are peace activists, pacifists, left wing. There was an old lady that was in charge of flying kites. Every, you know, there was inth of October at 4 p.m.,
Starting point is 01:01:46 they had this thing that they all got together and flew kites into Gaza to show them how much they love them. Like, all these people are like, they're lefties. Right. And they're now hostages and we're slaughtered in Gaza. So I'm all for that. Again, Palestinian people need to be a little bit more responsible and acknowledge that Israel is there and Israel is there
Starting point is 01:02:04 and stop trying to slaughter the Jews because it ain't gonna work All right, well know a tissue bee where can people follow you and get your get this information all social media's and my Best one big of some is the one that I'm most active on is is Instagram at know a tissue bee in my book is available Wherever okay, hopefully we will be back on Instagram. We are we are Suspended temporarily for doing a video seeing the pizza had supported a moss Okay, hopefully we will be back on Instagram. We are we are suspended temporarily. If you do in the video, seeing the pizza had supported him. I was. Now it was just we do wait.
Starting point is 01:02:33 No, I'm not a big pizza fan. Anyways, we're right to down. Get that put pizza on the list. Thank you everyone for listening. Thank you for coming. Thank you so much for having me. Appreciate it. Of course.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Thank you. Thank you for coming. Thank you so much for having me. Appreciate it. Of course. Thank you.

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