The Ultimate Blog Podcast - 134. The PIGFEL System that Works for Dolly DeLong

Episode Date: July 9, 2024

We are thrilled to welcome Dolly DeLong back on the Ultimate Blog Podcast as she shares more about how she has SEO working for her using the PIGFEL system. Dolly shares her strategies for optimizing S...EO through a structured weekly routine. She introduces this idea of the PIGFEL system, which stands for Pinterest, Instagram, Google, Facebook, Email, and LinkedIn to efficiently promote content. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur or have a small team, these insights will help you streamline your processes and enhance your online presence.Thanks for listening! Let us know your thoughts on Instagram: @sparkmediaconceptsCheck out the show notes (link below) for more information including links and resources mentioned in today's episode!SHOW NOTES:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Podcast with Amy Reinke and Jennifer Draper. We are on a mission to empower women who want to start or grow their own blog. This podcast is for women who want to learn blogging basics and who crave inspiration and encouragement. Whether you are just getting started or have been a blogger for years, we are excited to welcome you into this space where we are passionate about creating community over competition. We are bloggers who want to encourage you to believe in your potential, step outside the norm, and step into a life where you create your own schedule, your own success, and your own story. Join us for weekly episodes as we navigate blogging and work from home life,
Starting point is 00:00:39 all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. all while raising a family and having some serious fun along the way. Well, hello there and welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Podcast. We are bringing on a fan favorite today. We had Dolly DeLong back in February of this year, Episode 113. And you guys love Dolly. We love Dolly. And so we just knew that we needed to bring her back on because we got so much incredible feedback from her episode where she came on and talked about
Starting point is 00:01:12 systems and workflows in your blogging business. And that's just kind of her forte and what she loves to talk about. So welcome back, Dolly, to the podcast. Thank you so much for having me. I'm just laughing because I've never been a fan favorite. And I'm like, wow. Thank you. You know what? You are a fan favorite over here. So we are really excited to have you. It was such a realization that our community wants to know more about systems. And that was, I mean, it was so interesting. Like you got a lot of messages about the episode. We got a lot of messages about that particular episode. So it was like, how can we bring you back in and kind of talk about this?
Starting point is 00:01:52 And so we are going to dive into kind of your weekly routine and what you use to boost and help your SEO too. So I would love to just get started right, right out of the gate and give everybody some real good tangible things that they can do. So in regards to SEO, how do you kind of set up your weekly system or workflow? That's a play on your podcast. But how do you kind of go about that each and every week? Yeah, definitely. So as a reminder to everyone, if you need like a quick and dirty definition of SEO, it stands for search engine optimization. And really what that means to me is how do
Starting point is 00:02:32 I want my ideal clients to like, how do I want to be their answerable question on Google? They may not know who I am, but they're looking for a solution that I provide. So I take that into account whenever. So my content, so like what we're going to speak about is my content that I am promoting on like how I want to be found is my podcast. So I have my podcast called the Systems and Workflow Magic podcast and every week I produce it on a Monday. And then it would be so sad if I just like left it there. I need to have some sort of post-production marketing plan that works for me. And so that's where the SEO portion, the system comes in in marketing my episodes. So if you are listening into this and you're like, SEO and systems, this is all too technical,
Starting point is 00:03:28 then think about it as a way to market your content. So after you create your content, how are you going to market it? Because most likely, if you're listening to this podcast episode, correct me if I'm wrong, Jennifer and Amy, like are a lot of your listeners, are they wearing the hat, all the hats and they're running the show on their own? Absolutely. Pretty much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Okay. So let's just assume you either have a VA who's working five hours a week for you or it's just you. All right? So I am speaking to the business owner who is wearing all the hats. And so after you create this juicy piece of content, say you created an amazing blog or an amazing podcast or an amazing YouTube episode, then what the world needs to hear about it.
Starting point is 00:04:14 And so what I have is a system called my pig fell system. And I, first of all, I have to give credit where credit is due. I did not create the system. I got it, I learned it from one of my fellow business peers, Rebecca Reed of Rebecca Reed Creative. She teaches other entrepreneurs about the importance of SEO and she designs Squarespace websites in a day and she teaches about how to have your website found on Squarespace
Starting point is 00:04:44 and all that juicy goodness. And so she taught me the system and I've been using it faithfully for over a year and it's helped me out so much. So, PIGFIL stands for Pinterest, Instagram, Google, Facebook, email, and LinkedIn, pig fill. And so when you hear this and you're like, oh, that sounds like a lot, believe me, it takes me, I've timed myself and it takes me an hour and a half to do this entire system after like, let's say my podcast is posted, then I need to market it, like let people know, hey, it's live and I need for it to work for me in an evergreen way. So like, somebody can find it later on, like weeks later, or months later, or years later. And it's because of this pig fell system.
Starting point is 00:05:39 And so if you're like, okay, what does this all mean? So once I post, I'll just use my podcast as an example. Is that okay instead of blogging? Yeah, yeah, because I think honestly, it's just content in general, but yeah, use your podcast as an example. I think it's totally fine, yeah. Okay, so once it's been posted, then I have templates. I do wanna caveat this by saying this system works because I have created templates and
Starting point is 00:06:11 they all live within Canva. And so I'm able to go into Canva and easily create templates and I'm not doing this from scratch. So I go into Canva, I open up my Pinterest folder, and I quickly create like four to five different pin graphics that correspond with that podcast. And then I go into Pinterest, and I don't use Tailwind, I don't use any schedulers. I just go into Pinterest and I pin them live,
Starting point is 00:06:39 which I'm sure there's some Pinterest person listening and they're screaming at me and telling me I'm not optimizing it well. And I bet you, you're right, but right now I'm sure there's some Pinterest person listening and they're screaming at me and telling me I'm not optimizing it well. I bet you you're right, but right now I'm just doing it on my own and I try to run on very low overhead for my business in complete honesty, transparency. So I go into Pinterest, pin those. It takes me about, honestly, it takes me 15 minutes to do this total. And then after that the next
Starting point is 00:07:06 one is I for Instagram. So I reuse that template, the Pinterest template, and I use it for an Instagram story. And if you're like, no it has to be the exact same size that Instagram wants, well then you can resize it in Canva and then take that same image and then talk about it on your Instagram stories and link your podcast episode to that. So that's what I do. I go on Instagram for five minutes and say, Hey, I have this new podcast episode out. And if you want to listen to it or read it, here it is. And I normally link my blog to that Instagram story.
Starting point is 00:07:45 So, and it has my podcast embedded in it. So that way the traffic is being driven to my actual website. So that way, like people are going to my website. Okay, and so the third step that I do after that is Google. It used to be called Google My Business, but now it's called Google Business. It confuses me. So hopefully everyone, listeners, if you haven't yet done this, please set up a Google Business profile. It's free. And Google really likes it when you have new updates
Starting point is 00:08:20 to your, they want to crawl your website, not only for SEO purposes, but they want to know like, are you putting out relevant information that matches like what you say you do? And they want you to be a searchable business. Like I know everybody like dogs the algorithm on every platform. But if you actually create content that is in alignment with your business that is serving others really well, then you should let Google know about that. So set up a Google business profile. This is not a lesson on how to do that. But it's very easy to do that. I took about like, if you want to set aside, I would say realistically, because I'm not going to say you can do it in 30 seconds, that's not realistic. Set aside at least two hours of
Starting point is 00:09:13 your time and go through setting up a Google Business Profile. And if you're worried about the technicalities of that, guess what? There are YouTube videos on that. There are tutorials on that on how to do it. Do not overcomplicate that. Okay, let's say you've set up a Google Business profile, then when you actually go to your Google Business profile, it's kind of like, you know, like when you do Facebook post updates, it's kind of like that. You go there and there's a little blue check mark here. I'm going to open up Google right now. I'm going to pull it on another screen so I can describe exactly what it looks like. So I have two Google business profiles set up, one for my photography side of my
Starting point is 00:09:56 business and one for the systems and workflow education side of my business. Because those are two different clients I serve. And so I am going to open up the photography side because that's a little, it's in business because those are two different clients I serve. And so I am going to open up the photography side because that's a little, it's been around the block longer. It's been around longer and so more established. So when you have that set up, you can scroll down and if you want to add an update, just scroll down and it's like like this little exclamation point,
Starting point is 00:10:26 and it's blue with a little star asterisk around it. And you'll just click add an update, and that's where you will put in, you'll put in a photo from your blog post, or sorry, podcast episode, we are using this example podcast. So I put an image there, and then I add a description. And if you want to do
Starting point is 00:10:47 it like a quick and easy way, just copy paste like that first paragraph from your blog post that has that embedded podcast episode information in it and like do like a teaser, like listen in more and then add a button to like Google Business gives you like book, order online, buy, learn more, sign up. I usually use the learn more button and then I attach the URL that has my podcast episode embedded in it. And so again that drives more traffic to my website. It lets Google know that I am making weekly updates to my website and they love it and they crawl my website. And then in addition, this is a bonus tip that I didn't
Starting point is 00:11:32 realize I was going to share until just now. I'm like, Oh, so I'm going to open up my own Trello board. I use Trello for all of my project management stuff from the back end of my business. So I have a board called SOPs for my podcast. And so I'm literally going to tell you guys exactly what I do. So once I do Google my business, then I go and I take my URL. That is my new podcast blog. Okay. And then I go to Google Search Console and I submit the URL so that it can,
Starting point is 00:12:11 Google can crawl that website. So like, I'm gonna do this live, I'm just gonna type in Google Search Console, Google Search Console, and then find, and you should have that set up for your website. And again, this is not an episode on instructions on how to set that up. You can hopefully like Google it or YouTube it and they will. Or you can take the ultimate blog bootcamp and we tell you how to do that in there.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Exactly. Please do that. So once you set that up, then just go to your Google Search Console. And at the homepage, it says at the very top, it says inspect any URL. And so you're going to copy paste your new essentially your new blog post with the embedded podcast episode in it. And then Google is going to crawl that. And so that's how you like submit that new, I guess, URL. I don't know what to call it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yeah, it's new content. And for anybody listening, I want to make sure that we're clear here. Dolly's using the example of a podcast, but this podcast URL that she's sharing is from her blog directly. Yeah. So this can be kind of interchangeable with a new blog post that you're sharing as well. So this system that she's explaining, it's anytime you publish new content on your website can run through this exact same system. So exactly. Like I do this-
Starting point is 00:13:35 Or it's going to hurt you to submit it to Google because Google is indexing less and less these days. So it's not going to hurt you to submit it and just be like, Hey, remember me, I'm still here. Exactly. And hopefully like on that blog that you have, I've embedded my podcast on or you might have a YouTube channel, like you can embed your YouTube video on it. Like make sure it has really good H1 searchable titles on that blog. Make sure that it has really good content. And assuming if you listen to Jennifer and Amy's podcasts and you follow them, you're creating great blog posts. I know that already. So once you've submitted, so we're
Starting point is 00:14:18 covering the G of PickFell. So you've submitted it into Google Search Console, and then you've also updated your Google Business profile with a new update. Great, good for you. Then let's go, the next step that I do is I do have a Facebook business page, like I just, that's how a lot of my audience finds me. Cause keep in mind, half of my business is photography. So there are a lot of moms on Facebook and Facebook groups that ask around for newborn photographers,
Starting point is 00:14:52 for family photographers. So I make sure that I post my new blog in my Facebook. And so that's what the F stands for. If you don't use Facebook, then you can omit the F in pigful, okay? And then the next thing I- Dolly, I wanna ask you a question on that real quick. Just to clarify for everybody, I think I know the answer, but you have a Facebook page for your systems and workflow and a page for your photography business, correct? Yes, so two separate page.
Starting point is 00:15:23 So let's say this was a, like, I created a new blog post for photographer, for like, I did a session, I blogged the session, then I would post it to my photography Facebook. Versus in this scenario, I do post it to my new blog that has my podcast embedded in it. I post it to my systems and workflow education Facebook page. That was a worth mouthful, everyone. That was a mouthful. You did great. I've lost a lot of people. You did great.
Starting point is 00:15:55 But that's what the F stands for. So if you know your audience is coming in from Facebook or finding you on Facebook, it's worth it, why not? And then from there, the E stands for email. And so hopefully everyone listening has some sort of email list started. I don't care if it's one person, I don't care if it's five people, I don't care if it's 10,000 people, like start an email list. And so I
Starting point is 00:16:28 send out my newsletter, if you want to call it your newsletter, weekly, whatever. I make sure to send out an email to my audience and I let them know, hey, like I have a new podcast out, here's a link to it. So that way, my audience is aware that there's a new podcast episode and that they can learn something new about systems and workflows. And then so Pigfell, we just ended with E and so L is LinkedIn. So I don't know, I'm still on the fence about LinkedIn, but people have sold me on it throughout the years. And so I'm always like, okay, I've set up a LinkedIn profile.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I have like had good interactions with other businesses on LinkedIn. I'm, it's not like people are finding me on LinkedIn for photography, but people are interested in systems and workflow education. So that's why I use LinkedIn professionally. Just in case I might find connect with the business owner who needs help with systems and workflows. So I normally post on LinkedIn with my newest podcast episode and I do a little blurb. And again, this whole system like, again, when I say system, this is my marketing system, then it takes me an hour and a half
Starting point is 00:17:46 total. And that's because I have templates for every single social platform that I'm pulling from Canva and I've organized this in Canva. So I'm not making this from scratch. And I also am utilizing my blurbs in the podcast embedded blog. So I'm not like making up a new blurb every time and it again it goes by so fast and then it's working for me on an evergreen way for the next several weeks and months and years. We have an exciting collaboration happening in August that
Starting point is 00:18:25 is going to help you propel your content creation business. We have partnered with Dolly DeLong and over 20 others to bring you an SEO Summit that is going to teach you all things SEO. What is even more exciting is that from August 13th through August 16th there is a free audio summit that's designed to give you actionable tips to kickstart your SEO journey where you can see actual results. During this SEO Mastery Audio Summit, you'll learn actionable SEO tips tailored for small business owners, you'll experience real wins with the SEO strategy shared, you're also going to get to meet all 24 of us who are part of the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle, which is the SEO edition, and you're going to get to know all of
Starting point is 00:19:10 our individual and unique education styles. This is your chance to ease into SEO in a fun and free way as part of this audio summit. So you can get registered today for the free audio summit. All you need to do is click the link in our show notes so you can get signed up and get ready for August. In August, you are going to learn all things SEO from the best of the best. Click the link in our show notes to make sure you are registered for the SEO Mastery Audio Summit. So have you found, Dolly, that when you started, you said you did this starting about a year and a half ago? Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Have you noticed things? One, have you noticed it's gotten quicker to do? And then two, have you noticed if it is generating more traffic? Have you done any comparison to see what's happening by having this system in place? Yes. So to answer the part one of your question, it has gotten incredibly quicker. I hope this answers your question. It has gotten quicker for me in that, I will be honest with listeners, when I did not map out the pigfell system and I knew I had to do it, I dragged my feet with it because it's it's really boring and it's not sexy and it's like, Oh, I have to do this. But when I put it all out when I literally laid it all out
Starting point is 00:20:34 for myself in Trello, you can do this in click up, you can do this in Asana, you you can do this in your Google. Like, I can't even think of the think of the word the free free version, but you can map it. Google Drive. There we go. I was like, it's not Google business. I Oh, man, you all my brain, that you can map it out for yourself. So you can know, okay, after I do this, then I need to open up this and then so literally like, I'm looking at my Trello board now, and the reason why I mapped it out is because I'm hoping in the future to hire a VA to do this system for me, to, like, hand it off to them. And I'll make little videos showcasing,
Starting point is 00:21:18 hey, like, this is how I do this, and embed that video in the card of that Trello board. And so that way they don't, there's no like unknown like, Oh, I don't know what she means by making a Canva template, like the Canva templates inside that card. And they can just open it up, look at the blog post, reword it, and then post it in the pigell system. And I literally have every single step mapped out. And that took me, it took me like an hour or two to map it all out from Brain to Trello. But now, again, it takes me an hour and a half every week and it's the best system I do for myself.
Starting point is 00:22:04 I'm so glad I do for myself. I'm so glad I mapped it out. I wanna kinda talk about that, like getting the system set up, because I think this is a little bit different. Like we haven't really talked about this with our people, with our audience. You know, we talk about like spending your time
Starting point is 00:22:17 where it's impactful, but when they're getting started, they may not know, is it Instagram, is it Facebook? I wanna kinda post to the different platforms. So I think this is a fantastic way for them to test this out. And I do wanna touch on the fact that you're like, it doesn't have to be perfect. You can copy your caption and paste it, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Like you just wanna get it done in an easy way. But let's backtrack to that beginning part. Say they're like, oh, this sounds like this would work well for me. Like what do they need to do to figure out even what their system is going to be? How do you suggest they go about kind of figuring out how to get the system started for themselves? Yeah. So going back to setting up the foundations of setting up your Google Analytics tracking, I don't even know what it's called anymore. GA4, Google Analytics.
Starting point is 00:23:08 They're going to change the name probably next week. So let's call it GA4 for now. Who knows? Set that up for the backend of your website. And then I want you to set up another like foundational thing is setting up a Google business profile. And then decide from there, how you want to market your content, like you don't have to do it everywhere. You don't you do not have to be everywhere to be impactful. You should know where your clients and audience members are hanging out and then develop that system from there. So let's say it is only like Instagram, let's say it's TikTok, Instagram, and that's it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Then your system would be, I don't even know an acronym for that. We could do Google, Instagram and TikTok and it could be Git. Yeah, you can get it. So yeah, Git or dud. There, we call that system Git or dud. I know there are people that are like, what the heck is happening? These ladies have had too much coffee this morning.
Starting point is 00:24:22 That's what they're thinking. Yes, we have. Yes, we have. Yes, we have. But you can literally decide, like after you've set your foundations of setting up GA4, setting up a Google business profile, then you look at where, or let's say you're brand new and you're like, I don't know where my audience is.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Well, guess what? You are in a beautiful place, listener. You can decide where you want to show up. So I would say start off small. Definitely include the acronym of E for email. I don't care if it's your mom and your husband on your email list. Your cat. I say that because my husband, years ago when I started my email list, your cat. I say that because my husband, years ago, when I started my email list, he felt sorry for me.
Starting point is 00:25:11 So he created an email for our cat to subscribe to my email list. And oh man, he eventually told me, and he's like, yeah, Bella is on your email list. Oh my gosh, he didn't even tell you it was your cat. I was like, okay. But she died years ago, but this was way before she died. But anyway, so you guys, you just have to start somewhere.
Starting point is 00:25:42 So now you know my origin stories. My origin had my cat was on my email. And so now you know my origin stories. Like my origin had my cat was on my email list and my husband was on my email list. So I think it's because he was sick of testing out all of my landing pages with his email. So he was like, I'm just setting one up for the cat. So it doesn't matter if there are five people on your email list, include the E in your acronym system, and then go from there. And then once you have like a cadence down every week where you're like, you know what, I feel comfortable with this hour and a half long process post, like the marketing process. I want to add, Dolly, you mentioned Facebook. Okay, I'm going to add the F to this acronym.
Starting point is 00:26:25 So it's really like, listener, you have to like start with the foundations, like add the tracking analytics, set up the Google business profile, and then decide where you're going to post, and then do that every single week. One thing that you said, and I'm not even sure that you realized you said it
Starting point is 00:26:45 when you were kind of going through it, was you said after Pinterest, then you get on Instagram for five minutes and I post that in my stories. Yes. I wanna highlight five minutes. So you are not getting on Instagram at that time to consume content or TikTok
Starting point is 00:27:03 or whatever your social media platform is. You're getting on there to promote what you have done. And that is not the time for engagement. It's not the time to see what real you want to make next or do the deep dark scroll. I think that when you have a system in place like that, like what you just described, that's a really important just tip to go in, is stay very, very focused. So whatever that looks like for you, maybe it's using, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:32 like Tailwind or something else to post on your Instagram. If you open up that app on your phone and you know that if that app gets open on my phone and I'm gonna lose an hour and a half of my time just from getting lost in it, then find a different way to post your content to Instagram or set a timer, kind of do something to trick your brain. And I know that some of you listening might be like, oh, that's a good idea. And others of you might be like, people really have that big
Starting point is 00:27:57 of an issue with social media. Yes, they do. Yes, they do. I will throw myself under the bus. So will I. I will say, for example, last night, I was like, okay, I'll get to bed by 1030. You guys, it wasn't until, this might not sound as dramatic, but for me, mom, you only have a limited time to really rest until the children roosters wake you up. It was 1130. I was like, oh, I need to go to bed. And it was all because I was looking at reels and laughing and sending them to people. And I know they're like, go to bed.
Starting point is 00:28:37 But it's very true. Yes. So just make sure when you're starting this process, I think that a lot of times people feel really overwhelmed by sharing in so many different spots. But if this is an avenue that you want to go down and I'm not saying it's for everybody, this is just a, I think it's a good idea for somebody who wants to try out like lots of different things. This is your intentional like two hours that you're promoting your content and just be really intentional about how you're spending your time there. And like we've talked about, making sure that it doesn't have to be completely perfect.
Starting point is 00:29:08 It doesn't need to be totally perfect. You used examples of reusing the template, which you can totally do. Yes, you can. And another thing, oh, and I don't think I answered your question like you had a two-part question, Amy. Yeah, I should have asked that one at a time. Sorry. It's okay. I just realized you asked it. I'm sorry. But you're wondering, well, how do you know which platforms are working over time? That's where the literally the importance of setting up Google Analytics tracking or GA4 tracking is important early on. Because
Starting point is 00:29:41 then over time, let's say after 90 days, I can go in and analyze, okay, where is my actual traffic coming in from? Is this worth it? Or is it just a feeling I had? And that's why I have been focusing still on Facebook and Pinterest and Instagram because like it tells me, it tells me a story on Google Analytics or GA4. People are coming from stories. People are coming from Pinterest. Pinterest is my number one driver outside of organic Google. It's just Pinterest. It's awesome. And it's awesome that you know that. Yeah, it literally shows me.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah, that's the information that we need when we're thinking about where we're going to put our efforts. Yeah. And it also is, and listeners like if you're like, okay, well, how do you know which pin on Pinterest? I know like if you set up, if I dig a little deeper, it's this one specific pin is not systems and workflow related. It's photography related.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And it's from four years ago, a spring birthday party. I photographed and I like blogged about it. Like, and I put it on Pinterest. And now all these moms, normally moms, some dads, but mostly moms are searching for spring birthday party inspiration for their one year old. And like, I get like, all my traffic from that. So now I know, like, if we want to get even granular, like nitty gritty, I know I need to constantly be updating that blog post and letting them know how to work with me if they're local in Nashville. And if they want a family photography
Starting point is 00:31:26 session. So that's why it's important to set up these tracking, like tracking early on so that you can make better informed decisions for me four years down the line. I think what you said is really important. And this is something that we teach people is like you have to do the follow-up You have to know the answers to those questions Not only like once you're putting in that effort to like try out those different platforms But then you're like analyzing the results and so that's something we teach people and that's actually something that we're gonna be teaching a specific Class on that is going to be included in something you have upcoming about SEO. So I think this is exciting in that people can dig into learning about the follow up even more. So knowing like, is Facebook driving my traffic? Do I have
Starting point is 00:32:16 a pin that's performing really well? Does this particular post do really well on Google? Because knowing the answers to those questions are what help you not only improve the content that's already on your site, which is such an important part of creating content and SEO and all of those pieces, because it's a living, breathing thing that you can constantly work on, update, improve. But then it also does help you with that content moving forward. So I think what we talked about today, it all kind of ties together in that your content isn't just like a one-time, put it out there and hope for the best. You have a system in place, you promote it in the places that you think
Starting point is 00:32:57 make the most sense, and then you're tracking the results and you're taking action on those results as well, which is I I think, just one of the most important pieces when it comes to putting together all the pieces of SEO. Because if you don't, it's kind of like in any sport, like if you don't have the follow through, then what are you putting in all the effort for in the first place? So I'm really glad we talked about all of this today.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And I'd like you to just talk a little bit more about this this bundle that you have and what that's going to include in addition to what we just said with our follow-through piece of SEO. Yeah, definitely. So, segueing into this, I had said earlier that one side of my business is systems and workflow education. And so what that means is I love educating business owners, especially new business owners, about the importance of workflows, SOPs, and systems on the back end of their business and how it can all work together over time, especially if you're a team on one. And I realized more and more there is a system for everything. And if you want to break it down even more.
Starting point is 00:34:06 So I created the systems and workflow magic bundle several years ago. So this is going to be the, I don't even know, the fifth iteration of the systems and workflow magic bundle. And the theme is SEO, so search engine optimization. So what systems, what does it mean to start implementing systems and workflows of SEO into your business? Because SEO is so, it's a beast. It's, that's why a lot of business owners don't want to deal with it because it's not sexy, it's not flashy, it's not an instant gratification thing, like a hit, like TikTok
Starting point is 00:34:44 is or sometimes Instagram reels are like you have to actually put in the work and then you won't see the benefits maybe for like six, nine, 12 months like you won't even see any fruit. So this bundle talks about how to get started with SEO in different facets so if you have a blog like what to do with se like how to Create juicy content for a blog with SEO in mind and then there are other aspects of this bundle as well like there's contributors talking about or they have Resources talking about how to create really good SEO if you are a physical store, like versus if you have a digital shop, versus if you only have an online presence, because there's different SEO aspects to think through.
Starting point is 00:35:37 This bundle also has resources for how to create offline SEO, because people don't realize like, you also have to have an offline SEO presence and a plan. Then there's also, well, how do I create a good SEO system for myself if I do podcasting versus YouTube versus like, there's so many different types of SEO to think through. And so I wanted to create this like really robust bundle and in full transparency listeners, I'm not an SEO expert. I teach about systems and workflows, but that doesn't make me an SEO expert. So I brought in other SEO experts. I like reached out and pitched my heart out to a lot of people. And so I still I'm like, wow, I can't believe all these people said yes to me. And I want to make this an incredible resource, an incredible bundle.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And I'm even like, I even asked all the contributors who are a part of this to create like a free six to seven audio clip about like a juicy SEO tip. So if you're listening and you're like, I don't, I don't want to spend $97 on. A bundle of resources. Like That's fine. Okay? You will have access to a free audio summit the week before this bundle goes live. And that way you can hear audio recording tips and actually take action on the audio recording. So I'm trying to meet people like in the freeze, like if they're very beginning, they don't have a lot of money to spend. Or if you're like, okay, I want to take the plunge and get some really good SEO resources, then you can take
Starting point is 00:37:15 the plunge. And I think $97 is a really great deal. But yeah, we've seen the lineup. We're part of the lineup. Yeah, we've seen the lineup and it's going to be incredible. I'm really, really excited. And so, yeah, that's coming out in August of 2024. And if you're listening to this and you're like, oh no, I missed it. I missed out. Our hope is that you can still implement the system that we spoke about earlier in this episode, like the Pinkville system, because that is something that will serve you year round. Absolutely. Well, we will put a link to the bundle in our show notes, and also all the ways to connect with you,
Starting point is 00:37:57 Dolly, because we know that our community loves doing that. Thanks for sharing this specific system though. I think that it was really helpful. And I think it's very attainable. And it's definitely something actionable that they can take away today and implement like right away in their business. And I always think that when we have episodes like that, it is really helpful for our listeners. So thanks for being so transparent and sharing one of your weekly systems too. Yeah, of course. Please DM me if you set this up and it's working for you. I would love to know.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Okay, awesome. Well, thanks for being here again, Dolly. Of course, thank you for having me. Thanks so much for tuning in today. If you'd like to continue the conversation about blogging with us, please find us on Instagram at Spark Media Concepts. You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter where we share blogging tips and inspiration.
Starting point is 00:38:50 You can sign up by finding the link in the show notes. For those of you who are ready for the next step and want to start your own blog, join the waitlist for the Ultimate Blog Bootcamp. The link to join the waitlist is also in the show notes. Go out and make today a great day.

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