The Unmade Podcast - 143: Belly Buster Challenge

Episode Date: May 23, 2024

Tim becomes the 42nd human to accept the famed Belly Buster Challenge.More discussion of this in the Request Room, our after-show for Stakeholders - the dis...cussion of this episode on our subreddit - this episode on YouTube with accompanying videos and pictures - LINKSPictures from the day - Busters on Facebook - Sauce - us on Patreon -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, people, last time you heard from us, it was a brief episode where Tim was arriving in the UK at the airport. Tim's actually now back in Australia, aren't you? Oh, yes. Back on home turf. You are. My island home was waiting for me. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:16 So we've recorded a bunch of stuff while Tim was in the UK, and we're going to sort of sprinkle it out over the next, well, month or two. I don't know how long. We've got all sorts of great stuff that we can't wait to share with you. So that's coming. But today, it's belly buster challenge time, or BBC, as Tim's been calling it in his text messages to me. Yep. This is, I'd actually kind of forgotten about this or blocked it out because it was right
Starting point is 00:00:42 at the start of the journey. this or blocked it out because it was right at the start of the journey and uh it was it was the same day as i'd arrived for my flight but my goodness straight into the lion's den all right so i'm not gonna we won't say too much hopefully you remember what the belly buster challenge is it's this it's this big eating challenge at this local food van uh we won't say much more but i but i will say this before it starts we recorded the whole thing on video from when tim starts eating and we took lots of photos as well so there'll be links in the description if you want to go and look at like a photo gallery and stuff like that but if you want to see some video as well uh you can go to our youtube channel for this version of the podcast
Starting point is 00:01:21 and it will be accompanied by lots of pictures and videos and things like that. Because the podcast is quite edited, the video won't be like a continuous live recording, but most of what happened will be there in one form or another. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to do it yet, but go and have a look on the YouTube channel if you want the video.
Starting point is 00:01:39 But it is made as a podcast. We're very deliberately describing everything. So it is an audio event. So if you're just listening on the headphones out on a run or at the gym or having your own gluttony challenge you can enjoy as audio as well you are making essentially a video of a guy eating a massive baguette sound cooler than it is if you if you really need footage of a guy eating a baguette in England, by golly, is this the video for you? I mean, calling it a guy eating a baguette is sort of understating it a bit. But let's not say any more.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Let's get on with it. Have a listen. And Tim and I will be back at the end to reflect on things. Okay, people. You remember me telling Tim about the belly buster challenge this food van that has this gluttony challenge that only two people have ever taken on well guess what tim's in england here i am this is an exciting moment it's big it's big so we're going to go over to the van we're going to order one belly buster challenge. And, well, see if you can join the Hall of Fame. Can I say it's really surreal to actually be here? Because for some reason, I always imagined this moment.
Starting point is 00:02:53 It was a more rural area. There were trees around and there was like a park bench. I don't know why I memorized it or visualized it like that. What's it actually like? Well, it's a car park of an industrial area. Next to a brick wall with a generator and yeah it's next to right next to some bins it's it it feels um very industrial england rather than genteel england no it's not it's no thatched cottages here i'm afraid this is about as uh unquaint as it gets i do like the fact there's already one customer eating
Starting point is 00:03:26 and he's got a hamburger and a cup of tea. And I think that's an awesome English moment right there. Cup of tea. All right, let's go. Let's go and do this. We're walking up to the van now. Oh, it's also right next to the entrance to the car park. So we almost got run over.
Starting point is 00:03:41 The waiting area to order is where the car's driving. Good morning, Tim. How are you? Hello, how are you going? you going? Yeah good yeah. Oh good. This is a big moment I've come from Adelaide in Australia for this. I am. What do you want? I'm having a is it a belly buster? Yeah a belly buster yeah that's it. The belly buster challenge so tell me about this. What's in it what's in the belly buster challenge? So we have a whole French stick, which is approximately three foot long. Six pieces of bacon. Did you say three foot? Six sausages, six eggs, a choice of mushrooms or hash browns. Any sauce that you like as well and you get a free drink to wash it down with.
Starting point is 00:04:22 You have one hour to complete it. One hour. How much does that cost by the way? £15 if you do it as a challenge here. £15. And what choice does Tim have to make again? He's got to choose. So he's got to choose between mushrooms or hash browns. Or both. Mushrooms I think sounds a little bit... You're going the mushrooms not the hash browns. Yeah, hash browns feel like they'd be more filling. Hash browns would be yummier but mushrooms... Mushrooms less room. So browns feel like they'd be more filling. Hash browns would be yummier, but mushrooms... Mushrooms, less room. So I'm going to have mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Mushrooms. Okay. A free drink. Are you going any hot or cold? Whichever one you want. Oh, no, I think water will be the wisest choice today. Water, so he's choosing water as his free drink. And your sauce of choice.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Sauce? You want brown sauce, red sauce? You can have half and half, but they are one size. I don't know what they are. What's brown sauce and red sauce? You can have half and half, but they're on one side. I don't know what they are. What's brown sauce and red sauce? Brown sauce is HP. Yes. HP and Heinz ketchup, or we've got chilli sauce, or we've got relative.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Oh, yeah. We've got mustard. We've got whatever you want, really, pretty much. Oh, I feel like I need to see it before I make that decision. But I'll go HP. In the spirit of being in England, I'll go with HP. I'm looking at the Belly Buster Hall of Fame on the fridge there. Three people have done it now.
Starting point is 00:05:27 We've got a new one. Hang on, tell us what's happened. So they completed it in 26 minutes, 54 seconds. When did this happen? That was last week. Last week it was done by a third person, so you'll be number four. Golly gosh. The one that did it last week took second place
Starting point is 00:05:46 because his time is quicker. But we still do have a winner of Matt Jones which is completed in 25 minutes 29 seconds. So if you can beat that, then you'll take first position. Alright. Alright. But how long has he got overall to just get onto the Hall of Fame? One hour.
Starting point is 00:06:01 One hour. Okay. One hour to get onto the... They've both done it in half an hour, though, have they? Even all three of them. I think if you're going to do it, you're going to do it quick. I guess so. Last choice, because it's a whole French steak,
Starting point is 00:06:12 would you like it cut into three or into two? Or do you want to do it whole? One go. Up to you. Oh, I don't mind. Well, what did number one there? We did it in three. We did it as three like breakfast baguettes,
Starting point is 00:06:24 and then we put them all on the tray side by side. That sounds wise to me. We'll do that, yeah? Three mouthfuls coming up. Okay, I can call you then. All right. Okay. So Tim's got his order in.
Starting point is 00:06:34 I'm going to pay. Yes, it's 15 pounds. 15 pounds. This is a work expense, so I'm going to put this on the work card. Nice. All right. There we are.
Starting point is 00:06:44 What are your names, by the way? Zoe and Janine. Janine runs the place Zoe you're just an employee. Getting out a lot of sausages there who are they for? So there are six sausages frying there's a whole bunch of pieces of bacon. Are they hash browns, are they? You went the mushroom. Mushrooms, man. You went the mushroom.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Just as well I'm monitoring this. Let me get some pictures for the people at home to look at. Janine, how many people would you say have done the belly buster challenge? You are the 40 seconds person to try. You know off by heart how many people have done it. Yes, I do. Okay. Well, 40 seconds is a to try. You know off by heart how many people have done it. Yes, I do. Okay. Well, 40 seconds is a very special number.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It's the meaning of the universe according to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Oh, there you go, Ramsey. So maybe Tim will be lucky number 42. Number 42. That sounds right. I like that. I wonder, so if three people have done it out of 41 before today, I wonder if that's like a better rate than people who can climb Mount Everest and stuff like that. We'll have to crunch the numbers later.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Would you like butter on your baguette? Did you say butter, ma'am? Yes. I like spread. I guess so, yes. Thank you. Now the six eggs are on the go as well now, cooking on there. Ma'am, have you had any of those 41 people try it twice? Not yet, but
Starting point is 00:08:03 the one that's in fifth place, if anyone beats him, is going to come back down and do it again. Oh! Did you hear that? I'm going to have to fly back. The man who is the current title holder, who I believe his name is Matt, has said if anyone ever beats his time, he's going to come back and try and reclaim the crown. Has anyone died doing this? No, no. We've seen lots of different techniques going on. Tell us about some of the techniques. So some people take it all apart and eat it separately and then leave the bread until the end. I have to eat the bread as well don't I? Yes, all of it. The bread is the catch really, the bread is the kicker. The last one that did it last week, he actually wet down his baguette with his water.
Starting point is 00:08:54 It looked pretty gross and I was like, but he did it. To stop it getting too dry, he wet the baguette. Yeah, right. The thing is to get it down as fast as you can before your brain realizes you're full of it well i'm jet lagged so maybe that's helping my brain he literally just got off the plane this morning from australia oh my goodness oh my goodness i literally had two of those sausages for breakfast on the plane a few hours ago but also he's come all the way from australia from heathrow and the first thing he's done is come here to do the belly buster challenge
Starting point is 00:09:23 He's come all the way from Australia from Heathrow and the first thing he's done is come here to do the belly buster challenge. Fantastic. Do many people do that do you find when coming here from the airport? I've never known anyone, no, I've known a gentleman at the day off work, he took the second challenge, he took the day off work with his friend and unfortunately his friend couldn't complete it but he managed to do it, so it's well worth a day off. So I'm looking down at all this food on the fryer, which I think maybe is manageable, but when you look at that baguette, Tim,
Starting point is 00:09:52 look at the size of that baguette. That baguette is like... Seriously, it is longer than Tim's arm. Hang on, let's get a picture of that. Wow. Wow. It is the bread that is... Sometimes, depending on the baker,
Starting point is 00:10:06 because the baguettes are done fresh every morning, sometimes they're a little bit longer and thinner, and sometimes they're a little bit shorter and chunkier. That's like me, sometimes I'm a bit thinner and sometimes I'm... Sometimes it looks a bit scary! The other technique someone used, they had all the filling and then they dipped the bread into water. Dipped it into water?
Starting point is 00:10:26 Yeah, so it'd go down faster and smoother. I see someone dipping... Which means later in the day I'm going to just explode if I do that. People dip it in cups of tea as well just to wet the bread so they can... Yep, yep, yep, yep. Well, we'll see how we go with that. I may need to order more water. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:10:42 What I'll do, I'll try and make sure your eggs are runny so that it helps to wetten it a little bit. Nice work. All right. In fact, if you could blend it all up, that'd be fantastic. Put it in a, have it as a smoothie. We have got a pencil.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And what does Tim get if he completes it? What's the reward? So he gets his name on the board. Name on the wall, yep. We also put it on our Facebook page if that's okay with him. Okay, right. I'll take a photo, he gets his name on the board. Name on the wall, yep. We also put it on our Facebook page if that's okay with him. Okay, right. I take a photo, he gets a certificate. Certificate, nice.
Starting point is 00:11:09 There's a date and time on it. Sounds very formal. We give you a little card and then you can use that to get 50% off of your next food order. 50% off voucher. Nice. Wow. Wow. Can that be used on another Belly Buster Challenge?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Not on a challenge, no. It can't. On a basic food order. Okay, right. Off the menu, yeah. Do you give me the certificate now or is there like a formal ceremony in a few weeks from now? No, we give you it straight away. As soon as you've done it and then we take a nice photo of you with the... And then pop it on our Facebook page.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I didn't bring my academic gown or anything with me from Australia, so... Perhaps I can hire some here. Right, we are nearly ready to go. We're nearly ready. Janine's done a great job here. Wow, and you're gonna mount it onto the baguette. Would you like the sauce on first, or are you gonna- Yes, please, sauce on first, yep.
Starting point is 00:11:53 On all of them or? Yes, please, let's wet that bread, yep. Exciting. We're loading it up. On go the sausages. See, at the moment, I mean, it's too big, but that looks quite appetising. Yeah, that looks like a lovely meal for three people. Who's president number 42?
Starting point is 00:12:15 Because you're number 42 of the belly buster. Oh, it's coming up recent. It might be the bush, one of the bushes. It's Bill Clinton. How appropriate. Okay. Because I tell you. He likes a bit of naughty food, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:12:26 He does. He was a big one on the French fries. Look at that. What are your instinct telling you, Tim? Is it looking doable to you at the moment? I reckon I could eat two of those. Two of the three? Three is going to be full on.
Starting point is 00:12:38 That's amazing. Just going to spin it down a little bit, just so it's a bit easier. Presentation. It doesn't fall. Oh, right. Yeah. Okay. Not Janine's first rodeo, this. it's a bit easier. Presentation. And it doesn't fall. Oh, right, yeah, OK. Not Janine's first rodeo, this.
Starting point is 00:12:48 42nd, in fact, it was. One of them I didn't actually do. It was my day off. That was the winner, actually. You missed... You weren't here the day the record was broken. Ooh, I wonder, do you think it really stands? Can it be verified? You were working with Ellie, I think.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Oh, okay. Well, I think there's a question mark. Yeah, I think they could be scamming you there. Anyway, let's not cast aspersions. On goes the final egg. Look at that, Tim. Look at that. You'd like some more sauce on the top?
Starting point is 00:13:20 A little bit, thank you. And a little bit of pepper. Is that proper? Yes, of course. I imagined it looking messier. I imagined a big plate full of stuff, but it actually looks like quite a nice presentation. We do try to present everything as appetising.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Nothing worse than stopping you on a plate and expecting someone to eat it and pay good money for it. That's enough. Yeah, yeah, lovely. Look at that. Perfect. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Bring it over. Would you like me to time or would you like to time? I think you should time Yeah because I think it needs to be like official Okay Tim's got it before him Zoe's got the stopwatch and she's about to start recording When Tim takes the first bite
Starting point is 00:13:58 Which is happening About About now I think How are you starting Tim? are you going to i'm going with this one here because it looks like the longest i'm going to get that out of the way first go for it man go for it your timing yeah the clock is going one hour what's the record 26 minutes is the record 25 so far so Man, don't be wasting time. Do you want...
Starting point is 00:14:26 25, 29. So is your goal to break the record, Tim, or just to finish? Like, what are your ambitions? My goal is just to finish it in the hour. Yeah. The record would have been sweet, though, wouldn't it? I'm going to eat it as fast as I can. Yeah, because as Janine said,
Starting point is 00:14:44 you've got to eat it before your brain tells you you're full. My brain can't actually see it in front of me at the moment, though. Like, I'm going to eat it as fast as I can. Yeah, because as Janine said, you've got to eat it before your brain tells you you're full. My brain can't actually see it in front of me at the moment though. Would you like some cutlery as well, or are you okay? No, thanks, I'm fine. He's from Australia. Oh, looks nice. So have you had breakfast this morning? No, I'm going to have a sausage and bacon roll on a soft roll, please.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah, I'll get one of those. I'm going to have that so I can eat something in solidarity with Tim. Oh, yeah, feel free to have one of mine. Okay, so Tim's going for his first water. It's fine. He's opening the bottle of water. Oh. Oops.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Got a time update for us us Zoe? 57 minutes left. Okay, so you're counting backwards I see. Okay, I like that, cause that kind of adds to the drama. Tim, there's a bit of egg on your mustache. I think you have to eat that for it to count. No, you got it, you got it. I can't hide bits of food around my body.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I've made bits of food around my body. See, we've been going a few minutes now, and I feel like you haven't made much of a dent in that baguette, that first bit of baguette. I'm already full-ish. Really? Oh, no. No, no.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I wonder if I ate all the contents first and then came to the bread later. Well, apparently people do the bread. Do people do the bread first? No, filling first, then bread. Oh, that's a traditional way of doing it, right? Oh, yeah. They say it is easier. Oh, yeah. There's more filling.
Starting point is 00:16:17 So Tim's now just pulling out the egg and bacon, and he's just going for that, leaving the bread. When he went to the heart trouble. Do you think a man looks more attractive when he's doing the belly buster challenge? No. No. Not with food all around their face. No. Okay, I'm going to go
Starting point is 00:16:33 with the filling. Zoe, would you be able to get me some cutlery, please? Thank you so much. He's upgrading to cutlery. Tim's currently not being monitored by either Zoe or Janine. This is a chance to throw away some bread. Up into the roof of the house building next to us. I'm videoing this though so there will be no cheating. Thank you very much. We've got cutlery now delivered. I was hoping like word would spread and people would start coming from like their houses and...
Starting point is 00:17:00 Oh yeah well media. Zoe have you messaged any other Belly Buster employees and told them this is happening? No, but the guy who's top on the list... Yeah, Matt, that's his name. He messaged not so long ago saying he didn't eat for two days after because he was still full. Really? So, yeah, he may be back down if he becomes the winner.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Okay. Yeah. Yeah, bring Matt out of retirement retirement tim's now just daintily eating a bit of mushroom there with the fork i feel like any chance of the record is already slipping away but we're not about the record here tim's just shaking his head this isn't wise just flew back from Australia and now he's sat everything there. Come on, man. Come on.
Starting point is 00:17:53 That's what I need, a little bit of motivation, man. Do it. I'm going to... You're in my corner. Come on, man. Come on. Do it. I believe in you.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Just think about it. Imagine having your name on that fridge. Oh, that's inspiring me now. You could also be on the Facebook page. On the World Wide Web, really? I mean... All right, Tim, give him a bit of shoulder massage. 52 minutes.
Starting point is 00:18:23 52 minutes remaining. You've been going eight minutes. Wow, those guys would have been halfway through at this point. Not quite. Not quite that close, yeah. Well, they would have finished one. What's your name? We've got a spectator here. It says the boss on your cup.
Starting point is 00:18:39 What's your name? Peter. Peter. Have you ever seen someone do the belly buster challenge? Yes. Have you seen it completed? Yes. Oh, so what do you, how's this, how's my friend Tim doing? Doing too bad at the moment, I don't think. He's doing alright? Do you think he'll get eat it all in the hour?
Starting point is 00:18:54 I don't know. I'm watching him to see if he would. Okay. Are you gonna stay to the end? Yes, I'll stay till he's finished, till he gives up. Peter here says he's gonna stay stay right to the end, Tim, to see you do it. I've got my little roll here on the side so I can have a roll just to support Tim. Look at that pathetic little roll. I know, I know. What's the most food you've ever eaten in one sitting?
Starting point is 00:19:21 I really don't know. It might have been... Oh, I would have been a younger person. Remember when we used to go to those all-you-can-eat nights at Pizza Hut? Oh, yeah. And there were myths
Starting point is 00:19:30 of how many pieces people had eaten. Oh, yeah. Those all-you-can-eat. Then there were other all-you-can-eat places as well where you just keep going back for chips and meat and,
Starting point is 00:19:39 yeah, Sizzler, somewhere like that. How are you feeling? I'm feeling really full already. Really? It's really hard. So Tim says he's feeling really full already. Really? It's really hard. So Tim says he's feeling really full. I would say he's eaten maybe not a third of the meal, maybe a quarter.
Starting point is 00:19:52 So the baguette is cut into three sections. He's eaten the filling from one section and a bit of bread and then some filling from the second section and he hasn't even touched the third section yet. We've got 50 minutes remaining you've got lots of time tim if you're not focusing on the record you've got plenty of time this is too much food yes man that's that's kind of the point i'm trying to think this might be larger than what we normally eat for a meal
Starting point is 00:20:18 i'm feeling full don't hurt yourself crazy thing as soon as I finish this, whenever I finish it, there'll come a time in a day's time where I'll be hungry and I'll be like, oh, jeez, I'd love the rest of that. Why'd I walk away? Why? What's your favourite part of it? What are you enjoying? I love the eggs.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah? Eggs with the sauce. Oh, and the bacon. The bacon's great. Yeah. He's having a stand up. That's a good idea, standing up. Let it go down.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Let it go down. Let it go down. Do not even have my... Oh, yeah. Oh, shut up, Zoe. Geez, I don't know if I can eat any more. Really? It's just...
Starting point is 00:20:59 47 minutes remaining. You've only been going 13 minutes. You can't pull out. You can slow down. You can let the record go, but surely you've got to... I think you're doing the right thing. Just imagine, ma'am, the Facebook page. How often do you get your name on a Facebook page? Pace yourself. At the start, you were telling me the trick is to get it down really quickly. Yeah, well... So I've gone really hard, and now you're saying pace yourself.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I'm worried you're going to die. How would I explain that to your wife? Yes, a few hours after getting off the plane, I fed him with so much sausage and bacon that he died. You wait till this podcast goes out. You're going to have so many customers, it's going to blow your mind. They'll be flying in by the jet full. You wait till this podcast goes out. You're going to have so many customers. It's going to blow your mind. They'll be flying in by the jet full.
Starting point is 00:21:52 All right. So, state of play here. Okay. I've devoured the contents of two. You've had the filling of two of the three. That's right. Yeah. Which equates to, that's four eggs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Lots of bacon. Two foot of bacon and four sausages four sausages I haven't had the bread I feel like I can have a little bit of bread if only to calm down I just had my roll and sausage and bacon in about two minutes I feel like I should have done it
Starting point is 00:22:19 I feel like they should have let a real man do it maybe they should unfortunately we don't have any real men on this podcast I feel like they should have let a real man do it. Maybe they should. Unfortunately, we don't have any real men on this boat. Hang on. What's the... Just over 15 minutes he's been so far. Janine, you've seen a lot of these. Tell me how you think he's doing and what your prediction is.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I don't think he's going to beat the time. No way, no way. I finished two within this time last time. But I think that he may stand a good chance of actually completing it within the hour. Did you hear that? Janine thinks you have a good chance of finishing it in the hour. Yeah. Just got to not stop.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Just keep going like a machine. Just keep going. Got to believe. I think your brain functions as if it's full up after about 20 minutes. Get as much down you as possible I think I'm starting to feel just a little bit off like there's full and then there's oh goodness me yeah
Starting point is 00:23:15 maybe you need to stop for a few minutes and just you know run it off don't think about it don't think maybe we should go have some ice cream to wash it down I feel like I'm watching your spirit get crushed here man Don't think about it. Don't think. Maybe we should go have some ice cream to wash it down and then come back and... I feel like I'm watching your spirit get crushed here, man. It's very difficult.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I thought you'd be getting further. Would you like a cup of tea? Something warm might help to... A warm tea? I'll have a warm tea. That'd be nice. That'd be nice anyway. Went in Rome.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah. Would you like a donut with that? No, thank you. No, just a splash of milk. Yeah. Would you like a donut with that? No, thank you. No, just a splash of milk. Thanks. No sugar. No, he's watching his weight. Doing a belly buster challenge.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So Tim's got a tea coming now. Hoping that maybe some warm liquid will help. You know when you run a marathon or do some significant exercise, how you get a stitch? Yeah. I got a stitch. Right. How many marathons have you run?
Starting point is 00:24:10 Well, you know, I've done a few walkathons. Back at school, raising money. When I burp, I feel like it's loaded. I don't think I'm going'm gonna eat much more I'll have a bit of cup of tea I thought maybe you were gonna get on the wall man I believe when I saw it at the start I thought it was doable I did too yeah it's just a lot of food oh that's a very T whoa look and it's in a belly busters burger bar mug I feel like that's a've already won. That's a nice mug.
Starting point is 00:24:47 You got it. Oh yeah, now he's all smiles for the camera. No worries. I'm going to give you a few minutes, man, just to ponder your life decisions. I just feel like I need some time alone with the baguette. It is hard to do it in front of an audience. Yeah. What does the audience add to it?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Tell me what the audience... Oh, there's a lot of pressure. It's funny because, you know, you eat more slowly. Pressure in what way? I'm just going to eat it around the corner. Is that okay? Next to that bin. I feel like I'm hungrier around there.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah. Next to that bin. I feel like I'm hungry around there. Yeah. Janine, what made you come up with the belly buster challenge? What was the thinking behind it? I think we just wanted to do something fun. One of the staff members came up with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I think we saw a lot of it in some of the local cafes, and I thought, why not do something a little bit fun create some buzz publicity yeah yeah definitely yeah it's worked look at us we're here yes definitely yeah yeah no it's it's good and tell us a bit more about your business i see that you also hire out your van for events and things we do we do some private events that come with staff um we do some charity events as well we're doing a local boot sale this weekend in portishead yeah um to raise money for the local lions do you tow you tow the van behind a car or what do you tell yes we've got a range over you got around i was gonna say that's a big that's a
Starting point is 00:26:14 big van to have my father-in-law actually does most of my towing for me okay and i just yeah just pay him for the fuel in time for him well you get cover the fuel we've got a nice wedding that we're doing we're not using the actual van right because we can't get it to the venue it's up at the castle and it's the road isn't suitable yes um but we do have um mobile like gas griddle things and the kitchen in the castle we're going to be doing a what kind of food do you do for a wedding do you make it a bit posher or do they want it to be a little bit like they just want burgers and chips. So we're just going to do burgers, chips and vegetarian options.
Starting point is 00:26:47 I wouldn't mind some chips. And some children's nuggets and things like that. Lovely. I had a fish and chip round at my wedding and that was really good fun. People loved it because they all came out with their posh plates and stuff from the posh building, loaded up with fish and chips and then went back inside and ate them at the table. We've done lots in the past. We've done rugby matches. We we've done football how long have
Starting point is 00:27:08 you been going for now it will be 20 years in october 20 years yeah 20 years that's incredible how many bands have you gone through how many vans this is the second one this one uh we've had for nearly 10 years and the other one we had for 10 years as well. Amazing. Do you name the vans? Do they have names? No. No. No. No. It's not like, yeah, okay. It depends. If it's behaving, if it's not, if it's just something that needs doing all the time,
Starting point is 00:27:33 then it just gets called some bad names. But no, it hasn't got a name, unfortunately. And do you ever think about introducing new challenges, like having like lesser challenges or a bigger challenge for someone like matt like like belly buster too or something yeah we have thought about it but i wouldn't have i mean this we have done a challenge similar in the past that was similar to that i think it may have been slightly bigger which i think it was crash bones anyway no matter what um yeah and i think we did a burger one once like a stacked burger challenge we've done once before. Nice.
Starting point is 00:28:08 It's hard to come up with another idea apart from like a breakfast with beans and all that. I think you've got... All the cafes do that, so I don't really want to do the same. Yeah, yeah. I think you've got a good one. I think you may be defeating Tim. Come on, Tim. Are you getting a second win?
Starting point is 00:28:23 We've given you a little bit of thinking time now. No. No. No? No, I'm still on the first win. You're still on the... I think you've gone through all your wins. I don't think... Look, look, look.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I've eaten the contents of two. And I've eaten, I think, probably either one bagel or half a bagel, maybe. How long is that? I've eaten half of that one and a bit of this one. So I've eaten three quarters of the bread of one. So basically you've eaten two thirds of the contents and you've eaten not a third, you've eaten like... A quarter.
Starting point is 00:28:56 A sixth of the bread, maybe. I would say a quarter. Not a quarter of the bread. What? A fifth, maybe. Not a quarter. The contents are easy. What? They fifth, maybe. Not a quarter. The contents are easy. What?
Starting point is 00:29:06 They're not easy. It's all protein. I guess six eggs is a lot. Fair enough. I had scrambled eggs on the plane. No, you've only had four of the eggs, so... 36 minutes left. So I've just passed...
Starting point is 00:29:20 I've just missed out on the time challenge. No, you could still beat the record if you finish all of that in about a minute. In about a minute. All right. I can't eat anymore. No, not in the whole hour. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:29:30 You've still got over half an hour. Well, I can sit here and wait. We're going to time it out and see if I want to eat it cold. I don't see myself, like I'm very full and I feel a bit like bleh. And when you start thinking about it wanting to come out, that's not a good time to be adding more. No, that's true. What, you think some might come out?
Starting point is 00:29:50 I don't think it will, no, but that's how I feel. Most people who can't do any more have normally eaten two of the three baguettes. Are you saying I'm one of the less? Yeah. This is one of the worst performances you've seen. That's a nod. Tim, you're currently one of the worst performances you've seen. That's a nod. Well, hang on. Tim, you're currently one of the worst performances ever in the Belly Buster Challenge.
Starting point is 00:30:09 If I was 42, where would you say I was? I'm not the worst, would I? Or is there... Most of them normally do at least two of the baguettes with the filling, yeah. Really? Wow. Don't sound so disappointed.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Janine, when Tim walked up and we said we're going to do the belly bust challenge and you looked at him as a man, what did you think his chances were? No, I thought he could do it. I thought he could do it. And what do you think now that he's one of the worst you've ever seen? Are you thinking, oh, that guy's obviously a lot thinner on the inside than he is on the outside? He's a thin man in a big man's body.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I blame the jet lag. That's what it is. Jet lag. It's the jet lag. I don't know how that's relevant, but I'll blame it. It's all that airline food. I couldn't do it. We've tried before with another member sat between us
Starting point is 00:31:02 and we only managed one third each. We couldn't do it. And you own the bellyy Busters business. Yeah. Of the 42 that have tried it solo, how many are women? None. None? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:31:13 No woman has ever tried it. I don't think so. Women don't do things like this. Not that I can recall. Only me and a member of staff, we did attempt it, but we knew we weren't going to do it. And that was two together as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And you couldn't do it. No. So two women couldn't do it. No. So two women couldn't do it. No. So what you're saying is I'm very much like you. Yeah. I mean, a challenge has been laid down to any women who happen to be listening. If you want to find your way here to the van, give it a go.
Starting point is 00:31:40 You could go into the history books. Well, you will go into the history books no matter what as the first woman to try it. Yeah, I don't. Any of the other challenges, we don't think we've ever had a go. You could go into the history books. Well, you will go into the history books no matter what. As the first woman to try it. Yeah, I don't... Any of the other challenges, we don't think we've ever had a woman... No, no. What do you think that says about men and women? Well... Women are sensible.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Let's check in with Zoe. What's the time? It is... 33 minutes remaining. Okay. So you're not even halfway, Tim. Time- remaining. Okay. So you're not even halfway, Tim, time-wise.
Starting point is 00:32:08 But, I mean, Tim, I don't think I've ever seen you look so broken. I feel my spirit is broken. I haven't slept. I've been trailing for 30 hours. Yeah. It's very, yeah, I don't think I can eat any more. The idea of eating more is what makes me feel a little bit ill. Really? It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:32:26 It's like yummy, sort of sinful food. Lovely fry up. It's a lot of bread. It's a lot of bread. Yeah. How many Australians have done it? As far as I know, you're the first. Okay, so I do get into the record books.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Is that enough to get me onto the fridge as an honourable mention? No. Nothing on the Facebook page? Maybe on the Facebook page, but not on the thing. Maybe on the Facebook page. What are you going to say on the Facebook page? I have no idea. I mean, I'm happy for you to put him on the Facebook page as a failure.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Should I take a photo? Yeah, you said worst you've ever seen, so that's something. Let's have a look. Janine's taken a picture for the Facebook page. Oh, dear. Wow. Yeah, I mean, look, it's very filling food. It's yummy.
Starting point is 00:33:16 It's eggs and bacon. I mean, it's fantastic. But then it's a baguette. That's a dense bread. Oh, Pete, you didn't tell me that. So, Pete, who's been watching, you've tried it. What happened when you tried it? You tried the other challenge. Yes I did it. Yes I was a lot more bigger than what I am now. There's a lot more weight on me then. You're a bit bigger then.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Right. I don't eat so much as I did now. Right. Tell us what have you thought of Tim's performance my friend here today? You've been disappointed? I think he's about to give up. He's been very good. I've been watching him. And I think he did very well. Thank you. For his go at it. He did not.
Starting point is 00:33:54 He did. I'm standing up for him. Zoe, you've been manning the clock there. Tell us, what have you thought of Tim's performance? I think he could have got through the baguette that he's left. One of the three? Yeah, one of the three baguettes. I think he could have managed that.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Well, I could have if I didn't move on to the filling of the other one. Yeah, I think that could have been done. You could have done that. And give us a clock update. We are on 31 minutes remaining. 31 minutes remaining. 31 minutes remaining.
Starting point is 00:34:27 So we're just about at the halfway point now. Are you going to try to eat one third of the bread? You should finish one of the thirds of bread, man. Just for the look. So Tim's going back to the original baguette. As we said, the baguette's in three sections. Have you got any Vegemite? Could I toast it up?
Starting point is 00:34:46 No. Tim's back onto the original third of baguette to try and finish one. Do you feel like you've learnt anything? Like, if you were doing it again, what have you learnt? That I don't have as big an appetite as I thought I did, actually. Yeah. Which I guess is kind of good news. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I mean, when we were driving down, you said, oh, I'm hungry. Like, you sort of thought, you thought maybe this was the day. Oh, I was talking big game. Oh, yeah. Look like a total idiot now. Yeah. And not just because of the egg all over your face. Tim literally has egg all over his face.
Starting point is 00:35:20 There's egg all over his face. We're starting to get the lunch crowd coming to the van as well now. A few workmen are turning up. I feel like it's the end of the day, but it's coming into lunch. No. Light drizzle starting to fall now as well, just to add to the feeling of despair and despondency. The misery of failing a gluttony challenge in an industrial estate car park. That's your day, Tim.
Starting point is 00:35:54 You're in a grey, rainy car park. I feel like I've lost the ashes. I've come to England and I've lost them. How am I going to go home? Still room for a bit of tea, though, I notice. The tea's calming. I think the drink is a mistake. I think that's taking up stomach room.
Starting point is 00:36:20 What do you think, Zoe? I agree, too, but you've got to wet your whistle. The water or the tea? Both, because they're taking up volume in your stomach. Yes, but then I feel like it's making it go down a little bit better. It's a balancing act. Yeah, it is. If you had a fizzy drink, then it would not go down, would it? No.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Zoe, I can tell you've thought about the scientific side of the belly buster challenge. You have thought about this a bit. Yeah. I've never done it, and I don't think I ever will. When you come to work in the morning do you think i wonder if today will be a belly buster challenge day like is it like is it something that gets you up in the morning uh yeah yeah really yeah i don't believe you yeah no it is it's something i think about regularly really are you gonna like go home and
Starting point is 00:37:01 tell all your family and friends about yeah no i will. I will tell them that it was a big fail. No, I'm joking. No, it was a big fail. Yeah, you're doing well. We're still going here. Yeah, we are. We've still got time on the clock. You're still going.
Starting point is 00:37:15 You have still got a lot of time, Tim. And I do feel like you're having a bit of a second wind. Yeah, just on the bread. All right, I'm just on the bread. Which I'll regret later because that bread will... Which I'll regret later because that bread will... So Tim has eaten the final piece of one third of the baguette. So overall I'd say he's eaten a third of a baguette plus a couple of nibbles of the second one.
Starting point is 00:37:40 He's eaten the filling from two of the baguettes, or most of the filling, from two of the baguettes, and one third of the baguette is completely untouched, still with two bits of egg, bacon, sausage, everything. I reckon this is it. What do you mean? I think I'm done. He's done. I can't eat anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:01 He's done. I can't eat anymore. He's throwing in the white napkin. I'm up front. He's done. I can't eat anymore. He's throwing in the white napkin. I'm up front. He throws in the napkin. The white towel. He's surrendered. What does the clock say for us?
Starting point is 00:38:14 The clock is saying 25 minutes remaining. So we're 25 minutes still on the clock. 25 minutes he could have used to write his name into history and the Facebook page. Tim is... Look, my pants aren't even... I don't know. I'm done there.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Tim's undone. He's undone the trousers. He's thrown in the white napkin. Oh, dear. I can't do it. I can't do it anymore. Well, let's get the failure pic. That's what's left.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Hang on. Let me see what my original pic looked like so I can recreate it. Yeah. And that's all she wrote. Should we go and break the news to Janine? Yeah. With 25, Tim's going back to the van to tell Janine. Janine. Hello. I've just stumbled over here to let you know I'm throwing in the white towel. Oh bless you. Yeah, I know. How long are you here for? Just a few minutes now, we'll say goodbye and then we'll... No, how long are you in the area for? I'll be here for a few weeks.
Starting point is 00:39:08 A few weeks. So you've got a chance to do it again. Yeah, well, I mean, that's true. Maybe we'll try a different tactic. What's an alternative to what I've done? If it was me, I would recommend the night before, eat a massive meal. Massive.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Expand your belly. Right. Because whenever you have a big meal, you're starving, aren't you, the next morning? Don't have breakfast, come down and do this. Oh, right. Okay. Give it a go.
Starting point is 00:39:32 All right. Expand your belly. Expand your belly. Ready? Maybe you could come down at night. Get it down you as fast as you can. Maybe Tim could come down in the evening, have a belly buster in the evening,
Starting point is 00:39:43 and then come back in the morning for his real attempt. Oh, we don't open in the evening. Oh, you don't in the evening and then come back in the morning for his real attempt. Oh, we don't open in the evening. Oh, you don't do anything. We close at 2 o'clock. Oh, okay. But just go out and have a massive meal. Go to like Zaza's, eat as much as you like, stuff yourself.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Yeah. And then the next morning you'll be starving. Well, I have to say, I've thought about this challenge back in Australia as Brady's talked about it and how much he loves the food here. And I've thought big game of myself. Like, I've thought, oh, I'll be able to do it, I'm sure. I mean, you just keep eating. But honestly, sitting here, I can't keep eating.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Like, it's not good. No. All right. You can always try, we can try warming the baguettes for you on the griddle. No, I really don't want to eat any more food. Let me make this as clear as I possibly can. She means next time.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Oh, next time. Oh yeah. Not that either. We could try foiling it to keep it warm. That might help to get it down quicker. Shrinking it somehow? Yeah. Alright. Look, I have thoroughly enjoyed it
Starting point is 00:40:45 apart from the last few minutes yeah oh bless you well done thank you for letting us record today as well we really enjoyed it we really enjoyed it you need to go and get some sleep now don't you and get your jet lag sorted
Starting point is 00:40:59 I know we're off for a burger alright thank you thank you so very very much that was a lot of fun I do. I know, we're off for a burger. Yes, sir. All right. Thank you. Thank you so very, very much. That was a lot of fun. Thanks. All I want to do is sleep. I just want to lay down on my bed with my belly in the air.
Starting point is 00:41:21 There we go, Tim. I'm going to say it. Failure. Absolute failure, wasn't it? I Tim. I'm going to say it. Failure. Absolute failure, wasn't it? I know. I know. Even I was disappointed. Perhaps your biggest failure since the sprinting debacle
Starting point is 00:41:34 when you tried to apply for the South Australian Police Force. Have I told you about that? Yeah, we've talked about that. Ironically, if the police had seen this, they might have taken you in. Yeah, look, I have to say it was quite overwhelming. And in retrospect, I think the breakfast that I had on the plane as I came into land was a mistake. Or it was a mistake doing the challenge on the same day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:01 But you rushed me there and I was very excited. doing the challenge on the same day yeah but you rushed me there and i was very excited and there was lots of talk of you know this idea that um you go well you know if you're gonna eat a big meal you really need to wait till your tummy's empty and then there's like that well you don't want it to be too empty because you know your capacity is low when you haven't eaten enough so you need a bit of food and i kind of bought into that idea and thought, well, the fact that I've had a cooked breakfast of sausages and eggs is probably the perfect introduction. I think the perceived wisdom and what was discussed in the podcast was that you should eat like a big meal the night before, not like a few hours before. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:40 To sort of expand your tummy a bit. Yeah. I mean, I was thinking about a conversation we had in the car on the way but i i yes no i take your point so well i tell you what the next day my my tummy was a lot bigger that's for sure the following day would have been the perfect day to do the challenge have you kind of like learned to live with the failure or do you sort of think oh i'd love another swing at that i think i could do it i think i could do it well clearly i had to leave the country so yes we never went back did we i've come back to australia with my tail between my legs my favorite line in the podcast uh and a lot some people might not have got it was when you said i feel like i've lost the ashes for people who don't know australia Australia and England have this great rivalry in cricket
Starting point is 00:43:26 and they play for this trophy called the Ashes. And it's really a really big cultural thing. And winning the Ashes, an Australian cricket team coming to England and winning the Ashes or losing the Ashes is really big. It's a really big sense of victory or failure. So, as Tim, australian having just arrived in england and having kind of lost on english soil it has this whole losing the ashes feeling yeah i mean particularly in an eating contest i really felt like the whole country
Starting point is 00:43:56 was with me and i just let them down i really did let them down can i can i say something i i've only just started on bacon again because by golly that was a lot of food even though i didn't finish it it was a lot of food and even it felt what what i needed to do there's a few things i think i've learned from this experience one is only don't have the whole baguette out in front of you like just bring out bit by bit and i reckon i could have just kept going it felt overwhelming so not so so you don't want to see the finish line no no it's too far away it's it's overwhelming um so i think that's one thing not eating the breakfast on the plane is another thing um yes and i i think i think the water challenge would have like if i was really up for it and prepared i think i would have taken more seriously the advice that the previous more
Starting point is 00:44:52 successful competitors have have done which is to you know use the water to to um kind of almost liquefy down the the bread you know to collapse the bread really yeah dip it dip yeah i wasn't quite ready to do that um i was a bit cocky i was thinking about it this morning and i was thinking if i had to do it although it looks gross and sounds gross dipping all the bread in water as you eat it would make eating that much french stick baguette yeah easier because it's dense bread and i'm a dense guy and so it's just too much denseness yeah it was uh yeah anyway uh as i as i've said there's sort of uh video on the youtube channel pictures in the description all that sort of thing there's going to be all sorts of bonus content because it's kind of a big deal this but tim and i are now going to retire to the request
Starting point is 00:45:46 room which is the little audio bonus for patreon supporters i did take some questions from uh stakeholders they didn't know the result at the time so their questions are kind of blind but we'll uh we'll go and see what they've asked and discuss that now so if you're a patreon supporter you can go and check that out if you're not well that doesn't matter i hope you enjoyed this episode sorry guys

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