The WAN Show - Scams Are Legal Now - WAN Show October 4, 2024

Episode Date: October 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everyone welcome to the WAN Show we've got a great show lined up for you guys today I forget what our title was so oh yes now I remember ah a judge has decided that Elon Musk's statements about You know the things that their cars were going to do and be capable of were simply puffery Which is not a problem. It's awesome and not fraudulent really good precedent So for advertising on the heels of our discussion about what is or isn't a scam last week We'll be talking about an actual scam how apparently that's legal Yeah, the LTT screwdriver by the way is gonna automatically screw screws in for you Okay, I don't actually okay that I get what you're trying to do here But I don't actually want to make false statements about our products.
Starting point is 00:00:47 They will not do that. What your, what your smart glasses might do though is dox anyone and everyone who happens to be near you. A couple of students made an invasive DIY facial recognition glasses system that does just that. And we'll be talking about how this could usher in a whole new level of future dystopia.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Yay. Do you have any good news? Can you do good news? Let's see, we got Amazon dark patterns. Yeah, I was gonna say, I didn't have any prepped. Give me good news, good news. Let's go, let's go. Come on. I don't know if that's good news or not.'s go let's go I don't know good news or not minority report is coming that's not good returns is
Starting point is 00:01:29 actually not good either Nintendo is suing people writers can't protest anymore and videos doing in video things okay forget it okay the negative show about bad things. The show is brought to you today by Manscaped Squarespace, OnePassword, and of course, our Chair Partner Secret Lab, our L lab our laptop partner LG and our Skin partner D brand have you not even looked at the table? Did you not absorb the table yet? Oh the tables orange I love how you're able to do this sometimes It was an ad I couldn't see it
Starting point is 00:02:21 That makes sense it like glows it's crazy I don't actually go but just because of like the lighting in the room and stuff it looks like it's almost glowing. Yeah, that totally makes sense. Okay, cool. Well, we'll be talking about that later or not. I don't know. Whatever. The table's orange now. Cool. Let's jump right into our headline topic, shall we? Yeah. Oh man, a judge has dismissed a shareholder lawsuit that alleged that Tesla had made misleading statements exaggerating the capabilities of its self-driving systems. And this is where I feel like I'm about to go off script and we're about to talk a little bit more about a personal, you know, thought that I've had many times. The legal system seems broken, doesn't it? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:05 It seems broken. It feels like... How do you fix it though? It feels like there needs to be like a common sense filter sometimes, you know? Where the argument could be, you know, hey, we're Coca-Cola. Yeah, we hired death squads, but it was outside of your jurisdiction. So what? What are you going to do about it?
Starting point is 00:03:23 That's an actual thing that happened. So there you go. Their defense literally wasn't that they didn't do it. It was that it's outside your jurisdiction so you can't charge us for it. That was the defense. And I just- Amazing. I feel like we need a common sense. Well something that I genuinely don't understand about this is the whole Red Bull gives you wings thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Like they had to add the like, Red Bull doesn't actually give you wings. Yeah. And like, isn't there, there's more of those. It's not just Red Bull. It's like a bunch of different things. Yeah. Isn't it like Skittles doesn't actually show a rainbow
Starting point is 00:03:53 and they have to like clarify that. And like McDonald's can't say, have you had your break today? Because nobody gets a break and you know, not in this economy. Take a break so you can go do gig work. Have you had a break? Isn't it Kit Kat? No, dude, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Yeah, don't worry about it. And there was never any kind of litigation over that. I was just, I was making a really terrible reference to my childhood. Yeah, but essentially, false advertising claims in the past,
Starting point is 00:04:30 even ones that are like, obvious, have usually had to be clarified. However. If they're, if they're just supposed to be fun, like the Red Bull thing, they still have to clarify. And it's pretty clear that Tesla has repeatedly, repeatedly, and it's got to be knowingly at this point, misrepresented the capabilities of their autonomous driving feature. And I'm going to use the world's largest finger quotes. Actually I'm going to need bigger finger quotes. Thank you, those are much bigger finger quotes than mine, I
Starting point is 00:04:59 appreciate that. However, the judge dismissed the lawsuit and Tesla's lawyers, this is really important, Tesla's lawyers did not defend the claims that they had made on the grounds that they were true. Right? So they, you know, back to the Coca-Cola death squads, they're not defending themselves because we didn't do the thing that was bad. It's more about the loophole. It's about the technicality. Rather, they have claimed that these statements, that were not true, were merely corporate puffery. The lawyers argued that vague statements
Starting point is 00:05:38 of corporate optimism are not objectively verifiable, and that no reasonable investor would rely on these statements. Hmm. Hmm. How's Tesla stock doing again? Actually, I think it's been on a tear lately. Don't quote me on that. I don't keep track of it. The judge, having sided with Tesla's lawyers, is therefore agreeing that a reasonable person
Starting point is 00:06:06 would have seen CEO Elon Musk's statements as obvious bluster and exaggeration. I strongly disagree. I mean, how many times do we have to go through this whole, yeah, next year, next year, next year thing, before it becomes pretty clear that it's not coming next year? I mean, do you re- it's been really interesting to watch the recent pivot to the fully autonomous RoboTaxi project, when that's what was promised for each and every Tesla owner, I shouldn't say promised,
Starting point is 00:06:48 because apparently it was puffered. That's what was puffered for each and every Tesla owner years ago, was that their car was gonna make them money. Like their car was going to operate as a RoboTaxi while they were at work making them money. It was like an, it was an investment. I found this website. I just found it now. I don't know how perfect it is. I've never looked at this website before etc. But I think it's pretty fantastic actually. It's called Mother Frunker.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Okay. As in Frunk and it's the full self-driving timeline. I just found this now. So it's different quotes about what the cars will be able to do You know are gonna end up with complete autonomy And I think we will have complete autonomy in approximately two years from 2015 with the source Oh, yeah, that was not two years ago. You just go all the way down. I Really consider autonomous driving a solved problem. I think we are less than two years away from a complete autonomy 2016 Six months definitely that was back in 2016 as well. You'll be able to fall asleep in a Tesla Probably be able to deliver Teslas with autonomy in about a year. That's up to the regulators. Yeah, no it isn't
Starting point is 00:08:04 Tesla's with autonomy in about a year that's up to the regulators yeah no it isn't one of the funniest things this is wild I can't believe somebody yeah I can't believe somebody actually compiled all of this it might even be missing some I have no idea like I don't I haven't looked at the site before the thing that I found most entertaining about this actually is that they gave up at some point they They stopped tracking in 2022. I mean, imagine your defense being, if someone files a lawsuit calling you a liar who misled them and caused material damage to them,
Starting point is 00:08:36 imagine your defense being, well, obviously I lied, I lie all the time. How could you believe me? How could you be stupid enough to believe me? Like, come on! I get that there are a handful of you that are Musk sycophants, and that's cool. You do you. But I stand behind the things that I do not appreciate about his approach to business. And lying about the capabilities of your products and misleading people, that is a scam. And scams are bad and they are not something
Starting point is 00:09:10 to be looked up to. And I just, I don't know how to have a conversation with someone where we are not grounded in the same basic truth that being a shifty character is not good. And that it's not to be applauded or respected. It's actually bad. We can appreciate good things that someone accomplished, but we don't have to respect
Starting point is 00:09:39 the extremely shady behavior that they engage in. Yeah. Cool. shady behavior that they engage in. Yeah. Cool. So, anyway, I don't know how to, I don't know how to reconcile this, to your point, with the other false advertising precedent that has been set over the years.
Starting point is 00:10:03 And like, it's a bit of a, I don't know, it's an interesting line because puffery could make sense. Like if you're like, oh, this thing is amazing, blah, blah, blah, and it's just okay. Like that's how I think puffery should be used. Exaggerated or false praise? You know, if- Exaggerated I think couldery should be used. Exaggerated or false praise? You know if... Exaggerated I think could be okay. False I don't think is okay. No, no false praise. Let me give you a context where false praise could be corporate puffery.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Okay. So let's say, okay, I'm still CEO, okay? Or hypothetical scenario. I'm up on stage at, in the Line of Sebastian Theater, you know, whatever. I'm talking about our latest innovation in, I don't know, lapel technology or whatever, color technology. Okay? And I'm standing there and-
Starting point is 00:11:02 Auto pop. I'm, I, anyway, so I'm talking about this great long-sleeve shirt that's available on and our chief technical officer, whatever the heck your job is these days, I honestly don't even know, it doesn't matter, walks up to the stage in like a scripted moment, shakes my hand and goes, man Linus, you look better than in any other outfit I've ever seen. You know, that's false praise, you know? Like I think my birthday suit looks a lot better than this personally.
Starting point is 00:11:40 And well, the point is that that's not- Is that false praise? What if you actually thought that? But what if you didn't? It doesn't really matter. This is clearly a scripted moment. Unimportant. Yeah, you are engaging with me in a way that could obviously be perceived to be just kind of corporate nonsense.
Starting point is 00:12:01 I'm not saying this shirt will have active cooling in two years. Yeah. Or saying something along the lines of like, this is the most innovative shirt we've ever made. Yeah, that's... That's just clearly exaggerated and it's puffy. And it's kind of whatever. And it's non-specific. It doesn't really mean anything.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And I think that's one of the problems. And that's where, I mean, I think that's where someone like a Red Bull runs into trouble. They're making a very specific statement. Red Bull gives you wings, which even if you don't interpret it literally, you could interpret to mean that it makes you move faster, potentially, right? And it is an energy beverage. And so maybe, yeah, potentially there's methamphetamine in it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You won't slow down. You could actually misinterpret that. But that's the thing with the self-driving. These are not vague statements. Our self-driving technology is world-leading. That's puffery. That's non-verifiable. It's non-objective.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Go back to the things for a sec Oh, well, I left it. So give me a sec. I got yeah sure This is specific Go to some of the newer stuff because the newer stuff ends up being a little oh my goodness The newer stuff ends up being a bit more anyway the point is what is, it's a solved problem, is a very specific statement. That doesn't mean, you know, we're really confident our world-class team can solve this problem. That's puffery. You know, you're talking up the capabilities of your team. You're engaging in the kind of thing that if you said anything other than that
Starting point is 00:13:46 could be potentially seen as bullying. Like if you were to say anything other than I have complete faith in my team to deliver on this amazing new technology. Like if you were to say that on a stage, that would be terrible, the optics would be terrible. So I can see corporate puffery as something that you have to say that on a stage, that would be terrible. The optics would be terrible. So I can see corporate puffery as something that you have to say.
Starting point is 00:14:08 You essentially have to say that you believe in your plan and that the team is engaged in moving forward with it. You don't have to say, let's see, it will be capable of level 5 autonomy by the end of this year. That is extremely specific. That's not puffery. That's just... a lie. And not only are you saying that, but you're saying...
Starting point is 00:14:37 it already has the hardware capability, like we can... remotely deliver this feature to you in the thing that you already own if you buy it today Like that type of stuff, you know, Cory is the name says can you think of any examples in which LCT has engaged in corporate? puffery Yeah. Yeah, I I think that There have been cases where we've had Man nothing nothing product specific specific I don't think.
Starting point is 00:15:10 But like, I've definitely said things that are not necessarily true to the best of my knowledge, like particularly around someone like an ex-employee. I would always talk up what they've done really well. I would never talk about why we parted ways. Whether it was good or bad, really. Yeah, so in that case, it's more down to, you know, confidentiality and professionalism.
Starting point is 00:15:33 It's less puffery. It's not really marketing, though. Okay, so hold on. Have we ever puffered in our marketing? You know what? I'm gonna throw this back to you guys. I'm gonna throw this back to you guys. No, I don't think Trust Me Bro would count as puffery. I think we have in good faith taken the best possible care of anyone who's had a problem with our products. It's not always been the most timely. We're a small team. Our customer support is onshore, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:06 so we don't operate around the clock. You know, sometimes in particular, when we have a long weekend or something, I'm sorry that our team gets long weekends. You know, like I'm- Are videos a product? Yeah, I think videos are a product. Thumbnails.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Is that puffery though? Cause the puffery is, here, what's puffery? Exaggerated or false praise though. It's not it's not it's praise specifically. How is saying it will have full self-driving praise then? Well it's not it's not puffery. That's the whole that's the whole thing I'm mad about. If that's not puffery at all that's a specific statement about the capability of the product that could absolutely mislead an investor or a customer. Okay, someone in full play chat, I think got it.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Oh, there's two of them. Yeah, they hit me on the world class thing. I knew that was coming. I knew world class was coming. I didn't want to address it. I will often, in fact, internally, the way that I'll refer to our team as world class is a bit of a meme.
Starting point is 00:17:04 We have a world class team in a literal sense. I don't actually think it's puffery. We compete with the best in the world in the tech media space. Tech entertainment, tech education. We are very, very competitive around the world. We are a world class team. We have a global reach for our brand and for our content. We are a world-class team. However, a lot of the time I use world-class and we use world-class team in a verbally ironic manner internally. So you know someone will leave the bathroom in a deplorable state. I was gonna give the exact same example. Pee all over the seat, pee all over the floor.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Well, it looks like it could be pee in the sink. World class. And the first thing that people will start talking about on Teams is, world class! Yeah. So, I don't think that's puffery though. I think, I think, I think, okay, yes it can. It is a little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yes it can be, but verbal irony is also not puffery. In order to be puffery, it has to be seen as an earnest statement. This is where like the lines get so blurry. They do get blurry. They get so blurry. They do get blurry. They get so blurry. They do get blurry. Someone also pointed out World-class employees don't have time to aim That's really funny
Starting point is 00:18:36 They're busy making world-class videos Another another one that was brought up by somebody was We have a great show for you today. A bunch of people have brought that one up. Okay. Introing Wayne's show. Okay. Great show for you. Yeah. We say like every time. Yeah, I think that is an example of puffery. Yeah, sometimes the show is gonna be sh** and we know it.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Yeah. But like it's not good salesmanship to say, yeah, we got nothing this week. We've done it. Which means you're not wrong. Actually, I've found some of those shows have been pretty good. Sometimes they're, yeah. Yeah, you never know. It has less to do with the topics, and it has more to do with how much sleep either of us has had.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And there's a Goldilocks zone. There's a curve. If we've had absolutely none, it's like, alright, getting on to our next topic. Yeah, I'm mad about that. But if we're like... Yeah, but then, if we're really well rested, everything is pretty sane.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah. So there's this like... You need a little bit of derangement. Yeah, there's this magic zone where it's like, we're not really running on quite enough sleep and neither of us caffeinates So we just start to get a little loopy. I Feel like the Japan show was like definitely one of those. Oh a hundred percent
Starting point is 00:19:55 Passed out behind the lens. Yeah, I was worried about him. Yeah me too. He's a tank Yeah, yeah He's a tank. Yep, yep. Um, okay, so you guys have definitely, definitely caught us on a couple of, on a couple of pufferies, but I think when it comes to our products,
Starting point is 00:20:14 I, no, I don't think we puffery. I feel like there's gotta be some thumbnails. Dude, thumbnails, I don't think thumbnails are puffery though. You don't, you can't't you don't exaggerate? The what would a place might you don't falsely praise or exaggerate the praise the business I best computer we've ever made I'm looking I'm not there yet. What I look up you. What are you even doing? Do you even compute?
Starting point is 00:20:42 By the way, that's a great video go back What are you even doing? Do you even compute? By the way, that's a great video. Go back. Do you not even, do you not even alt left arrow? What is, what is your problem? There, there, down, left. That's freaking awesome. I watched it. Oh yeah. Yeah, Canuck Creator just like casually showed up
Starting point is 00:20:57 at the studio. Tynan did a great job just showing him some of our, some of our prototyping tools that we use. There's this sort of perception, every once in a while when we actually do a video in the workshop, you'll see the odd comment that's like, man, they spent so much money on this workshop, they never use it. They don't, people don't know what we use it for.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And I think part of that's on us because we don't really talk about what we use it for. I've really, I've been saying for a long time, we should do engineering videos. I think we should have a YouTube channel that has no upload cadence. We commit to no uploads, but it's LMG or whatever you want to call it, Umbrella Parent Company Engineering. Interesting. And we just show like, the oversized screwdrivers show how we made those,
Starting point is 00:21:39 the metal screwdrivers, the carbon fiber one, the wooden one, all these different cool experiment things that we do. We do tons of cool engineering stuff and we tell no one about it. And there are entire massive YouTubers and entire massive fields of YouTube that are entirely based around just that. And we do it and we're a content creation company and we don't show anyone and it drives me nuts.
Starting point is 00:22:01 You're actually not wrong. And we could like, I understand the pressure that the engineering teams don't wanna have of needing to churn out content. And making- So just don't make required uploads for it. But making a video makes everything take three times longer.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And most of what they use this stuff for is product development. Yeah, which would sell products. I know, I know, but it would take three times longer. Look, look, look, okay, look. Artie is on the CW team now. I think that was. He is hard at work on content around our, in fact, in fact, he actually shot a video earlier this week.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Or wait, was it Artie who shot it? I think it was Artie who shot it. It was either Artie or Sammy. They had a camera in front of their face the whole time, and I'm pretty sure it was Artie anyway. He actually shot a video of our meeting about the development of the Zuck T-shirt. So as part of our development of a gray shirt, right? Cause we wanted kind of like our, the Steve Moknek, we want to do a Zuck t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I'd love to do a Jensen leather jacket as well, but that's gonna be a much bigger project. I don't know how many we'd sell. It's a whole thing anyway. The point is we want to do a Zuck t-shirt, the Zuck. And as part of our development process, we kind of went, well, shoot, we don't know what's the shirt he wears. We don't know what's special about it. We don't know we don't know what t-shirt a billionaire wears
Starting point is 00:23:29 Well, this is it. We answered that question. This is the packaging That a t-shirt a billionaire wears comes in this is from expensive Brunello Cuccinelli Yeah, we'll be unboxing it later on the show We'll be destroying it later on the show. We'll be destroying it later on the show because that's part of the product development process. We'll explain what that little machine is. Anyway, the point is, I believe it was Artie actually shot a video of us having the conversation,
Starting point is 00:23:58 evaluating this shirt compared to our existing blanks, compared to our existing cotton blanks, sort of talking about what's good about it, what's not as good about it. It was pretty cool. It was pretty cool. And so we're trying to do more of that, okay? We're trying to do more.
Starting point is 00:24:11 But anyway, Canuck Creator did a great job. Tynan did a great job. It's a really cool little tour, and it gives you a better idea of what exactly it is that we're doing with all of this really cool fabrication stuff. Anyway, so yeah, false advertising, let's go or a puffery puffery yeah exaggerated or false praise okay so actually giving you a headache but that's not it did raise I literally
Starting point is 00:24:34 got a headache I'm not too surprised yeah part of it that I forgot to drink water that day. So it has to be praised. Yeah! Dude, no! It's perfect? It's perfect, it's unusable. But it's perfect. Yeah, but both of those are true. I think together, you can't say that's puffery.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I mean, look, if Tesla was like, our autopilot is perfect, it's unusable. That would at least raise questions. That would give them plausible deniability about the perfect statement. Last PC building guide you'll ever need? That's not puffery.
Starting point is 00:25:22 That's actually just true. That is a factual statement. The first one got like 11 or 12 million views and the comments are just full of like, I just built my PC using this guide. I built a PC that can't fail. Yeah. Yeah, so it's a high availability PC cluster. But it can't fail? It can't. Can't fail? It can't. Can't fail. Hmm. I mean, okay. Is it waterproof? Alright, that is a slight exaggeration. Alright, you know what? You know what? You've got me. It took a lot longer than I thought. We had to go back months. I thought
Starting point is 00:26:00 it was gonna be pretty quick. But the praise part makes it difficult. Which I still don't understand, because it wasn't, the Elon statements weren't praise. No, they were just, here's what we're going to do, this is the plan. It will have this feature on this timeline. And if you can't believe the CEO of a company about the product roadmap, then who can you believe? And I can, well, I don't think you can ever believe anyone
Starting point is 00:26:24 about any product timeline, because no one actually knows but like I Think there's also got to be some some amount of a limit to things All right, why don't we move on because I'm bored. Oh Hey, we've got Riley here. I Forget Oh, hey, we've got Riley here. I forget. Speaking of puffery. I totally forgot. I'm so sorry Riley. I came to puff up something of my own.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Check it out. Check us out guys. What is this again? I forget. We're Jakey, Jakey, Jakey and Jakey. Attorneys at law. Thank you. Am I yelling into this thing?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Don't hold like this? I forget. It's end address. Yeah, you're good. Dan said he could give me a chair, but I decided to just come squat in here awkwardly because I think that's more my style. It is truly awkward for God. I like it though.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Do we have an apple box at the very late? This light is really bright. Don't look at that, it's not lit. It's too late. Riley, can I? No, Riley. Linus, did you know that it was Riley Week on Float Plane this week? I did know that it was Riley Week on Float Plane this week.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Did you know that I did a back flip for you? I know that you cannot do a back flip. Whoa, you don't know that. I do know that. That's inflammatory. That's anti-puffery. That's puffery. I watched the Star Wars videos really good I really liked it. Did you watch the whole thing? I heard you were watching it. It's fantastic. Who said that? I think Sammy told me or Sean did. I liked it a lot. Well I thought it was okay. Sammy told me that it took 10 million years to edit.
Starting point is 00:28:04 That's not puffery. That's not puffery. That's not puffery. It took a long time. Because it wasn't praise. Yeah, yeah. No, I mean, it took a long time. It took, I'm not gonna lie, I stayed up all night, a couple nights, to get the script done and to do the guidance.
Starting point is 00:28:17 You didn't. Shhh. Did you really? Shhh, Linus. I won't go all the way,. I don't know where your mouth is You've been puffing up a lot of things so oh This is WAN show we got to keep it appropriate listen Riles week is Is over now there were three videos right? Yeah, did you guys watch it any of them except the Star Wars?
Starting point is 00:28:42 I watched Star Wars. I didn't watch any of them yet. It's okay. Okay. It's okay. I mean on the Q&A you probably just know all of them. Yeah, if I want to talk to Riley, I just talk to Riley. Because he's right there. We match almost every day.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I was waiting for the Star Wars one. So was I. I was excited about it. I don't know what else to say other than go subscribe to Float Plane, which you guys already say like five times an episode, so I just kind of want to hang out here. This is... Okay. This is quite a conic place.
Starting point is 00:29:11 What is this segment? Shadow puppets. Is this just marketing for Float Plane? Is that the whole point? Yeah, if you could just keep switching back and forth to Float Plane there, that would be pretty cool. Okay, so yeah, that's right. Riley Week, among our other exclusives.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Why do you guys ever use the space back here? There's a lot. You could do some activities. The lights have to go down. No, we've got like, talk length. And we don't have a mic that's on a, you know, freely moving. I know, I thought that this was going to be more of a handheld thing, but this like, this feels wrong. It's two-hand. It's a two-hander? Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:29:46 It's a svi-hander? Svi-hander. I don't think anyone took it that way, but yeah, yeah, definitely. For sure, it's a weapon. Knocking it out of the park, Riley. What's your next topic? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Are you joining us for the show? Do I look like a stool? Students make invasive DIY facial recognition glasses. Oh, man. Yeah, that's pretty scary. We talked about that on Tech Linked this week. Oh, yeah. Dude, what, do you want me to go?
Starting point is 00:30:13 I don't know what we're doing. Are you joining us for part of the show? Connor's waiting for me to go review Tech Linked right now, but I can wait. Bring him in. We can do that here. No, I'm not going to do that. Do you want to read the topic?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Really? Yeah. Students make, I'm not gonna read the whole topic. Read the topic. Make invasive DIY facial recognition glasses. I'm gonna summarize it, okay? Because we reported on this on TechLink. Some students from Harvard, okay fine, I'll just read it.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Two Harvard students set up a system that uses a video feed from their Meta smart glasses to automatically scan the faces of strangers, identify them, and compile dossiers of personal information such as jobs, personal associations, phone numbers, and addresses. While the system made the occasional error, notably it once flagged a young woman as her identical twin.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Oops. Broken. Awkward. Throw it out. The students were able to use the system to approach several strangers and greet them by name while pretending to be an acquaintance or a fan of their work.
Starting point is 00:31:16 How creepy would that be? I mean, it's happened. I found LA is actually the worst for that. This is what's funny. It's like, hey, you want to feel what it's like to be famous for a second or to be a upper mid tier YouTube celebrity? The students have published a paper detailing their experiment, which they say was intended as a demonstration of what is already possible with current technology.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Tech giants like Google and Meta have to consider putting facial recognition into smart glasses in the past and they have. Google has dismissed the idea due to safety and legal concerns after making a product already, but that's here. Whereas Meta's reasons for not pursuing it are unclear. Meta has not yet committed to not using the footage
Starting point is 00:32:05 or images from their smart glasses for use in data scraping or AI training. I mean, that's all screwed. They've actually- Thank you, Riley. That is the summary. No, as in the whole like, oh, don't use it for AI training. Everything is being used for AI training already.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah, and they've essentially actually said the opposite. Zuckerberg on a podcast thing, image jigger said that he wants you to have personal AIs that are powered by things like the glasses that they have context of everything in your life. Yeah, but like, that's one thing because it's your personal AI. I think a lot of people are probably okay with you feeding if it's encrypted and everything. Oh yeah, if you like you feed your data into a personal AI and no one ever gets it except you. Yeah, it's encrypted and everything. Oh yeah. If you like, you feed your data into a personal AI and no one ever gets it except you.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Yeah, that's not gonna happen. I feel like the lighting on my face is perfect for this story. It's like dystopian. Yeah, it kind of is. It's like, I am your personal AI. Your two-face. I mean, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:00 What else do we have to say? I feel like this was actually a good topic. You guys should continue discussing it, but I have to go review TechLink. Okay. Okay. I really have to say? I feel like this was actually a good topic. You guys should continue discussing it, but I have to go review TechLink. Okay. Thank you Riley. I really have to go. I can't stay. We could bring you a laptop.
Starting point is 00:33:10 You can just do it behind the set. What's that? Do you wanna just have a laptop? You could do it there. You can review it on- Yeah, you just hide behind the laptops. I think next show I'll come back and I'll be back here and you guys probably won't know until I say something.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Nice workplace. Thanks Riley. Thank you Riley. Love ya. Subscribe to Flowplain. Yeah. My favorite website. Thank you Riley. Puffery. That's some puffery right there.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I enjoy it. You guys can't see this but he's bear crawling off the set. What? I'm leaving with dignity. Oh man. That was fantastic. Wow. Okay. Thank you very Oh man. That was fantastic. Wow, okay. Thank you very much Riley. That was great.
Starting point is 00:33:48 That was. You never know what's gonna happen when Riley walks into the room. But that actually was a perfect example of puffery. Yeah. It's my favorite website. Which is fine. Which is fine. There's a near zero percent chance that's true.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah, exactly. But who cares? But that's obvious. Yeah, exactly. But who cares? But that's obvious. Yeah. And that's the thing, puffery should be obvious. And it doesn't matter. Yeah, alright. So let's come back to these smart glasses.
Starting point is 00:34:12 This is, what's funny about this topic to me is that you and I have actually talked about this. For years. Many times in the past. Especially close to the whole time we've known each other. And if you go back far enough, because Luke and I both suffer from some form of undiagnosed face blindness, slash-
Starting point is 00:34:32 Oh yeah. Just complete inability to remember people's names. Oh yeah. And we have talked about this many times in the past. How what would ultimately sell us, going all the way back to like the launch of Google Glass, what would ultimately sell us, going all the way back to the launch of Google Glass, what would ultimately sell us on this technology would be if it could serve as like a Rolodex, essentially, when you're at a party or social function or a work event and it'll just tell you, okay,
Starting point is 00:34:56 that's who that is, bring up the last email that I exchanged with them, tell me like how many kids they have so I can ask how their kids are doing. And if you go back far enough, you and I were naive enough slash the world hadn't descended into distended descended into dystopia enough that we were actually bullish on it and wanted it. Now I read about this thing that I asked for that I wanted because it would be really helpful to me in my daily life. And I look at it and I go, holy shit, this is fucked. We're fucked, everything's fucked. Yeah, well, because I think the thing that we were wrong
Starting point is 00:35:38 about, and I think a lot of people, including us, were wrong about these types of things, were that we thought it was gonna be ours. Like the whole Rolodex idea is that you knew these people. You were essentially inputting this information, it was checking locally to your information and then letting you know, and that's just not gonna be what it is
Starting point is 00:35:59 because data makes the world go round. So instead of it being yours, it's gonna be Zuckucks or whoever else's, and you're gonna be checking into their information and giving them more information, also known as updated facial recognition information for these people to make sure that it's more accurate. And any data and analysis that you're able to scrape
Starting point is 00:36:19 from that moment is gonna go up as well. It's gonna share into a pool. I also didn't think about, at that time, maybe I was just younger and more naive, right? Like I didn't think about an authoritarian government using this technology. Oh yeah. To keep track of absolutely everyone and where they go and what they do and who they see. Or whoever else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Because they already have it in cameras. So that's not really new. But this would be, yeah, given them to police officers, facial recognize, figure out if they have like outstanding warrants or whatever else. But it's not just like the outstanding warrants, like this could tell people- Suspect level.
Starting point is 00:36:53 All kinds of stuff, all kinds of stuff about people. That comes down to, we have another topic that we'll talk about later, but it's the minority report thing. Yeah, like buddy here frequents the CD theater on 6th Street. And that might be factually true, right? But that could activate someone's prejudices. You know what I mean? So it's not, like like I don't even mind if it scans someone and it's like there's an outstanding warrant for their arrest. That sounds actually
Starting point is 00:37:28 reasonably helpful. It's one like say there's a riot going on because every time that there's a riot there's some people that are you know involved with the bad things in the riot and other people just trying to get away. And it's like that woman voted for Hillary Clinton. And this riot is based around whatever, so she has an increased likeliness of being one of the people that is involved with the damaging of cars, so arrest her, even though you didn't see it happen.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Yeah. Yeah. Like, dude, that level of, that level of, and if you think law enforcement doesn't profile, they do, they 100% profile, and you give them more and more tools to profile, we are, I don't know if I want to live on this planet anymore. You know? I had a conversation recently where I was, I mentioned that I want to die on Mars.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And I was like, yeah, that just increases over time. Handyman says, to be fair, I think you should mention the story is kind of exaggerated since you can already achieve this using your mobile phone camera or any kind of camera. It's basically just calling third party services. And we did acknowledge that it already exists. That's their whole point is that this already exists,
Starting point is 00:38:43 but it's the form factor that's scary, because somebody can walk into a bathroom wearing a pair of glasses. You can't walk into a bathroom with your phone out streaming data to some third party, you know, image identification service, unless your name is Guy, whatever is, whatever his last name is, don't disrespect. Yeah, yeah, I don't know. Yeah, like, like, no, no, no cool person walks into a bathroom with their camera out. That's a pretty normal looking pair of glasses. Those are just glasses. That's what's scary about it.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And the fact that you're right, this is just totally a thing that already exists is exactly their point. They're not, they're not developing this as a product. They're not even trying to. They're not even releasing what they've done. And to your point, what they've done is not a huge technical achievement. All they did was take off-the-shelf stuff and hook it into other off-the-shelf stuff. But that's the point. Right now, today, you could have someone walking around and disorderly says, but you can buy a spy camera that looks like a pen
Starting point is 00:39:49 you clip into your pocket. Yeah, absolutely. But it's the ease. Yeah. It's the ease and it's the integrations and it's the smoothness of the workflow. Like if you just have a pen, a pen, if you just have a pen camera sticking out of your pocket
Starting point is 00:40:06 and what you have to ultimately do is like go home at the end of the day and ingest that footage and then crunch it on your like, you know, multi GPU server cluster and retroactively go back and figure out who you interacted with. Like that's what we'd be talking about 10 years ago, right? That wasn't that scary. But this whole real time, you know, how many kids do you have? And what are their names? And, you
Starting point is 00:40:30 know, where did you go to school? And like, dude, that's that's scary. I still want the local Rolodex thing, right? Like you have to input the information of the people. But then that doesn't even work. Because I'm sure there's just gonna be databases you can download or you can use it. That data will leak. Yeah, yeah. All data will leak. Leaky data.
Starting point is 00:40:54 It's our new, it's leaky condos. It's just leaky data. Leaky condos. I'm just saying, it's a widespread problem. Leaky data It's gonna cause all kinds of trouble dude. You see 23 and me is in trouble. Oh That whole data set is gonna end up with someone. I'm so thrilled I'm so thrilled that relatives of mine have used these services, and I'm so excited about that. Yeah, really. Thank you
Starting point is 00:41:19 Thank you for that yeah and like every time we talk about that this kind of stuff and we'll have people in the audience that are like Yeah, but like legally insurance providers can't use that data and the guys laws change laws change the only Ignore them. Yeah that too That too if laws mattered then we wouldn't be where we are today I can pretty much guarantee you every single person in this building currently has broken the law at least once. Sure. I probably sped in my car on the way here today.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I probably did as well. Yeah, probably. Sure. For sure. Sure. Yeah. And that's the thing, right? So whether it's-
Starting point is 00:42:02 So just to give some insight on that, I bet you every single person that drove in BC did. Yeah, our speed limits. No one follows the speed limits here. To the point where it would be dangerous if you did so. I watched a really interesting documentary like ages ago. I've looked for it multiple times and I haven't been able to find it. So it must have been pulled off of YouTube or something. It must have been copyrighted.
Starting point is 00:42:24 But it was basically like an investigation into our speed limits and why they're too low and Why it's like actually dangerous and it just they just need to go up and how the provincial government just ignores it for the most Part. Yeah, really interesting. It's wacky man. You'll be driving with a police car behind you Following the pace of traffic like 20 kilometers an hour above the speed limit, police car's not lighting you up. And they'll like go around you. Yeah, they'll also get frustrated because you're actually going too slow.
Starting point is 00:42:53 It's just like, what is this? Like, oh man, what a joke. Anyways. Yeah, Kasul Kat in Float Plane Chat says, and this is such a great example of how laws are often so sort of myopic in their implementation. It goes, legally I can't ask age in a job interview because that could lead to age-based discrimination.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I added the end part there. So I ask when you graduated from college. It's like, yeah, you make a law, sometimes with really solid intent, age-based discrimination, that's bad, okay? But people are gonna find a way around it. They're gonna find a way to, you know, technically, either they're gonna just do something illegal
Starting point is 00:43:38 in a way where they're not gonna get caught, or they're gonna find a loophole, they're gonna find a way to technically get around it. It's just, our data is not gonna be protected. or they're gonna find a loophole, they're gonna find a way to technically get around it. It's just, our data is not gonna be protected. These products are absolutely going to end up in nefarious hands, and I'm so uncomfortable with it.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Yeah. And then, out of the other side of my mouth, I talk about how I wanna do automated scorekeeping at the Badminton Center, and how we could use facial recognition to track people's gameplay and You know whatever else I did In fairness to me, I trust myself to store that data only locally on site but
Starting point is 00:44:16 Maybe I shouldn't and that still doesn't technically mean that it's Invulnerable and it doesn't and and and and you know And it doesn't and and and and you know I hate to open this can of worms again But let's say that you know I died or I sold the company or whatever else There might be an expectation I'm not laughing because he said I'm gonna die I'm laughing because I realized the can of worms that he's mentioning that he's opening my bad my bad My point is that that that data sitting there could be seen as a treasure trove by whoever inherits or purchases that business.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And you saw what happened with the servers at NCIX? Yeah. Like this happened. The thing, the hypothetical that I'm talking about right now actually happened at NCIX. The owner didn't die, but the data was not managed correctly and people who ended up with servers from the auction Ended up with customer data from the auction that yeah that absolutely happened
Starting point is 00:45:14 All right Cool we're supposed to explain merge messages and do two merge messages now. Thanks, Dan Okay, so merge messages if you want to interact with the WAN Show, the best way to do it is to send a Merch Message like Chris F down here. Instead of sending Super Chats or Twitch Bits or anything like that, we strongly encourage people to send a Merch Message. That way you can throw money at your screen, you can support the WAN Show and all of the cool people who produce the WAN show and me. And you can also send in a, I don't know, something, whatever, you can send a message. So it'll either be replied to by producer Dan, or he'll send it to someone internally
Starting point is 00:45:56 who can answer your question for you, or he'll just pop it up on the screen if you just got a shout out or something like that, or he will curate it, and that'll look a little something like this. Dan, do you have a couple curated merch messages? Oh, or he will curate it. And that'll look a little something like this. Dan, do you have a couple of curated merge messages? Oh, I didn't tell people I had to send one. Go to and add anything to your cart and you will see a box where you can fill out a merge message.
Starting point is 00:46:14 All right, there we go. Sure, yeah, I've got one here for you. Hey, LLD, did you ever get any contact from iFixit with how they feel about your precision screwdriver? Yes. how they feel about your precision screwdriver? Um, yes. Um, I, I'm not really sure, I'm not really sure what to make of it. Are you saying about the tweet? No. Oh. No, no, I'm talking about, I'm talking about an email that came through after we talked about it on the WAN show.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Basically, we got an email from their agency saying that they are going to be pausing our relationship. They provided some reasons for that that are like, whatever. I told our team, they agreed to continue throughout the rest of the month of October, but I told the team if they want out, we shouldn't force them to work with someone that they don't want to work with. So if it's, you know, if it's the reasons they stated, then you know, cool, they can keep going or whatever, or if it's different reasons, and they're not comfortable working together, you know, that's fine. Basically what I left off with was we take our partnerships seriously, we want to maintain positive working relationships with everyone who shares our passion for repairable technology. Just tell them take their time, we'll be here when they're ready.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I'm good, or whatever. I mean, we're at a scale right now where no one sponsor can do anything which is impact us important, which is which is super important. And and to be clear, guys, there could be totally, totally unrelated business reasons or whatever, right? Like, I don't want you guys to pass any kind of judgment, but we have heard back from them. Not about this, like, not in response to any questions. We just heard from the agency. So that's where we're at. Transparency. Transparency. No, I'm not going to tell the reasons because that's their personal biz, right? So, yeah, but what I will say is they sound like perfectly plausible business reasons. So, I'm not, there's no judgment here.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I just want to make it clear that from our side, we have no intention of forcing them to fulfill any kind of pre-agreed contractual obligation. If they want out, then I have absolutely no problem with that. And if they ever want to work with us in the future, then the door is 100% open. But if I were you, I wouldn't expect to see a ton of iFixit sponsorships on Linus Media Group properties. You'll probably still see their products show up from time to time, like I've said, over and over and over again. We like the products, we love the mission, we consider them an ally, and so it is what it is. Well, alright then.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Next up. I'll get some announcements out of you first. Oh wait, don't we have another merch message? No, you gotta do the announcements and then you get one more. Oh, wait, no, don't we have another merch message? No, you gotta do the announcements and then you get one more. Oh, I do the announcements, okay. The long sleeve polo shirt is now available. We wanted to make something that you could wear
Starting point is 00:49:33 to the office this fall without sacrificing comfort and without sacrificing having a little personality. A little flair. A little bit of flair, a little bit of spark. So we created a long-sleeve polo shirt made of soft and slightly stretchy cotton elastane pique. Is that the word? Pique? Pique? Whatever. The best part is under the collar is a fun little pop of pink. You'll also notice that the buttons on the polo shirt aren't buttons. They're snaps. Not only are they easier to fasten, but they're great for jobs where buttons aren't allowed, like when you're working with specific machinery
Starting point is 00:50:06 where loose items can't be risked. Available now at Long Polo and that link goes to the forum. That may be misdirected. Daniel Besser is looking at it right now because I think he probably saw me click on it and saw me go to Linus tech tips calm Yep, that link is not working. So I'm just gonna manually show you guys the long-sleeve polo. Oh my goodness. This is such a hilarious shot of Dennis
Starting point is 00:50:38 They've definitely been having some fun with the photo shoots lately massive shout out the team this some fun with the photo shoots lately. Massive shout out to team this. This is great. Actually looks dope. Oh man. I love it. Touch and charade. Yeah. I love the post ones. Yeah. I actually I'm kind of, I'm kind of loving it. Yeah. Like these look great. Yeah. Do groups of people post in in in things the office attire has actually been a shockingly big mover for us
Starting point is 00:51:13 Just like something that's just working where to work. Yeah, that's just is there even a logo with us. Oh, yeah, very subtle Yeah here I can switch to the loot cam if you can show the people the logo. Oh Yeah, it I can switch to the loot cam. If you can show the people the logo. Oh yeah, it's in there somewhere. Yeah, we want people to be able to rep the brand without feeling uncomfortable, or if their workplace doesn't allow logos or whatever else. Yeah, it's just quality product, trust me, we'll guarantee all that good stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:41 The cargo pants have been doing really well, by the way. I have some good news. If you're a 32 inch inseam, I believe our reorder will include 32 inch inseam. So we are currently putting together a list for a reorder and longer boys are gonna be pretty excited to see that I think. That's mine.
Starting point is 00:52:00 I think you mentioned you were too, 32? 32, 32, maybe, maybe maybe 32 36. I cannot remember But 32 inseam 32. All right, thanks. You guys are in good shape robo 86 asks How much do you pay your staff for modeling? Uh, we actually don't it's completely voluntary. It's on it's during your shift Oh, yeah, so we do pay so you get yeah, you're hourly. Yep Oh yeah, so we do pay. So you get... Yeah. You're hourly.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Yep, and it's completely voluntary. If people want to do it, then that's totally cool. So everyone who ever posed in their underwear did so because they were like, I'm going to pose in my underwear. Let's go. Oh, you usually or often or always, I forget the exact rules. I think you get to keep the thing that you modeled as well. So yeah, it's just if you feel like it and you want to like rep the brand and you want
Starting point is 00:52:49 to be on the site, then you can do that or otherwise you don't have to. There is absolutely no pressure whatsoever to model the merge. Yeah. And I just, I think it's so cool that people volunteer. I think it's so cool that the models on our site are actual people who actually work on actual stuff here. So like Thomas works for Creator Warehouse in engineering. He's working on a cat toy right now.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Oh. Among other things that I can't talk about, but the cat toy is like a low-prior thing that he's working on. Yeah, Sherrod from the business team, Tatiana from the Creator Warehouse fashion team. Like these people, these are the people who actually bring you the content.
Starting point is 00:53:31 I love that when I clicked him, he was actually, they were like making an eye contact. I was gonna say, you gotta look at yourself. Yeah. Oh boy. Yeah, so I think that really sets our site apart from a lot of other like merch stores We wear the product and it clearly people want it enough that they're willing to you know
Starting point is 00:53:51 They're willing to pose with it for just to own it so I said can you stand up to show shirt length? Oh, yeah What size are you wearing XL XL Okay, and I'm in the medium. Alright. You're welcome. Alright. What are we supposed to do, Dan? Help me. Oh, you still got some announcements, unless you want to save them for later? Oh, I have more announcements? Oh yeah, there's loads. Oh, good gravy. ModMat signups.
Starting point is 00:54:28 We are another week closer to the launch of the LTT ModMat. To get notified right when it launches, sign up at slash modmat. I really hope that actually goes where it's supposed to go. This one does. Cool, that's good. Also, okay, this is big. Wanna shout out Ghost Keyboards.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Last week, I kinda gave them a hard time for publicly misrepresenting an endorsement from me of their product, because that never happened, but they made it seem like it did a kneeblast to their customers. Anyway, I don't wanna harp on that right now, because they have, in my opinion, done everything that is right and reasonable for them to do to make it right. They publicly posted what feels like an actual sincere apology, taking responsibility for misrepresenting the situation, taking action to make this right for anyone who bought the keyboard based on a perceived endorsement from me.
Starting point is 00:55:22 They have offered an extended refund window to anyone who purchased the keyboard in question during the time that they had that promotion running. So guys, apology accepted. Thank you very much. I am extremely pleased that we can just move forward in a positive fashion. So yeah, yeah, thank you Top Gear 1224. Other companies, take note, this is how you deal with it. We messed up, we take responsibility, here's what we're doing to make amends,
Starting point is 00:55:57 we are gonna learn from our mistakes, sincerely, boom. Thank you. Yeah, you guys made it right, and I appreciate that. I don't think you should have done that in the first place, but look, the past has to be in the past at some point, and that point is now. All right, Dan, what's next? All right, I got one more message for you, and then we're doing some more topics. Wan.dll, Linus, you're a
Starting point is 00:56:25 big fan of the Apple AirPods even though you use an Android. Would you recommend it to other people? What are the biggest issues you've had that I need to know before doing the same? Is this the announcement? But do I use an Android though? This is my new phone. This is the first time you've told them? No, no, I've talked about how I'm going gonna go iPhone. I actually haven't set it up yet. I tried earlier this week and it errored out because I moved around in the office and I think I
Starting point is 00:56:52 swapped to a different AP and so the transfer errored out and I had to reset it again. So I'm gonna get switched to it very, very, very soon. It's living in the pocket. It's gonna happen. When I have a free moment, I'll get the transfer wizard done. But overall, there's some annoyances, like the fact that there's no official app to change the functionality of the long press, that's kind of annoying. I don't know if it's just because my phone is really old,
Starting point is 00:57:16 but the performance of the AirPods when they're paired to an iPhone is so much better compared to when they're paired to my Note 9. Like on my Note 9, if I flip on the microwave to pop some popcorn or whatever, I basically can't hear anything if I'm standing anywhere near it because of the 2.4 gigahertz interference from microwaves.
Starting point is 00:57:36 But if I have it paired to my iPhone 12 Pro, which was my like utility iPhone that I had and then I will occasionally have them paired to, it's like almost flawless. It's not flawless because interference, but it's way better like world's better You know not having battery monitoring I guess is kind of a drag but I just charge them every day I've been using like I just don't really care air pods with Android the whole time and I don't know. Yeah Just plug them in.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Yeah, it just really doesn't. Doesn't bother me that much. I rarely need them for more than four hours in a row at a time, so the actual battery life of the AirPods themselves, and they charge so fast when they're in the charging case, it just, I don't know. And they charge in the charging case, so just plug the charging case in.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Most of the quality of life issues really don't seem like a huge deal. There is one really nice thing. When you're on an iPhone and you take them out, it'll pause. You take one out, it'll pause. You take two out and it'll just automatically switch to the phone speaker because it knows you don't have either of them in. Whereas on my Android phone, it'll just play through them.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Then again, just playing through them on my Android phone is how I found them. When I it'll just play through them. Then again, just playing through them on my Android phone is how I found them when I left them somewhere in the house. I turned the volume up and then I was able to find them. But then again, if I had an iPhone, I could just use the find my feature. So I don't know. I don't know. It's all good. I like them. I still, I really like them, but there are some really solid alternatives. So you know, by all means check out pixel buds check out galaxy buds I've heard the latest generation galaxy buds are really good, but I haven't tried them CompTIA revoked Linus's A plus certification question mark question mark question mark
Starting point is 00:59:26 question mark question mark question mark um how could they no they didn't what yeah so I think they type internet I think they typo'd the thing here's my here's my here's my a plus certification so I'm gonna here if I read this out can you verify sure what what do I have to is it in the doc? Okay my candidate ID is comp 00... Are you what's that? Am I supposed to be doing it? Are you are you doing okay Luke? You okay? Luke are you okay over here? Okay I got it. Okay I thought you wanted me to actually type it in. Comp001, 022-462-766. Oh wait, they totally entered it right. Yeah. Okay, I'm confused now. Did they revoke it then?
Starting point is 01:00:16 Because I thought Chewie said that- Wait, you didn't check? Well no, Chewie said- Chewie told me they didn't, and he said that he replied to the thing that they didn't. And then that but that it wasn't getting a lot of traction. And so I was supposed to talk about it on the WAN show. Yeah, the verification code. Oh, hold on. Apparently, apparently this is the verification code. Okay, well, Hold on, hold on. Here we go. Verification code. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Slypho. They missed a letter. Yeah, active. There you go. So no, no they did not. Apparently the user, okay, so I gave you the candidate ID So what what what code is this? Five piece of oh, oh, it's the code at the bottom here. Yeah, yeah, I see not the candidate ID
Starting point is 01:01:19 So yeah, I know here's my here's my framed a plus that I still have for now Look at you, dude. Yeah, I know right people trust the videos now. Yeah. Yep. It's good We needed this my bros. They can trust me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yep Well is my product that showed up defective we're gonna be taken care of I think so he's got an a plus certification Yeah, a plus a plus that's the that's the grade. Yeah It's like a but better sounds like you should probably trust them bro. It's Canadian. That's the grade. Yeah. It's like A but better. Sounds like you should probably trust them, bro. It's Canadian. It's enhanced Canadian. A plus.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Sorry. We should maybe do something else now. C plus plus is just D. Hey look! Amazon's doing dark patterns again. Legacy customers with Amazon's Ring alarm system will soon have to pay double for its monitoring service. According to emails sent to Ring Protect Plus customers,
Starting point is 01:02:12 they will be migrated to the Pro plan in March, which costs $200 a year as opposed to $100 a year. That's double the number of hundreds of dollars a year. That's bad. Yes. One of those customers happens to be Verge writer Sean Hollister who found it strange that Amazon's email started with, this is your reminder. As it's the first time. Yeah he did manage to find an FAQ that claimed that customers had been emailed about the change in September of 2021. But he then dug up the relevant email, whose subject line read,
Starting point is 01:02:47 important, your plan name has changed. In the body of the email, it read, don't worry, everything else is staying the same. The actual notification that the plan itself would be phased out and migrated to Ring Protect Pro was located in a small footnote at the bottom of the email. That is skeezy. You know, if they got the upgrade for free, then sure. Other Ring users have posted emails from Amazon on Reddit which have the heading, new name, new new features same great price These emails then go on to note that their subscription will no longer include alarm professional monitoring and SOS emergency response
Starting point is 01:03:34 Amazon has not given a reason for the price increase This is flipping wild. Here's some screenshots This does not sound like a price increase. Here's a question for you. Here's a question. Is this puffery? I? Mean apparently Apparently that's throwback to our first topic you were just joining us yeah That's a massive yikes this sucks I Yeah. That's a massive yikes. This sucks. I- What is happening down there?
Starting point is 01:04:08 That's the deep rants spot. I don't know what it is. Okay. I don't know how to deal with this because we've talked about this fairly recently, actually, where I basically said, look, a contract should be a contract and you shouldn't be able to unilaterally change it. And the response to that is, well, from a legal standpoint, the contract is auto renewing on a monthly basis and every month it's a new contract. So they're just giving their customers a new contract. The problem with that logic though is that in my mind there's an implicit long-term expectation for anything with an upfront cost that we are not, in fact,
Starting point is 01:04:52 on a month-to-month deal here where you can change it anytime you want. And for something like a security system, that upfront cost is a lot more than just a few hundred dollars on a camera here and there. It could be creating a workflow around it. It could be training people on how to use it. It could be the time that you invest in installing it. Once you're in this ecosystem, it's actually a hugely highly fric-tious, high friction. The point is that it can be a lot of work to get out of it. And so if all you have is this, you know, month-to-month agreement that can just be
Starting point is 01:05:32 changed unilaterally by the provider at any time, what is your protection? What is the point of having a contract? And I don't know how to deal with this because yeah you can't you can't force you can't force a company to maintain the same terms of service and the same pricing model in perpetuity that's not fair or right either but you also can't be in a situation where freaking everything is like negotiating with Darth Vader. I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it further. Why?
Starting point is 01:06:09 But I'm stuck in this deal. Yeah. I'm Lando! What if it, what if... I think we've had these conversations before, but what if, what if you were offered a full refund at that moment? Like, hey, the subscription cost is doubling. We're going to actually tell you properly instead of trying to hide it, to be clear.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Let's make that major change and then offer you a refund. Because I understand the initial buy-in thing is rough, but I can also understand where like market conditions might change. They might need to charge more for the upkeep and maintenance of something but if that's the case do they just offer to essentially buy back your product I think I think if they buy back the product I'm okay yeah I mean Google did that with stadia I wasn't mad yeah like if you're if you if you can't afford if it's not if it's no longer sustainable for you to offer me the service that
Starting point is 01:07:04 you offered me at the price that we all agreed on, then by all means, here, you can take your stuff back and I'll take my money back. You can say as much as you want about how like, well, they should have scoped it in better and like understood their costs and stuff like that. And that's all farewell and good when you're talking about things without doing things. good when you're talking about things
Starting point is 01:07:25 without doing things. But when you start doing things, you run into this problem where basically every company, if they want to be competitive, have to operate on economies of scale. So when you're developing something, you have to assume some amount of scale and price into that. And if you don't reach that scale, it might not be economically viable anymore. But at that point, like it's not your customer's fault that it isn't economically viable. Yeah, that's not their problem. So, you gotta buy back your devices. Squirrel King makes a really great point here.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Like, let's pretend that an employment contract worked like this. Would you accept that? Would you accept an employment contract that was essentially a month-to-month contract that they could just change at any time? I guess employment contracts don't, but contract contracts sort of do, depending on the terms. Usually they max at a year, and then you have to renegotiate. They can, but that's a little more complicated, because a lot of the time, a contractor can also make the argument that if they're fulfilling the role of an employee, that they should be considered an employee, and should be considered an employee
Starting point is 01:08:25 and their protections should be employee grade protections as opposed to just contract protections. Like there's, no, I don't think people will accept that. And so if we don't accept that, that we could just be paid less. If our employer decides arbitrarily this month that we'll be paid less. Well then we should.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Well yeah, obviously I agree with that to be clear. But it's, I'm just, I'm trying to think of scenarios where that does happen. And I guess it happens on a company level. But I don't think it normally happens on an individual level. Like if we have a some form of work contract with some company, it's very likely that it might be a shorter term renewing contract. Yeah, yeah, it probably would be. But that's company to company, that's not person to company or person to person. I think usually person to person there's more protections.
Starting point is 01:09:16 And yeah, and I'm talking about like consumer protections. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like protections for the individual. It just feels like we've ignored them for so long. Yeah. And I'm tired of it. Lena Kahn, dude. She's doing work. It's been getting a little bit better.
Starting point is 01:09:36 All right, what else we got? Anyway, Amazon. Dad, stop it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, sponsors, thanks, Dan. The show is brought to you by Manscaped. Can you spot me in this photo? Nice. That's what you'll look like if you don't tie yourself up with Manscaped. They just dropped the new Chairman Pro
Starting point is 01:09:59 package and it has everything you need to transform yourself from Sasquatch to Sphinx. Inside you'll find the Chairman Pro electric foil shaver, power shave gel, and face shave soother, all in one bundle. The foil shaver features a 360 degree contouring head and two interchangeable skin safe blade heads, so whether you're going for smooth as butter or a rugged look, they've got you covered. Plus, with their FlexAdjust technology, the pivoting head adapts to the contours of your face and neck, making shaving a breeze. And don't forget the Power Shave Gel and Face Shave Soother, which help reduce
Starting point is 01:10:35 redness and irritation before and after you shave. Check out the Chairman Pro Package at slash LTT20 and use code LTT 20 to get 20% off plus free shipping. Look at that. That's international shipping. Wow. Wow. That's good though. That's good. The show is also brought to you by Squarespace. Ever gotten lost in one of those how to code a website tutorials? Trust me, even with all the tech tips, your site can still end up looking like a five-year-old's art project.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Uncle Linus Painting Company. That is actually from me painting at Dennis's house. Fun fact. Anywho, our sponsor Squarespace is your all-in-one website platform that uses AI to help anyone build a beautiful personalized website with ease. Not only do they offer a variety of award-winning templates, but they also provide tons of features to help you on your online business. You can send invoices, accept payments from your clients through debit credit, ACH and more, and you can do it right on Squarespace. You'll also get access to Analytics, so you can track your site's performance and see what's working for your business.
Starting point is 01:11:35 We love how simple Squarespace is. Anyone can hop in and make updates, and that's why we use it for our site too. We're actually working on a redesign that's going to look a lot better than this one, so stay tuned for that. Plus you can pick from tons of domain names with built-in privacy and security. So start building your website today and receive 10% off your first purchase by visiting slash LTT.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Finally, the show's brought to you by One Password. Imagine your company's security like the backyard of my house. Huh. That's a really- That's an interesting shot that they chose. Weird shot. You've got some real distance going on there. The nice paved paths are laid out for company-owned devices, IT-approved apps and managed employee identities, so only the approved ones can enter my house. But
Starting point is 01:12:19 the shortcuts through the grass symbolize unmanaged devices, shadow IT apps, and trespassers, like Dennis. Most security tools only operate on the brick paths, but ignore what lurks in the long grass. This is such a weird thing that he's done. That's where our sponsor, One Password, Extended Access Management comes in. It helps weed out unmanaged devices, apps, and identities, ensuring strong and protected user credentials. They address issues that traditional IAM and MDM can't handle. It's available now for companies with Okta
Starting point is 01:12:52 and coming later this year to Google Workspace and Microsoft Entra. Check it out at slash Wancho. Cool. Huh. All right. OK, it's Merge Message time, apparently. Yeah. Hit me, Dan. All right. Okay, it's merge message time, apparently. Yeah. Hit me, Dan.
Starting point is 01:13:10 LDL, hoping you can settle an argument. I've been saying for the... We will make more. Yes. I've been saying for the non-gamer, Intel and AMD waited too long to release HEDT chips, and Apple now dominates that space with the Mac studio thoughts No All right next question
Starting point is 01:13:32 Well, I think should we say a little bit more about it correct, okay? So okay, okay, I think I think the bigger the bigger thing that happened to the HEDT market is that the high-end consumer chips kind of took their place. I mean, you can get a Ryzen 9950X, which has 16 flippin' cores. They're ripping fast, they're Zen 5, and you can put that on a Commodity AM5 motherboard. I believe some of them even support ECC memory, even if it's unofficial. Does Ryzen 9000 still support ECC? I actually did not look into that. We're gonna have a look. Yes, they all support ECC memory with the caveat that it requires motherboard support.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Is that different than the 7000 series? Yeah, okay, so it seems to seems to still be a thing the point is that if you want a If you want like a random Like affordable workstation you don't have to go to high-end desktop and the only real reason to go Threadripper Pro to go To go for a true high-end desktop. Oh, right then on the Intel side You've got like their 24 core chips at the high end of their consumer models So the only real reason to go high-end desktop would be if you need like mondo memory bandwidth, which admittedly the Mac Studio is going to do a great job of, especially if your workload benefits from sharing that memory between the CPU and GPU. Or if you need a whole bunch of PCIe
Starting point is 01:15:00 expansion, which the Mac Studio doesn't address at all. So I don't think the Mac Studio is really up against ATGT at all. I think it's up against high end consumer and high end consumer is anything but dead. That's not dead at all. With that said, I think that Apple has kind of killed their own workstation market a little bit. I was actually I was thinking of pitching this to Horst as a Mac address video. Like I think the biggest damage Apple has probably done to their M silicon lineup is by making the M1 series too good. I have not talked to a single person running a first gen M series Mac who's like yeah
Starting point is 01:15:45 I really need something newer and I'm sure there's people who are like like hardcore into Like music production how old are max at this point? Sorry, I'm like four or five years old now Hardcore into music production or who does a lot of you know rendering work or whatever else who legitimately needs a better one. But in terms of general consumers, which let's face it, there's a lot of Apple's customers, even though they put pro at the end of everything. M1 series is like, yeah, Dwinlen says, yeah, I'm still on M1 and it's great. Yeah, 2020. Apparently it was 2020. Yeah, my m1 max max studio is still kicking butt. J5 says m1 fucks Yeah, dude
Starting point is 01:16:31 There's just there's Apple keeps kind of coming out and be like, yeah We've got new M silicon and and it's really great And if I was buying a new Mac because I like didn't have one I would get the new one or whatever. I Think I think that type of life cycle is just becoming a thing for all computers now. I think that's you know I realized the other day my dad who still plays you know not necessarily the most demanding games but he plays any game that he wants yeah that comes out new whatever Sandy Bridge. Wow.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Okay. To the point where I never realized. To the point where you're a bad son. It was never a problem. You know which one it is too? It's the one you gave him for doing the whole room water cooling plant. No way. Yeah. That's kind of sick. Yeah. Because I was like wait what? Wait like why would you even have that? And then I looked in his computer I was like. If Rob needs an upgrade also by the way, I have literally given him one He just hasn't built the computer. Yeah, never mind. Okay, because he wants to do this like I haven't had the heart to really tell him that Tynan already did it But he wants to do a like hard copper piped
Starting point is 01:17:41 Cooled system and he's like designing it all and all that's gonna That's cool with one of the actually one of stuff. Oh, that's cool. With one of the, actually one of the members of the community that was one of the whales at Whaleland. That's super cool. He's designing it with him. Okay. And it's gonna be this like sick thing.
Starting point is 01:17:54 So he hasn't bothered to upgrade his platform and stuff yet because the games that he plays doesn't really need it anyways, and because he's- He's waiting to do like an epic build. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, all copper builds have been done many times. I don't think it matters that he's got like this. I don't want to spoil it,
Starting point is 01:18:09 but he's got this like specific design element that he wants to tie in, which is like genuinely really cool. So super cool. Luke's dad aimed ultimate tech upgrade. That'd be kind of sick. Look, I can't, I can't preferentially, you know, make sure he gets one. But I think, I think if you, I think if you threw him in the sick. I mean, look, I can't, I can't preferentially, you know, make sure he gets one. But I think,
Starting point is 01:18:26 I think if you, I think if you threw him in the thing, I mean, he's, he's, he's done some stuff for us behind the scenes. I don't know. I don't know. You know what? I don't want to, I, I'm not in charge of that. Yeah. To clear it. If the rule makers are cool. Clear it with the powers that be. Clear it with the powers that be. I'm fine with it though. Yeah. That's what I'll say. I'll say that.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Hey, Luke, Dan and Linus, was there a point in the business where you ever questioned where you wouldn't be able to keep promises that you had made to anyone inside or outside the company? That's a hilarious question. Remember the whole trust me bro backpack warranty controversy? Yeah. Yeah, that was like, that was a big part of it. That's what it's based around. That's the whole thing where I was like, okay, we should
Starting point is 01:19:10 really thoughtfully craft something that will be enduring and that will capture the spirit of, you know, what I would do if I was still around, but also not be, albatross hanging around the neck of someone that might inherit or purchase the company or whatever else. And it turns out that what people actually wanted was just a generic sh** like warranty statement that basically just allows us to weasel out of anything. And we gave them that and they were happy with it. And I was like, okay, bye. Sure.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Oh wait, I'm not allowed to say that. Okay, bye everybody. Okay, show's over. I'm pushing the button. Crap. You know, I think as well, like these days, I mean, we have proven that the company has a lot of resiliency these days. Yep. But in the really early days, I mean, we have we have proven that the company has a lot of resiliency these days.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Yeah. But in the really early days, I think we were all somewhat doing that to each other, just be like, No, we're fine. It'll be okay. We're fine. These, this new debt or big risk that we've taken or whatever is fine. And then, you know, a few years in, it ended up being true. But I think at the beginning, we were all somewhat, if you reassure each other enough times, you're kind of reassuring yourself. Yeah, I mean, there were definitely times in the first six months that I told Luke and Ed, okay, we got this, let's go, let's go, let's go.
Starting point is 01:20:36 And I wasn't 100% sure if we had this, but I was sure as heck gonna do my best. That might have been some puffery. Yeah, yeah, exactly. to do my best that might have been some puffery. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Back to the back to the backpack thing for a second. My point, my point was always just that the will of the company to honor the warranty is everything and the exact terms are sort of immaterial and I think that we've seen this time and time again, since I said that.
Starting point is 01:21:10 So now you guys have a written warranty statement, but if you carefully read it, it's basically at our discretion, if we do anything. And if you read anyone else's warranty, it's the same. It's basically at their discretion because a warranty exists as legal liability butt-covering That's why that's why it's written It's not for you. It's there for the company. It's not there for you. Yeah, and There's a lot of things that are true that way and if Pay more attention I get shot as a messenger a lot
Starting point is 01:21:41 Pay more attention. I don't know what else to say. I get shot as a messenger a lot. Yeah. I don't know, whatever. But yeah, just like stop, stop assuming. Like, yeah, I don't know. Company, company, ah. Companies aren't here to make you happy.
Starting point is 01:22:04 That's a hopefully intended by byproduct of them making money. Mr. Blonde42 says a limited warranty limits the customer's rights, not the company's, yeah. And what's actually really interesting is we did a video recently, I don't know if we've actually uploaded it yet, or if I've watched it but you guys haven't seen it yet. Oh no, I think you guys have seen this one where there's this memory. It's the
Starting point is 01:22:30 buying the worst products, the worst products one. The memory comes with a limited lifetime warranty and then if you actually dig into the warranty, which is not available anywhere on their site, but Tom's Hardware asked them for it when they covered the brand. I forget what the brand is, but it's in that video. Within the first year, you get a brand new replacement. After the first year, for the next two years, you get a refurbished replacement. And then after that, they charge you to fix it. My favorite. So if you told me you have a lifetime warranty, but after a couple of years, it basically
Starting point is 01:23:08 meant give me that water bottle. Oh, it's broken. Okay. That'll be $25 for a new water bottle. Is that, is that a fucking warranty? My my technically, legally, it is that's a warranty. My favorite limited lifetime warranties are when they're limited lifetime warranties
Starting point is 01:23:29 only on manufacturer defects. So it's like if you don't notice a manufacturer defect for 40 years, we'll cover it. But it's like, what do you even mean? Like dude, the warranty for the backpack is like, yeah, it doesn't cover wear and tear. So literally it's a lifetime warranty on that. When you first got it, it's good.
Starting point is 01:23:51 So if you never removed it out of the box and you kept the box in a temperature and environmentally controlled chamber and then opened it in 20 years, maybe, you know, and there was a defect with it or something. People had no idea what they were asking me for. Yeah. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:24:08 I handled it poorly. Oh yeah. Let's go. Poor handling. Yeah. Yeah. Like, yeah, I did not explain it well. And realistically, we should have just-
Starting point is 01:24:19 You dug your heels in, we should have just given them a warranty. We should have just had the stupid, meaningless piece of paper for you. We should have just done both. You should have given the warranty first meaningless piece of paper for you. You should have just done both. You should have given the warranty first and then been like, by the way, it doesn't matter. What matters is this other stuff.
Starting point is 01:24:31 We probably should have a lot of things. Yeah, sounds like fun. At that time, I think the CW team was like seven people or something like that. Maybe even less. And we didn't have, we literally still don't, we still don't have a lawyer on staff. No. Right, like we didn't have a we literally still don't, we still don't have a lawyer on staff. No.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Right, like we didn't have a ton of experience doing that stuff. We wouldn't have enough work for them, but it does suck sometimes. Oh, I know, 100%. I just mean like, I'm looking at it going like, it just wasn't a priority, because we knew that if there was a problem,
Starting point is 01:24:59 we were gonna take care of it. And I get it, you know, you guys wanted assurance, it's just that what we gave you wasn't assurance. The only assurance we gave you was our word and also this worthless piece of paper. Alan, I don't know if this is true or not, but Alan in Float Plane Chat says lifetime is the expected lifetime of the product as defined by the manufacturer, not the lifetime of the buyer. That's true.
Starting point is 01:25:21 I didn't even know that. Yeah. No, the whole thing is just complete nonsense. That's even worse. It's complete nonsense. And it... I don't know. And to be clear, some companies are really good about it. Yep.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Like they will honor stuff well beyond what is actually reasonable. Usually it's companies honoring things beyond the warranty. It's not, yeah. Or they have like an agreement, which isn't technically a warranty. Yeah, Neen exists says it's companies honoring things beyond the warranty. It's not, yeah. Or they have like an agreement, which isn't technically a warranty. Yeah, Neen exists says, it's a lifetime warranty. When it wears out or is broken, the lifetime is up.
Starting point is 01:25:53 So the warranty has run out. Genius. I love it. Anyway, we got you. Oh, interesting. Ben Mitchell said, lifetime fluids in cars equals a warranty period. A BMW lifetime fluid in a gearbox is 50,000 miles.
Starting point is 01:26:15 Wow. Yeah. The wording of things is so crazy sometimes. Yeah. Oh man. That's hilarious. All right, hit us Dan. Sure, I got one more.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Hey guys, was wondering what are your thoughts on continuous returns? Buy a laptop at Costco, play for 90 days, return, get brand new one. Is that bad e-waste wise? I'm pretty sure it's fraud. It's called friendly fraud or retail fraud. So have fun with that. Pay your taxes or don't. What do you guys think about not paying your taxes ever? If I never pay them they can't find me. They won't know I exist. Free housing, speed run. Don't be surprised if you eventually do get put on a persona non grata list. You may not be welcome to shop at Costco forever if you do that. Look, I am not going to lie to you.
Starting point is 01:27:18 I have taken advantage of generous return policies before. I shouldn't have. That was bad. I actually remembered recently, probably the most egregious example of this. Wee woo wee woo wee woo. Yeah, it's bad. It's really bad. The most egregious example of this was actually when I was working at NCIX and I bought- Oh, I know this one! Three TVs from Best Buy so that I could make a video about a triple TV setup and then I returned them.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Yeah, that's not great. I gotta admit, I didn't properly think about the implications. Like I didn't think about that these were basically gonna be sold at a loss. Like I didn't look at their open box pricing. I was just like, I need three TVs now. Oh, I don't need those anymore. Wait, do we have to keep these?
Starting point is 01:28:22 Yeah, I don't need them anymore. They're in perfect shape. I put them back all nice. Like, is this really that much of a problem? That was really bad. I really shouldn't have done that. Chiff5609 says, don't people do this with clothes a lot? I've actually heard that that's a trend that is skyrocketing right now.
Starting point is 01:28:42 I forget what it's called. There's like a term for it. Is it called labeling or something? Buying clothes and returning trend. Wardrobing. Yeah, the term wardrobeing may not be common yet, but the trend is, this is from Times of India. So yeah, shoppers are buying clothes
Starting point is 01:29:03 just for the Instagram pic, hiding the labels in the shot, and then returning them. And apparently, like high-end boutiques are dealing with a ton of this right now. That's super cool, dude. That's awesome. Yeah, so it's a whole thing. And have I done this? Yes. Do I feel bad about it? Yes. Should I do that again? No. No, I should not. I think that for my part,
Starting point is 01:29:33 unless I have a strong intent to own the product, like I'll return things if I'm not happy with them, if they don't meet my expectations, but if I buy something, it's because I have a strong intent to own it. I'm sorry Best Buy. I've barely ever returned anything. I don't buy very many things, which is probably the root of that cause. Well you and I have both taken advantage of extended warranties. I know that. Oh yeah! Let's go! That one? Given the predatory nature of them, I think I could probably rationalize myself into an I don't feel that bad about it space.
Starting point is 01:30:16 Yeah, it's not technically okay. However, what I will say is I probably took it pretty far. Oh, yeah. So. But, you know. That's that. is I probably took it pretty far. Oh yeah. So. But you know. That's that. Yep. You just, you decide what you're okay with
Starting point is 01:30:32 and you move on. And that also happened at a time when I really didn't have any money, which doesn't make it okay either. But also. And I'm sorry. But also that whole extended warranty thing at particularly the shop that it
Starting point is 01:30:46 happened at, Future Shop, was pretty skeezy and pretty pushy and pretty exploitative. It was realistically only through taking advantage of loopholes that you could ever really benefit from it. And so I found those loopholes. Yeah. And benefit from them I did. Yeah. But I shouldn't have done that. Sure. How did we end up on this topic? That was a that was a merch message. I don't know what it was, but yeah it was. All right, cool. Um. Two, three more topics. Yeah, hit me. California tries to keep big tech out of your brain, but does it go far enough? California became the second... It's gone.
Starting point is 01:31:37 California became the second US state to officially protect neural data in state law after Colorado. The bill amends the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 and as such prevents companies from selling or sharing a person's neural data. It also requires companies to make efforts to anonymize the data, okay, make efforts to anonymize also known as, eh, why not, and gives consumers the right to know what information is collected and the right to delete that information. However, some mental privacy advocates don't feel the law goes far enough in how it defines neural data. While this law protects the raw data from your brain and nerves, it's not clear whether the law covers
Starting point is 01:32:22 inferences and conclusions made from that data. Oh, information that is arguably more sensitive. Oh, good Lord. For sure. Sorry, I'm reading ahead. This is, oh man. For example, MIT technology review points out that, that research has used EEG data,
Starting point is 01:32:40 a measure of the brain's electrical activity, to predict volunteers' sexual orientation or whether they use recreational drugs conclusions like this may not be covered Although what is interesting is that if you were ever not sure if like being gay is real Because I don't know you live in the stone age or something like that brain waves here you go cool. You're welcome privacy advocates or something like that. Brain waves. Here you go. Cool. You're welcome. Privacy advocates have also argued for broadening the definition of neural data to include physiological and behavioral data, since brain activity isn't the only indicator of how you're feeling.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Heart rate can indicate excitement or stress, and eye tracking can indicate what choice you're likely to make. Interesting. Oh man, yeah, eye tracking, if it indicates what choice you're likely to make, and then if they figure out that you're choosing the one that they don't want you to choose, they could do like a flash sale right before your eyes to get you to get the one that they want you to buy? That sucks. That's terrible. I'm happy they're moving on this, but I mean- It feels like it's not gonna be enough.
Starting point is 01:33:55 There's gonna be loopholes. We're just- We're boned. Even at the front, right? Like- We're boned, dude. We're requiring companies to make efforts to anonymize the data that means they're going to do the absolute minimum as required by law and try to hide it as much as possible that doesn't mean they're gonna do it
Starting point is 01:34:16 Cypherin says we already know free will isn't an actual thing you could very much predict a lot of stuff. Oh no! Cory is the name says the proletariat will rise up and eat the rich before this all gets too far out of hand just wait. I don't know if they can. What's And who did that good video on authoritarianism? Is it MQs of Power, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah? Who was it? CGP Grey, The Rules for Rulers. You should watch this because the thing is, when you have the tools of mass surveillance
Starting point is 01:34:59 and you have tools of mass oppression, you don't actually need a lot of people that you take care of really well to maintain power over a great many people who you are exploiting. And it's pretty scary. It's an older video, but it is definitely worth having a look at the rules for rulers from CGP Grey CGP Grey hasn't had any like controversies or anything has he? Who knows? Okay? Well, I just mean okay I hope not. It's too hard. I don't know who I'm promoting. Yeah, they just gotta the audience has got to get over that Yeah, it's too much. I would be so sad if he ever did. Yeah, I
Starting point is 01:35:46 Have seen his face. Oh my. Which I don't know if it's interesting anymore. An unmasker! Because, yeah, he might have done a face reveal. I have no idea. I haven't paid attention lately. I would also just like you guys to remember that I advocated for you. Don't eat me. Would you eat me? sure really no like are we
Starting point is 01:36:10 talking if I was dead already yeah you would actually participate in the murder first well I'm not I'm not gonna like which scenario are we looking I'm not gonna Caesar you I know we could find 12 more people But if someone else seasoned me Caesar Caesar I meant oh, okay, okay, I'm just I would put Frank's on yeah Lucas and Brutus no and you look at no, but when you're When you're running your cult town yeah, okay, you'd have to be careful to not get caesared all right. Oh that makes sense Yeah, okay. I'm not gonna be running a cult town. We've talked about this. That's you. That's your dream
Starting point is 01:36:56 Not my dream instead of our dream is loam Man Crystal says I'm not a billionaire, so I'm not rich enough for that and I am NOT Oh man. Um, Crystal says I'm not a billionaire, so I'm not rich enough for that. And I am not. I want to make that very clear. By any measurement of my assets, I am- Where is the line? Is the line billionaire?
Starting point is 01:37:16 I had this conversation with David. I know. Like ages ago. I forget, I forget where the line is and it's um, it's after hours so I'm not gonna bother him about it. See? See? I'm not gonna bother him about it see See I'm one of the nice ones Like I've called Nick like yeah, whatever Nick Nick's in management whatever yeah Yeah, but people are saying most people are saying billionaire. It looks oh
Starting point is 01:37:40 Canadian or American that's a huge difference. Oh Oh, Canadian or American? That's a huge difference. Oh, I'm nowhere near either. Like, it's not even... Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm saying where the line is. Oh, we gotta talk in US dollars. US dollars is the global measure of wealth. So, without looking at the answers, okay, so where's your line? Let's bring Dan into this. To, like, the Eat the Rich line? Yeah, the Eat the Rich... Where's the Eat the Rich line? I mean, there's a couple schools of thought because
Starting point is 01:38:11 Okay, we have an expert. Thank you Dan. Yes, I mean cuz you've got like a lot of people talk about the middle class Yeah, and the lower class and the upper class, but there's only working class and like the ownership class, right? middle class is kind of a design to split the people right against the against the uppers of society. Technically, Linus would be one of those people already because he employs people and owns a factory. But he does also work. Yeah, but.
Starting point is 01:38:40 I don't have to, though. You don't have to. I think that's an important line. I don't have to, realistically You don't have to I think that's an important line. I don't I don't have to realistically anymore Yeah, exactly does Linus deserve to be guillotined Well, hold on a second, let me just jump in and correct you it's guillotined That's probably not gonna win me any favors All right, I'll go get the one in my car
Starting point is 01:39:06 I'm waiting for this. Yeah, I don't know. It's a little difficult, right? Where is the line of like Bezos to Linus? Literature would tell us that there is no line, right? Interesting, but I can tell you that the difference between my lifestyle and my wealth and Bezos's. It's extremely dramatic.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Absolutely. Is incomparable. Colossal. But he literally wanted them to deconstruct a fucking bridge. For his fancy boat. So that he could get his boat out of the shipyard. Like this is like.
Starting point is 01:39:37 It's a historical bridge. Eh, I like my. Everyone has a price. I like my boat. I would like to. I need to get my shirts out. My boat needs to be in slightly different water. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:39:50 I'm sure there's a line. You need to get my shirts out? Well, because you have the $400 shirts and you need them in your villa in the south of France. This is a great post from Imperator. The difference between $1 billion and $1 million is approximately $1 billion. What if you had $800 million or $500 million or $100 million? I don't know. I feel unqualified to weigh in on this.
Starting point is 01:40:14 I'm just kind of sitting here and figuring out if I need to get my go-bag. Linus has money, right? And I think, Linus, we've talked about this after when, a few times now, right? Linus is, he's got money. But there's also, there's also, he doesn't have like, a lot of money. There's also an interesting question because like, the, the, the valuation of the company was something that was brought up a little while ago. So we said publicly what the offer was,
Starting point is 01:40:40 but this is one of those, as much as we've tried to rage against this, we are one of those inverted pyramid YouTube companies. Where if you leave, we're in trouble. Like the machine is itself sustaining. Like Amazon will be okay. It might have a pretty flat bottom of the pyramid, an inverted pyramid, but it's still an inverted pyramid. So, and we're trying... And we're trying? We're trying to make that better, but it is hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Um, what we do. It's not necessarily about that, I think. I think it is, though, because that is not cash that he has. That is an asset that he owns, which is the company. If we take Linus out of the equation, I think he's just an example in this, right? Take me out of the equation? I don't like the direction this is going. Well, pull him into pieces, right? Like Linus has money, right?
Starting point is 01:41:35 Those machines are in Diablo. Yeah, exactly. But he doesn't have like extreme levels of wealth, like intergenerational levels of wealth. What I'm saying is too, is if he stops working, also known as leaves the company, the value of the thing that he owns goes down significantly. But again, it's not about necessarily Linus in particular. When we're talking about this line, right? Say Linus just owned the factory that is LMG, right?
Starting point is 01:41:57 Sure. Right? He could dissolve it, that would be fine. He could take the money from the buyout, which would be what, nine figures or something like that. Yeah, but the buyout required him to stay, so he's still working. It did require me to stay for a period of two years. Again, you're still using him as the example. Yeah, but he's the thing that we're talking about.
Starting point is 01:42:13 If you had $100 million, right? Yeah. And wasn't working, or just owned the company and did other things, like, is that where the line is? This is what I'm asking. Is it $50 million? Because what I'm saying is he doesn't have $100 million. or just owned the company and did other things, like is that where the line is? Is it 50 million? Is it 10 million? Because what I'm saying is he doesn't have 100 million dollars.
Starting point is 01:42:29 I don't. Because he didn't accept the buyout. And... But I own an asset that's worth that. But the asset is worth less if I'm not working. Yeah. So it's complicated. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Okay, but my question, let's get off the subject of me for a minute. That's what I'm trying to do. No! My question is, where would the line be if we weren't talking about me? That's what I'm trying to do. Does it come down to what you do day to day?
Starting point is 01:43:01 Is it your lifestyle, or is it your wealth, like your net worth, or is it your cash? Because you could have a very frugal lifestyle, but you could have a ton of cash in the bank and just choose to live like a normal person. You could have an extravagant lifestyle, but actually have no real assets, so you're just you're living check to check, but you have a huge income. You could have huge wealth, huge net worth, but actually all of it is illiquid, illiquid, illiquid, whatever. It's not liquid, right? It's tied up. It's in companies that
Starting point is 01:43:44 that are private companies, so you can't just trade the stock on the open market or anything like that. So in that category, you could live a very extravagant lifestyle, or you could not live a very extravagant lifestyle, or you could live somewhere in between. Like, what are we measuring here?
Starting point is 01:44:02 I don't know, I think it depends on too many, yeah, your disregard for human life, which is an impossible thing to measure, but I do agree, which is part of the problem. Because if you own a bunch of businesses, but aren't raking disgusting, ruin the world level profit margins like a lot of businesses do, and you're employing a bunch of people in jobs that are paying them well and stuff like that, if you have a bunch of wealth because you technically own all these businesses, I don't think you should just be guillotined.
Starting point is 01:44:30 I think that that kind of depends on the person, right? Because technically you would be of the ownership class and therefore subject to head separation, right? Okay. But does it? Okay. So tell me this, on the subject of head separation then, does it come down to what your answer to the trolley problem would be? Hmm. Would you- Do you own the company that produces the trolleys?
Starting point is 01:44:57 Are you the train company? If so, head separated. If you are employed by the train company to drive the train over people, then you don't get guilty. But does that mean that the person pulling the lever who doesn't own anything regardless of decision is cool? I don't know if you had four billionaires on one side and one billionaire on one side like how can I drift across both tracks, you know? It's uh... Déjà vu!
Starting point is 01:45:26 Déjà vu! I've seen that done a lot. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know where is the line. If it's just monetary wealth, like Linus said, it depends how you use it. If you just have a lot of wealth and are nice. Like okay, Bill Gates. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:46 Bill Gates versus Jeff Bezos. So I could talk a fair bit about how- Drop them both. Bill Gates has done a lot of- What if I just owned all the farmland? Reputation. What would happen then? What about the guy that bought the onion futures for the entire US for like ever and then
Starting point is 01:46:08 yeah had to get rules made about him. What if you'd have just so much money you can just be like I own all the vegetables. Yeah. Which happened. Gates has yet to provide a really solid defense for why he owns so such a large proportion of the agricultural land in the United States of America. What if I controlled all of their food? What if I was the one that got to decide if you eat or not? Yeah. That's what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:46:34 I don't know that I would draw a distinction between those two particular- I don't at all. What if it's living outside of your means? Like if you have two houses, guillotine. Living outside of your means though, if anything, I think that you could make the argument that they're a victim of a society that has not hold on, I'm going somewhere with this. Okay. All right, let's go into this.
Starting point is 01:46:59 No, no, no, of a society that has their pull the rope back. That has me getting ready. What if they're a, of a society that has... They're pulling the rope back. That has me... They're getting them ready. What if they're a victim of a society that has set unrealistic expectations for what kind of lifestyle they have to uphold in order to, in order to, you know, be one of the cool kids if that's, you know, meaningful to them? What if they, what if they're a victim of, of the, the kind of lending, borrowing culture that we have, and they felt pressured in order to keep up,
Starting point is 01:47:31 to borrow money in order to sort of build that asset wealth. Is that the way you were trying to live outside your means? Not necessarily. I think more like being inside of a societal place. Like everybody has enough. like eventually you have enough, right? One of the arguments that I wanted to make was like, okay, you have more than $200 million, just 100% tax, you can't have more than $200 million. But then thinking about somebody like Bezos, who actually has no money, because he just has giant giant loans and then he borrows against those loans
Starting point is 01:48:05 so he's in debt forever right he uses his massive stock wealth which isn't really anything to basically be in you know hundreds of million dollars of debt like linus probably has more money than bezos probably not probably not but you kind of get the the comparison probably got more liquid cash just in case he like, I don't know, feels like doing anything. Yeah, in case he needs like a gold-plated like tissue paper to put his nose on. Exactly, I just have a bunch of gold bars in my basement.
Starting point is 01:48:33 That sort of thing, right? I wonder how many seconds it would take. It's already that many. If you have two houses, if you own 400 acres of land, if you have two houses, if you own 400 acres of land, if you, you know, have 75 cars, you know, okay, what if I have 400 acres of land and it's all agriculture and you're growing crops for people and you're not necessarily making yeah, what if you're not gouging? Yeah. Then are you a think a lot of it to me is is the gouging. How are you actively using your immense wealth to make life
Starting point is 01:49:10 terrible for other people and I think just hoarding wealth and doing nothing with it is a form of Actively using it to make other people's okay. Tell me this. I mean, it's no secret that the badminton center based on the list price is worth anywhere between about 20 to See what would the math be? 20 to 23 million US dollars. That's not a secret that you can look that up. I clearly own a badminton center
Starting point is 01:49:36 because I made a video about it. And this building. And this building. And the other building. And the labs building. And the other building. And Crader warehouse building. And your house.
Starting point is 01:49:43 And my house. You forgot my old house for me in-laws live Okay, I didn't know that was public. Well, whatever it is now Apparently, I think you have talked about that online before. Okay, okay Yeti do we do we make a fancy one? Do we do you did you brand a skin it LTT store? We could live stream it. The end of the streak. They are our official skin partner.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Oh, geez. Am I doing anything that makes someone's life actively worse? That's where a lot of it comes down to me. You don't invest in real estate. You invest in business real estate. I always respect that about you, is you're not buying up houses. But I do. Okay, so if I own two houses, but I literally give one of them to a relative to live in, am I evil?
Starting point is 01:50:40 I think landlords are evil. Landscape, like real estate prospector type people. Okay, am I a landlord if I don't charge them? Or am I just a land guy? No, no, you're like- Land bro. Land bro. We're putting your rent down this month, I'm sorry. I have to pay you now.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Land son. I don't know, I don't know. I mean, this is a thing that's been debated for a bazillion years. In my opinion, it completely comes down to the, the, yeah, the oppression and neck stomping that happens. And if you're, you know, if you have your 400 acres, but you're doing it to grow crops that you're selling at fair prices that are not crushing anyone, you could argue that just having that much capital in general is bad Yes, it is impossible for anyone else to do farming because you will own all the farmland Bill Gates Then yeah, I agree that that's bad
Starting point is 01:51:33 But there is a lot of land like if you have 400 acres in Canada and you're not really close to the American border Who cares? But what's stopping me with my vast amounts of wealth to just go to another country and buy up all of their stuff, right? But you didn't... So is it the power then? So back to where the line is. Is the line power? This is where we go to the ownership class versus the working class, right? But there's degrees of ownership class. And so where is the power line, right? If money's not a problem, how much control and power do you have, right? I think that should be the deciding factor, right? If you use it poorly, though. See, I don't understand the terms for what these different
Starting point is 01:52:18 political and philosophical arguments are, but I'm going to call this the Superman discussion, because good dude, tons of power, right? So I think there is, like I'm gonna call this the Superman discussion because good dude tons of power. Right so I think there is like I'm saying with this farmer 400 acres but not sure competitive 400 acres that's growing crops and selling them at fair prices. That man should fight him. Yeah, that man should keep him in check. Yeah you know like I think I think I would want to pay attention to that guy, but I, it's fine. People need crops.
Starting point is 01:52:49 Sue for AWS asks, don't you still own the old Langley house also as a landlord? Yes. The only reason though, the only reason, the only reason is they asked me not to sell. That's three houses. They were going to, they were gonna buy it.
Starting point is 01:53:06 That's a lot of business property. Hold on. They were gonna, they were gonna buy it. That's a whole company. We said we wanted- That's a lot of things. Okay, give me a sec. Pull the rope.
Starting point is 01:53:15 We wanted to sell it because we weren't interested in, in, philosophically I am against speculative investment I can- In residential real estate. I can verify that this all happened, by the way. We wanted to sell it. The tenants asked us not to because they wanted to put together a plan to be the ones to buy it because they like the house, they like the area, and it is a nice house. I believe they even gave you a timeline. Yes. They ultimately were not able to do that and asked to renew their lease.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Was it because of your oppressive landlord pricing? No. Okay. We gave them, we gave them, I believe the same, don't quote me on this, I believe we gave them the same or a very similar rate to expand to the rest of the house once you moved out of the basement. And we have never increased their rent. Ever? They're never gonna leave. Is there a too nice? No, no there's not. Is there a... Well this becomes the other argument too, right?
Starting point is 01:54:27 We may move out! Nobody has enough money to be nice to everybody, therefore it is... you're being mean, right? You could just use your money to buy a swath of houses and then have everybody live in them for free and it just like... That wouldn't work either. Now we're making the town 400 acres of forest in northern BC and then build a town and then everybody living everything comes back to line You can even provide them clothing and like food and you would know the clothing was made. Well by us I mean the hypothetical people who? us. I mean, the hypothetical people who lived in the town. You have my personal commitment. When they move out, we're going to sell it. I believe we have
Starting point is 01:55:14 a demand problem here for housing, but we also have a supply problem, and I don't want to contribute to the supply problem. But I'm also not into raising rents. I believe I mean, we talked about this earlier on the show. To me, our contract is a contract, it's an agreement. And unilaterally changing the agreement is pretty stupid. I think what about things like here's here's a question like if if the if there's natural inflation and things like power hydro, do you pass power and hydro on?
Starting point is 01:55:43 I have no idea. I'm not surprised. I bet you you don't just cause it would be like annoying. The truth is I actually just don't care about that aspect. I think you're defending yourself and I don't think we need to cause you're like a good one maybe. We will find out eventually.
Starting point is 01:56:03 Is it possible for there to be a good one though? That's the question. But where is the power line? I think there's got to be a limit. Where's the power line? Like Linus doesn't have enough money or enough power to be a concern, right? Do I? You could. Who knows? I don't know what I could do. I've never really like, I've never really thought about it. I think it becomes a problem when you have so much wealth that you can buy all of the onions in the US. Oh, and like I can't- Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:56:32 Like you could destroy an economy. Like I can't buy politicians. You can't buy politicians. Well, maybe I could. I heard they're pretty cheap. I was gonna say, I think you actually could. Looking at some of the documentation that I've seen online, I think you could probably buy a few.
Starting point is 01:56:50 They don't, this seems to be a relatively easy thing to do. I think so. They're really not that expensive. I'm not well read enough on the subjects to like give all of the arguments. Okay, so hear me out. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please please please Please we'll put the guillotine away. This is this is a really cool. Oh the blade. Please it has a really flexible zoning This is sick. It allows for recreation use office use multi-unit residential use It has over 600 underground parking stalls. This building is the size of a city block. It allows for mixed retail use, so we could literally have like an LTT tech shop where you could come get your computer repaired.
Starting point is 01:57:42 You know that tech mall in Taiwan? It is almost 250,000 square feet. It is literally larger than the entire real estate portfolio that I currently own combined. If it's 256,000 square feet that would just be sick. The only problem, the only problem is that this is an infamous building. Oh. It was originally... is it like haunted or something here we go Vacant since 1998 oh, let's do it There's a really cool YouTube video where they go into it from a few years back and this thing has fucking rotted oh
Starting point is 01:58:23 It would be a nightmare. Moving vlogs for four years? Yeah, pretty much. I'm gonna get I'm gonna get Misa-Phelio-mia for putting all the cat 16 in it. Yeah. Yeah, here it is though. It's right between Guildford and Surrey Central City. So it's like actually an amazing location. How is it allowed to just be abandoned this whole time. Wow I heard I heard a story that like an American investor showed up at a previous court ordered sale and bought it for like a song Like a couple million dollars or something like that and then just sat on it and then sold it I think it sold a couple years ago again to someone who thought they could resurrect it There's another court orderedordered sale coming. Clearly, clearly nobody can get this thing off the ground.
Starting point is 01:59:10 They don't have a world-class team. What if you, uh, could you like section off half the building, or honestly from the sounds of it, three quarters of the building? I think that the city is highly motivated to have this not just be an eyesore on like one of the major arteries. However there would be serious like safety and building code concerns around any effort to resurrect this thing. I'm so sorry. Are you, though? The Reddit is really funny sometimes.
Starting point is 01:59:59 I used to I used to have problems with the Reddit. The Reddit has been hilarious for quite a while now. Oh, man, that's really funny. No, I need him to employ me. Yeah, don't please. All right. I don't know. I have a weird opinion that I think
Starting point is 02:00:21 a lot of the Eat The Rich stuff has been like rage sh**. I don't know if we bleeped that word out or not but I did anyways. He said porn. Yeah I guess we don't then. I don't know sometimes we do. I think it because like the amount you hear people say like oh I'm gonna whatever like it's either that or it's that whole thing where like you say you're gonna do something but then the second you say it, you're no longer really gonna do it. So if you're gonna commit to things,
Starting point is 02:00:49 you should just do it without talking about it. Yeah, interesting. Apparently it is. I'm all about that now. So now he's not about it. Yeah. Yeah, I'm just gonna quit now because I've already achieved my goal.
Starting point is 02:01:01 Yeah, yeah, because you get the like social credit. Even thinking about it. You get the social credit. Even thinking about it. You get the social credit for saying you're going to do the thing. Right. And then it's like you're satisfied. You get the dopamine hit, and then you're done. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:12 Interesting. Yeah. Like a lot of times, especially you should start and then form the habit. And then you can tell people that you should establish the habit first. Huh. No, I don't have a doomsday bunker.
Starting point is 02:01:26 My goal is to live in harmony with the people around me and not need one. I hope. But! Six hundred car garage, doomsday bunker. Sick videos if you did a doomsday bunker. You know you can drive EVs in a doomsday bunker. Oh man. You'd be pretty sick. Um, dude, Bill Randall, executive VP of the real estate company
Starting point is 02:01:52 said he's been involved in the building for 20 years, dating back to previous owners. Reached Friday, he confirmed Bansal as the current owner and list price of 63 million. Little rich for my blood The important thing here, you know how the badminton center is like 99.8% done Yeah, well if you just abandon that project immediately and sell the whole building and then sell all your other buildings all of them combined, um I don't I still don't think we could afford it. And a bunch of debt, who cares, whatever. Well, yeah, because the actual, because the problem is not the $63 million. Like we could get, we could get, we could, with our cash
Starting point is 02:02:37 flow, with our assets, we could, we could probably get loans. We could, we could probably buy it. Um, because if, if we were going to occupy it, we would only need, I think, 10% down. Like, we could put together $6.3 million. We'll do another Lime sale, Linus Inventory Management Experience sale. We'll raise a couple mill that way. We could probably scrape it together.
Starting point is 02:03:00 The problem is how much we're going to spend in renovations. And to my point earlier about like safety and building code, you can't just be like in there working while you're renovating it. You can't, well, okay, you can get a little- You can if you do like seals and stuff. The plumbing is rotted out. Like it's bad.
Starting point is 02:03:22 It's real bad. And yeah, yeah, Meagor says, home renovations are always on time and on budget. So yeah, we would literally have, we'd have sold all of our buildings. We'd have nowhere to operate while we're like looking around going, okay, we're a bunch of like clothing designers and video production people.
Starting point is 02:03:41 And now we're renovating a building. Like it's just, I, it's just-- COVID era work from home, March 30, 25. I don't think we could afford to fix it. That's the problem. Even if we could afford the building, I don't think we could afford to fix it. If we could work out a deal with the city where they would allow us to, you know, get a small part of it up to speed While we tech-reno it or something over a span of, like you said, four years Then... I don't know I'd probably take more than four years
Starting point is 02:04:17 Yeah, probably I was wrong about the size It's 275,000 square feet That's even bigger So this building we're in right now, including all the mezzanine spaces. Dude, but the amount of parking spots, you could have, with where it is, and the amount of parking spots that there is,
Starting point is 02:04:35 you could probably have an income stream just like renting out parking spots. No, no one would park there. 600, isn't it right next to Guilford, you said? It's in between Guilford and Surrey Central It's like in no man's land. It's like if someone wanted to shop at the superstore and walk two blocks Then they could park it they accept superstore has their own parking. So we got nothing You just got to make that the happen in place to be
Starting point is 02:05:00 Yeah, dude This would be this would be completely abandoning your badminton center and rebuilding it from scratch This would be tens of millions of dollars if you're lucky And so this is the problem in an eight page sales brochure posted online colliers noted that the 2024 BC assessment value was more than 114 million the problem is that if you buy this thing at what did I say 63 million? Yeah, if you buy this thing at 63 million and you spend a hundred million dollars renovating it, you're underwater. And I think that that is maybe not a hundred million,
Starting point is 02:05:30 but I do think that it is not unrealistic for anyone who buys this to potentially spend that kind of money fixing it. So you could end up like, okay, I had a somewhat, I had a pretty not serious conversation with Yvonne that was like we should show up at the auction and offer like two million dollars Because if this thing is gonna cost a hundred million dollars to renovate then maybe it is actually worth nothing
Starting point is 02:06:02 at a certain point, it's it's worth the knockdown value. Dude, knockdown. Would be worth the land. I don't know if the city would even allow you to do it though. You need a permit to knock down a building. And I think the city wants this thing to be a thing. Yeah, this thing. Dude, this thing is friggin' wild. Yeah, in 2021, 2021, there
Starting point is 02:06:28 was a tour. There was a tour of the building. Here, I'm going to wait till this I'm going to wait till this ad finishes. Is that a form of ad block? Is that okay? Is that fine? By watching this by showing this to the stream, by showing this to the stream, but not having them watch the ad. Did you just perform piracy? There's an ad for Navigator. Was that... Whatever Black Press Media is. You all just say, everyone watching just engage in piracy.
Starting point is 02:06:52 Nope. Yep. Nope. Yep. Nope. It's right here. There. Fine. Okay. So here we go. So here's the inside. It actually like, looks pretty decent.
Starting point is 02:07:01 Oh yeah. It's been vacant for more than two decades. Pfft. I bet it smells lovely, but many if you if you kind of They talk about it. They talk about it in the video You kind of got to dig a little deeper to like like no this this is like actually bad Developers envisioned an Asian show Mart surprisingly not like discolored.
Starting point is 02:07:27 That doesn't matter almost at all, but yeah. What are those? I don't know, dude. Buy it, then you get those. Yeah. For you table. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:41 That's huge, dude. Dude, the place is fricking enormous. 275,000 square feet. Just like, things that look like open. Here's a plywood wall thing. Did you say there was residential? It's zoned for multi-unit residential. So how much residential? I think less than 60%. So it would still be a very substantial, potentially very substantial amount of residential. This could literally house the entire company. This is why I'm- And like every endeavor the company does.
Starting point is 02:08:13 That was why I was like, but no. And like you don't do necessary company housing. You just have it as an option that is cheaper to the point where like you'd be kind of dumb to not do it. And then you don't do a necessary company store, but you have a store on the premises that sells clothing and food and everything that you need. And then you can pay Linus bucks at the store and you earn Linus bucks for good conduct at work. Yeah, we can use the AI tracking to make sure that people are on task and behaving
Starting point is 02:08:49 nice. Every 10 lines of code, you get five Linus bucks. Yeah. And your weekly food ration. Yeah. Yeah. I like this idea. Yeah. It's a good idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:03 I like this idea. Yeah, it's a good idea. Yeah Surrey Board of Trade says they should just tear it down That's what yeah Sorry CEO and president of the Surrey Board of Trade. That's the city Surrey All right. Well anyway Good luck everybody. Oh, yeah, okay I didn't imagine it American lawyer Donald Pitt who helped launch the Phoenix Suns NBA basketball team decades ago, bought the building in the mid 2000s. Construction was completed at that time. Since then, prospective renters and or buyers have included Fraser Health, Simon Fraser University, and the RCMP, but all deals eventually didn't happen. didn't happen. Potential uses pitched for the building have included banquet hall, office space, homes, restaurants, bowling alley, even an auto sales lot on the
Starting point is 02:09:48 ground floor, none of which ever materialized. Two million dollars. Who do you have to buy it from? Is it the city or is it the... It's the current owner who is Kuldeep Bansal. But they're forced to sell it? It's a court-ordered sale but Iep Bansal. But they're forced to sell it? It's a court ordered sale, but I don't know what that means. This article is really interesting because it's like, it's kind of everything you need to know. The important thing here is the lenders and the owner, everyone along with us, we're trying
Starting point is 02:10:16 to work together to find a positive solution for the property and this is the realtor. This is a bit of a positive spin on this, but there is equity in the building. You know, the mortgage holders are well protected. The court ordered sale is not because there's a negative equity situation here. So negative equity would mean that it is worth less than the amount you owe on it, right? Or like the, than the total liability. But I also think that... I don't know if it's worth practically anything.
Starting point is 02:10:44 I am not sure either. If you have to rip up all of the plumbing and very likely all of the electrical and potentially the walls and everything else. Also, I think you're paying a cool like million dollars a year in property taxes the entire time you hold this property. Hoo!
Starting point is 02:11:02 Hoo! Hoo! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, so it's probably not gonna happen ever but it'd be cool be pretty sick Linus Media campus yeah do it it's not my debt go for gold yeah means it's a cool building. It is very cool. It looks neat. Imagine you could play soccer on the lawn in the front. Heck yeah you could. Company activity. Heck yeah you could.
Starting point is 02:11:32 Why not? There's like half the size. Dude, look at this class. You could do outdoor badminton on the lawn in front. Look at all these windows. It's like kind of a cool building. Why not every single person has a corner office? Yeah right? Look at all these corners. There's a lot of corners. It's beautiful. What are
Starting point is 02:11:49 we doing right now? What are we talking about? How do we end up on this? Luke has 14 minutes. Oh yeah, Luke. Oh man, oh man. Okay, um, Nintendo. I killed the Rugen X Switch emulator last weekend, Russ of the YouTube channel oh wait, no this is about the copyright strike for Russ from Retro Game Corp. That is, yeah, thanks Nintendo for that. They got their first strike after covering the MIG Switch, now called the MIG Flash, which allows you to dump games from your Nintendo Switch to your
Starting point is 02:12:21 computer. According to Russ, Nintendo was able to strike that video because the title screen of Super Mario 3D World was shown on his computer. The new strike was on a video where Russ apparently demonstrated a Wii U emulator. It's perhaps worth noting that you can't buy Wii U games from Nintendo anymore since the company shut down the console's eShop last year. Then this Tuesday, it came out that Nintendo Switch emulator Rugen X has been wiped out a year after rival emulator Yuzu was shuttered by Nintendo. According to the Region X development team member Ripinperiperry, the lead developer GDKChan was offered an agreement by Nintendo to stop working on the project and remove the organization as well as all related assets. While GDK Chan didn't tell the team whether or not he was complying, the emulator is now gone from GitHub,
Starting point is 02:13:08 and the official site's download page has been wiped. It is speculated that this was a buyout, rather than any kind of threat of legal action, because my understanding of RugenX was that it involved complete reverse engineering, not any Nintendo IP, which was supposed to keep it safe from any Nintendo legal action. Interesting. Um... I don't know if any of the rest of this matters that much,
Starting point is 02:13:35 so maybe we should do a couple more merch messages? Sure. We gotta do when after dark? Yeah. That way we can at least transition to when after dark before Luke just leaves. Yeah. Sure. I'll focus on Luke once. Luke, did you or have you considered using the Flutter framework for floatplane?
Starting point is 02:13:55 Seems like it would work well to have a unified code base across platforms. We're not changing frameworks right now, my dude. I haven't looked into it if this was something that we were, you know, if we were making a platform from scratch, maybe we could look into stuff, but yeah, we're not doing that right now, sorry. The chat is also very upset at this idea. I don't know. Hey, Linus, do you have any pictures of that sweet Suzuki you've been painting? And Luke, have you ever rode on the back of it?
Starting point is 02:14:30 Dude, his weight sitting behind me, up higher than me on a bike, we would tip. Oh, your bike. Yeah, we'd hit the first red light and just... You know, I rode on the back of a scooter that Dennis was driving in Taiwan. Me too. And we lived. Scary. Colton and I both rode with Dennis at the same time.
Starting point is 02:14:50 It was pretty scary. It was channel secret fun. That's basically a me. That's true. Let's see, one actual human or two homunculi? No, I don't have any pictures. I have been completely stalled on that project, uh, kinda demoralized by some of the, uh, setbacks. Um, I'm gonna pick it up again. I really need to. It's been a long time.
Starting point is 02:15:14 I really, I really need to pick it up again. I'll get it done. Yeah. Alright, this is a bit hard here. The person who asked that just wants to know when we're getting the beard back. Phony Tony said in full play chat, that is kind of true. Yeah, that's fair. I want the beard back.
Starting point is 02:15:33 I think I'm ready. Yeah. Yep. Hey DLL, question for Luke. Any thoughts on Star Citizen charging $40 for the Atlas, essentially making a problem with loading cargo and selling a solution to the problem they made. I mean, I didn't know that was part of it.
Starting point is 02:15:52 Because I didn't know about this ship because I check out Star Citizen like once a year. I don't know dude. They also sell like tens of thousands of dollars for a single ship, don't they? I don't know. The whole thing. No thing I don't think they have anything I don't think so they do I think they don't I know they have that are that expensive no there's there's a ship that is the like largest luxury yacht and I think it's five figures at least most excited is that it isn't ships 2022 725 by addresses old that one how much is that $25,000 600 I executive edition hits that's the javelin is
Starting point is 02:16:38 $3,000 largest destroyer class ship 480 meters in length yeah, but there's the 600i executive edition okay 25 grand yeah there's nobody there's no way anybody bought that I pretty much can't you someone did oh yeah for human use as an expeditionary vessel for players no for players the ship is only available as a reward upon reaching the legatus navier Concierge rank that requires a spending over requires a spending of 25 grand so even though the ship's a spending money oh I see that's a rank for spending money my guy oh the interior is in pre concept stage design and will be updated at some point in the future. There's a VR chat level for it.
Starting point is 02:17:27 So you don't have to buy one ever like a normal person. Uh, moving on. So like, yeah, I don't know. Uh, that sucks. Uh, starts isn't cool though. They do genuinely some pretty incredible things. The tech behind it is super interesting. What they're working on is super neato.
Starting point is 02:17:49 You don't have to spend that much money on the game at all. You can just play the game and earn money and then buy ships that way and it's totally fine. I'm still working on my $60 ship buy since it first came out a thousand years ago. Yeah, and you're probably fine. Like this cargo ship thing, I wouldn't be surprised if you can just make some money in the game and just buy it in the game. Yeah. Yeah. So like, I don't know, just ignore it. Don't, don't play
Starting point is 02:18:11 into those things and move on. Talking of games, have you played Zero Sievert? What? Okay, no. Uh, look, I don't know. Hold on. Can we do something really fun really quick here? Oh, yeah, sure. This is still a thing. There's a $50 super chat. Oh it's just gone? And I have to click here to see it but they don't stay here forever. Pretty wild that it's just not in the viewer activity thing. This has been open the whole time whole time Merge messages use merge messages. Okay, cool. Bye zero seaver looks sick from just like the steam page But I don't know it's a it's a extraction shooter, but it's like a little top-down game. Oh, that's cool I guess new killer focused very positive. Yeah, I don't know cool seems neat So many cool games these days.
Starting point is 02:19:06 Sorry, one second. Oh, am I going back to your laptop? They call the area Zakov, which is like the closest thing to Tarkov. All right. That's a little nuts. All right. They know what they're doing. Luke, you've said in the past you wouldn't do an AMD tech upgrade. Is it be too boring? Would you do it with this big kicker? Linus is in charge and picks what you get. I already pick what he gets for his upgrades. Yeah, to be honest.
Starting point is 02:19:38 No, I, my problem was that like, it just, I, yeah, I didn't have a, an interesting, I actually said no at one point. One was offered to, it just, yeah, I didn't have an interesting, I actually said no at one point. One was offered to me and I said no, because I didn't think it would be interesting for people. That is no longer true, but I am at the whims of the rules of whoever draws the thing. So I don't know if I'm eligible or not. It doesn't really necessarily matter. I get the free computers because of that ancient awesome deal anyways. So I'm something that could be kind of fun is you were mentioning my dad getting one. We could maybe do it that if I get drawn, it just shows my dad.
Starting point is 02:20:14 Something like that could be cool. And then I don't know if I there's potential that I'm going to be dramatically changing my setup probably in the new year because my roommate moved out. So we're going to be moving our desks into there. And I could maybe drag Linus over to my house for that. And we could just like film it, but it wouldn't have to be an AMD tech upgrade. Oh, weird.
Starting point is 02:20:40 The behavior of the dashboard seems to have changed. Something was in curated that I wanted to uncurate so that I could type a response and then push to stream, but it seems to have gone straight to push to stream instead of giving me an opportunity to type a response. So anonymous, I don't know anything really about the thing, but I will say that the whole, if you don't agree with this legal fight, take a buyout and then get out move, seems like not really good leadership is what I'll say about that. It should go back into incoming, no?
Starting point is 02:21:13 That's what I thought, but it didn't seem to go there. That's fine, we can figure it out another time. Okay. All right, what else we got? You got any more topics or is this when after dark officially? It's officially when after dark. There's a couple more topics or is this when after dark officially? It's officially when after dark. There's a couple more topics. I don't
Starting point is 02:21:28 I don't have to leave exactly Redditors can't protest Platform changes anymore. You have to you have to send a request to To take your your subreddit private There. Okay, that's that. I think we talked about the Flappy Bird thing last week. Sketchy Game Dev announces recovery plan and new Kickstarter. So the background here is the day before was a hyped up multiplayer survival horror extraction shooter that was misleadingly advertised as an MMO. The game was very limited and technically flawed when
Starting point is 02:22:03 it launched in December 2023 and was withdrawn from sale after just four days. The developer, Fantastic, also garnered controversy due to its alleged use of volunteer and severely underpaid labor and its alleged habit of fining employees as punishment for poor output. Now Fantastic has returned, with a promise that it's changed its ways and a Kickstarter for $15,000 to develop a physics-based multiplayer co-op escape game called Escape Factory. A demo of the game is available on Steam. However, according to data miners, the game's assets are flipped Unity store items and its networking and matchmaking features
Starting point is 02:22:39 are based on Unity demo code. So maybe don't buy it. Cool. All right, that's it. Okay. Oh, we gotta cut the the Zuck shirt. Let's do that. Should we just do it next week? No, they need it. Oh, okay. It's time to unbox a $400 t-shirt. Oh, yeah, I'm excited. Would you like to do it? Sure. This is actually the second time it's unboxed. So, yeah, I unboxed it for a Float Plane exclusive. You get a little card.
Starting point is 02:23:09 You gotta read the card first. All right, I'll read the card. You can't open your present without reading the card first. Thank you. Thank you for purchasing from our online boutique. We have prepared your order with the utmost care in Salomeo, I don't know, some Italian city. Our customer care is available to assist you.
Starting point is 02:23:27 Scan the QR code to contact our team. Very nice. All right. Oh man, I just cleaned the guillotine. Okay, look, look, I didn't buy it for myself. The company bought it for competitive product research. Yeah, and we're destroying it it so that we can research it It comes in a bag. I mean you can't figure out how a frog works without taking it apart That's what they taught me in biology class. Why does it come in its own bag so that you have a bag and
Starting point is 02:24:01 You're not good at this Is that surprising to anyone? Okay. It doesn't have a lot of experience unboxing any clothes. Have you never unboxed a $400 t-shirt? Usually my clothes just show up at my desk at work. You're holding it behind your laptop. You are actually the worst at this.
Starting point is 02:24:16 It's got a big, really big tag. Yep. And that's it. It feels like a shirt. Not even like a particularly thick one or anything? I'm just I'm feeling like this. I'm pinched feeling it. I don't know. Dear customer, please be advised that the product cannot be returned if the security tag is removed. Okay. Do it. You held it under the table! Luke! Oh! You need showmanship classes.
Starting point is 02:24:50 I think the content's better when you get mad though. Hey, there's another tag. Does this one show how much it was? No. Why is there another tag? Oh, I guess I can try and find the, I forget what this is. This product of quality, this product of quality, fruit of our labor, is created in Solo Mio, a small medieval village
Starting point is 02:25:10 at the gates of Assisi, where men and nature are still aware of the harmonious rhythm of time. So we're cutting this thing? Yep. Do you want to cut it in like a specific spot so it's still wearable by some extent? How big is the circle? It's pretty big. Yeah, I know, it's still wearable after you cut a circle out of it. I mean, you just-
Starting point is 02:25:38 Dude, it's a $400 shirt. Do the nipple. Someone would do it. Oh yeah, nice. Yeah. You want to- here. I don't actually see it I'm a little confused. Is does it say anywhere what the product is? Like do you have a label?
Starting point is 02:26:02 Okay, It feels nice. Are you gonna give me the label? No, that's just like- The label's there. You took the label- Alright. Alright. Okay, so what is it? This is C8190 medium. Yeah, like I didn't think- I didn't see anything more specific than that. I think that's a skew. Hold on, I think I can probably search by that.
Starting point is 02:26:28 Okay, so the little rubber disc... C8190... Is that gonna work? Unfortunately, it seems we couldn't find any results for that. Okay. Well, I can't find it anymore. I can't find it on their site, but we definitely ordered this. We bought it.
Starting point is 02:26:44 And now... Right, right, right, right, right. So one of the things that we wanted to do is make sure that our Zuck T-shirt, which is just gonna be a gray T-shirt, but comfortable or whatever, like billionaires like, we wanted to make sure that it is pretty similar at least. We're not gonna have the same source of cotton. We might even use a blend instead of 100% cotton.
Starting point is 02:27:06 It's not gonna be made the same way. Yeah, it's not gonna be made in a medieval village. It's a gray t-shirt and it's gonna be inspired by that shirt Mark Zuckerberg is always wearing. And in this shirt's defense, ignoring the price tag, it feels nice. It feels nice. But one of the things that we need to do
Starting point is 02:27:25 in order to determine how we can make a shirt like Zuck would wear, is we need to figure out the weight of the fabric. And the best way to do that, I'm informed by Tatiana from the, I don't know, she's really fashion team, but she works on the fashion team and also with the engineering team
Starting point is 02:27:41 on like materials essentially. The best way to do that is to use this thing. What? What? Oh, did I do something wrong? No, I just had it all nicely lined up for you. Okay, the best way to do it is to use this thing, which basically goes onto a material
Starting point is 02:28:00 and then has like a blade and you spin this thing and it like, it's yeah, it's got kind of like a nasty little you spin this thing and it like It's yeah, it's got kind of like a nasty little four blades. Yeah nasty little blade thing in there So you turn this thing in and it cuts it it cuts the fabric that gives you a standard size piece of the fabric And then you you can determine the fabric weight. Well, you just stabbed it. You got to go around now You got to keep pressure down the whole time. Yeah. I'm trying You gotta keep pressure down the whole time. Yeah, yeah, I'm trying. Okay, here we go. You don't have to go crazy hard because you're just going to be cutting the rubber.
Starting point is 02:28:36 Theoretically, there's four blades, so you should, you know, not have to go technically all the way around. Did we get it? All right, and here it is. Nice. Sorry, uh, Brunello, could you- oh, where'd it go? It's now in the shirt. Oh, this isn't gonna be Twitch- TwitchTV safe anymore.
Starting point is 02:28:55 Well, that was the point. Really, to have a boob cut out? Yeah. Where'd it go? Where did it go? Titty window. Is it still, like, hung on by a thread or something It's a high quality resilient shirt, it doesn't just come apart like some peasant shirt would wait where did it go?
Starting point is 02:29:16 That's part of the vanishing thing This is what you get for 400 bucks Where the heck is it? What happened? I mean it's not like we can't do it again. We have a lot of shirt. I have already flipped it inside out. I'm going in. What? This doesn't like eat it. No. I saw it. It was hanging loose.
Starting point is 02:29:42 Yeah. Where'd it go? Are we idiots is chat gonna tell us where it is under the rubber? No, it's not under the rubber you guys look Oh, what how to get under the rubber? How the heck did it get under the rubber that was like a magic trick That's wild I have no idea. All right, oh, wait, did they, oh, did Tatiana also give us a scale? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:30:13 So we're gonna find out the fabric weight right now. Did she give you like the formula for how much the whatever? It's grams normally, and then it's GSM if you 10 exit if I remember correctly, okay Tear it tear it. Okay. Oh the other tear Okay, you good Okay, yeah, hold on. Why does it need a lid? Okay. I don't know error Okay, hold on. Why does it need a lid? Okay, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:30:44 Error, error. Error, it's a very sensitive, accurate scale. Oh, because of the air? Air currents. Oh. Is that 1.71? I don't know. Yeah, 1.71 grams.
Starting point is 02:31:00 Okay, so 17.1 GSM? It shouldn't matter, but that is that like a lot? I have no idea Fabric that doesn't sound like a lot that doesn't sound right Well, it doesn't feel super like thick or anything when you hold it. Oh, okay No, 17 GSM seems like it could be could be a thing Alibaba 12 GSM non-woven fabric, here we go. Okay, yeah, those look like pretty normal fabrics like you could make a shirt out of or something.
Starting point is 02:31:32 Wait, no, this is 140 GSM. What, hold on. Is that just like a mat? No, this is fabric for T-shirts. Yeah, no, this can't be right. This can't be right. Grams times 100? Oh, is it times a hundred? If it's
Starting point is 02:31:45 times a hundred that would make more sense. I probably just forgot what she said. I'm sure she said the right thing. A hundred seventy GSM sounds a lot more like the range I was expecting. I don't know what GSM numbers normally are. Grams per square meter. No, I... Thanks. How much do you charge? If they just weigh it in grams, why do they bother to change the number? Um, I don't know. Okay. I don't know. Okay, what else are we talking about?
Starting point is 02:32:17 Oh yeah, it's grams times 100. Okay, perfect. She's in the chat. Oh, oh. My bad, I forgot, I thought you said 10. That's my bad. No way, her username is material girl It's kind of it's pretty good. I like it. I
Starting point is 02:32:31 Mean we were living in a material world so makes sense that you'd be a material girl I took it off and put it back on again. It said 16.9 or something. Okay. Well, we'll let touch 6 do it properly because realistically we can't be trusted apparently. Yeah. Okay. Just lost the fabric sample. Okay. There's a question for her.
Starting point is 02:32:52 Does 17 sound high? 17? Or 170? No, no. 170 is not right. I can tell you the answer. Is that a high GSM shirt? Not necessarily.
Starting point is 02:33:04 It's like fine. Yeah, no, your observation that it's not a particularly like thick shirt, she says no, that's pretty normal. Yeah. Okay, yeah, yeah. Worksman says put the shirt on. With the circle? All right, wanna do a merch message in the meantime? Sure.
Starting point is 02:33:20 You got one, Dan? Yeah, I got a few. Shall we move to after dark as well? Yeah. Let's see, hello WAN.d Yeah, I got a few. Shall we move to After Dark as well? Yeah. Let's see. HelloWan.dll, spout V2. I got a chance to meet both Jensen Huang and Lisa Hsu a few weeks ago.
Starting point is 02:33:34 I froze and had nothing useful to say. What questions would you have asked each if given the chance? Jensen, definitely, what is your favorite artistic piece on your stove? How do you properly pronounce tie? Oh, okay. Pick one, pick a lane. You have to decide.
Starting point is 02:33:58 Well, I feel like a billionaire. Oh, hey, it's not actually a problem. Yeah, this is perfect. Nice. This is a statement. I actually feel like that is an artsy shirt look if if the whole point of Buying a super if the point of buying a super expensive article of clothing is that you can afford it and other people can't Then it should be an even bigger flex to destroy it. Yeah, and then Be able to afford to destroy it,
Starting point is 02:34:26 which other people can't. I'm just following their logic. I'm not really into the whole $400 t-shirt thing. Also, there's some kind of weird stuff about it. Do you notice the shoulders? It does seem to sit a little odd. Have like a weird little like, like a little peak. I think that might just be from it being pressed.
Starting point is 02:34:42 How it's, yeah. Might just be from it being pressed. Because there's a line all the way down your shoulder, which is almost certainly from it being folded for so long. Or pressed. Luke, you gotta draw a dollar sign in the middle of the circle. What, like on my skin? No, I don't want silver sharpie on my skin.
Starting point is 02:34:55 No, I reject. You need a black one so it looks like a tattoo. Oh my god. And then it's a window to the tattoo. And normally you'd have a window to your soul, so it shows a dollar sign because it's... It's a window to the tattoo. Yeah. And it's, normally you'd have a window to your soul. So this way it shows a dollar sign cause it's a window to his heart. I will say this.
Starting point is 02:35:12 You guys can see more detail about it in the Float Plane exclusive if you're subscribed to Float Plane. And realistically, if you were shopping for a shirt like this, you can afford to subscribe to Float Plane. But the fit, it's not great. Yeah. It's like kind of okay. It's not that flattering, in my opinion. The shoulders. It has kind of like a weird second artful scene at the bottom here. It comes really far down. Unnecessary scene. As well.
Starting point is 02:35:41 It's really far down. Unnecessary scene. As well. You look at the way it like bunches if I lift my arms. I have rejected garments that had better sleeves than this. Is some of this being impacted by the giant hole that we put in it? No. I like the hole.
Starting point is 02:35:57 Yeah, the artful hole. Yeah. I think having an undershirt on that. The second seam on the back of the shoulder is weird. That is odd. Are you guys gonna do that then? Um, do what? Put a weird seam on the arm? Yeah, I guess we'd have to. Okay. Yeah, well it's the Zuck. I mean the Steve had like a weird seam down the middle of it. Is this really like, is he, does he wear this shirt all the time right now? I don't know if he does right now, but I don't care.
Starting point is 02:36:25 I mean, Steve Jobs doesn't wear that shirt right now. Cause Zuckerberg has done a big like- Really, he's gonna let me get away with that one? What did you say? I said, Steve Jobs doesn't wear that shirt right now. Oh my goodness. Cause Zuckerberg is, he's like all trendy now and stuff. He looks like this.
Starting point is 02:36:41 That's okay, I know, but we're not gonna do that. I'm so this shirt is apparently- He took some phrase that is like You must be Caesar to rule or something in Latin. I don't remember exactly how it went and he changed it to Zuck Let me try to find the information on it Zuck has gone full hello fellow kids kids yeah a little bit. Make an Elon girdle next. He's pulling it off. An Elon girdle? Okay anyway yeah. Patch the hole with an LTT logo. Yeah I could be down. Make that part of the shirt you sell? No I don't think we'd put a giant LTT logo on the shirt. Okay be down. Make that part of the shirt you sell. No, I don't think
Starting point is 02:37:25 we'd put a giant LTT logo on it. Okay, apparently there was a phrase, I'm not going to be able to pronounce it correctly at all, which is like, au Caesar au nihil, which means either a Caesar or nothing, or simply all or nothing. The saying is indicative of grand ambition and it was a personal motto of Italian Renaissance Prince Caesar Borgia or whatever and his shirt is the same thing But he replaced Caesar with the Zuck and he made it himself and that's that's his shirt You've got that and you guys want the gray one. Yeah. All right. It's more iconic is it yeah, you were up for a long time Okay, yeah, the gray shirt is super iconic. I don't pay attention to him. Yeah, don't blame. Oh, it's this one
Starting point is 02:38:11 There are a lot of photos of this. Yeah, wow he really does look like he looks so much better now. I'm so happy for him Yeah, there was nowhere to go but up. I don't know that he looks like he looks like Logan Paul Yeah, there was nowhere to go but up. I don't know that he looks like he looks like Logan Paul Like that's who he looks like he's trying to dress like It's gonna make prime, but it's like the number cuz he's like a computer guy or something This over this I Think it's a win. I think it's a win Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, he's doing better. Yeah, the haircut was really problematic before.
Starting point is 02:38:46 Yeah. It's like, I want to, can you accentuate my receding hairline? Yeah. It's like, that's what he told, or like my large forehead, I guess it's not even receding, it's just really, really big forehead. I think this has been good for Zuck and bad for the people
Starting point is 02:38:58 because people have started liking him a lot. Mm. And I think- Oh yeah, do people just like Mark Zuckerberg now? I think so. Interesting. Yeah. So we're not gonna eat him.
Starting point is 02:39:08 Well- He seems like he'd be chewy anyway. Lizard meat? No, we gotta smoke him. He's got those smoked meats. What was that? Smoke with those meats. Baby rays? I can't remember. It was a long time ago.
Starting point is 02:39:21 Baby rays, barbecue sauce, something like that? Sweet baby rays? Sweet baby rays. Oh. Chat says they're Baby Ray's barbecue sauce, something like that. Sweet Baby Ray's. Sweet Baby Ray's. Oh, chat says they're still gonna eat him, they just like him. Okay. Okay, so they like him, but they're gonna eat him.
Starting point is 02:39:31 So they'll shed a single tear. Yeah, okay, that's interesting. How many tears do I get? Do I get more tears? Enough to salt the meat? I pour some internet on it, it's got more than enough sodium. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right high dwell
Starting point is 02:39:47 Do you think AMD no longer doing high-end GPUs? effect exclusivity a IB partners like XFX power color and sapphire could we see them reaching out to Nvidia? No, I doubt it a power Color and Sapphire have been all AMD through much worse times than we're in now. Oh yeah. And XFX, they made the, they essentially like, pulled an EVGA except just instead of pulling
Starting point is 02:40:17 out of the VGA market entirely, they were just like, we're not gonna sell cards from the only chipset vendor that matters and we're gonna go go to AMD and try to survive like that. And they're still, I mean, they're still kickin', obviously. But AMD's done this before. For context, the rumor is that AMD's upcoming GPU family is not going to have a high end, like a 900, 80, 900 XTX or whatever.
Starting point is 02:40:44 But they've done it before Polaris, they didn't have a high end product and partners apparently survived. In fact, I think they gained market share during that time. So it might be okay, we'll see. Only time will tell. That'll suck cause Intel's not doing it either. Yeah, so if you want high end,
Starting point is 02:40:59 you're gonna pay the Nvidia tax, period. Sweet. You'll get an even cooler kitchen. Sorry, go for it. We could have a second kitchen. Have you- you've seen his kitchen, right? I've seen the kitchen. Everyone's seen the kitchen. How can anyone ever get over that kitchen?
Starting point is 02:41:15 I dunno, it's a nice kitchen. What do you want? My goodness. Is that even that crazy of a kitchen? He's got a mural behind his stove! Yeah, he's got a mantle. Yeah, okay, it's pretty crazy. I don't know, I never looked that close at it. Is that a wolf stove? I don't know, what's a wolf stove? Does he have a combi oven? If he doesn't have a combi oven, it's not a cool kitchen. What's a combi oven? Chad knows what a combi oven is. I don't know. How are you rich and you don't have a combi oven if he doesn't have a combi oven it's not a combi oven chat knows what a combi oven is how do you how are you rich and you don't have a combi oven? this is like one of 47 kitchens or something I live in like a McMansion it's just a
Starting point is 02:41:52 normal house but big I don't I don't actually do like you know fireplace mantle on my stove what defines a mansion I think over 5,000 square feet why did it auto fill kitchen? Why is it asking me my location? Stop! Combi oven is way more. Combi oven is. Combi oven allows you to control humidity
Starting point is 02:42:13 and temperature and has convection. Steam injection. I hate it when. You're making croissant. Things do. You gotta have a coffee. I look up a definition of a mansion and it says a manor house.
Starting point is 02:42:24 It's like, what does that mean? Yeah, well it doesn't have a firm. I look up a definition of a mansion and it says a manor house. It's like what does that mean? Yeah, well, it doesn't have a firm definition. That's why Well, okay. Actually the first definition is a large impressive house Nice mansion, bro. Look up McMansion That's just that's not even a real thing. It's a real thing. That's 100% of thing Yeah It's the McDonald's version That's 100% a thing. It's the McDonald's version of a mansion. They're, they put up like entire, they're tasteless, right?
Starting point is 02:42:55 Why would you say that about your own home? Because it's basic. It's lacking architectural integrity? Yeah, well, it's not, it's not like- Does your house lack architectural integrity, bro? Old money would look at my house and be like Does it even have any history like it's not it's just it's just a giant house It's it's a normal hat. It's a normal house except. It's big like it's I linked one of my favorite like I don't know It's can we even say blogs anymore?
Starting point is 02:43:23 This this person basically goes through and explains why they suck and there's some insane houses just So badly thought through I don't even do I saw some dude I don't even know a lot of the words on here inappropriate use of prairie mullions. What is that? So I did architecture for a while. There's like so many weird weird turns Can you zoom in a little bit? Piggy nose extremely stealth ahoy It's like a tiny little porthole wheel window that they put there for some reason
Starting point is 02:44:04 Dude, I saw some really weird houses when we were shopping. There's a lot of Tiny little porthole wheel window that they put there for some reason Dude I saw some really weird houses when we were shopping. There's a lot of in in the in the kind of Area ish where I live. There's a lot of houses that the owners clearly designed it and Just some super weird stuff. It's with sticks chopsticks machine with stuff on it Not gonna say what this looks like Didn't even see that I like that hell yeah What is this is this McMansion hell is this a whole site yeah
Starting point is 02:44:42 There's hundreds of these they're so good My rich friend and my rich friend in school had this dining set, but they covered everything in plastic protection So this obviously strange leave seed It's like money does not buy taste right yeah No, it really doesn't how do you live in this? I? Don't know I Don't know I don't I'm so anti clutter. I don't like clutter I don't like stuff in my house that I don't use and I hate like uncomfortable furniture and stuff like I just don't Sealing with all the pot. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 02:45:22 And then the tiny little anemic fan right in the center they don't have carpets but the or they don't have like wall-to-wall carpets but they have carpets everywhere so you're always on carpet here rugs the rug thomas phil chic god that's such a depressing room. Yeah. This one seems okay. This one's nice. But all those plants are probably fake. But there's only one note on this room because it's actually kind of nice.
Starting point is 02:45:55 Yeah, that looks actually... I'd sit and eat breakfast there for sure. Both of you are blocked. Dueling Chode Tormurs. Okay. But dueling chode dormers I mean honestly most of what's funny about this is just the commentary like I don't oh yeah No, the commentary is great, but these houses are also ridiculous You know what we need more chairs Okay, isn't a way maybe a thing or is that just like okay like big ships have windows soul patch final bonds
Starting point is 02:46:37 All right bigger than the house my apartment is in just the garage All right, okay, all right, all right. The loneliest table. Yeah, dude. That's a classic. Dude, giant houses that just have furniture that you're not using at all. Like, half the cost seems to be buying the house and the other half of the cost seems to be buying ostentatious furniture to occupy it. Look how rich I am to afford this much nothing. I'm like, you take the badminton center and then just put like a one Eames chair in it. Ideal living room.
Starting point is 02:47:13 Oh no. More concrete though. All right. You put walls on it. Hit me down. Yo, getting some new lids. I loved the live demo from last week. That's why I bought these.
Starting point is 02:47:25 Question for Mr. Lime. What was the driving force for you to start at NCIX? I just really hated school and I really hated the job doing, running the painting business and I just was so burnt out and down. Having a trash job is a really good motivator. Yeah well it was it was a paid well. Having and needing a job that you hate. Yeah. It's a pretty good motivator to do something else. And so I was just like I don't want to do this
Starting point is 02:47:54 anymore I just want to do what I want to do which is talk to people about technology and get paid for it. What I really wanted to do was work in the tech room but but they the PSV-R2. M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M grainy mesh that covers the entire screen. It stays static as the image moves behind it, usually more obvious in dim scenes. I can't say that I observed that. Screen door effect? I think it's the screen door. But why would you just- It is more- Why would you not just call it screen door effect?
Starting point is 02:49:03 I don't know. Oh, okay, mirror just means screen door effect. No, I didn't find that it was bad on that particular one. I mean, anything looks bad compared to the Vision Pro at this point, but the Vision Pro's utility is so limited that it's... I'm just kind of waiting for Apple's displays to make their way into other headsets,
Starting point is 02:49:23 and then I can have the best of both worlds. I can have an actual usable headset that has a really nice screen on it. Yeah. I didn't know the screen door had a name. That's pretty cool. Yeah. I didn't know that either. So now I know.
Starting point is 02:49:34 PSVR2 for PC looks pretty sick though. Good choice, Anonymous. And last curator I've got for you, Linus, I want to ask you as a question. Have you, as someone who was born before the internet, have you seen an increase in general hysteria due to technology changing parts of our lives so rapidly? That is a measured and objective thing that has happened. It's hard for me to observe it though
Starting point is 02:49:56 because before the internet was widespread, I was 10. I wasn't paying attention to hysteria. Fair enough. And we definitely like had hysteria. I think you can map it on even stages of the internet, like web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. Yeah I think that's fair. I think that has happened as well. You know what else has happened?
Starting point is 02:50:16 The end of the show? We will see you again next week. Same bad time. Wait. Oh, hey thanks Ludi. Same bad time? Wait. Oh, hey, thanks, Ludi. Same bad channel? Okay. Bye! Well, it's not ready yet.

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