The Weekly Planet - 100! Star. Wars. Prequels

Episode Date: September 7, 2015

In our extra special extended episodes (we definitely intended it to be this long) we break down what is the Star Wars prequels.Plus we get into news of Zod's part in Batman V Superman, The Totally Aw...esome Hulk, Arrow, Force Friday, Disney's Age Of Ultron disappointment and a big shake-up at Marvel.Thank you so much for listening, we genuinely appreciate all the support and emails and tweets and general awesomeness that comes with having all you good people listening.Here's to one hundred more episodes! Or at the very least five. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit Red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your bowl. The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet The Weekly Planet Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet Official podcast of
Starting point is 00:00:34 Episode 100 Fiesta! Episode 100, episode Cinco de Mayo We did it Yes we did Are you excited to be here Nick Mason? Yeah Of this podcast?
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yeah. Me too. Yeah. Technically, this is episode 100.01 because we just started recording and it didn't record. That's right. Yes. So this feels like more to us. It does.
Starting point is 00:00:58 It already feels like work. And it's never felt like work up to this point. Yeah. Man. That episode is now lost in time. Speaking of lost in time. Oh, sweet link. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I'm not happy about it. You shouldn't be because I already know what the news is. Yeah. Wes Craven, Dead at 76. Ah, shame. Horror movie icon.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Nightmare on Elm Street. Nightmare on Elm Street. A number of sequels to those movies. Correct. The Scream movies. Wes Craven's new nightmare. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Are you a fan of his work? Yes. Did you have like Freddy Krueger nightmares when you were a kid? I must have briefly. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Because he took that one thing where you were safe when you were asleep and he took it from you. There was an episode where... Not an episode. There was a film where he went into like video...
Starting point is 00:01:41 He was a video game. Oh, is that where he got the power glove? He got the power glove, yeah. I remember that. So I think there was a video game. Oh, is that where he got the power glove? He got the power glove, yeah. So I think there was a little something for everybody in those Darman Elstreet films that would get into a child's mind and just destroy them. The movie that I know the best is probably Freddy vs. Jason
Starting point is 00:01:56 because it's the one I've seen the most recently. Well, that was from, as I understand it, that movie, Kevin Smith has talked about it before. Yeah. Where he's like, he was approached by one of the Weinstein brothers. I don't know which one it was. Sure. From the Weinstein company. And he said, you know how back in the day there was like an Abbott and Costello and
Starting point is 00:02:17 they would meet the famous monsters in their movies kind of thing. Sure, yeah. Weinstein was like, well, we should have Jay and Silent Bob meet the modern movie monsters. Okay, sure. Like your Freddy and your Jason and your Pinhead or whatever. What do you think about that? Well, Kevin Smith turned it down or, you know, the project didn't get off the ground. But if you watch Freddy versus Jason, there is very much some Jay and Silent Bob star characters.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Are they in the cornfield and they're like, we're blazing doobies, dude. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So I think they were like, we're blazing doobies, dude. Yeah, exactly, yeah. So I think they were like, let's file this under. Kevin Smith probably won't sue us, so let's do it later. Great. I don't remember hating that movie, but it's probably crap.
Starting point is 00:02:58 We were talking about that earlier, things from the 90s. At the time seemed great, a lot of them. Even though that one wasn't from the 90s, I'm sure it was from like 2007 or something. I don't know. Did you see that reboot, Freddy reboot? No,s, I'm sure it was from like 2007 or something. I don't know. Yeah. Did you see that reboot? Freddie reboot? No, never did.
Starting point is 00:03:08 But it's terrible. I like, what's his name? Jackie O'Haley? Freddie Krueger. Correct. The kid who played John Connor in the TV show Sarah Connor Chronicles, who's in that movie. Do you like all those things? I like all the combination of those things and no other combination of things.
Starting point is 00:03:22 It's all I like. You hear about Michael Shatner backpedaling on his Zod comments? Yes. Yes. Here's the thing. Say the thing. Okay. So basically...
Starting point is 00:03:32 Because last week he was like, I was trapped in a port-a-loo. I was on set and I went into a port-a-loo and I was wearing flippers on my hand so I got trapped in the toilet or whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Exactly. And now what's he saying? He's saying that basically, no, that was a joke that was clearly bullshit you guys all fell for it i gotcha kind of thing right and he said no what actually it was i i was on set i'm doing a voiceover i'm like a jor-el hologram which is weird because if he's a hologram yep you need a visual exactly you need to physically be there and yeah and like if he was just recording audio yeah then just get the bloody get all the audio of him from the episodes of boardwalk empire
Starting point is 00:04:13 absolutely just have you know just splice them all together whatever combination you want it's sort of an just a classic kryptonian message about bloody ragtime and prohibition you know what i mean i'd watch that yeah definitely but I think this seems to me like, because if he was, this is the part where it stopped recording. Yes. If we got to this point, if they said, hey, do a fake joke interview about being Doomsday. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Because the assumption on this is that he's been, because if we see the trailer for Batman v Superman we see him zipped up into a body bag sent to what we assume is like a LexCorp office something like that he's basketball court
Starting point is 00:04:51 yeah like a medical facility oh that's right it is too yeah or like a military base or something like that with a basketball court yeah and then we see
Starting point is 00:04:59 there's a latest scene where we see Batman leaping out of the way of a heat blaster heat vision that blows up a building. Yeah. And the assumption is that Lex Luthor has attempted to clone Zod or,
Starting point is 00:05:10 or resurrect some kind of Superman killing. Yeah, exactly. And it's going to be doomsday. Yeah. And so if that's fake and Michael Shannon's doing this as a stunt, he wouldn't have said flippers because like flippers, we assume is like some sort of like CGI like prop thing.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Like they're going to CGI over. Yeah, like a big grey glove with dots on it. Yeah, and they're going to CGI whatever. He wouldn't have said flippers because then we have to figure that out ourselves. That's right. If it's a prank, he would have said, I was wearing a Doomsday helmet and I was wearing Doomsday big claw gloves or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Like they would have straight up given the game away. That's right. But this seems to be, it seems to me that he is inadvertently given the game away. And I love how his follow-up story is clearly the fake story. Yeah. I think that is very good too. Great. Oh, Balacier wants to know, what do we think of the fake comments or whatever?
Starting point is 00:06:03 And do you think that rules out the possibility of Zod in Dawn of Justice? I don't think we'll see Zod. I think we'll see dead Zod and then Doomsday. Yes, me too. That's what I'll say. Valis, like from bloody... Or was it Valis? Vasilis, I apologize.
Starting point is 00:06:19 There we go. I did it. Yeah, I definitely think we're going to see her. Yeah, cool. Maybe a Bizarro, but that... Bizarro's too weird to do too early. Yeah, I definitely think we're going to see it. Yeah, cool. Maybe a Bizarro, but that... Bizarro's too weird to do too early. Yeah, it's true, yeah. That'd be great.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yeah, plus also Bizarro, Flame Breath, Ice Vision. Oh, yeah. So, not going to work. You're right. Yeah, logically, the scenario I've invented in my head doesn't stand up. Correct.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Did you see the new Arrow trailer? Yes, I did, just recently, yeah. He didn't have a goatee in the trailer, did he? No. But he did in a picture that some people sent us. Well, we were tweeted a picture by a listener whose name I cannot recall because I'm a bad person. Vasilis.
Starting point is 00:06:58 There we go. Thank you. And, yeah, it looks like he's got the classic, it looks like he's working towards the classic Green Arrow goatee. Which is weird because, like, a few weeks ago, we've been lied to again. He was like, I will literally never dub that look. He was like, maybe season six or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:13 But I think what we're looking at there is because he's got a lot of stubble going on. He's overcome all the bad guys and now he's living in the suburbs like a dad with a man cave. Like a Ben Folds. Like a Ben Folds. Rocking the suburbs. Thank you, there we go.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And he's got the stubble going and then he clearly has to go back into action. ASAP. No time to shave. Yeah. So I think what we're seeing there... Maybe he's caught mid-shaving. Like he's done the sides
Starting point is 00:07:40 and then he's like, oh shit. And he's gone. But that'd be funnier if he did the whole right side of his face and then he had to leave. It looks to me that he's like oh shit and he's gone but that'd be funnier if he did the whole like right side of his face and then he had to leave it looks to me that that's like with the still we've seen as kind of a shadow issue yeah yeah like i think he's just got a lot of stuff going on yeah i would have because i thought because what's the narrative justification for growing a goatee well i thought one way to do it could be he's just at a costume party and he just dresses
Starting point is 00:08:01 as classic errol flynn robin hood Just do it like that. Oh, yeah. Just be like, yeah, this is dumb. That's not contrived enough. No, it is. It's very contrived. It's on the CW. I don't have subtlety, all right? Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Okay, that's true, yeah. What else do we see in the trailer? We see... Oh, Tim wants to know, any thoughts about it or extra thoughts? Nah, I've changed my mind. I was going to have some long-winded thoughts, but I've changed my mind.
Starting point is 00:08:23 No, actually, we do see... Mr terrific we see mr terrific yep not being particularly terrific if i'm honest with you give him time all right fine give him 10 minutes oh then he's terrific yeah we see mr terrific we see uh ray palmer's dead we see he's him dead well he's probably not dead well he's definitely not dead because the the problem here is we've already seen the Legends of Tomorrow trailer in which he is definitely not dead. So. Did he shrink away? Did he get his shrinking working? Yes, he did.
Starting point is 00:08:53 So maybe he's in like, it's not called the microverse. What's it called in DC? Shrinkyland. Quantum? No, Shrinkyland. Shrinkyland. Yeah. So, but in the trailer to Legends of Tomorrow, we see him have a conversation with some of the other characters and they're like, so you didn't die, you just got really small.
Starting point is 00:09:07 He's wearing a Shrinky Land t-shirt. I've been to Shrinky Land and all I got was this lousy t-shirt, it says. And then he reveals the t-shirt and they're like, oh, yeah. What is that land called? Not land, whatever it's called. It doesn't matter. Nobody email me, I'll figure it out. No, Shrinky Land.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Okay. Yeah, it looks fine. If we could get some Shrinky Land t-shirts mocked up. Please. Golden Legend, if you're listening. One of our artists in residence. Correct. If you can mock one up, I'll buy one.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Are you excited for Arrow coming back? Are we done with the flashbacks? It doesn't look like it because it looks like he's being the Arrow and he's kind of got long hair or whatever again. Amanda Waller's like, you're being an Arrow. Now you're in a different country that is a sound stage
Starting point is 00:09:48 that we could afford that's where you are that's where you've been this year they are doing it but I heard they said they're doing them in a different way but
Starting point is 00:09:56 a lot less yeah I bloody hope so yeah look I I wouldn't mind like every fifth one do a flashback or whatever or just do one a season. That'd be better.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah, not fifth. Yeah, look, I am excited to see him back. The costume is a bit more classic-y green arrow. It is. The arrows are certainly greener. Let me tell you that. We finally got there. We finally got that.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Thea Queen is speeding it up. Yep. It's pretty good. Diggle's got his new Magneto helmet. Did you see that? I did see. Yes, that's true. What do you think? And we've got Neil McDoncdonough as damien dark yeah i like that guy
Starting point is 00:10:29 he's great and stuff okay right yeah what do you think of the diggle helmet look i hadn't given that much thought to the diggle helmet diggles new digs yeah they're all right i guess a lot of people don't like it it looks like a tv costume it doesn't know it's good enough. Yeah. Look, do you want to talk about something else? Ooh, can we talk about the Arrow trailer for an hour? Can we do that?
Starting point is 00:10:55 There's a new Hulk, the comic book version of the Hulk. Oh, there is, too. It's called Amadeus Cho. Correct. Spoiler alert. Sorry. No, I think it was in the announcement. Well, it said the new Hulk is the world's first South Korean superhero or whatever. And I'm like, there's one South Korean character in Marvel and it's Amadeus Cho.
Starting point is 00:11:12 And his mother. Oh, yeah. Good point. Sorry. Who's in... Sorry, Mrs. Cho. Who's in Age of Ultron, actually. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah. But yeah, it's called the Totally Awesome Hulk because he loves being the Hulk. There you go. It's totally radical. And he's got that David Beckham. Oh, he's got the faux hawk. The faux hawk, yeah. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Do you think this has anything to do with eventually the current slate of DC actors are going to, Marvel actors are going to move on and they're like, well, now we can make a new Thor, we can make a new Hawkeye. That's true, we can make a new Spider-Man. Making a new Spider-Man, making a new Captain America, we can make a new Hulk now. Do you think that's- I hadn't new Spider-Man. We can make a new Spider-Man, we can make a new Captain America, we can make a new Hulk now. Do you think that's... I hadn't thought about it,
Starting point is 00:11:46 but you've convinced me with your arm movements. Thank you. If only that translated into whatever medium this is. Yes. Yeah. So, yeah, so we've got Amadeus Cho, who's... So we don't really know...
Starting point is 00:11:57 Do we know anything plot-wise, what's going to happen there? Because Amadeus Cho, like Bruce Banner, is one of the smartest people in the world. Yes. They're all the smartest people in the world. Yeah, it's weird, isn't it? And originally, like the original crop of all of Marvel superheroes
Starting point is 00:12:10 all went to New York University in the same graduated class. Absolutely. And then there's like, you know, there's some panels where they're all- And some of the villains. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Doctor Doom, all sorts. And there's just like panels of all them, them all just roughhousing, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:23 in their 60s suits and ties, just like, ooh, just roughhousing, you in their suit in their 60s suits and ties just like oh just roughhousing you know all trying to get sue storm or whatever you know all all just pushing each other out of the way for the class photo getting a malt getting a malt exactly i know yeah yeah look rag time rag time look i'll give this a few issues and whatever and if it's any good i'll keep reading it normally i'll start reading something and i'm like yeah i get it and i drop off like i was reading the new thought i'm like yeah i like this and then i just kind of stopped reading it and whatever like still gonna go back to superior spider-man actually but but you won't let me so no exactly yeah okay so when you're saying the new thought you mean jane foster spoiler alert mason no but the headline said, what woman is going to become Thor?
Starting point is 00:13:06 And there's only one woman in the Marvel Universe and it's Jane Foster. I forgot. I forgot. But do you think Natalie Portman would be like, yeah, I'll be Thor? Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I heard she didn't really want to do the Dark World, but if they were like, do you want $15 million, which may be possible now, which we'll get to. Okay, yeah. Yeah, I think she'd do it. I think if Kenneth Okay, yeah. Yeah, I think she'd do it. I think if Kenneth Branagh was doing it, yeah, she'd do it. And is Branagh coming back? There's rumours.
Starting point is 00:13:31 He's coming back for something, right? But it's maybe not Thor. No, there's rumours he might do Thor Ragnarok. Okay. But he just signed on to something else. I can't remember what it is. That's what I'm thinking about, yeah. So maybe he's...
Starting point is 00:13:40 No, not a Marvel movie, like a different movie. Like an art movie. It's like a children's book series. I can't remember what it is. Oh, it's Artemis Fowl. Artemis Fowl. Yeah. Yeah, it is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:50 About the sort of anti-hero slash supervillain. What's he about? What's his deal? He's about anti-heroism and being a supervillain or something. I don't know. I haven't read him. Does he have a skateboard? Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Is he like, what's his name? Tony Hawk? Yeah. That's who I was thinking. No, what's his name tony hawk yeah that's who i was thinking no what's his name alex rider from the that spy kid i don't think so no no don't mind no they're apparently they're very good books yeah i've heard that who knows do you want to know more hulk stuff yes uh it was said or todd wants to know the hulk was going to be in civil war right mark ruffalo came out and said it was going to happen and he doesn't want to reveal why he was there but he said he doesn't know
Starting point is 00:14:29 when the next time we'll actually see the Hulk because there was rumours that Mark Ruffalo was on set so now it looks like he's been cut completely and who knows when we'll see him but I think that's got something to do with all the bizzo that went down this week at Marvel which is complicated so I guess we'll skip it bye everyone with all the bizzo that went down this week at Marvel. Oh, yes. Which is complicated.
Starting point is 00:14:46 So I guess we'll skip it. Yep. Bye, everyone. No, go ahead. Okay, so you heard about this, obviously. There was a big... There was a reshuffle. First of all, Disney apparently... A kerfuffle.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Yes. This all apparently stemmed from Disney weren't happy with Age of Ultron. The way... Both the fan reaction, but more so the money it made. It made about $100 million less than The Last Avengers. Really? Which is still incredible.
Starting point is 00:15:07 I think it's still in the top six, top movies of all time. But it's not number three or whatever Avengers is. Well, Avengers isn't number three anymore either. Oh, wow. Yeah. What did it get beaten by? Jurassic World? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:18 So, yeah. So, as a result of this, apparently Kevin Feige used that to leverage a deal with Disney so that he doesn't have to report to Ike Perlmutter and a the crankiest man in the world that's right
Starting point is 00:15:32 the miserliest man in the world apparently so I got some stuff here that he's reportedly done oh yes
Starting point is 00:15:39 so basically Kevin Feige even though he is he does oversee everything at Marvel he had to go through Ike Perlmutter and this creative consultative committee. IKP.
Starting point is 00:15:48 IKP, which had a lot of big name kind of Marvel writers, like the guy who did Death of Captain America, Brian Michael Bendis. There you go. Did he do that? Maybe he didn't. No, it was... I'm a big fan too. It's annoying.
Starting point is 00:16:02 People are yelling at their iPods, which is fine. I'm going to drag this out as long as possible. Ed Brubaker. You're right. Yeah, yeah. Basically, every decision needed to be made had to go through Ike Perlmutter, right? And he's notoriously frugal.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And he's responsible, apparently, for like Robert Downey Jr. being the only one who gets like a really big pay thing. Right, interesting. And also what he's responsible for, apparently he went to a, he went to a premiere screening of one of the Marvel movies,
Starting point is 00:16:29 like a journal, like a media screening. And he complained that the journalists were getting like two sodas instead of one. He's frugal to that level. Exactly. And he's also-
Starting point is 00:16:40 That's how you make your money, that's how you become a billionaire. This dude, like, yeah, like this dude is a billionaire. He actually bailed out Marvel in the 90s. Supposedly in the 90s. Sorry to cut you off.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I'm not really sorry. At a certain point, it might have been Robert Kirkman. He was doing some work for Marvel. It might have been Robert Kirkman. It's somebody who's big now. At the time when he went to work, work for Marvel in the, you know, in the night. It might've been Robert. It's somebody who's big now. Yeah. And like at the time when, when he went to work,
Starting point is 00:17:10 they were like selling off their filing cabinets and stuff like that. What? They were in, they were in such financial, like empty filing cabinets. Yeah. Just whatever. Like just in such financial difficulties. They were just like,
Starting point is 00:17:18 well, that's the reason as well. Why they got rid of like X-Men, Spider-Man. Fantastic. Like they sold them off. Yeah. Totally. For that. For filing-Man. Fantastic Four, yeah. Fantastic Four. Like they sold them off. Yeah, totally. For that.
Starting point is 00:17:26 For filing cabinet money. Filing cabinet money, exactly. They needed new filing cabinets. But he's also rumoured to be the reason behind there's no Black Widow solo movie or like... I thought that was going to go in a completely different direction. What did you think I was going to say? There's no Black...
Starting point is 00:17:40 And I just, I was like, oh boy. No, we will talk about that though. Okay, great. In a minute. And that like, you know how there's the notorious, Marvel and notorious for not releasing like Black Widow action figures and things like that. Because Marvel is for boys and Disney is for girls apparently.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Exactly. And apparently a lot of that stems from him. And again, this is all rumoured. This is all libel and slander. Yeah. But let's continue. And again, also. Sli sliable the notes that himself and the creative committee gave to edgar wright about ant-man is one of the major reasons why he walked
Starting point is 00:18:13 oh and also why joss whedon wasn't happy with age of ultron because there was a lot of kind of micromanagement very interesting in that as well but also he turned up to the iron man premier in 2008 but he wore glasses and a false mustache to the premiere. What is that? Which is weird because he has glasses and a mustache anyway. It was just the people like, who is that double glasses, double mustache man? Oh, well, ignore him.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Ignore him. He also, this is a rumor. So, because this is flat out slander. No, it's true. This is flat out slander. Okay. When Terrence Howard was replaced by Don Cheadle. Allegedly. When Terrence Howard was allegedly replaced by Don Cheadle in the Iron Man movies.
Starting point is 00:18:52 He said no one would notice because all black people look the same. Yeah, that's allegedly. Yeah. Okay, yeah. So, and apparently that caused like waves in the office, like as it would, obviously. Kevin Feige can now go straight to Disney the way that Kathleen Kennedy can go straight to Disney also,
Starting point is 00:19:13 who runs Lucasfilm, basically. So they've cut out the middleman, essentially. And the same way that the guys from Pixar can do that. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. So they're on the same level as that. So the creative committee, though, is still going to be in charge of all tv properties so and you know like you did all the agents of shield
Starting point is 00:19:29 agent carter or the other netflix stuff so that that's still happening damage control that'd be nice and it's weird though because they've always kind of joss whedon has said like the agent of shield is a different thing like because in the in the movie universe colson is dead he won't come back but he's alive on television interesting not that they i mean Sweden has said that like the agent of shield is a different thing. Like, because in the, in the movie universe, Colson is dead. He won't come back, but he's alive on television. Not that they,
Starting point is 00:19:48 I mean, obviously they still both exist and technically still alive in the world, but they don't want them to cross. Right. He didn't want them to cross as much as, you know, I guess other people would, would want them to now this creative committee as well. They released this information.
Starting point is 00:20:02 This just came out today, which is, which is Sunday. Happy father's day. Thank you. In Australia. I think it's, it's not a world over thing. It's just Australia. This creative committee as well, they released this information. This just came out today, which is Sunday. Happy Father's Day. Thank you. In Australia. I think it's not a world over thing, is it? No, it's just Australia.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Good for us. Yeah. And apparently- I mean, it's only in Australia that I know about. Little shout out to all the dads out there. Absolutely. Secret dads. Secret dads.
Starting point is 00:20:25 The movies that the creative committee apparently were in charge of, and I think this is, I can't see how this is correct. Okay. But these are the movies. Iron Man, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America, The First Avenger, The Winter Soldier, and Civil War. And those that they didn't work on were Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, and Age of Ultron.
Starting point is 00:20:43 But that seems backwards to me. And I don't know this. I would never put Captain America 2, Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron. But that seems backwards to me. And I don't know this. I would never put Captain America 2 and Iron Man 3 in the same basket for any reason. No, that's exactly it. So it seems to me that I, I mean, look, I may be wrong. And look, there's a lot of really talented people on that creative committee,
Starting point is 00:20:59 but it's a situation where it's sometimes better to have a singular vision, unless that vision is say, George Lucas. Right, sure, yeah. Who I have a lot of respect for. Good on him. We'll talk about that later. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:12 But what do you think? You're sort of blackmailed into having a good impression of him because he gave billions of dollars to charity. Exactly. You know how many people wouldn't do that? Yeah. Literally everybody. Everyone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Every billionaire, ultimately. Every billionaire. Ike Perlmutter. Wait, Gates will. Bill Gates has given away all his money. He's a bloody legend, that bloke. Yeah. yeah literally everyone yeah every billionaire every billionaire like pearl mutter wait uh gates will bill gates has given away his money bloody legend that bloke yeah um just those two then yes that's it yeah why don't you go bloody hold hands and go down the bloody the bloody road with your bloody charities mate take a bloody walk all right you sons of bitches do you think it's a good idea that kevin feige is now in charge of everything yes i agree do you think there's a chance that this could go south in what sense
Starting point is 00:21:52 in that you give all the decision making abilities to one person and they drive it off a cliff now he's done nothing to indicate that he correct that he will do that and i don't think he will right but i'm just saying i don't think we should celebrate yet i'm just waiting to see what happens the i'm my feeling is that having ike as this middle man yeah was driving it off a cliff i completely agree insofar as you know we bang on constantly about ant-man and what that was going to be like yeah it seems to me that he you know there there was this extra stopping point you know there was this extra person in the middle going here's the formula yeah if you want to save money if you want to make you know if you want to we've got a good thing going don't change anything follow the
Starting point is 00:22:35 marvel formula kind of thing that seems to me like and a lot of people though have said that that there is a good marvel they have a good thing going right Right. And they do, but I feel like they really need to shake it up. Oh, definitely, yeah. Soon. But I feel like, you know, if we've always had this pearl mudder in the middle. Yeah. Like the sitcom, pearl mudder in the middle. Maybe initially when the Marvel Studios stuff was on the rise,
Starting point is 00:22:59 they were building the formula, they were more content to sort of sit back and go creatively do what you want. Sodas for all. Yeah, as many sodas as you want. Until the filing cabinet money runs out. But then once that formula was established, he might have put his foot down and said, okay, now we know what makes money.
Starting point is 00:23:17 You do that and you do nothing else but that. So to me, I feel if we're just getting Fiege here, it'll be kind of a pixar situation where people you know the creative types can just say this is what we want to do and there's somebody who can say all right i trust you kind of thing i'm hoping as a result of this they get some really talented directors back on board because i feel like trank because i feel like what about trank he's gonna walk past that good. That was a test and you passed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:46 But you know what? I don't know what Trank could do with freedom. Like I know what he could do. Chronicle is really, really amazing. Like I'm very interested to see what he'll do next. Yeah. Drive a Corvette into a pool. Like, you know, initially we had like, we had your Jon Favreau,
Starting point is 00:24:01 we had Kenneth Branagh. And then you get, you've got directors also like the brothers who did Winter Soldier. I've forgotten their names. The Russo brothers. And they came from TV and that's an amazing get. What a great find. That's an amazing movie. And you had your Joss Whedon, obviously. But then you've got like your Alan Taylors who did Thor, The Dark World.
Starting point is 00:24:20 You've got the guy who did Ant-Man, Peyton Reed. And look, I think those movies are very serviceable and i don't have a problem with them but i feel like i want to get some real heavy hitter talented directors and then feige put the puts like james gunn yeah sure and puts his faith in that person oh yeah so that then they drive their individual movies so even though he's overseeing it i'm hoping that he's the kind of guy and i think he is where he will give creative control to the directors. Yeah, totally. Because I feel like they don't really do that,
Starting point is 00:24:49 or they've been guilty of not doing that. Yeah. Something else I heard about Ragnarok is there's a chance it might be filmed in Australia. Yeah, I heard that too also. Yeah, let's be featured extras. Let's be featured extras. And by that I mean let's trespass onto the sets wearing winged helmets.
Starting point is 00:25:02 We'll get through. Yeah. Do you think we're big enough? No. We'll have to get like, maybe like blow up muscle suits. I'm going to say we need whatever the Norse equivalent is of,
Starting point is 00:25:11 we'd be whatever the, no, yes, we'd be whatever the Norse equivalent is of like two kids wearing a trench coat. You know? Absolutely. A cape. Yeah, a cape.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And a breastplate. Correct. All right, good. All right. That'll do it on Marvel, right? Yeah, I think so. Let's bloody do it. Do you want to talk about Force Friday?
Starting point is 00:25:29 Force Friday was Friday. Yeah. Yeah. And it's interesting that this is a day. Like it's a merchandise day. They should just call it merchandise day, right? Yeah, I agree. I am given to understand that people all across Australia,
Starting point is 00:25:43 I don't know about the rest of the world, were bitterly disappointed. Why disappointed with the merchandise showing. Oh, really? Like there was a lot of Toys R Us were saying, come in at midnight, you know, and people were lining up for hours and hours. You know, we'll have all the greatest Star Wars stock or whatever. And then you would go in and there was just nothing.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Like, you know, if- They got some Phantomantom menace toys they did like they legit no they did they did like they were like okay have some you know 12 inch anakin skywalker toys or whatever and yeah no they legitimately would just like like some stores apparently were just like well we've got this old stock left just just bring it back in yeah i go whatever but yeah like uh you know you, like, not even like the full set of characters. Yeah. Like, no, like, Captain Phasma, no, you know.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Kylo Ren. I don't think there were, no. There were no Kylo Ren lightsabers. Okay. Like, if you. If you're rolling out something. If you're rolling out something. Speaking of rolling out.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah. No BB-8s. Yeah. Like, that's a rare commodity right now but if you want like there were I know people who went in
Starting point is 00:26:47 they're like okay I've got 500 bucks to blow on whatever Star Wars stuff is coming out I want a black X-Wing I want a all this sort of stuff
Starting point is 00:26:54 I want a Lego I want a Lego it's not Legos it's correct it's Lego thank you it is Legos and you know
Starting point is 00:27:01 and they just went in going oh nothing speaking of rolling those BB-8s look sweet though. They do. Amazing. My initial reaction was, I should probably buy that. But then I'm not really going to buy it, am I?
Starting point is 00:27:11 No. I'm not going to buy any of this. Yeah. It's always those things where whenever the logical part of my brain kicks in and is like, why don't you just sleep on it? Yeah. Why don't you just see how you feel tomorrow? Why don't you sleep on your Jar Jar Binks bed and see how you feel?
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah. Exactly. Because you can control it with your iPhone. You can move it back and forth. You can have it set on patrol mode. That's right. You can record a hologram with it and view it on an iPad. You can have them sponsor your 100th episode of the podcast
Starting point is 00:27:41 and talk about it. Clearly. That's such length. But I'm just my i have to wonder though and yeah we probably know already but can you the you know the idea of r2d2 with up with a hologram projector is you send him somewhere and he projects the yeah the recorded message sure can you send bb8 to someone else okay and have them watch your hologram i think it's got a range of like 100 feet or something. Okay. But I mean, can they see your message on their phone
Starting point is 00:28:07 or do they need your phone? Because if they need your phone, then that's kind of useless. That's right. Princess Leia would have had to take her phone to the side. Yeah, exactly. It'd be a case of, hey, come here. See, I'm already being an asshole by just shoving this droid in your face. See how annoying I'm being?
Starting point is 00:28:22 Well, also look at this other thing that it does. Look, look at my phone. Look at my phone look what look it's a message from me yeah to you i'm saying hi hi hi it's i'm in star wars i got a droid would you buy any of these things uh i'd be a buy baby i look i want to get if there's one thing i want one thing i want to get is like a classic best pin luke skywalker like statue if i was to get something like not a figure a statue yeah like a you know like a what's that like a 12 inch whatever thing yeah yeah maybe like i might get that one day but that that's or like a replica lightsaber thing but okay yeah but at the end of the day i'll probably sleep on it and i'll get nothing. Sleep on it with your Lando Calrissian body pillow
Starting point is 00:29:07 and just come out of it and go, nah. Oh, yeah. Do you know on the Star Wars YouTube channel and website, they did an 18-hour live stream unboxing? I'm not surprised. I tuned in and out of it and it was just people flipping out in the comments. I think they did the first two unboxing in maybe it was maybe two hours they unboxed maybe two things and the rest was just padding and look the hosts did a
Starting point is 00:29:31 really good job yeah but you can see by the end that they were just losing their minds because they did they did 18 hours of this can you imagine if we had to do this for 18 hours in front of people yeah and about star wars toys, can you imagine that? Like, full credit to them. They did really, really well. But like every hour and a half, two hours. You know what they should do with prisoners in Guantanamo Bay? They should make them host an 18-hour livestream Star Wars unboxing. You want some bloody information out of them.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That's what you do. That's what you do. And every like hour and a half, two hours, they'd cut to somewhere around the world. Jay LaGaia did the Australian unboxing one. And then like France would open a thing. They went to like Germany and people were like, Germans are the most boring people in the world.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Like there was a lot of that. Sure. And they'd cut to like France and they'd speak in French and people would just explode. Like I got this, I copied this comment. This is all caps. I'm ready. I would rather surrender to the Nazis
Starting point is 00:30:28 and listen to them speak French any longer. So there you go. Brutal. I also watched the count. It was initially at 10,000 and then at the lowest point it was down to two because I was in and out. Two people.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And you were the other person. I was the other one, yeah. But look, full credit to them. They did it. But I think they could have probably done that in two hours. Yeah. Or less than two hours. And people were also.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Or a number of minutes equal to the number of toys they produced. Or a number of minutes equal to the number of toys they produced divided by two. And then a couple of minutes for the BB-8. Yeah. Hey, look. Hey, everyone. It's Captain Phasma. Hey, everybody. It's Kylo Ren. Hey, everybody. It's Hey, look. Hey, everyone. It's Captain Phasma. Hey, everybody.
Starting point is 00:31:05 It's Kylo Ren. Hey, everybody. It's a lightsaber. Hey, everybody. It's the other guy. Here's the thing, and we're done. See you. Bye.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Stores are open everywhere except Australia. I'm fairly certain everywhere else is fully stocked. Oh, disappointing. That's what I've heard. If you want to see some unboxing videos, Mason, just go to YouTube and type that in. No, I won't. I won't do that.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Oh, no. You can see all the instruction book in. No, I won't do that. You can see all the instruction booklets. No. You can watch a guy put together a Lego X-Wing in real time. Great. Do you want to talk about the Star Wars prequels? Oh, that's what we're going to do this week. By overwhelming majority, our listeners want us to talk about star wars prequels this week
Starting point is 00:31:45 in our 100th episode yeah we're going to give it that 100th episode spin by that we're going to be kind of tired the whole time that's it okay what do you want to know about the star wars prequels okay this is how i thought we'd do it okay we go through each episode we talk about things that we vaguely remember okay great can you remember the last time you saw these, by the way? I have seen Phantom Menace once at the movies, I think. Really? You must have seen clips. Unless I've seen it once.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Did we watch it on? No, you know what? We must have seen it on DVD. Yeah. We watched the special features together. We watched the special features together. I think we didn't watch the movie, though. We didn't watch the movie then. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Okay, well, I've seen it once and I've seen, and then a year later I saw the special features on dvd i saw the making of in 2000 couldn't have been no i think it wasn't that long ago i reckon it was maybe five years ago really doesn't matter does it how would you know when i was there oh okay right oh so we broke him out of storage to watch him yeah which is weird because i don't own that that DVD, so I don't know where we got it from. Anyway, I thought we could do, look. It was a daring midnight raid on Toys R Us. We stole all the prequel DVDs.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And the others I've seen, I think, didn't we watch them? We watched those movies together, I'm fairly certain. No, we didn't. I know exactly. I could tell you the exact people that I watched each one with. Oh, boy. Yeah. I mean, maybe I saw it because I think I saw both of them twice at the cinema, all of them
Starting point is 00:33:08 twice. Look, these movies are notoriously hated, right? Sure. I actually took a girl on a date to the Revenge of the Sith. Wow. And this- Where is she now? She's on my Facebook somewhere.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Great. Lovely girl. Yeah. But I legitimately lost, like didn't bring my wallet. Oh, I remember that. Yeah. We I legitimately lost, like didn't bring my wallet. Oh, I remember that. Yeah. We're not together, obviously. Was that the day you, because I recall one time you went to pay for something
Starting point is 00:33:36 and you hadn't brought your wallet, but you'd taken a hip flask off the desk instead. Yeah, I had a hip flask in my wallet pocket. Yeah. Dark days. Dark days. So not only did she have to sit through a terrible movie she was really excited for it huh yeah i remember i worked with her and i was like excited for star wars and she was like oh my god yeah we should go see star wars together whatever huh i was like all right you pay apparently that's not a move that i make mason
Starting point is 00:34:02 if you go on a date if you ask someone a date you should you should pay or at least and you know what and they should also offer to pay but you but then you say i'll take care of this seems like a complicated dance it is a complicated dance but it says a lot about a person if you go out with them and they don't even offer i think what should happen is you offer to pay they also offer to pay yeah and then you let them and then no and then it then it's it it becomes increasingly passive-aggressive over who's going to pay they also offer to pay yeah and then you let them and then no and then it then it's it it becomes increasingly passive-aggressive over who's going to pay and then there's a fist fight okay yeah i'm down with that yeah it's like opening a car door for somebody it's a gesture it's a sign of things to calm mason oh yeah yeah yeah just open your car door for someone just anyone randoms on the street yeah anyway i thought we could do this because these are notoriously hated,
Starting point is 00:34:47 but they aren't without merit. So what you do. I would disagree. I would say that some people love them and they are completely without merit. Okay, sure. We'll do the compliment sandwich. You familiar with the compliment sandwich? Oh, sure, yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Where if you want to give something a crippling insult but suffer the blow, you say something nice. Yes. You say the worst thing imaginable, and then you say something nice again. Great. Now, I feel the dilemma here will be is I will use up my one compliment right at the start, crushing insults for a very long time, and then I'll have nothing at the end. So it'll be more an open-faced compliment sandwich. Yeah. With what is it, with meat down or whatever. Yeah, meat all the way down. Jeez.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Well, we'll give it a go, won't we? Yeah, we will. Come on, Pat. So Star Wars, hey? Yeah, so I guess we start with episode one, The Phantom Menace. Have we talked about my general attitude towards Star Wars? Feel free to. No, it's more that, like, I'm fascinated. It's not that I dislike Star Wars. It sounds like you No, it's more that I'm fascinated.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's not that I dislike Star Wars. Sounds like you dislike all these open-faced sandwiches you're giving us. I'm more fascinated by Star Wars and Star Wars fandom than I hate Star Wars, I feel. I think Star Wars is very interesting. Sure. I feel that when... I feel Star Wars has produced a lot of great expanded universe stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:04 I wouldn't say a lot, but some. Some. Some great video games, some great novels, some comic books, all sorts of stuff like that. Cartoons, that sort of thing. But I think that it's interesting that when people say, oh my God, I love Star Wars, what they're generally referring to is the movies.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And I just think that's interesting that they're saying that they love something where two thirds of it is garbage. I just think that's interesting that they're saying that they love something where two-thirds of it is garbage. I just think that's interesting. Anyway, that's the positive part of my compliment sandwich. So here we go, hey? I don't know. I think it's kind of a genius marketing move to just have blanketed the entire world
Starting point is 00:36:39 with Star Wars toys and action figures and whatever. Well, that's how they did it. Just to prop up appeals for this stuff and then – And that's how they did it. Just to prop up, appeal for this stuff and then... And that's what they did because in 1977, when the first one was released, you couldn't then watch that at home. There was like, you know, videotapes were very early days
Starting point is 00:36:57 and I don't even know when they released Star Wars on video. So you'd get the toys and you'd like recreate them and that's how you get that burned into your brain forever. You know what I mean? That's very clever. Sometimes families would sit down in the living room and just dad would get out and the action figures and just recreate the scenes. The action figures where nobody really looks like anybody.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Correct. Everyone's got the same mold. Yeah. Anyway, Star Wars episode one though, obviously that was like when that got announced, people lost their minds. I remember it was, it was a big deal because there hadn't been a Star Wars Episode I, though, obviously that was like when that got announced, people lost their minds. Yeah, I remember.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It was a big deal because there hadn't been a Star Wars movie. I think it was maybe announced in 96, 97, I want to say. Probably 96. Yeah, it would have been 96. Or maybe even 95. No, it was 96. It was around. It was.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I don't know. Look, I don't know. This week, don't know. Look, this week James complains. This week James thinks about years a lot. Yeah. That's what happens here. That's what happens. Do you remember being excited? Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Yeah. Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, because they were like, we're going to re-release them and then we're going to give you a bloody new Star Wars and then it'll be bloody sick, guys. The warning sign shouldn't have been how much he altered the originals, in particular A New Hope. Like that should have been how much he altered the the originals in particular a new hope like that should have been we should have anticipated that the phantom menace would have phantom menaced
Starting point is 00:38:10 more so would we have though because look having having recently done an audio commentary for star wars a new hope yes uh the. The 2011 version. Yeah. The weekly, wait, what is it? Weekly Planet Pod. Weekly, the weekly. Yeah, you're right, sorry. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Oh, we're so good at this. I think new listeners who are listening to this will be like, wow, they definitely have done 100 episodes and not one episode. You know what I mean? But, yeah, like I think, I don't – because I think structurally that movie definitely still held up. There were some incredibly jarring moments where we switched from great real-world 1977 backdrops to just this incredibly plasticky-looking
Starting point is 00:39:00 CGI Mos Eisley. Yeah, with the same dinosaur yeah walking around but there's but structurally that movie still held up and it was still a great action kind of movie and fun and and great you know good dialogue and all that sort of stuff great hand soloing great hand soloing good character interactions that whole thing yeah good tension you know good good but i don't think anybody had any idea that what would happen if you just went full bore CGI and just – because we didn't know. Clearly Lucas went, I don't like how this movie is anymore.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I'm going to change it. Yeah. And the army of yes men went, of course you need to change it. Let's do that and let's make more money with these new releases. Yeah. But I don't think anybody at that point had known to what degree george lucas was surrounded by yes men absolutely where he could just say i want the jedi to go into a little submarine and go on into the water and meet some big giant puffy fish men and have an adventure go through the planet core and for for everybody around him to just go
Starting point is 00:40:05 great good idea you know what i mean yeah yeah but would you doubt him being there you know what having watched the i watched the i didn't re-watch the prequels i re-watched all the behind the scenes stuff yeah great because i think that says a lot more about those movies i think that's true movies themselves and there's a lot of kind of maybe i'm reading into it but there's a lot of kind of blank stares and like uncertainty when he'll say it like he'll say something like jar jar's the funniest character that we've had and there's just kind of like a you know absolutely yeah you know like it's those those are very interesting yeah the behind the scenes absolutely they like that's on youtube you can just look that it's like an hour just fascinating great turn this podcast off look we've had a hundred we've had a good run yeah but yeah no there's there's even and again i haven't seen
Starting point is 00:40:49 these make these behind the scenes for a very long time but i yeah at least but i definitely recall there's a moment where they've completed the film yeah and they're showing it to some executives or and the editor and the editor and some money people and all that sort of stuff and producers. And they show the whole film and then it fade to black on the film, the credits. And there's just a moment where everybody just sort of looks around
Starting point is 00:41:14 and everybody's got this look that's like, there's no time to fix this. Like this is what we've got. We cannot... And Lucas even said that. He's like, there's too much going on. Yeah. Because basically the story,
Starting point is 00:41:28 I'm going to jump ahead in the story, I guess, but there's like four different scenarios happening and it's very jarring jumping from one to the next because you've got a space battle, you've got a throne room battle, and you've got, there's only three, I guess, and there's also the- Oh, and it's easy.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Yeah, there's the Darth Maul battle. Oh, sorry, and the Gungan battle. There we go. And the taxation. So much taxation. But not only that, like, and they even say that. One of the editors says, and he's like the original sound guy. I think his name's Ben Burtt.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I might be wrong. But he's incredibly talented. He's incredibly interesting. He goes, you've got Qui-Gon's death, and then 90 seconds later you cut to buddy jar jar running around a cgi field right i mean like it doesn't work no absolutely and he says that and then he just kind of like whatever like right right like and look maybe we should go back to the start let's go back to the start yeah so i look i think because at that point we'd had i think as as kids
Starting point is 00:42:24 or like young teens or whatever we had, like I remember TIE Fighter came out in like 94. Like we had, we had heaps of just great video games and stuff like that. Jedi Knight games. Jedi Knight games. We were kind of, we were high on those. And. I bloody put in like six floppy disks.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Yeah. Like, and the previews just, they looked great. They did. They looked, it was Star Wars, but it was kind of. We've talked about this. I've got a video where the best part of The Phantom Menace is the trailer. Yeah. And that's on my YouTube channel somewhere.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Right, right, right. Okay. Yeah. Where it's just, it looks like Star Wars, but, you know, before that universe fell to pieces, it's kind of this golden age. Yeah. I always find that kind of fascinating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:01 This like kind of romanticized version of the past. Yeah. And whatever. And you know what? Also romanticized version of the past and whatever. And you know what? Also, a lot of The Phantom Menace is- A long time ago. Certainly. A long, long time ago.
Starting point is 00:43:10 A lot of the- Like American Pie. Like American Pie. The Weird Al version. The Weird Al version. Oh, God. There's a lot of practical stuff in that movie. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:18 A lot of that stuff, like they built real cities, like miniatures and like real ships. And like they obviously CGI'd most of the ships in space or whatever, but they built and and like they obviously cgi'd most of the ships in space or whatever but they built models and and they do do that for a lot of the other ones as well and there's a lot of puppeteering and the only cgi character is jar jar binks and look he doesn't look that bad like the character like it's obviously dated that's not it's not flawless but it's for the time it's still the compliment part of the compliment sandwich but that being said the story is a fucking disaster comprehensible yeah see for me the because these are they're not they're children they're family films that's the thing yeah are they though are they family films well then ultimately i think they're geared they have to
Starting point is 00:44:03 be geared towards families is anakin skywalker rolling into a pit of lava with no legs is that a family film well see that's that's what i'm saying i'm saying what the intent is if you know you know star wars and lucas film and all that sort of stuff they want the absolute maximum number of viewers they want the absolute maximum number of people to purchase the toys yeah so it's got to be a family film. But Phantom Menace is a film that satisfies no one. Yes. And look, those movies, they've been picked to death. In particular, Red Letter Media. They do the definitive review of that.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Everybody's seen it. If you haven't, you should definitely watch that. That is a footlong compliment sandwich there. Absolutely. And for lack of a better word, they say that, exactly what you said, they're trying to appeal to everybody. And they got Samuel L. Jackson because there's apparently something called the urban market.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Oh, yes. And apparently, Lucasfilm, this is the assumption made by Red Letter Media that black people don't like Star Wars. So you put in Samuel L. Jackson and you've got the cool guy from Pulp Fiction being the most boring man in the world in Star Wars because he's not an interesting character in any of these movies. So you've got your kid, bloody Jar Jar Binks rabbit and your bloody Anakin Skywalker and you've got your space battles
Starting point is 00:45:15 and you've got your Jedi and you're appealing to everybody and like you said, in doing so, it appeals to nobody. Just appealing to no one because the kids aren't going to like, because I remember at the time seeing it yeah and i remember a lot every major newspaper gave it five stars i remember that yeah and i'm like well all right and then i went in and i'm like and i just sort of i was like oh there's so many the great lightsaber battles and you know there's yeah i've seen him in the trailer it's gonna be amazing and then it was just this drag in between lightsaber battles.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Yeah. I remember thinking, even in the cinema, well, I guess I'll just deal with this until there's another lightsaber battle. Because I'm like, well, there has to be at least one more. You've seen the trailer. I've seen the trailer. There has to be at least one more where this Darth Maul guy fights Qui-Gon Jinn or whatever. There's your bloody compliment sandwich. There's my compliment sandwich. Darth Maul. Yeah this Darth Maul guy fights. Yeah. Qui-Gon Jinn or whatever. There's your bloody compliment sandwich.
Starting point is 00:46:05 There's my compliment sandwich. Darth Maul. Yeah. Darth Maul's an amazing character. That's true, yeah. The concept. Sure, yeah. Execution, not so much.
Starting point is 00:46:13 The design-wise, yeah, is incredible. And you know, Ray Park is really good as Darth Maul. But touching on those lightsaber fights, I didn't notice this so much at the time because I walked out of that, I enjoyed it. I was like, I think I liked that. It's one of these things where you're like, yeah, it was because it was cool because there were lightsabers and whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:31 But you obviously were like... Even at the time. Yeah. I think we've talked about this before, but I was in high school at the time and I went out of it and I saw it and I'm bitterly disappointed. And then on the Monday, I went out of it and I saw it and I'm bitterly disappointed. And then on the Monday, I went to class and there was a guy reading the hardcover Phantom
Starting point is 00:46:52 Menace novelization. Sure. I think it had Anakin on the cover. You could get different covers. Oh, okay. Right. So it might've been the Anakin you can switch over to Darth Maul or whatever. Anyway, and so this guy was just reading it, getting through it.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Furiously. Furiously, furiously, yeah. And I'm like, whew, Phantom Menace, eh? And he's like, I've seen it 10 times. And I'm like, you've what? How is that even possible? I don't know. I reckon maybe he saw it twice Friday night and then three times, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Well, movies open Thursday here, don't they? Yeah, exactly, yeah. So I guess he saw it two or three times then three times. I don't know. The movie's open Thursday here, don't they? Yeah, exactly. I guess he saw it two or three times a day in four days. Yes. And I'm like, wow, that's all right. That's like $120. Yeah, I know. For a kid.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Yeah. No, it's more. It's $204. Movie tickets wouldn't have been $20 then, would they? No. Who knows, mate? But yeah, look, I can say without varnishing over history, I hated it at the time. 240 movie tickets wouldn't be 20 bucks then would they? No. Who knows, mate? The story, like I can say without Vaughn,
Starting point is 00:47:46 without vanishing over history. Yeah. I hated it at the time. Did you, did you tell people that though? Yeah. Cause we knew each other then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Didn't we? But I don't remember having this conversation. I was probably like, I probably wasn't listening. Absolutely. I was too busy thinking about all those sweet bloody sword fights, mate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:01 And those hilarious Jar Jar Binks shenanigans. Look, Jar Jar Binks isn't great. Look, Jar Jar Binks isn't great, is he? No. But he's not the problem with that movie. He's one of the problems.
Starting point is 00:48:10 No, look, I think that he would be C-3PO style comic relief. Like in the first one, C-3PO was quite annoying. Yeah. Like in A New Hope. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:19 But because the rest of the movie is, you know, flows really well and it's great action and stuff like that, you go, ah, it's just, it's fine. He's the scapegoat. Shut up and we'll move on. He's the scapegoat, really. and it's great action and stuff like that. You go, ah, it's fine. Shut up and we'll move on. He's the scapegoat, really.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah, exactly. But in this movie, if this movie were good, he'd be like, ah, just, yeah, all right, he's kind of, whatever, who cares. That's not the best part of it. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, but in this, the... Yeah, look, the problem with the prequels is, and I've said this before and I'll say it again,
Starting point is 00:48:50 there's no Harrison Ford, the actor. there's no han solo the character and i don't mean exactly like i don't want a junior han solo i don't want a 12 year old han solo we'll talk about that yeah but what you need is an act you need a character yeah who is a counterpoint who's like this is dumb like all of this is dumb even if all the other Even if he's wrong, you need a character to say that. So in your brain, you can accept that and move on. Exactly. It's called hanging a lampshade. Hanging a lampshade, yeah. Or hanging a lantern sometimes.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Yeah, that's right. And it's a case of, like in A New Hope, you've got Han Solo saying, there's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny. This is all dumb. What are you, a dickhead? Yeah, what are you, a dickhead? Get your bloody, why do I have this weird laser shooting drone just in my ship for you to practice on?
Starting point is 00:49:35 What's going on there? I think the implication is that Obi-Wan brought it with him. Oh, fine. I'll get to that. Okay, great. But yeah, but in this movie, people are like, he's got so many midichlorians in him and nobody's like that's stupid where are these where are these midichlorians from
Starting point is 00:49:51 what's happening like there's no and again there's no harrison ford famously said you can write this shit but you're sure as hell can't say it regarding all the dialogue in the star wars movies yes and there's again there's presumably everybody who was cast in these movies is like. I love Star Wars. I love Star Wars. I'm excited. I'm excited. This is going to be a really great opportunity.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Most of them didn't read the script because there was no script. Yeah, exactly. Everybody, you know, everybody in the world's going to see me. This is going to be great. Yeah. And again, modern day movies, especially sci-fi movies, I reckon it'd be hard to tell if you're in a good movie or not. Like when you're there, just you're there and there's green screen and there's half-built sets.
Starting point is 00:50:35 You're talking to nobody. You've got a costume that's, again, half-built. There's some green stuff on it. You're talking to a piece of paper with an X on it or a man with like a fish on his head, like a man in a ping pong ball suit with a fish on, you know, and they're like, talk to the fish on his head or whatever. Like you would have no idea.
Starting point is 00:50:52 You've got some, you know, you'd be like, well, it's Lucasfilm, so probably pretty good. It seems like there's a lot of money behind this. Yeah, but again, until you see the film completed and edited, there's no way to know whether it's going to be good or not or if it's going to look like garbage. That's right. If they decide to underspend good or not or it's going to look like garbage that's right if they if they decide to underspend on the cgi it's going to look like garbage and you're going to be standing in the middle of a pile of garbage
Starting point is 00:51:11 so did you know there's an actual there's an extra bit at the end there's going to be another finale going on right there do you know the long-headed jedi oh yes key muriandi i think his name is i mean, that is his name. Right, right. I'm not probably saying it right. Scalpso Grande is his name. Scalpso Grande, who's also one of the viceroys, who, by the way, are the dumbest assholes in the galaxy.
Starting point is 00:51:33 I'll get back to that. Okay, right. He takes one of the Trade Federation ships. Uh-huh. Like, he goes in with a lightsaber. And so that footage exists somewhere. Okay. And, you know, I would like to see it just to be like, yeah, they probably shouldn't
Starting point is 00:51:44 have included this. Yeah. okay the yoda puppet yes it's it's wrong yeah it is yeah because it it's it's say it's about 30 years between this and a new hope uh give or take right it looks way different and i know he looks he's supposed to look different right but it doesn't even look like him. It looks like he's, I don't know, like he's weird crack addict brother or something. I don't know. Like he's really, he's too skinny and his head doesn't, like his head's too small and it doesn't work. And then they made the mistake of not only butchering that, but then in the next one going to CGI Yoda, which we'll get back to.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Okay, great. And then they also, then they redid Phantom Menace and they put CGI Yoda back over the top of it. Oh, okay. So they edited the Phantom Menace. So having not re-watched them multiple times, I did not know that. Well, I genuinely haven't watched that movie.
Starting point is 00:52:36 So did they add more CGI to Phantom Menace in its re-release? Yeah, yeah. Well, they released it in 3D a couple of years ago. I didn't go see it. I probably haven't seen it for 10 years. Yeah, right, okay. But boy, it still burns. But that's the thing though.
Starting point is 00:52:49 It doesn't really... At the end of the day, I don't care that these aren't good. No, that's fine. Exactly. Realistically, I spent 10 bucks on it at the time and I haven't seen it again. So ultimately, it makes zero difference to me. There's no reason for me to get mad at this.
Starting point is 00:53:03 And I love Star Wars. And you know what? If this new one turns out terrible, I'll be kind of like, oh, that sucks. What if it's just a movie? I feel that's the problem. Not if it's a great movie, not if it's a Phantom Menace-style pile of garbage. Because if it is, people will be like, well, remember what happened last time? You've learned your lesson.
Starting point is 00:53:19 But if it's just a movie. Say like Age of Ultron for you or something like that. It's fine. Honestly, I don't yeah i i don't really get stung anymore right maybe it's because i'm getting older or whatever i don't know but it's just like yeah because because you know what there's always it's gonna be like another movie in whatever franchise yeah like we had mad max this year and mad max is great yeah and there'll be something as good as mad max, maybe not next year, but probably the year after.
Starting point is 00:53:45 You know, whatever. It doesn't matter. Exactly. None of this matters. None of it. Episode 100. Anyway. But yeah, look, the problem with The Phantom Menace is
Starting point is 00:53:53 it's boring. Yes. That's number one. The characters forget what powers they have. Correct. Which is a pet peeve of mine. Super speed. Well, exactly.
Starting point is 00:54:03 There's a moment right at the start yeah qui-gon jinn and obi-wan kenobi are fighting some droids and they use their super speed a sudden burst of super speed to get across a room or what have you yeah or down a hallway or whatever it is yeah and then later right at the end of the film obi-wan qui-gon jinn is fighting darth maul yep and obi-wan cannot get to him because of a series of video game style laser doors that he's not fast enough to get through. It's a Super Metroid level. Yeah, unless he could use some sort of super speed.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Yeah. And he could very easily have done it, but he doesn't. He must have used it all. I must have used all of this. His super speed meter might have been down. Might have been low. But you know, it's very telling as well in this, behind the scenes. Yep.
Starting point is 00:54:49 There's a bit where George Lucas is sitting with that same editor who says, this tonally is all over the place. Right. And they're sitting there and George Lucas is like, look, I like the performance of that actor in this particular take of this scene, but I don't like what the person next to him does. So can you take those two different performances and put them together?
Starting point is 00:55:08 And the guy's like, it's great that we can do that, but then he's telling the audience this. But then that opens up way too many choices in terms of direction. Like he's micro-editing and micro-directing a movie. And it used to be like, you're not happy with that take, but it's good enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:28 We already spent enough on film stock. Yeah. So this is what we got. This is what it is. We did two takes. You can choose one of the two takes. And the scene they were even doing it in, it was the most inconsequential scene of all time.
Starting point is 00:55:39 They're all standing in the cockpit as they've left bloody Naboo or whatever. And Captain Panaka, who was a nobody character, he sits down too early and he's like, well, I don't like how he sits down early. So can you just make him stand there? And then that person is going to exit screen left and then he'll just be standing there. Right. It's like, who the, what are you, who fucking cares? Nobody cares about this.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Right. What are you doing? Like, it's, it's madness. And okay, here's, here's, here's, here's a compliment. Oh, okay. Yeah, here's a compliment. Oh, okay, yeah. There's a deleted... It's more a sprinkling of compliments over a sandwich made of just feces. There's a deleted Greedo scene with Kid Greedo.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Kid Greedo. And Kid Greedo is in this movie, technically. He's one of Anakin's little supporters when he's winning the bloody pod race. What do you think of the pod race, actually? Ah, look. It's a good video game. Have you ever played that on 64? Never, look. It's a good video game. Is it? Have you ever played that on 64?
Starting point is 00:56:26 Never, no. It's pretty solid now. No, I was never a 64 fan. You. I know, right? So, the issue I have with the pod race. Yeah. Well, there's probably heaps.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Sebulba. Sebulba. He was too dastardly. It's kid actors talking to, like it's a kid character talking to himself. Like, yay, I'm winning the race. You know, it's one of those, it's a bit of that exposition. That's kid actors talking to, like it's a kid character talking to himself. Like, yay, I'm winning the race. You know, it's one of those, it's a bit of that exposition. That's what I hate. I hate not so much the pod race, but the overarching idea that in Star Wars,
Starting point is 00:56:55 Obi-Wan says, I met Anakin when he was a pilot or whatever. And he was the best pilot I've ever seen. And so they were like, okay, we've got kid Anakin. We have to make him some sort of pilot. Yeah. Let's make him a pod race pilot because that's, we can't have him. You know what I mean? And the weirdest thing is Obi-Wan's not even there.
Starting point is 00:57:14 He's on the ship. Yeah, he's on the ship. Why did they even make the character of Qui-Gon? Why couldn't he be Obi-Wan where Obi-Wan finds him and goes, this kid is messed up. Right. He shouldn't even be a kid. That's a mistake right there. But if you're going to do that, why put Qui-Gon in?
Starting point is 00:57:29 They just put him in to have someone to kill. I had a conversation with somebody about this the other day, that the problem with the fandom, look, there's so many problems with these prequels. Stop saying that. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't. Is that from the, you know, the last one came out in, Return of the Jedi came out in 83.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Yeah, 83. And then we had The Phantom Menace in? 99. 99. So we had 16 years of people, and we had three movies of people going, okay, well, I met Anakin when he was the greatest pilot I've ever seen. Served him in the Clone Wars.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Clone Wars, Kessel Run, all this sort of, all this backstory that we can imagine jango fett someone said jango fett at some point absolutely and so we had yeah so so there was 16 years yeah where people want more if you can't you know from 77 yeah where fans of star wars imagined what happened prior to that. And there's no way that any movie, no matter how good, could have lived up to that. And so it's ultimately very disappointing that those movies were total crap. So would you say that's what's going to happen with Force Awakens?
Starting point is 00:58:36 No. Why? I think that we're in a good era of, and I've talked about this with Doctor Who before, where we've got people who created it originally, they're still around. We've got people who grew up as fans of it, who've sort of seen... The J.J. Abrams.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Yeah, J.J. Abrams. Yeah. Who've seen maybe there's some problems that they need to surmount and stuff like that, who love the original stuff, who've been waiting years to build to, you know, build their own story in that universe. And they, they're very good at remembering what was great and what they loved about it. And then sort of concentrating that all together kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Concentrating like the force. Yeah. They'll get your midi-chlorians in line. Just put an old pile of them all up the midi-chlorians. You know what I mean? Yeah. No, I think they're going to be,
Starting point is 00:59:22 I think it's going to be pretty good. I remember being bored during that pod race and it's technically amazing no i also remember being bored yeah yeah it goes for too long there's too many laps just have one lap yeah qui-gon rigs that races that doesn't rig the race he rigs the dice everything's rigged about that's there's yeah it's amazing because he walks in he he's like, can I have this hyperdrive? And he's like, no. And he's like, can I use this boy and have a race? And he's like, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Sure, yeah. So what is... He should just go, see this? This is a laser sword. I'm from the Republic. I'll kill you. Yeah. Give me that.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I'll send you the money. Because, yeah, morally speaking, Qui-Gon Jinn is quite a bad person he bankrupted a small disheveled jewish man wings he's and he is a he's like a stereotypical kind there's a lot of stereo money grubbing there's a lot of and i don't want to get into any specifics but if there's a lot of weird stereotypic there's a lot of weird ethnic stereotypes disguised as aliens in this movie especially. Less so in the other two, but boy.
Starting point is 01:00:27 And yeah, because he's got Wingsy Snout or whatever his real name is. Watto. Thank you. Yeah. Who's just this junk deal. He might very well be a shady junk deal. Well, you know what? He set them up in a nice home.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Yeah. I mean, they had bombs in their head. Oh, sure. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, he's not really touched on much. But the first thing Qui-Gon does is just to try and force,
Starting point is 01:00:47 just mind trick, Jedi mind trick him. And then he's like, oh, my powers don't work on this guy. Yeah. Hey, how about I negotiate to have this child in a pod race or whatever? Like what's stopping him from going out into the street and saying, everyone give me all your money? Yes. Like morally that's-
Starting point is 01:01:04 It's the same thing, isn't it? It's the same thing, I feel. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Or again, the lightsaber cut you in half kind of situation. If this guy's a bad guy. Also, they could have.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Plenty of chopping to bits. And I think Red Letter Media said this. They could be like, we have a Naboo cruiser. Yeah. Can you just give us literally anything and you can have this. Yeah, yeah. Like we just need to get however many parsecodus also and you were there obviously when we saw this and we stopped and talked about it when you watch the anakin skywalker um auditions yep the guy they give it to is not the best guy
Starting point is 01:01:38 no he's not the best actor yeah it was quite obvious like we we see them both deliver the same we see two child both deliver the same. We see two child actors deliver the same bit of dialogue. And it's that are you an angel nonsense. Yeah. And one of them really sells it. Yeah. Well.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Yeah. You know. You know. And look, again, that's not Jake Lloyd's fault. Like this is, like that dude got a bad rap. Yeah. And it's not on him either. Like it's unfair that he's, you know, that things have turned out the way that it has for him that really sucks
Starting point is 01:02:10 he'd get that shit every day every day imagine that yeah bloody hell man blame the parents yeah yeah anyway the grito deleted scene oh sorry i forgot about the grito deleted scene all right which is it's amazing that they cut this out where after the after the pod race qui-gon comes across grido kid grido and kid anakin skywalker fighting in the street right and he's like he breaks it up and he's like what the hell is this and anakin's like this son of a bitch said that i cheated in the race which he technically did i guess because he's got the full sword but i guess he didn't it's not important and he's and qui-gon's like hey kid do you think he cheated and he's like yeah and anakin and he's like to anakin he's like did you cheat he's like no and he's like who cares let's go doesn't matter who cares what he thinks
Starting point is 01:02:58 and then that's kind of cool because it's kind of like yeah it's a good point message for kids or whatever and then he walks away and someone goes, one day you'll get in trouble, Greedo. That's on YouTube. Great. Find it. Fantastic. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:03:18 So good work on cutting that out. Yeah, definitely. All in all. And then, of course, we have to, another way to show that Anakin is an amazing pilot is by accidentally getting into a spaceship and then accidentally destroying another spaceship, right? And then again, there's a bit more classic, I'm in a spaceship.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I'm flying the space. Oh, I've blown up all the other spaceships. I made her do a roll in the spaceship. Yeah. Awful. Terrible. It really is. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:03:49 It's pretty much a beat for beat and you hope. Not in a good way. But like you got the big space battle. You got your bloody medal ceremony at the end and whatever. You got your farm boy who's got a heart of gold. And you got your funny droids. You're going to the moss ice lake. You're doing the stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Yeah. Anyway, we to the stuff. Yeah. Anyway, we've got two more of these. Oh, yeah. What else do I hate about Phantom Menace? We could always come back to it. Yeah, it's true. If I have any thoughts about Phantom Menace and why I hate it. I feel these next two are just going to blur together slightly.
Starting point is 01:04:18 They're not as bad. I disagree. All right. I think episode two is easily the worst Star Wars movie. Wow. All right. And I've said this before. It's even in that Phantom Menace video I did.
Starting point is 01:04:31 It should know better. Oh, yes. Building off the back of what happened in the first one and the things that people hated. And look, he did make an attempt in many ways because he scaled Jar Jar Binks like right back. Oh, yeah. Like that was a clear response. But he also made him, I think, as a kind of screw you to the audience.
Starting point is 01:04:47 He's the one who gives the Chancellor powers. That's right, yeah. To be like... I don't even think that that was a... Like, I don't think scaling down of Jar Jar was a narrative decision. I think that was a merchandising decision. I think there would have been, across the world,
Starting point is 01:05:03 there would have been, across the world, there would have been like one million unsold Jar Jar Binks toys and plushies and action figures. Just go to any Australian Toys R Us and you'll find them. In 2015. And I think they're like, well, look, he's still definitely the funniest character, but he's not selling, so he's out. He's out, yeah, yeah. Have you seen the push pop Jar Jar Binks thing?
Starting point is 01:05:26 His mouth opens and his tongue's a lollipop and you... And you French him. You French him. We haven't even... What do you think of Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan? It's serviceable. Like it's good. He's as good as he can be yeah i think he nails the voice he
Starting point is 01:05:48 nails the mannerism he looks like him yeah but he like he does as good as he can do like i feel like he got out of this pretty unscathed yeah yeah and you know his uncle was in star wars his uncle is where jantillies there you go dennis lawson i think his name is who advised him not to do these movies right which is which we've talked about before but look you know what's weird about what His uncle is Wedge Antilles. There you go. Dennis Lawson, I think his name is, who advised him not to do these movies. Right. Which we've talked about before. But look, you know what's weird about... What do you think of Amidala?
Starting point is 01:06:12 Just as a character? Sure, or an actor. Look, again, it's hard to say because they're all crippled by this woeful dialogue. Yeah. It's just... Especially... Does Attack of the Clones feature the,
Starting point is 01:06:26 I hate the sand because it's so rough, that speech. Yeah. So the last time you saw this was in 2002. Must have been, yeah. Yeah, yeah. This one I walked out and I went, I had the same reaction to the first one. I was like, nah, that wasn't good in any way. I don't even know what that was.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Because, you know, a lot of it is, despite how big it is in the scope and they're walking down these massive, expansive Jedi temple corridors and they're on this amazing bug planet and whatever, it feels like it was filmed in a cupboard. Like there's no depth of, I don't know, it's not the sound design because, you know, you kind of get your echoes in your hallways or whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:02 It's just, it does, everything looks flat. Yes, absolutely. It was, it's it's that golden era of we can cgi anything we want yeah but never question why we whether we should or not yeah that kind of thing and so you could build a cgi city yeah but it didn't have enough texture to look real that's right like if you if you're willing to suspend disbelief, you'd be like, oh, okay, this is kind of a stylised universe. Yeah. Or maybe you could go, okay, well, it's the past,
Starting point is 01:07:31 so we're seeing everything in a kind of a golden, you know, with rose-coloured glasses or what have you. But it didn't, and because the rest of the movie is so bad, all the dialogue's bad and the plot's bad and everything else is awful. Yeah. It's just another thing to add to the pile. You know what I mean? If the acting was great and the plot's bad and everything else is awful. Yeah. It's just another thing to add to the pile. You know what I mean? If the acting was great and the plot was great and you're like,
Starting point is 01:07:49 this is an amazing action movie. Yeah. The city looks kind of weird. Yeah. You'd be like, yeah, but look at everything else. Exactly, yeah. Look at Dexter Jetster. Look at Dexter Jetster.
Starting point is 01:07:58 There's too many. Look how many arms he has. There's too many CGI characters in this. And then even things like, and again george lucas what an amazing guy like i genuinely mean that like he'll go in and there's like different heads for dexter jetstar and they're like which dexter jetstar do you like and he's like well there's a very pivotal role and whatever he's not yeah it doesn't mean none of that means anything but he picks up again he could have his exposition could be on a post-it note. Yes. Or a terminal, like he just...
Starting point is 01:08:25 Obi-Wan just looks something up. Well, he does. He looks something up because he's like, where's the planet Kamino? And it's like, it's not here. So he goes, I guess I'll go speak to my friend Dexter Jetster. He's like, no, it's there.
Starting point is 01:08:35 It's in this place. Right, right. He's like, okay. They just wanted to put a weird, like, 1950s diner in there. Yeah, exactly. So he could... That's saying... If you wanted to just do a quick edit of Attack of the Clones,
Starting point is 01:08:46 you could just have cut to the terminal, where's Kamino? It's here. Great. And then just cut to him in Kamino, right? Exactly. I mean, I guess because Kamino's been wiped from the archive by the Emperor or whoever.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Right. Or Cipher Deus. In this scenario, it hasn't been. Yes. Right? Okay, sure. It's just there, just going about its been. Yes. Right? Okay, sure. Yep. It's just there just going about its business.
Starting point is 01:09:07 So, like even in the Dexter Jester scene, there's a scene where they hug. Yep. And they CGI out Obi-Wan and put Ewan McGregor's real head onto a fake body
Starting point is 01:09:19 so they could like hug convincingly. Excellent. But also, and he takes the two Dexter Jets to sculpt and he's like, well, I like the bottom of this head but I like the top
Starting point is 01:09:27 of that one so can you just put them together? It's like, just pick one. It doesn't matter. Yeah. What is his
Starting point is 01:09:34 aesthetic sense based on? That's interesting. Exactly. I don't, I can't. Because would you be like, oh, he's, yes, it's weird.
Starting point is 01:09:44 This universe of yes men. So that's why I'm's, yes, it's weird, this universe of yes-men. So that's why I'm fascinated by it because it's not like back in the day they released an Obi-Wan figure that Lucas designed, an Obi-Wan figure that somebody else designed, and the Lucas one outperformed that in sales 10,000 to one or whatever. Like there's never been a test. So it's just like Lucas going, yeah, the top of that and the bottom of that yeah as if it makes a difference in terms of merchandise sales or anything like that it wouldn't no absolutely
Starting point is 01:10:14 close enough it's fine it's fine so people are like well he knows what he's took i don't know and you know what's amazing as well and i forgot to mention mr the phantom menace well go back to the phantom there's a bit where they give Obi-Wan his braid. Because you know the Padawan, which is a dumb name, have a braid to show that they're Jedis in training. Except initially he's got two. He's got one on each side of his head like pippy long stockings. And George Lucas goes,
Starting point is 01:10:37 see the trick for this is not to overdo it and not go too far. And then at the end after the screening, he literally says, I think I've gone too far. then at the end after the screening he literally says i think i've gone too far amazing amazing anyway attack of the clothes but look only one braid please don't go insane it did look ridiculous attack of the clothes that's great another thing why do they need to make him weird monk men weird sexless monk monk men? Yeah. Why can't... Because it is weird. What's the story for Attack of the Clones?
Starting point is 01:11:08 I can't remember. Do you want me to break it down for you? Refresh my memory. Okay. So it's 10 years after The Phantom Menace. Great. Obi-Wan, mullet now, because he's got rid of his brain, he's got a sweet mullet, is training Anakin Skywalker, who's, say, 19.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Yep. Who's now his kind of apprentice, and he's just a big baby. Yes, everybody's a big baby in this movie. Yeah. Like we said, everybody talks and acts like children. Yes. The Queen is no longer the Queen because you elected the Queen in Naboo, but she's a senator of Naboo.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Yep. And the Trade Federation are trying to – or someone is trying to kill her. It's clearly the Trade Federation. Oh, absolutely. And the Separatists or whatever are trying to kill her because, for whatever reason. So it opens with an assassination attempt. And then Obi-Wan and Anakin are instructed to protect her. And then Jango Fett pays a different bounty hunter to put worms through a window.
Starting point is 01:11:59 And then there's like a- Oh, is that in two? I always remember that as being in three. But all right, the worms through the window is two. And then there's a space- PSA, everybody. If you're looking for the worms through the window assassination scene, it that in 2? I always remember that as being in 3. But all right, the worms through the window is 2. And then there's a space. PSA, everybody. If you're looking for the worms through the window assassination scene, it's in 2.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Don't waste your time with 3. Then there's a really long chase scene through Blade Runner. Yep. And then Anakin jumps from his speeder. Oh, it's his car. His flying car. Yep. And he goes, I'll be right back.
Starting point is 01:12:23 And he leaps 200 feet and lands exactly on the bounty hunter's ship right and obi-wan's like oh i hate it when he does here we go again exactly like that kind of like that's a common thing yeah how like it's it's again an example of what powers do you have right what what can and can't you do yes so you can drop 200 feet with no consequence yep but you can't like jump over a man in a lava pit or something. It's just so... Isn't it, though? Again, I enjoy the idea of that, of kind of swashbuckling and daring do,
Starting point is 01:12:55 but there's superpowers involved. I like that idea. Yeah. But you need a unified set of rules. I don't have a problem with somebody leaping 200 feet and landing on someone. As long as it doesn't have... As long as he breaks every bone in his body? Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:10 No, bones can be fine. But as long as later on there isn't a scene where it would be good for him to leap out of a pit of lava and then he can't do it for some reason. You know what I mean? Absolutely. Yeah. And look, and also how do i how do you worry about a character being hurt for one you know he's darth vader so he's not gonna die but you also know that he can drop 200 feet and be fine yeah so how why do i care whether
Starting point is 01:13:36 he's okay on top of him being a big baby oh sure yeah i'm not invested in this invincible baby like i don't care would you enjoy a film called invincible baby. I don't care. Would you enjoy a film called Invincible Baby? Yes, I would. Yeah. Anyway. Okay, if they were like, you can watch Star Wars The Force Awakens or Invincible Baby.
Starting point is 01:13:57 That's all the information you have. You can only watch one. Which do you choose? I have to watch The Force Awakens, unfortunately. Invincible Baby does sound amazing. What if it's called George Lucas' Invincible Baby? Again, I have to watch the Force Awakens. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Would you choose Invincible Baby over Force Awakens? I'd have to see a poster. Anyway, I'm still telling the story, I guess. Okay, great. Obi-Wan, they find out this bounty hunter was hired by a different bounty hunter who's Boba Fett's father, but he's actually his clone of him. He's not really his father. They're just the same guy at different ages, which is odd.
Starting point is 01:14:36 And then Obi-Wan goes to Kamino where he finds out that a Jedi that we never see called Cipher Deus commissioned a Republic army to be made 10 years prior. Okay. Presumably at the request of Palpatine or Dooku. Yes. Though that's never explained in the movies. Oh.
Starting point is 01:14:54 I know it's explained in the books. Yeah. I can't remember why though. Also, those books don't count anymore. No, so it doesn't. Yeah. So it's just a loose plot thread now. Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Obi-Wan then goes to Kamino where he fights... Which is the weird water planet, right? No, that's Geonosis. Okay, right. He goes from Geonosis to Kamino, which is a... It's Tatooine with red rocks. Oh, right. And then he fights Jango Fett with his guitar bombs.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Oh, yes. Remember that? Yes, I do. They're cool, actually. They've got that sweet sound effect. And then he gets captured by Geonosis. remember that yes they're cool actually all right yeah in effect and then he gets captured by geonosis meanwhile anakin is has to take palpatine to space venice which is naboo yeah and they fall in love and they roll around in a field yeah and have terrible dialogue and then they realize
Starting point is 01:15:36 obi-wan's being captured by dooku so they go there and they show down with the droid army and then all the jedi turn up and then all the clones turn up and then all the clones turn up. And then at the end, they're like, I guess we have a clone army now. Let's not look into this. Never. Why would you? Count Dooku is also a Sith villain. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:55 So we never see, we never see or hear from Cypher Deus. Right. So he wasn't Darth Sidious. No. He was a real Jedi that died because everyone gets there and he goes, and they're like, hey, great to see you. We've got your New Zealand army. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Do you want to see it? And he's like, yeah, yeah, I guess. And then he's like, who commissioned this? And they're like, bloody Cypher Deus. And he's like, that dude's been dead for 10 years. Right. And then it's never explained. Yeah, great.
Starting point is 01:16:23 So, you know what was really off-putting about this movie as well what's that compared to the phantom menace and the originals it's filmed in australia yeah so i'm just like i know that guy yeah he's in that show he's that guy's in that show whatever that's kick gurry i assume is he in that i don't know apparently nudge from um oh from hey dad is in it i haven't seen him but yeah and i find that really distracting where i'm like captain typho is the guy from water rats you know what i mean but that's me that's a personal thing that's that's that's not a slide against the the movie in that way younglings what do you think of that where
Starting point is 01:17:02 obi-wan goes into the room and all they're all being trained by yoda and they've all got lightsabers and they've got little lightsabers and little blast shields from a new hope and they're all got little they're blocking yeah and they've all got they're all wearing the little robes yeah i hate it yeah which again takes away from A New Hope because whatever. You know what I hate the most? No. I can't definitively say you know what I hate the most about because I'll think about something else and I'll hate the most.
Starting point is 01:17:34 What I hate the most about the prequels and sort of the expanded universe stuff is that everybody's got a destiny and everything calls yeah. And everything calls back to everything else. Yeah. Some things can just be. Yes. The scene on the Millennium Falcon where Luke Skywalker puts the inexplicable blast shield down on his helmet and fights the little flying droid thing. Just let that be.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Yeah. It doesn't have to be a call forward to all the little Jedi's being trained in a prequel and they all have exactly the same thing. And that implies that Obi-Wan had that on him and it didn't look like he had a satchel. It did not. That's all I'm saying. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Yeah. Or like R5-D4 being a Jedi droid who was going to be purchased by Uncle Owen from the Jawas but then- He realised destiny. The destiny required Uncle Owen to purchase R2-D2, so he blew himself up. You know what I mean? What an amazing sacrifice. Quit it with the destiny.
Starting point is 01:18:34 You know what I mean? Or Greedo getting into trouble, and then he'd get into real trouble one day and have Han Solo steal his vest. Which is a real... We talk about that in the commentary. We do, yeah. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:18:45 What do you think of the love scene stuff? I mean, I know you don't like it. Atrocious. Atrocious. Is it the dialogue or is it the acting? Or is it both? I don't know if it's the acting. I mean, it's,
Starting point is 01:18:56 because again, what are they going to, they're rolling around in a big green pit, I assume. Imagine just like a skateboard. What they would have had to have is just like a skateboard half pipe painted have had to have is just like a
Starting point is 01:19:05 skateboard half pipe painted green and they're just at the bottom of that you know what i mean actually that scene in the field is real like that's actually a real scene well then i blame the acting yes if you're in a real scenario come on but there's you can't say that stuff though no like and there's a scene where like he's like she's like what do you think of politics and he's like i think they should just be a guy who just tells everybody what to do and she's like isn't that like being a dictatorship and he's like ah maybe and then they kind of roll around right yeah and it's just the most forced forced thank you yeah that that whole thing is oh it's really and it's so and we'll get to it in the next one, but it's just this weird, like it's this weird, super
Starting point is 01:19:48 romantic sense of love when no logic applies to it. Like there's no, like there's these two people in love, but no thought about the rest of the universe. Yeah. We'll talk about it in turn three. And not only that that he can't love because he's a Jedi because I guess
Starting point is 01:20:06 they're priests which is dumb in itself and she can't love because she's a senator I was yeah like when
Starting point is 01:20:14 isn't Bail Organa married he's a senator yeah anyway go on but just you know when I saw the original Star Wars movies
Starting point is 01:20:23 because we don't know anything about the Jedi really, it's just a couple of leftovers, you know, kind of thing. The scraps. Yeah, I was assuming the Jedi were kind of like Green Lanterns. Yeah. In that they all had the same sort of... They all had the Schwartz.
Starting point is 01:20:36 They all had the Schwartz, yeah. They all had the same pool of, you know, the force to draw from and use their different powers. Sure. But they came from all different walks of life. Some were droids. Some were droids. Some were vests.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Some were fishmen. Some were whole planets or whatever. But they all came from different cultures. They all had different looks and different kind of things. Maybe they were all found and trained at very young ages, but in different cultures. There were different cultures of Jedi masters and whatever. But to just put them all into this weird monk order, I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:21:13 I've never liked it. I agree. Why can't they just be like cops, like you said? Yeah. Why do they have to have a weird code that doesn't make any sense and would just turn them against you? Yeah. Because they clearly, and I guess you could draw a lot of parallels to like modern day religion where they've got
Starting point is 01:21:29 let's not get too creepy i know but i'm just talking about in terms of that well because again they talk about it the jedis used to be this amazing force for good and now they're just kind of this dogma right right i'm not saying all religions is that think whatever you want i don't give a shit but headed that off at the past all right continue i don't even know where i was going with that but you don't need to place those restrictions upon them i like the way that luke skylark was like yeah i just wear this uniform because i don't know what i'm doing yeah and obi-wan wears his robes because i live on a sand planet like whatever like destiny and yoda lives in a swamp and that's great good i gotta talk about yoda
Starting point is 01:22:06 okay here we go okay oh okay now i know i remember the pivotal scene in this movie i've remembered it now okay yoda was obviously a puppet in phantom menace we just talked about that there's documentary and it goes into great detail about how they bring this cgi yoda to life and they go through the hair and the how to get him to walk properly and how they're using. But what they did ultimately is they got a stick and they put a tennis ball at the end of the stick and they waved it around Christopher Lee and just watched him just swing another stick and look confused. And then at the,
Starting point is 01:22:39 at the end of the stick with a tennis ball on it, they'd CGI Yoda in. And you know what? That's not even Christopher Lee in the sword fight. That's a different guy they put his head on it and if you go back and watch that you'll be like yes and christopher lee's being interviewed and during it and he's like yeah let's it's easily the best sword fight i've ever been involved in and that's certainly not true no people that blew people's minds though but yeah for Yoda, it comes back to the most powerful thing about him and the Emperor should be that they're above using lightsabers.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Yes. And do you know what I mean? Like, that's not what he's about. Like, he could kill you with his mind if he wanted to. Right. But he doesn't. So if Yoda rocks up, Dooku should just be like, I'm fucking out of here. Like, do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:23:22 Like, it shouldn't be a weird CGI flip fest. The worst part of that thing and again i remember this in the cinema the worst part of that i don't feel is the the actual lightsaber battle it's bad yes because we've got this laughable flipping over cgi yoda or whatever and it's ridiculous it's ridiculous. It's like just an annoying fly dancing about Dooku. Dooku? It's that there's this weird dialogue exchange up until that point, which I was just cringeworthy, just atrocious. And I believe the line is something like... Because initially they just... Dooku just throws rock.
Starting point is 01:23:58 No, Dooku shoots some lightning. Yeah, he blocks it. Blocks it. There's some rocks being thrown. They throw some rocks. They throw some rocks at each other and then he goes it appears that our this dispute can't be what was it can't be settled with our skills in the force but perhaps with a lightsaber battle yeah and then they both pull out lightsabers
Starting point is 01:24:16 yeah and they dance around and i just i maybe people cheered in the cinema like did not not when i went no not when i went but I've seen footage of it. But just, I don't understand how you would think that would be good in any way. You know what I mean? That wind, and it's clearly meant to impress us and build up this. Yeah. If you're going to do, don't put the dialogue in. Just let it evolve naturally.
Starting point is 01:24:41 We're talking about the Terminator movies, Terminator 2, T-1000, the T-1000, the T-800, Arnold and Robert Patrick. Yep. They punch on the whole movie. Yep. They never say a word
Starting point is 01:24:51 to each other. When Luke first confronts Vader, Vader says to him, I see, what is it? The force is strong with you, but you're not a Jedi yet.
Starting point is 01:25:00 And it's on. Yeah. And that's it. Yeah. Because that's all you need. Right. You don't need a weird rock throwing competition. the worst. And that's it. Yeah. Because that's all you need. Right. You don't need a weird rock throwing competition.
Starting point is 01:25:06 No, the worst. So much time wasted. And there's no consequence to that. Imagine the amount of hours wasted by fans of Stull or just moviegoers generally. The amount of time they'll never get back
Starting point is 01:25:18 because of that CGI rock. Like that scene is probably only a minute. But if you combine that, multiply that by all the millions of people that watched it, then nobody's getting their time back. And that's Fighters of No Consequence. They could have all built an electric car.
Starting point is 01:25:33 I don't know what that means. Save the planet. Because they could have, like who is Dooku? What do I care? Who does he work for? And you find out he works for Palpatine and whatever. Great. I don't care if he gets away. Exactly. I think find out he works for Palpatine and whatever. Great. I don't care if he gets away.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Yeah, exactly. I think that's just trading on, hey, it's Christopher Lee. Yeah. He's an old-fashioned good actor. He's in Lord of the Rings. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Did you know that every clone trooper in that is CGI?
Starting point is 01:25:58 Yes. Yeah, I guess you would know that. Anyway, getting back to the CGI Yoda. And if I didn't know that, I would have shooomed it. Yes. They didn't build a single piece of armor. Makes a lot of sense. Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
Starting point is 01:26:10 Yeah. What about sets, though? Some. I guess the field. Yeah, the field. Yeah, they built that field. No, they really did go. They did like a week here and week there.
Starting point is 01:26:18 They went back to Tunisia. But there's also a really interesting scene in Episode 2 documentary where George Lucas, someone goes to him, you just filmed a scene for episode three. And he's like, yeah. And they're like, why? And he's like, I don't want to come back here. So he films the final scene of episode three or one of the end scenes where Obi-Wan drops Luke's baby Luke Skywalker to the Larses and then he leaves. So he filmed that at the end of episode two, which is, it makes sense.
Starting point is 01:26:45 But he's just, and they said to him, well, what if the shot's wrong? And he's like, I don't care. He's like, I'm not coming back. So that's where his enthusiasm runs out. I guess so. He doesn't want to go back to the desert. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Anyway, CGI Yoda. I'm ready. They go to this whole, they take the reference footage from Empire Strikes Back of like Yoda and they spend a lot of time tearing it down being like oh this really doesn't hold up this the puppet yoda vampire strikes back so he doesn't really move properly and you can see now who's saying that the people who are making the cgi yoda of course they are yeah because that's
Starting point is 01:27:18 their job yeah and if they were like hey you know what you know that puppet we've got in storage that we've built and so we'll cost no money yeah that's fine so you don't need us you don't need us we can do the flips if you want your flips we'll put the flips in look what we can do is we can we can get frank oz to wear a green body suit and then have him dance about and then we'll just cgi him out and also cgi christopher lee in or whatever we're doing yeah but that's that's classic yeah our job's on the line here if we say this is fine so of course we're gonna have to find exactly and look it's all very subtle like they are respectful that like that that was the best you could do at the time and look going back and watching empire strikes back no that puppet is not perfect but it's such a magical world and the character is so fleshed out that it works. Kermit the Frog is the shittiest looking puppet I've ever seen in my life.
Starting point is 01:28:11 But it works because it's iconic in the way he looks and the character and the way he reacts to whatever he's doing. And that's the reason Yoda works. And the puppeteer behind it. Exactly. Or whoever's doing him now kind of thing. And it's the same with E.T. E.T. works because the puppet works and the world works. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:28:30 So they spend a lot of time kind of tearing it down and being, and then it gets to a point where they're like, well, let's put some of the flaws of that puppet into this CGI version. So you know how the ears wiggle? Like when he moves, like that's not supposed to happen, but we'll put that in and see how the mouth, it doesn't have as much dexterity as a real mouth. So we'll kind of take back the dexterity on the CGI part.
Starting point is 01:28:49 And then George Lucas says, look, the trick to this CGI Yoda is to make him look exactly like a puppet. And then I'm sitting there going, why don't you just put in a fucking puppet? Like, why are you recreating a digital puppet? What are you doing? You're wasting everybody's time that feels to me a lot like george lucas has offhandedly said why don't we make yoda cgi yeah and then the wheels have been put in motion and a hundred people have had to go okay now we have to make okay battle stations everybody we have to make a cgi yoda and then it's all been thrown into the mix and everybody's had to work really hard at this and
Starting point is 01:29:29 work for weeks and building this yoda yeah and then lucas has come in and it's he's changed his mind and he's like you know what the puppets i like puppets well but we've got all this infrastructure here bill we've spent millions of dollars let's make him look more like a puppet we've paid all you guys yeah yeah I guess we're putting this in. Also, and then later, one of the creators behind it is like, oh, you know what? If this looks too much like a puppet, people won't believe it. But I believe the puppet sitting in a weird swamp set with Mark Hamill
Starting point is 01:29:59 more than bloody CGI Yoda flipping around and talking about warm feelings in his heart to see somebody again and walking down weird vacant corridors that go forever. Like the conveyor belt shit as well. Oh, sure. Yeah, that happened as well. So that's two. That's two.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Where C-3PO gets his head knocked off and it lands on a battle droid or whatever. And then his body, the battle droid's head goes on his body. Yeah. So they both get it. It's a bit of the old switcheroo. And then R2-D2 flies about for a bit.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Yeah, which he never uses again. Oh, no, he uses it in 3. I'm mistaken. But again, I'm willing to say that at some point that system degraded so he can't do it in the original. When he was shot in the head in the Death Star run? Yeah, at some point that system degraded so he can't do it in the original movies. When he was shot in the head in the Death Star run? Yeah, at that point, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Yeah. Fair enough. You know the conveyor belt bit? So they go Amidala and Anakin. They go to Geonosis. That's fine. Don't worry about it. And she runs to a conveyor belt
Starting point is 01:31:03 and it's just like smashing around her. I feel when we do some of these episodes, we should just get a poster of the characters' names and their pictures and we each get a long stick and we can just point out. So we don't have to use any more brain space than is necessary to remember character names or plots or anything like that. Yeah, absolutely. Just a Wikipedia article, you can just hit the stick on Anakin.
Starting point is 01:31:25 It's that guy. Oh, Anakin, great. Absolutely. So there's a bit where Padme's on a thing and it's just smashing all down around. And it looks terrible. Oh, yeah. Like there's a bit where there's like a conveyor belt
Starting point is 01:31:37 in Empire Strikes Back where C-3PO's broken body is rolling towards a furnace. Yep. And that's way more intense. Yes. And it's nothing. That Empire Yes. And it's nothing. That Empire Strikes Back scene is nothing. Like, it's not even important.
Starting point is 01:31:51 But there's so much more in that scene where Chewbacca pulls the parts off than this weird smashy, smashy thing that could not possibly exist in the real world. And if you put a person in that, they would be instantly killed. Right. Like, straight away.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Anakin Skywalker also... I should have said the wall. Yeah, hit the wall. He gets his arm trapped under a metal, like he gets it pressed down on his arm. Yeah. And he's fine. Like it's just got a dint where his arm is. Right, right, right. So I guess he's invincible, but then later he gets his arm cut off.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Like I don't. It's a nightmare. Yeah. But also apparently George Lee. But yeah, it's like somebody, it's like, again, it's like watching somebody play a video game. Yes. Not interesting. No. Especially if he's indestructible. Indestructible, yeah. And George Lee. But yeah, it's like, again, it's like watching somebody play a video game. Yes. Not interesting. No.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Especially if he's indestructible. Indestructible, yeah. And a baby. Yeah. And he fights a mosquito man. But you know what I do like? What's that? I like the arena battle.
Starting point is 01:32:36 So they roll out everybody. They declare their love for each other and that's shit. But then they roll out and they cuff them to posts and they send out three monsters. One's like a rat lion. One's like a big, vicious crab. Is one of them a rancor? No, one's like a bull. That's right.
Starting point is 01:32:52 And it's pretty good. Anakin Skywalker gets cuffed and everyone's like, what are you doing here? And he's like, I will come to rescue you. And he's like, yeah, good job. Right. And that's kind of like wow this life you somehow sold that yeah shitty line or whatever that's not it's fine and then they all kind of get at him in different ways anakin jumps on the back of the bull and obi-wan fights the crab with
Starting point is 01:33:13 like this stick that he got and then all the jedi turn up and then they just get thrown lightsabers and then it's just nonsense again yes and then it's just bugs and droids and drop ships and clones oh that's right the stakes keep getting higher and my interest in it just kept going then it's just nonsense again yes and then it's just bugs and droids and drop ships and clones oh that's right the stakes keep getting higher and my interest in it just kept going getting lower and lower exactly oh yeah and then and there's just there's just there was a scene also in the in the trailer for that i think yeah it was just like this this real wide shot yeah of just a hundred jedi it just just white it looked like a just like It looked like a football stadium with just green and blue glowy sticks
Starting point is 01:33:48 just swinging about. Yeah, there's no finesse to it. No finesse. They're just running at each other. And Mace Windu kills Jango Fett, which I guess is important. Beheads him, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Great. That's pretty good, I guess. Yeah. So now Boba Fett can finally get his revenge. Except he doesn't. No, he doesn't. He never does. Paws into a bloody sarlacc.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Did you see that Boba Fett fan trailer? No. This week? It's actually pretty good. When you say fan trailer, do you mean it's assorted old footage? No. It's actually pretty solid. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:23 I don't know what else I've got to say. Just go from your heart. You don't need notes. All right. I don't know what else I've got to say. Just go from your heart. Okay. You don't need notes. All right. I just want to make sure I got everything. It's also the worst use of the, I have a bad feeling about this line.
Starting point is 01:34:32 You know a bit where I said, where they're all chained to the posts or whatever? Yeah. The monsters are coming towards them and Anakin Skywalker says, I've got a bad feeling about this. Do you? Do you really?
Starting point is 01:34:41 Yeah. Right. That's absolutely true. I have no memory of that. But yeah, just, oh, look, we contractually were obliged. Look, one of our screenwriters in 1977, he had some sort of weird trademark on this line. So we have to use it in every movie. That's right.
Starting point is 01:34:55 So let's throw it in when there's clearly an incredible amount of danger. And even in The Phantom Menace, it's used effectively where they land on the Trade Federation ship at the start, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. And he's like, this feels weird. I have a bad feeling about this. Right. Like, yeah, because nothing's happened yet, but you know that something's not right. Right, right, right. Anyway, should we move on?
Starting point is 01:35:17 Let's move on. Episode three. Here we go. Revenge of the Clones or Sith or whatever it is. Doesn't matter. It's the best one. It's the best one. It the best one it is of the three yeah no i'd agree with that there's no disputing that okay yeah but you know what they just skipped
Starting point is 01:35:32 the clone wars it's like that was the start of the clone wars and this is the end of the clone wars oh see i don't even really know that timeline yeah so but you but they want you to watch the animated series yeah and you know what the? A lot of people love that show. It starts off pretty rough, but apparently, and I probably won't go back and watch it, it's really good and it's better than the prequels. There's also a hand-drawn Clone Wars miniseries, which is incredible.
Starting point is 01:35:57 Okay. And they're like two-minute shorts and there's a bit where Mace Windu beats up an army of droids. It doesn't make any sense. Sure. But it's like exaggerated tales of... Oh, I see. That's fun. And it's a bit where Mace Windu beats up an army of droids. It doesn't make any sense. Sure. But it's like exaggerated tales of... Oh, I see. That's fun.
Starting point is 01:36:08 And it's amazing. It's in that kind of Samurai Jack kind of style. Oh, great. So I'd definitely recommend that. Which is interesting because Samuel L. Jackson was also in a... He was in Afro Samurai? Yes, I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Might be wrong. Or Samurai Champloo. It was one of those. Yeah. But I think at this point i've stopped reading the opening crawl which is why i don't know which is like why i can't remember that the clone wars was in between the two because i'm just like nah who cares it's irrelevant what's happening in here trade tariffs and blah blah who cares keep it moving blockades yeah that one
Starting point is 01:36:40 do you want to break down the story no because I can't remember any of them okay I can do this there's a ship's crashing right that's how it starts okay there's a battle above Coruscant yep where Obi-Wan and
Starting point is 01:36:52 the city planet the city planet where that planet's too much as well it's too much like the way they do it it's too much city planet works
Starting point is 01:37:01 but it doesn't I don't want to get into it okay so they they the emperor he's not the yet, Palpatine has been captured by Grievous, who came out of nowhere. Why couldn't it have just been Dooku? Or Darth Maul, if they didn't...
Starting point is 01:37:16 It's not important. Yeah. So they have to board this ship, fight Dooku... Do we see that kidnapping take place? No. That happens off. That happens off. Does Clone Wars end with that kidnapping?
Starting point is 01:37:25 Clone Wars didn't really end properly. The hand-drawn one does. It ends with that. The animated one kind of ends abruptly because it got cancelled because then they started Rebels and whatever. So they kill Dooku. They rescue Palpatine. Obi-Wan goes...
Starting point is 01:37:41 Dooku gets the very rare double lightsaber beheading. That's pretty sweet. Yeah, it's pretty good. I'll pay that. Obi-Wan goes to... And Anakin does the very rare double lightsaber. He does it in two. Like an attack, does he?
Starting point is 01:37:54 I don't care. Whatever, I don't know. I don't remember that. And then Obi-Wan goes to find Grievous. Anakin stays on Coruscant. Yoda goes to save the wookies which is completely irrelevant you don't need any of that and then at the end anakin turns bad for no reason and then he fights obi-wan in a big volcano yeah and he does not go well no and everybody's sad and everybody
Starting point is 01:38:19 gets exiled everybody does get exiled yeah yeah do you. Do you know, they got in a Francis Ford Coppola, I think it was him, recommended a dialogue coach to Lucas. Oh, yes. And then, so a lot of the dialogue in this is, it's better. Right, okay. Like it's sold.
Starting point is 01:38:36 It's not all of it. It's certainly not. Look, it might be better, but at the same time, they've built up, again, these weird relationships between all the characters. So I don't think the dialogue could save it. So we were saying earlier, you know, the weird romantic love
Starting point is 01:38:50 that is above all else. Yeah. Where Anakin is told that in order to save, you know, his children, his unborn children and his pregnant wife, he has to go and kill a whole bunch of children. Right? And he's fine with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Well, he has a single tear. Yeah. I guess you would. Yeah. But it's just this, you know, it's this. Surely you are not, like, he's always been a psychopath. Right. He would have had to have been.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Yeah. Because that's in you to do that. And Yodas, doesn't he say in the first one, this kid's definitely a psychopath. I remember a line similar to that where he's like, no. There's definitely a... They're like, he's got a lot of midichlorians. But he's bad news.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Yeah. Like we've all had a premonition where he kills all of us or whatever. And Obi-Wan's like, fine, load him up in the truck. I don't care. I don't know. He's good at pod racing or something. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:48 Agreed. But again, there's this logic of, well, in order to say, does he know they've got twins? No. Well, he thinks there's a child. He's got a child. And in order to save that child, he needs to kill all the other children who are already existing and have lives and whatever.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Yes. Just what is this universe? You know what I mean? So obviously you don't believe that this fall don't exist. You know what, though? There is a scene prior to him. I think we're going to justify killing a lot of children. No, if you have to.
Starting point is 01:40:23 Yeah, sure. But there's a scene prior to where he cuts off. remember mace windu fights palpatine yes because they discover he tells anakin he's like after dropping hints for 15 years yeah he's like you know you can be angry it's cool like yeah and then he's like and then he tells him a sith a sith parable where he's like you know there was this sith guy and nobody knows this story but i know this story for some reason yeah yeah and he was the best sith and he could stop people from dying but then he got murdered in his sleep and that's pretty good isn't it and he's like how do you how did someone to get the powers and he's like you can't be a jedi that's all i know and then later
Starting point is 01:40:59 he's like he has to tell him he's like like, I am the Sith Lord. Like, surprise. I mean, you should have guessed. Yeah. But I am. Because of my cackling. Am I standing in shadows all the time? I mean, you know what? He's good.
Starting point is 01:41:13 Yeah. That actor is really good. And so then Anakin goes, tells Mace Windu, he's like, Senator's the bloody, or the Chancellor's the bloody Sith Lord. And he has like no reaction. He's like, okay. Do you remember that? Yeah. And then he gets like four guys.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Four guys. Yeah. That'll do it. That's fine. Four guys. We won't tell anybody else. Yeah. We'll just.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Let's not publicly broadcast this. Let's just get four guys. Yeah. Yeah. Four of my best men. Oh, you don't have my best men? Just four guys then. Any four is fine.
Starting point is 01:41:45 And then they just, and then those four get immediately killed. And then I think it's the worst. It's probably the worst actual fight in all the movies. It's Mace Windu versus Samuel L. Jackson versus Ian McDermott. Or the Ian McDermott CGI stunt double. Yes. It's so bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:02 And at the end, you see all the people talking about it like in behind the scenes. And I'm like, no, it came out really well. I'm really surprised how good it looks. But it's so bad yeah and at the end you see all the people talking about it like in behind the scenes and i'm like no it came out really well i'm really surprised how good it looks but it's just no it's just total total garbage and it's is this this is this the movie where anakin has his breakdown where he's like i'm the best jedi in the universe and i'll even stop people from dying that's too okay sorry i missed it edit that back in but you No, that's Toe. That's Toe. Okay, sorry, I missed it. Edit that back in. But you know what? That's some epic bloody foreshadowing, mate. Boy, is it. I'm here to stop people from dying.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Nobody ever die and I'll be the best. The worst. What a dickhead. What a dickhead. Exactly. And then so the emperor is like, I need the emperor. So he cuts off Samuel L. Jackson's hand and the emperor screams,
Starting point is 01:42:48 unlimited power and shoots him off a building. Yep. And then Anakin pledges himself immediately. And do you remember, and then the emperor was like, we could definitely work out how to keep people alive.
Starting point is 01:43:02 And Anakin's not like, but you said, yeah, he doesn't say that. Yeah. So he just goes, just kill everybody, please, in Order 66. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:10 And he does. I don't mind the Order 66 bit. You just see all the Jedi getting murdered. Right. That's not bad, actually. Oh, yeah, enjoyable. I guess so.
Starting point is 01:43:19 You see Kimuri Andi gets a bloody bullet in the back, mate. Oh, yeah. Sorry, a blaster bolt. Thank you. I apologize. Anyway, getting back to the the start did you like the dooku fight at the start um look look i think it's the best fight in that movie it's better than the anakin obi-wan fight because that fight goes for way too long yeah and it's again it's video game they're all jumping across all kinds
Starting point is 01:43:41 of rocks and lava all that sort of stuff. Yeah, exactly. It's no... Yeah, all right. Of all the bad lightsaber fights in this movie, the first one is the best. You've got me on a technicality. Yes. And, you know, it ends with Obi-Wan being knocked out and then he takes off Dooku's arms and then his head.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Yeah, that's pretty good. That's solid, yeah. It's a kid's movie. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. You know in the bit when Palpatine gets electrocuted and his face changes? Yes.
Starting point is 01:44:07 There's two theories on that. Okay. One, he always looked like that and he had some kind of... And his illusion was... Yeah, it's like a Sith dark magic. Uh-huh. And that was just revealed. Two, he was genuinely burnt.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Okay. If he was genuinely burnt, do you think he should be more upset that he looks like that? Yeah, he looks real weird. Got a weird melty candle face. Yeah. Anyway, whatever. I don't know what else to say about this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:30 There's the bit where he gets his legs cut off. Yeah, pretty good. It's pretty good. Yeah. Enjoyable, certainly. I think I mentioned this in the commentary. Someone had to remind George Lucas. I can't remember whether this is true,
Starting point is 01:44:41 but I think someone had to remind George Lucas to film Obi-Wan picking up Anakin's lightsaber. Yeah. Newt Gunray finally gets his comeuppance for being the dumbest asshole in the galaxy. Which one's Newt Gunray again? The big stereotype. The big Asian stereotype. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:44:56 I know we weren't going to name races. Okay, right. But yeah. Yeah. Because he's... Why was he listening to the Emperor? Like, every time he listened to the Emperor, he's lost everything. He lost his bloody trade? Like every time he listened to the Emperor, he's lost everything.
Starting point is 01:45:05 He lost his bloody trade federation. He nearly did in the first one. He lost his bloody Geonosis battle or whatever. And then he lost his life at the end. Yeah, well. Padme dies of a broken heart. Luke and Leia get sold off to a senator. And bloody, what's his name?
Starting point is 01:45:24 Joel Edgerton. Joel Edgerton's brother is actually the stuntman for ewan mcgregor nash edgerton i think it might be yeah oh and there was also going to be a delayed there was a scene where they were going to get qui-gon jinn to reappear as a blue ghost oh yep which would have explained blue ghosts right because there's a scene you were telling me where he's like i learned how to do this blue ghost thing. Now do you want to learn how to do the blue ghost thing? Yeah, Yoda says it. Because as we know in episode four, Obi-Wan says to Darth Vader,
Starting point is 01:45:53 if you strike me down, I'll become more powerful. More popular. Yeah, more popular than you could possibly imagine. I'll get so many more Instagram likes than you, Darth. But he's like, I'll become more powerful than you could possibly imagine. And we're like, what evidence do you have of that? There's no evidence. But then we know Blue Ghost, which again is just annoying.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Yeah, that's right. And you can only bother the people that you know. Yeah, it's a mystery. You never, you never. Yeah. Is he tethered to Luke? That's a good question because if. I know it's explained in the expanded universe but that's gone now yeah i guess if he's become omnipresent and he can see
Starting point is 01:46:31 anyone anytime and then he can find luke and just send him a message or whatever i guess he's more powerful but i wouldn't trade i wouldn't trade being able to do a bit of this do a flip exactly for being a weird omnipresent ghost you're just getting people's ears about using the force yeah absolutely um also there was initially going to be a young han solo living on the wookie planet took that out good they just put in the chewbacca yeah do you need the wookies in it no correct that is the correct answer yeah and i'm sure he he moves toys doesn't he yeah sometimes i guess i don't know i imagine there's a lot of leftovers what else do you have there on that i've got a letter here
Starting point is 01:47:09 i'm kind of running out of steam here mate i got i got one more thing to say but i'll see here's a letter okay yeah hey guys i have a uh i have an idea i'd like your thoughts on i think that the version of revenge of the sith that we got was the best movie we could have hoped for under the circumstances in which it was made. I wouldn't class it as a great movie, but there's a lot more good than bad. And I think that most of the bad was caused by cast and plot decisions made during episodes one and two.
Starting point is 01:47:34 And to a lesser extent, constraints caused by trying to tie them... Constraints caused by tying the movie into the events of the original trilogy. Without changing any of the other Star Wars movies, do you think we could have gotten a better Episode 3? Thanks, Colin. Probably not. No, absolutely not.
Starting point is 01:47:51 No, because we've got, again, the three has been shackled to one and two. There's no way out of... Yeah. Yeah. Well, this sort of ties to my point. The last thing I wanted to say about the prequels... Sure. that, look, I hate them because they're boring.
Starting point is 01:48:04 I hate them because all the characters look and act like, act and sound like children. Is this going to be a compliment sandwich? Yeah, this is going to be a sweet compliment sandwich. Yeah. But I hate them the most because they ruin the conceit of Star Wars as a whole. Yep. Because Star Wars begins, Episode 4, A New Hope. Yep.
Starting point is 01:48:25 The premise of the film, whether Lucas was going to make two sequels and then make three prequels and then make three more sequels or whatever, because it keeps changing what he says was going to happen. But even if he was going to make two sequels and whatever, the premise of Star Wars is it's Episode 4, it's like it's the 1950s and we're going in to see a movie serial. Like a Flash Gordon. Like a Flash Gordon. And we just happen to go into the movie theater and they just happen to be playing episode four.
Starting point is 01:48:54 Yeah. It doesn't matter what happened before that. It doesn't matter what happens after that. Yeah. We're just seeing this adventure. Yeah. But if you watch the movies in order and if you're new to Star Wars, you would potentially because they go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Starting point is 01:49:09 You watch 1, 2, 3. Yes, thank you. You go 1 through 3, you see Anakin Skywalker transform into Darth Vader. You watch 4 and then 5 and then Darth Vader says to Luke, Luke, I am your father. And where does the audience go? He says, no, I'm your father. And we as the audience go. He says, no, I'm your father. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:27 That's a common misconception. And Luke said, and we the audience go, yeah, we know. In that scene, the only person who was surprised is Luke. Yeah. Like of everybody in the universe, it's only Luke. Yeah, so we the audience, the conceit doesn't work because if we were an audience in the 1950s who were big fans of movie serials and we started from one
Starting point is 01:49:52 and worked our way up, we'd be like, what? Why is this a... This isn't a twist. We want thrills and chills and twists. We want guys jumping from cars. We got nothing. You know what I mean? I agree.
Starting point is 01:50:03 Yeah. What's the twist in the prequels? Is there any? Sifo-Dyas, Clone Army, flips. Yeah, it's the flips. The flips are the twist. Palpatine was the Emperor the whole time. Was that a twist?
Starting point is 01:50:16 Did you know they never admitted publicly, the actor or George Lucas, that they're the same person? He's not even credited in the movies except for three as the same guy. Huh. Hmm. Wait, so... not even credited in the movies except for three as the same guy huh wait so ian mcdermott is not i can't remember how it is but he's not credited directly directly as sidious until three okay in case you're so idiotic that you can't figure that out but then he's never credited the third one doesn't say he's emperor but he's emperor palpatine in the in the original trilogy isn't he he become yes but he becomes the emperor in the end of three no i mean in four five and six yes he's emperor palpatine oh i don't know if they call him palpatine that is his name
Starting point is 01:50:57 it's always been his name it's always been his name exactly yeah look if only there were a way to look that up but there isn't my understanding as, what I kind of like about the originals is they don't know that he's who he is. Yeah. He's just the guy in charge. He's just always been the emperor as far as they know. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:51:14 Again, we don't need to know the origins. The fans have built their own mythology about these characters. You don't want to see babies. Exactly. The prequel should have been set three, two, and one months before four, five, and six. Or even a couple of years or whatever. A couple of years. The Clone Wars.
Starting point is 01:51:32 No, exactly. Just in the Clone Wars. Leave the mystery. Leave the mystery of the Clone Wars completely. Yeah, sure. Whatever. Well, we're going to be getting that bloody Rogue One. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:40 All right. Great, I guess. I'm going to compliment this at the end. Oh, here we go. You've done it. Okay, great. These films are garbage. Correct. But- Goodbye, everyone. See, I guess. I'm going to compliment this at the end. Oh, here we go. You've done it. Okay, great. These films are garbage. Correct.
Starting point is 01:51:47 But- Goodbye, everyone. See you next week. They genuinely pushed the limits of technology and demonstrated the limitations of technology. Yes, certainly. And there have been a lot of lessons learned from this, including what I think will come in The Force Awakens.
Starting point is 01:52:01 So this is a parable as well. Exactly. It's a bloody parable. It's a force parable, which is don't let your reach exceed your grasp or whatever whatever the maybe it's the reverse they tested out some pretty impressive for the time cgi techniques zoom shots zoom shots that's it wipes you have so many wipes you know they tested those out and those as a result have gotten a lot better since that yeah and we also know somebody's finally figured out that practical is better when you can do it.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Or combining two practical things or multiple practical things is better than putting a CGI man on a CGI background with a CGI compliment sandwich. Just making Christopher Lee put on a green bodysuit and roll down a green skateboard halfpipe. The end. The end. We will never talk about the prequels again.
Starting point is 01:52:53 We'll probably talk about them every week. Yes. Like we do every week. Oh, boy. You know what it's time for? What's it time for? It's time for... Oh, what we read it.
Starting point is 01:53:04 Yes. What we're going to read. What we're going to read. Going to read. What we're going to say. I was going to say it's the 100th, but I don't think it is because we didn't start this. We didn't start this. No, absolutely not. It's the something-eth, what we read and what we're going to read.
Starting point is 01:53:15 We should do prequel Weekly Planet episodes where we pretend to be younger. Oh, so good. Yeah. Yeah. And have none of the knowledge. Anyway. I'm doing a thing. What are we reading today?
Starting point is 01:53:34 What are you reading? What I read, and this week, after some listeners emailed in last week about watching Mr. Robot, I'm watching that. Oh, yeah, is it great? Real enjoyable. I like it a lot. There's a little bit, Christian Slater's in it, and there's a little bit of scene chewing from him in the first episode,
Starting point is 01:53:49 but he tones it down in the second one. But I think it's quite intriguing. It's kind of... Is he the robot? He's Mr. Robot. There's no actual robot. Yeah, no, I never talked about that a lot. So he's kind of on the spectrum, is that right?
Starting point is 01:54:03 How do you mean? Is that the idea? Didn't you say that last week? That they call him Mr. Robot because he's kind of on the spectrum, is that right? How do you mean? Is that the idea? Didn't you say that last week? That they call him Mr. Robot because he's kind of very black and white? No, no, Christian Slater is basically the second main character. Okay. The main character whose name... The character's name is Elliot.
Starting point is 01:54:16 Yeah. I can't remember the actor's name. Sure. He does appear to be a little bit... Okay. He's very anxious and et cetera, et cetera. Okay, like a robot. Yeah, like a robot.
Starting point is 01:54:23 I understand. That Christian Slater is Mr. Robot only because... We don't know he's i haven't watched enough to know his real name yet but he just he wears like uh like a gas station jacket and the name tags is mr robot in the future nope like modern day anyway i've really enjoyed that uh i've also been reading a comic book series called god is dead oh yeah which sounds a lot heavier than it is although it does involve pretty much the destruction of civilization but is it just multiple shots of god's corpse well oh yeah uh no it's a series by it was created by jonathan hickman who did has done fantastic for and a lot of other great stuff uh he doesn't write it anymore he wrote like the first eight and then he's he's
Starting point is 01:54:59 moved on but uh it's qualities maintaining it's basically a series it's been going since 2013 but i've only just caught up to it now I like that because then you can you got like you got heaps to get through yeah
Starting point is 01:55:09 but basically the premise is that all the old mythological gods have returned to earth for whatever reason and they've decided
Starting point is 01:55:18 to just fight amongst themselves and all the civilization has fallen to pieces that sounds great pretty great yeah it's good fun you bloody heathen yeah now that sounds really good god is dead alright I'm gonna check that out themselves and all the civilization has fallen to pieces. That sounds great. It's pretty great, yeah. It's good fun.
Starting point is 01:55:26 You bloody heathen. Yeah. Now, that sounds really good. God is dead, all right? I'm going to check that out. You know what I'm not going to read? What's that? On Force Friday, they also released a bunch of Star Wars books, tie-in books. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:55:36 And the one that I was looking forward to the most is called Star Wars Aftermath or Aftermath. Aftermash. And it's set directly after Return of the Jedi. And I went to buy it immediately because I'm like, I will buy this. It's like 15 bucks. I'll buy a digital copy. On the Australian iTunes store, you cannot buy it.
Starting point is 01:55:53 It's not out until the 10th of September, which makes no sense because it's a digital book. If I wanted to steal it, I could do it in 30 seconds. Sure, yeah. So just let me pay for it. Right, right, right. Right? Exactly. It's like 500 kilobytes or something.
Starting point is 01:56:06 Yeah. And you know what? If I was really interested in it, I would have stolen it by now. Yeah. Because we did not... As everybody in Australia has already done, one assumes. Anyway, so I went and go, you know what? I'll read some reviews first.
Starting point is 01:56:15 Oh, you know what? I think they're probably banking on... I don't know why they've delayed it. Yeah. But I would say they're banking on, even if you're a huge Star Wars fan, even if you've stolen it, when it becomes available, you'll buy it. i'm not an idiot yeah i know right what i'm saying is most star wars fans are idiots yeah boom no not really physical media mate it's on the way out i know everybody likes you know it's good to have physical i just love the feel the turn of the
Starting point is 01:56:38 page the smell of the ink you know what i also love i love having like a hundred comics on on my phone or ipad I also love that. Yeah, that's pretty good. Yeah. Anyway. So I read some reviews and people were like, this isn't very good. It features barely any of the original characters. It doesn't really add anything to the universe.
Starting point is 01:56:55 You don't really know, like maybe Boba Fett's arm is in it. Maybe Han Solo goes off on an unnamed adventure. So I'm like, well, now I'm not going to read it. Yep. So you delay it here as cost you've lost a sweet 15 lucas film how do you like that and you know what's kind of disappointing the original trilogy books that followed on from this which i've got a letter about yeah is really good and so now they've replaced it with this kind of media yeah yeah yeah like
Starting point is 01:57:23 because we had air to the the Empire, Dark Force Rising, whatever the third one was called. Yeah, whatever that one was called. But you know what? It was bound to happen. The Last Command. Sure. Have you read them?
Starting point is 01:57:33 Yeah. They're really good. Yeah, they're pretty good, yes. Okay, so this is from Best Wishes. Hey, James and Nick. Hearing that you might be doing a Star Wars prequels for the 100th episode, I thought I might throw in my What I'm Reading.
Starting point is 01:57:44 Oh, yes. Just the other day I picked up Heir to the Empire, thequels for the 100th episode. I thought I might throw in my what I'm reading. Oh, yes. Just the other day, I picked up Head of the Empire, the first book in the Thrawn trilogy. As we know, the Star Wars EU is 10% awesome, 90% bullshit. Fair enough. I was wondering what other Star Wars EU novels, materials you might recommend, particularly those that take place between episodes one to three.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Thanks, mate. I would also claim the official bumbling stormtrooper of the podcast if it's not already taken. Done. Yeah, excellent. Yeah, that's a really good series of books. I'll definitely recommend those. I mean, that's not going to help you in going into the new Force Awakens.
Starting point is 01:58:14 No. But if you want some prequel era stuff, there's... What is it? There's a Han Solo trilogy of books, which isn't bad. The novelization of Phantom Menace is pretty good, isn't it? Yeah, great. Look, it'll certainly cleanse your palate after you've watched the Phantom Menace 10 times. Sure.
Starting point is 01:58:33 There is some... I can't remember. There is that zombie one. Oh, that's not that good. Death Troopers. It's okay. Han Solo shows up for no reason. There's one called Star Wars Visionaries,
Starting point is 01:58:46 which is, there's a whole lot of different tales, but one of them is that Obi-Wan fights Darth Maul again. I think I talked about that, which I'm hoping they'll make into a movie. And I talked about it a few weeks ago. There's an Obi-Wan, I think it's Star Wars, the latest Star Wars comic run episode, issue eight, where it's just Obi-Wan before A New Hope.
Starting point is 01:59:06 And he's just kind of lost and wandering the desert with no name kind of shit great and it's it's only one issue but it's really good i'd like to see more of that i quite like the short story collections yeah me too i mean all of some of them are quite ridiculous and again everybody's got a destiny but like the tales from the moss icely can't tell you the tales of the bounty hunters they're pretty good absolutely i know what you mean yeah i think i read i read the book that's called i think it's called labyrinth of evil or Nicely Cantina. Sure, yeah. The Tales of the Bounty Hunters. They're pretty good. Absolutely. You know what I mean? I know what you mean. Yeah. I think I read the book that's called Labyrinth of Evil or something. It's set between two and three. Right.
Starting point is 01:59:35 And there's a Darth Vader one that's set after which I read, which is okay, I guess. But I don't really remember them that well. It's like, what can I mean? But again, they're all gone. Yes. Forget about it. Forget about it. Do you want to do some letters for this week? Let's do some letters.
Starting point is 01:59:44 All right. So as we know and as listeners may know, you refuse to add in a letters theme. Correct. So every week I request that some brave listeners record their own letters theme. Yes. And put it up on YouTube and then tweet me a link to that
Starting point is 02:00:03 and then I play it through my phone. That's the only way we can get these. That's the only way us, the rebels, can get these themes on against the wishes of the evil empire, which is James. That's right. So anyway, I've just got to find out who this is from. Why don't you find out who it's from? I'm bloody going to find out who it's from.
Starting point is 02:00:19 You all right, you bloody, jeez. Hillel Slan. Yes. Has sent this one in. I'm ready. Okay, good. It's Slan. Yes. Has sent this one in. I'm ready. Okay, good. It's Thanos themed. I'm not sure why.
Starting point is 02:00:29 Great. But this one's pretty good. Oftentimes we'll be like, hey, based on the theme of this thing. But whatever tickles your bloody fancy. Whatever tickles your fancy. Next week, I don't know what we're doing. So if you want to send in a letters theme, anything you want, that'd be great.
Starting point is 02:00:43 Anyway, here we go good work i should really start editing these in. As always, ears unheard, but that's great stuff. That's great. Great, good work. I liked everything about that. This is from Derpy Chirpy. Oh, yes. Hey, Nick and James, Mason.
Starting point is 02:01:17 It's me. One of those is definitely me. What movie are you most looking forward to this September, October, slash November? Everest, The Martian, Legend, Spectre, etc. movie you're most looking forward to this september october slash november everest the martian legend specter etc and do you think that m night shamalamala he's written that here can make the visit something that isn't dog shit no plus i'll get we go back to that but it's no plus you said have a collaboration with mr aussie man reviews make it happen cheers race i don't know that is neither do i let's check let's look into it great for, look him up. Great. For me, it's Spectre.
Starting point is 02:01:45 Yeah? There's a lot of names on and off that list, but I think it's Spectre. What's Legend? I don't remember. No. Is it that Tom Cruise movie? Yeah, from the 80s. They're re-releasing it.
Starting point is 02:01:54 Great. You know, I'm looking forward to all of those, except for Legend, which I don't know. I'm going to look it up real quick. Everest looks great. The Martian looks great. Spectre looks... I hope it's good. I hope it's better than Skyfall, which I still and apparently the visit oh legend is the cray brothers film oh yeah
Starting point is 02:02:10 okay right one of them's got glasses one of them certainly has glasses excellent um the visit you know they reckon the early word is that it's shamalan's return to form really he's done a horror what does that mean though it means that you won't pull your eyes out if you watch it. That is a return to form. We've got to do an episode on that guy. Yeah. Look, he's kind of hamstrung in the sense that... Twists?
Starting point is 02:02:38 Twists, exactly. Every time... Sixth Sense had a twist, spoiler alert. Yes. And then we were like, great, look at this guy. He's put the sweet twist in the movie. And then the next one, there was another twist and it wasn't as good. Unbreakable.
Starting point is 02:02:53 Some people call Unbreakable his best film. I don't think it's that great. Take that. Look, as a comic book fan, I didn't think it was great for a lot of reasons. We'll get to when we do that, our famous M. Night Shyamalan episode. I haven't seen Lady in the Water. I've seen The Happening, actually. So I've got to watch Lady in the Water.
Starting point is 02:03:13 But it's sort of this thing of like, well, if he puts in a twist, everybody's going to be like, well, this isn't as good as the Sixth Sense twist. We're getting decreasing returns. But if he doesn't put in a twist, people are like, what happened? Has he given up on his trademark blah, blah, blah? Because, you know, does he understand that his movies are terrible so he has to blah, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:03:36 Did you see After Earth? No. We've got some homework to do. Is that Shyamalan? Yeah. You said it's not as good. Oh, it's the one with Jaden Smith, isn't it? Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 02:03:45 Oh, I don't want to watch that. An eagle fights a saber-toothed dragon. Is there a twist in that one? Fear is your enemy. That's not a twist. I guess it isn't. He's not your enemy. Yeah, no, any of those is fine.
Starting point is 02:04:00 I guess if I had to pick one, probably The Martian. I want to see skyfall just you mean specter you could see skyfall we could watch it now not skyfall sorry specter yes you really want to see it we could watch it all right yeah all right fine good finally look i want to see specter i'm not excited about the idea of destiny yeah as we've talked about i'm sick of every movie having to put some destiny in it. Yep. Just have him go on an adventure. You know what?
Starting point is 02:04:29 I want this to be the last movie. Of Craig. No, I want this to be the last movie. The last movie. Yeah, ever. Ever made. And then Destruction of Civilization. I want this to be the last movie where there's destiny and origin to Bond.
Starting point is 02:04:43 Can we please have this one be done and the next movie, whether it's Daniel Craig or not. Yeah, I think it is. He's got one more. Okay. It's just, hey, Bond, here's a mission. Go on the mission. And he does the mission.
Starting point is 02:04:55 Yeah, and he does the mission. I felt that that was going to happen with Skyfall. Yeah, he did. Because it was reverted to the status quo. We got the UM. We got Moneypenny. We got Bond being Bond. And they were just like, how about a mission, Bond, or whatever?
Starting point is 02:05:07 He's bloody... Yeah. He's gone too rogue. Yeah. Did you hear that? The news? Did we talk about this? Idris Elba.
Starting point is 02:05:15 Yeah, Idris Elba. I heard this. Yeah, yeah. I forgot to bring it up. The author of the James Bond novel that's going to be coming out soon, Trigger Mortis. That's not a very good name, is it? Yeah. He has said, well, he said it was taken out of context.
Starting point is 02:05:30 He was like, I don't see Bond, I don't see Idris Elba as Bond because he's too street. But I don't- It's not a race issue. No. It's that he's not suave enough. Yeah, I don't think, yeah, he didn't mean it as street. That's how I took it anyway.
Starting point is 02:05:42 He said he shouldn't have said street. No, he probably shouldn't have. But I think he just genuinely meant like seeing him as Luther. And he's just kind of this scruffy kind of, I haven't even seen Luther. Is he an alcoholic? Yeah, he is. Okay, alcoholic. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:55 You know, and whatever. I think that's what he was referring to. Right, right, right. Yeah. Whatever. It's not my problem. No, exactly. We're in the clear.
Starting point is 02:06:03 Okay, this is from Alex. Hey, James and Nick. I just want to say I listen to the podcast religiously. Every Monday I turn on the show and annoy the people around me. Oh, that is religious. It's very religious. Just put it in their face, why don't you? And then it says with, and then it says sent from my iPhone. So I think he's actually put that in, or I put that in.
Starting point is 02:06:22 It's a mystery. Okay, now's my question. If you could be any Transformer, who would it be? Mason has to choose a Decepticon because he's accidentally put that in. Or I put that in. It's a mystery. Okay, now's my question. If you could be any Transformer, who would it be? Mason has to choose a Decepticon because he's a cruel coward and James has to choose an Autobot because he's the lesser of two evils. You cannot choose Death's Head. Boo. Yes.
Starting point is 02:06:34 I was going to say Sea Spray, but he's an Autobot. You can choose an Autobot. Can I be the official Ironhide of the podcast? Unless you want to be an Ironhide. No, I can't be Ironhide because he's not a Decepticon. Oh, yeah. Thanks, Alex. Well, in the movie, he's Gunface, obviously. obviously yes because he's got a gun for a face and he
Starting point is 02:06:48 turns into a lamborghini so that's pretty sweet i will be the robot wings on optimus prime's back which are decepticon wings technically exactly but i can be either but the the wings that can't yeah exactly they come from some old prick yeah right yes but if we're talking actual transformers universe oh i'm picking i'm picking optimus primal because he's ridiculous right there's a gorilla that transforms into a descendant of optimus right uh-huh um i don't know comic book galvatron yeah especially the comic galvatron in the british comics yeah was just an indestructible lunatic like that was his that was his entire character arc yeah like and just people it was just everybody ran in fear and i that i enjoyed that there was no great there was no magic 11th hour like where optimus prime
Starting point is 02:07:37 rose up and defeated him or whatever he just everybody runs yeah everybody runs i think eventually he was killed in a time vortex or something like that. I think that was pretty good. That's great. Was that from like the 90s or whatever? Or Shockwave because he never went through the conversion and so he just became a 35-foot long ray gun when he transformed, like a flying ray gun. No sense at all.
Starting point is 02:07:58 None. Great. Oh, so many. I love them all. Yeah, they're good, aren't they? Yeah, man. Last letter. Or an Insecticon. Why? I love them all. Yeah. They're good, aren't they? Yeah, man. Last letter. Or an Insecticon.
Starting point is 02:08:07 Why? I don't know. What about a Sharkticon? Not technically a Decepticon. I guess not. Hey, LeBron James and Nick Mason, the American Little League baseball player. We should look into that.
Starting point is 02:08:19 I was going to say, I was concerned that I didn't get a baseball-themed name there. Or a basketball-themed name or a sports-themed name. i didn't get a baseball themed name there or a basketball themed name of sports thing you take baseball yeah okay yeah as you said wolverine uh can be burnt to a crisp and regrow everything even his hair so does this mean does this mean he can never cut his hair and even if he did it at a salon or something it would grow back if not what would you rather be a mortal with the same hair for two cent from two centuries ago or be normal and not be Wolverine? P.S. James, I'm your official vague and unexplained dog of the podcast.
Starting point is 02:08:50 Very good. Good question. What would you rather be? Same haircut, 200 years. Yes, that one. You want to be immortal? Yeah. We've discussed this many times off the podcast.
Starting point is 02:09:01 I don't understand why you want to be immortal. Because it'd be amazing. You don't understand what you're saying. I do. The planet explodes. I'm fine with that. Which it will'd be amazing. You don't understand what you're saying. I do. The planet explodes. I'm fine with that. Which it will. In this case of immortality, what we're saying, we've discussed this many times. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:11 No matter what happens, you're fine and you live. Yes. So, no, I'm on board with that. Which means you'd basically rocket to another, you'd eventually hit another planet. Yeah, great. Which is, presumably, there's nobody on it. Yeah. But I guess if enough time passes.
Starting point is 02:09:26 Precisely. You'll run into something. Yes, that's what I'm saying. I don't even know what you're doing. What are you doing? What an amazing adventure into infinity. Why would you want to do that forever? To infinity and beyond.
Starting point is 02:09:36 You've lost your mind. That's what Buzz Lightyear is. He's an immortal. He's gone mad in the depths of space. Well, they are all immortal. Yeah. Those toys are literally immortal. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:46 I don't know what you're doing. Yeah. All right, just a quick shout-out to Ali. He did a new Grab That Gem playlist. Also, I could wear hats. Yeah, I guess you could. I've had the same haircut all the time. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 02:09:55 But what era, though? Like, imagine. Exactly. You'd have to pick your haircut era. I'd be normal. You can't pick normal. No, I'd be normal as in not Wolverine. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 02:10:03 Right, then fine. People always... I've been asked that question, what superpower would you have? And I'm just like, none. Nothing. Wow. None of it. Wow. I just want to be a guy.
Starting point is 02:10:11 That's against the ethos of our show, which is grab that gem, you know. Fine. I'm bloody, I'm an inch taller. Oh, great. Or shorter. I don't care. Bold new era for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:26 Yeah. Did you see, he said in a new Grab That Gem playlist Which people can look up Oh no But there's one where he's Oh, it's the supercut Yeah, well no But it's actually You'll recognise this person
Starting point is 02:10:35 Grab That Gem Oh my goodness, very good That's bloody Sean Gunn Brother of James Gunn Yeah We're working our way up the ladder Yes we are. Next stop.
Starting point is 02:10:46 We'll be guest starring on Thor, whatever it is. Ragnarok. Thor, whatever it is. Yeah. Yeah. Also, shout out to Elise Sung, Logan George Patterson, who was born. That's really awesome. Oh, fantastic.
Starting point is 02:10:59 Yeah. And he also says, what do you think of Age of Ultron's 1.4 billion being labeled as a failure? We talked about that. He wasn't listening, obviously. Yeah. Come on, man. That's 1.4 billion being labelled as a failure we talked about that he wasn't listening obviously yeah come on man that's awesome he's a good bloke
Starting point is 02:11:08 great stuff that's the show did it again how have you found this here's to 100 more which we're going to record this week sure
Starting point is 02:11:18 we will do a clip shot at one point maybe in the near future which will be okay I guess I know people a lot of people wanted that. We'll do that.
Starting point is 02:11:26 We'll do a cancel comic book movies. We'll do a James Bond episode that we've talked, that we've threatened. We'll do a Shyamalan episode. Oh, so good. Any other episode. I'm looking forward to singing all them James Bond themes, let me tell you.
Starting point is 02:11:35 We're going to have to do it by eras of James Bond. Okay, cool. So I guess we start with Craig, or do we start with Connery, or do we start with Brosnan? No, we'll wing it. Yeah, we will. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:47 We will wing it. We'll pick an era. I'll tell you what, we'll pick an era on the day. Yeah. And then I'll see how many themes I remember. Okay, great. Great. If you want to contact the show, where can people contact the show?
Starting point is 02:11:57 You can find us, Weekly Planet Pod, at Gmail and on Facebook and on Twitter. And I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at MrSundayMovies. And also follow The Weekly Planet on Twitter, who is Raw Collings, who is better at being The Weekly Planet than we are. Correct he is. So that's great.
Starting point is 02:12:13 If you want to support the show, Weekly Planet, sorry, slash MrSundayMovies. We're going to do an Empire Strikes Back commentary soon, aren't we? People really enjoyed the first one. Yes.
Starting point is 02:12:21 And by people, I mean I really enjoyed doing it. Yeah, you did. Also, yeah, if you just want to grab any of those commentaries. And that's pretty much it. Thank you for listening. It's been 100 episodes.
Starting point is 02:12:33 We bloody had a stellar bloody month as well, didn't we, last month? Yeah, we did, yeah. The downloads. So it's just going up and up. Going great guns. Thank you to everybody who's listened to 100 episodes. Yeah. No thank you to anybody who's listened to any less than 100 episodes.
Starting point is 02:12:45 Bloody hit the bricks. No, we genuinely appreciate it though because we just kind of... We never expected to get to 100 episodes. Well, not only that, just the amount of people that listen because do you know how many people do podcasts like in the world?
Starting point is 02:12:57 I was at the pub the other day with I think eight people. You need to rein it in, mate. You're getting loose. What? You can't stop me. You'll know what I've had. I went to... And I think there was like eight people there.
Starting point is 02:13:08 Sure. And between us, we had like 13 podcasts or something like that. And you've got one. Yeah. That's amazing. So, you know, there's a lot out there. So thanks for people who've decided to choose this one and stick with it. Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:13:19 Are you in any podcasts at the moment? I'm in this one. No, I mean like. Oh, I'm coming. No, there'll be another one a couple of weeks. Yeah, cool. Yeah. I did a movie maintenance one on Fantastic Four on Friday.
Starting point is 02:13:30 Oh, yeah, cool, man. That's pretty good. Great stuff. It's Bandit Incorporated as well. I love that guy. He's a great dude. Great stuff. So no, we really appreciate it.
Starting point is 02:13:37 Yeah, and obviously a lot of this, a lot of the success of this has come down to people telling other people. Definitely, yeah. So, you know, that's awesome. More subscribing or if you i don't know how they work we still don't know do all the things yeah doing 100 episodes we still don't know how itunes works no and we never will never bye everybody bye grab that jam everybody no catchphrase nice
Starting point is 02:13:57 fine i'll say it who ate all my biscuits yay that's the last time

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