The Weekly Planet - 101 Defunct Comic Book Universes

Episode Date: September 14, 2015

This week Mason makes good on his promise to talk cancelled or defunked comic book universes.Plus we get into our first look at Matt Damon's return to Bourne, less Superman in Batman V Superman, the J...essica Jones teaser, Apocalypse not looking like garbage anymore, Preacher, Star Wars Rogue One and Godzilla VS King Kong.ON THE BIG SCREEEEEEEEEEEEN. Thanks for listening. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies and TV shows and comics. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday with me as well as my co-host Nick Mason.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Woo-hoo-hoo! We went out to dinner before this. Yes. I've had one cider. I'm flying. This is going to get loose. Watch out iTunes.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Watch out You're all going to get a serving. I had one beer. Oh yes. A pint. It's like nothing to me. It's like air. Yeah, I can tell.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Yeah, you're actually quite subdued. Yeah. Oh, um uh quick plug up front sure uh former guest on this show nicholas j johnson has a new podcast great bloke it's called a scammer palooza okay and uh each week he brings in like an like an expert of something like uh scam artist like a comic book movie expert well or a magician or in my case i guess my area of expertise is hating things so uh this week i'm on the show uh we're talking about the the uh magic movie now you see me oh you hate that movie we dismantle it you must be looking forward to the sequel now you see me too look spoiler alert yeah i kind of am because where's it gonna go well it turns out yeah i
Starting point is 00:01:43 guess spoiler alert for the first movie, Ruffalo did the whole thing. He did the whole thing. He made all the magic rooms and most of the holograms. He made all the magics. He turned everybody into money, if you recall. That movie makes less sense than anything I've ever seen. You know what? We were quite, I wouldn't say we were complimentary to it on the show,
Starting point is 00:02:01 but on the prior episode that nick had just recorded yeah he spoke to a friend of his david kwang who was also a magician and was like the magic supervisor on that movie like this and like also like the script supervisor so we were kind of like we didn't crush it as hard as we could but we had a good time it was a good fun episode so if you that should be on itunes now if so if you're listening to this we're just going to talk some crap about comic books. So just stop. Don't even bother. Just download that Scamapalooza.
Starting point is 00:02:29 It's called it's on iTunes. We did 100. It's all downhill. That's right. We're going to do 100 more of like descending quality. Oh, great. Until it's just toilet noses. I think we can achieve that as well.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Flush. Okay. Did you see the picture of Matt Damon as Bourne? Shirtless Matt Damon. Yeah. Yes, I did. Does it look like a Bourne movie or more like some kind of Pit Fighter? Yeah, like a Pit Fighter video game.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Is that also a movie? Fight Club? No, it never became a movie. Okay. I'm thinking of Bloodsport. We would have covered it on our episode about Pit Fighter and also video games that have been turned into movies. You're right.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Yeah, I don't know. It doesn't look particularly boring. It could be any movie where Matt Damon is an army guy or a guy who fights somebody. Could be Green Zone. Could be Green Zone. It could be Greenzo, the David Schwimmer character from that episode of 30 Rock.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I don't remember that. Greenzo. Greenzo. Yeah. Okay. Well, are you excited to see it back? I kind am yeah okay so i'm watching i want to see it go in a different direction i feel bad that i didn't see the jeremy renner one i got nothing against yeah but don't feel bad apparently it's not that great and i don't feel bad i feel great about it just just so we're clear those aren't crossing over either that still exists they're all in the
Starting point is 00:03:43 same universe actually the born universe is actually called the Ren-iverse. That was before Jeremy Renner got cast. That's just a coincidence. It's a weird coincidence. It is. But no, that's... Was he supposed to take over? He's named after Rene Russo.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Correct, yes. The Ren-era-verse. But no, look, I want to see it go in... I want to see it go in a direction where I can tell that this movie is separate from the first three. Because those all blend together in one movie. They absolutely do.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It's him beating up French people in apartments. French people in apartments, walking in between like trolley cars on the street, and then he's gone and then he's back. And then he's in a building, who knows what. Exactly. Running through Prague, snatching something off a clothesline. Clive Owen is in one of them. All of them.
Starting point is 00:04:25 First one. Yeah, so look, anyway, it could be, yeah, I don't know. It looks good. Yeah. But he does look like a pit fighter of some kind. You're absolutely right. Excellent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Did you know Christopher Nolan's next project has been announced? Ooh. And by that I mean we know the date that it's going to be out, but we don't know anything else about it. Do you remember we had the same thing with um sad farmer what was the last one called oh um space interstellar interstellar there we go i think that one beer has affected you more than you think my probably right and i did like that movie but you remember there was like two years of like what is this who is what yeah where am i
Starting point is 00:05:03 who's in it dicaprio no he's not in it there's a lot of that oh yeah do you remember yeah yeah uh there's a lot of dicaprio whispering in journalist ears dicaprio is he in it exactly but this one is uh due out july 21st 2017 it is with warner brothers which isn't a surprise because he most of his major projects some people are saying it could be a comic book movie but I don't think it will be. I think it'll be. No, we'd know already. We would, I guess.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Not because we have some amazing omnipresent thing, but. We do when we have one beer. Yeah. Or one drink each. We do everything. But I think that the rumor mill would already have hit that and would already be on or what have you. The great
Starting point is 00:05:44 That's right. But you know what? You could probably line up all the upcoming Warner Brothers movies and go, well, what's out in 2017? Oh, it could be any one of those. I don't remember off the top of my head what's out in 2017. But again, I don't think it's that. I think it's something else.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I think he's done with that kind of stuff. But it also comes out a week after War of the Planet of the Apes, or What Potter. Oh, yes. And it also comes out a week before the new Spider-Man. So that's interesting. Do you think it'll be okay compared to those things? Because those are big things.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, yeah. In terms of movies. Look, I don't know. I don't know how I feel about Christopher Nolan anymore. Because of that one movie? Yeah. Or because of The Dark Knight Rises? Because of the two movies?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah, just, I don't know. I think it's a trend. It's a whole. You think there's something, you think this is all going to go like this podcast? Like this podcast. It's a downward spiral. To toilet sounds.
Starting point is 00:06:33 To toilet sounds. Oh, how would people review Christopher Nolan's toilet sounds though? Yeah, look, I think it'll be fine. It depends who writes it, I guess. And it depends on a lot of things. But look, I think we can expect something spectacular and practical and probably some sadness. Great.
Starting point is 00:06:51 You know what? I think that guy, though, whenever he makes something, I think the amount that his movies get picked to death is unfair. But is that because he's always kind of people assume that his movies are set in the real world and they should all make sense? Do you know what I mean by that? Like his movies really get like torn apart. Well, you know, even like Inception, which I know you like as well.
Starting point is 00:07:13 But people tear that apart. Well, how does this work and what levels, whatever? And was Batman really in that cafe or whatever? Whatever happened in that movie? That is a good question. Do you know what I mean? That's the most pertinent question. Yeah, I think you're right. I don in that movie. That is a good question. Do you know what I mean? That's the most pertinent question. Yeah, I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I don't know though. My problem, and I've said this before about Nolan, is there's always some sort of weird logical flaw in... Oh, okay. Some weird element in his movies that I... Again, if it were more of a fantasy world, I'd be like, even then I wouldn't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah. So I'm assuming it's still for you in The Dark Knight Rises. It's the pit, right? It's how did the, yeah, the whole situation. There's a video on it. Yeah, there's a video. You can find that. Yeah, you can find that.
Starting point is 00:07:53 All right, enough of that then. Ryan wants to know, what did you think of the Jessica Jones Netflix teaser? And what do you guys hope to see from it? Have you seen it? Yes. What did you think? We didn't learn anything.
Starting point is 00:08:04 No. I mean, they showed some kind of hints of like, this is where she's going to go. She's definitely got a drinking problem. We know that. That's right. Because we see her tipping over a whiskey glass. A lot of purple. Because the purple man is in it.
Starting point is 00:08:13 David Tennant. But he's not actually purple. He just wears purple suits, which to me is a cop out. She'd be the purple garbed man. Yeah, that makes more sense. Yeah. We know she's part of Ailis Investigations. Correct. They've kept that makes more sense. Yeah. We know she's part of A-List Investigations. Correct.
Starting point is 00:08:27 They've kept that part of them. I wonder how much of her superpowers they're going to give her. I'm sure they'll give her, because, you know, in the comics, she's, like, super overpowered, but she doesn't tend to use them. Yeah. Not overpowered, but, you know, she's got a lot. And it's also, it is, because this is set in the Marvel Universe as a whole, how long was she a superhero?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Well, that's a good question. And why has nobody noticed, I think is the question. If I had to guess, which I don't have to, but I will. Oh, yes. You can't have to. She probably has a go at superheroing once and a go south. Oh, like for one day? Maybe something like that.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Maybe that's why we don't know anything about her. Or maybe she's from a small town? Yeah, sure. Maybe it's not New York City. Yeah. sure. Maybe it's not New York City. Yeah. No, it is. The show is in New York City. But I mean, like, she was from it.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah, yeah. Or maybe, okay, here's a theory, because they seem to tie a lot of Marvel tangential stuff to, like, the attack on New York City from the first Avengers. Maybe she discovers her powers. Yep. Then she participates in the attack on New York City. That's true. From the first Avengers. Maybe she discovers her powers. Yep. Then she participates in the Battle of New York. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Like she discovers her powers like a few weeks prior. Yeah. She participates in the Battle of New York. She gets knocked out. She gets kidnapped by the Purple Man. Okay, cool. That's how it turns out. That means they'd have to CGI some Chitauri back in.
Starting point is 00:09:42 They can probably do that. It's probably real cheap at this point. But I think, and then they could, then we could, that could explain why, because they're, you know, to CGI some Chitauri back in. I can probably do that. It's probably real cheap at this point. But I think, and then they could, then we could, that could explain why, because they're, you know, at this point a few years have passed. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:09:52 So they could say, well, that's where she's been. Yeah, exactly. Well, that's it, exactly. Like they'll need to put in that whole Purple Man thing of how he kidnapped her and used her and all sorts of nefarious schemes and whatever. But no, I'm very much looking forward to this. Also, Luke Cage is going to be in it. So that's pretty exciting before we see his series next year he's next year
Starting point is 00:10:07 can't remember i haven't been much on iron fist lately either you notice that kind of gone i heard there was rumblings that they were having trouble casting it and maybe not casting it but kind of cracking the story yeah so i don't know and it's hard to find an actor that actually has an iron fist that's true yeah i, you could make one. How? Like cut off a man's hand and replace it with an iron fist. Oh, sure, sure, sure, sure, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who would do that?
Starting point is 00:10:31 Probably Brendan Gleeson. Brendan Gleeson would cut off. Yeah, no, he'd cut off, yeah. Great. We saw another picture of Apocalypse this week. Which looks a lot better. That was tweeted to us by a number of people. That looks amazing, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:45 So what is the... They must have tweaked it. Or that he kind of can morph into that. Right. Do you think any of that is a response to fan kind of backlash? Where you've just put a man in a purple suit? See, I don't know how far into filming they are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:04 No, they're done. They're finished. I think we talked about that. So then they would have had to reshoot, I assume, every scene that has Apocalypse in it. No, I don't think they just CGI it. Huh. They don't need to do that anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:16 We've got a computer. One computer in Hollywood. I mean, it's a very busy computer. It tends to overheat, so you've got to put a bag of peas underneath it. Oh, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I think it looks great, though. I think it looks... Look, I'm happy if we just see Apocalypse as we did in that image that we saw in Entertainment Weekly or whatever it was. And then when he powers up or morphs, he changes into whatever that is. I don't care. I'm happy that he looks like that. It may be kind of like an insectoid kind of thing. Like he's gradually changing into that over a period of time or something like that.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Or maybe he's like a reptile shedding skin kind of thing. Okay. Because he was kind of more reptilian in that previous shot, I think. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it was Power Ranger-y, but he was also kind of reptilian. So maybe that's him kind of like molting. Okay. I'm all for any of those things.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I'm against the original photo and i'm for this photo so did you see the picture of angel he's even got the weird lips lips thing seems like he does yeah do you see the picture of angel no does he look bad yeah angel yes metal wings i didn't see them i think it was like an onset thing sure it wasn't just some guy no no it was definitely because it was left next to olivia munn's uh psylocke she's playing psylocke isn't she yes great very exciting times for movies isn't it i love movies you do i've seen you cheer in a theater which i've never seen you do that have you ever done that no i've never done that either give me give me an example of a time you've been in a movie and somebody's cheered for that movie when When we went and saw Rocky VI,
Starting point is 00:12:46 I want to say it was. Rocky Balboa? Yeah. At the start, some guy went, yeah, Adrian! At the start. And nobody laughed and then he shut up for the rest of the movie.
Starting point is 00:12:55 That's not really a cheer. Wonder where he is now. Okay, look. If you sit next to any of your friend's mum when you're watching a DVD, she'll probably say cheer during whatever movie you're watching. Like, be like, you can do it, Captain America, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Or, who's that guy? That one isn't a cheer either. No, not, no. We hear more of that at football games. Who's that guy? I'm saying it enthusiastically. Preacher. Oh, yeah. So we were talking about this pre. I'm saying it enthusiastically Preacher Oh yeah so
Starting point is 00:13:25 We We were talking about this pre Look and before this we were like Should we mention this? And then I got a heart Like bloody cider in me And I'm like yeah let's mention this So I was watching Nerdist News
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah During the week Yeah And they were saying that they had Gotten a hold of AMC's Preacher pilot script Yeah And they were looking at it And this is By gotten a hold do AMC's Preacher pilot script. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And they were looking at it and this is... By gotten a hold, do you think they were given it? I think they were given it, yeah. Yeah. And this is a direct quote and by direct quote, I mean misquote because I can't really remember how it went. Sure. But they said, this script is really good because it diverts so much from the source material.
Starting point is 00:14:03 That's what I'm looking for in a thing. Yeah, that seems... Look, I haven't read any of Preacher. It's one of those things I've been meaning to read for ages. But by all accounts, that is pretty much one of the most perfect comic book runs of all time. Look, it's not my favourite Garth Ennis work. My favourite is probably Hitman. It's probably my favourite, but...
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yeah, you would, bloody you, son of... Anyway, my favourite is Hitman, not Agent 47 Hitman, but DC's Hitman. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You love him. But I do like Preacher as well. Yeah. And, you know, for a lot of people I know, that's their favourite comic book series of all time.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Sure. Like me. Yeah, so it's odd and you would be in an uproar that they're changing it and I think it's very odd. Yeah. So for people who don't know Preacher um he's a you know he's a southern preacher jesse custer uh there is a a being called genesis which is the product of uh it's it's like the spawn of an angel and a demon cool and then it sort of comes down from heaven and it enters
Starting point is 00:14:57 into the body of jesse custer and it does two things one it kills his entire congregation and it gives him the power he gives him what he calls the word of God. He can tell somebody to do something and they have to do it. Like he can say, count all the grains of sand on that beach and they have to go and do it kind of thing. But apparently in his pilot script. How would you even do that? Like does it give you the means to do it?
Starting point is 00:15:19 No. You just have to keep at it. If you lose count, you start again. And so anyway, in in the comic books he because his congregation are killed senselessly he's like well god is responsible for this i'm gonna find god he's got a he's like got an ex-girlfriend who's a like a hired killer yeah and a vampire like an irish vampire called cassidy and they all go they they figure out that god is on earth somewhere so they they'll they sort of go on a road trip to kind of track him down.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Okay. But in this pilot script, apparently, the Genesis coming down to Earth and imbuing with his powers doesn't kill his congregation. And so there's a lot of him protecting his congregation. Now, I don't watch The Walking Dead. AMC is The Walking Dead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:03 But there's a lot of buggering around, right? There's too much buggering around. There's just a lot of wandering about. There's a lot of... It's like those post-it note situations you're talking about where situations could be solved by just writing a clear explanation on a post-it note and handing it to somebody. Right, exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:18 There's a lot of... I don't know. Look, it gets a lot of acclaim and a lot of people like it, but it's not as good as the ratings the ratings are way better than that show just reading a book of ratings yes is better than that so but and there's you know there's there's apparently like newer scenes of like genesis going around the world and trying to find other hosts and all this sort of stuff which isn't in the comic books and i don't know it seems look here's my theory i like
Starting point is 00:16:46 nerdist i like all the stuff they do but they they've they've got a pre-existing relationship with amc absolutely talking dead they're talking bad which is sort of you know after the fact talk shows about the walking dead and breaking bad and stuff like that. And I kind of think they've gone, we kind of want another one of those shows. Yep, yep. Let's. Let's not burn a bridge. Let's not burn a bridge. Let's be as positive as we can about this.
Starting point is 00:17:13 You know what? And I'm not saying it's bad. I'm not saying it's going to be bad necessarily. I mean, it's got Garth Ennis on board as like an executive producer, I think, or a story editor or something like that. Sure. And, you know, he probably has a hand in making it as good as it can be. But, look, I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Walking Dead has Robert Kirkman on board. Oh. But I feel like, again, that show could be way better than what it is. Interesting. Yeah. So, yeah, look, all I'm saying is no one's ever said, I really like the look of this new comic book to TV or movie property because it diverges
Starting point is 00:17:46 so much from the original series. That's weird. Exactly. Specifically because they changed a whole lot of stuff. But anyway,
Starting point is 00:17:53 they're like, oh, the action looks cool. So it's fine. Looks cool when they read it. When they read it. When they read it and put it in their mind television.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Did you know that Batman's role in Batman v Superman is apparently being beefed up but at the expense of Superman's role in batman v superman is apparently being beefed up but at the expense of superman's role in batman versus superman oh be superman be more specific what do you got that's all i got it's the rumor that look water brothers are so happy and enamored with batman they're like all that he's about that they've cut back kind of this again this is rumor that they've cut back superman's role to make room for more batman related batmaning okay do you think that is let's say hypothetically if that's true do you care
Starting point is 00:18:32 i want it half and half yeah i want it half and i understand that the last one was man of steel yes and superman's got to take center stage there and the next one's gonna be batman and blah blah blah and but i i think i think you want a half and a half in this yeah i mean they are establishing a new batman i guess yeah because i think a lot of people going into this will be like is this the same batman as in the other yeah and i think also maybe batman is the cash cow absolutely i don't know how many lunchboxes superman sells but movie wise yeah there's been a couple there There was Superman Returns and that's it and Man of Steel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:08 But there's been five Batman movies and then three Nolan Batman movies and et cetera, et cetera. Exactly, yeah. He's the movie seller Batman. Yeah. You know what I mean? You're right. I am.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I hope this doesn't – I don't know. I'd like to see a really, really good Superman movie and I just? You're right. I am. I hope this doesn't, I don't know, I'd like to see a really, really good Superman movie and I just, I'm skeptical. Watch Man of Steel, my friend. That's what you should do.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I like a lot of Man of Steel, but it's not perfect. You are still having some trouble I am. with your Superman kill count. It'll be up by now, I'd imagine, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:41 I'll definitely. Just know, listeners, when you watch that, it's torturing him. It's probably torturing him right now, even though it's out.
Starting point is 00:19:47 He's like, did I do the right thing with my video? I probably didn't. One of the, one of the big things I think point of contention will that be is,
Starting point is 00:19:55 and I messaged you, aside from him smashing down the city, which cannot be calculated. Yeah. Thank you for everybody who's been emailing to help me with that,
Starting point is 00:20:03 but there's no actual way of working out how many deaths he is responsible for out of all of that yeah but i put in the one where well i think i unless i chickened out where ursula um he drains ursula of her powers in superman 2 and lois lane punches her and she falls into a pit of nothingness and he watches it happen yes but your explanation was any death that happens in the room that he is in is on him. I feel that's true. Like, you know, Superman's, you know, his dilemma isn't that
Starting point is 00:20:33 he can't save everybody in the world. Yeah. Right? Because obviously even with his superpowers he can't. Yeah. His greatest fear is that he's there with somebody and they're dying and he can't stop that. Like happened in that comic, the Hitman comic.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Like in the Hitman, yeah, exactly. And so, yeah, like I feel that if Superman is in a room with somebody and they're dying and he could- Unless it's like a heart attack or something like that, yeah. Yeah, and if he can obviously stop that and he doesn't, that's on him. Yep. Like there's no- Like they're super criminals, but they're still, you know, sentient beings
Starting point is 00:21:07 and he wouldn't want to kill them. Yeah. So he would rescue her. Yes. But he doesn't. Yes. So that's on him. And I know there is a cut of that where they survive.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah. But not in, not in the real kind of. The Richard Donner. The Richard Donner. Or either of the versions. I don't think I've ever seen. No, sorry. In the Richard Donner cut, he reverses time and they're trapped back in the Phantom Zone.
Starting point is 00:21:25 But in the theatrical cut, he doesn't rescue them or anything. They just die. So I may have only, see, I've only seen one of them. So I must have seen the Richard Donner one
Starting point is 00:21:34 because that's the finale I remember is that they end up back in the Phantom Zone. Weird. Yeah. And with Non, who's another henchman,
Starting point is 00:21:43 he jumps to his death. He's the big one, yeah. Yeah, he goes to fly and he can't and he falls to his death. He's the big one, yeah. Yeah, he goes to fly and he can't, and he falls to his death. Again, he could have called him. But not only that, that's like cutting the brake lines in someone's car and then them going into a tree. Like, he still calls that. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Look, I'm interested to see what people think, though, about that, regardless. Look, I'll save you some time and some trouble. You got it wrong. That's all right. Yeah. Now, did you listen to Jedi Council? I think I mentioned before. Should I have done that?
Starting point is 00:22:10 It's a really good podcast. It's just all Star Wars. You've thrown this. Once a week. You bloody ambushed me with this. Sorry. Have you listened to Jedi Council of the 50,000 podcasts? Have you listened to this specific one?
Starting point is 00:22:21 I should have said, have I mentioned it? No. No. And it's really good. Christian Harloff runs it have you seen there's a recent press photo of the current crop of nasa astronauts they're all dressed as jedi and they've all got different colored lightsabers track that down it's pretty good good but they're all wearing classic brown jedi robes they're wearing like
Starting point is 00:22:40 prequel robes is this show just going to be each of us asking if we've seen yes it is this is what we're doing this is this week just all one-upmanship yep yeah but anyway uh christian who runs that he it was informed by a source that apparently episode seven yes uh he's going to have the teaser for rogue one which is the star wars spinoff at after the the credits so that'd be pretty sweet yeah do you remember like because I'm trying to think, The Matrix did that, didn't they? Yes, they did, yeah. Between two and three. Yes, they did.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You're right, yeah. And there was also talk of DC maybe doing it, but I think that- That was the rumour that they were going to do a cliffhanger at the end of every movie. Yeah, yeah. We'll see, won't we? Yeah, but what do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:23:24 Great. I think it's smart to put the trailer out or the teaser out for the next star wars movie after because they might forget about star wars if you don't put a trailer out after no i just know what you're currently watching you'll forget about star wars i mean rogue one comes out next december of next year yes so technically if they were going to go by the rules of what they did for this one coming up they'd put the trailer out in like November or December, whenever they did, like a year before. But they shouldn't put the trailer for the next Star Wars out
Starting point is 00:23:50 before even the latest one is going to come out. Yes. So I think that makes a lot of sense. I'm looking forward to Star Wars. Me too, kind of, yeah. Yeah, Star Wars. But again, I've had one cider, so. Just make sure you have one cider before you go see Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Okay, good point. You'll be bloody enthused, mate. Is this a picture of Hawkeye and Hawkman? I did see that. Not Hawkewoman? No, I guess not. That's what it says. They're going to debut in both The Arrow and The Flash
Starting point is 00:24:21 and then Legends of Tomorrow, which actually started filming. It'll be out early next year. Are they going to be main characters in Legends of Tomorrow? I assume so. Huh. I mean, we'll have to wait. How did they not appear in the trailer? Probably appear in the second episode.
Starting point is 00:24:34 No, I think that trailer was shot. Well, they've only just started filming the series. Oh, okay. So maybe that was from the pilot. If they did a pilot, I have no idea. Or maybe that was just a little promo they kind of made, but whatever. Yeah. Are you looking forward to Legends of Tomorrow? Yeah, kind of. Sure, I have no idea. Or maybe that was just a little promo they kind of made, but whatever. Are you looking forward to Legends tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:24:47 Yeah, kind of. I don't know. Look, I'm looking forward to the Prison Break brothers appearing in it and Brandon Routh as the Atom. Yep. Anybody else I can kind of take or leave, I guess. You got the bloody time-travelling guy, Rory from bloody Doctor Who. Doctor Who, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:03 What's his name? Oh, Rip Hunter. Rex Manning. Rex, yes. You've seen Empire Records, right? Yes. Not as good as you'd think it was. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:25:12 People built it up. It's people's favourite movie. When I saw that, when I was like a teenager, I was like, this is exactly the best movie. Well, when I saw it, no, I'm not going to. No one up my chip. But seeing it now, it's... Hawkman and Hawkgirl, they definitely fit in that universe.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Like aesthetically, they've gone like, okay, leather uniform. What colors do we have left? Brown. Let's do it. You don't even have to dye a brown leather. Yeah. I'm assuming leather is just brown, right? Well, it's more an ecru.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'll have to dye it brown. You're one-upping me with colors that I don't know. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah. Great. Did you hear? This is the last bit of news. Okay. brown you're one-upping me with colors that i don't know yeah that's right yeah yeah great did you hear this is the last bit of news okay king kong is moving um to warner brothers away from universal who were making it okay so this is the skull island movie that's coming out but the reason king kong skull island now what is it i think it's just called skull island okay i
Starting point is 00:26:01 don't know it doesn't matter but the main reason they're doing that is because Warner Brothers also have Godzilla. Godzilla, King Kong. Oh, finally. Yeah. Well, again. For the first time, yes. Have you seen that one? No, just clips of it.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I haven't either. Yeah. I wasn't trying to one-up you. I was a bit. But we both lost. I've seen more clips than you have. That's probably true. Yeah. What do you think of that? I don't trying to one-up you. I was a bit. I've seen more clips than you have. That's probably true. What do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:26:28 I don't. What? Here's the thing. Size discrepancy. Yes. Like that's current Godzilla is the biggest Godzilla. Yeah. And I feel that current King Kong isn't the biggest King Kong even.
Starting point is 00:26:43 But we haven't seen current King Kong. Oh. Because Skull Island. Is he literally hundreds of feet tall? Well, that's my question. Because that kind of takes away from King Kong if he's that big. Because the point is he's supposed to be able to pick up a person in his hand and like kiss a little blonde woman or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Right, exactly. And go ice skating on his butt. I mean, yes. The size of King Kong has varied quite wildly. Yes. I think they... Was there an explanation in the original Godzilla vs. King Kong as to why...
Starting point is 00:27:12 You've seen more clips than me, mate. That's a good point. I should know, shouldn't I? Let's assume... There's probably some kind of shrink or growy ray. Growy ray, yeah. Look, it wouldn't be a shrink ray. They're not shrinking anyone down, are they?
Starting point is 00:27:21 No, absolutely not. But then... No, because it'd be growy ray because then you could also pay less to make smaller buildings okay yeah they could stomp you know what i mean that's a very otherwise you have to build slightly larger fake little buildings that's right so what about if it was like regular size king kong's got no chance no atomic breath you bloody shoot it down the throat then tear tear King Kong's head off. King Kong is essentially a gorilla.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I mean, he is a gorilla. Yeah. That's it. That's all he's got. Yeah. And he's furry. Yes. He'd just burst into flames.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Just imagine just a large gorilla just surrounded in blue fire, just frantically running from Skull Island to leap into the ocean because he's just burning to a cinder. You know what I mean? Do you know how to say that? No, I do now. I'm going to watch the clip. In like 20 years' time, I'll watch the clip. The other question I have about this is Skull Island is a prequel to King Kong.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Yes. So does that mean that Skull Island is set in the modern day and Godzilla is like, and it's all set now? Or is it like, because Godzilla has been around for years, for thousands of millions of years. So is it set back in the 1930s or whenever? I think it might have to be, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, because, you know, we know that in the new Godzilla timeline,
Starting point is 00:28:42 they tried to kill him in the 50s with nuclear blast. They did. Near an island. Yes. King Kong's from an island. It's all coming together. He's not from a tropical island, is he? It's like a jungle island.
Starting point is 00:28:53 That's tropical. Yeah, I guess. They visited in winter. Now imagine in summer. You're right. What about this? Regular-sized King Kong. Yes. Godzilla, but there's Regular sized King Kong Godzilla
Starting point is 00:29:07 But there's like 50 King Kong So it's like fighting a barrel of monkeys That's very good Yeah That explains why there's only one King Kong now Because he's bloody They've all burnt It's just 90 minutes of
Starting point is 00:29:18 It's just 90 minutes of Godzilla just burning Little King Kongs I don't know how they're going to make this work. I'm sure they can. What if it's more a team up? Okay. Who are they going to fight? Mothra.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Maybe Mothra's a good guy. He's a dickhead, mate. Yeah, that's true. Godzilla's got that. Yeah. He's a moth. I'm going to say team up. I'm going to say classic superhero team up.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Like a Jurassic World style team up? Like happened at the end of Jurassic World with the raptor and the t-rex yes kind of i reckon they fight for a bit then they're mates okay that classic the classic team the classic superman versus batman okay for a while then they're mates and mate you know and you can you can have them you can have godzilla what you could do is you can have a brief fight sequence where it seems they're evenly matched yeah like god's like king kong is fast faster and you kind of leap about him on his back and stuff yeah and then they realize that they've got the mutual goal of stopping the monster yeah but you you know like as leaving
Starting point is 00:30:15 the cinema you go hey hang on if that fight went on 30 more seconds yeah king kong and just be torn to shreds yes yeah okay i got this. I got this. I've written this movie. Okay. How about this? Yes. The villain is a mech that's gone rogue. Oh, in the 30s, 1930s. Oh, man. Steampunk mech. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:35 All those, whatever. Yeah. Great. We've written this. I guess I want to see it. I want to see how they do it. Cut us the check, Universal or Paramount or Warner Brothers or whichever one you are. Great.
Starting point is 00:30:44 We did it. It's interesting that Universal of the universal gave up that though yeah interesting anyway they've i mean they've got furious sevens and they've got jurassic world as well they got a bunch of stuff so and minions that's a that's a people love their minions something about bananas i haven't seen it i don't know is. Is that a- No, minions are like- No, but they like bananas. I don't know, man. Yeah, I don't know. I haven't seen it either.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I've seen- I've seen fewer clips than you. I win. I've seen the first one. Yeah. It's called Despicable Me. Yes. And I didn't see the sequel or the minions.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Okay. But they like bananas, so I'm told. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from istanbul to paris and london one woman has a secret the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost fx is the veil starring elizabeth moss is now streaming on disney plus All right, that's all the news for this week, Mason. Do you want to do a segment? Let's do a segment.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Well, we've been talking about various bits and pieces. We like to do that. No, but we're going to talk about comic books this week. You love comic books, though. They're your favourite thing. comic books this week. You love comic books though. They're your favourite thing.
Starting point is 00:32:07 But I was thinking that, you know, Marvel's currently doing this sort of Secret Wars massive, massive crossover. And they're essentially, they're killing the ultimate universe. Yes. Finally. Like, they attempted to do it with Ultimatum where they essentially had this massive cataclysm
Starting point is 00:32:22 destroy the whole world. That didn't work for some reason. They're writing it. How does it not work? I don't know. It just kept sticking around. I don't know. Maybe Stan Lee was like, oh, no, I think it's got more.
Starting point is 00:32:31 No, it doesn't, Stan. And then they bloody killed original recipe Spider-Man. That didn't work. Now they're just like, just erase it from history or something. I don't know. None of us understand how secret rules work. What are we doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And also, I think a few weeks ago we were talking about the slate of movies, comic book superhero movies that are going to come out in the next couple of years and we noticed
Starting point is 00:32:53 that there's some Valiant movies there. There is, yeah. Like Valiant is the comic book company that will not die. Like it will, like it just keeps coming back.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah, yeah. I like them but, Yeah, you're a big fan. But yeah, I mean, so I you're a big fan but yeah I mean so I thought maybe this week we can talk about like comic book universes that don't exist anymore
Starting point is 00:33:11 sure and look I'm going to rate them we're talking about we'll just throw some stuff in here I don't have any notes I'm just going to wing it people have been asking this as well
Starting point is 00:33:20 yeah we get a lot of emails about this look it's basically going to be a lot of hey remember this and you can be like no and you're you're gonna win this you've planned this you've won up you're gonna one-up me for 40 that's right um and then i might tell you what we can recommend some of the stuff you should you should maybe try and track down you can
Starting point is 00:33:38 track down and maybe i'll rate them on how much i wish they were coming back. Okay. Or not coming back. Great. Do you want to start with Valiant? Let's start with the Ultimate Universe. You can talk about it a little bit. Sure. What do you think about the Ultimate Universe just generally? Spider-Man's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yeah, great. The rest of it can fuck off. No, it's not all bad. It's not. I think good intentions to start with, but it quickly fell off the rails. Yeah, I mean, for people who haven't been across the Ultimate Marvel Universe, essentially like a decade or so ago, Marvel were like... Comics are confusing.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Comics are really confusing. We have this universe of characters that they've all been been around for decades they all have relationships with one another they all you know and and readers are supposed to know that inherently like how does spider-man you know think about wolverine and whatever kind of thing what does he think about wolverine they're on board they're mates good but you wouldn't know that if you just pick one up and anyway so and i think also because a lot of Marvel properties, like their origins were back in the 60s. And so you think of the origin of Spider-Man,
Starting point is 00:34:52 he's there at Midtown High or whatever, and he's got his argyle vest and his bow tie and his glasses and his weird hair. And he's hanging out with Harry Osborn who's got his weird hair, his argyle vest and his glasses and his bow tie or whatever. And you only know who's who because they say their names argyle vest and his glasses and his bow tie whatever and you only know who's who because they say their names yeah exactly and and i think marvel will like well sales are flagging a little bit yeah let's maybe it's because people can't relate to these
Starting point is 00:35:15 characters so much anymore they don't understand the continuity so we'll have this continuity free reboot of the universe like a modern day reboot yeah and for a while it went really well yeah and it was interesting because it was initially they were saying okay this universe isn't going to turn out like the like it could go in any direction you want but i think ultimately maybe fan demand made it go in exactly the direction it went before like initially you know there was some there was some interesting twists like i think uh like spider-man had a relationship with kitty pride i think okay the x-men which was a new might have been kitty pride someone else someone else but you know and it was kind of you know oh we're taking these we've given these characters new relationships
Starting point is 00:36:01 and stuff like that but then eventually it sort of became this race to add as many ultimate versions of all the characters as possible sure so in attempting to have this universe that was free of continuity and like you know you know uncluttered with all these extraneous characters they made it just as cluttered in like a like a quarter of the time in in years less time like 25 years less time, like 25 years less time. Like, you know, people are like, oh, my God, what is, you know, we've got Ultimate Spider-Man, we've got Ultimate Fantastic Four. What does Ultimate Deadpool look like? And so somebody had to sort of rush in and, oh, who's going to do that? Is it the X-Men writers, are they going to do it?
Starting point is 00:36:36 Or, you know, the Ultimates or whatever? Was that exciting initially to be like, oh, what does that person look like? Yeah, kind of, yeah. Or like Ultimate Venom, what's Ultimate Venom going to be like? Because we didn't have the original secret war. So where's that bigger version of venom? Yeah. Kind of,
Starting point is 00:36:48 but he was a, he was a science experiment. That's true. Yeah, he was. Yeah. But, and then sort of the race was so big that it's a better origin.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Yeah. The better than the movie. Yeah. But it, the race got so intense. I think that there were, there were actually, intense, I think, that there were actually, if you look hard enough, there were actually kind of over, like sometimes they've doubled up on characters.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Like there was a two limited series, Ultimate Secret and Ultimate Nightmare, which had sort of Galactus arriving, you know, the ultimate version of Galactus. He's like a nanobot cloud. Yeah, he's like a nanobot cloud of sort of probes and stuff like that. And like that, you know, Galactus has to have a silver surfer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:29 So initially the silver surfers were kind of these probes that they sent out originally, like these silver probes that could sort of become silver humanoid forms. And they sort of started death cults around the world. That was their opening move. Okay, that's interesting. But then like a couple of later the create you know ultimate the ultimate universe creators were just like you know we could probably just use a regular silver surf so they just put in a regular silver
Starting point is 00:37:53 surfer again so there's the this what what's the why they kind of yeah yeah so it's amazing how quickly they kind of hamstrung themselves yeah continuity own continuity. So the idea was to have like a crisp, clean, new universe. New slate, yeah. And they basically just made two really complicated universes. Boy, did they ever, yeah. What do you like from it, though? Look, I like... We've talked about Mark Miller on this show before.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Mark Miller was sort of behind The Ultimates, which was like the Ultimate Universe version of The Avengers. And I think a lot of that carried over to the Avengers, the movie version of the Avengers. Okay. We got kind of like a modern take on a lot of those characters. I think we're kind of stuffy. Captain America's the president. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Isn't he in that version? Yeah, at some point. I think he is, yeah. But look, the characterization of Captain America, they didn't keep a hold of, which I think is for the best. He's kind of, he's a little bit xenophobic oh really yeah he's kind of yeah do you think because they were like well captain people think captain america's boring because he's just a war veteran and a straight up and down guy so they're like that's probably yeah we'll just make him xenophobic
Starting point is 00:38:55 that's yeah but i think like elements of like there's a storyline ultimate storyline where thor is the the sort of the world is tricked into thinking Thor is just a regular guy who's stolen some like super soldier equipment and that's why you know he thinks he's Thor and etc and that's what I carried over to the movie where yeah everybody just thought he was this lunatic trying to steal a hammer kind of thing you know absolutely and as we know the new Fantastic Four movie is it's essentially it's the ultimate ultimate ultimate version yeah probably not for the best no well you know what i don't mind that version yes but that's yeah let's just leave it there yeah yeah you know what this is this is off topic but i don't know let's mostly do off topic
Starting point is 00:39:37 because if i'm honest with you a lot of these again i haven't got any notes and a lot of this is just going to be like hey buddy how about how about this one hey there was this guy and this guy you know what i mean somebody somebody wrote it i can't remember who it was like this week and said like why do you like superman so much and this is like for the same reason i like captain america what makes them interesting to me is not when they get all edgy and cool and or whatever i like that they're they're very straight down the line and they have this unbreakable moral code and they will keep that code despite being faced with insurmountable odds. Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:10 And it's interesting to me watching them how they can keep that code or even bend it a little bit without breaking it in certain situations. That's why I like them. I don't think they're boring characters, but I think the way you've got to write those stories is obviously the situation they're in has to be more interesting. I mean, does that make sense? No, that makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:40:30 And I think a lot of people will say, oh, why can't Superman be edgier or whatever? But I think that at this point there's enough sort of homages to Superman around that if you want to see, oh, what would happen if Superman, you know, went insane because he couldn't handle the pressure and he just started killing. Well, we've got Irredeemable.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Exactly. Or what if, you know, Superman was just a super cool dude and he was drawn by Rob Liefeld. Well, that's supreme. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's kind of any variation of these characters. You can have.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Yeah, we can talk about them. Yeah. We should do that episode. Well, I mean, we can talk about that. um a universe some of these are going to be universes like i when we talk about defunct kind of comic book universes not necessarily publishers yeah because they wouldn't necessarily have a shared universe sure but some maybe i will talk about that because who knows because i've got a weird stuff written down but uh a universe that's actually a marvel imprint uh was called supreme power okay it was
Starting point is 00:41:26 in the 2000s sure so in if we're talking about a you know a superman kind of character where we'd you know what would what would happen if you decided to be blah blah there was um in the 70s marvel created a team of superheroes called the Squadron Supreme, which were essentially a shameless ripoff slash parody of the Justice League. Great. And I think it was kind of a case of like, we'll introduce them and they'll be kind of like bumbling versions of the Justice League
Starting point is 00:41:56 and we'll show that the Avengers are better and blah, blah, blah. But like we had Hyperion, who was the kind of the Superman. We had Nighthawk, who was Batman. We had the Flash analog in the Wizard for a had Nighthawk who was Batman. We had the Flash analogue in The Wizard who wore a yellow costume. Yes. Unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:42:09 We had Doctor Spectrum who was Green Lantern, et cetera, et cetera. And they existed in sort of a parallel universe. Sure. And there was actually a storyline in one of their later appearances where they do, you know, it was sort of a Justice League story
Starting point is 00:42:24 in the sense of it's these people who have amazing technology and amazing powers and they're like people always say well you know what what would superman do if he could why why doesn't superman just end all war and end all crime and do all this sort of stuff they've got all the powers and it was a storyline where they actually you know they did that it was this universe where they're like well we've got these you know we've got the ability to alter people's brainwaves and we can do all this sort of stuff, so let's do that. And it's kind of a universe where that all sort of fell apart. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:52 That kind of thing. But anyway, in the 2000s, on Marvel's Max imprint, they did a series called Supreme Power, which was the modern-day reinterpretation of that. And it was sort of a universe where we had a superman-like character who came to earth as a baby yeah but instead of uh this instead of his capsule being recovered by a kindly couple in kansas it was recovered by the u.s government right who then raised him on this sort of diet of propaganda of the united states being the best and blah, blah, blah. And then, you know, he finally discovered the illusion of the world
Starting point is 00:43:28 and he sort of broke out and he went rogue. And it was the start of this. I know exactly. You know what I'm talking about. And it was kind of, you know, it's the Max imprint, so it was mature ages, which means swearing and blood, people getting their heads punched off. Nice.
Starting point is 00:43:40 And look, this is a universe that I wish kept going because it built up a great mythology and then we never got a payoff because the series ended like because we had spoiler all these by the way yeah so yeah exactly so but basically we had we had this guy you know he develops these powers and he starts you know solving problems in the world called and he's you know he's Hyperion. And then all of a sudden we see these other superheroes start popping up in the world. We see Doctor Spectrum who's used an element of his spaceship
Starting point is 00:44:13 and it's given him incredible powers. We see this woman, Power Princess, who is Wonder Woman, who has sort of emerged from a hibernation to sort of re-explore the world. And we have other superheroes popping up. And then we discover later on in the series that the reason hibernation to sort of re-explore the world and we have like other superheroes popping up and then it's sort of we discover later on in this series that the reason some of these heroes are popping up is because his spaceship when it was arriving on earth sort of seeded dna across the world to develop these superheroes yeah and we we get the we get the sense that they're all intended
Starting point is 00:44:41 as opponents for him as to sort of to train him up for something. But we never find out what it is. You know what I'm talking about? That sounds amazing. That's a really good idea. Yeah, it was really good. And eventually they were like... But they joined forces, obviously.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Some of them did, yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then like, so some of them... Yeah, so they eventually, despite the Ultimate Universe's rule that they would never cross over with anything, they actually crossed over with the Supreme Power Universe
Starting point is 00:45:10 in this Ultimate Power crossover. So that was the rule for Ultimates. It wasn't just the regular Marvel Universe. It was any universe. That's what I'm understanding. Because the idea would be that it was like self-contained and kind of no multiple dimensions. It was too complicated, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:45:24 But yeah, so they crossed over and then eventually nick fury ended up in the supreme power universe and then that just that that was just a loose thread that was left hanging so he's there still no he just came back he just came back he's just i'm fine i'm samuel jackson i don't you know don't worry about it i got this so man there's another example of something that's come over from the movies, obviously. Samuel L. Jackson version, yeah. I should say, yeah, yeah. Because that was totally his idea.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Absolutely. They totally got his permission to have Nick Fury look exactly like him in the comic books. We've talked about this before, but that is the story that both Marvel and Samuel L. Jackson tell now. Yeah. But years ago before, I remember reading this and you remember this as well. Before Samuel L. Jackson was cast as Nick Fury, they said hey what do you think about them using your likeness or whatever and he's like yeah that's weird isn't it like he wasn't he wasn't unhappy about it but he's i remember i recall like a reaction video i don't think that's true though i think i've made
Starting point is 00:46:18 that up in my head but i kind of recall like a reaction video of like somebody in a red carpet handing him a comic book and being like what do you think about this and he thinks for a second he's looking in a mirror yeah yeah exactly yeah great no i don't i mean who cares i don't care yeah whatever well neither of us are samuel l jackson that's correct so what about this valiant universe that won't die though oh well valiant hmm well valiant's ongoing it's not really defunct, but we can talk about it a little bit. So Valiant started as... Oh, boy. Where can we go for this? It's kind of...
Starting point is 00:46:53 Open the Wikipedia. We'll just read it. I will not. I refuse. I will not. Well, it started... Valiant started with some original characters and some older characters from Gold Key Comics,
Starting point is 00:47:04 which is this comic book company in the 50s 50s yeah they did a lot of licensed stuff they did like star trek comics and stuff like that but they also did like turok son of stone which became turok dinosaur hunter they did magnus robot fighter that was before the video game yeah just like in the 60s i want to say okay uh maybe 70s maybe maybe Maybe 80s. They did Magnus Robot Fighter, which of course became Magnus Robot Fighter. Of course. Yeah. And a lot of the...
Starting point is 00:47:31 I don't know. I was a big fan back in the day, but Valiant was a lot harder to get when I was a kid. Here in particular. Here in particular, yeah. So I didn't read it. So I read a lot of unconnected issues. There was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:42 you have your Eternal Warriors. Yeah. Them crazy immortal types. You had Shadow Man. You had... Bloodspot. Bloodshot. read a lot of unconnected issues there was like you know you have your eternal warriors yeah those them them crazy immortal types you had shadow man you had blood spot bloodshot bloodshot that's i've read i'm
Starting point is 00:47:51 reading that at the moment yeah that's really good right it's really good yeah yeah yeah but anyway so yeah so are you going through the wikipedia no no no
Starting point is 00:47:58 i'm just i was just but no i'll just look um i don't know i'm glad they're back they were acquired by a claim back in the day. The video game company. Yeah, they became Acclaim Comics.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Okay. But that's Acclaim overreached. They got into sports entertainment as well. Oh, okay. And the video and comic books and stuff. And I think they just folded. They flew too close to the sun. And then a couple of years ago, just some billionaires were like,
Starting point is 00:48:21 hey, remember Valiant? We're billionaires. Imagine two of us, but successful. They were like, hey, remember Valiant? We're billionaires. Imagine two of us, but successful. They were like, hey, remember? I cannot imagine that. No, exactly. You can't do it. But they were like, hey, let's bring it back.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And they started with Harbinger. Yep. Which I heard is good. Harbinger's really good. Here's the thing, because they're going to bring back, they're invested in some movie properties. They're going to do Harbinger.
Starting point is 00:48:41 They're going to do Bloodshot. And then they're going to team them up with Harbinger Wars. Yep. Harbinger is very good it's very well written but it's kind of a generic setting what do you mean like it's kind of it's a it's a young man and he discovers that he has amazing you know telekinetic psionic abilities and then he's brought in by like a corrupt businessman who's also you know got psionic abilities and he's got a and he rebels against him he's got a ragtag team of misfits and blah blah blah sounds like everything i've ever seen exactly so what i'm saying is well written i think yeah so it's
Starting point is 00:49:13 well-written but so i think well-written well-written but i think the key is gonna be get good character actors yeah and kind of make them make all these characters very memorable sure otherwise it might get cut like it might become kind of a push make all these characters very memorable sure otherwise it might get cut like it might become kind of a push or uh that's exactly the movie i was thinking sounds like push right yeah so they're really gonna have to yeah which i haven't actually seen have you seen push no i also haven't seen push it's on my netflix list maybe it's great we don't know i bet it's okay yeah it's got chris evans so how bad can it be fantastic four was pretty bad yeah it was pretty bad i mean all of them what was that universe i remember you're talking about ages
Starting point is 00:49:51 ago on the show where somebody had all the different universes in glass orbs boy some shit you've made that up no it's a real thing no you've made it up because that's what kicked up this whole thing i remember there's an episode where you said i'd like to talk about this at some this is probably like 70 episodes ago right well then i don't remember i don't remember what happened last episode that's a good point what about um what about look image isn't defunct but image took a big hit for not being very good in the 90s well for more focus on style over substance absolutely yeah and image now is pretty amazing like some of the best stuff comes out of image like invincible which was one of my favorite ongoing ongoing series obviously an image comic but you know you had like you had
Starting point is 00:50:38 your bloody spawn and you had your bloody yeah i mean the original lineup for for image was a lot of style over substance yeah like it was kind of because it was kind of the the big it was the big name artists of all the mainstream sort of of the marvel and dc yeah who who believed they were getting a raw deal at those companies and they kind of were yeah because the the the the ethos at the like marvel and dc has always been and it's changed a little bit now but the ethos has always been everybody there works for a page rate yep so like you work you do your day's work you do your pages you get paid for that and that's it like if you create a character they own the character they make all the profits off the character great how would the ducks witcheroo class precisely or you know like jerry siegel and joe schuster created superman yeah they were
Starting point is 00:51:28 presumably paid for that 20 page origin story or whatever and then the billions of dollars in lunch boxes that dc has since made they haven't really seen i mean they're dead but haven't seen a lot of that i believe they're a state now yeah there's been some there's been a lot of legal wrangling yeah around that but yeah so so all the big names you Todd McFarlane was working on Spider-Man at the time he got his own Spider-Man comic book for a while which was very good and he kind of like he he rebuilt the he built a sort of really more dynamic look for Spider-Man he did yeah like he kind of like you know Arthur Spider-Man's always been good but he he kind of like, he was like, okay, well, this guy who's got, you know, super strength and elastic limbs
Starting point is 00:52:08 and all this stuff, so how would he look when he's swinging around the city? And he kind of made it really kind of a great dynamic look for it. And, you know, he's not getting any more for that. No. He's like, well, great, you know. Presumably he got a pretty good deal for the, this was the height of,
Starting point is 00:52:21 let's talk about comic book speculation in the 90s, which was, in the 90s, comic books had a massive boom. Why do you think that was? It was... Was it Batman 89? Potentially. I don't know. Comic books were just a huge business back then.
Starting point is 00:52:36 I think it's because you could just get them at newsstands. That's not really a thing now. But back in the day, you could just pick up one for you know 50 cents at a newsstand or whatever I don't know what a newsstand is exactly it's all comic book stores now but I think
Starting point is 00:52:49 but like it was not uncommon like if a book sold like 100,000 copies yeah it was out yeah no good
Starting point is 00:52:55 yeah nowadays if a comic book sold 100,000 copies that would be amazing absolutely like it was not uncommon for like Todd McFarlane
Starting point is 00:53:02 like a Todd McFarlane or a Jim Lee book or whatever to sell 500, 600,000 copies. The first issue of Spider-Man sold like 1.3 million copies or something like that. That's too many. Yeah, I know, right? It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:13 But what happened is that they all decided to branch out, create Image Comics. A whole bunch of people whose names I can't recall. Rob Liefeld. Rob Liefeld. Eric Larson. The two we said before. Yeah. Mark Silvestri.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yep. Wills Potatio. Wills. Wills Potatio. Yeah. A couple other people. Anyway, and they all- Wills Potatio sounds like a delicious dessert.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I know, right? Or some kind of potato side dish. Yeah, like a Wills potato. But anyway, so they all came up with new number ones. It was Spawn, Savage Dragon, Wetworks, Cyberforce, whatever Rob Liefeld did. All the classics you know and love. All the classics.
Starting point is 00:53:54 What did Rob Liefeld do? I should know that. No, he did bloody Youngblood. See, the only ones from that, I'm like, there's still... Spawn is still around. Savage Dragon is still around. And it's original, it's still Eric and it's original it's still eric larson like it's not and there's a lot of good savage dragon stuff isn't yeah definitely yeah uh but like a lot of that stuff and it's weird because all those issue ones like like they were
Starting point is 00:54:17 selling like people were collecting them thinking oh they're issue ones they'll be worth exactly that's true yeah but when you sell a million 1.3 million copies of something it is not worth anything absolutely yeah because the rule of anything being worth something is it has to be at some point worth nothing to eventually be worth anything for example the star wars figures everybody bought star wars figures played with them got rid of them threw them in a bin a dog ate them whatever yeah but the people who kept them yeah the very few means that those because they're because they were worth virtually nothing which mean people turfed them yep so people keep them or had them for whatever reason then they're worth a lot because yes
Starting point is 00:54:53 absolutely but now like you got your limited edition kylo ren's they sell however many million that it that is and everybody buys one everybody's open and one to keep exactly yeah which essentially renders them worthless worthless or their original price. Yes, exactly. So that's the thing. Like I read a thing on collectibles a while ago. In order for something to be collectible, you're right, it not only does it have to get to zero,
Starting point is 00:55:17 it has to go below what's called the trough of no value. So it has to be worth negative money. So you have to be like i'll take these up i couldn't sell this but also it's taken up space yes in this crate that i could be keeping this is like the atari old batteries in yeah exactly yeah and so so that was the thing about the 90s is people look back and they went oh super action comics number one featuring superman yeah that's worth the time was worth like 27 000 or something like that and now it's worth millions yeah and and people like oh so this is the number one like
Starting point is 00:55:51 this is the new crop of number ones from the new hot creators all these all these books all these characters are going to be legendary iconic characters forever yeah so we will we'll get these we'll speculate we'll buy all these buy all the variant covers and then in 20 years we'll sell them and make a mint all the spawn wet works will sportacia no he did that works uh bloody shadow hawk do you think though this could get into the trough trough of despair or whatever now that people are like well these aren't yeah well they have to eventually but i think the timeline is extended i think i'll have to be like a hundred years yeah absolutely yeah what's that line from indiana jones you put like an old like a trinket watch in the desert in a thousand years
Starting point is 00:56:33 it's worth like that's right yeah exactly it's a good movie we should talk about those movies let's do it now man that that's fascinating the whole collecting culture though was really is really fascinating to me like whenever somebody says oh we found like this issue one of superman in like a cedar box i'm in a mountain so it hasn't seen like air for like 70 years and it's just like perfect mint condition like that to me is like that's amazing i think that's amazing also i like i don't know i read an article on sneakers the other day some sneakers yeah just but like i read the article basically is like you know you know there's people who sneaker heads and they collect all the limited edition sneakers or whatever sure a huge number
Starting point is 00:57:11 of those like except for the very early versions that have rubber soles yeah like all sneakers from like the 80s and 90s have like a like a polyurethane midsole which is not interesting but what is interesting is interesting i disagree polyurethane dissolsole which is not interesting but what is interesting is interesting i disagree polyurethane dissolves when it's exposed to oxygen so like there are millions of pairs of sneakers that are collectible sneakers and somebody be like oh i have you know i haven't worn these in in 10 years i'm gonna i'm gonna put these on my collectible sneakers and have a walk around the house and they just put them on they disintegrate so in order to maintain them you have to keep them in a totally airtight like room and never use them or whatever that's amazing my point is if you buy a cool pair of
Starting point is 00:57:51 sneakers just wear them yeah exactly that's the point of them and i think i don't know i feel like when you get people like buying up all the things and collecting everything i think it ruins it for kids yeah boy does it like you know what i mean i think there's this guy called uh the russian comic book geek who i like a lot oh yes he does like dramatic readings of things i i did one of them recently i'm really bad in it but it's really good who did you play at his channel i played were you wonder woman i played who was i i played uh a version of green arrow i can't remember which but no it's great he's really good should have been captain boomerang but he did this video called comics should be. But no, it's great. He's really good. Should have been Captain Boomerang. But he did this video called Comics Should Be for Everybody. Yep.
Starting point is 00:58:27 And it's basically how he talks about a lot of the comic book industry has been hijacked by people who used to be fans as kids. Yep. This conversation turned into something completely else. That's fine. That's fine. And people who loved comics who now go back to the store and just kind of buy up everything and then kind of shit on anything
Starting point is 00:58:45 new and hate anybody who doesn't know a lot about a certain thing right and you know what the thing is about comics or any kind of movie or anything for me is whatever level you like it at is okay yeah you can be new to something or you could have a passing interest in something that doesn't make you less your opinion less valid or or anything that. Do you know what I mean? It doesn't make you less of a person because if you know less about Spider-Man than another person, maybe you just... Maybe the exact circumstances of your birth and life haven't led you to liking and knowing the same amount
Starting point is 00:59:15 about Spider-Man as a certain other person. Exactly. And that's why when movies come out and people get angry at, say like the new X-Men movie comes out and people get angry at other people who go, you don't even like X-Men. You just jumped on the bandwagon because it's an X-Men movie. Who fucking cares, man? Like people can like things or not like things.
Starting point is 00:59:34 It doesn't matter. Like if you're the biggest fan, great. If you're not, who cares? None of this, again, I always say this, none of this matters. You can just like what you like at whatever level you want to like it at. Exactly. And don't hate anybody else for whatever, wherever they're at with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Because there are people out there who know infinitely more than us. Yeah. And that's great. Sure. That's most people you're talking about. Most people, yeah. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Here we go. Okay. I've got a lot of options. I thought we'd go through these really quickly and I'd be like, well, we're going to have to come back to this. All right. What are we up to? Like time-wise? Oh, I don't a lot of options. I thought we'd go through these really quickly and I'd be like... We're going to have to come back to this. Yeah, we're going to have to come back to this. All right. What are we up to? Like time-wise? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Hang on. I'm going to give you some choices if you want to go... I'll run now. I don't want to do it too long. We did a really long one last week. Yeah, that's right. All right. Okay, you've got...
Starting point is 01:00:16 Do you want to do one more? And we'll come back to it. Or do you want to do a couple more? Let's do two more. I reckon we can do two more. Okay. Okay, here's your choices. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:24 The Malibu Ultraverse. You've had wanted to talk about that for a while. What else have you got? Impact Comics. Yep. Continuity Comics or Techno Comics. All right. Techno Comics is spelled T-A-K-N-O-C-O-M-I-X.
Starting point is 01:00:37 You don't need to spell it. I've already chosen that one. Right. So definitely that one. Yeah. And Malibu because you've mentioned it before. Okay, great. Which do you want to start with?
Starting point is 01:00:45 Let's go with Techno Comics. Let's get it out of the one. Yeah. And Malibu because you've mentioned it before. Okay, great. Which do you want to start with? Let's go with Techno Comics. Let's get it out of the way. Excellent. Techno Comics is not a shared universe. Yeah. But I just wanted to bring it up because it completely went out of my mind. And I've gone completely out of my mind. Sure.
Starting point is 01:01:01 And whoever created it went completely out of my mind. Yeah. But okay, here's some names for you. Gotcha. Leonard Nimoy. Great. Gene Rodden mind. Sure. And whoever created it went completely out of my mind. Yeah. But okay, here's some names for you. Gotcha. Leonard Nimoy. Great. Gene Roddenberry. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Isaac Asimov. Wow. Neil Gaiman. Yeah. Mickey Spillane, detective author Mickey Spillane. All of these people presumably wrote this brief idea on a napkin and then gave it to somebody else to write a comic book about because that was techno Comics in a nutshell.
Starting point is 01:01:27 So we had Leonard Nimoy. People should Google image search this sort of stuff. We had Leonard Nimoy. What era was this? This was the 90s. Okay, yeah. Go on, sorry. That's my wheelhouse.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Yeah, absolutely. I think the greatest number of failed comic book universes and companies came from the 90s. I'd agree with that. So we had Leonard Nimoy created primortals yeah which was about a bunch of alien dinosaur like anthropomorphic dinosaurs that came to earth right pretty good right no neil gaiman created uh mr hero the pneumatic man who was like a steampunk like like a god imagine a gold steampunk butler with like a mustache from what era oh like the 1800s but he was also like he was from like a like an alien civilization
Starting point is 01:02:13 of weird lizard men what's that sweet robot story that's out of the moment bicentennial man that is a sweet but no he's like he's tesla's robot it's a it's an ongoing series it's really good i've been reading it it's like tesla built this robot oh yes and he like fights through the decades oh it's a isn't it it's not atomic robot it's atomic robot that's what that sounds like to me it sounds like atomic robot but like steampunk and not as good not as good definitely uh mickey spillane the creator of uh the mike hammer uh yeah the mike hammer detective stories yeah Yeah. Like famously, he created Mike Danger, who was exactly the same. He's not even trying.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Exactly the same character, except transported into the future. So instead of having a sweet.45, he had a ray gun. It's pretty great. So you can like, I don't know how they built this line. Like there was,
Starting point is 01:03:00 I remember at the time there was like a big lavish opening. Like they had a big party and like people, like Mickey Spillane was there and all these people. Who did you say Gene Roddenberry did or you didn't? I'd have to look it up. Give me a second. I'll bloody look it up. I would be fascinated to know how this universe was built. Not shit, but this publishing.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Is it shared, the universe? No, the universe wasn't really shared. Gene Roddenberry's Lost Universe. Okay. I think he was dead. See, that's the thing. I'm fascinated to know how they built this because- Do you think his last words were,
Starting point is 01:03:34 Lost Universe, as his brain cut afire? Exactly, yeah. And they must have just gone to various people and said, would you agree to have your name attached to this thing? That's what that sounds like, yeah. Now come up with, now say two words. And Leonard Nimoy went, space dinosaurs? And they went, oh, okay, great.
Starting point is 01:03:59 And Mickey Spillane went, the stuff I normally do in the future. Have you read any of these? Yeah, no, I read quite a lot. I actually quite like Mr. Hero. Okay. Apparently they, like, I think Neil Gaiman. He's a very talented writer. Yeah, he produced like four.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Like there was Lady Justice was another one. Okay. Technophage. Lady by day, justice by night. Precisely. Right. And yeah, he provided, like I read an interview with somebody who was like a ghost writer for this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:33 And they did, like he provided like a quite a sketchy, like a series Bible for it. Okay. But I do think like your Nemo's and et cetera were probably just like. Space dinosaurs. Space dinosaurs. All of that sounds amazing. Pretty good, right? That's obviously defunct.
Starting point is 01:04:50 That's not a thing that's happening anymore. So who put the money into it? Look, I don't know any of the answers to this. Technocomics. How do you spell that again? T-E-K-N-O space K-O-M-i-x yeah but like mickey's but i think they must have drawn on gotten mickey spillane and i'm saying his name a lot because it's rare that i get to use say say the words mickey spillane together but he started in comic books okay like he wrote some
Starting point is 01:05:17 he wrote some timely comic stuff before it was marvellous yeah that's that's some um old stuff oh here we go here's the quote from Ricky Splane. This was on his Wikipedia page. I started off at the high level in the slick magazines, but they didn't use my name. They used house names. Anyway, then I went downhill to the pulps, then downhill further to the comics.
Starting point is 01:05:37 That's what he said back in the day, and then I guess that's how they got him back. I don't know. Anyway, that's pretty great. When did he die? Quite recently. 2006. That's not too long ago. Good run. Yeah, that's pretty great. When did he die? Quite recently. 2006. That's not too long ago.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Good run. Yeah, that's not a bad run. 88. 88. Bloody hell. Yeah. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Well, let's talk about the Malibu Ultraverse. It was just called the Ultraverse. Why Malibu? Well, Malibu Comics was the... It was like Malibu created a whole bunch of different comic books back in the day. They created a Street Fighter comic book, which was, let me tell you, no good. But boy, that was hard to get. You tried to like it.
Starting point is 01:06:11 I tried to like, but I also tracked it down. Oh, really? It was very hard to get. What style were we talking with that art? Not sort of semi-realistic. Not like your anime kind of style. Like an airbrush? Yeah, sort of.
Starting point is 01:06:24 But not like photorealistic either okay but like somewhere it was no good anyway the point is the writing or the art any of it but they did they did an assortment of other stuff they did they actually um created one of they published the original men in black before it became the movie okay cool that's supposed to be really good the comic book series yeah it's all right you know there was an animated series from the late 90s which is actually pretty sweet i remember that that was pretty good yeah yeah um but in the original comic books jay is white i think okay they're all white sure he's very white sure but um yeah so but ultraverse was their superhero line okay which i actually really enjoyed like uh we had standouts we had well we had firearm
Starting point is 01:07:06 who was a man with a gun it was pretty good pretty sweet i'm disappointed i thought i pictured a man with one arm on fire yeah i know right yeah and a gun and that's what that was the first cover image but then below that was a slow just said you won't see any of this brackets it's just a guy with a gun who else we had we had Prototype who was your Iron Man kind of character oh yeah
Starting point is 01:07:30 oh we also had Nightman that's the TV series the TV series is that the same guy yeah same character excellent who was the who was a
Starting point is 01:07:37 who was a crime fighting jazz saxophonist cool and hot jazz who was struck by lightning and it gave him the ability to sense evil. And then he had like a super car or something. What do you mean sense evil? I don't know either. Is it like that guy's having a bad thought?
Starting point is 01:07:53 Is it like pure evil, like demonic evil? I think it's probably a combination. Because sometimes he's had a bad day and he'll come up and slit your throat. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's like Minority Report. Exactly. But for me, the best part of the Ultraverse was a character called Prime, come up and slit your throat. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's like Minority Report. Exactly. But for me, the best part of the Ultraverse was a character called Prime.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Yeah. Who was sort of a – he was a modern day – modern day 90s gritty reboot. They don't mix. But he was like a modern day version of Captain Marvel. You know, Captain Marvel was Billy Batson, little kid. Yep. You know, got his powers through magic, the wizard Shazam. Sure. Captain Marvel's Billy Batson little kid. Yep. You know, got his powers through magic, the wizard Shazam, getting powers or whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:25 But Prime was this kid who, as a result of genetic tampering while he was in his mother's womb, when he grew up and got to puberty, like he could undergo this incredibly disgusting transformation where his body would like explode like green pus. And then it would form like a superhero form around him. like and then and then it would form like a like a superhero form around him and his subconscious would would like determine how he looked kind of thing and so he was this kid who grew up in comic books and so when he like so he transformed in this you know this towering caped man who could fly and was indestructible and stuff like that and it was actually interesting like as the character
Starting point is 01:09:02 developed was he all green no he was he was like... Everybody should Google these. No, I just mean like... Oh, the goo was green. The goo was green. But then when it formed around him, it changed to whatever colour he wanted to be or whatever. Yeah, totally. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Prime. Boop. Boop, boop. It's weird your iPad makes those noises. Yeah, I know, right? There's Prime. Okay. Which, no, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:09:23 He looks like, like the first image, if you Google Ultraverse Prime, he looks like like the first image if you google ultraverse prime he looks like like a rob lyfield image comics it was like a parody of a man like exactly like he's supposed to be though yeah he's got these ridiculous unrealistic muscles and he's got the little feet yeah and he's got the the huge billowy cape but yeah that's the thing and like as as the character developed his idea of what kind of hero he should be developed and so the character change looks okay like when he met firearm who was the the guy with the with the firearm with the gun yeah uh and sort of you know who was like this you know this over the top kind of hard-boiled ex-secret agent special ops guy like he was like well now hero
Starting point is 01:10:02 heroes have got to be you be tough and cool or whatever. So when he became Prime again, he lost the cape, but he gained stubble and a mullet and lots of chains and necklaces and he became a more hardcore version. And then he evolved again. He's like, what am I doing? What am I doing with my life? And then he became sort of more superhero-y again.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Okay. But what killed the Ultraverse ultimately that sounds fun yeah it was kind of yeah the ultraverse was actually quite a lot of fun the what killed it ultimately i think was that they were they were mad for a crossover but to the extent that like it wasn't like here's an event and it's a crossover it was more that that every issue crossed over into another series so it was kind of like so if you were a fan of prime and you and you read it and then you when you read the next issue you'd be like he's got a new belt where did that new belt come from and then it was like see firearm issue nine you're like god damn it i don't want to have to go back you know what i mean yeah i don't like that no i mean yeah i mean it can work
Starting point is 01:11:03 yeah you know because dc are moving towards no continuity. Yes. Not no continuity, but like they have Batman running around in the Justice League, who's Bruce Wayne, but also their current version of Batman in Batman is Jim Gordon. And they're just running concurrently and there's no kind of real, I'm sure that maybe there is an explanation. Is he a real, what version of jim gordon is he he is jim gordon new 52 jim gordon who's he's about 45 he quit smoking because he looks i haven't watched full issues of that but he does look like he's about 25 no no because he's he shaved his mustache and he's got like a macklemore haircut he does have a macklemore haircut exactly right macklemore thank you yeah no. Yeah, but he's in training, basically.
Starting point is 01:11:45 That's why he looks like that. But yeah, that's the idea. But so anyway, if you're going to track down, I didn't talk about how disappointed I was about any of these. I forgot that aspect of it. I had that side, if you recall. Yeah, that's true. You just sound like you've had a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Yeah, look, Ultimate Universe, meh. Technocomics, look, I kind of want to see what one, like one note comic books they create so I'd like to see them come back if you're going to track down anything from the Ultraverse Prime yeah definitely fine
Starting point is 01:12:16 the thing is the Ultraverse was acquired by Marvel and then they just sank it you can't get reprints anywhere and it's kind of a nobody knows why it's kind of a mystery by Marvel and then they just sank it like you can't you can't get reprints anywhere like they don't and it's kind of nobody knows why there's kind of
Starting point is 01:12:28 it's kind of a mystery the rumor is because they don't they don't because like everything else they've sort of reprinted as trade paperbacks or whatever
Starting point is 01:12:35 but Ultraverse they don't bring back there is a rumor because we were talking about before about you know the big two companies it's kind of work for hire
Starting point is 01:12:43 you don't get anything after you've done the job. Yeah. Like there was a rumor that when they acquired the Ultraverse, they missed a loophole in the contracts so that every time they reprint it, the original creators get 5% of the profits. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:12:57 So they're like, well, we can't do that because they don't want to give away any sweet, sweet coin. But there's also, I found this, this quote is actually on the Wikipedia page. Joe Quesada, who was the editor-in-chief at the time, this was like 10 years ago, he was asked if they'd ever revive the Ultraverse. And he's like, there's rumors out there
Starting point is 01:13:17 that it had to do with a certain percentage of sales that has to be doled out to creative teams. I mean, that's a logistical nightmare because the deal was structured. It's not the reason why I've chosen not to go near these characters. There's a logistical nightmare because the deal was structured it's not the reason why i've chosen not to go near these characters there's a bigger one but i really don't feel it's my place to make that dirty laundry public oh so we don't know why and i can't find out why i had i did a bit of digging but like if anybody knows yeah someone might let us weekly planet exclusive
Starting point is 01:13:39 tell us on a on a decades old property that nobody uses anymore. I was going to say, yeah. Weekly Planet exclusive. Do you think if we broke that story, anybody would run it? No. I think the fine folks at I was going to say, I could write that article, but I probably wouldn't. Writing's not really my thing. Righto. Well, that was good fun, Nick Mason.
Starting point is 01:14:03 We've got more, so next time. Valiant. You like that one? You like that one more? Yeah, we'll come back to that. I mean, you liked it, because you were talking about... Oh, yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 01:14:12 They're making good strides. So next time, we'll cover Marvel's New Universe, which I was a big fan of. Impact, which I was a huge fan of back in the day. Comics' Greatest World. Someone should... And Continuity Comics, which was Neil Neil Adams baby for like 10 years.
Starting point is 01:14:27 And it was insane. The whole thing was insane. Could somebody write those down and then tweet them to Nick Mason in like six months? Yeah, please do. Because otherwise I'll forget. Yeah. And then we'll all know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Good fun. Good fun. Good memories. Yeah. I feel like we could have probably done more of them, but oh well. That's all right. How much time we got? Oh, we got...
Starting point is 01:14:47 No, we probably should. No, let's do it. It's real late here. It is. It is bloody late. All right. You know what it's time for then? Oh, what we're reading?
Starting point is 01:14:54 What we're going to read. I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? What are you reading? I'm reading a book. Actually, the reason I bring this up because Zoe Saldana was cast in this movie. It's called I Killed Giants.
Starting point is 01:15:12 I may have mentioned it before. Maybe. I actually have a copy of it, like a physical copy. I don't have a physical copy, a lot of stuff. But it's basically about this girl who's, she's kind of an oddball kind of character. And she's in like lower high school. And she's under the impression that all these giants are that she kills giants essentially right and they're coming
Starting point is 01:15:32 to this small town to kind of to take her on or whatever and so the whole lot of back and forth in terms of how much of this is in her head and and how or if it's actually real and there's kind of there's like the whole lot of fantasy elements in it but again it comes back to whether these things are real and yeah and it deals with like uh you know like grief and loss and like high school issues and and being yourself and all sorts of cool stuff like that yeah so i'm excited to see that movie and i'm also and that's a it's a really really good read and again it's you know it's it's a standalone thing you can it's i don't know whatever it is four or five issues i can't remember but it's it's solid and that's exciting to me to hear that that's going to be a thing what are you reading
Starting point is 01:16:09 today what i've been reading today uh listeners may know you may know i might uh i'm a big fan of warren ellis the author warren ellis yep uh he's got a little he's got a little kindle i guess they call it a kindle single it's like a 40 page uh story uh electrograd rusted blood it's on kindle i guess they call it a kindle single it's like a 40 page uh story uh electrograd rusted blood it's on kindle okay and it's kind of like uh it's a murder mystery in this this weird a murder and a mystery yeah i know right who would have thought to combine the two um but it's it's uh it's sort of a it's a murder mystery set in electrorograd, which is this weird city. It's a city of kind of like experimental architecture and like weird, like it's kind of a test bed city for weird stuff.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Okay. Like a Tomorrowland. Like a Tomorrowland, exactly. Yeah. For that one person out there who saw Tomorrowland. Yeah, yeah. But I don't know. It's good fun.
Starting point is 01:17:04 Good fun. Okay, great. And it's like know. It's good fun. Good fun little book. And it's like two bucks on Amazon. Great. So check that out. Kindle single. Doesn't quite rhyme. No, I don't like it. It's unpleasant to say.
Starting point is 01:17:13 And people think you're rhyming as well, like you're going to sing a little song. I don't like it. No. We don't sing on this show either, do we? But if you like, I'm a big fan of, and I'm going to mispronounce his name, but China Mierville, who's kind of like a weird, he does like super weird sci-fi set in weird universes.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Cool. It's not quite as weird, but if you like Warren Ellis and you like that whole kind of thing. Sure. Get into it. I will, maybe. Yeah. Yay. I've got a What We're Reading here from Josh.
Starting point is 01:17:38 I'm ready. He's the official Canadian emissary of the podcast. Have you guys checked out the Image miniseries by Brian K. Vaughan called We Stand on Guard? I've heard the name. I haven't seen it. Me neither. Read it. Read it.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Read it. Read it. But I like Brian K. Vaughan. Cool. What's it about? I'll tell you. Okay. He actually wrote that here.
Starting point is 01:17:58 It's weird. It's a pretty cool series just into two issues now, but I'm liking the world it's creating. In the future, United States have invaded Canada to get our sweet, now, but I'm liking the world it's creating. In the future, United States have invaded Canada to get our sweet, sweet water. I'm wondering what... So it's the movie Canadian Bacon with John Candy.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Is that a real movie? Yes. I have read this. I read the first issue. Yeah, it's great. Great. Well, the one I read, I think it had a big robot kind of tank kind of thing in it.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Just like Canadian Bacon. I could go back to this. Exactly. Yeah, definitely. I should go back to that. Do you think America will, the US will ever invade Canada for real? No.
Starting point is 01:18:29 How do you know? Oh my God, I don't know. Great. Letters? Yes. Okay. I want to see if there's a letter thing. Oh, you have a letter thing?
Starting point is 01:18:38 Edit point. Edit point. I think I can actually bring one up if you can't. Okay, great. Oh, I found one excellent okay so for those who don't know uh james refuses to uh edit in another theme a letters theme i refuse you bloody god damn it you mean the death of us both uh so what i would like what i like is if uh listeners could record their own letters theme yes to like a theme or just whatever whatever you feel
Starting point is 01:19:04 this lately we'll be going with whatever you feel. Yep. Put it on YouTube, tweet me the link, and then I'm just going to have to play it through my phone. Correct. Because that's the only way we're going to get a sweet letters theme every week. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:14 So this week, Alex Snipes has sent one in. Excellent. He says, letters theme for episode 101 of the Weekly Planet. All right. So that thematically is right on point because this is episode 101. Right? That's right okay great
Starting point is 01:19:26 we're very good at this we are we're the best anyway we're going to play this real through anyway Ears Unheard let's see how this goes how do you like it?
Starting point is 01:19:43 I'll let his name I'll let his name I'll let his name Oh, fade out. Oh. I like it. Yet again, raising the bar for whatever this is, whatever it's become. Whatever this shambles is that we've created. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Any requests for next week? Nah. Anything out? Freestyle it. We can't keep saying freestyle. Yeah, that's a good point, actually. Okay, I guess if we know the topic ahead of time, which we don't.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Correct. We'll make a request. In the meantime, freestyle it. Okay. Hello, Junior Editor and Mace-o. Yeah. My name is Ben and I'm from Kansas. I love the show and just wanted to test Mason on his knowledge.
Starting point is 01:20:35 How's this sound? I'm ready. Are you ready? Not really. I don't know this, but you might. Okay. Of D-Man, a.k.a. Demolition Man from the 80s. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Not the movie. No, the character. He's got a big d on his chest great he has the worst rap sheet of any comic book hero i can personally remember what can you remember about him you've already named a thing that he's said here what else do you know about him well hang on what was the what was the thing that i am he's got a big d on his chest yeah yeah that is a fact because he's got here, he wears Daredevil's shirt. What, is that an actual fact? Well, no, but like the design, I assume. Oh, I say right, but surely that's a double D.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Yes. Look, this whole thing, well... You knew who he is, you know who he is. I know who he is. Okay. He's sort of a mishmash because he kind of looks like, imagine old school Daredevil. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Like the yellow one. So he's kind of got the weird trunks. Yes. But the yellow arms. But he's also got like Wolverine's head. That's exactly what he said. He's got Daredevil's shirt and Wolverine's mask. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Do you know his origins? So in the Marvel Universe, if you don't want to waste time getting like getting bitten by a radioactive spider so time consuming or like walking into a gamma bomb blast radius or whatever you just go to a guy called power broker yep and he just gives you superpowers that's what he said he originated as a man who took superhuman steroids for a superhuman wrestling circuit oh there we go. I think... No, because he actually...
Starting point is 01:22:07 He fought... Like, he fought... I think other people were sort of drawn into it. Like, he punched on with a thing at one point. Okay. I want to say he fought the Beyonder, but that doesn't seem fair. How about this?
Starting point is 01:22:18 How about I'll list some things here, maybe, and make up some... Oh, here's an unrelated fact. U.S. Agent, who's the Captain America's successor, also a power broker. Oh, some. Here's an unrelated fact. US agent who's the Captain America's successor also power broker. Okay, there you go. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:30 True or false? He once led a hobo army. I'm going to say false. I don't know. He put it here so I assume it's true. I don't know for a fact. He once almost beat Captain America to death.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Wait, is that a question or a fact? Question. I mean, everybody's beaten everybody to death at some point. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. How about this? He has horrible hygiene.
Starting point is 01:22:56 I'm going to say that one's false, actually, now that I think about it. I think it's true. Okay, right. He's just listing. He has horrible hygiene. He looks like a man with horrible hygiene. And he nearly got him kicked off the Avengers. Yeah, that's probably listening. He has horrible hygiene. He looks like a man with horrible hygiene. And he nearly got him kicked off the Avengers. Yeah, that's probably true.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah. If Mason does remember him, give him a totally awesome high five. If not, a quick swift kick to the balls. Look, we're slightly too far apart for either of those. That's true. So let's save one of them up. You let me know what it is later. It's from Gilberto.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Oh. Hey, guys. If you could have the Dark Knight trilogy Batman in the DC Cinematic Universe but Green Lantern has become canon, would you have it? No. Plus, am I your first fan from Mexico? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:23:35 I don't believe that is a thing. I'm going to say yes. Okay. And only. First and only. I love listening to the show on my way to school. Thanks. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:23:44 I don't want any of those things. I'm happy. I like the Dark Knight movies. We want listeners from Mexico. Yeah. Was that not clear? It seemed like you were saying we don't want any of those things. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Yeah. No, I like the Dark Knight movies in general. The third one has its problems. But I don't think that Batman works in whatever universe this is going to be. That Batman is not going to survive one punch from Superman. No, that's right. Or General Zod, flip of hands. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:24:15 And, you know, Green Lantern, obviously, no. None of that. None of that bizzo. Good question, though. Because a lot of people, you know, did want to see that Batman kick on. And there was talk about apparently they threw a whole lot of money at Christian Bale to kind of come back and do this. That's the rumor.
Starting point is 01:24:30 So there you go. One more, Mason. Yes. There might be. Oh, these are kind of linked. Hey, James and Nick, can you please explain the difference between adamantium and vibranium? I know they both exist in the Marvel Universe,
Starting point is 01:24:43 which is actually a stronger metal. Love the podcast. Keep doing what you're doing or don't. Whatevs from Michael S. My understanding is that adamantium is a man-made metal substance and vibranium is actually from a comet or a meteor. That's my understanding of it. Do you have anything else to say?
Starting point is 01:25:01 Look, I don't know the origins of adamantium. Yeah. Or vibranium for that matter. I think, I mean, they mine vibranium. Yeah. But you're saying the way it got there is because of a meteor. That's my understanding. Right. Adamantium is unbreakable.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Yes. Once it's been forged. Yes. Vibranium isn't. Yes. But it has weird physics- physics defying vibrational absorbing abilities yeah so captain america shield is made from a blend of vibranium and something else probably like steel or whatever yeah which makes it unbreakable okay vibranium inherently in itself
Starting point is 01:25:41 is not indestructible it's only captain america shield that's indestructible. Ah, there you go. Yeah. Very interesting. I know. Because I thought that Adamanthium was like an attempt to replicate Vibranium, like a man-made attempt. Oh. But who knows?
Starting point is 01:25:56 I'm more on the topic, Mason. Love the show. Just wondering if you could answer this with your comic book expertise. Adamanthium is an alloy. You're right. It's man-made. Sweet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:03 And I already asked NerdSync, but I think Scott is busy. I like NerdSync. He's a good dude. Does Hulk have a better healing factor than Wolverine? I don't think he does. I think he's harder to hurt, but he'd probably heal slower. Yes. And you have to, yeah, I think these days.
Starting point is 01:26:20 They'd have to distinguish them somewhere, somehow. Yeah. And they couldn't just make the hulk heal faster than wolverine no because wolverine can heal again with with at this point wolverine can heal from like total body disintegration yeah in a page yeah so i've never seen the hulk do that no there you go yeah but they're both good at different things aren't they hulk's better at science sure yeah more as being more as an example of what not to do. Sure.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Than as a, yeah. Yeah. A living example. And Wolverine is a better example of how to not let your guard down around like super secret agents who will abduct you. Absolutely. Yeah. Both pioneers in their fields.
Starting point is 01:27:02 All right. I think that's the show for this week. We did it again. Thank you to the Bruton Basilisk for the themes. Yeah. Thank you to Fergal Quigley. Yeah, he pioneers in their fields. All right, I think that's the show for this week. We did it again. Thank you to the Bruton Basilisk for the themes. Yeah, thank you to Fergal Quigley. Yeah, he's the best. Who is our resident artist who often he will tweet an artist rendition of what happened in this episode.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Yep, yep. So we've got a nice one for episode 100. We've got a couple of us hanging out in the man cave. Those have been great. Just a regular room. Yeah, pretty great. I think he's at Fergal Quigley on Twitter. That. Those have been great. Just a regular room. Yeah, pretty great. I think he's at Fergal Quigley on Twitter. That's it.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Yeah, he's a good dude. I like his work. I like what he's about. Where is he? Where is he generally? Yes. I think he's in a good place. It's pretty late, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:27:37 Yeah. Yeah. All right. Where can people find us? At Weekly Planet Pod on Gmail and twitter and facebook and bandcamp yes I'm at wikipedia bound I'm at mr sunday movies
Starting point is 01:27:48 and if you want to follow the show if you follow the weekly planet on twitter great stuff from that gentleman that's a bloody
Starting point is 01:27:54 raw collings bloody doing awesome stuff over there next week something else yep slash mr sunday movies
Starting point is 01:28:01 if you want to support the show we're just listening for free we do do we do do we yeah I guess so I guess no we pay some money
Starting point is 01:28:08 to host for hosting oh yeah god damn it we're losing money we're losing hand over fist no we're fine we're fine
Starting point is 01:28:14 yeah alright thanks everybody for the show grab that gem everybody please do say a catchphrase just pick one
Starting point is 01:28:20 say anything that's my old laptop I've got to get rid of that this one great I can't wait for the t-shirt design for that one. It's got a Blu-ray player. Huh.
Starting point is 01:28:28 It was one of the first. I have three laptops. Jesus. It's too many. One's for torrenting. One's this one that does nothing. And one's my real one. That all has to be on the T-shirt, by the way.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Just so we're clear. I like how I looked around the room for a catchphrase and then I just realized I had to throw out a computer. Yeah, great. Good. Okay, bye, everyone. Bye. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship
Starting point is 01:28:54 between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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