The Weekly Planet - 105 Flash & Arrow Premieres (Plus Gotham's Joker Twist)

Episode Date: October 12, 2015

The Flash and Arrow have returned to our TV screens so we get stuck into how the seasons kicked off. Plus we discuss the recent controversial Joker twist in Gotham, an Ant-man & Wasp movie, L...ex Luthor news for Batman V Superman, a rumoured contender for the Boba Fett role, the Avengers: Infinity War budget and other things we say! Thanks as always for listening. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies and TV shows and comics. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. I'm here. How do I sound? You sound great. Like a?
Starting point is 00:00:27 Like a bloody superstar. Yes. That's what he said earlier. And then I said a podcast superstar. Oh, nuts. That's exactly the conversation we had not 30 seconds ago. Oh, Weekly Planet exclusive. Something we said before the podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:44 How about that? sure i wish i recorded that what do you mean what have you been doing this week not much man just doing some of this stuff what we're doing now but i've been growing a beard yeah i like your beard growing it out full beard so listeners please adjust your fan art and erotic slash fiction if you could you need to adjust you need to adjust your twitter profile nah someone could fill it in for you i guess that's true, yeah. Yeah, there we go. Do some kind of Photoshop and just fill that all out as poorly as you can.
Starting point is 00:01:11 As I've done on my face. That's correct. I thought there'd be more red or something. Didn't you say you got little red bits in it? I got some red in there. All right, we'll see what happens. Some red under the bed. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Something to do with communism, I don't know. Gotcha. It's one of those catchy ways in the 50s they would... You slap it on a poster. You make a school kid say it. Yeah, exactly. I know. All right, straight to the news.
Starting point is 00:01:33 And by that I mean, have we delayed the news enough? Yes. All right, let's do it. So the Ubisoft Motion Pictures CEO, he was talking about the Assassin's Creed movie. Oh, by the way, it's New York Comic Con this weekend. Sure is. So some things have happened. Some things will continue to happen after this show.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Almost certainly. Better things probably because they saved them for the second day. That's it. We'll talk about them next week when they've already been talked to death. Correct. Anyway, the Ubisoft CEO, he said that the Assassin's Creed movie will be like Batman Begins and Blade Runner combined.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Do you think, when they say Blade Runner, are they referring to the future or are they referring to there's a man running with a blade? Like, what are they? Yeah, you've made a very good point there, haven't you? Yeah. Thank you. Maybe they mean the original The Blade Runner. What's the book?
Starting point is 00:02:30 No, there's like one prior to that, like prior to Philip K. Dix, I think, that I think is about a man who steals black market organs. Really? Which, again, I don't think has anything to do with Assassin's Creed. Same universe? No, different universe. Same author, though? No, different author. It's just the same name.
Starting point is 00:02:45 It's a real thing. I'm not making it up. I believe you. Or maybe I am making it up. There's no way of knowing. There's no way of knowing these days. Yeah, look, do you think anything has done an origin story as well as Batman Begins since Batman Begins?
Starting point is 00:02:57 I'm sure there's a, like, you know, Marvel obviously have done it, but you know that kind of gritty kind of, this is real. Yeah. This is real now. It's the real world. You know, like that. It's real. You can leap off a building into a haystack and you're fine because it's real though.
Starting point is 00:03:11 It's real. Do you think they're going to pander to that? Do you think somebody's going to leap into a haystack? I could almost. Yeah. Well, of course. Because it'd be a tough tone to set. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:20 In what sense though? In the sense that if you go too far one way It's Pirates of the Caribbean And he's Oh no I'm falling into a haystack It's a bit of that But if you go too far the other way It's some sort of historical epic Dracula Untold
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah I was going to say historical epic with Russell Crowe in it But not Gladiator? No not Gladiator though Robin Hood Robin Hood probably Or that Moses one or whatever it was. Was he in that one? Oh, the Exodus, Gods and Kings.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That was Ridley Scott, yeah. I didn't see that one. Heard it was Balls. Nailed it. Good. Anyway, Assassin's Creed. Yeah. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yes, you want to see it? I don't know. But also, that statement does seem to... That suggests to me that they're going to use a lot of future stuff. That's the worst part of it. That's the worst part of it. That's the worst part of it, exactly. They've tried very hard to extricate that from the franchise now.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah. Like there's absolutely, they killed the original guy, didn't they? Desmond. Desmond, the original future guy. Yeah. They're like, we thought that that was going to go, like we were going to see all these past incarnations,
Starting point is 00:04:21 then he was going to be future Assassin's Creed guy. And then they realized he'd just have a gun and that doesn't work. Or a machine gun. Sure, yeah. Or a bulldozer. Just driving around in a bulldozer, assassinating people. And jumping into haystacks. Yeah, in a bulldozer.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah, look, it could be good. Fassbender's in it, so. And I remember the director, I heard him and I went, oh yeah, but I can't remember who he is off the top of my head. But just know that I vaguely remember thinking that he was okay. Good, but you don't think he was good enough to remember his name. That is correct. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Like if it was Spielberg, you'd know it was Spielberg. I would. If it were Nolan, you'd know it was Nolan. I'd know it was bloody Nolan. Yeah. All right. So a new X-Men Apocalypse synopsis was released. Apocalypse synopsis? Ap. Apocalypse synopsis?
Starting point is 00:05:06 Apocalypse. I don't know. Yes. Look, it's been a long day. I couldn't quite pass that, but I gave it a shot. He had a lot of cheese before the show. Boy, did I. I'm lying down.
Starting point is 00:05:18 He really is. All those things are true. Yeah. Anyway, so he's got, so the synopsis was released in conjunction with Yellow and Green M&Ms. You know, they work together, don't they? Sure, yeah. You'd think it'd be Yellow and Blue if it was X-Men.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I'm just saying. Seems more fitting. I'm not head of either of these things, so who am I to say? Yeah. Anyway, it's basically- You've never run a chocolate company. I certainly haven't.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I've never won one as a child. That's right. Yeah. Yellow and green. Yeah. What happened to red M&M? I'm sure he's still around. But yellow M is the big peanut one.
Starting point is 00:05:52 He is a peanut. Green M&M is Pamela Anderson. Yes. What happened to red? Is this some kind of affair? What is this? Yeah. Are they cutting him out?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Yeah, I think so. Hmm. I guess we... I could look into it. No, I don't. I'll hit you back next week. Great, please do. I'll do some research. I guess we... I could look into it. Nah, don't. I'll hit you back next week. Great, please do. I'll do some research.
Starting point is 00:06:08 You just lost your pillow. Do you want to grab it? No. Just going to slouch down more. Just going to slouch. Put pressure on my neck. Okay. That's how we do this.
Starting point is 00:06:15 It's uncomfortable to watch you do that. I'm intermediately comfortable. I'm not uncomfortable, but I'm not super... I'm not going to fall asleep, probably. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, in the synopsis, it's blah-de-blah, Apocalypse has returned and whatever. But the big kind of takeaway from it is Mystique and Professor X
Starting point is 00:06:34 are going to be leading the X-Men against Apocalypse, and they're going to be leading a young group of X-Men. Is it still Jennifer Lawrence? Still is. Great. I think she's got one more. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Bryan Singer also said- And they're going to do it with the delicious taste of M&M's. Bryan Singer also said that this will probably be the longest X-Men movie as it kind of wraps up all six. That is not counting the two Wolverine ones, I presume. Fair. Yeah. But this is like the end of the trilogy. Like the first class trilogy.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah, that's true. Which at this point is arguably the end of the trilogy. Like the first class trilogy. Yeah, that's true. Which at this point is arguably better than the first trilogy. Well, we don't have three yet. No. But I would say the last two are probably better than X-Men 1 and 2. See? I don't know. First class is my favorite.
Starting point is 00:07:18 But we'll see how it all plays out. Yeah, we will. In next year? July? Yep. Okay. Moving on. In next year? July? Yep. Okay. Moving on. Ant-Man's getting a sequel.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Ant-Man and the Wasp, it's called, right? Correct, yeah. Now, that's going to land July, like a wasp, July 2018, right? So, this has been put in between the current... A few months ago, they released the slate of Marvel movies they're like we're going to do
Starting point is 00:07:46 Inhumans we're going to do Captain Marvel I think that might have been even last year yeah but yeah anyway sorry go on
Starting point is 00:07:51 I have no sense of time no you don't I think I've been on this couch forever if I'm honest with you so they're going to so this is a bonus one yeah
Starting point is 00:07:58 they're putting it somewhere in between those yes so I can tell you how it works okay I'm ready so Black Panther had that rough
Starting point is 00:08:04 release date and that's being moved forward to february 2018 and captain marvel which no captain marvel is also being moved back to november of that year from july okay no sorry moving from november to march so that's being pushed back to 2019 ah so black panther forward captain marvel back to 2019 okay so there you go Panther forward, Captain Marvel back to 2019. Okay. So there you go. Do we have any indication of... So this is Ant-Man and the Wasp.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah. It's presumably new Ant-Man and new the Wasp. That's what I was going to ask you, yeah. But I guess we could have, because we had some solid flashbacks in the previous one. It could be new Ant-Man and new the Wasp intercut with old Ant-Man, old The Wasp. I would love that. Me too, right? That was, I found that opening scene where Michael Douglas is young and he smashes that
Starting point is 00:08:54 dude's head into the table. And then there's that brief flashback with him and Hope Van Dyne, Janet Van Dyne. Yep. That was some of my favorite parts. That's right. I would love to see that. Or just even, or maybe not all Michael Douglas, but maybe all Michael Douglas what about just uh half of it is ant-man new ant-man knew the wasp yep flashbacks it's just michael douglas walking behind people in boardrooms and smashing
Starting point is 00:09:15 their heads on the desk just a series of that just one after the other and you think you're gonna you think you're gonna get desensitized to it, but you're not. And you're like, oh, it keeps getting worse. Some of the leather, like ceramic mugs. I would love that. Yeah. That's the movie I want to see. Yeah. Sometimes like it gets a bit tense because sometimes he's like, it's not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And then he reaches forward to one of those like executive desk toys with the metal balls. And he lets it go and it goes click, click, click. And they're like, I'm safe. and he smashes the head on the desk we got a letter that says uh they like the title uh ant-man and the wasp but um not to discredit evangelina lily but the title should have been ant-man 2 subatomic boogaloo absolutely very good yeah uh I like the title a lot. There's a lot of old comics. There's a few comics called Ant-Man and the Wasp. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I like it. And apparently this is the first Marvel movie that has the female-centric character in the title. That is true. Yeah. So there you go. Because they pushed back Captain Marvel. Yeah. Oh, boy. Do you reckon they've cast that?
Starting point is 00:10:23 No. It's 2019. No. Yeah, it's a good question. Is it reckon they've cast that? No. It's 2019. No. I reckon... Yeah, it's a good question. Is it too early to cast her? I reckon they might be seeing where Ronda Rousey turns as an actor. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Like, if she gets real good, they might throw her in the mix. Like a John Cena? What? Is he good? No. I don't know. I've never seen him in anything. Also, he's a professional wrestler.
Starting point is 00:10:45 He's not a... Same thing, isn't it? Yeah, you're right. It's the same. I don't know what I was thinking. This couch is clouding my judgment. All the blood is rushing out of my head. Or to my head.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I don't know. What angle am I at? You're upside down. Oh, no. Yeah. But also, three mystery films were announced for Marvel in 2020. Oh. Mystery films.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Three, okay. Any suggestions? Any ideas? I don't think they know. No, you probably... Come on. They'd say if they knew. It's probably...
Starting point is 00:11:16 One of them is probably a Guardians movie. Yeah. I don't know. What hasn't had sequels, I guess is the question. Guardians. Falcon, maybe? Falcon, yeah. Maybe Captain America and the Falcon. Yeah, yeah. Or if he's dead. uh what hasn't had sequels i guess is the question guardians falcon maybe falcon yeah maybe captain america and the falcon yeah yeah or if he's dead maybe they'll put it in a different
Starting point is 00:11:29 yeah yeah whatever but he's back for winter soldier solo film yeah flashbacks yes smashing heads yes into all sorts of stuff probably into submarines just a series of smashing people's heads in the submarines what if it was michael was Michael Douglas smashing heads all down a boardroom table and the post-credits scenes, he gets to the end and it's Bucky and he smashes Michael Douglas' head into the table? Oh, boy. You know what? I would watch that.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Great. Anyway, the Avengers Infinity War budget has been revealed. And for the two movies, it's $1 billion. What? That is insanity. Is it though? Because let me break it down for you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Wait, does that include marketing? Well, that's what I was going to say. Okay. Because, okay, so $400 million of that goes to screenwriters, directors, producers, and cast. Yep. Question, do you know how much of that would go to Robert Downey Jr.? This is reported, by the way.
Starting point is 00:12:24 This isn't... If I had to guess? If you had to guess. For two movies? Of that $400 million, which is going to screenwriters, directors, producers, and cast, how much does he get? $100 million. $200 million. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:12:36 Go, Robert! Wow, that is impressive. So there you go. Okay, you've got to look at it this way, right? He's not even going to be in it that much, surely. Well, I guess he will be if they've given him $200 million. Yeah, okay. Look, this is just, I mean, who knows whether this turns out to be true.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yeah. But you've got to factor in, like you said, you've got to factor in marketing. If a movie's $100 million, the ballpark figure is that you spend roughly that in marketing, depending on how much faith you have in the project or whatever, or whether it's known or unknown or whatever. So these are probably closer to $200 to $250 million of movies each, plus the marketing on top of that again. So I'd imagine that's how it's broken down, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Wow. Do you want $200 million? I couldn't. That money would ruin me. If I had $200 million. You'd think you'd wind up dead. I would definitely. Not even, I'd be just, I wouldn't do anything. Yeah $200 million. You'd think you'd wind up dead. I would definitely. I wouldn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I think you need... What are you working towards? I mean, I guess your art. Yeah, that's true. Where's the grind? Beyond a certain point. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, like, I guess if you're like, well, this will take care of the next 50 generations of my family, I guess.
Starting point is 00:13:48 You'd have to give away like 180 million of that, right? Surely, yeah. Anyway, what do I know? Hey, I've got a bit of news that a lot of people have tweeted at us. I like news. The beef is back. Well, look. Shia LaBeouf.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I was going to bring it up, but we've got Batman v Superman news. Oh, then whatever. He was arrested for being drunk. And it doesn't look like it was an art thing, so. No, he's just being a standard dickhead. But thanks for messaging this, everybody. It's good to know that he's still about doing his thing. I'm sick of that guy's shit, quite frankly.
Starting point is 00:14:16 You know what? You're too old. Get your shit together, man. Like, what are you doing? Yeah. Fuck that guy. All right. Oh, also, Expendables 4 is filming in 2016 apparently
Starting point is 00:14:27 they're really doing it now they mentioned i didn't even put that in but they mentioned space yeah i mean not in this one but they have mentioned oh boy have they yeah they're what how can they get you back on board for the expendables movies space that there's a space yeah you've nailed it you know what we know what a good the expendable if you're listening and i know you are because you want to wreak some revenge on james your arch nemesis who hates you for various reasons correct put it in set it in space yeah or do that time travel world war ii thing that would be great wouldn't be great it'd be bad it would be very tasteless yeah and like you know i would like that because it would have to because you couldn't it couldn't
Starting point is 00:15:07 be a time travel scenario in which they go back and they alter time yeah like they kill hitler no it'd have to be they go back in time and they have to contrive a weird scenario in which even though they have modern military techniques and modern technology and modern weapons presumably they still can't hit kill hitler oh okay so i'd like to see that super long bow that they have to draw to make that not happen like for all of them together to just by happenstance not be able to kill hitler do you really think they've been building towards a time travel no no no surely not no i can't understand why they're doing this yeah the last one didn't make a lot of money and it
Starting point is 00:15:44 wasn't because it got leaked online Because people didn't even download it It was because it wasn't very good I guess they're going to add blood to this one Unlikely You know what are good Expendables style movies? The Fast and Furious movies But they do it properly
Starting point is 00:16:00 With people that people care about Now at this point Right exactly Look Space properly with people that people care about. Yes. Now, at this point in time. Right, exactly. All right. Look, space. It sure is. I think because they could, like, there's enough, like, space warfare technology now that you could do it kind of,
Starting point is 00:16:15 you can shoehorn them in there somehow. Sure. Is one of the modern warfare games in space? I think some of Black Ops, like, three is. You get a wingsuit. That's pretty close, right? Sure. Great.
Starting point is 00:16:26 In those games, they just go, what's Michael Bay doing? And they just put that in? No, there's more high-tech stuff now. Okay. Like one of the characters is a bionic arm and wingsuits. Like Metal Gear Solid. Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Bionic arm's the new fire flower. Wingsuits. No, bionic arm's the new mushroom. You eat the mushroom, you get bigger. Oh, interesting. That's great. flower suits no bionic arms the new mushroom you eat the mushroom you get bigger oh interesting that's great um speaking of furious eight or whatever f gary gray is going to direct it he did strata to compton oh yeah i heard about that um he also did what's the one where law abiding citizen oh did he do that one there you you go. That movie is bizarre. It is. You know what? That movie is not good, but it's insane.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Is it good? It's something. It's something, yeah. It's a viewing experience. It's a mainstream. It's a movie you would see expecting some sort of Hollywood movie, and you leave it going, I can't believe anybody made that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Like for better or worse, like if you liked it or didn't like it, you're like, why, how did, how did anyone give the green light for that? That's exactly it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's bizarre. So yeah, good enough, right? Yeah. I mean, straight out of the Compton by all accounts is amazing. See,
Starting point is 00:17:37 I've heard, I've heard different things. Really? I've heard some people say it's amazing and I've heard some people say, I'd like to know if the listeners could email in.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Sure. We can kind of port at no twitter mason because you don't read the email yeah that's true i don't i nearly got you but a lot of people have said that it's kind of it's more of vanity project oh okay like uh because you know it's been produced by dre and ice cube and easy he's widow sure and they get all this like those characters get all the screen time. Right. And like Yeller and Ren are just in it,
Starting point is 00:18:07 like in the background kind of thing. Oh, okay, right. Here's one that, so it's been directed by F. Gary Gray. Yeah. So in the 90s, NWA split up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:21 F. Gary Gray also directed a lot of NWA's music videos. Oh, did he? I didn't know that. So back in the day, NWA split up yeah he f gary gray also directed a lot of nwa's music videos but did he yeah so back in the day nwa split up and ice cube went on a uh like a like a like a like a yo mtv raps kind of music show sure he was called pump it up or something like that sounds like that yeah and anyway uh he went on and he like talked about how much he hated all the other members of the band and Dr. Dre got Dr. Dre got real mad right and he went to like
Starting point is 00:18:49 track him down he couldn't find Ice Cube but he could find the host of the show who was a woman who he attempted to throw down a flight of stairs
Starting point is 00:18:56 what yeah and that's not in the movie that should be a movie well here's the thing on that show one of the camera operators was F. Gary Gray
Starting point is 00:19:04 no yeah is all of this true yeah a movie well here's the thing on that show one of the camera operators was F. Gary Gray no yeah is all of this true yeah hang on a second my dog's at the door alright you wanna grab that pillow while I do this yeah grab dat pillow ha ha ha ha ha ha ha new catchphrase I'm just grabbing a different pillow it's alright stop using all my pillows no I'm just grabbing a different pillow, it's alright? Stop using all my pillows! Each and every one of them is going to be thrown behind the couch! Anyway, that's what I heard. So, you know. Well, that is...
Starting point is 00:19:32 Like, it seems a bit cleaned up. That is horrifying. Like, so, but that's the thing, like, if you watch a movie like... I don't know, if you watch a movie like A Beautiful Mind or you watch, like, Long Walk to Freedom or something like that, the premise of, like, one of the... this is too heavy for the show doesn't matter um
Starting point is 00:19:48 that if you've had so much cheese mate yeah i know right you know these movies are about people who were brilliant in their fields or they made a lot of contributions to society yeah they were also very flawed individuals kind of thing yeah yeah and so if you go well nwa you know they made a lot of they made a lot of headway in like, you know, rap in mainstream culture and like bringing to light, you know, injustices in, you know, police violence and stuff like that. But they were also kind of bad guys in many other ways. And so if I'm watching a movie like that, I kind of want to see all of that.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Yeah, absolutely. But it seems to be like they kind of cleaned it up a lot. Yeah. Like, yeah. I heard the music's really good. Yeah, they do some raps in it don't they great i'm gonna look into that yeah cool to see if you're lying and then if you are i'll have to head all that out yeah or i'll leave it in or just say allegedly before just admit how about this pause for a second allegedly so just cut that out and put it in front of everything i'll definitely do that okay good great speaking
Starting point is 00:20:44 of f gary gray though there was a rumor that came out this week that he was going to direct the boba fett star wars spinoff as well okay and he had in mind michael b jordan for boba fett okay so that again goes back to that rumor that we heard a few years back or whenever it was or maybe we made up possibly potentially that somebody else gets the boa Fett armor and Boba Fett's about. Because otherwise you'd have to be a New Zealand guy. Right, because we were saying, we recently recorded. We did. The Empire Strikes Back, not the.
Starting point is 00:21:14 The only one. The only and definitive one. Anyway, we recorded that. And of course, in the special edition version, Boba Fett, his voice has been overdubbed with Temuera Morrison. Sounds so weird in that movie as well, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:32 So, but you've heard recently that if they're going to re-release the original, original versions, he's going to keep his old voice. That after, yeah. Right. Which lends more credence to the idea that he could be a new guy. Yeah, exactly. Or they could be he's a new guy after Return of the Jedi, if they said it after that.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yeah, there's a number of ways they could do it. Sure, yeah. He's just a humble Sarlacc fisherman, just fishing for valuables out of a Sarlacc mouth. And then he's like, oh, what do I feel? What's this? It's a corpse in battle armor. Great.
Starting point is 00:22:04 I'll have that. Oh, it's got a jet pack. I wonder why he didn't use the jet pack to get out of the Sarlacc's mouth. Very handy. At least he's a real idiot. Mason's doing the fishing. I'm reeling in a fish. I'm reeling in a fish.
Starting point is 00:22:16 As he's doing it. Yeah. Reeling in a bounty hunter. Fantastic. Glad you brought it up, though. We did an Empire Strikes Back commentary. Yeah. It's on
Starting point is 00:22:25 if you're a patreon it's already there um you can chip in any money to pay for it or you can just go to the band camp website and pay for and just play it for free from there it's your call so and we'll do return of the jedi at some point or we won't we'll see yeah now will smith has opened up about speaking of raps yes oh he's back yeah That wasn't what I was going to talk about. Okay, right. He's back doing raps. Yeah. We called it.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Yeah, we did. Are you happy about that? I guess. Would you only be happy about it if he does one to a movie soundtrack? Yes. Suicide Squad rap. That's what I want. He's like 47, 48.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Is that too old to be doing a rap in a cool movie? Oh, then yeah. Do you know what I mean? Like, he's obviously not the same. You can't do a wiggy-wiggy Suicide Squad kind of rap. You know what I mean? I don't know. Maybe he could, though.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Look, don't put anything out of the skill set of Will Smith. I will never. Yeah, but anyway, he was talking about Suicide Squad and how that he's yet to meet Jared Leto. What he basically means by that is because Jared Leto... Oh, he's always in character as the Joker. He's so method. So method.
Starting point is 00:23:29 That he owns... He's sending people dead hamsters or whatever he did. Dead ducks. What was it? Rats. It was a rat. And he sent Will Smith some bullets or something as well. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Pretty good. That he only spoke to him as the Joker in between action and cut, is what he said. So he said he looks forward to meeting him. Oh, and then he just walks away. I guess he does. You know what? If I worked with a guy like that, I wouldn't be looking forward to meeting him.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I'd be like, this guy's clearly a total dickhead. Yep. Or he's mentally unbalanced. Yeah. Well, good for him. Even Heath Ledger, though, turned it off in between takes. Yeah. He skateboarded over Christian Bale.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Have you seen that photo no there's a shot on set and it's christian i assume it's either christian bale or he's stunt double just laying down on the ground as in the costume in the bat costume yeah and then there's heath ledger jumping in on a skateboard are you sure that's not that are you sure they haven't photoshopped a skateboard onto him probably i'll look it up i bet that's a photoshop whatever just leave me with my magic all right leave me with my movie magic joker skateboard yeah there's someone's photoshopped that in see it's the bit where he knocks down batman uh-huh and he comes off the bike and then he's like leaping about him. Oh. Yeah, no, that's definitely photoshopped.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Still. Yeah. It may have happened. Well, we can't say it didn't. That's right. There we go. Look, speaking of DC stuff, did you read the Lex Luthor Forbes article? No.
Starting point is 00:24:58 So they've released like a thing on the Forbes website and presumably if that's still a magazine, I have no idea. Sure. Where? They do like this fiction fiction it's just ticker tape now okay right you have to have one of those machines in your office with a glass dome over the top you're a big businessman business man that's right basically it's on Lex Luthor as if he's a real person and there's a few things we you know that were kind of taken from it do you want me to tell you what they are? And this isn't classic Lex Luthor. This is Jesse Eisenberg. This is Jesse Eisenberg, Lex Luthor.
Starting point is 00:25:30 So basically, he transformed LexCorp from a petrochemical and heavy machinery company to a tech company. He takes on military contracts that other companies like Wayne Tech and Cord Industries won't do, which alludes to Ted Kord being in the universe because we talked about Ted Kord's Blue Beetle and we talked about there might be a Blue Beetle movie. Yep.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Somewhere down the line. He also has a collection of meteorites. Oh, yes. Presumably kryptonite. And it also says that he's actually Lex Jr. or Alexander Jr. Okay. Because his father was also named Lex Luthor,
Starting point is 00:26:06 not Lionel Luthor as he was in Smallville. I think that was, yeah. Do you know what his father's name was from the comics? Rex Luthor. Reginald Luthor. Yeah. So, and it's kind of, it's not, it's, he died young, his father, maybe 50 odd.
Starting point is 00:26:23 So isn't it implied that Lex Luthor cut his brake cables? In Smallville or just in general? Just in general. I think I was under the impression that the general, some versions of the origin, he makes his own business from the life insurance money because he cut the brake cables of his parents' car. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:26:44 And then killed in a crash. Interesting. Yeah, yeah yeah it's pretty clever i guess very clever yeah yeah there's also one of those viral videos it's like you know it's like a lex corp kind of promotional ad or whatever it's basically announcement of a lex os operate okay system yep and it's basically it goes on every phone and you can do various things, but it basically just sounds like brother eye. That's what it sounds like. Oh, I see. Very good.
Starting point is 00:27:09 That's what it sounds like to me. So there you go. It's one of those, LexCorp is the future. Oh, yes. It's all that kind of. Is it a lot like that Genesis OS? It's exactly, yes, it is. Hopefully better though.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Right. Now, how about this? Here's my question for you. In the Forbes article. Yeah. What kind of hair does Lex Luthor have? Long hair. Long hair. Wigs? hopefully better though right now how about this here's my question for you in the Forbes article yeah what kind of hair does Lex Luthor have long hair
Starting point is 00:27:27 long hair wigs yeah maybe wig montage that's what I'm looking forward to but he also comes across as really kind of
Starting point is 00:27:35 he's kind of off the cuff and he's kind of trying to he's kind of cool yep so like I think they're gonna you know
Starting point is 00:27:41 put that sociopath stuff like under all the Mark Zuckerberg gotcha yeah or the Elon Musk-ins ness yeah sure Muskiness okay good They're going to put that sociopath stuff under all the Mark Zuckerberg business. Gotcha, yeah. Or the Elon Muskiness. Yeah, sure. Muskiness. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I think this is the last. Yeah, that was the last bit of news. There you go. Well, Mason, we were going to talk about, during the week, we were like, let's talk about time travel movies because Back to the Future is. Yeah, it's October 15, right? Something like that. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Next week. Yeah. trouble movies because back to the future yeah it's october 15 right is the something like that something like that next week yeah uh which will so we'll do a back to the future episode next week on all the great things about back to the future the car the nuclear reactor in a car the things that happen to blow your mind oh my god and i say that you know there's always like this thing and you you've never noticed it back to to the Future would blow your mind. And, you know, it was like a BuzzFeed article. It's the Twin Pines. Yeah, it's like in the past, you know, it was originally it's called Twin Pines Mall.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And then at the end of the movie, in the past, he drives over one of the pines. And then in the future again, it's only Lone Pine Mall. It blows your mind. No, it doesn't. It's a very intentional joke. It's a very intentional joke. It's a very intentional joke that presumably everybody who saw it originally went, oh, of course. And most people now went, oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:28:53 But if they made that movie today, there would have to be somebody who goes, oh, my God, now it's Lone Pine Mall. Because I did that. Yeah, that's right. There you go anyway the official lego brick builder wants to know what we think of the flash coming back arrow coming back gotham and agents of shield i can talk about three of those things i can talk about two of those things in the first episode of one of those things all right we're almost up to date how good's that hell yes yeah i just want to quickly talk about fear the walking dead okay i know you didn't watch it there was only six episodes they're going to 15
Starting point is 00:29:28 next year okay it was kind of a slow start but i thought it had a solid ending yeah i like this is all i'm going to say about it i like the characters in that more than i like the ones in the walking dead i like the main guy and the main girl i like there's a really interesting kind of con man kind of dude in it now i've Now I've asked this many times before but I'm not really paying attention most of the time. No, they don't call them zombies. On the podcast and in life that wasn't the question. This is a prequel to Walking Dead.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Correct. How many zombies do we see? Initially like one or two and then like a football stadium filled with them. Where have they come from? I don't know, people being bitten and turned into zombies. That makes a lot of sense yeah but is this so this is not a story of the origin of it is but it doesn't explain where it comes from okay like you see the early days it basically fills in the gaps of you know the walking dead starts a guy gets goes into a coma he wakes up it's like 30 days
Starting point is 00:30:22 later or okay right it's that 30 days yes or two months later. It's that 30 days. Yes, essentially, yeah. All right. No, I like it. I'm not saying it's better than The Walking Dead, but the first season of The Walking Dead is also really, really strong, and then it's just up and down, man, that show. Oh, yeah. It's actually back this week.
Starting point is 00:30:37 No, I'd say Fear the Walking Dead was pretty solid, and a lot of that's down to the casting and the performances. So good stuff, good stuff all around yeah do you want to talk about flash or arrow first it's full spoilers by the way yeah we're just we're just gonna spoil everyone's probably saying that yeah you'd think so flash happened came out first is that right i'm fairly certain it did hmm let's talk about flash first then done and done and done i made you oh by the, I made Macy just watch these today. Yeah, you did.
Starting point is 00:31:06 I rang you this morning, so I apologize for that. So it starts in a weird kind of dream sequence. It starts in the, you know what, in. Sorry, what did you think the story was? Oh, geez. Well, we'll get to it. But what I think is interesting about these, having not watched an Arrow or Flash, you know, however long the hiatus has been,
Starting point is 00:31:28 you really get bashed over the head with the weird tropes of these kind of shows. Like you'll have a dream sequence. You'll have a, they're all fighting because they're not a team anymore, but then they'll become a team. There's a flashback. There's a flashback. There's some foreshadowing of a maybe a secret character will show up later in the series or
Starting point is 00:31:49 whatever you know what the flashback well we'll get to we'll get to our in a second but i thought the flashbacks were not as intrusive as they have been in the past i would i would agree with that yeah yeah i mean i'm sure they will become that way. Oh, yeah. Because you need the modern day narrative to be foremost in this episode so we know where we are, so we don't get lost. It's weird that his life parallels in such a way that these kind of things that reflect what happened in his past keep happening at the same time period. Isn't it weird? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Well, life's, time's a flat circle. And life's a cycle and a journey. You know what I mean? It's a journey, not the destination. He should every now and then just go, three years ago, like a very similar thing, like thematically happened to me. Yeah, it's weird, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Anyway. I mean, it didn't really occur to me because my hair was real different, but are we talking about Arrow now? Yeah, I guess we are. Okay, we'll talk about Arrow. I'm sure we'll jump around. Yeah, we'll jump about. Because I found, I was going to say say this later they very much now have tied into
Starting point is 00:32:48 each other a lot more than they used to it seems they're really beating over the head with that but i feel like arrow does it more and i think that might be because arrow doesn't rate as well as the flash oh so they're putting more flash elements into i might be wrong okay interesting because i only noticed that after i watched the arrow episode so maybe there was a lot of that stuff in but i didn't see bloody barry allen i mean didn't see bloody oliver queen show up in the episode of the flash that's true but it happened happened vice versa yeah anyway the flash is alone because he oh we're talking about the flash again i guess we are okay let's talk about he wants to be batman the flash okay yeah but there's a dream sequence right at the start where they're like, you're a favourite, The Flash.
Starting point is 00:33:27 We're all back together and we love you and Harrison Wells is here and he's telling you good job, bucko. Yeah. Was that a dream or like a daydream? It seemed like a daydream more than anything. What a weird daydream. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Very odd. Yeah, so... Remember the time I killed your mother? Well, good job, sport. You're a real hero now. Let's hang out and be friends. Let's get a coffee. So it basically opens with Ronnie Raymond being dead again
Starting point is 00:33:54 because he died. Well, he's not dead. He's probably in another dimension or whatever. He's in the... See, here's the thing also about these shows is all the dead... We know all the dead, the characters we think are dead yeah we know they're alive because they come they're going to come back in legends of tomorrow
Starting point is 00:34:09 which hasn't come out yet but we've seen the trailer yes so we know that firestorm is still alive yep we know the adam's still alive still alive exactly yeah we know what's the name comes back white canary yeah yeah exactly we know they've all come back so it's sort of a matter of guessing where they're going to reintroduce them in the narrative of these shows. Sure, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. So I guess from last season, a big vortex opened in the sky and Barry Allen then at the start of this season closed it up by running around it. Yeah, he sure did.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Oh, that's right. It ended on a sort of pseudo cliffhanger. Yeah. At the end, he was doing a lot of running about. Wrapped that up pretty quick, didn't they? Yeah, they did yeah so anyway he he zooms up he runs around it a bit and then he they're they're the remaining heroes on the ground and they're like well we can't we can't he can't stop it from here but we can stop him so the guy from alias yeah and steven
Starting point is 00:35:00 amell's brother cousin cousin like his cousin dad it's his dad anyway steven amell's brother. Cousin. Cousin. Like his cousin. Dad. It's his dad. Anyway, Stephen Amell's dad and Victor Garber merge into Firestorm. Yep. Which doesn't have any physical similarity to Victor Garber. I find that a bit odd. You think he should just have Victor Garber's hair. Yeah. On fire. So good.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Anyway, they go up and they do their Firestormy stuff. They do a real bloody Firestorm. They do a big old Firestorm and then it looks like they're going to die. They split up and then the Flash managed to save Victor Garber.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yep. I can't remember the character's name. Yep. Professor something. Yep. But he can't save Ronnie Raymond.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Correct. Who's definitely dead and not in Legends of Tomorrow. Correct. Yeah. But anyway, so Barry's on the outs with Ronnie'snie's fiancee because he couldn't
Starting point is 00:35:49 save her he tried real hard probably which is again very similar to what happened last season yeah because he was killed well i thought he was killed in that nuclear whatever whatever that's right yeah particle accelerator yeah and now there's metahumans coming through the portals yeah as opposed to before when metahumans were coming out of the woodwork yes the woodwork i was gonna say basements but yeah right right which is i think that's that's odd in that surely there's enough of them oh still you don't have to introduce another element yeah to i don't know now we're hating on this a lot but i liked it yeah i liked it too we're here to pick things apart that's true like hey everybody you have a good time watching the
Starting point is 00:36:30 flash we need to see you next week bye grab some gems and make some friends we don't do that here no we're all about hate um did you like the introduction of hate the shows and burn bridges quit your job never off your boss hopefully never meet anybody with bad mouth yeah cross your fingers yeah um so mary gets a key to the city as well that's right yeah i found that odd that he didn't blur his face he's just standing there yeah and it's clearly him yeah and there's a lot of very high definition cameras with zoom lenses people have and he's just like hello i reckon google at this point and probably facebook as well if you took a photo of yourself and you covered yourself like with a flash style mask you could still figure out who you were probably yeah so facebook can do it
Starting point is 00:37:23 definitely i was say, can somebody try that and then let us know how it turns out? Yeah, let's know how it goes. Yeah, whatever, it's a TV show. And then Adam Smasher turns up and smashes some atoms. So initially they're like, okay, there's
Starting point is 00:37:40 a dead man, it's Al Rothstein. Yeah. And Adam Smasher has the same face as him. Sure. But has super atomic powers and he can increase in size. And they're like, what is this? Is it a clone? Is it a ghost or whatever?
Starting point is 00:37:55 Nobody said, was it a ghost? Nobody said it was a ghost. But I thought maybe it was a ghost. I watched that episode of Doctor Who where maybe they're ghosts. Maybe they were ghosts. That's what I'm saying. But anyway, but it turns out that it's just a kind of a coincidence. And this owl, Rothstein, is from the other dimension.
Starting point is 00:38:13 One of the other dimensions? Is there more than one? I don't know. I don't know if they're going full multiverse. I don't think they will either. I think they're good. Because what this episode essentially is leading up to is that there is another dimension.
Starting point is 00:38:26 There's another flash. This flash is Jay Garrick, the original flash. And by leading up to, they showed that this episode. Yeah. But they didn't, they didn't give him any like superpower reveal or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:38:35 We'll talk about that in a bit. Okay. Yeah. Cause I, there's some news on that. They came out of Comic-Con, New York Comic-Con, whatever year this is.
Starting point is 00:38:43 So Adam Smasher gets stronger with radiation unless there's too much radiation. That's the classic. That's how you beat the Hulk's dad, if you recall. That's right. The Hulk's dad cloud. Yeah, in Anglia, he's the Hulk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Just Hulk. Just Hulk. He absorbs all the power. Yes. But then at a certain point, he absorbs too much power. Correct. And then he doesn't have any power anymore. I think they've even done that in The Flash.
Starting point is 00:39:08 More than once, probably. They probably did it in the old series as well. Definitely. So, yeah. I didn't mind that effect, actually. The growy effect. It was quite good. Pretty solid, man.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And now that I think about it, also the destruction of the city with the Black Holly Whirlpool thing, actually pretty good too. You said that last year. Well, at least I'm consistent this time. That's true. But it would be better for me if I was like,
Starting point is 00:39:31 that looks like garbage. And then I'm like, in retrospect, it was pretty good, wasn't it? You know? Did you like his new logo on his chest? And by that I mean it's just a white logo now? Yeah. Looks better, doesn't it? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Do you think they're going to change up much more of the outfit um unless it's a bit meshy in places right i know i don't think so because what are they going to do replace it in segments as it gets yeah you don't really do all that do you know i would they actually talked about the esmeralda one this week and apparently it's more kind of tech-based. Okay. I saw that in the headline. I went, that's interesting, and then I didn't click on it. Sure. So I guess it wasn't that interesting.
Starting point is 00:40:10 It's interesting, but maybe not that interesting. Depends who you are as a person, I guess. Anyway, I shouldn't have said we'll come back to this. Jay Garrick turning up. Yes. So this is a spoiler from Comic-Con. This is just for next week's episode.
Starting point is 00:40:26 So if you don't want to know, skip forward like a minute. I'm not putting a timestamp in. That he doesn't have powers. They've been stolen by Zoom. Okay. So that's why he just walks in. He's like, hello. I'm who I am.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Do you have my hat? So this is, but that's going to be resolved fairly quickly. I'd imagine so, yeah. Because otherwise, because we've seen the preview trailers of him. Yeah. He's wearing the suit. He's wearing a very Rocketeer style suit. My favourite.
Starting point is 00:40:55 He's got the, full credit, they've built a costume and they've given it to an actor who is like chiselled and old school enough that he doesn't look ridiculous wearing a soup bowl on his head. Full credit. Full credit to them. Do you reckon facial recognition would pick up his face with that soup bowl? Or do you think people would just be looking at the soup bowl going, what is that?
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yeah, that's in many ways, it's the perfect crime. Great. And also surprising twist, I thought, and touching, Harrison Wells admitting to killing Barry's mum and getting his dad out. Nonsensical. Yeah, to what end, though? I guess he was just like, you'll never be happy. Your dad's free, but you'll never be happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 You better not be happy because I've done this. A further twist would be, you'll never be happy, especially because your dad's still in prison. I gotcha. So, yeah, that was cool. But then he very quickly was like, I gotta go. Yeah. That's odd.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah. I gotta go do evil stuff. Do you think he's going to get kidnapped into another dimension or something? Probably. Because otherwise I'd have to work him in every week. Then he'd have two father figures. He'd be like, what do you think? One of my dads? And think one of my dads and they're gonna be on and ask the other guy is he still main is he still listed as main cast i'm not sure neither am i other podcasts would
Starting point is 00:42:16 have that kind of insight not us correct we're not here for that are we no so but who's zoom presumably zoom is the parallel universe version yeah well that's the thing he has the voice they kind of make him more kind of animalistic and yeah it's unclear what he is right like is he a robot is he an animal is he just pure energy or whatever is there anybody even in the suit that's and and he's the voice of the guy who voice who's the candy man that's so yeah so like there's other there's theories like it could be a version of eddie thrawn yep it could be thorn thorn so yeah thrawn thorns from star wars yeah i'm thinking of that we've been doing a lot of star wars stuff lately yes um it could be barry from the future
Starting point is 00:42:57 or another dimension future yeah it could be any of the multiple evil flashes it could be literally anyone because that's how comic that's TV, especially comic book based TV works. You could literally make it anyone. Correct. Ta-da. If the Red Hulk can be bloody General Ross and not have a moustache, anybody can be anything. That's right.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah. I was just thinking about that the other day. Because the Hulk, when Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk, like whatever incarnation, he keeps whatever hair he has. Correct. Like if he's an old man with long hair, turns into a Hulk with long hair. He's got a beard. He keeps a beard. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Hold that, man. Don't know what to tell you. Different radiation, I guess. Maybe. Maybe Thunderbolt Ross puts his lip up. He puts it up against his nose so you can't see. And falls over. Yeah, he falls up.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I guess that could work. Yeah. In no reality. He staples lip up. He puts it up against his nose so you can't see. It falls over. Yeah, it falls up. I guess that could work. Yeah. In no reality. He staples it down. That would definitely work. Yeah. So I guess the idea from this, Zoom hates Barry so much that he's grabbing metahumans
Starting point is 00:43:54 from his dimension or a dimension and just making them fight him. Yeah. Seems mean, but all right. But I guess, again, it could be... Because, again, Zoom, especially the version of Zoom, Hunter Zolomon, was all about attempting to make the Flash a better superhero by putting him through tragedy.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And part of that was killing his mother, which has been given to Harrison Wells in this. I'm just looking up to see if it actually is Zoom. Okay. Because if it's like, it could be like another metahuman or whatever. Yeah, no, it is him. Yeah. Or it's not.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I just looked at headlines. Again, that's how I do it. That's how this show bloody works. Yeah, yeah. We're also going to get bloody Wally West as well. Oh, really? Yeah. So that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Could be a future version of him or a past version of him. Could be Impulse. What's he about? He's a can of deodorant. Is that an Australian thing? Yeah, I think it is. Nobody will get that.
Starting point is 00:44:55 But it's such a good joke. Yeah, so good. He's a future speed star who was raised in virtual reality. Oh, yeah. And then he was sent back in time to the modern day. Bet that didn't work out very well for him. Nah.
Starting point is 00:45:11 And real big feet, though. Interesting. Great. Note it down. Speaking of great, or I guess just another show that we watched. Wait, are we finished with that? What else happened to that? Well, that's all the things I've got on the list here.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Okay, let me think. I've got full spoilers. He's alone or something. Rodney is dead. Key to the city. Brackets, blow your face, idiot. Adam Smasher. New costume logo.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Jay Garrick. Brackets, no powers. Dad and Zoom getting metahumans to attack Barry. Question mark? No, you've covered everything. And I've written question mark. Oh, good. That just about covers it, I think.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah. Okay. Good. Great. All right. Arrow. I can read you the list I've written for Arrow. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Speaking of tropes. Yes. He's bloody retired. He's retired. He's living in the suburbs. And they did the classic bit of he's got the hood on, he's got a green coat, and he's bloody retired he's retired he's living in the suburbs and they've done they did the classic bit of he's running
Starting point is 00:46:06 he's got the hood on he's got a green coat and he's running and you're like oh is he running to is he running to stop crime order he's running through the suburbs
Starting point is 00:46:14 and he's having a bit of a jog he looked like he was running through an actual forest is there a forest at the end of his street I think there was a forest at the end of his street that must be nice
Starting point is 00:46:22 yeah pretty good right what a bloody what a nice little retreat yeah yeah you get the queen to take a dump in the woods you his trail. That must be nice. Yeah, pretty good, right? What a bloody, what a nice little retreat. Yeah, yeah. You get the queen to take a dump in the woods. You know what I mean? I know what you mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:30 So Supernatural did this as well a few years ago. Like Dean retired. Okay. And I think Sam's probably done it as well. That came back actually. I haven't yet to watch it. It's a good show. It's not that good a show, but I've stuck with it.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I like it. That is also there. That's the tagline. It's a pretty good show. Not that good of a show, but you may as well stick with it. But Team Arrow are going about it without Arrow. Yeah. And they're trying to work as a team, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:47:02 Yeah, but boy. Maybe one of them's gone off the deep end. Again, all these bloody tropes coming back. Wait, Roy didn't die in the last. He faked his own death. He got fake shivved. That's right. Well, he got real shivved,
Starting point is 00:47:16 but it went in between his organs or something. There you go. Okay, right. Which is apparently a skill people have. But he's out now. So we need another person to be the loose cannon. That's Thea now, I guess. He's probably out because he's been cast in the Power Rangers movie.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Yeah, that'd be it, yeah. Yeah, Thea. But she's had some Lazarus Pit kind of situations, so she's probably, looks like she's going to go off the deep end because every season someone goes off the deep end. They have to go off the deep end. Somebody has to lose control because they're in a violent world and they've got to stop all the crime,
Starting point is 00:47:46 but they've got to take, it's a real toll on them, but they've got to, can't take it too far. That's it. Yeah. Did you, it looks like they're actually just flat out introducing magic now because they kind of hinted at it with the Lazarus Pit and bits and pieces. Yeah. Maybe there's also been a prophecy.
Starting point is 00:48:01 It's hard to say. Tattoos leading to certain things. Yep. Prison break. Do they retire in prison. Tattoos leading to certain things. Yep. Prison break. Did they retire in prison break living in the suburbs? We'll never know. We'll never know. So yeah, full magic.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Damien Dark. Damien Dark just has magic powers. Yeah. I like that guy. What's his name again? Neil McDonough. He's good. Yeah, he's good.
Starting point is 00:48:19 He's in a bunch of stuff. They're doing the bad guys coming in to destroy the city because he doesn't like it. Oh, they've done that every season. he doesn't like it oh they've done that every season they've literally done it they've done it every season why so Malcolm Merlin
Starting point is 00:48:32 did it with an earthquake machine yep season two was Deathstroke because he didn't like Barry yep so he got the Mirakuru and he gave it to all his troops
Starting point is 00:48:41 and he was like I'm going to use it to kill everybody in the city correct it'll take a really long time but I'll going to use it to kill everybody in the city. Correct. It'll take a really long time, but I'll do it. Three was Ray. They're good at punching.
Starting point is 00:48:49 That's right. Three was Ra's al Ghul, again, wanting to destroy the city. Yep. And this guy, again. Wants to destroy the city. But just because they're like, it's not a very good city, but it seems as good as any other city. It's not the worst.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Why try? It just looks like a city that isn't protected by a series of masked vigilantes that have incredible skills i guess that they learned over a series of reoccurring flashbacks i guess it's night a lot of the time so that would be depressing maybe that's why but did you yeah so yeah whatever that's i guess that's what they're doing so but yeah so we've got okay so we've got felicity smoke yep who's retired with arrow into the suburbs or has she yeah but she hasn't though there's the twist you can you can't bloody stop bloody chasing the bullets or whatever they say in fast and furious 7 remember paul walker missed the bullets oh do you remember that yeah i do it was a significant plot yeah he missed the bullets yeah so yeah but so they get called back in because they need him to do,
Starting point is 00:49:46 you know, to help out. He must have been trading when he's been away though, right? A little bit. A lot of jogging. Yeah, he's been doing... He did a lot of jogging through the forest.
Starting point is 00:49:53 He did, sure. I feel like you still need that kind of chin-up bar though. Oh, the one that... Yeah, okay, you're right. That you leap about on. Yeah, yeah, okay. That's just me.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah, yeah. I also like that he had one of his tattoos removed on by that so smooth yeah by that they were sick of drawing it exactly yeah so you could not remove a tattoo like that that clearly you get a weird like shiny scar yeah yeah from it why is he wearing a green hood i mean you'd think you'd you'd think you'd... That's Smallville syndrome. Yeah. Where Clark Kent is always wearing a red shirt and blue jeans. And like a yellow insignia on his chest, like on the t-shirt. That's like Smallville high, but it's an S.
Starting point is 00:50:35 That's exactly it. What do you think of the new Arrow costume? It's almost exactly the same as the old one, right? No, it's more green. It's got kind of more gauntlany. It's more kind of... You see more bicep, which I know you enjoy. Yeah you enjoy yeah because the last one was like leather to the yeah yeah all the way i didn't think it was dramatic enough okay it's still you didn't have the beard that's
Starting point is 00:50:53 your problem yeah no i don't i'm ambivalent towards it it's fine yeah like i said before the flash appeared in this episode yeah because it cuts to six months ahead yes so the flash is there and he's like we're sorry that this person died or whatever. Now apparently they don't even know who that's going to be yet. Of course they don't. They're just going to see how that plays out. Yeah. Because they would have probably only filmed the first half of this season.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I think that's generally how they do it with these kind of things because it's like 22 episodes. Yeah, yeah. These shows feel like they never go away because they literally run half the year. Yes. A bit under. But that's not uncommon.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Like I think, this is not really but in the final season of breaking bad yeah first episode so not as much of a spoiler walter white goes to a place he buys a car off a man he opens the trunk of a car it's got a machine gun in it yeah and then it's in sort of in flashback yeah and they didn't know what they were going to do with that until no second half but they also didn Yeah. And they didn't know what they were going to do with that until the second half. But they also didn't reveal that they didn't know what they were going to do with it. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Which is probably a smart move. It's a very smart move, yeah. At the end, yeah, when they released the final episodes and it was finished, they were like, oh, by the way, we had no idea. We were just throwing stuff at the wall.
Starting point is 00:51:57 We were doing a lost style. Good thing we're excellent writers and you could actually do something with this. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, the fact- Thank God we're not CW writers. No, I'm kidding. They're fine. They do a fine job. They do. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. Thank God we're not CW writers. No, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:52:06 They're fine. They do a fine job. They do. They really do. Look, I liked how his arrows were more green. Correct. And he's called himself Green Arrow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:13 It sounded a bit goofy when he said that, wasn't it? It did sound very goofy. Yeah, that's all right. But I guess you've got two options. He can say it in his regular voice. He can say it in the weird mechanical arrow voice. I feel like they've tweaked that even more, that mechanical voice. So, Grant Gustin shows up and he's like, the weird mechanical i feel like they tweaked that even more that mechanical voice so and it
Starting point is 00:52:25 also so grant gustin shows up and he's like i'm sorry whoever we decide this is going to be is dead yep and also they mentioned the flash i really miss them they were a real person yeah who was very valuable without being gender specific we had some, we had some times. We had some times. Yeah, but he also, they mentioned Flash Day, but you don't hear bloody Flash go, oh, the Arrow's retired or whatever. Yeah. They don't make mention of that.
Starting point is 00:52:57 That guy's so back and forth about whether he's killing people or what he stands for, what his code is. Like he switches all the time and then he expects people to just like agree with him. I was just thinking about this the other day, apropos of nothing, but exactly like in the first season,
Starting point is 00:53:09 he kills a whole bunch of people. Yeah. And then he's like, actually, no, I won't. And then he encounters the Huntress who is killing people and he's like,
Starting point is 00:53:17 not in my city. And you're like, you'd think he'd go, okay, well, I killed 14 people. So you can kill 14 people to get it out of your system and after that no more no more killing because people who live in glass houses should not throw stones or shoot people with arrows correct heads also i think her father was no her father was bad
Starting point is 00:53:38 wasn't he yeah he's a crime and killed her mother or something probably yeah i think that's good enough reason to shoot people with arrows. Yeah, why not, hey? Whatever. But you're right, he flip-flops all the time. Yeah, and then he's just like, are you guys all with me? And they're like, not really. Diggle hates him again.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Yep, that's true. What do you think of the Diggle helmet? Did you Diggle it? Very good. Thank you. Have you written that down? Let me check. No, I haven't. I had to check because it's something I would write down.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Look, I guess it's not the most ridiculous helmet I've ever seen. No. It is a very Magneto helmet. Yes. I guess because you don't want it to look like he's wandering around with a motorcycle helmet on his head. No. Look, helmet technology has moved a long way. Sure.
Starting point is 00:54:21 But it still wasn't great. Okay, fair enough. Yeah, it's good enough also it is it's very odd and that's like damien dark sends in his soldiers yes to destroy like to kill a whole bunch of people in the police station yeah and a whole bunch of train cops cannot get through their body armor yeah like bullets are just sort of pinging off and but then we cut to diggle and the other guys fighting these guys yeah deal puts a couple of rounds into them and they just go down what does he know that they don't know he was in the bloody special forces or whatever no is that not good enough no they don't know how to shoot
Starting point is 00:55:00 between armor you can shoot between armour. Probably the arrow. Yeah, good point. Speaking of... What I'm saying is they're very generic bad guys and I'm not enjoying them so far. Not so far, no. It's pretty much the League of Shadows again with more magic. Yeah, it is, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:55:16 And the cop is a bad cop. Oh, he's a bad cop now. What do you think? Do you think the cop's just... Weird shifting allegiances for no reason. Do you think it's just like, we'll kill your daughter or we'll bring your daughter back
Starting point is 00:55:26 oh what will it be bring back the canary so oh I say we'll bring okay yeah not if you don't
Starting point is 00:55:34 play ball we'll bring your daughter back from the dead but if you do play ball we'll bring your daughter back from the dead correct yeah
Starting point is 00:55:40 that's probably it actually now that I yeah I mean who knows they may not have find out the second half of the season. Yeah. Do you know there was a Hal Jordan cameo?
Starting point is 00:55:49 Yes. Yeah, I saw that. We mentioned that earlier, didn't we? No. We said, it doesn't matter. Did we really? No, I said there's always a, one of the weird tropes is like a reference to another character. Oh.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And it's, yeah, it's how, they're in a, it's in a flashback. I'm sorry, I was writing writing down did you diggle it as you were saying oh yeah that makes a lot of sense actually so yeah so we in one of the innumerable flashbacks yes uh there i completely missed that sorry you said that completely let it all smooth as silk bloody oath uh so yeah so uh we've got Amanda Waller talking to, bloody, what's his face? Arrow. The Arrow. Yep.
Starting point is 00:56:27 The Green Arrow. And, yeah, there's a long establishing shot. They're in a bar. There's a very long establishing shot of, like, a flight, like a pilot bomber jacket. It's got Jordan. The name tag says Jordan. It could be Michael Jordan. It could be Michael B. Jordan.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Correct. Yeah. Man. So, oh,. Jordan. Correct. Yeah. Man. So, all that's pretty good. Yeah. So, have we heard on the grapevine they're going to be casting a Green Lantern? No. They're not going to do anything like that?
Starting point is 00:56:54 I think they were hinting. There was talk that, remember, Diggle was going to be a Green Lantern? That's right, yeah. I don't think they're going to do that. I think they have to leave them alone. Because there's certain characters I think they wanted to bring into this universe that they can't because of the movies. And I think if the Flash movie, if Warner Brothers had got their shit together already, this show wouldn't have, the Flash wouldn't have happened. Wouldn't have existed at all.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I don't think so. Okay. Because I think, I don't think, especially because if they release that Flash movie and people are like, we don't like this guy so much. Right. Like that'll hurt. So, no, no, that's what I think anyway. Because they were going to bring in Harley Quinn and they couldn't.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah, yeah. Actually, because there was a Harley Quinn cameo. Remember like way, way back. That's right, yeah. So, well, they had plans to do something with that. And they couldn't bring in... They were going to make... I think they were going to make the adam ted
Starting point is 00:57:46 cord oh i think i may be making that up okay yeah but who knows we'll see how that goes the best way to do it is get a whole bunch of characters like as kids that allude they're going to become super villains and just bash you over the head with it but never say specifically and speaking of yep i watched episode one of gotham yeah i know it's like there's like five we're like five into three i watched one and three three because some stuff happened in three okay right it's they're gonna cancel because i've downloaded five episodes which makes me think you've got something else. ...that I've been given a series of viruses.
Starting point is 00:58:27 That is absolutely true. That's probably what's happened, yeah. Look, it's not that bad. Yeah. They're going to fucking cancel the show, though. All right. Because whatever they do, people hate it. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:58:40 And look... Because Batman has such a big fan base that you're going to have people who are like, oh, I like that new take, but you're going to have thousands of other people going, I hate that take. Yeah. So from the first episode, what did you like about it? I still like Benjamin McKenzie's Jim Gordon. No, you don't.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Mustache or no mustache. No, I'm pretty sure that's My stance on this It's been my stance I don't hate him he's pretty good I like Bullock Bullock's the best He should be in the movie version of this He's wasted in this show
Starting point is 00:59:17 What I'm saying we should Look I'm probably not gonna I'll watch a few more episodes of this But what I'm hanging out for is another Bullock-Alfred team-up. Yes. Or maybe a spin-off. Yes. Where they hang out and they solve crimes
Starting point is 00:59:31 and they punch people real hard in their face. And drink. Yeah, drink. Bloody oath. So Bullock quit drinking, didn't he? Yeah, he did, yeah. Because there was too much stuff happening. Stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah. But he doesn't need to drink because he quit the force. So Gordon was fired again. Yep. And then he got his job back again. Pretty much the same way. Did a fave of a penguin. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Killed a man. He certainly did. Yeah. I don't know. See, because Gordon is supposed to be this unimpeachable moral beacon, right? You'll love episode three then. Oh, good. We'll spoil it later.
Starting point is 01:00:10 But, but. So he's doing a favor. Like you would think that if you've got this character and you're like, okay, he's this incredibly upstanding moral citizen. Yeah. He is, you know, he doesn't, he doesn't have the martial arts skills and the money and the gadgets of Batman, but he is... He does now, in the comics. Oh yeah, that's true. But he doesn't have all that stuff, but he is an A-plus straight shooter kind of guy.
Starting point is 01:00:36 You'd write him as finding a different way to get the money back from this gangster than to walk in, beat them up, steal the money, and then shoot one of them, right? Yes. Because that's on him. Yeah, absolutely. It's not like he was walking down the street and the guy said, hey, I know you're working for the Penguin. I might get you or whatever. And then there was a shootout and he killed that guy and he took his money
Starting point is 01:01:01 and he's like, well, this is opportune kind of thing. Like this was a life or death situation for me, but it's worked out and now i'm in the penguins good books yeah it was like i'm gonna go in and probably i'm gonna have to mess some people up probably and now i've killed a guy that's all on him you're right ridiculous he should be better cop and he and that's the thing that guy's always like we've got to be clean cops we're going to be this and that and he's he's all i guess the idea is he's making difficult choices yeah sure but gordon shouldn't be making choices that difficult he should be making easier choices he should be like look i'll become a janitor and i'll work my way back up again yeah
Starting point is 01:01:35 sure yeah i'll be a guy at arkham but they did that they sure did yeah they're running out of menial jobs for him to do to work his way way back up from. Can I spoil the last episode? Yes. Do we have any more to talk about in this episode? I don't remember it. Mr. Zaz. Okay, Mr. Zaz was in it. Yep.
Starting point is 01:01:50 It's pretty good. The Joker kid was in it. Joker kid was in it, jerking it up a storm. What do you think of him? Look, he's doing a pretty good Joker. Yep. But if he is the Joker,
Starting point is 01:02:04 they've telegraphed it way too hard. But if he's not the Joker, why are you wasting their time? This is... Okay. Oh, no! What else? Okay, hang on. A couple more things and then you can get to that.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Fishmoony isn't back yet, from what I've seen, but maybe she is back. Nah. She's not? Nah. She's probably dead? No. Who knows? Okay, right.
Starting point is 01:02:26 It's weird that Arkham Asylum is not gender segregated. Yes, that is weird. Because Barbara... Barbara. Sorry? Barbara. Barbara. Barbara.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Barbara Gordon, previous girlfriend of Jim Gordon, has killed her parents or whatever and then is sent to Arkham Asylum and just thrown in with the general population and she's been given like a prison stripy dress. It's so odd. I guess that's comic book-ish though. This show is walking this really weird line.
Starting point is 01:02:57 And I understand because if you read a Batman comic... I think it's walking around the line either side. Yeah. Because if you read a Batman comic, I think it's walking to be kind of this, you know, weird horror terror circus kind of, you know, this weird out of time like the Batman animated series. Like it could be set in any time. Maybe it's set in the past. There's bloops, but there's TVs.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Yeah, exactly. But this, like, it doesn't seem like the real world, but it's not the comic book world either. No. Yeah, you're right. It's this weird line. It's a world where there's a very serious cop who's very serious, but there's also a man who attaches balloons to people. Balloons to people from his hot dog cart or whatever it is,
Starting point is 01:03:54 and then he throws them into space, and they never come down. Then they do. Okay. All right. Spoiler show then. Hang on. What what else nothing else weird they broke out yep um she's doing her best harley quinn yeah or the joker right everybody's the joker i guess okay so episode two i didn't watch okay but basically they take what could have
Starting point is 01:04:21 happened in it though jerome the joker kid yep goes into the gcpd with a bunch of people how old is he supposed to be 17 don't put him in arkham asylum no you wouldn't no oh maybe sure yep good why not good boy yeah he like him and a bunch of criminals i just saw this in the previously on gotham oh yeah shoot up the the this gcpd Yep. Like that time Zaz did it? Like that time Zaz did it. And kill the commissioner. What's her face? Oh, Essen.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Yeah. Okay. But she was a good character, actually. I liked her. So she's dead. And Gordon's sort of in charge, I guess, even though I guess it probably should be Bullock, because he was there first.
Starting point is 01:05:00 And also Gordon was just fired for misconduct. And then he's been brought back under weird, suspicious circumstances. And then the commissioner has stepped down. And then, yeah, why not make him the boss? Sure. Why not? Just Wild West. It looks good.
Starting point is 01:05:16 It's a good looking show. It's pretty good looking. Yeah. Also, Bruce and Alfred blew a hole in the Batcave. Oh, they did too. They did that. They built some explosives because Batman couldn't figure out the key. The keypad thing.
Starting point is 01:05:28 The keypad. He couldn't figure out the clues, but it was Bruce. Did you like that? It wasn't bad. I thought it was a good little lesson for him. Kind of. Yeah. Something off about that Batman kid.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Yeah, he's, yeah. He's good. He's got, the character seems like he's got severe PTSD or something. Well, I guess he would. Yeah. I guess. But he's very robotic. He's good The character seems like he's got severe PTSD Well I guess he would But he's very robotic Maybe the Bruce Wayne kind of charm Maybe he learns that Because that is a face
Starting point is 01:05:55 That he puts on So I guess that's the way they go on with it But you know what for being a young Bruce Wayne He's doing a pretty bang up job that kid Anyway This latest episode jerome and barbara gordon yep go to a fundraiser and jerome kills a magician or something and dresses a magician okay and he's got a fake beard yes and and so far it doesn't sound anything like
Starting point is 01:06:23 a joker but all right and barbara gordon's with him as his assistant and and it turns out that you know he's holding everybody hostage and he's on tv and he's like and he's doing all the joker things you could possibly imagine the maniacal laughing and he's doing every joker impression you've ever seen or every version of that yes it's a bit of ledger and a bit of nicholson and whatever and then the guy who wants to be seen as the hero i can't remember his name he's like a bad guy billionaire whose name i forget he's a villain for the season stabs jerome in the neck wait is it one of the psionises yeah black mask no he's dead oh yeah whoever that guy was from the first episode you remember the one who
Starting point is 01:07:03 got him killed who broke him all out and was like work for me or whatever oh yeah sure sure sure yeah I don't remember who he is anyway okay so
Starting point is 01:07:13 Jerome dies yeah but as he's dying he dies laughing and blood comes out of his mouth and he makes a kind of Joker smile and he's
Starting point is 01:07:20 smiling and dead and everybody on TV saw that yes and then it's kind of like the joker's kind of like this plague that goes through the city and then all these people are kind of laughing and murdering after they see that so it's kind of like this curse plague so it's magic no not matter or like an influence and whatever so that's so he wasn't the joker but he was the seed for the joker
Starting point is 01:07:46 what was there some sort of magic signal from the tv no was there you're thinking of batman forever yeah i'm thinking about forever so people normal citizens of gotham city, as normal as the citizens of Gotham City get, see a magic performance on a television that they watch as their regular television. I don't know if they saw that part, but they see the aftermath of it when he's got everyone hostage. So they see a hostage situation. Yep. They see a child being murdered. Yes. And they decide, do they dress as...
Starting point is 01:08:24 No, they're just laughing and stabbing people and stuff. Yeah. being murdered and they decide do they dress as do they no they're just laughing and stabbing people and stuff what I don't believe you why would I make that up seems like something
Starting point is 01:08:35 you'd make up you know what it's what is the justification so are there police reports are the police just like people are going they're killing en masse.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Laughing and killing. Like, all of a sudden? Does somebody just like at their breakfast table and they just pick up a knife and they start stabbing their husband or whatever? There's a bit of that, yeah. I can't remember exactly because I was watching it as I was editing. So I'm not the best person to ask. You're one of the best people to ask.
Starting point is 01:09:05 You're probably right. I am. That's just what it is. Look, I don't, to be honest. In episode four, the one I've downloaded that is definitely a virus, there better be some sort of explanation as to what this is. I just think we're going to get a whole lot of people showing up who could be the Joker.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Right. Because wasn't that the idea in season one? That's what I remember hearing. That Fish Mooney was going to audition a whole bunch of people showing up who could be the joker right because wasn't that the idea in season one that's what i remember he was going to audition a whole bunch of people any one of them yeah be the joke that's what i heard and that only happened like once right and they're like well that wasn't broad enough yeah we've killed fish mooney and we need another one we did red hood yeah so we need another way to make a whole bunch of potential jokers because nobody cares about the show unless the joker's in it. So let's just keep auditioning jokers. But the funny thing is people were like,
Starting point is 01:09:49 we liked Jerome when you brought him in one time in that one episode. Did you see that episode? Yes. And then they were like, we're angry you brought him back. And then when he got killed, they were angry that he was killed.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Like these guys cannot win. Like this show is going to get cancelled because it's upsetting everybody. And to me, I don't give a shit. Whatever. Some of it works, some of it doesn't. It's a weird kind of Joker virus or influence or whatever it is. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:10:15 I don't care. Right, right, right. I'm probably not going to come back. It makes no sense. Well, now I have to come back. I have to watch at least till then. I have to watch at least till then. I have to watch at least that scene. And then the aftermath where Jim Gordon's like,
Starting point is 01:10:30 city's pretty crazy, isn't it? I'm the boss? I guess the only explanation is this is a real weird city. Well, now I'm off to get fired again. I'll see you next week when I'm the king of the universe. Because I fail up in this city. He really does. We've talked about this before.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Do you think he's going to stay with Leslie Tompkins, presuming the show doesn't get cancelled? Or do you think that he's going to meet someone else called Barbara? Because he cannot marry this woman. No, absolutely not. She's crazy. She really, like, on a dime. She just went from the most boring person you've ever met
Starting point is 01:11:04 to just full madness. Yeah. Yeah. like on a dime like she just went from the most boring person you've ever met yeah yeah to just full madness full madness yeah I reckon they'll assuming it lasts
Starting point is 01:11:14 yeah and it might I'm saying but he also has to have a daughter called Barbara yeah is his son called James also
Starting point is 01:11:21 yes man they're the Will and they're the Will and Jada Pinkett Smith of their time. Just name the kids. Same names. That's great. I didn't even think of that.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Yeah. So, yep. Gotham trundles along at the same speed it's been going at, upsetting people as it goes. Yep. Towards a rickety bridge. That's it. What about Agents of S.H.I.E.L. of shield didn't watch it me neither okay but everybody says it's real good now i don't care i'm not going back
Starting point is 01:11:53 okay i've had enough had a bloody enough mate yeah yeah i'll watch agent carter and i'll give that bloody what's it called jones yeah that and the that and the Mockingjay, Mockingbird, whatever. Oh, the spin-off? Yeah, I'll give that a couple episodes. That's me done. All right, we've done, we've talked about these shows that we sort of enjoy and sometimes watch, haven't we? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Do you know what time for that? It's time for me to hiccup. But do you know what else it's time for? Oh, what's it time for? What are we reading? Oh, what are we going to read? I'm doing the thing. What are we reading? Oh, what are we going to read? I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today?
Starting point is 01:12:31 Well, I was going to read. All right. What are you reading? I was going to read, and by read I mean watch the remaining episodes of Gotham. The remaining four that I have, two of which presumably aren't real, but maybe I won't now. I think you should at least watch the back end of episode three. Okay. Because I'd like to see it.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I just, maybe you're missing something in the explanation here, but I don't understand. Do you see some sort of weird transmitter that shouldn't be there that's transmitting evil rays through the television? Not that kind of show. Or is it? I don't know. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:13:02 We don't know. Don't know, man. I'll watch that then I guess do you have anything else I should watch? have I read watch I mean read? well I went on a podcast this week called
Starting point is 01:13:12 D&D's for Nerds as you know oh yes which is a Dungeons & Dragons Sandspants podcast oh yes now that's not out until December, January
Starting point is 01:13:18 okay but it's pretty fun if you like D&D bloody check it out I used to play Dungeons & Dragons back in the day see I'd never played before so a lot of it
Starting point is 01:13:26 was me going what do I just where's the quest give me the quest but no it was actually it was a lot of fun
Starting point is 01:13:34 excellent and it was also if you like a guy who's really serious about Dungeons and Dragons trying to run a game as three other guys try to derail it
Starting point is 01:13:41 oh that sounds pretty good yeah then you'll be bloody well into it. I also played the Star Wars Battlefront beta. I haven't been playing a lot of video games lately. I gave it a couple hours. It's a free download.
Starting point is 01:13:52 It might be offline by now by the time this comes up. It's got like, you can do a Hoth mission, which is the one I played the most, and you run out and you do the bloody battle of Hoth, mate. Cool. And it's pretty good. Can you be in a snow speeder? Yes. a hoth mate cool and it's pretty good can you be in a snow speeder yes can you be can you grappling hook up onto an at and then turn it over the lightsaber and then throw a grenade you cannot
Starting point is 01:14:11 can you find another way to throw a grenade in not in it's no they're really they're they're hard to kill for that particular map yeah you're obviously rebels or empire and you have to either stop the adatss by disabling, by jamming a signal and then rocket launching them multiple times. You've got to do that a few times. Or if you're the Empire, you've just got to kind of crush everything and take out some beacons. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I did a lot of running around and a lot of dying or a lot of jumping in a vehicle and then crashing it into an enemy vehicle, killing myself and them. So I did a lot of that. Great. Yeah. So look, it was a lot of fun. I probably won't buy it because it doesn't have a great single player campaign apparently it's all multiplayer and i
Starting point is 01:14:48 don't i don't i don't there's a lot of games that are doing that that are just single players kind of tacked on yeah i love a single player campaign me too yeah oh i also what i um read the the latest issue of invincible iron man number one what did you he's back who my? My Iron Man is back. My Iron Man? Iron Man. What's he up to? Building an armor. Putting the armor on. So he's not evil anymore? No, he's back.
Starting point is 01:15:12 He's back. He's back. How'd he get back? I can't remember. But he's back. He's definitely back. He's got a new armor that once again combines the best parts of all the previous armors. And it's a new armor. Any of it liquid?
Starting point is 01:15:25 Sort of. It's more... Again And it's a new armour. Any of it liquid? Ah, sort of. It's more, it's more, it's again, it's a sort of a transformy armour. Has it got a, has it got an undersheath? Doesn't really have an undersheath. You know, he's got like a weird kind of gold spandex suit he sometimes wears. Doesn't have the undersheath anymore really, no. Okay. But it is kind of, it's, it's sort of, you know, he can.
Starting point is 01:15:38 It's a onesie. Yeah, it's kind of a onesie and he can grab, you know, new, new weapons and stuff like that. Great. Looks pretty good. I mean, it looks, it isn't, it's kind of an odd looking armour. Yeah, new weapons and stuff like that. Great. Looks pretty good. I mean, it's kind of an odd-looking armor. Yeah, no, I saw the cover, yeah. It was pretty good, though. It's very intelligently written.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Very good fun. Is it just kind of like, everything's the same again? Yeah, kind of. It's a reboot. It's a restart. I like that, man. Every now and then, chuck it back, Star Trek. Chuck it back, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Whatever. Great. I've got a recommendation here from Jens Captain America's Mighty Shield of the podcast do you want to hear it
Starting point is 01:16:12 yes you sure would it reflect badly on me if I said no and we just moved on no I think we can move on
Starting point is 01:16:20 alright no go back to it couldn't live with myself I have a recommendation of my own Brew Breakers Books of Doom All right. No, go back to it. Couldn't live with myself. I have a recommendation of my own. Brewbreaker's Books of Doom. It's a six-book storytelling Victor Von Doom story from the womb to being made monarch of Latveria. This means that it's all set up before him meeting the Fantastic Four
Starting point is 01:16:38 for the first time, and it only mildly touches on his relationship with Reed Richards. All in all, great read. Keep up the mediocre work, you dickheads. Thank you. We will. We were considering raising our game, but we're not going to now. No, people seem to just tolerate this, so we'll just keep doing it.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Have you read that? No, I haven't. That sounds really good. Yeah. It sounds very interesting. Well, Mason, it's time for letters. Oh, letters. But I know, as always, we've got a thing that we do.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Well, the thing we do, the conceit that we have, the trope that we do every week, the little bit that we do. We didn't do it last week. We forgot to do last week. Our famous bit that we always do, except when we forget to do it, is that you refuse to edit in another letters theme. I refuse. There we go.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Thank you. So what I'd like the listeners to do, if they would be so bold, is to record their own letters theme. Sometimes we have like a genre we'd like them to record it in. Yep. Sometimes we don't. Sometimes we say, hey, freestyle it. Rock the microphone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:36 That's what we say. We say that. And then if you could maybe put it up on YouTube and then tweet at me that you've sent it to me. At Wikipedia Brown. At Wikipedia Brown. At Wikipedia Brown. And then maybe I'll just play it through my phone. That's the only way we get a letters theme because this tyrant of a podcast editor will not put one in for us.
Starting point is 01:17:56 We did it. We did it. We've done the conceit again. Anyway, so a couple of weeks ago, I suggested if somebody, because we were doing like sci-fi movies and stuff like that. We were. I said if somebody could send in like a spooky sci-fi theme, maybe with a theremin in it. Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:12 And so Henry Johnston has tweeted us with one. Yep. And let's just play it right now. Here's our latest theme for this week. I'm excited. Good. You should be. Something with a theremin in it.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Sure. be something with a theremin in it that's so good incredible work. Maybe one of my faves. Yeah. In a way, they're all our faves. That's true. I haven't hated one yet. This time. Next week, if you could send one in that would be guaranteed to hate, that would be great.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Well, next week is Back to the Future, so if you could make it time travel or Back to the Future related. Or Huey Lewis and the News sounding. Even better. More like Huey Lewis andis and the letters not the news i want a new drug more like i want a new letters what other songs has he done uh those are the two songs is this it more like is this some letters he did duets with bloody gwydeth paltrow oh yeah cruising cruising that's the one.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Cruising more like letters. Okay. It's from the movie Duets, I believe. Anyway, what's up, guys? Great last few episodes. We don't know when he sent that, though. We certainly don't. We might have dropped off since.
Starting point is 01:19:37 This is from Ali, who's sent in a lot of stuff. You know, he gets the Grab Dat gems. Speaking of, we've got a couple of great Grab Dat gems this week. We've got one from will's portatio for those who don't know from time to time yeah ali will go to a celebrity in the world of nerd stuff yes yes and get them just and trick them into saying grab that gem he got david prowse you got david prowse he got bloody ray park who was darth maul david prowse was Darth Vader. Anyway, but these up.
Starting point is 01:20:08 We got one from Two Strangers, One Podcast. Great. With Will Sportacius saying, grab that gym. And we got another one from Cale Jr. From Janine Garofalo. What? That's amazing. Look, she says Mick and Nathan.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. So good. Can someone put them on the Reddit, I guess? Because I'd have to find them yeah and i that's amazing i like them any garofalo and of course 90s image comic sensation will sportatio sportatio the best comic book name to say absolutely it is will sportatio anyway i assume i'm pronouncing it incorrectly correct uh What did you guys take on the TV movies divide at Marvel? Do you think they should be interconnected? More interconnected, sorry.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Keep being dickheads, grab that gem. Ali. Ooh, that is a good question. I think there's enough. Yeah. I think it, like if you were talking, say Daredevil, I don't want to see superheroes every day in that series because it's a different level. Like it's street level. The world is not at stake at this level,
Starting point is 01:21:10 but people's lives are at stake. And I want Daredevil to take care of that. I want the big guys. I mean, you know, it might be fun to see him in the movie at some point. Absolutely. Maybe we'll see a battle sequence in Civil War. Maybe put him in there or something like that. You know, he's fighting some three-level crime or whatever.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Sure. But I like that. I like that divide there. Absolutely. Yeah. I'd agree with that. I would like to see, though, if we are getting a damage control series, I would like to see, I don't know if they can swing this,
Starting point is 01:21:38 but maybe some battle sequences from maybe the Avengers or something. But cut in there. Yeah. And they're like reviewing footage. I'd like to see a sequence where like we see, you know, in the, in the Avengers,
Starting point is 01:21:52 we see, you know, they're, they're formed. It's the third act and they're formed up as the team and like Captain America's there. And he's like, okay, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:59 Iron Man, you do this Hawkeye, you do this kind of thing. Right. And then it pulls back and there's just like a guy filming on a cell phone and then it cut then it pulls back and then it's like you see the youtube footage of them like there's the team yeah and then it's like captain america's like and hulk smash and then it cuts to like a boardroom like the new york city like you know there's some comptrollers and they're
Starting point is 01:22:21 all surrounding captain america like you told him what? What did you do? Do you know how much this is going to cost? You told him to smash. That's what I want out of Damaging Trollers. Just a whole bunch of people who are really tired of dealing with this nonsense. And there's just Damaging Troll people in the background just rubbing their hands together like, oh, we're going to charge them so much for this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:43 That would be great. They should definitely play that up more or just at some level. They should definitely hire us as executive producers. Definitely. That's what I'm saying. I'd do it. I bad mouth most of their shows, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. But that's okay, right? Yeah, I think because, you know, because now that the movie universe and the TV universe
Starting point is 01:23:02 are even more separated because of that thing that happened with Kevin Feige separated himself from all, from all of that. So he's just, he answers directly to Bob Iger at Disney and that's it. It doesn't have to go through Ike Perlmutter or any of that. So I think that we will see a little bit of a divide, but at the same time, I also heard that we should expect at some point to see like Daredevil and
Starting point is 01:23:22 those heroes and at least referenced in, in movies. Oh, absolutely. But I think it only seems to really work one way at this point. You get Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. going, Thor's pretty good, isn't he? And then we don't see him. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:23:35 Like there's a lot of that. Like the episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that ties into Thor the Dark World, they're in the library next to where Thor had the battle with Malekith. Yes. And it's like, it gives a shit about this. And we've not seen, we haven't seen Coulson back in the movies since he died. No.
Starting point is 01:23:54 For all intents and purposes, he's still dead in the movie universe, right? Well, that's how Joss Whedon sees it. Yeah. He basically said that, yes, because it'd confuse people. If Coulson showed up they'd be like what? because not everybody watches Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. very few people do
Starting point is 01:24:09 very few people do but a lot of people like it and that's great maybe I'll watch you know what I'll watch what is it we up to three?
Starting point is 01:24:15 I don't know I'm gonna watch episode one and see how it goes good for you thank you I bet I'll be confused hey dickheads
Starting point is 01:24:24 Sully from Louisiana here With an article I just found Saying Daniel Craig Is done with James Bond After Spectre He said if he did another one It would only be for the money Thought you might be interested
Starting point is 01:24:32 I also wanted you to know That I appreciate Your comic book suggestions As it led me to some great reads Started listening to the podcast I've been watching A couple of your YouTube videos Keep up the good work Sully
Starting point is 01:24:40 Can I be the official Totally invincible Iron man of the podcast Absolutely you may Yes Yeah I read that article as well. Did he say something like, I would rather slit my wrists than be dead? Like, it was blunt.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Yeah. It was a very... Yeah, and he was like, I'm only in it for the money and everything's garbage. He didn't say that. But it seemed like he is right in the middle. Of having a meltdown? Yeah, but he's right in the middle of the promotional stuff yeah
Starting point is 01:25:06 are they still filming maybe nah they're done it's out in like two weeks right okay well then maybe they are though maybe that's why he's so mad yeah there's a martyr no hands
Starting point is 01:25:14 yeah exactly but I think he's right like he's right in the middle of what I assume is a very brutal punishing yep schedule of promotional stuff
Starting point is 01:25:22 yep and he seems like a guy who when he gets tired of just saying the stock answers, he'll say whatever he wants. And clearly he's been ground down. And they're like, who do you think should succeed you? And he's like, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:25:37 What do you think that should be next in the front? I don't care. I think the only guy who was kind of didn't want to leave was Brosnan. Everyone else was just like, I'm so sick of this shit. Like they all hate it and you know what he probably also knows that this will follow him forever yep he will never escape this every interview he does for the rest of his life someone's going to ask him about james bond they're going to say what do
Starting point is 01:25:58 you think of the current bond like no matter what he's doing yeah even if he's old like super other be like would you consider coming back yeah cameo yeah he's going. Even if he's old, like super old, they'll be like, would you consider coming back as a cameo? He's going to get that forever. It's like being a man on the moon. It's exactly like being a man on the moon, except you look like a potato. Precisely. For those people who don't know, Daniel Craig looks like a potato. For those who haven't made that connection.
Starting point is 01:26:21 I worry sometimes there's too many in-jokes in this. And by in-jokes, I mean things we said once and then presume that people would have heard it before. I think sometimes there's too many in-jokes in this. And my in-jokes have been things we said once and then presumed that people would have heard it before. I think we reset enough. Okay, good. Just so we're clear, Pierce Brosnan... You know what?
Starting point is 01:26:32 You should end the show with that. What? It's your catchphrase. Your catchphrase is Daniel Craig looks like a potato. Okay. I'm happy with that. Good.
Starting point is 01:26:39 You don't like me stealing your catchphrase? No! God damn it. That's another throwback. Yeah. Yeah, I can understand it. He has to do another one
Starting point is 01:26:49 because he's contracted unless they want to kick him. But I think if this one goes well, which presumably it will, even if it's terrible, it'll make a lot of money because everyone loves Skyfall. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:57 So they'll make him do another one. It might also be a case of he's negotiating in public. That's true. Like, I don't know if... Connery used to do that a lot. Yeah, like, I don't know. He's contracted with one more movie, but I don't know if connery used to do that a lot yeah like i don't know he's contracted with one more movie but i don't know if the money is on the table oh yeah yeah so it might be a case of well if i say that i hate this and everything's
Starting point is 01:27:12 the worst and i'm gonna have a meltdown they'll give me an extra yeah whatever like if you say if you were like this is gonna typecast me forever and they were like well we'll give you another 10 million bucks yeah you'd be like all Yeah. You've twisted my arm. Whatever. Yeah. I guess I'll do it. All right. One more letter.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Okay. It's from Chris. Hey, dickheads. Wow. There's three in a row. Are you adding that? I'm genuinely not. Is that our Gmail filter?
Starting point is 01:27:39 Does it add hey, dickhead to everything? It may be. Question. If you could play one retro uh console any console before and including the snes uh game to play for the rest of your life what would it be also going to be the official pokemon master of the podcast we might have one of those but yes any game from any system super nintendo or prior yep wow i used to have an Amiga 500 back in the day
Starting point is 01:28:06 you know it's probably not going to be good if you go back and play it I know you first Super Mario Brothers the original no
Starting point is 01:28:16 NES sorry Super Nintendo Super Mario Brothers Super Mario World yes okay right because it's a pretty great game
Starting point is 01:28:23 there's a lot of variety in it i guess and it was kind of the peak of kind of 16-bit platforming yeah and even games today a lot of them don't match up to that and shigeru miyamoto recently confirmed that yes it is a play wait i'm thinking super mario 3 what super mario brothers 3 is a play oh right yeah yeah because it's there's curtains there's a curtain call yeah and that. There's sets. Yeah. And two was a dream? Two might have been a dream. It was. He woke up at the end.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Okay, yeah. So, yeah, it's a classic game. But I guess you could also go... Now, Donkey Kong doesn't have as tight controls. Yeah. And I wouldn't want to play a fighting game forever. No. Imagine your thumbs.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Sore from fighting. Yeah. When I was a kid, I had a game on the Amiga 500. It was called Hunter. Yeah. And it was basically Grand Theft Auto 3 but back in the day oh okay
Starting point is 01:29:07 it was like an isometric game but you were on a bunch of islands yeah and you could steal a whole bunch of vehicles and you could like shoot people
Starting point is 01:29:14 that sounds great it was pretty great and I never finished it so if I had infinity time you could play that like if I was damned for all eternity
Starting point is 01:29:21 I guess I could finish it absolutely oh wait Secret of Monkey Island yeah but that's finite yeah it's funny but like yeah what do you You could play that. Like, if I was damned for all eternity, I guess I could finish it. Absolutely. Oh, wait. Secret of Monkey Island. Yeah, but that's... Finite. Yeah, it's funny, but, like, what do you... I mean, I don't see that.
Starting point is 01:29:30 That's the thing, though. I don't play that many video games. Am I forced to play it every day? I guess if you want to. Right. Because otherwise you just put it down. Yeah. Man, Secret of Monkey Island was real good.
Starting point is 01:29:43 I'd play something with the FX chip, like that Star Fox game. Star Fox, yep. That everyone loves. Something with Mode 7. Yeah, but it looks terrible. Yeah. Oh, man. Yeah, I'm going to go with Super Mario Bros.
Starting point is 01:29:53 All right, fine. I'm going to go with that thing that I said. Good work. Or you could say Super Mario All-Stars, which has got four Mario games in one. Oh, twist. I'd still go World. That's a loophole, yeah. I've actually got another letter here I've actually put in by accident. Oh, yeah, I'll take it. There's four letters. in one. Oh, twist. I'd still go World. That's a loophole, yeah. I've actually got another letter here
Starting point is 01:30:06 I've actually put in by accident. Oh yeah, I'll take it. It's four letters. I don't care for this but I guess I'm doing it. Yeah. Hello, Jay and Mason. I hope you're okay.
Starting point is 01:30:13 I know you hear this all the time but thank you for all the work you put in for the podcast. We love it. Thank you. You're welcome. I have a few questions. Most people just call us dickheads.
Starting point is 01:30:21 I don't know if you noticed that. Yeah, we didn't get that time. Yes. We do call a lot of people dickheads though What goes around comes around Yeah that's right One When you're pointing at someone
Starting point is 01:30:31 Yeah You're really pointing three fingers back at you See what I'm saying See look I know exactly what you're saying Yeah Doesn't make any sense I mean it makes sense
Starting point is 01:30:40 Doesn't make those people less of dickheads though Certainly doesn't I'm going to point with my Like this That's right yeah Full hand point. Yes. One, are you watching Heroes Reborn?
Starting point is 01:30:48 What do you think of it so far? Could kind of girls' powers look a bit weird for heroes, but overall, I'm hooked. I haven't seen it. It's great. I don't know. I couldn't say. I agree.
Starting point is 01:30:57 I also haven't seen it. I probably won't see it because I'll probably cancel it at the end of the season. Right. Two, no, actually, I have no idea. I heard it didn't have an amazing start, but that's i've heard yeah but if vanji here writing this letter look if horn-rimmed glasses guy is in it good enough for you give it a whirl number two uh call them evos now really because they can't say mutant probably do they call it mutants in the old ones
Starting point is 01:31:22 no okay two how's your friends with friendship with mason changed since you started the podcast are you guys worried that you might have a big fight to avoid hidden arguments knowing you'll have to see each other following week arguments about what yeah i think this is the best batman okay all right see you next week oh maybe i guess it could happen well i don't know i mean this primarily was an excuse to actually see each other once a week that's true more than anything else because we spent i don't know because i kind of went away for a bit yep and came back yep and we just thought let's do a podcast and then we did yeah it's a good story right that's the sacred
Starting point is 01:32:02 origin that is and yeah exactly so we could see each other once a week. And now we used to live far apart, but now we live closer. So that makes it easy, doesn't it? Sure does. It's a bloody real journey, isn't it? It is. So yeah. But we really just used to do this anyway.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Yeah, this was an excuse to, like, these are the conversations we would have anyway. Yes. So. You're welcome? Yeah, you're very welcome. Unedited, we trail off a lot. We assume that we know what the other person is thinking so we don't even finish our sentences.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Correct. We get a lot of hate mail. Yeah. Same as before. Yeah. It's mostly just shouted from like sidewalks. Yeah. Idiots.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Question number three. Would you be willing to do a commentary for back to the future are you planning to celebrate october 21st 2015 in any way there you go it's 21st no we're probably not gonna do a commentary because we don't have time but we will do a back to future episode like i said and oh i forgot to mention i may be getting there's a there's a foundation which we uh are going to be doing. So I'm just going to look it up right now because I forgot. It's good to have the computer there, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:33:10 It's great. It's like living in the present. Here we are. I found it. Okay. So there's an organization called the Hill Valley Preservation Society in England. And the idea is they collect money to put towards uh parkinson's research which as everybody's aware uh disease that michael j fox uh developed in the early 90s and then it's
Starting point is 01:33:32 kind of gone full blown in a bad way matt has reached out from this from this place and he said look we've got a couple of nine they're having a fundraiser and they've got a couple of um original cells to give away from the movie and anybody who donates any money to this can go in to the running to win win these two cells fantastic so the idea is if you go to slash the hvps which is the hill valley appreciation society preservation because i was going to say that should be as but no they did get it right he says there's a link at the bottom and if you tag their donation with the weekly planet they'll put all the the names in a hat and draw them and draw them out oh great so that's super exciting mason and i will be donating yes also um at least 22 cents is that right is that what we decided more than that yeah
Starting point is 01:34:22 i think we said more than we did say 22 cents more than that. Because 22 cents, even with the exchange rate, is not a lot of money. Certainly isn't. Now, we'll be chipping in like maybe 50 bucks each. Yeah, yeah, something like that. Yeah, yeah. But, you know, if anything you could donate would be amazing. And if I win, I refuse to take the prize. I'm going to throw it out of a moving car.
Starting point is 01:34:40 At 88 miles per hour. Yeah. Yes. So it's a great cause. If you want to win anything or if you'd like to help out this organization, please give that a look. We'll also talk about it again next week, and then I guess we'll announce it the week after.
Starting point is 01:34:51 I've got to speak to Matt about that to confirm that. But pretty cool. Again, I'll probably remind everybody up front next week in a more kind of condensed and better way because I've just kind of stumbled through this. So I apologize. But if you like stuff that you've won sounds pretty good
Starting point is 01:35:08 doesn't it yes it does alright that's the show for this week that's the show next week like we said back to the future
Starting point is 01:35:14 Star Wars commentary at for The Empire Strikes Back you can also if you're a Patreoner slash MrSundayMovies.
Starting point is 01:35:25 You can get that for free or you can sign up for that and then play it. Or you can go to the Bandcamp website and just play it straight from there. Mason thinks it's the best commentary we've ever done. Yeah, it's pretty good. It's pretty good. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:35:38 It's pretty good. Yeah. I like it. We're happy with it, I guess. I mean, we don't listen back to it. No. So we have no idea. But even if we did, we'd have to watch back to it. No. So we have no idea. But...
Starting point is 01:35:45 Even if we did, we'd have to watch the movie again. Yeah. It doesn't really work. That would be weird. Yeah, very odd. Listen to yourself talk about a movie as you watch a movie. Oh, and then we re-commentate over that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Oh, we should do another... Tell you what, here's an idea. Once we've run out of movies to commentate over, which we will... We've done all the movies. We've done all the movies. We do another set of commentaries where we listen to our we watch the movie again
Starting point is 01:36:06 with the commentary over the top and we do a commentary on that brilliant and it'd just be a lot of me going ooh I missed a chance
Starting point is 01:36:12 for a joke there I'm not doing well in this one oh was I tired I must have been tired probably didn't get a lot of sleep
Starting point is 01:36:20 this is a long movie when you watch it again yeah where can they find you and us oh we're weeklyplanetpod at Gmail and Facebook and Twitter if you want to send us some sort of message.
Starting point is 01:36:29 I'm at WikipediaBrown. I'm at MrSundayMovies. Also follow at The Weekly Planet for all sorts of goodies. All sorts of goodies. And by goodies, I mean all the important good information that we miss. Yes. All the interesting stuff. Goes up there all the time.
Starting point is 01:36:43 And as always, yeah, thanks for listening. Thanks to the Bruton The Bass List for the theme songs. Thank you. And for anybody who contributes a lettuce theme. Yeah. We love it. Even if we don't play it. Thanks to Wilsh Portatio.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Thanks to Wils. Wilsh. Wils. Wils. All right. The Portatio. The Portatio. All right.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Grab that gem, you guys. Daniel Craig looks like a potato? Yeah. All right. That's going to come back and bite us in the ass. Definitely. And by that, you mean Daniel Craig's going to beat me to death? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:09 He's got Hollywood muscles. I reckon I could take him. Yeah, true. He'd kill me. All right. That's a great catchphrase. Oh, the dog woke up. Hello.
Starting point is 01:37:16 You're all right. You're a good dog. I like your spirit. Okay. See you guys. We like your spirit, guys. See you next time. I meant the dog.
Starting point is 01:37:24 We don't like your spirit, guys. next time i meant the dog we don't like your spirit guys just dog spirit all right bye as women our life stages come with unique risk factors like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause causing the risk of heart disease to go up

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