The Weekly Planet - 111 Jessica Jones, best Marvel property yet?

Episode Date: November 23, 2015

Another week another this show we do. This time we're all about Marvel's new Netflix series Jessica Jones as well as the last Hunger Games movie.Plus Peter Jackson on the failures of The Hobbit, Wonde...r Woman, more Riddick stuff, Justice League Dark and Shrek for some reason.Jessica Jones spoilers 105.45-114.25Buy Netflix's Jessica Jones on Amazon: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Register today at That's Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of The Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me is always my co-host, Nick Mason. It's me.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Now, we're going to talk about heaps of stuff this week. We've got a movie we're going to talk about. We're going to talk about heaps of TV stuff. But before we get any kind of good momentum going, can I just stop the whole show dead? Please. I was on a different podcast this week. My friend, comedian Murphy McLaughlin has a podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:12 It's about beer. It's called Beer Eye With Your Mate's Guys. And yes, it is an amazing bit of wordplay based on a gay lifestyle show from the early 2000s. But anyway, each week he picks out a beer and he gets some of his mates guys together. Yep. And we talk about the beer. Now, I don't drink beer.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I know. I drink cider. Correct. And let me just tell you, everybody was fine with it. Not true. Not true. I actually just listened to it before you came over. How'd that go?
Starting point is 00:01:40 I really enjoyed it. Thank you. So yeah, if you tell somebody you don't like beer, especially in Australia yeah they will glass you they will glass you with their beer then they'll get another beer
Starting point is 00:01:48 it's like if you said oh yeah I like to grind up newborn puppies in a fertilizer you get the same reaction basically yeah I had a real good time
Starting point is 00:01:57 it's a good show thank you to people first of all for downloading our show and listening to our show thank you to everybody
Starting point is 00:02:03 who follows us to other shows like we we're guests on other shows. That's right. And, you know, we always get good feedback from, you know, whatever podcast we've been on. And they say, hey, we got, you know, great down... Not in terms of being guests, but downloads you're talking about. Yeah, people will be like... It's like, thanks for coming.
Starting point is 00:02:19 You were a real drag. But it works. Yeah. But they'll say, you know, you you know we got good downloads and people sent nice messages and uh people you know would they listen to other episodes of the podcast as well yeah um i'm only saying this because i think in the show murphy does say that this is going to be the most downloaded episode of the show because may so it. Now, that's a very bold presumption. And also, if that doesn't happen, I'm going to look like a real mug.
Starting point is 00:02:54 So if I can ask everybody who is listening right now, if you still have your podcast app or your iTunes up or your podcatcher or whatever, just go to Beer Eye with your mates guys. Your podcatcher. Is that like a beekeeper? Yeah. Good. Go on. Yeah, just fire out some steam to distract all the other podcasts and then get in there. beer eye with your mates guys. Your podcatcher. Is that like a beekeeper? Yeah. Yeah. Good. Go on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Just fire out some steam to distract all the other podcasts and then get in there. Scoop them up. Scoop them up. And find that episode with me. It'll be the most current one. You don't even have to listen to it. Just download it. Just download it.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Exactly. That's good. Like I said, I did listen to it. That's cool. And it's good fun. So yeah. Fantastic. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Fantastic. Fantastic. That's Italian. I don't know what for. Let's do the show okay great so let's do our regular show yeah let's do our regular show so yeah peter jackson came out this week didn't he yes to talk about the hobbit i should i stopped there but i shouldn't have shouldn't have paused yeah uh so basically he said that with the hobbit trilogy is the's the reason they're so bad, essentially. Now you've all watched them and bought the DVDs. Here's the reason I'm revealing that they're so bad
Starting point is 00:03:49 and I knew they were bad when I made them. Because this was... He said this on the DVD extras of The Hobbit. So they did make $3 billion, but he said he was basically... He winged it. Wow. He just bloody went for it.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Does that sound... Because I've not seen that clip. Yeah, I haven't seen it. That sounds like, is he showing off? I don't think so. Look, I was just winging it and I made $3 billion.
Starting point is 00:04:12 What have you done today? Piece of garbage. No, you're all right. It was more kind of like, the way I read it, I haven't seen it. It's kind of like, yeah, look,
Starting point is 00:04:22 this is the reason why they are the way they are. This third one was supposed to come out six months earlier than it did. And they started putting it together, all the battle scenes. Because the third one is just a battle scene. And there's five armies.
Starting point is 00:04:34 No, there's a romance between a real tall girl and a real short guy. That's right. There is that. And they started kind of putting it together and then they're like, we don't know what this is. Yeah. We have to stop.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Because what happened, I guess, was that Guillermo del Toro was going to do them. Yes. And then he had this big vision for what it was going to be and then he had to pull out for whatever reason. Yes. I don't know. Pacific Rim 2?
Starting point is 00:04:56 No, just Pacific Rim. Just one. Yeah. Oh, back in the day. Yeah, it's a while back. Remember that? And then so Peter Jackson took the role back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:04 But he didn't have any. Reluctantly. Reluctantly. And then he he just he didn't have time to build his own and he's just kind of like let's just get it out it's do you think it's strange that he didn't go i'll just do what he was gonna do yeah i do yeah i mean hey yeah i i'm i was surprised and i was happy as well when he did end up taking it back but happiness quickly turned to indifference. Sure did. They're not terrible, but we talked about the other last week's show. They're a drag, man.
Starting point is 00:05:33 They're a real bloody drag. Yeah. Look, I've thought about my words last time and I don't think I could sit through them. I mean, I've never seen the first two, but I don't think I could do a marathon of them. Good. You've made the right decision just then. So, speaking of properties that I guess are disappointing, Vin Diesel's Riddick. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:52 No, I like it. What am I talking about? Do you like Riddick? Look, I like the ideas behind Riddick. Okay. I like him in Pitch Black. Yep. And you're like, oh, there's a fascinating backstory.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I quite like Chronicles of Riddick. Because it's so weird, yeah? Because it was so weird and there was kind of that underworld under underverse there was that weird dame judy dench was yes she was a ghost yeah okay and then and i liked it i liked the idea that this this was just one tiny cog in this gigantic universe kind of thing and then the last riddick was pitch black again yeah and it was really he spent a really long time escaping that first planet yeah whatever happened he did yeah well lucky there's going to be a new riddick movie yes set in the riddick verse and there's also going to be a spin-off television series that's going to focus
Starting point is 00:06:35 on the bounty hunters from the riddick averse oh and then also young riddick adventures wouldn't that be great and he learns it's edutainment and he learns a lesson every episode. I would definitely not watch that. I would not watch that. Are you happy that they're doing more Riddick stuff? I guess. That's everybody's response. Yeah, look. Look if you have to.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah, and we can just happily ignore it if it's bad. I think I've seen them all. Yeah. I don't hate any of them, really. No. I like all the CGI dogs he has. Oh, he's got so many weird CGI dogs, doesn't he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I like it when he can, like, shoot energy blasts out of his chest or whatever. Was that the second one? That must have been Chronicles of Riddick. And then he couldn't in Riddick? Because they took away his... He was the king. Oh, that's right. Okay, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And Karl Urban was like, I'm sick of you being the king. Look at my mullet. Go on this planet, please. That's how it ended, wasn't it? It started. I don't know. Yeah, great. Do it or don't.
Starting point is 00:07:32 But you are doing it, so that's good. Speaking of doing stuff, this is unrelated, but I just had the tab up. Frank Miller is going to write Dark Knight Returns 4. I had that in here, yeah. I mean, he's going to write... I didn't even know there was three in the works.
Starting point is 00:07:47 We've talked about this multiple times. Did we talk about how it's... I would remember, I feel, because it's called Dark Knight 3 The Master Race. Yeah, you gave it a real kind of like... How did he get that past DC? I don't know. At gunpoint, I assume.
Starting point is 00:08:00 That would make a lot of sense. Yeah. Or like he's made a shiv out of a toothbrush or something like that. No, he's not, he's not going to, like they make him go through it when he comes to DC, they make him go through a metal detector now,
Starting point is 00:08:13 but he's brought in a toothbrush and he sharpened it. Yeah, that sounds about right. But he had so many ideas for the Dark Knight three, which he is actually co-writing with someone. Brian Azzarello. Correct. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:24 That he's going to do another one. And he'sllo correct thank you that he's going to do another one and he's going to I think he's going to do this whole one himself yeah okay yeah just like the spirit
Starting point is 00:08:33 yeah pretty good bless him look man I'm looking forward to it because it's going to be balls to the wall exactly
Starting point is 00:08:42 it's going to be balls to the wall good or bad yep like even though the sequel The Dark Knight strikes again
Starting point is 00:08:47 yep is total shit tell us how you really oh you did yeah it has there's some stuff I've liked
Starting point is 00:08:55 I've talked about it before I like how the Adam's in like a little Petri dish yeah there's a bunch of other stuff the art is terrible but yeah
Starting point is 00:09:01 it's mad like it's completely mad and so that so from that perspective yeah sure what are you doing i'll see that yeah and there's like 50 variant covers for it have you seen oh no i'm really pissed off because there's just they've just gone nuts like they're really cashing in yeah so but you know what that's the bloody world we live in it's just it's it's ridiculous verse you know it's like it Chronicles of Riddick
Starting point is 00:09:25 correct I was tying that in nice Megan Gale see that picture this week of Megan I did of the Wonder Woman
Starting point is 00:09:31 we missed out on because Justice League Mortal was not a thing I thought the general consensus for that was this is all so crap we hate this one also
Starting point is 00:09:39 oh really did you read any comments on it no I don't read the comments well sometimes I do sure sometimes I read the comments on your YouTube videos because I don't read the comments. Okay. Well, sometimes I do. Sure. Sometimes I read the comments on your YouTube videos
Starting point is 00:09:47 because I want to see if somebody's hating on me because I love it. I drink it in. Generally, I would say it's pretty much all positive for you. Yes. Because it's small doses. Yeah, it must be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And because you're charming. You're so charming. Oh, stop it. Stop it. Stop saying how good I am. No, I think she looks great. I agree. I like her a lot.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I'll be honest, though. I mean, I was looking at it on my phone, but I did have to squint to be like, is that Gal Gadot? Yeah, sure. They look quite... It's not a huge leap. No.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Well, they're both wearing Wonder Woman costumes, aren't they? That's true, yes. They are women wearing Wonder Woman costumes. You can't see the pants, though, because were they going to give her like the spangly pants yeah they're going to give her the little metal underwear oh yeah or the skirt or whatever metal underwear sometimes no no one does because that's insane maybe i'm not thinking of you're thinking of a robot baby might be yeah um but in addition to that we saw the first look at gal gadot in the new wonder woman movie yes it's just like her in a cloak and a headband that looks pretty solid skulking about the city one assumes no doubt
Starting point is 00:10:58 they've also released a whole the not all the cast but some of the cast just the names not from prison they're not doing it like that okay good some kind of rehabilitation movie sure sure but uh we got chris pine who we talked about jimmy olsen's being played by snake yeah i mean he's got a rose tattoo on his face but hey man give everyone a shot diversity yeah oh you know chris pine is steve trevor the rumor now is that he's playing Steve Trevor's grandfather or great-grandfather and then he plays Steve Trevor modern day. I bloody told it.
Starting point is 00:11:31 You did say that. Don't you think that's super dumb? Have you ever met anybody who looks exactly like their grandpa? Marty McFly. That's a good point. Yeah. We never see Marty McFly's grandpa actually no we do yeah lorraine's lorraine baines's father yeah he just looks like a surly 50s guy yeah okay then i don't know no
Starting point is 00:11:53 good also he's not real so i i didn't say i should i should have said that yeah it would have been my way out of it yep uh no yeah don't do ag makeup it'll be fine no no what i'm saying is he's young. He's playing both characters. Oh, he is too. That's right. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:09 No, that's crazy. Doesn't fly. No. As it were. Invisible Jetstar. But I guess if it's just such, like it's just the luck of the draw, like she falls in love with the old one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And then she's like, well, I'll never love again. And then she shows up in the modern world and she's like, but that guy looks exactly the same. I guess I'll give it a crack. All right. We're doing this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Other cast members include David Thlewis. Thlewis? David Thlewis. Yes. He's Lupin in Harry Potter. No. He's in Dragonheart.
Starting point is 00:12:42 No. He's a really good British actor. Be more memorable, David Flewis. I'll look him up. Please. What do you say other cast members that I don't know? Danny Houston. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Ewan Bremner. No. Lucy Davis. How do you spell Flewis? It's the and then W-L-I-S. I'm guessing. You definitely know. Oh, Thewlis. Yeah, II-S. I'm guessing. You definitely know him. Oh, Thewlis.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah, I said it wrong. Thewlis. Yeah. You know him. Yeah, sort of. He's good. Anyway, good on him. Yeah, he's good.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I like him. Lucy Davis, who you know as Dawn from The Office. Oh, yep. And also Ugly Betty and Robin Wright. Do any of those stand out to you? Not in a good way. No, it's fine. It's not like a massive big name cast.
Starting point is 00:13:31 No, true. But hey, whatever. That's okay. Good on her for trying. I prefer that a lot. Yeah, than like Tom Cruise. There are certain roles that you don't want to be taken out of the movie every time with someone's Tom Cruise and Buddy... There are certain roles that you don't want to be taken out of the movie every time
Starting point is 00:13:47 with someone's Tom Cruise-iness. That's right. You know what I'm talking about? Like all Tom Cruise movies. Like every Tom Cruise movie. Do you think there's any chance that Lucy Davis is going to be playing anybody other than Wonder Woman's best friend in the modern day?
Starting point is 00:13:58 No. All right then. Yeah, she's comic really. Yeah, but she's good. I like her. I like her in The Office a lot. Speaking of... What's she look like now?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Exactly the same. Then you're right. Best mate. Good, good. Justice League Dark casting. For the Justice League Dark movie. Yeah, I'm ready. It's casting.
Starting point is 00:14:18 So apparently they're looking at Ewan McGregor or Colin Farrell for... I've written Colin Firth here, but I think it's Colin Farrell. As Constantine. Constantine, yeah. I would like to see Ewan McGregor as Constantine. He'd be great, wouldn't he? That'd be great, yeah. That's a name that's never popped in my head.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Absolutely, yeah. But imagine him with... He'd nail it. Yeah. He's got some big hair going on. Yeah, absolutely. Give him some time to grow out some big hair, do you see? Like Sting.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Other names include Danny Houston, David Thewlis. Danny Houston. Now, wait a second. Ron Perlman. I was about to go because I'm so gullible. I was like, what a weird, he's up for heaps of stuff, that guy.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Good on him. Good on Thewlis. You don't think Colin Farrell could do it, though? You're going to say I don't want him to do it. Is that what you're going to say? Now, I made a bold claim a few episodes or a while ago that Colin Farrell is a good actor, but he only makes bad movies. Correct.
Starting point is 00:15:13 That's not actually true though. Yeah. In Bruges? In Bruges, yep. And there's- Phone booth. Phone booth. The Seven Psychopaths.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Yep. He's great. He's actually awesome. Anyway, SWAT. Oh yeah, it was in SWAT. Remember they sing the theme song to the TV show SWAT in the movie SWAT. Are they watching the TV show SWAT? Oh, that's a shame.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Ron Perlman as Swamp Thing. Perfect. I know, right? That should say Ron Perlman finally reveals himself to actually be Swamp Thing. More than anything really Monica Belushi for Madame Xanadu okay sure
Starting point is 00:15:50 and which is I think that's great and Ben Mendelsohn for the villain Anton A. Kane ah Ben Mendelsohn Australia's own
Starting point is 00:15:58 Ben Mendelsohn is it R. Kane or A. Kane how do you spell it I don't know then how am I supposed to know I've lost track already I don't know. Then how am I supposed to know? I've lost track already.
Starting point is 00:16:07 I don't know a lot about this. I was thinking about Ben Mendelsohn's in that movie with Ryan Reynolds that he's out now or soon, coming out soon. It's the one where Ryan Reynolds gets in the body of, no, what's his name? Gandhi gets in the body of Ryan Reynolds. You're thinking of 17 again. I am thinking of that.
Starting point is 00:16:21 No, it's the one there. Ryan Reynolds has done a few body swap movies because he did the one where he pissed in the fountain and he swapped bodies. Yeah. And then no it's the one Brian Reynolds has done a few body swap movies because he did the one where he pissed in the fountain and he swapped bodies yeah and then he's in the one where bloody
Starting point is 00:16:29 what's his name he played Gandhi Ben he's a British guy Ben Kingsley gets in his bloody body oh yeah that's right yeah
Starting point is 00:16:36 and then I'm sure has he done a sperm swap movie I bet he has there's no doubt he's done a sperm swap I'm sure he has yeah what were you going to say?
Starting point is 00:16:45 It's probably just called sperm swappers. But swappers with a Z at the end. And it's from 2004? Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, great. Good. I think that's all the news that I've got.
Starting point is 00:16:55 But bear in mind that I slapped this together about five minutes before you came around, so I probably missed something. Do you want me to quickly look it up if there's any more news? Yeah, more news. Okay, I've got Matthew McConaughey here. He might be the lead in the Dark Tower if they ever make that. As the gunslinger?
Starting point is 00:17:07 Okay, that's great. But I think I also heard that he also might be the villain. Like those are the options. Because McConaughey could go either way, couldn't he? Definitely. Depending on how buff
Starting point is 00:17:20 and or dehydrated he is. You know what I mean? That's right. He's one sort of sesh away from being a villain yeah um star wars is set to make has already made 50 million dollars in pre-sale tickets could hit 100 million dollars by release i'm looking at by the way that's a fabulous website for the thing that we do it certainly is yeah and there's a whole lot of more information here that if you go to that
Starting point is 00:17:45 website you'll probably be able to read it if you can read all right that'll do it do you want to talk about a movie let's talk about a movie what movie did you say traditionally tradition the grand tradition with the weekly planet is every year every year without fail on this day what we do is we talk about the hunger games and we talk about doctor who we've done it twice series of doctor two years in a row but it's also a grand tradition on this show to say we're going to do something and then not do it so this week we watch the hunger games and i watch most of jessica jones instead of doctor who that's exactly what i do because i'm like and it's doctor the season's not finished yet yeah that's right okay okay
Starting point is 00:18:24 so we'll get back to Doctor Who next year. Plus, bloody Jessica Jones is bloody shiny and new, mate. We'll talk about it later. Yeah, we will. We'll breeze through Hunger Games, I guess. Breeze through it. Because, yeah. I think this is actually said to be the lowest grossing Hunger Games.
Starting point is 00:18:38 It'll still make a lot of money. Yeah. But I think it's a bit mixed, the reaction. Because... Because it's half a movie. Yeah, it is kind of half a movie. I didn't hate it. But I mean, surely nobody could have been tricked again.
Starting point is 00:18:51 No, I don't think so. The first one was called Mockingjay Part 1. It was called The Hunger Games, colon, Mockingjay Part 1. Yeah, true. Just in case. So we knew they were going to Empire Strikes Back it. Yes. And we knew this was going to be the finale, right?
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yes. So you think people are like, well, they're probably going to do a three. No, I think the book isn't that good. Oh, I see. Right. So it's the true fans that have been turned away. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Or even just general audience members. I think people are like, well, I saw the last one and they were just sat in a bunker for four hours. They sure were. I'm fairly certain someone reminded me this week that there's a real-time elevator scene in that first part one. Like Katniss is like, I need to go to a different level of this bunker. So she goes into a bunker, goes down.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. District 12. Or is this 13? There's so many districts I can't keep track Anyway, it's bloody Mockingjay Part 2 All your favourites are back Jennifer Lawrence
Starting point is 00:19:53 Sad Farm Boy The other Chris Hemsworth Woody Harrelson's toupee Philip Seymour Hoffman wearing the suit that he woke up in Who else? And also weird CGI slotted in Philip Seymour Hoffman wearing the suit that he woke up in. Who else? And also weird CGI slotted in Philip Seymour Hoffman's. Felix Light is in this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Mean old Donald Sutherland. He is mean. Boo. Julianne Moore. Yeah. Others. Others. Elizabeth Banks.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Tucci's in it for like two minutes. Yeah, she is. No, Tucci. Oh, Tucci. Elizabeth Banks. Yeah. They're both in two minutes yeah yeah i like the tooch nobody really gets a lot of screen time in this no i think if you watch
Starting point is 00:20:31 these back to back they'd get more screen time sure yeah but uh look before we get into more of that stuff what do you think the story was oh god sneak past me I tried so hard my segment I have to do I know I have to do it every time but I don't want to because I don't take any of the plot elements in my brain do you want me to do it? no ok we can puzzle this out
Starting point is 00:20:57 ok so in the last one it turned out the district 13 had not been destroyed. It was real. Yeah. It went underground. It went underground. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:09 But District, like, in the same place. Yes. Okay. Because they flattened it. Right. Okay. And so there's a resistance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:18 To snow. Not the weather. Or the wrapper. I'm going to sneeze. Okay. I have sneezed. Yeah. It's now over. I should not say the name of the. I'm going to sneeze. Okay. I have sneezed. Yeah. It's now over.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I should not say the name of the rapper again because you'll sneeze. It's my trigger. Anyway. So it's their last push, all the districts, to band together. So is it all the survivors? What happened to all the other districts? Well, they go up against two, I want to say. Because they all come out on the train.
Starting point is 00:21:44 They're like, you blew up our facility, you dickheads. Remember that scene? It's great. Pretty good. Great scene. Anyway, it's their last ditch attempt to storm the capital and finish off these Hunger Games once and for all. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Even though they're already finished. The Hunger Games are definitely finished. Yes. Oh, handsome Dan Puckershell. He's in them as well. I forgot about him Puckershell. He's in the movie as well. I forgot about him. Did you remember him because he has the line, welcome to the new Hunger Games,
Starting point is 00:22:09 because this is the Hunger Games and we have to say that there's Hunger Games in it. Yeah. Even though it's not really like the Hunger Games, it's just a series of weird tar traps and machine guns. Yes. Well done on remembering the story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:21 All right. Did you think it was better than the last one, presuming you remember the last one? I can't remember last one but yes said no you know what i want i want more philip seymour hoffman that's obviously never going to happen again he's great he's in a he's in a few key scenes at the start yeah and then there's a scene towards the end where woody harrelson is like here's a letter from philip seymour hoffman I'm going to read to you. And there's just a still of him, like a bad still of him just looking wistful. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Exactly. So he does a lot of smiling and sitting back for the rest of the movie. Bloody shame, man. That bloke is dead. He's great. Do you think that everybody, I said this in my review, everybody is better than the source material at this point? The actors in terms of like Jennifer Lawrence has won an Oscar.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Yeah. And other Chris Hemsworth has done stuff. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Or they just, I don't feel like it's, and again, I said this in my review, with Divergent, which I haven't seen, but by all accounts, everybody looks like they want to kill themselves. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Because they've all signed up for like 15 books or whatever, however many books there are. Assuming that this is, assuming that the young adult novel to movie craze is going to write it, is going to be there forever. Like the comic book craze. But it's on the way out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You can feel it. Well, I wouldn't say it's on the way out. We're on the way out. Oh, definitely. Yeah. But,
Starting point is 00:23:37 um, I think there's a lack of decent books being developed or people like the maze run. Actually, I didn't mind the first maze run. I haven't seen the second one where they go into the scorch now we'll get to that that's fine we'll never what was the point of the maze in the maze runner to test kids to see how smart they were and against spiders and then what happened then they ran into the desert then what happened
Starting point is 00:23:58 i don't know that's a scorch trial and then there was scorch trial okay sure because i've seen the trailer and they're like we're still in the maze maze. Oh, it was a maze within a maze. I wish it was. I think they were just in the desert. Metaphorical maze. Yeah. Okay. So that was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Yeah. And the guy from Game of Thrones is there. He's like, you can trust me. That's not his voice. It's dead on. Yeah. It's me, the guy from Game of Thrones. I'm also in the wire.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I'm the mayor of the city. Yes, he's great in that. He's good, isn't he? Actually, I've never seen it. I shouldn't say that. Never seen the wire. I'm the mayor of the city. Yes, he's great, Matt. He's good, isn't he? Actually, I've never seen it. I shouldn't say that. Never seen the wire. Oh, my God, you haven't seen the wire.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I'm that guy with the wire. There's too much stuff to watch. I've got to get through all this Doctor Who, apparently. Yeah, but I'm not saying anybody looked bored. Like, everybody did a good job. Sure. Jennifer Lawrence has some powerful moments. You know, there's the bit where the guy comes out comes out of the train yeah because she has a kind of good one-to-one moment yeah some tragedy befalls her and people around her and she reacts appropriately yep she can do this shit in her sleep like she's amazing yep and obviously that that show that
Starting point is 00:24:59 shows in this but i think it's it's good for her in particular which is probably the biggest name out of this that this is done now she doesn't have to do this anymore right because there's no more books coming there's no spin-offs or anything no i i would bet any money that i have on me no my wallet's in the other room i bet zero money great that they'll do a prequel and they'll be like it'll be like hunger games origins and maybe there'll be a young snow or maybe they started but going back that far yeah absolutely right because then they're like no original cast members or even like when haymitch was chosen for the hunger games that's
Starting point is 00:25:34 okay harrison's wig when he was chosen sure yeah and maybe you get a i don't know who do you get for that you get no you get woody harrison but with an even more luxurious wig that's how you get sweet yeah so i i i reckon they'll more luxurious wig. That's who you get. Sweet. So I reckon they'll do another one at some point. Because, you know, they're guaranteed money, even if this one didn't make as much as the other ones. Yeah, true. Which it may have.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I sort of heard that, so I just said it. I don't know whether it's true. It's probably a fact. Yeah. I mean, this is how people get sued, but that's fine. Look, as usual, we'll just hear anything and report it as fact. That's right. Did you enjoy the action sequences?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yes. I thought there was quite a lot of tension. Yeah. There's... Because every four feet there's a trap? Every four feet's a trap and they're like... How far are we going to go to spoil this, by the way? There's not that much to spoil, really. Should we just say spoilers from now?
Starting point is 00:26:21 And then we can just talk freely? I don't think... See, I don't think there's that... There's a pretty big thing at the end right well i think we can talk i reckon no matter what we say yeah it's pretty much spoiler free until the end okay fair enough i mean that yeah there's a trap every four feet and they're kind of cruel and unusual punishment and they've got a map machine guns yeah that's right and they've got a map a map with some of the some of the traps which has which looks like it has a thousand traps
Starting point is 00:26:45 on it, but apparently that's not all the traps. No, there's more traps. There's more traps. Look, there's a scene, especially, I mean, that's, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:52 there's some good action there. There's a scene, especially later on in the sewer system with the mutts. Were they in it before? The mutts were in the first one. There were some CGI dogs,
Starting point is 00:27:00 but they're different in the book from memory. Yes. I read this like three years ago when I could read. Just forget. If you don't use it, you lose it. You lose it, exactly. They genetically engineer them to kind of look and sound like people you know.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Or I think even other contestants in the Hunger Games, actually. Or maybe like celebrities. Maybe like celebrities. You're like, it's Tom Cruise. I should... They just use real Tom Cruise. It's a runner-up from The Bachelor. I saw a runner-up from The Bachelor, actually.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Australia? Bachelor Australia? Yeah, because I went and saw Hunger Games. I went to a screening and yeah, I don't know which one, but she looked happy. Well, she was seeing The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part 2. That's a really good point. So why wouldn't she be happy you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:27:46 so but in this one in this one they are very much like they're humanoid in this yeah they've got no faces yeah
Starting point is 00:27:55 they're terrifying that was a really tense scene yeah and the character that does die in that suffers pretty much the same death the main character that dies yep except that person gets their head torn pretty much the same death. The main character that dies. Yep. Except that person gets their head torn off.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Oh, in the book. It's described in graphic detail. And it came right off. Yes. And Katniss was like, I'm going to be dealing with this for a long time. In my brain. Oh, boy. But with the traps.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Yes. I enjoyed. But you only really see one kind of get really set off and they get caught in it. I like how it was just a series of different traps. Do you know what I mean? Like they thought there was one initial one. And then I'm like, if whoever made this was smart, there'd just be a series of more traps. And then there was. There was just like two other traps associated with it.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah. Because there was the machine gun. Yep. Then there was landmines. Then there was landmines. And then there was a pressure plate which flooded the arena with poison tar. It seemed like poison nanotech tar or something like that. Because when a guy got thrown into it, it had a weird net or something.
Starting point is 00:29:03 A weird net of barbed wire. It was just unnecessary did you understand that no I thought it might have been like smart liquid yeah here's the thing
Starting point is 00:29:12 and I'm sure I must have brought this up when we were talking about the other Hunger Games movies sure if they have all this technology yeah
Starting point is 00:29:19 why can't why has it all gone into machine guns and flamethrowers and weird lighting fixtures that atomize people and genetically engineered mutt monsters? Why hasn't it gone into food production? What are they doing?
Starting point is 00:29:34 What world is this? Well, it's the world, it's the future? Is it even Earth? I don't know. Well, everyone's got a slightly different. We should have researched this. Everyone's got a different name. Like Hamish is Hamish.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Capital is Capital. Yeah. Katniss isn't a name, is it? It is an alien world. Peter is P-E-E-T-A. Yeah. Yeah. Hemsworth is, I think it's Humsworth in the movie.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Oh, boy. I don't know. But, yeah. That's Enter the Stables, Humsworth. I don't know. But yeah. At the centre of the stables, Homsworth. So yeah, but it wasn't, we didn't see a lot of like the frontline action.
Starting point is 00:30:14 We just kind of followed Katniss's kind of commander squad. Yes. She's like a show squad. She's not on the front lines. She's just part of the PR team. You know what did annoy me with that? I was like, we're really doing this again when they're like, you can't go to the front line. You just got to film.
Starting point is 00:30:28 We just did this. We did this in the last movie for two and a half hours or whatever that went for. We have to do it again. Yes. But luckily she quickly got in some kind of future jet and went to the front line. Well, that's good because again, if in a couple of months when this is out on home video, VHS and so forth, and people are watching these back to back, if it did turn out to be four hours of just PR stuff, that would be a disaster of Hobbit-like proportions. That is correct.
Starting point is 00:30:54 So, yeah. Now, do you want to quickly talk about the ending? Okay, cool. All right. Best movie ever or worst movie ever? Look, I didn't love it, but it's pretty good. I'm going to say worst movie ever. Why is't love it but it's it's pretty good I'm gonna say worst movie ever why's that
Starting point is 00:31:06 it's just who cares yeah cause you were I'm fairly certain you were on board for the other ones this has the weakest
Starting point is 00:31:14 source material oh I see right right without a doubt and I think it might be the shortest book yeah so you know what you've changed
Starting point is 00:31:21 my mind best movie ever because I'll be honest with you I'm kinda tired of the bloody Hunger Games if I'm honest with you like there be honest with you I'm kind of tired of the bloody Hunger Games if I'm honest with you like there's another arena
Starting point is 00:31:27 yeah I'm sick of bloody arenas yeah fair enough yeah changed my mind okay he's back yep great yeah
Starting point is 00:31:34 I said the same thing didn't I I don't know I can't remember okay so the ending a couple of twists yes first one being that
Starting point is 00:31:41 Katniss's sister takes a bomb to the entire body primrose that's a real name right yeah that's a real name yeah and so rendering her dead correct that's that's a big plot point in the book and i thought they kind of happened pretty quickly like it really did yeah and and if you had it was, what are you doing here? Oh, you're dead. Exactly. And if you hadn't have seen...
Starting point is 00:32:08 What was she doing there? She was a nurse. Was she working for the capital? No, no, she's working for the... Rebels. The Rebels, yeah. They're called the Rebels. How'd she get all the way to the front then?
Starting point is 00:32:18 Some kind of jet or motorcycle? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know either. Some kind of relief jet. You know when they're walking up to the gates and it's Hemsworth and Katniss and they've got to get through and they're wearing hoods. What was he going to do?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Was he just going to shoot the first guy and then just run for the gates? I guess so, yeah. I think so, yeah. Also, why does she have a bow and arrow? It's a dumb weapon. Well, you're correct okay good
Starting point is 00:32:48 it's the future though I guess yeah yeah or a different universe yeah like I I did not expect I did not
Starting point is 00:32:55 for a you know a young adult series I did not expect it to turn politically towards the end yeah absolutely because you know we
Starting point is 00:33:03 was there see here's the thing so in in the final scene ish to turn politically towards the end. Yeah, absolutely it does. Because, you know, we... See, here's the thing. So in the final scene-ish of the movie, we see a plane go past. It drops a whole bunch of parachuting, like, little box things. They actually use them in The Hunger Games to deliver relief to contestants. Oh, okay, right, right. And so people are like, oh, it's GIFs or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:23 And it turns out they're all bombs and they all explode and kill each other. I'd be like, this is bombs. That's what I would think immediately. But anyway, go on. And then we assume that it's Snow's team. Yes. I'll just kill everybody and that's it. But then it turns out that it's Julianne Moore's.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Yes. Like that's her doing. Yes. Because she wants, like it's a propaganda piece to get, you know. It gets everybody against Snow. Yes, it does. And even the guards in his palace are like, oh, he's going to bomb children. I'm done with this.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I surrender kind of thing. Right. But so was there any indication in the previous films that Julianne Moore's character was capable of this and was going to do it? I don't really remember. Or does it feel sort of out of the blue? In the books, it's definitely kind of telegraphed more. Okay. But also in the books, it's more heavily implied
Starting point is 00:34:13 or might even be flat out said that Gale designed those. Sorry, Humsworth designed those. Right, okay. Because at the end, she's like... Did you do this or did you know or whatever? Yeah, yeah. And he's like, maybe. Yeah. He you know or whatever yeah yeah and he's like maybe yeah he wasn't very clear was he no did you think she was going to choose peter well i was good no
Starting point is 00:34:31 because here's the thing because he's so handsome yes he's better looking humsworth is better looking so it i was like oh they i thought well what's the what's going to be the convenient plot device to get rid of one of them because one of them has to die and they even say that yeah yeah there's a conversation that's right yeah they're like well one of us is going to die we're probably one then she loves to choose because that's she can't live by herself because what's what's independence what's what's what's being happy on your own you know what i mean there's no especially in this future there's only happiness you've got to get married or whatever that That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Yeah. And so they're like, so it'll be, well, he's more handsome, so she's going to choose him. So let's say he's killed all those kids. That's right. He Anakin Skywalker'd all those children. Yes, he did. So he's out of the, and now he's off into the wilderness or whatever he did. I've said this before.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yes. He'd make a great young Han Solo. Yeah. He's got the hair for it as well. I think said this before. Yes. He'd make a great young Han Solo. Yeah. He's got the hair for it as well. I think they should cast him. But anyway, what do I care? Anyway, bloody Hunger Games. It's finished.
Starting point is 00:35:32 One more thing. Yes. It's not finished. She shoots Julianne Moore in the heart with an arrow. Did you see that coming? Yes. You probably would have because Snow was pretty much like, you should shoot her with the like yeah you should shoot her with
Starting point is 00:35:45 the arrow not me with the arrow yeah yeah but so was that the right thing to do yes and it was the funniest thing to do oh boy and they just let her get away with it in the book i think she goes she's locked away for a bit and then they just kind of it's kind of decided behind closed doors and you don't really find out the explanation for it. Or maybe you do. Yeah, yeah. That they just kind of drop her at her house and just be like, just live here.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Don't worry about it. And that's, it pretty much ends the same way. Okay. I like, you know what? The logical choice for who to choose is Peter as well. Even if Hemsworth didn't Anakin Skywalker everybody. Because it explained more so in the book because both because humsworth is like he's a warrior and a soldier yeah and
Starting point is 00:36:31 she doesn't need that she needs somebody who's calm and measured and can kind of keep her in and probably has some sort of weird mental trigger to kill her later on in life that's right yeah that's what you need that's what you're living in fear yeah great anyway, that's what you need. Living in fear. Yeah. Great. Anyway, so that's the last time we'll talk about Tiger Yanks, I guess. Yeah, right choice to bloody shoot her, I think. She was just going to Hunger Games everybody again. She was.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And as I've mentioned, I'm bloody sick of Hunger Games. Yeah. You wouldn't want to sequel to the Hunger Games, which is just they get the rich kids to Hunger Games, but they're fancy. So they're in like little pantaloons. No, because see, I don't... Nah, unless it was you'd have to do some little bits of backstory so I could learn to hate them.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Okay. Because they'll almost be like, why are you killing these kids? And then, oh, you kicked that other kid into the bloody gutter or whatever. Yeah, you should kill him. Did you like the bit where Peter threw that guy into the nanotar?
Starting point is 00:37:28 You just killed that dude. You just killed that guy, yeah. Great. I'm against it. Well, yeah. Makes sense. They shouldn't have probably dropped him at the front. But that was a...
Starting point is 00:37:38 She did that on purpose. And he really did serve no purpose at the front, really. He did a lot of screaming and slapping his head, Rain Man style. Yeah, but he didn't really do any PR or anything, did he? No. No, I think she did it just to get Katniss out of the way. I'm fairly certain that's what she did. There we go.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Now on to better things. But he got that out of the way for the two people who listen to this who want Hunger Games stuff. Now stop listening forever because we're done will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever join the sunrise challenge to raise funds for cam age the center for addiction and mental health to support life saving progress in mental health care from may 27th to 31st people across canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:38:40 Now, Jessica Jones. Oh, yes. We're not going to- It dropped. That's right. We're not going to spoil it because for one you you're up to episode 10 i haven't finished it yet sorry i'm not going to spoil that for you we'll have some spoiler we'll have some spoiler space later yes we will to get in depth to it but i might actually put a time stamp in for the spoiler stuff nice um when you can come back it's not going to be spoiler for now i don't normally do that but i figure because people will watch this at their own pace yeah look and we can probably wrap it up next week or something like that absolutely we'll never at their own pace yeah look and we can probably wrap it up next week or something like that
Starting point is 00:39:05 yeah absolutely we'll never talk about it again yeah whatever whatever we decide to say today yeah Mason what do you
Starting point is 00:39:11 think the story was oh no I know this I can bloody do this it's bloody Jessica Jones she's a bloody hard drinking former superhero
Starting point is 00:39:19 with a twisted tormented past yes now she's a bloody works as a detective. Correct. P.I. Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Pie. Yes. She works as a pie. Life of pie. Yes. Or a hot dog. She dresses as a hot dog at one point. She dresses as a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Which, I've mentioned this before, one of my favourite roles, one of my favourite minor roles in the movies or TV shows and a role that i eventually want to have is one of those is is a is a is a background character he's the completely unsympathetic new yorker who is bumped into by a main character usually a main character who's fleeing in terror and he's injured and he's fleeing a murder or whatever yep and or he's chasing the killer from saw oh absolutely yeah and and he bumps into this murder or whatever. Yep. Or he's chasing the killer from Saw. Oh, absolutely, yeah. And he bumps into this unsympathetic New Yorker
Starting point is 00:40:09 who immediately yells out, Hey, asshole! Like, I like that guy. I enjoy his moxie and the fact that he's unsympathetic and completely ignorant to what's happening. But he's been trumped by a guy in an episode of Jessica Jones
Starting point is 00:40:22 who yells out the phrase, Hey, get off the road, you dumb sandwich. So now you want to be that guy. Yeah, now I want to be that guy in whatever movie. It doesn't matter. Even if the person's not dressed as a sandwich. I think that should be ADR'd into every Marvel movie that comes out from this point forward.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Like Captain America and Iron Man are fighting in the sky or whatever and they come down into the streets and just a building's knocked over and somebody goes, hey, get out of the road, you dumb sandwich. I would enjoy that thoroughly. Oh, mate. I didn't even hear that. That's probably the best insult. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah. So Josh Moore's written in, right? Okay. Just before we get started. He's got a hashtag weekly planet pod. Very good. Which is a good way to contact the show on Twitter. Because we'll look for that, won't we?
Starting point is 00:41:09 Also, we look for the signal in the sky. We do. Two things. Are Daredevil and Jessica Jones happening at the same time? It seems odd that she wouldn't know about him otherwise. I think they are. And I don't say plot wise. Do you say no?
Starting point is 00:41:21 I say definitely not. Oh. There's an episode later which kind of confirms that this takes place after. That's not a spoiler. Sure. Significantly after? I would say real-time after. I think all the Marvel stuff, except for your flashbacks or whatever
Starting point is 00:41:37 and your Captain America's, the first one, are set in real-time after each other. Chronologically. Okay, cool. Good idea. All right. Thank you. Well, I was going to say only because I have not seen that episode are set in real time after each other chronologically okay good idea all right thank you well i was gonna say only because i have not seen that episode because the posters are rotated around
Starting point is 00:41:50 what do you mean like the the teaser poster yeah you've got daredevil in the street or whatever yeah and then if you physically rotated the buildings around jessica jones is like in the street adjacent like she's standing in the street adjacent so i assume presumably whoever's next probably willie lumpkin mailman extreme mailman he'll be in he'll be in the street adjacent like she's standing in the street adjacent so presumably whoever's next probably Willy Lumpkin mailman extreme mailman he'll be in the street around the corner
Starting point is 00:42:09 I didn't know that and that's very cool yeah well if Daredevil season 2 is coming if they keep rotating is it Daredevil standing in another
Starting point is 00:42:17 street again maybe yeah sure let's do Daredevils fantastic what do you think of the characterization of Jessica Jones
Starting point is 00:42:23 as played by Kristen Ritter thank you I forgot Kristen Ritter of Breaking Bad Fantastic. What do you think of the characterization of Jessica Jones as played by? Kristen Ritter. Thank you. I forgot. The Kristen Ritter of Breaking Bad. You don't think it should have been Kristen Stewart? No.
Starting point is 00:42:33 That's, yep. Correct answer? Yes. I passed the test. You did. And yeah, she's great. She's good in Still Alice. What's that about? Julianne Moore's like, I'm losing my memory.
Starting point is 00:42:43 I've got Alzheimer's. It's really good. Yeah, but you're still Alice. Credits? Julianne Moore's like, I'm losing my memory. I've got Alzheimer's. It's really good. Yeah, but you're still Alice. Credits. Julianne Moore. You never know what she's going to do. No. Take an arrow to the chest.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Have dementia. Yep. Good on her. Maybe she's Jodie Foster's character from A Silence of the Lambs sequel. Anyway, sorry. Kristen Ritter. What do you think of her as Jessica Jones? I think she's great.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And the characterization. I would not have, looks wise, that's not who I think of. Same. When you think of Jessica Jones from the comic books. But then a lot of the characters. The pictures that you've seen of her from the comics. Correct. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:15 But there's a lot of characters, you know. Yeah. It's fine. I think she bloody nails it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Never for a second was I like, this doesn't work. Correct, yeah. It was the same. But I didn't, when I,
Starting point is 00:43:27 that was the same with when Daredevil was cast. I was like, I don't know about that. Because I was picturing, they were talking, I didn't think they were going to cast him, but they were talking like the dude from Dexter. Like, he's too old, it wouldn't have worked. But I was thinking someone more like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:41 But no, Charlie Cox was great. Yeah, he was super cool and super blind. And that. Yeah. But no, Charlie Cox was great. Yeah. He was super cool and super blind. Yeah. And that was great. Oh, also, Foggy Nelson, but he can't talk. He was in Hunger Games. He was too, wasn't he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:55 That was what he was credited as. Yeah. But no, the character pretty much remains intact from the comics, doesn't it? I mean, we've got plots. We've got a lot of plots. Deviations. A lot of plot deviations. We're not, it's not the comic book's,
Starting point is 00:44:09 it's not the comic book alias chronologically. No. It's, we've got the villain, we've got the setting, and it's going in different directions. That's right. Exactly. So, and they took things out like, the only thing they really kind of took away from her
Starting point is 00:44:22 was she doesn't smoke, which I guess they don't really. And she doesn't fly. I mean, she didn't really fly. I don't know. I think that she sort of can. Yeah. It's kind of those moments where she can definitely jump. I think I'm going to say, especially if they move her to like,
Starting point is 00:44:38 if she makes a cameo in the movies or anything like that, I think they're going to say, look, it's just a, she can fly. It's just a psychological thing. She doesn't believe she can. So she can't. Is that what it is in the comics? Cause she just can't fly well. Isn't that what it is?
Starting point is 00:44:50 Yeah. Yeah. I think it's, it's like, I think it's a combination of she doesn't believe in it and she hasn't practiced. It's that kind of thing. Yeah, exactly. It's, it's Man of Steel. First act of Man of Steel.
Starting point is 00:45:02 He just doesn't cause he doesn't know he can. Yeah. But he can. Yeah, he totally can. But he doesn't know he can yeah but he can yeah he totally can but he doesn't he finds up a storm mate yeah what about everybody was there anybody
Starting point is 00:45:10 else that stood out for you in the show ooh what do you think of Luke Cage yeah he's great isn't he this isn't a spoiler sure
Starting point is 00:45:20 we're going to say some things that just happen they're not spoilers they're minor little bits sure he is of course he's a man with steel heart unbreakable skin yes he reveals this by lifting his shirt and putting like a electric buzzsaw on it yeah my question where did he get that is it his the guy that was fixing the door ah okay problem solved sorry no i was
Starting point is 00:45:42 gonna say because somebody's losing out on a buzzsaw. Yeah, absolutely right. With that, right? Either he brought that from home. Yeah. And he's like, well, now I can't buzzsaw anything. But now the bloody, I'm under the door was so expensive. Yeah, well, that's right. People are always breaking their buzzsaws on their impenetrable skin.
Starting point is 00:45:58 That's it. Yeah, he was, people were talking about getting the rock and something like that. No, that'll throw you out. Exactly. He was just... He's big enough. Yep. He looks...
Starting point is 00:46:10 He's imposing, but he's not threatening. That's right. He's got a quiet strength about him. That's right. He's also a real big guy. He's also a real big guy. And we'll get to the fight scenes, but there's one fight scene in particular that he's in early on,
Starting point is 00:46:24 which I thought was really good. I've seen it. Yeah, you know what's up. But I'm saying we will talk about it. Who else is in this? David Tennant as Kilgrave. What do you think? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Okay. He is a terrifying character. Yes. Like he's one of the most terrifying villains we've had in this the marvel universe i think he's written very he's written as a horrible human being yes david tennant is very genial though isn't he he's a very pleasant man but i think that's intentional right is it though because david tennant can play horrible give me an example he's the villain in harry potter 4 briefly i'm not saying he can't i don't know i'm just there's one episode in
Starting point is 00:47:14 particular where he's very where they kind of hang out together yeah and he's very jovial and very appealing yes as a person yeah but I thought that was intentional and interesting. Yeah, I guess so. But it's, you know, it is, I guess it's riding that line where you go, oh, he's quite a nice guy. Oh, he got all those people to kill themselves. And he's a rapist. That's right.
Starting point is 00:47:38 So, yeah. Exactly. Are you meant to be like, am I on board with this guy? I think he's definitely scarier before you properly see him yes and then when he starts talking and he's kind of funny yeah he's making people kill themselves in somewhat amusing ways sometimes like a guy throw a cup of hot coffee at his own face right yeah like that obviously these are horrible things yeah the way he does it he's so flippant it's like black comedy yeah and Yeah, and he's so used to this world that it doesn't faze him in the slightest that he's just getting people to do horrible things.
Starting point is 00:48:10 That's just his way of life at this point. And I liked the way that the reason why he's just, he kind of hates everybody and he just, it is the way he is because he's always got his own way. Yep. So what, and you would, I guess, if you're a certain type of person, just be so bored by everything and you can get anything you want or anybody that you want, you would go mad.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah, I guess that's true. Like what's life hold if you... And that's why his obsession is with Jessica Jones, I guess, because she's gone and now he has to have her back. Yeah, exactly. And he bloody gives it a go, doesn't he? It's, she's gone and now he has to have her back. Yeah, exactly. And he, and he bloody gives it a go, doesn't he? It's a bloody red hot go. For love.
Starting point is 00:48:49 But yeah, like, and I guess as, as the story progresses, you do, you don't sympathize with him. No. But you understand why he, like he, he doesn't think he's a bad guy necessarily. He doesn't think he's a bad guy necessarily. He thinks that the world has done him terribly wrong and this is a way of sort of getting his own back in a way. Forever. Forever, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Just every day forever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. He doesn't feel like any of the things he does are wrong. He feels that even though the way that he got his powers was a horrible act brought upon him. It was essentially done to save his life. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:33 But I'd still say that that was a horrible act to perform because he was clearly not into it. Do you know what I mean? Oh, sure. Like maybe it would have been a mercy to let him die. Right, okay. Is what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, that's going to destroy it. All right know what I mean? Oh, sure. Like maybe it would have been a mercy to let him die. Right, okay. Is what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Anyway, that's... All right, who else have we got? That's going to... Stray is only... Stray is own and only. Yes. Probably more than one. Stray is own Rachel Taylor.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Great. As Trish Walker, as Patsy Walker. Yeah. I did not know she was going to be in this, the character. No, me neither. That's fun. It is. I don't know how far they're going to go with it.
Starting point is 00:50:03 They kind of made her this kind of Miley cyrus-esque teen star yeah who then escaped yeah mother more like a billy ray cyrus character sure yeah and then forges her own path yeah so for anybody who is unaware of patsy walker patsy walker which is trish walker this but yeah but like archie but as a yeah as a child she was patsy walker yeah in marvel's original incarnation in the 40s timely child, she was Patsy Walker. In Marvel's original incarnation in the 40s, Timely Comics, she was, like you said, she was like a teen comedy romance character because comic books have sort of gone in waves. You had your superhero comics, they dropped off for a while.
Starting point is 00:50:41 You had some war comics, you had romance, that dropped right off again. And then superhero comics came back strong but so Patsy Walker was like an Archie you know Archie Betty Veronica
Starting point is 00:50:51 kind of character she got in she got in teen style mischief she had romances she was extremely popular there was a whole bunch of of serieses
Starting point is 00:51:00 really yeah there was like she had a best friend called Hedy so it was Patsy and Hedy okay Patsy and friends and hey it's Patsy and what's patsy up to patsy and around i don't know if any of those what a patsy what a patsy exactly and then sort of so that dropped off but she did make an appearance i think in the fantastic four and just like a like a you know you see yeah you won
Starting point is 00:51:20 off she could she had like a couple of lines or whatever. Yeah, yeah. And then I think, and this was in the 60s, and then in the 70s, one of the writers is like, I wrote on that series. Because she went out right through the 60s, I think. Yeah, no, she did. As a teen romance character. And then one of the writers at the time was like, I reckon we can bring her into the Marvel Universe proper.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Yeah. And then she became like a- Kicking and screaming. Yeah, like a vigilante superhero. Yes. Hellcat. Hellcat, yeah. I think that's fascinating isn't it yeah that's real good that's a that's an odd arc to take for a character yeah would you agree with that yeah i guess the no i was gonna say it's like if archie was inspired by that time he had the punisher and became the punisher that's exactly it i was gonna say gwen stacy's kind of done that but gwen stacy was always in superhero
Starting point is 00:52:03 comics yes gwen stacy's now spider gwen yep gwen stacy was always in superhero comics yes gwen stacy's now spider gwen yep so it's not really the same is it like like at all i'm sorry for bringing it up no it's okay you gave it a shot this is look look if this were a written podcast you'd be out the door mate we're just we're just swinging it so it's fine that's right what about his uh what about her neighbor the uh the drug addict dude oh sure malcolm yeah is that his name malcolm he's a student in the comics yes who like likes jessica jones and he comes to work work with her or whatever he's pretty good isn't he he's got good hair yeah great neighbors upstairs yeah awful awful yeah. I mean, for every...
Starting point is 00:52:45 That woman, she plays that so well. She's the worst. Like, every word out of her mouth is just... Just nails on a chalkboard. Oh, it really is, yeah. Like, she is intolerable. Yeah. And to her credit, obviously that's acting, I assume.
Starting point is 00:53:01 So, well done to her. Yes. Now, people said one of the things that this show doesn't do as good as well as Daredevil is action scenes yes
Starting point is 00:53:11 fight scenes in particular there's another thing that doesn't do that well but we'll save the spoilums no it's not spoilums I was just going to say that this is
Starting point is 00:53:19 I'll let you just roll with that yeah I'll go with spoilums that's fine I read somebody sent me this article. It's on
Starting point is 00:53:27 and it says basically, hang on, it's an opinion piece. Jessica Jones isn't just Marvel's best TV show.
Starting point is 00:53:33 It's better than every Marvel movie too. Disagree. Okay. Look, the first thing you should
Starting point is 00:53:40 know about Marvel's new superhero Jessica Jones is that it doesn't require the viewer to know or care about superheroes. It doesn't shy away from Marvel lore.
Starting point is 00:53:48 It does. I disagree. You'll catch stray references to characters like the Hulk. Yes. Basically, you get one reference. There's a couple. There's a couple. But it's very vague.
Starting point is 00:53:57 There's heaps of Easter eggs, right? So many. So many that we all missed. Look, if you're disinterested in piecing together the increasingly dense continuity that links Age of Ultron, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't think there was any Age of Ultron links, actually. No, I'm saying that he's sick, if you're sick of all this sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Oh, okay, right, right. You have something in common with Jessica Jones' superhero protagonist. Basically, he's saying that this is a great Marvel series because it has nothing to do with Marvel. And I think he's wrong. Like, I think it's a good series. What's his Twitter handle?
Starting point is 00:54:26 Let's attack it. Don't. We should attack it. I think he's just a guy who doesn't like superhero stuff. And that's why he's saying it's better. Yeah. He's not. I think he's wrong.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Like, it's a good series. Yes. But the actual links to the Marvel Universe, more so than Daredevil, I think, are quite tenuous. Definitely. This could be set anywhere. Yeah. This could be set anywhere. Yeah. This could be a standalone series.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Yes. Like with, you could just be like, oh, here's two exceptional people. One has super strength and one has mind control. Yeah. And they've met in this self-contained universe. Sure. It's not super Marvel-y, is it? No, it's definitely not.
Starting point is 00:55:00 And again, you've got Luke Cage talking about some big green guy and what have you. That's right. Exactly. Anyway, fight sequences. Fight sequences. What do you think about that, though? Well, it's so fresh. I shotgunned 13 hours of this.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I did seven and then I did six. Did you make a video? I'm nearly finished. So your brain's hurting right now? So much. Yeah. And that's not the way you should watch this really yeah okay yeah any any of these we said that with daredevil at
Starting point is 00:55:30 the time we sort of rushed i didn't feel as rushed this time again i haven't finished it yes but i didn't finish it i didn't finish when we talked about daredevil either okay uh but i felt more rushed then for some reason yeah yeah yeah well i remember with daredevil though because i didn't have the saturday to watch it because I had a wedding. I was super pissed off. Oh, that's right. But this time I didn't have that. So I was able to kind of sit and kind of watch it and go back and forth.
Starting point is 00:55:53 But one of the problems I found with this and also with Daredevil in hindsight, you don't need 13 episodes to tell this story. You could do it in 10. Yeah, okay. I feel that there's a little- Do you think there's specific episodes that are filler? No, I think it's just certain stuff that you could do it in 10 yeah okay I feel that there's do you think there's specific episodes that are filler
Starting point is 00:56:05 no I think it's just certain stuff that you could cut out give me an example there's a lot of like oh he's escaped and now he's back
Starting point is 00:56:13 and now he's there was a lot of that and now he's meeting in a park and now you gotta follow this person that's true there were a number
Starting point is 00:56:18 of occasions where the show could have ended yeah if certain very minor things hadn't yes can I you know one thing that strikes me is odd about this universe and now that I think the show could have ended if certain very minor things hadn't. Yes. You know one thing that strikes me as odd about this universe?
Starting point is 00:56:28 And now that I think about it, it kind of strikes me as odd in a lot of movie, like Hollywood and TV movie things. People are really okay with other people calling them on the phone all the time. It's weird. It's like, oh, somebody's calling. Hey, what's going on? Oh, I've got to make a call.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Hey, what's going on? Oh, I've got to make a call. Hey, what's going on? We're all making calls. Texting was invented because calling somebody on the phone is really annoying and painful and nobody likes to do it. I don't think we ever talk on the phone. Yeah, exactly. Or ever have. Sometimes we call each other's home phones though, don't we?
Starting point is 00:56:58 Sure, yeah, and there's nobody manning them. But I would like to see a scene in a movie sometime soon if somebody is listening you can make this happen yeah where there's somebody and they're running in terror from the what you know from the murder or whatever they bump through the house yeah and then they're like i gotta i gotta call my buddy you gotta make this call and then they dial they put the phone to their ear and it just cuts to somebody like in their apartment holding their phone at arm's length like, oh. Do I? And then it's real, like it's one shot real time.
Starting point is 00:57:29 And they just let it, they put it on their desk and they let it ring out to voicemail. And then they check their Facebook and they check Twitter and Instagram. Then they pick the phone back up again and they text back, oh, hey, I'm real busy, can't talk. Can you text me what it is, if it's urgent? And then it cuts back
Starting point is 00:57:45 then they send the text and it cuts back to like it pops up on the person they're dead on the ground just holding the phone so that's like a five minute sequence yeah absolutely i wasn't gonna say was it five no no i was gonna i do that to people that i like like phone rings and i'm like no i can't yeah exactly because oh yeah nobody calls anybody that's what you're saying that's what i'm saying it's weird that's a fair point maybe pis call people more yeah that's probably true i'd say it's probably more emails than that's true yeah uh gotta nail it down in writing but if you do text messages you've got to show the phone and you've got to and then i find this really difficult with the terrible editing that i do
Starting point is 00:58:24 when you show text how long do you show it for? Because how long does it take someone to read? An average person to read it. Exactly. Yeah. So I have no idea. I think I'm quite a fast reader. I probably skim more than I read.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Right. I wouldn't even say. So I feel like I always get that wrong. Like I always do it too fast. And then, I don't know. Anyway. Yeah. The point is.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Sure. Put your phone away. Just bloody text not you okay but i got all my show notes this one says phones i don't have any show notes so the fight scenes they're not like daredevil because daredevil is a martial artist slash boxer yes and that's any fights ninjas and yeah and likepin, who's like a monster. Yeah. So this isn't that. This is more scuffles. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:59:07 It's scuffles and being thrown through plaster walls and things like that. Yeah. But people are saying that that's a weakness. I don't think that's a weakness. I just think that that's what this is. What this show is. It's not. You're right.
Starting point is 00:59:20 It's not. It's not parkour. It's not blind parkour across a rooftop. Yeah. Yeah, right. It's not... It's not parkour. It's not blind parkour across a rooftop. Yeah, and it's not...
Starting point is 00:59:25 A lot of these scenes don't need to be long extended action sequences because it's Jessica Jones who has superhuman strength versus a couple of regular guys. She can just... And this article, which I disagree with, that we were talking about earlier, it is more of a detective show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Like, it's a detective show first and foremost, then it's sort of superheroes after that. Yes. So she just needs to punch a couple of people out and then get back to the detective. Yeah, that's right. That being said, I do think that her powers do seem to fluctuate
Starting point is 00:59:56 depending on the needs of the story. Definitely, yeah. There is a scene where, not a spoiler, probably is, who's to say, where she has to, her and a couple of, her and a, you know, a compatriot have to fight off some of Kilgrave's bodyguards. And in previous scenes, she's just wiped the floor with a whole bunch of people.
Starting point is 01:00:17 And in this, then they need to be distracted for quite some time. Yes. And so the fight goes on for a really long time is this the one with the stun yeah the stun guns yeah yeah and so in the in based on this character you know this character who can just knock out anybody in one punch yeah she keeps belting these regular human beings yeah and they keep getting up again. Yeah. And then they, they run out of time. Sure.
Starting point is 01:00:46 And that's, and it feels, it feels very much like that was just the plot contrivance. Yeah. If this was, if they'd set her up, you know, if they got this character in this fight, in this real fight,
Starting point is 01:00:59 she would just, she'd hit him once. If they got back up again, she'd hit him twice as hard. Yes. And that would be it. But it just kept going just long enough for these things to take place. And there is a fight later where she's injured.
Starting point is 01:01:10 So she's, she's not at full capacity. So that kind of works, but I, yeah, that one, you're right. It's a bit,
Starting point is 01:01:15 I guess they did have stun weapons, but yeah. But again, cause she's not durable. No, not that. Yeah. She's vaguely like she's yeah. But yeah, I, yeah. In a way that... She's vaguely... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Like, she's, yeah. But, yeah, I feel that that may be, for me, as some sort of superhero fight nitpicker... Yeah. They should have maybe brought the stun guns out faster. Okay, and just hit her with it straight away. Straight away, because there's... She has plenty of time to hit them all once, get them all out of the way, and then take care of business.
Starting point is 01:01:48 But she just sort of, give them a little tap. Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Good point, Mason. I make very good points. You've made a good point. Thank you. I do love the bar fight.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Yes. Especially the Luke Cage. Yeah. Where he's just getting hit by bottles and he's just like, ugh. Yeah. Okay, here's my issue with this it is a good fight sequence and again it does show there it's it's i think it's it might be in one of the trailers so it's yeah it's luke cage and jessica jones and some some
Starting point is 01:02:16 miscreants yeah some wall street bro miscreants have decided to come to luke cage's bar to cause some trouble yeah for reasons that we won't get into pre-spoilers. And Jessica Jones comes in to help him. And they, of course, just try and cause some trouble. But Luke Cage is indestructible and Jessica Jones is superhumanly strong. And so they get taken to pieces. Yes. But at one point, one of the guys gets a broken bottle
Starting point is 01:02:41 and just tries to jam it into Luke Cage's neck. Yeah. If he were human, he'd be dead. And they just let him go. guy gets a broken bottle and just tries to jam it into Luke Cage's neck. Yeah. If he were human, he'd be dead. And they just let him go. They're just like, now get out of my bar. Those guys are going out in the street with broken bottles. They're angry.
Starting point is 01:02:56 They're angry. Yeah. Pull the cuffs on them. That's a really good point. Yeah. I mean, yeah, that implies that they knew they would know that he was that durable right otherwise they're murderers they're exactly they're bloody murderers all of them that's a really good point i really enjoyed this series though me too i found it very compelling i would say i enjoyed it as much as daredevil okay i don't know people are
Starting point is 01:03:21 saying it's better than daredevil and maybe it is it is. It's too early for me to say. Like I said, though, I did stuff. I feel like Daredevil kind of stumbled in the middle as well. It's kind of like, where's all the evidence on Kingpin? What are we going to do? Like this had a bit of that. Yeah. He's gotten out of the thing again.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Yeah. But no, generally, one of the strongest Marvel things that we've had so you finished it you've done all 13 yeah yeah does it have a strong ending without spoiling it it's not like knock down the city right like yeah yeah it's satisfying yeah satisfying any okay that's all i mean that that's perspective yeah sure is who knows man yeah maybe you won't find it too satisfying oh no now that's gonna be in my bloody head so a little bit is there any spoiler stuff you want to talk about uh because i don't know if there is for me look we can talk about no we can talk about easter eggs and stuff
Starting point is 01:04:15 i guess there's not really anything that if i said certain easter eggs that are in it it's not going to ruin yeah true um i was going to say inconsequential. Well, let's see how many let's say spoilers from here on in. Sure. We'll see how many we can get out. All right, I got a list.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Okay, so we got we got Simpson who's Patsy Walker's boyfriend. He's going to be Nuke one assumes. I mean, it's obvious he's got the pills
Starting point is 01:04:39 and the USA lighter. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't because I didn't really look into this before it came out i watched the trailers but i didn't kind of break them down and i was like oh sweet i'm aware of new like i i know nuke as a character but i didn't know his like his secret identity or
Starting point is 01:04:54 anything like oh no i i'm aware of like until until he's injured by the explosion yeah and he's like i need my doctor yeah and they're just like he takes it and he's like i'm fine i'm taking these pills. I'm like, oh, it's Nuke. Yeah, that's exactly the same with me. That's exactly right. Did you notice he, I think this is intentional, he looked a lot like Steve Rogers.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I think that is because in the, well, Nuke is one of those characters where he's a B-level character. He's a D-level character, D-level villain. So they can just change his origin whenever they want. Like if it's more convenient for him to be like a fascist or uh whatever or an anarchist or whatever they just make him that at the time but um yeah he's he's the product of weapon plus i think so he's he's an attempt to replicate yes the super soldier formula as is most villains as is most
Starting point is 01:05:41 of the marvel universe exactly like they They wanted to you know, a variety of scientists wanted to reproduce Captain America by any means necessary and in this case they've gone, okay, we'll give him cybernetic. I don't know. See, do we... Again, I haven't seen the last couple of episodes. Do they go the cybernetic kind of route? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:59 But it's not really that universe, do you know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. It's more your meat and potatoes physical. Yeah, because in the comic books he's got, depending on at what point you're talking about, he's got bulletproof plating under his skin. Well, his skin is like prosthetic skin. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:19 And he's got like a second heart. And when he takes these pills, it kind of ramps up his adrenaline. He gets super strong. Yes, yes. But then I think later it turned out that they're just placebo pills. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:06:30 So he's always, he always has the capability to be incredibly enraged and super strong, but the government's just like, take this pill and this one will calm you down and this one will ramp you up. But he can always be just like, ah, I'm crazy.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I'll do whatever. Yeah. So look how much he looks like Steve Rogers here. I've made the Easter egg video, but that's Nuke. Yeah, yeah. Check this out. Oh, yeah, definitely. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Yeah, that's very Winter Soldier. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And even like, he looks like his hair is, like he's got the kind of same blondish kind of hair. Yeah. Just the build. Like, he's not as big as Steve Rogers, but I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:07:04 It's good. That is good. It's pretty good I guess he'll be good to be knocked out in one punch in like a in like a Marvel movie at some point he'll make a brief appearance
Starting point is 01:07:12 and then just be thumped that's the thing I don't know whether a lot of these guys are going to transition look I've got a question here about the Defenders
Starting point is 01:07:19 it's from at Sledge Dano yeah once Daredevil Jessica Jones Luke Cage and Iron Fist team up for the Defenders, where does that leave the Punisher? Jail.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Right? For all his murders. Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. I think he might be, if they're putting him in the Defenders, the series, not the team. Yeah. I would say probably he's's running background and he's like they don't know he's
Starting point is 01:07:47 there yeah but he's murdering people on the sidelines to get them out of the way or whatever and he's like i don't like them they don't like me but i need them for whatever purpose to kill the bloody kingpin or whatever yeah yeah so they can do their thing do a distraction i'll be in the background sniping people and putting landmines in people's coffins at funerals or whatever he's doing you know what he's like
Starting point is 01:08:08 you know what he's bloody like I love him he's the best what I like about him is he never learns anything like he doesn't take a lesson from anything he's like
Starting point is 01:08:16 maybe I could turn it back he's just like nah fuck it this is what I'm doing he's so like because Daredevil's kind of like I'm a good guy
Starting point is 01:08:23 I don't know what is justice and the punish is just like you said it's all these guns that's what justice is yeah i enjoy that it's it's leaping down like from a chandelier in the middle of a mob like like dinner and just cutting a woman's head off with a bowie knife because she's bad a bad person i'll just cut her head off so that's pretty uh yeah pretty pretty great good i'm checking if there's any other things that easter eggs that you might find interesting oh you might have missed mason yeah i've done a video on it it'll be it'll be up by now yep okay you got hey you dumb sandwich yes of course i've got that in there yeah there's a whole lot of minor characters like referred to like i think
Starting point is 01:09:03 melvin potter is is referenced uh namor maybe at one point they talk about somebody jumps out of the sea yeah uh ozzy clemens who's like a detective from the the comics yep uh oh um uh oh jaron hogarth oh we didn't talk about carrie moss oh yeah it's hogarth yeah Yeah. Gender swapped for the series. But she works for the Rands, or has worked for the Rands in the comics. Oh, the Rand Corporation. So I guess that's how that ties in. Well, she meets Iron Fist. Yeah, okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Yeah, absolutely. Nice. There's a sweet Star Wars mind trick moment. Oh, yes. And there's also a Mickey Mouse clock. Is there? Yeah. Which part?
Starting point is 01:09:42 It's when she... Oh, he gets delivered i've already made my video i can't put it in late fool it's too late mate i'm gonna get so many people telling me i missed it uh at one point uh when jessica jones uh she's she's uh referred hang on i'll start this whole thing again no no you're nailing it keep it yeah keep it in uh hogarth uh refers a couple to jessica jones to look into a divorce thing and it turns out they're they're like you know superpower killers yes kind of thing uh jessica jones says why don't you want to use angela del toro yes private investigator she's the the new the current white tiger yeah absolutely you got
Starting point is 01:10:22 that one you got that one very good good. Good, bloody, yeah, nice. Now, literally, whenever they say anybody's name, you're going to Google it real quick. Or past a building that's got a sign. I'm like, what is that? What kind of soda is that?
Starting point is 01:10:34 Is it in there? Pretty much. Yeah. Exactly. A lot of the stuff, though, in this, more so than Daredevil, isn't anything. Correct.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Yeah, which is infuriating. I imagine people, like when she's like uh give me the cheapest worst whiskey you have or whatever she puts it down i'm like that's a real whiskey like it's just a real bad whiskey like i your initial thought is like oh maybe that's a reference to a company you know from the it's just a real bad one just a bad whiskey nice i don't know i think that's that'll be that'll be about it yeah good right i think so quick question for you though i'm ready what are you excited for are you excited for the next you excited for dead I don't know, I think that'll be about it. Yeah, good. Right? I think so. Quick question for you, though.
Starting point is 01:11:05 I'm ready. What are you excited for? Are you excited for the next? Are you excited for Daredevil Season 2? Are you excited for Luke Cage? Are you excited for another Jessica Jones series? Are you excited for Punisher series? Are you excited for...
Starting point is 01:11:14 Are we actually getting a Punisher series? I think if he's received well in Daredevil. Yeah, I'm excited for Daredevil Season 2. Yeah, absolutely. Do you want to see another season of this? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Because there's room see another season of this? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Because there's room for
Starting point is 01:11:27 all sorts of noir tales. There's all sorts of noir tales. Yeah. Because we don't have the solution in the Marvel Universe cinematically is just get in an iron suit
Starting point is 01:11:37 and fly about and shoot some lightning and lasers and missiles or whatever and everything blows up. Yeah. You can't do that with everything. No, you certainly can't. I mean, you could probably iron man could probably take it the purple man real
Starting point is 01:11:47 quick yes i mean he's in the suit yeah you can't you can't that's actually a good point if he's in the suit he wouldn't actually hear him directly well he wouldn't work because his suit is hermetically sealed so the the uh killgrave in the comic books it's pheromones yes and this is a virus yeah it's close enough yeah yeah i would but also you have to be able to hear him directly as well don't you yeah you can't hear him through a phone line uh or remotely or anything like that yeah and it seems to be that they kind of stretch that a bit in one point yeah his powers are kind of fluctuating yeah i think in i guess the virus the pheromones degrades really quickly yes. Yes. So if he doesn't get you within like the first minute,
Starting point is 01:12:28 then you're fine. You're fine. So yeah, Iron Man would be fine. Daredevil in the comic books is resistant to it because he's blind. I don't know why that is. That makes no sense. Because of his powers.
Starting point is 01:12:39 I think it's like he can concentrate on other things because he's blah, blah, blah. So that's fine. Doctor Doom, which will never come up is unaffected by him due to sheer force of will like they've they've encountered each other in the past and doom's just like it's not happening why would you kind of thing so that's pretty good that's great um yeah cool yeah man all right man man yeah man let's get into it. What else? Yeah, I'm excited for it. I want to see the Punisher.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Let's definitely come back to this next week if you've got things you have to get off your chest. Okay, good. Sure. Yeah. But I would say if you haven't started watching this, maybe go to a night if you want to get to it. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:13:16 That's how I want it. To a night and you'll catch up to us by next week. That's right. That's maths. But then it's quite compelling. I was thinking about doing it to a night. Well, that's the thing. Exactly. What I'm saying is you shouldn't do seven in a row then wake up early then watch the rest
Starting point is 01:13:29 that's what i'm yeah you'd have to be needed to do exactly that thing you certainly would yeah well mason it's time for our favorite segment of the show segment i got heaps of stuff for this segment good yeah i've got one thing oh what we're eating oh what we're gonna read i'm doing a thing. I put in that theme song, didn't I? Yeah, you did. Good. Best you've ever done it.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Probably. Yeah. What are you reading? What I'm reading, so a couple of weeks ago, I asked the listeners, the weekly wackadoos, to tweet at me. I don't like how that stuck don't enjoy it I love it it's my favourite
Starting point is 01:14:08 to tweet at me like an A plus show pick one show that's your A plus it's got to be on now and it's the one you religiously watch every week
Starting point is 01:14:19 it's your favourite show it's the best show yes so I was just going to say if a lot of people said Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is really good at the moment even people who hated it that's true it's the best show yes uh so i was just going to say if a lot of people said agents of shield is really good at the moment even people who hated it that's true yeah it's amazing right now i'm tempted to yeah see what i've decided to do because a lot of people sent in some great
Starting point is 01:14:33 suggestions yeah is every week i'm going to give i'm going to have a crack at one a different one every week i'll try like four episodes two two three four episodes yeah see if it grabs me so i'm going to do that every week yeah this week I've chosen the show Limitless oh yeah and I've previously mentioned that I attended with Bradley P Cooper yeah well I
Starting point is 01:14:50 last week I mentioned that it's probably Bradley P Cooper that I watched the movie and got about halfway through and switched it off yeah but I'm liking the series okay great
Starting point is 01:15:02 here's the thing and I've gone back and I've skimmed Limitless. Yes. So I know where it goes now. Yeah, sure. Yeah, it's good. Is Bradley Cooper still taking the pill? Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Like to stop himself getting pregnant? Yeah. Yeah. He's a very handsome man. He's a senator now, right? Yes. It's clear that they've just gone, Bradley Cooper, whatever hairstyle or facial hair you've got, just come with it.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Because that's not how a senator looks. No, he's quite shaggy. He's got some stubble going. whatever hairstyle or facial hair you've got, just come up with it. Because that's not how a senator works. No, he's quite shaggy. He's got some stubble going. Maybe he's on holiday. Maybe he's on holiday. Maybe the Senate is closed for the holidays or something. For the weekend. So, yeah, so we've got the new guy's bride.
Starting point is 01:15:36 This is essentially a Highlander series. Oh, yeah. Because in Highlander the series, we had Conor McLeod from the movies. We want to do a series, but we can't get Christopher Lambert because he's a big star currently for some reason. So let's get.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Because it's 1999. Exactly. Pink Landon. Yeah. So, so they got, they had Duncan McLeod, who's essentially exactly the same character. Yes. Like he's, he's in the Clan McLeod. He also has.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Wait, what was, what was the first guy's name? Conor McLeod. Conor McLeod. I was like, isn't the first guy Duncan McLeod? But yeah, sorry. No, but they're like, okay, we'll get Conor, we name? Connor McLeod. Connor McLeod. I was like, isn't the first guy Duncan McLeod? But yeah, sorry. No, but they're like, okay, we'll get Duncan McLeod. And they both have Japanese swords, even though they're both from Scotland. It's the same.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Isn't that odd? Yeah, it's weird, right? Anyway, so in this one, we've got the Eddie Mora character is Brian Finch, who's like a slacker approaching his 30s and nothing's going right and he's he's in a band he was in a band but it's all falling to bits or whatever when we all he can't get it together and then he runs into an old an old band mate who's now a super rich stock broker and he's the best and he's like I can't can't get my writer's block I can't write a song and then the guy's like we'll take one of these and then he takes the pill and he's all and he
Starting point is 01:16:43 writes the best song I sort of like a Kesha hit yeah he jams in the pill and he's all and he writes the best song i sort of like a kesha hit yeah he jams in the park and he wins a chess you know all that and then it turns out that guy to run turns out you know comes up murdered and yeah there's a whole thing and so it's more or less the here's the thing about it the first episode sort of follows this very similar line to the movie to the movie yeah because they've got to re-establish everything sure and but in this in this case he eddie mora decides that so it turns out that in in this in the limitless universe if you take the limitless pill too long you die yes because the side effects will kill you but eddie mora has spent millions of dollars that he made in the movie limitless yeah uh on a on a serum that will fix that okay and so he's like i'll keep giving you the serum
Starting point is 01:17:24 and the fbi will keep giving you the NZT because they have it. Yeah. As long as you are in, team up with the FBI because I need somebody in there. Like numbers. Like numbers, exactly. See, it's sort of, it harkens back, your favourite phrase, to that era where, like, not era, it's like a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Remember a couple of years ago when there was like, Not era. It's like a couple of years ago. Remember a couple of years ago when there was like every show was a cop teaming up with some outside consultant? Monk. Monk, The Mentalist, Numbers, Castle, where it's just like this guy has no authority, but also he doesn't play by the rules kind of thing and they team up. So in this case, he's teaming up with your favorite actor, Jennifer Carpenter from Dexter.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Dexter's sister. Okay, sure. Why did you say she's my favourite? I don't know. I thought you hated her. Why would I hate her? I don't know. I thought you found that character incredibly annoying. I may have said that at some point.
Starting point is 01:18:13 No, I like her. She's good. Anyway, she's good in this. But the first one is very kind of similar in tone. It's serious and it's sombre and it's quite tense in places. And at the end, you're like, oh, he's becoming know eddie morris you know he's like he's he's 100 fully realized guy that's the pilot episode episode two takes a sharp left turn into wacky world like it's it's much lighter in tone yeah it's kind of it starts with the episode two starts with like this dream sequence where he's like i wonder what it's
Starting point is 01:18:46 like going to be like to be in the fbi and then he's like at a baccarat table in a tuxedo and he's playing baccarat with uno cards and jennifer carpenter's there in like a dress and she's like oh you're so dreamy kind of thing like it's what yeah it's weird and goofy the whole it's very much i think they were like it needs to be more like chuck or something like that i was gonna say that's it's it's it feels much i haven't seen a lot of chuck but it seems or scrubs yeah it seems a lot there's there's not that many of those in the episodes that i've seen right but i think they're like focus testing said they want him to be more like like chuck yeah like chuck there's just a box that says like
Starting point is 01:19:25 chuck like you can take it yeah and like in the in the movie yeah eddie morrow is like he's pretty much always on the pit on he's not on the pill he's always on nzt and he's always this kind of superior man kind of thing but in this they give him one pill in the morning and it lasts 12 hours. Yeah. And so for half the day, he's kind of goofy. You know what I mean? Why him though? Oh, because they think he's immune to the effects of NZT. The FBI... They don't know that Bradley Cooper gave him that.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Yes. He's in the shadows. What is quite good about the series, I haven't seen Bradley Cooper since the pilot. And you won't. No, apparently he's going to make more appearances okay they say but he seems like a villain now oh really i like the idea that he's he's sort of he's so far gone from being human at this point that we don't know what his motivations are and he could could be going either way but he's not yeah he's probably it's probably for the good of everything yeah that's
Starting point is 01:20:22 right but so yeah i bet it's but i. I bet it goes that way on purpose. Yeah. So the idiot's like, you did that. I am an idiot. I remember now. But yeah, so he's more a goofy character. He's giving people relationship advice on the bus and he's doing all sorts of...
Starting point is 01:20:38 At one point he shows up with a female body inspector T-shirt because he's working at the FBI. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, I've got one of those t-shirts. Anyway, yeah. I don't. But look, it's quite good. I'm going to give a few more episodes because I like the character.
Starting point is 01:20:51 I like all the characters. And then you're moving on to something else. Well, yeah, I've got to take a break and I've got to watch something else next week. What will it be? Tweet it, Mason. No, I'm not going to tweet it. I'm going to look at these and I'm going to... I'm going to tweet at you to tell you.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Oh, sure, yeah. Oh, you've got a huge list anyway. I'm going to look at these and I'm going to... I'm going to tweet at you to tell you. Oh, sure, yeah. Oh, you've got a huge list anyway. I've got a huge list. But if anybody's got any more A-plus shows... At Wikipedia Brown. At Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. Let me know. Please.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Do you want to know? I'm going to watch Creed this week. Now, I know we're going to go see it tomorrow. Yes. I might not be able to. Oh, no. But you can still go, obviously. I might also not see it.
Starting point is 01:21:22 We can see it. Whenever. What happened? I just don't think I'll be able to make it. Can I have your other ticket? Yeah, if you want. I'll take someone. go, obviously. I might also not see it. We can see it. Whenever. What happened? I just don't think I'll be able to make it. Can I have your other ticket? Yeah, if you want. I'll take someone. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Okay, great. Like a hot date? Yeah. Name the person. No. Name the person. I'll name no one on this podcast. Maybe you can take one of our wonderful listeners.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Oh, it's too late. It's going to be out. All right. Lisa P has tweeted in, what are we going to read? Oh, yeah. What are we going to be out. All right. Lisa P has tweeted in what we're going to read. Oh, yeah. What we're going to read, Man in the High Castle. Oh, okay, yeah. Is that becoming a TV series soon?
Starting point is 01:21:53 Yep. Great. I don't know. Fantastic. I don't know if it was a comic or whatever. Let me just quickly check that. I obviously put this together just before the show. Man in the High Castle.
Starting point is 01:22:04 It is a book. I can tell you that. All right. Well, just before the show. Man in the High Castle. It is a book. I can tell you that. It's an alternate. Oh, it's Philip K. Dick. That is becoming a TV show. Yeah, yeah. It's an alternate past. Great. Love a bit of that. Every video game is also that. An alternate
Starting point is 01:22:19 World War II. Boy, isn't it. Oh, I got one more. I watch another What We Read. You watch another? I watch another What We Read. This this week i also saw the movie and this this is not a recommendation this is not really the province of our show yeah it's not really a recommendation maybe it is it's more a warning i saw the movie the dressmaker this week oh yeah it's got kate winslet uh hemsworth it's got yep one of the hemsworths. It's Liam Hemsworth. Chrisman. It's Hemsworth. Yes. Anyway, so Kate Winslet as a child has been forced out of this town
Starting point is 01:22:51 because they think maybe she killed a kid or whatever. Now she's back and she's a, you know. She's ready to kill more kids. She's a bloody skilled dressmaker and she comes in and she, you know, she fixes up the whole town in fancy dresses or whatever. I went in with the assumption that this was going to be like a strictly ballroom kind of like a fun like you it's kate winslet and she goes in this town and it's full of australia's most lovable character actors in a quirky little town we're having a whole bunch of fun shane jacobson shane jacobson's
Starting point is 01:23:18 in it is he really yeah great and shane bourne oh my god Yeah Great as a joke Shane Bourne I know him It's real dark It's real dark In a good way? I don't know yet It's interesting that both Kate Winslet and Hemsworth Had movies out this week about killing kids
Starting point is 01:23:35 Yeah Weird I mean it's not weird It's not that weird It's the flavour of the month Killing a kid in a movie So recommend it though? Look what I'm saying is-
Starting point is 01:23:45 Just know what it is. Yeah, if you're thinking, I might take my mum to this. Have a fun old time. My mum is actually currently reading that book in her book club that she won't stop banging on about. Every week she's like, James, I'm reading this book and I'm going to tell you about it at length. Great.
Starting point is 01:24:00 And every week I'm like, well, you're my mum. Shouldn't have taken this call, mum. Shouldn't have. Should have just said to text me. You're my mum week I'm like, well, you're my mum. Shouldn't have taken this call, mum. Should have just said to text me. You're my mum and I love you, so I'll just sit here and listen. Anyway, bless you, James' mum. What a wonderful woman, yeah. Yeah, look, what I'm saying is
Starting point is 01:24:15 maybe rethink that because there is a lot of, there's some... Take your gothiest friend. There's some blood and bad vibes. That's all I'll say about that. Good stuff. All right, we're going to bird through this.
Starting point is 01:24:25 All right. Because I'm going to sleep at some point, don't I? Okay. This is for letters because we're going to do some letters and tweets. Love it. If you want to send a tweet through, hashtag weeklyplanetpod. If you want to send us a letters theme, we don't have one this week. Yes.
Starting point is 01:24:40 But just freestyle it. If you want to do a letters-based theme of any kind. Maybe Rocky-based because I think we might do a bit of Creed next week oh that'd be great yeah okay so just
Starting point is 01:24:49 put it on YouTube yep put Weekly Planet letters theme in there so we can find it and then tweet it at me and then we'll know
Starting point is 01:24:56 then we'll know I'll play it through my phone this is from at wand for Weasley what are your thoughts and opinions on the Shrek movies
Starting point is 01:25:03 well it's a Mike Myers movie. So here's the rule for Mike Myers movies. Right. Every Mike Myers movie is worse than the last one. And every Mike Myers movie makes you hate all the previous ones more. That's the rule. So it's towards the end because he stopped doing live action stuff. Maybe the guru or whatever.
Starting point is 01:25:21 No, that was his last. Okay. No, he was in Inglourious Basterds briefly. Oh, that doesn't count. True. No, he was in Inglourious Basterds, briefly. Oh, that doesn't count. True. Yeah. They're garbage. The dream works.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Look, I'm not going to go back and watch them again. I would argue. I liked the first one at the time. But when did that come out? Well, that's the thing. I feel like 2001, I feel like those movies, they relied too much on at the time. Like, they're doing a Matrix kick and They're doing the Sir Mix a lot, even though that wasn't a song from 2001.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Do you know what I mean? Like there's a lot of that. Yeah. We look at Toy Story and it can pretty much set any time ish. Yeah. Give or take. It's not really timeless in that sense. That being said,
Starting point is 01:25:59 it's pretty, first one's pretty sharp. Okay. And the second one's pretty good. The third one is trash. And the fourth one, pretty sharp from memory. And the second one's pretty good. The third one is trash. And the fourth one, it's all right. I didn't even know there was a fourth one. Shrek goes through time, a different dimension,
Starting point is 01:26:13 and he has to fight Rumpelstiltskin or some shit. I don't know. But he's saying it's still pretty good. It's better than three. Three has got Justin Timberlake, and there's a bit where Shrek tries to talk like a kid and he's like hey Holmes
Starting point is 01:26:27 you know what I'm doing on the street like it's that yeah yeah and it's even worse than I did it just then you did it real bad thank you
Starting point is 01:26:34 alright that's what we think of those movies isn't it yep this is what do we got here this is from Wildfire
Starting point is 01:26:41 1234 hashtag weekly planet pod which future DC movies should they cancel? What's the list? What do we got? Justice League. Man of Steel sequel. Two Justice League movies, sorry.
Starting point is 01:26:54 Justice League Dark. Green Lantern. It's Green Lantern. Yeah. Probably Green Lantern. What's his name? Cyborg. Wonder Woman.
Starting point is 01:27:05 Various Batman properties, which are kind of unconfirmed at the moment. Flash solo movie? Flash solo movie. And I think there's probably more. We're never going to see them all in our lifetimes. We're all going to die before these come out. Fingers crossed.
Starting point is 01:27:19 We're going to do one every three years or whatever. No, they're amping up. They're not though. There's no evidence of them amping up. There's two this year. Next year, sorry whatever they're not though there's no evidence this year next year sorry yeah and then there's wonder woman and then there's let me go from there and it's just a bloody beautiful world there'll be wonder woman then there'll be like a four-year gap and then there'll be something else that's no good it feels like man of steel came out in like 2002
Starting point is 01:27:40 yeah like not that it aged really poorly, but feels old. Yeah. What was that? 2000, something 2013. It wasn't that long ago, was it? I think we just used to like Marvel of just, they just churn them out.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Good. Yeah, I know. Right. But, but even back in the day, like Star Wars, like you used to have to wait at least three years,
Starting point is 01:28:02 but Man of Steel, there will be three years, won't it? There's no time. We're all going to die, aren't we? We're all going to die before the bloody DC movie's out. Statistically, we're probably going to get hit by a comet at some point. Gamma ray burst. That's right.
Starting point is 01:28:15 No defense against that. So you're saying don't cancel any of them, just bloody move it along. Cancel the one that holds it up. Cancel Green Lantern. I don't think you should cancel Green Lantern. We have another shot at Green Lantern. What about Cyborg? No, don't cancel Cyborg.
Starting point is 01:28:28 What about Wonder Woman? No, don't cancel Wonder Woman. What about Suicide Squad sequel? Yeah, cancel that. You can't cancel any of that. You can't cancel a Wonder Woman movie because we've never had one. Flash. No.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Unless, I don't know. See, I've never seen Ezra Miller in anything. I have. Is he good? He's actually really good, know. See, I've never seen Ezra Miller in anything. I have. Is he good at acting? He's actually really good, yeah. Okay, right. Well, if he can be poignant while travelling at the speed of light, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:28:51 I'll take it. Good on him. So none of them? Yeah, cancel none of them. What about the second Justice League movie? Just make one? Because they're doing part one and part two. But they won't ever know.
Starting point is 01:29:02 Just compress it into one, I mean. Oh. That doesn't count as a cancel, does it? Yeah. That's a smushing. Yeah. Yeah. So none.
Starting point is 01:29:10 None of them. I'm going to say Green Lantern, because who cares? Okay, right. Because we don't have a Green Lantern. But imagine what he could do with a ring. Boxing gloves. Fighter jets. Fighter jets.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Catapults. Catapults. Punch a guy into space. He never comes down. He's dead. He killed a man. That happens in Greenland in 2011. Yes, it does.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Just for those people who are not sure. Punches a man into space. Okay, last letter, then we're going to do something else in our private lives. Oh, okay, right. Hey, James and Mason, winking smiley face. I'm Paul from the UK and I'm a huge fan of the show. I'm running a half marathon. Bloody show off.
Starting point is 01:29:43 This Sunday. Look at me. I'm a huge fan of the show. I'm running a half marathon. Bloody show off. This Sunday. Look at me. I'm healthy. I was wondering if when I listen on Monday, I could have a shout out from you guys and hopefully answer my question. Shout out. You can have a shout out provided. Take no water breaks.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Yeah. What I want is when you're coming through the finish line, everybody's like, hey, he's doing it he's the best and then you get all bandy leg go paul and you're like do one of those do one of those you know on the viral video where somebody's like like maybe this guy should have hydrated you know no don't do that do live your life yeah drink plenty of fluids yeah speaking of this this bloody drink bottle yes went through the washing machine. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:30:27 And it tastes like soap. But I'm still drinking from it and I feel weird. I'm with the show. Probably all the soap. Common complaint at the moment is the lack of strong villains in TV, film, slash whatever. What is the last great genre villain you remember? Thank you. P.S. Can I be the official stuck-up, scruffy-looking nerf-herd of the podcast?
Starting point is 01:30:45 Yes. Villain. You know what? I read an article recently. Was it that one that you hated that you mentioned earlier about Jessica Jones? No, but it's making me angry still.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Watch something else if you hate superheroes. If you don't, don't watch Marvel movies and be like, there's too many superheroes in this superhero genre. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Just watch something else. Yeah. It's a bargain hunt. Watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower with Ezra Miller. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I recently read an article, I might be able to find it, on the guy that played Viggo the Carpathian in Ghostbusters 2.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Yeah, he's terrifying. Yeah, as an actor, as a character. He's a spooky man. Yeah, and as the bloody... Painting? No, as an actor, as a character. He's a spooky man. Yeah, and as the bloody... Painting? No, as the actor. Oh, yeah, I know what you're saying. He was a real-life...
Starting point is 01:31:32 Creep. Yeah, he was a real-life creep, and he was a wrestler, and he was a boxer, and all sorts of stuff. Yeah. What's he in? He might have... He's bald, isn't he? I think he might have even fathered his own sister.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I don't believe that. Well. Wait. All right. He's bald isn't he I think he might have even fathered his own sister I don't believe that Well Wait Alright See what I do is I find these fun articles And then I email them to myself Yes But I'm never gonna
Starting point is 01:31:53 Never gonna find them Norbert Group Yeah The article is called The hateful life and spiteful death of the man who was That was quick I just typed in Vigo And that was like the second one
Starting point is 01:32:03 There you go What is that on What website is that on That's on Deadspin. Yeah. Everybody read that. He's a terrifying man. He's had a strange life, that guy.
Starting point is 01:32:13 I'm just going to quickly look into this. Yeah, do it. That dude, yeah, he's terrifying. Look at his face. Yeah. Is he supposed to look like that? He looks like a more terrifying version of Mickey Rourke. And that is saying something.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at his nose and head. Hang on. Years later, Rona said, there's no context to this, she had been told she might not just be Norbert's half-sister, but his daughter as well. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Yeah, that is a, that is a, that is a heck. The next sentence, I don't want to read it out. Yeah, don't read it. Everybody read it. It's a heck of an article. Anyway. This guy's a real life monster. Like, I was just like, he looks spooky, but...
Starting point is 01:32:50 He is spooky. He's a monster. I mean, he's dead, but he's probably... You could probably still find you. Fuck me. This guy's the worst. Anyway, what were you saying? Let's dial this back a bit.
Starting point is 01:33:00 I think he's fine as the villain in that movie. Can he get into my house if he's a ghost? You can certainly get inside your brain. God. Anyway, what's your favourite villain? Well, that guy, obviously. The Joker, I guess. Hang on, give me the wording of the letter again.
Starting point is 01:33:15 So it's... What is the last great genre villain you remember? Yeah, okay. What about Michael Fassbender from 12 Years a Slave? Does that count? No. Why not? I like Leonardo DiCaprio as the...
Starting point is 01:33:28 I would say that Fassbender is the more terrifying version of the Leonardo DiCaprio character because it's more real. Yeah, I guess so, but I feel with genre... Yeah. I can't be like a... No, it can be real. It can be historical or whatever, but I think if we're talking genre, we're talking sci-fi or western or fantasy or something like that. Right, gotcha.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Leonardo DiCaprio is evil and comical in that role. Gotcha. I think he's good in that. Okay. Or bloody Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds. Yeah, he's very good. Just bloody Quentin Tarantino films. I feel like he hasn't done anything that good.
Starting point is 01:34:01 You're forgetting Green Hornet. No, you're not. Just kidding. It's bad. He has a double anything that good. You're forgetting Green Hornet. No, you're not. Just kidding. It's bad. There's a double gun. Yeah. Someone emailed in, I can't remember who, or tweeted that he has a double gun in Green Hornet and in Spectre, Hinks has a double gun.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Correct. Two movies with double guns. And Christoph Waltz. Yes. Correct. That was the implied connection. Oh, I see. Right.
Starting point is 01:34:22 What about- Are you saying he only does roles in movies where there's a double gun? Correct, that is what I'm saying. What about Kingpin from Daredevil? Someone tweeted in a complaint of him is, he's not like Kingpin from the comics, which is true. He's just like a big baby. Yep.
Starting point is 01:34:36 Like a big, powerful baby. Yeah, no, I felt he was the weak link. Oh, really? In that series, yeah. He was good though, right? Like you thought he was... Yeah, but again, the whole time I'm like, how did he get in the position he's in with what he's got?
Starting point is 01:34:51 Crushing heads in doors, man. Yeah, I guess that's true. Yeah. I'm trying to think. Yeah, you know, he played your Joker, I guess. He's great, yeah. Yeah. I wouldn't say Loki would count because he's not really a villain.
Starting point is 01:35:01 I mentioned Ezra Miller before, but we need to talk about Kevin. He plays like a like a like a psychopath teenager okay and he is very unsettling okay yeah is that a comedy it certainly is not okay right because it seems the title gives it gives you the impression it's a comedy yeah oh my god this article yeah it goes on. He's got it. Yeah. Read it in the dark, mate. I don't want to. No, you can't.
Starting point is 01:35:30 All right. Well, that's the show for this week, isn't it? Yes, it is. Yeah. Where can people find us though? Oh, we're at Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and Facebook and Gmail. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at Mr. Sunday Movies.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Also follow The Weekly Planet on Twitter. It's a good one. It's a very good one. The Weekly Planet Reddit's pretty good as well it's great yeah this shows now on youtube as well which people have seemed to be enjoying some people are like where are the
Starting point is 01:35:50 pictures you're not adding an hour of pictures two hours of pictures it would literally be all my time yeah for everything i've ever done what else we got weekly planet pod
Starting point is 01:36:01 dot band camp yep and slash mr sunday movies if you want to chip in to support. That's everything right? T-shirts are on Redbubble. Just google us. Weekly Planet. If you have any thoughts on the movie Creed or the band Creed please email them in. We'll accept them with arms wide open.
Starting point is 01:36:17 With arms wide open I love you everything. I don't know any of the lyrics. You should look up Creed shreds. I will. It's quite good. It's very funny. It's a good antithesis to...
Starting point is 01:36:32 Creed? Yes. I was going to say, and the hateful life and spiteful death of a man who was Vigo the Carpathian. The article. That's it. We did it.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Yeah. We did it. Grabbed our gem, everybody. See you next week. Please have... Yes. We finally found it. did it uh yeah we did it grab that gem everybody see you next week please have yes we finally found it we found your catchphrase please have okay bye

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