The Weekly Planet - 114 Star Wars The Force Awakens Predictions, X-Men: Apocalypse & Ninja Turtles 2

Episode Date: December 14, 2015

This week we're all about Star Wars The Force Awakens speculation! Who is Kylo Ren, Rey and Finn? Where's Luke Skywalker? How ungracefully will Han Solo die? So many questions.Plus we get into the X-Men: Apocalypse and Ninja Turtles 2 trailer, talk Hunger Games prequels and something about Tarzan I dunno.Amazon affiliate link: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's We'll see you next time. stroke. Know your risks. Visit
Starting point is 00:01:02 Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, an official podcast of where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. Oh, it's so early, James. It is so early. I don't care for this. This is the earliest we've ever recorded, I think. That's true.
Starting point is 00:01:14 This is the bloody Weekly Planet Breakfast Club here. Do you care for it? The Breakfast Club? Yeah, sure. It's fine, I think. It's been a long time. It's a bit of a wank. Yeah. It's like, don't put us in boxes we're teenagers you're all dickheads i feel if we were at the actual
Starting point is 00:01:30 breakfast club we'd just silently sit there until the time was over and then we'd leave did you get a lot of detentions as a kid i can't remember i got yeah i did i um look i might go into it okay i wasn't a bad kid i just sounds... Sounds like it. No, I was just... Look, I had a few detentions. Not for any bad, but I definitely won't tell you for legal reasons. Look, I didn't sell drugs. I didn't beat up anybody. I was just kind of a jerk. So you sold people and you beat up drugs.
Starting point is 00:01:56 That doesn't even make any sense. Yeah, I guess so. I got one detention for not wearing my blazer once. That's right. I went to a posh school. That's all right. Yeah. Nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Anyway, it's too bloody early. It's so early that when I was driving over here, I turned on like the local PBS station. They were just playing sea shanties like the whole way over. I don't know if that's a sign that things are too early, but I feel it is. Yeah, that's for all the sailors because they're up early, aren't they? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 They need that motivation so they don't throw themselves into the sea because being a sea captain would be, I feel like that would be depressing. But then again, you've got the sea. Then you've got the sea. It's your mistress or something, right? You can play a shanty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah. I don't want to be a sea captain. No, let's not. That's what I'm saying. Let's not do it. Anyway, let's go into the news of the show. Okay, let's do it. All that aside,
Starting point is 00:02:41 did you see the Ninja Turtles trailer? Yes, I did. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows which is the name of a video game it's definitely not Secret of the Ooze well that's what somebody's tweeted JD Calabrese
Starting point is 00:02:53 he said is it just me or is the new TMNT movie look like a semi-remake of TMNT 2 Shredder's Back Shredder's Back after being dead I didn't see the first one I still haven't seen it
Starting point is 00:03:04 okay you're saying you've always maintained it's fine yeah it's fine okay this one looks pretty good yeah Shredder's back after being dead I didn't see the first one I still haven't seen it okay you're saying you've always maintained it's fine yeah it's fine okay this one looks pretty good yeah
Starting point is 00:03:09 I'd agree with that yeah because we've got Shredder we've got Bebop we've got a new Shredder yeah new Shredder so William Fickerton
Starting point is 00:03:16 was the Shredder no he was originally the Shredder and then he was like in interviews I'm the Shredder and everyone went what
Starting point is 00:03:22 so they went in and they you're boring not Asian where's Oroku Saki exactly I'm the shredder. And everyone went, what? So they went in and they really- You're boring. Not Asian. Where's Oroku Saki? Exactly. So they got some off-brand Asian actor who I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:03:35 It's a bit insulting, isn't it? Is that insulting? No, it's fine. Because he's just like a nobody guy. Maybe he's important somewhere. But in this one, they've got a guy who kind of looks more shreddery but he's the same shredder oh i see right at the end of the first one shredder falls to his death yes but then he gets a little bit of the ooze oh he gets a little and i guess he also he's mutated into a
Starting point is 00:03:55 more asian guy yeah pretty much right he was just a bald scarred guy in the last one and now he's like full head of hair beard different shaped face this is a little bit of Ra's al Ghul okay I see I see what you're saying so he's not Ken Watanabe no no no
Starting point is 00:04:10 story checks out he can't be in everything he's in he's one of the first guys who bites it in Jurassic World he's one of the SWAT kind of teams
Starting point is 00:04:19 that goes after Irox he gets a drop of blood on him and then he gets taken I reckon he'll be really good what do you think of the look of the turtles the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after Irox. He gets a drop of blood on him and then he gets taken. I remember that guy. I reckon he'll be really good. What do you think of the look of the turtles?
Starting point is 00:04:29 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Oh, okay, right. Not just turtles generally. Yeah. I think they actually look pretty good. Okay. I'm not as aghast and angry about this. It's the early hour of the day.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Sure. And I can't work up any rage. So those whimsical sea shanties have brightened your day. Yeah, I think they've definitely toned it down from the last one. Okay. Because in the last one, they seemed much bigger. Yes. Like they've kind of thinned down Donatello, which is, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:55 because he's not really, he's not supposed to be a big bulky guy. He's the nerd. Yeah, exactly. He's the nerd. If anything, he's got Cheetos weight on him. If he got a detention, it was probably from not wearing his blazer. Oh, wait. Yeah, but I think the only one who's really still big is Raphael,
Starting point is 00:05:10 which kind of makes sense because he's, you know, he's the brooding. Probably does a lot of bench press. You know what I mean? Definitely does a lot of bench press. Yeah, yeah. But they've also, like, all the crap that they have on them, they've kind of stripped that back a bit. Oh, have they?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Well, look, they still seem to have a few goggles. Yeah, that's right. Let me tell you. A lot of goggles. Yeah what about Bebop and Rocksteady? They look good but it's very kind of cartoony isn't it? Like it's not like a really very realistic take. Not at all. But if you're after a realistic take. I was. No. Like what's, that's the best we're gonna get. Yeah definitely. Unless we go back to puppets. That's the best we're going to get. Yeah, definitely. Unless we go back to puppets. We got the turtle van. Yeah. It does look a lot like the producer was a big fan of the turtles as a kid
Starting point is 00:05:56 and just opened up the drawer. You mean Michael Bay, the producer. Oh, it is Michael Bay. Okay, it's still Michael Bay. Great. Well, as an adult, he just opened up the drawer with all the Ninja Turtles toys he bought as an adult. And he went, okay, turtle van, Bebop and Rocksteady, Shredder, let's do this kind of thing. Maybe Krang?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Maybe, because the turtle van fires out manholes. Yeah, I know, right? Which makes me wonder now that I think about it. There now must be a lot of open manholes in New York. That's what I said. Exactly, yeah. That's dangerous. Imagine being hit in the teeth with one of those it'd kill you yeah definitely yeah certainly hurt your teeth
Starting point is 00:06:30 definitely yeah we've got stephen amell stephen amell what do you think i like stephen amell a lot i think he's great what's what's casey jones about him though aside from the mask exactly yeah casey jones is dirty and surly. Long hair. Unpleasant, greasy. Stephen Amell, very pretty man. Very nice. Very nice man. Exactly. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:53 But I'll buy it. It's fine. Yeah, whatever. I can see why they did it. Maybe he's got a greasy, just greasy rag of hair under the hockey mask. He doesn't. Yeah. He just looks like Arrow with a hockey mask and stick.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah, great. A big complaint of the last movie was Will Arnett. Oh, yes. Because a lot of the last movie focused on Megan Fox and Will Arnett. Oh, I see. Right. And people are like, why are we following these idiots? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:16 You know? And I feel like they've shifted away from that. Was Will Arnett's character the one that was in the cartoons? And he was all, oh, I'm posh. I had a blazer at school. I think it was Vern. I think Vern was Whoopi Goldberg, the person who ran the,
Starting point is 00:07:32 oh, was he the cameraman? Yeah, he might be. I don't know. Okay. Yeah, sure. Why not? Yeah, we're going to handle this. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I don't really remember. But anyway, he was saying so it was too much of that and not enough turtles. This seems to be plenty of turtles. And Will Arnett's got like one line in this trailer. Yeah, that's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Was Splinter in the original? He was. Okay, he's back. Voiced by, what's his name? Monk. Monk. Tony Shalhoub. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Great. Asian American actor Tony Shalhoub. Yeah. I mean, it's just this establishing shot of the turtles here in the street. And they don't look, you street, and they don't look... You're right, they don't look absolutely enormous. Yeah. And Leonardo's wearing pants.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I think Donatello should be wearing pants to stop him doing all those machines. Oh, I get it. Thank you. I see what you've done there. Yeah, I think, you know, because there's a portal that opens up, as it does at the end of every... By the way, the last movie ended the same way The Amazing Spider-Man did. The turtles had magic blood, and the bad guys were using it to shoot it into the air and
Starting point is 00:08:28 give everybody a disease or a mutation. I don't remember. Okay. They didn't want it to happen. Right. And then the tower falls down. And that's how The Amazing Spider-Man ends. Right?
Starting point is 00:08:37 Yeah. And this one looks like it ends the same way The Avengers ends with like a portal in the sky and shit flies through. Huh. So... And it looks like the thing's from Pixels. Yes, it does. It's like vague spaceship-y kind of blocky thing.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I think it's. Do you think that's a pterodrome being built? Yes, Technodrome. Technodrome, there we go. Come on, man. Sorry, pterodrome's from G.I. Joe. I apologize. No, get your dromes right, mate.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Oh, shit, yeah. Thunderdrome? Thunderdrome. I think it is. It looks like it kind of could slot together. Yeah, totally. And because everybody's contracted for three. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:10 So I think the next one's going to- They're going to Empire Strikes Back this. Yeah. That's what I said. All the things you've said, you've said I've said in my video. I've got nothing new to say. Good. I mean, who knows when this was recorded?
Starting point is 00:09:22 Maybe I said them all and then you were like, I said them all in my video that's a good point I should do that every week who's to say who's to say question for you can you just buy hockey masks
Starting point is 00:09:34 that look like that terrifying hockey masks yeah no exactly he made it maybe he's got a 3D printer probably has a 3D printer
Starting point is 00:09:42 he does look modern and tech savvy so yeah you're right. He looks very nice. Because in every bloody one of these movies or in the Friday the 13th movies, they've always got a horrifying hockey mask. The regular hockey mask is not that scary. That's right.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Exactly. Especially the open face ones and you've just got a mouth guard. Yes. Do you want to see Krang? Yes. Yes. I want to see how they do it. Yep. I don't care how dumb it is. Yep. In fact, I want it to Krang? Yes. Yes. I want to see how they do it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I don't care how dumb it is. Yep. In fact, I want it to be dumb. Absolutely. Speaking of Krang, special shout-outs. I was going to save this for later, but special shout-outs to everybody who sends us fan art during the week.
Starting point is 00:10:17 We got our bloody in-house artist, Fergal Quigley. Yeah, he's the best. He sent us a weekly Planet One of us as Crane collectively. You're the robot. I'm the brain in the chest. You've got a little moustache. I've got a little moustache. Very special shout-out to Zombie Neat Parade,
Starting point is 00:10:37 Zombie NT Parade on Twitter. Hello. Who sent me a picture of me as One Punch Man. Oh, that's great. I know, right? Super Man. Oh, that's great. I know, right? It's super accurate. Yeah, that's really good. I've not seen that one.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Pretty good. That's really good. I'm punching your head right off. I don't like that. Well, there you go. That's really good. And it's you saying, Mason, we have a lot to talk about today.
Starting point is 00:10:58 And then I just punch your head off and I say, I don't know, that sounds like a lot of work, which pretty much nails me, generally. Oh, and an extra special shout-out to Spencer E at DarkSide underscore Source on Twitter, who's made a live, like a real version of our Weekly Planet logo. Oh, yeah, I like that.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Which is us as, like, real humans, and it's got my actual face. It's a little horrifying because it's so real. It's so real. That's what I said on Twitter. Like, it looks... These are all on my Twitter feed, at Wikipedia Brown, if you want to play along at home.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Please. But, man, that is... When you see it as a cartoon, you're like, oh, that's fun. But when you see it in real life, you're like, oh, terrifying. Pretty great. Good work, everybody.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Pretty bloody great. Yeah. All right. Next bit of news. Yes. There was another trailer out this week. Oh. One that sent the internet aflame.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Tarzan. It didn't, though, did it? Well, it... It was on the internet. It certainly came out on the internet. Hang onzan it didn't though did it well it was on the internet it certainly came out i'm gonna look it up real quick and just see how many how many views it has 17 wow but yeah look i just watched it now yeah they're giving it another go aren't they they certainly are did you see grey stoke was that the one the christopher lambert one no it's one of that guy i was gonna say, if it's got Christopher Lambert in it. Lambert.
Starting point is 00:12:08 It's got 7 million views from two days ago. That's actually pretty impressive. How many? 7 million? 7 million. Oh, yeah. Sure. Well, it's got Margot Robbie.
Starting point is 00:12:16 It's got Margot Robbie. It's got... Will Smith. No, that's Suicide Squad. Yeah. It's got Christoph Waltz. Christoph Waltz and Samuel L. Jackson. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Imagine a quentin tarantino style tarzan imagine that would be incredible imagine if this was a twist and quentin tarantino was like you know what i'm gonna do this one in secret that would be amazing but it isn't so it won't be amazing yeah well as i tweeted out about this uh what to say tarzan looks all right gives christophe waltz a chance to do his inglorious bastards thing again but not as good yeah because he seems to do that every movie yeah I like it but it's just kind of like remember when I was sinister I'm just kind of giving that a go yeah yeah do you think you'll be Blofeld in this as well yes I do Christoph Waltz does an interview for Tarzan I'm definitely not guys I'm definitely not Blofeld in this. I'm not. Internet, oh,
Starting point is 00:13:05 he's Blofeld. He's bloody Blofeld. Denial, first sign. Sorry, Greystoke, The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes
Starting point is 00:13:11 is from 1984 and stars Christopher Lambert. Is that how you say it? Lambert? I've just been saying Lambert and I'm not changing it now. It is Lambert, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:13:20 You're on notice, Lambert. You and Ralph Fiennes. I'm not changing. I've mentioned this before did you see the casper van diem tarzan movie i haven't seen any of these i'm not gonna watch any of them all right you've seen the disney one no it's pretty good i don't believe you the cartoon yeah it's good okay yeah it kind of came out in that weird era where disney was kind of those those
Starting point is 00:13:40 were on the way out they're still on the way out they've never been no they're not no they're not coming back but i'm saying it went like little mermaid aladdin pocahontas lion king or whatever not that order and then it was kind of like hercules emperor's new groove treasure planet what do we have left what do we not have to pay for here we go look stop trying to make these stop trying to make tarzan's stop trying to make the phantom stop trying to make these. Stop trying to make Tarzan's. Stop trying to make the Phantom. Stop trying to make the Shadow. Stop trying to make bloody John Carter of Mars. Stop it. Just stop.
Starting point is 00:14:10 You'll never make one that people are interested in. Not ever. I don't know. I think this one has a shot. How? Because it looks okay. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:18 But you know what? We're getting Planet of the Apes as well. Yeah. How do you think the apes look in this? Not as good. Not as good. Exactly. They still look okay though.
Starting point is 00:14:24 But he's going to be raised by the apes. And if they're not looking like real apes, you're going to be like... See, no do you think the apes look in this? Not as good. Not as good, exactly. They still look okay, though. But he's going to be raised by the apes, and if they're not looking like real apes, you're going to be like... See, no, that's the thing. This one, he's not raised by the apes.
Starting point is 00:14:31 This is the same version as the Casper Van Diem story. Okay. When he's already in London, he's like, I'm a proper Englishman. And then he has to go back to Tarzan jungle.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Oh, so he was only briefly... Well, no, he was raised there, but then... By apes. By apes there but then by apes by apes but then he's taken you know then he leaves and becomes like an aristocrat yes and then he has to go back for whatever reason he's like sounds aristocrat am i right we'd high five if he went so far away um look i don't know yeah so look if they put samuel jackson on the hype machine yeah and he shows up on all the bloody talk shows and he talks about how amazing it is people will probably see it
Starting point is 00:15:06 but they shouldn't but there's Samuel L. Jackson being in a thing isn't a sign of quality no but it's a sign that like he's a draw
Starting point is 00:15:13 he's definitely a draw yeah he does those sports bet ads in Australia have you seen those he's like give away all your money
Starting point is 00:15:21 do it I'm Samuel L. Jackson which hat am I wearing my regular hat. You know what it's like. Yeah, absolutely. I know what you're talking about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Yeah. Have you seen that interview where the guy calls him Lawrence Fishburne? Yes. So good. All right. Look, all I'm saying is give Tarzan a chance, Mason. Yeah, okay, fine. You know how... It looks nice.
Starting point is 00:15:43 It does. But the gorillas only look okay. Yeah, sure. So you're saying they're only... But I'm saying there's got to be some sort of scene where he's being raised by the gorillas. There will be. There'll be flashbacks.
Starting point is 00:15:51 And it's not going to look that great. Yeah, okay, fair enough. Yeah. But I'll just go with the magic of cinema, and I'll believe in it. I think you should see the Casper Van Dien version, because as I've mentioned before, there's a scene where he...
Starting point is 00:16:01 I should say ahead of time, it's Casper Van Dien. It's how I say it. Okay, fine. You're going to time it's Casper Van Dien it's how I say it okay fine you're gonna get letters Casper Van Dien version where he climbs like an Aztec temple
Starting point is 00:16:10 and he fights like dog get in your dog bed hey come on you're messing up the show man we're all
Starting point is 00:16:18 we're all having a laugh you're ruining it that's not the bed she's unplugging cables God she's alright she's going anywhere but the bed it's actually amazingging cables. God. She's all right. She's going anywhere but the bed. It's actually amazing how little control you have over the dog.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Well, I can't. I'm behind this desk, aren't I? Mm-hmm. Since she got bitten by that snake, mate, she ain't right. That's right. No, she's good. I reckon she's part snake now. Snake powers?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah, snake powers. Yeah. All right, up you get. All right. She said, look at me. You stink too, dog. Alright, continue. I can hear her on the mic.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah. Anyway. What was I saying? Casper Van Dugan. Yeah. He climbs an Aztec temple and he fights late 90s CGI skeletons. Oh, that's pretty good. And it's also the one where he's an English aristocrat
Starting point is 00:17:06 and he comes back. Yeah, great. More like aristocrat. Okay. So Lionsgate are saying that they're going to do some Hunger Games prequels. Oh, yes. Other suggested videos from the Warner Brothers
Starting point is 00:17:16 YouTube channel include Central Intelligence. And I don't know what that's about at all, but it's got The Rock and he's sort of leaning sneakily around a corner. So that looks pretty good. I think that's the one with Kevin Hart. Oh, very good. I might be wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I haven't watched the trailer. Well, good thing they didn't put Kevin Hart in the thumbnail. You don't like Kevin Hart? He's fine. You're indifferent. Yeah. So yeah, Lionsgate are going to do Hunger Games prequels apparently. Yes. As we said, they would.
Starting point is 00:17:41 So this is going to be the- It's been like two weeks. Yeah, I know, right? Is this going to be the establishment of Pan Am? Yeah, something like that. Okay. Like how the Hunger Games got started. Hunger Games Origins Wolverine or whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yeah, nice. Okay. Do you care about any of this? Not really, because I know how it's going to end. I guess if you could... If we're going to establish a whole new set... I mean, if you make it like a war movie and you establish a new set of characters
Starting point is 00:18:03 that aren't in the current Hunger Games films and you're like, well, maybe they could live, you know, who's going to live or die. But if it's a movie that's got Julianne Moore and bloody Donald Sutherland CGI to look younger and Philip Seymour Hoffman CGI to look alive and bloody Woody Harrelson, et cetera, et cetera. With an even more luxurious wig. So good. Then we're not going to know how it's all going to wind up, so who cares? But I think if you go back like 80 years, it could be interesting to see how the districts kind of split
Starting point is 00:18:35 and they make the Hunger Games. Yeah, but I think also I don't need to see any more actual Hunger Games, I feel. Yeah, I agree. If you could make that a background thing. Because again, we know who all the winners are. So, you know. The man is the winner.
Starting point is 00:18:50 The man is ultimately the winner. What if they went 100 years in the future? The poshos wearing their blazers. What if they went 100 years in the future and it had been... Then it wouldn't be a prequel, would it? I understand that. But like the fallout from all this and the new government just made a new Hunger Games. Because that's what they tried to do at the end of the last one.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yeah, yeah. You know what? You're right, though. Who cares about any of this? Can we... They'll make them, obviously. Yeah. But I don't care.
Starting point is 00:19:13 We can't stop them. No, we can't. Unless we overthrow the government of Hollywood. We can't do it. We probably can't. No. Now, there was a big surprise twist on Supergirl this week. First of all, people are watching that show. Spoiler alert. Yes, I guess. I haven't been watching it. Neither have I. I watched like't. No. Now, there was a big surprise twist on Supergirl this week. First of all, people are watching that show.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Spoiler alert. Yes, I guess. I haven't been watching it. Neither have I. I watched it like three. Yeah, and you weren't a fan. No, look, it's... I don't know quite if it's finding its feet.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Yeah. But again, look, here's the thing. I feel that the actors are less wooden. Yep. Like they've loosened up a little bit. Mm-hmm. Dog's coming at me. Hey!
Starting point is 00:19:44 Come here. Come on. Get on your bed. You've up a little bit. Dog's coming at me. Hey! Come here. Come on. Get on your bed. You've got a good spirit. I admire that. I feel, look, I feel the actors have loosened up a bit, but the dialogue is still pretty bad and plot-wise it's still pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:19:58 But... Bloody... What's his name? Mansion Manhunter. Mansion Man Man. Mansion Marshmallow. Martian Manhunter is in this. The twist is that the head of the D...
Starting point is 00:20:11 Spoiler alert. The head of the D, Hank Henshaw, who in the comic books becomes a villain who can control machines and then becomes the cyborg Superman. In this, instead, is just Martian Manhunter. John Jones, Martian Manhunter. I think, but he's not actually Hank Henshaw. No, he's not. Because the real Hank Henshaw is dead orian Manhunter. Yes. John Jones, Martian Manhunter. I think, but he's not actually Hank Henshaw. No, he's not.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Because the real Hank Henshaw is dead or missing or whatever. Or he's in space and he's got machine control powers. Exactly. Yeah. That is the best looking live action Martian Manhunter. What did we say? We're done. We give up.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Podcast is over. Mansion Marshmallow Man. Yeah, yeah. I mean, we've only seen like this one and the David Ogden Steers version. Yes. But that's, it looks good. It does look good.
Starting point is 00:20:48 That's a great looking version. Yeah. And it's not like it's, it's colorful. Yes. But it's not. Garish. It's not garish. It's not like a cartoon.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Yeah. And it doesn't look like he's just a giant rubber man. Yeah. Yeah. It looks actually real good. I'm all for it. Yeah. But it does worry me.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Will I watch that episode? Maybe. But then I'm like, is this show going to continue for it. Yeah. But it does worry me. Will I watch that episode? Maybe. But then I'm like, is this show going to continue for long? Does that mean they're not going to use him in the movies? Because I feel like if they had plans for him to bring him into the cinematic universe, which I really want to see, they'd veto it. Because they've vetoed characters before. They wanted to bring Harley Quinn into Arrow.
Starting point is 00:21:19 And they were like, nah. Oh, really? We got that one. So, and I feel- And yet they let him have Deadshot. Maybe that was before. That was before. Okay, right. Yeah, that one. So, and I feel... And yet they let him have Deadshot. Maybe that was before. That was before. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Yeah, that was before. Yeah. Well, well. It looks good. It does look good. Yeah. I mean, I won't probably stop watching it, start watching it, but... Doesn't have a cape.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I guess this is the modern era costume, I guess. That's right. Exactly. Have we seen him do any power stuff? No, he just goes, I'm John Johns. I'm from Mars. What's up? Nice.
Starting point is 00:21:47 And I quote. Wow. Pretty good. Because, see, my problem generally with Martian Manhunter. He forgets his powers. Well, yeah, but I can't pronounce his name correctly. But also, yeah, he's got so many powers that they'll put him in a situation and you go, oh, he can just turn intangible and walk through the walls.
Starting point is 00:22:07 But then he doesn't. You're like, why didn't he? Like, you know what I mean? I know what you mean. You know exactly what I mean because it's very obvious what I mean. Yeah. He's one of the few characters that could probably kill Superman. Yeah, almost certainly.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yeah, which is great. Now, there's no sponsor this week. And that's your fault. I scared him all the way. You did. Yeah, but you know, that's all right. We don't have to get him every week. But I wanted to mention-
Starting point is 00:22:34 If anything, it's a welcome reprieve. Exactly. I wanted to mention Comic Bento. I'm not getting paid for this. A lot of people have asked this question. Because Comic Bento, again, there's no money involved in this. A lot of people have asked this question because Comic Bento again there's no money involved in this
Starting point is 00:22:47 I'm just a lot of people have tweeted I want to clarify this that they're a monthly subscription comic box where they send you a random box
Starting point is 00:22:55 of comics like you know like all subscription services they're one of the good ones and I think this month is like throwback or something so or whatever
Starting point is 00:23:03 anyway the point is people are saying do they ship outside of US and Canada? No, for the subscriptions they do not, but you can go on into the store and purchase previous boxes, and they'll ship those anywhere. Oh, just as a one-off.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Just as a one-off, yeah. Cool, nice. But they are also working on doing it worldwide. That would be excellent. Because I think it's a really good idea. Yeah. Because you can just, it's kind of, because they all look,
Starting point is 00:23:24 like I've looked at some of the previous ones, and it's not like, it's a really good idea yeah because you can just it's kind of because they all look like I've looked at some of the previous ones yeah and it's not like it's not like oh this is the comics that the CEO wrote and drew in his basement
Starting point is 00:23:31 or whatever although I would kind of be interested in that like I would pay 20 bucks a month yeah to see that
Starting point is 00:23:36 just a humble CEO by day yep that's what I want to see that kind of comic furious comic book artist by night
Starting point is 00:23:42 but yeah like it's you know it's Marvel and it's DC and it's Dark Horse and it's Image and all sorts of stuff and like Vali But yeah like it's You know it's Marvel and it's DC And it's Dark Horse and it's Image and all sorts of stuff And like Valiant and all that Yeah and it's kind of like it's a nice mixed bag and it's maybe stuff It's quality stuff that you may not
Starting point is 00:23:53 Go into the comic book store and get But if you got it it'd be a nice surprise and you're like I'll give this a whirl kind of thing I think we still have a promo thing I should look this up I actually don't know And again even if people sign up we don't get money for it like it's let me just check this okay yeah so we did have a promo code where you could get i think it was a percentage off 10 off it's if you enter planet bento i'm not sure if that still works but anyway again we're not being paid for this in any capacity
Starting point is 00:24:19 clarification is the name is the name of my game And they're not making me do this either. They weren't like, we're unhappy with your ad. I just thought they're very nice people though, actually. All right. Enough of this tomfoolery. Yeah. Did you see the X-Men trailer? I did.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Apocalypse. No, I just watched the old one. No, I watched Apocalypse. Do you think they should use the X-Men theme from the cartoons? I know we've said this before. Yeah, yeah. Why don't they? And they're running at each other.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Because it's approaching that nexus point where it's the X-Men Apocalypse in the 80s and the cartoon series was like the 90s. Yes. We're getting there. We're bloody getting there. I don't see why they don't. It's crazy thatMen Apocalypse in the 80s and the cartoon series was like the 90s. Yes. We're getting there. We're bloody getting there. I don't see why they don't. It's crazy that they don't.
Starting point is 00:25:09 It's better than whatever the X-Men theme is in these movies. I don't remember what it is. I'm sure if I heard it, I'd be like, oh, yeah, no, I remember that. But I don't. Thanks. I was going to say James Horner who did it, but he's dead. I don't want to. Don't want to thank a dead man.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Certainly not. You're a monster. Thank his estate. Yes, I will. So yeah, X-Men Apocalypse, new trailer. Yeah. Due out, I think it's like May 2016, whenever this is out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Do you think it looks like a good movie? I think it does look like a good movie. Good. I'm glad you said that. I do have some questions though. I'll answer those questions. Okay. So in the comic books apocalypse can become
Starting point is 00:25:45 a big giant man yes in this you can see him become a big giant man is it a dream sequence is this the bloody what they seem to be doing now in every comic book movie in every big large-scale comic book movie dream sequence but in the trailer they play it off as if it's a real thing what's with that yeah stop doing i think it's a dream sequence because of the way it's lit and Professor X is walking. But then again, I feel like Apocalypse could give someone the power to walk who couldn't. Yeah, okay, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:15 But the story is... As long as they do his bidding. Exactly. Because Bryan Singer said that he's got his four horsemen normally, but then he wants Professor X as well because he's quite powerful. So he'll probably get rid of, I don't know, probably Angel. Yeah, probably. Archangel, whatever he's called.
Starting point is 00:26:30 What do you think of the look of Apocalypse having seen him? I'm going back and forth. Sure, yeah. It's kind of hard to get a handle on what he actually looks like. Do you think if they threw out the nose, it would make it look better? They got rid of the nose. Now that I think about it, yes. Flat face. Yes, they could bloody... Ralph finds it.
Starting point is 00:26:48 That's right, yeah. Exactly. I like his outfit. Sure. It's a good kind of costume. It looks uncomfortable, which is the sign of a good comic book costume, generally. If it doesn't take six hours to get off and on, you're wasting
Starting point is 00:27:04 our time, really. Exactly. Yeah, but I like the voice. I like the voice that he's got. And it seems like the guy with the, we don't really know what powers he's got yet. Apparently, he can teleport and he can get in your mind and stuff. But we don't know whether he can get really big and small or change into other people and whatever. I'm going to guess no.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah. I'm going to guess the giant siziness is gonna be just a bit of a nod and a wink to the fans i'm fairly certain brian singer was like i just don't want to have like a giant apocalypse like swatting down a city or whatever i'm like i want to see that me too at least swatting down a beach house exactly it's a little one wouldn't you i'd love to see like can you imagine like magneto and the horseman or whatever turning on a giant apocalypse and they're just like throwing shit at him and he's like, ah, and he's just like smashing shit. I am imagining that and it seems great.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And now I'm going to be let down by this film. The horseman though. Yeah, he definitely would look better without the nose. Yeah. Yeah. Cut his nose off to despite his face. Yes. Good.
Starting point is 00:28:03 All right. Well, that is. The horseman though. So we got Magneto. So for those people who don. Well, that is. The horseman, though. So we've got Magneto. So for those people who don't know, he always has four horsemen or women. Horsepeople. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:12 That sounds like they're actual horsepeople. I bet one of them was through the decades. He's had a few, hasn't he? Yeah, I reckon one is probably a horse person. So he always gets four mutants to do his bidding. Yeah. And this time around, he's got Magneto. Like, he's kind of disenfranchised because he's like i don't where's my life i tried to kill nixon once and
Starting point is 00:28:29 i didn't what do i do now you know that's how i lived in a football stadium it's pretty good it's my finest hour pretty good also what else the archangel yeah it's got the metal wings now it's like is it the the same angel as that we last saw? Because the timelines are a lot... Exactly. It doesn't make any sense. It'd have to be a different archangel or angel. Because he's like a teenager in X-Men 3. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Maybe it's his dad. Maybe it's... No, because he was like a guy, remember? He was just a regular guy. Maybe it's his real dad. Twist. Further twist. These movies are basically soap operas anyway, so why not?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Yeah, that's right. But I feel like as well because they shifted the timeline maybe that guy did have a kid but maybe he had him earlier so it's a different
Starting point is 00:29:09 sperm and egg. So you still get an angel but he was born like a couple of decades earlier. I don't know man, whatever. Who else we got?
Starting point is 00:29:17 Olivia Munn as Psylocke who we don't really see. She's got a very comic book costume. That's true. And the last one is Storm who we see ride the lightning. Ride the lightning. She looks, Storm very comic book costume. That's true. And the last one is Storm, who we see ride the lightning.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Ride the lightning. She looks, Storm looks great. Yeah, that's true. Love the mohawk, man. More of that. They've nailed that look. But again. They haven't nailed the costumes, though.
Starting point is 00:29:34 That's what I was going to say. What? It's the 80s. Yeah. This is the time. Yeah. When you go full on spandex. I was expecting that.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Crazy color. Yeah, yeah. Like, come on. Like, they're just in battle armour again. And I understand it. At least battle armour with big shoulders. That's what you want. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I mean, they've just got Jennifer Lawrence to crimp her hair. And that's it. That's as 80s as it gets. Though Cyclops is wearing Ray-Bans with like covers on the sides. What do you think of this Jean Grey? I'm not sold, to be honest. Neither am I. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:06 But we don't see much of her. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if I think her accent can hold up for that long. And I mean, I'm interested to see, apparently they're going to kind of sow the seeds of the Phoenix Saga kind of thing. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Which they kind of did in X-Men 3, but it wasn't very good, was it? No. But do you think they're going to do like an alien? They might. No, probably not. Don't risk it. Did the Phoenix start as an, was it always an alien? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Initially they were like, what is this for many issues? Oh, I see. You know what I mean? I can't remember. And I'd have to go through a lot of Chris Claremont X-Men issues. And you know what? They were great at the time time but don't go back never ever go back you don't want just that that it's an investment of just hours of people
Starting point is 00:30:50 explaining what their powers are yes exactly yeah yeah so what about the so you sold on the young cast the young nightcrawler young cyclops the one second we see of young nightcrawler yeah looks great yeah sure australian's own cody sm McPhee. Oh, what's he been in? He's in the last Dawn of the Apes movie. Okay, sure. I think he's in The Rose, The Kid on the Road. Oh, okay, right.
Starting point is 00:31:13 That makes sense. He's really good. Yep. He's endured those. He's already got the tattoos, the scars, the religiously challenged. Started early on those, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:31:21 You're against those because you're like, that's an over-design. It's too much detail. Yeah. He's already got a tail and blue skin and an accent, weird accent. Foreign, don't like it. Different. Different.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And do you notice Jennifer Lawrence doesn't really do a lot of mystiquing. Yeah. She's just Jennifer Lawrence. She's sick of it. Well, I guess, and they're like, well, we've got Jennifer Lawrence for one more movie. Right. She's contracted in. After this.
Starting point is 00:31:44 No, this is it. This is it. is it so they're like i guess we'll put her front and center but the mystique costume has been simplified even after because in first class it was very kind of heavily caked on and the whole deal the second one was pretty much a bit of face paint and like a blue jumpsuit yep and it looks like they just you actually do see her in the mystique guys at one point where she's like trapped in a thing and she's lying on the ground. So I think that might be like a depowering room.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I meant to mention it in my trailer thing, but I forgot because I'm so busy being an internet celebrity. The worst kind of person. Yep. Ah, what are we doing? What else happens in this? There's a bald Professor X. Finally gets bald. He's got a rogue eyebrow hair. Did you see it?? There's a bald Professor X. Finally gets bald.
Starting point is 00:32:25 He's got a rogue eyebrow hair. Did you just see it? Oh. Have a look at it. Okay. You played through it, haven't you? Yeah. If you see anything else on the way, be sure to bring it up.
Starting point is 00:32:33 20th Century Fox. They're doing it. They're doing it. They're making it happen. Establishing shot of a city. Yes. Pretty great. Walking in a...
Starting point is 00:32:44 I think maybe that's the Hellfire Club or something. CIA. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Rose McBurn's back. Rose McBurn? Rose McBurn. It's because her name's Moira McTaggart, but it's Rose Byrd.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah. Very good. We see a pyramid. Yes. He's from the pyramid, isn't he? But that's like a... Is that a pyramid he's built in America? Yes. Because it looks like... like no i don't think so i think it's i think he's an old egyptian's one
Starting point is 00:33:11 yeah there's a lot of birds going on outside isn't it correct i guess the early bird gets whatever they are they're after sea shanties there is some cgi in this that is maybe not 100 convincing yeah sure yeah it's like when they do the establishing shot of the horseman there is some CGI in this that is maybe not 100% convincing. Yeah, sure. It's like when they do the establishing shot of the horseman, there's like a library exploding and it does not look super good. No, it doesn't. No. Maybe that might be a weird flashback or future dream sequence or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Also, as we talked about, at the end of Days of Future Past, we saw the future and everything was fine. That's true. I mean, we didn't see outside the building. Maybe it's all desert outside the x mansion yeah but yeah oh we see uh quicksilver we do see quicksilver apparently the sequence they're doing it took like a month and a half to film yep and it's it's reminiscent of the last one but it's like a very kind of bittersweet so it might be quite a sad maybe the mansion is people are getting killed or it's exploding and
Starting point is 00:34:04 he's running through it and he's like, oh, my friends. Maybe. Maybe he's doing it but he's going to die. Yeah. This is his...
Starting point is 00:34:10 This is my guess. It's his last act before he dies. So do you reckon both... Because there's no Quicksilver in the future. So I reckon this might be his X-Men last stand.
Starting point is 00:34:20 So both Marvel and Fox argued over the rights to Quicksilver and then they both got him and both they're like look okay here's the agreement we can both use him once and then we have to kill him that would be amazing i'm trying to look for the actual specific thing that brian singer said about apocalypse growing but i cannot yeah i'm sure i'm certain he was like we didn't really want to do that but anyway okay right uh yeah what else we got then that's it i think but did you see that rogue eyebrow hair yes i saw it and i'll never be able to say it good uh yeah okay why why does he become bald
Starting point is 00:34:53 i mean we know he has to because he's destined to become bald that's right uh he get he pulls it the devil no the devil crushes his legs no he apparently he's in he goes through something physical and emotionally painful and he part rips out his hair, part it falls out. Okay. Because that's a clean break. It certainly is. That's what I was going to say. Where are the little stray bits?
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah, that's right. That looks like a wig, though, when you see him with his actual hair. It's clearly a wig. You can kind of see where it's glued on. Now, we probably mentioned this when First Class came out. Yeah. But didn't he shave his head originally for the role? He did, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:25 He got the role, he shaved his head, he showed up and he's like, what do you think, guys? And they're like, he's not going to be bald in this. So is he wearing a wig in First Class? No. How's that wig? It's extensions. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Yeah, no, that's real hair, yeah. Okay, great. But this one I'm pretty sure. He's got like a George Michael-esque kind of pompadour kind of thing going on, you know, it's the eighties, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the sunrise challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the center for addiction and mental health to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:36:23 And that's how it goes. Look, normally we would, because there's so many trailers out this week, we would stretch this out for many, many hours. Sure. But it's a big week for other things as well, isn't it? It's the last, it's the penultimate, wait, no, it's not. It's the week before Star Wars is what it is. Yes, that's right. So we're going to talk about Star Wars now,
Starting point is 00:36:43 and then we're never going to talk about Star Wars again. You don want to know our opinions and we don't want to give them but we'll be back next week to talk star wars oh and then every week after that uh now you mentioned something before the show the review embargo yes what are your thoughts on that uh so disney lucasfilm have said yep then you're not allowed to do a review until Wednesday. You're not allowed to release your review until Wednesday at midnight, I think. Okay, sure. Now, generally speaking, a review embargo is the kiss of death. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:15 It is the symbol that they've made a bad film and they don't want anybody... And they have to reboot the Fantastic Four. Yes, and they don't want anybody... They don't want moviegoers. And they have to reboot the Fantastic Four. Yes. And they don't want anybody. They don't want moviegoers to know before opening weekend, basically. Yes. And they just want as many people to go before word gets around. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:33 That's terrible. Yes. I don't think this is the case here. No. I think this is a case of they... I think this is a case of when this kind of big event movie comes out, yes. People want to know what,
Starting point is 00:37:48 like the status of the characters. Yes. No, you know, more than that, I think reviewers want to, want to show that they're going to be first in revealing. There's a big part of that.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Like if I'm going to, after this, yeah, I'm not going on the internet until I say it. Yeah. Good idea. Because I get people tweeting me stuff all the time yeah which is fine whatever but i don't want to know anything from this point yes so i'm because people will put like a youtube thumbnail and i'll be like han solo dead and then it's you know exactly yeah and i don't want that i want to
Starting point is 00:38:19 go in not knowing that and look you know 99 of reviewers are fine. Yeah, yeah. They're good at their job. That's why they do that for a living. Yeah. But there's going to be somebody who's just going to straight up either say what happens to, they're going to be like, a surprise appearance from Luke Skywalker in a way you wouldn't expect. But then you know from all the previous spoilers and whatever, well, it's this thing. You can figure it out.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You can figure it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When they say it's something you'll never expect, well, it can't b or c so it has to be d yes you know so exactly the word's gonna get out that's that's why this embargo is happening yes because i think if if we know that luke skywalker is going to come back and then immediately die or whatever yeah then that's going to ruin our enjoyment of it i think that's why there's an embargo happening are you staying off the internet? Yes. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I love the internet. The internet's great. I'm going to be off Twitter and everything. Let's all make an agreement. Let's none of us tweet Star Wars spoilers until the next episode comes out. Fair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Okay. Not to us. Not to each other. I'm not going to tweet to you. I i'm not gonna tweet to you i'm not gonna tweet anything i'm not gonna say the word star wars that's right uh when you say you're saying at midnight aren't you yes yeah me too when midnight wednesday because they're not screening it here as far as i'm aware for reviewers yeah so i was like i might get in a few days early but not about for internet superstars i didn't't ask Yeah, you should have asked You should have shown him your card
Starting point is 00:39:46 My lanyard Yeah, so Which is good I mean, I get to see it with everybody else But that being said I was going to see it Yeah, I was going to see it at midnight anyway I was going to see it a couple of times
Starting point is 00:39:58 Even if I saw it early But I don't want the hooting and the hollering and all that Which we will get Which is uncommon in Australia, except for this, I would imagine. As soon as Luke Skywalker comes on, people are going to go crazy. I'm going to miss something. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:15 People will laugh really hard at the jokes that probably aren't that funny. If I were Abrams, I would build in crucial information, maybe to sequels or to something else or to like secret backstory. I would put it in the dialogue immediately after we introduce every character. So I'd be like, I've come back
Starting point is 00:40:36 it's me, Han Solo. And then Harrison Ford would be like, the secret the prize is hidden. And then nobody would hear it and then you'd have to go back. You'd have to wait And then you have to go back. You have to wait. You have to go several times. Like, because people's brain would do that.
Starting point is 00:40:49 You immediately have to go back in to the next session and hope that nobody hoots and hollers over it again. But they would. So you'd have to leave again and then come back to the next session. You do it till the crowds dwindle. Yeah, you have to just keep doing it. Yeah, so that part, I guess I'm not.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I mean, it's great that people are excited, but can we all just agree to shut up? I've come back from my exile. It's me, Luke Skywalker. Woo! I have a secret son. His secret is on the other side of the galaxy, but he's going to be a Sith Lord,
Starting point is 00:41:17 so you've got to watch out for that. Woo! Yeah. That would be pretty funny, actually. I want that. No, I don't No So yeah
Starting point is 00:41:27 So this week we're going to talk Star Wars predictions Okay I guess potential spoilers But we have no insider knowledge No All this is kind of based off trailers We're just internet superstars
Starting point is 00:41:36 That's right Just humble internet superstars Just try to get by Day to day Yeah So I've written a series of questions These questions weren't actually for you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Who were they for? I was going to do a video with Christian Harloff from the Schmoes. And we were going to do like this, basically. And we just never got around to it. He exploded. He did explode. From Star Wars based excitement. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:00 He's a super nice guy. But yeah, it didn't work out. But we'll do something at some point. Sounds like Schmoes doesn't know how to bloody schedule. No, it's certainly not just on him. It was about 50-50. It's a busy time in everybody's lives. But so yeah, so I guess you're my next go-to guy for this.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So I'm the backup plan. Great. That's right. Now I'm okay with that yeah all right so series of questions here we go all right star wars jacket speculation okay we'll get to that who do you think kylo ren ray and finn are do you think they're anybody important in the galaxy kylo ren being the sith guy i know who he is ray being the lady the lady The lady person. Yes. Yeah. And Finn being Lando's son. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Look, I think, I think I've mentioned this before. I'm a hundred percent certain that Rey is Han Solo and Leia's daughter. Okay. I think that because I, and I imagine that's how Han's going to be killed. Right. I think that. His daughter breaks his neck. Yeah. They should do that after the...
Starting point is 00:43:07 Drops a BB-8 on him. After the ruling... And then he lives on in the spirit of BB-8, in the shell of BB-8. That would be great if that was during the wooing. Hello, I'm Han Solo. Woo, snap. That'd cut those woos off.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah. Look, I think that Han Solo spent his whole relationship with Princess Leia going, you're such a princess. Stop talking. You're tough enough, princess. You're such a princess. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:32 This is war. This is whatever. And then they have a daughter. And then all of a sudden he's like, oh, she's my precious princess. Oh, no. I've got a heart of gold. I've got to protect her from everything. And then she's grown up and she's decided that she doesn't want to be coddled anymore
Starting point is 00:43:46 and she wants to go off on her own. So she is off exploring and she's some sort of junk. Vagrant. Yeah, she's some sort of vagrant. Yes. And she's off, you know, exploring and being like a junk merchant or whatever she is. Yeah. Or like a scavenger.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Sure. She's got the BB-8. Sure. And then she's going to realize that oh she actually wants to spend time with her family and her father she forgot he's going to die she forgot she had a destiny yeah exactly nobody in this universe lives without a destiny i couldn't say 100 certain that she's han solo's daughter yeah i think she could be luke's she's certainly someone's daughter certainly somebody's daughter but yeah she's definitely got skywalker-ness in
Starting point is 00:44:24 her yeah okay uh people are speculating that that staff is darth plagas's daughter. Certainly somebody's daughter. But yeah, she's definitely got Skywalker-ness in her. Yeah, okay. People are speculating that that staff is Darth Plagueis' who was Sidious' master. Right, the mysterious Darth Plagueis who we've never seen. Never seen. Okay. I mean, we've seen him in real life. Now, what am I saying?
Starting point is 00:44:37 That doesn't make any sense. It's very early. I know, move it in. It's very early. So early in the morning. What was I going to say? I think she's... So you're saying he has a stick?
Starting point is 00:44:47 Yes. Is that a lightsaber? Well, it might be. It's got lightsaber edges, right? I don't know. It looks like a potato peeler. I think it's... And then it's got the lightsaber in the middle.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I would love if it was like a... I was going to say, like a staff with like, it's just got a bit on the end, like a... Well, that's been a part of the... Like a bloody... Scythe? No, it's just got a bit on the end, like a, you know, like a. Well, that's been a part of the, that, that, you know, like a, like a bloody. Scythe? No, it's not a word. No, like a bloody, a bloody. Like the guy has from Game of Thrones when he fights the mountain. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:13 That thing. But we've seen those, because we've seen those in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Yeah. Like plenty of characters have those. Yeah. Can't remember what's wrong. Pike? Pike.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Double finger snap. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, because she's a junk collector and whatever so i think that's that's the deal there okay i'm not sure yeah there's a scene where in one of the newer trailers where she goes oh bb8 where where are you from and he goes oh i think she's a bb8 is actually a she but um if you give droids genders i guess which they shouldn't yeah they're droids that's right
Starting point is 00:45:44 and then she's like, oh no, I'm classified too. So I think she's been put there for a reason or she's hiding out because she's important or whatever. So yeah, that's what I think that is. And I think BB-8 is Poe Dameron's droid. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And then he gets his- How does he fit in an X-Wing? He's a circle. I guess. A circle can fit into a square. Fine. I reckon there'd just be some rattling about. There would certainly be some rattling, yeah. he's a circle I guess a circle can fit into a square fine I reckon there'd just be some Rattlin about
Starting point is 00:46:07 there'd be some Rattlin there would certainly be some Rattlin yeah I can't argue with that but I think he's I think he's a resistance droid and then because I think there's a raid
Starting point is 00:46:14 at the start where Poe Dameron gets captured and he escapes and gets taken by Junkers or whatever and she picks him up okay sure I think that's what it is
Starting point is 00:46:21 because you see him in yeah the X-Wing later yeah and I don't know I think he's something at some point do you think she finds darth vader's helmet and skull i don't think his skull's in there i think i would love it to be i reckon it is it's got to be in there i think uh finn well they burned him they burned his body yeah but he's his head still in it isn't it that's what i'm saying he's all shrunk there's like a shrunken head
Starting point is 00:46:42 he's still alive, though. Still alive. Just squelching away there. Yeah, like a dried up apple or something. Yeah, exactly. That's been the bottom of your posh private school bag for too long. So I think Kylo Ren is also, I think he's Han Solo's son. Really?
Starting point is 00:47:03 I'd bet my bottom dollar on that. Wow. I think more so than Rey, unless they're both Han Solo's son. Really? I'd bet my bottom dollar on that. Wow. I think more so than Rey, unless they're both Han Solo's son. They could both be Han Solo's son, yeah. Yeah. There's a few quick changes. That's right. I think he was like a Jedi or he was training to be and then under Luke and then he went
Starting point is 00:47:17 and did his own. Right. Because again, if we go back to Expanded Universe, which I'm aware is completely non-canon now. Are you, Mason? Why are you bringing it up then because in the expanded universe doesn't han solo has a number of kids yeah he's got like 15 no he's got like three he's got like three one of them becomes uh i can't remember there's jason solo jana solo and there's another one but jason solo junior one of them the one of the twins becomes evil hey han you going to have to become a smuggler.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I'm sorry about this. It's in the name. For my name's sake, you've got to be a smuggler. I mean, I know we're doing pretty alright now, and we're on the side of law and order and goodness, but you're going to have to get my bloody, rattly, rust bucket of a ship and smuggle some drugs like I used to.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Oh, come on, Dan! I want to be a politician. Nope. Not this family. Yeah. What was I saying? Okay, but does one of his kids fall to the dark side? Yeah, that's this guy.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Or Kylo Ren. No, but I'm saying in the expansion. Oh, yes, yes. Jason. I think it's Jason. I don't remember. Okay, right. And then he dies probably.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Yeah, he does, yeah. Okay. Spoiler alert, I guess. Yeah, it's too late. It's too late. But I think there could be a chance that they're saying like Kylo Ren is like a reverse Luke Skywalker I think there's a possibility that he could
Starting point is 00:48:29 so he took so he he's trained by a reverse Yoda yeah speaks the right way around that's right yeah grammatically correct Yoda yeah
Starting point is 00:48:37 I think there's a chance I'm not 100% on this I'm not even 50% that he would go from the dark side to the light side over the course of this trilogy okay sure so you know how Luke kind of grows and you're like is he going to be good or bad even 50% that he would go from the dark side to the light side over the course of this trilogy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Sure. You know how Luke kind of grows and you're like, is he going to be good or bad? Or I guess you never really think it's going to be bad. Sure. Yeah. But I think there's a chance that he'll take that arc. So does that mean.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Unless he kills somebody like straight away, then it's like, well, no, he's bad. Yeah. And we seem like, like cutting villages in half or whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Then no. Yeah. Do you think then that there's another villain waiting in the wings? Yes, Plagueis. Oh, it is Plagueis. Plagueis is still alive. I think it's Plagueis. He's still alive. There's a guy called Snoke who's played by Andy Serkis.
Starting point is 00:49:15 He's a motion capture character. And Plagueis is this, in the expanded universe, or even in the regular universe, he's like a big, long-headed, gangly-looking dude. Okay. And that's something you couldn't kind of do without motion capture or CGI. Yeah. They're actually part of the Trade Federation.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Oh, I see. He's got a... Wait. He's a big spindly-looking, banana-headed guy. He's spindly? Wait, like that guy? Sort of. He looks like Max Rebo.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Or whichever one the Max... He's that guy from the Max Rebo band. Oh my God, he's been here the whole time. He's been in the Max Rebo band. The whole time. I'm trying to find a good picture of it. Oh, I see. He's got a long...
Starting point is 00:49:57 He's got a thumb for a head. Yeah, exactly. Okay, yeah, sure. So he looks something like that. But we've seen those guys before. In the Max Rebo band. In the Max Rebo band. In the Max Rebo band. Now, because Palpatine thought that he killed him, right?
Starting point is 00:50:09 Right. He was fairly certain. But these guys are known to cheat death because they're Sith and whatever. Sure, yeah. So there's a good chance that he's been waiting in the shadows. And I think he's injured. And that's why we haven't seen him. I think maybe he's in like he's got a suit or part of a suit.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Or he's in like one of those Darth Vader vacuum sealed chambers. Yeah, okay. But I think he's always been there. If it is Plagueis, which I'm fairly certain it is, don't tweet me if you know. What do you base that on? Just a gut feeling. Just a gut feeling.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Just a Han Solo style gut feeling. That's right. Yeah, okay. And look, if he's not, it's fine. But it's better. That would be quite good. It's better that it's him than it's just some guy, some dark Jedi who came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Do you know what I mean? That does require that everybody knows who Darth Plagueis is. No, it doesn't. Nobody knows who he is. It doesn't. No, but I mean, we the audience. Yes. They'd explain it.
Starting point is 00:50:58 It's one sentence. You just do it after the wooing. Yeah, I guess that's true. Or during the wooing. It's me, Darth plagueis i was i was palpatine's i was my palpatine's master everybody thought i was dead but i'm not actually not dead i've seen she does and it's in that bit the white middle the egg thing but now i'm back what did i miss did i miss anything
Starting point is 00:51:17 also you know what would be cool if like kylo ren or Rey or any of these people are not related to anybody? That would be good if that was just random people. It's not going to happen, but yeah. But I think Finn might be that, or I'm hoping that. That he's not Lando's son. He's not Lando's son. He's not the only other black person in the galaxy. I don't think he is.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Yeah. But there's a chance that they would do it. I don't think that. They're not that dumb, are they? Well, I mean, Billy Dee Williams is not in these movies, right? No, I think he's in the next one. Okay, right. And people are like, he's Mace Windu's son.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Again, he doesn't have to be. Oh, yeah, there's another black guy in the galaxy. I forgot. Okay. So, yeah. Or Captain Panaka from episode one. He couldn't be, he'd have to be Mace Windu's grandson. Yes, he would.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Sorry, you're right. Yeah. Maybe he fathered a child before he was thrown out that window. Maybe Mace Windu's son is Lando calrissian oh my god just link them all together yeah just that would be amazing i think i think it's me finn i'm lando calrissian's son but and he's also mace windu's son he's a he's a family tree is it all just a straight line yeah it's all no mothers either straight line uh yeah i think he's just a rogue stormtrooper yeah and i think he grabs i think kylo ren has a bunch of artifacts i think he's got vader's head
Starting point is 00:52:40 i think he's got vader's head i think he's got a whole lot of artifacts i think he's got the anakin skywalker luke's skywalker lightsaber yep and i think finn grabs it on the way out okay i think that's how he gets has that definitively been proven have people done a comparison and gone that's luke's it is it is yeah it is yeah yeah which is great it's kind of like a scalper being like passed down like a destiny like a bloody destiny everybody's got a destiny and but it looks like there's also people theorizing that he's not Force sensitive. Okay. Which he might not be.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Yeah. Because you see that the Stormtroopers are trained in melee combat. Yeah. You see it in the trailers. So he might just be okay with the lightsaber. Yeah. Because I guess if you're like, this is a galaxy where they know that Jedi exist or could come back at some point.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Yeah. Why wouldn't they train them up? That's a good point. Yeah. Finally have a use for that slot on the back of the Stormtrooper outfit. Exactly. Well, that leads us into the question, though, of what do you think happened to all the Jedi?
Starting point is 00:53:33 The Jeds? The Jedi. The old Jeds. The old Jedi. The old Jedi Clampetts. Do you think they're... Well, I think... Texting.
Starting point is 00:53:42 You think texting? No, look, I think... Texting. You think texting? No, look, I did... See, from the, again, expanded universe, in that particular version, Luke Skywalker sets up a Jedi Academy and this whole deal... I played the game, Jedi Academy. And so there's this whole new situation with it,
Starting point is 00:54:01 this whole new generation of Jedis. Yeah. I don't think that hasn't happened. I think Luke just went okay you guys have got this. I'm going to leave now. And he just went away. But they don't got it. I feel like he tried it and it didn't work. And part of that's
Starting point is 00:54:16 Kylo Ren. He was training it up and then it didn't. And he's like I don't want to do this. I'm bad at this. I'm as bad as Obi-Wan was at this and he was real bad at this. Look I'm going to train you, Kylo Ren, because you may be Han Solo's son. Who's to say? And look, I've had a premonition and a prophecy and a real bad feeling about this,
Starting point is 00:54:35 that you're going to restore balance to the Force in a negative way. Yes. But look, when's that ever turned out bad? So I'm going to do it anyway. Oh, no, you're a Sith Lord now. What have I done? Oh, destiny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Yeah. I think maybe he's... Yeah, no, I think... Yeah. That thing I said? That thing you said. I think he's attempted it and it hasn't worked and he's gone into exile.
Starting point is 00:54:59 There might be a possibility that he's gone to train some other people. Yeah, sure. On the side of the galaxy. Style, yeah. Yeah, on the side of the galaxy the galaxy it's like i've just been on the other side i've trained up 13 jedi each more deadly than the last they're gonna appear in later movies they're gonna appear in later movies one of them's probably han solo son no mothers no it's just it's just a straight line.
Starting point is 00:55:25 It's all weird virgin births in this universe. I don't understand it either. But I like that things are still in turmoil. I'm glad they're not kind of like, and there's a new Republic and there's a new Council of Jedi. Don't need any of that. Well, for starters, it's boring.
Starting point is 00:55:39 And second of all, the universe is, the galaxy is so big that, you know, that it's been 30 years, but word hasn't gotten around that the Empire is done yet. Yeah. They seem to not know. Yeah. Yeah. Question for you.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Question for you. Okay. What was so bad about the Empire? Probably all the murders and genocide. No. But I mean like. They blew up that planet. They blew up the, but I mean before that.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Like everybody's like, we hate the Empire so much they're ruining everything like when they're the Nazis no but like in Tatooine yeah they're not doing anything
Starting point is 00:56:14 they killed Beru and Owen before that well I haven't seen those movies that's what I'm talking about but just because we haven't seen it
Starting point is 00:56:22 doesn't mean they didn't do stuff we're seeing Rogue One well then we'll know won't we there's new comics where they're well good we'll find out but all because we haven't seen it doesn't mean they didn't do stuff we're seeing rogue one well then we'll know won't we there's new comics where they're good we'll find out but all i'm saying is based on the movies right they they take over everything seems fine yeah there's a rebel alliance you sound a lot like anakin skywalker in episode two to me mate oh we become the most powerful jedi somebody should be in charge of everything
Starting point is 00:56:45 and no one will die ever I'm secretly going to become Darth Vader I'm going to be a really evil guy
Starting point is 00:56:52 I'm going to kill heaps of kids but everybody heard it because no one was wooing yeah that's true it was just
Starting point is 00:56:57 sad and in shock all I'm saying is life under the like they've got a lot of technology how bad could it be remember V for Vendetta I remember
Starting point is 00:57:06 like in the comic books it's this horrible fascist society yeah and it's England and it's England which is even worse but in V for Vendetta
Starting point is 00:57:13 the movie everything's kind of fine sure yeah like everybody's got a nice apartment and a nice flat screen TV you can make an eggy in a basket
Starting point is 00:57:20 you can make an eggy in a basket which isn't a real thing no yeah I mean it's a real thing but it's not called that. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:26 It's called an egg in bread. Yeah. We call them bullseyes in my family. Wow. Yeah. What other foods do you have? Yeah, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Well, all I'm saying is it seemed fine. They seem to mostly leave you alone unless you're in an X-Wing. And then stop shooting at them was all I'm saying. Yeah, fair enough. I mean, sure, they built a Death Star.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Yeah, they built a Death Star. Tarkin was probably, I don't know, he probably had slaves. All right, fine. Agree or disagree. Good. But look, what about Starkiller Base, which is the new Death Star? There's a new Death Star. What do you think about that? That's the one we see there's a new Death Star what do you think
Starting point is 00:58:05 about that that's the one we see in the poster right yeah I think it's built into a planet I think it uses
Starting point is 00:58:10 the planet core as like an energy source that sounds good and it's even more Death Star than the Death Star how so
Starting point is 00:58:16 because it can't move around it rolls I mean it's bigger than the Death Star well if it's a planet sure I think it
Starting point is 00:58:23 well it could be a moon it's got to do something bigger than the Death Star. Well, if it's a planet, sure. I think it could be a moon. It's got to do something bigger than the Death Star, which means either it wipes out galaxies or it could explode like a sun. But I mean, it's a planet. It can only explode its own sun, which would be pretty embarrassing. Yeah, I guess. I'm sure it moves.
Starting point is 00:58:41 I'm sure it moves. It's a planet. The Death Star moved. It had sublight engines. We talked about this. I don't like this. How? It's a planet. The Death Star moved. It had sublight engines. We talked about this. I don't like this. It had a series of sublight engines and an exhaust. Look, it did, didn't it?
Starting point is 00:58:50 Just the one. I only think it would work if it's like a planetary defense grid. Like it protects a particular solar system. Yeah. And it cannot move because it's a planet. You can't move a planet. It doesn't work. Superman's moved a planet. Yeah, all right. Fine. It doesn't work. Superman's moved a planet.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Yeah, all right, fine. In Red Dwarf, Lister played pool with planets. That's true, he did. That's pretty good. I was thinking about that the other day. It has to move. Planets can't move. None of this is real.
Starting point is 00:59:18 I know, but I'm drawing the line. I guess it would get dark because you'd move away from a sun. Correct. Especially if it's very dark and you blew up the sun. I'm not saying... Maybe it doesn't move. Maybe you can shoot from wherever it is. I'm going to say Imperial Home Base is one of the other planets
Starting point is 00:59:33 in that solar system. Okay. And they're like, we'll just go there and we'll blow it up and we'll get rid of everybody or whatever. Yes. But then the Starkiller, this bloody... It's the planetary defence grid I mean it's called
Starting point is 00:59:46 star killer so one assumes it would probably blow up stars but I disagree yeah okay fair enough well we'll see
Starting point is 00:59:52 won't we we'll bloody see and I'll forget you said anything and then we'll talk about it next week but you know there's the
Starting point is 00:59:58 there's the bit where the person's lying in the snow yes do you think we'll talk about that but do you think there's a chance
Starting point is 01:00:03 that that's not snow and that's ash oh or like do you think it was maybe a that that's not snow and that's ash? Oh. Or like, do you think it was maybe a normal planet they blew up the sun and then it gets dark
Starting point is 01:00:09 and there's ice? Oh. Do you think either of those things are a possibility? I think it might be the second one. Also, can I have some money? Do you have any money on you? I have some money on me.
Starting point is 01:00:16 How much do you have? I don't really want any money. Okay, good. You just jonesed for money because you're doing this comic bento thing for free. That's right, exactly. Yeah, what do you think of those things I said?
Starting point is 01:00:30 I think the person lying on the ground is probably the... What's the name of the monster in Empire Strikes Back? Gregory. No, the white one. The womper. The womper. It's probably the womper. It's still lying there.
Starting point is 01:00:41 That's probably Hoth. It's like, oh. I didn't die, you guys. I've been here for 30 years. But it's still lying there that's probably hoth it's like oh i didn't die you guys i've been here for 30 years oh but it's got trees there's no trees on hoth oh then it's probably not hoth unless they grew some trees snow trees no trees snoke trees oh yeah no i think you're probably right i reckon that's probably that's like post-apocalypse yeah like if the sun has been destroyed or a planet's been destroyed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:07 And yeah, it's people just like... Or it's just snow. It's just a snowy planet. Because the Starkiller base is also on... It's a snowy planet. So it could be that. I've got so many theories, Mason. You've got a lot of theories.
Starting point is 01:01:18 And most of them will be wrong. But who do you think's lying in the snow? Dead? Or injured? Oh. Do you think it's Han Solo oh or is it Luke Skywalker nah
Starting point is 01:01:29 no way yeah I think it's Finn I think he's had his arm taken off or something oh like and that's the hero's journey
Starting point is 01:01:36 in a Star Wars movie if you hold that lightsaber you get your arm taken off that's a really good point yeah multiple arms taken off that's right it's actually that's true Ben Kenobi held it he didn't lose any limbs You get your arm taken off. That's a really good point. Multiple arms taken off. That's right.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Actually, that's true. Ben Kenobi held it. He didn't lose any limbs. Yeah, but he didn't wield it. He didn't spin it. Okay, you've got to wield it. Yeah. Though Han Solo wielded it in Empire. He cut open that tauntaun.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Tauntaun. Yeah, that's true. Tim Tam. Tim Tom? Tim Tams. They're good, aren't they? Tim Tams. It's very early.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Yeah, it is. So yeah, who do you think? You think it's definitely Finn. And he's lost an arm. I'm fairly certain. I mean, I don't know for sure. If it's not Finn, it's probably Han Solo. I don't think anybody's going to lose an arm in this.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I disagree. I think Star Wars is all about dismemberment. I think in every movie somebody loses an arm. Somebody's losing an arm. Oh, except maybe Episode 1. I could be wrong about that. This is the new Episode 1 arm. Somebody's losing an arm. Oh, except maybe episode one. I could be wrong about that. This is the new episode one then. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:02:29 I'm putting my foot down. Well, it could be the new episode one. Yeah, I know. So do you think if anyone's going to die in this movie, do you think it's Han Solo? Yes. Me too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:38 You know what? I'm at the point where Harrison Ford is so enthusiastic about everything now. That's a trap. Yeah. No, where I'm saying I will be sad if now. That's a trap. Yeah. No, where I'm saying, I will be sad if he... It's a trap. Yes, I will be sad if he does die.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Right. Because before I'm like, definitely kill him. He's not into this at all. He hates all this shit. Just kill him. So have you seen some interviews and stuff with him? Yeah, he's very enthusiastic. So it's not through...
Starting point is 01:02:59 I haven't seen any. It's not through gritted teeth? No. Really? No. I mean, he's an actor. I think that... But I get the sense, though... He's free. He's really no I mean he's an actor I think that but I get the sense though
Starting point is 01:03:06 he's free he's happy yeah he's free this is his last hurrah and he's like you don't know but I'm dead yeah I think this is my last one
Starting point is 01:03:13 there's no way he lives through this yeah and it can't be Luke because we haven't seen Luke exactly and they're not going to be like hey it's Luke big reveal
Starting point is 01:03:22 hey by the way I'm going to die in like 10 minutes I'm going to die at the end of this I'm just going to kill myself he's going by the way I'm going to die in like 10 minutes I'm going to die at the end of this I'm just going to kill him he's going to appear they're maybe going to have like a reunion
Starting point is 01:03:29 of some sort there'll be a hug there'll be a hug a lot of hugging in Return of the Jedi we've done our commentary it's out of the way now onto the prequels
Starting point is 01:03:37 yes let's do something other than Star Wars next oh definitely we'll have to do something for Batman V Superman we'll have to do
Starting point is 01:03:43 something for Civil War we'll probably do Age of Ultron we'll have to do something for Batman v Superman. We'll have to do something for Civil War. We'll probably do Age of Ultron. We'll have to do something for X-Men. Yeah, nice. So all those. Yeah. So we're going to have
Starting point is 01:03:50 a teary reunion. Yep. I haven't seen you in a real long time. Yep. Because, you know, by the way, I trained Kylo Ren
Starting point is 01:03:55 as his son and he's a Sith Lord now. And then Han Solo's going to die. Yep. Bullet to the head, lightsaber. Kill self. Probably not that one. I think he's going to die. Yep. Bullet to the head. Lightsaber. Kill self.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Probably not that one. I think he's going to make the Obi-Wan Kenobi style sacrifice. Yep. He's going to be like, you guys make a run for it? Yep. Okay. And I guess I'll just die, I guess. Sure.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Maybe I'll disappear and my cloak will fall to the ground. No, I'm gone. My guts are out of my body. I'm missing all four limbs. How did this happen? I feel like he's going to have to die in a way where he's not horribly dismembered or something. Maybe he'll lose an arm,
Starting point is 01:04:35 but he'll get maybe speared through the torso. They're not going to take his head off or something. Do you think Kylo Ren's going to kill him? I think he's going to die Qui-Gon Jinn style. The blade through the chest, I think. Yeah, very good chance. Yeah, he's going to die Qui-Gon Jinn style. Yeah. The blade through the chest, I think. Yeah, yeah. Through the chest up through the face. And then he's just going to split in half T-1000 style,
Starting point is 01:04:53 but not all the way. Like a lily. And not come back together. He's going to flap about for a bit and then fall over. Down an exhaust port. That'd be pretty good, right? Very undignified so I'm waiting that's why
Starting point is 01:05:06 he'd fall into carbonite and then he'd just be this mangled this mangled mess in carbonite and then they can sell those as merchandise he looks like
Starting point is 01:05:16 the monster from the thing yeah just a real mess they could sell that as ice cube trays I'd buy that me too yeah but I feel like cause he's Han Solo's the one in this I'd buy that as ice cube trays. I'd buy that. Me too.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yeah, but I feel like, because he's, Han Solo's the one in this who was like Obi-Wan in the original, where he's like, this is where I'm from. This is what's real in the galaxy. Let's do an adventure. Shit. I'm dead, you know? But I think he'll be okay with it. Harrison Ford will certainly be okay with it. Look, he's probably had a lot of sex.
Starting point is 01:05:45 He's probably pretty happy with himself at this point in his life. He's done everything he needs to do. Smoked an awful lot of weed. That's right. Look, and again... Oh, do you mean Harrison Ford or do you mean Han Solo? Both. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:57 But look, I think Harrison Ford being super chipper on this press run because he knows it's the last one and Yeah. And he's done with it. And he can be left alone forever. He'd be like, later, Carrie Fisher. Later, Mark Hamill. He just calls him Luke Skywalker. Yeah, later, Luke. See you, mate.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Enjoy the next decade. I'll be over here smoking blunts. That's right. Here's a question, though. Here's a Harrison Ford smoke and weed story go apparently on
Starting point is 01:06:29 like I don't know Return of the Jedi or whatever yeah like whichever one was filmed in England it was all
Starting point is 01:06:36 all of them I don't know anyway apparently one time his driver picked him up is this about the saucepan yes the saucepan that story's true
Starting point is 01:06:42 is this on how did this get made no sorry I was there too sorry tell the story though so apparently one time he comes i think it was indiana jones as well oh yeah it might have been anyway so so his driver comes to pick him up from his hotel or whatever and and harrison four comes down and he's just got he's holding a saucepan like a like a blackened like a fiery like a like a saucepan that's been on it's been on the stove way too long.
Starting point is 01:07:07 And the dude's like, what's happened here? What are you doing, man? And Harrison Ford's like, I ran out of papers. So he'd run out of papers to roll joints. And he just decided he'd just put a saucepan on the stove and fill it with weed and just... And then he was just huffing it in the car. Just like putting his face in it. Allegedly. Allegedly.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Allegedly. Allegedly. Yeah. But anyway, he's just looking forward to another decade of that. Yeah. Without having to do interviews about Star Wars. Yeah, that's it. I mean, the next decade will be him being asked questions like, hey, do you miss being
Starting point is 01:07:39 in Star Wars? That's right. Yeah. And his answer will be no. And then eventually people will stop asking him. That's right. Because you'll be dead eventually. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Where do you think Luke Skywalker is? Exile. But why? Oh. Also, do you think he's Kylo Ren? No. Yeah, me neither. Surely not.
Starting point is 01:07:55 But that's a theory going around. Isn't Adam Driver, surely? Well, yeah. Yeah. It doesn't make any sense. It makes no sense. They're different heights. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Adam Driver's got that weird facial hair. Yeah. It's all wisp They're different heights. Yeah. Kylo Ren's got the... Adam Driver's got that weird facial hair. Yeah. It's all wispy. He does. Not in this, though. We'll see. Yeah, we will.
Starting point is 01:08:11 I think he might... Adam Driver might be damaged. Like, maybe that's why he wears the mask. Yeah, probably. Okay, where do you think Luke Skywalker's been? Because I'll be saying exiled, but why? He's definitely in exile. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Well, we don't know that for a fact. Because he messed up the Jedi training. Possibly. There's also rumors see i feel that that that makes him seem like a 30 year failure though well like all the jedi they're all 30 years all the ones that are left i guess yeah but it kind of feels like i don't know it feels like just al bundy just coasting on past glories like i got four touchdowns in one game i destroyed the Death Star that time but that's all he wants to do that's all he wanted to do destroy Death Stars
Starting point is 01:08:47 that's all he wanted yeah and he did it no he did one yeah and then he burnt that other guy and he was like
Starting point is 01:08:54 that'll do it I think there's also rumours that he's protecting something okay like an artefact or a cave of oh something
Starting point is 01:09:02 sure like yeah do you think maybe it's the midichlorian hive? It might be, yeah. The source of all the midichlorians in the galaxy. Yeah, with a stick and all the midichlorians come out, yeah. That's the big reveal.
Starting point is 01:09:12 He shows up and he's in a beekeeping outfit. We're like, who is this? I'm Luke Skywalker. I've got to wear this beekeeping outfit. That's why Kylo Ren has that mask. It's a beekeeping helmet. He says all these things. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Yeah, good. Yeah, I think he's got he goes in there every once in a while he just fogs it out get in there midichlorians keep making the force i think he's um do you think anybody's gonna say the word midichlorian in this one. No, I would... Not a chance. Yeah. Not a chance. If somebody does, Harrison Ford will tell them to shut up. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to say, I think he's in exile for a reason and he's doing something specifically.
Starting point is 01:09:55 I don't think he's just hiding for no reason. I think there's a point to it. Yeah, okay. Because otherwise, why do it? Yeah, okay. Like, it has to be a solid reason why he's not around. Yeah. Do we know any casting information about Episode 8? I think he's in it. Well, okay. Like, it has to be a solid reason why he's not around. Yeah. Do we know any casting information
Starting point is 01:10:05 about Episode 8? I think he's in it. Well, he is in it, but he could be a blue ghost. He could be a blue ghost in this one. That's true. We don't know. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Well, I'm thinking more in the sense of we don't... Perhaps it is a case... Okay, here's my theory. Mm-hmm. He's in exile. He's training some other Jedi. Yep.
Starting point is 01:10:23 We're going to see them either at the end of this... Yep....or at the start of Episode 8. Yeah. And we're going to see them either at the end of this or at the start of episode 8 and we're going to get that would be sweet we're going to get Rey and we're going to get Finn and they are going to join that team
Starting point is 01:10:32 great that is my theory I would love that because he's going to be like look I messed up with Kylo Ren that's on me sorry about that sorry Han Solo
Starting point is 01:10:40 I ruined your kid and now he's killed you but I'm doing better with this team. They're doing real good. And now I've found Rey and I've found Finn. They've got a lot of potential. Come and join this.
Starting point is 01:10:52 And then we're going to have a kind of Jedi Academy situation tonight. We're all doing flips in the jungle. Flips in the jungle. Yeah. Great. I would love that. I hope you're right. I hope you're wrong.
Starting point is 01:11:02 I hope so you're wrong. I hope it's not flips in the jungle. I hope it's flips flips in the jungle. I hope it's flips in just like a 70s gymnasium. It's a pommel horse. Weird smell. Yeah, medicine balls. Kettle bells.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Kettle bells. What about R2-D2 and C-3PO? C-3PO is going to die. Wait, no, R2-D2 is going to die. No! No, R2-D2 is going to die because nobody cares about C-3PO but everybody cares about R2-D2. Oh, don't say that.
Starting point is 01:11:29 It's true though. Those two things are true. He's been shot in the head before. Yeah, and he lives. You can come back. That's a good point. I think they're background droids. I think BB-8,
Starting point is 01:11:37 they're really pushing that for a reason. Yeah, that's true. Look, nobody likes Anthony Daniels and wants to see C-3PO anymore. Yeah, that's true. We know you did
Starting point is 01:11:43 Star Wars Monopoly but we're sick of your shit. He did theover in it he's like welcome to star wars monopoly i'll do anything i'm anthony daniels great i dreamed of being a real actor sorry no he actually said that at one point he was like impressed with new actors he's like because he was like this i can only do c-3PO I cannot do anything else that's not true though no he said no that's what he said he's like
Starting point is 01:12:07 this is all the acting I can do now because I've it's all I've practiced oh okay not in the sense that no one will hire him no people will hire him
Starting point is 01:12:14 to put the C-3PO costume on at children's parties but I mean nobody knows what he looks like so surely I can pick that guy out of a crowd
Starting point is 01:12:22 really yeah and if I could Star Wars fans definitely of a crowd. Really? Yeah. Because he's so rangy? Yeah, and if I could, Star Wars fans definitely could. But regular audiences couldn't. No, certainly not. Yeah. I think this is a bloody, this is a cross for his own back. He's made it, he's, just stay positive, mate.
Starting point is 01:12:37 You can get another job somewhere. Yeah, I'm just saying. But he seems like kind of a jerk also. Okay. Yeah. Look, and I guess. And Kenny Baker hates him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Look, I guess. Oh, really? Yeah, they hate each other. Why is that? He thinks he's a prick and they just don't get along. Wait, who thinks he's a prick? Kenny Baker thinks he's like a snobbish prick. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Well, it's because he's all snooty and walking around all snooty. Maybe he thinks he's the character of CQB. Maybe they've spent too long in weird tin cans. I was going to say, it's probably pretty hot in that can. Look, on the other hand, if you're going to kill Han Solo, and you are, you're probably not going to kill anybody else. Okay, sure, yeah. So maybe they won't kill R2-D2.
Starting point is 01:13:17 But maybe it would be like a Transformers the movie, the animated movie, where they're just going to clear house. They're like, look, we need room for more action. We need room for the new action figures. We don't have time for any of the old action figures. We're going to knock off everyone. Yeah, fair enough. They line him up and what's his name?
Starting point is 01:13:34 Kylo Ren's going to hold out his lightsaber and just run along. He's going to get in one of those little speeder bikes and pretend to be a Jedi and just whiz past him and all their heads will slide off one at a time. How many casualties would you find unacceptable in this movie? It depends what they're for. Like, who's doing it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Like, if Han Solo, like, I don't know, kills a room full of children. Oh, no, I mean of main characters. Oh. How many, like... I'm up for as many as works. What if they killed Luke, Han, Leia? They killed them all.
Starting point is 01:14:05 It would be very impressive. I'd be like, balls to you for doing that. That would be... If they just go for broke. Yeah, do you think this is... Do you feel the Star Wars universe is the kind... Do you think we've got a universe where they would do that? I don't think they have the balls to do it.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Okay, right. Because that would be... What if J.J. Abrams was like, okay, well, in episode five, we had I Am Your Father. Yeah. We've got all this in the prequels. He kills all those kids.
Starting point is 01:14:32 We've got to ramp this up. What if we killed every main character? They wouldn't. That would definitely be shocking. Yeah, it would. That would be... I'm not against it. It depends how it's done.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Like the same way... Speed of bike. Yeah. Speed of bike lightsaber. But like the same way Speed a bike Speed a bike lightsaber But like the same way I think Han Solo's death Could be very satisfying And sad
Starting point is 01:14:50 But it depends how it's done If he like Trips and just falls down An elevator shaft Or something Then no That's the perfect way to go I'm going to pee
Starting point is 01:14:58 I'll be back in like Do you want to use that toilet The secret room Yeah okay Or do you want to use The different one I'll cut it out. If I leave the door open.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Ah, it's good to stretch and lean back. There's so many... Oh yeah, that's where I keep all the vacuum cleaners that I have. I'm going to read some tweets.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Here we go. Thank you Brian Smith for liking my X-Men video. Tristan Gonzalez says FaceTime me. I probably won't. You seem like a nice guy, though.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Stefan says, Hey, guys, any thoughts on the Force Awakened review in Vargo? It'll be good, right? Right? I think it's fine. I think, yeah, as we talked about, I don't think it's a big deal. He says, You should become a reindeer at the end. AA00031 says, You should become a reindeer for the end of December. Sort of bad idea.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Steve R says, just came across this fun video discussing the Joker theory from Mr. Sunday Movies. Check it out. Thank you very much. Liam Johnson said a very amusing tweet of a man who might be him killing Jar Jar. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Jess Thompson says, is this the most strenuous Star Wars reference? I think you guys heard that toilet flush, didn't you? That's all right. Is this the most strenuous Star Wars reference? So last night I tweeted out, I have a bad feeling about this. You were there. You replied to it. The reason I put that out is because I was at a barbecue and it came up about hey on your bed come on i'm back and my and my friends were like you should just tweet out something random to everybody oh yeah like i don't really i don't i don't want to do that and then people join the dots themselves and then some and then so it was decided that i should tweet out i've got a bad feeling about this which i'm surprised your catchphrase it's my catchphrase. And then people are like, about what?
Starting point is 01:16:45 What? So I'm sorry for misleading everybody. Very good. It was just a thing at a barbecue that I was made to do, and I won't do it ever again. I apologize. Sorry, I had to pee, guys. It was two years worth of water. How was it?
Starting point is 01:16:54 Yeah, real good. Hey, you know what I think? I think that at the end of the year, you should become a reindeer. Your avatar should be a reindeer. All right, I'll do it. Yeah, good. I'll do it. Yeah, okay, I'm back, by the way.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Okay, do you think we'll see the return of Darth Vader at any point? No. Not in this movie, but in other ones. Never. Action figures. Yeah, we're doing some prequels, right? Yes. I mean, I think we'll see him in Rogue One.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Yeah. But do you think we'll see a cloned version? We've talked about this before. No, I don't think there'll be any clones. I don't think, no. I hope not. What happened to the cloning technology? Probably, i don't think there'll be any clones i don't think no i'm i hope not what happened to the cloning technology probably i don't know if did darth plagues invent the cloning technology no the caminos did it because they built the army but he set it up with palpatine or whatever look yeah well if plagues is back and we know he's back
Starting point is 01:17:44 in a big way yeah don't tweet us if we know he's back in a big way. Yeah. Don't tweet us if you know he's back. In a big or a small way. We don't need to know. Yeah. Then potentially, like if he's kept some of that cloning technology maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:55 This is a universe where you can clone people. Yeah. So it's very possible. I was going to say, but we haven't introduced cloning into this Star Wars universe. And I'm like, oh, the clone Wars and all the tens of thousands of clones. I forgot. Yeah. I remembered again.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Okay. So no Darth Vader. I'm checking if I've missed any questions here. But do you think... I don't know. Like, I feel... You know what? If they do it, it's not going to be Darth...
Starting point is 01:18:22 Like, it's not going to be the actual Darth Vader. Because I feel his storyline is done. Because he died. Yeah, because he died. It's usually where his storyline ends. But, I mean, he got his redemption, even though he definitely shouldn't have done that, as I've mentioned multiple times.
Starting point is 01:18:39 He's basically Hitler. But I think if they do it, maybe they would make him a clone he's the he's the body of darth vader but he's got like he's got the lobot he's got the lobot chip or whatever so he just does whatever he's just uh he's just uh he's just like see here's the thing it'd be like arnold schwarzenegger t800 in terminator salvation oh it's salvation okay where it's just they're like you remember this guy don't you he's Salvation, okay. Where it's just, they're like, you remember this guy, don't you? He's going to kill you kind of thing. Like, I think they might,
Starting point is 01:19:09 if they're going to do it, they'll clone him and they'll put him in the Darth Vader suit and they'll send him to kill Luke Skywalker just with a chip in his brain. Yeah. And Luke will be like, no, it's a mouthful,
Starting point is 01:19:19 but then it actually won't be. Or it's a robot. It could be a robot. They could very easily make a Darth Vader robot. Wait, but there's no robots in this universe. Wait, there is. There's literally thousands. But do you think any of that will actually happen?
Starting point is 01:19:31 No. Yeah, fair enough. But I'm saying that's a loophole. If you're listening, J.J. Abrams or Duncan Jones, if you're making one. If you're listening and you're thinking about making one, if you're thinking about putting a bit of Duncan Jones juice in a Lucasfilm and getting your own
Starting point is 01:19:45 getting your own Star Wars movie consider the Darth Vader chip yeah chip in the head yeah or don't though because it sounds bad
Starting point is 01:19:50 yeah that's right okay here's a question for you what do you think is the best thing to read or watch going into The Force Awakens you haven't read any of the comics
Starting point is 01:19:59 new comics that much have you no I read some of Lando yeah that's good isn't it I like Lando yeah probably Return of the Jedi no I don't don't watch that just remember it comics that much have you? No I read some of Lando. Yeah it's good isn't it? I like Lando.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Probably Return of the Jedi. No I don't. Don't watch that. Just remember it. Just have fond memories of this stuff. Watch our
Starting point is 01:20:13 commentary at Actually you know what? Do watch Return of the Jedi. Watch the first three.
Starting point is 01:20:19 Yep. And then there's the only way to go is up really. I mean Return of the Jedi isn't that great. Yeah, I like the beginning and the end. We talked about it.
Starting point is 01:20:30 We like the hugging. So much hugging in that movie. So much hugging was good. But I think, again, like, I'm pretty sure this is going to be good, Force Awakens. Okay. I mean, it might just be a movie. That was my next question.
Starting point is 01:20:42 I don't know if it's just a movie, But I think it's going to be pretty good. And I think... Not like amazing, just like pretty good. Look, is there something between pretty good and amazing? I reckon it'll be right there. Like fun time. Yeah, fun time, fun time. I think I'll be coming out going,
Starting point is 01:21:00 that was a fun time, we had a fun time, didn't we guys? And maybe this is... I think it'll be a movie that I enjoy quite a bit, but then I have no desire to go back and see it. Okay, sure. Yeah. But then we'll do a commentary for it. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:13 I'll never, I'll never not be seeing The Force Awakens. I'll always be seeing it. I feel like, and I don't think this is like me being blinded by fandom or anything like that. Yeah. I think it's not going to be any worse than that was pretty good. That's what I genuinely think. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:27 It could be excellent, but I'm saying it's probably not going to be worse than pretty good. I think J.J. Abrams has maybe learned some lessons from Star Trek. Good. Yeah, as he should. And he's... Don't just rehash shit for the sake of it. Don't just rehash shit.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Don't. But that is a concern of mine, though. Yeah. For this movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It seems like there's a lot of rehashing shit going on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or there could be.
Starting point is 01:21:46 There's a Death Star. There's a, you know, there's a person stranded in a desert. Well, you've got to have some classics. You've got to have a super weapon of some description. You've got to have a Darth Vader. You've got to have a Darth Vader. The chip in his head. Ah.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Yeah. Mm. Just watch the memories in your head. Yes. Of Star Wars. Yes. Discuss it with a friend. Discuss it with a friend. Discuss it with a friend.
Starting point is 01:22:06 I would say if you go, I haven't read a lot of the books or if any, but I would say there's a comic called Shattered Empire, which is four issues that happened straight after Return of the Jedi. Okay. And that's canon. It's canon. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Looks like all the main players turn up, but it focuses mostly on Poe Dameron's parents. Okay. And it's interesting. I really like it. Mr. and Mrs. Dameron. Yes mostly on Poe Dameron's parents. Okay. And it's interesting. I really like it. Mr and Mrs Dameron. Yes. Mummy and Daddy Dameron. You see that Luke Skywalker
Starting point is 01:22:29 has his green lightsaber so he didn't... I always thought I think it was in the Expanded Universe where he throws it down the Death Star shaft. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:22:36 But he actually has it which means he'll probably have it in this movie. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, which is cool. I like that lightsaber. Do you like it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Bring back the multicoloured lightsabers, guys. Like rainbow coloured? No, like I want an orange lightsaber. I I like that lightsaber. Do you like it? Yeah. Bring back the multicoloured lightsabers, guys. Like rainbow coloured? No, like I want an orange lightsaber. I want a white lightsaber. Fine. Yeah. Good.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Enjoy that. What about a black blade? Does that not work? No, that would totally work. But you couldn't see it. Oh, dangerous. Yeah. Okay, here's a question for you.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Will this be the biggest movie of all time money wise yes I mean we won't know for a few months sure yeah when the prequels came out
Starting point is 01:23:17 did they break box office records they did but I don't think they beat Titanic okay they broke records for like cinema attendance and shit.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Yeah. Yes. I agree. If it's good. Yeah. If it's bad or just average, then no. If they've made this review embargo for a reason. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:42 No, I think it will be. I think it's being released at the time of the year, the same time that Avatar was. You know, Avatar didn't make over $100 million in its first weekend. Huh. It made like $70 or $80. And then word got around. It's a weird world with giant blue people.
Starting point is 01:23:57 You've got to see it. You've got to see it. You've got to see it. But I feel like everybody will see this multiple times. Not everybody, obviously. No, everybody. I'll see it twice at least. And I rarely do that.
Starting point is 01:24:10 No, I feel like it's released at the time of the year where it can just continue to make money because nothing's coming out to like Deadpool. That's very true. In like Feb or whatever. So do you think, remember when movies were just at the cinema forever? Yes.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Like for as long as they were popular, they were just. And then you waited three years for the VHS. Do you think maybe this is one of those movies that's just going to stay in the cinema until, like... Yeah, I think so. Absolutely. March or something.
Starting point is 01:24:32 I'm sure they have, like... It's probably going to be released on Blu-ray in, like, June or whatever. But, yeah, I think it'll be out for a while. Well, well. I think it'll break opening weekend records. Yeah. And I think it will be the biggest movie of all time.
Starting point is 01:24:46 But you know what, at the same time, it might not be. That's true, it might do very poorly. Might just be like, there might be a headline that comes out that just says New Star Wars released, world says no thank you. Star Wars makes $7 at the
Starting point is 01:25:02 box office. Okay, how about this? Last question. We should the box office. Okay, how about this? Last question. We should wrap this up. Okay. We're going to go Christmas shopping. What if it is bad or just a movie? What happens to the franchise?
Starting point is 01:25:14 They'll just keep making them. Yep. Did you watch the video this week? Somebody compiled all the hype for Phantom Menace? I have seen it. It's been on my Facebook a number of times. I haven't watched it yet but is that just people coming out of the movie theatre
Starting point is 01:25:26 going oh my god this was amazing it is and it's like before it's where it's like this is going to be the greatest George Lucas of the genius
Starting point is 01:25:33 but is there also after yes there's one guy who's like hated that but everybody else is like it was amazing
Starting point is 01:25:39 oh yeah yeah it's definitely worth watching it's good to but you know what if this is bad yeah it's okay. How much...
Starting point is 01:25:47 Haven't they made like hundreds of millions of dollars in price out of this? Already, yeah, yeah, yeah. So it doesn't matter. No, it doesn't. Like they've covered their costs. Yep, probably. So even if this is bad, they'll be like... Plus merch.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Oh, yeah, that's true. Yeah, exactly. They've made... People have bought all the figures sight unseen to the movie, which is amazing. I'm going to be wearing... I'm going to go wearing the new Weekly Planet. I received my new Weekly Planet logo T-shirt, which is me as Kylo Ren and you as soon-to-be-dead Han Solo. I appreciate you brand building.
Starting point is 01:26:15 Absolutely. Yeah, so I'm going to be the arsehole that wears my own merch to an event. Because I figure when will I ever get a chance to wear that particular logo again? But yeah, I've bought that. So do you think I should wear it? Do you think I should have a quick chat, like another shirt underneath? Just in case. And I can just get rid of it.
Starting point is 01:26:38 I know someone who went... Fuck. Yeah. You know someone who what? I know someone who went to the Phantomantom menace in costume and changed in the toilets afterwards who was that i'll tell you later please do but she was it sweetie no it wasn't okay but she changed it like i might have even been midway wow got out of the outfit and she's like no i can't can't be seen in this now i can't be seen in this natalie portman outfit or whatever it was well that's amazing yeah yeah but you know what at
Starting point is 01:27:09 the end of the day we should remember if it is just a movie it's okay no it's not it's not okay we gotta guys we gotta ride in the streets if it's just a movie if it's anything if it's anything worse than the best movie anyone you've ever seen, just set some stuff on fire. Absolutely. Wait until everyone's out of the theater and then just set it on fire. Burn it to the ground. Burn it down. Throw a trash can through a window.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Yep. Yeah, just riot. Just bloody riot. Just go to Toys R Us and burn down the whole Star Wars section. That's right. Yeah. And you know what? People, they'll make these forever,
Starting point is 01:27:42 which means we'll eventually get a pretty good one. So it's okay. Yeah i love star wars it's probably my favorite thing huh i guess i don't know wow i like a lot of stuff i like to think that i have kind of like a lot like a little bit of everything but i don't i'm not definitively knowledgeable in any area like i know a little bit about a doctor who i know a bit about star wars i know a bit about Star Wars I know a bit about Batman you know what I mean sure but I'm not really an authority but if you had to pick one
Starting point is 01:28:06 it's Star Wars yeah I would yeah I mean you know all the backstories of all the characters in the cantina certainly yeah
Starting point is 01:28:11 oh yeah somebody tweeted in I hope it's bad just for all those I can't remember who it was and it might have been an email just so people who bought all the merch and got the tattoos
Starting point is 01:28:19 like look like idiots you know that would be pretty funny I am looking for because I'm going to say it with 800 you are yeah I cannot wait for because I'm going to see it with 800 you are yeah I
Starting point is 01:28:26 cannot wait for the reaction whatever it is yep I cannot wait to to walk out of the cinema with all those people no matter how good or bad it is yeah
Starting point is 01:28:34 it's going to be it's going to be a real experience it's going to be a wild ride man alright well you know what it's time for what's that time for what we reading what we gotta read
Starting point is 01:28:42 I'll still put in the theme song even though we sung it yeah nice I'm in the theme song even though we sung it. Yeah, nice. I'm doing the theme. Pretty good. That's a double theme song. It's pretty great.
Starting point is 01:28:57 What are you reading? This week I'm reading because in the last few weeks I've asked people to tweet at me, at Wikipedia Brown, their A-plus shows that they enjoy watching. Yep. Their best show that has to be a current show it can't be like Firefly or anything like that
Starting point is 01:29:08 we've all bloody seen you should watch Firefly though I've bloody seen Firefly we've all seen it alright this week I watched the first episode of The Leftovers got a tweet here about that
Starting point is 01:29:19 oh yeah what's it say it says you should watch The Leftovers or not doesn't matter from Tristam August I guess I should if it doesn't matter what from Tristam August. I guess I should. Yeah. If it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:29:26 What is it? What is it? It is basically, it's your... TV show? Yeah, it's definitely a TV show. I was again, I saw the, it's like your rapture show. Oh. So it's set three years after just this incident where like one and a half million people just
Starting point is 01:29:43 disappeared. And there's no explanation so far. Nobody knows why it happened. They probably fell down a well. They probably all fell down that big well. But nobody knows. But, you know, society's changed and, you know, there's cults and there's all sorts of things. You know, people are just trying to make sense of the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:30:01 And basically the main character is a cop. Is he a damn good cop? He seems kind of an average cop thus far. And his wife has left and has gone to join the cult. He's dealing with his kids. Is there supernatural stuff? Not so far, but I'm only one episode in. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:21 So who's to say? So who's in it? Anybody I know? I'm just trying to Google the cast. Liv Tyler's in it. Okay. I like that. Some other people.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I went on a, I did a Lord of the Rings horse tour once. I thought you were going to say I went on a date with Liv Tyler. I wish. Yeah. I did a, like a, through, I didn't, when I went to New Zealand. Yeah. New Zealand's great, by the way. You're all right, mate.
Starting point is 01:30:41 I'm a man of the world. What are you being bloody paid by the New Zealand Tourism Agency? I'm not. Is our logo this weekend just going to be the new New Zealand flag? Is there a new New Zealand flag? There's a new flag. Why can't we change our flag then? Let me Google this.
Starting point is 01:30:55 New... Oh, God. Christopher Eccleson is in apparently. Okay. He was good in Doctor Who, I guess. Yeah, pretty good. He's probably my least favourite Doctor Who of the new ones. That's a great flag. guess. Yeah pretty good. It's probably my least favourite Doctor Who. Of the new ones. That's a great flag. That flag sucks.
Starting point is 01:31:08 It looks like every other fucking flag in the Commonwealth. Yeah yeah. Oh man. Yeah yeah. Anyway. But anyway I was like What a good flag. Sorry. So what we rated this week is the new New Zealand flag. It's pretty great. Everybody should
Starting point is 01:31:23 look at it with their eyes and then just walk out of the ocean. No, so yeah, initially I hadn't watched The Leftovers. Like it's been going for two seasons. But I knew for a third one, but a lot of people are saying, well, this is a good ending. Like even if it didn't come back,
Starting point is 01:31:38 this season two is a good ending. But I was initially very hesitant because, you know, there's that Left Behind series. It's got, it's like the very Christian-y religious one. It's got Kirk Cameron in it. The series of movies based on the book and it's all very religious-y. I had bad, like I've, you know, seen bits and pieces of that and I'm like, oh, that's no good.
Starting point is 01:31:57 But this- Was Kirk Cameron left behind? Yeah, he was left behind. Weird, right? Yeah. Yeah. I would have thought it's just the first episode. It's him getting... Later, suckers.
Starting point is 01:32:06 I'm going to heaven. But yeah, thus far we don't know what this is. I mean, presumably of the hundreds of people who have recommended this to me, they all know what's going on here. And they haven't told you. Could be religion, could be aliens, could be any number of things. Could be well. That'd be well.
Starting point is 01:32:21 I read a book a number of years ago. Well, la-dee-da. Yeah, that's right. I've read a book. I read one book. It was called Night. Well, la-di-da. Yeah, that's right. I've read a book. I read one book. It was called Night Work. And basically it's about this guy. It's set in Sweden, I think, because the author's Swedish.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Well, I'm not familiar with that country, so I'm not going to read it. Good. I don't know enough about the agriculture. Please don't, because it's this movie. It's a book about this guy. And he wakes up one day and everybody in the world has disappeared. He's literally the only person left right and it's sort of this this this narrative where this guy sort of goes slowly mad and he starts being paranoid and he starts setting up cameras because he's like what you
Starting point is 01:32:53 know where's maybe people around but i'm not there kind of thing right and i read this book and i'm like and it's no there's no indication of whether it's aliens or it's the rapture it's a virus or you know he's blind he's gone blind or whatever. He's just gone mad or anything. And I'm like, but this, you know, it's quite intriguing though. It's got a good set. It's got a good tension. You're about to spoil this?
Starting point is 01:33:12 Yeah. Good. It's got a lot of tension. Like, where is this? Where's this going to go? What's the big revelation? Guess what? There's no revelation.
Starting point is 01:33:20 He jumps off a building at the end and he kills himself. And we never find out why. I mean, we know why he killed himself. And we never find out why. I mean, we know why he killed himself. Yeah, because he went mad. But there's no, you never find out what the deal was. It's really frustrating. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:33:34 So anyway, watch The Leftovers. Don't read that book. Good. I hope that's how The Leftovers ends. Okay, so I read, what's it called? It's a book called Star Wars Annual Number One yes and it's in continuity
Starting point is 01:33:48 but it's basically about this secret rebel agent they're bringing him back what are they bringing him back they're bringing him back at annuals yeah exciting
Starting point is 01:33:55 yeah they're doing a Darth Vader one next week as well but this one focuses on a spy who works for the rebellion and he set himself up as this kind of imperial officer kind of enforcer
Starting point is 01:34:04 yeah and he has to do this job and he has to be like a regular imperial officer where he's mean and whatever and he has to take money from people who need it and whatever and he's like oh i hate myself but it's for the greater good yeah and then he gets a chance to kind of do something noble and heroic and he's like great and then so he kind of comes goes up against palpatine yep and it's it's only it's self-contained, but it's really interesting. It shows like the might of the Empire and the cunningness of Palpatine,
Starting point is 01:34:29 and it shows the rebels from a side where not everybody's a guy, you know, spinning an X-Wing through a canyon. Some people have to do like shit things and hate themselves. Some people have to maintain the X-Wing spinning actuator. That's right, exactly. So I would definitely recommend it. You don't need to know anything about, you know, it's nothing.
Starting point is 01:34:47 You don't need to read anything else. If you've seen some of Star Wars, you'll probably get it. So yeah, Star Wars Annual Number One. This novel is set actually in Austria. Austria is very nice. I've been there as well. Great. I'm a man of the world.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Post-apocalyptic exploration around themes of solitude and existential philosophy. But also, you never find out what happens. They should that guess what books are for nerds don't read books you'll only be sad all right mace it's time for letters oh yes people can also tweet their hashtag weekly planet pod that's right you got anything special for us today no we're we're running a competition yes we would like to have a letters theme that i could uh like a letters theme that I could, like a definitive one that we could play every week through my phone because James refuses to edit another theme in. I refuse.
Starting point is 01:35:30 There we go. So we've got a lot of submissions so far. I'm going through them slowly. I reckon I'll announce a winner in a couple of weeks. Fantastic. Yes. Have you been impressed so far? Yeah, they're pretty good.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Good. So what we want, if you guys want to send in a definitive letters theme, like Weekly Planet themed letters theme. Put it on a, burn it onto a CD. Burn it onto a CD. Throw it out into the ocean.
Starting point is 01:35:50 I'll find it. But just as a backup, if a seagull gets that or whatever, just put it on YouTube, Weekly Planet letters theme. Maybe say definitive letters theme. Yeah. Final letters theme,
Starting point is 01:36:02 something like that. Yeah, your username and the title. Yeah, and then tweet it at me at wikipedia brown on twitter and i'll find it and i'm gonna go through all of them and find a winner but in the meantime letters the classic one was letters oh letters i love you some letters they're only a day away no they're here right now we're gonna do letters there we go you guys can use that don't worry
Starting point is 01:36:26 alright this is from at Orion Bardwell he hashtag or she weekly planet pod how do you feel about Damian Wayne replacing
Starting point is 01:36:35 Jason Todd in the Under the Red Hood movie I think it'd be pretty cool do you think they could smush some Robins together oh not really no no they couldn't smush Dick Grayson in I feel like that would be annoying no some Robins together? Oh, not really. No?
Starting point is 01:36:45 No. They couldn't smush Dick Grayson in, I feel like. That would be annoying. No. I guess they kind of could smush Damien Wayne in. Yeah. In the sense that he could, like Batman could have had Dick Grayson as Robin, Dick Grayson as Robin.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Dick Grayson leaves. Yep. Then Talia al Ghul shows up with Damian Wayne. He's like, yeah, it's your kid or whatever. And he's like, I don't need a kid. And then, you know, they have- I don't need a kid. Exactly. It's like, sorry, I didn't realize that's not what you were looking for.
Starting point is 01:37:22 But then, you know, and then I guess you could sort of, and they could have like the, I don't know, they could have the relationship. They kind of have like the kind of standoffish kind of one. And then they finally make some peace and then he's killed and then he's brought back as the Red Hood. But I think it works better if we've got Jason Todd, who, you know, he tried to, he tried to raise this kid right.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Yeah. Kind of thing, but he put him in harm's way. Now he's dead. Obi-Wan Kenobi did. But I guess because Damien Wayne is trained as an assassin. Yeah. So he's putting himself in harm's way. It's not really.
Starting point is 01:37:56 That's true. If he's brought back to the Red Hood, it doesn't have as much of an impact. I think it should be Jason Todd. So you're saying yes, but don't. Correct. All right. No smushing, please. This is from at Pinkerton Thomas.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Hashtag weekly planner pod. Is Sharon Carter Peggy Carter's daughter? And if so, who's her dad? Straight timeline. No dad. Flat timeline. Yep. She's granddaughter, right?
Starting point is 01:38:23 Or grandniece. I think it depends on the version. We don't know what this movie one is yet. Who's granddaughter, right? Or grandniece. I think it depends on the version. We don't know what this movie one is yet. Who's her dad? She mentions a husband in Captain America Winter Soldier. You see some archival footage of her talking about Steve Rogers. And she goes, my husband's alive because Steve Rogers saves him. He liberated him.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Remember that time he went and saved Bucky from Zola? Yes. And he liberated all those troops. One of those was Peggy Carter's husband, 2B. Right. Okay, sure. And maybe he's in the Peggy Carter series. You know, the guy with the one leg?
Starting point is 01:38:55 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. People are like, oh, maybe that guy will be the husband. It looks like it could be going that way. Well, he was wounded in the war. Exactly. Or he fell down a manhole. Hey, I'm walking here. My legs. My legs.
Starting point is 01:39:07 My legs. Yeah, so no, not daughter, granddaughter or grandniece. Right, yeah. Yeah. Right? Again, the family traits just straight line. Just to say. All right, got a letter here as well.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Hey, Mick and Jason, big fan of the show. Last time I read in, James called me Harry. Oh, he's got a double letter. That rarely happens, but he's done it. He's nailed it. Sorry, everybody who's never had one letter. Sorry, everyone who sent in 10,000 letters with a variety of theories. Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:37 James called me Harry. What a dickhead, right? Just want to know what Mason's thoughts were. Yeah, he is a dickhead. Ending to Jessica Jones. James can chime in. Oh, that's right, yeah. Two if he wants. Cheers, guys. a dickhead. Ending to Jessica Jones. James can chime in. Oh, that's right, yeah. Two if he wants.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Cheers, guys. Heath from Healesville. Also, if you're recording this on Sunday the 13th, it's my birthday, so I'd love a shout out. Maybe even a weekly Planet rendition of happy birthday. If you're not recording this on the 13th, this whole part of the email is pointless. It is the 13th, though, isn't it? It is.
Starting point is 01:39:59 Do you want to sing anything? Letters. Some letters. We love you. Some letters. Read letters on your birthday jesus yeah there we go um yeah we said we're going to talk about that because i only watched 10 episodes at the time this dog has really given me some bloody guff mate yeah hey come here grief and guff yes that's fine whatever anyway sorry uh go on i really
Starting point is 01:40:26 enjoyed the the finale you were saying at the time spoiler alert for jessica jones if you haven't seen it i mean it's been like three weeks if you haven't seen if you haven't watched 13 hours of television and throw it's fine if you haven't spoiler alert um look i really enjoyed it you were saying at the time that you thought 13 episodes was too many yes i think that's probably true thank you like when i got to 10 i'm like how how can they stretch this out yeah i feel they could have smooshed it together a little bit more damien wayne style yeah damien wayne style but i think they really did like i thought once we got to episode 10 i'm like how can they how can they ramp this up a bit more? I think it got really quite intense in those last three episodes.
Starting point is 01:41:06 I agree. And it covered a lot of issues that maybe superhero stuff doesn't really cover, like domestic violence and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. They really get into it. They really get into it. It's like, it's quite intense.
Starting point is 01:41:17 And I think they did a really good job. Agreed. It could have come off as ridiculous or insensitive or anything like that, but they did good. And good action as well. Good action. Good action. Solid action. Yeah. And Luke Cage got set on fire that time,
Starting point is 01:41:29 which we'd seen on set photos. But it's nice to see it. It's so pretty great. Did you like how he got shotgun in the face? Yeah, that was pretty good. It was, wasn't it? Yeah. I enjoyed it a lot.
Starting point is 01:41:38 I'm not saying you can't cut out a whole episode because that wouldn't work, but you definitely could have trimmed it down. There could have been some trim, yeah. To 11 or 12 even, maybe 10. There could have been maybe fewer scenes with the Killgrave support group or something like that. There are places they could have trimmed out 30 seconds or a minute here and there.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Oh, so they announced the Iron Fist showrunner this week. I can't remember who it is, but it's someone who did Dexter and stuff, and I'm like, yeah, fine, whatever. Okay, great. So they're going through with it. It's all happening. That's great. Excellent. Well, that's the show for this yeah, fine. Okay, great. So they're going through with it. It's all happening. That's great. Excellent.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Well, that's the show for this week, Mason. Where can people find you? Oh, I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at Mr. Sunday Movies. Where can people find us? Collectively as a team. Yes. In this man cave.
Starting point is 01:42:16 But also... Regular room. Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and Gmail and Facebook and Bandcamp where we have all three Star Wars movies. The three Star Wars movies that exist. We've done commentaries on them. That's right.
Starting point is 01:42:29 And next we'll do Caravan of Courage. Huzzah! What else? slash MrSundayMovies. slash MrSundayMovies. So you can send a couple of bucks. You can do that if you want. People were probably wooing so much after we said the Patreon.
Starting point is 01:42:43 They didn't hear that. I don't care. Woo! Sponsorship, shameless promotion What other things do we do? I don't know man Thank you to the Brute and the Basilisk for the theme songs Thanks to whoever provided the letters theme song in the future We thank you in advance
Starting point is 01:42:57 So when we forget Every week What else do we do? We say other things don't we? We'll probably take a break over the summer oh yeah like a week like a week we'll do probably next week unless something amazing comes yeah we'll do unless we have so much to talk about with the force awakens we do a two parter do you think that's possible no yeah uh i don't know yeah it'll be good next week definitely
Starting point is 01:43:21 maybe tweet us your thoughts on star wars after the movie's out yeah give it a few days give me till Wednesday Australian time midnight yeah that dog's bloody sniffing around but yeah that's the show
Starting point is 01:43:31 we did it guys thank you everybody for listening we really appreciate it thank you for rating and subscribing I mentioned that last week yes
Starting point is 01:43:37 we climbed up in the charts because people did we yeah we did yeah well look if people could do that more that'd be also great I feel like not enough
Starting point is 01:43:44 people have done it. Were we number one? Yes. I think we're like four. Then, yep, that's fine. That'll do it. All right, awesome. Thanks, everybody.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Goodbye. Grab that jam, everybody. Goodbye. That was very formal. Bye! Hey, check this out. Is that a Viewmaster? No, it's a retro arcade game I got as a gift.
Starting point is 01:44:05 It's unpleasant already. Wait for it. Start, please. This is some great bonus content. This game is amazing. I can't see it, but I'm assuming that it's like your character's just in an office and you're walking back and forth from a photocopier. It could be. The graphics are very abstract. Yeah, I
Starting point is 01:44:30 Want to beat the level so I get the victory music. Yeah, give me the victory music Great content for the podcast. I leave this in. Yeah, definitely leave it in There's only as long as the take to win, for God's sake? There's one button. Yes. And there's a right and left trigger. It's called Astro Wars, by the way. I got this a few years ago and I only just found it again. It's not good.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Did you find it in the garbage? The bad guys keep coming. Yes, I'm nearly there. I've got one more. You idiot. Oh, new level no you're done I want to leave I'm not the door let me out okay bye everyone but this is Astro Wars electron nobody cares about your astro wars electronic game all right give me a go

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