The Weekly Planet - 128 Batman V Superman Is...(dramatic pause)

Episode Date: March 27, 2016

It’s finally here, Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. What an exciting time to be alive. Or is it? Here our in depth...constructive criticism of the film in both spoiler heavy and spoiler free also get into news the return of Voltron, Captain Britain in the MCU, the Lego Batman Movie, The Tick plus new images from Wonder Woman. Thanks for listening everyone! Oh and this it up a little early because I'm going away and wanted to make sure you guys got this.3:45 Mason On Steele Wars5:14 Gary Shandling RIP7:47 Voltron10:25 Captain Britain12:44 Lego Batman Movie15:27 Peter Serafinowicz Joins The Tick17:55 New Wonder Woman Image18:35 Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Spoiler Free39:19 Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Spoilers till the end1:50:59 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read156:03 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy Batman v Superman on Amazon: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:33 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's Welcome back everybody to anotherole. The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. I'm here, big week. Big week for me. Because it's Easter. Well, I was going to say I'm not at work.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Buona Pasqua. Is that, okay. That's probably Italian. Molto Easter. Is that many Easters That's probably Italian. Molto Easter. Is that many Easters? So many Easters. I'll tell you what, what I did this Easter weekend. It's not out yet, but I was on Steel Wars.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yes, you were. The Star Wars podcast with Steel Saunders. Yes, yes. And it was great. Had a real good time. Very funny. Blink, and you'll miss blink a couple of times, you'll probably miss me. But this episode was mostly featuring my very funny friend,
Starting point is 00:01:47 well, Steel Saunders is a very funny man, and my very funny friend, Dilrok Jasinger. Who's funnier? Out of those two. Yeah. You put me in a real spot, because I know Steel listens to this, but Dil's funnier.
Starting point is 00:01:57 No, I'm just kidding. They're both very funny. They're very quick, funny guys. You definitely listen to that. Not out yet. I'll tweet it when it comes out. I'll put it in the description as well. Thank you to the actual Weekly Planet
Starting point is 00:02:06 Weekly Wacka Do you met some peeps I met some peeps I met some peeps who came one dude from Shepparton is that right
Starting point is 00:02:14 yeah I met Matty McDowell special shout out to Matty McDowell who came all the way from Shepparton just to see the show and I'm like
Starting point is 00:02:20 you sticking around for other comedy festival shows he's like no going back to Shepp nice I hope he wasn't disappointed by how i don't know unimpressive you are in person i'm very unimpressive and i'm intimidated in a live situation because i'm like do i just because in this here you'll start to talk and i'll just barrel over the top and then but in live i'm like
Starting point is 00:02:41 oh these guys do i will they, will they be mean to me? They're all professional comedians. Yes. I'm not a professional anything. None of us are professional. You can stomp all over me. It's fine. So I don't say a lot, but it's fun.
Starting point is 00:02:55 We have a good time. Great. Awesome. Yeah, it's really good. I like that podcast. I'll be giving that a listen. Yeah, it's really good. Do you want some sad news?
Starting point is 00:03:02 Okay. That's a weird response. I don't want sad news. Gary Shandling died. Oh, he did too. In 66. Yeah. That's really young.
Starting point is 00:03:12 The Larry Sanders show is fantastic. Yeah, yeah. If you've ever seen It's Gary Shandling show, which was the fourth wall-breaking sitcom that he did way back in the day. This is the precursor to like curb your enthusiasm and like not that one sorry more like the larry sanders show like it set the kind of yeah it's set the tone yeah it's set a tone for like odd like the the theme to the it's gary shandling show yeah he's a guy singing about how it's gary shandling
Starting point is 00:03:40 show and gary shandling called him up and asked him to write a theme song and this is like the 80s yeah Yeah, exactly. And it's fourth wall break and he's talking to the audience. It's a very funny show. And of course he was Senator What's-His-Name in Iron Man 2. Who could forget Senator What's-His-Name? But, you know, pivotal role in the MCU because he did the bloody whispered hail Hydra. Blue People's Minds.
Starting point is 00:04:00 That's true, he did, yeah. One of the biggest twists in the MCU and Gary Shandling bloody delivered it. people's minds yeah one of the biggest twists in the mcu and gary shandling bloody delivered it and let's not forget the time that he played fox molder in the telly movie of the x-files inside the x-files oh yeah absolutely the real movie they were making it was taylor only and gary shandling played molder and scully i think it was a real movie in right yeah oh this week i also saw uh dean hagland who was one of the lone gunmen oh yeah he does an improvised x-files show and i was like oh you got a background improv apparently he's been doing like
Starting point is 00:04:30 20 years which one's he in the lone gunman he is uh langley who's the one with the glasses and the long hair the blonde blonde yes he doesn't have the long hair anymore ah but he's like here's how i got into character and every episode of the x-files i ever did he just puts the glasses on he's like there it is but yeah he was a look he's a very nice guy yeah because he was at the the steel war show yeah and i and he was in the audience and then we did the show and i came off and he was like hey good to meet you man you're real funny and i'm like i wasn't real funny so that's how i know you're a very nice guy but yeah i saw his x-files show it was very funny excellent all right good good well yeah gary shanley no that sucks that is sad yeah i was trying to lighten the mood with But yeah, I saw his X-Files show. It was very funny. Excellent. All right. Good, good. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Gary Shandling, though, that sucks. That is sad. Yeah. Boo. I was trying to lighten the mood with my fun little lone gunman anecdote. Well, I wanted to drag it back down if it's all the same on this Easter Sunday. Yeah. This whole thing's been a test to see if you're going to stand up for yourself.
Starting point is 00:05:24 These 100 plus episodes, I've just been barreling over the top. You start a sentence, I talk over it. And so you finally stand up one day and be like no you shut up and you did it look mason shut up you shut up did you watch the voltron legendary defender trailer i did just then i know i saw you watch it yep good it's fine isn't it assembled voltron assembles we don't see any of the the, like, is it the future? Is it a reboot? I don't know anything about it. That's true.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I kind of scanned different articles to see if there was any information. I couldn't find anything. Okay. What's your best guess? I'm going to say modern day Earth. I'm going to say Who Gives a Shit. Great. No, I like Voltron.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I do. But like, it's 13 episodes coming to Netflix. I'm assuming it's pitched at kids. I don't really love that cel-shaded 3D. The hybrid. Yeah. I don't love, especially when it's, I don't think they've nailed it yet. I think it looks better in video games.
Starting point is 00:06:19 You're probably right. Yeah. Look, I liked, I liked the look of him. Like it's DreamWorks, so it's that... He's got that DreamWorks face. He's got... I don't know, I'm just the robot lion man. I don't know nothing.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I'm a bee. Chris Rock's in this one. But he's... So he's sort of... It's a new streamlined look. I don't know if everybody's going to like it, but it's what the Transformers look like now. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Like, you know, when they started, like Optimus Prime, he still had all the wheels on his shoulders and the pipes and whatever. He's a box with wheels and pipes. He's a box pipe man. But then over the course of the movies, he's sort of slimmed down significantly. I hate those movies.
Starting point is 00:06:57 He's been doing more cardio. Yeah. He's shredded? Shredder. He's shredder. Oh, twist. But I kind of like, I don't like those movies,
Starting point is 00:07:04 but I do like the evolution of the design. I don't like those Transformer designs. I think there's too many gears and shit. They look greasy and weird. I was going to say glossy, but greasy is good as well. Yeah, I don't know. I don't like them. Too many parts in the face.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, that's probably true. I feel it might have been a mistake to see them forming up Voltron in the trailer. Maybe they're saving the Blazing Sword. That's probably true. I feel it might have been a mistake to see them forming up Voltron in the trailer. Oh, you think that? Maybe they're saving the Blazing Sword. Oh, that's probably true. Maybe it's going to be even more Blazing Sword. Yeah. If you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I do. I don't. Anyway, I thought it looked great. I reckon modern day Earth and you don't care. Modern day Earth seems a little too soon to bring a giant robot blind man. No. It's relatable to kids. They live in modern day Earth. They can Instagram Voltron. There's nothing. No. It's relatable to kids. They live in modern day Earth.
Starting point is 00:07:45 They get Instagram Roltron. There's nothing like that. It's Voltron. I put a filter on him. Wait, is it Earth in Voltron? It's Eris, isn't it? Yeah. But also Earth is in that universe?
Starting point is 00:07:56 I think so, yeah. I can't remember. All I remember is that Sven died but then they said he was alive but in the original Japanese version, it was actually his cousin or something. Oh, I see. That's all I know.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I used to love that show. Now I'm indifferent. So there was concept art for Captain Britain. Did you see that? No. Should I look it up now? Yeah, but don't worry about it because apparently it was just somebody pitching it to Marvel.
Starting point is 00:08:19 And so they're going to put together like a package and be like, what do you think of making the Captain Britain? Captain Britain has the powers of like King Arthur's sword and shit shit is that right he's magic but he's also enhanced in other ways i like it it depends which version you like well i'm talking about the version i'm talking about oh there's the one you're talking about uh yeah he's magically empowered he hangs out with the x-men yeah and he had his own book called excalibur yeah well he was the leader of the the excalibur team which were all mutants but he is magic yeah and for a while it was like is that how he got to be the leader he goes well i'm less weird yes i'm magic i can i can pass as not you nightcrawler basically you're you're on my team for some reason i mean i guess you're european
Starting point is 00:09:00 that's why you're here isn't it i've lost my files. I don't know. But yeah, he's magic and he can fly and punch real hard and stuff. Well, yeah. So yeah, not very similar to Captain America. No, not at all. Except for the Captain part. In the Ultimate Universe, after they thought out Captain America in the modern day, various, like they got like a coalition of nations and they were like, we're all going to build our own captain, whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And so Captain Britain was like, you know, enhanced super soldier. And they were like, Captain Norway's Thor or something. Remember that? What? No. Okay. Well, Thor basically Loki tricked the whole world into thinking Thor was just some guy who was part of like. Oh, like a crazy guy.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Yeah, he was part of the super soldier program and he went crazy. Yeah. And his powers were in his hammer and his girdle. Yeah. But then the illusion... Girdles are powerful. Yeah. They do a lot for a man.
Starting point is 00:09:52 That's all kinds of stuff. Yeah. And then it turned out he was just, he actually was Thor. Yeah. Good twist, right? Yeah. Pretty great.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah, I guess. Are they still doing that? Also, it turned out... No, the Ultimate Universe is done. Also, it turned out that Anthony Stark's brain tumour... Tony Stark's brain tumour was actually a sentient. Oh, is that what sent him mad? No, he didn't go mad.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Reed Richards went mad. Reed Richards went mad, yeah. I don't know, man. I don't know what's going on with comics. They're a little confusing sometimes, aren't they? They're a little confusing sometimes. Especially the Ultimate Universe, which was designed to be not confusing. It was the most confusing. And then it was immediately
Starting point is 00:10:25 confusing. It was the most confusing. Gotta remember a whole lot of new origins. Yeah. So the Lego Batman trailer was released. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Did you watch that? Knowing that you just watched it? Because you said hey did you watch the Lego Batman trailer and I said no and you said well you better watch it.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Because we're going to bloody talk about it. Yeah I did watch it. Now we saw a different version when we saw Batman Superman didn't we? Yes. More it yeah i did watch it uh now we saw a different version when we saw batman superman didn't we yes more of a teaser i thought that one we saw was had a really dynamite joke in it because in the the premise of this is that he is he is in the same continuity as all the other batman movies like literally all of them yes and it's yeah and it cuts back to he goes and he just names all the years that those movies came out
Starting point is 00:11:05 and then it cuts back when he was having breakdowns yeah that's right and it's quite good yeah it was a fun joke but that being said the trailer they released also looks
Starting point is 00:11:14 looks pretty solid man yeah he's got a nice bat cave I didn't I've never actually seen the Lego movie oh you should totally watch it man it's great
Starting point is 00:11:20 it's genuinely great okay yeah is it easily accessible to me have you ever heard of lego yes i know i meant i meant on the internet oh yeah definitely uh well i think it is on netflix actually yeah yeah all right great cool so is this so because he's got a lovely he's got a lovely uh bat themed his bat cave is actually like the entrance is shaped like the bat logo yes yes
Starting point is 00:11:45 looks great you see all these costumes in it yeah all these various variant action figure suits he heats up a bloody lobster which is pretty good
Starting point is 00:11:53 it's pretty good which is pretty good I like the joke about how he puts in the wrong time in the microwave because he's got weird Lego claw hands yeah yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:11:59 so in this because there's a lot of hip hop in these trailers that concerns me that was my question from before is that part of the Lego movie not as much a lot of hip hop in these trailers. That concerns me. That was my question from before. Is that part of the Lego movie? Not as much. Is there a lot of hip hop in this?
Starting point is 00:12:08 There's an Everything is Awesome song, which is a great song. Let's not kid ourselves. And no, that's my concern with the movie is that it'll date weirdly, like the way Shrek has. Yeah, absolutely. But that being said, I don't know. It probably won't be a problem. I mean, who cares if a movie dates? It doesn't really matter, I guess, does it? Does said, I don't know. It probably won't be a problem. I mean, who cares if a movie dates?
Starting point is 00:12:26 It doesn't really matter, I guess, does it? Does it? I don't know. No, see, I don't know, but kids' movies, I think it does. Yeah. Because there's a very fine line between... Oh, because then you can't watch it when you're, like, 20 years later. You're like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:12:39 No, I mean more like there's a very fine line. If they're making a kids' movie, there's a very fine line between this is a classic forever and you can show it to any kid. Like Aladdin. Yeah. And you can show it to any kid and they're like, oh, this is great and I'm into it. But that's why they keep rebooting everything.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Right, right. Because they're like, well, kids won't get this anymore, so we have to do a new version. But I would argue that movies that, like good kids' movies, like they stand the test of time. Like Aladdin. Like Aladdin. Like Aladdin. Like The Emperor's New Groove.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Yes. See that one? No. It's mostly about potions. Okay, let's go on to the next thing we were talking about. Great. Peter Serafinowicz. Let's get this all out of the way.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Come on. Before we can talk about what we want to talk about and then finish doing this podcast forever. Final episode. Final episode. Peter Serafinowicz. Yes. we can talk about what we want to talk about and then finish doing this podcast forever final episode final episode peter serafinowitz yes has joined the cast of the tick for amazon as the tick very is that spectacular that is very good peter serafinowitz very funny man voice of i'm just gonna stop you serafinowitz peter serafinowitz thank you yes voice of darth maul Peter Serafinowicz. Thank you. Yes. Voice of Darth Maul. Plays many characters in the Cornetto trilogy. He does 50 impressions in two minutes or something.
Starting point is 00:13:53 50 awful weird impressions that are great. I love it. He's the head of the Nova Corps in Guardians of the Galaxy. He's dead. Yeah. Yeah. It's a shame they killed him. Yeah, he's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:01 He's in Shaun of the Dead. Spaced. Spaced. Yeah. He's in Parks and Rec. Oh, yeah. He's great. Great guy. he's in shawn of the dead spaced spaced yeah he's he's in parks and rec oh yeah he's great great guy uh so no it's perfect uh people were saying get patrick warburton back uh who from what i remember briefly saying that show was good did you see the live action one no i never did yeah okay yeah it's one of those ones where you go to the dvd store
Starting point is 00:14:22 and it's like six episodes 40 bucks and you're like probably not worth it no it's one of those ones where you go to the DVD store and it's like six episodes, 40 bucks. And you're like, probably not worth it. No. It's one of those ones they never... We've had this conversation. It's one of those ones, it's like Doctor Who, where you look at the box set and it never goes down in price. It's always like, season of Doctor Who is $75.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And you're like... I don't even like Tom Baker. Yeah, I'm a nerd and I have to watch this. Yeah. And they know, so they'll they and they know so they'll never discount i'll never discount it exactly you know what you don't have to watch all the doctor who everybody you just don't have to you've pulled the pin on doctor who you don't care anymore look i will get back to it because they've given me a year's breather yeah so i'm
Starting point is 00:14:57 like good eventually i will get bored okay nobody's going to release any more television series in the next year so that's right so much time yeah uh but there was also that animated series in the 90s which was quite good from memory who knows if it holds up oh the tick no the tick the animated series was great yeah but i don't think i've read any of the comics so they're also great there you go wasn't he started as like a logo for a comic company or something and then he became a character i could not give you that answer well what are you here for then? I'm here to talk over you.
Starting point is 00:15:27 But there you go. There's that assertiveness we've been talking about. I love it. Speaking of assertiveness, I finally had a stroke. Good. Here's something I can mock you for, a new thing. Assertiveness. There was a new Wonder Woman picture released for the Wonder Woman movie
Starting point is 00:15:44 on Themyscira, where it's got a- Do you mean Semyscira? That's what I meant. But the lisp has kicked in? It is Themyscira. Yeah, I know. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Where it's got, it's like Robin Wright Penn as well. She plays Hippolyta. Is that how you say that? Yes. Yeah. And there's a few other Amazonians there in Wonder Woman. They're in their kind of ancient Greek getup. They're in their street clothes.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah, have you seen it? I have seen it, yeah. What do you think? Looked great. Despite what this Batman Superman movie is. Wait. I am genuinely excited for some of the upcoming things in the DC universe that possibly,
Starting point is 00:16:16 potentially are directed by different people. Me too. Do you want to get to that? I think we're... We're out of, yep. I think we're out of steam. Yeah. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship
Starting point is 00:16:31 between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together
Starting point is 00:17:05 and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today
Starting point is 00:17:16 at That's Yeah, who cares about anything else that happened this week? This week, we saw the movie batman versus superman dawn of justice now before you give your honest and i'm presuming positive opinion this movie made 82 million dollars on its opening day in the u.s that's good right ah yes i've lost all i've lost all concept of numbers now 82 million sounds pretty good but
Starting point is 00:17:43 who knows yeah you're right. But they reckon about $172 million opening weekend, and they need to make $385 million domestic and $900 million worldwide to break even, on estimate. Well, hopefully we can get the word around before it's released in all international territories. Well, it was released in China at the same time, which is unusual, because normally they kind of hold off like a month
Starting point is 00:18:07 and then Transformers makes a billion dollars there for no reason. So this, I'm going to say they've released it at the same time in the hope that everybody watches it before the reviews come in. Speaking of, we did get to see it before a lot of people. There was a Monday screening for fans in the US in IMAX. That's right. It's something like, look, I'm probably wrong. Don't correct me.
Starting point is 00:18:30 But if you went and saw Mason. I'm ready to jump in before you finish and correct you. If you went to an IMAX preview screening a year ago from now. Yeah. So you paid for that? I think either you paid for it or you got a special ticket or whatever. I don't bloody know. Then that entitled you to a preview screening,
Starting point is 00:18:47 a first screening of Batman v Superman, which screened on Monday night. So everybody walking out from that was all we saw on Twitter was just... Look, in a way, we're all exit polled. That's true. Explosion of positivity, wouldn't you say? I don't think I saw a bad thing said. It was a tour de force. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Wonder Woman steals the show. Jesse Eisenberg is a revelation. Henry Cavill's there. Is that how you pronounce his last name? I always thought it was, but now I'm having second thoughts. Maybe it's Cavill. No, I thought it was Cavill, but it's Cavill as in travel. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah, yeah. But we saw it Tuesday night before any reviews came out because we were embargoed until the World Wide Embargo, which was like for us Wednesday morning and Tuesday night. So we had about eight hours to think about it. We had a whole working day to think about it. And look, there are a lot of things that I like in it, but the more I think about it...
Starting point is 00:19:44 Enough that you did your little video yeah yeah a little review on youtube you said it was the best movie ever bearing in mind our review system is only best movie ever or worse movie your patented system yes because there's no nuance on the internet a movie can either be the best movie ever or the worst movie ever and i guess i based it on well well, a few things. I am very unsure about all my thoughts about that movie, this movie, right? But because I feel people... I'm very sure.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Here we go. I feel people should see it. Okay. Because it is something to see, good or bad. Oh, okay. I get you. And maybe I should have said that. But I was just...
Starting point is 00:20:21 This movie is fucking upside down broken. Yeah, it is. There are some good elements. You were pretty positive coming out initially. I was like, well, here's the thing. I wouldn't say super positive. Here's the thing, though. I've had some time to think about it.
Starting point is 00:20:36 This movie has tipped me over the edge. And by that I mean, every time I see one of these movies that's kind of bad, I'm like, oh, well, but they had the character that I like from the comic book and he's in it. And isn't it good that we get to see this character? And I think that's what got me. And I think we keep doing that. And this one has tipped me over where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:20:55 this is, like, that's all you're doing in this. This movie, Batman v Superman, I've had some time to think about it. Batman v Superman, Dawn of Justice, is the Big Bang theory of superhero movies in so far as there's a lot of good jokes yes makes me feel good
Starting point is 00:21:12 what are those two the nerd and the hot one they go together that's good so they had the show Two and a Half Men right and it's a sitcom and it's not good it's not the worst thing in the world
Starting point is 00:21:23 but it's bad and then they're like well this is a movie for like this is a sitcom and it's not good. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's bad. And then they're like, well, this is a movie for like, this is a sitcom for regular people. So let's just make a sitcom for nerds. We'll give the nerds something they want, right? And so they just carbon copy the exact same format and they just put it in and they're like, now write some lines where Batman and Doctor Who
Starting point is 00:21:40 were on the Enterprise talking to Jean-Luc Picard and that's the joke. There you go, nerds. That's what you like, isn't it? That is a good joke, though. I picked a bad example because that one just stays in my head because it's so good. This is what you like, isn't it, nerds? This movie
Starting point is 00:21:55 is that, where they've just gone they've attempted to trick people by going, Dark Knight Returns, Batman Fighting Superman, you like that, don't you? Here it is. You happy? Here's some of the dialogue. Doomsday you'd like that, don't you? Here it is. You happy? His son of the dialogue. Doomsday. There you go.
Starting point is 00:22:08 You like that, don't you? Not really. Yeah, nobody did. I never really did. And it's also, I think it's elements of like, Zack Snyder wanted to have those. Yes. Like, I want to have Batman Fighting Superman
Starting point is 00:22:17 and I want Dark Knight Returns stuff. Because it's cool. Because it's cool. And I want Doomsday because that's cool. Look, the thing that tipped me over. But it's not cool, it's bad look the thing that tipped me over it's not cool it's bad the thing that tipped me over this movie's bad the thing that tipped me over the edge of the i guess the 50 of best movie ever worst movie ever is ben affleck as batman okay because i genuinely think he's really great and there's that really awesome sequence where he clears the room of all these Bruce Wayne stuff is good. Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Of the one, it's the best of the Batman action sequences in the movie. And there's two. Oh, there's one where he monkeys out of a room. Doesn't count. No, it doesn't. Of the solo Batman action scenes in this movie, this is the best. That's the best and only one. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Yeah. What's the story? Oh, no no what do you think my famous segment what's the story of this movie okay so it's 18 months after the events of man of steel yep and people are like what's what's this superman guy's here all right is it bad i don't know let's let's make a monument to him though yeah spend city money on that yeah we could be rebuilding the hospitals but let's make a monument to him and then but then but in the daily plan it's like no he's the best yeah and then and and clark cannon lois lane they're in love and just hanging out in the bath or whatever but then over the over the water in gotham city it is a butt band movie trouble troubles ruin
Starting point is 00:23:45 because batman's on the case he's beating up the criminals in a way that superman doesn't approve of even though he probably flew through like 50 people and he didn't even notice during that fight in metropolis that time he doesn't he doesn't because batman's being real rough on him and he brands them with the batman mark and then they go into prison and then those rapists and pedophiles are in trouble in prison like they wouldn't normally be in trouble in prison. Because they've got the brand. Yeah. And so Superman's like, I'll take care of him because he's bad.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And Batman's like, I'll take care of Superman because he's bad. He's dangerous, that guy. But then. But then Lex Luthor's about it. And he's like, I'm Max Landis. I'm a wacky jokester. Look at me. And then the movie ends, so that's pretty good, right?
Starting point is 00:24:36 It is very much a but then movie, isn't it? But then what happens? Okay, yeah, you nailed that. Now, we're going to go non-spoilers initially, but everything I want to say that's critical Comes under spoilers Look, Zack Snyder personally told us In that weird pre-roll thing
Starting point is 00:24:52 Before we saw the preview Hey, it's me, Zack Snyder Now I know you want everybody in the world To love Batman v Superman So don't spoil any of the plot points Or the big major spoilers that happen There's one spoiler in the whole movie Guess that happen there's one spoiler yes in the whole movie guess what dax snyder we've seen the whole movie we saw the whole movie before we went in
Starting point is 00:25:10 i was going to say so the things that we're going to spoil for the non-spoilers section is the stuff from the trailers so that solid 10 11 12 minutes that's right we've said they put out beforehand it tells you exactly what happened i want to know just to be clear yeah there is there's no surprises in this movie there is not a surprise even the twist at the end you know what's coming by the time it comes around yes everything if you've seen two of the trailers yep you know exactly how this plays out yep there's maybe one scene that's in a different spot than you thought it was going to be yes this movie's not surprising in the slightest what did you think of ben affleck ben affleck is good playing a severely mischaracterized batman yes with some good action sequence yeah okay okay you know what though i'll get to that i'll get
Starting point is 00:25:59 that in a minute so i want to see what he does in his own batman movie that being said there's some game-breaking batman elements yes this which will have to be addressed this this movie is bad and it also unless there's some real fast footwork for the next batman movie yeah this is going to ruin the characterization of batman until they reboot this universe again. Correct. This Batman is done. If you like the Batman comic books, this is not the Batman you want.
Starting point is 00:26:32 No. And you're not going to get him for the next however many movies he's contracted for until they scrap this universe and rebuild it. And we go again. And we go again, yeah. Also, maybe time travel? I guess they could do that.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Yeah, they could time travel. I guess they could. that I guess they could but we'll have to get to that and I'm going to say that and then time travel
Starting point is 00:26:50 what happened is time travel and flashbacks and then a flashback in a dream sequence or vice versa or a premonition who's to say
Starting point is 00:26:58 looked cool though didn't it I like you've really I haven't seen you since we saw this and your anger has just that's the time to stew on it
Starting point is 00:27:08 my acid have you and again I just want to be clear because a lot of people when you say you hate a movie people are like oh it's the critics
Starting point is 00:27:15 are determined to hate this movie they just want to pile on first of all I'm not a critic I'm an internet celebrity man say what I want I'm a loose cannon but also
Starting point is 00:27:24 I really wanted to like this movie. We'd seen the scene where Batman fights all the guys and it looks great. And I'm like, if this action is as good throughout the whole movie, I'll set aside some criticisms about how predictable and dumb it is and I'll just enjoy the ride.
Starting point is 00:27:42 But that was it. Yeah. How many action sequences are there in total real proper action sequences I guess the start sort of counts alright
Starting point is 00:27:54 it's more of a Man of Steel rehash I'm going to say three to four action sequences in a movie that's nearly three hours long yeah did you like Superman
Starting point is 00:28:01 no next topic no I don't know I like Henry Cavill. But Zack Snyder or whoever's writing this, Chris Terrio and David Goya, they don't know what to do with him. Yes. And Henry Cavill is getting a lot of blame for this,
Starting point is 00:28:16 but I don't think it's his fault. No, absolutely not. I think they need to give him something to do other than mope. Yeah, absolutely. Just be sad in a room and then be sad in the sky and then be sad on a farm. Yep. And then be sad in space.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And then be kind of chipper in a bath. Just having fun in the bath. Wonder Woman. People say... Steals the show. No, she doesn't. Oh, really? She's in it for like five minutes.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I don't think she's bad. I don't think she steals anything. I think she's just in it. Yeah. And I do want to see the Wonder Woman movie Alfred pretty good barely in it
Starting point is 00:28:49 barely in it but he's good but he's good yeah he's mean he's got the he's got the animated series Batman
Starting point is 00:28:54 like he's he's kind of sassy and snarky yeah and he's clearly had it right up to here he's had it up to Pussy's Bow
Starting point is 00:29:01 with Bruce Wayne as Batman shenanigans and so he'll just and anytime Batman's like I'm gonna do this Alfred he's had it up to pussy's bow with bruce wayne and as batman shenanigans yeah so he'll just at any time batman's like i'm gonna do this alfred he's like yeah good one i'm amazed you're not dead yeah that's pretty much right yeah uh lois we're doing this quickly yep i like her yeah she's not really used well. She falls off a thing at one point, as usual. She has a moment where she has an action sequence, sort of. Oh, yeah. She has a little joke, doesn't she? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:33 But she's fine. Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. I said this in my review, and I stand by it. He bloody goes for it. Yeah. It doesn't work. Yes, he goes for it, but should he have gone for it? I don't...
Starting point is 00:29:48 You know... Okay, do you know what happened? Yes, I think I do. This is a minor spoiler, okay, for a character that's in this movie who dies very early on. Yes. Minor spoiler. Uh-huh. Jimmy Olsen...
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yes. in the start of this movie. He's not named Jimmy Olsen. He comes in and he's killed. You see it in the credits. You see it in the credits. You go, oh, is that Jimmy Olsen? Yeah. And of this movie. He's not named Jimmy Olsen. He comes in and he's killed. You see it in the credits. You see it in the credits. You go, oh, is that Jimmy Olsen? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And then he dies. Well. You guys said that. Oh, you did say it. I wasn't listening. But he dies and you're like, oh, I guess it wasn't Jimmy Olsen. Yeah. I guess it was a Jimmy Olsen-like character.
Starting point is 00:30:18 And then the credits roll and you're like, oh, it was Jimmy Olsen. That's right. And the idea was that Jesse Eisenberg came in to read for Jimmy Olsen because they were going to get a big actor to play him and then have him be killed. And that would be shocking Game of Thrones style. And then they went, you know what? You'd be really terrible at.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I mean, good at. You know what you'd be completely miscast for? Lex Luthor. Yeah. And then he kind of does a weird Jim Carrey, Riddler, Joker, crazy Max Landis foppish. So foppish. He's a guy who's barely keeping it together. And by the end of it, you're like, well, we're not going to get an interesting Lex Luthor now because he can't be president.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah, that's true. Because nobody would trust him. He can't be like a cunning businessman. I'll get to whether or not you think you'll swap him out. I want to talk about his plan later. Okay. The action sequences, I really enjoyed the opening sequence in Metropolis and Bruce Wayne's running to the rubble.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah, okay, yeah. When it started, I was like, I'm 100% on boardble. Yeah, okay, yeah. I was, when it started, I was like, I'm 100% on board for this. Me too, yeah. Then, like, nothing happened. Because we get the Ben Affleck, the Bruce Wayne fury. Yes. And you're like, he is really...
Starting point is 00:31:36 Upset. Yeah. And, you know, and then they kind of convolute why he wants to attack Superman by the time it rolls around. If they just had left it at that, then I think it would have made more sense than what they built on for him to not like Superman. The first act, all of Act 1 and 2 are building,
Starting point is 00:31:55 are attempting to build, are attempting to get Superman and Batman in the same room together so they can fight. Yes. And yeah, the motivation for that goes up and down yes throughout the movie and the scenario in which they actually do finally fight is so contrived yeah and it ends but paper thin it's contrived and paper thin and look this is not a i don't think this is a spoiler yeah this Yeah. This is a fight that could have been ended
Starting point is 00:32:26 if one of them, either, it doesn't matter, for one second went, hey, before we do this, you should know this. Just listen to this. Yes. And so they even have to contrive the blocking and the choreography and the movement of the characters. Yeah, to stop them doing that.
Starting point is 00:32:42 To stop them doing that. It's not even like Superman flies in at a thousand miles an hour and Batman doesn't have a chance to do that. Yeah. Which would, I kind of, I don't know. They have like a good 20 seconds before the fight starts for one of them to say something. And neither of them does.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Yeah. Well, one of them sort of attempts. Attempts, but yeah. It's quickly. We'll get to it. We'll get to it when we break that thing down. It is real bad. The Batman clearing room bit is great.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Yeah. He gets hit in the back of the head with a knife a lot. He gets shot in the head as well. And he's fine. It's still a really good action sequence. It ends in a very interesting way. Yes, it does. Which we'll get to.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And of course, there's the Batman-Superman fight, which I think, although there's some pretty good moments, is underwhelming and too brief. It's underwhelming. It's underwhelming and nonsensical in a lot of parts. Yes. Because when you talk to a non-superhero movie, superhero comic book fan, you say, oh, it's going to be Batman versus Superman.
Starting point is 00:33:47 And 99% of people go, well, Superman's going to win, isn't he? And because he's super strong and Batman's just a regular guy. And then you go, oh, actually, you put your glasses up and you go, well, actually, but then you have to explain that like, okay, well, in the comic books, Batman's really clever. He's a genius. And he's got like gadgets and he a genius. And he's got, like, you know, gadgets. And he's a detective.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And he's thought, you know, every scenario through in his head a million times. And Frank Miller hates Superman. Frank Miller hates Superman. So it's definitely going to go Batman's way. And you go, okay, well, you know, he's a guy who can win it. You know, the modern interpretation of Batman in the comic books is a guy who can win any battle because he's thought it through. Given enough time. Given enough time, he can can win this battle and he's got enough time yeah so he's definitely going to win he has at least 100 an hour and 20 yes he does so that's
Starting point is 00:34:34 way too that's an hour more time than he needs needs 20 minutes yeah he needs a short lunch smoke break he just needs to get the right belt and then then he's sorted. And then the right bat girdle. But this fight sequence, it's a Batman going in who hasn't really thought about it much. No, I would disagree. I would disagree with you disagreeing. I would say, because he does have more than one kind of trick. But it also relies on Superman being a total idiot. It relies on Superman being a total idiot
Starting point is 00:35:07 and being less powerful than Superman that Batman has literally seen in front of him flying through multiple buildings and being completely unharmed. See, that's the thing. Man of Steel, we had a Superman, again, who can fly through a building and it doesn't do anything. He can crash into a train that's filled with fuel and it blows up and it destroys everything around him and he's still totally fine.
Starting point is 00:35:35 His cape's not even singed. Not a scratch. And you can work with that. And the character's super fast, like he's invisible to the eye fast. You can work with that in a movie where he's fighting a regular human being if you build the scenario so this human being has thought it through. Yeah. But this Batman has not thought it through.
Starting point is 00:35:55 No. He's just like, well, I'll get some... What has happened is Zack Snyder's gone, oh, well, in Batman Dark Knight Returns, he's got this thing and this thing and this thing. So I'll just throw them in. And he literally just does that. Those things, yeah. Yeah, there's got this thing and this thing and this thing. So I'll just throw them in. And he literally just does that.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Those things. Yeah, there's not really anything else to it. No. And it doesn't work as well in this scenario because the rules of this Superman don't apply to the Dark Knight Superman. And also, if you recall, the Superman in Dark Knight Returns has also just been hit with a nuclear weapon. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:21 So he's probably a little bit the worse for wear. And maybe that happens at some point in this movie. But if it does, it's not before this fight. Anyway, I found this fight underwhelming and dumb. We'll get into the specifics later. Yeah. There's one move in particular that I mentioned. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:40 After the movie where I'm like, why? Yeah. Why did that? I know exactly what you're talking about. Special effects wise, I like all the sets. I think the Batcave looks spectacular. Yep. Generally, it's a very good looking movie.
Starting point is 00:36:53 The final action sequence, which is in the trailers, which is Doomsday, is just lightning and smoke. And CGI. It's just, should we make this more interesting? No, just cover it in smoke nobody will notice yeah so I found that incredibly
Starting point is 00:37:08 underwhelming as well he's a greasy doomsday yeah he's so greasy and you think he's going to turn into comic book doomsday he sort of starts to and then he doesn't and then he doesn't
Starting point is 00:37:19 one more thing yes two more things ripped bods any good do you like the ripped bods? I think Ben Affleck had an old man ripped bod. I mean, he was crazy ripped.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Yeah. But he was crazy ripped like... Like if a barrel was ripped. Like if a barrel was ripped. Exactly. And also, I appreciate that he hasn't gone waxed chest. Oh, yeah. That'd be weird.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Well, that's in this universe. Nobody's waxed. Superman isn't waxed. That's not how it works. Yeah. Yeah. Or lasered. That'd be weird. Well, that's in this universe. You know, nobody's waxed. Superman isn't waxed. That's not how it works. Yeah. Yeah. Or lasered. He'd have to be lasered, wouldn't he?
Starting point is 00:37:49 He'd have to be heat vision in a mirror. Yes. Full-length mirror. Now, we're going to talk about this more in spoilers, but did you like the introduction of the Justice League? That being said, I know you didn't. Absolutely, I didn't. No.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Let's get into this right now. Spoilers. Here we go. Justice League is literally wonder woman opening a file she's opening some sort of like microsoft silverlight slash powerpoint document and she's like what's this oh it's a file on it's me it's a pic the wonder woman logo so that must be a file on me and there's like a lightning bolt that must be a file and she clicks it and there's like a lightning bolt. That must be a file. And she clicks it and there's just a video of the Flash and he's doing his Flash stuff in a convenience store.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And then she's like, what's this one? I click, oh, it's Aquaman. It's literally Jason Momoa holding a trident going, oh. People have compared that to Derek Zoolander's mermaid ad. Absolutely. We got sent some of those. Some of the Weekly Wackadadoo sent some memes. I was watching that and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:38:47 why is this so slow and weird? Why is it in there at all? Yeah. You know what I did like? Yes. I didn't mind the origins of Cyborg or The Flash. It's just a ridiculous way to show them. Yeah, just show them in any other way.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Just show, just show them in any other way. Just show, again, the flashback from Man of Steel. Yeah. You show the whole city blowing up. Yes. And then you see a guy and he's like, the city's blown up. Now's my chance to rob a convenience store. Yes. And then the flash jumps in and you're like, done.
Starting point is 00:39:22 And then you have the city's falling down. And then the guy at Star Labs or whatever is like, I. And then you have like, you know, the city's falling down. And then, you know, the guy at Star Labs or whatever, he's like, I'm trying to save my son, but I can't. And then something crashes in and he's like, oh no. Now what do I do now? I got half a son. I'm Miles Dyson. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Miles Dyson. Good casting. Yeah. Ezra Miller had a weird ponytail. Yeah, he did. Though if you see him recently, he's all buff and like, he's got cool guy hair now. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:39:47 So he's ready. He's ready now. And the weird thing was, those files were opened in the order that those movies come out. That's very good. Is it? No, it's bad. What a fun little, fun little, oh.
Starting point is 00:40:01 That email heading should have been, here's your bloody Justice League origin, all right? Yeah. Just don't put it in. You don't even need it. Yeah. You could have- They didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:40:12 They didn't show up to help in the fight against Doomsday. They made the logos for the characters. Yeah, Lex Luthor- Lex Luthor made the logos. Like his graphic design department. He's like, because they're top secret files, but he must have gone to like an intern and be like, hey, imagine a like hey imagine a guy
Starting point is 00:40:25 imagine a guy who's really fast what would he what a logo to represent him look like the guy's like what about this lightning bolt and he's like
Starting point is 00:40:32 fine good you know I just want to say this now before we carry on yeah I'm making a new rating system I don't know whether you want to apply here but I'm going to put it in my videos
Starting point is 00:40:39 so I don't trip up on this again yes because I couldn't give this worst movie ever because Fantastic Four is the worst movie ever exactly so now I'm going to have to I'm going to look like the biggest idiot of all time i'm putting in a just
Starting point is 00:40:48 movie ever just sorry just just a movie it's just a movie we don't have to use it here yeah i'm gonna apply it there because i just this movie tripped me up yeah and now i look like a total idiot yeah anyway we don't have to we could talk about that later if you if you want to yeah did you like the nightmare sequence where batman's in the future and he's got a gun and he's killing people that's here's the thing about the nightmare sequence like clearly they're like well we're gonna get dark side and we'll set this up yeah first of all it was very unclear like initially like is this a dream is it a dream is it in the file in his computer? Yeah. Because after it happens,
Starting point is 00:41:27 then the Flash jumps out of the computer and he's like, you've got to save everybody. You've got to save Lois Lane with the thing. I don't think he jumps out of the computer. No, he jumps out. Waves his arms like a marionette. No, I like the look of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:40 It doesn't fit. No, it doesn't fit at all. The problem with it is that we see this sequence and we see, because in the trailers we see like a very brief snippet of this and Batman flings a guy and then he breaks a guy's neck. Like he's being surrounded by these Superman soldiers and we're like, oh, this must be a, it's either a fake Batman or it's a future Batman that's on the edge.
Starting point is 00:42:07 This is a future scenario. And then in this, you know, we see the full sequence and all of a sudden he's drawing a gun and he's shooting people. And we go, oh no, this is the. If Batman went bad. If this is the worst, this is the worst scenario in the universe because the world has gone so bad. Yeah. And the world is nearing its total end that batman has to pick up a gun that's the thing he said he'd never do yeah and kill
Starting point is 00:42:30 people a thing he said he'd never do yes and then the scenario ends we're like wow what what a terrible world that would be and then batman just starts killing people in the movie so i need to address this yes zach snyder has revealed why Batman... Yeah, he has. ...has killed in this movie. Yep. And I am indirectly involved. Yes, you are.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Me personally. Look, number one, the first... One of the things he said is... I've got it here. I can read it out exactly. Okay, good, yeah. Do you want it? No, no, yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:00 He goes... Okay, here we go. This is your fault. This whole movie is your fault. Yeah. So basically, in this movie, Batman murders a bunch of people. Let's say a couple of dozen. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I mean, I'd have to go. I've only seen it once. I couldn't know for sure. And it's not just in the dream sequence. No. So some of the examples are he explodes a car. There's the classic Batman scenario when he's in the Batwing
Starting point is 00:43:26 and there's a bad guy in a truck and he's got a machine gun. It might maybe even be a minigun. It might be. I love a minigun. You should go back and see. I won't. And then the bad guy's shooting a Batman
Starting point is 00:43:37 and you're like, what's Batman going to pull out of his bag of tricks to stop this? What kind of non-lethal Batman weapon is he going to use? Oh, it's just a really big machine gun. And he just shoots the car and it blows up. Yes. Then he's in some kind of
Starting point is 00:43:49 street rally? He's in a street rally. He hits a car with a Batmobile. The car flips 30 feet. And then he shoots a grappling hook into it. It's a car with people in it. And then he shoots a grappling hook into it and it trails behind the Batmobile as he careens through the street. He uses it like a wrecking ball. He uses it like in it. Yes. And then he shoots a grappling hook into it and it trails behind the Batmobile
Starting point is 00:44:05 as he careens through the street. He uses it like a wrecking ball. He uses it like a wrecking ball and then there's some bad guys on a corner in another car shooting at him. Again, shooting at him in an indestructible Batmobile. Yes. Because as we discover in this scene,
Starting point is 00:44:19 that's... Look, here's a scene that I liked, actually. Yeah. This scene... The scene where Batman murders everyone. Yeah, the whole movie, where we see that this car is indestructible. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And then, you know, it's rocket-proof, and it's bullet-proof, and it's impact-proof, and then it gets to the... It's moral-proof. It's definitely moral-proof. And then it gets to ride at the end, and Superman's there, and Superman just clips it,
Starting point is 00:44:44 and it falls to pieces. Like, the idea batman has built this technology that is so good yeah that makes him unstoppable against crime but superman can just knock it off like that like it's good thing he's got a suit even stronger than that yeah i know right but then like so this the sequence i liked except for the fact that he's dragging this car behind him. It's flapping like a fish. With people just getting turned to paste inside it. Just inside it. And there's some bad guys on the corner. And he's like, I know.
Starting point is 00:45:12 You're like, what non-lethal way will he get out of this? And so he releases the car that he's been trailing behind. It tumbles over and it just flattens this car with four gunmen in it. Like, they're so dead there's this and Zack Snyder's justification is
Starting point is 00:45:28 well we don't I mean we'll get to you in a second but he says look I can read it please do I tried to do it in a technical way
Starting point is 00:45:36 there's a great YouTube video that shows that all the kills are in Christopher Nolan's movie even though we would perceive them
Starting point is 00:45:44 as movies where he doesn't kill anyone. I don't think anybody perceives that. I think there are 42 potential kills. There's 45. The Batman does. Also, it goes back to include the Tim Burton movies where he has a reputation as a guy who doesn't kill anybody.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Again, that is not the case. Everybody knows that Tim Burton, Batman, is the most murderous Batman until this Batman, which you believe could be set in the same universe. I'm saying I'm putting my money down. There is a very good chance, and this kind of amuses me, that the Man of Steel universe, the Batman v Superman universe,
Starting point is 00:46:18 the new Batman universe is the Tim Burton, Joel Schumacher Batman universe. It almost lines up timeline-wise. Yeah, it does. Yeah, there's been 20-ish years. Yeah, yeah. He's got the Batwing, a very similar design. The Batmobile's a very similar design. He's a murderer.
Starting point is 00:46:34 There's machine guns on all his stuff. What are we talking about? So, yeah, he tried to do it by proxy. So he said the example he gives is... Yeah, this is the best example. Shoot the car where the car blows up or a grenade goes off in a guy's hand. Or when he shoots the tank and the guy pretty much lights the tank like himself. Which is not the scenario.
Starting point is 00:46:54 The scenario that he's talking about is Batman takes a gun. Yes. Something that he... Never does. Except in this movie. Multiple times. And he shoots a gas cylinder on the back of a guy who's kg beast who's kellen mulvey the patron saint of the podcast drazic from heartbreak
Starting point is 00:47:13 high who they're getting heaps of movies which is great it's great good on him he's in marvel he's in a soldier as well yeah um and then he explodes so basically he's saying that the people that batman kills are kind of associated with the things that Batman's doing, but it's not directly, so it's not his problem. Like, if you got a gun and you shot a car with it and there was people in the car and the car blew up and you went in front of a judge and you were like, look, my defense is the classic defense of I'm not going to punch you,
Starting point is 00:47:44 but I'm going to swing my arms. I'm going to flail my arms wildly and walk at you. And if you happen to be in the way, that's your fault. Exactly. The playground defense. Now, I take umbrage. He shoots a car and it blows up. You've killed people in a car.
Starting point is 00:48:01 You're not an idiot. The Batmobile's got an ejector seat in it probably but most cars don't have an ejector seat i would say 100 of cars don't have ejectors that's right yeah yeah i rather than that you take umbridge i think umbridge because he's using my video as an example of why it's okay for batman kill. That video isn't a free pass for Batman to kill. The point of that video is, and maybe I should have said this specifically. Now you're going to have to. He's broken your system again.
Starting point is 00:48:32 He's broken your best worst movie ever system. He's broken your kill system. You should have a bloody disclaimer at the front that says I'm not condoning this. The point of that was, isn't it ridiculous how many times that Batman is killed in the movies? Wouldn't it kind of be great to see a Batman
Starting point is 00:48:49 who doesn't kill everybody? Yeah, wouldn't it be great to see an adaptation of Batman that is accurate to the comic book version who definitely doesn't kill people? And you know what I find the worst part as well is? Yes. There's no explanation as to why he's doing it. Correct, there's no explanation.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I feel like if there was a breaking point where Alfred's like, listen, you never used to do this. I know some things have happened to you. Maybe you lost a Robin or whatever. Yeah, yeah. And you've snapped. Yeah. But you need to reel it back in.
Starting point is 00:49:16 There could have been a sequence where he's going to go in, like he goes in like an attack pattern, and Alfred's like, I took all the bullets out, you know, because I know you're going to do this. And then Batman's like, I'll put them back in. And then he's, you know, you know, they should have been. But yeah, Alfred never objects. Exactly. He's just riddling these people with bullets.
Starting point is 00:49:35 It's blowing up. He gets a bit snarky. Yeah, he does. That's true. But not about the killing. No. Yeah. And the scene where, yeah, you're right, where he, one of the bad guys has a grenade.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Yep. And then it just, like, he just kicks him into, he kicks him into a room with the grenade. Yes. They're dead. What do you expect them to do? You've killed them. Another reason he said is because the Dark Knight Returns version of Batman also kills in that movie and he used, used in that comic book and he uses guns. Here's a panel of Batman from the Dark Knight Returns breaking a gun in half.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And he's saying, quote, this is the weapon of the enemy. We do not need it. We will not use it. Do you think he only read the part where Superman fights Batman in that comic? Yeah, he definitely did.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Yeah. Or maybe somebody told him about it. I reckon somebody told him, but I reckon maybe one of the production designers gave him like four storyboards. Yeah. Or maybe somebody told him about it. I don't doubt it. I reckon somebody told him about it. I reckon maybe one of the production designers gave him like four storyboards. Yes. Like they blew them up into big panels and like, look at him, look at him putting his boot on Superman's neck or whatever. I would also argue that like, that is a good comic book and I, and I enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Sorry. Graphic novel. Thank you. But there are some very dated elements in it and you don't have. Ronald Reagan. Yes. As the president. The weird slang 80s Ronald Reagan. Yes. As the president. The weird slang 80s gang talk.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah. All those things. But you don't have to take all the elements from it, especially the elements that don't really apply to what everybody knows as Batman anymore. It's not the future either. It's also not the future. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:01 And you know what? Bandit Incorporated pointed this out to me. Great YouTuber. What stops him from killing the Joker from now? Nothing. Exactly. Absolutely nothing. Yeah. Exactly. And you know what? Bandit Incorporated pointed this out to me. Great YouTuber. What stops him from killing the Joker now? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yeah. So what's the point of any of this?
Starting point is 00:51:11 Yeah, exactly. Like, they cannot have now a Batman movie, unless it's a prequel, where he meets up with the Joker and he doesn't just immediately kill him. Yeah. Because the Joker, like, these thugs that he killed, we don't know anything about them, right? They might be bad guys. They might be murderers.
Starting point is 00:51:29 They might be whatever. Yeah. He doesn't know anything about them either. He doesn't know they've got wives and kids. No. Like, maybe, you know, he's got a, maybe the guy shooting the machine gun and has, like, a wife and a kid who's got a disability and he needs to pay for his medicine or whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Too bad. Too bad. He's dead. Now, kids in the bloody gutter can i talk about the the future sequence sure the potential future which looks pretty good yeah but none of it makes sense because first of all first of all yeah the can't even, I don't know. There's so much wrong with it. I don't even know what angle to come at it from. So because we have, you know, we have Batman killing people with a gun.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Yeah. Gun Carter style. Gun Carter style. That's a nod to Christian Bale, one assumes. This is your fault as well, Christian Bale. That this is the horrible, this is the nightmare scenario where everybody's gone bad and everybody's compromised their principles. This is an homage, I guess, to like,
Starting point is 00:52:30 there's a Justice League comic book called Rock of Ages, World War III, and this happens. And there's a bit of injustice in it. There's injustice in it, yeah. Whenever there's one of these future scenarios, what happens is there's a character who would never betray their friends, and they betray their friends. There's a character who would never kill anyone who starts killing everybody.
Starting point is 00:52:51 And then what happens is... For some reason, the guy with the bow and arrow was always still alive. Yeah, that's right. He's so good. He lived on that island for ages. He's very good. It's bugs. But then all these horrible things happen,
Starting point is 00:53:03 and you go, it could never get any worse and then it gets to a tipping point and somebody finds a time machine or a or a dimensional thing yeah or something and they go back in time and like you know somebody puts you know the somebody puts their hand on the on the you know the artifact that's going to destroy the whole universe or like the dimensional key or whatever yeah and they're like no you can't do it and then the scenario is saved and batman like you know you see batman and he pulls the gun on somebody and you think he's going to kill people but then he's like no no you're too good for it i'm going to take you to jail kind of thing right and you go okay well that that whole scenario is averted yes you can't do it with this no because batman's just just killing people and
Starting point is 00:53:43 shooting guns or whatever there's no scenario you can't because you can't go back you can't go unless you go back before yeah the events of batman v superman and then you have to have a meet again right then you have to have another batman v super we might have another reboot like before this is over there might be i think they might do a yeah soft reboot reboot like a retcon like like an x-men style retcon they might and also here's another here's another thing about this is that he has the scenario the future apocalyptic scenario and superman's gone bad because lois lane died yes and he's gone mad in justice style and he's built an army of superman soldiers yes that he's happy
Starting point is 00:54:22 to heat vision like disintegrate them to nothing. And maybe he's in league with Darkseid. We don't really know. Well, he's working with Parademons, so I guess he is. He must be, yeah. Or he's killed Darkseid and he's the boss now. I kind of want to see this movie. Someone tweeted me.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I'll just very quickly say this. I don't want to break your flow here. That, who was it? I like assertiveness. Yes. Max Young said on Twitter, how awesome would it be if George Miller was to direct a nightmare future Justice League movie?
Starting point is 00:54:48 That would be great. Absolutely. Anyway, sorry, continue. So this scenario, like Superman's gone bad and it's the end for Batman. Like, we're done. This universe is over. He's accidentally bought a green light bulb.
Starting point is 00:55:02 That's right, yeah. And this is the end and the premonition ends and then the flash jumps you know he wakes up yeah he wakes up that's right he's up and then we get another we get the flash jumping through the tv screen yep that definitely happened right i i just thought he came through time i've no idea no i think yeah i didn't i don't think he really came no no it's weird he should have shown up anywhere else in the Batcave. Anyway, but then he's like, you got to look. Lois Lane's the key. You got to save Lois Lane.
Starting point is 00:55:29 You got to, got to. Bad things happen if you don't. I've come back too far. But then Lois Lane at no point is in the movie, is in any position of danger where Batman could potentially save her. Yes. So he doesn't have that choice. And then Superman dies.
Starting point is 00:55:52 I'm assuming that if that scenario was to work, either it's been averted, which, okay, whatever, or it's something that's yet to happen. Like it happens after Superman comes back. Here's the thing, though. Yeah. If that's true, so like, because at the end we get the funeral scene and he's like, I'm putting together the Justice League. And she's like, why?
Starting point is 00:56:10 And he's like, I've just got a feeling. And the feeling is obviously the premonition. Yeah. Where Superman goes bad. Yes. But if Superman's dead, he wouldn't need to put together the Justice League unless he knows Superman isn't really dead. In which case, why do you bury him?
Starting point is 00:56:27 Why would you leave him unattended in just a regular grave? Here's how I thought it was going to go. Because in The Dark Knight Returns, obviously we get Batman, he dies. He gives himself some sort of drug, so it looks like he has a heart attack and he dies during the fight.
Starting point is 00:56:44 But then he's not really dead he's just his his vital signs have dropped really low they bury him Superman goes to the funeral and he's like it's very sad he's died and then he walks away
Starting point is 00:56:53 and he just hears one heartbeat and he gives the old Superman wink and he's like he's going to come back that's right but I'm just going to let it go for that terrible comic yeah
Starting point is 00:57:00 for so many bad sequels and maybe a sequel that's okay it's okay so far Dark Knight 3 alright but I thought they were going to do a twist yeah where superman dies yeah they put him in the in the group in the ground and then like batman's put a sensor or something in the ground right because he know because he's seen the future scenario he knows superman's going to come back right right and so he puts the sensor in the ground and he hears something and he goes, now I'm ready. I'm bloody ready.
Starting point is 00:57:27 But there's none of that. So it's just, so either he thinks Superman's actually dead, in which case it doesn't matter if he forms the Justice League or not. Yes. Because Superman's like, he was, Superman's ultimately the only threat because Batman's got an indestructible car and a lethal outlook on life. He can just do away with everybody. It doesn't matter to him.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Nobody's really a threat. No. Superman was the only threat and now Superman's gone. So it doesn't matter whether he performs a Justice League or not. Or Superman's coming back and he's just dumped him in Kansas.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Just dump the body in Kansas. Who cares? Also, Clark Kent's dead? Incompletely. How are they going to bring him back? Is he not going to have that identity anymore? Yeah, I didn't even think of that. You know what I take umbrage with also? You're taking a lot of umbrage.
Starting point is 00:58:16 I'm taking a lot of umbrage. Superman kills a guy. Straight up. Straight away. Now, people have said to me on Twitter and in comments Superman didn't kill that guy because Clark said to Lois oh no I didn't kill anybody in the desert I definitely didn't yeah
Starting point is 00:58:31 now there is no way that that guy is not dead yeah he hit that dude when the guy had a gun to Lois' head
Starting point is 00:58:39 I thought oh he's gonna shoot like laser the gun he's gonna just rush in grab it and break it yeah but what he decides to do instead is fly at this guy with a full force of wood He's going to shoot the, like, laser the gun. He's going to just rush in, grab it, and break it. Yeah. But what he decides to do instead is fly at this guy with the full force you would, say, throw Zod through a building.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Yep. Hits him at the speed of a truck and puts him through at least two brick walls. At least. Maybe more. Yeah, yeah. Now, there are two scenarios that could possibly be the reason why this is the way it is. One, he's dead. Yep.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Two, Zack Snyder thinks that he's not dead and he just didn't think it through. He just went, wouldn't it be cool if Superman put a guy through a wall? Let's not think anything more about it. Let's just say that, yeah, he's... Let's say they're mud walls. Yeah, let's just say he's alive. It's fine. But you've constructed a scenario where there is no way that guy's insides aren't liquid.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Yeah. So you can't then turn around and say, oh, no, he's fine. Yeah. It doesn't work like that. He didn't grab him. If you see him grab him and then sort of turn, and then Superman takes the brunt of the walls on his back and whatever. You know what I think? Because I think he wanted...
Starting point is 00:59:51 Somebody wanted the scene in Iron Man, the first Iron Man, where Iron Man goes back to Gulmira, and he just beats up a bunch of terrorists. And it's awesome. It's awesome. Because he can. Because he can. A, he's a rich guy and he can get away a bunch of terrorists. And it's awesome. It's awesome. Because he can. Because he can. A, he's a rich guy, and he can get away with whatever he wants.
Starting point is 01:00:08 And B, he's acting... As the military, I guess. Well, he's acting in defense of innocent people. And so, like, he's justified in... And he can't just... He doesn't have any hard and fast rules. And also, he doesn't come back and say, I didn't kill anybody.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yeah, and he doesn't... The Iron Man armor isn't so fast that he could just grab a guy and, you know, hurl him, you know, place him in a jail cell a thousand miles away. Superman can do that. Yeah. Iron Man has to kill some people. And he punches a guy real hard. Yeah. And he goes up against a wall.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And that guy's definitely dead. Without a doubt. Like the punch killed him. The wall double killed him. But again, this is what he's working with. Yeah. And he's made no claims to be... No.
Starting point is 01:00:49 The Avengers have never made any claims to be people that never kill anyone. No, they'll happily kill someone. Captain America was a professional soldier. He got two assassins. Yeah. The Hulk probably feels bad about it. But he'll still kill a bunch of people. Yeah, he'll still kill a bunch of people that deserve it.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Everybody in that Thor has killed so in that. Thor is just a... He's killed so many people. Thor's just a lunatic from another world. But that's okay. That's fine. But they've never made any claims that they aren't. No, and I understand, like, maybe they thought, well, having that restrictions on these characters,
Starting point is 01:01:18 you know, that hurts our movie. But you work with what you've got, man. You construct scenarios where Batman doesn't kill, Superman doesn't kill yeah you've said this before and i've mocked you for it thank you no i haven't really but in the end sequence of man of steel yeah superman breaks zod's neck yes and you've just and i've said look that's fine because he's killed him in the comic books yeah and you said just build a scenario where he doesn't have to do that exactly i'm like uh who cares just let it go in this i'm like hey how about build a whole bunch of different scenarios where all the dumb stuff you've done doesn't happen do you think it would have been so much better if superman flew in grab the guy's
Starting point is 01:01:53 wrist and the guy shot superman in the head point blank and he doesn't flinch yeah and then the scene cuts yeah is that better than superman flying a guy through a wall anything there i just wrote a scenario on the fly that makes more sense. So I hit my microphone because I was so incensed. What else is bad in this movie? What have we got up to? We haven't done... I've got to...
Starting point is 01:02:17 First of all, we mentioned he killed Jimmy Olsen. He killed Jimmy Olsen. You know what that is as well? It's like you've just killed Superman's number one fan. He's his pal, a guy who's had 70 years, I guess, or more, of having crazy adventures and fun and just being a giant lizard man or a puddle of plastic or whatever. Just getting into crazy adventures.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Yes. I mean, he's had so many different personas and whatever in movies and tv or whatever yeah but that is he's a great character yeah just kill him in one scene why not don't even have him meet superman yeah great don't don't even have to be superman's pal yeah i was like oh it's is that jimmy olsen can't be he's dead yeah i know it was he's a cia agent and also what you've done there because he's like well we don Oh no, it was. He's a CIA agent. And also, what you've done there, because he's like, well, we don't, there's so much happening
Starting point is 01:03:07 in these movies, we don't have time for Jimmy Olsen, so we'll just kill him. That's what he said in that interview. Yes, yes. Well, maybe another director
Starting point is 01:03:13 would have time for Jimmy Olsen. Like, in the future, maybe you're going to have another Superman movie or Justice League and you'd like to have a plucky young photographer.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Maybe that director would have liked to have Jimmy Olsen, but now he can't have him because he's dead. Because he died, didn't he? He was shot. He was shot in the head. What I also didn't understand about that scenario
Starting point is 01:03:30 is there's this big inquest into whether Superman killed all those people in the desert. Yeah. Why don't you just look at all the bullet-ridden bodies? Yeah, exactly. Why don't you just look at that? Yeah. And then maybe put two and two together. How many guns does Superman carry?
Starting point is 01:03:43 Oh, zero. Zero guns. If you turn up and there's guys being put through walls and lasered in half, maybe hold your little inquest, all right? That's right, yeah. Oh, this guy's frozen in ice in the desert. How did that happen? Yeah, and also, because they had to go, it's a cover-up.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Yeah, okay, sure. Okay, but also... If it's a cover-up, you'd be like, well, it's weird that there's not enough evidence. But I guess then you would go. But also, in the comic books, Lex Luthor's done this before. He's done some weird scenario to incriminate Superman. And what he's done is he's gotten a guy with a heat ray gun and just blasted some people and gone,
Starting point is 01:04:23 oh, it's heat vision. Oh, this guy's been thrown through a wall with a jackhammer-like force. He's gotten a big jackhammer heat ray gun and just blasted some people and gone, oh, it's heat vision. Oh, this guy's been thrown through a wall with a jackhammer-like force. He's gotten a big jackhammer thing and done that. What Lex Luthor's never done is given a whole bunch of mercenaries guns that only fire LexCorp-built projectiles and then sent them into the desert to riddle these people
Starting point is 01:04:42 with bullets and gone, Superman did it. And then the CIA goes, well, we're not touching this one. Yeah. No, thank you. I mean, we could say it's definitely Lex Luthor, but we won't. Yeah. And what's more, when Superman turns up to that inquest note... Again, this is...
Starting point is 01:04:55 I'm barreling over the top of you. That's okay. This is a movie where a whole bunch of things could have been solved with post-it notes. Yes. Lex Corp did it. Yes. Yeah, Lex Corp bullets.
Starting point is 01:05:04 It wasn't me. It wasn't me. Superman should just have his own post-it notes. Yes. LexCorp did it. Yes. Yeah, LexCorp bullets. It wasn't me. It wasn't me. Superman should just have his own post-it note station. He could have gone into that inquest and said, I mean, look, the inquest went south pretty quickly. Yeah. So that's another thing. Superman is so poorly used in this
Starting point is 01:05:16 that when he walks into the inquest and the room explodes, there's just a follow-up shot of him looking sad in fire, like he's having a sad depressed shower and then he disappears yeah he does that's a scenario then when you go to i don't know the president anybody and go the dude just exploded in the wheelchair i missed it yeah yeah you missed it that's okay you were distracted you're not going to catch everything nobody actually knows you have x-ray vision that's. So there's no way you could have known. And not only that, Batman knows and the general public knows that Superman didn't do that.
Starting point is 01:05:52 And yet Batman still decides to try and kill him. Because in his mind, it's Superman's fault that a man was given a bomb by Lex Luthor. Yes. He's built this... He's got a weird Dick Cheney mind. This has been brought up multiple times where he's like, if there's even a 1% chance that Superman's in danger, we definitely have to kill him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Batman's a detective. Why didn't he just go? I don't think we ever see this, but he figures out who Superman is. But he doesn't say it. They figure out who each other is because they know who's who. But we never see Batman go to, say, Smallville or his apartment and just watch him in his day-to-day life and go, oh, this guy isn't a danger.
Starting point is 01:06:39 It's just kind of assumed that he knows. Yeah. There's no point where he goes he's he's listening in on batman on clark and lois having a conversation and clark's going i wish i could save everybody in the world i'm just a really good guy who's the best i wish i could do more but i can't do more it's real bad i'd never do anyone any harm i wish i could save everyone and then batman could be like he seems like a good guy i won't fight him but he never does because he's a bad detective i think a better scenario here would have been that we're saying scenario a lot we are saying
Starting point is 01:07:10 scenario where i mean you could literally do the dark knight version where superman is sent to stop batman because batman is maybe murdering people yeah or taking things too far there's too many flashbacks to dream sequences of this. Let me just quickly go through the ones that I remember. Okay. There's the one at the start where he flies with bats. Yeah, he does. There's the bit where he's attacked by a giant bat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Oh, yeah. I forgot about that one. It's in the mausoleum. There's the bit, there's the nightmare sequence. His family should have stopped breeding and burying giant bats. Putting them in there. Absolutely. Well, it's a Waynene tradition isn't it uh the another wayne tradition the death of bruce wayne's parents
Starting point is 01:07:50 correct which i guess is a flashback more of an origin as well but also at the end of the fight which i want to get to how that fight ends it has a flashback to martha wayne yeah and there's also a bit where kevin costner tells a story about how he diverted a river. That's right. Yeah. And that also is a sequence which kind of comes out of nowhere. It's just, there's the explosion.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Superman's having his sad shower. Yeah. And then the next time we see him, he's just walking in the, and I'm thinking, oh, he's going to do like fortress of solitude. He's going to build one.
Starting point is 01:08:23 He's got a crystal. Nah. What I thought mostly is why is he wearing a little hat he doesn't need one he's superman that's a very good question maybe in case he ran into like someone's like where's your hat some inuit yeah arctic people yeah maybe i don't know and jonathan kent's stack and rocks and it was like once i ate a cake but then it turned out the cake was filled with bitter tears which and this is never addressed and i thought it would have been addressed now that i you've mentioned that where did he come from because it's not a it's not a people can't see it but
Starting point is 01:08:57 i'm throwing my hands up yeah it's not a flashback to a time jonathan kent told him that story it's not a fortress of solitude technical hologram thing. Like I thought initially maybe... That would have been cool. I thought maybe he'd be like... You've just constructed a better scenario. Thank you. I thought, because he's in the Arctic
Starting point is 01:09:13 where the Fortress of Solitude is most of the time, I thought maybe he'd be like, wait, what are you doing here? Yeah. And then he'd be like, I remember when Jor-El was here. Yeah. It's the same thing.
Starting point is 01:09:24 But I... They just go, it's just the same thing. It's the same thing. Like, you know, I remember when Jor-El was here. Yeah. It's the same thing. But I... They just go, it's just the same thing. It's the same thing. Like, you know, I've been... I was recording your father or something like that when he was alive. And now... Or maybe this is reconstructed from your memory. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:36 And then it makes sense. Or I thought... Because then that didn't happen. I'm like, well, maybe he's been dosed with something by Lex Luthor and he's gone crazy. Right, right. Because that would make more sense as to why he's going to fight Batman. Right. Because he's been affected by something.
Starting point is 01:09:50 You're thinking of some good scenarios here. Thank you. We're good at scenarios, aren't we? Can we talk about Lex Luthor? Yeah. He's just insane for no reason. He sort of gives some rough explanations, but he's not really... He's a pretty good businessman, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:05 He gives a speech where he clearly has a mental break in front of 200 people. Yeah. And again, it only makes sense if these characters were built out of nothing yesterday. If he's owned this company his whole adult life, they'd be like, If he's owned this company his whole adult life, they'd be like, Lex, don't do any public speaking because you'll melt down like you always melt down. So just don't do it. We'll have our spokesman, who's very charismatic, do that.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Do it for you. Lex, don't piss in that jar and leave it on a senator's desk. That's what a crazy person would do. And also, if Superman stops this this there'll be a jar of piss with your dna in it like it'll be right there he'll figure this out he can he can smell dna and piss did you think that was a bizarre scenario yes yeah and it was it's this weird kind of middle american down homely wisdom kind of thing that they had to put in.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Yeah. It seems like there was a quota of that. You needed some Jonathan Kent. Yep. You needed, is it Holly Hunter? Is that the actress? I think it is, yeah. I might be wrong.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Holly Valance, Australia's own. Thank you. The southern senator. Yeah. Just having some down-home wisdom. Yeah. No good. Who put that jar there?
Starting point is 01:11:24 Like somebody got paid to put that there. They also killed Mercy Graves, his assistant. Oh, his assistant, yeah. Yeah, in that explosion. Or maybe she said, please don't. Please don't do any public speaking. Yeah. And he's like, I'm going to kill you with a bomb.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Ha ha ha ha. But seriously, could you just put this warm jar? Good. It's very fresh. That's, I, that's the, that's i that's the that's marvel that's the i think they also copied if they're copying i reckon there's some just straight iron man cribs yeah i agree i think they went jeff bridges just goes insane yeah and everybody was okay with it yeah yeah also we'll get to it then we'll get to doomsday in a little bit absolutely we will what are we up to
Starting point is 01:12:02 in this movie you've talked about with lex lhor before, the Lex Luthor from the comics. And look, we know that everything doesn't have to be like the comics. I'm okay with changes as long as they don't break a film in half. Again, Iron Man, plenty of changes. It's fine. I mean, but that's like... And look, that's not a perfect movie. No, but in Iron Man, like he's a character people didn't really know.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Yeah. So maybe he kills people, maybe he doesn't kill people. It doesn't matter. Batman, Superman, Batman especially has a hard and fast ironclad rule yeah he doesn't kill anyone that's right and look he has broken into the comics yeah there has been stories where he has done it but the jet and there are a million examples of it probably not a million i've done a video there are 45 examples yes in your video yeah zach snyder used as his bible but all of those are also examples of like i can't believe he brought that up but that's yeah that blows my
Starting point is 01:12:51 mind but he's gone here are some examples that you could construe as him killing people yeah now i'll just build i'll build on that where he just kills people yes exactly i'm sorry to keep going back to it anyway no no it's ithor. No, no, it's important. I genuinely, well, none of this is important. No. You just straight up just. Your idea of Lex Luthor is, and the reason why you think the Gene Hackman version doesn't work,
Starting point is 01:13:17 is because with the Justice League and Superman dogging him at every turn, he can be one of the most successful and loved businessmen in the world and somehow become the President of the United States. Yeah. But in this scenario, he gets found president of the United States. Yeah. But in this scenario, he gets found out pretty quickly and goes to jail. Yes. So where do we go from here? Do they swap him out because he is Lex Luthor Jr.?
Starting point is 01:13:38 But his parents are definitely dead, though. Are they? Or maybe not, though. That's an easy fix. And we've said this before. Maybe they did that because they're like, maybe people won't like this version. Yeah, that's probably true. Heads up, we don't.
Starting point is 01:13:50 They could almost certainly have like, he's in jail. He goes to the divider wall with the phone. He picks up the phone and then like powers booth or somebody. Or Bryan Cranston sits down. He's got the shaved head and he's like you've stolen my look yeah thing and then you just switch him exactly you know you're clearly inspired by me ha isn't that funny i mean there's no jokes in these movies but you know well there was a few most i think most of them were in the the um yeah in the trailer in the trailer or the oh shit moment
Starting point is 01:14:21 which i guess is a joke there's another another joke. I guess that's a joke. I don't care if there's no jokes. Me too, yeah. I don't give a shit. Not everything has to be Marvel. I don't want everything to be Marvel. I like variety in things. Me too, yeah. But I feel also you can't build a movie this dumb
Starting point is 01:14:37 and take it so seriously. That's the disconnect I feel, right? Because if a dumb thing happened in in a Marvel movie if you're like oh man why did he act like that it was so dumb but if you have a character go
Starting point is 01:14:50 what an idiot why'd you do that dumb thing that set off this course of events yeah you'd be like I just had a brain fart I'm sorry
Starting point is 01:14:58 I pissed in a jar you'd have a laugh about it and you'd just it's the they call it you know hanging a lantern on it or like
Starting point is 01:15:04 that thing where you go just acknowledge that a dumb thing happened yeah have a bit of a laugh the audience accepts it we move on you can't do it with this because nobody has a laugh nobody's like isn't it weird that you don't like joke you don't you look you want jokes you want marvel movies your comic book movies don't you love a laugh no fair enough uh do you want to talk about the fight yeah the the batman what we've been waiting for for three years batman v superman my first thought was that was really brief and and we had a discussion about why superman took two facefuls of kryptonite exactly look one face full of kryptonite gas shame on you yeah a second grenade full of kryptonite gas, shame on you. Yeah. A second grenade full of kryptonite gas, shame on me. Which I fly into after seeing you reload.
Starting point is 01:15:50 So slowly. Again, look, you want the tables to turn a couple of times. Yeah. Right? Because if it's just a straight up pasting of one of the other, that's not interesting. So I guess you have to have him, Superman's indestructible for a bit.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Yeah. Then he gets, you know, he catches the, because obviously, like, to him, it would, does not matter that Batman shoots a grenade at him. It's completely right. Because he's indestructible. Yeah. He can dodge it.
Starting point is 01:16:20 He can catch it. He can just let it hit him or whatever. Yeah. And then he's surprised. He should have let it hit him. He should have let it just bounce off his head. Yeah, that's right. And, you know, then he's surprised he should have let it hit him he should have let it just bounce off his head that's right and you know then he's surprised by the kryptonite gas great now he's got no powers yeah and that was a fun little scene where he goes he goes to take a swing yeah he's like i'm gonna we're done with this yeah and he goes i'm gonna kill you yeah he goes to hit him with a punch which would definitely take it would definitely
Starting point is 01:16:41 take his head off and then batman catches it and And you're like, oh, here we go. Now it's on. This is going to be good. I really enjoyed that. And I really enjoyed watching Batman just kick the shit out of him. Yeah, it was good. And I love Superman. I genuinely do.
Starting point is 01:16:53 But man, that was fun to watch. Yeah. It's a shame. Initially. Yeah, initially. It was a shame that those... See, I'm like, this is so unsatisfying. Because again, the gas wears off.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Superman gets his powers back. He's then kicking Batman about a bit. And then he sees Batman on the ground reloading this grenade launcher incredibly slowly. Well, you know, he's in a big suit, isn't he? He's in a very big bulky suit. Again, this is a Superman who, when faced with a terrorist with a gun against the head of his girlfriend, can just go in faster than the eye can see, faster than a speeding bullet, if you will, and just plow him through several walls.
Starting point is 01:17:33 He just walks into the grenade again. I mean, I guess he didn't want to kill Superman, but yeah. He'd at least do these ones. You can't see me, but I'm doing a slight. Doing a matrix stuff. You're doing an amazing matrix style dodge, but he just falls for it again.
Starting point is 01:17:51 And then he gets another kicking. Then he gets another kicking. I don't see. That's the thing. And all the, all the kicking from that point was for me, very unsatisfying. Yes,
Starting point is 01:18:00 agreed. Because there's no way he'd fall for that. And again, if you want batman to ultimately come up on top in this fight write a scene where he's not an idiot yeah they're both not idiots yeah can we before okay so before the fight starts lex luther says i'm gonna i've got you i've got your mother martha kent That's important. Remember the name, everybody. Martha Kent.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Very important. Unless you go and kill Batman, I'll kill her. And the scenario, I guess, is that... Stop saying scenario. Never stop. We're adding this to the drinking game. If I've said scenario, go back. Everybody go back and take a shot whenever either of us has said scenario. Anyway, he's like, go and kill Batman because he's like, well,
Starting point is 01:18:47 Batman's got all the technology. I can't kill Batman. I can't kill Superman yet. I bet he could. Yeah. But. If he was good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:55 If he was any good at being Lex Luthor. Yeah. But then you go to Batman. Batman's got all the technology. We know he's got the kryptonite because I we saw him leave the Batarang right so he's gonna kill you yeah
Starting point is 01:19:08 so I'll just go and I'll just be here and you come back I'll just wait here I've I'm gonna I'm gonna keep track of you with this egg timer
Starting point is 01:19:18 anyway just wait I'll just I'll just be here like there's why didn't he say, look, I've got satellites and I've got drones and I've got cameras and I've got listening devices.
Starting point is 01:19:32 If you don't go and kill him, I'll know. But he doesn't. He just leaves him to his own devices. A man who can fly around the world in 30 seconds. I'll just leave him. It's fine. Do whatever you want. I trust that I'm so smart that i've
Starting point is 01:19:46 outfoxed you and you'll do this so there's no like and again then he would have had like if superman knew that lex luther's watching him and he has to kill batman he'd really go at it even if he didn't want to yeah but in this nobody's watching him no no he could have gone and again don't just watching him. No, no. He could have gone, and again, don't just give him superpowers for no reason, but he could just, when he's a mile out or 10 miles out, he could have gone, hey, Batman. Hey, Batman, I'm coming in.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Just so you know, Lex Luthor's got my mother. She's going to kill her. So we're going to have to fight and make it look good. Right, right. Or that could be in a- That could be a conversation they have just before. That could be a reveal. He could fly in. They That could be a conversation they have just beforehand. That could be a reveal. He could fly in.
Starting point is 01:20:25 They fight brutally for 10 minutes. And then Lex Luthor's like, I'm seeing it on the cameras. It's the best. I'm loving it. I'm bloody loving it. And then we could do the reveal of like he told him with the super ventriloquism.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Which is a power he has. Which is a power he probably... Just push out of it. It's fine. Yeah, sure. It's fine. And then he could go, Haha, it haha was a trick we only pretended to fight now we're back now we're both our mothers are called martha that's right which is the reason
Starting point is 01:20:53 why the fight stops so weird batman as our friend steel sort of said martha martha martha i mean it's weird nobody's picked up on that before i at the same time who cares exactly who cares and that's the reason why it was such a weird moment where you go he was gonna stab him I mean it's weird nobody's picked up on that before I've never known Exactly who cares And that's the reason why It was such a weird moment where you go He was going to stab him to death He was going to stab him to death Can we both agree he was about to stab Superman to death
Starting point is 01:21:14 And then he goes Martha And then he has a weird mental break What does it mean And then he's like oh we both have mothers named Martha. Presumably some of the men I killed with my machine guns also had mothers who had names. One of them could have been Martha.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Doesn't matter. I killed them. I don't care. I don't care. Maybe there's a mother going like, I hope my son, machine gun Mike, is coming to visit me today. I'm just in my retirement home. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:21:43 He's dead. I've just read here, James Wan, who's directing Aquaman, promises a fun Aquaman, very different tone to Batman v Superman, Dawn of Justice.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Very good. Way to distance yourself, mate. Yeah, very quickly. Very good. Where were we? Oh, I'm going to go right back to the start again of the fight.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Sure, let's do it. Sonic cannons? Yeah, so that's right. Yeah, so I was saying, yeah, there's no reason for them to go in straight up fighting because Lex Luthor's
Starting point is 01:22:09 not watching. He's not like, you go in and you kill him straight away. There's plenty of time for one of them to say, got my mother. So what they have to do,
Starting point is 01:22:19 what Zack Snyder has to do is have, okay, Superman goes in and says, I don't want to fight you. But also he's the most powerful man in the universe walking threateningly towards Batman. So he could step back. He could be a mile up in the air and go, hey, listen, I don't want to fight you. And here's the reason why. I'm being very non-threatening.
Starting point is 01:22:43 You can see both my hands. I've got my eyes shut. So I can't heat reason why. I'm being very non-threatening. You can see both my hands. Hands up. I've got my eyes shut, so I can't heat vision you. I'm looking, you know, whatever. I'm trusting you not to shoot a gas grenade in my face. He can do any of those things, and the fight would be over. Yes. He could have just said, Martha, and the fight would have been over.
Starting point is 01:22:59 What do you mean? He could shout into the sky. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So, okay, the fight. So there's some sonic cannons cannons yeah but again if when now we're getting into spoilers none of those weapons would do anything against superman and we know that he's just maybe they're just distractions so we can get the kryptonite gas going i don't understand why he didn't have the the kryptonite knife on him did he want to just kick him around a bit yeah it's weird
Starting point is 01:23:25 right like why did he go and bury it so far away why is it not in his gauntlet why isn't a whole bunch of stuff in his gauntlet you know what okay if let's say i'm shrugging i don't know let's say you were batman right you had some kryptonite grenades you got ready to go you know they're not they may not last forever so you got a bunch yeah first of all three maybe put them in a speed loader so you don't have to reload really slowly. You'd be really good at being Batman. Thank you. Or secondly, put one in a grenade launcher.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Put one in like a bloody gauntlet. Put one in your wrist so when you're on the ground... You can just bloody punch him in the face with it. Invariably, you know you're going to be on the ground because that's, you know... You're a regular man in a tin suit fighting the most powerful man in the universe. Just put one in your bloody gauntlet so you don't have to stop and reload. You can just sneakily get it out there.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Exactly. Or just crack him on the head with it. Just crack him on the head with it, yeah. Lois Lane threw the spear away and then had to get the spear. That was her sweet action sequence. She had to do a little run. That was very Christopher Reeve where he comes out of the water and he's all like kryptonite affected.
Starting point is 01:24:25 You know, there's that scene in the first Superman movie. Okay, I want to talk about... What is it? I wrote it down. I want to talk about the death of Superman. Okay. Fuck all that Doomsday stuff. What do you say?
Starting point is 01:24:37 It's dumb. Yeah, it is dumb. Let me think. Did any... First... Okay, here's my question for you. I don't know. Yeah. No, that, here's my question for you. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:46 No, that answers it. My question was going to be, what is Lex Luthor going to do when Doomsday kills Superman? Like afterwards. Maybe there's no shutdown mechanism. There doesn't appear to be any shutdown. He just... The Doomsday has his DNA in it.
Starting point is 01:25:02 That's true. Like, Doomsday's just going to kill everyone in the world. Yeah, that's his deal. He didn't... I mean, I guess that's the thing. I mean, he is crazy for no reason. Yeah, Lex Luthor went crazy for no reason. Why would he just...
Starting point is 01:25:17 You've got a pretty cushy life going on, Lex Luthor. Why destroy the whole world? Because his dad was mean to him. Yeah, that's probably true. Well, he says it, doesn't he? Is there anything left in the fight? Wonder Woman. I don't like the Wonder Woman theme.
Starting point is 01:25:31 That weird shredding 300 guitar. It was very 300. No! But, you know, she looked good and she fought well i thought that was that was pretty good so every time you mention a character a bit i can go back like in a thread and just go why was this bit so bad what was with the email he's like who are you you don't that's not how batman detectives he figures it out by sending emails from his own personal email account and there's that line by line reveal in the email.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yeah, yeah. Why was she after the photo? Like as a memory? As like proof of who she is? No, I think it was because he was going to blackmail her by saying, you're really old. Gives a shit. You can't have a career in Hollywood because you're so old.
Starting point is 01:26:20 No, but exactly. You could just go, oh, that's not me. Yes, that's a good. You could go, hey, humans don't, but exactly. You could just go, oh, that's not me. Yes, that's a good... You could go, hey, humans don't live that long. Yeah. Because there was no other evidence. No. It wasn't like, you know...
Starting point is 01:26:32 She only wanted the photo. Yeah, there wasn't birth certificates or like bank registries or like... I presumed because she has a relationship with Steve Trevor, who's Chris Pine, who's in the photo, that she just wanted the photo. Oh, okay. I don't know that. All right. Because it's not explained. No, that works, but I think it's much more likely to be just a joke.
Starting point is 01:26:51 We should fix all this movie then. Thank you. I think it was a dumb blackmail plot. Okay. I guess that makes sense. It makes sense. It more leans towards that. Again, because people would believe that she's over 100 years old and just be like, but again, there's no other evidence that. Yeah. Again, because people would believe that she's over 100 years old
Starting point is 01:27:05 and just be like... But again, there's no other evidence that she is. She could just be like... It's like when they go, Keanu Reeves has lived forever because, look, here's a photo of a guy in an old-timey who looks slightly like Keanu Reeves but different. Yeah. Like, very different.
Starting point is 01:27:17 You'd be like, that's just someone who looks like me. Who cares? If there's a man in a batsuit killing people and there's another man flying through buildings that fall down, no one's going to care if there's a woman who's pretty old. That's true. Like, who gives a shit? If that came out now, I'd go, well, there you go.
Starting point is 01:27:35 And that's something. And then that's it. I mean, I'd be amazed, but I wouldn't be like, this is a threat to humanity. I'd go about my day. Maybe she'll bite us and we'll all become really old okay the death of Superman the reason that Zack Snyder wanted to do it is because well the real reason is because he doesn't know what to do with Superman and he says I felt like we had to kill Superman in this movie in order for us to
Starting point is 01:27:58 use uh order us to have been serious with the entire premise of the film and that's not to say that he's clearly gone forever so way to give a terrible explanation and then confirm that he's coming back straight away yeah great i mean we knew we know he's coming back of course we did it's it's like i think he just stole the end of inception yes he did except he didn't because we definitely like inception could go either way inception it wiggles No, I genuinely think he was like... Like that's the end of Inception. You know, where it's just kind of like... It's supposed to be ambiguous.
Starting point is 01:28:33 No, I guess it's not. Maybe it's not supposed to be ambiguous. I mean, if it was supposed to be completely clear, he would have sat up. Yeah, no, it's definitely meant to be ambiguous. Yeah. But it's just not very good at being ambiguous. But in this one, we see the dirt rise off his grave. We know he's not dead.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Yes, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And also, if it were because of the future apocalyptic scenario, et cetera, et cetera. And he says he comes very close to death when he's in space, and the reason why we did that is when the nuke goes off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:01 First of all, the reason you did that is because it's in dark. Except it's in space, not on the ground. He wanted to show and to keep the idea in the viewer's mind that he can come pretty close to death and the sun can revive him or that he can be revived. I think something more is going to need to be done. Like somebody writing a better movie. And again, I don't mind the idea that Superman, you know, we talk about nobody ever really dies in comics.
Starting point is 01:29:27 It's bad if you kill a character and then you bring them back to life because then it ruins... You go, well, why don't you just bring everybody back to life? Exactly, yeah. But I feel this is different because Superman's such an iconic character. He's so powerful. Yes. You can work around that.
Starting point is 01:29:40 It doesn't matter if he dies. You can just say, look, we don't understand his... he you can just say look we don't understand his like in the comic books we don't understand his physiology he was never really dead he was just so close to death that we couldn't detect it in this version he was stabbed through the heart he was definitely there's a big up big old hole and it ruined his suit where's he gonna get another one i was gonna say from his fortress of solitude doesn't have one though ask his dad for one ask his dad who's building that pile of rocks. You know what else annoys me?
Starting point is 01:30:10 Yes? They've ruined the death of Superman. Yeah. Now, I say that... Because, again, Zack Snyder, he just wanted to have it. I say that not being a fan of that comic because it doesn't hold up. But I love the idea of a world where Superman is this iconic figure, which this guy has never really established.
Starting point is 01:30:27 He's never even had a chance. Yeah, people are very, they don't love him universally, which I would say in the comics he kind of is, generally. Of course he has his enemies. And then you build him up as this iconic character and they had like 60 years to do that in the comics and then you kill him, it's a big deal. And then there was 60 years to do that in the comics. And then you kill him. It's a big deal.
Starting point is 01:30:46 And then there was black. Yeah. You literally got a black armband when you got the Death of Superman comic book. But in this, this is a guy who took a big part in knocking down a city. And yes, he was saving people. But also, he did call that ship to Earth. And then he's... It's very ambiguous.
Starting point is 01:31:03 So people aren't sure whether he's good or bad. And then he dies. And then he blew up some more stuff. And then in the process, he blew up more stuff. Exactly. And then so people would be like, good. Most people would be like, I'm glad he's dead. The one nod to Superman being so lethal in Man of Steel is that in this, they're like,
Starting point is 01:31:21 he's headed to Stryker's Island. It's uninhabited. Yes. Oh, it's after five o'clock, so nobody's in that building. There's a lot of that. Even Batman then takes Doomsday towards the city, but he's like, I'm pretty sure there's no one there.
Starting point is 01:31:33 I'm pretty sure. Yeah. You don't care. I don't have x-ray vision. No. Yeah, so I feel like there is really something to be good done with that, and now we can't do it,
Starting point is 01:31:43 because you can't kill him twice. He's painted every character and every subsequent director of these movies into such weird little corners. How are they going to get out? They can't get out. Nobody can get out. I'm rubbing my face. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:00 If people can hear that. How's Batman going to re-adopt his no killing rule he can't he's not he's killed regular people he hasn't killed aliens he hasn't killed robots he's killed regular people it's amazing to me that it's so it's so broken and you know what i don't even i don't hate it because it's so spectacular and i love the ben affleck batman but it's really like you said it's really wrecked also thanks thank you zack snyder for putting the the penultimate action sequence the batman warehouse action sequence in the relate like that that's his that's his solo action sequence yes we've seen it already yeah except
Starting point is 01:32:45 for the last five you know minutes of that i thought it was going to be at the start yes we establish his bona fides as a crime fighter as a as a bad dude yeah kind of thing yeah yeah it isn't no it's not this one oh okay what about this as well we've got it we've got to wrap this up i guess at some point okay wrap it up and cry there's no more information on who this dead Robin is or how he died or the effect on Batman other than what we saw in the trailers. It is not expanded upon at all. That's true.
Starting point is 01:33:13 And when we saw it, we were tricked into seeing the 3D version. It was even hard to read. Yes, it was. I can remember it from the trailer. I sort of remember what it says. It said something about a joke or whatever whatever but seeing it through the 3d glasses and it's kind of fuzzy graffiti and i'm like i don't i think i think a lot of people are gonna miss what that
Starting point is 01:33:33 says yes i think they're gonna know it's robin yes they're not gonna know they're not gonna know the joker killed him no no exactly we got some... Now, opinions, I would say, are mixed to negative. Yes, yeah. I would say even those who love this movie, and there are a lot of people who really, really enjoyed it, everybody's kind of like, well, there are some elements here that are not good. I think, and I've heard,
Starting point is 01:33:58 I know of some people who did like it who aren't comic book fans at all, or are not a severe movie, and I think it's because they... Aspects of it... I think people movie. And I think it's because they... Aspects of it... I think people are like, oh, it's big and dumb and who cares kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Yeah. Which we should probably adopt that strategy, but also they don't know that Batman doesn't kill people. Yeah, maybe we're too close to this. Yeah, maybe. We definitely are. Got some people on Twitter saying some stuff about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:21 This is from AtPekington. Batman has three rules. No drinking, no guns, no killing. He broke all of them. He did. Yeah. It's from at Peakington. Batman has three rules. No drinking, no guns, no killing. He broke all of them. He did. Yeah. He's in the bed with some bird. Somebody bird just having a whiskey.
Starting point is 01:34:31 Because in The Dark Knight Returns, he is drinking. Yep. Because he's retired. Yes, that's right. And then Commissioner Gordon says at one point, I'd love to have a drink with Bruce. Oh, no, he doesn't do that anymore. Right.
Starting point is 01:34:43 But it's never implied in this that he quits drinking also he shouldn't be drinking if he's Batman yeah because you need to be sharp at all time but I think they again they want him to be a bad boy they want him to be bed and women and and buddy arrives with that punch and crimson drinking Bordeaux crimson's is what I call criminals. Okay. Bedding women and punching Crimmins. Yeah, I think they were like, well, Tony Stark drinks and then gets in the Iron Man suit.
Starting point is 01:35:12 So, why not? Why not? This is from at FullFatMark on Twitter. Saw Batman v Superman. Really enjoyed the film. Was never going to be perfect, but still good. Hashtag they punch for a bit, then they're mates. They sure are, aren't they?
Starting point is 01:35:24 They're not even really mates. Well he says to Lois that he's a friend of his son. I just tried to stab him. There's one of those jokes you were talking
Starting point is 01:35:31 about. That kind of worked. Does it? He's not really his friend. He should be like look I'm a guy who recently tried to murder your
Starting point is 01:35:39 son and now I'm sort of okay with him. If they had for the Australian release dubbed in the word mates instead of friend I'm a mate of your son I If they had, for the Australian release, dubbed in the word mates instead of friend, I'm a matey-a-son. I would have been like, hooray, all is forgiven.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Huzzah, we did it. This is from at NW underscore Cunningham. I just saw BVS. Was worried about the reviews, but really enjoyed it. Not perfect, but fun. All opinions are valid. Exactly. And look, I don't disagree with that.
Starting point is 01:36:02 I can't say that I didn't think it was entertaining. Oh, sure. Yeah. At Luke P. Production says, is it right to walk away from Batman v Superman with a headache? Yeah, that's fine. And this is from David. I saw Batman v Superman yesterday. I'm still not sure what happened or what the movie was about. Is this normal? what happened or what the movie was about, is this normal? Yeah, that's awesome. I think maybe there needs to be a review scale for this sort of movie.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Yeah. And it's like, imagine like a line and there's a slide in the middle and you go, okay, I enjoyed this because I really loved it. Yeah. Or I enjoyed it because I hated so many elements that they were entertaining in a way. Yes. Because then we kind of... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Is that... I mean, it's not like not like say the movie hit man yeah where i have nothing to say about it right uh-huh and it's got lots to say yeah and i'm still how do you rate this it's the worst movie ever for you yeah it's worst movie ever i'm sorry see i i'm really it's really here's the thing well Fantastic Four is a worse is objectively a worse movie without question
Starting point is 01:37:08 but at the same time nobody was expecting Fantastic Four to be good and nobody cares that it's bad but this
Starting point is 01:37:16 and again like you've ruined the Fantastic Four but they could reboot it in two years they could reboot it in two years
Starting point is 01:37:24 and maybe it'll be good again but like and I would've liked see that my But they could reboot it in two years. They could reboot it in two years and maybe it'll be good again. But like, and I would have liked, see that, my, the difference between the two is like, what level of disappointment am I going to feel for the sequels? Yes. Like Fantastic Four, I would have liked to see them go into space and have crazy adventures and whatever. Sure. But it doesn't matter and they'll reboot it again.
Starting point is 01:37:42 But with this, like, you've ruined all the sequels. Again, you're going to have to unpaint yourself out of these corners. Let's talk. You can't unpaint something, though. No, you can't. That's true. You're going to have to throw the match into the room and just put everything to the ground and start from scratch.
Starting point is 01:38:00 Speaking of, where was the – because even Frank Miller's All-Star Batman is a better Batman than this. Remember the scene? Because he calls somebody retarded? Yeah, for that reason. He tells it like it is. Not really. But remember the scene where he wants to intimidate Green Lantern?
Starting point is 01:38:18 Yes. So he knocks him out and he wakes up in a room that's completely covered in yellow. Amazing. And he and Batman are also completely, he and Robin are also completely painted in yellow because Greenland's ring doesn't work against the color yellow. And he's like, get out of my city or I will kill you now. Like, that's great. He's thought it through.
Starting point is 01:38:34 It's ridiculous, but he thought it through. More than this Batman. Yeah. So let's talk about the future. Ben Affleck has heavily said that he's working on something with Geoff Johns. Yep. It doesn't say specifically what it is, but that's a solo Batman movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:47 I'm surprised Geoff Johns, not a lot of people love him. Uh-huh. He's one of those guys who definitely returns things to the status quo. Now, Geoff Johns is the... Head of DC Entertainment. There we go. But he also, he wrote, he wrote a bunch of stuff. He wrote Justice Society, Justice League and all sorts of stuff.
Starting point is 01:39:02 I'm surprised nobody stepped in and was like you know this doesn't work right yeah like that's amazing to me especially jeff johns regardless of what you think of him and i like him yeah he knows this universe yeah like he is he again yeah he's very much a proponent of we'll kind of keep the status quo yeah like you like you like batman let's have classic batman forever yeah not batman forever Yeah. Like you like Batman. Let's have classic Batman forever. Yeah. Not Batman forever. Please. Like you like these classic characters.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Let's keep them. Let's have some new characters, but we'll also keep the classic characters you love classic. Yes. So it's weird that he went, oh yeah, just have them kill people. It's fine. What do you think of sad Ben Affleck? I didn't.
Starting point is 01:39:40 I'm aware of what happened. I haven't watched the video. You need to watch it. Okay. But you know what? This isn't Ben Affleck's fault. I don't watched the video because I feel too bad about it you need to watch it but you know what this isn't Ben Affleck's fault I don't know whether he can fix it I am very curious to see
Starting point is 01:39:49 his Batman movie yeah if this all gets off the ground I think maybe they're just gonna pretend that all the killing didn't happen in this one yeah and just
Starting point is 01:40:00 well it's too late this isn't it we all saw it yeah do you want Zack Snyder to direct Justice League, bearing in mind it starts shooting in like three or four weeks? Is he doing it? Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:12 No, I don't. It's going to be real bad. Look, he's done some stuff that I've liked in the past. I love Watchmen. Yeah. I like 300. I am okay with Man of Steel. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:26 I love Dawn of the Dead. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting love Dawn of the Dead Yeah, oh yeah I keep forgetting Dawn of the Dead remake That's good Sucker Punch is probably shit I haven't seen it That one with Owls Is the Guardians of G'hu
Starting point is 01:40:34 Oh sure, yeah Haven't seen it But Owls This guy's a total crapshoot at this point Who's to say I like him as a person I said this before this movie came out at one point. I was worried he doesn't understand the universe of these characters.
Starting point is 01:40:51 And that has proven to be true. He definitely does not, yeah. You know what definitely, you know another problem with this movie? Is that it came out one week after season two of Daredevil. Which I feel covered a lot of the same ground yes in a much better way great and that season isn't perfect no but the punisher daredevil stuff they spend like 40 minutes sitting on a roof talking just yelling at each other and it's way better yeah and it's it's similar it's kind of similar themes yeah about crime and going too far and all this sort
Starting point is 01:41:20 of stuff but you actually get some real dialogue dialogue and some action sequences that make sense. And a guy gets shot in the head. Yeah. It's pretty good, isn't it? And there's government cover-ups, but they make a lot more sense. Yeah. And again, we talked about that season.
Starting point is 01:41:34 It's not perfect. I have problems with it. But there is... I mean, you've got 13 episodes to flesh it out. But even if you just watch that Daredevil Punisher on the Roof episode, you could watch that and have no prior knowledge of everything else. And I feel that that would still make sense.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Yes. Because it's a good kind of standalone moment. And he fights those guys going down the stairs. I'm going to have to say, if I dare to include it, it's just a movie. I don't know whether we're going to use that all the time because I genuinely think people should see this just to have a reaction to it. Maybe that's the... You know what it should be? You may see it just to have a reaction to it. Maybe that's the... You know what it should be?
Starting point is 01:42:08 See it, but you won't like it. That's the middle ground. Best movie ever, worst movie ever, see it, you probably won't like it. Well, Mason, I've actually brought back the return of a very popular segment. Oh, I'm excited for this. This segment is called Hate Mail,
Starting point is 01:42:22 but the hate has an eight in it. Yay! Where I read 7 Sorry where I read 8 pieces of hate mail Directed specifically at me And sometimes you Great
Starting point is 01:42:30 And It's usually not 8 In which case In this case it's 7 It's a random number of Look This is why we don't do it every week It's hard to explain
Starting point is 01:42:40 No I do I don't want to do it every week Because I like to save it up. And look, I'm sorry, it's been gone away for a long time. This one is specific to my Batman Superman review. Right. We were thinking maybe we'd do it for the Hateful Eight. Yes.
Starting point is 01:42:53 But then that was kind of a non-stop. So we'll do it now. This is from on YouTube. This is from Superman Rules Batman Sucks. Great. Not biased at all, but here we go. Fuck you, prick. Nice. I bet this movie knocks the, but here we go. Fuck you, prick. Nice.
Starting point is 01:43:05 I bet this movie knocks the pants out of that precious Dark Knight movie Batman fanboys jerk off to all the time. Fuck you. That is so good.
Starting point is 01:43:15 First of all, you can like or dislike two different things at the same time. It's totally fine. It's not a real... There's no actual real rivalry.
Starting point is 01:43:25 No. No. Yeah. You know what's weird? Christian... That universe where Christian Bale is Batman and he's just a cop in armour makes more logical sense than this by like a thousandfold.
Starting point is 01:43:39 A bloody Smallville mile. But that being said, The Dark Knight is a good movie. Yeah. I love it. But that's being said, I don't want everything to be The Dark Knight. Yeah, exactly. I wanted this to be the comic book version of the universe.
Starting point is 01:43:50 I wanted a Batman who can clear a room of 20 guys and he doesn't have to instill fear in their hearts first. You can just punch him and use gadgets and stuff. Great. This is from Amit. I think this is on Twitter. What can you expect from a butthurt DC hater? No surprise, I've seen your videos you rarely praise anything dc uh-huh well and he's um of the two dc things that have come out
Starting point is 01:44:13 i kind of like one's okay and one's real bad so have you got i don't want to preempt any of those but have you got anyone because oftentimes when you see a movie in advance yeah you'll have someone go shut up you're wrong you haven't even seen it i think i did i think i did get some of those or at least got people questioning how i'd seen it it's it's okay to criticize critics i think yeah definitely say look i think you misinterpreted that or you misunderstood this thing but to go for someone to go i didn't like this movie and then for somebody who hasn't seen the movie yet to go, no, you're definitely wrong. It serves no purpose at all.
Starting point is 01:44:49 That's right. This is from John Johns with an E. One question, does Marvel pay you to kiss their ass? No, but they should. They really should. I mean, Mack Weldon does. Yeah, they're great. If you could send us some Marvel-themed Mack Weldon merchandise,
Starting point is 01:45:03 we would definitely wear and promote that. Oh, and Audible audible it's in a video that i'm doing slash mr sunday no slash sunday funny get into it listen look if they don't get any money for that that's just for me oh man i guess i like audible my enthusiasm's somewhat dampened because i'm not personally sponsored by them this week but they're still pretty good i guess look if they made an audibleudible or Mack Weldon movie, we would go to it and we'd bloody love it. Because, look, Mack Weldon, his power would be he's naturally antimicrobial. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:45:35 That'd be amazing. Naturally, yeah. This is from Plugged Scope. He's got two comments. First off, first of all, Mr. Sunday doesn't like superhero movies, so I can't take his shit seriously and then in the comments a whole lot of people going you sure and then he says mr sunday's got a hipster mentality not liking something most people like just for the sake of being different i thought
Starting point is 01:45:58 that movie was like shockingly positive that i put out you even said best movie ever which i feel is a grave mistake. But what could I do? Yeah. I painted myself into a corner Zack Snyder style. Also. I'm going to have to wear that forever. Yeah, you are.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Yeah. You could just sort of MMS paint over it and re-upload it. No. That's too late. You live with what you live with. Yeah. Look, and first of all. You know, I don't feel that's a mistake for the time either.
Starting point is 01:46:23 Like, that's how I felt when I came out. Also, I think calling somebody hipsters is a very lazy insult now. It's done, isn't it? What does it mean? And also, hipsters don't hate things that people like. They like things first. Very specific.
Starting point is 01:46:34 Yeah, that's true. They like things first. That's why they're hipsters. I know you guys are fans, but you can't see this yet, but his bias will be much more visible soon. Ooh. Ooh, boy.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Ominous. Ooh, he's had some sort of apocalypse-style premonition. This is from Depressing Frequencies. This review is shit. The movie was practically perfect. Best superhero movie of all time. By far. That's all caps.
Starting point is 01:46:58 I'm a Marvel fan, but DC fucking bought it with BVS. Shits on every single Marvel movie. Unbelievable performances from the entire cast, especially Affleck and Eisenberg. Holy fuck. Deserves Oscars. Wow. Maybe Oscar the Grouch into the bin, mate.
Starting point is 01:47:17 Got him. Look, you're entitled to your opinion. Yeah, but that's way off. That's way off and wrong. Maybe you've got a brain problem in your brain. Last one. This is from Comic247. Comics space slash 247.
Starting point is 01:47:33 You're a fucking piece of spilling fucking shit, you motherfucker. Yay. I think he means spoiling. Oh, okay. Because I did say, spoiler alert, skip this. Don't listen, yeah. And there's a sign on it that says don't listen. And then people still listen where I said,
Starting point is 01:47:51 and it doesn't even spoil the plot where Superman kills a guy, which he does. I stand by that. Yeah, yeah. But people are still like, you bastard. People are mad about, actually, there was an article that went all throughout the internet, and it said Zack Snyder on why Batman breaks his number one rule or something like that.
Starting point is 01:48:10 And people, even if you didn't read the article, if you're a fan of Batman, you go, oh, killing. He kills people. I'm mad. This is a spoiler. I'm mad at the article. I'm mad at all this. But I think if you're a fan of Batman, like if Batman's your number one guy, good. Good that this was spoiled for you so you can know
Starting point is 01:48:27 not to see it. Yeah, sure. If that's important to you. That being said, this is still going to make a billion dollars. Yeah, I know. Probably. Disappointing. It's going to be like the Transformers effect. Yeah. Oh yeah, true. You know? Look, if it pays for some good movies, I guess I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Sure. But you got one more left, DC, and then... Reboot! Reboot. Look, if you don't make one more good one, I'll be real mad, and I'll say I'm not going to see any more until the next one, and then I'll keep saying them because I have to. Sorry, I had to stretch back because all the tension and anger is in my neck. It's all the umbrage.
Starting point is 01:49:04 It is, I think. It builds up in your neck and you get gout. Let's go on to happier things, yeah? Yeah, let's do it. This has been a rollercoaster of an episode, mate. Isn't it though? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:49:15 You know what it's time for then? Oh, it's time for our famous segment. What we reading? What we gonna read. I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? Do you want me to start with what I was... Yeah, tell us about what you're reading. Now, the day after I saw Batman Superman,
Starting point is 01:49:33 I went to see a musical. And as you know, Mason, you know this specifically about me. I love musicals. You do love musicals. I'm a bloody big fan. Name a musical. I've probably seen it. Hamilton. Haven't seen it. I've probably seen it. Hamilton.
Starting point is 01:49:45 Haven't seen it. You know what? Everybody loves Hamilton. Everybody I know is like, I love the Hamilton. I love it so much. I love Hamilton. I listen to the soundtrack.
Starting point is 01:49:53 I imagine Hamilton. What's Hamilton about? It's about President Hamilton, but it's not here yet. Like everybody here is listening to the soundtrack and going mad for it. They've not seen it. Sounds pretty good though.
Starting point is 01:50:02 Sounds good though. If, you know, word on the street is to be believed. I know, right? No, I went and saw Tim Minchin's Matilda. Oh, sure. And Roald Dahl was one of my favourite authors as a kid. I still think he might even be now.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Matilda was one of my... He's dead, though. He can't be. I still, like... I think Matilda was probably my favourite book of his. Maybe Boy. Maybe Witches. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:50:23 I love Matilda as a kid. Maybe the BFG. No, I don't like that one. Maybe Charlie and the Chocolatelie chocolate factory no i don't like it maybe james and giant peach it's okay maybe chitty chitty bang bang no that was ian fleming also that's not a good book or movie yeah true uh sweet car though flying car that's true yeah uh so yeah so basically it's it's written by tim minchin uh famous comedian slash song what's it say songstress he's a real songstress not the word for it is it
Starting point is 01:50:47 and basically it follows the story of Matilda from the Roald Dahl version with a few additions and it is just terrific
Starting point is 01:50:55 and look obviously take that with the fact that I love musicals or whatever but I don't love all musicals for example I saw the Phantom of the Opera sequel
Starting point is 01:51:03 and it is mostly garbage okay great but it's really like the performances are great the songs are great if if it's in melbourne at the moment so i'd definitely recommend seeing it um the little girl who plays matilda the one i saw was terrific as he plays the trunchable and a whole bunch of other people but yeah if you're in melbourne or if it's playing near you and you haven't seen it you should definitely see it if you like musical theater or maybe even even if you don't give it a bloody go mate because maybe if you loved Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice you should watch Matilda yeah would you see it would you be interested in that or you're just like look if somebody else was going yeah I
Starting point is 01:51:36 don't know you don't mean you're a musical guy not against him sounds like my default when somebody says which favorite musical I default I'll go Blues Brothers, but it doesn't count. It's not really a musical. That's what I'm saying. I've seen stuff. Okay. You've seen Les Mis? No. You've seen Phantom of the Opera sequel?
Starting point is 01:51:51 No. You've seen Wicked? No. You've seen Rent? No. You've seen Hamilton? No. You've seen Matilda?
Starting point is 01:51:58 No. That's all I got. I saw Driving Miss Daisy once. That's a musical? No, it wasn't a musical. It was a play. Do you understand what a musical is? No. Angela Lansbury was No, it wasn't a musical. It was a play. Do you understand what a musical is? No.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Angela Lansbury was in it. In Melbourne? Yeah. She did. Probably. Maybe it wasn't Angela Lansbury. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:52:15 Wow, you really could spin a yarn. What's his face was in it? The guy. It doesn't matter. I know him. Yeah. I don't.
Starting point is 01:52:20 What were you reading? I've been watching the show Flaked. It's on Netflix. Oh, yeah. Will Arnett. And he's like a... BoJack Horseman's own.
Starting point is 01:52:29 Lego Batman's own. Lego Batman's own. Exactly, yeah. He's like a... Not quite a self-help guru, but he's like a guy who runs like AA kind of meetings. Yeah, yeah. And he's like...
Starting point is 01:52:42 You know, he's... It's kind of one of those shows where he's kind of a man. He's not really a man-child. Right. I've seen some reviews where people are like, the air of the show about the man-child, it's done, kind of thing. Like, he's a guy, like, he's kind of charismatic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:56 And people think he's got his life together, but he's kind of, he's the recovering alcoholic and sort of stuff. It's not like laugh out loud funny. Like, it's not a comedy or anything, but it's a good watch. Yeah, I saw it there, but I'm like, I don't know whether it's... It's interesting. He is a little man-childy. Well, okay, there you go.
Starting point is 01:53:12 Does he have a sitcom style hot wife? No, but he gets a lot of... He's got some sitcom style like hot love interests. I bet he has to go on two dates at once. No, it probably doesn't happen. It comes pretty close. Really? Yeah, yeah. Great. Yeah. Anything else that else that you're reading well you said you're going to
Starting point is 01:53:28 recommend a comedy show every week oh yeah uh let me think uh you know what previous guests on the show tommy daslow he has a show called little golden daslow like little golden book like every audience member gets a um it's like a like a picture book and they read along with him okay activities and stuff it It's very fun. Great. I actually haven't seen it yet. So you don't know. No, I've seen some previews and stuff.
Starting point is 01:53:48 No, it doesn't sound that fun. Nicholas J. Johnson, previous guest on the show. J's Honest Con Man. That's right. Scammer Palooza is his podcast. Yeah. He is doing a show with my friend Sarah Jones. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:58 I call it Jonestown. I've seen them before, perform live. Yeah, yeah. They were great. Yeah, great, right? And then because I messaged you and said, hey, I saw these guys tonight. Do you know them? They're really good.
Starting point is 01:54:08 And then you sent me a picture message with you literally standing with them at that point in time. Yeah, it was good, right? Yeah, they're doing a sketch show called Happy Campers, which is about scouts and camps and stuff. Cool. And it's probably going to get real weird and dark.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Great. I love it. Pretty good. Yeah, they're good. What else? Anything else? Let me think. That's all been pretty good. I'm glad you had a good time. Me too. Me too. Yeah. All right. Pretty good. Yeah, they're good. What else? Anything else? Let me think. That's all been pretty good.
Starting point is 01:54:25 I'm glad you had a good time. Me too. Me too. Yeah. All right. All right. Do you know what it's time for now then? Yes.
Starting point is 01:54:30 It's a letter segment. Is it? Yeah. I'm way ahead of you. Are you? The classic one was letters, oh letters. We love you. Some letters, they're only a day my way.
Starting point is 01:54:42 We're going to hear right now. We're going to do letters. I'm very impressed. That was superhumanly Superman fast, right? That was. You barely had time to get that grenade launcher out of your pocket. All right. If you want to send us an email, you can at weeklyplanetpod at gmail, but it's probably better to hit us up on Twitter with the hashtag
Starting point is 01:54:59 weeklyplanetpod. This is from Jordan. You ready? Hello, Jordan. I was wondering if you could talk about blatant product placement in podcasts. I mean movies. Oh, boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:10 Where would you like to go? Comic book movies? Anything, I guess. There's some good Batman Superman product placement. I'm used to it at this point. It depends. Some of it in this was kind of odd. Like there was an Aston Martin product placement
Starting point is 01:55:26 oh yeah but it was for like the Aston Mark 3 which came out in like 1960 that was a good one though wasn't it well it's it's the car
Starting point is 01:55:33 James Bond drove in the Bond books right not in the movies wow that's that's a good fact for you isn't it yeah no it's really
Starting point is 01:55:40 but yeah it was weird I guess so you look at it and you go well I guess I'd love to buy a second head. Yeah, or you just... At a bar. At a bar, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:48 What else was... There was some soap. Lois Lane Richards for some soap in the bar. For sure, yeah. I think it was like Dove or something. I can't remember exactly. Obviously, Man of Steel, he flies through like... An IHOP.
Starting point is 01:55:58 An IHOP. You see a Sears and he... 7-Eleven? 7-Eleven. He blows up a 7-Eleven. There's a bunch of other stuff yeah but uh transformers four has a lot of incredibly obvious and painful product placement one bit where mark warburg cracks a beer in the street which he picks up off the ground and necks it right yeah in a
Starting point is 01:56:20 threatening manner that's right yeah there's a bit bit where Stanley Tucci drinks a whole lot of weird cartoned milk. Yeah, weird, some sort of weird Korean milk or something. Whatever, Chinese milk, I don't know. Yeah. Look, I don't mind it if it's either... It's like stuff you'd really see? Yeah, if it's either if you zip past it, but I'm also okay with somebody, like, it's a really, really super obvious
Starting point is 01:56:44 and they make a joke that it's so obvious like like omega from yeah like in casino royale they clearly point out how nice his watch is and he goes omega it is a really nice watch that is yeah but um i don't remember if it's if it's just like a pan across the logo yeah and they pause and then so like i i think of like a character like james bond or bruce wayne yeah like he'd be he'd be wearing a certain suit or a certain watch or something like that yeah i think it's it should be you just have him doing his thing and then people on the internet go oh my god what watch was that what suit was that what's all that you know yeah but to to bring it up in the movies just real gross mack weldon you know I'm thinking
Starting point is 01:57:25 about Batman Superman again oh yes I've heard of it I think we didn't talk about things that we liked in it as much but I guess maybe there's a reason
Starting point is 01:57:32 for that yeah I don't know I feel like this is going to keep coming up look I tell you look here's the things I liked
Starting point is 01:57:37 I liked the fight sequence I liked when he fought all the guys I liked the again I liked the Batmobile sequence yep because it proved I was like thismobile sequence yep because it proved
Starting point is 01:57:45 I was like this could be really good because it's proven how tough he is you know the Man of Steel bit from the start was good
Starting point is 01:57:51 yeah that was good the giant bat out of the grave was pretty good yeah that was good this I I like the future bit there was that
Starting point is 01:57:59 even though it didn't make sense yeah me too there was that fan theory before this movie came out that Batman wasn't actually going to be batman it was going to be revealed he was deathstroke assassin for hire murderous assassin for hire deathstroke the terminator if that was gonna
Starting point is 01:58:15 if that was the reveal at end of act two i would have been like perfect sense yes so much yeah that's true i get people still comment on that video and sometimes hit me up on twitter at mr sunday movies where they're like your theory about death strokes wrong you idiot it's not my theory my theory and also i think even in the video we specifically say this is definitely not true yeah yeah anyway but i maintain tim burton universe is true if they can find if this is a different joker or the jokers come back from the dead as he has yep it's the same universe. Gotcha. Love it.
Starting point is 01:58:46 Let's do it. My money's on it. At Yo underscore Saf says, would you be opposed to finales like Infinity War Part 2 being almost four hours long with an intermission? So Avengers Infinity War Part 2, big wrap-up of the MCU before that. I would probably say that.
Starting point is 01:59:02 Okay. So would I, definitely. Especially if it's good. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I wouldn't watch two hours and then go, oh my God, there's a break and I got to go watch another two hours.
Starting point is 01:59:09 And that also gives me the opportunity to just leave at the middle and be like, no good. No good. That was when, one of my favorite things, and you've noticed it,
Starting point is 01:59:21 when we go, on the rare occasion I'm invited to a movie premiere. Yes. That when they do like, they'll be like, hey, it we go, on the rare occasion I'm invited to a movie premiere, that when they do like, they'll be like, hey, it's me, star of the film. I'd just like to welcome you to the thing. I go, boo!
Starting point is 01:59:33 That's great. I'm going to enjoy it. I've started going louder and louder and I want to see how long it takes before I'm ejected from a cinema. Because he's like, I'm Zack Snyder. Just before you come,
Starting point is 01:59:42 we're going to have some thrills and chills. And I'm like, boo. Bear in mind that you do this for movies you're going to love or hate. You just do it regardless. You did it in Star Wars. Yeah, I did do it in Star Wars. Sometimes a guy comes out with a microphone. He's like, hey, I'm head of marketing,
Starting point is 01:59:57 and I'd just like to thank you for coming. Remember, it's no spoilers and maybe hashtags. Boo. And I'm like, boo. So eventually I'm going to get ejected and burn my bridge with a head of marketing for someone but i it's fun what i love is as well it's a free ticket yeah it's a free night out and you just i just i do it i can see it anywhere you can't ban me from every movie theater can you boo um anyway i'll keep everybody updated on that please do yeah if you get yeah if you get murdered in the car park by security i'll let everybody know okay um so i
Starting point is 02:00:33 don't think they'll ever make a four-hour infinity war movie because they're already breaking up movies into two parts that shouldn't be two parts yeah unless you have to pay for the price of two movies they wouldn't do it. Like financially, it doesn't make sense. Also, you can only screen it in so many theaters, which means you would get less money. The longer the movie is, technically the less times you can show it.
Starting point is 02:00:54 Yeah. So from a monetary perspective, I don't think they'd ever do it. Yeah, like special events, if they were... Yeah. Yeah. Name a special event. Flag Day.
Starting point is 02:01:04 That's a good one isn't it it's good right get your favourite flag burn it is that what it is yeah that's what it is good it's great
Starting point is 02:01:09 got a letter here yep hey guys it's from Matthew hello Matthew I just walked out of Batman v Superman and I think you two
Starting point is 02:01:15 are the only ones who could understand what I was going through a lot of people will talk about the cinematic and story problems they had with the film but I want to talk about
Starting point is 02:01:23 something else the scene where they bury Superman and they have that open casket but I want to talk about something else. The scene where they bury Superman and they have that open casket in the Kent's living room. Why the hell was Superman's dead body so close to the food? Seriously. That shit is disgusting. In the scene where Superman is about to be buried,
Starting point is 02:01:38 his open coffin is like five feet away from a cheese platter at the Kent's farm. I'm not joking. It's within arm's reach. Say what you will about Doomsday. Say what you arm's reach. Say what you will about Doomsday. Say what you want about Lex. Say what you want about anything else, but why is a dead body so close to food? That is a really good point
Starting point is 02:01:53 because normally the funeral and the wake are in separate rooms. That's right. There's a nice plate of finger sandwiches over there. Correct. But there's a, yeah. There's not a dead body next to it. I reckon, you know what, maybe this is going to be a case of like his,
Starting point is 02:02:06 you know, there's some, some Kryptonian genetic material gets on the sandwiches. Everyone who eats a sandwich. Dies. Dies of something weird. Probably kryptonite poisoning. Yeah, he was wondering if we'd eat food next to a dead body. Probably would for a while.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Yeah, I probably would. Yeah. I'm not going to lie. It is gross. It wouldn't stop me. Yeah. But you know, that's life, isn't it? It is. Yeah. And death of Superman. would yeah i'm not gonna it is gross it wouldn't stop me yeah but you know that's life isn't it it
Starting point is 02:02:25 is yeah and death of superman can i be the official funeral food food provider of the podcast it seems appropriate yes he seems like he'd be good at it yeah me too like you you've got very sanitary yeah he probably wore gloves when he sent the email how long do you think superman's gonna stay dead next movie no but i mean like when is he gonna come back oh he'll come back like probably halfway to or maybe towards the end of the next movie. And chronologically, how long do you think he's going to die? Like, in between movies? Six months. Yeah, okay, cool.
Starting point is 02:02:52 I don't know. What was it between Man of Steel and this? 18 months? Yeah, it was, yeah. I liked when he saved that little girl. Do you think we're going to get... See, it's too... Is it too soon for the Superman? The reign of the Superman?
Starting point is 02:03:09 Zack Snyder will do everything. He'll do everything. He'll do whatever he wants, won't he? He'll do whatever. He'll just ruin everything. I'd like to see a modern-day Steel. Steel Saunders? You can see one right now. Just head to his bloody comedy show. Just go to his house.
Starting point is 02:03:23 No, but like a like a like a John Henry Irons yeah with the with the cape and the S shield yeah maybe his legs weren't taken off
Starting point is 02:03:31 by a building and so he's okay with Superman that's right yeah yeah I'd be okay with that it's me Superman the one guy
Starting point is 02:03:37 you didn't kill in Metropolis I'm gonna make something of my life here we go what do you think the next villain's gonna be
Starting point is 02:03:43 do you think they're gonna go straight to Darkseid or do you think they're gonna have the four be? Do you think they're going to go straight to Darkseid or do you think they're going to have the four supermen of the apocalypse?
Starting point is 02:03:47 That's not what it's called. Brainiac. I want to see Brainiac. There are hints towards Brainiac. I can't remember
Starting point is 02:03:53 what they are. They mentioned Kandor. People wearing Brainiac t-shirts. Yes, there are. They mentioned Kandor.
Starting point is 02:03:58 Lex Luthor has like, he cracks like a Kryptonian AI. Oh, and it's got all the hundreds of thousands of worlds in it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:06 We never mentioned that he just cuts his hand and puts his blood in the Kryptonian birthing thing. We also never mentioned the terrible Michael Shannon rubber dummy. Yeah, that's true. Wasn't good, was it? Also, we never got a payoff for Michael Shannon's story of him getting stuck in a port-a-loo wearing flipper hands. He must have been doing mo-cap for Doomsday.
Starting point is 02:04:29 Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I'm very unhappy about this. He's flapping his hands. This is my life. All right, look, I'm tired, man. Me too. I've got to edit a really long video together
Starting point is 02:04:41 for a movie that I don't like. No, you said it was the best movie ever. I did, didn't I? Yeah. I can't believe this is going to be my undoing. People are going to throw this in my face forever. But you know what? I deserve it.
Starting point is 02:04:54 That's okay. All right, where can people find us? We're at Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and Gmail and Facebook and Bandcamp. If you've just seen BVSDOJ and you want to watch Man of Steel again with our commentary over the top, feel free because that's there. I'm at WikipediaBrown on Twitter. I'm at MrSundayMovies.
Starting point is 02:05:14 slash MrSundayMovies. That's you. Yeah, you can chuck in a couple of bucks if you want. We'll probably do an Age of Ultron commentary just before Civil War. Oh, very good. So we'll do that probably like we did Man of Steel like a week before. Yeah. We'll try it.
Starting point is 02:05:27 I'm actually away this week. I'm in Tasmania, so I'm not sure what I'm going to be uploading this week, if anything. Maybe not even this. Maybe not even this. So we'll see how that, we'll see it. I'm sure people won't mind. Yeah. If it gets to like, you know, the Australian time afternoon here, people will start harassing
Starting point is 02:05:43 me on Twitter. It's not up yet. Yes, it is. Look, I'll bloody get to it, all right? All right. At some point. Anything else? That's a show, I think.
Starting point is 02:05:50 Yeah, I'm tired. I can't. Grab Dab Jam, everybody. I don't think you should. Just, you know what I mean? They fight for a while and then they punch for a while, then we're all disappointed. By the way, we'll also be back next week.
Starting point is 02:06:02 Yeah, we will. Or will we? Maybe we'll have be back next week yeah we will uh or will we maybe we'll we'll be we'll be back until they make a universally praised dc movie oh that's good okay last episode when they finally look forward to it folks when they finally release a great one yeah that's it we review it then we're done yep good hashtag we review it then we're done okay thanks guys bye it then we're done. Okay. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 02:06:22 Bye. FX is the veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX is the veil starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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