The Weekly Planet - 133 DC Rumours Plus Alien & Aliens (Are Great)

Episode Date: May 2, 2016

This week we get stuck right into the best Alien films of all time! Alien VS Predator and Prometheus. Obviously that’s not true, we’re talking Alien and Aliens. Plus both postive and neg...ative rumours for the DC Cinematic Universe, Lara Croft being cast, Wolverine in X-Men Apocalypse, 20th Century Fox abandons SDCC and The Punisher getting his own Netflix Series. Thanks for listening!2:43 Alicia Vikander cast as Lara Croft5:37 X-Men Apocalypse Trailer with Wolverine7:00 Age Of Ultron Commentary8:15 20th Century Fox Pulls out of SDCC11:42 The Flash & Aquaman Director Troubles14:31 Zack Snyder Justice League Troubles15:04 George Miller's Green Lantern?15:43 Geoff Johns & Ben Affleck full control over Batman16:17 The Punisher Netflix Series22:38 Civil War (Next Week)23:43 Alien The Film Alien59:09 Alien Isolation1:06:01 Aliens The Film Aliens1:28:04 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:32:38 Letters It’s Time For Letters1:34:39 Who’s The Best Punisher?Buy the Aliens Collection on Amazon: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. This week's episode is brought to you by Loot Crate. Visit slash weeklyplanet for $3 off any subscription.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Mason. Alright, I will. Red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your butt hole. The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet. Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet. Official podcast of where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host Nick Mason.
Starting point is 00:01:11 It's me, I'm here. You are here. Guess what I did this week? Karate. Flips. You did a backflip. Yeah. Finally, I've achieved my dream.
Starting point is 00:01:19 There's going to be a vine. It's going to be great. It's going to go viral. It's going to be amazing. Good. But also, I was on an episode of a podcast. Yes. So stop listening to this podcast straight away.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Please. And immediately download. My friend Steel Saunders, he's got that Steel Wars podcast. Yeah, yeah. We've both been on about Star Wars. Here's another podcast called I Love Green Guide Letters. Yes. And it's basically in Melbourne, there was a newspaper called The Age, and every Thursday,
Starting point is 00:01:40 they have like a TV lift out called The Green Guide. Yep. And in that TV lift out, people send in angry letters about nothing and essentially he gets some guests in yep and they read some of the letters and they mock them yeah that's right they talk we talk about all sorts of other topics anyway I was on the latest episode of that yep with my friend Tommy Daslo comedian Tommy does it an episode of this one yeah and it's a real fun episode yeah I actually listen to it and it was amazing so really like laugh out loud funny well if you if you made me feel bad i'm like ah i
Starting point is 00:02:10 wish we were this funny oh boy so all right so download that episode and then come back to this episode yes but uh yeah so it's if you listen to our q a you know what i what my day job is yeah and it's essentially an hour of them roasting me for having that day job. So if you want to listen to that, it's pretty good. That's right. I had a good time. And look out for that bloody vine. Yeah. I love green guide letters, as it's called.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Also, before we get into the news, what is that you have? Oh, what I have here? Well, it is... That's actually our sponsor this week. They sent it to us. This is sent to Mason the Planet. That's what it says here. I don't think I did that on purpose.
Starting point is 00:02:45 No. I think that just happened that way. Anyway, our sponsor this week is Loot Crate. We mentioned it, I think. And for purposes of comedy, I'm going to call it the Loot Crate. Yes. This whole time. But make sure when you go to the URL, if you do, we can spell it in.
Starting point is 00:02:59 It's slash weekly planet. Yeah. I'm going to crack open the Loot Crate. Okay, fine. I'll do it right now. It seems too early in the show to do this. I'm going to crack open the loot crate. Okay, fine. I'll do it right now. It seems too early in the show to do this. Because you want to do news. No, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:03:10 No, let's not. Let me do the news. All right, fine. Let me do the news and I'll open the loot crate. And I'll pay attention to the news somewhat. Listen to this, folks. I'm cracking open the loot crate. He's not paying attention.
Starting point is 00:03:22 No, I am. Maybe you'll pay attention to this, though. All right, I'm ready. Alicia Vikander has been cast as Lara Croft. Oh,'s a reboot yeah she's she was the marketer in ex-marketer she was she was a lady in the man from uncle she wasn't the light that's very good yeah i think you've named two things i'm aware of two things she's been in yeah yeah there was rumors of loot crap It's a weird glow. Yeah, I know, right? The Lutcrat is too far.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I'm going to say Lutcrate. Yeah, it is. Yeah. What have you got? Pick out one item. Okay. There's a little box here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Oh, you know what it is? It's like a 20-sided die ice mold. I've always wanted one of these. A 20-sided die ice mold. You specifically... Oh, you do it and then you can actually... Okay. I mean, I wouldn't use it in actual role-sided die ice mold. You specifically... Oh, you do it and then you can actually... Okay. I mean, I wouldn't use it in actual role-playing tabletop gaming. Or maybe I would.
Starting point is 00:04:09 You've been on the bloody D&Ds for nerds. Give me a look at that. Throw it this way. All right. But anyway, what do you think of that? It's great. No, I meant the news that I said. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Look, I'm a big fan. Yeah? She's got a convincing British accent. She certainly does. Because isn't she German or something? Something like that. Something unnatural. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah. No, she was great in Ex Machina. She was, like, everyone was kind of okay in that other one, whatever it was called. What was the one? Man From U.N.C.L.E. Man From U.N.C.L.E., yeah. But no, I think it's a great choice.
Starting point is 00:04:40 There was rumors of, here you go. Oh, you're going to throw it. I'm not good at catching. I did it. There's rumors of Daisy Ridley. That's right, yeah. I wouldn't like there's rumors about Daisy Ridley that's right yeah which I was like either of those yeah that's fine do
Starting point is 00:04:48 you do you think they're going they're gonna go in that more realistic direction that the game reboot did as opposed to you know definitely yeah because you know
Starting point is 00:04:57 there's you've got your your kind of your Lara Croft kind of glamour models that you used to see in the 90s yes who would be to came out or
Starting point is 00:05:03 whatever and that and this is like a you know like a more realistically proportioned human being kind of glamour models that you used to see in the 90s who would beat a Kmart or whatever. And this is like a more realistically proportioned human being. No, I agree. And yeah, I mean, enough time has passed because in the previous two with Angelina Jolie, A, it was Angelina Jolie, and B, it was just lunacy. And I think it's enough time has passed that we can just pretend it didn't exist.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Those made a lot of money. The first one did especially. Well, I never. It was just lunacy. And I think it's enough time has passed that we can just pretend it didn't exist. I always made a lot of money. The first one did especially. Well, I never. T-shirt. There's a T-shirt in here. Is that a Bowie T-shirt? Well, it's a Bowie T-shirt.
Starting point is 00:05:35 It's a Bowie Labyrinth T-shirt. Good stuff. It's good fun. I enjoy that. Look, I'm not a labyrinth guy. We've mentioned this before. But I know heaps of people who are. So I'm going to pass this along.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Like David Bowie. He was a big labyrinth guy, wasn't he? He was the main guy, actually, when I think about it. He was the most guy in that movie, wasn't he? Uh-huh. Yeah. He was certainly the most Bowie guy in it. Oops, socks. I'm a big fan of socks.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Harry Potter themed socks. You love Harold Potter. We're going to do a Harry Potter episode, right? We are. We've got to do it. We'll do it before, because we're doing the alien one today. We'll do it before Beasts and Where to Find Them. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And we'll do maybe the first three. Great. Because it's like the best three. The best three movies. No, they're easily the worst ones. Yeah, I know, right? All right, going on the pile. Good stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Is there more news? Yeah, yeah. So did you see the Apocalypse trailer, the new one? Yes, I did. I normally do trailer breakdowns, but seeing it, I'm like, there's not really anything in this that I have to add. You know what I mean? Like, it's an okay trailer.
Starting point is 00:06:28 There's nothing wrong with it. But they had that Wolverine reveal at the end, which is kind of cool. But I think they're really expecting it to be that kind of Spider-Man Civil War trailer moment. Yeah. But it's kind of like, well, we know he plays him. We've seen him. Like, it's good that he's in it.
Starting point is 00:06:44 It's exciting. It looks like maybe they crack him out of Weapon X or something. Yeah, okay. Because the timeline's all screwed, so we don't know. See, we actually don't know what his origin is now. No. I mean... Same thing, probably.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yes, pretty much the same. It's got to be the same. But the delightful specifics of it. That's right, exactly. Who's going to play Striker this time? Channing Tatum. I think they got back the striker guy from... Two?
Starting point is 00:07:05 No, from... Origins? Days of Future Past. Oh, yeah, that would make a lot more sense. Yeah. Because there's three strikers, isn't there? But you think they would have got the origin striker. What if they get Zac Efron as general striker?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Fantastic. I'm still thinking about Sox. I love Sox. You do love Sox. Softer Sox. Yeah. Yeah, I know, but it looks good. Like, I'm not complaining
Starting point is 00:07:26 we'll be doing a daisy future past commentary coming up and speaking of we did an age of ultron one last week yes we did it's on bandcamp and if you're a patron it's already there nice bloody get it but some people have said they've had trouble with the syncing up issues and i think it might be if you're watching us because you can stream it for free from bandcamp and i think if there's a slight delay in that, like maybe because you're streaming it, then it might get out of sync. I don't know that for a fact.
Starting point is 00:07:52 That's not for me to get you to trick you to buy it. Just listen to it like that. I don't give a shit. But yeah, that's pretty... There's a cardboard tube in here. Yeah. I'm assuming it's some sort of fancy cigar. Oh.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Let's see what happens. Just light it. Light it now. Okay. Before you open it. Oh, it's a poster. Wait, what is it? I hope it's some sort of fancy cigar. Oh. Let's see what happens. Just light it. Light it now. Okay. Before you open it. Oh, it's a poster. Wait, what is it? I hope it's a stick of dynamite. Uncharted 4 poster.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I'm really looking forward to Uncharted 4. Me too. Yeah. Me too, right? Are you going to get a PlayStation for it? I'm going to have to, aren't I? Should I go back? Because I have not actually played the first three.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yes. Should I go back? Well, play... They're Tomb Raiders. They're like Tomb Raiders. But better. Okay. They're better than Tomb Raider. Though I haven't play they're Tomb Raiders they're like they're like Tomb Raiders but better because they're better than Tomb Raider though I haven't played
Starting point is 00:08:28 the latest Tomb Raider which is apparently very good also but you can kind you can probably skip the first one I really like it but it's pretty basic
Starting point is 00:08:35 run and gunning but I really like it but two and three are like massive jump do you think oh it will be because you know how
Starting point is 00:08:42 sometimes game mechanics change and you go back and you play an old thing and you're like oh this you not like that it's not at all yeah no it's not um if you played gears of war if you played tomb raider if you played uncharted if you played anything like that you'll you'll you'll be fine but you know 20th century fox speaking of them because they they were doing that x-men movie we just talked about um yes they've actually pulled out of sdcc for this year okay and they say it's because of piracy but there's also people in what is that i don't know i'll crack it open
Starting point is 00:09:12 it's like a weird little felt pouch it's a little felt pouch the mysteries that it might contain it's the horn of gondor it might be the horn of gondor hang on guys i got the horn of gondor and there's only one so you know what i think it's some i think it's a i think this is vikings thing oh he's banging on about vikings it's great right yeah it is good yeah some sort of vikings drinking horn give me that it's something no give me that throw it throw that sharp horn at me okay yeah that's how you can wear it around your neck you can wear it around your neck i'm excited for this i'm gonna put my hot chocolate in my viking horn yeah and then hang it loosely around your neck it's fine yeah uh yes this is great so 20th century
Starting point is 00:09:54 fox if they're out of comic-con people are saying well is this the end of comic-con or the beginning of the end because last year disney didn't go either Yeah. So the TV shows went, like the Marvel TV shows went, but there was no Star Wars, no Marvel stuff, no any of that. Yeah. And this year I think they are at this point, but there's also rumours that they might pull out also because I think at this point in time, do you need to go to San Diego Comic-Con to reveal a thing
Starting point is 00:10:21 if you are Disney, Star Wars, X-Men, DC, whatever? Do you know? I guess that's true because, are Disney, Star Wars, X-Men, DC, whatever. Do you know? I guess that's true because, and also, if anything, the bigger SDCCCCC gets, the harder it is to stand out from just this massive. Yep, yep, absolutely. But also it could be that maybe they've just, they don't have enough money for bus fare.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Sure. The wheels have fallen off. Absolutely. They can't make it there anymore. Yeah, I just, because I know also this year for the first time, sure the wheels have fallen off absolutely they can't make it there anymore yeah i just because i know also this year for the first time comic-con are pushing their live streaming panels and stuff like that which they never used to do like people used to go and then film them and then upload them to their youtube channel and they realize that well there's money in that and there's promotion
Starting point is 00:10:58 so they're they're now doing it in-house right so this is like the worst year for that to happen but you know but i don't i don't believe that like they say piracy but when you go to sdcc whatever you play it's hard to say right it is it's like trying to spell banana when you're kind of tired so many how many n's and a's oh thank god it's not mississippi diego comic con that's right it's a bloody nightmare yeah like you know going into Comic Con what it is. Do you know what I mean? Like, you know that someone's going to film it and put it up. So then you only bring the footage that you don't want,
Starting point is 00:11:33 that you don't mind getting leaked. What's that? It's a pin. It's some sort of, it says hashtag loot pins. April 2016 quest. I believe quest is the theme here. Oh, okay. Makes a lot of sense, right?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Now that I've cracked it all open. It says this pin unlocks something epic. Go to slash pins. I don't even know what that means. Pins. I'm excited for content. Like a set of pins? I'm excited for online content, so I'm going to do that.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Is that the last thing? There's also a magazine. So quest is the theme this month. Oh, I gotcha. Yeah. It says quest on it. Yes, it does. I really wish I loved Labyrinth because this is an amazing print it's a shame i hate this property no god it's gonna make a great
Starting point is 00:12:10 that's gonna make a great present for somebody because that it's bloody sharp look at it yeah that is sometimes you buy you know they're like oh get a promotional t-shirt and you're like oh this is gross bad and garbage oh it's great did you know that uh seth graham smith he's apparently departed the flash movie the director people are pulling out of all sorts of stuff well that's the rumor so obviously batman v superman though a lot of people liked it yeah some people liked it and it made a like a lot of money initially yeah but then didn't have as much like it probably won't crack a billion worldwide which which is kind of surprising uh so dc are kind of what obviously and warner brothers would be in a bit of a panic about what direction they're
Starting point is 00:12:49 going to say pickle but yeah a bit of a pickle sure a billion dollar pickle there's also rumors that james wan again these are all rumors yeah uh is departing aquaman and apparently the reason is that like it's more of a hassle for him to do it yeah like they need him also the most exciting part of aquaman we already saw in batman v superman so exciting i was resisting the water and he looks around a bit he swims off real fast but do you i don't know like if you're if you're james wan like he's all he's he's on the up you know what i mean he did the far he's he's nailed horror directing yeah like he's done that four or five times or whatever and he's and every time he's done it is like it's critically acclaimed he did the last fast and furious,
Starting point is 00:13:25 which made the most money of any, I mean, of any fast and furious movie, this Aquaman movie comes out in like three or four DC movies time. If, and if this universe is not, you know, doesn't get the legs that they want it to,
Starting point is 00:13:37 then he's stuck with this Aquaman movie. Right. Exactly. Yeah. Like maybe that's like, he's committed to it. I mean, I think,
Starting point is 00:13:43 I think, um, suicide squad looks great and we'll be good. And I think Suicide Squad looks great and will be good. And I think Wonder Woman looks great and will be good. But obviously it would give you pause the way that Batman, Superman. It doesn't have legs. It'll bloody give you pause. What is this?
Starting point is 00:13:59 I can't think of any Aquaman villains that turn into a werewolf or something. No, that's not really their thing, is it? No, not really. Just a weird wet dog in the water. The thing is, though, let's say everything goes great. Yeah. Then he's just riding that sweet wave, Aquaman style. Very good.
Starting point is 00:14:15 If everything is bad, he could be the guy who A, saves the franchise. Yes, that's right. And B, makes an excellent Aquaman movie, which would be a huge surprise to a lot of people. Totally. Because Aquaman's always been the joke character. Yeah, absolutely. But nobody thinks he's a joke after that scene in Batman Superman. Correct.
Starting point is 00:14:32 No one thought he could look at a camera and then swim about for a bit. If you get Jason Momoa and you introduce him into your universe, because they made a big point of being like, he's a big tough guy and he's cool and whatever, and look how whatever he is. Look at all these tats. And then they just have him kind of float along. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Just have him do something. I mean, I know he broke the camera, but. Wait, did he what? Yeah. Like I could break a camera. Yeah, we could all break a camera. I could throw a bloody giant 20 sided dice. Ice cube. Ice cube.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Dice cube. Dice cube. Oh. Thank you. It's also, they're also saying that bloody uh zack's overturn a ship or something exactly yeah that'd be cool yeah uh zack snyder's apparently fighting with warner brothers over justice league like the direction it's kind of going i'd imagine again i don't know this that the faith between those two parties would be a little bit shaken
Starting point is 00:15:21 but it's not all bad news for DC or speculation of bad news, because who knows? Again, just a rumor, Mason. Don't even worry about it. I'm a little bit worried. Don't even worry about it. You know what? It's not entirely Zack Snyder's fault.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I don't think so. In so far as, was DC not watching? Yeah. Like, it's at least half their fault. But that is the problem, though, that nobody's looking over this whole thing. But there's been talk of george miller doing a green the green lantern movie yeah i don't know if that's the best movie for him necessarily
Starting point is 00:15:49 but whatever he does with that yeah yeah like he's he's a good enough director and he's varied enough in his in his abilities that i think he could really do something good with that i think it might be a really interesting take yeah i'd rather say his justice league to be sure yeah which but it's too late happened but yeah but it's too late but sure give him give him bloody green lantern but is there any or give him the bloody future batman desert movie nah a bit on the nose yeah a little bit on the nose a bit on the bat nose yeah doesn't have paws like like ace the bat hound correct yeah very good and. And there's also Jeff Johns and Ben Affleck
Starting point is 00:16:25 are apparently rumoured to have complete creative control over the Batman movie. Huh. Which is great, right? I mean, Jeff Johns, he knows, love him or hate him, he knows DC, he knows the universe. He should really be in charge of everything.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And Ben Affleck's obviously an amazing director. So there's nothing wrong with that, Mason. They just up in a little tree house with action figures. Now he does this. Now he does this. Now he does this. That's right. Yes, and all that's good stuff. And in other news, Superman continues to not get a movie.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah. One day they'll get it right. Yeah. So The Punisher. Getting his own series. Getting his bloody own. This is the last bit of news. He's getting his own series.
Starting point is 00:17:02 That's good because I've run out of loot crate. Oh, no. Yeah. I'm excited. I'm never taking this horn off. He's getting his own series. That's good because I've run out of loot crate. Oh, no. Yeah. But I'm excited. I've never taken this horn off. You have to at some point. Want to clean it? No.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Okay. I was going to say when you get in the shower, but you wouldn't need to. No, I just have to fill it up with shower water. Fill it up with a soapy shower water. Then I clean it and I clean myself. So, yeah, Punisher's getting his own series. Not a surprise. There was rumors of it. Happy with that? Yeah, great. Are you happy with the Punisher in getting his own series not a surprise there was rumours of it
Starting point is 00:17:25 happy with that yeah great are you happy with the Punisher in Daredevil season 2 you know yeah you know I am
Starting point is 00:17:31 except for one glaring error yes in which he had the giant minigun and he never used the minigun but I remember
Starting point is 00:17:36 seeing a poster where he was firing that minigun he's definitely firing the minigun in the poster do you think the first episode
Starting point is 00:17:41 would just be that I hope so just be like I'm sorry here it is. Yeah. Just ninjas and maybe animals. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Doesn't anything. Maybe it's just at the zoo. Just whatever. I don't care. You want to see people getting cut in half with bloody minisigns, mate. Yeah. All right. Nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Or just in a supermarket. He's just riddling the stock shelves with bullets. Could I say, can we make these 10 episodes? Can we stop, like, go from 13 to 10? 13 episodes of The Punisher is going to be very intense. Yeah, that's what I mean, yeah. And look, he's a great The Punisher. We've actually got a letter about it later,
Starting point is 00:18:17 a tweet, hashtag weeklyplanetpod on Twitter, about it where we talk about the different Punishers. But I really enjoyed his take on it, and, you know, I want to see where it goes but 13 episodes it's a lot i think there'll probably be a lot of foggy nelson we'll probably get a courtroom scene oh sure yeah yeah i wonder what like they'll bring in micro won't they i'd imagine i hope so yeah who else could they're probably bringing in jigsaw or another jigsaw would be good um the problem with the punisher is he doesn't really have any recurring villains because he kills them all yes jigsaw would be good the problem with the Punisher is he doesn't really have any recurring villains
Starting point is 00:18:45 because he kills them all Jigsaw is basically the only one yeah and Kingpin maybe they could do that storyline where he becomes black
Starting point is 00:18:54 that classic tale the classic tale and he learns a lesson or the reader learns a lesson not really about how you shouldn't do blackface
Starting point is 00:19:03 that's a very good lesson yeah made no sense that storyline i haven't read it i've only seen like panels of it but from what i see it was a great lesson in not doing blackface that's what i took from it great good awesome i would like to see a little bit of a deviation away from what we've seen on these tv shows as well it's a lot of of fighting in an alley. What would you say otherwise? I don't know. I was going to say take it out of Hell's Kitchen.
Starting point is 00:19:33 The Punisher isn't a Hell's Kitchen. No, he could go anywhere. He can go anywhere. I'd like to see him in Australia. I'd like to see him in the tropics. He's wearing a big Hawaiian shirt. Over his Punisher. Yeah, and he's on a fan boat.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Oh, yeah, I was going to say jet ski, but fan boat's way better. Fan boat's good, right? Yeah, you can keep heaps of guns on the fan boat. I'd like to see him go to New Orleans. Yeah. Maybe he's at some kind of Mardi Gras festival. Boston. Boston. He can fight the Irish.
Starting point is 00:19:55 He already fought the Irish. He killed all the Irish. Oh, okay, right. Never mind then. We could have some flashbacks to the wars. Yeah, absolutely. Various wars. That's it. No, I thought, no, we'll see. Yeah, absolutely. Various wars. That's it.
Starting point is 00:20:05 No, I thought, no, we'll see. Yeah, so are you tired of Hell's Kitchen generally? Yeah, look, I liked Daredevil Season 2. Yeah. But it just felt more of the same. It feels a bit constricting. Yeah. I hadn't thought about it until just now, but now that you mention it.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Yeah. Open it up. Open it up. The Punisher can go anywhere and kill anyone. I mean, he's a wanted fugitive, so he probably can't go that far. No. Just wear a mask. Wear one of those super shield masks.
Starting point is 00:20:31 They have been shielded with the hologram face or whatever it is. Yeah. Pretty good. Before we get into what we're going to talk about this week, we should do the mid-roll for this. For Lutcrate. For Lutcrate, yes. Spelled as it sounds.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Lutcrate. I wonder if they'll still pay us after that. That's the risk I'm willing to take. Yeah. For the sake of a joke that's, you know, that's... Sort of landing sometimes. But I'm having a good time with it. So...
Starting point is 00:20:54 What have you got? We want to talk about Lutcrate? Yeah, let's do it. Look, the onslaught of big summer blockbusters makes May, that's coming up, it's May right now, the perfect time to celebrate some of pop culture's unstoppable, unrelenting, and unbeatable characters and objects.
Starting point is 00:21:09 We've got something you can carry, something for your kitchen. Ooh, kitchen. Kitchen. That's exciting. Yeah. And a cool figure. A knife.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Sorry. It's probably not a knife. I'm going to start again. You could use it to open your loot crate. I mean, next month. A loot crate opening knife. It would have to be for the next month. But how do you get it? That's the crate. I mean, next month. A loot crate opening knife. It would have to be for the next month. But how do you get it?
Starting point is 00:21:28 That's the puzzle. That's right. A cool figure to go with our monthly tea and pin. Yes. That's good. Featuring two Marvel items. This is next month. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Two Marvel items plus Warcraft and Dragon Ball Z. You're a big fan of Dragon Ball Z. I am actually, yeah. No one great- Actually, don't say big fan because then people will be like, what do you think of this episode? And I probably haven't seen it. Huge fan. I like it a lot. Huge fan. I am actually, yeah. No, One Crate... Actually, don't say big fan because then people will be like, what do you think of this episode? And I probably haven't seen it. Huge fan.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I like it a lot. Huge fan. I don't know the lore that well. James, should One Crate have all this power? No, quite frankly. No, One Crate should not have all... Wait.
Starting point is 00:21:56 No, One Crate should have all the power. Correct. How about that? Yeah, yeah. So yeah, basically, it's a monthly subscription service for Epic Geek and Gaming items and pop culture.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I feel we just lost some of the momentum. That's fine. Use the voice that I just used. Oh, sorry. Loot Crate's a monthly subscription service for Epic Geek and gaming items and pop culture. I feel we just lost some of the momentum. That's fine. Use the voice that I just used. Oh, sorry. Loot Crate is a monthly subscription box service for Epic Geek and gamer items and pop culture. Too many N's in that sentence. Who wrote this?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Pop culture gear. For less than $20 a month, you get six to eight items including licensed gear, apparel, collectibles, unique one-of-a-kind items and more. Okay. So if you want to get the May box, which is the one we just talked about, this unstoppable power box, which I'm assuming contains some sort of mystical knife
Starting point is 00:22:30 to open your loot crate, you have until the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific. Yes. What is that? I don't know. Who's in America? You'll figure it out. You might know what it is. Until then, subscribe.
Starting point is 00:22:43 You receive the May Crate and when the cut off happens that's it get over it get over it yeah you're done mate okay so what you do
Starting point is 00:22:51 if you want to help out the show you go to slash weekly planet right that's the one yep okay do we have a code weekly planet right slash weekly planet
Starting point is 00:23:00 yeah one word and you get $3 off any subscription I love it yeah also they ship most places in the world they ship to us in the world. They ship to us.
Starting point is 00:23:06 They certainly did, Mason. Let's never forget that. I'm not going to. I'll always remember. You know why? Vikings Horn Cup. Well, that's never coming off, is it? No, it's never coming off.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Can I have that? Can I have it? No. You're a real son of a bitch. Yeah. So we're not talking about Civil War this week. I'm speaking of you having a thing that I don't have. We went and saw Civil War on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yeah, we did. And one of us won a sweet goodies bag. Yeah, I got some swag. And one of us got nothing. Guess who got what? Well, I've already said that it was me. That's true. I got swag. I got swag, guys.
Starting point is 00:23:33 When we came in, we were given a box of popcorn each. Yes. I don't know what... And one of them had a sticker, which meant you were the winner. Correct. Did he size us up beforehand and go... No, surely not. Was he like, this guy seems like more cool.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Was I not cool enough? Is that what's happened? Maybe he's like, this guy needs this much more. This guy's on his last legs. He could do it. Did you know that guy? Did you tee this up?
Starting point is 00:23:57 No. To screw me out of it? In a way, yeah. Anyway, we'll talk about Civil War next week. Yeah. So no spoilers for that next week. We'll do as we always do because it's not out in the US and some parts of the world.
Starting point is 00:24:07 We'll do non-spoiler and then spoiler. So yeah, we... Look, but without getting into it, you should probably go see it, right? Yeah. Yeah. I'd recommend it. He'd recommend it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:17 As good as a loot crate, he says. Maybe. Nothing's as good as a loot crate. That's right. But look, you know what it was this week, though? Or last week. Yes. This comes in on Monday, doesn't it? It's on Sunday night. That's right. But look, you know what it was this week, though? Or last week. Yes. This comes in on Monday, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:26 It's on Sunday night. That's how we do it. But it was Alien Day or Alien Week or Alien something, wasn't it? For aliens. Yeah. What was it? There was a specific day of it. We should look it up right now.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Nah, it's fine. So we thought, since we didn't have an episode. Well, Aliens came out in 1986. Yes. And it's 2016. No, I think it was a code that went, it was that particular day. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Let's bloody look it up. Let's look it up. Alien day date. It's alien day. Maybe it's set in 2016. The Alien release date was like December 1979. Well, that was Australia anyway. What a great Christmas movie, Alien.
Starting point is 00:25:06 So no, it's 4-26 because the nod to LV-426. There you go. That's how that works. Even though I never understood how in some countries the date is wrong. And I say wrong because the way we do it in Australia, we do day, month, year. They get bigger. Which makes sense. But in the US, it's month, day, year.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah. What are you doing? It's crazy. You and your bloody non-metric system, whatever that's called as well. So what we thought we'd do this week, we'd talk about Alien and Aliens. Yeah. Easily the best films in that franchise. I agree.
Starting point is 00:25:38 By a long shot. I agree. They're also the first two. There's been many since. I disagree. They're not. No, they are because it's a good it's a good time
Starting point is 00:25:48 to walk down a memory lane isn't it and celebrate things that have been a thing that came out before we were born some of them I think
Starting point is 00:25:55 first one yeah sure so did you hear this week that Reebok released because you know in Aliens
Starting point is 00:26:02 Ripley wears like these big Reebok boots so sweet you know in Aliens, Ripley wears like these big Reebok boots. So sweet, yeah. They released them. They released like limited edition versions of them quite recently. Only in men's sizes. For shame. So you know that boot that has only existed in literally one film, worn by a woman, didn't
Starting point is 00:26:21 release them in women's sizes. Do you think a woman would buy those boots? Do you think that's what they presumed? That no woman would buy some sneakers for sneaking about on
Starting point is 00:26:28 an alien ship? Or it wasn't an alien ship, a regular ship? No, I think they're just... They're just dickheads?
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yeah, I think that's probably it. And they're like, look, because you could go like, oh, well, sizes are sizes, you could just size
Starting point is 00:26:38 them. But like the smallest is like a US 8, which is like above the average woman's size foot. Well done, everybody yeah I think
Starting point is 00:26:46 there's been some outcry and they're rectifying it so yeah well you know that's how you rectify anything isn't it fine then I'll bloody finally be able
Starting point is 00:26:53 to buy some for me tiny feet are you going to get them nah not a sneakers guy you like your shoes man
Starting point is 00:26:58 I like a sneaker yeah good stuff yeah so look the first alien came out in 1979 December 6 apparently I just found out in Australia.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I don't know whether that's... It's probably not because we used to get movies like eight months after everywhere else. Yes, we did, yeah. But then they realized that Australians bloody love piracy. Yeah. They kind of stopped that pretty quick. Yeah, that kind of... That came in as soon as, like, Torrents started to exist.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Absolutely, it did, yeah. Because I remember The Phantom Menace came out two weeks after and I was like, that's outrageous. Yeah. I'm an outraged person. I said out loud to my mom. She didn't care. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:35 That sounds like her. But the first one, it's, it's, it's this weird kind of sci-fi blend and Ridley Scott, who directed it has even said this, the inspirations come from star wars like specifically the used universe i think the other one was texas chainsaw massacre
Starting point is 00:27:51 for the horror elements and 2001 space odyssey for all that space bullshit oh sure yeah so that's so because it does have because it blends sci-fi but also realistic kind of space travel with yeah that's true yeah and it's a pretty spectacular blend. Like a lot of those horror movies from that era, you go back and they're just no good. Correct. Like the ones that are considered like classics and they're just kind of balls.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Do you mean the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? I've never seen it, but yeah, sure. It's probably balls, probably. I don't remember. I genuinely don't know. Oh, look, it's okay. It's probably a good one, actually, now that I think about it. That look, look. It's okay. It's probably a good one actually now that I think about it. That look on your face
Starting point is 00:28:26 says to me that it's probably a good one. So we re-watched it this week. Yeah, I re-watched the... Because I'd seen the original but I watched the director's cut. Me too, yeah. I figured I'd give the director's cut a whirl
Starting point is 00:28:37 which isn't a director's cut... No. Like in terms of... Like the way we think of a director's cut is a director makes a film exactly the way they want to make it. They give it to the studio. The studio says you have to take out this and this and this.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And then that gets released. Yes. And the director's unhappy with it. Yeah. And then eventually they get some measure of control back over the edit and they put it back in all the stuff they wanted. Yeah. And that's the director's cut. But Ridley Scott apparently was very happy with it.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Yeah. He didn't want to do it. Yeah. Well, he didn't do it. He didn didn't cut it they put in some extra scenes it's actually a minute shorter than the original yeah so like the one he he always said like the one that i put it to cinemas is exactly the one that i wanted yeah and so when they re-released i think they needed for the for the dvd box set like 2003 they were like give us a director's cut yeah so he went okay well i'll put it i'll put back in the stuff that we took out yeah and then that kind of took some of the pacing out of it
Starting point is 00:29:31 so then he's tweaked it right so he's done a sort of a you know how like a lot of old we've talked about this before but you know when there's a lot of in a lot of old movies there's like a guy in a restaurant and then you watch him eat in the time you watch him eat and then it cuts to the mate of d in the lobby and he gets a phone call and he goes oh and he puts the phone down and then he walks to the man in the restaurant and he goes oh you've you've got a telephone call call sir and then the guy stands up and he puts his he finishes eating his meal and then he stands up and he puts his coat on and he walks out to the lobby and then he takes the phone call and it's every shot is in there for some reason but nowadays when that happens it'll be like you've got a you've got a phone call and then he's just in
Starting point is 00:30:08 the lobby or he's just on the phone he's just on the phone right there's that kind of so i guess there is a little bit of that in this especially at the start like when they're waking up it's a bit of like you know they come out of the state spoiler alert by the way for these but go watch them they're good yeah they're good yeah they come out of stasis and they'll show like the same shot of people stretching from like three different angles or whatever. But clearly he's gone, okay, well, I need to find some places to trim, so he's given it like a modern edit. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:31 I think it helps it a little bit. There's some – I don't remember the original cut well enough to know kind of whether it works better or worse, to be honest, because I haven't seen it. I haven't maybe seen like – I don't think it makes that much of a difference. The only thing that they added, there's a scene added,
Starting point is 00:30:46 which I think was kind of like... It kind of changes the lore a bit. It changes the continuity. Yeah. Like because it wasn't in the original, James Cameron could make some creative decisions on the second one. Now that it's in, it kind of makes a continuity error. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:02 We can talk about it later. We will talk about it. Yeah, yeah. That's all right. Why don't we talk about the story? What do you think the story was? Oh, God, no. Every time.
Starting point is 00:31:11 You get me with this. Ask me what the plot of a film is. Okay, so there's a ship called the... It's the future. Good. It's like 2134, let's say. I don't know. And there's a ship called the Nostromo.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Correct. Spaceship. Yes. Not an ocean ship. No, don't be an idiot. Don't fall for. I don't know. And there's a ship called the Nostromo. Correct. Spaceship. Yes. Not an ocean ship. No, don't be an idiot. Don't fall for that. Don't even. Anyway, is it a mining ship?
Starting point is 00:31:30 It's a cargo ship. Yeah, they're hauling something. I don't think they're miners. They're more like, they're truckers. Yeah. And that was the idea, wasn't it? That these aren't whiz-bang astronauts. They're just blue-collar workers.
Starting point is 00:31:41 They're the rocket man. They're Elton John's rocket man. Okay, sure. All the science he doesn't understand. He's just a Rocket Man. Anyway, they're in hype. They've got some cargo they're hauling it. They're headed back to Earth, but they're in hyper-sleep.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yep. 21, 22. Oh, there you go. Sorry, go on. That's fun to say. But then their ship's computer, Mother. M-U-T-H-E-R, I think. Because it stands for something.
Starting point is 00:32:06 It's like, I don't know what it is. But anyway, it wakes them up from hypersleep because it's detected some sort of signal, what they think is maybe a distress signal. It's diverted them to this planetoid, LV-426, in order to get them to investigate. And they think they're home when they wake up. They're like, sweet.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And they're like, I can stretch for as long as I want. Many minutes. Yeah. But it turns out they're months away from Earth. And due to some sort of clause in their contract, even though they're space truckers, they have to go and investigate this for the company. For the company, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Yeah, which is, I think it's Weyland-Yutani, not Weyland-Yutani. Oh. And you only kind of see logos like maybe once or twice. Uh-huh. The company plays a massive role in part two. Yes, it does. And the subsequent films, really.
Starting point is 00:32:55 But this one's more kind of a background. Yeah. Presence. Not necessarily ominous, but just kind of just a business. Uh-huh. Yeah, because something in the, my understanding. I can't think of anything more ominous than a business, though. I'm honest with you.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Because there's something... Fat cats. Fat cats. Yeah, because there's something in the... What's great. Something in the company protocol that if you come across a distress beacon or an alien life form that you have to stop.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Right. And I'm not sure whether this... I feel that is just a license to murder their employees yeah that's right sure but i'm not sure it's never really made clear whether this is a universe if you discover a hand grenade pull the pin our contract requires it pull the pin on that and just hold it so it's not really clear to me that they've found life yet other than maybe bacteria yeah because everybody's a bit surprised yeah totally yeah although yeah because that that's the thing like in we'll talk about it
Starting point is 00:33:52 later but in aliens yeah it seems to we seem to there seems to be other alien life forms out there there's like what's that word for the poontang that they arcane arcturian yeah like what is that but that might just be a planet they've colonized with people on it yeah because little known fact when they've evolved great poontang that's right to the nth degree but in the the crew this is a really well cast movie by the way will william hurt has always been 55 right okay but this is the youngest 55 years ever that's true but he still looks 55 he's probably only like 29 they two of the crew members dallas and i wrote down the other one who's the girl in this dallas and lambert yep it might be lambert but there it says in the 2003 dvd release although gonna make it that they were gender reassigned and where this is a world where they just swapped
Starting point is 00:34:41 yeah both of them no yeah well you know dallas was a woman and lambert was a man and it's been somewhere prior to that movie because gender's so fluid in the future like it's not it's not a big deal now so you can imagine in a hundred years right like people are going to give a shit even less so it's just like a thing in this universe that people just do huh yeah so i thought that was really interesting but that was something they introduced in like 2003 and apparently a lot of people weren't happy because I guess it is
Starting point is 00:35:06 kind of like retroactively changing characters I guess in your perspective sure it upset all those Dallas and Lambert cosplayers
Starting point is 00:35:12 that's right exactly what to think yeah I wasn't going to say so yeah it's just truckers in space and they have to go
Starting point is 00:35:18 and so what they land yep and they one of them with a William Hurt William Hurt that's his name isn't it
Starting point is 00:35:24 John Hurt John Hurt that's it thank you William Hurt's a's his name, isn't it? John Hurt. John Hurt, that's it. Thank you. William Hurt's a different guy, isn't he? Yeah, it's bloody Thunderbolt Ross. That's right. But he gets a bloody facehugger to the face. Yes, he does.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And then he births an alien and then it grows up immediately and proceeds to kill everybody on the ship. Not the cat and not the Ripley. Correct. If you've never seen this movie before and you didn't know who alan ripley was or what's her name it's a gony weaver you would not know that she was the main character correct you would know yeah yeah which i thought was really interesting uh i don't know it's pretty good what else pretty good right special effects wise it's a mixed bag yes i feel
Starting point is 00:36:02 look on the great practical stuff look is it No, I mean in terms of like the location. Oh, sure. Like the set is phenomenal, right? You were saying it's a used universe, meaning it's not crisp. Used-niverse is the word. Yeah, it's a used universe. It's not like, you know, Star Trek, Super Crisp kind of, you know, bridge and starship or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Glass. Glass, yeah, exactly. Yeah. Clean mugs, all that sort of stuff. It's just like everything's strewn everywhere. Yeah. It's just data files on every table. A lot of data tapes.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah. That 1970s future. Do you love it? Yeah, kind of. Yeah. Kind of. Do you think there's any way we could go back to that? Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:36:40 No. Maybe it's like a fun joke. Yeah, like a fun joke. Oh, fun joke oh imagine imagine going back to no internet no i don't want to do that as i will talk about something that happens in between these two movies in a bit oh yeah uh but just like no computers connected to anything else yeah like just no thank you. Dot matrix printers. God. Anyway, you were saying practical effects. Special effects, yeah. So what do you think doesn't hold up?
Starting point is 00:37:11 I don't think the chestburster holds up. No. I think in retrospect, because a lot of people will go like, oh, Alien vs. Predator or those movies or Alien Resurrection or anything like that. The movies, plot-wise, they're terrible, or effects-wise, they're terrible, or it's just bad films. But in terms of making the aliens look good movements,
Starting point is 00:37:34 that chest-bursting effect, it's come a long way. Yeah, well, it's better in the second one. Yeah, totally. It's immediately better. But it does look, it's just a... It's just like a weird... It's just an alien. It's like a weird stick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:49 And somebody's just waggling it. Especially when it runs off. Yeah, so bad. Yeah. It's real bad. But they didn't actually know that they were going to get like sprayed with blood. So they're all like genuine reactions. Like they knew that, you know, something was going to happen, but they didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:38:03 William Hurt probably knew because he had to lie inside a fake... John Hurt. John Hurt, sorry. William Hurt also knew. Yeah, he would have. He got a phone call. They are brothers. He was lying there in a fake chest cavity or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:14 And that all happens. Yeah, no, I can understand that. But can you imagine seeing that in 1979? Nobody would have seen anything like this before. There's only a few times where you can put something in a horror movie. It only happens every decade or so that people haven't seen and it freaks them out. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Well, I think one of the criticisms of 4, I think, was, I think Roger Ebert said, there's nothing... This is kind of balls. Yeah, this is kind of balls. And I'd know. No, I think he said something like, there's nothing amazing in every scene kind of thing in it so in the way that this one yeah yeah yeah totally and in the sea it's just more of the same yeah and there should be some like the star wars but there should be something amazing and you
Starting point is 00:38:57 know you should push things forward you should see things you haven't seen before yeah and you got kind of more of the same what we did get in four though which we'll get to another day we did get cgi aliens which which they only generally show from a distance yep so it's not so bad and we hadn't really got that free running alien stuff other than alien 3 but as we talked about before that's a puppet on green screen and it does not work no that's on any level but anyway that's for four, we also got Sigourney Weaver making that sweet shot. Yeah, that sweet basketball shot. But it's also framed
Starting point is 00:39:29 in a way where it doesn't look like she did it for real. Yeah, but she actually did. She did it for real, yeah. Do you know they did that in the Batman Superman Lex Luthor takes that
Starting point is 00:39:38 three-pointer? Yeah. They did that like 30 times. Okay. And Jesse Eisenberg was like freaking out because he wasn't getting it. But Sigourney Weaver did that backwards shot and won.
Starting point is 00:39:47 That's actually not true. Is that not true? It's not true. 50? It was a lot. Oh, okay. It was like dozens of takes. Well, I want to get her and Jesse Eisenberg in a room.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Right. I want a bloody... Free throw contest. That's right. Okay. Let's do it. That's not true. I wish it were true.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Well, you could have human me, mate, but you didn't. Sorry. I respect you. We get letters otherwise. That's probably true. What wish it were true. Well, you could have human me, mate, but you didn't. Sorry. I respect you. We get letters otherwise. That's probably true. What about, okay, how? The alien itself is better when you don't see a lot of it. I agree.
Starting point is 00:40:15 There's one scene where you see it in particular where it stands up. Yep. And it's clearly just a really tall guy. Yeah, he was like 6'10". Yeah, yeah. So, but, you know, but but again nothing like that had been made before yeah and it's got you know it's got the mouth inside the mouth that was it who designed it again hr giga giga that's it yeah and what a bloody fantastic bloody design that is all right
Starting point is 00:40:36 go ahead i was gonna say does it have eyes they still don't i was reading the wikipedia the xenopedia oh yes and they don't know whether it's because there's been so much lore I'd like to say Star Wars or Marvel or DC they haven't discounted anything it's just all like every book
Starting point is 00:40:52 every comic it's just all in there and it all contradicts each other and whatever well the designs are always slightly different yeah
Starting point is 00:40:59 like in terms of how many fingers it has yeah like what the depends what it bursts out of as well yeah exactly sometimes the tail has like a scorpion tail sometimes it's In terms of like how many fingers it has. Yeah. Like what the. Depends what it bursts out of as well. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Yeah. Sometimes the tail has like a, it's like a scorpion tail. Yeah. Sometimes it's like more of like a blade. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of thing. In the, in the novelization, I think of aliens, which I've read.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Alan Dean Foster. Yeah, absolutely. The great man. Yeah. I think it has like a, like a parrot, like a stinging paralytic tail. It does. And yeah, I read that on Wikipedia or something. It can like break off in you like a bee yeah the bee sting yeah but because they've always been kind of like insectoid yeah they're kind of five creatures whatever yeah not always though mason not in this one yeah so so you think the
Starting point is 00:41:41 alien itself doesn't hold up so well look again i again, I think it's come a long way. Yeah, yeah. Like I much prefer, in terms of, just in terms of movement. Yes. I kind of prefer like your alien predator. Okay, sure. Versions, because they just look slicker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:55 They can tweak them CGI style. Yeah, absolutely. They feel more terrifying. Like when you see one come out of an air shaft or something like that. And it's got that kind of slick feel. And that arachnid kind. Yeah, like it kind of rolls out of a thing. And it feels slick like a snake.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yeah, yeah, fair enough. And this does really feel like a guy in a suit kind of thing. And it'll come out of, and it'll be like, and it's kind of silent, but it's got like kind of like, you know what I mean? Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. It's like a spider almost unraveled. Like it looks like a black ball, but then it's a spider. Yeah, exactly. But this kind of like yeah i mean i know exactly what you mean it's like a spider almost unraveled like it looks like a black ball but then it's a spider yeah exactly but this kind of doesn't have that okay but in terms of tension what do you do you reckon it holds up
Starting point is 00:42:32 definitely especially like you get that vent stuff like that's a real good event in a way thank you he's clapping you can't hear it because i've edited it out but he's clapping and laughing really loudly yeah it's good yeah but uh you can't hear it because I've edited it out, but he's clapping and laughing really loudly. Yeah, it's good. You can't tell, but for the remainder of this episode, I'm going to be like holding James's chair up and just cheering him around the room because of his sweet play on words there. Yeah, no, I think so. Because you never kind of know where it is.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Yeah. They're trying to corner it, but they can't they they first of all they go looking for it and if you didn't know it grew that big that quickly even as an audience member yeah it's this tiny little little weird penis rat yes it is and then it's this like man the whole thing was designed to be weird and yeah there was sexual it was um metaphors I've actually written this down. Where is it? It was supposed to be metaphors for male rape and pregnancy. Those were the kind of factors that...
Starting point is 00:43:33 Because that's terrifying. Yes, all of that is terrifying. Yeah, all of that is terrifying. Especially the second one. You'd hate that. Yeah. But you know what does really work in this? Maybe not special effects wise yes the reveal that ash
Starting point is 00:43:47 is a robot yeah is great that that is talk about adding something to a to a movie well see i think that the most the most terrifying parts of this movie are the ash is a robot yeah and or a synthetic yeah they would call it and the part where they're trying to find the facehugger after it's come off John Hurt. Yes. Like in that scene, terrifying, because it is this tiny thing. Scrabbly thing. Yeah, that part is terrifying.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And we've seen, you know, we've seen it close up. Yeah. And it's filled with acid. Yeah. This whole thing. And the part where, but the actual alien stuff. Not as much? Kind of.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Okay. I mean, maybe maybe going maybe at the time i was like you know it was scarier but again we've seen the aliens so many times now yeah and once you know that once you've seen swarms of aliens that's very true you know in aliens and in all the sequels there's a scene in one of the alien predators where there's a predator on top of a pyramid and there's just like a million of them it's only like briefly like swarming up it's i think it's in the first so it's kind of like yeah you're kind of killed and you can't go back now that's true which is what they tried to do with three was strip it
Starting point is 00:44:54 back to the simplicity of the first but after aliens yeah you can't make alien again and not as well you know i kind of like the idea in this movie in like other franchises when the the characters sort of learn the weaknesses yes you go okay now this isn't a problem anymore like terminator genesis was not a good film but i did like the idea of like arnold just knows you know the good guys know well they can just shoot the t800 through the heart and it's dead yeah and they can just put the t1000 under an acid bath and it's dead. Yeah. And they can just put the T-1000 under an acid bath and it's dead. Yeah. Like, they're not, it's not an issue anymore.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Absolutely. It's fun. And that's definitely kind of coming to play in these movies, would you say? Yeah. A little bit. Yeah. Like, Ripley knows how to kill it in three. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:36 But she just can't because they don't have the... She's just got a butter knife or something. She's got a bloody butter knife, yeah. And a bloody alien in her. But that Ash scene where, where so he it turns out in home hot in home yeah bilbo baggins so it turns out that he was a plant from the company and i'm not sure it was a ficus a ficus yes was it made clear that he was put there by them from the start to to to do this particular mission or was that changed because the computer spoke to him and said,
Starting point is 00:46:06 I got this message that we need to stop here and you need to... That's a good question. I don't think it's 100% clear. I don't think he was on... I don't think they say that he was on board from the start to do that, but that's definitely... But why send him in the first... Like, what's the point of him...
Starting point is 00:46:21 Like, every ship's got one, but why have a secret one? Yeah, good question. Do you know what I mean? I'm sure there's an answer to that. No, I think everyone's got one in Aliens. Every ship's got one, but why have a secret one? Yeah, good question. Do you know what I mean? I'm sure there's an answer to that. No, I think everyone's got one in Aliens. Every ship's got one in Aliens. Yeah. But in the first one, it is a surprise.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Yeah, but my point is why would he be there for a routine like trucking mission? Oh, then maybe you're right. Yeah. Good point. I'm guessing. Yeah. There's something off about him. You don't know he's a replica.
Starting point is 00:46:44 What are they called? Synthetic. You can say robots if you want. I can't bloody kick track of my... Look, if I can say Lutcrate, and I can, as I've proven, this isn't a weird accent thing. It's not a regional thing. I just like saying Lutcrate.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Then you can say robot. Good point. Robot. Yeah. Like, there's something off about him. There's a bit where they're at the table, and this is kind of mirrored in Prometheus, just before...
Starting point is 00:47:06 I nearly said William Hurt. It's not his name, is it? John Hurt. John Hurt, where it bursts out, and Ian Holm is just watching him. Yeah. You see it. He's just sitting there,
Starting point is 00:47:15 and he's just staring at him, just waiting for... Because he knows, presumably, that he's got something in him. Yeah. And he's just waiting to see how it plays out. And then the reveal that Ripley becomes captain because everybody dies or whatever. Some of them die.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And then he tries to bloody jam a magazine in her mouth. Is that an effective way to kill somebody? Magazine in the mouth? Not in the future because there shouldn't be any magazines. Yeah. So for one. But no, it's not. But he's sweating milk as well.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah, he was sweating milk, wasn't he? Yeah, so that's kind of a giveaway, isn't it? Well, he's drinking a lot of milk. You do see him drink milk, don't you? You see him eat and drink. Yeah. Interesting. And he's a secret synthetic.
Starting point is 00:47:55 That's true, Robert. I love the bit where they knock his head off. Yes. Which kind of looks good, kind of looks bad, depending on what angle. Yeah. And then after he's down yeah one of the crew members go oh my god he's a robot like he's he's been running around with his head off flapping his arms for five minutes and then you're like this man full of
Starting point is 00:48:17 ball bearings and pasta and milk is a robot you know what i mean yeah so he just loves pasta and ball bearings and milk there is a scene the scene where they interrogate him I don't know why they did this I know exactly what you're gonna say
Starting point is 00:48:31 even in the 2003 director's cut he made all the changes that was required of him for this director's cut but they didn't put in
Starting point is 00:48:40 they put down Ripley puts down a clearly fake head yeah and then adjusts it on the table slightly and then there's they put down ripley puts down a clearly fake head yeah it's and then adjusts on the table slightly and then there's a super hard edit like not cut away no but just a just a snap yeah when you do a fake like when there's a you know like a like a sketch yeah when like you know when somebody's being thrown off a building and it's just like a snap and all of a sudden it's just a really fake dummy yeah yeah it's just that it's just a snap and all of a sudden it's in home real table yeah covered in milk or like icing sugar or something or something yeah it's the i don't it's so bizarre just cut in a reaction shot what are you doing they could have even
Starting point is 00:49:22 zoomed in on just had just the eyes, Eddie's eyes open. Yeah. They could have just had it so they tilt the head and before you see the face, then they cut away and then cut back and then it's his bloody- They could have done any number of things. So many things. But that's a cool moment though, aside from that terrible cut. Like, if you've made it a fake head, it's never going to look, even nowadays, you know when it's fake.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Yes. If it's up close. Right, right. So you should hide that. Like, make it as good as you can, but don't show it dead on. Yeah, take that 1979 Ridley Scott. We're objectively better filmmakers than you. How about that?
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah, but then he gives the revelation that like, sorry, dickheads. Yeah. I'm all about this. Similar thing happens to David in Promethean. Yeah. Whatever. Whatever happens in that one. What else we got?
Starting point is 00:50:13 We skipped over the space jockeys. Oh, yeah. Do you know they got like Ridley Scott's children in little space suits to walk around it? Does that make it look bigger? Oh. Yeah. Is that a real thing? It's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. Why is that? because that is a giant set otherwise exactly that is a that is a warehouse size set otherwise apparently that was the reason that set was in it and i think they were talking about cutting it is because it makes the movie feel more expensive than it was right okay i think it was the original budget i think was three million and then they bumped it to six and i think it was actually called it's bumped it to six uh-huh i think it was actually called it's called like star beast it's called star beast yeah and because they're like oh this looks and they showed the storyboards and they're like this looks pretty
Starting point is 00:50:53 good you're gonna cut that bit with the head right you're gonna cut that properly and it's like yeah definitely right but uh so and that that was their shot to be like no this is there's some budget to this yeah okay yeah and then of course from that there's been all sorts of complicated lore and like they really bugger up the mythology the more this kind of goes along especially prometheus again it's one of those it's one of those sci-fi sagas where just you imagining what it could be is a lot better than what it has actually turned out to be which is unfortunate. Yeah. Though, to be fair, in Prometheus,
Starting point is 00:51:30 I liked that that was like a space suit. Yeah, okay. And there's like a weird muscly man under it or whatever's going on there. But yeah, that whole scene is all, and I like in that they don't explain it. It's just like something terrible happened here to another race of people. Right, uh-huh. And I guess we just we just leave like what are we supposed to do here what do you think the i was gonna say what do you think the origin of that originally was meant to be or
Starting point is 00:51:54 do you think it was meant to be oh i did read no i did read it where it was and this has kind of been retconned where they land there was a race there before that got wiped out by the aliens and they landed. And you see in the hull of that ship, one of the panels has melted away. So they killed the alien, whatever it was. It died. It fell through the ship, fucked it completely,
Starting point is 00:52:20 and then they all died of starvation because they couldn't leave. Wow. And the beacon they were sending out was obviously, don't come here. Right, okay. They interpreted it as, maybe we should come here. Yeah, okay. Yeah, so that was... Because I was always under the impression, I think, initially,
Starting point is 00:52:34 maybe this was based on misremembering that and just remembering aliens, that they were carrying the aliens as, like, biological weapons. That may have been changed to that or whatever, but I think this was the initial okay backstory i'm guessing i don't yeah but that makes more sense things as they're in the hull yeah but then there's tons of them yeah there's so many that's actually a really good example of like matte paintings done well when they enter the egg chamber and it just goes back right like you don't even you can't really see the the end of it good use of matte
Starting point is 00:53:04 paintings may some i like to think so yeah speaking of special effects that don't hold up and i'm jumping ahead the end when the nostromo explodes it's just like a yellow smear yeah and it explodes like four times yeah it's too many we get it you're self-destructed all right we get it just leave it all right we're impressed we're very impressed god it's cool like i, the movie as a whole, the escape with Ripley at the end, were you suitably tensed? Not really. Was it supposed – do you think the alien hid out there? Was that where it's been hiding the whole time?
Starting point is 00:53:38 Oh, just like it's – Was it a coincidence? That's like it's – A little hidey home? Maybe. I don't know. See, the alien – I think that's a genuinely good scare where she's in the ship and you,
Starting point is 00:53:47 because it's so kind of biomechanical, it just blends in with the pipes or whatever. I think that's a genuinely good scare. But also it's always kind of that scene. That scene is so slow and it's not tense. Slow. It's just generally quite slow. Why is the creature asleep?
Starting point is 00:54:02 Why is it asleep? Why does she have so much time to put a space suit on yep i think maybe we've seen that particular scenario played out in other movies with other aliens and other terrifying like aliens yeah and where there's you know it's got to be a lot snappier yeah i was just like boy she's really really taking her time there yeah yeah it's really but that's okay isn't it one thing that really stuck out a few things that stuck out in this this movie for me a lot of people running around in white underwear and singlets sure yeah a lot of that opens with that there's a lot going on yeah just little tidy whities uh sure like you
Starting point is 00:54:42 know little briefs yeah um these like kind of operating systems, which just hurt me to look at. Yeah, absolutely. Just painful. What always throws me in these kind of movies is there's always, because it was that period when nobody really understood how computers worked. So it's always like people are, you know, they're asking the computer questions in really long, plain English, like really complicated sentence structure.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah, exactly. In a room of Christmas lights. Please elaborate on the secret rule 387. Please explain this. Dunno. It's real bad. Why can't it just talk? Like it does in Prometheus probably.
Starting point is 00:55:22 And again, Prometheus did the phantom menace thing where all the heads up displays are like holograms and giant you know giant floating displays and how did the universe fall apart don't know well i think originally ridley scott said prometheus isn't a prequel it's a separate it's its own separate thing but it's in the same universe i think he even said that it's not i think he was just bullshitting before it came out i think maybe i think it's definitely set in the same definitely it is now and every you know every element sort of dovetails in quite neatly yeah but well well yeah but i i think initially he's like no no this is going to be a separate movie and then they're like but we can
Starting point is 00:56:02 make more sequels yeah sure if it isn't and he't. And he's like, oh, all right then. I'll do it. Yeah. Yeah. Just this once. Yeah. Good stuff. A lot of saliva.
Starting point is 00:56:10 It's so drooly. So drooly. It's so drooly. Yeah. And do you want to talk about that deleted scene that made this back in? Well, there's a couple that sprung to mind. There's a very minor one where- The slap?
Starting point is 00:56:22 Yeah, the slap where Ripley refuses refuses to let john hurt back into the ship because of quarantine rules because he's got an alien on his face yeah and then in home yeah fredo baggins lets them he overrides and he lets them back in yeah and then uh ripley shows up to the infirmary and lambert is there and she slaps him about the face yeah in the original i don't think anyone does anything no wanders She just sort of wanders in. Yeah. And they're like, okay, we're cool. Yeah. So there's that.
Starting point is 00:56:47 But also right towards the end, we sort of see, because we have a lot of characters, we don't see them killed on screen. They just sort of disappear. Right. And we see Dallas and Yafit Kodo's character and someone else, Lambert? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Maybe, yeah. It's at least two or three. Yeah, they've all been cocooned up by the alien. Yeah. And they seem to be like some sort of gestating egg sack. Apparently they act as... The human beings act for the yolk, act as a yolk. For the eggs.
Starting point is 00:57:18 For the eggs, yeah. Okay, right. So that is how the aliens procreate, apparently. Yeah. So we get more of those eggs that are going to... Yeah. ...incubate inside those people. And then she kills them all with a flamethrower. Well, he'sreate, apparently. Yeah. So we get more of those eggs that are going to incubate inside those people. And then she kills them all with a flamethrower.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Well, he's like, kill me. Yeah. Yeah. And she's like, all right. I'll explode the ship four times. Yes. Is that going to be enough? So then, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:37 So then. I don't think it necessarily breaks the universe because if you get a, like the alien that's in this is a drone. Yeah. Like a, like a standard bee or,'s in this is a drone. Yeah. Like a standard bee or ant. Uh-huh. Not a queen. Correct. So maybe that's how you make a queen.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Queen, right, exactly. So like you got to, you know, one gets free, gets somewhere new, grabs a person, cocoons them. Makes them a yolk. Makes them a yolk, then lays a queen egg. I think it could still work in the canon.
Starting point is 00:58:02 In a way, the alien physiology doesn't make any sense. You don't make any sense. How dare you? We've talked about the alternate ending for this movie before. Do you want me to... Yeah, give me the 411. Originally, but this was deemed too dark.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Not too dumb, bear that in mind. We'll see. Ripley gets on the ship. The alien bites her head off sits in that little captain's chair and then proceeds to talk in ripley's voice to contact earth and be like i'm coming back to earth it's me ripley wow puts on a little captain's hat smokes one of those corncob pipes yeah so that would have changed the franchise boy. Boy, wouldn't it? Yeah. I like that they didn't do that. For one, we get to see Ripley again, which is great.
Starting point is 00:58:49 But that just, I guess it implies that it learns and grows really quickly, I guess. I guess that would make sense in the context of the movie. Yeah. Because it does grow to massive. It does grow to 6'10". Yeah. In a matter of an hour? Something like that.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Yeah. But yeah, so no hour? Something like that, yeah. But yeah, so no, that doesn't really work, does it? We definitely wouldn't have got the sequel that we got. I don't think they filmed that either, which is probably... If they'd filmed it, we'd have seen it by now. Oh, it would be so good. I know, right? It's me, Ripley, regular human Ripley, calling a...
Starting point is 00:59:23 I think that idea, like James Cameron nabbed for Terminator though. Yes, he did. Yeah, in the same... Maybe he didn't steal it, but... In the same way the T-1000, yeah. And it's in the first one. Oh, it is too, yeah. Terminator pretends to be Sarah Connor's mother,
Starting point is 00:59:37 so it's pretty good. Before we talk, anything else to say actually? Yeah. else to say, actually? FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris
Starting point is 00:59:56 and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. That's about it. It's a good one. It's a pretty good one.
Starting point is 01:00:14 I think it's a good one, yeah. Before we talk about Aliens, though, there's actually, I guess it's in canon because everything's in canon sort of. There's a game that came out a couple of years ago that I bought earlier this week that I wanted to try for a while it's gotten reviews have been generally positive but it's some people love it some people hate it i think i know which way i'm leaning you hate it well yeah maybe great uh it's called alien isolation where it's taken the alien franchise of games back to to basics because after uh there was a game, Alien Colonial Marines,
Starting point is 01:00:47 which everybody hated. It's like buggy as hell. And it's basically aliens again. They bring back Hicks. Yeah, that's right. Canonically and it doesn't, I don't know, whatever. But this one is set 15 years after Alien. And it's Amanda Ripley, who's Ripley's daughter.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Yeah, because because aliens is set 57 years after the first alien so in this one you're rip yeah like i said ripley's daughter who goes on a exact on the exact same ship the nostromo but it's not the exact same ship right it looks exactly but it's built like yeah it's the same build it's right okay right and it's also called the nostromo no it's called something else. Okay, right. But you go and you find this abandoned base, which an alien has got loose in it. Huh, that's a weird coincidence. It is a weird coincidence.
Starting point is 01:01:33 But I mean, it is how many years later? 15. Well, you know, that could happen twice in 15 years. Yeah, sure. And like enough time has passed. Nobody knows what happened to the Nostromo. Ripley's still floating around in space but the black box
Starting point is 01:01:46 the Nostromo's probably still exploding probably the black box though has been recovered yep and so you're you want to know
Starting point is 01:01:54 what happened to your mother why don't they make the whole why don't they make the whole Nostromo out of the bloody black box that's why they had to explode it four times oh yeah and look
Starting point is 01:02:02 like you can't I forgot I was still wearing this horn you've still got it believe it you better believe I've still got it like you were here when I was playing like you can't I forgot I was still wearing this horn you've still got it believe it you better believe I've still got it like you were here when I was playing
Starting point is 01:02:09 like you caught like 5 minutes of it it's a stealth wouldn't give me a go no I didn't ask for it no it's fine it's a stealth action game
Starting point is 01:02:16 and the aesthetic is amazing it looks so good it nails that 1979 like you gotta go to a computer terminal and put in a disc and play a data tape which
Starting point is 01:02:24 I do hate yeah the ship's log isn't like a clear you know flat ipad thing and it projects a hologram no it's like a it's like a four foot deep like red with a with a phone on it yeah with a phone on it it's like a big like a like a giant first aid kit it's got a phone in it yeah it's ridiculous and a small like curved television screen yeah it's like two inches across so there's a lot of that but i've it looks frustrating you were frustrated while playing it well because the bit that you saw i hadn't seen the alien properly yet i knew what like it can it can attack you at any moment but i hadn't seen it properly
Starting point is 01:03:03 yet so i'm like well it's not going to attack me because I haven't had that big cinematic reveal. Yeah. So I'm safe. Right. Until I see it properly. That's how games work. That's how games work. So, and there were these three, four people in a room and they all had guns and I had a hammer.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Who were they? They were just people on the ship because they're all- Why are you on the ship? To look for the black box. How'd you get on the ship? Through the Nostromo clone. What? Nost-clomo.
Starting point is 01:03:25 You fly there. Oh, cool. Yeah. That's cool. It's really cool. They look for the black box. How'd you get on the ship? Through the Nostromo clone. What? Nostromo. You fly there. Oh, cool. Yeah. That's cool. It's really cool. Fly through space. It's really cool. It's real cool.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Yeah, and- Hang on, how did you dock to the Nostromo clone? I did a spacewalk across. Oh, that's fun. In a cut scene. Sounds pretty- Oh, I was going to say that sounds pretty fun, but all right. No, it wasn't that fun.
Starting point is 01:03:41 And so I clubbed one of the guys. Yeah. Took his gun, and then I'm like, sweet, now I can shoot the other three. But the game decided that because I hadn't found the gun yet, I couldn't use the gun. You couldn't use his gun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Because you hadn't found the gun. Like, there's a big, like, you wandered around for like five minutes. After. Because I left the room, I'm like, oh, I'm going to die because I only have a hammer. Yeah. And then you found a gun yeah
Starting point is 01:04:05 and it's like now you can use the gun even though you killed the guy who had a gun and I picked up the gun you picked up the gun and it had bullets because it didn't had to determine that you
Starting point is 01:04:13 were not ready to use the gun yet yeah so after that you saw that the alien came into the room in a cut scene yeah so I couldn't move it left
Starting point is 01:04:22 yeah and then I went well I really want to use the gun even though the alien's impervious to the, I really want to use the gun. Even though the alien's impervious to the gun, I'm going to fire the gun. And then the alien will come back. Right. And then I'll just shoot it to see what happens.
Starting point is 01:04:35 I fired the gun and nothing happened. Used up one of your precious bullets. Got a little trophy. Yeah, I did. And now I'm just stuck somewhere in between terminals or starting a generator or an elevator or something. Yeah. And those guys you were going to shoot know where to be found. No idea.
Starting point is 01:04:54 And also I've switched back to the hammer somehow. And now you can't get the gun. And now I can't get the gun again. It seems awful. And look, I'm pressing the right button, aren't I, to switch the weapon? Well, as far as I know. Because you saw me. I mean, you didn't give me a go on it, so. Look, I guess I'll give it another go for a
Starting point is 01:05:07 bit all right there's really one mission I wanted to because there's bonus DLC in it and one of them is you play as Ripley in the first alien movie escaping
Starting point is 01:05:15 yeah okay I'll play that great sure that's worth the 20 bucks I paid for you got a flamethrower yeah presumably I hope so
Starting point is 01:05:21 unless they decide you don't get a flamethrower in which case you can't look we thought as the programmers of the game the final scene in alien would work better if you didn't have a flamethrower, presumably. Yeah, I hope so. Unless they decide you don't get a flamethrower, in which case you can't. Look, we thought as the programmers of the game, the final scene in Alien would work better if you didn't have a flamethrower. Yeah. You don't get one.
Starting point is 01:05:30 That's right. So I think the execution is muddled. Yeah. I'm sure once you kind of get the hang of it, I'm not really a... It's not really my thing. Right, yeah. Like, it seems like this slow, patient...
Starting point is 01:05:44 I remember just... Like, think back to Doom, and Doom was great at the time. But it's a lot of like finding a key. Yeah. Finding the red key to open the red door. But at least with Doom, you had a shotgun. Yeah, you had a shotgun. You had all kinds of guns.
Starting point is 01:05:56 And there was never more than about 30 seconds where you weren't shooting someone. Yeah, that's right. Exactly. But you know what? Not 30 seconds. If it was more than 30 seconds that was tense yeah there's a 10 30 seconds because you know you're gonna get something yeah exactly flying skull or whatever but i shouldn't rubbish it because no you can there's
Starting point is 01:06:14 a lot of what are they done for us lately that's a good point there's a lot of it looks really good uh and i think i think hopefully this has kind of been the kick in the ass of the alien franchise that they can start making better properties with it. Because it's such a rich world, Mason. Totally. It's the richest world. Would you be interested in playing it? Would you give me a go on?
Starting point is 01:06:32 No. Then no. I've got no interest. Should we talk about Aliens? Let's talk about Aliens. Where are we at? Oh, we've got heaps of time. I mean, we can go for as long as we need to.
Starting point is 01:06:42 It's a podcast. We do whatever we want. That's right. Yeah. It's good, isn't it? It's a good one. I mean, there's a standard length of a podcast. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:50 About an hour and a bit. If anything, we go over most weeks. That's true. Some people do a 20-minute podcast. What are they bloody thinking? I guess you could go for a walk and listen to a podcast. Yeah, you could go for a walk. 20-minute commute.
Starting point is 01:07:01 I don't know. That's fine. Yeah. Go to the gym. 20-minute gym sesh. Go to the gym. Yeah. Have a good gym. Gym it it up what did you think of aliens it's my favorite i think out of all of them yeah better than four it's interesting yeah alien it's not that interesting alien four had the uh the human hybrid one yeah it sure did there was a fact that we talked about
Starting point is 01:07:20 before this podcast you want to talk about that that now? The initial fact is that when they were designing, so in Alien Resurrection, there is a sort of alien-human hybrid. It looks real dumb. It's a real kind of a, it's a bloody dog's breakfast, essentially, this thing. And when they were designing it, they're like, what would be,
Starting point is 01:07:38 there wouldn't be anything more terrifying than giving it the sexual organs of both a man and a woman at the same time. And there's some concept art and there's some like... Yeah. And it looks real odd. It's so odd. And then I believe they made it on the actual costume,
Starting point is 01:07:54 but then they deleted it digitally during the filming. But that would... I mean, in post-production. Right. But you would think that'd be some weird filming days. Oh, so weird. Or the actor's going, okay, so what is... Do I have to touch it?
Starting point is 01:08:04 Yeah. Yeah. But the director, who's French, he was like what is... Do I have to touch it? Yeah. Yeah. But the director, who's French, he was like, even for a Frenchman, this is too much. I've made a mistake here,
Starting point is 01:08:10 clearly. Joss Whedon actually wrote the original screenplay for that. A lot of it didn't make it in. Yeah. But yeah, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Anyway, let's talk about the good one. Yeah. Aliens. Yeah. One of the best action movies of all time. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Top five for you? Nah, not top five. Top five for Macy. No, I've. One of the best action movies of all time. Oh, absolutely. Top five for you? Nah, not top five. Top five for Mace. I've got bloody heaps of action movies that I like. Top five. Yeah. I think it's up there for me with like Terminator 2, with like, what's another good action movie?
Starting point is 01:08:37 Other ones. Terminator 3. I don't hate Terminator 3. It's okay. Yeah, it's cast. Who's back? What's the story? What who's back what's the story what is it
Starting point is 01:08:45 what's the story of this one Mason the story is stop making the face I'm making it okay the story is that
Starting point is 01:08:54 that the company Weyland-Yutani yeah they recover Ellen Ripley out of hypersleep yeah
Starting point is 01:09:01 she assumed she was going to be in hypersleep for like six weeks six weeks but it turns out she's been in hypersleep for like... Six weeks. Six weeks. Yeah. But it turns out she's been in hypersleep for 57 years. Too much.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Did she go off course? What happened there? I think she just missed everything. Yeah. I think that's what she said. She was lucky to be picked up. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:16 But the end of Alien, it was like implied that... She was on course. Yeah. She'll be fine. I don't know. Anyway, sorry. Go on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:22 And so she's like, I'm back. What did I miss? And they're like, I don't know much. Yeah on yeah and so she's like I'm back what did I miss and they're like oh not much yeah get out I mean your
Starting point is 01:09:29 you know your daughter yeah on a little adventure on the Nosclono nothing nothing else really
Starting point is 01:09:38 yeah and then Paul Reiser shows up yes and he's like hey do you have any and she's like
Starting point is 01:09:43 look there was this alien creature yeah look it's it's real real dangerous i had to explain the ship several times several times and they're like you're crazy ripley yeah but then paul rises like maybe we should go check that planet out yeah should go back there because there's people already colonized yeah so why not let's check it out it should be fun yeah yeah Have a good old time there. Let's go on vacation. Yeah. To LV-426. Well, he sends, again, spoiler alert, some of the colonists who are on that planet to go check it out. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:11 They just get a message. And it's actually the person who runs that colony is the same guy who's the captain of Red Dwarf. Because this is filmed in London. Oh, yeah. That's right. It is too, yeah. And they made the casting call for...
Starting point is 01:10:22 The first alien does feel very Red Dwarf. Yes. Especially in those long shots of the Nostromo floating through space. It's very Red Dwarf. Yeah, yeah. Obviously, that came first. But, yeah, because they asked for American actors living in London. So that's why most of them got cast, the Marines and all that.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Anyway, so what is it? They lose contact with a colony. They don't know why. It's probably aliens. It's almost certainly aliens, yeah. And so they send a team to clean it up or to see what's going on, a team of Marines. And with them, they get Ripley to go as a consultant
Starting point is 01:11:00 who's having horrendous nightmares. Can you point out the aliens for us, Ripley? I can, absolutely, I can. Great. And she point out the aliens for us, Ripley? I can. Absolutely, I can. Great. And she's promised, you're not going to be in danger. We're just going there to destroy them. Let's have a bloody good fun time about it.
Starting point is 01:11:14 What do you think of the 80s suits? Future suits. Little popped up. That's all they've done. They've decided, look, what are we going to do in the deep dark future of like 2179, something like that. What we're going to do is we're going to just wear 80s clothes. 2179, sorry. We're going to pop that collar.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Yes, absolutely. What do you think? I hate it. I hate it. Do you like the telephone screens? You have a phone call with somebody and you put in a disc and you're like, I love all that. It's me, Ripley. You can tell because you can see me on this tiny screen. Remember when everybody thought the video phone was going to take off?
Starting point is 01:11:51 Well, it's kind of did eventually. Well, I mean, it did. It's FaceTime. Yeah, but nobody's locking themselves down exclusively to a video phone, are they? No. I'll just have a household video phone, please. And the video's always on.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Yeah. So even if I'm looking terrible right now. It's all grady yeah it doesn't matter it's got that sweet filter i don't know about you but i'm on the phone i'm just bloody a lot of time i just put my headphones in and just bloody walk around do a cartwheel mate yeah it's fine because i can yeah i can afford that uh yeah so they go to clean up do some stuff uh there's a whole lot of aliens there. Too many. One survivor, a little girl named Newt, Rebecca. That's right. And Ripley, who lost her daughter, turns out, at 66, which isn't very old, especially for the future years.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Yeah. I guess she had those alien scares, though, didn't she? Oh, that's, yeah. Helen Ripley? Mellon Ripley. Mellon Ripley. Sure, yeah. Actually, the picture you see of the,
Starting point is 01:12:45 uh, the woman who's a daughter is actually her mother in real life. Oh, mother in real life. Yeah. That's fun. Yeah. And apparently also they weren't sure Sigourney Weaver wasn't sure whether
Starting point is 01:12:56 he was going to, whether she was going to come back. And also because James Cameron Terminator hadn't come out at this point. Yep. It was close to coming out. So people will, when they were filming it. So nobody really had, was sure whether he this point yep it was close to coming out so people when they were filming it so nobody really had was sure whether he was whether it was going to work apparently fought a lot with the crew like the lighting guys which I think also happened a lot
Starting point is 01:13:13 in the first Star Wars as well a lot of fighting with the London lighting guys and the unions that's right so it took a bit of convincing to kind of to get her back to be like well that was a classic movie you know why would, sequels are never good. Yeah. Yeah. Well, she, she keeps going back and forth on sequels. She's super keen now. That's why the, they're all such varying quality as I understand it.
Starting point is 01:13:35 And like varying time apart. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Cause she's like, I'm out. And then they're like, well, what about this script? And she's like, I'm back in. And they're like, we changed the script. She's like, I'm out again.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Yeah. And it just goes back and forth. And there's also a lot of like... And then they're like, she's like, I'm out again. And they're like, okay, we'll rewrite the script so Ripley's not in it. And she's like, I'm thinking about it again. And they're like, okay, we're going to rewrite some of it.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Because we're kind of locked down. We paid a lot of people a lot of money for these scripts, but all right, we'll write you back in. There's that very famous Alien 3 version that didn't happen, which mostly focuses on Hicks and Lance Hendrickson. Bishop, yeah. Yes, the actor. The actor Lance Hendrickson.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Yes. Okay, good. Yeah. It's a bloody fantastic action movie. Do you think the special effects hold up in this one? Yes. I don't think they all do. Give me an example of one that doesn't.
Starting point is 01:14:20 There's a few kind of shots where the ship is coming down over the clouds and it's clearly just being-ed in yeah green screened in because it's got that black outline doesn't quite fit you'd think again in a special edition or a director's cut they they tweak but he fixed that james cameron would or is he all about he's not a go back and fix it right he's a maintain the artistic integrity of the original thing that's right okay so he'll never change avatar don't even ask him don't ask him to cut 30 minutes out of that movie yeah okay a lot of look the aliens are great they're made like six suits and it's like there's a thousand correct which is super cool right that being said there's
Starting point is 01:15:03 a few moments where it it just looks like a guy in a rubber suit flopping on top of an actor. Yeah, that's true. But that being said, they do some amazing stuff with it. One shot in particular that stands out for me is where Newt's in the water, waist deep, and it rises out behind her. Yeah, that's a great shot. That is spectacular.
Starting point is 01:15:23 It looks incredible. Real slithery and menacing. All the things that you love. Yeah. Yeah. Do you like the Marines in this? They've all got their own personalities, don't they? All their own archetypes.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Look, special shout-outs, of course, to Jeanette Goldstein. Yes. Who is playing Corporal Vasquez. Yeah. The only Latina in space. That's right. But apparently played by a nice lady from the Midwest. Well, there's two episodes of How Did This Get Made.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Yeah, the podcast. Yeah, which is great. He gets Rico Ross. He does, yeah. And he gets Vasquez. Rico Ross who plays Frost. Yes. Based more on Rico Frost.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Yeah. Yeah. And actually, you should listen to those. They're really great insight into the Aliens movie. Apparently, she's still, like a lot of people think that she's what where is she from i guess she's latino yeah in some way but like people still think that she's you know yeah like a latino but of course she plays um she plays john connor's foster mother in terminator 2 she's also in titanic she plays an irish lady in terminator 2
Starting point is 01:16:20 yeah yeah so not terminator 2 in titanic yeah she's kind of James Cameron's good luck charm good luck charm I guess she's not an avatar no that's why it's so terrible yeah
Starting point is 01:16:29 I guess yeah so and she could do all those bloody chin-ups as well like they were really there you go yeah
Starting point is 01:16:35 do you enjoy Hudson Bill Paxton that's Hudson isn't it yes yeah he's all like freaking out and whatever
Starting point is 01:16:41 it's a bit of that because he starts off all cocky and he's all like yeah don't worry about nothing I got this I was gonna say fun fact about rico ross's character yeah we've mentioned this before and i think this is on how did this get made as well his armor has like etched into it the word heath yes and people have often asked him why does it
Starting point is 01:16:58 say heath yeah like again is this the some is this a very gender fluid future yeah is his husband named heath or what have you sure but like, what happened is they were given all this armour and it's like, you know, metal armour. Yeah. And James Cameron said, okay, pretend you're Space Marines for reals. Yeah. Customise it however you want. Yep.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Like, is that, you know, it's kind of Vietnam. Yeah. Kind of, kind of. Well, it's a Vietnam. Let's take it as a parallel. Yeah, exactly. It's a bloody metaphor or whatever. Okay, well, imagine you're the Space Marine and you can, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:25 what are you going to do? You're going to put some stuff on it to remind you of home or, you know, kind of whatever. And he's like, okay, well, my partner, like the actor's like, well, my partner's name's Heather. Yeah. So I'll just put that in. Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:35 And as he does one of those classic ones where, you know, you're making a birthday card and you start to put the name in and then you're like, oh, I've run out of room here. I got to make the next letters real small. But I mean, I guess it's also, if you're actually in with a knife, very hard to get the sizing right. And so he gets as far as,
Starting point is 01:17:52 like he gets a few letters in, he's like, I've run out of room here. So he just had to put Heath in. Yeah. And he was just like, whatever. Yeah, that's fine. That's pretty cool. Progressive future.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Do you know the Axis chemical plant? It's the same set. Oh. The Batman. There you go. Yeah, which is super cool. That's what what you know what that this movie is good at it's good at hiding scales and miniatures to make the movie feel bigger than it than it is like i think there's like you know they had that that super cool car that they kind of fang around in yep and there's
Starting point is 01:18:21 scenes where you see them standing next to it but then there's other ones apc that's right there's other scenes where you sit like barreling down a corridor and whatever and squashing an alien and down this huge expanse yeah when like they've just got they made like a mini one and and doing it like that yes there's there's stuff like that apparently one of the complaints of the studio was i can't believe you spent all this money on just building sets where are the special effects and they were like these are the special effects like these are miniatures and shit
Starting point is 01:18:48 and they were like well done you've done it yeah and that's the ultimate compliment in a way isn't it Ripley really steps out on her own in this one as well
Starting point is 01:18:57 that's true yeah she starts off it's kind of like a shrinking violet in all of these movies and then she becomes a beautiful swan with a flamethrower
Starting point is 01:19:04 yes that end sequence is pretty fucking spectacular isn't it i agree yeah what is it gets the flamethrower hicks is great and it's as well it's his bloody name michael bean who replaced james franco remna remna james remna yeah who you'll remember as... Samantha's boyfriend. In Sex and the City. He was busted for possession. And so he actually filmed a lot of this. The scene where they go into the alien hive, they couldn't reshoot that.
Starting point is 01:19:37 So all the stuff where you see the wide shots and you see the back of him, that's not Michael Biehn. Okay. He was flown in like two weeks after that started. Yeah. Which is pretty cool. I really like Michael Biehn. I kind He was flown in like two weeks after that started. Huh. Yeah, which is pretty cool. I really like Michael Biehn. I kind of wish he didn't kind of drop off.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Just everything? Yeah, well, I think he had some like alcohol problems or whatever, but he was kind of a big action star in the 80s. Like he did Terminator, this. He did, he's in The Rock. He's really good in The Rock. He's a Marine in that. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Okay, yeah, yeah. But then he just kind of, you know he turns up now now and then yeah i'm hoping he comes back for the the new alien 3 that they might make yeah i guess we'll talk about it at some point but yeah ripley bloody goes into the hive to get the little girl what an amazing sequence so good apparently it's exactly 15 minutes as well you know it's like there's 15 minutes so the bloody thing explodes does that annoy you in a movie when it's when it's not 15 minutes yeah i You know, it's like there's 15 minutes so the bloody thing explodes. Does that annoy you in a movie? When it's not 15 minutes? Yeah. I never count.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Unless it's like noticeably. Yeah. Like, does it annoy you? Yeah. So you just set your watch. You're like, right. Yeah, exactly. 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:20:34 If I'm in the cinema, I'm like, right, everyone. Here we go. We're aiming for accuracy here. Synchronized watches, everyone. Please do. Beep. Do you enjoy the Alien Queen? I should also say that when we went
Starting point is 01:20:48 to the Captain America Civil War premiere, I did continue my tradition of booing the person that presents the movie at the start. Didn't get kicked out, did you? Didn't get kicked out. One day it's going to happen. You would have been devastated if you got kicked out of this one. Yeah, I would have. But you still do it. You're a wild man.
Starting point is 01:21:04 You're a loose unit. Thanks for everyone to coming. To this free screening. Free screening. Welcome. You've actually, some of you have won prizes. Boo!
Starting point is 01:21:13 I said. And then it turned out I had one and I was like, boo. He's like, okay, and remember to don't spoil anything and then boo. And then hashtag is civil war. What team are you on?
Starting point is 01:21:24 Are you on team you on team cap or team Iron Man okay anyway boo here it is enjoy the and I'm like boo it's good
Starting point is 01:21:31 I have fun it's good fun yeah it's good stuff um I was gonna say you know what you know what
Starting point is 01:21:37 the scene I don't thinks really good in this yes what's that and it's actually a Sigourney Weaver moment you know where
Starting point is 01:21:43 she's in the boardroom and she's like, you guys don't understand. There's aliens and you've lied to me and you're all going to die. You're all about the Arcturian punta, which might be aliens or maybe not. Yeah, it's a bit kind of school play. But other than that.
Starting point is 01:21:57 But that was acting. That was acting. Pride of a Certain Era, all award-winning acting in movies was just somebody being quiet for a while and then yelling. That's right. That's all it was. But she really makes up for it. I still think that last sequence is so tense.
Starting point is 01:22:12 She goes into the bloody hive. It's laying weird eggs. Maybe this was the transition moment from people acting badly to people acting well. Goodly. Yeah. It's very possible. Yeah. And it bloody chases her down and she
Starting point is 01:22:27 gets in a bloody mech suit yeah apparently that mech suit is a combination of like wiry to hold it up yeah and also a dude in it behind her like stomping about uh-huh which is that's fun like that's really awesome yeah i think they actually promised that the mech suit in the alien colonial marines and they didn't do it like it was in the trailer so that they just all right i didn't have it so but when i was a kid i'm like that is probably the coolest thing i've ever seen in my life yeah what a and bishop i think it was in the arcade game as well oh was it yeah i think so did that was it like a pickup it had dropped down i think it was yeah yeah get into it don't quote me on that but i'm quoting you on that i'll edit it out don't worry okay good thank you look like a pickup? It had dropped down. I think it was, yeah. Don't quote me on that.
Starting point is 01:23:05 I'm quoting you on that. I'll edit it out. Don't worry. Okay, good. Thank you. In case you look like a real bloody fool. Do you like the synthezoid in this one? Syntho-man.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Robert. Yeah, I like the Robert. Yeah, Lance Henriksen. He's great at this. Yeah, he's really good. The moment where he does the knife trick. Yes. I think that's a...
Starting point is 01:23:20 Anybody cuts himself. He gets a little... He bleeds some milk. Yeah. Do you remember seeing this and thinking that he was going to, like, turn bad? No. Yeah, because I think I saw this one first. Right, so you had no precedent for it, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Yeah, it was just kind of like, he seems all right. He's got weird hair. He's got that long bit on the side or whatever. And it would be weird if Ripley was right about everything. Yes. Like, don't trust the synthetic. And there's going to be aliens. And then they're all just running away from like a swarm of aliens and a killer robot.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Just like, I bloody told you. I told you. What did I say? So in this universe, then, are those things unbalanced or balanced? Because David is a combination of Bishop and Ash. Yeah. Because he's kind of a good bloke, but he also put that weird alien in that guy's eye.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Look, I think everything prior to Aliens, they're just loose cannons. They built them just to see what would happen, and there were a lot of deaths on their watch. Some of them were accidents, and some were just the robots murdering people. And they went, hey, let's put some. Some bloody chips in these blokes.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Let's put some better chips in there. And also, it turns out that Bishop looks exactly like the founder of the company. So maybe. Well, which. Maybe they promise. Which version? Because he shows up in three. Yep.
Starting point is 01:24:41 But he also shows up in Alien Predator. Yes, he does. So which party are you talking about? Which one? I'm also shows up in Alien Predator. Yes, he does. So which part are you talking about? Which one? I'm thinking mostly of Alien V Predator. Right. But look, I think maybe what happens is if you purchase a synthetic that looks like, say, Ian Holm, there's a clause that he might murder you. But if you purchase the one that looks like the CEO, you pay more money for it.
Starting point is 01:25:04 He's like the Rolls Royce of synthetics yeah he definitely won't kill you i mean he might accidentally cut off one of your fingers doing the knife trick but yeah absolutely he'll bloody he'll go out of his way to get himself torn in half yes to set to save you that is a spectacular moment actually again it's kind of like parallels the first one where you think everybody's safe and then it just bloody gets speared and bloody shredded in half. Do you think that was the... Was that the first instance of that trope?
Starting point is 01:25:34 Surely not. Of someone getting torn in half. No, but I mean of like... What do you think the origin point was of that trope where it's like, oh, we all got out alive and then somebody's like... I'm sure that was like a horror movie thing. Yeah, I mean, it definitely was.
Starting point is 01:25:47 But I mean, like, someone will know. Someone out there. Let us know if you can think of the earliest one. Is there like some sort of Charlie Chaplin film where you think Charlie Chaplin's got away and then all of a sudden he spears through the chest? Because they would have had to do that for real. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:26:01 At Wikipedia Brown. Yeah, let me know. Let Mason know who's the first instance. Yeah, I'd recommend this one. It's a good one. It's right. At Wikipedia Brown. Yeah, let me know. Let Mason know who's the first instance. Yeah. I'd recommend this one. It's a good one. It's great. I'm waiting for kind of another one of these.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Another one of Aliens specifically. Yeah, no, I don't mean like the same movie. I just mean just a good one. Right. I don't, like Alien 3 is a train wreck. Yeah. But there's some good moments and I know why it's a train wreck because of studio interference
Starting point is 01:26:26 and the director wasn't on board and then was on board and then like David Fincher did it but he's not credited. Alien 4 is just... Is it an Alan Smith-y film? I don't think they even put it in. Oh, okay, right.
Starting point is 01:26:37 That's a bad sign you would think. It is, yeah. And 4 is... I don't hate 4. Yeah. It's fine. It's got a... It doesn't... Yeah, it just... It's kind of slicker. Yeah. It't hate 4. Yeah. It's fine. It's got a... It doesn't...
Starting point is 01:26:45 Yeah, it just... It's kind of slicker. Yeah. It just moves along. Yeah. It's fine. There's another syntho-robo woman in it. Yeah, there is.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Whatever. And Alien vs. Predator, those ones are just... They're both bad, but for different reasons. Yeah. But you like Requiem. I like Alien vs. Predator Requiem. I think it's quite a fun... Okay. Well, I've only seen it once. Yeah. I know they nuke the town. I like Alien v. Predator Requiem. I think it's quite a fun... Okay, well, I've only seen it once.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Yeah. I know they nuked the town. The end spoiler alert. They nuked the town. They nuked the town, Italian style. Yeah. Yeah. Anything else?
Starting point is 01:27:14 No, that's about it. Let's talk about these movies again at a different time. Okay, cool. Before Prometheus. Okay. Yeah. I'm just looking up films that don't have credited directors. I mean, Prometheus 2, which is called Alien... Covenant, right? Yeah. I'm just looking up films that don't have credited directors. I mean, Prometheus 2, which is called Alien.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Covenant, right? Yeah. Great, right? What do you got there with your bloody directors that didn't direct it? Twilight's on the movie. That makes sense. Oh, because there's like four directors in that, isn't there? And also some...
Starting point is 01:27:39 Yeah, but it was only given to the first bit. Because that's the first bit because there's like four different segments in Twilight Zone, the movie, and the first one, there was that helicopter accident and people were killed. Oh, right. Yeah, that's right. There's a film called The Shrimp on the Barbie. That's a good one.
Starting point is 01:27:59 It's an Alan Smithy film. I think it was a Paul Hogan movie. Yeah. Look, nothing great. No, of course not. I know, right? Also in Australia, we don't say shrimp. We say bloody...
Starting point is 01:28:09 Prawn. Prawn. Versions that are edited to... Apparently, when they edit versions down for television or in-flight viewing, the director credit is changed to Alan Smithy sometimes. Right. The TV edit of Heat, the Michael Mann film, that's an Alan Smithy sometimes. Right. The TV edit of Heat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:25 The Michael Mann film. That's an Alan Smithy film. Oh, okay. There you go. Meet Joe Black. The Insider. That's also a Michael Mann film. That's weird.
Starting point is 01:28:35 So I guess Michael Mann's like, if you change anything, it becomes an Alan Smithy film. Yeah. Just want to point out that The Shrimp on a Barbie is a 1990 romantic comedy. An Australian hair dress picks up a wacky American. Cheech Marin. All right. Good stuff.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Yeah. Bruce Spence is in it also. Oh. Mad Max's Bruce Spence. Mad Max's Bruce Spence. Episode three, Revenge of the Sith's Bruce Spence. Bruce Spence. That'll do it.
Starting point is 01:29:02 That'll do it, I reckon. Let's do the next segment of the show. Do you want to do it? Yeah. What's it called? It's called What We Readin' and What We Gonna Read. That's what it's called. Pretty great, huh?
Starting point is 01:29:11 I'm doing the theme. What are we reading today? That theme song's pretty good also. I loved it. Every time. What are you reading? Tell me. What I'm reading, this week I'm watching a show called Fresh Meat.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Okay. It's a British sitcom. Boo. No, I'm just joking. You love British sitcoms. I do, actually. You love keeping up appearances. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:29:35 No, I don't. You love... Wow, that was visceral. Because you have to watch it with your mum as a child. Pretty much. Well, actually, the other day, my brother, the one you like, goes, hey, check this out, and he sent me a thing, like a link. What a weird prank.
Starting point is 01:29:50 And it was the thing to Keeping Up appearances. But I didn't tell him that he got me. I'm like, I can't check it right now. But no, he did get me, you bastard, because I know you listen to this. Yeah, wow, okay. Anyway, go on. You watched Keeping Up appearances. No, i didn't
Starting point is 01:30:05 so uh you've watched did you watch the in-betweeners yeah well this is a show uh set in like a british university it's like in like a british universe yeah can you imagine it's set in the british universe um uh yeah and it's it's set in a british university been like a sharehouse right there's a whole bunch of weirdos who live together. But one of the characters is the most normal one in the Inbetweeners. It's not the same character, but it's the same actor. One of the characters is the most normal one.
Starting point is 01:30:32 One of the, one of the, uh, share house people. Yeah. Do you remember in the Inbetweeners, there were four Inbetweeners? You know, the least weird one? Simon? Yeah, he's in it. With the spiky up hair.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he's in it. It's a fun show. It's like 33. Yeah, I know, right? Yeah up hair. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's a fun show. That dude's like 33. Yeah, I know, right? Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Okay, so check it out. Does it have that in-betweeners kind of humour or is it different? It's a little bit smarter. Okay, sure. You know what? The in-betweeners is smarter than you'd think, like than you'd initially think. Yeah, I guess that's true. And occasional appearances from Robert Webb of Michelin Web.
Starting point is 01:31:05 He's in this as well. I like him a lot. Is he a dean? Is he the dean? He's a very uncool geology professor who thinks he's cool. Yeah, but aren't they all uncool? In-your-face geology professors? No.
Starting point is 01:31:16 I'm sure they're quite lovely, all of them, and very cool. I bet they have all sorts of a kubris. Any geology teachers listening, at Mr. Sunday Movies, just get at James, tell him you're wrong. I don't think geology is uncool. I actually think it's kind of cool. Sunday Movies, just get at James. Tell him you're wrong. I don't think geology is uncool. I actually think it's kind of cool. Crystals, rocks.
Starting point is 01:31:31 What powers do they hold? We'll never know. Keep at it, guys. Tell me. Chakras. That's right. Healing powers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Who's to say? One of the best alien comics. There's a lot of balls ones. But one of the best ones, which I read this week, is called Alien Salvation. Oh, you're on theme this week. Mate, I'm always on theme. Okay. Except when I'm not.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Yeah. Which is most of the time. That's where a ship crash lands on an alien planet where there's aliens, some of them. And it's this super religious dude who's like, we've been sent here and these are the devil and whatever. And it's really good. Okay. You've definitely sold it to me. You didn't have to say that it was really good because you just sold it to me.
Starting point is 01:32:11 But it's on Comixology. They're doing a sale at the moment on all alien stuff. So bloody check it out if you want. Yeah, cool. It's just like a one shot. It's got all the classic alien tropes. It's real bleak and depressing and got a lot of awesome imagery. And I've tried to read a few others, like there's an alien omnibus.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Yes. Which is set, it was the original kind of Alien 3. Oh, okay. Not like the one that they didn't make, but it was just the comic they made after Aliens. Right, right, right. And it's just kind of like. Like imagine if there was a sequel to this. Yeah, and it's just kind of like like imagine if there was a sequel to this yeah it's just kind of like what is this is it very is it very rambo in space is it very alien yeah i don't know would it have been better than alien 3 though i don't know like i'm not that
Starting point is 01:32:55 far into it i'm like who's who right what's what you know what i mean like sure there's a lot there's a lot of questions we all ask there's a lot of big panels of explanation. And this is this happening. And then on this ship, this is Gavin. And Gavin's got... Oh, is Gavin in this? I don't know. None of that happens in it.
Starting point is 01:33:14 But it's just... It's not as gripping. It's very wordy and overly complicated. But salvation, straightforward. You don't need to know any of the lore of the universe other than, I guess, some of the movies. Even then, you probably don't need to. But I'd definitely recommend picking it up.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Or a loot crate. Pick up one of those two things. Get a loot crate. Get both if you're a Richmond. Yeah. A Richmond getting a loot crate. Yeah. You got anything else to read
Starting point is 01:33:38 or is it time for another segment of the show? Oh, maybe it's time for another segment of the show. Why don't you decide what that segment could be? Oh, any kind of segment. The classic one was Letters, oh letters We love you, some letters They're only a take my way
Starting point is 01:33:54 I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. I just want to point out Yes. No editing there. Quick off the mark. That was perfectly timed. But you did telegraph.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Look, for new listeners for a reason that's too long to explain i play the letters theme off my phone it's not edited in yeah and it it takes me a long time to remember that i have to do that so it's often there's a delay that was the best one well you did tell yes i did okay so from now on do you want me to not telegraph it and we'll see if you can read me yeah well just you just start talking about a different topic ready to go you could lead into it though no i think about it you could go you could just stop me mid-sentence you know it's time but what if i miss on you said have some sort of wisdom that i miss out on that's how we do it mate i'm sorry there are no rules anyway if you want to set us
Starting point is 01:34:43 a letter uh weekly Planet Pod on... Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter is the best place to get us a question. Keep it pithy. Keep it pithy. 140 characters, we like it. The email is a mess. Some people last volunteer to like clean it up. That way lies madness.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Well, not only that, but like people send like personal information. That's true, yeah. So I can't just like open that up to somebody. I appreciate it, but people mention things in confidence or might give their address or there's some details in there. So what we're saying is we're going to sell this to the highest bidders. If you want to know all our listeners' addresses and personal problems. I could give it to somebody, though, and then murder somebody
Starting point is 01:35:21 and be like, well, I'm not the only one with access to that information. So true. I should edit that out. No, it's all been building to this no you keep that in good stuff actually now i can murder somebody and then you'll be the suspect even though you're trying to play it off as somebody else is the suspect that's right i'm gonna murder so many people this week this is where mark uh use a bloody horn of gondor to murder them week. This is where Mark... Use the bloody
Starting point is 01:35:42 horn of Gondor to murder them. Markos on Twitter. He wants us to rank the four live-action Punishers.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Okay. Nah. No, let's do it. Okay, let's do it. Okay, let's do it. I haven't seen the Dolph Lundgren one. Can't do it.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Have you seen it? Look, he's just an angry guy with a gun. He doesn't even wear the skull. He's at the bottom.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Yeah, he's right at the bottom. He's blonde, probably. No, he's not, is he? I've seen the poster.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Yeah. He's got black hair. Yeah, that's he's not... What about physically? Do you think he's a good size bottom. And he's blonde, probably. No, he's not, is he? I've seen the poster. Yeah. He's got black hair. Yeah, he's not. What about physically? Do you think he's a good size for him? Nah, and he rides a motorcycle, which isn't even really a Punisher thing to do. Punisher's got a weird shit van. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:36:15 It's inexplicably bulletproof, and sometimes the doors are electrified. Sometimes it's just filled with hand grenades, and it blows up. I like all those things. Yeah, good, right? So he's number four. He's number four. Gotcha. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Are we going to agree on this? I don't think we have to. I don't think we have to come to a consensus. We have to come to a consensus. We can have two different opinions. But number three is Thomas Jane. Okay, sure. I know you like Thomas Jane.
Starting point is 01:36:36 I like Thomas Jane. I don't even hate that movie. He's great in the episode of Arrested Development he's in. I don't remember that. In Arrested Development, he is himself and he's pretending to be a homeless person in order to research a film. That's right. Where he's homeless and he just wants his family back. Yes.
Starting point is 01:36:56 And in doing so, Portia de Rossi's character falls in love with him thinking he's a real homeless person and thinking that she's the most amazing person in the world for falling in love with a homeless person. Right, right, right. He's great in that. He nails that. He's good, isn't he? But look, and it's not his fault.
Starting point is 01:37:11 That Punisher dirty laundry film short is very good. Yeah, yeah. But the Punisher in that movie, I don't like the fact that he's not a... Apparently he is a war veteran. Somebody... Somebody pointed that to you? On Twitter, I think, pointed out that he is.
Starting point is 01:37:24 But he's primarily... Like, he's pointed out that he is but he's primarily like he's a former war veteran but he's primarily an FBI agent that takes some of the sting out of the character I think yeah
Starting point is 01:37:31 and it's also the whole movie is just weirdly telegraphed like again there's a kid who's like his kid's like hey dad
Starting point is 01:37:38 here's a present for you it's a shirt with a skull on he's like I don't know why I'd ever need that but anyway I'll put it in the drawer here I'm gonna throw in the ocean yeah and then um your dickhead and also travolta's in it and he's this yeah okay and there's the weird travolta's in it like that's
Starting point is 01:37:54 a negative now isn't that yeah it's like oh yeah he doesn't just straight up machine gun people he's got this weird elaborate plan which is kind of based on sort of justice and it's sort of ironic yeah yeah and it's just but it look it's because a lot a lot of that is based on some of the Punisher Max yeah series which is super violent but the movie feels very PG yes and even though I don't know if it is I don't know it probably gives a dude a face full of boiling water yeah you can't deny that fight in the apartment scene. Where he fights the Russian. Where he fights the giant Popeye.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Yeah, that's pretty fun. You're right, it is. I'm right. But again, the whole thing feels weird, and right at the end, he kills John Travolta and he blows him up in that exploding car park that turns into a giant flaming Punisher skull. It's just odd.
Starting point is 01:38:42 I don't like it. I don't like any of it. It's pretty good. Yeah. See, I think the pointy end of this is who's better out of Ray Stevenson or new guy in Dead End Season 2? I'm going to say something.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Okay. And I think you might agree. Okay. Ray Stevenson. Yes. Because John Barenthal Yes, thank you. didn't use the minigun.
Starting point is 01:39:01 Yeah. For now. For now, yeah. Let's wait till we get the Punisher season. I like Jon Barenthal. He definitely gave a more nuanced performance. Yes, he did. But Ray Stevenson is mad in that movie.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Yes, he is. Like, unrelenting. And I think he's... I feel he is in Punisher... I think some people hate Punisher Warzone. That's fine. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:39:24 He's... I feel in that movie he ties with jk simmons as most dead on to a comic book performance like him or don't like him or don't yeah he's just this he looks exactly like the punisher max version he's just this brick wall yeah and he's just this unrelenting terrifying monster that scares like mobsters and and just hardcore criminals yeah and he doesn't stop and it's just he just has to complete this mission that he he knows he cannot ultimately complete kind of thing and he throws a guy into a glass crusher yes he does yeah that's so good there's just guns and mayhem and everything explodes the guy gets shot and
Starting point is 01:40:05 newman from swain knight newman from seinfeld is in it and he gets shot in the head he does get shot he lets it happen yeah uh yeah he shoots a parkour guy out of the air with a rocket launcher he does yeah it's pretty good yeah look we have to come up with a one and two there but look they're both great in their own way one doesn't really kind of work in the other's universe that's very true so look I'm gonna go Ray Stevenson then for now
Starting point is 01:40:29 yeah for now again not because he's bad John Berenthal's bad it's mostly the minigun thing oh no I'm gonna say Berenthal is number one I'm gonna say
Starting point is 01:40:36 he's got more potential yeah no I can't argue with that but we haven't seen that yet so I'm not gonna give him number one for potential alone Mason alright
Starting point is 01:40:43 I wouldn't do it not on this podcast yeah of great quality and variable sound quality I haven't seen that yet, so I'm not going to give him number one for potential alone, Mason. All right. I wouldn't do it. Not on this podcast. Yeah. Of great quality and variable sound quality. Variable content quality. That's true. Variable pronunciation of words.
Starting point is 01:40:56 It's very light. It certainly is. This is from man slash bag of sand. Oh. Enjoyed Civil War. We're not going to spoil nothing. Which part of him do you think is man and which part is bag of sand? Head's bag of sand. The rest is man. Man. Okay bag of sand head's bag of sand the rest is man okay yeah good you're okay with that yeah okay good i thought it was a punisher ranking moment there just a massive disagreement uh enjoyed civil war like the jokes but did you uh but did we feel as in us that it kind of took you out of
Starting point is 01:41:21 the movie the jokes no me neither just yeah think, and the same thing is with Winter Soldier, there's a good balance of jokes. And the Marvel movies don't always hit that. Sometimes it goes too far one way. Yeah. This one doesn't do that, I feel. Yeah, like at no point, well, we can't really talk about it. No.
Starting point is 01:41:39 But, no, I think it's just right. Yeah, we'll talk about it next week. But don't worry, man slash bag of sand. We'll get back to that. We'll get to it, yeah. Yeah. Last'll talk about it next week. But don't worry, man slash bag of sand. We'll get back to that. We'll get to it. Yeah. Last one. It's from Christopher.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Watched Eddie the Eagle. The idea of, I want to see that. Have you seen it? No, I keep seeing the posters. Yeah, it looks, apparently it's good. Didn't do well, but apparently it's good. Well, we'll save it with our two tickets. We certainly will.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Yeah. The idea of ski jumping is terrifying. Would you ever do a bungee jump slash skydive slash ski jump i know you have a rule on this do you want to say what the rule is my rule by the way sometimes the questions aren't movie or comic book related oh sure yeah sometimes it's about my personal neuroses and that's good look i am unwilling to spend money yep to possibly dramatically shorten my own life yes because i don't want to be up there doing a skydive and I pull the ripcord and it doesn't work and I pull the backup ripcord and that doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:42:32 And I'm like, well, could have lived another 50 years. Yes. But I'm not, I'm dead. I mean, you wouldn't, but like hypothetically, you're living like Ripley's daughters, you know, like best case scenario, you'll hit 66. Yeah, totally. 66. Yeah, totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Uh, I, I'm afraid of a lot of things. Sure. Women, commitment, soap, large dogs,
Starting point is 01:42:54 coriander, small dogs. Yep. Not middle dog, medium dogs. Medium dogs are fine. You know where they're at all the time, you know, but a big dog could leap a fence.
Starting point is 01:43:02 A little dog could come at you at the fence. Through the fence. Yeah. could come out yet through the fence yeah under the fence under the fence uh i the one of the these ones i've done bungee jumping yeah um i did it was it over water or was it over no it was over okay you got somewhere over like a car park okay i would rather do water than over a car park it's in you still not doing any of them it's in new zealand i did it a couple years ago I told you this story and you were like, that's horrifying. At the time, I didn't think it was. It's called the Nevis.
Starting point is 01:43:28 It's called Nevis? I can't remember. You take a cable car out to a suspended room in New Zealand, which is like 130, it's 130 meter bungee jump. And so you, and it's got like a weird glass floor and parts and you, and you leap out and you fall 130 meters. It's like I had, like I woke up to like for a few nights prior in the middle of the night in
Starting point is 01:43:51 like a cold sweat, like having to do this, this thing. But I'm like, I'm here. I have to, I should do it. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Peer pressure. That's right. Not even, not even cause the people I was with were like, I wouldn't, some people didn't do it. My kind of people. That's right.
Starting point is 01:44:05 Anyway, so when I did it, when you get down there, they don't lower you because you're so far up and you're kind of swinging around. So because you're upside down, you pull a cable at your feet and it flips you up the right way. Right. Mine didn't. I pulled it and it didn't. I was stuck upside down.
Starting point is 01:44:21 So they slowly lifted me up 130 meters upside down. Yeah. So your brain was filling with blood. Well, yeah. So, and I didn't realize at the time that, you know, I guess that's kind of a, there was an actual failure in that device that I was on. You actually pointed that out to me.
Starting point is 01:44:38 Also, I burst a blood vessel in my eye. Yeah, see, there you go. So one half of my eye for like a like a week was just like completely bloodshot yeah so what basically happened is there is that the carny folk that packed your bloody bungee cord yeah just just miss misassembled one part of it that's right luckily not the not the the main part the main part but maybe they could have you know i'm not a daredevil i'm not the character daredevil i'm not a daredevil. I'm not the character daredevil. I'm not a daredevil. It's terrifying.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Yeah. Like I did it and I'm like, I would never do that again. Unless it was a bigger one. Then I'd be like, well, I have to do it. You should do it though. No, I'm not going to do it. Okay. I actually know a guy.
Starting point is 01:45:15 Well, I don't know him well, but a friend of mine's brother. Uh-huh. No, a friend of mine's brother-in-law's friend. Oh, jeez. This is a real story. He skydived which is apparently incredibly safe like crazy safe but it was a tandem skydive i mean for jumping out of a plane sure dear death and the guy and the way he landed he ended up um paraplegic yeah so yeah so
Starting point is 01:45:41 i guess do it or don't make your own choices your own choices. Yeah. But definitely don't do it. But it sounds like that guy used him as a mattress. Like Dan Scott. I don't know. Yeah. That bloody sucks. All right. That's the show, isn't it? In a way it is, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:55 Yep. Next week, Civil War. Oh, we're going to talk about Civil War. Go bloody see it if you want. You don't have to, obviously. Anything else? I'd recommend it though. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Where can people find us? You can find us at Weekly Planet Pod, at Twitter and Facebook and Gmail and Bandcamp. We've got our latest movie commentary. Yeah, check it out. Age of Ultron. Yeah, it's very good. I'm at Wikipedia Brown.
Starting point is 01:46:18 I'm at Mr. Sunday Movies. What else?, Mr. Sunday Movies. Yeah, there's a commentary there. Yeah. There's lots, all the commentaries, actually. I'm going to try and put Yeah, there's a commentary there. Yeah. There's lots, all the commentaries actually. I'm going to try and put up
Starting point is 01:46:27 that Never Go Back this week. Yeah, great. The one we did ages ago. Yeah. It's actually for an Avengers game. Yeah. Bloody time is right. I'll try and bloody put that up this week.
Starting point is 01:46:37 What else we got? Mason. That's it. Oh, follow at The Weekly Planet. Yeah. It's not run by us, but it's better than ever. Yeah, by Robert Collings.
Starting point is 01:46:44 Yeah, he's really good thank you let's do them all let's do them all thanks to the Brute and the Basilisk and Rackham for all our amazing themes
Starting point is 01:46:51 thank you to Golden Legend and Fergal Quigley yes for our t-shirt designs yes on Redbubble get them just search their names
Starting point is 01:46:58 yep um believe in yourself yeah oh uh yeah again um search for Robert Collings
Starting point is 01:47:05 on the YouTubes because he ah yeah he's making various animated versions of us yeah it's also on the reddit if you go to the reddit
Starting point is 01:47:12 yeah totally people post it there it's reddit um slash weekly planet podcast yeah there you go not enough plugs
Starting point is 01:47:19 slash weekly planet yeah gotta go there get a bloody get a bloody thing yeah there we go
Starting point is 01:47:25 oh yeah he made the coriander vendetta great last week god damn coriander it's a bloody travesty that okay that's the show
Starting point is 01:47:33 that'll do thank you everybody grab that jam you guys we'll see you next time bye should I check if there's any more news yeah check if there's
Starting point is 01:47:40 more news and if there is I'd blow the horn of Gondor Martin Freeman says his Captain America Civil War role is only going to get bigger. Disagree. I don't think you can disagree. You've done it.
Starting point is 01:47:57 You've disagreed. Yeah, that's what I did. That's what the horn of Gondor is for. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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