The Weekly Planet - 135 Fantastic Four 2 & Best/Worst Threequels

Episode Date: May 16, 2016

This week we’re discussing the best and worst threequels of all time! All the good ones. All the bad ones. Well, some of them.As well as that we get into the Assassin’s Creed trailer, what TV show...s just got axed, Fantastic Four 2 on the way, Wolverine getting an R Rating, the passing og a comic book legend and more! Thanks for listening everyone.3:33 Darwyn Cook RIP4:37 Assassin's Creed Trailer13:48 Agent Carter axed16:51 Fantastic Four 2 planned25:12 Wolverine 3 gets an R Rating26:24 Voltron Legendary Defender trailer31:33 Steppenwolf Justice League villain36:20 X-Men Apocalypse critical reception38:52 Best & Worst Threequel Films1:26:30 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:36:06 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy a Best/Worst Threequel on Amazon: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:26 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's That's Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet
Starting point is 00:01:01 Official podcast of Where we're talking movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me is always my co-host, Nick Mason. You're wearing Ugg boots. You know I am. Have you worn Ugg boots every time you record this? I'm always wearing Ugg boots.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It's getting a bit cold this time of year, and my feet get cold in this regular room. So, you know. So, Ugg boots was the obvious choice. Do you not have slippers? I have a roaring fire in front of me right now. I wish you didn't bring that. It's sucking all the oxygen out of the room. There's no ventilation.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We're in a lot of trouble. We certainly are. But at least I'm not cold in my footsies. That's right. Well, neither am I. We both have our methods, don't we? Yeah, we do. Bad news to start off with, isn't there?
Starting point is 00:01:40 Oh, we lost Darwin Cook, the DC comic book artist. He was the original storyboard uh darwin cook yeah the dc comic book artist he was the original storyboard artist for the dc batman the animal absolutely he was yeah 53 53 that sucks i mean there was no kind of word that he was sick it was just his impalative care and that's yeah i know and that's obviously and then it was and then there was a very quick kind of follow-up announcement that he passed away. That sucks, man. Yeah, I know, right? 53. Yeah. Yeah, amazing artist. If you want to see an amazing work from him. Well, there's a whole bunch.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I've got one for my What We're Reading. Oh, okay. We'll save him for later. Okay, sure. Yeah, but he's just... You know, if you get in really quick, I think they're doing a sale on Comixology. It's like 50% off all his stuff. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Like if you get in the next couple of days. Sweet, awesome. Maybe, yeah. Well, I already bought it, so I should have waited. No, that's fine. No, that's like 50% off all his stuff. Okay, great. Like if you get it in the next couple of days. Sweet, awesome. Maybe, yeah. Well, I already bought it, so I should have waited. That's fine. No, that's good, man. No, definitely. It's definitely somebody to be celebrated, especially when you look at the stuff that
Starting point is 00:02:33 he did in the Batman animated series, which we got into an episode on. Yeah, yeah. It's such a fantastic show. Yeah, like massively influential. That sucks. Boo! Let's talk about something that might suck, depending on what your opinion is.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Oh, yeah, sure. You saw the Assassin's Creed trailer for the Assassin's Creed universe. I started calling it Assassin's Creed, but I don't know why. I think it's the right thing to do. Maybe I'm having a stroke. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. You have a very small stroke every time,
Starting point is 00:02:58 and then everything goes back to normal. Oh, that's probably for the best. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, okay. We watched that. Did you think... The response has been mixed, but the mixed response... I'd say mixed to positive has been like the Kanye.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Oh, sure, yeah. People are like, hey, that. Why is that? Most of the tweets that... Because the parts that are set with Fassbender as Desmond... I don't think he's Desmond. I think he's a different guy. Oh, just another guy.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Well, this guy, it's the future. It's not now. Is it? I don't... Isn't... No, because he's this guy, it's the future. It's not now. Is it? I don't... Isn't... No, because he's wearing future clothes. Unless they're future prison outfits. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I couldn't tell you this. He's wearing like a little jacket, but it doesn't have a collar on it. It's like a V-necked jacket of some sort. Yeah, okay. I see what you're saying. It looks like space clothes. Space clothes. Now, in the start of the trailer, he's put down.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Sure, he's put down. And I don't know, I'm wondering- He's sent out to pasture. That's right. He's sent to live on a farm, a future farm. That's right. With a weird robot arm that swings him around a room, which we'll get to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:55 But do you think he actually murdered somebody or do you think they're like, look, we'll just frame this guy for murder, pretend to kill him and then put him in this program? I'm going to guess, claim he murdered his wife, but he didn't. Right. Because that's the stock standard one, right? That's the stock standard, yeah, you're right. Because then he's got, that means he's got to get out there and clear his name.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yes. And he's got to re-convene you. You know what? Because we see in the trailer he's doing some assassins sort of training stuff. He certainly is. He's shooting a bow and arrow, which would suggest to me that he's got to get through this in order to get some skills,
Starting point is 00:04:30 then get back into the world. Get in the Hunger Games. Exactly. And then fight some sort of weird CGI dogs and then get vengeance on his wife. Get vengeance on his dead wife. Yeah. Finally.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Finally. For framing him. She's had it too good for too long. Yeah, okay. Fair enough. Yeah. What did you think, though? I mean, are you a fan of the games, knowing that you're not?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Not really. I mean, I've played some bits and pieces of various games. Yeah. Do you think people are going to... Because I know that the future stuff people hated. Yeah. They were like, oh, this is an interesting conceit. And then they're like...
Starting point is 00:05:04 Why am I here so much? Why do I keep having to do this why can't i just and i guess the intention was always do some future stuff do some past stuff yeah future stuff past stuff and eventually the future version of you would develop enough skills that you'd be doing some future assassining you'd go out in the future but then that was so unpopular they just killed the original guy and then it's just and now it's other guys and now every right and every single time now it's just okay you're in the animus now you're in the past and that's the right right yeah yeah some of them there's one on the playstation vita which is your favorite system oh yeah where because i'm the only one who bought one that's right not even i bought one you bought one i got given one as a
Starting point is 00:05:41 gift uh but what was it yeah that one's, it's just like you found a memory file and it's all in the back. It doesn't even bother. Don't think about it. We're just in the past now. Yeah, so I have to wonder, was this script made many years ago when the future stuff was still in vogue? Possibly, but I think that what they've done here,
Starting point is 00:06:00 and maybe this is controversial, Mason, in the Assassin's Crediverse. Is that what you call it? Assassin's Cradiverse. Cradiverse. The Cradiverse. done here and maybe this is controversial mason in the assassin's crediverse so what do you call it assassin's crowd of us i'd like the idea that the animus is more interesting than just lying down on a table oh sure yeah like i know it's done with a big robot arm and it swings you around the room but that to me is well first of all it's visually more interesting i hope that's some sort of vr situation it is a vr situation they're regularly cut back to him and like he's like the past version of i'll tell you is like jumping over or whoever he is it's in spain or something yeah so he's he's
Starting point is 00:06:29 leaping over a building and you see like fast it cuts back to fast bender and he's in this room and he's in the air on the arm and he's just flapping his arms and legs wildly like he's the wily coyote in in a in a warner brothers cartoon and with no music or context yeah that would be quite hilarious and like that the nurse nurse or the doctor we see there, every time she just brings friends over, there's a couch, and they're just eating popcorn as he's flapping his arms in the air. What's he doing now? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's like a dog dreaming. What's his little arms are moving? What's he doing? I don't know. Do you think this is going to be a scenario to up the stakes where if you die in the Animus, you die in real life? Like it just like slams you into the ground.
Starting point is 00:07:09 We'll see. That would be great. Oh, we lose so many like this. Splat. That's the thing though, because I know in the games that this is a, you're looking at the past life of one of your ancestors. It's not one of your past lives it's it's your ancestors it's the memories of a past ancestor or life i don't know it's all very i don't remember yeah it's kind of weird combination because the the version from
Starting point is 00:07:37 the past yeah is from hundreds of years ago yeah so we know they're dead yes so ultimately it doesn't matter what happens to and they're both being played by fast bender so it doesn't matter what happens to the character in the past no but it's but when you play the game if you die or if you do the wrong thing it's like uh it unsinks yeah it's a it's an uns you desync from what actually happened in the past. Yeah. But you can't do that. Like, you can't die in this. No. In the past.
Starting point is 00:08:09 No. Because he's really only got the one chance. Yeah, I guess so. So... I don't know the specifics. So there doesn't appear to be any... Maybe this dumb video game world they didn't think through before bringing it to the big screen.
Starting point is 00:08:21 But I think it seems to me like there's no stakes. There'd be no stakes in the way. I'll bring it to the big screen. But I think it seems to me like there's no stakes. There'd be no stakes in the past. Yeah. Again, unless you invest in like the side characters. Like there's a woman who's also an assassin and that seems to be the love interest. Right, right. But again, she's dead. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:35 They're all dead. Everyone in the past is dead. Yeah. None of them are coming back. So it doesn't really matter what happens in the past. So if most of the movie is set in the past. Yeah. Again, if it's like
Starting point is 00:08:45 oh we've got to save these these children they're being used as slaves or whatever they're dead who cares they're all dead it doesn't matter so the only dramatic weight is in the stuff set in the present slash future which is the bit that everyone hates right so is it going to be mostly set in the future i don't think so okay it looks like there's a lot of another complaint was it looks like there's a big scale and scope in terms of battles yep and the appeal of the assassin's creed games which a lot of them don't do it's assassinating people right because you get to the third one and it's like meet george washington deliver a letter to benjamin franklin. Some bullshit. And that's when I'm like, no, I'm not doing this. So that's another complaint.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Aaron Boy's Creed. That's right. Crab. Sorry. So, but I think in the first game at least, I know you're looking for a specific item. Right, okay. And maybe that's the, like, look, we need to know where this is.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And for you to get there, you need to develop a certain set of skills so you can do this in your past life. Okay. But keep it roughly on track with what happened until the memory catches up with you finding the thing. Oh, okay. Well, I guess that would work as a sort of narrative mechanic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:57 If it's like you can go off track to what actually happened. Right, right. But somehow that time will catch up to you. Yeah. So maybe you have a limited amount of time to deviate from what actually happened in the timeline, and you have to discover a secret or a location of a something. Maybe that's the key.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And clear your name. Yeah. Get revenge on your dead wife. She's going to be so dead when we get our hands on her. I'll tell you what. Yeah, okay. But it looks pretty – you know what? she's gonna be so dead when we get a hands on it I tell you what yeah okay but it looks pretty you know what also
Starting point is 00:10:27 there doesn't in the trailer we don't see any kind of evidence of the past events that they are virtual no that's true there's not that weird glitch no there's no glitch I think though that's very early on to do that
Starting point is 00:10:40 to people who don't know this universe I think the first game for Assassin's Creed they released the trailer and it was all in the past. And then there was some slight glitching. So people were like, oh, what is this? What's wrong with the video? And then it turned out, oh, that's quite clever. Okay, well, maybe we'll see some additional trailers
Starting point is 00:10:54 that will give us the surprise that literally no one will be surprised by. He's also got hidden blades in the future. I don't know why that. Like, why are they strapping him to the animus, like, to a big arm with, like, blades? Isn't one of the conceits of the, at least the first game, is that in order for that hidden blade to work,
Starting point is 00:11:16 you have to have one of your fingers cut off? Yes, that's correct. They changed that for two, but yes. Because somebody figured out you could just pull your wrist back a bit further and it'd be fine? That's right, yeah. Okay. So that's right yeah okay so that's pretty
Starting point is 00:11:26 or change the angle of the blade so it goes between your fingers I don't those are two very good options I would have done very well in the past you certainly would
Starting point is 00:11:34 as some sort of assassin blade maker I agree except for every other element of that yeah obviously but I'd be a good ideas man the metal smithing
Starting point is 00:11:42 not so much not so bad bad at that alright well that's it isn't it for that that's I've just written here Spain Good ideas, man. The metalsmithing, not so much. Not so bad. Bad on that. All right. Well, that's it, isn't it, for that? Yeah. I've just written here, Spain. No disputing that.
Starting point is 00:11:52 You're not wrong. So Agent Carter was cancelled. A bunch of shows were cancelled this week because, you know, it's like TV renewal season and what's bloody going on. ABC took the axe to a bunch of shows. But I think Agent Carter, like the like the i'm not up to date me neither um i didn't i didn't finish the second season but i really did like that character and i really enjoyed the first season second season didn't grab me as much obviously i probably would
Starting point is 00:12:16 have finished it yeah but she what's her name well she's doing another series anyway so i think that was kind of like well it's maybe that was a factor in it. I know it didn't rate super well, but Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming back, but Marvel's Most Wanted, which is the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. spinoff, is not. Which is probably wise because- Was it ever there in the first place? I think they did a- Oh, a pilot, I think. But those were two characters that people really enjoyed, so why would you pull them
Starting point is 00:12:43 out of that show to kind of put them in another show? I mean, look, I'm not up to date on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but that's my understanding of that. Also, Castle got cancelled. So people liked that. So a bit of news there, Castle was still on, and it's been cancelled. That's right.
Starting point is 00:12:58 The lead actress left, and Nathan Fillion was like, they were going to do it, and then they were like, oh, let's not do it. Okay, sure. Nathan Fillion's now free to do that Firefly. Yes, we're getting Firefly back, guys. I still think it's going to do it, and then they were like, oh, let's not do it. Nathan Fillion's now free to do that Firefly. Yes, we're getting Firefly back, guys. I still think it's going to happen. I'm not like, I need it.
Starting point is 00:13:11 It should happen or I'll bloody kill myself or whatever. I'm just talking, I just think inevitably in this age of things just keep coming back, we're going to see it again. The nostalgia cycle is going around so fast at this point. I don't care whether we do. Yeah, right. I mean, yeah, great. If it comes back, great.
Starting point is 00:13:25 But it's been so long. Yeah. I just think eventually, I mean, we've got Arrested Development, Full House came back. Right. Like, I just think we're going to see something. It'd be, yeah, I mean, it'd be bizarre, especially insofar as Joss Whedon's since gone to direct Avengers movies and brought in, you know, billions of dollars that somebody hasn't gone, hey, maybe do what you want.
Starting point is 00:13:44 But then maybe he's moved on. Exactly, yeah. Who knows? Also, Supergirl moved to the RCW. Oh, with Arrow and the Flash? Yeah, with Arrow and the Flash. Now, you watched the Supergirl-Flash spin-off, togetherness, sorry.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Yes, sure. What was it called? Crossover. Crossover, there we go. And they were in different dimensions. Yeah, different universes. So do you think that means they're going to blend? Maybe, I hope so.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Just mash two words together. I would be more than happy to watch one or two Arrow Flash Supergirl crossovers a year. Right, sure. And that's it. And that's all. Yeah, fair enough. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:16 There's other TV news. Other things got cancelled and picked up. Other things definitely happened. I don't know the specifics of it. Who cares? I'm on another episode of BRI with Eye With Your Mates, guys. Oh, really? My friend Murphy's podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:26 The spin-off of this podcast. Is that correct? No. The spin-off of another podcast. Oh. Yeah. No, we have no hand in that. We have no hand in that whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Specifically me. No, specifically, but I'm on it a lot for some reason. Yeah, yeah. I have a good time on there. I'm on with the Little Dumb Dumb Club's Carl Chandler. He's a very funny guy. And his sometimes sidekick, Dilruk Jaisingh. Sometimes sidekick? Not really. Is that how he's known? No, I don't know. He's a very funny guy. And he's sometimes sidekick Dilruk Jayasinghe.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Sometimes sidekick? Not really. Is that how he's known? No, I don't know. He's on Dum Dum a lot. So anyway, we had a good time. Great, cool. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:14:53 It's on the iTunes. On the iTunes. All right. Be your eye with your mates, guy. Check it out. Yep. Dot com. Simon Kinberg said this week that- Wait, is he on Big Bang Theory?
Starting point is 00:15:02 No. Who's Simon Kinberg? He's the producer at Fox. Oh, okay. He does all the X-Men. Has he ever appeared on an episode? He seems like he would have appeared on an episode of Big Bang Theory. I'm sure they referenced him.
Starting point is 00:15:11 No, you know what? They probably didn't. It's a bit too inside, right? You need a bit broader. They probably said X-Men. I don't doubt it. Yeah. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:15:19 That would probably be a really good joke. Maybe someone said, I've got the rage of Wolverine. And everybody laughed. Yeah. Pretty great. I don't watch that show. I shouldn't pay out on it because even though it looks terrible. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Simon Kinberg has said- It's probably, if you don't like it, it's probably you just don't understand it. That's the refrain. But look, you know what? I should like what you like. Whatever. If you love it, great. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:15:45 So Simon Kinberg acknowledged that Fantastic Four wasn't a good movie, the latest one. So he said that. Yeah. There are literally crickets outside. I don't know if Mike's picking them up. There's literally, you said that and they were just, yeah, we know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah. Everybody knows, mate. But he did say that Fox are still keen to make another Fantastic Four movie. Stop doing it. Wait, just wait. Okay. As a follow-up, and the reason being is because it's got a great cast, which I can't dispute that.
Starting point is 00:16:18 It does have a great cast. And he wants to make something, or the idea is they make something that's true to the comics, which is brighter, funnier, more optimistic. Because the last one was kind of, they took this darker kind of tone, and he said that it messed with the DNA. But I don't think, tonally, that's not what's wrong with that movie. I think you can take a property and shift the tone. Because Fantastic Four, it's bloody up and down.
Starting point is 00:16:41 It's not all bloody sunshines and lollipops. Yeah, absolutely. Like, they get divorced, or one leaves the other, like johnny storm dies does he yeah he died well he everybody assumed he died and it was quite tragic for months it turned out he was trapped in the negative zone all right so it became the king of the negative zone and that's well that's pretty good that's a win in a way isn't it though yeah but yeah everybody died it was very sad at the time i bet it was so but look, I can see what... I think what he means is he wants to...
Starting point is 00:17:07 They want to make something more in tune with the comic book world. What they mean is they want to make a movie that sells a lot of tickets and makes them a lot of money, but they don't know how because they're bad at making movies, I think is ultimately... No, I don't think that's true because Fox make a lot of good stuff. They have. He even said that.
Starting point is 00:17:22 They've had a pretty good track record recently. Yeah, uh-huh. Which is true. Like, if you look at Deadpool, if you look at the recent X-Men movies. Yeah, true. You know what I mean? There is some good stuff there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:35 So, do you want to see this knowing that you don't? Do you want to see this? Well, like, I've said this before. I would love to see the rights revert back to Marvel. Yeah. But the rights also stay with Fox. So, every year we get an excellent fantastic four movie from marvel studios and we get an awful train wreck of a movie from fox i would love that me too i want to see i just want to see him keep rebooting it and just keep getting it wrong just like every time just to get it again just to see what they keep doing well
Starting point is 00:17:59 didn't hasn't michael b jordan since gone to the cast of black panther well that's the thing yeah that that's that's the next thing I was going to bring up. Reportedly, he's joined Black Panther in a mystery role. He's supposedly to be a villain. I'd imagine there'd be something in his contract for Fox to say, you can't join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So this to me indicates that A, that contract is void because it must be something like, if this movie sucks, I'm out.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Right, right, right. Like I'm not doing another one if it's terrible. Yeah. Or B, maybe they are merging. Maybe. There's talk of merging these universes. Maybe there's an Evans clause. Like if you do a Fantastic Four movie that's bad.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah, you can do it. You can just jump ship. That's right. And they go, come on, but you're still under contract and there's just a big poster of Chris Evans. And you just point to it and they're like, oh, you answered our riddle. You're allowed to leave.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I don't know why we leave it up. So I'm not saying they're going to cross over, but I think it would be a great opportunity for both these franchises if they merged at some point. I don't know whether it would be dimensionally or whatever. Maybe it's just a once-off because they don't really seem like they're the same world no that's true especially when you look at like the early x-men movies even though it's like a different those have all been rebooted so it's a new time period right yeah and they all also the new x-men are set in the 80s
Starting point is 00:19:17 they're kind of going a decade up every time so there's no kind of mess and then who cares what happens exactly like i like them i like a lot of those movies, but timeline-wise it doesn't matter anymore. That started at a point where the studios weren't concerned with continuity. They'd recast Strikers in... Not Striker. Is it Striker? No, who's the character that Peter Dinklage played? Oh, bugger.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I can't remember. No, yeah. Let's call him Barnaby Joyce. Okay, sure. But he's in the first X-Men or the second. Henry Pettigarich? Or no? No.
Starting point is 00:19:51 No, he's... Trask. Trask, he is. Yeah. Okay, there we go. Thank you, people yelling Trask into the iPhone. So, you know, and they recast Striker every movie. It's like a different story.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Look, I would be happy because, I mean, we got a little, you know, we got a little side scene. We can talk a little bit about Civil War. Yeah, sure. But, like, we got a little side scene that introduced Spider-Man, put him in the universe. We didn't have to do any kind of dimensional weirdness. It was just he's been fighting crime for a few months and we got him.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I would be happy. I'd even be happy with the x-men just show up in avengers movie and it's whatever whatever team they have currently or whatever team you want to build for it yeah and they go yeah we've been fighting crime over in the east on the other coast right and then everybody looks at camera and just goes shrugs and then we just whatever yeah i would would be 100% happy with that. Okay, fair enough. Because again, it's a universe where I, both of, you know, the Marvel Studios universe,
Starting point is 00:20:51 especially, it's kind of dumb sometimes. And that's fine. Yeah, that's fine. Everybody's acknowledged it's kind of dumb. Just have them go, all right. That's right. Guess we missed all that. I think as well, I feel like these these are set very distinct universes because there's this
Starting point is 00:21:05 hatred for mutants but this love for like hulk thor like they've got action figures for these like monsters that rip apart cities yeah but like the x-men it's like your eyes shoot lasers sometimes and that's that's offensive to me yeah true like and that's that's the kind of a big thing in the comics as well i've never kind of understood why is Spider-Man, he's not beloved universally, but why do people prefer him over, say, Gambit or whatever? Yeah, that's true. That is very true. Because Spider-Man was bitten and got his powers later,
Starting point is 00:21:34 but they don't even know that. Nobody knows that. And additionally, Spider-Man wears a mask. Yes. And Gambit only wears that weird semi-sock mask with a headband in it. That's right. You can see his whole face.
Starting point is 00:21:46 That's right, exactly. So there you go. Simon Kinberg also said that the Gambit movie is not cancelled. It's still coming. There were some scripting issues. They didn't have one? I think it was that that movie was going to cost $200 million, and then they saw that Deadpool was made with $60 million,
Starting point is 00:22:01 and they went, maybe this movie doesn't need to cost $200 million. Maybe we should stop spending $10,000 per deck of cards. Yeah, that's right, exactly. Bejeweled cut-out sock masks. Maybe they aren't necessary. Just quickly before, I've got another Fox thing, but Lupita Nyong'o, did I say that? Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I always get that wrong. She's also, they say, is also going to be in Black Panther. Cool. She's riding high at the moment. Those two men, they're bloody up there. Yeah. So, uh, apparently she's going to be, she might be a love interest for, um, Black Panther. So I like the idea of Michael.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Or a character in her own right. That's not what they said, Mason. Oh, sorry. The women in Wakanda are kind of, they're like fierce warrior women in their own right. Correct. And doesn't he, he has like a, an entourage of like female bodyguards. Well, we see one of them in Civil War. We see one fierce warrior women in their own right. Correct. And he has an entourage of female bodyguards. Well, we see one of them in Civil War, yeah. We see one of them in Civil War, exactly.
Starting point is 00:22:49 So maybe that's the direction they're going to go. Or maybe there's just a romantic entanglement. Maybe they bumped in the supermarket and he drops all his groceries. So Wolverine's getting an R rating, confirmed. Do you think in Wakanda the cartons of eggs have a little vibranium coating on the bottom, so if you drop the carton, they're fine? That would be fantastic. I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Do you think they've got enough to do that? Yeah. Then yes, I do think that. If that's what you think, that's what I think. So Wolverine's getting an R rating. That's confirmed. Okay, sure. So a few things that have kind of been confirmed, I think. It's set in the future it features patrick stewart all these things we kind of knew
Starting point is 00:23:29 yep and it has a western tone oh yeah that means cowboys and aliens exactly i want to see professor x wheelchair cowboy hat floating wheelchair cowboy hat yeah so So, I mean, it's obviously going to be a variation on Old Man Logan. Again, if it's the future, what future is it? We've talked about this. But again, continuity, whatever. Doesn't matter, yeah. It's just like it's another possible future. Were you saying last week that it might just be present day?
Starting point is 00:24:00 No, I said what if it is just set? I don't think that's actually true. But if it was just, yeah, it was just set in the desert. Or the suburbs. Or the suburbs. Exactly. What if it's set in that weird glossy suburbs past future from X-Men 3? I would love that. Because we've never really gone to the suburbs.
Starting point is 00:24:17 That's true. I think they go to the suburbs in 2. They go to Iceman's house. They do go to Iceman's house. And Wolverine gets shot in the head. Do you remember? He does, yeah. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Great. Good. I hope it's good. I Wolverine gets shot in the head. Do you remember? He does, yeah. It's pretty good. Great. Good. I hope it's good. I want it to be. Me too. Wolverine. No, sorry. Voltron trailer.
Starting point is 00:24:31 What's it called? Voltron Legendary Defender. It's a mixture of self-shaded animation and regular animation for Voltrons. You were a massive fan of this. You obviously have those bed sheets that you carry with you at all times. Yes, that's right. They put me in a podcasting mood. That's right.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Just swaddle myself in them. But what did you think? Looks fine. Yeah, I'll watch an episode. Absolutely. I already have Netflix, so whatever. Yeah, it's fine. I started, just before you came over, I started to watch the first episode of Voltron ever.
Starting point is 00:25:05 The lion one, because I think the... I don't know what you came over, I started to watch the first episode of Voltron ever. The lion one. Because I think the... I don't know what version came first in Japan, but that's the version I remember first. And just like, oh, this is rough. It's a tough watch. I used to love that show. It was like my favorite thing.
Starting point is 00:25:19 But this actually looks pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. I like the redesign of Voltron. It's a bit more kind of rounded and sleeker. That's true. Yeah. I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I'm still a little bit indifferent. Yeah, fair enough. It's fine. We've seen that. I mean, maybe it'll all turn around when I see the Blazing Sword in action. Hell yes. I don't know. So far, the space action sequences and stuff like that, they haven't seemed, they seem a little bit generic
Starting point is 00:25:48 and a little bit lacking in detail. Okay, sure. Like if I, you know, he's the defender of the universe and he can, you know. That's a big kind of. It's a big ask, right? Yeah. He's more a defender of a very small sector of space, I would imagine. Because they've got another Voltron for that.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Yes, a vehicle Voltron. One of the defenders of the universe, they should call it. Exactly. The first Voltron I had was Vehicle Voltron. You actually had the Vehicle Voltron, the toy. Yeah, but the knees never really connected properly. So I always have to be very careful. If I ran in flight, I'd have to hold the top and the legs.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Was that new? You bought that new like that? Those things are expensive as well. Like if you've still got a Voltron. I definitely don't. Who knows where it is? I'm sure I gave it to somebody. Vehicle Voltron's balls, man.
Starting point is 00:26:31 How dare you? Air team, land team, sea team. Get out of here. They can turn into three separate combining units. They all can turn into a box. Yeah, right? That's what they do. Yeah, but what a box.
Starting point is 00:26:42 One can go in the water. I mean, not when you actually play with it you put it in the water you've ruined it forever but one can go in the air briefly you throw it
Starting point is 00:26:50 and it breaks then the knees don't work so that's what happens but yeah like if you're looking at the these space battle sequences yeah they don't look that intense
Starting point is 00:27:00 they look kind of there's like four ships flying around right right you know okay when you even if you think back to like the 80s like robotech yeah yeah those kind of but those are like a different level of animation but that's what i want i want okay it's expensive it's netflix they got all the money that's a good point i mean i don't know if they're producing it
Starting point is 00:27:20 or whatever dreamworks are doing it they've got the money. They've released like 400 films where animals make this face. The Bee movie probably does really well on Blu-ray. That's a great face. Yeah, making the Dreamworks face. Just Google, you can't see me, but just Google Dreamworks face. You'll know what it is. And he's nailed it, by the way, just so you all know. Did it again.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah, like when I think of like epic space battles, it's Robotech and it's these enormous ships and just just so much flying about yeah you know they they you you talk about like a like you know there's a genre video guys bullet hell yes it's just you're in a little like metal slug or whatever yeah i guess but i like there's that's that's a shooter but like oh you're talking to like where you're a ship and you're flying over it and there's ten thousand yeah but like like the modern ones, but there's just like 10,000 rounds coming at you at every moment.
Starting point is 00:28:08 You've got like two pixels of leeway. That's the kind of epic battle I'm sort of expecting. You want a Revenge of the Sith opening sequence battle sequence. Yeah, kind of. Is that right? That was the best part of that movie, right? No, when the dude rolled in the fire, that was pretty good. Yeah, that was pretty good too.
Starting point is 00:28:26 And when... Duke gets his arms and legs cut off. Yeah, that was pretty... Arms and head. Yeah, that's... Oh, yeah. No, like, I'll give it a chance. Yeah, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I give a lot of the Netflix stuff a chance. If I see a new series, I'm like, yeah, no, I always kind of give it a shot. Because generally, they kind of nail whatever they're trying to do. Yeah, I guess that's true. Like, say, for Fuller House. Like, that's not good, right? But it is 100% Fuller House? It is exactly what it should be to do. Yeah, I guess that's true. Like, say, for Fuller House. Like, that's not good, right? But it is 100% Fuller House? It is exactly what it should be.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Okay. Yeah, so what are you going to do about it? Have they, with Fuller House, did they, like, try and recreate the old set? Are they somehow still living in an 80s house? Yes, because DJ's husband died, and her name is Fuller. That's why it's called Fuller House. Wow. What a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Isn't it though? Yeah. So she moves in with Stephanie, her sister, who's like the new Uncle Jesse. Who's still living in that house. She is now. She's a DJ. She's a cool DJ around the world. Because, you know, Uncle Jesse was a guitarist.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Sure, yeah. He played drums with the Beach Boys. In real life and in that show for some reason. And Kimmy. Do you remember Kimmy from across the road moved in as well? Sure, yeah. So it's the focus on them and then Stamos and Saget and dropping every now and then and whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:34 So if you're into that. Full house talk. I love it. Get into it. Just one more bit of news. One more bit of news is all I can handle. Steppenwolf is rumoured the villain yeah it's gonna be the villain in the next justice league part one all right so for those not in the know is the
Starting point is 00:29:52 uncle of dark side and leader are one of the like the military leaders of apocalypse is steppenwolf who it was supposed to be in that deleted i think so yeah when he's got those mother boxes he sort of looks like him yeah because there were there was a few theories about who that was. Yeah, okay. I don't know. But it was kind of hard to tell because, again, Kryptonian technology uses this weird pin art instead of an actual picture, which would have been nice.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Yeah. That in itself I thought was a really intriguing scene. Yeah. But like I've said before, there's a lot of stuff in Batman and Superman I like individually. Yeah. But together it doesn't quite mesh for me. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Some people love it and that's great. Yeah, that's fine. You're the best. Fine. And you love it. That's cool. You're wrong, but it's fine. It's cool, but it's wrong, but it's fine.
Starting point is 00:30:37 So apparently Darkseid is going to be a presence in the film and then he'll fully appear towards the end. Okay. Now, I think this is probably a good idea to not just go dark side. It just turns up at the start of the next movie. So I think they're kind of like Batman Superman tried a bit of everything at once and it didn't quite mesh. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:58 For me. Okay. But if you thought it did, it's fine, but you're wrong, but it's cool, but you're fine. We're going to have to do this forever aren't we yes we are if you liked it
Starting point is 00:31:10 it's fine if you thought it was the best movie ever it's fine you're cool but you're wrong so they're kind of taking
Starting point is 00:31:16 that Thanos approach I guess where just kind of ease up a bit pump the brakes like nobody like Loki is obviously a very famous
Starting point is 00:31:23 Marvel villain but he wasn't a well-known villain that's true and he's kind of the precursor to thanos and a bunch of other madness so maybe this is kind of i mean obviously steppenwolf on loki or not there is some elements about dark side that they're gonna have to really step lightly with like i think because again maybe this is a good idea because like what we seem to be we forget is that dark side has like he can generate these omega beams yes who can kill anything like from anywhere from anywhere right they like through time through time and dimensions around walls
Starting point is 00:31:58 which is the weirdest one of all in the dark in the dark right but he can just like if you if you're in the same room with him yeah he shoots him out it doesn't matter where you go yeah they just keep following you yeah like it it takes a superman kind of you know power level character yeah to not die immediately it will kill anyone below that that's right so if he does show up at the start of the movie it's going to take some fancy footwork some very fancy for him to not wipe out everybody else in the cast well in the in the justice league well the the new one that you remember that new animated movie they made that kind of introduced them justice like war they take out his eyes or is that just in the comic
Starting point is 00:32:39 that's based on the new 52 comic yeah as well they like i know aquaman takes out one of them with these trident i'd like to see that. I guess, yeah. I mean, work fast, though. Definitely. If he, yeah. Omega Babes. Get you in the dark, mate.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Get you underwater, Aquaman. Yeah. You're going right through a salmon. You're trying to stop him with a shield of salmon. It won't work. Forget it. Yeah. So how do you stop those?
Starting point is 00:33:03 Do you know? What if you went into like the Phantom Zone? Oh. No, I don't know. I don't think you can. Okay. I mean, I'm sure there's a fancy way to write around it. But I mean, if the writers of this-
Starting point is 00:33:15 Does he have to keep looking for them to keep working? Or can he shoot them and then just go and have lunch? Yeah, he goes off and he has lunch. Okay, right. Great. Cool. Anyway, great. Anything else?
Starting point is 00:33:24 No, that'll do it. Yeah, no, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens. I guess maybe, no, because I think they just separate off. Right. Because otherwise you just have to beat him in a staring competition. That's right. Or just throw sand in his eyes and he goes, and then you're out of the woods.
Starting point is 00:33:37 That's right. No, I think he just fires them off. They fire and forget. Okay, good. Fire and forget. Yeah. Well, that seems very, I don't know, what's the word? Maybe you can block them with a shield of fish.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I don't know. No, you know what? I think maybe. If they hit someone else? Yeah, I think if they hit someone else, do you have to be fast enough? And again, they can go around corners. That's true.
Starting point is 00:33:55 So you just got to grab. What I'm hoping for, if Snyder's doing this again, is that just he shoots him at Batman and Batman just grabs some innocent bystander or some very important B-list character. Jimmy Olsen's back. Jimmy Olsen's back. He didn't really die.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Guys, I'm back out of the hospital again. Human shield. Human shield annihilated. Though Batman was hit with them once and he was sent through time. Yeah, they can do that sometimes as well. Wow, that's a lot of variation there to work with. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:22 So good luck bringing that to the big screen. Yep. All right. Mason, it's been a massive thing this year for prequel movies. There's been two at least. Prequels we're saying, not prequels. No, I would never say that. We should do a prequels episode though.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Have we already done one? We did Star Wars prequels, but I mean prequels as in movies that are prequels. Oh, sure. Yeah. So what we want to talk about today is like kind of the best and worst third entries in a film series. We're aware we've done trilogies before. We certainly have. We've basically done comic book movie trilogies before in an episode.
Starting point is 00:34:55 But this time we were like, let's just do, let's just talk because Civil War was an amazing prequel. That's right. The best one probably. I don't know. I'd have to think about it still. I think it's top tier, Mason. Okay, sure. But I'd have to think about it still. I think it's top tier, Mason. Okay, sure. But I'd have to think about it.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Well, X-Men Apocalypse is coming out very soon. Yeah. That's the third in the kind of the new revamped. So, you know, we had First Class, Days of Future Past, and Apocalypse. Just quickly on that. I like to think of them as the... I can't remember. What's the movie Nicholas Holt was in with Hugh Grant?
Starting point is 00:35:24 The About a Boy. This is the About a Boy continuity of the X-Men universe. Fantastic. They released it early for critics. There were some critic screenings. And it wasn't super positive. A lot of people were like, it's kind of a bit of a mess. So it currently sits on 59% of Rotten Tomatoes, but that's actually going up.
Starting point is 00:35:42 So 60% is fresh. Right. So it just takes one good review from us, Mason, if we were certified on Rotten Tomatoes, but that's actually going up. So 60% is fresh. Right. So it just takes one good review from us, Mason, if we were certified on Rotten Tomatoes. We're not, though. We're definitely not. And we're not going to bother. If they reach out to us, we'll probably just miss the email.
Starting point is 00:35:58 So I'm genuinely interested to see how this movie kind of plays out. I want to see what they kind of do with it. Yeah. Like there's a lot of things I'm a bit unsure about, but I'm not, I'm not sure whether that's. Do you think there's going to be another reboot? I don't think they can.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Cause apparently they've already said the next one's in the nineties. Oh, okay. Decades at a time. Okay. Right. So after that, so we're three movies away from modern day.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Okay. Yeah. Really? Yeah. Nineties, mid two thousands, modern day. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:25 When was X-Men 1 set? I think it was like, they said the not to, like the near future, but I think it was like 2004, 2006. I don't think they specifically say. Okay. Yeah. Why? No, I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I know you know. Yeah, right. All right. We should also do that episode we've often been threatening, which is we talk about movies that are set in the future that's already happened. And we compare them to the real time. I would love that. Okay, let's note that down.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yeah, definitely. Somebody note it down for us in the writers. Remind us when there's a relevant movie coming out. Sure. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Fx is the veil starring Elizabeth Moss is now streaming on Disney Plus. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's I think we're not going to talk about things we've already covered. So we've done episodes on Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future, Spider-Man, Robocop, Ninja Turtles, X-Men, most of the comic book trilogies that have already happened,
Starting point is 00:38:05 except The Dark Knight, which we will get to, probably before the next Batman movie. And there's things that I do want to do. I want to do a proper Indiana Jones one. Oh, definitely, yeah. So I guess the real question here is, will we have enough material to do an episode on this? I think so.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Once we get rid of all the comic book stuff. That's right. So this is kind of the stuff that isn't good enough or we know enough about to do a full episode on. We just mash it together. That being said, this one I definitely could do a full episode on. The Matrix.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Let's kick it off there. Also, let's say whether these kind of stuck the landing because notoriously third movies don't. But every now and then, it's not that uncommon that a third one is quite strong. And I would argue that the third Matrix is super balls. I don't think anybody's disputing that. No, absolutely not, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:54 That famous meme you've seen, I think it's been used for a lot of things, and it's like the Matrix, and it's like a crowd of audience members going like, and then it's Matrix reloaded, and then it's Matrix Reloaded. And then it's just a few people going, yeah. And then Matrix Revolution is just an empty cinema. I think, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:11 It probably made tons of money. I definitely saw it. Yeah. Well, they came out the same year. It was like 2003 was like the year of the Matrix. Remember they kept saying that? Yeah. That's pretty unusual to bring out.
Starting point is 00:39:23 They wouldn't do that now. I think two movies of the same franchise in the same year I mean Marvel do it but I mean like direct sequels yeah totally
Starting point is 00:39:30 I just think that's kind of cutting into you do you think that is a case of people even if the first one was really even if one was really really good
Starting point is 00:39:38 yeah do you think that's more a case of just people going I'm not seeing that again I think so because you'd have to explain no it's actually
Starting point is 00:39:44 a different movie it actually a different movie. It's a different movie, yeah. This isn't a re-release. I mean, they're named really similar. This one has mech suits in it. That's right. Whereas the other one had that corridor of doors, you know? Which is more exciting, doors or mech suits?
Starting point is 00:39:56 In my case, it was doors. Me too, weirdly. Yeah. This one has very few original cast members in it for very long, and Neo gets blinded with electricity in the face. It's mostly him hanging out in a train station, right? This second one has a weird sword fight on a marble banister or something. Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 00:40:15 See, that's the thing. The second one had a lot of great concepts. I like the highway chase. Yeah, which were poorly executed in a lot of cases. There was that moment where it's like, every time you've heard a story about a ghost or a vampire, it was a program. It was the Matrix.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Maybe it was just a virus. Yes. Do you think? Also, isn't that a really interesting idea that they didn't elaborate on? Yep. Like maybe there's werewolves in this universe. I was under the impression that some of the thugs that they fight, and we're mostly talking about the second one
Starting point is 00:40:45 because there's nothing to talk about in the third one. We said it. Mech suits. We said it. That's right. We covered it. All right, guys?
Starting point is 00:40:50 But there's that fight in the Merovingian's castle where it's just like these invulnerable thugs. Aren't they the werewolves and the vampires? I think so. Two of them are ghosts?
Starting point is 00:41:00 Yeah, there were two ghosts. Yeah. Yeah. Come in pairs like all ghosts do. That's right. So they don't get lonely. Yeah. Yeah, I get it. We should really do a dedicated episode two ghosts. Yeah. Yeah. Come in pairs like all ghosts do. That's right. So they don't get lonely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Yeah, I get it. We should really do a dedicated episode to this. Yeah. The third one's crap. It has a weird existential ending. Do you remember? Yes, I do. Because he gets taken back to the Matrix.
Starting point is 00:41:15 There's also a really interesting fan theory. And by that, I mean, I'm pretty sick of fan theories. I love them. Do you really? You know what? You know, when somebody says, hey, how about this fan theory? Yeah. My reaction is always, I really enjoy somebody's made it, but no.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah, give me in a paragraph. It's not true. Oh, that, right. Yeah, I'm like, no, it doesn't work for these obvious reasons, but I like that somebody's thought their way through it. That's a really good point, actually. Anyway, what's your dumb theory? It's your theory, Matrix Revolutions agent smith is actually the one and he's the one who
Starting point is 00:41:50 brings balance to the matrix oh because he kind of infects everybody and then because he's inside neo when neo gets returned to the source so he also gets returned to the source do you reckon they should make a fourth one yeah me. Me too. Yeah, right? I don't know why, but yeah, I just... What a really unsatisfying end to a really great first movie. I would really like to see... Because it's not a universe that's tied to comic books or any kind of... Well, they'd stole a whole lot of...
Starting point is 00:42:20 Well, they definitely did steal a huge amount of things, but it... What was that one they specifically stole? Oh, The Invisibles. Yes. It's a Grant Morrison comic book about a band of rebels who are fighting through a reality that's been imposed upon humanity by an outside force. Clip-on glasses.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Clip-on glasses. And there's a bald guy, he's the leader, and he's trying to find a one. And you're like, well, it's kind of a coincidence. Yeah, but also there's that scene about humanity being a virus and the dialogue's exactly the same. It's literally exactly the same. He's just stolen it.
Starting point is 00:42:52 But I guess Warner Brothers own DC. Well, Grant Morrison, yeah, exactly. He's doing fine now. Yeah, he doesn't care. What were we talking about? Yeah, it's not attached to any video game or any comic book or any original source material. Didn't you play Into the Matrix with Jada Pinkett Smith?
Starting point is 00:43:10 Yes, and also Path of Neo, which was quite good. Which was quite good, yeah. It's got good fighting. But so I would really like... So if they did a sequel now, it could be anything. It could be, what has this world become in the 20 years? Has 20 years passed? Is it immediately afterwards?
Starting point is 00:43:28 Is it a world that has become some sort of utopia? Has it fallen to pieces? Has it become this? Is there a weird truce? Is there a truce? Is it like I'd like to see maybe. What's Tank doing? Yeah, what is Tank doing?
Starting point is 00:43:40 We got fired for stealing from set and being real aggressive. Yeah, he did, right. He just kept showing up and call security um but imagine if like it's what if it's total war in the real world but it's also total war in the matrix okay sure that'd be pretty good that would be interesting be interesting okay you think you could just shut off the matrix and just reboot it oh sure yeah when they're like there's a one in the matrix just shut it down restart right let's just go from scratch but you know what an interesting world that they botched and didn't seem to understand yeah maybe they could get grant morrison to write the next one might be a good idea good idea that existential kind of stuff he's got a good kind of handle on it i'd say there's
Starting point is 00:44:19 one thing before we go it's not it's not related but do you remember we were watching a um a documentary on the matrix DVD or something? It was for Enter the Matrix and how they're nailing the fighting mechanics. I think we've mentioned this on the show before. I'm sure we have. And the world of and how they've eliminated clipping in the- Just characters walking through walls and stuff. And then as they say that, a character falls through a wall in the documentary.
Starting point is 00:44:42 So good. All right. You got another one? What about- Here's one that I'd like to hear you talk about. I'm not a huge fan of the series. The Santa Claus. I love it. I'm happy to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:44:52 It must have been a three. The third Harry Potter. Okay, sure. Which for me was the one where it got good. See, for me, people say that. I don't like that movie. Which one do you like the most? Where they make him
Starting point is 00:45:05 fight a dragon for no reason what's that four that's four three's the one with um where there's spoiler we're gonna do a harry potter episode all right okay yeah uh but three's the one where is serious black escapes yes gary oldman and he's a and he's can turn into a dog yeah and his defense against the dark Eyes Teacher is a werewolf. And it's- Oh, is Sirius Blackman also a werewolf? No, because he was an animal. That's not what they're called. That's not what they're called.
Starting point is 00:45:31 But him and James Potter and that group of friends could turn into animals. And it turned out that Ron's rat was a man the whole time. Do you remember? Yes. So he'd just been carrying around- A man. A man. And just probably showering in front of him.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Exactly. So weird. Yeah. So, look, I think what really- Was it a man in full control of his mental faculties? Yes. Huh. Because that's what you can kind of do in that.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Peter Pettigrew, that was his name. Oh, yeah. But so- Was he a warty man? Was he all warty? He was, yeah, he was a little bit kind of ratty and froggy and warty, yeah. Like a weird bald patch. There's a moment in those movies where Peter Pettigrew,
Starting point is 00:46:13 they end up saying Harry Potter ends up letting him go or he escapes. And Dumbledore's like, one day I'm sure Peter Pettigrew will repay you because he might not know it, but he's going to do you a favour. And then he just gets choked out by Voldldemort's silver hand that he gave so he never he never pays no he kind of i think he hesitates and then the hand turns on him right so uh but yeah no i i the acting really lets me down for that movie oh yes like there's a big jump for me for daniel radcliffe between three and four i I think Daniel Radcliffe is a good actor now. I don't...
Starting point is 00:46:45 But like that third one, there's a scene where he has a meltdown about his parents dying. And it's real... It's tough to watch. And to be fair, I haven't seen this, I think, since it came out. No, well, neither have I. But I remember at the time thinking, no, this is actually... You're into it. I hated...
Starting point is 00:46:59 Well, I didn't hate the first... I kind of hated the first. Yeah, yeah. Well, they get more mature as they go, as the books do. So, like, that movie series on a whole is an amazing achievement like the consistency of those films is pretty phenomenal that's true yeah yeah so anyway and they are and they are they are especially because they start start as a kid's movie and then he can touch voldemort and he turns to dust or whatever and then at the end he touches him he turns to dust or something or his wand is
Starting point is 00:47:25 turns on him like everywhere but yeah no a lot of people love that movie but i i'm i'm kind of all right it's also it's a shit werewolf design it's like a weird range yeah okay right big big torso yeah real narrow waist yeah yeah real real haute couture and it has fashion and you know it does have an interesting element that breaks the franchise. It has the time turner. The time turner, right? Yeah. So from that point forward, it's like just time turner everything.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Yeah. But I think you can only kind of- Put it on time turner overdrive. That's right. You can only use it if you have used it, if that makes sense. Oh, okay. So if only you're destined to use it. Yeah, the timeline is finite. Oh, okay. So if only you're destined to use it. Yeah, the timeline is finite.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Oh, okay. Because before that, Harry Potter's saved by a man who he thinks is his father. But it's himself. But it's himself. Right. So that always happened.
Starting point is 00:48:13 So I don't, look, I don't understand the laws of this universe, but I think that's my understanding. Okay, right, right. What a good movie. I don't mind it. Stick of the Landing, did it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Okay. Yeah, it did put it on a different path. I'll say that, like, tonally. I don't mind it. Stick the Landing, did it? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, it did put it on a different path. I'll say that, like, tonally. Yeah. It definitely did. In this scenario, we should say in this context, Stick the Landing means it's good. Yes, it does. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:35 What have you got, James? What are you thinking of? Now, I haven't seen this one, but I wonder if you've seen it. Have you seen The Godfather 3? Yes. Is it balls, as they say? Yeah. That was made in, like, the early 90s. Is that right? Or might have been the later. I think it was, as they say? Yeah. That was made in the early 90s.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Is that right? Or might have been later. I think it was like 91. I might be wrong. So what about that movie doesn't work, aside from the casting of Francis Ford Coppola's daughter, who everybody hates in that movie? So the first two movies are based on the one book, aren't they? Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And this one is not. It's from 1990, sorry. I'll just check that. Thoughts? 1990, sorry. I'll just check that. Thoughts? Oh, thoughts. Look, I think it doesn't work as a standalone. Right. It's probably, and it came like.
Starting point is 00:49:13 So you have to know the universe. Yeah, you can't, it's too convoluted. And yeah, like if you went in blind. Yeah. You'd be like. What is this? What is happening kind of thing. So The Godfather 2 is from 1974.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Exactly. That's a big gap. It's a big jump. And it's so people who are watching Godfather 3 would have been, or like young people, moviegoers would have been born. Like they would have just been born when Godfather 2 came out. Right, right. So is it for people who have been waiting their whole lives to see Godfather 3?
Starting point is 00:49:45 I guess so. I don't remember this movie coming out, but I would imagine that this would have been a big deal. And looking at the cast as well, I mean, obviously got Al Pacino back and Diane Keaton and Andy Garcia's in it. Right, right, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:57 But I don't know. I don't know what about it doesn't work. I just know that people hate it. So we've got Andy Garcia. Yeah. And we've got Sofia Coppola. Is he his son? They're the love interest.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Andy Garcia and Sofia Coppola are a love interest. Are they related? Not in the real life, but in the movie? Are they cousins or something? Not in the movie, no. Okay. No. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Oh, I cannot recall. But is he the son of, what's his name? Al Pacino. Al Pacino's character. Yes. Okay, right. And so is it more of a focus on him? Like Al Pacino has taken on the godfather role,
Starting point is 00:50:33 which is something he never wanted. Yes, that's right. And doesn't he also kind of end up the way that the first godfather ended up? Like he just kind of- Fat. Yes. Fat and mustachioed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Like he kind of became the thing that he kind of didn't want to be well in a way al pacino has become the guy he didn't want to be doing dunkin donuts commercials yeah exactly yeah exactly look uh and in the the romance doesn't really work yeah and yeah again i think pacino's old person makeup was very heavily praised yeah it's pretty isn't it also set? Oh, no, it's not. I was actually, no. Sorry. What were you going to say?
Starting point is 00:51:08 I was going to say, no, his makeup was actually quite bad. I don't know. I'm just looking at a picture here. It doesn't look very. It doesn't look good, right? Very, very good. I was trying to find a positive and I couldn't think of one. And I'm like, maybe it's my, oh, no, it was bad.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Okay, I remember now. They got the author, though. Did they get the author of the original book to come back? Mario Puzo. Yeah, did he script it? I don't know. Can I, give me a second? I'll tell. Man, we really shouldn't be talking about this no they did yeah
Starting point is 00:51:28 they did there you go so there you go that's a positive yeah they got that guy to do it right yeah years after he wrote that book i've made money made 136 million which back in 99 it was a lot of money i don't know whatever it's probably balls yeah by the sounds of things here's one that's kind of balls. Lethal Weapon 3. Yes. Except for the one bit at the start where Mel Gibson kind of rides through smoke and fire on a motorcycle,
Starting point is 00:51:53 and he has the biggest mullet. Oh, yes. Is it like the peak Mel Gibson mullet? Yeah, okay. Because, you know, it's kind of big-ish in the first two, but the third one is like it's a lion's mane. Well, three was where they really hit the stride, I think. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:52:09 You were like into it. Well, no, in terms of being lethal weapon-y. Right, okay. Like I feel. What, and then they just made one more. They hit their stride and then they went four. Yeah, one more. Three had a lot of Joe Pesci, right?
Starting point is 00:52:24 Yes, yes. Maybe three is not where they hit their stride, but they hit their formula. Right, right. Okay, right, yeah. One and two, they're finding their feet. Yeah. And they're like, you know what works in this?
Starting point is 00:52:34 Glover and Mel Gibson having a bit of fun. Yes. Joe Pesci shows up and he's annoying. We've got Rene Russo. A lot of guns are fired. Nobody's taking it too seriously. But the South Africans are, no, the South Africans are, that's two, isn't it too seriously. But the South Africans are... No, the South Africans are...
Starting point is 00:52:45 That's two, isn't it? Yes. And the guy in the armoured suit with the flamethrower is four. That's right. The Boba Fett-looking guy. Yeah. And that's where they've cut his mullet. Like, he's got the crops.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Yes, he's got more of a sensible haircut in that one, yeah. And they really kind of... Which drains his powers. In a big way. Because there's only six years between two and four but they really kind of play up how old mel gibson is in that one right like and remember he pretends to pop his shoulder out to get out of a boxing fight because he's like i'm old oh that's right yeah see but danny glover kind of gets younger somehow like he's in the first one he's like i'm retiring
Starting point is 00:53:21 i'm sick of this shit and by the the fourth one, they're kind of the same age. Yeah, right? Yeah. And then they karate kick Jet Li. As a team. I remember that. Yeah. We should do an episode on forkwools.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Absolutely. We've got some material already. But no, so three was peak Pesci. Was he bleached in that one? Yeah, he was. Yeah. I went to Movie World Hollywood on the Gold Coast. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:53:47 They have the Lethal Weapon ride. There's that. But before they had the Lethal Weapon ride, there's a Foley... Like a sound effect. Yes, where you go into my brother, the one you like. Ooh, that's a nice change. Where they played a clip from Lethal Weapon 3 where I think Joe Pesci,
Starting point is 00:54:02 like they throw a guy into a pool or something. The guy comes in to assassinate Joe Pesci. Yep, okay. I don't know if you remember that. He's the waiter. the weapon three where i think joe pesci like they throw a guy into a pool or something and there's a there's the guy comes in to assassinate joe pesci yep i don't know if you remember that he's the waiter uh-huh and my brother did the the splash sound effect with a crate in a in a tub of water uh-huh but it was like this but it's like a different kind of rubbery water so they said if you let go like it makes a bigger splash sound it's it's ho water. They made this whole kind of, it was a really exciting time. And you brought the sound effects in that movie. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:54:28 They put it in. They edited it back in. Amazing. So there you go. So for anybody who hasn't been to Hollywood on the Gold Coast, the Lethal Weapon ride, just like Lethal Weapon, the movie franchise, is just a, it's a seat, right? On a big mechanical pole.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Correct. And it raises you up slowly to a few stories and then it just drops you. I thought it was a roller coaster. I don't know. It doesn't matter. No, I'm going to look up Lethal Weapon. Look it up, please. I thought you'd been on it.
Starting point is 00:55:00 No, I haven't because I went before. I think it's just one of those drop. No, I think you're thinking of Dreamworld, which is also on the Gold Coast. Okay, all right, you are correct. Okay, it was a roller coaster. I know. The Lethal Weapon ride, just like in Lethal Weapon.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Surely it'd be more Beverly Hills Cop. Yeah, I guess you're right. They also have a Green Lantern roller coaster now. I think they just go... Is it coloured green?. They also have a Green Lantern roller coaster now. I think they just go- Is it colored green? Yes. They just kind of make a roller coaster. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 What's coming out? I guess. What color? Great, got it. You should know that the Lethal Weapon ride is now the Arkham Asylum Shock Therapy ride. Right? No, I'm glad I know that. Costs $16 million.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Jesus. All right. That's probably a pretty good one. You a roller coaster fan? No, I hate them. Really? I hate all rides. I hate them.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Well, you're the Grinch of rides. Thank you. What do you think of Die Hard 3? I love it. Die Hard with a vengeance. I think it might be the best Die Hard. Oh, yeah. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Yeah. Okay, look. That being said, you can't top the first Die Hard because it really revolutionized action. Revolutionized? It revolutionized. It did. There's probably a ride of it at Movie World. It's probably painted black.
Starting point is 00:56:12 And it's got a widow's peak at the front of the carriage. But that changed action movies. And you're kind of introduced an everyman. He's not invincible all the time. He's not Al Schwarzenegger. That's right, exactly. He's got some muscles, but not that many muscles. He doesn't even have shoes.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Most of his muscles have been lacerated by glass. That's right. But three, it feels, it's got the spirit of, the second one's, yeah. The second one's more of the same. It is, yeah. It's a classic sequel and it's exactly, it's in a different location, but it's the same guy.
Starting point is 00:56:45 It's Christmas. It's Christmas and et cetera. And it's the, it's a different location, but it's exactly the same premise. Yeah. But three feels the same tonally. Right. There's that, like, I love the, the, the villain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:57 What's his name? Alfred. The other Gruber. Yes. The other Gruber. Jeremy Irons. Yeah. Classic villain.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Second Gruber. The other Gruber. Yes, the other Gruber. Jeremy Irons. Yeah. Classic villain. Second Gruber. I like how they're kind of running around,
Starting point is 00:57:09 kind of helping, you know, doing the puzzles at the start, and it's all a big misdirect. It was based on a non-Die Hard-related script, right? Yes. Called Simon Says, I would assume. Yes. Which set the trend for all the subsequent Die Hard movies to be based on something else, right?
Starting point is 00:57:24 It might even be the good ones are based on something else. Because Die Hard 4 is based on some sort of weird techno thriller. Or like a Wired article or something. I don't hate Die Hard 4. Neither do I. It's okay. Everybody, look, we'll save it for the Falkwell episode. It's never going to happen.
Starting point is 00:57:39 But a lot of people, Die Hard 4 loses them when he propels the taxi at the helicopter and shoots down a helicopter with a taxi. But to be fair, he only does it once. Yeah, that's true. But he does fight a plane with a truck. That's true, he does. And then he fights a woman with a truck also.
Starting point is 00:57:56 That's right, he does. Yeah, he does a lot of fighting things with vehicles. But no, I... Did you know that the Lethal Weapon Ride was the first steel inverted roller coaster in an Australian theme park? I didn't know that. There's no link for me to click there,
Starting point is 00:58:12 so I couldn't tell you what a steel inverted roller coaster is. But it's the first one. Fantastic. Yeah, right? The height restriction is 4 foot 7 inches. Below that, too short to ride. Too short to ride. Too short to ride. Get off.
Starting point is 00:58:26 So, yeah, Die Hard 3. Do you remember the television version in Australia? I'm not going to say specifically what it was, but Bruce Willis wears a very specific and racist sandwich board. Was he in Harlem? Harlem, yeah. And they changed it to I hate everybody or something in the TV version. Oh, that's very offensive.
Starting point is 00:58:45 As a straight white male, I'm very offended by that. So, great. So that was the dinosaur for you. They could have just above and it could have been implied. You know, I think they maybe even did that in the cinema release that I saw. Oh, really? Yeah. Because you went to the Mums and Bubs screening.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Yeah, maybe. Because I can never remember that particular word appearing on screen but that's not something you would remember as a kid i didn't know that word i guess but i i think it i always remember it as just from like chest up right right and it just everybody in the movie is incredibly offended right by inference i'm like oh i see what it is. It's probably a picture of a butt. Yeah, it's probably exactly. It might be a picture of the butt in public. That's right. Of all places.
Starting point is 00:59:31 But yeah, we should do a Die Hard episode. Yeah. Moving on. Okay. The Cornetto Trilogy. Sure. We should do an episode on that, actually. So the Cornetto Trilogy is Simon Pegg and...
Starting point is 00:59:40 Yeah, Nick Frost. Nick Frost. Edgar Wright. Edgar Wright, yeah. Three movies, so... Short of the Dead. Edgar Wright, yeah. Three movies. Short of the Dead. Hot Fuzz. The third one.
Starting point is 00:59:48 The End of the World? The World's End. World's End. There we go. I think they're all good. Me too. You liked the second one the best. Hot Fuzz is my favourite.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Yeah, okay, fair enough. Maybe that's because zombies are played out. Yeah. But I still think there's really interesting things you can do with them. Exactly. Did you ever see Dead Set? Yes, I did. Charlie Brooker.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Charlie Brooker did a, it's a British TV series. It's got Ray Winston's daughter as the lead. She's really good. I don't know what she's been doing. But it was set in the Big Brother house and a zombie apocalypse happens and they're in the Big Brother house and they don't know. And London is being destroyed. Britain is being overrun with zombies they don't know
Starting point is 01:00:23 and they're just super preoccupied with themselves because they're big brother contestants and it's incredibly unpleasant yeah it is but very good
Starting point is 01:00:31 it's really good like all things Charlie Brooker who later has gone on to do Black Mirror we're getting actually 13 episodes of that for Netflix
Starting point is 01:00:39 that's right I'm very excited for that anyway the third one I like it I think it's good great fight scenes in The World's End. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Which, again, it's a shame that he kind of didn't make Ant-Man because who knows how. But I think a lot of those action sequences are probably already mapped out before he left. I don't know whether that's true. A lot of it's... I feel with Ant-Man you can... You can tell which parts are right. Sure, yeah, yeah. That that being said i'm looking forward to ant-man and the wasp to see
Starting point is 01:01:08 because peyton reed did a great job coming in on that i think so yeah and i want to see what he can what he does just on his own accord for the next one and now we've and i i very much in now that we've seen him paul rudd in civil war as ant-man i'm like oh yeah this guy's all right yeah no i like i like the character but we're not talking about Ant-Man, Mason. What were we talking about? Cornettos. Yeah, that's right. It's a good one. We should just do an episode on that.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Moving on. Okay. Austin Powers' gold member. What? It's the third one. Look, again, I've mentioned this before on the show. Every Mike Myers movie is worse than the last one, and each Mike Myers movie makes me hate all the previous ones more.
Starting point is 01:01:46 So I could not give you an accurate read on what I think of the Austin Powers movies anymore. I remember liking them a lot at the time. One and two. Two especially is very good. Sure. But again, since he's done those, he released three, which was pretty average, and then he's released a series of
Starting point is 01:02:02 garbage films since then. I think three is just more of the same. I don't think it's any worse than the other ones. Yeah. Do you like the incredibly meta sequence at the start where Tom Cruise is Austin Powers and Gwyneth Paltrow is... I'm sure I liked it at the time. And Steven Spielberg was directing it, and John Travolta was gold member or something.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Yeah. Yeah. I liked it at the time, but who knows now? Again... I think he pushed it one too many characters in that one because he did Fat Bastard in the second one. That's right, yeah. Who is just so unpleasant, just a horrible character.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I guess he's supposed to be. And then he did Goldmember, a dude that kind of eats his own skin. Sure, yeah. In the third one. I've never seen that being like, what, why? Also, there's a big Subway promotion in it. All right, sure, yeah. Yeah. I remember that oh beyonce's in it yeah yeah i don't know yeah it's a good one that is her first her first solo sing you know one positive her first solo single is called work it out it's on
Starting point is 01:02:58 that really our soundtrack it's really good is that it's a great song okay i will work it out i don't know about this lemonade and so forth i don't know what that is oh it's a great song. Okay. I will work it out. I don't know about this Lemonade and so forth. I don't know what that is. Oh, it's a new album. Okay, right. It's on Tidal. I've heard it's amazing. Me too.
Starting point is 01:03:10 I don't know. I'm not a... Intersectional feminism. I don't know what that means. No, neither do I. All right. Go on. I kind of do, but it's not really the podcast.
Starting point is 01:03:21 But anyway, work it out. Listen to it on your bloody... No, I've heard nothing but good things anyway sorry go on what's another good one what about Army of Darkness I've never seen it well you should
Starting point is 01:03:30 I've only seen the reboot of Evil Dead yeah okay and I loved it I really enjoyed it but I've heard the first one maybe doesn't
Starting point is 01:03:37 I've heard they get really good number two and three is just crazy good yeah I mean it moves from the Evil Dead series moves from a tree raping a person yes agreed it moves from like it's you know it's it's the first one is you know super blood-soaked horror in a kind of a campy way yeah the second one is like it's again it's a slasher film but it's kind
Starting point is 01:04:02 of slapstick and weird he gets a chainsaw hand in that one? Yes, he does. Yeah. And then three is just insanity. Yeah. And it's very tongue-in-cheek. If you've seen, did you see some of Ash vs. Evil? I haven't seen it, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:14 I didn't watch it because I haven't seen the movie. Yeah, okay, that makes more sense. And, yeah, it's, he, after the events of the second one, he ends up sent back in time to medieval times. And he's sort of this, he goes back in time with his car and his shotgun and his, and his chainsaw hand. And so the natives,
Starting point is 01:04:34 he's like, he's some sort of weird wizard slash God kind of character. And it's a, it's medieval times, but it's also medieval deadite zombie magic times. And it's also medieval, deadite, zombie, magic times. And, yeah, it's sword and sorcery. He fights himself at one point. He fights like Harryhausen-style skeleton,
Starting point is 01:04:59 like stop-motion skeleton monsters at one point. It's a lot of fun, yeah. I saw it my very first time on like a, I think I'd just finished grade six and I was at a sleepover. Right. And we wanted to watch the movie Falling Down, which is the- The Michael Douglas. The Michael Douglas.
Starting point is 01:05:15 That's a real grade six sleepover movie. Yeah, right. But the weird Michael Douglas- Existential crisis. Middle- aged man crisis who goes on a rampage across the city we wanted to see that
Starting point is 01:05:29 because we'd heard good things about it but the guy at the video store was like you can't have that one have Evil Dead instead he gave you Evil Dead instead
Starting point is 01:05:36 yeah he was like have Army of Darkness it's just it's really silly like it's not kids can watch it probably not really yeah
Starting point is 01:05:42 I heard the that the that James Franco Wizard of Oz movie is like the same storyline. Like he's like this man from a different time and he builds an army to help defeat the whatever. And it's because Oz the Great and Powerful. That's what it's called, yeah. He has no magic powers like Ash. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:01 But he has some technical know-how. And he kind of, yeah. And a chainsaw hand. And a Zach Braff monkey. These are all things they both have. Now that I think about it, they are, in fact, exactly the same film. Because they're both fighting people with actual magical powers. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:06:17 But he's got a shotgun. Yeah, chainsaw hand. Pretty good, man. All right. Any others? I've got a lot here. Okay, throw us another one this is the i think this might be the only one of this trilogy that i've seen the good the bad the ugly
Starting point is 01:06:29 i actually i was gonna say when we talk about gold man but gold finger okay i just thought about it at all it it's the like you know we're not we're not just talking trilogies here we're talking about the the third one and this look it was a trilogy at one point. At some point it was a trilogy, but I mean, the third one, I guess, in a lot of ways, is often the make or break. Yeah. Are there going to be more? Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:50 And Goldfinger was like, okay, this set the Bond formula. Yes. It's got the Shirley Bassey song. We've got a trippy, from Russia With Love, we had from Russia With Love and it's fine. It's classic. We had some gadgets. It's on title. Yeah, we had some gadgets. Russia with Love and it's fine and we had we had some gadgets yeah we had some gadgets
Starting point is 01:07:07 we had some action sequences etc but this sort of this year it sort of ramped it up to 11 we got we got the Shirley Bassey song
Starting point is 01:07:15 we got it's the skyfall of its day the third one it is the skyfall of its day we've got we got some beautiful ladies with some
Starting point is 01:07:22 with a you know with a weird name right yeah you don't remember the one from that one can't remember what it is I'll think of it in a second and kick myself it's got We've got some beautiful ladies with a weird name. Right, yeah. You don't remember the one from that one? I can't remember what it is. I'll think of it in a second and kick myself. It's got the beautiful car.
Starting point is 01:07:31 It's got the Aston Martin DB5. He's got his gun. He gets his real gun in that one or did he have that in the previous one? He's had the Wofford PPK for a while, but yeah. Doesn't he not have it in the first one though? In the poster, he's got a different gun. Yeah, in the... Yeah, I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:07:45 I don't know which of these I've seen. Right, it doesn't matter. It's fine, yeah. Is it good? Yes, I'm going to say it is good. Okay. But again, you've seen... We watched together some Roger Moore films.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Yeah, we watched all of them. Which are crazy over the top. Oh, you know what? It's on a black man's pussy galore. Fantastic. She's in this one. That's a very good joke. Correct, right? And it's on a black man is pussy galore fantastic in this one uh that's a very good joke correct right um and it's good yeah it's always weird about austin powers i'll quickly say this
Starting point is 01:08:11 they're like look this person's lady's called a lot of vagina like it's like no but that's the joke yeah like like that's what they're already making the joke do you know what i mean you're parodying a joke it's a lot of vagina oh is it okay well that then they nailed it they nailed it absolutely did anyway uh goldfingers yeah it's good it's got all the all the stuff that does he have a gold finger no he doesn't what's that if you recall i don't no i'm sure you would because this is more your wheelhouse the golden eye video game yes there were a number of sequels to that i was recently on the video game podcast there was a number of sequels to it including golden eye rogue agent where he had a golden eye where you were a former double o agent who's gone bad or he's a double agent i think he goes bad i think he was he went rogue he did go rogue and i think at the start you kill james bond in a vr
Starting point is 01:09:01 simulation very nice that that is very on brand for the time. That's right. But in that you start to work for Orick Goldfinger from the movie Goldfinger. Right. And he gives you a bionic eye, like a golden eye, that gives you special powers. You can look through walls and stuff. I know that game didn't stick the landing as it were,
Starting point is 01:09:18 but I like all of those things. I think that could make a really interesting video game. Exactly. I remember when that was about to come out, I'm like, I'm going to get that. And then I heard, it's balls, don't get it. So I didn't end up getting it, but I kind of wish I did. That being said, I love the James Bond game, Everything or Nothing with Pierce Brosnan. Pretty good, right?
Starting point is 01:09:36 It's his last role. Anything else about that Goldfinger movie? Nah, it's pretty good though. What about, yeah, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly? Okay, yeah. That's a fantastic movie. Now, is The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly it's the third film in the trilogy? Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:52 But isn't it a prequel to the first two? Yes. It is, right? I don't understand how that works specifically. Because are they even necessarily because it's always Clint Eastwood and it's always the man with no name. Yes. Well, it's Clint Eastwood. That is his name. That's right.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Is he necessarily the same character from film to film? The continuity in those movies, well, it's 60s continuity. Yeah, right. Or 70s. Was that one in the 70s? I can't remember. But yeah, I don't think it matters. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:17 I think, and there's also in later movies, like Unforgiven, it's kind of implied that that's also the same character. Right, okay. It's not said, but it's kind of like it could kind of be because he's this retired gunslinger and whatever. And I don't know, he did a lot of Westerns, man. He did the outlaw Josie Wales where maybe he's a ghost. He did Gran Torino where maybe he's a racist.
Starting point is 01:10:37 I think that was fairly clear. Oh, he was definitely a racist, yeah. Yeah. I learned some new racial slurs in that movie. Right, yeah. But no, I haven new racial slurs in that movie. Right, yeah. But no, I haven't seen that probably in maybe five years, but I think it's definitely stood the test of time, that one. Clint Eastwood doesn't say much,
Starting point is 01:10:54 and it's got that amazing shootout at the end, the three-way shootout. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, totally, yeah. And it's also got that don't talk, just shoot moment. Yes, there's the moment where, buddy where it's Eli Wallach in the bath and the bad guy comes, the final, it's right towards the end, right?
Starting point is 01:11:11 I don't even think it is. I think it's just in the movie somewhere. And like the bad guy kicks the, Eli Wallach's in the bath, he's having a relaxing bath and the bad guy kicks the door in and it's like, he's like, it's you, you're the guy and you're the, I can't remember the the i'm paraphrasing the story was that he had either taken or shot that guy's right hand yes so he'd spent years
Starting point is 01:11:32 or months learning to shoot on his left hand right so he could go and he's like you've ruined you've ruined my hand but now i'm back and i'm gonna swear i've swore vengeance on you and i've tracked you down and i've returned and then and. And then you see this gunshot and the bad guy falls down dead and Wallach pulls like a soapy gun out of the bath. And he's like, shoot, don't talk. That is very good. I love how he was having a bath with like a soapy gun. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Exactly. Scrub-a-dub-dub, mate. I think that's worth a watch. It's also one of those movies that's got like 12 minutes of credits at the start right right you know what
Starting point is 01:12:08 I mean let's do like two more bad ones that we can rubbish and then one good one alright what
Starting point is 01:12:14 do you got Pirates of the Caribbean now I'm just going to say Pirates of the Caribbean at world's end
Starting point is 01:12:19 but I don't even remember which of which anymore I think we have to watch those and do an episode on
Starting point is 01:12:24 them okay before the next one what are we up to four or four five next one's five okay that's when they get good again according to the fast and furious rules yeah that's true yeah or they don't what was the one we were really banking on it being terminator yeah that's right we're really banking on terminator genesis being according to fast and furious rules five's the one where it's it's for the fans and they just go kind of balls to the wall. Like, let's make it crazy and fun and people who want it will find it
Starting point is 01:12:50 and it just turned out to be real bad. Yeah. Transporter. I don't know. Where do you stand on those? What happened in three? Was it a plane at the end? Was that the one where his car was a bomb?
Starting point is 01:13:01 Let's skip it. Oh, that's right. Okay, now I was going to say let's skip it oh that's right okay i was gonna say let's skip it but three was the one one was the one where he transporter one was the one where he deflected the missile with the serving tray and then that scene was deleted the correct and he has a as a french friend he's in all of them the french friend yeah french friend isn't all of them yeah uh two is two is the pinnacle I think one's the pinnacle Which one has the oil fight with the bicycle?
Starting point is 01:13:27 One Oh then it's one, okay, sorry Is that also Is one also the one where he fights In the filing cabinet corridor? Does he fight in a filing cabinet? He fights in a filing cabinet You just see this filing cabinet
Starting point is 01:13:38 Just hop down a hallway And the bad guy's like And then the drawer just hits him in the face And it pulls back in real quick. Look, you know what? I can't do this. I don't know anything about it. Let's maybe skip this one.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Let's skip three. But it was the one where his car was a bomb or he had a bomb vest or something or a bomb wrist or bracelet or something. Yeah. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one. Okay. Highlander 3. Because that reset the universe.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Highlander 3. Am I testing you here? Okay. Highlander 3. Because that reset the universe. Highlander... Am I testing you here? Well, so... Highlander Apologist... Maybe we should have done best sequels before we did three sequels. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:14:15 No, no, no. The three sequels are more fun because they invariably all suck. Good point. But the idea is, were they better than two is the do we were they better than two is the question or were they better than what came after that is a good question so highlander apologists will say that all highlander movies take place in different universes right they're
Starting point is 01:14:34 all in parallel universes because none of them really make any sense like the good bad the ugly yeah the the first one is great yeah in a lot of ways not in the sword fighting no it's a movie primarily concerned with sword fighting where the sword fighting isn't very good well it's the 80s and there is yeah it was the 80s and at one point one man is thrown this flies into a rage because it suggests that he wants to date another man so that's a little bit oh that's right he's like hey you want to date you want to date and this cop's like, yeah, I'll kill you. But one is good in the sense that... Trenchcoats. Trenchcoats.
Starting point is 01:15:11 And it is a movie that has a very... It's a mythology that has a very well-defined beginning, middle, and end. Yes. And it's got this whole story and it leads up to this finale and that's it. Yeah. And it's a fully fleshed out story and it's done. He gets the Highlander lightning, which makes him... Yeah, which makes...
Starting point is 01:15:27 Gives him all the knowledge of the universe. Correct. Or something. It's a bit vague, but essentially he gets all the knowledge or he gets the ability to read everybody's minds. It's a little bit weird. Who wants that? What a shit prize.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Nobody wants... Yeah. The prize. The prize. Sorry. And... And then it turns out he's an alien in the second one. Yeah, in the second one.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Because they were like, okay, because I don't think it was super successful, but it was successful enough to warrant a sequel. People, it got traction. Yeah, it was kind of a cult favourite, I guess. And so they're like, okay, well, we need to rationalise a way that even though this was the end, he is literally the last one to live.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Because for anybody who hasn't seen the Highlander movies, it's about these immortals that live throughout time. They're aliens. Wait for it, wait for it. It's a fantasy universe where there are these people that become immortal and... For no discernible reason. Yeah, it's just through the
Starting point is 01:16:25 magic of nature kind of thing some people are special and when one immortal kills another one they gain the the slain immortals power and so the story so the legend what does that entail though how do you mean did this get stronger yeah it's it is again it's a bit vague it's stronger faster uh sometimes you i think you gain some of their tactical knowledge maybe okay and i think if if like a very evil immortal kills a very good like if a very evil immortal kills a very good like a good immortal like the sean connery immortal yeah like sean connery sometimes a legion should shift like if you were a good guy and you killed a really powerful bad guy when you gain his powers you might become evil this is that's more that's more in the tv series but so and essentially the this the legend goes that the one at one point
Starting point is 01:17:15 there'll be only a couple of mortals left they'll they'll all meet in this hallowed ground yeah they'll all meet in the same place and they'll battle to the death and all only one-on-one because that's the rules yeah and the last one left will gain a prize and gain ultimate power and so that happens spoiler that happens but they don't know what it is no or they don't even know it's all instinctual they're like well i guess we'll just go to new york yeah they all just end up in new york yeah and it's it's good and you get some fun you get some great flashbacks yeah and some pretty good yeah for a movie largely concerned with sword fighting sword fighting is not that good but you get some you get some great flashbacks and some pretty good yeah for a movie largely concerned with sword fighting, sword fighting's not that good but you get some pretty good action
Starting point is 01:17:50 and the villain is great it's Clancy Brown who later became a famous voice actor, he's Lex Luthor in the Justice League cartoons mostly. He's in Shawshank Oh yeah he used to. He's in a bunch of stuff He's in The Flash Yeah he is yeah
Starting point is 01:18:04 and so it has a definitive ending Connor McCloud becomes the final Oh, yeah, he used to. He's in a bunch of stuff. He's in The Flash. Yeah, he is, yeah. But, yeah, and so it has a definitive ending. Connor McCloud becomes the final. He gets the prize at the end. And so they're like, well, we have to build a weird conceit for him not to be the final immortal again. So it's revealed that the immortals are actually aliens from another planet. This is in the sequel. This is in part two, by the way. This is in two.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Which is set 30 years after? Yeah, in a future that's already happened, incidentally. And the world has... It's very topical because there's a hole in the ozone layer. Oh, very good. But because Connor McCloud had all the knowledge, he built like a... Shield.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Like an ozone shield around the world kind of thing. Yeah. But then they're like, okay, immortals are from an alien world and every once in a while they shoot one down to earth and they're like this we're gonna we're gonna kill conor mcleod for some reason we'll shoot down some aliens into this world and then all of that in 2024 yeah so he gave up his immortality at the end of the first one yeah but then and he's an old man now but then they shoot down some moreals to Earth, and he kills one, and he becomes immortal again and youthful.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Yeah. And then he's like... He brings back Sean Connery. Yeah, with magic. Yeah. Anyway, what happened in the third one? Is it a prequel? Because he fights...
Starting point is 01:19:16 Yes, it is a prequel. It's set prior to Highlander 2. Again, if you're assuming Highlander 2 exists in this universe, which I guess it doesn't because it's a parallel universe but highlander 3 is the sorcerer the sorcerer it features some very very bad cgi morphing right there's some there's a man morphing to a crow or something i think a hawk there's definitely some morphing that's it's real bad i just want to find out when this is set but it is better than two only insofar is they brought back the magic universe and not the science fiction they kind of disregard yeah i'm just i'm just looking what
Starting point is 01:19:51 with how they explain on wikipedia good luck it also has flashbacks yeah it does okay yeah so his wife's dead from the first movie it's got five 5% on Rotten Tomatoes. Amazing. What does 2 have? 2 cannot have more than that. 2 might be one of those famous number 1, like 1%ers. Oh, right. Can you get 0%?
Starting point is 01:20:15 Yeah, yeah, you can. Other than 2, the quickening. Here we go. Yeah, here we go. It's got 0%. 2. Absolutely it does. See, bloody told you. And it's not for lack of reviews. There's at least 23. Two. Absolutely does. See, bloody told you. And it's not for, like, a lack of reviews.
Starting point is 01:20:27 There's at least... There's 23. Yeah. Wow, that's brutal. Yeah. Anyway, three is a class... Has a classic element. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Of a third movie, which is They Go to Japan. That's true. Ninja Turtles. So that's pretty good. There he meets the Master of Illusion. That's pretty good. He meets the Master of Illusion. Yeah, there are some flashbacks. Look, it's pretty bad, but it is redeemed by 4. Isn't 4?
Starting point is 01:20:51 I've heard 4 is great. Yeah, but you've only heard that from me. You've literally heard that multiple times from me on this podcast. 4 is good. 4 is basically like an extended episode of the TV series. Right, right. Which was very 90s, but it was also, I enjoyed it a lot. 11% I'm right.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Four. Yeah. I'll take it. That's double three. Yes, it is. And then sub. And it's 11% more than two. That's right.
Starting point is 01:21:16 I'd also think, yeah. Do they explain his age? How do you mean? Because he gets older. The actor. Oh, no, they don't great yeah do you remember ryan reynolds was signed on to do a new highlander movie no that was the thing that was gonna happen you know what happens i think in four though conor mcc there's in in four there's a conceit that
Starting point is 01:21:36 if you don't if you're an immortal and you don't want to be part of this game anymore you sort of go into some sort of suspended animation like they put you into like a facility and they watch your vital you know you you all your vitals and stuff but you're not so i think maybe it might have been a like he looks older as a byproduct of that maybe okay but i'm just making that up again i'm a highlander apologist i will you defend it to your death defend it to my death except for two yeah two's real bad. But four has the same fight choreographer as... One. No, as the TV series.
Starting point is 01:22:09 And the martial arts in that are actually really good. Like Adrian Paul... Doesn't a dude get cut in half, like down the middle? Okay, so here's the thing. So, yeah, so Adrian Paul, who's Duncan MacLeod in this one, he's actually like a really good martial artist. Or I guess... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:23 He's good in the show, though. And that's actually quite good. Yeah. But I guess, I don't know. He's good in the show, though. And that's actually quite good. Yeah. But in 4, in the trailer for 4, there's a scene where the bad guy is cut down the middle. Like the bad guy of the movie. And the bad guy of the movie is cut through his face and lengthways, like down his spine.
Starting point is 01:22:42 And he comes back together because he's become so powerful. Like he's the most powerful immortal that's ever lived. Right. So like you can't even kill him, you know. You can't take his head off? Well, you could be. I guess you can't do it lengthwise. You just cut him the wrong way.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Right. But in actually what happened. They cut against the grain. So I was really excited for that. I'm like, you know, I was a fan of the Highland movies at the time and I'm like, oh, this is going to be so,
Starting point is 01:23:07 like, this is a new wrinkle into this. This is exciting. But it turned out that was a special effect they shot just for the trailer. That's, it's not in the movie.
Starting point is 01:23:15 That's bullshit. Yeah. I think there's actually some other effects shot in the trailer that also aren't in the movie. Why would they do that? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Just bad people. But I understand if you edit something out, but that was like, well, no, they made that. It was never intended to be in it as far as't know. Just bad people. But I understand if you edit something out, but that was like, well, no, they made that ticket. It was never intended to be in it as far as I know. Fuck that.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Yeah. That's deceitful. I know, right? Should we maybe leave it there for now? Yeah, let's leave it there. Yeah. Look, we've got a whole lot
Starting point is 01:23:35 we can come back to. We might do another one of these at some point. Yeah. I want to do an... People have probably got their own that they love, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:41 Toy Story, Indiana Jones. Yeah. I actually think Red Dragon's okay. Though I've heard Hannibal is much, much better. I've really got to watch Hannibal. Why don't I watch Hannibal Mason? Because you're too scared. That's true.
Starting point is 01:23:54 It's a scary show. I'm a big scaredy cat. Obviously, the Ocean's Trilogy, Rush Hour. Yeah. All classics. Ocean's 13 is better than Ocean's 12, but only just. I'm putting my foot down. Yes, that's fair enough.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Also, you know, I watched the other day Rocky. Yeah. The guy Creed. And Rocky 3, I think, is my favorite Rocky. Because it's... More than Creed? Or do you not include Creed? No, Creed is a Rocky movie, but...
Starting point is 01:24:20 Like, Rocky 3 is just incredible. Like, it's like the perfect storm. Yeah. Of, like, the height of Stallone's popularity popularity and his kind of hubris comes into it. So he's got like a robot and he gets defeated in the way he comes back and the villain's great. Club of Lang. Yeah, I just think it's a terrific movie.
Starting point is 01:24:37 And it's got the friendship between him and the other crew. It's a real sweaty fight at the end. Yeah, it is. I just think, no, I think III is incredible. And there's that running on the beach sequence. Yeah. And it's got Eye of the Tiger. No, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Creed's incredible. Creed is amazing. Yeah. All right. There, let's bloody do the next segment of the show. Let's do the next segment of the show that we do every week. But if you're on Twitter or if you're on, like, you see us in real life, tell us what your favorite or least favorite 3quel is.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Please do. Might be Toy Story. Yeah, might be Toy Story might be toys go to a Pixar episode okay let's do that we got a lot of ideas for episodes somebody somebody tweet us our ideas because I'm not
Starting point is 01:25:12 gonna remember so yeah if you go on hashtag weekly planet we're gonna come up with a new segment did you have an idea for a new segment a while back did I yeah maybe I mean it's not happening this episode
Starting point is 01:25:23 obviously I don't remember okay cool never mind I probably did I say a lot of things Did I? Yeah, maybe. I mean, it's not happening in this episode, obviously. I don't remember. Okay, cool, never mind. I probably did. I don't know. I say a lot of things and I immediately forget them. Yeah, but it is time for the segment of the show. What are we reading?
Starting point is 01:25:32 What are we reading? What are we going to read? I'm doing a thing. What are we reading today? You know what? I'm going to reread or maybe even rewatch, maybe both, because we talked about Darwin Cook, the late Darwin Cook just earlier.
Starting point is 01:25:50 There's a couple of great ones. There's The New Frontier. Is that the one you had? That's the one I've got, yeah. I've never read it. I've always wanted to. It's super good. I've heard it's amazing.
Starting point is 01:25:58 It's set sort of mid-1950s through to 1960. Yes. It's sort of like Cold War tension. So superheroes have sort of dipped into a bit of a, they're in a kind of a lull. Just like they did in real life. In the actual, yeah. You know, in popularity.
Starting point is 01:26:17 So it's like the 60s version of Superman, is it? What's the 50s version of Superman? Sorry, 50s version of Superman, yeah. So it's, The continuity is... Hang on, let me think now. No continuity. Well, it's not... Yeah, it exists in what was a DC continuity at one point,
Starting point is 01:26:33 but it isn't now. So it's sort of standalone. It doesn't fit into the current... Like, it doesn't fit in the new 52. It's definitely standalone. Nothing fits in the new 52. I'm trying to remember which version it is. I'll never remember which version.
Starting point is 01:26:45 Is it just a continuation of what they did in the 50s? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Anyway, but anyway, then there's this
Starting point is 01:26:51 new sort of threat emerges. Yeah. And we get some, and you know, we get some new heroes team up with some old heroes. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:59 You know, formation of the new Justice League kind of thing. It's, a lot of people are very down on Green Lantern. I was just having a conversation with somebody the other day and like, The movie or the character? Just generally. It's, a lot of people are very down on Green Lantern. I was just having a conversation with somebody the other day. The movie or the character?
Starting point is 01:27:08 Just generally. Okay. But a lot of people have said this is- Well, that's his own fault. Yeah. This is also, this is a very heavily Green Lantern, Hal Jordan Green Lantern story. I've heard it's an amazing Hal Jordan story.
Starting point is 01:27:15 And it's kind of like, a lot of people have said, you know, I couldn't care less about this character, but this made me care about Hal Jordan. Yeah. He's kind of the focal point and he's, you know, one of the new heroes in this. Right, right. It's a real good- Is it origins of certain characters? Some of them, Jordan. Yeah. He's kind of the focal point and he's, you know, one of the new heroes in this. Right, right. It's a real good...
Starting point is 01:27:27 Is it origins of certain characters? Some of them, yeah. Okay, great. Yeah. And the art's great. You know, it's this very stylized, you know, pre-Batman the Animated Series kind of look. Yes. You know, but it's all sort of tied together.
Starting point is 01:27:39 Who came first? Who's to say? Wait, what year is it? What year did that come out? It came out in 2004. Okay. So it wasn't pre-Batman, the animated series. No, but his art was.
Starting point is 01:27:50 No, but I'm saying the story. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, no, I definitely want... I'm really looking forward to reading that. I love it when I realise there's a classic storyline that I haven't read, and I've heard nothing but good things. I'm like, oh, awesome.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Yeah. The animated version is also very, very good. I'm often times against like a direct adaptation. Yes. Like I didn't care for Batman year one because it was one of those ones where- Where it kicked down the tree, looked weird. Yes, but also some of the dialogue in that doesn't translate directly to animation or live action.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Are you looking forward to Killing Jack though? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. directly to animation or live action. Are you looking forward to Killing Jack, though? Yeah. But there's a scene, especially in year one, where Jim Gordon has to go up into a tenement building to deal with a crazy man, and he's talking all sorts of gibberish. And in the books, it sort of works,
Starting point is 01:28:37 because it's like, well, maybe that's an approximation of what he's saying. But then he has the exact dialogue, and he doesn't sound like a crazy man. He seems like a man reading a series of nonsense words off a script. In your face, Benjamin McKenzie, you starred in that movie. It's real good. Also, another one is Batman Ego.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Right. That's an earlier work, I think, of Darwin Cooks, but it is... I'm not writing that down. What's that one about? It's sort of Batman... He's just real confident too confident no it's sort of
Starting point is 01:29:07 it's sort of Batman versus Superman no stop it oh my god no it's alright it's Bruce it's sort of
Starting point is 01:29:14 it's Bruce Wayne versus Batman it's kind of do they split what do you mean they split metaphorically but not really it's sort of like
Starting point is 01:29:23 so is he trying to balance his work yeah his work personal life? What are you talking about? No, it's more like... It's the sort of... It's more of a psychological exploration. Right. It's kind of like...
Starting point is 01:29:38 It's kind of like, does the world really need a Batman kind of situation? No. Whoa! Not the regular world. Okay, fine. Yeah. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 01:29:48 So that's from a while back, I assume. Yeah. I think if you want to go, you can get it. It might be on Comixology, but it's also together with Selina's Big Score, which is a Darwin Cook, like a Catwoman story. You can get them all together, I think, is the one. Cool. Anyway, it's real good.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Great. Get into it. Yeah, I will. Do you know what I played this week? What's that Anyway, it's real good. Great. Get into it. Yeah, I will. Do you know what I played this week? What's that? Uncharted 4. Oh, you finally got it. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:30:09 I got it. I didn't finally get it. It came out and then I got it. Finally. But it's great. Yeah, good. It's a good quick summation, I guess. I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:30:21 It's a good, like, story-wise, it's a really kind of satisfying conclusion. You know, he's like this adventurer, and he's just going through, like, wrecking hidden temples, and he's all that gold and glory. Oh, it's him finally being sued by the natives. Like, he's reluctantly dragged in. He's like, I found hidden temples. Wait, how many years is this set?
Starting point is 01:30:40 It's real time, because the first one is 2007, so he's, like, early 20s. And this one's modern day, so he's, like't know early to mid 30s so he's kind of out of that life but he's also kind of missing it and he gets dragged back in so he has to lie to his wife it's got amazing i don't know if you ever played the last of us because the last of us is really great that's also a naughty dog there's an ellen page in it no they just copied out okay it just looks like ellen but they um like they kind of perfected storytelling in that. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:06 And it kind of flows over into this. Okay. It looks amazing. It's probably one of the best console games, maybe even one of the best-looking games ever. It plays really well. I like the new mechanics. The shooting's great.
Starting point is 01:31:18 It's really tight. The only thing I would say about it is 2 and 3 have these amazing big action set pieces, and this one doesn't really have that moment okay for example in the second one you're on a train yep and you're the train speeding along and you're going carriage to carriage and there's like a helicopter shooting missiles anywhere as you're going and the roof comes off then it goes off a cliff and you got to climb up the train yeah it's amazing and three's got a sequence where you get inside
Starting point is 01:31:42 you chase a plane as it's taxiing down a runway, you get onto the wheel, you go inside it, you fight guys out the back, the doors opens, you fall out, and you fly through the air, catch a crate, pull the cord, and you land in the middle of the desert. Spoiler alert. And there's nothing really like that.
Starting point is 01:32:00 That's weird. You would think for this, because this is definitively the final chapter, right? Well, there's kind of been rumblings that there might continue it maybe with someone else yeah it's done and there's no it's pretty definitive no but i mean have you had so you've gone through everything and there's no none of these big action set pieces no no yeah there is but it's nothing there's one sequence where they've kind of done before where you're on the back of a truck yeah and it was amazing because they've kind of done this in the other
Starting point is 01:32:24 one and there's other trucks and motorbike speeding trying to get you and you can cover in the back of the truck and shoot them and then i thought i'm going to try to leap to that jeep so you just leap you can you i didn't know you could do it you leap to the jeep you kick the driver out and then you're in a jeep and you're off yeah and then you kind of then that jeep breaks so you've got to jump to a van and whatever and but that's kind of been done they did it with the other ones. And that's only really brief. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:48 But there's nothing. I was expecting a moment like the airplane. Yeah. And it didn't happen. Okay. There's some great, you're in a tower and it falls down and you slide out and then you get to a thing. So is it a case of it is about equal to the previous one?
Starting point is 01:33:04 Yes. But you've just gotten used to it? Maybe, potentially. But I still... I think there's just that one element missing. It's a pretty much... It's a pretty flawless game. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Especially in terms of storytelling and visuals and mechanics. Is it going to make a good movie? It is a movie. Like, they are movies. Right, right. Yeah, I guess that's true, yeah. Is there one episode is there one uncharted game where you fight there's four uncharted games but i mean
Starting point is 01:33:31 specifically isn't there one where you fight indestructible yeti men that's true but then they turn out just to be regular guys but they've got they've had like a drug yeah yeah that's okay yeah okay yeah man there's some good bloody footprint stuff in this as well great grass oh yeah the grass is incredible I could show you some grass mate I could show you some grass there all day
Starting point is 01:33:50 there's a it's great it's really good sounds really good you should get it you should get all of them there's the collection yeah
Starting point is 01:33:55 which you can get on PlayStation 4 okay should I play see that's the thing though one's pretty dated I was gonna say some of the mechanics are probably a bit
Starting point is 01:34:03 no the mechanics are pretty solid okay but one one is pretty samey the whole way through. And two and three are really... There's a lot of variation. Here's a question for you. What is the tutorial like in this?
Starting point is 01:34:13 There kind of isn't one. Really? It's kind of like... It kind of teaches you kind of as you go. Okay. Kind of thing, yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Huh. Well, I've also played the Vita... Because I'm always interested to know, know you know in games where it's like hey you've got to come back for some training or whatever no it's none of that okay great no i hate that like i always i always enjoy how they contrive that you're a yeah you know you're a cia agent or whatever and you have to learn how to get your gun yeah yeah i also played the v there's a vita version which wasn't done by naughty, which is also pretty solid as well. They're all really good.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Is it also third-person? Yes. And it's not like weird platformer or dual-based puzzle game? No, it's a really good approximation. Okay. Yeah, if you've got a Vita, which you don't. I don't. Only you do.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Check it out. All right. Well, look, I hope you're ready for something else, Mason. I'm. I don't. Only you do. Check it out. All right. Well, look, I hope you're ready for something else, Mason. I'm ready for something else. Can you explain what it is? Maybe it's the letters. The classic one was letters, oh letters. We love you, some letters.
Starting point is 01:35:16 They're only a take my way. We're going to be here right now. We're going to have the letters. Speaking of great three calls, Mason. Yeah. Three weeks in a row you've nailed that nailed it pretty good i don't think you're ever gonna drop the ball now no i think you found the next week though i will yeah you certainly will yeah definitely uh you got any
Starting point is 01:35:35 letters no i've got some you've got that that just threw me into a spiral of just i was like who am i what's going on do i always have the letters Because I did not look for any letters this week. By letters, I mean tweets. Yep. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. Keeps them short and sharp. Yeah. And also, our Gmail's a mess.
Starting point is 01:35:54 It's boy, is it? Yeah. This is from Arbrosev V. Hey, Mr. Sunday, I may sow the magnificent. That's nice, isn't it? Oh, that's very good. Have you guys read Saga yet? Great space opera type comic with cats and stuff.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Hashtag weekly planet pod. Have you read Saga? I'm like 25 issues into Saga. I'm about that as well, yeah. Yeah, I'm way behind. Yeah, me too. I don't know why. But it's great.
Starting point is 01:36:14 It's always really good. Yeah, I really enjoy it. I've heard the quality kind of dips off a bit. I've heard that. It's very violent, isn't it, Mason? It's very violent. It's like Star Wars with violence. Yeah, and it's a universe also where you don't know who's going to live or die.
Starting point is 01:36:27 No. There's no way of knowing. I mean, the narrator's probably going to live, at least long enough to narrate the story that she's telling. That's right. The narrator is the daughter from the future, correct? Yeah. Yeah, I remember I read the first issue, and then I kind of went,
Starting point is 01:36:40 I'm like, eh, didn't really like that. So I went away, and then a few months later I came back and I kind of got more into it. It's got really interesting sci-fi elements. Like there's ships, a tree and there's ghosts. There's ships, a tree and there's like some of the characters working like a weird VR soap opera telling situation. Oh, that's right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Some have televisions for heads. Yeah, that's true. There are robots with televisions for heads, yeah. No, I think it think it's definitely worth checking there's a cat that can tell when you're lying that's true right there's like a sword that's got like a long whippy oh yeah like a whippy sword it's kind of like jousting but i don't even know yeah it's great if i had one of those swords i'd call it mr whippy would you okay all right that checks out i don't think that's in use uh prove me wrong you can't i i wonder if where that's at with being adapted into something yeah it feels like it's ripe that's true yeah but it's in that weird zone where it it is very expensive it would be
Starting point is 01:37:39 incredibly expensive and also it's based on it it's based on a comic book so there's some that's you know like walking dead style or you know so there's there's some precedent for oh you know comic books on screen work but at the same time like it's a whole it's a whole new world kind of thing you you gotta build a lot yes you can't just be like okay well it's a action series and there's zombies in it it's you have to go there's a cat that, it's an action series and there's zombies in it. You have to go. There's a cat that can tell when you're lying and there's bounty hunters and there's weird spider people. Oh, yeah, the spider person. It's just, you know, it's two warring races but they've fallen in love and there's, you know, it's real.
Starting point is 01:38:17 There's a lot going on there. There's a lot going on. There's a telenovela. Yes. But it's space. Weird drugs and stuff as well. Yeah. Yeah, no, I like it, bros of V. And Mason also likes it. Me weird drugs and stuff as well yeah no I like it Broseph V
Starting point is 01:38:25 and Mason also likes it me too good stuff this is from Dorser Richelski oh yes I probably said that wrong hashtag weekly planer pod
Starting point is 01:38:33 how do you think Marvel's Netflix series compares to the MCU movies in terms of quality and characters oh good question
Starting point is 01:38:42 I didn't ask it you're telling Dawson that yeah Dawson good work Dawson well done I think it's very well integrated into the universe
Starting point is 01:38:50 just generally all round uh Daredevil more so oh you mean wait compared to you're saying
Starting point is 01:38:58 the Netflix is better than the MCU movies in terms of characterisation oh uh in a way they're kind of apples and oranges, I think. Like, I think Jessica Jones has great characters. Fruit. Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:12 But I don't think necessarily they are the best Marvel Universe characters. You took umbrage, if you don't mind me using that word. No, that's fine. With someone saying Jessica Jones is really good because it doesn't feel like a comic book I read that, yeah, that's a review I read and it should feel at least somewhat like a comic book again, I really like both seasons of Daredevil
Starting point is 01:39:33 I really like the one season of Jessica Jones we have but the fact, there was an almost Jessica Jones had an almost total absence of Marvel continuity really in my opinion I mean, we had your Luke Cage and Purple Man. Yeah, he's bulletproof
Starting point is 01:39:47 and Purple Man. Yeah, and, you know, I mean, references to the Marvel Universe don't a good series make. Certainly not. Like, you know, Daredevil had like,
Starting point is 01:39:56 oh, you know, property prices are low because the city was blown up or whatever. Yeah. You know, that doesn't necessarily make it better or worse.
Starting point is 01:40:02 Right. But, again, I think they're great characters but they're gonna need a little bit of a tweak to integrate into the the universe as a whole like imagine jessica jones interacting with captain america and iron man or like star lord like rocket raccoon exactly there's gonna be a little if it gets to that there's gonna there's gonna need to be a little bit of an adjustment there, I think. Or is there? What do you reckon?
Starting point is 01:40:25 I think as long as the characters are true to who they are, how would she react to seeing a raccoon? Yeah, or a tree man. Yeah, but also you can keep them... Like, they'll cross in the movies, but she'll just go back to her world. That's true, yeah. You know what I mean? So I think that there's the benefit of, even if you don't see...
Starting point is 01:40:43 Even if she's in Infinity War, we don't know. Like, it's not really going to matter. That's true. Like, I think in there's the benefit of even if you don't see, even if she's in Infinity War, we don't know. Like it's not really going to matter. That's true. Like I think in the long term. I think that would be great though. Yeah. Maybe if she can get that flying back on track, I think she'd work very well in Infinity War.
Starting point is 01:40:56 I think. Imagine her taking a crack at Thanos. Yeah. I'd watch that. That would be great. Yeah. I would like to see a bit more variety variety in the um the netflix shows yep i found by the end of daredevil it's kind of like all right i've seen a lot of
Starting point is 01:41:09 this uh and i like daredevil season two that is yep uh it's kind of starting to feel a bit samey so why don't we have some like a series and i'm hoping the punisher does as you talked about this where it goes out of um the city right yeah anywhere. It doesn't matter. Again, I've expressed a desire for The Punisher to maybe go to, like, Florida. Yes. Be on a fan boat. That's right. Did you see the trailer?
Starting point is 01:41:33 It came out today or yesterday for The Accountant. Yeah, with Ben Affleck. With Ben Affleck. Also stars Jon Bernthal, The Punisher. That's true. Also features a minigun in the trailer not being used. Is he finally going to get his chance to shine
Starting point is 01:41:47 do you think Barenthal's going to use it no do you think Affleck's going to use it yeah yeah that's the same director
Starting point is 01:41:53 as Warrior did you ever see Warrior nah Warrior's a great MMA movie don't let that put you off okay if you hate MMA
Starting point is 01:42:00 I don't know do you no yeah it's got Joel Edgerton and Tom Hardy. Oh, great. It's great. It's really good.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Yeah. Yeah. No, like you said, one's an apple and one's an orange. Which is which? Citrus. I'm just reading here. The creators of Saga in an interview said they would rather not be film or TV. Well, they wanted to be.
Starting point is 01:42:23 The point of Saga, as Vaughan conceived it, was to do absolutely everything I couldn't do in a movie or a TV show. Okay. It's the Watchmen of modern day. Yeah, so maybe TV or movie executives will see that as some sort of challenge. He's like, I'm really happy with it just being a comic. Okay, fair enough. Good for him.
Starting point is 01:42:39 Great. Good stuff. Yeah. That's all I got. Well, that's all you need. Good. Because that's all I got. I don't know if you heard me, but it's all I got. Well, that's all you need. Good. Because that's all I got. I don't know if you heard me, but it's all I got, all right?
Starting point is 01:42:48 Jeez. This is from Mark. Hashtag weekly planet pod. I have to keep saying it because I guess it's important for marketing purposes. Branding. It's very on brand to use our own hashtag. It certainly is. So this may be news to you, but as Godzilla 2 has lost its director,
Starting point is 01:43:02 Gareth Edwards, who would you like to see step up? Maybe James Wan or Ridley Scott? So, yeah. Definitely not Ridley Scott. Because he's not that good a director anymore? Yeah, kind of. I don't know if he'd be suited to that kind of thing anyway. I don't think he'd be really interested.
Starting point is 01:43:20 He's got that Robin Hood sequel to do as well. It's true. Maybe he would, though. I mean, Godzilla is an alien of sorts. He's just a as well. It's true. Maybe he would, though. I mean, Godzilla is an alien of sorts. He's just a lot bigger. That's true. Godzilla on Mars. Maybe you've turned me around here.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Me? I didn't. You've definitely turned me around here, James. I'm not arguing for it. Sounds like you are. James Wan seems like a good fit. James Gunn. James Gunn would be great.
Starting point is 01:43:43 Oh, would that be too wacky? Or is that what you want? Oh, okay, right. Like, does James Gunn's style, would he have to shoehorn that into a Godzilla franchise? What if we did it? What if we did the next Godzilla naked gun style? Which is, by that I mean...
Starting point is 01:43:59 Rigs and Murtog. Yeah. What I mean is... You think you have lethal weapon. I am, sorry. What did you say? Naked gun. N I am, sorry. What did you say? Naked Gun. Naked Gun, right.
Starting point is 01:44:06 But like, the strength of Naked Gun and Airplane is that everything is ridiculous and everybody is playing it 100% straight. That's very true, yeah. So we just ramp up the... We get James Gunn in, we ramp up the insanity of what's happening and nobody cracks a smile the whole movie.
Starting point is 01:44:28 I think that would work. Okay, sure. All right, James Gunn it is. Okay, good. I like the idea of James Wan. Who else is good? What did James Wan do again? He did The Last of Us and Furious.
Starting point is 01:44:38 Oh, yeah. Like The Conjuring. He's doing Aquaman. He did Saw. He seems pretty busy. He is. Yeah. Saw has got a third movie did
Starting point is 01:44:46 you say it no I stopped at one yeah me too what did I say to I saw two with Donnie Wahlberg huh what did he think of it you saw it with him
Starting point is 01:44:55 yeah that's what we did there very good all right that's the show for this week yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:45:02 yeah anything else that's it hit us up on something people can find us weekly planet pod on Facebook and Twitter and Gmail
Starting point is 01:45:09 and Bandcamp correct I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter I'm at Mr. Son of Movies X-Men is out here this week oh yeah
Starting point is 01:45:18 we should do a but I think it's out in the States the week after so we might have to hold off like we did oh yeah we could have days of Future Past commentary.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Yeah, we'll do that. We won't do X-Men movie next week. Okay. Now, what are we doing for Days of Future Past? Road cut or regular cut? I think people want road cut. Okay, we'll do the road cut. So we'll do the commentary.
Starting point is 01:45:35 That'll be on weeklyplanetsbandcamp., yes. Or if you're a Patreon, so It'll be there as well. What else? Thank you to The Brute and The Basilisk and Rackham for our amazing theme songs some of the best theme songs ah
Starting point is 01:45:48 t-shirts Golden Legend and Fergal Quigley on the Red Bubble they're there if you want to get a t-shirt if you want our bloody to swear your allegiance
Starting point is 01:45:56 to us forever that's right you can never take it off send Red Bubble some of your blood that's the Red Bubble they're referring to and they send you a t-shirt
Starting point is 01:46:04 man we got a lot of ads. I know. We used to be. That's the problem. When you have such a successful and well-loved podcast. We didn't used to be anything. That's the thing. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:46:16 Should we go back to that? Should we just, as in stop doing this? Just go and live our lives? Nah. All right. I just love doing a podcast. I love doing a podcast, let me tell you. Great.
Starting point is 01:46:26 Yep. Have a good week, everybody. Grab that gem, you guys. Both hands. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it
Starting point is 01:46:48 before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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