The Weekly Planet - 137 X-Men: Apocalypse is...

Episode Date: May 30, 2016

This week we get stuck into potential Power Rangers sequels, the Preacher pilot, DC Rebirth, a shocking Captain America twist that isn’t that shocking, Warcraft reviews, Bond stuff and new Wolverine... villains.Plus we break down the good and bad of X-Men: Apocalypse! Mason has some stuff to say. Big time.You can find the X-Men DOFP Commentary on Patreon here: or via bandcamp here: weeklyplanetpod.bandcamp.com3:17 Seven more Powers Rangers movies!5:42 Preacher Pilot reaction7:53 Captain America is Hydra14:28 Mel Gibson turned down Odin15:17 No more Bond for Sam Mendes, Jamie Bell up for 00717:11 Warcraft is crap apparently22:45 Wolverine 3 villains24:41 X-Men: Apocalypse Spoiler Free Review40:12 X-Men: Apocalypse Spoiler Review1:05:05 What We Reading/What We Gonna ReadDC Rebirth breakdown1:15:37 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy X-Men Apocalypse on Amazon: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here:  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Register today at That's Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of The Weekly Planet, official podcast of, where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. I'm here.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You are here. Ready to go. Are you ready to go? Talk about stuff. Are you ready for seven Power Rangers movies? What? That can't be right. Maybe it will be.
Starting point is 00:01:02 So the CEO of Lionsgate, Barry Lionsgate, I presume. It's pronounced Leon's Gatte. Oh, right. It's Barry Leon's Gatte. He's from France, which is weird because his first name is Barry. Very strange. Barry, doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:01:16 So basically they've got the, I think the first Power Rangers movie, well not the first, they made one in the mid-90s, but like of the rebooted with the Iron Man style suits, with the new man style suits with the new rita repulsive yeah all that kind of stuff uh that's coming out march and he said look you know if it does well we'll do five six or seven you know we'll just kind of see how we go and people are like why don't you get one right you're dickhead yeah but i don't think this is him saying and he's and he yells back it's not the point have you seen the previous ones what is right in this case anyway
Starting point is 00:01:47 were the last with it was the tv series good i made it i don't even know good old barry leon scarte yeah he knows what's up but i think he was just saying look if it does well we'll make like we'll just keep making them yeah i don't think this was him specifically saying i don't know if you know how hollywood works but if i make money off, we'll make like, we'll just keep making them. Yeah. I don't think this was him specifically saying. I don't know if you know how Hollywood works, but if I make money off this, I'll make another one until I stop making money. Exactly. And then who knows?
Starting point is 00:02:12 I'll sell it. I can't imagine. I'll sell it to some idiot and he'll try to make another one. I can't imagine like when they made the first Transformers movie, they'll be like, we'll do six or whatever. I guess that's true, yeah. Whatever they're up to now. So I think that was just kind of a passing comment.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah. But, you know, look look the way that i would approach this if i was doing a power rangers movie first of all spandexy suits yeah sure that's priority number one some sort of magic flute yes definitely that's probably number two men in men in zords yeah not cgi men in zords uh but you you just kind of you treat it like what's that what's that expression don't eat yellow snow that's the expression what is it like um expect the best but plan for the worst yeah sure yeah so you know you make the first one like it's going to be the last one right you know what i mean and then you got more of a chance of making a good one as opposed to being like oh we'll get to that and like the next one do you know what i mean like yeah that's true okay put all your eggs in all your baskets at once and bloody go for it i'm not saying use every villain or every spandex no do
Starting point is 00:03:09 every spandex but you know just make a good one and then we'll go from there okay you're a big fan are you no i'm not against it i just don't you know yeah yeah you just good luck to him yeah good luck to your bloody power rangers the preacher pilot came out last week you didn't say i haven't seen it yet, no. You've read the comic, haven't you? Yes, I have. Now, there's a lot of... I haven't.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I actually just started it yesterday. But there's a lot of divergence from it because a lot of the stuff that... Well, somebody said to me that this is sort of a prequel to the comic book. This first episode is a prequel. Yes. A lot of the stuff that happens in issue one of the comic book hasn't happened yet.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Yes. So I'm thinking, I've heard that all that stuff happens in the first season and the next season is like when the comic kind of kicks in. Oh, we're getting a whole season of pre. Apparently. And look, what I saw of it, having not read the comic, I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It was kind of a bit all over the place. I'm like, some of it I'm like, am I supposed to know who this is? Do you know what I mean? But that being said, it kind of moved pretty quickly. I liked everybody who was in it. What is Dominic Cooper's accent like? That's okay.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Is it Southern Preacher? It's Southern Preacher, yeah. Or is it his generic Howard Stark? Where's he from? Is he American? I think he's English. Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:24 He's also in Warcraft, which we'll talk about in a minute. Ooh. Ooh. Which is now Warcraft the beginning? Yes. Okay. Possibly the end. We'll get to that.
Starting point is 00:04:33 All right. But actually, I just put a poll up on Twitter. I said, you know, gauging interest for hashtag weekly planet pod, this very podcast, Mason, that you're on, that you're privileged to be on. Is that what this is? That's what this is. Oh, I thought this was some sort of court deposition no no no no no that's that's what the government needed me to tell them my opinion on spider-man every week look i'm sure they're listening good okay but uh yeah gauging interest for uh the podcast what everyone think
Starting point is 00:05:00 of preacher 52 52 said good start 28 said meh 13 said crap as mate and 7 said it was too different from the from the source material but yeah but you know is that something you're going to go check out yes apparently the ratings were like okay okay sure which is which is fine i mean it's it's a pilot that they're generally they're not exceptional unless it's like you know the walking dead spin-off or yeah you need an existing property yes exactly really so or a big big star yes like a dominic like a dominic cooper now people have asked us to talk about dc rebirth we're going to talk about that in our famous segment what are we reading what are we going to read which is up towards the end you have a lot
Starting point is 00:05:40 of stuff to say don't you yeah i think i have many opinions on it. But look, there was another kind of big revelation in comics this week. There was, that's true. Which is that Captain America is maybe a Hydra agent and always was or something. Side note, Dominic Cooper is from Greenwich in England. Oh, yes, Greenwich Mean Time? Precisely, he invented Greenwich Mean Time.
Starting point is 00:05:58 That's great. Why is he acting then? Surely he'd just get all that sweet money from all the time money. Yeah, exactly. Clock money? Yeah, all the clock money. Good, yeah yeah uh what's this saying time is money as as we know certainly is mason okay so here's the should we add spoilers to this yeah spoilers so if you haven't read it that being said i haven't read it and also you just said what it was just then
Starting point is 00:06:19 so that doesn't everybody knows it's. It's in like titles on websites. It's like Captain America is a Nazi or whatever. Yeah. So basically it's like Captain America got all his powers back because he's got the bloody super soldier serum like sucked out of him. Yep. So he's a frail old man. And it was like Captain America issue one, Steve Rogers is back,
Starting point is 00:06:40 and it ends with him like saying the famous hail Hydra kind of tagline. And people are like, now we don't know. There's a few like fan theories concerning like, apparently him coming back had to do with like the cosmic cube and some other stuff. So maybe they kind of reset his brain, which is what happened with similar thing happened to invincible,
Starting point is 00:07:02 no irredeemable Iron Man. No. What was the latest Iron Man where he was superior? Well, that's the Invincible, no, Irredeemable Iron Man? No, what was the latest Iron Man? Oh, Superior Iron Man. Did that happen? Well, that's the thing. So this happened to, it actually happened to Iron Man in the 90s as well. Oh, it did too, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Because basically in the 90s it was revealed that Iron Man had always been under the control of time traveller Kang the Conqueror. So the good guys had to go back in. So he became evil. Iron Man had always been under the control of time traveller Kang the Conqueror. So the good guys had to go back in. So he became evil. You can always tell that a good guy's become evil, like especially an armoured one, because he can move his helmet with his mind. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Because Magneto can do that. That's right. And all of a sudden Iron Man was like, he'd throw out a hand and his helmet would come to him. Because a good guy will make the effort and trudge over there. He'll trudge i'm like something's not quite right here so anyway it turned out that he because kang went back in time and took control of his mind or turned him evil or what have you yeah so all the good guys had to go back in time further further to stop that from happening and what happened is the the elder iron man was killed yeah and they extracted the teenage iron man the teenage tony stark from the past and brought him to the present
Starting point is 00:08:12 yeah but before that happened the evil iron man like damaged his heart right so he so we ended up with like emotionally was like you'll never you'll never be a success i'm a real meaty in the future and he's like oh my god so he ended up in the present yeah with a damaged heart that he had to fix with a you know a kind of an arc reactor kind of situation that sounds really familiar why does that sound so familiar well it might be i guess they well yeah oh i said what you're doing there i was like well there was iron man armoured adventures which came out a few years ago it was an animated series oh you're bloody you're going too deep you're bloody so anyway so then so, of course, because that's his thing,
Starting point is 00:08:46 he builds an Iron Man suit and now it's Teen Iron Man in the 90s. So the current Iron Man is that Iron Man? No, because what happened is that Teen Iron Man, do you remember Onslaught from the 90s? I do remember Onslaught. It was a combination of Magneto and the evil parts of Professor X's psyche. It formed a big monster called Onslaught. Well, basically the way he was stopped was that Franklin Richards,
Starting point is 00:09:10 son of Reed and Sue Richards, created like a pocket dimension and he was sort of destroyed by being hurled into that. But in order to stop him, a whole bunch of heroes had to go into the pocket dimension and they ended up in what was called the Heroes Reborn universe universe which was all the image creators came back to do like a super extreme reboot of all so there was a reboot of iron man there was a reboot of captain america by rob liefeld if you recall you might have seen where that comes yeah you might have seen it you might have seen a big chested captain america and
Starting point is 00:09:39 somebody's redrawn him as naked big chested captain amer. It's real weird. Anyway, at a certain point, that universe collapsed and all the heroes escaped and Tony Stark came out of it as just adult Tony Stark again. And it's never been referred to since. He's never brought it up. Nobody else has ever brought it up. Nobody's like, what do you remember from then? Like, it's just, they just went snap realities back
Starting point is 00:10:02 to how it is normally. So, yeah, this has happened before, basically, is what I'm saying. So the writer said, issue two will lay a lot of our cards on the table in terms of what the new status quo is, but the one thing we can say unequivocally is this is not a clone, not an imposter, not mind control, not someone else acting through Steve.
Starting point is 00:10:21 This really is Steve Rogers, Captain America himself. But since this is the comic book, that's the quote, since this is a comic book universe, that rules out nothing. No, it doesn't. It rules out absolutely nothing. Sure, it could be Steve Rogers, Captain America, but you can just go, and even if- You could say, like you said, a different timeline.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Different timeline or parallel universe or bloody, the time stream is affected. It's the Rob Liefeld version. Yeah, the time stream was affected by when he was resurrected by the Cosmic Cube after he was assassinated. Yeah. And then this will go for a year. I think they were saying this was going to go for a year.
Starting point is 00:10:55 But he needs, again, this is a, it's sad that we have to say this now. Captain America is a transmedia character now. He's a comic book character. He's an animated character. He's a movie character. They all sort of have to be the same at certain points. Yes, they do, yeah. And so when Infinity War comes out,
Starting point is 00:11:10 he has to be a good guy again in the comic books. Otherwise, when people watch Infinity War, they're going to be confused. That's right. So he has to be a good guy again by then. Yes. So this is going to last however long it lasts, and then we're all going to go back in time,
Starting point is 00:11:25 and we're going to kick the red skull in the face who's pulling the switch we're all doing it who's pulling the switch to make him evil or whatever yeah and the switch won't be pulled and he'll be good again
Starting point is 00:11:32 and the timeline will be restored so who cares gotcha stop getting mad everybody yeah well that's exactly it but look I think the more important thing is will this be a good story arc
Starting point is 00:11:42 yeah exactly because like you've said before when they killed Steve Rogers for the first time. Yes. The only time? I don't know. No, he's been presumed dead a lot. That's not the point.
Starting point is 00:11:51 People thought, how are they going to make a Captain America comic book without Steve Rogers? Unprecedented. And they did. They did for a long time. And they've done it since with the Falcon and whatever. So it's just about, will it be a compelling story? That's the most important thing.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Also friendship, two things. Those two things. Okay. This is just a quick bit of news. Mel Gibson apparently was asked to play Odin in the first Thor, and he turned it down. Huh. Two shirtless Australians just bloody running about.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Yeah. What do you think of that? What's that, 2011? I would have much preferred Anthony Hopkins. I'm glad that happened. Yeah? You're okay with it? I think it would have been okay.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I mean, he's a terrible person. He would have given good, I'm filled with rage for the inadequacies of my son kind of situation. He would pull that off very well, I think. So, maybe. Who's to say? Yeah. Yeah, but they're like, what do you think of superhero movies?
Starting point is 00:12:43 And he's like, some are good and some aren't good that's he's not wrong for once in his life he's not wrong some are good and some are bad you know like racist oh stop talking mel why so sam mendez has come out this is no surprise he directed uh american beauty also did the last two bond films ones your favorite ones i think aren't they? Incorrect. That's right. Sorry, Die Another Day is your favourite. Not correct. All the things you're saying are incorrect. They're slight on me.
Starting point is 00:13:10 He said that, look, he's not going to do the next Bond film, which is no surprise. Yep. So I expect it didn't do, I think, as well as I would have liked, critically. Like, it did okay financially. Like, it did okay. But it wasn't received super well.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And so, yeah, he's not coming back. And he said he doesn't know who's going to be the new James Bond. It's not up to him. But one of the names that came out this week that was floated is Jamie Bell. Now, who's that again? He's Billy Elliot. Huh. So, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:37 All right. There you go. I feel. Are they going to mocap him? Yeah, right. Oh, it's that guy. Yeah, okay. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Okay, yeah. I don't like that. His jumper's mad. I mean, he is a monstrous bruiser of a man like Daniel Craig, but I don't think. I definitely think, from the names I've heard, we've heard like Tom Hiddleston. It's going to be Hiddleston, I feel.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Sure, why not? But I think we're going to get. Hey, man. Hey, stop looking at him. She really likes you, man. I know. What have you done? What have you been feeding my dog?
Starting point is 00:14:05 Drugs. Human drugs or dog drugs? A bit of both. Okay, good. On your bed. Yeah. On your bed. There you go.
Starting point is 00:14:13 You're all right. Yeah, so I think they're going for more of the suave, the svelte. Yeah. More like a Dalton than like the potato muscle man, like the human action figure, we've seen as Daniel Craig. I'm guessing. Yeah. So would you say Hiddleston's the way you want to see it go?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Once again, I want to see it Emily Blunt, going the way of Emily Blunt. Gillian Anderson's the way I want to see it. Yeah, that would work too. Yeah, whatever. I don't care. Yeah, like I said, I've only liked a couple. I've only really liked a couple of them of the last 10,
Starting point is 00:14:44 so it makes no difference to me. That's right of them of the last 10. Yeah, yeah. So it makes no difference to me. That's right. But you loved Skyfall. No, incorrect. Stop saying lies about me. So Warcraft has been getting some reviews. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Now, initially it was, when I first tweeted, I'm like, oh, these are kind of mixed. Because it was like, there was like five reviews and three were kind of like, yeah, it's not bad. And two were like, this is not good. It's not a good movie. But now it's on 22% on Rotten Tomatoes. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Which is pretty brutal. And what is the consensus there? Does it say specifically why everyone hates it? It's like it's kind of overblown. It looks good, but it tries to do too much with the universe. It's complicated but also quite simple. I kind of just skimmed a few reviews. Has anybody, have they attempted to shoehorn in some sort of video game related contrivance?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Like a big hand moving? Yeah, like a big hand, some sort of top-down battle sequence. That's a good question. I don't actually know. I think they're probably more in line with the online role-playing game than it would be the early strategy games. I'd imagine. That being said, who's to say? Not us, we haven't seen it. be the early strategy games. I'd imagine. That being said,
Starting point is 00:15:45 who's to say? Not us, we haven't seen it. Have you played the new Doom yet? No. It looks pretty good. I've heard it's good. It looks pretty good. They should make another movie
Starting point is 00:15:53 on that, shouldn't they? Apparently what I like is it's the same Doom guy from the first two. Right. Like he's dragged back out of hell or whatever. The third one is
Starting point is 00:16:03 The third one's a reboot. It's like a survival horror. Yeah, and you have a flashlight and a gun. Yeah, yeah. And you have to switch them out of hell or whatever. The third one is... The third one's a reboot. It's like a survival horror. Yeah, and you have a flashlight and a gun. Yeah, yeah. And you have to switch them out, I think. That's right, yeah. So, no, I think it's one of those things where I'll pick it up when it's like $30 or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:15 But no, it interests me, definitely. I've been playing some Uncharted, Mason. You know that about me. Oh, that's right, yeah. And I'm really looking forward to Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Yeah, I really like Mirror's Edge when it came out. Me too. Did you play it?
Starting point is 00:16:25 Yeah. Or you just like the look of it? No, I played it. Good. It's good. You haven't got a PS4 yet, do you? No. Maybe we'll do some more sponsorship and we'll get you one.
Starting point is 00:16:32 How about that? Okay, great. But yeah. Listen, we couldn't get you a PS4, but we got you this GameCube. We get you a 3DO. Get you a Jaguar. We could do a Jaguar. We could do an Atari Jaguar. Wait, where are you going? This dog's running off again, mate.
Starting point is 00:16:50 We could do a Sega Saturn and a Dreamcast. One of them works. We're not sure which is which though, so. Some of the cables are missing. You need an old TV. That's right. So, yeah, Warcraft. Things aren't looking great, even like projections in terms of
Starting point is 00:17:04 even projections in terms of the stop trying to muck, even projections in terms of like the turnout for the opening week. But if you notice, even from like the get go, like I want this to be good, mostly because I really liked Duncan Jones. And whenever I see him in an interview, I'm like, he's so well adjusted for being David Bowie's son. Right, yeah. Like you'd think he'd be crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Yeah. But no, he's like, he's clearly very talented and he clearly loves the world. Yeah. But it just seems like it might be a bit of a misstep. That being said, I am really looking forward to seeing it. I'm not. But I will see it anyway because that's what we've got to do in this world. You know it.
Starting point is 00:17:34 This world of ours. Yeah, look, we're going to have to wait for another movie to be the- Assassin's Creed? Yeah. Angry Birds did all right. People seemed to- But I mean like good. Oh, you mean, like, spectacular.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Like, you were looking for, like, the godfather of video games. Well, I mean, like, live action. I mean, Angry Birds could be good or not good. Yeah. But there's nothing to that universe, right? Pigs, still eggs, slingshots. All right. There's a lot to that universe, but clearly.
Starting point is 00:18:01 No, but I mean, like, if it's just pig stealing eggs or whatever, you can make the characters whatever you want. You can give them whatever personalities you want. You can put them in whatever world you want, really. They have to be angry, so you can't give them whatever personality. That's true, yeah. Or on the scale of angriness. But with Assassin's Creed or whatever, you need...
Starting point is 00:18:20 Animus and whatever. You need certain tropes, exactly, as we've discussed before. So it's much harder to shoehorn them into a video game narrative that might be a lot longer and has weird mechanics into a two-hour movie that has plot and characterisation. I love that they just keep having a run at this video game thing. One day, oh, one day. We will get one.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Well, maybe one day it'll just click and they'll go, oh, video games are their own medium and you don't need to translate them to film. Also, the thing is, do you know how much money video games make? Billions of dollars, right? Billions of dollars. It's like pricing alone because you buy a video game, right, and then you might get the add-ons like the downloadable content or you get the season pass or the special edition
Starting point is 00:19:02 with the bloody action figure or whatever or the statuette oh yeah but a movie for most people you go you pay 10 20 bucks wherever you're from and then that's it yeah that's true so but video games like you a lot of times you put you're paying 60 bucks up front yeah which is you know a lot triple sometimes more than what it costs for a movie so you, you know. Yeah, and you just keep paying. You're paying a monthly fee, you're paying a bloody whatever. That's right, if you've got your bloody PS Plus account or whatever you want to call it. Also, I saw the trailer for Battlefield 1.
Starting point is 00:19:32 That looks pretty good. Battlefield 1. It's the Battlefield game set in World War I. Oh, really? When did that come out? I don't know. It looks pretty good. There's people on horseback with scimitars.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Have you got bloody bolt-action rifles and shit? Yeah, kind of. And also like one of those rifles, like the machine gun with the big drum on the top. Yeah, one of those. There's people, there's like a guy
Starting point is 00:19:50 in a medieval knight with a machine, looks like a medieval knight with a machine gun. It's a weird, the early 20th century was weird. Weird as in they just made stuff up for this?
Starting point is 00:19:59 I think they made some stuff up for this, yeah. It's kind of untapped the World War I kind of genre because the guns aren't that cool. Right, exactly. There's some biplanes and triplanes. What's a triplane?
Starting point is 00:20:10 It's got three sets of wings. Ah, that's too many wings, surely. No, no. Is that in case you lose one? Yeah, I think so. It's the optimum number of wings. I didn't even know. Anyway, it looks pretty good.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Good stuff. All right, okay. I'm going to have to check that out. Anyway, that's our video game chat for the next six months. Wolverine 3. Some villains have been rumored to be in the mix. Yep.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Number one, Wolverine self-doubt. Number two, flashbacks. Like a weird wig out. I'm scared. It's me, Wolverine. I'm scared. So, number one. If you haven't heard our X-Men Days of Future Past commentary, that's my Wolverine I'm scared so number one if you haven't heard our
Starting point is 00:20:45 X-Men Days of Future Past commentary yes that's my Wolverine impression for the whole thing well actually it variates from him being scared
Starting point is 00:20:52 and him just insulting the differently abled that's right exactly so get into that if you haven't yeah I'll link it below or it's on Bandcamp or Patreon
Starting point is 00:21:00 yeah so yeah the Reavers they're like cyborg-y so they're not mutants but they're enhanced aren't they they are yeah they're um Or Patreon. Yeah, that's the one. Yeah. So, yeah, the Reavers. They're like cyborgy type. So they're not mutants, but they're enhanced, aren't they? They are, yeah. Yeah, they've had a crack at Wolverine.
Starting point is 00:21:11 They've had a crack at the Punisher back in the day. They're pretty good. One's got like tank legs. Like treads. Yeah, like tank treads, yeah. Seems impractical. What do they call you, treads? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Okay, that's right in Wolverine's wheelhouse. Or tread house house if you will there's a guy who's got all stretchy arms and legs oh it's gonna be great metallic stretchy yes yeah yeah like telescoping wow that's that's really impractical yeah there's other guys it's gonna be pretty great cool so it's and there's also rumors of um weapon x like the crew like oh yeah okay i don't really know anything about but they're probably just a bunch of different mutants. Yeah. So, you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:47 We'll talk about the Wolverine because it kind of ties into X-Men Apocalypse, which is what we're here to talk about this week, mate. Yes, it is. Unless there's more news that you've missed. Let me check. Are you going to do that thing at the end of the episode where you check for news? I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Okay, cool. That's it. That's all I have. That's bloody it, mate. I mean, I haven't written anything in this notepad for quite a long time it's rosa salazar uh she's gonna be in robert rodriguez she's gonna lead robert rodriguez's uh elita battle angel i remember that yeah so that's happening good stuff all right so i think that's actually it's from a few days ago anyway um
Starting point is 00:22:21 will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:22:49 Register today at That's X-Men Apocalypse. It's at an okay US opening. They're predicting like 80 million. They're hoping for 90. It was made about 130 worldwide last week because it was out in most places in the world.
Starting point is 00:23:07 They're doing that Marvel Studios method of releasing it everywhere else in the world and then a week later releasing it in the US. Oh, God. Siri's kicked in on my iPad. I don't know what's happening there. You accidentally held that button down too long, didn't you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Do you actually ever use Siri? Are you ever just like, Siri, where's the best donuts? Maybe if I'm driving sometimes. Oh, really? Because you can go, if it's plugged in, you can go, hey, Siri. Oh, you've got it on always listening, don't you?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Yeah, it's always listening to me. Oh, wow. Yeah, no, right? You've covered all your laptop and iPad cameras with little fruit stickers. I bloody have, mate. Yeah. So the government can't. But you know they're listening now.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Of course they are. Yeah. But I just don't like having a camera that's looking at you all the time. I understand. That's why when the Xbox was released and they're like, and it's the new Xbox, they're like, it's got to come with a bloody camera that looks at you all the time.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yeah, that's right. Like, no, thank you. I think younger people don't care as much. Oh, maybe that's not true. But someone of our generation, maybe you don't give a shit, do you? Not really. Yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah. What do we got? What do we got? What do we got? What do we got? So we're going to go spoiler free and then spoilers as always. Okay, cool. Yeah, let's do it. We'll clearly mark that.
Starting point is 00:24:06 We'll try as hard as we can to talk at all about this movie without spoilers. That's right. And then we'll just spoil away. And the favorite part of this segment is obviously when you tell us what you think the story was without spoiling it. Oh, geez. All right. So after the events of...
Starting point is 00:24:23 Days of Future Past. Yeah, but also after the events of First Class. Yep. But before the events of... Days of Future Past. Yeah, but also after the events of First Class. Yep. But before the events of... Of the future parts of Days of Future Past. It's 1970... Wait, it's 1983? It's 1983.
Starting point is 00:24:36 So it's 12 years after the events of the past parts of Days of Future Past. But 40-odd years before the events of... X-Men 1. No of the future parts of Days of Future Past. Oh, that's true. Yeah, okay. So it's at that point. It's that clearly defined point, 1983, right dead center. Around the release of Return of the Jedi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Oh, yeah. Oh, that'll come up. Yeah. So Professor X has started his school for gifted youngsters. Yes. And everything seems to be going pretty great. Yeah, it is. But it turns out that the ancient evil of Apocalypse has returned to bloody...
Starting point is 00:25:13 He's awoken and he's unhappy with the state of the world and he's going to Apocalypse everybody. He'll tell everybody about it, how he's unhappy about it, and then eventually he'll do something. Strongly worded letter. That's right. To all the governments. Yeah. Soly worded letter. That's right. To all the governments.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah. So yeah, that is pretty much the plot. There's not a lot to this plot, if I'm honest with you. There are some more spoilers in the trailers and that stuff, which we'll try not to touch on, I guess, even though they're in all the trailers. Like of certain people that kind of pop up and whatever. We won't, hopefully won't touch on that too much. The new cast, I was like, I don't care about any of these new people,
Starting point is 00:25:45 new generic Cyclops. But I actually really enjoyed a lot of the new cast. I thought they were quite good. What did you think? Let's go through them. Cyclops. Yeah, good. I liked him.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Was he sassy enough? Because he was a teen sassman. Yeah, he was like James Marsden Jr. James Marsden Jr. Not James Masters Jr. No, that's Spike. That's Spike, yeah, yeah. So you thought he was a bit above, like, generic Cyclops-y kind of guy?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yeah, they gave him enough. They gave him enough that the amount of screen time he had wasn't just me going, oh, why have they put this guy in here? Because we saw him, we saw another version of young Cyclops in X-Men Origins, Wolverine. Wolverine, yeah, we did. And he was just like a nothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I mean, that was barely a film. Sure, yeah. But, yeah, this guy was much better. What about Jean Grey? Take her or leave her. Nightcrawler? Yeah, good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah, fun little. It's always good to see Nightcrawler. Yeah, he was fun and not as crushed down by angst as Alan Cummings' version in X-Men 2, which was nice, right? Yes, that's very true. Yeah. He still had the little religious-y tattoos, which was nice, right? That's very true. Yeah. He still had the little religious-y tattoos, though. He did, that's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Too much? Do you think it's too much on this design? No, more subtle. More subtle, okay, fair enough. Storm. Not really there. Yeah, I guess you could say that. She's got a bit of play at the start.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Yeah. She has some moments with Apocalypse. Do you like the look, though? Sure, I do like the look. I want to talk about the costumes, though, but that's kind of a spoiler isn't it yeah it is so i might mark that down as spoilers no i thought they were good i i like that they're kind of i think they did quite well with what they had yeah exactly yeah no which was not much in my humble opinion you weren't a fan of this movie in general look i it look if i could if i could describe it in three words it'd be long and
Starting point is 00:27:25 dumb it was i don't mind a dumb movie if you're in and out and and it's and it's done i don't mind a long movie if i make it worth my time but this i felt every second of this it was two and a half hours i really really felt like a very long time oh wow see i thought it was fine like it's not my favorite i don't think it was i think it was fine. Like, it's not my favourite. I don't think it was... I think it was about as good as Days of Future Past in terms of...
Starting point is 00:27:50 It is dumber. Yeah. In terms of dumbness, I would say it's the second dumbest X-Men movie behind Origins Wolverine. But before X-Men 3. Yes, X-Men 3 is not as dumb
Starting point is 00:28:04 as this one. Wow. Yeah, that's right powerful words basically you know what because there's two there's x-men 3 is pretty dumb yeah but at least it's straight down the line and there's not as many moving parts yeah this one there's so many i feel there's a lot of moving parts that they don't know what to do with sure and i don't mean i mean i physically there's a lot of stuff just flying about it certainly is but i mean there's also they've thrown in so many plot points that don't go anywhere yeah and just characters that don't have a lot to do and just you've given a lot of people a lot of powers that they don't use efficiently or effectively
Starting point is 00:28:41 and but then they don't use them effectively all of a sudden and it all falls to bits for me. Okay. Towards the end or just over the course of it? Most of it. The majority of it, sure. See, I genuinely think that the strength of these movies and the same can be said for the last James Bond movies
Starting point is 00:28:56 stem from the first, which was First Class, which I think was really well cast. It's my favourite X-Men film. And all of the good stuff out of Days of Future Past. I feel most of it stems from First Class. Okay, sure. And then it kind of washes over a bit into this one. It's like Fastbender's still great, McAvoy's great.
Starting point is 00:29:15 People say that Jennifer Lawrence phoned it in but I just thought she was... I don't think she phoned it in but I think she was not... I think what they did is they said, hey, we haven't... She came to set and they're like, we haven't written anything for you yet do you have any like deleted pages from hunger games about any speeches that were a little too long about being a hero and and and standing up for what you believe and do you have any of those because we'll just throw them in yeah yeah i feel
Starting point is 00:29:40 they went you know what let's she's good in the hunger games let's just give her some more of that she didn't have a lot to do ultimately. But she was kind of the driving force for a lot of it at the same time. Like she's this icon, this mutant icon. Well, she was this mutant icon because they said she was this mutant icon. But I don't think she really did anything in the movie. She got choked. She did get choked a number of times, yes.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Okay, fair enough. But do you like you enjoy Fassbender and McAvoy and the About a Boy boy sure yeah I just think
Starting point is 00:30:10 like Fassbender's great I think they do yeah again I think they do some good work yeah but I think it's
Starting point is 00:30:14 kind of wasted okay yeah no I can't argue with that let's talk the villain okay was he a
Starting point is 00:30:21 convincing apocalypse ah well that's a good question I like some elements of this apocalypse yes I I Okay. Was he a convincing apocalypse? Well, that's a good question. I like some elements of this apocalypse. Yes. I actually quite like the explanation of why he... It's not really a spoiler, but apocalypse has a lot of powers. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I kind of like the explanation as to why he has so many powers. Okay, sure. Because again, if he's a mutant from tens of thousands of years ago, he wouldn't have all the powers. No. He'd have an extra thumb. Yes. He'd have an extra thumb knuckle or whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:50 That's right. Because it's very early in the days of mutation. Yeah. So the mechanism by which he has so many powers is explained quite well, which isn't how it is in the comic books, but I was okay with it. Right, right. I thought Oscar Isaac, like even though i really i do not like the design i hate it and again because we've actually seen i guess test makeup
Starting point is 00:31:11 or test prosthetics for the look yeah there was a guy who looks exactly like the comic book there was a guy who kind of you know your your audition like different special effects companies audition to do these things and he showed a bust that he made, sculpted off Oscar Isaac. It's just a mock-up, but it's dead on. Yeah, uh-huh. And I don't understand why they went with this. Yeah. And he's kind of a little teeny tiny guy.
Starting point is 00:31:36 That's true. Oscar Isaac is a teeny tiny man. Which is fine, but you can make him – I thought he was menacing because of the stuff like he can take people's heads off with sand and shit yeah right uh-huh yeah but again i think he was like you said he's one of those villains that like have you forgotten what you can do yeah right i think that comes in especially towards the end yeah because of course it's going to be the x-men versus apocalypse at the end yeah and it's in it's a of, why didn't you use any of the powers you used at the start of the film?
Starting point is 00:32:07 Yeah. You could have finished this very quickly. Yes. But for some reason, this is being dragged out a really long time and it's only being dragged out because the script isn't very good. Like, it's not a case of,
Starting point is 00:32:17 oh, well, we've got someone who can stop you using that power, which would make sense. Yeah. It's just a case of, you're not, you'd rather make a speech than a lot of people's heads off with sand you know right because his power one of his powers in this
Starting point is 00:32:32 is sort of this this telekinesis that works down to a kind of a molecular level yeah so he can build he can take some grit off a wall and and break it down to a molecular level and then cut somebody's head off with it yeah and then he can again he can break it down to a molecular level and then cut somebody's head off with it. And again, he can break stuff down to molecules and build something else with it. Yeah, or like fix a person or whatever. Yeah, or enhance their powers or what have you. But when it gets to the end, he doesn't do any of that.
Starting point is 00:32:59 All the fights could have ended very quickly. Yes. No explanation as to why they don't. There's one person in particular that he wanted to keep alive, but that doesn't kind of explain the rest of the people that he doesn't immediately kill. There's also some stuff in the trailers. It's in the movie.
Starting point is 00:33:15 It's in the trailers as well, but it's never ultimately explained properly where any of it comes from. Which? What are you talking about? I'm talking about his technology. Right. Yeah, okay, fair enough. No, it's in the trailers.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Well, in the trailers, he is... In the trailers, you see him sort of lying on a slab and there's sort of golden metallic energy coming through it in sort of circuit board formations and this sort of stuff. And it's never adequately explained how he got it. Who built it. Who built it. Did he build it? Why does.... Who built it. Did he build it?
Starting point is 00:33:45 Why does he need it for what he does? Because if he does, how did he build it in the first place? Yes. Like if he's got it in ancient Egypt, does he always need it? Exactly. There's no explanation for it. For those people who can't see me, which is everyone but you, I just went, I threw my hands up.
Starting point is 00:34:08 You threw your hands up. I didn't know. I didn't know. Did you like his horseman? His initial, his original horseman? Or the horseman he gets in there? Both, sure. Initial, let's say.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I enjoyed the previous horseman more than I enjoyed the modern day horseman, I think. I feel like for the new horseman, because it was kind of like, I'll get the best mutants but he was just like I'll get that drunk first four people I'll say
Starting point is 00:34:29 yeah right uh huh yeah he sort of went in Egypt and went do you know any other mutants I'll take them then great
Starting point is 00:34:36 good yeah you got an old guy with bird wings definitely take it I actually really liked Olivia Munner's Psylocke
Starting point is 00:34:43 I really the look was nailed yeah the look was nailed, I think. Yeah, the look was nailed. Some people have pointed out there's a bit where they revisit Auschwitz in this. Yeah, there is, yeah. And it's very bizarre because it's all very serious and somber and Magneto's having flashbacks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Because obviously if you've seen any of the X-Men films, the first one and First Class in particular, where he bends the gate after his mother's taken away or his family's taken away. They're there and he's having this meltdown and she's just kind of standing there in tights. Yeah, she is, yeah. Like it's just a bit kind of like, what's going on, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:14 Is that disrespectful or whatever? But I thought she was kind of underused for the way they used her in the promo material. They're like, look at her amazing swordplay and whatever. That's true, yeah. She's like barely in it. But she's fine. Oh my God, Mason,ason i'm okay though um yeah she's fine yeah where were the other ones the storm archangel magneto and that's it that's right there we go yeah it's all in the trailers
Starting point is 00:35:37 man action wise yep did you see it did you see the action Did you see the action? I did see the action in that, yeah. I quite like the opening. Some of the CGI is a bit iffy, but it's an ancient Egypt thing. I was like, oh, this is all very exciting and tense and whatever. Yeah. So I've got some tweets about that actually, about how that all kind of went down. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:57 It's another dumb thing, which you'll probably appreciate. We'll talk about it a little bit then, yeah. Okay, great. But they had another Quicksilver moment. Yeah, they did. Which I always it. Okay, great. But they had another Quicksilver moment. Yeah, they did. Which I always enjoy. Look, again, we get Quicksilver, we get Nightcrawler, we get two characters who seemingly do not know what their powers are
Starting point is 00:36:15 from minute to minute. Who's this? Both of them, Quicksilver and Nightcrawler. Oh, you meant and. Okay, gotcha. Both of those two who have very interesting power sets and we can get some good action set pieces with them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:27 But then all of a sudden they forget what they've got and we'll get to it. We'll get to it. Are there any other action things we can talk about without spoiling? Just generally, hand to hand. How did it look? Okay. They,
Starting point is 00:36:43 they avoided what seems to be this x-men trope of somebody being hurled through the air and it's clearly somebody on wire it's clearly some bad wire work i appreciate that uh fine again inconsistent okay sure yeah i would say the same of the special effects yeah uh especially there's a bit at the end with the mansion, which I don't know if you remember. Oh yeah, uh-huh. It's, um, like, it's, it just looked very off. Yeah, and look, I, also, maybe more than any of the other X-Men movies, this has a seriously, I feel, deus ex machina ending. Right. Where it's just like, oh, everything's falling to bits and there's no way out and then all of a sudden, everything's okay again. Yeah, everything's fine.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Which, and it only makes sense if you have seen all of the other X-Men movies. Right, right. Or at least some of the... Or have a knowledge of the comics. Have a knowledge of the characters. If you've never seen any of these, even if you've only seen
Starting point is 00:37:37 First Class Days of Future Past, this one won't make any sense. That's true, actually. That's a good point. It's a real... It's just out of nowhere. Yeah, that's probably true. Let's, best or worst movie ever?
Starting point is 00:37:50 Worst movie ever. Really? Yeah. So I'm going to say it was fine. Okay, sure. So I guess I have to give it a best. And I said so in my review. Yeah, you did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 To be fair, I, no, I thought it was, I didn't, I didn't feel that it dragged. Oh, I did. Like it was, it was brisk enough. And I remember sitting there just going, this is like, I'm, I think Days of Future Past is okay, and I think this is okay. Right, okay. But watching Days of Future Past the other day again, I would probably say in hindsight that's a better film. It's got better ideas.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Yep. It makes better use of the cast. And like you said, it's probably not as dumb, even though it's got dumb time travel in it oh it definitely does yeah all right yeah spoilers all right so what so what go ahead well i was gonna say so we've got we get nightcrawler yeah and we get quicksilver both of whom have amazing power sets yeah at one point nightcrawler is fighting angel in the the mutant pit of death or whatever it is yes surrounded. Surrounded by electrified fences. He can't get through them.
Starting point is 00:38:45 No. He's Nightcrawler. You know in this that he can teleport to... He even says it. He can teleport to anywhere he can see. I think he said he's been. Both. He can teleport to anywhere he's been before within a certain range and anywhere he can see.
Starting point is 00:38:58 He can see to the other side of the electrified fence. So he should be able to go through it, but he can't. Stupid. Because of the electricity though. That's why he couldn't get out of the electricity. It's not a rule. It's not a rule. But you saw him trying to he can't. Stupid. Because of the electricity, though. That's why he couldn't get out of the electricity. It's not a rule. It's not a rule. But you saw him try and do it, and he couldn't because of the electricity.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah, that's actually a really good point. Also, his powers are slightly different from the last time we saw him because he can only go – I think he says he can only go where he sees, but in this one he says where he's been. Yeah. So they kind of enhance it a little bit. A little bit, yeah. That being said, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:28 That being said, yeah, I don't know what that is. Also, Quicksilver. Yeah. We get, of course, the classic Quicksilver. We need Quicksilver action sequence to beat the last one. I like that guy. Yeah, he's good, I think. And again, he runs in, he sees the explosions happening. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:44 He saves everybody in the building within a second, probably. Except for Havoc. Except for Havoc. Spoiler alert. He's dead. Yeah. Well, we're in spoiler space, it's fine. I think he comes back in the comic.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Everyone comes back in the comic. Exactly. But then he gets everybody out on the lawn. The government show up. They fire their sonic cannon, which is moving, oh, I don't know, at the speed of sound, and he can't dodge it. He's just flat out taken by surprise by it. And he's standing in front.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And he's standing, yeah. We've seen him dodge bullets before as well. Exactly. And again, if you can move everybody out of a mansion from an explosion in a second, you even have time to put a slice of pizza in the mouth of a dog, then you're moving faster than the speed of sound. So he would have seen the wall of sound coming
Starting point is 00:40:32 and moved out of the way of it, but he doesn't because they require him to fall for that. Yes. Yeah. Also, he's wearing a Rush t-shirt and there's a Rush song called Time Stand Still and he doesn't. That's not what he's listening to. Now, granted, that song came out in 1987, which hadn't happened yet, but the X-Men movies aren't known for their rigorous use of time.
Starting point is 00:40:56 That's certainly true. And also, he's wearing 80s clothes, apparently, in the 70s version. Yeah. Which I guess implies that he's a little bit ahead or maybe he's making time travel. Well, that's true. He's also wearing an Atari t-shirt. Yeah. In the 80 version. Yeah. Which I guess implies that he's a little bit ahead or maybe he's in time travel. He's also wearing an Atari t-shirt. Yeah. In the 80s.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah. Which, I mean, Atari was around in the 80s. Yeah. But you wouldn't be wearing an Atari t-shirt in the 80s. I would. All right. You're way ahead of the curve. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:17 What else was dumb about this movie? Let's get into it. Okay. So they beat Apocalypse by all shooting him at once. They fantastic forward him. Yeah, they did. Yeah, that's right. Absolutely, they did. They used all shooting him at once. They fantastic fought him. Yeah, they did. Yeah, that's right. Absolutely, they did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:27 They used all their powers at once. You know what, though? I did enjoy the bit where Quicksilver was just knocking him about. Yeah. I thought that was great. And I think I have spoken to people who are like, well, how can he move so fast and then Apocalypse can just grab him? I'm okay with the idea that maybe Apocalypse is generating
Starting point is 00:41:43 some sort of telekinetic field that can slow him down yeah sure or slow his reaction time or something so apocalypse can yeah finally get it and you see his eyes kind of yeah his eyes going like trying to track him right right yeah yeah that was pretty good i enjoyed that yeah but again we've got we get this ending where all is lost yeah and then phoenix and then phoenix then then Jean Grey shows up who at this point has only really done like we've heard she's done some dangerous things
Starting point is 00:42:09 but at this point all we've really seen her do is lift some papers off the floor with telekinesis. She dropped her books and then she And she had that weird dream
Starting point is 00:42:17 with the melting walls. Yeah, that's true. But that does that for me that is not enough foreshadowing to be like okay and then she can turn into a flaming phoenix
Starting point is 00:42:24 and defeat the bad guy by herself and then bring Professor X back from the dead. See, I thought it was. Oh, yeah, I guess that's... But I thought that... She just saves everyone and everything at the end. But I just thought, I mean, that definitely assumes prior knowledge. But I thought they did a good enough job of being like,
Starting point is 00:42:42 look, people are afraid of her. Clearly she can do something. And then she does that thing. So I was okay with that. And we got to see that big bloody bird, mate. Well, that's what we're all in it for. Space bird. It's a space bird.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Yeah, that's true. Ah, great stuff. You know what? So the opening sequence is Apocalypse is getting his conscious transformed, transferred, sorry, into Oscar Isaac. Yes. Because Oscar Isaac. The actor Oscar Isaac. The actor Oscar Isaac. Yes. Because Oscar Isaac. The actor Oscar Isaac was trapped in time.
Starting point is 00:43:08 He wanted to get the acting abilities. He was running from his legion of screaming fans and he fell into a time portal and he ended up in ancient Egypt. He wanted to get his healing powers. Yes. So he could live forever. And then they kick out some supports on the pyramid and the whole thing goes into the earth.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I thought that was quite, did you not like that? No, I did like it. But Ryan, a few people have written in and said, who builds a pyramid on the top of support beams in a giant hole? Right. That's not how pyramids work. Exactly, yeah. And Hammer says, did you guys leave X-Men Apocalypse thinking,
Starting point is 00:43:39 ancient Egypt sure does have some liberal building codes. Boy, did I, yeah. But I think also a fairly certain apocalypse would have built that because we see him at the end of Days of Future Past building a pyramid in like a second. Yeah, right, yeah. I mean, I don't know if it was that one. I don't think it was that one in particular.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Maybe it was, but I think he built that. Yeah, but look, I'm okay with the idea that these men are familiar enough with it. Yeah. They've spent a long time planning this. And they've dug it out. Yeah, they've maybe dug some stuff out and they've been like, okay, we've got to wait and then we'll pull the slats out and then it's going to destroy. You know, the issue isn't how it was built.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah. That's kind of dumb. But, you know, because they teamed up and used their ingenuity they could defeat him or you know yeah put him on ice for a long time but yeah so my like again the the idea that the reason he has so many superpowers is because he can transfer his mind into another mutant yes and then he keeps his old powers and he gains the new powers i thought that was quite good yes because it explains why he can do all those things even though he's one of the earliest one of the earliest mutants but we never i got i had the it would have made more sense to me to say that okay he has acquired some sort of alien technology yes because the phoenix
Starting point is 00:44:58 is an alien intelligence yes so to me it would have made more sense to go, okay, well, he acquired this transference technology from the Shi'ar, who are the aliens who, you know, had this big beef with the Phoenix for some reason. Or like celestial technology or whatever. Yeah. Though they can't use that because... Marvel? But like a variation on that.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah. Marvel. I think I'm Marvel and Celestials. Okay. Yeah. Oh, they do too,? But like a variation on that. Fox? Yeah. Marvel. I think I'm Marvel and Celestials. Okay, right. Yeah. Oh, they do too, yeah. But a variation on that. Yeah, a variation on that.
Starting point is 00:45:30 But they're just like, he's just got this stuff. How did he do it before the invention, before he decided to create... Did he just know how to create pyramids and mind transference technology? I think what he did, he took like a stone funnel and he put it into someone's ear and then he just kind of... Oh, just jiggled it about. ...emptied his own head. Oh, yeah. That makes a yeah yeah no i don't i don't i i don't know i mean i i guess he because he can manipulate things down to like a molecular level so i guess
Starting point is 00:45:55 all that it's just like a series of pipes that can transfer his consciousness okay sure they can i i don't i don't there's no way of knowing there's no way of knowing, right? There's no way of knowing. Also, why did he really, really need to transfer his mind into Xavier's body during the fight at the end? Couldn't he have just knocked him out and then waited until he defeated the X-Men? Yes, or teleported away. Teleported away because if Xavier had been knocked out, then he wouldn't have been able to be like, Gene, it's your time to shine, Gene.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Use your Phoenix Force. I'll fight him in my mind. My mind. And then you... Then you fight him in the mind as well. Did you like how he grew big in the mind? Kind of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:34 It's a shame we didn't actually see it. I would have rather... I would much rather have seen... But again... I always knew that was the mind. I'm like, oh, they're not going to do the big growy apocalypse. Yeah. And now it's another villain we can never get again.
Starting point is 00:46:45 That's right, yeah. I guess that's not true. If they reboot it again, we could just have him show up. Yeah. And he could look like comic book Apocalypse and he could have been like, I'm back. It's me. It's me.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Some people say that this is the time to do it. Just reboot it. Get rid of Singer. Which I don't think he's doing the next one because he's doing 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I feel a little bit like Singer doesn't understand the X-Men universe post like 1998. I completely agree with you.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I think it is time for him. I didn't think he should have done Days of Future Past. Yeah. Because Matthew Vaughn was initially doing it, but he left to do Kingsman. So I can't complain because Kingsman is great. But I think it's time. He puts too much of his own stamp on it.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And at this point, it's not enough. Yeah. Unfortunately. And it did feel a lot, it does feel a lot like, because superhero movies have made a lot of strides since X-Men 3. Just look at Batman 2 and 3. Yeah, exactly. The greatest movie ever created.
Starting point is 00:47:39 But it does feel like X-Men of the 80s where people are explaining their powers as they use them kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. It does kind of feel like X-Men of the 80s where people are explaining their powers as they use them kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. It does kind of feel like that. I also think that does every X-Men movie have to be all the X-Men? And why are there only solo movies we're getting Wolverine? Why can't we get a Cyclops movie, a bloody Nightcrawler movie, whoever? I don't care.
Starting point is 00:47:59 But just some variation. Not just these are all the X-Men all the time. That's true. Yeah. I'd like to see maybe like a Cyclops kind of Bond-style espionage kind of film. Yeah, sure. I think that would be fun. He's really kind of underused.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Anyway, whatever. What else was dumb in this? Let me think. You know what I did like? Yes. Magneto losing his family and the kind of – Yeah, it's good to see wives and children murdered. No, I just mean his emotional reaction, kind of the way it kind of happened.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Oh, there's a thing. Yes. Right at the end, he's like, well, you destroyed a whole bunch of cities. You just- You destroyed most of the cities. Most of the cities. You destroyed the Sydney Opera House. How dare you, by the way.
Starting point is 00:48:38 How dare you destroy one of our national icons. Also, at the peak of Australian travel. Oh, that's right. That was the Paul Hogan years. Oh, people were just, oh. Chop it a bit, mate. And he's just destroying bridges and people are falling off bridges in their cars and he's tearing just skyscrapers apart
Starting point is 00:48:55 to build this little whirling dervish of metal or whatever. And then at the end, Professor X is like, well, see you later, old friend. No, you murdered a lot of people then. Billions. So many people. And then also in the news, they're like, actually, the guy who we think killed the president saved the world. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:49:15 Yeah. Because remember, everybody in the world thinks that Magneto killed the president. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that made no sense. Did you like how Professor X went bald? No.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I mean, I'm glad he did. It's about time. i'm not 100 convinced by james ball james mcavoy you don't think he's really bald no i'm saying i think he looks better with the hair yeah yeah definitely but what they really kind of don't have to contrive of reason for everything to because again it's nothing's gonna match up no between this x-Men and X-Men 1. Nothing has. Or this one. Yeah. And that doesn't have to because it's a different timeline.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Just say he's losing his hair. Yeah. Or just don't lose your hair. Also, this is something you mentioned. You said look out for this as we were watching Days of Future Past. At the end of Days of Future Past, Wolverine is fished out of the river by Stryker, but it's Stryker with Mystique's eyes. And not that he stole her eyes.
Starting point is 00:50:14 But it's Mystique obviously disguised as Stryker. But when we get to X-Men Apocalypse, he's in the Weapon X program, but Striker is the real Striker. Yes. But at the same time, we've got 10 years missing in between there. That's certainly true, yeah. But why include that Striker scene in the last one
Starting point is 00:50:37 where it's actually a mistake? Because you need a little wink. But why? That's classic Singer. It doesn't even make any sense. I know, that's classic Singer. A little bit of a nod and a wink, eh? Yeah? That's classic singer. It doesn't even make any sense. I know. That's classic singer. A little bit of a nod and a wink, eh?
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah, and you're right. What's going to happen in the next... It's just a tease, but yeah. They definitely could have picked him up in that time. But again, just don't have that scene. Just have him fished out of the lake and then he's... No, see, that's the thing. I think it was just a little thing that means nothing.
Starting point is 00:51:02 It was supposed to be like, oh. It certainly doesn't mean anything. But I mean, we're supposed to read something profound. Not profound, but we're supposed to read like, oh, that's intriguing, isn't it? But they're never going to, you know. No. I know. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:51:15 But that's the thing. So clearly there's another adventure. There's 10 years more of Wolverine continuity in there. My assumption is that he escapes from that point. Yeah. And then the real Striker comes back. Yeah. And then Striker captures him again and puts him into the Weapon X program.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And look, that has to have been what happened. Yeah. Why do we have to write it, though? Yeah, that's good. What did you think about the scene in Weapon X? A little shoehorned. Yeah. It was fun to see.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Stop it. Siri. That said like oh you know you know how i'm all for comic book costumes i'm all for them that 90s weapon x suspenders and yeah computer helmet is the dumbest fucking thing i've ever seen yeah you think people would have cheered big fans of wolverine and weapon x would have been like hooray they finally did it some things don't trend i just i just think it's strange the things that Singer chooses to put in. Right. Like, it'd be like, we're going to put in an exact-looking Psylocke and an exact-looking Weapon X,
Starting point is 00:52:15 but we're going to have the dumbest-looking apocalypse you've ever seen. Weird, right? And black X-Men suits until the end. Like, what are you doing? Like, all or nothing, or at least pick better things. Also, the idea that they find flight suits, they're like, well, they want to put a uniform on. They did that in first class.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yes, they did. It's the same thing. It's just, God. But there were no X-Men in this one, remember? Because Professor X was like, I'm all about education. I'm not about punching mutants. I want this campus to be a place. But in the end, that did save the day.
Starting point is 00:52:47 That's true. I'm all about building a campus where normal people can come and get incinerated. Sure, yeah. Just, yeah. Look, all you have to look, this campus is perfectly safe. All you have to do
Starting point is 00:52:57 is not be in the direct eyeline of anyone. Or with an earshot of them. Or just around their head. Because maybe they'll shoot out a brainwave and it'll explode your mind. Would you go to that school? No. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Unless they let me fly the Blackbird. Then maybe. Well, it's gone, isn't it? I like how they're like, I think at some point they're like, Apocalypse destroyed the X-Mansion. No, he didn't. Havoc destroyed the X-Mansion.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Really just, what were you thinking, Havoc? Your power is uncontrollable at the best of times. What were you doing? What did you think was going to happen? The best case scenario there is he fires his bloody Havoc beam and it shoots Professor X right through the heart because that's what was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:53:41 It was a pretty wide beam as well, wasn't it? Maybe it would have balded him. Yeah. The best case scenario, he incinerates everyone. You know, he tries a similar thing in First Class on Kevin Bacon, and Kevin Bacon absorbs it and he puts it in Darwin's mouth and kills him. That's right. What an idiot.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yeah. Anyway. I do like Havoc. I don't like his hair. No. He'll make a great new MacGyver for those two episodes before he gets cancelled. You wanted to bring up, you know what, actually, the Wolverine scene. I thought it held a little.
Starting point is 00:54:13 The Wolverine scene. The what's that? The Wolverine scene. The Wolverine scene. I thought it held on him a little too long as he ran into the woods. Yeah, right. It became a little comical. It was like five seconds of him kind of running through the snow.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Yeah. And at the Jean Grey moment, they're like, we'll never see that guy again. Oh, there were a couple of those. Oh, the third movie is always the worst one. It was the worst one. This one was the worst one. You can't just say that and expect people to go,
Starting point is 00:54:38 oh, yeah, but this one's pretty good. No, it was bad. We were all aware by that point that it was the worst of the three. I really didn't hate this man you really like all of all the things you're saying are true i guess for me i'm like i know at this point i'm like i know what these are yeah and i don't expect better right okay sure yeah yeah i kind of do yeah fair somebody else on yeah no i agree but i mean like seeing the promotional material and not being super excited for it and going in and hearing it was bad.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And I was like, you know, it's okay. Yeah. Yeah. Also, that point where Professor X, all is lost, and Professor X is like, oh, no, I just remembered. I am connected to his mind. You're a telepath. You're always connected to his mind anyway.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Just find him. You're connected to all of us. Just think a bit hard, and you'll'll find him and then just do that. He's not telepathic. I mean, he, Apocalypse isn't. Yeah. So it wouldn't matter. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Just find his mind and just get in there. I did like the angel transformation. Yeah, that looked good. That's like the fly, like bloody cracking bones and rib cages. Yeah, that was cool. That kind of stuff. There's some killer haircuts in this, aren't there? Oh boy. There's some bloody stuff there's some killer haircuts in this aren't oh boy there's some bloody so some bloody good ones yeah uh let's talk costumes though okay i
Starting point is 00:55:50 i really liked and i don't know why they saved it towards the end the danger room costumes wonderful the cyclops so good yeah yeah yeah looked real good but they didn't say they saved it till the very... Every Bryan Singer movie, why is he so reluctant to do it? I don't know. And again, picture-perfect Psylocke. Yep. Picture-perfect Wolverine.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Except at the moment he was wearing long shorts, not like Y-fronts. Yeah. Which is the classic. And I don't think he had suspenders in the other one. No. In fact, I think in a lot of... In the original, when he's the original Weapon X, I think he's just naked. Yeah, he probably one. No. In fact, I think in a lot of... In the original,
Starting point is 00:56:26 when he's the original Weapon X, I think he's just naked and he's got computer boxes. Yeah, he probably is. And those are like VR simulations or something? Something like that, yeah. Is it like training something? I don't know. I don't bloody know, mate.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Yeah. Yeah. Did you like Wolverine's long hair? Sure, it was fine. You were okay with it, weren't you? Yeah. But yeah, that... Oh, man, especially the Cyclops costume.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah. Bloody devil. Why wait? Just have them... Just go down the bottom of the X-Mansion and be like, we said we'd never use these, but here they are. Yeah. Cyclops, you can use that one, which is just exactly what you need.
Starting point is 00:57:00 You know what I mean? I mean, Deadpool did X-Men costumes. Yeah, right? God. Post-credits. Oh, yeah. X-Men costumes. Yeah, right? God. Post-credits. Oh, yeah. Now, when I went and saw it, it stopped halfway through the credits. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And then it cut back to when the danger room scene. And I'm like, oh, that's annoying. Then it played again. So you got a bad print. You got a projectionist that was drunk at the wheel. It cut back again. Okay. And then it happened a third time.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Great. And then I waited through the third time. Then it happened a fourth time and I went, no. Okay, right. I've stayed two too many. Well, I mean, you've probably read about it since. Yes, I have. You missed like a minute.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Nothing. I'm glad I didn't stay for the fourth time. So it's about a minute of footage. We're back at the Weapon X facility. They're sweeping up all the blood, which I think was quite a nice touch. Yeah. And then we see a bespectacled man in a suit, and he grabs some Weapon X. Do you see clearly who it is?
Starting point is 00:57:54 It's just a guy. It doesn't matter who it is. Yeah. And he takes a vial of blood marked Weapon X, which is presumably Wolverine's blood. Yeah. He puts it in a box with two other different coloured vials of something. I think there's a yellow one and a green one maybe. He pops it in there.
Starting point is 00:58:11 He puts it in a case. He closes it over and it says Essex Corporation. Yes, very good. So Essex is Nathaniel. I assume at this point it's Nathaniel Essex, who is Mr. Sinister, who is basically a geneticist from the 19th century, who was the first one to unearth apocalypse in the comic books uh and then and they're enemies as well aren't they well yeah so basically uh
Starting point is 00:58:31 apocalypse mutates essex into mr sinister right for various reasons to make him immortal and sinister reasons the sinister reasons exactly so presume. So I would assume we might get X-23, the clone of Wolverine, something like that. Well, Hugh Jackman's on the out, so that's probably the way they're going to have to go. I'm going to say Emily Blunt, because I just wanted to have all the roles. All them roles.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Yeah, someone said to me, Maisie Williams on Twitter. Oh, yeah, okay. That would work, sure. That'd be interesting to see. I think it's too early to recast Wolverine, especially because I'm not convinced that Hugh Jackman's gone forever. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:13 When he does, after he does the last one. Right, right, right. But, you know, you never know. You never know. He likes protein, doesn't he? So he might be back. But again, that's a nice... Now that I think about it,
Starting point is 00:59:25 how many post-credit sequences in Marvel movies make any amount of sense to people who don't read comic books or are not familiar with the Marvel canon? We could do a quick. Let's do a quick. Okay. Okay, well, Iron Man makes sense. I think so.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Because it's Nick Fury saying what he's doing. Yes. And he says Avengers and people go, Oh, the Avengers. Okay, that makes sense. Do you think the Thor's hammer makes sense i think so because it's nick fury saying what he's doing yes and he says avengers and people go the avengers okay that makes sense do you think uh the thor's hammer makes sense uh like people know who thor is don't they or did know who thor was prior to these movies coming yeah i think the thor one makes more sense than essex court i think most people definitely yeah at the very least like like, you can see that it's a hammer, it's made a massive
Starting point is 01:00:08 crater in Earth. You can see it's some sort of powerful artifact. It's probably important. And if they haven't picked it up, it's clearly
Starting point is 01:00:13 unpick-up-able for whatever reason. Yeah, or, you know, everybody who touches disintegrates. Or magnets, exactly, yeah. But yeah, that makes more sense
Starting point is 01:00:23 than Essex Corp. There's the Captainica one where he goes to the future that makes sense yep is that post credits yep where he runs out into bloody it is yeah central time square or whatever yeah uh what else we got avengers thanos i think would be confusing yes definitely but then again you'd just be like oh this is the guy who's in charge of everything right after all the aliens came through the portal or whatever yeah because there's no mention of essex in nope yeah right they're not a sinister i don't know i don't think i don't know this for sure but i don't think they've been referenced in any of the x-men
Starting point is 01:00:52 movies no i don't know that for sure but i do know it for sure yeah yeah i don't know i think i think it's a bit of a mixed bag yeah and i think though generally they're for the fans because yeah the average moviegoer i'd imagine though this is kind of shifted they they leave that's true i don't want to hang around yeah that's true yeah i mean i would i wouldn't have hung around if i didn't know what it was yeah right i don't care i don't need to see a man close the briefcase even even in the x-men movies happens the end of the first one nothing i don't great good some of them have stuff right yeah i mean x-men 3 has magneto moving his metal chess piece for the first time i think two but this actually might be in the movie i don't remember
Starting point is 01:01:30 is you see the phoenix underwater yeah but that might actually be in the movie i don't know that yeah well we've definitively determined whether these are fans or not wolverineins is one of two it's Deadpool retrieving his head or it's Wolverine wearing a Hawaiian shirt in Japan that's right yeah I think every cinema in Australia got that one we got the Hawaiian one yeah
Starting point is 01:01:57 which again leaves literally decades yes because then he eventually goes back to Japan. He eventually goes back to Japan. But it's after all the X-Men movies. In the sequel to Wolverine, X-Men Origins Wolverine, but it's literally decades. But I think the idea was that the original sequel
Starting point is 01:02:13 to Wolverine Origins would have been set straight after. Oh, okay, right. I'd imagine. But I don't know anything, Mason. No way of knowing. It's hard to know anything, isn't it? It sure is. Anything else?
Starting point is 01:02:24 What else was dumb in that movie i think that's about it i'm sure we'll think of some other stuff later no doubt i'm just don't have a look at anything else no i'm okay with it okay but you know what i want them better like look you've had your bloody shot brian seager yes right somebody else there you've made four some of them are okay that's enough yeah i still don't think x-men 3 is that much worse than the first two i don't think x-men 3 yeah no i understand but it's like it's it looks enough like the other ones right sure there's some dumb choices in it but like like costume wise but it's got kelsey grammer's beast that's true that i'm all for would you know
Starting point is 01:03:04 what it would be time for now? What would it be time for now? It's time for the segment of the show where we talk about what we've been reading. Oh, yes, and what we're going to read. I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? What? We talked about Rebirth, didn't we?
Starting point is 01:03:23 We did talk about it briefly, yes. It was a long comic, wasn't it? You read it. It's the return of the 80-page giant. Yeah, it's back, baby. And like X-Men Apocalypse, it was long and dumb, in my opinion. Look, we touched on all this sort of stuff briefly, but again... Well, we hadn't read it last week. Yeah, but did you read it as well?
Starting point is 01:03:44 I did read it, yeah. Briefly, but again... Well, we hadn't read it last week. Yeah, but now, did you read it as well? I did read it, yeah. So, in this we got... You would think that if they're rebooting their universe again, that this would be a good jumping on point for your layman, who's maybe seen some of the...
Starting point is 01:04:00 He's seen, or she has seen, or them, has seen Arrow, or The Flash seen, or them, has seen Arrow or The Flash or Batman, Superman, or any of those. You'd think this would be a simple jumping on point, but it is not. There's a whole scene that's just like, it's a woman being committed to an insane asylum. Is that what it is? Yeah, why would I not remember that? But the whole scene essentially is leading up to one of her possessions is a Legion of Superheroes flight ring.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Right. Oh, yeah, that's right. So if you don't know who the Legion of Superheroes is, that's a whole scene that is... Nothing to know. That is nothing to... There's going to be spoilers in this, I guess. Yeah, spoilers.
Starting point is 01:04:35 So this is... The narrator is Wally West. Yes. But it's not the Wally West who was in the New 52. No, or the Wally West on the Flash TV series. On the Flash TV show. This is the Wally West pre- in the New 52. No, all the Wally West on the Flash TV series. On the Flash TV show. This is the Wally West pre-The Flashpoint event. And he's tumbling through time.
Starting point is 01:04:51 He's tumbling through time. He doesn't exist anymore. Yeah. And he keeps appearing to various people like Batman, his wife. The reason he doesn't exist as well because the New 52 was just a flat reboot sort of caused by Flashpoint paradox from the Flash going through time. And this is basically resetting it, taking the elements of New 52, which people like, and then reestablishing the old DC continuity.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Right. Essentially making the last five, ten years a complete waste of time. And you always didn't like the New 52, did you? No, I didn't because it was a complete – because, again, this is a universe where they went, okay, you know all the relationships you've established and all the characters who, you know, they've been through battles together
Starting point is 01:05:30 and they've been in relationships together and all that. Just start it again. We'll just start them all. We'll start them again and we'll have them not be friends anymore. We'll give them cool, cool, in quotes, new costumes. Lots of tubing. Lots of tubing and yeah little little little articulated grooves and stuff like that um and we'll take away like we'll take away 10 years worth of continuity
Starting point is 01:05:53 but now what they've done is they've gone hey you know how we took out all that stuff you liked well it was actually spoiler alert it was dr manh's fault. He did it. You can't blame five to ten years' worth of bad stories on a fictional character, a very well-regarded fictional character. You did it. DC editorial staff, you did it. It's all on you. And also, as far as I know,
Starting point is 01:06:20 the editorial staff making Rebirth are the same people that did New 52. Yes, I love them. Nobody's changed. It's pretty much the same. They've gone, hey, somebody else did this. By the way, we're rebooting it. Don't blame them.
Starting point is 01:06:34 So basically, they're like, okay, we'll simplify it. So they've got this Wally West. He's tumbling through time. He's like, you see my wife? And she's like, I don't know who you are or whatever. And he's like, fuck you. Yeah, exactly. And then he tumbles through time again and blah, blah, blah. And then eventually he shows up. He sees Batman. Yeah. Batman's like like I don't know who you are or whatever and he's like fuck you yeah exactly and then he tumbles through time again
Starting point is 01:06:45 and blah blah blah and then eventually he shows up he sees Batman yeah and Batman's like I don't know who you are either and he's like your father's a son of a bitch
Starting point is 01:06:52 yeah right and then eventually Barry Allen remembers him yes and he comes back from this universe which means now we have we have the Flash Barry Allen
Starting point is 01:07:00 yes we have Kid Flash Wally West yeah in this universe we also have another Wally West White Wally West who is also the Flash have another Wally West White Wally West who is also the Flash
Starting point is 01:07:06 yes exactly who is also the so we're going to have we're going to have two Flashes and two Kid Flashes again yep are we going to have
Starting point is 01:07:13 the Jay Garrick Flash the original one I couldn't tell you not to mention the three Jokers that's right so okay so we're talking about
Starting point is 01:07:21 have we said spoiler alert on this probably yes you can get this for free on the internet I think because it was leaked, right? I think it was, yeah. Yeah. So the idea being that Dr. Manhattan, for some reason, for some nefarious reason, decided
Starting point is 01:07:34 to erase 10 years of DC continuity to weaken the universe or something? Something like that. Is it implied? We're not entirely sure. We're not entirely sure yet. I think it might be like a one-shot deal. Like, the universe will be reset and Dr. Manhattan will be like the actual villain's that guy. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:49 He'll be a guy who looks mostly like the anti-monitor, but will be a slightly different color and shoot slightly different colored rays or whatever. Right. And then Dr. Manhattan will be like, now off to my universe again, and he will leave. Right. So you don't think the Watchmen characters are going to be integrated in? No. You know what?
Starting point is 01:08:04 I think variations... Well, some of them are dead. Because we see in this, Batman in the Batcave finds the comedian's bloodstained smiley face badge, which suggests to me that one of... Because in this, there are three Jokers. The revelation is that, or has been already,
Starting point is 01:08:22 we know already that there have been three Jokers. The Joker's been three different people throughout the that there have been three Jokers. Yeah. The Joker's been three different people throughout the DC history. Yeah. That's the new continuity, which suggests that the comedian is one of them. Oh, is that how you took that? That's what I think it is. Okay, no, I didn't pick that up on that.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Maybe the... Because there's a panel you can find on the internet. It's the three Jokers side by side. It's the original Joker. It's the killing joke Joker. It's the new shaved sides of the head Joker. I think they're implying that Edward Blake is the original Joker. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:53 He's the oldest one. He's the oldest one, yeah. Okay. I don't know if that's going to... You know what? If they did do that now, I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah, right? That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I think this might also be a lead into suicide squad the movie version so do you think that's what they're building i think they might because we've gone back and forth on this yeah it is entirely possible that the jared leto joker is the second or third joker right in the in the cinematic universe which is why he has all the weird dumb tattoos yes that the original joker was the one that did all the damage back in the day and he's dead now. Yeah. Which again leads into my theory that the Batman v Superman universe and Man of Steel
Starting point is 01:09:35 universe is in fact the Tim Burton Batman universe just decades later. Which works for me quite well. Thank you. What else happens in Rebirth? Let me think. What else happens in Rebirth? Let me think. What else does happen? You know what, I didn't hate it. Probably because I'm kind of across this kind of stuff,
Starting point is 01:09:52 so I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. But imagine you've never read a... Oh, no, that's not the one you want to pick up. You've watched a couple of episodes of Arrow, you're like, this universe is pretty cool. I wonder what would happen if he met Batman. What would go on there? Confusing stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Just a nightmare. Yeah. Look, obviously, I'll have to see how this all plays out. But look, what's important to me is, as it is with every time they reset everything, I just want good story arcs. I don't care what continuity it's in. I don't care what characters are where.
Starting point is 01:10:17 There was a lot of good stuff in the new 52, the new Batman run. We talked about this before the show. Animal Man was great. Animal Man was great. I haven't read Swamp Thing Thing but I heard that's really good what else is good the new Wonder Woman
Starting point is 01:10:29 yep the initial run Aquaman was great so look if we're getting good stories I don't I don't really care this will be a few issues long
Starting point is 01:10:37 and then they'll just go back to regular regular stories you know what I mean and that's that's all I want to see like I just want to see some good stuff
Starting point is 01:10:43 yeah I want to see some I feel like there hasn't been a really good Superman story in a while so I'd like to see that and I think bringing back the original Superman
Starting point is 01:10:50 is a good way to do that oh that's right Superman died so it turns out that the new 52 Superman who is dead now yeah so it always seemed
Starting point is 01:10:58 in the new 52 there were already two Superman there weren't it was just the Superman there was a Superman who was full Superman in the Superman costume who has had a romance with Wonder Woman and et cetera.
Starting point is 01:11:10 And he was in the Justice League. And he was in the Justice League. That was slightly in the future when he'd become full Superman. But if you read an actual Superman comic, it was just a guy in jeans and t-shirt. He was deep powered. Like leaping up on buildings and stuff like that. And he used like the cape to punch people. Yeah, and he hadn't acquired his full output of superpowers yet.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Oh, no, no. And no, sorry, later he got depowered as well. Oh, okay. So he was protecting the streets of Metropolis. Okay, right. But he, I can't remember how it happened, but he got massively depowered. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:40 But that's the thing. So there was two versions of the same guy. One was slightly in the future to the other one. But even then, I don't think that it was even the case because the same thing with Batman. It was like Futures End Batman, which is where Batman with like a false spine, like because something probably got baned or whatever.
Starting point is 01:12:01 And then there was the regular Batman. But there was also when Jim Gordon became Batman, when regular Batman died or lost hised or whatever. And then there was the regular Batman, but there was also when Jim Gordon became Batman, when regular Batman died or lost his memories or whatever. But they were all taking place in the same time. And there was also Batman in the Justice League, who was Batman Batman, not Jim Gordon Batman. Right. So it was all over the shop.
Starting point is 01:12:17 And they were all, exactly. So they were all technically taking place in different time periods. Yes, but they stood in line up. But they were all being printed at the same time. So if you bought a whole... Yeah, it was a bloody mess. So then it turned out that this new 52 Superman has died. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:32 But there was another series called Superman, Lois and Clark. Yes. Where Superman and Lois were living in California and Superman had grown a beard. Yes. And they had a son, right? Yes. They've got a kid and now he's back. He's the original Superman and he's back. Yes. Right? had a son, right? Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:46 They've got a kid and now he's back. He's the original Superman and he's back. Yes. Right? Okay. But I don't know. Or he will be back. He will be back. Different.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Anyway, what a nightmare. So you're a fan, obviously. You're going to keep reading it. No. I don't even know anymore. Don't know who I am after that anymore. Boy, I'm glad to see the return of the 80-page giant, though. let me tell you. You bloody love it, mate. I do. That's true. What have you been, you've been reading anything else? I should watch Preacher. I watch Preacher
Starting point is 01:13:11 as well. Yeah, you should definitely watch it. I'll let you know. Yeah. Let me know what you think. Well then, you know, we should do the show, the segment of the show that you know and love. Why are you going to watch it? Are you going to bloody read anything else? No, I said I wasn't. Oh, okay. Right. Fantastic. All right. Let's do the segment of the show. The segment that we're doing right now. Which segment? Just a classic one. I remember the segment now.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Yeah, good, right? Because of the theme song. Well done, Mason. Thank you. You've done it again. I'm back. One for one. I play that off my phone.
Starting point is 01:13:43 I give that a 0.5. Out of 0.5? No. I will not ask any more questions. As always, we read some tweets out because Gmail is a mess. If you hashtag weeklyplanetpod, we will go through them and pick out three, three of the best or three of the ones that we see. This one's from Noah the Womper, at Noah the Womper.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Hey, guys. What do you think of the next what do you guys think of an X-Men movie set in the 90s and who would you put on the team
Starting point is 01:14:09 thanks guys so that's what we're going to get next the next X-Men movie is set in the 90s 93-ish I'm assuming because they kind of jump around 10 years
Starting point is 01:14:17 ahead what do you want to say aside from the obviously the X-Men 90s cartoon thing oh well see what I would like is the 90s X-Men roster. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Like a cartoon roster. Absolutely. So Jubilee would be in it. Morph. I want Morph. Yep. What about Wolverine? Gambit.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Gambit. Wolverine, yeah, Wolverine would be good. But which Wolverine? Because Hugh Jackman, if he's going. Oh, yeah, okay. Maybe we could throw X-23 in then. Yeah. Or just have no Wolverine.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Also have no Wolverine. That's also not fair. It would be okay. As first class proved, you don't... Well, even though he's in that movie, you don't actually need Wolverine in your movies. Yeah. Ah, who else is good in that?
Starting point is 01:14:53 Worf dies very quickly in that show. I'm okay with that. Yeah. Well, he can be the expendable character. Yes. Professor X, obviously. Magneto, who... The guy who voiced Magneto
Starting point is 01:15:01 was up for the role of Magneto in the live-action X-Men movie. Oh, yes. What's on that roster? Jean Grey. Okay, villain will be Mr. Sinister, I assume. Yep. There's some givens here. Storm?
Starting point is 01:15:14 Yep. As good Storm? Good Storm. Psylocke could switch sides. She was very intent on not switching sides. She left. She gave a lot of wilting looks and then she left do we have to make magneto the villain again or was he on the x-men what about mystique because she's kind of good i don't think we're
Starting point is 01:15:35 gonna see mystique i think even though jennifer lawrence has been in interviews like maybe i'll do another one but i don't think so unless i'll like do you want 30 million dollars and i don't think they necessarily need her either. Do you want to see Cable? Yes. Oh, we're going to see him in Deadpool. We're going to see him in Deadpool, exactly, yeah. Do you want to see him?
Starting point is 01:15:50 How about we get a little hint of Cable, maybe? Sure. Lay in some Cable. Yeah, exactly. There we go. Thank you. Yeah, just do the 90s cartoon show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Just do all the 90s costumes. Make them as 90s as possible. I want to see the most yellow and blue costumes you've ever seen in your life. How about Bishop? We bring Bishop back. Because he's a time travel guy. We saw Bishop. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Do you think that would be complicated though? Yeah. But who cares? Do you think they could have modern date? No. Because when was Bishop born? Because he would have been born in the 90s, wouldn't he? So he couldn't have young Bishop.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Yeah, that's true. I mean, he could. I think you could have him travel back from the future. Yes, but would that be confusing? No, because you just have to... Would you have to build a story around that? No, I think you could just say he's stranded from the X-Men days of future past future. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:32 And there was some... In that last moment where you think everybody's going to die, but everything's fine, he gets thrown out of the future and he ends up... But that wasn't literal time travel. It was mind time travel. I know. Mind travel. Yeah, but then
Starting point is 01:16:45 mutant powers and whatever and whatever so yeah i think so yeah okay great great anything else no that'll do it good good time this is from at uh kyle wren uh to two ends uh so disney we should have giant juggernaut as one of the plays yeah please just whoever did the colossus motion capture get him again juggernaut Vinnie Jones no thank you Disney have made
Starting point is 01:17:11 an announcement to work with Netflix all I hear is that we're one step closer to a Star Wars Netflix series hashtag weekly planet pod so basically
Starting point is 01:17:18 all Disney properties now are going to Netflix so that's your Star Wars your Marvel your Disney movies DuckTales
Starting point is 01:17:24 DuckTales Darkwing Duck Darkwing Duck Tailspin tailspin a goof troop movie yeah or a goofy movie what was that one called one of those yeah I know Masupalami yeah all the good ones yeah I that's great first of all it's good for good on Netflix because that's one I have so yeah fantastic well I want to see all that stuff and they're already I that stuff. I don't know what it is on the US one or the overseas ones, but what are you about? We've got Guardians and Ant-Man and Avengers and all those kind of things.
Starting point is 01:17:54 They do tend to shuttle them off quite quickly. That's true. The other day I'm like, you know what? I'd like to watch the first Captain America again. It's gone. Gone. Maybe that won't be the case anymore. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Maybe it will be. Because there is a bit of a rotating roster. Yeah. Star Wars Netflix series, I definitely think they're building towards that. Really? Yes. Well, I mean, because Marvel,
Starting point is 01:18:13 they're doing it, aren't they? Yeah. You tell a small story over a longer period of time, you can set it anywhere in the Star Wars universe. You'd probably have to do some gritty, underground-y Star Wars. You couldn't do, like, a big space battle. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Oh, you could you could do a bit of Battlestar Galactica and hey over here get out of it this dog's bloody running amok
Starting point is 01:18:32 actually she hasn't moved for a walk that'll be it I'll take her for a walk after it's got a good spirit don't you reckon I know right
Starting point is 01:18:37 very nice but I kind of feel like see that's the thing like I feel like Star Wars is a property that kind of feel I mean they've done TV stuff thing. I feel like Star Wars is a property that kind of feel... I mean, they've done TV stuff before.
Starting point is 01:18:47 They've done... Was Rebels? Rebels is still on. Is that CGI anime? I've literally never watched it. Yeah. But I feel like Star Wars, just the whole vibe of it is, we will not...
Starting point is 01:18:58 In terms of live action, we will not lower ourselves to television. Oh, okay. I kind of feel... Nobody's ever actually said that. You haven't heard of the telemovies Caravan of Courage? Oh, good point. I stand defeated. And the Star Wars Holiday Special?
Starting point is 01:19:10 But it feels to me like they go, okay, well, like we're making this huge raft of movies. It feels to me like they're going, okay, well, all these Star Wars stories. Even Rebels, you could go could go oh it doesn't really matter continuity wise who cares kind of thing sorry I'm just fixing my mic
Starting point is 01:19:32 Rebels they're like look it's Darth Vader and look at all the adventures Rebels does not inform the movie so much as the movies inform Rebels so you could technically... It's the same with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Would you say that Rebels could be replaced by like an offhanded remark in one of the movies? Like, oh, we got the plans and here they are. Yeah. Like there could be a whole season of Rebels devoted to getting the plans. Yeah. And then in the movie they could just go, here's the plans. We got them. That guy got them.
Starting point is 01:20:03 You didn't see him, but there was a courier and he brought you the plans. Right. So it feels to me like Star Wars live action is like all the action is up here. Yes. In the Star Wars movies. And we don't necessarily believe in the TV stuff. Right. That's how I feel.
Starting point is 01:20:17 That's how I feel it has been. Yeah. Maybe things will change. That's probably true. But I think because of what they've done with Marvel, I think that that will change. That's probably true, but I think because of what they've done with Marvel, I think that that will change. I mean, why would you even make this deal if you weren't at least considering that?
Starting point is 01:20:30 I'm not saying it will definitely happen, but I don't see why they wouldn't. I think it's going to be more animated series. Like in the tradition of your Voltrons. I think Rebels is going to wrap up over the next couple of seasons. Actually, Rebels isn't bad. It's actually... There's some really pretty standout episodes. There's some helicopter lightsabers, right?
Starting point is 01:20:49 There is. That's Rebels. You can ignore that, but other than that. But, yeah, so I think they'll do another animated series in a couple of years, maybe after Return of the Jedi and before bloody 7. Okay. But, no, I think there was also, we've talked about it before,
Starting point is 01:21:04 there were plans for a star wars underground fighting hunter dog fighting ring yeah like they gave masters of terror kai terracash terrace kasai yes yeah uh where they were going to make it after revenge of the sith where they where they'd written a hundred scripts we've talked about it yeah it was all like was bounty hunters and smugglers and whatever maybe they'll do i don't think they're going to do that because george lucas had a big hand in a lot of those they have them disney would own that yeah but i think they might lean towards that other people have said maybe they'll do an old republic they probably won't do this but it would cool to see an obi-wan movie no obi-wan tv show i think if they're going to do it they'll probably do a
Starting point is 01:21:39 movie that oh young obi-wan just growing up in a small town no because he was stolen as a baby like all jedi oh yeah like all the good jedi that's no sense it's a good one isn't it yeah and every week i'd be matt just just imagine like an obi-wan so it's just smallville it's basically like every week like some local some local teen is exposed to too many midichlorians and turns into a monster and he has to fight the monster but they're like okay the rules is the rules of this show aren't no lightsabers no flowing robes so he's just a regular kid with a stick with a stick exactly so does that mean like smallville he'll meet he'll meet all these villains he'll meet dark maul he'll meet ducu he'll meet sidious grievous yeah but grievous is not a robot those weird racist men from Phantom Menace were like
Starting point is 01:22:25 oh Trade Federation yeah he's gonna meet all of them great yeah I guess I'd watch that me too
Starting point is 01:22:32 this is from at the free man cult hashtag weekly planet pod have you guys ever seen the movie Dick Tracy if so what are your thoughts about it yeah I have
Starting point is 01:22:41 I barely remember this is more for you what are your thoughts I look I saw it when it came out. Really? So it's been a very, very long time. 91? I want to say.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Maybe it was before. It might have been like 88. Oh, really? Before Batman. Maybe. I don't know if that's true. Let's look it up. Look, I do not...
Starting point is 01:23:00 90. 90, 90. There we go. Okay. Wow. Look, Madonna was in it. Yep okay wow look Madonna was in it yep Al Pacino was in it everybody
Starting point is 01:23:08 it was yeah Al Pacino what a weird yeah who was he again oh he would have been the big boss guy whose name I can't recall
Starting point is 01:23:16 big boy big boy there we go yeah we had we had all the weird mutant faced villains like Flattop and Mumbles
Starting point is 01:23:23 and all those guys yeah yeah oh mandy patinkin was in that what james khan yeah it's weird they got like a whole bunch of exactly i don't see in retrospect i don't know if this was but it must have been like uh they were like okay let's get goodfellas guys and let's get like no kidding god you know godfather and like classic mobsters and put them in these weird freak show faces and whatever yeah look i have little to no memory of i remember it being extremely cartoony yes like it was very stylized right it was like the sin city of its day yeah in the sense that they were like kind of a roger rabbit-esque yeah like they
Starting point is 01:24:00 were like okay let's not make it dick tr Tracy and he's a cop in the real world. Yeah. An element of that. It was just like, okay, let's make it look like the cartoon. Big yellow trench coat. Big yellow trench coat, big yellow hat. Banana. Maybe it's worth a rewatch. Maybe it isn't though.
Starting point is 01:24:14 I don't think it is. I mean, I don't know that, but people don't really talk about it. Yeah. It's probably fine. Yeah, yeah. Do you know Warren Beatty was contracted to make sequels and they never happened. So he ended up suing people recently. Recently?
Starting point is 01:24:27 Recently to like, I think he's still pushing. He's like, no, we're definitely going to make it. Head to Warren Beatty. Prune face. Yeah, prune face. Spud Spaldoni. Oh, so good. Nobody wants to see a Warren Beatty, Dick Tracy movie now.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Man, I was a big fan of Dick Tracy back in the day. I loved all his gimmicks. I loved all his... Did he have a watch walking talkie or something? He had like a two-way radio watch which in the 80s became a two-way video watch.
Starting point is 01:24:50 That's so cool. Oh, so good. He was always shooting people. He was always promoting a healthy lifestyle, drinking a steak and a milk. Just, oh, so good. Just blend up some steak
Starting point is 01:25:00 and some milk and bloody mash that down. So do you want to see another one of these no what about without warren badey he's i feel dick tracy has fallen into that same trap of like the phantom and the shadow right right yeah like it's it's all of its time i don't think you couldn't do another one do you think it goes no way to modernize it really do you think also it comes to a point where the people that loved that are now out of hollywood or about to be and so the new people who have come into Hollywood,
Starting point is 01:25:26 the younger people don't have an affinity for it. So it's just gone forever. I think so. Like nobody's like, I'm going to bring back bloody Dick Tracy. No, there's nobody, nobody's hankering for that.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Like nobody's bringing back the Flintstones now. No. Though I wish. Yeah. What a great, you know, all these Hanna-Barbera cartoons, I hate them.
Starting point is 01:25:43 They're weird and depressing. It's like a cat that lives in a bin and a depressed dog and a stupid rat or something. And yet they keep bringing back Scooby-Doo. Scooby-Doo's the one property that keeps coming back. There's a live stage show in Melbourne fairly soon-ish. How are they doing the dog? Let's get tickets. Is it on ice?
Starting point is 01:26:01 It's got to be kind of suit. I'm sure it's on ice. There's no way it's not on ice. But they're doing like a Scooby-Doo Armageddon. Like a new, there's a new comic book coming out. It's like Scooby-Doo and, because you know, Scooby-Doo originally, it's always just a bloke in a mask. It's never anything else.
Starting point is 01:26:17 But in this, it's kind of. It's changed now. It's changed and now like the literal apocalypse has arrived and now it is ghosts and zombies and werewolves. It's supernatural. Yeah, it's now supernatural again. Yeah. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Pretty good. Anyway, Dick Tracy, yeah, good luck bringing that back. Because if you do it real, like if you get like Michael Mann to do it, then it's just the departed. Yeah. But then you have to explain why he's wearing a hat. And why you passed Jamie Foxx. And if he's not wearing a hat then who cares that's not Dick Tracy
Starting point is 01:26:46 you kind of have to give him the big banana yellow and the red tie it's usually a red tie what a good movie I think that's the show then that is the show I believe but listen Mason, next week we are doing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Out of the You's
Starting point is 01:27:04 or the Shadows or Secrets of the Shadows. I don't know what it's called, but we're going to see it. Great. The thing is, for our international listeners outside of Australia, I mean, we're all international, aren't we? We're all people of the world. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:27:15 I mean, you're not. You're some kind of weird... No, you're right. Thanks. Thanks for not revealing that secret. I appreciate it. I was trying to think of a crippling insult. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Couldn't think of a pretty good one. Sure. Send in your crippling insults, people. I'm ready to hear them. Put them in the Reddits. Also, thanks to everybody who's put together the Weekly Planet Wiki. Yes. I appreciate that our bios are filled with lies.
Starting point is 01:27:38 I enjoy... I wouldn't have it any other way. Uh-huh. Yeah. I was going to say. So, yeah, whatever that Ninja Turtles movie is called, it's out in most parts of the world. It's not out in Australia next week,
Starting point is 01:27:49 but they are doing a lot of screenings of it on Sunday. So if you are in Australia and you do want to see it before the show, they're doing a whole bunch of them at Village and Hoyts and whatever other cinemas they have in this bloody country. This is also assuming that I get a chance to see it.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Well, I got us tickets for Sunday. I tried to get us tickets. I could probably make that. get a chance to see it. Well, I got us tickets for Sunday. I tried to get us tickets to the green carpet premiere, which is Monday night. With Stephen Amell and Will Arnett, but not Megan Fox.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Couldn't get Megan Fox. Couldn't get us. Well, we couldn't get in. But that's okay. What was I going to say? So yeah, that's next
Starting point is 01:28:22 week. Who else? What are we thanking? Who are we thanking? Well, look, we're going to say who we are. Yes. So we're Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and Facebook and Bandcamp.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Yes. And I'm at Wikipedia Brown. I'm at Mr. Sunday Movies. Thank you. Every week I'm like, who do we forget to thank in this? I always forget to thank at the Weekly Planet on Twitter. That's Robert Collings. Yes, he's great.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Who does, who sort of does our social media in the form of the Weekly Planet, but also does like great little animated bits. Like we'll talk about something dumb on the show and he'll put it into like an animated little animated man cave situation where he'll put like, he'll put all sorts of in jokes in his animation. Yes. So look up, I think if you look up raw Collings, all one word, Collings. Yep.
Starting point is 01:29:02 You'll find those on YouTube. Absolutely. They're really good. They're really good. And a lot of, yeah, like you said, a lot YouTube absolutely they're really good they're really good and a little yeah like you said a lot of little hints and hints and
Starting point is 01:29:08 nods little hints and memories thank you to the Bruton the Basilisk and Rackham for all our
Starting point is 01:29:13 theme songs absolutely love them what else is there anything else slash
Starting point is 01:29:16 mr. sonny movies that's everything right that's alright thanks everybody
Starting point is 01:29:19 grab that gem you guys bye bye good stuff that was our best episode yet i think so and our worst twist

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