The Weekly Planet - 161 Best/Worst Comic Book Movies 2016

Episode Date: November 14, 2016

This week we break down all the comic book movies from 2016 from best to worst! All of them. Except Doctor Strange because we talked about it last week.We get into the return of Young Justice, the fut...ure of Spider-man, trailers for Valerian & the City of Something, Rogue One, Ghost In The Sell and what the hell is going on with the X-Men franchise. Thanks as always for listening!Doctor Strange Deleted Scenes video: Casuals Podcast: RIP Leonard Cohen and Robert Vaughn3:47 Tom Holland on the future of Spider-man8:50 Young Justice returns12:41 Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets17:51 X-Men Universe reboot25:48 Rogue One International Trailer (spoilers till 27:38)32:54 Ghost In The Shell featurette36:15 Best & Worst Comic Book Movies 20161:25:34 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read132:09 Letters It’s Time For LettersRAWCollings Video: Love Green Guide Letters: ilovegreenguideletters.comAmazon affiliate link: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here:  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:32 that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's That's Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet Official podcast of Where we talk movies, comics, TV shows My name is James,
Starting point is 00:01:05 also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. Finger guns. Yeah, man. He's finger gunning because Leonard Cohen
Starting point is 00:01:12 is dead. Is that what you're doing? No. I know it's not comic book related, but it should be acknowledged. No, we've got to find
Starting point is 00:01:18 some very tenuous link. Some Hallelujah covers in Shrek. Shrek. There we go. I was going to go with Shrek as well. Shrek probably has a comic book you find in a cereal box.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yep. There might be like an Archie Shrek. Sure. Probably not, though. Meh. Look, he was a pretty good bloke. Yep. And apparently he was writing right up to the moment of his death,
Starting point is 00:01:38 but he was happy with the music that he produced. Was he writing a comic book? Perhaps. His last work is yet to be released. There's no way of knowing, is there? Yeah. Do you prefer the Jeff Buckley or the Leonard Cohen version of Hallelujah? Jeff Buckley. Yeah, me too. that he produced. Was he writing a comic book? Perhaps. His last work is yet to be released. There's no way of knowing, is there? Yeah. Do you prefer the Jeff Buckley or the Leonard Cohen version of Hallelujah?
Starting point is 00:01:48 Jeff Buckley. Yeah, me too. But... Well, look, hopefully Jeff Buckley can die again and then we can talk about him on the podcast. But until then, it's right out. It's all about Leonard Cohen. See, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:01:58 This is why I didn't want to dip into this because I'm largely ignorant of Leonard Cohen. Yeah, me too. I like some of his work. Yeah. But otherwise, I don't know. Yeah, that's Cohen. Yeah me too. I like some of his work. But otherwise I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 That's it. Yeah. Well there was another actor. Sorry. There was an actor who died this week who had a huge impact in comic
Starting point is 00:02:13 book movies. Robert Vaughn died at the age of 83. Did he? Yeah. He was in Bullets. He was in Bullets. He was one of the men
Starting point is 00:02:19 from Uncle. He was. He was whoever Henry Cavill played. He was in The Magnificent Seven. Yep. He was in Battle Beyond the Stars which is a weird 80s star wars remake of magnificent seven but he was also the the villain with the weather changing machine in superman 3 that's right he was yeah
Starting point is 00:02:35 it was superman 3's lex luther his name i can't remember that movie is god awful but i really like robert vaughn and that let sucks that he's dead mate 83 so yeah two pretty big two pretty big hits this week and that's all the bad news I have you say that
Starting point is 00:02:52 and then sometimes you sneak in some more bad news we'll see okay Tom Holland says that he's got three Spider-Man films contracted
Starting point is 00:03:00 but he also said and three I thought you were going to say he's got three Spider-Man films in his backpack that he's spruiking-Man films in his backpack. That he's spruiking in a market. That's right, yeah. In a legal DVD market.
Starting point is 00:03:09 No, he said, he opened up about how many films he's signed on to. Three Spider-Man films, he says, and these are his words, and three solo films. I think he's confused there. Yeah, do you think he means three solo movies, three Spider-Man films and three Marvel movies? I think that's probably what he means. That they'll kind of wedge him in, like in Avengers and whatnot?
Starting point is 00:03:28 He seems like a lovely young man who occasionally panics. Yeah, sure. This is something I learned recently in Captain America Civil War. He's having a conversation with Robert Downey Jr. in his bedroom. Yeah. And Robert Downey Jr., Tony Stark in the film says, all right, move the leg, I'm going to sit here. Yeah. Apparently, that Tony Stark in the film says, all right, move the leg, I'm going to sit here. Apparently, that's not in the script.
Starting point is 00:03:51 It's just Tom Holland was sitting where Tony Stark was supposed to be sitting. And so he was just like, for blocking purposes, I have to sit there. So move the leg. And he was like, oh, okay. So that's a fun fact about that film. So I think that's just him being a young man. How old is he? I think he's 20, 20, 21 maybe. That's young enough to say dumb things.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, I would say I said a bunch of dumb things then. Yeah, and I still do. It kind of never leaves you in a way, does it? No, if anything, it gets worse. Are you excited to see more Tom Holland on Spider-Man? Yes. Yeah, I thought he was great. He seems fun.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah, he does seem fun. Affable. And he actually looks like a teenager, even though he's not like a, you know, he's not 16, but he passes for it. Tobey Maguire never passed for 16. No, he was always 35. you know he's not 16 but he passes for it Tobey Maguire never passed for 16 no he was always 35
Starting point is 00:04:28 yeah that's right and he still is do you think we're going to get the evolution from mechanical web shooters to organic web shooters
Starting point is 00:04:34 no I think it will always be mechanical so why do you think he was scratching his hair his wrist no because he had the little projectory
Starting point is 00:04:39 thing in there no but he was scratching I thought it was because Tony Stark because of a projection no because Tony Stark installed the thing oh that's weird.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Yeah. Ugh. A little scratchy diode. That was not in his web shooter. Wasn't it? So the projection came out of his wrist. No, that's what I'm saying. I assumed there were two separate incidents.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. I assumed that in the web shooter, he's got that holographic computer projection thingy. Yeah, yeah. But also he's scratching his wrist because he's like, oh, I'm evolving in ways that I didn't think of before.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Nah, I think we're past that. I don't think that's a thing anymore. All right, cool. Yeah, but maybe. Maybe he's just itching because they're stuck on his wrist and he can't get them off. Yeah, exactly. But no, there was also confirmation that Michael Keaton
Starting point is 00:05:23 is going to be the vulture. Right. We knew that mostly. Is that from Tom Holland giving it away? No. Open up his backpack and hand him your DVD copies. No, Kevin Feige just said it. He's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I'm presuming he was just like, yeah, everybody knows. Yeah, he is. Great, yeah. Great, good. Everybody knows. Specifically, everybody just said, how about Michael Keaton be the Vulture? And we didn't have any more ideas. And he was walking past the office, if we're honest.
Starting point is 00:05:49 He was doing some art film, I don't know. Yeah, he was in some kind of bird costume. Signed him on. Yeah, that's great. Good on him, mate. I'm excited to see a mentor of Peter Parker, who he doesn't realise is actually his greatest foe, and then they both discover each other's identity.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Finally. I hope it's not that. I'm sure it won't be, right? I think it might be, though. Why can't he just be fighting a villain who he doesn't know, personally? That would be good. Yeah. Because everything's got to be wrapped up in a neat little bow.
Starting point is 00:06:17 But I don't think you need to, because in the comics he doesn't know everybody. Yeah. But he's also going to fight the Shocker and the Tinkerer, I want to say. Okay. Like a bunch of other minor villains. But I'm also going to fight like the Shocker and some other, and the Tinkerer, I want to say. Okay. Like a bunch of other minor villains. But I'm really looking forward to seeing the Shocker. Me too. Yeah, that'll be cool.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Do you think he'll be all padded? Yes, we've seen a picture, Mason. Do you think he'll be more padded than in the picture? No, I think that's probably as padded as it will get. Do you think he'll be yellow padded? No, it's kind of like a dull kind of custody color. There should be some yellow. Yeah, there is.
Starting point is 00:06:42 There is. But the same way that Batroc the Leaper had some purple. It's like that kind of situation. Look, with any luck, he can get some battle damage and some of the armor comes off and he's just wearing a big yellow quilt under his armor. Suits me, Mason. But you know what suits a lot of people?
Starting point is 00:06:58 Suits. The TV show or just the clothing? The outerwear, the business wear suits. I don't mind a suit because I don't have to wear a suit. I don't mind putting one on. Exactly. Same here. I love wearing a suit, but if I had to wear one for work,
Starting point is 00:07:10 I wouldn't like it anymore. Exactly. Also, I hate putting on a suit when I'm going to a thing that I don't want to go to. I have to be like, I'm wrestling into it like a baby. So literally, do you often have to wrestle babies? If you've got a kid. Look, if you've got a kid.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Oh, you mean like a real, not like an actual fight. No, you know, you've got to get your,, you mean like a... Not like an actual fight. No, you know, you've got to get your... Your kid's got to go to church maybe or something. So you wrestle him into his little... His best pants probably. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Sure. You've never wrestled a baby into some clothes, Mason? No. What kind of father are you? Not one. Oh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Well, that actually makes a lot of sense. What are we talking about? I've lost my train of thought. Young Justice. That's what I was talking about. No, before that. Suits.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Suits. That's not what we were talking about. That's what you were talking about. Oh, that's right. So I love a suit. Okay, we're back on track. I love a suit. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Something about a baby. What are we talking about before the baby bit? I said, do you know what suits a lot of people? Suits. Yeah, and Young Justice is getting another season coming to Netflix. Oh, that's right. Season three. I haven't seen lot of people. Suits. Yeah. And Young Justice is getting another season coming to Netflix. Oh, that's right. Season three. I haven't seen any of this.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I've been meaning to watch it because a lot of people told you on Twitter to watch Young Justice. I've watched some Young Justice. And? It's good. Cool. Yeah. Well, then you'll be even more excited. Great.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Because, yeah, it's odd that this is the one they chose. I guess Netflix apparently does their algorithms and they have reasons for picking particular things. Oh, yeah, that's true. So all the stats must have added up for this. They had a good enough fan base and apparently they're going to chuck on the previous two seasons as well. Great. Which is good because that's how I'll want to watch them,
Starting point is 00:08:37 just kind of shotgun them all. Is it going to be the same production company? Is it going to have a whole new look? I believe so. No, I believe it's going to adhere to the original style, I believe it's it's going to be it's going to adhere to the original style great I believe yeah I'm not sure creatively
Starting point is 00:08:47 if it's the same team or who's available and what not but by all accounts everybody's very excited because it was pretty good from what you saw of it is this something
Starting point is 00:08:55 you'd like to see in live action oh no why not I'd like to see Superboy Man yeah I mean I would as well
Starting point is 00:09:03 but I think not in TV land maybe no i mean like as a movie yeah yeah okay yeah but i don't think yeah you know what give them the give them the the bbs that kind that look yeah but i think if you take the characters that we have in young justice and you put them directly into a tv universe they're gonna look ridiculous look ridiculous. Okay, fair enough. Yeah. I really like, have you been reading the current Superman, the current iteration? You know what? I haven't, but I recently, I did read the first,
Starting point is 00:09:33 I think it's issue 9 or 10. It's the one where Superboy and Robin meet for the first time. Yes, I read that as well. Yeah, it's very cool. It's very cool. I really like how they've finally kind of moved forward with Superman. They're like, okay, he's got a kid and he's kind of teaching him how to be a hero and it's very cool. It's very cool. I really like how they've finally kind of moved forward with Superman. They're like, okay, he's got a kid, and he's kind of teaching him how to be a hero,
Starting point is 00:09:48 and it's really good. Because when I was a kid, I was always... There were millions of Superman issues. Not millions. It's too many. Millions. Millions upon billions of Superman issues where near in the future, Superman leaves Earth,
Starting point is 00:10:01 and Superman 2, his son, takes over. Yeah. And that's the way it was stuck for 25 years. Yeah, man. And there was never any evolution. And now we've got one, which is good. How long do you think until they erase him? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:13 It's going pretty well. I don't think they will. Not for a while. I mean, they will eventually. I think because New 52 was kind of like, this isn't your granddad Superman. He's kind of a prick and he doesn't wear his jocks on the outside or whatever. He still doesn't wear his jocks, but they've taken it back to that kind of core values.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And I really like what they're doing with it because I wasn't impressed with any of the new 52 Superman stuff. So he wears... It's not terrible. Right. It's just like... So he wears the costume that doesn't have the underpants on the outside,
Starting point is 00:10:40 but he's the old Superman. Yes. Did he take the new superman costume from the corpse of the new superman no i don't think he took it off him but i'm sure it's good but he was like hmm this corpse inspires me to update my costume a little bit it's sad and all but but yeah love wearing a suit so i don't have to wear a suit i could just wear that weird jeans and t-shirt combo absolutely bad actually i didn't mind that uh that run of superman where he's deep out and he's in the streets and he's got the
Starting point is 00:11:10 the cape on his fists and he's like yeah he can hit people i didn't hate it i was like but i did did i didn't finish it see that's the thing i i didn't hate it but i also didn't like the fact that it was running at the same time as like the Justice League where he's the full Superman. Yeah, yeah. And I'm like, just finish this plot line. Yeah. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Or do modern day Superman and then cut back to him being like, I can't imagine. Remember back in the day when I just didn't have the powers and I just ran around in jeans and t-shirt? Wasn't that fun? It was a fun time. I was the bloody Bruce Springsteen of being a hero, mate. Being a hero, mate.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah, good stuff. The Valerian city, it's got a lot of cities. How many cities are in that city? Valerian, that bloody, it's a route. It is true. You're going to sleep. That's what it is. Just gnaw on that, mate.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Speaking of things that'll make your bloody go to sleep, this movie actually looks really good. Yeah, you watched it just now. Just now. You seemed very impressed by it. Yeah. So this is a Luc Besson film. We know that because it said in the trailer,
Starting point is 00:12:16 from the visionary director that brought you The Fifth Element, and we're like, and then it's like, and Lucy. Oh, that film that literally no one watched. I started to drive in. Yeah. Kind of boring. Well, you also hated it, I believe, because she could unlock all of her brain.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And it was Morgan Freeman talking about what would happen as her brain unlocked. That's right, yeah. As we all know, humans only use 10% of their brains. Not true, Morgan Freeman. And you're supposed to be a scientist or something. Apparently, yeah. And doesn't she turn into data be a scientist or something. Apparently. Yeah. And doesn't she turn into data at the end or something?
Starting point is 00:12:47 She turns into a USB stick, essentially. She turns into like a big black mound of goop and then like a little sort of claw comes out that's got a USB stick on it. And it's like, here's all the information of the universe in the USB stick. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yes. So she doesn't like walk away at the end she's turned into a pile of nanobots or something correct well that sounds shitter than i thought it was i should give it another go nah i'm not going to but i should fifth element again if you're gonna watch something yeah i loved fifth element gary oldman's got that weird hair yeah man he's got that gun that can shoot around corners chris rock is it not chris rock chris t Tucker's in it and people hate him. But I think that's the point.
Starting point is 00:13:27 He's supposed to be incredibly irritating. I think he's great in that movie. And that's one of the three movies he did in the 90s and then he didn't do anything for 10 years. Except for Rush Hour movies every now and then to collect $20 million. But it obviously looks more Fifth Element than the other movies that he's done.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yeah, but it kind of looks like Fifth Element times 100. Yeah, big time. Now, that's the thing, though. Is it going to go like your Jupiter Ascending or your Guardians of the Galaxy? You know what I mean? Well, my initial thought was, as soon as I saw the opening image, and there was a lot to it, I'm like, I haven't seen Jupiter Ascending, but it looks a little like that.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yeah, sure. I also haven't seen it. It looks expensive, it looks a little like that yeah sure i also haven't seen it looks expensive right yeah so did the cgi aliens hold up for you or were you like these are cgi aliens they did but i'm also if this goes the way i think it's going to go it seems kind of like it seems like a fun thrill ride kind of situation and i'm willing to forgive some okay cgi if it's yeah because you remember all the there was all puppet men in the uh in fifth element i was gonna say the first one they're not related but uh yes maybe they are maybe we'll see a little flying taxi cab in the background of something i'm just looking at the
Starting point is 00:14:35 the budget of this because i really wouldn't i bet it's about 130 uh no sorry 180 million that's a that's a big risk. You also said that the premise of the comic is weird? Because I don't know it. Well, I don't know it either, but it just says... And it is French as well. Yeah, see, well, that explains a lot. Okay, Valerian Dain Dehaan and Loreline Cara Delevingne Are special operatives for the government
Starting point is 00:15:07 Blah blah blah Valerian has more in mind Than a professional relationship With his partner Blatantly chasing after her With propositions of romance Blah blah blah So he's Pepe Le Pew
Starting point is 00:15:15 He's Pepe Le Pew Exactly Drive Loreline to continuously rebuff him Nice It's a bit weird You know what Just let it go mate Move on It's workplace bit weird. You know what? Just let it go, mate. Move on.
Starting point is 00:15:25 It's workplace harassment. Just leave it, all right? No, just chip away at him. Yeah, just chip away. Wear him down, mate. I know people like that. Are they in prison? No, they're married to that person.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Oh, then it works. Yeah, it does. Keep at it. That's my motto. No, don't, though. No, don't. You know him as well. Say who it is.
Starting point is 00:15:43 We'll take it out later oh yeah oh yeah was that a chip away situation yeah it was wow alright what do we got here
Starting point is 00:15:53 anyway it looks great it does look great I mean it might be nothing but I'm willing to give it a laugh I love an idea like yeah exactly I love a big swing
Starting point is 00:15:59 even if it's a miss yeah and it looked it's on my money but I don't care that's exactly right it looked kind of like Saga in terms of just the sheer scale and so many alien worlds and all that.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Initially, I'm like, is this set in a virtual world? Because at one point, Dane DeHaan's got the Hawaiian shirt on. Yeah, and they're on a beach. But clearly, it's a space opera kind of situation. Yeah, yeah. Looks fun, though. It does. Do you remember the space opera from The Fifth Element? And then that woman had stones in her or something? Yes, I situation. Yeah, yeah. Looks fun though. It does. Do you remember the space opera from The Fifth Element?
Starting point is 00:16:25 And then that woman had stones in her or something? Yes, I do remember that, yeah. Four big blocks. Yeah, good. Remember when Bruce Willis killed all those people? Yeah. Well, they weren't people. They were weird frogmen or something.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah, I do. Remember all the elements and one of them was fire? Yep. And he lit it? Remember his cigarettes had the really long filter but the really short? Look, I remember many things about it, all right? Look, I'll-
Starting point is 00:16:47 I'm just going to name things I remember. Look, all the things- Multipass. Multipass. Most of the things I remember about that film are Gary Oldman's weird hair and his weird accent and the gun did a whole bunch of different cool stuff. Yeah. All right, that'll do it.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Mason. Yes? The X-Men universe is going strong. The movie one? Yeah. They're rebooting it again, right? Well, that's the rumor. Okay, so there's a few things to kind of unpack here.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Number one is, who cares? Number two, who would notice? Yeah, that's right. Every one of them is kind of a reboot. Everyone's kind of a reboot. The current one only ever pays homage to the previous one, really. If you go back more than one, none of them make any sense. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:26 So they're all kind of a reboot. Yeah. I don't know. What do you got there? Okay. So apparently the idea is after kind of Logan, it's kind of reboot everything, kind of give things a reshuffle because obviously Hugh Jackman's stepping away.
Starting point is 00:17:41 A lot of contracts are up for the younger cast and whatnot. Apparently Simon Kinberg is sorting it all out, which is good. I like him. And Bryan Singer is out. Okay. So he's done his four? Yeah, he's done four. He did one and two in Days of Future Past and Apocalypse, I believe.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Good. Probably time to go. He gave it a red hot go. The first two were great. For the time. For the time. And then the go. He gave it a red hot go. The first two were great. For the time. For the time. And then the time. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Like, I'm sure, like, I still, every time I've seen those two, I've liked them a lot. The first two. Yeah, man. No, I do like them, yeah. But it's been a lot of years. And I'm wondering, would I still like them or would they feel like their time? When was the last time you saw them? Oh, couldn't tell you, mate.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Tuesday. No, I don't know. Go on. Well, because the last two definitely felt like these are of a specific time. Do you mean the last two we just had? Yes. Yeah, sure. I felt like the time for these has kind of passed.
Starting point is 00:18:42 There's a feel to them and I don't know if it's just I'm bored with this X-Men movie format that Singers created or... Yes. That's it? No, that's what I think. Or, sorry, what were you going to say for or? I don't know if I had an or.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I was just reaching. Or if X-Men don't work? No, or maybe that superhero movie conventions have changed because of Marvel Studios proper. And now we structure movies like this and maybe these seem more primitive. Yep, yep. In a way, I don't know. No, I can understand that. But also a lot of them took on the kind of worst ideas from modern comic book movies, especially Apocalypse where the end's just a big ball of jagged metal and everyone's just shooting lasers into each other on a green screen stage exactly that blue light or whatever that
Starting point is 00:19:29 also feels like something that we were done with several years ago yes like we went that being said we've had that at least twice a year for several years yeah i know right yeah yeah but uh but that's one thing because i i kind of see cgi medals out. Yep. Weird quantum realms are in. Big time, baby. Just film it regular and put one of those turny light boxes in front of the camera. Yes. Capture whatever comes up.
Starting point is 00:19:53 That's all you need. Kaleidoscope. That's what I'm thinking of. Turny light box. Turny light box. But I think Apocalypse and Days of Future Past are about as good as each other, except for the end of Days of future past is at least kind
Starting point is 00:20:06 of wolverine doesn't save the day not that he doesn't the other one either but it's more kind of like there's a message and a point and it's on set on the world stage and mystique saves the president and whatever and it's kind of like mutants are accepted or whatever and the next one's just kind of like magneto kills maybe 200 million people and then walks away. We're going to get to that, though. That's all we... Yeah, because we're talking coming-put movies of this year today, but we'll get to that.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Hold that thought. Yeah, so... If James says a different number than 200 million, you get at him on Twitter. You tell him he said the wrong number. So they're also confident that McAvoy and Fassbender will return for this reboot and Jennifer Lawrence? Jennifer Lawrence will not return. I doubt it. You know what?
Starting point is 00:20:48 That's the thing. I really like McAvoy and Fassbender. I think they're really great in those roles, even if the movies haven't been amazing. But if you're going to reboot it, maybe just get rid of them all. No, no. I reckon... Look, and again, I
Starting point is 00:21:04 like Jennifer Lawrence in basically everything she's in, except for Apocalypse, where she was phoning that in. Yeah. She did not want to be there, and it's been showed, I think. I thought she was fine, and same with the previous one. She was fine. I didn't like how... You know what?
Starting point is 00:21:18 We'll get to it. Okay, cool. I recently saw a trailer. It's for a film called War and Everything. Right. And it's about two corrupt cops sort of in the 70s. Yeah. I'd love to see Fassbender and McAvoy in a film like that.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah, man. Just tooling around in a big Chevy. Yes. Just being cool dudes. That'd be fun, right? That'd be real cool. Mm-hmm. So the other part of it was, so if they get those, so this is all rumors again, that the
Starting point is 00:21:44 next movie will be like the dark phoenix saga which is kind of hinted at which is again it's like is it this is it a reboot or i don't know and also deadpool will apparently just crack on as per usual because that's the thing with deadpool he can set it anywhere with anybody and he can he's supposed to be able to jump through dimensions in time and so yeah exactly he could just find he just find a box sends him to another dimension who cares yeah it doesn't matter makes no difference and also part three of deadpool after we get cable and domino in part two will be x-force great so that's what they're building towards which i think is a great kind of trajection for that instead of just getting three kind of... Did you just make up a term? Trajection. Projection.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Trajection, like trajectory. Trajection. There's not a word? No. Let me check, Mason. It's like when you're on a trajectory, but you have an erection. Trajection. I know what it is.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Okay. Yeah, trajection. To transmit or transpose, transport. I don't like any of these things. The arc of trajecting. Just, no. I don't like any of these things. The arc of projecting. Just, no. I don't like this. 200 million people, Mason, killed.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah. Anyway, that's all good, probably. I'm not really sure what to make of that. I don't know how much of it is real. Do you think, is Deadpool going to be in X-Force? Yeah, I think that's the idea. Deadpool 3 is the X-Force movie. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:23:04 You idiot. No, but I get it, but is he... Oh, he's going to be on the team. Is that is the X-Force movie. Okay, great. You idiot. No, but I get it. But is he... Oh, he's going to be on the team. Is that what you mean? I presume so. He is sometimes. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Is it going to be... So it's going to be a funny one. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Well, it'll have to be one. That'll be a funny... Yeah, okay. Is X-Force generally a funny...
Starting point is 00:23:18 Is it a funny team? No. No, not overly, is it? Never. Everyone's in a grey suit. Yeah, sometimes it's just like X-Men Black Ops where they go kill a mutant child or something. They're like, we're going to kill this kid.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Who wants to kill the kid? Cyclops? No. Jean Grey, you don't want to kill the kid? All right, Wolverine. Yeah, are you evil? Wolverine, Cable, Deadpool. Yeah, what's your moral code at this point in time?
Starting point is 00:23:40 All right, put on your kill the kid black suits and we'll all go kill the mutant kid and then we'll come back to X-Men and we'll... Don't say anything. Don't tell Professor X. Don't tell Professor X. Even though he's killed or mentally blocked a lot of kids. It is time.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Anyway, great. Do something with it. Maybe put him in colorful costumes as well and maybe pick a time period and just stick to it. Yeah. Just now is fine. Just the modern day. Do you want Negasonic Teenage Warhead back?
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yes, it's great. Do you want Colossus back? Yes. For X-Force? Put him in X-Force? No, I just want to see him back.
Starting point is 00:24:10 No, you can't really put them in. Oh, yeah, maybe. Because if it's a comical X-Force, then yes. Great.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Sure, why not? The other thing is, maybe we should just rest the X-Men for five years. Like, keep your Deadpools and, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:24 And then you can do your x-force but maybe just seize up put them on put them on the shelf for a little bit let them cool off that's okay yeah and there's also been the the rumors that they're going to integrate them into the mcu and whatever and maybe well maybe not no i feel that's that's internet trajectory more than anything doesn't apply mason You clearly don't know anything about that word. Oh, no. You've got me. I don't.
Starting point is 00:24:49 You explained it, but I didn't understand it. It's trajection. All right. What did I say? Trajecture. I don't know. Who cares? Who cares about words?
Starting point is 00:24:57 Words are for idiots. Speaking of who cares, did you watch the new Underworld Blood Wars trailer? No. Me neither. Did you watch the new Rogueworld Blood Wars trailer? No Me neither Did you watch the new Rogue One International trailer? Yes Now I should say I'll put a spoiler
Starting point is 00:25:08 I'll mark it underneath This trailer spoils some stuff from the movie If you haven't watched it Probably don't I feel it didn't spoil that much Really? I can tell you the things that it spoiled Okay well here's the spoiler bit
Starting point is 00:25:19 Yeah Kyber crystals You see one She's got a crystal yeah Also we see the Death Star fire on that planet And that city specifically oh yeah yeah so that's kind of a big deal maybe it'll no it'll do a barrel roll the planet will do a barrel roll there'll be a solar flare okay fine you don't know yeah fair enough maybe that maybe it won't work no that's the thing it's not you see it fire into it it won't be full power yeah so i
Starting point is 00:25:45 won't obliterate the planet but it will take out like a big chunk of it including that city probably yeah so all right spoiler alert probably don't want to know that that being said it still looks good still looking forward to it uh we get a touch more darth vader yes like just a teeny little bit more that's right i reluctantly did a trailer breakdown mason you should check it out it's one of some of my finest work when you say finest you mean reluctant and you were very tired presumably when you made it yeah it's pretty good a lot of people really enjoyed it maybe check it out mason i put on a poll i put out a poll on twitter to be like do you want me to do this and if i do it i'll half-ass it. And the results came in 50-50, like exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:27 So I ended up doing it. Good boy, did I half-ass it. What else do we see in that trailer that's interesting? Not much. It's kind of like an expansion of what we previously got. The power. Power. I still don't know what accent he's doing. Neither do I, right?
Starting point is 00:26:40 He hasn't said enough things that we know. Is he from Space Australia? I don't know. Spastralia. But there is a book out this week it's called rogue one catalyst which is apparently a fantastic addition to this movie it's a prequel book and i know you love prequels mason and where yes where it talks about the origin of uh gino's father and relation to Mendo's character. Okay. And all that kind of stuff. He built Mendo because Mendo's a human replica droid. He's not a robot.
Starting point is 00:27:10 You're an idiot. No, I'm calling it. But Christian Hartloff from the Shmoes knows and Collider Jedi Council, he's read it. He got an advanced copy and he said it's amazing. Okay. You don't have to read it, but I would recommend if you like books and you like the Star Wars, Mason, get into it, mate.
Starting point is 00:27:29 That's a spicy Star Wars. You know it. Okay, how about this? Here's my question about this international trailer. Do we know what time? Does the layman at this point know what time period this movie is set? No, no, absolutely not. period this movie is no no absolutely not big ginosa does say or mon uh bloody mon mothma does say it's called the death star yeah so maybe at this point do you reckon there's people sitting
Starting point is 00:27:52 there going yeah but yeah we know that yeah i guess maybe if you think it's set in another part of sure it's like in a different solar system or something maybe do you think if you go in they've made it so you'll catch up pretty quickly i hope so yeah because i'm sure there's some people who will sit through that whole thing and be like no i don't hope so i don't care yeah i don't care i know yeah exactly that's right it's not other people's movie going experience is not my concern i don't care just just if you can you know what they should do they should have a title card and says if you don't understand what's going on here, shut up. Because people who do understand don't want to hear about it.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Because that's all I want. I want to go in there and I don't want people going, isn't there always, I'll be like, shut up. Don't we already know there's a Death Star? Is Rey going to fight the Death Star? Shut up. Shut up, please. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:28:45 They won't shut up, though. No, they won't. I keep talking to them. I want this to do well, though, because I don't want to get Yoda and Han Solo prequels forever. Do you know what I mean? I want the spinoff movies to be kind of interesting. And this looks interesting to me.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Even if it fails as a movie, I still want it to do well so that they take risks on ideas like this. Even though it's a Death Star and whatever, it's a lot of stuff that we've seen, but it's a different kind of approach. Yeah. So just shut up. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:16 You know what? This trailer also seemed to tease. We see a shot of Vader and he's sort of turning and then we see Jyn approaching. And I think they're trying to- Yeah, they're trying to make it look like they're going to have a showdown, but they're not. Well, if they did, he'd kill her. I'm sure they'll cross paths, but if he was going for her specifically, no. I mean, he could have killed her from there.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yeah, that's true. It's probably just killer. You know what one mistake they made of this movie? They made both the protagonists for this movie and Force Awakens brunettes. Should have made one of them blonde. That would have confused people less.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Or a fiery redhead. Or a fiery redhead, mate. Don't you think that would have confused people less? Or a spicy Latina. Do you think that would have confused people less, though? No, people like it.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Because I know people think it's the same character. Do they? Yeah. Huh. Yeah. They both british and they're both brunettes is that the same character shut up please shut up i'm trying to enjoy this i understand the context you don't understand just shut up you should have read rogue one catalyst the prequel novel christian half recommended it did you not uh also we get the we get the weapons guy yes no it's not the weapons guy it's the blind yeah guy he's got a bookie bowcaster yes give that a whirl yeah where do you reckon he got that uh i don't know good call it's bigger than a
Starting point is 00:30:35 bookie bowcaster maybe it's in his stick it falls out of his stick oh yeah i don't know i think he just grabs it yeah it's bigger than a bookie bowcaster yeah the bookie bowcaster is about yay big a couple of feet across. But Wookiees are real big. It's a scaling issue. Maybe he's real small. Spoiler alert, maybe he's real tiny. We've seen him standing next to stormtroopers.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Maybe they're tiny as well. Maybe Darth Vader's built a series of very... They're like, we can't defeat him with regular stormtroopers. He's just running between their legs. They can't grab him. So we've engineered very tiny clone troopers to fight him fine bloody mendo's a robot there's two predictions one of them has to be right we should also mention a lot of people have said are you going to do star wars prequel commentaries absolutely we're going to try and get those out before the movie
Starting point is 00:31:22 maybe we'll do one this week okay and we'll maybe do one a week or one every two weeks. But we've got some other Star Wars stuff that we've mentioned in the works. That's right. Caravan of Garbage is all recorded. It's currently in the works, mate. How are you feeling about that? Anxious? Very anxious, mate.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Because we did some video game stuff earlier this week and it was... Look, it went slightly better than last time, but Jesus. Right. Right. Yeah. I don't know how the bloody, those Let's Play guys on YouTube, I don't know how they do it. Yeah. Maybe they're just throwing a lot of controllers.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I'd imagine. Maybe they just have a box of new controllers next to them and they hurl one in frustration and they just get the next one out of the box and they're like, okay. That's it. Before we get onto the topic of this week, Mason, Ghost in the Shell featurette uh we just watched it yep this was with uh the creator of the ghost in the shell anime who loves it he makes it makes a little set visit to ghost in the shell the american live action version he's like exceeded my expectations
Starting point is 00:32:21 yeah he said something like that good yeah. I'm glad he's happy. It does look cool. I wonder whether Will Dupre is sending everything. You said the... There's a very brief clip. There's a scene in the original anime where Kusanagi's chasing a dude
Starting point is 00:32:39 through like a weird canal slum kind of city and there's water and there's a lot of beige happening. Sure. And there's some sort of tenement buildings or whatever and she's fighting him in the water. And the first instant of that looks incredible.
Starting point is 00:32:53 It looks exactly like the anime. Like she kicks the dude and he flips in the air and what have you and he lands in the water. And she's got the cloaking device on. Yeah. But then her decloaking is the worst decloaking effect I've ever seen. That's a very big call, Mason. I'm sure they did them in sliders.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I remember that show about the Invisible Man, how he had to get the- No, it was worse than that. Wow. I remember he had the nanite thing in his neck or whatever. Yeah, he had to get filled up every show. Quicksilver. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:21 He had a neck full of Quicksilver. They had to fill him up like a car. That show was kind of funny, I think. Sure. Yeah. He had a neck full of Quicksilver. They had to fill him up like a car. That show was kind of funny, I think. Sure. Yeah. It's probably not good, though. Probably not good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Yeah. As all things end up being, not good. Anyway, go see the show. He had a chubby sidekick. Did he? I think so. I don't remember. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yeah. Wasn't he a crim as well? But they're like, but the crim's got the nanites and now we're going to use him to get into the government or wear the government or whatever that show was. Yeah. What was it called? It was just called The Invisible Man or something? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Yeah. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health to support life-saving progress in mental health care. CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship
Starting point is 00:34:28 between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Anyway, Mason, we've got a topic for this week. We probably should have done The Arrival, but... Just Arrival.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Just Arrival, sorry. The Arrival's a different film, I think. Yeah, it's the Charlie Sheed one from the 90s. But we thought we'd talk best and worst comic book movies of 2016, Mason. Yeah. There's been a handful of hits and misses. Please list them throughout the episode because I can't remember any of them. Sure.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I'll be honest with you. Doctor Strange came out. What was before that? I don't know. Well, we can go through chronologically what came out. Great. And at the end, after talking about each one briefly, if we remember them, then- Definitive ranking. then definitive rankings.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And we have to decide or different ranking? No, we have to fight until we come up with. God, all right. Now, when we say fight, the question is, it's whoever ranks them first and the other person will immediately fold. Because that's how we do these. Also, when we did the Black Mirror episode,
Starting point is 00:35:48 I promised some people on Twitter that we would do a definitive ranking of the episodes yep i forgot to do that so here's the definitive ranking yep uh one okay one is uh the national anthem the first first one of season one yep episode uh number two the christmas episode number three hated in the nation which is the final episode of season three. Yep. Everything else, then the one where they're on bikes. That's the definitive ranking. All the rest are in the middle somewhere. Then it's the one on bikes is the worst one.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Fair enough. That's a very definitive ranking. Thank you. And I'd fight you on it, but you said it first. That's right. So why would you bother? Okay. Well, the first comic book movie of the year kicked things off in a pretty positive way, Mason.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Deadpool in February. Everybody, including us, thought it would be shit. Did we? Yeah, because Fox were doing it and they'd already fucked it up. Oh, yeah. All signs pointed to very bad. Yeah, but then the marketing started to roll out and it looked pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Look, the marketing was very much a grab bag. Some of it was real dumb. Some of it we it we're like oh that's kind of clever yeah i think it was just this shotgun approach of throw everything at the wall and hopefully the people who like certain kinds of brands of humor will find the gravitate yeah that was going for that sweet hangover crowd mate and they got it that's right but I think what definitely helped with the marketing was that people passed that around. Because often when you put out viral marketing for a movie, people were just like, what?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Oh, it's so? Yeah, right. What are you all going to do with this? Nothing. On a budget of $58 million, Mason. Chump change. Chumps change. Some chumps change.
Starting point is 00:37:23 It made $760 million worldwide. That's a lot. That's too much. It is now the highest grossing R-rated movie of all time. And probably one of the most- More than Porky's? I don't know if Porky's is R-rated. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:37:38 I don't think I've seen it. No, I have. I've seen one of them. More than- What's another- 80s comedy? 80s sex comedy. More than Police what's another? 80s comedy? 80s sex comedy. More than Police Academy 1 before it went all PG?
Starting point is 00:37:49 More than Soul Man where that guy was white and then he blackfaced himself to get into college? Was that R-rated? I doubt it. Just trying to think of terrible movies from the 80s. That is a terrible movie. Yes, more than all those movies, yes. Probably even combined. Now, have you seen it since February?
Starting point is 00:38:06 No. Me neither. Is it one of those things that you're inclined to go back to? When it comes on Netflix. Sure. Before that, probably not. Probably not, fair enough. If it goes to Netflix, Mason, you never know.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It could go to Stan. It could go to... That dog's sneezing away, mate. It is the season, isn't it? It's spring here. The flowers are blossoming. Dogs are sneezing. The season the magic season so yeah so it's one of those things that you won't even download you're just kind of like if this is on i'll watch it i had a real good time with it i
Starting point is 00:38:34 think i think i'll wait for it to be on netflix or stan sure and then skip to some fun scenes right and then skip to the end yeah fair enough. What I thought was interesting about this movie was the way it was cut. Because it is a very traditional origin story. That's true. And you can actually recut it. Because they did try a version of it where it was just a through line. Origin and then action scene at the end, yeah. But basically it's all set around a bridge for like three quarters of the movie.
Starting point is 00:39:02 It will be interesting finding a way to skip to those particular scenes. Yeah. Because those scenes are fun. Yeah. Any scene with Deadpool and Colossus and Megasonic are fun. Yeah. I find the origin dragged a bit for me. Yeah, and I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Because it is kind of, you're right, it is a stock origin. Yeah. And, you know, it's fun, the scenes with... Deadpool? No. Ryan Reynolds? No. T.J. Miller? No. Ryan Reynolds? No. TJ Miller?
Starting point is 00:39:26 No. Think more of a lady. She's from Firefly. Oh, Monica Baccarin? Marina Baccarin? Marina Baccarin, yeah. Baccarin? Those scenes are fun, but it's also a lot of very...
Starting point is 00:39:39 You know what? The origin is very much Bryan Singer, X-Men. Yes. Because it's kind of sad and kind of slow and just kind of... I'm not keen on re-watching it. Right, right. Fair enough. I'm sad and I'm in a glass case.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I'm dying. I don't think it's a perfect movie. I'm exploding. I don't really want to see him fight that British guy in the exploding lab. Who cares? That's the best that British guy's ever been. I thought he was a good villain. Ajax.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Okay. That's his name. New Transporter. New Transporter. New Transporter. That's his name. Yeah, but I enjoyed the last sequence. It's actually set on a helicarrier, but they couldn't say helicarrier.
Starting point is 00:40:18 You see Hydra Bob, but they can't call him Hydra Bob. Hydra Bob, right. They just call him Bob and whatever. The action's great. I like the way they got around the budget. Yeah. Yeah. And the Blur Studios, Tim Miller, who directed it,
Starting point is 00:40:30 he's the head of Blur Studios, who do a lot of... They do all the CGI trailers for the Arkham games, and they're great. So he obviously has got a good eye for action and special effects and flipping about. And so now that he's not going to do the sequel, we're going to remove that eye for special effects and flipping about. And so now that he's not going to do the sequel, we're going to remove that on special effects? Are we going to just get like standard X-Men running at each other?
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah. Also, did everybody, I guess my question would be, did everybody in that sort of industry cut him like a sweet deal on special effects? I think he did it on the cheap, yeah. Maybe for some payment kind of on the back end. But the new one has a budget of? I think it's going to be about. Yeah. Maybe for some payment kind of on the back end. But the new one has a budget of... I think it's going to be about the same.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Maybe a little bit more. He wanted... Well, the story goes that he wanted like 140, but Ryan Reynolds wanted to do it for about the same. Okay. Yeah. See, now that you mentioned this Tim Miller thing about the effects, maybe this one's going to Superman for it.
Starting point is 00:41:23 It's going to look real cheap. Just straight away. Yeah, it's real cheap. No, I i don't i don't think so i think if anything we're probably going to get more of the same and that's what i don't want in a deadpool movie same i i because also i don't we've talked about this we're not huge fans of the character he's kind of good when he's in and out and then he's and he's gone he's kind of irritating a lot of the time but he's but he's fun also and i just don't know look i'm i've said this multiple times i'm not a huge fan of like the crass kind of humor and the kind of like police academy one yeah i just don't think that i understand people find it funny for me a guy being like lick my balls what are you doing you know what i mean like i don't a real
Starting point is 00:41:59 porky situation like it's not really my thing. Revenge of the nerves. Was that R-rated? Yeah. That's what I was trying to think of. That was probably one of them. I don't think there even was an R-rating then, though. Right, okay. It was all whatever they said back then.
Starting point is 00:42:15 One Below X, or whatever it was. NC-17. Okay, cool. I don't know. Yeah. I like the quips and the humor, but I don't think it... The comics doesn't necessarily go all that way, and I don't think the movie benefits from it necessarily. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Not that I'm some prude, Mason. That's not what I'm about. You've seen Police Academy 1. I don't think I have. Porky's. Maybe. Why can't I think of any more R-rated comedies from the 80s? There were so many.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Yeah. What's the one? Vacation. Vacation. Animal House. That might have been the 70s. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Man, I don't know. I don't know what to tell you. Anyway, they're all shit. You think they're good, but you go back, they're not good. Because they've been done a million times since. Way worse. It's all watered down. I was going to say, going back to Deadpool, I guess also one of the things he can do in the comic books that he can't do in the movies is just sort of switch identities a lot.
Starting point is 00:43:03 He can suddenly be Deadpoolpool sorcerer supreme right he can be he can have the venom symbiote in a flashback yeah multiple issues is he about thor's hammer he probably has he's probably had it through some yeah yeah yeah great yeah if he hasn't marvel put it on your list put on your bloody list mate yeah you're right and he and he's all and he's always better when he's bouncing off off another superhero and that superhero is just being very much what that superhero is
Starting point is 00:43:28 so he can kind of make fun of them yeah uh huh like I enjoy that aspect but if he can't attach to the Avengers or you know
Starting point is 00:43:36 Spider-Man or what have you yeah a lot of that is lost also you know he can attach himself to Colossus
Starting point is 00:43:43 who's taking himself very seriously yeah and that was great. So that's fun. But how many more X-Men can he do that with? Cable. All right. And then the X-Force in the third one.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Exactly. But again, if they're going to reboot the X-Men universe, they all have different character traits. Yeah, yeah. How can he... Like, it'd be fun if he teamed up with Wolverine, because Wolverine's been in all the movies. He's got the very defined character.
Starting point is 00:44:04 He's got the delightful Hubert Jackman. Yeah. He comes in and he does Wolverine to Wolverine's been all in all the movies he's got the very defined character he's got the delightful Hubert Jackman yeah he comes in he does Wolverine to the extreme and then Deadpool makes fun of him that's fun but also did what was he going to team up with Cyclops who cares I like Cyclops but yeah you're right that's not as interesting and dynamic but also the Hugh Jackman Wolverine's also kind of quippy and like well they call you wheels guy in a wheelchair what are you some kind of dickhead that's right yeahppy and is like, what do they call you, wheels? Go in a wheelchair? What are you, some kind of dickhead? That's right, yeah. How's wheelchair, you fucking dickhead? What do they call you, red glasses? What do you bloody wear some red glasses?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Ha ha. What do they call you? What do they call you? Little Miss Telekinesis? What do you got there? Got some telekinesis? Get in my mind? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:38 No, you're right. Anyway, it's pretty good. What do they call you, Nightcrawler? Because you've got blue skin and you teleport and you've got a prehensile tail? They call you that? Ha ha. Nice one, it's pretty good. What do they call you, a night crawler? Because you've got blue skin and you teleport and you've got a prehensile tail. They call you that? Ha ha, nice one, it is. He is very, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah. Anyway, it's pretty good. I give it a thumbs up. That's what I give it. Yeah, me too. Thumbs up. Okay, so far it's number one on the list. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Here we go, something new. You know what I loved about it? it also that it wasn't just i enjoyed the various pretenses for him never having any guns yes or running oh i've got 10 bullets that's all i have that's right yeah limitations often breed creativity mason that's why this show is so great moving on we barely have any bullets we've got one bullet and it's just been a- We're saving it for episode 200. That's right, yeah. Every episode is a standoff. We both look at the bullet and we're like,
Starting point is 00:45:32 is this the day we both run for the bullets? Who gets to it? So the next one, Batman v Superman, is kind of like the opposite of the way that Deadpool was put together a lot of money a lot of studio support and it and it
Starting point is 00:45:50 and it did not as well it was on a it did not as well yes well if like it made more money but it also cost 250 million dollars
Starting point is 00:45:59 yep plus probably double for marketing which is obviously that rule also applies to Deadpool but so it was 250 million dollars and it made 872 or something like that worldwide i'm going to double check that
Starting point is 00:46:10 number i'm not sure that seems low yeah but i know it definitely didn't make a billion dollars yeah so it cost half a billion dollars yeah about and it made 800 million yeah and look it would have it made money like it did make money but it should have made what civil war made yeah yeah uh let me just find out okay um i'm gonna double check that i have said in the past yeah they're gonna be there are gonna be i'm gonna say two movies on this list that we've said we're gonna maybe put a moratorium on making fun of them yes we're gonna do it this one more time no that's how much it made huh that's how much it made and then after that we're gonna leave them yeah
Starting point is 00:46:46 again on this list we're gonna like some of these movies maybe not so much some others yeah if you loved them that's fine you are wrong
Starting point is 00:46:52 and it's great it's fine it's great if you loved them it's great but it's fine in your room yeah but I would say
Starting point is 00:46:57 the majority of these even the ones I enjoyed uh huh like it's I'm not gonna look back in 10 years and go oh man what a classic
Starting point is 00:47:05 ride because like most movies for me are like what a fun time never have to see it again right like that's how i look at most things uh what do we got so batman v superman uh i it's the the the very linchpin that started this podcast yes first episode one probably or two or something like that they announced it yeah or something we Something like that. They announced it. Yep. Or something. We were real excited. Yeah. Now, new listeners, this is your first episode. If you want a real thrill ride, start at the start and watch our enthusiasm for this movie,
Starting point is 00:47:35 Wax and Wayne. We're filled with hope. Yep. We hit a peak and then we run into a trough. Yeah, that's right. Big time. A lot of people say that the Batman v Superman actual episode is one of their favorites. Oh, the review.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Because it's just us like kicking it. And you know what? I didn't even hate it. And I came out of it more negative than you did. And then I think it's kind of shifted. Yeah, it did. Because we did a commentary of it and you just lost it by the end. By the end.
Starting point is 00:48:01 You were grabbing for that bullet, mate. We had to do the extended edition. Yeah. know what you know what uh saves this movie for me is a lot of the set pieces are really really good i agree like the the desert stuff's great the batman v superman fight is is a big letdown but it's okay but no it's real bad well and it's too late in the game because nothing happens and it opens so strong. And it's too late in the game because nothing happens. And it opens so strong with the Metropolis being destroyed on the back of Man of Steel. That's true, yeah. And Batman's bloody running through the city and he's driving his Jeep Cherokee.
Starting point is 00:48:34 You can't stop him, mate. Where did he get the little sirens? Where did he get the lights and sirens? You're not allowed to have those, Bruce. I don't care if you're rich. Yeah, there's a lot of really good stuff in this he goes to lucius fox in the r&d department he's like can we get some uh got my jeep cherokee at the front can you can you invent some sort of flashing blue and red lights uh okay bruce i guess you're rich so
Starting point is 00:49:00 who's gonna stop you yeah i don't think he actually runs the lights though does he i don't know also i think they're yellow i don't know yeah well it's like a security car you can only run them when they're when they're stationary they can't run them when they're going anywhere so there's moments in this movie where i'm like oh that's good that's fun and whatever and and superman is portrayed better in the in the long in the longer version on the blu-ray but even then i have a lot of problems with this superman i know people are saying like oh he's he's building to it he's getting there just you know but batman didn't build to it he's just batman yeah and the batman in this is great yep except for all the people that he murders there's still people that fight me on that like they'll be like you you said because i did the kill count yeah as we know or as you know at least unless it's your first episode
Starting point is 00:49:43 there's a batman kill count from this video that i made it's on the youtube it's uh it's all the times that he killed people are like that one doesn't count as a kill because there was only there was only two people in the car you said it was four or whatever he still killed a bunch of people whatever way you look at it he murdered a bunch of people yeah it's it's between whatever it is if you said hey i killed if i said hey james i heard you killed four people and you're like no i was only two yeah for no reason i'd be like it's still probably too many yeah it's too too many yeah exactly so will this do you think this universe can course correct mason in suicide squad which we'll get to oh we'll come to that in a minute look again and then
Starting point is 00:50:23 i feel we you know we've been accused of being Marvel fanboys on this show. Last week you just kicked Doctor Strange. Oh, yeah, didn't I? Yeah, look, to some degree I probably am. But at the same time, the reason I hate Batman and Superman so much is because I love Batman and Superman. Yes. man superman so much is because i love batman and superman yes for 25 years i've been reading you know batman and superman teaming up they're the world's finest superhero duo yeah man and
Starting point is 00:50:54 it real like this is their this is their debut live action and it just crushed me how bad it was so i wish it were better because Because then I could be, yeah. Because any, look, because the layman goes, oh, Batman versus Superman, why wouldn't Superman just kill Batman immediately? Yeah, good question. And you have to be like, well, as a comic book fan, I can tell you because Batman is very prepared
Starting point is 00:51:20 and he blah, blah, blah, and he's got the technology and what have you. There's a dozen or so ways more that you could write it. why don't we just watch the movie and see how that plays out and then you have to be like oh the reason he won is because Superman's real dumb yeah exactly he takes the two kryptonite gas canisters like fair enough he took the first one and you said you could recut that fight but I feel you could recut the whole film you were talking about this the other day but yeah you said you could we do it on air? No, no, we did it.
Starting point is 00:51:46 We were meeting with the filthy casual guys. Oh, yeah, that's right. By the way, great podcast. You should listen to it. We'll talk about it a bit later, maybe. Yeah, you could recut the whole movie as a better film, like a Phantom Edit style thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:57 You cut out some of the more egregious murders. Yep. And you alter that fight scene so he doesn't get but you have to take out the one of the best bits from that fight scene where superman recovers from the kryptonite gas yeah and slowly as batman is punching him yeah and the punches get less you know yeah less and less effective yeah i love that bit yeah i don't know i don't know how you have to take that bit out and then the bit where he takes the second gas canister to the face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And just have Batman just wallop him for like four minutes. Yeah, just hit him for four minutes, yeah. So, look. I reckon it's doable. Okay. Yeah. I'm not watching it, if you do it. Well, I'm not doing it, so he's safe, I guess.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Also, the car chase is great. Yes, it is. Even though all the murders. All the murders. All the murders, yeah. But it's a bit of a slog. Jeremy Irons is great in it. even though all the murders yeah but it's it's a it's a it's a bit of a slog jeremy irons is great it is yeah bat cave looks great it all looks good kevin smith apparently is we keep kevin smith looks good he does he keeps watching it and watching it hoping you love it
Starting point is 00:52:57 really loves it yeah it's not gonna happen but i still think there there is some stuff to like in this but i also think that costumes are great costumes are great jar of piss is great that's one thing i really hate they really miscast lex luther yeah and i was one of those benefit of the doubt let's see what they do and you know what it's wrong it's wrong they shouldn't have done it like that yeah and you know what he did exactly what he was supposed to do yeah but that is a inaccurate Not even accurate. It's just a shit version. Here's something that I thought of. In that movie, Scoots McNary is a man who's lost his legs. He's in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:53:36 He has to scoot around. He has to scoot about. And he goes to this congressional hearing or this Senate hearing. Yeah. And Lex Luthor's put a bomb in his wheelchair. Yeah. hearing or the senate hearing yeah and lex luther's put a bomb in his wheelchair yeah and uh superman is there as well to answer some questions from from the senate and he killed all these people in the desert by shooting them that's right with bullets yeah traditional
Starting point is 00:53:54 superman bullets which is fixed in the ultimate cut but anyway go on yeah and so but he but it's led it's a lead-lined wheelchair so bat superman doesn't see the bomb and it explodes and it kills everybody. But in that scene, Lex Luthor's already had a conversation with that senator about, don't give me a big jar of piss and call it Granny's Pitch Tea or whatever, right? And so she goes to the Senate hearing and she realizes, she goes in there and she
Starting point is 00:54:26 looks under her desk and there's a big it's not even on there it's just sitting on the desk it's a jar of like yellowy liquid
Starting point is 00:54:33 and it's labelled Granny's Peach Tea and then she's shocked and then the building explodes here's the thing yeah Superman alright first of all
Starting point is 00:54:41 I think we've covered this where did Lex Luthor get all the piss because it's a lot of piss it's even 7 and up he was either he did a pass around at the office
Starting point is 00:54:49 a whip around at the office he was like can everybody piss in this it's for charity but secondly Superman didn't notice the bomb because it was in a
Starting point is 00:54:57 lead line case which isn't actually said in the original cut it's said in the ultimate cut right yeah but we assume that yeah
Starting point is 00:55:03 the larger question is why didn't he smell the piss maybe it wasn't piss look no i mean it was piss wasn't it look he's got enhanced senses and look again there's some you know the senator knows some some of this wisdom like don't piss in the thing and call it granny's peach tea surely superman he's he's he's got some kansas wisdom as well if there's too much piss there's something amiss and surely he'd be like why is there so much piss in this so much piss in this room but do you think he's no because he'd count all the people in the room and be like even even factoring on all the piss that's in everybody's bladders it seems more piss to somebody maybe he maybe distracted. Oh no, there's a bomb!
Starting point is 00:55:46 Also, if he did stop that bomb, there's a big jar of piss on the table that has
Starting point is 00:55:51 to be accounted for. Do you reckon she'd take it and be like, this is
Starting point is 00:55:57 Lex Luthor's piss, I'm fairly certain. Do you want to run some tests?
Starting point is 00:56:01 Do you reckon that's how that would go? Maybe, yeah. Also, I'm not really sure on? Maybe, yeah. Anyway. And also,
Starting point is 00:56:06 I've thought of this now, I'm not really sure on his powers, Superman's powers, because- Lex Luthor, he can piss. He's got a lot of piss. He's got a lot of piss, we know that.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Or he's good at doing a pass around. But that bomb goes off and Superman's just standing there. But we've seen, also, he can get hit and he'll kind of like,
Starting point is 00:56:20 it kind of hurts him or he'll get kind of taken aback. Yep. But here he's just standing there and the whole room's on fire i think it's like a firebomb more than okay okay fair enough i'll take that okay anyway it's kind of shit yep uh but right now it stands at number two in the best superhero movies of 2016 well done batman superman good job now that's what
Starting point is 00:56:41 i call the dawn of justice indeed still I'm looking forward to what's next. Yeah, me too. Just get it together. Come on. Please, please God. Superman is like my favorite comic book character. I just want to see a good version of that. And a mullet, which is the bad version I acknowledge.
Starting point is 00:56:59 I know that's a contradiction. What if he came back as Electric Superman? What if that were the twist? Look, man, if it works, anything can work. Except for Jesse Eisenberg, Lex Luthor. No, but anything can work, you know what I mean? And I don't care what they do. What if he came back as Electric Superman Blue and Electric Superman Red?
Starting point is 00:57:17 Save actor? Yes. Look, it's possible. They won't do it. It's possible it could work. It probably wouldn't. Wasn't one like one was more kind of angry and one was blue? One was more, yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:57:30 One was sadder. Well, they got that part nailed, haven't they? Yep. Next one. Civil War. Oh, yeah. Also a budget of $250 million. Other two movies, you've just been bumped to two and three.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Yes. Twist, Batman, Superman 2, Deadpool 3. No, just kidding. Civil War made $1.132 million. Billion, sorry. Well, that would have not... And this movie... What if that was the reveal like today?
Starting point is 00:57:56 One of the accountants is going through the tax return. He's just like, oh, no. Oh, no. I've written B, but it was M. I'm in a lot of trouble but uh this is kind of like the culmination of universe building and establishing characters and and the like the end of phase two and also the start of three whatever phase we're in wherever it's at it was the culmination of all those things and it it's a pretty, I believe, pretty bloody stellar execution.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Yeah. Which is why it comes in at number two, Mason. No, it's one. It's number one, isn't it? A lot of people do think Deadpool is the best comic book movie of the year. And I can completely understand that. It's fun. You know, I know some people who don't care for superhero movies and they're like, I saw Deadpool on a plane or whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And I'm like, that's fun. Yeah, exactly. First of all, what kind of weird version of Deadpool do you watch on a plane? Yeah. What do they cut out of that? All the sex stuff. All the sex. Yeah, the weird sex stuff. Yeah. Okay. all, what kind of weird version of Deadpool do you watch on a plane? What do they cut out of that? All the sex stuff. All the sex, yeah,
Starting point is 00:58:46 the weird sex stuff. Yeah. Okay. So Civil War, I mean, it's one of those things where you wonder whether it kind of can deliver on the quality and the promise and even, and even Winter Soldier,
Starting point is 00:58:57 which is a fantastic kind of pre film. Yeah. It's a fantastic war movie. And it did for me on, on all of those levels. Maybe it was the IMAX that we saw it in Mason. all of those levels maybe it was the imax that we saw it in mason maybe it was just that it's a pretty well put together movie maybe it's because they gave me a swag bag you won a swag bag yes i did bitch yeah you son of maybe it's all the music
Starting point is 00:59:15 i enjoy on my sweet civil war themed bluetooth speaker do you still use it i've never used it but i know how did it play out for you. Great. Not the speaker, the movie. Oh, then also great. Okay, good. Just, it's kind of longish, but I don't feel there's any wasted time in it.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Every action beat sort of furthers the story and explains a character. Like there's the opening, we've got an opening action sequence where the good guys are chasing some terrorists through a city, and every action beat is like, okay, we get what this character is about,
Starting point is 00:59:55 we get what their skills are, we get what their powers are. And by the end of that, you're like, okay, I get all these people. I get them. Do you think you need to have seen the other movies to enjoy Civil War? No, I don't think so. Yeah, you can just go into it? Yeah. I mean, obviously, it people. I get them. Do you think you need to have seen the other movies to enjoy Civil War? No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Yeah, you can just go into it? Yeah. I mean, obviously it helps. Uh-huh. But yeah, I think, well, this didn't make as much money as The Avengers. Maybe not even Age of Ultron. I might be wrong about that.
Starting point is 01:00:16 But I think The Avengers is more accessible as a movie. Okay. Like if you haven't seen the other ones. But yeah, I think this one definitely helps if you've had a bit of background. Did you enjoy the giant text? The giant fonts for new locations? Absolutely, I did.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Berlin. New York. Brooklyn. Brooklyn? Yes. Yeah, Brooklyn, yeah. What else is it? The villain, that's what people say is one of the weaker points.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I disagree. He's not a comic book villain. So from that aspect, yeah, I can understand that because he doesn't have the purple mask. He doesn't have his purple balaclava on. Yes. His weird golden earmuffs
Starting point is 01:00:50 and his little tiara. Yeah. But I thought he was... Because he was also a villain that knew he couldn't beat up the Avengers. So he just had them beat up each other.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Yes, exactly. So that's why that worked for me. And I think we also had reached the point in these movies where just another fight between the avengers and a bunch of cgi whatever's yeah would have been or just you know a bunch of evil dudes would have been real real annoying yeah exactly there's that there's the reveal in civil war where they say, okay, there's five more super soldiers. They're more powerful than the Winter Soldier,
Starting point is 01:01:29 and you're going to have to go and fight him. And I did go, oh, all right. Here we go. I guess this will be fine. The action's being fought. It'll probably be interesting, but I'm kind of sick of this. And then when we get to the secret base and they're all dead, I actually went, ah, relief.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Yeah, thank God. And you know what? Because we saw what they could do. Yeah. Do we need to see any more do we need to see five buckies you know exactly fighting and and whatever i i enjoyed the the winter soldier aspect of this he's he's a really strong part of this universe that they've built up since like the first avenger like it's pretty impressive the way that they've kind of weaved yeah weaved his arc and that metal arm is it's never looked better, in my humble opinion. It's not done enough stuff for me, but what can you do?
Starting point is 01:02:08 It will maybe now, because he's going to have Wakandan technology. Upgraded, yeah. Because it's like a 60s Soviet era metal arm. They never establish the answer to that. The ring? Yeah. Black Panther T'Challa wears the king's royal He wears the king's royal seal ring. Yeah. And it seems to have some sort of weird...
Starting point is 01:02:27 Magnetic. Magnetic effect on Bucky's arm, but it's never fully explored. Yeah. I think that's something that... I think they've hinted that that will be explained. Huh. Do you think it's an adamantium ring? Vibranium?
Starting point is 01:02:37 Vibranium ring. It'd have to be, right? Yeah, yeah. This whole suit's bloody... Yeah, totally. Vibranium. Vibranium-ium. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Vibranium. Yeah. Yeah, and I like... Speaking of of that i like the fact that again we've gotten to this point where we've got these characters you know we've got iron man's got this hulk buster suit that can bring down a building and yeah t'challa's got this you know his his black panther his warrior armor is completely bulletproof and it's not even a it's not even an issue. He's just on the rooftop, bullets are bouncing off. We've gotten to that point and so
Starting point is 01:03:10 and they can just plow through all the bad guys. So we have to find something that they can't just defeat with punching. Yeah, exactly. And it's intrigue. Yes, and each other. Tricks. And tricks and intrigue. One thing I know that you remember was a bit of a sticking point
Starting point is 01:03:25 was the fact that everybody thought Bucky set off that bomb, even though Tony Stark would have the ability to look at that footage and be like, well, he doesn't walk like Bucky. Yeah, exactly right. He's not weighted with somebody who has a metal arm. Yeah. If Iron Man's suit can analyze Captain America's fight patterns, every punch he's ever thrown, and come up with a new fighting technique.
Starting point is 01:03:46 A series of punches of its own. That's right. Then surely his technology, surely his computer system on its own would go, that's not him. It's interesting that they never showed the Bucky mask. Like, was it a rubber mask? Was it one of those weird mesh hologram masks?
Starting point is 01:04:03 We don't know. What was it? Yeah. But also, I liked how they tied it into age of ultron and i liked that tony stark finally got his comeuppance yes because he's just been a massive prick for every movie he's never learned a goddamn thing yeah until this movie true and then he learned all his lessons at once right and he got beat up yeah so i was really happy with that. God damn, he deserved it. So, yeah, because you know at the end of Age of Ultron,
Starting point is 01:04:27 he's like, I nearly killed everybody. So everybody. Yeah. So everybody. And everybody was like, nah, you're right. And then the next movie was like, you know what? That's not okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:34 In the next movie, one person comes up to him and says, my son died. And he's like, well, we're going to change our ways. And it's all your fault. Yeah. It's all your fault, guys. You did this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:45 I love how General Ross is like, you guys are all dangerous and trouble you you made another hulk you made another hulk and you set it loose yeah yeah what are you doing yeah so well that's bloody management isn't it it certainly is whose side were you on mason captain america yes now look in the real world i acknowledge that you would need kind of systems in place. Oh, here we go. No, if there was a team like... Here comes another rant from Mr. Establishment. All right, here we go.
Starting point is 01:05:11 No, but you need a system in place. You can't just have people going in and doing whatever. True. But in this comic book universe where the president is probably a robot or an alien or whatever... Or trapped in the Iron Patriot suit. That's right, yeah. Then you need...
Starting point is 01:05:24 I can't get out, guys. Then you need... I can't get out, guys. Then you need... A team like this is necessary because everybody's probably Hydra or AIM or something. So that's how I stand on that, Mason. And Captain America, what a good bloke, isn't he?
Starting point is 01:05:37 He's still a good bloke. He gave up his shield because he's a good bloke. Did you see the twist coming that the parents, Tony Stark's parents, were murdered by winter soldier even though it was mentioned in it's mentioned in winter soldier sort of what's
Starting point is 01:05:50 implied yeah yeah um uh i was not surprised no me neither he was wasn't he yeah he didn't like that at all do you think it was strange how he flipped out even though he knew he was mind controlled you know people tony stark's killed how many people Tony Stark's killed? So many people. So many parents. Yeah, probably. He killed Quicksilver's parents in that, didn't he? Because remember they were trapped under a building.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Oh, yeah, with Stark-built munitions. Yeah. Really good point. Oh, we've got to talk about the airport scene. Yep. Really, really good. Very good. Yeah. One of the best action sequences of all time or comic book action sequences of all time.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I would say so. Stop leaning in. It's weird. Okay. I don't like it. Yeah, great. And we finally got Giant Man. And you were surprised by that,
Starting point is 01:06:35 even though you knew it was coming. Because I remember when you were in the cinema, you were like, ho, ho, ho, just before it was happening. Yeah, real good. You were very excited. Oh. God, that- Everybody, yeah, and it wasn't a- Everybody had the skills. Yeah, real good. You were very excited. God, that... Everybody... Yeah, and it wasn't a...
Starting point is 01:06:45 Everybody had the skills. Everybody showed their skills. Everybody was evenly matched. You go, okay, I understand why everybody here is on the team. Yes. You know? Exactly. Here's why Hawkeye and Black Widow are on the team.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Best use of Hawkeye, yeah. I liked his fight with the vision. Yep, me too. Yeah, that was super cool. Yeah. Because that's how long he would last, about three seconds. Yeah. He'd have one trick and then the Vision would be on him.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Yeah. So I thought that was super cool. Anyway, it's a great movie. If you haven't seen it, you have. So don't worry about it. Yeah, it's fine. You've seen it. Actually, that's one I have watched again.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Me too. I have watched Civil War again, yeah. There you go. And that speaks volumes, doesn't it, Mason? Mm-hmm. A thumbs up as well. Thumbs up. We've both given the thumbs up. So that's volumes, doesn't it, Mason? Mm-hmm. A thumbs up as well. Thumbs up. We've both given the thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:07:28 So that's number one? Yep. All right. But maybe it'll be toppled by whatever's next. X-Men Apocalypse. No, it's not being toppled. That's at four. I'm cool.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Yep, I agree. It's also at four. Even though I didn't hate it, it's just flat. And it should be better. And the ending is shit. The budget of $178 million, diminishing returns, Mason, $554 million international box office. That's two thirds of Days of Future Pasts. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Wow. All the goodwill that was built up from first class has been thoroughly wrung out at this point. That's right. I still think Fassbender and McAvoy are great. And I think I really liked the Fassbender-Magneto family stuff. He got another family murdered. Yes, he did.
Starting point is 01:08:08 But I enjoyed it. I didn't even mind the young X-Men. I thought they'd be more generic than what they were, but they were okay. Yep, sure. Why do I hate this then? I hated it because... I'm trying to even think.
Starting point is 01:08:22 I don't hate it. I just... At least Batman v Superman is kind of a big swing. You know what I mean? I hated it because... I'm trying to even think. I don't hate it. I just... It's just... At least Batman v Superman is kind of a big swing. You know what I mean? Big swing and a miss, but still. This takes no real chances. There's no...
Starting point is 01:08:36 We only get the suits at the end. Yep. Like a second. We know that everything's going to be fine. Yeah. And even if the world ended, they just reboot it. So who cares? Which they are fine. Yeah. And even if the world ended, they'd just reboot it. So who cares? Which they are doing.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Yep. So, yep. I can't even remember why. Go back to our X-Men Apocalypse review. I think I was definitely more kind on it than you were. Yeah. You know what? Also, I thought I didn't like how Mystique's a good guy.
Starting point is 01:08:59 And this is why they shouldn't also bring back Jennifer Lawrence, because it's done. They've got everything out of Mystique you could possibly get at this point. They've taken that character further than a lot of the comic book versions have. There's a really great cosplay. I don't know if you've seen. Is it the half and half one? It's the half and half one.
Starting point is 01:09:16 She's half Mystique, half sort of a general. Looks incredible. She's mid-transformation. Okay. Real good. Don't know who that is, but good on her. Good on her, mate. You know what?
Starting point is 01:09:23 I hated it because, you know, one of the reasons i had it because it was very inconsistent in terms of the in when you first see apocalypse he can do that thing where he pulls some sand off the wall and he cuts people's heads off with it man just do that at the end yeah why aren't you doing it at the end you could have killed everybody because of dark phoenix saga oh yeah that's right and we just yeah she just said she just saves the day at the end. There's no real... There's no real inkling that she can just do all the things she does at the end. You sort of have to know that she has these Phoenix abilities.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Well, they mention in the start that everyone's afraid of her. There's a good training sequence of Cyclops, how he destroys that tree. Oh, yeah. That's pretty good. They do Quicksilver again. That's pretty good. That's not as good. It's not as... No, it's because we Oh, yeah. That's pretty good. They do Quicksilver again. Yeah. That's pretty good. That's not as good.
Starting point is 01:10:07 It's not as good. No, it's because we've seen it. Would you mean the effects are not as good or just the impact overall? Not as good. Yeah. Also, there's another inconsistency.
Starting point is 01:10:17 He moves at this incredible speed to save everybody in the fraction of a second before this bomb blows up and kills all the students. He comes out and then they hit him with a sonic cannon and he tumbles over.
Starting point is 01:10:27 He's like, what? That's moving at the speed of sound. Correct. He could have really easily just moved out of the way. Yes, but he didn't. Because they needed, for plot reasons, he needed to be captured. For plot reasons, we needed to see Wolverine.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Yep. That bit was good. That was a good bit when Wolverine was in it. I guess so. Then he did that weird run into the forest. Remember? The camera holds on a little bit too long. Yeah. That bit was good. That was a good bit when Wolverine was in it. I guess so. And then he did that weird run into the forest. Remember? The camera holds on a little bit too long. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Because they wanted to get that Hugh Jackman, you know, make the most of it. You know what I mean? What did you think of the Weapon X paraphernalia? That was fine. Yeah, it was okay. He wasn't naked though, which I did not enjoy. They didn't really need him.
Starting point is 01:11:02 No, of course not. But they put him in the trailer though. Yeah. And then people go, oh, Wolverine's in this. I mean, they didn't really need him. No, of course not. But they put him in the trailer though. Yeah. And then people go, oh, Wolverine's in this. I meant they didn't really need to have him come in and film anything. What, just not to show his face? No, they could have just filmed his face and then CGI'd it onto some sort of Olympic sprinter or something.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Don't you think that's more effort than just getting him for like three days? Oh, I guess so. Fine. But he'd have to bulk up again. But he's constantly bulking up. he's in a constant state of bulk huh except i think he's trimmed down a bit for logan yeah but uh no because that was also off the back of what's the last one he did whatever the last one he did he still had the bulk oh okay sure yeah don't don't you worry he knows what he's doing jackman had a Jackman how to bulk or not bulk mate four words
Starting point is 01:11:45 people at Comic Con I've maintained the bulk and everybody's like woo he could be in anything how does he do it wow he could be in any movie
Starting point is 01:11:52 he could be in a movie tomorrow woo I loved it I saw an interview with the director if this is unrelated of Les Mis which is great
Starting point is 01:11:59 I really enjoy that movie but uh and they're like yeah Hugh Jackman turned up on the day and he was he'd clearly worked out for the role and he was ready to go to be with Jean Valjean no it's what he just looks like he's doing x-men movies so he just looks right he just looks like that yes I've
Starting point is 01:12:13 not seen Les Mis is Jean Valjean traditionally very ripped well he's big because he spends 20 19 years like doing hard labor so yeah he is he's. He'd be wiry more than ripped. Sure. Yeah. He's probably more. Yeah. He's definitely wiry, but there's a bit in it. The reason he gets discovered in one of the reasons, cause he lifts a cart of a person.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Oh, and Javere's like, what the fuck? Why can he do that? And it's because he's, he's got the bulk. He tore that car apart with his adamantium claws. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Anyway, it's a good movie. I like Labours a lot. It's pretty cool. Eddie Redmayne's in it. Your favourite. No. We'll be talking about him next week, Mason. It's a fantastic beast week.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Anyway, we've got to move on. It's shit. It's no good. And also, why the inconsistencies? Why make Psylocke look exactly like Psylocke? Why make... Psylocke's in this? Yeah. Oh, right. Yeah, you're right. Why make Psylocke look exactly like psylocke why make psylocke's in this that's yeah oh right yeah you're right okay so look exactly like psylocke why make nightcrawler look exactly like nightcrawler etc etc then why make apocalypse look like garbage garbage thank
Starting point is 01:13:16 you that's the word i was searching for make him consistent make it make him look like the cartoon yeah exactly make him give him the a on his belt. Yeah, man. So you know he's Apocalypse. Give him like weird tubes. Yeah, make him tall. Yeah, yeah. Make him grow real big, but for reals. Yeah, not in a dream scene. You know what? That's something I hate about a Bryan Singer kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:13:36 He's reluctant to do a comic book thing. Yeah, don't give me it. We've gone far beyond, I think. Here's a little styler. Here's a little nod to what the fans would like, but we can't do it because that would be silly. Yeah. No, just do it.
Starting point is 01:13:49 I don't want him to grow real big in a dream sequence to show that he's too overwhelming for Professor X to make him real big. Yeah. And the army shoots at him and he's like, I'm like King Kong. You know? You can even say that.
Starting point is 01:14:03 I'm like King Kong. Yeah. Good stuff. And also all these movies were building towards Professor X going bald. Right, exactly. But then it turns out in a riff from continuity, no, he's not bald. He just shaves his head.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Yeah, because in the new, in Logan, he's got the balding pattern. Unless we establish that maybe he's spent the last several decades attempting to regrow his hair through mental powers and he's just managed to grow the crown back. And he's working his way to the top. All right, well, look, if they could build that into the universe, that'd be great. I think so.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, Out of the Shadows. I had a real good fun time with this one. Nah mate what do you like about it uh i like that it was exactly like the cartoon except live action and not as good or as good as i remember no it was better yeah you're right it probably was i would have loved a turtle van it had a casey jones who just wanted to be a cop he sucked he was bad it's not that interesting uh looked fun technodrome krang nah that was all shit big old big old shredder blade it was the same it ended the same way as the previous one hadn't seen it yeah wasn't burned out on it sure what are our options there what do we beep up and rocksteady are good they're great in it the bit with the tank is good
Starting point is 01:15:20 yep all the turtles are fine yep uh Splinter's a rat yep they swapped out Shredder but he doesn't do anything he just goes into Krang's storage facility yeah
Starting point is 01:15:33 he inexplicably ends up there yeah that was fun everybody's got a teleporter I think it's a great kids movie but you know what it was a budget of $135 aren't we all a kid at heart
Starting point is 01:15:41 yeah I guess so especially if you do a podcast sucked in but wait uh a budget $135 million made $245 million oh boy yeah so Aren't we all a kid at heart? Yeah, I guess so. Especially if you do a podcast. Sucked in. Budget $135 million made $245 million. Oh, boy. Yeah, so that's it.
Starting point is 01:15:50 We're not getting any more. No more sequels? Good. That's a shame. Yeah. And I bet they're confused because they're like, but we did everything that we wanted. Yeah, but the last one wasn't very good. I thought it was okay.
Starting point is 01:15:59 And this one wasn't much better. And the story was shit. You can't just put all this stuff in. You've got to do something with it. Like do something interesting. Like the first Ninja Turtles movie from 1990 or whatever, that is still the best Ninja Turtles movie. And I still argue that that movie holds up.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Okay. For a lot of it. I bet it drags. Man, I love being a turtle. Yep. Should we do the next one? You've got to know what a crumpet is to play cricket. That's right.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Or whatever. Elias Cotillet. Six runs. Six runs, mate. Golf. Golf. No, I reckon it was good. Where am I going to put it in the... crumpet is to play cricket that's right or whatever elias cotier six runs six runs mate golf now i reckon it was good uh where am i gonna put it in the i guess civil war uh you know what i'm gonna put it above apocalypse uh-huh because at least it did all the comic book stuff so what are you putting out four four yeah okay yeah what do we got now i've lost my train of thought we got civil war i'm gonna put it at three. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:45 So you're putting above Batman, Superman. Yes. Okay. Because you know what? I wasn't expecting anything. It delivered. It delivered. I had fun.
Starting point is 01:16:52 I had fun. BBS, expecting a lot, got nothing. Wow. That's really on you then, isn't it, mate? My guess. Yeah. Manage your expectations. That's what we should have called the show, Manage Your Expectations.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Speaking of Manage Your Expectations, Suicide Squad. Oh, yeah. I didn't hate it. I still don't hate it. I was going to watch it again for this episode because I've only seen it once. And then I said, but then we're going to have to do a commentary
Starting point is 01:17:17 on the extended version, so that means you're going to have to watch it three times. And you said, good point. Actually, I won't. So I understand why people hate it i understand that it is upside down broken yep i understand that it's been edited weird that in scenarios just fighting a whole bunch of weird googly-eyed monsters with a blue light shooting into the sky i understand that will smith just will smith's it he doesn't really do dead shot stuff and i
Starting point is 01:17:43 understand that the action sequences, well, how did you describe them? I assume in the script, it just said a whole bunch of googly-eyed mud monsters show up in the city square and there's a big fight and everybody fights. And then they just went, we'll do it on that. We'll do specifics on the day.
Starting point is 01:18:01 And they got there on the day and David Ayer, director, just said, okay, um... Will Smith, can you stand on the car? Stand on the car. We got there on the day and david ayah directors just said okay um will smith can you stand on the car stand on a car we'll film you in a minute that's the best action sequence and the rest are terrible because they just went okay you everybody stand there everybody's the bad guys are cgi so if you've got a gun fire the gun if you don't just swing something wild swing a weapon or your fist wildly we'll fix it in post. It's so boring. I'm talking about Civil War and they should all stand on their own
Starting point is 01:18:28 or whatever, but Civil War, by the end of the first action sequence, you know, you know, Black Widow's a great martial artist
Starting point is 01:18:37 and an acrobat and she's got the skills and Falcon can fly and he's got the... The skills. He's got the skills, he's got the red bird drone, he's got the the skills he's got the skills he's got the red bird drone he's got the he can his wings could turn into a shield um yeah thank you uh you know skull which can do the telekinesis captain america can captain about he can captain about with this i
Starting point is 01:18:58 reckon a lot of people would have gotten to the end of the movie and gone what can that guy do we've seen him for two hours i don't know what can killer croc do he's got a skin condition that's it yeah people were given weird busy work to do in this movie just so they had literally anything to do yeah and then they all were family yeah no good what about weird inconsistent motivations or no motivation what about batman in it yeah good yeah really good For the two minutes he's in it. Yeah, he's great. What about the Joker? I'm on the fence. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Same. I can't. You know, one of the most commented on videos, and I still get comments on this, I made a video and I titled it Worst Joker Ever. But it basically goes to and says, look, there's not enough of him in this to kind of make a definitive decision on him.
Starting point is 01:19:42 He doesn't have enough screen time. It's okay. And a lot of people in the comments are like, it's mostly women being like, he's so sexy. You're an idiot or whatever. There's a lot of that. I think you've- Look, in a way, if I can take two points from that,
Starting point is 01:19:56 he is very sexy and you are an idiot. Yes, that's right. So I don't know if those two things combine. But also, I wasn't saying he was bad. The point of the video is basically, in summary, he's okay yeah like and there's not enough of him they kind of screwed him even though it's kind of hilarious how he went he was just eating rats and sending bullets and yeah whatever the hell he was doing for like six months and and then all the interviews is like oh he's you know i'll go i'll delve into it i'm in the psychology of the the Joker. And we just fucking freestyled all these scenes and it's an amazing,
Starting point is 01:20:27 and he's in it for like six minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Look, I'm going to put this below Batman Superman. Right. Because even, you know, we've had all this controversy that, oh, it was, you know, David A had this dark, grim vision and it was going to be this amazing drama and then it was torn apart by the studio and they did a new version of the whatever. Sure. Fine. But you know, David Ayer had this dark, grim vision and it was going to be this amazing drama and then it was torn apart by the studio
Starting point is 01:20:45 and they did a new version of the whatever. Sure. Fine. But you know what? Even if we got David Ayer's original vision, it seems kind of boring. It seems like a boring... Again, we're going back to this Bryan Singer kind of situation
Starting point is 01:21:00 where it's like, oh, well, we can't have Captain Boomerang throw any novelty boomerangs. Yeah. Yeah, you can. That's why he's in this. That's why we're not watching a war movie. He was good, though.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Yeah. Five minutes. I mean, he's funny. Yeah, he's jive-court and he's fine in this. But don't give me, like, the whole situation is the Suicide Squad go in with a team of soldiers and they just do soldier stuff. Cut out the soldiers or cut out the suicide squad. You don't need one of them.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Call it soldier squad. Call it a squad of soldiers doing soldier things. If you're going to give me Killer Croc, have him eat some people's faces off. You're going to give me Katana, have a user enchanted Katana to steal some people's souls real brutally. If you're going to have Harley Quinn, maybe don't have Harley Quinn
Starting point is 01:21:45 because what's the point of her being there? She was good, though. But why is she on the squad? Because suicide squad. And that speaks to it being kind of poorly written because if you went, okay, if you had a character go, why is she in the suicide squad?
Starting point is 01:21:58 She's just an okay gymnast. Yeah. And she's willing to kill people. You know what? Soldiers are good at killing people. They're willing to do it as well. But if you then went, okay, well, the reason she's willing to kill people you know what soldiers are good at killing people they're willing to do it as well but if you then went okay well the reason she's in it is because you want it we want to draw out the joker for some reason right to capture him maybe that's the key that would make sense why she's on there but that's not really not it so and there's that
Starting point is 01:22:19 whole harley quinn joker subplot they cut out yeah i don't think this would have worked i don't think the camera the real version works i don't think the. Yeah. I don't think this would have worked. I don't think the real version works. I don't think the extended version works. I don't think the Joker's wild version that we're inevitably going to get will work. I don't think David Ayer's original vision would have worked. Okay. I don't think any of it would have worked.
Starting point is 01:22:36 I would have liked to have just had this be a Mad Love movie. Just a Joker Harley Quinn origin. Yeah. Even though I'm kind of sick of origins, but that's something we haven't seen properly. And all their flashback stuff I thought was really interesting. But hey.
Starting point is 01:22:49 At the end of the day, Mason, I'm going to put it above Batman Superman, even though Batman Superman kind of, I guess it's structured better and it's got better action set pieces. Yeah. But I think I just, I've only seen it once,
Starting point is 01:23:01 but I just thought it was, I was like, I like these characters. I like the way they bounce off each other for the most part. Okay. Well, I'm going to put it below Batman, Superman for the reasons that I said before. Okay. And also, but I'm going to put it above Apocalypse
Starting point is 01:23:14 because at least it went... Here, we are opening the floodgates to ridiculous stuff. That is something it did, yeah, because it brought in magic and monsters and all that kind of stuff. And Apocalypse was just the same old garbage. Yeah. Yep. fair enough. Wow, who thought this lineup was going to go like this?
Starting point is 01:23:29 What a twist. What a series of twists. Last one, Doctor Strange. We talked about it last week. I liked it. Oh, where am I going to put this? Well, look, you know what? Maybe we won't talk about it in depth because we just did.
Starting point is 01:23:38 We sure did. Dog, stop hitting the microphone like some kind of vagabond. Sit down, dog. No, she's all right. You're all right you're right anyway uh where would you let's just talk where would you put it then okay um let's put it what did i do would you put it above deadpool i think i will put it above so you put it too yeah you had a good with that and i like deadpool but i i thought the cat i like the character of dr strange more
Starting point is 01:24:01 than i like the character of deadpool even though, like you said, there's not enough magic-y stuff. But I understand why they didn't. We talked about it last week. We sure did. Just get into it. Go back to that one. So what's the definitive order, Mason? What have you got?
Starting point is 01:24:14 The definitive order is... Captain America Civil War, number one. Number two, Doctor Strange. Number three, Ninja Turtles. Not Deadpool? What did I say? No, I'm putting it above Deadpool. Well, you're saying it first, so I have to
Starting point is 01:24:28 roll one. I have to go with it. I have to go with your list. Those are the rules. Don't at me, everybody. Uh, Deadpool. Yep. Batman Superman. Yep. Suicide Squad. Apocalypse. Okay. Well, mine is slightly different, but them's the rules. Too late.
Starting point is 01:24:44 You've got two options. except the list is given or reach for that bullet and i don't think you will so overall there was seven was there in total yeah and we got three pretty good ones you're great i'll take it i'll take slightly below 50 there's seven what can you do but there's also redeeming qualities in all of these no if you say so you've said it i'm gonna have to go with it i don't necessarily agree but all right if you've got a list maybe twitter us yeah send us a twitter if there's a look if you can compact it into 140 characters don't give us one of those tweets that it's the tweet and then in order to read the end of the tweet you have to click on that weird twitter link at the end because there's
Starting point is 01:25:20 too many characters don't send what did you do twitter you ruined twitter for me i don't like it's not the point of Twitter. No, it's not. But it's time for our next segment, Mason. Oh, yeah. What are we reading? What are we going to read? I'm doing the thing.
Starting point is 01:25:37 What are we reading today? Mason, I'd love to know what you've been reading or what you are going to read. You know what I'm not going to read ah you know what I'm not going to read or listen to because I was on it I forgot to mention
Starting point is 01:25:48 I should have mentioned it up top I'm on this week's episode of I Love Green Guide I did listen to that with Steel Saunders comedian Steel Saunders
Starting point is 01:25:54 and Luke McGregor love Luke McGregor love his new show yeah so ah they do most of the heavy lifting in this one because they are
Starting point is 01:26:01 two professional comedians I thought you did very well thank you yeah I was there and I was very polite ah anyway we talked about various things it was real you read two letters the entire time it's not really about the letters it's not really about the letters anymore yeah it's about good old fun times absolutely um you know what i read
Starting point is 01:26:16 this week i read the first five issues of a series that uh i was not aware of until recently but it's uh good so far it's a vertigo series from a few years ago called The Unwritten. Okay. And it's basically about this guy called Tom Taylor, and when he was a kid, his father created a series of boy wizard novels about a boy wizard called Tommy Taylor that are very, very closely modelled on this kid's actual life and appearance and that sort of thing
Starting point is 01:26:45 right and it sort of ruined his life in a way because you know huge fans of this this you know multi-million dollar franchise think he's that guy right and you know the last book in the series had this you know this character maybe go into the real world which is sort of added fuel to the fire of oh you're this this guy kind of thing. And he hates it. And his father mysteriously disappeared many years ago. So he has to sort of deal with this estate and deal with this weirdness.
Starting point is 01:27:14 And all of a sudden, and see, he sort of makes appearances on like convention circuits and stuff like that because he can't touch the Tommy Taylor money. So he's kind of making a living this way and then all of a sudden all this kind of weirdness from his father's past comes up and it's magic is real well no it's not about it's not really the first five issues it's not really about magic but it's about this kind of conspiracy in the world of fiction and and novels and writing it's kind of
Starting point is 01:27:39 it's a weird world but it's not like wizards are real it's more of like publishing yeah publishing what what like why like you know it's it's sort of like do words shape the the world and the world shape the word shape society and this kind of thing there might also be magic in it i'm only five in the words and or magic shape society what's it called the unwritten the unwritten vertigo okay great what else did i bloody read? Something else. I can tell you what I've been reading, Mason. And by playing, I mean, I decided to buy Titanfall 2. Okay, you got that.
Starting point is 01:28:11 The reason I bought it was because they didn't do any season passes or extended ultimate editions where you spend $120 and you get it. They didn't do any of that. And apparently it's not selling super well, but the single-player campaign is amazing, so I bought it off the back of that. And the single-player campaign, it's short, but it's not selling super well, but the single-player campaign is amazing, so I bought it off the back of that. And the single-player campaign, it's short, but it's incredible. A lot of video games, a lot of time I play some,
Starting point is 01:28:32 I'll be like, well, I've played like 10 variations on this. You know what I mean? I feel like I've kind of played everything. And a lot of this stuff I had seen before, but the way it's paced is just incredible. And the set pieces and the combat feels really good. And because you've got a Titan with you, for a lot of the time you jump in and you just gun down a bunch of people.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Okay, here's a question. How are them guns? Amazing. Yeah? Really good. Are they just solid, like, shooty-shooty guns? You've got funny... You've got lasers and all sorts of stuff.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Missiles? You've got missiles. Nice. You've got heat seekers? Yes, more of the Titans, yes. Oh, yeah, nice. There's also one of my favorite sections of the game. They just introduce a time travel element,
Starting point is 01:29:11 and then they just scrap it immediately after. So you're going through this rundown facility, and there's kind of monsters in there attacking you, but then you can time jump instantly to before when the facility is being fully operational. So you've got this ghost just running in and out of it, just killing guys and then jumping back and forth as you go. So like a guy will see you, your time travel, run behind where he was,
Starting point is 01:29:31 then reappear and then kill him. It's great. It's really good. And if you want to know more about it, Mason, I suggest you check out the podcast Filthy Casuals. Oh, yeah. We're giving you a bit of a bloody – we're trying to kind of – This is an official time, by the way. Last week it seemed like a coincidence bloody yeah we're trying to kind of um this is an official time
Starting point is 01:29:45 by the way last week last week it seemed like a coincidence but we're trying to we're trying to kind of i don't know boost up some australian podcasts and and and whatnot because yeah well they're friends of yours we feel a duty as a podcast an australian podcast that is inexplicably popular when we have a lot of friends who have great podcasts yeah they're also good and fun but maybe don't have as many downloads as us we're like we should they still do all right though When we have a lot of friends who have great podcasts, they're also good and fun, but maybe don't have as many downloads as us. We're like, we should get... They still do all right, though, Mason. Yeah, they're all right.
Starting point is 01:30:09 They do great. Don't worry about that. So I'd say you could download last week's episode. It's a good one. Yeah. Or maybe even this new one, Mason. Yeah. It's coming...
Starting point is 01:30:17 It's out Wednesday? Wednesday, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah, they're kind of like us in the sense that they... It's an irreverent take on video games yeah we're irreverent the onion av club once called us dot dot dot irreverent dot dot dot did they yeah good on us yeah i know right i don't think we've ever reached any kind of that's as high as we've kind of reached isn't it that's it that's the pinnacle great uh what else oh i read that issue of superman
Starting point is 01:30:41 rebirth oh by the way i'll link that below as well the filthy casual spot Casuals part. Oh, yeah, nice. Check it out, mate. I'm going to. Yeah, I know. I'm probably, I'm going to listen to it anyway. Yeah, good. What else did I bloody read this week? The Superman Rebirth was good. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Oh, I started reading something called The Omega Men. Yeah. Which is a DC comic from a couple of years ago. And it's basically sort of a, it's a sort of maxi series right and it's about uh kyle rainer former green lantern joins the amiga men who are like a like a resistance force in a distant star system it's real good you're a kyle rainer fan yes well he was my green lantern i guess growing up sure and you enjoyed how his girlfriend was jammed in the fridge no i didn't enjoy that people stop bringing it up god anyway it's you know it's about it's about it's about war and sacrifice it's real real
Starting point is 01:31:30 good real good and the art's great yeah absolutely uh it's about it that's about it also i'm gonna i'm gonna watch haven't watched it yet uh our friend raw collings robert collings has done a video about uh the doctor's audition for the Avengers, which I haven't seen yet. Right, but you're excited to do it? He does some great work. He absolutely does, Mason. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:31:52 I've not watched that yet either, but I bet it's bloody good. And that's a very funny sequence that you described. Invented in my little head. That's right. I hope you're ready for the next segment of the show, Mason. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. The classic one was letters, oh letters. We love you, some letters.
Starting point is 01:32:08 They're only a day away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. I was ready. I thought you were. Spoiler. Yeah, good stuff. All right, Mason.
Starting point is 01:32:20 I got a letter here. If you want to get a letter to the show, hashtag weeklyplanetpod, and then we'll read out three this is the first of the three okay number one this is from greyman777 I'm going to definitively rank these three
Starting point is 01:32:32 okay good do you think we'll ever see any flippy Jedi action a la prequels in future Star Wars oh that's a good question yeah because that was
Starting point is 01:32:43 the prequels were flippy to the extreme. Would you say to their detriment? Yes. Okay, good. At the time, though, what do you reckon? The second one, yes, because it was just Yoda flipping. But the first one, it was kind of novel.
Starting point is 01:32:58 You hadn't seen it. And a lot of those were real flips. Oh. Yeah. And the first one, it was sort of, well, this is what the Jedi could do at the height of their power. They went shuffling about in Death Star corridors, getting lightsabers so only their robes remained. It was, you know, it was the real deal. Absolutely, it was.
Starting point is 01:33:16 I don't think they can go back to that. No. I think a flip above a certain height, people will be like, Phantom Menace. They'll feel it in their bones and they'll check out of the movie. So I don't think it'll ever go well they'll never reach those heights metaphorically or literally no that is a shame if any of them could flip do you think it has to be like a cgi character to do it no that would be even worse but luke luke can flip we've seen him yeah uh-huh you mean like you'd be okay with seeing like a gymnast flip yeah okay good we're good mason i
Starting point is 01:33:43 think they might even like they might even get you know the storyboards from the from return of the jedi and go okay measure this out right they cannot flip above this this this height yeah sure you must be this tall to ride and you cannot be above this flipper level yeah because otherwise it's gonna look ridiculous everything's been toned down absolutely it has if anybody's gonna do a flip, and it wouldn't be a flip, but if anybody's going to do one of these over-the-top kind of looming leap, it would be like a Kylo Ren. Right, okay.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Because the bad guys are allowed to... I feel the bad guys are allowed to sort of... They can cheat a little bit. They can cheat a little bit. Well, they've got cheaty lightsabers as well, don't they? That's true. Yeah. So that's number one, obviously, that tweet.
Starting point is 01:34:24 That's the best tweet. Ranked number one so far far are there any other actors who have been demoted down the superhero ranks like branded brandon routh brandon routh who's now he started as superman and he's now atom at the atom yeah i wouldn't say that's a demotion though because what have you really done before and he's kind of he's got steady work and he's a pretty talented dude and now he's got a he's got a every week gig mate yeah people enjoy him in the role yeah i mean what would he have done after superman if he wasn't superman that's a good question yeah just be handsome and things i suppose yeah i guess i think i think he's a great superman actually i really i thought he would be a good christopher reeve kind of he did what that movie called for true sad dad oh yeah nailed it yeah uh there who
Starting point is 01:35:04 else has been demoted? I've got some here that I've written down. Adam West for a while. Demoted to basically nothing but Batman? Just doing Batman forever or Batman parodies. He didn't do Batman forever. No, he didn't. But there's a lot of those, like a lot of the early superheroes,
Starting point is 01:35:18 like even Chris Reeve didn't kind of do. Oh, this is more like a typecasting issue. Yeah, or whatever, or they, yeah, however you want to. Or even like Linda Carter, they'll get her to show up in like Sky High
Starting point is 01:35:31 and be like, I'm not Wonder Woman, you know? Yeah, that's true. Because she's the principal in that. I like that movie though. So, yeah, I think it happened as more, it used to happen more
Starting point is 01:35:39 than it does kind of now. Yeah. I mean, I guess the issue would say Brandon Routh is, is TV a demotion from film? Yeah. And maybe 10 years ago. Maybe Legends of Tomorrow is a demotion.
Starting point is 01:35:50 What I've seen, I quite like it. I think it's pretty fun. I haven't watched it in a while. I watched the first few episodes of season one. Yeah. Not my bag so much. Fair enough. Maybe I'll get back to it.
Starting point is 01:35:59 It's a pretty sweet suit. And he seems like a very genial man. I listen to him in interviews. I quite like him I think it's cool yeah he was also Dylan dog he was Dylan dog and Dylan dog dead of Italy's most famous comic book export Dylan dog paranormal investigator
Starting point is 01:36:16 fights the gargoyle at the end or something yeah yeah it's got Jimmy Olsen in it it's they retained them for that's right yeah yeah what a weird movie yeah all right so no he's he's It's got Jimmy Olsen in it. They re-teamed them for that. That's right. Yeah. What a weird movie. All right. So, no, he's been promoted, actually, to Dylan Dogg. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:36:32 That was from Scott the Amazing, by the way, I believe. No, sorry, this is from Scott the Amazing. So how do you rank that tweet? What was the first one again? It was on Jedi flips, and the second one was on superhero demotions. Oh, look, I think if I were more prepared, I feel Superhero Demotions
Starting point is 01:36:49 would have been a better question. But I wasn't prepared. So it's one and two. They're in order now. What about Adam West, though? Not Adam West. What about, like,
Starting point is 01:36:59 Michael Keaton? Would you say he was demoted or he didn't care? Because he was like, I've made so much money. What about Dawson's dad? After The Flash, he was never The Flash again until he was demoted or he didn't care because he was like, I've made so much money. What about Dawson's dad? After The Flash, he was never The Flash again until he was recently The Flash.
Starting point is 01:37:09 But now he's The Flash again, right? Yeah, I mean, well, Keaton turned down $50 million. Something like that, yeah. Well, he made his money. Yeah, that's right. He made it. Yeah, he took on smaller projects like Multiplicity. That's right.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Yeah, but Keaton's back in a big way, mate. Yeah. I wouldn't say, and now he's Vulture, know he's been no he's been great and stuff he's been he's been consistently great and whatever he's kind of popped up in yeah yeah yeah and i thought and a lot of people hate birdman but i thought birdman was an interesting people loved birdman i think it's i think opinions are divided well there you go yeah but i thought it was great yeah i thought it was fun i mean because it's a movie essentially it's a movie essentially about how hard successful artists have it I guess
Starting point is 01:37:46 and we know that don't we everybody alright this is from Scott the Amazing hashtag weekly planet pod you once read out a tweet of mine
Starting point is 01:37:55 but it didn't generate as much witty banter as I'd hoped hashtag give me another chance yeah is this it is this the chance
Starting point is 01:38:04 yeah yeah this is it well he's blown it hasn't he he's blown it and I look I don't remember Yeah. Is this it? Is this the chance? Yeah, this is it. Well, he's blown it, hasn't he? He's blown it. And look, I don't remember what the last one was, but look, maybe that was on us. Maybe we dropped the ball there, but he's not given us a lot to work with ultimately there. That's it, mate.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Yeah. Two strikes. Two strikes and you're out. That's how baseball works in Australia, mate. Two strikes, you're out. Correct. Not even. We're giving you one more because our version of baseball cricket, you get one strike. One strike and then you're're out. That's how baseball works in Australia, mate. Two strikes, you're out. Correct. Not even. We're giving you one more because our version of baseball, cricket,
Starting point is 01:38:27 you get one strike. One strike and then you're definitely out. So we've gone above and beyond to help you out here, mate. Give it a stutter. But thanks for writing in. Yeah. Don't do it again, though. Don't at us, alright? No, you can. You're alright. Good stuff. Okay, that's the show, Mason.
Starting point is 01:38:43 It is the show. show next week Fantastic Beasts where are they we'll find out they're in the case obviously as you've said but we will know definitively by next week
Starting point is 01:38:52 and you'll know definitively how many times in the movie in the cinema I yelled just don't open the case before they kick me out
Starting point is 01:39:00 so if we get to next week and it turns out I haven't watched the movie it's because they kick me out of the cinema yes absolutely yeah maybe you're turns out i haven't watched the movie it's because they kick me out of the cinema yes absolutely yeah maybe you're going to be the guy in the cinema like the rogue one people being like who's that what's this where's harry potter wasn't this someone's like hey shut up hey shut up i know everything about harry potter
Starting point is 01:39:17 just shut i know the context please shut up please all right that's the show for this week where can people find us they can find us on weekly planet pod at Facebook and Twitter and Gmail and band camp where hopefully we'll have some new Star Wars commentaries up pretty soon maybe one
Starting point is 01:39:34 this week if not next week if not never yeah but if if you want there's the old there's the original series commentaries there man yeah good old time with those I'm at Wikipedia Brown on
Starting point is 01:39:44 Twitter I'm a mr sunday movies if you want to follow at the weekly planet on Twitter that's our friend Robert Collings make all fine videos he's great the great man uh thank you to
Starting point is 01:39:53 the brute and the basilisk and rackham for all our themes thank you to Fergal Quigley and bloody Matt Young and everybody who sends in a great fan art
Starting point is 01:39:59 from time to time yeah and you can check out those t-shirt designs as well um yeah on tpublic yeah those are greatshirt designs as well yeah on TeePublic yeah those are great that's linked below we also have an Amazon
Starting point is 01:40:08 affiliate link yeah if you want to click on that it's in the episode description I have something like four or five checks to cash from them but now the American dollar
Starting point is 01:40:15 may have taken a dive I'm not sure what's going on there so I don't know what's going on so you have four pieces of paper that we can make into aeroplanes yeah nice great
Starting point is 01:40:23 I've got gotta look at the market Mason and I don't really understand it so this is gonna be great
Starting point is 01:40:29 yeah we're gonna be wearing barrels with suspenders on if you'd also like to support the show
Starting point is 01:40:34 you can also go to slash mr sunday movies yeah man where you can
Starting point is 01:40:37 contribute a buck a month and all those audio commentaries are free on there as well yeah yeah which is great
Starting point is 01:40:41 not free because you paid for them but right if you pay like one amount, you get them all. Yeah. We got the caravans of garbage on our YouTube channel. Correct.
Starting point is 01:40:50 More. I'm scheduling the first one for the 24th of November. Oh, yeah. So get ready for that. Nice. A trilogy, Mason. Yeah. Anything else?
Starting point is 01:40:58 That's pretty much everything, I think. Yeah, man. I always forget one thing, but I think... Did you thank the theme people? Yes, I did. Good stuff. And thank you to everybody who's listening. I do blank out when you do it.
Starting point is 01:41:08 My mind goes elsewhere. We should put them on the whiteboard. I know. The whiteboard we don't have. We don't have a whiteboard. We could... Tell you what, we'll put those checks up on the wall. Sure.
Starting point is 01:41:16 And I'll put all my notes on the back because we don't need them no more. Yeah, you can just put them on the front. It doesn't matter. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Thank you to everybody who listens and subscribes and likes and bloody writes a review. And, ah, good on you. We bloody love you.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Good on you, mates. Send us a tweet. Ah, love them. Love them. All right. Wrap it up, you guys. Bye. Bye.
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