The Weekly Planet - 167 Best/Worst Movies 2016

Episode Date: December 26, 2016

This week we break down the best and worst movies of the year! All the things we saw and all the things we didn’t which was most of it!Plus we discuss the Emoji movie, Justice League casting, Dune a...nd trailers for Blade Runner 2049 and Alien Covenant.Thanks for listening this year, all the support is much appreciated, we’ll be back January 16th 2017.5:15 Carrie Fisher health problems6:13 Emoji Movie8:32 Jesse Eisenberg returns for Justice League10:46 Dune news something12:24 Blade Runner 2049 trailer17:33 Alien Covenant28:48 Saw Gerrera coming to Star Wars Rebels34:26 Best/Worst Movies Of The Year1:17:42 H8Mail But The Hate Has An 8 In It1:25:45 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:30:33 Letters It’s Time For LettersWeekly Planet Comic: affiliate link: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of The Weekly Planet, official podcast of, where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me is always my co-host, Nicholas Mason.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Oh, no. It's so early. No, I'm not going to do it. I can't do it. It's so early. It's been a, it's not a, well, it's, what's today? It's Boxing Day morning. Boxing Day morning, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:57 We've run down from our racing car bunk beds and we've come down to the man cave. Regularly, yes. For our Boxing Day presents day presence correct which is us doing a podcast do you think any other podcasts get up to do a podcast at 9 a.m do you think we're the only ones who are just like oh definitely not no podcasters aren't renowned for their uh there's got to be one group there's got to be one pair who like they get up at 7 a.m and they do some sit-ups and push-ups and they throw the medicine ball about. Yeah, it's probably some fitness shit or something.
Starting point is 00:01:28 But that's the thing with podcasts. You can do them whenever. We normally do them at night. Yeah. Sometimes we do them in an opium den. That's right. It's going to stop us. Nobody.
Starting point is 00:01:40 We should mention as well, this is the last episode for the year. And I thought we were doing two more, but next week is January. Surprise. Then it all starts again. It never stops, does it? Just goes on and on. But I'm going away, but we'll be back on the 16th of January. But in between here and now,
Starting point is 00:02:00 Raw Collings is putting together a best of 2016. The great man, Robert Collings. A best of 2016. At the Weekly Planet. That's right. So if you'd like... If you ever receive any pertinent information
Starting point is 00:02:10 about this podcast from at the Weekly Planet, that's not us. That's him, yeah. That's him. If you need to know what's going on, ask him instead of us
Starting point is 00:02:17 because he'll have a better idea. So that'll be either, I think, maybe next week or the week after or sometime between now and then.
Starting point is 00:02:23 But just so everybody knows, we will be back. I just need a bit of a break. I'm going away. And the other thing is, I think, maybe next week or the week after or sometime between now and then. But just so everybody knows, we will be back. I just need a bit of a break. I'm going away. And the other thing is, I know people might not love this, but I'm thinking of, we talked about this yesterday, moving the show to a Tuesday, release on a Tuesday morning. In Australia.
Starting point is 00:02:37 No, sorry. Yeah, in Australia, which means it would be Monday day for a lot of other parts in the world. Simply because I do a video on a sunday and we also record on a sunday and i normally so i have to kind of brush to get everything done it had literally never occurred to me that your name is mr sunday movies because you release a video on sunday every sunday every sunday yeah so you like you you have a massively packed like weekend i do yeah yeah just yeah so Just giving me that little bit of leeway would kind of help.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And I know people, they like it on a Monday morning or whatever. But I'm not saying we will do it definitely, but it's just something that just might make my life just a fraction easier. Yeah, if people are okay with that. Probably not. I'm not. All right. It's been a good year though Mason
Starting point is 00:03:25 but one bit of bad news we got just as things are wrapping up Carrie Fisher suffered a massive heart attack on a flight
Starting point is 00:03:32 on a domestic flight 15 minutes before landing yeah and as a result she was hospitalised and I think at the time of recording this she's
Starting point is 00:03:40 well she's still in hospital so I think she might still be in the ICU there's there's not a lot of information coming out no the fact that she's alive is good that is great yeah because one of those things where as soon as that happened there was reports that she wasn't breathing for 15 minutes and that's that's really good yeah uh that being said that report came from people who were there but not yeah and look as of uh two hours ago debbie
Starting point is 00:04:02 reynolds which is carrie fisher's mom, on Facebook said that she's in stable condition. If there's any change, the family will share the information at that time. Yep, excellent. So, best wishes to her. Bloody oath. She is one of the toughest people in Hollywood, so I imagine she's going to get out of this. Fingers crossed. Bloody hell.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Got some even worse news if that's possible. Oh, no. Just something that really is it the emoji movie it is really what did you think of that trailer
Starting point is 00:04:29 look I didn't hate it what yeah what are you talking about because I love Stephen Wright who's the voice of the emoji but it's just like
Starting point is 00:04:35 look I don't think it's going to be any good no maybe it'll surprise us though it won't you know what Sony should be ashamed of themselves
Starting point is 00:04:41 normally I'm like hey man anything can be good or whatever you know obviously give everything a chance but everyone involved in this should die in a fucking ditch Sony should be ashamed of themselves. Normally, I'm like, hey, man, anything can be good or whatever. You know, obviously give everything a chance. But everyone involved in this should die in a fucking ditch. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Even Stephen Wright, great dead cat. Okay, no. You know what? The people who greenlit this should die in a ditch. Yeah, that's fair enough. Because there are some good names in it. TJ Miller's in it. Yeah, exactly. Alana Glazer from Broad City's in it.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Okay. All right. James Corden from Stuff. I don't know. I don't know what he's in. He's in Sitting in a Car and Singing a Song. Oh, he's that it. Okay. All right. James Corden from Stuff. I don't know. I don't know what he's in. He's in Sitting in a Car and Singing a Song. Oh, he's that guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Okay. Right. Yeah. Actually, that's some good names in it. Right? Yeah. Yeah. That being said, I just hope this doesn't do well to just to teach everybody a lesson.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah. To be like, this isn't okay. Look, I like the people who are involved in this. Did you like the trailer? They had the poop emoji. Yep. That's a good joke. That is a low blow.
Starting point is 00:05:25 You're right. And look, there has never been a movie with so little, like an adaptation with so little premise. Battleship. Battleship is about the same,
Starting point is 00:05:35 I feel. Battleship might be less. No, but there's rules. There's rules. Yeah, emoji's just like, I look like a cupcake. That being said, you can give them personalities. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 00:05:47 That being said, I don't think they're going to be very good personalities. That being said, I'm not going to watch it. So, I didn't watch Sausage Party. I'm not going to watch this. Yeah, fair enough. Yeah. I understand that. What are they doing?
Starting point is 00:05:58 And then we're getting Pez. Pez is coming up. What? Yeah, we've talked about the Pez movie. Probably. Yeah. But I don't remember things on this. Yeah, so it's...
Starting point is 00:06:06 I don't know how that works. Like, so you've got the faces of whoever on just a Pez dispenser's body. Correct. When they shoot Pez at each other. They'll be jumping about and shooting Pez at each other. Oh, God, okay. Maybe they'll be in people's pockets.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Oh, yeah. Maybe they're bringing back Who Framed Roger Rabbit style real-life people animated Pez. It's high time for that, I think. I think so, yeah. Get Robert Zemeckis back. Yep.
Starting point is 00:06:29 He'd bloody love it. He hasn't made anything good in a while, has he? Yep, get Bob Hoskins back. He hasn't made anything good in a while. Oh, no. Actually, Zemeckis, didn't he make something good this year? Maybe. Can't remember.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I don't look into that. I'm pretty sure he did. Jesse Eisenberg, it's been confirmed he'll be returning as Lex Luthor for the Justice League movie. We're three for three on bad news, aren't we? Yeah. What do you think of that? Maybe he'll be changed. Maybe they'll kind of like he'll be more Lex Luthor-y
Starting point is 00:06:56 than he was. Maybe prison's changed him. Yeah. Certainly changed his hair. Yes, it did. Is that what they do when you go to prison? They shave your head immediately. Is that a thing? It's a comic book universe. There's also a Batsuit Man running around, isn't there? I imagine they shave your head. In the DC universe, I imagine
Starting point is 00:07:12 they shave your head to make sure you're not a clone. You haven't cloned yourself to send your clone to prison. It's got a barcode in the back. They check all your orifice just in case you have a green lantern ring up there or anything like that. I can understand that. So many people have escaped because they've just brought in a green lantern ring. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:28 So, look, I guess... He boxing gloved his way out of prison. I guess it was inevitable that he's going to come back at some point. Though, I know me and you and a lot of other people were pushed for, because there is a Lex Luthor senior in this world. Yeah, which we assumed would be going to somebody like Powers Booth or Bryan Cranston or whatever. So, look, maybe they'll change it up.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I don't think he'll be in it much because there's a whole lot of... There's Mother Boxers and Aliens and Darkseid and a bunch of other stuff. So I don't think he's going to be a huge player, but he exists in this universe. He might even be pulling the strings from prison, which means we see him very little, which would be good.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Robert Zemeckis produced Allied this year. Allied, who's in that? That is Brad Pitt and Marianne Cotillard. Oh, I heard that's good. I haven't seen it. And he produced The Walk across the Empire State Building, across the towers.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Is that from this year? 2015. Yeah, okay. There you go. Speaking of Bryan Cranston, did you see Why Him? No. Question mark? I didn't see. Why Him? I haven't seen Arrivalranston, did you see Why Him? No. Question mark?
Starting point is 00:08:25 I didn't see. Why Him? I haven't seen Arrival, so I'm not seeing Why Him. Yeah, exactly, right? What about it? I didn't see it. Okay. I just thought of Bryan Cranston.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I did watch. We talked about this earlier. I was editing last night and I watched This Is The End. Sure, yeah. Which one's that? This Is The End is the whatever the American bro pack. What are they currently called? I don't know. There's James Franco, Seth Rogen. I quite like it. I think it's pretty funny. And The World's End is the American Bro Pack. What are they currently called? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:45 There's James Franco, Seth Rogen. I quite like it. And The World's End is the British one. Which I prefer more. Dune is eyeing a remake. What? Dune 2016. No, probably 2019.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Probably. Dennis Villeneuve is doing it. He's doing the new Blade Runner, which we'll talk about in a minute. He did Sicario, did Arrival, which is apparently amazing. He did Prisoners. So all of these are fantastic movies. And Dune has been a long, he said it's been a long process to get the rights and he doesn't think it'll succeed.
Starting point is 00:09:23 So this is something that he's been wanting to do and he's got it can't can it be done mason sure why not there you've heard it first how hard can it be really hard apparently nah yeah i gotta read dune have you read dune no i think we discussed this a while back i can i could never get through the first one okay so that was in high school so you're a young man yeah that's when you that's when i had that's when i had even more like laser focus i don't have anything now that's a good point i doubt very much you've got a thousand things on you which you could do exactly and bloody comic blitz now that's right you know it mate i'm like i'm nearly at the end of my endless assortment of content that i get access at any time but, thousands of comic books for a buck.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Good Lord. So, look, I don't know much about the world. I know people love the books. And I know the movie's not without its fans either. But yeah, if he wants to give it a crack, absolutely. It could be kind of a Warcraft situation where maybe he's too close to it and he doesn't quite pull it off. But bloody give it a go, man, if you're into it. I just want the poster that says, Coming to You in 2019.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And people are like, what? Is that a spelling error? What is this? As I mentioned, though, he's behind Blade Runner 2049. Yeah. Set 30 years after Blade Runner 2019. Yeah, right? The first movie.
Starting point is 00:10:42 The far-disted future of 2019. Can you imagine such a world? You probably can't Big billboards Pyramids the size of big pyramids Men wearing trench coats Weird plastic overcoats that are see through All those things currently exist
Starting point is 00:10:57 Duralhana Yeah Yep still exists Gouging out a man's eyes Yep Tears and rain It's raining sometimes I know I ask you this every If they took out the flying car realistically it could exist now Scouging out a man's eyes. Yep. Tears and rain. It's raining sometimes.
Starting point is 00:11:06 I know I ask you this every- If they took out the flying car, realistically, it could exist now. The giant pyramid building? Yeah. Yeah, I guess it's like a Trump Tower or whatever it's in. Yeah. So I know I ask you this every time. You're not a fan, though. I was going to say, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:11:20 You're not a fan because you were forced to study it. Yeah, I'm not not a fan. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, being forced to watch it in high school yeah all of a sudden it's you know it's a chore nothing like a good old-fashioned education to kick the love out of something i should really i should give it another go i think so i think it's great uh so in this in this sequel harrison ford is back baby and yeah that's right he's wearing his a gray like bonds raglan tea it looks a lot like he's agreed to do this on the condition they film all the scenes in his
Starting point is 00:11:53 house and he doesn't have to do any hair or makeup or costuming that's just what he was wearing that i think that's a location from the first movie isn't it did they visit probably bought it yeah maybe he did bought it. Yeah. But it's good to see him back. He's got the bloody Blade Runner gun. Yes. Which is a classic sci-fi staple.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's still baffling to me that this movie was so poorly received at the time. Was it? Like, it got critically panned. Huh. And it made, like, no money. But it's become, like, a staple of every future sci-fi world is based off blade rather yes every dystopian world they're like yeah just look at judge dread from the from the mid 90s yeah man all look at soldier with kurt russell that's right i mean it is a
Starting point is 00:12:37 spiritual sequel or whatever it's in the same universe and blah blah blah oh do you think there'll be a kurt russell cameo i hope so. Does he die in Soldier? No one knows. No one's ever gotten to the end of the film Soldier. I should watch Soldier. I've talked about it, but I've even talked about it in a video. They'd be like, that's a sequel to Blade Runner or whatever, but I've never actually watched it. I've skimmed it and I'm like, oh, this is bad and I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:12:57 The Goose, Baby Goose. Yeah. He's rocking up. Mr. Gosling. That's a good get, right? Get a Gosling. Because he knocks back a lot of stuff. Does he? Yeah, mm-hmm. He's rocking up. Mr. Gosling. That's a good get, right? Get a Gosling. Like, that's... Because he knocks back a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Does he? Okay. Yeah, yeah. But I guess, you know, when you've got a director, you know... Has he ever done a sci-fi? Probably he's done tons that I just can't think of. I don't know. Yeah, but...
Starting point is 00:13:17 The Gos. The Gos, yeah. City looks great. Looks like the same kind of world. He's kind of doing one of everything, Ryan Gosling. Yeah, man. He's done a musical recently. Apparently it's really good. La La Land is apparently very good. He hasn't of doing one of everything, Ryan Gosling. Yeah, man. He's done a musical recently. Apparently it's really good.
Starting point is 00:13:26 La La Land is apparently very good. He hasn't done a comic book movie though. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I don't know, do you think actors like him and DiCaprio,
Starting point is 00:13:33 they kind of steer away from comic book movies. They'll rather sleep in a bear than put on a spandex. That's very true. Here's a question though. Which version of Blade Runner is it a sequel to?
Starting point is 00:13:43 Because there's the original with the narration over the top. Director's cut and no narration. Director's cut and there's like another extended alternate cut. So I think the question you're asking is is Deckard a replicant in this? Do you think they'll tell us? I think he is, based solely on this trailer
Starting point is 00:13:59 because why else is Ryan Gosling in his house? Yeah. I would say it's because he's like, I used to be like you and I was real good at it kind of thing. Soling in his house? Yeah. I would say it's because he's like, I used to be like you and I was real good at it kind of thing. So why'd he quit? Yeah. I reckon he found out he was a replicant. Yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Well, that's one of those versions he finds out he's a replicant, wasn't he? What's her name's not back? Not Daryl Hannah. The other one. She was murdered in that movie. Rachel. Yeah. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Sean Young? Sean Young. She's had a bit of a rough trot in Hollywood as things have gone. So it doesn't look like she's returning. But hey, man. You know what? I think this is the future of movies we're going to be getting now. Movies set in the future.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Correct. I think we're going to be getting follow-ups, sequels. We got it in Mad Max. We got it in Force Awakens. They take old properties and then be like, it's 30 years on. Let's revisit this universe. That's the new reboot, man.
Starting point is 00:14:48 White men still can't jump. You better believe it. Look how bad their knees are. They're still around. Yeah, sure. Woody Harrelson's doing great. He's in great shape. Wesley Snipes is not in prison at the moment.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Wesley, Woody, and then a new guy probably. Money Train sequel. How about that? Yeah. They're in that that aren't they yes yeah good stuff excited for this day money train versus white men can't chill it's a lot of green screen but i think they could do it i think they could do it yeah but now you're looking forward
Starting point is 00:15:16 to this obviously yeah yeah we should do a blade runner commentary or even a blade runner episode where we talk about blade runner you can tell me about all the things you learned in high school you can bring in your old notes and we can thumb through them and you can be like oh look at this there's some subtext here in the movie no i bonfired everything last hour house high school during the course yeah that's right yeah after every day and the bell rang and i just bonfired it bonfire in my desk exactly well speaking of things returning mason oh good good world of thank you world of ridley scott is back in a big way pick any of his properties they're coming back Exactly. Well, speaking of things returning, Mason. Oh, good segue. Thank you. World of Ridley Scott is back in a big way.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Pick any of his properties. They're coming back, maybe. Something with Russell Crowe. I was going to say, did he have anything to do with numbers, the TV series numbers? He probably did. Maybe Tony Scott. Maybe it was Tony Scott, yeah. Alien Covenant.
Starting point is 00:16:00 They're brothers, right? They're not father and son. No, they're not father and son. Okay. They're brothers. Alien Covenant is back. Yeah, baby. It's here.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I've been looking forward to this one. Do you want the synopsis? Yes. Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, the crew of the... It's a far side spin-off. Gary Larson's back. It's the far side in movie form.
Starting point is 00:16:23 The crew of the colony ship Covenant find what they believe to be an uncharted paradise. But what do the cows think? They're always thinking things in that pasture, aren't they? Does it look like a paradise to you? It looks like a weird mud world with some trees. Yeah, look. Looks like the Canadian wilderness. I am always very dubious about paradises in movies.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Right. Because, you know, recently we watched a lot of Star Wars movies. Yeah. And people are like, oh, we live in this, we live in the amazing world of Coruscant, or we live in this, you know, amazing jungle paradise or what have you. Yeah. What do you do for entertainment in these worlds? Nobody does anything.
Starting point is 00:16:59 You're just sitting in the heat. You're sitting in the heat. You play in three-dimensional chess occasionally. Yep. You're just staring at a wall. You're a meeting room you're having a long walk maybe it's because you just in the star wars universe they're just having long walks down unbelievably long corridors there's no time for anything else no that's right you're like i'd love to play some video games i'm late for sorry what were you talking about uh there's more synopsis when the
Starting point is 00:17:24 crew uh what the crew discover is a dark, dangerous world whose sole inhabitant is the synthetic David, Michael Fassbender, survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition and movie. Prometheus. Follow up. You're a big Prometheus fan. Disagree.
Starting point is 00:17:40 You liked some of it. No. None of it. None of it. It looked nice. It did look pretty nice. Fancy looking movie. This,
Starting point is 00:17:48 it definitely feels less Prometheus and more Alien, this trailer. Oh, absolutely. And I think they've really, they've scaled back the holograms, haven't they?
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah, they've really leaned heavily on, like, they are banking on people going, this is a sequel to Alien. Yeah. Like, the first Alien. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Or prequel. Yeah, no. Not a prequel. No, it's a prequel. The first Alien. Yeah, that's right. Or prequel. Yeah, no. Not a prequel. No, it's a prequel to the first Alien. Yeah, great. Great. But it's got that dirty future aesthetic. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:18:13 There's people running down corridors in fear. The ship's a blockier than ever. Yep. Everybody's been infected by something. Right in the ear. Right in the bloody ear. It is linked to Prometheus in a few ways, though. It's not just David.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Naomi Rapuse is back. Yes. Apparently Guy Pearce is in it. I guess it's some kind of, hey, remember me from the other movie? I'm dead now because I got beat up by an alien or whatever. Sure, yeah. Yeah. There's a bit where, we talked about this before the show.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Okay, so there's Walter, who's also Michael Fassbender. He's a more advanced synthetic than David. Okay, right. And by that I mean his head hasn't been torn off. Sure, right. So he's probably feeling a bit better. But there's a bit where David's sitting in a room, and it's a big white room with art on the walls and a grand piano.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yes. And I'm thinking, where did you get any of this stuff? Right. So that's on the weird mud planet. Yes. Okay. I'm going to guess that that is his virtual environment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Like he's just the head. In a duffel bag. In a duffel bag on a big muddy outcropping. And that's what he thinks about. Yeah, absolutely. While waiting to be rescued. Yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:20 So that was a little confusing to me. So there's David and the Michael Fassbender who's got a body and he's wearing the Covenant uniform. That's a new guy. Yes. What's interesting, though, about David is he's got blonde hair and he models himself off Peter O'Toole. You see him dyeing his hair at the start of the first movie.
Starting point is 00:19:39 If we see David and he doesn't have blonde hair... Was he blonde in this trailer? No, he wasn't. Okay, right. But if so, then who's cutting his hair, mate? Is Naomi Rapuse cutting his hair? No, maybe it's just at a continuous length and he can colour it as he wishes. With no hands.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Oh, I see. I see what you're saying. He's got no body to help him. So how did it... And no body. That's true. Maybe it defaults to like brown. Right. Unless he colours it in. It's like a colour wheel. Yeah. It's hyper colour. That's true. Maybe it defaults to brown. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Unless he colours it in. It's like a colour wheel. It's hyper colour. It's hyper colour. Unless somebody gives him a good rubbing on the head, it reverts back to brown. Absolutely. It definitely, from the get-go,
Starting point is 00:20:16 it's clearly more of a horror movie than Prometheus. We're getting monsters bursting out of guys' backs and bloody corridors and whatever. And we actually see a xenomorph at one point. The real deal. Maybe. It's pretty close. It's pretty close.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Not the weird one we got at the end of Prometheus. Yeah, absolutely. Which also meant nothing. Because they're like, this is the birth of the alien, except everybody's left the planet. Yeah, right. And it doesn't look like the alien. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:43 But we seem to be getting an assortment of infections in this yes because aliens don't traditionally burst out the back no last one was he drank a drop of alien goo that's when he steps on a mushroom and it goes in his ear or whatever so there's a bit of that going on you know what i want i want the alien in this well i don't you honest, do whatever you want. It's your movie. But to me, it always felt like that they were designed specifically. Yeah, I agree. But I don't know whether they'll go that way, whether there'll be an accident like the last alien was.
Starting point is 00:21:17 You know what I mean? Right, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, whatever you kind of put that goo on, it turns into the worst version of it or whatever. Yeah, I mean, back in the day, I had the Colonial Marines Technical Manual. Oh, yeah. Which was the, you know, for nerds. I know.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I remember. And it had all the tech specs for all the weapons and stuff like that. And like all the, you know, the data files for the alien. Yeah. And all the research suggested that they were designed by someone for you know extreme killing and death and so absolutely because you just drop them on a planet yeah and walk away yeah yeah yeah exactly well that's it but they got like near impenetrable skill skills yeah basketball skills you can't get around that d mason that's right i mean skin
Starting point is 00:22:02 except if you got there we go there's a perfect addition to white men can't jump reboots that's right the alien xenomorph but uh what's gonna say but yeah like acid so you can't even punch their skin if you do the acid blood yeah multiple mouths they could tear you apart with every part of their body they're sharpened and whatever so that to me feels like designed but hey man whatever whatever they want to whatever they want to do with it. Also, can I just say, if you see a weird alien thing, don't put your fucking face over it. Why do people keep doing that? Okay, if you're standing in front of something, real slippery and slimy, and it opens up,
Starting point is 00:22:41 and then you see something slither in it, would you put your face over it? Or would you go, you know what? I'm going to leave now. I guess, but at the same time, that know what? I'm going to leave now. I guess. But at the same time, that doesn't happen in the real world. Yeah. Like nothing bursts out of a flower or a plant in the real world. That's never happened. Yeah, I guess that's true.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah, so. But you're not in the real world. You're on an alien planet. Then again, it's a paradise. He's like, this must be just one of the, another hidden treasure from this wonderful world. Yeah. There's probably a Mai Tai in there. Just a glistening oily hand holding a tropical drink.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Num, num, num, num, num. I'll just wait for it with my face. Also, Danny McBride's in this. Who's the best, man? Also, James Franco is in this. What? I don't think we see him. If we do, he's in the background, but there's a bit of Franco and about.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Do you think that was Danny McBride's requirement for being in this film? I think probably. I want Franco to be here as well. It went one way or the other, definitely. Danny McBride's the pilot, so yeah. He can do serious, man. He's good.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I like him a lot. So the lead is Katherine Watterson from Fantastic Beasts. Where do they go if you've seen them? In the case. They're in the case. And we've talked about this before. I don't know whether this will turn out to be true, but there's the rumor is that she's Ripley's mother.
Starting point is 00:23:55 She looks enough like her that she could be. Sure, right. But again, why complicate the universe by being Ripley's mother had the exact same experience that she did. Blah, blah, blah. That being said, they'll do it. do it yeah probably because why wouldn't they why the bloody hell not also if you were hoping that this uh dovetails right into Alien Mason it doesn't there's another movie after this then that dovetails right into Alien uh-huh or maybe there's another one after yeah it depends
Starting point is 00:24:21 how successful these ones are and how much leeway they've left in. Yeah, absolutely. If they've left in literally two hours of real time, they can put another movie in there if they really want to. Also, this trailer, I just remembered, they've continued what is the current tradition of getting an old-timey song and having a little... Slow, sad, wind-down version, maybe. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:42 In this case, it's Nature Boy, Nat King Cole, which was also in Moulin Rouge. Correct. Because you can't, can't, can't! They should have used that one. Yeah, that's right. Because you can, can, can, can. Great.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Anything else on that? Rock, sand. What else is in that? Your song, Elton John. Oh, yeah, sure, yeah. It's a bit twee anyway. Yeah, fair enough. I like that song.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Young hearts run free. Great. What's that, Romance Juliet? I don't know. Doesn't matter. It's a Baz Luhrmann production, isn't it? Yep. You're looking forward to this, though?
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah. Cool. Now? Yeah, now. Prior to this, yeah cool now prior to this no really yep weird time to release it as well Christmas Day well for us it was Christmas Day
Starting point is 00:25:31 people have got nothing to do yeah that's true actually we watched it didn't we yeah we sure did but again I'm kind of even though this looks great like it genuinely does I'm hanging out for that
Starting point is 00:25:40 Aliens sequel where they get back Hicks and Ripley and whatever like and they cancel three and four. Oh, I see, yeah. And make that Neil Glomkamp. What is the current status of that?
Starting point is 00:25:50 This killed it. Oh. So, yeah, I think they'll get these out of the way and then they'll go there. Right. Yeah, but hey, man, it doesn't look worse than Prometheus. Good strategy, guys.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Put Sigourney Weaver on ice for a bit because she's real keen for this and she'll just jump any time you want. She doesn't have anything else going on. Nothing going on. I don't understand. Like all the Alien sequels, they're all so weird and dumb because they keep jerking Sigourney Weaver about
Starting point is 00:26:21 and then she's like, well, now I'm out. Okay, I'm back in. Now I'm out. now I'm back in. And they have to keep rewriting and rewriting and recutting and re-editing. Yeah. Why would you get her back on the hook for the sequels that everybody actually wants
Starting point is 00:26:33 and then go, no, we'll do a prequel. Just hang out. Sit tight. We'll be fine. Absolutely. They struggled to get her back for three and four. Yeah. Like, it was just not going to happen
Starting point is 00:26:43 until they were like, look, here's $20 million to make an average movie set in a monk world or whatever the hell that one was. No, 3's okay. There's some okay moments. No, it's bad. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I've changed my mind. Good. I'm easily swayed. I can tell. Saw Gerrera is coming to Rebels, Mason. Was he not already in Rebels? No, he was in The Clone Wars, you idiot. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Now, did you... So So in the movie Rogue One... I've seen it. He's got two robot legs. Yes. Is that spoilers? Probably not. They're in the trailers. It's in the trailers. It's in the trailers.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Does he have robot legs in Clone Wars? In the clip we saw, no. He's got the chassis. It doesn't look like it's got the breathing thing on it. He looks quite nimble. And that's about four years before Roblox, give or take. So potentially in Rebels, he's going to gain some robot legs. Correct.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Do you gain robot legs? Yeah. In a glass half full kind of world. And Saul Guerrero seems like a glass half full kind of guy. You wouldn't say Darth Vader gained that amazing set of robotic limbs and sol guerrera would be like oh good on you mate you've you've gained you've gained some apparatus yeah uh interestingly though they've gained the ability to not burn your hand on a hot stove oh the dream uh interestingly though rebels they said might actually be telling the story of Rogue One from their perspective
Starting point is 00:28:07 in a few years down the track, which I think is a great idea. Because that final battle, we won't spoil it to people, but there's a lot going on. It's one of the best parts of the movie. And you see the ship, the ghost, from Rebels in it. That ship's in it a few times. And you hear General Syndulla, who's a character from Rebels. You see Chopper, that's a character from Rebels.
Starting point is 00:28:28 You see Chopper, that crazy astromech droid. Oh, not Eric Banner's character from the film Chopper. No. Not Eric Banner's character. Who's a real guy. I'm aware he's a real guy. He's a real guy, but he's dead. And also he was a bad bloke.
Starting point is 00:28:40 So it's fine, isn't it? You can make fun of Chopper. Good. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. From 2016. It's the best things episode. You know it, man. And worst things. Episode.
Starting point is 00:29:26 We're going to do fan theories. You threw that out there. Did you get a lot of crazy fan theories? Let me check. I'll get to some. All right. No rush. Just drop them in whenever.
Starting point is 00:29:37 After the release of Rogue One, there's some new Snoke theories. Specifically, there's one Snoke theory. Is it that dude? It's the dude. Hey, is that dude Snoke? No. You sure? Yeah. All right. I mean, I'm not sure of anything, am Snoke? No. You sure? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:45 All right. I mean, I'm not sure of anything, am I? You can never be sure, Mason, but no, definitely not. Then again, who knows? It just wouldn't be that interesting of a reveal to be like, oh, is that a guy? That's true, yeah. Like, who cares? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, even if it was or wasn't him, it's irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:30:00 That's true, and you'd have to sneak him into four, five, and six. Yeah, that's right. Because otherwise, what does it matter? You know right yeah okay i've got a list of categories here i'm going to just say them and then we'll just say a thing that applies to that category bearing in mind we we didn't see a lot of stuff it's true like when i went to go worst of the year i'm like i didn't see assassin's creed and i probably won't because apparently it's terrible. Oh, that's out today for us, right? I think so, yeah. I've lost that bet, we should point out.
Starting point is 00:30:28 That's true. You said that at least it was either Assassin's Creed or Warcraft. One of them was going to be great. I said those exact words. You said one of them was going to be great. And they both weren't great. I thought Assassin's Creed, if one of them was going to be good it was going to be warcraft though wasn't it really or because of duncan jones yeah because based on the source
Starting point is 00:30:51 material either of them could have been sure great or real bad apparently let's just quickly talk about assassin's creed apparently it's mostly set in the past sorry in the future right and then it's got like they go into the animus like like two or three times and then he runs about and he's trying to get the apple it's and whatever and he doesn't even jump into a haystack what yeah whoa whoa what does he jump into don't know huh that can't be right your no no your sources are bad baby i wish it were the case okay so what what element from the video game do they badly shoehorn into the movie if If it's not leaping into a haystack. Because we know Warcraft had top-down strategy, real-time strategy game view briefly. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:31:32 And Doom had you're in first-person view with the Doom guy. Yeah. So what does this one have? Parkour, baby. Oh, great. Okay. And Kung Fu and whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Okay, cool. The thing is, it seems like they really put a lot of effort into this one. Like watching the behind the scenes stuff, I'm like, man, that was a real carriage. Well, that's a shame. It was a stunt or whatever. Look, we haven't seen it yet, so I'm not going to prejudge. It might be fun. It might be on par with Prince of Persia, which is to say it's fine.
Starting point is 00:31:59 The ultimate compliment. Is this it for video game movies? Should they just stop? Ah, good question. What about Uncharted? I pronounced that weird. Unch it for video game movies? Should they just stop? Ah, good question. What about Uncharted? It's kind of... I pronounced that weird. Uncharted?
Starting point is 00:32:09 Uncharted? It is a movie. Like, things can be their own medium. You know what I mean? Yes. Yeah. That's all I'm saying. In an ideal world.
Starting point is 00:32:18 In an ideal world. There's a few coming out. Because I know Ubisoft, who did this one, they've got a number of properties. They've got a film division now. Yes. And they're rolling out a few of them. So this is their first.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And this is... So Ubisoft, they didn't produce an Assassin's Creed game this year because they were making the movie. Because of this, yeah. There were some side-scrolling ones. I think they're going to put all their resources back into video games. They probably should. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:45 But look, I think it had a lot of good stuff going for it. Like the director did Macbeth, like a pretty good retelling of Macbeth. Yeah. It's got Fassbender. That's true. It's got Marianne Coltillo. It's got a whole bunch of rocking songs on the soundtrack. You know it, mate.
Starting point is 00:33:00 So anyway, it is what it is. First category, Mason. Yes. Best animated film of the year. Emoji. No, I don't know. So you didn't see Zootopia? No.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Finding Dory? I saw Inside Out. When did that come out? Last year. Did it? Yep. 2015? Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Oh, good Lord. Sausage Party? Nope. Kung Fu Panda 3? No. I like the Kung Fu Panda movies. Did you see 3? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:22 They're good. Okay. They're real good, man. It's Jack Black. Yes. And who else? Angelina J three? Yeah, they're good. Okay. They're real good, man. It's Jack Black. Yes. And who else? Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen, David Cross. Is there some sort of sinister tiger man?
Starting point is 00:33:34 In the first one, yeah. Who plays him? Shane. What's his name? No, not Shane. Shane Jacobson. No, not him. What's his bloody name?
Starting point is 00:33:43 He's in Deadwood. Oh, Shane. Yeah, I know who you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you bloody name? He's in Deadwood. Oh, Shane. Yeah, I know who you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah, you know him. No, they're good. I would say for me, so you saw no animated films this year, I assume? You didn't see a Pixar film because you hate Pixar?
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yep. Agreed. Did you see Zootopia? No. It's good, man. You should see Zootopia. If I had to give it to one of them, I'd probably say Zootopia. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I liked Finding Dory. Okay. You're not going to give it? Was it full of sadness? probably say Zootopia. Okay. I liked Finding Dory. Okay. You're not going to give it. Was it full of sadness? No, a little bit. It's more hope than sadness. And they took it in an interesting way because the first one, they go and explore the ocean or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I'm like, I don't want to see some fish just go across the ocean again. But it's all set in an aquarium and you kind of say they're visiting different tanks and whatever. It's fun, man. Okay. It's a good time. It's a solid sequel, man. What is the premise of Finding Dory?
Starting point is 00:34:30 Dory, because she's got a bad memory, so she lost her parents when she was young and she's trying to find her parents. And they're in the aquarium. Yes. Or are they? Oh, twist. Because that's where she's from.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Right, okay. Because she's getting the flashbacks of memories. And there's an octopus that can change colour, that can turn into a bunch of stuff. It's great. All right, cool. I'll check it out. It's a fun time.
Starting point is 00:34:47 But maybe Zootopia. Did Angry Birds come out, the movie? Yes, it did, yeah. How'd that go? Apparently it was all right, yeah. Oh. Yeah, I haven't seen it. Maybe it's still in the top spot from Prince of Persia.
Starting point is 00:34:56 It probably is, actually. Or do mobile games not count? Are they a separate category? No, I think that counts. Okay. I mean, that game is like the biggest game in the world when it came out. Resident Evil's coming out this 2017? Yeah, maybe start end of january i think yeah does that count though i feel that's its own thing now yeah that's i think if you cut it all together
Starting point is 00:35:16 if you thought about it hard enough you could probably think of a few good memories and all those movies in total make one sort of movie movie. They make one Prince of Persia. Uncharted. There's going to be a Sly Cooper movie coming out. Oh, yeah. And Minecraft. Yeah, Minecraft's kind of its own thing as well. Sly Cooper I get because it's set in this kind of, you're a thief.
Starting point is 00:35:36 You're a raccoon thief. Yeah. But they also did Ratchet and Clank this year. Yeah. Apparently it was garbage. Right, right, right. Okay, Zootopia. You can pick one as well.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Go. Do I have to pick one? Yeah. They're the ones I didn't see. Zootopia. You can pick one as well. Go. Do I have to pick one? Yeah. They're the ones I didn't see. I'm going to pick a best of. Yeah. Based on the fact that I saw none of them. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:52 All right. It's never stopped me before. Did you say Secret Life of Pets? When did that come out? That was this year, yeah. It's what your pets do when you're not home. What do they do? Oh, that sounds pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I'm picking that one. All right. I would never see that movie. Best sequel. These are the sequels that we had this year. Give me some options. Batman vs. Superman. Marvel things. All the Marvel things. X-Men. Star Trek Beyond. That'll do. I'm sure there's more.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Star Trek Beyond was really good. Definitely. It's definitely Star Trek Beyond. I like Civil War a lot but, you know, the Marvel movies are sequels, but they're not exactly... We didn't get an Iron Man 4. Oh, we got a Captain America 3, I guess. Oh, maybe it is Civil War. Yeah, see? But I really like Star Trek Beyond.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Me too. I'm still giving it to Star Trek Beyond. Think about it, Mason. It's fun. Yep. Solid action. There's great costumes. Bones and Spock are hanging about.
Starting point is 00:36:45 They're not getting along, but then they get along. Correct. Beastie Boys. Yeah, man. Thought it would be weird and crap. Wasn't though. It wasn't. It was really cool.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Mystery Dirt Bike. Yep. How'd that dirt bike get there? How did it get there? It just adds to the mystery. You love it. That's right. It's a dirt bike.
Starting point is 00:36:59 It's not flawless, but it's fun and it is like old Star Trek in the best way. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. It does homage really well. Yeah, it looks like 1960s Star Trek times a million. With better looking people. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Best reboot. What do you got? You're looking at me like I have any memory of anything that happened this year. Jungle Book, Ghostbusters. Oh, yeah. Those are the two. I have to choose. And I only saw one of them.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah. But was it the best reboot? Of the two or just ever? Sure. I don't know. Whatever you want, man. Look, I still really like the new Ghostbusters. It's not the original Ghostbusters.
Starting point is 00:37:39 No. Good, solid jokes. Third act falls to bits. Yeah. I'm going to say Jungle Book. Okay. How's that third act? Of the Jungle Book? Yes. A whole forest catches fire. So act falls to bits. Yeah. I'm going to say Jungle Book. Okay. How's that third act? Of the Jungle Book?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yes. A whole forest catches fire. That's pretty good. That's pretty good, yeah. Yeah. It doesn't wrap up the same. Look, I didn't love it, if I'm honest. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:56 It's more interesting from a technical standpoint for me. Sure. I'm like, that bear looks real good. How did they do that? That's amazing. No, I enjoyed it more than Ghostbusters, which is fine. It's a fine movie. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Again, if you go... Here's my general rating system for a movie is where I'd wake up in a cinema and I was watching it again, would I stick around or would I leave? And for Ghostbusters, if I woke up and it was just starting, I'd watch all the way through.
Starting point is 00:38:22 But if I woke up and the third act was starting, I'd leave, I think. Yeah, fair enough. There's nothing to that third act. Too many glowing ghosts on a blue screen city. Just punching ghosts. And they cut out the dance number. That's true, they did, yeah. The enormous dance, which I kind of want to see.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Because I think at least that would have... I think they probably got cold feet and be like, oh, people will hate this. But you know what? It's better than kind of... Hey, it worked in the mask. You know it did. But you know what? It's better than kind of... Hey, it worked in the mask. You know it did. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:38:45 It's better than just kind of doing a generic kind of whatever blue light in the sky third act kind of thing that everybody kind of does. So it's kind of a shame they cut that out. This is a returning category from last year, Mason. No. We did this last year? We did it.
Starting point is 00:38:59 It's best movie where the game was on. It's a throwback to Dracula Untold. Oh, Dracula Untold, yeah. Where at the end, the game, they promised things to come. Yeah. An amazing future of sequels and spinoffs and prequels and whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Is there only one option this year as there was last year? Well, actually, Dracula Untold wasn't last year. Yeah. I thought it was, but also we gave it to Force Awakens. That's right. Because of the end with Luke Skywalker returns.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I have one in mind. Okay. For an amazing series of films. Independent State Resurgence. Oh, the game was so on at the end of that, wasn't it? The promise of intergalactic warfare. Brent Spiner got the final line in the movie. That's weird. Yeah, he's like, let's kick some alien ass.
Starting point is 00:39:43 And then it cut to credits. So, yeah, that was an intergalactic council of aliens who were gonna fight the whatever the aliens in this movie are called and yeah and whatnot you know what that is i thought that was an excellent premise for a series of sequels yeah if that movie was good but it wasn't good. So. It's fine. I don't know why people are so upset by it. Of course it wasn't going to be great. Like people are like, it dishonours the memory of the first one. No, it doesn't. They're both not very good.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yeah, right. Like when you think about it, when you really think about it, you know. Anyway, that movie was. Did we do a commentary on Independence Day? We did, yeah. It's a real slog. There's a lot of boardrooms at the start and be like mr president there's some satellite imagery there's a lot of that and then a city blows up and it's kind of
Starting point is 00:40:29 good but also we've seen it a thousand times since yeah and but will smith's kind of carries that movie so that's what and brett spiner has a final line he goes let's let me be in a coma that's the last yeah i remember that great yeah game was on. Do you have a better example of a movie where the game is on? I'm going to have to literally look at our podcast feed to remember what movies I watched this year. Here we go. It has to promise big things. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Now, it doesn't necessarily have to deliver, but it has to just have, like, the hook. You know what? Ghostbusters had a bit of the game was on. Fantastic Beasts had a bit of the game was on. Fantastic Beasts had a bit of the game was on. That's true. Johnny Depp was Hitler. But I feel the game was on must imply that what is coming next is garbage.
Starting point is 00:41:13 You know what I mean? Nobody ever thought the game was on at the end of Dracula Untold. Nobody cared that the game was on. Same with Independence Day. It would have been nice, but in a better movie. That wasn't a good movie. What about Ghostbusters promised to Zool, but we probably won't be getting another one of those.
Starting point is 00:41:30 That's true, yeah, you're right. But I still think that Independence Day hyped up a bigger game was on. I mean, Batman v Superman implied the game was on. Yes. Because Superman's probably coming back. Of course he's coming back. He definitely is.
Starting point is 00:41:46 He's in the, yeah. Yeah. But also I feel like that Superman could, the sequels could deliver on that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jason Bourne, was the game on at the end of that? It must have been. The game's always on at the end of the Bourne movies.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah, at the end of that it was because he found out that they were going to double cross him or whatever. That's right. Yeah, you're right the game was on at the end of um yeah you're gonna give it to jason i'm gonna give it to jason bourne i think yeah but the game won't be on will it no there's never gonna be another one i mean the game won't even be on with um jeremy renner no you might be back to that certainly not so that's but that's the key i feel yeah the game is on but it won't certainly not so that's but that's the key i feel yeah the game is on but it won't be on but yeah i feel that's the yeah also for anybody who doesn't know what
Starting point is 00:42:31 we're talking about there's a movie called dracula untold which came out a few years ago and the premise was that it was going to be the start of a new i guess the universal monsters which they are doing yeah dracula is not in it so the idea was it was the kick off to like an Avengers or Justice League of Universal Monsters and it's set in the past
Starting point is 00:42:51 but then the final scene there is a it's set in the modern day Star Wipes to the modern day Star Wipes to the modern day Dracula's still alive he's just hanging out in the daytime
Starting point is 00:43:01 he sees a woman who looks like his wife but it can't be because she's dead. But she's reincarnated maybe or whatever. And then Charles Dance, who's in this movie as like a Nosferatu monster, is just there as a regular guy in the present,
Starting point is 00:43:14 and he goes, the game is on. And it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything. We don't know where it's going to head, and they're never going to do a sequel, so it doesn't matter. Anyway, context. what about this best non-sequel or reboot oh yeah so it's like an wait or reboot so yeah can't be a reboot okay so best sequel best i put deadpool here but that's a
Starting point is 00:43:39 reboot yeah that's a reboot uh nice guys then for me that was great that's a reboot. Nice guys then for me. That was great. That's a great movie. What else you got? I've gone back to 2015. The years blurb in between. Who knows what came out when. Was the Robocop reboot this year? Who knows? Who knows? No, I reckon that was like 2014.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Yeah, you're right. That's the thing. It's hard to find original content. I might have said Arrival, but I haven't seen it yet. You know what? Sing Street's really good. You seen that? No, you mentioned it though.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Yeah, that's right. The good thing is it's nearly Pirate Bay Christmas. You familiar with Pirate Bay Christmas? We talk about it every year. It's where all the DVD screeners for Oscar movies get leaked online. Where all the interns sacrifice their jobs to put out their free content for everyone. It's a good time to catch up on a bunch of stuff. I'd imagine, so I've told. We run a professional podcast. Correct. Yeah. It's a good time to catch up on a bunch of stuff. It's true. I'd imagine, so I've told.
Starting point is 00:44:25 We run a professional podcast. Correct. Yeah. But you know what? If you're not going to release a movie here, I'm going to steal it. I don't want to do it. Yep. But you make me do it.
Starting point is 00:44:35 You twist my bloody arm. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. What category was this again? Best non-sequel or non-reboot. Didn't see any of these. You saw Nice Guys. Oh, yeah. Nice Guys is good. Yeah. What's up? Real fun. We'll just go back to the first year. Didn't see any of these. You saw Nice Guys? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Nice Guys is good, yeah. What's up? Real fun. Did you see The Accountant? No. Okay. I don't really care. Did you see Sully?
Starting point is 00:44:53 No, don't really care. Did you see Pete's Dragon? No. I hate the original. Oh. Have you seen the original? No. Stupid cartoon dragon.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Whoa. Weird mud town. Big call. I didn't see BFG, which apparently people loved, but tanked badly. It's a Spielberg movie. Wow, and it tanked. I've always hated the way the BFG talks.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I remember reading it as a kid and being like, this guy's an idiot. And he's really hard to follow the flow of what he's saying. I see. It's just broken sentences. Anyway, Mason gives it to the BFG.
Starting point is 00:45:24 No! Best horror movie. There's been a few this year. Yeah. I saw one. What did you see? Cloverfield Lane, which I really liked.
Starting point is 00:45:31 That was great. Yeah. But there's like the one where the guy's a blind man in his house and there's kids infiltrating the house and he's blind and he tries to murder them all. It's been a good year for horror movies.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Was it Follows this year or last year? It might have been last year. I believe that was last year. I did see Green Room. And? Real good. Iries to murder them all. It's been a good year for horror movies. Was it Follows this year or last year? It might have been last year. I believe that was last year. I did see Green Room. And? Real good. I've heard that's great. Would you consider that a horror movie?
Starting point is 00:45:51 Yeah, totally, yeah. I'm not trying to question. I'm not going to be like... I dare you. So that's... Yeah, I've heard that's good. Yeah, Patrick Stewart's great in that. Yeah, and the late Anthony Elchin.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah, that sucks, man. He's dead. Which reminds me, Blunt Talk got cancelled. Yeah, two seasons. I recommended it a while ago. that, yeah. Yep, and the late Anthony Elchin, yeah. That sucks, man. He's dead. Which reminds me, Blunt Talk got cancelled. Yeah, two seasons. I recommended it a while ago. Yeah, I've got to get through that. But at least it's two good seasons. Great seasons, even.
Starting point is 00:46:12 You're glad you know it, mate, yeah. Was that because it was on a weird network that nobody has? It was on Starz. Okay, so it's not, no. Then no. Yeah, nobody has Starz. Yeah, that's actually true. Anyway, I'm going to give it to 10 Cloverfield Lane,
Starting point is 00:46:23 and you're going to give it to... Green Room, I think. Oh, really? Not BFG? Look, I can't give it to 10 cloverfield lane and you're going to give it to green room i think oh really not bfg look i can't give it to much as i'd like to give it to give every category to the bfg a film that i haven't seen and i barely remember the book as as from a kid from being a kid sure i'm gonna give it to green room fair enough what about best tv show we did an episode on this yeah if you want to just give a quick summary, just say the name of the best TV show that so people don't have to listen to it. Just save them the trouble. Atlanta?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Okay. Oh, you watched that since, didn't you? Yeah, I did, yeah. And best of the year. Maybe. It's really good. Yeah, it's great, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:55 You know, I actually, it was, it's a TV series where I'm like, oh, it's a shame there was only 10 episodes because I just breezed through them. Because they're like 27 minutes each or whatever. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, there should be more of that. But that's the kind of thing where it's a shame there was only 10 episodes because I just went I just breezed through them because they're like 27 minutes each or whatever yeah absolutely
Starting point is 00:47:07 yeah there should be more of that but that's the kind of thing where it's so you know that a lot of writing went into that yeah I mean that sounds ridiculous
Starting point is 00:47:14 but you know what I mean like they'll they'll crap out like some superhero you know scripts in like a month or whatever but Atlanta feels like
Starting point is 00:47:22 they really went over every episode and fine-tuned it and whatever I'm still gonna I'm gonna say over every episode and fine-tuned it and whatever. I'm still going to say Rick and Morty because I bloody love it. Oh, yeah. Apparently season three is wrapping up. Oh.
Starting point is 00:47:32 But there's no release date yet. But I'm hoping it's the first half of the year. But who bloody knows, mate. Who knows, yeah. First, I feel Rick and Morty feels like last year's show only because it was so... Long ago? Yeah, so long ago.
Starting point is 00:47:46 But also Rick and Morty also feels like a show they'll just drop in without telling anybody. They'll be like, surprise, season three. Yes. Most underrated movie of the year, Mason. Something that you feel didn't get the accolades that it may have deserved to have. Star wipe to Mason's answer.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Okay, I've got one that doesn't really fit in this category but Sing Straight simply because it's one of those ones where it's not like a massive, massive movie that everybody saw Who's in that again? I guess from that perspective Nobody really well known Great
Starting point is 00:48:21 Somebody British? Yeah, a lot of British people Little fingers in it There you go Yeah, a lot of British people. A lot of British people. Little fingers in it. There you go. Yeah, okay, great. That's Irish, sorry. And Jack Raynor from Transformers 4 is in it.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Yeah, that's okay. And he's really good in it. He's really good in it. But it's a great musical, and it's got a lot of throwback 80s music in it. It's written in the style of 80s music. Now, this has 97% on Rotten Tomatoes. Underrated, I say.
Starting point is 00:48:43 It should be 100%. It's really good. No, I mean from the perspective of it didn't get a super wide release. Yeah, okay. And whatever, yeah. You're saying it's an undiscovered gem. Yeah, even though a lot of people discovered it and saw it and loved it. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:56 But I'm still saying that. It seems you are. Yeah. Do you want to give it to the BFG again? Yeah. Because it didn't do super well, but, you know, apparently it's fine. So do you think it's a gem that people could discover? I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:49:07 Star Trek Beyond again. But it didn't do That's what I'm talking about. It did okay, but it didn't do like a Star Wars or a Marvel. More people should watch that. I think there's a Star Trek stigma. People are like I'm not going to watch this, first of all because Star Trek is for nerds and secondly because that last one was no good. Yeah. So this is a massive
Starting point is 00:49:24 double whammy yeah I think so it does worry me about the future of the franchise if they keep kind of doing just okay they'll just stop
Starting point is 00:49:31 making them right which is a shame because they're I mean out of the three two of them are pretty bloody good
Starting point is 00:49:37 the new three that is but also we've got that TV series coming out best comedy movie Mason comedies
Starting point is 00:49:44 Deadpool I love his comedy stylings i love him he'll say anything and then he'll point to his balls look at my balls i'm deadpool deadpool was all right it was good i enjoyed it uh did you see pop star never stop never stop no that did not get a that did not get a release here like a cinematic release didn't it no no i must have stolen it but i don't even remember remember it's a lot of fun man like it really is i'm surprised it did as poorly it did really really badly uh but there's a lot of there's a lot of famous people in it and it's a great throwback to like like n-sync and because it starts off where it's a guy, it's Andy Samberg.
Starting point is 00:50:26 And he's in this kind of NSYNC style group. And he kind of looks like young Justin Timberlake, you know, how they used to look in the 90s with the frosted tips or whatever. And then he becomes this, he becomes like a Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber kind of superstar. And everything that kind of comes along with that. It sounds a little bit like Walkard. Yeah, it's more Spinal Tap than Warcard. I meant more in the sense of like
Starting point is 00:50:48 he is sort of following like that's the character in Warcard is supposed to be Johnny Cash but he sort of goes he becomes whatever like country or pop superstar
Starting point is 00:50:57 that he needs to be in any given era kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. And so this Andy Samberg's character kind of evolves. Yeah. But it's a lot of fun. but it's it's a it's
Starting point is 00:51:06 a lot of fun like it's really ridiculous and this is a sting gets mauled by wolves not sting seal gets walled by wolves great yeah so this is this is a lonely island film so it's uh the two other guys wrote and directed yeah and then the music's quite funny as well so there's a song he does about um you know matt mclemore has that song about the start where he's like just confirming that he's not gay there's a song where it's it's similar to that he's talking about how everybody should be able to marry whoever or whatever and it's and it and it didn't this song didn't do well like critically or commercially and it cuts to like ringo star and he's like gay people can't get married like why is this why is this
Starting point is 00:51:44 song a thing that's pretty good yeah did you know Zac Guffman was in three comedies this year really
Starting point is 00:51:50 Neighbours 2 he was in Neighbours 2 which I enjoyed a lot that's alright yeah I like those both of those me too and he was also
Starting point is 00:51:57 in Dirty Grandpa didn't say it De Niro didn't say it also and he was also in Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates I saw that yeah
Starting point is 00:52:03 how's that it's okay people are like it's got no heart or whatever it doesn't but it's it's just like a brisk kind of it also and he was also in Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. I saw that, yeah. How's that? It's okay. People are like, it's got no heart or whatever. It doesn't, but it's just like a brisk kind of fun time. Yeah, it's got the guy from Workaholics. Yes. And it's got Anna Kendrick.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Yep, and Aubrey Plaza. Yeah, from Parks and Rec. Yeah, it's solid, man. Why wouldn't it be good? Yeah. It won't change your life. Wow. Well, then I'm no interest then. It's got some good-
Starting point is 00:52:23 If it's not going to change my life, like the BFG or Deadpool pointing at his balls, I've got zero interest in it. All right? All right. Did you see Swiss Army Man? No, I've heard it's great. It's on my list. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah. Hunt for the Wilderpeople, though, that's hilarious. I think Thor Ragnarok is the Marvel movie I'm most looking forward to next year. Yeah, but what's coming out next year? We've got an Avengers movie next year? Maybe towards the tail end. We definitely have a Spider-Man movie. Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah, who knows? We'll talk about that at the start of next year. We'll do our best of 2017 predictions. Great. And I feel you should also have to predict a movie that you think is going to be great. Okay, sure. Great. Yeah. That is definitely going to be bad but it can't be like uh something that probably will be great do you think it's like
Starting point is 00:53:11 you have to take a swing at something that i think you know i think you have to take a swing at i think you're gonna have to take a swing at a video game movie sure i'll do it okay good i'll bloody do it and kendrick was also in two uhies. She was in Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates and Get a Job with the O'Dominy himself, Miles Teller. That sounds fucking terrible. It looks terrible. Look at this. Look at this photo.
Starting point is 00:53:33 So generic. 5% on Rotten Tomatoes. That's a shame. Yeah. For her, not for him. No. He's fine, probably. Seems like an asshole.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I don't know whether that's true. I don't think he is, though. We've had this discussion before. I think when Fantastic Four came out, there were a couple of profiles, like a GQ profile or whatever, where he's like, he's just a James Dean kind of guy and he's wearing a white tee and he's got his cigarettes in the sleeve and he's wearing sunglasses indoors
Starting point is 00:54:00 and he's pushing somebody over or whatever. And I'm like, they just made all that up. He's just a regular guy. They wanted to give him some edge i don't think i know i just don't i don't think if it's from an edge perspective okay every time i see him in an interview i'm like oh this guy okay i don't know what it is you shouldn't judge people like that mason but i've done it okay great what are you going to pick for best comedy probably bridget jones's baby apparently that's really good is it apparently it's really good okay well then i'm claiming it it's bfg yep yeah or grimsby i didn't say grimsby yeah that's a lot of look at my balls isn't it yeah and a lot of crawling
Starting point is 00:54:38 inside an elephant or whatever happened in that movie yeah uh i don't know if you've got one for this one worst trailer look based on my track record for the rest of this episode I definitely don't worst trailer oh worst trailer anything with a sad song
Starting point is 00:54:51 like a sad pop song but some do it well yeah I don't even hate a lot of people hated the Assassin's Creed trailers but like
Starting point is 00:54:59 had the Kanye song no I thought it was okay I thought they were great I think that's a good combo yeah because it's the
Starting point is 00:55:03 future and it's the past and whatever melding of great. I think that's a good combo. Yeah. Because it's the future and it's the past and whatever. Melding of times. Yeah. I think the new Transformers trailer is really bad. Yeah. That's no good. Is it though?
Starting point is 00:55:13 Or is it bad because the other movies are bad and you hate them? Oh. Yeah. Like if you imagine if you've never seen that before, you've never seen a Transformers movie. No, it'd still be bad. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:24 I'm going to give it to Nine Lives, the one where Kevin Spacey gets turned into a cat. Uh-huh. I've been turned into a cat to teach my family a lesson or teach me a lesson about being a good family man, but I'm a cat. Oh, hello. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:38 It looks like a fake trailer. Yeah, but like if Kevin Spacey was an actor, if it was a movie where Kevin Spacey portrayed an actor who's forced to be in a series of very bad films and he doesn't want to be in for career reasons. That's right. It'd be that. It'd be this.
Starting point is 00:55:53 If it's the film Nine Lives, you're right. But for best trailer, I think I'm going to give it to Logan. And I know a lot of that's got to do with the music choice. Panama by Van Halen. Panama. But that is, that's a fantastic trailer and it's really got me excited
Starting point is 00:56:08 for that movie. For the Wolverine movies I'm like, make another one, whatever. But that looks great. It looks really good. I'm going to say Doctor Strange because there were some excellent trailers
Starting point is 00:56:18 for a movie that I thought was okay. They tricked, I think my yardstick for a trailer is did it trick me into thinking a movie was better than it is yeah and for me dr strange definitely they got you even though you didn't hate it because there was like because we showed the the buildings turning over we saw shields and we saw a kaleidoscope hallway kaleidoscope hallway and astral forms but it turned out that was literally everything in this movie yeah fair point there were there were no
Starting point is 00:56:42 more tricks to it it was just a mirror universe and it turned up upside downy world and people doing a lot of shields and whips and stuff and that was it see i enjoyed the shields and whips yeah if anything there was just the right amount i feel it was not enough sure and also nobody got turned into a snake yeah that was disappointing right or someone's holding a cup and it turned into a snake yeah yeah someone's at the snake park but then there's slightly more snakes. More snakes than you'd think, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:09 I've prepared for exactly the number of snakes I would find at the snake petting park. Oh, no. What about best dead or CGI de-aged actor? When did Ant-Man come out? That was last year. Yes. But we did get... Spo out? That was last year. Yes. But we did get, I'll spoil this for all those movies.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Yeah. We did get Civil War. Yep. And we got a couple of returning characters in Rogue One. Dishonorable mention I feel to Anthony Hopkins in Westworld. That de-aging is real bad. I know it's TV. It's TV.
Starting point is 00:57:42 I know it's TV. It's TV. I know it's TV. Do you know? But we also had like the little kid robot and his whole face comes open. And like that was flawless. Yeah. But I mean, they've got decades of young Anthony Hopkins on screen.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Yeah. That's how they do it, presumably. They get the young version of me. Like he just walks past. You never see him kind of for too long. I think for TV it's... No, but even for that two seconds you see him it's still bad okay they could have done an incredible job they didn't all right bad but did you see all the cowboys they were good
Starting point is 00:58:11 cowboys so did that make up for it yeah okay good didn't ruin the show uh i guess slight spoiler so so i guess best cgid aging aided by cowboys is anthony hopkins but if without the handicap yeah probably robert downey jr yeah i saw because uh ben uh edited together a video for uh for we talk about the returning characters from rogue one and he put in the clip from that from civil war where robert downey jr is young and it's i forgot how good it is yeah it's really good yeah if you show that out of context i feel that's the answer if you show that out of context i feel that's the answer if you show it out of context would anybody pick up on it and i think if you were just like this is a clip from weird science or whatever that robert downey jr's in i'd be like of course it is yeah
Starting point is 00:58:55 i'm not gonna watch that because it's apparently a terrible movie i don't know if it's if it's quite that good i know we talked about tarkin a lot of people were unhappy that we that you in particular hated it. Yep. I thought it was okay. I mean, Tarkin has the disadvantage of that actor is dead. Yes. So, what are you bloody going to do? You know what I mean? Yeah. So, it's an amazing achievement
Starting point is 00:59:17 but it's so it's, but it also, but it's like, considering they have the disadvantage of him not being alive. So, you didn't, you can't they Considering they have the disadvantage Of him not being alive So you didn't You can't They don't have a 3D scan of his head They had to build that Do you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:59:29 Yeah that's true It's not like With Robert Downey Jr They took Robert Downey Jr And smoothed him over Yes In this They took a dead man's face
Starting point is 00:59:35 That's true yeah And put it on a live man And I also think the advantage is And we've seen it with Robert Downey Jr We've seen it with Michael Douglas Yeah Is they get
Starting point is 00:59:44 The They have I think it's definitely A combination of old footage Downey Jr., we've seen it with Michael Douglas, is they get the... I think it's definitely a combination of old footage and the current actor, and they have exactly the same anchor points on their face. Yeah, that's right. And so with Peter Cushing, they didn't have him. They had to have a guy who looks kind of like him, but really not.
Starting point is 01:00:01 He looks the same insofar as they're both... Men. Men, exactly, yeah. Sort of thin- really not. Yeah. He looks the same insofar as they're both... Men. Men. Exactly, yeah. Sort of thin-faced men. Yeah. And he's not going to move exactly like... No.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Cushing's face does, so... What are you going to do? What are you going to do? So you're still going to call it rubbish? Yeah. Okay, then. Yeah. I can't...
Starting point is 01:00:19 Also, I received, I reckon, last week we talked about Rogue One, and I said, anybody out there, if you also had an issue with James Earl Jones' voice... Hundreds of tweets. Hundreds of tweets. All people who were like, yes. I'm going to have to see it again. See it again, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:34 And some people said... There was a lot of wooing when I saw it. That's true, yeah. And a few people... So a lot of people were like, yes, I definitely noticed that. A few people were like Yeah because he's older I know he's older Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:46 But you didn't say That's why it was weird That's not why it's weird Yeah What I'm saying is Like because James Earl Jones Is older Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:53 What I'm saying is They have the technology And the money To take his existing voice Yeah And make it sound Exactly like the version That would have
Starting point is 01:01:00 That existed in A New Hope They could Robert Downey Jr. it Yeah they could Robert Downey Jr. his voice Yeah Alright fair enough then Don't choke on your aspirations Mason that existed in A New Hope. They could Robert Downey Jr. it. Yeah, they could Robert Downey Jr. his voice. Yeah. All right, fair enough then. Don't choke on your aspirations, Mason.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Okay, I won't. A lot of people sent through examples of Vader telling jokes as well. Yeah. Like, optimistic appraisal. Captain Nita, you son of a bitch. You know, all the classic Vader lines. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:22 But that's only really a dad joke. If he said optimistic appraisal and he was pulling his eyes out. You know i mean fair enough you know yeah it's true yeah because it relates specifically to the thing that's doing yeah fair enough uh what about best kids film bfg obviously for me thank you finding dory if you've got a kid you could take a kid to that it's fun could you take your kid to fantastic beasts i say no no definitely not no yeah uh what about best movie that was just a movie i do you think in dr strange It's fun. Could you take your kid to Fantastic Beasts? I say no. No, definitely not. Yeah. What about best movie that was just a movie? Are you thinking Doctor Strange for that one? I'm thinking Doctor Strange for that. That's my lock.
Starting point is 01:01:51 You know what? I would also put Rogue One in that category because I really enjoyed it, but it didn't change my life. Okay, sure. The back end of that movie is really good. It's amazing. But I wasn't like, whatever. I liked it a lot, and it was a movie. It was a movie really good. It's amazing. But I wasn't like, whatever. Like, I liked it a lot.
Starting point is 01:02:07 And it was a movie. It was a movie I saw. Sure was. Like, on the positive scale. Yeah. And I'd put Doctor Strange in that category as well. Because I enjoyed it. There was just the right amount of whips and shields.
Starting point is 01:02:17 We've both said that, haven't we? No, disagree. Worst sequel or reboot? Oh, yeah. We've got a few. I really should have thought about these before. We've got a Batman-Superman movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:28 That's its own thing, I feel. It is, isn't it? It's got its own category. I'm going to say X-Men Apocalypse. Yeah, that was no good. Even though I kind of enjoyed it at the time. I didn't enjoy it on any level. The more I think about it, the more I'm like,
Starting point is 01:02:39 you just peddled out the same X-Men movie again. Real bad. What are you doing? No good. Real boring. Yeah. Special effects, real boring. What are you doing? No good. Real boring. Yeah. Special effects, real boring. Fassbender's good.
Starting point is 01:02:48 He's boring. He's got another dead family. They gave him another dead family. Yeah. God. Look, I can't fault them for the fact that they ruined... They've done a number on the timeline again. That's not X-Men Apocalypse's fault.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah. They're just doing what the X-Men movies do, which is ruin everything. Be kind of mediocre. They shouldn't have let Bryan Singer back in. What were they thinking? It just felt like a movie of its time, and the time was like the early 2000s. Yeah, absolutely. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:03:20 What have we got? Actor least annoyed by. I'm saying best actor. I'm saying actor that you're like okay you know what i thought that wouldn't be very good but you're all right oh um eddie redmayne that's the that's the correct answer you built you built that no that was from last year okay that's from last year all right i went through last year's what did we do what did we talk about last year these are the categories no but i mean what who won last
Starting point is 01:03:42 i have no idea great i. I can't remember. That I didn't have written down. Yeah. Yeah, I thought he'd just be mugging the whole thing and pleasantly surprised. Me too. I thought he was good. What about actor that's most annoyed you?
Starting point is 01:03:56 I've got a few here in mind. I can give them to you if you want some categories. Is one of them Jared Leto? Yes. I wasn't annoyed by him. Well, I thought you might be. So, okay. I thought I threw that in there.
Starting point is 01:04:06 What about Jesse Eisenberg, Lex Luthor? Yeah, real bad. Johnny Depp as Grindelwald, even though he's in it for like 10 seconds. Unpleasant. Yeah. Stop being in things. Yeah. Stop being in things.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Get out of here, mate. Take your money and leave. So, would you give it to Johnny Depp? Hang on, let me just double check. What, that he's in it? No, just double check. Movies we watched's in it? Nah, just double check. Movies we watched. It was annoying in Ghostbusters.
Starting point is 01:04:28 There was probably somebody super annoying in Ghostbusters. Some people thought Kate McKinnon was. Nah, I didn't mind her. Nah, me neither. Maybe Downey Jr. In? Just in general. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Because he's too much in anything? Civil War, probably. I thought that was his best Iron Man performance since Iron Man 1. Because he actually felt things. I guess that's true but at the same time I'm like... You hate him? No, but I'm...
Starting point is 01:04:49 Yeah, I'm like, it's not Bucky's fault, man. Yeah. Leave him alone. Leave him alone. I see you're angry but... Is that you're annoyed by the character though
Starting point is 01:04:56 or the actor? Oh, good point. New category. Yep. Character that you're slightly annoyed by because they had a slightly different motivation
Starting point is 01:05:04 than what you thought they should have. Robert Downey, Tony Stark in the movies. I'm going to say Magneto because he killed everybody in the world and then he walked away. Oh, that's right. See you later, old friend. Old friend. May we meet again in more fortunate circumstances. Garbage.
Starting point is 01:05:24 It's fine. You shot me in the spine that time. What about Best Hair? I forgot what. It's a wig, though. It still counts. It's Ben Affleck's Batman. Yeah, you love that one.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Because they gave him the Widow's Peak. Yeah, it's true. And the Grey Temples. Yeah. He looks like the perfect older Bruce Wayne. Yep. It's perfect, Mason. Yep. Like, look at Christian Bale's older Bruce Wayne. Yep. It's perfect, Mason. Yep.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Like, look at Christian Bale's older Bruce Wayne. He's no good. That's true. He just looks like Christian Bale with a wispy beard. Yeah, yeah. Are we including all facial hair? Sure. I'm going to say Doctor Strange had some great hair.
Starting point is 01:05:58 All round? Yep. He had a variety of looks. He did, didn't he? He had suave, sophisticated, arrogant surgeon. Then he had down and out. He had great looking down and out. He did, didn't he? He had suave, sophisticated, arrogant surgeon. Then he had down and out. He had great looking down and out. He did have great looking down and out.
Starting point is 01:06:09 And then final form, Sorcerer Supreme looked great. Beautiful, luxurious hair. Yeah. What about worst hair? Deadpool. Okay. I'm going to say Ezra Miller in Fantastic Beasts. Oh, terrible.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Oh, actually, yeah. I mean, that's intentional, isn't it Beasts. Oh, terrible. Oh, actually, yeah. I mean, that's intentional, isn't it? Yeah. But it's still, I mean, it's bad. It's real bad. Great work from, what's his face, though? Who? The other guy.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Eddie Redmayne? No. Grindelwald? Yeah, that guy. What's his face? Johnny Depp? No, the other guy in Bruges. Oh, Colin Farrell.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Yes. Yeah, him and Johnny Depp have the same haircut. Yeah. But Johnny Depp's the same haircut. Yeah. But Johnny Depp's is way worse. Yeah. Oh, maybe I'll give it to Depp. Yeah, I think I will.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Because that's supposed to be a cool evil guy's haircut, but it looks terrible. It looks awful on him, yeah. It looks like an idiot. Colin Farrell is so cool. Why didn't they just make him Colin Farrell? Exactly. All right. Biggest disappointment. Strange.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Doctor Strange. Really? Not even Batman, Superman or Suicide Squad. I even thought Ghostbusters was disappointing. Not from like, I want it to be amazing. I want it to be either really terrible or really amazing. But it was neither. You're right.
Starting point is 01:07:21 I wish I... What a strong reaction to it. You know, I probably just said Doctor. Strange because of the most recent. Sure. In retrospect, it's probably pretty good. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:28 We, you also felt the same way about Ant-Man where you came in, but then when you saw fantastic four afterwards, you were like, Oh my God, it's the best movie ever made. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Oh, that's a good question. I kept saying, Hey, maybe Suicide Squad will be really good, but I think ultimately I never thought it would be any good. I think I was just thinking positively, just trying to engage the secret.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I was hoping a good DCEU movie was coming at me. I've heard good things about The Secret, Mason. I've heard it really works. Not in this case. No, absolutely not. I think it was, yeah, Batman Superman, again, because it feels like it was so long ago. Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
Starting point is 01:08:06 Because we had it cinematically, we had the extended edition, we've done a commentary, we've talked about it ad nauseam. But look, and again, I did not care for it, and it's not because I'm a DC hater and a Marvel fanboy, although that's absolutely true. Disagree. Yep, it's because I've spent 20 years reading comic books with Batman and Superman teaming up, and they've had decades of potential storylines, and they decided to mash together all the worst ones.
Starting point is 01:08:34 And I wanted so badly to have a good one cinematically, but it was so bad. It wasn't that good, was it? No. Yeah, fair enough. Very bad. Yeah. All right. Well, I can't disagree with that, Mason.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I'm going to say, yeah, you know, I'll agree with you. Yeah. But you know what? I remember coming out of Suicide Squad being like, it's fine, right? It's whatever. But I don't want to go back to it because I feel like I'll hate it. So I'm just going to leave that in my mind forever as a movie I kind of enjoyed when I saw it.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Will we have to do a commentary on it? Yes. And then the wheels will come off. Or maybe I will really enjoy it. Yeah, maybe. Best movie you haven't seen yet. Oh, most of them. The BFG.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yeah, Arrival. The Arrival. Sure. Sing Street. If you say so. Should see it, Mason. Okay. It got my best reboot or whatever I gave it.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I don't know. Best hair. You gave it best hair. I did. How about this? Movies they need to stop making. Transformers? Yep.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Didn't get one this year, but sure. Yep. Just generally. That's a... Yep. Yep. Good. I'm going to say gritty fairy tale reboots.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Not fairy tale reboots. I think you can, you know, you can do some good stuff there. Okay. Yeah. But like, yeah, Alice through the looking glasses And whatever Stop it Stop making them
Starting point is 01:09:49 No one wants them Born films Grim Grim Grim spy movies Give them 10 years off Anything with Kevin Hart in it Oh really
Starting point is 01:10:00 I don't know Not central intelligence I don't care for Kevin Hart Take that Kevin Hart I haven't seen it. He made $87 million last year. Did he? This year, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:07 That's pretty good, isn't it? Good on him, yeah. Not for me. It's nearly podcast money. Yeah, I know. You know what else I'm going to say? Comedy movies that are sequels to movies from like 20 years ago. So like Zoolander 2.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Yep. Which I still haven't seen. But like, you know, I don't even think Dumb and Dumber 2 was this year or whatever. But like, you can't recapture the magic of a decades old comedy. You might come out with a good movie. Maybe. But you are not going to, you're not going to, there are people out there who cannot let go of that previous movie.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Even though it is great, they can't let go, and you will never capture that audience. So you may as well take the premise that you have and make a new thing. Make a new thing. I think Ghostbusters, if they just made something that was very much like a Ghostbusters, but didn't call it Ghostbusters. Like Pixels, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Yeah, exactly. I think people would be very excited for it. I completely agree. Yeah, you're absolutely right. I still think it was a mistake not to make Like Pixels, yeah. I think, yeah, exactly. I think people would be very excited for it. I completely agree. Yeah, you're absolutely right. I still think it was a mistake not to make that a sequel though. Because that's not just a comedy. But how good would it have been
Starting point is 01:11:12 to see all the Ghostbusters return? Even if it's only to kind of pass the torch. I think it would have gone a long way for new people to come on board. I'm going to say there should be an end to movies that are...
Starting point is 01:11:24 Sometimes they're biopics and sometimes they're not but it's just people who are real rich assholes and we just watch their life unfold as real assholes and they're just you know doing coke off strippers and whatever and living the high life and then at the end it's like you got six months in a minimum security prison you know war dogs is what I'm thinking of specifically did you say that no i didn't say it but it's there so like a good example of that would be wall street but you didn't like
Starting point is 01:11:52 that that wasn't this year yeah so any kind of like drug lord where you know he's you know he's up and about it's this right now it's just a movie about glorifying glorifying assholes in excess but it's like no no there's a valuable moral lesson in here because after blowing through a billion dollars, they had to spend some time in an FBI resort prison or whatever. That's right. And they kept a lot of their money in offshore accounts. Yeah, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Often the message is, maybe don't do this, be a nice person. But also most of the time it comes off as look how cool this is yeah look at all these bros growing about or whatever yeah yeah great also um good people in generic movies bad moms is i'm looking at you i was i saw that yeah see it was fine exactly but there are good people in that yeah what about the worst movie of the year i didn't see a lot of crap like i see trailers and i'm like i'm not gonna say that right so i'm gonna give it to now you see me too i haven't seen it but i'm gonna give it to that i thought that was movie was fun and real dumb
Starting point is 01:12:56 good uh worst movie of the year something that you walked out of upset. Independence Day you hated. I was just thinking Independence Day. I want to say Batman, Superman. But it's not worse than Independence Day, is it? Yeah, exactly. No, you're right. I can't think about it. More disappointing, yes. Yeah, but there's nothing to Independence Day.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Yeah. There's nothing to it. It's just put some action sequences together. Yep. Put in a speech from the president. Wasn't a good speech, was it? Nope, not even as good as the last one. Give him a better speech.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Yeah, there's no... Just build it like a video game. Yeah. Wasn't a good speech, was it? No, not even as good as the last one. Give him a better speech. Yeah, there's no... Just build it like a video game. There's a boss in it. Shoot at the shields in the back of the boss. Yeah, yeah. No good. And the boss flies out of the thing or whatever. Yeah, ugh, no good.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Great. Just a chore, that movie. All right. Let's say best movie. Let's go best movie then. Okay. I'm going to say Hud for the Wilderpeople. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:44 I bloody loved it. Yeah. It was an movie then. Okay. I'm going to say Hud for the Wilderpeople. Okay. I bloody loved it. Yeah. It was an amazing movie. Yes. BFG? No. Okay. Because it took a lot of gongs this year from you.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Which gongs did it take? I don't know. Best reboot. Yeah, good. All those things. Whatever you said about it. I think it's Civil War. Because I'm a Marvel fanboy and a DC hater
Starting point is 01:14:05 obviously that's true I think it might go to Civil War see I think I like Civil War but I think in hindsight I liked
Starting point is 01:14:11 Star Trek Beyond better okay yeah and I like Civil War a lot yeah yeah but uh I think Civil War I've re-watched
Starting point is 01:14:18 more times yeah yeah fair yeah you haven't watched Beyond again no you should
Starting point is 01:14:23 I should yeah maybe that would sway you. But at this point in time, Mason, we've locked it in. Locked it in forever. Good work. It's a good fun time. It really is, yeah. And I remember really enjoying it at the time when I saw it as well.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Maybe they're about the same. Who knows? Regardless, Hunt for the Wilderpeople is better than both. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Up your butt. That's right. Oh, what about Best Comic Book? I know we're talking about movies.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Comic Book. Comic Book. Oh, God, I have to go through my bloody... I'm going to go... I finally got around to The Vision. Yeah, it's good. I think that's excellent. Anything else?
Starting point is 01:14:56 I have to go into my bloody stack of comic books. Go into your stack, mate. And by that, I mean my phone. Yeah, yeah, phone. Good. Man, if only there was a Netflix of comic books, and then I could get as many as I want. That's right. This would be so easy. Bloody hell, mate.
Starting point is 01:15:07 So does it have to be something I've read this year that came out this year? Nah, just whatever you read. All right. You know, I really like Nailbiter. Alien Defiance, Alien's Defiance is really good at the moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Look, there was a whole bunch of stuff that I did read and enjoy. The Vision that I finally got to was great. Jughead has been really good. Yep, cool. It was originally Chip Zdarsky and I was great. Jughead has been really good. Yep, cool. It was originally Chip Zdarsky and I was like, when the creators switched over to Ryan North,
Starting point is 01:15:29 I'm like, is this going to be as good? It's exactly as good. Okay. So that's a good one. What was that one, sorry? Jughead. Jughead, yep.
Starting point is 01:15:35 It's real good. And a series that I enjoyed the whole way through, it's not finished yet, but did I mention Injection? I think you mentioned that. I think I have. It's Warren Ellis and Declan Shelby who were the guys who did that, the first run? I think you mentioned that. I think I have. It's Warren Ellis
Starting point is 01:15:45 and Declan Shelby who were the guys who did that the first run of the reboot of Moon Knight which was really good and Injection is basically the X-Files
Starting point is 01:15:52 except the people who are investigating the weird phenomenon are ultimately responsible for all the weird phenomenon. Okay, cool. And so they're trying to fix all the
Starting point is 01:15:59 the world's coming to pieces and they're trying to fix everything and also conceal the fact that it's kind of their fault that it's all happening. It's real good. It sounds good.
Starting point is 01:16:07 It's a real good series. I'm going to say Descender as well, which I think has been made into a movie. Nice. It's about robots attack. I love robots attacking. But there's more to it, Mason, than just robots attack. Mason, normally we jump straight into the what we're reading,
Starting point is 01:16:19 what we're going to read. But because it's the end of the year and a lot of people do enjoy this segment, I like to bust it out every now and then. It's time for hate mail. Ah, it's back back but the hate has an eight in it nice where we traditionally read eight bits of hate mail there's always more than there's always more or less it's never eight it's never right that's the only thing that we know for sure uh so this is where i go through uh it's mostly youtube comments sure yep but it can generally come from anyone i think these are all youtube they are all youtube uh this is actually this is where I go through. It's mostly YouTube comments. Sure, yep. But it can generally come from anyone.
Starting point is 01:16:45 I think these are all YouTube. They are all YouTube. This is actually, this is one from a while back. This is from Brody. These are all towards us, by the way. Yes. But a lot towards me, some towards both of us. Great.
Starting point is 01:16:58 You know, because YouTube is a... The shame about hate mail is That I miss so much of it Because I can't read Every comment It's a bloody shame Right isn't it though So I can't even say That this is the best
Starting point is 01:17:09 This is just the stuff That I happen to stumble across It's from Brody You suck Hawkeye's the coolest Character in the Marvel Universe Iron Man also sucks
Starting point is 01:17:18 Almost as much as you I presume that's I presume that's from my I made a video ages ago on who's the best Avenger and I just said I just like dismissed Hawkeye
Starting point is 01:17:29 like offhand because it's fun to dismiss Hawkeye yeah that's right and he was actually really good in Civil War that's right yeah this is on this is on Ghost
Starting point is 01:17:37 I did a Ghostbusters review this one just says mistake most pointless video on a channel with pointless content look he's got your number there in a way so It says most pointless video on a channel with pointless content. Look, he's got your number there in a way, so.
Starting point is 01:17:55 This is from our, you remember that episode you did on defunct comic book universes? Yes. Where you took us through all these comic book worlds that collapsed on themselves and they never finished them for whatever reason or they shunted them off in the parallel dimension or whoever wrote them died or whatever. It's a great episode. Thank you. This guy doesn't think so. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Marvel X-42 says, wow, if you're going to talk about the new universe, could you at least like know what the fuck you're talking about? Because you got like everything about it almost half right. That's a pretty good strike right now that I think about it. So I'm taking it. You'll take it. Yeah. Also, it doesn't exist anymore. So who cares? Who cares? That's a pretty good strike rate now that I think about it. So I'm taking it. You'll take it. Yeah. Also, it doesn't exist anymore, so who cares?
Starting point is 01:18:28 Who cares? That's right. Don't know who this one's for. Don't know what this is for, but OzymandiasVV says, you don't know what you're talking about. Do you even watch the movie? Do you even watch the movie? Look, honestly, sometimes we don't watch the movie.
Starting point is 01:18:42 BFG, perfect example. Sometimes we don't watch the movie. BFG, perfect example. Sometimes we don't watch the movie. That's right. Remember ages ago we talked about the first Captain America film from the 1940s? Yes. There's a video on my channel from it. It looks super shit. It changes almost everything about the character.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I think the video is actually called Worst Captain America Film. That got you banned from YouTube briefly, I believe. No, that was the Easter egg video. Oh, okay, right. Dude Perfect Junior says, this is an insult. All right, firstly, very high opinion of oneself, but continue. Says, this is an insult and never make fun of him and never do it again. And we never did.
Starting point is 01:19:21 That's true. Except just now. Yeah, that's true. I did a video on what if Star Wars Force Awakens is bad. and we never did. That's true. So... Except just now. Yeah, that's true. I did a video on what if Star Wars Force Awakens is bad before it came out, and this is all caps. Piss off and...
Starting point is 01:19:33 Piss off, watch the movie! But the point of that video was I hadn't seen it. Yeah. And also to go like, if it's not good, don't worry about it, because we'll eventually get a good one. But on the other hand,
Starting point is 01:19:43 piss off, watch the movie. I will. This one just says, piss off, watch the movie. I will. This one just says, what an illiterate idiot directed it. It could be directed at either of us, honestly. This is from Harley Horton. Remember we talked about how in the 90s a whole lot of people bought a lot of issue number ones? Yeah. And how they're worthless because every comic book fan bought 10 issues of...
Starting point is 01:20:05 Spider-Man number one, but there was... Oh, yeah, like an image, like Youngblood number one, and they printed 3 million copies. And exactly, and everybody's got them hermetically sealed forever, so they're not worth anything because there's so many of them. Harley Horton says, If they're worthless, then tell me why Spore number one is £60 on eBay and can get more.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Reply to me on that, you arsewit. Oh, that's good. £60 isn't that good. No, it's really not. Like, it's okay. I mean, you've made your money back. For something that's been in storage for... When did Spore No. 1 come out?
Starting point is 01:20:40 At least 20 years. Yeah. So you've gained... I mean, that's not a bad investment. No. Well, it's not. Yeah, I guess. I mean, it is a bad investment.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Look, he kind of raises a good point, but also not a good point. Like, if you have to put something in storage for 20 years to gain 59 pounds or whatever. Yeah, whatever it is. Let's say it was... What would it have gone for then? Three bucks, maybe? Who knows? This is when I talk about the Jared Leto Joker. Fuck up. It was a good Joker. let's say it was what we would have gone for then three bucks maybe who knows this is on the
Starting point is 01:21:05 when I talk about the Jared Leto Joker fuck up it was a good Joker alright this is from Kristen Likes Bands little
Starting point is 01:21:14 he was the best Joker this YouTuber is a fucking idiot he's only in it for the views and subs you know it baby not wrong yeah
Starting point is 01:21:22 that's right also subs don't actually mean anything people aren't watching the videos it's irrelevant the number literally means nothing especially because a lot of the time the video doesn't go to the person who's subscribed anyway you say that but you do have that little plaque where is that plaque i don't know i don't know i didn't bid it somewhere great yeah uh sport number one was 1992. Okay, there you go. So 24 years.
Starting point is 01:21:47 24 years. So nearly a quarter of a century. Great. So if you'd purchased 10,000 of them, you'd be in the money, except you'd have 10,000 copies and they wouldn't be worth anything. You'd have to somehow sell 10,000 copies of Spawn. Yeah. Good Lord.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Second last one. Steven Meisner said, I turn on ad blocker for YouTubers like this and how cringy and terrible they must extend it for the 10 minute ad mark.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Jokes on you end up getting no ad from me. He got me out. Wow. I don't mind if people use ad block. It's your prerogative, man.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Do what you gotta do. Oh, here's a little, here's a little, I'm just on Spawn number one and I won't leave it. use that. I'm like, it's your prerogative, man. Do what you got to do. Here's a little... I'm just on Spawn number one and I won't leave it. Sure. I just want to prove whatever Mr. Perfect wrong. Spawn number one value, Mint Condition, first printing. Released in 1992.
Starting point is 01:22:36 It's worth $60 to $70 at 9.8, which is the highest grade you can get, basically. But it will cost you $30 to have it certified. That's how it works, baby. That's how they get you. Those certification guys. It is one that is unlikely to increase in value in future years because so many were printed. There are likely tens of thousands of these sitting in warehouses.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Agreed. Take that. Yep. Last one. This is about how we were talking about Tarkin. Oh, yeah. And how we didn't love the CGI Tarkin You know, here's the irony against Star Wars fans like yourselves
Starting point is 01:23:10 Not a Star Wars fan, but continue You complain about everything Me? I liked Tarkin And Leia? Hell, I was hoping for Leia And you're hating on them, but loving Vader? Little do you know that inside that suit was a man you hate Think about it, then come back to me. Oh, that guy's so woke.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Get his email address. We'll get back to him. We can do it now. Yeah. Do you feel he was delivering that straddling a chair backwards? Wearing a pair of Ray-Bans? I feel he was. Man, he sure showed us.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Is he saying like Darth Vader's a villain? And we're liking him, but he's a bad guy? No, I think he's saying that inside him is Hayden Christensen. But he's not. I don't care who played him in a previous movie. It's irrelevant.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Anyway, I thought about it. Pretty good. And I'm not going to get back to it. All right, fine. That's hate mail, but the hate has an H in it, Mason. We did it. What a great segment.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Crushing our spirits. Yeah, man. You know what it's time for then? Oh, our famous segment. What are we reading? What are we going to read? It's so hot in this room, isn't it? It's very hot.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Good Lord. It's like a thousand degrees outside. I'm doing a thing. What are we reading today? What are you reading? I read the first three issues of Doctor Strange, The Punisher, Magic Bullets. I see. It's kind of fun.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Is it new? Yes, it is new. So I've mentioned this before. I thought it was Age of Ultron, but it isn't. It was the original Sin crossover, Marvel's original Sin crossover. Nick Fury gets a whole bunch of heroes. He teams them up in weird ways
Starting point is 01:24:40 and he sends them out to do various things. And one team up was Punisher, Doctor Strange, and they go into a weird, crazy dimension, and it's one of my favourite team-ups of recent years. And so they're back together in this, and it's fine. It's kind of fun. It's kind of fun. It's like two bucks an issue.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Is Original Sin better? Oh, yeah, yeah. Original Sin was the Who Killed the Watcher mystery. Yes, I have read that. Yeah, it's real good. This is pretty good. This is now, so in the Marvel Universe currently, magic has been erased from the universe.
Starting point is 01:25:12 So there's no magic. Magic only exists in artifacts now. Oh, okay, yeah. So Doctor Strange is just more or less a regular guy wielding an axe, and he's collected, you know, he's traveled about, and he's collected various trinkets and bits and pieces. And he's kind of, the Punisher has gone after like some, you know, a mafia crew. And it turns out they're now magic powered and too much for him. So he's come to seek out Doctor Strange, expecting Strange to be the Sorcerer Supreme and kind of, you know, a guy who could just
Starting point is 01:25:46 wave his hand and wipe all this out. But now he's just kind of a, he's just a ground level, like scrapper, like the Punisher now. That's cool, man. Yeah, it's kind of, it's fun. There's not a lot of weight to it. There's no heavy themes or anything like that. Yeah. But it's kind of fun.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Okay. Yeah. Sounds good. I'm going to be reading Snow Crash. Oh, is there a comic book adaptation? No, I'm just going to read've read the book it's great because i'm yeah i've heard nothing but good things i asked for it for my christmas present i got a drill bit set from my family what we do we do a kk in my family so i put down i'm like i want snow crash um and then i got a drill bit set and i'm like well this will go with the drill you gave me last year that i didn't want which didn't got a drill bit set. And I'm like, well, this will go with the drill you gave me last year that I didn't want,
Starting point is 01:26:26 which didn't have a drill bit set. So it's just been sitting in a corner. Correct. With no drills. You haven't drilled a single thing. No. Have your parents come over and been like, nothing's drilled here? They have actually, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:38 You go over to your parents' house and your dad's just drilling in the hall? He's just drilling holes? Like, feels good to be a man and drilling some holes in a wall thirsty work mate yeah yeah so that's so now i'm gonna have to go and get a copy of snow crash before i go but i've heard it's amazing great oh here's one more thing yeah um i just i just think if you put down the thing on a kk list yes why wouldn't you get it's not expensive it's probably way cheaper Than a drill bit set That being said
Starting point is 01:27:06 I feel that The concept I think you've I don't know about this Kris Kringle wish list System you've got going on Are you the only person That puts in a request
Starting point is 01:27:14 Everybody puts in a request I don't like that at all My dad said I want this book And I want Violet Crumbles And I got him exactly that Like clockwork mate See I don't
Starting point is 01:27:23 I feel Either buy something For every member of your family or... I still get my parents. It's a random funny joke thing. Sure. No, we do that also. Because if you're like, listen, it's a $20 limit and I want a book and I want some chocolate.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Yeah. You should just go out and buy that for yourself. Well, that's exactly right. Yeah. So, okay. Fair enough. Look, I will need a drill bit set. Your family's a little bit weird.
Starting point is 01:27:48 I don't know if I've ever said that to your face or to their faces, but they are. You've never done a KK list? No, never. Okay. Fair enough. Maybe your family's weird. Maybe. Up your dick, mate.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Oh, that was my last thing. So, many, like three years ago, my friend Ariel had a podcast. It was called Baking Rad. Yeah. I named it. Very good. You named this one as well. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:28:11 It was about baking and just having a chat and eating some food and having a chat, et cetera. And I recorded an episode of that. She's from America. She had to move to America. She lost her laptop. It was a real disaster. And that episode never came out. But she has a new podcast.
Starting point is 01:28:26 It's called The Thirst Is Real. And she found that episode. So I'm on the current episode of that. So it's me from three years ago. I cannot remember what happens in it. But I do very specifically recall saying that I'm going to be starting a podcast called The Weekly Planet. And hopefully it goes well. A little blast from the Ah, a little blast
Starting point is 01:28:46 from the past. A little blast from the past. If you want to track that down. I think I will. What's it called, sorry? The Thirst is Real. The Thirst is Real. Or you can just search for my name and go through all the podcasts about the guy from Pink Floyd where he's talking about his cars. There's a lot of them it turns out. Right. And just find me and I'll be
Starting point is 01:29:02 in one of those. Great. Good stuff. That's it I think. New of those. Great. Good stuff. That's it, I think. New segment? Next segment. Yeah, next segment. Next segment. Next segment. The classic one was letters, oh letters.
Starting point is 01:29:12 We love you, some letters. They're only a take my way. We're going to be here right now. We're going to do letters. I've got some letters. Oh, yeah. I'd love to hear about them. I mean, I'd love to hear them.
Starting point is 01:29:25 Sure. Hashtag weeklyplanetfall. That's how you reach the show. Oh, I didn't take the name of these first two. I'm sorry. I apologize. But I can read the tweet, though. That's how you get to us.
Starting point is 01:29:36 I'm really here just for the names, honestly. You say the name. Okay. And I imagine the rich life they must lead. I can make up a name. Yeah, all right. Let's see how we go. And then I tune out when the actual letter is read.
Starting point is 01:29:47 This is from Pizzly Dizzly. Hashtag weekly planet pod. What Pizzly Dizzly's about? Is he British? Maybe, yeah. British? Maybe he was in The Who briefly? Maybe he's friends with Nick Mason from Pink Floyd.
Starting point is 01:30:00 He probably is. Pizzly Dizzly. Pizzly Dizzly. Best Shia LaBeouf movie. Like he was like a David Bowie kind of character. Yeah. Like he starred us, but he didn't quite get the traction. He didn't quite get there.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Yeah. Absolutely. All right. Anyway, best of luck with your Pizzly Dizzly. Best Shia LaBeouf movie. Quit procrastinating. The wackadoos want to know. Best Shia LaBeouf movie.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Oh, what was the one that was basically Rear Window? What was that one called? Yeah. That one. I don't know what it is, what it's called, but yeah, I agree. Eagle Eye? No, that was basically rear window what was that one yeah uh that one i don't know what it is what it's called but yeah i agree eagle eye no that was a different one yeah that was about technology is it too much you're right in a way it was too much uh it's even worse now yeah it's that one i agree disturbia there we go yes disturbia yeah i hate everything he does and i hate him so yeah don't like him even if it's a So yeah, don't like him. Even if it's a great movie, I don't like him
Starting point is 01:30:45 and he ruins everything that he's in. Because he's an artist, but he's not really. He's just a fucking prat, mate. Yeah, exactly. Not a Chris Prat. No. That's a good thing. He's great.
Starting point is 01:30:55 Hashtag weekly planet pod, no name. This is from Derkenson Perkinson. They have to rhyme for some reason. Oh yeah, that's pretty good. Yeah, okay. Yeah. You can mull over that if you want. Perkinson.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Perkinson. See, Durkinson would suggest he's some sort of adventurer. Sure. But Perkinson? More of a stay-at-home dad. Yeah, right? Yeah. Look, I think, you know what, maybe it is he was an adventurer.
Starting point is 01:31:22 Yeah. But then he got married. He took his wife's name. Took his wife's name. He took his wife's name. Yeah, exactly. And so he's out there. He's doing the dad stuff, and he's doing a great job. He's like Paul Walker at the start of The Last Fast and Furious.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Exactly, but he's yearning. For adventure. Perkinson is yearning for some adventures. Yeah. He's going to get out there again soon. Good idea, Derek. I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Am I the only one who felt every major release this year was mediocre or terrible? Yes. Hashtag Weezy Planet. Yeah, I don't disagree with that. Okay. Most things have been kind of... I meant, yes, he was the only one, but it's you two. Yeah, it's both of us.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Okay. I think there's a kind of... After this kind of Civil War hit, we really... I don't know if you remember, there was a real flat spot in the middle of the year. I do, yeah. Yeah. And most of those movies we probably haven't talked about because we've forgotten.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Yeah, right. But it just kind of meandered and then... But do we always feel like that at the end of the year? I feel like 2015 for me was a stronger year. What was the big thing of 2015? I don't even remember, but I just remember thinking it was a good year. I feel there were some flat spots in that.
Starting point is 01:32:21 When did Age of Ultron come out? That was 2015. That was 2015, yeah. I feel there's some disappointments in every year. did Age of Ultron come out? That was 2015. That was 2015, yeah. I feel there's some disappointments in every year. Focus on the positive. That's what I say. Stay posi in 2016. Good on you.
Starting point is 01:32:31 2017. 2017. 2016's happened. Stay positive for the remaining couple of days of 2016. Good on you, Durkenson Perkinson. Good on you, matey. Get out there. Don't think your life's over because you put your kid in a papoose and then leap off some pyramids.
Starting point is 01:32:46 You know what I mean? Just believe in yourself. It's from Caleb Stevens. Hashtag weekly planet pod. Favorite holiday movies. My favorite Xmas movie is Arthur Christmas. My favorite Halloween movie is Trick or Treat. Don't know that.
Starting point is 01:33:00 No. I have seen Arthur Christmas. It's like Santa, but like it's the new age. So there's like a giant sleigh and it's all technology and stuff. I'm conflicted about Christmas movies because obviously my first, my favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? That's exactly because I'm sick to death of that.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Also, it's just a movie. Well, it's a movie. It is set at Christmas, yeah. And there's a Christmas party, so I feel it counts. Yeah. But also I'm sick and tired of people going, you know. This is a die hard Christmas movie. I'm sure we've even done that on this show.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Yeah, we've probably done it this year. But there's always like an article, but it's like, surprising movies that are set at Christmas. And it's like every movie Shane Black made. Yeah, we know. We know all these movies are set at Christmas. And then it's die hard. Yeah. Yeah, we know.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Exactly. What about Batman Returns? Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. I like Love Actually. I've never seen Love Actually. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:48 I think you'd hate it now because it's been... So many movies have done that formula. Right, exactly. So I think you'd be like, this is kind of redundant. I know Bill Nighy's in it. Yes, he is. I know somebody's the Prime Minister. Hugh Grant.
Starting point is 01:33:57 I know Alan Rickman is in it. Correct. I know somebody has a romance with a woman who doesn't speak English. And the twist is... Colin Firth. The man does speak English. Yes. Because if woman who doesn't speak English. And the twist is the man does speak English. Yes. Because if they both didn't speak English.
Starting point is 01:34:08 What, are we watching a foreign film? Yeah, right? Ugh, gross. I don't think so. Die Hard is a Christmas movie. I like Home Alone. I could never go back to Home Alone. Really?
Starting point is 01:34:19 Okay, fair enough. That's fun. I remember the last time I watched it, I was like, he nearly killed those men. Oh, yeah. He's so close to killing them. It's just that those guys are apparently made of steel and stone. that's fun I remember last time I watched it I was like he nearly killed those men oh yeah like he's so close to killing them it's just that those guys
Starting point is 01:34:27 are apparently made of steel and stone but he didn't crush their heads yeah to a bloody pulp yeah do you like the classic ones like you know
Starting point is 01:34:35 also the Home Alone house is very it's a very neat house yeah you know that is being maintained by a woman
Starting point is 01:34:42 who doesn't notice when one of her children goes missing right like there's a bit of a divide there, you know what I mean? Yeah, absolutely. It's a fun time though. Yeah, great.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Do you like the classics? You know, like It's a Wonderful Life and Elf, I guess, is in there and whatever. Bad Santa. Are they classics? I don't know. People like them. I like Bad Santa. It's weird because I love Christmas episodes of TV shows,
Starting point is 01:35:03 but I don't like dedicated Christmas movies. All right then. I watch the Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen, Anthony Mackie Christmas movie from my dog, Fart. Yeah, so bad. God, you're a monster, dog. And look at this tennis ball that she chewed up. I'm going to have to bloody sweep that up or get my drill to fix it or something.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Scrooged. That's a good one. I've never seen it. It's good. I like the Muppets Christmas Carologed. That's a good one. Never seen it. It's good. I like the Muppets Christmas Carol, actually. That's a fun one. Yeah. Do you remember that Muppets Disney animated one?
Starting point is 01:35:31 Not Muppets, just the Disney animated Scrooge one? No. Yeah, it's quite good. Okay. All right, good stuff. So many Christmas good times, isn't it? Yep. What about The Ref with Dennis Leary?
Starting point is 01:35:43 I haven't seen it. No, it's not good. I bet it's not good didn't he steal his entire career and persona from Bill Hicks in a way
Starting point is 01:35:49 sure isn't that what they say yeah I don't know whether that's true good just quickly
Starting point is 01:35:54 before we go Mason for the year Mickey and Joshua now I hope is it Mickey I think so I hope I haven't or it's Nicky
Starting point is 01:36:00 good luck to you both because they they got married and now they'll be listening to this as they're on their honeymoon drive. Cans rattling on the back of the road. That's right. Just married.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Cut those cans off. Get rid of them. Don't want them interfering with our beautiful content. How dare you. It's a bit disrespectful, isn't it? It's a little bit disrespectful. Yeah, but good on you guys. Hope you had a good wedding and hope you're having a good honeymoon.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Absolutely. Nicky or Nicky. Where are they going? Cancun. Baby. Do you know who's going to Vegas next year? Is it you, baby? You know it, baby.
Starting point is 01:36:32 I've never been because I've got a wedding in Hawaii. So I'm saving up for that and then I've got to get over there, mate. There we go. That's the show for the year. What? Thank you to everybody who listened. We had the show for the year. What? Thank you to everybody who listened. We had really good downloads this year. Yeah, thanks to everybody who listened this year
Starting point is 01:36:50 or told anybody. Yeah. Listened to our audio commentaries. Yeah, like you put up with us putting ads on so we can support ourselves. Put up with us generally. Just generally, man. Thank you for cutting the cans off the back of your car
Starting point is 01:37:02 so you can listen properly. Thank you. Just cutting out. Thank you for cutting out anything in your life that isn't listening to our podcast. Yeah, man. Thank you to everybody who sent in some great art. Yep. Comic book panels, sent in some great memes.
Starting point is 01:37:13 I love memes so much. You do love memes. I love memes. Yeah. Oh, great stuff. If you've got suggestions for the show for next year, we're definitely open for that. Yeah, well, we're opening the floor for new topics. Yep, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:37:27 For episodes, if you've got a fun idea for that. Definitely. Love to hear about it. So, yeah, look, you know, we want to try and keep it fresh and whatever. So if you have any suggestions, we're more than happy to take them on board. Because this show is not possible without you guys, but more so us because we make it in a way. In a way, sure. this show could exist without listeners i
Starting point is 01:37:48 guess yeah but no we really appreciate it like it this has freed up my life in so many ways and as you know mason my life is slightly more complicated than i probably that i let on on this show uh-huh and it's just giving you're on the run from drug correct and you have to continuously loop about you have to can every every week you have to keep coming back to record it's just given you're on the run from drug. Correct. And you have to continuously loop about. You have to can every, every week you have to keep coming back to record. It's amazing. They haven't caught you. I know.
Starting point is 01:38:10 I'm very good. I'm very slippery. Yeah, that's it. So I appreciate the freedom that this, doing this and the YouTube is, is given me. So,
Starting point is 01:38:18 and, and, and, but that's obviously if you don't have an audience, you don't know. That's exactly right. That's exactly it. So thank you very much to everybody listening.
Starting point is 01:38:27 I genuinely appreciate it. And thanks to you, Mason. Thank you. Because you're a good co-host of the show. I don't think I ever say that because I don't want you to think that you're any good. I know, right? It comes through. I love it.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Yeah, I appreciate it. It's great to be here. Thanks to everybody who told their friends about it, tweeted at us, tweeted something nice. Where can people find us actually? They can find us on
Starting point is 01:38:51 Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Twitter and Gmail Bandcamp. Gmail Bandcamp. We've got all the audio commentaries. If it's Boxing Day or whatever the
Starting point is 01:39:01 American Boxing Day is, you've got some time to kill, throw in one of our audio commentaries for a bad movie. You know it, man. Or a good movie. Or a good movie. Thank you to Robert Collins we mentioned, the Weekly Planet. Oh, there's a new Weekly Planet comic which is out as well.
Starting point is 01:39:14 There is, yes. That's right. Special appearance of another artist at the end. Yeah, that's right. Who's that? Maybe, yeah. Thank you to the Bruton, the Baskaluskin, Rackham for all their themes. Thank you to all our t-shirt designers
Starting point is 01:39:26 Matt Young and Fergal Quigley yep and Golden Legend all our t-shirts are on linked below yep we've got an Amazon affiliate link
Starting point is 01:39:34 if you if you if you're buying some Boxing Day gifts for people I should have said that for Christmas but we didn't you dumbass
Starting point is 01:39:41 then just click on the link in our episode description and you just go to regular Amazon you pay their prices. Great prices. We get a kickback somehow. Yep. That's exactly it. They're losing money probably. They'll figure it out and cut us off. Not yet though. Not yet though, right?
Starting point is 01:39:54 Yeah. I think that's everything. I think that's everything, yeah. Alright. Yeah, thanks for subscribing and telling people. Yep. Pretty good. Happy New Year everybody. Happy New Year everybody. So we're not back. We'll see you around the 16th. Best of next week? Next couple of weeks.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Hey. Whenever Fergal quickly wants to put it together. Yeah, look, so we might be taking a couple of weeks off. We are taking a couple of weeks off. In the new year, if you somehow haven't been sick of us through 2016, if you want to kick it off in 2017, just letting you know, in the New Year's, I'm making a guest appearance on another show. And let me tell you, I was a real dum-dum for agreeing to be on it.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Oh, no. Little Dum-Dum Club. I'm the Little Dum-Dum Club on the first episode of 2017. Not familiar with it. So maybe hit the subscribe button on their podcast. Don't know it, sorry. Let them know. No, it's good.
Starting point is 01:40:42 Is it just you? It's me and comedian Harley Breen. Oh, cool. I know him. And let me tell you, I get wrecked for an hour. So if people are into that. I'm into that.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Yeah, I bet. What about specifically? Just what I do for a living and my life, you know. You've heard that show. Anyway. I have, yeah. That's what the show is.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Yeah. Yeah. All right, good stuff. Do this. Oh, yeah. You're going to say the catchphrase. Oh, yeah. Grab that gem, everybody. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. All right. Good stuff. Do this. Oh, yeah. You're going to say the catchphrase. Oh, yeah. Grab that gem, everybody.
Starting point is 01:41:08 Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. All that. Have a safe holidays. Bye-bye. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost.
Starting point is 01:41:31 FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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