The Weekly Planet - 168 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2017

Episode Date: January 16, 2017

We’re! This week we talk the most anticipated movies of 2017, all that potentially which will almost certain to disappoint. Plus we talk Carrie Fisher’s future in the Star Wars un...iverse, Han Solo casting, Logan, Deadpool, the next Green Lantern movie, Avengers: Infinity War casting and a whole lot more! Thanks as always for listening.The Batman Head Turn Video: Carrie Fisher and the future of Star Wars6:38 Woody Harrelson joins the Han Solo movie8:56 Logan news and things11:15 Deadpool not in Logan12:08 David Ayer writing Green Lantern movie16:42 The Rock talks about DC Films18:46 Peter Dinklage in Avengers: Infinity War20:55 Mad Max Sequel22:11 Uncharted is still happening I guess24:28 Movies Of 2017!1:12:02 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:17:18 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy the Star Wars Saga on Amazon: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: out T-Shirts here:  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Register today at That's Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of The Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. Welcome back. We're back, baby.
Starting point is 00:00:55 You better believe it, baby. We're going to make a lot of rookie mistakes because we've been away for two weeks and we've forgotten how to do everything. Thank you to everybody who downloaded the best of show that Raw collings put together it's got like over 300 000 downloads through the i think you're gonna say 300 000 segments maybe doesn't have that many segments too many yeah but he did a great job and thank you uh to everybody who listened to that and yeah i've been listening this whole time and you and we're all back thank you to everybody who didn't immediately stop listening to us because we had a week of nothing that's my number one fear
Starting point is 00:01:24 is that we'll have zero listeners this week and forever more because people are like, oh, they must have died. They must have died in that obviously fake trapped in the vent scenario of the best of. What a good fun time. Isn't it though? Are you ready to get into the news? Yes, but first of all, I just want to say there's a for lease sign
Starting point is 00:01:40 at the house next to yours. Correct. I think I might lease it. Oh, really? Then we can live together forever. I don't want that. That'll be fun though. Okay, fine. You need four other people though. I think I might lease it. Oh, really? Then we can live together forever. I don't want that. That'll be fun, though. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yep. You need four other people, though. I think it's a four-bedroomer. It could just be you, I guess. Just me and three bedrooms full of junk. You and all your horses. Yeah, exactly. I thought you were going to say hoarding, but either is fine.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I hoard horses. That's what I do. I love it. I've got a Palomino. I've got a Shetland. Are they all mares? Yes. Good.
Starting point is 00:02:09 So there was a rumor. Yes. Some of this news will be a little bit old because of the two weeks, or maybe it isn't. I don't know. I just bloody grab-bagged it, mate. That Carrie Fisher was going to be recreated with CGI for additional Star Wars movies.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Yeah. They filmed all her stuff for, oh, we haven't actually spoken about it. Carrie Fisher has passed away. She passed away, very sadly, yeah. ...since we did our last episode, which sucks. And her mother, the next day, Debbie Reynolds, yeah. A few days later. So the word is that she finished Episode 8,
Starting point is 00:02:36 but she was also to have a bigger role in Episode 9 also. So now there was... Well, this obviously talks about what they're going to do with this scenario. And one of the rumors was that they were going to recreate it with CGI, spoiler alert, like they have been doing with some, they did with some characters in Rogue One. You've probably seen it. Which characters though? Oh, he's back.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Yeah. What? No. Yeah, but so that's, I think I saw the official Star Wars Facebook said, no plans right now. So that could change, but. Oh, look, the the thing is i don't doubt it will change in 20 years when kind of the sting's gone yeah it's often the way because i'm sure after when sting's gone who owns all of carrie fisher's likeness rights open slather that's right
Starting point is 00:03:15 but they even said that they don't respond to there's a holographic buddy carrie fisher at all the police shows that's right like that holographic Tupac. This is inappropriate. That's fine. It's been two weeks, Mason. Yeah. But they even said that, look, we don't normally respond to fan or press speculation, which is true. Disney just shut them out. But I guess this is the thing where they didn't need...
Starting point is 00:03:34 I guess after months and months of people talking about it and then they come out and go, oh, no, we're not doing that, then people might think that they bow to pressure or whatever. Right, exactly, yeah. So I guess they just wanted to kind of get ahead of this, which is good to do. That being said, I wouldn't. Right, exactly, yeah. So I guess they just wanted to kind of get ahead of this, which is good to do. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised, yeah, like I said, if 20 years' time when Sting dies,
Starting point is 00:03:50 that we could, that we'll see her again. Because I would imagine they didn't go, like if they could have recreated Grand Moff Tarkin and he just died, they wouldn't have done it, Peter Cush, they wouldn't have done it straight away. But, you know, it remains to be seen. We're getting Star Wars movies forever and they'll probably all be set around the original trilogy.
Starting point is 00:04:08 That's the goldmine. So why would you change it? Yeah. That's not bad news. It's just it is what it is, isn't it? Yeah. I do wonder whether they'll extend those scenes. Kind of like they did with Philip Seymour Hoffman,
Starting point is 00:04:21 cuts him up and chuck him into Nine or... Just get footage of her hanging out on the street, just interviews and stuff. Exactly, yeah. She's just in street clothes. That's right. Insert her in there. On the couch of Graham Norton.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Yeah. I do wonder, though, if they're going to kill her off because how do you... Yeah, right. She can't kind of go off into the universe and live happily ever after. I had extensive conversations about this on the Steel Wars live call-in show.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Oh, right. Yeah, I missed the back end of that. But, yeah, what did you guys... Well, we had some chats about that. People can go back. I assume that's on the Steel Wars feed. You can go back and listen to that. Had a grand old time.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, yeah. We got a call in from Admiral Raddus from Rogue One. He made it out of the battle. I didn't know that. Yeah, so now I'm officially part of Rogue One canon as a pal of Admiral Raddus. So it's pretty good. That is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Anyway, but yeah, like it's because you kind of can't have a – it's a tough line to toe because you can't have her like crashing a rebellion battle cruiser into the next Death Star and have it say – I would argue that you could do that. Yeah, see? Like that she's the last, like the ship's abandoned and she kind of does it.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yeah, maybe, okay, right, yeah. And you can't have a, like you can't Paul Walker her and she just drives off into the sunset on her own. Exactly, yeah. Do you know what I mean? Because her son is an evil monster and her husband was murdered. They aren't sharing any Coronas. They're certainly not.
Starting point is 00:05:41 They can't do it. The bad blood and that familiar. But I mean, I guess you can have a crash of Battlecruiser in the new Death Star or what have you. Yeah. But I guess it's a fine line between... Oh, we're getting another Death Star. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:05:52 It's a fine line between that's a kind of a brave, noble send-off of the character and kind of weird fan service where she spikes the camera and says like a dramatic catchphrase and then crashes and everybody cheers kind of thing. I don't... I feel like they'll handle it well. Like, say what you will about the Grand Moff Tarkin being recreated. It was real bad.
Starting point is 00:06:13 It was sure. It was bold, but it wasn't disrespectful. That's true. Do you know what I mean? Like, they went to great pains to put him in. They didn't just put him in just because it kind of... They did it because it served the story and whatever. So I feel like they've probably got a good handle on this.
Starting point is 00:06:27 We'll see, won't we? Yeah. Until Sting dies and then all bets are off, mate. Then it's bloody just Stuart Copeland and his droids theme songs and such. Great callback. Thank you to the thing from a long time ago. That's right. So Woody Harrelson has also joined the Han Solo film.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Yeah, right. He'll be a mentor to Han Solo, but also kind of a criminal. That makes sense. Wig or no wig? No wig, right? Can you be, is there a lot of bald guys in the Star Wars universe? I think people would assume. There's a few.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Oh, maybe it's young Lobot. Maybe we'll see him lose his ears. Maybe that's the origin of that. That would be amazing. Wouldn't that be great? No, not really. Would it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Maybe it would be. Maybe the premise is that he's- Bobot has to crash his ears into the Death Star. Right? The noblest of sacrifices. He is this wild man, mercenary, criminal, smuggler type who teaches Han Solo everything he knows. Then he gets lobotomized
Starting point is 00:07:27 and then he loses his ears and then he's just working for Lando. Actually, there is the Lando comic. Have you read that? No. It's great. Actually, that covers how Lobot got lobotomized. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:07:38 So it's already been done. Yeah. What happened? He crashed them into the... No. The circuits took over his brain. He got injured and he's... Oh, okay, right. Yeah, it's great., no, the circuits took over his brain. He got injured and he's. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Right. Yeah. It's great. You should. His bionic ears took over his body. Yes. Wow. Well, it's not, it's, it's not, it's like a, it's a brain implant and whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And there's a fine balance between the human brain and the robot, the robot brain. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Yeah. It just keeps dragging him into like both sound system stores and stuff like that, like surround sound cinemas and things. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:09 But Woody Harrelson, it's never a bad idea to add him to anything. No, that's true. Yeah. Yeah. Who'd have thought he was a good actor? Yeah, I guess. Yeah, that's kind of, because you'd look at Cheers, wouldn't you? And you'd go like, he's good in that.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Yeah, sure. But you would never think that kind of the things that he's gone on to do. He certainly outshone Fraser, didn't he? In your phrase, Kelsey Grammar. Yeah. He's all Fraser, didn't he? In your face, Kelsey Grammer. Yeah. He's all right, isn't he? He's pretty good. He'd make a great Lobot.
Starting point is 00:08:29 No, he wouldn't. His head's too wide. Next. Yes. Wait, who do we think he's going to play? Oh, I don't think he's anyone. I think it's a new character. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Okay. Yeah. There's a whole bunch of characters that could play from, there's a Han Solo prequel trilogy novels, which are really good, but they don't count. In canon? Yeah, they're out of continuity. They don't count for shit, man. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:08:48 But they're great. So there's a few kind of mentors, a few people he kind of runs into. Okay. None of them look like Woody Harrelson, though, from the descriptions. So, yeah. All right. There's a Logan synopsis, Mason. I feel like the trailer's going to be imminent very soon.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Because they did this thing where they, if you signed up on the Logan website, they physically sent you a frame of the trailer's going to be imminent very soon. Because they did this thing where they, if you signed up on the Logan website, they sent you a, like physically sent you a frame of the trailer, and they sent out like 1,800 of them or whatever to fans. Yeah, so they're starting to pop up. So I think in the next few days to a week, we'll probably see that Logan trailer. But there's a synopsis.
Starting point is 00:09:18 There's 1,800 frames. Something like that. I couldn't tell you exactly. I'm not an expert on that thing that I read and forgotten, have forgotten. It's just one number. You just have to remember one number. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:09:30 In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X in a hideout on the Mexican border, but Logan's attempt to hide from the world and his legacy are upended when a young mutant arrives, being pursued by dark forces. And does it say underneath that ador i know right yeah i mean i guess they're keeping things pretty close to the chest aren't they but there's there's nothing wrong with any of that but yeah there's no there's no new information surprise there at
Starting point is 00:09:57 all yeah i still i still want to know what's going on with where all the mutants where they are that's true it doesn't say that and it And it does also kind of confirm that Professor X is an hallucination of some sort. Yes. Yeah. We assume. We assume. We're assuming this press release isn't all lies, which it might be. Well, that's right.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Well, speaking of all lies, Mason. Because you'd think that'd be... I said, speaking of... No, no, no, no. You'd let me finish. Like, if he is an hallucination, the press release would add in some ambiguity. Yeah, sure. But that's to assume that it's a well-written press release and maybe it isn't.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Well, the audio just kicked in on this. Oh, yeah. We're finally recording. I don't know how that... Did you tilt your head? No, I didn't. That's weird. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:38 We should be fine. Yeah. Look, in listening back to this recording, it's a bit jarring. If you want to adjust, if you want to ease the listeners in by throwing in the Defenders of the Earth thing, just in the middle there, as you often do, just put it in and then we adjust the audio. Can do.
Starting point is 00:10:54 All right. What else we got, Mason? Mason, there was another rumor while we were on break in that air vent. When you say on break, do you mean just then when the audio stuffed up? We were like, what happened? For the listeners, that would have been incredibly seamless for us.
Starting point is 00:11:09 It was like, we forgot how to do this. I knew it. We forgot how to do it. Forgot how to just press record and it would just work. It's bullshit. There was rumors. There was a Deadpool rumor that he would be appearing in Logan. It was a hot scoop, the hottest scoop on the web.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And then immediately James Mangold came out and said, that's horseshit and I don't like to comment on stuff, but you don't want people... You don't like to comment on stuff. I guess the way he justified it was, you don't want people going and thinking it's going to be there and then be disappointed that he's not. He doesn't seem to, judging from that trailer,
Starting point is 00:11:43 what he's going to turn up at the credits and go, or whatever he... Look at my balls! That's his thing, isn't seem to, judging from that trailer, what he's going to turn up at the credits and go, well, whatever. Look at my balls. That's his thing, isn't it? Isn't it though? Yeah. Do you know what I'm saying? I do know exactly what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yeah. Yeah. So that's the way I see it anyway. But you know, any thoughts on that? Yeah. He wouldn't fit with the tone. Yeah. I don't understand. Nah, no good.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah. Don't like it. I just don't understand. No, you don't understand generally, do you? Yeah. I'm still not convinced that this sound is good. We're pressing ahead. Okay, great. I'll fix it in post or leave it. I just don't understand things and words. No, you don't understand generally, do you? Yeah. I'm still not convinced that this sound is good. We're pressing ahead. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I'll fix it in post or leave it. David Goya used to write The Green Lantern Corpse with Justin Rhodes. Core, sorry. With Justin Rhodes. No, no, no. Maybe it's Green Lantern Corpse. Could be, yeah. The Green Lantern Ring is searching out the most fearless being on the planet
Starting point is 00:12:24 to wield the Green Lantern Ring. Turns out it's fearless being on the planet To wield the Green Lantern ring Turns out it's a dead guy You don't fear nothing Great stuff I said for now we feel that we're introducing enough characters That the best possible place could be to put Green Lantern in Is an introduction in Justice League 2 Or barring that a movie after
Starting point is 00:12:40 So that's how that's happening Maybe don't bank everything on a solo movie for Green Lantern Maybe that's the way to do it well we've also confirmed that it's going to be uh not how jordan what's his name carl reiner john stewart john stewart very good so that's one of the the one of the corpses that will be saying yeah great that's pretty exciting uh i think initially that was going to be 2020 he's crusher deathwise architect desk oh he's an architect. Yes, he is. So he can make better stuff, can't he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Like he could make a really complex windmill. Sure. Yeah. He could make a bungalow. Sure. Very handy in a fight. Yeah. Two-bedroom condominium.
Starting point is 00:13:19 He could build that and then bloody crush Mongol with it. Right. Right his dumb head. David Goya, though, what do you think about that? Now, he's the Dark Knight. He did Dark Knight, Man of Steel, Blade Trinity. Inception? Is it a lot of Nolan stuff?
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yeah, mostly the Nolan Batman stuff. Okay, yeah. But, yeah. That's interesting. I thought he was kind of done. That Warner Brothers were moving away from him. Because if you want dark and gritty, that's who you get, apparently. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:13:47 You get your bloody David Goyer. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe they were just resting him for a bit. Yeah, that's true. Maybe he needs to retire to his sarcophagus. His bungalow. His bungalow, exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Yeah. I'm just going to check David Goyer real quick. Sure. Batman Vs. Dark Knight, Man of Steel, Batman v Superman. Yeah. Creator of the TV series Constantine, an episode I got halfway, first episode I got halfway through. Did you get up to the bit where he lit his fists on fire?
Starting point is 00:14:15 No. Didn't even get that far. No. No, absolutely not. He wrote 2012's Devil Dolls. Didn't say that. No, no. Did the screenplay for ghost rider 2 spirit of vengeance
Starting point is 00:14:26 a genuine classic you love that one i do yeah yeah yeah yeah you're gonna wrote the screenplay for jumper so let's say a mixed bag yeah it's a mixed bag right i mean more hits than misses lately i would say let's let's let's call it that but it's interesting they've gone with you know his most recent stuff is the you know i guess is the dark knight stuff yeah. His most recent well-regarded stuff is the Dark Knight, Nolan Boy stuff. And they're going to go from Bale having trouble, you know, leaping across the rooftops to interstellar bloody space cops. And he was also, a lot of comic book fans hate him because he said the only reason She-Hulk exists is for someone, for the Hulk to have sex with. It's his cousin, man. They're the cousins, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:01 for someone for the Hulk to have sex with. It's his cousin, man. They're the cousins, yeah. See, that's, first of all, that's weird and creepy, and second of all, that betrays an ignorance about the Marvel Universe that upsets me a great deal. I mean, not really. You okay with it? Yeah, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:15:16 It's kind of funny. You rolled with it, didn't you? Yeah, that's right. Now, that was another seamless transition. I don't know if anybody picked up on it, but the paranoia got to us again, and we had to unplug everything and plug everything back in. But now we're fine.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Golden. Do you want to know some fun David Goya facts? Yeah, I guess. Okay, now here's one you'd enjoy. Bought a car with his first paycheck for death warrant, 1990. Don't know what that is, but it sounds like Steven Seagal or bloody Charles Bronson or something. Bought a car with his first paycheck that was stolen the same night he drove it home. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Pretty good, right? Good. It's good. It's Van Damme. Oh, great. Uses several different pseudonyms, such as Cynthia Verlaine and Ricardo Festiva. For what?
Starting point is 00:15:56 Doesn't say. Maybe just... For house parties. Maybe just for checking into hotels. Hello, I'd like a room for me, Cynthia Verlaine. He's not famous enough where he needs it. Yeah. Sold his comic book collection en masse to John Dahl-Mayen,
Starting point is 00:16:12 the drummer from System of a Down. Okay. Yeah. You'd remember the drummer from System of a Down as the guy who's either wearing a suit or completely naked. There is only two modes, that guy. He's not the guy with the long beard? That's the lead singer, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:16:25 Is he got a long beard? Probably. Man, that was an era, wasn't it? I imagine. System of a Down. Alien Ant Farm. Yep. That's all.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Powerman 5000. Great. Yep. It's all the facts I have. Good. I'll look up some Powerman 5000. Well, I hope the audio cuts out again so you can look up more. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:41 More facts. Mm-hmm. All right. The Rock has also opened up about the DC Universe. He went in for a meeting, as only The Rock does, and everybody else in Hollywood. Sure. He had a very cool and strategic meeting
Starting point is 00:16:55 with the heads of DC Comics about their entire universe. As a hardcore fan of DC, to get a real sense of the tonal shifts and development coming in these future movies, has me fired up. Something we as DC fans have all been waiting for. Hope, optimism, fun. I'm excited for our future together
Starting point is 00:17:14 and you should be too. Did he point at all of us collectively? He did, that's right. Oh, that's classic The Rock. He just points at every comic book and movie fan in the world at the same time. Remember when we all had that good feeling just for a second i don't understand what happened the rock pointed at us and he was like it's gonna be great for you did you see that justice league
Starting point is 00:17:34 image that they released yes i did did you notice megatron's crotch is sorry cyborg's crotch looks like megatron's face uh now i can't unsee that. Great. Fantastic. So, yeah. What do you think of that image? It's the sort of the police line-up kind of situation. Yeah, yeah. Still missing some people, right? Superman. I mean, Superman's not in it.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Green Lantern. And the seventh member, whoever the seventh member is. Oh, because there's only five, isn't there? Are they giving up this Unite the Seven thing? Well, people aren't really sure what that even meant because it was never confirmed. Is it the Seven Seas? Is it the Justice the justice league why would it be the seven seas because batman superman had aquaman briefly uh-huh yeah remember he flew towards the swum towards the camera and then he was on a webcam or something in an email you remember yeah it was a good movie wasn't it
Starting point is 00:18:20 that's going to be the overarching dc plot is Aquaman uniting the seven seas. Or it's just him hanging out and bringing together the undersea kingdoms. Are you excited for Justice League though? Yes. I mean, despite everything. Uh-huh. Or am I putting on a brave face? Who's to say? Who's to say, Mason?
Starting point is 00:18:39 Well, we're going to, look, we'll talk a bit more about Justice League in a bit because this is our 2017 of what's coming up. What's coming up? That's the episode. Great. Peter Dinklage, though, is in early talks for the Avengers Infinity War. Yep. I threw it out there on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Who do people think the dink is going to... What rhymes with that? Think the dink. Hey, everybody, just hashtag think the dink and get back to us. About... What you think the dink. What you think the dink and get back to us about what you think the dink what you think the dink that's all you need date data says or data says the watcher yeah yeah imagine like as a gianted up watcher yes and make him real big well they just use forced perspective
Starting point is 00:19:18 or perspective other people say modok including mail order kidney they said that uh-huh is he is modok an invent avengers infinity war villain though i wouldn't say so no yeah because he's more uh he's more an aim he's a creation of aim which in this universe is guy pierce is largely an effectual army of men who can explode and then bring themselves back together or something yeah and tony stark's already solved that problem he certainly has has. But I mean, they did. Modok doesn't necessarily have to be attached to anything. No.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Uh, it's interesting though, cause he was all also, he was ball of a trust. Yes, he was in X-Men something, something, one of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Uh, troll metal underscore troll says, uh, Pip the troll. Sorry. His name is the troll and his Twitter handle is metal troll. It doesn't matter. It's one of those things that I said.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Look, he's mad for trolls though. I'll give you that. He certainly is. Adam Neeson says Howard the Duck. Voice of Howard the Duck. I guess. But they already got kind of set. Seth Green did it.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah, right. Anyway. And he did some voice work for Destiny and people hated that. That's right. He was an incredibly bored AI robot of some sort. But was that the character? He was like, you're in great danger. Look out.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Just across the ridge. The whole world is blowing up or something. I don't care. Yep, just sign there. Yep, that's fine. Thank you. Yeah, okay. Tearing off the check out the door.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Elf with a gun, Thomas Athens. Sure. The great Howard the Dog villain. One of your favorites. Yep. Great. Yeah. I would say The Watcher if I had to.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Or some kind of weird interstellar kind of. Or Stiltman. Or Stiltman. I'm sure somebody threw up Stiltman. Yeah. Good stuff. I feel kind of bad because like all those suggestions sort of. They relate to his heart.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. Tom Hardy has opened up about still waiting for the call for the Mad Max sequel. Okay, sure. I nearly said the Max Steel sequel. That's not happening. You familiar with Max Steel from last year? It was a superhero movie.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It was a toy in the 90s. Based on a toy line, yeah. But it's not really similar in any way. Okay. And it did zero business. Great. Who was in it? Nobody.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Great. I think it might be one of those ones where you're like, why is Jeremy Irons in this? But it's not Jeremy Irons. You know what I mean? Like someone like that. Well, because his name is Irons oh that's why they just put actors in that's why it didn't work they just put a random assortment of actors in who have metal
Starting point is 00:21:31 sounding names i can't think of it i can't think of another one i thought that'd go somewhere but hey man we've been on holiday yeah what do you want yep uh mr copper art that's a very specific joke for Australians of a very specific age yes it is but no it's interesting that well according to him there's nothing
Starting point is 00:21:51 kind of going on with the Mad Max films since the last one took like 15 years to make right yeah and there was floods and casting changes
Starting point is 00:21:58 and it was a miracle that it worked out yeah yeah and it turned out really really well but hey whatever man whatever's happening there
Starting point is 00:22:04 also last bit of news wait so he broke his silence But hey, whatever, man. Whatever's happening there. Also, last bit of news. Wait, so he broke his silence to say that he doesn't know what's happening? Yeah, which I don't believe. Thanks, Tom Hardy. Yeah, you're a bloody gem. The Uncharted script for the Uncharted movie, it's ready to go. Joe Carnahan posted a picture, and he says,
Starting point is 00:22:24 if there's a more monstrously cool action script in Hollywood right now, I want to read it because this thing is a beast. And then he pointed to everybody, but nobody felt it. And he crushed a monster energy drink can on his head. Yeah. What do you think about that? He did some hot laps. And he thought. In a Monaro.
Starting point is 00:22:40 He thoughts on the Uncharted movie that I guess is happening? It's not going to be any good. History dictates that. Correct. Yeah. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Know your risks. Visit Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's Mason, it's 2017! Can you believe it? Where are the hoverboards?
Starting point is 00:23:43 I'm that dickhead! What is the technology of 2017? Can you believe it? Where are the hoverboards? I'm that dickhead. What is the technology of 2017, I wonder? Sci-fi technology. I was going to say Vine, but that's done, isn't it? No, I meant in sci-fi. Not for real. Oh. I meant in sci-fi universes.
Starting point is 00:23:55 It's not a year that you pick for a future movie, is it? No, look, all the replicants are active now. That's true. Because I think they were all born in 2016. So they're all out there causing mayhem. Great. This is the year for injecting human blood of young people into yourself to remain young. There are some billionaires doing that currently.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Is that this year? Oh, that's great. Yeah, right? I'm really excited for that. Yeah. Okay, so what I got here, the Hollywood Reporter, they've got an article and it says, these are the hot films hitting theatres in the next 12 months. All right, we'll see about this, Hollywood Reporter. And added some other ones to see what are the hot, hot films.
Starting point is 00:24:29 So we're going to go January to December, talk about each one briefly, maybe make some predictions, maybe just not, just whatever happens. Just gloss over it if we can't think of anything to say. Yeah, great. Look up some because we don't know what it is. Yeah, sounds great. Yeah. One of them will be based on a board game or something or an abstract concept it's sleep the movie all right rihanna's being
Starting point is 00:24:51 a bit drowsy the character of being a bit drowsy is it animated no it's live action oh great okay anyway hot films too hot so the first hot. These films will be so hot. So the first one this week, we're going to be seeing this. I've booked us in. Oh, yeah, we have. You weren't happy about it? We've got two weeks of real winners. And this, because you sent me, because we occasionally get sent like advance tickets to things.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And you texted me two movies we're seeing. By the way, it's like three hours before the midnight screening as well. Yeah, right, exactly. And I looked at my work schedule and I'm like, oh man, I can make it to both of these. I was kind of sad. So the first one is XXX, The Return of Xander Cage, which Ice Cube is in.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I saw recently there's a TV spot he's back and they were like, the XXXs look after each other. Yeah, nice. Or do they? Because the original had Vin Diesel as Triple X, and then they were like, for the sequel, they're like, we need a new Triple X. Because Vin Diesel doesn't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Tougher, stronger, cooler, fatter a bit. A bit fatter. They got Ice Cube, and now he's back. And they both probably did a good job. I haven't seen them. I remember when the first Triple X came out, and I read a review, and it was like, this is the James Bond for the modern era.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Snowboarding. Kickflips. You're wearing a shirt, but it doesn't have any sleeves on it. That's right. Have you ripped the sleeves off? It didn't come like that. The sleeves have already been ripped off. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:26:18 Because that's kind of like being a weird poser if you've already had the sleeves ripped off. It is a bit that way, isn't it? Do you have any interest in this? You know what? When that first trailer came out I'm like, this is awful. Oh, that bit's cool. Oh, that's awful. Oh, that bit's cool. So, maybe it's going to be this rollercoaster ride of me just going,
Starting point is 00:26:36 boo! Oh, yay! I don't know. But I don't think it, like, it's marketed as the kind of next Fast and Furious sort of, I guess. But I don't see it's marketed as the kind of next Fast and Furious sort of, I guess. But I don't see this being good on any level other than this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen and it's funny. Yeah, right. But I think that's how they've made it and how they've marketed it.
Starting point is 00:26:57 The era of extreme things is done, I feel. It's well done. It's been done for years. People are injecting blood of the youth into them or something. That's right. That's the new skateboarding down a hill, if you ask me. Interestingly, though, I've got some of these. I've got a little game we can play, Mason.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Oh, yes. It's called Same Day, What's the Play? What Will People Pay For? I actually wrote that down. I thought it was very clever. But it's because other movies come out the same day. Are you trying to write one of your famous raps? I don't know what out your famous raps I wrote that the middle of the night oh yeah this will be great it's not great anyway yeah because the founder comes out on the same day the
Starting point is 00:27:36 young McDonald's origin story movie that I don't America already yeah because I released it early for Oscar season or whatever so it'll get some noms mate some nom noms speaking of mcdonald's love to get my nom noms so same day mason what's the play what will people pay for which will do better oh so the michael keaton mcdonald's biopic yes or triple x3 that's gonna say state of union that's not what this one's called. I don't know what it's called. The Return of Xander Cage. I'm going to say more money's going to go to Triple X.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I think you're right. Yeah, probably. Yeah. But then again, it's hard to say because Vin Diesel does the Witch Hunter movies and nobody sees them. And I think the Fast and the Furious movies are inherently relatable because most people drive cars and there are plenty of people who hot up their cars and bloody hoon about in them. But how many people are spies? Barely anyone.
Starting point is 00:28:29 So few. I can't even think of three. Yeah. Great. But there is that point in The Founder where Michael Keaton like paraglides into a volcano. So that's how he gets the secret sauce.
Starting point is 00:28:39 They left that in. That's interesting. Yeah, right? Next week we've got another one we're gonna say apparently Resident Evil the final chapter might be the final chapter no this is the only video game movie of 2017 Wow I know right that really it's like they knew ahead of time that this was a terrible idea right but there's a
Starting point is 00:28:59 whole bunch coming 2018-19 you got uncharted and great whatever I'm sure there's a just cause movie I don't know I don't know what do you think? there might be a new Wizard The Wizard where they what are they unveiling?
Starting point is 00:29:10 they launched the Nintendo Switch yeah but they could bust it out in a week it's fine but the appeal of The Wizard was they released a Mario game
Starting point is 00:29:17 without people knowing Mario 3 yeah and we know that that weird Mario game is coming out which reminds me our buddies over at
Starting point is 00:29:24 Filthy Casuals, the podcast about video games, over the holiday break, they did an episode on all the Mario games from like 85 to 95. Oh, listen to that. It's good fun. When I was at the beach.
Starting point is 00:29:34 It was great. Yeah, I burnt through a lot of those episodes. Which one was your favourite? I liked that one a lot. No, I mean of the Mario games. I don't care what episodes. I liked Super Mario World on Super Nintendo. Same. Because I got a copy of it not that long ago. Do you remember when I was house-sitting of the Mario games. I don't care what episodes. I like Super Mario World on Super Nintendo.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Same. Because I got a copy of it not that long ago. Do you remember when I was house sitting and you would come around and I would play Super Mario World and then you'd bet me and I'd die
Starting point is 00:29:51 and then I'd die and then I had to buy you food. You probably don't remember that. I don't remember that at all. My wallet remembers Mason. Oh, I bet. Yeah. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:29:59 He's a Mario 3 guy but Mario World's great as well. Yeah, they're all good. Some are obviously not. No, they're all pretty good, aren't they? Even the bad ones are generally pretty solid. They're not really bad ones. The bad ones are the ones they farm out.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yes. Yeah. Like, the core Mario games generally very good. Are you going to buy a Switch, though? Well, you know, I was thinking about it, but then I looked at the launch line up and went, nope. It's no good, right? I'm not doing that.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Like if it came with a Mario or like, I've never been a Zelda guy. I don't even know what he's up to in his green little outfit. Ah, classic Zelda. What adventures is the green clad boy adventurer Zelda getting up to? Who knows? And that looks good, but also it's a last gen game being made. And so that was, I looked at that and went, that looks cool. But then I looked at some of the stuff on the Filthy Casuals Twitter page
Starting point is 00:30:51 and they're playing some weird balancing game. And I'm like, I don't know what that is. And they didn't know what it was. So anyway, you should check out Filthy Casuals. They talk about it more because they went to an expo. They did, yeah. And got to play it. So that'll be up this Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Check it out. Anyway, Resident Evil, the final chapter. Fuck off. February. No, wait. What might be good in that trailer the trailer looks good at that when he fights the giant bat at the stats right okay which is straight out of Resident Evil 5 yes you fight a giant bat monster in that yeah yeah there's always one good bit in the movies and that's why you think people have a fond memory for those movies because there's one cool bit in each one we've talked about before Februarybruary yep john wick too yeah same day though what's the play what this is it whatever i said
Starting point is 00:31:30 yes the 50 shades dark is coming out the same day as john wick too who's to play play play and stay shades of gray same day what's the play what will people pay shades of gray you think so? No. Really? The last one made a lot of money. Oh, okay. You're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Nobody. Look, ultimately, nobody cares about John Wick except for a hardcore team. Well, John Wick did well. Yeah. Yeah. It was a surprise hit. Yeah. So I think.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Do you think somebody's going to kill his new dog? I hope not. Two dogs in a row. Mm-hmm. No. Unlikely. But no, you weren't a massive fan of John Wick, though, were you? You were like, this is so useful. No, initially, I wasn't because I saw a cam version and I'm like, I can't get into this. No, unlikely. But no, you weren't a massive fan of John Wick though, were you? No, initially I wasn't because I saw a cam version and I'm like, I can't get into this.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Okay, right. And then I've since seen a better version and it's real solid. Okay, great. That's really cool. Well, hopefully you'll pay for this one, Mason. Yeah, it's the same directors? I believe so. Okay, right. And same John Wick.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Same John Wick. Yep. Different dog, different day, baby. Lego Batman movie in February, which isn't coming out here till late March. So we probably won't talk about it. What is going on there? It used to be, like back in the 90s, they would release a movie in America and then six months would pass.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Six months to a year. And then we would get it for some reason. We got Star Wars in 1994. Right? Yeah. And then the timelines shifted and we we now we get stuff like a day ahead of time yeah it's stretching out again well the funny thing is because there was an artist what i'm just going to steal it off the internet there's articles though
Starting point is 00:32:55 that like that that go back to the lego movie where one of the guys associated with it says we lost a lot of money on the lego movie six to eight million because Australians pirated it because they delayed it yeah and the same thing is happening here they're delaying it's the line up with school holidays I'm sure yeah village cinemas do the distribution probably I don't know how it all works but it's a bad move man yeah especially because it's the same day as the Great Wall potentially yeah or is it I think they're the same day and also if you just release it at the Lego like the Lego movies make a lot of money. Just release it the same day and it will stay in cinemas up until school holidays. Absolutely it will.
Starting point is 00:33:33 The kids will maybe watch it once during the school term and then watch it another 10 times. Also, it's the kind of movie where men, arguably, like me and you will go see it. Like us, manly men. Manly men would go see as well. So, yeah, I know it's a bit of a shame, but anyway, whatever. March. Oh, Great Wall. Matt Damon fights for the Chinese.
Starting point is 00:33:54 What's next? Pete Smith is Mr. Copper Art's real name. Yes, it is. He was on the Mick Molloy show. No, sorry. Degeneration Late Show. Yes. What was the radio show they did? Martin Molloy show. No, sorry. Degenerating Light Show. Yes. What was the radio show they did?
Starting point is 00:34:06 Martin Molloy. Yeah, loved it. March, we've got Logan. Yeah, great. Same day, all that. Transporting 2. Sorry, The Wall is this day as well. Sorry, The Wall opens with Logan.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Transporting 2. Skull Kong Island. I think these are US dates as well. Do you mean Kong Skull Island? What did I say? Carl Skong Lyland? Yes, you said those, yeah. Have you ever considered, I feel I'm losing all my words.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah, probably. Like when I do this, I'm like, what's the name of that guy? He played Han Solo in the Star Wars movies. What's his name? Is he cranky? I don't know. Oh, cranko. It's all disappearing. And I think I'm going to go to the doctor in six months and they're gonna be like
Starting point is 00:34:47 yeah your brain's pretty much dissolved yeah there's a beehive in your head i mean but i mean how are you to know it's not like your symptoms were being recorded on an audio media for people to listen to yeah people could have reached out and told you obviously if they knew that yeah but there was no way of knowing let's was no way of knowing. Let's start with Logan. Obviously looks great. How's your Professor X impersonation? Does he have a recognizable? I want to see if you can do one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I've been working on mine as well. Oh, I see. I see your little trick. I'm going to bust out mine. I should have worded you up. So this is a fair competition because I'm going to crush this. Logan. Logan. You are good. You are very good. It's going to crush this. Logan. Logan.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Ah! You are good. You are very good. It's fun to do though. It's fun, you're right. Logan. Logan. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Good, right? I've refined it a little since you ambushed me with it. Send us your best Logan impression on Twitter. You can record a video on Twitter, right? Absolutely, you can. Logan.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Logan. You can do it low. Logan. right? Absolutely, you can. Logan. Logan. You can do it low. Logan. That's not as good. Looks great. We'll talk about it when it comes out, I guess. Trainspotting 2. Very excited.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You're very excited. I'm largely indifferent, but all right. Because of the weird, creepy, grimy Scottish universe? Not even. Yeah? I don't know. I don't think it's going to hit as- You win.
Starting point is 00:36:03 You can do it with anybody. Yeah, right? Do you think it's going to hit as hard. You win. You can do it with anybody. Yeah, right? Do you think it's going to hit as hard as the original? No, it can't. Yeah, right? Because even from the trailer, it's like, choose Facebook. Choose posting all your Instagrams. Yeah, choose taking a photo of your lunch.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Choose, yeah. Choose injecting the blood of the youth into your eyeballs. Choose working at this cushy startup or working at this cushy startup. Yeah, no, I don't think it cares. I think for me it's going to be interesting to see those characters 20 years on. Right, uh-huh. Because I know Renton spent 20 years getting fit. Learning karate.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah, and that's his new addiction. Yeah. Because he's kicked heroin, so that's how. But, you know, all his friends are kind of dragged back into his life and the guy from the bad version of Sherlock, which is apparently
Starting point is 00:36:49 might be good now. I don't, I don't remember. What's it called? The American. Ah, Elementary. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:54 with Lucy Lewis. I watched some episodes of that and I enjoyed it, but I got a bit samey. Yeah. But that's every procedural in the universe. You know it is, Mason.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Have you watched, I watched the first, we should, I should save this for our famous segment, what we're going to read. But we've been away so long, I've been reading and going to read a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:37:09 I bet you have. So I watched the first two episodes of the new Sherlock. Yes. Let's do it next week with Resident Evil after the third one comes out. What do you think? Oh, okay, right. Oh, yeah, a bit of a fun summary.
Starting point is 00:37:19 A bit of a fun summary. A funnery. Look, they're fine, but kind of dumb. Yes. I nearly said it wrong yes skull island yes that looks great initially i'm like this will be bad why are they doing a king kong prequel but every person they've added the director every bit of footage i've seen trailer looks great i'm well into it i don't know if it's going to make any money though yeah we've been burned by k Kong too many times in the past,
Starting point is 00:37:45 within recent memory. Yeah. I don't think people are coming back to it. I think this will do well, but I think of all these, Logan will crush all of them. Trainspotting will make
Starting point is 00:37:53 decent money for what it is. But yeah, no, I think, I think Skyline will do all right. Anyway, this one will be huge. Beauty and the Beast. No.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Are you serious? It's got this, Beauty and the Beast is going to be one of the biggest movies of the year. I'm going to say top five. Wow. Beauty and the Beast. No. Are you serious? Beauty and the Beast is going to be one of the biggest movies of the year. I'm going to say top five. Wow, okay. Box office. Unless it's god awful.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I'm going to say it's probably going to be god awful. It could very well be, yeah. Because people, look, I don't know anything. Again, Beauty and the Beast is a movie I haven't seen. Sure.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And I'm not going to see this one. Yep. But I've seen people on the internet just going, oh, this character doesn't look anything like the character in the cartoon. This character doesn't. This set is different. This looks awful.
Starting point is 00:38:31 These character designs look awful. Why didn't you get Hugh Jackman for Gaston? Exactly. Who played him very famously. No. What? Gaston's the big muscular guy. The clock.
Starting point is 00:38:40 No, that's Cogsworth. The candelabra. That's Lumiere. The beauty. That's Lumiere. The Beauty. That's Emma Watson. Are you saying he's not a beauty? I would never say that. You're saying he's not one of Australia's great beauties?
Starting point is 00:38:54 He is Australia's greatest beauty. Thank you. Yeah. Look, I'm not excited for this, but I know what you mean. Because a lot of people I know who love Beauty and the Beast are like, this looks not good for me to enjoy. I think you can get away with it more with the Jungle Book, because the first Jungle Book movie is kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Like, people remember it well, but it's not great. But Beauty and the Beast is a classic. It was nominated. I think it was nominated for an Academy Award, like for the best picture or something. And that's, Beauty and the Beast, the cartoon's a musical, right? Yes. Is this a musical? Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Is it going to be the same songs? Yes, a lot of them, yeah. Huh. Yeah. I don't think it's going to do well at all. Well, I don't think it's going to be received well. Okay. There's no way people are going to go, oh, this is better than the original.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Even if it is, even if it is technically better than the original, people have their rose-colored nostalgia glasses on and they'll be like, well, it's not a purchase of the original, is it? Okay. I'm going to say top five highest grossing of the year. All right. You know what? That's a mistake.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I'm going to say bottom five lowest grossing of the year. I'm going to say it's going to make four figures at the box office. You know what? I'm rethinking this top five, but I'm in it, aren't I? Yep. We're here for the laughs, aren't we, Mason? Yeah, that's right. And we're also here for the Power Rangers movie.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Actually, before that, Life with Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds and Rebecca Ferguson. What is that? Just Life. Who's Rebecca Ferguson? She's Iron Man 3. No. Wait.
Starting point is 00:40:14 That's Rebecca Black. No. That's the singer of the song Friday. Yeah. Rebecca White? Hang on. Let me look this up. I don't know who Rebecca Ferguson is.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Yeah, see? Oh no. She's, you know, she is. She's in the latest Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible 5. Oh, she's the girl. Yeah, the spy. Great. Yeah, she's great in that.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Okay, cool. Yeah. What's this movie called? Life. Great. It's set on a space station and they go to Mars. Everyone's going to Mars these days and there's a virus or something. But it's got a good cast.
Starting point is 00:40:43 And I saw the trailer and I went, yeah, that's what I did. Is that what you said? Rebecca Hall. That's very profound. I'm thinking of Rebecca Hall. Yeah, you are thinking of Rebecca Hall. Yeah, great. So you saw the trailer and you went.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I think Rebecca Black's okay. Yeah. That was savage, like that response. To the song Friday. Yeah. Is that her? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I mean, it wasn't good, let's be honest, but she was like 48. yeah yeah i mean it wasn't good let's be honest but she was like 48 was that was was friday originally a song where you you sent a company lyrics and they built you a song yeah it was something like if you're rich you go and they make you a music video wouldn't help you produce something and whatever and the guy who does it is like this i don't want to say scam artist but yeah he's a scam artist and so and he just makes this garbage music for rich teens and then they get mocked mercilessly on the internet forever yeah but that's life anyway just like the movie now if you can just all imagine me i've got a whole bunch of like i got a big binder that says song lyrics and i'm stuffing it into the garbage and i'm looking
Starting point is 00:41:39 dejected now that this has been revealed that it's a scam. Power Rangers is then opening against the boss baby. What? Is it Pixar? No. DreamWorks. Probably. Independent. It's one of those.
Starting point is 00:41:53 The sausage party guys. No. What if a baby was a boss and he swore a lot? Well, the boss is Alec. What if we didn't pay our animators? The boss is Alec Baldwin. Oh. And he's a baby that either gets born into a family or is adopted
Starting point is 00:42:06 but he's secretly a boss so he's always making a phone call and whatever it looks terrible I don't know about this baby boss the boss baby is he a boss in the sense of
Starting point is 00:42:21 are they trying to bring back like a boss no it's like a Gordon Gekko boss. Oh, right. In that sense. Does he wear a little white collar and a tie? Yeah, he wears a little suit. Yeah. So, I mean, it's a great choice of voice.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Sure, right. But it does not look good in any way. And Power Rangers, that's a kids movie though. You never know with kids movies because some of them do really well inexplicably and others just disappear forever. But it's opening against Power Rangers, which by all accounts will be fine. Yep. Fine to terrible.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Any thoughts on Power Rangers? I think it's going to be good. Cranston's in it. Yeah, right. He's Zordon. He's Zordon, yeah. Yeah. I think in this version, I might be wrong, but he's a former Red Ranger.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Oh. And he's injured, and that's why he's in the tube. I like that. I think that's cool. I like a lot of things, though. Yeah, you do, don't you? So, you know, that's not indicative of anything. You think Beauty and the Beast is going to be top five.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You are crazy. I did say that, didn't I? Ghost in the Shell. Of the year. Yeah, I did say that. When is... I'm looking back at Jungle Book. I'm looking back at Cinderella.
Starting point is 00:43:23 I'm looking ahead to... These live-action Disney movies, they can go one or two ways. Bearing in mind Resident Evil, the final chapter, is coming out this year. I did forget that. And Triple X. State of Play. Yeah. Xander's back.
Starting point is 00:43:35 So at most it can be number three. Agreed. Okay, well let's see if... And Boss Baby. Baby Boss. The Boss Baby. The Boss Baby. I should check if that's actually called The Boss Baby.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Or in fact if it's real at all. No, it is. Can somebody just tweet at you and be like, Hey, The Boss Baby. The Boss Baby. I should check if that's actually called The Boss Baby. Or in fact, if it's real at all. No, it is. Can somebody just tweet at you and be like, Hey, The Boss Baby. It is called The Boss Baby. Great. It's got 4.5 on IMDB despite not being out. And Jimmy Kimmel's in it.
Starting point is 00:43:58 There's a helicopter. Do you hear that? I do hear that. I'm not talking to you. Listeners, can you hear that? I bet they can. Well, in my opinion, I can hear it. Good.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Ghost in the Shell is also out in March, whatever month. There's a lot of movies, isn't there? We're going to be doing a lot of episodes, spending a lot of money. Yeah. Ghost in the Shell. But we love it, so it's okay. Yeah, I guess so. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:44:20 I'm still looking forward to it. Me too. You know what? I recently re-watched most of the original Ghost in the Shell. Oh, did you? Yeah. Man, it's a little slow. Yeah, well, you know, it's from the 80s or 90s.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Look, I watch the dub and everybody does a good job, but that audio, like the dialogue is no good. 95, I apologize. It's no good. Oh, wow. Do you think that's a translation thing? Yeah, I mean, it's that era where they couldn't It was much harder to coordinate dialogue
Starting point is 00:44:47 With the original animation kind of thing When you look at like One Punch Man And it's just on point I've only watched its subtitle But everything works with that Yeah, it's such weird stilted dialogue I don't know if it's a translation issue or what Or it's just all the characters are weird issues
Starting point is 00:45:04 I get it, you hate the animation I get it, yep I understand It's just weird all the characters are weird issue i get it you hate the animation yeah i get it yep i had to understand it's just weird weird tones of voice it's upsetting yeah i think uh the success of ghost in the shell is going to see we're going to like on the back of that we'll if it does well we'll get a whole lot of these porco rosso others dominion tank police dragon ball z or cyber City Oedo 808. These are just ones I remember from the 90s. They were very good. None of them I've heard of.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Great stuff. April, The Fate of the Furious. That's going to be top five for the year, surely, right? Yeah. That'll make a billion dollars easy. What do you think? Yeah, good. It's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Isn't it? The week after, or some point during that month also, I didn't write specific dates. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. My fear of this is, Mason, scary monsters. Yeah, they're very scary. But also that it's just going to be more of the same. Yeah, true.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Yeah. Somebody on Twitter, and I don't have their name right here, and I'm not going to look it up, said, do you think we're going to see, what movie do you think we're going to see the final Infinity Gem in? Yeah, I said that. Yeah, go on. Did you say that?
Starting point is 00:46:12 No. Okay. Excellent question. Do you think it's going to be Guardians 2, or do you think it's going to be something else? There's no Infinity Gems in Guardians 2, apparently. Captain Marvel? When's that coming out?
Starting point is 00:46:22 I think after Avengers. Oh, then it's... Then it'll be Avengers, right? Yeah. Maybe the final gem is in Infinity War part one. Yeah, I think so. Maybe the opening scene.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Maybe the closing scene. Unlikely though. Unless, well, there's going to be two Infinity... Oh no, because there was Infinity War part one and two but now it's just Infinity War
Starting point is 00:46:37 and we don't know what the second one is. So they're playing their cards pretty close to their chest or something. Finite War is the sequel. Just them scratching their heads.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Boy, this wound up kind of quick, didn't it? It's funny, though. You say that. I do. And you make a joke. I do make a joke. Like, Age of Ultron wasn't an Age of Ultron. No, not at all.
Starting point is 00:46:58 It was a couple of days. It could have been nine hours. It could have been. Yeah, exactly. It could have been the Con the Fruiter of Ultron. The Age of Con the Fruiter. just a couple of days there's another reference and civil war if somebody look i don't often make requests but if somebody could make an age of con the fruiterer uh uh photoshop that would be great and he has to be saying couple
Starting point is 00:47:20 of days yeah uh but then civil war which i loved the avengers have to the avengers have to team up once again to defeat con the fruiterer and tula mula sula ruler and agape all the stereotypes that's right uh but what was i gonna say yeah i don't know i've lost the thread civil war yes wasn't a civil war no it was like six or eight people punching each other. They're just taking the names. Yeah, they're taking the names. And yeah. So who knows, mate?
Starting point is 00:47:49 Yeah. What do you think of Civil War 2, the comic book? Flat. Real flat. I've heard nothing but bad things. No, look, I don't think you can say it's like flat out terrible. I didn't say that. Bloody, bloody, you're putting words in my mouth, mate.
Starting point is 00:48:03 But the interesting thing is, no, it's's an interesting concept but also marvel sales are dipping dramatically and dcs are on the rise and there's kind of like people and when i look at when i and when i heard that i went through my comics list and it's mostly dc and image huh this is the occasional marvel like the vision family one's great that it is but most of it i'm kind of steering away from and i don't it's not intentional yeah but why do you think this is the case and also something like the vision could be set whenever yeah like like the entire rest of the marvel continuity could disappear and you could still have the vision but with this civil war especially it's all tie-ins yeah you have if you want to read civil war you have to read everything and i think that's kind of
Starting point is 00:48:43 all tie-ins yeah you have if you want to read civil war you have to read everything and i think that's kind of that's what's killed a lot of stuff in the past absolutely the spider-man clone saga yeah like that made me quit reading comics for like 10 years you've never been back you don't like to admit it lost my ability to read and because it went for like three years and you had to read every single spider-man comic that existed in order to get and then yeah and it was at the time when there were like four or five Spider-Man books. Yeah. And I feel this is the same where it's like, okay, if you want to understand, it'll, you know, you'll, it'll,
Starting point is 00:49:09 if you want to know what happened to Iron Man in between Iron Man issue 15 and 16, you have to go and read all the Civil War books to find out what was happening. Otherwise you have no idea. Done. And also from what I, from what I can tell that the,
Starting point is 00:49:24 the Marvel timeline while while Civil War 2 has been happening, all the other books are continuing. So, like, in the new Iron Man series with the new character, Rira Williams, like, she's had several issues where she's been like, well, the Civil War is over and here's me being the new Iron Man kind of thing. But Civil War, the limited series is still happening, so we don't really know what happened. And Captain America is a secret HYDRA agent, but he's also in Civil War kind of. It's very... Look, to be fair, I read the main story
Starting point is 00:49:58 and I didn't read any of the outside stuff, but I wasn't confused. I was just like, I just don't care about any of this. No, fair enough. Which is a shame because I think it really did start well, but it's just whatever, you know? Anyway. What are we talking about?
Starting point is 00:50:14 May. May. Same day, Mason. What's the play? What will people pay for? King Arthur, Legend of the Sword. No. Or Snatched.
Starting point is 00:50:24 What? It's Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn go to Mexico or something. Boy, that's a real Sophie's Choice of movies that I'm not going to watch. What's the King Arthur one? Guy Ritchie's King Arthur. Oh. Lads Ladding About. Ladding About.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Hat's Time. Having a Mead. Pulling a sword out of a stone and have then drinking a pint that's right yeah having a pint and a laugh yeah i'll probably watch that well we yeah i guess we will yeah we watched the last one he did didn't we oh yeah whatever that one was was bland it was wasn't it what was it uh the spy one oh yeah man yeah okay munkle that's what we called it yeah did we yeah anyway but i think snatched has the potential to do better isn't it weird that there's a guy richie
Starting point is 00:51:10 movie coming out and another movie called snatched and this isn't a guy richie movie that's right i think that would be the sequel or the prequel well actually the snatch tv series uh apparently the trailer just came out but i remember i watched the lock stock series and i'm like this is the same as the movie a whole lot of random shit happens and everyone's in trouble but then the bad guy accidentally falls off a bridge it's exactly like drops a gun off a mantelpiece and shoots himself through the face and then everything unravels and then the good guys get away scot-free but also they have no money that's exactly it's it's night it's always an hour of them going like, oh, we're going to get all this money. And then they have a crazy scheme and then it all falls to bits.
Starting point is 00:51:51 And at the end, they have no money, but everybody else is dead. That's right. That's every... It was good the first... Bring back the old Guy Ritchie stuff, I say. It was good the first time, wasn't it? Yeah, right. I remember really enjoying Lockstock.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Yeah, me too. That month, we also have Alien Covenant. Oh, yeah. We talked about that recently. I see it me too but and then after that we've got baywatch going up against same day uh pirates of the caribbean dead men what are they up to oh yes so they're not telling any tales i believe this time around yeah okay that's a i don't know how i don't know have you seen the baywatch trailer? Yes. It's kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Is it? Yeah. Yeah, okay. I like Zac Efron. He's good. Me too. And I like The Rock. The Rock. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:31 But no, I don't care. Really? No, I really don't. I feel it's kind of fun in the 21 Jump Street kind of way. Yeah, but that was good. How do you know? This isn't going to be good. I don't, Mason.
Starting point is 00:52:41 You're right. Top five. Yeah, we go. Do you reckon it will beat Pirates of the Caribbean? I bloody hope it does. Just teach them a lesson. I don't think it will. Stop making them.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Yeah. Yeah. I hope it does. I think. We'll see who's the real king of the seas. Indeed. Zac Efron. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Yeah. I don't know. I think people are sick of Pirates, but I say that. Yeah. But you're right. They're a pretty big franchise. But comedies you can't get a read on.
Starting point is 00:53:04 You know what I mean? Some of them, sometimes they'll do $20 million, sometimes they'll do $200 million. It's like, you just don't know. Look, I'm looking forward to Baywatch. I think it's going to be fun. Good. You're looking forward to Pirates of the Caribbean as well, right?
Starting point is 00:53:15 No, I'm not. Okay. Disagree. All right. Wonder Woman is going to be going up against Captain Underpants, the first epic movie in June. Are you familiar with Captain Underpants? I have seen the cover of the books.
Starting point is 00:53:26 And? He's a little superhero man. He's in his underpants. Just look at egg-looking fellow in a pair of jocks. Great. Getting about. I think Ed Helms is Captain Underpants, my understanding. This is animated, right?
Starting point is 00:53:38 It's not Ed Helms. I think it might be live action. No. Let me check. Surely not. I'm not sure of anything, including the thing that you just asked. Upcoming 3D computer animated family comedy film. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I wanted to see Ed Helms. Helms in his underpants. Being CGI'd into an egg-shaped looking fellow running about. Uh-huh. Great. Ed Helms might not even be in this movie. I don't see his name here. It's not the be in this movie. I don't see his name here. That's not to say that he isn't.
Starting point is 00:54:05 So basically you just had a fond wish that Ed Helms would be Captain Underpants in a live-action version of Captain Underpants. No, he is in it. Yeah, because that's right. Because the principal is the Captain Underpants. So he's a principal, but he doesn't know he's Captain Underpants. They're children's series. I thought it was a little kid.
Starting point is 00:54:23 No, because the kids then say a word or they can change the principal's Captain Underpants. The children's serious. I thought it was a little kid. No, because the kids then, you say a word, or they can change the principal into Captain Underpants, and he's not aware that he can, I don't know. That's weird. Look, man, I don't know, all right? What do you want? That principal's going to jail if you're not brave. Well, he looks like an egg, so you can't be like,
Starting point is 00:54:39 you're that egg. You can't. That's true. Try and pin down an egg, Mason. I'm not an egg. I'm a man, he would say. That's his catchphrase. You can't arrest That's true. Try and pin down an egg, Mason. I'm not an egg. I'm a man, he would say. That's his catchphrase. You can't arrest me for wearing my underpants around children.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I'm not an egg. I'm a man. The Mummy. The reboot. Yeah, right. It's coming up next. Looking forward to it. Did you see the weird Tom Cruise scream without the sound?
Starting point is 00:55:00 No. The version of the trailer or a TV spot got released. Remember the bit where the plane's crashing? Yeah, that's right. But there's no other ambient noise or sound effect except Tom Cruise screaming. Great. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:55:11 How does he sound? Would you like me to play it for you? Yes. All right, let me bring that up. Let me just hit up Can you just make a quick recommendation to for any kind of videos that you... PewDiePie.
Starting point is 00:55:21 That's right, man. He's a guy. Actually, Scott from NerdSync did a video on my channel this week. You asked me about it. It's about Batman turning his neck in the history of... that's right man he's a guy actually Scott from NerdSync did a video on my channel this week you asked me about it it's about Batman turning his neck and the history of it
Starting point is 00:55:29 it's actually really good yeah you guys should check that out I'll link it below but he talks about the history of how the Batman costume couldn't turn its neck so some
Starting point is 00:55:38 they kind of changed it in recent years but also about how often it's to the advantage of the performance but you should definitely check it out he's a good dude over at NerdSync no it's to the advantage of the performance oh but you should definitely check it out he's a good dude over at nerd sync no it's on my channel but then go to his channel because he also does excellent stuff there tom cruise scream my computer's loud enough
Starting point is 00:55:58 because i got shit speakers oh my Oh my. It's very intense. Yeah. He gives it his all. He certainly does. Next up, World War Z 2. Who cares? I didn't even know.
Starting point is 00:56:13 I mean, I knew it was coming, but I haven't heard anything about it. When did the last one come out? Like 2006? 2010, 11 maybe? A million years ago. Yeah. And massive reshoots. Did you ever see it?
Starting point is 00:56:22 Yeah, sir. It's okay. It's sort of an IMAX. Well, well, well. Look at Mr. Moneybags over here. That's right. That's not a IMAX movie. No, it really wasn't.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Yeah. Did you like the CGI piles of zombies, though? No. Didn't like any of it. Oh, really? Didn't like the weird PG nature of the whole thing. Actually, the version, the Blu-ray is R-rated. Oh, back in.
Starting point is 00:56:40 They put in a whole lot of CGI blood. Great. I thought you'd like that. I don't care. Cars 3. Did you see the trailer? No. It's weird and dark, right?
Starting point is 00:56:48 Look, it's the first Cars movie that I have any slight inkling to see. I won't say it because I do not enjoy Larry the Cable Guy on any level. But he doesn't seem to be in this one. Right. He's Mater. He's the pickup truck, right? Because in the last one, too, he gets mistaken for a spy or something, and Michael Caine's in it.
Starting point is 00:57:07 But this one's just like... Well, what kind of car is Michael Caine? Some kind of British Bentley or some shit. British race car? I don't know. He's a spy. I think he's a Bentley or some shit. Oh, yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:57:14 But this one deals with... He's probably an Aston Martin. Yeah, you're probably right. You're probably right. This one deals with, like, great personal tragedy. What if he was a mini? Like in the Italian job? No, he's not.
Starting point is 00:57:24 He's definitely not. That's good, though. Yeah. You've got some good ideas. Bring him back as his own British cousin. This one deals with great personal tragedy. What if he was a mini? Like in the Italian job? He's definitely not. That's good, though. Yeah. You've got some good ideas. Bring him back as his own British cousin who's a mini. He's like, ah, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:36 But no, this one, he has a terrible, terrible accident. I guess it's about rehab and getting your groove back. Wow. Yeah. It's real dark. See, that's the kind of Disney that I remember from my childhood. Sure. Misery It's real dark. See, that's the kind of Disney that I remember from my childhood. Sure. Misery. Just awful misery and kids learn a lesson.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Did you ever see Misery? Yes. That's a horrifying movie. Mm-hmm. For another day. Yes. You're going to burn through these, Mason. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Transformers The Last Knight is going up against Despicable Me 3. Didn't see the first two? Wish I hadn't seen all the other Transformers movies. If you could have it the other transformers movies if you could have it the other way yes where you'd only seen the despicable three despicable me movies and the minions movie or all the transformers movie despicable me really yeah okay yeah fair enough better the devil you don't know as opposed to the transformers movies you have seen as the old saying goes i know it. It's my bumper sticker.
Starting point is 00:58:25 July. Spider-Man Homecoming. He's back. Web swinging. Wall crawling. Little wingies. Gliding. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:33 All those things. Homework. Yeah. Hot aunt. Yeah. I had another one, but you distracted me with that. I feel it's a pretty universal distraction technique. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Hot Aunt May. What? Yell it in a crowded food court. It'll go silent. That's right. Yeah, good. We talked about it. It looks good.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Then it's war for the- What, is that competing against anything? No. Great. You would never put a movie up against Spider-Man. War for the planet where apes. Great. Looks good.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Then it's done. When are those astronauts going to come down? I know that it's just a nod to the originals, but when are they going to come down? I think they'll be the fourth one. Okay, good. Yeah. Or maybe the end of this one.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Yeah, great. They're like, bloody hell. This is a bit rich. I call the planet of the apes. The next, we've got Dunkirk against Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. So we've got the Christopher Nolan... Grim war movie.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Grim war movie against something that looks like it was made... I don't even know. It's nonsense. Sure, right. Nonsense or grit, Mason? Choose. Ah, nonsense. Really?
Starting point is 00:59:41 Really? Over a Christopher Nolan biopic. Is it a... No, not really. It was real though, isn't it? Yeah. It. Really? Yeah. Over a Christopher Nolan biopic. Is it a... No, not really. It was real though, isn't it? Yeah. It's a real story. I think because it's Nolan, it will do better.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah. Oh, are we determining... Yeah. Is this a box office thing? I don't know. I don't care what makes more money. What would I care? I'm not about the money, man.
Starting point is 01:00:00 I'm about the creativity and fun. Now we're going to have to go back. Yeah, we're going to have to start again. Okay, what happened in January? When I said top five what did you think I meant top five having a good time in the cinema no
Starting point is 01:00:09 that's what it's all about definitely not oh this gives a whole is Dunkirk going to make a lot of money though I reckon it'll do like interstellar money which was fine yeah it did okay
Starting point is 01:00:20 okay I think we're due for another kind of Saving Private Ryan-esque hit we haven't had a big World War II one like a big one yeah i've had that one with andrew garfield did hacksaw region was apparently very good but it didn't like set the world on fire no i mean the academy sure dark tower whatever oh yes i've heard nothing about that but i'm looking forward to that and it's going to be a tv show really start on the books you do know that the dark tower movie is set after the book's end. Oh no, I've got to
Starting point is 01:00:45 read all the books. Yeah, man. Do you think that's a weird choice? Because I'm pretty sure that's got a definitive ending that wraps up however many books are in that saga. Look, again, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Spoiler alert, given that I've never read the Dark Tower books,
Starting point is 01:01:01 but I'm pretty sure that at the end of the Dark Tower series, it goes right back to the start. Like it loops around. So technically this sequel could just be the, I don't know. It seems like an elaborate fake out. You've said some things, Mason, and I'm going to say some things now. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:01:18 August, the Emoji Movie. Boo. September, It. Remake of It? Yep. Huh, two Stephen King movies in a row Correct The Emoji Movie at ITS
Starting point is 01:01:27 Right Yeah They even called it The Emoji Movie Yeah Not even Just call it Emoji Call it
Starting point is 01:01:34 What did they think Were they confused Hang on I'm just busy Gouging my eyes out Just give me a fucking second Did they think that people thought That it would say Emoji
Starting point is 01:01:44 And nobody would go Because they would assume It's just a slideshow About emojis Or some sort of lecture About proper emojis Give me a fucking second. Did they think that people thought that it would say emoji and nobody would go because they would assume it's just a slideshow about emojis or some sort of lecture about proper emoji use? Let's be honest. It is going to be a slideshow of emojis. It's going to be like, I'm the poop emoji. Oh, look, it's the eggplant emoji.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Your parents know what that means, don't you? Poop emoji. People at work sure use this one a lot. I don't know why. Good Lord. Anyway, it. I never saw the original. Terrified a lot. I don't know why. Good lord. Anyway, it. I never saw the original. Terrified a lot of kids. Yeah, nice. Not so much the spider, more Tim Curry.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I think that still holds true to this day. Would you rather fight a giant spider or Tim Curry? But he's in his Rocky Horror Picture Show garb. Actually, I'd fight Tim Curry. I don't want to fight a giant spider. Probably fight the giant spider then. Look, if we're in a room trap with Tim Curry and a giant spider, I'll fight the giant spider.
Starting point is 01:02:27 You can fight Tim Curry. Can I have a shovel? You have to go barehanded. Okay. That's fair. All right. I can do that. I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 01:02:33 If I can knock out Tim Curry pretty quickly, I will help you with the giant spider. Okay. Cool. There? Yep. And vice versa, obviously. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Absolutely. Then we've got American Made. M-A-I-D? No. M-A-D-E. Yes. Tom, sure. Absolutely. Then we've got American made. M-A-I-D? No. M-A-D-E. Yes. Tom Cruise stars. You've mentioned this before,
Starting point is 01:02:50 I think. No, I haven't. I didn't know this existed until a few hours ago. Tom Cruise stars as real life American pilot and hustler, Barry Seal. I thought you were going to say real American pie. What's his name?
Starting point is 01:03:02 Barry Seal. Barry Seal. Yes. S-E-. Barry Seal. Yes. S-E-A-L? Yes. Who ran drugs in the 80s for a cocaine kingpin, Pablo Escobar, and was recruited by the CIA to run one of the biggest covert operations in history. And that's going up against Flatliners remake.
Starting point is 01:03:18 What is this second half of this year? Weird remake? Stephen King movies? What is this, the bloody 90s? All right. Maybe. Where's my hyper color t-shirts well October oh no Blade Runner's not the listening to some ace of base have you
Starting point is 01:03:31 ever seen Flatliners I've seen like the first like 10 minutes and I went I don't like this it's not very good no a lot of people seem to enjoy it Kiefer Sutherland's in it I want to say Julia Roberts you just want to say Julia Roberts just You just want to say Julia Roberts. I just need to say Julia Roberts. October, Blade Runner 2049.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Same day though, what's the play? What will people pay for? Not letting it go. Why wouldn't you? It rolls off the tongue, just like Julia Roberts. That's going to go up against Kingsman, The Golden Circle and My Little Pony, the movie. Kingsman and My Little Pony, the movie. Kingsman and My Little Pony, the movie.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Yes. That team up we've always wanted. That's exactly it. Great. So this is interesting because Blade Runner obviously didn't do well originally, but this movie, by all accounts, everybody seems to be excited for it, and Blade Runner is now a classic. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Kingsman was a kind of a sleeper kind of hit. Yes. A lot of good faith. Matthew Vaughn's back. I'm excited for it. And My Little Pony has kids on side and people, bronies, who love My Little Pony. Yes. So I don't know how this one's going to go.
Starting point is 01:04:34 What will you see, Mason? What was the first one again? I forgot. Blade Runner or Kingsman? I think if I could only see one, I would say Blade Runner. Yeah, me too. Because Kingsman, I really liked Kingsman, kind of done its dash. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:49 What other surprises? Like, he did all the tropes of spy movies, I feel, in a more extreme way. Yeah, yeah. So what more can it provide to us? I still think it's going to be fun. Well, you can't find out because you're picked against it. I'm picked against it. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Right, yeah. Yeah, I agree. I'd say Blade Runner. But I think, I don't know if Blade Runner will make the most money. That being said, it's got Gosling and Harrison Ford. It's on a hot streak after making a good movie, it finally took him long enough. Can't wait for Firewall 2049. Imagine what kind of firewalls they'll have in 2049.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Who even knows? It'd be in the minds, maybe. You're in a mindscape on the internet. Then in October, we also get two cinematic gems. Here we go. Friday the 13th, presumably a reboot. Did they recently do a Friday the 13th again? I feel like they did.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Wait, which one's that? It's the one with Jason. Oh, I'm thinking Freddy. Maybe. What did Rob Zombie do? What did he do Halloween? He did Halloween, yeah. Maybe they haven't
Starting point is 01:05:45 okay great reboot it is look we're not horror movie guys if you go listen to our horror movie episode we are flailing that becomes very apparent and then also we get
Starting point is 01:05:54 Saw Legacy what's that Saw 9 I don't know I understand the first something like that yeah yeah huh Jigsaw's back
Starting point is 01:06:00 baby but even though he's dead his apprentice is back yeah or a new apprentice or it's a reboot or he's jigsaw again i don't know legacy i that that implies to me sequel sequel yeah yeah i'm gonna say new i'm gonna say new antagonist i'm gonna say jigsaw yeah fair enough well it has to be because he's dead no but i mean even more so than because that he was replaced by his apprentice
Starting point is 01:06:24 at one point. Yes, he was. One of the victims went crazy. Yeah. Who survived went crazy. The one from Becca. Yeah, the one from Becca. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:31 November, Thor Ragnarok. Yeah. Against a bad mom's Christmas. No. No. What? No. Thor Ragnarok.
Starting point is 01:06:39 They weren't even that bad as moms. I didn't feel so. I saw it and it's fine. But I agree with you. They were just regular moms. They were pretty good moms in the end. Yeah. And then the week after.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Hello. Justice League. Oh. Yeah. Keeping it in the bloody back end, why don't you? Yeah. So Justice League will surely take the number one spot from Thor. Over bad moms.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Over bad moms. Well, you know, bad moms will probably do okay. Uh-huh. Because it's that counter-programming kind of thing. Yeah, exactly. So, because they could- Moms want to see a movie too. They certainly do. And hey's that counter-programming kind of thing. Yeah, exactly. Moms want to see a movie too. They certainly do. Hey, they can see Thor Ragnarok.
Starting point is 01:07:08 They probably want to see that Chris Hemsworth. Yeah. They want to see that Tom Hiddleston. I think your mic is edging away from you. There we go. They want to see that Benedict Cumberbatch
Starting point is 01:07:16 make his cameo. They want all that. I know it. Yeah. And then Murder on the Orient Express. A lot of remakes and sequels. Who do you think Poirot is going to be? Who's cast as Poirot?
Starting point is 01:07:27 I can look it up for you. Maybe they get that guy from the TV series. Sure, maybe. Maybe he's back. Cast? No, I don't want the bloody 1974 one. Why would I want that? Just delete it off the internet.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Good Lord. Gross. Directed by Kenneth Branagh. Oh, very good. Oh, Kenneth Branagh will be playing Poirot. Poirot. He doesn't look like the guy.
Starting point is 01:07:50 He doesn't look how I picture him. He's too handsome. He could hunch. Yeah, he could hunch. He could wear that, he could wear Dana Carvey's turtle suit from The Master of Disguise.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Wow. That is... Wow. Perfectly right. When you think about it. I just meant the fact that you dug and got that. That's where your mind went. Make him wear the turtle suit and then paint a tuxedo over the top
Starting point is 01:08:11 and it's Poirot. So he'd have to shave his head. He would, yeah. And then December, of course, we've got Star Wars 8, followed by Jumanji, Pitch Perfect 2, 3, sorry. And then the $6 billion man, which they're all on the same day, the week after Star sorry. And then The Six Billion Dollar Man, which is they're all on the same day. Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:27 The week after Star Wars. They're going with Billion Dollar Man. That's interesting. Well, they were going to do that, the parody one, weren't they? They were going to do like this, The Six Hundred Thousand Dollar Man. Oh, that's right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Is this still owned by, is The Six Million Dollar Man concept still owned by Jim Carrey for some reason? Oh, that's right. Yeah, maybe. But Mark Wahlberg is The Six Million Dollar Man. All these circuits are in his biceps.
Starting point is 01:08:46 I don't know how that works. Hey, I've got so many circuits. Come on, man. Six billion. He says nothing of substance. Anyway, after that, Hugh Jackman's doing a movie about the circus
Starting point is 01:09:02 a week after that. But who cares? Even though we love him, who cares? Yeah. Star Wars, that'll be massive. Probably the biggest movie of the year. Jumanji Pitch Perfect 2, $6 billion man. No, I didn't do it.
Starting point is 01:09:16 $6 billion man. Can't do it. Are you saying this cost $6 billion? What are you saying? What would you say out of the Jumanji reboot or sequel? Yes. Because apparently it plays homage to Robin Williams. No.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Pitch Perfect 3. Oh, yeah. You liked the other one, didn't you? I did like the other one, yeah. And Six Billion Dollar Man. Oh. That is not a good time. You know what?
Starting point is 01:09:39 By then, I've switched off as well. I see Star Wars. My year's done. I'm out. I guess that's true. You know what? I'd like to see what they do with that $6 billion. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Because they're actually budgeting $6 billion for that movie. I don't know if you know that. That is bold and unnecessary. Yeah, that's right. Okay, fair enough. Great. Well, that's the movies for the year, Mason. We did them all.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Pick one. If you had to see one. If I only see one. Look, I've forgotten every single movie you just mentioned. I'm going to say Thor Ragnarok. Yes. Or Star Wars 8. Or Justice League, because I'm very interested to see what way it goes.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Not because I have complete faith in it. It's got to be Justice League. Really? Yeah, I think so, yeah. Okay, fair enough. Or Baywatch. What are you doing here? No, that's not true.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Last year you picked something real dumb as well. What was it? How dare you? I bet it was great. No, it wasn't.. Last year you picked something real dumb as well. What was it? How dare you? I bet it was great. No, it wasn't. It was real dumb. Somebody tweeted me and said, I can't remember what it was, but it was dumb. That's right.
Starting point is 01:10:31 You picked like the Magnificent Seven or something. Which I never ended up saying. Yeah, there you go. I did and it's fine. Did I say it was going to be my pick of the year? You said something like that. That's incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:39 It sounds like a dumb thing, I would say. And it was also something that you just heard of. Right, that makes sense. Yeah, right. It's got a great cast i don't think actually i didn't get through it i stopped and went i'm gonna come back to this never did and i never did great the western's done hateful eight killed it yeah probably did didn't it yeah all right well mason yeah thank god this segment's returned for the new year hooray what we reading What we gonna read? I'm doing the theme. What are we reading today? I bet there's an even better theme song.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Friend of the show, Andrew Levins, from the Serious Issues comic book podcast. I know him. He told me that his son now, before he goes to bed, sings the What We Read and What We Gonna Read theme song. And I'm like, fantastic. And that also means that he's stored away. He's soaked up some other choice phrases that he's probably going to unleash later on in his life. His favourite movie of 2016 is Magnificent Seven.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Thanks a lot, Mason. Oh, that's cool, man. Well, I won't change the theme song. I wasn't going to anyway. What did you say? Did you have a fresh 2017 remix of it? I absolutely did not. What have I been saying?
Starting point is 01:11:47 Oh, I finally saw Hunt for the Wilderpeople, and guess what? It's fine. What are you talking about? Yeah. Are you serious? I'm serious. You're an idiot. It was fine.
Starting point is 01:11:55 You're an idiot. It was pretty fun. Do you think the expectations are too high? Yeah, I think that's true, yeah. Wow, man, I love that movie. Look, I went months beyond all the amazing reviews and blah, blah, blah. Everybody said it was the greatest movie I've ever seen. And I was like, well, it's probably still pretty great.
Starting point is 01:12:12 I'll manage my expectations. And I went in and it was fine. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was pretty funny. Yeah. Yeah. Did you like Sam Neill? Yeah, he was good.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Wasn't he? Yeah. He was great in Jurassic Park 3. That's right. Good. I saw La La Land. Oh, yeah? Really good. What do you reckon? I bloody love a musical. You know that about me. I was great in Jurassic Park 3. That's right. Good. I saw La La Land. Oh, yeah? Really good.
Starting point is 01:12:26 What do you reckon? I bloody love a musical. You know that about me. I didn't know that about you until just now. Name another musical you like. Les Mis, the movie, even though I don't think
Starting point is 01:12:33 it's necessarily as good as a stage show. It's a very faithful adaptation. I also enjoy the Phantom of the Opera movie, even though it's nowhere near as good as the actual stage production.
Starting point is 01:12:41 I've seen the Phantom of the Opera sequel musical. I'm starting to feel like this whole episode was just a lead up to you talking about your favorite musicals. You asked me. Because you have dealt out more passion in your discussion of these so-called musicals than anything else in this episode. Not so-called.
Starting point is 01:12:59 They are musicals. These alleged musicals. You asked me. And I'm ready, man. You were ready. Forgive me for having opinions ready in my mind. All right, you're right. Anyway, La La Land is fantastic.
Starting point is 01:13:08 If you don't like musicals, it's probably not going to change your mind. If you like Mason, if you're a naysayer, you'll probably hate it. Great. Because he hates on anything good. Be ready to hate it. Yeah, but no. Do you have interest in La La Land? Yeah, no, I do.
Starting point is 01:13:20 And I was even more impressed because I was like, oh, they've CGI'd bloody Ryan Gosling's head onto somebody else to play the piano. Actually did the piano? He did it all himself. That makes sense. He's a real good man. I really enjoy the music. Emma Stone's great at it also.
Starting point is 01:13:32 John Legend's in it. He does a pretty good song as well. No, it's great. Great. It's good. And it's like old school Hollywood except not tedious. All right. Also, I've been watching Transparent on Stan Mason.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Oh, yeah. I love Stan. Me too. I'm well into it now, yeah. Did you end up saying Passengers or? No. Did you end up saying? alright also I've been watching Transparent on Stan Mason oh yeah I love Stan me too I'm well into it now yeah did you end up seeing Passengers or no
Starting point is 01:13:48 did you end up seeing Assassin's Creed no neither did I also some stuff I've been reading for real reading I'm ready
Starting point is 01:13:55 Tom King who does the current run on Batman yeah yeah who it turns out before he was a comic writer was a CIA agent what
Starting point is 01:14:02 did you know that no he worked for the CIA okay as like a real not as a secretary or a he was a murderer yeah he was a murderer he was a comic writer was a CIA agent what did you know that no he worked for the CIA okay as like a real like not as a secretary or a he was a murderer
Starting point is 01:14:07 yeah he was a murderer he was like an actual field agent for the CIA he wrote a series called The Sheriff of Babylon yeah which is about like a military consultant
Starting point is 01:14:17 in Baghdad okay it's real good great real good series sounds like Jason Bourne Green Zone I mean the Matt Damon one
Starting point is 01:14:24 that's not jason bourne with the same director yeah you're right green zone green zone familiar with it i'm familiar with that and i'm familiar with the david schwimmer character greenzo who was on 30 rock remember greenzo vaguely yeah uh so i read that and i've also started reading unfollow which is a uh it's a series about a billion it's it's sort of a social media combined with battle royale it's a series about a billion. It's, it's sort of a social media combined with battle Royale. It's like a, a billionaire is dying. He's died and he's given away his billions to 140 random strangers who all
Starting point is 01:14:57 have to go to his Island to collect the money. But then of course murders. Yeah. Whoever the proviso is, you can all split the money or if one of you dies, their share goes toders. Yeah, whoever. The proviso is you can all split the money or if one of you dies, their share goes to some other person. Forever? Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:09 So that happens throughout the course of their entire life? Or is it just on the island? Once you get off the island, it's done. I've only just started. Well, that's not... Yeah, I know, right? So you're not reading it, are you, really? No, I'm reading.
Starting point is 01:15:19 I'm literally reading right now. That's why I've barely been paying attention. I'm reading... Fine. Yeah, anyway, it's real good. You've been barely paying attention, but have you got that theme song ready for the next segment of the show? I thought barely been paying attention. I'm reading... Fine. Yeah, anyway, it's real good. You've been barely paying attention, but have you got that
Starting point is 01:15:26 theme song ready for the next segment of the show? I thought about it, but then I didn't. You son of a gun. But La La Land's real good, Mason.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Right? I'm just helping you out here. Name another musical you like. I just named four. Nah. Okay, Lion King musical's really good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:40 The stage production. Yep. What'd I say this year? I love King Kong. Speaking of Kong, I loved King Kong the musical. Oh, it's terrible. Because it was terrible.
Starting point is 01:15:48 It's so bad. It was so bad. The puppetry is amazing. It's massively bad. Yeah, I know, right? Yeah. When I saw that, I think I've mentioned this
Starting point is 01:15:55 in the podcast before, when I saw that, more than like, I reckon four or five times, a song just ended and everybody in the audience was like, I guess we applaud now because
Starting point is 01:16:06 was that the end i guess that was the end of the song he stopped so yeah i guess at the end the monkey stopped singing it was no good also i'm seeing both book of mormon and kinky boots i was talking i was talking mason i was in conversation The letters theme rules all Like I said I'm seeing Kinky Boots In Book of Mormon Wrong segment Really good
Starting point is 01:16:32 Have you written a letter Into the show To tell us you're seeing Book of Mormon in Kinky Boots No I'm sorry Do you know what the plot Of Book of Mormon is
Starting point is 01:16:40 Vaguely Don't tell me Yeah I know I was going to say I don't want to know I don't know either I've gotten this far Without knowing Go say it I will Do you want to come with me uh yeah meekus scott says on twitter
Starting point is 01:16:51 hashtag weekly planet pod do you guys think we'll see robin in the future dc movies any casting thoughts love the show thanks for the fun i think we will yeah we'll see a new rob especially beginning this fun dc universe, full of hope and joy. And Robin represents hope and joy. He certainly does. And punching. And sticks. Hitting a man in the head with a stick.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Yeah, maybe like a slingshot sometimes. Yeah, man. Yeah, it's good. I think almost certainly. We know there's a dead Robin. Maybe we'll see the return of him. But at the very least, I think we're going to get a Dick Grayson. Dick Grayson will be former Robin.
Starting point is 01:17:25 We might get a Nightwing. I hope we get a Nightwing. More than anything no i think dick grayson will be former robin we might get a nightwing i hope we get a nightwing more than anything yeah i love nightwing yeah and i think we'll probably get a um who's after jason todd it's his name tim drake yeah or damian wayne yeah i reckon they might skip tim drake yeah i'll do a hybrid or something yeah because i because they've sort of they've taken tim drake out of continuity as robin in the comic books oh because he's any red robin yeah he in the in the original version he Oh, because he's in the Red Robin or something? Yeah, in the original version he was Robin and then he became Red Robin. And now they've been like, well, he was never regular Robin. He was never original recipe Robin.
Starting point is 01:17:54 He was just Red Robin. So I think they're probably going to skip him and go straight to Damian Wayne. Because then there's that actual familiar kind of connection. It's interesting because Ben Affleck said that he had somebody in mind for Sienna Miller to play in the DC Universe, and maybe she'll be Talia al Ghul. Oh, maybe. Because he didn't mention who, and that just sprung in my mind now, Mason.
Starting point is 01:18:15 So maybe that would be setting up... Are they mates or something? I think they maybe did Live My Night together. Maybe they didn't. Nobody saw it. There's no evidence that's even a real movie. Look, I could picture Ben Affleck in a big, dumb Dick Tracy outfit. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:18:31 He's real broad. Broader than a man could possibly be. But that's all I got. And apparently all people are doing in the press junkets are just asking him about when he's going to make Batman. And he finally came out on Fallon or Kimmel or whatever. He was just like, I'm doing it. Just leave me alone. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I decided to make Batman. And he finally came out on Fallon or Kimmel or whatever. It was just like, I'm doing it. Just leave me alone.
Starting point is 01:18:46 I'm sorry. I'm sorry I decided to make this passion project. I'm making a dumb Batman movie. What if it was revealed to him now, like he gets called into a meeting and they're like, listen, DC funded this movie in its entirety solely as like a marketing ploy to get people to ask you about the new Batman movie.
Starting point is 01:19:03 We do not care about this movie. We're never actually going to release it. It's just a trick. That would be amazing. You know, I was speaking to Hollywood Pete the other day.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Oh yeah. Who you know. Yeah, I'm at Hollywood Pete. Good friend of the show. But he mentioned, he said, what do you think of the Ben Affleck
Starting point is 01:19:18 directed movies? And I thought about it and I went, they're pretty good. But not one of them's like, oh, that blew my mind. That was amazing. They're all just pretty solid.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Have you seen any of them? Argo? Yeah. I liked Argo. It was a lot of fun. I think I fell asleep. It wasn't because it was bad. It was probably because I just needed a nap.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Yeah. Any others? And what was the one where he puts all of Boston in his rear view? What was that movie? He directed that? You're thinking of Good Will Hunting. No. The other one. The Town. The's that movie? Is that, he directed that? Do you think you have Good Will Hunting? No. The other one.
Starting point is 01:19:47 The Town. The Town. Oh, The Town was, actually, I enjoyed The Town. Okay. In your face, Hollywood Pete. That's right. No, he's all right. Yeah, he's good.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Anyway, we'll see a Robin at some point. Casting thoughts, anyone? Oh, well, I know there was rumour that Adam Driver for Nightwing, which I quite like. Yeah, okay. What about, and I think I've said this before, what about the other guy from Supernatural? The long-haired guy?
Starting point is 01:20:09 Long-haired guy. Yeah, yeah. Jared Padalecki? Jared Padalecki, yeah, definitely. And people say the other guy for Green Lantern, which I think he'd be a good help, Jordan. I think he'd be a good guy gardener. Yeah, he would.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Maybe dual roles. Double impact style. I think he'd be a good real-life gardener. Yeah, right. Just getting in there. Getting your hands dirty, you know what I mean? Working with the earth. It's he'd be a good real life gardener. Yeah, right? Just getting in there. Getting your hands dirty, you know what I mean? Working with the earth. A real guy, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:28 None of this Hollywood nonsense. That's right. Do a real job, idiot. Good on him. Put your back into it. Yeah. Anyone else? People say like Zac Efron.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I don't know if he's... Well, when he finally does that star making turn in Baywatch and everybody stands up and takes notice, then maybe. I don't know if... He's more ripped than any man should be. He is, but Nightwing's kind of taller in my mind. Not that it really matters, I guess. But no, that'll do it, right?
Starting point is 01:20:50 Yeah, that's good. They're all anybody. Literally anybody would do it. Pick anybody. Pick anyone kind of youngish and charming. But you need kind of... I feel like for Nightwing, you need like a lithe actor. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:21:00 Yeah. Who's lithe? Ryan Gosling. He is, isn't he? Mm-hmm. He wouldn't do it. He might do it. I feel Ryan Gosling is going through all the genres.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Right. Like, he's done romantic comedies, he's done musicals, he's done, you know, grim crime films. Yeah, yeah. I think he might just do a superhero film to be like, I can be the best guy at this. Okay. Yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Yeah. What about the dude from Heroes? Oh, so the other boyfriend of the Gilmore Girls. Exactly. Yeah. Right. What's his face? Miles Teller.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Milo Ventimiglia. What about Miles Teller? No. No, not good. Yeah. Fair enough. What about James Franco? I've just got a page up here.
Starting point is 01:21:43 What about Joseph Gordon-Levitt? You couldn't because he was already sort of Batman. Maybe? Yeah. Anyway, they've got Matt Bomer here as well. I think he might be a bit old. Who's that? He was nearly Superman.
Starting point is 01:21:53 He was in Magic Mike. He's very handsome. Impossibly handsome. He hurts to look at. That would work for Dick Grayson. Yeah. Yeah. He's supposedly the most impossibly handsome man in the DC universe.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Sure. That would work. Good. Is that true? Is that what they say about him? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All's supposedly the most impossibly handsome man in the DC universe. Sure. That'd work. Good. Is that true? Is that what they say about it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:08 All right. Fair enough. Any of those are fine. Great. Okay. That was mostly Nightwing casting, but. He's Robin, isn't he? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Yeah. That's right. At some point. Uh-huh. This is from Zach O'Toole on Twitter. Are you guys still watching Sherlock season four? If so, will you talk about it on hashtag weekly planet pod? Because that's how you reach the show.
Starting point is 01:22:25 I forgot to mention that. Do it on Twitter. And he says, please say yes. And as we mentioned earlier, we'll do a bit of a wrap up next week when episode three, although apparently it's leaked online.
Starting point is 01:22:33 There's a Russian version, but I'm going to wait. Yeah, I don't speak Russian. Yeah. Do you? No, don't want to,
Starting point is 01:22:38 don't want to Russian into that. What? Why would you rush into it? Russian. Russian. Are you having a stroke? Yes. I can smell nothing but burnt toast.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Russian. Please Russian me to the hospital. My brain stopped working. Does this feel like a long episode? Yeah, it does. But we're making up for lost time. I live in constant fear that people stopped listening last week because there wasn't an episode, so we're going to double down on this one.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Fair call. Now, Mason, I've dipped back into the old weeklyplanetpod at Very good. Because a lot of people love the letters, so I thought we should bring them back at some point. Maybe you can be in charge of letters one week. Great. I'll do that.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Actually, we'll talk about it after the show. Yeah, okay, I can do that. But, yeah. So this is from – we're going to try for some letters. Uh-huh. Nothing concrete. We're just going to see how it goes because we talked about moving the day of the show. It's not important.
Starting point is 01:23:32 We're just, weeklyplanetpod at Gmail if you want to send an email and we might read it, but we might cancel this immediately. This is from Brittany Miracle. Oh. Real name. Huh. Apparently, yeah. I imagine she has to say that a lot.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Yeah, well, that's what she said. This is my real name. That's what she said. Hashtag at the bottom. No, I hashtag at the bottom no i didn't make coincidentally i am an exotic dancer but or a miracle worker yeah okay yeah i'm a new listener and i don't know uh if you're welcome to the podcast everybody gets one of those they do uh y'all do uh i don't know if you all still do shout outs uh haven't caught up yet but i just wanted to say that my boyfriend is one of your biggest fans. He has listened to you guys on loop for a while to get through his boring warehouse job. And he's probably cycled through all the episodes at least four times.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Hello. That's a lot. He would often play me clips of you guys in the car when I just really wanted to listen to music. And I didn't know your inside jokes or context of most things. That's what we were looking for. You know it. But he would sit there and laugh hysterically. Well, I finally decided to listen and can understand why he loves the podcast so much.
Starting point is 01:24:32 In a couple of weeks, I have already made it through 60 episodes. Wow. Sitting at my dull computer job for hours. Oftentimes, you guys are the only joy I find in my day job. The episode where James chokes on water and is so distraught and Mason acts like nothing is wrong and continues to get me. I was crying, trying not to laugh. I had to leave my desk and sit in the bathroom at work and calm down, laughing on the toilet. Have you ever had to leave the room?
Starting point is 01:24:56 Have you ever done that? Been to a thing and had to leave the room, you're laughing so hard? It's always like the worst possible time. Right, exactly. I'm the kind of guy that laughs at a funeral. Exactly, yeah. Funeral. Right, exactly. I'm the kind of guy that laughs at a funeral. Exactly, yeah. Funeral. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 01:25:08 It's our ultimate goal to bring joy to people on the toilet. You know it. Thanks, guys. I looked and sounded insane. I just wanted to mainly ask for a shout out for David Nelson for being an awesome boyfriend and sharing all his hobbies in this podcast with me. It would make his month if you did. Not his day, not his week, his month.
Starting point is 01:25:24 I would also like to nominate him for the official duck of the podcast if it's not already taken. Sorry, James, he loves ducks. Okay. Special shout out to David Ellison. We're bringing it back. Bringing it back, baby. Briefly. Not forever.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Please keep being hilarious and bringing smiles to many people's faces. Brittany Miracle, real name. Good on you. Thanks, Brittany. And David for listening and all the listeners because that's the end of the show, Mason. We did it. We did it, didn't we? How many more have we got this year? 50-odd?
Starting point is 01:25:52 50-odd, yeah. Great. Actually, I do have to go away at some point during the year. You're always going away. I'm going to a wedding. I'm going to Hawaii and Vegas, baby. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Somebody said the other day, you're taking a week off. And I went, yeah, James has gone on holiday. And they said, where? And I'm like, I don't know. And they're like, you're his friend. Shouldn't you know? And I'm like, I'm sure if it's important, he'll tell me. Maybe he did tell me.
Starting point is 01:26:15 Maybe he doesn't want you there. Yeah. That's why I didn't tell you. That's right. I went and I was down at the beach and I went to Rosebud Cinema to see La La Land. And if you want awful sound in a musical, that's the place to go. Rosebud Cinema. And I enjoyed it despite that.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Very good. There you go. So imagine hearing it on a functioning sound system and there's not someone trying to stab you. Rosebud's a lovely place, Mason. Is it? Anyway. It's very grey the last time I went. Was it winter?
Starting point is 01:26:41 Yes. Okay. Well, look, I wasn't in Rosebud. I was in the... It's not important. Okay. Do the thing. Oh, yeah. So if you want Rose, but I was in the... It's not important. Okay. Do the thing. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:46 So if you want to find us, we're at Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Twitter and Gmail and Bandcamp. What are we going to do? Are we going to do some audio commentaries this year? What are we going to do? Yeah, we might do some. Well, maybe a Wolverine one or something. Yeah, we might do Force Awakens before Rogue One comes out on the DVD.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Oh, yeah, we could do that. Yeah. All sorts. If anybody's got any good suggestions, let us know on those things. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at MrSanayMovies. You can also follow The Weekly Planet on Twitter. That's our friend Robert Collings.
Starting point is 01:27:10 He put together our best of a couple of weeks ago, which was fantastic. Nailed it. What else? If you'd like to help out the show, keep the lights on our famous man cave, which is right here. Yeah, it's not what it's called. If you want us to put some more neon signs into this man cave if you want to put a neon
Starting point is 01:27:27 sign to add to add the extra neon signs if you want if you want me to instead of recording this from a couch record it from a monster truck bed in the man cave you can
Starting point is 01:27:37 go to slash mr sunday movies yep you can go to our amazon affiliate link which is in the episode description just click on that you go through buy some stuff on yeah man you can go to our Amazon affiliate link, which is in the episode description. Just click on that. You can go through and buy some stuff on
Starting point is 01:27:47 Yeah, man. You can buy a t-shirt on Yep. All that is linked below. Next week, Mason, Resident Evil or Triple X, whatever we said we were going to do. Can't remember. Triple X. It's got to be Triple X. Great.
Starting point is 01:28:00 And Sherlock. Triple X and Sherlock. The perfect double whammy. God. Just lunatics smashing cars together, and its polar opposite, fake intellectualism. Just a dumb show that pretends it's smarter than it is. It's the new Frasier, but there's more murder.
Starting point is 01:28:19 That's what it is. Thank you to Robert Collings. Thank you to Fergal Quigley and Matt Young and Golden Legend for all our designs and our art thanks to everybody who sends in some nice art it's always fantastic if you're trying to retweet
Starting point is 01:28:29 it when I see it thank you to the Bruton and Baskaluskin Rackham for all our great themes you know it thank you to everybody who bloody listens
Starting point is 01:28:36 thank you to everybody who bloody listens to when we do a guest appearance on something else yeah what else you're on thanks for subscribing
Starting point is 01:28:43 you're on what's it called recently I was on the Steel Wars live live calling and I was also on the Little Dumb Dumb Club Yeah. What else? You're on... Thanks for subscribing. You're on... What's it called recently? I was on the Steel Wars Live calling and I was also on the Little Dumb Dumb Club recently as well. One of which you were mocked mercilessly. Which one? Listen and find out.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Listen to both. Yeah, man. All right. Thanks, guys. Grab that gem, you guys. Bye. For 2017. One more gem to grab.
Starting point is 01:29:00 One left. Grab all the gems. It's the fourth year we're doing this, you know. I know, right? Pretty great. Good Lord. Yeah. All right.

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