The Weekly Planet - 176 Kong: Skull Island & IRON FIIIST!

Episode Date: March 13, 2017

This week’s episode is brought to you by Iron Fist! All episodes available March 17th exclusively on Netflix.Also #IRONFIIIST to win a Daredevil Season 1 Blu-ray.Huge week for whatever this show is ...about! We talk the origin and best stories from Iron Fist plus the release of Kingigty Kong Skull Island. Plus we get into trailers for Wonder Woman, Baby Driver, Game Of Thrones, Atomic Blonde as well a Deadpool 2, The Last Jedi and all the news to make you say...who cares.Check out our latest charity campaign for men’s mental health. All sorts of prizes and benifits including 360 cameras and a private Q and A (be sure to check the email box): Deleted Scene: Check out all episodes of Iron Fist March 13th on Netflix!2:44 Wonder Woman trailer 38:35 Baby Driver Trailer12:31 Thor Ragnarok22:46 Game Of Thrones trailer25:09 Atomic Blonde29:17 The Last Jedi footage34:50 Deadpool 2 casting35:27 Who Cares News All The News Of So Little Relevance We Shouldn’t Include It38:16 Kong: Skull Island Spoiler Free Review52:10 Kong: SkulI Island Spoiler Review1:03:44 Iron Fist Talk!1:41:19 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:47:18 Letters It’s Time For LettersAmazon affiliate link: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: out T-Shirts here:  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:33 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:00:54 This episode is brought to you by Marvel's Iron Fist, the original Netflix series starting March 17th. Earn your power, Mason. Iron Fist! Yeah! Doing a giveaway as well. That's coming up. Right. I just did my Iron Fist! Yeah! Doing a giveaway as well. That's coming up. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I just did my Iron Fist. That's why I'm low energy now. Okay, gotcha. I was high energy. Did my Iron Fist. I'm spent for like 15 minutes. I get you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your butt hole. The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of The Weekly Planet The Weekly Planet Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet Official podcast of Where we talk movies, comics, TV shows My name is James, also known as MrSunday
Starting point is 00:01:32 With me as always is my co-host Nick Mays I'm here, I'm back, the dog's back too The dog's back Did you notice your dog is back? I noticed the dog was back because the people were moving in next door And the landlord owns both this place and the one next door So the dog couldn't be here because we snuck the dog in when we moved in because you're not supposed to have a dog.
Starting point is 00:01:47 So this is an illegal dog. Illegal dog, mate. Wow, so me and all the listeners now have some leverage over you. Correct, yes. So I can make stuff happen by threatening to reveal the secret dog. Absolutely, you could. Great. But the good news is the smoke detector from next door has now stopped beeping.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Oh, the saga of the smoke detector. It is finished. My brother, because my brother's a firefighter. You know that. The one you like. Thank you. He rang and he said, listen, if you ring the music. The one I don't like to fire starter.
Starting point is 00:02:15 That's right. They're at odds. They're the original odd couple. But what is it? So he said, ring up and say this, this and this. And it's illegal and whatever to have noise for this long. And so that's what we did. And then they came around and they fixed it and by they fixed it i mean they came and knocked on the door and i went and got a ladder and also you did it but in the process i took a massive chunk out of the wall because i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:02:36 say a massive dump on the floor but all right either either is fine either is sweet sweet revenge so that's fine yeah that's it uh we should quickly mention as well up top uh our unicef campaign is still happening it's going it's all all guns are blazing it's it's all gonna be it's all coming to a head when we're doing our um what's it called the the launch the the podcast network launch which is sponsored by 360 fly also we're gonna be having a uh there's gonna be a giveaway of those on the day. Yes, there is. And we're also working on... Can we get one? Oh, maybe. It's unlikely. We'll have to speak to Hollywood Pete.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Oh, yeah. We'll have to see. I think so. I think, yeah, no, he said you could. Or he said one of us, maybe. So we'll see. But... I had to play around with one the other day. Yeah, what'd you think?
Starting point is 00:03:15 Great. Golf ball size. Oh, maybe a little bit bigger. A little bit bigger than golf ball size. Yeah, crazy, right? But yeah, so we're going to have a... If you don't win one and you want to buy one, we're going to have an offer code sorted out.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Goes right to your phone. Goes to your phone. Goes to your phone. Then that phone goes to your face. Is that a threat? Are you threatening me? That sounded like a threat. You can't come into my house and threaten my dog and then not expect a phone to your
Starting point is 00:03:38 face, Mason. That's true. You're right. Okay. Lots of new trailers and clips this week. There were some Transformers ones. Who cares? Didn't say it.
Starting point is 00:03:45 We neither. Wonder Woman had a third trailer ones. Who cares? Didn't say it. We neither. Wonder Woman had a third trailer, though. I'm not sure of a final trailer. This is an origin trailer, right? Yeah. I don't think there was much here that wasn't really in the other one. Like, in terms of, like, it didn't tell you anything we didn't kind of already know. Which is good.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Well, we know who's playing Wonder Woman as a little kid. Yes. Some girl. Yeah, that's right. Who's not great, if I'm honest. Well, I'm not even convinced that Gal Gadot will be, or Gal Gadot or whatever. Everyone says it differently.
Starting point is 00:04:12 And however I say it, people correct me. And she says it differently every time. She does. So, yeah, I'm not 100% convinced that, you know, that's going to go okay. But, hey, because, you know, we didn't see enough in Batman, Superman. That's true. I just don't know. That's true.
Starting point is 00:04:25 We didn't really get a look at the villain. No, but I think it's David Fluis. You know him? David Fluis. Fluis. He's Lupin in Harry Potter. Okay. He's in Dragonheart.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Great. Yeah. You've seen Dragonheart? Probably. Dennis Quaid, mate. Sean Connery's the dragon. Oh, yeah. I have seen Dragonheart. I Dennis Quaid, mate Sean Connery's the dragon Oh yeah, I have seen Dragonheart I knew you had
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah, yeah Yeah, I remember watching it on Laserdisc at a friend's house For real? Laserdisc? Yeah, what an era Did he... Was he one of those people who had the Laserdisc player And then literally just one Laserdisc? No, he was one of those guys where his dad had everything
Starting point is 00:05:02 But he had everything before you should... Except a loving wife That's right Was he missing a wife missing a wife no no they were married and that's fine maybe they still are i don't know i haven't seen him in literally like 20 years but uh if you're listening tell us your parents are still still together yeah but we plan a pot at but he was one of those guys who is an early adopter but you probably jumped on the bandwagon a little bit too early. Do you know what I mean? Laser disc, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Yeah, yeah. People still collect them, though. Yeah, well, you know, they say one of the best editions of, like, the last time the original Star Wars trilogy was released in its unaltered form, I think, was a laser disc version. Over eight laser discs. That's right, yeah. You can get those three over eight laser discs.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Oh, there might have been actually an extra on a later Blu-ray that they were like, yeah, it is an optional, it is an extra you can get. Anyway, what did you might have been actually an extra on a later blu-ray that they were like yeah it is an optional is an extra you can get anyway uh what do you think though the wonder woman trailer fan or not fan
Starting point is 00:05:51 um the jury's still out yeah i didn't i it didn't sway me either way i'm not 100% convinced by that lasso of truth sure effect yep yep
Starting point is 00:05:59 looked a little i don't know it looked a little like they'd drawn it by opening up the the aperture of a camera and just moving a candle around really quick. You know that effect?
Starting point is 00:06:12 I know that effect. You see it in wedding photos all the time. You draw a rude word in the air. Yeah, you do a big heart. I know, I've seen it. Yeah, okay. Yeah, no, I completely agree. I'm not, it didn't convince me either way.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I mean, we're going to say it regardless, aren't we? We got some, we didn't get, we didn't get, did we get a really big kind of, like a big effect shot or something that you were like, whoa. Not from memory. Like we got some hand-cranked leaping over a spear kind of look, which is fine. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Yeah, we got that Wonder woman the wonder yeah the wonder woman theme do you like it i think it's kind of cool i'm not a fan if i'm honest but it was kind of a hard turn into it yeah it was like this you know instrumental score you know this high adventure instrumental score and then it's just like i get it because it's kind of like that 300 era kind of like ancient guitar yeah like i understand why they did it but i'm just not sure that it that it fits in its entirety especially in world war one i don't know just a weird weird mix but yeah hey we'll see won't we when it when it comes out we'll see it there's been conflicting reports on whether it's good or not even if it's not good there's still time to
Starting point is 00:07:23 fix it so and even if they don't fix it, we're all still going to see it. So why would they fix it? What would be the point? So they're not going to fix it is the answer there. I just think it would be a shame if the first big female superhero movie
Starting point is 00:07:36 other than Catwoman and Elektra, I guess. But this is like a different scale to those. The Holy Trinity. They've finally completed it. All the greats. Catwoman, Elektra, Wonder Woman. I'm sure there's other ones. I'm sure there was like a Wonder Woman telling movie from the greats, Catwoman, Elektra, Wonder Woman. I'm sure there's other ones.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I'm sure there was like a Wonder Woman telly movie from the 70s or whatever, but it would be a shame if Out the Gate. Or the great Linda Carter. Yeah, that's right. Back in the day. That's it. I've seen like maybe five seconds of that. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Was it her spinning around? Maybe. Maybe she was playing the Harlem Globetrotters, but that also might have been an episode of Gilligan's Island that I saw. It was almost certainly Gilligan's Island. They all looked the same. Do you know what I mean? They're all shot the same way. But that's why they could always have inexplicable crossovers.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Right, yeah. And that's back in the day when nobody really cared. Like, it wasn't an issue. There wasn't some sort of weird profit-sharing situation or merchandising or anything like that. It'd be just one TV executive calling another guy from a different company and going, you want to team the Harlem Globetrotters up with the Wonder Woman?
Starting point is 00:08:28 And they're like, fine. Yep, sure. Cool, sounds fun. Let's do it. Yeah. Do you want Gilligan to box a robot? Yeah, whatever. Sure.
Starting point is 00:08:34 The six billion dollar man, million dollar man? It was million, wasn't it? Mm-hmm. Anyway. You got a loot crate. Crack it open, Mason. I do, I'm going to crack it open. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:42 This month's theme was Build, I believe. Build? Lego Batman cookie jar. Nice. Yep. That's great. I know, right? I just ate some cookies.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Now what am I going to put in it? I have to buy more cookies. You could put pennies. Yeah, I guess I could. Put pennies in it. That's really cool. I might be going to the thing, the screening of that next week. I think you're invited.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Oh, thanks. I'm not sure if I'm going to go though I got a lot on mate oh alright great do you want to go? yeah I'll say yeah I would like to go
Starting point is 00:09:10 but I'm not sure if I can all the word is positive but we don't have it here yet yeah that's right yeah nice cool good start that's a good start
Starting point is 00:09:17 to the loot crate and also I can if I want to I could just I could lift my shirt up and put a Batman head in it a tiny little head pretend to. A tiny little head. Pretend to be a tiny little headed Batman.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah. Perfect. Baby Driver, which at first glance, I'm like, it's one of those trailers where I look at it and I'm like, what is this? Should I click on it? Uh-huh. And it turns out it's, I forgot that it's- The new Edgar Wright film.
Starting point is 00:09:40 The new Edgar Wright. He hasn't made one since The World's End. Did this come out of nowhere? Yeah. Not really. edgar eichel new edgar right he hasn't made one since the world's end did this come out of nowhere yeah i not not really i remember hearing about it but like he was supposed to do ant-man in between so it's been you know it's been yes exactly a bit of a gap i mean four years isn't it's not that long did he just want four years off no because he was doing ant-man oh did he want two years off maybe he wanted two years thank you fine who's the. Who's the idiot now? Still me. Yeah, in a way. So it's kind of, it's a bit, I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:10:07 It's like a bit hot fuzz, a bit drive. You know what I mean? A bit Scott Pilgrim. It's very drive. Yeah. Yes. In fact, it's almost entirely, it's super drive. Well, there's more, it looks like there'll be more drive than drive.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Because drive was light on drive. Drive was famously sued by a woman because she went to see it and there wasn't as much driving as she was expecting. Drive, I think you mean, not driving. Yes. It's called drive. It's not called driving. That's true. There wasn't enough drive.
Starting point is 00:10:33 But no, drive's great, despite the lack of drive. And I think this looks good too. Yeah. I'm not a big Ansel Al Gort fan. He was in Where Are The Faults. Who is the biggest Ansel Al Gort fan. He was in Where Are The Faults. Who is the biggest Ansel Al Gort fan? Everybody who loves Who's The Fault. What's the fault in the stars?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Spoiler alert, it's cancer. Oh, that's a shame. But yeah, that's the movie where they make out in Anne Frank's house and everybody claps. Inappropriate! Ansel Al Gort sounds like a man who's been named after a weird assortment of stuff in somebody's pocket. Like a condom and a picture of Al Gore sounds like a man who's been named after a weird assortment of stuff in somebody's pocket. Like a condom and a picture of Al Gore.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Like is it somebody trying to give a fake name? So they're just kind of rubbing to their pockets. That's right. They've been stopped by the cops and they're like, what's your name, kid? And he's like, Ansel. He's off to visit his girlfriend. The parents don't approve.
Starting point is 00:11:22 He's like, hi, Ansel. And he pulls out Al Gore's biography. He was nearly Han Solo. Wow, okay. The new Han Solo. Not the original Han Solo. Sure, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah, but how do you feel about this, though? Did it grab you? Yeah, it looked pretty fun. Yeah. I got faith in... That's exactly right. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:42 to be fair, if this had been like the guy who did the transporter making this movie and I saw this trailer, I'd probably be like, oh, you know, to be fair, if this had have been like the guy who did the transporter making this movie and I saw this trailer, I'd probably be like, oh, this is going to be shit. But knowing that it's Edgar Wright, I'm like, nah, this will be fine. This will be good.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Yeah, totally. I don't think there's a movie as hit as I don't want. What else happens? Wait, and Jon Hamm's in it? Yeah. That's pretty great. Got that. Is that what I'm thinking of?
Starting point is 00:12:01 Yeah, Kevin Spacey. Kevin Spacey, the Punisher dude, Jon Bernthal, Bernthal. Yeah. I have faith. I have complete faith? Yeah, Kevin Spacey. Kevin Spacey. The Punisher dude. John Bernthal. Bernthal, yeah. I have complete faith in that cast and the director. Yeah, maybe Steve Buscemi. Really? Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It was very quickly faced. Does Steve Buscemi often just show up in things? I've found that, yeah. Anyway, looking forward to it. Look great tea. What have you got there, Mason? It's a Megazord schematic. That's coming up, isn't it? Yeah, it is. This it's a Megazord schematic. That's coming up in there.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah, it is. Yeah. It's an original Megazord though. Clearly. I'm kind of getting, I'm a big fan. I'm a big fan of,
Starting point is 00:12:30 uh, first of all, fake corporations on teas. I know. You said this every time. I know. It's worth repeating to myself. I got myself a nice Kobayashi porcelain t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Right. Yeah. Yeah. From usual suspects the other day. Oh, I thought you meant Maroo. But behind behind behind that schematic t is also great
Starting point is 00:12:48 yeah I got a Han Solo blaster t-shirt somewhere I think the DLS something something something yeah
Starting point is 00:12:53 yeah I know it it's a good one right I know it back to front Mason I've got one on my desk yeah also there's a Power Rangers pin
Starting point is 00:13:00 there's a Megazord I keep forgetting about this in the magazine there's all sorts of little bonus bits and pieces yeah yeah so if you get the pin because it's it's Power Rangers themed you It's a Megazord pin. Ah, cool. I keep forgetting about this. In the magazine, there's all sorts of little bonus bits and pieces. Yeah, yeah. So if you get the pin, because it's Power Rangers themed, you can go to Comixology and get free Power Rangers comic books.
Starting point is 00:13:11 They're doing a Justice League crossover at the moment. Oh, very good. Yeah, which apparently is pretty good from what I've heard. So you can get Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 0 and 1 and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Pink number 1 for freebies. For freebies? For freebies. Just to be clear.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yes. Freebies. For freebies, yeah. Okay, good. to be clear yes freebies for freebies okay good yeah did you check out uh some thor ragnarok images this week yes i did fresh hot off the press yep you wouldn't believe it fresh new haircut for chris hemsworth yeah what do you think looks pretty good people are like it looks just like chris hemsworth which is true that is they're not wrong but i like it same so we got a little bit of new information i can i can take us through it step by step if you want.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Unless you want to do it. Well, I don't know what the information is. Here, catch my computer, Mason. Don't you dare! So Hala's been trapped in Asgard, right? Yep. But do you remember Loki? This is all official as well.
Starting point is 00:13:55 This isn't like any kind of speculation. Okay. But I guess minor spoilers if you don't want to know anything. Nice. But Hala's played by Cate Blanchett is trapped on Asgard and because Loki's ruling but he's ruling
Starting point is 00:14:07 as Odin he's a bit loosey goosey in his ruling style I'd imagine and she gets out more illusions I demand it
Starting point is 00:14:14 and they're like alright more trickery Odin demands more trickery in your daily lives he's really changed but he's alright
Starting point is 00:14:24 so Thor then battles Hlla and she's a bit pissed off because she's been trapped for like millennia and whatnot yeah and then he she blasts him to sakar which is what i believe is some kind of like kind of junk planet where everything just kind of all the lost stuff kind of goes you know what i mean one of those kind of things yeah what other i can't think of another example of that. Greenland has the mosaic world, which is a whole bunch of different cultures and civilizations sort of smooshed together. Good, good.
Starting point is 00:14:51 It's like whatever the labyrinth was. It's like the world of junk, the planet of junk where the junkions live in Transformers. Transformers, very good. These are all good examples. Good examples, aren't they? Good job. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And there, Jeff Goldblum's grandmaster. Adelaide. Got him. Thank you. And there, Jeff Goldblum's grandmaster. Adelaide? Got him. Got him. That's a burn on the city of Adelaide. City of churches. More like city of no one wants to visit your shit city. I've never been.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Neither have I. Here it's great. Here it's quite good. It's quite nice. Jeff Goldblum's grandmaster. This got people talking. So he's running a fighting tournament. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:23 A pit fighting tournament like in the comic World War Hulk. Yeah. Sorry, Planet Hulk. Planet Hulk. I get those confused. And you saw that image of Jeff Goldblum. He's got the blue spittle soul patch. He does.
Starting point is 00:15:36 You know, the long spittle. What do you think? Looks pretty good. One of the best parts of Independence Day and Independence Day Resurgence. Arguably the best part of both. Judd Hirsch. Two, though. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:15:47 That's a good point. Goldblum. Yeah. But no, so it's good to see him in more stuff because he doesn't, he's not really, he kind of pops up every now and then. He's an enigma. He is an enigma. Like the Grandmaster.
Starting point is 00:15:57 That's exactly right. They wanted to channel his Jeff Goldblum-y mysterious energies for the Grandmaster. I feel like they have. That's actually how the Grandmaster gets his powers in the comic books. He actually channels the mysterious energy of Jeff Goldblum. Did you know that? I do now. My favorite meme of Jeff Goldblum is,
Starting point is 00:16:15 you know the one where he's shirtless in Jurassic Park and he's lying sideways? There's one where somebody's superimposed like Sam Neill over the top when he's leaning on the triceratops. That's right. And Jeff Goblin's breathing and Sam Neill's like in awe. That is a good one. Yeah, it's very good.
Starting point is 00:16:31 But, and it's there Thor meets Tessa Thompson, but, and who's Valkyrie and he's put in the fighting pit. And so they give him that sweet haircut. Yes. Bit of a fade, maybe a light fade. And he gets, he's got his new armor. He's got a shield of some sort. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I think she takes his, I think Hela takes his hammer as well. So that might explain why he doesn't have it. How'd she do that? She's magic. Everyone's magic. I am magic. Maybe she's one of those beings that are like,
Starting point is 00:16:53 I'm older than time. This doesn't mean anything to me. Yeah, good point. It's one of those things. And then he finds out that Hulk's there. Hulk's this star combatant, and he's not like Sad Hulk running from tanks. Oh, he's lovely.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Which I know is your favourite version of Hulk. It isn't. Rubbery, Sad, Angley Hulk. My favourite Hulk is Joe Fixit, the grey one, who went off to Las Vegas and became a mob enforcer for some reason. Well, it might be this one. He wears a big old pinstripe suit. I know.
Starting point is 00:17:21 He's a real grump. He certainly is. Did he split from the main Hulk or something is that right no it was he sort of because you know
Starting point is 00:17:30 the original Hulk was grey yeah and then it was difficult to print grey so they turned it to green well back in the well when in the 80s
Starting point is 00:17:35 when it became profitable to print grey again Peter David the writer was like hey let's bring back that version and that's the version that turned into
Starting point is 00:17:44 the Hulk at night and became human during the day and so but this Hulk realised that the reason he kept turning back into Bruce Banner
Starting point is 00:17:53 was not because it was daytime it was because he got sun on him so if he just covered himself up he'd stay the Hulk big old hat
Starting point is 00:17:58 so he wore a big old hat and a big old cloak or whatever and then he just goes to Las Vegas and he just works nights very good yeah so he just
Starting point is 00:18:04 stayed the Hulk for months. Interesting. Do you think the reason that Grey went out of fashion is because they lost the art of mixing black and white paint? Do you reckon that it came back in a big way?
Starting point is 00:18:12 Like somebody rediscovered it? Yeah, exactly. Okay, good. Or somebody pitched it to Stan Lee. What if there was a character and he was Grey? Stan Lee was missing a con this week because of illness
Starting point is 00:18:25 i'm not sure why i hope he's okay yeah he's 94 so that's you know he's getting up there in years bloody hope he's doing all right uh anyway so there's fights and whatever but and this version of hulk he's got more swagger and he's more of kind of a god he's a crowd favorite mate i love it he's that's interesting we've not seen that in the movies no it's all sad hulk running from tanks yeah yeah uh but anyways oh they've kind of moved away from that anyway and then it turns into like a road trip movie with him why does he not turn back into bruce banner ever because it's probably really dangerous oh good point yeah why would he why would you also probably magic yeah magic but if he's on this like battle scarred world or whatever yeah there's no benefit to him
Starting point is 00:19:04 being bruce banner that's true yeah and i'd imagine maybe because he stays as the hulk for so long he's on this like battle scarred world or whatever. Yeah. There was no benefit to him being Bruce Banner. That's true. Yeah. And I'd imagine maybe because he stays as the Hulk for so long, maybe he gets a little bit of intelligence. Yeah, maybe. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah. Cause I know Ruffalo and they shot for like a few weeks. He's got intelligence. He certainly does. So I feel like this is going to be, this is going to be way more Hulk in this than there is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Then there is Bruce Banner. Yeah. But then it turns into a road trip movie and then it's straight into Infinity War. Nice. Kind of after that. Maybe there's a Spider-Man movie in there somewhere. I don't know. I think that's before.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Who cares? Anyway, take a Wattiti. Remember people are like, it's got to be a comedy. You're going to ruin World War or Planet Hulk, whichever one this is. I'm definitely angry. I'm not quite sure,
Starting point is 00:19:40 but I feel I should be, so I'm angry. But he said, it's not really a comedy, but there are funny moments. And he reckons that Chris Hemsworth's timing... Chris is like my best mate. That's what Chris was saying.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Chris Hemsworth. That's what I'm talking about there. You probably don't know him personally, but I do. He said his comic timing has been underutilised and is one of the funniest things in the movie. And he compares him to the Jack Burton character from Big Trouble in Little China. Great, I love it. Which I knew you'd love to hear. Yeah. funniest things in the movie and they compare he compares him to like a jack burton character from big trouble in little child i love it which i knew you'd love to hear yeah so i had to include that
Starting point is 00:20:09 that sliver of info mason makes me feel good in my tongue yes i think this might this is my most anticipated comic book movie of this year i think what else we got wonder Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Guardians 2. Logan we got, which was great, obviously. And there's probably other ones. I reckon it's a toss-up between Ragnarok and Guardians 2. Yeah, fair. We could do like crazy space movies. I agree. That's what we want.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I want crazy space stuff. But the thing is, we've seen Guardians, you know what I mean? Even if the Guardians is great, which there's a very good chance that it will be, we've seen a Guardians movie. We haven't seen something like this. That's true, we haven't, yeah. Yeah. We've seen a pretty good Thor movie and then a pretty average Thor movie.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Yeah. Time for a pretty good Thor movie again. Yeah, right. That's what I say. I'm just looking forward to just – I love how crazy space stuff is happening. Yeah. Just out in the world. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Like just Peter Quill's off Star-Lord and about. Yep, yep. I like the idea that a whole bunch of people have just ended up in space and now they're just doing space stuff the rest of the world's happening below and they're like i don't care i'm doing space stuff space stuff and you probably also saw the images of the inhumans as it was filming this week yes i did yeah and the thing to note is the giant like blue screen dog that's right the couch sized dog locked your very very uh unsurreptitiously covered in half a sheet just so people know what like blue screen dog. That's right. The couch size dog, locked jaw. Very, very, uh,
Starting point is 00:21:25 unsurreptitiously covered in half a sheet. Just so people know what it is. Yeah, exactly. So, uh, good. We're getting a giant CGI dog in a television show.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And when we're at this point, we're not getting black bolt with the mask and the tuning fork on his head. No, but that's fine. Yeah. We'll say, yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:21:43 I think, I think they'll build to it. If they're putting the big telepathic teleporting dog or whatever it is, they're going to put the tune fork. Yeah. I feel superhero masks, they're still not quite there yet,
Starting point is 00:21:55 especially on TV. Yeah, absolutely. Even like Captain America, like that mask is still not perfect. You know what I mean? He looks so much better without it. Yeah, we spent a lot of time with it off. I think definitely in Avengers, it's it's not great but i think in the
Starting point is 00:22:09 other movies it's pretty solid and i like the world war ii one as well because it's kind of designed for that era yeah but i don't disagree with you mason let's do another piece of news if you don't mind can i can i tell you what else is in here tetris fridge magnets i've been wanting these for ages see what i'm talking about yeah now you can play tetris on your fridge okay i could i could just put some stuff no bills yeah that's fine put some bills up there yeah you've recently moved and this is the perfect addition to your to your man palace which you have bought oh don't call it that oh you turned it around on me i see how because i because obviously we do this in a man cave and you seem to find that obvious to anyone but you seem to find that unpleasant and i'm like no that's a funny joke and you've just said man palace and my skin just crawled it's like it's gonna on your on your i'm gonna get you a custom welcome mat that says casa de
Starting point is 00:22:59 meso yeah no good i wonder if you can get those made I bet you can I bet you bloody can alright anyway I'm just going to put my suicide note on the fridge with these very good I forgot to mention speaking of suicide not a great segue
Starting point is 00:23:17 no I bet it's good I meant to mention this on top our November campaign is still for men's mental health is still happening I know it's a crass I know that's a crass segue, Mason. Yes. I'm not trying to make light of it.
Starting point is 00:23:28 It just reminded me. So yeah, if you still want to donate to that, you can. There's prizes. There are prizes, yeah. There's going to be a private Q&A. There's going to be a bunch of stuff. That's linked below. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:23:36 That's coming up. What else? What else? What else? I'll do the next bit of news. Yeah, do a bit of news. Game of Thrones trailer. It's back.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I know you don't like this unpleasant dog-eat-dog world. And I forget who everybody is. Is it the one... You're talking about the one where it's all the symbols of the various houses built in stone and it all falls to bits? Yes. Can't remember who anyone is. Metaphor. It's a metaphor, Mason.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Targaryen. That's the dragons. That's the dragons, yes. The other ones. There's a stag in there. Winter is coming. No, Barathe dragons, yes. The other ones. There's a stag in there. Winter is coming. No, Baratheons. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:07 The Starks. Now, right at the end we get a symbol. It's sort of like a pinwheely kind of swirly thing. What was that again? That is related to the White Walkers. That's their symbol, yeah. Because that was the eye we zoomed in on. That was a White Walker eye, I want to assume.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I assume so. I can't really remember it if I'm honest. I watched it a few days ago. Well. It's just been a flurry of activity here, Mason. I assume so. I can't really remember it if I'm honest. I watched it a few days ago. It's just been a flurry of activity here, Mason. But you don't care, do you? It's only seven episodes. You know what? I kind of do because we're approaching the pointy end.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Right. It's like it's seven more episodes and then what's the next season? Then another seven or maybe eight. They haven't really made it clear yet. That's it, right? There's not rumors. There's speculation that it's going to end with a movie, which would be great.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I don't think they need to. I think you could do something with two. Also, I find it's always weird to do that leap. Like the X-Files movie? Yeah. It's real weird on its own, isn't it? It absolutely is. And it's going to attract people who've never seen it before.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Serenity? It's like serenity. When you go in there, people are going to be absolutely surrounded by other people going what's who's these people again that being said everybody watches game of thrones i guess except for you yeah i don't know you have watched yeah but i don't want to yeah i'm thinking of doing a game of thrones thing this year on my youtube channel i don't know what it is yet but i'll figure something out james what is it mason this this particular looks great
Starting point is 00:25:25 came with lego it's got lego in it who is that it's there from lego dimensions that's that's a character from the movie yeah the lego which you haven't seen i haven't seen it's really good yeah yeah yeah would i would i fall in love with the characters of uni kitty and cloud cuckoo car i can't remember the car but uni kitty i believe is voiced by what's her name from community allison Bray yeah cool I wonder if I might have a different one in my box maybe you do yeah there's an assortment yeah good stuff it's it's an it's an ensemble amuse-en-d'pack de diversion fun pack oh it's easy to say in English it certainly is them and their fancy French words I love a look great Atomic Blonde
Starting point is 00:26:05 what do you think of that? oh yeah so it's I can't remember the name of it but it's an Oni Press comic book like it's based on a graphic novel right right I haven't read it
Starting point is 00:26:14 several years ago you read it? I read some of it there's a lot of people like this is a John Wick rip off this is kind of I feel this is kind of this is like a Kingsman
Starting point is 00:26:24 kind of situation where the right where the movie is more visceral. Yeah. It's more John Wick. Yeah, so this is Charlize Theron. Yes. Okay. I believe it's the same director
Starting point is 00:26:34 or one of the directors of John Wick as well. It is, yeah. So that's why it looks like John Wick. Looks like that because that's his thing apparently. Hey man, I like this style of action. And before they run it into the ground like doing a spin kick in slow motion like in The matrix let's get more of these get a few of them yeah a few good ones so all for it uh yeah no action looks great charlie saron's great and
Starting point is 00:26:54 everything even uh sweet november with uh keanu reeves where she's dying of cancer but they fall in love oh that's nice spoiler alert she dies wow double spoiler alert. James McAvoy is in this. Yes. Yeah, that was cool. When I saw McAvoy, I'm like, oh, okay, there's some things going on here. He's good. He's the modern day Ewan McGregor, they say. I've certainly said that.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yeah. Yeah. I think, have they called it Atomic Blonde because she looks like Blondie and Blondie have a song called Atomic? Was that what the comic was called? No, it was called something else. Then yes. Yeah, right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:29 No, that's fair. Was that the song that played in the trailer? Presumably. Maybe. I don't remember. Anyway, it looks good. I'll see it if they release it here just like they didn't John Wick 2.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Apparently that's coming. Somebody told me the other day that that might be coming out in April here. I don't care. I'm stealing it. I know, right? Too bad. Too late, directors of John Wick 1 and 2.
Starting point is 00:27:48 It wasn't their fault. It was whoever's in charge of the distribution in Australia. They just forgot. That's exactly what I think happened. That's what used to happen all the time, like 10, 15 years ago. Good. Is there anything else in the loot crate? The Coldest City is what it's called, the original graphic novel.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Good, good. I might give that a read then. There you go. Is there anything else in the loot crate? No, that's it. Okay, cool. I've good I might give that a read then there you go is there anything else in the loot crate no that's it okay cool I've got to do the promo for this then
Starting point is 00:28:08 oh yeah cool we all know this Mason there's an epic range of pop culture items for less than $20 a month just between you and me I think the boxes are actually they're getting better
Starting point is 00:28:17 that's what I think as well oh really yeah you're right the last few I've really enjoyed whether you're a geek Mason which you are how dare you or the geek, Mason, which you are, or the geek in your life,
Starting point is 00:28:26 which is me, all your other friends are cool is what I'm saying. Wow. Yeah. Loot Crate is the best surprise. You know, it's coming. Every month there's a different theme with new exclusives.
Starting point is 00:28:35 You can only get with Loot Crate. Treat yourself every month or give the gift to somebody else. Next month's is Raw, Mason. Do you hear that distant call? Do you hear it? Oh, Raw Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:47 Not R-A-W No It's not an assortment of raw Yeah, like raw food items Next month's is Paleo It's only Lego you can scare up off the ground Like a caveman would This month they're going primal and unleashing beasts
Starting point is 00:29:05 with some of pop culture's most ferocious franchises. We're talking Overwatch. We're talking Transformers Beast Wars. Nice. No, I made that one up. Oh. But can you imagine? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:14 We're talking Wolverine, Jurassic World, Predator. All of those are really good. I don't know anything about Overwatch, but people seem to love it. And, of course, you always get the monthly T&Pin, which is what you saw. You have until the 19th of March, 9pm Pacific, to subscribe and receive that month's
Starting point is 00:29:31 crate. And when the cut-off happens, it's all over. But if you head to slash weeklyplanet and enter promo code weeklyplanet, one word, you get $3 off any subscription. Because there's a bunch of them. I think we're giving away some of the premium DX crates that I launched as well. i think that's that's happening that's a good crate also they have like they have a hoodie they have a bloody sorry i just killed a mozzie
Starting point is 00:29:51 all kinds of stuff i think they had a like a model delorean quite recently in the day xbox yeah i'll be get that one i'm gonna keep it if that's the case i'm just gonna take out the delorean and repack it uh yeah great so like i said slash weekly planet promo code weekly planet for $3 off. Yeah. Check it out. Loot Crate. Loot Crate. Check it out if you're keen. Footage from the last Jedi was shown at a shareholders meeting.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I thought you were going to say share house. Potentially. Just somebody's just bloody Robbo's share house. Yeah, that's it. Down the street. How did he get it? Who knows? Kazza do Robbo. He just put a, that's it. Down the street. How did he get it? Who knows? How did he do Robbo? He just put a dirty old white sheet up in his garage. But what do we got here?
Starting point is 00:30:31 So they showed some footage to shareholders. There was some lines like, apparently Luke asked Rey who she was, but maybe it was directed to somebody else. There was an X-Wing. We saw everybody who was in the movie and apparently it was very well received. Great.
Starting point is 00:30:45 What do you say about footage described by somebody else who saw it that you read through a series of tweets on the internet? It sounds like a triumph. So look, I'm really looking forward to it, but who cares? No, no, let's have some rampant speculation based on some tweets about something that somebody else heard. And it was shareholders who don't know anything about movies anyway. Okay, I think that Luke Skywalker
Starting point is 00:31:09 does know who she is. There's a chance he's doing that Yoda thing where he's pretending he's a fuddy-duddy old man. He's pretending he's knocking about on some weird planet
Starting point is 00:31:19 but really he knows all. He's a wise man. Also, you apparently see Rey training with a lightsaber. Cool, man. Which is very exciting because it's important, even though she seems pretty good already from the get-go. Yeah, great, good.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Apparently there's a new Darth Vader ongoing comic book. It's about him building his lightsaber, apparently. I like the last Darth Vader one. I'm sick of that era. Move forward. There's that between empire and Jedi slot which needs to be filled yes
Starting point is 00:31:48 it was Shadows of the Empire I was going to say Shadows of the Colossus that's a great game by the way check it out if you get the opportunity it's probably on the PS store
Starting point is 00:31:55 get into it mate don't worry it's probably pretty cheap hey side note from this side note have you played The Last Guardian which is the same company
Starting point is 00:32:01 but the new no because I've heard it's a real wonky camera and I don't have time to guide a dog cat bird through a fucking maze or whatever the hell the game is i was look look five years ago you've drawn a very fine line there it's like i i love i love jumping up on a giant beast and stabbing at its heart but i don't have time to move a giant cat dog five years ago i'm all over it it's too late man it's too late 30 years ago you would
Starting point is 00:32:26 have been sent to an insane asylum for saying either of those things and now you're like no i like this one but not this one mason yes it's like from what i hear it's like the best game of 2009 oh i see what i mean i'll look i'll get around to it but some probably not realistically the art direction looks fine did you play did you the Colossus yes it's a bloody fantastic song it's pretty good yeah but no
Starting point is 00:32:48 I don't care side note from the side note sure maybe it's the third layer of side note at this point are you going to get
Starting point is 00:32:53 a Nintendo Switch no people have been loving Zelda they love it so hard I don't early adopt anything like ever
Starting point is 00:33:01 what about this dog here yeah she was a pretty she was too early like too young to adopt. But she was a street dog. What do you want? What do you want? Throw out and be like, you got another two weeks out there.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Come back when you're two weeks older. That's right. But no, you? Maybe down the line. It's kind of tempting. Yeah. Yeah. I haven't played a Zelda game in many a year though.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I've played them for like a few minutes in my whole life. But people are like, this is going to take up months of my life kind of situation. Yeah but I feel like I'll just get Horizon Zero Dawn. That does look good. Which you know by all accounts is also amazing. I don't know I think there's, I've heard it is really good but there's also like there's a whole lot of screen
Starting point is 00:33:38 tearing and like frame rate issues and then it's like a perfect 10. That's not a perfect 10. Yeah right. It can't be a perfect 10. I mean I guess it's all subjective and you can overlook it. It's flaws or whatever. But do you see what I'm saying? Yeah. How can you give something a 10?
Starting point is 00:33:50 It's like saying this car is my favorite car. It's the best, but it's missing a wheel. Sure. I mean, maybe you just really like that car. I mean, that's a 7 out of 10 car at best. That's right. A car that only runs on three wheels. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:02 But I mean, so you're waiting. And I think that makes sense to wait until the cracks emerge like people yeah play it for a couple of weeks and then like actually i don't like the frame rate and i don't like the blah exactly and i've heard the control is not great and it's all right if i i haven't had a nintendo console since the 64 which i won in a radio competition we know but um you're the luckiest man in the world you better believe it mate but uh that's what i talk about that a filthy casuals episode if that's right recently but um i was gonna say switch yeah yeah no not yet i'll wait till they build like a better model of it that doesn't kind of screen tear as
Starting point is 00:34:36 much yeah that's fair next thing no wait so okay we're gonna pull back okay so we did the video games thing star wars lightsaber you're sick of that would you would you prefer star wars characters and i think i kind of do that are just original characters for the comic books and we don't touch on I quite like the Doctor Aphra one Doctor Aphra's good
Starting point is 00:34:50 yeah like I love a Dishrendar yeah what do you think Darth Vader's going to do in lieu of having a red lightsaber for a few issues before he builds it
Starting point is 00:34:58 a sword just a regular sword no your favourite weapon half a brick yeah nice nice he holds half the brick. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Nice. He holds half the brick and the other half of the brick he floats about with the Force. And sometimes he cracks somebody's head in between both the bricks. I'm all for it. But no, I want to see post-Jedi and post-Empire. Those are the kind of gaps we need to fill in. I just think we need to, like the original trilogy is great, but maybe we should just start shifting away from it a little bit. That'd be good.
Starting point is 00:35:28 You know what I mean? But I understand why they can't, because there's still secrets that you can't unveil yet and blah, blah, blah. This is going to be a long episode. Okay. Zazie Beetz. Is that because I keep going on tangents? Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's not your fault, Mason. I don't blame you. I blame the dog. You're all right. You're all right, dog. Zazie Beetz has been cast as Domino in Deadpool 2. Yep. She is from, what's it called?
Starting point is 00:35:51 Atlanta. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Great. So she is Donald Glover's estranged partner in that show. Okay, right. Correct.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yeah, she's really good. Yeah, so no complaints there. Nice. Good casting. Yeah. We still don't know who Cable's going to be. Are they going to white her up for Domino? I have no idea. I hope so, Mason. That there. Good casting. We still don't know who Cable's going to be. Are they going to whiter up for Domino? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I hope so, Mason. That's my favourite thing. White face. Yes. And the people seem to be pretty happy with that casting as well. Okay, so this is a segment I nearly didn't include. I've got a title here. It's Who Cares News?
Starting point is 00:36:22 All the news of so little relevance that we shouldn't have included it. Nice. I love it. Cannot wait. Also, I cannot wait for the letters that are like, no, no, that's very important. Okay. You can decide. I know you won't think these are important.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Right. But you can decide whether anybody listening will think this is important. Okay. I'm ready. James Cameron says. Who Cares? Avatar 2. Delayed again?
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah. Nah, who cares? 2018 pushed back Because he's been doing Four at once He says he's competitive To building a dam or something Can't build a dam straight away
Starting point is 00:36:51 No I mean Imagine if you had to build a dam By this time next year Mason Are people going to die If I don't build the dam Yes I'd probably build the dam If I'm honest
Starting point is 00:36:58 Yeah Like it'd be subpar But it would do the job Yeah exactly Which is what you need Yeah I thought that was A little fortune cookie in that Batman.
Starting point is 00:37:06 No, no. I think it's instructions for storing food. Oh, okay. Put food in. Just put food in, yeah. Oh, it's insulated. Anyway, continue. All right, so I think the fact that you told me that news
Starting point is 00:37:18 and I immediately started fiddling with a toy from the loot crate would suggest that I don't care about that news. And I'm going to say nobody's going to care about that news because it's Avatar. It made no cultural impact. Who cares? That being said, he might, I don't doubt that he can pull something out of his ass
Starting point is 00:37:33 and it'll be good. Or we're just going to have to endure four of these. Margot Robbie is to headline the Robin Hood spinoff movie, Marion. Who cares? People are going to care. Margot? People are going to care. Margot Robbie fans are going to care. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 00:37:48 All the Robin Hood fans are dead. Yeah, I guess. You're talking about the ones from the Robin Hood show from 2007. Correct, yeah, they're all dead. They all died in a rock slide during a Robin Hood convention, so not a problem. Ridley Scott said that he's really happy to do a start on another Alien film straight after Alien Covenant. I think people will care about that. Yeah, you're probably right.
Starting point is 00:38:12 But here's what he said. Assuming Covenant is any good. Yeah. He said, you don't want a two-year gap, so I'm ready to go again next year. You kind of do want a two-year gap. Yeah. If you really want a franchise, I can keep cranking it out for another six. I'm not going to close it down.
Starting point is 00:38:27 No way. I feel... He's 79. Yeah. And also, I feel using the phrase crank it out for another six suggests that maybe he's not devoting the pure love and care that he needs to make a quality film. If you can just crank him out.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Oh, what a man. What a a myth so people are definitely going to care about that i don't care about that yeah fair enough yeah i think that really is hanging the dog wants to go out okay i'll let the dog out who let the dog out mason did mason did let the dog out who let the dog out he just did it just then the dog's out who let the dog out mason let the dog out i'm ready i'm ready to go stop doing that okay king kong you just saw it today didn't you sorry kong king kong skull island king kong boy monkey monkey man monkey man magic man yeah so uh it's gonna apparently take the top spot in the cinema from Logan. What, are we done with news? Yeah, that's it. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:39:26 What do you want from me, mate? You want more news? In a way, I do. I don't have any more. That was too long as is. All right, fine. King Kong, so Kong. I'm just going to call it King Kong, all right?
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yeah. Is that fine? You can say Kong? Okay, good. But you have to lead with King Kong. Okay, right. So do whatever you want. Live your life.
Starting point is 00:39:41 So it's going to take the top spot from Logan, they reckon, at the cinema. That was quick. Which makes sense. I, Logan's R rated And this one's fun for the whole family Yeah So you were talking about last week How you were excited to see this movie Like it was made as a 1970s era
Starting point is 00:39:57 Monster movie but kind of updated For the modern day Did that deliver in that sense? No It wouldn't have There's no way it would have they never would have had it they never would have given it 70s cinematography like they they gave it a lot of here's some shorthand for the 70s they gave it a bit of here's some shorthand for you know the end of the vietnam war yeah i'm talking you know sunsets and choppers and playing credence playing some credence exactly over the over the loudspeakers in a helicopter that kind of thing yeah so and look going in
Starting point is 00:40:31 initially like it looked great but i they threw in these kind of cliches and i'm like i don't know if i buy this right yeah but you know what prove me wrong i had a really good time with this you had a really good time really good time well then you must remember exactly what the story was. First of all, I should say that last week you saw it and then you said, I'm really interested to see what you think. So I spent most of the last week thinking this is a trap. It's terrible. Oh, really? You've tried to trick me here.
Starting point is 00:40:57 No, I just was really, because I know a lot of, I'm not 100% sold on it, if I'm honest, but I was interested to see what way you'd fall, Mason. I think it was over long. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Was it longer than Peter Jackson's King Kong? No, it was shorter than that. Significantly.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Mm-hmm. Anyway, what was the story? God, all right, hang on. What do you think the story was? The story is this island, Skull Island. It's filled with... It's not really shaped like a skull, is it? It's more subtle than this one.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Not relevant! Anyway, there's an island, and john goodman wants to go there because he thinks there's there's some stuff there he was there's some king kong he wants to but he tricks people he's like hey why don't we all survey this island hey army blokes and tom hiddleston and and journalist lady let's all go in and we'll we'll we'll survey this island because who knows what an island would look like when you're on it Who knows Certainly no monsters there Just let's go and look at the pretty scenery
Starting point is 00:41:48 Ah, there's monsters that tricked you There's too many Too many Yeah That's exactly what it is, Mason For me, the best part of this movie was by far The King Kong moments Yes
Starting point is 00:41:59 It's probably for the best Yeah, well They kind of show him pretty early on It opens weirdly, doesn't it? It kind of opens the way Predators opens, but it's more comedic. This movie was reminiscent of Predators insofar as they got a floppy British man
Starting point is 00:42:16 and they attempted to recast him as an action star. It wasn't as far-fetched as Adrian Brody in Predators. Is he British? Isn't he? I don't know. Okay, he looks British. I'll look it up while you continue going. He's certainly foppish. No, I thought Adrian Brody was Predators. Is he British? Isn't he? I don't know. Okay, he looks British. I'll look it up while you continue going. So he's certainly foppish.
Starting point is 00:42:28 No, I thought Adrian Brody was good in that. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Oh, you're saying, oh, okay, fair enough. I'm saying the transition of Adrian Brody from foppish man to action man was quite a big gulf. Right, okay. Quite a big divide to leap, but Tom Hiddleston less so because he's been- Or New York. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Yeah, sorry. He just looks British, doesn't he? Yeah. Is he from New York? Yeah, apparently. There you go. All right. Anyway, so did Tom Hiddleston kind of, did he fill that role for you adequately?
Starting point is 00:42:52 As a tanned action man. See, I like Tom Hiddleston a lot. And one of the things I was really looking forward to going into this was the cast. Yeah. But so many of them are woefully underused. Well, he has- And a lot of them just standing there is like John C. Reilly or John C. McGinley, whichever one he is.
Starting point is 00:43:07 John C. Wiley, because he's quite a Wiley Coyote character in this. And he kind of spins his wheels. In a good way, he's great. And they just stand there and kind of like... Well, Hiddleston gets relatively little action. Yeah. How many times does he fire a gun?
Starting point is 00:43:20 Probably once? Maybe. I don't know. And if he does fire the gun a lot of times, it's to ill effect because they kind of there's a clip they've released online where they go to the bar and they're like this is the guy we need he beats up some asian guys with a full cue and he kind of crickets one into the remember that he does a cricket hit and it's one in the face and they
Starting point is 00:43:38 they're like oh we need this guy this is this is the guy we need but they don't really need him because john c reilly who's been there this is in the trailers since world But they don't really need him because John C. Reilly, who's been there, this is in the trailers, since World War II, he knows that island back to front. That's true, yeah. And they've got actual army guys. You know what I mean? I'm not saying he was bad.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I'm just saying, why did he need to be there? Why did Brie Larson need to be there? I guess so they could be like, King Kong's the best. Yeah, I mean, they needed Brie Larson as the journalist to document. no i i agree but they like maybe should have done something better with oh they get to give them more to do no you're right you're absolutely right yeah so in that sense that kind of the cast is it's really well cast but it's just a bit of a letdown
Starting point is 00:44:20 in that sense for me maybe you feel differently m differently, Mason. That's okay. That's okay. No, I feel about the same. I liked them all being there. But you're right, Hiddleston does basically nothing in this movie. Yeah, and that's not to say I didn't enjoy it, because it's brisk, there's some good monster action and whatnot. Yeah, there is. What I loved about this version of King Kong, as opposed to the Peter Jackson one, the Peter Jackson one is a
Starting point is 00:44:39 gorilla, right? This one looks like a man in a gorilla suit, but done with amazing CGI. Right, it's true. Like he's got that upright kind of walk. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? This movie, I think more or less the CGI in this was flawless.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Like, again, this is probably not a spoiler. It's a CGI final battle. Surprise everybody. Yeah. The final scene, it's all just... What do you... But it didn't take me out. I'm not like, ooh like oh this is fake like the water effects were great and the fire effects and the thumping the creature effects in this are really good on the whole it felt a lot
Starting point is 00:45:13 more real and tangible than like jurassic world say yeah do you know what i mean where that's even though you know there i would say there was barely any if if any, animatronics in this. Yes. It still felt much realer. And what I preferred about this than the Peter Jackson one, the length for one. Yes. But it's also that that world for me, it never felt like a real jungle. Yeah. It felt like a green screen jungle.
Starting point is 00:45:38 And this, they went to like Vietnam, Australia, maybe Hawaii. I don't know. But they went to all these different places and it feels real. It feels like a real place, like a, Australia, maybe Hawaii, I don't know. But they went to all these different places and it feels real. It feels like a real place, like a real terrifying, dangerous place. And I got the sense of the Peter Jackson one that they're just running around in a green screen with a few ferns put up. And especially when you see, and you should go back and watch this, everybody, when King Kong holds, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:46:03 Naomi Watts. Yes. It looks terrible. It looks really bad. What I did, speaking of that, I did like, there were quite a lot of allusions to previous King Kong movies and the tropes of King Kong.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Sure. And they like, they threw them in there, but it wasn't like, nod and a wink, here we go. And it wasn't in the... Is there any in particular? Because I'm not really, I'm not au fait with the lore as much. I'm thinking more in the terms of he has to hold a damsel in distress or what have you. They put something to that effect in there, but it isn't he's climbing up a building holding a name he wants.
Starting point is 00:46:35 I'm so glad we didn't get that. You know, we've got him, we get King Kong in chains at a certain point, but it's not in the way you'd think it would be kind of thing. He loves a bit of the old Fifty Shades of Grey Mason. You know what I mean? Mate. Good joke. Yeah, but I still think, despite I really enjoy the action and I think it looks better than the Peter Jackson King Kong,
Starting point is 00:46:58 that T-Rex fight, which I re-watched the other day from the Peter Jackson one, is better than anything in this movie. Oh, okay. Yeah. On the, on the whole. Sure.
Starting point is 00:47:08 But I think, I think that is counterbalanced by the fact that that movie in itself is incredibly boring and terrible. So I completely agree. I would take this any day of the week over the, over the Peter Jackson one. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Uh, what, what else we got here? More monkey than ever. Would you agree? Absolutely. It wasn't like the big, a big complaint of yeah uh what what else we got here more monkey than ever would you agree absolutely it wasn't like the big a big complaint of uh godzilla was 2014 was that there wasn't as much godzilla as you would have liked yeah i haven't gone back and watched that since but i remember enjoying it this one i feel like if it was on tv i'd probably watch it and i don't know if i would for godzilla i'd probably just skip to the monster bits. Yeah, that's fair, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:45 But yeah, this one, like, I enjoyed more of the cast, even though a lot of them are wasted, than they did with Godzilla. I don't care if Quicksilver has to get across the world. Yeah, we get it. You loved your dad. Now he's dead. We get it, all right?
Starting point is 00:47:58 We get it. We all love our dads, all right? Yeah, exactly. Jesus. Yeah, God. Yeah, he's not special in any way. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:06 How did it compare to Godzilla for for you though uh good question it is more it's much more of a fun ride yeah it's again it's a it's a little in the middle yeah but for the most part it's kind of this fun thrill ride whereas in godzilla which again i did really enjoy there's a there's a lot of talking yeah there's a lot of talking and there's a lot of people in threat rooms and situation rooms going, hmm. So that's a Godzilla trope from way back. A lot of people sitting around boardrooms going like, maybe we should fire a nuke at him.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And then they go, well, we did that. Well, let's fire a bigger one. What's the worst that could happen? Yeah, but I think I like that kind of stuff. I like delving into the history of these monsters and they popped up in these eras and whatever I like that
Starting point is 00:48:47 but I think Godzilla went a little too heavy maybe more so on the family stuff than that but yeah this was I would have liked to have seen a bit more backstory
Starting point is 00:48:56 about the monsters of the island and how they've impacted because they do tie this to Godzilla which we should probably save for spoilers we'll talk about that
Starting point is 00:49:03 but we know that it's not a spoiler, Legendary Pictures has the rights to both of them at this point. Yes. And they're trying to put them together. Yeah, absolutely, yeah. You know, what I did think was a bit weird in this, I never got a sense for how big the island was.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Like it seemed smaller than maybe it was intended to be because I think for me it was King Kong was everywhere. Yes. Wherever they went, he'd just be walking through yeah he just walked through shot and i guess because he is everywhere because he's a protector of the island so he's probably doing like a boundary check or whatever he's probably got some shortcuts somewhere no doubt he has he's probably got one of those little those little um motorized carts that they have on like hollywood film sets and he just buzzes about in it yeah absolutely and i like the way they've kind of framed him in this movie as he's a protector like if you provoke him he'll
Starting point is 00:49:49 smash it a bit which is how they uh promoted godzilla yeah he's he's the earth's protector once again so which sounds to me like we're going to get a bit of they fight for a bit than they might exactly and i think they may have addressed the size comparison thing and yeah they did yeah we'll talk about spoilers yeah uh did you there was a music a bit i don't know i think it was a bit too kind of forest gump more than kind of again if it's any good i won't notice it no i mean like the soundtrack it was always like they'd always crank a creep oh i see right yeah that was one like every eight minutes that being said it wasn't necessarily the most cliched ones like it wasn't no that is true it
Starting point is 00:50:24 wasn't fortunate son and it wasn't what have you there was some black sabbath and some there's some other stuff yeah yeah i i didn't feel like you know the the most egregious example recently is of course suicide squad where they're just like let's throw in eminem and let's throw in whatever and let's throw in a thing that has the exact words that demonstrate what is happening on screen right now in the lyrics or what have you but i it i i felt there was enough to set the tone but it i wasn't like we get it it's 1973 it's fine okay fair enough and that's one thing i also enjoyed great era yeah i think they wanted initially to do it in like the 1910s oh okay and it was the director who went actually i, I'm going to pitch this different version, like this just post-Vietnam era,
Starting point is 00:51:08 you know, kind of like the world's in this kind of very precarious place. And then, you know, instead of they sold, just going home, they have to go and, what they think is just some kind of routine exposition, ext-pedition, sorry, that fight a big old monkey. Speaking of routine exposition. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:23 There was some, but it was masked pretty well. I liked the John Goodman kind of like, we're going to go to this island because I suspect there's this. Because he has a back... There's a reason he's looking for it and they explain that. Yeah. And I loved that John C. McGinley kind of trapped on the island, slowly going mad, but he's adapted to the situation.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Like he was easily the most entertaining cast member in this. Yes. situation like he was easily the most entertaining cast member in this yes well i feel some of the some tonally some of the jokes and stuff fell a little bit flat skull walkers yeah there's there's a couple of things where clearly they've gone ultimate it's it's john c reilly let's he's been in like war card and he's been in like he was in brothers exactly he's been in some will ferrell stuff let's have him do some of that let's have the other let's have Brie Larson
Starting point is 00:52:08 and Tom Hiddleston get in there and improv or something and they're clearly not improv guys because they kind of stand there awkwardly while he just like
Starting point is 00:52:15 spits dialogue I appreciate the try but I don't think it 100% worked okay that's fair enough but did you think did you like your story arc though yeah it was fun
Starting point is 00:52:24 okay good I'm glad Mason because that's what I enjoyed did you think did you like your story arc though yeah it was fun okay good I'm glad Mason because that's what I enjoyed good what else we got here I don't know I think we should move into spoilers let's move into spoilers so I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:52:32 best movie ever I had a really good time with this one I've been having a good run of movies lately well don't get used to that Mason oh yeah I know oh no
Starting point is 00:52:40 yeah remember last year was a good run of movies initially yeah and then it was mostly toilet stuff I remember yeah it was mostly toilet stuff. I remember. Yeah. Well, not even toilet stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Just whatever. Do you know what I mean? I mean, that toilet duck movie was not great. Is that an Australian reference? Probably. I hope so. No, I reckon Americans know what a toilet duck is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Spoilers. I would say also best movie ever. Nice. Yeah. Better than Peter Jackson's. Yeah. Okay. So Brie Larson in this. Yes. I can see how they tried to make her a bit of an action lady and whatnot
Starting point is 00:53:12 and be like, look at her, she's just as good as anybody. She's got some action beats even though she doesn't have any guns. But her action beats were weird and shit. Like there was the one moment where she throws a lighter and so she saves everybody from one of those weird dinosaur monsters. Yes. It kind of was very kind of like,'s very lucky yeah i mean like that why didn't it why didn't the lighter go off in her hand yeah exactly yeah like sure and the other bit was she's like people are riddling
Starting point is 00:53:37 these monsters with machine gun bullets and she shoots a flare from like 50 feet away into the side of one's head and hits him in the eye and yeah that's true yeah do you know what i mean like i just i don't and then you get hiddleston gets one moment where he gets a sword and then 300s his way yes that's right whatever yeah it's got that weird hand cragged yeah a little bit the action was a little bit weird yeah but i i think it was counterbalanced by some some of the some of the action kind of i think flew in the face of a lot of those kind of action tropes. You know the guy...
Starting point is 00:54:06 Like a pterodactyl. Yeah, but like that, you know, he's a that guy. I don't know who he is. But at one point he's got the belt of grenades. He's not Gary Sinise. Yeah, not Gary Sinise. And he like, you think he's going to leap in the mouth of the villain or whatever, of the monster,
Starting point is 00:54:21 and it just sweeps him out of the way with the tail. Yeah. And he gets nothing. Did you like that? I think that was kind of fun. What I didn't like is why he decided to do that all of a sudden yeah it wasn't building towards him kind of giving up that's true there's a bit in um liam neeson's wolf fight yeah it's a fantastic movie i recommend checking it out yes but you can see this guy kind of slowly break down over the over the movie and then there's a bit where he just sits down and he's just like, you know what? I'm just not doing this.
Starting point is 00:54:47 And then like the wolves get him. Like it wasn't that. He was just kind of like, he was fun loving and he was giving some anecdotes. Then he's like, fuck it, I'm out. I don't want to do this anymore. I think maybe some of his storyline got cut out in the edit. I think they were like, we want this to move a bit faster,
Starting point is 00:55:00 but we also can't throw away the, he gets slapped into a mountain range and blows up. So they had to keep that in there. So the King Kong size thing. So before that, I was just going to say, I also found it a little bit odd that everybody had a grenade launcher, but nobody used it. Like he had a grenade launcher and he had all those grenades and the... A bandolier?
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yeah, he had a bandolier of grenades and he had like the Terminator 2 grenade launcher on his back. That's the best one. It's one of the good ones. It's the M79. Yeah. Was that from one of your schematic books you had as a kid?
Starting point is 00:55:35 Almost certainly, yeah. You love your bloody schematic books. I love a schematic. That's why you love a schematic loot crate t-shirt. That's what I'm talking about, yeah. And also the young army guy, he had an M16 with a grenade launcher underneath. Did he? I didn't notice that. The guy with the bandana. Yeah. And also the young army guy, he had an M16 with a grenade launcher underneath. Did he?
Starting point is 00:55:47 I didn't notice that. Never used it. The guy with the bandana. Yeah, never used it. The guy who's not the guy from There Will Be Blood. Correct, yes. He was good though, I thought. So Samuel L. Jackson, oh sorry, you were going to say something else?
Starting point is 00:55:59 No, you were going to say size issues. Size issues. So basically they said Kong will keep growing. Correct. How is he going to survive on that island if he grows to, it would have to be at least triple his size? I don't think he's going to become as big as Godzilla. No.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Let's say he'd have to be at least nipple height. Yes. Would you say that? I don't think even that. I legit think he's going to ride Godzilla at some point. Like Godzilla's a pretty, pretty pony. But I think he's going to get Godzilla at some point. Like Godzilla's a pretty, pretty pony. But I think he's going to get a bit bigger. Or I think, you know what?
Starting point is 00:56:29 I think he's going to get as big as they... I think what they're just going to do is eyeball the two designs and scale up King Kong to wherever they need him particularly. Or maybe scale down Godzilla a little bit. No, I think they're going to scale up King Kong. Okay. And just be like... I don't mean like actually shrink him. I'm just meaning like, we'll tweak him a little bit. No, I think they're going to scale up King Kong. Okay. And just be like... I don't mean like actually shrink him.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I'm just meaning like, we'll tweak him a little bit and people won't notice. Yeah, I think probably, yeah. Yeah. But I think they're just going to go like, that'll be fine. Yeah. I don't know. What were we talking about? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:57 So, yeah. So, the idea obviously is there's going to be... I think it's going to... They're next going to do Godzilla King of the Monsters. Yep. Is the next one. And then in 2020, they're next gonna do godzilla king of the monsters yep is the next one and then in 2020 they're gonna do godzilla versus king kong and there's gonna be a whole lot of mothras and a whole lot of good doors and did you stay for the post credits yes i did i didn't i left i knew there was one but i was like i don't know this fair enough not that i didn't
Starting point is 00:57:19 like it but i'm like you know what i'm sick of sitting through credits really i used to love it yeah now i hate it. No. Yeah, maybe I do. But you're aware of what's happened. I know. So it's the Hiddleston and Brie Larson are in... Monarch? Yeah, they're in an interview room and they're being... They're like, why are you keeping us in here?
Starting point is 00:57:37 Whatever. Tell us about your King Kongs. Yeah, and then the two researchers from... The two researchers who didn't have a lot to do in the movie, they show up and they're like, hey, welcome to Monarch. You're all in Monarch kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:57:47 There's no explanation as to why John C. Reilly is not... No, he'd be the best guy to have in Monarch. He'd be the best guy in there. Maybe he didn't want to. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:57:53 But I guess they still would have kept him there. They still would have arrested him. Yeah. There's no explanation for that. But anyway, they're like, check this out
Starting point is 00:57:59 and they show them all the details and then we just get a montage of like cave paintings and satellite imagery of what have you of Godzilla and Mothra. So does that mean brie larson and tom hiddleston are going to show up in those movies that's actually a good question i guess the question
Starting point is 00:58:13 is when are they going to set king kong versus godzilla right because ideally i would want it to be after godzilla king of the monsters you'd want it i'd want i'd want king kong to re-emerge yeah modern day right but i get the sense maybe they're going to set it in between here and oh no they can't can they why not because because nobody knew who king godzilla was up until 2014 unless you set it on another island or whatever that's what i was going to say in early on i'm like maybe they do like chernobyl yeah okay they're like yeah there wasn't a chernobyl there was a Godzilla instead. Because in this movie they also went, you know, when there were nuclear tests, it was just to kill this guy,
Starting point is 00:58:48 and I'm like, oh, that's a bit Shades of Godzilla, and then I'm like, oh, that's right. It was. They're going to put them together. It was literally, yeah, for that reason. Okay. Yeah, because, hmm, I wonder, because you can't time jump, but they're going to age up Tom Hiddleston for years.
Starting point is 00:59:01 I think they're just going to, maybe an appearance, but I think they're probably just going to new cast everyone. Because who's in these movies for the human cast? Nobody. Nobody. Ryan Cranston. Ryan Cranston is pretty good. He was alright, wasn't he?
Starting point is 00:59:16 Sam Jackson went mental. Yeah, he sure did. I think they played to his strength here, which is looking real intense and weird at the camera while yelling. Yeah, that is his strength, yeah. He was great as Mace Windu. He was? Not really, if I'm honest.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Not a great character. But no, I felt a bit like, because Sam Jackson was like, I'm going to kill Kong. And then they're like, don't kill him because they're all the dinosaurs. They're not dinosaurs, but let's just say they are. They're going to run riot. But if it was me i would just be like i'm going i don't care yeah like who cares if this island goes mad but it's a metaphor for
Starting point is 00:59:51 for being going mad after war no i understand but i mean why stop him that's what i'm saying that's true yeah i would yeah like i don't care if he kills a giant gorilla i mean i don't want gorillas to die but i also don't want to be mauled by a giant spider. Do you know what I mean? Like, I want to leave. What did you think of the variety of monsters? I could have used more. Same, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:11 But I liked that there was a few kind of, there was a couple of hints towards them. Like, they talk about giant ants. Yeah, right. That make them sound like birds. I liked that. I like the big stick ants. Big stick one.
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Starting point is 01:01:27 today at That's ...looking thing. They were cool. Yeah. No, I liked them, but yeah, maybe a few more, I guess. I have to wonder, evolutionary wise, how those skull crawlers evolved.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Because you'd have a very chapped tummy, you know? There'd be a lot of chafing on your tum. Do they have back legs? They have no back legs. Yeah, I don't know. Well, snakes don't have a chafed tum, do they? That's true. Yeah, they've got a very evolved tum. And same with any lizard.
Starting point is 01:01:57 That's right. Very strong tum. Yeah. You're absolutely right, yeah. I'm not a chapped tum expert. No, I understand. Yeah. Was there a minigun in this?
Starting point is 01:02:08 We see a minigun, and there's some miniguns on the helicopters. And? But nobody uses one light. I mean, I guess they attack Kong with them. Yeah. It's pretty solid. But again, there's no... The problem with some of these action sequences,
Starting point is 01:02:22 none of the machine guns ever did anything. No, yeah. Flayers do. Yeah, right? Lighters do. Yeah. Samurai swords do. Grenades would have done something if they'd bothered.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Yes. They'd unhooked that bandolier and shared them about, but I guess not. You'd better bloody believe it, mate. I think I had something else to say. I think I had something else to say. I don't know. I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Was it about miniguns? Maybe. I don't know, man. You remember. Was it about miniguns? Maybe. I don't know, man. You know what? I like this universe. Me too. It's better than the Transformers movies. Isn't it though?
Starting point is 01:02:49 Yeah. It's got a kind of a promising looking future. I like they gave us a little Muto reference. At what point? I don't remember. At one point, I think one of the researchers refers to bloody massive unidentified terrestrial organisms. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:03:06 He says Kong is one. Okay, cool. Mütter. That's right. With the Kong-Godzilla fight, I think the way they're going to have to play it is Kong's got speed over Godzilla. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Because if Godzilla got his hands on him, it would just be atomic breath. Exactly, yeah. So Kong's vulnerable to napalm and being shot. Sure, yeah. And bitten. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:03:26 So he'll need speed. I'm just giving him, I'm just wording him up, mate. Just getting him ready. No, I get it. I understand. You know? If you're listening, Kong. I don't want to say, off the back of this,
Starting point is 01:03:36 we don't need another King Kong falls from a building movie. We don't need another King Kong. We do. Yeah, we do. But just not falling from a building. You know what I mean? You need to see that again? No.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yeah. Is that it? Anyway, it's fine. Yeah, it's good. I had a good time. Yeah, I would say good, not great. Got some tweets here. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 01:03:55 Samuel says, just saw Kong Skull Island. Don't know if I hated it or enjoyed it. Action felt unearned. Unearned. Unearned? Unearthed. How does he mean unearned? I guess I'm don't know do i but i presume it's because like it just kind of went straight into him i guess so you know they get to the island and then they just get smashed up straight away do we get to
Starting point is 01:04:18 know the characters enough or relatable see i think we did throughout the course of the film okay the ones ones we the ones we liked anyway. Mason thinks you're wrong, Samuel. That's right. Tweet at him. Wait, is that Samuel L. Jackson? It is, actually, yeah. Oh, wow. I feel a little bad, but not that bad.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Tane Dog says... Tane Dog? Tane Dog. I think Brie Larson's face alone deserves an Oscar after Kong. She did a lot of... That's true, she did, yeah. And she did a lot of snapping a photo. Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:44 There was that moment, which I think they need to retire in movies, where she turns yeah and she did a lot of snapping a photo yeah there was that moment which i think they need to retire in movies where she turns up and she's got a man's name oh yeah and they're like but you're a woman which is like last time i bloody checked yeah and kind of saunters onto the boat yeah and then there was a weird flashback where she's you see her checking it's real graphic like do we need that anymore just, I think that moment would have benefited from just Bree's past. Just don't even acknowledge it. Just, you know what I mean? But it was also the 70s.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Yeah. Oh, that, good point, Mason. And good point, Tane Dog. Yeah. By the way, it's Tane Dog brackets, sup chief. Just so we're clear. Love it. Baish says, saw Gorilla Island.
Starting point is 01:05:23 For some reason, it just didn't grab me. I don't know why. Hashtag just a movie. Because you weren't a damsel in distress. Potentially. You're not a woman. Or am I? Last time I bloody checked, mate.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Glenn says, Skyline on cinematography was top notch. But that first act was a suicide squad levels of chunky exposition. I think it was a little bit better than that i thought yeah i could see i can understand that yeah what what a what a what a world what a world we live in hey well mason forget about what we were talking about previously to this that thing that we were talking about that we loved or hated i've had enough of it yeah you're done with it i want to talk about sick to death of it that's right i want to talk about iron fist for a couple of reasons firstly we're being paid oh secondly i'm genuinely looking forward to the next series. Me too.
Starting point is 01:06:09 He's the final defender of the Defenders. We finally get to see them all team up. We finally get to see bloody Luke Cage and Danny Rand team up, become best friends. Just like all the comics they do. Exactly. They did a lot of comics, didn't they, together? Man, what a fun time. Let's not talk about them. No, let's talk about them. So what we thought, before we get into that, because we want to talk kind of origins, best stories, his tattoo. Well, maybe it isn't a tattoo, Mason, you were telling me. Spoiler alert, it's definitely not a tattoo.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Ooh. I mean, it's tattoo-like. Ooh. Okay. Sorry. So, but we have a bit of a giveaway to do. Yeah, right. That's right.
Starting point is 01:06:44 We're going to give away the first season of Daredevil on Blu-ray. We've got a bit of a competition going. And the idea is if you hashtag Iron Fist, one word, but with three eyes. Four eyes, but not all together. Iron Fist. Yeah, look. To symbolize me going, Iron Fist. Because as we know, well, actually, it's not true of the comic or the show, probably,
Starting point is 01:07:05 because we haven't seen it yet. says he yells iron fist before he hits somebody That is canon As far as I'm concerned Every time he uses his mighty iron fist He screams iron fist That's exactly it Which you'd think the bad guys would use as a clue To get out of his way
Starting point is 01:07:17 But they never do They never do They're like he's never gonna He's not actually gonna do it this time So the idea is that if you could hashtag that, send it to either myself or Mason or both. At Wikipedia Brown or at MrSundayMovies. And include like it can be a fan art, a photo, a digital image,
Starting point is 01:07:35 a logo, a joke, a tagline, a meme. A video of you iron fisting something. Anything to show your power, basically. Any of those things, but ideally if you could send a video of you iron fisting something. Or someone show your power, basically. Any of those things, but ideally, if you could send a video of you iron fisting something. That's right. Or someone, a friend, a housemate. If you want to light your fist on... A family member.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Don't do it. Don't do anything illegal. You can walk the line. You can walk the line. Yeah. So yeah, if you want to light your fist on fire and punch a solid brick wall... That'd be the most authentic.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Please don't. Please don't. Please don't hurt yourself. But yeah, so the winner, like I said, will win a Daredevil Blu-ray. We'll probably announce that next week or maybe a couple of weeks. Yeah, yeah. So it's Iron Fist, four eyes, as in there's one at the start and there's three. Three in the middle. So it's Iron Fist.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Yeah. You know it better than me, but okay. Also, Iron Fist is released the 17th of March. On Netflix. If you've got Netflix, you've already got it. It's right there. Surprise. Unless you're listening to this before it comes out, then you haven't got it yet.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Haven't got it yet. Just watch the trailer over and over. That's right. We're looking at the trailer right now. We've got the thing right now. So anyway, we figured if you don't know anything about Iron Fist, which I guess is a lot of people, we'll give you a little primer about Iron Fist. Me included.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I was supposed to do more research than this than this than i did but then i realized i tricked you into doing more research okay here we go than was necessary yeah uh so look we've got 13 episodes coming up yeah it's a marvel standard before the defenders hits which i'm also very excited for that's on the eight though the defenders the Defenders Unbelieve. Ooh. Yeah. Do you want to talk origins? I want to talk about origins. Oranges. If you iron fist enough people, it's like playing a good half on the football field.
Starting point is 01:09:13 You need some oranges. You better believe it, mate. You punch some people's hearts out. You need some... You bloody know it. Mm-hmm. So what have we got? Where is he from?
Starting point is 01:09:23 Where is he from? Well, if you want to talk about iron fist, you have to kind of go back to the 1940s because it was a uh uh bill everett do i have to go back to the you don't have to i'm forcing you to do this essentially what i'm what this what essentially this is is me shoehorning in unnecessary comic book origin knowledge into your head what a a delight. Yeah. That I can never get rid of. Because it's just dribbling out of my brain. And if I don't release it somewhere, I'm going to bloody iron fist just a neighbor probably.
Starting point is 01:09:53 So I'm going to give you some info. So Bill Everett, who created the Silver Surfer, not the Silver Surfer, the Submariner in the 1940s, he created a character called Amazing Man. This is in the 40s. Right, yeah. Everybody was super amazing, wonderful, terrific. Mr. Terrific.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Yeah, exactly. Or Superman. Yeah, exactly. Come on, man. Anyway. That's who I was referring to, Mason. Oh, I see. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:14 So anyway, in the 40s, he created a character called The Amazing Man. So it's about a man named John a man. No. No, that's his name. One word? John a man. A-M-A-N. It's all that one word, No. No, that's his name. One word? John Aman. A-M-A-N. It's all that one word, though.
Starting point is 01:10:28 No, that's two words, as is tradition in our culture. Anyway, he's an orphan and he's sent to Tibetan monks who believe that they can make him into the perfect man. And so they raise him for 25 years with all the... Was that based on the name? Were they like... Yeah. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:10:45 It's in the name, I guess. That's how Mark Webb got to direct The Amazing Spider-Man. Exactly. Philosophy. That's right. So this council of seven monks, they each train him to have superhuman mental and physical skills. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:57 And also they give him the ability to turn into a green mist. So he has two titles, The Amazing Man and also The Green Mist. So he's two he has two titles yep the amazing man and also the green mist so he's a man yes who can turn into a fart correct anyway he was around for a little bit uh so is that for like stealth operations getting through a keyhole scaring people yeah scaring people what's scarier than you fighting a man and they go into a mist and climb into your lungs and then turn back into a man. Exactly. Nothing. Yeah. Nothing is scarier than that. That's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:11:26 So anyway, in the 70s, we had a huge resurgence of kung fu movies. Yes. Not a resurgence. What word am I thinking of? Resurgence. Okay. You're thinking of Independence Day resurgence. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:11:40 I'm thinking of that. Anyway, so we had a lot of kung fu movies hitting the streets. I am thinking that. Anyway, so we had a lot of kung fu movies hitting the streets. And Marvel, thinking ahead, were like, we should get some kung fu guys. Because we've got armored superheroes. We've got gods. We've got gamma radiated monsters.
Starting point is 01:11:58 We don't have kung fu guys. Did DC have some kung fu guys at this point? I mean, they had Batman. He is a kung fu guy. He's a kung fu guy, isn't he? Well, I guess they had, I don't know what the timeline, they probably had like Katana. They would have had Judo Master.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Oh, yes. They would have had the Karate Kid, but not the Karate Kid you're thinking of. A different Karate Kid. I was thinking of the Hilary Swank version. Definitely not that one. I was thinking of the Jaden Smith version. Also not that one. The one I'm thinking of is the Karate Kid from space.
Starting point is 01:12:23 He was from a planet where people just did karate, and then he joined the Legion of Superheroes as Karate Kid. So is that where karate comes from? A planet? Yeah, from space. Okay, good. Yeah, deep space. Anyway, so that's...
Starting point is 01:12:34 Did DC have Richard Dragon at this point? Oh, yeah, I think so. Okay, sorry. This is 70s, yeah. Continue, yeah. You're right, it's probably... Anyway, so Marvel were like, we'll get in the game. So they created two characters.
Starting point is 01:12:42 They created Shang-Chi, the master of Kung Fu. Yeah. Right? And they're also like, okay they created two characters they created Shang-Chi the master of Kung Fu yeah right and they're also like okay well we've got a we've got Shang-Chi we should make a guy who's kind of the opposite
Starting point is 01:12:50 yeah so they created Danny Rand master of Kung Fu no you idiot sorry anyway so just Danny Rand
Starting point is 01:12:58 yeah just Danny Rand so anyway basically Danny Rand's father as a child yeah was wandering in Tibet sure as a child, was wandering in Tibet. Sure.
Starting point is 01:13:07 As a child. What? Yeah, okay. And he encountered the mystical city of Kunlun. Yes. Which is a city that only appears in the realm of Earth once every ten years. Like the Mortal Kombat tournament. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Like Brigadoon. I don't know what that is. You know Brigadoon? No. It's a town in Scotland. I know the Rigadoons. What's that? Those puppets?
Starting point is 01:13:27 No. Doesn't matter. You've made it up. They're probably from Brigadoon. Okay, sure. Anyway. Rigadoons are real, just so we're clear. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Anyway, as a child, he ends up in this mystical city. Yeah. And then he meets the royal family of the city of Cunlun. Oh. And he's like, oh, this is amazing amazing and then he ends up back in the real world later and he's like uh well real world's not enough for me so he spent the rest of his adult life like he grows up and he spends the rest of his adult life looking for the looking for kunlun again right and so one day he goes with he goes on an expedition in the mountains to find kunlun he He brings his son, Danny Rand, his wife, and his business partner, Harold Meacham.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Yes, good. And they go into the mountains. His father is killed. This is before they find the Kunlun. Well, what basically happens is Harold Meacham, his business partner, is in love with his wife oh does he know this
Starting point is 01:14:27 no he doesn't so he's not just parading his wife in front of him you'll never have a piece of this baby but continue to run my business
Starting point is 01:14:35 it's fine anyway but anyway at one point his father slips off like a precipice okay and Harold Meacham's like
Starting point is 01:14:43 I could save you but maybe I won't save you. And he just lets him die. And then he's like, hey, now marry me, baby. And she's like, probably not. Just as it happened? Yeah, almost immediately.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Because that's what happened in the 70s. Life was short. This was the plot of The Lion King also. That's what I'm talking about. So anyway, so he and his mother sort of go on the run from this guy they lose track of him she gets they both get attacked by wolves she dies defending him from wolves oh no and then just as she's passing away she was about to start a new life yeah yeah and this mystical bridge
Starting point is 01:15:18 appears and the city of kun lung oh is there all of a sudden they the archers came out to save her from the wolves but they was too late. But then they bring him in and they're like, you're the chosen one. Get in here, buddy. Oh, you're up. You're up, mate. So did they know he was coming for years?
Starting point is 01:15:37 Like, is he on the father founder? Were they like, we're keeping on this guy. Well, we'll get to that, I think. We'll get to that a little bit later. See, there's some revisionist history. I think the origin was a lot simpler back in the day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, this has been.
Starting point is 01:15:48 How long has it been? What year was this? 1974. 1974. Yeah, so more meat has been added to the bones. Sure. Well, that's the same with every character, isn't it? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so anyway, they bring him in and he's like, I want revenge. I want revenge against my dad's business partner. I never cared for him. He had eyes for me, mom. I didn't like it. Anyway, so they bring him to Thunderer, who's their martial arts trainer.
Starting point is 01:16:14 And they're like, all right, you train with this guy. You learn the martial arts. And so he's the most gifted student. He's the mightiest of the students. That's good. He's got the highest kick well there are others with higher kicks oh his skill is the punch he's one of those guys that he punches he gets a big bucket of gravel and he punches his hands in it yeah bruce lee used to do
Starting point is 01:16:35 that bruce lee style exactly yeah um and so okay so basically he trains up he learns the martial arts he toughens his fists in the gravel, bucket of gravel. And then the Thunder is like, okay, you've toughened your fists in the buckets of gravel. Your second test is fight that dragon. And he's like, all right. That's a big jump. I think there should be something in between. Like maybe you've got to tackle an angry horse or something. No, no, dragon.
Starting point is 01:17:00 It's bucket of gravel and then dragon. Can you take the bucket of gravel and throw it in his dragon face? You know, we didn't think of that. Maybe you should have. So anyway, in the mystical city of Kunlun, there's a dragon called Shu Lao the Undying. He's called the Undying because his heart was literally torn from his chest and he didn't die.
Starting point is 01:17:17 So he guards it. I feel like that makes him vulnerable. Well, see, that's the thing. So he attempts to defeat the dragon, kung fu style. Doesn't work. But then he realizes that the dragon remains alive because he's got a big scar on his chest. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:33 And he figures out that energy from the heart is coming through into the scar. So he leaps upon the dragon and he smothers the scar. Like a big old hug. Like a big old hug. That's, oh my old hug that's that's oh my god that's actually the solution you should if you're missing a heart just a big old hug exactly anyway he does that until the
Starting point is 01:17:54 dragon dies but of course he doesn't actually die because he's the undying sure anyway uh and then he plunges his hands into its molten heart and he gains the power of the iron fist nice yeah that's right but he's not the first iron fist is he that is correct i mean that was also revisionist history correct yes at the time he was the first one because you know how would you believe that anybody else would have done that this is kind of like the thing where yeah exactly this is kind of like it turns out everybody's done everybody's done it it's like that thing of like who um that dragon just wants to be hugged that's all he does yeah you know it's like the who milked the first cow kind of situation who's the first guy that's putting their hands in a molten heart
Starting point is 01:18:29 yeah what's going on there yeah i guess it's a calling it is yeah it is a calling yeah yeah but also in the hug gave him the dragon scar on his chest oh that's why it's a scar yeah that's why danny ran has the scar and when you die you do you lose or when you get hugged do you lose the scar so that's why he doesn't hug yeah fair that's why he's so the scar on his chest. And when you die, or when you get hugged, do you lose the scar? Yeah, that's why he doesn't hug. Yeah, fair enough. That's why he's so distant, because he can't do too many hugs. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:18:54 You can only do the one where you're hugging, but you're also hitting. Okay, like the bro hug. Yeah, the bro hug. You can only do a bro hug. Yeah, you get the fist in front, so you're also doing like a grip. Yeah, exactly. A vice grip. That's right. Okay, I get you.
Starting point is 01:19:02 So what does he do with these powers? Does he go and kill that guy? Well, basically, he has to wait 10 years because he's trapped in the city. Oh, because they're on the appears so often. Yes, exactly. Did you mention that already? Yes, I did. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:12 I'm listening. Yeah, I understand. But anyway, so the city returns after 10 years and the Thunder is like, okay, you've got two choices. You can remain in the city and become an immortal wise man. Or is there someone who's like, okay, bye, goodbye. Bye, I'm going to seek revenge now. It's time for revenge.
Starting point is 01:19:29 It's time for revenge. Anyway, so. So option two was get out, basically. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he can't go back. No, he can. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:39 He's got to wait 10 years, though. Fine. Yeah. Okay, sorry, go on. But basically what happens, the short answer is basically he goes and he's got to wait 10 years, though. Fine. Yeah. Okay, sorry, go on. But basically what happens, the short answer is basically he goes and he's like, I'm going to track down this Harold Meacham guy, I'm going to destroy him kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:19:51 And he shows up and he's expecting, and this guy's been like, he's sort of lived like hermit-like in one of his buildings for like 10 years because he lives in fear of Danny Rand coming and iron fisting him. Even though he's probably like, it's been 10 years because he lives in fear of danny rand coming and iron fisting him even though he's probably like it's been 10 years he was left right but danny rand shows up expecting this massive battle and it turns out like he lost his legs to frostbite oh that's not really not
Starting point is 01:20:16 really fair oh so he's like boo yeah but then he's like but he definitely have a higher kick yeah and he yeah exactly just saying yeah and. And Danny Rand's like, oh, okay, you've suffered enough. Yeah, yeah. I mean, not really, but you have. So I can't kill you. But then all of a sudden this ninja shows up and just kills Meechum.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Oh, shit. And then he's blamed for the death. So he has to go on the run. Even though he wanted to kill him but didn't. Exactly. So eventually... I thought this guy was going to be like his lifelong villain. Well, see, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Because they've made a few changes in Iron Fist, this TV series. And this is probably for the best, because that's kind of a... It's kind of a... What do you call them? Definitive ending? Yeah, it's kind of a disappointing ending there. So in this, we've got Harold Meacham as played by Mr. David Wenham. David Wenham.
Starting point is 01:21:00 David Wenham. This is the David Wenham voice. I'm the villain in this Let me tell you a tale He's good man I know And he's in a strain we know and love Came to prominence in Sea Change
Starting point is 01:21:13 Yep Remember that show? Yeah He pushed my dad off a bridge Did he? No that's not true That's good I'm glad he did
Starting point is 01:21:19 Yeah right What a story though Yeah You probably know him from 300 He was He was in Lord of the Rings. Yeah, yeah. A bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Yeah. Okay, so he's going to be around in the series. Yeah. For more than one episode. Exactly. You'd imagine. Yeah. That's what I was going to say regarding the origin of Iron Fist.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Yeah. The reason I mentioned Amazing Man earlier on. Oh, yeah. What was that? What relevance was that? I forgot to bring it up. earlier on oh yeah what was that
Starting point is 01:21:41 what relevance was that I forgot to bring it up so at the time so Iron Fist was created by Roy Thomas who's best known probably for
Starting point is 01:21:50 popularising Conan the Barbarian in comic books and art was Jill Kane who who's probably best known for Hal Jordan
Starting point is 01:21:59 who created Hal Jordan for DC Comics that Green Lantern anyway they basically they they watched a kung fu. Gil Kane. Gil Kane.
Starting point is 01:22:12 Gillum Kane. Yeah. He watched a movie about, it was like a kung fu movie that contained an element called The Ceremony of the Iron Fist. He's like, that's a pretty good name. Absolutely it is. I'll note that down for later. I'll steal this.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Yeah. And then he's like, wouldn't it be fun if there was a character called Iron Fist whose origin was that he was raised by monks in a mystical city and he learned Kung Fu? Wouldn't that be fun? And he went to Stan Lee and he's like, I realize we've already got Iron Man. Yeah. But what about Iron Fist?
Starting point is 01:22:40 And Stan Lee's like, I love it. Because you have to pitch, if you're going to pitch an idea to Stan Lee, you have to pitch it to him as Stan Lee's like I love it what because you have to pitch if you get a pitch an idea to Stan Lee you have to pitch it to him as Stan Lee that's right what if there was a man
Starting point is 01:22:51 and he was raised with Kung Fu and then he had adventures so you've got to sell it to Stan Lee and you have to say I love it and then he's like
Starting point is 01:23:00 I also love it great yeah that's a handy hint if you ever meet Stan Lee. Because that's what you did back in the day. Absolutely. Like a lot of these characters.
Starting point is 01:23:09 It was just putting two words together and then building it. It was kind of a mishmash. Yeah, it was like Spider-Man was going to be like, he went through like a variation on bugs until he went, he's like, I love it, he said. Your Stan Lee's better than mine. Well, it's only a two horse race, ultimately. Yeah, so he's a man who's wanted, presumably.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Yeah, and eventually he cleared his name, which we'll probably get into later. And then he decides, well, you know, I'm stuck in this city for another 10 years, minimum. Yeah. I should probably become a superhero. Yeah, why not? Yeah. And his initial series didn't last all that long uh shang cheese lasted for like 120 issues okay but he's not so much yeah yeah who knows who knows why
Starting point is 01:23:52 who does maybe it was the costume it might be the costume the story goes that we might not be seeing the costume in the netflix series i'm i'm i'm which is good yes but i know that now because otherwise going in i'll be like where's costume. But now if we get the costume, then I'm like, surprised. So either way, I cannot be disappointed. I'm hoping for tracksuit. Like the modern interpretation is tracksuit. A velvet tracksuit. Yeah, unzipped to the navel.
Starting point is 01:24:15 And it's got a big collar. Yeah, absolutely. And it's just the yellow mask. Yes. I'm excited for that. But yeah, so it didn't last that long. And so what Marvel essentially did is they were like okay uh let's pair him up with another character whose book is maybe not doing so well right because uh iron fist has come from the
Starting point is 01:24:35 kung fu movie genre which is you know petering out a little bit yeah let's combine him with a character from the blaxploitation genre which which isn't working out that well. Right. And so they combine him with Luke Cage, Power Man. There's a lot of story. They still do them now, don't they? Yeah. I don't know if there's one running right now. There is currently one running. There is one.
Starting point is 01:24:52 And it's great. Oh, awesome. Yeah, cool. They've brought back Power Man and Iron Fist. Yeah. As a team, they're reluctantly back together. Right. But it's good fun.
Starting point is 01:25:05 That's cool. That's a good combo. Now, he has an iron fist. Iron fist! And you asked earlier, does he have two? Yes, he has two iron fists. But what's the strength of it? Because I've got a...
Starting point is 01:25:15 I was looking up his power set. Yes. And there's a bit where... Like, he can punch a door off his hinges or whatever. But there's an issue 300 of the Hulk where the Hulk goes mad. Oh, yes. Or just gets mad. And he's rampaging through town.
Starting point is 01:25:30 And all the superheroes are trying to stop him. And Iron Fist winds up to Iron Fist him. And the Hulk catches his fist. And in doing so, he'd like to flex the power back into Iron Fist and knocks him out. So he's not like a Hulk level strength. So what is he more like a Spider-Man? I mean, he's a man when he's not, because hulk level strength he's right so what is he more like a spider-man i mean he's a man when he's not because he doesn't always turn it on does he no exactly yeah yeah look i think it's a focus issue right the idea he's and this is this is our this is the
Starting point is 01:25:55 the second marvel second incarnation of sort of magic yeah marvel universe he can focus his internal energy his chi yeah sure and he sort of, for a variety of effects, he can heal himself to some degree. Right. It's mostly for punching through walls. Yeah, well, yeah. Can he focus it into other parts of his body, like his head? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:26:16 You'd think he could do feet. Iron head! Exactly, yeah. You'd think he would do feet, wouldn't you? Yeah, but no, fist makes sense. It's his name. It's what he's best at. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:26:26 So I get that. High kick's not his speciality. One of the very, the first solo issue, he goes up against Iron Man. That's true, yeah. I actually read that one. Yeah? What do you reckon? It's actually pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:26:37 That's from the, I believe that's from the Chris Claremont, John Byrne run. Right, right. Who people would probably know best as they did a very celebrated run on X-Men in the 80s. Right, yep. And people probably know them best now as being very, very wordy. Okay, sure. There was a fair bit of that.
Starting point is 01:26:55 I mean, you could bear in mind that's a comic from the 70s. Yeah. But it's a bit of fun. He goes to investigate a murder in one of Iron Man's facilities and then... No, who's he after? I can't remember. An informant or a murderer? I can't remember. Anyway, there's a murder... I of Iron's man's facilities. And then, no, who's he after? I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:27:05 An informant or a murderer? I can't remember. Anyway, there's a murder. I hope there's a scene where a security guard puts the flashlight on him and he's like, who are you? And Iron Fist's like, I'm Iron. And the guard's like, continue. Good so far.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Fist. Oh, I'm throwing the alarm. I'm throwing the alarm. I don't believe there is a moment like that but uh but no it is a lot of fun and because he goes up against so i there is a murder committed um that gets pinned on him yes seems to be a thing that happens quite a bit and then he goes toe to toe with um with iron man because they're in a facility that could explode easily tony stark can't use all of these kind of rockets and whatnot he can't use his weird
Starting point is 01:27:45 rocket skates exactly he had on his suit in the 70s he can't use the nose that he had on his suit for a while so it's a bit of a it's a bit of a punch up so iron fist doesn't exactly get the answers that he wants so he goes to leave and they shake hands and iron man's like i'd love to help you but i won't i've got my own thing going on then it's like c issue whatever of iron man those situations so So, yeah. I'm going to say, having not read that issue, I'm going to say, if you go to that particular issue, it's just him drunk.
Starting point is 01:28:12 It's the 70s. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah. It's just him staring at a wall and he's got a vodka bottle in his leg. That's exactly it. Not today. Nah.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Yeah. So, I don't know what Iron Man was up to, you know, during that time. But it was obviously Occupado yeah which is French for occupied what's another story that you enjoy
Starting point is 01:28:31 okay my favourite Iron Fist it's an Iron Fist and Power Man story but it's it's more Iron Fist towards the end this is my favourite one
Starting point is 01:28:39 yeah so it's called The Day of the Dreadlocks okay locks is spelt L-O-X so is it like a like a cyborg like a dread, or is it actual dreadlocks? It's more the first one.
Starting point is 01:28:50 So basically, it's very strange. It's Power Man and Iron Fist 79, so if you want to track it down, it's probably on Comixology or what have you. I will Google it right now. Please. So basically, it starts at a Power Man and Iron Fist go to a Broadway play called Day of the Dreadlocks. Love it.
Starting point is 01:29:12 First thing to note, they're both in costume. They're not in civvies. They've gone in costume. And it is a play. Okay, I should first. I don't think Luke Cage is in a costume. That's not a costume. That's just how he dresses.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Oh, with the tiara. Yeah, yeah. The tiara and the open blouse. I think that's just how he was. The yellow boots. But Iron Fist is definitely a costume. And he's wearing the mask. Yeah. And he's got the big capelot thing.
Starting point is 01:29:37 That must be great for the person sitting directly behind him. Yeah, exactly. Down in... Because he can't... Because the head's there. Yeah. He can't look left because he's got a big... Just a wedge sticking out of him.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Just a wedge on the side, yeah. Okay, so basically, they go into this play because their friend, Bob Diamond, who is like Marvel's Chuck Norris, he's also like a 70s kung fu guy. But of course, because it's the 70s, he's like an enormous white blonde haired guy with a big horseshoe mustache nice uh and he was in the sons of the tiger which was another kind of 70s marvel kung fu kind of thing anyway he's the star of this play right uh and he in this play he's a guy called professor gamble uh who's a victorian gentleman scholar eccentric and scourge of evil mechanical monsters everywhere um he's a time traveller who fights robots
Starting point is 01:30:28 and he's played by Kung Fu. Have you ever seen a broad... Have you ever even heard of a Broadway play that's about a time travelling professor who fights robots? Not a Broadway play. I'm familiar with a series about a time travelling professor. That's not the issue.
Starting point is 01:30:42 That's not what I'm asking. I don't need any answers in that regard. No, I've not. Anyway, the point is, what happens is the robots then come to life on stage and start shooting people with lasers. Is the professor responsible for this? Bob Diamond?
Starting point is 01:30:57 Yeah. No, he's like, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, it's very convenient. You're both here and in costume. Can you investigate this? And Luke Cage is like,ist, it's very convenient. You're both here and in costume. Can you investigate this? And Luke Cage is like, this is a fake problem. You've made this. This is fake news.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Very sad. This is some sort of publicity stunt. You're trying to trick us. I won't have it kind of thing. And Bob Diamond's like, no, man, this is, I'll hire you to stop this kind of thing. Right. And Iron Fist is like, no, no. Has he already revealed that he's a time traveller
Starting point is 01:31:25 or has that come later? No, we haven't seen him yet. Oh, okay, right. This is Bob Diamond as... Oh, okay, sorry. Do you not know what acting is? No, I thought the guy, the time traveller,
Starting point is 01:31:35 was also playing a version of himself on stage. No, no, no. Okay. I'm with you. Yeah, but anyway, Luke Cage is like, no, no, let's trust
Starting point is 01:31:42 our trustworthy friend, Bob Diamond. With a name like that why wouldn't you trust him you know you know what i mean good as gold yeah anyway they i mean diamonds sorry god thank you anyway they go they step foot out of the theater and all of a sudden they're getting shot out with more lasers they have to run for cover and they're like okay well let's let's go back to the theater sure let's check out theater. And it turns out that the robots playing the dreadlocks are actual dreadlocks.
Starting point is 01:32:09 They're actual killer robots whose catchphrase, guess what the catchphrase is? Kill? Incinerate. Oh, God. Really? Incinerate. Yep.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Yep. Okay. Yeah. It's pretty solid, right? Anyway, they decide to incinerate the heroes. The heroes are outgunned by these floaty, weird, rubbish- Are they trash can shaped? Trash can shaped robots.
Starting point is 01:32:32 So they're the Daleks. They're the Daleks in almost every way but name. From a legal standpoint, strictly speaking, they are not the Daleks. They're the Dreadlocks. I apologize. Anyway, they're like, okay, let's get out. So Iron Fist and Power Man are like, let's get out of of here and so they duck into the nearest bookshop oh and in the
Starting point is 01:32:48 bookshop let's do some light reading exactly in the bookshop they meet professor gamble who okay is like what are you what are you what are you doing they're like this this bookshop looked a lot smaller on the outside why is it so big why is it so big on the inside time traveling bookstore what's what's why is it so big in here but so big on the inside time traveling bookstore what's what's why is it so big in here but it's does the bookstore stand independent of the rest of the build like is it not no it's in the building okay yeah that's pretty good it's actually kind of funny yeah there's a panel where he's like luke cage is like don't go telling me the place is bigger inside than it is out and gamble's like i won't after all if you won't accept the evidence of your own senses
Starting point is 01:33:21 i can hardly expect to take the word of a complete stranger. Yeah, that's good. That's a good line. Anyway, so it turns out that Professor Gamble wrote his own play. By sheer coincidence, they've happened to go into the bookshop of the man who wrote the play based on his own experiences as an actual time-travelling man who fights robots. Sounds like destiny to me. Doesn't it though?
Starting point is 01:33:46 Yeah. Um, so you're on board so far. I'm absolutely a hundred percent on board. This is a solid story, right? And so they're like, okay,
Starting point is 01:33:54 Gamble's like, look, okay, we can defeat these guys. We're going to get somebody in the headquarters. Sure. And power man like puts his feet up and he's like, this is on you,
Starting point is 01:34:01 mind fist. Get in there. You're the sneaking about guy. I'm just going to be right here. I've got a cup of tea. You're the one that turns into a green cloud, yeah? Yeah, exactly, right? Anyway, so he uses his powers of the Orient to sneak in
Starting point is 01:34:13 into the abandoned building, because it's always an abandoned building. Yeah, yeah. If it's a loot cage and a pound... Why do they sneak in if it's abandoned? There's dreadlocks. Oh, okay, because it's not literally abandoned. No, there's villains.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Gotcha. But yeah, if it's a loot it's a luke cage and or iron fist story yeah the finale's in an abandoned building very true yeah anyway turns out the reason they're in there their time machine doesn't work like they they their time machine malfunctioned and they needed professor gamble to get in there fix it so they can go out and destroy incinerate everybody sure okay so right what basically what happens is iron fist goes in this abandoned building and he realizes that because the dreadlocks don't know what professor gamble looks like currently oh why do you think that is why do you think they don't know what he currently looks like a series of masks it's probably a series of masks so it turns out what they've done is they've kidnapped Bob Diamond. Because he was betraying Professor Gamble in the show.
Starting point is 01:35:07 And he's like... Well, I made that same mistake also. Exactly, right? That's an easy mistake to make. Easy mistake to make, right? And he's like, I don't know how to fix... I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't think this was real until 10 minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:35:17 So basically, Iron Fist punches his way through the wall. And he gets in there. And he smashes him all to pieces. And while the kung fu is happening, Professor Gamble sneaks jerry rigs their time platform and starts it up and they all like blink out of existence nice work yeah exactly right professor gamble yeah does iron fist get a prize no any kind of like i was gonna say recommendations does he get any good book recommendations no because the whole thing disappears. Everything goes.
Starting point is 01:35:46 The bookshop, everything. So even the professor? Yeah, they're all gone. Just bails. Just bails, empty lot. And the cops show up and they're like... So many questions. There's just a panel of literally every character in the show,
Starting point is 01:35:57 in the issues, scratching their head. Going, I don't understand what happened. That's amazing. I think he made maybe one more appearance in an issue of The Avengers. It turns out that Professor Gamble, in the Marvel Universe, there's something called the Time Variance Authority. And they're like a group of people, all of whom have quite long lived and have special powers and each have a time machine.
Starting point is 01:36:21 And they travel about the universe fixing problems in the time stream. And it turned out Professor Gamble stole one of their time machines. And he went rogue. And this is where we're at. Yeah. But also, but Iron Fist and Luke Cage forever would have been, what was that? Yeah, right. What happened?
Starting point is 01:36:41 They'll never know. Exactly. Presumably Doctor Who doesn't exist in this universe. Like, as a media... Like, is he on television? Well, he kind of does exist in the Marvel Universe. Like, has he been in it? Yeah, he's...
Starting point is 01:36:55 The centerpiece of the Marvel Universe is Death's Head. Yeah, right. Gigantic robot bounty hunter. Yeah, yeah. Who has teamed up with the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, the Doctor from Doctor Who, the Transformers. Which Doctor from Doctor Who? Sylvester McCoy. Seven.
Starting point is 01:37:10 Celery guy? No, that's five. That's Peter Davison. Seven. Mostly wears white. He's got a cricket vest. Cricket. Yeah, cricket vest.
Starting point is 01:37:19 And he's the one with the most question marks. He's got the umbrella with the question mark on the end. Anyway, he had a punch on with Death's head once nice what can i say doctor he's not doctor who's not really a punchy guy i guess death's head just brings it out in purple exactly right well that sounds great what issue was that it is on comiXology i do have it in front of me 79 please get that how much is it uh forty thousand dollars that seems that's a dollar ninety nine and that's a strike so that's an absolute bargain and a half, man. But if you're actually looking for legitimate, like that particular story is not going to give you
Starting point is 01:37:50 a great grounding in Iron Fist unless whenever you read an issue of Iron Fist or watch the series with Iron Fist, imagine that it's weighing on his mind the whole time, that time he met a weird cheap knockoff of doctor who and he never knows what happened like watch watch i watch marvel's iron fist on netflix and just imagine every every frame of it he's like he's just punching ninjas and he's punching holes through doors and he's fighting for his life and the whole time he's thinking what happened what happened to the guy in time travel what happened to
Starting point is 01:38:25 the book shop I was going to get a book I was going to get the secret and then I was I had my own I was going to buy it and then it the whole thing disappeared
Starting point is 01:38:33 I'm very confused just blitzed out of existence that's incredible I totally love it what about some serious recommendations sure okay well there is
Starting point is 01:38:40 the immortal lion fist which is a favourite there's two volumes of that occasionally it's free on comiX, the first volume. I got it for free. There's got to be some deals going on at the moment leading up to this. Yeah, but there's two volumes.
Starting point is 01:38:52 So it's... You know what? I can't remember. But the point is, it's Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction writing it. Great combo, man. It fills in, and it's great art from somebody who can't... The name of which i can't recall uh but it is uh just it really fills in the backstory again it emerges that danny rand
Starting point is 01:39:12 was not the only it was not no that's is that how it starts from memory does it open with that like a previous iron fist yes it does he's 30s or something the 30s yeah yeah who has iron fists and also a gun yeah Yeah, well, yeah. You would, wouldn't you? Yeah, absolutely. Can he run out of iron fist? Is he like, I've used all my juice, mate? Yes, it's sort of a, well, basically when you use the iron fist.
Starting point is 01:39:34 It's like urine. You eventually run out. It's literally nothing like urine. But there's a refractory period. Sure. But I mean, as you get more experienced with the iron fist. Yeah. But what happens in the, in the,
Starting point is 01:39:47 in this, this first run is that Danny ran starts losing his powers. Yeah. Like he, he, and it turns out it's because someone else has arrived in New York city who is also using iron fist abilities. Taking all the chair away. And he has to,
Starting point is 01:40:00 and he has to track him down. And then he, he realizes that like, I can't do that many spoilers, but the previous Iron Fist is Orson Randall, no relation to Danny Rand. Okay. Well, they have different names, so I didn't presume that.
Starting point is 01:40:13 But he has had run-ins with Danny Rand's father in the past, and that may have something to do with the fact that he's so rich and it's got to do with Cunlun. Okay. It's kind of a whole. So it does that thing where it takes the kind of very basic origin rich and it's got to do with kundalini it's kind of a whole so it does that thing where it takes the kind of very basic origin story and really fleshes out the yeah exactly i wonder if that's what we're going to be getting in the series like a bit of that maybe yeah yeah i wish they gave us some episodes look that's fine yeah but anyway uh
Starting point is 01:40:40 incredible art incredible kung fu and the second uh fu, and the second book, we learn that Iron Fist is not the only... He's not the ultimate weapon in this universe. Right. He's only one of seven immortal weapons, including... So it's Iron Fist. Yep. The Bride of Nine Spiders. I can do all of these.
Starting point is 01:41:07 Tiger's Beautiful Daughter. Fat Cobra. Dog Brother Number One. And the Prince of Orphans. Okay. Is that seven? Did I say seven? Sure.
Starting point is 01:41:17 Probably. And Iron Fist. There you go. Dog Brother Number One. But it turns out that each of these represents one of the mystical cities. It turns out that there's seven represents one of the mystical cities. It turns out there's seven mystical cities. Oh, okay, cool. Kind of like the Sanctum Sanctorum, so there's a bunch of them.
Starting point is 01:41:31 Yeah, a little bit. And it turns out that as several decades have passed, Iron Fist now has to participate in a martial arts tournament. Mortal Kombat style. Mortal Kombat style against the remaining seven immortal weapons. Very good. Six immortal weapons. Six immortal weapons. Does he often come out on top on top well you have to read it to find out
Starting point is 01:41:50 nah okay i will i mostly comes out on top i have it i've actually i bought it but i haven't yeah i'm working through it very exciting yeah cool uh is there anything else we're gonna add or we should probably move on uh but just just to clarify yes uh yep so it's out march 17th look if you have netflix or you can there's a trial of net is there a trial for netflix i think there is isn't it first month's free yeah yeah so there you go definitely definitely give it a look in uh what do we got here also for our competition it's hashtag iron fist yep three eyes for the second eye yes look any variation on that we'll find it if you mess it up if you mess it up if you send it to us we'll probably yeah we'll probably find it and Yeah, we'll probably find it.
Starting point is 01:42:25 And the winner will be also made the official Iron Fist of the podcast. Yeah. We're bringing that back, baby. That's right. So the idea is, again, fan art, photos, digital images, logos, jokes, tags, memes. It can be anything. Oh, spoiler alert for the competition of the seven immortal weapons. Yep.
Starting point is 01:42:42 I just wanted to bring it all back. The Prince of Orphans. Yes. Hooded, masked, never see immortal weapons. Yep. Uh, I just wanted to, uh, bring it all back. Uh, the, the Prince of orphans. Yes. Hooded, masked, never see his face.
Starting point is 01:42:49 Yep. Turns out he's John, a man. He's amazing, man. I don't know if they bought him just for the, the series, but just to be like,
Starting point is 01:42:58 Hey, what are you doing? Surprise. It's a weird character. How do you fight a mist Mason? I don't know. Ask Green Lantern. Ask Fantastic Four Part 2.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Yeah, very good. Ask a smoke detector. Yes. Like this one? Yes. I still haven't put them back up. The saga continues. Anyway, it is time for What Are We Reading?
Starting point is 01:43:20 Oh, yeah. What are we going to read? Other than the stuff that we have been reading for Iron Fist, obviously. March 17th Yeah I'm doing a thing What are we reading Today
Starting point is 01:43:34 Mason are you reading anything You watching anything Oh you know what I've been reading a couple of things Okay Actually I watched And it's not really Our bloody pedigree Right But I watched Hidden Fig it's not really our bloody pedigree.
Starting point is 01:43:45 Right. But I watched Hidden Figures. You watched Dragonheart. No. I mean, I've seen it, obviously. We've all seen Dragonheart. But I watched Hidden Figures, which is about in the 60s, sort of African-American women who are essential to doing the calculations
Starting point is 01:43:58 to get the first man, the first American into space. Was it Kevin Costner? Kevin Costner's in it. Did he not go to space? He didn't go to space. He's a wrinkler guy. Is it Kevin Costner? Kevin Costner's in it. Did he not go to space? He didn't go to space. He's a Strangler guy. Is it a good movie? It's really good.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Here's the thing about it, is that it's a very good, well-acted, feel-good film, but it turns out my brain cannot accept the idea of a feel-good film anymore. This is the only reason I mention it, because the whole time I'm expecting a horrible thing to happen. Right, yeah. Because, again, it's about the struggles of African-American women in segregated America in the early 60s. Yeah, yeah. right because again it's about the struggles of african-american women in like you know segregated
Starting point is 01:44:25 america in the early 60s yeah and like you know they're they're they're they're getting through barriers and they're kind of you know achieving dreams and stuff like that and i'm like my brain's like this cannot go well for that like like i'm sure i'm like it's surely at some point somebody's gonna get dragged out of a car and something awful's gonna happen just to be clear nothing i mean obviously there's you, they face challenges and whatever and it's a bad time. No, nothing bad happened race-related in the 50s or 60s. Mason's calling it.
Starting point is 01:44:54 But what I'm saying is, if you're on the fence about watching it, it's a pretty good time. Okay, cool. Everything works out all right. So it's not like the intimidation game where they chemically neuter Benedict Cumberbatch because he's gay? No, that never happens, weirdly.
Starting point is 01:45:07 That's how that ends. Spoiler alert. Yeah, so it's not like that level of kind of tragedy. No, it was real good. It's a fun time. Everybody gets some, everybody's good performances. It's real nice. Also, to bring it back to actual stuff we talk about in this show,
Starting point is 01:45:19 I read the first issue of the comic book called Curse Words. Okay, what's that? Which is bloody, so it's Charles Sewell who did Death of Wolverine. Yep. He wrote that, which is one of your, you like that one. Yeah, it's all right. And Ryan Brown who did the art. Ryan Brown?
Starting point is 01:45:32 Not Brian. From FX. Not Australia's favourite B-movie actor, Brian Brown, but Ryan Brown who did the art for a comic book I really loved called God Hates Astronauts, which was this super surreal bizarre comic book about nasa and but they're hidden figures yeah exactly hidden figures exactly um but anyway uh it's it's a curse words is this comic book about a wizard whose name is wizard
Starting point is 01:45:56 and he's an ord oh i do yeah okay and he lived he's he he is from a parallel universe and he's an evil wizard but he's come to he comes to our world and he he's sort of he he's his plan was to destroy this world or like enslave everybody but then he's uh he he learned he learns to love the earth on some level so he's tricked everybody into thinking he's a good wizard and now he's like uh he's he's become a celebrity kind of thing okay but now like all the all the wizards from from the other universe have decided to show up and kill him because he's he's a bad boy he's foiled up he's foiled the plan that sounds a bit um wizards of oz oh yeah it is yeah which is the australian wizards of aus which is an australian michael shanks michael shanks yeah yeah so it's a bit like that. Sounds like a bloody rip-off, mate.
Starting point is 01:46:45 Oh, no. If you don't mind, Mason, I'm going to jump off topic again. Yeah, go ahead. No, only I may go off topic. Love Season 2 is on Netflix. Oh, yeah, which is Paul Rust and Gillian Jacobs. Which I was a big fan of the first season
Starting point is 01:46:57 and I'm well into the second and it's not quite as depressing yet. Oh, that's good. Which is fine. No, but then you're being set up for a massive... Yeah, for a massive... A second act where everybody becomes an alcoholic again and a sex addict and somebody tries to kill himself or something. But I really enjoyed the first season
Starting point is 01:47:15 and I'm really enjoying the second. And also, I don't know what it is that I love about it in particular, the way they kind of make it, but every episode follows directly from the last. So you could watch them back. They also take place in like the span of like two or three weeks. That's how they get you. That's how they get you, man.
Starting point is 01:47:32 But also what I love about it also, they're doing this kind of weird, charmed, supernatural ripoff that exists in this universe that he works on. I love seeing like the goings on in this kind of... Didn't he get fired from the previous... Spoiler alert for the first season, but he did, but then he gets rehired at the very end. Really?
Starting point is 01:47:50 Yeah, and there's a little bit of kind of fallout from that and what carries over. In the previous one, because he was like... He was like in the... He was a teacher. He was a tutor for the child actor and then he sneaks his way into the writer's room, and then he ruins his chances, right?
Starting point is 01:48:06 Correct. But now he's back in somehow. He's back in a big way. Ooh, love it. Also, Legion continues to be amazing. Right. I should get on that. Just keep watching it.
Starting point is 01:48:14 It gets better every week. Nice. Or no, it's the same every week, but it builds upon the narrative every week. Okay, cool. And the mystery is kind of unfolding, but there's still a bit of uncertainty about what's happening. Does he have okay here's the thing you don't have to spoil it if you don't want to but does he have more cool powers i will spoil as many things as i want mason
Starting point is 01:48:31 yes nice tell me about it after the show absolutely no you should watch it okay i won't tell you nothing mate nice good that's a mark of a good friend i demanded you spoil it for me you said no i just can't be bothered believe me i'd love to ruin your day mason i'm taking this compliment anyway i love it good on you you're my best mate in the world shut up all right oh it's best mates always tell each other to shut up in a fun joshing way that wasn't what this was yeah this is a legit shut up you're you're having a bit of fun mates are razzlingazzling mates. It's always good, isn't it? Yeah, I love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:07 I'm ready because it's time for another thing. Let's do it. Yeah. It's time for letters. We're doing letters. We are. Letters. The classic one was letters.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Oh, letters. We love you. Some letters. They're only a take my way. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. I am just, I've realized I'm one tweet down. Oh, okay. I'm just I've realised I'm one tweet down
Starting point is 01:49:28 so I'm just going to go through do you want to hear my letter yeah I'll hear a letter okay so here in this letter how do people get
Starting point is 01:49:34 a letter to us oh they can go to weeklyplanetpod at they go to that address do they they go to that address you're a real dumbass
Starting point is 01:49:40 I reckon if you went to your browser and you typed in weeklyplanetpod at it would open up your mail thing or else and you could just goplanetpod at, it would open up your mail thing. Or else.
Starting point is 01:49:46 And you could just go through your feature. Yeah, that's a good point, actually. Anyway, so for this particular letter, I'm going to bring back a much-loved segment of mine, which we haven't done recently, which is our segment Dave Cruliae, which is a segment in which our listeners email in and tell us about a time that Dave Coulier,
Starting point is 01:50:07 former star of Full House and the subject of... And the current star. And the subject of the Alanis Morissette song, You Oughta Know. But not really, it turns out. Oh, okay, interesting. Well, anyway, our listeners email in and tell us a time that Dave Coulier was mean to them.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Yes. Because apparently that's his thing. So this is Kyle Adas. He's a big fan, which is very nice. He's listened to every episode. He started listening to the shows in May of last year, but he's since listened to every episode, including the ones with the varying quality, How Dare You.
Starting point is 01:50:34 No, he's correct. Doesn't exist, surely. He bloody loves it. Anyway, in 2004, his family was at the Navy Pier in Chicago and he heard that Dave Coolio was signing autographs of his headshots for a dollar. How exciting. Sounds great, right?
Starting point is 01:50:47 Sounds like a bargain. They waited in line because his sister was a huge Full House fan. When he got up to Dave, he said the price was now $5. Being confused, my dad asked why the price had gone up, and Dave gave a very judgmental look and said, because I effin' can, all right? He didn't say effin', though. He said the real, the rude one.
Starting point is 01:51:04 Oh, he said effin'. can, alright? He didn't say effin' though, he said the real, the rude one. Oh, he said effin'. Do you want the autograph or not? He says, he gave the judgement a look to his stepmother who was from Lebanon. And he says, I don't want to say it's because he's racist, but that's definitely why. That's a big assumption. Big assumption. Look, he may be a racist, I don't know that for a fact. But we do know that he is an asshole.
Starting point is 01:51:25 Absolutely. That's indisputable. Sure. Great. Can he be the official, official person of the podcast? Yes, you may. I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:34 Nice. Absolutely. Anyway, thanks, Kyle. That's what we like to hear. If anybody else has some... Look, I think since the last time we've done our famous segment, Dave Crulia, a segment in which people emailed in to tell us about the time that Dave Coulier from Full House was mean to them.
Starting point is 01:51:48 Yeah. I think our reach has increased. So if anybody else has some stories about Dave Coulier being mean to them, and I'm sure they do, please email in and let us go. Hit us bloody up, mate. Hit us up. You got some tweets there? I do.
Starting point is 01:52:01 Hang on. Here we go. This is a good one. This is from the Fresnerd. Oh, yes. On Twitter. Hasht. Here we go. This is a good one. This is from the Fresnerd. Oh, yes. On Twitter. Hashtag weeklyplanetpod. Send us a tweet.
Starting point is 01:52:09 Use that hashtag. Weeklyplanetpod. And then we'll definitely read it out on the show. Nice. Not for sure, though. I mean, less likely than more likely, I would say. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:19 What are some classic slash great movies that you've never seen? Oh, most movies. I thought you were going to say Moby. Moby Dick. No, I didn't say Moby Dick. Which, I've seen Moby Dick. Yeah, uh-huh. It's not really a classic though, is it?
Starting point is 01:52:34 The book's good. I've never seen Top Gun. Apparently. Really? Never seen Top Gun. Can I be the guy who's like, what? Yeah, that's what this segment is for. Have you seen Days of Thunder?
Starting point is 01:52:43 No, wait. It's NASCAR. Ah, not in its entirety, no. Okay, good is for. Have you seen Days of Thunder? No, wait. It's NASCAR. Not in its entirety, no. Okay, good. Top Gun's fine. But that's the thing. Top Gun, I'm aware of the entire plot of Top Gun from parodies of Top Gun. Sure.
Starting point is 01:52:54 You've seen Hot Shots. I've seen Hot Shots Part Deer and Hot Shots Part One. I've never seen The Godfather 2. Yep. What else haven't I seen? As we already know, I've never seen a disney film apparently yeah apparently not classic movies you must watch oh good okay let's go through a list of family okay that's a good idea yeah and i'll tell you i i have a real i have a real gap for like
Starting point is 01:53:18 de niro pacino crime movies from like the 70s and 80s sure yes like i haven't seen scarface haven't seen serpico like because i feel like i've seen movies since then that have done them worse so if i go back i'll be like i've seen a version of this yeah even though back in the day i'm sure that was like the best version of it it's all they had it's all they bloody had i've never seen jackie brown i don't think so i'm fairly certain i haven't i've never seen led Brown, I don't think. That's a good one. No, I'm fairly certain I haven't. I've never seen... Is that on a list of essential films? No, I just saw a Quentin... I saw Pulp Fiction, but I'd say Pulp Fiction.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Okay. I've never seen Legends of the Fall. What is this list? You've made this list up. I'm just looking through pictures here, mate. Oh, jeez. Is there a list there? I've never seen a bunch of those like Singing in the Rain,
Starting point is 01:54:03 like early kind of, you know, like golden year of musicals. Okay, yeah. Because I don't generally like them. Okay. Like I love a musical, you know that, but I just don't want to watch a man tap dance for eight minutes. That's fair. I don't give a fuck. You know what? Like I know it's amazing, but I don't care. Yeah, I love a Fred Astaire film, I'll tell you what. Okay, good. And it'll be, you know,
Starting point is 01:54:19 if you haven't seen any of that stuff, just go on YouTube, look up the Nicholas Brothers. Yeah. They are just phenomenal dancers. Okay. Like in that whole situation. I've never seen West Side Story, but I have seen a musical of it. A kid's musical of it. Yes.
Starting point is 01:54:32 It was bad. Great. I've never seen Field of Dreams. Uh-huh. What else? What have you not seen, Mason? I've never seen Grease. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:43 Have you seen Grease 2? I've not seen Grease 2 Cruise Control, no. I was watching, what was I going to say, the OJ Simpson show earlier this week. Oh, yes. That's a crazy story. But just looking at John Travolta's face, what he looks like now and what he looks like in Grease.
Starting point is 01:54:59 Yes. Insane. Yep. Now, you were saying, despite the fact that you hate John Travolta and everything he stands for, that you're quite enjoying his performance in that. Yeah, he's good.
Starting point is 01:55:08 I feel like if he wants to, he can do a good thing. But more often than not, he'll just do some piece of shit. Have you seen Citizen Kane? No, I haven't actually. Okay, I've seen Citizen Kane. Okay, what else? Pretty good. Have you seen Apocalypse Now?
Starting point is 01:55:21 No, I haven't. That's a good one. That would have been a good primer for... Yeah, I know, I know, I know. But I'm kind of... It's one of those things where I'm aware of what happens and I know who's in it. 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Starting point is 01:55:30 Yeah, I've seen that. Yep. You can give that a miss. I've never seen The Lost Boys. Sure, yeah. I've seen bits and pieces of it. Yeah. I've never...
Starting point is 01:55:38 I haven't seen all those classic Hammer movies. Yeah, yeah. Like the horror films, yeah. Everything we're naming here... is someone's favourite thing. Absolutely. You say Chinatown. Like the horror films. Yeah. Everything we're naming here is someone's favourite thing. Absolutely. You've seen Chinatown. Chinatown is legit good
Starting point is 01:55:49 even though the director's a very bad bloke. Yeah, he's such a bad bloke. And the sequel's not good though. Is that right? Raging Bull. Have you seen Raging Bull? I don't think I have. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:00 Yeah. You've seen Raging Bull? Yes. Taxi Driver. Yeah, I've seen Taxi Driver. Okay, cool. I like it. There you go.
Starting point is 01:56:07 See, this is a list of stuff. And it's got Doctor Strangelove, right? Right. Which is, you know, classic film. I've never seen Clockwork Orange. But it's also got The Social Network. I feel that's not an essential film. Not the same thing?
Starting point is 01:56:18 Not the same thing. I think you've got to give it some time. You know what I mean? Give it a bit of a bloody breather, mate. Jaws. Yeah, I've seen Jaws. Okay, right, cool cool it's pretty good yeah nice pretty pretty great anyway we could list things all night we certainly could we will no because a lot of the stuff that i kind of watched growing up was like you're kind of classic war movies yeah maybe some classic westerns thrown in i missed a lot of like
Starting point is 01:56:39 i've seen like casino but i don't remember it i liking it. I've seen one of the Godfathers, the first one. I don't know. I've seen the one where Sean Connery says, if you bring a knife, bring a big knife. The Untouchables. Yeah, I don't know. I think I've seen the scene on the stairs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Or maybe I've kind of like been in and out of the room when someone's watching it. Maybe you've seen some stairs. Maybe I have seen some stairs. And you're like, imagine if something were happening on these stairs. Yeah. I don't feel like I've seen like a lot of like the horror movies of the 80s, like all the Halloweens and all the...
Starting point is 01:57:09 Nightmare on Elm Street. I feel like I've watched a lot of like Cinemassacre, you know, James Rolfe. Yeah, sure. So I've watched a lot of his retrospectives. So I'm like, oh, that's close enough. Yeah. Yeah. Is that, that'll do it?
Starting point is 01:57:17 That'll do it, yeah. I got another tweet though. Every week, let's list a film we haven't seen. And then the other person can be like, oh my my god I can't believe we haven't seen it I'll stand by me I've seen that it's good alright
Starting point is 01:57:29 should Deadpool 2 be made be purpose oh this is from Ben Jennings be purposefully made with continuity errors hashtag weekly planet pod well I mean
Starting point is 01:57:41 it's going to be inevitable yeah I say yes maybe not purposefully but just be like just do whatever do whatever it takes to make the best version of that movie I don't think yeah I mean, it's going to be inevitable. Yeah, I say yes. Maybe not purposefully, but just be like, just do whatever. Do whatever it takes to make the best version of that movie. I don't think, yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:49 I mean, the first one was all about that. Like, the first one was, you know, why are you the only two X-Men I keep dealing with? You know, why can't I go inside the X-Mansion, et cetera? Yeah. You know, he mentioned, I don't know which version of Professor X I'm going to be dealing with. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:02 That kind of thing. Yeah. I don't think they're going to care. I think they'll do whatever they need for the joke. For the joke. For the laughs. You're right. For the laughs.
Starting point is 01:58:10 And we still haven't got a cable yet. We'll have to see. Yeah. I think that's the show though. Do you mind? No, I don't mind at all. Yeah, nice. Where can people find us?
Starting point is 01:58:20 Oh, they can find us on Weekly Planet Pod at the aforementioned Gmail and Facebook and Twitter and Bandcamp. Yep, yep. What else? If people would still like us to do a X-Men Origins Wolverine commentary, let us know. Oh, God. I reckon it'll be refreshingly fun. All right.
Starting point is 01:58:35 Yeah. Not the movie. The movie's going to be real bad. But I think we've had enough distance. Because I think the first time that came out out I was relying on that being a good film oh okay I would have been like oh this is going to be
Starting point is 01:58:48 another good film it broke you a little yeah but I think now there's been so many decent to excellent comic book movies that I can go back and be like
Starting point is 01:58:55 this one was terrible but who cares yeah that's right so I reckon I can go back with that and enjoy it so Fox have like bottomed out and recovered
Starting point is 01:59:02 and bottomed out and recovered five or six times since then. So it's all fine. Yeah. Also, let's see. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at Mr. Sunday. If you would like to support the show in some way, first, you could maybe subscribe to the
Starting point is 01:59:15 look crate. That's it. That's a great. That definitely helps. But you could also go to slash Mr. Sunday movies, chucking a buck a month or whatever you like. Chucking a buck a month. That'd be pretty great.
Starting point is 01:59:23 We've got an Amazon affiliate link in the episode description. You click on that, you can go through, you can buy bloody Peter Jackson's King Kong on 4K restoration. Don't. No, don't do that. Buy literally anything else. Just buy whatever you're going to buy on Amazon anyway and it's the same price we get a kickback somehow.
Starting point is 01:59:40 Yeah. Isn't that crazy? I think so. It's madness. It's madness. It's madness. Madness. Madness. Next week, something I think so. It's madness. It's madness. It's madness. Madness. Next week, something out this week.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Iron Fist. Oh, yeah, right. We're going to talk all about Iron Fist. We're going to bloody get into it. Yeah. Yeah. But it's going to be very interesting how that all turns out. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:59:58 Yeah, because I feel like some of the issues that I've heard about it, I don't feel like are actual issues. Oh, I see. Yeah, but anyway, we'll talk about it next week when we've actually seen it yeah that'd be great all right uh yeah oh by the way i did a i found some i've i showed you this um by now i've done a a logan deleted scenes video i got some exclusive kind of concept art from some people that's right i saw that yeah yeah so that's that's coming together so many outfit options you better believe it They gave me some interesting information as well about some scenes that weren't in it
Starting point is 02:00:28 and I cobbled together some other stuff that I'd read on the internet. So it's probably worth checking out if you enjoy the movie and see what else kind of wasn't in it or was being considered but then wasn't. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:39 Somebody tweeted at me this week and they were like, there's a deleted scene that mentions X-Men 3 so X-Men 3 is in continuity in that film. No, it's a deleted scene that mentions X-Men 3, so X-Men 3 is in continuity in that film. No, it's a deleted scene. Incorrect. Doesn't count.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Yeah. Doesn't count. In your face, person who said that. In your face, guy who was nice enough to tweet at me. Suffering your jocks, mate. All right. That's the show, I reckon. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. Bye. Bye. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women
Starting point is 02:01:08 who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London one woman has a secret the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives
Starting point is 02:01:20 are lost FX's The Veil starring Elizabeth Moss is now streaming on Disney Plus

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