The Weekly Planet - 196 Moustache Madness & The Dark Knight Trilogy (with Wil Anderson)

Episode Date: July 31, 2017

This week we’re joined by comedian, TV host, human man Wil Anderson to talk The Dark Knight Trilogy!Plus we get into a new Han Solo scoop, Terminator getting another reboot (again), Bond 25’s new ...potential director, Snoke, SNOKE and the IT trailer. Oh and moustache. Thanks for listening!TOFOP: CGI Video: Ultimate Destruction Caravan Of Garbage: Animation: IT trailer 26:42 Terminator Reboot14:04 Bond 25 director16:01 Bloodshot casting18:47 Snoke. SNOKE24:02 Han Solo scoop29:56 Moustache for Superman39:45 HARD TRANSITION into The Dark Knight Trilogy with Wil Anderson1:32:21 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:37:36 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy The Dark Knight Trilogy on Amazon: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming to IMAX and theaters everywhere. What a wonderful day! This summer, one movie event will reign. It is our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theaters May 10. Tickets on sale now. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:40 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:00:55 Register today at That's Red hot comic book movie news Shooting up your butthole Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet Official podcast of I was going to say for, it's of Do I say of? I should know What are we, 196?
Starting point is 00:01:24 Anyway, where we talk movies and comics and tv shows my name is james also known as mr sunday with me as always my co-host nick mason i'm here too and i can talk as well sort of i really botched that nah it's fine what are we doing only nine there was 19 takes ladies and gentlemen that was the closest we got to a usable take so we're taking it it's very late here we don't have time for another one we certainly don't but you have time for the it trailer too i saw it are you because we were like should we talk about this because you know it still looks good but there's nothing nothing too new in it so you looked up the original trailer sort of we tried to find it as always terrible yes look at a trailer from prior to yeah how many years but i mean what what do you think
Starting point is 00:02:03 the cutoff is where trailers become? When did trailers become good? I don't know because I'd imagine people will look back at trailers now and be like, oh, that's very quaint, isn't it? Yeah, that's true. And definitely a formula will emerge. Yes. Everybody will be like, remember in 2017 when all the trailers did this
Starting point is 00:02:22 and this and this. Had retro pop songs. Exactly. And there was blue lightning shooting into the sky or down from the sky. Yeah. One of those. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah. I don't know. I think probably after the voiceover, I guess is probably the closest. Yeah, after the great Don LaFontaine died. Yeah. Yeah. And also, there's the brr. That was like the bram.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Oh, the inception horn. anyway it's pretty good yeah but again i'm not a horror guy me neither but i am interested in this yeah have you read the book no so i read it relatively recently and it's good it's long but a lot of the book is like the it can be it is is like a dimensional being or whatever yes Yes, right. But it can be anything and it chooses the form of a clown and whenever it turns into something, like what always happens is it turned into a werewolf but it was slightly scarier than a regular werewolf because there was maggots in its mouth
Starting point is 00:03:16 and then it's like it turned into a spider but it was a slightly scarier spider because it had maggots in its mouth. That's a big... If you ever read any HP lovecraft the creative cthulhu yeah like you know the modern interpretations of those characters and those monsters it's always very evocative and very you know descriptive but a lot of his original work it's like it was a horror that was indescribable. Like, no, you couldn't describe it. Yeah, that's right. Also, you're a racist. Have you seen... There's a...
Starting point is 00:03:50 Did you ever read Planetary, the comic book? I did, I did, yeah. There's a... Hang on, did I? I think I did. I might be thinking of Planetoid. Planetary was a team of sort of archaeologists. They uncover the secret history of the world,
Starting point is 00:04:02 but the secret history is like superheroes. So the first issue, they uncover what happened to all the pulp heroes yeah and then maybe they find out what happened to like their fan their equivalent of the fantastic four and etc i've not read this there's a there's a there's a planetary authority crossover where planetary run into hp lovecraft like like one of the one of the very old team members runs into him yeah back in the day and he hp Lovecraft uncovers some like alien embryos and he's like, sir, I believe these to be Negro eggs. It's like, it's real.
Starting point is 00:04:33 And I'm like, that's a bit much, but then I read into the history of H.P. Lovecraft and I'm like, no, that's fair. That seems like something he would say. If you do like H.P. Lovecraft, there's a YouTube channel called Ask Lovecraft and it's an actor who uh ask lovecraft and it's an actor who people send him letters and he it's from the perspective of he pretends that he's a
Starting point is 00:04:49 resurrected hp lovecraft answering like a modern day questions it's quite good yeah so bloody check that out anyway it's anyway it there's a lot of it's in the trailer isn't there too much it well by it i meant disgusting teenagers but But also, It's the clown. Pennywise the clown? Pennywise the clown, yeah. There's too much. There's not too much, but there's a lot. Yeah. It's not a trailer where they dance about it and go,
Starting point is 00:05:14 okay, we'll give you a tiny little snippet. They're like, there's the clown. It's It. And I think that's because clowns are inherently terrifying. Yeah, they really are, aren't they? And it's a... Yeah, it's... I don't understand why people are being like,
Starting point is 00:05:25 this isn't as good as the original. The original one is scary if you watched it when it came out and you were a four-year-old. Yeah, exactly. I didn't watch it at the time, so when I see it now, it just looks ridiculous. I feel the same about the original Exorcist. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I only saw that as an adult and it's very funny. It's not scary in the least. My mate's dad, you know my mate Joe? Yeah, sure. His dad's a builder. He's like an old school Italian. His story better get a lot better real quick. He's an old school Italian dude.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Oh, it's gotten better. He's a great bloke. But after he saw that movie, he wouldn't go in a crawl space in a roof for like five years. Wow. Yes. And you're laughing at it like it's... Yeah, yeah. Well, that would have very negatively impacted his life's years. Wow. Yes. And you're laughing at it like it's... Yeah, yeah. Well, that would have very negatively impacted his life's work.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Certainly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Wow. Imagine what his life would be like if he wasn't scared by that movie. Who knows? What else have we got? I'm going to do a remake of The Running Man.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Oh, you think that's the next one? Maybe. Yeah. Because that's... That's Stephen King. That's Stephen King as Richard Bachman. Oh, you think that's the next one? Maybe. Because that's... That's Stephen King. That's Stephen King as Richard Bachman. Oh, right, yeah, yeah. And that's, I think, The Running Man is set now.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Right, I can find that. Like I said, 2017, 2019. The book or the TV show? Or the movie? The book, I think, is set in 2017. Okay, wow, what an era. Mm-hmm. The movie's set in 2019.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Okay, right. So, yeah. Well, that's it. That's going to appear in a lot of memes. Yes. And then that's going to build up some steam and then people are going to be like, we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Do people remember that movie, Fondly, The Running Man? I've seen it once and I'm like, this ain't great, is it? It's just Arnold in spandex. I've only seen it once, yeah. I think we probably hired it and went, hmm. Remember there was that era when we watched literally anything. Yeah, that yeah then we had time and no lives it was so good the book's quite good though okay it's less it's less cartoony super villain and more just a just
Starting point is 00:07:15 a just a down on his luck dude just flying about the world oh very good it's pretty it's pretty good excellent do you think this is very good james cameron is looking to reinvent the terminator franchise with a new trilogy. The rights are going to go back to him in like a year and a half. Okay. So he's in discussions with the current rights holder to be like, how do we get people to give a fuck about this? Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:07:35 Make a good one, I guess. Yeah. I mean, that's the simple response. We've talked about this before. How do you do it or do you do it at all? We just got the start of a new trilogy it just happened it did didn't it yeah so would he wipe the slate clean but it doesn't matter i guess yeah because the again the timeline is so ruined that it ultimately does not matter where you set
Starting point is 00:07:55 the next one give us a western one give us a world war ii one yeah i don't know when he when he says he's it's the rights go back to him next year yeah is that a is says the rights go back to him next year, is that the rights go back to him unless they make another one? Oh, no matter what. 100%. Yeah. All right. So he's not going to direct them because he's doing avatars forever until he dies.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Maybe just leave it longer than four years just to do it again. Yeah. Leave us demanding another one, I think, maybe. Also, he mentioned a while back, not in relation to this it again, you know? Yeah, leave us demanding another one, I think, maybe. Also, he said, he mentioned a while back, not in relation to this particular interview, that Arnold is going to be involved in some degree. So I guess... But also in the last one was like they redid the entire timeline.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yep. So do you do that again? Like, I don't know. A redo of a redo, maybe. Yeah. I had a thought. Give me a minute. A redo of a redo, maybe. Yeah. Hmm. I had a thought. Give me a minute.
Starting point is 00:08:48 It'll come back eventually. Okay. We'll sit here in silence. Good. That's what I want. There will be no podcast. I need silence so I can think of the thing that I thought earlier.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Okay. Did you have a friend's dad who saw Terminator and wouldn't go into a crawl space? Yeah. Okay. No, he wouldn't go into a sporting goods store.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Because there'd be probably a man who's nude, save for a trench coat, putting on Nikes. He's like, no, I can't do it. What if he's nude and running about? He just puts on sweatpants. He puts on a homeless guy's sweatpants. Just, ugh. The continuity also doesn't line up with the original Terminator
Starting point is 00:09:24 and the last one because the T-shirt that he gets, it doesn't, like he gets it in a different place. So it doesn't matter. But yeah. Who cares? And in the remake, it just says the 80s on it. That's right, yeah. Frankie say relax on it, so whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:37 And I guess the other thing is he has a different face. So what is it? He does, yeah. It doesn't matter, does it really? What was my thought? A promising 15 minutes though, opening 15 minutes of Genesis. It really did. It doesn't matter, does it, really? What was my thought? A promising 15 minutes, though. Opening 15 minutes of Genesis. It really did. It really did.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Terminator. The Terminator. Apps. Social media. No, you know what? Oh, that'd be it. No, they did that. Yeah, they actually did that.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Look, again, there's no such thing as a bad concept, I guess. And again, you know what? It's better than an emoji movie. Let's talk about that. Okay. Okay. So this is, I think it's,
Starting point is 00:10:11 what I'm saying is putting in the hands of a competent director and we'll get a good one, but give, give it some space to breathe. Yes, absolutely. And maybe bring it back to the, actually you can't sort of bring it back to, oh,
Starting point is 00:10:20 maybe you can. Maybe, maybe give us a modern day reboot where Sarah Connor, it's the same as the first one, but it's set now. Right. Maybe that would work. Okay. Oh, God, here we go.
Starting point is 00:10:30 There's no box office numbers yet for the Emoji movie, but it's got 8% on Rotten Tomatoes. Not the worst movie that's gone through Rotten Tomatoes. No. What is that? I think it's Bucky Larson is still 0%, I believe. There's a few, I think. It's not just the one, but I think there's...
Starting point is 00:10:46 And then that dude, Armand White, always ruins it. Oh, he's the Mr. Contrarian. Yeah, the most contrarian... The worst man on the internet. He's always finding deeper meaning in terrible trash and then ruining everybody's fun if everybody enjoys something. Do you think... He doesn't genuinely believe at any of that stuff,
Starting point is 00:11:05 does he? That's the thing, it's impossible to say. I've never seen him in an interview, so I can't, I can't go and read on him. he seems very pretentious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:12 And, yeah, maybe, I think maybe what he does is he just says something contrarian and then he uses a lot of big words to justify just being contrarian. Right,
Starting point is 00:11:21 okay. And he digs deep to find some deeper meaning that we don't see you know what an arsehole sounds like it seems like an arsehole so i'm so glad this is not doing well right i don't think it's going to have a it cannot do well at the box office because kids don't want to see this surely oh like kids kids don't actually care about emojis you know what i mean i mean they use them but it's not like i don't actually care about emojis. You know what I mean? I mean, they use them, but it's not like, I don't need to see a world built around it.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Cause do you know the concept? Uh, they all live in your phone. Yes. There's a one I know I'm cause I read an article on it's, it's on monetizing concepts and like, and like they want to, you know, it was a, it was a company just is like licensing concepts and and attempting to you know say how they have to attempt to build a story around something that doesn't have a story like they battleship yeah battleship somebody somebody has bought the rights to fruit ninja the iphone game see that at least is something sort of there's apparently no i like i've never
Starting point is 00:12:22 played it but there's no ninjas in it no you swat your finger across yeah right but if somebody said this is a movie i mean we got the angry birds movie it's it's it's like a rung below that in terms of personality yeah that's true yeah but at least in the in the angry birds movie you have the birds and the pigs yeah exactly yeah and apparently that's not a terrible movie either right so there you go um yeah yeah but in the emoji movie the met emoji so what apparently happens is oh he can see has other feelings he's got other feelings so it's sort of like a wreck it ralph where be the person you're supposed to be and it's sort of also like inside out right sure because you've only got the one emotion or you're only supposed to stick to the one emotion and then when you grow up you go into a little box inside of someone's phone
Starting point is 00:13:06 and then you get used. Sure, right, okay. And then the climax of the movie is that they have to get to Dropbox. Yeah. Oh, that's, yeah, it's just, I'm looking at the best lines of reviews from the Emoji movie.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Okay. The AV Club said, the plot is really an excuse to hop from one app to another. There are stops in the lands of Candy Crush, WeChat, Just Dance, Instagram, Spotify and For the Kids Dropbox. That's pretty great.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Entertainment Weekly says, this is pretty good, there is an awareness pulsing through this movie as it pulses through our own lives that so much of what once seemed like progress was the opposite of progress
Starting point is 00:13:41 that our dreams of a better tomorrow were always leading us to a miserable today. That could be about anything, but it's about the Emoji Movie. That's great. Enough on the Emoji Movie? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:13:56 People have requested that we say it. Yeah. No. The New York Times says, for a long time, Hollywood has been propagating the idea that the panderingly, trendily idiotic
Starting point is 00:14:07 can be made to seem less so by polishing it up with bright, shiny gloss and enlisting engaging, talented performers and writers. I can't be entirely certain of this, but I would say the Emoji movie takes this notion
Starting point is 00:14:17 to the outer limits of credibility. Yeah, because I guess after the Lego movie and like Wreck-It Ralph, people are like, oh, you know, you can take like a basic concept and build something really quite clever around it. This is clearly not an example of that. No, good on them.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Good on them. They gave it a go. Didn't they, though? What's next? What do we got here? Might have a director for Bond 25. Is it Nolan? Well, he did mention that.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yeah, right. But he's not the frontrunner. The frontrunner is a guy called Jan de Mange. Okay. He's got an upcoming movie called White Boy Rick. Okay. The thing I know him for. That sounds like an indie film.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Sure. So that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, he did Dead Set. Oh, the Charlie Brook TV min mini series about zombies in the big brother household which is great yeah it's good yeah it's got ray winston's daughter whose name i can't remember she's a lead yeah it's a good it's a good show yeah it's not fun no it's well it's quite harrowing yeah it is yeah but uh no i think well then yeah so that sounds seems like a good choice uh weekend box office emoji movie is in a close battle with Dunkirk for number one, apparently.
Starting point is 00:15:27 But it's Dunkirk's second week. Oh, okay, right. So, yeah. Okay. Nice. God, what a world. Yeah. And it's also got a release date.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Okay. November 8th, 2019. So a bit over two years from now. Okay, yeah. Probably the last Craig one. It would have to be. Yeah from now. Okay, yeah. Probably the last Craig one, it would have to be. Yeah, sure. Yeah, surely.
Starting point is 00:15:46 But again, I feel it's a weird spot... To end it. To end it, because he's had his character arc, and now it's just a mission. So are they going to kick off another character arc? Will they kill his wife or whatever? Oh, yeah. Because remember, he fell in love again.
Starting point is 00:16:01 But then Craig quits, and then you have another Bond. Continuing. The quest for revenge of his dead wife. They should probably, if it's 25, start fresh. Yeah. I don't know. Eat fresh. Eat fresh also.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Subway sponsorship. That's right. Imagine just a Subway with a Rolex around it. Just a foot long with a Rolex on it. Yum, yum, yum. Or an Omega. That's probably going to be an Omega. He's just in his Aston Martin.
Starting point is 00:16:30 He's got to get some energy for the mission. He opens the glove compartment and there's a hot Subway foot long in there. Yum, yum, yum, yum. Jared Leto is up for the lead role in Bloodshot. Yeah, okay. Valiant's Bloodshot. Yeah. It's Jared Leto, Johnny Depp-ing it, being in everything until people realize that I
Starting point is 00:16:48 like him. Or do we like him? No, because nobody likes him. So nobody likes Jared Leto. Oh, no. Maybe he is, though, because he was in Dallas Buyers Club and he won the Oscar. Yep. So he's coasting, is what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:16:57 He was the Joker in the same way that Johnny Depp was Jack Sparrow. It's that kind of role. But I think maybe... Blade Runner is in that. Yeah, I think maybe what it is is he's won the Oscar and then he's gotten a lot of offers and he's like,
Starting point is 00:17:11 okay, well, I'm going to use my incredible acting talent on Suicide Squad. Oh, they didn't need any acting talent on Suicide Squad. They just want him to stand on the spot and say my lines. Okay, well, I'm going to be in this movie.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Oh, they don't really need me for blah. I think he's going to do the Johnny Depp where eventually he just does roles and he says the lines and he gets out. Right, okay. Yeah, you're right. So he's the new Johnny Depp. He's the new Johnny Depp, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Until he does something awful or people get sick of it. Yeah, has he done anything awful yet? Maybe he hasn't. Not yet. Okay, good. Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 00:17:40 We'll see how that goes. But no, I mean, it's good that we're getting that movie. Do you think they're going to do the nanotechnology? Well, that's what it is. But there's a new comic, which is quite good, isn't he, where he's a former assassin and he has to get back his nanobots. Yeah, there's a few series now, because the premise now is that he's not the original bloodshot.
Starting point is 00:18:02 There's been like a World War II bloodshot and a Vietnam bloodshot and et cetera. Yeah, okay. It's pretty good. I like that. It's a good one. I like a lot of Valiant stuff. Yeah. Well, it's going to be interesting
Starting point is 00:18:11 when all these Valiant movies kick off because hopefully they'll do something completely different to Marvel and DC. I saw a press photo recently. Yeah. Was it Jason, the Power Rangers guy, the Green Power Ranger? No, it was a whole bunch of bloodshot heroes
Starting point is 00:18:27 back to back, kind of like... And one's Exo Manowar, but he's not wearing the army. He's just got like a flaming sword. Have you seen that photo? Is it a photo? Or is it like a Comic Con... That's a photo.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I'll look it up. All right, I'll also look it up. Let's both look it up. Let's leave this in. We need absolute silence while we look this up. I don't even know what i'm looking for you okay i'm gonna let i'm bloody find it i'm bloody fine yeah the green power
Starting point is 00:18:49 ranger though did it he did the you know they do that um it's wolverine versus the terminator the green power ranger did one and he was blood bloodshot okay remember and so there's been kind of cool for him to do it you know what maybe? Maybe I made it up. It seems like something you'd make up. Mm-hmm. You lying sack of shit. Oh, what? It might be for Ninjak vs. The Valiant Universe, TV series 2017. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yeah. I wonder if that's tied into... This. Who knows? Yeah. Who knows how the universe is going to work? I don't know. Man.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Man. Next thing. Next thing. There were some Star Wars images leaked this week. Oh, yes. I've seen them. The various Star Wars characters, but the one that people are talking about they're hot under the collar for
Starting point is 00:19:35 is the Snoke image. And as I showed you, I got anonymously sent these a few days before this came out. We've seen some stuff that isn't even out there. That's right. Nothing spoilery. Oh, here it is. It's the cover. It's a cover for the Matt Keent Ninja X Shadow Man Rapture book.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Is it live action? It's X-O Man. No, I guess it's just a... Oh, that looks cool. Yeah, it's pretty good. All right, I'm a cow with it. All right. Is that sword fire all the way down to the handle?
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah, it looks that way. Too hot to handle. A bit ouchy, I'm a cow with it. All right. Does that sword fire all the way down to the handle? Yeah, it looks that way. Too hot to handle. A bit ouchy, if you ask me. Derek Feller's Exo Manowar. There you go. Yeah. Anyway, thank you to that person for sending me through those things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:14 What did you think of Snoke, whose name I can't say because someone got fired? Not us, though. You've said it, though. It's Snoke. Yeah, he looks- He looks like a man. He looks like a melty man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:25 He's just a man. Does that throw all your Snoke theories off, Mason? He's probably just a man. Everything you knew about Snoke has been twisted on its head. I feel that it really does lend some credibility to the idea that he was just that stormtrooper that cracked his head. Right, okay, yeah. Imagine the balls on the creators of...
Starting point is 00:20:42 on the director of Force Awakens and et cetera if they were like, it's just him. There's no such thing as a bad concept, Mason. Exactly. I've said that for years and years and possibly minutes. But imagine. What if that were the twist? What if it was?
Starting point is 00:20:56 And he's just sworn revenge because he cracked his head and all his co-workers made fun of him. They're watching the holo footage again and again. Yeah, and maybe he cracked his head, and then he got ridiculed by his co-workers, and they made him do latrine duty or whatever. So he's just mopping up, and he sees the proton torpedo coming at the Death Star.
Starting point is 00:21:18 And so he gets in on a skateboard, and he gets out. And then, you know, the Death Star's destroyed, but he makes it out and he's like i'm swearing revenge i'll be back but against who though yeah he's floating in a toilet out to the depths of the galaxy oh that's you know what because he's he's had to he has to float in the toilet for like years he has to drink his own pee that's why he recycles that way that's why he looks that way because the peas melted his circulatory system. But then, but he's driven mad and he's like, I'm going to get them all because they're moon moons.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And that's, okay. Good theory, me. It's a great theory. Thank you. Yeah, so, I mean, there was the Darth Plagueis theory, which I was sure that that's what it was going to turn out to be. There's hints towards the book that it's a man who just went to the edges of the galaxy of known space
Starting point is 00:22:02 and learned some new stuff. There's other things that suggest that he's an original Sith to the edges of the galaxy of known space and learnt some new stuff. There's other things that suggest that he's an original Sith or original Jedi who's come back to be like, I'm going to do this my way, old school pee drinking way, floating in the toilet. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I think the creators have come out and said it is a new character.
Starting point is 00:22:23 So we're not going to probably find out it was anybody. Also, who can it be? Yeah, exactly. It's going to be satisfying, really. Yeah, exactly. And again, The Force Awakens is the soft reboot in the sense that you can understand all of it without knowing any of the previous backstory. So to reveal the villain is somebody from the first three.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah. It's not going to work, right? Lando. Oh, what if it's Lando? The pee has bleached his skin. I think it's strange that a lot of movies and The Force Awakens, which I quite like, is guilty of this.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Yes. It's not so much that it's a mystery. It's just a mission. It's just a mission. It's just a lack of information leading to... How so? Well, like, who is Snoke? What happened to Luke? All these kinds of things.
Starting point is 00:23:14 The mystery is just, you're just leaving bits of information out. Things like Han Solo says to Maz Kanata, hey, where'd you get that lightsaber? She's like, another day. Is it? Just say, I just, I had, he gave it to me. Right, sure. Like, why get that lightsaber? She's like, another day. Is it? Just say, he gave it to me. Why is that a mystery? You're just leaving shit out for the sake.
Starting point is 00:23:31 It's that whole lost kind of thing where it's not important enough where you can't just answer it on the fly. Why is there several mysteries set up which can't possibly pay off? Again, it's the solve it in a it's the solve it in a post-it note situation yes exactly and i and somebody sent it to me on twitter it was a whole bunch of uh movies that were sold with post-it notes so it was like a post-it note for ariel to give to like the the prince or whatever in little mermaid it's like hey i uh i traded my voice for whatever i'm looking looking at you. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:24:05 It would solve everything. So sorry I don't have your name here. But yeah, the lightsaber could just say I got it from Luke Skywalker. Luke ran away because X, Y, whatever. Although they do kind of cover that anyway. That's true. Whatever. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Great. You know what? You're right, though. I do hate the idea of a character who's like another i can't tell you yeah the rule the rules of the universe so i can't except for the phantom stranger dc's phantom stranger who i again i like well that's what he is yeah he's the guy he can't tell you that i'll tell you that yeah anyway yeah all right uh we've got a scoop though mason it's the hottest scoop scoop it out oh it's my scoop, is it? Yeah. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:24:45 It's in the old email. Our famous segment, hot scoop or a shot of poop, which is a segment in which we tell you a hot scoop and if the scoop turns out not to be true, James has to take a shot of poop. He promised he would. Did we record that when we said that? I don't think we did.
Starting point is 00:25:01 So listen, I will do a shot of poop. Good. I'm going to go on the record. Nice, good. Okay, I'll just dig that up. Here we go. What do a shot of poop. Good. I'm going to go on the record. Nice, good. Okay, I'll just dig that up. Here we go. What do we got? Well, we're not going to say the name.
Starting point is 00:25:09 No. Okay. This is Han Solo related? Yep. So Han Solo related. He was talking to some friends who are working on Han Solo. Yep. Number one.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Ready. Also, as with our segment, Hot Scoop or a Shot of Poop, this could be true or it could be lies. Once again, we have literally no way of verifying whether this is true or not. Yes. Don't report it on any website. Don't report it on any websites. Or do.
Starting point is 00:25:37 If you do, don't credit us. Or do. Number one. His friends were telling them about Woody Harrelson and his prunes without any questions. So he thinks this is legit. So in the past, we've received information that Woody Harrelson only eats organic prunes and he will step down the production of a movie.
Starting point is 00:25:57 He will step on a man's neck. Until he gets his prunes. Point number two, Disney love Ron Howard and they are, from the sounds of things reshooting about 80% of the movie Jesus doing one scene a week
Starting point is 00:26:09 apparently is that good? is that enough? I don't know I don't know who knows how time works the costume and camera people are all signed on
Starting point is 00:26:19 to work on it until Christmas oh wow okay yeah number three Jason Momoa has been on the set cameo question mark? Potentially.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Put it, say we said it. Well, they're doing, there's that rumor that they're going to get a famous person in a Stormtrooper outfit in every movie. Because remember Daniel Craig is in episode seven. Oh yeah, that's right. And I won't spoil it, but there's someone who's going to be in eight. Actually, no, there was no one in Rogue One, I think, as far as we know. So maybe that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Anyway, sorry. Go on, Mason. Continue. Oh, yes. Number four, one of the costume people was sent, some of the costume people were sent like luxury hampers from Disney. Very nice. Posh gifts.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Yeah. And pay rises. They were pay rises because apparently there was an actor in a full prosthetic suit uh which caught fire around them so jesus how does that happen i don't know so yeah the the costume person put out the fire and pulled the actor out of the suit so that's lucky because a lot of those things you're like sewn into yeah right stuck to your head well that's the thing i've always feared yeah as someone who it's never happened to but you know when they back in
Starting point is 00:27:25 the day they used to make the if you if they're going to make you build your mask like a prosthetic mask what they would do is they would like cover your entire head yeah and then put like straws up your nose they still do that that's yeah you could die yeah you could die what if you've got a cold or something and two straws up your nose is enough to get the oxygen required you'll die yeah what if it just pours straight up your nose oh no you'll die yeah so you're saying you never want a head cast no i guess also they can do it digitally now yeah they could scan you digitally and then print your head if they wanted to they could do that but i know they still do those molds like it still still happens yeah isn't that weird that that's one of my fears but it'll never happen why would it you never know mason that's one of my fears, but it'll never happen. Why would it? You never know, Mason.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I guess that's true, yeah. But you know what? We should petition for you to get a wax figure. Why? Like a life-size Madame Tussauds style. Have you ever seen Madame Tussauds, the wax figure? No, not in person, no. Some are great.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Some are really off-putting. I know I've seen a lot of people, a lot of people I know hugging the wax figure of Hitler. That's a good one. That's a great one. It's the old standard there. Also, they big up the height on them. Because I remember when I was a...
Starting point is 00:28:34 There was one in Melbourne I went to when I was like 14. And I was a little bit shorter than Arnold Schwarzenegger. Knee-high to a grasshopper. That's right. Or a Schwarzenegger. Yeah. And then I went about three or four years ago I went to the one in London
Starting point is 00:28:46 and he was like six, seven like he'd grown he was taller he was grown taller yeah so there you go wow
Starting point is 00:28:54 do you think every six months or so they email the likeness the person that they've made the likeness of and they're like hey listen
Starting point is 00:29:01 just so you know Brad Pitts he's, he's going to be two inches taller in a couple of weeks. So you want to spend a little green, you want to spend a little of that Terminator 7 money and we'll build you up. We'll give you some elevator shoes. But if not, you're going to look pretty weedy. Ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Anyway, those hot scoops. What do you think? Validity? Seems reasonable enough. He's been very reliable in the past, this person. That's true, yeah. Okay, I think maybe they're onto something. I wouldn't surprise me that they're doing 80% of this stuff, though.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Like, reshoot it. Yeah, right, okay. Because if it was the disaster that Disney were saying, you know, alluding to, then yeah, they'll have to reshoot a lot of it. But it does also come out in May. Yeah, right. And it's still coming out in May.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That's true. They're not pushing it back as far as we know. But yeah, so bloody hell. But also it's like that thing we talked about with Justice League. If they've got the special effects, that's already working. The action set pieces are in place. The Millennium Falcon's probably flying through a whatever. Like you can do that independent of shooting stuff
Starting point is 00:30:05 is what I'm saying. When you said wherever, I immediately went to laundromat. Like a giant laundromat? No, it's a regular sized laundromat. It's in and out in like two seconds and that man's business is ruined. Great.
Starting point is 00:30:20 It's like a London suburban laundromat. There's bubbles everywhere. There's bubbles and loose change everywhere. And just a crowd immediately swarms it and grabs all the coins. Fantastic. Mustache news. We've got to talk about this. Yeah, this is very good.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Right, so... Can I take the lead on this one? Absolutely, you can. So apparently, they've had to do some reshoots on the set of Justice League. Yes. With Henry Cavill. Yep. The man himself, the Superman. you can so apparently they've had to do some reshoots on the set of justice league yes with henry cavill yep the the man himself the superman superman superman in justice league confirmed we got it hot scoop hot scoop nobody's eating poop today that's right but uh they've had to so they've had to bring him back but he's the villain henry cavill is the villain in mission
Starting point is 00:31:03 impossible 6 yeah for which he's grown a. Henry Cavill is the villain in Mission Impossible 6. Yeah. For which he's grown a ridiculous mustache. I think he looks good. He looks pretty good. Because he's very handsome, though. That's why. Yeah. See, that's...
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yeah. Like, us, we couldn't pull off that mustache. No, absolutely not. But apparently, there's been a tiff between, I guess, Warner Brothers and Paramount over whether or not he's going to shave the mustache to go back and film Justice League. And Paramount have won the TIFF. And so.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Well done. So Superman is currently on set filming with a mustache. And what are they going to do? They're going to CGI the mustache, I guess. Yes. Nice. This is what we've always been waiting for honestly this is this is what i feel this is one of the this must be a hypothetical i feel we may
Starting point is 00:31:51 have discussed before maybe not on the show right yeah but like this you know what it's the caesar romero is the joker it's exactly where they use the grease paint they just grease paint over it because you refuse to shave it that's incredible i love that love that there's had to be negotiators on this. Yes. So what I think is they're going to be like, hey, can we borrow Henry Cavill for this? And they're like, sure. They're at the Chateau Marmont having lunch,
Starting point is 00:32:14 the two executives, like the Warner Brothers and a Paramount executive. And they're like, oh, so we can have Henry back for a few days, can't we? And they're like, sure thing. And he's like, all right, well, we'll shave that mustache and we'll get it filmed. See you later. And the's like, all right, well, we'll shave that mustache and we'll get a film. See you later.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And the guy's like, excuse me? We'll just shave the mustache? No, you will not. And then they both snap fingers and lawyers appear with briefcases and they're like, and then they immediately start yelling at each other. That'd be pretty good. Because I was speaking to Hollywood Pete earlier this week.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Oh, yeah, I'm a friend of Hollywood Pete, sure. Because he's got some experience in special effects and filmmaking and whatnot. And he was saying, by far, it would be easier to CGI on a mustache than take one off. Right. Because you have to get the lip movement right. Like, that's hard. This is going to cost millions of dollars. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. To get this right. Exactly. You just shave it off and then you can just Oh, yeah. Yeah, to get this right. And what you could... Exactly, you just shave it off and then you can just draw it on. Yeah. But with this, you have to... Because with a moustache, it just...
Starting point is 00:33:11 It's the one piece. It's the one piece, yeah. If you have to paint over it and then draw on lips, the lips have to move. People have done Photoshop's and video of Superman with moustaches. Like, they've taken existing footage and it looks fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:26 So it's very possible to do this. But it is, I think it really is that case of, like you were talking about, it's two studios just like, like we're not budging on this. Yeah, right, exactly. Yeah. And to them, millions of dollars means nothing.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah. I mean, Warner Brothers could also even say, listen, we'll pay for the CGI mustache if you put it back on. Yeah, yeah. I'm sure it was discussed. It'd have to have been. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Final offer. We'll pay for the CGI moustache. And then the director of Mission Impossible 6 is like, no, it will not look authentic. I'll be able to tell him. That's what's important. Well, that's... Henry will be... See, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:34:01 But you know what? I also bet they discussed. I bet they also went, like both sides went, well, Henry won't be able to act properly if he's got like, one side will be like, he won't be able to be Superman if he's got a moustache. It's going to distract him. And the other guy will be like,
Starting point is 00:34:14 but he's had a moustache in all the other scenes, so he's going to have a cold upper lip while he films the rest of it. And he's going to look cold. He didn't look cold in all the other scenes. I want to see behind the scenes footage of this. This is going to be so good. I need to see it. I think it's one of those things where it's never going to come out.
Starting point is 00:34:31 We're never going to see it. We absolutely will. And I'd love it if they just put a green matte paint. Yeah, right. Like a green sticker over it to make it easier in post-production. Or one ping pong ball. Yeah. One ping pong ball in between his nose and his lip.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I think maybe it'll be under wraps for a long time, but then we'll see like that. Remember there was, you know, there's a couple of shots of Nicolas Cage as Superman. Right. It'll come out like that. Like 20 years time or whatever, yeah. Also, it'll also probably appear as like in the future as a meme.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Yes. And people pretend like he had a mustache the whole time or like, can you remember in 2017 when Superman had a mustache? Superman's been around long enough that his characters had a mustache. Not true. That's very funny though, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yeah, that's right. But there's the meme that it's, it's a, it's a Avengers comic panel. Yeah. And it's, it's Iron Man and Captain America.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And it says like iron man saying what you need is some good solid dick from an iron man very good but and it goes underneath it's like these comics have been going so long that dick used to mean advice no it didn't that's somebody's just photoshopped the word advice out and put dick in there when is that ever? It's never. Never ever. I think that's because you know
Starting point is 00:35:48 there's that Joker's boner comic. Yeah, that one's real. Yeah, that was a real one. Yeah, look. I don't know, man. This is going to be great. I cannot wait
Starting point is 00:35:56 for the first set photos of this. But also, this is nothing but good news for Mission Impossible because... Mustaches. Well, yeah, because it's got that movie
Starting point is 00:36:03 in the public consciousness already. That's true. And when that movie's coming out, like there will be buzz around it for this very reason. Yeah, right. So everybody wins, Mason. But do you think, though, the buzz would be bigger if we all knew that he had a CGI mustache? I would find that so distracting. I'm going to find it distracting in Justice League because I'll be looking for it the
Starting point is 00:36:24 whole time. Yeah, absolutely. They'll be jumping pixels all over his upper lip yeah yeah actually i did a video this week on the dumbest cgi in film oh yeah off the back of this because there's there's a there's a whole lot of stuff where it's just what why why would you do that anyway i'll link it below people want to check it out. Nice. Anyway, this is the age we live in apparently. Yeah. God. All right, what do we got? There's a guy just, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:51 and I bet the lawyers are also like, like they're making bank off the back of this mustache discussion. So they're trying to stretch it out as long as possible. They're making backroom deals over the mustache. They're like, hey, what do we, what do we, they're in a bar later and they're like, what do we suggest this? And then they'll go back and forth for a week on it and
Starting point is 00:37:07 we'll we'll really clean up a bit of dough on this yeah that's it yeah now mason all right cease your prattling james okay sorry about whatever we're talking about just there i'll stop if you could i have hey here's a question for you when you were a kid and you were listening you were you were listening with rapt attention to the radio triple j you were loving kid and you were listening, you were listening with rapt attention to the radio, Triple J, you were loving it. When you were watching the TV, watching ABC TV, you were loving the Gruen transfer. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:29 When you were just, when you go into the comedy festival and laughing your ass off with thousands of other people, did you ever think for any moment that at some point you'd be sitting in a room with your childhood hero, me, ever in your life?
Starting point is 00:37:44 Every day is a blessing. I'll tell you that much. But as a side note, we've brought in a very special guest who may very well have been on the Radio Triple J, who's been on TV, who's had a million billion shows at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, sellout shows. It's Will Anderson. It's bloody Will Anderson. Hello. Hey, mate.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Hello. That was very good, actually. Thank you. I like that whole bit. That was very good, actually. Thank you. I like that whole bit. Oh, I did a bit. I was like, actually, my appearance on this show is not going to be as good as that bit. Oh, no. Disagree.
Starting point is 00:38:14 It also, for a start, I was just like, man, he's just making me feel real old. Oh, yeah. Do you remember when you were just born and you were watching The Glasshouse? Yeah, yeah. Well, to be fair, I loved Adam and Will at school. I was really upset when- You can say Adam and you. Sure, that's true.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, that's right. You're right here. And I remember when you got taken off, I was like, this is bullshit. I can't remember who replaced you. I think I just stopped listening. It was a sad day for me. I mean, just for the record, we didn't get taken off. No, no, sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I mean, just let's not rewrite history, guys. You opted out. you opted out we opted out we walked away and we did and like in retrospect this is crazy like but we told people at the start of the year and then we're just like took a one year lap of honor essentially it was like people are really going to need some time to mourn this so we'll get them used to it at the start of the year. Hey, we're leaving. Oh no, not for a year.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Isn't that what Hamish and Andy are doing at the moment? They're doing their lap of honour, aren't they? I mean, it really feels like somebody saying to someone they're married to, I'm going to leave you, but in a year. In a year. Get your affairs in order. Get the grieving period done. And then I'll just wave bye-bye at the end.
Starting point is 00:39:23 It'll be great. Whatever it is you liked about me, I'll still do that for a year. We'll go to some old places you used to love, but in a year, I am gone. So enjoy me now. I'm glad we've got you for this though because speaking of Charlie, your co-host for ToeFop,
Starting point is 00:39:36 you're a big Batman fan. Well, obviously that's evident to anybody who's listened to ToeFop at all, which is probably a lot of people listening to this. You even have a little disclaimer at the start of your show, which is like, which is Batman centric of people listening to this you even have a little disclaimer at the start of your show which is like which is batman centric it particularly started though because when we started doing the podcast it was kind of the era of the nolan back yes it was yeah
Starting point is 00:39:53 you've been doing your seven years yeah seven seven and a half years something like that yeah um it's gonna get good sometime that's that's what we're determined by year 10 we think by year 10 it might get good absolutely and we'll actually be able to publish every episode we record but except for super pod so um i know i loved uh batman from when i was a kid though because as people might have seen when adam west uh recently uh passed on recently died his real name wasn't adam west that was his like show business performing name and his real name was will anderson like that's true wait yeah william west anderson is adam west's real name yeah so from when i was a kid growing up with tvs the batman i was also aware that tvs the batman
Starting point is 00:40:37 had rejected my name because it would be no good for a career in show business that's disheartening. We've never actually, because we've been saving talking about the Dark Knight trilogy for something special to happen. A Batman movie, another one or something. We thought this is a perfect opportunity. So we'd love to talk about that with you. Brilliant.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Not around you. Not around you. I'd enjoy that, to be honest. Look how much we know about Batman. Here we go. Here we go. I've got to be honest. I already know my opinions.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Yeah, that's right. So I'd be glad to just listen to yours for a while. Do you remember going into the, what did you expect of Batman Begins going in in 2005? Were you like, this is going to change the world in a way that Batman and Robin didn't? It had been seven years since that. I don't know if you remember.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Here's the thing. I've always, like, I mean, because I've always loved Batman, I haven't, since re-watching some of those films like i've realized they're terrible but at the time i loved batman enough and i loved the idea we didn't live in this world that you know we live in now where there's another superhero movie like next week that's right go and see yeah you were just like they're making a movie about batman that'll do yeah right i feel i've had the opposite reaction and that i think at the time i remember i i was sort of at that that angsty post-teen era where i'm like these movies are
Starting point is 00:41:55 terrible i hate them so much and in retrospect i'm like oh this is fun batman and robin's fun like it's a it's camp and it's dumb and that's – I'm on board with that, guys. Yeah, yeah. Oh, no, no. I re-watch those movies whenever they're on TV, which is about every week. Yeah, right. So, yeah. No, there's particular moments that you just come to love. Like there's a scene in the Michelle Pfeiffer one and she's great. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:42:17 She's really fantastic in that movie. But there's a scene like where they like mistletoe can be deadly. That's right. Eat it. And it's just one of those things now. Some weird shit that movie. Because we Googled, like, and I'm not even sure it is. Like, I think that's actually even a lie.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah, right. I don't think, like, you'd have to eat a lot of mistletoe to die, basically, right? So, unless you're having a whole bale of mistletoe. That's not right. It's a very flawed premise. It's more the thorns in your stomach that's killing you there, I feel. But I imagine that mistletoe like sometime in the next decade will be revealed as a superfood and then two years after that
Starting point is 00:42:50 that it gives you cancer there's always there's that cycle yeah but in between those movies and um i've never been a really big comic book kid um but in between those movies um i became really friendly like with a guy called justin hamilton He's a really brilliant stand-up comedian and he loves comic books. And so he started going, well, you love Batman, but you haven't really read much Batman stuff. And he sort of started, yeah, he was like my sommelier of like comic books, right? He'd go, you've got to read this and then read this.
Starting point is 00:43:21 And he did all the heavy work for me. He curated a Batman world that I very much enjoyed. And I loved Christopher Nolan because Memento had been one of my favourite films and I kind of followed him since then. And I was really excited about the idea that this director that I really liked was making a Batman film. Yeah, sure. I felt exactly the same, like hearing that he was the name on board.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Like he wasn't huge then. He'd done Memento. I think he'd done Insomnia, which I don't think it's fine i don't really i'm not really a pacino guy i actually really like that movie oh really i must admit like it's fair to say in christopher nolan movies it's hard to even the ones i don't like i will defend yeah fair enough so from the get-go you're like right i'm on board i'm ready for this i'm ready for this dark kind of reimagining thing did you walk out of that going that's exactly what i wanted or you're like i miss the tim burton kind of side of things i miss that campy element and
Starting point is 00:44:10 and the rubber costume and no i was a hundred percent on board yeah like i reckon i saw it like the next day again yeah i was so into it i couldn't have enough of it i was just like this is the structure of a movie that i like yeah you. You know, I loved every, I mean, I love that prison scene at the start. Oh, yeah. Like, I'm your worst nightmare. No, your practice. Like, from there, I was just like, this is going to be awesome. This whole movie is going to be great.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah. I completely agree. Because there's that opening bit that we've never really gotten before with the origin of Batman, where he does travel the world for like five, ten years, just kicking the shit out of people and getting the shit kicked out of him. Everything else is just kind of fully formed. I remember you saying as well you enjoyed the trailer leading up because it's not
Starting point is 00:44:52 a Batman Begins trailer. It's not revealed as that until the end. It's a teaser trailer of just a man sort of searching around the world for the reason that his parents were murdered and he finds there's something in the darkness that won't stop until it finds revenge and it's him. And then there's this one second of just Batman.
Starting point is 00:45:09 It's just these desolate landscapes of Tibet and a funeral at a mansion and all this sort of stuff. And yeah, after the last movie, which was just this technicoloured nightmare, it just blew people... And it was in this area before every trailer got to the internet first and you got 10 million views in a day and so you could go into the cinema and be
Starting point is 00:45:28 like what's this yeah this could be anything and then batman he's back and it just yeah i mean i think they did an amazing job with that like i've heard you guys talk about this on the podcast before which is that idea of like when they just put too much of the good stuff in the trailer yeah and like i said to someone the other day they they they said to me he said what did you think of the new spider-man movie and i said uh you know i i liked it but i didn't and then i was like hang on i haven't seen the new spider-man i've just read enough reviews and seen enough on the trailers online that in my head i thought i had seen the new spider-man movie yeah like whereas like nolan used to i don't know if it's true or even if it was apocryphal at the time,
Starting point is 00:46:06 but you used to hear that he wouldn't reveal anything from the last third of his films in the trailer. And that was like kind of a rule he had coming into trailers that you wouldn't be seeing anything that was from the last third of the film. So when you went and saw it, there was still this whole entire act for you to kind of discover. And that's like with Interstellar, the first trailer for that was just a cornfield and
Starting point is 00:46:25 Matthew McConaughey crying and that was it. And it's like, what, what is this? Did you like Christian Bale as Batman? Would you, you're on board with the voice? I mean, here's the thing. I'm not sure that anyone was a hundred percent on board with the voice. He was. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Right. But that was kind of after I was after I was certainly a voice justifier. Right. Like if you got in an argument with people, like I like the fact that it's still comic book-y. Yeah. And I'm also, we'll get to it, I'm sure, but I'm also, you know, a Bane voice supporter.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Oh, my goodness. Right, you know. Well, then you have gone too far. But I want a bit of that, you know. Yeah, right. I want a bit of that. Yeah, right. I want a bit of that sort of, okay, he's got this different identity. He's putting this voice on for a reason. It is a performance.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Like he's literally giving a performance in that moment because he doesn't need to talk like that. There are moments in the movie where he's talking to people who know that he is Bruce Wayne. Or he's by himself. Yeah. He's by himself. Yeah. He's got a good commitment. He's like, once I'm in the suit, I'm Batman.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I don't talk in the Bruce Wayne voice when I'm in the suit. You know the rules. I think it got more ridiculous as it went on because there were seven years between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises. People had made fun of it so much. So by the time the third one rolled around, it was kind of like, oh, he's still doing this?
Starting point is 00:47:43 Okay. Even though it's been memed and joked about so much, but he's time the third one rolled around it was kind of like, oh, he's still doing this? Okay. Even though it's been memed and joked about so much, but he's just 100% committed to it. The voice I don't love, but I do love his Bruce Wayne is amazing. Because he's kind of got three personalities. He's got his real kind of dark
Starting point is 00:47:58 persona sitting in a cave being sad. He's got Batman and then he's got the Bruce Wayne playboy kind of thing where he pretends he's a drunk and he's stumbling around he's kicking people out of the party because there's ninjas coming in and he's like how the fuck do I get these people out of here as quickly as possible oh just make an ass of myself and then say I burnt down my house
Starting point is 00:48:13 oh wear that whatever like that side of it we hadn't really seen like I love Michael Keaton I think he's a good Batman but his Bruce Wayne is kind of it's a bit weird for me I don't know is that the same for you or he's a big old nerd he's Keaton Bruce of, it's a bit weird for me. I don't know. Is that the same for you or? He's a big old nerd. He's Keaton Bruce Wayne.
Starting point is 00:48:32 The thing that I enjoy and we don't get to see too much of in these movies, and I would love to see a little bit more of this, like, you know, if they're going to have a look at it again. I mean, after they're done with it. No, they're done with Batman. Whatever they're done with whatever this is. Yeah, right. Uh-huh. Sure.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Like, it's like, it's like at the moment they're dating someone I don't approve of. Sure, right. I feel like they're going to get it out of their system. Yeah, it's going to be fine. And then we can go back to someone that I can enjoy more. You know what? I didn't want to say it at the time, but he was kind of, yeah, he's a bit of a loser.
Starting point is 00:48:55 No, I get this. This is a rebound thing. Yeah, sure. You're in a new scene. You're experimenting. You're trying different things. But we just like someone you can bring to Christmas. Tattoos can be removed.'s fine it's fine so are you not on board for like ben affleck as batman or you just don't like this new world comparatively to the dark knight stuff uh all of the above
Starting point is 00:49:15 okay right i mean i can have a more nuanced view of that like you know i would have been i'm not anti ben affleck in like i normally think that if ben affleck directs a movie that's why i was hopeful when they said he was going to direct yeah because i'm like i think ben affleck's the only guy who knows how to direct ben affleck if you look at all his best performances they're in movies that he directs himself and when other people direct him they put him in these things that just don't make sense the sum of all fears right i would say it yeah well pearl harbor anything yeah right it's like just all these movies where you're just like this is not properly cast for who you are yeah but he actually gets him yeah right absolutely and that's the thing i feel like with all these other
Starting point is 00:49:54 directors that if he'd been good as batman i would have had no problem with right so you thought even as his performance you're like i hate he's kind of bruce wayne i hate the voice modulator thing you weren't a fan of okay so the bruce wayne so this is what i would say again like the thing i liked about the christian bale bruce wayne and we didn't get to see enough of and i would have loved to see more of was that scene you know where like the models are in the you know like they're splashing around in the hotel thing the guy comes up and complains and he's like i just bought this oh yes that's right that sort of stuff i love that's like one of my favorite scenes from that whole movie and like in a worst director's hands that would have been enough that would have been out of that
Starting point is 00:50:36 scene but what you actually get to see and this is why nolan is actually really good in this sort of stuff is you see him walking downstairs you know with these two wet models and then he literally runs into rachel who's this girl that he doesn't want to see him walking downstairs, you know, with these two wet models. And then he literally runs into Rachel, who's this girl that he doesn't want to see him. He's trying to convince her he's not this guy. And then for this other reason, like that's the, I think that's the next level that he brings to those things where you feel like all these things happen,
Starting point is 00:50:58 but there's also at some stage going to be a reason or a consequence for this thing happening. It's not just there because we came up with a cool action sequence or we came up with a cool idea for this. These things all make sense to the story that we're trying to tell. So many films are built that way. Look at Fast and Furious films, which are fun. I like them, but they're kind of like, can we do a submarine in a car?
Starting point is 00:51:17 And then they're like, okay, now we need to write to that specific scenario. But yeah, his films to me always seem like, and they don't always 100% work, this kind of intricate clockwork of ideas that they kind of mesh together in a really mechanical way oh yeah well i can bore you endlessly one day that is not today about how good the prestige is and how no one understands it but uh we definitely have gripes with that cloning machine situation but um it's uh i like that he or has always played with that structure and there is
Starting point is 00:51:47 a reason for that sort of structure in his movies yeah because even though his movies are two and a half hours long they don't feel like a transformers where you're just like this needs to stop or you know i'm gonna kill myself you know that that kind of situation yeah did you ever see superman returns because that came out the year after and it made more money but they didn't get a sequel yeah did that appeal to you at all we i thought that was it brandon ross was that yeah yeah yeah tv's the atom on yeah uh i don't mind him he's got a certain charm about him yeah and he actually i saw it was on the other night and i thought maybe i'll check back in with this and i'll have a little look at it and see what i remember. And he looks good as Superman. Yeah, he's Chris Reeve Superman.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Yeah, like I mean it's a pity that it didn't work because he actually looks like a really good, he could have made a really good Superman. I think in a more dynamic movie, I know you have the problem with it, that it's just kind of drab and boring and it's just like deadbeat. It's a super tone. It is, it's really really you're like what is
Starting point is 00:52:45 man what yeah and I understand that it's a love letter to Superman movies gone by but I think that's also an era
Starting point is 00:52:53 that's gone by and that's they're good to look back upon but I don't think in this climate I don't think you can bring that back
Starting point is 00:53:00 but you know good on them for giving it a go yeah so out of I just gotta ask you this out of Bale, Keaton, Kilmer, good on them for giving it a go. Good on them for giving it a go, yeah. So out of, I just got to ask you this, out of Bale, Keaton, Kilmer, Clooney, Affleck, West, Anderson, whatever his real name is, do you have a favourite?
Starting point is 00:53:13 Oh, okay. Yeah, that's an interesting question. I would say In Order. Oh, here we go. From First to the Last. Yes, great. I'm going to say Christian Bale, Batman. And I'm going to say it just because, like a sports person go from first to last yes great i'm gonna say christian baugh batman yeah and i'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:53:25 just because like like a sports person who you never know are they playing in a really good team and that elevates them right but they played in the best team they won the most championships it's my favorite group of movies and he was like the quarterback of he's the batman in my favorite batman you're speaking not my language of sports but I sort of get it from the context I tried to make an analogy okay great alright okay no that makes 100% sense to me yeah
Starting point is 00:53:49 but yeah elevated by that probably then I would say Michael Keaton right Val Kilmer controversial oh my goodness
Starting point is 00:53:58 no no I'm okay with Val Kilmer I like that then Ben Affleck then Adam West then just because I'm not with Valkyrie. I like that. Then Ben Affleck. Then Adam West. Then, just because I'm not much of a fan of the campy things, I'm going to put Affleck in front. You know, I don't think Affleck's doing a terrible job.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Yeah, yeah. Then George Clooney. Did I miss somebody on the one? No, I think that's it. And then they've got people who say, what about the animated ones or whatever? And they're all great, generally speaking. They're all great.
Starting point is 00:54:23 All the animated ones equal first and they're all they're all great generally they're all great all the animated ones equal first exactly so you you were like into batman around this time you started reading a bit of material the big point of contention in these movies is batman kills a lot of people yeah but uh do you have a problem where batman's like i'm not going to kill this criminal but i'll kill 40 ninjas in this building i'll explode it that's fine does that bother you or you're like it's just the world it's the university's end yeah i think it's the university's end i was fine with that because i kind of like the idea that it was at least pretending that idea that this what if what if this could actually happen right now right yeah and to be honest in the world that this it's now become i mean the irony has been since the dark knight rises the world has become more like the
Starting point is 00:55:02 world in the dark to the point where where Donald Trump has actually used lines. That was that famous thing that went around the internet. There's a line from Bane's speech in The Dark Knight Rises that was later used by Donald Trump in his inauguration speech. That's right. I'd love to know if that was an accident. Actually, because he tweeted at the time that he was a fan of that film. Didn't he come out of it and he goes,
Starting point is 00:55:23 I saw it in Trump Towers and it was the best movie I've ever seen or whatever. And then I guess it just stuck in his brain or someone's brain. That's so bizarre. So I think that, you know, that sort of social commentary element to it though, it was something that I liked
Starting point is 00:55:41 and you can't do that when no one dies. Like the minute that no one dies,, that Batman's in all these, this is a real-life situation where all these terrible things are happening, but at no stage will Batman ever kill anybody. I'm very much like a just no Batman and guns guy. Right, sure. That's what I'm like. I'm happy for him to kill people.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I just don't want him to, he doesn't use guns. Yeah, right. That's part of the fun yeah absolutely and i think for me also i'm i'm okay with it as compared to batman v superman because like you said the world for the world that it's in makes sense but ben affleck batman's all like superman you shouldn't kill anybody you do the right thing all the time and then he's just gunning down criminals in the streets yeah it's it's not i just i just don't understand well the other thing is a lot of the time,
Starting point is 00:56:25 I like to think that Batman, you know, in his universe, you know, he's at least fighting professionals. Oh, sure, yeah, right. Do you know what I mean? Like, I felt like Superman in that movie. There was a lot of, like, collateral damage of really innocent people, whereas mostly in Batman's world, it's like, well, ninjas know what they've signed up for.
Starting point is 00:56:42 That's true, yeah. You know what I mean? Like, mostly you have good days as a ninja i imagine occasionally you know one's coming occasionally you're gonna have a bad gig when ninjas get together all they talk about is bad ninja if you're in a yeah a city destroying cult you got to get some comeuppance eventually yeah you have a problem with the suit yeah the cape in particular too clothy you're not a fan i remember you saying that i don't know why i'm bringing this up but do you like the bat suit uh his version look it's fine but i think i don't know they did they decided to let him i don't know he almost has
Starting point is 00:57:13 the ability to fly in these right and i feel that's i don't know again uh you know it's it's some it's supposed to be something of the real universe i feel that he was given too many technical advantages i feel i'm insure he's a billionaire he has access to military contracts and etc but come on yeah yeah no that's fair enough yeah but also he's just a dude yeah so he needs a leg up yeah i guess he does like often he's against people who are like more than dudes so yeah yeah that's true i really love though that they speaking of tech they tried something new with the batmobile because i feel like at that point we kind of seen every variation on the tim burton kind of version, they tried something new with the Batmobile. Because I feel like at that point, we'd kind of seen every variation on the Tim Burton kind of version.
Starting point is 00:57:47 And they went, you know what, fuck it, let's just build a tank. Because he would need a tank. This is a real situation and he needs to pancake cop cars to escape. And that's the kind of thing that he's going to need. I thought that was a really... Are you a fan of the Tumblons?
Starting point is 00:57:59 No, I hate it. You hate it? Yeah, that's right. End of discussion. No, I'm sorry. Yes, and Mason. Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. No, you's right. End of discussion. No, I'm sorry. Yes, and Mason. Oh, I'm sorry. You're right.
Starting point is 00:58:06 No, you're right. No, I like that. And the other thing was the Batmobile was getting to the point where it was getting so, everything got bigger for a while. It did, didn't it? You know, it had to have more stuff. It had ribs at one point and like a glowing heart as an engine. It was like pimp my Batmobile.
Starting point is 00:58:23 It really was, yeah. And you never got to see any of the, kind of part of the idea is if it's going to have all this cool stuff, let us see. But it was really only just ever implied and there was never enough time in the movie to go, why, what does he have all these extra bits? Sure, yeah. What does that button do? He needs a grappling hook to turn a corner in Batman 89 because it's so unwieldy and
Starting point is 00:58:42 it only went like 30k an hour. But this new one was like they had trouble keeping up with it because they built like a proper machine which is pretty insane
Starting point is 00:58:49 I just I just question why he would take the time to build a persona as a bat with a tank like I don't know like bats are not
Starting point is 00:58:58 commonly known like to be this kind of mythical kind of creature of the night and I have a car it's a flying it's just a flying brick give it some wings
Starting point is 00:59:04 or something I don't know that's a good point i mean it's mostly about branding though isn't it though exactly i mean that is the big message of these uh like entire movies we yeah that idea that you can become something more that's right like only a symbol can kind of be overused to fight this sort of thing which is essentially just branding absolutely i mean the dark knight rises at literally one of the most pivotal times in the entire universe, as his best friend in the world is going out onto the ice and may about to drop to his death,
Starting point is 00:59:31 Batman does take the time to set up that fancy bat on the bridge thing. That's right. And drop everything down before he goes and helps him out at the last moment. So always about the branding. That's right. And he cracks open a Sprite. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:59:46 So fresh. You know what? There's two things this movie, I think, does really well. One, they do really well, and one, they don't. The stealth stuff is great. You know where he's interrogating the criminal at the docks, and they're kind of like, where's this guy coming from? What is he?
Starting point is 01:00:00 Some kind of monster. But then when you see the actual hand-to-hand fighting, it's shot so close up. And they fix this in The Dark Knight. All you can really see is just elbows and heads. And it's like right on him. Do you know what I mean? I know you have a problem with that,
Starting point is 01:00:12 in terms of what they've done since. It's bad. End of the mouth kidding. It's fine. It's like Batman Superman has problems. I've decided not to open the floor to any discussion anymore. I'm sick of it. Batman Superman has problems.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Why do I have to let other people have opinions? I'm done. Well, what I like is essentially you don't have to have your own opinion because that's the start of each of those sentences. Here's what you hate. You know what? That's fine. I do. It's fine. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yeah. Look, I've been awake a really long time. It's been a 5am start for us. James could be like, you're okay with white supremacy? And I'd be like, yeah, I am. End of discussion. But yeah, no, I think that's definitely something they rectified. And even though Batman Superman might not be a great film,
Starting point is 01:00:58 like that warehouse sequence, you remember the bit where he goes in and he clears out the room? I don't think there's anything in these Nolan films which is as good as that in a fighting kind of sense but that's a comic book fighting sequence in the warehouse
Starting point is 01:01:13 it's a man who can get shot in the head and not flinch, it's a man who can throw one man into a wall and flip another over his head at the same time throw a crate over his head that's a good point nolan fight scenes at least feel grounded to that to the extent of like yeah you would use your elbows and your knees you would you would you know there's no room for a big roundhouse punch or what have you no no that's fair enough and in the nolan universe pretty much
Starting point is 01:01:39 the only guy who can beat up batman was just another bigger guy yeah right exactly who got trained as batman so pretty much anyone who came in with any superpower could beat both of them yeah absolutely that's very true the dark knight right that movie for me works well it works in a lot of ways but that heath ledger performance that ties that whole movie together is it is it your favorite one of the three yeah but i mean you've that's the one that elevates it from, like, the first one and the last one are as good as, I think, comic book movies. I love them.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I think they're both fantastic movies. But Heath Ledger's performance in this second movie takes it from being a great comic book movie to being just, I will argue all day, all night, that The Dark Knight is just a great movie. It's one of the great movies of all time. Shawshank isn't a great prison movie. Yeah, it's a great prison movie, but it's just a great movie.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Heath Ledger's performance is the thing that makes that different of the other ones. I've often said that Heath Ledger's performance is my favourite villainous performance probably of all time to the extent where the first time I saw it, I just had this moment of like, oh, this guy exists out in the real world. And it took me a second to be like, oh no, he's fictional. He's not a real guy. But I was like, how can I step outside there if he's in this world?
Starting point is 01:02:57 And I'm like, oh no, wait, he's not. And the thing is as well, people weren't on board for him being cast at the time. I was not on board for him being cast at the time. I was not on board for him being cast at the time. No. Yeah. No, I had had a personal incident with Heath Ledger. Really? Yeah, no, true.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Is that something you want to share? I've talked about it before. It's fine. I was doing a Triple J radio show, and he came in to promote Ned Kelly. You know, he did the big movie. Not a great movie. And you were in that, Mace, all right? Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yeah, absolutely. I was his beard double. But, yeah, so he came in and it was like he'd been hijacked to be dragged into the studio. Right, sure, yeah. Now, at the time, like, who cares? Probably he had been. Probably he'd been told he, like, whatever.
Starting point is 01:03:43 But he was being very grumpy. But we're trying our best our best sure we were kind of fans and you know we'd ask for them to come in and that sort of stuff and we threw question after question and would just get nothing or these like wordy kind of like just just wanted to understand why Ned was so angry and where his rage came from. And I said, do you reckon it's just because he had really bad hat hair? And his ledger said, I believe his ledger said, that's not funny. He said, that's not funny. He said, that's not funny. Yeah, on air.
Starting point is 01:04:27 And I in my head said, well, I didn't say 10 things I hate about you twice, you cockhead. But I did not say that on radio. So, no, I had that thing. And then there was just a couple of things that I didn't like. But I was watching Two Hands again the other night.
Starting point is 01:04:43 That's a fucking great movie. And he's fantastic. And that is a brilliant genre piece about australia that still stands up like as a really great movie like rose burn he's ledger like it's a quality movie and um i should have known that he could do it yeah but i was a person who didn't believe that no fair enough in fact i was the person who was like oh my god i had this perfect thing like christopher nolan's making batman movies and now fucking hat hair yeah right exactly that's right and ruin it for me yeah see for me he come off the back of brokeback mountain and he nailed that so i'm like oh no he'll kill this he'll be fine like i don't want jack nicholson
Starting point is 01:05:18 i like jack nicholson's joke it's it is what it is but he's an 80 year old man in that movie he's probably no he's probably like 55 yeah right but to me i'm like yeah this is perfect it is. But he's an 80-year-old man in that movie. Oh, he's probably, no, he's probably like 55. Yeah, right. But to me, I'm like, yeah, this is perfect. This is kind of a fresh kind of new take. It's kind of time to get a new Joker. Were you like that as well? Or were you like, eh? On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
Starting point is 01:05:38 is coming to IMAX and theaters everywhere. What a wonderful day! This summer, one movie event will reign. It is our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king. Never.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theaters May 10th. Tickets on sale now. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? May 10th. Tickets on sale now. together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone help camh build a future where no one is left behind so who will you rise for register today at that's uh yeah look and again i don't think that that joker would fit in this in that world that world. That was Jack Nicholson playing his character from, I don't know, like a villainous version of his character from Chinatown. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Plus the campy 60s version, plus like the super friends. Like it was too, that would never have worked in a real world. Yeah, and it works in that movie. People say there was a thing that kind of drove him mad. Heath Ledger kind of pointed towards his death death but apparently his family were like no he loved it he had a great time and it was just kind of an accident kind of thing that happened
Starting point is 01:07:11 there's kind of this there's this whole mythology around the role and you know what does it mean and what it's going to do to your psyche but it's just kind of some bad happened when he died that's pretty much seems to be what it was to me isn't that fun i mean is is there any chance that that people think if you play the joker then you're going to die is the reason that jared leto got is there someone out there who just he really took that to 11 in a bad way yeah especially for how much he's in that movie you've seen suicide squad yeah yeah like in all the stories we heard leading up like he's sending people rats and condoms and just being a pain in the ass. His assistant was probably.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Yeah, that's right. And he's never out of character and he's just this lunatic on set. But it all added up to a whole lot of nothing. Also, I'm just not into that anymore. Like in the world we live in now, when you hear some articles like, you know, you were sending them,
Starting point is 01:08:00 you used condoms in the mail to get in character. And I'm like, that's a workplace, you know? It really is, yeah. Like if we did that in any of our workplaces so i'm just trying to get you motivated for the next grueling episode russell so here's my used condoms just to get inside your head no that's inappropriate i'm sorry i don't think so and have you as calm down let's just act yeah right if you could that's what you say it's, just turn up on the day and say the words. Especially in this kind of movie, is the era of getting inside a character's head
Starting point is 01:08:31 and being an auteur of this character. It's gone. Movies are chopped into tiny little bits, like in the editing room. There's an X. You stand on the X and you say the words you're supposed to say and then you get off the X and you go home. At the very least, here's how much you have to think about it.
Starting point is 01:08:48 That makeup takes a while to put on. Just from the minute they start putting on your makeup until when they finish doing that, that's probably an hour minimum. Probably a couple of hours, but like an hour minimum. Right, just for the head. If he's wearing a jacket, that's fine. Just joker it up from there. If you can't become the joker in an hour, then you are the wrong guy for the head. If he's wearing a jacket, that's fine, yeah. Just joker it up from there. If you can't become the joker in an hour,
Starting point is 01:09:07 then you are the wrong guy for this job. I do wonder whether he is going to come back for it because I think he got burnt by that. Well, apparently they shot hours and hours of footage and he just pinwheeled on set and he was amazing. It was really captivating if you were there. But I think when they went to piece that movie together, they went, oh, no, we can't use any of this.
Starting point is 01:09:24 This is just all horse shit. That probably was really amazing if you were standing next i think when they went to piece that movie together they went oh no we can't use any of this this is just all horseshit that probably was really amazing if you're standing next to me right sure it doesn't make sense in the context of this film that should just release all that yeah as a movie yeah like it doesn't matter that's the director's cut i want to say yeah don't put the rest of the movie back in just give me 45 minutes of what like and then you know what just in between give us a yada yada yada yeah right like you know what, just in between, give us a yada, yada, yada. Yeah, right. Previously on, and then just get into whatever madness he was about. Just a scrolling text in between scenes, yeah. You know, he's kind of overlooked in this movie, though, because of,
Starting point is 01:09:55 well, I think he is anyway, because of Heath Ledger. Eric Roberts. Well, he's good. He is good at this, yeah. Aaron Eckhart's Two-Face, he's really solid in this. I mean, obviously, people don't really remember that role as much as they do the Heath Ledger thing, but he takes this turn in the film. Like Heath Ledger's this force of nature
Starting point is 01:10:10 who just drops out of the sky and just fucks everything up. But Aaron Eckhart has this actual, Harvey Dent, has this actual kind of arc that goes through. Well, also, it's the important arc actually in the movie because what you're setting up is Batman having to, you know, confront that idea as well. You know, it's the actual pivotal thing in the movie because what you're setting up is Batman having to you know confront that idea as well you know it's the actual pivotal thing in the series like the Joker thing is actually a bit of a side story really for where it's going but yeah because I've had arguments with people about
Starting point is 01:10:37 this which is that idea of going because some people say well you could have just done the Joker right you need the Harvey Dent thing and that didn't get what it could have got because you couldn't fit them both in because they're so big. Right, sure. I just say, why wasn't that movie an hour longer? There you go, right. Just put all that stuff in as well.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I'll see them both. Yeah. Split it in half. Kill Bill 1 and 2. Right. Just run them together. Yeah. But no, I think it was really important.
Starting point is 01:11:02 And I think that's the quality of these movies. You know, that idea of going, well, we're only going to do three. So you know what? We can afford to actually kill off one of, there's actually some stakes in these movies. Absolutely. You know, you actually come into these going, oh, this character, any of these characters could actually die.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Yes. One element of this trilogy that I enjoyed a lot was that exact thing, that it's a, if you think of it as a parallel universe,'s not batman and he has to fight crime for all eternity and and etc it's that he can he can retire he can finally get it was nice to see a happy ending for batman when most of them end up with him being the last man alive in a post-apocalyptic world and it's just vampires and zombies or what have you and it's just him it's nice for him to go you know what i did what i was going to do and life life okay that's everything but they also set up enough stakes in it yeah that there was a i even i had a moment uh-huh and i saw it like obviously the first moment you could see the dark
Starting point is 01:12:01 night rises like i was like first screening uh first screening and I believe the universe and whatever enough to go, oh no, he could die here. Oh wow. Yeah. Okay. I felt that as well. I was like, he could die. I said, I believe this.
Starting point is 01:12:13 If they end this with him dying, then that's okay. It was heading that way because he's slowing down. He talks, like Alfred talks to him at the start, like, you know, why are you doing this? You've got to run yourself in the ground. Someone's going to come along eventually and kick your head in, which is exactly what happens. Yeah. And then also, like, since then, like, even in that shape,
Starting point is 01:12:32 since then he's had a broken back that's been cured by punching a lot. Yeah, that's right. So, I mean, he can't be in better shape than he was before. That's right, exactly. I mean, he was angrier, but that only gets you so far. I did not see any Ben Affleck-style scene where he was, like, lifting a tyre or something. That's right, exactly. I mean, he was angrier, but that only gets you so far. Did not see any Ben Affleck-style scene where he was lifting a tyre or something. That's right.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Where was his montage? And I think that also comes off the back of In the Dark Knight. His girlfriend, the love of his life, or she's not really his girlfriend, chooses somebody else and then dies. They don't want to put a label on it. No, that's right. And then dies, but he doesn't even know that she didn't choose him.
Starting point is 01:13:06 I thought that was amazing. He lives with this idea that Alfred doesn't tell him that, oh no, she wasn't even going to be with you regardless of any of this. I thought that was an incredible choice. Michael Caine is the real villain here. That's right, yeah. He's great, right? An amazing Alfred?
Starting point is 01:13:20 Well, A, he's a good Alfred, but B, if you want to talk about unbelievable things in this universe, he's obviously very, very good. Because as soon as Bruce Wayne decides, all right, I'm back to Batman-ing, even though allegedly he's done nothing for seven years, he goes down to the Batcave, all the computers are up to date, but there's not any couple of days of going, oh, I have to update Windows.
Starting point is 01:13:45 That's right. None of this stuff works. So not only has he been busy butlering, and, you know, I know he's ex-military, but he's obviously pretty good with like just – and also after a while, if Bruce isn't coming back to Batman-ing, don't you reckon you'd still be like, I'm not going to keep – like maybe the first couple of years you'd be updating everything.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Yeah. But after a while you're like, what am doing this for yeah that's exactly i also feel and this is this is only it's just a technical thing i feel uh alfred's embezzling in this universe because at the end at the start of the dark knight rises batman uh bruce wayne's like do i have any cars left and michael kane's like oh you've got one and it's a Lamborghini. But it's a different Lamborghini from the previous movie. So did Alfred buy that? Did he buy himself
Starting point is 01:14:30 like a million dollar supercar? He almost certainly did. Yeah, he did. Well, he was his legal guardian so he has access to funds, I'd imagine. And Bruce was dead for eight years or whatever it was.
Starting point is 01:14:40 So I've joined in on that. And Bruce, I guess Bruce feels just like an in-case guy. Yeah, right. Do you know what I mean? Like, always need a lamborghini just in case yeah absolutely look i need a motorcycle inside a tank just in case yeah yeah and alfred's gonna i guess that's the perk of the job that's right i guess that's what keeps him in butlering yeah i think so yeah because i do often think with all
Starting point is 01:15:02 these other skills like the fact that you were, like before Bruce Wayne became Batman, if you have the skills to keep up to date, like this entire computer, like, you know, web down here, then you're wasting your talent butlering. Yeah, absolutely. Well, I guess because in the comics he's forced into it. Like it's by default. So he's like, I don't want to look after a kid.
Starting point is 01:15:21 What are you doing this for? The Dark Knight Rises. Nolan, there was talk that he wasn't going to do it because he had a whole plan to put Heath Ledger in it again that was going to continue the story and whatnot. He's actually, Heath Ledger's Joker is briefly mentioned in the book. He's like, oh, he got out of Arkham when Bane let go of the criminals and then he disappeared.
Starting point is 01:15:37 We kind of don't know what happened to him. Is that a good send-off? Like, would you like to have seen him come back as a CGI character like the crow or anything like that do you think it was good that they kind of left it and yeah i think it was good yeah yeah i would not have liked that at all it would have been and i feel like nolan's not the kind of guy to bring somebody back with cgi it's not really his kind of it's not his he'll recast but well i mean a lot of the you know uh stunts and like you know a lot of you know the effects
Starting point is 01:16:03 are practical effects yeah right like you know some of the great um you know, uh, stunts and like, you know, a lot of the effects are practical effects. Yeah. Right. Like, you know, some of the great, um, you know, that great scene with,
Starting point is 01:16:08 you know, with the truck in the alleyway and all the, there's so many good practical ones. I can't imagine he would be keen on the idea of doing a CGI version, but also, yeah, it'd be creepy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Yeah. I think they made the best of a bad situation, I think. And by bringing in Bane, I don't think Bane is, is as a compelling a villain as the Joker, but I think it still works best of a bad situation, I think, and by bringing in Bane. I don't think Bane is as compelling a villain as the Joker, but I think it still works for the movie. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Charlie told me that when you come out of that movie, you're like, you've got to see it. We'll go and see it. And then when he came out of it, it was like, nah, hated it. Yeah, because he's a fucking idiot. I mean, sorry, my swearing, but I will save it for moments like this. I mean, I understand there are flaws to that movie. But, well, I only think there's only one flaw to the entire movie,
Starting point is 01:16:51 which is in the final fight scene between Bane and Batman on the steps, you know, that one where he comes through the crowd and Bane sees him, you know, and he's like, you're back to die with your city. I think that's Yoda, actually. I can't do voices, sorry. And he goes, no, I're back to die with your city. I think that's Yoda, actually. I can't do voices, sorry. And he goes, no, I'm back to stop you. No, you can do voices. And it's one of those things where you're like.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Could have said anything. Or nothing. Just don't say anything. Just start the punching. That's not my Batman. Yeah, we all know why you're here, mate. Yeah. We all get it.
Starting point is 01:17:22 You're in the suit. There was a big fire. No, even Bane doesn't think that you'd come back to die with the city. Bane was saying that. Bane gets that you're there to get him. That's why he's saying that. That's Bane kind of playing off the situation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Yeah. Yeah. But I love the rest of the movie. Yeah. And I love the whole Bane thing. I mean, this is what I love also about nolan movies is that first the before the credits the start of the movies a shot is like separate sort of mini movies i mean that incredible start uh to the dark knight when you see that whole you know joker scheme and you just by the end of it
Starting point is 01:17:58 you're like oh well that's it that you've got in one scene which is also really cool yeah and like in its own right you've also caught me up to date completely with who this character is and what he's like and showing him do this really cool thing
Starting point is 01:18:11 that completely sets up his character and bang we haven't even fucking seen Batman he's not like I'm crazy I've got tattoos
Starting point is 01:18:16 and just that idea that you can do it like a 12 or 14 minute like scene or whatever it's like a mini heist and not have Batman in it yeah you've gone to see a Batman movie and like we're gonna do's like a mini heist and not have batman in it yeah you've
Starting point is 01:18:25 got to see a batman movie yeah and like we're gonna do a whole other story that batman's not even in and then same with that plane scene in the final one absolutely like i mean when bane is just like you're going down that plane you know from chair to chair just like i was just like oh this is gonna be great and they did they did hang half a plane from the sky and did a lot of that for real. Yeah. As far as I'm aware, yeah. Which is insane.
Starting point is 01:18:50 One thing that people do complain about this movie was there is, you mentioned like this minimal Batman. It's like 23 minutes of him in this movie. Do you guys think there needs more of him in that? I mean, yeah, I say yes. But not at the expense of anyone else. Right. I'm just saying more Batman in the movie as well. Just longer movies, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:08 What about how the cops go in the sewers for nine months or whatever, eating rats, any of that stuff? I'm just throwing things out there that people are like, this sucks. That's ridiculous. And also that ridiculous, like, I mean, when old mate Matthew Modine is running towards, like, with his tiny little gun, and you're like, oh, mate, mate, get a bigger gun.
Starting point is 01:19:29 I mean, I'm glad you got, that's that moment where you're like, no, he was right. You know, when he stayed home and was a coward, he thought he would get killed for no reason. He was actually right. You came around, Commissioner Gordon, and you have made a child an orphan
Starting point is 01:19:45 because he has a tiny gut. At least give him a bigger gut. Yeah, absolutely. Matthew Modine, he skipped zigging and zagging class at the academy, so he's going to get killed. I mean, the fact that they just charge. Yeah, right. Like, is there not some?
Starting point is 01:19:59 Surely there's got to be some science in. Yeah, right. At least, you know what, guys? Yep. At least zig around a little. Yeah, totally. Make yourself small. You can stand behind the Yep. At least zig around a little bit. Yeah, totally. Make yourself small. You can stand behind the bin.
Starting point is 01:20:08 You can stand behind the bin. No ducking or anything? Yeah. Okay, all right. Symbolic, guys. It's symbolic. Yeah. Come on, guys.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Let's die for symbolism. People always talk about this thing about how did Batman get back into the city and that ties into the big flame bat. For me, that's never a problem because he is who he is. Of course, he could get back into a city. They can't watch the entire perimeter.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Just like you can't wall off a country. You can't do the same thing for a city. You know what I mean? Also, the other thing that I, like people are worried about passports and getting back into countries and I'm like, well, I,
Starting point is 01:20:37 what about if I can guy dress as a giant bat? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But the thing that I would say is I'd love to see that movie. If you want to make like a Rogue One style movie. Yeah, an interim movie. Show me like one of those movies.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Everyone always talks about we want to see a Batman detective movie or whatever, right? Show me like just Batman having to survive when he doesn't have the Batsuit and he doesn't have access to all his funds. Yes. And how this guy who's like spent all these years like in the wilderness, like in training and all these sort of things. That'd be a really cool movie.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Do it as a kind of spin-off side project and then everyone can shut the fuck up. Yeah, absolutely. He got back. He's Batman. He also had his back cured by punching it. Yeah, exactly. He climbed up a rope and he was in a prison.
Starting point is 01:21:21 I mean, whatever. It's fun. It's cool. And now he's back. And now he's back. And now he's back. Mason, here's something you hate. Here we go. You hate the prison
Starting point is 01:21:29 that he doesn't just climb out of the prison. Well, why does nobody climb out of the prison? That's what I'm saying. Look. We've talked about this multiple times. Oh, God. Well, all I'm saying is, like, there's a whole bunch of stuff
Starting point is 01:21:40 at the bottom of this pit. Yeah. There's so much stuff. Wood. And there's a pulley system. Somebody's installed a pulley system for some reason. So what you do is you just get one guy at the end of the pit. Yeah. There's so much stuff. Wood. And there's a pulley system. Somebody's installed a pulley system for some reason. So what you do is you just get one guy at the end of the pulley, you pull him up, and he chips a little hole in the side of the wall,
Starting point is 01:21:52 and you put in a bit of wood, and then you've got a step. And then you pull him up a little bit further, and then you just walk out. But isn't the pulley system not in operation at all times? How are you getting access to this pulley system? But there's no guards, but when you make the jump, you're on a rope. Yeah, but the rope gets lowered. Like, I mean, there's only...
Starting point is 01:22:08 Oh, he lowers the rope back down for people. Yeah. Right down. Yeah, but it's not enough, right? That's the whole point. You've got to get up there first and then swing a...
Starting point is 01:22:17 Oh, actually... I think it's a retractable rope, though, right? I just think it's a metaphor, I guess. There's no room for metaphors. Metaphors ofable rope, though, right? I just think it's a metaphor, I guess. There's no room for metaphors. Metaphors of a coward, that's right. But yeah, because even at the very top, when you see him climb out,
Starting point is 01:22:32 there's just a loose rope sitting there. So like a gust of wind could have just knocked the rope in. I mean, it looked like a pretty heavy rope. Oh, that's a fair point. Heavy, judy rope. Yeah, yeah. And it was up the top. So they obviously just lower the shit down with the rope.
Starting point is 01:22:43 That's your lowering rope. And that's how they can't climb out. far as as far as getting back to gotham i like to think that that pit is just like that's just the gotham tip like it's just it's just the rubbish dump and he just gets up and he's like oh there's gotham that's why there's cable yeah exactly it's right next to it yeah well i'm much more convenient for bane to visit and mock him it can't be too far away yeah because bane paid him a visit yeah to mock him in the middle of putting together his plan to take down an entire city he took the bus imagine it's gonna be like uh bane's explaining to people guys i've got to like go on a like 30
Starting point is 01:23:17 hour business trip that's right yeah it's impractical it would have been close yeah well i'm just i'm just pointing out things that people take issue with because I know people always send in these questions to us. So they set up that the autopilot doesn't work. There's no autopilot. They mentioned it multiple times. And at the end, the nuclear bomb flies out over the harbour, which is also a fusion technology.
Starting point is 01:23:39 What was it again? I can't remember. It's clean energy, but it's also a nuclear bomb. And then just before it explodes, you see that Batman must have somehow escaped. Does anyone take issue with that, the timing of it, that you see him and then three seconds later the bomb goes off and yet somehow he's in Paris being like,
Starting point is 01:23:53 I did it, I'm bloody out of here. I have a little bit more issue about whatever he was wearing when he ejected that was safe from the radiation. I had no problem with the autopilot thing other than it felt almost too heavy handed because there's that second time where it's clear that you're like, oh, they're setting up that he's fixed it himself.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Yeah. Right. You know? So that didn't, yeah, I kind of, that was the thing that almost took away from the, oh,
Starting point is 01:24:22 they've mentioned the autopilot enough that this is probably going to be how he gets out at the end, I guess. That's it. I guess so. But I was glad he got out at the end. Sure, yeah. Same. Well, like you said, it was good to kind of get a Batman with a happy ending because we'll
Starting point is 01:24:35 probably never see him again. Like, I doubt he'd come back for another one. I mean, speaking of Alfred embezzling funds, it does make a lot of sense now that he's been taking that one holiday every year. Yeah, right. Through this, like, one joy. It that one holiday every year. Yeah, right. Through this, like, one joy. It's a fair way away. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Just to have, like, a drink he could get, like, I'm sure, in Gotham. I'm sure he could get a Fernie Ranker in Gotham. Exactly right. And the other thing people take issue is, at the very end, they're just like, and Robin's in it, the end. Yeah, I mean, that was more, but that was more just one of those things like, here you Like fan service kind of thing. Here you go, nerds. Here those things like you go nerds you know what i like the storyline i just didn't like that it was robin that's what i would have said like because the way that it's set up you know the movies the dark knight rises
Starting point is 01:25:15 and it feels like you can watch this third movie and this is like one of the ways i like to watch it is watch it as a batman, but about his character. Sure. What you can actually see in the movie is somebody who starts out with one set of ideals and becomes delusions about their set of ideals. And there's even that bit where he's like, you know, the guns get rid of the gun. Like you could actually look at it as a Batman begins for like,
Starting point is 01:25:40 this is how, you know, Christian Bale can retire. Yeah. There is somebody else who now is willing to kind of, you know, fit into the role of being, you know christian bale can retire yeah there is somebody else who now is willing to kind of you know fit into the role of being you know the new batman so if they kind of revealed that that was like the end of it yeah right that to me would have been probably a bit stronger than even though that's kind of i guess yeah what they're saying in a way but i feel like you
Starting point is 01:25:59 follow his story through them the movie they're both orphans and right yeah very traditional batman origin story you could like you know the beats of it it's kind of cool i still feel like story through the movie. They're both orphans. Very traditional Batman origin story. You could like, you know, the beats of it. It's kind of cool. I still feel like he would have been killed day one. Like he'd swing from a rooftop and just, they wouldn't catch it. He'd hit the floor. He wasn't trained by ninjas. There would be
Starting point is 01:26:17 some montages. Oh, absolutely. There'd be some tires. It'd be fine. That's a really good point. Yeah. Here's something to end on. You want some alternate casting for Batman that they considered? Yes. Ian Bailey.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Who? I don't know. There's test footage of it. Don't know him. He looks enough like him. I don't know him. Do you know him? No.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Me neither. When you say he looks enough like him, you mean like the jawline? You see him as Bruce Wayne. Okay, right. Actually, they all tested in the Val Kilmer head. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Because if you can look good in that, you're like, oh, you could probably pull this off. Jake Gyllenhaal. Okay, right. Actually, they all tested in the Val Kilmer head. Oh, that's right. Because if you can look good in that, you're like, oh, you could probably pull this off. Jake Gyllenhaal. Sure, okay. It would have been weird if Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jake Gyllenhaal, but whatever. Heath Ledger, which I don't think really would have worked. I mean, unless Eddie Murphy, you know, the Klump style.
Starting point is 01:26:58 He played both Batman and the Joker. I mean, you know, people always talk about why that's the perfect thing is because, you know, they're kind of two sides of the same coin. Yeah, yeah. They kind of almost in some ways have the same insane idea about the world, but they just go in two very different directions about how they process that. So he just plays them both.
Starting point is 01:27:19 That'd be a very Nicolas Cage thing to do, I feel. But again, Heath Ledger as Batman, terrible hat hair. Yes. That's why he didn't get it. They tried to get him to put it on and he had a flashback to that moment. He was like, ah! Henry Cavill, who's Superman now. I remember Josh Hartnett apparently turned it down.
Starting point is 01:27:38 But he regrets it because he's like, I could have worked with Nolan and now I can't. Because he was like, I didn't really want to be Batman, but think of all these other things I could have done with him and I kind of blew it. Yeah. But at least he got to be in that movie where that Western movie where guns didn't exist
Starting point is 01:27:52 and they all had to fight each other with swords. What? Isn't that a movie? I don't know. Is that a TV show? No, it's a movie. Sounds great. Yeah, it was great.
Starting point is 01:27:59 And last one was Cillian Murphy who ended up playing Scarecrow, which I think worked out for the best. He's in the third one. He's good. He's the the third one. He's good. He's the judge. Yeah. I mean, that's like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:09 I mean, I'm not a, you know, it's not my favorite Batman character, Scarecrow, but you know, it was fine. It felt like that judge scene, he was a little attacked into that movie. It was like, okay, everyone's back. Everyone's here, guys. Well, it wasn't, I've heard this, and when I say I've heard this,
Starting point is 01:28:26 I may have heard it on this podcast the last time I said it, but wasn't the idea originally that Heath Ledger was going to be the Joker in that scene? I think that was the speculation. He was going to be the judge, right? And that would have been a more fleshed-out role, I'd imagine, if that was kind of him. But hey, that's the world we live in.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Also makes a lot more sense. It does actually make heaps more sense to that character. That's it. Oh, you're right. That would have been better. Sorry, you've ruined it for sense. It sure does. It does actually make heaps more sense to that character. That's it. Oh, you're right. That would have been better. Sorry, you've ruined it for me. Oh, no. All right, that'll do it.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Will, thanks so much for doing this with us. We really appreciate it. Oh, no, my pleasure. I can do this all day. I can imagine. We'll come back for the next Batman trilogy then, I guess. Hey, what do you have to plug? Yeah, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:29:01 I have a podcast. Very nice. It's called TOFOP, T-o-f-o-p and uh it can be found uh on the internet it'll be it'll be linked below spot itunes probably yeah yeah that's exactly how you guys know how to find podcasts yeah right you literally found this one it'll be really close to where you found this promise yeah look near this around in the vague general area and you'll find it it's spelled how it sounds yeah t-o-f-o-p and you guys just talk kind of what it like you and charlie you've been friends for ages you just talk talk current events you
Starting point is 01:29:34 talk stuff like this you talk dvds i mean you went through a dvd collection well you're in my office here and i'm trying to get rid of dvds because they're an ancient technology yeah and i have streaming and stuff now and i'm just never going to use them all. So we had this idea that we would like each bring in five DVDs and then we'd just talk about them and if people could guess whose were whose. But it turns out that none of our audience understand us after all these years or we tried too well to pretend
Starting point is 01:30:00 they weren't our movies. Oh, right, yeah. And also my mathematician friend worked out that we thought, you know, 10 DVDs. All they have to guess is, like, who's five, who's five. Yeah, yep. How many options and combinations do you think there is of that? Like, how many possible?
Starting point is 01:30:17 Thousands. Well, like, yeah, 875. Oh, there you go, right. We're like, oh, well, there's probably, like, 10 options, right? Yeah, that's how maths works. No. Not at all. Oh, there you go. We're like, oh, well, there's probably like 10 options, right? Yeah, that's right. That's how maths works. No. Turns out it doesn't. Not at all.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Oh, there you go. This is a learning podcast too. All right. Well, yeah, like I said, all that's linked below. Thanks again for coming on. We really appreciate it. No, my pleasure. What a bloody fun time for everybody, especially me.
Starting point is 01:30:38 This is kind of a dream of mine, Mason, to sit across from you to a podcast. That's some sweet Christopher Nolan structure there. That's right. Well, you know what it's some sweet christopher nolan structure that's right well you know it's time for mason uh that's the next segment what are we reading oh what we're gonna read i'm doing the thing what are we reading today all right well first of all here's thing. I was in a comic book store the other day. Congratulations. What do you want, a bloody medal that says, I'm the biggest dickhead?
Starting point is 01:31:11 That would be good, actually. How big's the medal? The size of a house. Yeah, good. What's it made of? Bread. All right. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Great. Anyway, I saw that the final issue of Dark Knight 3 is out. Should I read it? No. Really? You. Really? You know what? Reading it all together is probably not that bad. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Because I read it over 10 months or however long it took. Yeah, yeah. It's better than 2, but it's just not great. It's just whatever. Yeah, okay, right. Okay. Yeah, you know what? Give it a read.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Yeah. Give it a read, yeah. Should I wait until it's like a buck an issue on Comixology or something? Yeah, but what is it now? Like 3? Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's actually, you know, you're right. You're not bad now. Yeah, I think that's true. But also- Comixology, I think. Yeah, but what is it now, like three bucks an issue? Yeah, that's actually, you're right, you're not bad at all. Yeah, and that's true.
Starting point is 01:31:47 You could sell that bread medal. Right? But also, have you heard about Kill or Be Killed? Which is, it's Ed Brubaker. Ed Brubaker, bro. I can't say his name. Ed Brubaker. It's his fault.
Starting point is 01:32:01 Who did all sorts of stuff that we like. He's done Criminal. He did bloody Captain America and Winter Soldier.. Who did all sorts of stuff that we like. He's done Criminal. He did bloody Captain America and Winter Soldier. He's done all sorts of stuff. Anyway, it's about a guy who is dying. He's a young kid and he's dying and he is visited by a demon who's like,
Starting point is 01:32:15 every person you kill, I'll give you a month back on your life. And so he sort of has to find bad people to kill. And apparently it's amazing. I've heard nothing but good things. Has it started? A few issues in. Hang on. And apparently it's amazing. I've heard nothing but good things. Has it started? A few issues in. Hang on. What's it called?
Starting point is 01:32:28 Kill or be killed? Kill or be killed. So there's 10 issues already. Oh, wow. Okay, so it's been going on. It started in August of last year, I think. But I've heard nothing but great things. And I'm a big fan of Ed. Is it on your first name basis?
Starting point is 01:32:38 Yeah, Ed Brubaker. You just didn't want to say his last name, did you? No, exactly. Yeah. Eddie B. Very good. Yeah, but I've heard recommendations from people i know people on the serious issues yeah podcast a comic book group yes yes so people like
Starting point is 01:32:51 if you want to get in like image comics or whatever people like this is the this is the one this is the one so i'm gonna i'm gonna bloody check that out and it's it's not it's also kind of not them you know he's done some superhero stuff and some true crime stuff, but not really anything like this, which is pretty bloody interesting. Pretty good. I'm going to get into that. So does he actually physically kill the people? Yes. Very good.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Yeah. I've actually been watching, I'm nearly through it, The Leftovers. It's three seasons. Oh, yeah, that's right. Which I started on and never quite finished. You know what, man? It's great, and I've heard it wraps up really well because it is Damon Lindelof.
Starting point is 01:33:24 So when it started, I'm like, I'm never watching this ever. But now that it's done forever. Yeah, we got a letter last week about, or a couple of weeks ago, who's like, it wrapped up perfectly. Yeah. So I'm on, I think I've got like four episodes left. And look, to be honest, even if they don't. Left over.
Starting point is 01:33:38 That's right. Even if they don't explain everything, it's such an interesting, such interesting characters and universe that they've built. I would be it would be okay it wasn't like lost where by the end i'm like i don't care if jack falls off a cliff sure whatever like i genuinely like i'm interested in these characters and and and all of that i don't it's it's less about the mystery and more about the kind of the journey that the people are going on i know it's not about the journey it's about the destination all right when you finish people are going on. I know. It's not about the journey. It's about the destination.
Starting point is 01:34:05 All right. When you finish it. I know I would normally say that. Yeah. But I'm just saying, unless they really balls it up, which apparently they haven't. I can't imagine that I'll be upset by this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Go on though. What were you saying? I was going to say, when you finish it, let me know. Yeah. If it wraps up, not on that weird wishy-washy level that you're talking about, but if it ends satisfactorily in all the questions are answered, let me know and I'll watch it too. How far did you get into it?
Starting point is 01:34:29 Like halfway through the first season. Okay, cool. Well, there's only 28 episodes or something like that. So that's manageable. And the last season, a lot of it is set in Melbourne, which is really weird. Oh, yeah, that's right. It's bizarre.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Filmed in Melbourne? Filmed in Melbourne. Huh. Yeah. They didn't call us up. Yeah. We were probably in in Melbourne. Huh. Yeah. They didn't call us up. I've been, yeah. We were probably in heaven. We probably were in heaven.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Yeah. Like I've been to Fed Square. I've been to an alley with graffiti in it. Yeah, we've been to all sorts of delightful laneway cafes. I've seen a Melbourne yellow cab. I know you have, Mason. They're your favourite drivers on the road, aren't they? I hate them.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Yeah, but I definitely recommend it unless it balls us up, in which case I don't recommend it. I take back my recommendation. I think Damon Little maybe got burnt by what happened in Lost. Yeah, right, right. I'm also probably going to check out Supergirl Being Super, which is a DC miniseries that's just wrapped up. Delightful.
Starting point is 01:35:21 I think it's a bloody origin series. It's bloody... Yeah, great. Anyway, it's apparently a really good seriesightful. I think it's a bloody origin series. It's bloody, bloody... Yeah, great. Anyway, it's apparently a really good series. Fantastic. It's pretty good. Do you have something ready for us for the next segment? No, I don't.
Starting point is 01:35:33 What do you reckon about that? I mean, I don't reckon anything about it. Yeah. Are you surprised by it? Well, no, because today, look, I don't know if people noticed this, but that Will Anderson thing was recorded weeks prior to... So you're saying I've had weeks to do this.
Starting point is 01:35:46 You've had weeks leading up to this. Oh, man. You knew this was coming. That's true, I did. Yeah, yeah. This is your best effort yet. Isn't it, though? The classic one was letters, oh, letters.
Starting point is 01:35:58 We love you, some letters. They're only a day away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. Quick shout out to Raw Collings for his animation of Star Wars. Animation that he put up. I'll link that below. He's taken a clip from this where we try and name all the musketeers from the 90s.
Starting point is 01:36:18 Yes, great. And talk various Star Wars things. So thank you for that. He's also in charge of all the social media stuff. He does stuff on the website, He's at the Weekly Planet on Twitter, yeah. That's right. He's a great dude.
Starting point is 01:36:28 And Ali Peterson, who also got Finn Jones to say, grab that gem. He sure did, yeah. And Mark Bernard also from Fat Man on Batman, which was really awesome to see. Finn Jones was really cool about it as well. Yeah, great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:40 And again, I hope there's a whole bunch of people in Hollywood, again, at the Chateau Marmont, while that moustache argument is happening, they're just like, what? And again, I hope there's a whole bunch of people in Hollywood, again, at the Chateau Marmont, while that moustache argument is happening, they're just like, someone asked you to say grab that gem, what do you think it means? And then everyone lawyers up. And everyone lawyers up, exactly.
Starting point is 01:36:58 Are we in a cult now? Get the lawyers. So if you want to reach the show, you can send an email to Mason, because he's all over it sometimes. I'm over it. He's over it. Yeah. At weeklyplanetpod at and also on Twitter if you hashtag weeklyplanetpod.
Starting point is 01:37:14 We'll go through those also. This is from Henry. Do you want me to kick it off or do you want to kick it off? This is from Henry McClintock. That's a great name. Isn't it though? Yeah. What changes would you make to a week? Very westerny.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Yes. Is this going to be a Western-y themed? It could be. Can you sort of gussied up cowboy style? Yee-haw. What changes would you make to a mediocre film to make it great? Whoa. I'm riding a horse.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Oh, nice. That's very broad as a question, I feel. Yes, but you can make it Western-related. Okay. Yeah. Probably maybe a piano player that stops playing just as the action kicks off. It gets tense.
Starting point is 01:37:49 The piano player stops. I would take Clara out of Back to the Future 3, which is a Western. Very good. There you go. Oh, no, maybe not take her out. Maybe just slightly less. Probably more posses.
Starting point is 01:38:00 Less superhero teams, more superhero posses. Absolutely, yeah. Something Westworld related uh did you see the season two westworld trial i did they've only just started filming and they already looks real good yeah ed harris's character's having a real good time he's having the best west world yeah best west world it's the best world yeah do you think we're gonna see other worlds the japanese world i think it yeah look i think it's gonna be i think there's gonna be some bleed through.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Like I think they're going to, I think potentially they're going to release the Samurais into Westworld. Like I think it's all going to be. Mesh together. I think it's all going to be Westworld, but maybe, you know, they're like, okay, we've got to, you know, I reckon maybe a security team will show up and be like, okay, we need to stop these Westworld cowboys. Let's send the Samurai in and see what happens.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Which will be madness. Best world. Best world. Yeah, I think perhaps this season is not going to be, it's not going to be mystery based. It's not going to be like, what's going on here and what's with the time shifts and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:38:55 I think it's just going to be mayhem. Yes. Western themed mayhem. Yeah. Yeehaw. Yeah. What's the, what's the? Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Dolores. Yes. She's having a good time too. She absolutely is. Yep. What change would you make to mediocre film though? That was the initial question... Oh, sorry. Dolores. Yes, yes. She's having a good time too. She absolutely is. Yep. What change would you make to mediocre film though? That was the initial question. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:39:10 I mean, I guess it depends how it's mediocre, but I mean, as a general rule, more... I think that you mean specifically, like would you take a mediocre film and change an element of it? What have we seen recently that's been very mediocre? The one that came to mind for me, and I actually don't think it's mediocre. I think it's better than mediocre but rogue one yes if they had established that team better i think that would have been a more impactful ending sure and like there's moments where uh yeah john wins character says to felicity jones's character uh good luck little sister like
Starting point is 01:39:40 have you even spoken in this movie that's true yeah and that's obviously because in the reshoots they maybe had a nice, warm interaction or whatever. Sure, yeah, yeah. But there's moments like that, it's just strange. Also, take out Tarkin. Just take him out. I've thought about it, I don't like it. Yeah, unconvincing CGI, that's number one. Well, I was going to say, regardless of what film it is,
Starting point is 01:40:00 I would say, again, better characterisation. Sure. Or just better character moments. And that's, I guess, why we've spoken about about it that's why they bring in indie film directors on big blockbusters yeah to just get because again if they if it's just cardboard cut out shooting at each other who cares yeah exactly so but again with rogue one would you how much how much more footage would you want not not more footage just kind of tweak what they've already got. I found it...
Starting point is 01:40:28 Also, I think it would be more interesting to explore the dark side of the Rebel Alliance. Like there's a bit at the start where a guy shoots another guy in an alley just so he can get away and he doesn't get sprung, he doesn't leak all the information. But then nothing really more is kind of done with that. He talks about it a little bit but it's it's not really covered like there's moments where they're screaming at each other on the ship because she's like you were going to murder my
Starting point is 01:40:51 father and whatever i think that's a good moment yeah like there's there's glimpses of it but it doesn't doesn't quite connect yeah yeah good finale yeah but uh yeah again and this is something where we're probably going to get less and less of, is better writing. Because, again, it's a blockbuster and it's going all over the world where English is not necessarily the language they speak. And so the plot doesn't matter. See, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:41:17 I think people are wising up to that. So I think they might have to change it. Because look what happened to Transformers, the last one. You know what? It probably still did well internationally. I'm going to look that up. I bet it has. Because look what happened to Transformers, the last one. You know what? It probably still did well internationally. I'm going to look that up. I bet it has. While you're going to say a thing.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Look, it's... Yeah, it's... Can you fix... How do we fix Transformers? Stop making them. No, we have to fix it, though. How would you... Oh, look, again, I'd take out...
Starting point is 01:41:43 Like I think we said during the review. I'd change the designs. That's one thing I'd take out, like I think we said during the review. I'd change the designs. That's one thing I'd change. If you took out all the Transformers, it would be a different, better movie, I feel. So either make it that medieval sci-fi fantasy movie or just burn every copy, I guess. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:42:00 They're unfixable. I'd give up. Reboot. Maybe the one set in the 80s or the 70s will be better. Right, yeah, yeah. Okay, so Transformers Adjusted for Inflation is the lowest Transformers film, if you don't count the original.
Starting point is 01:42:16 Okay. Oh, no, sorry. It made more than the original. Okay. So, internationally. So that's great. So it made $423 million and Dark of the Moon,
Starting point is 01:42:27 Wage of Extinction made $858 million. So that's quite a dip. That's less than half. That's true. Or more than half. Look, I didn't do the math. No, I wasn't listening
Starting point is 01:42:35 when you said the numbers if I'm honest with you. Less. Nice. That's all you need to know. Nice. Here's a letter. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:42 This is from Charlotte, Charlie MacArthur. Charlie MacArthur Charlie MacArthur She says Hey chaps Just wanted to write in And share a bit of love And appreciation
Starting point is 01:42:49 That's very nice I reject it Wow I can't be loved You won't reject it in a moment She listened to our podcast During early labour And while stuck in hospital
Starting point is 01:42:58 Waiting to be induced And it provided An exceptional distraction From the pain Jesus Christ With a different kind of pain Did you play it on speaker? Did you have headphones on? Good question yeah Oh wow an exceptional distraction from the pain. Jesus Christ. With a different kind of pain. Did you play it on speaker?
Starting point is 01:43:08 Did you have headphones on? Good question, yeah. Oh, wow. That would be the perfect time to just play stuff on speaker because nobody can stop you. Definitely, you can get away with it, yeah. I'm in labour! You could scream. Well, that's great.
Starting point is 01:43:17 I'm glad we were some small comfort because from my understanding of being in the room when somebody's in labour, labour's horrendous. Yeah, right? The child is Marty, now two weeks old. Sweet. Congratulatio. And The Weekly Planet and some other shows
Starting point is 01:43:34 from Planet Broadcasting are getting her through some epic nighttime feeding sessions. Oh, that's awesome, man. Yeah. That's really great. Thanks to the Do Go On Back catalogue, she's learning. Yeah, they're good. There you go.
Starting point is 01:43:44 They're a good group of fellow. Yes. And three good eggs. One's a bad egg. I won't say who. Yeah, he's a one rotten egg. It's Matt though. It's Matt.
Starting point is 01:43:53 The rottenest egg of all. Bitty rotten egg. They're all great. Oh, that's awesome. That's really good news. I got a tweet here from Roger. Cool. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Do you think we'll get tired of colourful comic book movies in the way we got tired of gritty Dark Knight-esque movies? I won't, but I think people might. So more colour. But don't you think it could easily, like it'll just go too far? Like everything eventually goes too far. Oh, sure, yeah. So I think that's what, like, because I remember when Bourne came out,
Starting point is 01:44:22 I remember thinking, this is how I want everything to be. Yeah, okay, sure, sure. And then by the time the last one came out last year's what, like, because I remember when Bourne came out, I remember thinking, this is how I want everything to be. Yeah, okay, sure, sure. And then by the time the last one came out last year, I was like, I hate this. Yeah, that's okay. I hate this now. And now Kingsman's to me is like, oh, this is fun and whatever. But I think we'll also burn out on that.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Yeah, exactly. Because there's, it's fun now because it's fun and exaggerated and a little too far. But I think eventually we'll be like, I'd rather just see someone punch someone else and go back to born yes yeah but i think also every time this cycle comes around it's better yeah so when born came out like action movies used to be gritty and realistic and yeah right and then they went ridiculous and and it's and then it's the same way that like kingsman's gone back to the kind of the Roger Moore kind of era of James Bond but it's a thousand times better yeah right you know so I think every time it happens except for the plot except for the plot yeah it gets you know I think
Starting point is 01:45:16 it's gonna it it burns out and then it gets good on the other end of the spectrum but I think gun to my head gun to my balls sure Given the choice between super gritty superhero stuff and super colourful fun stuff, I'd rather go with the fun stuff. So that's how I feel at the moment. But I think in 10 years I'll probably be, oh God, enough of this shit. Yeah, but I don't know
Starting point is 01:45:38 because I feel like the super gritty 90s was like I've had my fill forever. Right, yeah. I think so. But I mean, I would like to see some... I would like to see a Batman year one, like even more... Even more year one. Even more real than...
Starting point is 01:45:56 Not that Nolan's Batman trilogy was particularly real. But realer. But you know how there's that... Is it called Batman Earth One? Have you read that? Yeah, I have read that, yeah. Which is sort of Batman in a more real world setting kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Yeah, where like he fires his grappling gun and it's just bird nests. Yeah, right, right. I would kind of like to see a movie like that. Yeah, I think The Dark Knight was
Starting point is 01:46:15 pretty much that to me. I think they're pretty close in terms of that. Yeah, right. So you're a bit realer than The Dark Knight. Realer than that. The realest thing you've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:46:23 That's right. Okay, alright. Well, we'll get that in 15 years. Yeah, exactly, The realest thing you've ever seen. That's right. Okay, all right. Well, we'll get that in 15 years. Yeah, exactly, yeah. When movies go not fun again. That's right. But inevitably when these trends come around, it's not the good movies that you're sick of.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Like you can release a gritty comic book movie now and it's good and that's fine. Like that totally works. Yeah. You know what I mean? So it's not the good movies that ruin it. It's the mediocre movies. It really is, yeah. It's all the Matrix clones that totally works. Yeah. You know what I mean? So it's not the good movies that ruin it. It's the mediocre movies. It really is, yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:46 It's all the Matrix clones that we got after the Matrix. Yeah. But I also think that there's, I don't think I've said this before, but there's sort of an inbuilt safety valve in that, with comic book movies, in that it's very difficult to get up a comic book, like a superhero movie that isn't one of the big two or three. Right, yeah. In the sense of like, it's easy to do a Matrix clone because you just have some generic guys jumping around and then you do the camera thing.
Starting point is 01:47:15 And it can be terrible. But it's very difficult to bring up a superhero property that isn't based in a comic book because you don't have the pre-established track record you can't be like i've invented these superheroes that never existed before and now they're in a movie right these movies only get made because you go it's spider-man and everybody loves spider-man yes and so it can only really be made by a big studio yeah and they have made some rotten ones but they're getting better at it yeah so i'd agree with that yeah okay so all in all we're gonna live forever yeah that's the end of the show it is uh yep things that i say we're weekly planet pod on facebook and gmail and twitter and a band camp do we want to do
Starting point is 01:48:00 another commentary pretty soon absolutely we'll do. Have we missed the boat for Suicide Squad? Yeah. Yeah, we'll do something. It doesn't matter. We'll think of something. Yeah. Let's see. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:48:13 I'm at MrSundayMovies. If you want to support the show, chugging a buck, you can go to slash MrSundayMovies. Yes, yes. You can click on the Amazon affiliate link in our episode description and buy some funny things on Amazon. Or just your regular shop. You can do that. Get eggs. Yeah. Sorry, what?
Starting point is 01:48:27 Get eggs. Eggs. Get some get eggs. Get eggs. Eggs. That is very funny. Now that I think about it. Thank you to the Bruton, the Baskalisk and Rackham for all our themes. Yep. Thank you if you're buying a t-shirt on TeePublic. Thank you for listening to the show and being a weekly whacker to do
Starting point is 01:48:43 and subscribing and leaving a nice review. That's always great. Thank you to listening to the show and being a weekly whacker to do and subscribing and leaving a nice review. That's always great. Thank you to everybody who says hello on the street if you see me. Has that happened a lot to you recently? A couple of times. Very good. Ran into somebody in a food court the other day. Which food court?
Starting point is 01:48:55 The Melbourne Central Food Court. What time? Lunchtime-ish. Very good. I know, right? The perfect time for a food court meeting. Yeah. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:49:07 That's cool. It's always wild when I meet somebody in the wild that listens to the show. Because again, as we say, whenever I speak to somebody who I actually know who's listened to the show, they always go, I didn't understand what you're talking about, but you seem to be having a good time. So it's nice. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:24 Surreal. It is. It's very surreal yeah yeah i think that's everything that is everything all right uh next week don't know something's great though yeah i actually have another guest we might be doing back-to-back guests what yeah i'll have to uh tee that up we'll see how that bloody goes okay also will anderson's podcast uh with charlie clausen toe flop is linked below it's a bloody it's a laugh and a half mate yeah right yeah it's well worth uh picking up so yeah and again is linked below. It's a bloody, it's a laugh and a half, mate. Yeah, right. It's well worth picking up.
Starting point is 01:49:47 So, yeah. And again, like we've said, there's a million episodes. There's a million backlogged episodes. So if you want to, if you're taking a long trip or you're giving birth and you've run out of episodes of our show. Because your labor is so long. So long.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Yeah. 196 episodes. I'm still going. What's happening? Give me the Wi-Fi password. I'm pregnant. I'm getting labor. Give me the Wi- and then download some Tofop. Exactly. I'm still going. What's happening? Give me the Wi-Fi password. I'm pregnant. I'm getting labor. Give me the Wi-
Starting point is 01:50:06 and then download some Tofop. Exactly. Have a bloody good time. All right. Thanks for listening. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. Bye.
Starting point is 01:50:18 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors. Like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks.

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