The Weekly Planet - 213 Superhero Fatigue?

Episode Date: November 27, 2017

This week we’re fed up. Sick of it. Not really, but we get into comic book fatigue and what not.We also briefly get into The Punisher and Runaways, Jude Law joining the MCU, Lizzy Caplan in Gambit, ...Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom teaser, Avatar 2, Aquaman air bubble talk and more! Thanks for listening.Justice League Deleted Scenes: Friends: Casuals: Jude Law is Mar-Vell9:47 Lizzy Caplan joins Gambit12:24 Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom footage14:27 Justice League Fallout25:38 Avatar 2 update27:53 Aquaman air bubble talk33:09 The Punisher, Runaways & Superhero Fatigue1:25:37 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:30:40 - 1:38:15 Doomsday Clock spoilers1:38: 32 Letters It’s Time For Letters Amazon affiliate link: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: Find our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of The Weekly Planet, where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James Olsen, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me is always my co-host, Nicholas Mason. I'm here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Well, we had a sneaky look behind the curtain just then, but we also had one last week because your wife came in and filmed us sneakily. Sneakily, yeah. Sneakily. And people were very perturbed, I must say. If anything, I think, because some people, you know, sometimes you're like, you listen to a podcast,
Starting point is 00:01:01 you're like, I wonder what it's like. I bet it'd be fascinating to look in. And I think the vast majority of comments were like i don't like this at all i don't like this they sit slightly further apart than i thought well that's that got in my head so when i came here today i sat slightly closer and then you're like you can't sit closer because it'll mess with the ambient noise or whatever if i want to like mute one mic it's easier if you're sitting further away so i've pushed it even further than is that a threat that's something it's one week you're just going to cut my mic completely in the edit if there's a weird like mouth noise or whatever makes i mute all the dogs cleaning
Starting point is 00:01:33 itself yeah exactly yeah there's that kind of stuff it's just i don't know because i because the the edit like i don't cut a lot out of it but it's just when i go through it i remove stuff like that which isn't a lot but it's good to know that it's there sometimes i have a terrible cold yeah most weeks i have a terrible terrible cold and then it blends into hay fever and then it's back in the cold that's right that's right then i've got uh then i've got heat stroke and it's just me complaining about my aching joints absolutely speaking of hay fever and allergies and heat stroke this is going to be an amazing you went on dragon, a show for nerds What a twist
Starting point is 00:02:06 Oh, that's good Great show Yeah, so back in March Our friends over at Dragon Friends Who were in Sydney normally They came to Melbourne for a live show And normally they don't record them But this one they did
Starting point is 00:02:19 And I was on it And it was originally just a Patreon bonus episode But now it's on a bloody free feed Because their normal season is over. Absolutely. If you're looking for a way into that, if you want to ease yourself in, I'm on an episode. It's an out of continuity episode, so you can just jump right in.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And if you like it, and you should because it's a really good show. It's a very funny show. Just get in there. And they sort of break it up into like different genre storylines. So there's like a Lord of the Rings, you know, Dungeons and Dragons style season. And there's like a there's like a lord of the rings you know dungeons and dragons style season and there's a like a ravenloft gothic horror season and there's a cyberpunk season and whatever and they play dungeons dragons really it's really good very good yeah i don't they have a musician who helps out they do that's right yeah it's a little bit of flair and flavor
Starting point is 00:02:58 yeah you say yeah no and also you don't need to know dndD to listen to it. That's true, yeah. It's just a funny show. Yeah. Yeah. And I hate saying that, Mason, because I hate admitting it. No, it's great. Speaking of Mason, though, I have things going on things. I went on an episode of Filthy Casual this week. Oh, yeah. And we talked at length about how EA fucked up Battlefront 2 in a big way. Also, some good things, but mostly how they botched it in a big way.
Starting point is 00:03:28 It's the gaming industry's biggest controversy this year, I guess. Yeah, since Charles Manson, no, somebody said Marilyn Manson made somebody shoot somebody in a video game. Remember that used to be the thing in the 90s? That was like it was video games, your kids are going crazy because they're playing Doom or whatever. I remember other rumours about Marilyn Manson, but not that particular one. He got blamed for the Columbine massacre.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Oh, right, okay, yeah. I think I just mixed up my 90s outrage kind of thing, but yeah. But no, it's a great episode also. I'll link both of those below. They're well worth checking out, both of them. Actually, I haven't listened to yours. Mine's definitely well worth checking out. Is yours? Well, I've listened to yours, and I was there for mine.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So I'm going to say Dragon Friends slightly better. Okay, fair enough. Mason, we've got some news. I'm ready. I know you know that, but I'm not sure you know the specifics of it. Here we go. Jude Law, young Dumbledore. You're excited about that, obviously.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Sure. But he's also been cast as Dr. Walter Lawson, or Mar-Vell, the Kree warrior for the Captain Marvel movie. So what's the difference between your Mar-Vell, the Kree warrior for the Captain Marvel movie. So what's the difference between your Mar-Vell and your Captain Marvel and your Shazam, who's also Captain Marvel? Okay, so Mar-Vell is the reverse justification why the character is called Captain Marvel in the Marvel universe. So his alien name is Mar-Vell.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And so when he came to Earth, I assume there was a scene on the street in the Marvel universe. Right. So his alien name is Mar-Vell. Yes. And so when he came to Earth, I assume there was a scene on the street where somebody went, Marvel? What are you, some kind of Captain Marvel? And he went, that's what I call myself.
Starting point is 00:04:54 It's me, Captain Marvel. At your service. So legally they couldn't? Or was that the idea? Or they didn't want to get themselves in some hot water? I think at a certain point, Marvel, Captain Captain Marvel is a generic enough name than anybody. So basically, for anybody who doesn't know, way back in the day, Fawcett Comics created...
Starting point is 00:05:16 Is that Fawcett as in Fawcett or as in Force It? It's F-A-W-C-E-T-T, so it's neither of those things. Oh, what? That's right. So anyway, they created a character called Captain Marvel, who was the young boy Billy Batson, the young orphan boy, and he says Shazam, and he gets the magic powers of Captain Marvel. Zach Levy's playing him.
Starting point is 00:05:33 It's all big and hot news. Terrific. No idea who any of them are. But anyway, so at the time, he looked very similar to Superman, and he can fly, and he's super strong and he's etc so dc sued force at comics and they very shortly thereafter went out of business and then later on because of that i don't i don't know actually probably didn't help yeah yeah it when the when the biggest if you're't help. Yeah. When the biggest...
Starting point is 00:06:05 If you're a small comic book company and the biggest comic company in the world crushes you, probably. It's a hindrance, isn't it? So anyway, DC later purchased the remains of Fawcett Comics and decided they were going to integrate Captain Marvel into the regular DC universe. But at that point point Atlas Comics had become Marvel Comics this is in the 60s and they acquired were they timely comics they were timely
Starting point is 00:06:31 then they were Atlas okay gotcha and then they became Marvel Comics and they acquired the trademark for all comics that had Marvel in the title and so by that point DC can use Captain Marvel in a comic book and call him Captain Marvel but they can't put him in a comic book and call him Captain Marvel, but they can't put him in a comic book with Marvel in the title. Right. Which is why every comic book from the last couple of decades with Captain Marvel in it has been called like Power of Shazam or The Trials of Shazam or whatever because they can't call it Captain Marvel. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Where are we going with this? Well, Marvel is – so he was the original Captain Marvel for Marvel. For Marvel Comics, yes. Right. Correct. So do you think he's going to act as some kind of mentor for Carol Danvers? That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I'm going to say no, if only because we got, in Ant-Man, we got Hank Pym acting as the mentor for Scott Lang. And so maybe they want to just do a carbon copy of that. I think maybe we'll just see him in flashbacks. I'm wondering also if he's going to be Dr. Waltonton lawson if it's going to be like a donald blake situation where he's not marvell he's just a guy so right so they'll just kind of wipe that character and just go from the brie larson captain marvel but wouldn't it be weird if he wasn't do you mean he'd be an alien do you think do you are you saying that he would still be the alien no he could just be a guy
Starting point is 00:07:46 called that I don't like that at all what's the point what's the point of him existing what's the point of anything you know it's a really good point I have to leave and contemplate a lot of things yeah but they referenced Donald
Starting point is 00:07:55 what I'm saying is they referenced Donald Blake I don't think they'll do this but they referenced Donald Blake in Thor yes and he's just a guy right right like he's not
Starting point is 00:08:02 Jane Foster used to know him or date him or something I can't remember right right yeah but I'm saying i'm not i'm not sure we're just going to get that straight up comic book i think we are i think we're gonna i think maybe they won't say his i think maybe she will get the name captain marvel from him right because his alien name is marvel yeah but i think and i and i don't think if if he were Captain Marvel in the past, in like the 80s, I think there'd be some evidence of that in the modern Marvel universe. So I think maybe they'll go, okay, well, he had these powers in the past.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah. And now he's passed them along to her or something, and now she's Captain Marvel. Right. Gotcha. Cool. So she's like, this is my legacy. Exactly. Or he's like, this is my legacy.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I'm Jude Law from now on. And then they can both be like, this is our legacy together. They can harmonize. We've been talking a lot of Jude Law lately, haven't we? Dumbledore. We mentioned Alfie last week, how his balls didn't work in that or whatever. He's back, Mason.
Starting point is 00:08:51 He's back in a big way. Yeah, I like Jude Law though. I'm okay with him. Because what's happened is he went from youthful and super handsome to that awkward midway point. Yeah. And then King Arthur shot him back into the public consciousness. That's right, back into superstardom.
Starting point is 00:09:07 But you know how child stars, they start out really cute and then some of them become handsome adults and some become hideous. Yep. He's a midlife crisis actor where he started super handsome and then he sort of... He's Ralph Fiennes in it. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And he's hit Silver Fox kind of territory. He's got the Widow's Peak situation. He's a real young pope, you know what I mean? He absolutely is. Did you end up watching all of The Young Pope? I watched none of The Young Pope. Interesting. A young pope.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Can you imagine such a thing? I cannot. Yeah. Can you imagine Lizzie Kaplan joining the Gambit movie? Yes. She has. Wow. The thing you've imagined is real mason no to be clear i can imagine it but i haven't imagined okay right you're presupposing that i have imagined i have not very good now my understanding was there was another i think she's
Starting point is 00:09:58 the female lead uh there was another that role was filled by somebody else and then it all got delayed because fox were like we don't know are we doing this anymore we're still doing this what's happening yeah what's in our slate we don't know anymore i couldn't even tell you who it was originally or even if this is the same character but i like lizzie caplan a lot so great remember she was in that uh that marvel one shot she was i thought she was gonna come back yeah i thought she was gonna agents of shield it i think that was the I thought she was going to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. it. I think that was the idea
Starting point is 00:10:26 maybe initially. Was that like a backdoor pilot into Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? All those one-shots are a real mystery, aren't they? What are they for?
Starting point is 00:10:34 I think they're for the fans, Mason. Why do people agree to be in them? Why is Sam Rockwell doing it? Yep. I don't know. Why was Robert Downey Jr.
Starting point is 00:10:41 in one of them? Was he? Yeah, he was in the... What's it called? People are yelling it right now. It was Robert Downey Jr. in one of them? Was he? Yeah, he was in the... What's it called? People are yelling it right now. It was called The Negotiator or something like that. Do you remember the end of Incredible Hulk?
Starting point is 00:10:54 I thought that was just existing footage from the Incredible Hulk. No, that's a whole one-shot. Yeah, I know the one you're talking about, but I just thought they just took footage from the Incredible Hulk and then that bled into Sitwell talking about it with Coulson in a cafe or whatever. Yes, but I think there's more Robert Downey Jr. scenes, I think. That may have just been leftover stuff from The Incredible Hulk anyway. Probably was.
Starting point is 00:11:18 If any of this is true. When did that come out? Like 2009? Yeah. So I don't know. I don't remember. Also, that was before he was peak Robert Downey Jr. That's true.
Starting point is 00:11:30 He's still flying high, you better believe it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, before he Jude Laws it. Remember the one where Coulson beats up that guy in a convenience store? Yeah, he hits him with a bag of flour or whatever. The flying kicks in was great. Yeah, I remember that. It was good, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Bring back the one shots. That's what I say. They've been talking about it, but I don't know. We've been talking about it. Nobody else has been talking about it. They know that people like them. I think it's one of those situations, like you said, though, who are they for?
Starting point is 00:11:51 They don't make money. They don't release them cinematically. People aren't going to buy a Blu-ray because they're on them because you can just watch them on YouTube. You're right. They're for fans. Yeah. How about this?
Starting point is 00:12:03 Collect a Grandmaster road trip. Yes. Ten minutes. Squeeze out all the jokes you can yep that's it just film it on green screen yeah you could go anywhere in the galaxy yeah yeah i love it i love it mason do you know what you love what do i love um we'll see about this the jurassic world fallen kingdom want to be clear i didn't love that that's the worst trailer I've ever seen. That's not supposed to be true. What is this? How is it news?
Starting point is 00:12:28 How is it anything? Mason. It's literally nothing. We've got thousands of tweets, people demanding that you give your reaction. Well, I'm giving it now. I hate it. We're going to do a live reaction. You're going to play it again.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Okay. Theater of the mind. I'm playing it again. Oh, look, it's Chris Pratt. Oh, look, it's a little dinosaur. He's petting it or whatever. Okay, it of the mind. I'm playing it again. Oh, look, it's Chris Pratt. Oh, look, it's a little dinosaur. He's petting it or whatever. Okay, it's the end. Finished.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I think you spoke for longer than it went for. Yeah, I did. People have said that's Blue, you know, from Jurassic World. He's mate, Raptor. I don't know what that movie's going to be about. Do you know what it's going to be about? Probably a fallen kingdom of some sort. Sure. Isn't movie's going to be about do you know what it's going to be about probably a fallen kingdom of some sort sure i think it's just isn't it just going to be jurassic park 2 again i hope not that's gonna be it's the guy who did when a monster calls and
Starting point is 00:13:12 apparently when a monster calls is really good i've got it ready to go i want to watch it but i haven't yet so that's a ringing you've been busy it's hey it's been a week since justice league how are you how you feeling about justice league i've forgotten a lot of it i've been i've been doing a deleted scenes video which is linked below there's a lot of like i go through like the making of i went and all the way up to how this kind of happened and all the weird shit that kind of happened along the way so a lot of the time i ended up taking somebody else's clips that were missing from the trailer because i couldn't remember what was in it and what wasn't yeah right but i'm i'm just i'm it's just nothing i don't hate it it's just did you have fun with it though yeah absolutely i had fun with it i would not ever go back on that i just wanted to make
Starting point is 00:13:55 sure you're still maintaining that you had fun with it so that's all i wanted to know ultimately how do you feel a week on i still hate it but again i haven't really it's gone yeah i'm not gonna see it i thought about it like going to see it again, and I'm like, I'm not going to see it again. Yeah, right. But I want to, I've got more stuff about that to talk about. Is it the, is it? There's many things.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Okay, is that in the news or we just talk about it later? No, there's so many, there is in the news. There's so many tears, Mason. Okay. Actually, we can do that right now. All right, let's do it. Okay, so this starts at the news that paramount turned down warner brothers offer allegedly to cgi on a mustache for henry cavill oh yeah sure
Starting point is 00:14:31 right so this is in the video that i made it on that out about the weird making of whatever and everything that we know but quick recap if anybody doesn't remember basically henry cavill had a mustache and he had to do reshoots but he because he was filming Mission Impossible, he wasn't allowed to shave it off, so they CGI'd it off for the movie and it looks atrocious. In some scenes, some other scenes it looks better, some scenes it's just not reshoots and he just looks like a regular man. All in all, it's a fucking shit show.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Yeah. And when you think about it, you know what, it's ridiculous, but at the same time, now that I've had time to process the incredible information that is the best CGI lawyer feud in cinematic history. Possibly. They're supposed to be finished. Warner Brothers was supposed to be finished with the movie. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And he signed on to do this movie with Paramount. Paramount don't owe him anything. No. Well, that's exactly right. But the problem was because they needed to do a lot more superman stuff because the story behind that it looks like they changed they changed superman's story arc and again it's in that video that i did like he was going to take and he's gone so they took out his story they took out his story he has no story now he was going to be because you know he kind of comes back and it's and then he's just
Starting point is 00:15:41 fine oh yeah spoilers for justice league for justice league sorry yeah uh and then he's just and he's like you think he's gonna go bad and then he's just like i Oh, yeah, spoilers for Justice League. Spoilers for Justice League, sorry, yeah. And then he's just, and he's like, you think he's going to go bad and then he's just like, oh, no, I'm all right. I'm all right, actually, yeah. Like there was, he was going to be evil for a period of time. Anyway, again, it's detailed in the video. I won't recap it.
Starting point is 00:15:56 But basically, they, as an act of good faith. I remember when Superman was a symbol of hope for all of the world. Well, now he's just smashing stuff. It's weird. I don't get it. He's real evil and weird and hope for all of the world. Well, now he's just smashing stuff. It's weird. I don't get it. He's real evil and weird, and he's blowing up the city. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:09 He used to be our symbol of hope. I don't understand. That's Commissioner Gordon. That's Commissioner, yeah. Sorry, it's Batman. It's Batman. It's Batman's voice. That's my Batman voice.
Starting point is 00:16:18 He's complaining to Commissioner Gordon on the rooftop. How about that? I don't get it either, Batman. I don't know, man. So as an act of good faith they took um existing footage of henry cavill from justice league and they cgi'd a mustache onto him and they showed paramount and they said look we'll pay for this yeah yeah and they paramount went fuck off absolutely not he's not shaving it and obviously it's easier to cgi on a mustache than remove one,
Starting point is 00:16:45 as is evident from this film. So basically, also, there's been all these rumors circulating that there's this Zack Snyder cut of the film. Right. But because they reshot for two months, that Zack Snyder version never really existed in the first place, though, because a VFX artist went on Reddit and he said, Zack would have probably done things differently to how the movie turns out oh zach is on a first
Starting point is 00:17:08 name basis but there isn't a secret version of his that uh somewhere it doesn't exist there's no cut out people who spread the rumor of the worst perpetuating rumors uh of processes that they don't understand so basically there was a cut of this movie that zach snyder was working on right but it would have changed so much by the time it came out anyway. Like it was so, it was raw and it wasn't. So none of the effects are done. No, I'd imagine not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Just the stuff they got for the trailers. That being said, who is this guy? He's a VFX artist. But I mean, is he though? No, he is. It was a Reddit AMA or whatever. Oh, okay. I don't know him, Mason.
Starting point is 00:17:41 If you know him, you tell me his name. Okay. Do you know him? No. Shut up. All right then. But I mean me his name. Okay. Do you know him? No. Shut up. All right then. But I mean, where's the proof that he is this guy? Because it was an official VFX thing or whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:52 All right, nice. Nice. So he left this film like six months before it came out. So obviously it's not going to be his by the time it kind of rolls around. And also with Joss Whedon coming on board, there's a rumor that when Joss Whedon's name comes up in the credits, it says screenplay by or also directed by Joss Whedon. It's not directed by because he's not credited for it.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Presumably because he didn't want to put his name on it. And then as his name comes up, there's an homeless man with a sign that says I tried. Yeah, I've seen that shot. Somebody put that up. Yeah, and the rumor is that it's intentional because it's it may or may not be joss whedon's kind of been kind of quiet on the whole thing maybe also because he's been quiet lately in general uh yeah but i i'd imagine also he doesn't really want to associate
Starting point is 00:18:39 with this film also also he is the in the in the opening titles he is the white supremacist kicking over the fruit stand. The fruit stand is Zack Snyder's original majestic vision of this movie and bloody Joss Whedon's just kicking it over. Jeez. Having harsh words. I didn't realise all the subtext. It's all, that opening sequence is all subtext.
Starting point is 00:18:59 We have to go back. No, we will not. But there's also talk that he was restricted by what he wanted to do because he was brought in to lighten the tone. There's a bit of the- Oh, it's Superman to murder everybody. Oh, you mean Joss Whedon. Joss Whedon, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Okay, right. So that opening scene with Batman on the rooftop and he's with the criminal, that apparently was a lot funnier. And Warner Brothers kind of chopped that down too. And that's come from the guy who's in that scene with Batman. Right, okay. And Joss Whedon apparently sent him a gift basket, which was like, hey, we gave it a shot,
Starting point is 00:19:27 but it didn't kind of work out. Yep. So here's some wine and here's some cheeses and here's a coupon to cheat on your wife. Just give it to her. She'll be okay with it. It's an official Hollywood cheat on your wife card. It's a voucher.
Starting point is 00:19:40 That's it. So that's kind of why the movie, it's because there's no real highs or lows it's just kind of yeah right you know what i mean all for me and you at least i guess i had fun with it yeah i know well away you had fun with it but as a result of all of this and kind of the way it turned out warner brothers stand to lose anywhere between 50 to 100 million dollars i mean internationally it's doing a little bit better. But when it costs $300 million to make with the reshoots
Starting point is 00:20:09 and then you add probably $150 million on top of that for marketing, that's not good. But, Mason, there's good news for Warner Brothers because of the Help Our Heroes campaign. Have you heard of this? I have. It's a whole bunch of big old DC fans who've decided to each see the movie six times.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Is that right? Six for the six. Six for the six, yeah. So this is out there at the moment. It says, we're asking every DC fan to commit to seeing this film six times or more whilst it's in theaters for the future of these characters. The expectation isn't hundreds of millions of dollars in box office returns, but we hope to get Warner Brothers' attention to let them know we love these characters, etc., etc. This is a terrible idea. First of all, it's not going to work.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Sure. That's straight up but i don't know i just feel like if you are a really big fan of these characters i think the fact that this didn't do well is a good thing in the future potentially in the future for this universe because they'll they'll take notice yeah well that's the thing like i think also movie producers are famously good at picking up the wrong sim you know the wrong signal from whatever happens. If somehow this campaign works and it makes a billion dollars again, then they'll just go, oh, that must mean that everybody likes exactly what we're doing with this,
Starting point is 00:21:40 so let's do it exactly the same again. It seems to be, this franchise for me, they went, look, we're going gonna go dark and gritty like like the nolan films and that's really evident in in man of steel in particular because it's it tries to be the dark knight but with superman but superman is in the dark knight for various reasons that we won't get into and then they went oh that's not what people want people want them to be light and funny and colorful like marvel films so they kind of mashed justice league into that but people don't like the marvel films because they're bright and colorful and colourful like Marvel films. So they kind of mashed Justice League into that. But if people don't like the Marvel films
Starting point is 00:22:08 because they're bright and colourful and quippy, they like the characters and the storylines and the universe all kind of is coherent and makes sense and they've been following these characters for nearly a decade. Like you said, they've taken the wrong idea that, oh, do you know what? They just want colour and jokes. We can do that.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yeah. That's not, I mean, that's part of the reason why people like the Marvel movies, but it's- I mean, I like color and jokes and movement. Yeah. I like jangling keys. I get you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Cool. Cool. But yeah, again, like you said, I think they just took the wrong kind of lesson from it and they just kind of mashed Justice League into a Marvel film and it didn't, what they thought was a Marvel film and it didn't, what they thought was a Marvel film and it didn't take off.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Anyway, Mason, six for six. Six for the six. Yeah, anyway, you know what? Aquaman will probably be good. I hope so. Yeah. Yep. You know what?
Starting point is 00:22:57 I liked, it's not, you know, Jason Momoa's portrayal of Aquaman in that movie, it's not the traditional portrayal. It's somewhere in the middle. It's like, it's like. In the middle of what? Well, I don't know the traditional portrayal it's somewhere in the middle it's like it's like in the middle of what well I don't know I mean it's some people hate it I don't I quite like I like him I like him and that's I love his enthusiasm yeah and I think also like uh you know he spent he prior to this his biggest role was you know being this angry brooding Dothraki guy and And in this, they're like, just be a giant guy who's having fun
Starting point is 00:23:27 and he's clearly enjoying that. So I'll watch another one of these. You'll watch a giant guy have fun. I'll watch a giant guy have fun. There was also rumours this week that Joss Whedon is off the Batwoman film, or the Batgirl film, whichever it's called. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:23:39 I think it's Batgirl. It's Batgirl, yeah. But apparently that's not the case and he's still plugging away at it. Now, there's a very good chance that he'll still make that movie. But Warner Brothers... Hear me out. Batgirl gets married.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I think it's cheated on, but it's fine. But Warner Brothers might want to consider... She's totally on board with it. Because she knows that her husband has a really tough job. And there's certain situations. Certain situations. He's very desirable to women. She gets it.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yeah. Anyway. I just think, do you think Warner Brothers have considered that maybe they should take this guy off the film? No. You reckon they're just going to go through with it? They do not care because the two Avengers movies made $2 billion or whatever. So they could not care because the two avengers movies made two billion dollars or whatever so they could not care less but they must realize that the fandom on him has soured significantly like the whole
Starting point is 00:24:31 joss whedon fan sites and buffy sites have closed down because of this i don't think they care and i think you know uh because i like i don't because there was whedon-esque right that was the the big all things whedon fans yeah right yeah but i don't how much of the mob how much of the superhero movie stuff did they cover i don't even know i don't know i just think they're like who cares i just think if they were smart they'd get someone like a patty jenkins or even just patty jenkins right yeah do it uh-huh uh but yeah i mean i just can't imagine trotting this guy out to press junkets and he's talking about female empowerment and that's
Starting point is 00:25:06 not going to blow up in their faces somehow yeah I'm not saying he couldn't make a good movie he probably could but I just think they must be aware of that that this is a
Starting point is 00:25:14 PR shitstorm waiting to happen oh yeah for sure yeah anyway Justice League what a fun time we both enjoyed it 10 out of 10
Starting point is 00:25:21 incorrect wrong how dare you that's the one of the part where you mute my mic We both enjoyed it. 10 out of 10. Incorrect. Wrong. Ted, dare you. That's the one of the part where you mute my mic. Do you want to know what James Cameron said the hardest thing about Avatar 2 is? I'm loving just James Cameron talking about stuff these days. I'm just loving it. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:25:43 He said the hardest thing about Avatar 2 is the underwater motion capture. This should be an old rope for you right now, James Cameron. You've done so much underwater filming. What have you been doing in your submarines? I don't know what he's been doing. But look, apparently because there's distortion, obviously, between the dots and the cameras with the water wibbling about and whatnot. But luckily, Mason, they've found a way around that. Don't do it underwater?
Starting point is 00:26:03 Well, no, they did do it underwater. Oh, wait, so are you saying that they are... Are they mo-capping people who are swimming underwater? Oh, is this his new frontier? Because this has not been done before, right? People say there's more space to explore in the ocean than there is in literal space. Who said that?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Nobody said that, I was going to say. And it's not true. Yeah. But, yeah, it seems to me, and I'm not an expert on mocap, and I guess this would be for the most authentic underwater mocap experience, but you would just do it on wires. Yeah, or just... Or CGI.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Just do it on... Surely it would be easier to just get some really good-looking CGI water. Yeah. Surely at this point... I mean, there will be some good-looking CGI water, Mason. The best ever. Yeah. Best of all time.
Starting point is 00:26:52 But surely you just... Yeah, you film them on wires, and then you build the CGI wireframe alien, blue alien cat man, but then you just put water around it, and then you have the water move as the... Yeah, that's what I was thinking. So this is just him testing out camera techniques then, I guess.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Ugh. Buckle in, Mason. I don't want to. You will want to. I don't want to. Oh, there's an update also. This is a minor Justice League spoiler as well, if you haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:27:23 You know the bit we talked about last week? I should also stress that in the next few weeks, Justice League spoiler as well, if you haven't seen it. You know the bit we talked about last week? I should also stress that in the next few weeks, few months, all of Justice League is going to be inadvertently spoiled on this podcast because we're just going to be like, hey, remember the scene when it's out there? Correct, yeah. That's probably a good idea to mention. But to be honest, there's no surprises in Justice League.
Starting point is 00:27:41 No, the only surprise is that you'll just have a bit of fun with it. That's very true but there's a bit where uh aquaman uh goes to atlantis yes and he meets up with mira or mura or myra whatever her name is yeah mera mera i don't know and and he goes to talk to her and she makes a little air bubble and they stand in there and have a bit of a chit chat yes and made me wonder yes how to regular atlantean apparently i've been saying atlanteans but it's atlanteans apparently you can say whatever you want yes that's true this is the internet they can't hear me they can't but i was gonna say how to regular atlanteans speak underwater if they don't have magical bubble powers have they
Starting point is 00:28:18 been doing it for thousands of years well james one has taken to twitter yeah see me people said like it's a shot at justice league which it could be where he's but he just said we're not doing underwater bubbles right so he's figured out another way to do it presumably just people talking and it's a little bit muffled yeah i hope it's i hope yeah i was gonna say i hope it's classic stereotypical sound effects bank of somebody being slowly drowned in like you, on a really rainy day or like, and then just and then subtitles. It'd be incredible. I think. Incredible Mason.
Starting point is 00:28:52 You've nailed it. Yeah. Anyway, I'm interested to see how they do that, I guess. They do it how, you know, how astronauts,
Starting point is 00:28:59 if their radios break, they can communicate by putting their helmets together and just talking and the vibration goes through. Is that true? I think so. That happened in the Martian or Gravity or something. Anyway, I'm hoping all the characters in Aquaman, they talk by cracking their heads together. I'm hoping they have to go to the surface every time they talk.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Yeah, right. They just point frantically up. So it's him and Black Manta battling it out. Black Manta's like, up here, up here. And then they politely swim. It's part of the rules of engagement. Go to the ocean. You have to up here up here and then they they politely like it's it's part of the rules of engagement you go to the ocean you have to politely swim up and then they swim up and black man is like you're finished aquaman and then they just go back down again that's everything okay cool let's go back down i think it's ocean master though is it i mean i
Starting point is 00:29:39 hate to it's a great skit mason that's's fine. I mean, it doesn't work. Obviously, it doesn't work with Ocean Master, so I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board. Yeah, right. That sketch only works with Black Manta. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret.
Starting point is 00:30:10 The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. All right, so we've got a few things we kind of want to talk about this week. Yeah. A little bit on The Punisher, a little bit on Runaways, a little bit on a superhero, Fatague. So it's all a bit of a... Say it properly.
Starting point is 00:30:33 I will not. Okay. Fatigue. Because here's the thing. We're like, what should we do this week? Yeah. Let's watch 13 episodes of The Punisher and we're both like, oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Do we have to? Do we have to? And then The Runa Punisher and we're both like, oh. Yeah. Do we have to? Do we have to? And then The Runaways came out and we were like, oh. But. And then obviously we have to get through The Gifted. Oh. Nah, I'm not watching that.
Starting point is 00:30:56 It's just not happening. And then there was a crossover on The Flaroverse. Oh. Oh, God. Yeah. So do you want to start with The Punisher? These aren't going to be super extensive. Maybe a little bit of spoilers, but nothing too. So I feel we've kind of hit a wall temporarily.
Starting point is 00:31:10 I don't know. I don't think it's going to last forever. I don't think. And I'm curious as to everybody else, like our listeners, if you're also experiencing superhero fatigue. I wouldn't even say it's a fatigue. I think it's just an overabundance. It is, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:31:24 So I can't get to where like i feel like i'd watch almost exclusively superhero stuff yeah right and there's so much that i just don't watch sometimes weather changing stuff sometimes weather changing stuff sure but you want to just start with the punisher let's talk about it i'm only like three or four in i like it me too i am i've heard it gets much much better as well they cut to boardrooms too often in these netflix series i don't know why the fuck they get doing it and there's always a conspiracy and and this that this and that but i i like the frank castle they've got yeah i think he's good he does action really well yeah it's got a good opening you see him kind of wrapping some stuff that's
Starting point is 00:32:00 true yeah from previous seasons kind of a fun little montage of him sniping people to death. That's right, yeah. He doesn't like being called a hipster, Mason, even though he doesn't look like a hipster. Not at all. Not even slightly, yeah. Not even... He doesn't, no.
Starting point is 00:32:14 It's just because he's got a beard. Surely in rural areas there are people with beards. Oh, no, Mason, absolutely not. Okay, then carry on. You're thinking of other... I think that's a joke that somebody thought of and they dotted it all throughout the series Okay, then carry on. You're thinking of other... I think that's a joke that somebody thought of. Yeah. And they dotted it all throughout the series.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Yeah. And then they're like, listen, I'm not taking this out. This is the hill I die on. They're like, should we write another joke for this scene? Absolutely not. Just put the hipster thing in. Even if he had the short sides. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Then you could say he's got a bit of the hipster thing going. Exactly. But he doesn't. He's just a guy who had a shaved head and then he grew out his hair for eight months yeah that's it yeah you could be like hey that 70s show that'd be more accurate that'd be great and it's such a good reference thank you yeah but yeah i i still feel my problem with the punisher is again i haven't gone all the way through it is like i said it feels a lot kind of like what we've gotten. But also, I'm liking it more than I liked Luke Cage and Iron Fist. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And the Defenders, actually. Have you thus far spotted a single reference to anything else that's happened in the Marvel Universe? No. Karen Page. Karen Page, yeah. It's pretty light. Isn't it, though? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yeah, I mean, maybe it's... But I feel like they're really edging away from mentioning the Avengers and whatnot. And that's even more so in the runaways. Right, okay. But yeah, no, I think it's... Yeah, these universes are getting further and further apart. Yeah. I don't necessarily care for that.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Well, I'd like to see the Punisher show up in the movies, Mason. Yeah. Now, people mention to you that he's too... Oh, you've heard people say that he's too small to be the Punisher. He's not enormous, is he? He's probably like 5'10". But when he's got a sledgehammer on him. He's big enough, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:33:50 That's true, yeah. That was a good sequence, actually. I think so as well, yeah. How many are you in? Four as well, I think. Okay, right. Are you finding it light on action? Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Are you finding it heavy on boardrooms? Yes. I think also because i'm watching it out of one eye i'm not entirely sure what's going on like what's the conspiracy because you poked yourself in the eye so i poke myself in the eye that somebody has set him up somebody the reason his family's murdered is not for the reason that he necessarily thinks that there's a big old conspiracy and maybe the thing that he was doing wasn't the best thing that he was doing for the military or maybe it was mason oh also also maybe jigsaw maybe oh yeah is that am i right is that pretty much it yeah i think that's pretty much it i'm up to speed what's that other guy from the handsome guy what's he from i've seen him in things he's in uh he's in narnia that can't be
Starting point is 00:34:40 it he's in our stardust that's probably it he's in the he's the he's He's in Stardust? That's probably it. He's the dad in Stardust. Actually, he's... Because he's... Daredevil is in Stardust. Yes, that's true. And the young version of his dad is played by this guy. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:34:52 His name I can't remember. No. Yeah, yeah. He's in a bunch of other stuff. What else is he in? I'm sure I've seen him as like a slick businessman. Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 00:35:02 Yeah. When have I seen him? Maybe I've just If you could look that up while you're doing that uh look it has been spoiled for me and i was hoping against hope and there's no minigun in this in this in this season that's what they tell me but you know what i'm still and i and i was you said you were out i did say i was out your exact words were but i like john westworld that's what it is he's the in Westworld. He's the real prick who's like, yeah, let's go and be the worst people in the world.
Starting point is 00:35:29 He was in Seventh Son with Jeff Bridges. That's definitely not what I've seen him in. But yeah, so does that upset you? Yes. Why? Again, it's bloody Chekhov's minigun. You put it in Act One, it's got to be fired. But to their credit, they did not put it in this season.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Like in the promo material? Yeah, in the promo material or they didn't hint at it at the start. When are we getting it? I don't think we're getting it. Wow. I think you're barking up the wrong... Wow. Something, a metaphor for a minigun.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I can't think of the metaphor. You're barking up the wrong minigun, Mason. Oh, okay. Not, I don't know. Maybe next season, maybe never. Do you reckon he's going to show up and save the defenders with a minigun? I hope so.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Yeah. Or kill the defenders with a minigun. Whatever. That would be fine. You'll take anything at this point, right? Yeah. But no, but you're still on board. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:23 So you're not ruling out coming back to the next season of luke cage finishing this season off even like are you chomping at the bit mason as you were just doing to go home now and polish off another eight hours of the punisher no but i am chomping at the bit to go home and watch maybe one more tonight and then then maybe another one tomorrow night. And then another one. Would you like them to go to weekly episodes? Yes, I would.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Do you think that's... I was just thinking that. And it's not... I don't understand why Netflix has decided, specifically for Marvel stuff, that they have to put everything out and you have one weekend to watch the whole thing. And if not, everything is spoiled for you. People spoil the minigun for you on Twitter. to watch the whole thing and if not everything is spoiled
Starting point is 00:37:05 for you people spoil the minigun for you on people spoil the minigun but i mean they do it for us it's not the only thing the good place comes out week to week that's a great show you know what i like a lot yes it's star trek even though it's it's on australian netflix i don't think it's the same no it's on something else yeah it's on cbs or whatever but i love that that comes out weekly every monday i'm like you know what i'm going to do this week? I'm not going to watch The Walking Dead again. I'm going to watch Star Trek. Here's a question for you. Do you think if what has already been filmed of these Marvel Netflix series
Starting point is 00:37:33 was released week to week, would you find each one satisfying? Probably not. Because they bleed so easily into the next. So I think it would require something of a... An adjustment. An adjustment episode to episode. Because they do a lot of the time feel like this is a 13-hour movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Sometimes not in a good way. Exactly. But also at the same time, if these were brought out week to week, I think the individual episodes might become a little bit formulaic. They might become like, he goes to another part of town and he goes to another diner and there's a waitress in a little bit of trouble and then he investigates it and then he wanders around and they're like,
Starting point is 00:38:17 hey man, you want some trouble? What are you doing? He doesn't want any trouble. Don't want any trouble. And then they push him too far and he kills literally everybody. And then smash cut to a boardroom. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:38:32 But I think you're right. I think... Well, the thing is though this is all going away soon. We're getting a few more seasons of this on Netflix of various shows and then this is all going to Disney.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Oh yeah, that's right. Because they're building their own Netflix, I guess. They are. they're disney streaming service i was actually speaking to hollywood pete about this recently yeah friend hollywood and he was like i don't know if i'm gonna get it it seems like they don't have enough properties that to take it make it off the ground and i said listen up pete listen up and i grabbed him by the scruff of the neck that was a phone call i was gonna say you're dictating terms to Pete. I wouldn't recommend it. No. But I just think that's going to... You push him too far.
Starting point is 00:39:06 That's what happens. That's right. But I think I would get that Disney streaming service if it was just a Star Wars show weekly. Wow. Initially, at least. Yeah, yeah. To see it.
Starting point is 00:39:17 How much would you pay for it, though? Five bucks a month? Ten bucks a month? Yeah, whatever Netflix is. 20 bucks a month? 30 bucks a month. See, I could tell... Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:25 $1,000 per episode of Star Wars. The thing is- And half of them are bad, but you don't know which half. That's pretty good odds for a TV show if half are bad. I'll take half are bad. I guess that's probably true. But because I can also write these off on tax. So I think a reasonable fee at this point in time is $10 a month.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Okay. I think that's quite reasonable. All right. Yeah. I mean, I've said before that I'd pay $10 for if I could download an episode of Game of Thrones. I'd probably pay $10 an episode. You're right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Maybe $5 would be more realistic. Yeah. But yeah, would you pay? I think you would pay $10 an episode for Game of Thrones. And at the end of the month month you'd get your credit card bill and you'd be like, well, that's... Yeah, that's... I paid a lot for that, didn't I?
Starting point is 00:40:08 $30 or whatever it is, yeah. You're right. You're probably right. But no, what would you pay for a Star Wars show? No money? I would pay $2 an episode. That's quite reasonable. Wait, $3 an episode.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Okay, how about this? I'm going to throw this out there. $4K HD, $600 an episode or $3, standard definition. $3, standard definition. Really? Yes. You don't like quality? You don't like quality, crisp, clear images?
Starting point is 00:40:34 No, not really, to be honest. You've lost it, Mason. Yeah. I thought you were about premium content, whatever I said. Shut up. None of those things. Okay. Okay, so here's the thing, though.
Starting point is 00:40:45 If all this stuff does go to Disney, what are they going to do with it? Is this a situation where they're going to scrap everything? They probably could. Yeah. I think they need to reformat. I think maybe what they will do is they'll transfer everything over to Disney, their Disney app,
Starting point is 00:41:01 and then they'll see what rates. Right. Like they'll go okay well people seem to be enjoying Daredevil seasons one two and three I would say Disney have that
Starting point is 00:41:09 information already yeah right through Netflix I guess that's true yeah but I guess they can also take over all the creatives
Starting point is 00:41:15 because Netflix Disney make it yeah but Netflix are the ones distributed yeah that's true Hollywood people
Starting point is 00:41:22 was also telling me how it works yes our powerful friend I'm ready to listen and he was basically saying and I'm going to botch this but how
Starting point is 00:41:29 because because he is doing some stuff with Netflix but basically that they green light a show for you yes
Starting point is 00:41:38 you pay for it yes sorry no I'll fuck this up oh no okay it's something along the lines of
Starting point is 00:41:46 we'll fix it in post don't worry their output for a show is minimal who's output Disney Netflix
Starting point is 00:41:52 Netflix okay so they'll give you some of the money for it I think or none of the money I can't remember exactly you'll then make it me yep and then when it's done
Starting point is 00:42:01 they'll give you the rest of the money oh or something to that I can't sounds like a ransom more than anything. Well, it's an insurance policy. Because then if you don't make it, Netflix aren't out of pocket.
Starting point is 00:42:11 They haven't given you $6 million that you've not made a show with. But how am I going to make my bionic man without my $6 million? There was already a bionic man. And then there was a bionic woman. That's true. She had an arm and a leg and an eye or whatever. I don't remember. She had two legs, an arm and an ear. She had a bionic ear you want arms yeah you want punchy
Starting point is 00:42:29 punchy arms yeah the bite the six million dollar man and the bionic woman both had two bionic legs and one bionic arm and the only difference was what he had an eye and she had an ear yeah because she's more said she was a sensitive listener oh yeah like a woman and she was a sensitive listener. Oh. Yeah. Like a woman. And he was a pervert. I get it. Okay. Like a man. Yeah, like a man.
Starting point is 00:42:48 I get it. See how it makes sense? Yeah. Yeah. But look, that's not the exact model of Netflix. Okay. But basically- I'd be curious to know if-
Starting point is 00:42:56 They don't put out a lot. I'd be curious to know if they've had to institute that policy because they've given somebody $10 million to make a series and they've just run away with it. It's very possible. I doubt it. I think they'd probably run top of this. And if so, I would love to make a documentary about it. Netflix, if you are listening, give me $10 million
Starting point is 00:43:14 and I will make a documentary about those guys who ran off with your $10 million. I'll interview everybody and you will definitely get a series out of it. And then I'll make a series about Mason running off for $10 million. Boy, will he ever. Yeah. But I just think that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:43:30 So, yeah, their risk is low. Yeah, right. But that's all gone. So I don't know how Disney are going to change it. We'll have to see. Because Marvel TV just needed to be in front of somebody and that's why they went to Netflix. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:43:41 So anyway. Because I also feel like Disney are very good at scrapping stuff. Oh, yeah. Like yeah like they're like okay we have this now and it's going to be a clean slate yeah there's a lot of those old racist disney movies they're not releasing right it's like they don't exist what if they put iron fist in the disney vault and we can't get to it anymore no right do i even i might have it i don't know i might i don't know what iron fist yeah i might have it. I don't know. I might. I don't know. What, Iron Fist? Yeah, I might have. On DVD? No, I might have downloaded it to get some clips for Easter egg video. People ask, am I going to do a Punisher Easter egg video?
Starting point is 00:44:13 No, I'm not. Well, there's not a lot to Easter. From what we can tell, there's not a lot to Easter egg. There's a lot of comic references, but not in terms of links to the MCU. It would say, happenstance. Correct. I don't know what that's going to be. Like comic references, but not in terms of links to the MCU. It's the same. Yeah. Happenstance. Correct.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I don't know what that's going to apply. Unless they're backloading, like the last eight episodes are just like, it's just a cavalcade of stars. It's just Robert Downey Jr. running behind in the background. I want to see the Punisher just watching the Avengers on television. Yeah, right? Yeah. Do you want to talk about the Runaways? I know people wanted to longer punish the talk,
Starting point is 00:44:46 but we don't know enough about it. You know what? I'm going to eek it out over the next several weeks as I watch it. He's going to eek it out. Watch it with me. I will. Why don't you?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Me? No. Is that you seeing little Easter eggs and going, eek! Is that right? Yeah. Good. You haven't seen the Runaways.
Starting point is 00:45:02 No. There's three out. But I did enjoy it. I enjoyed the original comic book Runaways. Yeah, right. It's great. Good. I really like it. Good. You haven't seen The Runaways. No. It's three out. But I did enjoy it. I enjoyed the original comic book run of The Runaways. It's great. Good. I really like it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I haven't liked a Marvel TV show like this in a while. Put this in continuity for me. Where does it fit? Anywhere? Nowhere. Really? There is so few references to... I haven't seen any references to the wider MCU.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Is it set in the wider MCU? I don't know. Oh. I mean, I'm sure there's information on that, but it's the same basic story. If you want to outline the story of the comic, I'll see if you mind that. So it's a bunch of kids. Yep. And every year their families, their parents get together.
Starting point is 00:45:38 They think they're in some sort of weird, they think they're all playing bridge or something or just being some sort of weird sex party probably i don't know sure and but it turns out one day they they finally they get bloody jack of trying to figure out what their parents are up to and they just they sneak in and see that their parents are all super villains and they're sacrificing a woman and they decide to go on the run right until they figure out what the heck is going on yeah well it's it's it's a little bit of that it's uh i would say there's a little bit more teen drama. Okay. There's more suspense in terms of,
Starting point is 00:46:08 are the parents going to find out and whatever. Have they gone on the runaways yet? I wouldn't dare say so, Mason. Okay. Couldn't tell you. But look, I think it's definitely worth checking out. And just watching this, it's shot really well, especially when you compare it to,
Starting point is 00:46:21 and it looks great because it's real locations, real houses and real whatever. Real housewives housewives real housewives and then you look at like the i couldn't even remember the name but in humans that had real hawaii it's night and day like yes so i mean i had real downtown hawaii to be fair i sun kissed hawaii the aloha state i assume it's called probably i mean to be fair to be fair, we watch that on IMAX. The Maui Gym State. Sure. But no, I think it's definitely worth it. I think you'd really like it.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Okay. Yeah. I'm going to give it a whirl. Yeah, you should definitely give it a whirl. Are you stealing it off the internet? What are you doing? Mason, I couldn't possibly say. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Just leave me a memory stick and something may show up. Okay, right. Who knows? Yeah. But again, I couldn't possibly say. Quick question. Are we still recording? Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Okay, good. I've been checking this week. Nice. It was a real disaster last week, wasn't it? Going through the edit though, I think we got most of it. Great. Or we didn't. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:47:13 All right. Here's a question for you. How are them effects? Not a lot of them. Okay. But good. Oh, actually, there's a dinosaur that goes from looking okay and then you see it run and it's like, that's not so good.
Starting point is 00:47:26 But for a CGI television dinosaur, it's okay. I think they've got a little puppet, which looks quite good. Great. I don't know why there's a dinosaur in it. Is it the baby dinosaur from the sitcom Dinosaurs? Exactly. Just cuts to that. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Is there a dinosaur in the comic? Yeah. Okay. It's genetically engineered. You'll like this, though. One of the runaways, and I wouldn't dare say say who mason is developing some kind of powers oh and instead of going what's happened to me what's happened to my body and i'm changing they're just like oh i have powers nice and they just like trying to test them out it's not like oh why me well no i'm so
Starting point is 00:47:59 different this is a metaphor for my adolescence i don't understand none of that great so i love it you'll be bang up for that. How supervillainy are these supervillains? Yeah. Because sometimes on TV or like an adaptation like this, they might dial it back. Yeah, right. We get any costumes?
Starting point is 00:48:15 What are we getting? No costumes. They just look like the comics characters. That's pretty good. Are the supervillains famous Marvel supervillains? No, they're not. Okay. Are they even known before this? No, they're not, no. Okay. Are they even known before this?
Starting point is 00:48:27 They are not. No, they're all new for Runaways. Okay. So it's not like the Reaper or whatever. No, but evidently they're known amongst the supervillain community. They've kind of retconned them in and gone, oh, like, you know, I hate this Doctor Doom character. I hate dealing with Doctor Doom kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:48:42 How long's the run? Can't remember. I think I might check it out. Yeah, check it out. Yeah. Yeah. Doom character. I hate dealing with the Dr. Doom kind of thing. How long's the run? I can't remember. I think I might check it out. Yeah, check it out. Yeah. Yeah. Seems good. It is good, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:48:50 Yeah, and apparently because there's a new version, I guess, to coincide with the comic books that is out now and apparently that's very good too. I understand.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Very good. Mason, we want to talk about Superhero Fatigue though, but Mason, I'm all bloody fatigued already from talking about it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:04 We should talk about it. Let's do it. Where are you on superhero movies? Should we shut down about superhero fatigue though but mason i'm all bloody affected fatigued already yeah we should talk about it let's do it uh what do you how where are you on superhero movies should we shut down this podcast no do you want to change it to cooking uh what do you got in the boil right now eggs boiled eggs yes so what you're saying hypothetically speaking is if we stop talking about superhero movies and started talking about cooking, your opening salvo on our cooking podcast would be boiled eggs. Four minutes on a high heat. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:49:30 That would get you a great boiled egg, Mason, straight up. You wouldn't go with three. Three minutes. I've done three, Mason. All right. This ain't my first egg-related rodeo. I'm just saying that sounds like a very hard-boiled egg is what I'm saying. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:49:42 It's not. It's soft in the middle. But the white part's cooked. That's what you want, want right no i want it all i want it all runny then you don't boil an egg then you just eat an egg just eat a raw egg yeah yeah that's right i'm telling you it's good i'll be doing boiled eggs what is that what if that was what the podcast became just you suggest one of us suggests a recipe and the other one's like, nah, I just ate it all raw.
Starting point is 00:50:06 No, I think we should suggest how long you cook an egg for. So we start with one minute. Yeah. And then we do that. That's episode one. Yep.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And then we work our way up to 100. Okay. To 100 minutes. It's like that. Have you seen those, have you seen that, those YouTube videos where they just crush everything
Starting point is 00:50:24 in a giant drill press it'd be that we just do a video series where we just boil an egg for one to a hundred minutes it'd be less interesting I feel but whatever
Starting point is 00:50:31 yeah but basically for me and I think it's the TV stuff because there's so much but like I said it is it's hard to keep up with
Starting point is 00:50:40 and even somebody like us who this is I guess sort of our job to keep across everything. I don't watch Flash. I don't watch Arrow. I don't watch Legends of Tomorrow. I haven't finished The Punisher.
Starting point is 00:50:51 I dropped off in Humans immediately. Absolutely. I didn't watch- Should we go back to that? No, I didn't watch- They're not continuing that. I didn't watch Powers. Isn't there like seven?
Starting point is 00:51:00 There's seven episodes, I think. Maybe. I should go back to that. No, you shouldn't. No. Yeah, like I say, I'll catch all the movies obviously yeah but i've dropped off the walking dead because i'm sick of it because it's not very good i mean i think the do you still read the comic book or you never oh yeah oh yeah comics great okay yeah absolutely what are the okay so what
Starting point is 00:51:18 is what is the what is the tv series doing wrong that the comic book isn't doing everyone is a total idiot in the tv show yeah have they done that though i don't understand because it's like they exist in they exist in a world where there's it's slow zombies yes but every day it's like they've never seen them before right like they'll just like they'll they'll get swamped and then every every episode there's a scene where they they get swamped and then then they have to fight their way out. And it's just, you see, you stab them in the head and then another guy shoots a crossbow
Starting point is 00:51:48 and then the one uses her sword. But there's no tension because I know no one's ever going to die. I mean, when somebody dies, it's never surprising or it's a weird fake out. Have more characters died in the comic books than in the TV series? Oh, actually, there's a lot have... You know, I say that, but there's a weird fake out. Have more characters died in the comic books than in the TV series? Oh, actually, there's a lot have... You know, I say that, but there's a lot have died. Like, if you look back to the first series,
Starting point is 00:52:10 there's like two people left who were in that first... Okay, right, right, right. Or maybe three or four, I don't know. But... Yeah, I guess, mate, is it a function of... I don't care, is my point. Yeah, right. Is it a function of that when you...
Starting point is 00:52:22 Like, if you're Robert Kirkman, you're writing The Walking Dead, you can just bump off whatever characters you want. But on the TV show, you can't be like, hey, do you want to be on this show for a season and then just kill them randomly? Actually, because there's been characters, and this is a minor spoiler for The Walking Dead TV show, like Andrea lives much longer in the comic. Like Rick ends up in the TV shows having a relationship with Michonne, but in the comic like it rick ends up in the in the tv shows having a relationship with michonne but in the comic it's andrea okay so there there is some slight deviations there but everybody's just they're so stupid they're so monumentally stupid but they're not stupid in the comic no not at all how did this happen bad writing right yeah and i think also plot armor
Starting point is 00:53:03 for a lot of them and also when somebody does die i don't care because i don't like anybody but anybody right like i i if there was an episode where every character got torn apart by zombies and then the next week it was all new characters yeah that would be the same as that i wouldn't whatever so i think we maybe we've hit on something here and this this is an issue that i've had with with a lot of recent stuff yeah is why can't they just trend so look some some comic book stories you can't translate to tv or movies yeah some some stuff you absolutely can sure it boggles my mind that they can't just go hey the writing on this is really good yeah the only reason people are on board with this
Starting point is 00:53:44 particular comic is the writing like the age of the zombie is over i feel strongly well they cancelled i zombie apparently yeah so the only reason that people are still on board with this is because the writing is good but they also yeah but the walking dead oh the comic or the show the comic book yeah because the show is dipping like the numbers are still huge yeah but it's like the lowest season's ratings for like four years how about those talking dead ratings i've no idea okay it's not a show that i watch or have ever watched but yeah i think then i think the excuse might be that there's you know they're trying to for some shows because there's only limited source material and you're trying to stretch it out but walking dead's maybe 200 issues yeah right exactly and they're not and
Starting point is 00:54:21 they're nowhere near where they are in the comic. Yeah, yeah. They're just treading water at Sam's. And every now and then they'll hit like, this is a spoiler for last season, they'll hit Glenn's death. Glenn. I know, right. And I liked Glenn initially, and the introduction of Negan and whatever. So they hit like the villains and the key points, but it's so few and far between. I did a video on it where every season opener is
Starting point is 00:54:47 a big a big thing happens nice you wouldn't believe it it's crazy you wouldn't read about it no things might be the same and then it's then they are the same then it's the same then it's 11 episodes of nothing and rick going we just got to stick together or he'll go mad for a couple episodes and then and then shoot someone in the head because to prove that he's a leader and then they're like rick you've gone too far a human person yeah it's fine and then he someone in the head because to prove that he's a leader and then they're like, Rick, you've gone too far. A human person? Yeah, it's fine. And then he's like,
Starting point is 00:55:08 I'll tell you if I've gone too far, but then he'll come around and do a speech about community and getting together. Does The Walking Dead have a, is it a core cast of actual characters and then a whole bunch of bystanders that can just get shot in the head
Starting point is 00:55:21 if they need to kill somebody? That's disappointing. Yeah. Okay. Is it a function of, okay, if we just take the stories that exist in the Walking Dead comic book and we put them on screen, we as the writers don't get as much money or as many credits? Robert Kirkman's heavily involved.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Right. So I don't think so. Also, if you looked at it, it's pretty close. Right. But there's just elements, and I think it's the stupidity. Yeah, right. And it's the cicadas, because there's just a constant cicada noise in the background, which is just the area it's set in.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Do you think that's driving you mad? I think so. It's very possible. It's enough that I can't help but notice it. It's just that there's opportunities where you can shoot the villain, but they don't. Yeah, right. There's things like that. Rick, there's characters.
Starting point is 00:56:07 But does anybody get put in that position in the comic book? Not as much, no. Often if they get in that position, they'll take it. Right. Yeah. That's so weird. Yeah, I know. Or there's reasons why.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Like Negan's a really interesting character in the comic, but in the show he's played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He does a good job, but he's written so poorly. Yeah, right. That it just doesn't make any sense to me. Like there's a bit where Carl steps off the back of a truck with a machine gun to shoot him. Carl.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I know, it's Rick's son. And he's right there. Oh, is he right there? I don't even know. There's bits where like- He's probably within machine gun range. Yeah, but there's moments where it's very possible. That's probably not an accurate example where they could shoot him and they don't.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Right. And it's just... Is Negan still wearing that scarf? Yeah, he's still wearing the scarf and the leather jacket, even though it's a thousand degrees and whatever. But it's... I don't know, man. It's... It's just boring.
Starting point is 00:56:58 What I'm hearing is know your limits and know when to wrap it up. Yeah, absolutely. Because evident... From what I can tell here, it seems like the TV guys are like, we're onto a gravy train here. Yeah. Let us stretch this out.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yes. This will never end. Absolutely. And there's also things... But it's going to end when people stop watching it. That's exactly what's going to happen, yeah. Do you think people... Do you think they're going to...
Starting point is 00:57:21 It's not even... It's not badly directed. Right. The special effects are great. Like, the zombie design is really good. It's well acted for the most part. Yeah, right. It's just at its core, it just sucks.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah, right. It's just... And how many seasons has it been? It's five or six maybe. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Also, there's a character who's...
Starting point is 00:57:40 I guess my question is like, how many TV shows in the world generally go more than that? Not many. It'd be quite rare. It's The Simpsons and South Park. Yeah, right. Your family guys. Surely at this point you should just go, okay, realistically, we might get six seasons out of this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Let's just plot out what we have. Let's not spread it out. Well, it could also be ten it could be 10 you know what i mean if you took just like not 10 episodes 10 episodes a season because it's like 22 or whatever they're right like that's a big part of it they split the season into two that bits so at the mid-season finale like a big thing happens and then when they come back from the break the big thing continues to happen and then it's nothing yeah right episodes and whatever okay so there's an example there's a character called mor, right? And he's a really interesting character
Starting point is 00:58:25 because in season one you see him and he's alive. Spoilers. He's alive with his son. He's one of the few survivors that are left and Rick meets up with him and they have a bit of a bonding moment because they've both got kids about the same age. Morgan.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Morgan. Anyway, you go back to him like four seasons later, his son's dead. Did we see that? No, it happens off camera. Because it's also the story in the comic. And he's gone mad, right? Yeah. So he's just yeah he's pulled a rick no and it's completely of course he has right and he's and he's got and he doesn't care for himself or others he'll kill anybody or
Starting point is 00:58:53 anything and then a guy takes him in and teaches him i can't remember like to be a crochet yeah crochet like to be a boarder so he teaches him to only fight in self-defense and not kill so morgan moves into their community and then he's telling everybody don't kill this is how you do self-defense uh these people even though they're enemies we shouldn't shoot them in the head and this crochet this saying on a pillow and this season he's just indiscriminately shooting anybody in the head right and it's and that's so many characters say anybody you mean anybody, you mean... I mean anybody. I'm mostly bad guys. And also generic townsfolk. Yeah, a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:59:28 And it's just a thing like, why am I following any of this? And Rick's been through that, a whole lot of different characters. The story arcs are insane. Yeah, right. Anyway, this wasn't supposed to be out of The Walking Dead. But look, once again, I am glad that I don't have to watch this. Don't worry, I'll cut this out when I'm coughing. No, no, leave it in.
Starting point is 00:59:52 No, no, I'm going to cut it out. I'll mute your mic. So that I can't reveal you've been coughing this whole time. Wow. James was coughing. This is the core problem. You probably cut it out because he's a coward this is the core problem with a lot of these shows
Starting point is 01:00:08 and this is the problem with Justice League and a lot of the X-Men films average stuff will kill comic book adaptations it's not going to be bad necessarily I don't think you can get a Batman and Robin style juggernaut
Starting point is 01:00:24 that will kill the entire thing. Because there's too many different studios and production companies working on properties at once. If DC goes under, Marvel is not affected by that necessarily. Do you think what might happen, because many years ago Nintendo and Sega were the forefront of the console wars, and now Sega just makes games for Nintendo.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Do you think it might be a case that in the future Marvel studios is going to make dc movies i think it's it's possible maybe not dc but i think there will obviously be a shift i mean we've seen that in like we've even talked about this episode where other comic companies have bought like comic companies that were big have bought other characters yeah yeah right and what integrated them in yeah it's very possible yeah yeah um yeah also that that being said last week i did say that a lot of people can't tell the difference between marvel and dc or whatever but i guess in retrospect they absolutely can't because ragnarok did great yeah and justice league not so much yeah and you'd think if people were burned out on, you know, DC's Suicide Squad and et cetera,
Starting point is 01:01:27 and they were sort of conflating all the comic book movies together, then Ragnarok would have done poorly. Yeah, right. But it didn't. It skipped a generation. Ragnarok went fine and then Justice League not so much. Do we have any updated numbers on Justice League? It's dropped by like something like 53, 56%.
Starting point is 01:01:43 That seems average. It's not so bad. That's fine, right? Yeah, but it didn't do super well in the first week. Right. So it only did less than we said. They thought it was going to do 96% and it did 93% or something like that. So it'll make, I don't know, close to 50%.
Starting point is 01:01:57 But it's not number one second week. Cocoa is number one and it's not good. But it's doing a little bit better overseas. Like China, it opened really well and whatever. And with the extended cut, they'll inevitably release it. It'll definitely make us money back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:14 I kind of want to see a DC one-shot, Deathstroke Lex Luthor party boat. You'd watch that, right? I would absolutely watch that. Having a party on a boat? Does it have to be Jesse Eisenberg? Yeah. Yeah, all right i guess
Starting point is 01:02:25 i'll still watch it okay mason do you think yes the mate they should maybe that's my problem i don't think do you think it's possible yes that maybe they should just rest bench batman for a little bit uh i mentioned this last way they did it for a while and it worked great guns what was the different what was the dark? What was the... Dark... Batman Begins... 97 or 2005. It was eight years. It was eight years.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Okay, yeah. That worked. Primo Molto Bene. It was Primo Molto Bene, yeah. Yeah. I think you could just retire... I think... I mean, I know people probably don't...
Starting point is 01:03:00 A lot of people don't want that. Yeah. But I just think it's... I don't know. I like the production design of this Batman. I think a lot of people don't want that but i just think it's i don't know i like the production design of this batman i think a lot of people i think um there was a poll on our planet broadcasting group planet broadcasting great mates check it out who's the best batman yeah and i think affleck like stormed the pot like who's the best cinematic batman and i think affleck was way out in front yeah i don't think it's Affleck that they like.
Starting point is 01:03:26 I like that version of Batman because it's the production design of the suit. Yeah. And- The goggles. The goggles. I love the goggles. The musculature.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Yeah, the musculature. The bat symbol. Like, it looks- Yeah, it's great. It's the most comic book-y of the Batmans, I think. And it's got, you know, it's got like the Arkham. It's integrated a lot of stuff that people like about- Var's got you know it's got like the arkham it's integrated a lot of stuff that people like about various versions and it's put it all together they've
Starting point is 01:03:49 given him the voice synthesizer so he doesn't have to put on the stupid voice yeah it's got like the arkham heads up display and he's gauntlet it's got all that sort of stuff but he's a killer but he's a killer exactly right and they like that he's a killer yeah he's finally taking the safeties off i don't. I would like to see... But you didn't like the representation of him in Justice League. Oh, no, it's bad. It's real bad. I also didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:04:09 It's even bad in this because he doesn't care what he's doing. But I like the looks. I think they should... Is that enough? No, it's not enough. But I think they should just directly transplant that look into another movie. And just say, you know, remember all that? Just forget about it. Don't even worry about it.'s gyllenhaal he's somebody who can't i
Starting point is 01:04:29 don't know we're tapping gyllenhaal i don't even know if he's interested yeah just anybody who cares about the role just put him in a standalone i still want to say that yeah no i want to see it too yeah but i just think if people aren't coming out to see Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman and whatever in a film together, something is wrong at the core here. Oh yeah. And I'm not saying Batman's the problem, but Warner brothers have been kind of beating us over the head with this stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Yeah. But it's not working. Yeah. You know, and, and even people who were a lot of people who were fans of the Batman V Superman don't like justice league because it's not a Zack Snyder Batman film. I mean, not a Zack Snyder DC film.
Starting point is 01:05:09 So who is it for? They're trying to get a new audience, which they didn't. It's people who want to have a fun time, you know? Yeah, I agree. I just think in trying to appease everybody, they're not doing anything. I think they might have to... What I think would redeem it
Starting point is 01:05:26 for me is just uh like a like build a proof of concept trailer for a new version of batman yep that looks good and he's doing some batman stuff some detecting he's doing some detecting because he's got his night vision goggles on. Exactly. He's doing a flip over somebody's head. Does that make sense? I mean, like a lot of stuff they've, you know, rebooted in the past or they've gone, or a director's had a vision and has put together a, off their own back or they've paid for it themselves
Starting point is 01:05:57 or, you know, they've gotten a million bucks and they've gone, okay, here's a scene that epitomizes what my movie's going to be about. Yeah. And they've just sort of released it into the world. And I think that would work if you went, okay, here's the Batman. Here's the visual representation of Batman that you like. He's got the suit you like.
Starting point is 01:06:14 He's got the voice synthesizer. He's got the gauntlets. He's got the whatever. He's got the grappling hook. He's got the grenades. Yep. He's killing indiscriminately. He's got the machine gun.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Yeah. But then just put it in there but then just put it in kind of like a noirish kind of yeah just just give me one scene see i give me one scene that i can 100 believe in yeah and then i'll then i'm back in see that was like the warehouse fight for me yeah exactly yeah yeah but i think the problem is so we can so just to be clear warner brothers if you're listening give me one definitive scene, but bear in mind, I'm very easily tricked. But I think also, imagine though, if we hadn't seen Batman since the Dark Knight Rises, which was five years ago, it's now 2017, it's nearly 18.
Starting point is 01:06:56 And now, and then they're like, in 2018, we're bringing back Batman in this new universe. Say we'd only had Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, Man of Steel 2, Aquaman. Right. And then they're like, and then we're going to do Batman. And Batman V, Dawn of Justice. Not it, no. Oh, sorry. No, it's just, sorry, I misspoke there.
Starting point is 01:07:14 It's V Superman, Dawn of Justice. Dawn of Justice, yeah. And it's Superman just tripping over things and nearly impaling himself on a kryptonite spear. Batman's not, he's been rubbed out of it. Yeah. Like like don't you think that would be and maybe you introduced bruce wayne in the movie before yeah right uh-huh don't you think imagine the hype if because it would have been then that's six years and then
Starting point is 01:07:36 you're bringing in your new batman but they didn't let it breathe right and i like and imagine doing that version you're talking about with the gauntlets and the voice and the machine gun but you're getting just to be clear they should and the voice and the machine gun. But you're getting it. Just to be clear, they should be no machine gun. But they're doing it. We're saying the machine gun for humor. I don't like machine gun. You shouldn't be machine gunning anybody.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Yeah. But they do it next year as opposed to what we've had so far. I don't think that's the issue. I don't think that the, I don't think. But don't you think even if we got that version that you're talking about. Yeah. People are too burnt on it to maybe for it to do as well as it should. Oh, now they are, sure.
Starting point is 01:08:06 I think if they'd done it well off the bat, people wouldn't have needed that breathing room. I think if they'd just gone, hey, listen, he needs to be a bit more comic book-y to survive in the Man of Steel universe, so he's going to be more armoured and sillier and what have you, I think it still would have worked. I think everybody would have suspended disbelief and gone,
Starting point is 01:08:25 okay, well, it's not going to be the Christian Bale Batman who's always breaking his ribs and falling off a roof or whatever. Yeah, right. It's going to be, just imagine this is 20 years later and he's really good at it now. Okay, cool. I think people wouldn't have been, I think it's just the, it's just the universe he got put into.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Okay, fair enough. The writing he got put into. All right. Well, what, okay. What about this? What would it take for you? Let's say you didn't have to forced you weren't forced to do this podcast by gypsy curse oh yeah what would it take for you to stop watching all this stuff because i remember when we started this yeah you hadn't seen man of steel correct
Starting point is 01:08:55 and we started this like 2014 so it was like a year later and there was a few things that you were kind of not up to date on at that point you've seen probably most of the marvel movies maybe i think so yeah yeah so what would it take for you to get back to that point where you're just not seeing everything and you don't care it like what would have to happen would it be the average or would it be bomb after bomb i think aquaman has to be bad right yeah yeah if i do not have a fun even when you've got wonder woman 2 coming oh yeah i'm not even talking about like just dc i'm talking about everything what would it take for you to stop watching marvel films x-men tv shows wow like what would it be like
Starting point is 01:09:30 is it average just average boring stuff is there like no highs or lows just because i even like it when a bad one comes out right fantastic four was hilarious that's true it was yeah yeah i just don't like the mediocre ones yeah i think it would have to be i think it would have to be a year of Doctor Strangers. Right, okay. Again, there was stuff to like in Doctor Strange. The strangeness. The strangest, certainly. The magical realms.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Right. But I think if they just went, okay, here's our new paradigm. We're just going to do Doctor Strange-esque origin stories for a year. Yeah. I think I'd have to tap out. Okay. Because there was stuff to like in it, but for me that was not. It was just.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Yeah. There wasn't even enough to make fun of it in that movie. It was just, okay, this is. It was all right. Yeah, it was fine. But, you know, he had an origin and then he did some kung fu. Do you think Marvel would allow that to happen? Not now. Yeah. I think if that would have been a hit, I think Marvel would allow that to happen not now
Starting point is 01:10:25 yeah I think if that would have been a hit I think they would have just kept doing it I mean it was a hit it did well wait Doctor Strange okay right right right
Starting point is 01:10:33 yeah yeah uh I mean it didn't do as well as Ragnarok see that's what I'm saying I think if that would if that made like Avengers money yeah
Starting point is 01:10:42 I don't know if it did but if it made if it made billions of dollars and people like, this is the most, I think that would have set them in stone. Cause that's how, that's kind of how the Marvel cinematic universe worked. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Initially is they didn't really have a plan. And then Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. put together Iron Man, like just kind of Lucy goose and whatever. And then I think they immediately went, this work, this was a hit. Every one of these is going to be like this.
Starting point is 01:11:03 We didn't fluke this. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It kind of did. Yeah. So let's, let's, that, that works. went this worked this was a hit every one of these is going to be like this we didn't fluke this yeah exactly it kind of did yeah so let's let's that that works let's do this formula until it doesn't work yeah and i think the the similar thing will it would have happened with this if if dr stranger would have made avengers money i think they would have just gone okay let's that's what people like they like the origin movies and i think that would have that similarly with you know the the spider-Man movies. That would just, for me, they were just fine.
Starting point is 01:11:28 And they just went. And they're worse in retrospect because they're fine. And I think, and the, you know, the amazing Spider-Man movies were just, they were just absolutely. I'm talking about them. You're talking about them in general. All of them. I'm talking all of them. But like the amazing Spider-Man movies were just absolutely by the numbers.
Starting point is 01:11:41 And I think if they'd been, if, yeah, Stranger had been successful and they went, okay, let's do another year of these. Yeah. I would have, that's it, I think if they'd been, if, yeah, Strange had been successful and they went, okay, let's do another year of these. Yeah. I would have, that's it, I think. I remember getting him. I think the fact that they didn't work as, I think the fact that that one
Starting point is 01:11:51 didn't work as well as it could have, that kind of broke them out of the mold again. Yeah. And, you know, similarly with Ant-Man, where they were going to get Edgar Wright to give his singular vision,
Starting point is 01:12:01 his vision was not what they wanted because it was straight out too far. Yeah. Then they gave us Ant-Man again, which... Fine. It was fine. I liked most of it. I think a couple of those in a row they went, maybe it is time to give somebody a vision again.
Starting point is 01:12:15 If we're going to give, say, an Edgar Wright a film, then let's let him do it. Exactly. Which is what Ragnarok is. Which is what Ragnarok was. They went, okay, well, let's... But you also run that risk when you do that that you get say like a josh trank yeah right right and they go off the deep end for what
Starting point is 01:12:29 whether it be his fault or the studio's fault or like what star wars is doing they're hiring for hiring and firing like mad men that's true like there is there is a risk associated with that but i think the reward is much i agree yeah and i think again you know it's it's trope fatigue yeah it's not even superhero fatigue it's it's trope fatigue. It's not even superhero fatigue, it's trope fatigue. So you're talking about you see this kind of stuff in any film? Like, you don't want average Star Wars films? Yeah, I mean, it's any genre film especially, and you kind of have to have tropes in a film.
Starting point is 01:12:57 If you don't, what are you doing? You know, you can't just go, oh, this has the trope where it has an origin. Yeah, well, it's going to have to have an origin. So, you know, but it's, I think they finally acknowledged that if these movies don't evolve to some degree, we are going to get exhausted by them. We're going to get sick of them.
Starting point is 01:13:14 So that's why they've gone, yeah, maybe Taika Waititi is a good idea. I think also they're looking at. Maybe Patty Jenkins is a good idea. Yeah, exactly. I was thinking that, like, I remember when, what am I even saying? I was getting a bit kind of like marveled idea. Yeah, exactly. I was thinking that, like, I remember when, what am I even saying? I was getting a bit kind of, like, marvelled out. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:13:31 And then Winter Soldier hit and then Guardians. And then they're not similar at all. Right. But that was the point to me where I was like, oh, no, this is, they're doing something interesting and then it kind of dipped a little bit. You know, it ebbs and flows and whatever. Then you get Age of Ultrons and whatever. But, yeah, I they they clearly have been listening as they go because we get a movie like winter soldier you know because because we get uh even spider-man homecoming i thought was
Starting point is 01:13:54 great i really really i think that might be my favorite one marvel movie this year i think which is crazy because that's like you said about spider-man films being burnt but marvel will clearly catch on to this stuff before others. I think Fox are following suit, it seems, for what they're bringing out. DC, I don't know where they're at. Maybe now's the time. I mean, Wonder Woman, that's the thing though,
Starting point is 01:14:14 because Wonder Woman was good and because James Bond's doing Aquaman, I'm like, this isn't dead by any stretch. Right, right, right. Yeah, I mean, they'll probably have to build back audience. Yeah. You know? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Because people, like I've been asked, people like my mate Joe, who you know, and he's a big DC, he likes comic books, not like, you know, not like you, not like a big nerd like you, Mason. But he likes his stuff a lot. And he's like, should I see Justice League? And I'm like, probably not. And I, like I said, I had fun with it. Yeah, you've mentioned it any number of times.
Starting point is 01:14:43 But I can't wholeheartedly recommend that he should see it no you know yeah and that that's that's bad right you know even when I didn't hate it I'm not gonna let I'm not gonna say somebody else should see yeah if he said should I see Thor Ragnarok I could even and even I had problems with it I'll be like yeah definitely here's a question for you would you is it would you not recommend Justice League because it's embarrassing for you? No. I just don't think... I know that it's not great. Right. Because I maybe felt like a few years ago, pre-Iron Man probably,
Starting point is 01:15:14 there are movies like that that I wouldn't recommend because they represent... You know comic books, there's things that I like. Here's Green Lantern or whatever. I would never recommend Green Lantern. Well, exactly. That's what I'm talking about. You'd be like, at a certain point, there were so few of them.
Starting point is 01:15:30 You'd be like, hey, this one, this is a cinematic representation of what I like. But at the time, I could wholeheartedly go, hey, Iron Man, you should see that. It's got some comic book-y stuff in it it but it's funny and it's got good performances and it's you know doesn't take itself too seriously etc you know yeah right yeah
Starting point is 01:15:50 no I don't think it's that I mean because I'd happily recommend a bunch of stuff because I think that's how I feel about Batman vs Superman so you don't recommend
Starting point is 01:15:59 it to people I wouldn't recommend it yeah but I mean like because I'd say watch the desert scene on YouTube that's true because like traditionally
Starting point is 01:16:04 if you don't know a lot about superheroes, you'd go, well, why is Batman fighting Superman? It's a confusing movie to start with. Wouldn't Superman just punch Batman into space kind of thing? And if you're a comic book person, you go, oh, no, here's where you're wrong, because Batman would have, he's got the tricks and he knows what he's doing and he's trained
Starting point is 01:16:19 and he's a million moves ahead or whatever. And I would have liked to have seen a version of that. We didn't get that, though, did we? Didn't get that, though. Yeah. Got a sound cannon and a spear yeah we sure did yeah but i think i don't know launcher that takes 10 full seconds to reload yeah just shoot his hands off we did count that laser his hands right off but i think i enjoyed justice league in the way that you enjoyed geostorm and i hated geostorm i think it's i think it's like
Starting point is 01:16:43 that i mean geostorm is on or even the way that you liked ninjaostorm and I hated Geostorm. I think it's like that. I mean, Geostorm is... Or even the way that you liked Ninja Turtles that I... Yeah, right. What was the last one called? I can't remember. But I wouldn't recommend any of these films. Right. You know, to...
Starting point is 01:16:54 Yeah. Huh. Anyway. Should we... I don't know. What are we doing? I don't think they're ever going to go away. I think even if something happens like cataclysmic
Starting point is 01:17:02 and this all goes under... Yeah, right. I think it'll be like the Western, where the western was the biggest thing in the world and like at one point war movies were the biggest thing in the world you know it'll that we'll still get them but it will be like a couple a year as opposed to well maybe not even you know yeah yeah see that sounds bad yeah but but every now and then though you get a really good western right you know that's true. All right, well, if we're wrapping this up,
Starting point is 01:17:27 should we fix superhero movies right now? Do you want to? And TVs? I mean, I can't. If you could sum it up. All right, here we go. Okay, TV serieses. Yep.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Bloody- Less. Less week to week. Week to week. Put them out week to week. Just do one and see what happens. Also, maybe instead of doing 27 a year just do 10 right uh-huh it's not unreasonable that's good uh what else uh uh how else can we fix these
Starting point is 01:17:52 make a better version of batman take the things that work and throw out everything else potentially even the actor i mean hold on hold on to the machine gun just obviously yeah just for emergencies you might need a machine and even And even though Mason said he was joking before, he really wants you to keep that machine gun. No, don't keep the machine gun. Make a good Superman movie. Just get... Don't get...
Starting point is 01:18:15 You know what? Don't give us an event Superman story. Don't give us Death of Superman. Don't give us Doomsday. Don't give us whatever else. What else do we get? Don't give us Return of Superman. Don't give us Doomsday. Don't give us whatever else. What else do we get? Don't give us Return of Superman.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Don't give us a bad version of Superman Birthright. Find just a Superman adventure in the comic books. Just find a rate. You can probably
Starting point is 01:18:35 do it on Google. You can probably Google best Superman stories and it'll tell you. Just do All-Star Superman. Just do All-Star Superman. Wait, is he dying then? He dies in that.
Starting point is 01:18:45 He dies at the end. Okay, not that one. No, but just get a well-received one and have him just do that. Yeah. It's not hard. Yeah. Why haven't they done it yet? Because all the known Superman stories are the death of.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Yeah, exactly. They should have done Birthright. They should have done Birthright out the gate. They did a little bit of it, but then they did something else on a boat. Yeah. Exactly. They should have done Birthright. They should have done Birthright out the gate. They did a little bit of it, but then they did something else on a boat and an oil rig, and then he let his dad fall into a tornado. Anyway, that's pretty specific.
Starting point is 01:19:14 We're talking broad. We should go broader here, not just Superman. Variety. It's the spice of life, baby. Variety is the spice of life. Let directors run wild. Get some directors with vision. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Don't get young, hot shot directors and then get them to make something and then take it away from them. Yeah. Maybe just don't get young, hot shot directors. Maybe let people kind of build up their film. Yeah, right. Like, get like a Duncan Jones.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Sure, yeah. He's done a few. Like, people didn't love Warcraft, including us. Yeah. But he's proven as a director and he can do some bigger budget stuff. Would you rather see 50% great films and 50% absolute mess disasters or 100% bland movies?
Starting point is 01:19:59 Oh, that one, definitely. The bland ones? No, no, no, the first one. Sorry, I was thinking of the thing that you... Yeah, right. I would even rather just say just disasters than just bland. Same, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:10 At least there's something to talk about. Something to talk about. Yeah. Like, there's movies that people want us to do commentaries for. I'm like, I don't want to do one for Iron Man 2. Imagine if we had a year of... Oh, yeah. Then, like, when he had his origin and then he realized that he was being a bit callous
Starting point is 01:20:23 and uncaring, but then he realized the world needed him, so he was a superhero. What a world. He's pretty good. He has a love interest, doesn't he? It's pretty good. Yeah, yeah. I liked his car. He couldn't get it together, but then he did.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Something was holding him back, but then that wasn't holding him back. He realized he was important, but it actually wasn't the powers. It was the man that was important. But the powers helped. It was good that he had the power to fly because that would save the thing in the end. Okay, that's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Anyway, we saved superhero movies. One more thing. Oh, yeah. You don't have to do just superhero movies. Comics are about literally everything. That's true, yeah. Take everything out. Look at what's good.
Starting point is 01:21:00 Type in top 50 comic books of all time. Yep. Just work your way down. That's right. A lot of them are not comic book movies. Not superhero movies, sorry. That's true, yeah. I mean, look at like...
Starting point is 01:21:10 Sex Criminals. Road to Perdition. Road to Perdition. That didn't do well at the box office, surely. I don't know. It was from like the early 2000s. That's a comic book. The one where Viggo Mortensen is the...
Starting point is 01:21:20 History of Violence. History of Violence. That's a comic book. Ghost World is apparently good. I haven't seen it. Scott Pilgrim. I mean, it didn't do well, but it's a comic ghost world is apparently good i haven't seen it scott pilgrim i mean it didn't do well but it's a comic book movie that's not a good example none of these are good examples if i'm honest with you some all of these are bad examples that didn't do well
Starting point is 01:21:32 yeah you're probably right yeah i mean i think there's probably middle ground you can do you can do like a deconstruction of the superhero genre and then you work your way into this i think there's a few stepping stones before you get there. Because, yeah, I don't know. Do you think it's enough to tell people that it's based off a graphic novel that they'll go and see it now? Probably not. No. From hell.
Starting point is 01:21:52 No. All these are very bad examples. I just think that, yeah, there are some killer comics that you could do, yeah. But I think now especially, and honestly, I can't think of any off the top of my head besides sex criminals, but there's got to be tons. But I think maybe more sci-fi genre-y than slice of life-y, but who knows?
Starting point is 01:22:14 People will get sick of seeing capes. Oh, yeah, for sure. But I think you can avoid that by doing some different stuff. Yeah. Flipping the genre on its head like a Deadpool. Our Deadpool trailer breakdown's up, I think. No, it is. It definitely is at this point. stuff. Yeah. Flipping the genre on its head, like a Deadpool. Our Deadpool trailer breakdown's up, I think. No, it is.
Starting point is 01:22:27 It definitely is at this point. Great. Nice. All right, Mason, that'll do it. I don't even know what that was about. And that was kind of, that felt unfocused. Was that all right?
Starting point is 01:22:36 I felt very focused. Oh, good. Excellent. Yeah. You know what it's time for then? What's it time for? It's time for What Are We Reading? Oh, What Are We Gonna Read?
Starting point is 01:22:44 I'm doing a thing. Time for then. What's it time for? It's time for What Are We Reading? Oh, what are we going to read? I'm doing a thing. What are we reading today? We've got the same thing we've been doing. Let's talk about Doomsday Clock.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Woo! Oh, spoilers? Spoilers. Initially no spoilers, I guess. I haven't read it. Yes, you have. You're a liar. So Doomsday Clock, for anybody to...
Starting point is 01:23:02 Doomsday Clock, if the first issue was out, it's the first issue of the... It's the long-awaited continuation to Alan Moore's classic Watchmen. Long-awaited? Long-awaited. They said it shouldn't be done and couldn't be done. Maybe it shouldn't be done.
Starting point is 01:23:19 We don't know yet. It's only one issue in. Yeah. But this is Geoff Johns, who's like DC's... Head of creative everything's head of creative everything he's the big gun also maybe he's in charge of films or is he who knows uh and uh being drawn by gary frank who i know probably best from supreme power which was a marvel max series from a few years ago i've read that it's really good it's really good okay uh and yeah so
Starting point is 01:23:40 this is less dave gibbons isn't it it is, yeah. So this is a continuation of the Watchmen universe a number of years, seven years later, I think. Yep. And this was... It's the early 90s, yeah. And in some way, it's going to tie in with the DC universe. We don't really know yet. No.
Starting point is 01:23:56 I don't think it should. We'll talk about it. Anyway, here's the thing. I... I mean, it will. Yeah. Non-spoilery. I quite like this first issue. I quite like it. I have my reservations about it. Here's the thing. I mean, it will. Yeah. Non-spoilery. I quite like this first issue.
Starting point is 01:24:05 I quite like it. I have my reservations about it. Here's the thing. I think... I'm not sold. You're not sold yet? Okay. I think that Geoff Johns, he has a certain arrogance that he can be like, I'm going to
Starting point is 01:24:18 do a sequel to this. But also I think... He doesn't like you either, just to be clear. That's fine. But I read an article a while back where he's like, I've been working on this plot for years. Okay. And I think he is aware that he's really putting his reputation
Starting point is 01:24:31 on the line by doing this. And I think he's like, I don't know how it's going to go necessarily. And I think it's a little bit by the numbers so far. Yeah. But I think this is probably going to work to some extent. I'm finding, before we do spoilers, there's stuff about the president's busy playing golf. Oh, it's very topical to now, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:24:52 Yeah, we get that. What a clever parallel. You're just doing what's happening in the news. And maybe that was also what it was in the 80s. I think it was, yeah. So I don't remember. I think it's a little bit by the numbers in the sense that he's gone.
Starting point is 01:25:05 Okay. Well, what did the original Watchmen have? Yeah. Better put a little, sprinkle a little bit of that in. But I think otherwise, I think. Oh, the president's supposed to be Robert Redford also. It's Robert Redford. That's right.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Cause he got elected at the end of the last one. Yeah. But I think there's a couple of new characters that I think work, like I think they are like a dead on to that universe. I found myself thinking are these original characters are they are they from the original yeah that's i know that but like i'm like are these minor characters that i because they felt very organic yeah i think so too i think he's i think he's very clearly gone okay i gotta workshop some characters that i'm gonna i'm gonna
Starting point is 01:25:40 do if i just play the old hits people are gonna going to be like, why is he even bothered? Why do this? So I think he's clearly workshopped those to a T and gone. A little bit of magic? Yeah. I don't know if 100% this is going to work, but I think he's definitely committed to going, I can't just throw this out here and make anything.
Starting point is 01:25:58 I didn't know that, that he'd been working on it for years. I mean, it's not something you want to be like, oh yeah, I'll give this a crack. I mean, I don't know if he's been working on the script for years, but he's apparently been working on it. The ideas have been there for years. And the, I mean, it's not something you want to be like, oh yeah, I'll give this a crack. I mean, I don't know if he's been working on the script for years, but he's apparently been working on it. The ideas have been there
Starting point is 01:26:07 for years. And the art is great. It is. And I think the art is good because the art, it is dated in terms of, it's very traditional,
Starting point is 01:26:16 the original Watchmen, in a good way. It's incredible, obviously, but this feels like a modern reimagining. And I don't mean that as a dig towards
Starting point is 01:26:23 the original one at all. I just think it's a good update of that universe. Yeah, yeah. Should we do a little bit of spoilers? Yeah, anyway, I'm looking forward to the rest of this. Me too, totally. Do you know how many? It's going to be 12.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Is there going to be parallel stories and whatever? As opposed to, oh, like in the original. No, I mean in terms of like, there's going to be a Superman comic where it's the ties in. I think so, no. I hope not. I think it's entirely self-contained. Is it even set in...
Starting point is 01:26:47 So it's set... We'll talk about it now. Okay, I'm going to say best comic ever. I'm looking forward to the rest. Me too. I hope it's self-contained and I hope bloody I can put it on the shelf with a regular Watchmen later.
Starting point is 01:26:57 I don't know. I'm with you, Watchmen. That being said, I had just thought a while that Alan Moore's always against this and he's like, oh, dear, they use my... Whatever. The last 10 years of his career has just been him taking out of copyright characters
Starting point is 01:27:10 and making them rude that's that's the last 10 years i wouldn't know and i'm curious as to what the the line for him is because like you know league of extraordinary gentlemen is just kind of yeah public domain characters that he's put a twist on and i really like like every bit of league of extraordinary gentleman even the newer weirder stuff yeah but is he saying that after he dies watchman is fair game again or is he like oh i'm the only one who's got the juice to make a to take somebody else's character i think there's an arrogance to that a jeff johns arrogance maybe so maybe that's why this is going to work anyway i don't know yeah you know you see what i'm saying no i see what you're saying yeah no yeah i don't disagree with that i mean i maybe yeah because he's taken superman and written a great superman story so
Starting point is 01:27:54 you know anyway uh spoilers sure but who do you think rorschach is someone new i think it's somebody old oh so so so this well we know he's a black man. Yeah, he's Rorsch Black. Yeah. So because... Is that what they're calling him? No, that's what I'm calling him. I'm calling it now.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Hashtag Rorsch Black. But yeah, so my initial thought when we saw the preview to this, I thought, well, maybe this is... Like he's... Yeah. Dr. Manhattan reconstituted him somehow. I was like, it's like a night owl or someone. Yeah, or like... A returning character, yeah. But it's like a night owl or someone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:26 A returning character. But it's definitely not night owl now. And it's definitely not, you know, Dr. Manhattan didn't teleport him away and then bring him back. No, he's dead. And Geoff Johns even said, it's the same way that there's been multiple night owls. This is another Walsh Shack. He appears to be manipulated by Ozymandias as well.
Starting point is 01:28:42 So here's the thing. So technically this could be anybody, like any black guy in the Watchmen universe. Sure. But due to the laws of comic books, I feel it's somebody we've seen before. So it's either somebody from the Watchmen universe or potentially it's somebody...
Starting point is 01:28:58 From the DC universe? From the DC universe who got unmoored during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, maybe. Okay. And has ended up in this universe because they both happened in like 1985, 86. Do you have ideas of who that might be? No, but here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:29:12 To the best of my recollection, there are three black people in the original Watchmen. One of them is the newspaper man? One of them is the kid who is reading comic books outside the newsstand. And if you remember that, at the end... But why him? Like, is it a coincidence?
Starting point is 01:29:31 Like, because he doesn't serve a... His narrative isn't consequential to the plot. That's true. But here's the thing. But he's... Here's the thing. I'm just saying you can't rule him out. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Because he's at the epicenter of the blast of the original, but the news vendor shields him from it. Okay. And at the end you see they're both on the ground and he's got blood on his face. At least Rorschach's a bit messed up as well. That's what I'm saying. Psychic shockwave.
Starting point is 01:29:57 And if he was like 12 or 13 in the original, then he's like 20 now, so that could work. The other two are when Rorschach goes to prison, Ernest goes to camp style, there's an inmate at the prison who threatens him in the lunch line and is going to shiv him. And he throws hot oil on him. He throws hot boiling oil in his face. So what better reason to wear a mask than if somebody
Starting point is 01:30:19 burnt your whole face off? Good point. But he's a fairly minor character, so who knows? What's the third one? The third one is the psychiatrist that attempts to treat Rorschach. He's too old. Not necessarily.
Starting point is 01:30:30 He's fat also, but he gets trimmed down. But what I'm saying is he attempts to treat Rorschach and Rorschach essentially drives him insane. Yeah. Because afterwards
Starting point is 01:30:38 he goes to a dinner party and they're like, what have you been up to, doctor? What funny things have you been happening? And he's like, my patient told me about this time he found a guy molesting children,
Starting point is 01:30:46 so he cut him up and fed him to dogs or whatever. And then they all leave, and then his wife presumably leaves him or whatever. And he's, like, in one page, his whole life gets ruined. Yeah. So I can't, I'm saying there is a possibility that he just went insane. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:59 And when Rorschach died, like, he caught in the madness. Right. And he's trimmed, he's gone, he's slimmed down, and he's become the new Rorschach. Like tasting the rainbow. Like tasting the rainbow. Once you pop, you can't stop being a lunatic. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:31:11 Well, those are all, I would say, third one, not as much. Really? Flawzable. I think so. Simply because of his age. I think it's somebody younger. Okay. But they're all old in this universe.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Yeah. The kid, though, if I had to bank on any of them, the kid makes a lot of sense to me. Yeah. Do you like this new version of R shack kind of yeah yeah because he's even more crazy than the previous he's not all there obviously like he's been hit in the head or something what do you think ozzy manius's play is here uh it's a good question because he can't because he's trying to save the world the world at large is now very well aware that he did this. Yeah. And by the way, I love that element of this,
Starting point is 01:31:49 coming back to this universe seven years later or whatever. I thought I'd hate it. Yes, I am. But I like saying it. It's interesting. Yeah, like it was... Well, he's not a bad guy in the strictest sense of... He was doing it to save the world.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Yes. So you could also assume that his intentions are good good again right but maybe if he wants to find dr manhattan again right so i think and they've also hinted towards dr manhattan hadn't been the bad guy yeah because he's kind of bleeding over into the regular dc comics because in the in the regular dc comics there were a couple of fake outs yeah there was the button, obviously, the Flash Marvel, the Flash Batman crossover, the button. And then there was Mr. Oz, who turned out to be someone else,
Starting point is 01:32:33 who we won't say. I have no idea. I'll tell you later. But we assumed he was Ozymandias because of Mr. Oz, and he was a mysterious villain, and he'd captured Tim Drake, one of the greatest detectives in the DC universe because he'd discovered his secret or whatever. Turned out to be Paul Hogan, Mr. Oz himself.
Starting point is 01:32:51 That's right. It's got to be some sort of... Surely it's some sort of dimensional breach to... Right, yeah. Maybe he wants to... I don't know. It's a mystery, isn't it? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:06 In many ways, it's a mystery in 12 parts. Yes, correct. It's going to be revealed very... Is it one a month? I think it's one a month. I hope they've got it all mapped out. I don't want to... There's no way they haven't.
Starting point is 01:33:18 So this is going to wrap up this time next year. That's nuts. It's pretty bloody weird. Should we do a check-in every now and then? I think we should check-in every now and then i think we should check it out um also i'm i'm i am skeptical of i've been up of how they're going to bring in regular dc universe and it not be weird and i would like to i would like i don't think it needs to here's the thing i would like a lot of i would like read a listener input on this if you've got any theories about this but here's the thing and here's a question for the listeners i attempted to ask this on the serious issues podcast and i got
Starting point is 01:33:48 on the podcast page i got nothing um in the current dc continuity did clark kent's parents die in a car crash because in the at the end of the because there's a very there's a very brief the the dc stuff this is very brief initially. Yeah. And in it, Clark Kent has his first nightmare ever when he has the nightmare where his parents are killed in a car crash and he's in the car crash. So my question is, is that how his parents die in the current DC reboot? His mum was alive.
Starting point is 01:34:22 I don't know where we're at. Because that's the thing. Because is it just a dream that he had or is this how it played out? Because in that case, maybe this isn't the real DC universe. Maybe this is a different DC universe. Which I'd be okay with.
Starting point is 01:34:32 Yeah, right? Interesting. Or it's just a dream he had. Could be a dream. Maybe he calls his mum later and he's like, yeah, this weird dream where he died in a car crash.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Did you? No. Okay. Still alive? Correct. Look, mum, I just have to check are you a clone are you a chameleon shapeshifter you're a robot your robot is are you in the future or the past am i in the future or the past okay love you click wait hang on am i a robot yes what am i
Starting point is 01:35:01 uh am i the am i cy Cyborg Superman um oh this is tricky oh imagine conversations phone calls in the DC universe just all the time you wouldn't know who's on the other end yeah
Starting point is 01:35:14 alright Mason you know what it's time for now then oh no I've forgotten oh no do you want me to sing the theme no do you want me to play the latest theme no
Starting point is 01:35:21 I can do it Mason you have it there I can do it oh that'd be why can't you do it every week because that's not fun god damn it I need to play the latest thing. No. I can do it, Mason. You have it there. I can do it. Oh, that'd be, why can't you do it every week? That's not fun. God damn it. It's a race, Mason.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Okay, let's play it together. That doesn't seem right. Okay. The classic one was. Ha ha. The classic one was. Letters, oh letters, we love you. Some letters, they're only a day away.
Starting point is 01:35:44 I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. RKM424 has done it again. He did it. They're only a take away can hashtag you can also send us an email to the gmail yeah at weekly planet pod at mason is loving it you can also go to planet broadcasting great mates join up the bloody on the
Starting point is 01:36:11 group and maybe put a thing in there and i'll steal your content yeah i didn't do it this week but i've done it before also there's some
Starting point is 01:36:16 there's some questions yep there's some when you when you when you join the group there's some questions you got to answer and i think
Starting point is 01:36:22 rob collings is deleting is declining your request if you don't uh oh really okay so maybe they're not invasive either no they're just like what's your favorite podcast and what are you what are you reading absolutely are you putting on your justice league lanyard mate mason i'm all in it's gonna be every week oh boy oh boy i mean you had a lot of fun i had so much fun it's so much fun it's been i'll be broken okay do you have a letter because i got I had so much fun. I can't get this on. It's been, I'll be broken. Okay, do you have a letter? Because I got a letter. Whatever, you can go first.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Okay, this is from Greg Newby. Okay. He says, much has been said of the overwhelming comic book movie content these days. 10 next year alone. Yeah. Spare a thought for us comic book loving kids of the 80s and 90s. We were starved of comic book movies. That's true. Except Batman.
Starting point is 01:37:01 And what we got was bloody awful. However, the couple of gems in the dust. Spawn, Darkman, The Crow, Tank Girl, Phantom Blade, Judge Dredd. Not all of those are good. No, I was going to say, he said then others. Nick Fury, Captain America, Fantastic Four, Dick Tracy. Apart from Batman and the terrible Fantastic Four
Starting point is 01:37:20 and Dick Tracy, do any of these hold up? Just to be clear, Spawn does not hold up. I don't know. Greg, I don't know when the last time you watched spawn was but i think a while back i watched it to prove a point about it's how it's still held up and it does not hold up you sat there arms crossed it was all brow a furrowed yeah yeah dark man probably still holds up i remember being funny like darkly funny it is funny that weird guys think the guys fingers of the that's true yeah throwing game li Liam Neeson goes insane at a fairground. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:37:47 It's pretty good. It's a Sam Raimi one. It is, yeah. It's some weird shit in there. It was kind of his test. See, that's the thing. That was his test reel to get Spider-Man in a way. And he did.
Starting point is 01:37:55 He's an original property. Yeah. Would that get off the ground these days? Darkman. Darkman. Yeah, maybe. Like not another Darkman movie, but like I've created my own superhero. He didn't create Darkman, did he?
Starting point is 01:38:07 Did he create Darkman? I'm fairly confident he created Darkman. Well, you know what? I'm going to answer that question with this answer. Yes. The cape. So no. The answer is no.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Oh, that's right. It's not going to work. Oh, I forgot. Speaking of that, back to what we were reading. I also read the latest issue of The Punisher. And? He gets the War Machine armor. Yes. It's pretty good. Match made in heaven, if we were reading. I also read the latest issue of The Punisher. And? He gets the War Machine armor. Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:27 It's pretty good. Match made in heaven, if you ask me. I think so. Yeah. Long time coming. Because I just thought about it, because the premise basically is Nick Fury tracks him down. Yeah. And he's basically, hey, because I don't know if you know, but currently shields fall into pieces again.
Starting point is 01:38:40 No idea. I don't know if you were aware of that. Yeah. But anyway, he's like, there's some bad guys i need taken care of sure and i don't have any i don't have any men or weapons or equipment but over in this facility a little special something for you so if you do me a favor and get rid of these guys you can do it with yeah this this beautiful baby boy over here spray on the he will he hasn't yet yeah yeah that being said there's a splash page where he like he escapes with the armor and is the worst it's the worst illustration of the War Machine armour I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:39:07 So they'd better tweak it for the next issue. It's a bad design or just a bad illustration? It's a bad illustration. Oh, no. But all the cover art for the War Machine, it looks great. Well, often the covers are different than the inside. That's true, yeah. Just imagine the War Machine armour, spray-painted Punisher logo on the front.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Chef's fingers four minute egg perfect you know it's okay uh yeah uh is tank girl good i holographic head that cannot possibly hold up i don't think isn't there like kangaroos and shit in it blade do you reckon blade still holds up i think blade two holds up i think Blade 2 holds up. I think Blade 1 holds up. All right, fine. But again, I think that a lot of- You know what? Blade did a lot of legwork. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:48 Yeah. Do you know how much money Marvel got to license that out? None. 75 grand. That's not enough. It's not enough. That's correct. That's a teacher's salary.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And what did Blade teach us? Nothing. Nothing. I miss my regular teacher's salary. I bet you do.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Yeah, Spawn doesn't hold up. Dark Man and Blade, I think, again, they're beholden to all the tropes of those movies in the 90s. Yeah, right. Although, actually, Blade wasn't that origin-y. He was Blade when he started, yeah. His origin was told in like five minutes. He fights a weird blood tornado at the end, doesn't he, or whatever?
Starting point is 01:40:25 Or is that a deleted scene? Yeah, he fights... Crispin Glover. No. Whatever his name is. Stephen Dorff. You were close. Yeah, both from...
Starting point is 01:40:33 Yeah, The Crow. Maybe. I don't want to watch that again. I do. Okay. We should watch The Crow again. What else have you got there? Dick Tracy.
Starting point is 01:40:42 I watched it in like year seven drama. I remember liking it, but I haven't seen it since. That movie was nightmarish though. Cause it's not, it's so big faces and everybody, every, all Dick Tracy's villains are horrible mutants.
Starting point is 01:40:53 Yeah. And it was very much like, it was super stylized and cartoony. Every, cause I think they went Batman 89. They went, what else can we do? We'll do Dick Tracy.
Starting point is 01:41:01 Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Every now and then. Everything has to be a Technicolor nightmare world. Every now and then Warren Beatty will try and sue somebody because they didn't make the sequel. Oh, right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:11 And even if they did make it, guess what, Warren Beatty? You're not going to be in it. No. They'll get Channing Tatum. They will. As Dick Tracy. Because he's the most brick-headed. Like he absolutely fits into that world, doesn't he?
Starting point is 01:41:23 He does, yeah. Yeah. You can have him be Dick Tracy reboot. He is Dick Tracy and everyone else. Every weird-headed villain. His flat top. His mumbles. His 88 keys.
Starting point is 01:41:37 He's the little newspaper vendor kid. They just shrink him down. So it's like a Jim Carrey Nightmare Before Christmas mo-cap situation where he's every character? Yeah, it's Nutty Professor the Clumps, except everyone's a murderer and they haunt you in your dreams. They won't make Dick Tracy again. No, they won't.
Starting point is 01:41:57 No, they won't. You're right. Maybe as a TV series. They're not bringing Dick Tracy to the big screen. I reckon they'd bring him back as like a bad generic. Yeah. Like the Green Hornet. I didn't watch the Lethal Weapon series, but in that kind of vein.
Starting point is 01:42:12 Or it's a trailer. Where they give him a nod to the, and maybe he tries on a hat in the. It is like, no thank you. In the premiere episode. No. He's like, no. And the love interest like doesn't suit you or whatever. And then he doesn't, you know.
Starting point is 01:42:24 Nobody wants to see. He'd wear the trench coat, I think. Yeah, he definitely would. A banana yellow trench coat. Yeah. Any others in there? You didn't mention The Phantom. The Phantom.
Starting point is 01:42:32 That shit. Judge Dredd. I like that movie. It's not good, but I like it. Right, right, right. That's it. Nick Fury with David Hasselhoff. I've seen clips of it.
Starting point is 01:42:40 It's horrible. I've seen the whole thing. They do Alan Day's in it as well, don't they? Yeah. What a world. I know, right? Yeah. That was also, there was horrible. I've seen the whole thing. They do Alan Day's in it as well, don't they? Yeah. What a world. I know, right? Yeah. That was also, there was an X-Men in the 90s.
Starting point is 01:42:49 That's true, yeah. Anyway. Man, I remember that era. Yeah. But we didn't know any better. That's true. So it wasn't even like we're getting robbed. It was just like, well, this is what it is.
Starting point is 01:42:59 Even the best movies from that era aren't good in hindsight. Of any genre. Most, no. Like action. Oh, no. best movies from that era aren't good in hindsight of any genre most no like action oh no there's a lot of like good like die hard speed kind of action movies that's true from that era that was the kind of they were your blockbusters but then we're talking then we're talking about trope burnout again yes we're like if you if you just went here's a movie like speed now people be like oh it's got the what was what geostorm was yeah but it's got the catch phrases and the love interest and the bloody whatever's yeah last one like that was probably cellular oh yeah which i quite liked yeah yeah remember lucky number seven yeah i was doing it
Starting point is 01:43:36 was it though i don't know all right i got a tweet here from nathan okay hashtag weekly planet pod with the arrival of the new Fantastic Beasts photo, will you guys do your yearly Harry Potter episode? Love the show. Keep up the good work, Nathan. We should. Yeah, we should. We got a Gmail from someone else who said do more Harry Potter stuff.
Starting point is 01:43:56 What were we up to? Did we do the first two? We're going to do three and four. So will you watch? No, we'll try and do it before the end of the year. No promises. This is from Sharon Schaefer who says she's been working her way through our podcast from the beginning for a few months. She listened to episode 157 where we recapped one and two.
Starting point is 01:44:11 Harry Potter one and two. Was it that long ago? 157. Yeah. I guess it's a year. She's a massive Harry Potter fan and the reigning trivia champion for the Palouse. That sentence doesn't end. But I guess the Palouse Harry Potter...
Starting point is 01:44:27 What do you mean? It just keeps going. It just says, and the reigning trivia champion for the Palouse, an area in eastern Washington. Oh. There you go. She'd very much enjoy us talking about the rest of the movies.
Starting point is 01:44:37 I guess so. We'll let you do that. Yeah, we're up to three and four. Okay, cool. We're trying to do it before the end of the year. Also, she says, if someone were moving to Australia from the US for reasons, where would
Starting point is 01:44:45 you suggest they go? What's the best part of Australia and what's the worst? To live? Melbourne. You mean best? No, the best. Yeah. Sydney's good to visit.
Starting point is 01:44:54 I don't like it. Okay, good. But it's, I don't know, what do you like? What if this person has an irrational fear of sharks that extends to video game and cartoon sharks? Yeah, don't move to Bondi. No. Don't buy a Street Sharks VHS collection.
Starting point is 01:45:11 Don't go... Bondi's really nice, though. And it's expensive. But I'm surprised how nice Bondi is. Yeah. Great stuff. I just thought it was just riddled with needles. So it's not. Okay, Harry Potter episode.
Starting point is 01:45:22 We'll put it on the... What was the latest oh the Grindelwald Grindelwald did we see any on set footage or no it's just that picture and whatever
Starting point is 01:45:30 okay do we see Johnny Depp yeah he's gross that guy I like it yeah but he's a great actor that's not true I don't even think he is
Starting point is 01:45:37 I think he is though this is from the real Sam did we put anybody in the bin this week my famous segment oh John Lasseter oh from Pixar yeah he's gone we put anybody in the bin this week my famous oh John Lasseter oh from Pixar yeah he's gone in the bin
Starting point is 01:45:47 in the bin mate yeah that's a shame yeah apparently the staff had a was it a move called the Lasseter
Starting point is 01:45:53 where he moves into like yeah moves into like grab you and you have to be like aha hey John whatever in the bin
Starting point is 01:46:00 yeah trying not to yeah trying not to hug people no you can hug people. Do you like being hugged? No. No.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Is anyone else completely astounded by the amount of The Last Jedi TV spots that are revealing everything? I want to stay away, but I keep going to them and I'm afraid I know the whole plot or the basic outline already. I don't know any of the plot. I've stopped watching it. Yeah. But also, I don't really think they reveal too much. No, they do. I reckon that, yeah, I think they do.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Okay, then. Even Rian Johnson said stop watching. Okay, right. Well, he said that. What's that? In like three weeks? Three weeks, baby. Are you excited?
Starting point is 01:46:35 Yes. What are you going to say it on? A movie screen. Interesting. Yeah, that's right. In a seat, probably. Okay. Have a little popcorn.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or I will be at the midnight screening with Fred Steele Saunders. Yeah, I will not be. Which I think is at Knox Cinemas. Knox's house. Yeah, Adam Knox's house. Yeah, he's finally opening the doors up to the public. Yeah, so follow Steele Wars, I guess, on Twitter and he has all the details.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Grab a ticket. Buy some ticks. And then we're doing a very late podcast after that. So late. Yeah. No, because I've got to go home and review it. So I we're doing a very late podcast after that. So late. Yeah. No, because I've got to go home and review it. So I will not be there, Mason. Fine.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Yeah. I don't know whether they're going to do preview screenings because they didn't do it for Rogue One in Melbourne. So who knows? Okay. Mason, that's, yeah, that's the show. We did it. Quick shout out to Matt Hamby on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:47:24 Very, very cool dude. Very funny dude. His fiancee, it's her 33rd birthday on Wednesday the 29th. And I wanted to say happy birthday. Sarah loves the podcast. And says, you have no idea how often your voice rings around the house. Ring-a-ding-ding. Precisely.
Starting point is 01:47:41 Corner to corner. It's your Jesus year. Make the most of it. That's true. Who knows what's going to happen. Could be crucified. Is that what you're saying? Don't worry, you'll be back.
Starting point is 01:47:48 No, I thought maybe you'll go spelunking. Oh. Maybe go into a little cave for a bit. Is that what Jesus did? Yeah, he went spelunking. Really? Yeah. So the history books have it wrong.
Starting point is 01:47:56 And by that I mean the Bible. Correct. Okay, good. Spelunking incident. He went spelunking. Okay, good. That's very cool. Thank you, Matt.
Starting point is 01:48:05 And thank you, Sarah. Also, Kale got Ira Glass to say grab that gem. I. Okay, good. That's very cool. Thank you, Matt. And thank you, Sarah. Also, Kale got Ira Glass to say grab that gem. I saw that, yeah. Which is madness. I gave that a retweet. That is, yeah. He shouldn't have done that. He looked confused, but good on him.
Starting point is 01:48:14 Ira Glass? Yeah. That's crazy. NPR's sweetheart, Ira Glass. Man of the people. Pretty wild. Yeah, good on him. I didn't think he would do that.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Doesn't seem the type. No. Yeah. He's not all serious, Mason. He might have been very drunk. Yeah, he probably't think he would do that doesn't seem the type yeah he's not all serious Mason he might have been very drunk he probably was does he do that sometimes what a legend yeah no don't
Starting point is 01:48:31 drink Mason okay I won't ah you can find us on weekly planet pod on Facebook and Gmail and Twitter and band camp that website's nearly ready right I will be ready in the
Starting point is 01:48:42 meantime you're gonna plan to be casting calm we've got a newsletter there you can sign up We've got a newsletter there. You can sign up. Let's see. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at MrSundayMovies.
Starting point is 01:48:49 You can support the show by going to slash MrSundayMovies. Or you can go to our Amazon affiliate link, which is in our episode description. Just click through to regular Amazon. Go buy Spawn and Dick Tracy and Blade and Darkman on DVD. And The Phantom. And The Phantom. And Darkman 2. Let us know know and the Phantom and Darkman 2 let us know which is the best one
Starting point is 01:49:07 if we've missed one if you're like here's a well there's like the Batman films and whatever yeah if there's like a one that like a hidden gem
Starting point is 01:49:15 if you will that you're like this is one that nobody ever talks about but I love it let us know yeah can't be any of those no
Starting point is 01:49:20 we've said them that's right t-shirts tpublic let's see thank you to the Brut. T-shirts, T-Public. Just say that. Let's see. Thank you to the Bruton Labasilisk and Rackham for our themes. That all blends in together these days.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Yep. Thank you to everybody who listens and subscribes and tells people about it. We're getting a lot of people on the Planet Broadcasting group who are being invited by other people, which is great. Lovely. I don't know how many of those people also listen or they're being tricked in, but otherwise we'll take them. Why don't you take them?
Starting point is 01:49:44 It's a grand old time in that little group, I think. Yeah, I think so. I've got opinions. Wow. Yeah, that's right. It's unlike you. Yeah. I'm tired, Mason.
Starting point is 01:49:53 It's hot in here. It's not as hot as last time, but that's because this is nighttime. It's nighttime. Yeah. I think I'm going to go to sleep. Not now. Terrific.
Starting point is 01:50:02 Nice. Yeah, that's everything. Next week, maybe Harry Potter, maybe other things. Who knows what the biggest news of the week may be, Mason? Who knows? Might be Harry Potter. Terrific. Nice. Yeah, that's everything. Next week, maybe Harry Potter, maybe other things. Who knows what the biggest news of the week may be, Mason? Might be Harry Potter. Might be. Might be other things. Might be.
Starting point is 01:50:11 Yeah. All right, Mason, grab that gem, Mason. Grab dat gem, James. I will. And grab dat gem, everyone. Every one of you. Merry Christmas to all. Do you think I can fit this up my nose?
Starting point is 01:50:29 It's a small tripod, but it is too big to fit up your nose. But you should give it a try though. Okay, good. All right. See you next week. Grab it, Jimmy. You guys, we'll see you next week. Bye.
Starting point is 01:50:39 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you. FX is the Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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