The Weekly Planet - 217 Best/Worst Movies Of 2017

Episode Date: December 26, 2017

This week we go through the the best and worst films and tv shows or comics from the year! So many thoughts we have and we forgot so much probably.We also talk Han Solo news, The Last Jedi dividing fa...ns, the Hasbro Cinematic Universe, Blade, Oceans 8, Mortal City and Bones, Avengers Infinity War and more!Thanks for listening this year, your support is much appreciated!George Lucas’ The Last Jedi: Wars Holiday Special Commentary or Camera Podcast: The Last Jedi Dividing Fans8:57 Who’s the next Blade?11:35 Hasbro Cinematic Universe17:39 Oceans 820:12 Avengers Infinity War first five minutes22:38 Mortal Bones England On Wheels25:24 Han Solo trouble?30:58 Shcrondiger’s Bat’s Back Baby!34:00 JediSkillz Winner36:51 Best/Worst Movies/Comics/TV Of The Year1:42:07 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:49:12 Letters It’s Time For LettersBuy Blade Runner 2049 on Amazon: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: Find out T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:41 Red hot comic book movie news Shooting up your butthole Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host Nick Mason. What are you doing? Who are you trying to impress here? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:01:04 What's with your NPR voice all of a sudden? This is how I normally do it. It's not. No? Normally you're like, um. Exactly. There's some umming and ahhing and then you fart. That's what this is.
Starting point is 00:01:17 It's very professional. I don't know if I liked it. Not a fan? It's fine. Okay, good. Are you a fan of this, Mason? We've got a couple of Caravan of Garbages we're ready to bloody go that people can check out we've done a star wars holiday special one of the worst i'm not even kidding sometimes we'll get in we'll get into one of these caravan
Starting point is 00:01:35 of garbage we'll play a video game yeah we'll read a comical book a comical book correct or a television show yep and we'll be like oh this is actually more fun than I thought it would be. This is bad. Bad and boring. But if you've been curious about it, this might be the best way to, no, maybe not the best. It might be a way to watch it. It's certainly a way to watch it. We've also got, there's a comic that Ben also edited and put together for us. It's a Star Wars comic, Mason.
Starting point is 00:02:02 I hope you don't mind. It tells the alternate tale of the Empire Strikes Back. Yes. Spoiler alert, one of the main characters dies very early on and the ramifications of that. Eric Chen did some sweet little animations in there as well. Very nice. I love those.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It's definitely worth checking out. So good work to those people. I'll link that all below. Along with the deleted scenes video I did, Mason, and George Lucas' version of Star Wars Episode VIII with the information we have on that. Because some people, I don't know if you know this they're a bit divided on Star Wars episode 8 George Lucas's Star Wars episode 8 yeah he had some ideas really yes who did he give these ideas to Mark Hamill knows some of them and there's been just some slow filtering of information give
Starting point is 00:02:39 me give me what the second best one uh okay I didn't want you to get to mentally rank see I didn't want you to give away the best one because then people won't watch the video. Okay, I'll say this. Mark Hamill thought that George Lucas' version was better than, was more in keeping with a Luke Skywalker character. Oh, yeah, because he's maybe reportedly not that happy with his characterisation. I think it's kind of been overblown because he's also said
Starting point is 00:03:02 that multiple times that Rian Johnson was the right man for the job. And I was really happy with the way it went. Of course, he has to say all that stuff as well. Yeah, right, right. Because they probably gave him $8 million. Sure. But I don't know. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Let's talk about this. So there's still the kind of divide in the fan community about Star Wars. There's petitions. Spoilers for The Last Jedi. You know what? Let's just say spoilers for the whole episode of The Last Jedi. Also, there's probably some spoilers for The Last Jedi in our holiday special. Yeah, I think we said that up top.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Oh, yeah. Maybe. Okay, great. But yeah, what do you think about it? I think it's a good thing that people are divided. I think so too. Yeah, I think it shows that, I don't know, at least it's mixing things up. At least it's doing something worth talking about.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And it's also something that people keep, it's a movie that people keep thinking about and also people are going back to. I know people also say, if you didn't like it, you should go back and see it again. I don't think so necessarily. If you didn't like it, you don't. Lump it.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Lump it. You can bloody get rid of it. Actually, I talked about it on a podcast this week, Lights, Camera, Podcast, Mason. Where we go through, first of all, we go through, we rank this, the listeners rank the Star Wars film, so we go through that. You we go through we rank this the listeners
Starting point is 00:04:06 rank the Star Wars film so we go through that you'll never guess what's the last one Mason what's the second best one second best one I think it's The Written New Hope
Starting point is 00:04:14 from memory I believe so that's a little sizzle isn't it that was a really that was a really fun I recorded from my car when I was down at the beach
Starting point is 00:04:22 I was in the car they're really good dudes on Skypepe were they also in the car was everybody in the car we were all on yeah we're all in the car we're all in the car no no it's so weird because they're on the other side of the world and also in cars also in cars yeah i insisted basically but no that was a lot of fun i'll link that below also we talked about that podcast should be called riding in cars with porgs absolutely but uh yeah we we touched on a little bit there as well like why people are divided what do you think what is it about this film that people i think it's a it's a in it's a expectations were not met yeah they were bloody exploded they were turned on their
Starting point is 00:04:58 heads oh no i think people were probably not but also you're allowed to have an opinion on a movie and then a few months down the track have a different opinion on a movie. Yeah, good or bad. It's a movie. It's fine. You can like it more later or like it less later. Or like it more later, as you said. It's even okay to be like, I'm not sure about this
Starting point is 00:05:16 because probably the next time you see it, it'll be free. That's right. So just watch it and it's two hours out of your life and watch it one more time and maybe you'll like it more or less. And if you don't, you never have to watch it again. That's right. Or just watch it once and never again. Never again.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Lump it. Yeah. Bloody get rid of it, Mason. Yeah, anyway. It's Star Wars, isn't it? We'll talk about it because this is our best and worst of the year, Mason. Maybe it will make your best movie of the year. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Spoiler alert for me, it's not the best movie of the year. Ooh. I mean, I like it a lot, but spoiler alert, Mason, it's not my best movie of the year. Spoiler alert. Oh, he's got the crazy eyes on him, which makes me think there'll be a third act twist
Starting point is 00:05:57 where it is his favorite movie of the year, but we'll see. What do we got here, Mason? We've got some Wesley Snipes news. Oh, yes. I know that's your favourite kind of news. Someone asked him, well, he said this on Twitter, when someone asks who could be the next Blade,
Starting point is 00:06:10 there might be a Blade TV series. That's right. Let's talk of that. He said, you already know there's only one Blade fam. Hashtag Blade. Do you know who he was talking about? Is it himself? It's himself.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Okay, right. It's not the guy from the Blade TV series. No, there's only one Blade fan. You're not listening to Wesley Snipes' tweet? It should be John Boyega. Because Blade's British. Is he? Yeah, Blade's British in the comic books.
Starting point is 00:06:36 You don't think Wesley Snipes can do a British accent? No. Hello, it's me, British Blade. I've changed my mind. I don't want him to be British anymore make him British make him John Boyega
Starting point is 00:06:50 okay fair enough Chiwetel Ejiofor oh no he's already Doctor Strange he's British he can be a British Blade
Starting point is 00:06:57 anyway it doesn't matter do you think they should bring back Wesley Snipes' Blade no agreed why too old
Starting point is 00:07:02 and crazy and crazy I think Marvel are really careful or Disney are really careful in general with who they cast. Yeah. So it doesn't turn out they're secretly a murderer or whatever, or punched a woman in a bar. That suggests to me that- I'm not saying that he has, but he's got a sketchy past. That's suggesting to me that Marvel does some sort of really deep dive in your past.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Absolutely they do. Like they'll be like, well, this person is a murderer, so they're out. But this person's just considering doing some murder, so I guess they're in. Do you honestly think, and obviously he's come a long way, and he's not this anymore, that they would have hired Robert Downey Jr. if he wasn't the first? Because Disney also have a habit of never hiring anybody
Starting point is 00:07:37 with a criminal record. There's a couple of exceptions. Yeah, right. Charles Manson. Charles Manson's one of them, obviously. Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse, yeah. He's a money launderer. Yeah, a. Charles Manson. Charles Manson's one of them, obviously. Yep. Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse, yeah. He's a money launderer.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah. A notorious murderer. But Tim Allen. Oh, yeah. Santa Claus? Well, no, Disney Pixar. Oh, yeah. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:07:55 But there are a few exceptions. Maybe Santa Claus is a Disney movie. I have no idea. But, yeah. So, I don't think they would have probably hired Robert Downey Jr. Necessarily off the back of... I mean, I'm sure somebody would probably tweet it and be like, hey, Paul Bettany once ran over a nun or something.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yeah, right. But yeah, I don't know. That's the way I see it. Because Wesley Snipes has been to jail for tax evasion. That's true. I mean, of all crimes, it's not like... I mean, Paul Hogan did it Can't be that bad Mason
Starting point is 00:08:26 That's right If Australian legend Paul Hogan The crocodile Dundee himself Got away with it And he did get away with it Because he absolutely Did tax evade
Starting point is 00:08:35 And they just went What? What? Until they left him alone Right Yeah Paramount's got some Upcoming schedule stuff Mason
Starting point is 00:08:43 For their Yes I don't know if you know this Mission Impossible 6 No no this is for their Hasbro Cinematic Universe That they're making The HCU
Starting point is 00:08:51 Alright HCU yeah So we've got a new I was just trying to Discern if they'd inadvertently Made some sort of filthy Acronym there But they hadn't
Starting point is 00:08:58 That's fine No good That's not official That's just like It's official now It's official now They're doing Another G.I. Joe in 2020. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Good. Number three. Will it be set in the same universe? Probably not. Will they mix it up with Transformers? See, I saw the first one and I didn't hate the first one. Me neither. I saw it on a plane.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Many years after it came out, I saw the first one. I didn't mind it. I didn't see the second one, but I am aware that they apparently kill all the original cast in the first one and replace them. So my hope is for this third one, they kill all this number two cast for three or replace them with the first cast again. Sure, why not?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Damon Wayans or whoever's in it comes back or Marlon Wayans, one of the Wayanses. One of the Tatums is in it. One of the Tatums. The only one. Yeah, yeah. Imagine if there were two Tatum brothers. Imagine.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah. There is one sequence in the second one yes where it's not good even with the rock it's not good well it's not that the rock is bulletproof well you might be actually physically talking about box office wise I mean just look at films like a Baywatch Mason yeah which I haven't seen have you seen it haven't seen it me neither worst of the year probably but uh there's there's a bit with ninjas on the side of a mountain. I think this is already going to be part of our list, but I think we should definitely collate a list of probably the best movie we haven't seen this year.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Yeah, oh, yeah, that's in there. That's going on the list. Yeah, there's ninjas in Snake Eyes on the side of a mountain flinging about on ropes. So it's a really boring film, and then it's like, oh, and then it's boring again. They made a good scene. Yeah, right, sure.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Yeah, absolutely. I feel that's a staple of the G.I. boring. They made a good scene. Yeah, right. Sure. Yeah, absolutely. I feel that's a staple of the Gia. Whenever they do a G.I. Joe Ninja issue in the comic books, there's always a swinging off a mountain or swinging off a skyscraper. There was always some swinging. Absolutely. Also, there's-
Starting point is 00:10:39 Spectacular swinging. Are you familiar with Micronauts? Vaguely. October 2020. They were part of the Marvel Universe briefly. Yep. Now they're not. What are they?
Starting point is 00:10:48 They're just shrinky people. Little peeps? Yeah, little peeps. Shrinky people. Do they have powers? Do they have little cars? What are they doing? I think they have little space suits.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Okay. Yeah. I think... And probably little cars. And probably little cars. I think with Michael Bay stepping away from Transformers, we got some images this week from the bloody The Bumblebee spinoff. They're using the original bug.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Are they really? Yeah, it's set in the 80s. What? I'm going to look this up right now. It's just a yellow bug, Mason. Get over it, alright? Just get over it. Put your phone down.
Starting point is 00:11:13 No, I'm not going to. I've yet to put it down the entire time we've been doing this show. They should have fired Michael Bay about three movies ago and if they really wanted to make it an expanded Hasbro universe, they should have been doing this. But they wouldn't have done that because he three movies ago. And if they really wanted to make it an expanded Hasbro universe,
Starting point is 00:11:25 they should have been doing this. But they wouldn't have done that because he was riding high. What am I talking about? They still made a billion dollars each. Yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about. You're absolutely right. Do you see it, Mason? The Bumblebee movie just got a new title and a cool ladies logo, it says.
Starting point is 00:11:39 What's the title? Let's find out. I bet it's just Bumblebee. I bet it's Transformers Bumblebee. Bumblebee the movie. Is it called the Bumblebee. Bumblebee the movie. Is it called the movie? It says Bumblebee the movie. Bumblebee colon the movie.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Okay. It's about his colon. Exclusively about his colon. His exhaust port. Exactly. Okay, gotcha. Turns out it's got some sort of mystical artifact in it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Everybody wants it. The all spark? Yeah, it's in his colon. The butt spark. Correct, yes. Great. Yeah. It says that's a cool lady's logo, but that's not a cool lady's logo. It's a bad logo. It's got his head in it. It all spark? Yeah, it's in his collar. The butt spark. Correct, yes. Great. It says that's a cool ladies logo, but that's not a cool ladies logo.
Starting point is 00:12:08 It's a bad logo. It's got his head in it. His head's the worst part of that character design. A lot of the characters' heads, with the exception of Optimus Prime, are completely interchangeable. Yeah. His is just yellow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And also, that's not, like his iconic look, like his 80s look, his head doesn't look anything like that. No. Man, Bumblebee's got a bad design. Yeah, he does. And I think that's not like his iconic look, like his 80s look. His head doesn't look anything like that. Man, Bumblebee's got a bad design. Yeah, he does. And I think that's the problem. They're kind of stuck with it. Remember that bit where he was, he fought the Nazis? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Oh, yeah. I remember that. What did he turn into in World War II? I don't know. Just like a Jeep from the 40s or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, and also, this is not part of the Hasbro Cinematic Universe, the HCU. There's a D&D movie slated for 2021. They're bringing it back, Mason.
Starting point is 00:12:53 D&D? D&D. Dungeons and Dragons? Dungeons and or Dragons or both, yeah. I think that's, yeah. I mean, they're going to keep having a run at this until they get it right, I think. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 They could do a good one. Of course, there's obvious room for it. I mean, they're going to do a Game of Thrones derivative cheap knockoff, despite the fact that Game of Thrones is a knockoff of Dungeons & Dragons to some extent. Sure, yeah, yeah. What? You know what?
Starting point is 00:13:17 I stand by him. What about Lord of the Rings, Mason? Nah. All right, so that's Bumblebees. Yeah. They could have just taken a stock photo of an old BW Beatle. Well, I told you. I told you this going into this this rabbit hole of nah zero content yeah nice i love it dnd we've
Starting point is 00:13:34 seen the first day see that's the thing this is the it's the part of my brain that's like oh yeah i remember that like i have no nostalgia for anything else except probably batman and transformers that's true it's a weird glitch in your head but i'm like oh that'll bring me back oh yeah, I remember that. Like I have no nostalgia for anything else except probably Batman and Transformers. That's true. It's a weird glitch in your head. But I'm like, oh, that'll bring me back. Look, it's the old VW Beetle. I'm back in.
Starting point is 00:13:53 It's that car you can still see driving around every now and then. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So, and again, like in Transformers 4, when Optimus Prime was briefly the version of the truck he is in the cartoons, I'm like, yeah, this is going to be a good one. And it was. It wasn't.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Anyway, fair enough. Mason, is this going to be a good one, though? Do you think that this... No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Do you think... You better set me up for another good segue. Okay, but I was going to say, do you think this movie will chronicle his transformation
Starting point is 00:14:24 from being the VW Beetle into being like the Camaro? I really hope not. I bet it is. I bet you 100% it is. It should just be a reboot. Nah. Yeah, obviously not. I think it might actually be something.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Huh. Something. Yeah, all right. I didn't say good. Yeah, sure. It'll be something. It'll be something. Mason, here's something that might be something.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Oh, nice. Set myself up. No, that was a perfect setup. You didn't do anything. Yeah, sure. It'll be something. It'll be something. Mason, here's something that might be something. Oh, nice. Set myself up. No, that was a perfect setup. You didn't do anything. No, I did. Oceans 8 has a trailer. It's not a prequel to the Ocean series. It's a continuation, but there's less people.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And this time, the people are women, if you can believe it. Whoa. As a fan of the franchise, Mason. I'm a fan of the first one. You like their suits? They're like their big, wide shirt collars yeah i do uh great i guess who cares it's already gone away but i i'm like oh yeah i'll see another one of these because i really like the first one but i don't like the other ones oh three is okay here's the thing about it is given that it's a continuation of the existing movies,
Starting point is 00:15:28 this one looks exactly like the first one. Yes, it does. Like it's an ocean coming out of jail, and they're like, what are you going to do when you get out of jail? And she's like, I'm not going to do any crimes, that's for sure. And then she's like, now to get my crew together and do a crime. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, Now we've got this one.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, Anyway, so it's that. So it feels, unless we see another trailer with some more twists and turns in it, it feels very much like. Yeah. Also, my speculation is that, because there's a line in it where she's like, you can't do a job inside another job. I reckon Danny Ocean's dead and this is a revenge flick.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I think he's in it. I think he's going to show up just to link the continuity of the world. What I would like is an Ocean's 12 style scene where all the main characters realise that they all look like famous actors. That's why they all pretend to be famous actors. But when Julia Roberts pretends to be Julia Roberts It's weird they wouldn't bring Julia Roberts into this Yeah right
Starting point is 00:16:27 Maybe she's in it I reckon she's in it And Danny Ocean's dead I think she's out for revenge You're not going to kill Danny Maybe there's a Trevor Ocean or something No I don't think so You're wrong Mason
Starting point is 00:16:41 Let me tell you that much Anyway it looks fine I'll say it because I like the first one Who are the main two? The Brad Pitt is Cate Blanchett, right? Yes. Okay, right. She's a good Brad Pitt.
Starting point is 00:16:49 She's one of the world's greatest actors. I think she can pull off a Brad Pitt. She can pull off Bob Dylan. Yeah, absolutely. Probably. I didn't see it. I didn't see it either. It looked shit.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah, it looked bad. And apparently it's nothing like him. Burn your notes. You live and you learn. You live and you learn, don't you? She's probably learned from the film I'm Not There. Yeah. It needs to be less like Bob Dylan and more like Brad Pitt.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Yeah, her range extends to Brad Pitt, not to Dylan. That's right. Mason, I've got some news about Avengers Infinity War. Yes. One of the most hotly anticipated films of 2018. Are you ready? Yes. Kevin Feige has said,
Starting point is 00:17:28 within the first five minutes of Infinity War, people will understand why Thanos is the biggest and baddest villain in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We've been teasing him for years. And the trick is when you- With a feather. Tickle, tickle.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Stop it, you guys. When you tease something for that log, you have to deliver. Oh. So, yeah, well, that's good because he's done a lot of sitting in a chair and being like, time for me to do the stuff. Now I'm in it. Now I'm going to do the stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Shouldn't have let other people try to do the stuff. Now it's time for me to do the stuff. Slight spoiler alert, I guess, if this turns out to be correct. Do you think that's going to be that he kills Pepper Potts? Yes. And maybe wrecks like half of New York or something. Probably not even that. No? I reckon it's just that. I think it's just
Starting point is 00:18:12 I think the stakes for comic book movies now are kind of so low that I think when somebody says this guy's going to prove he's the most badass guy ever what he means is a name character is going to die. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:27 That's it. So it's Pepper Potts? It's Pepper Potts, yeah. Okay. All right, fair enough. And if not, I'll wear that lanyard. All right then. No, I won't.
Starting point is 00:18:34 No. I'm just kidding. No, you're going to do it. All right. You're locked into it. You can't even joke about the lanyard. Where is it? I want to put it on.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I don't know. Oh, it's hanging on my microphone stand. From last week. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, fantastic stuff, Mason. I can't wait for you to wear that lanyard. But if she comes back, it still counts. Yeah, absolutely it on. I don't know. Oh, it's hanging on my microphone stand. From last week. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, fantastic stuff, Mason. I can't wait for you to wear that lanyard. But if she comes back, it still counts.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah, absolutely it does. Just to death. And I'm with you. I think you're right. But I just want you to wear that lanyard. Ugh. But remember, the counter... For anybody who's wondering,
Starting point is 00:18:57 this is the Melbourne is all in Justice League lanyard. Yeah. Of which we have one. It's a prized possession of this show. We had two, but Claire threw out the other one. I'm very upset. So now it's a real cat andand-mouse game of who's gonna wear cuz we both love it so much so anyway so if it turns out the pepper
Starting point is 00:19:09 pots does die you don't get to wear the lanyard can I wear it now no okay so she does die this episode of me not wearing it cuz I can't reach it counts all right you can wear it All right, you can wear it. Yay, I'm all in! Melbourne's 2017, baby! He's wearing his Justice League lanyard. It's my fave.
Starting point is 00:19:34 All right, now we're probably a month or so away out from Justice League. How do you feel about it? It's fine. Yeah, okay. It's totally fine. What else we got here? Mason, how do you feel? We're a few days out of this.
Starting point is 00:19:46 The Mortal Engine City of England's on wheels, the movie. Peter Jackson's. So it's mobile steampunk cities eating other cities. Yes. This is based on a book, right? Or a series of books? When did they come out? Probably like the 90s or 80s.
Starting point is 00:20:04 What do you want from me? I don't know. Sometime before the movie was made, I assume when did they come out i don't know probably like the 90s or 80s i don't know sometime before the movie was made i assume yeah maybe i don't know it's i'm i'm curious because like the hunger games movies came out fairly shortly after the hunger games books right yeah right and i can't recall anything from my childhood 2001 there you go i can't remember anything from my childhood that came out like in a timely fashion. Oh, no, they never did. They never did. So I don't get these experiences. Except for like, oh, my God, I love World of Legends so much. I'm so happy that this is a movie now.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I think there's exceptions like John Grisham films. It's like The Firm, The Pelican Reef, The Client. Yes. You know what I mean? Yes. If any of those are John Grisham. The Potato Farmer. That's right.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Exactly. Yeah. I think there are exceptions. But you're. The potato farmer. That's right. Exactly, yeah. I think there are exceptions, but you're talking about like this high concepts. Like kid stuff, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sci-fi, fantasy, whatever you want to call it. I don't know. So I don't have a connection to it.
Starting point is 00:20:55 It's kind of weird. I'm interested. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is it just going to be another City of Ember? Maybe. What was that? Is it going to be another Mortal instrument city of bones maybe is this is there some sort of ai out there that's just making its own teen young adult novels by putting
Starting point is 00:21:14 together the words mortal and city and bones and instruments and just churning out one every two months and being like here's your new one this time Here's the one. This time it's a city, but it's made out of bats. What do you think about that? There's a girl, she knows she's special deep down, but she's a bit downtrodden. Yep. Now there's two sexy guys. Yeah, she's got to choose between the two sexy guys,
Starting point is 00:21:37 but instead she chooses a city. She chooses to fall in love with a city. I don't know. I don't understand. I like the concept of from how do you mobilize an entire city wheels mason oh that's a good point i've seen the trailer or bats as you mentioned yeah imagine trying to break a city yeah like hit the brakes on a city i want to know the the size of these things because i you get a good kind of sense of scale
Starting point is 00:22:01 in the trailer but is it like actual London size? Yeah, right. Because that's... Pretty big. Pretty big. By any standards, Mason. Yeah, yeah. Anyway. It feels like Mad Max.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Yeah, but... But they're like... The cities. Yeah, but they're like, okay, let's make it bigger, but also PG it. That's my favourite thing. Let's move it up and down. Up and down.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah. Okay, I'm in. I'm in. And there's two sexy guys, probably. Love two sexy guys. Mason, do you want some Han Solo news? Yes. Okay, Paul Bettany.
Starting point is 00:22:31 He's done some talking. He's done some walking. Yeah. He's probably run over a nun in his time. That's correct. He says that the Han Solo film is a caper and a gangster film. Is he in it? Yeah, he replaced Michael michael k williams
Starting point is 00:22:46 because they reshot all of it all right okay so uh yes he is in it okay that'd be funny if he wasn't in it yeah my understanding is that it's a caper and a gangster film i don't i don't know anything about it i read the script yeah so i heard from Robert Downey Jr. and he heard it from me. But there is talk. There's rumors. I just want you to take this as a rumor. I don't have the website in front of me. I'm just going to quickly bring it up.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Is that the rumor? Yeah, that's the rumor. You don't have the website in front of you? Allegedly so. That's from Screen Geek. I don't throw out to where these things are from often enough, and I really should, so I apologize for literally every time that I've done this every week for not naming the sites that this came from.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Bear in mind, even I think Screen Geek themselves are like, this is a rumor and this is what we heard, okay? So Disney is bracing themselves for the Han Solo movie to bomb. They were worried about it before the Last Jedi controversy, but now they're essentially writing Solo off. The lead actor, Alden Einhenreich, can't act. And they had a dialogue coach on hand for all of these scenes. On top of that, the script is unworkable.
Starting point is 00:23:58 It's going to be a car crash. They should have said spaceship crash. Crash, exactly, yeah. A Millennium Foul crash. Crash. Exactly, yeah. A millennium foul crash. That's true. Well, didn't we hear many months ago? An imperial star destroyed. There we go.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Thanks. Nice. It's a trap. Nice. Didn't we hear months ago that the reason Lorden- This isn't the deal Darth Vader It's Milando I've got a bad feeling about the acting abilities
Starting point is 00:24:29 Of the main character of the movie Sorry God We'll think of another one later Didn't we hear months ago that the reason Lord and Miller got dumped off this movie Is because there was too much improv But also that Alden Ehrenreich couldn't improv. Yes, that was it.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Yeah. And we were like, don't be so harsh on this guy. We don't know. You know, maybe he's not from that world. But apparently he can't act either. Well, we've heard the rumor about this acting coach coming on board before. But you've seen him in things as well. He is a good actor.
Starting point is 00:24:59 He's good, yeah. Maybe he isn't suited for this role in this rumor that may or may not allegedly be true or is true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I just think it's such a hard, I mean, look, they should never have done this, I feel, unless it makes a billion dollars, in which case, good work,
Starting point is 00:25:15 Disney, for doing this. But when you, you can't just replicate Han Solo, or you can, I haven't seen it yet, but it seems like an insurmountable task. It's a prequel and you're recasting probably the most beloved character in that entire series. Not only from the movies, but from all the comic books and all the additional novels or whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:37 How do you even get the hair right? That's right. We haven't even seen an image of it yet, but apparently it's all going to ramp up from here. We're going to get January. Because it's out in May. Yeah, right. And we haven't seen anything, obviously. it yet, but apparently it's all going to ramp up from here. Like we're going to get like January and then it's because it's out in May. So it's and we haven't seen anything obviously. More than out in May.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Yes, that's right. Very good. Good actor. Maybe. Yeah, but I reckon the hair is going to be too big. Too big? Yeah, I reckon they're going to overcompensate. The hair will be too big.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Yeah. Well, yeah, it's the 70s, isn't it? In space or whatever or whatever it is. I find this interesting, though, that the script is unworkable because we've also heard previously that this is like the best star wars script that anyone's ever written and and because it's i think lawrence kasdan did it who wrote empire and his son wrote it together so i find that interesting now that that's the that's now people are being turned around on that and look i like ron howard as a filmmaker some of the times have you seen rush that's a good that's an example of a good film he's made recently but a lot of the stuff is just kind of to me is just paint by numbers you know he's very confident he's made some great
Starting point is 00:26:33 stuff but it's also like the one where it's moby dick but chris hemsworth is in it or whatever right sure yeah you know what i mean so i don't know man look and i think they i like the last jedi quite a bit you liked it also if they follow up with a really horrible han solo film yes people are not going to be very happy at all i'd imagine at least half the people are not going to be happy that's great yeah or half the people are going to be like finally back to the stars there's also that element of it yeah because i feel like that is what some people want you know right i mean a lot of people criticize rogue one for kind of being like oh look it's everything you ever knew before it's a death star and it's an 8080 and there's a bloody whatever it's death star hats and you know all the death star hats yeah and then you know on the flip side of that
Starting point is 00:27:20 return uh return the job last year is like this is too different and weird or whatever who knows how this is gonna different and weird or whatever. Who knows how this is going to go, Mason? One thing's for sure, though. What is that one thing that's true? I didn't even know that was a quote. I thought this smelled bad in the movie theater. Yeah, good, good, good, good, good.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I think I could have done a better one. No, that's the best possible one. Don't even worry about it. I should have said, I thought this smelled bad at the script writing process. No, good, nice. Or at the casting call. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Or inside this taunton where we've been writing a script full of, it's covered in taunton guts. That's why we can't read it. Last bit of news, Mason. Okay, I'm ready. Schrodinger's back. He's back. Or is he? The recurring segment of the show
Starting point is 00:28:07 where Ben Affleck is either in or out as Batman. There's no concrete information either way. It's one week it seems like he's going to quit. The next week he hasn't quit yet. Yeah, right. But he's thinking about quitting. Yeah, that's right. And next week he's going to quit again.
Starting point is 00:28:21 That's right. So where are we this week? This is a quote from him. Bearing in mind I can't remember what happened last week. He was out. I was out. He'd had enough of it. I want to direct a Batman movie, he says,
Starting point is 00:28:31 but I never got the script that I was happy with. So they're starting over and writing another script. And right now, I think a lot of the different possibilities, I think, for the way the DC universe could go. And I will just follow my interest in pursuing that, and I know that I love working with this group of people, and it's just a real joy for me to make this movie. I mean, he's not...
Starting point is 00:28:52 That's so vague. He's not unoppressed to it either. No. So it's weird that he said something positive at all instead of being like, no! So what he's saying is he still wants to make a... He still wants to direct a Batman movie? Maybe, yes, but he couldn't get the script right.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Couldn't get the script right. He's excited script right he's excited but they're writing another script yeah matt reeves's version they're doing a different version than what he was doing which i think we already knew but is matt reeves also directing yeah he's also directing so what he's so what ben affleck is saying is he might be in this next batman movie and if it's good and they matt reeves writes another script that is as good he might direct the next one is that what he's saying or he might also write it yes he is that is some wishful thinking on behalf of ben affleck there it's a lot of ifs isn't it yeah yeah and if ifs were wishes then what's the saying we'd all have a wonderful time at christmas correct did you have a wonderful
Starting point is 00:29:43 time at christmas I was at work. How was that? It was fine. Did you wear a little hat? No. Why not? There's only one little hat. The most Christmassy driver gets it.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Really? Who is it? Steve. Fuck him, man. Yeah, I know, right? I hope he fucking killed someone by accident and he lost his job. Same. No, I don't. I don't wish that.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Me neither. Although I did. Because obviously the the you know that day the night before i'm like well time to go to bed i'll get up tomorrow and i'll just go to work but part of my brain that's still like the a kid on christmas eve was just like christmas tomorrow so i couldn't get to sleep till like 5 00 a.m because my brain's just like christmas tomorrow did anything happen no did you wake up and there was like cookies at the end of your bed? Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Well, there always is. I mean, that's not a surprise. There's always cookie crumbs at the end of my bed. We had a fun little thing with, because my son's now two, so he's like, he's understanding what's going on. And, you know, he got a little bike that he hates. Nice. Great.
Starting point is 00:30:43 No, it's fun. So it's more fun because, you know, as you get older as a kid, you're like, oh, Christmas is whatever. And then when you have kids again, Mason, the joy that you couldn't possibly comprehend. That's right. It all comes flooding back and you get those cookies. I mean, you have them anyway, don't you?
Starting point is 00:30:56 I can just buy them. You can just buy them. Buy them, eat them in bed. Can I come around and eat cookies in your bed? I guess. Yeah, all right. Thanks, Mason. Mason, we've got to talk about the Jedi Skills winner for this week.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Oh, yeah. We had a competition last week. We're giving away a virtual, not virtual, an augmented reality Star Wars system. Yeah, that's right. It's app-based, but it also comes with the lightsaber and you fight Darth Vader and everything. You've now got one.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I've got one, yeah. Which is awesome. And we said we'd give one away. So we have to, we can't go back on that. That's correct. Obviously we said we were going to do it. Often we forget the next week if we run a competition and then,
Starting point is 00:31:33 and then we're going to probably break for the new year and we would never have given this away. Maybe one of us would have kept it. Sure. Who knows Mason, but I do want to give one away. Are you giving away mine? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Oh, okay, cool. Have you had fun with it yet? I haven't opened the box yet. Have you, you haven't greased it up or anything? No, it's not. It's ungre Yeah. Oh, okay, cool. Have you had fun with it yet? I haven't opened the box yet. Have you greased it up or anything? No, it's ungreased.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Okay, good. Excellent. Do you have anyone in particular in mind for the winner? No. Okay. Because I didn't think about it. That's okay, Mason. You don't have to think about it.
Starting point is 00:31:56 You just have to think about it. Okay. Do you want me to announce the winner? If you could, yeah. Okay, so we put the call out there on Twitter. Show off your hashtag JediSkills. Yes. We put the call out there on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Show off your hashtag JediSkills. Yes. And from there, people would post a picture or an image or a video or a little joke or just a hashtag in itself. And from there, we'd choose bloody one of them to be the winner of the JediSkills thing or whatever. And then people would – then you could win it. And then we would announce it this way. I think people get how competitions work.
Starting point is 00:32:25 No, no, listen, Mason. And then can I announce the winner then? Yes, please do. This is from Brent J on Twitter, at Pepsi underscore Brent. Nice. He put in the hashtag JediSkills with a Z. And he said, I use my Jedi skills to save Han. There's a bit where he's playing in the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Starting point is 00:32:42 He's got one of the masks, like one of those funny little pillows. And then he does the force thing. And then Han Solo's head from the Mos Eisley Cantina. He's got one of the masks, like one of those funny little pillows. And then he does the force thing. And then Han Solo's head from the special edition does a little duck out of the way of Greedo's blaster. And then he's back to playing the music. Nice, I love that. I saw that one. It was really good.
Starting point is 00:32:53 I liked the effort. That one really caught my eye, Mason. And so Brent, I'll contact you or you contact Mason or something. We'll figure something out. We'll figure it out. Yeah, we got you. Thank you to everybody who put in for that. We got a something out. We'll figure it out. Yeah, we got you. Thank you to everybody who put in for that.
Starting point is 00:33:07 We got a lot of super fun. That's great. I'm watching that now. It's very good work. Thank you, Mason. I mean, I didn't do it, but thank you. No, you didn't do it at all. You've got some amazing fan art.
Starting point is 00:33:14 And he just puts the mask back on. Yeah, he puts the mask back on. Dan Joe did an amazing one as well, like an amazing piece of art with me and you and Claire in it, and you're Snoke. He is. You remember. There's a bunch of other really, really great ones,
Starting point is 00:33:25 so really, really appreciate that. It's a fun and just general Star Wars memes in general because I know you love memes. I love memes. It's real hot. I'm going to roll up my pants. Is that cool? I guess.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah. He's just done the one leg. No, I'm done the two legs. Two legs. There we go. Fresh as a daisy. Shouldn't have worn those. You could take your socks off too.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Do you sleep with socks on? No. Me neither. Don't like it. What is it about socks that's so not good in bed? Why aren't they good in bed, Mason? Let's do the topic for this week. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:55 We're doing best and worst of the year. Films. TV shows. Movies. Movies. Maybe a comic. I didn't put it in the list. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Do you have the best comic of the year? Look, my favorite was probably, it's still ongoing, but it's Tom King's Mr. Movies. Maybe a comic. I didn't put it in the list, but... Okay, great. Did you have a best comic of the year? Look, my favorite was probably... It's still ongoing, but it's Tom King's Mr. Miracle. Yes, that's great. It's a real good... He did The Vision last year. He did the 12-issue series The Vision. That's also great.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Which is really good. And this is going to be 12 issues as well. And it's not... It's Mr. Miracle, one of the new gods, and it's kind of... It's not... I've mentioned it on the show before, but it's not like the four-color jack kirby fun of like uh of mr miracle of the past which i'm sure
Starting point is 00:34:31 they'll do again but this is more like a an insight into the psychology of a man who's a superhero and a celebrity and he's fighting a war and all sorts of stuff and like the toll it takes on his mind and maybe other things maybe some darker magics at work. Yes. Or technology, depending on what's going on. Anyway, it's real good. And the art's great. It's real nice.
Starting point is 00:34:50 One of my faves. Absolutely. I'm a big fan of Invincible, which is wrapping up currently at the moment. Isn't there like two issues to go or something? Yeah, it's getting close to the end. Do you think it's going to be a satisfying conclusion? You know, I'm happy enough with it.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Even if it just ended now, I'd be like, yeah, they've earned it. Okay. Are all the plot threads wrapped up they are wrapping up wow okay great it's it's a good it's a good read and i think i think that's really awesome if anybody hasn't read it in some way you can just go back to the very start and there's hundreds of issues yeah that you can churn your way through because i remember you gave me a few copies of it when i was going overseas mates and when i lived in af in Africa. I've been travelling a bit.
Starting point is 00:35:25 That's fine. I wish you'd bloody stated that. Yeah, and I really got into it then, and that was like nearly 10 years ago. So it's great. Also, what else has been good? We've mentioned a whole bunch of stuff. Black Hammer's still great.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Black Hammer's great. Kill the Minotaur we mentioned last week. That was a good one last week, yeah. Which is a recent one. I think generally the Star Wars comics have been pretty solid overall. The Darth Vader one in particular is quite good. Okay. If you want to check out any of those.
Starting point is 00:35:50 The current Darth Vader one, yeah. Yeah, nice. Yeah, I don't know. Comics are good. If we think of any more, we won't. We will bring it up. Spy Seal, that was a good one. I didn't watch that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:59 We read that. The Tintin-esque. It's Tintin except he's a seal. Yeah, great. And a spy. And a spy, very good. It's very wordy, but it's enjoyable. Like a comic?
Starting point is 00:36:07 Yeah. Or like a book? More like a comic or more like a book? It's more like a comic than a book. Okay, good. Why don't we start off with our categories? We've got some categories left over from last year and some new additions, and maybe we forgot some.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Great. And we'll just do whatever we forgot. Maybe we'll forget a whole bunch of things this year. Maybe we'll say, hey, the best movie of the year was Pixels or whatever, right? When I was kind of writing down what I remembered and liked, I'm like, I don't... I've definitely forgotten stuff. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:36:31 So please don't at us with really obvious films that we've forgotten to mention. Or do. Yeah. That's fine. Your call. That's the beauty of the internet. You can tweet anything at us.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Anything at all. Not anything. Be reasonable, mate. We don't want to see your balls. Unless you hashtag it JediSkills. But it's too late because the competition's over. You could have. That was the loophole.
Starting point is 00:36:54 That was your opportunity to tweet us a photo of your balls with the hashtag JediSkills. We would have had to watch it and evaluate it based on its merits and maybe give you a prize. But it's too late, so don't tweet us your balls. Forget about it. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy,
Starting point is 00:37:14 which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost.
Starting point is 00:37:40 FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Best animated film mason what do you got did i see any animated films this year lego batman oh that was a good one that's i think the only one i saw great so lego batman we're also assembling the best movie list of best things we haven't seen as we mentioned so we'll put that we'll put everything else on that list. Correct. I mean, in terms of animated films this year, we also had Captain Underpants. Didn't say it. We also had bloody The Boss Baby.
Starting point is 00:38:16 There was probably a Minions movie, I don't know, or whatever. There's probably a whole bunch of DC animated movies. I attempted to watch about five minutes of Justice League Dark, could not get into it. Coco. Okay, yep. Ferdinand. Ferdinand and bull uh the lego ninjago movie all of these things we didn't see mason but that's okay the nut job too now perhaps for next year when we do the awards next year should we put in an award category for a category of films we've only seen one of yes okay we could
Starting point is 00:38:43 start it now great what a great tradition you've kicked off nice anyway but regardless none of those other films i really have much interest in seeing other than lego batman movie which to be fair i've only seen half of because i watched it like in the middle of a move and i never went back to it really it was fun the half that i saw so i'm giving my award to the first half. Nice. And that means you've still got half an award for giving away later. Correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:10 I could give it to anything. You could give it to the Star Wars Holiday Special because it's got an animated sequence in it. You know what? I will give it to the Star Wars Holiday Special. There you go. Half an award. Half an award for you, Star Wars Holiday Special. And you thought I was going to throw it away.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Best sequel this year, Mason. It's been a pretty good year for sequels. Yes. We can talk Star Wars. We can talk Kong, which I guess is, or was that like a cinematic universe? Also, it's a prequel, I guess. Are you saying because it's a sequel to Godzilla?
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yeah, but also it's a prequel. Ah, no. Let's change this category to prequel, sequel, same universe. How about that? How about that? Best another movie. I'm just going to write this down because I know I'll come back to this next year and make exactly the same mistake.
Starting point is 00:39:49 We've got Logan. We've got Guardians of the Galaxy. See, I'm not counting Logan as a sequel either. Why not? I don't know. It just doesn't feel like a sequel. Even though it is a sequel. It's literally a sequel, but it's also a standalone.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I don't count any of the X-Men movies as sequels anymore. Okay, fair enough. Because they barely hang together at all. What about an Alien Covenant? No. What about a Blade Runner 2049? Oh, that was a good one. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I reckon that's... I'm going to say hot tip, that's your best movie of the year. Mason, I wouldn't dare... We're doing it now! Best movie of the year! I like Logan a lot, but I think I would have to give it to Blade Runner because it kind of, I think it's, in hindsight, it's probably better than the first one. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I guess. And I quite liked the first one, but it's weird because it's very slow, but it's very interesting. And I just thought it was, and also because it made no money fascinates me. Yeah, that's true, yeah. It looks spectacular spectacular it's really well acted it's got a really intriguing premise and storyline and that kind of hints really well to the original it's got a it's got a wonky cgi person in it but yep no i think i
Starting point is 00:40:55 might have to give it to uh to blade runner what are you gonna give it to probably pirates of the caribbean five that's a good one isn't it it's a good one, isn't it? It's a good one. Dead men, they don't tell any tales. What were they telling you? Or Salazar's Revenge, depending on where you saw it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What are you going to throw down there, Mason? Oh, gosh. How many dead men, how many tales is there?
Starting point is 00:41:20 Might be Guys in the Galaxy 2. Really? Okay, that's a good one. I enjoyed that too, quite a bit. Quite a lot, Mason. Quite a lot. And if I watched it twice and the first time I'm like, this is pretty good. And then second time got me right in the old feels.
Starting point is 00:41:32 It does. That's what I think. That's why that movie appeals to me so much, Mason, because of the feels. Yes. And the lasers, obviously. Lasers and feels. Yeah. Lasers and feels.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Yeah. Man. And the soundtrack. And the soundtrack's good. Good soundtrack. Yeah. Yeah. It's good if you you like link those two together
Starting point is 00:41:46 on like spotify you kind of play them on shuffle wait when did triple x3 come out that was this year wasn't it yeah that was fun yeah like yep i'm changing my answer to triple x3 solely for the part where they're all gonna die at the end and then bloody ice cube triple x2 shows up and everybody's like triple x2 you've saved us you've got a rocket launcher yep i'm gonna say triple x2 solely for the part where 15 women have sex with vin diesel oh yeah that's right and then he skateboards down a hill okay i'm changing my skis down oh he does but he also skis down a hill man i because i've uh all right resident evil 6 or whatever came out well do you remember that because i was harsh on triple x2 that was like january yeah i barely remember that train spotting what about trains yeah that's that's that's great
Starting point is 00:42:34 i enjoy that a lot but uh triple x2 i remember because then the next week we did resident evil and i really shit on triple x2 and then after resident evil i'm like you know what i'm really sorry for all the things i said about triple X two, because at least it was fun. Yeah. What about faster than furious? Eight. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:42:51 It's pretty good, right? Yeah. Uh, it's got that bit in the baby in the play. I was going to say that, that is, that was the highlight.
Starting point is 00:42:59 And I don't think as a movie, it was not great. Nah, it was, it was okay. I mean, they're all, some of them are okay.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm just going to, we gonna we're gonna move forward i'm just drifting through the second category on transformers 5 that was a good one all right carry on okay good i'm glad we stopped for that do you want to talk about reboots then yes the only one i can kind of think of the only two i could think of it and the mummy so uh. So it's out of those two. Which is it? Bearing in mind The Mummy was really bad and made no money. And It was quite good. And they copyright struck my review.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Oh, sure, yeah, yeah. And It was good. Yeah. So, I mean, try not to let that sway you, Mason. One movie being clearly better than the other. The copyright strike is swaying me. That is pretty funny. I love a vindictive movie studio, but let's give it to It,
Starting point is 00:43:48 because that was a good film. I mean, the first one wasn't great either, really, but I just think it kind of Stranger Things-ed It in a good way. Yeah, yeah. And I think it's also one of those movies that it's good. It's a good kind of entry-level horror film for kids as well. If you're like 12, 13, you want to watch a spooky thing or whatever, this one you might sneak under the radar at your parents
Starting point is 00:44:10 at a bloody sleepover or whatever. I would maybe call Kong Skull Island a reboot. Because they're rebooting Kong, aren't they? I mean, it's also set in the same universe, Mason. Yeah, but it's not set in the same universe as King Kong. It's not set in the same universe as Peter Jackson's King Kong. Okay, so you're telling me the King Kong Skull Island to whatever it's called is better than the movie is cuz not it looks good doesn't it looks
Starting point is 00:44:32 great look good incredible movies yeah and Kong has John C Reilly in it yes it does but it also has Tom Hiddleston putting in a in a bar fight where he picks up somebody with a billiard club. All right, that's it. Okay, that's it. You're right, that's it. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it's not great.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Kong was okay. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Mason, this is my favorite award. I may have done it too early but it's the best movie where the game was on. This is my favorite recurring award. That's right.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Now, for people who don't know, this is our award for, I guess, the most ham-fisted attempt to build a franchise. Or tease at the sequel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Something like that. I think there's been a few. I mean, there's an obvious winner.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Yeah, there is. But I think... Like Alien Covenant did a bit of kind of like, David's using the aliens. He's going to make whatever. Yeah. A colony of weird aliens. And I think Justice League is up there. using the aliens he's gonna make uh whatever yeah colony of weird aliens and i think uh like
Starting point is 00:45:26 justice league justice is up there because obviously i i because i think they were like listen hey check this out you like deathstroke didn't you well here he is a guy with no actual real powers he's gonna fight superman he's just i mean he can regenerate lost limbs but it doesn't help much if superman incates him, does it? How many swords has he got? Two. Can they cut through Superman? No.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Has he got a gun? Can it shoot Superman? No. All right. And they did a bit of here. See, I feel like maybe in addition to ham-fisted, it's also a desperate attempt to build a sequel or continue this franchise. And I think they were just like,
Starting point is 00:46:05 here's some gods and here's Green Lantern. Green Lantern's coming. You remember him? Watch another one because Green Lantern will be in it. Green Lantern. Yeah. I remember. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:14 That whole thing was just kind of a. Did they tease any sequels in Transformers? Did Optimus Prime fly into space? No, he did his speech about like, this is our new home and this is, we're going to protect. You did that speech in the last movie, in the movie before that. Yeah. Remember when he turned evil for four minutes?
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yeah, I remember that. His eyes went purple or whatever because he had the, he was controlled by dark energy. I don't know whatever that was. I mean, it's in there because obviously there's going to be another movie. Yes. But I think they set that up competently enough. We'll watch that on our own.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Absolutely, yeah. So does this have to does the condition of this have to be that you do not know we're either definitely not going to get a sequel or we might not get a sequel or they'll just reboot it is that so it can't just be like well star wars kind of promised that the galaxy is going to go in a new direction no no that's gotta be it's gotta be like i feel you have to you have to be able to feel the shoehorn going in yeah right yeah and attempting to like just really cram some stuff in there like
Starting point is 00:47:10 and I feel you also need that feeling of like we know this movie wasn't good yeah but maybe if you promise Creature from the Black Lagoon anyway it's The Mummy it's obviously The Mummy
Starting point is 00:47:23 the award the award originally the inaugural award was given to Dracula Untold. The previous attempt to start the Universal Monsters Universe. Correct. The Dark Universe. They tried it again this time with the mummy. They've given it a bloody red hot go.
Starting point is 00:47:35 And they went, listen, look, there's vampires and there's creatures from the Black Lagoon. I'm Dr. Jekyll. We made this publicity photo where we didn't get anybody in the same room. And Javier Bardem's Frankenstein's monster and Johnny Depp's the Invisible Man and whatever. It's absolutely the one. And they've killed it. It's not.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I hope they do another one. Oh, me too. Yeah, right? I mean, they won't do one in this universe. No. Yeah. God. They could have made a scary mummy horror film
Starting point is 00:48:05 yeah oh Honourable Mention actually does go to Pirates of the Caribbean if you recall oh yeah at the end they're like Orlando Bloom's like
Starting point is 00:48:11 I'm safe at home and then I finally don't have to be on the ocean black flag and then he awakens and there's some water on the floor
Starting point is 00:48:18 no there's a crab man there's a shadow of a crab man shadow of the crab man they shouldn't call the next one shadow of the crab man shadow of the crab man yeah that's that's not a bad one but it's the money yeah i mean i don't i can't i cannot remember a film if they are deliberately trying to sweep these awards they are they are nailing it because if they do another one it's gonna win again exactly i i can't remember a film
Starting point is 00:48:41 that's so obviously trying to build it i mean mean, it's from the get-go. It starts with the monster universe logo. It's the first thing you see. God, horrible. Why do they keep thinking this is going to work? It's so bizarre that just, I say just to make a good movie, but focus on making a good movie and worry about everything else if you get a sequel. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Because people don't go to a movie and go, the only reason I'm watching this is because there's going to be a sequel in a year's time. Exactly. God. We should make movies. Yeah, we'd know. Because if we ever did, people would go,
Starting point is 00:49:22 how come these people can talk shit about movies and that is this terrible thing? It's very hard to make a film, probably. Best non-sequel or reboot, Mason? Wow, original content. I actually watched one last night, which I really, really like. Tell me about it. It's called Logan Lucky or Lucky Logan.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Oh, yeah. One of those two things. Logan Lucky. It's definitely Logan Lucky. It's got Channing Tatum. It's got Adam Driver. It's got Daniel Craig. Yeah. It's basically Ocean's. It's got Channing Tatum. It's got Adam Driver. It's got Daniel Craig. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:45 It's basically, it's Ocean's Eleven, but it's still in money and NASCAR and stuff like that in the South. And it's great. It's really, really good. It's a lot of fun. It's brisk. During it, I'm like, this feels like a Steven Soderbergh film, but he retired, didn't he? And then at the end, it's like directed by Steven Soderbergh. And I'm like, oh, I guess he didn't.
Starting point is 00:50:04 He didn't he and then at the end it's like directed by steven soderbergh and i'm like oh i guess he didn't he didn't retire it's really it's yeah it is like kind of a low-tech oceans 11 kind of kind of situation it's it's well worth checking out it's a lot it's a lot of fun it's a it's a good time mason it's got some feels and you just feel for these down in their luck logan brothers uh that there's allegedly there's this rumors of a family curse which has been kicking them while they're down okay so will they pull off this heist mate heist mason or will they bloody get away with it you have to tune in to find out to this podcast when we do our lucky logan episode which is now this is oh it is okay well i didn't see it so uh if you could have you got a thought uh what about baby driver if we're talking heists.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Sure, that's a good one. It was a very enjoyable film. Yeah, it was. Yeah. Not based on nothing. No. Except the things in Edgar Wright's brain pan. And you're just saying that because you met him, you fucking sellout.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Correct. But he's not listening to this, so it doesn't matter. Yeah, you're right. I think Lucky Logan or Logan Lucky is better than Baby Driver. It's definitely Logan Lucky. Stop saying that. Whatever I say it is, Mason. It's not. It's obviously whatever it actually is better than Baby Driver. It's definitely Logan Lucky. Stop saying that. It's whatever I say it is, Mason. But it's not.
Starting point is 00:51:07 It's obviously whatever it actually is. Yeah, sure. But no, I think Logan Lucky is better. And I liked Baby Driver a lot, especially the music. Do you think you could go back watching it with Kevin Spacey in it now? Do you think that would taint your rewatch? That's a good question. Because a lot of people have said that.
Starting point is 00:51:20 He's in it for five minutes, really. He's in it for five minutes, yeah. And doesn't he get murdered? Yeah. Yeah, spoiler alert. Look forward to that. For all of these, I guess. Yeah. And doesn't he get murdered? Yeah. Yeah, spoiler alert. Look forward to that. For all of these, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:26 For all the movies that we bring up. Even movies we haven't seen. We're just going to make rampant speculation about them. All right. Those are two solid choices. Best horror film. Got a few options here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:38 It Comes at Night. Yes. You seen that one? And Just It. Yeah, Just It. You haven't seen it. And also Get Out. Yeah, I finally saw Get Out
Starting point is 00:51:45 And? Good, I liked it It's probably the best one Yeah, look, I've got a list here of horror movies Because I was like I thought I hadn't seen any But I'd seen three Yeah, well, I mean, look
Starting point is 00:51:53 I think horror movies are our blind spot Absolutely But there's a huge number came out So It Saw that, enjoyed that Get Out, enjoyed that I saw 10 Minutes of Annabelle Creation Which is about the haunted doll
Starting point is 00:52:04 Apparently it's all right. I thought it was bad. Let me check that. Happy Death Day. I got a free ticket to that, but I didn't see it. Yep. Let's see. There was apparently another Chucky film.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Oh, yeah. Alien Covenant counts as a horror film, apparently. Yeah, it's not good, though. I didn't hate it. I know that's controversial. I know I'm courting controversy with every breath I take and every word I say. I don't think... But I thought it was pretty good and I kind of enjoyed the fact that ultimately, spoiler alert, it was humanity that resulted in the creation of the aliens.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I know that's probably a dumb idea. It was robotanity, Mason. Yeah, I know, but humanity created the robot. And then robot created alien. Robot created alien. And then alien creates big holes in people's chests. And big holes in chests create rotting corpse over time. Correct.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Exactly. That's right. Mother. I didn't say mother. I didn't want to say mother. Because it looks like the kind of painful movie that I'm not interested in. And again, I just went to Wikipedia to look at the plot summary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:58 But at the time it hadn't even come up yet. And I've had no interest in going back. Yes. I think it's just people torture Jennifer Lawrence for an hour. Because she's Mother Earth. Yeah. Is that it? Yeah a it's an allegory oh it's a metaphor really yeah just make that up just no it's what's this point of it oh so the people that show up at a house are they people yeah they're the people and they pollute the house which is yeah they're big oil oh are you sure yeah who said that they're wearing t-shirts i don't know someone said it
Starting point is 00:53:24 was it darren aronofsky who fuckingshirts. I don't know. Someone said it. Was it Darren Aronofsky? Who fucking cares, man? I don't know. I don't want to see it. Okay. There was a Rings reboot. I didn't see it. Leatherface.
Starting point is 00:53:33 There was a Leatherface reboot. Was there? Apparently. There was a Cheapest Creepers 3. Flatliners. That. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Isn't Flatliners they bring back Kiefer Sutherland, but he's not the same character from the original? I hope so. Or it's not very clear whether he is or not? I hope so. I hope so. There was another Amityville film. Great. There was a film called XX,
Starting point is 00:53:52 which I'm assuming is a sidequel to XXXIII. Oh, no. The Bye-Bye Man. That's one of those, like, the Babadook, but bad, I guess. Yeah, I think so. The Mummy. The Mummy's not a horror film. Yeah, I know. That's bad I guess. Yeah I think so. The Mummy. The Mummy's not a horror film. Yeah I know that's what I said.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I mean there's a bit where Tom Cruise kisses a woman to death. Yeah that's true. They've listed the see this is just from this is just from Google they've listed The Dark Tower
Starting point is 00:54:15 that is not a horror film. Yeah that came out though didn't it? Yeah. Look I'm going to give it to The Snowman a movie I didn't see just because of all the
Starting point is 00:54:22 funny little memes. Is that a horror film? Oh you're saying it's more of a thriller. I don know i didn't see yeah there you go then let's give it to the snowman i i mean get out is is really great for sure yeah but um special mention to it comes at night what's that about uh it's about some kind of something bad happened in the world and joel edgerton's in this family and there's some kind of virus joel edgerton's all about the family and there's some kind of virus. Joel Edgerton's all about the place these days, isn't he? Don't go into it thinking it's going to be a zombie apocalypse film.
Starting point is 00:54:51 It's not. It's more kind of... It is. That's the twist. No, it's not. It's not. But a lot of people hate it, but I really loved it. And it's really harrowing and terrifying and it's sad. Is it because you're a family man?
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah, it might be because you're a man as well. Do you think I'll feel anything watching this? No, you won't feel anything, Mason. So I'll be watching people being torn apart and I'll be like, nah. You feel neither highs nor lows, Mason. Correct, that's right.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Except when it comes to Bumblebee. Yeah, that's right. You know what? I am going to give it It Comes at Night because I can't really remember because I watched Get Out way earlier even though I really loved it.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Okay. What else have we got here? Best TV shows, Mason. Okay, I'm ready. Got a list here or do you want to... Give me a list and I'll tell you what I've seen. This is some of my personal favorites.
Starting point is 00:55:27 The Leftovers, though it may not have wrapped up this year. But I really liked it and I only watched it this year. It's fantastic. Hollywood Peak got me onto that. It's a terrific, good time. Rick and Morty. Twin Peaks. Didn't watch it.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Never watched the original. Handmaid's Tale. I really liked. The Good Place. That was a it. Never watched the original. Handmaid's Tale. I really liked. The Good Place. That was a good one. Legion. Legion. I was just thinking Legion.
Starting point is 00:55:50 The Gifted. Didn't see it. Arrow season six or seven. Whatever they're up to. Whatever they're up to. Yeah. Pretty good. That's it.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I don't know. Look, my TV show of the year was probably American Gods. I never finished that. It's good. It's a good show. And what I enjoyed about it is that, one, it's exactly how I imagined all the characters in the novel sort of brought to life on TV.
Starting point is 00:56:11 It's really well made, I thought. And also, it's been so long since I've actually read the book. And Game of Thrones. That I was still surprised by all the twisted terms. I'm like, oh, yeah. American Gods, you said. American Gods were there. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:56:25 It was a great one, yeah. I definitely need to check that out. But also, you said. American Gods were there. Okay, great. It was a great one, yeah. I definitely need to check that out. But also, Legion was great as well. Yeah. Have you seen Handmaid's Tale? No. Okay, it's good. You should watch it.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Worst. It's in humans, but... Yes. You know what? It's the worst one that I've seen. It's probably not... It's obviously not the worst thing on television. No, for sure.
Starting point is 00:56:42 That's clearly not the case. But it was... And the idea of rolling it out, just the very concept of rolling it out as an IMAX feature was incredible. It was a joke. Yeah. I mean, it got us out to the cinema
Starting point is 00:56:53 at like 11 a.m. on a Thursday or whatever. Yeah, like the day before I flew to the US. Yeah. It is. So, well done. Woeful. So bad. That's a lesson learned in ABCc uh marvel properties and in imax
Starting point is 00:57:07 yeah that's their star wars holiday special absolutely it is and the idea of like the the idea of it being so tone deaf that it's like here's this rich royal family of powerful elites and they just they're just they're just crushing all the peasants who live down in the mines yeah and the bad guy is the why he wants to release all the peasants from oppression yeah i mean really that's the plot and we know he probably wants to release them to be king but at least he's doing something yeah right exactly yeah also medusa has magic hair that can punch you in the head but they shave her head because because of the tv budget i assume yeah it's so bad special mention to the walking, which I finally stopped watching because it sucks. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah. But when did you stop? Did you stop like two episodes before the end of the season? No, like maybe five or six. Wow. Yeah. Also, spoiler alert, Carl got bit, Mason. Rick's son.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Not Carl. Son of Rick. Son of Rick got bit. Wow. He's around in the comic, but he got bit. Wow. You know what they say if the son of Rick got bit? You know it's shit.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Whoa. All right. It's not what they say at all. No. I got bit... You know it's shit. Whoa, all right. That's not what they say at all. No, I mean, you already knew it was shit. What else have we got here? I think that'll do it. Yeah, but no, it's definitely in humans because it's just... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:15 It's everything. It's also, it's weird because it's set on the moon, except there's a whole lot of Earth references, even though nobody's ever been to Earth. Yeah, right, like everybody's hanging out in their apartments. They've just got, like, human hair clippers. Yeah, that's true. It's her. Yeah, right. Like everybody's hanging out in their apartments or like, yeah. They've just got like human hair clippers. Yeah, that's true. It's phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:58:29 It's incredible. Yeah. Here we go. Underrated movie, Mason. You got something that you saw that other people thought was maybe not so great. Oh. You were like, is it The Alien Covenant for you? Yeah, it might be.
Starting point is 00:58:41 I mean, objectively, it's not a good movie though, is it? Yeah, but it's something you enjoyed. Oh, no, that's a different category, I guess. Right. I'm going to go Trainspotting 2. Even though it got quite good response, it kind of just disappeared, and I quite liked it. I liked that universe.
Starting point is 00:58:55 I liked that grizzled Scottish heroin-driven universe. And it was nice to return to that amazing world. Yeah, I really enjoyed it. Yeah. Let me have a think. A look-a-see? A look-a-see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:09 While you're doing that, Mason. Yes. I'm going to sit in silence. Nice. Terrific. It's hard to sit in silence when you're doing all that. Oh, sorry. It's hard to sit in silence when you're doing all that. Oh, sorry. It's better.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Yeah. Jazz. You want to come back to this? Yes. You wouldn't say it comes at night, underrated? Yeah, sure. But then again, a lot of people also really loved it. So it's kind of a tough one.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Joel Edgerton's killing it, man. He's just been quietly killing it for like six years. Yeah, right. And everybody loves him. But where's his breakout role, Mason? It's not bright, which we'll talk about in a bit. All right. If I can only see, if I only have the inclination and the time
Starting point is 01:00:04 to see like Logan Lucky or It Comes at Night. Logan Lucky you'll like. Oh. Yeah, definitely. More like Logan Likey. Yeah. Very good, Mason.
Starting point is 01:00:13 That's what your review should have been. Yes. Yes, it should have been. Look, bearing in mind, I'm just looking at a list of underrated films this year and I haven't seen any of them except Aileen Coven, so I guess I'm giving it to that, even though it wasn't a good film. That's great, Mason. What about this?
Starting point is 01:00:26 Best comedy. You could throw in Baywatch, which I didn't see. You could throw in Thor Ragnarok, which many people consider to be a comedy. I would argue that Spider-Man Homecoming is probably as funny as Thor Ragnarok. That's true. The Big Sick. That's a good one.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I think that for me is probably. I didn't see a lot of comedies this year, so I think by default it's the big sick anyway it's got that really good 9-11 joke in it yeah in the trailers
Starting point is 01:00:49 also apparently because I follow Kumail Nanjiani on Twitter apparently he said if you can't I saw this
Starting point is 01:00:59 it's on Amazon Prime and it's you can buy it on iTunes whatever but if you don't have Amazon Prime or if you can't afford to buy it
Starting point is 01:01:04 you can see it for free on Pornhub you don't have Amazon Prime, if you can't afford to buy it, you can see it for free on Pornhub, apparently. The whole thing is there. What was the category? Interracial. Interracial. Which makes perfect sense. Absolutely. And then Pornhub tweeted him like, oh, sorry, we'll get rid of it.
Starting point is 01:01:14 And he's like, no, leave it up. So there's your little tip for the holidays. Absolutely. Clear your browser is the tip. I'm interested to see what he does next because he started from comedy and podcasting, didn't he? That's true, yeah. Just like you, Mason.
Starting point is 01:01:27 So you're the next Kamail Nanjiani. Okay. So your film is going to be on Pornhub. Oh. That's your dream, right? Yeah. Good. Yeah, terrific.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Best villain? Yeah, okay. Best villain. I don't think there's a best hero. It's probably Captain America, even though he didn't have a film. Yeah, it's Captain America every year. He's the best uh who's the best villain of this year mason let's see who do we have we've got john ham from the vulture the vulture michael keaton michael keaton john ham what's john ham from baby driver oh yeah
Starting point is 01:01:59 snoke well the fact that i forgot he was in that is probably... Yes. Snoke. No. Adam Driver from that movie. Oh. The movie Split, which is another horror movie I just realized I saw. No. James McAvoy. No. Pennywise the Clown.
Starting point is 01:02:15 No. Interesting, I thought. Look, he's interesting, but also, again, he's a character where ultimately he's this multidimensional demon from beyond space and time. And ultimately how they beat him is literally beat him with sticks. Yeah, that's what I liked. That's what I liked, basically.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Oh, yeah, it's pretty good. Yeah. He didn't like it, did he? No. Yeah. Look, I think for me it would be a toss-up between probably Kylo Ren because he's got some nuance. He does.
Starting point is 01:02:42 And Michael Keaton in Birdman. Yeah. No, Spider-Man Homecoming. It's Birdman, no. I think it's Birdman. I think it's because maybe he isn't, but it's nice to see a good villain. Yeah, true. And he's got some nuance.
Starting point is 01:02:57 And he nearly won my best Marvel villain poll that I put out there. Oh, who didn't? Who did win that? Vinny Jones is the juggernaut one. Oh, for sure, because you rigged it, one assumes. Mason, who's to say whether or not I rigged it just for the sake of annoying people. But it's not up to me to make that decision. So who knows?
Starting point is 01:03:16 That video is up there if people want to see it. Yep. I included the juggernaut. So a non-rigged poll is what you're saying would have resulted in the vulture being the best villain. No, I didn't say that or anything. Maybe it was legitimately what happened. Or maybe people didn't vote for the Juggernaut because I thought they would because it was funny.
Starting point is 01:03:30 And the Vulture won. And then I just said it was the Juggernaut anyway just so people would flip out. Maybe I did that, Mason. All right. Did you do that? Maybe I did, I said. Huh. Next category.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Anyway, Jon Hamm wins. No, that's incorrect. The Vulture wins.ulture wins He's the best Michael Caine was good I enjoy seeing him in more movies He's looking great Yep And he's right
Starting point is 01:03:51 He's a villain who's right Exactly It's not just he thinks he's right He actually is He is right He actually is He should steal money Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:00 And tech and whatever Don't murder people Yeah, don't do that I mean, he does murder someone by accident That's true And he also doesn't give away spider-man's identity yet so he's not all bad isn't it that's right yeah it's not loki is it no what did he do this year hardly anything yeah exactly he just did his loki shtick here we go mason this is a good one best hulking gray cgi villain with a big old gray hulking face oh there's so many this year
Starting point is 01:04:23 uh whoever the villain in wonder woman. Whoever the villain in Wonder Woman was. Yep. Whoever the villain in Justice League was. Megatron. Yep. Javier Bardem in Pirates 5. Very good. And I've just got Jared Leto's Blade Runner because this started off as best villains,
Starting point is 01:04:36 but then as I was listed as worst villains and then as I was listed. Oh, yeah. Sure, sure. So he got grandfathered in as just the worst villain. Okay. I didn't like him at all. I didn't mind him. And I think you are Jared Leto.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I know. I probably am. Blind, if you will. I'm sick of his shit. You're sick of his nonsense. Yeah. But I didn't mind the character. He's in it for 10 minutes
Starting point is 01:04:55 and he's got the weird satellite eye things, which I thought were fun. Yeah, but that's not him. No, that's true. That's the concept. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:03 I even liked him in that short film, the short film that came out before him. Yeah, fine. But, you know, he really was blind for it. They really- I know. We mentioned that on the show. And then someone had to lead him around on set.
Starting point is 01:05:11 It was such a spiritual moment. Yeah. You had to pay somebody else to do that. That's two wages. They probably didn't even get paid. Yeah. They probably had to do other stuff and they had to do the rest of their work at double time.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Yeah. Because they were doing something else. You should have done one of his 30 seconds to Mars concert blind and fall off the stage. Nice. Got him. That's what I think, Mason. Look, I think the best hulking grey villain this year was the guy
Starting point is 01:05:32 in Wonder Woman, basically because his alter ego was just an old British dude with like a toothbrush mustache. But then. Then he was a big grey hulking man. Look out. Look out. Did you like Salazar's Revenge as a villain? Remember that bit where they were in a weird water tunnel at the end?
Starting point is 01:05:49 Oh yeah And he could have swum up the side but he didn't He didn't Some of the worst I don't recall hating the design or did I? He had underwater hair He had underwater hair Did he have holes in his face?
Starting point is 01:05:59 He had holes in his head Yeah alright His big grey hulking face Yeah Interesting though That's the only big grey hulking Faced villain in this With a
Starting point is 01:06:07 With a non-CGI head Yeah, right That's Javier Bardem's Real big old noggin Right He's got a big old head that bloke Yeah Mason, this is an interesting one
Starting point is 01:06:15 Hello Best movie that you didn't think was great So people are like It's great And you're like It's okay Tell me a movie that I thought That everyone thought was great then
Starting point is 01:06:23 Dunkirk That's my one No, I thought that was great I liked Ah, Dunkirk. That's my one. No, I thought that was great. I liked it, but I didn't love it. I felt very mechanical and it felt like a lot of, it was a lot of 19 year olds with the same brown haircut.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Oh, for sure. Right, yeah. Start drowning. That's because you just can't recognize faces. No, I can't. That's something else. All right, what else? What other movie was great this year?
Starting point is 01:06:40 That's the only one I've got. Oh, that was great? You were saying, what are you saying is great? Because, you know, everybody thinks Hunt for the Wilder People is great. Oh, yeah. That's a good one. I think that movie, that was great? You were saying, what are you saying is great? Because, you know, everybody thinks Hunt for the Wilder People is great.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Oh, yeah, that's a good one. I think that movie is just okay, but that was like two years ago or whatever. Okay. Give me a list of the top five movies this year, top ten,
Starting point is 01:06:53 and I'll tell you whether I thought they were great. Get Out, people are saying. Yeah, it was great. Lady Bird. Didn't see it. Phantom Thread, that's the one with Daniel Day-Lewis
Starting point is 01:06:59 and he's like, I love clothing and I probably lived as a clothing for 20 years for this role and now I'm retiring. That sounds really good.
Starting point is 01:07:07 So it won't be that one. Star Wars. Is that a real movie? Did you make it up? Not that he lived as clothing, but the other thing is real. Baby Driver, people are saying. Big Sick. Blade Runner.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Logan. It's all pretty good. War for the Planet of the Apes. I think that nearly kind of. I didn't say it though. It's good. It's not amazing. No, you know, it's pretty good. War for the Planet of the Apes. I think that nearly kind of... I didn't see it though. It's good. It's not amazing. No, you know, it's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:07:28 But are people saying it's amazing? People say it's amazing, yeah. I think people are exhausted by Planet of the Apes movies, to be honest. Might be. Shape of Water, did you see that? Didn't see it. Is it even out here? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:37 The Disaster Artist, did you see that? Didn't see it. Logan Lucky, you didn't see that. Here's the thing I thought... John Wick 2, what about that? Just headshot, headshot, headshot. There's a lot of head't see that. Here's the thing I thought- John Wick 2, what about that? Just headshot, headshot, headshot? There's a lot of headshots in that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I feel it was more of the same. Okay. They did introduce some other little things. They're like, hey, let's take this to Italy or whatever. Yeah, did they? Yeah. Mamma mia. What about Darkest Hour?
Starting point is 01:08:00 The best part about John Wick 2 is in the first John Wick, there's a moment where they're like, hey, he once killed three guys with a pencil. And then in John Wick 2, he kills like four guys with a pencil. So he breaks his own personal best. Good on him. So that's pretty good, right? Does he break the pencil?
Starting point is 01:08:15 I don't think so. He could still use that pencil. He could return it. Yeah. Go back to Officeworks and be like, this pencil's defective. It's covered in blood. I don't's defective. It's covered in blood. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:27 It's not my blood. You can check. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know. It came with a human eye stuck on the end. I don't know. I still enjoyed that movie a lot, though. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Then maybe you don't have a winner. Maybe you just loved every movie this year, Mason. Loved movies. Every movie was correctly rated. What about, did you see Trainspotting 2? No. Okay. Did you see The Killing of no okay did you see the killing of the sacred deer no i didn't see any i didn't see any movie with more than like five
Starting point is 01:08:52 words in it did you say i didn't see three billboards outside of what's a mccall the netflix movie about the pig no that's good i like that one is he a friendly pig yes this is a documentary no it's a smart pig it's a smart it's the the guy who did the one about the train that's a metaphor for humanity and Chris Evans. Oh, Snowpiercer. Yeah, the guy did that. Would you watch a movie called Snowpiercer? No, probably not. Starring Chris Evans, though?
Starting point is 01:09:18 Ah, yeah, I would. Yeah, so there you go. What about Wonder Woman? Because for me it's good, but I'm not like, I loved it so much. I was like, yeah, it's... But I think that's a general consensus. Is it? I think a lot of people are like, this movie's good.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I don't think people are like, this has changed the world or anything. In terms of female superhero movies. Yeah, but I think in terms of the ramifications for the movie industry, I think that is good. But as a movie, I'm like, this is good. This is a good movie. I enjoyed it. It had a toothbrush mustache, man.
Starting point is 01:09:48 It did have a toothbrush mustache. And it had that great scene where she jumps the trench. Yeah, I agree. And there's that moment where they all team up and she jumps on their shield and she blows up that building. Remember that? It's a good scene. That's a good scene.
Starting point is 01:09:59 She flips the tank. Flips the tank. Pretty good. Is she bulletproof or not? I guess we'll never know. Don't know, mate. Can she really fly? Who knows?
Starting point is 01:10:06 It's just a long jump. Well, she did it in Justice League, so I guess she can't. Yeah. Where's her invisible jet? Maybe she was in it the whole time. Worst trailer? Now, that's a good question because the, is the definition of a bad trailer. That doesn't necessarily mean the movie is going to be bad.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Yeah. Or that the movie, because a lot of these trailers, well, the three trailers I've got that doesn't necessarily mean the movie is going to be bad or that the movie because a lot of these trailers, well the three trailers I've got here aren't out yet I'm saying like do you define a bad trailer as a trailer that gave away the entire plot of the movie or do you define a trailer, a bad trailer as a trailer where 50% of the things
Starting point is 01:10:40 in the trailer were not in the movie in which case my worst trailers are probably Spider-Man Homecoming and justice league for the latter yeah because justice well what happened to all the football scenes at justice league what happened to all the football scenes joss whedon or zach snyder whoever took him out took him in or out son son of a bitch uh what do you got there i got some mentions here jurassic world oh yeah not a very good trailer no i think that's going to be there's a very good chance that's going to be good. The first Pacific Rim trailer because what was it?
Starting point is 01:11:11 Yep. Why are they making it? Yeah, yeah. But that still could be good. And Ready Player One because shut up. Just shut up. I'm going to go with Spider-Man Homecoming. Okay, yeah, fair.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Because you just gave us everything yeah you know what the movie was it's a credit to that movie where i still really enjoyed it despite yeah same yeah everything that they gave because there's been trailers that have been similar in the past and the movie is just me watching going okay we're gonna get this scene okay we got it yeah this scene okay we got it by the end there's i haven't been surprised or enjoyed we've seen all the scenes before you'd even entered the movie the moving theater uh what about best trailer again this movie doesn't have to be out yet oh yes why what do you got there i've got the avengers i do i know the new one whatever that one is avengers the new one infinity war looks good
Starting point is 01:12:00 looks good bringing it all together spawned a thousand domains i don't know whether that's just a good trailer or just because it's just a culmination of everything they've done I don't know if I love it as a trailer I think it's fine yeah okay fair enough
Starting point is 01:12:10 people will love the Black Panther trailer in particular the soundtrack the Disaster Artist I haven't seen but I really like the trailer and we haven't talked
Starting point is 01:12:19 about this yet but you just watched it but Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse the animated it's a fantastic trailer it looks good yeah it looks amazing this is a movie I didn't give a shit about then i'm like oh no this is
Starting point is 01:12:28 visually this looks incredible yeah yeah it's just some not even even the spider-man stuff just a shot of new york ground level and there's taxis going past i'm like that looks incredible to forget about it isn't it yes i'll achieve it though i'll forget about it yeah i reckon probably black that's what i was thinking earlier in the day probably black panther yeah right because it's a i think i'd reach the point where i'm like i don't care about the marvel universe we've seen everything we can see in this universe yeah who cares it all looks the same it's all just men in suits of armor and other men wearing jeans and t-shirts and leather jackets and aviator glasses and baseball caps
Starting point is 01:13:06 because they're in disguise yeah but this they were like okay here's a whole new corner of the Marvel Universe and I liked it a lot okay cool
Starting point is 01:13:14 thought it was primo good I'm going to say Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse you would here we go Mason best and worst CGI actor or de-aged person
Starting point is 01:13:23 in a film okay so we've got There wasn't a lot of them this year No, it was Tarkin last year Tarkin was last year Last year was a big year for CGI people That was Rogue One, that was last year, okay, right I've got the two that I know of
Starting point is 01:13:33 Okay, give me Rachel from Blade Runner Yes Is probably the worst That was absolutely the worst, yeah And Hugh Jackman for Logan, where he was young Hugh Jackman Oh, that was great Yeah, that's best
Starting point is 01:13:43 Yeah Oh, sure, okay Best and worst, I've combined. Yeah, that's best. Yeah. Oh, sure. It's best and worst. I've combined them. Remember we talked about this before the show, Mason? Brilliant. Combine the two, yeah. I'm going to combine this category.
Starting point is 01:13:52 There's got to be another de-aged person. There probably is. Didn't anybody else get de-aged? Well, think about the Marvel movies because they're renowned for them. Yeah, that's true. Spider-Man Homecoming, did they do it? No. Did Guardians 2 do it?
Starting point is 01:14:03 They didn't de-age Kurt Russell. Oh, they did. Yeah. I was going to say Hasselhoff. They should have de-aged Hasselhoff. It didn't make sense that he was 55 or whatever. No, that's true, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Okay, yeah, I like the Kurt Russell bit, but I didn't think it was better than Hugh Jackman. No, Hugh Jackman was... I mean, a lot of that was in the dark. Yeah. That was flawless. But it still looked incredible. And the fact that he...
Starting point is 01:14:24 And this is unrelated to the cgi at all but the fact that he i assumed that that was another actor like and they just cgi'd his face i think they did do a bit of that it's a mix it's a whole lot of stuff yeah yeah but the fact that he's both of those like that he can be like yeah super one it's you know a testament to probably makeup and what have you but the fact that he can be like super, and it's a testament to probably makeup and what have you. But the fact that he can- Makeup and muscles. Yeah, that he can be just the totally worn down, sad Logan and also real life Hugh Jackman. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Isn't that incredible? Yeah, exactly. He had a little mullet as well. Yeah, that's true. He looked like paperback hero. Yes. Remember that one? His greatest role, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:02 And who was worst again? Who did you say? I forgot. Yeah, that was so jarring. It was very close. So close, so weird. Yeah. Get a woman who just looks kind of like her.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Or show the back of her head. Show the back of her head. Get Jared Leto to do it. He could. He's such a good actor. He's a good actor. He'd probably come on a set dressed as a woman and people couldn't believe it. They were like, female Jesus is here.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Yeah, right. You could just see an aura of him. Yeah. What a fuckwit. He's, right. You could just see the aura of him. Yeah. What a fuckwit. He's all right. I'm sure he's fine. Anyway, anything else? No.
Starting point is 01:15:32 No, not at all. Okay, what about this best kids film? You seen any? Lego Batman. Yep. I saw Paddington the other day. Not Paddington 2, which is apparently really good. I saw the first Paddington from three years ago.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Yeah. It's great. It's really good. Is it? It's not from this year, but I'm going to count it. So you're going to assume that this... No, I'm just saying Paddington from 2014 is my best kids film of this year.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Okay, good. Well, that's fair. And the thing about... There's like a one really dark joke in it, which kids wouldn't pick up on, which I really like. Oh, what was it about? It was that Peter Capaldi's in love with Nicole Kidman. so he turns up at her house and he's like yeah i got these flowers for you he holds out flowers and they're dead and he goes i took him off a lamppost
Starting point is 01:16:11 oh boy it's about brutal all right peter capaldi's in that yeah there you go yeah but and i guess i do think the dad would be colin firth but it's not. It's another guy. Wow, just some rando? No, he's from Love, actually. I got a promotional email the other day about Paddington 2, and the tagline says, It takes a bear to catch a thief. Is that true? It's not a slow...
Starting point is 01:16:37 Do you think a bear could catch a thief on a track? Oh, for sure. Like an open track, but if it was in a museum. Yeah, no. Or a forest? Probably catch a thief in a forest. like a museum yeah no or a forest yeah catch a thief in a forest the thief happened to be in a forest yeah i mean that's not a saying no it's not look yeah all i look all i saw was lego batman and also all the marvel and dc which are technically for children and star wars which is for children yeah right yeah fair enough but uh no because i
Starting point is 01:17:02 don't know if you remember the first Paddington trailer was horrifying. And the poster was like a weird little nightmare puppet standing at like the street at night with a red balloon or whatever it was. Oh, like it? Like it. It wasn't that. Oh, because he was waiting at the train station. Or whatever it was.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Yeah, he had a little suitcase. So what is he in the movie? Is he a puppet? No, he's CGI, but you believe it. It's really, excuse me, it's really good. Did you have a little cry? No. Did your kid watch it or was it just you? No, he didn't, but you believe it. It's really... It's really good. Did you have a little cry? No. Did your kid watch it, or was it just you? No, he didn't watch it. It's weird. He likes
Starting point is 01:17:30 Planet Earth. The documentary? Yeah, okay, sure. Alright, that makes sense. What have we got here? Have you got an actor that you're most annoyed by this year? Someone where you're just like... Obviously, I've talked about bloody Jared Leto. That's your mate.
Starting point is 01:17:46 People are hating on Ezra Miller's The Flash. You know what I mean? I thought he was fine. Jesse Eisenberg reared his bloody head in Justice League.
Starting point is 01:17:53 That annoyed me. Johnny Depp in Pirates. Just sick of that shtick. Look, Johnny Depp in Pirates and Johnny Depp in Fantastic Beasts. When did that come out?
Starting point is 01:18:01 Last year? I don't care. I'm rolling it into 2017 I'm sick of him yeah I'm gonna say Pirates the Pirates franchise is so fascinating to me
Starting point is 01:18:12 why in so far as the first one was such a breath of fresh air that movie I imagine is still enjoyable yeah I mean I haven't seen it
Starting point is 01:18:18 in many years but do you think you I think I couldn't watch it because I've seen five however many there are four others since yeah right so I don't think I couldn't watch it because I've seen five other however many there are four others since
Starting point is 01:18:28 so I don't think I'd ever go back and watch it but I think it's also like you can feel how tired in the eyes everybody is in that last one you can just feel it you can see it in their faces and the fact that everybody looked so fresh in the first one and the hilarious
Starting point is 01:18:41 it was such a fun concept he's like he's Keith, but he's a pirate. It's... There's so many jokes in it. Yeah. And we saw it together. Yeah. And nobody laughed.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Nobody laughed. It was just... Because there's a pause for us, for like the audience to kind of have a bit of a giggle and then recover. But it's just a five second pause. And I don't... We didn't see it with media or anything, did we? I think we might have.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Okay, right. They don't laugh at anything. But also, no, they do, I feel. And also, it's not, it's generally, because there's probably not enough media in Melbourne, it's just like families and people who work there and whatever. Yeah, that's true, yeah. It's not really just media.
Starting point is 01:19:18 It's whoever a lot of the time, yeah. Well, who else was on that list of people I should probably hate? Ezra Miller. Yeah, I'm fine with him I was kind of more sick of him last year
Starting point is 01:19:28 but then he did that Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts haircut and I'm like that's yeah right right
Starting point is 01:19:33 a lot of respect for sporting that look I didn't hate that characterisation of no it's fine
Starting point is 01:19:39 the flash but at the same time he did what he was going to do with it yeah so
Starting point is 01:19:44 I'm indifferent yeah I agree yeah it's depth But at the same time, he did what he was going to do with it. Yeah. I'm indifferent. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Yeah, but it's depth. It's depth. This is fun, Mason. Isn't it, though?
Starting point is 01:19:52 We have fun. I mean, this one. We've got a few more. We better bloody speed it up a bit. Okay, let's speed it along. Worst special effect. The most famous one is... Oh, the mustache. The mustache.
Starting point is 01:20:01 But I would argue... The mustache. The mustache. But honorable mention to Geostorm. Which part of Geostorm was bad? The storm. The actual storm. Was it the part where the bad, where Anthony, is it Anthony LaPaglia?
Starting point is 01:20:13 Yeah. No, it's, what's his face? Ed Helms. No. I'm the president, you son of a bitch. No, Ed Helms was the bad guy. Not Ed Helms. Ed Harris.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Ed Harris. What a memorable film. Was it the part Where Ed Harris Shoots the president's car With a rocket launcher Yeah that was pretty good That was good yeah
Starting point is 01:20:29 My favourite line in that Is where The president Says I'm the president You son of a bitch Yeah that's right Now what part of
Starting point is 01:20:37 What special effect Did that do Some of them weren't finished Weren't they I didn't notice There was no geostorm I was just But it was just kind of like
Starting point is 01:20:44 The CGI wave Wasn't very good like the space stuff i feel like they finished but everything on earth was just bad and boring and everyone's skyping each other man i had a good time that movie it's the mustache though isn't it uh i think justice league as a whole yeah fair enough yeah i i there are obviously there's some really jarring mustache moments in that film there were also some moments where it didn't you didn't notice it that much yeah but that whole movie at no point did it feel like it was ever taking place on a real set and that's a real problem with a lot of these dc movies yeah and people are like oh it's just like a comic book no you your brain fills in the empty spaces in a comic book you can have it
Starting point is 01:21:23 your brain can go okay well you know, you know, it's drawn, but I'm imagining it's the real world. With this, we're seeing it and it looks so alien and weird that I can't lock in on it. And they colour corrected a whole lot of it to red. And then at the end, they must have added the bit where all the CGI flowers appeared. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:21:41 What was that? Don't know. But I'm going to say Justice League as a whole. I don't wear this lanyard for nothing, Mason. I wear it because I'm all in. You're all in and you had a good time with it. Correct. Best hair.
Starting point is 01:21:54 So Chris Evans wasn't in anything. No, he wasn't, unfortunately. Okay, I've got a couple of mentions. I'm going to say maybe, look, Contenders, maybe Hemsworth. Oh, yeah. His new haircut in Thor. That's a good haircut. Good haircut, I think, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Not many men can carry off the vanilla ice side fade, you know. And Stan Lee gave it to him, so bonus points. That's right. Yeah. I'm going to throw in Andy Serkis in Planet of the Apes. Oh, yeah. That's some good CGI hair. I know it's CGI, but I feel like it's time that CGI hair was recognized as real hair. Oh, I see. Oh, you're making a, this is a political stance you're taking. Correct, yeah. That's some good CGI hair. I know it's CGI, but I feel like it's time that CGI hair was recognized as real hair.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Oh, I see. Oh, you're making a, this is a political stance you're taking. Correct, yes. Okay. Yeah. Right. Who else had grow hair? I've got one more.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Okay, I'm ready. Go, go. Do you want to think about it? Oh, good Wonder Woman hair. Good Wonder Woman hair, yeah. I forget that this is a male and female category. That's right. This is anybody's game.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Look, maybe- I don't understand the mechanics of female hair, though. I don't know how it works. How do you get it like that? Oh, it's usually longer. It's longer, okay. You don't cut it as often. You don't cut it as often. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:22:54 I get you. Kylo Ren, Adam Driver's hair. That is divisive. Much like Adam Driver's look and performance and roles. But I think that's what's good about it. And it covers his big ears. Yeah, that's true. It's doing, it's, it's, it serves a function and it's beautiful hair.
Starting point is 01:23:12 How is his hair in Logan Lucky? It's good. Does it cover his ears? Yes. A lot of it. Yeah. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:23:17 All right. I'm telling you, Mason, you got to give it a shot. He's got a helmet on it. Takes it off. Still looks good. It's got to be better hair this year. Mason, I think that hair is... How was Doctor Strange's hair in Ragnarok?
Starting point is 01:23:28 How was Goldblum's hair? That was just fine, wasn't it? Yeah. I think Strange's is a wig, or at least the side bits are... Yeah, for sure. A wig, yeah. What about the goose? See, the thing is, there's so much hair.
Starting point is 01:23:42 So much hair. You've just got to name a film and then somebody's got hair in it. Somebody's got hair in it. Name another film. Batman vs. superman i think we gave it to affleck last year yeah it's a good it's a wig but it's a good wig yeah i didn't think affleck's wig in this one was as good no it's just you can see it yeah you can see it you can see he jumped out of the chair before they'd finished nailing it down. That's still flapping away on the sides of it. We've got to move forward.
Starting point is 01:24:09 You can come back to it, but I'm giving it to Kylo Ren. All right, I'm giving it to Wonder Woman. Fair enough. Worst hair? I'm sick to death of Loki's hair. Okay. Yeah. All right, Loki's hair.
Starting point is 01:24:21 I'm going to throw in Johnny Depp from Pirates of the Caribbean. No, look, I still like the look of Jack Sparrow, so I'm still on board with that. I mean, you're right. I'm being swayed by the sunken eyes. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. If this were best eyes, it'd be Superman for heat vision eyes. Obviously, because he's got the best eyes.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Evil Michael Fassbender in Alien Covenant with the long hair. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's supposed to be bad, I guess. Yeah. But also Vin Diesel's coat in XXX2. That weird, shaggy, dead goat coat. Yeah, he's like, I got my coat back. Get it dry cleaned.
Starting point is 01:25:05 So I'm going to say that. Great. Yeah. You got one? What did I say? I don't know. Loki. Oh, yeah, Loki.
Starting point is 01:25:10 That's fair. I mean, it's supposed to be bad. No, it isn't. Yes, it isn't. Well, it's supposed to be cool. Yeah, I think it's supposed to be cool. Yeah. Special mention to Hux's sideburns.
Starting point is 01:25:19 They don't look any good. He's supposed to look ridiculous, I feel. Yeah. Biggest disappointment of the year for you in terms of films or tv or life or life yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah was just like a disappointment did you think it not for me because i'd yeah look we tried not to rubbish it running on the run up to it but just privately me and you were like, this is not going to be good.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Yeah, look, the disappointment for me with Justice League is I think even the defenders of Justice League... Stopped defending it. They stopped defending it. Like, I got far fewer, like, death threats. Yeah. For having mean opinions. Like, when, like, Batman Superman came out and Suicide Squad came out,
Starting point is 01:26:07 people were like, you're the worst and how dare you and why don't you kill yourself, which I feel is a true mark of no sense of humour because why wouldn't I have said, why don't you join the real Suicide Squad? Oh, that's good. But they didn't. That's all shifted to Star Wars now.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Yeah, that's true. But with Justice League, people were just like, I was like, this movie's terrible. And they're like, oh, no, you're terrible. Come on. Come on, mate. Yeah, come on. No, give it a chance.
Starting point is 01:26:33 So you're going to go Justice League? Probably, yeah. I'm going to say Kingsman 2. Oh, I forgot about Kingsman 2. Yeah, Kingsman 2. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, I didn't really like it when I saw it, but in hindsight, that movie sucks.
Starting point is 01:26:44 That movie sucks, and I liked the first one a lot. Me too. It it, but in hindsight, that movie sucks. That movie sucks. And I liked the first one a lot. Me too. It was the greatest movie in the world. And that's what hurt. That's what hurt. It was the greatest movie in the world, but it was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:26:52 And I think what they did is they decided to kill, spoiler alert, they decided to kill a whole bunch of characters and... And they bring back one from the first one, which they, in a really... Because they invent a way for... they have a cure for a gunshot to the head. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that should have been the plot.
Starting point is 01:27:12 I was thinking about the other day. That should have been the premise of the movie, that somebody invents a cure for a gunshot to the head, and everybody's racing for the cure for the gunshot to the head. But no, it's just a thing that they have in their first aid kit. It's a cure for a gunshot to the head. So it's a special pillow a thing that they have in their first aid kit. It's a cure for a gunshot to the head. So it's a special pillow that they put in and around your head, my dog's at the door, and then you give them a real bad memory.
Starting point is 01:27:34 You give them a fright and then they remember everything. It's fine, yeah. Oh, that movie's garbage. Yeah, I mean, there's robot dogs, which you'd think would be interesting. You'd think Julianne Moore would be really compelling as a villain, but she's not. There's a laser lasso but there's not enough of it
Starting point is 01:27:47 yeah there's a Channing Tatum but there's not enough of it but then they swap him out like immediately yeah it's just not very good and I really don't
Starting point is 01:27:54 because I was all about like this is what Bond should be yeah right but now I don't want to see this version of Bond and it had a very promising
Starting point is 01:28:02 opening sequence it did and it brought back it had a robot arm it sequence. It did. And it brought back. It had a robot arm. It brought back one of the Kingsman rejects from the first movie and how he's the bad guy now. And I thought that was pretty cool. And then they killed. Like what I liked, I think, about the first Kingsman is there was also what we had is we had a male.
Starting point is 01:28:17 We had male and female leads who weren't like romantically linked. They were just a team. Yeah, right. Because they had Kingsman. Yes. What's his Kingsman? Eggsy Kingsman. Eggsy Kingsman. And Roxy. Yeah. They were just a team. Yeah, right. Because they had Kingsman. Yes. What's his Kingsman? Eggsy Kingsman. Eggsy Kingsman.
Starting point is 01:28:26 And Roxy. Yeah. They were just a team. And then the new one, they just blow her up. Yeah. Why? And there's not like, it wasn't a fake out. No.
Starting point is 01:28:33 I thought it was a fake out. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Anyway, it's bad. Movies they need, they should stop making. So you could-
Starting point is 01:28:41 Why don't you let me do that whole run about Justice League? Just bang on about Justice League again. And then sink me with kingsman that movie was terrible uh movies they need to stop making pirates films transformers transformers i'm sure i said that last year as well uh resident evil uh alien prequels my dog's at the door should i let her in you better hide that sandwich mason oh no you're gonna lose it to scratch. See, if it was a rental, Mason, I'd just let her scratch at the door all day. That's right, forever. But now that I own this house. Hello, dog. Do you want a Subway sandwich? I'll give you a hint. It's bad.
Starting point is 01:29:19 I don't know why you eat it. I tell you. Well, sometimes the bread's good. They're not good. They're never good. You think you're... Oh, she smelled the sandwich. Hey, hey, don't eat why you eat it. I tell you. Well, sometimes the bread's good. They're not good. They're never good. You think you... Oh, she smelled the sandwich. Hey, hey. Don't eat that bad sandwich. Can the dog eat the sandwich? No. Really?
Starting point is 01:29:30 Not that. Just because it's a bad sandwich? It's a bad sandwich. No. Sit. You can have it later. What about some meat? Can she have some meat?
Starting point is 01:29:37 But not now. We're doing a podcast, man. All right, fine. Listen, if she contributes to the show at a meaningful wage... She can have some meat. Okay. Dog, sit down. What have we got here?
Starting point is 01:29:48 Okay, so... Yeah, any of those... I mean, Pirates sticks out to me. Transformers, they're going to keep making, but... But are they going to keep making Pirates movies? They won't make another one, surely. They should stop making Transformers movies. I would kind of like to see another one.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Well, you're in, aren't you, on the next one? They got you, I didn't know. Oh, yeah. What about Michael Bay Transformers films? Oh, they should start making those for sure, yeah. How about this one, Mason? Best movie you haven't seen. You haven't seen it.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Haven't seen it. But you've heard that there's too many billboards and that's a good film. I've heard some people say that's the worst movie they've ever seen. Good Lord. I've heard that about say that's the worst movie they've ever seen. Good Lord. Yeah. I've heard that about the movie Bright.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Oh. Yeah. Anyway, we'll talk about that much later. Talk about that later. For me, it's John Wick 2 or Lady Bird. Which one's Lady Bird again? I don't know. Okay, great.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Terrific. That's all I know about it. I've heard it's good. Oh, yeah. So I should see it. That sounds good. Yeah. Don't you think so?
Starting point is 01:30:46 What should I see? What about like Logangan lucky what about it comes at night things that i've fine i'll see it comes at night god yeah i'll see it you know i'll see logan lucky you should i think you really like it you know what's throwing me off about that movie daniel craig's weird accent yeah and he's weird stripy pants that is it because he's incarcerated i get it mason that's what they wear or is it i don't think they do actually wear that. No, I don't know. You see, it's felt a little cartoony. No, it's great.
Starting point is 01:31:08 I don't know. I like all those people. It's weird that I haven't seen it. It's great. It's really good. Okay. All right, I'll see it. Check it out.
Starting point is 01:31:15 We're down to the last few categories, Mason. We're down to the one. Worst movie. Do you want to do worst movie now? Yeah, let's do worst movie now. Okay, yeah. It's The Mummy. Or Geostorm. Because at least Geostorm because at least geostorm was funny geostorm was funny and maybe again i'm being tainted because they copyright strike my
Starting point is 01:31:32 video or whatever but i genuinely that is funny but i genuinely think that it's it's everything wrong with filmmaking really franchising and thinking that a star just putting a star into a film will make people see something and taking a way better concept and ruining it and crashing a cinematic universe yeah and then building up a whole kind of list of actors and they're going to roll out this incredible new horror franchise yeah right just shit i didn't hate it that much like also i fell asleep in the bit when all the glass turned into a face. Oh, that was the best part. There was so much exposition that explained everything.
Starting point is 01:32:10 It was a face like, this is the cinematic universe! Yeah, that's right. I didn't hate it that much. Angelina Jolie will be Frankenstein's wife. Look, I hated all the exposition. Yep. I hated the shoehorning in of the mythology and stuff
Starting point is 01:32:26 Although I didn't in the expanded universe I hated the shoehorning Yeah, remember the 10 minute bloody Russell Crowe story Of what happened in Egypt at the start But I didn't hate the way that the mummy Ended up in London or whatever it was That was pretty good The film was pretty good, you're right
Starting point is 01:32:43 Okay, you know what, it's Transformers It was bad, it was boring It's so long it's also the worst of the last one because it's more boring yeah so there's a less to remember or talk about and i don't see optimus prime transform into a truck he never transforms i mean he does but it's off it's off screen it's bizarre it's i don't get it you just remind me of that. This movie for me was all the more bizarre. I think I said this when we reviewed it. There's an entire other movie in there. If you took the Transformers out, it would be like a modern-day
Starting point is 01:33:14 National Treasure Game of Thrones kind of mash-up. It's about a woman who doesn't believe in the mythic history of England. She discovers she's the last descendant of Merlin and that magic's real and she has to collect an artifact to save. But magic yeah no it's science but you just say it's magic it doesn't matter right but i mean and also and what annoys me is that we'll never get to see that movie which would have been a fairly generic movie but i think at least would have been brisk and fun but i think they just got i think somebody had that existing script yeah and they just put transformers in it and then they realized they couldn't take anything else out because if you get the staff of merlin you control the dragon but in
Starting point is 01:33:49 in transformers they're sentient beings yeah i don't need a stick to be commanded you could just be like hey could you help us out yeah there's a fight we need to exactly yeah it's absolutely transformers the two the two chas merlin also yeah that's right yeah yeah real bad oh they did that whole yeah i felt like a girl. Remember that promo campaign leading up to it? Oh, yeah. And then she was in it for 10 minutes and then she was gone. See, all that.
Starting point is 01:34:11 And those little kids like leering at her. Yeah. It's like, I love you. Yeah. Will you be my girlfriend? All that could, everything set in America in that movie could have been taken out. Yeah. Nobody would have noticed.
Starting point is 01:34:21 And it also had Kay Diegoga the worst character in the world he's the worst do we have a do we have a category for worst character in the world in the world because it's k diega even if they stop making these movies next year it'll be k diega as well just the worst bloke i love his name yeah it's good isn't it yeah it's that you're right it definitely is because at least geo storm is fun yeah and at least the mummy had a good villain mmm yeah who was the bill that's right they rip off Suicide Squad yeah remember that for the bit where they get the transform the the Decepticons out of jail oh there's so much that movie whiplash and it's like... Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:35:05 And it's like neon. Yeah, and then they're all killed in like two minutes. They're all killed, which is kind of fun, I guess. Also, the submarine... Wasn't a Transformer. It wasn't a Transformer. It wasn't. Was it?
Starting point is 01:35:15 Then the Cogsworth or whatever. Was he a Transformer? Apparently he was. We never saw him transform. How big was he also? What's this... The only reason I'm watching these movies is to watch the creative ways in which vehicles transform creatively into other transformers.
Starting point is 01:35:30 But nobody transformed in this movie. The camera literally turned away and then turned back and they turned into a car. Yeah. Ridiculous. What a garbage film. What do they think people are watching this for? No good. film why would you what do they think people are watching this for oh no good it's pretty good though yeah it was good i had a good time with it i mean i won't lie to you what about best uh just a movie movie so that's a movie that is just fine
Starting point is 01:35:58 as it was it was i got a couple okay go ahead uh just a sleek no that's too bad to be just fine for me it's absolutely just fine as a movie. For me, it's absolutely just fine. I really don't think it's terrible. I think on the whole, that's a bad, like they've ruined that franchise. But if you take that movie as a standalone film, it's totally fine. Disagree, but continue. Ghost in the Shell.
Starting point is 01:36:18 That was just fine, wasn't it? Yeah, that was fine. I appreciate it at the time. I haven't gone back to it. If I saw it on Netflix, I'd probably watch 10 minutes of it yeah i think that's probably the yardstick they kind of muddled some of the key action sequences from the from the of the anime the anime yeah like they could like i think i actually think they streamlined the plot enough in that movie that it was the plot in the anime makes it's fine it's too complicated it's fine i'm agreeing with you good
Starting point is 01:36:43 but the the tank battle at the end really let me down. Yeah. I was really looking forward to that. It was fine. Yeah. So that's for me. You know what? And that is absolutely the winner because I forgot that even came out this year.
Starting point is 01:36:55 So congratulations to everyone involved. All right. We're down to best movie, mate. It's in our final category. Ooh. What do you got? I'm going to say Spider-Man Homecoming. We didn't do best comic book movie. No, that's all right. I think to say Spider-Man Homecoming. We didn't do best comic book movie.
Starting point is 01:37:06 No, that's all right. I think it's Spider-Man Homecoming. I agree. Who would have thought that that movie? Yeah, right? I mean, and it was a good year. Logan was great. Wonder Woman was good.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Ragnarok was great. Ragnarok was great. Guardians I enjoyed. But I really like Spider-Man Homecoming. And out of all of those, that's the one I want to see again. I'm like, I should watch that again. I really liked it. Weird.
Starting point is 01:37:27 It was fun. It's got good performances. It's a Sony film somehow. High school movie. It's fun. But it was like a real high school. Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Best friend character was good. Yep. Robert Downey Jr. is in it. He's in it. Tom Holland is in it. Tom Holland's in it. Yeah. You're naming things that are in it. Hannibal Buress was in it. He's in it. Tom Olin is in it. Tom Olin's in it. Yeah. You're naming things that are in it.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Hannibal Buress was in it. Yes, he was. I like, they call Captain America a war criminal joke. That's a good joke. I think it's funny. I think it's really funny. It's less kind of gags than Ragnarok, but I think that's what makes it- Ragnarok.
Starting point is 01:38:00 Ragnarok. Very good. I think that's what makes it kind of more like because it feels like a realer yeah it feels it feels like it's less quips and more humour than the situation
Starting point is 01:38:09 for me it felt like the most correct distillation of like Spider-Man comic books to the movies yes I agree and it's a shame
Starting point is 01:38:17 that we had five leading up to it yeah right which are mixed I think not as like I like Spider-Man to a lot
Starting point is 01:38:24 but I but I think i'm coming and again toby mcguire's like 40 in those movies so it doesn't really work does it no but my best movie is blade runner 2049 it was that movie is just i know it's not for everybody that that's just like everything i like so all that hits all my things that i like like a weird sci-fi kind of film and yeah i don't know just like great performances and i love the it just it looks incredible villain great oh no that's right but there is like the the bad robot woman yeah that's true she's interesting even though she yells at ryan gosling that she's the best one at the end yeah it's got sacrifice it's got heart harrison ford puts in a good performance there'll never be a sequel so you don't have to worry about
Starting point is 01:39:08 that yeah yeah like it goes places you wouldn't expect in it yeah and then it goes away from that as well also there's a few twists and turns along the way i like what they did with like virtual reality and uh and holograms and ai and it stayed true to the old universe, which I thought was good. There were still no cell phones. Yeah, I think it's really spooktacular. But it's not for everybody. Spooktacular? Yeah, it's not for everybody. Would you say it's spooktacular?
Starting point is 01:39:33 There's no spooks in it, Mason. You're thinking of Ghostbusters 2. I'm thinking of Ghostbusters 2. Yeah. All right, Mason. Well, I don't know what's happening next, but we should do what we're reading. Okay, and then what are we going to read?
Starting point is 01:39:44 I'm doing a thing. What are we reading today? Let's talk about it. Look, here's the thing. I said I was going to watch it. I watched like 20 minutes of it. Oh, bright. Can I just quickly say, people got a best to worst, best hair, best comic book movie,
Starting point is 01:40:01 best whatever. Let us know. Let us know on Twitter, at MrSundayMovies. Ideally, if it's like best hair, show us a picture as well. Please. We ain't got time to look this stuff up. Yeah. It can be you as well.
Starting point is 01:40:09 It can be you. If you think you have the best hair of this year, what is a picture of the hair? Show us. Show us your hair. It has to be you holding up today's newspaper. That's true. We don't want last year's hair.
Starting point is 01:40:20 We don't want some 2016 hair sneaking into this. If you had good hair last year then you shaved it all off for charity well you're a chump well shaved head can be good hair that's true you're right yeah but that comes down to head shape as well yeah that's true yeah yeah all right mason uh yeah so we watched bright well you watched some of bright and i watched all the bright it's been called the worst movie of the year there's also been a whole lot of allegations on twitter out against max landis yeah and max landis also deleted a tweet of his that said this might be his star wars oh god yeah i mean do you think having seen the whole thing do you think it's his star wars i think there's
Starting point is 01:40:52 there is the nugget of a good idea in this right but this is a nothing film i don't even think it's bad yeah i'm putting aside all the stuff that's coming out about him it's weird that a son of a very famous movie director who's had everything handed to him is kind of a jerk. Isn't that weird? Yeah, it is strange. Look, I watched the first probably 20 minutes of it and it's weird tonally. I think I mentioned this to you yesterday
Starting point is 01:41:14 in the sense that in one scene you've got characters just casually thrown around the N-word and then a scene later somebody's had a kick me sign put on their back. It's like, what movie is this yeah i because also max landis has not been defending it or promoting it on twitter at all this is before he's disappeared off twitter okay right but there's even lines like and someone i think somebody asked him this as well was like why does why does shrek exist in this universe and how does
Starting point is 01:41:42 that work because even the universe itself because because Will Smith calls one of the, he's like, get your Shrek-looking ass out of here or whatever. So there's Shrek movies? Because I haven't seen it, and I was hoping you might be able to explain this to me. So to me, based on the first 20 minutes of it, this is the spiritual sequel to the movie The Invention of Lying. Because if you recall, in The Invention of Lying,
Starting point is 01:42:03 and I had the issue with this film, the Ricky Gervais film, is that whether you think it's funny or not funny it doesn't matter it's not yeah correct uh how is it that it's in this movie in the movie the invention of lying it's the modern day in a world where for the entirety of recorded history nobody can tell a lie why is society in the modern day exactly the same as the modern world so there's a there's a so my i guess my question is is there a justification in this universe as to why there's been mythical creatures for thousands of years and the world is aware of it and yet society is exactly the same modern day except that there's except there's an elf town and a walk town yeah no there isn't, great.
Starting point is 01:42:45 It's just like there was a weird Lord of the Rings thing that happened 2,000 years ago, and now it's LA. Right, because this movie appears to, because he's like, oh my God, this is Lord of the Rings, plus it's, is there a dedication, I think, somewhere that says this is J.R.R. Tolkien and David Ayer or something like that? Who?
Starting point is 01:43:05 Max Landis? I don't know. It doesn't matter. Anyway, but there's a role-playing game universe called Shadowrun. I don't know if you're aware of it. No. And it's set in the future, and it's like a dystopian cyberpunk future,
Starting point is 01:43:16 plus there's mythical creatures and there's magic. Okay. And the justification is that the world operates on like 5,000-year cycles of science and then magic and then, you know, science and magic. Sure. And so in like according to the Mayan calendar. And so what happened is in 2011, the age of magic begins. And so like people start turning into orcs and goblins and like children start being born as elves and things like that.
Starting point is 01:43:43 And like dragons awaken. Cool. And, you know, all of a sudden there's a book and it was nonsense but now you can do magic out of it or whatever and so society is the same because it's always existed but now there's magic and yeah exactly oh no there's none of that right yeah i was gonna say so so either you justify it like that or you change society to suit this but apparently they went that's harder to film exactly you have to yeah exactly put a cop car in it yeah but you could just hint at there was something happened like somebody unearthed the thing yeah and then reality got altered yeah and then it's then society's the same but no but then like i do think though there is something to but i think you don't necessarily need to explain it and i think the reason you think about it is because it's not
Starting point is 01:44:30 very good yeah it was a good and compelling and a brisk story and it was in it and like you give gave a shit about the characters we wouldn't be asking these yeah right right right because you know with like the marvel universe i'm not like it's done some weird shit happened in the 40s with yeah yeah sure yeah and it's just but it's kind of just modern day earth and look at all the with like the Marvel universe, I'm not like, didn't some weird shit happen in the forties? Yeah, sure. And it's just, but it's kind of just modern day earth and look at all the technology they had, but where is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:51 Don't ask those questions, but for this, because it's because you stop to think about also, it's kind of the actions or muddy and flat. Yeah. Uh, Joel Edgerton and Will Smith are fine, I guess,
Starting point is 01:45:02 but their chemistry is not, not great. There's just really, is that because one of them was wearing a thick rubber mask? But he's okay in it. Yeah, he seemed good in there. You know what I mean? And it's interesting because there's prophecies and there's also a magic wand that shows up.
Starting point is 01:45:16 And if you get the magic wand... Told you there was a magic wand. You said that, yes, and it was in the trailer. I just missed it somehow. But people are like, we've got to get this wand or whatever. But nobody can use magic. It's like one in a million can use it or something like that so what what are you gonna because if if you pick it up spoilers for all this and you're not magic you'll explode like that's how it works so i don't even know what people you're just gonna get a like
Starting point is 01:45:38 just hold the wand and like and just get people it's like a scalper situation yeah but more extreme yeah exactly so it's just and you know it it's so heavy handed in terms of like, oh, the orcs are the downtrodden, the elves are the 1% and whatever. And, you know, and the graffiti is just like, orcs go home. What I did like is one of my favorite things, which is some G-rated graffiti. And it's all, there was a lot of orcs go home and well, orcs are the best. Elves are no good.
Starting point is 01:46:02 Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. It also, it seemed odd that, like, what angle they're going for. Like, his production company is called Trigger Warning Entertainment. Look out, Mason. Look out. Here's trouble. And it looks like, for some of the movie, the bad guys are, like, internal affairs.
Starting point is 01:46:24 Yeah. I don't think this is the year to be like, hey, you know who the bad guy is, police accountability. Well, it's not really that actually. Okay. Is it magic? Is it a wizard? Magic's a bad thing.
Starting point is 01:46:35 That's what I thought. There's some evil elves. Yeah, nice. Okay, cool. Look, if you've got Netflix, you can watch it for free. And they were going to do a sequel apparently, but you know, cause it's Star Wars, But I think there is a good idea here, but this is not well executed.
Starting point is 01:46:49 I think so too. Yeah, it's fine. Which is a shame, because I would have liked to see a Shadowrun movie, to be honest with you. I read the famous review that David Ayer retweeted or whatever, but it's like, this is the worst movie of the year. It is absolutely not the worst movie of the year.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Yeah, it's whatever we said earlier. Yeah. Transformers. Yeah. Anyway, so yeah, check it out if you want, but probably don't. Yeah. Letters, Mason? Oh, yeah, letters.
Starting point is 01:47:11 I hope so. Me. Three. Two. The classic one was letters, oh letters, we love you, some letters, they're only a day my way. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters.
Starting point is 01:47:27 If you want to reach the show, Mason, we know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can.
Starting point is 01:47:29 We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can.
Starting point is 01:47:29 We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can.
Starting point is 01:47:30 We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can.
Starting point is 01:47:30 We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can.
Starting point is 01:47:30 We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can.
Starting point is 01:47:30 We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can. We know you can.
Starting point is 01:47:31 We know you can. We know you can. We All right, well, while you're doing that, I'll read. This is from Ben. Oh, okay. Well, actually, it says Oren Sandlin. That's our letter writer. But it says, hey, guys, Ben here. So that's a mystery in itself. It is. Is Ben short for Oren? Yes.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Okay, cool. Mystery solved. He is wondering if now that Disney is getting back all the Fox Marvel characters, instead of using Wolverine, should they use X-23? Yeah. What do you think is an idea there yeah i like it it's a good idea right just i think even to rest wolverine for a little bit yeah for sure lose him forever but yeah absolutely yeah just say he was he says just say he was in japan or being held prison by the weapon x program or something like that just give it 10 years let people kind of come around to seeing the role again hugh jackman's aged more out of it so you definitely can't bring him back. Yeah, yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:48:25 Or even bring him back in 10 years as an old Wolverine or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, no, I like that a lot. Totally, right? Yes. Nice. And then, because we haven't,
Starting point is 01:48:32 we've seen Kid X-23. Yeah. We've never seen, and you could get, I guess you could get that actor back, or you could get... A different actor. A different actor.
Starting point is 01:48:40 Yeah. You could get Hugh Jackman as X-23. He could do it. He could do it. He's wonderful and fabulous. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. And could get Hugh Jackman as X-23. He could do it. He could do it. He's wonderful and fabulous for me. Yeah. And of course,
Starting point is 01:48:47 because this is Gmail, I have three canned responses to send back. Excellent what you got. I like that idea. Sounds good to me. Yeah, that's a good idea. So no negatives.
Starting point is 01:48:56 Gmail's being very positive today. But they're not even interesting. Where's the weird one? Where's the one like, got it in time? Something like that. Yeah. Make it time. Can you write that yeah no i will
Starting point is 01:49:06 i will not what are you doing what did you select oh i just screenshot it so i can't do anything right now great i'll do it later okay uh this is from papa daddums oh papa daddums hashtag wifi planet pod uh suicide squad 2 is gonna be that guy better be a father his name's papa daddums it's gonna be a thing so i was wondering if you could That guy better be a father. His name's Papa Daddums. It's going to be a thing. So I was wondering if you could name... Well, it might be a thing. I wouldn't say gone-o. It might be a thing.
Starting point is 01:49:29 Yeah. I was wondering if you could name any bad movies that have good sequels. Oh. Now, there's ones where, like, Fast and Furious, where they get better. Yeah. And there's, like, Mission Impossible 3 is better than 2. Yes. But I think, does he just mean the first one's not very good.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Second one's great. Second one's great. Because even Harry Potter, they get good at the fourth one. Okay. Some people say 3. Look, I don't think we can go either way. Okay. Well, I just named some.
Starting point is 01:49:54 You got any more? You sure did. Punisher Warzone's great. Yeah. But a lot of people think Punisher 1 is good, but I disagree. I like the kitchen fight. Yeah, right. Fights Giant Popeye.
Starting point is 01:50:02 Fights Giant Popeye. Exactly. It's pretty good. Punisher Warzone's good. I haven't seen Star Trek. Ghost Rider 2 is good. Is it? Yes.
Starting point is 01:50:09 Okay. It is legit good. That whole second round of Marvel Knights movies was good. Okay. And by whole round, I mean those two. I don't know if there are any other ones. That's probably it. If any of those was any good.
Starting point is 01:50:19 I haven't seen Star Trek, the motion picture, but 2 is better, probably. Sure, yeah. I don't really remember Picture, but 2 is better, probably. For sure, yeah. I don't really remember 2, but I know people hate 1. Some people hate 1. I hate 1. What about The Wolverine compared to Origins? The Wolverine's a lot better. I think this one is interesting, and even though people might heartily disagree, Mad Max 2 is a lot better than Mad Max 1.
Starting point is 01:50:43 Oh, for sure, yeah. Mad Max 1 is not very good which is why for the most part it was never released in america yeah yeah i mean it's commendable sure yeah but it's yeah it's mostly set in ballarat yeah pretty good got another tweet here from mr meh oh what about his emoji movie did you see that one this year mason no what if emojis could couldn't do... What if they got in trouble for doing different emojis? You know what I think about that?
Starting point is 01:51:10 Meh. Very good. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. Do you think the Last Jedi user rating of 54% on Rotten Tomatoes is fair, or is the rabid 30-plus-year-old fanboy throwing hissy fits for no reason? Yeah, it's a good question. I think there's definitely elements of that especially when there's petitions to make take it out of canon yeah which will never
Starting point is 01:51:30 remake it again i'm sorry to say this to everybody but every star wars film they make from now on is going to be canon sure yeah they've set it up they can't just pick and choose start picking choosing a year after the film comes out that one doesn't count. Even if you don't like the movies, like if you don't like Rogue One, it doesn't ruin the canon, really, does it? No, it doesn't ruin the movies you liked. No, exactly. Just don't watch them. I think this is split, though, because some people just don't like it
Starting point is 01:51:56 and have a lot of legitimate reasons. I don't think it's fair to say that it's just babies. Yeah, no, exactly. Or people didn't get what they wanted. I think there are genuine criticisms for this film like in terms of you know the canto bite stuff and and whatever yeah and there's there's technical issues in the movie in terms of like well spoilers yep but there's you know somebody will do a strategic thing and you're like well why didn't they do that in every other
Starting point is 01:52:19 movie and it's a great moment yeah but but yeah there's there was no there should i feel there should have been an in-universe justification why they could do it then but never any other time they were like well you can only do it when something something gravity something something and the thing is as well because you'd be like well they could have their shields up but han solo in the force awakens hyperspaces through his through his shield at the speed of light speed of light and then manually pulls the lever to come out of it
Starting point is 01:52:47 yeah yeah yeah fastest hands in the galaxy you better believe it that's why he's a smuggler yeah deadest it's that loosey-groosey grip it is
Starting point is 01:52:53 vloop vloop speed of light oh good stuff so what do you think it is though do you think I think it's a mix but I think the loudest voices
Starting point is 01:53:02 are the people who just be like I'd ruin Luke Skywalker or whatever. But there's some people who just don't like it. Yeah. And that's fine. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:11 You don't like it, do you? No, I do like it. He likes it, everybody. I liked it a lot. I wish he didn't like it so we could argue about it. Yeah, it's a shame sometimes. If only there was someone on Twitter I could argue about it. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:53:20 I don't. It doesn't matter with Star Wars. Like, I think for me, to some, I mean, not even as much anymore, but to some degree it matters more when it's maybe a comic book movie. Yeah. Like, it mattered to me with Batman Superman because I wanted to be like, hey, everybody who doesn't like these characters or know these characters or care about their inner workings or whatever, this was a really good one.
Starting point is 01:53:44 Yeah. But, you know because it was bad i have to be like as a fan of these characters sorry they're not normally like this but everybody's seen star wars yeah so it's just a movie that you either liked or didn't like wow yeah and that's a good lesson to go out on and that's the tooth it's not the end though because i gotta quickly apologize to Rich, even though I didn't do this. And I'm just going to put this out there in general.
Starting point is 01:54:08 I caught an email. I don't normally delve into the bloody Gmail, Mason. I did just fall asleep last night. Oh, this is fun, yeah. And I got an email from Rich who private messaged the Instagram account MrSundayMovies asking a Justice League-related question. And the person who runs that account, who's not me, replied, I'm married, bitch.
Starting point is 01:54:28 So he's nailed your voice, basically. Yeah. So that's fun, isn't it? This person is also married. That's good. No, I don't think he is married. I think the character, like he knows your character is married. Your persona.
Starting point is 01:54:40 So he's acting as you. Is that what that is? That's how you would react to that. I would say that. If anyone asks you a question on Instagram you tell them hey I'm married bitch
Starting point is 01:54:47 I'm married bitch so that's not me and if anyone's wondering also if you own that Instagram account can I can I have it I guess yeah sure
Starting point is 01:54:56 for free what would you post on Instagram if you had an Instagram though pictures of my fam no I wouldn't it's true you wouldn't I wouldn't do that at all yeah
Starting point is 01:55:03 I don't know I found a really weird spider. I'm going to show you this picture of a spider. I'll show you the spider. No, you haven't shown me the spider. I'll show it on Twitter. I've never seen anything like it. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 01:55:11 It's got spines. You put it on Twitter. I will. Okay, great. Yeah. Someone remind me. Okay, I'll... Anyway, that's...
Starting point is 01:55:19 It'll be pictures of spiders and probably pictures of, like, blurry pictures of people in your neighborhood you hate. That's all your Instagram account would be. Did I tell you about the wheelbarrow next door? No. Oh, Mason, it's quite the tale. Oh, dear. So I moved into this house and I can see into the backyard next door.
Starting point is 01:55:36 And then over the few months or weeks that I've been here, I don't remember, there's a wheelbarrow sitting in somebody's backyard and it's just slowly filling with water. And it's just something about it fills me with anxiety and dread. This account has two and a half thousand followers on Instagram. They all think, what is it? Mr. Sunday Movies. But is it pictures of stuff you would post? No posts.
Starting point is 01:55:58 Wow. Yeah. They're waiting for you to post. Well, I can't. That's true. I'm married, bitch. You're too busy yeah and it was slowly filling with water because we just get a heavy rain and then it would get a
Starting point is 01:56:11 little bit more and i'm just like does nobody know this wheelbarrow is here i contemplated legitimately jumping the fence and tipping it but then i'm like i hadn't met them so is that how you introduce yourself and then it looks like you're stealing a wheelbarrow it looks like you're the neighbor who thieves random household objects just in case you need them. So I didn't, but I looked over the fence the other day and it was gone. So thank God, Mason. But it was a harrowing journey.
Starting point is 01:56:36 So it was never a problem at all, ever. No, it was a problem because I didn't, it was like as it got higher, my anxiety would rise. But I guess my question is, if the water reaches the top of the wheelbarrow, what happens? Nothing. It's not like- I don't know.
Starting point is 01:56:51 Was there some sort of Rube Goldberg machine where if it filled up enough with water, like the little sipping bird would tip the wrong way and it detonates some explosives or something? Is that your concern? I don't know, Mason. It's a real Darkman 1 situation. That's how his lab was blown up. Okay, right.
Starting point is 01:57:08 A tipping bird. A wheelbarrow filled with water. Correct, yes. Maybe that's what it is. Look, I know it's irrational, Mason. Yes. But look. But what are you if not a collection of irrational behaviors?
Starting point is 01:57:18 No, I get it. We've all been there. That's it. Time to end the show though, Mason. Okie dokie. This is our last show for the year. I think the next show is going to be a clip show. Then we're going to have a couple of weeks off.
Starting point is 01:57:30 Cool. And then we'll be back probably mid-January. We will probably be guest appearing on other people's podcasts because quite frankly, we've got nothing else to do. I'm going away. I'm not doing nothing. Oh, then I've got- I'm shutting everything down.
Starting point is 01:57:41 Well, I've got nothing to do, so I'll probably appear on some stuff. Do you want to guest appear on this podcast? The Weekly Planet? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I've done it to do, so I'll probably appear on some stuff. Do you want a guest to appear on this podcast? The Weekly Planet? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I've done it heaps, mate. Okay, all right. Done it heaps. Okay, fair enough.
Starting point is 01:57:49 It doesn't do anything for my brand to appear on this podcast. It's bad news. But yeah, so just check out our bloody socials. Everything's there that you've ever made. Yes. What else? What's in the show?
Starting point is 01:58:03 Should we name any other specifics? Oh, if you want to support the show, you can go to slash MrSundayMovies. Get that audio commentary there for Star Wars Holiday Special. Or you can go to Amazon. There's an Amazon affiliate link
Starting point is 01:58:13 in our episode description. You can buy some stuff on Amazon. Correct. Buy some very late Christmas presents, perhaps. That's what I'm going to do my first day off the 27th. Going to do all my shopping tomorrow. Are you working for that?
Starting point is 01:58:23 Oh, you're working at 3, aren't you? Yeah, yeah. Interesting. But yeah, so you can do that my shopping tomorrow. Are you working for that? Oh, you're working at 3, aren't you? Yeah, yeah. Interesting. But yeah, so you can do that. But otherwise, if you want to contact us, we're at, which is pretty... Everything's there. All the podcasts you'll know and love.
Starting point is 01:58:33 All the podcasts, all the contact dates. Yep. But if you want to follow me at Wikipedia Brown, it's where all the comings and goings. Just check them out. And you can follow me at MrSundayMovies on Twitter, but not Instagram. because I'm married bitch married bitch
Starting point is 01:58:48 yeah no I see got the ring yeah yeah okay what else that's about it I think I just want to say
Starting point is 01:58:54 thanks for a good year Mason for you thank you it's been fun it's been another good year a good year not a great year no no
Starting point is 01:59:00 well I've had some ups and downs yeah fair enough obviously personally but it's been on the whole it's been good. And being able to work from home, this isn't you, Mason. This is thanking people now. I've thanked you enough.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Sure, okay. I have allowed you to work from home, though. Yes, that's right, you do. I haven't made you come to my work and record a podcast, like a mobile podcast. That's true. You do come here every week. That makes my life a lot easier.
Starting point is 01:59:22 But no, to people listening, this now being my job, which is is fun in itself but it means i can be home with my family which is is it a little bit terrifying being home with your family no no because what if he grows up to be a murderer like that's your fault because you've been there the whole time exactly yeah i'm to blame yeah i meant this being your job yeah a little bit because there's the you know there's the job security that's kind of missing but there's also a few we've got a few different revenues which come in, which is helpful. So anybody who supports the Patreon or the commentary tracks
Starting point is 01:59:49 allows us to run ads on the show, which we really appreciate. And the sponsors who are kind enough to do that as well. Or everybody listens and tells somebody else. Everybody listens, exactly. Which in a way is a form of revenue. It is, it really is. And the reviews and people watching on YouTube
Starting point is 02:00:02 and liking stuff. A form of revenue. That's right, supporting Caravan of Garbage. Somebody sending us a nice tweet, that's a nice form of revenue. That's right. Supporting Caravan of Garbage. Somebody sending us a nice tweet. That's a nice form of revenue. Raw Collings does a fantastic job. He's made of dollars. He certainly is.
Starting point is 02:00:11 He's a fine form of revenue. How does he do it? Ben and Matt who do amazing work editing every week. They're just cranking it out, Mason. Yeah, the revenue. For free. No, they don't get paid. But what else?
Starting point is 02:00:23 Claire organizes the ad spots, obviously. Yep. Fergal Quigley doing some great work. Some great art. That's right. It's just... Ah, the whole community. It's all good, man.
Starting point is 02:00:32 Planet Broadcasting, great mates. Great mates, yeah. Oh, what a world. Levins is running that group. Yeah. He's killing it over there with a few other admins. But no, it's awesome. I mean, who would have thought, Mason, that middling into that success would mean you
Starting point is 02:00:43 don't have to go to work? Right? What a world. It's a dream we can all aspire to. I highly recommend it. All right. Nice. Is that the show?
Starting point is 02:00:50 That's the show, I think. Yeah. Cool. All right. Mason, Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas. No, I'm taking it back. You can't say, as we said.
Starting point is 02:00:57 Oh, that's right. I've got to go to jail now. You can't say Merry Christmas, Mason. Man. It's PC gone mad. It is PC gone mad, isn't it? Well, I'll just say grab that gem everybody we'll see you next year
Starting point is 02:01:06 I'm married bitch that's your official new catchphrase somebody make a t-shirt thanks everybody bye it's a good catchphrase it is
Starting point is 02:01:18 I like it a lot people who are married can wear it couples can get matching t-shirts that's right yeah if you're not married you can wear it ironically that's a great idea T-shirts. That's right, yeah. If you're not married, you can wear it ironically.
Starting point is 02:01:26 That's a great idea. That's all good. What an amazing source of revenue for all of us. That's a new catchphrase, don't mark my words. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you.
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