The Weekly Planet - 223 Joss Whedon Leaves Batgirl & Mute

Episode Date: February 26, 2018

Hello it’s time for another podcast, isn’t it?This week we talk Duncan Jones’ Mute as well as Aquaman being good, Rush Hour 4, Jurassic World 3, Jessica Jones Season 2, Star Wars Episode 9 and J...oss Whedon leaving Batgirl. Thanks for listening!Wynter Dark: Camera Podcast: Go On: The start of the podcast4:25 Aquaman is good apparently8:05 Reboot Reboot12:25 Rush Hour 414:44 Jurassic World 3/Jurassic Park 616:39 Lost In Space reboot21:07 Jessica Jones Season 2 trailer22:40 Sony, what are they up to?24:39 Star Wars Episode 931:14 Joss Whedon leaves Batgirl42:45 Mute Spoiler Review1:00:43 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:07:19 Letters It’s Time For LettersAmazon affiliate link: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me is always my co-host, Nick Mace. I'm here. You're both. Both of us are here.
Starting point is 00:00:29 We're both here. That's right. Both of us are here. Yeah. What's new? Is there anything? I just did a Patreon bonus episode for our friends over at Do Go On. Oh, Do Go On.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah. So that's out now, I think. Oh, excellent. It comes out tomorrow. Are you allowed to say the topic or? Well, it comes when you, you know how you say that you say the topic sure other thing yeah yeah yeah thing no but i mean like do you is it a patreon secret oh probably not yeah it's the uh the great molasses flood of 1919 i've never heard of this but you were telling
Starting point is 00:00:58 me about like the bullet points and it is fascinating yeah right so if you're not do go on patreon maybe get on that. Yeah, absolutely. It's a good podcast too. Speaking of good podcast, Mason, I was on Lights Camera podcast earlier this week. Oh, what's that about? It's a movie podcast like this, except with people from a different place. What?
Starting point is 00:01:16 So not this room. Oh. Yeah, I know, right? I can't even imagine a place outside this room. But we talked a bit about Black Panther. We talked about the news of the week, you know, the Transformers stuff and that. But I think the thing that people are really getting behind, it's like fantasy football but with superheroes.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And you pick your team and then the audience decides. And the audience also had a team through voting who kind of – It's like a fantasy football draft. That's exactly what I said, Mason. Oh, I see. Yeah. And look, I'm not entirely happy with my team. There's a few wild cards in there for sure.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Did you get to pick your own team? Yes. Okay. But also once someone picks someone else, you can't get that thing. Right. So there was a few that I missed out on. One in particular that kind of beats everybody else. But I did get Willy Wonka.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Was it Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet? It was not. No, because it wasn't. It's just Heroes this time around, but they do it definitely every week. But it's a great show. So absolutely everybody should check it out. Oh, what's the hero that he missed out on?
Starting point is 00:02:12 I can't. I'd rather not say, Mason. Okay, that's fine. Tune in and find out. We'll link both below. Nice. Won't we? Yes. Won't I?
Starting point is 00:02:18 You will. Yeah. For sure. I hope so. All right. Better let the team down, man. Definitely. Oh, one more bit of bloody housekeeping up top,
Starting point is 00:02:25 and I'm not happy about this. We had a big old chat about it before, and I stamped my little feet. You sure did. But basically, Claire has entered the Weekly Planet in the podcast awards for the Australian podcast awards for most popular podcast. The People's Choice. The People's Choice. The People's Choice Awards.
Starting point is 00:02:47 And because the entry was only $30 as opposed to $350 for the other one that wanted us to enter, and it's by listener vote, I said, fine, okay, because it will probably help us in Australia, I guess, if we ever need to do anything here. You're really firing up this call to action let me tell you so if people want to vote
Starting point is 00:03:08 people are on their phones right now they're just they're just shaking they're like how do I vote you're so keen about this I want to vote
Starting point is 00:03:15 do it if you want to do it you can it's linked below you have to make an account but there's not much to it and then you put in a vote and then you
Starting point is 00:03:22 and then you're on your merry way so what is it yeah I don't know it's linked below i'll link it below i don't know the specifics i don't know the link but it will be there all right so it doesn't cost anybody anything obviously you don't have time an investment of time yeah it would probably be funny if we won i guess so that would be it'd be funny because i feel everybody on the awards voting team would be like, who is this? What?
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah. And that's kind of why I'm like, maybe. Yeah. Yeah. I'll fix your mic because it's dripping. While I'm doing that, why don't you have a chat? To whom? The listeners.
Starting point is 00:03:54 What about this? I've done it. It's going to slip down again. I don't know what you're talking about. You'll never be president of microphones. Oh, come on. I'd give it a bloody good go, I reckon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Can I be your running mate? Yeah, absolutely. All right. First, come on. Give it a bloody good go, I reckon. Yeah. Can I be your running mate? Yeah, absolutely. All right. First bit of news. All righty. Aquaman. It's not out till December. You know that.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yes. Probably. I knew it wasn't out now, currently. That's as far as my memory stretches. But it's had some test screenings. Okay. No spoilers. So nothing's come out of it in terms of who is Aquaman.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Can I take a wild guess? Sure. The people who viewed it were ecstatic. They were ecstatic. I think it's the best movie they've ever seen. It was apparently a place like Indiana Jones. It's got action better than Wonder Woman and Justice League, if you can believe that.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And it's sexy like Indiana Jones. Yes, that's right. And Justice League, which is the sexiest. And it's sexy like Indiana Jones. Yes, that's right. And Justice League, which is the sexiest DC film probably when you think about it. And apparently the action is just, yeah, it's like nothing with kind of, because a lot of it's underwater. We haven't had good underwater action since Waterworld
Starting point is 00:04:58 and to a lesser extent, Deep Blue Sea, or to a greater extent, depending on where you fall on LL Cool J. That's correct. Yeah. Do you think his hat is like a shark's fin? where you fall on ll cool j that's correct yeah but uh do you think his hat is like a shark's fin then you probably think this is better it is very much so so i'm inclined to believe this more than others because james wan made it so i'm like yeah you probably yeah you're right you probably could pull out something good yeah
Starting point is 00:05:22 so well that's the thing it's it's competing impulses because one i'm like well he did some fantastic he did the fast and the furious movies which were great yeah fun at any rate uh and but on the other hand at any rate fast certainly so that's that one side but the other side is that we keep wanting these to be good yeah and then they're not good yes that's the two competing impulses there so well look some are obviously better than others mason yeah for justice league for me i had fun with it you know that he's putting on he's putting on a lanyard yeah it's a justice league lanyard it says melbourne all is all in and i'm all in it should say james mr sunday movies is all in justice league hashtag 2017 yeah that's what it should say you you wanted them to like make a
Starting point is 00:06:04 custom lanyard for you? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I mean, I'm wearing it. Would that have swayed you? Do you think you would have been like- I'm swayed enough. You don't need to pay me off with lanyards when you see a great film. It's true. Yeah. Do you see me keeping any of my other lanyards? No, that's a good question. Have we got any other lanyards? I don't have any other lanyards. No, no. Yeah. Often they'll just take our phone and tell us to sit down and shut up. Correct, yes. And watch a movie.
Starting point is 00:06:26 So you have high hopes for Aquaman. Yeah, for sure. You have hopes for Aquaman. I have some hopes for Aquaman, yeah. Yeah, good. I would love it to be great. Because it only takes one film to kind of turn around a franchise. I agree, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Because when Wonder Woman came out, everyone went, oh, this universe is fine. Yeah, right. This is great. And then when Justice League came out everyone went no yeah cancel everything and also i had zero interest basically in the fast and the furious movies yeah until seven and then i'm like oh these are good or six six or seven yeah one of them i'm like these are good and fun and stupid so all right did you see the one where they drag the safe number five it's the best one maybe yeah it's the best one. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, it's the best one.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Okay. Maybe. Can you move your mic back just a little bit? Am I being too forceful on the mic? Yeah. If you're going to be president of microphones, Mason. Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Look, what you can do maybe is give me a little earpiece. Okay, sure. When I'm on the podium. Yeah. Pitching to be president of microphones. There's so many Ps then. It just went crazy. I know.
Starting point is 00:07:22 That's why I'm going to be bad at president of microphones. But I need you in the ear on the earpiece. You'd be in the control booth and you'd be like, stop saying so many P's when you're pitching to be president. Stop it. It's really unbelievable. Can you tilt that down a bit? This is out of control.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I don't know what's going on today, but I don't like it. What about now? That's a bit better. Okay. Then we'll find out. You'll fix all the previous stuff in post, right? You can't. It's still doing it.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Stop it. Stop it! Mason, you loved the TV show reboot from the 90s for some reason. I really did. It's a computer animated cartoon. One of the earliest. Yes. One of the shittiest looking things you'll ever see. Did you not like it?
Starting point is 00:07:57 Until... No, it was crap. Until... Was it? I don't remember it enough. It was always on before I went to play basketball as a kid. It was set in the city of Mainframe. Yeah, right. So did it also bleed over into the real world? It never went into the real world. was it i don't remember it enough it was always on like before i went to play basketball mainframe yeah right so did it also bleed over into the real world never went in the real world mason
Starting point is 00:08:09 we were in for a treat and a shock and a delight and a romp when we saw the trailer for reboot 2018 the reboot of the reboot now you you wouldn't sort of aware of this but you hadn't watched the trailer and i said to you you have to see this trailer yeah and i did and it was one of the worst things i've ever seen it's really bad right it's incredibly bad yeah there was a man you're not a guy who watched the previous one so you have not you don't have that much of a reference but i loved the first one i thought it was great yeah tuned in every week yeah i remember there was a blue skin guy with sort of dreads yeah that was that was bob bob his. His name was Bob. And what did he do?
Starting point is 00:08:46 He was like a guardian of the mainframe. But where was mainframe? It was in a mainframe. Yeah, but where was that in just like a- It was probably in like a printer repair company or something like that. That's what I'm saying. Was that what it was? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:58 We never found out. Never found out. Then later they went on the internet. It was incredible. Yep. And how was that? It was a time jump. How many years?
Starting point is 00:09:06 How many decibels? I don't know. I don't know. Okay, good. Anyway, this looks like Power Rangers and vlogging and garbage. Sure does. And it looks like they spoiled the entire plot as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And this is Netflix. Yeah, apparently. Every once in a while I watch a thing and I'm like, Netflix have too much money. Yeah. Yeah, I've been watching this video lately. Someone just had an eye. Somebody who was a big fan of Reboot back in the day,
Starting point is 00:09:31 one of my fellow Reboot fans, Rebooters, has become a vice president. Rebooties. Thank you. Has become a president of Netflix and is just like, hey, do we have a spare couple of million bucks? Great, let's make a Reboot movie. Yeah. They should have spent $52 million on Cloverfield and not made this.
Starting point is 00:09:49 All right. You know what happened? Probably somebody walked into a meeting and they went, guys. Can you move your mic back more? This is dropping fucking crazy. I think somebody walked into a meeting and they went, guys, two words, reboot, reboot. And then there was just silence. And they went, guys, reboot.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And they're like, what are you talking about? It's like, okay, there was a TV series that's called Reboot. Oh, they rebooted a TV series. No, there was a TV series specifically called Reboot that was created several years before the concept of reboots were popularized were there do they ever reboot anything within the reboot universe whatever like we need to reboot because the mainframe's got a virus in it and it's a skull and crossbones or something and it's
Starting point is 00:10:38 eaten all the megapixels probably yes that happened yeah i think we have to read almost certainly and when i say i was a huge fan of it, like all things in the past, I only remember it vaguely. Sure. One guy had a golden bionic eye. It was amazing. Wow. Well, isn't he all like bionic because he's made of bits and bytes?
Starting point is 00:10:56 Not the point. I mean, that's not very special. Do you know what I mean? He had stubble, but he was an animated computer guy. Why did he have stubble? Because he went through, he got rebooted. Did he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:09 You don't know that. I do. There was a moment when I went, oh, Crycheck. From the X-Files. From the X-Files. Yes. That's where I went, that's where I noticed a thing. Even the designs are bad.
Starting point is 00:11:21 At least make it look like the old one. It just looks like Power Rangers, but worse. Okay, here's something. It didn't even have any of the... It had Megabyte, who was the villain in the original.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Sure. But like, none of the main hero characters. Who cares? Who cares about these new kids? I don't care.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Don't you like vlogging? Do you think it'll connect to the original reboot? It'd have to. And then they'll be like, look, it's Bob. Do you think that'll happen? It better.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yeah. It better. It better. This thing you're definitely going to watch. I'm not going to watch it. Unless there's another trailer in like a week
Starting point is 00:11:54 that's like, oh yeah, Bob's in this. Yeah, right. Bob and Enzo and Dot Matrix. They're not all in it. Dot Matrix like the printer. Yeah, but also
Starting point is 00:12:02 like a sexy lady. Like a sexy lady. Okay, good. Okay. Speaking of sexy ladies, Rush Hour 4. There's always a bit where Chris Tucker has to go into a change room and he convinces all the ladies in a burlesque show that he's a fashion designer and he looks at them all naked.
Starting point is 00:12:18 That's some or all of the Rush Hour movies, right? No, you're thinking of the president. You're thinking of the current president of the united states of america i'm sure that i'm sure that also happened in rush hour of the french one oh yeah and they also had that guy in it roman polanski was in it and i remember the time thinking what yeah yeah because one of the worst blokes of all time and people only seem to recently remember i'm'm going to double check that. I'm fairly certain he is. Yeah, he's in rush hour three. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Chris Tucker has confirmed this. This is what he said. It's happening. This is going to be the rush of all rushes. Jackie is ready, and we want to do this so that people don't ever forget it. Like the third one. Like the third one, yeah. And to a lesser extent, the second one. And the first one. I don't ever forget it. Like the third one. Like the third one, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And to a lesser extent the second one. And the first one. I don't remember the first one either. I remember the first one. Yeah, shipping containers and I remember that at the start and you don't touch a black man's radio. Yeah, yeah, Jackie Chan did a little dance. He did it and maybe he's fighting a guy with a chair
Starting point is 00:13:20 but he's blindfolded or something. Yeah, and they think that he's just some doddering little weirdo but then he escapes the prison or something. something yeah he slithers up a flagpole yeah right uh-huh or whatever yeah anyway i don't mind them from memory i'm like they're okay i guess i think yeah for the time yeah yeah i think the time of the rush hour movie is over like people you can't even make a movie that format anymore you can make a tv series called rush hour because they did didn't they didn't they do a reboot not that format anymore. You can make a TV series called Rush Hour because they did, didn't they? Didn't they do a reboot?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Not like Reboot Reboot. Oh, right. A reboot of the Rush Hour TV series. Guys, hear me out. Rush Hour Reboot. I'm barely certain there was a Rush Hour TV series. I'm just going to double check that. Because I know they also did a Beverly Hills Cop one. Yeah, and a Lethal Weapon one.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Yeah. Yeah, I thought that's currently happening, isn't it? Yeah, Rush Hour TV series, 2016 one. Yeah. Yeah, I thought that's currently happening, isn't it? Mm-hmm. Yeah, Rush Hour TV series, 2016. People ask, here we go, is the Rush Hour TV show cancelled? Yes. Okay. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Oh, good. But are you going to believe that? What, are you going to believe the internet or the fact that you turn the TV on to watch Rush Hour the series and it's not on anymore? Yeah, I believe all that. Okay. That's what I believe. Okay. Okay. That's what I believe. Okay. Mason, I know you're excited for Jurassic World 2 slash Jurassic Park 4, 5.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Sure. Yeah. Are you excited for Jurassic World 3 slash Jurassic Park 6? Oh, because they've already announced that there's a second Jurassic World sequel and a fifth Jurassic Park sequel. Correct. The same sequel. Correct. The same movie. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Which is coming out in 2020? June. No, sixth Jurassic Park. June 11th, 2021. Okay, right. A mere three years from now. Ooh. I guess they must think this one's good.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Also, it doesn't matter if it's not good because these make money regardless. For sure, yeah. And they're all really good to completely serviceable. Yeah, it's not that they have decided this one is really good. They've just done like a costing projection. Absolutely. With a spreadsheet. And they've gone, okay, well, this one's-
Starting point is 00:15:17 Is there a Star Wars movie out that month? Yeah, this next one's probably going to make this amount of money. So this one after that will probably make this amount of money. And if we pack it in after that, it doesn't matter. Exactly. Speaking of making money, mate. Yes. Black Panther, out of control.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Doing well. Better than Avengers. It's on track to be the biggest Marvel movie, which is crazy. Yeah. It's an origin sort of. It's a solo outing. Iron Man 3 did really well, but that was off the back of Avengers. avengers yeah right this is obviously a character that people have been waiting to see and they're really enjoying the movie black panther so here's to another segment of the show
Starting point is 00:15:55 somebody on twitter uh posted and i can't remember who it was that's crazy though like black panthers i thought you're gonna say it's crazy that someone posted on twitter yeah that is great but somebody posted on twitter get ready for another 50 martin freeman movies yes because uh hollywood hollywood and the wrong end of the stick they've grabbed it they've grabbed it with both hands no i think i think marvel have figured this out it seems like they have anyway oh yeah speaking of figuring things out, Mason and Netflix having too much money, Lost in Space is getting a reboot and it looks exactly like Star Trek Discovery.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Guys, let me tell you. Yeah. Four words. Okay. Lost in Space reboot. You mean the one from the 90s with Joey from Friends? Lost in Space reboot, reboot. Five words.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Reboot, reboot. As in the new reboot series we're doing at the moment. Lost in Space reboot. in the new reboot series we're doing at the moment lost in space reboot not the tv series reboot oh wait no i'm i'm a heady here you're gonna you're thinking rebooting the original lost in space which in a way we are doing right no i think that i quit i quit i've had enough of this job. I'm tired of rebooting things. Having a nervous breakdown, my wife's left me.
Starting point is 00:17:14 But so this, I guess, is a reboot of the classic TV series. Looks like a good cast. Yep. Did you see any of the original series? Will Robinson? Yeah. I don't need you to name things. Have you seen?
Starting point is 00:17:24 No, I didn't see. Well, that's the thing, because they may, I assume't need you to name things. Have you seen it? No, I didn't see. Well, that's the thing because I assume they have recast. I think it's a fair bet they've recast some of the characters to be a different gender or a different ethnicity. I think it looks the same from what I can tell. Okay. We don't see everybody. No, we don't see the guy. Oh, maybe there is actually.
Starting point is 00:17:40 We don't see the wibbly armed robot, do we? No, no, he comes later. Okay, right. Maybe there is a- Where's the Dr. Smith? Well, he's... From what I remember from the movie, which is the only thing I remember about this,
Starting point is 00:17:51 was Dr. Smith as Gary Oldman, who turns into a big old spider at the end. Oh, yeah, that's right. For some reason. He sneaks on board, and that's what caused the accident or something. Yeah, right, okay. He's involved, and then he gets bitten by a spider,
Starting point is 00:18:03 and then he turns into a big Spider-Man and there's a time jump and then Will Robinson's in the future and Joey has an Iron Man mask. I was going to say. That's the best part of the movie. That's the only part I remember. It's got that and Lacey Chabert. Lacey Chabert. She's in it.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Heather Graham. William or the other Hurt. There was an Apollo 440 Lost in Space theme. Was there really? Yeah. The robot changes. Remember when Apollo 440 Lost in Space theme. Was there really? Yeah. The robot changes. Remember when Apollo 440 was the biggest band in the world for two seconds? What was their song?
Starting point is 00:18:31 The Lost in Space theme. No, their other song. I don't know. I'll look it up. Hang on. 440. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Was this also a computer? Potentially. Because I'm getting a- You're thinking of the Omega 500. No, no. I'll stop the rock it says omega 4000 what song was like stop the rock can't stop the rock yeah triple m always play oh yeah they used to they probably still i'm sure they do yeah yeah uh good on it uh lost in
Starting point is 00:18:56 space um yeah design wise it looks very star trek discovery and color palette and yeah i'd give this a go yeah but it also looks very throwback to the 60s that looked fun sure the suits did certainly and do you love space adventures yeah okay then i think you might be on board uh unless it's bad yeah so they use their quantum drive to fly through the sun because they're gonna go into the sun or whatever it's not called quantum drive it's called whatever the lost in space version of light speed all right okay might just be called light speed because what they were going to do and i don't know whether this is the original series probably not this is the lacey shabera version do you remember many details about this movie that i've seen it i've also seen it i probably saw it more than once yeah probably
Starting point is 00:19:36 anything about it but so the idea is they go into space they go they travel for 10 20 years or whatever it is it might even be longer and then on other end, they build the other side of a space bridge so it could control light speed. So you've got a point that you can fire to. Because otherwise, if you just fire it off, you can go anywhere. Yeah, right. So because their ship's going to crash into the sun,
Starting point is 00:19:54 they just fire it off to escape and they end up on the other side of the galaxy or wherever they've been. Or a bunch of bobble-headed boobies, you know what I mean? Exactly. And then Will Robinson has a cool 90s future robot, but then it gets beat up by spiders. And then Will Robinson has a cool 90s future robot, but then it gets beat up by spiders.
Starting point is 00:20:06 And then he makes the classic one with the head and the wavy claws. I see, right. Yeah. And then Gary Oldman turns into a spider. Sure, yeah. You're really hung up on this Gary Oldman turning into a spider thing. I think you have an issue. You don't think that that's something that should be praised and remembered?
Starting point is 00:20:23 Now that you've mentioned this, it seems that every time we talk about a Gary Oldman movie, you do bring it up. You're like, we're talking about the Nolan Dark Knight movies, and you're like, that dirty old spider, Gary Oldman. That asinine arachnid, Gary Oldman, I'm sick of him. You've let your bias slip through, I see. I'm just a big fan.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Okay. Is that okay? Yes. Speaking of being a big fan of a thing, Jessica Jones Season 2 has a trailer. Yeah. For a lot of it, I thought I was watching the wrong thing. Because there's a lot of old footage.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I guess they're keeping it under wraps. Looks the same. Much the same. Absolutely. That was the last Marvel season that I really enjoyed. Looks the same. Much the same. And that's absolutely, that was the last Marvel season that I really enjoyed. Yeah, right. The Netflix ones.
Starting point is 00:21:10 So I hope this is as good. Yeah. Do you think she's going to fly in this one finally? Bloody she better. I think she might. Do you reckon it'll be weird though? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Do you reckon it'll be like a Greatest American Hero style flying? Like she hasn't quite got it down. She's in front of a crap blue screen. For sure. With very visible wires on it yeah like you can see the belt i don't know i think it'll be more like a bullet like she'll be like there's my destination and she'll just kick off and just crash through well she kind of she doesn't fly in the first season but there's a moment where she just lands yeah Yeah. It's kind of like, did she jump that?
Starting point is 00:21:45 Did she fly there? Yeah, right. She might not even know she can fly. Maybe. If she even can fly this version. No, good. Bring this back. I still got to finish The Punisher.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Do you think we're going to meet a whole bunch of crazy characters in a therapy, group therapy session? Mate, I think maybe she's too crazy for the bloody group therapy session. You'd have to be crazy to be in a therapy session, but actually you do. Yeah. Now that I think about it. Unless you're running it.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, that's true. And then you might also need to have a previous mental condition, which might help. Yeah. I mean, not always, but... So what you're saying is you don't have to be crazy to work there, but it helps. I didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:22:19 It seems to be true, though. I didn't say that, Mason. All right. Sony, what are they up to? I know that's what you're thinking, aren't you? Oh, is Mason. All right. Sony. What are they up to? I know that's what you're thinking, aren't you? Oh, is this our famous segment, Sony? What are they up to? What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:22:30 What are you... Come on, mates. What are you... Their Silver and Black film has been delayed. Don't know what that is. It's Silver Sable and Black Cat movie. Oh, I see. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I would have thought off the back of Wonder Woman... Yes. ...that this would be something that they would really push for. They'd really ramp it up, yeah. Which I think that went Black Panther. Oh, do we have any cat characters? Do we have any black cat characters? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Well, black, yeah, well, yeah, that's it. This is Black Cat. That's good, Mason. Well done. Thank you. I thought you did that by accident, but you planned that out, didn't you? Yeah, I've been planning it out for weeks. Good.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Yeah. It just got new writers, but it's there's seems like there's no release date anymore and it's all very much up in the air but okay that's kind of a shame i guess depending on what venom's gonna do yeah uh but hey sony what what are you up to yeah what do you think the plot of silver sable black cat is gonna be i think the black cat is gonna steal some sort of some sort of uh heist Cat is going to steal some sort of heist. It's just going to steal some sort of artifact that is valuable to the land of Simcaria, which is where Silver Sable is from. What's Simcaria?
Starting point is 00:23:33 It's like a weird Eastern European nation. Cool. What do they got there? Artifacts. Like what? Sim cards? Yeah, exactly. Old Sim cards.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah, exactly. Great. Yeah. Why would you want one of those old just old mobile phones yeah why do you want them to recycle i guess for the parts now this has got like some old photos and stuff on them but you can't really see them because they've got like four pixels not the point it's just got some there's some old concert footage on one of them it's blurry it's eight seconds long but it's like... Is it some Apollo 440? It's an Apollo 440 concert. And look,
Starting point is 00:24:09 they just stopped The Rock was playing and they just got... Silver Sable got some very valuable footage. And she wants it back, all right? Okay, I understand. I previously did not understand,
Starting point is 00:24:20 but you've made this crystal clear. Thank you. Mason, I know you're excited for Star Wars Han Solo. Yeah, not really. But I, I know you're excited for Star Wars Han Solo. Yeah, not really. But I know you're even more excited for Star Wars Episode IX. Not really.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah. Me neither. And I really liked VIII. We burned out. But I kind of burned out. Yeah, and also it felt very end game to me. Yeah, exactly. I was kind of like, I could leave this for a while.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Maybe by the time it rolls around, I'll care more, but I feel good. Yeah, look, I think they very carefully calculated the point at which people will be like, I'm not sick of this anymore. I'd watch another one,
Starting point is 00:24:54 I guess, and then bang you back in. That's exactly it. I think after Han Solo comes out in between that and whatever Nine is called, they're going to chuck in, they're going to be like,
Starting point is 00:25:03 this is the new animated series. This is the new TV series that we're doing. These are some new video games because it looks like EA might be losing the Star Wars license, which they should. Yeah. Because they are not doing a good job. No. And I say that as somebody who has taken money from them
Starting point is 00:25:16 to promote the Battlefront 2 game. But they are not doing it. Now they're no longer continuing to pay you. Well, it's not even that. As soon as I played that, I was like, oh, no, you really blew it. It's been, they've had it for a long time and they've cancelled a game. They've brought out two, in my opinion, very mediocre games. Not everybody thinks that.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And it's not even the fault of the developers because it's been cut up and microtransaction and this and that and whatever. I just think other students. Do you remember the heyday of lucasarts yeah was incredible and i know all those games in hindsight are not good sure by a long shot but there was such a variety of games sure tie fighter x-wing x-wing versus tie fighter rogue squadron all of these things correct uh but you know then've got your first person shooters. You've got tactical like Age of Empires. They just skinned Age of Empires.
Starting point is 00:26:11 But it was good. You know what I mean? All this stuff they've been doing. Give me a point and click. Give me a point and click adventure game. Like 1313 was supposed to come out, but they cancelled that presumably because there was going to be a Boba Fett video game. And then they wanted to make a Boba Fett video game and then they wanted to make a Boba Fett movie but then they cancelled that or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:28 I want some good Star Wars games. I just want some... Can I, Mason? And I know you can go back and play the old ones but I want some new ones, Mason. You can't have any new ones. Yeah, sorry. Why not? Look, you don't deserve them. Yeah, that's probably true.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Okay. Anyway, Star Wars Episode 9, which we're both um look you don't deserve them yeah that's probably true okay anyway star wars episode nine which we're both we're not gonna not watch it no we definitely i'm sure when we see some of it it'll be it'll be look all i'm saying is if it came out tomorrow probably wouldn't see it tomorrow i would probably have to see it tomorrow yeah i guess yeah i'd wait a couple of days yeah fair enough uh it has a script and it starts shooting in july that's where all this was leading oh i see right uh none of that is surprising it should have a script by now and it does uh and it needs to start in july because it needs to be released so people can watch it yeah exactly and if it's not finished
Starting point is 00:27:19 people probably want their money yeah exactly if you can't show person a person half a film and i don't mean like if it's only 45 minutes long or there's only half of the screen. Either way. Either way. Even if you split it like diagonally, it's not acceptable. If you did a famous Star Wars like swipe wipe, stopped in the middle,
Starting point is 00:27:38 and then the remainder of the movie was just a diagonal half of a movie. Exactly. So that's not acceptable. I'd watch that yeah i probably would yeah do you think there's ever become a point and this is completely off topic and wrong okay where you know like every now and then they'll be like you know how you loved curved tvs and people like no because they used to be curved and we didn't like them and then they were flat they're like no no these curve the other way it's's like, why? Right. Why can't they be flat?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Do you think they're going to try another shape? They're going to round off the edges again? Are we going to get a round TV one day? You know what I mean? Is it going to take up your entire vision? So you're watching a TV show, but it wraps entirely around your head like VR or whatever. I thought it was weird that that never caught on like that.
Starting point is 00:28:21 That you wrap around your head television. No, like a VR. It's not good enough yet. Not even in a VR sense, but in a just you put it on, it looks like you're looking at the biggest screen in the universe. Yeah, right. No, I don't think it's good enough yet. I really don't.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And it's also because a lot of them, not all of them, you've got to have a cable attached to your head and whatever. Yeah, sure. Also, I don't want to watch a movie with a thing on my head. That's true. I'm happy to sit and like I can hold my phone up to my face if I wanted to. It's true. And I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Am I wrong, Mason? You're always wrong. No. Every time. Yeah, say literally anything. Hey, I'm the best person in the world. Wrong. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:04 I've been living a lie. Wrong. What i am you know you're living you're living your truth okay as a man who's wrong all the time anyway star wars get excited mason i'm not yet it's just hit me right now i'm just not that excited right now i felt this way after nine there are only few individuals that can be excited about star wars all the time yeah exactly and if you are go listen to steel wars it's great yep yeah he's excited every week uh rebels really good episode last week oh if you like i'm kind of i'm hot and cold on it but really good i don't think it's out yet but uh steel saunders over the steel wars podcast oh yeah just uh did an interview yeah but steel was sizzle just did an interview i believe with our mate ben mendo mendelsohn he told me that months ago and i kept it a secret because i forgot nice wait did he do the interview months ago no no he was lining
Starting point is 00:29:54 it up oh nice so that's really exciting yeah that's his biggest guest yet that's right other than you mason it's very true yeah big gap between you and mendo isn't it like there's a lot in the physically like an ocean yeah like an ocean sure but i mean like like in terms of achievements and success there's ben mendo mendelsohn yep and then if you like i don't even know where you'd even look to find you and what else like because there's so much in between like an ocean yeah an ocean but also like again a list of achievements and skills and abilities and like probably like popularity, handsomeness. He'll get there one day. Good on you, Mendo.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Keep plugging away, mate. Good on you. Sure, yeah. He's popping up in everything. He's in Ready Player One. Yeah. He's in the new Robin Hood movie apparently. Oh.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Yeah, that's exciting. As an evil sheriff. Probably the sheriff. Probably the sheriff, yeah. Do you think he'd be Robin Hood? No. He's too old. Yeah. He'd look good in a, what's exciting. As an evil sheriff. Probably the sheriff. Probably the sheriff, yeah. Do you think he'd be Robin Hood? No. He's too old. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:46 He'd look good in a... What's a thing a sheriff would wear? He'd look good in a fry tuck fat suit. Sure. Holding a stick. Yeah. Okay. Mason, in some news that is the least shocking news that has ever occurred,
Starting point is 00:31:01 Joss Whedon has left Batgirl at Warner Brothers. Left or been pushed? Well, here's officially what he said. Batgirl is such an exciting project and Warner Brothers slash DC, they're such collaborative and supportive partners that it took me months to realize I didn't have a story. Whedon said in a statement,
Starting point is 00:31:19 I'm grateful to Jeff and Toby and everyone who was so welcoming when I arrived and so I understand when I, is there a sexier word for failed? This was always going to happen. Yeah. As soon as that stuff came out about his wife, it was just never, or ex-wife, it was just never going to.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I completely understand why. I think he's being pushed. Like he probably hasn't cracked the story either, but I don't think whatever he was going to make, I don't think they were ever on board after this came out. Because then he'd have to sit and press junkets and people would be like do you think you're the right person to be doing a female let's be here after your track record blah blah blah but also and it would i think that also at the very least like every media outlet would go in and they'd be like sign this paper piece of paper saying you wouldn't you won't ask him about all the stuff he's done he did you know yeah exactly his decades-long track
Starting point is 00:32:10 record of infidelity to his wife or whatever yeah and then they'd be like what am i even doing here yeah exactly yeah well he didn't do any press for justice league yep um kind of off the back of that and also because it was shit i mean i didn I didn't think so. Some people did. Yeah. But also, interestingly, when- Oh, we should do a Justice League check. Oh, yeah. It was fine.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It was totally fine and completely serviceable and forgettable, and I can't wait to watch it again, which I have. I can wait. Is it out yet on Blu-ray or something or digital? I don't think so. I think it might be. Either way, I can certainly wait. Is it out yet on Blu-ray or something or digital? I don't think so. I think it might be. Either way, I can certainly wait. Would you say that you had fun with it?
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah, man. Okay. Didn't you have fun with it? No. Remember that bit where Superman just beat the shit out of Steppenwolf? That was pretty good. I know people were like, that's not fun when Superman turns up. And I'm like, no, that is fun.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Just watching Superman just knock a guy about. That's great. It's no good. Yeah, fair enough. I'll think it's no good. Anyway. Zack Snyder. There may be some beef between Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon
Starting point is 00:33:15 because when somebody made the comment that Steppenwolf is one of the worst villains of all time on Twitter, Joss Whedon, he's pretty quiet on social media. He was around this time. He liked that tweet. Even though he made that movie. Wait, so it wasn't an accidental like? No. Okay, wow.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I don't think so. Well, he didn't remove it. I don't know. Maybe he did remove it. I don't know that. And then Zack Snyder apparently liked a post saying that Joss Whedon was leaving and somebody else who was at DC also liked it. This is a very passive-aggressive director war, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:33:45 So passive-aggressive, exactly. So that's where we're at with that. But according to... I've got some more news. They're not even tweeting mean things at each other. No, no. Just liking mean things that other people have said about the other one. Correct.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Maybe by accident also. Yeah, for sure. You don't really know. Well, I guess there's a certain amount of plausible deniability there. Yeah, definitely. For the first one at least. For the first one, not at all. What are you up to?
Starting point is 00:34:04 According to Variety, so you can take this to the bank, Mason. Okay. Take it to the bank and say, no change required. Please keep this in your best safe. Is that what happens at the bank? I don't know. I've never been in or out of a bank. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I'm always in the doorway. Sure. Okay. You just can't commit. You just. What do you do with your money? Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:34:24 According to Variety, Whedon was looking to adapt the million-dollar debut of Batgirl. I thought you were going to say the million-dollar duck. One of your all-time favourite movies. Yeah, and one of my greatest pranks, which I will not detail here, but I have before. That's the story title of Detective Comics Volume 1, number 359. It's the debut of batgirl in the comics
Starting point is 00:34:46 the issue revolved around the youngster suiting up for the first time and aiding batman and robin as they took down killer moth and his moth men everybody assumed including us that because this universe is 40 years after bruce wayne has been batman or however long he's been grinding away at it he's just got no cartilage in his knuckles or his knees anymore. This universe was post-killing joke. And this universe, all the things we've seen in the comic books to this point have happened. Like a lot of memorable stuff and that we're at the modern era.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And so there's a lot of, it's not a movie, it's not a universe like the MCU where we're seeing the origin stories happen in real time. It's a universe where those origin stories are happening and we're jumping in in the middle. Yeah, exactly. Which is a great point of difference, but I guess not. There's already a dead Robin. There's already been a dead Superman. We're very far along also i for me personally and maybe you feel the same way but
Starting point is 00:35:46 all the stuff after barbara corden recovers from being shot by the joker is her most interesting stuff yes that's when the character really comes into her own yeah for sure oracle and then return as batgirl yeah and she's got a great comic run who's doing the current comic run or the one that maybe not the current one the one i don't know but it was good wasn't it yes yeah i thought they were going to go that direction gail simone it's probably gail simone she's done some great night which i believe she's put her hand up on twitter saying i'd write a movie i think it was yeah well also speaking of roxanne gay has said uh hey dc comics i can write your back girl movie no problem and michelle wells who works for dc says if you're serious
Starting point is 00:36:23 contact me this is my email and roxanne says yes i am serious i will email you and this is kind of something we don't really see much i know because it's mostly just people passive aggressively liking me tweets about each other it's much less of this positive communication i just mean in terms of there's not a hell of a lot of crossover between comic book creators and script writers. No, that's true. Like they often consult and obviously Geoff Johns has a big hand in the DC universe, or does he? I don't really know. And there's often a lot of, okay, well, this visual stuff looks great in the comic books.
Starting point is 00:36:55 These concepts, let's borrow them. Yeah, and we'll get our own script writers or whatever to kind of flesh this out. But I think this could be a really interesting way forward for DC if they're going to borrow more heavily from the comics because look mason as much as we all love justice league and we did they're really fucking things up right now man yeah so i think maybe try something like this would be a good way to go also i want to see a batgirl movie me too and i'm glad he left me too like i think there's i think there's a better person for this for this movie than he yeah yeah and i like look i've liked a lot of the stuff that he's done in the past Me too. I think there's a better person for this movie than him.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And look, I've liked a lot of the stuff that he's done in the past, but this is not the time for a Joss Whedon Batgirl movie. No, that's true, yeah. Having read some of the, again, the Joss Whedon Wonder Woman script, he's only got a couple of gears, Joss Whedon, I guess. Is it a barefoot brunette girl uh who's quite fragile but also quite dangerous correct okay that's right yeah what are you gonna say i was gonna say he's only got a couple of gears yeah and sometimes they work and sometimes sometimes it works in context
Starting point is 00:37:53 and sometimes it doesn't and that wonder woman script is not yeah not good from what i've read of it yeah but then again that was like 10 years ago and maybe they were like right we need you to write this particular type of film that's maybe we don't we don't have one hour to write a two hours worth of script yeah that's it so there you go so i really hope this does move forward uh but we'll say same mason it's been a hell of a year for uh netflix films and tv shows in what sense well some of them have been good some of them have been cl. Some of them have been Cloverfield. Name a good one.
Starting point is 00:38:32 It's probably too much dead space there. Let's move on. No, Gerald's Game, but I think that might have been last year. Yeah, right, okay. Yeah, there's been some good TV shows. Yeah, true. The latest one, though, movie is Mute. It's Duncan Jones' latest, who is behind Warcraft,
Starting point is 00:38:45 which is okay as a film. I thought it was all right. I mean, it's not great, but, you know, I think it got kicked more than it probably should have. I think it got kicked the correct amount. Okay, good. And also Moon and Source Code, both of which are incredible. Very good.
Starting point is 00:38:56 This one, though, it's Blade Runner, sort of. Yes. Okay. That's not the name of it. It's called Mute. It's called Mute. I said that, didn't I? No. I'm fairly certain I did. Okay, That's not the name of it. It's called Mute. It's called Mute. I said that, didn't I? No.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I'm fairly certain I did. Okay, then. I'm not that certain. You'll figure it out in the edit. I won't. But should we just go all spoilers on this? I mean, it's on Netflix. Yeah, look, if you want to see it.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, you absolutely can. Give it five minutes, see if you like it. See if you like it. You might not. Yeah. But that's okay. But I'll tell you what, though. Mason, what do you think the story was?
Starting point is 00:39:27 Oh, geez. All right, hang on. It's a bit of a tough one, this one, isn't it? All right. So there's a man named Leo. Yep. He's an Amish bartender. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:36 And when he was a kid, he lost his voice because of some sort of boat propeller accident. Yeah. We only see in flashback. He didn't like it. And because of his Amish upbringing, his parents would never let him get the surgery to regain his voice. So he's a mute man. He's a mute man.
Starting point is 00:39:54 So he had to change his name to Mute, didn't he? No, you're thinking of something else. Oh. Yeah. I'm thinking of the mute button on the TV. You are thinking of that. Yes, correct. Yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:40:03 And let's see. And then he's in love with a lady. But then. And it's the TV. You are thinking of that. Yes, correct. Yes. Yeah, cool. And let's see. And then he's in love with the lady. But then. And it's the future. But is it? No, it is. It is, yeah. Then.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Something happens. Something happens. And then he's on a mystery quest. He's on a mystery quest. It's a bit detective noir. It's a bit detective noir. It's very noir, I think. It's a bit Blade Runner.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah, it's very noir in the sense that everybody in this movie is a horrible person except him and probably still him. still kind of a horrible person i like duncan jones a lot as a filmmaker and as a person okay and it pains me to say this yes but i really did not like this at all very interesting yeah okay because i i'd heard it wasn't good but uh because i saw rotten tomatoes when i'm like fuck that i think yeah you know but then i heard from other people that it was quite good, but I just couldn't get into any of this. What about it you didn't like? Let's see how far we can go into this without spoilers.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Okay, first of all, why is it set in the future? It could be set at any time, couldn't it? It could be set absolutely anywhere. Like the future stuff that they work into it isn't interesting. It is so close to being the modern day that it really doesn't matter if it's set in the future stuff that they work into it isn't interesting. It is so close to being the modern day that it really doesn't matter what's set in the future. They have like a drone food delivery and everything is a screen. That's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Everything's a touchscreen, but otherwise. And there's like robot legs, but we're pretty close to that now. You know what I mean? We've got robot door opening dogs. Yeah, exactly. Prosthetics. There's like an underwater dolphin TV when you're swimming. I'm like, we could do that now if we wanted to.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Sure. The very rich undoubtedly have that already. Yeah, I'm sure they do. But none of this, and it all looks fine, but I'm just like, this is pointless. This could have been set 100 years ago or 100 years from now or any time when people had guns. It could have been set like at the height of the Amish kind of dynasty.
Starting point is 00:41:51 The Amish Wars. Yeah, the Amish Wars, the Great Amish Wars. Yeah, I remember those. Yeah. That took so many Ezekiels from us. I like Stellan Skarsgård, whichever one he is. Yeah, Stellan Skarsgård, yeah. This year I was at his dad.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Maybe it's Peter Skarsgård. Maybe Peter Skarsgård. Let's look it up. One of them. It's one of the Skarsgård, whichever way it is. It is Stellan Skarsgård, yeah. Is he or is that his dad? Maybe it's Peter Skarsgård. Maybe Peter Skarsgård. Let's look it up. One of them. It's one of the Skarsgårds. I like him generally. I like Mr. Skarsgård. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Please, Mr. Skarsgård was my father's name. I didn't think, because the role called for him to be mute, like the character's name. Yes. He, I didn't think he was empathetic. The character's name is Mel A. Mute. Yes. I couldn't empathize with him.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I didn't really connect to him as a person. I wasn't really interested in what he was doing, and I don't care if he lives. Wow. Yeah. That is brutal. And that's in a universe where everybody's the worst person in the world. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:41 You didn't think he emoted well enough? He just looked like he was mad. Like an insane insane person it's alexander scars guy that's the other one and he's the scientist from the avengers yeah and one of them's one of the scars guard kids is it he's the oh yeah he's yeah that's right this is the guy who's a delightful acting family of scars guards this is the guy who died in the gasoline fight in the first Zoolander. Oh, wow. There you go. And I like him generally.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I didn't mind him as Tarzan, but I just don't think this role really worked for him. Also, I think coming off the back of Altered Carbon, which had a lot more interesting uses of future technology. Well, I was actually going to say, I watched this and after that I finally got started on Altered Carbon. It's a much more interesting universe. I mean, also Altered Carbon has the luxury of being 10 episodes or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:31 And also it's insane. And it's insane, yeah. Brief digression, I've only just started Altered Carbon. There is already an artificial intelligence robot hotel. Oh, so good. That is staffed solely by an AI hologram robot man who looks like Edgar Allen Poe and also controls a lot of robot machine guns to defend his hotel patrons. It kind of loses a bit of steam, or it did for me at the end, but there's a lot of really
Starting point is 00:44:00 interesting ideas. And a lot of butts. And a lot of butts. And some dicks. There's a few dicks. Yeah, sure. You can count them. Count them on one hand. Could really lot of butts. And a lot of butts. And some dicks. There's a few dicks. Yeah, sure. You can count them. Count them on one hand.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Could really count them on two hands. Think about it. Keep me posted, Mason. How many dicks there are. Okay, great. Anyway, mute. But what about it did work for you? I hate saying that because I really like Duncan Jones.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I think the world was into it. Like, I think it was very well put together as a near future world. Sure, yeah. It felt like a realistic near future world. There wasn't ever a bit where I'm like, well, that's a shit grain screen or that flying car looks like crap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:28 So there's sometimes flying cars and then there's none for a lot of it. Yeah. Right. But anyway, sorry, go on. You know what I liked? We briefly talked about,
Starting point is 00:44:37 cause it's not really the, the purview of this podcast, but we talk about three billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri. I've not seen it yet. Okay. Well, I,
Starting point is 00:44:44 I think I mentioned when we talked about that briefly that that's just a movie that is just, it's here's a few days or a few weeks in this universe of horrible people. Yeah. And you're not necessarily supposed to like any of them or identify with any of them. It's just the story that unfolds and it happens things
Starting point is 00:45:05 happening and it make you think or a bad person and i feel like mute was something along those lines yeah right you're not supposed to be like i love these characters and i totally identify them and i totally get this guy it's more like this is we're just being inserted into this universe for a few days yeah and this is a story that's being told. And I guess it made me think on some level and I enjoyed that. Yeah, well, that's actually true because there are elements of this that I found interesting. We're segwaying very quickly in your favourite segment, As a Father.
Starting point is 00:45:34 As a Father. Yeah, I was going to say I empathised most with the Paul Rudd character and he's a really terrible person for multiple reasons. Should we go spoilers now? Yeah, okay, spoilers. Anyway, look, I'm going to say best movie ever only because I didn't think it was the worst movie ever
Starting point is 00:45:52 and I think there's something in it that I enjoy. Maybe we're going to need another watch for it. Also, I can see why people would like it but it's absolutely not for me. But Paul Rudd, because the idea behind that character was that he just wants to get his papers to get out of Germany.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Because there's a bit where I'm like, oh, this is set in Germany, which I thought was interesting. And he just wants to go back to the US with his daughter. And I was kind of rooting for this guy, even though he was a psychopath and he pulled bullets out of mobsters in his spare time in his basement or whatever. Yeah, right. But then there's moments where his best friend is clearly a pedophile
Starting point is 00:46:24 and there's signs throughout the entire movie that he is and he just doesn't seem to care until he really cares and then he doesn't care again. It's really bizarre. Like this guy, I know they went through some stuff together because they were in war and whatnot. It's Justin Theroux, who actually puts in, they're both really good. They're both putting in really good performances.
Starting point is 00:46:44 That's, I think think another good thing about and it is again it's it should have been their movie I guess yeah I mean Paul Rudd's character
Starting point is 00:46:51 I think it's a great performance in so far as you empathise with his character because he is such a bad guy and it makes you think okay well there are people in life
Starting point is 00:46:59 going through their own dramas and their own lives yeah and they are you know they are doing the best they can to protect their own kind of thing. Yeah, right, yeah. And that's what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:47:10 But you find out at the end that because Mute's girlfriend goes missing, I didn't think she was very good either in it. I thought she was just very actor-y. And it's sort of what it's – you know know we've talked about in the past about women in refrigerators yes which is the trope the comic it's a it's a trope that is in all sorts of fiction but the name comes from an issue of green lantern where in order to give the new green lantern some purpose in life which one is it again it's kyle rayner right yeah they just give him a girlfriend that he has for like two issues and then she is killed and then stuffed into a refrigerator by the bad guy just to be like hey
Starting point is 00:47:49 i'm here and i'm a bad guy kind of thing just to give him some motivation to go and be a superhero kind of thing but he does it's just a cheap device i feel like this kind of was a cheap device but they just took it out of order yeah because you don't find out that she's dead until... The end. The end. And it's also she is the mother of Paul Rudd's child. Yes. Which is kind of weird because they're all hanging out in the same universe in the same bars, but Mute never realises that or is made aware of that.
Starting point is 00:48:19 But she attempts to tell him a couple of points. Yeah, right, yeah. So I buy that. I'm okay with that. Fair enough, yeah. You've never met any of my kids. Yeah, right, yeah. So I buy that. I'm okay with that. Fair enough, yeah. You've never met any of my kids. No, that's true. That I know about.
Starting point is 00:48:29 That I know about also. But there was also, I felt like he might also be simple. And I know that's not just because... He's Amish. He's Amish, yeah. I think he was limited in a lot of ways as a character because of his upbringing. And I don't know whether that was intentional, but that's how it felt to me. Yeah, I think he was limited in a lot of ways as a character because of his upbringing. And I don't know whether that was intentional,
Starting point is 00:48:46 but that's how it felt to me. Yeah, right. Like people would be like, you're a dummy because you're mute. But I think he wasn't the full dollar. Well, that's the way I took it. Right. Anyway, like he was incredibly quick to anger and he was slow to figure things out.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah, it did feel a little like that. Yeah, but I don't know whether that was intentional or not. That's just the way I read it. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, yeah, but at the end, Justin Theroux is a big old pedophile. One of the biggest pedophiles.
Starting point is 00:49:17 One of the biggest pedophiles in the universe. And there's scenes where he's sitting with Paul Rudd's character and they're at a brothel and Paul Rudd's there with his daughter and Justin Theroux is like, hey, how old are you? And she's like, I'm 22. And he's like, ah, just say you're 16 or whatever. And Paul Rudd's like, this guy. And I'm like, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:49:36 Because also I thought maybe they were together at the start because there was also that kind of, and I was kind of hinted at. I don't know. I think that was maybe not the case or maybe it was. I don't know. Were they? They might have been. I think they were.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yeah, anyway. I think they were just buddies having a fun old time. They've just been through a lot of horrible stuff together or whatever, it seems. But, yeah, and then Paul Rudd eventually figures out that he's got cameras in his practice where he makes robotic limbs for children. Yeah, right. And he's filming them
Starting point is 00:50:05 in the change rooms and whatever and he snaps but then he's fine he's like let's drink yeah yeah what is happening here like i can't imagine a world where that would yeah i mean it's the future isn't it but it is the near future isn't it future what was interesting was that this is a sequel to moon sort of yeah it is the spiritual successor and we know that because there is a scene is it on the it's on tv yes where we see the court case between sam 20 sam rockwells yeah and they are bell sam bell is the name yeah uh-huh uh and and they're attempting to re-obtain their human rights i guess it's a little bit unclear yeah but apparently there might be another one of these yeah i would absolutely watch another one of these i don't know
Starting point is 00:50:49 whether there will be though after yeah but i also see as i understand it this was this mute was going to be a movie that was going to be was going to get a cinema release and then they sold it to netflix is that you probably that seems to be and i look i totally get why because like blade runner yeah it has a very meandering pace yes and blade runner did not do well and i think they were just like and blade runner was really good yeah and it's i think i think they were like i think the studios were like well if we can get 50 million bucks for this to sell it to netflix we may as well do that because that's and also they would have obviously seen it and like this wouldn't have made us money back theatrically i'd imagine yeah i don't know because it doesn't have it's missing something
Starting point is 00:51:34 that moon and source code had yes i don't know what it is i think it might be the protagonist a big part of it yeah right yeah just like a compelling person to follow was a big part of it for me. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Also, I don't understand because he was raised Amish. Yes. And perhaps he didn't have the money for it,
Starting point is 00:51:57 but he never got his vocal cords fixed. And then at the end, for some reason, Justin Theroux gives him his vocal cords because he wants him to say sorry for murdering Paul Rudd, but even though Paul Rudd, he let Paul Rudd bleed out on the floor. Yeah, right, exactly. And then the bit where, because he's good at holding his breath because that comes back to the start.
Starting point is 00:52:20 He's just practising holding his breath and practising drinking water. Yeah, there's some really odd turns in this, isn't there? That's what I'm talking about. I'm just trying to... I mean, that final sequence is very odd insofar as he gives Malé Mute his voice box back. Yeah. And then he's got him at his mercy. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Essentially, with the voice. And he says, why don't you apologize to me? And he's got him at his mercy yes essentially with the voice and he says why don't you apologize to me and he's like i won't clearly and then he just takes him on a trip i didn't understand yeah they go why was that they go to a bridge because he's gonna throw him off or he threatens to could have just killed because he opens the gate and all it's not like he just happened to stop on this bridge it seemed like he stopped there with the intention of throwing mute into the water. Yeah, right. Which is kind of ridiculous because he looks like a guy who could swim for a hundred years.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah, that's true. Yeah. You know what I mean? And also, he's got that basement where he's doing all sorts of illicit surgeries. Yes. And nobody has found him yet. So I don't understand why. Look, this is kind of a plot hole, admittedly.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what's going on there. No, I don't understand why. Look, this is kind of a plot hole, admittedly. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what's going on there. No, I don't know either. And this is, yeah. So there were moments like these I just couldn't. Yeah. I'm watching and I just couldn't wrap my mind around why any of this was how we got here.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yeah. You know what I mean? Us two. Us two. Yeah, that happens to me quite often. Every time you turn up on a Sunday, I'm like, what? Where did we? Where did we where did we but uh no i i can't recommend this unfortunately and i would the next thing that duncan jones makes
Starting point is 00:53:55 i'm a hundred percent there yeah like he would have to make something he'd have to make a hundred bad things in a row for me to stop watching because i find him compelling as a human being as a and as a storyteller but this just did not work for me right yeah but do you think he'll get another chance after this i hope so i hope so he does yeah definitely i mean war warcraft even though a lot of people didn't like it it did really well overseas yeah right okay so well i guess maybe if like let's say this movie cost... It looks like about a $30 million film. Right, well, let's say it cost $30 million to make
Starting point is 00:54:29 and they sold it to Netflix for $50 million. That's a movie that made $20 million. Yes. So I guess that's a win. Yeah, well, that's it. You know what I mean? Exactly. So I guess he'll get another one.
Starting point is 00:54:43 There's no budget here. There is no budget here, exactly. Yeah, if I had to guess, I'd say 30, but I don't. I do not know. Big call. Is it? Yes. The biggest call you've ever made.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I really put myself on the line here. Anything else about Mute? No, but it was good to see Paul Rudd playing against Tyler Payton. Yeah, no, absolutely. I completely agree. And Justin Theroux is fantastic in everything. Have you watched The Leftovers yet? No.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You should 100% watch that because he's really good and that's a great show. Some of it. I've seen some of it. Okay, you should watch all of it. Okay, I'll watch all of it? Never stop watching it until it's over. Oh, and then stop. Then stop.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Or watch it again. I'll stop. Should we go to the next segment then? Let me think. Do I have any other thoughts about it? This hasn't obviously put you off Duncan Jones films. No, I don't think so, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 It makes me want to go back and watch Moon and Source Code, which I haven't seen in a long time. Yeah. Yeah. Jesus Moon's a good film. Isn't it though? Yeah, it's such a good film. Good.
Starting point is 00:55:41 But it's got that Sam Rockwell magic. I know. It absolutely does. He's like a Sam Rockwell magic I know It absolutely does He's like six He's like a Sam Rockwell six I would watch the Sam Rockwell clone court case movie Yeah, me too Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:51 Maybe that's what the next one is I hope so Yeah Nice But yeah, absolutely Good Good stuff Okay, let's move on to another segment
Starting point is 00:55:59 Okay, do you know what it's time for then? Oh, it's time for our segment What We Readin' What We're Gonna Read Nice I'm doing the thing what are we reading today okay well i'm on board with altered carbon that is just that is it's a little it's it's not it doesn't seem as cruel universe as the game of thrones universe which i think we discussed a couple of weeks back. It's pretty cruel.
Starting point is 00:56:25 There's some cruel stuff going on. Okay, then, great. Don't worry about that. How many are you in? Two. Yeah, there's way crueler stuff going on. Okay, great. Terrific.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Don't worry about that, Mason. Fantastic. Were you worried it wasn't going to get real weird and real cruel? Maybe it's just that it's cruel, but they've got guns. And I'm more on board with it. Yeah, sure. I guess. Good action sequences so far, which I'm liking a lot.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Yeah, it definitely has great action sequences. Yeah. Really good use of budget as well. Is it shapey? I mean, it's a TV show. I guess that's true, yeah. I don't know what it costs. I honestly have no idea.
Starting point is 00:56:55 But it doesn't look shape at all, does it? No, it really doesn't. It looks like a film. Yeah, yeah. Oh, and I finally got to the Ta-Nehisi Coates Black Panther Marvel comics, which are really good yeah two out of ten more than that i would say 100 out of 10 yes that's probably your biggest score yet i know right it's good but again uh what i've what i has made me realize is a couple of things one
Starting point is 00:57:16 they've like we were speaking about earlier they've taken a lot of production design from this version of black panther for the movies like the dragonfly helicopters and oh it's from they're and the nanotech suit and all that sort of stuff. And the second thing that I picked up on, because the first Ta-Nehisi Coates Black Panther trade paperback contains the first appearance of Black Panther in it, like the Stan Lee, Jack Kirby one in Fantastic Four.
Starting point is 00:57:39 And I remember recently we did that Caravan of Garbage, Black Panther. It's that origin. Yeah, it's that origin. Wow. Yeah. So it's the Stan Lee. That's the one that we did was Caravan of Garbage. Yeah, yeah. Black Panther. It's that origin. Yeah, it's that origin. Oh, wow. Yeah. So it's the Stan Lee. That's the one that we did was the Stan Lee. Okay, but the difference is that in the cartoon,
Starting point is 00:57:53 the Fantastic Four are flying about in their fantastic car and they get sort of pulled to Wakanda by like, you know, vibranium magnetic energy or what have you and they're forced to fight the Black Panther. Oh, so they invade his turf and that's why he attacks them. Yes, but in... Well, that makes more sense. Oh, no, he sort of, he drags them in.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Oh, he does, okay. But in the... Then that's done. Yeah, but in the Fantastic Four comic book, he gifts them like a high-tech spaceship, like flying vehicle, and they're like, okay, let's just take it for a spin. What's the worst that could happen? And then they get sent to Wakanda, and they're like okay let's just take it for a spin what's the worst that could happen and then they get sent to wakanda and they're like what is this what so they actually seem less dumb in the cartoon oh wow which is quite the achievement it's from
Starting point is 00:58:36 the 60s yeah the cartoon yeah i mean the the comic yeah yeah yeah well okay fair enough but it plays better i think it plays better in the comic because yeah yeah, again, it's the 60s. Yeah, absolutely. But anyway, Ta-Nehisi Coates' run, highly recommended. Speaking of something that plays well as a comic, Mason, our good friend Pete Ford, Pete Hollywood Ford, the second issue of Winter Dark is out this week. Very nice. It's fun on Comixology.
Starting point is 00:58:57 It's W-Y-N-T-E-R. It's great. I've read the whole thing. You've read the whole thing. I've read the whole thing, yeah. I'm also reading it again, issue by issue, because I think it's weird because it plays differently than reading it in one thing. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:59:10 Yeah, no, I think we've had this conversation. I think that's true as well, yeah. But because I was emailing this week, I'm actually going to catch up for a drink on Thursday if you'd like to come, Mason. I'm at work, but that's fine. Well, okay. Rescinded. Wow.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Yeah. Wow. But basically, he shot this around to a bunch of studios a few years back. As a potential movie. As a movie and it got picked up by one of the major studios. I don't know whether I can say which but it did and he had Hugh Jackman on board. Am I allowed to say any of this?
Starting point is 00:59:41 I don't know. Ask him and then cut it out later. It's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission but he was telling me about it and how we're one degree from hugh jackman yeah but it was saying that because the story of it is uh the the lead of it is a black kid who is kind of semi adopted by the Hugh Jackman Knight character. And that was the point that he had trouble selling it to studios. And all of them were like, this is not going to play with this lead as with this black kid in the lead. No one's going to go out to see it.
Starting point is 01:00:16 We're going to make the Knight the main character. Right. Yeah. He's got one quote here. He put it in his blog. No one is, they said, this guy said,
Starting point is 01:00:22 no one is going to pay to see a black kid as a lead in a tentpole movie this white night we can cast that people will pay to see it make it about the night and we'll talk again after you make make my changes wow yeah maybe pitch it again maybe pitch it this week real quick so that was like that was like four years ago yeah right it really wasn't that long ago yeah this isn't a this isn't a pitch meeting from the 70s this is so so that might all change well clearly well after black panther we're gonna see some changes to stuff like that but do you want to name the studio and the guy because i can yeah do it no what else have i'm reading uh invincible wrapped oh yeah anyway winter dark i'll link it below check it, check it out. It's great. Invincible?
Starting point is 01:01:06 Yeah. It wrapped. It's done. How many issues was that? 120 or something? 4,000, I think. Okay, great. It's good.
Starting point is 01:01:12 It's good. Beginning to end. There you go, right? It's really good. Okay. Really good wrap-up. Satisfying wrap-up. Yes.
Starting point is 01:01:19 All the loose ends? There wasn't really any by the end. It does a kind of time jump really far into the future and what happens harry potter style style yes and uh no it's it's great it's it's a really good series and i really hope that i watch the the movie yeah sure but uh i guess it doesn't really matter because the comic's still there correct but yeah but wouldn't it be embarrassing for you if you're like hey everybody watch this invincible movie it's based on a great comic and then it's terrible and everybody's like james you're an idiot oh what how why'd you why'd you read this dumb comic for years people say that about the walking dead because it's the same writer because it's a really good comic but it's a shit show
Starting point is 01:01:57 probably yeah yeah yeah speaking of we got a walking dead caravan of garbage this week oh my goodness if you think it's the good Walking Dead game, you are wrong. You're wrong. Yeah. And it makes, look, a little bit of sizzle. This Caravan of Garbage, there's a little appearance from my arch nemesis in the video. Absolutely, there is. My arch nemesis makes an appearance.
Starting point is 01:02:21 So if you'd like to see that be sprung upon me. Correct. It's Mason's vanity. That's right. It's a mirror. No, I think it's one of my favorite video game ones that I've done. Great. I've done.
Starting point is 01:02:35 We've done. Ben's editing it at the moment. I haven't seen it yet, but boy, what a game. Oh, yeah. Anyway, that's our Tuesday. Nice. Are you ready for the next segment? Yeah, letters. Yeah. Is letters the next one? Yeah, no, it is. Oh, yeah. Anyway, that's our Tuesday. Nice. Are you ready for the next segment? Yeah, letters.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Yeah. Is letters the next one? Yeah, no, it is. It always is. The classic one was letters, oh, letters. We love you, some letters. They're only a take my way. I know they're here right now.
Starting point is 01:02:59 We're going to do letters. If you want to reach the show, hashtag weeklyplanetpod on Twitter. Or weeklyplanetpod at All of these things will get you letters. Nice. Sent. Do you want to do the letter first or do you want me to do a tweet first? Here's one that I saw.
Starting point is 01:03:14 This is from Kyle Cox, weeklyplanetpod at Greetings from the USA. Hello. How would you feel about the MCU creating entirely new superheroes? Yeah. He says it's not a one-to-one comparison but he was thinking of the way like batman the animated series created such classic characters as harley quinn yeah right yeah which is now like that character's 25 years old now
Starting point is 01:03:34 yeah that's crazy isn't it yeah wow but that's a character they went hey let's is that an exception to all the other garbage that has come out of every medium? Do you know what I mean? In a way, sure. And some might also suggest that that character has also fallen back into the garbage of all other forms. I'm not up to Harley Quinn. I don't know where. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Where's she at? No, I mean in Suicide Squad. Oh, yeah. No, that was all right. It was fun. We had fun with it. Did we? It was fine. We did a commentary. Oh, yeah. No, that was all right. It was fun. We had fun with it. Did we? It was fine.
Starting point is 01:04:05 We did a commentary. Oh, yeah, we did. But I'm open to that. I think at this point they're probably testing the waters of doing different things with existing characters. For sure. It's kind of... Does it seem like a bit of a roll of the dice
Starting point is 01:04:22 to create a new comic book character at this point in an established universe because there's so much you can draw from yeah isn't it though yeah and instead of just being like look it's it's it's dog boy or whatever i don't know it's what did i go to there that's not a good one obviously because you're looking at a dog and a boy that's true that's why so the dog and the boy and you're're my dog boy. But I think... You're lucky. We're all lucky you didn't go microphone dog. What about microphone dog? He's got great hearing. You could listen in on the bad guys.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Because he's microphone dog. It's just a microphone with dog's legs, right? He says, I think it would be cool for the MCU to create a hero from scratch. Because it would mean that the audience would have no idea where the story was going. It's not a bad idea. Yeah, I think that's a good idea because it's, you know, again, we know all the events that are coming up. We know a lot of the time, almost beat for beat,
Starting point is 01:05:17 where a lot of these movies and characters are going. We know where Infinity War's going to go. Yeah, right. We know, you know, what's going to happen to Thor, and we know where all the characters are going to meet up. Just to be like, hey, we created this new character. Yeah. I think it'll be interesting to see where,
Starting point is 01:05:32 if you just went to Marvel Studios and said, give us something new, what would they put together? What's the origin of Phil Coulson? He's a TV creation. But he's not like Thor, you know what I mean? No, he's a S.H.I.E. you know what I mean no he's a shield agent that's true yeah and he's kind of
Starting point is 01:05:48 an amalgamation of a few characters at Sam's as well like existing characters I guess that's true yeah that's okay but we're talking
Starting point is 01:05:55 we're talking costumed superhero and you're not even saying what if there's a new Iron Man and it's someone we've never heard of no I'm saying MCU like Marvel Studios
Starting point is 01:06:03 where's your microphone dog? Exactly, get a microphone dog. Get all the people. Also, everybody who makes a superhero movie, they're an artist and they're a craftsman and you're sort of... A lot of the designs are like, see this Iron Man
Starting point is 01:06:19 in the comic books? Give me that. See how this suit looks? Just make it look real yeah kind of thing but to go you know hey you probably do some designs in your spare time you know you show us what you got kind of thing i think that'd be really fascinating okay and it would result in a protracted legal battle where marvel studios then owned that character for the next 50 years and they never got any credit or or money for it but still it'd be nice to see wouldn't it i think you run the risk when creating a new character for a few reasons but it's there hasn't even been that many characters in the last say 20 years that have been that are that iconic
Starting point is 01:06:57 from comics for sure when you when you when you look at the sum total of comic book characters most of the ones we remember started in like the forties, fifties, sixties and seventies, I guess. Do you know what I mean? Like you got your, your spawns and your Harley Quinn's and,
Starting point is 01:07:11 and then your, your minor kind of characters, but all the big ones kind of existed all the way back then. Yeah. Is any, would it, people are really unwilling to, to accept a new comic book character.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Just, yeah. Just in the comics. Yeah. Do you think that would be different for the movies, though? Because most people going in don't know who Ant-Man is anyway. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:33 So why do they care if there's dog microphone? Yeah, right, exactly. You know? Well, maybe it's a case of you get... Maybe it's a character that's built on the charisma of the actor. Right, yeah. Like Will Smith, Hancock. Will Smith, Hancock, exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Well, maybe that character may have even worked if they put it in the Marvel Universe. Maybe. Yeah. I mean, almost certainly not. I don't think that... There's more problems with that movie than just the character. Oh, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Potentially, yeah. So, yeah, that's not a bad idea though to base it around the act as opposed to the idea i just i wouldn't even know where to start because a lot of people have said what's your ideal comic book character that you would create yeah right everything's being done and there's only slight variations i mean every now and then you'll get something completely outside the box yeah but a lot of the time it's like he's he can fly and he shoots lasers but exactly he can fly and he shoots lasers, but he can also meld his mind with technology or whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Yeah, right. And sure, you know, maybe there's a crypto the super dog who's got heat vision and, you know, he can fly and he's super strong and he's invincible. And super hearing. Super hearing. Yeah. But that's too much, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:08:41 What if you strip that away? What if you strip it right down? Back to basics. Just a dog. Just a dog with super hearing. But how would the dog have super hearing? He's not an alien. No.
Starting point is 01:08:53 We'd have to think about it, obviously. You'd have to have some sort of... Look, it doesn't matter. A big ear. A big ear. A dog with a big human ear on its back. Exactly right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:05 That's interesting. Yeah. That's interesting. Yeah. That's very interesting to me. Thanks. Kyle. Kyle. Got a tweet here from Josh. I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Hashtag weekly planet pod. Do you guys think we'll get an explanation of how the infinity stones on Earth got here? Like the Tesseract being in a wall. It wasn't a wall. It wasn't a wall, wasn't it? It really was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It wasn't a wall, wasn't it? It really was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Was that the only one that was on Earth?
Starting point is 01:09:28 The soul stone's probably in Wakanda. That's right. Where are the other ones? Meteor. Meteors. I just assumed it was Nordic and it came down. Oh, the time stone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Yeah. Is that the... No. The eye of Agamotto. No, there's that also. Yeah. Oh, they probably jumped in from another dimension or some shit. Yeah, for sure the... No, the... The Eye of Agamotto. No, the... Oh, there's that also, yeah. Oh, they probably jumped in from another dimension or some shit. Yeah, sure. Going to jump?
Starting point is 01:09:49 No, they can't jump dimensions, can they? I reckon probably somebody stole that. Somebody stole... Who? Agamotto. Yeah, he probably did, didn't he? Yeah. That's a really good point.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Yeah, because they can jump anywhere, can't they? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Where are the other ones from? The Mind Stones from space, like you brought that down. The one from thor that's filled with blood it wasn't stuck in another dimension and natalie portman found it somehow yeah yeah hmm i don't know do you think maybe earth is kind of like a oh are you saying
Starting point is 01:10:17 the larger picture of why they keep ending up on earth yes ah like is is the earth some kind of focal point in the galaxy inexplicably no I think it's just a coincidence it's just a coincidence it's just a coincidence yeah okay
Starting point is 01:10:30 because otherwise the world the universe would have ended millions of years ago right you know what I mean it's just a coincidence
Starting point is 01:10:35 like they've just been flying all about the universe who the infinity gems and they've just happened it's just
Starting point is 01:10:42 it's just a weird coincidence that they've all happened to appear at this point and I guess they also haven't appeared exactly at the same time yes probably it's interesting though i don't think they'll explain it really make you think no i don't think i think look i think it's all been sufficiently yeah discussed in in it's been sufficiently revealed maybe thor one was in a wall thor can get back in that vision pool and he can explain it to everybody yeah right uh-huh uh this is from dan uh i think
Starting point is 01:11:12 i'll have to wait i think you'll have to wait for it to come on netflix but i'd love to hear your thoughts on annihilation i'm conflicted i really want to see that movie when is it out here uh netflix in like three weeks or two or three weeks it's the guy who did um fucking arrival the robot lady ex-marketer yeah okay all right cool yeah and he also wrote sunshine which is your favorite movie it's your favorite it is and it's a good movie it's both of our favorite movies and that's what that's why we get along so well yeah good point uh what the hell is that guy's name the the director danny boyle no he directed it but he didn't this guy wrote the guy who wrote alex garland was it it's alex garland yeah it is yeah he's everything that he's done is super interesting so i want to know what he's up to
Starting point is 01:12:00 he wrote 28 days later i think okay right, so he's done a bunch of stuff. I'm just going to look at his IMDb. Is that cool, Mason? Do you mind? All right. Okay, here we go. As long as he's cool with it. He was writing the Halo movie.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Okay. He wrote the Devil May Cry video game from 2013. Oh, he wrote Dread. Oh, okay. This guy's doing all right. Yes. I did a Batman Black and White. He wrote Sunshine.
Starting point is 01:12:22 He wrote the novel called The Tesseract and he wrote 28 days later and the novel the beach oh oh yeah he did too that's right yeah so he's two for two in terms of directing uh ex machina annihilation i've heard nothing but good things and like it's crazy and scary and fun and weird and horrible okay but i don't know any specifics and i just want to watch it not knowing anything. Nice. All right. Three weeks.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Hopefully. Here we go. We'll do an episode on it because I think it's only out in the US theatrically and everywhere else it's gone to Netflix. Nice. So there you go. Okay. Is there any other questions, Mason? That's every question we've been asked this week.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Is that true? No. Okay. You don't want to dip back into the mailbag or are we- Not currently, no. Okay. Okay. Fair enough. Well, I won't make you, Mason. Okay. You don't want to dip back into the mailbag? Not currently, no. Okay. Well, I won't make you, Mason.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Okay. It's not like we're getting paid to do this anymore. We are. We get sponsorship. Oh, yeah, that's true. I mean, you'll get some of the money someday. It's in a little separate bank account waiting for you. Oh.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Yeah. Can I get a card or something to access that? It's when you're older. Okay, cool. Cool. Cool. Yeah. Great. All right. That's the show for this week, I guess. Sure is. A It's when you're older. Okay, cool. Cool. Cool. Yeah. Great. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:26 That's the show for this week, I guess. Sure is. A little bit of a shorter one. Hope you don't mind. Next week will be Tomb Raider? Is it really? Maybe. Let me check.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Okay. I do know the embargo for Tomb Raider is Thursday mid, sorry, Wednesday midnight of the day that it comes out. Okay. So I don't know whether that's good or bad for Tomb Raider, but there's been some screenings and apparently it's, some people have said, no, it's fun. Oh, imagine if we got a good one. Just imagine.
Starting point is 01:13:58 I don't think it's going to be, I think it'll be, sorry, it's 15th of March. It's a few weeks away. Okay. So it's something else next week if you don't mind Mason I thought there was
Starting point is 01:14:08 something out next week do you want me to check Hoyt Cinemas yes please do you want me to check Village Cinemas yes check Village Cinemas okay good hang on
Starting point is 01:14:17 apparently Game Night's really good that has Justin Jason Bateman Justin Bateman nice
Starting point is 01:14:24 yeah so I think that's that's it I didn't think that would be the case interesting That has Justin – Jason Bateman. Justin Bateman. Nice. Yeah. So I think that's it. I didn't think that would be the case. Interested in Peter Rabbit? No. What about Monster Hunt 2 Mandarin? No. What about Operation Red Sea?
Starting point is 01:14:36 No. What about the Monkey King 3 Kingdom of Women? No. Oh, no. Maybe there is nothing out next week. We could watch the Monkey King 3 Kingdom of Women. We could, but will we? We won't.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Yeah. All right. That's it for this week. Do the rest of the show, Mason. Oh, yeah. I'm out of here. You know what? I'm doing it up top.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Thank you, everybody, for listening. We really appreciate it. That's how you get a show. That's true. Otherwise, it's just two idiots shouting in a room with a dog I mean we do it anyway but if you want to listen that's super cool
Starting point is 01:15:08 that's real cool thank you for subscribing and liking it and telling a friend yes many friends tell all your friends thank you for voting us
Starting point is 01:15:15 and if you don't like it tell your enemies thank you for voting us as the best podcast that would be great if you could vote for us in whatever that award thing is
Starting point is 01:15:24 awards very nice let's see if you'd like to support the show you can go to Podcasts. That would be great. If you could vote for us in whatever that award thing is. Awards. Very nice. Let's see. If you'd like to support the show, you can go to slash MrSundayMovies. Yep. You can click on our Amazon affiliate link. Correct.
Starting point is 01:15:34 And buy some stuff on Amazon. We just need one person to buy like a combine harvester on Amazon and we would be sorted forever. 10K or whatever. Yeah, right. Exactly. Yeah. That'd be terrific.
Starting point is 01:15:46 I could put it in your separate bank account and you could get it in 15 years. I'd get my combine harvester money. That'd be so exciting. If you want some t-shirts, we've got them on Yep. Thank you to The Brute and The Basilisk and Rackham for all our great themes.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Correct. That's about it. Yeah. Next week, Dunno. Dunno. Request topics. I saw on the Reddit, people were making some ideas. We've got some good stuff. Got a lot of really good ideas. Nice. For people.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Nice. That people have done. But maybe they'll release another Netflix show and we'll just do that. Yeah. Who knows? Alright, Mason. I feel like this has been real low energy. Is that cool? I think it's been very high energy. Wow. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Okay, we have different perspectives, don't we? Hang on. I'm just going to stop for a moment. I'm just going to look up something real quick. What are you looking up? Just a thing. What are you looking up? All right.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Just a bloody thing. Are you typing boobs into Google again, Mason? Oh, no. I don't believe you. Oh, yeah. This is just before we go. Yeah. Last week, we might make this an ongoing thing,
Starting point is 01:16:45 but we asked the listeners to tweet at us to do our impression of Professor X. Oh, right. If we could both do our impression of Professor X. Yeah, yeah, right. Where are we at? What have we got? Let's see. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:59 So they've brought in, people have tweeted at us scenario suggestions. Yeah. So this is Judd, at JuddlyBear on Twitter. How many are we doing this week? Just one? One each, I think. Okay. Okay, so this is Professor X is in the bathroom and needs Logan to quickly bring toilet paper.
Starting point is 01:17:15 This is for you. What? I bet you have an easier one. Well, I'll find it. I'll find a really difficult one. Okay. Logan! Pretty good. What was that like? No, it was good. don't be to find you one okay no you just pick one okay uh let's say okay so uh this is from cole kraus it's cole kraus on twitter uh professor x trying to get
Starting point is 01:17:37 logan's attention as he's walking out the door after finding out professor x is having another man's baby there's so many layers to this. A lot of layers. A lot to convey in one word. Yeah, right. Okay. You can do this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Logan. It was like remorse. Yeah. There's a lot in that. I was expecting anger and you went a different way. I'm going to shake it out. I thought that was really good. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:01 All right. Because Professor X is having the other man's baby. Yeah, yeah. Logan's walking out. Yeah, but that's why he's like, we had something. Okay, here we go. Yeah, I get you. Logan.
Starting point is 01:18:12 It's much the same. You had your hand up in that one. Yeah, it's all right. It was a little act out. It helps, I think. Yeah, anyway. Definitely. Anyway, we'll do a couple more of those until we forget.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Until we forget it's a thing and then we'll stop doing it. That's right. Which will probably be very soon. That's the show for this week, but thank you everybody for listening. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. Bye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you.

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