The Weekly Planet - 280 Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker & Hellboy 2019

Episode Date: April 15, 2019

Visit & get 15% off your purchaseIt’s Star Wars Celebration 2019 so we get stuck into The Rise Of Skywalker, The Mandalorian, Jedi Fallen Order, Comics, more things, plus s...ome confirmation on regarding some Disney Plus Marvel shows, The Lion King trailer, a brand new Bruce Wayne and Hellboy 2019. Fun times. Thanks for the support!Star Wars 9 Trailer Breakdown: Infinity War Commentary:, Broadcasting Refuge: Wars: The Start4:14 The Lion King trailer 29:09 Tomb Raider 210:53 New Bruce Wayne14:05 Hellboy 2019 (spoilers 25:00 - 35:21)35:21 Disney Plus Marvel shows and into43:30 The Mandalorian48:04 Star Wars movie hiatus49:57 The Clone Wars returns54:06 Vader Immortal & Jedi: Fallen Order1:03:41 Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker1:27:03 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:33:26 Letters It’s Time For LettersThe Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: out T-Shirts here: the Star Wars Saga on Amazon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming to IMAX and theaters everywhere. What a wonderful day! This summer, one movie event will reign. It is our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theaters May 10. Tickets on sale now. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:40 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network
Starting point is 00:01:05 Visit for more podcasts from our great mates This episode of the podcast, the Weekly Planet Podcast Is brought to you by Movement, The Watchers The Movement Watch Company Yes For the Weekly Planet, This episode of the podcast, the Weekly Planet podcast, is brought to you by Movement, the Watchers. The Movement Watch Company. Yes. For the Weekly Planet, the podcast. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Weekly Planet podcast. Just this one. Good Watchers. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of the Weekly Planet, where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me, as always, is my co-host, Nick Mason. What energy are you bringing to the podcast right now?
Starting point is 00:01:42 What do you want me to bring? Because I'm reflecting your energy. You are not. It's really up to you, if anything. Yeah, what I do is I deliver... Just before the podcast starts, I'm like, man, I'm not feeling... I don't know how this is going to go.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And then you're like, hey, everybody... And then I'm like, James, what are you doing, man? That's how it works. That's a good dynamic. I like it. It's a great week for podcasting, Mason. In what way? Because we keep on going.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Because we're doing one. Yeah. See, I'm doing what you're doing. Oh, no. I don't like this. Bit of stuff up top. First of all, we did Infinity War commentary. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Of sorts. Of sorts. We did it off Stan, the Australian streaming service. And apparently, it's four minutes shorter than the actual movie. Whether that be a frame rate thing. There's a lot to unpack there. Is it a frame rate thing? Did they take something else?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Is there some really controversial anti-Australian stuff? Could be. In the movie that we've forgotten about. I mean, it did go out of sync during it anyway, because it started buffering. But independently of that, it's still four minutes short. So I would recommend if you're going to, I'll link it below. It's on Bandcamp or you can, it's on Patreon right now. You could listen to it without it, which a lot of people do anyway.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yes. But there is somebody who's actually re-editing it. Well, we received an email from Alvin Maroffo from Venezuela. And he is, he's editing it so it syncs up correctly. So if he's still doing that and sends it over, I'll swap it out. Because I'm sure as hell not editing it because i don't have time that's the i was thinking of doing it but if someone else is doing it even better yeah let's see how that goes because it's a it's a weird thing to
Starting point is 00:03:14 yeah because you have to sync up what we're thinking yes with a movie with a movie exactly yeah so good luck to him yeah and i guess there's also going to be four minutes of silence in there it dispersed throughout the movie. No, I want one four-minute block of nothingness. Okay, we can do that too. That's really up to him. It's his cut. Exactly, it's the Alvin Maroffo cut.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Yeah, it's a reinterpretation. The other thing is the Planet Broadcasting great mates group went down this week, apropos of nothing. No explanation. It doesn't seem to be any kind of hack or situation or like that where it was deleted. It seems to be maybe a Facebook algorithmic thing. Same thing happened to my YouTube channel a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It just disappeared. They just went, you can't have this. It just disappeared. So there was 12,000 members in there. Now it's gone. What we thought we could do is if people could tweet at Facebook on Twitter, if you care, say, where's the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates group? Something along the lines of that.
Starting point is 00:04:09 That would be great. Because there's no one to... You submit a form and there's... And it just goes into the ether. I mean, it might be going to the exact same black hole that the group went into. We just don't know. So there's not really any...
Starting point is 00:04:22 There's no sense of when it will come back or if. But there is a uh a temporary group which might become the the real group the real group planet broadcasting great mates refuge yes so that is uh that's about 800 and odd members at the moment so that just do that for the moment i guess but because even if we get it back it might have wiped all the members we don't we don't know don't know. Maybe Levin's deleted it because he just finally got sick of it. That's what I suspect. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:04:48 But yeah, sorry, what were you going to say? I was going to say that it also happened over the weekend. Yeah. So maybe everywhere on Facebook, all the Facebook tech people are on hot. That's right. They're having a barbecue. That's right. Or whatever's happening in America right now.
Starting point is 00:05:02 It's cold, isn't it? It's cold. They're having a winter barbecue. You can have a cold barbecue. You can have a cold barbecue. A cold barbecue. Yes. No's cold, isn't it? They're having a winter barbecue. You can have a cold barbecue. You can have a cold barbecue. A cold barbecue. Yes. No, they're moving into spring.
Starting point is 00:05:08 They're having a better time. Oh. Spring break. They're on spring break. Anyway, they might be back by Monday, American time. We don't know yet. We just don't know. We just don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:17 But what we do know is that Lion King got a new trailer. Yes. And boy, do they all just look like regular animals. Yeah. And only a couple of them you even see speak in this. You see Scar speak. And boy, do they all just look like regular animals. Yeah. Only a couple of them you even see speak in this. You see Scar speak. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And you see either Timon or Pumbaa. Look, I know they're- Am I pronouncing that right? Timon? Timon. Timtam. Timtam. Timtam and Kingston. Timtam and peanut butter.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Okay. So the thing is, like, I know there are no black-maned lions. I'm aware of that. Or there is. So I'm not there are no black maned lions. I'm aware of that. Or there is. So I'm not aware that they do exist. Right. Regardless, I just think make it, you can cartoonify this a little bit. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:52 You can exaggerate the universe of these talking animals. Isn't there a bit in The Lion King, a movie I haven't seen, don't they like face paint themselves at some point? Isn't somebody face painted? There's a. What I'm saying is they're anthropomorphic animals to some degree. So maybe he could just put some dirt on his face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:06 You know? Slick it back with mud. Dump his head in an oil slick. Yeah. What year is it set? Who knows? Yeah. Maybe the 90s
Starting point is 00:06:14 according to the Divine and Bloomberg TV series. Yeah, right. I remember them fighting a chef once. So I think it must have been relatively modern day.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Well, I mean, yeah. Well, chefs were exclusive to the 90s. That's right. I mean, if it were set now, they'd be fighting a master chef contest. Yeah, absolutely they would. Or on My Kitchen Rules. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:32 So, you know, you know how it is. Look, I'm not, there's a lot of nostalgia in it and a lot of imagery that's very familiar to me or anyone. Maybe they were fighting Chef Tony. Who's that? From the Miracle Blade infomercial. Oh, maybe they were fighting that guy who salts things. Oh, Saltz Bay. What's his deal?
Starting point is 00:06:50 He's just a man who cuts meat and then salts it. Fucking who cares? Anyone can do that. It's like podcasting. Anyone can do it. Any idiot can do it. Yeah, I guess. Does anyone combine those two things though, salting meat and podcasting?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Because I think there's a market that... There's a hidden market. There's a hidden market that's just right. How do you look in a tight white tee? I look okay. Not at the moment. I'm just kind of like, because I haven't been exercising, Mason,
Starting point is 00:07:12 I'm just a bit bloody because of my surgery. You know, I went through a quiet ordeal. Let's go into it. So basically... Look, you're being really hard on yourself, but as an objective observer, you look like a big bag of oatmeal. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Just sloshing about, you know? I'm going to try and go back today, actually, last night, if I get this edited, because we are actually recording this on the day it goes out, just hours before. But, yeah, I don't know. Lion King, you're saying it. Did this get you more jazzed, less jazzed? Where's your enthusiasms at?
Starting point is 00:07:43 Where are they at? Because then mine is where yours at. That's true. We're sharing the energy. It didn't make me more enthusiastic to say this. Okay, independently of this show, would you see it? I'm sure I've asked you that before. No, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Not even if it came on streaming and you went, oh, yeah, Lion King. Well, I still haven't seen Triple Frontier with Ben Affleck. I've seen Triple Frontier. How's that? How's that as a movie or whatever? It's fine. It's absolutely fine. It's a good dynamic and ensemble, but it's not a super we like oscar oscar isaac's probably the standout in that okay would you say that it's a it's a bizarre cast for for what the kind of
Starting point is 00:08:15 movie it is yes okay all right i just yeah i don't know i feel like they felt like real dudes that could be friends okay but outside of that it's like all right this could have been more interesting considering who's in it okay well once i've watched triple frontier yeah then maybe no i still wouldn't watch lion king i don't think wow yeah would you watch the original before you watch the new one probably yeah good because you are for this show i have to watch the same story frame by frame identical twice great stuff this week i've seen a lot of frame by frame comparisons yeah that are this week i've seen a lot of frame by frame comparisons yeah but like look how colorful and delightful the animated version is look at this grim shit yeah exactly how do you feel how do you feel about it i'm very mr expert on the lion king mr
Starting point is 00:08:56 world's biggest lion king fan i'm just i don't see the point if it's just a pretty much a remake with most of the same dialogue except it looks drabber i don't see the point like i don't that's why that's why i quite liked um i quite like the the andy circus's jungle book even though the disney remake is quite different from the cartoon because that cartoon's pretty crap uh-huh but i liked it because it was a story i hadn't seen before because it was based on the original what about a gritty tailspin reboot how's that sound what? But it's in a minor key now, so it's like... Yeah, you'd have to do it. You get Lana Del Rey to do it or something. Make it haunting.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yes. Yeah, that. And he's smuggling heroin. Why else would he be in that weird prop lane that's always about to crash, you know? I think, though, there is something to you saying that, that they're going to burn through all these live-action remakes and then they might move to the 90s cartoons.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Yes. They could do your tailspins, your darkwing ducks, your goof troop. Oh, goof troop, but they're smuggling heroin. Smuggling heroin. One of the guys of a goof troop. Yes. Oh, guys, we're taking the troop to Columbia. Here we go, guys.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Now, I know you haven't, but have you seen a goofy movie? No. People are like, it's one of the best Disney movies, but nobody talks about it. I've also never seen it. But have you seen, Mason, the news that Tomb Raider 2 is happening? No. Not the game.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Not the original series. That already happened. The new one, the Alicia Vikander one. Yes. They're doing another one. I haven't heard that, but I've heard it now. Yeah. I'm surprised, but it's not unwelcome news. Yes. Because I thought another one. I haven't heard that, but I've heard it now. Yeah. I'm surprised, but it's
Starting point is 00:10:26 not unwelcome news, because I thought that one was... I liked it. It's pretty alright. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he didn't yell open the tomb. We've talked about that. Yeah. But there are more secret societies to uncover. Maybe another one of her parents is alive. That's fine. And if they build on this one, maybe we'll finally
Starting point is 00:10:42 get a pretty good video game adaptation. We're already getting one this year with Detective Pikachu, apparently, which is going to be the best movie ever made. So you're excited for that, aren't you? Yes. Anyway, Tomb Raider 2, I don't know why I included it. Only because my dog's going bananas for Goof Troop. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:59 She's a big fan. No, your dog likes heroin. Oh, okay. That's why. She likes the reboot. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Now, this. That's why. She likes the reboot. Yeah. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Now, this is just Disney till the end. Well, I've got a piece of news that you might be interested in. I mean, it was Disney at the start, actually, and then we did two later. Well, here's the thing. And we're doing Hellboy. Soon enough, this will all be Disney news. Yes, it will. Like, this podcast will just be Disney news because soon Disney will own everything.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah. I think somebody, I saw somebody on Twitter the other day say in the near very near future your entertainment options will be go out for a disney or stay in for a netflix yeah these two entertainment options also or also stay in for a disney because they also do that yeah disney plus that's true so yeah i don't know i'm not i'm not super wrapped about disney owning everything to be honest but what am i going to do about it? Yeah. That's a bad attitude, though, isn't it? It's like saying, why vote? Because you're only one man.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Exactly. So we're going to vote Disney out? Or in. Let's vote the mouse out. Goofy. Goofy can be the new president of Disney. I agree. What do you got there, Mason?
Starting point is 00:11:57 You say news. Well, I say news. This is Titans. Have you watched Titans yet? Oh, no, I like this news. I've seen the first episode, and I thought it was okay. Okay, well, we see Batman in the Titans. Minor spoilers probably for Titans.
Starting point is 00:12:12 We see Batman in Titans briefly. We never see his face. Presumably it's just a stuntman. He's a bad face. But they've cast Ian Glenn as Bruce Wayne. From GOT. From GOT. Older.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yes. Ian Glenn must be at least 60. He's 57. He must be at least 55. Which is. Older. Yes. Ian Glenn must be at least 60. He's 57. He must be at least 55. Which is at least 60. Yeah. So, yeah, okay. Okay, so.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I think that's like kind of a fresh take on. I don't mind that. It's sort of Dark Knight Returns era. Yeah. Batman, maybe. He looks a bit. He reminds me a little bit of Batman Beyond Bruce Wayne. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Like a little bit younger than that, but he's got that kind of wrinkly head. I was going to say, he's got the forehead ridges right there. Do you reckon they're going to wig him up? I think they'll wig him up, yeah. Some grey Bruce Wayne hair, give him the Affleck Batman wig? Yeah, I think so, yeah. Yeah, good. I like him.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I don't know about his American accent. Or is he in some of the Resident Evil movies? Yeah, he is. He's Alexander Isaacs. He's the doctor. He's one of the doctors. Oh, he's like... And then he's a clone of himself, Evil movies? Yeah, he is. He's Alexander Isaacs. He's the doctor. He's one of the doctors. Oh, he's like... And then he's a clone of himself
Starting point is 00:13:08 and he's like, I thought I was the... But I'm a clone of myself. And then he's a monster, I think. I think he's the tyrant. Oh, I was the clone of myself. Yeah. He thought.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Everyone was a clone of themselves in that movie. That was what was so good about it. Yeah. Good about it. Even Mila Jovovich was a clone of herself in the end. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Because she was an old woman in a block of ice. Yeah. Remember? Yes. Everyone was a clone of themselves in the end. Yes. Because she was an old woman in a block of ice. Yeah. Remember? Yes. Everyone was a clone of themselves. I remember everything about those movies. Me too.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Anyway, I reckon that'll be good. Okay, so I just pulled a stitch out of myself, just so you know. Out of your tum-tum? Yeah. It's out of my side. That's fine. Are they dissolving stitches? Well, this one clearly didn't.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Are you supposed to get those removed by a professional? I don't know, man. What am I, a doctor? No. Yeah. This is literally a piece of fishing line. Look at this. You're a to get those removed by a professional? I don't know, man. What am I, a doctor? No. Yeah. This is literally a piece of fishing line. Look at this. You're a podcaster, which is a-
Starting point is 00:13:49 Did I go to a fisherman? Skill-wise, that's the exact opposite of being a doctor. So, yeah, Ian Glenn. I like that. I like that, too. There you go. You should watch Titans. I know.
Starting point is 00:13:59 You keep saying that, and I will, when all the other content in the universe is gone. Okay. And I'll watch it. All right. Well, I like the tease for season two as well of what they're bringing. And they're bringing in Superboy as well, aren't they? Yeah. And Crypto the Superdog.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yeah, that's the one I was talking about also, yeah. But he looks mean. The dog? Yeah, isn't he mean? Well, he's been in a little cage. Yeah, that's not cool. Don't be doing that to Crypto the Superdog. That's right.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And also, as we know, if a dog can kill a man, a Superdog can kill a Superman. A Superman, yeah. So let's say some of that. Yes. Yeah. All right. But not an Aquaman. and also as we know a dog if a dog can kill a man a super dog can kill a super man yeah so let's say some of that yes yeah alright but not an aquaman
Starting point is 00:14:29 too busy swimming about I don't think crypto could not in the water it'd be dog paddling that's what I'm saying no good and just having a good time in the water
Starting point is 00:14:37 yeah exactly now do you want to do Hellboy before we do Star Wars Celebration or do you want to do it after let's do no yeah let's do Hellboy first I think
Starting point is 00:14:44 because we'll run out of gas on Hellboy if we leave it till the do, no, yeah, let's do Hellboy first, I think. Because we'll run out of gas on Hellboy if we leave it till the end. I think so, yeah. Okay. Let's talk about Hellboy now. Okay, great. All right, everybody,
Starting point is 00:14:51 if you haven't seen Hellboy, we know. Because nobody saw it. A lot of people didn't see Hellboy. So we're going to talk non-spoilers, then spoilers, and then we're going to, and when there's spoilers,
Starting point is 00:15:00 we'll clearly outline when there's spoilers, but most of it is spoilers in the trailers. Yeah, that's true. No, there's a few surprises. Yeah. Like a Catman, which was also spoilers in the trailers. Yeah, that's true. No, there's a few surprises. Yeah. Like a Catman, which was also spoiled in the trailers.
Starting point is 00:15:08 That was in the trailer, yeah. I liked in the movie how they kept hinting that he wasn't, like that he could have been a Catman. I'm like, I know he's a Catman. You don't need to keep teasing me that he's a Catman. We all know the Catman is out of the cat bag. All right? That's right.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Okay, so Howboy has debuted third in the US box office no the cat man is out of the cat bag all right that's right okay so how boy is uh how boy has debuted debuted third the u.s box office behind shazam and little that movie where a woman she's like i'm the boss but now i'm a child i have not i had no idea that existed they could have said now i'm a boss now i'm a child i can't remember okay good uh so it's only made suddenly the boss baby yes but a girl uh it's 12 million made 12 $12 million in the US, which is not very good, but it does have a $50 million budget. The last one made, like, the first one made like $24 or $34 and the second one made like double that.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So this one much less. And look, it all to me is like, what's this? What's that? What do you think the story was? Oh, no. And it's, it feels in some ways it's like Hellboy 3 because it picks up some of the threads that Hellboy 3 might have done. I think so too, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:12 But it's other ways. It's just a reboot, obviously. Anyway, it's Hellboy. He's a boy from hell. What's he up to? Adventures? Yeah. He's saving the world sometimes.
Starting point is 00:16:19 He's done it heaps of times and now he's back. He's got to do it again. Look out. Look out indeed. Yeah. What did you think of David Harbour as Hellboy? Actually, before we do that, now before we do that,
Starting point is 00:16:30 on the count of three, did you think this movie was good or not? You ready? One, two, three, yes. Sort of. Huh, there we go. Because this movie's gotten a real kicking. It got thrashed.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah. I think it's good up to a point and then it's just like now we're going here and now this character and now this and now you're you and i'm me and that's all what's this look we're in a cave and now you're dead now you're alive again here's the thing hellboy 2 is exactly like that as well it's more it's way more streamlined like it's made it's it's not as it's really weirdly edited this there's some editing There's some editing issues with this. For the first 40 minutes, I'm sitting there like, I like this a lot. Yeah, right. And a lot of what I like about it is David Harbour.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I think he's very good. We'll never see him again as Hellboy. No, exactly. We may never see Hellboy again after this. But based on the trailers and some weird muddy dialogue in those trailers, I'm like, this is going to be bad. He doesn't know what he's doing in this. This must be his first time in a big rubber mask and weird makeup.
Starting point is 00:17:32 It was. It was. This is going to be terrible. But I reckon a couple of minutes in, I'm like, I'm buying this. Yeah, same. It's not an impersonation. He's a bit whiny. He's a bit like, oh, dad.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah, right. That's always the other one i guess yeah i think i think that is that that's definitely a part of the the movie character that i think they were like let's let's let's have him be your dad come on dad i didn't get a sense also that it was david harbour like i feel like he kind of that was one of my problems with the trailers i'm like i don't he doesn't look like anybody he just looks like a monster like i can't like know, you could see Perlman in the other one. So I was like, I don't really see anybody in this, but I think that kind of works as it's kind of being lost in this new character. Also, once I got used to the face,
Starting point is 00:18:15 just cause it's different from the Ron Perlman face. I reckon that Hellboy look is very good. It's very good. Yeah. He's got a hairy chest. He's got a hairy back. He's got a hairy back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 They should have done the cloven feet. It's hard to do, though. Yeah, hard to do, right. Because you've got to keep doing that. But now I think they could just do that with CGI. Well, yeah, of course they would. Yeah. That's what I meant.
Starting point is 00:18:33 What did you think? Whittle down his feet? Yes. What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you, Mason? You can't do that. Give him those little stilts. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:18:38 No, I don't. He's already putting prosthetics on. Now you expect him to walk on cloven feet? Yeah. Mason, come on. Whittle his regular feet off. Come on, Mason. All right, that was a bit unfair.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Come on. I feel all right. But no, I... No, I'm standing firm. I should have whittled his feet off. I also liked Ian McShane, who apparently is like 76. Yeah, right? Incredible.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yeah. Incredible. There's definitely some... They also go back to his birth. Oh, we get a rehash of the the the summoning from hell of hell boy from the from the first movie and a bunch of characters are there from just having recently re-watched the first yeah clockwork nazis there nazis there lady lady nazis there rasputin rasputin's there um lobster johnson's there that he's a new inclusion i thought that
Starting point is 00:19:24 was ian mcShane for a bit Oh But it's Thomas Hayden Church It is Thomas Hayden Church Yeah Anyway I thought They were good I didn't think
Starting point is 00:19:30 Sasha Lane or Daniel Dae Kim Did very good English accents Right I thought they were pretty And I looked them up I knew Daniel Dae Kim wasn't And she wasn't English And she isn't either
Starting point is 00:19:40 But I thought it was a bit Hmm Okay I don't know I'd be interested to know What people from England Actually think about that I think they're terrible is the correct answer there i thought they were fine in the movie but i didn't think their accents were good yeah i did though like the villain that's i guess why they wanted originally the for for ben ben ben damio they
Starting point is 00:20:00 wanted ed screen yeah because he's english because he's English. Because he's English. He'd be like, all right, innit? Yeah, exactly. See, I could have done it. Yeah. All right. Innit? Innit? Innit? Yeah. Steak and pie.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Hellboy, innit? You know? I get it. That's the boy from Hell, innit? Innit? But I did like the villains. Chip Butty, innit? It's a chip sandwich.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Oh, is it? Hot chip. Do you remember the show Little Britain? Sort of. Very good. Very good three jokes again and again. Oh, yeah it? Hot chip. Yeah. Do you remember the show Little Britain? Sort of. Very good. Very good three jokes again and again. Oh, yeah, good. Didn't you think so?
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yeah. So I thought the villains were good, as I've been trying to say. But you keep distracting me. With English slang. English aphorisms? Yes, I do. Mila Jovovich? Yeah. She's kind of underrated, I think, in general,
Starting point is 00:20:43 because she mostly does kind of B-grade. Not B-grade. She mostly does Resident Evil movies. Yeah, exactly. Most of She's kind of underrated, I think, in general, because she mostly does kind of B-grade, not B-grade. She mostly does Resident Evil movies. Yeah, exactly. Most of her career is Resident Evil movies. And the occasional Fifth Element 20 years ago. But she's good. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And I also like the weird warthog man. Yes. Quite a bit. Who looked really good. I think a lot of that is prosthetics and animatronics. Clove and feet. Clove and feet as well. So you can do it.
Starting point is 00:21:02 They whittled his feet down. So, yeah, I thought that was quite good. Now, there's a lot of CGI blood in this. That's true, yeah. What, are you going to use real blood? Yeah. You're going to kill some production staff and use their blood on set? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah, that would have been cheaper as well, I reckon. I think probably it would have been in the end. Maybe that's how they kept the budget down in general. I don't know. But yeah, I liked the violence in this. It was kind of over the top, but not... Yeah. I don't know. It was kind of cartoony violence comic. I liked a lot of the settings, I liked the violence in this. It was kind of over the top, but not... Yeah. I don't know, it was kind of cartoony violence comic.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I liked a lot of the settings. I liked they went to England. I like we saw some English countryside. That I love. We saw some weird English toffs going out on a giant hunt. I thought that was good. With a big dumb hat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Yeah. That whole segment, that was where, when that whole part was happening. Yeah. I'm like, I hope this is the rest of the movie because this is good. This is good. Yeah. And then it changes into a different thing, which I think for the worst. The giant fight's quite good as well.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Hellboy fights three giants. There's a bit where you see a monster, like, shuck a man's skin off his head. Yeah. You see that bit? Yeah, I did see that bit. Whoa. Yeah. It is good.
Starting point is 00:22:04 I think they've gone for more of a, here's the thing like it's a bit sin city violence it is a bit sin city it's interesting because a lot of the visuals i think are quite uh a lot of the visuals are quite like heavy metal yeah but i don't think like the music choices aren't particularly heavy metal there's like it's all like black rebel motorcycle club yeah what have you i thought there was some some of the musical choices were odd. Right. They would be kind of like, you've just put a cool song in. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:22:31 But you haven't really thought about. But at the same time, it wasn't like Highway to Hell. No. And Hell's Bells. Highway to Heaven. Highway to Heaven. Yeah, exactly. They just played an episode of Highway to Heaven.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Exactly. Yeah. Look, so yeah, there were some good special effects in this, but there were also some atrocious special effects. Give me an example of one. There's a method of bringing people back from the dead. We can contact them in the afterlife, and they're a weird boogly ghost monster.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yes. There's one closer to the end, and it just looks awful. You hated it? Yeah. And there's a few moments like that where it's just not good CGI. And I don't know whether... Because, by the way, this is incredibly troubled, this production. Oh, the production.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Oh, you want some details on that? Please. Did David Harbour have some issues with some directors and things? So it's been said that Neil Marshall, who directed this, who's a good director. What has he done again? The Descent. You ever seen The Descent?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Oh, yeah. Okay, right, right. He did Dog Soldiers. Okay, all right. He's done a bunch of good Game of Thrones episodes. All right. I think he did the Battle of Hardhome. I think he did the Hardhome episode.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Oh, I remember that. You remember that zombie snowman one? Yeah, oh, yeah. It was said that Marshall was frequently undermined by the producers on set as they would give different orders to the cast. Star David Harbourman. More English accents. No, wait, less.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Star David Harbourman. More chip buddies for the cast. Get them all greasy like a real British person. David Harbourman, meanwhile, walked off set and refused Marshall's request for more takes. It's also said that he and his co-star, Ian McShane, were among those who rewrote scenes while shooting was taking place. Bizarrely, one of the biggest disputes reportedly came
Starting point is 00:24:00 over the appearance of a tree, of a tree that factors heavily into the whole boy's plot. Marshall wanted it to look realistic while the producers insisted on being asymmetrical and they got their way during post-production. Imagine the biggest argument on set is the symmetry or asymmetry of a tree. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:19 The producers also took over Marshall. That feels like just an argument for the sake of an argument. Yeah, right. Like they're like, well, if you won't, if I, if you, the tree's not good enough. Asymmetrical. I will not move from this spot until you fix the tree. I'm calling my agent unless you fix this tree.
Starting point is 00:24:39 It says he was, the filmmaker was never promised a final cut and he had it taken from him right which i think explains why the backup of this movie is an absolute disaster right yeah i don't yeah that i lost a lot of faith in like it is very i feel it's quite video gamey the last yeah third because it's like well we have to we're on now we're on a quest and we have to get a thing and go to a thing and talk to a man and he'll give us another thing. Here's my backstory. Here's a flashback. Here's her backstory. Here's a flashback.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah, so I'd struggle to kind of give this a best movie ever based on that. But then your other option is a worst movie ever. Yeah, I know, and I don't think it's the worst movie ever. It's like the absolute lashing that it's getting. I don't think it's justified. I think it's unjustified as well, yeah. lashing that it's getting i think i think it's justified as well yeah yeah i mean you know again i'm i'm tangentially aware of a lot of hellboy stuff yeah but i haven't read every hellboy like i know uh the the warthog man is a recurring character in in the comic books and stuff like that so uh but i don't like this this may be a uh a brutal injustice to the comic book
Starting point is 00:25:43 version of hellboy but I quite liked it. I've also read very little. Less than you, I would say, if not more. But, yeah, I feel like maybe it tried to mash too many comic book elements into this. Yeah. Do you want to just do spoilers? Yeah, sure. Spoilers.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I'm going to say best movie ever. I'm going to say worst because then we arrive somewhere in the middle. Okay, terrific. Boom, I fixed it. But I really like the first half. Like, genuinely, this is quite good. I agree. I fixed it. But I really like the first half. Like genuinely, this is quite good. I agree. I think it's worth watching just for the first half.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah, I would agree with that too. I mean, you know, most people's attention span is done by two thirds of the way through a movie. Just tune out. Tune out, man. Bring an extra toasted sandwich. Please do. Into the theatre like I often do.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You would, nerd. Yeah, I do. Okay, so spoilers. Yes. It's also a King Arthur movie? Yes, it is, yeah. When have those ever worked? Never.
Starting point is 00:26:32 The only... Not only the kid King Arthur movie is really good. I've heard that also. I don't think it made a lot of money. It's by Dexter Fletcher. Is it? He wrote it? No, he directed it, I think.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Did he really? I think so. I thought Joe Carnahan... I don't know. I'm just throwing that out there. Is it The Kid Who Would Be King? Yeah, let's find out. Joe Cornish.
Starting point is 00:26:48 That's who I'm... Yeah, the guy did Attack the Block. Oh, yeah, yeah, you're right. That's who I had in mind, but I still said the wrong thing. All right, anyway. So I'm still right. Yeah, anyway, what I'm saying is the only British mythological saga that will ever work on screen is obviously Robin Hood.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yes. Because, you know, we got the most recent Robin Hood one and that stormed the box office. Yeah, crushed it. Stormed the reviews. Ten picture deal for everybody. Can't wait. We got two or three in the 90s maybe.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yeah. One was a parody. One was the Carrie Elms one. Yes. Get it, Mason? No, I got it. You turned them around. Because the, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yeah, no, I get it. Because the Kevin Costner one's a joke also. Yeah, no, I get it. All right. Like it was meant to be serious, but it's a joke movie. It's not a real movie. So they lure Hellboy to England in the promise of a giant hunt because they need him, and then they betray him and stab him a bunch.
Starting point is 00:27:34 So great. Yeah. I didn't see it coming. I also didn't see it coming. He was in a lot of trouble. He looked like he was going to die. Yeah. And then after he gets up and he's just beaten and been stabbed,
Starting point is 00:27:45 he has to fight three enormous giants. That was a great sequence, I think. All of that is fantastic. And I felt like in a lot of ways that the Ron Perlman one, you can punch him a hundred times and he'll fly through a wall and whatever. Yes, exactly. It's mostly indestructible. Like if you're a call from...
Starting point is 00:28:02 I mean, he gets stabbed in one of them with a magic blade that yeah hey buddy your kid has has approached the window of the uh the podcast studio and just look concerned and then run away again we see you you got your you sneaky sort oh it's him and the dog now here we go i don't know what he said. He's a mystery, that kid. Who knows what he's up to? I have no idea. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:28 So in the previous couple of Hellboy movies, one of the aspects I didn't like on the rewatch was the fact that he's basically indestructible. Yeah, except for the magic blade. Except for the magic blade. And it's just him leaping into the mouths of giant monsters and detonating dozens of hand grenades and then he's fine. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:42 So what's the, you know. Yeah, but here he can be stabbed and electrocuted and punched and all that. Yeah, I agree. I absolutely agree. So they explore his origin because he's the son, he's the descendant of King Arthur, but he's also the son of a demon or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:57 So he's got both of that. And so he's supposed to bring about the apocalypse, but he's a good bloke. So he doesn't in the end. It was just felt a bit like, and now we're going to see Merlin. Merlin's, oh, now you've got to pick up the sword. he's a good bloke so he doesn't in the end it was just felt a bit like and now we're going to see merlin merlin's oh now you're going to pick up the sword don't pick up the sword oh you've left the sword wait the sword's under the church grab the sword he grabbed the sword and it's now you've got to choose whether you're gonna keep holding the sword or or not destroy the world he's put the sword down yeah let's put the sword down but even like
Starting point is 00:29:22 the inclusion of like the pig man yep i again i like that character but i didn't get of so he just wanted to grow up human as a human girl yeah so the idea so so when when fairies steal a child they leave a changeling in place yes and the idea he that he was hoping that he could be raised as a as a as a real girl yeah and and and live a happy life instead of i guess living in the underworld where everything's yuck. Yeah. Yeah. So, Hellboy ruined his life.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yeah, but I think that's fine. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, so he gets... And even... Because that surprised me when he got big because he gets all the powers from the underworld given to him or whatever. And he just beats up Hellboy quite thoroughly.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I thought, you know, that was an interesting element where she made a henchman that was stronger than he was yeah right uh-huh yeah but then there's a speech at the end where he's a weird so there's a in this movie one of the characters who's alice in wonderland or is she because there's also those books exist within the universe uh no i think no i think she's not alice in wonderland right she she she she gives him some some uh she gives him a verse from alice in wonderland so he knows that she is alice but i don't think she's that alice okay right yeah i think yeah i thought that might have been like two or like she's a descendant or whatever maybe can't rule it out can we anyway uh she has
Starting point is 00:30:41 a power where she can see the dead and also bring the dead back by vomiting up a weird, spooky, boogly ghost. Yes. And the ghost is like, this is my information. And there's a bit where Ian McShane talks to Hellboy at the end. Yes. And it looks ridiculous. It does look ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It's horrible. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But is that because you were just not expecting to see a weird shirtless Ian McShane? Well, I saw it earlier in the movie with somebody else. Yeah, right. And it didn't look that great then, but I felt like by the end, I think they probably knew this wasn't going well.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And they didn't really finish it, to be honest. Yeah. But just by the end and just the visiting and the going here and what's this and what's your story and tell me your backstory and here's a flashback and get this weapon. Is it a magic weapon? Yes. Where's Mer merlin this is merlin and you're king arthur and and the it's uh the witch this is the witch and this is the witch's friends this one betrayed her but i'll kill those two and it's just it's a bit much isn't it it's a bit much it could be tweaked in editing if anybody
Starting point is 00:31:41 would care to do that but what i did once you finished editing our infinity war commentary yeah if you'd like to get a cam version of hellboy 2019 and then edit the back end of it out get on it get right on it so i just thought it was a bit how did you like the recharacterization of uh john hurt to ian mcshane did you like that i think i like the ian mcshane version better uh better. No, I like both versions. Yeah. I don't know about more, but he was a bit kind of gruffer and working class. Yeah. Oh, you would like this.
Starting point is 00:32:14 The magical elements of it. Yes. They brought more mysticism into it. That's the stuff that you like from the old movies. Yeah, look, I prefer- More relics and- Yeah, relics and sort of based on more historical, you know, it seems to be based more on more, like, historical mythology.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah. Like giants in England and fairies and changelings and what have you. And magical items. Exactly, and less golden armies. Yeah. You know. Which I thought was good. Like, there's no legend on Earth of a clockwork army created by the elves.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I disagree. Well, there is now. I guess there is now. Anything else to add before I... Because of Hellboy 2. I had some parents... Not some parents, some bloody... No, add some parents.
Starting point is 00:32:52 No, this is from Batman. The first tweet is from... I got some reviews from Batman with parents. Okay. Do you have anything else to add? I don't think Batman with parents would be a very effective Batman. No. It would just be a man.
Starting point is 00:33:01 It'd just be man. Batman with parents says, though, Hellboy was a dumb, fun, perfectly fine movie. Definitely a movie I'd put on while my friends are hanging out, man no we just be a man just be man Batman with parents says they how boy was dumb fun perfectly fine movie definitely a movie I put on while my friends are hanging out half paying attention to best movie ever uh would you write where would you rank this in terms of Resident Evil movies it's probably the best Resident Evil movie it's almost certainly the best Resident Evil movie yeah uh it's got more interesting things in it than all of the Resident Evil movies combined uh Benson made says big mistake on on Watch How Boy this week.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Why did I have to put all the best parts in the trailer? There was no heart left in any of it. Should have been at home instead of packing my trip to Costa Rica, where I shall be next week. Speaking of. Listen to you after. This guy just wanted to brag about going to Costa Rica. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:33:39 We get it. You're going on a nice little holiday. We get it. Yeah. Speaking of stuff in the trailer, and again, spoilers for this movie. Yes. What did you think of the big old monsters bent about destroying London and the world? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:55 You liked them? They were fine. I thought they were pretty good. There's some interesting designs. Speaking of, we've recently seen other movies that have some big old terrifying monsters in them. Which one? Shazam. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Yeah, go on. But I was going to say. Yeah, better than those. Spoilers for Shazam. Yeah, they were better than those. More distinct. I think more terrifying. Yep.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Again, a lot of tearing of faces off, which I thought was good. But then they all kind of went back in the earth and the earth sealed up or whatever. That's true. Yeah. None of those people became alive again. Oh, yeah. Some people fell into the earth as well. Some people got their faces torn off.
Starting point is 00:34:31 That's true. Some people got impaled. On legs. And became leggings. Yeah, that's no good. Uh-huh. Yeah. All in all, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Wasn't it? Yeah. Wasn't it? I think if it had been the second half was better than the first half, then I would have enjoyed it. Yeah, right. Because I would have enjoyed it. Yeah, right. Because I would have come out. Enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I enjoyed Lobster Johnson and his weird little claw on his hand. Yeah, his claw branding. That was good, yeah. Okay. Do you want to talk about Disney Plus? Yes. New shows announced. This is what they're called.
Starting point is 00:34:58 The Marvel stuff. WandaVision. Terrible title. Horrible. The worst title I've probably ever heard for a TV show. What about even if you put an and in there, that's better. Yeah, right? Vision Wanda is not good either.
Starting point is 00:35:11 No, it's a bad. Yeah, bad. The Vision and Scarlet Witch. Is there some, you know what, it's probably that, I bet, you know what it is, Marvel probably licensed out the title The Vision and Scarlet Witch in the 90s to some TV production company for $10. That's true. And now they can't use it anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And I just realized you can't do Vision Wanda because that's VW. And the logo is probably WV in a circle. Yeah, right. So, yeah. No good. I think it could be really good, though. The show itself could be good, yeah. I mean, there's some great comic runs based on those two,
Starting point is 00:35:41 and they're good in the movies. The other one is The Falcon and Winter Soldier. And, of course, we've got they're we've talked about those before but now they're happening now it does question does the fact that what wandavision is coming out yeah is that does that is that does that present us with an endgame spoiler because i feel oh yeah i guess can this be set in between, like... Because one criticism of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that we see...
Starting point is 00:36:09 They announce a bunch of stuff before. Well, that too. But also, like, they meet in Age of Ultron. Yeah. Wanda and Vision. WandaVision, the couple. That's their cute couple name, WandaVision. WandaVision.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Long Division. They should have called it Long Division. On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming to IMAX and theaters everywhere. What a wonderful day! This summer, one movie event will reign. It is our time. Apes hunt humans.
Starting point is 00:36:42 That is wrong. Bend for your king. Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king. Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theaters May 10th. Tickets on sale now. Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's That's Exactly. His brain's a computer. He's going to be good at that. He'll be so good at long.
Starting point is 00:37:32 And long division's hard, man. It's very difficult. So they meet in Age of Ultron. We know you're good at long division. People are good at it. You don't need to tell us, all right? Some people are good at it. Don't email us with a handy tip for doing easy long division. We've got calculators. We don't need to tell us, all right? Some people are good at it. Don't email us with a handy tip for doing easy long division.
Starting point is 00:37:45 We've got calculators. We don't care. I'll just ask Siri to do it or the vision because he's good at it. Exactly. So they meet in Age of Ultron. Then in Civil War, they're friends, but then they're on opposite sides. And then by Infinity War, they're in love. So exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Kisses all day outside the deep fried kebabs shop. But we don't see that romance blossoming. So is this TV series set in between Age of Ultron and Infinity War or is it set afterwards and they've both survived? I would say after. I would also say after, yeah. But it's nice to speculate, isn't it? Yeah, definitely, yeah. I mean, we might see flashbacks yeah because i was gonna say so the criticism
Starting point is 00:38:28 often of the marvel cinematic universe is that because we don't have that we don't have multiple monthly issues coming out every month yeah yeah like in a comic book we don't we didn't see that romance happening so we just have to sort of fill in the blanks in our own minds yes so maybe with this tv series we could get some flashbacks, but they're like, hey, would you just hang out in Avengers? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And then also that's, that goes for the Falcon and Winter Soldier because they're both dead currently. Yes. But I think they're really, they're pushing this Disney plus thing. So they need to announce some stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Right. I mean, in two weeks, no one's going to care because we're going to know exactly what would have happened people will forget uh-huh and but loki can be a prequel which i think it is as well but yeah did you hear also there's a hawkeye series in development no he's gonna pass the torch to kate bishop oh wait i did hear yes so she'll be back if she's dead or whatever's happening in endgame yeah that's all fine we've talked about hawkeye series for ages,
Starting point is 00:39:26 being like they should do that, and they are. There's also that what if animated movies that they were talking about, they're making them. The first one is going to be Peggy Carter as Captain America. Question. Yes. Do you think that Hawkeye is going to meet Kate Bishop? She's a tattoo removalist maybe. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Or a hairstylist initially. For his sake, yes. I hope so. I hairstylist initially for his sake yes i hope so i hope she does it all yeah she's like yeah i cut hair and remove tattoos i'm a general i'm a general uh disaster repair type stylist so i do it all i can do i can work with anybody who's next oh my god this is the worst i've seen if you mentor me how to shoot arrows i'll remove this tattoo and fix your head yeah so you're saying animated movies yeah so peggy carter as captain america that's quite liked and steve rogers will be in it but he's skinny steve rogers and he's in a suit of armor and apparently there's
Starting point is 00:40:16 going to be new and returning cast members what is happening here what is this what do you mean what is going on is this is this mcu universe this If. Oh, it's a What If. What If. Oh, it's a What If. What If. What If. So, yeah, I like that. That sounds fun. They haven't confirmed it, but it sounds like Hayley Atwell is probably going to come back and do it.
Starting point is 00:40:34 So I guess these are sort of linked to the MCU in terms of some character. But then again, like, Coulson's in Spider-Man, the TV series. He's the principal of his school. That's true, yeah. Whatever, so that's fine. But other news related to the Disney Plus plus is uh the simpsons going there uh they had that did you see that anime oh because fuck because disney that's fox they see the animated clip where they're like all hail the lords of disney or whatever you know they did that they're like it's good
Starting point is 00:40:57 joke you're referencing it but you've mocked disney mercilessly yeah right over the years yeah well these that i watched uh Captain Marvel will be there day one. Movies like Mary Poppins. All Pixar movies within the first year. And they announced some Star Wars shows. Sorry, Star what? Star Wars shows. Star what? Oh, no, he's back.
Starting point is 00:41:15 That's right. The man who loves Star Wars. No, Star what? The man who loves Star Wars is here. I can't believe you brought back your famous character, guy who loves Star Wars. That's not what he is. I don't know who you're talking about. I don't believe you brought back your famous character, guy who loves Star Wars. That's not what he is. I don't know who you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I don't even know what that is. He's been on vacation for a little while, but he's back. People have been requesting it. What an inopportune time for him to be back. The guy who doesn't know what Star Wars is. Hope there's no Star Wars news this week. But it's all Star Wars news. What was?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Well, look, if you want to get in on some Star Wars news, from the ground up, a guy who doesn't know what Star Wars is, Steel Saunders does a podcast called Steel Wars. He is at Star Wars Celebration. And if you're like, what's that? He's been attending all the major panels, interviewing cast members as well from the new Star Wars film that you'll love once you see them all.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Once they know what Star Wars is. Once you've seen all 15 films. If you had to explain whatever this thing is, how would you do it? Okay. Have you seen Star Wars? No. That was my reference point to kick off. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Because most things now are just a riff on that. Just a thinly veiled Star Wars. Yeah, right? Yeah. It's like Jupiter ascending a bit. Yeah. Have you seen that? Not yet. No, it's still on my list. Oh, no. I can't even use Yeah. It's like Jupiter ascending a bit. Yeah, have you seen that? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Oh, no. I can't even use my second touchstone. Jupiter ascending. Have you seen Independence Day? Yes. It's like that, except it's in the past, but with better technology. Oh. You happy with that?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yes. You know how they fly into the alien spaceship at the end of Independence Day and they blow it up? Yeah. They do that in Star Wars, but every movie. Oh, sounds a bit repetitive. Well, it can be. Maybe one of them should shake it up a bit and not have that? No.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Do you think people would like that? Who would want that? You don't know anything about Star Wars. You don't know what people want. I'm just saying hypothetically. Hypothetically, if you've done like seven of the movies, and then maybe if you're doing the eighth one, the formula would be a bit stale.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Sure, yeah. So maybe you would do something a little bit different. I think people would like that. I think 100% of the people who watch that would like it. So in the eighth Star Wars movie, you do something completely different and everybody would be on board for it. Everybody would be on board for it, yeah. So you'd maybe surprise kill a major villain.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah. Weaponize like a form of interstellar travel. Yeah, that sounds really good. Use some kind of projection ability to make yourself appear in a fight on the other side of the universe. If you are subverting the tropes of this star thing, then I think if the tropes are established and then you subvert them a bit, I think that would be great.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Don't you think some people don't want that, though? No. I mean, because there's also people who don't want that, but there's also people who say they're okay with it, but maybe make a better version of that. Oh, like some people in public could remake it. All I'm saying is I like that movie. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:54 And there's a guy here some weeks who also enjoys it. Oh, good. He's not here right now. Yes, all right. But I think there are very valid criticisms of that movie and people who don't like it. All right. I don't think everybody who doesn't like it is a baby,
Starting point is 00:44:05 is what I'm saying. Let's say they did a sequel to that one. What do you think that would be all about? I think they'd probably lean heavily on things that were safe and people enjoyed. Maybe bring back some existing characters that are long dead and then inexplicably have them show up at the very last film at the end of a nine-film saga.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Saga, yeah, okay. That's what I would say. Anyway, before we get into that, though, The Mandalorian will debut with Disney+, and then working on Cassian Andor with K2SO, his series, and Alan Tudyk is coming back. Also, I saw in an interview that Alan Tudyk said he was 5'11". He's not 5'11".
Starting point is 00:44:41 We saw him. We met him that time. We didn't meet him. We saw him. He walks past us. Yes. Do you think he's shorter than 5'11"? Well, I well i'm 5 10 and i reckon he was maybe shorter than me wow you towered over him you threatened him i threatened him with a knife you threatened him that's right maybe he got that leg lengthening surgery we're constantly mentioning yeah do you
Starting point is 00:44:57 think we should sometimes we're like we should get some new sponsors you know maybe we should get leg lengthening surgery i'm gonna do one and see how it goes. Okay, cool. It feels good. Yeah. It feels good. What if they're like, okay, we're going to lengthen one of your legs, and if the ad goes well, we'll lengthen your other leg. Yeah, I'd roll the dice on that. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah. But so, yeah, so Steel Wars, the podcast, I'll link it below. Yeah. He covers everything relating to this. Oh, well, I think I'll go. I think I'll go and listen to that. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Bye. I know I've fallen down some stairs. I'm dead. But you'll never get a chance to listen to Steel Wars. I know about Star Wars. They'll play it at his funeral. It's fine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Oh, you're back. I'm back. Yeah. So we got some leaked footage from the Mandalorian. They didn't reveal it. Oh, when you say leaked, you mean that featurette we saw? Yeah, that. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Yeah. So basically, it looks like they're they're like hey adults here's your Star Wars shut up uh-huh uh so but it looks good wait what do you mean by hey adults because a lot of the Star Wars stuff is for kids and I don't mean that in a negative way I mean because a lot of Star Wars is just for kids yeah including most of the movies except for the one where the man is lit on fire. That's not for kids as much. But this one I think is definitively like, no, this is like The Wire. This is grown up. Yeah, this is The Wire, exactly. Which I haven't seen.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Do you know that started in 2002? Yes. That's insane. Yes. That doesn't even make any sense to me. How can it be that good or be that old? Nothing's good from back then. No, that's true.
Starting point is 00:46:26 The TV series now and again. Early 2000s. I don't think so. Gross. Yeah, but from what I saw of that, from the leaked footage, I mean, again, great directors. Yes. Real good technology looking stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:38 You know what I appreciated? In the room, people whooped when it was appropriate to whoop, and then they were silent so we could hear some things. Did you watch the Star Wars Episode IX panel? No. Borderline unwatchable. Good, good. Who was on the panel?
Starting point is 00:46:50 We'll get to it. Okay, cool. Yeah. I haven't had a chance to watch the full Mandalorian panel. I've only seen that leaked footage, so I don't really... Because it just came out this morning. Yes. And we're recording this in the morning.
Starting point is 00:47:00 So, no, I thought it was... This looks really good. Five years after Return of the Jedi as well, they confirmed the timeline. They're still stormtroopers. They're still Mandalorians. Yes. He's a gunslinging dude. He is a gunslinging dude, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Do you think he's going to be a bit rough and tumble and a bit kind of like, you can't trust this guy, but then he has a heart of gold? That's a good question. We don't, I mean, it's Pedro Pascal. Yes. But we never see him take the helmet off. No. Is he ever, we see him put the helmet on, I think.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I think we see him like. Adjust it? Yeah. It's a bit wonky. Well, he's just like on set and he just doesn't have it on. Oh, okay. Right, right, right. But you're talking from the actual footage from the.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah. Is he going to take it off? Is he a mystery gunslinger the whole thing? I think he'll take it off. I hope so. Yeah. He's a known brand. That's right.
Starting point is 00:47:41 He's big business. I get it. He's in Triple Frontier probably. He's in Triple Frontier probably. He's in Triple Frontier probably. I think he is. He might be. I think he is. I think I saw a Google Auto Complete interview with him.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Oh, with him and Diego Luna. They're both in it. That's why I was confused. I was like, have I confused him? Because they're both in Star Wars stuff. No, I think it was Pedro Pascal and- Because they're mates. No, the other guy.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Diego Luna. No, not Diego Luna. The other guy. You just did a muscle thing. No, the guy. Great hair. Jon Favre mates. No, the other guy. Diego Luna. No, not Diego Luna. The other guy. You just did a muscle thing. No, the guy. Great hair. Jon Favreau. No.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Vince Vaughn. No. He's in Ex Machina. What's his name again? Oh, Oscar Isaac. He's in it as well. Is Diego Luna in Triple Frontier? I don't think he is.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Oh my God. Let me check the cast of Triple Frontier. That movie I'm definitely saying. My internet's not working. What am I even doing? What are you thinking? What am I doing with my life, Mason? Anyway,. My internet's not working. What am I even doing? What are you thinking? What am I doing with my life, Mason? Anyway, Mysterious Gunslinger.
Starting point is 00:48:28 What else are we getting in there? What are we getting? IG-88's in it. IG-88's in it. Bosk is in it, probably. Do you like Bosk? Yes. What do you like about him?
Starting point is 00:48:36 I like Dengar. I like Dengar, too. I like that guy who looks like the devil. Is he in it? I don't think he's in it. No. But they could sneak him in. Do you think it's actually IG-88? Much like the devil. He's very sneaky. He'll get it? I don't think he's in it. But they could sneak him in. Do you think it's actually IG-88?
Starting point is 00:48:45 Much like the devil. He's very sneaky. He'll get in there, mate. He's not in it. Okay, good. He's not in the cast. Look, I don't have anything else to say about this. We'll talk about it more when it...
Starting point is 00:48:54 It feels very... Just from the stance I see him take in a lot of the very small clips of him we've seen, it feels very spaghetti. It feels a little spaghetti western-esque totally yeah which i like a lot yeah absolutely do you think there'll be any do you think there'll be like any uh quick draws quick draws in the town square apparently there's a bit where he shoots like there's he's confronted by four stormtroopers and like there's four of us and
Starting point is 00:49:16 he's like i like those odds and they're like oh this guy's business you know what i mean and then they shoot him all four of us shoot him and then he's like I like these odds significantly less I'm shot I meant like I like them for you not for me
Starting point is 00:49:30 anyway based on the footage we've seen which is somebody camming a screen it looks great it looks and thank you that guy
Starting point is 00:49:39 because you didn't film it sideways or from a weird angle yes we really appreciate it it looks like the movies which is what we want the other thing is as well because it's coming to disney plus disney plus might not be rolling out in most countries in the world other than the us straight away oh so i'm hoping that it comes to stan because stan have everything disney at the moment yes except apparently civil war for some
Starting point is 00:49:58 reason it's got all the marvel movies like except civil war huh maybe it's a spider-man thing maybe i don't know but uh i otherwise're going to be pirating this movie. It looks so good. It looks like a movie. Oh, my goodness. Okay, what have we got next, Mason? Let me tell you this. Please.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Here we go. This is your favorite news of all time. All right, here we go. Star Wars movies are going on hiatus after Episode IX. Bob Iger said initially, we have not announced any specific plans for movies thereafter. There initially we haven't now we have not announced any specific plans for movies thereafter there are movies in development we have not announced them we will take a pause sometime and reset because the cyborg because the skywalker saga
Starting point is 00:50:33 comes to an end with the ninth movie there will be other star wars movies but this is a bit of hiatus bit of hiatus so apparently they're still going to be working on the ryan johnson slash uh game of thrones db wise benioff trilogies or whatever at the same time. But probably 2022 is when we'll start to see other things. Oh, sweet relief. You feel good? Yes. Will we be 40 by then?
Starting point is 00:50:53 Some of us will. Yeah, some of us will. Yeah. Some of us. Wait, 2022. Yeah, right. We'll certainly be an age. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:01 We'll definitely be an age. We'll be 22 or a different age. So I don't, yeah i'm not i'm definitely not against this but i think they they did a weird strategy i think making solo and solo tank they went oh people don't want people sick of movies no yeah right not necessarily that it's nobody wants to see a han sol if look i'd be happier with this if they'd made the obi-wan movie then they're right i'm like great good whatever. I never have to see any of these ever again. Yeah, so that's the only thing where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:51:29 I would have liked to have seen that Obi-Wan movie. Yeah, right. But maybe it's going to be a TV show as well. They also mentioned that. So I'll take that also. Yeah. Just put him in the bloody, get him back. Get Ewan McGregor back.
Starting point is 00:51:39 What if they put him in The Mandalorian? He's dead. He'd be dead by then. It's five years after. Still, flashbacks. Just make him show up at it. All right, I wasn't thinking, all right? He's dead. He'd be dead by then. It's five years after. Still, flashbacks. Just make him show up at it. I wasn't thinking, all right? Just think, Mason, for once in your life.
Starting point is 00:51:49 What are you, the guy who doesn't know anything about Star Wars? He fell down some stairs and died. That's right, yes. But his spirit entered me. Well, nobody's ever really gone, Mason. That's very true, yeah. As long as we remember them and also they're a viable brand to be resold. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 00:52:04 The Clone Wars, there was a panel for that. They're bringing back 12 episodes to cap off the series, the animated series. Okay, cool. Ahsoka and Darth Maul will battle two of your favorite characters, one of which you know. Yes. The other which you don't.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Correct. Good. Which is which, who knows. Who knows. But the other thing is the Caravan of Garbage this week is on, we covered the Clone Wars animated series from 2003. We did, yeah. That's out on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I'm really excited to, yeah, I was really excited to talk about that. And you were also some of it, for some of it. I certainly said some words about it, yeah. So Ben's working on that, editing at the moment. Hey, it's ads. It's ads, everyone. Just one. No, go on
Starting point is 00:52:45 That's a good amount of enthusiasm But give us more enthusiasm Mason You're really not selling this Look, we love movement watches here I absolutely love movement watches At the Weekly Planet You wear one to the show literally every week
Starting point is 00:52:59 I'm wearing one right now And I'm wearing a little matching bracelet with it What have you got there? They do match They're the same colours They're a little rose gold I'm wearing a Voyager I've got a little matching bracelet with it. What have you got there? They do match. They're the same colours. They're a little rose gold. Excellent. I'm wearing a Voyager.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I've got a little rose gold case. I've got a little matching rose gold bracelet to go with it. A little team up. I'm very fashion forward. I don't disagree with you, Mason. Yes. Is that one of your new favourite designs? Or is it a new design?
Starting point is 00:53:20 Is it one of your favourite designs? This is a classic design. This is a perennial design, I feel. I wear this one most days because it just goes with everything. design is it one of your favorite classic design this is a perennial design i feel i feel that i wear this one most days yes because it's just goes with everything everything i'm wearing a button-up shirt but i could be wearing a t could be wearing a singlet next time if we do an ad for these guys i want you to bring a series of clothes and we'll do a montage okay which we will film and put on youtube same watch different shirts how about this no about this? It's an audio montage though.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Ooh, t-shirt. A tuxedo. Ooh. A scuba outfit. Yes. The thing about Movement Watches is, Mason, they're a truly ground-up entrepreneurial story. Success story. Ooh. Just like us. Except for the success. Yeah, exactly. Except for the success.
Starting point is 00:54:03 They bloody lived on a tight budget like we all do, Mason, except for those bloody fat cats in bloody Hollywood and politics and other things. Every industry we're not in. Why didn't we get into any of those industries? It's a good question, yeah. But their watches are all about keeping it simple and keeping the price down.
Starting point is 00:54:21 They don't blop your wrist with text messages or literal explosions. None of those things. They will not explode on you. I wouldn't blop your wrist with text messages or literal explosions. None of those things. They will not explode on you. I wouldn't want either of those. Definitely not. One, for peace of mind. Secondly, for peace of mind, but also I don't want to lose an arm. The thing is, because they're able to keep the price down because they cut out the middleman.
Starting point is 00:54:38 We know a little something about cutting out the middleman. We know about that. A watch of similar build quality will be anywhere between $400 to $500 at least. But movement watches start at just $95. That's an excellent price. They do sunglasses. That's right. They do bracelets.
Starting point is 00:54:52 They do watches. Watches. That's right. That I'm currently wearing. I've seen the logo. I'm aware. Think about all the money you can save on movement watches by buying a movement watch. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Well, see, here's the thing. I don't have any concept of saving. Like once I've taken the money that I've saved from buying movement watches, what I'm going to do is I'm going to funnel that into more movement watches. Interesting. As you've seen.
Starting point is 00:55:13 So you're going to chuck it back into movement watches. Back into movement watches because I believe in movement watches. You got to spend money to make watches. That's very true. That's what they say, isn't it? Yes, exactly. They've got clean design.
Starting point is 00:55:23 They're minimal. They're really quality products. They've? Yes, exactly. They've got clean design. They're minimal. They're really quality products. They've sold over 2 million watches in 160 countries. 1.5 million watches to me. That's crazy. Yeah, I know, right? Get 15% off today with free shipping and free returns by going to slash Weekly Planet. Movement's launching new styles on their site all the time.
Starting point is 00:55:41 And you can check out their latest at Go to slash Weekly Planet. Join the movement. But I'd recommend the Voyager. It's a really good, solid all-rounder. It goes with every shirt you've got. Scuba outfit. Scuba outfit.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yeah. Prison garb. Prison garb, exactly, yes. Prison guard garb. That's right. Both sides of the fence can wear a movement watch. Yeah. They can look at each other from across the yard and go,
Starting point is 00:56:03 Oh, Weekly Planet movement watches. Very good. Guess we're not so different after all. Stay away from the watch. They can look at each other from across the yard and go, Oh, weekly planet over watches. Very good. Guess we're not so different after all. Stay away from the bars. You want some video game news though? Yes. Vader Immortal. It's a VR experience.
Starting point is 00:56:18 It's coming to your headsets. You've got to escape from Vader's castle and use a lightsaber. How'd you get there in the first place? What's the mystery? How'd you get there in the first place? What's the mystery? How'd you get there in the first place? That's the mystery. You were born there. Huh.
Starting point is 00:56:29 So you're his kid? Yep. You're Luke Skywalker. As a baby. As a baby. Because otherwise you'd remember this. Yeah, exactly. It's in continuity.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Obi-Wan would be like, oh, your father was a Jedi. And you'd be like, nah. I was in a bloody castle. I had to escape. I had to do a VR experience to get out of there. That's right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:48 So I won't get that because I don't have a VR headset. But you've got a phone. No, it's not like that. Okay, right. It's like a... Oh, it's a VR for rich people. Yeah, it's a VR for rich people. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:56:57 But in other video game news, they reviewed more of Jedi Fallen Order. Yeah, it is. It's Respawn Entertainment who've done Titanfall and Apex Legends and a bunch of other things that are good. It's single player with no microtransactions and everybody applauded. So good on EA.
Starting point is 00:57:11 So you know that system we developed to really screw you over. Remember last time we did that and everybody hated it. Well, we've decided it's more financially viable to not do that.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Everybody was like, yay! You're so wonderful. Wow. Look, it's definitely good news. Yeah, for sure. Because all I want is a single player. That's all we want.
Starting point is 00:57:28 All I want is single player games forever. I don't have any multiplayer friends. I'm really bad at multiplayer now. Yes, yes. So I'm not winning anything there. Yeah. Maybe if you put me on Mario Kart 64, I might beat you if I'm like you.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Yeah, sure. They didn't show any combat, but the trailer- Star Wars Mario Kart 64. Well, there is Super Bombad Racing where they've all got big heads and they're all in hover karts or whatever. Don't like it. You familiar with that? No.
Starting point is 00:57:55 There's also Star Wars Demolition or Demolitions where you play as different Star Wars vehicles in a demolition derby environment. Oh, wow. It's from like 2000 or something like that. Yeah. So it's like Death Star versus Mousetroid. Yeah, that's right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Cool. They've described the combat as thoughtful combat, so it's not just slashy-button-mashy. Oh, slashy-button-mashy. It's, you know... I was like, thoughtful combat, that sounds really good, but then you said slashy-button-mashy, and I'm like, well, I like that even more.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Oh, that one, yeah. So some people have said it's maybe Dark Soul-esque. It's probably a bit easier than that with parries and such. And she plays a Jedi in hiding who comes out of hiding, a Jedi Padawan. He is. And the second sister comes after you, which is basically Darth Vader has this set of Inquisitors, which he uses to wipe out Jedi. They're actually former Jedi themselves.
Starting point is 00:58:45 And they're like, we don't want to be murdered. So we'll murder. Okay, nice. If you read the Darth Vader comic run, which you haven't. Haven't yet. You should. It's really good. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:54 So that's canon. That's canon. So this game is canon. This game is canon. For now. And the second sister, who's the villain in this, appears in like one panel. So they're like, see? Yeah, see?
Starting point is 00:59:04 We've tied it in. Tied it all together. Don't worry about it. It all makes sense. The trailer's very intriguing. I liked it. Yeah. Well, that's apparently in-game graphics,
Starting point is 00:59:13 but never believe anything ever. No, that's true. Even though all of this looks, all this points to good things. Remember when we saw the images from the Spider-Man video game and then it came out and the water wasn't quite as deep as we thought it was going to be?
Starting point is 00:59:26 I never played it because of that. Yeah, right? Yeah, I threw out every video game console I've ever owned. Yeah, because the water didn't have the depth you expected. Didn't have the depth, that's right. The other thing is Cameron Monaghan is playing the Jedi. Your mate? He follows me on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Oh, your mate? I messaged him and I'm like, send me a copy immediately or I'll tell everybody where you live. No, I didn't bother him. But good on him. So the plot seems to be that you're in hiding and if you reveal your Jedi powers, they come get you. They come get you.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Okay, so the second sister can sense you. Yes, but I reckon we'll also get other Inquisitors and probably a Darth Vader and whatever. So I think it's going to be all of that. Do you think the more you see Darth Vader? No, wait. Let me finish. I'm the guy who knows too much about Star Wars,
Starting point is 01:00:18 so I know what you're going to say, and I've already got my answers. All right, I'm ready. Here we go. Okay, so do you think... No, no, sorry, go on. So do you think that if you keep putting Darth Vader in things where he isn't the victor or like the menacing...
Starting point is 01:00:33 Yeah, Darth Vader. Darth Vader. Do you think that dilutes his image a little bit? Can be. Like if there's a whole bunch of prequel stories where he's constantly trying to get the good guys and then being dashed at the last moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Do you think... Often a lot of the prequel stuff they do with him is he kills whoever he's up against okay well that's all right then there's a new comic series coming out it's called vader target vader yeah it's six issues and it's a character who was recently introduced so i think was also from like way old continuity darth vader not darth vader but oh he's in it and they basically make this task force to kill darth vader that's pretty so they're all probably gonna die oh yeah maybe there's one good han solo s character which will live on yeah nice into other properties but you'll get maybe a scar and then it'll be back yeah that's right get a scar get out of there now what kind of sweet jedi powers are you expecting from this game i think it's going to be toned down a lot from Force Unleashed,
Starting point is 01:01:26 which was pull a Star Destroyer out of the sky, shoot a hundred years of lightning all at once. Yeah, right. Save up your lightning. Yeah. I think it's going to be little things. Yeah, right. Well, you are a Padawan.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Padawan, that's right. Also, there's a Jedi Master in it you run into, and apparently it's not your conventional relationships or whatever, because what I bet it is that Padawan's like, why don't you teach me? And she's like, I don't do this anymore. I'm more of the world than you are. And let me tell you, you came out of hiding,
Starting point is 01:01:54 and now that brought me out of hiding, and I'm not happy about it, but I'll sacrifice myself for you at one point. That seems quite conventional, if I'm honest with you. I think a less conventional one would be, he'd be like, hey, I'm a Jedi, and they'd be like, well, I'll teach you everything. Here's some life hacks. Here's some shortcuts. This is how you do a flip.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Do a flip. There we go. There we go. It looks like he does a wall run in the trailer. Think we're going to get a wall run? Well, if it's in the trailer. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:18 I mean, you can't put it in the trailer and then not have a wall run. I just want a good Star Wars game. That's all you want. That's all I want. What was the last good one? There isn't one. There's got to be a good stylist game that's all i want what's the last good one there isn't one yeah there's gotta be a good one no there's heaps uh last my last one that i really enjoyed was the jedi outcast series but there's a long time ago yeah there was but there's also been like i know people love knights of the old republic a lot of people also like fallen order
Starting point is 01:02:39 not fallen order for some nation uh battlefront the original ones yep they're good and some people like the new battlefront because they fixed it yeah they look good yeah but no i don't think there's been we've talked about this before but like in the 90s and early 2000s there was like five a year yeah and at least one of them was the best game that year yeah so or up there so you know i don't know take some chances lucas film Arts. EA Arts. EA Arts. EA Arts. But yeah. Remember when TIE Fighter was good?
Starting point is 01:03:07 What? TIE Fighter was good. I didn't expect a TIE Fighter to be any good. No, it was good. Didn't no one expect it to be good? I don't remember before it came out. Yeah. I just remember it existing.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Well, that's true. But I mean, you know, it was like, well, the TIE Fighter is the cannon fodder of the Star Wars universe. How's that going to be good? But that's what made it interesting. Yeah, it made it interesting. And then X-Wing was good. But that was before? No, I think it was TIE Fighter first. interesting. And then X-Wing was good, but that was before? No, I think it was TIE Fighter first.
Starting point is 01:03:27 I think it was X-Wing first. Well, we'll find out, won't we? Do you want to find out right now? Yes. Because if you don't do it right now, we'll get emails. X-Wing came out in 1993. In fact, people have already sent emails. Despite us already.
Starting point is 01:03:39 So that came out in 1993 and TIE Fighter came out in, you're probably right, TIE Fighter came out in 1994. Damn it. You're not right. What are you, the guy you the guy but i'm probably right star wars well you are channeling him aren't you yeah that's true yeah there you go any mistakes i make yes uh and and look considering disney knows considering disney owns everything now any mistakes i make about any pop culture property it's that i've been cursed basically is that true it's not my fault that's not i guess it's not your fault. I'm blaming anyone but myself. You know, it is interesting.
Starting point is 01:04:06 What's that? Cameron Monaghan, who was playing the Jedi in this, is the Joker. My mate. We're mates on Twitter and real life. We hang out all the time. Nice. We're like, we go get a slushie. You get a slushie?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you don't go to 7-Eleven and get a Slurpee. No. You go to some weird off-brand convenience store, you get a slushie. He doesn't want to be recognized, Mason. At a 7-Eleven. Yeah, because they're busier. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:04:27 I guess that's probably true, right? You don't understand. So you go to a bad part of town, you get a weird off-brand, you get like a paprika-flavored slushie. I love it. Yeah. Paprika and oatmeal.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Yeah, good. I bet. But he also plays the Joker, Mark Hamill, Jedi, also the Joker. Oh, yeah. I wonder if that's a coincidence. Probably. But no, I think he's a good choice.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Okay. Now, this is the big thing from the weekend, though. As of so far, Star Wars Celebration goes on. It lives on in our hearts. Yes. But it's still actually going right now as we speak. Yes. Star Wars Episode IX has a new trailer, first trailer.
Starting point is 01:05:02 It's called The Rise of Skywalker. Interesting. I did an 18-minute trailer breakdown. After I recorded it, I went, that was a mistake. 9 has a new trailer first trailer it's called the rise of skywalker interesting 18 minute trailer breakdown after i recorded i went that was a mistake this is gonna take me a long time to edit and it did oh yeah so i put two ads in it i'm like okay yeah took me long enough so i'm putting two ads in it i mean you don't have a sponsor it's just two ads for just your life just my life yeah hey these are my shoes they don don't match, as you can see. And they're both left foot shoes.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Yeah, I got dressed in the dark. It's so late here. I had to go down to the shops for a slushie. Anyway, buy a slushie. This episode's brought to you by slushies. Different slushies you can get. Okay, here we go. Okay, so you've got 18 minutes of content on this trailer.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Yeah, so people can check that out. Okay, where do we go first on this trailer? I think we talk about... I didn't really talk about general thoughts on it. I just kind of broke it down. What did you... What do you think of it? First of all, it's called The Rise of Skywalker.
Starting point is 01:05:55 What does that mean? What does it mean? But is it a good title? I don't think it is. It feels like it's a clunky... Look... Okay, so here's the thing. To Ross. Until this the thing. To Ross.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Until this comes out. To Ross. Until this comes out. Yeah. And so the months and years until it comes, when's it coming out? Christmas. So the months until it comes out and then for a long time afterwards, the debate is going to be, is this, was this movie made in earnest
Starting point is 01:06:21 or was this movie made to course correct episode eight? Because it was made very late in the day. Like it was two years of production. They brought J.J. Abrams on pretty much after The Last Jedi had came out. Like they'd fired the director or he left because he wasn't happy with the, they fired him. Yeah, right. And then so. Trevorrow?
Starting point is 01:06:40 Trevorrow, yeah. So they've only got two years to kind of make this happen. So I get, so I, when I'm looking at this trailer, I'm trying to put it through the lens of, okay, well, it's the last one in the saga. This is going to be very exciting. What's the deal? What's the plot?
Starting point is 01:06:53 Whatever it is. But also part of me is like, how much of this is course correction? Yeah. There's elements, and I'm trying to look at it through both lenses and not be swayed either way. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:03 But the fact that it's called The Rise of Skywalker, to me that feels like fan service-y. Trying to look at it through both lenses and not be swayed either way. Yes. But the fact that it's called The Rise of Skywalker. Yeah. That, to me, that feels like fan service-y. You know how Luke Skywalker died? Well, he's back, baby. Don't worry about it. He flipped out of a grave. And you know how some characters in this were definitively proven not to be Skywalkers?
Starting point is 01:07:19 Well, maybe they are Skywalkers. What do you think about that? Yeah, I guess we'll only really know some of this to the extent that this is a course correction i remember in the last movie kylo ren gave up his helmet well it looks pretty cool so he's putting it back together you better believe that oh yeah yeah is he do you reckon so do you think it might be in relation to the redemption of him yeah let's talk about what it could mean i guess okay so he is a skywalker he's definitely a skywalker technically and look and he went from being Ben Solo to Kylo Ren.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Maybe this is his last transition. Maybe he's like, well now I'm going to be Ben Skywalker. Do you reckon he'll say that? They'll be like, the Emperor's like, ha ha, you can't be,
Starting point is 01:07:54 you'll be defeated, Kylo Ren. And he's like, my name's Ben Skywalker. That's right. And they're like, yeah. Wait a minute,
Starting point is 01:08:02 you murdered your dad. And it's me, Luke Skywalker. I'm back and I'm physically here. and look how many lightsabers I have. I've got one in each hand and I've got a bunch just spinning around because I'm that good at the Force. They put the General Grievous arms on me. That's right.
Starting point is 01:08:17 And I'm young again. I'm young again. But not young like I was in The Last Jedi, that projection. I'm proper young again Harrison Ford's back But we filmed him from the neck down We didn't want to do it We couldn't get him But he's here too
Starting point is 01:08:32 We just filmed him He was having lunch at the Chateau Marmont And we took some photos of him He's not young again He's not young again He's wearing a polo shirt But he's back No I don't know
Starting point is 01:08:44 Where were we? I've lost the thread. Okay, so it could be Kylo Ren. Yeah, it could be Rey. Rey could be a Skywalker. Here's the thing, though. Maybe Rey, maybe they call her Skywalker. Yeah, it's like a mantle.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Maybe it's a mantle. They're like, okay, well, because that's the thing. I think a lot of the last couple of movies are about how the Jedi as a concept has failed. They're a bunch of poo. They're a bunch of poo. They were meant to be the guardians of this universe. They failed. They slipped in their own poo.
Starting point is 01:09:14 So maybe this is like, well, the Jedi are no more, but we're going to be Skywalkers now, and that's going to be better. We've acknowledged that being goody-goody shoes yeah doesn't work yeah all the time and also you end up doing terrible things regardless exactly so maybe maybe maybe a skywalker is a jedi yeah but it's like but you can acknowledge that human failings are in there and that's that's how life works i feel like that that is well that would continue the ryan johnson stuff in terms of anybody can be a jedi yeah right but i feel like that is, well, that would continue the Rian Johnson stuff in terms of anybody can be a Jedi. Yeah, right. But I feel like they're just going to be like, Ben Solo's got a son.
Starting point is 01:09:49 That son's, like, I feel like it's not going to be a metaphor. It's the broom kid. Yeah. It's not going to be a metaphor or a title. I think it's going to be a literal return of a Skywalker. But, yeah, like it'll be Razor Skywalker or Ben comes back or whatever. How many chances is that dude's getting, though? So many chances
Starting point is 01:10:05 I mean Darth Vader got a lot of chances But at least he had the decency to die That's true Because how would he have explained his way out of it? Like you were there when the Death Star blew up the planet Yeah but I didn't press the button But you were there You could have stopped him pressing the button
Starting point is 01:10:18 You could have stopped everyone's hearts in the room You could have been like Button's not working Can't explain it I'm over here Button's not working though Must be it i'm over here it's buttons not working though must be a must be a fault in it i'm over here though i'm standing right over here standing over here i'm not even looking at it i'm looking away buttons not working though can't blow up the planet but i do something else
Starting point is 01:10:39 better set a partially worded email maybe let her go. He didn't do any of that. He didn't do that. Again, we've talked about it before. The only reason he came good is because the Emperor was going to shoot his son with electricity. And then he changed. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:57 But anybody else in the galaxy who was being murdered, he would have done nothing. He would have done nothing. He would have done literally. It could have been a baby. And he would have done nothing. There were probably heaps of babies on that planet. He's got lots of babies, that guy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:05 But so I guess he's not. He's killed him in their cribs. planet. He's killed lots of babies, that guy. Yeah. Yeah. But so I guess he's not. He's killed them in their cribs. Yeah. He's got the lightsaber and just swizzled it around. Like a stew. In the baby carriage, exactly. He's gross. Yeah, he's gross.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Gross dude. In the actual panel, and it was incredibly frustrating because they bring out all the cast members. Woo! There's a lot of that. Name a cast member. Anthony Daniels. Woo!
Starting point is 01:11:26 William December Williams. December Williams Rose Tico Who's name I forget We're angry Daisy Ridley John Boyega Oscar Isaac Everybody's good They are all good in it
Starting point is 01:11:38 So they're all back The guy who plays Chewbacca Florgans Turgentorlan Whatever his name is No it's Florganturgentorlan And then They had Stephen Colbert He plays Chewbacca. Florgan Turgentorlan. Yeah. Whatever his name is. No, it's Florgan Turgentorlan. And then they had Stephen Colbert.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Oh, wait. So Florgan Turgentorlan. Because he was in Solo, right? Yes. So he's the new Chewbacca forever. Yeah, he was the new Chewbacca. He was the new Chewbacca in The Force Awakens. He split it between him and... Okay, right.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Anytime it's running or standing... It's Florgan Turgentorlan. It's Florgan Turgentorlan. Okay. I like that guy. He's got a good Instagram. He's fun. All right.
Starting point is 01:12:04 But so they had Stephen Colbert moderate. It's Floygetoigentorland. Okay. I like that guy. He's got a good Instagram. He's fun. All right. So they had Stephen Colbert moderate, and he did a pretty funny kind of Star Wars-y inside baseball kind of intro. And then it was like, well, what time period is it set? And they're like, well, it's set after, but we can't really tell you. Is your character the daughter of Lando? Because there's a new character. He's like, I can't really tell you. And it's like, I understand that you can't say anything,
Starting point is 01:12:24 but enough with this fucking mystery box shit you you you can pre-plan the questions yeah right so every answer isn't just we don't know we can't tell you colbert i asked the question yes it wasn't fan asked questions no it was steven colbert but again you can what can you tell us yeah right just tell like i'm sick of this kind of like well well, is it or isn't it? Just don't bring it up then. It's just fucking, it's just annoying. But also I feel like people, if he didn't say that, people on Twitter would be like, why didn't he ask him if Ray is a Skywalker or not?
Starting point is 01:12:56 And I guess it builds the hype of like, who's this person and who's that person? They're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't. Well, I say they're damned if they, whatever they did. Whatever they did, stop it. Just don don't at least make it half half yeah we can ask a question that's interesting also none of them were there were no i mean there was a bit of like what is it like to be on set and it's like i love it it's a dream come true it's like family and it was it was real it was bittersweet to wrap it up and you know bloody blah whatever again i like all these people, but it's like, who cares?
Starting point is 01:13:29 Who do you think did, was it like John Boyega and Oscar Isaac just like ruffling each other's hair and stuff? Was it all? It was a little bit of that, I think, yeah. Okay, that's good, okay. Because they're like, well, a Rose and Finn are a couple still, and they're like, I don't know, we'll see. And it's like, that's not even interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:41 You could just say yes or no for that one because it's no one cares yeah so i don't know yeah so that kind of just it was an hour of like oh my god yeah right there's a lot of is that out on youtube whatever if you want to if you want to watch it uh but there was some more it's interviews they did afterwards with cast like one-on-one which i found way more interesting okay because also there was on the red carpet i believe believe. He was, yeah. He talked to Daisy Ridley, I think. I think he talked to most of them. Yeah, very good. From the images you've seen on his Instagram, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:10 He is. But in the trailer, we get Rey at the start doing a flip over of a big old TIE fighter. Doing a flip, the number one requirement. Yeah, it's so good. It looks like a flip and a twist. It is a flip and a twist, yeah. The Skywalker lightsaber is back.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Yes, it is. Did you think it wasn't going to be back? No, I thought it would be back. It's back, though. It's back, isn't it? She's never getting that Skywalker lightsaber is back. Yes, it is. Did you think it wasn't going to be back? No, I thought it would be back. It's back, though. It's back, isn't it? She's never getting that staff lightsaber. No. She's not happening.
Starting point is 01:14:30 I've been saying it for years. Unless it's in that TIE fighter. Could be. Yeah. Do you think Kylo Ren's in that TIE fighter? Yeah. Yeah, he is. I found it out using my skills.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Did you? Did you ask somebody who knew? No, you can see he's got the gloves. I was going to say he looks like he's gloves. So that's an interesting first. That's a great first image. Yeah. Looks super cool.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Doesn't make a lot of sense. Doesn't make a lot of sense. Because he could shoot her. But he doesn't. So is it a training exercise? Yeah, well, that's exactly. Yeah. Rise of Skywalker.
Starting point is 01:14:58 That's her. Flips. They're both Skywalker. Yeah. It seems kind of like, I don't know. It's a very dangerous training exercise well if she doesn't do the flip she's gonna die yeah she's gonna be smeared by a tie fighter she could have ducked could have ducked he's not gonna hit the ground that's true yeah because then he'd be
Starting point is 01:15:15 splattered maybe she wants to cut through the his head maybe you can do a flip yeah man i wouldn't do a flip holding one of those things i'd definitely cut my own head off if i was holding a lightsaber and i could do a flip which which I can't, it wouldn't go well. But that's what training's all about. Yeah, you're right. You know? They just keep throwing TIE fighters at you until you can do that flip. Until you can do that flip.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, yeah. So we got Lando's return. Yep. Looking very, what's his name? Billy Dee Williams? Well, that. It looks like Billy Dee Williamss but it also looks like
Starting point is 01:15:45 uh childish gambino yeah it's that kind of costume yeah he's back on the falcon he finally stole this ship back from a dead man he must love it yeah his mate's dead he gets his ship that's like when you die get your car yeah because initially i had your car and you won it off me in a weird card game that's very true dyson try hexagonal cards. Yeah, exactly. But yeah, what do you think of that? Billy Dee Williams back. Good. Great. Do you think he'll die?
Starting point is 01:16:10 Billy Dee Williams? I mean, eventually. I mean, he's 82, so yes. Yeah, for sure. But do you think he'll die in the movie? Oh. I don't think they'll kill another one. No, I don't think they'll kill another one.
Starting point is 01:16:17 No, no. Yeah, it's true. Yeah. But I think he'll definitively pass on the Millennium Falcon to Someone? To Rey, probably Depends on what I mean, she's a Skywalker
Starting point is 01:16:29 They should give it to Chewie Yeah Also, from the Force Awakens The Last Jedi That dude's an amazing pilot He should always be a pilot Remember when he flew it through the cavern of crystals? Yeah, I remember
Starting point is 01:16:39 That's really difficult, probably It's way better than Han Solo He was a terrible pilot You know what it was? You know what the Kessel Run probably was? he was a terrible pilot you know what it was you know what the kessel run probably was it was probably i mean we saw it yeah no we saw it but i think it was probably just it's just him putting his foot like foot to the floor accelerator and then over on the side it's chewy navigating because again in solo he's like 190 years old or whatever it was so he's been doing he's been doing a lot of flying. And there's that theory that like to Chewbacca, like humans are dogs.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Yeah, right. Because they come and go. He's had eight. Han Solo is just his wayward puppy that keeps getting into trouble. And he's like, God, stop it. And then they get through the Kessel Run and Han Solo is like, I've done it. I'm the king of this. And Chewbacca's like, no i i saved everybody multiple times but it comes out as
Starting point is 01:17:26 you know they're like good one chewy i did do it yeah thanks yeah thanks for the confidence yeah but that's this is the team up of lando and the love of his life if you recall oh yeah she's in the ship she's in the ship and they're going to acknowledge that you'll probably say hello old girl and you'll pat the console and people will will be like, I know that reference. Or there's some sort of explicit man-to-ship sex scene, maybe. Yeah, he's a sexy man, isn't he, across time? I agree. Yeah. Did you see the picture of the character who they said may or may not be his daughter?
Starting point is 01:17:55 No. Yeah, it's called Jana or something. Jana, interesting. Okay. Oh, speaking of. Imagine a Star Wars character. Speaking of the robot ship that Lando's in love with, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, there's a new series of Fleabag out, I believe, which is her series.
Starting point is 01:18:07 I haven't watched that yet, but it's very good. But also, apparently, she's doing a pass on the new James Bond script. She's doing a rewrite of it. That's interesting. She's being brought in to do a rewrite. Claire just watched Fleabag, and she's like, you've got to watch this. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:18:20 So I will now, because I trust her judgment over yours. Over mine? Thank you. Yeah, man. Though she's watching a lot of RuPaul lately, and I don't like that show because, as I mentioned to you, it stresses me out. Because they're so skilled? They're so skilled because it's all the things that I can't do. And it makes me like, if they were like, go on a quiz show, I'm like, I could probably get three out of a hundred.
Starting point is 01:18:38 So you live in fear that you'll be bundled up into a van and taken to the RuPaul's Drag Race studios. Because they'll be like, lip sync, make a dress, do a dance. I can't do any of that shit. I would panic. I would look ridiculous. It makes me really nervous. Well, look, if it's any consolation, they ain't picking you, honey.
Starting point is 01:19:01 I mean, it's not. It's not consolation. So, James, why don't you just sashay away and don't fuck it up yeah that's right whatever they say that show okay we're still talking about this trailer here we go so carrie fish is back yes they've used a bunch of old footage and repurposed it for new movies yes they say that it's seamless and you won't even notice and all these scenes they wrote around them and you won't even notice when they show the back of her head and re-dub some dialogue or whatever. Do you think we'll notice?
Starting point is 01:19:28 We will notice. Yeah. I probably won't notice. So we will notice as in me? As in the royal we. The royal we will notice. But me. The queen will notice.
Starting point is 01:19:37 No, look, I mean, they're going to pull out all the stops for this one. Yeah, definitely. Money is no object to get this done. Yeah. Time will be an object. Time will be an object. Time will be an object, yeah. But I think they're going to test this and I think it'll be pretty seamless.
Starting point is 01:19:54 They're going to test it then arrest it. Test it and arrest it, exactly. Then it's over for a few years. Yes. We can all rest from Star Wars. I think, look, I'm sure if we want to nitpick it, but I think this, unless there is some production emergency or disaster,
Starting point is 01:20:08 this is going to be the best this kind of thing has ever looked. Like a nuclear disaster? Like a nuclear disaster, yeah. I don't want that. We'll be too busy foraging for cockroach sandwiches and gasoline. We won't be worried about it. Yeah. Okay, or is the bread made of cockroaches?
Starting point is 01:20:21 Yeah, it's pretty much all cockroaches. They're very versatile insects. Interesting. Yeah. What else have we got? Peanut butter much all cockroaches. They're very versatile insects. Interesting. Yeah. What else have we got? Peanut butter. Cockroach butter. I don't want that.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Well, it's going to be delicious. Can I just have regular peanut butter? There's one jar left. Can I have it? All right. It's smoother. I'll eat the cockroaches.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Why does anybody have smooth? I don't know. There's no sense to me. Yeah, right? Gross. Weekly Planet Action Item. Let us know if you like crunchy or smooth. Just tweet at us. Crunchy or smooth to me. Yeah, right? Gross. Weekly planet action item. Let us know if you like Crunchy or Smooth.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Just tweet at us. Crunchy or Smooth. That's right. No other context. No other context. There's a couple of other big reveals towards the end of this trailer. One of them being that Death Star is back. Did you miss it?
Starting point is 01:20:56 Yes. I mean, we just saw it in Rogue One, and there was also a planet in the other one. It's getting hot in here. Do you want me to turn that air con off? Yeah, let's turn the air con off. Can he reach it without falling out of his chair? Yes, he can.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Thank you. You know what a better place for that air conditioning control holder would be? On the table? On the table. Yeah, but this isn't going to be our table we're going to use. All right, fine. Thank you, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air con. All right.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Is there a Mr. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries? What are you,ando yeah i've fallen in love with the air conditioner wouldn't you yeah i have already yeah there is a mister and it's me oh no i'm very sorry sir i'll be on my way i didn't mean nothing by it so the death star's back yep uh it's in it's in the bloody ocean it's gonna save my reputation hey yeah hey yeah the death star's back sorry we're all falling in love with inanimate objects it was gonna be in the force awakens initially yeah right it was concept art for a submerged death star that they were going to explore and there was something in there they needed apparently there's going to be like a macguffin that they're after maybe it's a jar of the emperor's piss that they can clone
Starting point is 01:22:06 him from or whatever yeah because he's not getting out of that chair much is he no maybe maybe the clones in there yeah could be because i mean that you know that was the the original star wars spin-off novels the the heir to the empire yep trilogy there we go what are they called heir to the empire dark force rising the last command yeah people really like that you can do trilogy. Here we go. What are they called? The Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command. Yeah. People really like that you can do that. Oh dear. Again, and also people are waiting for your magnum opus,
Starting point is 01:22:31 which is just you screaming all the, It's coming. All the Star Wars expanded universe titles in front of a mirror. You better believe it. Yeah. Yeah. But again,
Starting point is 01:22:39 the, the, the spinoff, a lot of the spinoff canon before it was made non-canon was, well, the Emperor made clones of himself, and then his four spirits went into the clones, and he's back, baby. He's young and vital and sexy.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Yeah. I don't remember if it was sexy. It wasn't Head of the Empire. It was the other one. Yeah, yeah. The comic series, whatever that is. But, yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:59 You're correct. So I don't think they're going to do that, are they? How else is it? Well, here's the thing. We don't even know if he's really back. Well, I... With a cackly laugh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:08 I think it's a decoy. Like it's somebody else doing it. Doing the laugh? Doing the laugh. But I think there's ways to fake... Do you think it's Luke Skywalker? Yes, I think it's Luke Skywalker. Doing his Joker laugh.
Starting point is 01:23:20 The return of Skywalker is him doing the... Yeah. Yeah, but when that laugh happened in the trailer, I went, doing the yeah yeah but when that the laugh happened in the trailer I went what did you and then the title came up
Starting point is 01:23:28 and I went what so right but I think I think if they actually bring him back which they're probably gonna do
Starting point is 01:23:36 yes I just just don't how do you think do you think they'll bring him back in the way of he's been pulling
Starting point is 01:23:43 the strings all along no I think I think he'd have to be resurrected because they'll bring him back in the way of he's been pulling the strings all along? No, I think he'd have to be resurrected. Because they really threw him into the middle of that Death Star. He exploded. Yeah, right. But maybe his spirit still resides within it. Because there is a way to do that. Do you think he's like the Millennium Falcon?
Starting point is 01:24:01 Yes. Do you think his spirit's embodied in the rest of the Death Star? Yeah, that's right. And he falls in love with the Millennium falcon computer wow okay that's heartbroken yeah i understand no because there's in the comics there's like this helmet that's called the duke moment and if you put it on yes then he overtakes your body he's like this old dark spirit okay and then he pulls himself through time and then he puts the helmet on himself and he's back. So there is absolute 100% precedent for bringing back someone through time.
Starting point is 01:24:32 But in the movies there isn't. No, but in the comics. But if they put the Death Star on the Emperor's body, on his head, he could wear like a big helmet. Yeah, right. Okay. That sounds really good. He could do it. My ideal situation is that it's an impersonator okay like that it's somebody pretending to be the emperor okay to like freak everyone out and he's
Starting point is 01:24:50 pulling and he's it's one of the knights of rain or something like that okay because i think that's more interesting than just being like and he's perfected the laugh before anything else well you can fake that though i guess but the other thing is it could be he's had multiple contingency plans i talk about this in my video, but in the Battlefront 2, the storyline is when he dies, all these droids go out and he's got a projection of his face in the helmet and it tells the Empire to just destroy itself and everybody else. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:15 It's just like fucking burn it down. Huh. So he could have set up a series of contingency plans to keep himself kind of annoying people. Like Sherlock Moriarty in Sherlock. Yeah, okay, I get it. Just like your favourite show. That sounds awful. Yeah, okay, I get it. Just like that, your favorite show. That sounds awful though.
Starting point is 01:25:27 That's all awful, Mason. I don't know why you thought it wasn't. Okay, so that's your theory? It's an impersonator? Yeah. Okay. You don't like that? You want him to be a clone or a spirit or a boogly ghost.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Could be a hologram. Yes. Like it could just be a message left by him. Yeah, it could also be that. Exactly. Yeah. Anyway, we've got a video up this week about uh it's coming up this week about all some different theories that that people have put forth about this oh very good i haven't recorded yet mason but let me tell you yes it's mostly ghosts and clones that's what this movie should
Starting point is 01:25:59 have been called ghosts and clones do you think yes this is going to keep there's no way everyone's going to be happy from no way everyone's going to be happy from this it's either the trailer or from the movie the movie it's either going to be too much of a course correction or why did you honor all the ride johnson crap that he did or whatever yeah that's what people are going to say yeah and i feel like i'm probably going to fall into that first category if any but then again maybe it'll be the best movie i like the new outfits poe dameron looks like Nathan Drake now. He does.
Starting point is 01:26:26 He's got a little necker scarf. That's what I'm about. Yeah, it's very good. But they're all together apparently. They're all doing adventures together. That's what I like. They haven't really had adventures together yet. They're all having separate adventures.
Starting point is 01:26:36 We've got some C-3PO action. Yeah, he's back. On that trailer. Yeah. So that photo of him with the gun. That must be real. That's real, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:43 The other thing is. They programmed him to kill, finally. Well, yeah, there's an evil C-3PO in the comics. Yes. But also, the new toy is BB-8 has a sidekick. It's just one wheel with a head. Okay, that's fine. Like a bird head.
Starting point is 01:26:57 I like that a lot. It's just so they can sell those little remote droids, obviously. Yeah, absolutely it is. But now we've got... Now there's four droid sidekicks minimum and one of the droids has another sidekick
Starting point is 01:27:08 good I like it I want him to have a sidekick too this other one yeah they rolled him out on stage and everyone's like I guess
Starting point is 01:27:14 they didn't get a huge cheer because it's just a little a little man right it's a little tiny little box it's like a foot high yeah right yeah it's literally a wheel
Starting point is 01:27:22 and a triangle and that's it okay yeah because I mean BB-8 was the stuff remember when they wheeled out BB-8 and people were like It's like a foot high. Yeah, right. Yeah, it's literally a wheel and a triangle, and that's it. Okay. Yeah. Because, I mean, BB-8 was the start. Remember when they wheeled out BB-8 and people were like, how are they doing it? What?
Starting point is 01:27:30 What? Yeah. Well, JJ was like, it's probably magnets, and it was. It was magnets in the end. I like how that's a good enough explanation. It's probably magnets. There's definitely going to be magnets in there, isn't there? Star Wars Episode IX, it's probably magnets.
Starting point is 01:27:43 It's probably magnets. The Return of Skywalker. It's two magnets rubbing together. They're the opposite ends of magnets yeah yeah that makes sense anything else about this i mean we're going to come back to it every week forever yeah for sure i'm cautiously optimistic but i have a lot like a lot of red flags in the race for this for me but if it's bad it's fine because i really liked eight so yeah that's that's you know what's the thing that's oh actually it's just something that's just occurred to me we see a little golden oh that's hans metal from oh from episode four yeah okay cool yeah well that's
Starting point is 01:28:22 that's mystery solved they don't actually keep those. They give them. They're like ceremonial and then they go backstage and like, we actually need that because we've got another medical ceremony. Yeah, right. Exactly. So we've only got three. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Two. That's why Chewie didn't get one. Can I take a photo with this? No. We'll give you a certificate. We'll photocopy. Hang on. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Okay. We photocopy it. We'll just scratch out Luke. There you go. There you go. That's it. Cool. Nice. Well, let's do some other things then. Okay, let's do it. it. We'll just scratch out Luke and we'll put him on. There you go. There you go. That's it. Cool. Nice.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Well, let's do some other things then. Okay, let's do it. Did we talk about Hellboy? We talked about Hellboy. Did you forget already? No, I didn't forget. It's better than you'd think, but the third act is about as good as you'd think. Bad.
Starting point is 01:28:57 All right. I didn't mind it. All right. You know what it's time for? What's it time for? What are we reading? Oh, what are we going to read? I'm doing a thing.
Starting point is 01:29:08 What are we reading? Oh, what are we going to read? I'm doing a thing. Do you know what today is, Mason? The return of the GOT bros. Oh, GOT bros. We're back. Me and you. Reluctantly. Game of Thrones. Six episodes left.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Last night, I just finished the last episode of the last season. Okay. I went, you know what? It was like two weeks ago, and I'm i'm gonna watch every episode and then i went wait a minute you've got a kid and you know a job and running a house and a business maybe just all of those are in air quotes by the way i've got a kid and a job and a wife you know what i mean and that's what i'm talking about it's a bit heavy industries yeah but so i'm like i'll just maybe i'll just squeeze in the last two seasons yeah right and uh and then i'm like i'll probably finish this early
Starting point is 01:29:48 but i just finished it last night yeah right so i i barely i'm glad i didn't go all the way back because i wouldn't i would not have made it at all it's interesting everybody went we've had two years to yeah to catch up and everybody picked the last two weeks yeah that's how good the world is at time management well like last time for the last season I managed to watch them all yeah but this time not close not even close
Starting point is 01:30:08 alright yeah so are you going to watch it though today can you send it to me I yeah
Starting point is 01:30:15 I think I might have a I don't know what method I'm using this time I gotta figure because my brother might actually have a legal link oh well
Starting point is 01:30:22 I actually went back and bought a bunch of episodes because I'm not buying Foxtel. It's just not happening. No, absolutely not. But I bought them off Google Play. In Australia, we can't get them on. So in America, obviously, you've got HBO.
Starting point is 01:30:33 There's HBO Now and there's an app, I think, and you can just watch it whenever you bloody like. Over here, it's on Foxtel, which is... Or you wait till it's finished and then you can get them off Google or whatever. Yes, exactly right. All right. Well, if I have a copy of it, I'll send it to you.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Thank you. But if I don't have a copy... I'll just imagine what it's like and if all your favorite game of thrones roundup episode at the end of the season will just be me imagining what it was like how exciting ting ting ting ting that's my eyes yes i don't have any eyes anymore i'll be your favorite character and i'm dead my balls have been cut off what are you watching i'm the winner but now i'm dead as well everyone's dead my balls have been cut off what are you watching uh i watched a couple episodes of ultraman which is the new animated uh ultraman on on netflix and
Starting point is 01:31:26 it's pretty fun what'd you think of it it's good i like it pretty fun good yeah is it 3d 3d animation yeah of sorts yes so it's 2d 3d blend something like that yeah is ultraman a man who's got a man inside him or is he just look always look like an ultraman so so the original ultraman so i've only watched a couple of episodes bear in mind i already know everything about ultraman but for those who don't okay so explain if there's a man inside ultraman so the original Ultraman. So I've only watched a couple of episodes. Bear in mind, I already know everything about Ultraman. But for those who don't, explain if there's a man inside Ultraman. So the original Ultraman was like, he was a guy in like a science. I know. You know how Japan's filled with science patrols?
Starting point is 01:31:55 Yes. They're like super police, but they're also science police. I know. What's one of those? Anyway, that guy, that guy like merged with a being from space and became Ultraman. Who's like a giant giant ultra karate man yeah right and in between then and now he's had he's the the the the invasion from space aliens was stopped and so ultra man disappears but that guy still has like some ultra man powers
Starting point is 01:32:17 okay he's still like super tough and super strong yeah and so he has a kid and that kid inherits the super strength and the superpowers but now the aliens are coming back so he has a kid, and that kid inherits the super strength and the superpowers, but now the aliens are coming back, so he's got to become the new Ultraman. So it is a man in a suit. It is. All right, you're right in your assessment. But in this one...
Starting point is 01:32:36 I'm the biggest fan. Here's the thing. I've only watched a couple of episodes, so spoilers for first couple of episodes of Ultraman. He hasn't become giant Ultraman yet, but I think that's definitely on the cards. Let's say you've never seen any Ultraman. He hasn't become giant Ultraman yet. Okay. But I think that's definitely on the cards. Let's say you've never seen any Ultraman. Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:49 Not me, but someone else. Could you go into this and watch it? You absolutely could. Like the first five minutes is just, the first five minutes of what I just said, but not told as well. Yes. Obviously.
Starting point is 01:32:58 You can just listen to what I said again and you get it. So it's kind of like Battlestar Galactica where they're like, there was a Battlestar Gal galactica but now it's back because that's how the new season started they're like there were lots of battle stars yeah right because uh-huh even though the the new season isn't actually tied to the original series but it was still kind of like there was a history of the universe or whatever it's like that it's exactly like that i knew it's exactly like your recap of battle star i've seen all of both of those things so i know okay great okay we both watch things haven't we both watch things and also i've watched all of the new ultra man already because i'm a big fan yeah have you though
Starting point is 01:33:33 yeah what's going on who are you i'm the man who knows a lot about ultra okay good all right okay oh no i'm falling down the stairs oh Oh, no. Who's going to be a recurring character? But he's dead. Yeah. It's pretty fun. It's like what I enjoy. It's a little bit self-referential. A bit Voltron?
Starting point is 01:33:52 Sort of. He shows up on the scene and everybody's like, well, that's an Ultraman cosplayer, obviously. Yeah. Because Ultraman's gone. Who's this guy? Yeah. And then he like flips a truck and they're like, maybe he is Ultraman. Maybe it's Ultraman.
Starting point is 01:34:02 I don't know. I mean, he's not big Ultraman yet. Maybe one day he will be. Does he have a motorbike? No. Yeah, I know. But I just wanted to make sure that you knew he didn't have a motorbike. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:34:11 What is his form of transportation if he has one? He doesn't have one. That's what I'm saying. There's a lot of him superhero landing in places. And I'm like, could have just got on the plane. Yeah, right. Because he can fly. Just should have been like the science patrol truck will arrive. And then he'll just superhero land next to it. And I'm like, could have just been in the truck. Yeah, right. I'm honest with you. Because he can fly. Just should have been, like the science patrol truck will arrive,
Starting point is 01:34:25 and then he'll just superhero land next to it. And I'm like, could have just been in the truck. Yeah, sure. Just driven in the truck. Because he can fly? He's a big jumps. Yeah, big jumps. He's a lot of big jumps.
Starting point is 01:34:35 A lot of people misinterpret that. Yeah. Okay. It's time for Mason. Wait, no, I don't know what it's time for. Talk more about Ultraman. Tell me more Ultraman facts that you know. Didn't he fight Godzilla once? I don't know't know that yeah maybe he did or didn't that's what's
Starting point is 01:34:49 interesting about Ultraman he's fought a lot of giant robot monsters yeah that's certainly for sure yeah yeah what's the voice cast like do you think what do you mean what it's in Ultraman it's good yeah I know yeah they've gone with some good choices uh-huh what do you think about his school friends yeah oh you know some better than others obviously that's absolutely right if I'm honest I know. Yeah. They've gone with some good choices. Uh-huh. What do you think about his school friends? Yeah, you know, some better than others, obviously. That's absolutely right, if I'm honest with you. You nailed that. Of course I did.
Starting point is 01:35:13 Yeah. Because some of his school friends are just like weird goobers. Yeah. And some are kind of cool. Okay, great. All right. Let's keep this moving. Okay, let's move on.
Starting point is 01:35:21 The classic one was letters, oh letters. We love you, some letters. They're only a take away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. Side note, what have you been reading? I said Game of Thrones. That's what I'm going to read.
Starting point is 01:35:38 And I watched Game of Thrones. What do you mean, does it count? Whatever we want, Mason. All right, fine. I've been reading a bunch of comics. There's a bunch of Star Wars wineshots at the moment that are really good. They're up to Age of Rebellion. Siobhan from Serious Issues sent us some comic books the other day.
Starting point is 01:35:52 She sent us Batman 1000 and... Detective Comics 1000 and Action Comics 1000. Yes. The Nicola Scott cover variants. That's right. So I have not opened mine yet. Okay, good. But I won't.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Nice. But I will read the digital version of that. Very good. But that was really cool. It came from King's Comics as well. In Sydney, yeah. Yeah, she does the serious issues, doesn't she? With the podcast with Andrew Evans.
Starting point is 01:36:12 That's right. Very good. I've been having trouble forming words this episode. Have you noticed? Yeah. It's because you're distracted by the really good looking air conditioner. Yeah, I know, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Get your eyes off it, Mason. You creep. Yoo-hoo. All right. If you want to shoot an email to the show, weeklyplanetbot at If you want to shoot either of us, find us in public and let us know. No, thank you. I met a whole bunch of listeners this week.
Starting point is 01:36:34 Who have you got? During Comedy Festival. Yes. I met Alan. I met Sean. I met Bernard, who was from the North Americas. The North Americas. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Interesting. I've also got an email from somebody who said that they stopped you in the street and they apologized. That was Alan. Alan says, yeah. Oh, he is, yeah. And you, because I remember, because he was worried that you were angry. But the thing is, you told me, you rang me directly afterwards.
Starting point is 01:36:57 You're like, fucking Alan just stopped me in the street. Yeah, I did. You're furious. Alan. Yeah. I'm going to get him. You're going to get him. No, just to clarify, Alan, he does mean that. And I'm going to get you. And he's going to get you. I'm going to get you. Stop Mason whenever you want. He. Yeah. I'm going to get him. You're going to get it. No, just to clarify, Alan, he does mean that.
Starting point is 01:37:05 And I'm going to get you. And he's going to get you. I'm going to get you. Stop Mason whenever you want. He loves it. He loves the attention. I hate it. And then I'm going to get you.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Yes, that's right. Like I'm going to get Alan. I'm going to get him. All right. Or you can hashtag Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter. Here we go. This is from Spud. Do you want me to start or do you want to start?
Starting point is 01:37:19 Yeah, no, don't want to. Don't tease us with, hey, this is something is something from spud hey do you want to do your own let no i want to hear from spud okay so episode nine trailer looks good but that is the worst star wars title i've ever heard can you rank the star wars titles from best to worst not quality of films how the title relates to the film just how you react when hearing okay uh this might be one of the worst but things grow on you like when i heard attack of the clones a lot of people hated attack i still don't like the clones because it was it's pulpy yeah it's attack of the clones yeah you know that's fun you know i think one of the
Starting point is 01:37:55 worst ones might be solo because it's just and the reason i say that okay is because all star wars films oh my goodness because they kept it hidden for so long. And they're like, here's the title reveal. Solo. Wow. Wow. Incredible. Yeah. They've done it again.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Who cares? Yeah, yeah. You could have said that. Everybody already thought that. Okay, well, minus expectations then. Okay. We can do this in order. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:19 So, do you want to go order of movies or order of they came out or order of title numbers? Order of title numbers. Okay. Phantom Menace. I hate it. It's not great. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Towards the bottom. Yes. I'm going to put it at the bottom. Yeah. Let's not number rank them. Okay. Let's just do that. Let's just say near the bottom, middle top.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Near the bottom. Okay. Attack of the Clones. Don't like it. Near the bottom. Okay. I'd put it in the middle. I like the pulpiness of it. We're going to sit here until we come to a consensus. It's in the middle. Fine. Revenge of the Sith. Near the bottom. Okay, I'd put it in the middle. I like the pulpiness of it.
Starting point is 01:38:45 We're going to sit here until we come to a consensus. Okay, it's in the middle, fine. Revenge of the Sith I really like because it ties back to Return of the Jedi, which was Revenge of the Jedi. And it also, it just works. I like that one a lot. It just works. A New Hope is fine.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Yeah, look, I enjoyed it a lot. It wasn't originally. When did they change it from just Star Wars to A New Hope out like a year after a year after something like that yeah okay yeah it was i really like it just because i think it was called fart adventures that was the first title for star wars well now that's kind of sullied a new hope because i'd really prefer it was called star wars fart adventures no. No, no, just Fart Adventures. Just Fart Adventures. Okay, right. And then they changed it to Star Wars A New Hope. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Okay. Yeah. I don't really like A New Hope, again, because it's episode four. Yep. It tells you, if you're watching them in order, it makes sense. But I like the fact that you don't watch them. You watch them start with Star Wars and it's, we're in the middle of an adventure.
Starting point is 01:39:43 I like the idea of that. I agree. We're in the middle of this pulpy adventure the idea of that that it's just we're in the middle of this pulpy adventure it's a good one yeah I really like Empire Strikes Back
Starting point is 01:39:49 I think that's a good title do you? yes that might also be because the movie's good and I've heard that every day since I was a kid
Starting point is 01:39:55 so maybe I'm just used to it same with Return of the Jedi I like that title a lot do you like that title? I like the title a lot I don't love The Force Awakens neither do I
Starting point is 01:40:04 it's a bit generic-y yeah but i like the movie and also it it see i i like the why i put a new hope probably at the top is because you don't have to know anything about the universe it's just a new hope what kind of hope who's the hope is it a man is it a thing or is it an event that's fair because if it was like return of the jedi you'd be like a what oh but jedi exactly is that good or bad i don't know but like the force awakens again if it's a reboot look it's kind of you know it's a sequel it's a reboot yeah if you're coming into this not knowing about star wars somehow yeah then you'd be like what's the force what's the force what's it doing what's it doing you know yeah i know that's fine i really like the last jed. But again, on its own, it wouldn't.
Starting point is 01:40:45 Those rules that you just said doesn't work. But I like that. And it's short and it's sharp and it's pithy. It is pithy. I think even if you hate that movie. And who's the last Jedi? It's a mystery. That's right.
Starting point is 01:40:53 And also, during the production, they just went, it's Luke. Ryan Johnson just went, yeah, it's Luke. Luke's the last Jedi. And then it turned out to also be him and somebody else in the movie, it turns out. Because then I look at The Rise's like, it feels a lot. It does, doesn't it? Yeah. It's like you can find something shorter, like even rise of Skywalker or just Skywalker. Yeah, Skywalker Ranch.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Yeah, Skywalker Ranch. Skywalker Sound. Skywalker Ranch dressing. Yep. I think they're going to bring back a bunch of Jedi ghosts. They're going to be like, Obi-Wan's here. Anakin's here. Kit Fisto is here. be like, Obi-Wan's here. Anakin's here. Kit Fisto is here.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Would you be mad? Dooku's here. No, sorry, I've misphrased that. How mad would you be if the finale is the Emperor's there and then all the ghosts of the good guys from all the previous movies come around and accost him? Like, that's the finale. That was one of the endings of Return of the Jedi initially.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Potentially, wow. It was Obi-Wan. I think it might have been some others, but it was definitely the ghost of Obi-Wan helps out. Can you imagine that? Yes. I kind of want it. No.
Starting point is 01:41:52 This is why people would be so mad. Rey and Kylo were there. They're down for the count. They're being force lightninged, and then it's like, well, you've forgotten about it. By those two magnets rubbing together. Yes, exactly. And then you hear there's darkness's there's there's darkness and there's like the music swells and it's so you know and it looks like
Starting point is 01:42:09 they're gonna be they're gonna be turned to a crisp and then you hear hello there you won't get away this time yes i do cool yeah i mean magnets yes and then it's just they all just force blue force goes floating around and just just shooting white just pouncing at him oh it'd be so awful and he's like trying to swat away at them and he falls into a pit yeah he's like oh i've forgotten about the power of the jedi oh no they've teamed up like a jedi oh i love it the jedi have defeated me i love it so much. I guess this is the new hope for the Jedi. That's right. It's just Skywalkers. And the other one is Rogue One, which I like. I don't like a Star Wars story.
Starting point is 01:42:50 No, no. But other than that. I know there's also a Clone Wars movie, but I don't care. Another tweet here. Okay, I'm ready. Metal Eugenio. Metal Eugenio, okay. What's more likely to show up in a Shang-Chi movie?
Starting point is 01:43:03 DH Jackie Chan or CGI Bruce Lee back from the grave. I don't think they're going to do Bruce Lee because he's not a Marvel icon. There may have been a Bruce Lee. He might have been in something. I don't think so. More likely Jackie Chan. You?
Starting point is 01:43:23 If they have to pick one of them. Yes. Yeah, DH Jackie Chan. Or just put likely Jackie Chan. You? If they have to pick one of them. Yes. Yeah, D.H. Jackie Chan. Or just put in Jackie Chan. Yeah. Or what's Jackie Chan's friend's name? You know the guy who's in that show Martial Law? Oh, Jerry Unfat?
Starting point is 01:43:34 No. Another guy you meet. Sam. Sam Ohung. Sam Ohung, yeah. Sam Ohung, that's my pick. The whole brand was he did martial arts and he was good at it, but he was fat. Like Steven Seagal. Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:43 Except he's bad at it. Exactly. Everybody should Google Steven Seagal martial arts and he was good at it but he was fat like steven seagal yes except he's bad at it everybody should google steven seagal martial arts demonstration make sure it's one of the newer ones please yeah um you got a letter there i've got a letter here let's let's find out okay i'm gonna wrap this up soon because i'm gonna call evan before too okay this is andrew this is andrew fatita yeah he just says uh hey guys my name is drew and i'm emailing you from new york city baby thank you uh would bruce wayne have a social media guy if he was around in 2019 yes well he isn't around in 2019 yeah justice league that's right and other assorted he was around in 2019 in justice league
Starting point is 01:44:15 2017 yes exactly he would because he'd be like they'd have a whole lot of pictures of him on boats and stuff well here's the thing so would he have a social media guy like to pretend he was places yeah and would this person have to know he was batman yes if so would it be just alfred yeah it'd be alfred it would absolutely just be alfred so just another job for alfred he's just there you'd have to master twitter he's just there on the gram and he's just putting filters on like like just just just bruce wine on a boat yeah like It'd be like a Dan Blitzerian Instagram feed. Just him with like piles of money on a bed and a model and a machine gun or whatever. Is he that?
Starting point is 01:44:51 Is Bruce, is the, okay, let's say. 2019 Bruce Wayne would be. So if it's the Affleck Bruce Wayne. Yeah. Is he that guy? No, he's not that one. Or is he like, or is he a guy who's got like 2000 followers and he's, it's just like a business account. I'd say it'd probably be more somewhere between that
Starting point is 01:45:06 and like a Mark Cuban kind of guy. Yeah, right, okay, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? He'd always be, you know, because also there'd be a lot of, see, that's the thing. I think this version of Bruce Wayne, it'd just be his team. Yeah. He would very rarely do a social media post, I think.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Sure, yeah. Yeah, except every once in a while he'd just like, there'd be a visible spotting of batman just beating somebody up on a rooftop like the news cameras would catch it and then like two minutes later he's around the corner like tweeting uh like he'd only personally tweet yeah like when to cover his tracks to cover his tracks he'd be like oh just he'd have a he'd have like eating a lobster he'd have some prepared photos of him eating a lobster on a yacht, like in the Maldives or something like that.
Starting point is 01:45:49 He'd just be like, just having good fun here. I love it. Yeah. I'm rich. All right, we really got to wrap this up. I was wrapping up. About lighting this new studio. Oh, I understand.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Okay, well, how about bloody this? How about thanks everybody for listening? Do you reckon I could step out and make the call and you wrap up the show? No, I'd derail very quickly. Hurry up then. Oh my God. Thanks everybody for listening do you reckon I could step out and make the call and you wrap up the show no I'd derail very quickly hurry up then oh my god thanks everybody for listening
Starting point is 01:46:08 and subscribing we love it when you tell your friends we love it when you give us a nice review we love it when you just bloody say hello because you can find us at weekly
Starting point is 01:46:14 planet pod on gmail and facebook and twitter and band camp you might see mason in the street please stop him please do say hello I love it yeah uh if you except for alan yeah I'm at
Starting point is 01:46:24 wikipedia brown on twitter I'm nick mason on Twitter I'm Nick Maso M-A-S-E-A-U on Instagram you're MrSundayMovies everywhere if you'd like to support the show
Starting point is 01:46:29 you can go to slash MrSundayMovies if you'd like to do that or you can check in a buck there or you can go to the Amazon affiliate link
Starting point is 01:46:35 in our episode description you can go to sign up to the newsletter it's really great Rob Collings that's our mate we've got some t-shirts
Starting point is 01:46:42 on we've also got theme music by The Brute and The Basilisk and Rackham. Yes. The themes are there. And that's the whole show, I think. The whole show. What's next week?
Starting point is 01:46:52 I don't remember. What's out this week? I can't remember. Probably Star Wars news next week. Yeah, I don't know, man. Even more. Because Avengers Endgame soon and stuff as well. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 01:46:59 Also, you've got that commentary. I really have to call Evan before. Okay, cool. Okay. Thanks, everyone, for listening. Really appreciate it. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. And goodbye. Bye. I don't have to call Evan before 2. Okay, cool. Okay, thanks everyone for listening. Really appreciate it. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week.
Starting point is 01:47:06 And goodbye. Bye. I don't have time for this, mate. I have to call Evan. It's so close to 2. What's Evan doing at 2 o'clock? He says he's got another... Evan's the one who does
Starting point is 01:47:16 for everybody who doesn't know. He does... Stupid old studio. He's the man himself. He's a man of every trade, which is why I'm calling him to be like, I don't know anything
Starting point is 01:47:23 about lighting. Please help me. What's he doing at 2? I don't know. Probably something important. So is why I'm calling him to be like, I don't know anything about lighting. Please help me. What's he doing it to? I don't know. Probably something important. So, yeah, I'm really excited to call him. But I don't have time for this, Mason. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:47:30 Can I listen in on the call? Of course you can. Thank you. Let's call him now. Okay. I'll leave it on air. Okay. This is very exciting.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Very exciting. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It' for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, Istanbul to Paris and London.
Starting point is 01:48:03 One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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