The Weekly Planet - 303 Rambo Last Blood & Brad Astra

Episode Date: September 23, 2019

Donate Here Please: big movies in one big week! Rambo: Last Blood and Ad Astra. Joined by Andy and Al from Two In The Think Tank w...e also talk Tom Welling back as Clark Kent, some more Jurassic World, Princess Bride reboot, another Star Wars spin-off and JJ Abrams at Warner Brothers. Thanks for listening.Two In The Think Tank: Podcast: The Start Of The Show4:54 Tom Welling back as Clark Kent10:42 Jurassic World Short film14:04 Princess Bride reboot19:33 Han Solo spin-off series22:25 JJ Abrams at Warner Brothers (24:10 - 26:00)27:40 Rambo: Last Blood (Spoilers 33:35 - 54:24)54:24 Ad Astra (1:27:38 - 1:44:53)1:44:53 Letters It’s Time For Letters2:00:53 What We Reading/What We Gonna ReadJames' Twitter â–º's Twitter â–º â–º Itunes â–º TWP Direct Download â–º TWP YouTube Channel â–º Buy Rambo Films On Amazon? â–º â–º Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Register today at That's This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. This episode is brought to you by the Intrepid Foundation slash Planet Broadcasting charity campaign. Well, that's us. Some of us, isn't that? Some of the second bit is us. That's right. This episode is brought to you by the Intrepid Foundation slash Planet Broadcasting charity campaign. Well, that's us. Some of us, isn't that? Some of the second bit is us.
Starting point is 00:00:52 That's right. Normally this would be the intro to like, and then we talk about it later. Let's just do it now, yeah? Yeah, let's do it now. We're nearly at $40,000, aren't we? Oh my God, we're at $39,500. And $8. And $8? $39,508. And $8. Listen up, everybody. The idea is for every- He's going to keep barreling on with the ad, but I'm so frustrated that he said the wrong thing. For every $8-
Starting point is 00:01:09 He's deliberately misheard me. Even your B dollars. We'll take any of them because for every dollar raised, they double it. You hit $40,000, that means we're nearly at $80,000. That's how it works. The idea is we're building a- Well, not us. We could do a day.
Starting point is 00:01:24 No, we couldn't. The people at the- They wouldn't let us. That's true. could do a day. No, we couldn't. The people at the... They wouldn't let us. We're too rad. Now, the people at the Intrepid Foundation... Two podcasters drown in dumbass incidents brought on by their dumb selves. That's the headline on page 15.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah. So the idea is seaweed farm. It reduces CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. It also is a food source that can be for people and animals which reduces methane in, say, cows, for example. It's better a food source that can be for people and animals which reduces methane in say cows for example it's better than grain. Yum yum.
Starting point is 00:01:47 It's a healthier substitute for the environment. I was going to say it's a hell of a substitute for the environment. It's both things. Yes it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:53 So as I've mentioned this before but as the rainforest burns this is a way to kind of combat climate change in general if you believe in it which you should. You probably should. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:02 So and the other thing is even if it's not real clean air is way better. Better than dirty air isn't it? Clean air and water is way better. Feels good. which you should. You probably should. And the other thing is, even if it's not real, clean air is way better. Clean air and water is way better. Feels good. And I plan to be here for at least another four years and I don't want the earth to flood. All right?
Starting point is 00:02:14 I want to hit 40, Mason. Good for you. Yeah, can't wait. Nice. Then I'll be one of those guys and be like, get less for murder. I don't know. What if I say I'm at 40?
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yeah, that's what men say when they're 40 years. Yeah, so do you get less than 40 years for murder? I think you do get less than 40 years for murder. I don't know. What if it's over their 40? Yeah, that's what men say when they're 40 years. Yeah, so do you get less than 40 years for murder? I think you do get less than 40 years for murder. The other exciting thing about this is, of course, they've moved on to the next stage. They're looking to raise $350,000 to move into the next kind of tier of this project. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And we have now, in no small part, to the people who have donated to this. Also, if you donate, we're doing a Q&A, of course, like we do every year. You can ask a question specifically to that. We got through all of them, I think, last time. We're going to give that a go again this year. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:02:50 The other thing is we want to do is we've got this new studio, of course, that we can give people a tour of. You saw a glimpse of that last year if you donated. Also, previous Q&As are available. There's going to be other bonus shows from other Planet Broadcasting Networks. Claire is also organizing some prizes like every year from sponsors. These are all incentives for you to donate to this thing,
Starting point is 00:03:08 any amount of money. Please do. We'd really appreciate it. And if you don't, we won't know, but you'll know. Well, you'll know and secretly we'll know. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Let's just say we will know.
Starting point is 00:03:20 We'll definitely know if you don't. You can't prove that we don't know. Yeah, that's right. Exactly. By process of elimination, if you don't donate, we'll know prove that we don't know. Yeah, that's right. Exactly. By process of elimination, if you don't donate, we'll know. And we'll get you. Yeah, that's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Anyway, so that is, of course, all linked below. But on with the show. On with the show. Red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your butt hole. The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday.
Starting point is 00:03:52 With me as always is my co-host Nick Mason. I'm here. Feels good to be here. Yeah, I feel better than earlier in this week and I'm still... Claire's away. I was going to say what happened earlier in this week. I was sick. If anyone heard Suggestible, I was like, I was not in a good way. And then Claire then went away for the weekend. So I was with my kid. How long was she away?
Starting point is 00:04:12 Four days, five days. You had less of a murder. I know. So that's where that expression comes from. I did not use it in a good scenario, but you did. What about you? Anything going on? I had a pizza earlier. You saw it.
Starting point is 00:04:26 It was good. Hot stuff. It was hot stuff. You better believe it. I didn't have a pizza. For me, it's too late for pizza and carbs, Mason. I've got to retain this. I've been watching Fight Club, and Brad Pitt in that is 36, and I'm like, well, that's my age. And if I want to look like that, no pizza.
Starting point is 00:04:41 But also, spoiler alert, he's a figment of another man's imagination so or is he because do we really know like maybe the main character looks like that yeah edward norton's the illusion do you really think so though do you think why would you imagine yourself to be edward norton when you could imagine yourself to be rad pit that's a good good question yeah i said rad pit but you didn't stop me. No, I didn't. Because you knew it was right. I knew you were pinning your health hopes on this figment of a man. This figment of a man who only existed for the filming of the film Fight Club.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yes, exactly. He was dehydrated. Under very specific, dangerous healthcare conditions. Yeah. But I'm like, no, all right, give him his dream. Yeah, thank you. I appreciate that. Here's a dream that's, no, all right, give him his dream. Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate that. Here's a dream that's coming true for everybody.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Tom Welling and Erica Durance will be returning as Lois and Clark, respectively. That's right. For the Lois and Clark 25 year reunion. No, for Crisis on Infinite Earth. Yeah, they're getting everybody back.
Starting point is 00:05:41 They are, of course, Clark Kent slash Superman, sort of Superman, I guess, technically. I guess Smallville. I guess. He put the costume on in the last episode.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I guess he did, Mason. Yeah, I guess he did. But aren't you excited to see what he's been up to? Yeah. So they say Clark Kent. Well, here's the answers in the Smallville comic book. That's right. It was published afterwards.
Starting point is 00:05:58 That's true. And she's Lois Lane, obviously. So they're folding that into this new crossover they're making. I am well behind on these shows, but I'm 100% jumping in on this one. What about you? I lost all my words just then. Me excited.
Starting point is 00:06:14 That's where I went with that. Me excited too. Me excited, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. We know Brandon Routh is doing a Great Temple, Superman kind of Kingdom Come suit. Yeah, that's right. Is that the same version that he was in the Superman Returns universe or whatever?
Starting point is 00:06:26 Is there going to be a wacky kind of situation where he meets the Atom? And they're like, we're the same. But we're, we're, we're, we're, we're. We can both do that thing with the chin-ups with the, I mean Superman's cheating when he does it. You know those chin-ups? Yep. The arrow does.
Starting point is 00:06:42 You know, with the bar and they go up the bar. I'm thinking, you're thinking of arrow. I'm talking about the atom. Yeah, the atom candle would also is what I'm saying. Yeah, he did it in some episodes of Legends or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Good for him. Yeah, so I agree. It's hard probably. You've called my bluff on the arrow verse there. It's good to make a fool of you on air. Oh my God, it sure is.
Starting point is 00:07:00 I do it every week. Now you know the power of it. It feels good. It feels great, yeah. So is this, we weren't huge fans of Smallville, but it's all we had at the time. That's true. And then we stopped watching them.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Some people, like, say, Will Anderson watched every episode inexplicably. But what do you think? I'm excited to see where all these universes have gone to. Like, you know, how many boats has lex luther stolen in the in the kevin spacey are they no no no no that's what you're saying yeah i was thinking of jane hackman when i said oh do you reckon they're gonna get jane hackman yeah i think they're gonna get jane hackman back yeah jane jane backman yes yeah uh do you think that do you think they actually get
Starting point is 00:07:40 anybody from the original universe like he could get like the Jimmy Olsen still alive you get that guy he's in things I guess you could yeah Otis is he alive who's Otis Lex Luthor's sidekick oh
Starting point is 00:07:52 what about Miss Taskmaster remember her Lex Luthor's girlfriend or something yeah great stuff
Starting point is 00:08:00 are we gonna have a meeting of the Lex Luthors is the question maybe they are because Michael Rosenbaum said that he wasn't he hasn't been asked. Yeah. But at this point.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Well, this Tom Welling thing just came through. So what about a meeting of the Lex Luthors? Yeah. Not all of them. Rosenbaum and Cryer is what I'm saying. What about who was the dude who played him in Lois and Clark? What's that guy? Get him.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Oh, yeah. What if his name is? That guy was mostly not bald. Yeah. He was not bald for season one. That's what happens. What if that guy's name was. I'll never think of it,
Starting point is 00:08:26 but yeah. But good on him. Yeah, good on him. Do you reckon they'd get Superboy? Whichever version, there was two Superboys from the Superboy TV series. Get either of them?
Starting point is 00:08:34 All right. Is that too far away? I think it's too far away and not well known enough. And they'd be Superman at this point and they'd have to turn around like a photograph of themselves and be like, this is when I was Superboy.
Starting point is 00:08:47 You know? I'm holding up the newspaper and I'm Superman. It is because it's the same suit as the Chris Reeve one. Yes. Is it the same Superman? Is it supposed to be? The Brandon Routh one. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:08:58 The Superboy from the TV series. Oh. Because obviously from the movie he just goes to the Fortress of Solitude and then he comes out as Superman. Yeah, yeah. I don't think it is. Okay, I was going to say. Yeah. Well, here's the thing, though.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Because the Christopher Reeve Superman was created pre the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Yes. So that was the Superman who was Superboy. Yeah. And then he grew up to be Superman. And that's why the Christopheropher reeve superman has the insane superpowers that's why he can spin around the earth and reverse time or whatever because he has all the powers of the pre-crisis superman and then what happened is crisis on
Starting point is 00:09:34 infinite earths happened in between superman movies and rather than go well let's depower superman in the movies they're like well let's just keep them the same and who cares so the the post-crisis Superman was never Superboy. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, he was just Clark Kent and then he went into the Fortress of Solitude and became Superman. Lesson.
Starting point is 00:09:51 So, look. Look at those lessons from the Crystal Dad. Yeah, exactly. Kingdom of the Crystal Dad. Yes. Speaking of, did you watch the Shia LaBeouf... The whole one. No, I didn't say it was good.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Look, we rubbished him on... We had a segment on this show, a recurring segment for what felt like 100 years. Did we rubbish him or did we just... We just said things that he did. We just said things. He rubbished himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:12 He just reported the news. He seems to be doing better. I mean, he's done some very shady things on various platforms and whatever. But actually, looking at him, I'm like, you know what? I can see him as Indiana Jones' son now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:27 So was the – yeah, I guess that's true. Would you say that he is – would you say it's an honest interview? Do you think it does it get deep or does it just kind of like – No, it just seems more kind of – I don't know, more likable, I guess. Okay, well, that's all right. I mean, but actors, who knows? Yeah. The problem, I think, also, one of the biggest problems with Mutt in Indiana Jones Crystal Skull.
Starting point is 00:10:50 The fencing, the monkeys. All of the things, but everything. But he looks too, like, I understand that the look, he's kind of like a greaser kind of 1950s kind of hot rodder guy. But he looks too clean. Yeah, I agree. The whole look is too crisp. Yeah. And it needed stubble. It needed a worn out too clean. Yeah, I agree. The whole look is too crisp. Yeah. And it needed stubble.
Starting point is 00:11:05 It needed a worn-out leather jacket. Yeah. It needed something to prove that he isn't just this weird trend-following guy. He's like, well, I'll be a greaser then, I guess. Which he was. Yeah. Which he definitely was. Anyways, next bit of news.
Starting point is 00:11:15 You've just watched this, Mason. It's hot off the presses. Rambo. We'll get to it. But you've just watched this, Mason. It's hot off the presses. Jurassic World, Battle at Big Rock. The interquel between Jurassic World 2 and Jurassic World 3.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And I maintain that this could potentially just be the opening couple of minutes of Jurassic World 3. I think it's just like a get excited, everybody. Did this not get you more excited for the next one? Because I did. I was like, oh, yeah, I like Jurassic Park when it's good. Yeah, I mean, it makes me wonder how once we get to Jurassic World 3, is this a portent of things to come? Like is it going to be a whole world that's overrun? I hope it's good. Yeah, I mean, it makes me wonder how once we get to Jurassic World 3, is this a portent of things to come?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Like is it going to be a whole world that's overrun? I hope it's going that way. Yeah, me too. Because I don't want to see another park. No. Don't make me watch that again. Because I would much, I mean, that's a direction I want to see this universe go. It's like the apocalypse, but it's not a zombie apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:12:03 It's a dino apocalypse. Dino apocalypse. Dino apocalypse, exactly. Yeah not a zombie apocalypse. It's a dino apocalypse. Dino apocalypse. Dino apocalypse, exactly. Yeah. Excellent. Apocosaurus. And then we get the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs adaptation that I've always wanted. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And the Dino Riders adaptation that I've always wanted. Yes. Two spin-offs. So, yeah, I really liked this. This is the thing I've liked the most since the first Jurassic Park. It's pretty, like it's kind of corny and hokey, but that's the. Jurassic Park is that as well. Even at its best, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Actually, when I showed Claire this, she got so jazzed. She's like, there's some Jurassic Park films I've never seen. Can we watch Jurassic Park 2? And I'm like, absolutely. But I was also like, oh, this one goes forever. And then we watch it and she's like, this isn't as good as the first one. I'm like, no, that is to be believed. There's some good stuff in that movie.
Starting point is 00:12:52 You've never seen it. I haven't seen it, but I'm still going bingo. We should come back to it at some point. Anyway, it looks good. It's, you know, the dinosaurs, they become like, know bears yeah or you know uh raptors raptors raptors in the wild yeah exactly yeah so yeah i like the way it sets up the universe colin tavaro directed it of course is coming back for this new one uh and i guess they're getting back bryce dallas howard and star wars yeah exactly guess sure and they'll save a kid from whatever
Starting point is 00:13:25 which is what these movies are always are about maybe the kids cloned though spoiler alert Jurassic World 2
Starting point is 00:13:30 Fallen Kingdom Haunted Castle yeah the kid was cloned she was a clone of the new John Hammond's
Starting point is 00:13:37 daughter the babe guy oh yeah are we getting B.D. Wong back I would love yeah definitely when's his weird
Starting point is 00:13:42 whatever plan he's got when's that coming to fruition Sailing Dinosaurs he did it already isn't he doing more though uh he probably he definitely stole some embryos and flew off in a helicopter probably see i think if you went i think if you said okay uh in in if you started up a new franchise like a the dino apocalypse franchise yes and you were like okay first off the back uh first off the bat bloody dino human
Starting point is 00:14:03 hybrids i'd be like this is so stupid this is ridiculous moron exactly but if you were like if we're like jurassic world if we're up to jurassic park six what is it i don't know then and then they're like dino human hybrids i'd be like it's about damn time good gravy bd wong exactly took you long enough yeah absolutely and maybe chris pratt could be friends with them he could be friends with them. He could be friends with them, yeah. One of them he'd call Barney because it's funny. Oh, yeah, that's good. Because it's funny, Mason. Barney is a funny name.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Oh, the Barney the dinosaur I meant from the kids show. But Barney is a funny name. Because it's funny. Okay. Okay. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Know your risks. Visit Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind.
Starting point is 00:15:17 So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's It is a question for you. Yes. Are you a fan of the movie Rambo 4? 5? Hold that thought.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Okay, I'm ready. Are you a fan of Sony were considering apparently rebooting The Princess Bride until everybody went crazy on the internet about it? I'm not crazy about them rebooting The Princess Bride. You're a fan? I like the movie. I like the book. I like the bit where he stabs a rat. St a big rat yeah it's good the rodent of unusual size
Starting point is 00:15:49 yeah yeah that was great it's a it's a solid movie it is such a great and it's a it's a timeless kids movie i think you know i mean if these kids would get off their bloody ipads i tell you what mason if one of them would go outside and stare at the sun i would fall over i'd be so shocked and surprised we could knock you over with a feather yes but i think i think it's uh it's a movie that's 100 stood the test of time and i'm not sure what they would do like anything they would do to it would make it less charming i think great like anybody you cast you can't replace andre the giant you can't replace bloody um wallace sean you't replace... You cannot replace a single person in that movie. You probably bring back Billy Crystal because you just probably would.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah, that's true. Put him in the makeup. It doesn't matter. But I think I say this for everything. The only way that you could probably do this is a sequel, but even then that's not going to be... Yeah, I mean there was a long rumor to be the sequel Buttercup's Baby. Yeah, the book sequel.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Is that right? Is that a book sequel? I don't the sequel Buttercup's Baby. Yeah, the book sequel, is that right? Is that a book sequel? I don't think there is a book sequel. There's no book sequel. I think there's a book sequel. We'll never know, will we? If there was a book sequel, I would be astounded that they haven't made it already. But I don't think there is.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Yeah, but I think it's one of those things where it was, I think it was a different time in the 80s for one. It was, that's true. Everybody looked ridiculous and now we all look great and we will forever. That's true, that's true. But I think they now we all look great and we will forever. That's true, that's true. But I think they were more when this is kind of a one and done thing
Starting point is 00:17:09 or whatever a lot of the time or this is pretty good let's not kind of I mean there was also there was a lot of crap sequels or whatever but I think they were more inclined to be like
Starting point is 00:17:16 this is a classic and let's just pull back on this. There's an article from the New Yorker it says that the headline is remake everything particularly The Princess Bride. Well that's just clickbait, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah, it is. You know what I think maybe it is? I think maybe Buttercup's Baby was like a chapter that was released. Okay. I think maybe that's what happened. Look, I'm going to look it up and we'll find out using technology. Yeah, right. What do you think about that?
Starting point is 00:17:38 I don't like it. Wow. I should go outside and look at the sun or whatever I said before. Buttercup's Baby, here we go. The epilogue to some later editions of the novel. I do not have this version. 25th anniversary edition, yeah. It's a sequel, Buttercup's Baby, that was having trouble getting published
Starting point is 00:17:50 because of the legal difficulties with F.S. Morgan Stearns Estate. Not a real person. It's one of those fake things, isn't it? Yeah, so if you have not read the book, well, the conceit of the movie obviously is Fred Savage being read the story of The Princess Bride by Columbo. But the conceit of the novel is that when William Goldman was a kid, his grandfather read him the story of The Princess Bride.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And as an adult, he tries to track down a copy of the book. Yes. And then when he finds it, it's not like a children's story. It's like an enormous omnibus of like, you know, it's got a thousand pages of political intrigue and like weather patterns. It's the Lord of the Rings, essentially. It's the Lord of the Rings, man. And it's like filled with like all the phases of the moon
Starting point is 00:18:35 and all this sort of stuff. And so he realizes that the version that his grandfather read to him, he just chopped out all the crap. So the version we read as the book is like the edited version that he's edited down. Have you read it? I'm sure I've asked you this. Yeah, but it's like, and so the version we get is like
Starting point is 00:18:52 the edited down version that he wants. So the conceit is that he hasn't written it. It already existed and it was written by S. Morgan Stern, I guess. Okay, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Okay, so there's not a real sequel really. It's like a fake joke sequel that they say. Disjointed assemblage of stories about the quartet's escape to One Tree Island. The chapter also continues the author's extensive footnotes
Starting point is 00:19:11 after he's outraged to learn that the fiercely protective Morgenstern estate had finally relented to an abridgment of Buttercup's baby done not by Goldman but by author Stephen King. Got him. The 30th anniversary edition of The Princess Bride included hints to the sequel's plot and a promise to have the full version completed before a 50th anniversary edition of The Princess Bride included hints to the sequel's plot and a promise to have the full version completed before a 50th anniversary edition, which is in 2023.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Okay, that's coming up. Would they do a sequel to the... If they're going to release a movie version, would they release a remake concurrently with the book? I think they'd do a sequel. I think if anything else... Because people shouted about this so much. I'm really of the mindset of it's a very good movie and you won't match it.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yes. But I don't care if you remake it because I know I say that a lot about everything all the time, but it doesn't, I say that because it doesn't affect the other movie at all. That's true, yeah. It's like the new Robocop or the new whatever. It doesn't matter. Was it a Rob Reiner film, Prince of Bride? Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Okay, then. Great. I guess if you like, you know, Alan Moore is always mad when people adapt his works. I think he's less so now. He's more like- I think he comes and goes. Initially, I remember an interview with him decades ago where he's like, do you get mad when people ruin your work with adaptations?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yes, he said. I put curses on them all. No, but initially he was like, no, because they're right there. And he pointed to his bookshelf with all of them. And then he started getting mad. And now he's less mad. Okay. But I guess with something like The Princess Bride,
Starting point is 00:20:33 there's already a definitive adaptation, which is really good. Yeah. And it's never going to disappear. So nobody involved is going to be like, well, they've taken some of the shine off because there's one. It's not like the first adaptation of Watchmen was really good. And then they're going to do another one that's going to be like well they've taken some of the shine off because there's one it's not like the first adaptation of Watchmen was really good and then they're going to do another one
Starting point is 00:20:48 that's going to be terrible and it's going to wipe the other one off the map kind of thing. I mean they've tried. They have tried. Oh yeah. Oh yes. I'm looking forward to that TV series.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Anyway Mason we've got to do another bit of news. Okay I'm ready. And it's Star Wars news. Oh come on. Yeah you love it. This is by Star Wars Unity. Consider this a rumour.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Apparently Disney are looking at a solo spinoff series that will focus more on the Crimson Dawn and the underworld elements of the Star Wars universe, specifically whatever happened in Solo. Oh, yeah. A Solo story. We're clamoring for it. No.
Starting point is 00:21:18 But I think there is a story to be told there. But also, it's that same time period of, like, jump 40 years in any direction. Jump 40 or not even better, just different. Because all the comics, all the movies, all the books, not all of them, but a lot of them are set around this time period. They can't go too far ahead because then you're clashing with the new movies or revealing stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:39 But also they seem to be really, they're not getting even in between like Return of the Jedi and Force Awakens because they're still waiting for the next one to come out, I assume. Yeah. So. But also the. Also Darth Maul's dead. We all know.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Exactly. Well, exactly. But the impetus is to fill in every gap. Yeah. There's no way we won't get these eventually, I think, because. The current Star Wars comic, it's going to wrap up in December and that's going to go right up to Echo base. So that's completely a new hope.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Empire Strikes Back covered in its entirety. Sick. Sick. And not every, not every side adventures. Don't you? Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Exactly. That's right. Remember that time Darth Vader nearly got them, but it's never mentioned in the movies. Remember that time someone nearly got Darth Vader, but then he got them. Remember that character you've never heard of before that nearly got Darth Vader. Who's not appeared in any of the movies or any that time someone nearly got Darth Vader but then he got them. Remember that character you've never heard of before that nearly got Darth Vader
Starting point is 00:22:27 who's not appeared in any of the movies or any spin-off material? Well, guess what? He nearly got Darth Vader but then Darth Vader got him. You're talking about Target Vader.
Starting point is 00:22:33 It's currently running. They're two issues in. Oh, yeah? How's that going? It's good. You think maybe somebody's going to get Vader? I think they're nearly
Starting point is 00:22:39 going to get him. Oh, my God. That's so exciting. I know. Is that a too-go-for-too-long? It's actually not bad. It's actually not bad. Yeah, of course. So there you go. I mean, there's so exciting. I know. Is that a two-go-for-two-longsplug? It's actually not bad. It's actually not bad. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:22:46 So there you go. I mean, there's ways to do it and be compelled by the characters. Definitely, yeah. And if somebody goes out to kill Darth Vader and then they realise that what they really wanted to kill was their own self-doubt, and then they become stronger as a person, well, it doesn't matter that he didn't get Vader.
Starting point is 00:23:03 It's not important. But then Vader kills them. Yeah. Also, get Vader if you can. didn't get Vader. It's not important. But then Vader kills them. Yeah. Also, get Vader if you can. Yeah, get him. You've got the opportunity. That'd save everyone a lot of problems. I don't care if it's not in continuity.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Yeah. But just do it. Just get him. Make it an Inglorious Bastards situation. You got him. Yeah. Like, they got Hitler. It's like, we got him, we stopped it.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah. And then in the next movie, Palpatine just puts whoever in a suit. It's like, I need one. Oh, my God. This is fine. Just this guy who doesn't look like Hayden Christensen, which makes sense. Answer to Anakin. Also, you have a kid.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yep. And remember, you'll really throw Luke off his guard if you say, I'm your father. If you put your hand up to choke somebody, I will do the choking. Oh, it's just a random guy. It's not even a Sith guy. It's just a random guy. Okay, cool. I love it. Yeah. Speaking speaking of star wars sort of mason i'm ready but it's not star wars news yes jj abrams and bad robot have signed a warner brothers deal worth 250 million
Starting point is 00:23:57 plus like bonuses and i assume and shit like that uh to jump on board the Warner Brothers freight train. Toot, toot. Can't be stopped. So freight trains go toot? Yeah, the front part does. And the back. I know. Hence the two toots. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Oh, my God. So you know the back is still attached. Yeah, for sure. Toot. Yeah, yeah, right. It's like a cooey. Exactly. And people are speculating he's going to do the Justice League and everything
Starting point is 00:24:25 because he nearly did Superman Flyby. We've got a video on it from years ago. And, yeah, so he'll take over the DC stuff. He's doing some sort of Spider-Man series right now. He is. I read it. A lot of people are very kind of like, he's doing it with his son, a lot of down on it.
Starting point is 00:24:41 It's fine. And it's also a first issue. There is some stuff. I'm going to spoil it right now. Is it out of continuity? Yes. Oh, well, then it doesn't matter. Exactly. Exactly. It's fine. And it's also a first issue. It is a lot of, there is some stuff, I'm going to spoil it right now. Is it out of continuity? Yes. Oh, well then it doesn't matter. Exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:49 It doesn't matter. I keep getting, because what happens now, because on this phone, whenever I open Google, like I get a series of clickbait articles, like at the bottom of Google
Starting point is 00:24:56 and they're getting more and more accurate. So it's just like, it used to be like, what would a normal, what would just an average person want? And now it's just like, here's some spoilers
Starting point is 00:25:04 for some comic books that you'd like. Nick Mason, you're late for work. Oh, what? Oh, no. How do you know, Google? But then it's all like, oh, my God, this twist you won't believe in J.J. Abrams' new comic book. And I'm like, it's out of continuity. It makes no difference.
Starting point is 00:25:19 There's always time codes. People can jump ahead. But here's a spoiler for this J.J. Abrams Spider-Man thing. But people should read it because there's some good stuff this jj abrams spider-man thing but people should read it because it's you know there's some good stuff in it i mean you're not giving me time to read it no do you want to read it no i'm not gonna read it okay imagine imagine a world but uh this is so much less effort yes just someone can tell me what the plot is yeah so at the start of the comic uh spider-man's fighting a new villain it's like a weird hybrid almost
Starting point is 00:25:43 xenomorph monster oh my god is uncle ben back he's not okay and uh it kills mary jane oh my god which i'm kind of like this is gonna have ramifications for the whole marvel universe but i'm also like like that fridging element of like yeah jane yeah again with this shit or whatever and then it jumps forward in time and he's got a kid he's got a redhead son so again not in continuity because in the main continuity he's got a daughter yeah and in other continuities he's got a son and daughter and the new one he does and not new on that generations one where it jumps oh yeah which is really good and he's missing one arm because so he's got a hook hand oh and his son is discovering his powers but he's also a distant dad because he's like i gotta keep my family safe so i gotta keep my i can't talk to my son ever but
Starting point is 00:26:21 it's like i'm gonna keep my kid at hook's length exactly you're being but is there an explanation for why he's got a hook hand yeah you got it torn off in this battle or whatever you see it's all like mangled because the great art the mcu2 spider-man the future one he's missing a leg oh yeah the one that has mayday parker as his daughter mayday one leg that's a good name i thought it was fine uh there's some stuff in i don't like like i'm i don't like the like the distant father because how would I protect you? Just be around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And teach him stuff. Surely you've learned at this point. You're a grown-up. Come on. Surely you've read Spider-Man comics. Yeah. I think for the first issue it's getting unnecessarily maligned, and I think a lot of that is because it's J.J. Abrams and J.J. Abrams' son.
Starting point is 00:27:00 How old is J.J. Abrams' son? Like 19, 20 maybe. Okay, well, that's not like he's 14. Yeah, exactly. It's like he's 10. And obviously that's happening because of the J.J. Abrams' son. How old is J.J. Abrams' son? Like 1920 maybe. Okay, well that's not, it's not like he's 14. Yeah, exactly. It's like he's 10. And obviously that's happening because of the J.J. Abrams thing but it is what it is
Starting point is 00:27:10 and look, if it turns out to be horrible we can all bash it forever, alright? Exactly. Yeah. And also, if I read something
Starting point is 00:27:16 when I was 19 it'd be terrible. If I read something when I was now it'd be terrible, yeah. But also, it's not like, it's like J.J. Abrams
Starting point is 00:27:24 was writing the main continuity Spider-Man and he's bringing his son and his son doesn't know anything about Spider-Man and he's killed all your favourite characters don't worry about it
Starting point is 00:27:31 it's fine this will be over in probably four to six issues and we'll never hear about it again but what do you think about I kind of like the direction
Starting point is 00:27:38 that DC Universe is going also I think the guy's Uncle Ben the polymorphic guy whatever he is yeah you're probably right xenomorphic guy doesn't matter yeah that makes a lot of sense that's Uncle Ben does The polymorphic guy, whatever he is. Yeah, you're probably right. Xenomorphic guy. It doesn't matter. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:27:47 That's Uncle Ben. Did that come up on your phone? No, no. But that's my guess. It's my hot guess. You do see his face and he's like old, so you might be right. Might be Uncle Ben. Anyway, getting back to...
Starting point is 00:27:56 Or Norman Osborn. It's Uncle Ben. Yeah. Anyway, what do you think? I like the direction the DC Universe is going in the movies at the moment. Even though we haven't seen Joker, we have seen it this week. Oh, yeah. And, you know, you're getting James Gunn in or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I think if they're looking for somebody to oversee it, I don't necessarily know whether they might need that, but I guess you do. Yeah, I guess. If they want to do one interconnected thing. Yeah, yeah. But I like the idea of different universes and stories. Maybe they need a guy to keep everything apart.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Like he stands like in the DC offices, there's like a bunch of different doors and a hallway, and they need J.J. Abrams to be in there being like, nope, no, sir. Beat it. Get it? No. I see what you're doing. They paid me $250 million to stare at you.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah, he's a, what's the thing? Chaperone. He's a chaperone. Oh, a chaperone. No fooling around, you guys. Like someone who sits in the back seat of a car and stops you from kissing or whatever. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I mean. Do you? When did you grow up? I've been on a chaperone date, Matthew. Did you grow up in the back to the future's past? I absolutely did. Yeah. Wasn't very good.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Do you know why? Why's that? Racists. Yeah. Everyone was racist. Yeah. No, I get it. I understand.
Starting point is 00:29:04 That sounds bad. Okay. Okay. okay uh we're here aren't we um are we we're in ram i got a new name for the new rambo movie i'm ready about rambo okay ram home alone oh i could have gone with ram home ram bone yep yep but uh what do you think you could have gone with home stallone it's not bad either it's think? You could have gone with Home Stallone. It's not bad either. It's not bad. Could have gone with Hambone Stallone is Home Alone. Nice. What do you think of that one?
Starting point is 00:29:30 That's really good. I don't think it's as good. No, I think it's very good. Okay. Anyway, it's... I'm going to go on Sly Stallone's Instagram and suggest you change his name to Hambone Stallone. See how this goes over. So, $18 million US opening,
Starting point is 00:29:43 which is about on par with Rambo 4, which opened about 11 years ago. And it costs 60 million, which is roughly the same as Rambo 3 cost, which is exciting, which means basically the budget is, it's pretty low budget for something like this. But that's $60 million in 1986.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Yeah, exactly. So this is very cheap. Yeah, exactly. It's a bargain basement prices. You know it is. So look, what do you think the story was, I guess? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Rambo's back. And it's been, how long, when did the last one come out? 11 years. Okay, so it's been 11 years. He's got himself a little surrogate family, having a great time, grand old time. And then one of them's like, I think I'm going to go and put myself into a lot of danger.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And then Rambo's like, maybe you shouldn't. Put yourself into a lot of danger. I've seen some like maybe you shouldn't yeah you're something a lot of things and things that you wouldn't even know I've seen like okay you've you've you've you've shown me the light I'm not gonna do anything get myself into any danger and he's like cool bananas and then she gets herself into a bit of danger yeah and then Rambo's like I better Rambo this that's what I gotta do I've got a I've got to get my Rambo on. Yeah. And it does. And it's too ill effect. Okay, Stallone is good in this. There's some good violence at the end. I didn't ask your opinion before this.
Starting point is 00:31:00 This is a very fresh take. Look, I didn't think it was terrible in terms of action wise. I think there's some solid action stuff Look, I didn't think it was terrible in terms of like action-wise. I think there's some solid action stuff. And I don't think it's intentionally like Mexico is an absolute hellhole. But we did mention this off-air. Everybody from Mexico is bad. And there's a line where she's like, I'm going to go to Mexico to see my father.
Starting point is 00:31:19 And he's like, everything's doing the worst. If you go in there, you're going to get murdered every day of your life. That's one day left because you're going to go murdered every day of your life that's one day left because you're going to go to Mexico that's right you cross that bloody border wall
Starting point is 00:31:28 murdered every day twice on Sunday yeah but here's the thing about this movie I think I think two things about this movie
Starting point is 00:31:37 two things and two things only number one I think they started from the because you mentioned the action sequence I think they started
Starting point is 00:31:44 with an action sequence at the end. And it's in the trailer, so I don't think this is a spoiler so much. And it's a Rambo movie. Of course it's going to win an action sequence. I think they went, okay, at the end of the movie, we want Rambo to be in America
Starting point is 00:31:56 defending like a homestead farm kind of situation. But from who? Exactly. And then they worked backwards and they're like, well, who could he be fighting in America that he needs military tactics to fight against? Who can he hit with a machete? Who can he Rambo to the max in America?
Starting point is 00:32:12 And I think they worked backwards and that's how it feels. Also the second thing is the revelation I think I had about this movie is what makes Rambo Rambo? Yes. Because what, like, I feel if you took, the other thing about this script is I feel like. It's really good. It may have started out as just another action script for Stallone,
Starting point is 00:32:34 and then they went, hey, when was the last time we did a Rambo? Let's just make this a Rambo. Add a bit of prestige. You could be like, this is a Liam Neeson old man movie. This is a Mel Gibson old man movie, revenge movie. This is a Sean Penn old man movie or whatever. I think if you took the names out of this, if you took John Rambo out of this and I watched this movie,
Starting point is 00:32:55 I'd go, oh, is that knife an homage to Rambo in this movie? Maybe the bow and arrows are an homage to Rambo. I don't think I'd go, this is a Rambo movie. No, absolutely not. The question is, is Rambo more ill-defined than Rocky? Yeah, I see. That's the thing. I think he's, over the years, they've kind of, they've wavered on what he is, especially
Starting point is 00:33:14 two and three, because the first one, which I rewatched recently, I watched them all. So I even watched four before this. Four, by the way, it's got some really good stuff in it. Yep. And story-wise, I think it ends really well where he goes back to his homestead. And spoiler alert, but it's fucking Rambo, whatever. Yeah. But we're not going to spoil the major thing in this, by the way, as well.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Because there is a major turning point, I guess. Oh, yeah, for sure, sure. But I think there would have been something really interesting to do with a guy who fought in the Vietnam War. And he's been through all this trauma. And now he's in his mid-70s. Yeah. Because there are vets alive,
Starting point is 00:33:46 homeless or struggling or some doing well and whatever. And you don't want to explore the idea of a Vietnam vet in the modern day, as opposed to like, he's mostly fine. And then he gets mad. Yeah. And I like the fact that like, it's still in there and the Rambo like is still in there.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Yeah. But I don't, it didn't connect to the other versions of him. And I think what happened, again, it ends in a big action sequence, as you would imagine, and I think it's kind of cathartic just to see, because what happens is there are some villains and they're predictably cruel and awful and horrible and then they get their comeuppance.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Yes. But also I don't care. Yeah. There's But also, I don't care. Yeah. There's not, there's not. But I didn't care about the villains in two and three. Yeah, fair enough. But I, but I feel like maybe like, because, you know, there's only really a couple that you even know anything about.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Yeah. And then, and the rest are just goons. Yeah. Like it's just him killing goons. Yeah. And also, and again, talking about Spider-Man, Mary Jane, just killing a Mary Jane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:47 His supporting character, his surrogate family, they're not people from the previous movies that we know and love. They're just a couple of people. Yeah. Before you say what you're going to say, let's say spoilers. Okay. Worst movie ever. I'm also going to say worst movie ever.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Do we have any other, what else can we, is there anything to tie this together? Let's just do it all in the spoilers or whatever. Okay, cool. Yeah, that's true. Anyway, you were going to say. What I was going to say is that he's got a surrogate family. We've never seen him before.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Like Mary Jane being killed in the new Spider-Man comic book, they just exist to be killed. Or one of them exists to be killed. Yep. So he can get some sweet revenge. Raped and killed. Yeah, some sweet of them exists to be killed. Yep. So he can get some sweet revenge. Raped and killed. Yeah, some sweet revenge. And that's not particularly satisfying.
Starting point is 00:35:30 No. Yeah? It's not. I think you can go to Mexico and you can do the drug cartel stuff, but you don't want to be like, there's like one person that he meets who isn't the worst person in the world who helps him that everyone else is like. I mean, she only kind of helps him.
Starting point is 00:35:45 I mean, he still gets brutalised. He does get beat up quite a bit. But I also liked it. I didn't even mind, like, he goes down there and he just walks into a situation that he should not be in. Like, there's a lot of stuff where I'm like... But again, it's like, is this supposed... Is this Rambo?
Starting point is 00:35:57 Is this anyone? Yeah, it's just a guy... He doesn't even have a mullet. At least in four, he had a mullet. In four... Vinicius doesn't have a headband. Yeah, exactly. In four, it felt like the same Rambo from the first one.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Or I guess the other one, sort of. And then at the end of this movie, they're like, here's a montage of the other movies. And I'm like, yeah, I can remember these movies. And good on him. And at the end, he just rides off into the hills, I guess, because they'd come to his house and he's murdered 40 people. And also they would have been like,
Starting point is 00:36:23 isn't that guy who bought that small town and started the Taliban? We should really lock this guy up. And again, like the only two villains, this movie also goes for like 100 minutes. This is quite rare, but I feel like this should have gone another 20 minutes. Oh, really? Not because of the, that's, that would make it, but just give us five more minutes with each of the characters.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Maybe so we care about them more. But, like, there's really only two main villains. It's the two cartel heads, heads of cartel brothers. Brothers. And, oh, los hermanos. And one's a bit crazy than the other. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And it would be cathartic to at least see them get killed. One of them you don't even see get killed. As it's approaching, he comes in and he kills all the guys and then the guys in the bathroom or whatever. I'm like, this is going to be sweet. Rambo's going to go in there and run his head along all the glass in the bathroom and then cut his head off. And then, no, fade to black.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And then we see the aftermath afterwards. And that's kind of you know it's a little bit cathartic because you see his head you know get thrown down a highway yeah but i want to see that fight yeah i agree as opposed to him like threatening to kill a teenage girl or whatever yeah which he does yeah yeah there's also he has pills did you did you catch what those pills were supposed to be? No, but I imagine they're like... Heart medication or... No, I thought they would have been... Blood pressure or something?
Starting point is 00:37:47 No, I thought they would have been like anti-psychotic medication. Oh, okay. Yeah, that... Because he's like, forget it. Like when he's in Mexico, he throws them on the ground. He's like, I don't want them. Well, I wonder... Yeah, you're probably right because...
Starting point is 00:37:58 Maybe it's anti-Rambo medication. Oh, no. He should be taking those. Yeah, you've got to know, right? Because he started with a Taliban. And then he ran without... Exactly. That's right. Oh, no. That's the worst case scenario, isn't it taking those. Because he started with a teller bear. And then he ran without it. Exactly. That's right.
Starting point is 00:38:06 That's the worst case scenario, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah, so, yeah. I thought maybe if it was heart medication or for arthritis or whatever, then he just threw them away. Because these things aren't important now, right? So that would make no sense. But if it was like antipsychotics or like to help him, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:38:23 then that would make more sense to me. Or it's meant to cut down. I think maybe the idea is partly it's meant to cut down on the flashbacks you keep seeing. Yeah. Okay. But then if, and I guess taking those is also cuts down on his combat effectiveness, I guess. I'm not sure. We did get beat up a lot, didn't we?
Starting point is 00:38:37 We did get beat up a lot, yeah. Yeah. I like that he didn't kind of muscle his way out of that situation because in previous movies, not so much the first one, but he would have. Yeah. There were elements, though. And he kind of bodies one of them, and then they just beat the shit out of him.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I kind of thought, well, that's the thing, and it's kind of, you know, and he is a man in his 70s. Yeah, exactly, yeah. So there are some kind of very Rambo-ish moments to the point where he cuts out the other guy's heart. Yeah, totally. That's extremely Rambo 3, I feel.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Very Rambo. He's also lucky that guy didn't step on one of his many traps because he was saving him for last. Yeah, exactly, yeah. Yeah, but I like that when they turn up to the farm and he's just well prepared. Yeah. And he's never really in any danger.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Would you have preferred that sequence to be played out without you knowing what traps were set up in the house? Yeah, well, funny thing, Mason, I went to the toilet during this movie, as I do all movies now. All movies I'm not interested in. You just need some alone time. I was there for seven to nine minutes. And it was during that moment where he was setting up traps
Starting point is 00:39:31 because I'm like, I get it. Yeah, sure. So there was a few of them I'm like, oh, somebody spiked through the wall. You pretty much see all of them. Yeah. All of them, everything that gets deployed, you see him setting up.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah, cool. And you go, oh, cool, all right. Cool, Rambo. What else is going to happen? Even like, you probably didn't, did you see the sequence? I practiced probably didn't did you see the sequence i practiced the bow on the cars yeah i think that was the last thing he did so i did catch that yeah it's luckily that it's lucky that guy also happened to be standing right there so lucky yeah right and again it's like he didn't just step on the thing that shot him or whatever landmine or whatever landmine or whatever or like one of his other goons just didn't shoot him in the head.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Exactly. Yeah, but again, though, good action sequence. The one good action sequence. Yeah, I don't think it's just long enough where I'm like, I would have liked to have seen more. But I feel like if it was an extra 10 minutes, then would I have been like, it's too long, isn't it? Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:40:23 But I thought, because watching 4 again, I think 4 is good. And I think, it's not like brilliant. Right. But it's the best one since the first one. And it's also that he's hiding away and he's catching snakes for snake fights or whatever he's doing. Yeah. And then he's forced, well, he's not forced, he comes around to helping people and then
Starting point is 00:40:39 it's a rescue mission. At the end, he goes home. Yeah. And then I think you could have done, again, done something with what does this guy do at home and how does he kind of process these things. And he has to get drawn back into something. But again, it's like I don't feel, yeah, again, it could be anybody and who is this Rambo supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:40:57 It doesn't feel like, and again, we're not the biggest Rambo scholars or anything, but we've seen them all. We're not Ramboficionados. Oh, very good. But we could be. Yes. I're not Ramboficionados. Oh, very good. But we could be. Yes. I think we should be just so we can give ourselves that title, I think.
Starting point is 00:41:10 But I feel like this wasn't the right mission for Rambo. Yeah, I agree. It's kind of, it needed. It's got a good audience score. People seem to like it. Yeah, right. You know, some more than others. But, you know, he doesn't like it.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Who's that? David Morrell, who wrote the original novel. He tweeted out. I agree with these Rambo The Last Blood reviews. More like fart blood. God, no,
Starting point is 00:41:32 I said that. He didn't say that. Maybe that's what the pills were for because he was farting blood. But the film is a mess. Embarrassed to have my name associated with it. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:41 I mean, not, I mean, this. Also to be fair, if he hadn't tweeted that, nobody would have associated his name with it because nobody remembers there is an original
Starting point is 00:41:46 novel. Exactly. Cause in the original novel, of course he kills himself at the end and they did film that version for the, for the original movie. But yeah, I kind of, I mean,
Starting point is 00:41:55 can you remember, cause I've, I have read the second Rambo novel. Oh yeah. Cause there's a first blood, first blood part two. Is it a what if or whatever is it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I'm trying to remember what the conceit is that they bring him back. Okay. Because he's definitely still alive in the second novel. Let me just double check that for you. Maybe it's a clone. Yes. Don't pretend you're too good for Hollywood, David Murrell. That is in fact your real name.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I was reading through a bunch of his replies and he sold the film rights. Like he's got nothing to do with any minds. Oh, okay. Right, right, right. It's like Rambo in name only for him. Maybe I read a novelization of the movie. Yeah, so it says he goes back into the jungles of hell to do with any money. It's like Rambo in name only for him. Maybe write a novelization of the movie. Yeah. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:26 it says he goes back into the jungles of hell to find the missing Americans. So yeah, I think it's just a novelization. Oh, right. Okay. So there's never any explanations to why.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I think it's just like the book. They just got him to do the book. Yeah. Right. Yeah. But he also said that the book is the originals, like never been out of print. So,
Starting point is 00:42:41 you know, it doesn't work. It doesn't write from it. And you know, yeah. So I just think it's a shame because I think there is a story to tell with this character and this is not it.
Starting point is 00:42:51 This is not it, yeah. And again, it's not a problem with the action, it's not a problem with the performances, it's just not the right narrative for this character. And I guess maybe that's something that works for Rocky when it doesn't work for Rambo. You can be, you know, he's a guy that hit the heights of fame and now he's back down and he's just a regular guy.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yeah. Kind of struggling a little bit. And that, you know, in the Creed movies. Maybe that would be, like, you could do that with this. He could be a Vietnam vet who's kind of struggling and, you know, with mental illness and what have you. But maybe that was too similar. So they're like, well, we've got to keep him as a big action guy.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Yeah, and he did it, didn't he? But I don't think he... God, his face is weird. There's a lot of close-ups of his face and I'm like, I don we've got to keep him as a big action guy. Yeah, and he did it, didn't he? But I don't think he... God, his face is weird. There's a lot of close-ups of his face and I'm like, I don't know what's going on here. Uh-huh. Yeah. Because it's kind of like he's old,
Starting point is 00:43:33 but he's kind of stretched in places from surgery and the hair's like a Brillo pad. Yeah. I don't know what's going on there. He's not even a mullet. I like him. I can tell. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Your passion for him is clear. You know it. Anyway, surprise, surprise, everybody. i bring this up every now and then i don't like to do it too regularly oh can it be it's hate mail but the hate hasn't hated it yes now for those people who don't know you do the show or you just don't really listen that closely that's fine but hate mail is based with i disagree it's not fine yeah get among it yes uh go hard or go home yes by go hard i mean listen to our podcast while at home yes or at work at work wherever on the commute yeah so basically uh for youtube is insane for comments and every now and then i'll
Starting point is 00:44:19 store them up over the months some of the best some of the worst what do you want to call them and then at a specific time i'll be like, here's eight pieces of hate mail. Unleash them. Yeah, but it's never eight. No. It's just called hate mail, but the hate has an eight in it. It doesn't matter. Anyway, we did a review of Rambo 3,
Starting point is 00:44:33 which is also kind of a summary of the movies. How'd that go? In general, the initial reviews, like initial comments are good. And then it's one of those things that gets into the YouTube algorithm. Oh, nice. And then it's people coming over looking for either- Gun reviews. Yeah, for reviews of the new one or just super fans in general.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Oh, here we go. So here we go. Oh, I can't wait. This is from MovieGuy666. Well, you know he likes movies and the devil, so that's a really good start. So this guy's going to be qualified. So I'm building up some stuff here.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Okay. This is getting near the idea. Oh, this is going to get raunchy. These guys are fucking terrible reviewers. What a bunch of wankers. Fair enough. I feel like we've been burned by one of our countrymen. Wankers, you say? That's going to be a British thing.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Michael Kaishman says, who gives a fuck about what you think? Love all the movies. Okay, Michael. Is that a command? He loves all the movies. He loves all the movies. Ezekiel says, you guys don't know shit about movie 80s action is the best and shaky cams suck.
Starting point is 00:45:33 We do. I mean, in that review, we do 10 minutes on how good shaky cam is. Yeah, we love it and we'll never stop loving it. This is where it takes its turn. I also love the idea that you're in one of two camps you either love 80s action movies or you love
Starting point is 00:45:48 Bourne Identity Shaky Camp you can't like some of all the other you have to pick a side you have to pick a clan I like 80s action movies good ones
Starting point is 00:45:57 Commando's great yeah Avalon D says a lot of soy milk and cream in this review oh my god are we officially soy boys
Starting point is 00:46:03 sorry say that one again a lot of soy milk and cream in this review. Oh my God, are we officially soy boys? We certainly are. Sorry, say that one again. A lot of soy milk and cream in this review. Oh. Walt says- What is, why cream's- Oh, soy cream? Soy cream, Mason. Soy cream, all right.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Soy cream. I thought the point of a soy boy was like, you didn't drink milk, dairy products, you only drank soy products. This is soy milk- Oh, this is AS. With a topping of soy cream on the top. Soy cream.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Okay, so well if look with stevia i don't know i don't know much about soy products but if soy cream is the thing then you got us whatever your name is walt says a bunch of fucking soy boys i can't taste stevia no i can't put it in tea i can't say really yeah i don't know what's i'm not i'm not a fan is it is it a real thing or is it just a placebo i'll do a coconut sugar huh Huh. Yeah. But I don't have stevia. You put like 900 stevias in it. Really? I'm like, this isn't anything.
Starting point is 00:46:49 I don't know what that is. I have to go with sugar. Nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying. I mean, you're a real soy boy. Oh, come on. I'll read you the name after, but this is the comment. Two beta males try to work out action movies.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Dudes, stop being babies. Man up, for fuck's sake. It's a fucking Rambo movie. That from wiltshire medieval society oh my god yes that's so good i love a laugh don't get me wrong yeah absolutely stones glass houses let's not yeah that's right yeah yeah uh i there's there's so much to enjoy about that one what was it two beta males yep try to work out action movies there's the next bit uh dude that one. What was it? Two beta males. Yep. Trying to work out action movies. The next bit? Dude Stopping Babies.
Starting point is 00:47:28 The next bit after that. Man Up for Fuck's Sake. There we go. Yeah. Like we were afraid of the movie. That's my... Yeah, I know. It didn't...
Starting point is 00:47:35 It's not offensive. It's not like these are too violent for my taste. Yeah, it was like, this sucks. Yeah. I think stating your opinion in a genteel fashion is very manly. I agree. You asked me.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I love this. Dredgedred65 says, Two Aussies talking shit about Stallone and Arnold. Also, we say a lot of positive things. It doesn't matter. Do we rubbish Arnold? I don't think we do. I think we mention him.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Either one was better than Mick, brackets, Crocodile Dundee. Oh, my God. Did he burn our national hero, Crocodile Dundee? He's on the $50 note. Write that down, you two wankers. Lol. Nice. Got us.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Trailer Park Ninja says. Wait, can we just. I just love the idea that, again, we've got to pick a camp. Yeah, right. It's all ladies action movie stars from America or Paul Hogan. That's my favorite. Just the idea. It's Lightning Jack.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Oh, my God. And John Rambo. I mean, it's Lightning Jack every day of the week for me. Oh's my favourite. Just the idea. It's Lightning Jack. Oh, my God. And John Rambo. I mean, it's Lightning Jack every day of the week for me. Oh, my God. Absolutely. Trailer Park Ninja. And then Lightning Jack 2, Down Under, but he's already Down Under. Still jacking.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Still jacking. Can't stop jacking. Trailer Park Ninja says, Bet if he came back as a trans black lady, the critics would love it. None of that was, he didn't say anything like that. A lot of people, I think, are just thinking we're rubbishing the new one.
Starting point is 00:48:49 We haven't seen it at this point. Well, I mean, we are, we have rubbished it because it's not good. Yeah, it's not good. Now we have,
Starting point is 00:48:53 yeah. Now we have, yeah. Okay, this is, this is good. Can you add an addendum to the video? Maybe put it up.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Now, guys, you might think we're rubbishing the new one. We weren't, but we are now. It sucks. it's no good, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Well, so people, oh my God, those people only have one joke. Yeah. Like, what if I said my gender was an attack helicopter? I'm an attack helicopter. Shut up. Just shut up.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Hey, what if... What if I was Chinese? What if I identified as a truck? Would you call me a truck? I guess. I don't care. It's fine. It doesn't take any time out of my day.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yeah. I call people by their names. I do that too. Yeah. I know a guy that changed his name to Legs, so I just called him Legs. Nice. I was like, good on you, man. Is it ironic?
Starting point is 00:49:32 Did he have no legs? No, he had legs. Nice. He had too many legs. Ooh. Yeah. He'd stolen a set. Anyway, Laka Valley says, fuck you, SJW, bitching soy boys.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yes. Dan Larson says, wow, YouTube just recommended me the pile of shit that is your channel. It should be called Feminized Men or maybe Gender Confused Jews. Fuck it. Goodbye. I know. It's a lot in that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I didn't think I came across Jew-y at all. I mean, Dewey with a D. I know what you mean. Because I'm covered in a certain amount of dew. Sure. Yeah. People bring their own... They really do.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Like, that's... We're saying it sucks. We're not saying it sucks because it's... It's too manly. It's too offensive and manly and... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:16 We're saying... It's not a good movie is what we're saying. They're not good. But also, you can like it. Mr. Dew says, you guys sound like the dorks that hide
Starting point is 00:50:23 in the corner of a room and secretly rip on the guy who's getting all the girls Oh my god That's us Yeah that's Yeah I mean we're sitting in a small empty room here Ripping on dudes
Starting point is 00:50:34 Ripping on dudes Yeah And I can't see us getting any girls in here You know it Randy Bobandy says The way these two butt buddies talk You'd think they'd written, directed and starred in their own blockbuster John Jay I looked it up His middle name's James I was like Did he get that wrong? The way these two butt buddies talk, you'd think they'd written, directed, and starred in their own blockbuster.
Starting point is 00:50:47 John Jay, I looked it up, his middle name's James. I was like, did he get that wrong? No, he's a big fan. Can eat things that would make a billy goat puke. Show some respect for this fictional man. Oh, my God. He is not real, isn't he? He didn't write the fictional man thing. No, but that's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:01 They really do bring in their own biases. And, yeah, you're right. You should respect a man who's built for propaganda. You absolutely, definitely should. That's it. Judson Gayden says, this isn't much hate mail. I'm sorry, what's his name? Judson.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Judson Gayden. This is more of a kind of a, like a general comment on the movie itself. I just thought this might help people out and kind of flesh out the world for us. You're not going to talk about the stocks remaining folded on the AKMs and the AMD65s. Those stocks should be unfolded so the rifles can be fired properly from the shoulder. Personally, I find stuff like that insulting.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Can you believe we didn't bring that up? Oh, my God. We didn't think about extending the stocks. See, there's also people on the internet who exist to like uh bring their own biases into a into a you know somebody else's review yeah but there's also people who only exist like that guy is searching akm whatever it is stocks so he can just comment on every single video i can't believe you didn't even notice he's on like the he's on like the internet movie firearm database which exists and he can just comment on every single video feed. I can't believe you didn't even notice. He's on like the internet movie firearm database, which exists. And he's just going through all the movies that have those firearms.
Starting point is 00:52:12 And then he's going to YouTube videos of them. And then he's commenting inaccuracies. And they're probably all doing that? Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Great. All sorts of Rambo. He's firing machine guns.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Yeah, I know. It doesn't. He fights a horse with a tank know It doesn't He fights a horse With a tank or whatever A tank with a horse Or whatever Variation on that Daniel said
Starting point is 00:52:29 Oh my god Imagine if he fought A tank with a horse Imagine if he fought A horse with a tank That'd be so manly Just splat it Like a tube of toothpaste
Starting point is 00:52:36 You wouldn't see a soy boy Fight a horse with a tank Would you Are you kidding me I would love to see A man fight a tank With a horse with a tank. Right?
Starting point is 00:52:46 It's incredible. You'd kill it in so many ways. It would burst like a tube of toothpaste. Daniel says, so we have two gay clowns here who doesn't like the Rambo movie. Oh, and we have to get them some gay porno movies that they can like. We'll get our own gay porno movies. You don't need to ship them over. We'll be fine. We've got the internet. We just Google gay porno movies You don't need to ship them over We'll be fine We've got the internet
Starting point is 00:53:05 We just google gay porno movies please That works right? It's a lot This is the last one Oh my god alright here we go Yeah sorry They're good though I didn't make up so many
Starting point is 00:53:22 But also the thing is Why would you leave any gold on the table? That's all I'm saying. And also, sometimes we don't get any hate mail for ages. Yeah, that's it, man. Oh, does Rambo... This is from Call Me Kenneth. Exclamation mark.
Starting point is 00:53:37 So, oh, does Rambo hurt your delicate sensibilities? Toughen up, manginers. This movie is the tits. Hard-boiled action at its finest. If limp-wrist douchebags like IGN and the rest of the
Starting point is 00:53:49 soy-chill media are complaining about the cultural this and misogyny that, that then you can rest assured that the movie has everything that these wastes of oxygen
Starting point is 00:54:01 bitch boys lack. This is all caps. A pair of huge swinging balls. So we need a pair of huge swinging balls so we need a pair of huge swinging balls between us that's right yeah
Starting point is 00:54:09 I this isn't hard boiled action no it's the weakest softest action there is they're just they're
Starting point is 00:54:16 anyway like what you like but I mean yeah they're so compared to a modern action movie of any stripe or a good one of that era
Starting point is 00:54:24 it's like pantomime. Yeah, it really is. It ends on this. Yeah, here we go. Oh, it's still going. I'm going to watch it twice. Let's talk about the new one, I assume. But again, we didn't mention that in this one.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Once with an erection and the second time with your wife. Wow. Well, it's good he's keeping his erection away from your wife. Do you think he could sustain two erections though? Or one long erection. from your wife. Do you think he could sustain two erections, though? For... Or one long erection. That's 200 minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:49 With two showings of that movie. He's more of a man than either of us, Mason. That's very true. Look, I love them all. My wife would not see this movie. No. That's all I'm saying. No, well, she'd be swayed by whoever this guy is.
Starting point is 00:55:00 With his big, swiggy balls. She'd see this guy coming out of the movies with an erection. And she'd be like, what movie did you just see and he'd be like rambo last i'm actually going back probably the worst rambo yeah and then she'd be like sign me up my i like all of those my favorite i think is the one from the medieval recreation society whatever can you click through and see what videos they're all about uh yeah i i i did have a quick look it's just be like we've got this upcoming event, come down or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:27 I don't harass anybody. I don't want to hear that. We'll do it. We'll go. We'll do it on this podcast. Yes. Obviously. And live, we're going to go
Starting point is 00:55:34 to one of their events and beat them up. Anyway, I had a really good time with that. Me too. Thank you for allowing me to bring back Hate Melt with the hate as an agent. That's some good stuff,
Starting point is 00:55:44 let me tell you. It really is off the back of Rambo Mason a great film we both enjoyed thoroughly we've got some we've got some guests in
Starting point is 00:55:52 two in the think tank's own Andy and Al hello James they've come to talk sci-fi hello thank you so much for having us a pleasure to be here
Starting point is 00:56:00 we thought to ourselves we were in a bit of a pickle this week we didn't know what movie we would like them to review we were like if they're going to watch a science fiction film we want to ourselves, we were in a bit of a pickle this week. We didn't know what movie we would like them to review. We were like, if they're going to watch a science fiction film, we want the smartest guys we know.
Starting point is 00:56:09 And if we watch Rambo, we need the toughest guys we know. So luckily, these guys fit the bill. Exactly, we're winners. But they wouldn't dare watch Rambo Last Blood. So they didn't have to suffer through it. So you guys watched Ad Astra.
Starting point is 00:56:26 That's right. First of all, welcome. You guys just did the 200th episode of your podcast, Two in the Think Tank. Thank you. Actually, we all did it. We all did it. But we clapped because you did 200 skits.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Sketches? Skit house. Sketches. Yeah. It seems demeaning. For some reason in the sketch comedy industry, skit is a hate speech speech I don't know why We really react badly to it
Starting point is 00:56:49 But we did do 17 hours of a podcast Incredible Because in an normal episode you'll think up 5 sketches But for your milestone episode You're like well 100th episode we'll do 100 sketches 200th episode we'll do 200 sketches Correct How did you feel in the immediate aftermath?
Starting point is 00:57:05 When did it hit you that you've done a lot of podcasting? You know what? It was hitting me throughout the whole year as I felt every minute. Towards the end I could imagine. So yeah, we had multiple guests. We had you guys, we had Jess Perkins, we had, you know. Evan Monroe Smith.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Evan Monroe Smith from Gamey Gamey Games. He doesn't help. His favorite Toy Story character is Andy. So, let's stop. No, he's great. No, you know. Evan Monroe Smith. Evan Monroe Smith from Gamey Gamey Games. He doesn't help. His favorite Toy Story character is Andy. So, let's stop. No, he's great. No, you're right. He's a sickening person. Some Sandspan's peeps.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Yeah, some Sandspan's people. So it was, yeah, it was great to like have help because I think our brain was turning to mush by the end as you saw sort of you were there at the end. I thought you were holding up really well cause you were about halfway, Mason. And I was at the tail end, and it went shockingly efficiently.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Yeah, I thought we'd be a lot worse. I honestly was expecting one of us to be dead. And it's also really incredibly funny. Thank you. I chugged on an almond then. That wasn't me being like, I have to say this. My body is shutting down at the lie, the enormity of the lie. But there's so many
Starting point is 00:58:05 good ideas. You've got it on YouTube as two parts. But you've also got it up. You're choking up. People can watch Mason eat the last banana. And then James, you provided more bananas. I saw him and I went, good lord, this guy.
Starting point is 00:58:22 I cannot send him anywhere. I've got to come in, replenish the bananas. Yeah, something that the listeners of the podcast don't get, that people who watch it do get, is you get to watch Andy whittle a kilo block of cheddar cheese at the end there and cut it into two cheese goblets in which we fill with wine at the end there
Starting point is 00:58:43 and sort of cheers each other. It's a sketch, sketch comedy podcast slash amateur dairy whittling. It's one of those crossover things that people seem to love. Yeah. And then over the, over the years, over the next couple of years,
Starting point is 00:58:58 I imagine there'll be less sketches in the show and more whittling. It's going to transition. People will be like, you're going to do 300 sketches. You'd be like, you're gonna do 300 sketches? You'll be like, no, we're gonna win a lot of goblets. It's gonna be a whole sort of a podcasting room made out of sort of like chairs made out of cheese and the table, maybe Mike's out of cheese.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Very good. Maybe some of our main guests will be cheese guests. So I tagged in for Angus Gordon, comedian Angus Gordon. And I saw him the other day and he said, the thing about you guys is you make thinking of sketches very easy. Like you make it look easy. You know, akin to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:33 you hear like a songwriter or something and you go, oh, they're so good. I could do that. Let's do it. But in the aftermath, you're like, a man? And he does podcasting? That's a sketch, right? That was where we were at, I think, about about hour 12 we were about that at that point i think i was doing that when i was alone in the room with
Starting point is 00:59:52 you and then you just said all right reverse helicopter and i was like okay that's a thing um yeah okay so it's a helicopter that goes in the dirt um underground it's an underground helicopter yeah but uh i think it's it's easy to make it look like you're good at something when it's an underground helicopter yeah but uh i think it's it's easy to make it look like you're good at something when it's the one thing that it's like when you pick something that nobody else really does publicly right so you pick something that no there's no measure of what's good yes and then you look like the best at it yeah so your worst nightmare is another sketch podcast that that comes up it's like six you, like seven minute abs became six minute abs. If it was another podcast, it's just like,
Starting point is 01:00:28 we're going to do six ideas a week. That would ruin us completely. If anyone else comes along, we are going to crash down the rankings of world's best sketch comedy coming up with podcasts so fast. Well, until then. Until such a day. You're the kings.
Starting point is 01:00:41 It's linked below the stream and also the episode if people want to listen to it. And thank you guys so much for coming on. Oh my goodness. Plugging it everywhere. You're the kings. It's linked below the stream and also the episode if people want to listen to it on iTunes. And thank you guys so much for coming on. Oh my goodness. Plugging it everywhere. You've been delightful. It's such a great show in general. Well, I was more than happy.
Starting point is 01:00:53 I don't want to speak for you, Mason. I was super happy. Okay, both of us were more than happy to do it. It seemed like you were smiling genuinely. I was happy. Look, I was happy to be there. Ultimately, I was not happy with my seating position where the camera was was
Starting point is 01:01:05 was put i'm that's would you have liked the camera more in front of you no i should have moved to the seat on the right right you know oh sure we're in the same seat maybe yeah interesting what a world that's neither here nor there and there's nothing i can do about it that's right it's done yeah it's done and uploaded yeah uh just quickly on stallone, we were having a group chat earlier this week, and one of you mentioned that you saw a story relating to Stallone and Planet Hollywood, the famous franchise that he started with Arnold and Bruce Willis was involved. I love that this is me. Demi Moore, probably.
Starting point is 01:01:37 This is my first. When she was Demi Moore, you know. My first substantive contribution to your podcast is, yes, this crucial piece of information that Sly Stallone apparently had a reputation for shitting in the showers. Absolutely. I've got it. I didn't even know they had showers.
Starting point is 01:01:54 I know. I don't know what kind of a restaurant offers showers. Insane. Or are the staff on for so long that sometimes they have to be like, well, you should shower at work. I think it's after a day in close proximity to the kind of people who go to Planet Hollywood you need a good sluicing. Maybe you're the guy in the Predator costume or something.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Yeah, absolutely, yeah. You have to hose it out and hose yourself out. And people are just there to see Hudson Hawk's jacket in a glass case or whatever. We know that's what everyone is there for. Have you guys talked about Hudson Hawk on this show? I don't think I've seen it properly. Well, if it ever comes time to do Hudson Hawk,
Starting point is 01:02:30 I will be there for that. That would be fantastic. In a big way. We should caravan a garbage set, actually. We should do that as a video if you guys are keen to do Hudson Hawk. Yes, let us. Is Hudson Hawk like a series of movies or something? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:02:41 It is one film. Bruce Willis is a master thief of some sort. Is that the premise of Hudson Hooks? Yes, and he sings blues standards. That's all you need to know. Well, if we're doing that, we should also do The Adventures of Ford Fairlane. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Which is Andrew Dice Clay, and he's a rock and roll detective, and he also sings some sort of rock and roll standards, I think. Let's do inexplicably singing action. I love this. I just want to quickly say, this is an anonymous source from the Stallone thing.
Starting point is 01:03:10 I'm sorry to get back to it. People need to know this. Again, allegedly. He was always nice and he tipped very well, but in his tub or shower, it was always clogged. The staff would sometimes be called to the room. He would enter the door in his personalised robe and speedos, but there was always the same problem,
Starting point is 01:03:24 which the engineers would check and were known to prepare for bio, which basically meant a large poop in the... In the tub or the shower. So he wasn't just a shower shitter, he was a bath shitter. Wait, as in he's sitting in the bath?
Starting point is 01:03:40 Is he waiting to pull the plug or is he just going and then being like sitting there for a while and then pulling the plug does he speak does he let it call someone yeah but like that he did this enough and would call people up and say there's been a problem yeah something and everyone comes in and has to pretend like oh yeah well i mean i guess oh some there seems to be some blockage in the pipe and he says yeah i don't know i mean yeah sorry no no you're fine i didn't have anything to say i was just gonna say emotions are running hot it's okay to talk
Starting point is 01:04:09 over one another it's but i think if if this is the case then then maybe what he's addicted to is is getting people to come and fix it because yes because that's like there's a you know there's some people who just like they need a shame or they need yeah or they need a power thing because maybe the shit it's not about the shitting at all. I don't think it would be. You know, because if it's about convenience, if it's about just going where you are, right, then why is he not just doing it in his pants? Why is he not? It's a really good, he's Speedos, please.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Yeah, he's Speedos, of course. Every day is laundry day when you're sly. He's wearing swimmers every day. He's like, well, just in case I go in the pool. You know, obviously, if I need to shit. Yeah. It's a perfect opportunity. Don't do it.
Starting point is 01:04:54 He owns this. Yeah, I own this franchise. Well, that's, I mean, you really can't do it in a franchise unless you own the franchise. I think that's got to be one of the perks of owning a franchise. You know, Mr. McDonald, he can do a shit in any McDonald's. You think of me as Ronald McDonald. At the check-in desk, there's a little photo of him,
Starting point is 01:05:10 and it says, you cannot blacklist this man, regardless of how many bathrooms he ruins. I think that's how he got his name, Sly Stallone, is for doing a Sly install one. Oh, my God. It makes so much sense. Well, in stall one, that's a toilet, though. That's a toilet.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yeah, you're right. That's where you start. That's no way to get a nickname. Hear this guy? Shit's in toilets. I'm going to call him sly stall one. That's his nickname over there. That's his call sign over the PA.
Starting point is 01:05:42 It's like Air Force One. It's like stall one's in the building. Maybe the president does have a stall one. He'd have to, right? He would. Every room he's in, or every room Stallone is in is a stall one. Yeah, okay, that makes a lot of sense. Everyone see Ad Astra?
Starting point is 01:06:00 Who cares at this point? More like Dad Astra. Yes! Brad Astra. Let's do the Brad Astra. Bad Astra like Dad Astra Yes Brad Astra Let's do them all Brad Astra Bad Astra Sad Astra Sad Astra
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah And If he's unfaithful to his wife That's a Cat Astra Very good Bad Disaster If you didn't like it If everyone's interested
Starting point is 01:06:20 Disaster Disaster What a disaster If everyone's interested In his escapades for a while, then not. It's a fad-astra. Ah, very good.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Well, let's find out. We'll go on, and we will. Here we go. We're doing 200. So, it's going to make $70 million in the US. It seems low. Well, it is, because it's... It'll probably do all right,
Starting point is 01:06:42 because it's an $87 million budget. So, I think it looks like a bigger film than it is. probably be all right because it's $80 to $87 million budget. So I think it looks like a bigger film than it is. Did you say $87 million? $80 to $87 million, yeah. Okay. Every week, Al and Andy. I crank out some numbers. Yeah, James gives me a large box office figure
Starting point is 01:06:58 and I don't understand what it is. He's always like, it's $17 million. I'm like, well, that seems like a lot of money to me. It's all relative. How much of that money do I get? Is that all mine? So it is only made $17? Yeah, just for the weekend.
Starting point is 01:07:12 And that's only in the US. So it might be $25, $30 worldwide. I don't know. It's probably not going to go super well. Might do well in China. Yeah, that's right. I had a look at some of the scores. Your Metacritics, your Rotten Tomatoes.
Starting point is 01:07:24 It seemed to be doing okay. The critics like it, but it's like 50% approval. Because, you know, often he's just staring out a window thinking about his dad. Because, you know, do you guys still do Best Film, Worst Film? Oh, yeah. Yes, we do, yeah. Do you do that at the beginning or do you do that at the end?
Starting point is 01:07:40 What we'll do is we'll talk about it, we're trying very hard not to spoil it, and then we'll give it a rating, and then we'll just spoil the absolute heck out of it. I can't wait for that bit where we'll talk about it Trying very hard not to spoil it And then we'll give it a rating And then we'll just spoil the absolute heck out of it I can't wait for that bit where we get to spoil it There's one action scene where I'm like Oh that's like the spoiler moment Where I'm like I didn't expect that
Starting point is 01:07:54 And this is happening I wonder if we're talking about the same one Because there was one I certainly did not expect I'm like oh it's one of these movies If I could mime it for you. Yes. Okay. Very good.
Starting point is 01:08:10 You can do as much spoiler mime as you want in the non-spoiler section. Until we do the video podcast. I mean, with the amount of sort of staring out the window and sort of travel time kind of stuff, do you think that maybe it was a short film if you took out all that stuff and you just sort of assumed that he had been traveling? That's a good question.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Because there's kind of like – Did you guys feel the length of it? Were you like, oh, this is dragging a bit? I personally did not at all. I was pretty engrossed because there's something about the cold, dead emptiness of space that just makes you tense enough, I think. And missing dad, which I was, even though I did that just makes you tense enough, I think. And missing Dad, you know, which I was, even though I did text my dad during the film, but that was unrelated.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Were you like, this is a cracking Dad film, Dad, you're going to love this. Dad, where are you, Dad? But, yeah, it had me, I think. Like I was immersed. Mason, I wanted to ask you. Yes. What did you think the story was? Oh, no. So I did this every episode asking what the story was. No, I know, I know. And I don to ask you Yes What did you think the story was Oh no
Starting point is 01:09:05 So I did this every episode Asking what the story was No I know And I don't know what the plot is So I scrabble For some semblance Of what the plot was Sometimes you'll delay
Starting point is 01:09:13 By explaining The process Of what we do Here at the podcast The podcast It's like a radio show For people too ugly For the radio
Starting point is 01:09:21 This must be interesting When he has to stall When it's just you two Yeah And he again Explains to you What a podcast We talk about movies for people too ugly for the radio. This must be interesting when he has to stall when it's just you two. And he again explains to you what a podcast is. We talk about movies and comic books and TV shows. Your name's James. I know. You're the coast of the podcast.
Starting point is 01:09:34 The coast. The coast, yeah. I do a lot of coast. I'm the east coast of the podcast and I'm the west coast of the podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, this movie is a very extended metaphor for seeking your dad's approval. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:49 No matter how many planets you go past, maybe he still won't approve of your lifestyle. But also, Brad Pitt's an astronaut. And he's a pretty good astronaut. Radstronaut. Thank you. Sorry, keep going. Radastra. And then they need him for a mission, a very secret mission.
Starting point is 01:10:10 What's the mission? We can't tell you. But get his dad. Yeah, he's got to find his dad. That's in the trailers, right? Yeah, probably. Get your dad. Yeah, I see.
Starting point is 01:10:18 I was on board for a lot of this, and I think the back end was like, I feel like this is really heavy on the, Dad, why don't you like me enough? And just like a lot of looking into space. But that's because your dad likes you enough. That's probably true. He likes you just enough. You've crossed the threshold of your dad liking you just enough.
Starting point is 01:10:37 I'm okay with it. Yeah, you're probably right. But I think that there wasn't anything gripping in the finale that there was in the first half. I think for a film that's not really an action film, there's some really good action in this non-action action film. Totally. I also think that like for a science fiction film,
Starting point is 01:10:52 it's not really a science fiction film, right? Like they seem to have stripped out as much of the like science fiction-y kind of stuff, you know, in inverted commas that you would expect in a science fiction film. And added some laser guns. Yes. Were they laser guns?. And added some laser guns. Yes. Were they laser guns? I think they were laser guns. They seemed to be like some kind of blue thing,
Starting point is 01:11:12 a blue flash at the end. But then, like, you didn't see, like, a laser shoot through the air like you would in your traditional laser gun. Do you see a laser? You shouldn't see a laser. There you go. They're on board. Unless it's a, sorry, unless it's an an entrapment style scenario where they squirt
Starting point is 01:11:26 some sort of yeah gas in the air so you can see the lasers farts is that what they use yeah man that katherine zeta jones just because it does you know it was it was a gun that didn't seem to have a projectile but there seemed to be kind of maybe a blue light that did go i think it was maybe a ball lightning gun all Have you heard about ball lightning? Does that have a kick to it then? Look, I don't know. It depends on whether electrons have enough weight for there to be kickback when you
Starting point is 01:11:53 shoot them out of a gun. I think you send enough of them. Yeah? Yeah. If you're really chucking those electrons, then yeah. Enough to kill a man or a smallish man, hypothetically. Like a small hairy man? Or like a mediumish man, hypothetically. Like a small hairy man? Or like a medium sized man. Medium sized man, medium sized man, yep.
Starting point is 01:12:09 An enraged medium sized man. I reckon they absolutely nailed the emotional part of this story. Okay. Right? Like as in that was there. I reckon that was what they wrote first. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:22 I agree. Should we close that? Sorry, we should probably close that, right? The door're comfortable talking about emotions yeah i don't want my neighbors yeah sorry i'm so sorry it's completely okay yeah i feel like that's what somebody showed up who was writing this film and went hey there's a guy it's a metaphor he's going to get his dad you know it's a he he has to delve deep into his own mind right and it's about letting go of his dad hopefully at the end dad will say something like that so that we can all understand what's happening and we all get the double mean yeah that's pretty that's right oh great now then after that it felt like in between all those
Starting point is 01:13:02 little bits they were like now we need to fight fill it with something interesting that people will watch yeah people will watch can't like they got the notes back they got the notes back and was like can we fit a car chase inside this exploration of a man's uh paternalism so there's there's moon pirates yeah i look i don't need an explanation for anything and i really don't need one for moon pirates. What are they after? It doesn't matter. It's the future. The moon's got like a mall on it.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Yeah. I do like how they went like Virgin Galactic to get to the moon. Everything was commercialized, but they weren't, they didn't hit you over the head with it with like, what's another movie that does that? I don't know. Where they're like Fight Club. There you go. I was just watching Fight Club.
Starting point is 01:13:42 I don't want to get into it. But do you know what I mean? Like, it was just, I feel like that would be the natural progression of space travel to be like you get to the moon and there's a Starbucks
Starting point is 01:13:50 and it's not a big deal although there is what I did enjoy is that Brad Pitt does take he takes a commercial flight to the moon and they charge him
Starting point is 01:13:58 $120 for a pillow and a blanket that was probably the only joke in the film like what we haven't discussed is that for this film is super serious oh yeah right like it's like the most serious film i've seen in a long
Starting point is 01:14:15 time for a lot of i think it does take itself too seriously for a lot of yeah there's some silly stuff in it which is good and there was probably hairy silly stuff there were probably three people in the film who seemed happy and it didn't go well for them right and then everyone else was sad yeah and and either bad things happened to them or didn't but they were still sad and they're trapped somewhere yeah or whatever yeah yeah absolutely absolutely. What was his character? His character, he was a guy with a low heart rate. Yes, that's right. A low resting heart rate, even in times when things are exciting.
Starting point is 01:14:52 I felt it was a bit Blade Runner, a bit equilibrium with the pill to kind of curve your emotions. And you know, in the new Blade Runner, where you guys have seen Blade Runner? I have not seen the new Blade Runner. It's so good. But one of the characters in that, they have to do like a psychological test to make sure you're not like, you're still suitable to the new Blade Runner. It's so good. But one of the characters in that, they have to do a psychological test
Starting point is 01:15:05 to make sure you're still suitable to do your Blade Running. Sure, sure, sure. It's pretty much the same test in this movie, right? Yeah, kind of, yeah. Same test? Same test. Just like, are you feeling good? I'm feeling good.
Starting point is 01:15:15 You doing the Blade Runner test? You ready to do the Blade Runner test? All right. You passed the Blade Runner test. Here's your gun. Here's your laser. Get out of there. I liked how not sci-fi it was though like i loved how like it seemed they'd gone out of their way to make it like
Starting point is 01:15:32 this is a film like like like we're not gonna give you anything that couldn't actually happen right like it was like when we do go to mars or go to neptune or whatever this is feels exactly like what it'll look like, right? People are still wearing spacesuits that look basically like spacesuits. People are still in rockets that look like rockets, seem to shoot fire at the end like a rocket does. You know, there's none of that like weird anti-gravity hover laser stuff. Yeah, like an iRobot.
Starting point is 01:16:01 I always think iRobot when I think like a future where I'm like, this is what have you done here? Yeah. This felt very like, yeah, this is 20 years from now or whatever. But in a way, like I've barely seen any sci-fi that does that, right? That tries to. I love the movie Sunshine. I think that's a very good example.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Oh, yeah, right. I have not seen. Yeah, it's terrific, isn't it, Mason? It's our favourite film here on the weekly planet. It's all right. It's all right, I reckon. We both love it. It sounds like you both do equally.
Starting point is 01:16:24 The guy stares into the sun quite a bit And then he kind of starts to go crazy Increasing the amount of sun that he can get into his eyes That's the way This is more like dad shine Yes it is isn't it Constantly increasing the amount of dad Trying to get closer and closer
Starting point is 01:16:41 To his dad Rather than going away from the sun This is the opposite of sunshine He has to get closer and closer to his dad rather than going away from this. This is the opposite of sunshine. He has to go there and reignite the spark with him and his dad. Oh, my God. This is the relationship between you and your dad is dying. Opposite sunshine. That's not, that's, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:01 It is. He finally gets to his dad and his dad's like, what are you doing not wearing a hat out there? What are you doing? Put some sunscreen on. What are you doing? Did you notice that, well, did you think that they'd done something weird to Brad Pitt's eyes to make them look more like Tommy Lee Jones' eyes?
Starting point is 01:17:18 There are a couple of moments where I was like, he's got the bags. He's got exactly the same bags. I was wondering that. Is it age or is it, you know what, because he didn't have the bags at the end. exactly the same bags. I was wondering that. Is it age? You know what? Because he didn't have the bags at the end. Exactly, right? So you might be right. I think they did some Tommy Lee.
Starting point is 01:17:33 He got the Tommy Lee Jones eye filter over him. Because Tommy Lee Jones is melting. He is. But too close to the sun. I would posit that Tommy Lee Jones, his entire life, has looked like the most tired man in the world. That's the thing that he brings to every single role. That Tommy Lee Jones, his entire life, has looked like the most tired man in the world, right? That's the thing that he brings to every single role. Whatever he plays, he's going to look like he's had enough of this.
Starting point is 01:17:56 And if he does sleep, he sleeps face down in a pile of sawdust. Yes. They pack him back in his crates. They turn him over. One day he wakes up, he's all sort of fresh-faced. All right, who didn't store Tommy Ross last night? Somebody let him too close to moisture. He's not hanging off his bones like he normally is.
Starting point is 01:18:17 I think you might be right. And I think Charlie Claus and I saw mentioned this on Twitter, who you guys probably know from ToeFop and many other things. But the stubble on Brad Pitt at the end might have been CGI? Yeah, I thought that as well. Well, you only see a little bit of it, right, when they open the thing, right? But also it didn't seem like enough stubble. He's been in space for at least 160 days, but probably more than that. Maybe he shaved three times.
Starting point is 01:18:42 So he was shaving up. He didn't feel like he was up to shaving at any point he didn't look like a guy who had the you know the inner spark to get out there he was doing that you're right he probably had enough energy for one of those space though using one of those wood put sort of you know clippings all through the air all right how do they shave in space it'd be it'd be a sort of scenario like Homer with the ants going into all the instruments. To answer your question, Andy, it's probably one of those things
Starting point is 01:19:08 with the trimmer you put on the end of a vacuum. Is that a thing? If that's not a thing, that's a real thing. That's a real, it's normally for haircutting. To be clear, I don't have one. Sounds like you've got one, I assume. To be clear, that's clear. That's true.
Starting point is 01:19:26 How do they, you know, like when you're sort of, when you're going bald and then you want to like spray paint your bald spot black so that nobody can tell. How do they do that in space? You just got to let it go and wear a hat. Or maybe you don't go. You're like, I'm not, I can't. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:19:43 I can't let people, just because of all the angles with the cameras. Well, and also with the fact that anybody can get up above you, like in zero gravity, everyone can see your ball spot. I guess you just have to accept who you are. Because when I think of an astronaut, I always think like it's always square-jawed like Neil Armstrong with the great hair. Like maybe you're shamed out of being an astronaut if you're losing your hair.
Starting point is 01:20:06 It might be part of the selection process they got going there at NASA. And maybe also hair has something to do with balance and things like that. You can't handle as many Gs maybe. I think you can't have vanity as a space person though because you're shitting into a bag or whatever in front of people. I think it's not a Stallone situation where you're inviting people in to be like, look what I've done. Yeah, that's true? I think it's not a Stallone situation where you're inviting people in to be like, look what I've done.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yeah, that's true. I think you're just going to kind of, yeah. Well, you're probably shitting into a vacuum, just like you're shaving your hair into a vacuum. I mean, what a place to be a vacuum. Am I right, everyone? Someone should get sliced alone one of those vacuums. What if you're accidentally, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:43 you're trying to Shave your head And you put the wrong attachment On the vacuum Oh my goodness Right And then what you And then you
Starting point is 01:20:51 Suck the poo out of your head Like what What is the Weird I mean I understand That there is a Potential I mean maybe a worse one
Starting point is 01:21:00 Would be shaving your own bum No but that might be it People do that anyway So Well then I see no downsides. Yeah. That sort of sounds good to me. I thought there was a bit too much internal monologue
Starting point is 01:21:12 where it's like, I understand what you're thinking, Radfit, and you don't need to tell me everything that you've ever thought. Well, it was one of those ones where at the end I was like, I wonder if that was in there the whole time. Like a Blade Runner original. Yeah, or if someone told them they had to put that in. Because otherwise it's largely a silent movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Because he's alone for most of this movie. Yeah. But he already had that thing where he had to do the psychological tests, right, and basically explain his internal mental state. And that felt like, well, that's the device, right? You don't then also need an internal monologue. He's got an external monologue where he talks to this little thing on his neck. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:21:47 That might be an addition, yeah. We're giving you a robot sidekick for the journey, and he doesn't understand human behaviour, so you're going to have to explain a lot of it to him. This is why we laugh, kid. Also, we couldn't afford a lot of the CGI stuff that was going to happen outside the ship, so you're going to have to explain that to the robot as well.
Starting point is 01:22:04 We want some pretty heavy detail on some of those explosions if you don't mind also the robot doesn't understand this earth thing you call kissing so we need some love scenes in this movie genuinely like there's enough things in this movie that is slaughtered that are slotted in between the sort of the main plot yeah that i wouldn't have been surprised like like a like a kissing a robot scene teaching a robot to kiss scene, wouldn't seem out of place with all the other things that are kind of in between there. Look, I think that if you were sending people to Mars, right,
Starting point is 01:22:35 you've got, what, three months or something, they're just going to be in a spaceship. Say you also have a robot you need to teach to kiss. Give it to the people you're sending to Mars. What else are they going to be doing? This is a perfect, like it's synergy, you know? Or at least an attachment for the vacuum cleaner. Then you're going to have to teach to kiss.
Starting point is 01:22:54 You don't want to get those confused with the bad one. Because there'd be a comical situation occurring. It would shoot poop into your mouth. Is that what you're saying? Yes. Before we get into sports. Or best kiss you've ever had gotta re-examine your entire life yeah um i thought there was some wasted cast in this uh
Starting point is 01:23:12 ruth negger who plays one of the person people he bumps into on mars yeah uh live tyler who is she she's from uh preacher and preacher yeah what we saw of her she was good yeah she's a great actor uh live tyler as well who's kind of mostly in flashbacks and video messages. I didn't even realise that was Liv Tyler. And Natasha Lyonne, or Liv Warren. Natasha Lyonne, who's most recently been in Russian Dolls. My favourite TV show of all time. And when I saw her, I'm like, great!
Starting point is 01:23:39 But she's just kind of like, here's your stuff, Brad Pitt, and you never see her again. But, I mean, that's because this film basically is about Brad and his dad. Yes. Yeah. Brad's dad. Brad and dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:52 And, like, I get it. Like, I mean, I didn't mind that kind of stuff. Like, I think it made it pretty clear early on what this was going to be about, and then it's just that. Like, it's a film about family and telling the truth, I guess. Yeah. And space. And space.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Going into space. I'm going to say best movie ever with a kind of, I didn't really like, I didn't like the way it came together. I think it was, I don't think it taught us anything in the end that it didn't teach us in the first ten minutes about loving your dad or accepting yourself. By the end, I'm like, I get it. I get it, Brad pitt i don't need any of this closure or whatever you're up to yeah so yeah it's more front heavy for me yeah no alistair you go i'm gonna say if it is a movie right i said i'm sort of doubtful that it was enough you seem very
Starting point is 01:24:41 look at this review you seem very skeptical this was anything more than a short film initially. I mean, I think, I get that there's like, there's such a slight story there. Yeah. But everything else just seemed like
Starting point is 01:24:52 little bits that they kind of just slotted in that are completely unrelated. Like we need a, like I think, and that's kind of like the, We need an opening action sequence.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Exactly. There's like the Hollywood fallback. It's like every 10 minutes you need something to happen that's big so we can put a movie together on this
Starting point is 01:25:08 Donald Sutherland is in there I totally forgot him as well he has some like he's like supposedly very important
Starting point is 01:25:17 and it's like I'm going to be coming with you on this journey and then he kind of falls sick yeah
Starting point is 01:25:22 I think when you hire Donald Sutherland journey and then he kind of falls sick yeah it's like i'm pretty oh this is taking a little bit yeah i think when you hire donald sutherland you give him a certain amount of like food and drugs and then he just like it's like running a car with a low tank of petrol and then at some point donald sutherland runs out and then you're like well that's all you got out of him i'm sorry yeah and then you keep on going with your film. So I would say, like, you know, if I have to pick the best or worst movie of all time,
Starting point is 01:25:49 I would say worst movie of all time. But I would say it's one of the best science fiction, serious sketch films. Another thing with this, oh, God damn it. Yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 01:26:00 sketch, situation. Thank you. Yeah. Because I think I enjoyed all the, enjoyed all the little bits that were like, each little section was kind of its own little bit of world building. Like this antenna that goes up to space, that was cool. Like, you know, the moon pirates, that was cool.
Starting point is 01:26:15 The other thing. I think I'm with you. That was cool. Let's say you took this movie and you took out all the sort of extraneous beats and you cut it down to 20 minutes what would that be a satisfying or would it just be oh my god stop narrating brad pitt oh my god stop i think that would be one of the things that you would cut out you wouldn't need the never reading yeah we get it you miss your dad brad pitch jesus i i i'm gonna say best movie ever. And with no caveats.
Starting point is 01:26:46 I loved it. I thought they've got their metaphor. You go on and you've got a good, solid metaphor. And then I think they did all the right things with that metaphor. And if you're on board with the metaphor, you're like, oh, then all these other bits do feel like you can reverse engineer and see where they fit and what sort of part of the story they're telling there. And yeah, you know, it worked for me.
Starting point is 01:27:11 And it was beautiful. And there was nothing that took me out of this film in terms of it's like CG, it's use of CGI, it's use of real whatever it used that was real. Like- Well, the bags under the eyes. The bags under the eyes, sure. Practical effects.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Yeah, I wouldn't say that I loved it because it's not the kind of film that I love, but I thought it was so good. What kind of movies do you love? Funny, silly films. Yeah, funny. Yeah, silly, funny stuff. Anything National L. Yeah, where silly, funny stuff happens. Anything National Lampoons, I assume?
Starting point is 01:27:47 I haven't seen any of those. All right, all right, pretty good. I thought it was also the best movie ever. I enjoyed it a lot, I think. And, yeah, you're right. It's just some beautiful vistas, just some nice shots of the moon. You'd be like, that's definitely the moon. I wouldn't go to the moon.
Starting point is 01:28:04 They've set up a camera on the moon there. Didn't make me want to go to the moon, you'd be like, that's definitely the moon. I wouldn't go to the moon. They've set up a camera on the moon there. Didn't make me want to go to the moon. Didn't make me want to go to space in general, actually, I've got to say. Yeah. It just felt like you could feel the recycled air. Oh, yeah. And just, yeah, like, I don't see the appeal. But I guess if you're a rich, insane person,
Starting point is 01:28:23 maybe you do want to be like, I'm going to stand on the moon and eat at Applebee's and look out the window at the moon and I'm on the moon, there's Earth. It'd be like a cruise ship kind of. You're just kind of inside for a lot of it, just kind of looking out and going, this is pretty good. I think after that film, I feel like I'm already taking space for granted.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Like, you know, like the magic of space travel. I go, I was in space, I go, nah, I'm already bored with it. I feel like I do that in life. Like I'll see a waterfall and go, I've seen better pictures of waterfalls. Maybe that's just me. Spoilers. There's time codes, people.
Starting point is 01:28:56 People know that, I'm assuming. But jump ahead if you need to. There's a baboon fight in this. Baboon fight. Baboon laser fight. Oh, fun. We can all talk about that. Baboon laser fight. The baboon fight in this It was a Norwegian ship
Starting point is 01:29:12 Now why were the Norwegians taking a baboon or a macaque or no no wasn't to macaque to waste Baboons, I think they were baboons. They were quite big. Why Were they taking it to Mars or from Mars? Like what are they? Teaching people to kiss. Where else are you going to teach them to kiss? That baboon did kiss the hell out of one of those. He kissed the nose right off that bed.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Alistair, you've undermined your own argument. You see, that's why you got to teach him to kiss. No, no, no, no, no. Not eat the nose. Don't eat the nose. I was so genuinely surprised by that. And also they went, oh, this is a vessel with, they mentioned something about there's creatures on this vessel
Starting point is 01:29:55 or it's researching animals. And I'm thinking worms, ants, whatever. And then there's a fucking baboon eating a man's face. I'm like, oh my God. Incredible. Yeah. I mean, it was it yeah i mean again i couldn't see why this was happening and i don't see any relevance to it other than like this is
Starting point is 01:30:15 cool yeah you know but this was it just doesn't feel like one of those this is cool movies like do you want to get into the metaphors of it you know like the baboon of the baboon because it is like it's like it's these are humans these are humans are just monkeys in space right and this is what happens when you put monkeys in space and they go crazy and they turn on each other right and that's exactly what happened to brad's dad you know and brad to him and brad to a certain extent exactly and also the message of the baboon is that like because the whole point of this movie at the end is that like, there are no aliens. Brad's dad's gone out there to look for aliens.
Starting point is 01:30:48 I don't think he's got it covered. I mean, he didn't check everything. He checked pretty good. I reckon he checked pretty good. So you're on Brad's dad's side where he reckons he needed a little bit more time. Brad's dad fucking knock it off, obviously. You haven't got what it takes He didn't get every planet In the fucking universe
Starting point is 01:31:09 I don't think we can Obviously he needs to come home Nah kill him He should have killed him The whole thing with the anti-matter thing That's the lesson he should definitely give to dad They go back to it He goes oh yeah I've been trying to turn it off but i can't yeah and i go oh yeah
Starting point is 01:31:28 yeah but he's still researching but it's like that's your priority you're still getting data but there's no earth idiot no but i think that i mean you know i'm gonna defend this here brad brad's dad is a monomaniac right he only cares about his his research in this thing he's bad dad he doesn't not only does he not care about brad he doesn't even care about brad's planet that's true he hasn't even cleaned up the body he's a guy with a bag on his head he's floating blood in it just floating it's been there for 30 years yeah you just you just don't go into that room well yeah he definitely i've been busy what can i say and i guess that's the beauty of an airlock you know it's like
Starting point is 01:32:05 yeah yeah exactly and you don't have to get any smell coming in through the thing I just I googled Brad's dad I have a Wikipedia page
Starting point is 01:32:12 just a previous question we had Wikipedia page a list of mammals of Norway and if you go down to primates it says
Starting point is 01:32:19 human homo sapiens so they don't have any primates in Norway maybe the only place they could justify kissing them was in space exactly maybe it't have any primates in Norway maybe the only place they could justify kissing them was in space
Starting point is 01:32:26 maybe it's illegal to do that in Norway even future Norway that makes a lot of sense if we go to space there's no rules in space yeah it's like international waters
Starting point is 01:32:35 that went up into international nothingness I mean yeah even less rules up there yeah I thought it was hilarious
Starting point is 01:32:43 how Tommy Lee Jones they just covered up for his murders and then brad pitt also murdered some astronauts not intentionally but they probably would have done the same thing where i've gone you're here brad pitt just shut your fucking mouth and yeah well at the end he seems to have got away with all the astronauts he killed albeit by accident but yeah um by accident like in self-defense or whatever. Well, sort of, but then he was- He did storm aboard with a gun.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Yeah, it's kind of like the opposite of- For no reason, ultimately. Yeah. Totally, exactly. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, his dad's still dead and he still nuked that. The only justifiable reason is they got the data of the planets because they were going to go there and just nuke it and leave,
Starting point is 01:33:22 but he went there, got the data, nuked it. And the other justifiable reason, because he says you won't get there without me, right? He says that to the thing. Oh, yeah, fair point. But the only justifiable, I mean, it seems like they totally would have because he just flew there anyway, just pretty standard space flying. The only reason you might have thought is because their captain was so bad, right?
Starting point is 01:33:44 They had that coward captain who couldn't couldn't hack it didn't have the resting heart rate of a you know of a nice salamander like i think also like your levels of acceptable astronaut would like drop it's like people who can drive trucks like initially you're like you're the best of the best but sure any license yeah anybody can be an astronaut sorry you're gonna say no of the best, but any license, anybody can be an astronaut. Sorry, Alan, you were going to say. No, no, no. The only thing I was going to say was just that I think the only reason why I have a negative feeling
Starting point is 01:34:11 towards this film is because I feel like I could have written that. And I would hate a film I would write. Exactly. Almost exactly. I go, well, I could make a mess of a film like this. Even though it's not a mess, I still enjoyed it. Yeah, I don't think it was a mess i still enjoyed it yeah i don't
Starting point is 01:34:25 think it was a mess at all i think it had absolutely everything in the right place than than i am with these bloody chuckles i also feel like but i i also feel like there was very little this there wasn't really that much of a reason to transport br Pitt from Earth to the moon to Mars just to send him a little message. Like a secret message. Yeah, just get him to record it on Earth and then put in a little. Wasn't it because they didn't want it to be intercepted? And so I guess they didn't want people to know that Tommy Lee Jones was alive
Starting point is 01:34:58 for whatever reason. I think it was the only installation that hadn't been destroyed by the surge. Oh, maybe that was it. Yeah, they said that and they did our it's our last safe connection or something like that so i thought yeah it did make it seem like there was some interception or something like that like that was kind of like those the bits that i liked like i did i liked the world building like like let's say the moon pirates you kind of go oh so what they're putting in here it's like it's world building and then it's like like, oh, there's no borders here.
Starting point is 01:35:27 So people are just coming and killing people who are driving so they can take their, I guess their moon. Moon rocks. Moon rocks. Moon boots. Moon boots. Yeah, you know, get extra helmets.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Or some sort of thing in America, I think. Yeah. I think it's just trading souvenir moon rocks. I bet that's all it is. Yeah. Because there's nothing else on the moon. It's like Bitcoin, but it's like this moon rock's worth a lot more. Mining for it.
Starting point is 01:35:50 We've decided to mine Bitcoin for real. It's moon rocks. We've got to get on this. But what I'm saying is just put it on a USB, have him record it on Earth, and then send it in a board. That's a good point. But he's also a good astronaut, I guess, and they need somebody. I mean, a lot of people died on the way.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Yeah, but he got there, didn't he? He's good enough an astronaut to shoot a baboon in space. Or you could just deepfake him on Mars. No good point. You could just be like, we've got enough footage of you, Brad Pitt. But you'd still have to send a person, though, is what I'm saying. Oh, yeah. I mean, you could send probably a rocket nuke directly to where Tommy is.
Starting point is 01:36:27 To Neptune, yeah. Do they know exactly where he was? I don't know. Well, they thought they did, but remember he got there and the orbit had degraded and it wasn't in the right place and he had to do the thing. Isn't the only, like, all the little mechanical bits and pieces of how, like, you know, bits, things work together in space
Starting point is 01:36:42 and that sort of thing, they really seem to have thought through. I mean, the biggest problem for me was the bit where he just grabs that little bit of metal and jumps off one spaceship, goes through the rings of Neptune and lands on the other spaceship. Like that wouldn't take a week to travel through or however long.
Starting point is 01:37:02 I don't know how thick they are, but he made it seem like they're sort of 15 meters. And then he just blasted his way back to earth. Yeah. Riding a nuclear wave. I remember the time you couldn't get from earth to, you had to go from earth to the moon, to Mars,
Starting point is 01:37:14 to then to Neptune. We'll just, just shoot through to earth. He rode a nuclear wave. I guess he did. If you wanted, if you wanted to like start poking holes in the whole thing, right?
Starting point is 01:37:22 And we do. It does seem to me like all the really implausible stuff happened after that bit where he was wrestling with his dad in the middle of space. So maybe all the implausible
Starting point is 01:37:37 stuff was a dream. Well, I mean, I don't want to be... I hate films where I don't like those kinds of interpretations. His dad killed him. Well, I mean, you know. He didn't like him. That's there.
Starting point is 01:37:49 That's there as an option because, yeah, all that stuff after that, I was like, hey, you're really surfing a nuclear explosion all the way from Neptune back to Earth and, like, getting the angle right and everything. Yeah, he's got an angle to get it right, yeah. Also, and I think this is true of Jupiter. If you go through it, like the rings of,
Starting point is 01:38:08 I don't know whether true for Neptune, you wouldn't even see another piece of debris. I don't know. Like the space between them. I don't know whether that's true. That's right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:19 I mean, it seemed like 50 feet. It did. It was sort of, it was gravity rules, you know, like gravity. So like it was kind of the way that they would go from you know the the mere space station to the chinese space i don't mean
Starting point is 01:38:31 it wasn't there in that movie but the you know the international space station to the to the chinese space station things like that and they could just go oh quick use the fuel in my little tanker thing to travel you know 500 000 miles or whatever like that yeah in eight minutes like that so yeah minutes. Like that. So, yeah, there was sort of those rules applied to it. And obviously you just, you know, you just got to do it for simplicity. And for the metaphor. And for the metaphor. The metaphor still holds up, right?
Starting point is 01:38:54 But his dad shot him. Oh, yeah, he's dead. Or bag on the head. Bag on the head. While he was up there, he had a lot of time to perfect that head bag technique of his yeah I mean I don't know why his dad left
Starting point is 01:39:07 the spaceship in the first place because he loved space yeah because I know he loved space but you go like but if you're gonna like
Starting point is 01:39:14 go and try and kill yourself or whatever yeah why not just stay there and do your work anyway that you're trying to do and you think is so important if you think it's
Starting point is 01:39:21 more important than life itself then you would continue rather than it's just kind of that weird part where like brad's putting his suit on and he's just kind of sitting there like a grumpy old man yeah like dressing a baby yeah he's like a baby and he's just going like i guess i'm gonna go with you like what i think it might be was it to get brad pitt back he's like i'm gonna um so then brad pitt puts his suit on because maybe brad
Starting point is 01:39:44 pitt wouldn't have gone because what's he going back to earth for nothing and he wants his data to get back to earth he doesn't love Brad Pitt he'd kill him
Starting point is 01:39:50 if he had to but he's like my data's important the data will get back I'll pretend I'm gonna go and then I'll shoot off into space then he'll have to
Starting point is 01:39:57 and then there's a dad shut up he sucks it's good that he's dead where he's putting the clothes on his dad and that stuff
Starting point is 01:40:03 it's all quite tender it's quite quite tender. It's quite nice. It has that real sort of vibe of your parents are senile in a nursing home and you've got to go around there and help them get into their dressing gown or whatever. And I reckon his dad would have had no muscle tone by then. Oh, yeah. He would have been so floppy.
Starting point is 01:40:20 Yeah, that's Tommy Lee Jones, though, isn't it? Yeah. Floppy Lee Jones. I think maybe... Tommy No Bones. Damn it! All right, Floppy No Bones. I believe it. And he's the new co-host.
Starting point is 01:40:36 He's debated me in whatever this was. So... I watched Solaris in preparation oh yeah I was like the old one no the old one the Russian one
Starting point is 01:40:50 and I think maybe I kind of I set myself up because like you think a movie is good because you don't understand what happened right
Starting point is 01:40:58 and that's kind of what happens with that one it's kind of another one where he's he's an emotionless guy and then he goes up there but there's some need to sort of impress his dad as well. Like he doesn't have a strong connection with his dad,
Starting point is 01:41:09 but then at the end of the movie he comes back, and you see that he has a connection with his dad, even though he seems to be now on one of the islands on Solaris. But there's all these weird things that happen in space, right? And I think maybe because I saw this movie, I saw Ad Astra, and I understood it. I went, oh, yeah, they put it all there. They made it clear.
Starting point is 01:41:29 He's like, let me go, let me go, that whole thing. It's like, oh, yes, you've made it very obvious what you're trying to say, you know, the metaphor and everything like that. I think because of that, I go, oh, this is garbage. It's like, good art. You don't get anything out of it. Anything that I could understand
Starting point is 01:41:45 sucks yeah so I yeah for me right I would have taken out I would have taken out
Starting point is 01:41:50 Brad's voiceover I would and I probably would have taken out that line from Tommy Lee Jones yep let me go or whatever it was
Starting point is 01:41:58 that he said or whatever Brad was doing yeah but but like I would have still kept the bit where Tommy Lee Jones said, I never cared about you or your mum.
Starting point is 01:42:07 That was pretty good. It was like one of the first things he said when he arrived in the ship. I just love space. That's what I love. Just look at the dead point. Not you look good or anything like that. Oh, they mustn't have played this recording to you when I sent it back to Mars.
Starting point is 01:42:22 That was what he would have said on the message. Don't come. That's what he would have said on the message. Don't come. That's what it would have been, right? Yeah. I've been like, what could that mean? Because he goes to Mars and he sends the message
Starting point is 01:42:32 and then they get something back from Tom Lee Jones but then they don't tell him what it is and they just send him away. I don't know what it was. It was probably something like that. Yeah. I think it would have been,
Starting point is 01:42:40 hey, son, it's great to hear from you. Anyway, I'm still up here but I don't really want to see you because I don't care about you but, you know, keep up the good work and I'm proud that you're, at least great to hear from you. Anyway, I'm still up here, but I don't really want to see you because I don't care about you. But, you know, keep up the good work. I'm proud that you became a spaceman.
Starting point is 01:42:50 I think we would have worked well together probably. Sorry about the antimatter blast that destroyed Earth. I couldn't fix it. It's pretty complicated. You know what I'm like on floppy and no bones. Pushing buttons is hard yeah I gotta save up all my energy for the look for aliens button
Starting point is 01:43:08 I pressed that heaps how many planets did he get like maximum 100,000 he looked at every planet there's no way I'm sorry he said are you calling him a liar now
Starting point is 01:43:20 I looked at every planet yeah he said that I don't know how you could even find them. Some of them would be behind other planets. And he looked at them. And some of them would be behind black holes and you wouldn't be able to get around them.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Gravitational lensing. Yeah. And he's got an enhance button. Yeah. And rotate. There's a rotate knob. They didn't mention that. They didn't mention it.
Starting point is 01:43:36 What a big button that says enhance. I also would have taken out the front cover of the National Geographic that was stuck to his wall and Tommy Lee Jones' thing. Oh, yeah, is there life in other planets? And he'd written the word yes on it three times. Oh, three times, yeah. Yeah, no, I get it. He thinks there is life.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Yeah. Would you have kept the monkey fight in? Absolutely I would have kept the monkey fight. Would you have, in fact, rewritten this entire movie so it's like a The Raid style movie where it's just an astronaut fighting through multiple levels of a space station filled with monkeys. Well, he blasts to separate space stations
Starting point is 01:44:11 and each one is filled with a different genus of monkey. I'd like to be like a crocodile station. Just getting stuff. You know what I mean? Yeah. Also, why did Tommy Lee Jones... Weren't they trying to get out of the solar system? I think it was his monitoring.
Starting point is 01:44:26 No, he was, so he had to go, I think he says early on, I've got to go beyond the Earth's heliosphere where there's no interference. I thought it was the sun. Yeah, I said it. No, the sun's heliosphere. Too much damn noise. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:39 I thought he was supposed to leave the thing. And I was like, well, then why did they stop? Why did they stop at Neptune? No, no. And just kind and just kind of be like because like yeah but why would he stop at neptune anyway if he's trying to like you know i guess he wanted to come back at some point no they were never going to come back that was the thing it was a one-way mission everyone yeah because they kept saying ah did we obviously haven't found anything we'd like to go back now yeah what if what if brad pitt gets there and he realizes that the whole time Tommy Lee Jones had just been looking at Pluto,
Starting point is 01:45:08 like the camera's just been looking directly at him. And he's like, I haven't seen anything in 16 years. He gets there, he looks at the thing, you left the lens cap on the bloody telescope. Oh, you're dumb.
Starting point is 01:45:19 I just can't work out this thing. But I've been taking some photos on my iPad. That's a great photo. Look, here we go. It's not seeking up to the ship's computer, but I can't, but yeah,. But I've been taking some photos on my iPad. That's a great photo. Look, here we go. It's not syncing up to the ship's computer, but I figured we could do something about that. I would have loved it if that had been how this whole thing ended, just a whole lot of comedy about how boomers don't understand.
Starting point is 01:45:35 Now that's funny. Technology. Oh, my God. Incredible. Anyway, that's anything else, or is that Ad Astra? I probably feel like I've got other things to say But I thought it was
Starting point is 01:45:48 I thought it was real good Have you guys Been watching Or listening to anything else This week Normally we have a segment Called what we read And what we're gonna read
Starting point is 01:45:55 But if you guys We can do that now Do you wanna cut to that now Yeah let's do it Alright I'll put in the theme song I have to literally put in the same song Sure sure sure If you could just give me a minute
Starting point is 01:46:02 If everybody could just shut up For just a fucking second Oh Jesus Christ No it's alright Maybe you're gonna have to mute to literally put in the same song. Sure, sure, sure. Just give me a minute. Everybody could just shut up for just a fucking second. Oh, Jesus Christ. Maybe you're going to have to mute for a while. This is going to be a real situation. You know it. What are we reading today?
Starting point is 01:46:17 Welcome everybody to the What We Reading segment. You guys made it. Thank you. This is like getting to sit, you know, doing a stand-up set on a late night talk show and they invite you over to the desk to have a little chat to Leno or something like that. Absolutely. I do see you as the Leno. We are the Leno.
Starting point is 01:46:33 And you, I see you as the Andy Richter. Even though he's not even on Leno. They've teamed up for some reason. I love it. They've formed an alliance against Conan. I enjoy that a lot. Have you guys been watching, reading, doing anything of note, of interest? It doesn't have to be good.
Starting point is 01:46:48 I just started listening to this podcast called Suggestible, which is all about Suggestible. But literally, I can't have my recommendation be somebody else's recommendation podcast. But at the moment, I'm not consuming that much new stuff. I just don't have time or brain. Rewatching some old Seinfeld, that's the big thing I'm into. Is that new stuff. I just don't have time or brain. Rewatching some old Seinfeld. That's the big thing I'm into.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Is that new on Netflix or something or Stan? It's just been on Stan for ages. Netflix 2021 or something. Oh, my goodness. Can't wait for the switchover. Just rewatched the contest episode. It's a classic. Anyway, Seinfeld.
Starting point is 01:47:24 Check it out. Seinfeld last year. It was 25 minutes back. That Seinfeld, check it out. Kramer couldn't last his bloody five minutes, mate. That's right. He's out. So Kramer. Do you guys often feel like you're watching the same episodes of Seinfeld over and over again? Like there's a hundred episodes you haven't seen?
Starting point is 01:47:35 Because I feel that often. Like I feel I've seen that one a lot, the black and white cookie episode. Yeah, the Bobca. Super Nazi episode. Not the super Nazi. I'm not in favour of that. For me, I think it's the bad episodes that I feel like I've seen over and over again because whenever you watch a bad episode, it's just so painful.
Starting point is 01:47:53 It's like season one where it's a different Jerry's dad or something. That's right. I think the one where the cop is getting the muffin in the thing while George wants to get... There's somebody who wants to beat him up outside. Crazy Joe Davola. Yeah. And then I've seen that one so many times where, you know,
Starting point is 01:48:10 George is like, wait, you're getting a muffin now? He's like, I got hungry. And it was like the cop from police academy. And so I keep thinking of that guy coming out of the ground, like all painted up. But I've been watching. Be honest. was that the worst recommendation you've ever had
Starting point is 01:48:27 my own podcast the other one that I do no no Seinfeld no it's it's whatever isn't it it's really whatever we what do you recommend
Starting point is 01:48:34 comedians in cars getting coffee his Netflix I haven't seen that much of it to be honest if you want guys going you can't joke about
Starting point is 01:48:43 anything anymore yeah then you'll love it in cars getting coffee yeah yeah i've been watching a lot of variations of different transformer tv shows because beast wars i beast wars is one of the ones that's not in circulation because my son has started getting really into transformers oh yeah uh there's now there's rescue bots does he want some Transformers? Because I have a lot. I cleaned out my parents' house recently.
Starting point is 01:49:08 I mean, he would absolutely love that. I'll see what I can find. A lot of them are too complicated for him, but he will grow into them. I'll take out all the small moving parts. Yeah. They won't transform anymore. Just a miscellaneous body part.
Starting point is 01:49:20 Just glue it into a car full. Yeah, he only turned four, but we found some that are like turned into a tanks and it's sort of like a it's like a 35 move transformation and you kind of go like they're great and he'll eventually grow into them if he still likes transformers and you know three four years or whatever but but yeah it's they're they're complicated and i understand some some of the older ones are probably more like that where they they didn't think at all of the age of the people that they were aiming for yeah yeah the absolute nadir of the transformers toy franchise they had they had transformers
Starting point is 01:49:48 called the action masters they didn't transform at all just like they were just they were just robots but they had like if it was like a plane chest yeah like a like a what's a plane that's the front of a plane called the nose cone the nose cone yeah so it's like they look like they yeah but they don't but then all these other toys would like, like I had Ninja Turtles that would transform. It was like a, like a shredder that would turn into like that big digging underground car that he had. The reverse helicopter.
Starting point is 01:50:15 The reverse helicopter. Yes. There would be, we had a splinter who would turn into, I think the, the, I remember those. The van,
Starting point is 01:50:23 like Ninja Turtles van. Anyway. So I've been watching a lot of that. There's Rescue Bots, right, which is kind of like a much more sort of kid-friendly one. They're sent there. You know, it's kind of, it's a lot of the same old story, but they have some new characters.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Then now there's Rescue Bots Academy. Oh, where you learn from your Rescue Bots. Yeah, it's like they've, off the back of the success of Rescue Bots, they've found a way of inventing sort of young Transformers who are going through Rescue Bot Academy. And Rescue Bot Puberty. Transformers are now breeding, I think. I don't know how they were built originally.
Starting point is 01:50:55 They did that in the 80s, but instead of grandfathering in new Autobots, they just killed a bunch of them. They killed Optimus Prime. We talk about this A lot We found it in an op shop The like five seasons
Starting point is 01:51:09 Of the old one as well So we're watching that And that one is kind of A bit more It's kind of more fun It's kind of Because it's kind of More colorful
Starting point is 01:51:17 Yeah right Otis now has some things That he says from That he's like Bye bye fish face Nice That's the kind of stuff That they kind of
Starting point is 01:51:25 freedom is the right of all sentient beings yeah absolutely but then there's also uh transformers prime and there's also transformers robots in disguise and these are like four different ones that are all on netflix at the moment okay all right so check some of them out check some of them out i don't know if they're for anybody our age yeah right yeah but i think i think me robots in disguise and prime are kind of slightly more adult. Yeah, right. I find Voltron like that, the new Voltron.
Starting point is 01:51:51 Some might like that. My son loves the new Voltron. Okay, cool, I will see. And it's also like as an adult, you're like, this has got some themes and shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I say to my son, he's got some fucking themes.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Yo, bro. You call your son bro, I call my son bro. Here's something else I can recommend. Yeah. The X-1 sci-fi, old sci-fi serials that they have on Spotify. They're from NBC from, I guess, like the 50s, the 40s and the 50s. They're radio serials, and a lot of them are written by some of the names that you now recognise, like Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein
Starting point is 01:52:22 and that sort of thing. And some of them are good, some of them are terrible, but all of them are fun to listen to because they're all those fifties voices. And it's all like people from that era being like, what would it be like if we went into space? I guess people would kind of talk like this. And, ah.
Starting point is 01:52:41 Hey boss. Yeah, there was one that kind of started like, something strange about Michael Oh, hey, boss! Yeah, there was one that kind of started like, something's strange about Michael because he is a homicidal maniac. So is this X-1, 50s science fiction, golden age, vintage? Yeah, there's a whole lot of different albums and playlists and that sort of thing. There's heaps and heaps of it on there.
Starting point is 01:53:00 And it's just fun to listen to. You don't see much of the old serialized... Because you like the Superman one, don't see much of the old serialized. Because you like the Superman one, don't you? From back in the day. The old Superman serial one. Is that right? Superman? Yeah, Superman.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Superman. Is that you? Yeah, I thought that was you. What have you been reading? Ah, the Between Two Ferns, the movie is on Netflix. There's, look, it's barely a movie, but it is very funny. Like there's no plot really to speak of, but it's just Zach Galifianakis in a series of unfortunate, awkward conversations.
Starting point is 01:53:32 So literally, is it just back to back? No, it's basically the premise. Well, it is that, but the premise is basically it's a documentary documenting Zach Galifianakis going from his starting point in public access television. He's making a documentary about where he started in interviewing and sort of going cross-country, and he's going to record a bunch of interviews while going cross-country, and then he's going to hit LA big time,
Starting point is 01:53:59 and that's when he's finally going to be a star. And it's him and his producer who's played by Lauren Lapkus, and there's a series of awkward interviews and there's a lot of cameos. It's funny. I'm going to love that. I heard it was fine to bad. I like it.
Starting point is 01:54:13 Except for the interviews. You probably heard that from people with taste. I heard it from my brother, the one you don't like. One of the reasons I don't like him. Yeah, it's fun. Just like while we're talking about like sort of fun little comedy movies, just ones that I've never seen get popularity.
Starting point is 01:54:30 There's one called Punching the Clown, right? And it's just by this Henry Phillips, right? He's a musical comedian who must have just made this, I think is it Punching the Clown? 2011, Punching the Clown. Yeah, and it's just kind of like, it must be a low-budget kind of, he, like, just comedy film that was made by him.
Starting point is 01:54:51 And it's just, it's quite funny, but I don't think, I've never heard of anybody who's heard of it before. And it's kind of like, it's a little bit like in the way that Tim and Eric made that billion-dollar movie that was kind of like, it really flew under the radar. And it's like, it's still funny in its own right. And, but it's like,
Starting point is 01:55:06 you, you, you just never see it. And punching the clown, he just has a very like on, uh, just under, understated kind of,
Starting point is 01:55:13 uh, humor style. Like for example, like he shows up to it. It's like, it's probably based on mostly around his life, but like this idea of like, he goes,
Starting point is 01:55:20 you have to go to a radio interview, uh, to promote your, your gig that you're doing. And then he's got to like, uh, they're like, Oh, well, we're're gonna play your song live he's like well this song has a swear word in it he's like well what we'll do is we'll turn the volume down when the swear word comes and we'll turn up your mic right and you can say another word instead like that and
Starting point is 01:55:38 then they and then they kind of miss it so they goes fuck on the radio and then he turns up the mic and then Henry goes oh fuck oh fuck fuck you know that kind of like dumb shit but it's just a real
Starting point is 01:55:51 fun like kind of yeah bit of a hidden gem yeah a real hidden gem I'll look that up have you guys seen I Think You Should Leave which is also on Netflix
Starting point is 01:55:58 that it's a series of yeah it's so funny no it's so good I think we mentioned a while back but it's his name's Tim Robinson, and it's like a series of kind of surreal sketches and characters. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:12 But if you liked that and you haven't yet discovered, he's also in another Netflix series called The Characters. He has one episode of that that's his own episode and also very, very funny. Looking that up. Using that soon. Right after I watch. So this week, I thought we'd put this out to the listeners
Starting point is 01:56:29 because we're doing Joker soon. We talked to you guys about this before the show. We're seeing it this Thursday, aren't we, Mason? Yes. Very excited, we think. Media screening, the most twisted screenings of all. Oh, my goodness. Wow.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Free cold popcorn. But basically we wanted to, well, this is your idea, that we thought we'd do an edgy movies episode next week and what are some movies that are like were real edgy and rad at the time but now not so much necessarily i think some may hold up and some won't some examples that we've got i'm watching fight club again uh falling down you mentioned taxi driver I think that would definitely hold up American Psycho yep that's a great one
Starting point is 01:57:07 Reality Bites Hackers anything that was like did anyone think Hackers was edgy I think it was supposed to be edgy
Starting point is 01:57:16 wasn't it I mean it wasn't we'll discuss it off this is an off air conversation sure is Swordfish in there I was supposed to be edgy
Starting point is 01:57:23 we've been looking for an excuse to talk about swordfish so edgy getting blown while hacking a mainframe oh my god we should watch that just for the there's a lot of John Travolta spinning around in a car
Starting point is 01:57:37 while firing with a lot of glorious hair so we should get to that, I think. I know this is sickening that I'm going to do this. Okay. Now, I'm not recommending this, but as you all know that I do a guided meditation podcast on this network called Shusher Guided Meditations.
Starting point is 01:57:58 And relaxing, sorry. Well, thank you. Thank you very much. And as you know, I made it to make it funny, right? But a lot of people have been telling me they've been using it to fall asleep. So it's very insulting to the quality of the comedy that I make. And so a lot of people find it very relaxing. But I just need to read one review that I've got for this podcast out of the 28.
Starting point is 01:58:18 Because you might know it is relaxing or funny, right? But this is one review that I got. The subject is Best buddy for a girl right okay and it says i love this podcast i hope you guys know this is the best to masturbate to i had been looking for so long thank you wow masturbating to all the best podcasts unsuccessfully i think i think she tried with you guys and i'm not saying it didn't work Wow. Masturbating to all the best podcasts. Unsuccessfully. I think she tried with you guys, and I'm not saying it didn't work. And it may have worked, and it probably did work.
Starting point is 01:58:51 It doesn't sound like it worked. No, but it just didn't work as well as other people. I understand. Sure, yeah. And so I'm sorry I just took a shit on your podcast by reading that out. You really still learned this. I really was stamping that shit through
Starting point is 01:59:08 the plug hole by reading out the review. Plug hole. Guided meditations. Thank you so much, everybody. I think, though, there is some crossover between I don't think your podcast is a sexual podcast necessarily. It's not at all.
Starting point is 01:59:24 But it's whatever you can get out of it. But you have a sexual energy. Yeah, that's what's coming through. But there's that ASMR kind of, I think there is that crossover that can be of like. Yeah, right. I would have never considered that. There's an episode where I talk about a guy
Starting point is 01:59:38 who turns into a moon, right? Like a reverse werewolf story. I don't know. Like, I don't know which one she could possibly there's an episode where i talk about having multiple backs how many backs could a person have right i don't know which episodes that she's doing this like all all i guess yeah i hope yeah anyway i'll link that below as well though so yeah all right while we're just randomly shoveling things in this is my idea i'm ready. You know how the Joker, everyone's obsessed with him having different origin stories?
Starting point is 02:00:06 Yes. Here's my Australian Joker origin story. And he's just a bloke who drank the beetroot juice out of a beetroot can. That's how he got that face. And other than that, he's just a regular guy. But he's a bit of a Joker. But he's a larrikin. He's called a larrikin. A larrikin, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:27 He's called a larrikin. He's a larrikin and he's all about being a larrikin, which in most cases is just bullying. Yeah. That's right. Which I guess it looks like that's what the Joker's doing in this next movie.
Starting point is 02:00:37 Oh, I think he's being bullied a fair bit. Yeah. Yeah, but you know, everything's got to have an... You know, that's the origin story of his bullying other people. You're right. I love that.
Starting point is 02:00:47 The larrikin. I'll link that below as well. Thanks. I'll be really interested to see what you link to. Yes. So two in the think tank, obviously. Shusha, the larrikin. Is there anything else that you guys are involved in at the moment
Starting point is 02:01:01 that you'd like to mention? Your comedy show I know is Been and Gone. Been and Gone. But you might be filming it. Is that right? Yeah, in at the moment that you'd like to mention? Your comedy show, I know, is Been and Gone. Been and Gone. But you might be filming it, is that right? Yeah, we might be doing that at some point. But thank you guys so much for having us on. Absolutely, any time. Thank you for coming on.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Thank you for inviting us on your show. Right, Mason? We both feel like that. You are the best. It was the greatest pleasure of our lives. Wow. Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 02:01:22 Okay, whatever the next segment is. Nice. Letters. Andy's Great. Okay. Whatever the next segment is. Nice. Letters. Andy's up with it. Al is not. I have no idea. Okay, good. Both of those are valid positions to have.
Starting point is 02:01:35 Oh, there's a knock at the door. Who is it? Who is it? Who could that be? What is it? It's the next segment arriving. Already? Yes.
Starting point is 02:01:41 Man, this podcast is flying by. I know. It's too long already. I'm having a good time, though. I'm having a good time, though. I'm having a good time, too. All right, let's do this. It's weird how Andy and Al left so silently. And then there was a knock at the door.
Starting point is 02:01:51 There wasn't even an exchange of what was happening. Nobody passed each other. I don't know. Yeah, right? We're weird. What? What? Oh, it's the Andy and Al extraction team.
Starting point is 02:02:01 Okay. They're here to remove Al and Andy silently. Silently, okay. Yeah. All right. Yeah. All right, now They're here to remove Al and Andy. Silently. Okay. All right. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Now we're going to do letters. The classic one was letters, oh letters. We love you. Some letters, they're only a day away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. Nice. Hey, man.
Starting point is 02:02:21 Letters segment. Hey. Hashtag weekly Planet Pod, obviously. And when we talk letters, you can shoot one over to Mason's all over it. And I'm at hashtag weeklyplanetpod on Twitter. You can just tweet them straight at us.
Starting point is 02:02:37 That's right. Top result here. We've got some new matches on Oh, finally. That's right in there. How many have we got? Hasn't gone to spam for some reason. I'm not clicking on that because it'll do something weird with my phone. How many have we got? Oh, we've got eight new matches apparently.
Starting point is 02:02:55 The first one's Charles32. I need a new wife because of that guy that stole my wife through the Rambo screen. Yeah, okay. All right. Well, look, I'll get out of that. I'll get out of the promotions bit. This is from Eric Sherwood. Who's the best Commissioner Gordon?
Starting point is 02:03:07 Which depiction of Jim Gordon is the best? I assume it's either Ben McKenzie in Gotham or Gary Oldman in the Dark Knight trilogy. Unless it's J.K. Simmons, which for script reasons they might have called Commissioner Boredom. Bam. I think he could have been very good if that had given him more to do. But you're quite a fan of Pat Hingle, aren't you?
Starting point is 02:03:22 From the origin of the 1980s Batman movies, yes, I am. I can't distinguish him from the Commissioner Gordon from the 60s. I know they look different, but I just see the same guy. Have you seen the clip? It went around the internet briefly like a week ago, two weeks ago. It's the clip from the Batman TV series where Batman and Bruce Wayne have to have a conference call. I remember seeing that at the time.
Starting point is 02:03:43 In the 60s? When I watched it as a kid. I'd seen that before the time. In the 60s? When I watched it as a kid. I'd seen that before. Yeah. Incredible. And that's the thing, because it's fun as a kid. Yeah. But as you watch it critically as an adult, you're like,
Starting point is 02:03:53 oh, he's doing a heck of a performance there. Yeah, he's bloody no other than that. He's more man than a different man. Don't you agree? Absolutely. You better believe it. And I do believe it, yeah. Look, whoever does the Commissioner Gordon voice in the Arkham games, A different man. Don't you agree? You better believe it. And I do believe it, yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:09 Look, whoever does the Commissioner Gordon voice in the Arkham games, because that's a lot of work. Yeah, yeah. That's so many lines. He's recording a million hours of lines or whatever, yeah. Good work, that guy. Yeah, good for you, that guy. I think I'm going to say, yeah, I like Gary Oldman.
Starting point is 02:04:23 I like Gary Oldman a lot, yeah. Oh, yeah. He brings a lot to that role. I bought that car, my son! Remember that bit? Yeah. And he drives a Tumbler or whatever. Remember? He's like...
Starting point is 02:04:31 Yeah, no, it's... Oh, absolutely, yes. Yes, indeed. Do you want me to do a letter now? Please do it. Okay, hashtag Will We Plan A Pod. This is from David SW. Just re-watched Iron Man 2008.
Starting point is 02:04:44 Struck me as interesting that Tony is in legitimate danger during the final battle. Brackets, emergency power and glove off. It's true. Whereas in the sequels, if he's in the suit, he's safe. Thoughts? How safe is he in Iron Man 2? Well, in the racetrack, not as much, I guess,
Starting point is 02:05:01 because he's in the whatever. And then at the end, he's mostly safer. I mean, he fights Thanos and it's kind of whittling down. I wouldn't say it's always the case. Yes. Like there's moments where he's vulnerable, but a lot of time, like the Chitauri invasion, it's like, whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:19 He's sitting pretty in there. He's got a TV. Exactly. He's got a popcorn maker. Yeah, he's fine. He doesn't give a shit. Whatever. I mean, there is that suit that explodes if you touch it from iron man 3
Starting point is 02:05:28 like if he was in that jesus right dead what's even the point of it what is the point of it exactly the only one he had just kidding he had a bloody room full of them that he could have called at any time that he he didn't let's never mention those movies again i'm done with them no you're not no i'm no I'll never be done with them. This is from Alan Duxfield. It says the title is Ad Astra is a film. It is. Hey, guys, love the podcast.
Starting point is 02:05:52 That's nice. I just saw Ad Astra, and during it, I thought of the discussion about films versus movies on the pod last week, and Ad Astra is for sure a film. It will probably be studied in classes somewhere. It certainly will not be everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoyed it. But I know my mate who loves the Transformers movie would be
Starting point is 02:06:05 bored, which is how I judge if something is a film or a movie. And your mate's dumb. Whoa! Why are they even mates? Original odd couple. That's from Alan. Good question. Will this be studied? I think so. We probably should talk about this more, but I think
Starting point is 02:06:21 in five years, we'll get a lot or even, the internet's quicker than that now five years we'll get a lot of... The internet's quicker than that now. But there'll be a lot of underrated... Check this out. Yeah, right. Because it's smarter than you think it is or whatever. I got it. I got it.
Starting point is 02:06:33 Yeah, well, see, that's the thing. I wonder if... It's not Space Odyssey or whatever, or the movie Sunshine, which we both love. I think maybe scenes of it might be studied. Sure, yeah. But I feel like the overarching metaphor is too obvious, maybe. Yes, because they say it.
Starting point is 02:06:48 They say it with words, yes. Yeah, yeah. No, I don't disagree with that. But I think, no, I think it'll probably be, it'll definitely be on those lists of, like, underrated sci-fi or whatever. Yeah, for sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. It'll be that and the one where Tom Cruise can time travel and he's in a mech suit or whatever.
Starting point is 02:07:02 Yes, Edge of Tomorrow. Yeah, they'll put in Primer, obviously, and something else. Man from Earth, probably. Yeah, right. There's your list. Yeah. There's your list. Have you seen Primer?
Starting point is 02:07:12 Watch Mojo or whatever. Have I seen Primer? I haven't. Yes. Well, because initially with Andy and Al, we were thinking of a topic. Yeah. And we were going to do. We really put them through the wringer.
Starting point is 02:07:20 We really did. We were like, first of all, watch it. Yeah. Because they watched it last year. Yes. And then we missed that. Yeah. And then we were going to do sci-fi because they're big sci-fi guys.
Starting point is 02:07:28 And then we were going to do. Rambo. Old Rambo. Yeah, but then one of them was sick. No, we were going to do all Stallone films. Yes, but then one of them was sick. So they all watched a bunch of Stallone movies. And then, yeah, we just went whatever.
Starting point is 02:07:40 Yes. And then I'd forgotten that Ad Astra was about the same week as Rambo. So we switched to that. What a journey. But we can talk about it here, which is great. We're giving you a peek behind the curtain, everybody. That's exactly right, yeah. Worth it.
Starting point is 02:07:51 Agreed. Yeah. This is from Alex Brindle. Hello, Alex. I saw Stallone at Cannes 2019. And? Let's see. Did he shit in anything?
Starting point is 02:08:01 It doesn't seem that way. It says here, to be fair, overall, he actually came across as a really smart man who genuinely seemed quite down to earth
Starting point is 02:08:10 and he told stories with real humour and insight. You could smell his aftershave from half a mile away. Whoa. Oh, I know, right? All those guys. But was it expensive aftershave
Starting point is 02:08:18 is the question. It doesn't matter if you're putting that much on. That's true. It really gets up in the nostrils, doesn't it? Yeah. It could be,
Starting point is 02:08:23 yeah, it could be bloody bug spray for that, yeah. It really gets up in the nostrils, doesn't it? It could be bloody bug spray for that. It's a dab. It's just a dab if you're going to use it at all. Exactly. Apparently he talked about how during the 80s, studios tried to get him and Arnold in movies together multiple times, but at every meeting they tried to one-up each other,
Starting point is 02:08:38 always needing a bigger gun or bigger sword than the other, so ultimately the movies never happened. Well, that's kind of what's happening now with your Stathams and your Rocks. So maybe it's for the best that never happened. Well, that's kind of what's happening now. With your Stathams and your Rocks. So maybe it's for the best that never happened. It's better in your mind. I mean, they eventually did it, but it was like 2016 and who cares. Escape Plan?
Starting point is 02:08:55 I know he was also in the first Expendables, but it was like a brief scene. Yeah, that's interesting. I've heard good things from people who've met him, or have stories, regales and such. This, no, I've heard good things from people who have met him or have stories, regales and such. Yeah. This is interesting, I think, Mason. It's from Sal Crivelli.
Starting point is 02:09:11 He's over at Comic Pop. He does a great – he's got a great YouTube channel. They did this thing called Back Issues, which is similar to what we do in Can't Run Out of Garbage except they're more knowledgeable. Oh, yes. And they go through like an old comic or a recent comic or whatever, just like a run, and it's a good show.
Starting point is 02:09:23 Anyway, check it out. Anyway, he says, can the Muppets ever be relevant again? Or are they just nostalgia relics? We didn't really get them here as much maybe. Or did we? And I missed it. Yeah, we got the Muppets. But not like, it wasn't a big thing here, was it? It was a big thing.
Starting point is 02:09:40 It was a big thing here, everybody. We all remember it. I mean, I remember like Muppet Babies and obviously Sesame Street. Yeah. And it was a big thing. It was a big thing here, everybody. We all remember it. I mean, I remember like Muppet Babies and obviously Sesame Street. Yeah. And it was a big thing here. Yeah. They played the Muppet Show on like Saturday evenings maybe. You're a fan?
Starting point is 02:09:54 Yeah, I love the Muppets. But do you think it's one of those things, because they've tried to bring it back a couple of times. There was the movies and they made a sequel with Ricky Gervais that didn't do as well. Yeah, right. Then it came back as a show which they cancelled. They're now going to bring it back again for Disney+,
Starting point is 02:10:05 and they recently pulled the plug on that. Or maybe it was Apple TV. I think what they have to do is drill down to the core of what the Muppets are. Felt. Oh, my God, that's it. Because that's what, like, successful reboots drill down to what the core of the character is or whatever
Starting point is 02:10:20 and build on that. You don't necessarily do the same version or a similar version of the Muppet show that it used to be? Yeah, yeah. Do you think there could be something that you do, like a version like that from the 70s and 80s and then a new movie's coming out and they get in your action stars and they do a funny parody together or whatever?
Starting point is 02:10:37 Don't you think that could be something that could be viral? You know, like Mark Hamill used to come in dressed as Luke Skywalker or they'd shoot... Oh, I see. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, maybe. yeah maybe okay yeah because i know they do that with like sesame street they'll bring in like celebrity guests and those clips go viral and and whatever you know what i mean so maybe you could you make it you make an online element of it that way yes and keep it relevant that way maybe because you know like for example also like late night talk
Starting point is 02:11:02 shows i don't watch any of those. But I'll come across a Stephen Colbert monologue or whatever and I'll be like, I'll watch this or whatever. So, yeah, I wonder whether that could work. Exclusively to maybe like YouTube. Yeah, or just YouTube original. Not even just YouTube, but it has a second life on YouTube that reaches more people on the streaming. Don't bloody know.
Starting point is 02:11:24 You don't want to see some hot clips of Muppets on streaming? No. Did you ever see Crank Yankers? No. I saw Crank Yankers. They're bringing it back, Mason. Oh, my God, Crank Yankers. Can you imagine getting somebody on the phone
Starting point is 02:11:36 and telling them something that they can't believe? I can't imagine getting somebody on the phone, to be honest. That's true. You live in fear of it. Yeah. And you hate it when you're messaging and then you're like, I'm just going to have to call. Yeah in fear of it. Yeah. And you hate it when you're messaging and then you're like, I'm just going to have to call. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:46 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Or I'm texting somebody and I get a phone call from anyone on earth. Good Lord. Absolutely not. Get out of here. Oh, my God. I think probably.
Starting point is 02:11:55 It'd be less scary if you put a gun to my head. I think you I probably call the most and I don't even call you that much. I might call you once a week. Yeah. Maybe. Yeah. But it's only if it's quicker. Anyway, Muppets, bring them back or don't. I think you should bring them back. Or don't even call you that much i might call you once a week yeah maybe yeah but it's only if it's quicker anyway muppets bring them back or don't i think you should bring them back or don't
Starting point is 02:12:09 i think they've got they've got they've got some relevance yeah but you're right or don't i agree with you yeah yeah exactly uh this is michael harris this one i'm like look i can't think of any examples right now but we're gonna we're gonna roll we're gonna roll through this anyway it says title's too good to lose uh do you think they came up with the title for Face Off and thought we need a plot for this because Face Off works on two levels, hero versus villain, plus their faces literally come off. So what's your favourite film where you suspect they came up with the title first?
Starting point is 02:12:37 Snakes on a Plane. Absolutely, that's true. Good, good. Yeah, I know, right? It's a tricky one, isn't it? I'm going to throw it out for the listeners. I think a lot of Grisham stuff would be like
Starting point is 02:12:46 a time to kill yeah or like even who's the guy who's dead but he keeps making books Tom Clancy yeah
Starting point is 02:12:52 I think a lot of those are just like you know hawk level Rainbow Six yeah yeah so I think that's probably
Starting point is 02:12:59 yeah yeah but also the game I think Untitled Goose Game you've seen that new game I've seen Untitled Goose Game yeah Untitled Goose Game you've seen that new game I've seen Untitled Goose Game yeah I'm so excited for Untitled Goose Game
Starting point is 02:13:08 yeah it's like Hitman except you're a goose and you're annoying people it's pretty good yeah and it's a Melbourne developer actually
Starting point is 02:13:14 oh I'm going to throw this out to the listeners throw it out there what do you got yeah if you if you suspect
Starting point is 02:13:22 they came up with the title first because it's a great name. Yeah. Or it's a name too good to lose. Or it's just like, not even a good name, but if it's just a name where you go, okay, well, they thought of a word and they went, okay, well, let's spin a yarn around it.
Starting point is 02:13:36 Spin a yarn, yeah. I'm sure there's a bunch of examples. There's a bunch. Cool. But I think that's the show. We're on the spot, all right? Yeah, we really are. Should we bring us home at the end of the show?
Starting point is 02:13:45 Let's bring it home. At the end of the show. Thank you, everybody, for listening and subscribing, telling a friend. Yes. Giving us a nice review. You got a nice review. Got one here.
Starting point is 02:13:52 You can do it right on your iTunes app. It's from ixe8. This person says, The film of podcasting. While Mr. Sunday movies may be just a movie, co-star Nick Mason elevates this podcast to a true film. He should drop Wikipedia Brown and become Mr. Sunday Films. Oh, I get it.
Starting point is 02:14:09 After 300 podcasts on red.comicbookmovienews, the pair still have it with hot scoops and neutral takes. It's not incorrect, yeah. On stuff that doesn't matter. There you go. Thank you. Perfecto. Aye, we are.
Starting point is 02:14:21 If you'd like to contact the show, you can go to Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook, on Gmail, on Twitter, on Bandcamp. Check it out. You can also go to, sign up to our great newsletter from the great Rob Collings. Yeah, man. He's at The Weekly Planet on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:14:36 On Twitter, I am WikipediaBrown, and on Instagram, I'm at NickMaso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. You're Mr. Sunday Movies everywhere. No, I am. If you'd like to support the show, well, gosh darn it, we would appreciate it. Don't even. We'll check it out.
Starting point is 02:14:49 Oh, a bit of. I mean, we'll let you do it. We'll let you do that. You can go to slash Mr. Sunday Movies if you'd like to chuck in a buck. We'd love that. You can also go to the Amazon affiliate link in our episode description. Give that little clicky click advice and stuff on Amazon. Yeah. We'll check it out.
Starting point is 02:15:03 That's right. Some sort of Stallone Ad Astra box set combined together. Stallone on one side, Brad Pitt on the other side. Oh, that's a face-off situation. You better believe it is. We've got some T-shirts on I saw a photo just recently. A listener of our podcast went up to the Live Do Go On podcast.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Oh, terrific. In Sydney. I think it's Sydney. Sydney. and he's wearing a weekly planet t-shirt and uh all the folks from do go on to give him the finger that's rude it's rude isn't it because they're friends of ours i thought well i don't mean they were now they're not oh which reminds me i forgot i was on this week's episode of oh my god with matt stewart should mention that again next week, so it's up top. The Dream Team is back. Myself, Matt Stewart,
Starting point is 02:15:49 Evan Monroe-Smith and Cass from Sands Pants and we talked about an episode of Batman the Brave and the Bold where he teams up with Detective Chimp. I love it, Mason.
Starting point is 02:15:59 Anything else? That's the whole show, I think. Great. Terrific-o. And next week we're doing edgy movies or whatever. Are we doing the edgy movies one?
Starting point is 02:16:08 What have you got? Send us a bloody edgy movie and we'll try and check it out. What's the edgiest movie you've ever heard about? We'll watch it. No, we can't really. It has to be something that we've seen, we saw as kids or teens. I'll squeeze in some stuff, mate. Don't even worry about it.
Starting point is 02:16:21 Don't give a whirl. You can tell me all about it. Oh, I will. And see if we still think they're as edgy as they used to be. Yes, mate. Don't even worry about it. I'll give it all. You can tell me all about it. Oh, I will. Yeah. And, and, and see if we still think they're as edgy as they used to be. Yes, absolutely. All right.
Starting point is 02:16:29 Okay, guys, thank you very much. Grab that gem. You guys, we will see you next week. Goodbye. Let's prep for the Joker in two weeks.
Starting point is 02:16:39 You are. You put it in the end, you're so twisted. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you.

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