The Weekly Planet - 307 The New Catwoman & Zombieland Double Tap

Episode Date: October 21, 2019

Check out and use the offer code THEWEEKLYPLANET for $100 off.Hello and good day! It’s The Weekly Planet podcast where this week it’s Zombieland Double tap plus ...big casting news for The Batman, a weird trailer for Dolittle, The Matrix casting, Kevin Feige making big moves at Marvel with The Inhumans, Jared Leto is unhappy about Joker and other news. Thanks for listening.Suggestibles Podcast: Here Please: The Start Of The Show1:09 Dolittle trailer10:14 The Batman casting/music newses!19:43 Cowboy Bebop delayed24:31 The Matrix casting27:41 Kevin Feige promoted29:15 The Inhumans are back! Maybe!34:00 Bloodshot trailer35:24 Liv Tyler returns to the MCU36:10 Jared Leto is unhappy about Joker42:36 New Star Wars trailer47:10 Zombieland 2 Doubletap (spoilers 1:01:10 - 1:05:13)1:05:13 Letters It’s Time For Letters1:11:34 What We Reading/What We Gonna ReadJames' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► Itunes ► TWP Direct Download ► TWP YouTube Channel ► Batman The Animated Series Amazon ► ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. This episode is brought to you by Casper Mattresses. Mmm, cosy. Red hot comic book movie news Shooting up your butthole The Weekly Planet, The Weekly Planet Continues to be a rude song.
Starting point is 00:00:24 We had a lot of feedback. Oh, yes. This week when I was like, I'm thinking about changing the song. And a lot of people were like, don't change it. But then some people were like, maybe change it. Yeah, right. Uh-huh. Those people, prudes.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Yeah, that's right. The other people, perverts. That's right. Even the people agreeing with me are like, I still think you're a prude. Look, something needs to change. But it's not the listeners, all of whom are correct. No, that's right. Mason, it's news time because it's the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows.
Starting point is 00:00:51 My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me is always my co-host, Nick Mason. I'm here. What order are any of these things happening? One of us is a prude, one of us is a pervert. Who's who? Tell us by the end. There's some crossover also.
Starting point is 00:01:03 That's probably true. But listen, here's the thing because that's probably for sure yeah uh but listen here's the thing because uh it's it's the news time and i'm happy to start with the news and the hot topic of the week very briefly until people forgot about it was the dr doolittle trailer the remake or just do little is it great just do little i think okay so imagine sherlock holmes but with animals imagine the movie evan almighty but yep So I didn't think anything of this when I saw it. Yes. Like I watched the trailer.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And you do now. Because I didn't think anything before, and then I still don't think anything of it now. Well, I think because there's things coming out around it. People talk about things. Hot goss. Hot goss around this movie. Okay, so this is, so the last Dr. Doodle movie was the second sequel
Starting point is 00:01:44 to Dr. Doodle 1 with Eddie Murphy. And then was the second sequel to Doctor Doodle 1. Doctor Too Little. With Eddie Murphy. And there was a sequel to that. And I think there was one where his daughter has Doctor Doodle powers as well. And he's dead. Really? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:55 That's the Ace Ventura sequel. Where's his son and Ace Ventura's dead. Oh, no. The raccoon dropped him off the cliff or whatever happened in that second movie. In Doctor Dolittle 2, he goes to the fun park from that Beverly Hills Cop 3 and he's killed. He falls off a roller coaster and he's killed. So his daughter has to take over. So that was set in modern times.
Starting point is 00:02:16 This one is clearly that pseudo-Victorian era. Yeah, which is what the 1967 movie, whenever it came out, was. Oh, right, okay. There's been some clips of that floating around recently, one where he, like, kisses a seal in a woman's clothing and throws it back into the ocean. Oh, a real Rex Hunt kind of situation. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Just as creepy as Rex Hunt. Yeah. So, specific local reference, don't worry about it. He would always say, yibbity-yibbity, that's all, folks. And he had a fishing show. Yeah. Those two things. Was he a sex pest?
Starting point is 00:02:45 Who knows? Who knows? That's between Rex and- The ocean. His one true love. So, but there was a few interesting things that came out. You mentioned this before the show. Since 2012 or 2014, this and The Judge is like the only movie he's done that's not a Marvel movie.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Yeah, that's true. This is the only Robert Downey Jr. movies that haven't been. He's Tony Stark in some capacity. He was in Chef in 2014. I've got his IMDB, but I don't even remember him being in that. He was in The Nice Guys, I think, as a corpse maybe. Oh, okay, right. No, I'm not saying that on here.
Starting point is 00:03:19 But that's not to say that he wasn't. So there's that fact about it, which is very interesting that he's doing this. There's also the behind-the-scenes madness because the director on this was actually fired. Oh, yes. Go on. This person, the director's name is, look at it right here, Stephen Agaghan.
Starting point is 00:03:36 For one, he apparently has a racist dog, doesn't like black people. That was an anonymous source. Oh, I have heard that. So there was that element of the story. Yeah, right. Which is one of the many strange elements that have come out of this. So apparently, this is from an anonymous source, so take it with a grain of salt,
Starting point is 00:03:50 but it's apparently someone who worked on the special effects. It was deep in production how last year... Again, constantly getting attacked by the dog. That's right. They started filming scenes before they'd even planned where the animated animals would be standing. It was nuts. And then the batshit director went and got fired,
Starting point is 00:04:04 but it was too little too late after his insane outbursts and subsequent banning from stepping foot into both the lead concept department and the lead pre-visual animation department. He demanded that the pre-visual department be fired because we can figure it out on the day. Oh, I see. So there's no need to – he was like, we don't need to do any storyboards or anything.
Starting point is 00:04:23 We'll just get in and put some dots on some walls and draw it on the day. Exactly. All right. And this person said in response to this, yes, Steven, you can figure out where five plus animated characters and Robert Downey Jr.
Starting point is 00:04:34 are standing when you have 30 individual camera shots to film on a Monday morning. You fucking moron. Whoa. Yeah. He says, if it's even remote, remotely watchable,
Starting point is 00:04:43 then the new guys who came in to fix it need some fucking medals. Also, he put his fist through a new 8K TV because the talking goose wasn't on screen while it was talking in one shot, even though he asked the week before for us to move the goose out of the shot. So this is all second-hand information from somebody who apparently... I mean, well, yeah, we don't know how reliable this is. And also, who hasn't screamed to move that goose out of the way?
Starting point is 00:05:10 The goose out of the way. At a movie set or a church or any number of different places. Or a video game. Video game. Yeah. We're playing two-player untitled goose game and you're not the goose. You're the befuddled farmer. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:23 You're like, get this goose out of the way. Is that possible too? No, it's not. you're always the goose what do you want to be the farmer really not really but i'm surely that would be an epic adventure well i'm surely surely that would be the next uh iteration of that game right you surely you play the befuddled child slash farmer slash person who's getting their picnic stolen goose murderer goose murderer in the making should we call potential goose murderer in the making. I think we've done it. We don't need the pre-visual department.
Starting point is 00:05:50 We've done it. We've done it all day. So this is fascinating for a number of reasons. Off the back of this, because I went back and re-watched the trailer, because, again, I just went, yeah, I thought it was Disney. Like, I didn't look in until all the stuff came out. But there's some very wonky kind of blue screen elements in this. It looks almost entirely blue screen.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Even bits, there's a final shot where he's just leaving a house. He's closing the door behind him. And that looks entirely CGI, even though maybe it even isn't. And it doesn't need to be. But I think maybe they just went, yeah, just put him in a blue room and close the door and we'll do everything after it. Yeah, exactly. It's sort of fascinating to me that Robbie DJ
Starting point is 00:06:31 is doing another massively special effects heavy movie now that he's essentially free of his Marvel contract and he can really do anything. I honestly would have thought that he would go into a smaller role or you know... That was the idea. Because he's got a production company and they do stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Okay, sure. What do they do? They did the judge. Whatever. Okay, so this is not his production company. I assume it's not. Okay. But the budget of this, you mentioned it. Why are we still talking about this? Because it's Doolittle and it's Robbie D. Robbie DJ. The budget is $175 million.
Starting point is 00:07:08 That's not, this isn't the kind of movie that makes that back. No. You know, generally. Yeah. This looks like, what did Charlotte's Web make? I'd imagine not that. I can't, I don't know. So I just think this is crazy that you put that much.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Also, it feels like it'd be cheaper if you got actual animals, right? And just CGI'd your maps. And then you'd be able to just have them there and he could walk up and be like, there's a giraffe and whatever. You get the giraffe of the day. I don't know where you get a giraffe from. Or you'd bring the green screen to the giraffe. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:38 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I am enjoying very much that scene where he just goes, this is a giraffe or whatever. And he moves on to the next thing. And then they call cut and he's like, oh, this is what I went to acting school for. Just, oh, my God, enough of these Marvel movies, just nonsense.
Starting point is 00:08:00 But this, I put every essence of my being into this is the giraffe or whatever. but this, I put every essence of my being into this is the giraffe or whatever. So Dr. Doolittle in my mind, because I'd only really seen the Eddie Murphy one, was a guy who hates animals initially. Is that the story though, I assume? Doesn't seem to be. It seems to be some sort of steampunk adventure across the globe maybe.
Starting point is 00:08:23 They did Babe with real animals and puppets. Yeah. Like, and they did some CGI. I don't know, man. Whatever. Whatever. We can't all be. I'm not even going to say this. We can't all be visionary director, the guy that did Mad Max,
Starting point is 00:08:31 whose name escapes me currently. Peter May here. No. Rex Hunt. No, it's not Rex Hunt. You know the guy? What is his name? Do you know him?
Starting point is 00:08:41 When you put yourself on the spot. George. George Miller. Miller, thank you. Good Lord. Well, he didn't direct Babe. No, he produced it. When you put yourself on the spot George George Miller Thank you Good lord Well he didn't direct No he produced it But he did direct the sequel Which is probably very good
Starting point is 00:08:51 I've never seen it Anyway enough of this This has been going for way too long Alright I'm just also Look one more thing To note Haven't we seen enough Of talking animals at this point
Starting point is 00:08:59 It's not impressive Is it the Is it the Studios are now like People love the Lion King It's talking animals all the way Yeah studios are now like, people love The Lion King, it's talking animals all the way. Yeah. Also, don't you just, surely now there's just a server somewhere in Hollywood
Starting point is 00:09:11 and you go, I'm doing a talking animal movie, and you just take the wireframes off the server. There'd have to be. You tweak the ears so it's a slightly different looking giraffe. Yeah, exactly. Like, surely it's free now. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:23 This is a giraffe or whatever. Yeah, it's a giraffe or whatever. In two takes. Yeah. He probably got, like, $40 million for this. I'm sure he doesn't give a shit. Maybe that's the reason. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:31 He needed to buy another lighthouse house. Maybe he's doing good work behind the scenes. Maybe he's giving the money to, like... No. He's buying a lighthouse house. Another one. Another one. He's building...
Starting point is 00:09:41 He's got a lighthouse house on, like, one side of a shore. Yep. And then he's bought a town on the other side of the shore with another lighthouse house. And he's going to build a flying fox across him or something like that. I think he should hire two guys and not tell them that he owns both and be like, that's your enemy lighthouse. So they're just keeping lighthouse guys.
Starting point is 00:10:01 You have to blind his light with your light. And he just sits in the middle of the little tugboat. Yes, that's right. This is the craft, he says. This is why I got into the craft. This is why he needs this, yeah. Anyway, Batman news. We've got a lot of it, starting with Michael Giancino.
Starting point is 00:10:18 You might know he did the music for Star Trek. He did both Spider-Man movies. Both Spider-Man movies, the new ones. He did Rogue One, and now he's working on- The music specifically. That's right, exactly. He didn't do them in its entirety. No, they're not hand-drawn.
Starting point is 00:10:30 He didn't hand-draw those movies. So now he's working on the Batman. People are saying this guy's like your new John Williams. He's got some pretty impressive scores behind him and on some pretty impressive movies. And Rogue One, he did in very little time, apparently. That's a guy who can do it on Monday morning you know it. That's why I guess that theme isn't super memorable
Starting point is 00:10:49 but I don't blame him because that movie was an absolute shitshow apparently and it's fine and I think that's pretty impressive. Pretty impressive right? For like all Star Wars movies they fire the director and then do whatever happens after that. Anyway The Batman, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:11:05 So he's locked in. He's locked in, apparently. All right, sounds good. Gone is Junkie XL slash Hans Zimmer. Yeah, okay, sure. You know what they could do? Food truck. That's true.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL out on the road. They didn't do Justice League, did they? That was Danny Elfman, I believe. That's true, yeah. Yeah. There you go. The other thing is we've got some massive casting coming out this week. First of all, Zoe Kravitz is going to be playing Catwoman slash Selina Kyle.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Speaking of Mad Max Fury Road and George Miller, she was in that. That's right, yeah. And other things probably after that. And definitely other things. Oh, she's in a show called Big Little Lies, which I've not seen, but people are saying it's good. Claire loves that. Nothing but good things.
Starting point is 00:11:41 It's one of those ones where I'm like, I'll get to your weird, depressing, suburban show. I'll get to all of them. Is it high society women doing high society things? It's a bit of that, yeah. But behind the scenes, you think it's a perfect world. Oh, you think it's an idyllic sort of... Domestic violence and whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Domestic bliss is actually domestic drink this cup of piss. Wow. That's right. I haven't seen it, but that's episode three. I think Claire is telling you lies that's episode three. Huh. Yes. I think Claire is telling you lies about what the show is about. Big or small lies.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Lies about piss mostly. Okay, cool. Gotcha. So anyway, I think that's great casting. Yeah. I think she looks the part. There's been some backlash because, you know, she's not a white cat. There's never been a black cat, except for that time there was one. Except for Eartha Kitt in the 60s and also Halle Berry.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And there's also the argument that people have been made from that that those versions weren't technically Selina Kyle. The Halle Berry one is true. The Catwoman 60s one was just called Catwoman and since then has been labelled Selina Kyle. Also, it doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't matter at all. It's irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:12:43 We both think it's PC gone mad, just to be clear. Oh, my God. But it really doesn't matter. So I saw this insane thread that was like people were like, we've had Catwoman before as being black. It's like, yeah, but not Selina Kyle. Okay. Good.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Well, what about this? How about is Selina Kyle? Yeah, that's right. And it doesn't matter because they'll recast it again in five years. We just had a Catwoman. Or less. Yeah, that's right. Remember we just had one.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I remember that. Anne Hathaway. Yep, I remember. The goggles were the ears. They'd flip down. It was the real world. Yeah. Or was it?
Starting point is 00:13:17 Probably not. Big flying box. Yeah, I remember the big flying box. In other casting news, though... But it was a white big flying box. Was it? No, it was black. I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I was going to say, Mason. Spiritually, though, it was white. Yeah. Does it come in black, you said? Yeah, I remember. And it did. So Jonah Hill is no longer wanted for the role of the Penguin. Was he ever really wanted?
Starting point is 00:13:41 We don't know. Apparently so. Okay. Well, you know then. I apparently controversially suggested that he wasn't worth the $10 million. You did say that, yeah. That he was asking for. And I stand by that.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I say controversially because some people are like, yeah, maybe he is. But look, he probably is because he's an Oscar-winning actor. You surveyed some people at the helium balloon factory. Yeah, maybe he is, though. Come on. James, be fair, mate. Come on. Hardest working guys in the balloon business,. That's right. Yeah, maybe he is, though. Come on. James, be fair, mate. Come on. Hardest working guys in the balloon business, I believe.
Starting point is 00:14:09 That's true, yeah. All these cowards in hydrogen. Actually, they're pretty brave, aren't they? Our brave boys in the hydrogen balloon factory. I probably should have clarified this, but I think he's not someone where you'd go, no, I have to see that because Jonah Hill is. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:14:23 He's not a draw. To you, but what I said... No, for Batman. You can put anybody in it and people will still see it, to an extent. Sure. I think there isn't... Oh, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:14:32 You won't get any additional people. No. It'll be a draw because people will be like, oh, it's a Batman movie. I like Batman. But nobody's going to be like, and Jonah Hill. Yeah, I think there is some... Maybe I'm reading into this too much,
Starting point is 00:14:43 but I think it's also a clever decision to cast someone like robert pattinson or previously to this ben affleck because people talk about it a lot yeah or michael keaton or michael keaton exactly so people kind of everyone's up in arms and then there's the articles that are like well technically this is why he's a good batman and people like well technically maybe he won't be but remember jesse eisenberg people thought and then it goes around forever and ever until they get recast, and then it happens again. So there's probably an element of that to that.
Starting point is 00:15:10 What was my point? I don't know. But I think you're right. Maybe you're right in the sense that the crossover, the Venn diagram of people who enjoy movies with Batman in it and also enjoy stoner comedies, it's just a circle. Or Moneyball. He's serious sometimes.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Moneyball. It's kind of just a circle. Or he's. He's serious sometimes. Moneyball. It's kind of just a circle. Or he's working on, he was in The Wolf of Wall Street. He's in an interview calling Martin Scorsese Marty. He's on that level. Do you know what I mean? He was quick to do it. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So the other thing was, apparently Seth Rogen is being looked at for the role of the Penguin. And another story is saying. So we are going to hell. We brought you in here for a meeting. Do you know? We were actually thinking of Seth are going to Hill. We brought you in here for a meeting. Do you know? We were actually thinking of Seth Rogen. Sorry. We got confused.
Starting point is 00:15:49 We saw Superbad. We like you both. We think of Seth Rogen. Anyway, see you later. We like him more just as he's leaving. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Make sure he knows. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:58 So, but apparently the rumor is that he really wanted to be Edward Nygma. Yes. They wanted him for Penguin. And they were like, well, people don't know you as an Edward Nygma type. They didn't know you as a Penguin type. Even though he's quite trim nowadays. That's true, yeah. There's always photos of him leaving the gym with a juice or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Yeah. Some BCAAs, you know what I mean? Nope. What's that? The muscle, I take some of them sometimes. Big boy. Big boy is having a big drink for your muscles. Big boy chemical supplements.
Starting point is 00:16:30 That's pretty much, yeah. Okay, right. It's basically for people who are getting older who want to sustain their, or young people. Sure. It's a young man game too, working out. What am I doing? What are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:16:42 It's like I found something to draw in your house, and I'm like, James, what is this? This has a skull and crossbones on it. What are you doing here? It's like I found some in a drawer in your house, and I'm like, James, what is this? This has a skull and crossbones on it. What are you doing? And you're like, well, it's actually for young men or old men. It's just, I don't know. Wasn't somebody else being eyed for the Riddler this week? Yes, well, what ended up happening is that Paul Dano got the role.
Starting point is 00:16:58 That's the one. Who I think is, I mean, that's dead on, right? Yeah, for sure. Who would you prefer? Who do you pay $10 million to? You know what I mean? That there will be a blood guy or a guy from a different thing. right? Yeah, for sure. Who would you prefer? Who do you pay $10 million to? You know what I mean? That there will be a blood guy or a guy from a different thing. Either is fine, I guess.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yep. But Paul Dano's terrific and he looks like him more. I think that's true, yeah. That being said, if they had to cast Jonah Hill, whatever. I think if you're basing it solely on laughs, like the laugh that they produce out of their body, it's not Seth Rogen. He doesn't produce what I would consider a Riddler laugh.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yes, right. Do you think, what's his name, Jonah Hill could? He's more a tee-hee-hee guy. Yeah, I've never heard a real laugh from him. See, exactly. He's a chameleon, that guy. But no, I thoroughly believe that Paul Dano could be beaten up by Batman. He could be beaten up in a bowling alley.
Starting point is 00:17:41 That's true, yeah. And there will be blood. So you know he can do it. I think this all around is excellent casting. I agree. Yeah. What will the movie be like? We don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Will it be a massive waste of potential? I don't know, man. Or a really good movie? I hope the latter. I saw a headline that was also... People are always like, you just want these movies to fail. No, I don't. Because I'll be dead soon.
Starting point is 00:18:03 We'll all be dead soon. All of us. I don't want to watch terrible movies for the remainder of my I don't because I'll be dead soon. We'll all be dead soon. All of us. I don't want to watch terrible movies for the remainder of my life. This is a fresh reminder, everybody. I just want good movies until I die. Yeah. I wish they're all good. I want them to be either really good or really terrible.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Sure. But middling, not for us. No good. Yeah, middling's worse, I feel, in a lot of ways. But anyway, yeah, I think this looks great. And Robert Patton, Brobat Battenbat. Thank you. Which, of course, his famous Batman name came out this week. feel in a lot of ways but uh anyway yeah i think this looks great and robert patton brought back to bat and bat thank you which of course his famous batman name came out this week i saw a headline that was like batman's not traditionally he's not technically a hero or whatever that's
Starting point is 00:18:33 all i read of it and then but i went yeah but he is do you find yourself do you find yourself hesitant to click anything any kind of article now because it's all clickbait all crap yep and but there's there is a certain art to writing clickbait articles because I'll read the first paragraph and I'm like, well, there was nothing at all of substance conveyed in that first paragraph. You can skip the first two. But I will keep going.
Starting point is 00:18:55 You can confidently skip the first two. Yeah. Because with SEO, and this was when I was at Comic Book Movie as well, they did some changes before I left where you have to hit a certain word count for it to show up in Google results. Yeah, right. And there's a lot of other things that I was like, I'm never writing an article here again
Starting point is 00:19:10 because it's way too much work. But so, yeah, they have to do it to show up. Yeah. And it's essentially just like, Batman's gone through a number of incarnations over the years, dating back to the 60s. But, of course, there was a serial from the prior to the ben affleck famously and it's just that yeah right and then it's like anyway the
Starting point is 00:19:31 answer is we don't know yeah that's right no one does no one does anyway everyone's making a crust we asked the director and he just coughed at us is that a confirmation or a denial we don't know but we'll speculate john cho has been injured i'm sure you don't mean john chow We don't know, but we'll speculate. John Cho has been injured. You sure you don't mean John Chow? I don't mean that, Mason. Why would you think that? Okay. I didn't say that earlier and then edit it out.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Good, good, good. You're an idiot, if anything, Mason. I'm just suggesting that, that I would do that. He was injured on the set of Cowboy Bebop, which is a 10-episode series they are making of the famous... Anime, yes. I was waiting to see if you said manga, because I wasn't 100% sure. So I threw it out there, see what happened.
Starting point is 00:20:10 You know what I mean? So production is halted for seven to nine months. It's a foot injury of some sort? Yeah. I'd imagine, though, it's not just the injury. I assume that it's also, well, if it's delayed this amount of time, we lose this actor, we lose this director, we lose whatever. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Because you could shoot around that probably if it was just. Just a foot injury, yeah. Just a foot injury, right? Robert Downey Jr. broke his leg on Iron Man 3 and maybe he's not in that movie at all. I just don't even know. Did he break his leg in that movie? Yeah. Or something happened.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Something happened. No, he did break his foot. What is this, a clickbait article? Iron Man was the first. Something happened. Something happened. No, he did break his foot off. What is this, a clickbait article? I'm a man of the 60s. There were very many incarnations of this time, Robert Downey Jr. Anyway, one time he stubbed his toe. We don't know that for sure, do we? No, he did.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I think he broke his leg because there's shots in that where they paste his head onto somebody else. The last shot where he throws his arc reactor off the- Oh, right. Okay, that where it's they paste his head onto somebody else the last shot where he throws his arc reactor off the oh right okay sure oh it is his head
Starting point is 00:21:08 but it doesn't fucking matter does it but uh anyway I think there's a way around this is what I'm saying so I don't think it's just this
Starting point is 00:21:15 oh okay so what you're saying is okay if we if we miss shooting by a couple of weeks then this person has to go and do another movie
Starting point is 00:21:21 and this person has to leave and the crew has to do whatever oh interesting okay exactly right because there were a couple of episodes in I think and then he broke his foot yeah so there you go And this person has to go and do another movie and this person has to leave and the crew has to do whatever. Yeah. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Right. Because there were a couple of episodes in, I think, and then he broke his foot. Yeah. So there you go. I don't know that. I'm just assuming. I don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:21:35 What I do know is I've got some matrix. Are we the clickbait article of podcasting? We're pretty upfront about it. We don't know anything. Well, that's true. We say it up front, don't we? A clickbait article will be like, you are ready for some hot content here. Never going to believe this.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I wish we could do fan art like this, though, on clickbaits. Because we can't do fan art on this. We can't be like, you'll never guess this amazing, this is what it'll look like as the Riddler or whatever. We can't do that. Now imagine the actor Paul Dano. Green suit. Green suit.
Starting point is 00:21:59 It's got question marks on it. Question marks. If that had a Nolan flair because he's standing in front of a grey brick wall. Grey brick wall, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's looking kind of shotgunning the camera. He's kind of looking very serious, but he's got like a smirk on his face. Bearing in mind, this is not what it will look like in the end. That's right.
Starting point is 00:22:16 What it looks like is his character in There Will Be Blood, but we've just painted it green. He's holding an umbrella that's got a question mark. Of course he is. But it's not the penguin face. It doesn't make any sense. Is the end of the umbrella a question mark Of course he is But it's not the thing It doesn't make any sense Is the end of the umbrella A question mark
Starting point is 00:22:29 Or the other end The whole thing Both ends Both ends are question marks I love it Yeah Yeah It doesn't really work
Starting point is 00:22:34 As an umbrella to be honest That's not why he has it though Is it No Yeah I hope there's a scene In the Batman Where you go underground
Starting point is 00:22:40 And the Riddler Has assembled somehow A race car track. A series of race car tracks, underground challenges, which you'll have to take part in. You've finished Arkham Knight, right? Yes. So many race car tracks.
Starting point is 00:22:55 How did he do it? So what you're saying is the Batman movie. You even had to build the elevators. The movie The Batman will have like a six-hour side movie to it where he's like, I've got to solve these murders and stop the super criminals destroying the city. But in the meantime, I'm going to go down into this race car. There's some time trials that the Riddler wants me to take care of.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I'm going to go through these rings. He doesn't even do riddles in those games. He's just like, Riddler, be this Batman. Can you get in that question mark box? Oh, you threw the batarang and it opened the door. They're not really riddles. They're puzzles, aren't they? They're more riddles in the first one.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah. Where it's like, fine, who's the painting and whatever. But that's probably more of a puzzle also. They're not even riddles either in the first one. In the first one, they're just like, you go into a room and it's like, where's Prometheus? And you go, oh, there's a photo of him. And you take a photo of it.
Starting point is 00:23:39 You go, you found him. It's not a riddle either. No. I mean, some of it was like, what angle can you look at this to make a question mark appear? It's not a riddle either. None of these things are like what angle can you look at this to make a question mark appear it's not a riddle either none of these things are riddles perspective trick it's a perspective trick not a riddle unless it's anyway i can't remember what happens in two but i think it's it's more it's like a thousand riddler trophies you gotta get right if they were in my path as i was walking i would walk through it but that is to the extent that i would collect
Starting point is 00:24:02 riddler trophies i just want to be able like, get into his office and beat him up. That happens in the end, right? Yeah, but I don't want to do 1,000 race courses to do it. I don't care. I don't care enough. He doesn't even got, has he even got people, like, hanging over acid? No, really? Maybe he does.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Oh, no, he does. Sometimes there's, like, an electrified floor or something like that, and he's like, you've got to turn all these switches. And again, not a riddle. I won't. Yeah. I won't. It's simple Simon, if anything. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:24:29 It's a series of memory tricks. Anyways. Yes. Matrix forecasting. Rumours of Jessica Henwick, who you might know. Yeah, you do. She's Iron Fist. She's the better version of Iron Fist.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Oh, Colleen Wing? Yeah. So she can do some kung fu and things, can't she? Correct, yes. Perfect for the Matrix. Unless she's going to be someone in Zion, just without plugs and being like, I've got to hold this squid at bay with this laser.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Whatever happened in that third movie? We did an episode on it recently. Yeah, they held most of the squids off with lasers. That's right, until the ceasefire or whatever. That's right, yeah. Also, Neil Patrick Harris. What kind of sweet glasses is he going to wear? I guess it's clip-on, Mason.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Okay, clip-on glasses. All right, cool. There's not a better answer than that. What if they all switch to blue blockers? Oh, that's not a bad idea. I love it. You're wearing some right now. It makes my nights easier.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Easier on the old eyes, Mason. Old eye bones. They all get a decent night's sleep. That's right. That's what you need in this universe. You know you do because there's always squids at the gate or whatever. Neil Patrick Harris seems he'd probably be more inclined to be a villainous role maybe.
Starting point is 00:25:31 He seems like an agent to me. Yeah. If you put him in the Matrix, that's an agent role. He's a song and dance man, which means that translates well to martial arts. So that's entirely possible that you could do that aspect of it. That's absolutely true. I'll bring back Hugo Weaving again and whatever. You know what I mean? Yeah, I do know what of it. That's absolutely true. I'll bring back Hugo Weaving again and whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:45 You know what I mean? Yeah, I do know what you mean. The other bit of news is Jada Pinkett Smith is in talks to return as Naiobi. That's exciting. Is it? No.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I wanted her to be Fish Mooney in the new Batman movie. That's what I wanted. Absolutely. Yeah. So there you go. She's being pulled
Starting point is 00:26:02 in too many different directions. It's true. It's hard being a Hollywood type. Yep. I'm trying to think of a movie. I there you go. She's being pulled in too many different directions. It's true. It's hard being a Hollywood type. Yep. Trying to think of a movie. I don't know. Girls' Night, Girls' Trip. Is she in one of those?
Starting point is 00:26:11 I don't think so. Yeah, cool. But look, you know what? It makes sense in the universe that you would bring her back. You bring some characters back, yeah. She's in the game. Yeah. She's in the movies, two of the movies.
Starting point is 00:26:25 It's true. It makes perfect sense. Bring back the Spoon Kid. She's in the game. Yeah. She's in the movies, two of the movies. It's true. It makes perfect sense. Bring back the Spoon Kid. She was in The Matrix Online. That's right. I'm fairly confident. Probably, I don't know. Bring back the Spoon Kid.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Bring back the Spoon Kid. Is he still in Hollywood in some capacity? The Spoon Kid? Yeah, the actor. Let me check. He might be. Spoon Kid, Matrix. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Actor. Although I think maybe he was an Australian actor. He is. His name's Rowan Witt. Okay. So probably not in Hollywood, I would say. He's 30. Actor. Although I think maybe he was an Australian actor. He is. His name is Rowan Witt. Okay. So probably not in Hollywood, I would say. He's 30. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:50 He's a theatre and film actor. Oh, yes. He was born in Sydney. Very good. He's got a twin sister. As a voiceover actor, Will works now. He works exclusively for animation, advertising, radio, television, shows, and movie soundtracks. But he's done a bunch of things in theatre, including the Book of Mormon.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Okay, cool. And other things. So there you go. So he's still acting. Good for you, Spoon Kid. Yeah, Spoon Kid. He's got a name, Mason, and it's Spoon Kid. He changed it.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Really pops, you know? Yeah, I know. Really pops on a poster. Yes. So that's good news. People throw spoons at him while he's doing Book of Mormon or some sort of serious theatre. I still don't understand why they didn't bring him back for the second one. They had that other kid who handed Neo a spoon and was like,
Starting point is 00:27:31 remember this? Yeah. Good work. It was filmed in Australia. They could have got it. It doesn't matter. Anyway, Kevin Feige has been- We have heaps of spoons here.
Starting point is 00:27:39 We've got so many. Oh, my God. Kevin Feige has been named Marvel Chief Creative Officer, which you might be like, isn't that what he is and does already? I assume that also. No, apparently. Overall creative director at Marvel Storytelling across publishing, film, TV, animation, and all mediums, essentially.
Starting point is 00:27:57 So I guess there'd be a pretty fair hand in comics as well. Is this a new role? I believe so, yeah. So he's not taking over from somebody else that we'd never heard of until this point. So this essentially to me means that they are really blending the television and movie worlds
Starting point is 00:28:11 and movie world on the Gold Coast, even though it's Warner Brothers property. Local reference story about it. No, no, I think people should worry about it. Movie world, Hollywood on the Gold Coast, Police Academy stunt show. Did they still do that? I don't know. Batman the Ride.
Starting point is 00:28:30 They updated it from Batman Returns to the fourth Batman movie. Did they fix it again since then? Green Lantern Ride. They did that, didn't they, in 2010? Yep. It was the Lethal Weapon Ride. Was the Lethal Weapon Ride the one? I think they just repurposed it. It was just a tower, right?
Starting point is 00:28:39 No, I think Lethal Weapon was a spinny twirly one. Never happens in the Lethal Weapon movies. It had the roller coaster adventure of the movies Lethal Weapon 1 to 4. Make it the Beverly Hills Cop 3 movie. Where you fall out of a rollercoaster. I'm fairly confident the Lethal Weapon ride, there's always one, which is just the thing that brings you up a couple of stories high and then it just drops you and they're like, just like in Lethal Weapon.
Starting point is 00:29:04 No, I think you might. No, it's not. It's an actual roller coaster. Oh, well. Yeah. But I know the ones you're talking about. They've all got a big drop. They all have a big drop.
Starting point is 00:29:11 It's true. Yeah. Anyway, so the reason that's interesting also because there was another rumor and this came via the GWW, the website. They're casting for Ms. Marvel at the moment. Oh, this is Kamala Khan, Ms. Marvel. Correct. Big hand, big slappy hand.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Big slappy hand. You ever seen the film clip ever long? Yes. It's like that. So it's not Dave Grohl. It's a lady. That's right. Nice.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Big slappy hand though, same principle. Yeah, cool, cool, cool. They're looking to cast Vin Diesel as Maximus and Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Maximus. I've written Maximus twice. One of those is supposed to be Black Bolt, the Vin Diesel character. Right and Aaron Taylor Johnson as Maximus. I've written Maximus twice. One of those is supposed to be Black Bolt, the Vin Diesel character. Right, okay, yep. Or Black Agar Boltagon.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Black Agar Boltagon, correct, yes. Terrific! So we're recasting Inhumans. Yes. Does that mean that the TV Inhumans are now no longer canonical? Does it matter? And yes. Yeah, okay, good.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Because they recast Rhodey, so, you know, he's still canonical. Yeah. A couple of things interesting there. First of all, there was supposed to be an Inhumans movie. Remember it was announced. It's the only Marvel movie that they announced that never got made, unlike the DC thing. We don't like to kick them every week.
Starting point is 00:30:19 That's true. We do some good things. It's fun when we do. Yes, it is. But not every week. It's like a delicious dessert to the top of the food pyramid. Kicking DCs right up the top. You know, just a little bit of it. Grains and cereal
Starting point is 00:30:30 down the bottom. You don't need as many as you think. The food pyramid is a lie. Don't listen to that, alright? Really? Yeah, don't. It's absolute horseshit. It's like started by like Kellogg's or something. It's not a real thing. You don't need cereal, even though it's delicious. But it's horseshit. So, eat eggs. It's not a real thing. You don't need cereal, even though it's delicious. But it's horse shit.
Starting point is 00:30:46 So, eat eggs. That's what I'm doing. I'm eating eggs, mate. So, the only movie they never made was The Inhumans. Yes. Because of Ike Perlmutter and the people over at the TV department, he was so convinced that this was going to be the next X-Men incredible again having just seen the first two episodes of that thing
Starting point is 00:31:11 to think that would be the new X-Men is astounding yeah really it's a phenomenally bad TV show where the woman who's got the hair that can punch people they shave it off almost immediately yeah for convenience sake yeah
Starting point is 00:31:23 and we watched that on IMAX yeah we like it was so strict if anyone new to the podcast and you're like boy they kick dc a lot but they don't kick marvel so much go back to our inhumans episode where i feel we royally put the boot in yeah royally that's right family uh so but the other thing is so and vin diesel was rumored for that that's right yeah so there was kind of like, well, do your Groot thing. It's a fun little cameo that you do, but the real role we're lining up is... The Inhumans, yeah. Remind me, I've got Bloodshot news.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I forgot to put it in. Okay. It just happened before I recorded this. The other thing is Aaron Taylor-Johnson returning, because he was Quicksilver as Maximus. Again, this is a rumour via the GWW, so take that with a grain of salt. What does GWW stand for?
Starting point is 00:32:06 The Good Word of Warcraft. So this is some sort of World of Warcraft-based religious website of some kind? Correct, correct, correct. And they're now reporting on... It's based around the text of World of Warcraft, the religious side of things. Mystical scrolls and such. Yeah. In the video, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Run by Blizzard, right? Yeah. Cowards. Just a pack of cowards over there. Kowtowing to China, mate. They're loving it. Did you see that? Oh, something, something.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Tell me about it. What happened? Essentially, they banned a streamer for six months because they decided Oh, because they were supporting Kong Kong. Yeah. And then they banned the two people who were commentating on it, even though they cut the guy off and weren't like, we also endorse this.
Starting point is 00:32:48 So they got fired. And they also weren't going to pay that guy's winnings. And there's all these other things that spun off from it. And the interesting thing is that BlizzCon is coming up. And because they've done these things, there's been a lot of backlash. So BlizzCon could be an absolute shit show. That was last year also. A poop blizzard, if you will also a poop blizzard if you will is it yeah yeah what was the yeah when they were when they released diablo mobile and
Starting point is 00:33:11 they were like oh yeah that's right people were like we don't want this we don't want it uh-huh give us the next diablo but and then the guy said what don't you guys have phones and everyone went i mean i feel bad for the guy on stage because you're the guy releasing Diablo Mobile. Anyway. Anyway. So now Vin Diesel could be back is the point of this. Also, I remember several months ago,
Starting point is 00:33:35 I think I said on this podcast, oh, that Hong Kong thing's blown over. Don't even worry about it. So apologies to our listeners in Hong Kong because that is still going. It's still going. If you can follow it, I follow it on Twitter. It's the Hong Kong FP, which is the Hong Kong Free Press.
Starting point is 00:33:48 If you want to keep abreast of everything that's going on there, it's just constant updates of things that are going on there with the protests. It's been like they recently did 150 days of protesting or something, so we're well past that at this point. I'm just going to share this Bloodshot thing because there's going to be a trailer for Bloodspot coming up soon. This is the trailer. I'm going to quickly show you bloodshot thing because there's going to be a trailer for Bloodshot coming up soon. Yes. This is the trailer.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I'm going to quickly show you, Mason. Oh, yeah. This is only like a 60-second thing. No, a five-second thing. Ready for this? Yeah, trailer tomorrow? Okay, very good. Oh, is this some sort of live reaction?
Starting point is 00:34:18 His face is coming off. He's been bloodshot. Oh, my God. He's been bloodshot. Pretty good effect, though. Sorry, we can't talk about that now because it's not out yet. Ah, stop it. Sorry, it keeps going off into my ears.
Starting point is 00:34:30 So this guy's got nanobytes technology, doesn't he? He's got nanobytes technology, yes. His face can grow back and that. I didn't know. Oh, you have seen the trailer because that's what the scientist explains in it. He's like, this man has nanobytes technology. His face can grow back and stuff. That's right.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Anyway, he's a giraffe or whatever. It's also been infected with nanobite technology. Its neck can get even longer. But it can't grow back. Yeah. It just keeps getting longer and thinner and less structurally sound. Yeah. It just tumbles over.
Starting point is 00:34:59 We love it, though. Yeah. The boys in the lab, we love it. We jump rope with it. We love it. We cannot get though. Yeah. The boys in the lab, we love it. We jump rope with it. We love it. We cannot get enough of this. And then it's just 90 minutes of that and Bloodshot goes off and does his own thing. That's right.
Starting point is 00:35:13 So, yeah, I just didn't think it would be like as gory as it was. I thought it would be like some PG-13 thing, but it looks like they're really going for it, which is exciting. We'll talk about more of that next week. 13 thing, but it looks like they're really going for it, which is exciting. We'll talk about more of that next week. The other bit of Marvel news is that Liv Tyler may return as Betty Ross in She-Hulk. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:35:32 She hasn't been in one of these movies since 2009, opposite Edward Norton. And it's about time that they bring her back. They brought back William Hurt, so some of those things are canon in that movie. That is true, yeah. So there you go. Cool, cool. We don't have any Jennifer Walters She-Hulk confirmed casting, do we?
Starting point is 00:35:47 No, not as of yet. Okay, right. I think we talked about do you go big, do you go small and then pick them up. Do you do platform heels, do you do a wrestler?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Exactly. I mean all those kinds of things. Do you do Darcy Carden from The Good Place? I reckon that's good. That's not bad at all actually. She's quite tall which is very funny.
Starting point is 00:36:02 That's really good. And she's green. I'm going to make her up for The Good Place. Really? Yeah, she's great. That's green. You can make her green. They're going to make her up for the good place. Really? Yeah, she's green. That's perfect. I can't believe somebody else hasn't suggested that before you.
Starting point is 00:36:09 In other news, Jared Leto. Yes. Leto. You might know him as the 47-year-old actor who played the Joker. I don't know. I'll cut you off there. I don't know him from anything. And I don't care to know him from anything.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Did you see some of the test images that came out this week of him? No. Some of the other looks they went for was, you know, he's got the no eyebrows. Yes. One of them was tattooed ha-ha-ha-ha for eyebrows. Yeah, right. What do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:36:35 Do you love it? That's pretty. So he had eyebrows? No, he shaved off and they tattooed ha-ha-ha on his eyebrows. Do you think there would have been a scene in the movie where he has eyebrows initially and then he shaves off the eyebrows and he's got ha ha ha ha? Yeah. That was probably part of the 40 hours that apparently they shot of this movie.
Starting point is 00:36:51 This suggests to me that there is a lot, there was a lot of eyebrow test footage or a lot of, a lot of eyebrow testing. Like they were like, what kind of eyebrows would the Joker have? Monobrow? Would he have? Yeah. I think once they shaved them off, they just went,
Starting point is 00:37:06 well, we have to do this now, don't we? We've got to wait for these to grow back. It's not going to work. Yeah. One big eyebrow, one small eyebrow. You'd just do green eyebrows, wouldn't you? You'd do green eyebrows, yeah. I'd do.
Starting point is 00:37:16 That's what I'd do. That's what I'd do. Anyway, this is in relation to the new Joker movie. Sources say, this is by The Hollywood Reporter. Yeah. How about this, mon is via The Hollywood Reporter. Yeah. How about this? Mono brow. It's like brown hair except in the middle.
Starting point is 00:37:29 There it's green. It's beautiful. It's poetic. That makes sense. Yeah. Because he just got a splash of the acid. He got a splash of the acid. In the middle of his eyebrow.
Starting point is 00:37:38 That's right. Sources say that Leto told his agents, I know it's Leto. I keep saying Leto. I'm sorry, but I can't change. You're sorry to who? Jared Leto. I've already forgotten which one it is, it doesn't matter. That they should stop the rival project.
Starting point is 00:37:52 This is Joker, arguing that he wasn't being treated properly as an Oscar winner for Dallas Buyers Club. But a person with first-hand knowledge of the situation contends that by then, Leto, there you go, that's probably right, had burned through four different teams of agents at CAA, and that was his agency, and there was little love for the actor over there. A source at Jared Leto's camp denies the request that he made, but they previously reported that though Warners had strung him along with promises of his own Joker solo movie, only to greenlit Phillips' version with Joaquin Phoenix instead.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And they also gave that a low budget because they were like, I didn't think it was going to do well. And they were like, we'll give him $55 or whatever, $55 million to make it. And they thought he'd turn around and go, well, I won't do it. But he went, yeah, I'll do it anyway. Look, we all have opinions about that movie. I don't think it's very good.
Starting point is 00:38:43 But for $55 million, it looks like. It looks spectacular. I just, I have like story problems with that movie, but I think like the performance, we talked about it. Yeah, we did. We did an episode. Yeah, I think there is some good stuff in it. But the dance is too much.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I talked about that. It's too much. It's too much. Yeah, they were nervous that this movie, and this also came out this week, that wasn't going to make money. I'm assuming off the back of like Justice League when they were looking to make this. And so they co-financed it.
Starting point is 00:39:09 They only get like half the profits of the movie. Who's the other co-financer? I have no idea. Is it Tencent Pictures? They seem to be all over the place, Tencent Pictures. I don't know anything about them. It's Tencent Pictures. Tencent Pictures?
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah. Yeah, they were nervous about the dark tone. Yeah, they were nervous about the dark tone. The other thing is the gifts that Jared Leto gave when he was filming Suicide Squad, including the used condoms, I'm sure they weren't actually used probably. There was probably some kind of conditioner, shampoo situation. Maybe he swapped in for it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Maybe he really did use them. I'm not here to suggest that, but maybe he did. Maybe he used them as balloons. Maybe he did. Dead shot, actor Will Smith got sent bullets and a whole pig was dumped on the table during casting rehearsals. We talked about all this at the time. Just stand on the X and say your lines and leave.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Yeah, that's right. Then go home and wait for your eyebrows to grow back. But you know if he shaved his eyebrows, something serious is going to go down. That's true. People don't do that on a whim. So it turns out- Or do you think maybe he shaved his eyebrows first day on set and then they had to call an emergency meeting and be like,
Starting point is 00:40:13 what are we going to do about this? Should we get the eyebrow guy in? Can we do ha, ha, ha, ha? No, that's worse somehow. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, God. It turns out it's so close.
Starting point is 00:40:24 If you remove elements of that, visually it works. Just the tattoos, really. Yeah. I think it works. I agree. It turns out the studio wasn't thrilled with these efforts as a source with knowledge of the situation, and it seems that the director wasn't pleased with the resulting performance
Starting point is 00:40:37 in the final cut of David Ayer's ensemble anti-hero movie, which apparently David Ayer didn't even get a final cut of, but it's interesting that regardless of that, he didn't like what Leto was up to. At this point, sources say that Leto's days as the Joker is likely over. I just keep switching it. There's one person involved. But how do you keep track?
Starting point is 00:40:58 I don't. Okay. How do you play? Because you've said it the same way every time. Have I? Yes. That's fine too. One person involved said,
Starting point is 00:41:05 how do you play the Joker you established following Phoenix? It kind of ends his run, his Joker run. And it does. I don't think you can then go, what about this one that everyone hates again? Well, that's true. But I think it seems to be there like, oh, how can you follow?
Starting point is 00:41:20 But I mean, if Ledger was still around and he did another Ledger Joker, I think people would be fine with that. Yeah, because it was good. Yeah, it was good you know, if Ledger was still around and he did another Ledger Joker, I think people would be fine with that. Yeah, because it was good. Yeah, it was good, exactly, yeah. But I'm saying when somebody so thoroughly trumps you performance-wise out in the box office and people seem to like you more as a human being. For sure, yeah. You can't.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Yeah, look, I don't think there's – I still think there's plenty of room for somebody else to do a more comic book-y Joker in the future, but, again, not the version that everyone hated. It would be like, say, Terminator Genisys came out and everybody hated it, which is what happened. And then Terminator Dark Fate came out, which for some reason I'm excited for, but I'm probably going to end up hating comes out.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Let's say that one's really good. And then for the next Terminator they go, you know what, this is actually a sequel to Genesis. Like that is the equivalent of them. Yeah. I mean, I know he's in Suicide Squad or that version, but it seems like it's not really him. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Yeah, or maybe he came in and did a little cameo. Who knows? But that guy's probably never going to shave his eyebrows off again, I'd imagine. I can't guarantee that. He's learned his lesson. I can't guarantee that, yeah. But there you go.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I mean, Phoenix, from what he got in his movie, even if, I mean, he got more to do, the movie is just about him. It's just about him, yeah. It's like 10 minutes in the other one and it's kind of nothing. I wouldn't even say it's bad. It's just like good effort, everyone. Mason, Star Wars news. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:42:38 This is just a precursor because there's going to be a new trailer on Monday Night Football and we'll talk about it next week. So just get all your thoughts and ideas. Prayers, yep. Get them all written down. Okay. I want some notes for next week. You're miming there of me writing.
Starting point is 00:42:52 It's very much crayons on a big sketch pad of some sort. A big piece of butcher's paper. Yes, that's right. That you're going with. It's just that tree getting struck by lightning in The Last Jedi. I just keep drawing versions of that. Whee! It says. Zap! You excited for it? Yeah, keep drawing versions of that. Whee! It says.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Zap. You're excited for it? Yeah, I am excited for it. Yeah, there we go. We'll talk about it next week. There's been a lot of speculation that it's still filming at the moment and things like that, which it could very well be. There's been talk that there's been multiple ending shot and whatever,
Starting point is 00:43:18 or it's the greatest thing that's ever going to come. It's going to tie it all together. Does that count as a negative, multiple endings, because they don't know where it's going to go? Or is this some sort of throw people off the scent kind of dealio? A few people have sent me over the last few weeks that there was a, I don't know who this is from. Let's say somebody.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Ryan Johnson? Yeah, Ryan Johnson. And that they're kind of focus testing like different endings or something. Because it's supposed to wrap up the entire saga. The saga. So nine movies. All nine movies. Yeah, wow. Midichlor So nine movies. All nine movies.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Yeah, wow. Midichlorians and all. How do you feel about that, though? The idea that it isn't, they're like, we're not going to do this in a way that is satisfying to us, the filmmakers. We're going to do it in a way that is satisfying to. Well, maybe those things overlap. Yeah, I guess they could, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:02 But I just, I don't think you need to wrap up the whole saga. I think you've got to focus on wrapping up the saga that you made. Yeah, right. I mean, but if you can work that in, I guess technically it is the end of nine films. That's true. So I guess that also makes sense. And the beginning of another nine films. You know it is. The Mandalorian.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Yes. I saw some footage recently. People really liked it. Along with Watchmen, which is coming out this week. So that movie for Carmen Agarmo just coming up. Nice. Might be pushed back a couple of days because of that Star Wars trailer. I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 00:44:27 All right. Well, I do. Yeah, you absolutely do. But I don't remember what I'm doing. Ryan Johnson told you. He did. What I love about a cat spur mattress, Mason. Yes, go on.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I'm very familiar with cat spurur Casper Mattress, yes? Casper Mattress is a product that are cleverly designed to mimic human curves, providing supportive comfort for all kinds of bodies. You spend one third of your life sleeping, Mason, I assume. If only, that would be the dream. But what sleep I do get? Quality sleep, let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Because you want to be comfortable, and you are because of your Casper Mattress, because the expert at Casper worked tirelessly. The expert, the one guy. The one guy. I think there's more than one. There's many. There's a very diverse team, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:45:11 There's a diverse team because you don't want one guy who's like, this is the way it is. You want to be able to be like... You want some verification. Exactly. They worked tirelessly to make a quality sleep surface that cradles your natural geometry in all the right places. That means your butt.
Starting point is 00:45:23 That's right. What means it all? It's not just for your... It's not. That means your butt. That's right. What means it all? It's not just for your, it's not a mattress for your butt. It is, but it's not all that it does. That's true. Now, the original Casper mattress combines multiple supportive, what is going on today? I don't know. Supportive memory foams.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I think you're doing great. In a quality sleep surface with the right amount of sink and bounce. What if I turn your laptop around and all the letters and numbers are swirling around? You've hit a setting somewhere. You've hit peak boomer and you're like, how do I change the setting back? It's too late. Breathable design helps you sleep cool
Starting point is 00:45:55 and regulates your body temperature throughout the night. With over 20,000 reviews and an average of 4.8 stars across Casper, Amazon and Google, Casper is becoming the internet's favourite mattress. Oh my God. And I know it's your favourite mattress for what you sleep on. It's Cradle's geometry, including butt, but not exclusively. No, that's true.
Starting point is 00:46:12 And of course it has a delightful unboxing experience. Spurroying it goes. Spurroying it goes. That's right. It's mostly silent. Yes. But you get it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:46:21 It's got that feeling, doesn't it, about it. Yeah. It's got that ambiance. It does have an ambiance. Oh, like a like a weekend in the south of france that's opening that casper mattress has that certain ambiance you know you could actually get a hundred dollars whoa bloody heck towards they say more than usual it's about the same it's about towards the select mattresses by visiting slash the weekly planetplanet and use the offer code theweeklyplanet, all one word, terms and conditions apply.
Starting point is 00:46:48 That's $100 towards select mattresses by visiting slash theweeklyplanet and use offer code theweeklyplanet. It's linked below if you want to check it out. But terms and conditions do apply. It's a wonderful mattress. Please do check it out. Yes. I know it's catchy.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Oh, no. Check it out. Oh, check it out now. It's a high-quality mattress. You'll get a kick out. Yes. I know it's catchy. Oh, no. Check it out. Oh, check it out now. It's a high-quality mattress. You'll get a kick out of it. Zombieland. Yes. I put an ad in.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Oh, yeah, cool, cool. Cool, cool. It came out. Yes, it did. It's expected to make a $26 million a weekend. That seems low. It's not bad because the budget is $42 to $48. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:22 So it's not like Maleficent, which cost $175 billion. Sure. And won't make that money back because why would you make that movie again? The Doolittle trailer that we talked about a while. I loved it. Many hours ago. I loved it. It does say, I think it says from the producers of Maleficent.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I love it. Did that movie make such a cultural impact that that is a selling point for another movie? Okay, right. And then it's kicked off the, I guess, no, it didn't kick off. There was a whole lot of dark. It kicked off the Maleficent Cinematic Universe. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:49 The MCU. Wait a minute. No wonder people are confused by this movie. That toppled Joker at the box office, but people don't seem to really care about it. Yeah, right. Apparently it's an excellent performance by Angelina Jolie. And boy is her face crooked and pointy.
Starting point is 00:48:06 That's right. That's cool. But anyway, so it's going to be... It's going to do fine. It's going to do fine. What do you think the story was? Do you remember Zombieland 1? I do.
Starting point is 00:48:18 We watched it recently. It's basically the same movie. Yeah, I agree. Same things. Ten years later, though. Yes. There's some spoilers. We'll save them to the end.
Starting point is 00:48:25 There's only a few things that are really kind of like, oh, my God. But even then, one of them was spoiled for me on Twitter. Thanks, Twitter. Yeah. I feel like. By someone adding you personally. Yeah, I know. I was just in the feed or whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:38 You probably know the bit I'm talking about. Yes. Yeah. So having recently watched the first movie, because we did a Caravan of Garbage on the pilot. Yes. This. Yeah. I'm with you. It felt the same. Yes So having recently watched the first movie Because we did A Caravan of Garbage on the pilot Yes This, yeah, I'm with you It felt the same
Starting point is 00:48:47 But it also felt like this one could have been set Like six months after the last Yeah, right Because there was no It doesn't feel like ten years Because they're just doing the same shit Yeah They're all hanging out together
Starting point is 00:48:57 They're in a mansion Instead of like it's Bill Murray's house It's the White House Yeah, right, uh-huh You know what I mean? It kind of culminates in the same way Yeah, it's good I mean, beyond the fact that all the White House. Yeah, right. You know what I mean? It kind of culminates in the same way. Yeah, it's good. I mean, beyond the fact that all the actors look older.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Yeah, sort of. Well, I mean, Abigail Bursley does because she's – Because she was a girl and now she's – And also, if you remember the first one, Emma Stone's character is quite gothy. She's kind of emo gothy. And in this one, she's just Emma Stone. She's 32 or whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Yeah, right. And so in this one, yeah, it's kind of, it seems as if they've refined their zombie hunting skills. Yes. But they were pretty good in the last one. They got it together. They remain quite good in this as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:36 So I think that was kind of a, I mean, you can't really think too hard about this. No. But I'm like, these guys have been doing this shit for 10 years. Yeah, right. 10 years is a long time. And it hasn't really, it's, I'm like, these guys have been doing this shit for 10 years? Yeah, right. 10 years is a long time. And it hasn't really, it's, I feel like it's, this world has put a strain on their various relationships,
Starting point is 00:49:53 but it's got nothing to do with the zombies. No. It's just more to do with just four people living in a house together for 10 years. And re-watching the first one again, I enjoyed it going back to it, but I definitely liked it more at the time because it was so meta and bill murray and commenting on zombies and funny zombie situations and like you should check the backseat of your car and whatever but they've just been inundated with this shit since yep so it comes around again and i've just i feel like
Starting point is 00:50:19 i've seen it all i feel there's a little bit of meta commentary in this though about you, though, about you – there's right at the start, because we get the same Jesse Eisenberg narration in this one as we did in the first one, that's basically like, thank you for choosing Zombieland 2. Yeah. We know you have been inundated with zombie-related stuff and we're glad you chose to indulge in this one. Was that at the very start? It's at the very start.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I was in the toilet. Of course you were. So I think on a technical and just all levels i think this is about the same as the first one i think so too and i don't think that's a good or a bad thing it's just it's it is what it is yeah yeah i think again it uh it's it's it was nice to return to these particular characters yeah i like him yeah but but again it's those same story beats of like, they're having fun in a mansion. Oh, there's a larger looming threat.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And then it's like, oh, well, I work solo and no one can be trusted and let's split up the team. And actually it's about family. And we did all this 10 years ago. What have you been doing? What was the impetus of a sequel to this? Did you say impotence? Yeah, what is the impotence? Woody Harrelson. What's the impotence right in this movie? Woody you say impotence? Yeah, what is the impotence?
Starting point is 00:51:25 Woody Harrelson. What's the impotence right in this movie? Woody Harrelson, he's old. Yeah, that's exactly it. His dick doesn't work. Are you sure? That's because he kept beating up zombies because his dick didn't work. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:51:34 He big trucks. His dick didn't work. Because as we know, all zombie movies, they are all a metaphor for something else, whether it's rampant consumerism or people, social media or your dick not working, exactly. So in this case, it's your dick not working? For him, it is. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:51:51 That's his story arc, yeah. So you think what... In this one, it's Jesse Eisenberg's dick works too well. In many ways, two ways in particular. Yes. So speaking of, there is a new character, Zoe Douche. What I liked about that character, and I felt a bit like this is a very cliche kind of bimbo cheerleader, blackberry sporting human being. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:13 But then I also realized that the zombie apocalypse happened sometime in 2008, 2009. Yeah. And she's just hung on to that version of herself. Yes, as a survival mechanism somewhere. So she's just kind of kept that. Yeah. That Paris Hilton, I guess,
Starting point is 00:52:28 era of human being that was popular. Yeah. Right. So I thought she was quite good. Yeah. I think that's probably what I would do if, if, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:36 if there were a zombie apocalypse, I feel like you would hold onto whatever. Yeah. Whatever, whatever joys you had back in the day to keep you sane, you would attempt like, again, in the first one, uh, Tallahassee's always after a Twinkie.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Does he get one in that? I don't think he does. I can't remember. Yeah. Good stuff. Yeah, it is good stuff. Sometimes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:55 But I also enjoyed the Thomas Middleditch and Luke Wilson who turn up as the characters that are the mirror images of Tallahassee and Columbus, yeah. I never remember anybody's names. No, I thought they both put in really excellent performances. Did you like the idea of like a newer zombie? I feel like they set up some zombies at the start, which they then didn't use.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yeah, I feel that too. So the only real difference between this, the 2009 Zombieland and this Zombieland, is that the zombies haven't necessarily evolved, but they've seen so many zombies that they can categorise them into certain types. So some are dumb and useless and some are fast and silent and etc. But yeah, you're right. We didn't really see that many.
Starting point is 00:53:36 They introduced the Homer, which is like a dumb one that you can easily outwit. The Ninja, which is silent and fast. Which we didn't see. And the smart one. The Hawking. Who could open a door. Yes. We didn't see those last two. That fast. Which we didn't see. And the smart one. The hawking. Who could open a door. Yes. We didn't see those last two.
Starting point is 00:53:48 That's true. We didn't really. I wonder if some of that got stuck. Because we'll have to talk about it. It's not super long. No, it's quite brisk. So maybe we got some more smart zombies. At one point, somebody goes, oh, look out, there's a hawking.
Starting point is 00:54:00 But all it really does is climb up on the top of a car. Oh, so we do get one. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. But again, it didn't do. It didn't open a car. Oh, so we do get one. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. But again, it didn't do... It didn't open a door with a human eye or whatever. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Anyway, not every Chekhov's gun has to go off. You know what I mean? They all absolutely have to go off. Just like Woody Harrelson's dick. Right. And it does work because it's very important. Another character is Rosario Dawson. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:23 In this, who like you and everything Sure She probably could have done it with a bit more play I guess I think so too But she seems like she's in the team now So going forward we'll probably get some more of these Don't you think so? Yeah maybe
Starting point is 00:54:34 In another 10 years? You think in 2029 we'll get Zombieland 3? I think if we don't get it in 5 years we probably won't get it It should be called Zombieland 3 Triple Tap All the zombies we killed with a double tap have come back to life again. We're in a lot of trouble. There were so many of them. Do you enjoy the fact that the new zombies that they call the T-800s
Starting point is 00:54:51 because they're virtually unstoppable, they're fairly stoppable because they've been running in the open plains just getting stronger and eating buffalo or cattle or whatever out there. Is that an element that you're like, yeah, that makes sense to me? I mean, I guess, but realistically they weren't that different from. Not in the end, it seems. No, I feel like maybe there was scope in this to maybe evolve a zombie into like a Resident Evil style zombie, like a nemesis kind of situation,
Starting point is 00:55:17 something that is. That's what I thought they were actually going towards. Because, again, in this movie we get some evolved zombies, but they are still zombies that you can kill by cutting their heads off or stomping their head or whatever. Like if you kill the brain, they are still dead. I don't think that the zombie kill of the years that they display are particularly inventive either, especially the one that wins.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I'm like, is that the one that wins? What about the one in Italy? Oh, sorry, that one. That one should have won. Right? Right? Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yeah. Okay, that one, yes. Mamma mia, let me tell you. Mam Yeah. Right? Yeah. Okay, that one, yes. Yeah. Mamma Mia, let me tell you. Mamma Mia, indeed. Yeah. Nah, fair point. It's gory, but it's not like freakishly gory.
Starting point is 00:55:51 No, that's true, yeah. It's mostly CGI blood on heads. But the vomiting is quite visceral. It's for sure, yeah. In this, I would say. Do you want to do spoilers? Sure. I don't know how much more I have to say about this.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Okay, yeah, same. Look, I'm going to say best movie ever. if you weren't particularly enamored of the previous one yeah you won't you won't get anything more out of this i don't think these aren't sean of the dead no yeah so yeah if you're funny in parts but they're not it's not a laugh a minute situation yeah and some gags kind of go too long and yeah. But again, I feel like if this were a lesser movie, I think seeing pretty much the same story beats played out again would be a real chore for me. Yeah, that's fair. I'm sure there are people who will watch this and go,
Starting point is 00:56:33 ugh, it is the same thing. But again, maybe it's down to the charm of the actors playing and the main characters. 100%. Yeah. So that's Zombieland, but we're going to say some spoiler thing. I found there were some story elements to me that didn't add up. They've never been the most cerebral movies,
Starting point is 00:56:49 but there's things like Abigail Breslin had a gun the entire time and the bit where they're all surrounded by zombies and she didn't use the gun and then she's like, I just forgot. She was stunned. You don't forget. That's how it works. Maybe it does. I don't know, for some people.
Starting point is 00:57:06 But, yeah, so even the bit where, like you're talking about, they just seem like regular zombies, those T-800 ones at the end, because when they're being swarmed, when they're in that little stand, they're just kind of knocking them back as they normally do. But the first one they meet, he puts like 16 bullets in it. Yeah. But, again, like that first one they encounter can be killed just with a stomp to the head.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Yeah. But again, this isn't a movie you're supposed to think too hard into. Also the, the plan at the end is to sort of run them all through a gauntlet and then off, off a tower. Yes. At no point do any of the, they're supposed to be stronger and smarter or whatever. At no point do those people, do those zombies go for anybody who's operating the gauntlet. They go for them.
Starting point is 00:57:43 And when they could just do that quite easily because they're fast and they're strong, they could just break through that gauntlet of hippies almost immediately. Doesn't happen, though. Doesn't happen. Yeah. Not the zombie killer. The guy tipping over the landing tower of Caesar, I think,
Starting point is 00:57:57 is the zombie killer. Good for him. And I like the set-up with his family. He pretends that they're his family. See, that's a joke to play. I think so. Yeah, there's definitely jokes to play in this. I really enjoyed the idea that word has got around the Murray is.
Starting point is 00:58:14 How? I don't know. Because one of them must have told somebody. I guess so, yeah. I guess he was found in his home maybe. Yeah. It's interesting. We don't really, we never see anything that happens.
Starting point is 00:58:27 We never see any flashbacks to the interim. We never see anybody else they encounter in the previous 10 years. Yes. We don't see them go, okay, well, here's a, you know, we encountered these people before and now they're our nemeses or whatever. Yeah, that's interesting because they're kind of like, because Abigail Breslin's like, I just want to have a boyfriend or whatever. And he's like, there's nobody bloody left out there, let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:58:46 And then they just run into like a thousand people. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah, it's like, I guess what doesn't hold up to me in this sequel is the idea that it feels like we just stopped it in 2009. Yeah. And then we picked up again and they all were in stasis. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:59:03 And we picked up again and they all were in stasis. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. And we picked up again in 2019, right? I think also the Zoe Douche character coming back wasn't really necessary. I actually thought it was allergies at first and went, oh, no, they actually killed her. But then her coming back was kind of like, you didn't really do anything when... I wonder if that... So we think that her character got bitten on the foot
Starting point is 00:59:23 and got infected with a zombie plague and then Jesse Eisenberg's character killed her but obviously not really killed her because we didn't see her head come off. And then she comes back and she's normal. I thought initially she was going to be somebody who became immune to the zombie and she was going to be the source of some sort of cure.
Starting point is 00:59:40 And I wonder if that was in the script but then they changed it because they're like, well, we need a sequel to this. Maybe we'll do a sequel. And if there's somebody we can you know make a vaccine from yeah then then it's over so they just went oh i had allergies and now i'm fine again yeah right yeah fair point i like the on i like the minivan kind of sure they went out of their way to get that well out of their way to get that bus and then they just end up trudging back to the minivan well speaking of minivans and miniguns, I was a little bit disappointed. We could have had a fine minigun minute.
Starting point is 01:00:08 There's one mounted on that truck. Doesn't the President have a minigun in his motorcade as well? Yeah, he does, yeah. Oh yeah! It was in the Obama era they put it in, wasn't it? I think so, yeah. I might have been proud of that. There's two trucks that follow, there's two like SUVs that follow the President around. One's
Starting point is 01:00:24 got Secret Service agents. One's got a minigun. Terrific. But anyway, it's used to fire at stuff on the side of the road and then never again. Very disappointing. Also, I think an element of this. Take it with you, for God's sake.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Put it in the minivan. Put a minigun in a minivan. That's what they're made for. I thought it was odd that that hippie who was a pacifist, again, how could that guy have survived 10 years? It's not possible. How? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:48 I just don't know. Yeah, he's not particularly competent. Maybe he was a murderer and now he's just doing this posing thing. Yeah, well, he is a poser, so maybe he changed his ways in the last week or something. Yeah, you're right. That's entirely possible. Anyway, Bill Murray's in this.
Starting point is 01:01:00 He's back. I had it spoiled for me on Twitter. I thought it was funny. Oh, I see. Someone was like, I shouldn't be posting this, but thanks, idiot. It's not out for a week. Good job. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Look, I expected there to be some kind of celebrity cameo. Yes. I just wasn't expecting to be Bill Murray again. Did you love it? I did kind of like it. Did you stay to the very, very end? I did stay to the very, very end. Did you love it?
Starting point is 01:01:21 I loved it. I don't think it was worth the very, very end. I don't think so either. Yeah, but I loved it too. Yeah. What about. Did you love it? I loved it. I don't think it was worth the very, very end. I don't think so either. Yeah, but I loved it too. Yeah. What about the Garfield 3 gag? That was funny. Do you think they called up and they were like to Jim Davis or whatever
Starting point is 01:01:32 and they're like, hey, we're going to. It didn't look official. I know, but still, you would have had to call somebody and be like, hey, listen, we need to use your creation as just the illustration of just empty capitalism and like a desert of ideas. Just when all creativity runs dry, we wanted that to be represented by Garfield 3 Flabby Tabby.
Starting point is 01:01:53 It's perfect Jim Davis. Yeah. I don't care. Will I get a licensing fee for this? I'll take it. I'll take it and don't care. So would you see another version of this? Would you want to see the same movie again
Starting point is 01:02:06 or a different movie i want to see a different movie yeah me too yeah so give me i don't know just there's a lot you can kind of do and a lot of things you could commentate on yeah that have happened in other media since that's true yeah there's a bit where they're looking at the walking dead comic and being yeah well this isn't very realistic or whatever. Show us some stuff like related to that show or something. Emma Stone apparently pushed for like a cameo from people from that show. There'd be some crossover. Yeah, right. I mean, can you imagine like super serious like Walking Dead?
Starting point is 01:02:36 You've never seen it. No, but I'm aware of it. But like this earnest and like big speeches and then they come across Woody Harrison, you know what I mean? Yeah, I think that would be great. It's an interesting dynamic. Well, that's true. And, you know, I think we even talked about it last week.
Starting point is 01:02:49 You know, in Shaun of the Dead, we had two zombie hunting teams cross paths briefly, and people have always wondered what happened to the other team. And I think it will be interesting. It would be a commentary on that as well, I think. If you went, okay, well, what happens if the Super Serious Walking Dead team shows up and dealing with these idiots? Presumably they would all get killed because they don't follow the rules. Exactly. Or what have you. you went, okay, well, what happens if the Super Serious Walking Dead team shows up and dealing with these idiots? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Presumably they would all get killed. Yeah. Because they don't follow the rules. Exactly. Or what have you. But, you know, and again, you're right. There should have been, the first one was a commentary on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Why people in zombie, and again, you know, this is, again, this is a zombie movie where people are okay with saying, these are zombies, you know, like in zombie movies. Yeah. And I like the idea of, you know. It's only the comedies that do it, really, isn't it zombie movies. And I like the idea of, you know. It's only the comedies that do it really, isn't it? Yeah, otherwise they're like, who are these dark walkers? Who are these dark seekers?
Starting point is 01:03:33 We call them biters. Great stuff. We call them slow walker biters. In a Dracula movie, you call them Draculas. You call them Draculas because that's what they are. Oh, my God, look at that window. It's an army of Draculas and Frankensteins. The Draculas and Frankensteins have teamed up. There's always someone who, at least one person when we say Draculas,
Starting point is 01:03:51 we say it's not Draculas, it's Dracula's monster technically. We know it's Dracula's monster. Exactly, yeah. You're Dracula's monster for bringing it up, quite frankly. Yeah, there should have been some, there have been advances in zombie movie storytelling in the last 10 years, so put some of those in. Nazi zombies, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:04:08 Yes. You could have some neo-Nazis that turned into zombies. Oh, my God, and then you could shoot them. Yeah. Surely no one could complain about that. Sometimes people do. Oh, my God. It happens in video games every now and then.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Oh, my God. In every fandom, there's... I don't think you give these Nazis in Wolfenstein a fair shake. Why can't we meet somewhere in the middle between extreme racism and no racism? It's basically a man. It's basically a man. Anyway, it's fine. I would say wait for it though.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Wait for video? Yeah. Slash streaming? Yep. I was amazed because I'm like, before I watch Zombieland 2, I should watch Zombieland on Netflix. I know it's on Netflix. And I went to Netflix and was still there. What? I was like, yeah. Because Zombieland 2, I should watch Zombieland on Netflix. I know it's on Netflix.
Starting point is 01:04:46 And I went to Netflix and was still there. What? I was like, yeah. Because you didn't mention it on the show. So I emailed them a letter of complaint. I'm like, excuse me. What are you guys up to? I wanted to watch this on Netflix and it was available on Netflix, even though the sequel's out.
Starting point is 01:04:58 I want the name of the person you're firing. Yeah, that's right. I want his head on my desk. Oh, it's me. You're cancelling my account. Well, I never, except all the other times that's right. What, he's head on my desk? Oh, it's me, you're cancelling my account. Well, I never, except all the other times that's happened. Good day. So, should we go to the next segment?
Starting point is 01:05:10 Yeah, let's go to the next segment. What are we reading? What are we going to read? I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? So, you didn't watch it before we watched the pilot? No, I watched it like an hour before. Oh, that's what I meant.
Starting point is 01:05:27 So right before. Yes. Okay, gotcha. Cool. Okay, what have you been reading? What have you been going to read? I'll be getting into the terror a little bit. No spoilers because I'm only a couple of episodes in.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Episode season one? Yes, season one. Very good. Yes. How many spooky events have happened so far? A couple of spooky events. Yeah. No spoilers.
Starting point is 01:05:45 No, nothing. What episode would you say you're up far? A couple of spooky events. Yeah. No spoilers. No, nothing. What episode would you say you're up to? I'm up at the start of three. Are the elements of it, of like otherworldly stuff begun to happen? Yes. But also, is that just because I know that there's some spooky stuff going to happen? Let's just, I don't know. Well, yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Yeah. It took me a bit. I know I'm a big fan of a fur light coat. My name, yeah. So, you know. Do you like people eating old tin cans or whatever? Yes. Like sailors just trying to keep it together and keep up that chip of nature
Starting point is 01:06:11 as they slowly die in the ice. Rum, buggery, and the lash. That's what I like. Why isn't Kenneth Branagh in it, though? Good question. It is a really good question. Shackleton Mason. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:21 He was Ernest Shackleton in Shackleton. Yeah. Sorry, Shackleton's monster. Hey. What have you been watching or reading? I've read issue three of Superman year one by Frank Miller. How's that going? Not good. Frank Miller joints. I can't stop
Starting point is 01:06:35 reading it. You can. You can stop at any point. I won't. I'll pay them $9 at a cost or whatever. Is it like your doubt is digital? It's digital, yeah digital so it's not some sort of prestige hardback situation this one introduces uh wonder woman lex luther batman joke as a combined one yeah that's right it's composite man and woman okay well who so who are you who's being introduced wonder woman wonder woman's batman lex luther joker
Starting point is 01:07:03 who comes off the worst? Is it Batman, you won Batman? I don't know if it is now because it doesn't seem to be. So I thought it might have been connected, but maybe it isn't. I don't because the art style is different as well. The art's quite good, but it might have the worst Batman v Superman fight I've seen in anything ever. Oh, this is their first meet-up. Which, here's the thing also.
Starting point is 01:07:25 I feel like in anything ever. Oh, this is their first meet-up. Which, here's the thing also. I feel like that needs, somebody somewhere has decided that that needs to be their introduction now. Like when they did the, was it the New 52, I think? They were like, we have to have Batman and Superman fight just to have them, you know. But in all the previous versions, they don't fight. They just meet and interact. You don't have to have them fight. Sometimes they discover each other's identity.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Exactly. You don't have to have them fight and determine who's the best or whatever it's not so in this one yes batman meets him because lex luther's plan to pit them against each other or something oh yes and they meet on a on the rooftop in front of the the big gotham signal that says gotham shoots gotham oh the gotham signal sure the tourism boards put that up that's right the bat signal. And Batman's like, I'm going to teach this guy a lesson. They just put up a signal.
Starting point is 01:08:11 If you're thinking about going to Gotham City, they put up a big spotlight in the sky that says crime, really bad crime. And you're like, oh, I should go to Gotham. But some handcuffs, kind of foot cuffs, I should say, come out of the ground and, like, grab Superman's ankles. Okay. And then Batman throws a whole lot of devices cuffs, I should say, come out of the ground and grab Superman's ankles. Okay. And then Batman throws a whole lot of devices at him and weapons and bullets and electricity and hits him with power gloves while Superman just stands there.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Yeah. And that's really it. And it's just not... How did he fall for the shackles? It's very fast. I don't even think he... Because he doesn't even... He's like, stop it.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Right. Stop it. Okay. He doesn't flinch at all. It's pointless. And then Wonder Woman comes in and is like, stop it, boys. There's a bit of trouble. Do you think that this is a deliberate allusion to Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice? I think it might be.
Starting point is 01:08:56 It sounds to me like he's seen that and he's gone. Wouldn't it be a funny little riff? It sounds like a Mad Magazine parody of Batman v Superman. It felt fired. He's throwing the kitchen sink. He's throwing a trash can with a fish skeleton in it. It's not interesting stuff. It's like electricity. Top out with a top cut off of it.
Starting point is 01:09:14 You know, he's like electricity gloves. Yeah, these electrocution gloves. He does that and I think he buys a gun maybe. Oh, nice. I think this Batman might even use a gun because there might be a throwback to it. I don't remember. Quite recently they were going to do, I read recently that there was a canned Batman project just called The Batman,
Starting point is 01:09:32 and it was going to be a reimagining of the original Batman. It was Gotham City was going to be set on the West Coast, like near LA. Oh, it was like a weird real thing. Yeah, it was like a weird. Darren Aron was going to do it, I think. Yeah, man. Around the early 2000s. Maybe. This is a comic project, not a movie project, I think. Yeah, man. Around the early 2000s. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:09:45 This is a comic project, not a movie project. Never mind. Yeah, okay. And it was going to be back to the Bat-Man. Yeah. And it was going to be like back to the old sort of neo-noir, the original Batman where he's shooting guns. Gun Totem.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Yeah, and it was going to be more like a Raymond Chandler novel or whatever, but it's Batman. People do make that argument, or they used to, when people cared about the Ben Affleck Batman. Yes. That, like, well, technically he's had a gun before and he's shot people. Yeah. It's like, yeah, but it's kind of evolved past that.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Yeah, for sure. I mean, it's PC, man. I agree. Also, Superman kind of sucks in this because he kind of, he seems like he's indifferent and sometimes hates people or he doesn't. It's just kind of like his internal dialogue is like, he doesn't seem like a very superman at all. He seems kind of rude.
Starting point is 01:10:30 You should call him a rude man. You should call him a rude man. Or super rude. Super rude. Extremely rude. Anyway, don't read it. But next week, it's probably going to be our Halloween episode. Oh, our spookiest episode yet?
Starting point is 01:10:43 Because that'll be the one just before halloween yes go on so do you want to next week do we'll watch some horror stuff oh my god people hate it when we do this but all right no we'll pick like you go away and watch three i'll go and way and watch three okay and we'll just talk about some of our favorite stuff that we've watched or whatever i can talk about the movie sunshine again of course yay people got some suggestions as well. Write them in and we might read some out on the show or steal them and say that we thought of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:10 So what do you think about that? That sounds really good. That sounds really cool. Anything else for what we're reading? No. Then are you ready for letters? Yes. Let's say for purposes of argument, I'm ready for letters.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Yeah, but you have to then. I'll do the letters then. Yeah, you have to do the things. Letters, oh letters, we love you. Some letters, they're only a take away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do Letters. It's such a rude theme song.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Change that one as well. If you want to reach the show, hashtag Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter, or conversely, shoot a Gmail or an email or an, uh, whatever the Microsoft Microsoft equivalent of an email is over to weekly planet pod at Do you, would you like to do yours first? Yes, this is,
Starting point is 01:11:52 this is from a couple of weeks ago. I noted it down and I just wanted to pass this along live on air. If you're, if you want to bite on this one and bite is probably the appropriate way. This is from Olivia. Okay. It says, hi,
Starting point is 01:12:04 James and Nick slash the Weekly Planet Podcast. Hope you're doing well. Doing alright. I'm reaching out to make you aware of a PR opportunity I think would be a great fit for your podcast. History, the History Channel, has a new visual and highly intense TV series where two men put their
Starting point is 01:12:19 lives in danger by getting bit and stung by some of the most dangerous wildlife animals. Go on. History's new series, Kings of Pain, premieres Tuesday, November 12th at 10 p.m. ET. It follows professional animal handler Rob Caveman-Aleva and wildlife biologist Adam Thorne on their mission to create history's ultimate pain index by traveling the world to get bit and stung by some of
Starting point is 01:12:44 the most dangerous animals. Isn't pain relative? Write that. Okay, I will do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Write this down. Yes. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 01:12:53 What are the benefits? How do we benefit from this interaction? I don't know. Do they mention us on the show? I've been stung by a bee and check out the Weekly Planet podcast. Yeah, I don't think they are. No, I think what- I've fallen into a hornet's nest.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Red, hot, carbon- Ah! Oh my god. Ah! I was kind of hoping they would like and maybe invite us on to get bitten. No, obviously. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:15 I don't want that. You come when you do that. What if I'm allergic to some weird spider that I don't know about, that I'd die? Looking forward to hearing your feedback on this PR opportunity and the possibility of working together. Thank you in advance.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Do we get bit or not? That's all I'm saying. Getting bit for nothing. I mean, I've been bit by a bunch of stuff. I don't like it. It's no good. I mean, yeah, respond. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:13:36 What are you going to write? Yes. I'll see what the automated response thing is. Whatever it is, 100%. Okay, here we go. Okay, here's our options. Thanks! Sounds interesting, full stop.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Sounds interesting! I feel like that's where we're at. Okay, cool. You know what? It's not something I'm thoroughly against, to be fair. When did you find that? Two weeks ago. We could have been promoting this heavily.
Starting point is 01:13:59 I know, right? It could have been like the new show that we could have done. We could have been being stung by bees. Do you think they'd send us some bees? To be stung by? Yeah. I think it's probably a customs thing, isn't it? You can't just be sending bees to people.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Okay, but they could probably call up like a local bee provider and they could send us some bees. Some locally sourced bees. Some locally, Aussie made and Aussie owned bees. Love that. Yeah, or a snake. Okay, this is from Sam. International sheep shaggers is the subject line.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Love it. He says, I'm amazed at the concept of people from certain countries being sheep shaggers seems to be a worldwide thing. Here in England, we have the same perception about people from Wales. True. Yeah. I think it's also an Ireland-Scotland thing as well. Yeah, maybe you can have this as a small segment
Starting point is 01:14:36 where people from other places can share their lamb lover counterparts. I think that would be good. Every week, we figure it out and we build some sort of index around the world. We can draw some threads country to country of all the places where people are like. And we could do it like we could see if it's in both directions. You can also do counties.
Starting point is 01:14:55 It doesn't have to be countries necessarily. Well, that's true. Yeah, that's true. I'd imagine a lot of the time it's like they're separated by a body of water. Yeah. It sounds like it's going to be like a fractal. Like you keep zooming in.
Starting point is 01:15:04 So you go, you pick Australia and then you zoom in, but then it's like people from Sydney say people from Newcastle shag sheep. It's eventually just going to be two neighbours. He said I did it, but he definitely, he doesn't. There's a ship shagging. And it'll be interesting to look at like- But they're both shagging sheep. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Oh, they're dark secret. If only they could get along, they could do it together. I would like to see the ratio of number of people, like countries that say the other country does it and then the second country's like,
Starting point is 01:15:34 no, we think they're nice, actually. We don't have anything insulting to say. Send them in. Yeah. I'm interested in the US. Where do you go from there? You know what I mean? What direction do you go?
Starting point is 01:15:44 Do you have a sheep shagging kind of- Is it Canada? Is it Alaska? I don't know. I don't know if it is. It could be Alaska maybe. Or maybe it's moose or something. Maybe the animal is also regional.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yeah, you're right. It would be, wouldn't it? Email in if you're from a country that isn't Australia- And thinks it's another country. Country or county or state- Or neighbor. Has sex with another animal. It could be neighbor.
Starting point is 01:16:03 It could be a neighbor, I guess, if you... But I think we need proof there because, like, not gross proof, but maybe like a note nailed to a door that's like, I know what you did. I love it. Yeah, right? We could do a Patreon episode on it as well. I think so too, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Well, I've got a tweet here. This is from Spud. It says, hey, Nick and James, what's a fictional thing that you used to love that has been ruined by its real-life creators? Mine is the film The Usual Suspects, directed by Bryan Singer, starring Kevin Spacey. Yikes.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Oh, yeah, that's a double whammy, isn't it? That's a really good thing for you. I was going to say, like, I'm the only Superman Returns defender, even though I know objectively it's not good, but it's got to be where he catches the plane. I'm really torn between, because I want to talk about it for Caravan of Garbage before Crisis, but I'm also, I know I'm going to have to do a section at the front where it's like, hey, we know he's probably a sex pest.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Sorry for talking about this movie. Yeah. What about you? Probably the IT crowd slash the IT crowd because the creator of that seems to be like a weird transphobe on the internet for some reason. It's a good show. It is a good show. I mean, everybody on that show has gone on to do more good things.
Starting point is 01:17:20 So that's at least something. Have you watched anything Richard Ayoade has done recently? I don't think I have I should track down Travelman Which is his travel show where he gets into stuff Stung by bees He gets stung by bees I love that guy
Starting point is 01:17:34 Guess what, he doesn't care for it I bet he wouldn't And I should also watch Get Shorty I keep seeing that come up on Stan And do you watch it? No, I haven't watched it yet It's good though, is it? Yes
Starting point is 01:17:43 Well, based on the two episodes I've seen of it, yes. John Travolta in it? No. Then it must be fine to better. Yes. Yeah, because I know also there's obviously been the recent Michael Jackson documentary, which is like four hours long. I've watched it.
Starting point is 01:17:56 It's like, Jesus. And for me, I mean, that's still inclusive at this point. You can make your own decisions. But that music to me has been like I can't listen to this anymore but there's also like I don't begrudge anybody who you know
Starting point is 01:18:09 can separate that from what you know believe whatever you want to believe man but yeah that to me is like no not that I was ever
Starting point is 01:18:16 really a huge fan so I guess it's not a big loss R. Kelly Ignition that's a massive loss to me really it's a great song and now I can never
Starting point is 01:18:24 listen to it again. That guy should have been in jail like 20 years ago. Yeah, for sure. It's amazing that he's evaded for that long. Yeah. Anything else? What are some comic, is there any comic book creators that have gone insane recently?
Starting point is 01:18:36 Max Landis. Oh, yeah. Was he ever good though? I think he has done some good stuff, yeah. Name one thing. Well, he did some Superman stuff, which was all right. Okay, right. He did a medieval one called Green Valley, which was all right.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Okay. But he did Bright, obviously. Yeah, that's the one that changed the game. It was Star Wars, he said. It was Star Wars, yeah. Anyway, there you go. Everything gets ruined eventually. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:19:02 This is from Gil. Yes. Hey, PlanetPod. Just. Hey, Weekly Planet Pod. Just saw Jay and Silent Bob reboot. It would be awesome if us guys could dedicate an episode to that, Kevin Smith. I'm talking viewersque universe movies, smodcast and everything with. Love to hear your guys' take on it. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Yeah, we've been talking about doing an episode. That's not out here until like November maybe, maybe later than that. But yeah, I wouldn't mind doing a Kevin Smith retrospective. Yeah, I would
Starting point is 01:19:30 because that, at least the viewer skew stuff to kind of start with. Yeah, because I mean that's a filmography that some of which I really do enjoy and I wonder
Starting point is 01:19:39 if that still holds up and some of which I do not care for at all and I wonder if my view on that has softened on that, you know, in the last couple of years. Absolutely, yeah. Like I remember thinking about Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back.
Starting point is 01:19:52 This is garbage. But maybe in... I didn't like that one either at the time, yeah. But also I like Clerks 2. But I haven't seen Clerks 2 since 2006. But I really respect what he's built and the shared cinematic universe
Starting point is 01:20:05 that he's been doing since 1994 or whatever it's pretty incredible and he's also like a genuine guy who's built his way up from the ground up
Starting point is 01:20:12 he's not like he's not like one of those stories where it's like his dad is John Landis exactly it's like well this guy's built his way up from nothing
Starting point is 01:20:18 and then you realise that his parents gave him a small loan of 2 million dollars to make his first movie like he he put everything on the line like he sold he sold his comic book Like he sold his comic book collection. He maxed out all his credit cards or whatever to make this thing
Starting point is 01:20:30 and then he kind of enabled him to nudge his way into Hollywood, which is kind of amazing. I watched a video today where he goes back to that convenience store, which is still there and it looks pretty much the same. The VCR place is shut down. And he just talks about his experience and working on that. and i've heard him talk about before like why he did it in black and white and that was because it was cheaper it was it was that but it was cheaper but also otherwise i'd have to shoot under fluorescence otherwise i'd have to get this
Starting point is 01:20:56 $2,000 lighting kit to kind of counteract that right the guy just went well if the lighting i was like well if you're doing black and white it doesn't matter it won't come out green because it it was yeah and then people were – it kind of gives the perspective that it was shot from the store – in-store cameras or whatever. So that's what he just started telling people. Yeah, right, right, right. So it wasn't a creative choice. It was just a budgetary thing.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Did you see the Hot One, the Paul Rudd episode of Hot One? I haven't yet to watch that. I've got that in my saved stuff today. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because he talks about how if you endlessly tell the same story of your, of like, you know, in an interview, like constantly it starts shifting around and you start to wonder whether it was real in the first place. Like he always like, apparently he would always tell people in, you know, he always used to love listening to Steve Martin recordings or whatever,
Starting point is 01:21:39 and that's where he got his sense of humour. And then eventually he started going, is that hell? Did I ever do that? I'm pretty sure it's true, but maybe it's not. Yeah, right. Interesting. I watched that new show. I love his as well on Netflix. I'll talk about it on Suggestible, my other podcast. Which one is this? Is this Martin Short?
Starting point is 01:21:54 No, no, no. Oh, Living With Myself or whatever. The two Paul Rudds. Oh my god. Yeah. Check it out. But I'll talk about Suggestible this week, my other podcast. It's linked below. I got one more tweet. No, I don't. That's it.
Starting point is 01:22:06 What's next, Mason? The end of the show, I think. Thank goodness. Come on. Oh, I can't wait to get out of here. And do what? Nothing. I can't leave.
Starting point is 01:22:14 My son's asleep. He clears out. So I'll be here. I'll be here, Mason. Getting ready for my Star Wars trailer breakdown. Excited? A lot of meditation. What do you think is going to be in it?
Starting point is 01:22:24 Like if you had to predict the thing that's going to be in it. Well, Emperor stuff, I guess. Do you think more double lightsaber action? Yeah, it might get a bit. I hope it's not that much extra, to be honest. I hope it's me going, I don't know. Do you still think that's a dream sequence? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Double lightsaber? Yeah. It's a very specific look. Have you had a very specific dream? Never. My dreams are all just old Star Wars movies. Just snippets from old Star Wars movies. You hate Star Wars.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I know. That's why. Anyways, take us home. Oh, my God. Thank you, everybody who has been listening to the show, who's told a friend about it, who's liked and subscribed, and who's given us a nice review. James, you got a nice review there?
Starting point is 01:23:07 No, I do. This is from Quoting Ben. It says, Burton Ernie for adults. Always topical and funny. Masters of their craft. I guess this very specific thing that we've built. We are the masters of it, aren't we? Nobody does us better than us yet.
Starting point is 01:23:21 It's true. I'm sure they will eventually. Someone will deep fake it. Somebody is going to say build an algorithm. What is an app that costs nothing? We'll start getting tweets
Starting point is 01:23:28 that are like, oh my God, more recent episodes are actually really good. Remember the one about this? And we're like, we didn't talk about that. And we'll go to YouTube
Starting point is 01:23:35 and it'll just be funnier than us and better looking. Yeah, probably. Younger. If you've been a fan of comics, comic book movies or pop culture in general
Starting point is 01:23:44 over the last few years, you'll enjoy this show. You'll get used to the accents. Five stars. Five-star review. You can just do it in-app on your phone right now. That's true. It's very easy to do. A special thanks to everybody in the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates group
Starting point is 01:23:55 who has Photoshopped a photo of myself at work. I loved it, Mason. There's a lot of sweet. Did that come up before somebody sent it to you or did you send? No, it's just a photo of me at work and somebody took it and put it up on Facebook. But did you find it first or did somebody else
Starting point is 01:24:12 find it first? I found it first. Incredible. Yes. But thanks for everybody who's doing a sweet. There's an El Camino one, there's a Transformers one, there's a Mad Max one, there's a whole bunch. I'll put them all up on Instagram. I was going to say, you're putting them on the Insta, aren't you? I'll put them on the Insta.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Thanks, everybody. If you want to say hi, you can go to Weekly Planet Pod at Facebook. These are very funny. I'm on your Insta now. And Gmail. I'm loving it. And Twitter and Bandcamp. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:24:37 On Instagram, I'm Nick Maso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A. Your Mr. Sunday movies everywhere. Yeah. If you want to have some nice, fun... Yes. This is very good. If you have some nice, fun, civil conversations about pop culture, you can go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Yes. You can also go to You can sign up for a newsletter from the great Rob Collings. He's at the Weekly Planet on Twitter. He's a wonderful man. The charity campaign is still going strong. I think we're up to about $57,000. Excellent.
Starting point is 01:25:06 We thought $50,000. The listeners are very, very generous, but there's no way we'd make more than $50,000, and we absolutely have. I don't think we'll make any more than $57,000. Wow. Prove me wrong, Mason, by donating $1,000 right now. All right, hang on.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Anything else? We've got some T-shirts on Thank you to The Brute and The Basilisk and Rackham for all our musical themes. Yeah. Including the great Weekly Planet opening theme. It's great. It is great, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:25:37 If temporary. Oh, what? All things are temporary, though, aren't they? That's true. Yes. And that's it. That's it, I think. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:25:44 What are we talking about next week? Halloween shit? That's true. Yes. And that's it. That's it, I think. Thank you very much. What are we talking about next week? Halloween shit. That's right. Very good. We should review various Halloween novelties, I think. Maybe that's what... I feel that's for more in our wheelhouse. You want to carve a pumpkin on air or whatever?
Starting point is 01:25:55 Yes, on Twitch. I don't want to go on Twitch. It seems like another platform I have to learn. All right. Well, we'll just do it on audio then. But I'll do it for Halloween. Okay, cool. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Catch you later. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next we'll just do it on audio then. But I'll do it for Halloween. Okay, cool. All right, guys. Catch you later. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. Goodbye. I'm falling away. I'm falling off a cliff. Don't hit the stop recording button, James. We've got to keep recording for 10 more hours like we do every week.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Oh, no. He's hit the button. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you.

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