The Weekly Planet - 35 X-Men: Days Of Future Past is...

Episode Date: May 26, 2014

This week we discuss the critically acclaimed X-Men: DOFP, bad news for Ant-man, Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justuce and more!Also it's Mason's birthday but who cares. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mason, because it's your birthday, I thought you could do the intro as a special birthday treat. Why would that be a... Why would that be... Hey, everybody. Welcome to yet another episode of the Weekly Planet. Something about, it's the official podcast, great. I'm James Jr. editor of the thing, I'm not, I'm Nick Mason, I'm the other guy in the podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Well done, that was incredible. You didn't think that was a burden? Like that was a gift, it wasn't supposed to be a burden. Oh no, it definitely felt like a gift, Thank you. That was incredible. Yeah. You didn't think that was a burden? Like that was a gift. It wasn't supposed to be a burden. Oh, no. It definitely felt like a gift. Thank you. Yeah. Oh, and you baked me this cake.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I did. Oh, this podcast cake that exists only in the theater of the mind. Thank you. I'll treasure it for the next hour and a bit. Absolutely. So, yeah. Happy birthday. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Have a good day. It's been pretty good. All right. Well, let's hope it gets even better plenty of Facebook notifications and that's when you know you're really loved exactly
Starting point is 00:01:08 did anyone call you yeah are you sure come on call me an idiot okay multiple times sweet
Starting point is 00:01:15 well maybe Mason I can sing you happy birthday no we can't afford that oh yeah you're very litigious those people you can't sing
Starting point is 00:01:22 the happy birthday song oh well yeah tough luck isn't it though yeah alright well let's get straight down into the news then do you want to do the news They're very litigious those people You can't sing the happy birthday song Oh well Tough luck Isn't it though Yeah Alright well let's get straight down into the news then Do you want to do the news because it's your birthday
Starting point is 00:01:30 No you You have the news written down I don't have the news written down You don't take gifts well do you Not at all no Also new listeners have no idea what's going on at this point Good point Do you want to do an actual intro
Starting point is 00:01:44 Sure This everybody is the official podcast of Also, new listeners have no idea what's going on at this point. Good point. Do you want to do an actual intro? Sure. This, everybody, is the official podcast of My name is James, junior editor at that website. With me, as always, is my co-host, Nick Mason. Hey, everyone. It's my birthday. Perfect. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:57 So, Mason. Yes? Batman v Superman has been retitled, officially. Yep. Batman v Superman, Dawn of Justice. Great. Really? Well, it's something, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Is it long enough? It's some words. Yes, it is. Well, nobody's going to call it that, are they? No. They're going to call it Batman V Superman. Well, that's right, exactly. Do you prefer it to Batman V Superman?
Starting point is 00:02:21 No, certainly not. Okay, cool. I thought you'd be more outraged, but you seem just indifferent. I've had some time to adjust. That happened early in the week. That's a good point. Yeah, yeah. Well, we are recording this on a Sunday night.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So, yeah, it's been... Nobody probably even cares about this anymore. Right, yeah. Everybody's moved on. Yep. But look, the internet was not happy with this. I don't know if you noticed. I mean, if the movie's great, it won't...
Starting point is 00:02:42 Obviously, it won't really matter. It's still a very kind of convoluted title. But at the same time, Captain America, the first's great, it won't... Obviously, it won't really matter. It's still a very kind of convoluted title. But at the same time, Captain America, the first Avenger, and then it led into Avengers. Yeah. The same model, right? Yeah, fair point. Dawn of Justice into Justice League.
Starting point is 00:02:54 But you've got three things going on there. You've got Batman. Well, first of all, it's a Superman sequel. But you've got Batman and Superman, and like a Justice League Begins kind of subtitle. I mean, as somebody else suggested some sort of time of day is involved
Starting point is 00:03:09 yeah that's right we thought it was going to be night but it's dawn why not just Batman Superman World's Finest as we know
Starting point is 00:03:17 I've been pushing for Batman and Superman they fight for a while and then they're mates but that'll never happen so whatever Dawn of Justice is fine
Starting point is 00:03:24 sure okay good as any now there's a few I've got a few Twitter reactions here some of the best And they fight for a while and then they're mates. But that'll never happen. So whatever. Dawn of Justice is fine. Sure. Okay. Good as Eddie. Now, there's a few... I've got a few Twitter reactions here. Some of the best of the web. Not the best, just some that I kind of found on a webpage. Great.
Starting point is 00:03:33 This is from SadRiddler. He says, Riddle me this. Why is the new Batman title so terrible? Now, okay. That's great. Sure. By great, I mean okay.
Starting point is 00:03:42 That's fine. Did you go through the rest of his tweets? No. Is he just the Riddler, but he says sad things? It's just SadRiddler. At SadRiddler. sure by great I mean okay that's fine did you go through the rest of his tweets no is he just the riddler but he says sad things it's just sad riddler at sad riddler okay
Starting point is 00:03:50 because I'm wondering if that's his gimmick like he's the riddler but he's all riddled me this why don't my grandkids talk to me anymore
Starting point is 00:03:58 you know just sad revelations from his life it's the riddler actor from the 60s yeah just upset yep Ethan Anderton said says world's finest Batman vs Superman bad revelations from his life. It's the Riddler actor from the 60s. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just upset.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yep. Ethan Anderton says, World's finest, Batman vs. Superman would have been a better title. Oh, there you go. But this Game Gear title is what we get. Referencing the 90s
Starting point is 00:04:14 Sega handheld system. Absolutely, sure. The Sega Game Gear. The Batman, you know the Batman or the goddamn Batman, that guy. Oh, sure, yep.
Starting point is 00:04:22 He says, runner-up was Batman vs. Superman, Dawn of Superman's long hospital stay. Okay, good. Is that, sure, yep. He says, Runner-up was Batman v Superman, Dawn of Superman's Long Hospital Stay. Okay, good. Ryan McG says, Superman v Batman x Tekken. Okay, clever.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Yep. Just add another one. Here's another one. Aquaman v Submariner, Wave of Integrity. That's pretty good. Pretty good. And Matt Singer says,
Starting point is 00:04:42 That's an SNL sketch right there, I think. Maybe a Funny or Die sketch., absolutely Maybe a Funny or Die It's probably a Funny or Die Yeah, you're right Or maybe a Robot Chicken Yep Or Matt Singer says If there's anyone alive called Dawn Justice
Starting point is 00:04:52 Her day just got significantly shittier So yeah, there you go Fantastic Well, I guess that is what it is It's officially now something Yep How long ago? Until it's out?
Starting point is 00:05:03 Like May 2016 So a year, great no no may 27 no the 2016 two years so yeah but as someone pointed out the first photo of superman apparently appeared two years before in man of steel uh-huh so i can't remember who sent me that but yeah um josh zingman written in again friend of the show zingerman yeah he's uh he's noticing like a patent in titles and I agree with him. It started off with like Dark or Darkness, like
Starting point is 00:05:27 The Dark Knight, Star Trek Into Darkness, Thor The Dark World. And then you'd also got like Rise of the Planet of the Apes, G.I. Joe, Rise of Cobra. And now everything's
Starting point is 00:05:35 Dawn of This or Age of That. Interesting. So that's the new thing I guess. Huh, okay. Well that's, there's a lot of weird trendy,
Starting point is 00:05:44 trending stuff happens. Like, if you look up movie posters that are blue and orange, there's literally hundreds of them. Like, there's a sort of a slice in the middle, and half of it's blue and half is orange. Yeah, absolutely. So I guess these things go in stages. Isn't the trick for movie posters,
Starting point is 00:05:58 you've got to pick two colours on the opposite side of the colour wheel or something? I think that's true, yeah. And currently we're up to blue and orange. So yeah, there you go. A lot of the X-Men Days of Future Past posters are that, so you know, it is what it is. You got something there? You got something sweet? No.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Okay. Scrolling through my Twitter feed. Okay. Everybody on Twitter. Now, bad news. Sad news, Mason, for the Ant-Man movie, which is due out sometime late-ish next year. August, I want to say. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:06:29 No, July. Who's to say? It's been thrown in a turmoil. Sure. Edgar Wright has left Ant-Man, apparently amicably, but there was creative differences between himself and Marvel. E.H. von Bronstein, you know him, he's on the Twitter. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:43 He said he's upset, as most are. Understandably. Yeah, after months and months of build-up. Not even months, like years. This has been coming since 2006. This was supposed to be one of the first MCU films. And this is kind of Edgar Wright's sort of pet project. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:56 It's the one he wanted to do. Yeah, exactly. And now to see it just pull the plug at this very kind of late in the game. Joss Whedon showed his support. He was holding up a Cornetto in reference to the cornetto trilogy sure james gunn responded and said that it was like seeing a couple break up that you'd like but you know they're not meant to be together kind of thing okay sure so look i i know and he's basically saying that look people are inclined to take sides or whatever but maybe just sometimes these things just don't work out right and no
Starting point is 00:07:22 one's to blame but who is to blame in this case? Wow, that's a good question. Let's pick a side. Because, I mean, like, I have a lot of faith in Marvel's output just generally. Yeah. I feel that if... One thing that I think is maybe underrated with Edgar Wright is his cinematography, especially his fight cinematography. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Is amazing. Yeah. And I think if he wanted... I don't think he would say, look, I want to do these things with the character. Yeah. Like, cinematography-wise... I don't think he would say, look, I want to do these things with the character, like cinematography-wise. They wouldn't have said no. And I think that he would have sort of brought it to the next level.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Like, I really enjoyed the fight sequences in Captain America 2. Yeah, me too. And I think he would have really sort of... He would have nailed that. Well, the bathroom fight scene from... The World's End, yeah. The World's End is incredible. That's incredible, yeah. And out of nowhere too.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah, exactly. I find it hard to understand that they can't... They couldn't reach an amicable kind of point on this film, especially considering, apparently, Marvel and Joss Whedon in particular encouraged, what's his name, the guy who's doing Guardians of the Galaxy, James Gunn, to make Guardians of the Galaxy more James Gunn-ish. Right, right. You know what I mean? And yet, this wasn't the case for Ant-Man.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Maybe it came down to he didn't want to tie it as much into the continuity. Because a lot of the time, you know, they force certain aspects into a film. I know Thor The Dark World's post-credits scene wasn't directed by Alan Taylor. That was directed by James Gunn, you know, the one with the... The collector, yeah. The collector and whatever. So maybe it's got something to do with that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Because I think Ant-Man wasn't even supposed to be initially connected to anything. It was just like... Oh, just a standalone. Yeah. Because, I mean, initially Iron Man's not connected to anything. It's just Iron Man was a standalone film initially. Well, you see how that turned out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Don't even know what that means. Yeah. You know what the worst part is, though? We're never going to stop hearing about this. That's very true. About this potential. About what it could be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:03 About who, you know, yeah, how the plot was going to work out about this. That's very true. About this potential. About what it could be. Yeah. About who, you know, oh yeah, how the plot was going to work out and amazing twists and turns. I mean, it's probably still going to turn out pretty great. I'm hoping it is. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:09:14 But it's like, you know, the third X-Men movie that was never made. Right. That was, but Bryan Singer was supposed to make it. No, it was never made. Never made.
Starting point is 00:09:22 It's like any project that, you know, people are collaborating to see. It's George Miller's Justice League. Like that Indiana Jones 4 that was never made. Never made. It's like any project that, you know, people are collaborating to see. It's George Miller's Justice League. Like that Indiana Jones 4 that was never made. You know. All those. All the greats.
Starting point is 00:09:32 That's it. All the greats. So, yeah. I mean... The Star Wars prequels that were never made. If only. Wonder what, you know... Where did Darth Vader come from?
Starting point is 00:09:40 They made that really good Darth Maul scene, but that's all they shot. Yeah. Do you remember that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bizarre. So, yeah. And that's a shame, because Edgar Wright, from that point, could probably just write his own ticket in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah. He could just do anything he wanted, I think, surely. That's it. Or, at the same time, maybe he'd be wedded to Marvel movies forever. Yeah. Like, I mean, maybe Joss Whedon is wedded to Marvel movies forever at this point. That's exactly it, yeah. It's a beautiful ceremony.
Starting point is 00:10:07 The Hulk officiated. Yes. Stan Lee was best man. Oh, of course he was. He didn't know what was going on. All right, that's not the only... I love Stan Lee. I don't mean to...
Starting point is 00:10:16 I shouldn't take a dig at Stan Lee, should I? Is that not cool? Yeah, he might die at any moment, so don't. We want to meet him before he dies, right? Yeah, sure. Drew at any moment, so don't. We want to meet him before he dies, right? Yeah, sure. Drew Goddard, Mason. He worked on many things, including The Cabin in the Woods. He was the director for that.
Starting point is 00:10:32 He was the showrunner as well for Marvel's Netflix Daredevil series. He's now left to direct the Sinister Six movie. Which of those two would you rather see him do? Who was he taking over from Sinister Six? No, he was always just doing it. He just is. Like it was announced and then it was announced and he was doing it. Right. If I can only pick one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Daredevil. Me too. And it's a TV series. Interesting that you would say that. I remember placed by... Oh, by the way, this is another thing where it was amicable and whatever. It just kind of played out this way. Seems a bit suspicious that there's been replaced by... Oh, by the way, this is another thing where it was amicable and whatever. It just kind of played out this way. Seems a bit suspicious that there's been two amicable releases in the last week. Right? Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:11:12 He was replaced by Stephen S. DeKnight. Now, he's worked on Buffy, Angel, Spartacus. So he's the new Daredevil showrunner. I didn't watch much of Buffy. Didn't watch any of Angel. I watched all of Spartacus. I quite like Spartacus so yeah
Starting point is 00:11:26 he's okay I would have preferred Drew Goddard but that's not that's only because I know more of his work I would say but yeah
Starting point is 00:11:33 what do you think? I don't care okay cool sure now Mason we saw Godzilla and decided that we didn't hate it
Starting point is 00:11:43 correct yes yeah what is the reaction of the internet it's weird it's like they love we didn't hate it. Correct, yes. Yeah. What is the reaction of the internet, Ben? It's weird. It's like they love it or they hate it. It's a lot of like, if you're a true Godzilla fan, you'll love it. If you're not, you don't understand it and you're an idiot. So, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:11:53 True Godzilla fans are enjoying it. Yes. Are they really? There you go. Generally, yeah. I can't recall a single comment. Well, no, I don't read everything. I can't recall a single comment.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Full stop. But like, you know, because he does everything that Godzilla is supposed to do and whatever. And it's true to the character and blah, blah, blah. And other people are saying, well, it's not very fun. And the lead character is boring and whatever. He's very boring. See, I've spoken to a lot of people since then. And a lot of people said they wanted more Bryan Cranston.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yes. No spoilers, but they wanted more Bryan Cranston. Yeah. A lot of people. Based on the trailers, you would's yes no spoilers but they wanted more brian cranston yep a lot of people based on the trailers you would assume that brian cranston is in it the whole film absolutely oh that would be that would have solved that problem definitely definitely because why does he have to be like a young kind of cool army guy who takes the lead why not just have brian cranston exactly who does anybody want to see more right brian brian so there you go now gareth as walter white as i think that's what they want to see now gareth edwards uh he's he is signed on to godzilla 2 but it was always
Starting point is 00:12:54 the intention that he would make another movie between uh godzilla and godzilla 2 right this guy has godzilla one and a half that's right it. The Timon and Pumbaa backstory. From their perspective. Yep. Fantastic. What was I going to say? No, he's Leap. It's from the perspective of that dog.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Which dog? Oh, the dog that escaped? That escapes the tidal wave. Wow, we think it escaped. Probably got crushed at the end of the tidal wave. Yeah, probably. He did the small independent film Monsters, which he pretty much did mostly himself
Starting point is 00:13:25 Godzilla giant opening weekend very successful film generally well received and the next one he's now doing for 2016 is the first
Starting point is 00:13:33 Star Wars spin-off spin-off spin-off so not the trilogy no something else J Abrams J Abrams
Starting point is 00:13:39 is doing that they're doing three other they're basically going Star Wars movie every two years. In between, you're getting a spin-off movie. December 16th, 2016. It's not that long away. Star Wars Zombies?
Starting point is 00:13:51 Star Wars Zombies. Great. That's all I've ever wanted. So, yeah, look, I think what they're doing here, and maybe I'm wrong, they get like a kind of broad kind of mass appeal director like J.J. Abrams to do the main story. Yep. And then you get kind of... Well, he's not really a smaller director, but he's lesser known
Starting point is 00:14:07 and he's kind of more character-driven pieces, you'd probably say, to do like a left-of-center kind of Star Wars movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you've kind of got your bog-standard Star Wars and then something a little bit different. Sure. And I think that's the way to do it. I think we're going to get a Boba Fett spin-off. Without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Yeah, yeah. I would... Take your character-driven stories. Bloody chuck those out. Yeah. Boba Fett story. He's shooting rockets. He's flying.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Yeah, absolutely. Grappling hook. Grappling rockets. Flamethrower. Flame rockets. He'll probably fight that Sarlacc again. Like it'll come out of the sand and he'll punch on with it. How good would that be the best
Starting point is 00:14:46 so yeah the Boba Fett story they were talking about making the rumour was that there's a character in between the prequels
Starting point is 00:14:55 and the original Star Wars film who kills the original Boba Fett the clone who's the clone and takes over the armour and that's the Boba Fett
Starting point is 00:15:04 we see in the Star Wars movies. Interesting. Even though George Lucas went back and changed his voice, so he's got the same voice as the other one. Right. But that would make him infinitely more interesting if... Hang on. So, little Boba Fett from Attack of the Clones is a clone.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yes. He's not an actual child? No, no. He's a clone. Didn't you know that? No. Yeah, yeah. I'm not putting more information into my brain about Star Wars prequels than I need to. he's a clone. Didn't you know that? No. Yeah, yeah. I'm not putting more information into my brain about Star Wars prequels than I need to.
Starting point is 00:15:29 He's a clone. He's a clone, but he's... Of Jango Fett. Yeah. Why is he little and all the other ones are full grown? Well, good question. This is actually addressed. In the...
Starting point is 00:15:36 I can't believe I know this. But in the... You know a thing about a prequel. You're an idiot. But one of his requests to clone To train the clone army And all that kind of thing Like he was paid a lot of Creds
Starting point is 00:15:49 Credits That's right Very good That's it Gold pressed latinum That's right That's the Star Trek currency Is it?
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah I thought there was no currency in Star Trek You'd think that But in Deep Space Nine It's gold pressed latinum Oh there you go Which is a dumb thing You know a thing
Starting point is 00:16:03 You're a dickhead Oh no Oh But Fair's fair Yeah But gold pressed latinum oh there you go which is a dumb question you know a thing you're a chicken oh no oh but uh fair's fair yeah but uh and one of his requests is
Starting point is 00:16:10 I want a clone of myself which is odd that ages at a regular pace okay so that's where he comes from there you go but if you get somebody else taking over
Starting point is 00:16:20 from Boba Fett somebody we don't know who that is that's way more interesting that is way better I'd much prefer that yeah because we know
Starting point is 00:16:26 everything about that guy yeah no we know some things and it's crap and who cares yeah we certainly know his scientific origin
Starting point is 00:16:33 don't we you do now I thought next week Mason yes I want to do I wanted to do this a few weeks ago
Starting point is 00:16:41 and I floated it with you and you shot it down no not true that sounds like me yeah I want to do Star Wars stories that we want and I floated it with you, and you shot it down. That sounds like me. I want to do Star Wars stories that we want to say in film. So I thought, on the back of this being announced, and there'll probably be some bullshit Star Wars news announced this week,
Starting point is 00:16:55 so we'll do that next week. And if anybody's got any suggestions of things they want to say, tweet us, email us at weeklyplanetpod. Yeah, because my Star Wars expanded universe knowledge is pretty packed. It doesn't have to be. It can be anything that you want to see. Anything. So you can get your Boba Fett clone boy story. I don't want that.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Why would I want that? God. CJ also wrote in, he was just wondering in honor of the Godzilla movie, if James could do his Bryan Cranston impression with Mason responding with his John Lithgow impression. Okay, I'm ready impression okay i'm ready remember that yeah my wife was killed by this monster you guys are fucking idiots oh that's it that's that's all we have i feel like your impression is better than my impression if we had to rank them.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Oh, jeez. Thank you for that, CJ. Yeah, I know. Feels good to exercise the old John Lithgow pipes, you know what I mean? I'm surprised you remember that. I thought I'd spend ten minutes explaining to you what he was talking about. But that's in the memory bag, isn't it? That one. We've got to talk Guardians of the Galaxy, don't we?
Starting point is 00:18:00 Mm-hmm. Just briefly, there was a new trailer this week. New trailer? Yeah. Look, I don't really have anything to say about it. It still looks great. That's it. Well, we get to hear Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel for the first time.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I had Bradley Cooper, they'd released a little bit of footage previously. Where he's like, this is our booth! And then I'll put in a clip of that, so you know how good I did that. Great. This one is our booty! Do you put in clips and stuff? Oh, yeah. During the show?
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yeah, yeah, occasionally. Good on you. Sometimes I say it and then I don't. Great. Sometimes I say it and then I think it's funnier just to not put it in. So I just don't. It's a Russian-related entertainment. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Pretty great. Okay. What else do we see in that? We see his unstable molecules helmet thing happening. Oh, yeah. We see that. We see his little jet pack. Yep, that's true
Starting point is 00:18:45 pretty exciting that's true you kind of get the feel of the team more yeah it's a ragtag group I guess seem to be spending
Starting point is 00:18:52 a lot of time in prison yeah sure we see nowhere see nowhere in it we do it doesn't look like a celestial head
Starting point is 00:18:59 it just looks like like a skull like a kind of a giant skull thing yeah I'm okay with that sure whatever sometimes you gotta make changes in the comics Mason changes correct we don't have the It looks like a... Like a skull. Like a kind of a giant skull thing. Yeah. I'm okay with that. Sure, whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Sometimes you've got to make changes in the comics, Mason. Ch-ch-changes. Correct. We don't have the rights to that either. We're going to get to... Shit. But yeah, I think it's going to be good and I look forward to it. That brings us to the main topic of this week, Mason. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Your birthday. Oh! Happy... No, can't do it. Can't do it. Now, Mason. Yes. X-Men Days of Future Past.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Oh, we saw that. We did. Did you say you or I? Or't do it. Now, Mason. Yes. X-Men Days of Future Past. Oh, we saw that. We did. Did you say you or I or both? Both. We did. We did. Did you see it again?
Starting point is 00:19:30 No. I was going to see it again, but then I didn't. Great. I'm leaving that in. Why make it fresh in our minds? Exactly. Yeah. It was expected, or it is expected to make $120 million this weekend in the US.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Again, is that good? That's good. Okay, good. It had a $120 million this weekend in the US. Again, is that good? That's good. Okay, good. It had a $36 million opening day. I mean, it's got to make at least $120 million the first weekend, seeing as it is the second most expensive movie of all time. It's weird, though. It doesn't look like it is, though, does it? It looks pretty cheap and shoddy, if you ask me.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I'm not saying it looks cheap. You're saying it looks shoddy. Bishop's Gun looks pretty shoddy. I like it, but it looks pretty shoddy. Sure, fair point. I mean, there's a lot of sets and whatever that are in the place. And a lot of that goes into the 20,000 cast members. Like a lot of that money would go to that.
Starting point is 00:20:12 People are very excited talking about Star Wars. People are very excited for that first shot of Episode 7. Oh yeah, we should talk about that. It's an actual set. Yeah. People are very excited. And a puppet. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:22 It's an animatronic-y kind of looking thing. It kind of looks something like from The Labyrinth. It doesn't, I don't know, I don't think it works that well. I've never seen The Labyrinth. People are upset about that. Well, I saw it when I was older. Didn't care for it. Exactly, it's too late for us.
Starting point is 00:20:35 I know I would have loved it as a kid. I don't doubt that. But what do you think of that, internet? Yeah. You sons of bitches. Not our listeners. Some of them. Yeah, now when we went to the we
Starting point is 00:20:46 mentioned this last week the melbourne premiere which is probably the what 11th most relevant premiere for it like around the world yeah yeah we got that we got the dink we got hugh jackman and we got uh the girl who plays um blink blink yeah his name we shouldn't we should know and we don't she does a good job. Yep. But yeah, there was a billion people at that premiere. When we say premiere also, that's quite lofty. We were there with the public. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Oh yeah, no, we weren't in a press thing or whatever. But there was like a billion people milling around like Hugh Jackman. I couldn't see him at all. And I just went, you know what, I'm not even. So I just went downstairs and I got Japanese food fantastic yeah with my brother yeah but in general what did you think of the premiere or if you don't want to talk about that what did you think of days of future past we'll go non-spoilers I just want to talk about the premiere actually the air condition was a little harsh sure a little too cold in there I thought uh that's about it though it's good.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Yeah. Did you enjoy it, though? Yes. Oh, we'll go non-spoilers for the free? Okay, cool. All right, let's go. Because this is the kind of movie that you can spoiler
Starting point is 00:21:53 quite a lot. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, I mean, did you think it lived up to your expectations or my expectations? I don't know if I had any expectations at this point.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Okay. Given that ultimately the X-men movies have been kind of a mixed bag yeah i wasn't really sure i would argue though that there are more good ones and bad ones you're probably right so there's four good ones and there's two not good ones yeah before this came out right but also you could say that there might there may have been a downward spiral we were you know we might have been approaching a downward spiral you see i don't i don't think so i'll talk about this a bit later in the spoilers,
Starting point is 00:22:26 but I'll get into it later. I don't want to get into it. Sorry, but you didn't mind? Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot. Sure. Would you say it's not Captain America level too good? Like, if you had to choose. If I have to choose?
Starting point is 00:22:42 If you didn't have to choose, but I just asked you, what would you say? Like, just seconds ago, you asked me to choose if i have to choose if you didn't have to choose but you just i just asked you what would you like like just seconds ago you asked me to choose okay um boy i think they're two different animals i agree i don't i i wouldn't compare the two at all so what about if i got a dog and a cat what would you say to that they're also different animals okay cool interesting yeah well let's talk then the future oh in general i'd, I'd put a review up for it. I liked it. I wouldn't say I loved it. I liked it a lot.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yes. But I think it's getting a lot of praise that, not necessarily undeserved, but it's not as good as some people assume that it is or say that it is. Really? Give me an example there. What are they saying is great? Who's saying it's great or what's saying it's great? What about it is...
Starting point is 00:23:23 People are saying that it's reinvigorated the X-Men franchise. I think potentially it has. Okay. Like, maybe the next one. Yeah. Like, they've... Well, actually, we can't say anything without spoiling there. Let's hate this.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Yeah, I know, right? Look, I think the action sequences were really good, especially... I thought a lot of the future... Absolutely. What little future action sequences we had... It i thought a lot of the future the one little future action sequences we had it was about 30 20 30 i reckon even less yeah i reckon it was probably 20 future okay cool because they said 30 70 didn't they yeah yeah but yeah you're probably right well there was a few scenes cut out which we which yeah yeah and a lot of a lot of characters had very minimal screen time yeah i mean that's what you get when you combine two casts.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah, yeah. You know, really. Speaking of the future bit, that opening scene where the Sentinels bust in and there's that fight between all the different mutants. That was incredible. What a great start to a film, right? Yes. Just seeing all the powers on display. It's good to see, like, I know Iceman isn't, like, the most popular character, but it's good to see, like, him.
Starting point is 00:24:24 It's good to see Kitty Pryde again. Yeah, yeah. It's good to see like, I know Iceman isn't like the most popular character, but it's good to see like him. It's good to see Kitty Pryde again. Yeah, yeah. It's good to see some new ones like Bishop and whatever. It was good to see Iceman like... Do his ice slide. Do his ice slide. Like he's clearly,
Starting point is 00:24:33 he's reached the point where he's clearly mastered his powers at this point. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Well, it's been, what, it's set in like 2024. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Did you know the original set in 2013? Yeah. Isn't that weird? It's already passed. There we go. I love them. Although we did get the original set in 2013? Yeah. Isn't that weird? It's already passed. There we go. I love them. Although we did get, we got Warpath.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Yeah. Which I don't think is an interesting... I've just got him as the guy with knives. Yeah, that's him. That's Warpath. Like, I don't find him, like, he's not visually interesting. No, he's not. And he's just like a generically super strong, super tough guy.
Starting point is 00:25:02 He looks like a character from Killer Instinct. He does look like a character from Killer Instinct. He does look like a character from Killer Instinct. Yeah. And, no, I don't know. And he's not... Like, the comic version's supposed to be, like, seven feet tall. Can't he, like, fly and stuff? He does a bunch...
Starting point is 00:25:15 And he's super strong. I didn't get a feel for that at all. No, yeah, I think... Well, that's the thing. Like, and he's got... I guess he's there because he's supposed to have the super enhanced senses. Okay. And he's supposed to be, like, their scout or their surveillance system or what have you. Sure.
Starting point is 00:25:29 But yeah, he learned to fly at some point. I don't know why that happened. He's learning to fly, but he ain't got wings. Correct. Coming down is the hardest thing. But it's one of those ones where they're like... Yes, good. Tom Petty.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Yeah. Great. Where they sort of... Like different writers have gone, why can he fly? Yeah. That's kind of ridiculous. I just won't mention it. And then other writers have put it in again. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Yeah, yeah. But yeah, he couldn't really fly in the movie. No. And he doesn't look, visually he wasn't spectacular or anything. No. Not compared to the other ones. I mean, I thought, what a good use of blink. It's a shame we probably won't see her again.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yeah, yeah. But that's not a spoiler or anything good use of blink. It's a shame we probably won't see her again. Yeah, yeah. But that's not a spoiler or anything, by the way. That's just the way these movies... Yeah, exactly. She's in the future. What a really cool power. Like a throwy, teleporty thing. And that worked really, really well.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Oh, yeah. I like Sunspot as well. I thought he was, you know, that was pretty cool. Yeah, yeah. But why not just get Pyro? It's a good point. He already exists, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I'm not saying he wasn't good. That guy was fine. He was great. And Colossus was always great to see. Yep. That Colossus It's a good point. He already exists, right? I'm not saying he wasn't good. That guy was fine. He was great. And Colossus was always great to see. That Colossus effect is really good now. They've improved that
Starting point is 00:26:30 a lot, yeah. Do you know... It's more like a extendy kind of... Yeah. Like a plating, like an expanding plating kind of effect now.
Starting point is 00:26:38 You know, it's interesting to save costs in X-Men 3. They just wrap him in tinfoil? Yeah, that's what they did. Okay, great. It's used in like a metallic-y bodysuit. Huh.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah. Weird place to cut corners. But then again, I didn't notice. Yeah, well, yeah. Good point. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I think they could bring back Blink.
Starting point is 00:26:59 They should bring Black. Yeah, I know. Yeah, that's what I said. Exactly. Yeah, why not? There's no... You don't necessarily have to rule that out. No.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Any of those future characters, I mean, they're going to meet her at some point. Yeah. To put her on the team, so why not in Apocalypse? But depending on when that next Apocalypse is set, which I know when it's set, and we'll talk about that later without spoilers. I don't know if that's a possibility. Uh-huh. Do you think they were accurately and adequately represented, these future mutants? Not Warpath. I think't know if that's a possibility. Do you think they were accurately and adequately
Starting point is 00:27:26 represented these future mutants? Not Warpath. I think we've discussed that seconds ago. But in general, like Bishop, fine. You okay with that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Sure. And again, this is another one like Godzilla where we get
Starting point is 00:27:42 that he absorbs the powers of other mutants or energy and then he directs it through the gun. Nobody had to explain that. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Thank you, filmmakers. Is this a new era of not having to explain everything? I hope so. Let's just wait on Transformers. Yeah, goodbye. I was going to say Transformers 3, but we did that one. Yeah. What about the past mutants?
Starting point is 00:28:01 All the returning cast from First Class and a few extras, I believe. I mean, you see briefly, like, Toad. He's got a new look. Yeah, yeah. It's weird, isn't it? Yeah. I mean, do you have to give him that look? And he didn't even have to be Toad, really.
Starting point is 00:28:16 No. Because he was only in it for two minutes. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was nice to see Havoc again, even though he's barely in it. I like that character. He's good in the comics. It's a shame that he wasn't in it more, but sure, whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:29 But do you think, though, they did shoehorn in too many characters? I think it was well-balanced considering how many were in there. Yep. But maybe it was a few too many. I didn't feel overwhelmed. No, me neither. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I guess at this point as well, because we've had 14 years of this,
Starting point is 00:28:42 we know who people are, so you don't need to explain so many people. Iceman turns up and you know who Iceman is. Right. Well, you know, some people do. Right. But yeah. What about the costumes? Oh, go on.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I was going to say, on one hand, these movies are for the fans. Yeah. You know, who've been through it for 14 years. But on the other hand, they all seem to fit in their own continuity. Yeah. And the fans, me specifically, get annoyed at the weird continuity errors. Yeah. I mean, I'm not really annoyed, but I just, I notice them.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah. And they seem to sort of, just sort of paper over a lot of the inconsistencies. Absolutely. So, if you were a new viewer of these films and you hadn't seen one before and you saw Days of Future Past. Yeah. They wouldn't bother you as much, right? No. think so yeah i mean it mostly makes sense as you said last week a friend of yours said what is it would you just got to imagine that they're all set in
Starting point is 00:29:32 different parallel dimensions right exactly yeah like the highlander films otherwise they make no sense yeah that's it well before we get into spoilers i just wanted to ask you about the costumes uh-huh or the lack thereof right particularly in the past. I mean, it's weird because you kind of get Magneto has a costume and a specific look. Yep. And that's it. I would say that Magneto's costume in this is much improved from the one we see right at the end of first part. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Well, okay. At the end of that one, I was actually, I thought, oh, that's kind of fun because it's kind of a 60s. Yeah. It's deliberately kind of over the top. It's very red and purple and kind of thing. He had like a, looked like a wool cape. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And, but having to look at that for two hours would have been incredibly painful. So I'm glad they toned it down quite a lot. Did you like the way the cape was cut? I did, yeah. It was asymmetric. It was delightful. It was a great helmet.
Starting point is 00:30:22 But the future, what about the future costumes? We've talked about this before, how you can't really give them bright, garish colours. Uh-huh. Because you stand out. Yep. You know what I mean? You'll be found pretty quickly.
Starting point is 00:30:32 But there's shades of it, though. You see on Wolverine's costume, there's like blue and yellow on the arms. And he's got like a battle armour over the top of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which doesn't make any sense because he heals or whatever. Or it does. Extra protection. Why not?
Starting point is 00:30:42 Sure. Sure. Yeah. But yeah, I found this interesting though. Mystique. And I think this had something to do with getting Jennifer Lawrence back and now that how much she has grown as a star since 2011. It used to be seven hours to put that costume on.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Right. Yeah. Standing there and people just like painting and putting layers of like, what are they called? Scales on them. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. And now it's just a bodysuit from the neck down.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Right, right. And you can see it, that it is. But it looks great, don't you think? Yeah, I think it's sort of a case of both her star has risen, so she shouldn't be expected to sit around for seven hours and do that. But at the same time, the costume tech has improved a lot. Yeah, exactly. So that's lucky.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Because it could have been the worst. But why wouldn't they just do that the first place yeah you could just yeah what do you what did you think of the um the future just generally like the look of the future i liked it i thought it was really cool i mean it's kind of a terminator isk kind of kind of future with a bit more kind of color in parts whatever like it was kind of purpley bluey kind of uh kind of look no i really enjoyed it yeah yeah it's a shame we probably won't see any more of that. Like, that is, that's it, really.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Right, right, right. But hey, there you go. Now, Mason, let's spoil this from here. Okay, let's spoil this from here. Because this is... It's torture, isn't it? Exactly. You did your little review on your little YouTube.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I did, you're right. Well, I nearly put this forward here, let's just spoil the whole thing. But, you know, I know some people didn't get a chance to see it, so I don't want to, you know. Hey, if you haven't seen it Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Not you but the listeners if you haven't listened to the last few episodes maybe go back and give those a spin. Sure. Because when we lost
Starting point is 00:32:15 your YouTube account Yeah. we lost a lot of downloads. Oh, we did? Yeah, we did. So if you're like well, I don't want to listen to this whole episode
Starting point is 00:32:22 because it's just going to be spoils and I haven't seen the movie yet go back a few. Yeah, sure. they're pretty entertaining they're mildly entertaining they're fine I mean we were super depressed
Starting point is 00:32:28 because nobody was listening to them they still did alright we still got about 10,000 I think which is pretty good let's spoiler this well I just wanted to
Starting point is 00:32:36 quickly say as well on the topic of my YouTube account apparently that old one is gone it's deleted the guy I had looking into it said
Starting point is 00:32:42 they just deleted it it's gone harsh it is what it is but just deleted it. It's gone. Wow. Harsh. It is what it is. So yeah. But you know it's all coming back. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Spoilers. Do you think it successfully retconned the series? Now the idea behind this movie was that it retconned Wolverine Origins and X-Men 3 specifically but because of the changes
Starting point is 00:32:59 this made it retconned everything. That's true yeah. Because the events of X-Men 1 wouldn't have happened the way they played out or 2 and etc. That's true, yeah. Because the events of X-Men 1 wouldn't have happened the way they played out, or 2, and etc. I'm okay with it. Like, you know, when they...
Starting point is 00:33:10 If we're talking comic books, when, you know, the DC Universe... You know, the universe is reset, all the old stories are still there. Yeah. But they did it in the context of the story. Yeah. So all those stories still happened, but this extra layer over the top.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Like with Star Trek. Exactly. A.J. Abrams did. Essentially what they did is they changed the timeline, but they did it within the story. So they can essentially do whatever they want in the next film. Does that mean, do you think Magneto then became like a good guy or Mystique became a good guy, girl, because of this? Probably not. Sure.
Starting point is 00:33:47 I reckon they're going to be villains again. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, maybe. We might have to ban to fight somebody else, Mason. Oh. We'll talk about that later. Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Okay, great. Even though we're talking about spoilers. Do you care about the changes that are made from the comics? I just recently reread it. Maybe I read it years ago, but I read it just the other day because I did a video on Easter eggs. Not especially. read it maybe i read it years ago but i read it just the other day uh-huh because i did a video on easter eggs not especially um i think the the the changes or the the the things that always stick out to me uh the especially the x-men films are the inexplicable parts yeah like i understand there's going to be some but it would be nice especially for maybe casual viewers. Yeah. To explain what happened.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Like, Shadowcat can now send people's minds back in time. That has never ever been a thing. Right, exactly. Maybe explain that it's a secondary mutation. Yep, sure. Why can she do that now? Can't do it in the comics. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:38 That's one of the changes. Because in the comics, she goes back in time. Right. And a woman called, ah, what's her name? I can't remember. But she sends her mind back. Oh, Rachel Summers, yeah. Yeah, that's the one.
Starting point is 00:34:47 So, yeah, yeah. So, I mean, I guess they didn't want to build like a $230 million movie around a woman, I guess. Yeah, I know, right? I mean, I guess that's... Especially a teeny tiny little Canadian woman. That's right. I mean, I get why they...
Starting point is 00:35:00 Of course they've got to pull out Wolverine because it makes sense to do so. And he's the biggest character. And also, they couldn't have sent her back in time, because she wasn't alive. Well, exactly. Yep. Secondly, we know that Wolverine gets his claws back. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Like, his adamantium claws back. I was going to ask you about that. Do you want to speculate? Yeah, sure. Okay, I'm going to guess. Because they're actually also, the future versions are slightly different from the normal ones. Oh, I didn't notice that. I don't think it's a case of the CGI's gotten better.
Starting point is 00:35:30 But they've got like a scalloped top edge. Oh, really? Yeah. Have a look at the poster. Okay. You'll see it's got a little curved edge on the top. Nah, I don't really. I'm actually...
Starting point is 00:35:40 Yeah, don't look at posters. My assumption is going to be that, well, he clearly gets the adamantium back. Yeah. I'm going to assume maybe
Starting point is 00:35:48 Apocalypse does it. Okay. Yeah. I was going to assume that Magneto did it. Well, there's certainly two
Starting point is 00:35:55 options, aren't they? We'll never know because, you know what, they'll never explain it. No, they won't. He'll just have his
Starting point is 00:36:01 claws back at the start of X-Men Apocalypse and no one will say a word. This is what I'm talking about, though. They say they're retconned or whatever have his claws back at the start of X-Men Apocalypse. Yeah, yeah. And no one will say a word. This is what I'm talking about, though. Like, they say they're retconned or whatever and they've fixed all the continuity errors, but they haven't. No, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:36:10 They've fixed some. But to be fair, though, Bryan Singer did say, look, we fixed some. Right. But you know what, though? Look, if I was making these movies, heaven forbid, I know I wouldn't do a good job. But there's one thing I noticed, and you're the same about this, is I notice continuity. Right. I don't mean to to notice I'm not looking for it but I can see it
Starting point is 00:36:28 here's the biggest one yeah and we this is from X-Men 3 but Patrick Stewart exploded like
Starting point is 00:36:37 Dust Professor X he was turned to dust in X-Men 3 now we know that his mind was transferred
Starting point is 00:36:44 into the the brain dead comatose person. Yeah. Comatose man of the other side of the world. Yeah. And at the end, after the credits in X-Men 3, he woke up. Yeah. And it was assumed that he was in there. So the missing piece is, why does he look like Professor X again?
Starting point is 00:37:00 Yeah. And why does he need a wheelchair again? Twin brother. Great. Atrophy. Satan broke his legs again. Atrophy. Great. X again yeah and why does he need a wheelchair again twin brother great uh atrophy Satan broke his legs again atrophy
Starting point is 00:37:09 great from being in a coma yeah really good point genius thank you thank you for no thank you for no prizing that
Starting point is 00:37:15 you're welcome oh there's another question I was gonna ask you later but um yeah I feel like they could've they could've touched on that yeah I think probably
Starting point is 00:37:23 why they did that though uh why explain something that though uh why explain something that nobody saw because most people didn't wouldn't have seen that yeah i'd imagine yeah yeah most people anyway sorry go on apparently because after uh the wolverine in that deleted scene wolverine is coming through the airport and we see magneto and professor x and they've teamed up yep and uh And X is in a wheelchair. Yeah. Apparently there's a version of that.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Like the leaked script for that said that Professor X was standing in that scene. So apparently they may have filmed two. Okay. And that would have made more sense. Absolutely. But I think probably what happened is they went, James McAvoy isn't in a wheelchair. Yeah. In the past. We need a point of difference. Yep McAvoy isn't in a wheelchair in the past. We need a point of difference.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Yeah. Let's put him in a wheelchair in the future. Right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Fair point. Yeah, yeah. Okay. I'll go with atrophied legs.
Starting point is 00:38:14 That's fine. That's totally fine. Yeah. Oh, and I'm also super glad he has his floaty wheelchair. Oh, yeah. It's good, isn't it? Yeah, in the present day. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Look, compared to the comic, though, I just wanted to say, it's really, it's Days of Future Past in name only. More or less. Yeah. That's what 1998 Godzilla was called, Gino. G-I-N-O. Oh, that's right, that's true. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I mean, I'm okay with changing the source material. Doppfino. Doppfino? Yeah. Days of Future Past in name only. I'm okay. That's its little nickname. Love it.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Days of Future Past Anonymously I'm okay That's it's little nickname Love it Yeah I'm okay With these kind of changes Especially to service The world that they've built
Starting point is 00:38:49 In the movies Yep They cannot make Days of Future Past As it is in the comics Because of Like you said for example This is set in the 70s
Starting point is 00:38:57 And the Mid 2020s Or whatever it is Yeah yeah So you can't do that Right Because I think What was it
Starting point is 00:39:03 The original one was set in the 80s Is that right I think it was set in It would have been the present so it would have been like 1980 yeah i think so yeah so um yeah that's not an interesting decade no although i would i would like to see the i would have liked to see the x-men in the 80s well we're gonna see it great so oh i see yeah i get it but we will talk big shoulders you know that's right biggest now um also uh rogue was supposed to be in this film. She was briefly at the end.
Starting point is 00:39:28 No speaking roles? Did she say anything? No, I don't think she said anything. But there was a scene deleted where Iceman and Magneto go to rescue her. Because you know there's a bit where Wolverine's like, ah, I'm going to be slashing about. Uh-huh. Yep. And he cuts Kitty Pryde or Shadowcat, whatever you want to call her.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And she's slowly fading. So they're like like she's fucked yeah let's go get rogue and so they absorb her power yeah exactly okay right and so they go to and she's being held at the xavier school you would think they would have gotten her first because she's sort of invincible yeah right yeah yeah absolutely so that's a whole scene where bobby drake and magneto go and get her which which we'll probably see on the deleted DVD. I think that you could have put that in. I mean, it's a pretty long movie. I would have been flagging by the end there.
Starting point is 00:40:12 But I wanted more future stuff, you know? Yeah. But hey. Did you want more Storm? No. Great. Just checking. Nothing against Storm or the character or Halle Berry or whatever,
Starting point is 00:40:22 but no. Did you want more Storm? Not really. Yeah. Did you like it when the Sentinels just butchered all the X-Men? or the character or Halle Berry or whatever but I no did you want more Storm not really yeah did you like it when the Sentinels just butchered all the X-Men that was pretty funny
Starting point is 00:40:30 yeah twice it happened twice happened at the start happens at the end amazing I've got a few things here that I liked
Starting point is 00:40:36 I got the opening scene I talked about that I like the fact that you send Wolverine through the past to the past right and he's not really equipped to deal with something like that
Starting point is 00:40:44 like he's not like the kind of guy who can coax equipped to deal with something like that like he's not like the kind of guy who can coax somebody to be the best he can be he's just kind of like I don't really want to do this but I have to do it
Starting point is 00:40:52 so he's kind of like making the best of a bad situation and he knows that he's not the best person for this job but he's kind of pushing through
Starting point is 00:40:59 and whatever I enjoyed that Hugh Jackman you can't fault him exactly I enjoyed the there were some nice little jokes to break the tension
Starting point is 00:41:06 talking about Wolverine the bit where he goes to the metal detector and he's quite you know he's quite happy to find that he's not magnetic anymore and even though he knows
Starting point is 00:41:13 that he's not magnetic right like he wouldn't really do that in real life but it's funny it's a nice little nod and there's also a scene like that in the first X-Men
Starting point is 00:41:20 you know where he goes to and he like claws it remember that I remember that good joke great joke I like Charles our young Charles of Magneto great relationship that in the first X-Men, you know, he goes to any, like, closet. Yeah, I remember that. I remember that. Good joke? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Great joke. I like Charles, young Charles and Magneto. Great relationship between those two. Magneto kind of did the thing where he went a bit crazy for kind of no reason. Right. They were like, he's like, well, instead of, I don't know, trying to stop this from happening, what I'm going to do, I'm going to threaten the president and that'll cause everybody to step down. You know it will.
Starting point is 00:41:44 You know what I mean? Yeah.. I'm going to threaten the president and that'll cause everybody to step down. You know it will. You know what I mean? Yeah, uh-huh. I mean, he's unstable. Like, we know that about him. But he's smarter than that, right? I guess he's not. Well, he's young Magneto. He's brash.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Shades of the Dark Knight Rises, I thought, with the football stadium. Okay, sure. Yeah, absolutely. Well, we've got to talk about Quicksilver, right? Yep, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:06 That's probably my favourite action sequence in the film. Absolutely. I agree also. Terrible costume. Still the worst costume. I don't understand why. And it's the hair. It's everything.
Starting point is 00:42:15 It's everything about it. It's everything. But he was great. I know most people love it. Some people say he was a bit annoying. Like he was a bit kind of all over the shot. But he's supposed to be like that. Yeah over the shop but he's supposed to be like that like he's supposed
Starting point is 00:42:25 to be irritating but I like his interaction with like young Professor X you know he's just kind of like I don't like this guy he's the worst
Starting point is 00:42:32 you know what I mean and what an amazing scene I think Marvel Studios would be looking at that and thinking we have to step up with our version
Starting point is 00:42:41 of Quicksilver because that is you know they've set the bar I think in, you know they've set the bar I think. In fact, I think they've set the bar for all high speed all super speedsters from this point forward. The Flash TV series.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Yep, it's going to have to do that sweet 48 frames per second and whatever. What a clever scene. The Whizzer radio serial that I'm writing. Just a lot of high speed description. Absolutely. And he ran faster than a car so fast that he overtook that car the car didn't even realise what was happening
Starting point is 00:43:10 is that right? you read my script yeah I also we'll talk about that a bit more I guess it's good I mean people say should he have been in it more yeah probably he should have been in it more
Starting point is 00:43:23 that's the thing because he was useful he was very useful he would have come in really more? Yeah, probably. He should have been in it more. That's the thing. Because he was useful. He was very useful. He would have come in really handy. He could have gotten on that plane. Yeah. He could have zipped past him because he's super fast. Yep.
Starting point is 00:43:31 That's right. Yeah. Yeah. We haven't really seen an X-Men like that before, have we? We've seen teleportation and whatever, but no. But not him. Yeah. And they also referenced that he's Magneto's son briefly.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Also, you know, there's a bit where you see his sister. And it was thought that that was Scarlet Witch, right? Even though they're supposed to be twins or whatever. Then, uh, Bryan Singer came out recently and said, no, that's not Scarlet Witch. That's another sister. I actually deleted a line where they mentioned a sister sitting upstairs and that's the real Scarlet Witch or whatever. I think that's bullshit. I think that was supposed to be Scarlet Witch. Yep. And he just changed that in the last minute. Well, I think that's fair because...
Starting point is 00:44:10 Well, not fair. I think it... The Scarlet Witch, I'm assuming, is a lot of work. Yeah. Because her powers are all over the shop. Yeah. She's magic, isn't she? Well, she's...
Starting point is 00:44:20 Technically, she alters probability. So the most impro... She can make the most improbable things happen. Okay. But that's to the point of total nonsense. Yeah. How improbable would it be if that wall turned into antimatter? Really improbable.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Well, now it's happened. Right? It doesn't make any sense. It's that sort of... And I think at some point she's acquired actual magical abilities. Yeah. And they've all sort of... Her powers don't make any sense. Yeah. And that would have thrown a whole kind of spanner into the works, I think acquired actual magical abilities. Yeah. And they've all sort of mixed. It doesn't... Her powers don't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah. And that would have thrown a whole kind of spanner into the works, I think, of the whole. Yeah. You want... I think for this kind of movie, if you're putting in time travel as well... Yeah. You want more or less straightforward powers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:57 He can control magnetism. He's got claws. Yeah. That's what you want. You get it. You get it. Well, that's another thing about here. I thought the time travel wasn't as convoluted, I should say, as I thought it would be.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Like, it was very, very straightforward. An idiot could understand that time travel. Which is how, I guess, broad mainstream time travel should be. Yeah. You know? If we can step out of the movie for a second, it was a little bit Assassin's Creed. Okay, go on. No, because that's...
Starting point is 00:45:21 Oh, you put your mind in the thing? You put your mind in the past. Okay, fair point. Okay, go on. No, because that's... Oh, you put your mind in the thing? You put your mind in the past. Okay, fair point. And when he became agitated or he became upset,
Starting point is 00:45:28 the synchronization went out and he potentially would have gone back into the future. That's a really good point. Yeah, so they stole that. Oh, you know... Square Enix, you should get your lawyers on the phone and get your suing hats on. Also, the story for Assassin's Creed sucks.
Starting point is 00:45:43 No one cares about the future. You guys are fucking idiots. Putting your foot down on that series that's clearly dead now. Great. So much, but they should just make him in the past. That's all I'm saying. Okay, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:55 That's all I'm saying. We've talked about this before. I'm sick of him. I'm sick of him. But anyway. Yeah, not as convoluted as I thought it would be. And, you know, they solved the fact that every time Wolverine did something, it would alter the future by saying, no, when he wakes up, then everything changes. Everything will start back. Yeah, not as convoluted as I thought it would be. And, you know, they solved the fact that every time Wolverine did something, it would alter the future by saying, no, when he wakes up, then everything changes.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yeah, exactly. That was a clever way to do it. It probably doesn't make any sense. I don't care. Yeah, that's fine. No, no, it doesn't have to. See, that's the thing. It doesn't have to make sense, like, by the laws of physics or by the law, whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:22 All I have to do is make a rule and stick to the rule exactly like Looper no Looper didn't do that you're baiting me I don't like it no it's fine I knew you were
Starting point is 00:46:31 going to do that I'm not really mad yeah all I have to do with any kind of sci-fi or any kind of fantasy you make a rule you stick to the rule
Starting point is 00:46:39 and everything works out it doesn't matter what the rule is so they said he wakes up and time snaps back and that's what happened yes yeah yes
Starting point is 00:46:46 yes um i've also got here what do you think about the finale regarding that did you think it was a little a little contrived however it came to the last kind of point
Starting point is 00:46:56 yeah i mean it was nice to see like scott summers and and whatever in the old school back or whatever i know i meant more the like like the last battle sequence like oh no i didn't like that actually how the the future's they're gonna die in
Starting point is 00:47:09 the future but they're all gonna die and he's she's gonna kill him in the past it's all gonna come to the last nanosecond and wolverine's gonna die and then he dies it's gonna snap back i think that was a little much i agree and i felt like it was trying to go for a kind of a really kind of like powerful like emotional punch yeah like what a big choice um everybody's going to make at this last second like first class in a way yeah but first class did it much better yeah i i think it yeah i know i no i didn't really care for it it was fine yeah but no yeah yeah but they did it though so yeah they sure did we can't stop them we can't go back in time and stop that can we i just meant good on them they did it though, so. Yeah, they sure did. We can't stop them. We can't go back in time and stop that, can we?
Starting point is 00:47:45 No, I just meant good on them. They did it. Oh, they saved the world. Yeah, that's also, yeah, great. They're great. Kind of a bit of a, I'd say anti-climax. I know him lifting the stadium was supposed to be like the big thing, but it didn't feel that way.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Not at all. I mean, it was a big thing. Yeah. But it did, yeah. Didn't feel the stakes. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But did you like it
Starting point is 00:48:05 how they Professor X'd Professor X? Right from the start. Right out of the gate he got Professor X, didn't he? For new listeners, that's when they get
Starting point is 00:48:13 the most powerful character potentially and take him out of the picture in a really contrived manner. Which in this case was they fixed his legs with a serum and it took his
Starting point is 00:48:21 psychic powers away. Psychic powers away. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. That was, I mean, that works, I guess. Yeah. It doesn't make sense. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Because it suppresses beastness. Uh-huh. But it does. It doesn't grow him extra legs, does it? No, it doesn't. But yeah, did you like the old kind of worn out Charles Xavier? Yeah, but I thought it was interesting they didn't put him in a wheelchair from the start. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Surely that was the plan at the end of first class. Oh, have him in the wheelchair and then say, look, take the serum. We've got to run around and stuff. Maybe not even that. But why did he have to have legs just generally? I don't know. Yeah, I guess. Largely unnecessary, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Good point. I mean, I guess nobody wants to see young James McAvoy rolling around in a wheelchair, I guess. That's probably it, yeah. Well, that's what they think, I guess. But yeah. Yeah. Did you like the way they balanced that with, though, he'd given up his Well, that's what they think, I guess. But yeah. Did you like the way they balanced that with,
Starting point is 00:49:08 though, he'd given up his powers for that? Do you think that was an interesting choice? I guess, yeah. Again, they've set the rule and they've stuck to it, so I guess that makes sense. Sure. Right. I also liked, Mason, that it wasn't as Wolverine-centric as I thought it would be.
Starting point is 00:49:18 It was very Wolverine, but even in the finale... He didn't save the day. No, they just tossed him aside. Yeah, into the ocean. They literally tossed him into the ocean. With what happened there, right? How Mystique picked him up. Yep.
Starting point is 00:49:29 And then she's just like, congratulations, you're free. I think that they just wanted a twist there. I think they just want... Because we are assuming that when Striker picks him up, he is going to somehow shunt him into the Weapon X project. Why not do that? Well, I think they just wanted us fanboys to go, oh, this is going to lead into the art twist. I genuinely think that's what they wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:49:59 They just wanted a quick twist at the end. See, I just thought, why not make it Striker? Yeah, yeah. Anyway, whatever. Twist at the end. Twist at the end. See, I just thought, why not make it Stryker? Yeah, yeah. Anyway, whatever. Twist at the end. Twist at the end. Double twist. Yeah, look, I also,
Starting point is 00:50:08 I thought, look, it was more of a fun romp than anything else. I think, like I said, it lacks the emotional punch of first classes. Like, that last bit in first class
Starting point is 00:50:16 where they stop the Cuban Missile Crisis and Magneto has got all the missiles and he's holding them back and he lifts the submarine and whatever. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:22 It's amazing. It is, yeah. Right? And I can see they're trying to do that which reminds me a lot of people are asking us to do that first class i know i know we're gonna get around to it yeah i know as soon as we've got a day free from being hot shot lawyers which is our jobs um we'll get to that we'll get to either we are the podcast equivalent we are the franklin bash of podcast franklin and bash your podcast we're both the loose cannon that's so who's to say so there's no dynamic at all because we're the same
Starting point is 00:50:49 but we'll get to that as soon as we get a chance i hope so yeah yeah i'm surprised how many people have asked i don't think anyone would care that's pretty cool yeah yeah but i yeah i feel like and you know and with magneto as i said his goals are very unclear. Like, maybe instead of, like, threatening the president and lifting a stadium, he could have just... He could have threatened a stadium and lifted a president. Right? Is that where you're going with this? That's exactly what I was going to say. No, that he could have maybe convinced everybody that he didn't kill JFK.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Yeah. Wouldn't that mean that he's less of a threat then? Yeah, yeah. That's true. I mean, I don't know. But also, what I wanted to say earlier was... Exactly. They still think he killed the president.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Yeah, exactly. So now he's a wanted fugitive who killed a president. And tried to kill another president. Oh, yeah. He's killed... Yeah. But I feel like this movie gets more credit than it should. Not to say it's bad.
Starting point is 00:51:41 It's not. People praising Bryan Singer for reinvigorating the franchise. But this is built off the back of First Class and The Wolverine. Right. X3 and Origins buried this franchise, right? Bryan Singer did not bring it back. Matthew Vaughn brought it back. Oh, yep.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Right? With an amazing X-Men film, which I still think is the best X-Men film. I don't care what you say, Mason. Sorry. Steady on, mate. And not to say Bryan Singer didn't make a great movie,
Starting point is 00:52:10 but he didn't assemble the first class cast. He didn't cast Jennifer Lawrence and James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender and make that amazing movie. Because this movie
Starting point is 00:52:19 doesn't work without that movie. That's very true. Everything we know about those characters. And the reason now these younger characters are going to take over the franchise, that is not Bryan's very true. Everything we know about those characters and the reason now these younger characters are going to take over
Starting point is 00:52:26 the franchise that is not Bryan Singer's work. Again, I'm not saying it's bad but I'm saying this franchise was already reinvigorated
Starting point is 00:52:35 I feel before this movie. Right. Even though people didn't notice as much. Do you think this is a step down then? No, not at all.
Starting point is 00:52:40 I think it just kind of continues along. What do you think? Okay. No, I see your point there. Yeah. Okay. You're right. I think it just kind of continues along. What do you think? Okay. No, I see your point there. Yeah. Okay. You're right.
Starting point is 00:52:48 I think it is a fun romp. Yeah. It's more, yeah. It's a fun romp. We rebooted everything. Let's just start again. Let's do it again. Did you like that at the end, though?
Starting point is 00:52:57 We briefly touched on it, how everybody's back. I'm glad. I'm glad James Marsden is back. Yeah, me too. I enjoy his work. Yeah, me too. I mean, they probably won't use him again, but... He'll probably get killed again straight away.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Wouldn't that be good? Yeah. Apocalypse just knocks his head off. How good was it, though, to see Kelsey Graver? Yeah, as Beast again. I did not know he was in this. Yeah, me neither. But it was all over the internet.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Apparently, everybody knew this, but I didn't know that. It was great. So, it was really, really cool. And he was all... So, yeah. I've also got here, Mason. I didn't know that it was great so it was really really cool and he was all ho ho ho ho ooh so yeah I've also got here Mason
Starting point is 00:53:28 I've got questions from Mason oh is there anything else you want to say we are going to talk post credits and whatever okay no I think that's it
Starting point is 00:53:37 cool I think generally speaking as soon as a thought comes to me I'll just say it yeah go for it as usual well these might
Starting point is 00:53:43 raise some thoughts Mason okay I'm ready so these are questions for me yes from you well one's from Zeke Smith As soon as a thought comes to me, I'll just say it. Yeah, go for it. As usual. Well, these might raise some thoughts, Mason. Okay, I'm ready. So these are questions for me. Yes. From you. Well, one's from Zeke Smith and the rest are from me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:50 And just things I've picked up on the internet. Okay, right. Concerning Star Wars Episode 2, when... Wait a second. Okay, this is from Zeke. The use of Mystique's DNA allows the future Sentinels to adapt to mutant powers. That's not consistent with her actual powers. He's saying, does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:54:08 No. But, I had a question about the Sentinels. Sure. I'm going to hit your question with a question. Oh, we should talk about the Sentinels. Yeah. Where did they go between 1973? That was one of my questions for Mason.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Yeah. Where did they go between 1973 and the future? Well, we saw one of their heads in the danger room. Okay, so my thinking is, if we're going to fix this, maybe... I mean, it's weird that they don't get mentioned. Yes. Certainly.
Starting point is 00:54:35 But maybe they were used... This is in the Days of Future Past continuity. This isn't the Reset continuity. So in the Reset continuity, Bolivar Trask isn't killed. No. And the Sentinel project is cancelled. Yes. Mainly because it went crazy, because Magneto used it to attempt to kill everybody.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Apparently he can reprogram things as well. No, doesn't he just pull up a whole bunch of... I thought he changed all the circuitry, because they were, like, targeting... That's actually a really good point. Yeah. I mean, maybe, I don't know. So, go on I guess in the
Starting point is 00:55:07 so in the in the reset continuity the project fails and they just I guess they all get destroyed but in the original one
Starting point is 00:55:15 the X-Men 1, 2, 3 the first class universe yeah they're built Trask is killed yes and I guess they just maybe use them in skirmishes or something like that?
Starting point is 00:55:28 Like minor little things, and they're sort of in the background, or maybe they're used occasionally, but the project keeps moving? Well, I guess maybe they're not as successful as they need to be. And that's only when they got to the point where they can replicate powers or whatever. I mean, I'm just guessing, I don't know. Yeah, yeah. They just didn't think of it. Right. That's basically the only real reason. I don't know. Yeah, yeah. They just didn't think of it. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:46 That's basically the only real reason. What are we going to do with these? You know, just have them serve coffee in the White House commissary. That's it. Yeah. I loved the Future Sentinels. I know people don't love the look or whatever, but they are terrifying. They can just wipe out a team of X-Men.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Yeah, yeah. Like it's nothing. Right. And they can adapt on the fly and whatever. The past ones, though, not as threatening. No. Not only because Magneto could control them or whatever,
Starting point is 00:56:11 but they just weren't. They were super fun looking, though. Yeah, sure. They had a fun 70s style. They did. Yep. Yeah, yeah. Did you like the future ones,
Starting point is 00:56:18 the way they kind of, like, could turn into Colossus and whatever? Absolutely, I did. Yeah, yeah. That was cool. Yeah. Is that one of the questions
Starting point is 00:56:25 no that was just general thoughts but yeah so Mystique as we know can replicate people but not like we see
Starting point is 00:56:32 in the first X-Men she replicates Wolverine's claws and he just cuts them off cuts right through so they shouldn't have like the metal skin or the diamond skin
Starting point is 00:56:39 which they can do so Zeke's right I think he is right but villains don't have to make any sense. And again, they've established the rule.
Starting point is 00:56:50 All we need to know is that Mystique's DNA enabled them to do that. Yeah. We don't know how many processes were in the middle of that. Okay. It could have been a thousand.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Could have been one. Could have been just the one. What if we just turn it to the left? Oh, we can do it now. That's great. All right. We're really good at this science stuff. It's Charles Xavier, right?
Starting point is 00:57:10 Here's a question. He was a telepath since he was, what, nine or ten? Yeah. Why is he suddenly not okay with being a telepath and he can't handle it when he had a real good grasp of those powers? That's a real good point, actually, yeah. Emotional breakdown?
Starting point is 00:57:28 Probably. Probably that bullet in his spine probably probably did it sure how about this one so magneto they think why is it that in the closing sequence of x-men first class yeah like previously people are shooting at magneto or whatever and he's just stopping the bullets. Yeah. Why at the end is he deflecting the bullets? Completely unnecessary. He could have just stopped them. Professor X would have been fine. Doesn't look as cool though, does it? Yeah, it's actually a really good point.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Yeah, yeah. Okay. On the topic of Magneto though... Uh-huh. Magnets. Magnets. He's got magnets in his pockets. That's how he does it.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Oh, good. Thank you. Another question though. Yep. I think he killed Kennedy. Indirect good. Thank you. Another question, though. Yep. I think he killed Kennedy indirectly, right? Uh-huh. He says that he tried to stop the Kennedy assassination, and then he was taken down. I think that he curved the bullet accidentally, and it hit Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Oh, interesting. Because he would have... Why else would the bullet have curved? Exactly. Yeah. It is a whole thing about the bent bullet conspiracy or whatever. that bullet was gonna miss kennedy yeah and he curved it into his head well i mean in this in this universe there definitely was a curved bullets yes um there's a whole lot of viral stuff about it as well there's the bent bullet conspiracy in real life yeah like
Starting point is 00:58:41 if you know the viral stuff about this movie Where it's like the bent bullet conspiracy. Oh, interesting, okay, yeah. It's called, in relation to the X-Men movies, that is. Oh, correct, gotcha. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it does seem like he killed him, doesn't it? Because otherwise, why would the bullet bend? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Surely the bullet, the only reason for a bullet, the bullet to bend is if he was, like, if he was killed with a straight bullet, that would have meant he failed. Yeah. Wait. Yeah. Wait. Yeah. Yes. If the bullet had missed and the conspiracy theorists had gone,
Starting point is 00:59:11 oh, the bullet bent in its flight path, then he would have had a hand in saving him. Yes. But since the bullet bent and he was killed, Magneto did kill him. You're right. Yes. Okay, good point.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Oh, the best. Yeah. All right. It's weird they keep changing in Watchmen yeah in the movie
Starting point is 00:59:28 it was clearly implied well it wasn't implied it was flat out shown it was flat out shown that the comedian killed Kennedy yes in the original comic books
Starting point is 00:59:36 it's very heavily implied he had something to do with it ah okay but in the before Watchmen he's somewhere else when the assassination takes place
Starting point is 00:59:44 ah okay so he definitely didn't do it that's weird I know right fair enough odd on the topic of But in the before Watchmen, he's somewhere else when the assassination takes place. Okay. So he definitely didn't do it. That's weird. I know, right? Fair enough. Odd. On the topic of Magneto, though. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:50 When Matthew Vaughn was going to make this movie, after First Class came out, he said, Look, I've got a great idea for an opening scene for the next X-Men movie, which was going to be this. Dance sequence. And that basically, he was going to do the Kennedy assassination with Magneto killing the president. Interesting. Of course, I think they went, though, we can't have a guy who's supposed to be sympathetic
Starting point is 01:00:12 kill one of the most popular presidents of all time. Right. So they changed it to he accidentally killed the president. That's true. Logically, there's no way out of this. You're right. Yeah. You have, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Did it. Another question. What's with Cyclops' future glasses? Was that a joke? I'll address that in a second. Yes. I was going to say it's odd when you have a character that's supposed to be a villain and then they acquire sort of heroic qualities, especially during, like Magneto.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Sure. Like now he's sort of, he's in many ways a hero like he's a conflicted kind of anti-hero kind of character i was thinking about the mortal combat games okay no it's sub-zero yeah he so in in the first mortal combat there's two there's two ninjas yes three but whatever there's two sub-zero and scorpion right yeah and sub-zero we're talking mortal combat movie we're talking Mortal Kombat the web series. We're talking Mortal Kombat on Game Boy Color. Collectible card game.
Starting point is 01:01:08 We're talking about the movie. Sure. We're talking about the video game, right? Yeah, okay. Sub-Zero killed a man and his family. Yes. And then that man ended up in the underworld. Yes.
Starting point is 01:01:19 And then he made a deal with some sort of devil to come back as Scorpion. And that's why he's yellow. Yes. Because he's Sub-Zero. He looks exactly like Sub-Zero, but he's saying that Sub-Zero's a coward. Yeah. That's why he wears the yellow, right? Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:34 So, well, that was the original storyline. Like, Scorpion's back for revenge. Yeah. But then after a while, Sub-Zero became sort of the default, most popular character. Well, the Sub-Zero in Subimmortal kamehameha is his sub-zero's brother exactly exactly anyway the point is you can cut all this out it's fine no all right um but like many years later they're like well he's the most popular character we can't have him be like someone who murders your family yeah so we have to change it so they got
Starting point is 01:02:01 kwanshee yeah like the shapeshifter and they were well, he pretended to be Sub-Zero and then he killed Scorpion's family. Because they were like, well, let's make it so he's a good guy now. Yeah, well, isn't Goro a good guy now as well? Yeah, probably, yeah. Oh, man. Yeah. But also, Freddy Krueger's a playable character now. And he's a jawblaster.
Starting point is 01:02:20 They don't know what they're doing, right? That's right. They don't. Yeah. Basically, though, Magneto killed a guy. Yeah. Killed, sorry, the president. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Not just a guy. Whoops. Anyway, what's with Cyclopses? Yeah, they're weird, aren't they? Yeah. They're much weirder than his previous glasses. They're like... I don't know what's the future.
Starting point is 01:02:39 It's 10 years from now, but that will never be a look. Never be a look. People would... Like, even though... Like, he always used to have, like... He had his visor, and then he had, like, his kind of Oakley sunglasses. Yeah. Which were not cool.
Starting point is 01:02:51 No. But you'd be like, there's a guy wearing some sunglasses. But in this, you'd be like, why is that guy wearing a future visor? Is he going to a Gary Newman concert? What's going on? Is he related to Geordie LaFleur? Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah. Dumb. How much gold pressed latinum did that cost? Those glasses. But yeah. Got another question, Mason? I'm ready. The Walkman was invented in 1973.
Starting point is 01:03:14 The Walkman. The Walkman. Where did Quicksilver get a Walkman from? Stole it. But this was set in the late 70s. 78. Hang on. When was the Walkman invented? 73. But it was set in the late 70s. 78. Hang on. When was The Walkman invented?
Starting point is 01:03:27 73. But it was set in 73. No, it was set in 78. Was it? It was after the Vietnam War. Wasn't it? So what's your point? My point is, where do you get The Walkman?
Starting point is 01:03:35 We bought it. You said it was invented in 73. Wait. Sorry. I'm going to start again. Okay. This movie was set in 1973. You are right. Correct. The Walkman was invented in 78. I'm an to start again. Okay. This movie was set in 1973. You are right.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Correct. The Walkman was invented in 78. I'm an idiot. Right. Where'd you get it? And I just thought to myself, then maybe you stole the prototype. There you go. Bingo.
Starting point is 01:03:56 You going to count that one as a win to you? Yes. Okay. I did the bingo hands. You did. You did. I don't think I've got any more. Got you on a technical.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Well, I've got Why Xavier Lively. We talked about that. I've got here Where Are the Sentinels? All that time we talked about that. How about this question? Did you like it how... Did you like... I like how this is opinion-based, this last question.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Okay, I'm ready. Do you like how at the end Magneto lifted a big thing, echoing Superman lifting a big thing in Superman Returns? Yes, I did. I actually thought of that earlier when you were talking about lifting a big thing. Oh, really? Like a climax of somebody lifting a big thing. Oh, gotcha.
Starting point is 01:04:29 I feel like I gave that away there. Damn it. Let's talk post-credits, Mason. Okay. Apocalypse. Yep. Now, if you've watched that not knowing anything about the X-Men, would that be a very confusing scene?
Starting point is 01:04:41 Yeah, because they don't say it's set in the past. Nope. Like, we see him building a pyramid. Yeah. that he could just be building a pyramid just over there oh he is over there yeah see uh should we stop him yeah he could be in a weird religious cult yep in the present okay yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i think it is implied to be in the past yeah no i mean okay yeah okay cool yeah yeah he looked like Blue Michael Cera. Correct. A lot of people said who was that woman.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Oh, really? Like some people who don't know the X-Men said to me who was that woman. But it's just a younger man. Because only women wear cloaks? Is that? That's probably it, yeah. Okay. And because he had a shaved head, like women, you know?
Starting point is 01:05:21 Like women. Like women generally. Yeah. Now, they basically said, basically said though oh i had one more question for you mason it's too late all right we'll come back i'll save this for after we talk about apocalypse now i i asked you prior to this show i said mason can you talk about apocalypse and tell the listeners about apocalypse uh-huh and you said yeah i did say that i was very enthusiastic in that in that way sure yeah i feel like've got a better grasp on it than I do.
Starting point is 01:05:46 You read that big era of comics in the 90s and the apocalypse and I did not because I was too busy collecting Super Mario Brothers, the movie cards. Great. Which I did collect. I still have them somewhere. You still have all the gum too. You know what the weird thing is though? You made a Cooper out of
Starting point is 01:06:01 chewing gum. Yes. I've never seen that movie and yet you have all the cards yeah weird yeah do you want to see it no don't say i've seen bits of it right anyway okay what was your question apocalypse something about apocalypse didn't you play marvel versus capcom yeah i actually have a copy of that street fighter yeah look with those games though i i know they're beloved and whatever. I find them incredibly complicated. And at one point when I play them, the whole screen flashes and I die.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Yep. And I don't know what happens. And sometimes I'm fighting a guy who's half the size of the screen. Yep. That was the X-Men vs. Street Fighter, the first Marvel vs. Capcom, those ones. The Batman. Marvel Super Heroes vs. Wait, doesn't matter. Anyway, there's a whole bunch of them.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Yeah. They're your classic button mashers. Okay. Your dilemma there was you paused briefly. What you should have done is just swung the joystick wildly and smashed all the buttons
Starting point is 01:06:54 and you would have won. I thought there was skill to it. I won many a battle back in the day against people just smashing all them buttons. Oh, but I thought people were like counting frames because the experts do that. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:07:04 They know precisely where to stand. Not on my turf my turf yeah that's probably what the experts do but anybody if i look if i would whoever be in an arcade and start a match with somebody like that i'd just walk away like frame one like they'd i'd see him twitch and hit me and i'd be like i'm done do whatever you want you're just gonna have to hand the victory. You'd rather that. Yeah, yeah. Cool, cool. Now, Apocalypse, of course, he's... They say he's the oldest mutant,
Starting point is 01:07:30 but he's not the oldest mutant, is he? There's another one called Selene, I think, is older. Is that right? Okay, sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. But she's not very impressive. No, well, that's right. Exactly. She's not Apocalypse.
Starting point is 01:07:39 He's got a much better name as well. Yeah, totally. Selene. Also, I don't really know anything about Selene. Okay, cool. Yeah. Well, that's your topic for next week. Yeah, totally. Selene. Also, I don't really know anything about Selene. Okay, cool. Yeah. Well, that's your topic for next week. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:07:49 All about Selene. Well, yeah, I mean, what do you want to know? Give me, I'm not going to read off a thing. No, of course not. Just give me some questions about Apocalypse. Okay, what are his origins? What are his powers? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Well, he was, well, like many mutants, he's just a mutant. Yeah. Like that's, he's just, he's born with it. Okay. I mean, you think maybe it's Maybell mutants, he's just a mutant. Yeah. Like, that's... He's born with it. Okay. I mean, you think maybe it's Maybelline, but he's just born with it. But he sort of... It's one of those things they're going to have to kind of cut out a lot of the actual continuity
Starting point is 01:08:16 because a lot of it relates to, like, the Fantastic Four. Okay. And kind of the Celestials and stuff like that. Like, he was born under the rule of Ramatut. Right. He is like a descendant of Reed Richards from the 30th century. Really?
Starting point is 01:08:32 Who developed time travel technology. And he's like, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to go back to ancient Egypt and rule the world. And so he did that. But now I'm going to wear a loincloth and a big headdress. Because that's better?
Starting point is 01:08:42 Yeah, because that's better. Yeah, better than the future, yeah. Not true. Not at all, no. Ridiculous. Do you want to see a picture of Ramatut? Absolutely, I do. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Nice headdress, right? What's his power, aside from looking like a real dumb prick? That's it. You've nailed it. He's just got, you know, all that time travel stuff. Was he, this is a dumb question, and excuse me for not knowing my ancient Egyptian history, was Ramatut a real guy? I't think so okay yeah but he's uh like reed richards has like a million parallel universe descendants like kang the conqueror yeah also a version of this guy oh really a lot of time travel a lot of a lot of nonsense but anyway um so he was born under the
Starting point is 01:09:23 reign of this yeah and eventually he and eventually he developed these mutant powers, which are essentially everything. Like, whatever he wants. And then he sort of overthrew this guy and acquired some of his technology. And so he's sort of... He's a mutant and he's a cyborg. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:36 And then eventually he finds a crashed celestial ship and they're like the sort of super technological demigods in the Marvel Universe. Yeah. And so he acquires some of their technology. Okay. So a lot of that's got to go, I think. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Is Cable going to be in Apocalypse? Well, the thing is, though, because Apocalypse involves zero time travel. Yep. So you cannot put Cable in it unless it's young Cable. Yeah, yeah. And Apocalypse will be set in the 80s. Yeah, yeah. So, there you go.
Starting point is 01:10:04 But yeah, essentially Apocalypse's powers are, for whatever reason, despite the fact that he's the first mutant, and so his powers really should be like... Selene's the first mutant, Mason. Sorry. Shut up. Anyway, despite the fact that he's the second mutant, and his powers should be largely, like, unimpressive. Yeah. Like, it should be just like... He can...
Starting point is 01:10:22 Like, he's got an extra joint in his thumb knuckle or something like that. Yeah, sure. Because that would be the first mutant. Why would it be the... Well, it's like the first vampire from Blade. Right. You know, where he could do everything or whatever. Well, Apocalypse is basically complete molecular control over himself.
Starting point is 01:10:35 So he can change size and shape and, you know, transform and make himself look like different people or he can you know shoot energy blasts or you know turn invisible or teleport or fly or heaps of other stuff okay was was he a hero in the past did he overthrow this this reed richard's dad or whatever i i probably only to serve his own ends i think he just wanted to rule okay and so he could do that but he can also like fly by like turning his like legs into jets or whatever like he's kind of that sounds like something from the 90s yeah exactly doesn't it like like he can do that or he can turn his arms into a helicopter you know or whatever but see part of that is and he's got like telekinesis and telepathy and whatever a lot of a lot of that is some of that is probably like the technology part okay yeah so we might have to get rid of a lot of
Starting point is 01:11:24 that yeah yeah i think in this, he's probably just going to be, have vast telekinetic. He's a pretty powerful guy. Yeah. He's just, yeah. Just really just got a threatening look about it.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Yeah. What I feel is interesting about this guy, you give all those powers, which is basically every power to a hero and nobody cares. Right. Like that hero and his exploits fall on deaf ears because you can't relate to him. You give it to a villain and all of a sudden he's infinitely more, not infinitely more interesting, but he's more interesting because you have to find a way to stop that character.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Right, exactly, yeah. So from that perspective, I think that's going to be good. So I'm assuming though, because of the events of Days of Future Past, something's altered in the timeline and they've awakened Apocalypse. Yeah, okay, yeah. Is that how that works? you past, something's altered in the timeline and they've awakened Apocalypse. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Is that how that works? Well, I would assume, my assumption about Apocalypse is going to be that he has vast
Starting point is 01:12:11 power. He probably will have shape-shifting and stuff like that, I'd say. Just no tech powers. I would say that his powers are so vast that he exhausts himself or something like that. Okay. And then he has to go into hibernation for X thousands of years or what have you. X-Men thousands of years. Thank that. Okay. And then he has to go into hibernation. Yeah. For X thousands of years or what have you. X-Men thousands of years. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Good. And whatever they've done, maybe not even timeline related, but maybe it's just his time to return to Earth or whatever. Yeah. Okay. To return from his slumber. Fair enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:37 What about these four horsemen? Right. Okay. And I think we talked about it briefly with Days of Future Past. Yes. Apparently, and I missed it. Yeah. You can see the horsemen. Right. Okay. And I think we talked about it briefly with Days of Future Past. Yes. Apparently, and I missed it. Yeah. You can see the horsemen.
Starting point is 01:12:48 You can. Do you have a picture? I actually do. Oh. So there's girl Michael Cera. Great. And there's the horseman. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Okay. Well, that's quite vague. I thought, okay, yeah. No, that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he acquires four individuals to do his bidding and he can sort... Mutants normally.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Mutants normally. Mutants normally, and he uses his powers and his technology to give them additional powers and stuff like that. Like he takes Angel, and he gives him... So if you take someone's fast, he'll make you pretty fast. Yeah, real fast.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Oh, real fast. There's usually a lot of metal involved. I want to be... If you're fast, he'd make you super fast, but also you can throw knives. That's probably what you've got. And have a gun belt.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Yeah, have a gun belt, exactly. Like in the comic books, Angel loses his wings. They get amputated by these guys, the Marauders, and Apocalypse gives him these metal wings. And he becomes... Which can shoot razors, as we've mentioned. Yeah, and he becomes Archangel, and he becomes... Oh, that's how he becomes Archangel. So that's Archangel's origins. Yeah, and he becomes oh that's how he becomes Archangel so that's Archangel's origins
Starting point is 01:13:45 yeah yeah and he becomes I think he's death at some point yeah I believe so yeah and so and Wolverine
Starting point is 01:13:52 becomes death later on yeah now that's through brainwashing as well yes exactly or he's like come on how super fun would this be you just tell everybody
Starting point is 01:14:01 I brainwashed you yeah yeah I don't give a fuck but I'm guessing that maybe the X-Men take out... He's got a few... Maybe he needs to acquire some more horsemen. Yeah. Or he has his existing ones and they're old and weak
Starting point is 01:14:13 and the X-Men destroy a couple. Sure. And then he needs a couple more, so he acquires Wolverine. Yeah. And he gives him the adamantium back. Okay. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Sure. Well, that would work. Yeah, yeah, totally. Now, Simon Kingberg, the producer on this film, he said that the Apocalypse film, which will be due out May 27th, 2016, said that he's going to be the darkest leader we've seen in the X-Men universe.
Starting point is 01:14:36 So you've got your Professor X and Xavier, who are both... Professor X and Magneto. Sorry, yeah. Professor X and Magneto. It's been a long night. It's your house. Been here for an hour.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Yeah. One's a really good guy. One accidentally killed the president Nita. It's been a long night. It's been here for an hour. Yeah. One's a really good guy. One accidentally killed the president. Sure. But they're not completely evil. But Apocalypse turns up going, well, look, you've seen what those guys offer you. I can offer you much, much more.
Starting point is 01:14:55 So that's apparently where the whole conflict is going to stem from. Right, interesting. So that's, you know, something. Also, he likened it to a Roland Emmerich film in the sense there's going to be mass destruction. What I like about the X-Men films are they don't do mass destruction. Right, uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Like, they don't need a bit at the end where they smash down a city. Like, you lift a big stadium. Sure. That's pretty good. Do what you want, lift a big stadium. Yeah. But, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:21 So that's what we've got to look forward to with the younger cast which begs the question we've seen the future now right with Jean Grey alive and Scott Summers and whatever that means Apocalypse showed up and it wasn't a problem and everybody lived yeah exactly
Starting point is 01:15:36 I didn't know it was set in the 80s my assumption was that we were going to see the Jean Grey Cyclops etc team, the modern day team, fight Apocalypse. But that's not the case. No. So, yeah, ain't going to be a problem. Great.
Starting point is 01:15:52 For either of us. No, certainly not. Yeah, yeah. It's fictional. So there you go. Now, Mason, I have to confess something. I wanted to make a video about Apocalypse, but I didn't want to research it. So I just thought, I'll just do this and put this into a video.
Starting point is 01:16:04 You son of a bitch. You're good, though. I'll tell you what. I might not do it. I might do the Magneto kill the president bit. That's probably better. Actually,
Starting point is 01:16:15 I mean, this was kind of half-assed. That's fine. You don't have to cut out a lot of arms and ass. Or do a lot of fancy little animations. Sure, exactly.
Starting point is 01:16:22 No, well said, though. That's enough. That's everything you'd really need to know about Apocalypse, I would say. Yeah. Anything else? Loves to make a pyramid. He does. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I thought that pyramid making looked pretty shit, to be honest. Like I didn't think it was a great effect. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know. My brother came out of the film. He sent me a message. Hang on, I'll bring it up. I can't even find it
Starting point is 01:16:45 Anyway He said something like One day I want to walk into a Marvel film And watch the post credit scene And know exactly what's going on That would be nice Yeah exactly I mean they are very much
Starting point is 01:16:53 Yeah Cause he And he knows stuff about this Yeah yeah This stuff But he's just like I don't know what that is The general public have learned
Starting point is 01:16:59 To stay after the credits I think Yeah But I would say That they would have no idea what's going on. Yeah. Like, at the end of, what is it, is it Iron Man 2? Yeah. Where Coulson goes to the desert and we see Thor's helmet.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Oh, yeah, yeah. Who would have any idea? Right? Yeah. Because nobody knows who Thor is at that point. No. Yeah. I guess the idea is, though, they build interest in it.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Yeah, yeah. By people going. Because if you have a post-credit sequence and it's Wolverine and he's like, I'm going to Japan. Who cares? Yeah. Which is what happened at the end of Wolverine. Correct. One of them anyway.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Wolverine Origins, sorry. So yeah, I guess they do it for that reason. So people look into it and then they're excited for what's to come. Yep. Do you think this has defeated the Avengers, Mason? Do you think this is the new big thing? No. No.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Correct. You're probably right. Yeah, yeah. But you are excited for the sequel. thing no no you're probably right yeah yeah so but you are excited for the sequel i'm actually now that i know it's set in the 80s there's going to be some big shoulders it's going to be great i want to see what they do i want to see some future sunglasses yeah i don't care in what era i just want to say just future sunglasses that's it so here's the rating mason i rated it worst movie ever on my um youtube channel as i said because there can only be one best movie ever and this isn't it but then again there can only be one worst movie ever
Starting point is 01:18:09 so i don't know what i've done there you painted yourself into a corner i have you know what we need we need a gritty reboot i think i'm gonna have to change it not because people hate it that part i enjoy yeah because i think i am going to just change it to how we do in the podcast just best or worst make a pick anyway what do you think of it i'm gonna go with best movie ever I hate it. That part I enjoy. Yeah. But because I think I am going to just change it to how we do in the podcast. Just best or worst. Yeah, cool. I'll just pick. Yeah, cool. Anyway, what do you think of it?
Starting point is 01:18:28 I'm going to go with best movie ever just to be contrary. No, I agree. I think it is best movie ever. You can't agree. I just was contrary. You're quite contrary, Mason. I know, right? But that's what I genuinely think.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Like I said, I thought First Class was better. A lot of this was built on the back of other stuff. Not to discredit it because it's pretty good. There we go. All right, Mason. It's time for what? Oh, wait. One more thing.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Yep. Fitri Ibrahim wrote in. He said, comic geeks like us, and we kind of addressed this, know who Apocalypse is. But how many people know that his real name is Insabah Nur? You know what I mean? Yeah. So there you go. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:19:04 Is that a question? Just a statement. Few people. Yes. Very few people. I know what I mean? Yeah. So there you go. What do you think? Is that a question? Just a statement. Few people. Yes. Very few people. I meant to bring that up earlier. Also, I got a lovely email from Matthew E. He actually included some sad Batman memes, which I know you asked for.
Starting point is 01:19:15 Absolutely, I did. Thank you for some people who sent them in. Hang on, where are we? I'll find this. Let me find this. I don't think I won't. I probably won't, to be fair. Damien Wade sent me one yep uh it was sad batman meets sad keanu on a park bench that even drawn his little little
Starting point is 01:19:31 batman legs in and there's an opposing one which is the the same version the the batman on batmobile that we saw earlier yeah and keanu's sitting on the hood they're real sad and they're both eating sandwiches sad sad, sad sandwiches. So I enjoy those a lot. Oh, that's amazing. Here we go, Mason. This is from Matthew E. Sad Batman dancing with Napoleon's Dynamite's girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Pretty great. That's good. Sad Batman peeing himself in a pool. Oh, come on, Sad Batman. Sad Batman at a cinema, which is showing Ben Affleck's double feature, Reindeer Games and Daredevil. Pretty great.
Starting point is 01:20:09 There you go. Sad Batman. Oh, but he had a question as well. Uh-huh. Or a statement. I can't remember. Hang on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Who do you think the new, the four horsemen of the apocalypse will be in the next movie? We talked about Wolverine. We talked about Archangel. Anyone else? Will I have, will I have Angel back? Was he popular?
Starting point is 01:20:25 Uh, no. He had a lot of posters about him. It's true, yeah. Archangel and Wolverine have both been death. So I'm going to say one of those is an option there. I'm going to say Wolverine because I want to see him get the adamantium back. Okay. I reckon death and war are kind of
Starting point is 01:20:41 interchangeable. Yep, sure. Like we've had the Hulk as war. Yep. But we can't use the Hulk obviously. So I reckon maybe I reckon Archangel and are kind of interchangeable yep sure like we've had the Hulk as war yep but we can't use the Hulk obviously so I reckon maybe I reckon Archangel and Wolverine are probably death and war okay yep yep
Starting point is 01:20:51 Gambit's also been death but Gambit was not popular but he's coming back oh is he okay remember we talked about it Channing Tatum's
Starting point is 01:20:58 oh yeah yeah okay cool um boy famine who do you reckon for famine Sunfire's been famine okay so that's an option.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Yeah. You could really crisp up them crops, you know, so you can't eat them. That could be the tagline of this show. Crisp up them crops. Hashtag crisp up them crops. Yeah, so famine probably, sunfire. Mr. Sinister's been pestilence. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:25 But we haven't, are we going to see Mr. Sinister? Not to my knowledge. Okay. Not to say there isn't. Yeah, so Famine, probably Sunfire. Mr. Sinister's been Pestilence. Okay. But are we going to see Mr. Sinister? Not to my knowledge. Okay. Not to say there isn't. Yeah, yeah. Because Mr. Sinister is a creation of Apocalypse. Oh, okay. So we might see him there, maybe.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Yeah. There is a character called Plague who might be Pestilence. Sure. But maybe not. I reckon there'll be a couple of generics. Yeah, yeah. See, that's why I feel that there's going to be some existing members of the Four Horsemen. There'll be an existing four.
Starting point is 01:21:49 And Wolverine maybe takes out one. Maybe takes out one or two. Yeah. And then he needs replacements. Yeah. I think that's probably how it's going to go. You're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:56 So the second two are just going to be generic. Yeah. Just guys. Well, it's time, Mason, for What We Readin', What We Gonna Read. Theme song. I'm doing the theme. What are we reading today? Now I'm going to recommend something fairly obvious.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Okay. Just go back and read Days of Future Past. Oh, yeah, you can do that. Because it's... I just think the reason I reread it, or possibly reread it for the first time, I can't remember. Point. I knew the story anyway, basically. I just think the reason I reread it or possibly reread it read it for the first time I can't remember the point I knew the story anyway basically but um
Starting point is 01:22:27 just to see how it differs from the um the movies now it's going for like ten dollars or something on Comixology at the moment oh that's buggin
Starting point is 01:22:34 is it it's from the 80s yeah I mean I'm just ten bucks is alright okay like if you have to buy that it's great
Starting point is 01:22:42 trade paperback but that story itself is not very long. Like, just the bit with the time travel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not that long at all. I remember it being longer, I guess. Because back in the day, you'd read it a month at a time, I guess.
Starting point is 01:22:53 And now you can read it all in ten minutes or whatever. You're right. Ten bucks is crazy. Still off the internet, guys. Don't do that. That's it. And Billy Arundel also recommends the TV show Fargo, which is apparently amazing. I've heard it's also amazing.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Yeah, I've really got to watch that. So I put that in more for myself. Yeah, yeah. I'm so behind. I've just put Hannibal on my iPad. I've got to watch Hannibal as well. First season of Hannibal, yeah. I hear that's like True Detective, but it's every week.
Starting point is 01:23:17 And wacky? Not wacky, no. Hannibal or Fargo? Hannibal. Okay. Is like True Detective. Like it's super intense. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:24 But there's a lot more episodes. Ah. Yeah, yeah True Detective. Like, it's super intense. Yeah, yeah. But there's a lot more episodes. Ah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ah. Yeah, but that's on the list. Here's what I'm going to read. And by read, I mean watch on the television. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Have a listen to this. You might sound excited after this. Sure. Okay, it's called Penny Dreadful. I've heard about this. Penny Dreadful. Yeah. Have a listen to this.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Explorer Sir Malcolm Murray, American gunslinger Ethan Chandler, and others unite to combat supernatural threats in Victorian London. How good does that sound? That does sound pretty good. And by good, you mean it sounds like you're an extraordinary gentleman, right? And by that, real bad. But I've heard nothing but good things. Me too.
Starting point is 01:24:02 So maybe this is done right. Eva Green, is it? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. She was good in that movie where she showed all her boobs all right yeah yeah she's great we never talked about that that's not the boobs part we talked about that but in 300 rise of an empire yeah there's that really rough sex scene there's that but it's it's it's that movie is oddly progressive in that nobody ever questions her that she's the leader of the fleet. For being a woman.
Starting point is 01:24:30 That's a really good point. They say, because aren't you Greek? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they never say, because you're a woman. It's a really good point. Like, if they'd made that a few years ago, she would have had to deal with that the whole film. Yeah. But it's just taken as given.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Yeah. Anyway, this series... What a great movie. Yeah, yeah. No, really bad. It's fine. Yeah, I've's just taken as given. Yeah. Anyway, this series... What a great movie. Yeah, yeah. No, really bad. It's fine. Yeah, I've heard nothing but good
Starting point is 01:24:49 things about this. And Timothy Dalton's in it. Love the Dalt. Even though he's a bit of a Dalt. But he's not Mason. No, he's great.
Starting point is 01:24:56 He's great. Seems like a nice man. Also, Josh Hartnett is in it. Oh, I like Josh Hartnett. Glad to see him back. He's been lying low for a while.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Yeah, yeah. He did that film about an alternate past where guns didn't exist or something. I think you're thinking of the butterfly effect. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, I'm going to watch that. There's only a couple episodes out, but it looks super fun. I'm into it.
Starting point is 01:25:15 And how much worse could it be than League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? Just that alone. Yeah. Everything you said there makes it infinitely better. Even if it's worse, it's still better. That's very true. All right. A few things to get through today, Mason.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Some questions and whatnot. And comments. James Berry has written in. Now, he said that in the comics, the X-Men comics in particular, or the Marvel comics, there's a big double standard. For example, Human Torch is a hero and a celebrity. But Triage was born with the power to heal others and whatever, and he's a monster. Yep.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Why is it that mutants are looked upon as monsters, but Spider-Man... Oh, maybe not. People hate Spider-Man. People do hate Spider-Man. You know, like Thor's a hero or whatever. And you're not like... People aren't like, Thor's terrifying and could kill us all. That's true. I've got an answer. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:08 Because Johnny Storm is really cool. He's a cool dude, isn't he? Yeah. Yeah, he's got cool catchphrases. No, I agree. I mean, I think that's just the X-Men universe. I mean, it doesn't actually make any logical sense. But it's always been that they're kind of, they're the representative of any kind of
Starting point is 01:26:23 group which are downtrodden they're a minority yeah exactly also johnny storm white triage black and i don't you know individually that doesn't make much of a difference but i think the x-men is supposed to represent various minorities yeah and johnny storm represents a blonde white guy. Yeah, jocks. Jocks. Yeah, cool jocks. So that's probably it. Yeah. But no, yeah, he makes a really good point.
Starting point is 01:26:51 He also mentioned that his dog of 14 years was recently put down after a long battle with illness. And it's, yeah, I know, right? And it's devastating. But he said the show put a smile on his face. I know that's not as good as I was having a really awesome dog. So I'm sorry about that. I love dogs. And I hate it when dogs die. It I'm sorry about that. If my dog... I love dogs. And I hate it when dogs die.
Starting point is 01:27:07 It's the worst thing ever. It's like losing a family member. Because dogs are part of the family. You know, whenever I see dogs in the park, I know it's not cool to do this, but I just want to run up and, like, wrestle them. Yeah, absolutely. Don't really care for cats.
Starting point is 01:27:19 No. Not because I don't like them, because I feel like I don't know how... Like, if I'm going to hold one, it's going to, like, flip out. Like, you know what I mean? You don't know what a cat's going to do. Cat owners and cat lovers, email in and tell James why he's wrong.
Starting point is 01:27:30 I'm not against cats, basically. It seems like you are, though. Okay, fair enough. From your words and actions, it seems like you are. Yeah. And he also said, it's good to hear two Melbourne boys becoming so popular with the rest of the world. But he says he'll disown us the moment we become total pricks like Mel Gibson and Russell
Starting point is 01:27:43 Crowe. That's his spirit. Yep. I got my phone ready to go. Awesome. So thanks, James. Yeah, sorry about that. Hope everything works out, man.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Yeah, same. Think of all the good times you had, though, and you gave that dog an awesome life. Absolutely. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, so there you go. Still sucks.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Now, this is a couple of questions. Okay. Now... I will entertain the first one, and if it's good, I will entertain the second one. All right. Mason, this is from Grayson Smith. Cool name, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Yeah. James, why do I call you Mason instead of Nick? Because your first name is Nick. I always have called you that. Though people call you Maso. Correct. And variations of that. That's just what I know you as my mom
Starting point is 01:28:25 and dad call me may so it's weird it's not true i think it's a high school thing yeah okay there's always more than one nick in a room sure but there's very rarely more than one mason yeah good point except for this guy i know called nick mason oh yeah that's right your nemesis yeah my nemesis yeah well everybody as you know pretty much calls me my last name. So, yeah, I don't normally get called James. But, hey, you'll never know what my last name is, though, Mason. You'll never know. Oh. It's Bread Butter.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Because you're from the Harry Potter universe. Is that right? Third, he lives in the US and he's going to his debate national tournaments next week. That's actually last week because he said this on Sunday. And he has a good shot at winning it. And he wants a shout out. Shout out. Shout out, good luck.
Starting point is 01:29:08 If you didn't. Time travel, good luck. So yeah, I hope that went well, man. I'm going to send my good luck back in time using my previously unrevealed powers to send good luck back in time. Sure. I feel like debating is something
Starting point is 01:29:19 I should have done at school instead of doing literally no extracurricular activities at all and passing through my school like I was a ghost leaving no impact. You played a lot of video games though. I sure did. Yeah, cool.
Starting point is 01:29:29 You get a badge for it. Yeah. Now, Ryan E. or Ryan E. Gosling, as you called him, Mason. Chill. You want to know about our opinion on a plot he found in Marvel movies. So, no prize this Mason, you fuck. Wow. Spider-Man declines money from Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
Starting point is 01:29:49 He's like, I don't need your money. But it turns out he does need his money because Aunt May's working really hard for the man. Yep. Do you think he should have just taken that money? I do. This is not no prize applicable, I don't think. Okay, sure. He should have.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Yeah. I mean, he's an idiot. A lot of stuff he should have done in that film. Again, he should have said, okay, here is some blood. Test it before you stick it in yourself. Yeah. Don't be an idiot. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:30:17 I could have AIDS. You don't know. Yeah, I got spider AIDS. I got arachna AIDS. Yeah. So there you go, Ryan. Yeah, you should have taken that money. You're right.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Yeah, he's right. Sweet, sweet dollars. Brett Hanna wants to know, how did we meet? You were a friend of my brother's, correct? That's true. And now you're better. I discovered you were better. So he's out and you're in.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Well, you know, things change over time, Mason. My brother's got kids. He hasn't got time to do this nonsense. He's got like real things to do. He's got like a proper job and stuff. He's a firefighter. He's like a proper guy with like a house and a family. We're just hot shot lawyers.
Starting point is 01:30:55 Who are we going to help besides sexy dames in trouble, you know? Yeah, and he wants to know also how did we become the official podcast of there's a really it's a really good interesting story actually uh jim little who runs the site who's stepping down at the moment just temporarily um another guy called am i the new ceo yes yes not stepping down he's stepping away he's a 50 owner with another guy or part owner with another guy called nate so nate's taking over this story isn't that interesting well mason let me get to the interesting part okay i thought for a while i wanted to do a podcast, and I just emailed Jim, and I said, Jim, I'm thinking of doing a podcast.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Do you mind if I do it? And I called it the official podcast of Comic Book Movie, and he said, sure, if you do it every week and it's consistent, whatever. Great. And then one time he emailed and said, hey, good job on the podcast. And you might hate it, and he probably doesn't listen to it. Absolutely. But what a great story.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Also, he'd love... That's a secret origin. Yeah. I told you it was a good story, Mason. Also, if you could have one last request, we'd love for Mason to call him an arsehole or a dickhead or maybe something more clever if he's up to it that would make his day.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Go for it. I'm thinking. I'm formulating. Brett Hanna. More like Daryl Hanna. Famous actress from the 80s. You girl. Tell you that.
Starting point is 01:32:12 You're probably in some good films. You went for the one where she was a giant woman. Was she in Kill Bill? Yes. Yeah, she's great. She's got her eye pulled out. Absolutely. There you go.
Starting point is 01:32:20 You went clever. I thought you didn't think you were going to go clever. I take it back. You're great. You're great in Kill Bill. You dickhead. There, I turned it around I thought you didn't think you got to go clever. I take it back. You're great. You're great in Kill Bill. You dickhead. Now I turned it around again. Who knows where I'm going to go?
Starting point is 01:32:29 You don't know. Now, Mason, we always love incongruous DVD packs. Oh, yes, we do. I got one sent in from Eli Benning, which is a two-pack of Club Dread and iRobot. The best. That's pretty great. Speaking of Tupac, it was revealed earlier this week
Starting point is 01:32:49 that his last words were, as he died, as a police officer came up to him, fuck you. And then he died. Or did he die? Well, yeah. No, he died.
Starting point is 01:32:59 He really died. He transcended into hologram form and now he just floats around the world just appearing at music awards. Clarky, on Twitter, he sent one. And you know what? It's great, but with reservations. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:33:17 It's from Walmart, right? It's a three-DVD pack, right? It's One Direction, the One Direction documentary, right? A Justin Bieber rise to fame documentary. And then, in the middle,ction, the One Direction documentary, right? A Justin Bieber rise to fame documentary and then in the middle, Hitler, the rise of evil.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Right? Which is great, but, like, because it's sort of a, it's sort of an anti-Semitism sandwich with like Aryan Nation bread,
Starting point is 01:33:39 which is pretty great, but, That's a great name for like a white power band. Yeah, absolutely. Anti-Semitism sandwich. Clearly, like I've never been in a Walmart. We don't have them here.
Starting point is 01:33:49 No, we don't. But clearly what has happened is they've got like 50,000 unsold DVDs up the back. Yeah. And they point to a guy who's on like five bucks an hour and he's like, package all these in the threes. And he's like, I'll do what I want. And he just, I don't care about this job. And then he's put them all together.
Starting point is 01:34:04 All together. Like, if this came out in an actual box set. Yeah. And it had three great movies and then those three, that would go in the Hall of Fame forever. Yeah. As it is, that's great. But, you know. Reservations.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Can't be the winner. Fair enough. Yeah. Yeah. All right then. Moving on along. Yep. Alex Scott wrote in.
Starting point is 01:34:23 He said, what character, comic book character, do you feel has the best facial hair? His vote goes to Deathstroke for his beautifully maintained goatee. That's fair. His real superpower was managing his facial hair. I'd also want to give out to my main man, Jim Gordon, for his lovely moustache. I've got one. Okay. You got one?
Starting point is 01:34:40 I'm going to say Tony Stark, but I'm going to say Tony Stark from the 70s. Why is that? Because nowadays, Robert Downey Jr. has the Tony Stark, but I'm going to say Tony Stark from the 70s. Why is that? Because he had... He just... He didn't have... Because nowadays, like, Robert Downey Jr. has the Tony Stark. Yeah. And the comic version has, like, a variation. Yeah. He's had a goatee for ages.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Yeah. But 70s Tony Stark had, like, a tweedly little mustache and a perm. So... Because he was, like, the cool guy. And I guess in the 70s, you had a tweedly mustache and a perm. Yeah. I know. Good point. That's my favourite, probably.
Starting point is 01:35:06 I have to say Egg Fu. Oh, he's got a Tweedly mustache. He can fight with that mustache as well. Yeah, absolutely. Egg Fu's a good one. So, yeah. Thanks, Alex. Hope that answers your question.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Last one. Hey, Nick and James. He says, I know that James is Batman to Nick's Robin and should go first. Wait a second. But I'll be kind and say he's the Tim Drake Robin, the one who wears pants. Now, I just want to say in response to that, I feel like we're both Robin. I don't feel like either of us. Yeah, I was going to say, actually, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we can't take on that mantle. I recently started reading Spider-Man Noir and really enjoyed it. I was wondering about our opinions of the Marvel Noir universe. Please rate it best and worst. I've read zero of it. I couldn't tell you what do you think it's a mixed bag sure aesthetically i think they look good but i think a
Starting point is 01:35:50 lot of the storylines are quite poor okay but you'll know spider-man noir from shattered dimensions yeah yeah i had an appearance in that yeah uh look it's okay like spider-man nah oh i get it yep that's good yep yep uh-huh thank you. Yeah. So, yeah, there we go. He also mentions Dr. McNinja. Now, you've read Dr. McNinja. Sure, absolutely. It's an online webcomic. Is it still online?
Starting point is 01:36:11 I haven't read it for years. Not either of us. But it's great. And I feel like I should have brought it up on the show earlier. It's great art, great storyline, very funny. Dr. McNinja. What did we mention Wolverine facial hair? He's got incredible facial hair.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Oh, yeah. Good point. Good chops, right? I see you've got Jerry Butler's facial hair as well. Yeah absolutely. I guess it was the
Starting point is 01:36:28 obvious choice I guess. Oh and J. Jonah Jameson. Oh yeah. He's got a sweet little Hitler mustache. He's got a little toothbrush mustache.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Yeah. That's not a Hitler mustache is it? No. Now also he's mentioned a comic book here that I've read and I know I've read
Starting point is 01:36:42 it because you gave me a copy of it. P.S. I've recently heard there is a Deadpool comic where Deadpool dresses up like Spider-Man. Any ideas if it's real? Thanks. Yes, it is real. It's the one. Do you want me to talk about it?
Starting point is 01:36:56 Go ahead. It's the one where Spider-Man, not Spider-Man, Deadpool time travels back to the 1960s Spider-Man universe. And he exists in this bizarre 1960s comic book world, and he has a... Does he have a holographic projector-y kind of thing? I think he does, yeah. Does he change himself into Peter Parker or Spider-Man? Or is it both?
Starting point is 01:37:16 I think it's both. I know he sends Spider-Man on a merry chase, and he beats the hell out of Kraven the Hunter, and he's like mocking him and whatever, because he's like, what are you doing? What is this outfit? It's a really good comic.
Starting point is 01:37:29 I have no idea what issue it is or what it's called, but I remember it being a very amusing read. And that was when I thought Deadpool was like,
Starting point is 01:37:36 oh my God, I'll never get sick of this character. And then I stopped reading anything Deadpool. Yeah. You sort of burn out on that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:44 And you kind of Deadpool's I think. But yeah. I on that. Yeah. Down your kind of Deadpools, I think. But yeah. Yeah. I think that's the show for this week though, Mason. Anything else? Green Arrow goatee. Yep. Also pretty good.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Not the modern one. No. You're talking... He can cry that though. Oh yeah. Go on. You're talking sweet like Robin Hood goatee. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Yeah. Maybe a little pointy at the ends. Great. Are you just looking through a comic book movie? Pretty much. Comic book fashion. Yeah, it's all pretty good stuff. Anything to add, Mason, before we wrap the show up?
Starting point is 01:38:11 No. All right. Quick shout out to the Bruton and the Basilisk for their theme songs. Thank you very much, guys. Gabriel Bruton and Joseph Lisk for amazing work, and we appreciate it every week. Next week, if you do want to be a part of the show in some capacity, possibly, depends how much time
Starting point is 01:38:25 I have to go through them, send in Star Wars stories that you want to see. They can be existing stories, they can be something that you've made up.
Starting point is 01:38:32 Go nuts, I would actually love to hear a lot of those, so that'd be good. You're going to go through them, aren't you, and filter them out?
Starting point is 01:38:37 Yeah. Do heaps of work on the show. Sure. I don't just show up. You were very prepared for Apocalypse. Not true.
Starting point is 01:38:45 You seemed prepared. I seemed prepared, You did. You were very prepared for Apocalypse. Not true. Well, you seemed prepared. I seemed prepared, didn't I? You did. I was very impressed. Yeah, if you want to get in contact with the show, please do at weeklyplanetpod at Gmail, Facebook and Twitter. You can contact me on slash MrSundayMovies or Twitter MrSundayMovies.
Starting point is 01:39:01 You can find me at WikipediaBrown on Twitter and no pressure, but it was my birthday so you know do whatever you want emphasis on the was by the time this goes out it's not his birthday don't feel obliged
Starting point is 01:39:12 alright thanks everyone bye Thank you.

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