The Weekly Planet - 366 The Mandalorian Season 2

Episode Date: December 21, 2020

Visit for a bonus weekly show, exclusive movie commentaries, early stuff and ad-free podcast feeds for $9 per month.What up dawg and Merry Christmas! This week we do a thorough... re-crapping of The Mandalorian Season 2. Leading up to that though we touch on Tom Cruise’s on set tirade, an R Rated Justice League Snyder Cut, the end of old Marvel TV, Lady Sif returns, some D & D updates, more Spider-Man 3 casting and RIP Jeremy Bulloch. Thanks for listening!Dave Lee Podcast with James: Wars Mandalorian Reactions: The Start03:49 Snyder Cut News Forever10:01 Marvel Legends11:28 Helstrom Cancellation12:14 Lady Sif Returns for Thor 412:38 More Spider-Man 3 Returns16:55 Tom Cruise Be Getting Mad23:12 Chris Pine Joins D&D Movie28:25 Rest in Peace, Jeremy Bulloch29:24 The Mandalorian Season Two Review (Spoilers 33:27 - 01:21:24)01:21:24 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read01:31:50 Letters, It's Time For LettersJames' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► Patreon ► TWP iTunes ► TWP Direct Download ► TWP YouTube Channel ► Amazon Affiliate Link ► T-Shirts/Merch ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming to IMAX and theaters everywhere. What a wonderful day! This summer, one movie event will reign. It is our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theatersres May 10. Tickets on sale now. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your butt hole. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet
Starting point is 00:00:52 where we talk movies, where we talk comics, where we talk Tilly, Tilly, Tilly, Tilly shows. Big TV. That's what we call it in Australia. I don't know if you know about it. We call it Tilly, Tilly television. That's right. Oh, that's right. All out. Gather the kids around. We're going to watch. We call it Tilly Tilly Television. That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Oh, that's right. All out. Marge, gather the kids around. We're going to watch the Tilly Tilly Telly. Get off the bloody emu and get inside. That's what we say. That's what we say every time. Rooting an emu. That's what I'm saying, Mason.
Starting point is 00:01:16 That's what's happening. Oh, I thought he was riding an emu. No, he was rooting an emu. That's very rude. That's a very rude start to the podcast, but okay. Oh, here's something that might bring it back, Mason. I was on a great podcast called the Dave Lee Podcast. I know Dave Lee.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You know Dave Lee. You've met Dave Lee in real life. He's a great Australian lad, right? A real larrikin. A real larrikin. He bullied you for an hour. He bullied me for so long. I was there for a couple of hours on Friday where we talked about how I got started on YouTube
Starting point is 00:01:41 and this podcast and a little bit about you. I tried to keep it Mason minimum, if I'm honest. That's well... You don't want those numbers to go down down. No, absolutely not. We did some movie news. We talked about the state of the entertainment industry. It was really good fun.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So if you're listening to this as soon as it goes out, that'll be up on his Patreon, which will be linked below, but also then on Monday around when the time this goes up on the YouTube feed, his podcast will be up there. And it's video. You'll be able to see me. You can look at my face or one side of my head as we sit there. Your good side?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Did he let you pick which side? No, I didn't get to pick sides, actually. I don't know. I think I get confused about my good side because of mirrors and then real life. Sure, yeah. So I don't really. I think it's this one, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:20 That's why you get in so many car crashes. You check the mirror and you're like. Do you have a good side? What's your good side? I think it many car crashes. Yeah, that's right. You check the mirror and you're like. Do you have a good side? What's your good side? I think it's the left. Oh, no. I walked right into that one. You did.
Starting point is 00:02:33 So, yeah, please check it out. It's a great podcast, just week to week, but if you want to see that. Stream it on your Tilly Tilly television. That's right, exactly. Get off the bloody air view. Get inside, mate. And also, speaking of things that you can see,
Starting point is 00:02:44 at, our Wonder Woman commentary has gone up for Wonder Woman 2017. I mean, technically you can't see it. You can't see it. You can see the movie whilst you listen to Wonder Woman. That's right. But if you want something else this week, later this week on the YouTube channel,
Starting point is 00:02:57 we did a commentary for Jingle All The Way. That's right. And that probably will go up early on like Patreon and Big Sandwich, but that's going to go out on YouTube to everybody. So I might set it as like a premiere. So if people want to line up there. Oh, yeah. People can have a chat about it in the bottom.
Starting point is 00:03:12 If they want, they don't have to. I don't know how I'm going to do it. But just a thought. I might put that. I think this is going to bring everyone together. I hope so, yeah. Everyone in the world. I think I say some pretty political things like almost immediately.
Starting point is 00:03:23 So maybe not. It's going to divide the whole world. So that will be probably on like the 23rd. I'll put that up so you get a couple of days to watch it before Christmas if you want to. And then it's gone forever. It's gone forever. I'm going to delete it.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So, yeah, cool. So get your copies of Wonder Woman and Jingle All The Way lined up for this week if you want to hear us talk over them. Break open your Wonder Woman and Jingle All The Way double pack DVD with silver on both sides. Absolutely, yeah. Which side do you put on the bottom? Which side do you put on the top? I don't know. It's up to you.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Do you want to do some movie news, Mason? Yes, please. And then The Mandalorian? Yeah. Yeah, good, because there's time codes as well if you don't want to jump in. Very good. Yeah, this week we are recapping the entirety of The Mandalorian. What we loved, what we didn't love. More like re-crapping, am I right? That's a pretty good show.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah, it's a good show, yeah. It's pretty good, right? Yeah, yeah. I thought you meant the quality of our recapping. Oh, that's re-crapping, yeah. That's actually accurate. Re-crapping. Doesn't sound good, does it?
Starting point is 00:04:17 Like when you're doing it again? I don't know, I don't like it. Anyway, what am I doing? Because there's Snyder Cut news, Mason. There always is. Anyway, what am I doing? Because there's Snyder Cut news, Mason. Is there? There always is. Okay, right. Zack Snyder has confirmed that March is the release date of the Snyder Cut, right? Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:04:32 He also mentioned that he's also a huge fan and big supporter of the cinematic experience. I'm already talking about Justice League playing theatrically at the same time it's coming to HBO Max. So I wonder whether they do a four-hour cut or maybe with an intermission or maybe where there's two sessions or maybe you buy four tickets. I don't know how they're going to do this. Well, if they had their way, you would have to buy four tickets. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Actually, I was going to do this later, but I'm just going to do this now because it does tie into HBO Max because what studios are saying are that. What have I got here? Yeah, this is by the Hollywood Reporterwood hollywood reporter hollywood reporter yes some caffeine mate i've fallen down here my brain has fallen out uh hilly hilly hilly weird reporter that's right um the theater chain's looking at cutting the prices of individual tickets this is the hbo max movies off the back of their announcements they're putting it to streaming same time as this theater oh to lure people in yes but they their announcements that they're putting it to streaming at the same time as theaters. Oh, to lure people in.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yes, but they're going to cut the price of tickets to $3 to $5 for all the Warner Brothers movies. So that way the Warner Brothers don't make any money off it and so they're looking to keep anywhere from 75% to 80% of the revenue. So the idea is people, theater chains would be like, well, you could sign up to HBO Max and you could pay whatever a month. Yeah. Even when there's not a great movie coming out or $3 ticket to this.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Wow. And the other thing about that is because if you get them in and you get them at the good ticket price, most of the money of cinemas, I'm guessing, I don't know if the numbers in front of me, come from like all the food and stuff. Yeah, that's right. Get in a big old comfy chair. Get a little pizza. No, Mason, nobody wants that except you. Everybody wants it. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:06:11 We'll see when cinemas really reopen. We'll see what's the state of little pizzas. The next time you go in there, there'll be an enormous wood-fired oven. They will have shut down one cinema in its entirety. And the screen is just one big wood-fired oven. Yep, that's right. It's got 100 pizzas on a wooden panel. You better believe it. It big wood fire oven. Yep, that's right. It's got 100 pizzas on a wooden panel. You better believe it.
Starting point is 00:06:28 It's just flat out. Oh, my God, yes. Terrific. So there you go. But back to the Snyder Cut, this is going to get a bit racy. So brace yourself, everybody. Racy yourself for how racy this is. This caffeine isn't kicking in yet.
Starting point is 00:06:42 It's not better. But look, here's one piece. It's not going to be better. It's just your brain's going to operate at exactly the same speed except you're going to want to go to the toilet the entirety of this episode. You're right. Okay, this is from Snyder himself. Here's one piece of information nobody knows.
Starting point is 00:06:57 The movie is insane and so epic and is probably R-rated. That's one thing I think will happen, that it will be an R-rated version for sure. Nice. I'm not done yet, though. That's hot stuff already. There's one scene where Batman drops an F bomb. This is real, by the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cyborg is not too happy with what's going on in his life before he meets the Justice League and he tends to speak his
Starting point is 00:07:19 mind and Steppenwolf is pretty much just hacking people in half. So it'll probably be due to violence and profanity. Probably both this R rating. Wow. This isn't your grandpappy's Ben Affleck's Batman. That's right. It's our Ben Affleck's
Starting point is 00:07:36 Batman. That's right. You thought 2016 Batman, he's killing dudes and doing somersaults. Like, you know, whatever was happening in that movie. But this one, oh my god. Yes, he's like, check out this effing somersault I'm doing right now. That shows remarkable restraint because I believe with an R rating you can say the F bomb as many times as you want, right? Well, that's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:07:53 So, yeah, I feel like. What if it's a C bomb? Wouldn't that bring the entire cinema-going experience to a shuddering halt? Like Steppenwolf just said to one of the others on the sub, and I was like, dude, come on. Maybe in your world. Maybe not here, mate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I've got the box, you bunch of C-words. And he's like, wow. So, yeah, I feel like a lot of the times, like, yeah, all of that sounds pretty tame for an R-rated movie, really. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean. Do you think this is just, like, to, all of that sounds pretty tame for an R-rated movie, really. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean. Do you think this is just like to get people excited as opposed to being like.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Well, to answer your question, are you incredibly excited right now? Of course you are. So, yeah, it worked. Yeah, so, yeah. But, like, it's not going to be like, you know, you've seen people, you know, like we watched Freddy versus Jason recently. Sure did, yeah. And there's people getting, is that even R-rated?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Maybe it isn't. It might be PG-13. Whatever. I don't know. But I don't think when we're talking about- It might be the rare NC-17. We don't even have that over here. I don't think it's-
Starting point is 00:08:52 Because also, I'm pretty sure with HBO Max, I think they can set their own ratings, can't they? Because it doesn't have to go through a separate- Yeah, probably. I'd imagine. I don't know. Anyway. Get excited, though.
Starting point is 00:09:03 It's so rude. Maybe on HBO Max it'll be the full complement of swearing, but in cinemas it'll be fiddlesticks. Oh, my goodness. Fiddlesticks. Check out this regular jump. You can't do a back. You can't do a somersault because it's too extreme for cinemas.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah. It's a nude somersault in 3D. Yeah. And they have to do it with like a jump cut where they take out the somersault. Right. I'm looking forward to it. Me too.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I think at home then is the way to watch it if they're going to butcher this movie like that. If going to the cinemas, would you rather watch it at home? Yes. Or go to the cinema four times or go to the cinema and watch it in a four-hour block? Well, home.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Yeah. No, the only real, okay, let's say you're not allowed to watch it at home, which is the preferred method for watching it. Yeah. You have to watch it in a four-hour block or four times individually. Four hours, I guess. Yeah, get it done, mate. Yeah, get it done.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Like they hit a scene that I've seen from Justice League 2017 and I'm like, yeah, I know this one. This is the scene where the Flash falls on some boobs. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. I know it's a Joss Whedon moment, but I feel like how could you remove that? Do you know what I mean? Right, yeah, yeah. That's a staple of the franchise.
Starting point is 00:10:14 So, no, I think, yeah, I'd probably pick the scenes that I've seen to wee, is what I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah. Or maybe get a pizza. Maybe you'll convince me. I mean, here's your option, Snyder Cut or get a pizza. I you'll convince me. I mean, here's your option. Snyder Cut or get a pizza.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I have to see the Snyder Cut. I can't talk about a pizza for work, Mason. I'd do a Snyder Cut over pizza any day of the week. I say that now. Anyway, Marvel News. Marvel Legends is a new show launching on January 8th. The series is going to give fans an in-depth look at the individual MCU characters while revisiting some of their iconic moments. They're starting off with WandaVision characters, Wanda and Vision.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And I think they're just going to do this when they roll out a new movie or show. They're going to be like, remember these? And they're going to talk about the comic book history as well? I'd imagine so, yes. I don't know. It's money for old rope, this shit. So it's a pretty good idea, to be honest. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:00 It's a good way of recapping without having to watch 400 movies. Have you watched any of that Marvel 616? I have not. I've heard it's good, right? Yeah, I've It's a good way of recapping without having to watch 400 years. Have you watched any of that Marvel 616? I have not. I've heard it's good, right? Yeah, I've heard it's good. The only thing I know about it, it's real-life people talking about their experience with Marvel Comics and what brought them into being a fan and all that sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Paul Sheer's hosting it? Well, that's the thing. Yeah, I like it. There's an issue where there's an episode. There's an issue? Oh, no. Oh, there's an issue, right. The episode is that there's an episode where there's an episode. There's an issue? Oh, no. Oh, there's an issue, all right. The episode is that there's an episode where Paul Scheer talks about a comic
Starting point is 00:11:28 called Brute Force, which is like a comic book where animals get like suits of power armor and do some fighting. What about their brains? Yeah, they get like special helmets, I think. Okay, yeah, yeah. And I had those. And apparently the prices are going crazy on eBay for these individual issues. I'm like, I've got to find my copies.
Starting point is 00:11:45 You definitely have them. You didn't really throw out any of yours, did you? I threw out a bunch. Your parents might have. Yeah, they also threw out a bunch. Sons of bitches. Cool. So maybe.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I don't know. Root force. Yeah, but Marvel Legends, you said. Yeah, Marvel Legends. I'd give this a watch, I reckon. Yeah. Just a bit of a fresh recap. And then after that, we've got more news.
Starting point is 00:12:02 But this is bad news. Brace yourself. I know. Hellstrom has been cancelled after one season. Is it on? It is. It's done. I think we got an email about it and it wasn't great.
Starting point is 00:12:14 That is the end of the old slate of Marvel TV. We're about to enter this new generation of filmmaking for television. So I don't – the only thing I heard about it was that one email that said it wasn't very good. But maybe it was amazing. I didn't watch it. You sad? I think we would have gotten more emails if it was really good.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Yeah, you're probably right. We normally do, don't we? What's something we get a lot of emails for? Cyberpunk, obviously. We got a few of those, didn't we? Yeah. Maybe I'll read a few out later, yeah? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:44 But yeah, that's, yeah, that's the extent of it at the moment. Do you want some Lady Sif news though? Yes. Jamie Alexander, she's back for Thor 4. Love it. Thor... Good. I mean, she's alive, isn't she? She's one of the few people on Asgard who didn't explode or was stabbed.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And where was she again? Can we remember? She got kicked off by Loki. Oh, because she was too clever and she would have figured out what he was doing. Right, right, right. We've got an upcoming video for it. Don't even worry about it. Mitch has edited it. But, yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So it's got a big lineup, big cast. But speaking of big cast, Cast as Mason. Casts. Casts. This is some Spider-Man stuff. Here we go. Everybody's in it. Everybody's in it.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Maybe even Tom Holland for a minute. Maybe he'll be in this movie. This is maybe. They said it's still a Tom Holland-centric film, though. Don't even worry. Everybody's in it. Everybody's in it. Maybe even Tom Holland for a minute. Maybe he'll be in this movie. This is maybe. They said it's still a Tom Holland-centric film, though. Don't even worry. One would hope so. Fandom Wire are saying that Jake Gyllenhaal and Dane DeHaan are back. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Mysterio and the second worst goblin behind New Goblin. Green Goblin? I meant behind New Goblin, but yes. Yeah, he's just Green Goblin, isn't he? Correct, yes. Regular Green Goblin. And the Illuminati are saying, speaking of Green Goblin, Willem Dafoe also back in Thomas Hayden Church.
Starting point is 00:13:50 So Sandman and another Green Goblin. Green Goblin. There you go. So what do you think? I love it. Do you think maybe they'll give it another crack with the Willem Dafoe Green Goblin suit? I reckon they might.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I think they might. I think that's that universe. So why change it, really? No, I'm saying why not give it a crack with a new version? Oh. I'm saying if this is maybe that universe but it's evolved a bit. Yeah, yeah. Give him the.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So give Willem Dafoe, you're saying. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Give him the new suit. I'm agreeing with you. Ah. But the new suit as in the. Oh, you mean like a new design.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yes. Oh, okay. Oh, no, I don't think they will. Really? I think they'll give him the old one. Ah. Or a new design? Yes. Oh, okay. Oh, no, I don't think they will. Really? I think they'll give them the old one or a version of, yeah. I guess it also depends on how much the actors actually want to contribute to this. Yeah. You know, if Willem Dafoe's like, sure, I would love to contribute,
Starting point is 00:14:34 but I just want to do the voice, so just bring back the old suit and we'll have it flap its lips. Or not even flap its lips. It doesn't have any flapping lips to flap. It's got like a mesh. Yeah, yeah. It looks like a fly screen. Vibrate the mesh. Yeah. Wble the mesh, and then I'll talk.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah, exactly. But I guess if he wants, you know, I reckon they should. If they're going to be like, I would love to see, and maybe I'm in the absolute minority here, now that I open my mouth, now that I vibrate my mesh and say it, I would love to see an evolution of those characters in terms of look and storylines within that universe. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Go like, okay, well, it's been a couple of decades, so what do they look like? Clearly, Norman, if we're bringing back the original Green Goblin, that means Norman Osborn has had to come back to life somehow. Yes. Which maybe, you know, which he has in the comic book, so why not? So give him a new suit. Give Tobey Maguire Spider-Man a new suit. Give Harry Osborn another thing, another role to do. Maybe he's alive again or he's a goose.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I think you're right, but I think you're probably right that they will do new suits, but I think they'll have to look like the old ones. Like you said, it'll be that evolution because otherwise he'd have to take his mask off to people to go, like to recognise him, I guess, which they could do. That's not impossible. That's not impossible.
Starting point is 00:15:44 It's very possible. No, no, it's impossible. That's part of William Dafoe's contract. They weld his costume onto him. He can't remove it until the end of the production. Makes sense to me. Yeah, but Dame DeHaan's going to be back. That's right, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:59 What happened to him at the end? Oh, he got all wibbly wobbly faced, didn't he? Yeah, he looked like what happened to Schrader at the end of Ninja Turtles. Yeah. He just looked like he got mashed in some green goo in a garbage dispenser or whatever, yeah. Oh, the dog's here to say hello. And according to the Diz Insider, the hosts of that are Skylar Shuler
Starting point is 00:16:19 and Derek Cornell are saying that the Spider-Man deal between Sony and Marvel has been extended and that Tom Holland's Spider-Man is going to play a pivotal role in upcoming projects. Oh, my goodness. Which is not surprising because that benefits all. That's true, yeah. Especially us. We get more podcast episodes out of it.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Definitely, and that's what we're doing. We put a word in. We were like, hey, Marvel. We need this. We need this. Don't take this away from us. So, yeah, that's not surprising and he's popular and that would make sense that they would do that.
Starting point is 00:16:46 So now this is, who is missing from this now? I don't think we've heard anything about James Franco. Yeah, okay, sure. I think that's it. Okay, sure. I guess Felicity Jones. There's a bunch of amazing Spider-Man characters. I don't think we've heard anything about the Lizard,
Starting point is 00:17:01 but that could be a CG. Paul Giamatti, is he coming back? I haven't heard anything about that. Okay, all right. But the Lizard could be, that's Paul Giamatti, is he coming back? I haven't heard anything about that. But the Lizard could be, that's CGI. Elizabeth Banks, is she coming back? I haven't heard anything about that either, actually. Do you reckon we'll get Ivan Ramey?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Sam Ramey's brother. Yeah, he's the other reporter. He works at J. Jonah Jameson. Oh, not really, no. Okay, well, he's in it. The writer of The Golden Arm. Yeah, one-off. Yes?
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah, he was, yeah. Cool. Great show the golden arm. Yeah, one-off. Yes? Yeah, he was, yeah. Cool. Great show, I think. Yeah, so there you go. I've written here as an expert in news. Go on. Tom Cruise be getting mad. He's getting mad, Mason.
Starting point is 00:17:33 He is getting mad, yeah. Did you see this? I heard a clip, but I did not see it. Collings will put in a very small amount of clip, I think. Thank you, Collings, who's editing this. Otherwise, if people haven't heard clip, they wouldn't know what clip we're talking about. But is that clip this clip?
Starting point is 00:17:46 We are the gold standard. You're back here in Hollywood making movies right now because of us. Because they believe in us and what we're doing. I'm on the phone with every studio at night. Insurance companies. Producers. And they're looking at us and using us to make their movies. We are creating thousands of jobs, you mother f***ers.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I don't ever want to see it again. That clip. That clip. But so if for those who don't know, which is not many, Tom Cruise went off, was filmed. He went right off. Sorry, audio of him going off at some crew members for not obeying protocols for Mission Impossible 7. And it's quite the tirade.
Starting point is 00:18:34 It's like two to three minutes. He kind of loops back on some things he was saying. There's threatenings of firings and you're off and people's houses, people losing homes and stuff. I think what we have maybe learned at this point is that I think there are a lot of actors out there who are just, they are real, they're just on a real. Just talking points?
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah, no, but they're on a real. They're on a real. Hair trigger? Yeah, they're on a real hair trigger just to do a tirade. Oh, okay. And that's what they're built for ultimately, to do a tirade. You know what I mean? A lot of these tirades. They've got to flourish. Yeah, there's a bit of flourish to it because it's like we're not
Starting point is 00:19:08 shutting this down and he like goes like he goes ah like at the end of like a lot of sentences it seems like the scene it's like the scene from a few good men do you know what i mean but it's yelling about masks or whatever how do you feel though about uh tom cruise who's like the producer and a large creative control and the star and he puts up a lot of the money yeah and this production has also been shut down multiple times and they're all living on a boat yeah but all these kinds of things and he's talking about hollywood's looking to them and and he's on the phone everybody and everybody people are losing jobs the world over yeah how do you feel about like this kind of reaction well i'm certainly mixed yeah but at the same time it's a case of, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:47 because on the one hand, they all, I guess on the one hand, you know, there are jobs on the line. Yeah. And if people want to keep working, you know, at this point, you know, but they really should be adhering to these protocols. That's right. That's the thing. But at the same time, he's like, let's get in here and make a movie.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And people are like, we don't have to make any movies right now. It's fine. There's plenty in the can ready to go. But it is though. It's people's jobs and you know what I mean? And it's, you know, he's like literally employing people. So yeah, from like a safety standpoint, like he's 100% right. But for me, and I spoke about this on Dave Lee's podcast,
Starting point is 00:20:22 it's not the way that I feel you should approach something like this. I know people, like there's a lot of people who are like, yeah, I had someone yell at me and I learned a lesson from that. But whenever somebody's yelled at me, even if they're all right, I'm always like, you could have handled that better. Or when I've yelled at somebody, because when I, you know, being a teacher, because, you know, occasionally I'd yell, I'd always be like, fuck, I shouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Do you know what I mean? Like it's not, I don't think it's the way to get the best out of somebody. But also we don't know all the – as, again, I've already said this, but how you – all the information. Maybe these guys were every day just like – Maybe they're surly teamsters and they don't – if you're like, hey, man, could you do that next time? They're like, yeah, sure I will.
Starting point is 00:20:59 No worries, boss, yeah. Yeah. And also, James, as you would know, you know, as a teacher, if you do have to yell, what if you yell and they just don't comply? You've reached the maximum. That's true. Exactly. You can't hit that.
Starting point is 00:21:11 It's the same with like. You can't hit that kid, right? No, you can't. Oh, you can. There's ways. There's ways. Oh, my God. But, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:18 That's how I feel. I feel like when yelling at somebody, like dressing down somebody, is never kind of the way to handle it. It's kind of the last resort. Yeah. Maybe it shouldn't even be the last. Beyond the last resort. But again, maybe this was the last resort.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Well, that's the thing. If you had somebody yell at you, do you react positively? Not very rarely. And not that you have to. Because I'm sure there's people like, bloody snowflakes, bloody can't even handle being yelled at, whatever. But I don't know. Just like there's a power dynamic there, which is,
Starting point is 00:21:43 it's not an even power dynamic. But also, again, it's that thing of what happened before the recording started. That's often the case. It's like any kind of like one of these, you know, because in order to know that this was going to happen, you either have to, a rant starts and then you start recording so you miss the first bit or you're like somebody's saying something
Starting point is 00:22:04 that's going to set this guy off, let's recording kind of thing so you don't know what happened prior to that exactly the the rumor is that it was two people looking at a monitor and they were too close okay right you don't know whether they're wearing masks or or not um i don't i don't i don't know again i don't know but there's also more rumors that like people walked off as a result of this tom cruise was unhappy that this got leaked and whatever. But I don't know. I feel like it's been mostly positive, the reactions people have taken. Yeah, I've noticed that too, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:31 So I don't think it would really hurt the movie or him. He's done way worse things than this. It's true, yeah. So I don't think it's going to affect him at all. Also, this I think doesn't have as many classic lines as the Christian Bale rant of years past. No, you're absolutely right. Disappointing.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Isn't it though? Yeah. Yeah. I guess also the Bale thing is like, the Bale thing seems less justified because it's like a smaller thing. Yeah. There's so much smaller stakes. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:57 And I know Christian Bale since then has been like, I shouldn't have done that. Sure, yeah. Even though, again, like he was probably right because if you're trying to do an intense acting moment and somebody's just fucking strolling through it Friday, I'd imagine it would be distracting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:10 But anyway, I don't know. Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise. He's out there. What's he doing? But he would, of course he'd be on the edge. Like so much of this rides on him. He lives on the edge.
Starting point is 00:23:19 He lives on the edge. He should love this then. He should be like, I love this. I love how you guys are taking risks. I mean. I love it. But also, like, it's entirely possible that the recording stopped and he was like, good hustle, guys. Yeah, we did it.
Starting point is 00:23:31 That's what I do if anybody's breaking protocol, which you guys aren't. Great job. This was a productive roundtable of exchange of ideas. We did it, guys. Yeah. Great stuff. Yeah Great stuff
Starting point is 00:23:44 On May 10th Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Is coming to IMAX and theaters everywhere What a wonderful day This summer One movie event will reign It is our time Apes hunt humans
Starting point is 00:24:02 That is wrong Bend for your king Never It's our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king. Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theaters May 10. Tickets on sale now. Dungeons and Dragons, Mason.
Starting point is 00:24:21 What? You may have heard of this movie that's happening. Oh. I think it was already announced, but now being reported by Variety, that Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daly, the duo known for Game Night. Oh, yeah. You might know. They're really cool dudes. Cool dudes.
Starting point is 00:24:33 The movie has been pushed to May 27th of 2022, but the lead is going to be Christopher Pine himself. Chris Pine. What do you think of that? Mr. Christopher Pine. Mr. Christopher Pine to you, sir. Wow. Hang on. Let me just figure out which of that? Mr. Christopher Pine. Mr. Christopher Pine to you, sir. Wow. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Let me just figure out which Chris that is. Wonder Woman 1. Good. Great. What if it was in the other ones? You're like, they're all fine, right? I genuinely have to go into my mind palace and discover which one. Pratt, Hemsworth, Pine, Evans.
Starting point is 00:25:03 That doesn't help. I'm still slowly working my way through it, but Pine would be good. Pine would be good. Now, is this because when you say by the producers of Game Night, that makes me feel like this Dungeons & Dragons movie will be a movie in which somebody from the real world is dragged into a game of Dungeons & Dragons, like in the real world, and then they end up in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Would you like me to check if there's any kind of premise?
Starting point is 00:25:26 A la the cartoon series. I think that's, I'd imagine that's what it would be. But I don't want that. Oh, you just want in the world and all the things happening. But I want in the world, but I want a specific universe in that world. Yeah. Because of the previous Dungeons and Dragons movies, they're just set in a vague Dungeons and Dragons world there are literally Dungeons and Dragons and some wizards and warriors
Starting point is 00:25:51 and whatever and that's it but like give us figure out figure out uh figure it out figure out a campaign setting that you want to put it you want to put this in and then give it give us that I agree with the with the characters and the locations and the whatever. I agree. I think you need to go more specific because. Otherwise it's just a Lord of the Rings knockoff. Just a vague fantasy world. But if you're like, yeah, I agree. I don't know that much about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:14 You do. I know too much about this stuff. You know too much about this stuff. What's a world that you'd be like, I'd love if they went into EverQuest Book 4? That's you, Mason. Shut up, idiot. You fucking nerd.
Starting point is 00:26:23 No. EverQuest Book 4. That's you, Mason. Shut up, idiot. You fucking nerd. Oh, no. I mean, I would probably want it to be in the Forgotten Realms universe. Yeah, maybe you would, mate.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Maybe you can forget all the wedges you bloody got while you're playing it. Because, James, I'm going to push through regardless. There are some campaigning settings that are like very specific and they sort of make it too far away from like the idea. So like Ravenloft is like gothic horror. Yeah, okay. And there's a world called the Dark Sun world, which is like a post-apocalyptic. It's like a fantasy world but post-apocalyptic.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Ravenloft like the bloody loft you're hiding from your stepdad, mate, because he hates you playing. What, I'm done. No, that was good. That was a good one. I like Dungeons and Dragons. I'm sorry, everybody. Go on.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So Dark Sun, the Dark Sun world is like, if you can imagine, a fantasy world. But essentially there's been like an environmental apocalypse. So the world's been ruined. So there's all like various fantasy races. But a bunch of them were like genocided. So there's no more elves because they were all killed, et cetera. But that's cool.
Starting point is 00:27:30 But that's, like, that pushes it more towards, like, a sci-fi fantasy kind of world. So Forgotten Realms is, like, it's like your Lord of the Rings Hobbit kind of situation but, like, cranked to 11 kind of thing. So there's, like, you know, you go into a dungeon, you fight crazy monsters and it's no big deal kind of thing. So there's like, you know, you go into a dungeon, you fight crazy monsters, it's no big deal kind of thing. Yeah, okay. Sure.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah, I think what they're going to do is Jumanji. Yeah, it seems that way. Oh, I'm a regular man and now I have to wear these leather pants? I was wearing different leather pants. I'm weird in my universe. But, yeah, you're right because it like it seems like these guys are good though so maybe not
Starting point is 00:28:07 but that's the thing it seems like a big jump to go from well these people made a movie about people playing games so the idea
Starting point is 00:28:15 so it's a bit you know so it's a big logical leap to go well this one's going to be about a guy who plays a game and gets trapped
Starting point is 00:28:21 in a role playing game universe but it also isn't in Hollywood because like they got a guy called Mark Webb to direct a Spider-Man movie. Yes. Like it doesn't really – these things do happen in Hollywood. Totally.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And it could be also that they hired these guys because they have an understanding of the universe, not because they're going to be like, it's like being trapped in a board game. I'd imagine that's how you'd pitch it. If I wanted to make it, I would pitch it as it's Jumanji. You would want to make it. No, Mason. No, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:28:50 No, I'll turn it around on you. Turn it around. So, yeah, I could see how that pitch would get you. Yeah. Because from what I've heard from people who do pitch things, it's like you've got to be like, well, it's like this blended with this. And you're like, I know those things. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:07 So, yeah, I don't know. Yeah, it'll be Jumanji and Game of Thrones. But before the last season. Maybe they couldn't say Game of Thrones anymore. Maybe that's like that's a harbinger of death kind of thing now. Yeah, you might be right. You'd have to say the Lord of the Rings. Yeah. I'd imagine. Always a winner. Or Eragon. Yeah, you might be right. You'd have to say Lord of the Rings, I'd imagine. Always a winner.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Or Eragon. Yeah, or Eragon, that's true. Percy Jackson, Lightning Thief. Exactly. Before we talk Mandalorian, I think it would be remiss of us not to mention that Jeremy Bullock, the actor who played Boba Fett, I know there's been various voices and people have worn the suit over the years, but he's kind of the one that people have known.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Yeah. And he also ended up getting roles in the prequels because they replaced his voice in the extended, the special editions or whatever. Yeah, that's true. He's passed away at the age of 75. I didn't see any cause of death, but yeah, he seemed, from all accounts and interviews I've seen and people who have accounts who have met him was like, he was great at cons and that really nice dude, really friendly dude.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And what an opportunity to be like such an iconic character. You know what I mean? It's one of the most recognisable villains of all time. I wonder if we saw the new version of Boba Fett in The Mandalorian. That's a good question. Isn't it though? I honestly do not know. So yeah, 75, that seems too young.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Always does, doesn't it? Always does, yeah. But yeah, massive contribution, though. I mean, you get to be part of this much larger thing and, you know, you're a big part of the fandom. That's really cool. So, yeah, Jeremy Bullock, big loss. But we are going to talk about, off the back of that,
Starting point is 00:30:36 The Mandalorian Season 2. That's right. A review and recraft where we're going to get into all the things that we saw and know about it. I think we should just do spoilers. Okay. Yeah, let's do it. But do you want to do some general thoughts before we do spoilers?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yeah. How do you think this differed from the previous season? I think more scope, more fan service. So much more fan service, yeah. And how do you feel about that generally? Mixed. Yeah, uh-huh. There's some moments even like, and I'll talk about that in spoilers,
Starting point is 00:31:05 where I'm like, I like some of this. Okay, sure. But maybe the execution isn't great. Right, yeah, yeah. Uh-huh, yeah. But. There is a moment in this final season where I think there's a great, there's some great acting from Pedro Pascal.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Yeah. But it is overshadowed by a bigger thing in the room. It is happening. I completely agree. I do want to talk about that. Which I do not entirely hate, but we'll get it. But I'm sure people do. A lot of people seem to be on board, but we'll get to that. We'll get to that particular moment.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Well, maybe they're wrong, James. Maybe they are wrong, but I think also that there is fan service, which is very rewarding if you are like a really big lore junkie. For example, like the inclusion of like Cobb Vanth. That's like if you read one of the first new canon books that came out before The Force Awakens, then you know about that character and now he's been folded in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So like it rewards you for doing things like that in a way that the new movies haven't really. Or if you liked Dark Forces.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Yeah, if you like Dark Forces. There's a thing in here for you. If you liked Clone Wars especially and, you know, a little bit of Rebels, there's a lot of, like, deep cuts from that and more obvious stuff, which I think. But also there was that fear for me that this is just turning into, like, The Mandalorian runs into people from Star Wars books and shows.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Sure, yeah. But I think also they were obviously doing that because they're doing Ahsoka, the New Republic Knights or whatever, the Cop show, but they're Republican people. And then New Link, this isn't really a spoiler, but they announced a Boba Fett series as well. So I think this was acting as a launching off point for all of those things.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Yeah. Because I don't want that to detract from... A lot of what I like in The Mandalorian is The Mandalorian himself. Sure, yeah. And I don't like he gets overshadowed by Baby Yoda, but I like him. And I like him more in this season than even previous seasons. I wonder if knowing that so many of the characters and so many of the plot points of this season
Starting point is 00:33:04 are going to be spun off into so many other TV shows. I wonder if a rewatch, I would be annoyed by that. But I think just watching it an episode at a time, I was like, oh, no, this is fun. Yeah. Yeah. I completely agree. On the whole, I think it's.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yeah, like I was speaking to somebody about it earlier in this week who hadn't watched it, and I'm like, again, this show does feel like an old show from the 70s like Kung Fu. Yes. Where every episode this lone, you know, stranger walks into town and they're like, there's bandits and they've taken over the town and what are we going to do? And then he just beats them all up and then they're like,
Starting point is 00:33:40 but there's no place for you in this town, Mr. Kung Fu. Yeah, exactly. And he's like, oh. I could settle down here but I shan't. But I shan't because I've got bigger things. I've got a bigger thing that I'm going to do in the last episode. But it costs $20 million an episode or whatever it is. Yeah. And I'm not against that.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Like there is a certain charm. I think there is like a simplicity to it that totally works. Side note, did you know that Jared Padalecki is going to be. He's the new Walker. He's the new Walker Texas Ranger. I was going to say it's like Walker so we were thinking the same thing I haven't seen the trailer
Starting point is 00:34:09 I have seen the thumbnail for the trailer but it's fascinating to me that he did one show for 15 years or whatever it was it was a million years and he's like finally time to rest, go back to my slumber and he's like nope, going to start a new series again, hopefully this goes for another million years, I'll be the 2 million like, finally time to rest, go back to my slumber. And he's like, no, going to start a new series again.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Why not? Hopefully this goes for another million years. Why not? I'll be the two million year boy. Man. Man, I'll be a man after two million years. Yeah, it does very much feel like that. But also it's clearly fleshing out a larger narrative.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Yeah. Which we will talk about more when we talk about it now. I Just quickly, I guess there's things we can talk about. I mean, the production design is still great. You'd never know a lot of what was filmed indoors. No. I mean, the indoor stuff. The indoor stuff, obviously. But I think also like a lot of the time, like it's all indoors.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I'm sure there are exceptions. I know when they visit that city where they had the big shootout from the first season, I think they built that one for real. But most of it's volume. And sometimes you can notice you're like, okay, let's put some rocks and grass down on that wall. Like that's the wall right there. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Whatever. But I think if I didn't know they did it, I'd be like, shit, there's some like location stuff here which is like next level. Like they flew all around the world to Game of Thrones, this kind of thing. But did you feel like that though? No, I never felt like they were trapped in a room, no.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yeah. I think a good example of that where I did feel like that was at the end of the Bill Burr episode. Spoilers now, I guess. Bill Burr's in it again. He's back, baby. He's back. But they're like, you can go Bill Burr. And it's clearly like... Bill Burr Baggins. It's got nothing, Bill Burr. And it's clearly like- Bill Burr Baggins.
Starting point is 00:35:46 It's got nothing to do with anything. It's something, I guess. But it's clearly like a ship's ramp, like the volume and then just some floor. And he turns around to leave. But there's like nowhere to go. Most of that episode, like the- Yeah, exactly. It's on top of a moving vehicle. Yeah, there's bits and there's-
Starting point is 00:36:04 Or maybe it's the previous episode there, you know, the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda got to go up a mountain. Yeah. And I never felt that scene indoors. And it would have had to have been. Yeah. Right? I think.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Or that's, you know, Runyon Canyon in Hollywood or whatever. Yeah, whatever. It didn't seem like it was, but maybe it was. Really, you just got to change the floor and put some props up. Yeah. I know it's more complicated than that, but it's essentially what you're doing. No, you're saying that's as simple as it was. Really, you just got to change the floor and put some props up. I know it's more complicated than that, but it's essentially what you're doing. Now you're saying that's as simple as it gets. That's how they do it.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Oh, it just comes a long way from like, if you think of a show like Two and a Half Men or That 70's Show, where they're like, we've gone camping, and there's like three ferns. And like a picture of a forest in the background and like fake grass. God, imagine what they could do with a Two and a Half Men these days in the volume. Oh no,. God, imagine what they could do with a two and a half man these days. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Oh, no, we've gone camping and I've fallen into an unending vortex. Good show. Oh, he's still, it's just because he's in the vortex. Oh, it's not unending. Yeah, he died. I don't know which one that was. No, he hit the wall of the volume. But I think this is, and the fact that they're building ones
Starting point is 00:37:08 like all over the world, that's clearly how they're going to make all these series. I mean, the budget they're saving on this. Yeah. It would be crazy. I don't know the numbers, but a lot, I'd imagine. Anyway, full spoilers. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Let's talk about Creature Agon, I guess. Why not? Okay. I thought that episode was an absolute bloody blast, the first one, where they- The Mandalorian meets Cobb Vanth, who's the sheriff of a tiny little town. He's wearing Boba Fett's old armor. Midriffed.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, midriffed because he's too big for it. Yep. And then he's like, well, if you'll help me defeat the Krayt Dragon, Mandalorian, I'll give you back this armor. I'm an honest man. Doing an honest day's work. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Pretty good. I agree. I think we talked about this one when it came out, but that to me was one that really showed that the volume can do anything. Yeah. That, you know, I mean, it just looked like they were in a massive sand canyon. Yeah, it sure did. Jet backing around and all of those different things.
Starting point is 00:38:04 That was really impressive and just like the scale of that monster. I also think like the lore building in that episode of like the Tusken Raiders saying more of that and all of these little things. This is probably an obvious answer, but if there's a scene where there's like a bunch of Tusken Raiders and the Mandalorian and Cobb of Anthe, et cetera, do they film them all together and can they stretch it out or do they film each cluster of people together? That's a great question.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And then they composite it together. I think the new volume is much bigger. Right, okay. I mean, I'd imagine they could do both. I guess they could do both. But, yeah, I think they normally just film them all together. Yeah, right. Unless it's like a wider thing, I imagine, like a much wider thing.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yeah, right. But I don't know. And then, of course, like that leads into like the Frog Lady episode, which was one of the two Peyton Reed episodes. I found that a very tense episode. The one with the spiders you're talking about? Yes. I talked about this on, I did the Steel Wars recap for that one,
Starting point is 00:38:58 and I couldn't do it this week. But it is linked below if people do want to check it out. He's doing recaps every week. You should watch his, spoiler alert, his Luke Skywalker reaction. It's like the only thing he wanted in the world. And it's just him laughing hysterically for like 10 minutes. Oh, wow. It's pretty great.
Starting point is 00:39:12 But I was going to say I found it very tense because Baby Yoda kept eating all those eggs. Yes. And I'm like, there's not going to be any eggs left. No, he's eating all those eggs. He's eating that. You're a child and you're eating her children. Yeah, exactly. You son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:39:24 They're unfertilized eggs. Oh, are they? I don't want to get into the specifics of it. But I suppose Peyton Reed did that episode. He did the last episode. And people- Noted director of The Antmans. That's right.
Starting point is 00:39:34 And a few people said like- Meet The Antmans. That's the boring episode. And I don't really think- Like, it's not my favorite from the season, but like the ice spiders and the tension in that scene is- And that episode is really good, I feel. There's a lot of like good stuff in that episode.
Starting point is 00:39:48 And there's the terrific chase sequence, the New Republic X-Wings come after him and he has to, you know, that's how they get in the ice in the first place. It might not be like pivotal to the overall narrative, but, you know, side quest. He's got to do some bounty hunts. He's got to. I actually though, and I'm jumping around a lot here, I felt relief when the Razor Crest blew up.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I'm just like, I'm sick of this fucking ship. Like people are stripping parts off it. It's fallen down. Yeah. Like it just seems like it's bad news. He should get a better ship. He should get, and he will now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Or he'll get, or there'll be a scene in Seasons 3. They'll be like, don't worry, Boba Fett and I, we put it back together exactly the way it was, panel for panel, nut for nut. He'd go, no. No. This would suck though. But he's got the mask on and they'll do a rare cut to the inside of his mask and he's like, oh, jeez.
Starting point is 00:40:39 But then on the outside he's like, thank you. Thank you. Much honour to you for fixing this crap bucket, honestly. But it felt like, I know like the Millennium Falcon is like a piece of junk and didn't work. But just that ship stressed me out. Also, that particular ship, like you'd be able to smell when somebody used the toilet.
Starting point is 00:40:59 They're so close. If you're in the cockpit and somebody used it, you'd be like, oh, come on, man. Yeah, you're right. It's right there, isn't it? There's not even a curtain. I mean, that's the thing. But the only reason I think of that is because somebody used it, I think,
Starting point is 00:41:10 in one of the early episodes. Or said that you were going to use it. One of the episodes. Whereas in the Millennium Falcon, you don't even think about it. No, exactly. But if you were to think about it now, I'm only going to think about that now. It would be down a corridor, around a corner. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:22 In a corner. In a corner. You'd be in a corner. Chewie's probably got a cat litter tray. He a corner. Exactly. In a corner. In a corner. You pee in a corner. Chewie's probably got a cat litter tray. He sure does. Exactly. So, yeah, I'm glad it's gone, quite frankly. I mean, I like the design of it and all that because it's like a Clone Wars era,
Starting point is 00:41:38 maybe even earlier ship. What kind of ship do you think we'll get after this besides another Razorcrest? A Millennium Falcon. Wow. You'll get one of those ones, I reckon. Nice. The YT whatever it is freighter. Yeah, yeah. Wow. You'll get one of those ones, I reckon. Nice. The YT whatever it is freighter. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Yeah. What was I going to say? So you mentioned the Dark Forces element. Yeah. What's that in particular? The Death Troopers, the Dark Troopers. Now there's been a few variations. Am I correct in that or have I imagined it? Yeah, you are.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Did they premiere in the Dark Forces video game? You know what? They might have been in a different thing, like a book or whatever. Well, that's what I remember them from. Let me find. Maybe I made they are, you know what, they might have been in a different thing, like a book or whatever. Well, that's what I remember them from. Let me find. Maybe I made it up, but I remember a cut scene where they're being ejected from a ship.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Yeah, totally. Let me find this out. Behind the scenes, yeah, they were first introduced in Dark Forces, so you're absolutely right. But they were men in suits, I think. Yes. Yeah. But, yeah, and as they mention in this series.
Starting point is 00:42:21 They've been upgraded. They've been upgraded. How did you feel about them? I felt they were kind of non-entities. They're very punchy. They were very punchy. I think they got the danger of them across enough. But, yeah, I thought when they first kidnapped the baby Yoda,
Starting point is 00:42:38 whose now name is Grogu, I thought that maybe there's a guy in it still. Yeah, right. Like maybe just the torso and the head and they's a guy in it still. Yeah, right. Like maybe just the torso and the head and they've Robocopped it. But no, they're- Yeah. But I don't know. I don't know if they felt particularly threatening, especially in a scene in which all Mando had to do was pick up the darksaber and cut them all to pieces, which he probably could have
Starting point is 00:43:02 done. He didn't have the darksaber at that point. Didn't he? Oh, no, he did at the end. You're right, he did. That's a good point because he did get one with the spear. Yeah. But I think also the reason that they made the – I thought they were
Starting point is 00:43:13 dangerous enough, but I think the reason – also you could have just grabbed Moff Gideon and be like, we'll kill this guy if you don't shut him down. Yeah. Shut him down. Then again, he probably wanted to die, so he probably wouldn't have. Yeah, he did try to shoot himself. The guy flipped so many times.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I'm like, this guy I don't think is as competent as I thought he was. There was a number of moments where I'm like, he doesn't know what he's doing actually. The Darksaber versus Mando fight, that fight was incredible though. That was good, yeah. But I just mean like his overall plan. He's like, you thought I was in another room, but guess what, I was in this room.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I'm like, it's not that big a reveal. We went to a different room. But here, take the kid and everything will be fine. But I'm going to stab you. Yeah, and he turned his back. Now I'm going to kill myself. The fact that he turned his back, I'm like, dude, come on. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:53 The amount of times the Mandalorian got shot this season, so many. Right. I feel like there's enough gaps in that armor where he shouldn't do that. Right. Just run in front of Blasterfire almost constantly. But I think the reason, though, they made the Dark Troopers robots is so Luke Skywalker can cut through them. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Because if Luke Skywalker cut through 40 Stormtroopers, which you can do in canon video games. Or just not even Stormtroopers, just 40 of those men with the big, wide, open-faced helmets. Like they've just got the kind of the dark taupe uniform and the helmet and they're just hiding behind like metal shields. It's essentially the Darth Vader scene from Rogue One, which this is an obvious parallel to.
Starting point is 00:44:36 But you don't, he's not restricted by his like code. You can just go ham. You know what I mean? For sure. We'll come back to that. But I mean, the Jedi kill all the time. Yeah, I know. But there's a difference between killing and killing like 50 dudes in a row.
Starting point is 00:44:48 That's true, yeah. Because they'd be running and screaming. It's a whole other thing. Like what they'd normally be doing is like they'd be backing up. You know what I mean? I guess. But also I think if you were like, okay, they're the most militant of the stormtroopers. Like if you were like, we'll take a bunch of stormtroopers
Starting point is 00:45:07 and we'll get the most bloodthirsty ones and the most highly trained ones and put them in black suits and they'll just be like. Yeah, if you dehumanise them, yeah. Yeah, totally. Or if you were like, you know, again, if you show them, you know, batting Grogu around or whatever or, you know, terrorising a town or something like that and then Luke Skywalker cuts him up then. I think there's also a difference between, like,
Starting point is 00:45:28 shooting a bunch in a gunfight where they're shooting back at you and you're just running through a hallway and cutting them in half where, like, there's no, there's not a competition there. Sure. Like, you're just murdering people really at this point. Yeah. Unless he stops and he says, if you don't move, I'm going to kill you all.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Sure, yeah. And they don't. And your yeah. And then they don't. And your kids. And your kids, yeah. I'm going to kill you all, and then I'm going to check your IDs. I'm going to collect all your IDs. I'm going to go through this room where there's a computer terminal. I'll put your ID in, and then I'll do that thing where he scans my face.
Starting point is 00:45:57 It doesn't matter. Anyone's face. My face will be fine, and they'll get your personal home address and your details and go, and I'll kill all your kids and your wives and your husbands, et cetera. I'd love your kids and your wives and your husbands, etc. I'd love that. Yeah, it would be fun, wouldn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:08 And that's his quest. Why didn't you set up the Jedi Academy earlier? I had to kill like 40 families. Anyway. Real trip. Real trip. We'll get back to that. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:20 My lightsaber ran out of batteries. I didn't even know I could do that. I had to go get some more batteries. That is a thing, though, in the new canon stuff. They can run out of energy. They can burn out from just time. From the crystal? The crystal burns out.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Something like that, yeah. But, yeah, so they had a bunch of side characters that turned up. Your Cobb Vance, your Bill Burr. We talk more about Luke Skywalker later. Yeah. Do you want to save it to the end? Yeah, yeah. Because I think it's the thing people build up to it.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Bill Burr, I think, had the best scene in the series the scene where it's him and he's one of his former superior officers and they have a conversation about chill from batman oh right yeah yeah okay yeah cool and just so you can say like like joe cool snoopy snoopy like the tension in that scene yeah you could see like Pedro Pascal Who's got his helmet off And he's like well out of his depth And there's also a detail that I saw Some people picked up on That he turns his whole body to look
Starting point is 00:47:11 Like he can't Because he's used to wearing the helmet So he's still kind of And he can't like converse He just gives him a look like Stop, like don't You know Because he knows he's going to shoot this guy
Starting point is 00:47:22 But I thought that was a really interesting Like progression of that Bill Burr character Whatever his name is Bill Burr Baggins That's right because he knows he's going to shoot this guy. But I thought that was a really interesting progression of that Bill Burr character, whatever his name is. Bill Burr Baggins. That's right. And I also love that Bill Burr Baggins in real life doesn't give a shit about Star Wars. It's the Harrison Ford.
Starting point is 00:47:36 It's the Harrison Ford. There should be more people. I was talking to my brother about this, the one you don't like. There should be more people who don't like Star Wars in Star Wars or don't care about Star Wars. Yeah, right. I think it can be too busy, too much like, I loved it since I was a kid and I respect these characters.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I want to kiss them. Or should it be not that they don't care because, again, like we've established through my famous character, the guy who does not know who Star Wars is. Yes. He hasn't even been back this year. Well, he died. Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:48:02 He fell down some stairs or something. Did he? Yeah, he fell down some stairs. Okay. I was reminded of this recently. I didn't, I forgot But he fell down some stairs Yeah down a hole or something Fell or pushed But maybe it's not, because everybody knows a little bit About Star Wars, maybe just
Starting point is 00:48:17 Somebody, I think it should be just People Good filmmakers, but I think it should be You don't have to learn all the lore about because that's the thing now with every you know marvel actor and every disney actor or whatever a star wars actor it's you have to learn the whole law and what your character was originally like yeah in the in the old expanded universe and the new expanded universe and and how they relate to every other character and what this means when you say this or do this or whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:45 But I think it would be, because it's such a huge universe, I think it would be to the benefit of these characters, of these actors even, to be told, okay, here's your character's backstory and they're surviving in this enormous universe. They don't know anybody else here. Like this is just a solely, at this point, this character,
Starting point is 00:49:05 it's solely a revenge mission for him. Yeah. Most of the rest of it isn't relevant. Like as soon as he's in the room with that guy, he's like, well, I'm going to kill this guy for a variety of reasons. It doesn't matter about the baby Yoda and the Jedi Academy and all the rest of the New Republic and the remnants of the Empire or whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:24 He just wants to kill this guy and get out. And I think that works. You're right. Yeah, totally. I completely agree. He doesn't need to know what Luke Skywalker's been up to or whatever. We do, though, obviously. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:34 So Horatio Sands comes back. He's piloting the little speeder in the Carl Weathers episode. Oh, yes. Did they go above that facility? That was a good episode. Kara June, Yaboka Tans as well. Okay. That was a big inclusion from the Clone Wars.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yes. And Rebels. Rebels. And she wanted the Darksaber. She was like, give me that, but I can't take it. But maybe I can. Just take it. What are you doing, lady?
Starting point is 00:49:55 There's like six people in that room. Six people in one, you know, kill most of them. Yeah. Nobody else is going to tell. The one with you is not going to care. Like the one with you is with you. Yeah. Like she's with the other Mandalorian.
Starting point is 00:50:05 She shot a bunch of times? Did she live? No, no, they all lived. Okay, great. Terrific. Terrific. Because one of them got shot, but the one that wasn't Bo-Katan got shot a bunch of times. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I don't think she died. Okay, terrific. Maybe she did. Beskar armor. Perfect. Also, and I saw this on the Star Wars Explained video, that the Darksaber, Bo-Katan gets handed it from the Clone Wars or the Rebels. Okay. Like someone else, I think Sabine beats somebody for it
Starting point is 00:50:31 and then is like, here you go. Oh, she takes it. She takes it. But then again, that might be like the lore of like, well, I did that and people didn't respect me because I didn't win it and whatever. So there's probably an in-canon explanation for it. Yeah, so the rule with the Darksaber, as I learned from this episode, is-
Starting point is 00:50:47 You got it, you flaunt it. Yeah, so she had it at some point. Yes. And presumably she was defeated in battle but not killed. Yeah. It ended up with somebody else, which might have been- Moff Gideon. Moff Gideon.
Starting point is 00:50:58 So maybe he defeated her? I think he did, yeah. He did it. Okay, right. And then she's like, I need to see this guy. And that's why he's like, you thought I was in the other room, but I was actually in this room. In this room. Pretty good. And then at the end, when he lets him live then she's like, I need to see this guy. And that's why he's like, you thought I was in the other room, but I was actually in this room. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:51:07 And then at the end when he lets him live, he's like, oh, this is going to be interesting to see how this plays out. Yeah. Again, I don't think he's as smart as I thought he was. Yeah. It felt very Darth Vader-esque, the initial like hacking. It felt like he's got that armor. He does, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:22 He's got that chest plate. It felt very like Empire Strikes Back kind of moment. What else have I got here? I know some people are a big fan of like the four people who are storming the ship. They're all women. Oh, yeah. You know what I mean? And it's just like a nice moment and they're good, well-established characters.
Starting point is 00:51:41 And one of them's the guns jamming and they're trying to unjam the gun. And I thought, is this going to come into play? Not really. It's just a fun little my guns jammed moment or whatever. Could have picked up another gun. Yeah, no. You want the big gun. Yeah, you do want a big gun.
Starting point is 00:51:51 You want the big gun. Yeah. But a big reveal from this. Oh, the Indiana Jones fight is good on the top of the four-wheel, the big truck thing. Sure, yeah. Remember that? Yeah, a bunch of those native people.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I don't think they were pirates because they're like, they're pirates. But if they were pirates, they'd be trying to steal it. They wouldn't be trying to explode it. Right. They didn't even have pirate hats. Right. Or eye patches or parrots, peg legs, doubloons. They didn't have any doubloons.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yeah, I'm pretty sure that they were pirates. Yeah. Yeah, and he killed a bunch of them. They were just the locals. Yeah, exactly. How did you feel about the mask off moments? Pretty good, I think. I mean, again, one seemed to be very.
Starting point is 00:52:29 The scan your face one? Yeah, the scan your face one. But in order to. Anybody's face. In order to access the Imperial terminal, it needs to scan your face. But you don't have to be an Imperial soldier. You can be literally anyone. And so he's like, well, well i must to save the child i must
Starting point is 00:52:46 take my helmet off then this is like one of those like the bounty tracker things but it's like yeah is it on them is it last location yeah yeah that's like you know like your phone has facial recognition it's just like anybody's face yeah i don't know could have gotten a like a like a um cut out of somebody anyone's face, and put it on a stick. Exactly. They could have said like. Or not even a stick. Not even a stick.
Starting point is 00:53:11 He could have said like, I put my face in the Imperial database. Would have worked. And then he's like, but I did it in a cupboard so nobody saw my face. Yeah. Sure. But yeah, I like the swiftness that he took it off. Like he was, it came down to like, I do this or this isn't going to work and I'm not going to get Grogu back.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Yeah. And he just like, he whips it off. There's not like a hesitation. He's just like, yep. Anyway, Ahsoka, that was a big episode. I didn't love that episode. Why not? I just thought it was all right, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Okay, sure, all right. It was just like, I think a big part of it was she was good. She was great, actually. Yeah. I think a big part of it was she was good. She was great, actually. Yeah. I think a big part of it was at the end when they have a fight, and I'm like, I've seen you fight people who are much more competent than this bird, and just pick her up with the force and just throw her away.
Starting point is 00:53:56 You're a fling. Just throw her into the space. But maybe she was conflicted because of feelings and emotions and et cetera. There might have been emotions because of all the trees that got cut down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nah, just crush her, mate. Just crush her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Just, like, crunch. Well, that's a certain – what I liked about this season – Shouldn't have been close. No. Even in a fight. She fought Darth Vader. Yeah. Well, I think what we're coming up – what I enjoyed about this series
Starting point is 00:54:21 and this season especially was that whenever a Jedi got involved, like, they clearly, except for that moment, like they clearly outclass everybody else. Yeah. Like they can just storm in and take anybody down. Wars and Rebels and even the prequels backing up against the sort of original trilogy sort of Jedi mechanics where everybody else is not as powerful. Yeah, okay. It feels like there's maybe like a clash there of some sort. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Okay, that's fair enough. But I really like the Ahsoka appearance. Again, she felt, except for that last scene, she did feel very kind of powerful and skillful, you know. There's the moment where she fights Mando and there's flight throws and ropes going on. Yeah, that was good. I preferred that. scene, she did feel very powerful and skillful. There's the moment where she fights Mando. Yeah, that was good. I preferred that. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:09 That scene was great because he clearly has a lot of Mandalorian tricks and clearly she's either seen them all before or she's fast enough and she's quick enough on her feet that she's like, okay, well, I've just been roped up. So obviously I've got the skills to get out of that. Here's how I'm going to do it kind of thing. Exactly. It was fun.
Starting point is 00:55:29 But Michael Bean, you know, he was good. Yep. And dead. Who was he? He was the guy that she'd hired to protect the city. Oh, yeah, like that town's sheriff kind of thing. So I did like this episode. I think it was just that bit that I didn't like.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yeah, right. But the fact that like when they're facing off, they're just waiting to hear who wins. Yeah. And so they're just kind of like, we'll just see how this goes and then one of us will walk away or make a move. But yeah, and also I think they're the hunter-killer droids from other Legends stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Oh, yeah. You know what I mean? That was the Dave Filoni episode. Right, okay. So yeah. And he's a stickler for the old stuff and bringing back the stuff you remember. Yeah, and he's also pretty good at it, I would say, like on the whole. What else we got here?
Starting point is 00:56:11 This is a fun thing before we talk about Luke Skywalker. So, oh, just quickly, and also Ahsoka reveals that Thrawn is alive. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's no appearances of him, though, so there's no. I think that will be the converging story points. Yeah, right, right. It'll be thrown. And will it be Benedict Cumberbatch that people suggest throwing that out there?
Starting point is 00:56:30 That'd be good. There was some official art from a few years ago where it was Pierce Brosnan that looked exactly like Pierce Brosnan, which would be a good choice. They could also get Chaz Mickelson, who voiced him in Clone Wars. They could, yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's true. Because they bring people back, obviously. So Giancarlo Esposito, who plays Moff Gideon,
Starting point is 00:56:52 I saw this on Star Wars Facts and News on Twitter. It says his daughter's- Now, to be clear, are these real facts and news or fake facts and news? This is real news. Sometimes it's like uber facts and it's like goldfish can live for 200 years. They can never die. Is that true? No. I mean, but uber facts and it's like goldfish can live for 200 years. They can never die. Is that true? No.
Starting point is 00:57:08 I mean, but uber facts said it. I mean, my instinct is to say that's not true. You've got to follow like QI. Is that a moscato? It might be a moscato. Kill it, Mason. You got it. Good job.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Thank you. Make sure you take that with you when you leave. Okay, right. I'm just going to find its little ID badge and I'm going to find the rest of its family and hunt them down. All right. I'm just going to find its little ID badge and I'm going to find the rest of its family and hunt them down. So his daughters watched The Mandalorian and they texted him one time and said, Papa, please
Starting point is 00:57:30 don't hurt the baby. Don't hurt that baby. And his response was, I will squash that little big-eared bastard. What did you think? How old are his children, though? Maybe they're adults. I don't know. I could find out.
Starting point is 00:57:44 But what did you think about that, the Grogu reveal? Like I thought we were talking about last season maybe he would be a clone or whatever, but it turns out he is someone, probably someone named, rescued him from Order 66. Yeah, right. What do you think about that as a background? I think it's real cool. It's cool, right?
Starting point is 00:58:00 But, I mean, we still don't know who his parents are. Is it Yoda's kid? Don't know. Was it also revealed he is very, he's still old, even for a, he's a baby Yoda. Yeah, he's like 50 or 60 or whatever. Because they're like, we trained him for years. Yeah, so he's, yeah, so he must have been doing some. Flips.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Yeah, I was listening to some, like, toddler, Jedi kindergarten, but he was in the class, like, every every year every other kid moves up except for him. Oh, no. That's what happens. Oh, boy. Hey, man, there's nothing wrong with keeping a kid down. You know what I mean? I don't mean like keeping them down.
Starting point is 00:58:32 I mean like it's often good for their social, emotional and intellectual development. I understand. Yeah, that's all I'm saying. Don't be afraid to do it, especially at a younger age. They'll be all right. Anyway, he's got four daughters. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I can't find their ages. Why am I looking this up? They're probably older. I think he's like 62 or 63. they'll be all right. Anyway, he's got four daughters. I don't know. I can't find their ages. Why am I looking this up? They're probably older. I think he's like 62 or 68. Yeah, right, right. Anyway, he looks good. Right? Great.
Starting point is 00:58:52 And he's moving with that bloody lightsaber, isn't he? That's what I'm saying. That was a great sequence. Like I didn't expect that. The ferocity? The ferocity and the, yeah, the ferocity, the speed, the kind of, the grace. Like I kind of expected it to be more one-sided where he'd take a few lazy old Darth Vader swings.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Because that's the thing. And again, he's in management. He's in Imperial management. And I'm like, well, this is going to be a short fight, isn't it? And it was just because it went so fast. Yeah, well, that's true. It was speedy. So Luke Skywalker showed up.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Sure did. At what point were you like, this is Luke Skywalker? X-Wing. Same. Yeah. I mean, I don't know if that's specifically Red 5 or whatever his. Probably, I would say. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I don't think we got a good enough look, but it just seemed, what seemed funny about was kind of like how lazily it flew in. Yeah. Like it didn't like do like a cool like, like it didn't like, like thunder in from hyperspace. But what I did like, and again, I, you know, I, as not, again, as someone who likes Star Wars generally,
Starting point is 00:59:53 but I'm not the biggest fan in one way or another, which is to say I'm not someone who loves everything Star Wars or I'm not a Star Wars fan who hates everything Star Wars. Like I felt like I, what I enjoyed about this is that he has a certain level of skill and cockiness that there doesn't appear to be any, there wasn't any urgency to him. No. He's just like, well, I'll just coast the X-Wing in,
Starting point is 01:00:22 and then I'll take a lift, and then I'll just get up there, and then I'll just cut the X-Wing in and then I'll take a lift and then I'll just get up there and then I'll just cut everyone to pieces. He's not even moving that quickly. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. He's just walking, yeah. But it seems to me that there is a certain section of the fandom who's like, this is everything I wanted Luke Skywalker to do and people who are like, well, this is just very lazy fan service because he's more than just a guy cutting up a bunch of robots or whatever.
Starting point is 01:00:48 And I think I'm on the fence of I like this. I think it's – I like the action sequence is what I like. Yes, totally. I agree. And those people who are like, he's more than this and this is just the Darth Vader scene from Rogue One but reversed. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I think it – and it is fan service. Yeah. But also I think within this universe it makes sense that he would be there. Like if you call someone, he's the guy. And it's, that's the thing. It's right. It's also right in the pocket of the time in which he is like this, this is decades prior to him or at least a decade prior to him setting up his Jedi Academy and then it being destroyed.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yeah. And he, this is sort of, you know, it is post-Return of the Jedi. He doesn't even have a beard. Right? And it's post-Return of the Jedi, so he is in, like, he's in the prime of his life. He's got all the skills. He's defeated the Empire. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:37 And he's, you know. He hasn't changed his clothes. Hasn't changed his clothes, right? And so I think, you know. Who's his barber? Yeah. Like, of the available options, know. Who's his barber? Yeah. Like of the available options, who else would it have been? And I'm sure there are people out there who are like, well,
Starting point is 01:01:49 it shouldn't have been anyone. Like I know some people are like. Yeah, okay, that's fair. Some people are like, you know, it's always a Skywalker, isn't it? There's always Skywalkers or. Completely valid as well. Or a case of like, you know, I think maybe he was foreshadowed a couple of episodes prior, but I don't
Starting point is 01:02:06 really remember that. Maybe. But I think it's, you know, I think a lot of people are like, well, if the only exposure to Star Wars is the Mandalorian you'd be like, who's this guy? Like just showing up and doing the big rescue. But I think that's pretty rare, I think. That would be
Starting point is 01:02:22 like a fraction of a percentage of people who didn't know who that was. Right, that's what I'm saying, yeah. I think it could have been like an Ezra Bridger, for example, from Rebels. But even fewer. They cannot go with an Ezra Bridger. That would have been like a very strong fan choice.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Yeah. But what I didn't like about this was he looked like a celebrity at face replacement. Well, that's the thing. Like the action sequence I'm entirely on board with. It's good. And up until the point where he pulls the hood back, I thought maybe they'll cut.
Starting point is 01:02:50 I thought that was Sebastian Stan. I'm like, that's definitely. Even because you see like his chin and I was like 100% this is Sebastian Stan. I was 100% certain that he was going to pull the hood back and we were going to do reverse Mandalorian where we just see the back of his head and it's Luke Skywalker return of the Jedi hair and then we get Mark Hamill doing the voice and we never see his face. But we did see his face and it looked odd.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Again, it was this idea of the Mandalorian takes his helmet off and he has to say goodbye to the kid and he feels like the kid doesn't want to go. And, like, that was all a great scene. But, again, people are going to be like we are doing right now. People are going to be like, what's with the. Because I think, yeah, that moment where they are saying goodbye. Yeah. It's great.
Starting point is 01:03:37 And he's really good. He's looking at a puppet and he's crying and whatever. And that works. But I'm just thinking, even when it's not on Luke Skywalker, I'm just thinking, fuck, that was weird. That looked really weird. Yeah. Like but I'm just thinking, even when it's not on Luke Skywalker, I'm just thinking, fuck, that was weird. That looked really weird.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Yeah. Like, I'm just thinking that the whole time. And it did it like, it seemed very stilted. The voice seemed like low. When it was completely, when you see him not moving his face at all,
Starting point is 01:03:55 it's pretty good. It's pretty accurate. But again, yeah, it's, and also he's, it feels so the, the face feels so alien.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Yeah. In a world of aliens where it's like this should be a scene where you're like oh it's it's luke skywalker and he's not like he's positive and he's kind of warm and like that that was a massive problem for me yeah it was he wasn't even like i'm luke skywalker or someone was like that's luke skywalker it was just nobody was like who's this yeah he went he goes are you a jedi and he's like, also, here's a question for you. I think maybe I read it. Maybe this isn't accurate, but is it all new Mark Hamill recorded dialogue?
Starting point is 01:04:31 I believe so, yeah. Or is it just old dialogue that's been repurposed? I think it's new. Okay, right. But he sounded young, so maybe they, I don't know. Yeah. I think he, because I think he redid it, but I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Because, again, like when you think, and, again, people make fun of it, like the scene in Return of the Jedi, they're all having a party and you see them, you know, everybody's having a, you want that kind of look and that smile and like, hey, we did it kind of thing. You want that, you know, to be like, hey, everything's positive. Everything over my side of the universe is positive and I'm working my way to saving the universe
Starting point is 01:05:06 and give this child to me. Yeah, you want that exchange or like that reassurance. Otherwise it's like, hey. He wants you to tell him to give him to me. Because if you're the Mandalorian, yeah, exactly. He doesn't understand. As far as the Mandalorian knows, like a remorseless killer with a laser sword
Starting point is 01:05:25 has just shown up and gone, I am a Jedi. I am a Jedi. I will take your child now to my thing, which is a cult, as far as you know. I know you're in a cult. Mine's a different cult. Different kind of cult, yeah, right? Yeah, definitely. And different groups of cults hate each other.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Yes, exactly. I felt it felt distant and weird and like especially when you cut back between him and Pedro Pascal, like a real face and like a fake face. But again, like it didn't look like a CGI recreation like they did for like Princess Lara and Tarkin. It looks more budget than that. It looked like a pretty poor deep fake or a pretty good deep fake if you're doing that on your YouTube channel.
Starting point is 01:06:05 But I would love, I think also the movement of the mouth and the face didn't, like it was, I can't explain the specifics of it. A better version of this will appear on YouTube. That's what I was going to say. That's what I'm going to be interested in. The next person who deep fakes it, but also off the back of deep fake, you need to have a strong like facial movement behind it of the original performance. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:27 It might look more photo real, but I don't know whether the movement can be. But couldn't somebody just do something like that? Yeah, well, that's another thing. That's what I was going to say then. Because I actually, you've mentioned before, but I haven't really watched them all that much, but Corridor Crew, the digital effects guys. I watched them do, I think this week.
Starting point is 01:06:43 The Tom Cruise one? No, they recreated, this is unrelated, but they recreated an action sequence from the original effects guys. I watched them do, I think this week. The Tom Cruise one? No, they recreated, this is unrelated, but they recreated an action sequence from the original Tron. Oh, yeah, I did see that. Like in a day. Yeah. They're like, okay, we're going to, and they intercut it with real footage and they got somebody to,
Starting point is 01:06:57 and somebody else who's I guess also a digital effects guy was like, this is what you've done this. Like he could spot it, but I certainly couldn't spot it. Yeah, yeah. What I liked about it is there was this. Like, he could spot it, but I certainly couldn't spot it. Yeah, yeah. What I liked about it is there was like, there's a bit in it, one of the guys is like, we're going to do this, we're going to do it in a day, and here's the additional challenge. And it turned out that he didn't know some particular piece of software
Starting point is 01:07:17 and he's going to have to learn how to do that piece of software. But when he said it, he's like, watch the video, because he's like, and here's an additional challenge. And if you look down at his desk, there's a gun on the desk. And I thought he was going to be like, if I can't do it in a day, one of these dudes is going to shoot me with this gun. But he didn't. There's honest to got a gun on his desk.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Anyway, but I think one of those guys or, you know, another, really anybody. There's YouTube channels dedicated to it. Yeah, I think somebody will produce a, which is. It should be better. It should be better. Well, there's no excuse in the sense that this is the pinnacle. This is supposed to be the emotional core of the show. And it's such a good looking show.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Right? I guess also it's a show where there aren't any CGI characters, really. It's all suits and puppets, right? Yeah. For the most part. Except for the IG-11, which. Oh, yeah. Sorry, I meant like organic.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Yeah, right, right. I'm sure that I know there are digital doubles and exceptions. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, just as soon as he started talking, I'm just like, oh, no, this is. They should have recast. And what it also tells me is. You don't even have to get Sebastian Stan. You could just get a guy.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Get a guy. Who looks like young Mark Hamill. I mean, I know it's not the same because they recast Han Solo because this is also in between Mark Hamill performances. Because it's in between Mark Hamill Return of the Jedi, it's in between Mark Hamill Force Awakens. And it's odd to have another actor in the middle. I don't know, give him a beard or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:42 It would have been... I also think this indicates that Luke Skywalker is not going to be a major player in this series. Because they haven't fixed him. Because they have to do this every time. And even if they get it pretty good, the scenes are going to be pretty limited where he shows up. I reckon season three it'll just be holographic telephone calls.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Yeah. Like so they can put the blue. Come get your kid. I don't know. I don't know what to do with it. Also, I can't work out this holographic telephone, so you're just seeing my chin. I don't know. I don't know what to do with it. Yeah, yeah. Also, I can't work out this holographic telephone, so you're just seeing my chin. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I can't. I think also you could say that maybe he's gone, because I know he's scouring the galaxy for different Jedi artifacts to get knowledge to start a school or whatever, that maybe he's gone full prequel Jedi monk and he's removed. He's emotional. I guess you could say that. Sure.
Starting point is 01:09:25 You could say that. You could say that. Or we could just wait. All right. Again, like, like we've said in the past, wait a couple of years and somebody will spill on why this turned out so
Starting point is 01:09:34 badly. Like somebody in the effects crew will be like, yeah, we had a date. Oh, it's clearly a time thing. Yeah. Like if I think if they would have,
Starting point is 01:09:41 yeah, you give this another month, it's probably going to look much different. It must've been, they said, look, we were going to bring in a different guy to do this, like a different character. But then we were like, nobody knows who that character is. It has to be Luke Skywalker and we have a day to make Luke Skywalker happen. We called Mark Hamill.
Starting point is 01:09:57 He did all his dialogue in ten minutes over the phone. We plugged it in. Exactly. Yeah, that was clearly like, Mark Hamill was probably not on set for that. I'd imagine. They should have got Sebastian Stan. They should have. Or a different guy.
Starting point is 01:10:09 But again, I think that also, if they don't want him to be a major player, they can't. I mean, they don't have to. I would genuinely like to see, and I know like, Star Wars doesn't always have to be about Luke Skywalker, and it shouldn't be. And I can see that point of like, oh, it's just Luke Skywalker just fucking comes in, does he?
Starting point is 01:10:27 All right. But like why not get Sebastian Stan and do a Luke Skywalker running around the galaxy series? Or another guy. Another guy. Yeah, it looks a lot like him. Give another guy a chance. Bring another guy into the Disney fold.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Exactly. But also I think that perhaps if Episode IX were different, I think people's feelings on this would also be different. I think if Episode IX didn't reveal that Rey was a Palpatine and something, something, and it's always been Skywalkers versus Palpatines and the only important people in the universe are Skywalkers and Palpatines, I think people would be like, Luke Skywalker's back, yes, kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:10:59 But I think just by being like the only important people in the universe are Skywalkers and Palpatines, and if you're not in one of those family lines, then just forget it. Just live your life in a dirt farm or whatever. I think people – I've lost my train of thought, but I think people would be more positive about this appearance, even though it looked bad.
Starting point is 01:11:16 I think that's a very valid point, yeah. But I'm not – again, it's not the idea. It's not the execution up to a point. Yeah. But then it's the execution. It's a good episode. Yeah, not the execution up to a point. Yeah. But then it's the execution. It's a good episode. Yeah, I think so too. In general.
Starting point is 01:11:28 It's like, because, you know, it's cool seeing Luke Skywalker kill a bunch of droids. Yeah. It's just a cool thing. Okay, I wanted to mention this as well. I reckon they should have been guys. Sorry? I reckon they should have been guys. I think I would have liked it if they were guys.
Starting point is 01:11:41 I'm saying nobody's cowering. Everybody's crazy. Okay, fine. Everybody's like, we love to do murders. Yeah. And they've previously done murders and Luke Skywalker's not having it. Don't you think people would have been like, you've ruined Luke Skywalker because he's done so many murders?
Starting point is 01:11:54 No, I reckon people would be like, that was awesome how many murders he did. He's also done a lot of murders. That's what I'm saying, right? This guy's a murder crazy man. He loves it. I reckon if he's swinging his lightsaber and he's like, I'm going to keep swinging until lightsaber and he's like, I'm going to keep swinging until I match the Death Star's record.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Choppy, chop, chop he's doing. That was a great scene where the Imperial pilot's like, you know, he's like, oh, I see you from Alderaan or whatever. He's like, I was on the Death Star. And she's like, which one? I'm like, oh, that's good. That's fun. That was a good interaction. I still like the idea that that guy was either indoctrinated
Starting point is 01:12:26 or from his perspective they were all terrorists. Because they killed millions of people. But it's like maybe you shouldn't have built a big space laser. Maybe you shouldn't have done that. So I saw a lot of reactions, which I can understand if you hate the sequels, in particular The Last Jedi of like, yeah, fuck the sequels and fuck The Last Jedi and this is the Luke Skywalker I want to see. I still stand by that heroic moment in the last Jedi.
Starting point is 01:12:47 I think it's some of the best Star Wars and some of the best Luke Skywalker in that, that final scene. Yeah. I think it's amazing. I think it's incredible. I know there's people who don't think that and that's absolutely fine. But I thought this tweet was interesting from Steel Wars. He says, the parts of Star Wars you like are not there to avenge you from the parts you
Starting point is 01:13:03 didn't, which I think is very accurate. You know what I mean? I don't know. I just think that's like, yeah, I don't know what else to say about that. He's right in my opinion. Yes. Or maybe he's wrong. What?
Starting point is 01:13:16 No. We've got a tweet here from Poo Poo Magoo. Oh, yeah. Big fan of the show. Yeah, I remember Poo Poo Magoo. It says, hashtag weekly planet pod. Does this mean that Baby Yoda is killed by Kylo Ren ren i've read that comic it's a great comic you should read it if you haven't read it kylo ren kills everybody right yeah where he explodes the jedi temple
Starting point is 01:13:34 and whatever there's no hint that of that he was there he's definitely not there he's definitely going to go back to the mandalorian and he's going to be like you this should this should be should be with you the jedi made the mistake of taking children from families and I don't want to do that and whatever. Grogu says he just wants to learn how to shoot a grappling hook out of his wrist and loop it around stuff. I can't do that. It's hard to do.
Starting point is 01:13:55 I did it one time. I just fire it and it just falls to the ground. Yeah. So that's obviously you. You can do that. And you're more likely to jump in front of him if he's getting shot. Yeah, I'll jump back. So, yeah. I'll're more likely to jump in front of him if he's getting shot. Yeah, I'll jump back. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:08 I'll fling his little body in front of me. That's right. So, no, I don't think I mean, that's not how that story's going to end. No. The last scene's not going to be like, and then he stayed with Luke until he was killed in an explosion. Until his tiny head was chopped off.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Well, Kylo Ren doesn't actually go and kill everybody. No, but in this version he does. In this version he specifically cuts off little Grogu's head. I can't with that. That's why he has the little side bits on his lightsaber for chopping off little heads. He chops off two. Grogu makes
Starting point is 01:14:40 a little friend who's also a little baby Yoda and then he puts it through the middle. I think Makes a little friend who's also a little baby Yoda. Stay through the middle. Puts it through the middle, yeah. Absolutely. I think Grogu's going to be a character that we're going to get flashbacks for and we're also going to get flash forwards for like they can use this character for the next literal hundreds of years of filmmaking. That's right.
Starting point is 01:15:00 If they're still making Star Wars because he can be alive for 900 years. That's right. So this is going to be, he's going to be a throw line, I think, for the rest of our lives and beyond. Yes. Star Wars. Do you think he's going to have an awkward teenage phase? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:12 The weird fringe? Yeah, pimply Yoda they're going to call him. He's going to have like a big head of hair. He's going to have a wispy mustache. So the post-credits are,, I've done a video on this. Yes. We haven't talked about Boba Fett because I'm saving it for now. I actually missed it.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I forgot what I was talking about earlier. But Boba Fett turns up and a lot of people are like, what do you think about this? Boba Fett is confident in your face. To me, this is a different character. I understand. This is a completely different guy with a completely different skill set. People are like, what do you think about this?
Starting point is 01:15:47 And I'm like, well, after the decades of him being incompetent, now he is competent. So that doesn't. Must have done some sand training in the sand. Maybe he did some sand training, and I'm like, good for him. Yeah. But that doesn't discount the previous 30 years where he was bad at everything.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Or when he missed that ship with the missile. Yeah. Remember that? Yeah. It's like I was aiming for the other one. Yeah, that's right. So, yeah, to me, I'm like, this isn't the same guy at everything. Or when he missed that ship with the missile. Yeah. Remember that? Yeah. He's like, I was aiming for the other one. Yeah, that's right. So yeah, to me, I'm like, this isn't the same guy at all. Right, I know. Like, he's been doing some trading.
Starting point is 01:16:12 So, but this also establishes that he that, and I think maybe it was made official in the point, but that Jango Fett was a Mandalorian. He was a foundling. He was a foundling, like Mando. Yeah. So he is a Mandalorian. So a lot of the previous canon was like Jango Fett was just some dude who stole the suit of armor and took off with it.
Starting point is 01:16:30 But so he is a legit Mandalorian. So Boba Fett is also. Maybe. I don't know if he is. No, because Bo-Katan suggested that he wasn't. Yeah, because he's a client. Or Bo-Katan's friend was like, no, you're not a real Mandalorian. So I guess you have to live in the Mandalorian society.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Or whatever. I think, like, by right, the armor is his. Yes. But also I don't think he cares whether he's a Mandalorian. No. It's got nothing – like it's not his. He just cares about a fresh coat of paint and one of those new rocket things. He looks like a brand-new toy.
Starting point is 01:17:00 He does look like a brand-new toy. Like a brand-new hot toy. Yeah, yeah, right? Yeah, but I – And that is that – I'm going to say that must be an incredible relief for Boba Fett cosplayers out there. Because they would have done old school Boba Fett, which has a couple of scratches on the suit. Then they would have seen the most recent season,
Starting point is 01:17:17 The Mandalorian, and gone, oh, my God, look how much work I have to do to do a totally scuffed Boba Fett suit. And then they're like, yes. And you've got to get all the scuffs right, don't you? Yeah, that's right. You've got to do like totally scuffed boba fett suit and then they're like yes and you gotta get all the scuffs right yeah yeah that's right you're gonna be in canon scuffs they'd be like oh my god fresh coat of paints they kept the ding yeah they kept the ding in his helmet yeah um so yeah i i think he was good a good inclusion he did feel very different he also felt like i mean maybe he's still a bad guy as we'll talk about in the post credits but it felt like he'd learned lessons yeah like you know get better. Yeah. Like, you know.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Get better at fighting. Get better at fighting. Be nicer. Get better at navigating on a rocket pack. Exactly. Did he use much of his rocket pack? Not really, did he? Not a lot, no.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Yeah. Oh, and they had the bombs, the guitar bombs. The what what? They go, when he drops them. Remember when he wipes out the TIE Fighters? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like a big prequel moment. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:09 I love that. I was like, genuinely, I was like, kudos. Yeah. Good callback. Love it. But so at the end. The use of the ion cannons also. Slave 1 canonically has had ion cannons on it for years, I think.
Starting point is 01:18:20 There you go. And they finally busted them out. Yeah, good work. And stun mode came back. Stun mode's coming back. Yeah, that's right. He's wearing little handcuffs. He's wearing little handcuffs.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Where did they make those little handcuffs? They must have made them. Have they had previous little captives? He was in there. I mean, there's all sorts of aliens, so they'd have little handcuffs. That's probably true, yeah. So the future of the post-credits, he goes into Jabba's palace, now Bib Fortuna's palace.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Says McClunky, by the way, it seems. Yeah. That conversation. Oh, that's McClunky. What is it? What is it? Is it like a preface before you die? Is it like, oh, no, bad news.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Maybe it's our nuts. Our nuts, my nuts. Or maybe it's like a watch out. Might be a watch out. Yeah. So he shoots him. He sits down. It makes it.
Starting point is 01:19:04 I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. Yeah, it might be. It makes a great. It's fair warning. It's honorable in the Star Wars universe. If you're like, McClunky, I'm going to get you.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Prepare yourself because I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. That was Greedo's mistake. It was, wasn't it? Because Han Solo is a lowdown scumbag. So he shouldn't have given him the McClunky. Fair warning. He definitely shouldn't have.
Starting point is 01:19:23 So it says at the end there's a show coming up in December called The Book of McClunky. I meant to write The Book of McClunky. I actually did write that. Wow. The Book of Boba Fett. Yes. Oh, The Book of, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:36 And people are saying there's like a bit of a debate as in like, is this the next series of The Mandalorian? Is this a spin-off? Oh, I see. Right. I think it's, and the rumor is that it's a separate thing. Okay. But, yeah, it could be season three.
Starting point is 01:19:50 I don't think it is. Do you think that would mean the focus would come completely off The Mandalorian? If they did do it. Yeah, largely, yeah. Interesting. What I think it is, and this is pure speculation, is I think it's a series of, like, vignettes of, like,
Starting point is 01:20:04 adventures of. Ah, webisodes? Yeah, oh, no, more like this is how he, is I think it's a series of like vignettes of like adventures of. Webisodes? Yeah. Oh, no, more like this is how he got out of the SAR. This is how he trained for whatever. This is what he did when he took Han Solo to Jabba's Palace. This is like what he ran into. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:16 He had a nice lunch on the barge. Yes. Just the wording of the book of makes me think that like it's chapters of different. Yeah, yeah. Or it could just be like what he's, and I'm sure it'll also, if it is this, would intercut with him doing crime stuff or cleaning up Tatooine.
Starting point is 01:20:30 We don't really know what he's doing. Yeah, it could be sort of legendary stories of Boba Fett. And again, if they're rehabilitating the reputation of Boba Fett in this series or like in the modern day because, again, we and everybody else goofs on him for being terrible in the previous. Maybe it should be like here's him bringing in his bounty, you know, in the part, like, pre-being eaten by the Sarlacc. Here's all the cool stuff he got up to kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Cool stuff. Yeah, cool stuff. Are you interested in the Boba Fett series? Yeah. I mean, it's cast well, isn't it? Like, he's great. Yeah, yeah. So I think he's good. And, you know, you've got a bloody Ming-Na Wen as well. That mean, it's cast well, isn't it? Like, he's great. Yeah, yeah. So I think he's good.
Starting point is 01:21:06 And, you know, you've got a bloody Ming-Na Wen as well. That's right. Oh, yeah, he's got a pal now, so that's cool. He's got a pal, he's got a friend. Yeah. I think that's all the things we need to talk about. They're going to rename his ship Friends One. Friends One.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Friends One. That's nice. Friends Two. It could be two. Because they're two friends. They're two friends, yeah. They should rename his ship Two Best Friends. The Two Best Friends ship.
Starting point is 01:21:26 People would know that they were friends then, wouldn't they? Yes. Yeah, they would, wouldn't they? That's good stuff. And like there's a stencil on the side. They're both giving the peace sign. Yeah, absolutely. And she's like, I've got robot guts.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Once you did that, I'm like, how does that all work? Is that just mashing food up in there? So on the side of the ship, it's a stencil. It says the Two Best Friends ship. Yep. And then there's a stencil of, there's a stencil of them, like on one of those old school bombers, but they're both giving the peace sign.
Starting point is 01:21:50 I love it. Is Boba Fett helmet on or helmet off? Maybe he's like tilting it up a little bit. Yeah, okay. You can see his big smile. Yeah, that's good. Big smile. And then it says, there's a speech bubble underneath,
Starting point is 01:22:02 and it says, from Ming-Na Wen saying, I've got robot guts. He gave me robot guts. And then a smiley face emoji. bubble underneath and it says, from Ming-Na Wen, saying, I've got robot guts. He gave me robot guts. And then a smiley face emoji. Exactly. Because people might be confused. They might be like, that's bad. But no, no, she loves her robot guts. He saved me, actually.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Oh, okay. I've got robot guts, smiley face emoji, and then there's another speech bubble coming from Boba Fett underneath and it says she loves him. She loves her robot guts. They're best friends. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you know what the next segment of the show is called, though? Yes, it's called What We Readin'. loves them. She loves the robot guts. They're best friends. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Do you know what the next segment of the show is called, though? Yes, it's called What We Readin' and then What We're Gonna Read, yeah. I'm doing a thing. Thank you, Mason.
Starting point is 01:22:40 If you do want to reach the show, wait for the letter segment because this is the What We're Reading segment. Good recovery. I liked it. Thank you. What have you been reading, wait for the letter segment because this is the What Are We Reading segment. Good recovery. I liked it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:22:47 What are you reading, Mason? You know what I've been reading? Because last week I talked about how I had a hankering for an old school RPG. Not an old school RPG, like a very in-depth RPG video game. Yeah, Off the Back of Cyberpunk. Off the Back of Cyberpunk, which I'll probably get eventually. When they fix it and put it back on the PS store
Starting point is 01:23:04 because they took it off? Yeah, they did. Oh, big drama. A pile of shit. Apologies have happened and all sorts of stuff. Yeah, it's all well and good, isn't it? But, like, you knew it was broken when you put it out. Like, I know people, like, they're doing right.
Starting point is 01:23:15 No, they're not. Because they have to. Yeah. But that's the thing. They also, look, we'll get off this. That's not what I'm talking about. We'll get off this. But also, you could just say, we'll release it when it's finished.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Like there's nobody's holding a gun to your head being like, we will release this by the end of 2020 or we will kill ourselves. Like the, nobody said like, that's not some, a lot of game studios, not the bigger ones, but like,
Starting point is 01:23:39 we'll just say, Hey, we've got this new game. It's come out. I think there'd be enough hype. If you just said, Hey, it's surprise. We've released it. We've finished the game and we've got this new game that's come out. I think there'd be enough hype if you just said, hey, it's a surprise.
Starting point is 01:23:48 We've finished the game and we've released it this week. And then do the viral videos and then get Keanu Reeves to show up and do some appearances. You don't have to hide. You couldn't hide a lot of that. But yeah, I see what you mean, yeah. Like the secret of Keanu Reeves, just saying, keep it to the end. Yeah. Oh, tough call.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Right. But again, also the developers apparently got death threats as well. Yeah, people shouldn't do that, obviously. I'm sure there were a lot of it was also external pressure to put it out. And I guess that is the industry now is you have to announce a big thing and then it comes out. And also I guess at this point as well people have become accustomed to the idea that you get a game and it's probably missing some stuff
Starting point is 01:24:26 or it's got bugs or glitches and so you just have to wait a few months or weeks or whatever to get the new character pack or the new whatever or the bug fixes or the features that were missing or whatever. Anyway, a lot of people emailed in to say actually it's really good so I'm willing to, like if you look past the glitches and whatever, but I'm, okay, I'm willing to give it, in a few months, if things have improved and I can go and get a haircut in the game.
Starting point is 01:24:50 That's my. Okay, fair. That's my. Yeah, I agree. I will get it if they fix it and people are like, no, this is really good. Because, again, it does like, again, I watched some more, you know, little playthroughs and stuff and side missions or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:02 And it does look amazing with that 80s cyberpunk aesthetic. But instead I went with a completely different aesthetic, and I know you don't approve, but I got Red Dead Redemption 2, and I'm loving it. I don't approve. I know you don't approve. When did we talk about that? We talked about it off air or we talked about it on maybe
Starting point is 01:25:18 a Big Sandwich podcast. Or the Jingle All The Way commentary maybe? Maybe. Or maybe we talked about it in our real life. But you're loving it, aren't you? I love i just and i because you you uh i don't like the micromanaging everyday shit they make you do i'm digging it i think it's just and again maybe in a few months i'll be or a few weeks or a few days maybe tomorrow yeah i'll be like god i'm sick of this but just the idea of no it's like like people love it for a reason yeah yeah it suits people
Starting point is 01:25:45 and it's it's two discs of content like i had to i had to leave it overnight installing oh my god work um but just like and again like welcome to 2018 everyone like i'm way behind as usual one day i'll have a full collection of games from 2018 how i but it's just like you you're walking through the snow and you can see all the tracks. Oh, it's amazing. And you get on your – and it's pretty like they're very good at like tutorialising the little bits without you kind of realising it. Like, oh, here's how you match speeds with all your friends
Starting point is 01:26:16 on their horses and kind of thing. There's a lot of riding and talking, isn't there? There's some riding. But that's the thing. And you're not a big cutscene fan and a lot of this game is cutscene. And I'm not a big fan of like the walking to a mission and being like, you know, we used to know each other. No, I'm a big fan of that.
Starting point is 01:26:30 I'm not a fan. And, James, there's so many outfits. I know that. Oh, my God. I also think the cop system is horrible. Like when they recognize you and, like, the bounty system. Oh, yeah, they put a bounty on you, right. It's bad.
Starting point is 01:26:45 But you can pay off your own bounty. Yeah, but it's like too weirdly like aggressive and specific to you. Yeah, right. Like they'll see you do things that's like, how did you see me do that? Or like they'll recognize you from like, I'm just a guy on a horse. Why would you know who I am? That's a good point. Yeah, but anyway, whatever.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Wanted posters, James. Oh, yeah. With a bad drawing of yourself on them. But man, I'm shooting deer, I'm shooting men. Yeah. You know? You love shooting men. I do. Good stuff. I'm losing my hat. I'm like, where's my hat? Did you get the bear?
Starting point is 01:27:14 No, I left the bear alone. Oh, really? Because it's not... James, it's not my place to shoot the bear. I've tried to shoot the bear and it killed me. Oh, that's also... And then I went back for the bear, but I couldn't find it. Did you really? Okay. I'm not going to kill kill this bear you can kill other bears in revenge i want that one you can kill others and pretend it's that bear no mason it's not the same wow okay i wanted to kill that bear okay yeah you would love then oh maybe not as much but you should play that um samurai gang
Starting point is 01:27:40 i wrote it down it goes to sushi yeah i wrote it down as well because I'm like this, but I think I love the western genre more than I love the samurai genre. And all the different guns and shooty shoots you do. I guess there are a lot of outfits. There were good missions that I like. There's like a train heist mission I've done. There's one where you break a dude out
Starting point is 01:27:59 of a jail and then you kill everybody. Then you kill everybody in the town. I think if there was like more of that, then yeah, cool. There's a moment which I didn't get up to where you like kill a bunch of Klansmen, which I think is going to be a lot of fun to do. But yeah, anyway, I'm glad you enjoy it. I'm genuinely glad you're enjoying it. It's good.
Starting point is 01:28:18 I like that Arthur Morgan. You like him? He's a good dude. Is he? Mostly? I can't remember. I think he mostly is. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:28:25 And that's tough to do in that time. He's the only decent man. You're a good man, Arthur Morgan. Yeah. Do you like going back to your camp and people ask you questions? Yeah. That's really good. And you're like, don't talk to me.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Go and talk to the- You know why I like it? Go and talk to the leatherer. I want to talk to the leatherer. Because there's an antagonize button as well. So you don't have to be like- You don't have to cop any of it. You can be like, how about shut up, you're old and your legs don't work
Starting point is 01:28:46 or whatever. Is there a shut up and your legs don't work button? Yeah, that's right. How about keep drinking, you bold rummy? Good at that. It's good. What have you been? I started reading, there's been a few issues out,
Starting point is 01:28:58 but Steve Knowles and Marcelo Fusion are working on Hit Girl versus Kick-Ass. Oh. I read the first comic and it's the original Hit Girl versus vs. Kick-Ass. I read the first comic and it's the original Hit Girl vs. the new Kick-Ass. She's got her own series. I really
Starting point is 01:29:14 enjoyed it. She's like a former vet. I think she's a nurse. So this is Mark Miller's Kick-Ass universe. Yeah, but it's like new creators. Right. And he's not involved in this? Not in this. I mean, he oversees it.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Yeah, right, right. But there's been a few people who have done, like the guy who Jeff Lemire has done, like a Kick-Ass series. I mean, a hit girl series. Kevin Smith has done one as well. Are you up to date on the Kick-Ass of this? I've read most of them, I think, yeah. What happened to the original Kick-Ass?
Starting point is 01:29:38 He just retired. He didn't want to do it anymore. Because he got beaten up a lot and he had a bunch of metal rods where all his bones should be. Yeah, exactly. That's probably the reason. But the new kick-ass has basically taken over, I guess, some spoilers from her series, takes over all the crime stuff in the city.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Committing crimes or stopping crimes? No, she takes over all the drug cartels and then does it for good. So all the criminals on her side, she pays them really well to run a clean organization kind of thing. A clean shop. And maybe it all goes south, Mason. Oh, wow. So it's good.
Starting point is 01:30:09 I like it a lot. I learned recently that you know how Mark Miller sold Miller World to Netflix. Apparently how it works now is rather than him creating comic books and then they're turned into shows, his job is to develop shows now and then if he wants he can make a comic book out of it. Oh really? Okay. That makes sense. He'd be doing very well with money. Yeah, probably. Yeah, I think he definitely would. I think, well,
Starting point is 01:30:32 2021 is probably going to be the year of like all the Mark Miller. All the stuff that he's planning on coming to fruition. I know they're starting with what's the one they're starting with? Jupiter's Legacy, I think. Oh, it is, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's Josh Dremel is in it. Yeah, I'm excited for that. And others, yeah. Very cool. Also, it is, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's Josh Duhamel is in it. Yeah, I'm excited for that. And others, yeah. Very cool. Also, this is rather a smaller scale, but my friend Peter Jones,
Starting point is 01:30:51 comedian, who people might know from two podcasts, Ooh Spooky, where they talk about spooky stuff. With Adam Knox, yeah? Yeah, yeah, and Kentucky Fried Chattin', where him and Beck Petratus and Xavier Michaelides. What a team! They all try every menu item on KFC's menu. Not all at the same time because they die,
Starting point is 01:31:08 but just individually every week they try a different episode. Anyway, Peter Jones has a newsletter where every week he writes himself into a horror movie. Right, okay. Like who he would be and what would eventually happen to him. Would he die? Would he live? Would something else happen to him?
Starting point is 01:31:25 So you can sign up to his newsletter and all the old, he's been doing it for a month or so now and all the old ones are on his website. So if you go to, you can sign up to his newsletter and they're all really super fun. Good for him, man. That's great. I think he's a very funny man.
Starting point is 01:31:38 I like that guy. Yeah, he's cool. Obviously everybody in comedy has been sort of furloughed recently because we're not allowed outside. They're doing a bunch of side steps and side gigs and things like that. Yeah. So that's really good. Oh, but speaking of, I went to comedy this week.
Starting point is 01:31:54 Oh, did you? I went to comedy this week for the first time in a very long time. How was that? If you're in Melbourne and we are now on lockdown, you should probably go out and support live comedy if you can. I think that might change in the next few weeks. Oh, boy. Why?
Starting point is 01:32:04 What did you do, James? I didn't do anything but like Sydney's in the next few weeks. Oh, boy. Why? What did you do, James? I didn't do anything but like Sydney's flat up big time. Oh, yeah. Well, look. Yeah. I mean, stay socially distant. Wear a mask if you can. But I saw Jen Fricker and Nazeem Hussain and a woman named Prue Blake
Starting point is 01:32:17 who I'd never seen before. It was really funny. And Harley Breen, friend of mine. I was going to say of the show but friend of mine. Is he a friend of mine? Maybe. I've met him. Have you? Oh, like years ago. Nice. Then he's a friend of yours. I was going to say of the show, but friend of mine. Is he a friend of mine? Maybe. I've met him. Have you?
Starting point is 01:32:25 Oh, like years ago. Nice. Then he's a friend of yours. I met him in a urinal. Nice. Followed him in there. Wow. So you know him very well.
Starting point is 01:32:32 He was really drunk after a set that he did. He was really nice. Anyway, it was great. So that was the Basement Comedy Club in Melbourne, which is Carl Chandler, friend of the show's. Oh, there you go. Yeah. All these names.
Starting point is 01:32:44 I know. I don't mean to say that now, but also it's the end of the year, so probably all comedy is going to go on hiatus anyway. But, yeah, find a little independent comedy room. Put it in the back of your mind. Yeah, check them out. Should we go to the next segment of the show then? Yes, it's the letters segment.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Thank goodness. The classic one was letters, oh letters, we love you. Some letters, they're only a take away. I know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. If you do want to reach the show, hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. Send it on over on Twitter. That's right.
Starting point is 01:33:13 And I'll find it and I'll read out some. Or weeklyplanetpod at You want to go first? Yeah, this is from Mike. He says, listening and driving and not crashing ever. Whoa. Hey, James and Mace.
Starting point is 01:33:24 So I've been enjoying the Weekly Planet and caravan of garbage for years, and I finally decided to join Big Sandwich during a cross-country road trip. Whoa. I'm moving from Indiana to Oregon and will be listening along the way. Thanks for all the laughs and keeping me up to date on the most important of news. Hope I can be the official guy traveling over 2,000 miles during a pandemic with his dog and good buddy while pulling a trailer and hoping not to get stopped by a blizzard of the podcast.
Starting point is 01:33:46 I hope that's a movie. I tell you that much. Definitely. Good luck, Mike. I hope you're doing good. Whereabouts do you think you'd be on this road trip? Probably. When was this sent?
Starting point is 01:33:55 Probably. He's probably in Oregon already. When was it sent? Earlier today. I don't think he would be. No, he wouldn't be. No, he'd be somewhere in the middle. Somewhere in the middle of America, I guess.
Starting point is 01:34:05 Okay, interesting. Interesting stuff, yeah. Very cool. That sounds like a movie. Definitely. Good buddy, a dog in the car. What happens? He does it in half a day.
Starting point is 01:34:14 He's sending an email on the road. Right. How's he doing it? I don't know, but keep us updated, Mike. I'm very excited. Where are you stopping? Are you seeing any sights? Are you going to any cool diners?
Starting point is 01:34:24 Are you? Are you, Mike? Is he? Maybe. I made burgers for my family tonight. stop and you're seeing any seeing any sites you're going to any cool diners are you are you are you maybe i made burgers for my family tonight first time i'd made my son has had a burger somehow really it's like a lot of burgers huh yeah i'm really making many burgers but i'm made burgers made burgers nice what you put on that burger for your kid uh i did keep it simple stupid yeah exactly i'm just just doing your lettuce tomato your cheese your uh your meat you know what i mean oh yeah i tried some i'm like you want to try the pickle and he tried i'm like ah he's like Yeah, exactly. Just doing your lettuce tomato, your cheese, your meat. You know what I mean? Yeah, nice. I tried some.
Starting point is 01:34:47 I'm like, do you want to try the pickle? And he tried it. I'm like, ah. And he's like, ah, ah. And I'm like, oh, okay, I want to put that on. Okay, cool. Yeah, nice. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:54 This is from Phil Kimbo, hashtag weekly planet pod. Kimbo. I have a hashtag weekly planet pod question. I've never watched the Justice League movie. With the Snyder Cut coming, shall I just wait for that or should I watch the original beforehand? I know it's a bit of a divisive movie. with the Snyder Cut coming. Shall I just wait for that or should I watch the original beforehand? I know it's a bit of a divisive movie. What would you say?
Starting point is 01:35:11 I'm just going to ask you that. Do you think you should watch the original Justice League before Zack Snyder's Justice League, which is the original Justice League? No, I think no at this point. If you've gone this far. Yeah. It's pretty long. It won't help you. No.
Starting point is 01:35:24 I mean it would probably, if it's worse, which it would have to be, I'd imagine. It won't make the other one. I don't know. I think it would. No, it won't enhance the experience of the other movie, I think. It might be interesting after the new one to go back to this one. Yeah. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:41 That's very true. Yeah. So yeah, don't. Don't. You won't like it. Watch a better movie. Yeah. Yeah, don't. You won't like it. Watch a better movie. Yeah. Any movie.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Anything. Any movie. Literally anything. Yeah, yeah. This is from Joe. He says, I lied to a girl about the Santa Claus. Here we go. Hi, James and May.
Starting point is 01:35:54 So as a single college student stuck at home, Tinder is unfortunately an app I use. Today I was talking to a girl and she said she'd been watching movies all day. I asked her what she was watching and it just so happens she was watching the Santa Claus movies. Now, I've not seen any of those movies, just so happens she was watching the Santa Claus movies. Now I've not seen any of those movies but I have watched your recent Caravan of Garbage trilogy. I brought up how elves are not qualified to handle a human birth and she agreed with me so I guess
Starting point is 01:36:13 I did something right. We'll see how it goes. If she asks me for more opinions I might be out of luck. Nah mate, just you'll be fine. Also as a reward for finishing my semester yesterday, I bought myself a subscription to Big Sandwich. And I've been binging. We got this covered, covered.
Starting point is 01:36:28 And it's keeping my heart warm in these cold, dark times. Thank you. It's killing me. May I be the official a cappella musician of the podcast? Oh, very good. It's not related to my story, but I don't really care. Yes, you can, Joe. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:36:37 You've done it. You've done it. You've succeeded everywhere in every element of this. Let us know how you go with this. Also, don't go too heavy into the Santa Claus lore because you'll freak her out. Like it's fine for us to say it in a video because we're not trying to win girls' hearts with that video.
Starting point is 01:36:52 That's right. And it won't. We're trying to win the hearts of the hardcore Santa Claus fans. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, touch on it. But I don't say don't go down the rabbit hole of like there's a weird green ooze that controls the universe. We made that bit up.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Yeah. Very good. Yeah. I got one from Polar Bear. It says, hey, Nick and James, hashtag weekly planet pod. One of my all-time favorite episodes of yours was Hollywood Feuds. I thought of a similar topic you could cover. It could be nightmare movie productions.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Any chance you could do a pod on them, it would be my Christmas present. We did a similar thing with delayed movies. We talked about the Don Quixote movie and a bunch of other shit. I think this would definitely be an interesting topic that I would like to cover at some point.
Starting point is 01:37:40 Do you agree? I agree too. Good. We talk about Mission Impossible 7 and they all lived on a boat and Tom Cruise screamed at them. That's exactly right. Anything else? It's probably a few. Let's have a look. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:37:54 I have one more, but I'm happy to wait. This is from Steve. He says, 12 weeks scan for our first baby. Hey, boys, thanks for all the years of laughs. We are having our first baby. It's only early days. Just hoping you guys could wish us good luck on our baby journey. I'm feeling a bit terrified.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Thanks. You should be. 12 weeks though, that's good. You hit that point, it's good. That's right. Very best of luck. I'm sure it's going to go great. You get all the big scans at the start, your first big scan. That's right. Make sure it's all happening. I think you can see like fingers and shit at that point.
Starting point is 01:38:24 I can't remember. It's crazy though. You look at it and you're like. You can see your own fingers. You can see your own fingers. You look down. You're just peeking through them. You're like, oh God, what's happening right now? So yeah, very exciting.
Starting point is 01:38:33 Congratulations, Steve. Steve. And Steve's wife. Mrs. Steve. Steve's wife. Mrs. Steve. Yeah. Yeah, so I got this left.
Starting point is 01:38:42 It's from Dr. Connor says, just waiting for the hashtag weekly planet awards ceremony at this point. Giving up on everything else. So, yeah, as we do at the end of every year, we have a list of categories where we go through. It's like best, worst, the game is on, best special effect. I don't know. I don't remember what we did.
Starting point is 01:38:57 There's a list that we normally go through. We normally add in some tracks, subtract some stuff. This year will change dramatically because of the events. Yeah, we're going to have to really improvise. But if you've got any suggestions, send it for topics, send them in. Like we want some, if you've got any like- Like award categories.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Award categories, sorry, I should say. Yeah, we'd love to, because we've got your gamers on, you know what I mean? That's right, yeah. We've got your best- Erasing the hole, that one. That's right. We've got your best comic book movies. That's right. But yeah, please let us know what I mean? Erasing the hole, that one. That's right. We've got your best comic book movies. That's right.
Starting point is 01:39:25 But yeah, please let us know. Anything else? This is from Nikolai from Canada. Hello, Nikolai. Hey, James and Maiso. My name is Nikolai. That's my name. No, James, you son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:39:35 I have no idea how long I've listened to this podcast for, but it's been years. How many years? Same. Same, Nikolai. You and me, bloody both, mate. Oh, boy. Thank you for helping me get by at work through the pandemic and that one time I was in the emergency waiting room for 12 hours. Happy to be there.
Starting point is 01:39:48 I love all the work you do. It's my birthday, December 22nd, and I was wondering if I could get a shout-out that would make my 2020 a little better. Well, that's very – it's probably a couple of days from here. I have a question. Happy birthday. Do you get – we talked about this recently as well on the show
Starting point is 01:40:01 or a different thing. Do you get in two presents? Are you getting your birthday and Christmas? Oh, good question, Nikolai. You're getting lazy. You're getting a double present or are you getting? I would love some emails or tweets about this, are people getting double presents or not.
Starting point is 01:40:15 You don't have to be born on Christmas. It can be around Christmas. And I want to hear some outrageous ones. If you're like, yeah, I'm born in like October and people are double and not double presenting. Oh, scandalous. I'm just like, no, that's not on quite frankly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Yeah. Nikolai's from Montreal and now live in Ottawa. Can I be the official Montreal or Ottawa guy of the podcast? Yes, you can. He says, hope you guys, your family and friends have a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Thank you, Nikolai. It's going to be Christmas this week.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Merry Christmas, everybody. Merry Christmas, everybody. Yeah. Anything else? No, that's all the bloody emails. It is. I agree. All right.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Before we go, Mason, sad news but not bad news. Not even sad news. No. Let's just say news. Yeah, it's definitely news. So the guys over at Tofop, Will Anderson and Charlie Clausen, both of which have guested on this show, wonderful guys. If you haven't listened to the show, which you probably have,
Starting point is 01:41:01 it'll be fun. They're actually leaving the network. They said, we don't want this. They screamed that. None of this, please, they said. So what they're doing, they're consolidating it because they do a bunch of podcasts. They do so many podcasts.
Starting point is 01:41:14 They have a podcast about football. They have a podcast that is about nonsense. That's Toe Pop. But Will's got like Willosophy. Charlie's got Dad Pod or whatever. So the idea is that they're kind of like putting all these things together, which is really awesome. So, yeah, so if you're not seeing them on the page or –
Starting point is 01:41:29 That's awesome that Charlie's awesome. That's awesome. That's right. Exactly. So if you're not seeing that in the feed or the newsletter, that's why. But we wish them all the best. We don't wish them the worst. We don't wish them the worst.
Starting point is 01:41:39 Because they're genuinely like really great guys. They've been a big help with like they did the live show with us and charity and putting their voice out there. So we really great guys. They've been a big help with like they did the live show with us and charity and putting their voice out there. So we really appreciate it. And they're great and they're going to continue to do great things. Yeah. Or they don't. We don't know.
Starting point is 01:41:55 I mean, even if the whole thing collapses on them, at least they're both very handsome and funny. That's right. Exactly. They're going to be okay. We can only dream. Exactly. So, yeah, thanks to those guys for everything.
Starting point is 01:42:05 And they'll be popping up on this hopefully in the future anyway. So, yeah. Cool. All right. What I got here, we're wrapping up the show. We are wrapping up the show. This is the end of the show where Mason goes, he tells us what's going on, tells us what's going on, Mason.
Starting point is 01:42:15 What do you got? Are you now some sort of race caller while I do this? I'm a spruiker. I'm spruiking things. That was very good. Thank you. I like your little straw hat and your point and cane. That's very good.
Starting point is 01:42:24 Look, thank you everybody so much for listening to the podcast. One episode left for the year. We're very excited for it. But thanks everybody for listening and telling a friend and lying to a friend and getting to listen through the medium of lying. Yeah. And thank you for subscribing and leaving a nice review, James. You got a couple of nice reviews?
Starting point is 01:42:42 I do. Got here from Katie Gumbo who says, Fun! The podcast is so fun because the friendship between James and Mason really makes this show. It also kills time, which is nice. The podcast literally is killing me. As we're all in a global pandemic, two smiley faces love the podcast.
Starting point is 01:42:59 Thank you so much. Five stars. Really helps the show. And I've got another one here that's from the only person in Montana. Is that true? It says, great podcast. Someone got to tell this MF we appreciate the time codes. So yeah, that is Collings.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Actually, I think that was from a that might have been off the back of a review. Somebody said something like, put in time codes. And I went, oh yeah, I will. And now Collings does it. So you can thank Collings for that. Anyway, thank you everybody for those nice reviews. If you want to get in contact with us, you can go to weeklyplanetpod at Gmail,
Starting point is 01:43:30 at Twitter, at Facebook, at Bandcamp. You can go to You can have a look at all the podcasts on the Planet Broadcasting app. You can. Oh, my God. I mean, you have them all memorized, obviously. Go. Suggestible.
Starting point is 01:43:42 He got them all. He got all the podcasts. I knew you could do it, James. You can also sign up to the Planet Broadcasting newsletter. We'll tell you all about him. James puts them all in manually. No, he doesn't. Rob Collings does. He's again doing that.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rob Collings does it. You can find him on Twitter at RawCollings and also at The Weekly Planet. He is. You can find me on Twitter at WikipediaBran. And on Instagram, I'm NickMaso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. James, you're Mr. Sunday Movies everywhere. Everywhere, all the time, every day.
Starting point is 01:44:10 You can also go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group. Yeah, that's right. Having fun, all kinds of fun discussions about pop culture, all sorts of crazy stuff. We also have a – well, we don't have. There's a Planet Broadcasting Reddit, subreddit. There is. There's also a Weekly Planet Reddit, subreddit. There is. There's also a Weekly Planet Discord server.
Starting point is 01:44:28 Yes. I don't know what Discord is. What is it even? I don't even know, but they're very terrific over there. Probably. I've heard nothing but great things. Also, James, if you want to support the show, you can go to – I would love to support the show.
Starting point is 01:44:42 slash MrSundayMovies. You can chuck in a buck if you would wish. You get all sorts of bonus stuff. Give us one dollar. Give us one dollar. You shan't regret it. Or more than that. You can also go to the Amazon affiliate link in our episode's description.
Starting point is 01:44:58 If you want to buy some stuff, get it delivered to your house, you can do it through our episode link. That would help us out a great deal. Also, you can go to where we get your bonus podcasts. You get your bonus movie commentaries. You get all sorts of early stuff and videos and all kinds of things. Garbage goes up there early. This week we're doing that horrible Wonder Woman pilot.
Starting point is 01:45:15 Oh, yeah, that's right. I remember that. As we speak. Yes, very nice. We've got some T-shirts on Yes. Loving them. Loving them.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Official, unofficial, just get one. Get one you love. We can play the posters. We've got a great Batman Mandal on Yes. Loving them. Loving them. Official, unofficial, just get one. Get one you love. We can put up posters. We've got a great Batman Mandalorian crossover t-shirt as well. Oh, yeah, I did see that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's very cool. Thank you to the Brute and the Basilisk and Rackham for all the musical themes.
Starting point is 01:45:35 We'll be back next week. We're going to wrap up. We're going to do some awards. Yep. Everybody's going to be so thrilled they got an award. Mate. Just the amount of kudos we get from the entertainment industry. It's from the showbiz elites
Starting point is 01:45:47 who write in or they might do a private Zoom call and they just thank us. It's almost exclusively private Zoom calls. There's no proof of this on the internet because they're all private Zoom calls. Yeah, so they're just thanking us left and right. They're like, thank you for bringing the highlighting performances. It's probably the fault of Zoom, the software, but we can't
Starting point is 01:46:04 save any of those. They'd probably be embarrassed also. They would be embarrassed, yeah, because, you know. Because of the honor. Exactly. Because of the honor. There's too much honor. Yeah, there's too much honor.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Yeah. Is that it? That's the whole show, yeah. You better believe it. Again, topics for next week if you want. And then we'll take a little bit of a break. Yeah. But the content will keep coming, if I recall. On it will. take a little bit of a break. Yeah. But the content will keep coming if I recall.
Starting point is 01:46:27 On it will. That's right, exactly. There'll be some YouTube stuff but probably a lot of rehash stuff because January is a horrible month for YouTube. Yeah. So if I pay people to make stuff and then put it out, it doesn't make money. Cheers.
Starting point is 01:46:41 But anyway, we'll see. All right, goodbye. Grab the shimmy, guys. We'll see you next week. I put in the end Sting Nice Sting You like Sting? You like Sting's music?
Starting point is 01:46:52 You like his solo career? What's he doing in his solo career? I could not tell you A brand new day There we go That's a single he had Like 20 years ago What's it like?
Starting point is 01:47:00 It's great Best song I've ever heard Wow Yeah So you're a big fan of sting solo song yes cool what's his real name brian sting it's it's brian stinger ding ding i could see why he changed it i don't i'd love to be brian stinger ding ding oh man it's that time of year again when i go christmas it's christmas right it's christmas
Starting point is 01:47:23 everybody i agree you're watching some Christmas movies at Christmas? That's just in case somebody's like you, boy. What time of year is it? And I can be like, it's Christmas. It's already locked and loaded. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm also a man. I'm not a little boy. I'm a man. So what Christmas movies are you watching
Starting point is 01:47:40 at Christmas? James, I'm watching Die Hard, obviously. Sure. Which is or is not a Christmas movie depending on your point of view. I can't wait to read all the listicles about whether it is or isn't. And listen to this ad spot. Definitely. We also debate whether it is or isn't. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:47:52 I'm a big fan of Home Alone, if I'm honest. It's a kids' movie, but it also works as a very violent adults' movie. That's correct, yes. Yeah, it's amazing. Really, because at the end, no one's like, what did you get up to? And he's like, I nearly killed two dudes. Yeah, I just filled my family's enormous palatial home with dozens if not hundreds of deadly traps. I don't even know if I've disarmed them all, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:48:12 And they're home now. There's no time. You know, you said giant and palatial house because a lot of Christmas movies, the hallmark of it normally is like a giant Christmas-themed house with all the trimmings that you'd expect. You know, your foods and your Christmas lights and all the stocking stuffers and all those kinds of things.
Starting point is 01:48:29 Your sweetbreads. Yeah, exactly. And it makes me think like, how do people afford such a thing? How is this even possible? What do the McAllisters actually do? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know either.
Starting point is 01:48:37 But I tell you this much, they must be Mason. They must be on GOMO, which is the good to go mobile service, which is a new subscription model brand powered by the Optus Network because we believe that good value should come without the hassles and that it should be easy for you to just pay for what you need without all the other stuff. You know what I mean? I know exactly what you mean. Christmas is a time of spending but also should be a time of saving, Mason.
Starting point is 01:48:59 You know it. Yeah. It makes me happy to know that Kevin McAllister, he's down at the supermarket he's like i'll take a i'll take a big bag of sharp nails and some some heavy weights and some rope yep for both dropping and strangling but i know that when i go home i've still got you know some money left over to sign up to go mo because it's just it's just maybe call my family that's right yeah we call this though the good the good-to-go mobile. We do, James.
Starting point is 01:49:26 So you can purchase your first month online for just $10 before January 10th, 2021. And if you activate your service before February 28th, 2021 and pay for the first three consecutive months, you can get the next three for free. My goodness. My goodness. That'll serve us all the way through to Easter, probably. Probably.
Starting point is 01:49:43 Together with the $10 promotion and ongoing subscriptions at $25 a month, that works out to be just $60 for six months coverage. Of course, T's and C's do apply, but you can check it out at for offer details. My goodness. Good luck at your home Christmas invasion situation. You know what I mean? We wish you all the best. Save your pennies, though. You know what I mean? We wish you all the best.
Starting point is 01:50:05 Save your pennies, though. You know what I mean? Kill some wet bandits for us. I don't think you can say kill in an ad spot. Seriously, mame. Some wet bandits. It's Christmas. It's Christmas.
Starting point is 01:50:16 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship Know your risks. Visit

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