The Weekly Planet - 397 The Suicide Squad

Episode Date: August 9, 2021

Visit for a bonus weekly show, exclusive movie commentaries, early stuff and ad-free podcast feeds for $9 per month.Hello and welcome to the most The Suicide Squad podcast you will see ...all week. We also talk about many other things. Time codes below. Big Sandwich above. Thanks for listening!James' Post Credits Breakdown Every Death in The Suicide Squad The Start06:46 Chronicle Sequel11:22 Delays But Don't Dismays12:24 Venom 2 Trailer15:08 Amazon's Lord of the Rings First Look15:59 South Park Big Deals17:29 Y: The Last Man Trailer19:51 He's All That Trailer21:18 Hey Hey It's Saturday Again22:48 Ms Marvel Series Delay24:34 Black Widow Suing Situation26:39 The Dark Universe Returns29:45 Chadwick Boseman What If...?30:50 The Hunger Games Prequel32:09 James Gunn Shoots Down Martin Scorsese 34:22 The Suicide Squad Review (spoilers 54:06 to 01:10:27) 01:10:27 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read01:17:11 Letters, It's Time For LettersJames' Twitter â–º's Twitter â–º Patreon â–º TWP iTunes â–º TWP Direct Download â–º TWP YouTube Channel â–º Amazon Affiliate Link â–º T-Shirts/Merch â–º Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:28 It is our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king. Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theaters May 10th. Tickets on sale now.
Starting point is 00:00:41 May 10. Tickets on sale now. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your bowl. The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet. Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet where we talk movies, where we talk comics, where we talk TV shows. My name is James Olsen and I'm Mr. Sunday
Starting point is 00:01:13 and with me as always is my co-host Nick Mason. Hello. Hello. To you. To me. No, the listeners. Oh, and to me? I said hello to you earlier.
Starting point is 00:01:22 He didn't. I don't like James. I do not like, I do not care for this contrivance where you go, you do the pre-podcast greetings and you say hello to everybody and then you turn on the podcast and everybody's like, hello, what are you up to? What are you doing here? Thanks for stopping by.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I already spoke to you. That's a good point. It's business only now. Maybe next time we'll just start mid-sentence. Cool, yeah. But then we would have to wind back and say just FYI to the listeners, we were talking about this earlier, like the previous part
Starting point is 00:01:49 of the sentence. I say keep up. It's like when you come into a conversation halfway and you're just like, keep up. What are you guys talking about? We could do like... Fucking beat it. What we could do is we could start mid-sentence because that's cool and that's kind of like, it feels like you're in a cool bar or nightclub and you're just wandering up to some people having a conversation.
Starting point is 00:02:07 That's what I do, yeah. And you're ready to butt in. But then we could do like 10 minutes earlier. Oh, yeah. Speaking of, this week we are talking about The Suicide Squad where there's a lot of like – check out this thing that already happened. There's a little bit of that, yeah. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I shouldn't say a lot. There's a little bit. We're going to be talking about Chronicle 2. We're going to be talking about delays but not dismay because we don't get dismayed when there's delays. We don't get dismayed here. That's right. A huge South Park deal. Venom 2 trailer. We're getting a huge South
Starting point is 00:02:34 Park deal. That's right. You and I. Me and you. Are we getting turned into little characters? We're going to be like, bah, I live in this town. Bah, my balls. Whatever, you know. That's cool, man. I watched the pandemic episode and then before that I hadn't watched one in 20 years or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I feel like I didn't miss much. What was the conclusion that the South Park boys came to? Something about Randy's dad or something. I don't know. But were they like fence-sitting about it? I can't remember. Were they like it's important to get all the information but then do what you choose to do?
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yeah, something like that. Everyone's dumb or whatever. I can't remember. Terr, they're like, it's important to get all the information, but then do what you choose to do. Yeah, something like that. Everyone's dumb or whatever. I can't remember. Terrific. Yeah, yeah. In a way, some people are saying this and other people are saying this, but isn't the truth somewhere in the middle? Do you think somebody should aggressively take a stand
Starting point is 00:03:14 and, like, yell at people about getting vaccinated or something? Or would you never do that because it's rude? I mean, it is kind of rude, isn't it? Because, James, you did that this week. I did do that this week. And it went viral. Not really. Or it might have.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Hopefully by now. You think? No. I just like the idea of somebody coming to that video in like two years. For people who don't know, because this week the Suicide Squad came out, you did one of your classic videos explaining the post-credits sequence, but then that's about two minutes of the video, and then the rest of the video is you just screaming
Starting point is 00:03:46 about people getting vaccinated. Got some good feedback. Did you? From normal people? I got a lot of normal. It was more normal people feedback than I thought. And there was a couple of like you work for the deep state, et cetera, something like that.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've been paid by your incompetent government who didn't order the vaccine to promote the vaccine and stuff like that. That would be the perfect time to get a cool YouTube influencer to promote this vaccine. They're like, what can we do? I mean, we could do ads about how to get the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:04:14 No, no, no. Or we could, you know, encourage that in young people or we could get just a tired man on YouTube to just yell about it for a while and insult people. That'll do it. That's classic deep state reverse psychology. Give him money to scream at people. Anyway, it worked on me.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yes, it's true. FYI, the clock's ticking. Your second one. Because I had my second dose just earlier. And I've got my second one lined up in a couple of weeks. Who knows? Will I get horrible side effects? Will they happen tonight?
Starting point is 00:04:46 Will they happen during the podcast? Let's find out. Let's find out, right? Next up, we've got news of Scarlett Johansson updates. Is there? I didn't know that. A bit of a, for the suing situation, just a little bit. The Dark Universe is back.
Starting point is 00:04:58 That's what her sister calls it, the suing situation. Scarlett, we've got some updates on the suing situation. The Dark Universe is back, Mason. Yes. How many episodes Chadwick Boseman is going to appear for What If? The Hunger Games. I can't believe you threw in The Dark Universe is back. Just as casual as you like.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I know, you're excited. Yeah. Some Hunger Games news. Why the Last Man gets a trailer also. I should bring that up for trailers, shouldn't I? And then we're going to go into the Suicide Squad and just a bunch of stuff surrounding it, including like the box office, which isn't looking great at this point.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Probably because it's too woke. Yeah, that's what I've written. So I'm just going to say that, basically. That's right. Note to self, say later that it's too woke. Agreed. There's time codes below, though, if you do want to jump around. There's no possible other explanation in this current time
Starting point is 00:05:46 as to why a movie might possibly unperform. So also we have done a Justice League commentary for Zack Snyder's Justice League Part 1. That's right. It's very long. So that's at We put that up last week and there will be a new episode this week of We Got This Covered Covered, our clickbait show.
Starting point is 00:06:05 But I know people are very excited to hear our thoughts again, yet again, on Justice League. So we'll be doing that one again. We might do it earlier or it might just be on the month whenever we normally do it. Yeah, for people who don't know, Melbourne is in another lockdown. Yeah, we love it. So stuff may come out of order.
Starting point is 00:06:24 My workload just gets all thrown out or whatever. So, yeah, over the next few weeks. So we'll try and keep things as per usual, but I might just disappear for a bit. Sometimes chaos. Sometimes chaos. One or both of us might go on a wild bender. That's right.
Starting point is 00:06:38 You know? Too many sugar-free lemon drinks perhaps. Do you like those? Yeah. They're $6 a pop. I'm keeping a tab. Anyway, Mason. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I don't know. I think it's something like $40 a slab or something, $40 for, I'll look into it. Please do, yeah. You don't really have to give me any money. I'll just take a guess. No, you've said it now. I'm going to be one of those guys that shows up with like a wheelbarrow
Starting point is 00:07:03 full of pennies to pay it just tip it out on you it's not even our currency i know so you know one of those guys it's always like i've got a i've got a i've got a parking fine from the council and i i objected to it because all i did was park in a school zone for 14 hours and and in front of an ambulance and i think it was unjustified so i I, very clever, I put it into five-cent pieces and I mailed it to them. Yeah, and just annoyed just some poor person who works there. It's good.
Starting point is 00:07:32 You really stuck it to the men. That's right. Forbes spoke to John Davis, who's a producer on things. He's talking about Chronicle 2. Who created Garfield? What's his name? Jim Davis. Jim Davis.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Okay, great. Did anybody speak to Jim Davis? Not recently. Okay. I think Jim Davis just doesn't need to do anything anymore, so he doesn't. I don't think he's been out of bed for 30 years. Like Garfield. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Oh! Thank you. Life-imitating art. I love it. I saw a Garfield comic the other day, and I think I even took a photo because I was going to send it to you. Okay, granddad. It was at my parents' house.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Where's this story going to go? I saw a Garfield comic the other day. It was literally like, he's in bed. Yes. The alarm goes off. And he goes, I hate Mondays. Yes. And then the alarm does a little like laugh.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And that was the comic. And I'm like, Jesus. You've dreamed this. Well, I took a photo, Mason. Oh, my God. Yes. Yes. I knew you'd accuse me.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Read that. Okay, here we go He's asleep Yep Then the alarm clock is like, good morning, blah blah blah Yeah, okay Then Garfield says, stupid Monday morning alarm Oh, and it has a little laugh at him Okay, I like it
Starting point is 00:08:38 What's Snake Tales up to? It's just a snake with boobs I mean, I didn't tell it exactly but that's the comic it's all in the james it's not about the joke it's about the telling you know i guess it is yeah so anyway he's talking about chronicle 2 and he says we're working on chronicle 2 right now and i think it's going to be great working on it at fox uh it's going to give us a chance to tell the story in a different way we're going to tell it from the female point of view it will have it will have been 10 years since the event that happened in seattle and it's going to deal with the fake news
Starting point is 00:09:07 and the real news of the cover-ups the thing is as well about this yes i'm not really interested in chronicle 2 which is just chronicle again okay yeah do you know what i mean like but if they're talking about furthering the universe and like this weird thing that happened that people are still kind of talking about and can't determine whether it's real or not that's interesting but it's just if it's just like some more people found a meteor or whatever. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yeah. Are they going to do it found footage again, I wonder? Great question. Isn't it, though? Because the era of found footage kind of is over. It was already kind of. By the time Chronicle came around, people did not like it. But I reckon at this point also there's probably just like a post-production effect.
Starting point is 00:09:46 You can just be like, you know, just click a button and it's like it looks like it's been filmed on an iPhone. Yeah. Looks like it's security footage. Yeah. Looks like it's whatever. And it wobbles slightly or whatever. Yeah. You're probably right.
Starting point is 00:09:55 But here's something else. That sounds actually good because it sounds like what maybe the end of Glass could have been. Yeah. Remember the end of Glass? Yeah, he drowned in a puddle. Yeah. I remember. No, but they streamed it at the end of Glass? Yeah, he drowned in a puddle. I remember. No, but they streamed it to the world, James.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So they know that superheroes live amongst us and they can be drowned in an inch of water. And then that changed the world, probably. Probably. I would watch another one of those. Back to the Glassiverse? Yes, back to the Glassiverse. Into the Glassiverse? I don't know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:22 How many people died at the end? Did Mr Glass die? Yeah, he died. Great. Because his bones are made of glass. He should have already been dead then, whatever. How many people died at the end? Did Mr Glass die? Yeah, he died. Great. Because his bones are made of glass. He should have already been dead then, really. Right? How about this one though, Mason?
Starting point is 00:10:30 I think somebody just pushed him over and he died. Cool. That's most of the people in those movies, isn't it? Yeah. Here we go. Why do you think they want to do another one? Because of Michael B. Jordan? Well, it's seemingly a new cast.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Oh. And he died in the first one. Oh, yeah, he did too, didn't he? I mean, whatever. It doesn't matter. It's true. We found more footage. There's even more footage of him.
Starting point is 00:10:50 We found Michael B. Jordan. He looks exactly like this guy. Yeah. They could just do that. That's true. They could. Yeah. I'm in the serververse now.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I'm trapped in the serververse. Help. They're making me do all sorts of content against my will. Anyway, it's money because he said Chronicle was. You see, I assumed you were going to zig there and you did zig or you zagged. I don't know. But like, of course it's money.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I thought there was another reason. No, there is sort of another reason. I'm like, is it to do with the fake news that's prevalent in society and they're going to make a bold statement about that? Oh, the money thing. They want to invest some money and get more money back. Okay, cool, man. It says, Chronicle was literally the best return on
Starting point is 00:11:32 investment any of my movies ever made. Chronicle we did for $12 million and it grossed $126 million worldwide. Then it had a huge afterlife in syndication. It's one of the most financially successful movies in my stable. Gross.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yuck. Any word on Josh Trank being involved? I don't know. And Max Landis wrote the first one as well. Yeah, they're all well. Yeah, so I don't know. They're both kind of, I don't know what, well, one's cancelled for potential sex crimes. It's not for us to say.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And Josh Trank did the movie where Al Capone shits himself or whatever, which I still haven't seen. Some people like it though, but again, I haven't seen it. Alright. Time for delays but not dismay, Mason. Okay. I'm ready to hear about delays and not be dismayed. I'm excited. This is because people probably heard, no doubt, the Delta
Starting point is 00:12:20 variant is running rampant. Delta Goodrum. Yes. Pop princess Delta Goodrum. That's right. She's back. Did she ever go, though? No. No, not really.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I mean, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And most people don't know who we're talking about. Look it up. You'd be pleasantly surprised. That's right.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Or indifferent. Agreed. Clifford the Big Red Dog was delayed from September to another point in time. Who cares? That's right. It's not even that big. That's exactly right. Is he bigger in the comics?
Starting point is 00:12:46 Check that photograph of the- I do have a photo of him. Do you really? No. I was going to say. Check your Saturday morning funnies and see if Cliff and the Big Red Dog is there. He's very big. And also Venom, which we can talk about the trailer now,
Starting point is 00:12:59 release date was removed from the trailer. So it just says this fall, which is very ominous. And it doesn't even say what year. No, it doesn't. We meant 2023. Sorry, everyone. We can quickly talk about Venom 2, the trailer. What do you want to say?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Sorry, I can't remember any aspect of it. Nope, can't remember anything. What happened to it? Wind it back, James. I don't know. I don't have, I didn't. I'm going to watch it in silence and then we can talk about it. What am I supposed to it? Wind it back, James. I don't know. I don't have, I didn't. I'm going to watch it in silence and then we can talk about it. What am I supposed to do?
Starting point is 00:13:29 You can also be in silence. All right. No, the trailer's going to be in silence is what I'm saying. Yeah, but what am I supposed to do while you watch it? Pad. Pad for? Pan for gold. Oh, pan for gold.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Yeah, pan for gold. I thought you said pad. I did, but then I changed my mind. Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He could be bloody useful for once and pan for some gold. Okay, Eddie Brock, he's on his Ducati motorcycle. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:50 So he's doing it, he's doing it entourage style. Venom's there, he's like, hey, let me eat all, let me eat everybody, Eddie Brock. And Eddie Brock's like, nah, I've got a tire swing in my apartment for some reason. Yep. There's a screaming lady in an asylum. Yep. She's got screaming powers. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Who's that lady? Banshee? I think she's got screaming powers, but Banshee, I don't know. Right, right, right, right, right. Ooh, there he is. Banshee's a mutant though. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. There's Woody Harrelson and he's got,
Starting point is 00:14:20 which looking like he's got wig 3.0 here. I feel like this is their third attempt at the Cletus Cassidy wig. True. But maybe, I don't know. There he is. Oh, he's in a church or something. Oh, he's carnage now. Look out.
Starting point is 00:14:35 He's got so many tendrils. Venom's always in a church. Venom's always in a church. He's in a prison. Yep. Pretty cool. Is it? Yeah, it's very cool.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Oh, yeah. And then Eddie Brock's like, I'll let you eat everybody if you get this guy. Yeah. Great stuff, James. This is one of the greatest trailers. But, I mean, people were very entertained by Venom 1. Yeah, look, man, and it's Andy Serkis. I got a lot of love for Andy Serkis.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Yeah, yeah. And I like the movies he makes and. I've got a lot of love for Andy Serkis. And I like the movies he makes and the things that he does. So let's see. Maybe this will be the one that dashes your positive opinion of Andy Serkis on the rocks of movie mediocrity. In all honesty, for movies like this, if it comes out and it's not good, it's probably not the director's fault a lot of the time. Yeah, probably. So whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It's probably your fault personally. Yeah, fine, So whatever. It's probably your fault, personally. Yeah, fine. I'm okay with that. I'll wear it. I'll wear it. Let's go. Also, on the plus side, we might be getting a bunch of delays. 007.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Who's that? No Time to Die. The new James Bond movie might be delayed again and we can make that joke that we do. Yeah, cool. And wouldn't that be awesome? Yeah. Bring back one of the classics. We haven't made that joke in a long time.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Notified classic. I don't have anything in the chamber. No, neither do I. But I'm waiting for inspiration to strike when it is delayed yet again. Okay, maybe we'll tweet it. Yeah, that'd be good. Did you see there was an image released for the Lord of the Rings Amazon series? Nope.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Well, there was. Looks good. Did you take a photo of it? No, Mason. It's on the computer on. Ah. And it's got. Print screen.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yes. I think it's eight episodes, they said. And it's that $500 million show. And it's going to be released September of 2022. That's a long way away. I agree. Such a long way away. What do you want me to do about it?
Starting point is 00:16:22 I can take more photos of it. You think that would help in some way? Well, yeah. I mean, you'd get a better sense of it at least. That's true. But wouldn't that just increase my longing for this little TV series or whatever it is? I could take no photos of it.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Would that help? That would help more actually. Because then you'd forget and then you'd just be like, oh, is that out? That's true actually. That's a really good idea. Yeah. Okay, cool. So just do nothing.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Did I mention it? Yep. Okay, great. Easy done., cool. So just do nothing. Did I mention it? Yep. Okay, great. Easy done. Comedy Central. I love big deals. I love hearing about big deals. Go on.
Starting point is 00:16:50 South Park has been renewed for its 30th season, which will take it through to 2027. Paramount Plus has also ordered 14 original South Park movies, and the deal in total, which goes to Trey and Matt Stone, is going to be $900 million. Wow. Wow, indeed. That show doesn't seem like it's very expensive to make either.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Those guys have just cleaned up, man. Yeah. Incredible. And, you know, people like it apparently. I watched that one about the pandemic. You mentioned that earlier, yeah. And I was like, oh, we're wearing our masks on our chin or whatever. So it's 14.
Starting point is 00:17:24 I saw that headline and I wondered, they don't mean just 14 movies for Comedy Central. Does it mean 14 specifically South Park movies? I believe it's South Park, yeah. Like, you know, like Futurama did movies or whatever. Oh, I see. I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:37 So it means they'll do two a year. And I guess if they wanted to, they could put them in cinemas, but really why would they? Because cinemas are falling apart, literally. Not literally, but maybe. Not literally. You see that one in that Transformers movie? Yeah, that was falling apart.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Optimus Prime was parked there. Yeah. Yeah, that was falling apart. It probably fell apart because he drove into it. Certainly, yeah. Part of it. Yeah, yeah. Now, we already talked about the Venom 2 trailer,
Starting point is 00:18:00 but do you want to talk about why the Last Man trailer? I mean, James. Oh. Oh? Did we really talk about the Venom trailer? Oh, do you want to talk about Why the Last Man trailer? I mean, James. Oh. Oh? Did we really talk about the Venom trailer? Oh, do you want to talk about more about it? No, I'm saying we didn't. I'm putting a button on that. I'm just saying we didn't really talk about it. We covered it. We covered it.
Starting point is 00:18:14 No, we didn't cover it. Yeah. We mentioned it in passing. That's true. On the way to the Why the Last Man trailer. Yeah. Coming out September of this year. This year. Whoa, that's soon. I know. Yeah. So you told me about a very amusing thumbnail you saw of this year. This one. This one this year. I know. Yeah. So you told me about a very amusing thumbnail you saw. Well, look, I did watch the trailer for it on YouTube. And for people who don't know why The Last Man,
Starting point is 00:18:33 you should watch the trailer. It's based on a comic book by Brian K. Vaughan. Sure. And it's about something happens in the world and every man in the world dies through a horrible bleeding through the face disease. Yeah. Nobody knows what's happening, but there's one man left.
Starting point is 00:18:48 His name's Yorick. Yep. And it's not, it's a sometimes funny, mostly dramatic kind of, you know, adventure story about like, how's this going to go? What's the world going to do? But I watched that trailer and I saw a thumbnail for like a reaction video to it. And it was like,
Starting point is 00:19:06 here comes the wokest show there is, thumbs down kind of thing, and they've taken a photo of, they've taken a screen cap. There's a scene in the show where the president dies and I think it might be the vice president or chief of staff or something, he's a woman and she's still alive obviously. So she is now Madam President and they've got a screen cap of her and she's got a speech bubble coming out of her face and it says, all the men are dead.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And then there's another woman next to her and she's got a speech bubble and it says, good. And I'm like, yeah, that's what this show is about. That's what it is. That's what the comic's always been about. It's about all the men die and it's just celebrations. Just women celebrating for 180 issues or whatever it is. Yeah, that's what the comic's always been about. It's about all the men die and it's just celebrations. Women celebrating for 180 issues or whatever it is. Yeah, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Anyway, this is something that went through. Just the very idea that like somebody's lost their mind and had to make probably like a 20-minute video because the story of the show necessitates that it's mostly women in the cast. That's just broken their brain. Wasn't that Tom Holland, the Mind Snake movie, where everybody can see their thoughts?
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah, but where the Mind Snake, yeah. Wasn't that all the women were gone and then Daisy Ridley shows up? I didn't watch it, but I think that's what that movie's about. Yeah, maybe, yeah. I saw a thumbnail that said, I didn't see it. You saw a what, sorry? A thumbnail. What did I say?
Starting point is 00:20:20 You said thumbnail. Yeah, thumbnail. Right, like Tom Holland. Like Tom Holland, the famous actor. When you see a thumbnail for a Tom Holland movie. It's a thumbnail. It You said thumbnail. Yeah, thumbnail. Right. Like Tom Holland. Like Tom Holland. Yeah. The famous actor. When you see a thumbnail for a Tom Holland movie. It's a thumbnail. It's a thumbnail.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Yeah. Anyway. I'm looking forward to Why the Last Man. Me too. Yeah. It's been a long time coming. Shia LaBeouf was on it at one point and there was going to be a movie and whatever. Now it's Some Guy. Now it's Some Guy.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Speaking of Some Guy, did you see the trailer for He's All That? I did. The gender swaps. Okay. Is that because the original she's all that girl is in it is she because she's the mum is she reprising her role as someone who's all that oh that's a great question isn't it i love questions like like maybe there's a scene like at the it goes to like the high school dance or whatever they had at the end of the movie
Starting point is 00:20:59 and she's there she's there to like chaperone and she's like you know this exact same thing happened to me but gender swapped are you fucking woke as hell are you she's all, she's there to like chaperone. And she's like, you know, this exact same thing happened to me, but gender swapped. This is woke as hell. Are you she's all thatting this guy, this poor boy? Because I got she's all thatted like years ago and it messed me up. Messed me up for quite some time. I don't think it is, but maybe it doesn't matter. I mean, we'll know whether she's married to Freddie Prinze Jr.
Starting point is 00:21:23 That's true if he's in it, right? Yeah, but also maybe they just broke up because that's usually what happens when you date someone in high school. Yeah. You just break up. Yep. That's life, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Not everybody. If you didn't, I'm happy for you. But anyway, this is the gender swap version. So there's a cool popular girl and she's like, I'm going to get the worst loser in school and I'm going to turn him into the prom king or whatever. And it's like, I'll get that very handsome man with washboard abs. Yeah, exactly. That absolute loser over there.
Starting point is 00:21:50 I'll turn him into something. Who loves horses. Who loves horses. Yeah. Wow. How did she do it? I think she took his hat off. She did take his hat off.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I think he might have had a haircut or his mullet was attached to the hat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then it's like, oh. The reverse Dickie Nees. Exactly. Speaking of, did you hear that? then it's like, oh. The reverse Dickie Nees. Exactly. Speaking of, did you hear that? Hayate Saturday is coming back. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Speaking of things I saw in the paper at my parents' house. But they won't do it at Channel 9. We talk too much about Hayate Saturday. We do. It's a horrible show and it was always a horrible show. But there was only like four channels when we were children, so you didn't have any choice. And it was always on.
Starting point is 00:22:26 It was always on. Yeah. You'd think that because it was called Hey to Hey, It's Saturday, it would be limited to Saturday, but it wasn't for some reason. And there were always best of compilations on. Yeah. Anyway, TV Line are reporting that Ms Marvel, the TV series. Pluckaducks.
Starting point is 00:22:45 He gets the call and he goes out to his garage and he breaks out that duck bicycle thing that spins the ducks. I love old Fred. Yeah. It's like Vin Diesel. From my previous life. It's like Vin Diesel coming across his old charger or whatever. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:06 But it's like a duck with his duck bicycle. Nobody knows this. We talk about it too much. We've got to stop talking about it. We talk about it like we're fond of it, but it was bad and racist and... I talk about it because it was just everywhere. It's so much of my childhood
Starting point is 00:23:22 with this stupid fucking show. If you were like, hey, maybe talk about something else that happened in your childhood i can't remember anything else that happened in my childhood i can just remember hey hey it's saturday compilation it's all i've got all right yeah anyways tv liner reporting miss marvel has been pushed to 2022 oh uh it might have been a result i mean not might it's a result of the pandemic, obviously. Yes. But also, did you see there was some imagery released and it looks like she has some kind
Starting point is 00:23:49 of holographic- Energy hand or something. Energy hand. Yeah. Not doing big slappy hands. It's interesting, right? I'm not happy about it, Mason. Maybe, yeah, because if you-
Starting point is 00:23:57 I just thought about it, I don't care. But go on. Yeah, so for people that don't know, Ms. Marvel in the comic book, she's an inhuman, which is like a mutant but different. And she's like, she's got stretchy, like she's not quite Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four, but she can sort of like. She's like Dave Grohl in that Foo Fighters film clip. Yeah, she can embiggen herself.
Starting point is 00:24:14 She can become like big and tall and has big slappy hands. But in this promotional image, she has some sort of, she's holding up her hand and she's got like a glowing, like a purple glow about it, which suggests that maybe – It's cheaper. It's cheaper, certainly. Oh, that's definitely part of it. It might also be because they are going to introduce the Fantastic Four
Starting point is 00:24:34 sooner rather than later. That's a good point, yeah. And if you go, hey, here's a new team of superheroes and one guy's just got the Ms. Marvel powers. Yeah. He's smart and he's got the Ms. Marvel powers. People will be like, who cares? Where's his robot suit? Where's his robot Marvel powers. People will be like, who cares?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Where's his robot suit? Where's his robot suit? Where's his lightning whips or whatever? They did that already. Yeah. You could have better lightning whips. Wow. But maybe I suspect she's probably going to do big slappy hands but through the gauntlet.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Yeah. Or this is just some sort of tech thing that she has. Yeah, or maybe it's. Because she's a science person. Yeah, or maybe it's like maybe she's a science person. Yeah, or maybe it's like, maybe it's just one particular scene in the movie or something like that, and they just happen to leak that promotional image. There is something inherently silly about Big Slappy Hands
Starting point is 00:25:16 that I will miss. Tell Dave Grohl about it. I will. Okay, great. I'll tell him on Twitter. Vulture are reporting. I'm going to get Spider-Man. That's right.
Starting point is 00:25:26 But he never did because he's a million years old. Why did he bother? It was only going to end in getting thumps. Anyway, Mason. Yeah, Michael Keaton did Birdman. Yes. And then he did Vulture. Correct.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Do you think it's not an accident? Yes. All right then. I heard he's also the guy in the plucker duck suit. Wow. It's a big horny in the plucker duck suit. Wow. It's a big horny duck if you can picture it. It's pantsless. The pants are just white tights.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Got a vest or something? Got a vest on and a hat and he's always just pretending or actually groping with it. If you go on eBay, there's probably 100 plucker duck plushes. Plush a duck. Plush a duck if you could. Anyway, they're reporting that the ScarJo case where she's suing Disney, apparently she felt emboldened to sue because there's no chance
Starting point is 00:26:08 that she's going to return to the MCU. So she's just like, fuck it, I'll burn this bridge. You know, yeah. Makes sense. With that being said, I wouldn't say this is definitely the end of her in this. You know, people come around, you know, in life. I think she could survive. This is goodbye from me, everyone.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I'm going to get on this gondola. Where are you going? I'm going to get on this gondola. Where are you going? I'm going to get on the gondola, my assistant's going to set fire to the gondola, and I'm going to go out into the sea. Okay. And it's going to be a great send-off for me, Scarlett Johansson. What if we need you for a sequel? We'll blow the horn of
Starting point is 00:26:37 Gondor. I'll come back, obviously. Good point. Anyway, so what do you think of that? Gone forever or whatever yeah i mean they said they've already set up florence pew this isn't a surprise you know it's it's a weird function of like the the media landscape now that everybody's expected to be in a thing in a role for 10 years or more forever like it's wild that any of them did it for as long as they did like i'm sure they all appreciate the money and the work but also I'm sure a lot of them are like,
Starting point is 00:27:05 I would like to not do this anymore and do some other things. I agree. So, like, it's not, it really shouldn't be surprising that somebody's like, I've done five to ten movies with this character and I don't want to do it anymore. It's not surprising at all. I think how Pluck a Duck feels. I'd imagine so.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Pluck a Duck is just waiting, mate. I bet he always sits in those tights. Deadliner reporting, the Dark Universe is back. a duck feels. I'd imagine so. Black a duck is just waiting, mate. I bet he always sits in those tights. Deadliner reporting, the dark universe is back. I mean, it already was back. Sorry, the duck universe, did you say? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The dark universe is back. Cool, cool, cool.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Never really goes away, though, does it? No, it doesn't. Give us something other than we're going to do another Dracula. We're going to give Digg Dore. Creature from the Black Lagoon. I'm doing the face. I'm not 100% you're going to be happy with it. Okay, I'm ready for something.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Nicholas Holt has officially signed on for the leading role in one of Universal Pictures' upcoming monster movies titled Renfield. Great. Good stuff. So Renfield is the guy who goes, Hey, Master. It's that guy. But it's Dracula's air guy, right?
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yes, it's Dracula's guy. Not Frankenstein's air guy who's Igor usually. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, it's a different air guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he's a manservant to Dracula and he's weird and he eats flies. Sometimes he's Peter McNichol probably. Sure.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yeah. He was in that latest Dracula series where what if Dracula but he had an iPad? Yeah, that's true, yeah. Yeah, so Hijinx is the answer. Hijinx is the answer. Do you think there's going to be a sequel, a prequel? What are we doing here? Because you'd have to give him some, you'd have to be Dracula adjacent wouldn't you think?
Starting point is 00:28:37 That's the slogan at the bottom of the poster. He's Dracula adjacent. I think that should be the title. Dracula adjacent. Oh, like instead of Dracula untold it's Dracula adjacent. I think that should be the title, Dracula adjacent. Oh, like instead of Dracula Untold, it's Dracula adjacent. Maybe a guy will turn in or bat in this. We don't know. You'll have to watch to find out.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Oh, you won't. Oh, okay. This is going to be a failure. We're going to have to reboot it again. This reminds me a bit of that. Renfield. Renfield. Why?
Starting point is 00:29:05 Why not? Because it's bad and nobody wants it. It's just a regular man that. Renfield. Renfield. Why? Why not? Because it's bad and nobody wants it. It's just a regular man. He's right. He's right, everybody. Chris McKay is doing this one. Who's that? Chris McKay did. I thought I'd remember when I put him in, but I haven't.
Starting point is 00:29:14 But he has done good stuff. He directed The Tomorrow War. He directed the Lego Batman movie. There you go. Two movies that you've heard of. Yep, I've heard of both of them. Yeah, so there you go. One of them, The Dark Universe.
Starting point is 00:29:26 That's right. He also has an uncredited writer for reshoots on the Doolittle movie 2020. Oh, that famously bad movie. When you say famously bad. We both know it's bad. Yeah. We both heard it's bad. Neither of us have seen it.
Starting point is 00:29:39 That's true. That's true. Do you think he put the finishing touches on the pull the bagpipes out of the dragon's bum scene? Well, he did work on the rewrites, so yes. So there you go, Renfield. He signs off on it and he's like, ah, going to the weekend. I've done my work here.
Starting point is 00:29:56 This is my finest work. Just a thundering fart from a dragon's anus. Should we have the bagpipes make some noise as they're removed? No, no. The thundering fart will do all the work. I think there's some bagpipes in there from the clip I've seen that I keep showing my son. I'm like, do you want to watch a movie?
Starting point is 00:30:15 And he's like, yeah. So I just show him that clip. It's on loop. Great. I've broken him. Yeah, sounds like it. He does not like it. That's all he talks about to his friends.
Starting point is 00:30:23 He's been alienated. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's one of those kids' movies that kids haven't seen. Do you know what I mean? So no one's seen it. No one's seen it. Chadwick Boseman is apparently going to be appearing in four episodes of What If?
Starting point is 00:30:36 So you guys can confirm. But I think we're getting nine or ten. Which leans towards the theory that they're all connected somehow. Yeah, it's interesting. Well, we've got a question about it later in letters, which we'll get to, but that starts this week, and we will be doing our recaps, won't we? Does it start this week?
Starting point is 00:30:48 It starts on Wednesday. But there will be more audio recaps. They're not going to be as extensive edits as the other ones because those are a nightmare, and I haven't heard from Colleen since the last one came out, so she edited it. And there we go. So that will be out this Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I mean, he continues to edit the podcast, so. Somebody does. I don't know. Send that will be out this Wednesday. I mean he continues to edit the podcast. Somebody does. I don't know. Send it off and it comes back. I don't know. You think he has disappeared from this mortal plane? Maybe he's got a Renfield. I don't know. Maybe I was thinking more of like a Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Starting point is 00:31:18 in The Dark Knight Rises. He's just showed up. And he's like at Collins' house and he's just kind of like looked around and he's like, oh, editing software. Oh, an email. What's in this email? Ooh. Hello.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Some unedited raw audio from two idiots. I guess I'll carry on this legacy. I'm going to give you a name and you're going to tell me what it is. Okay. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. Sounds like a Game of Thrones guy thing. Sure. Sounds like a what's-his-face.
Starting point is 00:31:48 It's not that. But it does sound like that. It's Hunger Games. Ah. Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games prequel is beginning production first half of next year. Okay. Says Lionsgate chairman Joe Drake. Frances Lawrence, who directed maybe all of them, is back.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Whoa. I'm just excited because I want to do those for Caravan of Garbage. Oh, the OG Hunger Games. Okay, sure. Definitely. Have I seen all of those? Yeah, we did. Did we?
Starting point is 00:32:16 We used to do annual Doctor Who slash Hunger Games episodes. That's right, yeah. Yeah, when both of those things were culturally relevant. That's right. Somewhat. Do you think we're going to see the origin of a character who has a bow and arrow as a weapon and then passes the bow and arrow onto Jennifer Lawrence's character?
Starting point is 00:32:31 No, I think it's like a couple hundred years back or whatever. That being said, I have no idea. Yeah. So it could be. Or, or James. Yes, yes, yes. Like the guy at the end of the last one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:41 And their bow and arrow is set. Like it's buried in a barn or something like that. Oh, in a barn. And she unearths the, she opens the door of the last one. Yeah. And their bow and arrow is set. Like it's buried in a barn or something like that. Oh, in a barn. And she unearths, she opens the door to the barn. She's like, oh, a bow and arrow. I'm thinking about taking up archery. The glowing green bow and arrow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Because, you know, why not? Yes. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Vale, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Mason. Go on. I love talking about the Suicide Squad. Go on. I love talking about the Suicide Squad.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Me too. But there's a topic I just want to cover just before. Okay. And this is James Gunn's response to Martin Scorsese saying that comic book movies are crap and everybody who likes them should kill themselves. He did say that. His words. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:42 This is in an interview with MTV Josh Horowitz. Okay. Is that his name? Horowitz. Hey, it's me, MTV Josh Horowitz. Yeah. That's right. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:52 I don't know what to tell you. That's great. I love it. I just think it seems awfully cynical that he would keep- My parents just loved music television. Who didn't? Right? Doesn't.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Well, my full name is Hey Hey It's Saturday Nicholas Mason. You get what you get. You get what you get. I just think it seems awful cynical that he would keep coming out against Marvel and then that is the only thing that would get press for his movie. He's creating his movie in the shadow of Marvel films and so he uses that to get attention for something he wasn't getting as much attention as he wanted for it. He's one of the greatest filmmakers who ever existed.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I love his movies. I can watch his movies with no problem. And he said a lot of things I agree with. I don't even need help. I don't even need somebody there explaining his movies to me. I get it. I get it. First watch as well, I get it.
Starting point is 00:34:33 That's right. Straight out of the gate. Yeah, that's right. There are a lot of things that- This one's about an Irish guy. Yeah, I'm pretty confident. There are a lot of things that are true about what he said. There are a lot of heartless, soulless, spectacle films out there
Starting point is 00:34:44 that don't reflect what should be happening. I can't tell you the amount of times I've talked to a film director before they went and made a big movie and said, hey, we're in this together, let's do something different from these big movies. Let's make something different than everything that's come before. I get movies. I get them first time.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Yeah. Collaborate with me. I watch a movie and I go, yes, beginning, middle, end. You and I can make a movie that people will get first time. Yeah. Collaborate with me. I'll watch a movie and I go, oh, Martin, I guess. Beginning, middle, end. You and I can make a movie that people will get first time. And then see them cater to every single studio we may be grossed out, frankly. So two things going on there. One, that he says that he's using Marvel films to promote his own films. And two, that he agrees with some of it and people go into movies with the best intentions
Starting point is 00:35:20 and then get broken by the studio. Well, I think people should only report the first thing that he said. I agree. And make it seem like he's being really mean to Martin Scorsese for no reason. Let's edit this bit out and keep it just for me and you. Yeah, nice. And my son. I'll play it to him.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yeah, great. A little treat in between the bagpipe scene. That's right. Anyway, let's talk box office for this Suicide Squad. Okay. It cost $185 million. Decent a chunk of change. Now, I hope he would make $30 million at the box
Starting point is 00:35:46 office this weekend, but it looks like it's only going to make about $25.7 million. At this point, we don't know the HBO, or however other people say H in other countries. Every time I say it, people are like, you say H funny. Yeah, well, fucking shut up. How about that? I feel I say it
Starting point is 00:36:02 different every time. What's the other way to say it? H and H. H. H. Well, it? I feel I say it different every time. What's the other way to say it? H and H. H. H, H. Well, it starts with H, so it shouldn't be H, should it? Oh. Should it? H.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Don't know. Anyways, I saw this interesting article about why this movie might not be doing so well. Is this just a photograph of snake tails? Don't tell me what I have in front of me, Mason. Okay. Whether or not that to be true or not. This is just footrott flats.
Starting point is 00:36:28 The tale of a New Zealand farmer and his dog or whatever that cartoon was. Yeah. This is by Scott Mendelsohn on Forbes, and the headline is Box Office Suicide Squad 2 Gets Tomb Raider Trapped with Poor $12.2 Million Friday. What does that mean? I saw that headline and I'm like, I'm here to tell you. I'm here to explain it?
Starting point is 00:36:46 If I were to read it, it would explain it to me is what you're saying. You know, James Gunn would get it first go is all I'm saying. But anyway. He's seen a lot of movies though. Yeah, as I can tell. He can tell us that too. Regular readers can probably tell you much about the Tomb Raider trap, namely when a much hyped and anticipated flick becomes a huge hit despite
Starting point is 00:37:03 being bad to terrible only for the much superior sequel to suffer commercially because the audience decided once bitten twice shy classic examples include tomb raider the cradle of life that's a bad movie though isn't it it's inherently quite bad yeah that's the second one too right they're both bad they're both bad have made 156 million off the back of the 27274 million of the first. Adam's Family Values, $48 million off $191 on the first. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows, made $245 million off the $485 million of the first. And the Angry Birds 2 movie, which made $147 off the $352 million.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I have seen Angry Birds 2. He said, heck, I'd argue that a big reason why Man of Steel 2 turned into Batman v Superman was to avoid the Tomb Raider trap. So I thought that was really interesting that, look, I think it's very much pandemic related as well. Yeah, and also I don't necessarily think it's just a sequel
Starting point is 00:37:55 thing. I think it's probably a diminishing returns for probably, like, you know, I think the DC Cinematic Universe has definitely had its ups and downs, but I think the general public's overall perception of it is like, this could go either way. I don't know if I want to risk this and spend the money on something
Starting point is 00:38:17 that could be average or good. Maybe I'll just wait for it to come onto TV randomly and I'll watch it then. Exactly. I think also with this budget and getting James Gunn, they gave him free reign. So I think regardless of whether this does well, they're going to keep him and he's going to do other things and I think it will eventually pay off.
Starting point is 00:38:35 But again, we don't know the HBO Max numbers, so maybe it's got insane downloads or whatever. Maybe it's HBO Max. Maybe it is. But also like with Black Widow, these things get pirated. It could very well see a massive drop off. It's also an R-rated movie so you can't have kids go to it or younger teens, which makes a big difference.
Starting point is 00:38:55 What do you think the story was? Oh, no. Yeah, gotcha. Suicide Squad are back, baby. Or are they? Is it the same universe? Doesn't matter. Yeah, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I think it is. I think it's the same universe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There are enough telltale signs. And I watched this movie and I got it first time. Did you? Yeah. I watched it twice and I never got it.
Starting point is 00:39:13 We are fortunate also in Melbourne that we saw an advanced screening on the Tuesday and then Victoria was locked down on the Thursday, which is when it came out. So I probably would not have seen it in the morning. Yeah, that's right. So we would have missed it, I think. So yeah, there you go. So condolences to anybody who hasn't got this. I also got a screener, though, so I've seen it twice times,
Starting point is 00:39:37 which was nice to know. Very good. Oh, the story is they're back. Yeah, they're back. They're going to do a Suicide Squad mission. Yep. Look out. Crikey. They've got to go to, like, it's sort of Cuba or whatever and do a Suicide Squad mission. Yep. Look out. They're going to go to a- Crikey.
Starting point is 00:39:45 They're going to go to like, it's sort of Cuba or whatever, and do a Suicide Squad. Corto Maltese. Is that a real place? I don't think so. Because then, like, you're killing real people. That's true. I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Sure. I don't know the specifics. They blew up the Eiffel Tower in G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra. Good point. And that movie stands the test of time. That's right. And movie makers don't care whose point. And that movie stands the test of time. That's right. Movie makers don't care whose toes they step on or whose monuments they blow up.
Starting point is 00:40:09 It's true. So, yeah, look, we're going to do non-spoilers and spoilers because there's a lot of spoilers that you probably don't want to know that happen, you know, throughout this film. It's not like there's one big thing. That's true. There's a bunch of things that happen that we can't talk about until spoilers.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I thought this was terrific i had a lot of fun with this movie yeah um and we mentioned before like james gunn has clearly been given free reign yep and you can tell yeah because it for you know for people who don't know people probably most people probably know him from the first two guardians of the galaxy movies but prior to that we know we know the We know. The true fans. We're the true fans of Jack Gunn or whatever his name is, that he started with Troma, which is kind of the famous, like a gory B-movie company. And then he went on after that to do, you know, B-movie,
Starting point is 00:40:58 gory B-movies of his own, including Slither. And The Man Hits People with a Wrench. Super. Wrench Hitter. Wrench Hitter, yes. And I think this movie has a lot. Super. Wrench hitter. Wrench hitter, yes. And I think this movie has a lot in common with those ones, those movies as well, because there is like a disgusting, dirty, kind of gross, like, you know, guts and blood.
Starting point is 00:41:15 It's gorier than you would think. I saw a tweet from someone prior to the release of this movie who's like, oh, yeah, Suicide Squad's coming out. It'll be nice to see something a bit like The Boy's Light. And I didn't want to spoil anything, but I wanted to be like, it's not The Boys Light. It's probably The Boys and a bit more. Yeah, I guess it depends on the episode of The Boys,
Starting point is 00:41:35 all of which episodes I've seen and understood. You see that episode of The Boys where they kill that whale? It's about that. Yeah, it's probably about that. It's about that. You're probably right, actually. What I thought was really good about this, despite being over two hours, I thought it was paced really well. Like, a lot of the times when I
Starting point is 00:41:51 see movies, I feel like a common complaint is I come out and I'm like, there's about 15 minutes too much on this. Your common complaint, because I've seen a lot of movies with you, is you come out and you're like, I didn't get this. No, no, I understand literally every movie I've ever seen. But that's not what you say. I saw Donnie Darko, the director's cut, and I went, that makes less sense than the other cut,
Starting point is 00:42:08 but actually, for me, it made more sense. Whoa. That's what I said to the poster of Donnie Darko in my room. No, but that's because you saw it, and then I had to draw a diagram of the movie for it. Like, I instantly came out of that movie, and I drew a diagram of the movie for you, and then you were like, oh, I kind of get it now.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I remember you showing me that diagram, but it was just a paper, like, smeared in shit. And I just went, oh, very good, get it now. I remember you showing me that diagram, but it was just a paper smeared in shit. And I just went, oh, very good, yeah. I see what you've done here. Wow. So, you know. If anybody understands movies. And then you're like, but we've got to keep the secret.
Starting point is 00:42:33 And then you crumble it up and you ate it. Which I think was too far. But it's okay, James, because what was on there was the true explanation of the movie donnie darko which is what i said but if it's what you said then what you did then is you just ate a big you just you just ate a piece of paper with poo on it so what is it james what is it huh oh this is a verbal chokehold you gotta tap out or what?
Starting point is 00:43:06 Tap out. What are we talking about? I can see. But no, I think it's, I didn't feel a lull. I feel like, and I'd love to ask him personally, what is the process of editing and pacing? Because I feel like that's a common- We can never ask him anything personally because we burned our bridges that time.
Starting point is 00:43:22 We've got to run a mass to eat him. He has a good sport about it. But I feel like all of his films have this kind of flow and rhythm to them where they just don't drag. Is that just me? No, you're right. And there is, you know, there's I think one of the things he does to sort of maintain that pace, and I think we mentioned it earlier,
Starting point is 00:43:40 is that kind of like that little occasional time shift he does where you get to sort of an action beat and then there's a pause and then it's like, but what happened in another location five minutes ago? Look out. Which also like normally I don't love. But I think also because the time shifts are so minute and the characters are so engaging when you jump back, it's interesting filling in that gap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Where some movies will be like, remember this? And I'm like, oh, no. Oh, they planned the bomb, did they? Okay, that's really good. I'm talking about maybe that Man From U.N.C.L.E. movie where they kept doing that. Yeah, it's true, yeah. Actually, Henry Cavill.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Actually, we saw this earlier on a yacht like three days ago. Yeah, Henry Cavill threw a briefcase into a, I don't know, speeding car. I don't know. I don't know what happened to that fucking movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But speaking of characters. Yes. I'm enjoying all of them.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Great lineup. We had, of the new team members. Yeah. I was a big fan of the new Ratcatcher who has a, she needs a lot of sleep. I like how her name is. She can't get up in the morning. I related very, very, very heavily. I liked how she was just Ratcatcher too.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah. Like they just were like, whatever. All these people are just like b-grade villains she's just a rat catcher too but i mean that is you know that's super common in the comic book world it's just like so many of the so so many characters are just like yeah we we killed that guy because we needed an easy death like the original rat i've never read a rat catcher 2 comic book i don't know if she even is a like the the last time i saw the original Ratcatcher, he was just like being blown to pieces by a robot just to raise the stakes of the – this was Infinite Crisis.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Oh, okay, yeah. He was just being blown up by an OMAC robot. Sure. Just so they'd be like, we're serious about this. And then, of course, somebody goes, I would have liked to see Ratcatcher again. So they're like, there's another one. There's a second Ratcatcher.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Bring him in. I saw an interview with James Gunn where he talked about how, like how he chose the characters and then like what he, and not only that, but like what kind of templates he wanted to use them for. So Harley Quinn is pretty much like straight up Harley Quinn from the TV series and the comics, I guess. So Bloodsport is like someone from the dark DC universe and like Polka Dot Man is like someone from Watchmen,
Starting point is 00:45:49 like a B grade somebody. So I just thought that was really interesting. So I basically went through and I'm like, I know I can see that because there are all these, they're very different and odd in their own ways and putting them together makes for a fun dynamic. King Shark design-wise is very similar to the Harley Quinn animated series, but his personality is different.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I think they intentionally, they didn't want to, he talked about I think on Twitter, he didn't want to make him the hammerhead because it's hard to get to a moat. Oh, because the eyes are on opposite sides of his head. And it might have been something to do with like people reacting to him on time because on set, because Steve Agee was on set doing the King Shark. Who's also in this movie is someone else.
Starting point is 00:46:25 John Economist. John Economist, yeah. I wanted to ask you though, so one of the big problems we both had with the previous movie is that that Suicide Squad team were put together in case Superman went rogue. Yes. I feel like though this team could deal with that.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Well, one of them literally had shot Superman and put him in hospital. But did you feel they had that covered? Yeah yeah they have they are more again they're not the the vast majority of the team in the original one were just brawlers who were a good shot or whatever but at least in this you know in this team we have polka dot man who has acid yeah it's some sort of some sort of another dimension or something they're like acid or lava polka dots or something like that you know and even even the team that you wouldn't, even the team that probably, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:08 wouldn't have worked in the previous movie. Like in this movie, Captain Boomerang has those, seems to have some sort of energy boomerangs. Yeah. So he's like, his tech has been upgraded. Yeah. You know, we've got Mongal. What can she do?
Starting point is 00:47:19 Who knows? We don't. We have to see the movie. Yeah, you've got to see the movie to find out. To find out. But I think, yeah, they are a better team. King Shark, tough, tough as nails. Like the Hulk, essentially. Yeah, you've got to see the movie to find out. To find out. But I think, yeah, they are a better team. King Shark, tough, tough as nails. Like the Hulk, essentially.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's really just like the Hulk except he eats people. Yeah. Yeah. I wanted to ask you as well about, because you told me an interesting thing about why Will Smith didn't return as Deadshot. Well, see, there is one criticism of this movie that I would have.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I don't think this is a spoiler necessarily, but Bloodsport's motivation is pretty much the same as... He has the same backstory. He has the same backstory as Dead. And there is a little joke about some characters being quite similar in this movie. They're all supposed to be unique, but there's like... But a lot of them kind of aren't.
Starting point is 00:48:00 But so as I understand it, I think this was on Wikipedia, whether it's still there or not, who's to say, but the original plan was to get Idris Elba as Deadshot, but then they were like, but what if Will Smith wants to return as Deadshot at some point in the future, so we'll make Idris Elba a different character, i.e. Bloodsport. Should we watch it his backstory be? And they just went, let's keep it mostly the same.
Starting point is 00:48:22 He has a daughter and he can shoot really well. Yeah, they're the same. But he's more interesting, I think. I think so. And so in the comics he's got like a pocket dimension weapons or something, isn't he? Yeah, he can summon weapons out of thin air basically. But this version is different whereas the weapons are on his suit.
Starting point is 00:48:39 So he's constantly like chipping away at like pulling different things off. Yeah, he's got like various pouches and they're all sort of modular so he can like pull one element from one side of his body and then he can attach a different thing and make it a bigger gun and then a bigger gun and a bigger gun. Here's the thing. I think that's a great idea. I think that the visual effects on that are not great.
Starting point is 00:48:57 There's some Iron Man nanotech suit kind of clickety-clackety going on. Yeah, it never really comes off as looking real. Like, you know, there are some moments where he's just, you know, he's standing and shooting or whatever. He's, you know, taking a weapon off his chest or something like that and you don't really notice. But there are a couple of like kind of establishing hero shots where he builds a big gun and they do not look good.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Yeah, I don't even think they don't look good. I think the design-wise they don't. For what they turn into doesn't work from what they originally are yeah right and you've got to kind of have that transition between which i uh-huh yeah i don't i mean it is fun though because he's got it he's got like awesome you know guns and piano wire and flamethrowers and cross like a yo-yo thing yeah yeah yeah um i i liked that amanda waller in this uh also returning yes um just ruthless yes just like awful and ruthless and will do anything and say anything yeah and i i really like that that idea what i liked about
Starting point is 00:49:53 this particular one of the things i liked about this movie that i think was improved on in from the previous movie is this the the task force x admin, like they exist in this movie. Yeah. And also this whole system seems more like real. It seems more real to me because it's not as good. Like a lot of them, like they seem to be somewhat, like they all seem to be like career bureaucrats who are, they're kind of good at stuff. Yeah. But they're also like they're making mistakes and like at a one point.
Starting point is 00:50:24 There's water cooler talk. There's and like at a one point water cooler talk there's water calls at one point uh without without giving away so like something happens to one of the characters and and the the admin team are just like did no one check yeah i thought you i thought this was your responsibility to make sure that yeah that particular thing but it's just they're just some you know it just got lost in the shuffle and people and i'm like this feels more like a as opposed to just this anonymous I'm like, this feels more like a, as opposed to just this anonymous team of like, everybody's got a hologram table and a whatever,
Starting point is 00:50:50 and it's all a deep state and all this super high tech or whatever. A little bit of incompetence goes a long way to make me go, this feels real. I even like so they've got the panel that they unlock if they want to blow up anybody's hair. It wasn't an iPad. No, exactly. And it's like little Samsung.
Starting point is 00:51:06 And it's like a little Type-X kind of like because they're clearly just sticking the names on like every time. It was way more of just like a, yeah, like you open a box and there's a physical switch. Yeah. There's like a safety cover and then a switch and then a button. And it's like, yeah, that feels more like, yeah, like the more high-tech the thing is, the more likely it's probably going to fail or go off.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Or you lean on it or whatever. Well, it's exactly it. Like the thing about that, you know, the Samsungs in the previous movie is you could just slip. Yeah. Or you could like it'd be in your pocket and you'd reach for it and you could accidentally activate it and kill everybody on your team. But this you actually need.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Yeah, it's like the president and the nuclear codes or whatever. What I liked about this also, and this character I think gets better in every movie she's in, it's also weird that she's only done three. It's Harley Quinn, Margot Robbie. I feel like she does have her kind of her own movie going on in this because she's separate for a lot of it. And there's also like there's a joy and a silliness which is then kind of balanced by a competence when she
Starting point is 00:52:06 wants to start murdering people when she starts murdering people and we see this a bit in birds of prey there's no jokes and there's no like slapstick it's just it's just murder yeah and as she's doing that there's like there's one scene it's in the trailers where like as she's cutting through people she's imagining like flowers and birds and whatever. And I do wonder whether that's part of her insanity where like that's what she sees when she's experiencing this. But yeah, I just thought that was just really interesting. What do you think of Peacemaker though? Or you can talk about Harley Quinn because, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:40 even though I talked about it, you could also have an opinion. No, I mean I've seen some criticism that's like Harley Quinn's barely in this. Yeah, but this is an ensemble. I don't know. I feel like she's in it a lot. I think she's in plenty, yeah. Yeah, and she also does a lot, you know. Yeah, she's got like a whole – like not a lot of them have a side plot
Starting point is 00:52:56 because they're together, but she has like a big chunk of the movie, you know, to herself. Yeah. Anyway. He's making – well, he's getting a series. We'll talk about it in know, to herself. Yeah. Anyway. He's getting a series. We'll talk about it in spoilers, I think. I don't know whether that's my, that wouldn't be my choice necessarily. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:53:12 But I think he worked for this, though. I think John Cena, you know, is fine. What I am enjoying a lot is John Cena is doing the press tour in the Peacemaker suit. Everybody else is in a beautiful dress or a beautiful suit or something like that, and he's just got the metal thing on his head and he's doing that. Well, he's getting a show.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Yeah. It's either a prequel or a sequel. We'll never tell. We'll never tell. You know what somebody I did really like in this was Rick Flagg. And not that I didn't like him in the last one, but he's nice and he's fun and I like him. And he's also got rapport with some of the team members that he's like he's nice and he's like fun and i and i like him and he's also got rapport with like some of the team members that he's worked with before like him and harley kind of get along
Starting point is 00:53:50 and uh like him and blood sports have worked together before and when they see each other they're not like oh i can't believe you left me whatever but they're just like hey what's going on all right we're gonna do this thing like even him and savanta just like hey nice to see you yeah we're gonna work together Like it makes more sense. But if you've got like, you know, if they have a choice between working with you or getting their heads blown off, you know, you want them to, and, you know, for a lot of them, it's like, fine, blow my head off or I'm in jail forever.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Like you'd want to be like, I'm kind of on your side, you know? Yeah. I thought he was cool like he there's not a lot that's different than him and some of the characters you know he treats them as equals he's not worried they're gonna like run off he like he looks after them and protects them and as you've seen the trailers there's like they mounted like a harley quinn rescued you know what i mean and things like that i just i thought he was great i thought it was really cool where's june moon though she's dead oh no yeah or it was really cool. Where's June Moon though? She's dead.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Oh, no. Or it's a different universe. It's a different universe. Do you want to save like the major, major villain for spoilers, even though it's in the trailers? Good ensemble, I think. I agree. Who else?
Starting point is 00:54:58 There's a bunch of others which, you know, there's like TDK and- Blackguard, Javelin. Javelin. Long Gow. Long Gow, Weasel. But I guess we can. I mean, it's interesting. James Gunn always sneaks his brother into some movies. He's the motion capture for Weasel.
Starting point is 00:55:17 But he's also Calendar Man. He's Calendar Man, yeah. Calendar Man's in this very briefly. Yeah. Anyways, let's do spoilers. Okay. I'm going to say best movie ever. I had a grand old time with this. Best movie ever.
Starting point is 00:55:26 For me, I think this might be my favorite DC movie. I think it's up there with like this and Wonder Woman and probably Shazam, first Wonder Woman, just to clarify, which I think I probably, I think I was too light on Wonder Woman at the time. Yeah, it's fine. But in hindsight. Because subsequent movies have been worse.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Well, not only that, it's just pretty good. It's pretty good, isn't it? It's a very, and I wonder, maybe that's because it's so, the first Wonder Woman is kind of so, what's the word? I think the ending was kind of like, eh, for me, maybe that's why. It's so earnest. Yeah. It's not like, nobody's quipping.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Except Chris Pine. He's quipping. It's like, what do you mean you've never seen a dick before? Because, you know, whatever. Because, man. I don't think those are exactly. And they're in a fancy restaurant in London. And the mate is like, oh, sir, I, oh, never.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Let's talk about Starro. We're doing spoilers. Here we go. So James Gunn apparently was terrified of Starro as a kid, and that's why he put him in. But I think he does a really good job of making him gross and horrible and terrifying yeah whereas like we'd made a video recently where we're just like what a dumb character and the only reason he makes the cut is like a popular justice league villain is because he was like the first yeah but i think
Starting point is 00:56:38 there's like it's very it's very upsetting oh very much like there's squids that come out from like under its arm and whatever and it's just like it comes out like it like it's it's so it's it's very upsetting. Oh, very much so, yeah. Like there's squids that come out from like under its arm and whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It comes out like it's so it's the giant Starro creature and then it's got like little Starros that are like face size that sort of face hug people and then they sort of emerge in a spray like out of its glands. Yeah. It's very unpleasant.
Starting point is 00:57:02 And also what's interesting is once you get one on you, that's it're dead like at the end when they defeat starro we're in the spoilers yeah they're all all the people are dead yeah like you would like i imagine in like a lot of old probably in the like in the old justice league the first justice league story where they meet starro probably at the end all the all the uh starfish creatures come off people's faces they're like gee thanks superman you saved us there's one that they're like, gee, thanks, Superman, you saved us. You see there's one that they've pulled off a guy. And just takes the most of his face off. Yeah, because they don't, it's not like they attach with a sucker
Starting point is 00:57:32 or like some sort of magic gravity effect or whatever. They've got like tentacles and like sharp beak things and a suction pipe and it's just, it's unpleasant. Very unpleasant. Wouldn't want to get one on your face. Yeah. I mean, we don't really know Starro's motivations. I guess the thing about, what's interesting I think about this villain,
Starting point is 00:57:55 I don't think Starro's necessarily great, certainly gross and like a thing to shoot at at the end and that's kind of fun. Wasn't a big beam. It wasn't a big beam, that's very true. But it's sort of what is the monster's motivation? Just to take over the town or whatever. I think it's also being tortured. But, like, just the town?
Starting point is 00:58:11 Yeah, I guess. But, like, it seemed to be odd because it's like and then when Starro dies it says, I was happy being amongst the stars and just looking out. And it's like, well, why didn't you just leave? I mean, maybe revenge, I guess, but why are you destroying the people of the town? I mean, can it get into space even?
Starting point is 00:58:27 I don't know. Great question. I don't know. I mean, you'd be annoyed because the thinker had been torturing it the entire time. Speaking of, Peter Capaldi has a, so the revelation is that the mission they went on, it's not only to destroy, like, the thing, which is Starro.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Well, it's not even to destroy Starro. It's to destroy any information and evidence that points to the US being involved in the Starro experiments because they are funding the entire thing for their own research. It was American astronauts that brought it to Earth and then they're like, well, we can't experiment on it in America because then we'll be rumbled so we'll do it somewhere else. Get the thinker.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Yeah, because there was a regime change in this country. We've got to destroy all the evidence because otherwise this might come out. And after it's got out and seemingly all the evidence is destroyed, they're just like, fucking let it go. Like, let it tear through. I thought that was another kind of interesting thing about Amanda Waller where she's just like,
Starting point is 00:59:21 this doesn't affect me or this country directly, so I don't care. I mean, it would eventually, you would think. Maybe, I don't know. But then Superman would just punch it. Superman could just fly through that thing. Yeah, I don't, yeah. And he would too. And he totally would.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Even if you're like, Superman, it's a friendly, he'd be like, can't take that chance. I'm already in the eye. Yeah. I'm already in the eye. And now I'm out of the eye. Yeah. It would be a mere moment.
Starting point is 00:59:40 There is a moment where Harley Quinn jumps into it with a javelin. And I thought she was going to stick into it, but there's a smooth... Yeah, so smooth. Through the eye, which I quite liked. And just the blood sloshing around inside it because Rat Catcher sent all its rats into it.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I thought that was a really interesting visual. It's just screaming in this giant eye that's just awful. I saw maybe a tweet or maybe part of a review that said something along the lines of the problem with this movie, I see how you feel about this, is that it didn't let the bad guys just be bad guys because they all turned hero to some extent at the end. Okay. Yeah, that's not inaccurate.
Starting point is 01:00:22 It's not inaccurate. I think they killed most of the ones who – Well, that's thing yeah john cena is a bad guy well i think i think my my feeling would be that the point of most of these characters that they're not all inherently like they're not like cackling yeah villains they're just like a lot of them i'm an assassin or yeah or like you know i i for rat catcher it's you know her father died and then she just went to america and sure she robbed a bank but like you know who cares yeah and it's like yeah and it's like maybe bloodsport is an assassin but he's not he's not shooting random yeah townsfolk he's he's not like he's he's he's morally compromised but he's not a terrible
Starting point is 01:00:59 person and i think the idea was that yeah you know but i also i think like a lot of these people that are in there, they're not in there, they're in that prison specifically to be used for these purposes. You know, if they were really dangerous and they couldn't be manipulated in this way or, you know, be persuaded to do a seemingly good thing, they just wouldn't use them. Yeah. Really.
Starting point is 01:01:18 They wouldn't use the Joker, for example. Yeah, exactly. They wouldn't use the Joker. But like so let's talk about the opening scene, which is just a massacre of members, which is just from like one thing I guess I haven't mentioned yet. It's pretty funny. Like it's a really funny film.
Starting point is 01:01:34 It is funny. Yeah. I think like a lot of the humor comes from like Rick Flagg as well, you know, where they go through and they kill all those freedom fighters and he's just like, look, I'm sorry. These guys are fucking idiots yeah and i what i enjoyed i think you know to the downfall of a lot of marvel movies sometimes is that everybody's quippy all the time yeah and i enjoyed the fact that not everybody is rick flagg's
Starting point is 01:01:55 like rick flagg's trying to take this seriously and nobody lets him i think that's fine and you know and and you know ratcatcher was kind of you know she was there were humorous element there were humorous moments with her but she was like very sincere and very nice there's a you know, Ratcatcher was kind of, you know, there were humorous moments with her, but she was like very sincere and very nice. You know, she gets a big payoff with the big rat plague at the end and we get her story about her drug addict father and all these kind of things. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:16 And, you know, Peacemaker is playing it, for the most part, quite straight down. And, you know, obviously in wrestling terms he turns heel. Turns heel, yeah. But he's mostly, you know, taking it seriously. But but you're right that opening sequence is a massacre yeah and just like from so they throw weasel into the water and even like before that he's just like you know he's harmless he's not harmless he's killed 27 children but you know he's he's doing this he's agreed to it and it's like has he even like can this does this thing even communicate like what did
Starting point is 01:02:46 you get him to sign something does he understand what's happening here and then as soon as he's in the water he obviously comes back in the postcards but it's just that that level of incompetency of just like nobody looked into this at all yeah yeah but then it's just and the same with um blood sport has a has a rat ratobia. Nobody checked because why would they? Yeah, that's it. But that beach scene, so it's just like TDK, what I liked, that's the detachable kid, Nathan Fillion, his arms come off and he sends his arms in.
Starting point is 01:03:16 But they only kind of go at the pace that he could walk. And because you can't like if you hit somebody with an arm, it's connected to your body and you can put the whole weight behind it. But if it's just a floating arm, you can't get any kind of purchase on anything. So it's kind of a completely useless power. I thought that was really interesting. But obviously not useless to Amanda Waller because she's like good cannon fodder. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:03:38 He can technically be on the team because he's super powered. Yeah. But I would welcome people's input on this. Is he dead or not? I assume he's dead. Because we did a video where we mentioned that he's dead because it's critically injured and nobody would have got him. They would have just left him there.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Yeah. Yeah, I guess that's true, yeah. But also probably I think they would have taken his photo off the self-destruct machine. So he probably is dead. But, yeah. Unconfirmed. Yeah. Good So he probably is dead. Yeah. But, yeah. Unconfirmed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Good supporting team, I think. Yeah. Yeah, I think it was a good mix of, like, colourful characters. And I think we maybe did a video where we kind of figured out who was going to live and who was, like, you could kind of tell from the scenes in the trailers who was going to live and who was going to die. But I think it was a good mix of, like, you know, brawlers and people who maybe are aliens or gods or whatever and et cetera and who's got superb high-tech powers
Starting point is 01:04:31 and who doesn't. You know, you would look at that lineup and go, I have no idea who's going to survive through this. Yeah. Like, you know, you would look at Mongal and go, probably going to get fine through this. I mean, she's, you know. Maybe invincible.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Maybe invincible. We don't know. Nah. Not at all. Definitely dead though.. Maybe invincible? Maybe invincible. We don't know. Nah. Not at all. Definitely dead though. Shredded and on fire. Good scene. Sad to see Captain Boomerang
Starting point is 01:04:50 go though. He was your number one. I'm a big fan. I kind of thought like they're bringing him back just to kill him. Yeah. I kind of had the inkling.
Starting point is 01:04:58 But yeah, that's fine. Because how many original team members? Harley, Rick Flag, Amanda Waller, him. Yeah. It might be someone else. Yeah. So a couple of those have got to go. Scott Eastwood Flagg, Amanda Waller, him. There might be someone else. Yeah, so a couple of those have got to go.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Scott Eastwood. Yes, that's right, yeah. I'm also glad that they weren't like, we need the regular army here or the Marines or whatever. Yeah, absolutely. Or the Black Ops team. We don't need them. That's the point.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Yeah, exactly. That is the point, yeah. But one thing I think I would say is so Peacemaker is killed, seemingly killed, and he's in the post-credits, which means he's getting his series. Yes. I would prefer a Rick Flag show. Too late, he's dead.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yeah, they killed him. Because here's the thing, he's a regular man and he got stabbed through the heart repeatedly with, like, a piece of wall tiling. Yeah, that is true. He's never coming back. But just the idea of him working with, like, a different supervillain every week. Or he does come back.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Well, that's true also. Do we see? James Gunn doesn't really do that though. No, but other people do. Yeah, well, that is true, yeah. And he's not, you know, I'm going to get the dog. Get the dog, Mason. The dog insists on coming in.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Ollie, what are you doing? I'll pad for time by talking about the Venom 2 trailer. So in the Venom 2 trailer, we see Carnage for the first time in live action. Carnage has appeared in multiple comics and even animated series. I was talking about the Venom 2 trailer. We already talked about Venom 2. At least here.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Peacemaker though, whatever. I'm going to watch it. But like I was saying, in this world, we don't see, we see Rick Flack die, but we don't see him incinerated. Nope, we don't see we see him Rick Flag die but we don't see him incinerated nope we don't
Starting point is 01:06:27 exactly you could give him an artificial heart you could open a vat in Task Force X headquarters and there's another
Starting point is 01:06:34 Rick Flag clone ready to go that's true yeah who knows the possibilities are endless and if people are like I'm sad to see him go
Starting point is 01:06:41 if enough people tweet about Rick Flag once the spoilers are done, wait a couple of weeks. So maybe they'll bring him back. There's a couple of standout, like, performance scenes. Robot Heart. Robot Heart, yeah, which I just want to make mention of.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Kryptonite Heart. Kryptonite Heart. Harley ends up marrying the president of the country that she's in or planning to, and then he's like, I'm going to throw all the women and children to the monster that we keep here or whatever. And so she shoots him. And she does this like, and it's a credit to Margot Robbie in the writing, this amazing speech about, look, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:16 I had to kill you because I've been with guys like you before. What's going to happen is even if I wanted to leave, you wouldn't let me and it's just going to escalate and it's going to become more and more. And she just goes through every step of like, why like justifying this murder. And I just thought that was a really interesting scene and speaks to like the,
Starting point is 01:07:32 the, the background of that character in the comics and animated show. And also like these movies, I thought that was just like a really great moment that really like spoke to that character, which we definitely didn't get in the first Suicide Squad, where it was just like her and the Joker sitting over a desk fucking smiling at each other and whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 01:07:52 But the other thing is I thought Peter Capaldi has the scene where he reveals what's going on with Starro, and he just fucking crushed it, just screaming about what's going on here and how they're all naive about what the American government is up to. I just thought he was just terrific. He's barely in it because he gets
Starting point is 01:08:12 smushed. We should watch some Peter Capaldi stuff. I want to watch the political show that he does. Oh, The Thick of It. Yeah, and then there's the movie with James Gunn. I've seen this video of him on YouTube screaming. That's true.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Yeah, good stuff. What else have I got here? R.I.P. Milton. Milton, yeah. Enjoyed that character. It's very, it's actually. It's indicative. It is indicative, but I think it's actually quite interesting
Starting point is 01:08:38 in that he is in so many scenes, but, like, he is relegated enough to the background that you do forget he's there from second to second so when he is finally killed and many of the characters go who what what guy i i was like yeah you would forget because he's just he's slightly to the side in most scenes he's like handing a bag of like enchiladas to people or whatever yeah he's carrying a bag or carrying a gun. Yeah. Maybe planting explosives.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I forgot to give him any. I just quickly wanted to mention on the Peacemaker scene, and sorry, the TV show, I thought when he kills Rick Flag and when he's going to kill Ratcatcher, you see there is like regret there. And even though he's just like, this is just who I am and what I'm going to do, I wonder how heavily that's going to play into the show where he's not going to be as black and white like that would be the evolution of the character because he's killing people he doesn't want to
Starting point is 01:09:32 to defend a government which is locks him up yeah just to to hide the fact that they've been using this horrible monster yeah yeah you know they're like patriotism yeah he has to be like okay yeah i thought that was you was an interesting angle. Before going into this movie, I would have assumed that the Peacemaker TV series was going to be dumb and wacky. Maybe it still will be in some levels. He's mentioned it's more grounded than this, like a little bit more. But again, I'd like to see a rolling cast of just supervillains they can just kill. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:10:05 Good stuff. Anyways, we might not get another one. I don't know. Who knows? It just hasn't done super well or not at this point. But yeah, I'd definitely watch another one. Yeah. And it probably would have done better outside of a pandemic or if they didn't already make
Starting point is 01:10:19 a movie called Suicide Squad. Okay, but how about this, James? Okay, I'm ready. How about just another Batman movie? Yeah, well, you know what? Just another one. We'll do the Batman and then we'll just do another Batman movie. Have they got anything in the works at the moment?
Starting point is 01:10:27 I just realized the Flash movie is a Batman movie and they're making a separate Batman movie and there's also a Gotham TV show happening at the moment as well that's happening. And maybe he's in Batgirl at the moment. I don't know. Or he's out of town. He's always out of town.
Starting point is 01:10:39 He's often out of town. He's going to be in Titans Season 3, though, I think. Who's going to play him? It's Ian Glenn, but he was in Season 2 as well. Oh, yeah, yeah, Ian Glenn. Okay, there you go. Good stuff. Got some tweets here from people who have their own opinions,
Starting point is 01:10:49 if you don't mind, Mason. Oh, well. Greg Carter. Let's see what the riffraff are talking about. Greg Carter says, had a blast with Suicide Squad. He didn't say the Suicide Squad. He didn't say a blast from the past either. No, that's true.
Starting point is 01:11:01 On the edge of my seat the whole time, never knowing who James Gunn was going to kill. Lots of laughs, lots of feels. Gooner edge of my seat the whole time, never knowing who James Gunn was going to kill. Lots of laughs, lots of feels. Guna 424 says, Suicide Squad, better than the first one, though half an hour too long, worth a free release on HBO. Technically it's not free
Starting point is 01:11:14 because you actually play for HBO services. James, James, James. Scriptjohn says, I read that Star of the Conqueror sent his cast members used condoms in order to get him character for his role in the Suicide Squad. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I hadn't heard that, but that is very interesting. Yeah. Should we do the next segment of the show? Yes. What's it called, though? It's called What We Readin'. What else is it called? What We Gonna Read.
Starting point is 01:11:36 It's called Those Two Things. Well, it's called The One Thing. It's the one title, isn't it? Yeah, it is. Here we go. Let's get into it, everybody. Okay. We will.
Starting point is 01:11:42 I'm doing the thing. Let's get into it, everybody. Okay. We will. I'm doing the thing. Westworld. This is the segment of the show where Mason and I go, guess what we've been doing?
Starting point is 01:11:54 Guess. I mean, it has to be media related. Yeah, it can't be like crimes or whatever. No. Because we wouldn't tell you even if we'd done crimes. But guess what crimes we've done. Guess. That's right.
Starting point is 01:12:02 See if you can guess. What are you reading? Well, I just bought, I don't have it yet, but I bought the first, this is really only one season, I bought the first 13 episodes of Cowboy Bebop on Blu-ray. Oh, okay, yeah. Which is a series that everybody's like, you should, you should. I've actually, I own all those Blu-ray HD, and I've actually seen, if that's even been released,
Starting point is 01:12:23 but even if it hasn't, I've still got it. I've seen every episode. I know it back to front. It's anime. And you're the man who knows everything about anime. He doesn't even have a cowboy hat. That's what a lot of people, that's a common misconception. Cowboy Bebop. Let me just quickly Google something else.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Can I see your screen while you're Googling? I just wanted to look at the time on your computer screen. I'd just like you to stay focused on what you were talking about if you could. I'm going to watch Cowboy Bebop because I've only seen it in like little snippets. Sure.
Starting point is 01:12:54 It seems like, you know, it's all of its time obviously, but I'm like, this looks cool and fun and I should probably check it out. It's interesting because, yeah, a lot of the other thing that people might not know about Cowboy Bebop, the lead guy's name is Spike actually. I think that's interesting., you know. It's interesting because, yeah, the other thing that people might not know about Cowboy Bebop, the lead guy's name is Spike, actually. I think that's interesting. So people think that it's Cowboy Bebop, but it's not.
Starting point is 01:13:12 So that's probably good information for me to go in with because I would have assumed the main character's name was Cowboy Bebop up until the point where he probably said his name or someone else said his name. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'd look quite foolish. Yeah, I know. So I'm glad going in knowing that the character's name is Spike.
Starting point is 01:13:25 If you need anything else, you need me to fill in any gaps before you go in, that's fine. I'm happy to do it. That's what I'm here for. Okay, all right. Yeah, because I am the guy who knows everything about anime. That's your character. No, that's who I am, not a character.
Starting point is 01:13:36 That's who you are. Okay, right, right, right. Yeah, very good. If you take a stab at how it ends, I don't mind if you tell me. Oh, I would hate to. No, no, please. You can spoil it for me. I don't mind.
Starting point is 01:13:44 It's interesting because it weaves a rich narrative tapestry. Oh, tap would hate to. No, no, please. You can spoil it for me. I don't mind. It's interesting because it weaves a rich narrative tapestry. Oh, tapestry. Yeah. And there's like multiple characters coming in and out. And you know what I mean? There's a lot of surprises along the way, which I could definitely just spoil in a row for you. I mean, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Which I won't. Well, there's other people listening as well. So it's not just you need to realize this podcast goes out to many people, not just you. I mean, this is the first I'm hearing about it. But all right. I've also been watching, this is actually kind of a sad one, but there used to be a sketch comedy group.
Starting point is 01:14:12 They're kind of still around. They're called The Whitest Kids You Know. And Trevor Moore passed away quite recently, like maybe yesterday. He was in an accident. I don't know any other details. But all of their sketches are on YouTube. Oh, I didn't know that. They have a channel.
Starting point is 01:14:27 And it's just – they're not all hits, but they are like the – there are some really great sketches. Why did they break up? I don't know. Yeah. Maybe just doing other projects and things. But if you want a good grounding on Trevor Moore, who seems like a very funny guy and by all accounts a very nice guy,
Starting point is 01:14:43 look up – go to YouTube and look up Sniper Business. All right. It's a great sketch. I'll put it in my watch later. What are you going to watch list? You're going to enjoy it. It's got 8 million views. Apparently there was a pandemic re-revival.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Oh, there you go. There you go. Terrific. Oh, that's sad news. That sucks. Very sad news. I ordered and I'm ready to play. Yes. Are you ready for this?
Starting point is 01:15:06 Also, I bought another Optimus Prime. Didn't I mention I bought an Optimus Prime? Which one did you buy? I think you can tell me, actually. I bought War for Cybertron Kingdom Optimus Prime. That's a show people are upset about at the moment. I haven't watched that. I should watch the final season of that because I watched the middle one
Starting point is 01:15:19 and I'm like. You watched some of the first one, didn't you? Well, I watched, I think, because there's been three seasons and I watched one of them, which I assumed was the first, but maybe it wasn't the first. The one where Bumblebee's like, I don't want to be an Autobot. Yeah, I watched that one, so maybe that's the first one. So I missed one.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Yeah. And then there's this Kingdom one, which has the Maximals in it. People are very. I don't think it's, it feels a bit, the first season felt quite not particularly dynamic. And drawn out. But the toys look good. Yeah, well, they look like them, don't they? And we're in lockdown, so I season felt quite not particularly dynamic. And drawn out. But the toys look good. Yeah, well, they look like them, don't they?
Starting point is 01:15:47 And we're in lockdown, so I had to buy a Transformer. You had to buy one. Yeah. So, yeah, I was reading, I was going through the tweets of how it ended and people were complaining about He-Man, but this is much worse or whatever. But, again, I haven't seen it. And apparently there's big pauses as they're talking. It's like they talk really slowly.
Starting point is 01:16:02 That is the signature of that series. I bought this. It just came today. A plague sale. Sunday. I've like they talk really slowly. That is the signature of that series. I bought this. It just came today. A plague sale. I've heard nothing but good things. This is about a rat plague and you've got to escape a rat plague. Have you heard of this? I've seen.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I saw a playthrough of it or some of it. It's amazing. So I'm looking forward to getting into this and just being real sad about it. I got a Switch game, which I've played five minutes of. We're just doing a lot of snippets. It's called State of Mind. It's sort of like a future cyberpunk kind of quite slow-paced adventure game. It's not anime, though, is it?
Starting point is 01:16:31 It's not anime. Because I would have known about it. I also know about anime video games. Oh, yeah? Go on. Ace Attorney would be one, for example. Oh, yeah? Are you excited about the new Ace Attorney game, James?
Starting point is 01:16:42 Well, it depends, Mason. Go on. It depends on. You'd be very excited because you know about this sort of stuff. You'd be very excited to tell me the premise of the new Ace Attorney game because you would know about it. I mean, just because I know about a thing. Keep your hands off the keyboard, James, and stare directly at me
Starting point is 01:17:01 and tell me what the premise of the new Ace Attorney game is. Okay, so obviously there's a big case. Some people call it Case Attorney. Okay. It's not true. No, it's not. You're an Ace Attorney. And you know, he's in and out.
Starting point is 01:17:13 He's doing the big point. Like he does a big objection. So you're saying that in this game, Phoenix Wright, the main protagonist of Ace Attorney is doing a big point. Yeah. He's not in it. It's a prequel. It's set before he was a lawyer it might be a western studio that's why i don't know about it
Starting point is 01:17:31 it might be why yeah because i only know about the traditional like you know the traditional one yeah yeah yeah no you're right yeah anyway plague tale i can't believe you found my one blind spot i found it i knew it i've been researching for weeks yeah that does look good that game yeah the rats i mean unless you don't like rats in which case maybe don't play i mean i wouldn't like a bunch of rats running over me but i'm okay with it in a video game so you know there we go oh yeah the state of mind it's a it's a kind of slow-paced cyberpunk it's like a cool kind of if you google it real quick you'll see some i'm allowed to google this one am i yeah you can google this one uh what it's not like it a platformer? No, it's like a
Starting point is 01:18:05 3D-ish kind of point-and-click kind of adventure game. I love a point-and-click. Oh, that's good. Oh, no, I did see this. It's like polygonal. Polygonal? It's polygonal, yeah. Polygonal. Polygonal. It's very polygonal. Time for us to polyg along to the next segment. Okay, let's polyg along to the letters
Starting point is 01:18:21 segment. Next segment of the show. Alright, let's do it. Let's do it. Letters. Letters. The classic one was Letters, oh letters We love you, some letters They're only a take away We're gonna hear right now, we're gonna do letters.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Welcome, welcome, welcome everybody to the letters segment of the show. Welcome, welcome. Where people might go, uh, they might send us a letter. It can be a tweet. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter. I run a search every week and I just scroll through and I go, what's a good tweet this week?
Starting point is 01:18:55 Or shoot a Gmail to weeklyplanetpod at It could be an audio memo from your telephone machine. It could be just a regular email. What have you got, Mason? This is from David Mair. Hello, David Mair. What would you drive 100 miles to see? Dear James and Mason, a few years ago while living in semi-rural Canada, my friend Pat, the Australian who introduced me to your show,
Starting point is 01:19:12 and I started a YouTube channel called Worth the Drive. We looked about 100 miles from the nearest cinema and needed an excuse to go see films each week. Our premise was what movies were actually worth it? Was it good? Was it bad? Was it worth seeing in the cinema? That's a good premise. Which movies movies past the present do you think are absolutely
Starting point is 01:19:28 cinema films and which work better on the small screen and why and i guess also oh god that's a great question and also would we drive 100 miles for them what movie what movie that's been released in the last year would you drive 100 miles for i would uh i would drive 100 miles for something not to be spoiled for me on twitter you're're right, yeah. At Suicide Squad I probably would drive. Yeah, and I look and, you know, one thing that I was glad of watching Suicide Squad in the cinema is I did not have access to a phone. I mean, I did have access to a phone, but I didn't, like, look at it. I was, like, locked in the whole time.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah, yeah, but I, you know, whenever I watch, even with some of these, you know, larger releases that we're seeing on Disney Plus or whatever, Premiere Access, I'm always like, check my phone right now. Yep, totally. But I think also like just the idea of if you're driving 100 miles for it. That's 1,000 miles.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Yes. That's a carton. So go on. I was going to say. Do you think you'd be like that was worth it? Very appreciative, yeah. I think that would be one of those things where you're like, if it's good.
Starting point is 01:20:28 I reckon there'd be like a tipping point. Maybe it's right in the middle. Maybe it's a bit further over. But if the movie is good enough, you'd be like, oh, my God, this was absolutely worth a drive. But if it doesn't hit that tipping point, you'd be like, what a waste of the evening. Oh, absolutely, yeah. But that being said, like hit that tipping point, you'd be like, what a waste of the evening. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Yeah. But that being said, there's something about, you're out with friends and whatever, and you get to have a chat in the car. Yeah, yeah. That's good. Would you travel 100 miles for the movie American Hustle from 2013? No, because that's probably like two bucks on Amazon or something. Yeah. I've never seen American Hustle. I've seen American Hustle. Is Christian Bale in it? Yes. Okay. And he's Amazon or something. Yeah, I've never seen American Hustle.
Starting point is 01:21:05 I don't think I've seen American Hustle. Is Christian Bale in it? Yes, and he's bald or something. Now he's always doing it. More like Christian Bald. Wow. Yeah, that's right. That's good stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Thank you. I've got a tweet here. Just before we go, Dave also says, Lastly, I'm recovering from surgery last Tuesday to remove my gallbladder. Hey! Not serious and it all went fine, but after having to isolate beforehand and now being stuck in recovery for a bit, I've been enjoying dipping into the back catalogue of our podcast
Starting point is 01:21:30 just to hear some familiar, friendly voices and banter. Thanks for all the great work. Dave, because you – I got my GB out. Got the eyes. I'm a GB boy from way back. That's right. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Yeah. Yeah. Turns out you don't need it. There you go. I feel exactly the same. Yeah. So that's good. I wonder what else they could take out of me and I wouldn't notice.
Starting point is 01:21:46 It's interesting. It's interesting. I've got a couple of scars, but nothing too bad. Good stuff. Are you thinking about getting your GB removed? No, mine actually is very useful. Mine was like fucked for like 10 years. It didn't work at all, which is why I think I don't feel any different
Starting point is 01:21:59 because I took it out and it wasn't doing anything anyway. Wow. Yeah, good stuff. It actually lets me run faster and jump higher. I can feel it. It makes the $6 million man noise when I'm about to jump. It goes... I'm like...
Starting point is 01:22:14 I think it secretes like an oil or a substance to help you break down food, fats in particular, but I guess yours does that. Like Lorenzo's oil. Exactly. It's from Brayden Cooper who says, Hashtag weekly planet pod. Are you excited for the new Ghost of Tsushima expansion,
Starting point is 01:22:33 Aikikai Island? Yes. By coincidence, and probably not coincidence because I knew this was coming, I fired up Ghost of Tsushima this week. Yes. And initially it took me 20 minutes of being killed by other samurai to kind of get the feel of it again. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:48 But then, like, fuck, it's a good game. It's so good. I still haven't played it. So does it have the sort of the Dark Souls Bloodborne? No, it's a bit more forgiving than that. Okay, so it's not like a- Have you seen me play it? Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:59 I was going to say, I could show you after. I'm in the middle of a game right now. But at the moment I'm just like raiding bandit camps. And it's just fun just going from camp to camp. What are you doing in the game? It's good. Thank you. It's not actually an anime, even though it's Japanese.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Or it's a Japanese language if you want it to and based on, just so you know. It wasn't made in Japan either. I still know a lot about it. What else have you got in terms of letters? Anyway, yes, I am going to get that, definitely. Yes. Terrific. What else?
Starting point is 01:23:29 I've got to find one. Also, I don't often get expansions either because I'm just not really that interested. Like often when I finish a game, it's like I'm kind of done and it feels kind of tacked on. Yeah, I will often not finish a game. Sometimes I'll get quite far into it and I'm like, I think I get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:47 You know? I still haven't finished Miles Morales, actually, which is a game I just liked but stopped playing. Yes, exactly. That's most of the games I get these days. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:23:58 This is from Gareth. He said, I got trapped in Wobby's World. Whoa. Hey, lads, big fan of the pod. Just had to write in and tell you about the time that I went to Wobby's World as a kid and got trapped in the helicopter. Yeah. I would have been about five years old, and even though I was too young for it,
Starting point is 01:24:12 I convinced my grandmother that I could go on the stationary helicopter ride. I only lasted a few minutes before the horrible loud noises caused me to start freaking out, at which point my grandmother tried to get me out of the thing, but the door was stuck. I was trapped in there for 20 minutes while someone could be found to pry the door open. To this day, I have a crippling fear of dirty, boring, crappy theme parks. Thanks for all the years of entertainment from Gareth.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Stay away from Luna Park then, mate. Whoa. It's another crap thing, I think. Not as crap. I hope people looked up Wobby's World on YouTube. So, you know. And Pombo Mart. Yeah, Pombo Mart.
Starting point is 01:24:43 And Pipeworks. Yeah. Pombo Mart, again, I'm fairly confident it is real. It's not just like a gas leak that I experienced once. It could be both. I don't have the name here, but hey, Mr. Sunday Movies, we're getting What If on Wednesday. How much impact do you think it's going to have on the wider MCU?
Starting point is 01:25:02 Well, apparently it ties into what's been happening in Loki, which is interesting. Yeah, right, right, right. Multiverse style. Sorry, that's from Thomas Ambrose. So there you go. So what, yeah, I think, and some of that might, I think they might wait to see what works.
Starting point is 01:25:17 I think we might be getting Captain Carter maybe in live action. That's a rumor. So, yeah, what do you think, Mason? What do you think? I love it. So you think it's going to be good and happening? Yes. That's a rumor. So, yeah. What do you think, Mason? What do you think? I love it. So you think it's going to be good and happening? Yes. All right, cool.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Any other letters? Yeah, here's one from, this is from William. He says, to the best dudes in podcasting. That's us. Could you guys do my favorite movie on Caravan of Garbage, Dirty Harry 1971? The movie that truly put Clint Eastwood on the map. Oh, okay. What do you think about that?
Starting point is 01:25:43 Clint Eastwood has a movie coming out soon, right? Yes, he does. Cry Macho. Yeah, that's right. Did you watch that trailer? No. I did. He's just like, you don't have to be tough.
Starting point is 01:25:51 You can be like me. I'm Clint Eastwood. It's me, Cry Macho. That's short for Clarence. Clarence Macho. Clarence Macho Macho Man. Full name. My full name is Clarence Macho, Macho Man Randy Savage.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Full credit to Clint Eastwood. He just keeps making movies now. Hasn't died. It's fucking incredible. Yeah. So there you go. I also, I've been looking, I'm trying to get a copy of fucking What If, but I haven't gotten anything yet.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Oh, like a screener? Yeah. You check our screener? I check the screen. It's not in there. Not even there? Well. I emailed my guy.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Yeah. But, you know, they're constantly shifting around. The guy. Sometimes they're fired. I don't know. But anyway. This is from Rodri. Hello, Rodri.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Rodri says, hey, guys. I've been going through a tough time recently. I just wanted to say this week's episode has lifted my spirits greatly, and I wanted to say thank you. Hopefully, Jon Hamm has stopped listening. Me too. Because we paid out on him last week. Good Hamm.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Being too handsome. Get out of here, Hamm. Yeah, too handsome and funny. Dong's too big. Potentially. Because we paid out on him last week. Good Ham. Too handsome. Get out of here, Ham. Too handsome and funny. Dong's too big. Potentially. That's what they say. That's what they say. Rodri has ended with something which I assume is maybe Irish.
Starting point is 01:26:55 It says, La Laua O'Gariard. Will do. Yeah, I'm going to copy that into Google Translate and see what it says. Okay, what am I going to do? Just sit there. I'll talk about the Venom 2 trailer. Okay, what am I going to do? Just sit there. I'll talk about the Venom 2 trailer. Yeah, keep panning for gold.
Starting point is 01:27:10 So anyway, there's a moment where Venom is afraid of Carnage because he's like, oh, no, he's red. But then Eddie Brock is like, you can eat everybody here if we fight this guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like, all right, then I will. It's Welsh for lots of love. Oh, that's nice. Isn't it, though? Much appreciated.
Starting point is 01:27:23 I mean, that's what Venom could have used. Welsh lots of love. Yes, Welsh lots of love. Very, that's nice. Isn't it though? Much appreciated. I mean, that's what Venom could have used. Welsh lots of love. Yes, Welsh lots of love. Very good. Is that the show? That's the whole show. Let's fucking get out of here. Some good Welsh stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:32 I bet there's good Welsh crime dramas. There's Torchwood. That doesn't count, I don't think. Yeah. It's set in Wales. You should have called it Welshwood. Oh, yeah? Not Torchwells?
Starting point is 01:27:41 Torchwells. Torchwells. Torchwells. I mean, yeah. I would have called it Dr. Hoobet in Wales. I couldn't get into Torch Wales? Torch Wales. Torch Wales. Torch Wales. I mean, yeah. I would have called it Dr. Hooper in Wales. I couldn't get into Torchwood though. Could you get into it? No, because of all the sex monsters.
Starting point is 01:27:52 I think we've talked about that. It's mostly sex monsters, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. The first season definitely was. Honestly, I don't remember. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because it was like, what if Dr. Hooper's sex monsters? Is that the premise?
Starting point is 01:28:00 Yeah. Great. Isn't there a few sex monsters working on that show also? Could very well have been, yeah. That's most of bloody TV and film, am I right? Anyway, folks, thank you so much for listening. We very much appreciate it. Thank you for subscribing.
Starting point is 01:28:15 Thanks for telling your friends about it. Thanks for spreading lies about us. Who are you telling? Who are you telling? There we go. That's a call to action. Hey, folks. Hey, Madeline.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Who are you telling? Who are you telling? Who are you telling? And what are you telling them? Yeah, what are you telling Hey, Madeline, who are you telling? Who are you telling? And what are you telling them? Yeah, what are you telling them? What are you telling them about us? What are you telling them about us? Yes, yes, yes. What are you saying about the dog?
Starting point is 01:28:31 Because the dog is here. Hello, Ollie. It's true. Thanks for leaving a nice five-star review because that helps us out a lot. James, you got any there? Got a couple there. This is from dddmmppp32. Did I read this out last week?
Starting point is 01:28:43 I don't know. That name seems very familiar. It does. Is that the name of my wife? Two great mates do a great podcast. Great podcast where Mango Sully and Samuel Lee's best friend lasted his struggles with the occasional mention of red.comic when movie news.
Starting point is 01:28:55 I think I did that last week. Oh, my God. Anyway, another one here that says Clone Yoshi, who says an awesome podcast with awesome hosts. Was that the name of my wife? Yeah, actually, yes. It says Mason is my wife. That's what it says here.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Wait. I don't understand this at all. This is my favourite podcast. I think this is the longest I've listened to a podcast this religiously. I started listening back in high school and I'm now 26-year-old grad student. What? What? What?
Starting point is 01:29:21 I guess we started 2013. I just got a job working at a park, and this podcast has helped me a lot from going insane, from being alone with only my thoughts for eight hours a day. James and Mace have one of the best chemistry and some of the best chemistry and friendships I've witnessed, which in turn makes this podcast pretty god tier. Keep up the good work, boys.
Starting point is 01:29:42 We will. We'll try. Thank you so much. Folks, if you want to get into contact with us. What am I going to do while you're doing the outro? Just sit silently. I can talk about Venom 2. I guess you can talk about Venom 2. Okay, you carry on.
Starting point is 01:29:55 No, no, no. It's okay. I'll think about Venom 2. Sit silently and think about how I got you so hard with that Ace Attorney thing. You were like, oh, Phoenix Wright does this in it. He's not in it. Anyway, folks, if you want to get into contact with us, unless he is, I can't really remember.
Starting point is 01:30:14 I have vague notions that it's a prequel. Anyway, folks, if you want to get into contact with us, you can go to weeklyplanetpod at Gmail, at Facebook, at Twitter, at Bandcamp. You can go to the Planet Broadcasting website at You can sign up to the newsletter from the great Rob Collings. He is at Rob Collings on Twitter. He's at The Weekly Planet on Twitter. I am Wikipedia Brown on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:30:32 That's right, that's right. On Instagram, I'm Nick Maso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. James is MrSundayMovies everywhere on every single platform. How did he do it? How did he get it? Don't even ask me how I did it. That's a great question, isn't it? I mean, nobody would want it.
Starting point is 01:30:44 That's how I got it. What about that guy? Wasn't that guy MrSundayMovies? Oh, he got me. And then he just disappeared. He just even ask me how I did it. That's a great question, isn't it? I mean, nobody would want it. That's how I got it. What about that guy? Wasn't that guy Mr. Sunday? Oh, he got me. And then he just disappeared. He just disappeared. And he didn't hand it over to me. He just disappeared and then I got it.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Nice. Weird. What were you before that? Mr. Sunday Graham or something like that. Mr. Sunday Graham. Which I think now somebody else has. A drug dealer. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 01:31:01 I endorse that drug dealer. That's official. You're going to cut. Yeah, I get a big cut. No, not a big cut. I get a cut. I endorse that drug dealer. That's official. Oh, yeah. You get a cut. Yeah, I get a big cut. No, not a big cut. I get a cut. Mr. Sunday Sesh.
Starting point is 01:31:15 Folks, if you want to support the show, you can go to slash mrsundaymovies. You can chuck in a buck or any amount, really. It certainly helps us out. You can also go to for nine US dollar reduce per month. You get all sorts of bonus podcasts and movie commentaries and all kinds of things, early videos. That's right. All that stuff. You can also go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group if you want to have some fun chats.
Starting point is 01:31:30 If you're like, oh, I'm stuck at home. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm stuck at home. You can go there. You can go to the subreddit, which is probably weeklyplanetpod, r slash weeklyplanetpod or something. The Discord, whatever this is. How do you get to Discord?
Starting point is 01:31:39 Is there an app? Is there? I don't know. That's interesting. I don't know either. I'll never figure it out. I've also noticed that my wife is on Instagram at Claire Tonti and she's actually got a new podcast.
Starting point is 01:31:49 It's great. You should listen to it, but she's just trying out different filters, it turns out. Like right now? Yeah. Well, that's what I saw. I don't know what she's up to right now, but it is up there. That's good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:58 What's next week, Mason? It was going to be free, Guy, but we probably won't be out by then. Huh. So we'll do something else. We'll figure something else out. Or nothing. out by then. Huh. So we'll do something else. We'll figure something else out. Or nothing. Yeah, nice. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:07 That's it. Thank you to the Brute and the Bastard Skin Rack for all the musical themes. We've got some T-shirts on Tee Public. Yeah. Love seeing them out on the walls. We certainly do. We certainly do.
Starting point is 01:32:14 I've never run into somebody wearing one of the T-shirts. I mean, we have, but like not at events. I've never been like walking down the street and I've seen something else. But I would like that to happen every day. I'm indifferent. Okay, great. So let's go, Mason. All right, grab that jam.
Starting point is 01:32:26 You guys, we'll see you next week. Goodbye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from istanbul to paris and london one woman has
Starting point is 01:32:54 a secret the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost fx is the veil starring elizabeth moss is now streaming on disney plus

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