The Weekly Planet - 399 Movies about being trapped!

Episode Date: August 23, 2021

Visit for a bonus weekly show, exclusive movie commentaries, early stuff and ad-free podcast feeds for $9 per month.We trapped. Locked inside. But that did not stop us recording this p...odcast on both the big news of the week and also us going through some of the best and worst bottle movies aka movies set in one location. WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE STOPPED. Thanks for listening.00:00 The Start04:57 The Eternals Trailer09:13 Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Time11:29 Early Shang-Chi Reactions15:49 Delays But Don't Dismays18:15 Ironheart's MCU Debut20:45 Captain America 4 Confirmed21:22 Black Canary Returns22:46 Michael Keaton's Multiverse25:31 John Boyega Star Wars Series28:40 Star Wars Visions Trailer29:32 Secret Wars Movie Leak35:08 Bruce Willis' Final Form39:43 Ranking the Best Bottle Movies01:16:05 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read01:21:03 Letters, It's Time For LettersJames' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► Patreon ► TWP iTunes ► TWP Direct Download ► TWP YouTube Channel ► Amazon Affiliate Link ► T-Shirts/Merch ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:33 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:00:55 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday and with me as always, but different as always this week because we have to, due to bloody government restrictions, is Nick Mason via remote telelink. It's great to be here, James, but I mean, obviously not here. No.
Starting point is 00:01:33 And, you know, while our internet connection might be bad, our emotional connection also bad. It's never been good. So that's fine, isn't it? No emotions, none, no sharing only only bloody just just just just fripperies james just hop culture nonsense i agree just stepping over each other and going what's sorry you know i just hang on i think it oh one of my headphones fell out no we're just gonna do that for like an hour and a half yeah i mean there might there might be some audio issues we don't we
Starting point is 00:02:04 don't really know because we the most recent thing we did remotely prior to do that for like an hour and a half. Yeah, I mean, there might be some audio issues. We don't really know because the most recent thing we did remotely prior to this was that episode of What If? We did a recap. But what I have done, and obviously, look, I do two things when we record remotely. And if people don't know, and obviously, why would they know because they're not here in the room with either of us?
Starting point is 00:02:21 One is I give myself a funny Zoom background. That's just for you, James. That's true. Who'll be in the room with me this week? You just don't know. We've had, sometimes it's a celebrity. Sometimes it's a friend of the show. The other day, I went DVD shopping with their friend of the show, Dave Lee. That's right. I did screen cap that. Funny little background. Maybe I'll make a compilation. But the thing is as well, we don't plan to make this a habit. we're working around like the restrictions but sometimes we just have to it's just but you know yeah yeah we're preferably not but we're we're gonna do what we
Starting point is 00:02:53 can you know yeah and and so this week it's obviously it's just it's gonna be you and me and uh joe rogan from the joe rogan experience right he's right behind mr joseph rogan he's giving a big thumbs up and a big smile but the the second thing I've also done is I've literally gotten a post-it note and I've stuck it over the video of myself on my screen because, I mean, that's what I do is I don't, I spend an hour plus looking at myself and making sure I'm squared up in the rectangle correctly. And I don't actually connect with the person I'm talking to. And this is actually. Yeah, absolutely. You've got gray hair, James. I've never noticed before. No, no, that's just the light.
Starting point is 00:03:27 It's a trick of the light. And I've put in some of that, you know, that old gray hair, like stage makeup in. That's what I've done. Oh, yeah. Okay. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yeah. So you do gags like you're with Joe Rogan and I pretend that I have gray hair. So that's great. That's a good joke. Because if you actually did have grey hair at your age, that would be devastating. I'd kill myself. So this week, though, we're going to,
Starting point is 00:03:51 if people do want to jump around, we're going to talk about the Eternals trailer. We're going to talk about the Spider-Man trailer maybe coming this week, this new one. The first reactions to Shang-Chi, where Riri Williams' Ironheart is going to debut. Some more Captain America 4 news. Black Canary getting a solo film.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Michael Keaton on the alternate realities in the DC universe. More delays, but don't dismay, or whatever this segment is called. We changed it to last week. I mean, some people might be, you know, slightly dismaying at this point. Yeah, well, that's fine. You know, maybe the name and theme of the segment will change.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Oh, yeah. Over the span of more months. But for now, don't dismay, guys. It's going to be no dismay. It's going to be not a problem, maybe. John Boyega may be coming to Disney+, a Star Wars Visions trailer, maybe a Secret Wars something in the works, and Bruce Willis has reached his final form, which I'm very excited to talk about.
Starting point is 00:04:46 But before that, since Mason and I are both trapped in separate rooms, we thought this would be a really good opportunity to also talk about movies that are set in one place, or bottle movies, as they are sometimes referred to. So we've got a list. Well, what happened is we thought, well, obviously, you know, we didn't get a chance to see Snake Eyes.
Starting point is 00:05:03 We didn't get a chance to see Free Guy. What should we talk about? And I sent you some suggestions, some of which you were kind of lukewarm on. And you said Snake Eyes and Free Guy. I was like, no, Mason, we can't see those. But I think Snake Eyes is on digital now. No, let's just guess, though. Let's just guess, Scott.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Come on. Who will know? But I sent you over some suggestions. I said, what about we talk about movies where people go on a big travel adventure? Let's talk about road movies. And then right at the end, I'm just like, well, what about movies where people are stuck in their houses
Starting point is 00:05:39 and they're having a really rotten time? How about that? And you were like, yes. Perfect. I didn't even remember the other two i just i only saw that one if i'm honest like i was like yeah that's the one i gravitate towards the other ones didn't even register anyways we did get a what is called the final trailer for the eternals this week i didn't do a breakdown because like you know
Starting point is 00:05:59 there's deviants and whatever i feel like if i don't have that much to say i'm not gonna bother i will do one for spider-Man this week if it comes out. But one of the big reveals from that is, is that the reason why they didn't get involved in the end game scenario. Yeah, and obviously the real reason is because they hadn't written them into the universe yet. So it would have been silly.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Yeah. They just showed up, just these half-form concept sketches just start flying, you know, through space. They're like, we'll save you, Earthlings. It's us, a camera test of Richard Madden. Here he is, just a man in a V-neck T-shirt and some of those tinted sunglasses. I'm in Hollywood and I'm self-taping.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I'm here to save the day. But obviously, yeah, we, you know, but the reason they've given in the trailer is, you know, people, you're every man on the street you know kid harrington just uh just a just a just a real schmo on the street just uh agreed just a just a real just a real pile of garbage on the street just you just you're every man is like why didn't you come and save the day you know every other time this has happened and they're like, well, get a load of this guy. And it's Arishem the Judge who's one of the Celestials.
Starting point is 00:07:09 And he's like, don't do it! Yeah. I mean, I personally would say it's a little bit unclear what he's suggesting. He doesn't say anything. He's just there looking stern. Well, doesn't he say, they said we were told only to interfere if the Deviants are involved. But isn't Thanos maybe like a Deviant?
Starting point is 00:07:26 I guess so, but maybe not in this universe. Or he was in the comics, yeah. Yeah, yeah. In this, there's just one big purple guy. He's a singular just purple guy. Oh, very good. But in this, like, what we see of the Deviants is some wolf creatures. Yep, some kind of weird aquatic situations.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah, and like a guy from Avatar. Yeah, that's right. So that's cool. That's very cool. Did this get you more or less jazzed or the same amount of jazzed to give you a better idea of like the movie? Because the complaint of the last trailer was like, what is this about?
Starting point is 00:08:00 It's just landscapes and people looking solemn. Yeah, it did actually get me more jazz you know there's we we get to see you know more of their powers in action we saw another of the celestials like holding an entire galaxy in its hands really so we get like a like we get it we get a sense of what they're all about and up to uh richard madden shoots lasers out of his eyes you know he takes those bloody tinted sunglasses off for five seconds. Typical that character probably. Whatever he's from. He's Icarus, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he is Icarus. I know the names of characters of comics I've barely read. Yeah, you do. I think I read one of the more recent runs. So, yeah, there you go. Look, it's something that I hope to see regardless,
Starting point is 00:08:41 but I'm going to talk a bit about delays where we might not be able to see it, in Australia at least. I saw a tweet recently. A tweet-cently? Somebody said, I think it was, yeah, a tweet. That's right. Thank you. Here's our new segment, What I Saw Twicently. It was a tweet that said something along the lines of,
Starting point is 00:09:00 it's a fine line with Marvel casting because if you hire someone who is too famous, you only see them as that famous person. Yeah, yeah. All the time. And this person had that feeling about Angelina Jolie. How do you feel about that? Yeah, look, I don't think she's like the main player in it. I think she's just one of the team, which is how they're kind
Starting point is 00:09:18 of getting around it. Kevin Feige also spoke about how like the casting for Fantastic Four and he talked about that balance between like new faces like they did with like Chris Hemsworth for example and red faces and red faces the popular and mostly racist hey hey it's Saturday segment we're back that's right hey it's Saturday I'm very excited to talk about it even remotely it was just the gong show that's all it was it was yeah it was just the same thing that's it but you were saying about new faces yeah yeah so It was just the same thing. That's it. But you were saying about new faces. Yeah, yeah. So it was like someone like that and then like Benedict Cumberbatch,
Starting point is 00:09:49 who was like a more well-known kind of. And if you look at that for the casting, it is a lot of that. You know what I mean? So I think with the Fantastic Four, we're probably going to get at least one of them who's quite well-known and the others not as much. I'd say that's probably the direction they were going. Maybe they'll do half-half. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:04 We'll see. Well, we'll see. Well, we'll see. Yeah, we'll see it at the movie. What about this, Mason? Apparently this week, maybe Monday or Tuesday, depending where you are in the world, we are going to be getting the Spider-Man's trailer where all the Spider-Mans are coming together for a multiverse event.
Starting point is 00:10:19 But also I've read a few things from people in the know who are like, you're not going to see the other Spider-Men. You're not going to see Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield. But there is some hints. People are, like, posting a lot of GIFs of, like, Alfred Molina. So it'll show that, like, this is the other dimension and he's back. But don't expect, like, all of them swinging together and doing karate kicks or whatever, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:45 I had a thought, James. Go with with me here it's a little bit random toby mcguideman wow that's 20 years in the making it's been it's been staring us in the face for two decades i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna look i'm gonna google search it real quick and see if i'm the only person who's ever said that. You may just be. Probably. Is there one for Andrew Garfield? I don't know if there is one for Garfield.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Andrew Garg-Weideman. Mate, it's been 10 years in the making. It's been staring us in the face. And we've done it. We've done it. We did it, folks. I'd like to thank everybody out there. 20 years and 398 episodes, and we did it, folks. I'd like to thank everybody out there. 20 years and 398 episodes, and we did it.
Starting point is 00:11:28 So they're saying, okay, we're going to get bad guy hints in this. But obviously, they're not crazy enough to put all the big reveals in the first trailer, right? And I think it speaks to what we saw in the first Shang-Chi trailer, what we saw in the first Eternals trailer. This is what they do. They do like a little teaser. You see like mostly like establishing shots of characters and people looking like something big is going to hit them
Starting point is 00:11:54 but you can't see what the thing is. And then it gives you like a rough date of release or whatever, you know what I mean? So I think people are going to be upset but just don't expect much is what i'm saying okay or just shoot for the moon expect everything there he is yeah mr sunday wet blanket here he is i don't know what to tell you mate i just don't want people to get it going they're thinking they're gonna see big kicks i just don't think there's gonna be that many
Starting point is 00:12:18 wow yeah not even a single big kick not not even one. But here's something you'll see a lot of big kicks in. The first reactions to Shang-Chi have been out, and people are loving it. There is not a bad reaction online. There's been a lot of the press tour stuff in the US in particular. It looks as if, I would say, it's probably going to get pushed back here. I would say. Yeah, maybe, because in Melbourne we're going to be getting
Starting point is 00:12:45 out of lockdown the day before. And we're probably not, if we're honest. Yeah. And that would also mean that it would release on the Friday and it's like, I just don't think it's going to happen. Yeah, right, right, right. But I don't know. I'm trying to get Claire to do a poke around for an online copy
Starting point is 00:13:01 from Marvel. I don't think it's going to happen, but she's good at like getting. What does that mean? Well, she's good at getting stuff out of like from Marvel. I don't think it's going to happen, but she's good at like getting. What does that mean? Well, she's good at getting stuff out of like PR people. I'm bad at it. They're just like, no. And I'm like, oh, sorry, I emailed you. But she's very much like.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I'm not sorry that I emailed you. Yeah. If anything, you're sorry. You will be sorry, she says. She's on the dark web. Yeah. I don't think we'll get one. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:24 So look, all I'm saying, another thing. Yes. Wet Blanket, Mr Wet Blanket Movies is telling you that if you're in Australia... There he is. might not be coming. Speaking of, let's talk delays but not dismay, Mason. Oh, is that all our Shang-Chi talk?
Starting point is 00:13:40 Oh, sure. OK, what have you heard? What are you about? Well, I haven't heard anything because I'm a man of the people, James. I'm not out there in the intellectual dark web getting Spider-Man screeners and AK-47s in exchange for Dogecoin or whatever like you and your wife are. But what I was going to say is that we've seen snippets of the action in this movie, but I think this trailer really showed it off.
Starting point is 00:14:05 What trailer? You mean like all the clips that have been coming out or whatever you mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But what, what I think, what I think this week's sort of burst of trailers has shown is that for me,
Starting point is 00:14:15 the question has always been, how do you make a martial arts movie interesting in a world where everybody kind of does martial arts all the time anyway? Like that's most people's default position is, is a, crouching tiger stance you know when they're just they're just in line at the at the at the juice bar or whatever you know yeah they're doing the doing some kung fu stances he's not wrong no but i but you know the moves we're seeing on shang chi you wouldn't see on anybody else in them in the marvel cinematic universe like there's a you wouldn't see captain america doing the leap in the air double splits kick you wouldn't even see you wouldn't see on anybody else in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You wouldn't see Captain America doing the leap in the air double splits kick. You wouldn't even see Black Widow do that.
Starting point is 00:14:50 No, absolutely. And it turns out, I didn't know this, but a lot of Jackie Chan stunt crew are working on this movie. Oh, I saw there were some comparisons. I know because some people were being like, check out this body, whatever. Yeah, yeah. There were some comparisons, but no, I didn't didn't realize that no i was shocked and appalled uh apparently i don't think we mentioned this but uh brad allen who recently passed away was like one of like a like a world-renowned kind
Starting point is 00:15:15 of martial arts stunt coordinator yeah yeah and he were his team his team worked on this oh very good and then along with along with along with jackie chan's crew so that's you know that's that's something that's good to know. The shots we're seeing in this I think really do look like it's going to just not be, you know, Captain America fighting Black Widow style. Yeah, absolutely. Standard issue stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So that's good. Exactly. And there's big glowing rings. There's big glowing rings. And that's the problem, you know, we've talked about before, what with like the Iron Fist characters, because if you're the best at martial arts, maybe you should look like you can do it you know what i mean and it seems like
Starting point is 00:15:47 they've nailed that but again it's like it's these are like reviews i'm back mr wet blanket movies there he is these reviews from people like who are in the press who i get excited for everything and first reactions whatever by all accounts it's like at minimum it's going to be pretty good so that's good but they you again, just temper your expectations. Don't go into it. I was reminded this week that Finn Jones, star of Iron Fist, has in the past given us a grab-dat gem. He has.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And then I felt bad. In video form, yeah. Yeah. Well, we don't know. Maybe he was the best at martial arts in Iron Fist and they made him look bad, you know? Well, we don't know his side of the story of this thing. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:32 So let's get him on the show. Be like, what's your deal, man? I mean, you know, yeah. I mean, we appreciate the shout out, but whatever, man. Explain yourself. Yeah. Oh, here we go. Before we get into delays but not dismays,
Starting point is 00:16:48 I've got some more news, Mason. Or we can do delays now. What would you prefer? It's up to you. I prefer delays. Let's get delays but not dismays out of the ways. Okay. This is our new segment, delays but not dismays,
Starting point is 00:16:59 get them out of the ways. Yes. If you please. Last week I changed it to something like the countdown to when No Time to Die is going to get delayed. And lo and behold. Oh, yes. The cursed monkey paw that is this segment, it turns out,
Starting point is 00:17:14 means that it has been delayed specifically in Australia to November 11th. Okay. So the world premiere is going to be in London on September 28th. And they've said that like it's so costly, we've pushed it back so much, and every time we ramp up to this fucking movie, it costs us tens of millions of dollars. It would be more cost effective at this point if they just release it
Starting point is 00:17:39 and get it done because every time they move it, it just costs money. You know? It's just like a burning hole in their pockets. You know what I mean? Yeah. So there you go. How about this, James? How about this for a poster?
Starting point is 00:17:52 Okay. No time to die. Down under. Can you be wearing a Cobra? Yeah. With corks. With the corks to swat away the flies. With the corks, exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I love it. I'm a big fan. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I love it. I'm a big fan. Sorry, Mason, I didn't offer you a drink, but then I just realized that we're doing this remotely and I'm just doing a good joke. I forgot.
Starting point is 00:18:14 You know what I mean? That was great stuff. I like that. It was good. Thank you. That was good. I'd offer you this Optimus Prime, but you're obviously, you're not there,
Starting point is 00:18:23 so you cannot have this. Yeah, but next time you bring it, I'll take it. So don't forget. Because when you come next time, I will give you a drink. I'm true to my word and I will do that. I can even give you two. That means you owe me an Optimus Prime. I expect it. Fine. Fine.
Starting point is 00:18:38 You can have my Action Master Optimus Prime, the one that doesn't transform. No. No, Mason. I'd rather have grey hair and die, quite frankly. So you probably also heard that Venom might be delayed again. So, you know. I actually didn't hear that. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:18:54 So thanks for that. I mean, that could just be. I was having a really great day until you told me that Venom was going to be delayed again, probably. But so, look, I think that could just be the news for every movie. So this just might be delayed, you know. But that one specifically, there was rumblings this week. Anyways, Dominic Thorne, who you might know, Dominique Thorne, sorry,
Starting point is 00:19:14 is going to play Riri Williams. We knew that as in Ironheart. Like the young protege of Iron Man. Apparently he's going to make her first appearance, not in the Disney Plus series, but in the movie Wakanda Forever. Yeah, right. The Black Panther sequel. And speaking of our What If episodes, our last one went up on Wednesday
Starting point is 00:19:33 where we talked about each What If episode every week. And that one, it's one of the final performances from Chadwick Boseman. We were like, this is pretty good. But I'm getting a lot of comments that are people like, actually this wasn't very good because how did he convince Thanos to not destroy the world? And I'm like, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It's just a cartoon set in a parallel dimension to a series of movies you probably don't like anyway. So don't even worry about it. You know? It's okay. In a way, sometimes entertainment is meant to be fun and lighthearted and not everything is fate of the universe, and sometimes it's fun to just have a little throwaway joke.
Starting point is 00:20:07 That's right. Where Thanos is a nice man. Isn't that a bit of fun? No, it's not. Yeah. Oh, you're telling me? No, it's not fun. Yeah, I'm telling you no.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I'm telling you in this instance it's wrong and all the haters are right, James. Oh, well, what do you do? There's a lot of other questions like why is he called Star-Lord because, you know, Peter Quill was called that because his mum called him Star-Lord. And I'm like, I don't fucking know. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:20:29 Like, it doesn't matter. Again, it's set in a parallel dimension. Maybe he saw it on a billboard. I don't know. Who cares? It doesn't matter. Maybe he saw it on a billboard. Look, maybe it's not the best thing he ever put out,
Starting point is 00:20:38 but, like, who gives a shit? It doesn't matter. How about this? Maybe Ego told his mother something, something, story about a guy called Star-Lord something, and then she called him Star-Lord. What? She called Black Panther?
Starting point is 00:20:51 No, she called Peter Quill Star-Lord because of something Ego told her. So maybe a Star-Lord is a common thing out in space. Oh, okay, okay, I get you. Yeah, that makes sense. And Ego was like, yeah, we got these guys, they're called Star-Lords or whatever. I think they didn't want to name specifically why he was called Star Wars. He's named Star Wars now.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Because then that's like the Han Solo thing from Solo of someone getting your name. So it's like, let's just avoid that. Maybe it's like you've got to put your Mr. Mr. Mr. you know, whatever, like the space DMV. And one of the options is Star Lord. Oh, yeah. Just tick that off.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why not? And you just go, oh Star-Lord sounds good. Like, you know, sometimes you'll be filling in a form online or something and it's like Mr. Mr. Miss and then it's got like Admiral and you're like, oh, maybe I'll try Admiral. It's like, do you want to
Starting point is 00:21:35 be Duke? And it's like, I want to be a Duke. That's funny. It is funny. It's very funny. So Anthony Mackie has confirmed, though we did hear this rumor upon the wrapping up of the show Falcon and the Winter Soldier that he it's confirmed he's going to do Captain America 4 as a movie so there you go
Starting point is 00:21:53 makes sense what is that going to look like well it'll be on a big screen for one but beyond that we don't know much you know what I mean yes but that's exciting I feel so yeah that's not surprising it's also like I feel like even with the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, it didn't move the universe forward that much.
Starting point is 00:22:10 It was just kind of like, and he's Captain America. It's like, yeah, we know. He was already – that's how the last movie finished. But yeah, good. Getting his own movie, why not? This is by Sinleaks. Journey Smollett is going to be reprising her role as Dinah Lance as in Black Canary in a HBO
Starting point is 00:22:25 Max Black Canary movie. Cool. Now, we heard recently that Batgirl is getting a movie, Blue Beetle's getting a movie, and now Black Canary. So this is off the back of she was Black Canary in, what's it called? Birds of Prey. And she used that power at least once in that movie, I feel. She used it one time.
Starting point is 00:22:45 And so why not? Yeah. Or two times if you count the time she broke the glass. I don't believe that. So. Okay, great. This isn't a surprise because she was the star of Lovecraft Country. Also on HBO, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Exactly. A lot of people involved in that are also apparently going to be writing on this. And, you know, she's a rising star. Yeah. And Lovecraft country got cancelled so it did for me for old tweets so that's what happens you know what i mean you got to be careful what you put out there yeah yeah yeah in the world of social media it was just it was just all the tweets were just you know a lot of um there were just quotes from a lot of hp lovecraft's old
Starting point is 00:23:21 books and it turned out they're awful. It's awful stuff in there. Can't say that stuff. Just some of the things he actually thought and said. Yep. And the thing that he named his cat. You can't say that. You shouldn't be able to say it. I didn't know about the cat thing.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Don't look it up. It's probably something you can't say. I'm going to have to look it up now. You absolutely cannot say it. Yeah. So Michael Keaton this week, he was speaking to THR, and they were asking him about the alternate realities in the DC universe because obviously with the upcoming Flash movie,
Starting point is 00:23:50 which is just a Batman movie, his Burton universe is going to be merging with the regular DC continuity, whatever that even is at this point. And he was talking about how he just doesn't get it. Got a quote here where he says, they had to explain that to me several times. By the way, I'm not being arrogant, I hope, about this. I don't say it like, I'm too groovy. I'm stupid. There's a lot of things I don't know about. But I never looked at this like, oh, this is just a silly thing. It's not a silly thing when I did Batman. It was not a silly thing when I did Batman, but it's become a giant thing culturally. It's iconic. So I have
Starting point is 00:24:24 even more respect for it because what do I know? This is a big deal in the world to people. You've got to honor that and be respectful of that. Even I go, Jesus, this is huge. So I think that's good to be like, I don't get it, but people seem to like it. All right. Now that's, that's a fun quote, but I feel like if, if you can, if anybody wants to track down the audio of that, you should definitely do it because Michael Keaton interviews are always better yeah in audio form i think like there's a there's like a um he did he did a wtf with mark maron some years ago and it's very it's very good because he used to do he did stand up before he did acting he's very funny yeah yeah but he's like he's talking about how like they're like uh did you ever regret turning down you know any batman
Starting point is 00:25:04 sequels or whatever and he's like like, man, I never did, but then one time I wanted to buy this house, but I didn't have the bread, man. You know, so he's just like a, he's just like a, he's, he's, you wouldn't, he seems like an off like a beat pilot. Yeah. He seems like an old hippie, but one thing, I don't know if you saw that. I don't know if, I don't know if this is recent,
Starting point is 00:25:24 but in a similar vein, I saw an interview with Joseph Gordon-Levitt quite recently. Yeah. And it was about, and it was one of the clickbait articles to the extent that I think, I probably emailed it to myself. We might use it in our clickbait podcast. We got this covered. But it's basically Joseph Gordon-Levitt has asked about
Starting point is 00:25:43 like all the expanded DC universes and would he like to and would he like his character to move on and be part of this expanded universe or whatever, and he's like, I don't know what any of this means, but it seems great. Yeah, man, terrific. I love it. I'm watching that show. He's got a show about being a teacher on Apple Plus at the moment. Mr. Corman or something, which is quite good.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Anyway. Cool. That's neither here nor there. But if you've got Apple Plus for some reason, you can check it out. Oh, did you see there was that new trailer this week for that Apple Plus series? Isaac Avzimov and the world's ending because mathematics or whatever. Oh, Foundation. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yeah, that one. Yeah. New trailer for that this week, which looks incredible. So that's coming out this year. That's very exciting. I agree. Anyways, Mason, it's time for Star Wars news. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Fine. Fine. Fine. Whatever, man. Good on you. So this is why the hashtag show, apparently John Boyega, despite, remember he had a quote a couple of years back after whatever the last Star Wars movie was called.
Starting point is 00:26:47 It was like, I'm not going to get Disney Plus. You'll never see me again. Whatever. Apparently, John Boyega as Finn is a story they are going to tell in a Disney Plus series. And it would be pre-First Order Finn. And then it will jump forward in time to continue his story post Rise of Skywalker. So presumably like it'll be like his Stormtrooper stuff and then his Jedi training stuff. Oh.
Starting point is 00:27:11 So there you go. It's interesting because they don't seem to have a problem with moving forward past the universe in live action. Whereas with the last trilogy, sorry, the original trilogy, they didn't touch anything in live action really post that other than some video game stuff. Yeah, right. And I guess the Ewok movies, I guess. So they're not going to wait like 20 years. They're going to like use these characters now, you know?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Yeah, yeah. To flesh it out a bit, which I think is interesting. Do you think they're ever going to explain what he really wanted to say to Ray that time? Nah, I think it's going to end every episode. Like they'll be having dinner together and he'll choke on like an olive and then he never gets the chance to say it. A portion. He just chokes on
Starting point is 00:27:48 different things. A portion, I should say. An assortment of portions. So there you go. Excited for that, Mason? Yeah, okay, cool. Interesting they buried the hatchet. Unless they're somehow going to be assembling this through snippets of interviews and things
Starting point is 00:28:04 and unused takes and dialogue and sound-alikes. Look, I think if they roll up and they're like, we'll give you $10 million and whatever and we'll do something proper with the character as opposed to the last movie, then I could see why he'd want to do it. James, I've found it. Oh, what is it?
Starting point is 00:28:24 Is it the name of the cat? No, this is the interview. This is Joseph Gordon-Levitt's response to the idea of returning in a DCEU team-up movie. This is on Screen Rant, but I'm going to... Let's do it. Here's the paragraph. During an interview on Jake's Takes, promoting his new Apple TV series Mr. Corman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Starting point is 00:28:40 was asked if he would be interested in playing Robin or Nightwing alongside Batfleck and Michael Keaton's version of Bruce Wayne in the upcoming DC EU multiverse movie The Flash. Gordon Leavitt responded to the question saying, to be perfectly honest, I'm completely out of touch with everything you just said.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah, fair enough. He's got kids now as well. Because honestly, yeah, and honestly if you were presented with that block of a question and you didn't, you weren't intimately familiar with what a Batfleck was and a DCEU multiverse and a bloody knight. You don't know who Nightwing is.
Starting point is 00:29:19 You know who Robin is. You'd be like, I don't know what any of this is. I'm trying to be a wacky teacher in a sitcom or something. Whatever James said, he would say. No, it's about depression or whatever. Oh. And anxiety. It's one of those.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Nice. Yeah, yeah, there you go. Speaking of Star Wars, though, did you see the trailer for Star Wars Visions, the anime stuff? I did. Looks good. It does look good. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I think it's, is it this month or next month? Whatever it is. I don't know whether they're dropping them all at once or what's going on. I imagine they are because I think they're only short. But I don't actually know. I don't know anything. But in a way, I know a lot. Do you think? Name one thing that you know. I know the next
Starting point is 00:29:59 bit of news is from Jim Shooter and it's about Secret Wars. Love Jim Shooter. One of the best. And to be fair also, I only know that because it's in front of me. Like if it wasn't in front of me, I wouldn't know that. That's true. People who are missing General Grievous and his many arms, if you like, I wish there was some sort of lightsaber-wielding Jedi
Starting point is 00:30:20 or Sith-type person with a billion trillion arms. Star Wars visions, they got you covered, let me tell you. That's exactly, you're not bloody wrong. So this is very interesting. So this is from former Marvel editor-in-chief, as mentioned, Jim Shooter. He was recently a guest at Megacon, which is something. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And this is what, I've just got a bit of a block of text here, so stop me at any point if you need to ask questions or just you want to make a funny comment or a little riff. know what i mean what if i want to attempt a funny comment and it doesn't quite i know i know i know in the middle of it i'm halfway through and i'm like this isn't gonna land but my two choices are do i just stop talking and pretend it's a connection issue or do i just keep going with the thing that actually isn't that funny you know it depends like what. Like what, what, just feel it in the moment, I think. You know what I mean? Great.
Starting point is 00:31:08 All right. So I have faith in my abilities. 400 episodes into this stupid thing. I won't. I never will. So he said this one clown called me from Marvel. This one, one clown. So he says this one clown called me from Marvel.
Starting point is 00:31:22 He wasn't an editor, but some executive of property management, which was a little odd. He asked me if I wanted to write a novelization of Secret Wars. So Schroeder went on to mention that he was then sent a retroactive work-for-hire contract, which he ended up turning down. Another call then came, this time from David Boggart, the senior vice president of operations and producecement of Publishing at Marvel Entertainment. Shooter says Boggart apologized for the previous call and that the retroactive offer was for $10,000.
Starting point is 00:31:57 According to Shooter, the reason for the contract he was sent is because Marvel was trying to secure the rights to Secret Wars and to prevent any potential legal issues from arising in the future. Yeah. So I've talked about this recently where a lot of the people who worked on and created these big comic runs don't get any actual, you know, money for any of this. Yeah, and the figure that's being thrown around is five grand.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Like sometimes they'll pay him off, they'll be like... Yes, so ten grand, pretty generous. Yeah, very, very generous. Yeah. So while Shooter didn't think Marvel needed to retroactively pay him for the characters, he ended up taking the money and deduced on his own that a movie is coming at some point. So he said, this means you're making a movie, right?
Starting point is 00:32:41 And Boggart says, I'm not allowed to tell you that. And then he said, then Shooter followed that up with, well, I think you just did. Whoa. So there you go. Detective Shooter. So what version do you think that is, though? Because there's like Secret Wars, the original,
Starting point is 00:32:59 which we did for Book Club, didn't we? We did. The black suit Spider-Man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a great i reckon if because the the modern version is the old version and the new version are both similar and sort of in the way that it's sort of like you know heroes are whisked away from earth to like uh you know to like a an alien planet but in the in the new version it's all various parallel multiverse
Starting point is 00:33:22 battle world elements that are battle world yeah yeah yeah so i would say i would probably say the the beyonder who was the villain of the first one and the set you know elements of the second one he'll be in it i would i would probably guess that even if it's just uh you know um spitballing at this point i think they're like okay well if we've if we've got a multiverse now, if we've got an infinite number of parallel universes, people are going to want to see them fight, you know? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And so we can do that in a mobile game, obviously, and that's going to be a big time hit. And that's going to, you know, a lot of kids are going to hit that loot box button and drain their parents' bank accounts. But also what we could do is we could go, okay, see who people respond to in these multiverse movies and then be like, the multiverse is going to collapse unless they all get together on a planet and fight.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah, and they have to fight the Yohan Griffith Fantastic Four team or whatever. Yeah, before they got their powers. It's a short fight. It's just a big pile of all the failed Fantastic Four characters before they got their powers. Just very satisfying. Just.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I think so. But I think that's interesting. Like that idea of, yeah, bringing everybody together to fight. Cause isn't that what's what comics are really about really at the end of the day. Yeah. Yeah. Just bringing everybody together to fight. Even the most cerebral of comic books over at Marvel and DC
Starting point is 00:34:46 end up with, you know, what is my... Not Mr Fantastic. What's his name? The guy who gets out of stuff. What's his name from DC? Mr Miracle. Yeah, Mr Miracle like having to kill Darkseid or whatever. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:58 You know what I mean? Yeah. Or even like, you know, Injustice is a very, you know, mature comic book. Yeah. But it's really just, it was really just springboarded off a video game where people kick each other's heads off. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I was going to say, it's interesting that Jim Shooter got this, like that they gave him the 10,000 because he was like, he is alternately liked and disliked in the comic book universe. When he was editor-in-chief of Marvel, he was like all about deadlines, but he was also like if you invented a character and it got licensed for a toy, you got money and stuff like that. So I think they'd be like he's going to be super litigious. Like if we put out a Secret Wars movie, he will 100% get the boys engaged.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's got enough juice in the comic book industry and probably enough money to make it a real pain. So I imagine they're like, they wanted to make nice first. And it sort of worked. Sort of worked, but it didn't work. They leaked a potential movie. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Yeah, there you go. They leaked a potential movie. Yes. Yeah, there you go. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost.
Starting point is 00:36:23 FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind.
Starting point is 00:36:51 So who will you rise for? Register today at That's So last bit of news, as I mentioned up top, Bruce Willis has reached his final form. And people might be like, what does that look like? Because he is the star of a new series of commercials for a Russian phone carrier and internet provider called Megafon. But here's the thing. He's not in it, actually. It uses deep fake technology to put his face on a different bald man
Starting point is 00:37:24 and he sells whatever this is and it's estimated that he was paid somewhere between $1 and $2 million to literally do nothing. Well, legitimately, he's killing it, man. He is killing it. This is the dream. He could do this forever now. Like he's just...
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah, and he will. Yeah, yeah. He's just like sending his digital avatar around the world like a little genie, just getting in ad campaigns and stuff, riding motorcycles off bridges and, you know, just appearing in supermarkets and surprising a housewife who's deciding on dishwashing detergent or whatever. Oh, Mr Willis, you know, bit of that.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Are you talking about like a brand power commercial or whatever? The Australian infomercial. Yes, that would be great. Loosely disguised as news or whatever. But this has always been his dream. Oh, definitely. Maybe not always, but in the last 10 years at the very least. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:38:21 If somebody was like a million dollars to put your face on someone, whatever, I don't give a shit of course but i mean you know i mean george clooney has long been like when i think of you know brand recognition i'm always like well george clooney's like mr nespresso or whatever yeah like that you know celebrities take these deals all the time and obviously now they can't he can't be flown to Russia to do whatever this is. So why not use the technology that's available? It's going to be interesting to see how, because I haven't seen this particular, like I couldn't find it yet.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I don't know whether it hasn't been done yet or hasn't been released, but it's going to be interesting about how realistic it can look because you kind of have to get somebody, it's not just about replacing a face. You need someone with like the same head structure. Yeah, right. You know what I mean? Because otherwise it looks really quite odd.
Starting point is 00:39:09 But honestly, I don't think it really matters, really, because it's a fucking phone carrier in Russia. Like what does it have to look like? But it's also fascinating, like that's fascinating to me because, you know, at the very least, George Clooney probably has a Nespresso machine in his house. Like, is Bruce Willis getting, like, a Russian, you know, just some sort of...
Starting point is 00:39:33 I think he's getting $1 million to $2 million. I guess that's what he's getting. But do you look, you know, like, maybe you look at the Nespresso ad and you're like, oh, Clooney's liking that coffee, maybe it's good coffee or whatever. But are you like, oh, Bruce Willis is lovering the coverage of this Russian telecommunications company. Maybe I'll get their Wi-Fi or something.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Well, that's an interesting point because, like, there has to be a tipping point for this where he does so much of this that he's worthless. Yes. Like, as a brand. I don't mean, like, as a brand for, like, making stuff like this, but I mean just, like, making movies. Yeah, yeah. Where he could be in, like, a brand as i don't mean like as a brand for like making stuff like this but i mean just like making movies yeah yeah he could be in like a big movie but people are like this isn't a draw at all yeah you know what i mean i i don't know like i think if you couldn't
Starting point is 00:40:14 now market like for lack of a better example the movie hearts war did you ever see it i didn't see colin farrell bruce willis oh sure uh-huh german internment camp World War II movie or whatever. Like he couldn't make that now. Yeah. Because not to the movies at least. Do you know what I mean? Because no one's going to see that. You couldn't make Cosmic Sin, a movie that he was in for 15 minutes
Starting point is 00:40:39 maybe last year or this year or something and it's science fiction or something and they're on a spaceship or something or a space station. You couldn't make that these days. You couldn't make it. Couldn't make it. No, you really couldn't. No. Do you, would he, so I also haven't seen The Outer,
Starting point is 00:40:52 but I think maybe I've seen it still or something. Does he speak like English? And then they. I don't know. I have no idea. Because that's even one, that's even one more step removed. Or maybe they just, maybe Bruce Willis has like a Russian like dub guy, like he always has the same voice actor like they often do.
Starting point is 00:41:11 So maybe it's a payday for this guy as well. Yeah, you might absolutely be right. Also, like it wouldn't be hard to get him to record the dialogue via say something like this and then have whoever's doing the face of him on set just mouth it at the same time and then switch it. Like it's not that difficult to do. But honestly, I don't think it matters whether his voice is in it or not. I don't think it matters if he's in it and neither does he apparently.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Good on him. Anyways, let's talk the topic for this week, Mason. Yes. Because this topic is movies in one place, trapped in one place potentially. They're also called bottle movies, you know, so it's one location. We're talking movies, something like Saw, the first Saw, for example. It's mostly set inside that one room, not entirely, and like a looser idea of that might be something like
Starting point is 00:41:58 10 Cloverfield Lane where it's one location but it's not necessarily one room, for example. How should we rank these, James? I feel like we should rank them. Oh, okay. Or perhaps rate them. I feel like you're asking me this, but you already have an idea. So you're pretending to be like, let's spitball this.
Starting point is 00:42:17 But you're going to come in and go, actually, I've given this a lot of thought. Well, I mean, first of all, if we're going to list them, perhaps we could list them in size order, obviously. We could either start smallest or go smallest, whichever is more anxiety-inducing for you. Well, do you think, I was going to say, do you think then, that would involve me having to put my list in some kind of order
Starting point is 00:42:40 before we start talking? Or do we try and find the biggest and the smallest as we go? Yeah, we do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And also, what's important about this, the other important thing is any rules we make at the start will invariably collapse, you know, five to ten minutes in. So it really doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:42:56 But I just wanted to, you know, it's just the idea of like a man stuck in a phone booth for 90 minutes is funny. But is it funnier at the start or do we keep getting smaller and smaller? I think it's funnier. I think it's funnier the smaller you get. But I also think we should rate these in terms of like would we not like
Starting point is 00:43:15 to exist in this universe or would we rather be in this movie than in our current state of Victoria. That's a great point. Isn't it though? Do you have a particular one that you'd like to start off with? So you don't want to start off small because I think I've got the smallest one at the top of our list. You do.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Okay, let's start small. You know what, James, we should do? We start out small and then we should expand the space you know because that's relaxing i think that's fun and relaxing i agree well if you look at the very last one on the list the space is it is quite vast big space the very last one yes anyway we'll get into it okay well the smallest the smallest space you could be trapped in in a bottle movie uh is in the movie buried which is a ryan reynolds movie yeah this is the one that first came to mind for me when I think because I don't think it goes outside of, if you don't know,
Starting point is 00:44:09 spoilers for all of these. And also this one is set just inside a coffin. Yes. And that is it. James, to be clear, it's set in a casket. Sorry. A coffin is what a Dracula sleeps in. He's in a casket.
Starting point is 00:44:22 It's square on all sides. You're right. So he's in the Middle East maybe or something or somewhere else. I don't really remember. And he's buried alive. He's got a cell phone, a lighter, a snake pays him a visit at one point. But other than that, he's very much on his own. And I'm not just talking about the snake in the game Snake
Starting point is 00:44:42 on his mobile phone, a real snake. No, absolutely not. So it's about him trying to work out where he is, conserve energy. Like he's got a lighter for light, but if he uses it, it burns the oxygen in there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's interesting about this movie is it's from only 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:45:00 but also it's in an era where you wouldn't be, it wouldn't boggle your mind that Ryan Reynolds is in this movie. Because there's no, to the best of my remembrance, there are no laughs in this movie. Like, it's not a... No. The guy in the coffin, sorry, casket. He's in a casket, his coffin is where Dracula sleeps.
Starting point is 00:45:20 But he's not like, he's not goofing. He's not, there's no references. Like, Ryan Reynolds from this point has made a choice and it is I'm a self-referential goofy guy and I'm making jokes and memes on the internet. That's true. But we've all forgotten about Buried, which is not a fun movie at all,
Starting point is 00:45:36 but I remember really enjoying it. Me too. And it's, no, it's horrifying. It is. Yeah, if you have any kind of claustrophobia, it is probably one of the worst ones on this list. But that reminds me, because speaking of Ryan Reynolds, he's married to Blake Lively and she's in the movie The Shallows,
Starting point is 00:45:55 which is mostly set on a rock while a shark circles her. I just remembered that one. Have you seen that one? Do you think that's how they met? I mean, probably not. No, I think, James, they were at some sort of Hollywood photo call and the person taking the photos was like, OK, everybody line up by a height.
Starting point is 00:46:13 No, wait, I've changed my mind. Everybody line up by if you've been in a movie where you're trapped somewhere. And they were like, oh, just us two. Just us two. Just us. Just us two and Tim Robbins. Tim Robbins is over there. And Colin Farrell, just us two. Just us two. Just us. Just us two and Tim Robbins. Tim Robbins is over there.
Starting point is 00:46:28 And Colin Farrell, he's there. He's there too, yeah. So, you know, those ones are good. But you might have seen this. It's recently on Netflix. It's a French language film, but it has been dubbed in English. It's called Oxygen. And it's set in some kind of, without spoiling it,
Starting point is 00:46:46 this woman wakes up with no memory in like a futuristic like stasis chamber. Okay. And it's like buried, but it's like some holographic interfaces. And again, it's trying to find out where she is and how to get out and all of these other kinds of things going on. Yeah. But it's very good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:06 How did you stumble upon this? I think I saw it on Netflix. Oh, had a compelling thumbnail, did it? It may have. I remember, I think it's also one of those things that might get actually spoiled in the- On the synopsis, right. Or the trailer.
Starting point is 00:47:24 But it wasn't spoiled for me going in and i talked about unsuggestible my less successful podcast that i do with my wife but oh yes if you liked buried i think there's a very good chance you'll also like oxygen you can also switch it to english language if you don't want to read subtitles so you know very good you know mason oh i know yeah i think so okay well let's, well, I'm going to put that on my list. And by that, I mean just refer to your list that you emailed me. So pretty handy. It's very handy. Pretty handy.
Starting point is 00:47:51 What's the next thing on our list? And by our list, I mean the list that I emailed you. Well, James, if we're going by size, as we are currently, and we're not breaking this format until we've just said the next one, and then we'll probably just break the format. Because after that, most of these are kind of the same size-ish anyway. Sure. and we're not breaking this format until we've just said the next one, and then we'll probably just break the format. Because after that, most of these are kind of the same size-ish anyway. Sure.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Phone booth with Colin Farrell, which is set, for the most part, within the confines of a phone booth. Yeah. Isn't that fun? It is, and it's like it's a sniper scenario, for those people who don't remember. Colin Farrell is going to call his – he's married, but he's got a girlfriend maybe or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:23 So he's at the phone booth, and he's like, this is how my wife doesn't find out that I'm going to do a cheating on her that's what I'm going to do, and then Kiefer Sutherland's like, you step out of that phone booth, I'm going to shoot you so many times or whatever and it becomes this psychological cat and mouse game between the phone booth, Colin Farrell
Starting point is 00:48:39 and Kiefer Sutherland It's interesting that Colin Farrell's character's nickname is the phone booth, doesn't it? It's interesting that Colin Farrell's character's nickname is The Phone Booth, isn't it, in this movie? Oh, I forgot to... James, we forgot to do the one thing we said we were going to do. What was that? Would you rather be living currently in the state of Victoria where we're under a lockdown but you can leave to get groceries
Starting point is 00:48:59 or go to work or go to the doctor or see one friend or do some exercise or whatever? Yeah. Or would you rather be trapped in a casket that's been buried underground and you're losing oxygen and you're going to get bombed or whatever? Is a snake going to get in? To your house in real life, yes.
Starting point is 00:49:15 No, no, in the coffin. Like do the events of the movie Buried like play out? Can't I be like, I've seen this movie and I know what's going to happen? Yeah, but how? Anyway, no, I don't want to be in a coffin. Was a trick question. Nobody would want to be in one. And also it's a casket. Okay, great. I also don't want to be in the shallows or the movie Oxygen as much. Okay. Of the three, I'd take Oxygen.
Starting point is 00:49:39 James, that's, James, that's a spoiler for me and the movie Oxygen. Cause now I know that you would, now I know that you wouldn't want to be in the Oxygen room in the movie Oxygen. But it's got a holographic interface so you can watch the movie Oxygen while you're trapped in the movie Oxygen. Oh, on Netflix probably. On Netflix probably.
Starting point is 00:49:58 So yeah, there you go. So yeah, did you like Phone Booth? I've seen it once. I remember liking it. Yeah, I like Phone Booth a lot. Yeah. Is Forrest Whitaker in that? Yeah, he is, yeah, what did you... Did you like Phone Booth? I've seen it once. I remember liking it. Yeah, I liked Phone Booth a lot. Yeah. Is Forrest Whitaker in that? Yeah, he is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:08 See, the guy's like, get out of the Phone Booth. He's like, I can't. They're going to shoot me. Don't shoot me. Yeah, that's the one. And then Kiefer Sutherland, to spoil the movie Phone Booth at the end, I hope you learnt a lesson because I'm going around the city shooting people. And I hope I've taught you a lesson, Colin Farrell.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I'm going to shoot all kinds of people phone booth or no phone booth you thought you'd escape me just by not being in a phone booth in future but maybe i'll shoot you not in a phone booth colin farrell you better watch out i also have a persistent memory of the actor powers booth being in this movie but that's only because i invented a fake movie called phone boothoth from a Phone Booth, which in order to escape a sniper, Colin Farrell has to call up Powers Booth and convince him to come down and negotiate. I love it. That's a deep cut from a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:50:54 It certainly is. Okay, so what's a less grim? I would take, of all the three, of all the ones up that we've had so far, I'd probably take Phone Booth. At least you've got a bit of air, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I don't have a shark circling me. And I reckon I could outthink Kiefer Sutherland.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Oh, you think so? I'd be like, you know, yeah, I'd be like, you know, Kiefer Sutherland, your star before 24 had dipped quite dramatically, you know what I mean? It was Lost Boys and Young Guns 1 and 2. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It kind of disappeared for a bit. Yeah, yeah. And you're only in this movie because 24 picked up steam. But, you know, at that point, you're really just a TV actor. And they've put you in for a bit. Yeah, yeah. And you're only in this movie because 24 picked up steam. But, you know, at that point, you're really just a TV actor.
Starting point is 00:51:27 And they've put you in for a bit part in this movie. He'd probably shoot me at that point. Wait, wait, wait. Don't shoot me. In future, you're going to be the voice of Solid Snake in the Metal Gear franchise. You're going to be replacing Troy Baker or someone. I don't know. Whoever's the voice of Solid Snake before you.
Starting point is 00:51:40 David Hater. David Hater. David Hater. Screenwriter and voice actor, David Hater. Isn't that a fun fact? I'm keeping you going with fun facts so you don't shoot me. I agree. Speaking of bottle movies, what do you think about this? The Gods Must Be Crazy. Oh, that's funny because
Starting point is 00:51:54 there's a literal bottle in it. Do you really have that on this list or you don't have it on here? That's one of your funny jokes. That's on my list. That's one of your funny jokes. Oh, do you have... James, you... Do you have a fake list which you've sent to me and also uh your own list which has little funny jokes in it that is james there's at least one james that is let me say delightfully devilish i'm enjoying that immensely good good so the gods must Be Crazy is about a guy from an African tribe and somebody drops a coke
Starting point is 00:52:26 bottle and then it screws up society. It's like tribal society so he goes to return it or something, doesn't he? And there's also a sequel. Yes. And it's mostly just like isn't society strange and whatever, you know? And I remember they made us watch it at school and I remember being like
Starting point is 00:52:41 this isn't very good. Isn't it a bit rude? Why are we watching this? I don't think, I think I've maybe seen. Yeah, it's a bit rude. I think I've only seen maybe like minutes of it, but aren't there like naked natives and stuff in that movie? Yeah, but I think at that point it's like, you know, as it is in like a documentary where it's like it's educational
Starting point is 00:52:57 or whatever. Oh, I see. You know what I mean? Okay, James, would you rather live? Oh, my God. Yes. It's nine years between one and two. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Whoa. For those movies. And then there's a movie called Crazy Safari. Okay. Which is also... Might be known as God's Must Be Crazy 3. I wonder what they drop out of a plane in the other movies. Fascinating.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Anyway, what have you got on your list? My list or the insane joke list that you've invented, James? No, your list. Oh, I see. Okay, but would you rather live in the land of the gods must be crazy? Yeah, I guess. Because he's not really trapped, is he? No, and it's a tropical paradise, one would assume.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Yeah, that's it. Okay, great. And you've got a Coke bottle. It's pretty good. Sure. You could start a band. I would too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Okay, James, how about this? I'm ready. What about The Breakfast Club? We're trapped, but we're trapped in detention. Yeah. That's interesting because bottle movies don't always have to be we're trapped in this thing and it's a dire situation. That's really about life and love and geeks and jocks and whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Well, isn't that just life and love? You know, and certainly. But it's a good kind of teen movie of its year. I think it still mostly holds up, doesn't it? I think it does, yeah. To be fair, I haven't seen it in 20 years. Can I ask you this, James? How many detentions did you get in high school?
Starting point is 00:54:22 Man, I got so many fucking detentions. Like, you wouldn't believe. I got detention on my first day of high school ever. Nice. Like, straight away. First class, walked in, got a detention. What? For, like, talking.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Is this because you followed the... James, is this because you followed the rule of high school, which is as soon as you go in high school, you find the biggest guy and you punch him? Just to prove your dominance? Yeah, that's right. And that was the teacher? And it was me. I punched myself because I was the biggest guy
Starting point is 00:54:44 and I got a detention. No, I think it was like my school was very weird about like getting people in line in like year seven, which is the first year of school. And they make you line up in silence out the front in lines of two, like your children, which I guess you are. And then walk in in silence and stand behind your desk in silence. And then when the teacher says you can sit down, you can sit and i'm like what the fuck kind of situation is this like what what are we what is this like the school from fucking what that robin williams school whatever that school is that you know that school movie aladdin school dead poet society oh yeah it's like this isn't as fancy as school as you think it is anyway i said something to the person next
Starting point is 00:55:23 to me just like i don't know what's up with this and they're like detention you've been detention so i think i got made an example of so yeah i got so many attention my goodness i'm attention but it was also like it was always for little things it was never like i fucking cut someone in the face with a box cutter but what about you did you ever get any detention yeah just a lot of a lot of box cutter incidents i had my issue yeah i think i had i think I had one once, but I can't remember. I think I only... We talked about The Matrix recently. I think I ditched school to see The Matrix the second time.
Starting point is 00:55:54 And they found out? No. These are separate incidents. I got away scot-free for The Matrix. Nice. Don't even worry about it. I do remember one time in high school, they brought
Starting point is 00:56:05 in i think this would have been year nine because we're you know year nines are the worst yeah they brought us all in to a to like an assembly in order to like tell us how good a job we were all doing with something or other or like okay how it was like it was basically like a like a will like bring you in here like a like a state of the union address kind of thing of like hey just letting you know everything whatever but nobody would settle down so we ended up like just locked into this place for like two and a half hours it was like this like this kind of like like this weird standoff there was a standoff because like they'd be like okay like whoever was whoever was controlling the the assembly was just like we will not begin until there's absolute silence.
Starting point is 00:56:45 And then there was absolute silence. And then somebody would be like, uh. And then it would just, the cycle would continue. And then we just. And it would all start and everyone would arc up. And then people would be like, just shut up. We want to get out of here. But it was like, we stayed like till like five o'clock.
Starting point is 00:56:59 It was the. Whoa. Yeah. You can't even, I don't even think you're legally allowed to do that. It's a Christian brother school, man. You know what they're like. Oh yeah, I guess so. Yeah. I do't even, I don't even think you're legally allowed to do that. It's a Christian brother school, man. You know what they're like. Oh, yeah, I guess so, yeah. I do know what they're like.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah, one time, I think it was year 10, I skipped so much school that they made me come back for three days in the holidays. They brought me back to school. I thought you were going to say I skipped so much school that they named the concept of skipping school after me. They're like, hey, are you doing a Clement? Hey, hey, kid.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Are you doing the Jimmy run around? But, you know, I wasn't even a bad student really. Like I got okay grades or whatever. It was just by year 10. I'm like, I'm fucking sick of this. But look, I didn't really do it much after that. But one of the things was like, I'm not going to crack. I'm not going to mention anybody else.
Starting point is 00:57:48 And I'm not going to apologize, which is like a very teenager thing to do. They're like, you don't seem to be showing any remorse. And I'm like, I don't know what to tell you, man. I just, I didn't go to school. And now I'm back here. Like, what do you want? I'm not going to like, fuck, I'm sorry, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Wow. Anyway, I was a prick. I was a bad bloke. I still am, in a way. Well, then, James, I think. I don't know. Wow. Anyway, I was a prick. I was a bad bloke. I still am, in a way. Well, then, James, I think... Anyway, what are we up to? James, I think you would fit in very well in the Shawshank Redemption.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Wow. Because you didn't rat out your fellow man, which is probably something that happens in that movie, or not, I don't know. But they're trapped in a room, aren't they? They're trapped in many rooms. I mean, it's one big room, in a a way with lots of walls that's, you know, in between that bigger room to make even smaller rooms that they're in.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I mean, that movie was famously not a hit when it came out, you know what I mean? But it very, well, not even slowly, it very quickly became like everybody's favourite movie in the world. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? And you know what? It probably gets a bit of like, you know, it's a bit of a joke now,
Starting point is 00:58:46 whatever, that it's like everybody's favorite movie because it's so basic and whatever. But it's genuinely a very good movie. Very, very true, yeah. And, you know, it's one of the few movies that, you know, certain men will be like, yeah, I watched it and I had a cry, you know. I was happy when he climbed through that shit and made me cry. Made me think about all the shit I climbed through metaphorically.
Starting point is 00:59:10 And that time I shit my pants. Sure. Made me think about two things. Okay, so James, look, I've got to ask because it's the rules. Would you rather be currently stuck in leafy suburban Melbourne or trapped for decades in Shawshank Prison? Do I – can I escape? Yeah, but there's that Fecal River you mentioned earlier.
Starting point is 00:59:31 You have to. Yeah, it's only for a little bit. But do I make the warden shoot himself after I leave? Like, is he like, oh, no, and he shoots himself? Yeah, but it's unrelated. Okay, did my wife get murdered by somebody else and I'm blamed for the murder because they think i'm jealous because she had an affair did that happen uh no uh you went you you got put in
Starting point is 00:59:53 shawshank because you skipped school too many times like it's what happened now yeah yeah they come back they came back for you because you know how you know like if you if you like um you don't pay your library fines, they mount up. Yeah. Well, what happened is they heard you skipped school and then you didn't, you didn't get a proper, you didn't get any proper punishment for it. So it's mounted up and they're like,
Starting point is 01:00:12 you're getting 20 years in Shawshank for this. So Claire's fine. I'd probably do, I'd probably do this, to be honest. This thing where we're currently having fun and recording a podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would too, actually. Because I also get money for this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think you get any I also get money for this. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I don't think you get any money in Shawshank. Though at the end he does get money, doesn't he? That's true. But anyway, it's not that you know that. Good movie. What about the movie Cube, Mason? Oh, yes. It's set in, well, it's not technically set in one room,
Starting point is 01:00:36 but it's filmed in one room. That's true. So it's just a series of puzzles that they have to solve and get out of the cube. They're in a cube, but they're also in a bigger cube. That's true. And they have to escape the cube. Yeah the cube. They're in a cube, but they're also in a bigger cube. That's true. And they have to escape the cube. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I only recently watched it, though, and I've heard the second one's not good, but the third one, which might be a prequel, is good. Yeah. I don't know. But I did recently watch a similar movie called The Platform, also on Netflix. Do you know about this one? I've heard the name, but I don't know anything about it.
Starting point is 01:01:02 So it's like a prison that's like 300 levels or something. And it's a commentary on how the system works and the 1%. Basically, if you're up near the top, there's a big platform of food that goes down. And on every level, people take more and more food until it gets down to the lower levels and there's nothing left. Yeah, right. So it's that thing of like, you know, people say that like big corporations,
Starting point is 01:01:29 if you give them money, it trickles down to the people underneath when in reality it doesn't. They just hoard all the wealth. And that's what it's really about. So it's a metaphor for food. But it's not food. I mean, it's a metaphor for wealth. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:42 But it is food. Okay. All right. Yeah. I mean, it's a ridiculous premise. But, you know, it's a metaphor for wealth. But it is food. Okay. All right. Yeah. I mean, it's a ridiculous premise. But, you know, it's interesting. It's like a pretty compelling movie. Wouldn't the people at the very bottom platform,
Starting point is 01:01:52 wouldn't they die very quickly? Yes. Huh. Yes. So you have to survive 30 days and then they move you to another random level, right? And, like, the other thing is sometimes, like, you kill your cellmate and eat them for 30 days or whatever.
Starting point is 01:02:06 You know what I mean? It's just like – Sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. So that's where it's at. Okay. So I would rather not be in the cube. I don't think I would survive very well in the cube environment really
Starting point is 01:02:18 because you need special skills. I would – I wouldn't want to puzzle it out. My math is not that good because I skipped all that school. It's true. Same. Yeah. So, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:30 That's okay. What about this one, though, Mason? Go on. Message in a Bottle. Message in a Bottle starring Kevin Costner and Robin Wright. I have absolutely. It's a rom-com from 1999. I have absolutely not seen this.
Starting point is 01:02:42 And I'm quite frankly insulted. It's a bottle movie. I'm quite frankly insulted. Oh, a bottle movie. I'm quite frankly insulted. Oh, I see where you're going with that. Look, I was furious that you thought I might have seen that, but then it's... And I should have checked. It's not on my list, but it's on your list full of fun jokes.
Starting point is 01:02:57 So good work, James. That's right. So I think it's about a husband who maybe his wife died and he sent a message. I don't fucking know. It's not a real one. This is one that I haven't seen, but maybe you have. I'm just jumping around here.
Starting point is 01:03:10 My Dinner with Andre. Uh-huh. You seen that? I've been meaning to watch that for years. Well, I've seen it many, many years ago. So I don't know if I can help you with that one. Okay, then. But it's just a conversation, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:03:22 But I've seen the community episode that's based upon it. But there's a couple on here that I haven't seen that I do want to see. Go on. That one I haven't seen. I haven't seen Original Sleuth, which you've seen, I think you talked about recently. Oh, with Michael Caine, yes. That's right.
Starting point is 01:03:37 And I also haven't seen 12 Angry Men, shockingly, which I do need to see. Have you seen 12 Angry Men? Are you saying shockingly because you are yourself an angry man? Is that why it's shocking you haven't seen it? I'm a connoisseur of rage. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:57 A lot of people upon meeting you, they're like, damn, James, you're a real number eight of the 12 Angry Men. You're a real number eight personality type, they say. And you got me like, I've got to see that movie. Would you like to, here's a question for you though, James. Would you, if it got you out of the house, would you be on a jury right now?
Starting point is 01:04:18 Absolutely not. Really? I did it once. Yes. When I was 19 and I fucking hated it. It was awful. Like it was awful because the case was like it involved like a refugee who'd been treated terribly and been forced to like run drugs
Starting point is 01:04:33 by a terrible husband. I don't want to get into the details of it but it like swung between boring for days and then horrible and graphic and like hearing about abuse and then back to boring and then back to graphic and it lasted like eight days like eight work days of like my holidays i was like 19 okay and like everybody's in the jury's like well what about this or whatever and they're like you know trying to puzzle this thing out or whatever and it's like the reasonable doubt if you think that there's any chance that, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:05 that this thing didn't really happen, then let's fucking wrap it up and let this woman go, which was what ended up happening, which was good. But no, I can get out of jury duty also because I'm self-employed. Oh, I see. I never have to do it again. But I hated it. James, you can still make videos on jury duty.
Starting point is 01:05:25 You can be like, what's up? What's up, guys? It's me. I'm on a jury. Like and subscribe. The other thing is, your work is technically supposed to pay your wages if you get called up. But I worked for McDonald's at the time casually. So McDonald's are just like, well, we weren't going to give you those shifts anyway.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Yeah, right. I just didn't get paid. And you get like $20 a day or whatever the fuck. So it was just, I just didn't, I didn't like it at all. And if you can not do it, don't do it. And you also don't know what you're going to get. I could have got a case that lasted six months. That's true.
Starting point is 01:06:01 You know? What if it was like a funny crime? No, it's still boring. What if somebody if it was like a funny crime? No. It's still boring. What if somebody like, they like hijacked a forklift and they like drove it through a supermarket like a bunch of times? I mean, that's funny. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:14 And you can see the footage of that. But once you've seen the initial footage, there's not really much else to do. I could see that on YouTube. I guess that's probably true. Yeah. You're right. And I had to sit in a jury box for 12 days. do i could see that on youtube i guess that's probably true yeah you're right and i have to sit in a jury i could watch for 12 days well i just want to say for the record that if if anybody
Starting point is 01:06:30 out there who's working the the random jury duty machine out there in australia in victoria and and you've you've discovered a funny crime and you'd like somebody to adjudicate on a funny crime funny not serious funny crime yep and you've already lined up like some colourful characters to be the other jurors. Hit me up. Bring me in, coach. I'll do it. I'll be there.
Starting point is 01:06:54 So you'd be actually keen to do it? Yeah, because I've never done one. You'll regret it. Believe me, you'll instantly regret it. Great. I'm telling you. All right. I remember also because there's multiple levels that you've got to go through. This is boring. We should wrap this up. You got to get to before
Starting point is 01:07:09 you get in the actual jury box. So you get caught up once and then you go to like a next level and then you get selected for the jury and then they can knock you back. Yes. Right. And so I got up there. It's like, you know, I got, got past the first step, second step. And then they're like, now we're going to pull out of you 50 or whatever, we're going to pull 12 random names. And I'm like, please not me, please not me, please not me. And I was literally like the first name called. I'm like, fuck. And nobody challenged me because they're just like,
Starting point is 01:07:34 this is some kid, like who gives a shit if he's on this or not. So, yeah, there you go. Fun. Yeah. What about the movie Bottle Rocket? Because there's a bottle in the title. I've never seen it. Is it a bottle movie?
Starting point is 01:07:48 I mean, it is technically. But what do you think? I don't think it's a bottle movie, James, no. I mean, it technically is. It's called Bottle Rocket. I see. I see what you're doing there. That's your fun joke.
Starting point is 01:07:59 I like that. No, that was good. Did you see or you have seen The Man from Earth, which is not so much like they're trapped yes like physically but they're trapped by a man's compelling narrative that's true yeah telling him a story yeah he's telling the story have you seen the sequel in a way this this that's our that's our spiritual inspiration james because we we craft such a compelling narrative that people don't want to switch off their podcast devices yeah i have seen the sequel uh it's not a bottle it's not a bottle movie anymore uh and i still think it's interesting
Starting point is 01:08:30 and worth a watch and it is free on amazon video i think okay but there are is it like a wine rack of a movie what does that oh i see because there's a lot of bottles i say is that also did you come up with that just now? That's very good. That's a Jimmy Clement original, mate. That's very good. Wow. You pulled a Jimmy Clements. I loved it.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Some of the acting is not great. I think they've gotten some student actors in. It's kind of a low-budget situation because it's set around a school again, but it's like students. I think it's still kind of compelling. The main but it's like, you know, students. I think it's still kind of compelling. The main guy is very good in it, I think. Yeah. And he looks kind of like the guy from The Pretender.
Starting point is 01:09:14 You can't take that away from him. That's true. Yeah. It might even be the same guy, but I don't think it is. I don't think it is either. You recommended this one, and I watched this recently, also talked about Unsuggestable, but The Guilty is Swedish or something. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:09:26 And it's set entirely in a 911 emergency centre thing. That's true, yeah. Is it not? Yeah, I think so, yeah. Very good. It's a good one. That's on, I think, did you watch on SBS On Demand? Yeah, I think I did.
Starting point is 01:09:41 But it might be on Prime or something. It's interesting because we've got here, you know, we've got Buried, we've got Phone Booth, we've got The Guilty. It's interesting how your mind fills in the gaps. Like you would think that if you suggested these as like radio plays or like an audio narrative or something like that, I'd be like, yeah, cool. But if you told me the plot of some of these and said it's a movie i would my instinct would be to be
Starting point is 01:10:10 that sounds very dull and so it's you know a credit to all of these that uh that uh they're not dull yeah or maybe that's a credit to our wonderful imaginations maybe it is do you want me to just run through a few more uh just just through a few. Just rattle them off. Yeah. So the movie Room, which is mostly set in a room but not entirely set in a room. It's more of a wine rack situation, isn't it, Mason? Okay, but James, would you like to be in that room? No, fuck no. I'd murder that guy.
Starting point is 01:10:36 He'd come in. I'd strangle him, mate. So you would like to be in that room just for purposes of murdering? Yeah. He'd come in expecting Brie Larson, a little boy, and it'd be me, and i'd strangle him would you be dressed as a little boy no no i'd just be waiting and be like hey what's up and i'd fucking strangle yeah nice good good great nice uh and then oh james we should have just
Starting point is 01:10:56 see the problem here james is what we this is what happens all the time is we get three quarters of the way through the thing we're going to be talking about and then we hit the real gold. We strike the oil, which is if you were in any of these situations, could you have prevented what was happening happening from just strangling a guy? A lot of these you could. For some of these, maybe. Yeah, I reckon you could.
Starting point is 01:11:19 I mean, you could have strangled Andre in my dinner with Andre. Could have just strangled that guy. They would have sent you to jail, but you would have gotten out of the dinner party. I'll tell you that much. I'd strangle that snake in Buried. Yeah, you would have strangled the snake. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Could you strangle the rock from 127 Hours? Probably not, because you've got one arm. Yeah, you've only got the one arm. You've got two arms, maybe. You need to get it in the crook of your elbow, yeah. Yeah. Maybe you could get it in a leg lock. You could. What about the movie Misery? Strangle that woman? maybe. You need to get it in the crook of your elbow, yeah. Yeah. Maybe if you get it in a leg lock.
Starting point is 01:11:47 What about the movie Misery? Strangle that woman? Yeah, you'd strangle Kathy Bates. You'd strangle her real good. Yeah, he bashes her head in with a typewriter, I think. I've never seen the movie Clue, but that's one. What else have we got? The Count of Monte Cristo. I'm just imagining all the characters from Clue.
Starting point is 01:12:03 They've all gotten together in a room, Professor Plum and Colonel Mustard or Princess Peach and whoever they are, and they're all like, I think the killer was James. And they turn and you're just strangling somebody else. Strangling Tim Curry in the corner. You're just, everybody's in their suits and hats and day dresses and you're just in your hoodie, just strangling a guy.
Starting point is 01:12:29 So have you seen the Count of Monte Cristo one with Jim Caviezel? Like a large portion of that is set in a prison cell with Gandalf, not Gandalf, with Dumbledore, original Dumbledore. Richard Harris? Yeah. It's really good. I remember it being really good. And he wants to get revenge for being put in a cell.
Starting point is 01:12:47 It's a great revenge movie. And Henry Cavill, I think it's his first performance in that, actually. He's like a very young Henry Cavill. Is this... Yeah. This isn't the Guy Pearce count of Monte Cristo, man. That's exactly the one I'm talking about. Huh.
Starting point is 01:12:59 I don't remember anybody being in that movie besides Guy Pearce. So... There's a bunch of people in it. It's a Guy Pearce. There's a bunch of people in it. It's a movie, Mason. There's a bunch of people. No, no, that is a testament to the acting ability of Guy Pearce. That's true. Or the acting ability of all those other actors because I didn't recognize them.
Starting point is 01:13:16 I completely, I can rattle off the cast. Yeah, so it's Richard Harris, Henry Cavill. Louise Guzman's in it. Oh. Louise Guzman. Yes. Michael Wincott, who looks a lot like, you know, Michael Will. Louise Guzman's in it. Oh. Louise Guzman. Yes. Michael Wincott, who looks a lot like, you know, Michael Wincott? You know Michael Wincott.
Starting point is 01:13:29 You know him. I don't. Anyway, he's in things. You do. You definitely do. He's in Alien 4. It's the only thing I can think of that he's in, but it's not the only thing that he's in.
Starting point is 01:13:38 What the fuck else is he in? Helen McCroy's in it. There's a lot of people in it. He's in so much stuff. You definitely know him. Anyway, Green Room is set in a green room. There's a lot of people in it. He's in so much stuff. You definitely know him. Anyway, Green Room is set in a green room with Nazis. That's a good movie and it's one of the
Starting point is 01:13:52 last movies from the late Anton Yelchin, so people should check that out. That's it. And Patrick Stewart's in it as well. Patrick Stewart's in it? Yeah. Maybe Imogen Poots? Maybe? 1408, which is about The Devil Runs a Room. Speaking of The Devil Runs a Room, I nearly forgot to put this on the list. I'm going to mention it now. maybe uh 1408 which is about the devil runs a room speaking of the devil runs a room i nearly forgot to put this on the list i'm doing to mention it now remember devil the one set in a
Starting point is 01:14:12 lift is it called yes the m9 charmline movie set in a lift sure yeah but it's it's not him it's um it's it's it's like he produces it or something it's a 2010 horror film where there's like five strangers in an elevator and one of them is literally the devil. Yes. And you've got to kind of puzzle it out. It's quite fun. What would you do in that situation, James? Who would you strangle?
Starting point is 01:14:36 I'd strangle the devil. That's what I'd strangle. It's good to see your instincts are still good. I thought maybe your instincts had, you know, wasted away in quarantine, but it's good to know. Oh, like I end up strangling the guy from the Mindy Project, who I think is also in that movie or whatever.
Starting point is 01:14:52 I bet there's a moment in that film that I don't really remember, but where the elevator starts, like, dropping wildly and the numbers spin. Oh, and it says 666. And then it goes to 666. Maybe. It has to, right? Probably, yeah. If this movie's a hacky piece of garbage, sure. The movie The Descent.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Yep. Set in a cave system, I guess. And The Descent 2. Snowpiercer. Uh-huh. Set on a train. Sure. The Bottle of the Rails is what they call a train.
Starting point is 01:15:21 So that makes a lot of sense. Yeah. The movie Sideways. What? Oh, because there's bottles. Oh, I see. You've done it lot of sense. Yeah. The movie Sideways. What? Oh, because there's bottles. Oh, I see. You've done it again, James. You've got me every time.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Every single time. Thank you. That was my last one. Oh, was it? There's apparently a 2014 movie called Lock, which stars Tom Hardy, and it's about him being trapped in a car. There's also a Robert Pattinson movie where he's in a car the entire time. Oh.
Starting point is 01:15:44 He's in a limousine. And then it ends up being 9-11 or something at the end? Yes. Spoilers. We're past that point. Speed is mostly set on a bus. That's true. I guess any movie set on a boat is also technically a bottle movie.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Now, James, I have a question about this one here. What's the movie Resovior Dogs, James? What's Resovior Dogs? So nice. Is that like Reservoir Dogs? Is that what it is, James? Why did that not come up as a spelling error? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Potentially you've spelled it that so many times that it's just like, I guess this is what he likes. I mean, is it not doing it in your? I don't know. It wouldn't be, would it? Because it's an like, I guess this is what he likes. I mean, is it not doing it in your? Oh, no, it wouldn't be, would it? Because it's an email. No, actually, sorry, in my list it's been corrected, so I must have sent over the pre-corrected list. I also put that in the Hateful Eight,
Starting point is 01:16:35 which is they're both bottle films. And the last one I've got is Ald is Lost, which is a Robert Redford I'm stuck in a boat movie, which I guess you could put in Cast Away as well, I guess. I guess, Mason. Would you like to be stuck in a boat with Robert Redford, I'm Stuck in a Boat movie, which I guess you could put in Cast Away as well, I guess. I guess, Mason. Would you like to be stuck in a boat with Robert Redford for a bit? You would love that. You would love to have a chance.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Fuck yeah, man. I'd be like, tell me all about Butch Cassidy. And he's like, I already told you about Butch Cassidy. I'll be like, well, tell me about The Sting then. Yeah. He's like, fine, I'll tell you about The Sting. And then I'll be like, tell me about the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid prequel movie that they made. And he's like, I'm not in that. I had nothing to do with it. And I be like, tell me about the Butch Cassidy in the Sundance Kid prequel movie that they made.
Starting point is 01:17:06 And he's like, I'm not in that. I've nothing to do with it. And I'm like, tell me about it. What do you know? What do you know? What do you know? I only know I've seen the ads. I know what's in the ad.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Well, tell me about it. Tell me about it, Robert Redford. I haven't even seen the ads. Oh, that's great. He's probably retired or he isn't. I can't remember where he's at with his retirement at the moment. Anything else? That's bloody, bloody everything, I think.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Do you reckon you could get out of that All Is Lost movie by strangling Robert Redford? But you're still stuck in the middle of the ocean at that point, so who are you strangling? Well, I could use... The stars for leading you astray? I could use my knowledge of the movie The Platform and I could eat Robert Redford,
Starting point is 01:17:44 and that would sustain me for 30 days, I think, and then I'd probably get rescued. That's a good point. Yeah. That's a great point, actually. Thank you. All right, should we move to the next segment of the show? Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Yes. All right, well, I actually know what it's called already. Oh, yes, go on. It's called What Are We Reading? Go on. What Are We Going to Read? Oh. And here's the theme song.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Oh, very exciting. I'm doing the theme. Oh. we're going to read. Oh. And here's the theme song. Oh, very exciting. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:18:04 I'm doing the theme. Oh. Westworld. My goodness. My goodness, Mason. What have you been Westworlding this week? Well, I think maybe we mentioned this off-air last week. Have we both read the Batman 89 comic book?
Starting point is 01:18:24 Yes. We have both read it at this point. Well, I've read it. Have you read it? Yeah, I've read it. Yeah, I've read it. Don't worry, James. I've read it.
Starting point is 01:18:36 What I also think was very misleading from Batman 89 is it should be like technically like Batman 91 because it's set after both Batman and Batman 89. Oh, wait, Batman Returns came out in... I'll start that again. Okay, go on. Batman Returns came out in 1992 and it's set after Batman Returns also. That's true, yes.
Starting point is 01:18:54 I thought it was set directly after Batman 89. Not that it matters at all. I mean, it does matter for story points, but yeah, what do you think anyway? I liked it. I think it's fun. They've centered Harvey Dent as the upcoming, you know, he was obviously intended to be Two-Face if they were going to do,
Starting point is 01:19:13 I mean, I guess he wasn't really intended to be, the option was there for him to be Two-Face in the movies if they were going to continue in that universe. But, you know, just an endless parade of sequels was not necessarily, you know, the standard procedure back then. But I think it's great. I think they've subtly aged everybody up. I think it's really good, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Very true. I think they've captured William December Williams quite well. You know what I mean? It's looking good. It's real names. But, yeah, they've got a bit of grey in the temples of Michael Keaton's Batman. And, you know, it's cool. It's cool, right? It is looking good. It's real names. But yeah, they've got a bit of grey in the temples of Michael Keaton's Batman and, you know, it's cool. It's cool, right?
Starting point is 01:19:47 It is very cool. And it's got a lot of like 89, early 90s or whatever era these movies are really set in, like technology kind of worked in like screens and audio listening devices. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's in pieces like that. It's pretty cool, man. I've also been watching Star Trek Lower Decks is back.
Starting point is 01:20:05 So the first two episodes have been. I've been watching that too. Yeah. It's good fun. It's fun. They're really, and obviously because, you know, they have an unlimited budget. They can really just, as compared to, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:17 movies or TV shows or what have you, they can really just sort of go buck wild with, you know, giving somebody super cosmic powers or you know having a totally you know an enormous space battle or you know any of those kind of things it's nice to see it was good to see um jonathan frakes back as reicher for an episode i think that's a lot of fun as like this that's really cool i like his characterization in the in the in the show uh of just like this just he just rolls with everything. He's just like this super enthusiastic.
Starting point is 01:20:48 He's sort of like, what's the character in Futurama, the captain? No pants? What's that guy's name? Oh, Zap Branigan. He's like Zap Branigan, but like actually skilled at his job. Competent.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Yeah, he's competent. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it's a great show. He also turned up in Discovery, didn't he? Not Discovery. What did he turn up in? Was it Discovery? No
Starting point is 01:21:08 Do you mean Enterprise? What was the show? No, he turned up in Picard Yes, he did He was in Picard Yeah, a couple of times Hell yeah He put on the tights
Starting point is 01:21:17 Or whatever they wear in that show There was the last episode When they go into a museum Like a curated museum Of all sorts of alien oddities and weapons and trinkets and i'm watching it i'm like man i bet if i knew a lot about star trek this would be crazy all of these things yeah do you know what i mean but i'm like i don't know i don't know any of these references well there's a um there's a there's a
Starting point is 01:21:37 famous episode of next generation so there's a new crew member in that episode and he speaks entirely in metaphors and that was like a classic there's like a classic episode of the next generation where they they can't understand this this alien race until they understand that everything they say is is like a reference to a previous thing that happened in their culture so it was like this episode this 1990s episode of star trek that sort of invented meme culture essentially whether it's just, it'd be just like if people talked with just like, you know, holding up Picard doing the face palm, you know? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Anyway, it's a great show.
Starting point is 01:22:14 I'm enjoying it a lot. Yeah, I agree. It's really good. And I guess like for lack of a better example, if you like Rick and Morty at Star Trek, it's a bit of that. It is, yeah. But it's not. Like that's selling it short to be like it's just Rick and Morty Star but Star Trek it's a bit of that. It is, yeah. But it's not like that's selling it short to be
Starting point is 01:22:26 like it's just Rick and Morty Star Trek because it's not. There's more thought into it than that. But there is a little bit of Rick and Morty in there. Oh, definitely. There's definitely some Rick and Morty-ing about. Now here's a question for you and I don't know if you can actually pull this off.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Can you play the letters theme or will that disable whatever device you are? Let's see what happens. Here we go. He's doing it. Let's see what happens. I have a new tablet. Let's see where the speakers are on it.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Let's see what happens. But it's just a stone tablet. He doesn't know anything works. The classic one was the letters, the letters. We love you. Some letters, they're only a take away. We know they're here right now. We're going to do letters. I'll give you some letters that only take away. We're going to hear right now.
Starting point is 01:23:07 We're going to do letters. Now, for me, that was garbly as shit. Well, maybe it worked. I hope it was better for everybody else. Who knows? Well, that's the thing. The thing. Let's do another things. What I'm hearing from you is not how everybody else is going to hear.
Starting point is 01:23:22 No, that's true. Because we're both recording separate audio tracks. Anyway, that's not the hint all there. Let us know the segment of the show where people write in and they go, hello, we've got a letter for you or a tweet. Yes. And you can tweet us at hashtag weeklyplanetpod or weeklyplanetpod at
Starting point is 01:23:35 if you want to shoot an email through to Nick Mason. Yeah. Do you have a Gmail this week for us, Nick Mason? I absolutely do. And also, if you want to email in to us and you want to be like hey i would have strangled heaps of people in those movies where would you have gone where are there any bottle are there any bottle universes you'd be like man i would love to live in i would love to live in the the ocean of poop in the uh in the shawshank redemption you know let us know i mean there's some scenarios where you couldn't strangle them like you can't
Starting point is 01:24:03 strangle sniper keiefer Sutherland he'll snipe you you won't get anywhere near him he'll snipe the heck out of you what have you got in terms of letters
Starting point is 01:24:09 what have you got this is from Jason Roadman he says I did it hey James and Maceo Jason here long time listener donated a kidney
Starting point is 01:24:19 this morning to my brother the one you don't like Maceo oh my god that's awesome in agony as I write this gonna be spending
Starting point is 01:24:24 the next six weeks in recovery while I get used to this empty hole in my body. I'm looking forward to binging some caravans and book club that I've been putting off until this surgery. My question, would either one of you wacky dudes give up your kidney for the other? Especially under the threat of death, of course. Also,
Starting point is 01:24:40 can I be the official lack of one kidney boy for the pod? That's from Jason from Kansas. Wow, great question. I mean, I guess. Yeah. If you really needed one, I would. Thanks, man. Because mine is Swiss cheese at this point, so I could probably do with one. I mean, just, you know. But you don't really drink, so I don't think I'd
Starting point is 01:24:56 be doing you any favours. Yeah, you know what? I don't really drink that much anymore either. Look, yes, you could have a kidney if you really needed one, but also, the more pertinent question that... No, also the more the more pertinent question but no the more pertinent question that i've just realized is i reckon we should do some sort of kidney exam we'll do some we'll get some scans done we'll see whose kidneys are in better shape like just generally because i don't drink but they're a wreck anyway but you used to drink
Starting point is 01:25:21 and now you don't you get kidney stones sometimes because you get kidney stones, yeah. Sometimes, yeah. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. Does that mean the kidney stones would affect me if I got to your kidney? Oh, I don't know. You can have my gallbladder. They already removed it. I don't know where it is. You have to sift through some medical waste. Okay, great.
Starting point is 01:25:38 You can have it. Well, I was going to be doing that anyway. You know, the weekend's coming up, so. You know, you've got to make the most of your one hour of exercise. That's true, yeah. Sift through some garbage, you know, the weekend's coming up, so. You know, you've got to make the most of your one hour of exercise. That's true, yeah. Sift through some garbage, you know. I've got a tweet here who says, this is from Pirates of the Caribbean Direct, or at Pirates Direct, who says, hashtag Wicked Planet Pod.
Starting point is 01:25:57 If you guys could pick six Marvel characters to be in the next Avengers movie, who would they be? I'm a huge fan of the show. Keep up the absolutely smashing content. Well, I guess like the way they're going is it's like it'll be Shang-Chi, it'll be Ironheart, it'll be Anthony Mackie, Captain America, it'll probably be Captain Marvel, some of the other Captain Marvels maybe as well.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Yeah, yeah. Whoever's going to be the next Black Panther. But you keep Hawkeye in there. You know? Yeah, why not? Hawkeye, you know, he? You definitely... Yeah, why not? Hawkeye, you know, he's not doing anything else, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:32 He hasn't betrayed any huge government agencies recently and he has to be on the run or whatever. He's just there and he's like... Oh, Captain Marvel. Yeah, sure, you can bring down all those Kree spaceships with your laser blasts, but I'll be here firing a tripwire arrow. Don't even worry about it. That's true. I think also some of the ones I've mentioned are probably
Starting point is 01:26:46 Young Avengers characters. Like they're going to do both. Like Ironheart will be Young Avengers and Hayley Steinfeld, who is Kate Bishop, will probably be in that as well. But, yeah, I don't know. Do you have any particular – it's interesting to get a different set of skills, you know what I mean, in the team, see what they do with it.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Because you need – because that's the thing like i also i also feel like again it you know and i i feel like you know even though they've they've got a lot of movies in production there's a lot of money and stuff moving around i feel like what they're also doing is they're kind of it is kind of like the early movies where they're sort of trying a bunch of new things and seeing what people respond to and that might sort of lean. So like if they wanted to, they could kind of just rebuild the old Avengers, like the classic team, but replace it with a few people that aren't coming back. Like they could put...
Starting point is 01:27:36 Totally. They could put the new... You know, they could put... You know, Anthony Mackie is the new Captain America, but they could also use the Wyatt Russell Captain America if they wanted to. Yes. I think that'll be a Dark Avengers situation.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Yeah, yeah. Well, see, that's the thing. I think, yeah. Yeah, again, I do think like a lot of the stuff they do is kind of throw out ideas and see what the internet buzzes about and then kind of like, you know, which is fascinating when you consider it's, you know, hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars.
Starting point is 01:28:03 But I think they're like, you know, people are buzzing. We're seeing a lot of traffic about the dark avengers so yes let's put that into production kind of thing so absolutely but that's i think that's what they're doing with um what's her name from seinfeld elaine from seinfeld kramer yeah but i but i think they should i think they should uh i think they should bring in uh no because i reckon they should bring in Jarvis the butler. And I know he was in Agent Carter. I think they should time travel him to the present and make him the butler of Avengers Tower. Just be like, yeah, look.
Starting point is 01:28:37 I love that. We don't know what happened. We don't know what happened, but he was driving Howard Stark's car out of that military installation in Avengers Endgame, and there was a time incident. Straight into a portal. Yeah, and he was just in a portal now. Now he's in the modern day.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Now they have a butler like in the comics. That's the one thing they've never gotten over. They're like, look, we can do comic book style costumes. We can give them crazy origins like in the comics. We don't have to sugarcoat any of this stuff because it's too silly or whatever. But they've never gone, yeah, the Avengers do have a butler and he's a real guy and his name's Jarvis.
Starting point is 01:29:14 So he put Jarvis on the team. That's what I want. That's really great. I love that. I'd love it if they revealed that he was alive and he's just like 104 years old. Yeah, yeah. They'd make him be the butler, like Harry Osborn's butler
Starting point is 01:29:28 from Spider-Man 3 or whatever. Yes. Oh, no. Have you got another one? I've got a few. This is from Mickey. In terms of letter? This Mickey – My phone's at 20%, by the way.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Your phone is? Yeah. Dumb. Yeah, it might cut out at some point. Okay. We'll see how we go. Yeah. Well, this says, Tales from a stressed out new dad.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Hi, James and Mesa. My wife and I recently welcomed our first child, and while I would like to tell you that the dulcet sounds of the podcast are the magical key to putting him to sleep, that would be a big fat lie. Fortunately, the back catalogue of the podcast and Big Sandwich is keeping me sane
Starting point is 01:29:58 as I pace around the house at 3 a.m., trying to get him to stop wailing, though. Thanks so much for everything. Mickey in Washington DC. Brutal man. It's brutal. It does pass if it's any consolation and your saviour will be putting in one earbud
Starting point is 01:30:13 and holding a baby. That is what you will do for a year. Or more. So yeah. Congratulations. Terrific stuff. See, as we approach episode 400, questions start to creep into my brain, James, such as, have we already done this? Did we do this already?
Starting point is 01:30:32 Oh, yeah. So this is an email from Philip. I was up to that in episode six. I was like, can we do this? Can we talk about this? This is Brand Deals in Movies and TV. Hi, James and Maiso. After listening to this week's episode
Starting point is 01:30:42 talking about James Bond and his 50 chicken nuggets, I was wondering if you could do an episode covering the worst and most blatant product placements in movies and TV. We did that, didn't we? See, that's the question, James. Yep. Okay, I found it. It's episode 198.
Starting point is 01:30:59 200 episodes ago, we did most blatant movie product placement. So, yes, there you go. I bet there. There you go. I bet there's more. I bet there's more. Oh, definitely. We'll crowdsource it. Definitely. We'll maybe, we'll start we'll go to the Great Mates Facebook group and we'll say, hey, what didn't we mention in that episode? We'll do it all again.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Actually, I still have the show notes from that episode. Oh, yeah. Actually, here, I can go through and see what list i've got here oh yeah it's like et reese's pizzas world war z pepsi nice um i robot does a lot of audi things yeah wow who knew that i'd actually ever look at one of these old show notes ever again i knew i saved them for a reason who knew that either of us made show notes incredible you didn't know?
Starting point is 01:31:45 You thought I was just riffing? Thought you were riffing. I think this is the news this week, I think. Yeah. All right, I've got a tweet here. Anyways, yeah, I'd definitely do it again. This is from Lock McGregor, who says, hashtag weekly planet pod.
Starting point is 01:32:01 I understand that you guys like Neil Blomkamp's work. Neil Blomkamp's work Neil Blomkamp's work For those people who don't know, he did District 9 and Elysium and Chappie and a bunch of like Oats Studio stuff on his YouTube channel, and stumbling around Google 4am, I found he made a new film this year called Demonic
Starting point is 01:32:17 I just want to know if you guys had actually heard about this film or seen it I'd say no, since it has a 13% on Rotten Tomatoes I had no idea about this movie. Did you know about this? I think maybe I'd heard the name, and I'm like, oh, I'll check that out. But then somebody was like, hey, maybe they're making a District 10. And I'm like, ooh, more interesting. I'll go this way
Starting point is 01:32:33 instead. Absolutely. Oh, so that just came out. It came out in July. Right. So, yeah. Oh, that's a shame, man, because I really like his movies. And he directed that. Ah, yes. So, yeah, there you go. Oh, that sucks. shame, man, because I really like his movies. And he directed that. Yes. So, yeah, there you go. That sucks.
Starting point is 01:32:49 But I did see some interviews this week where he was talking about how the process of being his Robocop sequel, not getting off the ground or doing his Aliens 5 and whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I still think he should get one of those properties. Even if you don't like Chappie or this movie, apparently, I don't care. He's perfect. I think he's get one of those properties like even if you don't like chappy or this movie apparently yeah i don't care like he's perfect i think he is perfect for those properties and also do district 10 what else mason or should we let it i got one more email james what do you think
Starting point is 01:33:14 about that let's find out all right this is jim i'll tell you what i think about after this is from jim hello jim uh he says greetings from the oven that is phoenix arizona hi james and may so here i am here i am on my 40th birthday, marvelling that I've been on this planet for four decades. This last decade has included so many things, including marriage, kids, a teaching career, and the first and best damn podcast I've ever listened to. Because my drive to my job of teaching high school art
Starting point is 01:33:39 is only 20 minutes, I've been able to make the Monday podcast last all week sometimes. It's a great start to my day, makes me laugh, and I often find myself inadvertently speaking in an Australian accent as I talk myself through my morning to-do list. Thank you so very much for what you guys do. Here's to you gents from Jim. Can I be the official art teacher of the podcast?
Starting point is 01:33:57 Yes, you may. Absolutely you can. What are you teaching? What are you up to in art? I want to know some new techniques, Mason. You're teaching shading? Teaching some shading? Oh.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Yeah. Can I draw like an up-close sketch of an eye? Oh. Maybe? What about a ball? Like it's a metal ball and it's all shiny. Yeah, it's shiny. It's shading.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Yeah, but it's just pencil. How do you do it? It's magical. Shading. I don't know how they do it. That's one of my favorite things on Reddit where they'll bring up like a sketch and it looks super realistic and they're like, this was done with a Bic pen. And I'm like, what?
Starting point is 01:34:31 Yes. Yeah, yeah. What do you mean? That's a photograph. Yeah. I don't believe you. Nice. Actually, that's what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I'm going to go into the art section of Reddit and just post a picture of me, a selfie, and be like, I drew this with a pen. Just a blue big pen. So it's all in how you hold it. You can make flesh tones, grey hoodies, et cetera. Yeah. Wild. I just realised I got a lot of detentions and I was a teacher.
Starting point is 01:34:59 I don't know what that's about. What does that mean? What does that mean, Mason? James, are you saying you got a lot of detentions as a teacher? I mean, it does feel like those staff meetings are a bloody, bloody detention. Am I right? Am I right, everyone?
Starting point is 01:35:11 As a teacher? You're talking to some kid and you're like, you're making too much trouble. I'm giving you a detention. And they're like, no, I'm giving you a detention. And you're like, ah! What? Oh, this is bullshit.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Another detention for swearing, Mr Clement. That's right. Anyways, do you want to wrap us up? Do you want to bring us home, Mason? Folks, that is the show. I hope it recorded in any way, shape or form. We'll soon find out, won't we? Me too.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Yeah. We will. My Zoom is still recording, so that's good. That's something, isn't it? So is mine. But folks, thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much for... It's hard to do this when you're remote.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Folks, thank you so much. Nah, it's easy much for... It's hard to do this when you're remote. Thank you, folks. Thank you so much. Nah, it's easy. Yeah, no, it is pretty easy. I don't have to bloody smell you, mate. Oh! Folks, thanks for listening. Thank you for subscribing.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Thank you for telling your friends about the show. Specifically, I mean telling your friends about the show so they also listen to the show. Don't tell them about the show in such stunning clarity that they don't need to listen to the show because that is – I should have been clearer about this, if I'm honest with you, earlier on. Yeah, I mean, we're so far in. We're at episode 1047 or whatever.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And people might just be going like, I'll listen to this podcast. Oh, yeah, and that's it. Or they might be like, I'll listen to the podcast and then the first guy said, welcome to the Weekly Planet podcast and then they do it for an hour and 50 minutes, and then that other person's like, wow, that was really evocative. I don't need to listen anymore.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Well, you should. Be specific. I agree. But anyway, thank you for telling your friends. Thank you for leaving a five-star review because it helps other people find the show. James, do you have any reviews there? It does.
Starting point is 01:36:40 And I've got a couple here. This one's from Emperor Bailey who says, decades well spent. I've listened a couple here. This one's from Emperor Bailey who says, Bailey who says, decades well spent. I've listened to this podcast every Monday since 1976 when they started it up to discuss news about the upcoming Superman the movie. Consistently A-plus commentary for 45 years and counting. I've thoroughly enjoyed it and the community that has grown up around it. Join us.
Starting point is 01:37:00 So you could do a review like that, a lie if you will. Or you could do what Trevor Felto who says just a good old time listen here folks, I'm using my wife's phone to leave another 5 star review because these boys are just the greatest if you can do that, if you can swipe someone else's phone to leave a second review
Starting point is 01:37:18 it's appreciated if you want to get in contact with us, you can go to weeklyplanetpod at gmail, at facebook, at in contact with us, you can go to Weekly Planet Pod at Gmail, at Facebook, at Twitter, at Bandcamp. You can go to You can sign up to the newsletter from the great Rob Collings. He's at Raw Collings on Twitter. He's at The Weekly Planet on Twitter. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:37:38 And on Instagram, I'm Nick Maso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. James, you're Mr. Sunday Movies everywhere. I am, I am. You can also go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group. You can just jump on in there and join up, and you can have fun, good time chats about all kinds of stuff related to podcasts and pop culture and movies and all kinds of stuff. Have a great time.
Starting point is 01:37:57 I agree. If you want to support the show, you can go to slash MrSundayMovies to chuck in a buck, or in fact, any amount would help us very much. Very much so. If you can, but if you can't, just listen listen to the podcast it's fine we love it yeah we do you can also go to big uh for nine us dollar edus per month you can get all kinds of bonus content there's so there's a there's there's a how much content's on there like a year's worth of stuff how long we'll be doing that uh way more than that a year and a bit even oh you're in a bit that is way more the that. A year and a bit even. Oh, a year and a bit. That is way more.
Starting point is 01:38:25 The one that's up. So next week is going to be Justice League Part 2. Yes. Though it was time craps where we look at the year 1981 in pop culture and music and movies and TV shows and all that. So that'll be up there right now. And we determine whether or not it was a good year or we wouldn't want to be alive then.
Starting point is 01:38:43 And we never want to live there do we mason never ever ever uh but speaking of uh what if recaps go up there early while collins is doing the edit the audio goes up there so nice yeah uh let's see um um we've got some t-shirts on all kinds of crazy stuff over there official unofficial just grab one just search for the weekly planet i agree grab one you Just search for The Weekly Planet. I agree. Grab one you think is fun. And thank you to the Bruce and the Basilisk and Rackham for all the musical themes. And that is the whole show.
Starting point is 01:39:12 What do you reckon about that? Now, because next week is, I love it. Next week is good, Mason, because it's episode 400. And apparently we promised, we mentioned this, that we would talk about the movie 300. Yes. At the episode 400. But we've already done a commentary
Starting point is 01:39:24 and we've covered that movie extensively, but there is a movie from 2015, a sci-fi fiction film called 400 Days. It stars Brandon Routh. I love Brandon Routh. So we could do the movie 400 Days. Now, so this is post-Superman Returns, right? 2015. Yeah, this is 2015.
Starting point is 01:39:42 There's also a movie called 400 Bullets, which came out this year. So, you know. Yeah, this is 2015. There's also a movie called 400 Bullets, which came out this year. So, you know. Yeah. There's also a movie called 400 Days of Summer, which is a prequel. Actually, it's just the first three quarters of 500 Days of Summer. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:58 So we could do that. Man, this movie ends on a cliffhanger, we would say. I mean, and for the better because I hope you know the guy's awful I hope he's miserable forever same anyway we'll think of something for next week won't we Mason yes that's right folks once again thank you all for listening
Starting point is 01:40:15 hope this recorded we appreciate you putting up with this particular version of the podcast this week don't leave guys don't leave don't leave us I know I'm loud sometimes. I can't help it. All right.
Starting point is 01:40:29 See you, everybody. Grab that jam, you guys. We will talk to you next week. Goodbye. Bye-bye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want.
Starting point is 01:40:44 It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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