The Weekly Planet - 410 The Eternals & Shang Chi

Episode Date: November 8, 2021

Visit for a bonus weekly show, exclusive movie commentaries, early stuff and ad-free podcast feeds for $9 per month.This week it's our absolute honor and privilege to review not one but... two Marvel movies, both Shang Chi and The Eternals. Plus there's some many news in this extra long episode, thanks for the listening!Do Go On with Maso Old Studios Fundraiser in the Think Tank Live Stream the Death Star with James for Suggestible in The Listener's Choice Award The Start07:45 Chris Pratt is Garfield11:32 Donkey Kong Solo Movie12:55 Taika Waititi's Tower of Terror17:54 Chris Nolan's Oppenheimer Casting19:05 Live Guns On Movie Sets21:37 MODOK in MCU Rumour24:38 Werewolf by Night Special25:53 Morbius Trailer30:23 Book of Boba Fett Trailer32:58 Disney Plus Day Preview34:30 Matt Smith Speaks on Star Wars Role36:42 Shang Chi Review (spoilers 44:39 to 56:15)56:15 The Eternals Review (01:16:48 to 01:44:33)01:44:33 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read01:48:13 Letters, It's Time For LettersJames' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► iTunes ► Direct Download ► YouTube Channel ► Affiliate Link ► ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret.
Starting point is 00:00:28 The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of the Weekly Planet, where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. But with me, as always, is my co-host this week
Starting point is 00:01:07 and probably next week. Excuse me? Excuse me? I don't want to get ahead of myself. Nick Mason, welcome to the show. The show that you're always on and have been on more times than me. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I'll be here long after you're gone, buddy. I hope so. I'll just still be in the room and i'll be talking to this microphone but i don't understand any of it works so it'll just be being stored up on the sd card until there's no more room in the sd card he does this actually every week like i go to bed and he's just he's like and another thing about the eternals i forgot to say this thing i think there's a scene and there's on the table there's two cups and there's six of them there, but there's seven cups. So why did somebody have two cups of tea?
Starting point is 00:01:47 I don't like it, quite frankly. And I need an editor. That's the answer there. Just before we got to. I send them all to colleagues though. And he's like, oh, God, what am I? I just get a lot of texts that are like, good job, buddy. You did it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 We're going to put this up on the special feed. Yeah, that's right. Can I listen to the special feed? No. We're going to do a little bit of housekeeping up top, but this week, if you do want to jump around, because there are time codes below, we're going to talk about Crisp Rat doing more voice roles.
Starting point is 00:02:17 The Crispus Rat there is. So we're going to talk about Taika Waititi's new movie, some casting for the Nolan's next, Christopher Nolan's next movie, some casting for the Christopher Nolan's next movie, some Marvel casting, then we've got trailers for Morbius and the Boba Fett Variety Hour. Talking about Disney Plus. Stars Boba Fett. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Talking about Disney Plus Day that's happening next week and then some shocking Star Wars revelations, Mason. Oh, is there? Do I know about these shocking Star Wars revelations? Before we get into both Shang-Chi, which we haven't't reviewed yet we're going to review this week and then off the back of that we're going to then do the eternals it's a marvel spectacular one of them we're probably going to talk more about than the other i think so too if i'm honest oh but side note speaking of housekeeping yes you have some more important housekeeping no do your thing you won't know until
Starting point is 00:02:59 i've said my thing and then afterwards you might be like no i have more important housekeeping i've got a couple we've left the key under the mat for the housekeeping. Is it the two in the think tank thing or the Stupid Old Studios thing? It's a third thing. Okay. But it's related though because this week I was on an episode of Do Go On. Oh, yeah. With my friends Dave, Matt and Jess.
Starting point is 00:03:16 We're all back in the Stupid Old Studios studio. We had a great time. Matt did a report on the mystical lost city of Atlantis and we all did our famous quips. And some people are saying the best episode ever. Who's saying that? I am. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah, I'm saying delete all the other episodes and don't make any more episodes. Just release this episode every week. Yeah, but it's a good one. People are like, this is a good episode. It was good. It was a fun energy. We're back in the studio.
Starting point is 00:03:40 They're great. We didn't have to do a Zoom. No, that's always better. Speaking of, and I think you mentioned it, our pals over at Stupid Old Studios who do podcasts, they do video production, they do live. They do Gamey Game Game, which is incredible. They do Gamey Game Game.
Starting point is 00:03:54 They do live comedy. Live comedy recordings and they release them on demand and stuff like that. They are moving studios because there's a bunch of big apartment developments happening around. They hit a swarm of bees. They have to move. That's right.
Starting point is 00:04:09 The bees are very aggressive. They're all buzz. You'll hear it in the recording. Yeah, yeah. But it's going to, these big developments are going to be happening very shortly for two years. Yes. And the developers apparently came around and they were like,
Starting point is 00:04:23 hey, is our development going to interfere with your work? And they're like, yeah. Our work doing audio recording primarily and video stuff, yeah, it will. Probably, yeah. So they've decided that the most prudent thing, because they can't stop this happening, is to- They're going to hit the wasp and bee, sorry, bee nest with a rake. Oh, you know what they could do?
Starting point is 00:04:42 They could transfer the bee' nest to the development. Oh, that's a good idea, yeah. They could change stupid old studios. They could pivot from video production to bee production. They could set up all the beekeeping stuff. They could build many nests of bees. Yep. And then once these apartments are setting up,
Starting point is 00:04:59 they could dump all the bees in there. Just like an American football. Exactly. Yeah. And then people are like, I'd love to invest in a new apartment. They go in there and are like, oh, there's bees. And the real estate agent's like, oh, bees. I can't sell an apartment filled with bees.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I mean, I will. But they've started an Indiegogo campaign to get the funding to, not all the funding, it's going to cost a lot, but they're like, okay, we should see if people like the stuff they do, they can sort of allay some of the costs with a Kickstarter. I know Claire and I have contributed and I know they've hit many target goals.
Starting point is 00:05:31 That's true. But I don't know what I like about them aside from they've done a bunch of stuff like with us also. Yeah. Anything that's like filmed properly is like we've ever done is through them. We are looking to do some like live shows, like stream live shows next year. Yeah, yeah. And so, yeah, if you can contribute or you'd like to, definitely do.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Definitely do that. They produce good stuff. They give people like comedians like a workspace to write and produce. Yeah, very reasonably priced. Get in there. Speaking of Stupid Old Studios, Two in the Think Tank are doing their 300th episode.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And so if you've been following, basically they come up with comedy skits and they do. How many do they normally do? They do five an episode. But what they've been doing for both episode 100 and 200 is just sit down and just do 100 ideas and then they can leave. And then they did the same with 200 and this weekend they're doing 300. Will this be out in time?
Starting point is 00:06:23 It will be by the time this goes out. Okay. Yeah. So you mean it'll be finished by the time this goes out? It'll be finished, yes, but it'll be available. Yes, that's true. I guess the stream will be available. You're going to be popping in at one point.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I hope so, yeah. I'm going to try and pop in. I don't know if I can at this point, but it's always very fun. Last time you popped in and just did the victory laugh. That's true, I did. They were like, ID 199, and you showed up with some coffee and some bananas. Some bananas, yeah. And you were like, what about a sketch about men who bring in bananas
Starting point is 00:06:47 to a studio? And they're like, we've done it. James, you're our hero. And that's how they remember me. But James, I was there at their lowest point because I made it happen. I went in there and I was like, have you come up with any bad ideas, idiots? I didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:07:00 It's not true. And also, I was on an episode of Plumbing the Death Star. Whoa, we're all in this. I know. I know. I know where we talked about what video game we could do, like in real life. Oh, right. Like you could make.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yes. No, no, so not make. We're in it, and could we do that game? Oh, I see. Like complete it. Like could you be a Super Mario brother? Exactly, yeah. There's a live stream of that.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Actually, there's a video of it because we did it for PAX, but it's also on their main feed if you would like to check it out. We've got a lot of hustles going on, James. One, but it's also on their main feed if you would like to check it out. We've got a lot of hustles going on, James. One more thing. They don't make any money. No, absolutely not. Well, here's another thing that doesn't make any money.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Thank you, everybody who's been voting for Suggestible for the Australian Podcast Awards. That's right. I'm seeing a lot of people tweeting at me and sending messages because they're voting for the show. This is my less successful podcast that I do with my wife that we are doing out of pure spite because we want to win it and help ruin the industry. That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And once again, it would be great if you guys won that award, but also if you do. We're building to a bigger thing, aren't we? We're building it to a bigger thing, the name of which I've forgotten. James Mason and Claire ruined the Australia Podcast Awards or something. Yeah, so if Suggestible wins this year, next year we're going to. We're not allowed to enter again. So the weekly planet won, so that's why we're doing Suggestible.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Yeah, yeah. But sorry, go on. So next year if we do win it again, we're going to do a one-off podcast. We're going to see if we can get everybody to vote for that as well. Yeah. And then see if we can get banned for life is basically what's happening. Exactly. And that is all the housekeeping, I think.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I think it is. So that'll be all linked below. Yeah. If you do want to check it out. But let's now get into the news of the week, starting with The Hollywood Reporter, who are reportering that Chris Pratt, the crispest rat in Hollywood, is going to be voicing Garfield in a new Garfield animated movie.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Now, this is hot off the back of him already being cast as Mario, Mario, in the animated movie Mario, Mario. That's right. The most Italian Mario there is. And people are like, why is this happening so much? Sure. He's got a great agent. Yeah, obviously.
Starting point is 00:08:53 I think he's like a good voice actor. Like he's done good voice acting before. Because he was in the Lego movie. Yeah, and I'm like, Mario, okay, whatever. And now Garfield's now this. And I'm like, what's going on here? This is fascinating because we mentioned in the past. He doesn't have the, oh, no. Because because we mentioned previously is he going to do an italian
Starting point is 00:09:09 accent or not not an italian accent sorry the mario accent is he going to do the mario voice for mario when there's already a guy who does the mario voice very well and and we came to the conclusion he probably won't except maybe for like one scene like as a joke or something like that he'll just do his everyman voice. But then he's doing this. So he's going to have to do a voice for one of them, right? Because otherwise it's just Chris Pratt's everyman voice. I think you can just slow it down for Garfield.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Just bring it down a notch, you know? Famously, Bill Murray played Garfield last time and also hated doing those movies. Yeah, because he thought it was a Coen Brothers movie, i.e. the Fargo guys. But it was a different Coen guy. Yeah, because he thought it was a Coen Brothers movie, i.e. the Fargo guys. Yeah. But it was a different Coen guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I haven't seen Garfield or Garfield. Whether that story is true or not, he said it's true. Yeah. Garfield, A Tale of Two Kitties. There's also that moment in Zombieland, spoiler alert, the movie's 13 years old, where as he's dying, they go, any regrets? And he goes, Garfield.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Is there in Zombieland Double Tap, is there a scene on the set of Garfield? Oh, there is. Or is it the premiere of Garfield or something? Something like that, yeah. Yeah, no, you're absolutely right. Anyway, I guess what is kind of annoying about this is there are actors, voice actors in particular, who specialise in this exact thing and they kind of don't get a look in, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:25 because it's like, look, it's whoever doing whatever. You know, whoever doing whatever. It's whoever doing whatever. Yeah, you're right. And I guess the prevailing wisdom in Hollywood is, well, people aren't going to come to this movie unless it's got a big name attached to it. Which I totally get.
Starting point is 00:10:42 If it is, you know, the voice of Fry from Futurama. Yeah. Billy West. Yeah. People will be like, you know, he's good, but it's not the voice of a famous person. But then again, like Pixar, you know, they do cast famous people, but they more likely, including Chris Pratt actually, he's in a Pixar movie. No, I think about it.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I haven't seen the Al Flegg ones, Al Flegg movie. No, no, no. But they go generally for like talent. Yeah. And again, there is like they go generally for like talent. Yeah. And again, there was like Tom Hanks, Tim Allen. Yeah. And the general quality of live action actors, celebrities doing these voices has improved immeasurably over the years.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Like early days, like some, you know, some famous names in like the early Shrek movies are pretty wooden. Yeah, Justin Timberlake in like Shrek 3. It's pretty bad. And so they have improved. It is just a case of, you know, it would be nice if we could just watch an animated movie and not have to worry about who the famous person is.
Starting point is 00:11:38 But I guess that's the nature of Hollywood. I'm not going to say this anyway, so I don't. I guess I might go with my kids. Yeah, I'm not going to say it either. I don't really care about Garfield at all. I i think you're gonna have to like see the idea that garfield is bad into your kids now just i reckon you know what you could do is you could just like you could make that cat's a murderer i'll say well you could just get them to read the garfield cartoon in the paper every day for a few weeks and then they'd be like hey kids you want
Starting point is 00:12:01 to see garfield no what no would i yeah uh i as a kid, I read a lot of Garfield. Like I had the Garfield collection books or whatever. Yeah, I had like so many of those. Anyways, speaking of voice acting, this is why a giant freaking robot, as it was destroying the city, it's like, I've got some news. There's going to be a Donkey Kong solo movie. I just want to tell people the news, but I'm programmed to kill. There's going to be a Donkey Kong solo movie. I just want to tell people the news, but I'm programmed to kill. There's going to be a Donkey Kong solo movie.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Solo movie. Sure, with Seth Rogen. Does it explain how he gets the tie? I guess. He would inherit it from Cranky Kong. That would make sense, actually. Wait, does the original Donkey Kong have a tie? I don't think he does.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Does he? I don't know. I'm going to look it up. Yeah. I was going to say maybe a bow tie, but that's not true. So Seth Rogen is already voicing Donkey Kong in the Mario movie. So I guess this is like Nintendo are kind of fleshing out their world before they end up doing a Smash Brothers movie,
Starting point is 00:12:53 which they're definitely going to do. I think they're going to do like an animated Zelda and whatever, or maybe even a live-action Zelda. Okay, the 1981 Donkey Kong does not wear a tie. Well, that's because he was still at high school and he didn't need to wear one for work. Is that right? That's probably true.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Well, he is on a building site and I don't think he's the foreman, so why would he wear a tie? You don't think the man who's kidnapped a woman or the gorilla who's kidnapped a woman and standing at the top of the building isn't the foreman? I can't rule it out, though. Can you rule it out? I definitely can't.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I definitely cannot. So there you go. I definitely can't. Yeah. I definitely cannot. So there you go. I like Donkey Kong, and I should go back and finish playing. You'll say anything. Well, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze on the Switch, which I have, which is a terrific game. Anyway, this is via the Diz Insider. Bad name.
Starting point is 00:13:39 No, it's good. So this is a Disney Insider. I don't know. How's it spelt? DIS Insider? Yes. So this would a Disney insider. I don't know. How's it spelt? D-I-S? Insider? Yes. So this would be in the- Well, it's actually Disinsider, I guess, because D-I-S.
Starting point is 00:13:50 All right. Oh, no, it'd be double S if it was Dis. So is it Dis? It's like disincentive. Yes. It's like they're the insider, but they don't want to be doing this. Yeah. Or they don't value their own scoops.
Starting point is 00:14:02 You might be right. So you might remember Scarlett Johansson was doing the Tower of Terror movie. She was going to step away from Disney things because they didn't pay her or whatever for Black Widow. She's back on board. We know that. But now apparently Taika Waititi is going to direct this movie. What's the Tower of Terror? It's a ride or experience.
Starting point is 00:14:23 But it's not a Disney ride. No, it is. I'm pretty sure it is. Okay, so she wasn't going to do Tower of Terror, but now she is going to do Tower of Terror? It's a ride or experience. But it's not a Disney ride. No, it is. I'm pretty sure it is. Okay, so she wasn't going to do Tower of Terror, but now she is going to do Tower of Terror. And they did a movie in, like, 98 with, like, Steve Guttenberg, the Tower of Terror. So they're doing this again.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Great. Because Pirates that one time. What is the Tower of Terror? Is it like a towering inferno situation? I honestly don't know. Okay. Yeah. Maybe it is.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Maybe. We'll never know. Do you want to go to Disneyland one day? I've don't know. Okay. Yeah. Maybe it is. Maybe. We'll never know. Do you want to go to Disneyland one day? I've been to Euro Disneyland. And? So, yes, I'd like to go to a good Disneyland. Got them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Let me just check what the Tower of Terror ride is. I know there's a lot of people who are, I think they changed it into the Guardian's ride. Okay. Well, I'm looking up the Tower of Inferno. It's an accelerated drop tower located at something, something, something. And they're making a movie out of that. And it was based on the Twilight Zone. And then there's also one called the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Like I can understand that, you know, jungle cruise, at the very least there's a cruise through a jungle. Yes. But this is just one of those big drop rides. What I think, because I went to Disneyland, also the one in Tokyo, but I'd also like to go to a good one. And they're really good at hiding the line a lot of the time. So you're going through and, like, things are kind of happening
Starting point is 00:15:30 and, you know, I did the haunted ride and you go into a room and a painting fucking talks to you or whatever. Yeah, right. Anyway, sorry, it was revamped into the Guardians of the Galaxy ride. Okay, sure. More recently. Is it going to become the Police Academy stunt show at any point? Oh, my God, I would love that, mate.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I would love that so much. And the car flips. Yeah, yeah. I once saw the Police Academy stunt show at any point oh my god i would love that i would love that so much and the car flips yeah i once saw the police academy stunt show at warner brothers hollywood on the gold coast in queensland and you know how the car flips car didn't flip what exploded at the car because it's on like a gimbal normally for people who don't know i'm gonna be the car did not flip i'm gonna bet that we've already told this you've already told this story and then i have already then i've also followed up with the fact that once i went to see The Phantom of the Opera with my mum and the chandelier didn't drop.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And she complained after that. Fair enough. That's a fairly significant part of that. Well, I've spent most of my life going, is it supposed to drop? Yes. Yeah, okay. It does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:19 It's supposed to kill 40 people in the audience. Yes. I mean, but anyway, I'm willing to bet we've done this exactly. But I... I might put some cooling on if you don't mind, Mason. I can. No, please do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I follow Jenny Nicholson on Twitter, who's the video SES you would know. Yes, I met her. And you've met and done some videos with. But she is a big Disney and theme park generally aficionado. Yeah. And it seems to be that a lot of Disney stuff is kind of falling apart. They're nickel and diming people. They're cutting out like – and understandably because there's fewer
Starting point is 00:16:53 people there, but also they have billions of dollars. Yeah. Like they're cutting out like different food things and they're reducing the – And you have to pay for this, but then in addition you've got to get on an app and pay again to whatever. Well, we've reached the point where like, you know. And you have to pay for this, but then in addition you've got to get on a nap and pay again to whatever. We've reached the point where, like, you know, there's so many people go to these theme parks that you can buy a fast pass to skip lines, but then if everybody has the fast pass,
Starting point is 00:17:13 it doesn't mean anything. So you need an additional fast pass on top of that. You need a gun. They give you a gun. It's a tranquiliser gun, but still. Yeah, yeah. You sort of have to eyeball the dosage. Every time you see someone, you're like, ooh.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I don't know. Yeah. But, yeah, that's, so people have blamed a lot of that on the current Disney CEO, who's name I cannot remember, because he was in charge of parks and he was very much about this nickel and dime. Randall Park. Yeah, Randall Park, that's right, from the Avengers movies or whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:41 So, but, yeah, that's fun. I think if I ever end up going, because I've told my son that we are going to go at some point, I'm just going to like splash out for like the biggest kind of, because I don't want to be like, I don't want to go and then not do any of the stuff. You don't want to go. And then I don't get on the app at 7am and then I miss like half the stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:59 You don't want to go halfway around the world and you're spending a lot of money anyway. And you don't want your son's memory to be like, oh oh we waited in a lot of lines and we didn't really do anything yeah exactly and but also you i think you should probably stress like every time you do a ride or you you get a you get a churro or whatever you have to be like and never again just to be clear this is never happening again so drink it in enjoy. Enjoy it. Enjoy your churro. You're going to enjoy it more. Bigger smile. Bigger smile.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Yeah. So that should be fun. Hopefully they'll fix it by then. Yeah. Anyway, I'll see you there. Can't wait. Anyways, Matthew Damon and Robert Downey Jr. have joined Christopher Nolan.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Matthew Damon and Bob Downey Jr. Thank you. Have joined Robert. Imagine if he spent Matthew Damon and Bob Downey. Thank you. I've joined Robert. Oh, imagine if he spent his career as Bob Downey. Because, you know, there's a sort of a camp. There's a camp Australian entertainer called Bob Downey. Yeah, that's really fun. So they've joined Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer movie
Starting point is 00:18:58 about the guy who made the bomb. It's going to be called Oppenheim? Oppenheim, yeah. His buddies called him Oppenheim. He's the kind of guy, do you reckon you'd still be friends with him after the bomb? Because, you know, some of your friends you write off, you're like, oh, this is a bit shady. Yeah, I reckon I'd be like, I reckon most of the stuff, like most of your friend's stuff, like you go to brunch or you go to the movies or something,
Starting point is 00:19:21 to me personally would be overshadowed by the fact that he invented the atomic bomb. Yeah. Even though he regrets it a little bit? Because he still did it. He still did it, yeah. Yeah, fair enough. So there we go. And he'd be like, look, I didn't personally drop the atomic bomb.
Starting point is 00:19:34 And I'd be like, yeah, but I mean, you know. Did you see? You're spoiling my ex-Benedict here. I splashed out. I got a side of halloumi on there. That's right, yeah. You're ruining this. Did you see also for the Alec Baldwin incident,
Starting point is 00:19:49 he was involved but it wasn't the only incident. The woman that was shot on the set of Rust. Yes. That now come out and said one of the defences that somebody put a live round in it on purpose or whatever? Yeah, the accusation is that somebody, a union crew member, put a live bullet in there so somebody would get shot. Okay. So then they could say, oh, well, you know, safety's lax around here.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yeah. Nobody would do that. Women will find out, but yeah, it seems a bit kind of like. It seems like, what do they say? They say never attribute to malice what can be... Put down to incompetence. Put down to incompetence. And again, we're not there.
Starting point is 00:20:30 We don't know. No, maybe it did happen. It seems like I don't think anybody would... Why would they want to kill... Exactly. And if it's like, you know, they've got... If you could say they had a motive, like why would the six union guys who got turfed off the set,
Starting point is 00:20:43 why would one of them put a bullet in there? Yeah. I would say it's much more likely to be that thing that we heard about where some of the crew were like shooting cans out of the back of the studio and they just left a bullet in one. That's right. And The Rock has come out this week off the back of promoting his movie Red Notice or whatever it's called,
Starting point is 00:21:01 that Netflix movie with Ryan Reynolds and Gal Gadot, which by all accounts, it's whatever. It sure is. Can't wait. This legacy of Netflix movies is really good stuff, isn't it? Look, every once in a while. You get an extraction. I just watched The Heart of They Fall.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yeah, the Western, yeah. It's really great. It's really good. Okay, good. That's the one I really liked, yeah. Okay, that's good to know. But, yeah, he's not going to be using real guns on his movies anymore. That's good.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Which is terrific because you don't really need to, I guess. But, again, I think the – And you're not hurting anybody by not doing it. That's true. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. I think also, like, when we say – I think it is correct that they probably should stop using live guns
Starting point is 00:21:41 because we have the technology to make them look real now. But also, like – And you can have, like like airsoft and whatever. Yeah, but I think also the one of the, like we said, I think, you know, that shouldn't take away from the idea that like union people should be able to go home and sleep and stuff like that. Absolutely, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:54 You shouldn't go, well, actually, we got rid of the guns, so, you know, let's keep everything going the way it is. I completely agree. And again, like as we mentioned, if it is done properly, it's completely safe. Yeah. You know, if you follow the rules and regulations and, you know, you have a proper person on set, then these things do not happen.
Starting point is 00:22:09 That's true. So, you know, I don't think, yeah, you're right. It's not like the main, it's one of the issues, obviously, but it's not the main thing, like, take away from this. Anyways, this came via Reddit on the Marvel Studios Spoilers Reddit page. I've heard of Reddit. So take this. Do you get notifications from the Reddit app?
Starting point is 00:22:27 It's like, are you interested in this? I turn off notifications for literally everything. Okay. Except for text messages. The Reddit app has decided that... From some people. Yeah. The Reddit app has decided that the only thing I'm interested in
Starting point is 00:22:40 is the Seiko subreddit. Oh, okay. And so like every day, multiple times a day, I get like a notification and it's like some guy is just like, I just bought this Seiko and then it's like 20 replies of like, looks great, man. Good for you. It's very awesome.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Money well spent. No, you did it. It looks like a nice watch you've got there. Cool. Yeah. Well, this particular Marvel Studios spoilers Reddit page, which I got an alert for. The only thing on my phone I have, you know, that activates.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Are you going to respond to any of my texts that I sent today? Did you send it? I thought you didn't. I thought you didn't even know. I didn't even know that you had a phone. I didn't know you had a phone, Mason. I just got a phone. In my defense, I just got a phone.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Jim Carrey is rumored to be playing MODOK across multiple Disney Plus series, including She-Hulk. Massive grain of salt because Reddit. But it seems like it just could be a thing. Yeah, we can't rule it out. Why don't they give it to a voice actor? You know what I mean? Like Grant Oswalt? One for, he's both, but one for one.
Starting point is 00:23:37 You know what I mean? Every time a famous actor gets cast in an animated movie. Non-famous, but just a regular guy. in an animated movie. Non-famous, but just a regular guy. What they do is, what happens is they, you're a Jim Carrey. Oh, no, you're a Chris Pratt. And you go into the offices and you sign your contract to be Garfield.
Starting point is 00:23:58 And then they just open the window of the office and they just throw, you pick something off the desk and you throw it out the window and it hits somebody. They're Modoc now. It's a dart. It's a dart. It's a dart. It's a regular dart. Ah! So I wonder if this is true, like how big does he go with it, you know?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Because we know also he does serious and real and stuff, but he's kind of a level of surreal that's above the MCU. Like there's jokes, but he's like can go far above that. And how quickly are they going to change him from regular man to giant face? Because I think they're going to probably ease into it, won't they? I reckon they might go giant face straight away. It was in the Avengers game, which I sort of played.
Starting point is 00:24:35 MODOK starts as a man and then evolves. I don't know what played all the way through, but presumably he evolves into the big face. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah. I reckon they might go – I reckon they might start it in like Avengers Age of Ultron style where it's just in the middle of the action and it's just some Avengers fighting MODOK.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Okay, that'd be cool. I would love that. And they're just like, what's this? Sure. Or maybe like, we're sick of this. We've been fighting this dude for a year. He's a big head. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Wow. Not continuously. No, I'd be grateful if it was a year. His big head. Yeah. Wow. Not continuously. No, I'd be grateful if it was a year. They're just hanging in, taking shifts. They set up little bunk beds so they can sleep in between being shot with lasers. The rapper's reporting that, I don't know how to pronounce this, Gael Garcia Bernal. Oh, he's going to be? Yep.
Starting point is 00:25:25 In a thing? Yes. I shouldn't have stopped you because I can't. I saw it this. Gael Garcia Bernal. Oh, he's going to be? Yep. In a thing? Yes. I shouldn't have stopped you because I can't. I saw it. No, no, go on. He's going to be Modoc. Yep, you're right. He's going to be Modoc.
Starting point is 00:25:36 The back end of Modoc. The bus. Yes. No, he's going to be the werewolf in Werewolf by Night. Man by Day. Yeah, that's right. So he, if you don't know, he is in the movie Old. He's the dad in the movie Old.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yes. So cool. And so this is going to be, as we've mentioned before, a 2022 Halloween special on Disney+. Yeah. So that's fun. Because, you know, they'll do like a Star Wars, it's a spooky Star Wars Halloween, but it's Lego, whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Look out, everybody. It's a ghost. It's a ghost. It's spooky Star Wars Halloween, but it's Lego, whatever. Look out, everybody. It's a ghost. It's a ghost. That's good. That's exclusive audio right there. So, trailers ahoy, though. The ghost's taking all that Lego. Everything's Lego.
Starting point is 00:26:20 My house made of flesh or am I made of plastic? All the world is the same. Ghost largely irrelevant because of the horrors of our regular existence. Where'd they go? Trailers ahoy. There we go. A couple of trailers this week. One of them was for Mickey Morbius the Dracula Man.
Starting point is 00:26:40 That's right. I'm loving that. Thank you. I actually wrote that down. So that's a Morbius movie. Yeah. So Jared Leto, he's a sickly lad and he's like, I need Dracula powers.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I'm going to go to this cave and get a Dracula power. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then as he puts his hand into the Dracula powered device, he goes, everybody better run because you're all going to die immediately. Maybe you should have left early. Maybe I should have mentioned this earlier. Yeah, but he didn't. No, that's true.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And he gets big Dracula powers. He's got a big Dracula energy. He also knows Venom because he does. He's like, I'm Venom. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you think that was a riff on set? Oh, man, I love riffs and I hope so. Same.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Just something like that off the dome. Did you see the trailer? Was it sort of intercut with interviews with the cast and Tyrese is in this and he's got a robot arm or something. Has he? Yeah, he's got a robot arm. He's either got a robot arm or like an Iron Man style arm. Not like made of bats?
Starting point is 00:27:38 No. Remember in Dracula Untold he had a big fist, he could do a big bat fist punch? I do remember that, yes. Do you think this movie will reach those lofty heights of a big bat fist? It's funny you should mention that. I was going to say this for later, but we got a tweet here from Craig Ambrose on Twitter
Starting point is 00:27:53 who says hashtag weeklypanapod. Do you think he pronounces it Craig or Craig? Well, in America they say Craig a lot of the time. They say Craig, yeah, yeah. I got pulled up on that and I'm like, what? Fuck, no. Yeah, that's wrong. Look, a lot of the times I will kowtow to the way
Starting point is 00:28:05 that I pronounce things and I will say, you know, I'll say whatever, but that's wrong. Anyway. We will not bend on this. We will not break. This is from Craig who says, the writer of Morbius is the same guy who wrote Dracula Untold, the man who inspired the Game is On Award. Wow. What do you think of that? Ooh, I think maybe
Starting point is 00:28:21 it's going to be a strong contender when it comes out. Yeah, I mean, it's linked to other, like a bigger universe. And speaking of, this is interesting stuff, because within the trailer, it's confused about what universe it is, because there's the Oscorp logo from the Amazing Spider-Man series.
Starting point is 00:28:38 There's a Spider-Man poster on a wall, which is the Raimi Spider-Man suit. And there's Adrian Toomes, who is, of course, from the MCU, was-Man suit. That's true, yes. And there's Adrian Toomes who is, of course, from the MCU as the Vulture. And I wonder, and probably I don't think this is it, but I wonder whether because this takes place after Spider-Verse, that Spider-Man No Way Home movie that's coming out,
Starting point is 00:28:57 that there is going to be a merging of universes or do you think this is just a whatever we've got? I think it's that one. And I think maybe it wouldn't surprise me if the people involved in the making of Morbius don't really know what's going to happen in Spider-Man No Way Home. And maybe they'll – it would not shock me if they ADR'd in, like post the release of No Way Home, just like you see the back
Starting point is 00:29:22 of Morbius' head and he's just like, since the merging of the universes, you see the head nodding, since the merging of the universes. Just a mop. Since the merging of the universes. I enjoyed that. And again, it's been literally hours since I've seen this trailer. The interview with Jared Leto where I think he's like, well, the thing about Morbius is he's a man and then he's weak but then he's strong.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And I think that's a really interesting take on the superhero genre. Yeah, isn't it? Yep, great, man. Cool. done a superhero movie before or, you know, they've been convinced it's like a real elevation of the genre and they're just like, yeah, it's a real take on a man who doesn't know what to do but then he knows what to do. I saw an interview.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I remember that for Hancock. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Will Smith was like, we've never seen anything like this before. He can fly and he's got super strength and he's got laser eyes. It's like, no, I've never seen that before. It's really interesting. I like him a lot. I mean, he was an angel, so I guess there was that.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I saw a few months ago when Shang-Chi was released in the rest of the world, I saw the iconic roles with Tony Leung who plays Mandarin. And when he gets to the Mandarin, he's like, you know, I think it's really – and I like him, but it was very much like – and it's a very interesting take because he's a villain, but he also, you know, like he's a family man and it's also like what's, you know, it's a really, really. And I'm like, oh, you haven't seen any of these Marvel movies.
Starting point is 00:30:53 They're all this. They're all like what if somebody had powers but they're conflicted or whatever. Absolutely. This is quite quaint. Yeah. Good for you, man. Anyway, we'll talk about that movie.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I like him. Yeah, I do too. He's good. Another trailer we got was the Boba Fett Variety Hour, which might be a limited series. I'll probably end up doing a few, where it follows the escapades of one Boba Fett. That's right.
Starting point is 00:31:15 We got out of the Sarlacc. We saw that in The Mandalorian. Now he's getting his own adventures, where he's taken over Jabba the Hutt's palace, and he's no longer a bounty hunter, and he wants to rule or command. He just wants to rule, man. I'm going to rock out, everybody, he says.
Starting point is 00:31:29 He's got a jizz band and he's touring the galaxy. That's right. No, he wants to rule through respect. I've traded my flamethrower for this sweet keyboard. So, yeah, it looks cool and I'm excited to watch this, I guess. I think it debuts late December, I want to say. His foes don't respect him, it seems. Why wouldn't they respect him?
Starting point is 00:31:47 Because he took his helmet off. And he got ate by that Sarlacc. I think it would be interesting if like they- And he's bad at his job. And he's bad at his job. Retroactively, they make it he never took his helmet off because he's just a clone. And they'd be like, we, what?
Starting point is 00:31:59 You're one of these guys? Yeah, yeah. There's a million of these guys. Though they do get phased out. What if you have any hair, though? What happened to you? He got melted in the Sarlacc. Oh, yeah. There's a million of these guys. Though they do get phased out. What if you have any hair, though? What happened to you? He got melted in the Sarlacc. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Though he does look a little. Does he have eyebrows? I think he's not as pasty in this one. So it also needs to explain, like, he must have got out of the Sarlacc relatively soon after the Return of the Jedi. Yeah. And then he spent five years with the sand people in the desert, it seems. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I don't know. Maybe he gets some Bacta. He gets Bacta'd up. He backs it up, mate. Yes, that's true. You know what I mean? Yeah. Booker Boba Fett, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:32:32 Looks cool. Yep. Your favorite character? Yeah, I love him. Wow. I also love him. I'm going to dress as him for my wedding. New armor or old?
Starting point is 00:32:49 Both. I'm going to switch it out wow for the ceremony so yeah i haven't decided which is which yet yeah yeah that's really good oh you know what um you could ding it up in between yeah or i could do like old school for the ceremony but then for the reception white or white oh like the original boba fett armor. Yes. I like that a lot. Yeah, that's cool. But then people might be like, you're a stormtrooper. Yeah. So original armor during the ceremony. Yeah. Reception, flames down the sides.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Black with flames down the sides. That's pretty cool. What's your wife got? It doesn't really matter, I guess. No, they're irrelevant. I don't know, dress or whatever. Dress or whatever. She's going to be operating the flamethrower, so, you know.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Just buy the propane tank. Yeah, just some flame proof, I guess. Going down the aisle. Disney Plus Day next week where we're going to get a look at a bunch of things, like a bunch of announcements. I'd say we're probably going to get a look at like the Mandalorian, like a bunch of announcements. I'd say we're probably going to get a look at, like, the Mandalorian, the Bad Batch, Andor, the Cassian Andor series, and the Obi-Wan Kenobi series is apparently going to get a trailer.
Starting point is 00:33:53 That is the rumor. And I guess we'll get some Marvel announcements and maybe some Ms. Marvel stuff and whatever. I don't know, to be honest. We'll have to see. We'll have to see. An exclusive behind-the-scenes featurette from Hawkeye probably. Probably right, actually. It'd be like thette from Hawkeye probably. Probably right actually.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And it'd be like the thing about Hawkeye is he's a superhero but he's also a family man. Can you imagine that? Is that actually true? Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah. It's amazing how He was shooting arrows down the aisle at his wedding. His wife's just handing him arrows? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Because it's both our days. Honey, it's just because I've got a thing and you don't have a thing, alright? If you had a thing My thing could be your thing and you don't have a thing, all right? I mean, if you had a thing... My thing could be your thing, though, don't you think? Yeah, mate, give it a go, give it a go. Ooh, she shot someone.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Ooh. It's great to have shared interests. I think so too. So what was I saying? I can't remember. That's right. It would be interesting to see the difference between this and DC Fandome.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Yeah. Because I feel like these guys, like, compress all their news into, like, a succinct amount of time, and I'm hoping that's still the case. Yeah. As opposed to Fandome, which went for 14 hours or whatever. That's right. Did you live stream it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:57 We should have done that live stream. No. No, we absolutely should have. Absolutely not. Yeah. All right. We'd still be feeling the effects now. We would.
Starting point is 00:35:04 These young influencers, they can just shake it off. I know what they're doing. 14 hours stream at 3 in the morning or whatever. Not for me, not for me. Star Wars news, Mason. More Star Wars news. That's a sand people horn. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:35:17 All the horn the sand people are afraid of, whatever it is. Cripes. That's spooky stuff Jiminy Christmas Where the sand people were afraid of that Scaring us with your horn Josh Horowitz Who spoke, he's got a podcast And he spoke to Matt Smith
Starting point is 00:35:38 Who was at A Doctor Who Matt Smith had some big revelations So he was like, what were you doing in The Rise of Skywalker? What were you doing in The Rise of Skywalker? What were you up to, Matt Smith? What were you doing, man? And he said, I could not possibly say, but it was a pretty groovy thing. It was groovy.
Starting point is 00:35:53 That's what he says. Big story detail, like a transformative Star Wars story detail, but never quite got over the line. It was a big shift in the history of the franchise. There was no costume test. There were a couple of meetings to talk about it. Maybe I can come back. You never know.
Starting point is 00:36:06 So we reported on this. So essentially he's saying nothing. Yes. And I said, I was like, I think this guy's in it. Because it was reported by like major trades. And I was like, he's going to be young emperor. Yes. Either he's going to be a young clone or he's going to be like the original emperor and
Starting point is 00:36:18 everybody else is like a vessel that he's been using. Oh, sure, sure, sure. Some variation on that. And then he gets to do a lightsaber fight with fucking Ray and Ben Sol or whatever at the end. Which, you know what? They probably should have done. Because I think just a man going like, I'm getting all the power. I've got everyone's power in this room.
Starting point is 00:36:33 You come in this room, I'm going to get your power. Sure. It was a good movie. Yeah. We all had a good time at the cinema. It made sense and we liked it. But so, yeah, there you go. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yeah, I think you probably know. Best opportunity. Because otherwise he would But so, yeah, there you go. What do you think? Yeah, I think you probably know. Best opportunity. Because otherwise he would just say, yeah, I was a trader on the planet and having a celebration or whatever. I was a guy in a – it was a fun little cameo and I was a guy in a shop or whatever. Isn't it weird that he's like, if he did this, he would have been like original Skynet as well?
Starting point is 00:37:04 Just like a guy at the end who turns up and just goes, it was really me. Yeah. Just do that for a couple of movies. I love it. Maybe that's what happens in Last Night in Soho. I haven't seen it yet. Apparently it's very good, but also not doing very well,
Starting point is 00:37:15 which is a shame. But I think that's it. Is that out this week, I think? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know anything. But you know what I do know, Mason? What's that?
Starting point is 00:37:24 We're going to talk about Shang-Chi right now. Yeah, that's right. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. We did not talk about this because we've been in lockdown or we've been out of lockdown for two or three weeks now. I don't know. Who cares? Feels good.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Feels great. Get an ice cream. But also, we're still under communist rule. That's true. Remember that. And if anybody in another country could liberate our country, that would be terrific. Yeah, really good.
Starting point is 00:37:45 We need that. We need that from you, idiots. That's what we need. At a budget of $150 to $200 million. Pretty cheap these days. I guess. It has a box office of $423 million, which is also pretty impressive considering everything
Starting point is 00:38:00 that's been going on. And I don't think it got released in China as well, maybe. I'm pretty sure it didn't. It hasn't as of yet. What do you think the story was? Oh, okay. Shang-Chi, he's a guy and he's learned the kung fu. He's learned all the martial arts.
Starting point is 00:38:17 How much of it? All of it. Yeah. And his dad's like, I'm a big tough guy and you're going to be a big tough guy too. But Shang-Chi's like, I want to be a tough guy. Why would I be a tough guy when I could be a regular guy? I want to be a karaoke guy.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I'm a karaoke guy. I want to be cool and chill and what have you. I want friends in San Francisco. I want to get a bread bowl and fill it with chowder. I want to do that because that's what you do in San Francisco. I want to do that too. I want to ride a cable car. I want to do that.
Starting point is 00:38:44 They don't call them trams for some reason, but they're trams basically. Yeah, but there can be different names for things. That's okay. You're just too close to trams. That's right. I have no objectivity when it comes to trams. But then I'm going to get away from my dad. I'm sick of my dad.
Starting point is 00:38:57 But then dad's like, no, I'm going to get you. You're going to have to do some. I'm going to get you for reasons. I'm going to bring you in. You're going to have to do some kung fu with me, I'm afraid. Yeah, that's right. I could give you a phone call, but I'm not going to. I'm going to give you a call with a bunch of thugs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Give you a thug call. Like a Zangief-looking dude is going to come after you. Yes. With a big razor arm. I'm going to send Zangief. Yeah. I actually saw this with Dave Lee, popular YouTuber and podcaster. We saw it at the drive-thru.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Not a recommended experience. Not because of Dave Lee. See a movie with Dave Lee if you can and podcaster, we saw it at the drive-thru, not a recommended experience, not because of Dave Lee. See a movie with Dave Lee if you can. If you can. But, you know. Don't talk to Dave Lee. Don't talk during the cinema experience. Don't talk to anyone. But, like, occasionally turn away and give him a bit of a,
Starting point is 00:39:38 can you believe this? What do you reckon? Can you believe the magic of cinema that's happening right now? But, yeah, I think it's good for, like, movies that, like, you don't really have that interested in. Sure. But, you know, it was the sound on my car kept cutting out because it's, like, beeps and it's like, your battery's dying.
Starting point is 00:39:54 And it's like, shut up. I'm trying to watch a movie. I'm trying to watch a movie here. I mean, that's probably because you drive the old jalopy that Archie Andrews drives in the Archie. No, no, the problem is we have a newer car newer car, and so it's got all beeps and stuff. And it, like, warns you. It's like, your radio's on.
Starting point is 00:40:11 It's like, I know. I'm at the fucking movie. So it would, like, beep every five minutes to tell you. It was a nightmare. Anyway, the movie was pretty good, though, I thought. I thought it was good. A lot of fun, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I think out of the two movies we are going to talk about today, this is definitely the most MCU-esque of the two. Well, I'll save it for later. Sure. But, yes, outwardly I would say it's more, you know, origin-y and tied within the universe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And looks, you know, a lot like.
Starting point is 00:40:39 It's got, you know, it's pretty light-hearted, you know. The world's at stake as per usual, but it's pretty lighthearted and there's fun and banter. There's a forest that eats you or something. There's a forest that eats you, magic forest. Yeah. What do we think of Simu Liu as Shantan? He's good.
Starting point is 00:40:56 He's a good leading man. Good charm. A lot of charm, I think. Yeah. So also on top of that, he's a very good martial artist, it turns out. Who knew? Yeah. Now you've also talked about, we're going to do non-spoilers
Starting point is 00:41:07 and then some spoilers. Yeah, yeah. Do you think he can really do that split in the air kick? Seems like he did it. Yeah. I don't know. Also, you mentioned that. He probably didn't do it on the bus.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I don't know. Was it in a tram? Was it a cable car? Or was it a bus? No, it was just a bus. Thanks. Thank you. Just a bus.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Thank you for the banana. One of those accordion things in the middle or whatever. But you mentioned that like most of the martial arts is kind of up top and by the end it's just like it's a big battle and whatever, which I didn't think about. But, yeah, probably all the better martial arts stuff is in the first half. Going into this, I think we've had the question,
Starting point is 00:41:41 how do you do a martial arts movie in the MCU considering everybody knows martial arts and everybody does, you know, everything's all about the martial arts and if you don't have, you know, lasers shooting out of your hands. What are you even doing? What are you even doing? But then you've got to be able to do flips and kicks and big punches and so forth. So how do you make that impressive?
Starting point is 00:42:01 And I think they did. I think there are some opening sequences with martial arts that are spectacular even in the sense of like we have a we have an origin to the mandarin yeah and and he gets into a martial arts that is sort of a magical martial arts fight yeah quite early on and even even given that's you know that's cgi assist and there's wire work and stuff like that yeah it's like crashing tiger yeah this looks this is very this is very fun it is very much in the style of your crouching tiger hidden dragon it it it's very fluid and exciting and then later we get a you know an action sequence that that is in the trailers which is shang chi fighting
Starting point is 00:42:39 a bunch of uh thugs on a bus yeah i think that's really good. I was like, okay, this is how you do martial arts in the MCU. He's just a martial artist, but he's the best there is. And the scenario around it is interesting because they're on a speeding bus. And if you just did that on, say, I don't know, in a room or a corridor, I guess. But, yeah, I love the idea of this guy and he can think on his feet and he's fast and he's the best and he can handle multiple attackers at the same time while uh you know things are all collapsing
Starting point is 00:43:10 around him you know it's very much kramer on the bus you know what i mean it's very much but i kind of feel like the martial arts of the martial arts movie kind of peaks there i agree there's there's you know there's some scaffolding stuff a bit later. Yeah, yeah. But it does sort of turn into a kind of fantasy epic towards the end and there is less, way less. People are flying around more and more. I think an issue that I have to deal with this week is probably. You need to get two Boba Fett costumes for one. That's a big, you know, for your wedding.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Oh, that's true also. Yeah. But also something that I have to deal with big you know for your wedding oh that's true also yeah but also um something that i have to deal with you know when i'm when i'm talking about movies is i have to sort of review a movie not for what it isn't like what i expected it to be when i went in and what it actually is yeah and i think for like for this movie in particular i'm like okay well it isn't going to be just straight up martial arts it isn't going to be just straight up martial arts. It isn't going to be Enter the Dragon. No. The entire movie, although Enter a Dragon. Boy, is there.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Yeah. We could probably do spoilers because, you know, everybody in the world has seen this except for us. That's true. Those are some other things I guess we can talk about. So, yeah, so were you saying that your expectations of this may be... I didn't expect as much kind of magic and fantasy. See, I did.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I'm like I kind of get an idea from seeing like a dragon in the trailer. I'm like I'm pretty confident that this is going to go a certain way. But I think, you know, a lot of the times these origin movies, especially the ones that they make now, they're not as good. You know what I mean? Like I was watching Doctor Strange the other day and I love Doctor Strange. I think it's great because I hadn't seen it since it came out. But, you know, getting towards the end, it's just like,
Starting point is 00:44:46 oh, they're just hitting each other with firecrackers, you know, and it doesn't kind of go beyond that that much, whereas I think this goes kind of beyond just like it does more with an origin than say like Captain Marvel I feel did or Doctor Strange. Yeah, you're probably right. And there is, you know, that familial connection. He sort of, he's Shang-Chi has sort of fled from this life
Starting point is 00:45:08 for so long, but now he's got to get back into it. And it is, it's crazy. It's heck. There's a lot of, you know, there's, and I think there's some interesting sort of CG character designs and stuff like that. I'm going to say best movie ever though. I am going to say best movie ever. Should we just do some spoilers now? Let's do some spoilers. I'll do some non-spoiler
Starting point is 00:45:23 thoughts, but whatever. I hope that. say best movie ever. Should we just do some spoilers now? Let's do some spoilers. I've got some non-spoiler thoughts, but whatever. I hope that... Yeah, whatever. So he's friend in this. One of the people he hangs out with is Aquafina. Yes. And I hope that they just stay friends. There's kind of a hint that maybe their family's kind of... Her family's like you guys are going to get together or whatever. And they're like
Starting point is 00:45:39 we're just mates. We just do karaoke and steal cars or whatever. I hope it stays that way because I think that dynamic is fun. I mean, I think if it went that way, you could still keep that dynamic the same. Yeah, yeah. But, you know, I like the idea of seeing, like, a man and a woman and they're just mates.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I love the idea of just seeing a man and a woman. Yeah, but, like, you know what I mean? You don't really see that in a movie or a show. It has to lead to a thing. No, that's true. Yeah, you're exactly right. And I definitely got the sense of, like, you know, Bud to a thing. That's true. Yeah, exactly. You're exactly right. And I definitely got the sense of like, you know, Bud's Bud's for life.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I hope so. Anyway, yeah. I also think that the tournament that they go to, I really enjoyed because we get to see the Abomination fight Wong. But they're also mates, it seems. I mean, sure. So Wong is friends with Bruce Banner.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Yeah. And a terrorist who tried to kill him that time. That's fun, isn't it? That is fun. It's like when you're friends with two people who don't like each other. Yeah, love that. And you're like, oh, okay, I've got a thing, I've got drinks, but I can't invite that guy because he hates.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Because they're going to punch each other. But I think having revealed that in the trailer, there's not another exciting reveal in that tournament. It's only a brief moment that's true like he fights his sister which i was expecting because you know in the comics she's you know she's also trying to run it underground whatever whatever uh-huh so you know we get that i'm like oh who else are we going to get at this tournament yeah right i mean what other mcu characters could pop up none that's true which i know was more like that's my problem because
Starting point is 00:47:03 you know what i mean that's what i'm talking about, yeah. Yeah, more than anything else. But it was a bit disappointing that that reveal was already known. In the trailer, yeah. Yeah, but I did like, the fight was good. That's true, yeah. Between all of those fights in the tournament. And your mate, Ronny Shing, made the appearance as well. He did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:16 That's true. Which is cool. And just to be clear, I just want everybody to know that I believed, Ronny Shing's a big success now, but I believed in him when everybody else already believed in him and had believed in him for a long time. I believed in him when you told me you should come and see this guy and I did and I'm like, that was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah, nice. So I was even like a step removed from that. That's true. Yeah. But I also think they did justice to the Mandarin and I'm interested to know what you think of that because as someone who was a fan of Iron Man growing up and what we've gotten of him to the Mandarin, and I'm interested to know what you think of that because as someone who was a fan of Iron Man growing up and what we've gotten of him in the movies,
Starting point is 00:47:49 how do you feel about that? I mean, there's a lot of like we're sorry for that thing that we already did. Yeah, that's true. There's a bit of like because he explains it. He's like, they took my name and they used me in another movie, but it wasn't really me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I mean, it's definitely a better iteration of that character. It's interesting, though, that sort of in the comic books, he is kind of pure evil. Yeah. Oh, he's a dad in this, isn't he? That's true. You can't be pure evil if you're a dad. It's true.
Starting point is 00:48:15 But, yeah, I think it's a much better application of that character. Yeah. Obviously they had to change his weapons. The ten rings aren't the ten rings in the comic books anymore. They don't do different things. Because they'd just be Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet again. But I love that design of, like, the rings over the forearms and you can. Bangles.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Bangles, sorry, thank you. But, you know, and there's also the thinking that, like, maybe they do belong to a dragon because they're enormous. They're dragon size. But they don't do different things and like shoot fire and ice and whatever. But no, I think that's a really cool kind of like method of combat. You can kind of swing them around and blast them and whatever. Yeah, I like that. And you can use them as kind of – that's what I like.
Starting point is 00:48:58 He's had 1,000 years to practice with these. So he can use them to like blast himself into the air or use them in martial arts or he can throw some at some enemies and then use the others as a shield or what have you. Like I think that's, I enjoyed, you know, it's probably not what I expected, you know, in 2008 when we saw the ten rings in Iron Man. No, they were never going to do that then. But it was good. It's a shame that he is, it's a shame that his soul was sucked out of his body
Starting point is 00:49:24 and he's dead now. Maybe he can come back as a soulless whatever. He'll probably come back as a soulless whatever. Yeah was good. It's a shame that his soul was sucked out of his body and he's dead now. Maybe he can come back as a soulless whatever. He'll probably come back as a soulless whatever. Yeah. I mean, you know. There's a few people who get their soul sucked out, but we also see the Trevor Slattery Mandarin. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I maybe think they probably dragged him along for a bit too long. He becomes a major, not a major. If I had one criticism of this movie, and I do, and here it comes, get ready, it's that it was nice to see Trevor Slattery, but, yes, he is probably in this too much. It's not like Elton John in Kingsman 2, Cabello. No, that's true. He's good and fun.
Starting point is 00:49:59 If you get Ben Kingsley, Sir Ben Kingsley, I guess you're going to use him. But also it seemed very odd to me that he just had a MacGuffin, not a MacGuffin, he just had a plot move-along device with him, which is that weird furry turkey winged thing with no face that just happens to know how to get to the magic forest. And he understands it also. He understands it also.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Like that was very, that was super convenient. Yeah, it really was. But still, he's fun, you know, and I liked his explanation for, like, how he got there and whatever. And it's like that Ben Stiller Tropic Thunder thing where they make him, like, do shows for them and whatever. Yeah, right. He's a court jester, essentially.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And, you know, it ties into things like that one shot, like All Hail the King. Yeah. Like, what I like about Marvel is they'll just go, yeah, we'll reference a one shot, you know what I mean? You don Like what I like about Marvel is they'll just go, yeah, we'll reference a one shot. You know what I mean? You don't have to know that, but if you do know, then it's cool. There's a big dragon in this because the Mandarin.
Starting point is 00:50:55 A big dragon. Two big dragons. I guess one's a traditional dragon. Yeah, and one's a big goblin dragon. It's interesting because if we're talking, we'll talk post-credits sequence. Yeah. But the idea of these ten rings are, in also post-credits sequence yeah but the the idea of
Starting point is 00:51:05 these 10 rings are in the post-credit sequence the reveal is that they these these rings when that when shang chi wears them when he puts them on for the first time they they project some sort of signal yeah somewhere we don't know to whom or where specifically a fing fang foam i guess well that's the thing but i if it is because traditionally for people who don't know the the rings of power that the Mandarin wears in the comic books are from an ancient race of alien dragons, one of the most famous of which is called the McLuans. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:34 McLuans, something like that. He's an influencer. He's an influencer. But the most famous of which is Fin Fang Foom, who's a big green dragon with purple underpants, who sometimes shows up seriously, sometimes she shows up as a joke. He did show up in an Iron Man movie spin-off comic called Viva Las Vegas. Did he really? Where movie Iron Man battles Finn Fang Foom.
Starting point is 00:51:54 It was written by Favreau, Jon Favreau. Really? It was never finished, though. That's interesting. They released two out of the four issues. I didn't know that. And it's art by Adi Granov, who did the original That that iron man design yeah okay like that sort of that sort of very nice painted none of the um none of those comics mean anything there's like a nebula that's guardian spin-off where she loses her arm a
Starting point is 00:52:14 different way and whatever you know yeah um but what i think it's interesting that we i we can't really do the reveal i i feel like it's probably kind of a testing the waters who will the next big bad be. Yeah, right. Are we sending a signal to a villain or a hero, what have you? But I don't think it can be a dragon because we've just seen a dragon. It would be odd if a different dragon shows up and we go, oh, you mean like the dragon from earlier? I guess, I mean, it might tie into the Eternals
Starting point is 00:52:41 that there is this bigger cosmic threat, but that's more of like an Eternals conversation talking point that I might take some issue with, I guess, when we get into it. But no, so the Mandarin is, there's a big ugly dragon. He's a family man. Yeah, that's true. He's a family man. We don't often see that in movies.
Starting point is 00:52:57 It's true. It's behind a big wall and telling him that his wife's behind a big wall and coming, and Michelle Yeoh's like, don't do that. Michelle Yeoh's in this. She's great. Can you show, you're there, my beautiful wife, are you there? and show you. He's like, don't do that. She's great. Can you show me? You're there, my beautiful wife? Are you there?
Starting point is 00:53:09 Can you show me? Oh, I can't, no. I don't have my makeup on. So as he's punching the big wall, like horrible critters crawl out and he's like, I'm just going to keep punching this big wall, I reckon. That's right. He's blinded by love or something. He's blinded by love or something. And he's really old.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Yeah, he's very old. He might have that mad weary thing. We'll get into it. He might have mad weary. God, these days, who doesn't have mad weary? You know what I mean? You're not wrong. God.
Starting point is 00:53:32 But I did like how, you know, I also think it's a good idea to give Shang-Chi an additional power because he ends up taking the rings from his father. Or he gives them over, I guess, in the end. Because I think you kind of need that in this universe at this point. Yeah, I guess that's probably true. And I guess he could also go, we could have, you know, scenes where he's, if we're going to do a sequel to this,
Starting point is 00:53:53 and I imagine they will be at some point, we could do scenes where he doesn't have the rings. Like maybe he's given them to S.H.I.E.L.D. or to Bruce Banner to look at. And he has to do it standard style. But also I think, you know, as we've seen, there's a lot of fun applications for those rings and that makes an exciting fight sequence.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Coasters. Oh, no, the cup would just go in the middle. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't think of that. Maybe not a coaster. No. Yeah. You could punch someone with them.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Yeah. Or you know what you could have? You could have a few rings just floating there and on top of them, bucket of Coronas. That's a great idea. Could you do that thing maybe where you've got two rings and you click them together, then they're linked? Do they do that?
Starting point is 00:54:29 They could. I don't know if they do. If you believe in yourself. I don't know if they can do that. Unless you believe in yourself. Yeah, that's probably right. Let's talk about the post-credits. There's a couple of them.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Okay. One of them being that his sister is taking on the role of, she's going to take over the Ten Rings. Yes. She's like, I'm going to dismantle this organisation or whatever. Also fight clubs and also I'm not going to dismantle it. Yeah. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I mean, that's in line with the comics. Isn't she maybe getting a spin-off show or something? I don't know about that. Yeah. Speaking of spin-off shows, I meant to mention this in news. The Black Panther spin-off show is going to be animated. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:03 So there you go. Nice. Oh, and Shuri is only going to be the Black Panther for one movie. Okay. And then because she didn't want to move on. Anyway, there's some news for you. There's some news. There's some news you can use.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I forgot to put that in the news. So there's that. There's that crime element. But the other post-credits scene is a different situation, isn't it, Mason? Yes. It's Captain Marvel. Yeah, the analysis of all the rings and uh bruce banner he's human again he's human again oh yeah he is human i didn't even realize
Starting point is 00:55:31 that yeah shit that didn't even occur to me huh yeah what happened i don't know maybe he can maybe he can switch at will at this point yeah maybe his gamma radiation wore off maybe uh maybe he's back to regular mean hulk or whatever because if they are doing world war hulk maybe it's has to be mean hulk again that's true yeah that's interesting i didn't even it didn't maybe the snap drained all Maybe he's back to regular Mean Hulk or whatever. Because if they are doing World War Hulk, maybe it's. It has to be Mean Hulk again. That's true, yeah. That's interesting. I didn't even. Maybe the snap drained all his Hulk juice.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Well, he's still got the arm in the whatever. That's true, yeah. It's been ages. It's been ages. Get over it, mate. Anyway, there's a signal in the universe and whatever. There always seems to be a signal in the universe, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Maybe they need a big ear so they can listen. A big ear and a big eye. Wow. Just keep a lookout. Maybe you could be. A big ear and a big eye. Wow. Just keep a lookout and a listen. Maybe you could be in the bloody Marvel Universe. Big ears. Come on, mate. Come on, mate.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Come on, mate. Cheers, big ears. Come on, mate. You don't need to be like that. Come on, mate. You know I'm sensitive. It's fun to call somebody big ears. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:56:20 But all in all. In these PC days, James, you know. You can't really say anything. But you can call somebody Big Ears. I hope you get cancelled. I hope in ten years you get cancelled for that. For calling somebody Big Ears. Look, if you haven't seen it, which you probably have,
Starting point is 00:56:32 it's well worth a look, I think. And it'll be. Of the Marvel movies I've seen this year, this is the best. And in a week it'll be on. A week-ish it'll be on Disney+. For free. For free. It's free.
Starting point is 00:56:44 It's free. It's a free movie. You just got to look. It's free. It's a free movie. You just got to look at it for free. That's their slogan now. You just got to look. Disney+, you just got to look at it. So that's fun. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:56:58 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London.
Starting point is 00:57:23 One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH,
Starting point is 00:57:41 the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:58:00 Register today at That's Two Marvel movies in a week My goodness My goodness So we're going to talk about The Eternals now On a $200 million budget And I'll tell you bloody what With a lot of these movies
Starting point is 00:58:16 You can see every dollar on screen, Mason I'll tell you that much Oh yeah It's going to have a They reckon a US box office opening Of around $75 million We are recording this before the Monday, obviously, and the Sunday even.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Yeah, yeah. So, like, that could go a different direction. If it does go a different direction, we'll tell you about it. Yes. But not on this episode because we don't know yet. No, no, we don't know. Maybe next episode, yeah. Someone remind us.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Please. Send us a tweet mail. And then $150 million worldwide. I think what might work against this is, first of all, the low review scores, and it's getting kind of a... There are positive, like, there is positive word of mouth, but it's not like...
Starting point is 00:58:52 Chong Chi, I feel like, got like a big kind of push, and people really enjoyed it. I feel this has positive word of mouth, but with some caviar. I haven't seen a very positive thing that isn't like, I liked it, but... Well, I like when you tell us what the story was. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Okay, so these guys, these are mortals, right? They're from a crazy planet from the other side of the universe probably, I don't know. Yeah. And they're on earth and they're like, hey, we're going to help humanity realize their full potential. We've got to get rid of these deviants. Look at these monsters that are coming at the humans.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Get out of here, deviants. I don't like it. You get out of here. We'll zap you. You can't do zaps. We'll do zaps. We'll zap you. Some of us can zap.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Zap. Get out of here. But then they get rid of all the deviants. But they're like, we should go home. Our bosses are like, we're celestials. We'll tell you when you can go home, but not yet're not going anywhere but so you're on the clock so we'll so we'll we'll just hang out on earth for a bit but then deviants come back and have they come back we'll never tell we'll tell in spoilers we'll tell you spoilers when they come back yeah we'll never tell and then
Starting point is 00:59:56 there's just it's uh and the events kick off from there so at the moment as of recording this it's got uh the lowest rotten tomatoes score of a mcu movie at 54 that's pretty low i i think it's better than i don't think it's the worst one and i was going in kind of being like is this in humans are we going to get in humans with a bigger budget and it's not that bad but i can't say that i uh i liked some of this but i there's a lot of it i'm like i went into this i'm'm like, people are crazy. Because, you know, I saw tweets the effect of like, you know, everybody says the Marvel movies are too formulaic,
Starting point is 01:00:33 but when you stray from the formula, they also say it's bad. So, you know, you guys are never happy. And I'm like, I went into this being like, you know what, if it's good, if it goes straight from the formula, great. Great, sounds good. I'm very excited to see that. Let me tell you this, it doesn't really. It doesn't stray from the formula.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Well, I mean, it looks different. It looks different. It looks, I mean, there's some beautiful vistas. Sure. There's some beautiful shots of earth. And farmland. Just farmland and ancient cities. They're looking good.
Starting point is 01:01:03 But, like, people are like, oh, this is different from the formula. It's not though, is it? It's a similar. There's your betrayals and your whatevers. There's a threat emerges and a team got to get together and they're friends but maybe they don't always get along. Sure. And then they fight and there's zaps.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Yeah. Shooting zaps and lasers and that's pretty much the movie. It is the Marvel formula. Yeah, except it's two hours and 40 minutes. And it feels longer. And I think it's just a very dull expression of the Marvel formula. And I don't think, and I'm going to say this from the outset, I don't think this is a very good movie.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Sorry, everyone. But, look, I think we do have listeners who they might listen to this and then they might go into this and perhaps not enjoy it as much as they could. So I would say if you want to go into this. You should. Yeah, you should go and you should watch the movie. But if you're like, I'm going to go into this and I want to enjoy it, maybe don't listen to this.
Starting point is 01:01:59 If you think you might be unduly influenced by me, us or me specifically, I think, don't listen to this at all, I think. What I think was interesting about a lot of the build-up to this was it's this huge cosmic event and it spans thousands of years and whatever, but it doesn't feel very cosmic. It feels small a lot of the time. Did you get that sense? Yeah, so if you've seen the trailer,
Starting point is 01:02:20 there's a moment where Kit Harington's character, Dane, he asks Cersei, Jemma Shan's character, why couldn't you stop Thanos or whatever? He does say Thanos or something. He says Thanos, yes. Why couldn't Thanos? Thanos. Thanos.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Why couldn't you do it? And she says, oh, we weren't allowed. They didn't let us. And he's like, who wouldn't let you? And then it goes, and then you see one of the Celestials. It's Arishem the Judge. And it's like. It's got a big horn. And it's the Irishman, the judge. And it's like. It's got a big horn.
Starting point is 01:02:46 And he's huge and he's, you know, he's floating, he's this enigmatic figure floating out in space. That's as cosmic as this movie gets. Pretty much, yeah. There's a couple of. I mean, there's some like. There's some fleeting. There's some fleeting like glimpses of more cosmic stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Yeah. But that's really it. 99% of this movie takes place, like you said, in a field or in a desert or a forest or the beach. It's just Earth stuff. And it looks good. Looks good. Good shots.
Starting point is 01:03:14 But yeah, I also think in terms of the team, some of them I liked, some of them I was fairly indifferent to. I liked Druig, I liked Gilgamesh, I liked Makari, I like Fastus. Yep. I mean, Kumail Nanjiani is there for the comedic benefit.
Starting point is 01:03:32 And I think Gemma Chan is a good lead. But I think also they seem really like stupid and petty and blank and confused for beings who have been on Earth for 7,000 years. Yeah. Like I didn't get the sense of time or weight or age or experience from them. And I guess that could be like a callback to like the Greek gods of our old who were just like banging each other
Starting point is 01:03:54 and just being buffoons. But I don't think that, so this movie like plot-wise, it draws elements from like the original Eternals, like the Kirby Eternals. It draws stuff from like the Neil Gaiman Eternals. And there's a big plot element that isn't from either of those. It's from Earth X, which is a sort of late 90s. It's that Alex Ross limited series,
Starting point is 01:04:14 which is set in a sort of an alternate future of the Marvel Universe. Which we can't spoil here, I guess. No, that'll be in spoilers. A lot of this is going to be in spoilers, I think. But I feel like this doesn't, these characters don't reflect any version of that they're just and i think it's because nobody wants a bunch of character nobody wants a bunch of characters in a marvel movie although the people creating this stuff they don't want them to be like aloof unknowable space demigods that you can't comprehend or understand so they have to be kind
Starting point is 01:04:46 of regular people yeah because that's what they like in in a lot of versions of the comics they're just there and they're making big bold proclamations and they're they've got big costumes on and standing in the edge of space like i kind of i kind of wish like maybe cersei would be the point of view character yeah and she is for whatever reason we'll get to is more human than the other ones yeah but the others are all like that and then dane whitman's like i would like to meet your family and she's like okay and then they go in a room and then one guy's like the cosmic hourglass has been upturned humanity's end is nigh or whatever and he's like jiminy christmas i'm kid harrington whatever i i agree i think there is a they're just there and they
Starting point is 01:05:23 just seem they could they could have been born in the 80s you know it's normal and they do quips and they chat and they have arguments or whatever yeah like a lot of the so a lot of the again a lot of the tweets that i saw before going into this were like there's too much character development and i don't think there is i think there's there's too many characters to develop yeah and i think there's not enough time i reckon maybe like three of them got a decent amount of development. I think Cersei does. I think Kingo is really interesting in the sense that it shows a character who if you're on Earth for thousands of years, what do you do?
Starting point is 01:05:57 What would you do? And if you're a certain character, like what would you get up to? And I don't think it's a spoiler because this is in the trailer. He decides to be a sort of – A Bollywood boy. He's sort of a one-man dynasty. Yes. Like he keeps pretending to be his own son.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Yes. And then maybe like Fastos has some development. But the rest are just like different varieties of stoic sad sack. There is a lot of crying in this. They look at each other and they cry about humanity and each other or whatever. So here's something I'll tell you for free, James. I'll tell you this for free.
Starting point is 01:06:30 I love that it's for free. I had a crisp $100 bill, but I'll just hang on to this, I reckon. Oh, next time. You're going to pay up next time, I'm pretty sure. First one's always free. Yeah, that's right. So Fidel, who's one of the admins over at the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group where you can have fun,
Starting point is 01:06:44 friendly chats about pop culture and podcasts and all kinds of stuff. Don't be rude. Don't do it. Whenever there's a big movie release or TV release or something like that, he'll put up a spoiler discussion thread and he will regularly sort of go the extra mile and he'll put up a fun Photoshop something, you know, relating to the podcast
Starting point is 01:06:59 of the group or something like that. And for Eternals, what he did is he put up the ten main characters of the Eternals, you know, that characterternals, what he did is he put up the ten main characters of the Eternals. Yep. You know, that character should like they're all standing in a line together. And he Photoshopped your face on Icarus.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Yes. And he Photoshopped my face on a character I could not place. And I looked at the line up and I went, come on, you can do this. It's the real elimination. You can do this. It's the process of elimination. I'm not going to cheat. I'm not going to look it up.
Starting point is 01:07:23 I'm not going to look at the fun character cards they gave us when we went into the movie. I'm going to figure out who I'm supposed to be from this movie I just saw mere hours ago. Could you tell by the color of the costume? No. No. And so I looked at it and I'm like, and I went and I'm like, surely there's. And I just, and after about four minutes I went, oh, Druig. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I like Druig. But I'm like, he's, he's. Oh, yeah. I like Druig. But I'm like he's in – all these characters are in the movie, but they get – like realistically a lot of them get maybe 20 minutes of active participation in the movie, I think. Otherwise they're just in the background. It's a lot for when you haven't, like say like Endgame or Infinity War, it's a lot when you haven't had 12 movies leading up to this. Yeah, there's 10 main characters.
Starting point is 01:08:06 There's 10 characters. There were supposed to be more as well. All who are ostensibly a main character. Yeah. I mean, some are more main than others, but yes. And I'm not including Kit Harington. I was going to say, were you Sprite? You weren't Sprite.
Starting point is 01:08:18 I wasn't Sprite. I was a Drigg. You know, they're all ostensibly the main character. We're not even including Dane Whitman as – Kit Harington as Dane Whitman. Yeah, if you're expecting some Kit Harington stuff. Yeah, like I initially went into this and I'm like, oh, he's in a relationship with Cersei.
Starting point is 01:08:34 This could be a fun reverse Superman Lois Lane situation, like, you know, she's got this – Or Wonder Woman. Yeah, absolutely, that could work. But then that just sort of gets brushed by the wayside and then it's just, again, sad, stoic people. Or bickering. Yeah, or bickering.
Starting point is 01:08:50 The main characters do not include the villains, the deviants, who have no character development to speak of. Well, one sort of does. Yeah, which, again, that goes into spoilers. I don't feel like enough anyway. No, that will get into spoilers. I've got to say, though, I did like the gold line effect and the thing on
Starting point is 01:09:09 everything. And what I really liked in terms of how things look, that super speed running like, you know, she's kind of like leaping over things and it's kind of like dust getting kicked up. And it's not in slow-mo, it's like in real time. But we only get like that for a fraction. I'm like, I want to see some interesting super speed stuff barely and
Starting point is 01:09:28 she's barely in this yeah i think you could you could and again like so so for people who are not familiar with the eternals in the comic books they all have the same powers they all have this vast swath of powers they they're fast and strong they can fly they're immortal they can shoot lasers they can shape shift telepathy, illusions. They've all got it, but by inclination or practice, they're all the best at one of them. Yeah. But they can all do the stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:54 And I think that would be way more interesting than this, where they've all just basically got one power. Yeah. And they're pretty strong. And I think you could, again, I think it's a shame because, again, all the actors I think are very charismatic and there's obviously a reason they've all been cast in this. But I think just in terms of run time and introducing characters
Starting point is 01:10:13 and having room for everybody in the plot, you could have removed I reckon probably four of them or combined a bunch together and it wouldn't have made a difference. I think you could have completely gotten rid of Druig and Makkariid i think you get rid of them i think you i thought they had the most interesting like powers though maybe they just didn't you could but you could do something do enough with them exactly and i think you probably could have combined ajak and thena and it wouldn't have made any difference ajak is somehow like one yep yeah and i think you probably could have combined fastos and Gilgamesh.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Yeah, fair enough. And he just, because like, and again, those combinations I think, again, we have to talk about in spoilers, but I think plot-wise it would streamline a lot of stuff. There's a moment in this where like one of the characters is like, oh, this has happened and how do I do this? I can't do this power. And somebody's like, have you considered doing the power,
Starting point is 01:11:06 believing in yourself and doing the power? And she's like, oh, I can do it. Maybe I will do that. Maybe I'll do it now. Cut it out. It's too long. You don't need it. What about how did you – I love it when they work in dumb names
Starting point is 01:11:17 of things from the comics. And as we mentioned in Shang-Chi, there's an affliction which can affect some Eternals where their memories kind of get messed up and they've been around for so long that they can get confused about kind of where they are and who their enemies are. It's called Mad Weary. Yeah, I got the Mad Weary. We've all got the Mad Weary. That's relatable, I think.
Starting point is 01:11:34 It certainly is. If you look it up in the comics, it's spelt with a bunch of apostrophes. Yeah, it does not like that. But it said Mad Weary. Like, this dude's Mad Weary. Yeah. And I think also some of the costumes for me also looked better than others. Like did look like otherworldly and interesting armor and kind of sleek and streamlined.
Starting point is 01:11:50 And then you get like an up close look at like Icarus. And he's just like, it's clearly just a spandex with like shoulder pads on it. Yeah. And it's like, you don't want to like, like I can see like, it looks like a, like a Spider-Man costume that you've dyed blue. Do you know what I mean? From you got on eBay. So the costumes with Kim Barrett, she did some-Man costume that you've dyed blue. Do you know what I mean? From you got on eBay.
Starting point is 01:12:07 The costumes are Kim Barrett. She did some of the costumes for The Matrix and other stuff. I really like their civilian outfits. I'll give them a point for that. That's some good stuff. I thought Kingo has like an embroidered K, like a bomber jacket. There's a cowboy hat. Yeah, Icarus is like he's cool and casual. Gilgamesh is kind of like 19th century railroad worker.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Yeah, yeah. Like, I like the fact that some of them are sort of stuck in the eras that they loved. Yeah, absolutely. I don't know. Yeah. Also, the dude didn't invent the atomic bomb or whatever. There's a scene where he's like, oh, no, because one of them. Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:40 I want to say Gilgamesh. Bastos. Bastos, sorry. The inventor. He's got the inventor powers. He does the inventing things. And he blames himself for the atomic bomb because he's like, what are we even doing? There's atomic bombs.
Starting point is 01:12:50 I shouldn't have done anything. I should have invented a train, and then I should have shut up about it or whatever. Yeah. And there was a criticism that, like, I can't believe they just put the atomic bomb on this guy or whatever. But it's not real. Is that really what it is?
Starting point is 01:13:01 No. I don't think he was directly responsible for it. I think the idea being that, oh, okay, well, I gave them the tools to invent simple machinery and they went to this. Yeah, if only I'd left them with nothing and they were farmers or whatever, then they wouldn't have done this, I guess, is the. I know that you love how Kamao Nanjiani got ripped for no reason. No reason?
Starting point is 01:13:23 He never takes his shirt off. You see his arms. You see his arms. You see his arms. But, yeah, you're right. He doesn't have a shirtless scene. And I guess there's also their bodies don't change. They start a certain way and they stay that way, so the one who looks like a child never grows out of that,
Starting point is 01:13:40 and there's a reason for that, which we will get into. But what do you think of, of like the DC references in this? Like Icarus gets called Superman. They're talking about Batman in this movie. I think that's just a function of. Batman comics exist in this universe. Yes, exactly, yeah. Look, I'm always a fan of the idea that in either
Starting point is 01:13:59 of the big two's comic book universes the other heroes are fictional in that universe. Unless they combine. Unless they meet. Unless they meet. Yeah. Yeah. And I think it was, it felt a bit like the Avengers references and that were kind of like slapped on.
Starting point is 01:14:12 It's like at one point Kamau Nanjiani's like, I knew Thor when he was a little boy and now he doesn't return my calls or whatever. It's like, okay, great stuff. I think the Deviant design is interesting, but maybe they don't do enough of that. We'll talk about it. But as monsters, they're interesting. I think they're just fine is interesting, but maybe they don't do enough of that. We'll talk about it. But as monsters, they're interesting.
Starting point is 01:14:26 I think they're just fine. Oh, really? I liked them. I think if you saw these characters in like a pitch black style horror movie, like a space horror movie, I'd be like, that's pretty good. Some are different. Some have a wing. Some have wings.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Yeah. And Celestials look great. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Big stone things and whatever. Let's do spoilers. Okay. Look, you know what? Okay, how about this?
Starting point is 01:14:44 Just before we spoil it. Okay, the action sequence of this movie, like we talked about Shang-Chi just a minute ago. Maybe you don't love it all the way through, but as soon as that comes on stream, I'm going to watch the fight on the bus. Yeah. Because I'm like, this is great and memorable and fun.
Starting point is 01:14:59 What's great and memorable? What's a great action sequence in this one? I can't think of one. What about where one guy has gun hands? One guy has big fist hands. Here's a thought I had about this. What mason yeah that's really good it's really good there's nothing in this like the action sequences and the characters powers there's nothing we haven't seen in a previous marvel movie or in all a superhero any superhero movie really it hasn't been done better like super speed illusions shooting lasers i think super speed isn't like that brief glimpse of that thing.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, that's fair. But I wonder about, so you know how sometimes you play a video game and your character starts out quite weak? Yeah. And then your character gains in power, but then the villains gain in power also. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:36 So for a second you seem really powerful, but then you're like, I'm just grinding away. This guy's got a shield. Yeah, exactly, right? I wonder if the Eternals in this are meant to be, like, vastly more powerful than all the other heroes we've seen before, but because the Deviants are also vastly more powerful, it just looks quite pedestrian.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, like, because there's no... Oh, we don't really know because you don't see them fight, like... Regular people. Or, like, Iron Man or Abomination or whatever, so you don't know them fight like- Regular people. Or like Iron Man or Abomination or whatever. So you don't know where they're kind of at. There it is. Like if there was a scene where like, you know, Thanos shows up earlier,
Starting point is 01:16:13 like earlier in time and he's like, maybe I'll take over Earth today and then, you know, in the distant past and then Icarus just punches him, you know, and he's like, these guys are too powerful. But it just looks like they're just having difficulty fighting these alien wolf creatures and they're just shooting lasers. Some are a bird. Some are a bird also. That's true.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Spoilers? Oh, you want to go? Well, I mean there's nothing. So here's a thought that I had. We saw this a couple of days ago and I've had a number of thoughts. So in Infinity War. I've seen it. We've all seen it.
Starting point is 01:16:42 It's made a billion trillion dollars. In Infinity War, Thor needs a new weapon. Yeah. infinity war i've seen it we've all seen it made a billion trillion dollars in infinity war thor needs a new weapon yeah so he goes to a cosmic forge that is built around a star correct staffed by like a giant little person with no hands yes and those two and groot like they're involved in this crazy action sequence where they've got to use the power of the sun yeah to build this axe and thor nearly dies because he's got to refocus the the lens that builds because he wants to hit thanos in the head exactly to you know in the and he gets caught in the brunt of the sun yeah to build this thing and it's just to get an axe yeah and i'm like that's a that's a cool scene and it's
Starting point is 01:17:20 cool and cosmic in a way that marvel is yeah Every time they introduce a new element in that storyline, it is something new. It's like, oh, shit, Peter Dinklage. Big Peter Dinklage or whatever. Yeah, it's new and it's huge. And, like, the Russo brothers didn't have to go so hard for that. They could have just been like, oh, there's a piece of, one piece of Asgard left and it's in this box.
Starting point is 01:17:40 It's an axe. It's your father's axe. It's his own axe. You take the axe. Oh, you're holding the axe now. Good. Now you can go and fight with it, whatever. But they didn't. They were like, it's an axe, it's your father's axe, his own axe. You take the axe. Oh, you're holding the axe now, good. Now you can go and fight with it, whatever. But they didn't. They were like, let's make a big thing and just,
Starting point is 01:17:50 but there's not, like, that's Marvel cosmic to me. Well, there's a communication device in this that you need to communicate with the Celestials and it's just like one character loses it and the other one just has it. That's what I'm talking about. But it's like that's what I want, like these enormous superstructures and like this huge, like hammers of gods. Well, this is what I mean in terms of like.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Cosmic treadmills and all this sort of stuff. It's not cosmic like at all. No, it's not. It's pretty, it's kind of pedestrian like. Yeah, but I guess it's supposed to tell a human story or whatever. And again, it's going into a movie expecting something and you get like a different thing. But I think you're right in terms of like what we're getting isn't unique.
Starting point is 01:18:33 And some people are saying like, well, this should win Oscars or whatever. And I'm like, I don't think so. I think it will. Well, I don't think it should. We wouldn't. No. All right. Look, I hate to say it, but honestly, worst movie ever for me.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Look, I don't think it's worst movie ever for me. I thought it was, and I know I say this a lot, but it was fine. Okay, great. And some of it I liked and some of it I didn't, and that's just where it's at. Yeah. And I'll probably never watch it again. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 01:19:00 Because, again, like I said, there's no scene where you go, oh, my God, I remember when they all teamed up and did this or whatever. It's like, nah. Or like, you know, one of them was fighting a deviant and then they used the creative use of their powers and it was fun or whatever. Yeah. It's really one of them flies around shooting laser eyes
Starting point is 01:19:17 and the rest of them kind of scrap on the ground. Yeah. Anyway. Anyways, spoilers. The Earth's a big eggy. It's an egg. So that's from Earth X. Anyway. Anyways, spoilers. The Earth's a big eggy. It's an egg. Yeah, so that's from Earth X. Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:28 So, okay, so the deal is. It's an egg, Mason. It's an egg. So the Eternals think that they've been sent to Earth because they have to foster the development of humanity. Yep. But these creatures called the Deviants have arrived on Earth somehow and the Eternals have to defeat the Deviants,
Starting point is 01:19:47 get rid of all the Deviants so that humanity can grow as people. But the thing of it is how Celestials reproduce is they drop a seed into a planet and then once, and it feeds on sentient energy, I guess, the energy of sentient beings. So once a world's population reaches a certain level, it can grow and bust out. The deviant busts out of the planet and kills everybody on the planet.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Yep. And so. Which also, like Cersei, she was doing that with Unicron in a different movie. That's true, yeah. And it's very true. So what happens is, so the Celestials realise that humans are being killed by regular predators on Earth.
Starting point is 01:20:28 So they create the Deviants to send them to Earth to destroy the predators. But they evolve. The Deviants evolve and once they've destroyed all the predators, they start eating humans as well and that won't do for the Celestials. Yeah. So they create the Eals uh who who had been designed so they can't evolve this has also happened which i why do they say can't evolve because they can clearly they evolve emotionally yeah like again like it seems the celestials are
Starting point is 01:20:58 just bad at creating life yeah like and what are you? And also if they feed on sentient energy, just make a bunch of Eternals. Put them on a planet. Work quicker. You can only make ten at a time or whatever. Okay, right, right, right. I don't know. Anyway, they're also said they're robots. Yeah, or they're synthetic beings.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Yeah, they're kind of like vision-esque creatures. Like they're not. In the comics there was a race that was similar to humans, and then they were experimented on, and we got humans, we got deviants, and we got Eternals. And Thanos is an Eternal, isn't he? He's a Titanian Eternal. At one point,
Starting point is 01:21:35 some of the Eternals went off Earth, and they went to the moon of Titan, etc. It's not here nor there. And so what happens is the Celestials send a team of Eternals to the various planets and they tell one of them, the one that's got the leadership sphere,
Starting point is 01:21:53 that the end result of this is going to be the death of everybody on the planet. They tell one of the Eternals this. Exactly why, right? You wouldn't. No. You wouldn't go, hey, we're going to send you to this planet and we want you to nurture these people and we want you to get amongst them.
Starting point is 01:22:07 And live among them. Live among them and learn with them and teach them and get emotionally involved and then they're going to die. Yeah. Like, and you're the only people that are going to live. And then when they die, you get a memory wipe and then you do it on another planet, which is why Angelina Jolie's character, who's in this movie, by the way, has mad weary
Starting point is 01:22:27 because she's getting confused because her memory's from different planets. She didn't get rebooted properly because they're robots or something. They think they're thousands of years old, but they might all be millions of years old. It's tough to say. But, yeah, like you either wouldn't give them – you would either – and again –
Starting point is 01:22:42 How do you not hard reboot these guys? It's weird to nitpick. And I guess the idea is, well, the Celestials are unknowable. But if we are nitpicking this sort of thing, and we are, you'd either make the Eternals, like, just be aloof and in space and be like, just zap the Deviants and leave. Yeah. Or –
Starting point is 01:23:03 Or you could do it because you're because you can summon them into space yeah so why wouldn't you do exactly yeah so but so or you could just or you could be like don't tell them yeah give them the sphere and you if they've been doing this for me how how often has this happened like sure this cannot be the first time that you've sent a bunch of eternals to a planet and they've gone actually we don't want everybody on this planet to die. And so the Celestials' plan is bad, but also Icarus' plan is bad. Because Icarus
Starting point is 01:23:32 is on board with this. Yeah. Ajak is like, I think I've changed my mind about this and I don't want the destruction, the return of all the humans on Earth after the snap has caused this emergence to happen early. And I'm not on board with it. I don't like the idea of everybody on Earth after the snap has caused this emergence to happen early, and I'm not on board with it. I don't like the idea of everybody on Earth being destroyed, so I'm going to figure out how to stop it.
Starting point is 01:23:50 But Icarus is like, no, actually, I think we should be loyal to the Celestials and we should... I'm in this for the long haul. And it's also because it's revealed also that the Deviants didn't all die and they've been frozen in ice. But I thought the reveal was going to be that the Celestials realised that the Eternals might stop the emergence and so sent more down. Deviant, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:10 But it's just a coincidence that they happen to be unfrozen at this exact point in time when the big egg is going to break. So Ajak tells Icarus the reveal that she's known for millions of years, I guess. And he told her like a long time. Yeah, like hundreds of years ago, which is why he left. Cersei. Left Cersei. The sex scene's bad, by the way.
Starting point is 01:24:28 It's not anything. They're not even moving. I don't understand. To the best of my knowledge, movement is involved usually. I couldn't tell you, to be honest. I mean, everybody's different. That's true. That is true.
Starting point is 01:24:40 It's nothing, really. It's nothing. It's absolutely nothing. And they put in a gay kiss. Yeah, that's true. I mean, it's a step, isn nothing it's absolutely nothing um and they put in a gay kiss yeah that's true i mean it's it's a step isn't it it's a step besides one of the russo brothers playing oh yeah yeah so so icarus is so icarus is like okay well i'll kill ajak yep and then i'll just distract people for a week yeah but surely if you know the leadership thing exists, the leadership sphere, it's probably – and is there not a manual for this? Like surely you would know that it's going to go to somebody else
Starting point is 01:25:13 and probably it's not going to go to you. Yeah. So you don't want it to go to anybody. You dump it in a river. Why would you kill – You dump her in a river. No, you'd get her and you'd fly her into space. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Right? Because he's the only one who can fly. Nobody could get her. And if she doesn't die, like maybe they don't die in space. I can't remember. No, they can't, yeah. So you could throw her into Orbus and then be like, I don't know, maybe the Deviant's got her.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I don't know, whatever. And then maybe like start of the third act she crashes back to Earth and she dies and then the leadership sphere goes she crashes back to Earth and she dies. And then the leadership sphere goes into Gemma Chan. And then she's like, oh, I get it. There's the plan. Okay. Because what happens in this is instead it immediately goes to Gemma Chan.
Starting point is 01:25:53 She's like, I can't operate the sphere of leadership. And somebody's like, well, have you considered believing in yourself? And she's like, I can operate the sphere of leadership. And now I know the plan's bad or whatever. So also why does icarus actively help them find the rest of the team i guess you just dick around i mean because there's a really funny like i can't find them i don't know where they are maybe they're in space just to jump ahead a little bit we'll come back it's a really funny line where after the uh they they turn the um
Starting point is 01:26:19 the celestial to stone as it's coming out and so it's just like jutting out of the i can't turn any i can't turn a celestial to stone have you tried turning out. So it's just jutting out of the earth. I can't turn a celestial to stone. Have you tried turning it into stone? I've turned it into stone. I've done it. They had a backup plan where Druid was going to put it to sleep, I guess. Yeah. Well, that's okay.
Starting point is 01:26:34 You do your thing. I just wanted to quickly say there's a really funny line where, who's the dude with the atomic bomb guy? I can't remember which one. Fastos. Fastos is like, I always wondered how, so the idea is that when the planet is destroyed, the Eternals are protected by that
Starting point is 01:26:48 and they kind of ride the celestial out of there or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's like, I always wondered how we'd get off Earth when the planet was destroyed. And it's like, what do you mean? You just found out that the Earth was going to be destroyed. This is something you all, did you know? And also, you have a spaceship.
Starting point is 01:27:01 You control the spaceship. I think maybe you invented it. So I don't know. You would have gotten off the planet on the spaceship. I think maybe you invented it. So I don't know. You would have gotten off the planet on the spaceship, I would imagine. Probably. But anyway, sorry, you were saying. Icarus is evil, something, something.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Oh, yeah. So in this, the way they win is they create the uni mind, which is they all go together. And the plan initially is to combine their powers and then to make them all collectively more powerful. Then Druig is going to use his mind control powers, a character I definitely remember. He's going to use his mind control powers to convince the celestial in Earth to stay asleep for a time, I guess.
Starting point is 01:27:40 But then that doesn't work. Yes, it doesn't work. Or it's not going to work. Or he doesn't want to do it. Yeah, he doesn't want to's not gonna work so instead they or he doesn't want to do it yeah he doesn't want to do it or something like that or he doesn't think it's gonna work or whatever so then they just go with okay cersei does cersei who can only who can't change the molecules of sentient beings discover she can change the molecules of sentient being how did she do it they can they do the uni mind and she believes in herself yeah i kind of think
Starting point is 01:28:02 that that's because they didn't introduce the uni mind at the start of the movie yeah and that and so they had to do like here's the fake out and here's the real solution okay but i think the uni mind should have been introduced at the start of the thing they could do the thing they can always do yeah and then they and then they do it but and but the thing also there's there's a there's a moment in that they were fastos goes okay i'm gonna make these bracelets and we can create the Unimind and it's going to remove our immortality or something. It's going to cut off our connection to cosmic power and we won't be immortal. But that's never touched on again.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Yeah. So I think what they should have done is they should have – here's what they should have done in this multimillion-dollar blockbuster movie. At the start, they should have been like, we can do the Unimind and whatever and we can do it to communicate and blah, blah, blah, and we can do it to do amazing things. Yeah. And at the end they could go,
Starting point is 01:28:49 I don't think the Unimind is enough to defeat this thing, but maybe if we flip the Unimind around and whatever and we become mortal again, then we can do it, but there's a big risk we'll die. Yeah, okay. I think that would be more interesting, but it doesn't seem to, they can still use all their powers when they win the Unimind. It doesn't. And it seems like be more interesting, but it doesn't seem to – they can still use all their powers when they win the Uni-Mind.
Starting point is 01:29:05 It doesn't – And it seems like they're like, we can't stop Icarus. Icarus is more powerful than any – Is he? That doesn't seem that way. It says it on the little card I got, but it doesn't – Oh, yeah, we got little cards. We got little cards.
Starting point is 01:29:16 At one point, it's Fastus, who's the guy who invents things, is just like, I'm just going to invent some handcuffs. Yeah. And he just holds him for like 20 minutes. Something like that, yeah. And he's one guy. Yeah, it's like we can't defeat Icarus, he's the most powerful, but there's no evidence of that.
Starting point is 01:29:31 He just has two powers. He can fly and shoot lasers out of his eyes. But there's no, again, there's no scene for scale. Yeah. There's no scene where there's, you know, nine of them are having a great deal of difficulty fighting a thing and then Icarus just flies in and destroys it because he's the most powerful.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Because he's always like, while they're fighting on the ground, he's tussling with one in the sky for a bit as well. About the same amount of time, yeah. And, okay, so also on the topic of the deviants, the new ones that emerge, one of them can absorb their powers. They're like, we've never seen anything like this before. How is this possible or whatever? Great question. Isn't it though question could they all do it because this one i guess it's maybe the first time they'd killed an eternal yeah but he also this particular one is able to drain their
Starting point is 01:30:14 powers have like a very particular thing that it could do that none of the other ones could do and in could absorb their powers and then create and then become sentient yes and i thought oh this is going to be interesting because maybe it's going to take away some of their powers and then create and then become sentient. Yes. And I thought, oh, this is going to be interesting because maybe it's going to take away some of their powers and they're going to have to fight without or whatever that thing you were talking about. But then it's like it becomes self-aware and it's like we're all being used and whatever. And then it's just murdered.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Yeah. And then that's it. And I'm like, okay. I thought it was interesting that there wasn't a – like that's what I was talking about earlier when I said the deviants have no personalities to speak of. It's because during the production of this movie they went, well, they're going to be revealed to be not the real bad guys. The real bad guys are going to be the Celestials and Icarus, I guess, to an extent.
Starting point is 01:30:56 I guess. So we don't have to develop these characters as compelling in any way. But then it's obvious, though. Because they also got used, and that's also interesting. That's interesting. And I think if they teamed up at the end or if they had personalities that we cared about or something like that, I'd be like, okay, cool. But then Fina's just like, well, he killed Gilgamesh,
Starting point is 01:31:15 so I'm going to kill him. I've killed him. Great. Angelina Jolie's in this, by the way. She's in this movie. She's in this movie, yeah. And at the end she's like, I think my brain's fine again at the end or something.
Starting point is 01:31:24 That's great. It is great. That is great. Ah, let me think. I think it's also very intentional that Sprite at the end, they went, ah, by the way, I've got some residual energy left over from touching the whatever, and do you want me to make you human? And she's like, yeah, cool. Because she's a kid in real life,
Starting point is 01:31:41 so that means by the time the next movie rolls around it would explain that. Should be a teenager or whatever. Yeah, so I just thought, okay. Well, in terms of like most of the characters are just different flavours of sad, she's obviously sad because she looks like a little girl and obviously she can't have a relationship with a normal person because, you know. But there's also a subplot where she's in love with Icarus
Starting point is 01:32:00 and Icarus doesn't reciprocate that. Because she looks like a child. But the thing is they're both, to their knowledge, 7,000 years old. And aliens. So it'd be weird that he'd be like, you look like you're under 18, though, so I can't do anything about it. I don't think that's something they'd want to do. No, of course not.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Of course it's a way. The subplot is weird, I think. Yeah, it is weird, yeah. He's just not into you, Sprite, sorry. A lot of the time they seem to flip on a dime as well. Sprite's like, I'm with Icarus. And I'm like, oh, this is a betrayal. She's going to betray him because she spent so much time with Cersei.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Not really, she's just with him. And then in the end he's just like, yeah, I'll do the Unimind, whatever. Oh, by the way, I'm Icarus and I'm going to fly into the sun. Terrific. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He flew into the sun. He did the thing. Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 01:32:40 He did the thing, Mason. Yeah, he did it. It's true. Also, I was going to say with Sprite, like her illusion casting ability, not very good. Because there's a scene, again, there's a scene right at the start of the movie. She lives with Cersei as like her, I guess, adopted child or whatever. It's a bit vague, but Dane Whitman's like, I'm fine, I guess.
Starting point is 01:32:58 I'll take no explanation, I guess. But there's a scene of her in a pub and she's sort of magicked herself to look like an adult woman. And then there's a dude who seems to be interested and goes to touch her hand and he goes through her illusory hand. Yeah. And your powers aren't good, better than that? No.
Starting point is 01:33:18 It's weird. Yeah. Is she strong? Like you've had thousands of years. Yeah. You can't do an illusion to trick like one dude, you know? Yeah, that's a good point. I mean, it is weird also.
Starting point is 01:33:27 I guess they're not physical. It's also weird. Yeah, but I mean like it doesn't – and I understand that's just for the purpose of – They make her go to school at the end. You're right. She's 7,000 years old. It's the Twilight Syndrome.
Starting point is 01:33:37 It's like why would you be 100 years old and have to still go to school? Yeah, just say you're 19. Just say you've got a weird disease. Yeah. It makes you look young but you're old. But like if you were 17 in Twilight, just, like, if you look 17, just say you're 19. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:50 Some people just do. Yeah, yeah. Also, in terms of combining characters. Yeah. I think you could combine Ajak and Thena. Yeah. Into, like, either just make them, just make it Thena or just make it Ajak. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:34:03 And, like, her brain's malfunctioning or whatever? She's got the mad weary, which is why she can't be the leader anymore. And maybe she doesn't understand why. She's against what's happening. She's saying all those things, but she doesn't know what's going on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I also thought it was interesting how they're like, we're not allowed to step in for literally anything.
Starting point is 01:34:19 But they do for like a lot. Yeah, yeah. And Kit Harington's like, why don't you step in for Thanos or whatever? And apparently from the snap happening, that delayed the emergence. Yes. But so in that case, you should have stepped in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:36 Because that directly affects the thing. And the Celestials would have known that Thanos is going around the galaxy doing this thing. Yeah. Then you'd be like yeah if this happens just step up yeah like what the fuck is happening potentially most if potentially half the population of the universe is going to disappear that would affect the emergence on every exactly yeah right that's what i'm talking about here's and they didn't even aid in the like do like
Starting point is 01:35:00 reversing that yeah the final battle they didn't show up for that. Yeah. They didn't exist then. Oh, yeah. Because they're all four years old. Yeah, yeah. It seems. I've written here. Yeah. I never thought I'd say this, but they should have added a dash of X-Men Origins Wolverine to this movie.
Starting point is 01:35:14 What are you talking about? By that I mean, I think they should have presented the history of the world linearly at the start. I think they should have arrived on the planet. Well, that's the best part of that movie. Yeah. I think they should have arrived on the planet and then, that's the best part of that movie. Yeah, I think they should have arrived on the planet
Starting point is 01:35:25 and then we got like 10 minutes of like going all the way up to present day. We could have done, you know, just because all that's like we could have the snippets of them arriving and defeating some deviants and then like they show them how to make the bread and then Cersei and Icarus do it and then blah, blah, blah. And then we see a conversation between Ajak and Icarus and he goes, oh, I've got to go.
Starting point is 01:35:47 And then he flies away or whatever. And then we see Cersei, like, abandoned and then she just, her life gets increasingly mundane. Yep. And then she meets Dane, the most mundane man there is. Yeah, mundane. And then she's like, this is pretty cool. This is cool.
Starting point is 01:36:01 Yeah. And then we could do, like, oh, she's settled into life and this is pretty nice. Yeah. And then the Deviants show up again. I think that could do like, oh, she's settled into life and this is pretty nice. Yeah. And then the Deviants show up again. I think that. Just like, oh, no, the Deviants are showing up again. Did you find the flashbacks?
Starting point is 01:36:11 Kind of pointless. Yeah. Because they're like, we split up. And it's like, why did we split up? Oh, we had a disagreement. Yeah, no, I know. Yeah. Because you said that.
Starting point is 01:36:18 Yeah, I think it would have been. I think you're right. They could have compressed it. And I think maybe somebody will do this at some point. We'll just edit it in and like and just go, we just have the team and then the team sort of slowly fractures over the centuries and millennia and then they all leave. Come gather round, people, wherever you are.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Come gather round, people, wherever you are. Yeah, exactly. Do that. Save a bit of time. I like how there's a big celestial just fucking jutting out of the earth. Yeah, that's cool. You don't have to deal with that. That's the one thing that I enjoyed about this. Cool. I like how there's a big celestial just fucking jutting out of the earth. Yeah, that's cool. You don't have to deal with that. That's the one thing that I enjoyed about this.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Cool. No, I enjoyed some fun jokes. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that I didn't enjoy about this. Again, I did like the costuming. I liked how Fastos was like J.Crew Americana gay dad because he is that. That's what he is. I liked Kamal Nanjiani's little helper guy. Yeah, he was fun.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Yeah. Anyway, the earth's a big egg, and I don't think that can be forgotten. That's true. But we should talk about the post-credits. Oh, yeah. So the first one we get is Harry Styles shows up as Eros, brother of Thanos. Yes.
Starting point is 01:37:15 And he says, I'm here to show you where – because they all get kidnapped into space. Some of them get kidnapped. Oh, yeah. So Gemma Chan – is this in the post-credits? Gemma Chan is hanging out with uh with dane no that's i think that's pre-post okay well they're they're hanging out in the park or whatever and it's like boy it sure is nice to be here without any celestials or thanos and thanos
Starting point is 01:37:35 thanos sorry and and then the celestial's like uh cersei you did you did a bad bad thing and not only that to my but i've deemed this planet worthy uh but you're gonna have to come with me i'm afraid i don't i because he's a judge i've got a video coming but he's a judge right in the yeah so so that so but i don't think he deemed anything worthy he was just mad yeah in the comic in the comic books the what happens is the celestial show up on a planet and they do some manipulation some genetic stuff into whatever and they should come back millions of years later and they go is this worthy of the thing in my head this imaginary thing i'm a i'm a i'm a better homes and gardens judge i'm just gonna see if this is this is this is up to scratch this is the block and then if it's not i guess they destroy the planet or whatever yeah i guess that the problem with
Starting point is 01:38:18 that and the reason that that doesn't really work probably dramatically in this kind of movie because that wasn't well that wasn't his goal either. Yeah. But also, and I think the reason they needed to stop the emergence as opposed to- They should have just swatted the planet. Because what would happen is I think we'd get that sort of Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, like a monologue at the end where all the Celestials would just be floating and be like, well, look at the beauty of the earth and the mankind,
Starting point is 01:38:40 all the wonders of the whatever, and we don't need it. Or we might get that in the next movie because he's like, I'm going to look at your memories and figure out whether this is whatever. Exactly. But then, first post-credits sequence, we get Harry Styles as Eros and Pip the Troll. Pat Nelswold as the voice of Pip the Troll. Horrible.
Starting point is 01:38:55 I didn't hate it, but you hated it. I think they should have. I know we get Harry Styles because it's Harry Styles and everybody loves Harry Styles. He seems very charming and I saw him in Was he in Dunkirk? He's in Dunkirk. He wore a dress and that makes me upset. Oh, yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:39:08 That threatens my masculinity. Because this guy I don't know wore a dress. He liked him in Dunkirk. But I think they should have gone with Dennis from Always Sunny. Oh, my God. They absolutely should have. Glenn Howerton. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Because first of all – He was really Star-Lord. Him and Patton Oswalt are both in AP Bio together and I think that would be a good combo, that show that we always say we're going to watch. And like Eros is supposed to be like this arrogant like, he's arrogant and also his deal is, Starfox's whole deal is, his
Starting point is 01:39:33 eternal power is he can convince people to sleep with him basically. I mean he does other things but yes. I mean that's, and he could use the Dennis system. Yeah. Just being a gross creep. And again obviously they have to go, he's so beautiful and charming or whatever. Yeah. Just being a gross creep. And again, obviously they have to go, he's so beautiful and charming or whatever. Yeah, I'm scared.
Starting point is 01:39:48 I mean, it's Harry Styles. Get Glenn Howard. God damn it. What a waste. Glenn Howard will show up at some point, I feel. And the second post, do we have any more about that? No, that's about it. I think it's weird that Makari was just hanging out in the spaceship.
Starting point is 01:40:01 Yeah. Like she's not in the movie for like two hours. And then she's just like, oh yeah, I was just on the spaceship. I was reading books. I mean, the spaceship was underground, but I was in it. I was in it reading spaceship. Yeah. Like she's not in the movie for like two hours and then she's just like, oh, yeah, I was just on the spaceship. I was reading books. I mean the spaceship was underground but I was in it. I was in it reading books. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Yeah. And anyway, Kit Harington's like, I'm going to use this sword. Now I have a question for that. Sure. When they go to the eternal spaceship, Athena has a sword. It's the Excalibur. She says. Somebody says, is that the black blade?
Starting point is 01:40:22 Oh, the ebony blade. And she says, no, it's Excalibur. Oh, she says, no, it's Excalibur. Oh, she says, no, it's Excalibur. And they're like, didn't remember when King Arthur wanted to bloody. He was like, give me a bloody. So that is. Right. So they're separate swords.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Yes. So that wasn't. So I. Yeah. So he's got his ancestors. Initially, I thought that they were saying that the black blade and Excalibur were the same blade, but they're not. I think he got the sword because Cersei gave him the ring, which was from his family.
Starting point is 01:40:44 So he traced his family so he traced his lineage and he found it that way okay i think i don't know yeah so the final post-credit sequence is it's kid harrington yeah who's been in this movie for 10 minutes yep and he's like i really wish i had something to do with this movie but at least i'll have something to do in the next movie probably yeah and he's in a he's in a big oak panel the library or something he's like oh but i open this box up there's not a big spooky sword in it and then he's like, oh, but I opened this box. I hope there's not a big spooky sword in it. And then he's like, oh, there's a big spooky sword. Jiminy Christmas. I'm Kit Harington in it.
Starting point is 01:41:10 And then he looks at the sword, goes all wibbly wobbly. It's a black blade that will inevitably turn him into the Black Knight. And then there's a voice that's like, hey. Don't do that. Don't do that. Now is that Blade? Oh, my God, I would love it to be Blade.
Starting point is 01:41:23 We don't know. A voice says something. I can't remember what it says and i can't remember who it's the thing about the voice was it sounded very very it did but i couldn't place it and i couldn't play it'll probably be out by the time we um and i don't think it's too far to say that he sounded african-american sure and i'm like well it can't be no it can't it can't be nobody could be nobody could be nobody but i it sounded to me they might not have thought about it yet yeah they might have well you know. It could be nobody. It could be nobody, but it sounded to me. They might not have thought about it yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:47 You know what it could be? Yeah. I think it might, because there's a post-credits video, Colling's editor. Okay. It could be Merlin who forged the sword. Okay. Or it could be his uncle who was the previous Black Knight.
Starting point is 01:41:59 He's like, this fucked me up. You better not. I mean, we'll know soon, but it sounded to me like Marshal Ali. That'd be cool if it was Blade. Because here's the thing. First of all. Because he also has a blade. He's in a room with a blade and his name's Blade
Starting point is 01:42:09 and he's inexorably drawn two blades. And he's English. Well, that's the thing. So in the comic book. Well, he didn't sound English in the city. I can't remember. No, he didn't. But in the comic books, Blade is British,
Starting point is 01:42:17 which you can never tell because obviously you can't hear it on the page. But I think it'd be a fun nod if he's still American because people would find it weird if he wasn't yeah you know in a little nod to his character he's been in england for a while yeah like maybe he's been in england for a couple of years some dracula stuff he's tracking down dracula i can't wait till blade dracula i can't wait till he kills um michael morbius my god ah thrill but i think that's blatant i think they're gonna perform like a weird magic i think that'd be great if it was blade that'd be i mean think that's Blade, and I think they're going to perform like a weird magic of vengeance, I think. That'd be great if it was Blade.
Starting point is 01:42:47 I mean, and that's worth it for watching this two-and-a-half-hour movie that felt like three-and-a-half hours. I don't know about that, Mason. My question is, though, I guess, what are we doing here? What do you mean? Not this. I mean this. But, like, what are we building to in this current phase?
Starting point is 01:43:03 We're in phase four, right? Is it Galactus? What's this cosmic threat? Do they know? I mean, they must know. What are we doing? I maintain that like in the last bunch of phases. They're throwing a bunch of stuff at them?
Starting point is 01:43:16 I think they're throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall. They're going to see what sticks. And I don't think they would ever admit that in a billion years because Disney will never admit that they don't have a plan. From what we can tell, they never admit to any mistakes or. You mean like when they reshot Solo in its entirety and they didn't admit it? Yes, exactly right.
Starting point is 01:43:31 Is that an example of that thing you were talking about? That's exactly what I mean, yeah. But I think that, did they admit that or did it come out? I think it was just known. I mean, you can't film for four more months. No, that's true, yeah. But I think they probably have gone, okay, well, here's some options. I think they've gone, what villains and character arcs do we have
Starting point is 01:43:50 that we haven't used yet? We put them all on a board and then we put out clues and breadcrumbs and we see which movies do well, which ones people respond to well on social media, you know, which characters does Boss Logic mock up in Photoshop? Yeah. I hate he draws them. I hate he doesn't use computers.
Starting point is 01:44:09 That's really interesting. Yeah. Wow. It's one of those big oddly shaped palettes of paints and a big brush and a beret. And a beret. Wow. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:44:19 Yeah. And I think whichever one really hits. What's coming up next? What's the next thing? Fuck, mate. Now you're testing me. Now you're bloody. You got me on the bloody ropes now.
Starting point is 01:44:29 Maybe it's Blade. I think Blade's a bit more down the line. But look, I think because they can work the mutants into the celestials because they're tied. They could work the Fantastic Four in because, you know, Galactus and space and whatever. Multiverse now. Yeah, you've got a multiverse.
Starting point is 01:44:42 Could be Morlan, the Dracula, Spider-Man eating vampires. Oh, speaking of,, we did Spider-Man Life Story this week. People do want to check it out. What was I looking up?
Starting point is 01:44:51 The next Marvel movie. Is it Doctor Strange? No, Spider-Man and then it's Doctor Strange next. But then after that, it might be Black Panther and I don't know. Okay, so.
Starting point is 01:45:00 But here's my question for you though because we got to phase three before the previous storyline ended essentially essentially the Infinity Saga. So are we going to do three more phases? We're going to do four, five, and six before we get. So they've got plenty of time.
Starting point is 01:45:13 I don't think they know yet. Yeah, you might be right. So next one, Spider-Man No Way Home, then Doctor Strange, then Thor Love and Thunder, then Black Panther, then the Marvels, then Guardians of the Galaxy 3. That's in the next year. And then 2023, and then Ant-Man and the Wasp, then Guardians of the Galaxy 3. That's in the next year. And then 2023. And then Ant-Man and the Wasp, then Fantastic Four to be announced.
Starting point is 01:45:30 So we've got, and that's just for the, and that's not including television. Yeah, yeah. So there you go. There you freaking go. All in all, get out there to your local cinema plex. Yeah, do it. See this movie, I guess.
Starting point is 01:45:41 Let us know what you thought. You've got to see it. You've got to see it. Do you've got to see it? Keep up. You've got to see it to keep up. Keep up. Keep up, Mason. Okay. You've got to see it. You've got to see it. Do you've got to see it? You've got to see it to keep up. Keep up. Keep up, Mason.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Okay. You've got to see it. Yeah. You've got to see it twice. You've got to keep up. I don't know. You missed that bit with the sword, so you've got to go back and confirm it. I've got to confirm if she said the Black Blade Excalibur or if she said the Black Blade
Starting point is 01:46:00 not. Isn't it the Ebony Blade? Ebony Blade. Yeah. Whatever. Yes. All right. Do you know what it's time for then?
Starting point is 01:46:04 Why is it time for what we're reading? Yep. What are we going to read? Let's do it. All right. I'm going to watch Eternony Blade. Yeah. Whatever. Yes. All right. Do you know what it's time for then? Why is it time for what we're reading? Yep. What are we going to read? Let's do it. All right. I'm going to watch Eternals again. Okay. Just kidding.
Starting point is 01:46:10 You don't want to? Nah, probably won't. Westworld. Whoa. Why didn't they stop Thanos? Why didn't they stop Thanos? You could have stopped Thanos. Why did you stop Thanos?
Starting point is 01:46:23 I would have stopped Thanos. Good movie. Yeah. Mason. Yes. What are you stop Thanos? I would have stopped Thanos. Good movie. Mason. Yes. What are you reading this week? Great question, James. Yeah. This week, as you know, James, Radiohead have a video out,
Starting point is 01:46:34 music video, it's called Follow Me Around. But what's interesting about it. I mean, I already know. No, wait, I don't know. Whatever this character is, I do. No, no, that's true. But I watched it and it's a video clip It's got Guy Pearce in it And I'm like I love Guy Pearce
Starting point is 01:46:46 I'm going to go back and re-watch some Guy Pearce stuff The Proposition No, I watched Jack Irish The show Jack Irish I've never seen Jack Irish It's good So it's Guy Pearce, Australia's own Guy Pearce Who we love
Starting point is 01:47:00 He did a series of telemovies from like 2012 To now maybe? They're like made for TV. He did a series of telemovies from like 2012. To now maybe? Yeah, to now. They're like made for TV movies and then a series. Let me check. And he plays a guy called Jack Irish. It's based on a series of books. I think it's Jacqueline Irish.
Starting point is 01:47:14 Oh, thank you. And he's like a hotshot defense lawyer, but then one of his ex-clients kills his girlfriend. Oh, my God. So he gets out of the business and he has a rough time. But then he sort of re-emerges as like this kind of like kind of layabout sort of private investigator kind of guy. It's still going.
Starting point is 01:47:33 Yeah. It's 2012 to present day. But sorry, go on. There you go. It's good. It's all set around Fitzroy. Yeah, it's set around Christmas but also Fitzroy and Melbourne. It's good fun.
Starting point is 01:47:43 It's got the dad from the castle in it. Oh. Jack Garry season four cancelled. Oh, that's a shame. Yeah, there's set around Christmas but also Fitzroy in Melbourne. It's good fun. It's got the dad from The Castle in it. Oh. Jack Irish Season 4 cancelled. Oh, that's a shame. Yeah, there we go. Well, probably because of, you know, reasons. Jack Irish Tell Me a Drama series. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:47:54 But it's good fun. Just like I should go to this. All right, I should check out some Jack Irish then. Yeah, yeah. So the first one's called Bad Debts. If you're in Australia, it's on Netflix and Stan and it's on ABC iView. So we're not bloody hard up for bloody choice, are we? No, exactly.
Starting point is 01:48:06 But Netflix because it's probably the best, most stable platform. Exactly. And if you're outside of that, just use an ExpressVPN perhaps. If you could, if you can. Yeah, and you can just watch that. I think it's good. It's good and just good fun. It's good.
Starting point is 01:48:19 It's a good like sort of just a good crime drama. Also, Kenny's in it. I know Kenny. Shane Jacobson. Shane Jacobson, I like him. I've been reading from Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino, Primordial. So in 1957, the USSR launched the dog Laika into Earth's orbit. Two years later, the US responded with two monkeys, Abel and Baker.
Starting point is 01:48:40 These animals never returned, but unbeknownst to everyone, they did not die in orbit. They were taken. So it's just a story of those animals but like surreal space stuff and intelligent life and whatever sounds pretty cosmic yeah it's pretty cool
Starting point is 01:48:52 I like it so it's been two issues so far and that's all I have to say about it and that's all I'll ever say about it wow that's the most you'll get out of me Mason I'll tell you that much loving that
Starting point is 01:49:02 loving that Jeff Lemire I also haven't gotten around to The Green Knight or Army of Thieves. You promised. I promised. You promised, Mason. I promised I did. I do want to watch Army of Thieves.
Starting point is 01:49:11 I was going to watch it last night, but then I watched The Heart of They Fall, which I will talk about. Oh, I should get to that as well. Yeah, watch that. According to folks on the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group, the main guy in Army of Thieves, actually German. Yeah, he's in. Not Scandinavian.
Starting point is 01:49:24 I never said he was. And apparently nobody likes him. In real life? Nobody in Germany likes him. Why not? I think he's like a James Corden kind of type. Oh. Or like.
Starting point is 01:49:32 Yeah, that'll do it. Like, I got a lot of people. Let's get loud. There's a lot of people in the group being like. Let's get loud. A lot of people in the group being like, I'm German. I don't like this guy. I don't like what he does.
Starting point is 01:49:41 Like, he's directed other stuff. Yeah, yeah. And he's like a German star director, et cetera. So it is fun, isn't it? Just local people that people hate, you know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. There's a few ones here that I won't reveal that people do not like. Were they the screening of Eternals?
Starting point is 01:49:56 No. Oh, actually, no. There was a few people famous for being in that. Anyway, should we get on with the show? Yeah, because it's time for letters. Oh, my God, already? Yeah. The classic one was,
Starting point is 01:50:07 Letters, oh, letters, we love you. Some letters, they're only a day away. We're going to hear right now. We're going to have letters. When I say already, this has been a very long show. A hundred years. But if you do want to reach the show, hashtag WeeklyPlanetPod on Twitter or Weekly weeklyplanetpod at
Starting point is 01:50:28 I'll tell you what, though. It is good to get back onto the schedule. Like just seeing movies. Oh, it's great. Just the very idea of like everybody's seeing all this stuff at the same time. We all have our opinions. Some people think the movie is good and others think it's bad. You know, things like that.
Starting point is 01:50:44 I completely agree. But it's nice to just be like, we'll get to that in three months. No time to die next week. Yeah, and Venom, whenever that's out. Is that out next week? I can't remember. I don't know. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Maybe we'll double up again. I'll have to see Venom. Lock down, catch up, hoedown or whatever we said it was. Yeah, that's right. Catch up, show down, hoedown, no down. That's right. Yeah. I already did my tweet about the guy who wrote Morbius
Starting point is 01:51:06 from Craig well then I'll read an email this is from Hiro hey guys my name is Hiro and I'm from Idaho I've been listening to you guys for years now and I've been subscribed to your awesome big sandwich Patreon and I just wanted to ask you guys if there are any movies or TV shows
Starting point is 01:51:22 you think were good slash well made but have no intentions of ever revisiting them for me it's the movie ladybird and lolita thanks for all the great fun content to keep up the good work i haven't seen either of those two um we talked about this a little bit before the show but i think like breaking bad i don't think i like i love but i don't go back to like the leftovers i probably never go back to is that because there's so much to get through much of it yeah yeah i feel, my feeling is always like there's a lot of stuff that is quite harrowing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:49 Or like very intense stuff. Oh, yeah. Like the movie The Invisible Man, which we talked about recently. I've seen that a couple of times. I've watched that a couple of times. Interesting. Elizabeth Moss is in that one. I think that's a really well-made movie and like very good,
Starting point is 01:52:02 but it's like it's so intense. I'm like I don't want to feel any feelings right now. Don't you? Fair enough. But for me it's that sort of stuff. It's like, you know, intense thriller horror stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I see everybody's put a lot of work into this and it's really good,
Starting point is 01:52:17 but I'm like. No, thank you, not for me. No, thank you, not for me. Not twice. Maybe if it's so nice, I watched it once. That's right. As the expression. Yeah. Yeah, I think I once. That's right. As the expression. Yeah, I think I'm like that for a lot of horror stuff.
Starting point is 01:52:28 Maybe it's because it's just not that, I don't know, it's not really a genre that appeals to me. Yeah. Or horror also like really intense drama as well, you know, that sort of stuff. I would say like a lot of comic book movies, if I didn't like come back to them for like this, I probably wouldn't return to.
Starting point is 01:52:42 Interesting. You know? There are exceptions uh the dark knight for heat they just performance a lot absolutely yeah but you know like i wouldn't watch iron man 2 ever again if i didn't watch we didn't know right out of garbage yeah yeah yeah like stuff like that you just go to youtube and you type in iron man 2 briefcase suit up yes and you just watch then again they're like i'm talking about like average movies then aren't i not like terrific terrific stuff.
Starting point is 01:53:05 That's true. I've seen The Gone Father. Did you say The Gone Father? The Gone Father. Is that the prequel to Gone Girl? Correct. Is that where The Gone Girl came from? That's where she came from.
Starting point is 01:53:14 It's about her father, Gone Father. But I've never seen Godfather 2 and I want to watch it, but I know that I have to watch Godfather 1 again because I haven't seen it in like 20 years. So now I'm just like putting that off forever. Okay. Anyway, I've got like putting that off forever. Okay. Anyway, I've got a tweet here from Spurnsy Sportingista. Spurnsy.
Starting point is 01:53:32 Hashtag Wicked Planner Pod. Hi, James and Mesa. What is your favorite thing that is better than the original thing? I know that makes no sense, but for example, the best Fantastic Four thing is The Incredibles and so on. Oh, yeah. Love the pod. Keep up the good work from Oliver and then Smiley Face.
Starting point is 01:53:48 I read, I did this to you before the show because I couldn't think of anything, but then I managed to think of a few. All right, all right. I think 28 Days Later is probably the best zombie movie, but it's not like a Dawn of the Dead movie. Yeah, right, okay, sure, sure. It's not in that continuity or in that world or whatever. I think that's probably a good example.
Starting point is 01:54:07 Upgrade and Venom. Oh, definitely, yeah, yeah. Upgrade is a much better version than Venom. Yeah. And this might be a bit controversial, but I think Indiana Jones is better than James Bond. And Indiana Jones came into being because George Lucas and Steven Spielberg wanted to do a Bond movie,
Starting point is 01:54:23 or Spielberg in particular, and they couldn't. So George Lucas said, well, let's just make one. And I guess it's also because there's only been four for now. That's true, yeah. And there's a million James Bond movies. What is a better Superman than anything Superman has ever produced? There's got to be one. Far out.
Starting point is 01:54:39 Invincible? Is Invincible better than that? It might be. Let me check. I mean, you know, Superman and Lois obviously is a good, very good example. But in terms of like a big budget movie. How do I even Google this?
Starting point is 01:54:50 Best non-Superman Superman movie. Yeah, right. Jesus. Brightburn is a pretty good. Yeah, but I wouldn't say it's. But it's not a different genre, is it? If I just type it. I mean, you could say like Chronicle is a better something.
Starting point is 01:55:02 That's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know. Yeah. It's better than something, isn't it? It sure is. Yeah. Better than a big pile of garbage.
Starting point is 01:55:09 Yeah, God. Like I would say like Kingsman, the first Kingsman, is better than most Bond movies. Yeah, yeah, okay, sure. But, you know, I'm trying to think. Well, it's interesting because a lot of these sort of start out as like parodies. Yeah. Like Kingsman is a parody of
Starting point is 01:55:25 the Bond movies. It certainly is. I don't know. I don't know. I'm interested to know what people have opinions on that. Because you know. What's a better version of The Mask? The Mask 2. Yeah. Very good. Have we got anything else or should we wrap it up? I've got another email here.
Starting point is 01:55:41 Please. This is from Bledden. Bledden. The subject line says, Nick Mason ruined my life. Thank God. You and me both, Bledden. Got him. Take a bloody number and get in line, Bledden. We got him, Bledden. He says, hi, both.
Starting point is 01:55:53 Good luck pronouncing my name right. I know you won't. I reckon it's Bledden. I think it's Bledden. He's asked if he could be the honorary Welshman in London, so it's probably not pronounced Bledden. It's probably Bledden. It's probably Bleden? Brandon. It's probably Bleden. It's probably Bleden? Brandon.
Starting point is 01:56:06 It's probably Brandon. I think it's Bleden. Hello, Brandon. Anyways, you can tell by the subject Mason has ruined my life. About a year ago he mentioned that he'd begun reading the comic Die. I thought it sounded great, so I started reading it, and this is when things took a turn. I fully fell back into reading and buying as many comics as I could. Thanks a lot.
Starting point is 01:56:22 Die was great, by the way. Reading comics really helped to get me through the pandemic. It gave me something to look forward to when I couldn't do anything else. Even though it had me sitting in front of the window all morning complaining to my girlfriend every day that the postman hadn't been yet. Five stars for the pod and could I be the honorary Welshman in London of the pod, please? From Brandon.
Starting point is 01:56:38 Thank you, Bledden. That's cool. Thank you so much. It's good. I find as well, like, sometimes I just won't look at a comic for months, but then I'm like. I'm going to look at this comic. I'm going to look right at this comic and no one can stop me
Starting point is 01:56:50 because it's a free country. I'm trying to think. What was I going to say? I'm going to bloody Y-Star now, mate. You got me. Yes. He bloody got me. Look, it's the week of his wedding, so I'm just going to go.
Starting point is 01:57:01 I'm going to go. He's up. I know he's a bit jittery, so I'm going to let that one slide. I can't remember what I was gonna say about comics i don't know oh yeah i want to go back to die but i stopped reading it between months yeah and now i'm months behind so i'm gonna have to start again it's quite complicated but it's very good anyway i think that's probably the show though isn, isn't it? That's the whole show. Thank you, folks, so much for listening. Thanks for sticking it out while we were way behind at the movies. You really did stick it out with us.
Starting point is 01:57:31 And we appreciate that very much. I hope you enjoyed. And now you're rewarded with this two-hours-ish podcast, I guess. I hope you enjoy our movie reviews. I hope you enjoyed all the delightful no-movie topic episodes we talked about. I hope you enjoyed the episodes that were obviously filler. Folks, thank you for subscribing to the podcast. Thank you for telling your friends about the podcast.
Starting point is 01:57:53 Thank you for lying to your friends about the podcast. Please. Do a bit of trickery. We always appreciate it. Thank you for leaving a five-star review for the podcast because they really help out. James, do you have any there? Got a couple here, mate.
Starting point is 01:58:03 This is from High Noon Tech. That was very aggressive. From High Noon are brackets peyton h who says best podcast ever you can do this in app by the way it's incredible the week of the planet is simply the best podcast ever every week james slowly loses his mind and mason revels in the chaos these boys have been a consistent positive presence in my life for years and i can't wait every week for the next episode of the show. So you can write something really heartfelt and touching like that or you can put five stars like this for like Michael Carlson 22 who says Beef Wellington and then it's just a very long
Starting point is 01:58:34 and involved Beef Wellington recipe. So if you are looking for a Beef Wellington recipe, you can look in our reviews and it will be there. I love Beef Wellington. Then there you go, mate. You order a Beef Wellington every now and then, don't you? I totally get a Beef Wellington, yeah. This guy's out of his mind. I hope there's. Then there you go, mate. You order a Beef Wellington every now and then, don't you? I'm totally going to get a Beef Wellington, yeah. This guy's out of his mind.
Starting point is 01:58:47 I hope there's little Beef Wellingtons at your wedding reception, just finger food. That's right. Is that just a sausage roll? Yeah, it's a sausage roll. Yeah, exactly. It's not the same, but go on. That's right.
Starting point is 01:58:56 Folks, if you want to get into contact with us, you can go to Weekly Planet Pod at Gmail, at Facebook, at Twitter, at Bandcamp. You can go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group, as previously mentioned, or the Planet Broadcasting Weekly Planet Discord or the Weekly Planet subreddit. They're all out there. They've got a lot of people out there.
Starting point is 01:59:15 They're having fun chats. We're having a great time over there. Probably. Probably are. Let's see. You can also follow at the Weekly Planet on Twitter, at RawCollins on Twitter. Both of those are RawCollins. He edits this podcast. He edits videos. He goes nuts. He's out of control. He can also follow at The Weekly Planet on Twitter, at Raw Collings on Twitter. Both of those are Raw Collings.
Starting point is 01:59:25 He edits this podcast. He edits videos. He goes nuts. He's out of control. He can't be stopped. Exactly. Yeah. We're thinking of having him put down.
Starting point is 01:59:32 Excuse me? I was not. She's working too hard. Wow, I was not. I was not CC'd in this discussion. No, no, no. It's all right. Wow.
Starting point is 01:59:38 All right. Whatever. He's terrific. All right. If I can just get in here for a minute. I think you should. If I can finally have an opinion on this. Folks, you can follow me on Twitter at Wikipedia Brown.
Starting point is 01:59:48 You can follow me on Instagram at NickMaso, N-A-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. James is Mr. Sunday Movies everywhere. Yep. If you want to buy some – sorry, if you want to support the show. Yes. You can go to slash Mr. Sunday Movies. You can chuck in a buck. You can chuck in any amount, a couple of bucks, 50 cents,
Starting point is 02:00:02 doesn't matter, whatever you wouldn't miss. It's fine with us. It's fine with us. It's fine with us. It helps keep with us. It's fine with us. Helps keep the lights on in here and the bloody air con, I'll tell you what, today of all days. It's not bloody wrong, mate. It's not bloody wrong, this guy.
Starting point is 02:00:10 You can also go to You can sign up for nine US dollar reviews per month. We've got all kinds of bonus podcasts, movie commentaries, all kinds of things. Yeah, there's probably too many things up there at this point, isn't there? Hundreds of hours probably. Book clubs this week. Next week's a different thing.
Starting point is 02:00:24 We're trying to work out what commentary we're going to do for this month. Maybe something Spider-Man leading up to Spider-Man. And next month for December we need to do something Christmas themed. So we could do like a Home Alone. We could do a Die Hard. Spider-Man, could we break out this copy of Spider-Man No Way Home that we've been sent and we can just commentate over the top of that? I want to keep that in pristine condition, Mason.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Okay, well, we'll do that. And then accidentally step on it one day. Yeah, great. And render it worthless. Should I leave it on the floor then? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Just with all my other DVD that I have. condition, Mason. Okay, well, well. And then accidentally step on it one day. Yeah, great. And render it worthless. Should I leave it on the floor then? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Just with all my other DVD that I have.
Starting point is 02:00:49 That's right. We've got some teas over at Just search for the weekly planet. Just shoot on over there. Shoot on over there. Also, thank you to The Brute and The Basilisk and Rackham for all their musical themes. And that is the podcast next week, No Time to Die.
Starting point is 02:01:03 That's right. Is it good? We don't know yet. I was going to say it today, but I didn't. Slept in instead. Yeah, we'll see it next week. We'll see it next week. No Time to Die. That's right. Is it good? We don't know yet. I was going to say it today but I didn't. Slept in instead. Yeah, we'll see it next week. We'll see it next week. We'll be out next week, yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:10 If we've got things to say. Let me check when Venom 2 is out. Okay. I think it is out next week as well. Going to double up? Oh, God. I've got the international bloody release date. I don't want to watch Venom.
Starting point is 02:01:21 No, November 25th. We've got a bit of time. We've got a bit of time to steal ourselves for Venom. Yeah. November 25th. We've got a bit of time. We've got a bit of time to steal ourselves for Venom. Yeah. Thank flipping God. Whoa. All right, let's get out of here. That's language worthy of Venom.
Starting point is 02:01:31 The rudest superhero there is. Folks, grab that gem. We will see you next week. Good and bye. Riddance. Oh, I mean bye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates.
Starting point is 02:01:50 I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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