The Weekly Planet - 525 The Fall Guy and Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer

Episode Date: April 29, 2024

The Fall Guy is out in some places in the world so we're more than happy to get into that. Plus we breakdown the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer, Sony delays Kraven The Hunter (🙁), keeping politic...s out of movies and more! Thanks for listeningVisit for a bonus weekly show including video game let's plays, exclusive movie commentaries, early stuff and ad-free podcast feeds for $9 per month.James on TOFOP with Friends podcast: on Who Knew It With Matt Stewart podcast: be aware timecodes may shift due to inserted ads.04:36 Sony Movie Delays08:08 Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer17:58 Tom Cruise's Latest Antics20:01 28 Years Later Casting21:32 Politics in Movies Controversy25:27 The Fall Guy Review (spoilers 47:50 to 01:01:15)01:01:15 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read01:17:44 Letters, It's Time For LettersJames' Twitter ►'s Twitter ►'s Instagram ► Weekly Planet Twitter ► Weekly Planet TikTok ► Weekly Planet Clips Channel on YouTube ► ► iTunes ► Direct Download ► YouTube Channel ► Affiliate Link ► ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Weekly Planet. Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James Dawson, Mr. Sunday, and with me is always my co-host Nick Mason. James is doing something. He's making some sort of gesture. No. I thought you were going to clap a mosquito or something.
Starting point is 00:00:17 No. What are you doing? I'm just cradling the microphone, but not fully. Just holding the essence of it. Yeah, that's the vibe I got. You you were trying to like summon the power of podcasting. Super kamehameha, like generate the energy we need to podcast. Yeah, man. And we really do need it. So if you could keep at that.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Just keep doing it? Well, that's how that works in that show, isn't it? They just hold a pose for 40 minutes or whatever. Yeah. And they blast a big guy who steps out of the way. That's Dragon Ball Z for you. That's right. We're going to blast a big guy who steps out of the way. That's Dragon Ball Z for ya. That's right. Mm-hmm. Yeah. We're gonna blast a big guy and the big guy's Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:00:50 That's right. Well, we are actually. We got some big news this week, Mason. We're gonna talk about some delays over at Sony HQ. Oh, boo. Do you like Spider-Man movies that are adjacent to Spider-Man that don't feature Spider-Man? It's getting delayed, one of those. No, I don't like those.
Starting point is 00:01:02 The more you went into that sentence, the less I liked it. You were like, Spider-Man movies? And I'm like, yeah, mostly. Yeah. And then you said more stuff and I of those. No, I don't like those. The more you went into that sentence, the less I liked it. You were like, Spider-Man movies. And I'm like, yeah, mostly. Yeah. And then you said more stuff and I'm like, no, no, I'm glad I didn't say yes immediately because I would have looked quite the fool. That's true. Imagine if you'd said all that stuff and I went, yeah, I like that.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Yuck. You'd have to quit. I would have to quit. Everything you do, not just this. Yeah. Ah, we've got a trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine. Oh, big trailer. We're going to talk news of 28 years later, the sequel to 28 Months Later, Weeks Later,
Starting point is 00:01:30 which is a follow-up to 28 Days Later, and then we're going to talk about as the election looms Mason, as the big US election. That's not looming for ages. What's November? What's Hollywood? Feels like it's been looming since the last election. I know. Can you think of any moment, because we're not in America, obviously, but like, boy,
Starting point is 00:01:48 we hear about it. It's everywhere. We hear about it, and boy, it's been- It's in our media. Yeah. People yell at us. I cannot think of a single minute in the last four years that I haven't thought about, that it hasn't been in our face, and I've been like, oh, election stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:01 At least there's one good choice and one bad choice, don't you think? Oh, absolutely. No doubt there is one good choice and one bad choice. Don't you think? Oh absolutely. No doubt there is one good choice and one bad choice. Absolutely. I'm laughing Mason. Oh yes. I'm laughing because I'm doing satire. You are doing satire. That's right. Then we're going to talk about the fall guy. Two senile guys, just different types of senile. That's right. What's happening there? Talk about the fall guy, which isn't out in the US but it is out in other regions in the world, but we'll very clearly do a non-spoiler section for those people who aren't interested in checking it out. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:02:31 The world has righted itself. That's right. And Australia is getting movies slightly before America again. Well, it was filmed here, you know? Yeah. It was filmed here. Yeah, it's all bloody... It did look exactly like the movie Anyone But You, or whatever it's called, which was
Starting point is 00:02:44 also filmed here. They both also have action scenes within the Sydney Harbour. Yeah, okay, right. It did look exactly like the movie Anyone But You or whatever it's called, which was also filmed here. They both also have action scenes within the Sydney Harbour. Yeah, okay. Just like spinning around. Okay, I still haven't gotten to that Anyone But You. The new one? Have you watched this one then?
Starting point is 00:02:54 I did watch this one. I did watch the movie we're going to talk about this week. Oh my god. I'm doing my job here. I'm working hard. I'm just going to note it says Sydney Opera House. I'm going to put that in. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Sydney Opera House, everyone, cheer. Oh, the dog's here. put that in. Okay, right. Sydney Opera House, everyone cheer. Oh, the dog say hello, Ollie. Hello, Ollie. Ollie, are you here to remind me to tell everyone that I was on an episode of Who Knew It with Matt Stewart? No! Wow, she talked for the first time ever. And then she left. Yep.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Wow. Think she's ever gonna do that again? I doubt it. Yeah, I doubt it too. Yeah. But she wasn't here for that, but it reminded me anyway. Yeah. That I was on an episode with the great Mish Witrip and the great Cass Page. Oh my god, what a team up. The dream team, as we always call ourselves. Yeah. It's a fun podcast where we do a game. I'm supposed to have been on that, but I haven't yet. Nice.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I delayed it one time or twice. I don't know. It'll come around. Sure, absolutely. You've got stuff on. You don't have time to make up whimsical names for fish or whatever. I've never made up a whimsical anything. Even when I did that dog voice that was the most I could muster. There was nothing. You did your dog voice? I was also on a podcast base. Yes, tell me about it. The dream team. Yeah, talk about the dream team. It was formerly Fofop but now it's Tofop with friends. It was myself and Charlie Clawson where we're just discussing all manner of things. He was interested in like the decline in comic book movies and pop culture and the soldiers. So we got into that among other things. It's a good fun time. I meant to mention it last week, but I didn't, but I'm mentioning it
Starting point is 00:04:20 this week. I also meant to mention mine last week, but I forgot. Well, we could have spaced this out properly that we didn't try it we could cut this bit Yeah, and then we could announce them next week. That's true. That's a good point Give this whole thing space to breathe. You know, I really agree my son Yeah, well anyway time codes below if you do want to jump to anything in particular Let's talk about Sony delays for one the karate kid remake. I've written karate kids. Maybe that is what it's called I mean, maybe it's the karate's kid. Maybe it's like Governor's General. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Yeah. Look out, it's the karate's kid. How many is there? I don't know. I don't know, man. That's moving from December 13 of this year to May 30 of next year. You're gonna have to wait later for your karate's kid. Turned out the kid didn't learn any karate. Oh really? Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Oh my god. Yeah. Showed up unprepared. That's right. I mean the kid's three. So what do you expect? Yeah well, learn your karate. Yeah that's what I say Mason. Yeah. Uh does it- They could have gotten a very little man to sub in you know. Exactly. To switch the head or whatever. Face
Starting point is 00:05:19 replacement. Yeah that's right. That's something that's something that the movie we're talking about is big on isn't it? They could change it to Karate Man. Ooh. You know, black belt Karate Man. Yeah, he knows all the moves. Oh yeah. Everyone. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Chop, kick. Yep. Ah. Slide, sweep. Yeah, sweep, sweep, kick. Sure, absolutely. Shoryuken. Yeah, the Shoryuken, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Which is the big spinning kick. That's the, it's not that. It's got a very long name that I can never remember okay fair enough yeah yeah yeah um at all this one hurts Mason another Sony delay I just do it I don't know the name I just do the big helicopter spinning kick fair enough yeah I'll do it later okay well I look forward to it I'll do it we'll get we'll gather the local neighborhood kids and light them up and kick yeah I'm gonna curl I'm gonna highly helicopter kick him then you got to beat up a car yeah that's right oh my god Craven the hunter from August 30 of this year to December 13th I think they're looking for that that clear run
Starting point is 00:06:18 absolutely yeah that's probably yeah absolutely they are looking for no competition whatsoever. So the funniest move here would be for any other studio to just drop anything. I'm just looking. Okay, so what we've got here in December, we've got the Mufasa, which is the Mufasa. Mufasa. This is a Lion King prequel that's coming out in December. Okay. We've also got, there's an animated movie for Lord of the Rings.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Oh yep. Which could do quite well. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is coming out December 20th. That could just kick the shit out of that. It absolutely will. Yeah. I have watched some of that new Knuckle Show with my son who was explaining it to you in great detail. He sure was. And I know there's a guy and a lady. Yep. Somebody got beaten up. Kid Cud in it kid. Cuties in it. Yeah bad. Yeah. Yeah So, I don't know. I mean, it's it's probably a smart move. I mean cut their hair. Yeah Robotnik or something. Yeah, well right next not in it spoiler alert, but he's coming back Jim Carrey He's really coming out of retirement But yeah, I think they're looking for like Aquaman 2 or even original Aquaman. Just leave it. Just leave it and see what happens
Starting point is 00:07:27 Absolutely. Yeah, I'm like the last few Sony spin-offs which have just died immediately and fair enough because they're bad awful They've made bad movies. Yeah, they have re-released their spider-man movies in cinemas. Did you say that? I did say that Yeah, apparently they're doing all right considering they've already all come out 20 years ago. Yeah So they look good on the big screen can't under years ago. Yeah. So there you go. They look good on the big screen. Can't undone them. I wonder if there's ever been a Spider-Man movie I haven't seen on the big screen. No, I've been dragged to all of them.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I've dragged myself to all of them, I should say. Nobody's taken. I was absolutely, I was going to say who. You saw that look in my eye where it's going to be like, who dragged you? Who in your life would drag you besides your damn self? Sure. More good than bad though I would say on those ones. That's true. I would say.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Anyways, hopefully this is more good than bad. Uh oh. Deadpool and Wolverine new trailer, not just a teaser, there's action aplenty. Oh, there's action. There's Easter eggs, there's references. Oh my god. Apparently also, despite all of that, you don't need to watch anything else MCU related to go into this.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Which I do not believe could be true. I'm sure they'll explain it and whatever. But who's going into this with no knowledge anyway? You couldn't. Deadpool guys. What do you mean? Guys who love Deadpool. No, I mean no knowledge of the MCU.
Starting point is 00:08:37 It's saying, they're saying like, you can see this on its own. It's standalone. Deadpool guys. Deadpool guys don't watch the MCU. I reckon there are a bunch of Deadpool guys who don't watch the MCU. I do not believe that. How would they even get to the jokes then? Because they want to get the jokes.
Starting point is 00:08:49 They want to be in on the jokes. I don't think they do. I think Deadpool has the cadence of comedy. Yeah. And if you know the references you get the jokes. But otherwise he's just got the rhythm. You get your rhythm. And everybody goes, ha ha!
Starting point is 00:09:03 You got him Deadpool. You're the coolest guy in the room. Blah blah blah. Exactly. What are we in the blah blah blah blah. And everybody goes, ha ha! You got him, Deadpool. You're the coolest guy in the room. Blah blah blah. Exactly. What are we in the blah blah blah? Ha ha ha ha. Yeah, very good. And they are, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:09:13 He's a truth teller as well. He really is, most. Let me, let me, let's break out some Easter eggs here. Sure, man. Leifeldt's feet. Leifeldt's just feet. It's some sort of shoe and or feet store. Yep. It's a jaw draw. That's feet. Lifefeld's just feet. It's some sort of shoe and or feet store. Yep.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Junt drawer. That's right. We see a bunch of X-Men from the various X-Men continuities. We see a Zazel. We see Lady Deathstrike. We see Toad maybe? The actors are returning, right? Seems that way, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah. That's cool. That's cool. Which continuities what? We see that the villain confirmed as Cassandra Nova. A villain. Maybe not the villain confirmed as Cassandra Nova a villain I've been on the villain. No, there's a bunch of marauding types a bunch of Madmax Ian Threak and he's gonna be like Mad Max Mad Max. You're just like Mad Max. Yes. He is Mad Max
Starting point is 00:09:54 This is the comic Old Man Logan. So yeah giant skeleton. Yes Yeah, okay So giant Ant-Man skeleton is in Old Man Logan Giant Skeleton. Yeah, okay. Yeah. So Giant Ant-Man Skeleton is in Old Man Logan. This seems to be very void Old Man Logan collapsing universe kind of situation. But this Wolverine is not the Logan Wolverine. He's a different Wolverine. I think he could be. He could be. Because there's, he could be a variant where he let down his universe and everybody died. Or he could be the Logan taken out of time between
Starting point is 00:10:25 the Wolverine and Logan. Okay, sure. Because remember he killed all the X-Men with his mind? No, Xavier killed everybody or something and he's the only one. Maybe he couldn't save them or something. I should have killed my friend Charles Xavier. He should have killed them. That's right. Because he went right off.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah, he went off chops. He did, he went off Charles. Charles, you're going off chops right now. What. Off chops. He went off Charles. Charles you're going off chops right now. What do I do? Put the helmet on him. Put the helmet on him. That's what I would do. But yeah so Cassandra Nova is Professor X's evil twin in the comics. That's correct. Yes. There's some comic panels of them beating each other up in the womb. So she is a sort of spirit who entered into the womb when Charles, when Charles, Xavier's mother was pregnant with him and like formed it like a near identical body. Yeah. And then he was like, no, even as a baby, I'm not on board with this.
Starting point is 00:11:19 And so killed her with her own umbilical cord. Nice. And then she survived, like his spirit survived and eventually regenerated a new body. Very Voldemort. And basically has all of Professor X's powers and more. And can walk. That's one of the powers. Did you see, there appears to be inside the Ant Man head, there appears to be a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:11:42 So I suspect she is using a Charles Professor X's wheelchair as a throne perhaps? I read a thing where like maybe she's killed a bunch of them. Oh yeah. I mean we've seen a bunch of him die. He's died several times across many movies. Most recently in a version of him died in Doctor Strange 2. Yeah. But his face like torn in half.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah. His whole head. That was pretty good. But yeah, I think it's the Logan Wolverine and they dump him back in the timeline. They wipe his memory and just put him back. Put him back, okay, sure. And that's fun. There's a scene, I don't know if you saw it, where Wolverine is fighting Deadpool. And the choreography is exactly the same. It's Spider-Man 1, where he's fighting Flash. It's the same choreography. It is, yes. Identical.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Unless there's been some fun edits there. Sure. Well, even then, even then, Mason... The effort's been made, hasn't it? Someone's made that effort. Yeah, that's right. Maybe they're not involved with the production of this movie, but they've certainly made an effort, haven't they? Also, in the Old Man Logan comic, there's a couple of giant skeletons. There's a giant Loki skeleton as well. It's Skellington, but alright. Skellington, I apologise. There's a Doctor Strange portal.
Starting point is 00:12:46 There is, that's true. Does that mean a Doctor Strange or does it just mean one of those Doctor Strange rings? I reckon it might be Wong. It would be good if it was Wong. I would prefer Wong to Doctor Strange. Or Madison from the She-Man series. Would you prefer Wong to show up than Doctor Strange? Because I would prefer to see Wong.
Starting point is 00:13:02 I would prefer to see Wong also, yes. Because he'd be there, Doctor Strange would be there lecturing about the blood, don't mess with the multiverse. You messed with the multiverse, Doctor Strange. You ruined everything. You did a Spider-Man on everybody. You made everybody all see all the Spider-Men at once. I didn't want to see that.
Starting point is 00:13:18 That's right. That's vulgar. Yeah. Dogpool. Oh, I didn't see Dogpool. Yeah, yeah. Okay, how about this? Here's agar. Yeah. Dogpool. Oh, I didn't say dogpool. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:26 How about this? Here's a question for you. Would you prefer this to be a new variant of Wolverine that we haven't seen or an existing one? Ooh, because I feel like it's more emotionally resonant if it's an existing Wolverine, isn't it? Because there might also be more than one existing Wolverine, because Logan sort of ties in.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Yeah. Logan might also be from a... The Logan universe also might be a completely separate universe from the rest of the X-Men universes in that it is sort of more of a bare bones universe where it isn't all the colorful adventures of the X-Men. It's just some guys with quite rudimentary powers. You know what I mean? It's the guys from X-Men.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah, but even like even more rudimentary. Because if you remember that movie, we see there are X-Men comics. And at one point Logan says, well, it didn't really happen the way. Yeah. And we never really see Professor X do anything particularly spectacular.
Starting point is 00:14:23 He can only do like those mental blasts that upset everyone. He can't really do. You never see him doing it. That's what he did at his school. Yeah, I think so. Hey, kids, check this out. I think yeah, so I was I mean, obviously, he's very old in that movie. And and you know, and he's had some mental issues. Yeah. But I've got the impression maybe from that movie that he's never had the ability to freeze a shopping mall's worth of people or do all this fitness stuff. Because that's why he's so powerful that he can kill everybody.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Yeah, maybe. Yeah, maybe. I don't know. Also, the Wolverine in X-MenMen origins might also be a different Wolverine All right, X-Men. No X-Men first class or whatever because that those timelines are all that's true. Yeah fucked. Yeah Yeah, so I guess yeah, I guess it's more emotionally resonant if it's Logan Wolverine, but also does that not take away from His sacrifice, but I just put him back. Yeah, I guess if they just put him back to die, but then they would like the... I think he'll knowingly sacrifice himself to go back and they're like,
Starting point is 00:15:31 we have to wipe your memory because this thing has to happen, etc. Because if you don't go back, they won't be able to bury you in a shallow grave. And that's important for the timeline reasons. Exactly. You've got to save them kids or whatever. Where an amateur metal detectorist. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I mean we could we could send you back with all the knowledge of what's gonna happen and like a big laser gun or
Starting point is 00:15:52 Something and you can kill that clone of you. Yeah, like really easily. Yeah, exactly you cure your now I'll just make the noble sacrifice for no reason cure your adamantium poisoning. That's right. What an idiot Yeah, or it's just all they're just relying on us the viewer going, oh, that's Wolverine. And he's had some, yeah, that's probably also what all you need to know really. Oh, that's Wolverine. It's just a Wolverine and we know he's whichever version that is he's had some problems and he's, you know, he's that he's in a bar. He's in a bar. He wants to die. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, we can't get his claws out erection joke. Erection. Yeah. And Etc. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Oh we can't get his claws out erection joke. Erection yep. And so on. But he does have his yellow and blue suit and then he tears the
Starting point is 00:16:31 sleeves off. God he's big again. He's huge. He's big again. He could have just done his arms though. That's all I would have done. Yeah. One arm. Oh yeah. He killed me from one side. Oh and he can only rip one sleeve off. Yeah exactly. Yeah. Yeah. they're really good big. He's looking good Uh, he gets shot in the nuts. Oh, yeah, someone gets hit in the nuts. Yeah, he gets shot in the sides at one point That's right. Yeah, I um, I saw some Rumors that are probably true about certain other people that are gonna turn up which I'm not gonna get into a famica Janssen My sheebie. She has or hasn't I can't really remember. I would say she's definitely in the middle. I don't know specifically about that. I saw also recently that they're putting the Daredevil movie on Disney+.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I think we're probably going to see. I think if you watch what's happening on Disney+, and what they're going to put on, I think it'll probably hint towards things you'll see. All the clues are there. I think, yeah, potentially. But, you know, I don't know. I think also that maybe this has got more emotional resonance than we thought, Mason. Maybe you know?
Starting point is 00:17:30 Maybe there's so much heart in this we won't even know. It won't be all joke. It'll be big sacrifice, etc. Might be big sacrifice, sure. Yeah, exactly. So there you go. That's beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Do you like the cocaine joke where they're just naming different words for cocaine Did that that make you oh my god an absolute back? Yeah, that's comedies back It's all right We thought it was all over but movies are back jokes are back comedies back comedy is back and we can thank Top Gun Maverick For that that's right. Yeah. All right, should we move it along? Oh, did you say this? I'm a bunch of behind-the-scenes stuff for mission possible 8. Oh floating about have you saying on eyes, you know, he's got a motorcycle He's got a long hair. That's what Mission Impossible 8. Oh. It's floating about. What's going on? He's got a motorcycle. He's got long hair.
Starting point is 00:18:07 That's what you want to talk about. He's got long hair. He does have long hair, which would suggest a little bit of a time jump, wouldn't it? I don't know what he's doing with that. It's got to do with that. You don't like it? You can't now. It's over.
Starting point is 00:18:17 He's too old for it. He's too old for that hair. Yeah, I don't know. I don't even think the cut looks right on him anymore. Okay. I don't know. Just me? Just me? Just you. Just you, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Hey man, you do what you can. Oh, did you... I meant to put this in. Did you see Tom Cruise went to David Beckham's 50th birthday party? And he did some break dancing. He did some break dancing. Allegedly. 62 or whatever. And the Spice Girls were there? The Spice Girls were there and I was like, great.
Starting point is 00:18:40 But he did some break dancing in front of everybody and then did the full splits. Which he's done before I think. To an agape audience. What were the audience? A gape, Mason. They were a gape, okay. It could not. And the question then arises is,
Starting point is 00:18:54 has he always had break dancing in his back pocket? Yes. Or did he get the invite to this party and he's like, well I've gotta have a party trick, I guess I'll learn to break dance. Tom Cruise doing the splits, because I type in Tom this party and he's like, well, I've got to have a party trick. I guess I'll learn to break dance. Tom Cruise doing the splits. Cause I type in Tom Cruise splits and it's like, Tom Cruise split with his wife.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Then he split with his wife again. And it's just that. Everybody's having a normal time. He's one of the most normal guys. He split with his Russian socialite girlfriend, apparently, I didn't know. What? Who's that?
Starting point is 00:19:22 I don't know. Never heard of her. Socialite Elisna Krayrova, I don't know. Sounds made up, but all right. Yeah, I don't know. What? Who's that? I don't know. Never heard of her. Socialite Elisner Kray Rover. I don't know. Sounds made up but alright. Yeah I don't know man. Was this recent? It's during the production of Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Parlor. I'm checking the date on this. Okay. Are we breaking a scoop here? This is via OK USA. OK USA? February 22nd 2024. Oh god I thought. He's had a whirlwind romance. I thought this was the one. Yeah me too. Oh wow. Yeah I thought that a whirlwind romance. Thought this was the one. Yeah, me too. Oh, yeah. You'll be all right, Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Yeah, the money will save you, I think. Money will save you. That's right. This is my deadline. I think he's going to get married to a movie camera. Yeah, he might. Get married to a Panavision lens or something. That's good. That's a good Mason. Deadliner reporting that 28 years later, which is going to be directed by Danny Boyle and written by Alex Garland
Starting point is 00:20:08 They're retaining again. It's gonna start Jodie Comer from Killing Eve and free guy and Loki yep. No wait. No you're thinking of I am what's her name Loki Sylvie from I am but not her Yeah, it's a different lady. I'm Aaron Taylor Johnson you're thinking of I am what's her name Loki Sylvie from I am but not her yes a different lady Aaron Taylor Johnson I've heard of him if I know from the fall guy even the hunter and craven the hunter craven that hunt mate I'll tell you that much and and Rafe finds and I'll say that again this is going to be
Starting point is 00:20:38 the first in the trilogy Danny Ball is probably not going to direct to the other one I think it's all near to cost of might take the second who did Captain Marvel to second Marvel three Marvel's three Marvel's one movie now. So how do you feel about that? I still I want to see the like Naomi Harris killing Murphy. Yeah, I still want to say that Yeah, this is a good. This is a good lineup. I agree. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, what have you been up to? Well, I was in the movie Oppenheimer. Oh, yeah, okay. I mean not great We don't have a lot of because we're in the zombie universe so it's mostly, you know, most of the cast were zombies. How did it nearly make a billion dollars? Well they have
Starting point is 00:21:13 zombie dollars. They're money spent still. Oh, Zom dollars? Yeah, Zom dollars. Zom-d-es? Lost it. Zom-bucks. Thank you. Yeah. That's perfect Mason. So there you go. Yeah. That'll be out in two years or something I assume. Oh, but what about if somebody builds a bigger bomb? You know, oh, yeah, it was really obvious in hindsight wasn't it? Yeah variety says An article by Rebecca Rubin says it's called as election looms Politics can seep into movies where the Hollywood likes it or not. Do you think of that? Well, I think I like my movies without any politics. Sure.
Starting point is 00:21:46 That's why I've never watched a movie. I've only, I've only heard descriptions of the TV series, Knuckles from your son. That's all I want. What'd you think? Loved it. Did you like the scene with Joe Biden though? Oh, controversy apparently.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Well, so some controversy is controversy. So one of the things they're finding is that studios having trouble with controversy and backlash surrounding perceived politics in movies, whether or not they're even in movies. Oh, yeah. So they're constantly dealing with and some of the examples in the article is the Little Mermaid politics, politics, Barbie politics, sound of freedom politics, Civil War. Oh, this politics. Now you Politics. Barbie. Politics. Sound of Freedom. Politics. Civil War. Oh, there's politics now, you better believe it. That's just a few examples. I mean, that was mostly politics free, you know. Civil War. Yeah, sure. You know, they saw both sides
Starting point is 00:22:33 in that movie. I also saw both sides. That movie was made for me specifically. An enlightened centrist. So, there's a quote here from Peter Newman, who's head of the graduate dual degree program at NYU. School of the Arts. Here we go, these bloody liberal elites. Here we go. Here we go. What does Mr. Politics, what does Mr. Politics in my education have to say? It says he threw his long scarf over his shoulder.
Starting point is 00:22:55 That sounds about right. And he said, if people either legitimately or accidentally read a political bias in something, it screws up the marketing plan. It was hard enough before people got so extremely sensitive about every little thing. And that's in reference to things coming up to November 5th of this year. Because studios are, as a rule, cautious about ideas and elements in movies that could alienate audiences. But that trepidation is heightened during the election year where politics can sleep
Starting point is 00:23:19 in the movies, etc. So what studios are doing, apparently, is they're not releasing anything in or around November 5th. November is all white male month. Yes, finally. We're back. Yes. We're back. It's white boy November. That's right. So that's why November... They're doing a special cut of bad boys. So Venom 3 has been moved... It's called Bad Boys But White. I like that. Yeah. It stars the pretty fly for a white guy guy and I don't know the guy who played Eminem and Stan, Eminem Stalker. Yeah. He is a famous actor that guy I can't remember his name. That's why Venom 3 was recently moved up to October 25th. Oh, no politics in that movie.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And there won't be, and also there won't- What if there's a Lady Venom, though? Yeah, that's true. There surely is. There'd have to be another Lady Venom. I think there probably is. Maybe she's green. So, but that weekend is just gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:24:19 all the media consumed is just gonna be politics related, and probably for the next few weeks after, it says, there won't be a tentpole movie after November 25th until November 22nd where we get Gladiator followed by Wicked and Moana 2 on November 27th. So yeah, so clear your schedules in November everybody, it's politics time. And that's what our show is going to pivot to in that month. Exactly right, yes. Cutting political insight.
Starting point is 00:24:44 That's right. Yeah Well, I hope there's no lady gladiators and gladiators, so I know That'd be terrible. That's right. I would hate that So yeah, that's all the news. I love news actually and actually all the politics I Think we know that actually I think so too. Yeah, I think we we we threaded that needle I mean definitely never offend anyone think we'll get any comments. No. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:25:07 No, because we didn't say anything. I mean that hasn't stopped people before. We do get people saying, why haven't you said this? And it's like, we've said, we've talked about it. You missed that episode. You missed it. You didn't listen. It's not our fault.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah, and you don't have to listen to everything. But you know, maybe you didn't listen. Whoa's not our fault. Yeah, and you don't have to listen to everything. But you know, maybe you didn't listen. Whoa, the Fall Guys here. Well, not everywhere. Hopefully soon. Must be nice. Must be nice. Before that's out in Australia, guess what it is.
Starting point is 00:25:35 That's right. Back to normal. Back to how God intended movie release schedules to be. Because James, do you remember when we were kids and movies came out in America, and then maybe they never came out. Maybe they came in six months in then maybe they never came out. Maybe they came out in six months in Australia if you were lucky. We're currently getting that with the Minister of Undently Men.
Starting point is 00:25:50 It's just not coming out. It's just not coming out. It's just great. I didn't want to see it anyway. Yeah, I didn't want to see a movie with a bunch of cool stars and it looks fun and funny and there's explosions and Reacher wears little glasses. He's got little glasses. That's right. They're probably normal glasses but they're so big. And that's a cannon off a tank. Yeah, man. Holding
Starting point is 00:26:09 it like it's a regular rifle. He's big. It's a it's a it looks like he's got a bow and arrow but it's one of those ballista things. One of those giant giant bow and arrow. Yeah, yeah. The thing that's freaking sick. Freaking sick, isn't it? But but and then then James, what happened is, yeah, the world righted itself Yep, and eventually we got movies at the same time as America and then we started getting movies slightly ahead of America We got some Marvel movies early. That's right. And then the Pandy Wandy happened God damn it and then and then we stopped getting movies for a time. That's right Yeah, we just had bloodshot. We just watched bloodshot a lot. Yeah, and then and they brought but then Chaos. Yeah getting stuff after they brought, but then chaos.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Getting stuff after America. Or not at all. Not at all. But now we're back. I guess this was filmed in Sydney. I wonder if this has something to do with that. I know there were big- City of Sydney made in demand?
Starting point is 00:26:54 Maybe. There were big tax incentives as well. Yeah, okay. Which is good. Must be nice. We're not seeing any of that, are we? I'm not a big tax incentive. I want any incentive, actually.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yeah. Self motivation. It's the worst. Mason on a budget of $125 million box office we don't know. We don't know yet. How do you feel this is going to go the world over though? I mean are we getting, are we getting. It's like fun and inner-fancy. Ryan gosling fever. Well we'll talk about it won't we James? Yeah. Is it because movies are back? Maybe it's going to depend entirely on this review. Oh, might, yeah. I think we are going to make or break this movie. Let's break it. Yeah, let's do that for fun.
Starting point is 00:27:29 For fun, yeah. For fun. And what we'll do is we'll email Universal, whoever released this. Whoever. And we will blackmail them. Yeah. We'll say, we're going to release this tomorrow. Yep.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Unless you give us a tax break. Like you gave to the city of Sydney. And then we'll say it's good. Or vice versa. Maybe, I don't know. Just give us some money. Yeah. What do you think the story was?
Starting point is 00:27:47 Oh, come on, mate. Come on, mate. All right, Ryan Gosling's there. Yep. And he's this big stunt man. Yep. He's cool as a cucumber and he's doing a stunt and giving a big thumbs up. Love that.
Starting point is 00:27:57 And why wouldn't you? Because he's good at stunts. And he's also in love. He's in love. He's in love with Emily Blunt. Why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you? She's a camera operator and she's like, ooh. We're in love. He's in love with Emily Blunt. Why couldn't you? Why couldn't you?
Starting point is 00:28:05 She's a camera operator and she's like, ooh. We're in love. Nice stunts, idiot. Yeah. They're like, let's do a big stunt. And they're also like, he's hideous. He's a hideous man. He's a hideous stunt man. He shouldn't be on camera. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yeah. It's true. But he's the stunt man for Aaron Taylor Johnson. That's right. He's not really Aaron Taylor Johnson. He's a fictional man. He's like Click Shoehead or something. But he's handsome. Yeah. That's right. He's not really Aaron Taylor Johnson. He's a fictional man. He's like click shoe head or something. He's handsome. Yeah, yeah, that's right. He's the handsome movie star. Mm-hmm. Not like Yucco over there. No good. Yucco. Frosted tips and sometimes a ponytail. Yucco Ryan Gosling. That's exactly right. But then Ryan Gosling is an accident. He makes a mistake and his stunt's gone wrong. Yep. And then he then... Stunts gone wrong.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Stunts gone wrong and then he disappears and he quits the stunt game and he breaks up with his beautiful Emily Blunt lady and then, but then, but then they bring it back. They're like, you got to come back. You come back because there's a big, big stunts got to be made in this big movie. And guess what? Your ex-girlfriend, she's directing the movie. That's right. It's a space cowboy movie or something.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And then there's a murder. There's a murder and a plot and intrigue. Plot and intrigue I guess. Yeah yeah and Baku is there and etc. Yeah sure. I like a lot actually. Yeah he's there. He's great.
Starting point is 00:29:15 He's there and some people we know. He's fun and big. Yeah. I like how fun and big he is. He's fun and big. And yeah and those guys are there and I've saw a lot of people we know in real life. Yeah exactly. Oh yeah. Australians. That's, you know some Australians in this.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Winston Duke, that's his name. Winston Duke is there. Dave Collins from the Scared Weird Little Guys. No, he's from the Umbilical Brothers. I'm sorry, you're right. You're right! The Scared Weird Little Guys wouldn't dream of being in a movie this big. It's the guy from, one of the guys from the Umbilical Brothers.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Yep. Our friend Alex Lee from Dragon Friends is in this. Oh yeah, there's a news reporter. Ben Knight. Big old Ben Knight. Big old ginger Ben Knight. Standard comic. A big thugman. He's a big thugman. How big is he in real life? Bigger than you. Bigger than me? Yeah yeah yeah. I don't reckon. No he is. And he used to be a teacher as well. But he could beat you up. Beat me up? Yeah. I'll beat him up. Yeah. And you might come back with, you might come back with, well he's bigger than you as well, Maiso, but he's more like you, the bigger, because he used to be a teacher.
Starting point is 00:30:08 What do you mean? He's got a big beard like you? He'll beat you up. No, he won't. He'll finish beating me up and he'll beat you up. No, he'll beat you up and then he'll give me a high five. A big thumbs up, a big stunt man thumbs up. But in solidarity, you won't give him the high five because you'll be like, that's my
Starting point is 00:30:24 best friend. No, no. won't give him the high five because you'll be like that's my best friend you're saying. No, no. Now I'll return the high five. Because you want me to beat you up. Yes. Did you know this is loosely based on the Fall Guide? Yes I did. A 1981 American action adventure.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Lee Majors is in it. Lee Majors. It's the thing he did after the six million dollar man. I've never heard of that before. It used to be, I used to watch repeats of it. Remember like five seasons. Yeah I used to watch repeats of it at my grandparents five seasons. Yeah, I used to watch repeats of it at my grandparents' house in like the 80s. Good?
Starting point is 00:30:48 No. But it was, you could get a Fall Guy toy where he was like on the wing of a biplane. Oh, that's sick. That was in the credits. He was on the wing of a biplane. Like, look at me. And that was the toy. Yeah. This has TV episode vibes, this movie. It definitely does. The movie they're filming within it feels like a... It's atrocious. It looks really bad. Yeah, it's like Mad Max plus June I think they've added some like June style music scores at the last minute to make it seem as if it's you know
Starting point is 00:31:14 Very hip and current but what's interesting as well because we sort of this movie sort of exists a little bit and then Unreality because everybody believes that our Aaron Taylor Johnson's character is a really good actor. There's a moment where Winston Duke and Ryan Gosling are watching a clip of him do like a Shakespeare soliloquy and they're like, oh my god, he's so good. Yeah, absolutely. He's doing a, in the movie, he's doing a Matthew McConaughey as well. Little bit, yeah. He's doing that within the movie.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I mean, the movie he's making within the movie. For me, I thought this was, I liked it enough. I wouldn the movie is made within the movie. Yeah, um for me. I thought this was I liked it enough Yeah, I wouldn't say I loved it. I found what you talked about this just a bit then just now the it's an odd world In a kind of inconsistent way that I didn't enjoy like yeah I kind of wanted to like a like a more realistic approach to like because there are amazing stunts in this We'll get to that The world feels like a cartoon world. So it's like I know you're doing this but it doesn't feel I'm if This movie I would say that is my thoughts in my opinion
Starting point is 00:32:17 This movie is sort of propelled along by the kind of Infinite charisma of Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt and their chemistry together. Sure. Though it's more his movie than hers. Yeah, it is. That's true. But as far as the plot goes, it's just enough to hang a movie on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:35 It's kind of convoluted. It is. But that's also brought up. They're like, well, this is complicated. We'll see there, but is that enough to forgive? Because I would say that this movie is also You know what you would call a fridge logic movie Yeah, we get where you you finish watching and you go home and you open your fridge and like hey, wait a second Like this there's an element in this which we'll talk about in spoilers
Starting point is 00:32:53 Which would probably just eliminate the entire third act like it would make the entire third act necessary Yeah, you know a very basic thing happened. You know, there's a lot of there's a lot of shots of the Sydney Opera House. Oh, you better believe it. Yeah. Just always most shots. It's just that's right. Yeah. As I was saying, like it does. It feels like it was shot at the same time by the same people who made anyone. But you write it feels like it's got that kind of color grading, that look. The humor is like the same.
Starting point is 00:33:22 It's very similar. James, yeah. Do we do we have, do we have a Hollywood color situation like whenever they go to Mexico and breaking bad? I think we do. Do we have a do Americans think that Sydney is like that like a funny color? They think Australia is a funny color no matter what you get off the airport and you're like this place has a funny color. It doesn't have a funny color.
Starting point is 00:33:43 It looks like everywhere else. It looks normal and we Doesn't have a funny color. Looks like everywhere else. Looks normal and we don't have accents. We're the only country that doesn't have accents. Get over it. Yeah, get in the bin, mate. But anyone but you in this movie have that same color. Yeah, I would say so.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And it's even that kind of that bup bup bup, the rhythm of the jokes and whatever. Are we critical of this because it doesn't have recognisable Australian elements in it besides the Sydney Opera Bridge? No, I don't care. And the Sydney Opera House like this? It doesn't matter at all. Oftentimes when a movie takes place in Australia, you'll see real Australian news readers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:17 It'll be on Channel 10 or whatever, Channel 9. I'm Peter Roverton. I'm Peter Hitchiner. And we're going to fight. What? That's right. I haven't stretched. Should be the king of the news readers in Australia
Starting point is 00:34:27 That's right. Um, yeah, I don't know If anything, I think the Australian stuff would like take me out of it then like I'm not like this isn't Australian enough It's like it's I like that just seeing Australian people that I recognize or know like popping up in this like I enjoyed that This is of course David Leach who as uncredited director director on the first John Wickie directed Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2, Hobbs and Shaw, nobody's fault nobody's fault that one. Somebody's fault somebody has to take the blame. Well it's not him I don't think and more recently Bullet Train which I enjoyed more than this. I enjoyed it and I think we might be in the minority.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I think I like Gosling more than Brad Pitt though as like an action lead. I think Gosling be in the minority. I think I like Gosling more than Brad Pitt though. It's like yeah Yeah, I think Gosling's charisma is like let's talk about the action. Let's talk about the so here's the thing about the action For a movie that is about a stunt man Obviously, he's you know, he is he's sort of tasked with a with a producer to find the missing star of this movie He's disappeared and he's like like, well, he's probably just, you know, on a drunken bed or whatever. Doing a drug or what have you. And so he, you know, he gets in a bit over his head and he gets into some scrapes, but of course he's got his stunt man skills
Starting point is 00:35:34 to take care of him, you know, some martial arts and he's good at jumping off a big thing or, you know. And so this movie is, you know, ideally you would like to have a lot of spectacular stunts in it. And as I watched this movie, I thought, huh, for a movie that is largely about a stunt man and he's so good at doing stunts,
Starting point is 00:35:52 a lot of the stunts in this seem like they were made on a sound stage and filled in with visual effects. But at the end of the movie, during the credits, we get a montage of behind the scenes B-roll of all the actual stunt performers. It's Ryan Gosling having a punch up in a bin. Doing the actual stunts. Surfing down Sydney Harbour.
Starting point is 00:36:12 So what has happened is they've done a bunch of real stunts and then they've cleaned them up. It's the colour grading. They've cleaned them up with visual effects to the point where in a lot of them I was like, this isn't real. That car jump is real like I didn't think it was you'll see it in the trailer. There's a moment where Gosling is fighting main thug played by Ben Knight in a tipped over skip that has been or dumpster if you're American
Starting point is 00:36:37 But it's a skip. Yeah, it's being pulled through the streets of Sydney on the back of a truck spin And they're really in it like it's it's not stunt performers for the most part. Yeah. There's a, you can, it's both the actors in the thing. And I'm like, Oh, they did that. Cause it kind of looks like they're not doing it. Yeah, absolutely. Itself.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Yeah. You know, and there's a, there's plenty of jumping off buildings and yeah, the moment where it's being Ryan Gosling's on the back of the, the back of the truck and it's sort of skidding, I think down the Sydney Harbour Bridge and his sparks are flying in the movie I'm like it's a shame they didn't do that for real but they did do it for real. Yeah is it there's no sense of danger to it? Is that what it is? Yeah maybe because remember when we watched Dead Reckoning and prior to Dead Reckoning
Starting point is 00:37:19 coming out there was the big... They told everybody what was real. Yeah the big featurette and the big stunt of that movie is Tom Cruise for real drives a... They let us know like a year in advance and showed us every day leading up. And in advance and you could see it at the movies you know as part of previews for other movies you would see he would drive a motorcycle off an actual cliff and then open an actual parachute and leap down and survive it. And he did it so many times. He's still doing it.
Starting point is 00:37:47 But when the actual movie came out, they had visual effects smoothed out the... And it looked weird. It looked weird and odd and like he wasn't there. And they did the same thing in Fallout when they did the halo jump. Yeah. They did so much cloud and electricity that the real halo jump he did was obscured by... It looked better in the actual footage. Just someone filming on a phone looks better.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And it made me think especially about Mission Impossible, the dead reckoning, that they should have contrived a situation where there was a ramp on the cliff or like some... Yeah. Just some junk that he could use as a ramp as opposed to making it look like it was just an unadorned cliff because to making it look like it was just an unadorned cliff because they made it look worse. And it was like that for a lot of these and it's, you know, it's a shame. I think a lot of the all the stunts are amazing. Well, that's the thing they are like I the credits were some of my favorite parts because
Starting point is 00:38:37 like, oh shit, they really did that. I guess that's the point of the credits to shit to give the Jews to like the stunt performers and the team that put that together. Because when Ryan Gosling's character comes to Sydney, the first thing they do is they put him in a car stunt. They've got to flip a car on a beach. Which broke a record. Yeah, and they again, in the end credits, they show it and it's a real stunt performance. They really flip it and wreck this thing. And they really did a leaping a car across a canyon, like 250 feet.
Starting point is 00:39:08 That broke a record, I think, as well. Absolutely. All of that's great. But again, yeah. I also, there is, yeah, it's an unreality to it. And I think it also, the movie they're making in the movie, it's kind of like that Tropic Thunder thing. But it feels like there is no, even with the terrible
Starting point is 00:39:26 movies that we have gotten and continue to get, there's no way somebody would make this. And somebody who's supposed to be as talented as Emily Blunt is, but again, I guess it's that suspension of disbelief like that Aaron Taylor Johnson is a good actor in this, but like there's like a golden cowboy and an alien, but he's driving a car, but it's an alien world and sort of dune and whatever. Like watching that, it's like a golden cowboy and an alien, but he's driving a car, but it's an alien world and sort of dune and whatever. Like watching that, it's like nobody would ever see this. It's hard to do that. It's one of those things where, you know, if you have to show in a movie that somebody's a great stand-up comic,
Starting point is 00:39:57 or they're a great musician, or they're a great film director, or a great actor, it's really quite difficult to show that genius. I mean, if it was good enough, it would just be a movie. I guess that's exactly right. You know, one of the great examples I think they use is, you know, the movie That Thing You Do, which is about, you know, Tom Hanks stars in it and it's a Beatles style band who have a big one hit. They have a song called That Thing You Do.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And that movie lives and dies on the idea that that is a really like that is a genuinely good pop song from that era and they got the guy from Fountains of Wine who has passed away since then but he wrote that song. You believe in that movie because the song and you believe that in the 60s or 50s or 60s that teenage girls would swarm this band because the song is so great. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. But and it also in this movie, Emily Blunt is a camera operator and then Gosling has the accident and then 18 months later, she is directing a Marvel style Hall H Comic Con blockbuster. Yeah, like a multi hundred million dollars.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And I guess they do take directors and like plonk them into movies that are already in production but this is like her dream project. And it's her debut as well. Yeah and it's been 18 months and like you just couldn't do that. Did she direct her first movie in between? I don't think, I think they just said this was her first movie. I believe that's what they said. Okay right.
Starting point is 00:41:22 But yeah like because she's talking about how she's developing this. These are all minor nitpicks Yeah, like developing this since she was a child. But I think in this movie, especially I kind of feel like they build up Yeah, there's also you know what the problem is. Yes. You know, I think we're gonna have to do you go ahead It's just it's not funny enough where you just go. It's a funny movie that's silly Yeah, of course the movie's bad in it because it's a funny movie. Because it's not that, like it's charming and like charismatic leads, etc. But it's not particular, I think there's like a unicorn joke that I really liked.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And that's probably the only joke that I really... There's a sort of a running gag towards the end where the Emily Blunt and Gosling's team up romantically and also in a crime-solving sense and they're like, what are we going to do? And there's a running gag where Ryan Gosling's like, yeah, we're going to beat him up. I thought that was kind of a... Oh yeah, okay. That's a good... That's kind of a... But I will have to talk about it more in spoilers, I think, but I also think the third act pacing-wise is very off. They want to to do a kind of here's the plan and we're going to plan the perfect way to solve all these problems and then we're going to pay it off.
Starting point is 00:42:34 But I don't think it really works in a lot of ways. It doesn't work in the sense that no one would fall for that. No one would fall for the thing that they do. And also that they explain it and Then they do it Whereas I feel like it would work better if they just did it like it would work better You know one of those movies where you think the good guys of they've you know They're there they're on the ropes and what out what have you and the good in the bay
Starting point is 00:43:01 They they tell you they're gonna do it, and then they just do it. Yeah have you and the good and the bad guys like- They tell you they're going to do it and then they just do it. Yeah. Pretty much. What I like about this sort of movie, the movie that it's trying to be is the good guys are on the ropes and the bad guys are like, well, let guess I've gotten away with that. And then it turns around and you realize that all the things that have been happening have actually been the good guys working in the background and it's all turned red.
Starting point is 00:43:21 But they explain what they're going to do and then they they do it and then you see it and it works. Spoilers. Yeah. I think a good comparison to this would be Tropic Thunder where it's not the same premise but it's a movie within a movie and things go awry and the movie is ridiculous and everybody's being ridiculous but that is just wall to wall with jokes. And the joke is that, or even the movie in that looks like it could exist even. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:47 And like, and obviously the heavy satire and the blackface and all of that, that only works because the movie is as funny as it is, right? Yeah. That's the only reason. Whereas this doesn't try anything quite as daring and it's not, because why would you though really? And it's not, it's just not that funny. Imagine if this was just fucking hilarious
Starting point is 00:44:05 Absolutely, that it would just that would be it I wonder also if they're like because again some of this does feel like especially the third act does feel like a TV show Wrapping up. Yeah, they're like well the show wasn't that funny So we can't in honor of the show that no one remembers except me. We can't we can't make it too Wacky. Yeah, okay. Maybe. I don't know. I think also there's some hand-to-hand stuff, which is good.
Starting point is 00:44:30 There's this fight in the club, which I quite enjoy. But I also think there's so Ryan- There's too many things. There are too many things. Ryan Gosling sustained an injury at the start. It's like a back injury and they kind of, you see him doing bit of recovery and he but then it doesn't affect him like at all. So I think like an injured stunt man would add some stakes to it. Whereas he is injured, but you never like he takes so many falls the fall guy. Oh, he takes so many falls and everything. Yeah. And everything. But
Starting point is 00:45:02 it's never like, oh oh this guy's in danger. I think it's because it is this, and it's probably by design, this like cartoon, he's a cartoon man in a cartoon world. I kind of like the idea, I mean I would say overall that was probably not my problem with it. I like the idea that he is to some degree an expert at the thing he's doing. Yeah. But he still gets like really hurt. No yeah that's true. Like during the movie.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Yeah yeah yeah. Like at one point he flies through the windscreen of a car and lands on the road. That's as bad as the thing that happens to him at the start of the movie. But I kind of like the idea, and I have the vague notion that this was the idea of the original, is that he outmatches the bad guys because they've never seen the skill set before. I just like that. I agree with that. I agree. I mean there's a there's a apartment punch up that him and Winston Duke have. Yeah. Which is I really like. But yeah. I guess this is a very tentative best movie ever.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Okay. Yep. Because I liked it enough. I think the charm of it and the stunts when you realize that most of them are real, if not all. At the end. At the end. Then yeah. Yeah. Would you watch another one? I mean, not if it was just this. What if it was better? Then yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Oh, then great. I would watch a better movie. But you wouldn't rule it out. You wouldn't be like, I'm never going to see another one of these. No, no. Again, because it's not terrible, but it's fine. Uh-oh. It's fine, Mason.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Oh, yes. Which I think last week we said is our least favorite kind of movie. But in saying that it's fine, it's interesting to talk about and reflect on because there's a lot going on in it. It's not boring. No, that's true. Yeah. So what would you say?
Starting point is 00:46:36 I'm going to say best movie ever. Yeah. Look, I enjoyed way more of it than I didn't. Yeah, the stunts were genuinely impressive. Yeah, there's none of it that I was like hated that, yeah, the stunts were genuinely impressive. There's none of it there. I was like, hated that. Yeah. Like I never had a moment like that in the air or even like I don't like.
Starting point is 00:46:50 And I felt emotionally like the, for the most part, the stakes were there, you know, because he, uh, Gosling's character is kind of, you know, he wants to reconnect and I felt like there was some emotional depth to that, but you know, Emily Blunt's character feels she got abandoned, you know? Yeah. At no point did he say yeah, because I broke my back. Yeah. I was in traction for 18 months.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Sure. Yeah. But he was ripped. He was ripped and jacked. That's so true, isn't it? Spoilers? And he's got a signature. He's got a series of signature jackets.
Starting point is 00:47:18 He does. Because he that back in the day. He started in a stunt show, didn't he? That's yeah. But I mean, Miami Vice stunt show. Miami Vice stunt show, you know, but but Gosling's learned his lesson. Signature jacket. Blade Runner 2049. Signature jacket. Drive. Scorpion jacket. Then he made a big old mistake. The gray man. What was his signature jacket? Gray? No. I haven't seen it. It's a tracksuit jacket. It's like a tracksuit
Starting point is 00:47:40 top. I would even say Ken signature jacket. Signature jacket. Yeah. That's right. That's what you need. This guy knows. This guy's got a couple of... He's would even say Ken signature jacket. Signature jacket. Yeah, that's right. That's what you need. This guy's got a couple of, he's got the red one. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Pretty good. He's got good jackets.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Yeah, that's right. Spoilers. It's time for spoilers though, folks. We're going to do a big spoiler. Anyway, the big setup was Aaron Taylor Johnson accidentally killed a stunt man. And so- His replacement stunt man. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Well, two things. One, he accidentally, one, he deliberately caused the accident that, that Ryan Gosling was in. He thought- I didn't think that fall at the start was real. No, it wasn't Gosling, but it was a real stunt guy. No, wasn't it? Or didn't they? I think they really dropped him. Okay, great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Well, maybe they probably did a couple. I was watching from behind the scenes just before you got here. But the, yeah, so, so he, Ryan Gosling's character, I guess was taking the spotlight from Aaron Taylor Johnson. So he he changed the setting on the on the stunt setup and and caused the accident. So it was not his fault after all. So that you know, he got some closure on that. Yes. And then it turned out that Aaron Taylor Johnson killed his replacement stunt man by accident by accident by doing a big karate kick on him. Yeah. And he hit his head. And this footage of that. And so what they what the plan was is that he contacted his producer, who's also in this movie. I know what Waddington from Ted Lasso. That's right. Normally blonde.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Normally blonde. Yeah. Legally. Wow. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Legally. Wow. Barely.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Yeah. And so what they were like, we'll get in Ryan Gosling and we'll get him to take the fall. So he's the fall guy. But he's also falling in love. That's right. And he's a stuntman. And he's a stuntman. It should have called him, thumbs up man.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Triple fall man. They should have called him. There are three falls and we'll tell you what they are. I think I saw an interview with the director where he was like, yeah, so there's multiple meanings like that. And I'm like, multiple more than the three that you said? I think that's the story. Anyway, so they hatch a plan. It's a big plan.
Starting point is 00:49:33 And the plan is to get Ryan Gosling to Sydney and then frame him, get him to investigate what's happening. And in doing so, frame him for the murder and then face replace him using technology. Deepfake technology. So it looks like he did the murder on the video. Yeah. And then, then he's going to, they're going to kill him and make it look like a suicide.
Starting point is 00:49:54 So, so Ryan, Aaron Taylor-Johnson's character is in the clear. That's right. Yeah. But as Ryan Gosling says, like very complicated. Very complicated. Just delete the footage. Just delete the footage because he's... And he fell.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah. Just delete the footage and he fell over. Yeah, exactly. And also what about all the other witnesses? Exactly. Also you could just be like, we were tussling and he fell over. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because it was an accident.
Starting point is 00:50:24 He didn't kill him on purpose. Yeah, yeah. And that's... Yeah. Because it was an accident. He didn't kill him on purpose. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But of course, you know, but I mean, look, I'm willing to go with, well, this guy is... He's stupid. He's stupid and he doesn't want to lose, you know, he's bad because his career is more important than other man's life. And I'm absolutely willing to go with that.
Starting point is 00:50:39 But the whole thing is too complicated because Goslingling if they want to set this guy up Why do they go? Well, you should need to wait You need to investigate this and you're relying on him an untrained investigator To do a series of a long series of detective work to end up in a place where you might Yeah, where there's plausible you up you plausibly committed this murder Yeah, like you could have also invited him to the set. Yeah. He just does all the stunts and then you release the footage.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Yeah. You know, like... Kill him with the stunt on set. Well, kill him with the stunt, but also like, he just has to be in the city. Yeah. And you release the footage of him killing a guy. Like, he doesn't have to do the investigation. There's, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:20 And I mean, what you would probably do is go, oh, he might be at that hotel. Go to the hotel. Yeah. Oh, there he is and we've called the cops. And you're... Well, that's it I mean what you would probably do is go, oh he might be at that hotel go to the hotel Yeah, oh there he is and we've called the cops and that's it. That's enough but then also wouldn't the Autopsy reveal that that guy's been dead for a long time and they put him on an ice bath wouldn't it also reveal that like Like other people they would have gone to the witnesses who read video in the video and also and I guess they all got paid Off. I don't know. Maybe I guess they all got paid off. It's not funny enough for this. No, that's true. And then but so instead
Starting point is 00:51:49 Instead he goes to One of the producers assistants who's like you've got to get here's his phone. Yeah. Why did she still have his phone? What didn't how did the phone? Get why didn't Aaron Taylor Johnson's character just be like, give me the phone? You're obviously filming, give me the phone and I'll delete that. But he doesn't. It's also his phone. So Ryan Gosling has to get his pin to open the phone. And he finds the footage.
Starting point is 00:52:16 And then he doesn't just email it to himself. That was my number. At that moment, I'm like, well, obviously in this situation, the absolute first thing I would do is I would just put that on drive. I'd send it to my own Google drive and then I would have it. Safe forever. Safe forever. But nobody does.
Starting point is 00:52:32 And then the phone gets destroyed, which should have happened prior to the movie starting. Because that would end the, there would be no need for a third act. You know? You don't like this movie? No. I do like this. Well, that's the thing. I generally I genuinely do like this movie But it again it feels this is as close as I can get to a switch your brain off movie without Before not enjoying it. Yeah, I give my what's right on the line. It is I think if it took one step further one step closer to the further exactly. I'm like the phone I and again, I think it is due to the charm of the further. Exactly. I'm about to phone. And again, I
Starting point is 00:53:06 think it is due to the charm of the leads. Yeah, definitely. Everybody in it's good. Definitely. But I think if it was an uncharismatic lead and uncharismatic support, I'd be like, this would be bad. And yeah, and so then the phone is destroyed. So they have to get him another way. They have to make him confess. They have to make him confess. But then it turns out that they've made a deep fake of that footage. So they have that footage. They have a copy of the footage and they've deep. But is the woman earlier on who deep?
Starting point is 00:53:36 Is she also in on it? Yes. Because there's a woman. There's a computer guy. Because they scan Gosling. Yeah. The whole team scan him digitally. But then there's the thing that again, it should have...
Starting point is 00:53:49 So what happens is there's an escape, they're going to kill Gosling on it by setting him on fire. You know that classic suicide where you tie yourself to a chair and cover yourself in gasoline. I did like that bit how he swallowed the fuel and spat it back. I liked that a lot. That was fun, yes. Good skill set.
Starting point is 00:54:03 That's what I'm enjoying. But then he seemingly dies in an explosion. And then we as an audience immediately learn that he hasn't died in an explosion. And obviously he hasn't died in an explosion. We know that. The movie isn't going to end with him dying in an explosion. And then he's framed for a murder that he didn't commit. And that's the end of the movie.
Starting point is 00:54:19 And Emily Blunt is heartbroken and shattered by this revelation that he was a murderer. That's not going to happen. Obviously he's going to come back, but we immediately we do that rise of Skywalker where he dies and then we immediately unkill him and then he goes to visit her. Now I wonder if it's because they do there's a, there's an action sequence where he shows up in a costume. He sneaks back on a set in an alien costume and there's an extended sequence where she thinks she's being attacked, she just beats him up for a really long time. And that's funny. Sure.
Starting point is 00:54:51 But goes for a real long time. It does go for a really long time. And I get, you know, and they've learned the choreography and why wouldn't they? It seems like a bit of fun. But then we learn that then we we realize that they're going to work together to solve this thing and make him confess but I think it would have worked way better if we
Starting point is 00:55:09 didn't see that until later and she's like I'm shattered and I can't believe this anyway I guess the movie has to keep going we've got to keep making this movie and then he does his final say and then he's like oh here is oh actually what was the stuntman it's Ryan Gosling and he's still alive kind of thing you know I mean yeah because that because they go okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a wire on him and he's gonna forget yeah he's wearing a wire and he always he always keeps talking when he's wearing a wire so we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna record him we're gonna get him to admit that he why would you though
Starting point is 00:55:41 yeah why would you admit it yep you know you wouldn't know and this there's the idea is the he's again, like you could even look at that footage and go that's deep faked. Yeah, exactly. There's a you know what the thing about bullet train. I'm cutting you off. No, please. Bullet train. I insist it's so contained and tight. And the story is, there's a bullet train and there's nine assassins. And there's like one twist. Yes. And that's it. Where this is like, it's sprawling. And it trips over itself in its complicatedness. Individually, so what happens is at the end, Aaron Taylor Johnson's character is,
Starting point is 00:56:19 Emily Blunt asks him to do like a pickup shot where he gets in a truck and they're gonna do some assorted footage of that in front of a blue screen But then Ryan Gosling jumps into the truck as well and the blue screens drop down actually they're gonna do a stunt for real It's impossible mission impossible and he's got they're gonna do the world's biggest car jump and in doing so he's like Oh, actually, I betrayed you and I framed you for murder. Why would you admit any of it? Yep, I don't understand why you would. It doesn't even feel like, because we know that Ryan Gosling
Starting point is 00:56:51 is not gonna kill himself in a stunt for this. At no point are we like, well, he's gonna crash this into a ravine and kill them both if this guy doesn't admit it. At no point do I feel even like Aaron Taylor Johnson's character believes that. No. So why would he admit it? He'd be like, do the stunt.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I don't care. Yeah. You know? Exactly. And then they do the thing at the end where him and the producer just go on the run and pull guns and hijack a helicopter or whatever it is. And do you notice in that thing he puts on his back at the start that you say once oh, yeah, he puts it on about Ryan Gosling Yes, he puts it on the producers you see it for a second like he put it on his stomach at one point
Starting point is 00:57:32 You see if like I think it was gonna be like a tracking device I know like an ongoing thing in this movie or like cuz you see it once and then see if like a Split second in the helicopter where he uses as a weapon way I don't even think you see it put her off put it on her or you do if it's if you do it's really quick and she's just she's like ah and was it like electrical or something? I guess. Okay it's like one of those electrical muscle building things that may or may not work. No they're real. Okay that's great. I mean they're real they don't work. Okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I guess I also liked that at the end Aaron Taylor Johnson because he dies in explosion, Jason Momoa just shows
Starting point is 00:58:05 up. I like that. That was fun. All of that. Yeah. So there's a big, and again, some helicopter based stunts, bit of fun. They record him, they record Aaron Taylor-Johnson admitting to it for some reason, why would he do that?
Starting point is 00:58:21 And then the recording is, the bad guys grab the recording and escape on a helicopter. Why wouldn't you just shoot the... It's like a big brick. It's like a hard drive. Why wouldn't you just put... And you've got a gun. Put a series of bullets through it. But also, everybody heard you say that. So you wouldn't even need the recording really. No, that's true. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:43 And there's a kind of big finale where Aaron Taylor Johnson's security team run by the big redheaded goon. Yeah. They have a fight with the stunt team. Oh yeah, that's right. That's a bit of fun, you know. Yeah, I didn't mind that. And again, it's, you know, these guys don't know what they're up against. That's a good, I think I would have liked more of that. Let's see a trained stunt team fight like SAS guys or whatever. Sure. I think that would be a fairly short fight. I know.
Starting point is 00:59:10 I mean, I guess they do do it. I think I just like that idea and I would have liked to have seen more of that. And of course in the post credits or the mid credits we get the death of Aaron Taylor Johnson's character who is about to be arrested by, guess what, Lee Majors from the original The Fall Guy. I did not recognise that at all. What did you think was happening? So I thought why is this cop American? But also he's not a cop.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Because they pretend police officers. It was Lee Majors and Heather Thomas who were the two leads of the original. Oh okay. That's fun. They brought him back and I think that's important. Well, I didn't notice. Well, you should have noticed. No, I've noticed.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Yeah. Heather Thomas is 66 years old and Lee Majors is... I'd say 78. Oh, you're probably right. 85. Damn. All right. Majors.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Good for you, Lee Majors. Getting out there going to Sydney. Not Lee Miners. Nice. You know? Yeah. Oh yeah. All right. Should we move it along? Let's move along but you know what? Still still worth it if you're if you're around you haven't saved movies. I don't think but no
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah, this will do it generally speaking. I don't know. I don't know whether what's the word of mouth and something like this Let's look it up. I got it reviewed. Well, you know people seem to be liking it. But again, it's not out everywhere in the world So maybe it'll again again We got we got a factor in that there are these these people I went to Twitter and I went to search and I typed in Twitter forget it. Yeah, don't worry. I mean, are you gonna search on Twitter to see what this yes. Yeah Yeah, don't worry about it. Okay. I'm not gonna worry about I mean do it but don't worry about it Yeah, I'm not gonna worry about it. Yeah, actually at all because it's just gonna be Nothing. Oh, there is a moment where we hear the six million dollar man.
Starting point is 01:00:46 The jump. Yeah, yeah. And that's a reference. No, I just remembered it. I don't think it is. I don't think it is. Yeah. Should we let it go?
Starting point is 01:00:55 Let's let it go. All right. Let it go. Let it go. This will come up at the end of the year in our Best Of podcast and also the Bombs and Hits videos depending on which way this goes. Nice. Or maybe one of those ones that goes in the middle and...
Starting point is 01:01:07 Straight in the middle. Does it? Hasn't impressed anybody. Yeah, man. Yeah. I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? I can't believe we made it to the what are we reading, what are we going to read segment.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I can. Which is the segment, don't I can which is the segment don't interrupt Which is the segment? Well, I can't believe we're gonna ever do another one because I'm out of here. I'm out of here Yeah, yeah, then I'm gonna storm out into just but then we're gonna do an episode next week snake eyes. Oh, yeah Where we talk about things we've been watching reading or listening? That's right. Yeah. What do you got? I've started watching to be you listening to or whatever. What do you got? I've started watching Tubi.
Starting point is 01:01:46 You know the free service that's... What's on Tubi? Tubi. Well that's the thing about Tubi is I saw a tweet that was like, oh there's a bunch of stuff, new stuff on Tubi. Are you doing sponsored bits behind my back? No, this is not a sponsored bit but I would take their money. So for people that have any, this is free.
Starting point is 01:02:01 I don't know if they have any money. Tubi is free, it's a free streaming service and it's free, but you gotta watch ads sometimes. What is this lineup of movies and shows? The first time I encountered Tooby, I'm like, this is all garbage. Okay, so it's got like Black Adam, Adam Sandler's The Waterboy, The Magic School Bus, Dateline NBC. This is nonsense. Okay, but check this out. Okay, we've got...
Starting point is 01:02:29 Midsummer Murders. Yeah, we've got... The movie Rampage. We've got the classic Jackie Chan movie The Armour of God. Oh yeah. We've got... Snow Dogs. Citizen Kane is on here.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Oh yeah. The movie The Lobster is on here. Horrible Bosses 2. Eastern Promises. Jupiter Ascending. Evil Dead Rebirth. Is this feeding us different things as well? Yeah probably. It probably depends on what you're looking at. The Vavitch, you know the Robin Higgins. Oh yeah. Malibu's Most Wanted with Jamie Kennedy. The movie The Third Man. God. The classic 1960s French thriller Les Samurais is on here, James. Beerfest. Beerfest is on
Starting point is 01:03:04 there. Major League 2. But I'll tell you what, James? Beer Fest. Beer Fest is on there. Major League Two. But I'll tell you what, James. I'll tell you for what. The thing about this is, you know what you've noticed? What? There are movies on there that are pre-2005. That is true.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Which a lot of streaming services do not have. They don't do it. Yeah, you're right. Executive decision. So what I watched recently, I watched Black Cat, which is the Michael Mann hacking movie with Chris Hemsworth in it. Is that good? No, Liam Hemsworth. Is it? Oh, is that good? 2015? Yeah, it is good. I think. So what's that? And I also watched a movie from the 90s called Nemesis, which is you you will know it
Starting point is 01:03:37 from the video shop. You'll know the cover from the video shop chance. Having a look now. Oh my god what is this? It's directed by... Is it like a Terminator knockoff? Yeah kind of, there's cyborgs it's like an early 90s cyberpunk movie directed by Albert Pune and it's got it stars Olivier Gruner who is like an ex-commando who decided to become an actor he's super wooden but it's like it's just non-stop ridiculous action. I haven't seen it in a long time. It's Karihoku Tagawa who played Shang Tsung.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, this is not sponsored content, but I will take their money if they have any. I think there's just some wild stuff on to me. I hated Cyborg. That makes so much sense. But Cyborg is not Universal Soldier. Yeah, yeah, that's true. These are different movies. They are. What's Cyborg is not Universal Soldier. Yeah, yeah, that's true. These are different movies. They are. What's Cyborg about? The Van Damme movie.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Yeah. I don't know if I've ever seen Cyborg. Because there's Universal Soldier, which is also sort of about Cyborg. It's not really. So the soldiers in Universal Soldier, they've been brought back from the dead in a really vague way, if you remember correctly. They're like, we fixed the- We made a universal soul jar.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Like a universal remote. Tooby is just for, it is just for the covers of VHS, as you saw in the video shop as a kid, that you were too scared to rent. Oh my God. Look at this, there's Future Kick. Oh my God. Do you remember Future Kick?
Starting point is 01:04:59 Oh my God. Got Hong, he did Hong Kong 97. James said in the future, Future Kick is where a sinister corporation sells black market body parts. It takes an armed kickboxer to take them on and restore Laura. That's a movie that Troy and Arbed would watch. Absolutely. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:05:16 I don't know if they have Universal Soldier, but they do have Universal Soldiers, one of the sequels. Is that the one from 98? It's the one from 2007. I don't know which one that is. Yeah, neither do I. But oh my god. John Cena's The Marine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's got Osmosis Jones. Yeah. And see, that's the thing. Like most of this is bad, but... It's got the Raid Redemption on it. There's a lot of the sequel, but not the original on this. Yeah Yeah right. Yeah yeah yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Oh they've got the one where Hugh Jackman thinks about his memories. Oh nice. Reminiscence. We can finally watch Reminiscence. All I'm saying is if you tried it when it first... Hollow Man 2? Nice. Not Kevin Bacon.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Kevin Bacon's not in that one. Yeah. It's got, look, it's got Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury. Yep. The classic. It's got that in there. Oh boy. It's got everything. No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. It's true. I honestly don't know who this is.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Yeah. It's got a 2B original called Deadly Dilf. Oh yeah. Oh, very good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how I like to think of myself as a Deadly Dilf. Because you smell so bad? Yeah, my scent is very putrid. As anyone who met me will attest.
Starting point is 01:06:31 So can you pay for it and not name it on the spot? You just have to watch the ads. That's their call to action. You cannot pay for it. You have to watch the ads. It's got both the thing from another world, the movie that inspired The Thing, and the sequel remake The Thing, that is also a prequel, but it does not have The Thing. That's incredible. I love all of that, mostly.
Starting point is 01:06:56 It's actually got a couple of movies that I'm looking for. It's got that movie The Artist. This is like going through an abandoned video store. That's what I'm saying. Yeah on in I think you need to I Think you need to go in with the idea of what you're looking for crime scene kitchen. What I don't know is that I don't know It's got farmer hates his wife It's got Lego Masters, but maybe not Like the movie that I I've seen clips of this and I'm actually the next thing I'm probably going to watch is a movie from 2019 called the Art of Self-Defense. It's got Jesse Eisenberg.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Oh yeah, that's supposed to be good, isn't it? I didn't say I never saw that when it came out and I'm looking forward to that. Oh, it's got that mash documentary from this year. I'm meaning to watch that. I love a mash. Well, well, well, look who's turned around on to I was never against it Mason uh-huh It's got something. I think it's a TV show called special forces world's toughest test yeah, right It's got all the dollar might movies, but not the Netflix Exactly yeah, that's right. There's a show apparently called don't forget the lyrics no Guess that's
Starting point is 01:08:03 Another show called 25 words or Less. There's a lot of Gordon Ramsay shows that aren't kitchen nightmares. Before he hit it big. Yeah. Okay. Oh my God. There's a TMZ Investigate special called 9-11 The Fifth Plane. There's a William Shatner something and it's just called Get a Life. I don't know what that is. There's a Britney Spears TMZ documentary called Britney Spears Divorce and Despair. Okay. Yeah. Wow. There's Who Really Killed Michael Jackson. Wow. This has got everything. There's a movie or documentary it's just called Bridge. Huh. What do you think it's about? I don't know. It's a picture of a bridge. Wow. Oh it's got a Grant Morrison documentary called Grant
Starting point is 01:08:41 Morrison Talking with Gods. These shows are fake. Yeah, some of them seem fake, if I'm honest with you. Look at this one. It's just Jerry O'Connell and he's got his arms crossed and it just says Pictionary. And that's it. That's it. Amazing. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow. Well, I think that's beautiful. A show called Miss Black USA. Okay. Saints and Sinners.
Starting point is 01:09:05 God. Fascinating, isn't it? These shows are way more fascinating than movies. Yeah, yeah. There's a show called Domino Masters. Okay. Yeah. Do you think it's related to Lego Masters?
Starting point is 01:09:16 I think it is, yeah. Okay. There is a lot of it. There's Tiger King, but it's not Tiger King. It's TMZ Investigates Tiger King. Tiger King, okay, right. There's a lot of kung fu on here. Like if you like... I do.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Like 70s, early 80s, 60s kung fu, you know, you probably have to watch on terrible quality on YouTube. Now you can watch it on terrible quality on Tubi and there's ads. There's a show called Stars on Mars where celebrities go where no one's gone before and see what it takes to survive on Mars and it's starring William Shatner. There's a lot of movies on here. Is this a William Shatner channel? Almost certainly.
Starting point is 01:09:48 There's a lot of movies on here that are, you would, that the Wu-Tang Clan would have used for samples for their albums. Oh, okay, yeah. There's TMZ Presents, Arnold and Sly, Rivals, Friends, Icons and whatever and it goes for zero minutes apparently. Okay. God. Anyway, let's stop talking about Tooby. I mean you're obsessed now. You're obsessed with Tooby. It's got Street Fighter.
Starting point is 01:10:09 You know what? None of these even need to be on here. This for me is enough. Yes. Just to scroll through this. Like I would... Just be entertained by the idea. The real dirty dancing.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Yeah. Street Fighter 1994 is on here. Oh, the anime... The movie or the anime? It's the movie one. Movie, yeah. The Sy the anime, the movie or the anime? It's a movie one. Movie, yeah. The Sylvester Stallone movie Detox is on here. Oh, Tombstone's leaving soon.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Yeah. This is regional, I assume, as well, right? Yeah, because the reason I went back to it is because somebody was, I saw a tweet and somebody said, oh, it's got all these movies on it. Like, and a lot of them were, but some of them also weren't. So I assume it's a regional like a. Yeah. Oh, idiocracy. Oh, you better believe it. You know, it's, mate.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yeah. It's like, yeah. So I don't know, but he should put it to documentaries. It's got the movie, The Man Who Laughs that inspired the Joker. Yeah. It's got Rob Schneider's The Animal. Metropolis on here. The 1920s. That Tarzan movie from 2016. It's got so many 80s garbage movies that I'm so excited to watch.
Starting point is 01:11:12 It's got Solomon Kane but it looks like a Highlander movie but it isn't. Remember the movie Babylon AD? Of course I do. From 2008. Yeah it's on there. Or is it Babylon AD 2? They do have Piranha 3D, but not Piranha 3 Double D. Yeah. That's interesting. We need to stop this Mason. Absolutely, but it's fascinating right? Yeah, it's got Lois and Clark, the new adventures of Superman, but how many seasons I want to know!
Starting point is 01:11:37 Probably two, but- It's got every season! Oh my god! I like us! Okay, we should stop. We should stop. What have you been watching and reading? Sure. Okay, I watched Shogun. Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. Good. I liked it.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I didn't understand all of it because I watched it without subtitles. I wanted to be immersed in the Japanese culture. For real? Did you do that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's how you should watch it. Did you really do that? No.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Okay. I don't think I loved it as much as everybody else. Okay. Why do you think that is? I just, like, I think it was more... Because you're dumb. Yeah, I'm a dumb guy. I don't know, because people are like, this is what gamethon should have been and whatever.
Starting point is 01:12:10 But I think it's... Yeah, I really, really enjoyed it, but I didn't think it was like, this is like better call Saul. This is like, you know what I mean? I didn't think it was like... I think the way people are talking about it is like that, and I didn't think it was that.
Starting point is 01:12:24 But I did like it a lot. Tooby's got the 47 Ronin. The original from the 40s. Oh not the Keanu Reeves one? Not the Keanu Reeves one. Does it have the Keanu Reeves one? Probably. Maybe the sequel that is not in.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Anyway Shogun recommended it. They'll probably do another season. They say they're not going to but I reckon they will. Because the book is only, because it does the book, it's a mini-series. Right. It's supposed to be. But I think they're going to come back to it because everyone's talking about it and The other one I watched which I hated but I but it was very good and I hated it was baby reindeer
Starting point is 01:12:52 Okay, now this is a story about a it's a stand-up. It's based on a real-life situation It's a stand-up comedian who has a heckler slash stalker that becomes obsessed with it Yeah, exactly, and you hated it. Is that because it is so uncomfortable? It's really uncalled anyway, so the show is Pictionary from 2014 starring Jerry O'Connell. Celebrities enjoy the classic game, which has teammates competing to guess words and phrases based on each other's best attempts at drawings. So it's just Pictionary. I love that. I wonder what channel it was on. Maybe the game show network or something in America?
Starting point is 01:13:20 Great question. It's Richard Gad, who's in it, and Jessica Jessica Gunning who plays the stalker. It's an incredible series and it's very personal and it highlights abuse. If that's something that affects you that you're uncomfortable with, absolutely do not watch this because it's very... I wouldn't say so much graphic. It's not like you see specifically what's happening, but there's glimpses of things and it's a very hard watch. It's not like you see specifically what's happening, but there's glimpses of things and it's a very hard watch. It's also, it's pretty short. It's only like six episodes and it's 20 minutes a piece or something like that.
Starting point is 01:13:52 But it's, yeah, it's like very well made. It's just very not fun. Which is not a criticism. Which is not a criticism. I'm just saying that like- More or less fun than the show Beef. Remember Beef? No, Beef is like fictional. A lot of the stuff is real. But this is intended to be...
Starting point is 01:14:13 Yeah, no, it's definitely grimier than Beef. As I understand it, it's fictional but a lot of people have immediately figured out who it's about. Yes, so there's like the stalker people have found this woman and I think the abuser who's in this they found that guy's right, okay, yeah, but um That's my understanding but I don't know I didn't look into it Even the creator came out and said the point of the show wasn't for you to find these people right? Like it's not that wasn't like a wasn't supposed to be a treasure hunt Yeah
Starting point is 01:14:40 But it's interesting because like he has this stalker and it's not just that I have this stalker and this is a nightmare. He talks about and explores how he also feeds into it because he's also not well. Yeah, absolutely. It was a stand-up comedian. Yeah. And that's not in a victim-blaming kind of way. It's just like they're two unwell people in their own ways.
Starting point is 01:15:04 And it's codependent in a way. Yeah, in a way. Yeah. But again, like, it's, um, hated it. Great. But it's very good. Okay, all right. That is a recommendation that may cause me not to watch it, probably.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Sure. But it is very good. Yeah, okay, right. Oh, and I haven't read this yet, but there's a new Dick Tracy out. Did you know that? What? Yes, new Dick Tracy.. Did you know that? What? Yes, new Dick Tracy. Through Mad Cave Studios.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Oh my god, Nick Mad Cave. Yeah, that's exactly right. He's writing and drawing it himself. I thought he would. He could do it too. And it's sort of, it seems to be a sort of a reboot. But the art is, look at that art. It's nice.
Starting point is 01:15:40 That is very nice. It's less of a comic strip. They've given it a more cinematic approach. I love cinema. I'm always looking at it and going, yes, I appreciate it. But there's some appropriate, you know, Tommy gun style violence and stuff. Ratatatat. Bit of Ratatatat. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Ratatatat. It's early days for Dick Tracy. Mr. Dick Tracy. Early Dick days. Exactly. Uh, or written by Alex Segura and illustrated by Michael Marisi so noir infused I'm looking forward to that what would you give it out of ten well haven't read it yet so I don't know yeah but if you had to read it right now ten
Starting point is 01:16:12 out of ten right now if somebody put a gun to your head Tracy why is he doing this to me that's right he said hello Nick Mason I'm real oh he knows who I am that's nice I've been looking into you and it's not good oh no we'll be going to jail please rate this comic that I wrote with Nick Cave. Huh. Ten out of ten. Alright. Bang. Oh no! I thought I was going to jail!
Starting point is 01:16:33 What the hell? Wow, but he shot me to death. He's gonna- you're going to jail in a body bag. Wow. I don't know why. Probably because the prisoners can eat me. Yeah, they'll eat you! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Alright, anything else you've been reading? No, that's about it I think. Cool man, can eat me. Yeah, they'll eat you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, anything else you've been reading? No, that's about it, I think. Cool, man. That's cool. Yeah, it is very cool. Yeah. We should do another segment.
Starting point is 01:16:52 I agree. I've been reading letters. Oh, yeah. It's a good segue. Cut out the bit where I said I haven't been reading anything else and I can say I've been reading some letters. You want me to cut that out, do you? Yeah, you could cut it out.
Starting point is 01:17:00 That's not my job anymore. Doesn't matter. Collin, who edits this, that's his job. You tell him that. Okay. And also you have to pay extra. I have to pay? You have to go back, yeah, then we pay him more. Well, I don't want to, because I think this actually made a better riff.
Starting point is 01:17:12 And also I think the listeners can imagine that. They can skip ahead. It could not be. If I make this exactly 45 seconds to a minute, then they can just skip ahead. Of this? Yep. Okay. They'll have to listen to the whole thing ahead Yeah, once already, but they go back and then go back and then it can be like you can be like, hey
Starting point is 01:17:29 Have you been reading anything else? I could be like, yeah letters That's perfect and he's the letters theme I'm ready Really feel found that volume I write yeah took a while you got there could have done an off air, but I chose to do it on it No, what real? The room it's the room though as well because you can't test it somewhere You got to I would have to show up at your house at odd times during the week and be like can I test the lettuce? Yeah, what's bloody what's bloody new? Yeah, what's bloody he came in the middle of our dinner today? Unbelievable, you said sharp early walked right in. You said show up early.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Just walked right in. Didn't even knock. You sent a text that I will put on Instagram with your real phone number and you said come early, show up early, I'm ready now. Show up early, I want you to watch me eat my dinner. That's right. And you were like, we don't have any more food. I did actually say that.
Starting point is 01:18:21 I would have, if I had of, look, I wasn't even cooking dinner. Not to throw anybody under the bus. But if I had been cooking dinner't even cooking dinner not to throw anybody under the bus But if I don't throw anybody under your bus, it was clear. I would have had that did already before Yeah, it's all I'm saying because you would have bunged it in the microwave for two minutes. No, I'm an excellent I'm an okay to excellent cook. I'm okay. I love that. I do a lot of cooking I do all that's even say more than half. Yeah, that's right. Things have changed haven't they? No Mason. I've always done that I'm in in society. Yeah society certainly and for the worse. That's right. I'd rather not cook at all I love any meal that I don't have to cook if somebody puts a meal in front of me. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:18:54 Fuckin incredible. I don't care what it is. Cafe culture you know what I mean? Yeah, you can't get any food anywhere else in the world That's exactly right. Anyways, if you do want to reach the show you can hashtag weekly planet pot on Twitter or simply shoot a gmail To weekly planet pot at gmail bang bang shoot one at me like the dick Tracy. That's right. I murder me. That's why For my views yeah, and not all the stuff that I've done thing. Yeah He's an ML from Liz Liz says hi guys. I'm a pretty new listener I started listening because my husband loves your show so much and I started listening recently so I can talk to him about new episodes. That's nice. He started listening last year while I was pregnant
Starting point is 01:19:29 and your show made a huge difference in his life last summer. Our daughter will be one year old on April 29th. She was born three months early, spent several months in the NICU. Yeah, that is hard, man. That's right, before she was able to come home. My husband listened to your show on the many, many drives to and from the hospital in another city to go visit her. And I really think this podcast helped him get through a difficult time. I know it would mean a lot to him to hear a
Starting point is 01:19:49 shout out or even a happy birthday to our daughter Emma. Shout out such happy birthday. That's right. Incredible. Yeah. Unbelievable. That's right. Yeah. I mean, you haven't told us your husband's name. No. Big Emma. Big Emma. That's right. Big Mr. Emma. Shout out to you, Big Mr. Emma. You're working hard out there. You're probably making more than half the dinners. And if you're not, why not? And if not when?
Starting point is 01:20:11 Yeah, that's right. Who? Yeah. Who? Exactly. That's right. Wow. Now that's really kind of you to say, we're glad your daughter Emma is doing so much better
Starting point is 01:20:19 and you, Liz, and also Big Emma. Big Emma. Mr. Big Emma. Shout out to Big Emma. That's really nice to hear. Because that is, I mean, I can't even imagine. Just stressful and awful and sad. But now everything's cool.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Now everything's cool and everything's fine and everything will be that way forever. And we did that. I think that's cool. Yep. We're pretty selfless. People say we don't give back, but we actually give back quite a lot. Exactly. That's right.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Who do you think gave your daughter that intensive care? That was us in the hospital. I'm not going to know. You're not going to claim that we provided essential medical attention in another country? Presumably. No, I'm not. Okay, interesting. All right. It was just Mason by itself.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Should we ask? I'll be wearing a mask. You couldn't. Yeah, you can. Oh, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Yeah, yeah, it could be anybody. That was a lovely letter. Thank you. That's all right. This is from notanotherneedlesssequel. Uh-oh. It says, hashtag weeklyplanapod. Hey, guys, I was wondering if you had any sequels that you were initially shocked to
Starting point is 01:21:24 hear that were happening but ultimately loved. I'm glad they were happening upon viewing. Piers, thanks for the awesome pod full of positivity. You're welcome. Blade Runner 2049. Yes, absolutely. For sure. Mad Max. I think we talked about this recently. Mad Max. Mad Max Fury Road.
Starting point is 01:21:38 I never thought that would work out. Yeah. There's no, there is, I mean, you know, but was that before our policy of anything can be good? I don't know. Even then I would have been like, I don't know, because he's the happy feet guy now has lost it. Has he lost it? Because you encounter all these stars and especially comedians who are like, Oh, actually, actually, you can't even be funny anymore. Oh my god. It's not it's it's not that you it's it's they've lost it. Yeah. And I was like, well, he's probably lost it. Yeah. How how how wrong I was.
Starting point is 01:22:10 You were so wrong. I would say what have we got here? I had one. I'm sure with aliens, I was like, don't do don't make aliens. But I wasn't I was like three when that movie came out. So that's what you thought. I think after Mission Impossible 2, I was like, I think this is obviously done. Like I didn't think that was going to be anything. And now we're in a position where everybody ranks them differently and everybody's correct.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Position Impossible. That's right. That's what I think. Everybody's correct. Now you know, you know. You didn't think Evan Almighty was going to be very good, but you loved it. So true. I do. I love it. I'm an Evhead. Yep. Predators. Did I hate that? I don't think I ever thought that was going to be bad. But it was a good one. I mean I think the fact that Prey was any good. No I thought Prey. I like the idea. So for that I was like yeah okay. God what else Mason? Any others? There must be heaps. I bet there is. Sequels that surpass the original. Oh, we can look at a list and we can go, yes please.
Starting point is 01:23:07 And we go, yeah, we knew it would be good. We knew all along. We knew it would be good, actually. Or better call Saul. Well, it's kind of a prequel under Sequel. And does it surpass? We thought Kingsman 2 wasn't going to be very good, and it wasn't. It wasn't good.
Starting point is 01:23:18 I was right. I thought that was going to be good. But then Kingsman 3, Kingsman prequel. Oh yeah. Kingsman, we thought that would probably be bad and it was good. Yeah, I didn't mind it and it had Hitler in it at the end. Which is not why I liked it. Just want to point that out.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Didn't hurt though, did it? Did a bit actually. The reveal of Hitler as the post-credit scene. Actually, I think did help the movie. Not because it was Hitler, because it was revealed in a really weird way. Like a Marvel post-credit scene. Yes, exactly. Probably Fast and Furious 5.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Like, because after four, it's like, well, that was fine. I don't think I even cared about the Fast and Furious movies until about seven, honestly. So even watching the safe drag, you were like, not for me. No, thank you. No, I don't. I think I skipped most of them. So it was Hobbs and Shaw that got you in. Absolutely. It was.
Starting point is 01:24:03 That's right. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's right. That's enough you in. Absolutely it was. That's right. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's right. That's enough then, isn't it? That's absolutely enough. You got a tweet there? I do.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Well, I just did one. But do you want another one? Yeah, I'd love another one. From Nick Fisher who said- Oh, you did do another tweet, didn't you? I did, but I can do another one. Okay, great. Nick Fisher says, with Anzac Day being Thursday, last Thursday, that's a remembrance day in
Starting point is 01:24:22 Australia. That's great, yes. What are, for Australia and New Zealand, what are some films or series that cover what Ozzy's and Kiwis did in the war that you recommend? Gallipoli, Harrowing, very good though. Stars Melvin Gibson. That's fresh off the back of Mad Max as well. So like that was, and before he was like a huge, huge star. That's directed by Peter Weir. People are interested in that. That's a very good movie.
Starting point is 01:24:50 It's, Break a Morant's really good. People have ever seen that. It's got a great end line, which will spoil the movie, spoil the movie, but I won't say it. That's right. It's a good movie. He says, I'm sure I'm tired of all this Break a Morant. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:04 And then he does a break dance into a full split. That's right. I still got it, he says. That's got Brian Brown and Jack Thompson. So that's a good line-up. The Light Horseman's a good movie about the World War I regiment, the Light Horsemen. They were a cavalry brigade. And there was a TV show that, what's his name?
Starting point is 01:25:24 Who made it? It's John, not John Blackman. God damn. That's the guy from A8. Yeah, not him. It's, he was, he was Roy or HG. Oh, dang it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Yeah. That guy. Yeah. That guy. I didn't know he made a TV series. Yeah, he made a couple of TV series. His name is John Doyle. So it was created by John Doyle, but it was directed by Kate Woods.
Starting point is 01:25:44 It's a six part series that came out in 2001. It's about prisoners of war during World War II in a Japanese camp. I remember it being really good. And it's also it shows the modern day and it shows that there's a guy, there's like a character called David, for example, who, okay, he is played by Matthew Newton, who sucks. In the present day, he is played by Matthew Newton okay who sucks in the present day he plays played by um bud tingwell so it and it cuts between the two time periods it's also got um Stephen Curry um i remember it being really good but i haven't seen it since it came out so yeah so those are some um those are some things that i think if you want to check out well i don't like war so i don't have any examples no it's interesting you
Starting point is 01:26:22 have so many examples a lot of these movies are they're not like we love war and we're doing war. But that's what you like, so that's why I'm confused. What? No Mason! Okay, right. No, I like it but I would never say it. Some opinions you keep to yourself. That is so true. You know?
Starting point is 01:26:36 Here's an email from Jack. Jack? Letter from a fan, it says, Hey guys, I've emailed you three times throughout the years and you never respond. I'll never stop listening but I have to ask- Email harder Jack! I'll never stop listening, but email harder Jack I'll never stop listening, but I have to ask why I'm so sad There's no rhyme or reason to attract. Yeah. Yeah, but I think I mean it speaks to what you said there. You got it
Starting point is 01:26:55 Email harder. Yeah, and you obviously have yeah. Yeah, but also here's the thing though. Also don't send a million emails Also, yeah, he hasn't which is not this guy. That's true but some people do. Some people send several a week. Jack has also said, I'll never stop listening. So maybe that's why. We don't have to. You don't have any leverage on us. If you'd said, I will stop listening right now, we would panic. Panic stations and we would read your email out. Yep. But since you're like, I'll never stop listening, weak posture.
Starting point is 01:27:22 We've got all the power here so we're just not going to read your email. Where's your sigma mindset, Jack? That's exactly right. Does he have a question within his email? Weak posture. You know what I mean? Yeah, we've got all the power here. So we're just not gonna read your email. Where's your sigma mindset Jack? That's exactly right. Does he have a question within his email? No, that's it. So what? Well, it's why is the email.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Oh, the what? We told you why. Yeah, we told you why. Also, there's some automated responses and one of them says, who's this? Do it. Coward. That's just a screenshot, but I'll do it later. I do have one more tweet. I love it. It's from Manda Man who actually tweeted last week and before other times.
Starting point is 01:27:48 She says, hashtag week of the Planet Pod. Sorry to tweet two weeks in a row. That's okay. Some people send three emails. That's right. That's all right. I try to pass out my messages to give others a chance to be heard, but I'm having a bad time of it last week.
Starting point is 01:27:59 I won $55 on scratchy tickets. Oh hell yeah. This week and had to ask what's the coolest or best things both of you have ever won. I've got mine, but what's yours? Have I ever won anything? It's a great question. I'm in game of life. Oh, that's true. I have in a lot of ways. You won the sperm race. Yep. By default, you were the only one. I'm not sure I got that joke out.
Starting point is 01:28:24 I might have. No got that joke out. No, that's good. It's good stuff. You go first. I don't know. Have I ever won anything? I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:33 I won a Nintendo 64 of the radio station in 1999 with Podracer, the Star Wars game, by doing a C-3PO impersonation on Triple M's The Crudud show and I beat out two other people. I've told the story a million times and they said what we're going to do, because they were doing it one every week, we're going to bring all the people in who won and did the best impression and we're going to do a parody Star Wars trailer. And I was like, I don't want to do that. I was like in high school and I'm like, I don't want to do that. I just want the Nintendo 64 and I'm like I don't want to do that I just want the Nintendo 64 and thank god they didn't do it. So me and my dad drove into the triple M studios and I picked up my Nintendo 64 and I said see you idiots and we left and it was incredible. A free Nintendo 64.
Starting point is 01:29:20 The best the best feeling of like I couldn't win something now that would give me that no absolutely like if I won a car Be like I have a car. Yeah, there's nothing because I couldn't have bought one. Yeah, I wasn't I wasn't gonna get one That's right. I've been I'm in one just fucking fell out of the sky basically change your life. It did my sir I got golden eye and I got perfect dark and I got more combat for pink eye, but that was unrelated No, I didn't I didn't get poo you put in your you got poo on your hands No Mason You put it in your eye
Starting point is 01:29:49 I still had that 64 but no there was no pink eye. No Mason interesting. It's a different eye Okay, but they're seriously I'm trying to think is there anything that could give me that I mean obviously kids, etc I mean like a physical thing Even if someone's like you want a house, I would be ecstatic, like incredible. Yeah. But it would not give me that feeling. No, you're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Yeah. Wow. That's youth. Oh, that's youth, isn't it? How excited was I just then? So excited. More excited than you've been for most things in the last decade, probably. No, maybe. Yeah. It was a big moment for me. So you've never won.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Because also I know people who do this, just enter everything. And I don't mean like pay to enter stuff. Just every, anything you come across, and obviously also not like scam websites and stuff. I'm talking like competitions in your area. Fill out a thing at your supermarket to win or whatever. Just enter everything and you will eventually win something. That is so true, yeah. Because people like me most of the time just go, this is not worth the effort. I won't bother and then they get two entries.
Starting point is 01:30:53 And I fucking hate signing up for shit. I went to get some AirPods the other day because I've lost my AirPods, Mason. I am. I should have got those AirPods insured. Yeah. And I went in there. Wow, okay. So I went in there and the guy...
Starting point is 01:31:04 Here we go, another classic James Rand. It's not a rant. It's just what happened. And I'm like, can I get these AirPods or whatever? And he's like, cool. And you got to, so they're behind the case. So you got to speak to a person. Yeah. I understand that it's annoying. Yeah. And then he was like, do you want to get the Apple care? It's $70. And I'm like, no, I don't want that. And he goes, that's for virgins. Yes. And he goes, and he rolls his eyes. Yeah. Classic virgin.
Starting point is 01:31:29 I'm like, okay. All right. And then he goes, what carrier are you with? And I'm like, why? And he's like, well, because if you're with Telstra or whoever, that means that we can put this onto your plan or whatever. And I'm like, no. I just said, no. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:31:48 And he got, well, I was a bit polite of that. Yeah. And he again, oh, okay. Rolls his eyes. And I'm just going to be like, are you fucking right? Like, what, what are you doing? Yeah, right. Yeah. And then he's like, okay, I'll, I'll, I'll fix you up at the counter then.
Starting point is 01:31:59 So he walks up to the counter. I see him go to- This is a real clash of personalities. I see, definitely. I see him go to the counter, turn around and leave. And I'm just standing there and I'm like, what's happening? And I'm standing there for like five minutes and I see him a few feet back from the counter just chatting to another guy.
Starting point is 01:32:17 And they're like, are you okay? Like the other people. And I'm like, I'm waiting for this guy, I think. I don't know. And then more time passes and he's still chatting. And then I'm like, okay, I'm going to go and talk to this guy again. I don't know. And then more time passes and he's still chatting and then I'm like okay I'm gonna go and talk to this guy again I don't want to but okay. And then they're like oh sorry what's going on? I'm like this guy here is supposed to be bringing up my AirPods and they're like oh yeah they're here. So he just walked up put him at an empty
Starting point is 01:32:38 desk and left. Whoa. This fucking guy. Oh you got a new nemesis. I don't remember what he looks like. Oh that's a shame. So. It was don't remember what he looks like. Oh, that's a shame So JB hi-fi you're trying to get like a JB. Hi. It was a JB. Hi Hi, he's a guy with a beard and a metal t-shirt He wasn't I looked more like a dad. Whoa. Yeah, maybe it was a mirror. It didn't have a bit It wasn't a mirror. I have a beard. It was more bald Interesting. Yeah, which is fine Which is fine. Which is fine.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Wow. But yeah, it was really- If you're this guy, if you're a listener, email in. Let us know. He's definitely not. There's no way. Oh, you know what I want? He was rude.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm trying to, you know what? Okay, sorry, you can do this, but every time I go to buy fucking anything, it's like, what's your phone number? What's your email? We'll text you the receipt. If you sign up's your email, we'll text you the receipt. If you sign up for this thing, we'll give you X amount off. Guys, this is turning into an all-time James Randall.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Not an all-time. It is though. Nobody cares about it. But it's like, I would rather not be on a list to get infinite fucking texts for only enough spam calls than getting fucking bed and table messaging me because I bought a blanket four fucking years ago. Why don't you get a bed and table to go with that? One time I might have talked about this, I went to get a fucking picnic rug because I
Starting point is 01:33:53 needed one and the woman there, she was lovely but she goes, if you sign up, this is half price. Oh yeah, nice. And I just went, no. And she was like, are you sure? It's like, it was like 45 or 50 bucks. And I'm like, I understand, but I would just, it is worth it to me to just not be on whatever this is for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Interesting. Yeah. I'm done. I don't know if you are though. That's all my stories. Okay. That's great. All the nemeses you've built up over these.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Not nemeses, just encounters. I meditate now. Just casual encounters. Yeah. What did you win? Oh, because I didn't win the competition so much, but the winning is the taking place. I won the Funny Ton Comedy Festival in 2011. What's that? The thing where you get the chance to see every show in the Comedy Festival. You get unlimited. How did you win that?
Starting point is 01:34:46 You get unlimited tickets. Well, at the time you had to submit like a little thing about your favorite stand-up comedians and all this sort of stuff. And I did that in 2011, I think. Damn, that was before we did this. I know, right? That was the year I started YouTube. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:59 But yeah, so you, and they still do it to this day. It's sort of a race around the Comedy Festival to see the most number of shows. Right. It's called The Funny Tonk because they hope you'll crack a hundred have you ever yeah I only did it once but I did like a hundred and six. So how does it work? They give you that after you get reimbursed after no, you just get free tickets You just go well the time I just say you're gonna do it and then they give you a free ticket Is that yeah, you just well at the time you just go into the Comedy Festival office and go
Starting point is 01:35:22 I'm gonna see all these shows and they just give you tickets. Oh my god Yeah, I didn't know that and you can still do that. Um, but that's the thing and I met a bunch of comedians Yeah, friends of this day. So that's nice. Yeah, I once won a Fun run Did you in a small town? This is true. Also talked about this. Okay, I tell this story all the time That's a product of skill not like those. Yeah, it was a product of skill actually. I fucking blitzed it. So this was in year eight. Sounds like you didn't have a lot of fun though.
Starting point is 01:35:50 No, I had a lot of fun. So this is in year eight. And I was football unparalleling at the time, which I did not recommend. It fucking sucks and I only did it for the money. Sounds like here comes another classic James rant. It's not a rant. Anyway, my family had this house in the country. It sounds rich. I've been there. It's not.
Starting point is 01:36:08 It is not. Yeah. It's a fucking, it was a shack in the woods. It's a place where a low budget horror slasher movie would take place. That's right. And the toilet didn't work. The toilet didn't work. No, it was a Port-au-Loup, but it was inside.
Starting point is 01:36:21 But it probably also didn't work. Anyway, they had this frame run they did every year and this kid who was probably nice enough He'd won it two years in a row and he's going for third year in a row, right? And you were like, I'm gonna kill this guy. I didn't think I would because he'd won it so often I just assumed that he was like the best runner in the world, but it turns out Small fish in a small pond or whatever situation turned out You know, he had a small disability and you were, and everybody was letting him win and you were like, nah.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Not me. Yeah, that's right. So before the race, I'm like, oh yeah, you're going to go, whatever. And he's like, I'm going to win. And I'm like, okay, good luck. Like, and I thought, yeah, well he will. Because I, I didn't realize how fit I was because I'd been running so much. I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Like I didn't know. And so I ran this race, it was like five or six K or whatever. And I took off at the start and I didn't see him like the entire time. And I thought that he was ahead of me. I'm like, how have I not seen this guy? He must have fucking got ahead of me. And like, but I beat him by like 10 minutes. Like it was, it wasn't just that I beat him. Like I beat him so badly. And also I felt bad because like he looked really sad but I think he didn't train. Which he should. Which I had done by accident. Clearly yeah. What a time. And then they never ran it again. So I won the last one that ever happened. Feels good
Starting point is 01:37:41 to be the champion. James. Was it a child? No, we were literally the same age. We were exactly the same age. And I remember. Yeah. Anyway, I hope he thinks about that because I do. Do you think he thinks about the two that he won and that bolsters him? And the third one kind of, what is this show even now?
Starting point is 01:38:02 I don't know, man. Brings him down? Or do you think that like... If you're that like... If you're that guy, Emilian. If you haven't thought about that for 30 years and all of a sudden you're like, oh yeah! Oh yeah, I used to do fun runs. Did you get a medal or something?
Starting point is 01:38:15 I got a medal and I got 40 bucks. 40 bucks? I know! That's weirdly specific. I know! It was in the junior division. It was like 97 or something like that. Okay, well. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, good to be a champion. That's right. Yeah. Anyway, so one of them I
Starting point is 01:38:31 won through, well, they're both really through skill. One was an impression and one was being the fittest boy in a small town on that one particular day. Yeah. All right, anything else? That's the whole show, I reckon. All righty. Folks, thank you so much for listening. We absolutely appreciate it. Thank you for telling your friends about the podcast or your wife. Your friends are your wife, but your wife's your best friend. Yeah, that's right. Hopefully. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:51 Because that's how we get new listeners. That's right. By telling your wife. Yeah, that's right. Everybody's telling your wife, mate. You might want to get on that. And thank you for leaving a five star review on your podcast catcher or a player of choice because that you can just do it in an app and if you do it, James will read it out.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Easy peasy and lemon squeezy. This is from Matt's Malogna. It says, yelling. If you like yelling the names of various artists and media at your speakers while the hosts fumble about making vague approximations of the content in question, this is the show for you. That's true. It's true.
Starting point is 01:39:24 And this one from Matt Reddy. Unless you're talking about stuff from say Hey Hey It's Saturday. That's right. We got you beat. We know all that. We got you beat. There's no way you know more about that. We are the fastest guns in the West. You could have been in Hey Hey It's Saturday and we got you beat. That's right.
Starting point is 01:39:35 This one's from Matt Ready who says, awesomeness in every corner. I was turned on to this podcast by a coworker and it's been a great ride. Love the back and forth band to the subject. They were great. Subject, they cover a great and the down under accents are a fun listen. Keep up the amazing work I mean, okay one we don't have accents. Yes, two. That's the way you do it. Tell your co-workers Absolutely, in a way isn't your wife your greatest co-worker? It's true. Especially if you work together. That's right. Yeah
Starting point is 01:39:59 All right, anything else? Folks, yeah, man If you want to get into contact with us and you can go to if you're somebody that James has wronged in the past and you want to get even by saying that. No man, people are wrong in me. Interested. I'm doing rights and people are doing wrongs on me.
Starting point is 01:40:14 I don't know about that. Also, you can go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Maze Facebook group. You can go to the Weekly Planet podcast subreddit and Discord for fun civil chats about podcasts and pop culture. Thank you to Fidel and Maisie and Sarabia for keeping all that moving in the place and also doing clips channels and TikToks and all sorts of stuff. We're in TikTok. That's not a big deal.
Starting point is 01:40:34 We're doing a youthful thing. Oh, yeah, we're on that. Don't even worry about it. Bing bang boom. If you want to follow some people on the socials first, you can follow our friend Rob Collings. He's at Rob Collings on Twitter. He's at The Weekly Planet on Twitter. He edits this podcast and he'll also keep you up to date on all things The
Starting point is 01:40:47 Weekly Planet. You can follow me on Twitter at Wikipedia Brown and on Instagram at Nick Maceau, James's MrSundayMovies everywhere. That's right. If you want to support the show, you go to slash MrSundayMovies. Chuck and a buck on a mat, you would not miss that is the key. Or if you've got, if you've absolutely rolling you've absolutely rolling in dough if you've won 40 bucks During a fun run and if you want to do in the 90s imagine what that's worth now Oh my god, if you put it into a pyramid pyramid building society
Starting point is 01:41:12 Imagine what it's worth now take it out and you can go to big sandwich co Sign up for nine US dollars per month bonus podcast movie commentaries early videos video game. Let's plays all sorts of stuff That's right. Thank you the brute and the basilisk and rackisk and Rackham for all our musical themes. Go to, search for the Weekly Planet. You can get a Weekly Planet t-shirt, probably a mug as well, a throw pillow, I don't know. Oh my god. Can you imagine? I can imagine that. I can imagine a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Must be nice. It is nice. It's really nice. To use your memory and imagination. Oh, it's nice, alright. Okay, so 40 bucks in 1997 is now worth $101.01. Oh damn, that is practically a year of Big Sandwich. So 40 bucks in 1997 is now worth $101.01. Oh damn, that is practically a year of big sandwich.
Starting point is 01:41:49 I would love 100 bucks and one cent. Oh, also I won a football. Did you? I won an Essendon signed football. So I think it was like 2014, and I went to this Essendon kind of fundraising thing. They fundraised for the club and all the players were there and and I'm like I don't care about football and I don't care about Essendon and they're like and the winner of the signed football is this guy
Starting point is 01:42:12 And I'm like cool Everybody else in the room would want this more than I would literally also It was the year that they got done for drugs and I got done. So I've got Essendon's drug football. Nice Somewhere or I kicked it over the fence. You should have mine put in a big syringe in there. Oh, you know what? I won one time. I won tickets to a music festival because I called up Triple J and they played a fraction
Starting point is 01:42:32 of a second of a song and they're like, what's the song? What was the song? This is a Stereo MC song. Stereo MC. Exactly. What was the music festival? It was bad. Did you go?
Starting point is 01:42:41 Yeah, I went with our friend Emily. Oh, what was it like? What festival was it, sorry? I can't remember what it was called. Was it Roomba? No, it wasn't Roomba. And it wasn't like the big day out of something. And it wasn't M1, Triple M. It wasn't Triple M.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Well, it wouldn't have been, I guess. No, that's right. I can't remember. Yeah. Who was there? Assorted electronic artists. Exactly. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 01:43:02 I'm glad you had a bad time. Yeah. Me too. Yeah, man. Formative, I think. Great. Yeah. All right.'m glad you had a bad time. Yeah. Yeah, we do Formative I think I great. Yeah. All right. See you next week. What are we doing next week though? No, no great Oh, maybe Boy kills everybody boy kills world they switched it There was because that was coming out last week in this week and they switched it with the fall guy Yes, we might do that something else. It's everybody's fault, but our own or something to sign off now. That's true
Starting point is 01:43:24 Something TV will happen. Oh, maybe has happened. Yeah. Okay. Goodbye. That's a sign off now. That's true. Something TV will happen. Or has happened. Yeah. Okay goodbye. Grab that gym. You guys, we'll see you next week. Bye.

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