The Weekly Planet - 65 Best & Worst Films Of 2014

Episode Date: December 29, 2014

In addition to news of Star Wars, DC, Star Trek and Doctor Who we talk our favourite and least favourite films of 2014! In the most slapdash way you could possibly imagine. Thanks for listening! Hoste...d on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of My name is James, editor of that website. With me as always, my co-host, Nick Mason. It's New Year's time or something. I don't know when this comes out. New Year's gums. That's the ones, yeah. Ah, 29th maybe? Then it's not New Year's time or something. I don't know when this comes out. New Year's guns. That's the ones, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:26 29, maybe? Then it's not New Year's time yet. Just pause this. Wait a couple of days. New Year's Day treat. Absolutely. Definitely. Slash punishment.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Yeah, do you have a good Christmas, I guess, or whatever? It's fine. Yeah, me too. Great. Moving on. Did you get any wacky pop cultural themed stuff? No. Neither did I, no.
Starting point is 00:00:47 That's a shame for everyone. It is, isn't it? Oh, actually, a listener sent in a picture, you saw it, of a Goat Head solo figurine, custom made. I did see that, yes.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And that's pretty sweet. Excellent. So he was talking about sending it over and maybe getting it our way. I don't want to steal it off him. No. And I don't want to share it
Starting point is 00:01:03 with anyone. So, it's going to be awkward. This is difficult, isn't it our way. I don't want to steal it off him. No, and I don't want to share it with anyone. So, it's going to be awkward. This is difficult, isn't it? Yeah. All right, but let's get into it, Mason. Okay, ready. New Year's guns. Ready.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Not New Year's guns. At the ready. Yes. So, Justin Lin, you're familiar with him? Nope. He did some Fast and the Furious movies. Sure. Four or five of them, maybe.
Starting point is 00:01:22 He's in them. He didn't direct them. He directed them. Okay, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's pretty good he's i am learning yes you are he's good at the action and stuff like that you know and as we've talked about those movies definitely get better as they go but um it says that uh it said that he will direct star trek 3 oh okay which will have a release date of july 8th 2016. Righty-on. Yeah, that's a big year for movies as well, isn't it? Give me an example of one more.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Batman vs. Superman vs. Justice. Oh yeah, that one we've been talking about for ages. Okay, yeah, sure. This year, though. I mean, next year's always going to be a big year. One of our New Year's episodes will be. We'll talk about all the most anticipated movies. I'm anticipating them already.
Starting point is 00:02:02 But that's not what we're doing today. Oh. Also, Robert Orsi. You're familiar them already. But that's not what we're doing today. Oh. Ugh. Also, Robert Orsi, you're familiar with him. Something Star Trek. Yeah, he wrote the Star Trek movies
Starting point is 00:02:11 and people hate him because of that, especially the Khan one. And he wrote, I think he wrote, yeah, he wrote Amazing Spider-Man 2. Anything with magic blood.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Oh, sure. He loves magic blood, yeah. He's written everything with magic blood. He was going to originally direct Star Trek 3, which fans didn't want.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And he actually, he's come out and clarified, I'm definitely not involved in it in any capacity other than producing. Could you jet, Star Trek fans? And he also defended his decision to create an alternative Star Trek universe, like an alternative timeline, which I don't think anybody had a problem with.
Starting point is 00:02:41 No, I've never had a problem with it. And I have problems with timelines, as you know. Yeah, big time. But he basically said, this is his exact quote, stop blaming, and it's got in brackets here, bad robot. So he's saying that people are blaming JJ Abrams Production Company, which I don't think they are. No.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It was my idea. I think he's deflecting. Yeah. I think he's like, sorry about the alternate timeline, and people are going to be like, we're really mad at you for that thing where it clearly was khan you always said it wasn't khan and then it was khan yeah but why doesn't he look like khan from the other universe there's no reason why he wouldn't etc yeah exactly and how they called spock and
Starting point is 00:03:19 be like spock who's this guy he's like oh it's, it's bloody Khan, mate. It's Khan. I mean, he probably doesn't look like my Khan even though time lines. He should. Yeah. Anyway, he said, it was my idea so that you would know not what was going to happen next.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Which again, makes no sense because you just remade Wrath of Khan. You sure did. Nothing more, nothing less. I stand behind it. And this is the bit where I'm like, stop saying this, man. And it, again,
Starting point is 00:03:43 is the reason why I make movies and you don't. Oof. Why does he keep saying that? man. And it, again, is the reason why I make movies and you don't. Oof. Why does he keep saying that? Yeah. He sounds like such a dick. I mean, it's hard to defend a guy like this where, like, you've never heard, like, Steven Spielberg come out
Starting point is 00:03:53 and someone's like, I don't like Munich. And he's like, well, I make movies and you don't. You know what I mean? Exactly, yeah. I don't understand it. Why would you say that? Does he want people to hate him? Well, it's too late.
Starting point is 00:04:04 They do. Maybe he wants ownership of that hatred okay right sure so now see now in his mind he can go oh they hate me because i said i make films and you don't they're jealous but people hate him for legitimate reasons sure yeah like i don't know yeah he just makes movies who cares exactly you like star trek watch the old star trek watch all the classics original series voyager insurrection that's it just no enterprise what's his face from quantum oh yeah scott bacula scott bacula yeah i want to watch that star star dracula star dracula you know there's that star star dracula oh yeah there! Yeah! There you go. Why aren't we in Hollywood? I know, good question.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Mike Coulter, he's been confirmed as Luke Cage. We've talked about him before. He's in Halo Nightfall, that series that we watch. Nope. Nope. But he looks like Luke Cage. Well, potentially we could. We won't. No, I'm not going to.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah. But that's really cool. I think he's a solid casting choice. So the only person they haven't cast now in the Netflix series, they've cast the Daredevil, they've cast Jessica Jones, they've cast Luke Cage. They haven't cast Iron Fist. So that's the next one.
Starting point is 00:05:13 So that's exciting. Yeah. And then we'll get those series, then we'll get the Defenders. Stephen Amell from Arrow would be a good Iron Fist. He would, wouldn't he? But I mean, then he's typecast. Yeah, that's right. But that couldn't happen.
Starting point is 00:05:24 No. Because of crossovers. Because he'd have to go to the Marvel Universe, then he's typecasting. Yeah, that's right. But that wouldn't, couldn't happen. No. Because of crossovers. Because he'd have to go to the Marvel universe and he's in the DC universe. What about Ryan Reynolds? Yeah, but.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Oh, it hasn't really worked out well for him. That's essentially destroyed his actual movie career. I feel like also that happened in the time when people couldn't cross over. Because I know that,
Starting point is 00:05:38 what's his name? James Gunn said that he'd love to direct. What DC movie was it? I can't remember. Whatever it was, but he can't do it. He's like, it's a shame I'm What DC movie was it? I can't remember. Whatever it was, but he can't do it. He's like, it's a shame I'm contracted. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I can't remember what it was. Maybe... Don't know. Doesn't matter. I'll get back to you, Mason. Great. In our personal lives, not in this show. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Yeah. Star Wars news. Oh, yes. You know there was going to be a Star Wars spin-off movies? There is going to be them. Oh, yes. They're going to put them in. I know there is going to be that.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Yes, that's right. I think... Because, you know, Star Wars Episode 7 is be a Star Wars spinoff movies? There is going to be them. Oh, yes. They're going to put them in. I know there is going to be that. Yes, that's right. I think, because you know, Star Wars Episode 7 is not called Star Wars Episode 7. They've dropped the numbers off them. Have you noticed that? Oh, it's just Star Wars The Force Awakens. Yeah. Okay, right. Which is what they were originally, I guess, sort of briefly.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Like the first Star Wars wasn't originally numbered. Yeah. It was just called Star Wars. Yeah. Or whatever. So I guess they're going back to that. And I think that's got something to do with these spin-off movies so people just go and
Starting point is 00:06:26 see them not thinking well I have to see the numbered ones but I don't have to see the non-numbered ones so I think that's the reason they're doing it or whatever
Starting point is 00:06:32 not the point Mason Gareth Edwards but what happened with the non-numbered ones with the spin-off ones to show that it's a spin-off it's just a little cartoon of George Lucas
Starting point is 00:06:40 like so the title comes up and then he pops up. And people just leave. Gareth Edwards is directing the first one. He did Godzilla. The rumour today was that Making Star Wars, which is a website probably,
Starting point is 00:07:00 have said that the first spin-off contrary to popular belief will be a Han Solo spinoff. And it will shoot under the codename Lumanic Industrial Goods. And it may feature Aaron Paul. Not necessarily in the Han Solo role. I'd say probably not. But there was talks of him being...
Starting point is 00:07:19 Maybe he'll be a scrappy, young, illegitimate son of Han Solo. He's going to take over the role. Sweet. And it'll be a scrappy, young, illegitimate son of Han Solo. Yeah. He's going to take over the role. Sweet. And it'll be unlikable. People won't like it at all. I feel like he's more likable than the Shia LaBeouf. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Han Solo's son, Shia LaBeouf. Yeah, definitely. But yeah. I don't know. Has he been typecast, though, in the Jesse Pinkman role? What's he done since then? He did that... Star Wars thing we talked about last week. No, he did some... He did Need for Speed? Yeah, that's the one, Need for Speed. That's what I since then he did that star wars thing we talked about
Starting point is 00:07:45 last week no he did some he did need for speed yeah that's the one need for speed yeah that's what i'm thinking yeah yeah he did and we'll get to that he was kind of was he like a low-rent criminal in that i haven't seen it probably yeah probably i have i have issue with this fake name yeah this film yeah who do they think they're fooling what's the name again uh lumanic industrial goods yeah so people in the 80s so people in the world are like oh they must Who do they think they're fooling? What's the name again? Lumanic Industrial Goods. Yeah. In the 80s. So people in the world are like, oh, they must just be filming a film called... Lumanic Industrial Goods.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Right. That sounds really interesting. Is that a new Wes Anderson film? Nobody's fallen for that. Everybody's like, that title is so weird and dull. It has to be a Star Wars film. I think it's just tradition. If this is true.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Like Blue Harvest. Right. But that was in the 80s when you could do that and people wouldn't realise. Right, like, I think it's just tradition. Like, if this is true, like Blue Harvest. Right. But that was in the 80s when you could do that and people wouldn't realise. Right, right, right. Now there's eyes everywhere, mate. Yeah. Bloody everywhere. You can't get away with this shit.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah. So anyway, whatever. I'd call it Star Wars. Yeah. I'd call it frame by frame remake of Star Wars. We're just doing it because we're rich. Yeah. Are you cool with a Han Solo spin-off?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Sure. Young or old? Oh, so it's gonna be a that's not didn't specify right so it could be an origin story technically i still reckon he's gonna die in this first star wars movie what if he dies in the first one and then they do a spinoff and then people like i want to see more han solo but he's dead and then it's like maybe a side call maybe it's events leading up to that yeah that'd be cool what maybe him because it wasn't the rumor that maybe luke skywalker's been missing for decades yeah maybe the maybe it's him search maybe it's the 30 years prior him searching for yeah uh luke skywalker
Starting point is 00:09:18 and then he's like i found him hooray i hope i don't die now and then but then we know he we know he does he's like everything's worked out for old Henny Solo, he says. Yeah, that's right. But no, it doesn't. But I think the only, and I'm probably wrong, the only way they could have got Han Solo back or Harrison Ford back is go, listen, we will kill you off. Because that's what he's always wanted. Like we've talked about, it's his fondest wish.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Absolutely. To die in real life and in a Star Wars movie. That's right. Yeah. But thanks to Hollywood, thanks to industrial light his fondest wish to die in real life and in a Star Wars movie. That's right. Thanks to industrial light and magic, he cannot die in real life. So that's what I think. If it's not in this one, I think it'll be in the next one. But, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:57 As long as he dies. As long as he dies, Mason. Warner Brothers have revealed that their entire slate of DC movies, all ten of them or whatever, cancelled. Surprise! Happy New Year! Pushed back and then cancelled. brothers have revealed that their entire slate of dc movies all ten of them canceled surprise happy new year pushed back and then canceled um they are going to be set in the same universe so people are thinking that like shazam would not be set in the same universe i never thought that yes you did no i didn't you wrote me that email i did no you probably didn't think that shazam sad
Starting point is 00:10:22 face so yeah all in the same universe, which makes sense. Why wouldn't you? Great. It's not news. It's news. It's in the news. I put it in the news, mate. You know what? DC have no news ever.
Starting point is 00:10:34 They've tried to trick us into thinking this is news. It's not bloody news. Yeah. Someone sent me an email this week. I can't remember who, so I apologise. It's like Marvel release a press release and it's just like, our new movies are going to continue to be said in the same universe not news someone said someone's having an email this week saying
Starting point is 00:10:50 yeah we probably lean too heavy on marvel and we do yeah but how many dc movies are out this year none correct how many are out next year none correct so it's what exactly what else what else we're gonna lean on you know And we do talk about the TV shows And we do talk about the comics Yeah So yeah But this is news though Mason Oh absolutely
Starting point is 00:11:10 This is hot news Oh hot DC news Okay I understand Well you know what Let's just replay this hot DC news every week Yeah Until an actual DC movie comes out How do you like that
Starting point is 00:11:19 Listener of the show Who emailed in Expressing some sort of concern He was very nice about it Yeah Not a dick okay good just so we know
Starting point is 00:11:26 Jenna Coleman in Doctor Who News she's the current companion Doctor Hughes as we call it that's right we've discussed this
Starting point is 00:11:33 we have Doctor Who News now called Doctor Hughes she'll be back for the next season of Doctor Who they say the whole season of Doctor Who
Starting point is 00:11:42 and Doctor Who will continue to be set in the same universe what? as all the previous Doctor Whos so yeah Doctor Who. They say the whole season of Doctor Who. And Doctor Who will continue to be set in the same universe. What? As all the previous Doctor Whos. So yeah, there was talk that maybe she'd leave and whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:52 That's good. I like her. Actually, do you want to talk about the Christmas special now or do you want to talk about it a bit later? We're still on the news, aren't we? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:59 This is the last news though. Oh, it's the last news. Well, we'll talk about that then. I have one more piece of news. Okay, news. Because I figured that you know how like Christmas time traditionally, like all celebrities get up to weird wacky stuff. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And like destroy their lives or whatever. Yes. Nothing happened up until like a couple of days ago when Dustin Diamond screamed from Saved by the Bell, stabbed a man with a switchblade in a bar fight before fleeing the scene with his clown girlfriend, Lollipop. Did you know that part? I did not. You knew some of it but you didn't know that part, right? He's 37, he's dating a
Starting point is 00:12:31 27 year old who works as a clown and goes by the name Lollipop. Was she dressed as a clown? I don't think she was dressed at the time. Because that's important. Yeah, I know. Dustin said he did not intentionally stab the individual in the bar. It sounds like he intentionally stabbed it. I mean he had a switchblade out. Why would you carry a switchblade? Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:47 If you've got a switchblade on, you shouldn't carry switchblades. I mean, maybe it's just an Australian thing where I think you shouldn't carry knives. Sure. Even though Paul Hogan pushed for us all to carry knives at one point. He definitely did, didn't he? Yeah, he set a bad precedent. Yeah. But we all share that knife as Australians.
Starting point is 00:13:02 That's why it's so big. If you want a knife fight, you've got to go to the Paul Hogan Museum. Yeah. You've got to break the glass. That's right. You've got to recognize it's an emergency situation. You hold it to the guards. You're like, this is a knife.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And they're like, it certainly is. And then you go out and you do some stabbing. But most of the time, just don't do it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, don't get the switchblade out. No. Unless it's one of those sweet ones where you flick it and it's got a comb on it.
Starting point is 00:13:26 And you comb your hair all cool. Yeah, that would be cool. Yeah. Maybe that's what he thought it was. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah. And he thought the other guy's, like, chest and stomach or whatever was his hair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:36 So he's just helping him out there. I understand that. Yeah. I don't know what the rules are in the States, but here you cannot carry a knife. No. Not without a legitimate reason. Unless you're, like, a tradie, which is a tradesman, for those people who don't know. So you can carry, like, a tradie you cannot carry a knife. No. Not without a legitimate reason, unless you're like a tradie, which is a tradesman,
Starting point is 00:13:46 for those people who don't know. So you can carry like a tradie knife or whatever. Sure, yeah. But that's the extent of it. For tradie fights. For tradie fights, yeah. If somebody gets on your turf,
Starting point is 00:13:53 Exactly. They're like, I was going to plumb this house, and you're like, I'll stab you. I feel like if I pulled a knife on somebody, they'd get it off me and stab me with it.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yeah. I feel like that's, I'm not gifted in that way. I'm no winter soldier absolutely not yeah anyway what a dickhead yeah not winter soldier this fucking diamond whatever his name is yeah the guy's a fool he's been a fool steady on he is a fool he's a silly ghost yeah he is there was a time when he he did a sex tape he did that sex tape yeah supposedly donkey punched someone in it i don't want to get into that but anyway um there was a time when he was like he went on the
Starting point is 00:14:30 internet he's like my house is being foreclosed on everybody gotta buy these t-shirts to save my house and he had his house wasn't being no he did he just wanted to sell t-shirts i told you he was a fool yeah all right anyway that's anyway, also, this stabbing took place in the same universe. Oh, as all the other stabbings. As all the other stabbings, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Oh, good. In our current universe, just so you know. Anyway, Dr. Hugh news. Dr. Hughes. Yep. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:55 so Jenna Cole will be back for this season. So, we watched the Dr. Hugh Christmas special. Yes. I thought it was a lot of fun. What did you think of it?
Starting point is 00:15:00 I also thought it was a lot of fun. Yeah. Spoilers, if you haven't seen it. Yeah. We're not going to talk about this for too long, so if you hate Dr. Hugh, don't stress. Couple of minutes, yeah. I mean, I hate Dr. Hugh and lot of fun yeah spoilers if you haven't seen it we're not going to talk about this for too long so if you hate Doctor Who
Starting point is 00:15:05 don't stress couple of minutes yeah I mean I hate Doctor Who and I'm forcing my way through this I enjoyed it I mean it was clearly
Starting point is 00:15:11 very much like a pastiche mishmash of like a lot of the thing alien inception the Santa Claus
Starting point is 00:15:20 yeah and there was a there's a Hollywood term I think we discussed it before hanging a lantern on something yeah
Starting point is 00:15:24 where like if you mention in like the film or the TV show, what you're doing, people acknowledge it and they move on. So there's a moment in the, in the show where somebody goes, oh, this is like alien. Yeah. And we're like, we're supposed to go, oh yeah, it is like alien. I guess we'll just carry on with the plot. But I'm still like, yeah, it's still exactly like Alien in almost every way. So I'm not accepting this and moving on. You think, like you've learned, you British writers have learned that from your Hollywood buddies.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And you think it's going to work, but you've just smashed it in there. Like a Christmas sledgehammer. And it hasn't worked. But yeah, otherwise, other than that, I enjoyed it. Yeah, it's good fun. I think it actually actually worked better as here's all these tropes you know yeah let's just ride with it and nick frost was great at santa claus he was wasn't he maybe maybe because spoiler alert it's it's all in a dream maybe is it yes okay and then what say to that yeah but and and so within this dream that they've all kind of filled in the gaps, they made it like Alien or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Right, yeah. Or the thing. But then again, those monsters... Because at the end, when one of the supporting cast, when she wakes up, she looks at her to-do list for the day. Yeah. And it's like, watch DVD, Alien. Ah, see, there you go. So clearly she brought that into the dream. Yeah then again the architect inception inception but even then those aliens
Starting point is 00:16:52 as they exist in the real world were still like the aliens from alien they were that's true yeah like regardless of whether you brought that into the dream i enjoyed the the back and forth between the doctor and santa claus yes i thought, regardless of whether he's real or not. Yeah. Clearly, the Doctor has built this backstory where they hate each other for some unsatisfied reason, which I enjoyed. Yeah. Like, I would like to see Santa Claus come back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Like, just a series of regular episodes. Absolutely. Not even next year's Christmas special. Just bring him back. If Nick Frost is back again as Santa Claus, and it's like... Because, you know, the idea being, you know, Santa Claus has this thing with tangerines, he leaves them. I guess that's a thing in the UK?
Starting point is 00:17:32 Maybe? I don't know. Maybe, yeah. But, you know, and at the end we see the tangerines, so obviously Santa's real, Christmas special. Which I like. You love those kind of Christmas specials, don't you? I do, yeah, exactly. But I like the idea
Starting point is 00:17:45 that Santa actually is real yeah because the Doctor never actually says you're Santa Claus you're not real yeah at any point
Starting point is 00:17:52 I don't think I think you're actually right unlike when he met Robin Hood when he was like you're definitely not real so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say
Starting point is 00:17:58 what I want to happen is they actually do have Santa is real yeah for whatever reason and the Doctor and he do not like each other. Yes. And there's going to be some sort of weird buddy cop situation for the rest of the season.
Starting point is 00:18:11 That's what I want to happen. Like it was, I think it was, which Queen? Queen Elizabeth I. She hates him. Yep. And that was not really revealed for ages why she hated him. Right, right, right. And it turned out they were married?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah, they were married or something. But yeah, yeah. So that would be cool. I'd like that a lot and if so he oversaw this whole thing and he got into their heads yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:18:29 so Santa did as well to help them out yeah maybe or whatevs or maybe no maybe this was just a dream but it turns out that he actually is real
Starting point is 00:18:36 otherwise okay sure either way whatever man either way but I like that it's more Nick Frost that's all
Starting point is 00:18:40 yeah absolutely I like the idea though that you like that they subconsciously like together created their thing to combat this was Santa Claus. I thought that was a really cool idea. And it was a good way to bring back Danny Pink as well. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So that was super cool. Is it just me or are the special effects getting a lot better? Give me an example. The reindeer. When he was riding the reindeer. Yeah, they didn't look so incredibly... I mean, it's obviously... I'm talking TV here. Yeah. They're obviously green screen riding the reindeer. Yeah. They didn't look so incredibly. I mean. It's obviously. I'm talking TV here.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Yeah. Yeah. They're obviously green screen in the. Yeah. In the sled. Yeah. But. You ride the reindeer themselves. Looked a lot better.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just Christmas. Maybe it's a Christmas miracle. It's probably the Christmas miracle. Yeah. But I would say. Even if you don't watch a lot of Doctor Who Mason.
Starting point is 00:19:22 You could watch this. Yeah. On its own. I definitely think. Yeah. Especially if you love Inception and you love inception and alien and the thing you want more of that you want to see just a flat-out copy of that yeah i'll tell you what though it did get a bit at the end i'm like oh really because they just kept waking up i'm like yeah okay i get it because it's happened like six dreams deep or whatever it did have kind of that Doctor Who trope of if you really believe
Starting point is 00:19:46 things happen yeah that kind of thing which is true in real life I guess that's true yeah it's the secret
Starting point is 00:19:51 to life it is so that's our review of Doctor Who pretty good pretty bloody good I enjoyed it well why don't we
Starting point is 00:19:57 this week Mason I think we maybe mentioned this at another point we did a recap of movies last year oh yes so let's recap those movies again this year.
Starting point is 00:20:06 See if our thoughts have changed. Man of Steel. Still pretty good. Pacific Rim. Bit silly. Enjoyed it. What else came out there? Thor The Dark World.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Fun. Iron Man 3. Nah. Well, let's do our 2014 recap. Okay, great. I'm ready. I've just listed pretty much the main ones here. Great, because I haven't listed anything.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Good. Yeah. Then we're ready to go. And maybe at the end,. I've just listed pretty much the main ones here. Great, because I haven't listed anything. Good. Yeah. Then we're ready to go. And maybe at the end, if I've missed any, we'll talk about... Because I've pretty much listed the blockbusters. Anything that I've missed, we can talk about that at the end. We'll talk about it. If I think about it, maybe some TV stuff as well.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Absolutely. Highlights. Highlights of the year. Yeah. That sounds good. Let's start off with The Legend of Hercules. Not The Rock's Hercules. The Legend of Hercules.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Oh. Starring Callan Luntz. Didn't see it. Me neither. Moving on. Great. Jack Ryan's Shadow Recruit. Didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Me neither. Moving on. Fantastic. I, Frankenstein. Didn't see it. Me neither. Moving on. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Non-stop where Liam Neeson's non-stop or he has to stop. I didn't see it, but maybe you did? Didn't see it. Great. Moving on. How could it have possibly been any different from Taken, though? Realistically. It's on a plane.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Oh. The guy from Taken could be on a plane. Set in the same universe. Same universe. Taken 3 is out, like, next week. Yeah, great. Maybe we should talk about that at some point. Like, next week.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Okay. No, no. Week after. I don't know. Great. Taken. Next one. Robot Cop. That can't be right. Robo Cop. Oh, yeah, I saw that. We saw that. Yeah, no. A week after. I don't know. Great. Taken. Next one. Robot Cop.
Starting point is 00:21:26 That can't be right. Robo Cop. Oh yeah, I saw that. We saw that. Yeah, we did. We did an episode on it. You can go back and listen to it. I'm only going to talk about these briefly.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Robo Cop, from memory, wasn't as bad as it should have been. No, I enjoyed it. It was not the same. It was apples and oranges. Yes, it was. Original Robo Cop. This version of Robo Cop. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:46 In a good way. Or in a way. yeah yeah in a good way or in a way in a way definitely certainly in a way yeah sure I remember it being for the it was quite
Starting point is 00:21:55 quite like off-putting at moments even though it was PG-13 like when you see what's left of him that was literally
Starting point is 00:22:01 a set of lungs a face and a hand and that's like all that's and the rest is robotic it was I mean that was literally very disturbing set of lungs a face and a hand yeah and that's like all that's and the rest is robotic it was i mean there was that was quite confronting i think a lot of the themes i think were a lot more it was a satire still but the themes were a lot less obvious than the first one yeah and it was a lot it was a lot less of a parody and more yeah but at the same time, I think what...
Starting point is 00:22:25 And we mentioned this at the time. I think what people found a lot more off-putting, A, it was PG-13. Yeah. And it wasn't... It was violent, but it wasn't incredibly gory violent. And there's a moment... I think a lot of people turned off when it's revealed
Starting point is 00:22:41 that his gun has a stun setting on it. Yeah. I think people did not care for that. When the real Robocop is just shooting dicks oh yeah absolutely yeah so many it's blasting away yeah but no i'm i don't think we'll probably see another one of those no and i haven't and i haven't gone back and watched it and i probably won't now that you mentioned i'm probably gonna go back and watch it all right we'll both watch it great yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Fantastic. You know, it didn't feel like... It didn't feel like it warranted a sequel, really.
Starting point is 00:23:08 No. I would like to see a sequel. I mean, they built it up as a sequel. Yeah. And we see him in sort of the mode he's got is more the classic Robocop. The tradish Robocop. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yeah, absolutely. But yeah, no, I don't think it was... I think Die Hard Robot Cop fans didn't like it. I think general audience didn't really flock to it. So I don't think we'll see another one. Yeah. But anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Whatever. Great. Maybe Europe will enjoy it. Maybe Europe will enjoy it. And Liam Neeson will take the role. The Lego movie. Did you see that? No.
Starting point is 00:23:40 That's pretty good. Chris Pratt. Chris Pratt. The voice of somebody. The main guy. Yeah. You got a batman in it oh there's a dc movie that we got oh yeah man was in it and wonder woman and uh
Starting point is 00:23:49 superman and all those and green lantern i think yeah it's pretty good did green land make like lego constructs like green lego constructs from memory maybe he wasn't in it i'm pretty sure he was you'd remember yeah no i'm pretty sure he was the lego movie's great though uh i haven't seen a lot of animated movies this year i think this might actually be the only one but it's got that they make it look kind of stop motiony it's got a everybody in the world has seen this except for you except for me evidently yeah but no i'd say it's definitely it's definitely worth your time there's a weird kind of we're gonna spoil all these by the way there's a weird bit where it goes into the real world.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Oh, yes. And I'm not sure what that implies. It's set in a different universe. Oh, and I make no apologies for that. Where this kid has imagined this whole scenario and maybe he's brought it to life or maybe the scenario was already happening as he was imagining it. Oh, yes. And it spills over into his world.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I feel like nobody's explained that clearly. Adequately. Yeah. You think there should be a DVD extra, there should be a commentary where the director's like, okay, this is definitely... This is for you, James. And then they tell me exactly what's going on.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Do you really need that? No, you're right. It should be ambiguous. What am I talking about? But I think for a kid's movie... Are you maybe thinking of Lego Batman 3, the game, the game lantern is in it i have not played that game okay maybe you've seen the trailer maybe i have seen the trailer but i'm pretty sure i know superman's in i know wonder woman's in it okay and batman's obviously in it voiced by will arnett he's getting his own lego
Starting point is 00:25:19 batman spin i heard about that that's pretty sweet so yeah but anyway two thumbs up from these guys right i'm gonna give it tentative thumbs up. It sounds pretty good. Sorry, just squished a bug. Oh, yeah. Yeah. 300 Rise of the Empire. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Strikes back. Oh, I get what you did there. That was okay, wasn't it? Didn't hate it. Action pretty good. It was all right. If I recall, it was all right. They don't do the hand... They don't do the hand crank camera anymore. It's clearly... It feels like it's just slits. It's a plug-in now. action pretty good if I recall it was alright um they just got
Starting point is 00:25:45 they don't do the hand they don't do the hand crank camera anymore it's clearly it feels like it's just it's a plug in now it's an Adobe Premiere plug in or whatever
Starting point is 00:25:51 yep the guys weren't as buff because they weren't Spartans that's true yeah that bothered me oh yes you want incredible buffness from a 300 film
Starting point is 00:25:59 absolutely okay I understand and David Wenham was in it oh yeah and he had that voice the David Wenham voice great I. Oh, yeah. And he had that voice, the David Wenham voice. Great. I've got to tell you a tale.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And it was a prequel sidequel sequel. Yeah. It had it all going on. It had absolutely everything. Yeah. Do you think maybe somebody did that just to win a bet? Like somebody in movie production was like, I can do a prequel sidequel sequel. And then else said maybe yeah i don't really care they're like 300
Starting point is 00:26:30 let's do it something nobody cares about yeah so um do you think people were really hanging out for 300 no and it was too late it was too late i think people would have been on board if it was a prequel with jerry's Adventures. Oh, yes. But I think you swapped out Jerry Butler for somebody else. Sullivan Stapleton, who was good. He did a good job. And Artemisia was really good. Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Eva Green was great, yeah. Yeah, but I don't think the sea battles really added anything. If I recall, it was quite predictable, right? Yeah. It was very much, we've got this fleet. Oh, no, we've underestimated the good guys. Yeah. Oh no, we're being...
Starting point is 00:27:07 There's a horse in the water. Yeah. Yeah. And that repeated several times and then the movie ended, right? Yes, it did. Yeah, okay, I remember now. Yeah. And Xerxes...
Starting point is 00:27:15 Did he die at the end? No, I think it left it open, didn't it? To a sequel. Maybe he's still alive today. Oh my goodness. Maybe you'll see him in a cafe or something and he'll be like the gay, like in the modern day and he'll be like, the game begins. And he's just nine feet tall.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Yeah. Like he is in the movies. That happened at the end of Dracula Untold. Maybe nobody saw that. Yeah, it did. It happened in Dracula. Just so we're clear. We will get to that.
Starting point is 00:27:37 300 Rides of the Empire was okay. Yep. I will never watch it again. Thumbs at mid-mast. Yes. Mid-mast thumbs. I haven't gotten a lot of comedies in here, though, but Neighbours was a big one from this year.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I think it was called Bad Neighbours in the UK and Bad Neighbours here. I guess we have the soap opera Neighbours. We do have the soap opera Neighbours. Somebody actually sent me an email. I'm doing badly at this this week, who asked why do they rename things for overseas? In the UK, the Avengers is called Avengers As rename things for overseas? Like, in the UK,
Starting point is 00:28:05 the Avengers is called Avengers Assemble, I think? Yeah, it's called Avengers Assemble. Captain America's called the first Avenger in the UK as well. Yeah. Well, Marvel... Avengers is probably called Avengers Assemble because the British have the Avengers.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah. Which is John Stead and Emma Peel. They're like super spies from the 60s. Yeah. There was quite a bad film many years ago sean connery was the bad guy he had a weather machine he had a weather machine and all these henchmen wore teddy bear suits oh like giant colorful teddy bear suits like okay and he was spirit of the show sort of kind of i don't know well cast though well zuma thururman and Ray Fiennes Yeah Who's now
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah I mean Yeah The Bond so that There you go Yeah Yeah it's quite ridiculous I sort of enjoyed it Sure
Starting point is 00:28:52 Because we had nothing else Yeah we had nothing else At the time exactly Yeah But look it wasn't great No I don't even know If I've seen it
Starting point is 00:29:01 Captain First Avenger probably Because People don't like Americans. Yeah, sure. Generally in England, that's probably it. I think now that people have come around to the Captain America character, I think that'll be okay now.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I think there was, prior to him, prior to the Captain America movies coming out, I think there was a lot of trepidation. Yeah. Is everybody going to hate this character? Yeah. Because of, you know, American foreign policy or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Nah, he's just got a cool shield. He's pretty good, isn't he? Can't boost people. He's pretty good, yeah. That's what I said. Yeah, I mean, I guess they just, I think for here, like, you know, there's a bad teacher, there's been bad Santa.
Starting point is 00:29:39 So I just thought, I think Australian, I think the people who classified this for Australians, or it was probably Australians who changed it. Like, yeah, because they won't get it if we just call it Neighbours. So we'll say Bad Neighbours and they'll know what to expect going in. That's what I think it is because we're idiots, basically.
Starting point is 00:29:53 I think it was... I think it's just to sell more tickets. Whatever they sell, whatever they change the name to, it's to make it more appealing to that country. I think this is probably just a rumour, but the film George V was changed to the madness of King George in America. And the rumour is because people wouldn't have gone to see it because they hadn't seen the previous four.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Oh, okay, right. So they wouldn't go and see George V. Yeah. In Australia, the airplane movies are called Flying High. Yep, yep. Some people suggested that's because we call airplanes aeroplanes. Oh, okay. But I don't think that's true.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I think there was a... In the 70s, there was a series of airport disaster movies called Airport. Was there? Yeah, it was like Airport 75, Airport 77, and every single one of them was like... Airports crashing into each other. Yeah, airports just smashing into each other and it was kind of like
Starting point is 00:30:47 they were, you know, kind of horrific and, you know, real serious and I think... Yeah. I think maybe Airplane didn't do that well
Starting point is 00:30:56 in America because people thought it was a spin-off of those. Yeah. Like it wasn't a comedy, it was going to be some sort of disaster movie and so when it came to here
Starting point is 00:31:02 they just were like, what's called Flying High? Okay, there you go. And then Fly, you get it? you get what i'm saying now i understand it i never got it that actually the person who wrote him was basil basil c who was gonna say he's baffled he's so baffled he seems baffled but he also mentions here that the amazing spider-man 2 here was called the amazing spider-man 2 rise of electro yep did you know that? Yeah. Yeah. That's nonsense, right? Too long. Way too long. But anyway, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Getting back to Neighbours, though, have you seen Neighbours? The soap opera. Yeah. Yeah. What's Toadie up to? I don't know. The only reason Neighbours, the TV show, keeps going is because they sell it to the UK. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I don't know anybody who watches it here. Well, it's not even on regular networks over here anymore. No, it's on some weird sub-channel thing. I don't know. I do not see Neighbours or Bad Neighbours. Yes. Sorry. Well, the movie Bad, let's just call it Bad Neighbours. I have seen Bad, you know, the Michael Jackson video clip?
Starting point is 00:31:54 Yes, where he has that weird knife fight, Dustin Diamond style. I think that's Beat It. Oh, it is too. Yeah. You're right. Clearly, you haven't seen it. Anyway, continue. Yeah, it's quite good. And you know what? Zac Efron is pretty great. You're right. Yeah. Clearly you haven't seen it. Anyway, continue. Yeah, it's quite good.
Starting point is 00:32:05 And you know what? Zac Efron is pretty great. Oh, yes. And I like Zac Efron a lot. And I remember when I saw 17 again. And that movie is not for me at all. Yep. But it's quite good and he's quite good in it.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I'm not saying go out and see 17 again, Mason. But at the same time, if it's on... It's a Tim Allen movie, you may as well. No, it's not. Isn't it? You're thinking of i'm thinking welcome to the jungle who's who's it's juggle to juggle yeah i'm thinking of jungle to jungle who's the adult lead in that then uh leslie man no the who's the oh who's the old version of him? Matthew Perry Really? Yeah There you go
Starting point is 00:32:45 And he does like a good kind of young Matthew Perry What's his name's in it? You know the doctor in Is the Dark Knight Rises? The doctor? Oh yes What's his name? He's a bloody comedic actor Can't remember
Starting point is 00:32:58 You like him You're a big fan of him Yeah anyway he's in it as well Leslie Mann's in it It's a good movie Okay cool Or it's not Please don't yell at me.
Starting point is 00:33:07 No, Neighbours is definitely worth saying if you like a comedy movie. Uh-huh. Did you watch the interview, speaking of? Not yet, no. No, I watched it. Oh, yeah? What do you reckon? It was all right.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Oh, yeah? Yeah. That's your wrap-up? Yeah. Great. That was pretty good. Yeah, yeah. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Did it really stick it to North Korea? Yeah. Spoiler alert. It's available online, so if you haven't seen it, do you want me to spoil it for you? Nah. All right, cool. It does stick it to North Korea. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:32 But it does, like, it's very light in tone and whatever, but it does hit some moments where they kind of press Kim Jong-un for, like, the atrocities he's committed on his people. It gets a bit like that at one point. It's like, whoa, I didn't think it would actually do that, but it does. Anyway, did you see Noah? No. Get it? Get what I did there?
Starting point is 00:33:56 I didn't say it. Very good. Noah's okay. It's weird that I've been forced to see so many movies this year, and yet there's still so many I didn't see. How is that? What have you been doing with your time? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Just sleeping. Yeah, just sleep it, I guess. Sleeping's great. Yeah. When you don't have to see Noah. Okay, who was in this one? It was Russell Crowe? Russell Crowe.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah, okay, and who else? Logan Lerman. Jennifer Connelly was in it? Yeah, yep, yeah. Yep, Jennifer Connelly was in it. Maybe I have seen it. Yeah, it's pretty good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:20 For, you know, I didn't see Exodus. Did you have to review it? No, I just saw it. I think I saw it at home. Saw it on your own violation. That's pretty impressive. Sometimes I like to watch movies. Is there anything wrong with that?
Starting point is 00:34:33 No, it's fine. Is there anything wrong with that? Well, could be working at a soup kitchen. You know, that's always the justification for anything. So, it shouldn't be your time working at a soup kitchen. Maybe you should work in a soup kitchen you look me yeah
Starting point is 00:34:46 okay I will yeah Noah's okay I thought it would be a bit heavy handed but it's Darren Aaron it's very well handed our mate Darren Aaron
Starting point is 00:34:54 yeah and there's there's angels made of rocks rocks and there's big so it's so it's supernaturally yeah supernaturally
Starting point is 00:35:02 I don't think they say the word God it's more like the creator. And they've got an interesting take on like... Not an interesting... They show like the evolution of man. And that's quite interesting the way that they do it. It's a really sweet kind of montage-y kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:35:15 It's pretty great. Everybody has British accents? Everybody does have a British accent. Because, you know... It's always interesting when they walk a fine line with these sort of... These religious movies. How much magic they're going to put in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:26 There's a lot of magic. Because if they go by the letter of the law, the Bible stories, they never make any sense. No. It's always like, there's no narrative flow because God just saves everybody at the end. Yeah, that's it. Or destroys everybody. Or destroys everybody at the end. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:43 With no rhyme or reason. Isn't that weird? Yeah. Maybe he's mellowed. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, I's it. Or destroys everybody. Or destroys everybody in the end. Exactly, yeah. With no rhyme or reason. Isn't that weird? Yeah. You know, maybe he's mellowed. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, I don't know. Well, by New Testament, he was pretty chill. Need for Speed.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Did you see that one? No, me neither. As we previously mentioned. He's probably a low-rent bad guy in that. Yeah. Or he's just going to find his daughter, probably. I think he was in a race and maybe he was betrayed. But maybe he owes
Starting point is 00:36:05 somebody some money yeah or something and he has to get some money or some drugs yes across a border maybe yes and maybe he does it maybe he has to maybe he has to get some drugs to his daughter because she calls him she's like where's my crystal man he's like all right now it couldn't be drugs because he would have he would have wanted to get out of being type passed for breaking bad yeah so i reckon it's probably a daughter or a family. I think he's betrayed. I think he was like a race car driver or a smuggler or off street. And then Dominic Cooper betrays him.
Starting point is 00:36:35 And then he goes back for one more Need for Speed. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Well, he's got a Need for Speed. So he might as well satiate that Need for Speed. Quench that Need for Speed. Num, num, num, num, num. I don't think I'll ever see that movie. I have no problem with it.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I'm not a cars guy. Yep. Though I do like the Fast and Furious movies. Is Need for Speed, is it live cars or is it... I think it is. It's a lot of live stunts. Okay. So from that perspective, maybe it is worth checking out.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Yeah, yeah. It looked much more serious than Fast and Furious. Yeah, it is, yeah. And does it feel more like... I think so, anyway. So you think it feels more like A film for car people Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:09 And stunts and whatever I like stunts You do don't you Yeah I love stunts Yeah Maybe I'll see it I'm putting them on my list Send me that list later
Starting point is 00:37:16 I'll watch some of those I'm just reading off Wikipedia Oh great I'm not really In your face Captain America the Winter Soldier though Loved it Again we did a whole podcast on this
Starting point is 00:37:25 yep I did a and a commentary on it and a commentary we did too you can find that at or is it
Starting point is 00:37:32 that's one of those it's definitely one of those isn't it and also if you if you're a Patreon that one's actually on the other YouTube channel oh cool
Starting point is 00:37:40 that one so if you're already a Patreon remember for freebies yeah it's already there Patreon slash Mr. Son of Movies it's already there but uh all the plugs out of the way in the middle yeah can't escape them
Starting point is 00:37:47 can't escape them by switching off five minutes before the end how do you like that listeners it's great though i put it as my favorite blockbuster of the year oh yes so you've got a you've got some indie you got a favorite indie of the year as well i have i feel like i haven't seen enough to make that comment yet like I've listed some down at the end that I want to get to that I haven't. And a lot of that is because they're
Starting point is 00:38:07 just not out here. So, like Nightcrawler which I think is out I'm sitting I've seen that, yeah. Yeah, I've got a copy of it. I want to see that. But anyway,
Starting point is 00:38:16 I want to see the one with the trumpet where he plays the trumpet. Whiplash? It's drumming. Yeah. But doesn't the other guy play the trumpet?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Some people play the trumpet. Doesn't J.K. Simmons play the trumpet in that? Sort of, yeah. No,'t the other guy play the trumpet? Some people play the trumpet. Doesn't J.K. Simmons play the trumpet in that? Sort of, yeah. No, he plays the piano, mostly. Good. But one of the other characters definitely plays the trumpet. That's good.
Starting point is 00:38:31 The trumpet movie, then. Yeah. Good. But we did a whole episode on Captain America and the Winter Soldier. We also did an episode on the terrible history of Captain America in film. Which I think is quite a good episode. It's a cracker. It is a cracker.
Starting point is 00:38:43 It's a Christmas cracker. Yeah. It's a New Year's cracker. And yeah, I think it might be my favourite Marvel movie. It's hard to say. I think my top three would probably be that, Guardians and the Avengers. But then also Iron Man's really good. I'm confused.
Starting point is 00:39:00 You can have more than a top three. Yeah, you're right. I mean, you can only have three movies in a top three. But you can have more movies that you like. I don't like listing things in the order that I like them either. Because I feel like it's subject to change. Yeah, yeah. And because everything's so subjective.
Starting point is 00:39:15 We're recording this. Yeah. And so five minutes later, you'll be like, Oh, no, but I thought Guardians was better than, you know. They were both great, but for different reasons. You know, Captainica took the character of captain america and put him in this entirely different setting where you'd think it'd be more fish out of water than he is so they don't make him an idiot right they you know he's ready
Starting point is 00:39:34 for he's more ready for the modern day than you think he would be he's constantly adjusting and looking into things and questioning and trying to catch up acdc albums exactly all those kinds of things and he's clearly, his fighting has improved. And I think it's fantastic. It's a fantastic movie. And this has been a good year for movies. Oh, yes. The end.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Good night, everybody. Yeah. This has been a good year for movies, though. I think especially compared to last year. But yeah, what are your thoughts on The Captain America? Loved it. Scene where this bloke's got the minigun
Starting point is 00:40:03 shooting at him. It's pretty good. You'll have a real minigun day here unlike the Expendables 3 are we going to go to Expendables 3 next?
Starting point is 00:40:10 we'll get there I don't think it's next these are roughly in order roughly depending on where you're from in the
Starting point is 00:40:15 world also that elevator fight scene is amazing apparently originally that was going to be like a bigger broader kind of
Starting point is 00:40:21 and it was going to go across they would go different places but just by making it in that elevator. You mean like maybe the elevator's removed for maintenance, it's put on the back of a flatbed truck. They drive it to the depot.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And like apparently it was going to go like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where the elevator shoots up into space at the end. Oh, space, sure, yeah, absolutely, yeah. So that would have been pretty good. And there's a bit of da they're floating in space and punching on did you see divergent no me neither that will be the next hunger game so when hunger game stops that'll be the series really was popular yeah very popular not as popular but it's got the
Starting point is 00:40:59 shailene woodley who was going to be mary jane watson and that all that was cut and about amazing spider-man and i haven't seen any of them, but they're not really for us, though. No. I don't even think they mention us in the movies, which is weird. That's weird. Every other movie I've seen this year,
Starting point is 00:41:13 they've given us a shout-out specifically. I think I will get to them, but yeah, at some point. I'm not going to. No. Did you see Transcendence? The Johnny Depp is in a computer you know what everybody told me it was really boring and bad i wanted to see it you know what yes it's not that
Starting point is 00:41:30 bad okay i watched it yes i was doing something else as i was watching it so this is no you're ironing yes in the cinema yes i watched it at home it's i was surprised how much i enjoyed it yes i'm not saying go out and see it, but I'm saying if you like the idea of artificial intelligence and where that could take us in the future and the implications of that. And even if, like, there's not a hell of a lot of Johnny Depp even in it.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I mean, he's in it quite a bit, what am I saying? Yeah. But it's not that bad. Right. And, I don't know, I think maybe it's more because that kind of stuff interests me.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah. Because, you know, my hobby is trying to get my mind into a computer. Definitely, yeah. Just as a goof. Yeah, totally. So, no, no, no. I like...
Starting point is 00:42:11 So you're saying if it's on TV... Yeah. And that's a subject matter that interests you? Yeah. I'm not saying... It's not, like, it's not action-packed. Yeah. It doesn't move incredibly fast.
Starting point is 00:42:20 For the Johnny Depp fans, there is a scene where, like, the supercomputer gets loose and it's just trundling down a hill and he's on top of it. He's like, oh, no. What do I do? Yeah, that's probably the best scene. But yeah. But look, I'm not saying I highly recommend it. I just, I think maybe in a few years people will come around to it more.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Maybe I'll be wrong. Yeah. But, you know, we'll see. Again, but we didn't get shouted out in it. So I'll be wrong. Yeah. But, you know, we'll see. Again, but we didn't get shouted out in it, so, yeah, fuck that movie.
Starting point is 00:42:48 The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Rise of Electron. Oh, yes. It's not that bad, is it? I think it's, you know, in retrospect, I don't know what I said
Starting point is 00:42:56 when we reviewed it the last time, in retrospect, it's pretty bad. Yeah. I've got no interest in seeing, like the, I've got no interest
Starting point is 00:43:04 in going back to see any of the action sequences, so they can't have made that much of an impact. I know there's a scene where he shows up in Times Square, and he goes to electrocute people and Spider-Man rescues everybody real quick-like, and that's pretty impressive. Yeah. And that opening scene where he's swinging through the... Sorry, the opening scene is set on a plane where Peter Parker's dad is fighting somebody,
Starting point is 00:43:24 if you remember oh yeah i remember that yeah that's straight off the bat you're like that's wrong you've done that wrong nobody wants to open with this conspiracy theory that nobody cares about exactly but the scene where he's swinging through the city there's a there is a there i think there's a good movie in there somewhere i just don't i i think they they they filmed, from what we can tell, they filmed so much stuff. Yeah. They just filmed hours and hours of footage, and they've just edited it together incorrectly.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yes. Like, they've thrown away some good stuff, and they've put in some boring stuff. Yeah. They clearly had no idea where they wanted it to go. Yep. Maybe somebody had some idea at some point, but they've just...
Starting point is 00:44:03 There's the there's the scene in the exposition van yeah they're just they're all the bad guys sitting in a van and they're just explaining what's
Starting point is 00:44:10 happening in the film because nobody else has any idea because it is it does feel like a series of interconnected scenes I think Andrew Garfield
Starting point is 00:44:17 was fine I think Emma Stone is fine I think the special effects wise it's obviously great like Spider-Man is never that suit is
Starting point is 00:44:23 dead on yep I don't even mind electro as a like the way they portray his powers is pretty good even though it makes no sense where does he get that rubber suit from right yeah why does he turn evil for no reason because spider-man forgot his birthday or something that's right yeah because he's that that that's okay that's what if there's one thing that makes me not want to go, it's that guy who... Yeah, he doesn't...
Starting point is 00:44:49 He couldn't exist in real life. No. He's that kind of uber, super socially awkward, weird dude who... Also, shave your head, man. Yeah, you look great. You're pretty handsome if you just shaved your head. Yeah, totally. Also, the gap in his teeth gets fixed when he becomes electro.
Starting point is 00:45:04 But then again, he can break apart and pull himself together. I guess so, yeah. That's all I'm saying. Did you like the bit where he fell into eels? Oh, he did fall into those eels. I think that's how I'll get my head in the computer. Yeah. He's leaping into some eels.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yeah. Look, I don't hate it. But like you said, I would never go back to it again, probably. Except for that opening scene where he's swinging. That's pretty good. And the plane fight. Oh yeah, I forgot. And that van scene.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And the skipping rocks bit. Yeah, where they just paddle around and skip rocks. The Gwen Stacy's death, though sudden, it was handled well. Yeah, okay. That was fairly comic accurate, except maybe when the web made the hand i guess that oh yeah that was okay it was fine good point next up godzilla oh yes that was pretty good pretty good i liked it wasn't dumb no it wasn't dumb was it it gave the audience more credit they didn't explain the electromagnetic pulse i think that's what you mean when you say
Starting point is 00:46:02 again we did an episode on this one as well. You can go back and check that. I put this in my top five as well. I think I put it as number five for blockbusters. Yeah, I really, really... A lot of people say that it's boring and, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:13 slow-paced and whatever. And look, it is slower-paced than what you... than what people may be expecting. It was slower-paced than, say, Pacific Rim.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Yes. But it's got a really... My favourite film of 2014. It's got a... It's got a really good... It's got a really good payoff, though, I feel. Yeah, definitely. And even though they keep cutting away from the action as it's happening, and... Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I don't know, I liked it a lot. I think if I do go back and re-watch that, I will probably skim a little. Yeah. But I think having... Going into it not knowing what to expect i think the slow burn works yep but if yeah if you go back to it you're not going to sit through that again are you to get to that and there's some excellent daytime action yes which i've not seen before yes a lot of people die as we mentioned there's that bit where they um cat they trick him to eating all that fish in
Starting point is 00:47:00 new york and then they capture him in the bridge i remember that yeah yeah yeah and he's like oh I'm in the bridge look out and Matthew Broderick gives him a little pat on the nose yeah that's it and it was good how they used him
Starting point is 00:47:11 not as a villain they just portrayed him as he's just this force of nature he just balances things out right when something gets out of hand
Starting point is 00:47:18 he comes up he's like let me take care of this and then he disappears yeah yeah after flattening a city yeah several cities yeah pretty good pretty good Let me take care of this. And then he disappears. Yeah, yeah. After flattening a city. Yeah. Several cities.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Yeah. Pretty good. Pretty good. X-Men Days of Future Past. Oh, yes. It's okay. I enjoyed it. I liked it.
Starting point is 00:47:35 You were disappointed after First Class. Yes. Okay. Not disappointed. Apparently, like 90% of Matthew Vaughn's script made it into this movie. The only major thing he said they changed was the Quicksilver was Juggernaut. Everything else was him. Made that super speed scene kind of odd.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Yes. But that bit is the best scene, I feel. I don't really feel... I don't think it's as good as people think it is. I think it's great. I think in... You know what? It it's good now that you've seen it yeah right i think had we but had there been some sort of featurette on the internet prior to the movie being released yeah and they're like here's here's a little preview from days of future past and they showed that scene yeah i reckon
Starting point is 00:48:23 i would have thought the movie was quite bad. Okay. Because that is, again, best scene in the movie. If you show it to me beforehand, you've ruined the film for me. Yep. Fair enough. I mean, there is a lot of other good stuff in it.
Starting point is 00:48:34 The bit where the Sentinels show up at the start and they kill everybody. Yep. And then I think they show up at the end and kill everybody again. Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah. And it's not as Wolverine-focused as a lot of these have been. And Wolverine didn't save the day. Yeah, Wolverine, exactly day like he does every other time
Starting point is 00:48:46 and they still Professor X to Professor X but it felt like for a good reason sort of I guess it's not bad I'm not saying it's bad I'm just saying I don't think it's that good a film okay that's fair
Starting point is 00:48:58 yeah I think the one of the flaws for me I think was that Professor X was walking again okay and i know the idea was that he that you know beast created a serum to give him the use of his legs back and in exchange he lost his telepathic powers and the idea was will he sacrifice his legs again to get them back and save the day blah blah blah blah, blah. But I feel that First Class was definitely leading up to the next film where he is in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Yeah. And I think they were like, you know what, for convenience sake, we need him to be walking. Yeah. Because he has to get into a lot of places where he can't use a wheelchair. Exactly. So we're going to have to contrive some sort of scenario
Starting point is 00:49:37 where he can walk again. Yes. Which I sort of think sort of betrays the finale of First Class a little bit. Exactly. Exactly, Mason. That being said, I'm looking forward to where this universe goes. I'm glad this X-Men universe exists.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Same universe every time. Yeah. Because I don't know. I'm looking forward to X-Men Apocalypse, even though we know that everybody lives. Because it's set in the 80s. Because it's set in the 80s or whatever. And, you know, Channing Tatum will maybe show up as Gambit and whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:01 And they'll have a younger Jean Grey and Sarkozy. Not maybe. You guarantee. I can't guarantee that. but yes okay i do guarantee it but yeah i'm it's good and then you know if i collected blu-rays i'd get it but i don't so yeah i just collect books mason i only read i only read and paint those are my two hobbies oh yeah read and paint yeah listen to vivaldi that's right do you say how to train Your Dragon too? No.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Me neither. Didn't say one either. Apparently it's very good. Oh yes. One's good. Okay. Next. I heard two was not so good, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Really? Yeah. Ah, okay. Fair enough. Who told you that? The internet. Yeah. Which part of it?
Starting point is 00:50:42 All the good parts. Okay, good. The Fault in Our Stars. Nope. Me neither. What was that one about? Cancer? Cancer.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Great. She had carried around. There's a scene in it which I saw. Actually, apparently there's a scene in it where they go to Europe. Oh, yes. And they go to Anne. I'm listening. And they go to Anne Frank's house.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Oh, sure. In Amsterdam. Yeah. Have you been there? What's Anne Frank up to? Not a lot. I don't know if they ever found her. Was she on holiday or something?
Starting point is 00:51:04 No, she's... she just wasn't there. Yeah, she died. But they go in there and I haven't seen this, but apparently this is a scene in there and then they have like a moment and then they start making out in Anne Frank's house and a slow clap starts. Not appropriate?
Starting point is 00:51:23 Wait, in Anne Frank's house? The rest of the people? For those people who don't know, Anne Frank's house, the rest of the people For those people who don't know, Anne Frank was a person in World War II, she had a very famous diary where basically she hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam in this hidden room of a house. And then eventually she was captured
Starting point is 00:51:37 and killed. But her diary remains and it's basically this tale of how she survived World War II. But now the house is basically it's like a shrine to her and she survived yes world war ii but now the house is basically it's like a shrine to her in a museum and you can go through it and visit and you're writing a little visitor's book i went there and i looked i was outside i'm like you know i feel weird about this so i didn't go in right that's just me personally whatever sure but also you were baked i wasn't i wasn't baked but um 4 wasn't baked But 420 bro
Starting point is 00:52:05 It's always 420 somewhere bro That's not true Don't you think that's a little Yeah fair enough Is that off? Is that just me? So what you're saying is that In this film
Starting point is 00:52:14 Yeah And it's in the book as well I think They make out And the other people who are in Anne Frank's house Give them a slow clap Yes Not the audience members of the film No
Starting point is 00:52:23 Okay right Yeah It's weird I'm not saying don't visit Anne Frank's house Of course Whatever But slow clap. Yes. Not the audience members of the film. No. Okay, right. Yeah. It's weird. I'm not saying don't visit Anne Frank's house, of course. Whatever. But I'm saying, I think that's a little... I think you're saying don't visit Anne Frank's house. No, that's just...
Starting point is 00:52:32 Because she's a coward, is what you were saying. Didn't fight the Nazis hid from them. Hid from them, yeah. But anyway, maybe that's just me. Anyway. Edge of tomorrow. Yep, hang on. Do I have thoughts about anne frank's house
Starting point is 00:52:45 probably not yeah edge of our stars nah don't worry about it yeah fault in our stars fault in our stars yeah edge of tomorrow edge of tomorrow enjoyed it a lot that's a good one wasn't it yeah again little over long probably yeah and it kind of wraps up a little too neatly but it's fun it didn't make a lot of money. Do you feel, now that I think about it, that... Because now films tend to be quite long. Like, we're getting a lot of two and a half, three hour films at this point. Yes. Do you think that's hurting their DVD sales?
Starting point is 00:53:16 I don't know. I don't have any facts or figures. So you're saying people are like, I don't want to revisit this. Yeah, I find that. Like, I... Something like, you know, I enjoyed this one. Yeah. It was very good.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I thought the performances were great. The effects were great. Yeah. Premise works. Yep. Like, it doesn't ultimately make that much sense, but it's consistent. Yep.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Which is my rule for it. Yep. But yeah, it was quite long and I don't really want to go through it again. Yeah, fair enough. And that's the case with quite a few of these. Okay. So, if I lent you my Blu-ray copy,
Starting point is 00:53:45 not interested not really no okay snap it in half throw it back in your face it's harsh but yeah no I liked it we did an episode on it
Starting point is 00:53:53 yeah it didn't make that much money and whatever but I think it's one of those ones which people will appreciate yeah over time I mean it
Starting point is 00:53:59 given that it it did quite well I guess given that it's well it's based on a comic yeah and it's not a but it's not a sequel and it's not yeah I guess it given that it's... Well, he's based on a comic. Yeah, but it's not a sequel. I guess it's got star power. Yeah, but even then, I think people are a bit over Tom Cruise at this point.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And you're saying it wasn't as good as Oblivion? I don't think it was, and that's just me. But Oblivion's also about putting a mind in a computer. Oh, yeah. Not really. There's probably elements of it, too. But yeah, no, I like it. Do you see Maleficent? computer. Oh, yeah. Not really. Okay, great. There's probably elements of it, too. But, yeah. No, I like it.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Do you see Maleficent? No. It's all right. Next. Okay, great. 22 Jump Street. Did you see that? Didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:54:32 No, should see it. Pretty good. You told me it's pretty good. Really good, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, it's funny. Okay. We've got a lot, so I'm just burning through this.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Yeah, just burn through them. It's fine. Jersey Boys. If anybody has any thoughts, email us in. No. Okay, don't. You know what? We're quite busy this time of year.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Don't email us in. No, it's fine. If you want to, absolutely. You know what? Actually, if there's something that wasn't a big blockbuster that we don't mention, email in. I would like to hear about it. Maybe it's good.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Jersey Boys. I talked up at the start of the year how I really wanted to see Jersey Boys. Oh, yes? Didn't say it. Great. Did you see the live version? I've seen the live version. It's really good. Well, that's as good as. Yeah. But apparently it's not Jersey Boys. Oh, yes. Didn't say it. Great. Did you see the live version? I've seen the live version. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Well, that's as good as. Yeah. But apparently it's not very good. Okay, great. Never mind. There you go. Move on. Dot Pota.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Oh, yes. We saw that. Yeah. Oh, I missed one. But anyway, we'll come back to that. Okay. It's pretty good, isn't it? Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Yeah. Made my top five also. There you go. It's good fun. No, it's not fun. It's not fun at all. It's harrowing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:25 It's better than Rise of the Planet of the Apes, isn't it? Yes, I think so. Is it better than the original Planet of the Apes? Yes. Is it better than Return to the Planet of the Apes? Yes. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes? Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Planet of the Apes, a TV series? Yes. Yep, you're right. Great. It's better than all those things. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes? Definitely better than that. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:55:40 I don't hate that film. I know everybody else does. I don't hate it. I don't like it, but I just don't hate it. You just know it exists. Yeah, I just know it exists yeah just know it exists thank you i'm neutral i'm tim burton planning the apes neutral it's like being carbon neutral but for a film that everybody likes yes so it um it's so it um i mean even though you know where it's going to go you know it's going to turn south it's still nice seeing the relationships between the apes and the humans
Starting point is 00:56:02 and when you say the relationships between the apes and the humans. And when you say the relationships between the apes and the humans, you mean apes riding horses. It's nice to see apes riding horses. That's what I meant. The CGI is just... It's flawless. God damn it. Like, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:56:14 And maybe in five years we'll look back and go, eh. Right. But at this point in time, you cannot... Well, yeah, because you can't see the seams. You can't see the, you know, whatever. I think also, full credit to Andy Serkis, doing great. Also the guy that played... Coba.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Coba, yeah. Toby Kebbell. There we go. I think we're getting a Fantastic Four movie next year. Because he's in that. He's Doctor Doom. Oh, yeah. And he's an angry hacker or something.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yes. Listener tweeted in and said they met Julian McMahon. Oh, right. Yeah, I saw that. He was Doctor Doom in the original Fantastic Four movies. I have no problem with that at all. No, nice guy. The casting.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I mean, I think those movies are not good, but he's... He's good in it, yeah. He's good, yeah. Yeah, if only they'd give him proper Doctor Doom stuff to do. Yeah. Yeah. And not just a weird plastic mask. He's a Prime Minister's son or something?
Starting point is 00:57:01 Yeah, he is. His father was... Oh, I can't remember. Prime Minister McMahon. Probably. But, no, yeah, his father was a Prime Minister's son or something? Yeah, he is. His father was... I can't remember. Prime Minister McMahon. Probably. But, no, yeah, his father was a Prime Minister, yeah. And so he's Australian, by the way, Julian McMahon. He was in Neighbours.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Not bad Neighbours. Right. But, yeah. But he's probably in bad episodes of Neighbours. Yeah. You mean every episode of Neighbours. That's what I mean, yeah. Dog Boat is great.
Starting point is 00:57:21 God see it. Looking forward to the sequel. Maybe they said Cobra might come back Even though we saw him Spin into that black tunnel Yeah but he's got Monkey strength Oh yeah He'd probably catch a thing
Starting point is 00:57:30 Yeah Swing around on a pipe Like a banana For strength Yeah absolutely And then eat it And then fly out of there Like a monkey
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah absolutely I missed I skipped over Transformers He copped He survived a lot of beatings He did didn't he Yeah you're right Probably be back
Starting point is 00:57:43 There was a lot of ape beatings In that wasn't there yeah remember that bit where he picked up that guy the ape and threw him off the balcony
Starting point is 00:57:48 yeah I remember that that was fucked up yeah good movie yeah Transformers Age of Extinction good movie no
Starting point is 00:57:56 no not good no certainly terrible look I haven't gone back and watched it no why would you Stanley Tucci yeah
Starting point is 00:58:04 that bit where Optimus Prime is the truck version from the cartoons okay Look, I haven't gone back and watched it. No, why would you? Stanley Tucci. Yeah. That bit where Optimus Prime is the truck version from the cartoons. Okay. What about the bit where Optimus Prime says, I'll kill you, I'll kill all of you? Oh, he briefly goes mad. I remember that, yeah. Yeah, okay. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:58:22 How about when they build the new version of the Transformers and their transforming effect is really bad? Yep. How about that? Go back to that, right? Yeah. What about the bit where every Transformer acts like a child? Yep, that's pretty good. Remember that bit where Stanley Tucci's on a roof and he drinks a whole bunch of milk or whatever it is?
Starting point is 00:58:33 Pretty good. Remember the bit where they let the dinosaurs just run off into the forest at the end? And we never see him again? Yeah. And we'll literally never see him on film again? Yeah. Great. Remember the bit where Mark Wahlberg is upset that that Irish dude is sleeping with his
Starting point is 00:58:44 teenage daughter? He's an underage teenage daughter, but then he produces the card, which says he can. Yep. And he's fine with it. And he's fine with it, yep. He's got that legal loophole. Remember that bit where Optimus Prime goes,
Starting point is 00:58:53 I'm going to fly into space at the end, and then he flies into space. So he's got the capacity to fly into space. Yes. Like, release from the bounds of Earth's orbit, even though that probably would have come in handy at some other points during the film. Because in other movies, he's had to have like wings on his back.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah, yeah. God damn it, man. Yeah. Would have come in handy. It's all I'm saying. You can just do it. Remember that bit where Mark Wahlberg got angry in the street, so he cracked that Bud Light and necked it?
Starting point is 00:59:18 Oh, yeah. I remember that. Yeah, drink in the streets, mate. Good stuff. I think somebody crashed through a Victoria's Secret bus. Oh, yeah. I remember that. Because product placement yeah
Starting point is 00:59:26 remember that bit where the that bad transforming effect was used to show all the different product placement like it was turning into
Starting point is 00:59:33 different product headphones and stuff yeah I remember that remember that bit where they were wondering why when they downloaded Megatron's brain
Starting point is 00:59:41 and then they kept putting it into a transformer body that it kept turning into Megatron yeah remember that bit yeah and they were like oh well better keep building it even though it keeps turning into Megatron's brain and then they kept putting it into a transformer body that it kept turning into Megatron yeah yeah remember that bit yeah and they were like oh well better keep building it even though it keeps turning into Megatron remember that bit where they said he keeps trying to destroy earth remember that bit where they said transformers have the soul but
Starting point is 00:59:55 they took out Megatron's soul and he was Galvatron but he was still fine yeah yeah I remember that I remember some heaps of bits in it yeah remember that bit where the race car driver turns up and then he uses his car to punch that dude in the face as he jumps? Oh yeah, that government agent. Remember when he
Starting point is 01:00:09 didn't know what the affiliation of that government agent was? Yes. Or what Mark Wahlberg had done. Remember that bit
Starting point is 01:00:15 where he didn't even think, well maybe Mark Wahlberg makes meth in his barn? Or built a bomb or something?
Starting point is 01:00:20 Because he's clearly a weird lunatic. Mad scientist, exactly, yeah, but he just killed that
Starting point is 01:00:24 government agent by just crushing his neck with a car. I remember that bit. So now he's a murderer, technically. Remember that bit where the guy who owns the theatre at the start is quite camp? Yes. And Mark Wahlberg was like, get out of my way, sissy, kind of thing. Like, your old man's the best and you're a pansy kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I remember that. Yeah. Remember that bit where he's talking to the theatre owner and the theatre owner's like, everything's 3D, this and sequel that. And as if that's a justification because you've acknowledged what you're making and that makes this movie okay. Yeah, hanging a lantern on it. It doesn't make it okay.
Starting point is 01:00:58 It doesn't, exactly. Just because you acknowledge it doesn't make it okay. What a shit film. Yeah. Yeah. But we're going to be treated to What a shit film. Yeah. Yeah. But we're going to be treated to at least two more. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Great. Guardians of the Galaxy. Oh yeah? It's pretty good. I enjoyed that one. It's one of my faves. Yeah. Was it your fave?
Starting point is 01:01:17 I've since spoken to a good number of people who didn't enjoy that film. Really? And that's fair. That's fine. Okay. But again,
Starting point is 01:01:23 I did say when we reviewed it, I defy people not to like it. You did say did say that people did defy me in many ways i uh i was listening to a crack podcast recently and the people on it but david wong specifically was talking about steal some of their ideas definitely that podcast probably does well yeah so uh he was saying that he didn't enjoy it that much because he basically saw the way that it was a mishmash of other, like, your Han Solo characters and your Nena Jones and your whatever, and it's all meshed into this one movie. But I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:53 I think a lot of movies try to do that not successfully, but this is an example of somebody doing that well. Uh-huh. Yeah. Remember that bit where you ran over that guy's face? I don't know how you did that. It's pretty good, yeah. Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 01:02:06 Was it your favourite Marvel movie of the year? Of the year? Well, there's only two. There's really only two. Well, of the MCU. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:19 I feel like as well, it's a movie where you can show people who don't know anything about comic book movies. Yes. As almost, maybe not a jumping off point, because it's not really connected to anything else. I mean, it's loosely. Yep. But I think, yeah, I think the reason it did so well is because it's not connected to anything else. And anybody can just go in and see that. You don't have to know who S.H.I.E.L.D. are.
Starting point is 01:02:40 You don't have to know who Batroc the Leaper is. But it helps. Yeah. You don't have to know who Mr. Computer Man is. No. The computer. Exactly. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:49 No, I mean, we did a whole episode on it. It's pretty good. Yeah. Let's. I've actually, I have watched that twice. So, actually at the cinema, which I rarely do. So, that was pretty good. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Here's one. Oh, yes. Hercules. The Rock one. Oh, yes. Hercules. The Rock one. Oh, yes. I like that movie. Yeah, me too. Weird, right?
Starting point is 01:03:09 Yeah. Do you feel bad about it? Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, me too. What's going on there? Is it the Rock that makes it good? Is it the CGI dogs? Well, name somebody else in that film.
Starting point is 01:03:19 William Hurt. John Hurt. One of the Hurts. One of the Hurts. Sure, one of the Hurt brothers. Yeah. What's his name? The dude who was in bloody cowboy tv show clint eastwood yeah clint eastwood no he's in bloody deadwood it's a good film it is a good film it's weird because there's a brett ratner film man but
Starting point is 01:03:38 it's just good fun you know it was fun it was fast paced yep a little bit of a twist whatever yeah yeah a little twisty. Yeah. Good. The rock's great and everything. Yep. The comic is actually... It's actually based on a comic.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Uh-huh. Which they stole that, didn't they steal it? Oh, they did too, yeah. Yeah. Well, they said... The guy who wrote it is like, I don't want to make this into a film. Yeah. And then he died.
Starting point is 01:03:58 And then... So they did. Yeah. Steve Moore was his name. Steve Moore, yeah. And he was good. Was he Alan Moore's mentor? Is that right?
Starting point is 01:04:04 Or good friend at least? They're friends, yeah. Yeah, no relation. But yeah. Yeah, it's good. You like... yeah. And he was good. Was he Alan Moore's mentor? Is that right? Or good friend at least. They're friends, yeah. No relation, but yeah. Yeah, it's good. You like, oh, you love this one. Lucy. I didn't love it. I haven't seen it yet.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Look, ideas-wise, it was good. You just crossed your arms. It's like you've got to give someone a stern talking to. Ideas-wise, it was good, I think. But it didn't really go anywhere No I'd imagine if you activated all of your brain at once I think I've said this before
Starting point is 01:04:31 You would just shit yourself and you'd die I think that's how it would happen Oh that's right And it's based on the incorrect premise That we only use 10% of our brains Yeah So And you know there's a lecturer
Starting point is 01:04:41 Giving that as a lecture in a university hall. Yeah. And people aren't like, no, you're a crackpot. Yeah. So, look, I saw it at a drive-in. Yeah. I probably also didn't get the full experience. Yeah, the full experience.
Starting point is 01:04:58 But there wasn't, there's not a huge amount of crazy visual effects or anything like that. Some good Kung Fu? I wish it were better. No, really. It's a bit light, did you say? The Kung Fu's a bit light and floaty. Did you say that? Ah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Or no consequence? There's no impact, really, yeah. Can't she, like, levitate stuff by the end and, like, break apart a gun with her mind and stuff? Oh, yeah. All that kind of stuff. Well, I'll check that out. I won't.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Teenage Mutant Ninja- I might go back to it. I'll go back to it and see if it's any good. You're going to regret that. I know. I think I'm going to skim. You hated that. I might go back to it. I'll go back to it and see if it's any good. You're going to regret that. I know. I think I'm going to skim. You hated that. I'm going to skim to the telekinetic effects.
Starting point is 01:05:31 I think you should just skim just to the bits where Morgan Freeman's explaining how the brain works. Yeah, definitely. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Didn't say it. Everybody hates it. You thought it was okay. It's okay. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:42 I don't think it's any worse than a lot of the other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies. Right. I'm not saying it's better than the original. I can't compare it because that came out for me when I was all over that shit, man. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. But I think it's not that bad. And I don't know...
Starting point is 01:05:56 It's people who are like, they ruined my childhood. No. They ruined my childhood of purchasing products. Remember when all the they all the advertisements said buy teenage mutant ninja turtle toys and i did and then i played with them all and they said get all the other accessories and the turtle but i did and then i watched a cartoon that wasn't very good and then a movie which was kind of okay and then they dropped off in quality quite rapidly and then i bought more toys and then i outgrew it and I didn't think about it for a long time. And then they produced a new version and I hate it.
Starting point is 01:06:25 They ruined my childhood. Shut up. Shut up. It's fine. And you know what? The other thing is, well, I can't speak for every kid, but my brother's kids saw it and they loved it. You know what? Have some memories of Whittle in a forest.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Whittle in a boat. Yes. Or catching frogs down by the fishing hole. Yeah, exactly. And you know what? I don't love the design. I don't love the movie. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:48 But it's not that bad. Are the turtles all CGI all the time? Yep. There's no... No. Okay. And you know, Splinter learns his martial arts from a book or whatever. People are angry about that.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Right. The whole thing's stupid. You should have learned it from MMA videos on YouTube. Like, the whole thing is stupid. Let's not kid ourselves. And it's got magic blood in it as well. Oh, great. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Roberto Warky. Expendables 3. Crap. Totally. Remember that time? There wasn't even anything memorable happening in it. Callan Lutz does the jump to the building.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Remember that time that Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson hated each other and they wanted to kill each other, but then for some reason they just dropped their guns at the end and had like a knife fight or a fist fight or whatever that was? I remember that. Yeah. It was completely bloodless.
Starting point is 01:07:34 I remember that. You remember the time when one of them was a BMX guy and he BMX'd off a building or whatever? Do you remember the time when they had that montage of different clothes? Oh, I do remember that. That weird Aztec fashion parade or whatever it was. Yeah, I remember the time when they had that montage of different clothes. Oh, I do remember that. That weird Aztec fashion parade or whatever it was. Yeah, I remember that. When Kelsey Grammer and Sylvester Sloan went all over the world and wore different Guayabera shirts.
Starting point is 01:07:53 That was the best part of that movie. That was definitely. Like a big brown leather coat he might wear. Oh, so good. So rugged. It's like they went to like... I don't even know. Like they went to a... I'm trying to think. It's like a cool to like... I don't even know. Like they went to a...
Starting point is 01:08:06 I'm trying to think. It's like a cool store that your dad thinks is a cool store maybe. Yeah, like not even an Ed Hardy. But they went to like a below Ed Hardy. Like a non-branded Ed Hardy. And were like, I need cool dad clothes. We need rugged clothes. And the person behind the counter went, rugged?
Starting point is 01:08:19 Okay. You know. And you feel about Aztec sweaters. Yeah, they're like parodies of rugged man clothes it was great I do remember that part remember that part where
Starting point is 01:08:30 can't even think of any I wish we could do this for all of these but I can't there wasn't even any memorable parts in it no that time when
Starting point is 01:08:36 Terry Crews has like that weird CGI minigun oh yeah and it's no good remember that time when nobody dies in that movie yeah remember that time
Starting point is 01:08:44 where they just everybody just just runs and shoots and all the generic bad guys just die under waves of bullets and they can never hit anyone? You remember that part? Remember that time when, at the end, it's implied that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jet Li are gay? I did.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Everybody laughed. Everybody laughed. Yeah, I remember that. I did. Everybody laughed. Everybody laughed. Yep, I remember that. Remember the part where Sylvester Stallone is like,
Starting point is 01:09:12 I love my crew so much. I love the Expendables so much, but I can't risk their lives. I'm going to get a crew that I don't care about. And then he immediately starts to care too much about his new crew. Then they all get captured. Then he has to rescue them. Then he has to get his old crew to rescue the new crew. Yeah, I remember that, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Remember when Jason Statham says, I now pronounce you man and knife? Knife, yep. I remember that. Pretty great. Yep. Yeah, because there's that bit where he throws the knife
Starting point is 01:09:35 and the guy just moves out of the way. Yeah. And it's like, you could have killed that guy. Oh, yeah. Like, and it wasn't, like, because they were on the same team because it was the new Expendables
Starting point is 01:09:43 facing off the old Expendables Giving each other the eyes Mate Yeah yeah And then he throws that knife And he just misses it Yeah yeah Like he would have
Starting point is 01:09:50 Killed that guy He could have accidentally Murdered a guy Who'd done nothing to him ever Remember that time When Wesley Snipes was crazy Yes And he was in prison
Starting point is 01:09:56 And he had a big afro Yes Yeah I remember that And they acknowledge His tax fraud in it I guess Yeah But he actually did Commit tax fraud
Starting point is 01:10:04 He did didn't he Didn't he? Didn't he? Yeah. I remember that in real life. Yeah. This universe. What a shit film. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Except for the montage. Except for the college montage. That was my favourite. The Maze Runner. You haven't seen it? No. Let's have someone see it. If not, whatever.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Okay. Gone Girl. Not a blockbuster, no. Uh-huh. Great movie. Didn't see it. Didn't see it. People...
Starting point is 01:10:24 Look, I was recommended by literally everybody. Yep. And then a couple of people were like, maybe I don't recommend it for various reasons. Okay, sure. And I'm like, okay, now. And then I got caught in a web of indecision. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:34 And then you probably made me see The Expendables or whatever. And then I didn't see it. So I'll get to it. It's on my list. Yeah, it's good. That's good. It's pretty messed up. But it's good.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Dracula Untold. I nearly said Dracula Girl would you see a movie called Dracula Girl yeah I would absolutely and it's like clueless but
Starting point is 01:10:51 they're vampires I would say that I think there's a movie about where there's like they're Draculas at college it's called Vampire Academy I know they're not called Dracula
Starting point is 01:10:58 it's a thing that we say but yeah it's Vampire Academy that's a TV series I think really I think it's a movie or a book it doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:11:06 Dracula Untold was not good it wasn't good there were some okay bits yeah have we mentioned should we talk about yeah we should talk about this
Starting point is 01:11:14 so we got like prior to it coming like it wasn't coming out for a couple of months and we got an email from some promo company
Starting point is 01:11:22 legendary I think it was a company representing legendary pictures like their PR company for for Australia and they said We got an email from some promo company. Legendary. It might have been Legendary Pictures or someone. I think it was a company representing Legendary Pictures. Like their PR company for Australia. Yeah. And they said, hey, you guys do interviews. Do you guys want to interview some of the stars? Like Luke Evans and whatever.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Yeah. They said, do you want to interview Luke Evans and the main female star and the guy from Game of Thrones and the director? And we're like, kind of... We don't do interviews. We're kind of busy. And they kept sort of emailing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:53 And we're like, why are they emailing us about this? Like, why are they emailing podcasts about a legendary pictures production? Like, which presumably would have a lot of marketing push or whatever. And we're like, okay, whatever. Keep it going. And you were kind of busy. So I was emailing them back or whatever. And we're like, okay, whatever, keep it going. And you were kind of busy, so I was emailing you back or whatever. And I'm like, okay, look, ideally, I don't really know the Game of Thrones guy,
Starting point is 01:12:14 so I don't really want to talk to that guy. But I'll talk to the other guys and I'm like, ah, wracking my brain trying to think of questions. Because you would have had to do it over Skype as well. And I'm like, are they going to be in town? Because I would rather interview them live. I don't really like talking back to people over Skype because it doesn't work for me. Even though we do this over Skype.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Yeah, we're Skyping right now. In the same room. Yeah, I mean, yeah. And, you know, it kind of ruins the timing, so you can't, you know, I don't want to do a dry interview because I'm sure they're sick of that. Oh, they're just getting,
Starting point is 01:12:38 they're doing like 100 a day. Yeah, exactly. I don't want to do that, but I also, like, I would like to do something kind of fun and funny, but you can't do that over Skype kind of thing. So I'm like, okay, whatever. Look, want to do that but i also like i would like to do something kind of fun and funny but you can't do that over skype kind of thing so i'm like okay whatever look i'll do that i'll talk to these guys or whatever and he's like no it's going to be i'll buy skype i'm like fine and i'm like you know talking to some of my friends like what what like these i'm not and i
Starting point is 01:12:58 have to be like okay there's this film called dracula untold coming out and they're like what and i'm like okay there's a new dracula film What are some questions I can ask people who are in a Dracula film that I haven't heard a billion times? And I'm like, you know, writing some stuff down or whatever, and I'm like, this still isn't going to be any good or whatever. And then I email the guy, and I'm like, fine, you know, we'll talk to this guy, whatever. And he's like, how fast can you turn this around?
Starting point is 01:13:18 And I'm like, well, we do a podcast, and it's kind of out the next day or whatever, we can do it within it. And he's like, great. And he's like, okay, fine. Now, just so we can put you at the top of the queue, just send us some examples of some interviews you've done. And I just left it. I'm like, we haven't done any interviews.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Like, we can't. Surely you contacted us. Exactly, yeah. What do you want from us? We don't care whether we talk to the guys from Dracula Untold. No, we're not. Exactly. And so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:44 And then we didn't get anything back I'm just like look we just sort of pal around yeah and that's it that's it
Starting point is 01:13:50 yeah so and yeah we never got anything back and they never set a date so hence we will
Starting point is 01:13:54 never do an interview yeah because if it's like that every time not worth it not worth it
Starting point is 01:13:58 exactly yeah yeah great I'll do one I'll do one live okay sure look here's the idea the premise what was if they were going to do it live what they were going to do is I'll do one live okay sure look here's the idea the premise
Starting point is 01:14:06 what was if they were gonna do it live what they were gonna do is I was gonna they were gonna come you know because they like to do the press junkets yeah
Starting point is 01:14:12 so they're in the room they just sit in chairs and then like journalists come in and out everybody has five minutes and then you get the tape or whatever you get the video
Starting point is 01:14:19 I was gonna show up in like like Leslie Nielsen dead and loving it Dracula you know like with the white tie and tails and like there's a red dead and loving it Dracula. You know, like the white tie and tails and like there's a red sash
Starting point is 01:14:27 and like the fangs and the slicked back hair. Like I don't, like the premise would be that I don't know what kind of Dracula film this is. Like I haven't seen a Dracula movie in 20 years, so I don't know. But alas, can't do that over Skype. I guess you can do it over Skype.
Starting point is 01:14:42 No, because they would have, you would have, it would have been a phone Skype. Yeah, true. So you would have had to explain what you were wearing. True. Anyway, that's why
Starting point is 01:14:49 we'll never do any interviews because we don't have a track. We don't care. We don't have a track record of doing interviews. No. So we can't show anyone any interviews.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Yeah. So they won't let us do any interviews. And it seems like a lot of effort. It seems like it's a lot of effort. Yeah. Anyway, now I understand why they wanted to do so
Starting point is 01:15:06 many interviews with so many outlets and like podcasts and so many relevant podcasts because it wasn't very good fair look it was there was an interesting elements there was that bit where the game begun oh yeah if you recall correctly so at the end at the end it's it cuts to modern day like we think drac do we think dracula's died he's back he's back he's back that's right he's back So at the end, it cuts to modern day. Do we think Dracula's died? He's back. He's back. That's right.
Starting point is 01:15:29 He's back. And then we cut to hundreds of years in the future, the modern day. And Dracula is in the daylight and he's just palling around at a cafe. And he sees a girl who looks like he's lost love. And he's like, hello, let's go on a date or whatever. And then they walk away and then we see Game of Thrones guy who is the villainous mentor. Charles Dance. Charles Dance. And he's in a suit and he's not an Osferatu vampire, he's just a regular guy.
Starting point is 01:15:56 And he's like, the game begins. So, A, what were they doing for 500 years? What happened in that interim? Yeah. Why is he... Yeah, anyway. 500 years what happened in that interim yeah why see yeah anyway and clearly the idea was
Starting point is 01:16:08 they're trying to build an Avengers but it's the famous monsters yeah it's Dracula and Frankenstein and
Starting point is 01:16:14 the mummy and I guess Frankenstein's monster mace whatever we'll get emails it's an assortment of Draculas
Starting point is 01:16:20 and a Frankenstein and a mummy and a mummy and a wolf boy. Yeah, a wolf man. And I guess the creature from the Black Lagoon? Yeah. I don't know, maybe.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Yeah, he'd be a real charismatic dude. Absolutely. Aquaman of the series. Anyway, that's not going to happen now at this point. Some of it was okay. Yeah. I thought some of it was kind of clever. Visually, a lot of it was quite...
Starting point is 01:16:42 The fighting, not as much. They tried to do some stuff. There's that bit with the reflection in the sword. Didn't work at all. Didn't work at all. The bat punch was quite good. Yep, but that was overused, I think. There was a lot of bat punching.
Starting point is 01:16:51 The bit where he climbs the mountain and you see the cape flowing. It's very kind of Castlevania. That's pretty good. And also, why does he go into that cave and there's all the bones there and stuff? We talked about this. When the Dracula in that cave could have just given the powers to anybody. Yeah, he's been waiting for somebody to do what Dracula did. Like, get the Dracula powers and then drink some innocent human blood.
Starting point is 01:17:16 And then Charles Dance is released from his prison. Yeah. So he can wreak vengeance on his enemies from the past. Or sit in a cafe. Or sit in a cafe, presumably. Whichever he wants to do. But he could, like, there's so many bones. Like, he could have, there was clearly hundreds of adventurers and whatever have shown up to explore this cave.
Starting point is 01:17:35 He could have just given the powers to anybody. Someone with really low moral fiber would immediately go out and drink human blood. Yes. Because that's what you want to do. And then he'd be released. And maybe it was. He'd have 500 years extra time. And maybe they were waiting
Starting point is 01:17:45 for a specific person. And he does kind of say that, but why did he try and kill him immediately when he first came in? That's a good point, isn't it? Maybe you have to wait for them to come back on their own free will. Prophecy.
Starting point is 01:17:55 I don't like it. I don't like any of that. Anyway, it's crap, isn't it? Yeah, anyway, everybody in it's fine. Yeah, Luke Evans is good and you know what? They do some interesting stuff
Starting point is 01:18:03 with the silver. Yeah, I thought that was good. That was quite good. It was good, yeah. Yeah, Luke Evans is good. And you know what? They do some interesting stuff with the silver. Yeah, I thought that was good. That was quite good. That was good. Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty balled. Yeah, so it doesn't become like... Because otherwise it would have been a completely one-sided fight.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Yeah. Like it would have been one punch. Yeah. One bat punch. One bat punch. Yeah. Like I said, it's pretty balls. Yeah, it's balls.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Fury. Seen it? No. I mean, yeah, it's supposed to be good. John Wick. Been released for free on the internet, though. Fury, has it? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:24 They leaked it. Of course, yeah. John Wick. We wouldn't know anything about that, though. We don't even have the internet. Yeah, that's supposed to be good. John Wick. Been released for free on the internet, though. Fury, has it? Oh, yeah, they leaked it. Of course, yeah. John Wick. We wouldn't know anything about that, though. We don't even have the internet. Yeah, that's right. In Australia. John Wick.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Apparently amazing. Okay, so, yeah, look. It was okay. Okay. I think maybe because it was first-time director. Yeah. And this has been a year of, like, first-time directors doing good stuff. I think they wanted to lump this in.
Starting point is 01:18:49 And it was okay. Action was pretty good. You get the sense that Keanu Reeves has retained his movie kung fu from The Matrix. He's good at doing action. 50 that dude, I think. Yeah, yeah. It was pretty good. Probably won't go back.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Will I say it? Yeah, you'll say it okay Interstellar yeah everybody loves it I thought it was okay I don't think everybody
Starting point is 01:19:13 loves it at all good okay well I read an article today which is like this is so incredible and then all the haters came out and they hate it
Starting point is 01:19:19 because they're just what you do is you hate a thing that's amazing I thought it was fine I see I really enjoyed it yeah okay on the plus side alright because you're a bloody hater amazing. I thought it was fine. I see. I really enjoyed it. Yeah, okay. On the plus side.
Starting point is 01:19:26 All right. Because you're a bloody hater, mate. I know, I'm a hater. But at the same time, I can understand why somebody would not be that into it. Yeah. It's just got all the elements for me that I enjoy. So that's why I like it. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:19:36 And. Look, I think he just over. I thought he did the human drama as well. Nolan did the human drama as well as he could. Yep. Because he's a robot. Because he's a robot. A British robot. Which is the human drama as well. Nolan did the human drama as well as he could. Yep, because he's a robot. Because he's a robot. A British robot.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Which is the worst kind of robot. But I think he overreached in the third act. And I think a lot of it is very... I think the third act is very contrived. It doesn't make a lot of sense. And as we mentioned before, it doesn't work. Like if you apply any kind of logic to that last act, it doesn't make any sense. I would argue that it does work.
Starting point is 01:20:07 All right, here we go. You ready? No, I don't want to do this. Okay, fine, we'll talk about it another time. All right. There's two scenarios in which it works. One is the people from the future. It's actually a parallel universe,
Starting point is 01:20:19 because otherwise, if humanity died in the past, they could go back in time. Or option two is humanity survives on its own yep and then in a different way and then they do it
Starting point is 01:20:34 and then somebody in the future decides they're going to tinker with the past because they just didn't like it give them a leg up give them a leg up for no reason so they're like
Starting point is 01:20:42 humanity survives anyway the other option is which people don't like, which I think was actually what they were going for, that time doesn't exist on a linear plane. I know we've talked about this. And that everything, it's only exists because we observe it to be existing and everything's actually happening at the same time.
Starting point is 01:20:58 So there's no past and present. Everything is occurring at the same time, which is why in that pocketbook shelf dimension, everything was occurring at the same time. So is why in that pocketbook shelf dimension, everything was occurring at the same time. Right. So there's no nobody coming back in the future because everything is happening concurrently. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Oh, I've got like 20 minutes, so... Shit. All right. Okay. Big Hero 6, it's fine. Haven't seen it. Hunger Games, it's fine. Yep.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Exodus, haven't seen it. Hobbit, haven't seen it. We might do a small episode next week on the Hobbit Hobbit maybe we'll either skip next week entirely or we'll do the Hobbit okay right just the Hobbit
Starting point is 01:21:30 don't leave people that option yeah okay we'll skip it some movies I want to see Grand Budapest Hotel I'm like halfway through I want to finish it Chef
Starting point is 01:21:39 Chef is great I've heard yeah Birdman I want to see and Nightcrawler I want to see Nightcrawler's great Whiplash is also great alright
Starting point is 01:21:46 what are we reading what are we going to read I'm doing the thing what are we reading today what are you reading what I'm going to read because I didn't
Starting point is 01:21:58 this has been out for a couple of weeks but I didn't know Black Mirror White Christmas is out what yeah it's been out since the 16th
Starting point is 01:22:04 shit a brick mason I know right I didn't know that yeah well apparently that's out. What? Yeah, it's been out since the 16th. Shit, a brick mason. I know, right? I didn't know that. Yeah. Well, apparently, that's what the bloody Wikipedia... I've got so much work to do. I can't watch that today.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Yeah. God damn it. Yeah, that's right. Okay, great. I'm reading Injustice. I'll talk about it another week. Apparently, it's very good. It's very good.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Somebody non-nerdy comic book, he said, hey, I'm reading Injustice and it's really good. So there you go. Who? Ronnie Chang, comedian Ronnie Chang. He's great, man. Yeah. He's a funny, really good. So there you go. Who? Ronnie Chang, comedian Ronnie Chang.
Starting point is 01:22:25 He's great, man. Yeah. He's a funny, funny dude. Yeah, yeah. Okay, this is from James. Can I be the official James of the podcast? Yes. He's from New Zealand.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Do you want to suggest a comic series, Madman, for what we read and what we're going to read? It's an image comic series that's... Is it a spin-off of Madman, but it's just one of them? Well, it does have awesome 60s style. Oh, yes. Colourful as fuck artwork, random storylines, and it's pretty funny. That's from James. Sorry for skimming over your emails style. Oh, yes. Colourful as fuck artwork, random storylines and it's pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:22:46 That's from James. Sorry for skimming over your email, James. That's fine. Mad Men. We don't have a lot of time for various reasons. There was a comic book in the 90s called Crazy Man.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Oh, I was talking about... He was just a crazy man. He's just crazy. He doesn't really have any superhuman powers. They just drop him into hot zones and he kills people
Starting point is 01:23:02 because he's crazy. Do we want to maybe save... It's usually a go. Maybe I'll save these letters for next week. Nah, throw them in real quick. All right, quick go. Hey, guys. Just wondering if you can please give a happy Christmas, New Year's shout out to my super
Starting point is 01:23:11 awesome boyfriend, Paul Rolfe from the Isle of White. Yeah, the Isle of White. Yeah. He's literally your biggest fan. Like, tall wise. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. Well, shout out.
Starting point is 01:23:21 I don't know your name or his name, but absolutely. Amy and Paul. Hey, Paul. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Yeah. goodness yeah well shout out i don't know your name or his name but absolutely amy and paul hey paul merry christmas happy new year yeah also amy thank you for adding to our list of female listeners yay there's another one what again sorry i'm skimming over these dear uh james and nick my name is rachel hey rachel and i thought because james got a baby named after him that nick should get someone named after him so i may I present Maso the kitten. I'll show you the picture. It's a kitten.
Starting point is 01:23:47 They've called it Maso. That's the best. Thanks, guys. By the way, I'd like to be the official kitten of the podcast. By the way, you're a dickhead, James. Ha! That one's all for me. I love it.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Well, this is going to be a long one. Maybe we'll come back to this another time. But just got done listening to your Festivus episode and I can't help wonder why you didn't mention that Ridley Scott's Blade Runner replicant scandal. Is that set at Christmas? Maybe. Don't remember.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Like dystopian future Christmas. Definitely. What are your thoughts on Deckard being a replicant? Okay, now... There's a number of theories. There is. Harrison Ford thinks... That he isn't.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Right. Ridley Scott thinks that he isn't right Ridley Scott thinks that he is depending what cut you watch depends on whether he is or he isn't
Starting point is 01:24:32 yep if he comes back in the new one and he's old he could either be a replicant or not depending if they age yep
Starting point is 01:24:39 or not because that hasn't been established we don't know the first one I saw was I think the director's cut yeah with the narration taken out and in it uh he has a dream of a unicorn yeah and then he's given
Starting point is 01:24:50 an origami piece of a unicorn yeah it's very highly implied that he is yes yes and i think that's what really scott says so i'd say probably is if you take the guy who made the movie's word for sure and the book is it in the book he said that he's a replicant? I can't remember. I can't remember. Is Kurt Russell's soldier a replicant? He's a soldier. Yeah, he is, isn't he? He's a Kurt Russell. What more do you want?
Starting point is 01:25:12 He's combined the two greatest things in the universe. Now, last week you screwed me by saying that, can everybody email it if you're the youngest listener? Oh, yes. And the oldest. Didn't get any oldest. I don't think people want to admit to being the oldest. People want to be the youngest a lot of
Starting point is 01:25:26 people saying i'm 13 i'm 14 or whatever which is young uh-huh but i've got here hey guys love the show i wanted to nominate my 10 year old son uh joshua j-o-s-y-a-h how do you spell that how do you say that sorry again j-o-s-y-a-h joshua yeah joshua yeah as the official youngest listener of the weekly planet podcast he goes by the aliases jojo jojo or pixel that's cool which is a nod to his geekdom and gaming prowess we listen weekly on our drives and never miss the show this is the first year this is his first year as a serious comic book collector and he's already a hundred plus issues deep he's reading iron fist mr marvel and even the story arc in the Spider-Verse and can't wait to see Peter or Miles
Starting point is 01:26:07 join the MCU. I've attached a couple of pictures of him. I'll show you those as well. He's got sweet costumes. There's one where he's standing next to a Lego Superman. Love it. Sweet. Mr. Marvel, good choice for kids I think. Yeah, I know. There's one... Spider-Verse maybe not so much. A lot of brutal murders in that. Whatever. I'm not judging. Don't judge.
Starting point is 01:26:23 I'm not judging. Bloody judging. I love it. I would have read that at nine? Whatever. I'm not judging. Don't judge. I'm not judging. Bloody judging. I love it. I would have read that at nine. I swear I did this podcast. I'm sorry. I've got to stop swearing. Nah. Swear more.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Swear less, kids. Ha. There's one in the homemade Mar-Vell costume. The kid loves to cosplay. Every chance he gets. Keep up the good work, fellas. You're our number one source for the latest comic book news and casting rumours. I hope not.
Starting point is 01:26:44 We're bad at it, but yeah. You keep up the good work. I'm pointing at myself. It's my daily affirmation. By the way, we saw Maze Runner and the kid Dylan O'Brien looks like the perfect pick for Peter Parker. We'd love to hear your thoughts. A perfect pick for Peter Parker?
Starting point is 01:27:00 Yes. How delightful. Do you know who he is? He's pretty close. I think he would you know who he is? he's pretty close I think he would be a good choice I kind of would like because we've mentioned this before I would like to see
Starting point is 01:27:14 we have said that I've said in the past that Andrew Garfield you know you maybe want Andrew Garfield because we're familiar with the character and we're familiar with the Avengers characters so to bring them all together. But maybe if there's just a guy,
Starting point is 01:27:30 like a kind of young teen guy in the film and you see him just throughout the film for a little bit and then he, like, you know, the world needs to step up to save the universe or whatever and he masks up and it's Spider-Man. I think that would actually be quite good. That would be amazing. That would be quite good.
Starting point is 01:27:43 All right, I've changed my mind. Okay. Maybe I'll change've changed my mind. Okay. Maybe I'll change it back next week. Who knows? Yeah. Cheers. That's an Australian thing, right? It is an Australian thing.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Yeah. Cheersing. Yeah. They do it other places, I'm sure. It's probably British. We probably stole it from the British. Also, get a dog up here. Get a dog up here.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Sometimes it's hard to tell whether an Australianism, like an Australian slang term, is a real authentic one or one that's just been made up in the last couple of years. Like get a dog up you? Like get a dog up you. Yeah. I'm pretty sure that's been made up.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Probably. Yeah. You're probably right. Abe and Jojo from Jersey. Thanks, guys. Thanks, Jojo. You're winning the youngest listener. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:28:20 So well done. That's the show for this week. Now, as I said, maybe an episode next week. I'm going away for New Year's. Are you going away? What are you doing? Working.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Working real hard. I know, right? So there might be an episode next week. Depends. And if we do, it'll be a very, very short one. And then the week after that. We start it every week, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Three hours long. And a week after that, we'll do most anticipated movies of the year. Hooray! Give me an example of one. Avengers Age of Ultron. Oh, yeah. Ant-Man. I'm most anticipating both of those.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Fantastic Four. Not that one, though. Rise of the Silver Surfer. Oh, watch that again. No, there's a stack, man. Jurassic World. Oh, yeah. Star Wars.
Starting point is 01:29:03 We don't need to do this episode. We've just done it. We've just done it. Let's take stack, man. Jurassic World. Oh, yeah. Star Wars. We don't need to do this episode. It's named it. We've just done it. We've just done it. Let's take two weeks off. Yeah, we'll just cut that off and then we'll take a couple of weeks off. Great.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Thanks to the Bruton and Bastlisk for the themes. Oh, absolutely. They can find... People, if you are listening and you want to find us on the internet, we're at Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Gmail and Twitter. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:29:21 I'm at MrSundayMovies. I just want to also mention that Storm Willits, the animator guy, he's putting together something pretty special. Oh, at FilmyGuy. You should follow him on Twitter. I'm at MrSundayMovies. I just want to also mention that Storm Willits, the animator guy, he's putting together something pretty special at the moment. Oh, at FilmyGuy. You should follow him on Twitter. At FilmyGuy on Twitter, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:29 He might tell you about it if you ask him, but we might keep it under wraps for the moment. We'll see how we go. What else? Where else can they find us? That's MrSundayMovies if you want to contribute.
Starting point is 01:29:39 But if you don't, that's fine. All good. Whatevs. Yeah. If you've listened up until this point, you've paid enough, ultimately. And if you're bored, you want to listen to some sweet commentaries over the holiday break,
Starting point is 01:29:53 Weekly Planet... Mystery Science Theatre. What is it? Is that it? We've got some commentaries up there. We've got to put a new one up. We do.
Starting point is 01:30:01 We were supposed to do it last week, but we didn't. We've decided on Watchmen regular yes not Watchmen extended yeah good lord
Starting point is 01:30:10 yeah that would be cool but we're not that good are we no we're really not that's the show this week everybody have a
Starting point is 01:30:15 safe New Year's try not to fall off a roof which often happens on New Year's sure does yeah don't do it though
Starting point is 01:30:22 don't do it and remember to grab that jam never forget grab it grab that jam okay guys bye okay bye

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