The Weekly Planet - 90 New Spider-man, Terminator & Arkham Knight

Episode Date: June 29, 2015

What a week for all the things we talk about! A new Spider-man, news on a solo Batman film, Suicide Squad and Star Trek (Track).Plus we get into Batman: Arkham Knight and what we sort of remember from... all the Terminator movies. Thanks for listening! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies and TV shows and games and comics and friendship and just all around good times. My name is Mr. Sunday Movies or James, two names, with me as always my co-host. Oh, Nick Mason, that's me. That's me. There you go. You threw it to me again and I was not prepared for it.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I'm sorry. That's okay. I should have warned you. I don't like saying my own name. It's egotistical. It is a bit. Yeah. I won't stand for it.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Care for a pseudonym? The Nick Mason. Yes. The only one. The only one. It's only a matter of time we were just talking before the show this is our 90th 90th episode yeah and you said that people ask you what are you going to do for our 100th episode and your answer is well nothing just a regular regular
Starting point is 00:00:56 episode because we'll remember after we've recorded it that it's the 100th episode we'll remember like 104 yeah we'll contemplate adding something in at the end like yeah like we'll we'll be lit i'll be leaving your house and i'll be like oh it's 100 should we add it nah i'll be like nah because i put my chair back yeah exactly i can't straight into the news yes open with death how about that yeah james horner died um what's his the uh orchestra man musician mr orchestra man he does all sorts of great theme songs. He did the Titanic theme. He did the music for Aliens. And then later...
Starting point is 00:01:28 Not the Alien theme. You know, when they enter a room, every time you hear... You know, and they doff their hats. Absolutely. I've seen it. They all come in in like a... Like a kind of a ragtime... Little chorus line.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Little chorus line, yeah. Absolutely. You know, James Horner, our famous composer, you know, he's one of the greats. Only 61 died in a plane crash. Wow. It sucks, yeah. He was planning to do the music for the next three Avatar movies as well.
Starting point is 00:01:55 John Williamson lives on, thank God. He survived that plane crash. Danny Elfman also survived the plane crash. Unfair, too cruel that they take James Horner and not Dan. They're all great. Yeah, that's a real shame. 61 is not a great age to go out. No.
Starting point is 00:02:10 So, no, he'll be missed. And also, you'd mentioned before the show, Patrick McNee died. Yeah, John Steed in The Avengers. Yeah. Not The Avengers. Not The Good Avengers. No, The Old British Avengers. But not the bad Avengers movie.
Starting point is 00:02:24 No. Although maybe he was in that. I think he's in it. He's in that, I think. I think I heard he was in it, yeah. Yeah. He was in one of those teddy bear suits. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:31 But the TV series The Avengers, the dapper Agent John Steed was in that. And he's- He was the Ralph Fiennes, wasn't he? He was the Ralph Fiennes of his day. Yes. And in that role. Yes, correct. Yeah, 93.
Starting point is 00:02:41 So that's a better age to go at. That's a great age to go at. That's what we call a good innings. That's an absolutely great innings. What do you think our lifespan will be considering our generation and how badly we eat? And you had one energy drink before the show. You'll probably have one as you leave.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Sure. I might crack one in the middle of this. Do you mean a collective age? Yeah, let's say an average. Okay, I'm going to say... I mean, nuclear apocalypse aside, let's say it doesn't go like the road. Let's say it goes more iRobot. Oh, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And we're not killed by iRobots. Can it go more Bicentennial Man? I don't want that. Okay. Yeah, all right. Wacky robots? Sure. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I'm going to say combined age, 180. But where's it going to go? What do you mean, where's it going to go? I dibs 140 years of that. Oh, man. Yep, too late. I dibs 140 years of that. Oh, man. Yep, too late. I've only got one year. I'm not 39.
Starting point is 00:03:32 What was I going to say? I can't remember. What do you think about putting your brain inside a computer and living forever? No, we've had this discussion. I know, but... On the show or in real life, we had this discussion. I pull this on a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:03:44 It's not a thing. Not yet. No, but it's just, it's not, you're not literally putting your mind in a computer. No, it's a copy. It's a copy. It's a chappy. I don't care. So you don't want it or you don't care for it?
Starting point is 00:03:58 No, I don't care for it. Because if you're one who doesn't believe in the afterlife and whatever, whatever, and you're just a collection of thoughts and whatever, just bouncing around in your dumb head. Yeah, sure. No offense. No, that's fair. That's definitely fair. That's the kindest anyone's ever been about me.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Technically, that could be copied. So if you copy that, does that mean that you can go on? Do you want that? What are they going to do with me, though? I put you in a little matrix. I wouldn't want computer me to suffer through that. You can probably do backflips. All then an eternity of backflips i hereby grant future facebook my likeness rights and my computer brain is facebook will have it i think
Starting point is 00:04:39 it will i the nick mason not the one from Pink Floyd. The more famous, better one. Yeah. Anyway, should we do the rest of the show? No, let's just end with death. Hilarious, hilarious death. I'm sure James Horner and Patrick McNee are delighted that we've gained some entertainment from their deaths. I mean, they'd rather be alive.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I'm sure, yeah, if they had to choose between us talking some crap and living, yeah. Anyway, Peter, the official Peter Parker of the podcast, wants to know what we think of the new Spider-Man. Tom Holland. Tom Holland. Is he the youngest Spider-Man we've had? I believe so. Even younger than Nicholas Hammond from the 70s TV series?
Starting point is 00:05:24 Look, I haven't seen that, but he was probably like, what, 44? He was probably 44, if I had to guess, yeah. Yeah, he's 19, which means he's the first live-action Spider-Man who's not like over 25 or whatever. Right, okay. I think maybe Tobey Maguire was under 25 when he first got it. He didn't look it. No.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Looks like a good choice. I agree. I've not seen him in anything. Is he a theatre kid initially? He was Billy Elliot In a Billy Elliot show Oh yes He can also do a backflip And a sideflip
Starting point is 00:05:51 I saw some videos of him doing that Not in a computer simulation But in real life Well look They didn't clarify that But I feel like the technology Is not there yet So yeah
Starting point is 00:06:00 So if he's Billy Elliot He's probably got some flexibility And some dance moves Oh sure yeah Which is handy And his father doesn't approve of him? Certainly not Did he I think his father did approve I haven't's Billy Elliot, he's probably got some flexibility and some dance moves. Oh, sure, yeah. Which is handy for if you're Spider-Man. And his father doesn't approve of him? Certainly not. Did he?
Starting point is 00:06:07 I think his father did approve of Billy Elliot. I haven't seen Billy Elliot. It's a good one. You should watch it. He was also in, not I was going to say The Happening. That's not true. The Impossible with Naomi Watson, Ewan McGregor. Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And he was really good in that. He's another British kid. He's got another British Spider-Man. Okay, good. What do you think of him looks-wise? He looks like a normal human child. Exactly! And that's what's good about it.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Do you know what I mean? Yeah. He could be anybody. Well, any white kid. Sure, yeah. Do you know what I mean? I do know exactly what you mean. No, I'm happy with it.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I mean, you know, these things can go any number of ways. Well, three. Good, bad, and... Sure, yeah. So... Yeah, whatever, man. They also announced the director of the first spider-man movie john watts inventor of the steam engine he did invent the steam engine well done thank you his brain is in a computer that's how he does it he's on one of those ipads on a stick ipad on a stick on a segway Exactly No he's He directed the It's like a
Starting point is 00:07:06 And sound And action He did Cop Car Which is a movie that's been It's not out yet officially But it's been getting a lot of critical praise It's about two young kids who steal a cop car Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:07:20 And it's Kevin Bacon's cop car But he's a shady cop car driver He's a cop okay sure yeah and then all sorts of shenanigans ensue it sounds pretty good i wish it were a movie about two kids who steal kevin bacon's cop car and it's just kevin bacon and he's purchased a cop car at auction he saw the movie let's be cops and and he thought, yes, that. Kevin Bacon can do this. Kevin Bacon loves action. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:50 So all of that sounds. And he's one of the kids. No, he's not. That's the director. I'm sorry. I completely lost my train of thought. Edit that out. No, keep it in. So, yeah, by the sounds of it, you know, that's a good movie.
Starting point is 00:08:01 This kid's a good actor. He's going to first appear in Civil War in a minor role, which is good, I think. I don't think you want to overshadow everything else that's going on there with new Spider-Man. Plus, if it turns out he's a terrible actor, yeah, boot him. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I'm not saying he's a terrible actor, but he might be a terrible actor, you know, against a green screen. And then you've got to test him out. You do. I feel like he's done stage. I feel like there's a lot of imagination in stage because you have to imagine that there's not like they call it stage imagination is that true yeah there you go yeah excellent use that in a conversation with somebody tomorrow have you
Starting point is 00:08:33 ever done any theater no me neither oh well yeah you're a fan of lucy aren't you the movie lucy no luke besson is developing Lucy 2 and Columbiana 2. Two great movies. I haven't seen either of them. Columbiana was the one with Zoe Saldana. Okay, sure. And it looked good and then apparently it's not good. And Lucy was the one that looked good
Starting point is 00:08:57 and was mostly about your brain being amazing. Yeah, well, yeah. Spoiler alert for Lucy, which I haven't seen. Doesn't she become invincible in the end and like in telekinesis? She becomes invincible pretty much at the start.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Oh, sorry, straight away. Almost immediately becomes invincible. Where do you go with that? Look, where they went with it is she eventually turned into like a weird black tentacle plant that gave somebody a USB
Starting point is 00:09:23 with all the secrets to humanity and enlightenment and then she disappeared. I have some follow-up questions. All right. I won't be able to answer them, but go ahead. That's true. Yeah, that's how it ends.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Was she nanotechnology? No, she ate a bunch of drugs that gave her superpowers. No, I remember that. So there was nothing else that happened in between. It was just the drugs took her to that final form, that being some kind of... Yeah, and some people tried to stop her in between, but none of them could do anything because she had superpowers.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Okay. It's weird because she ingests all the drugs and they give her superpowers. And they kick her in the stomach, don't they? Yeah, but at no point does anybody else go, maybe if I took all the drugs... Kick me in the stomach. Yeah, exactly. no point does anybody else go, maybe if I took all the drugs. Kick me in the stomach. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Nobody does, though. So there's no effective antagonist for her. Do they know why she can do all these things? Because humanity only uses 10% of their brains, but if you can unlock the remaining 90% of them... You'll turn into a squid or something. Yeah, you'll turn into a squid, yeah. And Morgan Freeman's in it
Starting point is 00:10:25 just just banging on about that like he's a he's some sort of respected lecturer and he's talking about that and at no point does anybody go
Starting point is 00:10:32 it's been disproved literally thousands of times you're wrong you're a crackpot everybody's like hmm probably good point
Starting point is 00:10:42 okay well that so where do you go with that then in the sequel? Well, I don't know. She already turned into energy or whatever. Maybe it's just about Lucy Lawless. Okay. And she's fascinated by the movie.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And the movie is her trying to get a sequel greenlit. And she's just taking all sorts of different drugs and getting kicked in the stomach. Yeah, I guess so, yeah. And seeing what happens. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess, you know what, it's probably one of those sequels that is with somebody else. That's what I'm saying though, because it had to be another loser. Oh yeah, yeah, you did say that.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yeah. And you think that it has to be an actor who has the same name. Yes. Otherwise it doesn't make any sense. You're right. Good point. We've talked about this for too long, haven't we? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto, they're doing the new Star Trek, Star Trek 3, which is possibly titled Star Trek Beyond, where they're going to actually do some exploring for us. Star Trek Beyond, brackets, definitely not The Search for Spock. Wink. We're not going to remake another one. No. Wink.
Starting point is 00:11:39 We learnt our lesson. Wink. It'd be good for a motion poster, don't you think? Some winks think some winks solid winks and they could wink at different times exactly
Starting point is 00:11:48 it could be Spock wink Kirk wink Spock wink Kirk wink I think they should make it so just as you go to turn away it winks
Starting point is 00:11:54 and then you're like did that poster wink is this really search for Spock yeah yeah yeah and you just stare at the poster for hours it's like in a bus shelter
Starting point is 00:12:02 or whatever and you're just staring forever but they're also going to do Star Trek 4 after that as well presumably You stare at the poster for hours. It's like in a bus shelter or whatever, and you're just staring forever. But they're also going to do Star Trek IV after that as well, presumably. Definitely not one where they go to the 80s. Or meet God. That was five. Are they doing them in order, are they?
Starting point is 00:12:15 I think so. Yeah. I just want to see, like, New Worlds and stuff. Idris Elba is... Bold New Worlds? Yeah. As you've talked about, The best part of Into Darkness Is when they go to that planet
Starting point is 00:12:26 The start The weird red planet And then they They have a little adventure And they go in a volcano And then they have a bit of a jog Yeah That's pretty good
Starting point is 00:12:34 Yeah So yeah But yeah Star Trek 4 So they're pushing on with this It's happening Great Idris Elba is the villain In part 3
Starting point is 00:12:40 So that's pretty good People are saying he's probably Going to be a Klingon Okay What else could he be? Who else is there? Literally anything Borgorg he could be they couldn't be the ball too early yeah but there's a time shift there was a time shift you're right yeah he could be the borg then okay he could be a kardassian it's a race yes not what are they not kim kardashian
Starting point is 00:13:00 it's a weird coincidence i know know. He could be a treble. Tribble. Tribble, yeah. Tribble. Great. Jared Leto's apparently... I'm going to name other races that he could be throughout the show. I hope so. Which is the hippie planet where they're all hippies?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Is there one? There is one. It's in the 60s. It's like a peace and love planet. Which is the race from Insurrection where they get their faces stretched? They're the Remans, maybe. Okay. Because there's the Romulans. The Romulan's the one with the Tom Hardy clone? Which is the race from Insurrection where they get their faces stretched? They're the Remans, maybe. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Because there's the Romulans. The Romulans, the one with the Tom Hardy clone? Oh, so confusing. What? What was the Tom Hardy clone? Yeah, in the last Patrick Stewart one, there was a Tom Hardy clone that was part whatever alien force that was. It was Nemesis. It was Tom Hardy in that? Yeah, Tom Hardy was young picard
Starting point is 00:13:45 yeah there you go there you go chins on his name was oh i don't remember what type he was what he was also his battle cry chins on man put your chins on that was his battle cry though yes anyway jared leto apparently you know how he's being the Joker at the moment? Yes. Apparently, he hasn't broken character yet in front of anybody. That's classic Leto. Isn't it? What are your thoughts on that? If it was me, I'd be like, can we just have a conversation? I feel he's under a lot of pressure.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Definitely. I feel that this is definitely a different direction for the Joker. Yeah. And so he should bloody take a load off yeah he's just doing a job here yeah but i it's sound based on what you've just said then it sounds to me like he's taken on board the fact that everybody loved heath ledger's performance as the joker yeah it's the he's seen it as the definitive one not as a version of the joker yeah and he's like boy i better live up to this. I better do an acting thing that no one's ever done before,
Starting point is 00:14:47 which is stay in character as the Joker for months at a time or whatever. He'd be irritating to live with. Yeah. I mean, generally, even before this. Sure, yeah. He seems like he would be. No, he's all right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:58 I don't know. I think he can just do a different interpretation of the Joker. Yeah, and that's fine. I think people will be fine with this if it's a different... Well, Heath Ledger locked himself away for a bit and made mad notes and whatever. So I think he must have heard that and been like, What's Ledger doing?
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah, exactly. Just banging on his trailer door and an assistant's like, He's making mad notes! So I think he's heard that and he's like, Well, I'm going to... I've seen the Mad Notes boss. He's gone crazy. Anyway, apparently also.
Starting point is 00:15:30 The boss is Christopher Nolan. I figured he would be. He also sent Margot Robbie, who's playing Harley Quinn, a box containing a live rat and a love letter. Oh, yeah. Don't do that. No, see, that's. And he also said. That seems like calculated weird letter. Oh, yeah. Don't do that. No, see, that's... And he also sent...
Starting point is 00:15:46 That seems like calculated weirdness. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know about that. Like the tattoos? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you think would not be calculated weirdness? Dead rat that he's killed. He also said...
Starting point is 00:15:59 He's bitten the head off. He's thrown it in the box. He said Will Smith... Now, that's a mad note that's a bloody bad note man uh will smith is playing dead shot a letter with some bullets i'd love to know what's in that letter what's that letter that letter is yeah yeah i love also robot where do you get the see here's the thing did he did he like text his assistant to buy some bullets or did he have to like what like what i don't what, I don't know what, like, the gun laws were in each state.
Starting point is 00:16:27 So maybe he had to, like, go and fill in a form and get a, like, a certificate and then go to a gun shop and be like, can I have, like, some loose bullets? It's actually like, no, you need to buy a box of 20. And he's like, oh, I don't think I need 20. And he goes to the post office and he's like, can I put all these bullets in there?
Starting point is 00:16:44 And I'd be like, well, it's extra if you put all the bullets. So now he's just got all leftover bullets in his trailer. He also said the rest of the cast, I don't know whether all of them or just individually, a dead hog and a video. And a video that he'd recorded himself in character as the Joker. Presumably of him trying to get stuffed bullets into an envelope at the post office.
Starting point is 00:17:12 So you can't use that kind of packaging. So there you go. At least he's taken it seriously. Why so seriously? That's a good question. Just like in the movie. Yes. That exact quote.
Starting point is 00:17:24 That exact quote. Why so seriously? Speaking of a good question. Just like in the movie. Yes. That exact quote. That exact quote. Why so seriously? Speaking of all the DC universes, though. Hang on, I had a thought about that. No, I probably didn't. Maybe it was a Star Trek alien thought. Yeah, but look, it's... There's some calculatedly weird...
Starting point is 00:17:39 Definitely. They're just doing a movie. It's not like some sort of weird artificial... They're not in some sort of weird artificial reality escape room scenario that's true they're just doing a series of interconnected scenes at different times and in different order whatever they're standing in front of green screens on x's and saying words and then if they get the words wrong then everybody stops and they start again and they say the words again like it's words again. Like it's not some sort of weird improv scenario.
Starting point is 00:18:07 You're just filming a movie. You don't have to send anybody any dead animals, live animals. Now that you say that, with the rat, he would have had to have gone and bought that rat. And then is he also like, listen, I'm sending Margot a rat. Can you make sure that afterwards you go and get it? Because I'm sure there's some kind of law against sending, because what's she going to do with it?
Starting point is 00:18:29 Somebody else would have had to come and go, I have to get that rat that he sent you. Yeah, exactly. Because Peter's here. Yeah, he's going to talk to his assistant and be like, because you couldn't send it. Obviously, he didn't want to send her a dead rat, because that would be weird.
Starting point is 00:18:41 So he probably couldn't have sent it in the mail, because that would kill the rat. So he'd have to get his his assistant to send like bring the rat over personally yeah and they'd have to be like okay so just so you know there's a rat i mean you bought the rat because you i told you to go and buy the rat um so anyway i'm gonna put the rat in the you got you bought me that box okay well i'm gonna just punch some holes in the top the holes and put it put it together and then um i'll put you put this note in and then walk it over to Margot's trailer. Actually, could you put the note on top of the box
Starting point is 00:19:11 because I don't want the rat to shit on the note. Because then she'd have to touch the note and it'd be kind of gross. And then the message would get lost because she'd be like, why has Jared sent me this note with all this rat poo on it? I don't know. It's gross. So that would lose the impact. So maybe give her it separately.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Maybe warn her first that there's a live rat in there. I mean, I don't want to take away the impact, but she might drop the box and hurt the rat. So I couldn't, you know. Exactly. Anyway, make it real. Make it like the Joker would do it. Anyway, I'm Jared Leto.
Starting point is 00:19:42 You know that. You're my assistant. I'm sorry that I'm insufferable to work for anyway in that we're talking that universe right yeah apparently ben affleck this is a rumor is attached to direct and star in uh the first batman solo movie in this incarnation of batman okay yep called the batman oh yes Similar to the Nick Mason. Thank you. Apparently the same writer as the Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice, Chris Terrio, will be writing it,
Starting point is 00:20:11 and they're looking at a 2018 release date. Any of that sound like a thing that could probably happen? Three years away. Yeah. Good work, DC. You've done it again. Well, think about it this way, though. We're going to beat V Superman next year,
Starting point is 00:20:25 and then we've got Suicide Squad with also Batman. That's only two years. That's true. Plus, he'll probably show up in... Literally everything else that they can. Yes, exactly. Exactly. You know, all that kind of set footage leaked
Starting point is 00:20:37 of Batman riding on top of the Joker's car or whatever. But apparently they're like, Oh, don't worry. There are more twists and turns along the way. So even though we know that, there'll be more twists and turns. Oh. All right. Do you want to talk about the game Arkham Knight?
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yes. Bearing in mind, I haven't played it yet. Yes. Give me your impressions. Bearing in mind, I'm at the point, I'm near the end, but I haven't finished it yet. Okay, sure. Okay, first of all.
Starting point is 00:21:03 So no spoilers for this. No spoilers. No spoilers at all. So if you haven't played it or if you, sure. Okay, first of all... So no spoilers for this. No spoilers. No spoilers at all. So if you haven't played it or if you have played it, no spoilers. First of all, do you know... Do you hear about what happened to the PC version? No, what happened to the PC version?
Starting point is 00:21:12 Okay, so basically they released it on Steam and I'm assuming other platforms and it doesn't really work. Oh, interesting. Sure. It crashes and it's jittery and buggy and you can't run it at an optimum frame rate even if you've got a real high-end kind of rig.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Apparently, they outsourced the PC port to a company and they obviously didn't do a very good job. There's been a lot of backlash. They ended up pulling it from Steam, which never happens for big releases and they've lost a lot of money. So, yeah, that sounds sounds do you play pc games anyway no my computer can do it but i don't it's only for editing and my laptop's pretty much it
Starting point is 00:21:54 just exists as a torrent portal that's really all it's for yeah yeah so you know a lot of people are pissed off legitimate torrents only yeah of, of course. Yeah. Pictures of cats. Pictures of cats. Free web pictures of cats. Yeah. I picked it up on Wednesday, but I could have gone in at midnight and picked it up. They're like, you can come at 10 and then stay around till midnight and pick it up. And I'm like, I'll see you sometime Wednesday afternoon. Sure. When I can come in again.
Starting point is 00:22:19 When I have literally nothing else to do. So, I mean, you know it's it's pretty long story campaign i've been avoiding you still showed up in costume right of course i did yeah but oh i got the red hood expansion and a bunch of other stuff which i actually tried to order and they're like oh we don't have any of that but then when they gave it to me it just had the red hood code taped to the front oh sure and i'm okay. So that was extra and I just got given it, which is good. And also then they said, do you want any of the collectibles? And I'm like, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:52 And they're like, we have this Batarang. I'm like, I don't have need for that. So you didn't take the Batarang? I had to pay for it. Oh, okay, right. I was going to say, because it was a free Batarang, you could have given it to me. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:23:03 I would have got it then. Yeah. I would have gotten one good throw out of it. Kill a rat with it, right. I was going to say, because it was a free batarang, you could have given it to me. Definitely. I would have got it then. Yeah. I would have gotten one good throw out of it. Kill a rat with it, maybe. Send it to a lady. Unlikely. Yeah. You're very optimistic.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Yeah, true. And then they were like, do you want a $60 season pass? And I'm like, no, absolutely not. To what? You just get the whole, like, as they release extra content. Oh, okay, right. You get that for free. And by for free, I mean you've paid for it already.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Oh, yeah, sure. So if they don't release anything, you paid $60. They really pushed it on me, like EB. And I'm sure that's what they're told to do. Oh, sure, yeah. No, I reckon it's just one guy going rogue. The boss is like, hey, we've got all this stuff, but people very specifically ask you for it.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And this guy's like, no, I'm going to get everyone. There's no bonuses involved, just so you know. But if people want to buy, no, I'm going to get them. And we don't want to drive people away. Yeah. So, yeah, there you go. Look, it's really great. Great.
Starting point is 00:23:58 The story mission's really interesting. I've just found out who the Arkham Knight is, which I told you before the show. I haven't told you who it is, so I'm not going to spoil it. But 10 minutes before I found out who the Arkham Knight is which I told you before the show I haven't told you who it is so I'm not going to spoil it but 10 minutes before I found out who it was I read an email from a listener and it said spoiler alert
Starting point is 00:24:11 what do you think about this person being the Arkham Knight I'm like all in the one line yeah no spoiler space so I was like god damn it hot tip spoiler space if you're going to spoil something yeah but it was we're very old
Starting point is 00:24:24 we don't know we can't play we can't play a bloody video game we can't do the whole thing in in an hour we can't do it we didn't line up at midnight no sure we dressed in costume but it's not the point that was a coincidence just a coincidence yeah it looks great you saw about two seconds of it boy did i yeah initially i'm like this doesn doesn't look that much better. But it really does. Go back and play the old one. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Yeah, like the world is way more expansive. The combat's great and improved. You actually start off with a more traditional kind of Batman suit. Then you get your kind of armored one as it goes through. But I think I like the look of the first kind of one that he gets. No, you're wrong. Am I? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Oh, God, okay. Yeah. And, you know, the combat's as good as ever, and, you know, there's all sorts of variety of enemies. Not a lot of boss battles. Okay. Right on. Because I think maybe they thought that was a kind of, always been a kind of a weak point
Starting point is 00:25:16 of these. Now, has Gotham been evacuated again? Listen, yes. Just give me a Gotham City with his people in it. There's people in it. And you know what? They could have put people in it because this game just... I've got it on PS4.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Yeah, yeah. It runs. It's fine. PS4 could easily handle it. Like GTA 5. Like GTA 5. Yeah. I don't even think it would be as big as GTA 4.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Or maybe it is. I don't know. Or 5. GTA 5? 5. Yeah, whatever. I don't like 4. It's mostly driving your cousin to bowling or whatever
Starting point is 00:25:47 yeah also there's like an expanded cast of characters like there's more Robins and you finally see Oracle you see Oracle yeah I was going to say
Starting point is 00:25:56 the voice acting's great they also Kevin Conroy's back right? he's so good he's the best Batman he's the best Batman yeah and I guess this is sort of
Starting point is 00:26:04 a spoiler alert. They do bring back the Joker in a way. Ooh. And it's Mark Hamill. AI Joker a la the AI Alfred in Batman and Robin or whatever it is. No, it's not like that. I don't want to spoil how. Don't spoil it.
Starting point is 00:26:20 No, don't do it. It's pretty great, though. Yeah, like you get to fight alongside like nightwing and um i think it's tim drake robin tim drake robin yeah uh lots of villains and stuff scarecrows voiced by john noble who's did fringe and lord of the rings oh sure yeah okay yeah um he was the old guy in fringe yes the old crazy scientist man with the fringe yeah i haven't seen fringe people keep writing and saying watch fringe but then they spoil it straight away. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:26:47 I've heard Fringe is great. Yeah, it's good fun. Isn't it like parallel dimensions and stuff or alternate timelines? Some of it is, yeah. And Fringes? It's a lot of Fringes. If you work for the Fringe Institute. Is it called Fringe, the Fringe Institute?
Starting point is 00:27:00 No. So is it like an organization? What's going on in Fringe? Is he a cop? Yeah, everyone's a cop. A Fringe cop. Yeah, everyone's a Fringe cop, alright? You seem so fed up.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Your arms are crossed. Your energy drink is wearing off. You're not happy. I'm in a slump. I'm going to drink some more energy drink. Yeah, like villains are good. You know what I hate though? Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And it's not because he's, because I find him, you know, he's so challenging and whatever. The Riddler. He's so irritating. Yeah. He's always like. Didn't we belt him at the end of Arkham City? So much. Didn't we give him a solid belt?
Starting point is 00:27:37 I think you have to beat all the things and then you get to belt him. Yeah. And I started to do it. And then I'm like, this isn't worth it. Right. Exactly. And he's just like, you probably can't do this. then i'm like this isn't worth it right exactly and he's just like you probably can't do this and i'm like i don't even i don't want a bar of any of this it's
Starting point is 00:27:50 because i i feel the issue with especially in arkham city the problem was not that i wanted to solve riddles yeah but it was not riddles it was puzzles there's always stand on a thing and then wait for a market up here and then jump to another thing. Throw a batarang through a grate. Yeah, exactly. Not a riddle, a puzzle. It should be he gives you a riddle and then you go around the city and you solve it because you know things. Yeah. Not because you're bloody standing on the right touchpad pressure sensor or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:18 He's built all sorts of like underground like Batmobile like ramps and like and like racetracks okay like he's built also i don't know how and also if he has that amount of money to retire the riddler and maybe write some riddles some riddles write a riddle book not a racetrack how is that a riddle it's not a riddle at all no uh here's a question for you so arkham asylum yeah so my a lot of people are like hey what do you think's better arkham asylum or arkham city you said asylum right i say asylum i think they're both really good i liked asylum more because it was smaller it was more linear yeah you know the open world of arkham city like the city itself was great and i liked that a lot uh i liked the the linear storyline of arkham asylum a bit better. But also I thought that with Arkham City,
Starting point is 00:29:06 they tried to repeat a lot of the innovative stuff in the first one and it just came across as kind of copying. Like in the first game, you know, you are... You get scarecrow gassed. Yeah, you get scarecrow gassed and then you go through this scarecrow nightmare world. So in the second game, they're just like, you meet the Mad Hatter and he puts you in a nightmare world. So in the second game, they're just like, you meet the Mad Hatter and he puts you in
Starting point is 00:29:26 a crazy world. And then you meet Ra's al Ghul and he puts you in a crazy world or whatever. And it's just like, whoa. Look, there's a little bit of that, but I would say this handles it better than Arkham City did. And I loved Arkham City. I thought it was a lot of fun. But yeah, I'd say this is definitely, a lot of the stuff I'm like, oh, you're doing that
Starting point is 00:29:44 thing that you did in the last one. There's a lot of that. Is there anything that's a real fresh take? Yeah. Besides underground Batmobile racing. Okay. People are divided on this. The Batmobile, right?
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yes. I fucking hate it. I just hate it. Look, I like the mechanics of it. Right. You know how it plays? Did you ever play those Transformer War of Cybertron games? A little bit.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Where like you could race as a normal car and then you hold down like a shoulder button and you can like strafe like a tank. Okay, sure. It plays like that. Right. And it's great. Okay. But they force you so many scenarios where just let me out of this fucking tank and let
Starting point is 00:30:21 me punch somebody. But instead I'm engaged in these multiple tank battles every 10 minutes with other tanks and then there's like stealth tank missions tanks yeah right and it's just and i like it but i'd like it more like oh there's a group of guys i'm gonna call the bat because you can call it whenever you want right so that part of it's really good and a little bit of puzzle solving with it but you are tethered to this thing right like and it really slows you down at some points so there's a lot of unskippable scenarios where you have to use the batmobile to blow up tanks exactly i've heard that yeah and a lot of people like that but i don't play a batman game for a
Starting point is 00:31:02 tank simulator no No, absolutely. There's almost none of that in the Batman mythos generally. Tank simulation. Very little tank simulation. And again, it works. The mechanics are solid. It's great how if there's a group of villains or thugs in the street, you call it and it just comes skidding around the corner and you leap into it and you just gun them all down.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Sure. Like, that's great. You kill them all like Batman would. Exactly. Oh, it's not lethal they say oh yeah and like you could boost and then like fly out of it and just go super high and super far like that's great but too much tank stuff right and there's a bit towards the end of the game i guess it's you you can't use it anymore for whatever reason and i I'm just like, thank God. Because I just, what a relief. Like, I just, I'm so happy.
Starting point is 00:31:50 You're like, how do I make Batman just throw a fist in the air in victory? Because it's been destroyed or whatever. Yeah. So, like, it's great. Like, it's a great sequel. It's a good kind of, I'm assuming it's a good wrap up to the trilogy. I haven't finished it yet. Oh, I guess.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And there's also Arkham Origins. Sure. Which it actually acknowledges quite a bit. You see Firefly like he's in it. And there's kind of like trophies you see and they'll mention like you'll hear, like a thug was said. I remember that time was Christmas or something.
Starting point is 00:32:20 That time all those guys tried to kill you, Batman. Batman's voice was different. Yeah, thanks, Alfred. Hey, Batman. Hey, Batman. Hey, Master Bruce, remember that time you solved that crime by looking at it with your detective vision and then it just made like a VR simulation of what happened and then you just knew what happened?
Starting point is 00:32:37 Remember that? Pretty good, right? There is actually some of that in this game. Oh, yes. But it's good. I mean, yeah, I liked Origins. I never went back and played Origins, though. I finished it and I'm like, it's a good kind of expansion.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Yeah, totally. It's certainly not as good. This is like the next kind of step. Oh, yeah. Tank battles. Tank battles. Less tank battles. But I'm looking for like, I will play the DLC with Red Hood and all that.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah. And I've got the Harley Quinn one as well. I'm hoping it's tank free. And there's a whole lot of side missions that I've been skipping. They're like, Batman, that building's on fire. And I'm like the Harley Quinn one as well. I'm hoping it's tank free. And there's a whole lot of side missions that I've been skipping. They're like, Batman, that building's on fire. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:33:07 yep, okay, I got it. I hope the Red Hood story mission is they start off in Gotham City and then he just takes the mask off and he walks into an army recruiter and he's like, I'd like to join the tank division, please. And it's just him
Starting point is 00:33:22 just shooting at tanks with other tanks. Again again i shouldn't have said i hate it the tank that's the mechanics are solid but it's they make you do it too much right yeah and i guess they needed to innovate somehow people will be like well it's just been four games of batman punching people but yeah yeah you don't you don't it. Yeah. It's good to drive around in the Batmobile, sure. It is. Yeah. But Batman doesn't... Would you have played a section where you can call down the Batwing
Starting point is 00:33:53 and then you have to, like, chop balloons full of poison gas out of the city? Oh, my God. Are you kidding me? Yeah, that'd be great, right? You know what? If they make another one of these... Yes. That's the next step.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Yeah. Batplane, right? Yeah, totally. Yeah. Yeah. Or Bat boat. Yeah, that's a good one, isn't it? Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah. Would you prefer a bat boat or a bat submarine? Normally it'd be a combination, wouldn't it? It could probably do both. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. You do see a bit more of the bat plane.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I'm assuming you don't get to fly it because you, the gliding seems to work better as well. Like you can go further and stuff. Okay, cool, yeah. Got any questions about it? No, that'll do it. Yeah, it's good that they seem to, he doesn't go back to square one at the end. They really don't. You've got a lot of the stuff from the start.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Which is good because it wouldn't make any sense. Yeah. And I, speaking to some people who hadn't played the last one, like haven't played it since Arkham City and they're like, yeah, let's start. I'm a bit like, oh, how does this go? And it took me about a minute and I'm like, oh yeah, I remember this now. Sure, yeah. And then it was just fine.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Right. You know, like more like the quick draw kind of stuff with the weapons. Yeah. Like a quick explosion or a quick whatever, you know, quicker rang. Quicker rang, sure. So any of that stuff. Do you still have the ice grenades no blue grenades
Starting point is 00:35:07 no I don't think you do actually wow yeah electrocutioner gloves no you see them though you see them though yeah his new suit makes him faster
Starting point is 00:35:16 and he can hit harder nice which is pretty great that's what I want a lot of drones a lot of drones but you can blow them up with a tank yeah
Starting point is 00:35:22 great I've I've killed thousands of those things. Like, just... And each one takes two tank turret hits. Okay. So I know that I'm like, bang, bang, bang, bang. And it's just a lot of strafing.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And then you have to fight these different ones where you have to sneak up behind them. They can kill you in two hits and they can hit you from pretty much anywhere if you're in front of them. You can't get away. So you have to stealth behind them in a tank yep and then shoot the exhaust port like it's the death star or something so i hate that as well is there a classic bit of jump on a big guy's back and then swing him about no there isn't actually that's
Starting point is 00:35:57 gone that's not there are big guys we have to do the beat down you know when you do the cape swoop and then you punch them a lot yeah that's pretty good right yeah but there's no getting a getting a guy with getting a big guy and running him into a wall or whatever none of that i'm interesting to see who else is in it i saw man bat oh yes i swooped to the top of a like i just grappled a random building and i went up and then his face just appeared over the top i'm like james bar and then he like flew off and it's like go after him and i'm like yeah smells an awful lot like a side mission of me no thank you no thank you so i would say see some a lot without giving out any spoilers there was some there was some side missions in arkham city yeah and you're like oh that's a character i wonder if i'll see him again yeah does a lot of that come back in this game i like stuff linking to arkham city yeah look i'm sure there is more than what i've realized that you remember there was a hidden scarecrow tanker in the first one
Starting point is 00:36:55 yeah filled with bugs yeah that's kind of tied to this that's what i think loosely because it's a scarecrow plot basically yeah i'm sure there is more than i've found like i said a lot of the side missions are actually big missions. So I'm like, I'll come back to that. I'll come back to this burning building in three days. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks to the video game laws of logic, it'll still be burning then.
Starting point is 00:37:16 And it'll be about the same level of disrepair. So it's fine. Okay. Wink for yes. Is Azrael in this? Oh! Yeah. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Fascinating. I'm sure there's a bunch of people that I haven't seen yet as well. Apparently there's a Superman Easter egg in it somewhere, which I haven't found. I've heard someone mention Metropolis. Is it you go to the Batcave and you pick up a phone and you're like, hey, Superman, can you fix all this for me? And he's like, sure thing.
Starting point is 00:37:50 And there's just an extended cut scene where superman flies through all the scenes in the game and just solves everything tears the wig off that wigs off that bat yeah just goes right through this is the arkham knight this guy yeah i can see him because he's got it i've got x-ray vision i know who it is yeah pretty great um yeah definitely like best game ever or worst game ever those are your choices yeah definitely best game ever nice i've been looking forward to it i'm glad i bought it uh i will play more of it maybe on my psv to remotely which you can apparently do probably not probably just play it on a tv yeah makes way more sense, doesn't it? It does, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:30 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit All right. Well, look, Mason, there's a lot going on in the world, isn't there? Nah. You're right. Let's talk about Terminator instead.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah, let's do that. Now, this week marks the return of Terminator, the franchise, with Terminator Genesys. That's not how you pronounce it, but that's fine. How is it? Actually, you're probably right. Which word did I get wrong? Not important. Are fine. How is it? Actually, you're probably right. Okay. Which word did I get wrong? Not important.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Are you excited for seeing it? Yes, I am. Me too. Yeah. It's been a weird build where every time I see a different, like I heard about it, I'm like, no, sir. I think you were like, yes, sir, initially, because you were like, altered timeline. Yes, please. No, because the first time I heard there was just a sequel coming out, I'm like, no, sir.
Starting point is 00:39:24 And then they were like, oh, this is going to be set somehow in between the other ones. And I'm like, yes, sir. And then they're like, it's called Genesis. And I'm like, no, sir. And then they're like, here's a trailer. And I'm like, ah. And then they released another trailer.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I'm like, ooh. And then James Cameron loved it. Yeah, and then I'm like, does he know anything anymore? And then they released that last trailer that sort of reveals everything and i'm like oh i kind of i do but does it matter if i don't see it because you know exactly yeah yeah all of those things but anyway yes i so so the i think the combination is yes i'm excited to see this but it's probably not going to be very good. Or it won't be as good as the first two.
Starting point is 00:40:07 No. Yeah, certainly not. Yeah. So what we're going to do as we do when we talk about things. We're not going to talk about Terminator Genisys because it's not out. We'll talk about that at a different week. Yeah. But we'll go through the Terminator movies and we'll just say things that we remember from them. Oh, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:21 It's one of our classic say stuff you remember from a thing episodes. Did you go back and watch any terminator movies this week i went and watched terminator one because oddly that's the only one that's on australian netflix i hate that as well uh no i don't hate the movie i hate that that's the only one look i've seen terminator 2 a billion times so yeah didn't need to go back terminator one you were here a few weeks ago and it was on. Do you remember? Oh, yeah. Yeah, okay, sure. We were like, this is a pretty great movie.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah. And somebody else here didn't think it was as good as we thought it was. Yeah, I remember that. I don't care for that. Yeah, now she's banished. So I actually started watching, because I'm making a video on Terminator. I was going to do Terminator Facts, but then I went, you know what? Going to be Terminator Facts F-A-X?
Starting point is 00:41:08 No, I'm not doing Terminator Facts. I'm doing Worst, I will be out by now, Worst Terminator Moments. Oh yeah, sure. Because I'm like, I like hating on a thing. Yeah, absolutely. A lot of salvation in there.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I could have made it awesome. You know what? I was thinking about that. I was like, maybe salvation was better than I thought. And then I started to watch a whole bunch of clips this week and I'm like, nah, I hate this.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Yeah, it's real bad. I hate it. Anyway, we'll get to that oh yeah first Terminator 1984 James Cameron's first kind of big motion picture
Starting point is 00:41:30 I think he got fired from a Piranha sequel at some point prior sure haven't we all though definitely yeah he was a truck driver
Starting point is 00:41:37 as well before that so he's the man that Big Trouble Little China's Jack Burton is based on is that true
Starting point is 00:41:44 James Cameron no it's not true. It'd be good though, wouldn't it? Imagine if James Cameron had that, went in a weird version of mystical Chinatown and had Kung Fu Adventures. That'd have been great. I just assumed the character was based on him.
Starting point is 00:41:57 No, maybe. Man, you got me. I got you. You bloody got me. I bloody got you. When did you first see this? Probably earlier this week on Netflix. Yeah, first time ever.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Now, it's a really good question. I probably saw like a sanitized version on network TV at some point. Yeah, wow, I saw it first as well. Well, you don't actually see him pull out his eye. Oh, spoilers as well for all this. Yeah. Everybody's seen all the Terminators, all the good ones anyway, I assume. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I saw it when I was a kid and I saw it like when I shouldn't have seen it. I'm like, I'm not ready for this. And it like i'm like that was terrifying and i'm gonna have nightmares forever but i i loved it at the same time as well absolutely uh do you think it holds up yes like um in terms of stop motion and puppetry oh it's not bad it's okay it's not bad like it it could have very if if we didn't have this sort of legacy of all these uh you know terminator 2 and all the sequels and arnold schwarzenegger being a big star and blah blah if they just released the one people would go back and go oh this is a fair this is a pretty solid 80s schlocky sci-fi action film yeah they'd say people would be like well
Starting point is 00:43:05 this is one of the better ones of the genre from back in the day great techno kind of soundtrack yeah it's pretty good um i love the premise of this you know it's it's a horror movie really isn't it it's like a slasher flick with flick with a robot yeah with a robot yeah a kind of which is why which is ultimately why sarah connor lives at the end like yeah it's It's like a slasher flick with flick with a robot. Yeah. With a robot. Yeah. A kind of, which is why, which is ultimately why Sarah Connor lives at the end. Like that's the horror trope. Yeah. I read this recently that the reason that, cause the trope is called the final girl.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Yeah. Right. And it's in a horror movie. The last person to survive is always a girl. Yeah. A woman. Yeah. But they say girl.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Okay. Horror cliche. I don't know. Anyway. A woman. Yeah. But they say girl. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Horror cliche. I don't know. Anyway, but it's because the way a horror movie works is a character has to experience abject terror and then survive and prevail over it. But I guess in US movie making, you can't say a man can experience abject terror because they're too tough. Oh, okay. So it always has to be a woman. Well, that's can experience abject terror because they're too tough. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Someone always has to be a woman. Well, that's actually true, though, so. Yeah, we're fearless. Yeah. Was that, okay. Where'd you hear that? I read it somewhere. Probably the internet.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Oh, that's okay, then. Yeah, it's fine. Yeah, exactly. It's a pretty straightforward story, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. It's pretty, so if you haven't seen it, which you probably have, or you're probably aware of what it is, this woman, Sarah Connor, who's about 19 apparently in this. She's just a nobody kind of waitress. She's rocking a great mullet.
Starting point is 00:44:28 She is. And driving an incredible scooter. The world's largest scooter. Has a family of four in that scooter. She's destined to be, her son is going to lead the resistance against an uprising of robots headed by Skynet. And so to stop that kid, John Connor, from being born, they send back a robot through time to kill her,
Starting point is 00:44:51 which is basically... It's basically Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is basically that. And then the humans send back one of their soldiers called Kyle Reese, who has to protect her. And that's a pretty great premise. Yeah. And it works as a good standalone film it does kind of yeah and it he Kyle Reese does say at the end yeah we destroyed
Starting point is 00:45:12 all the equipment when I went through so this is this is it yes there is definitely going to be no more of this these time travel shenanigans no schematics we did it we did it. We did it. So, yeah. Yeah. The characters, I think, are what make this work, aside from the robot. This is Arnold's, like, made for, like, born to do this role. Oh, definitely. Yeah. Like, probably this and, like, True Lies, because he's pretty good at that. But, like, he's never better than he is in one and two of these movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:43 And True Lies. And True Lies. Yeah. Apparently, somebody was saying he two of these movies. Yeah. And True Lies. And True Lies, yeah. Apparently somebody was saying he's quite good in. Oh, the zombie one. The zombie one. Yeah, that's actually a good point. I'm going to have to watch that this week.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Who tweeted that? Give me a name. Boy, we get a lot of tweets, don't we? Not really. But you must get a lot of tweets. Boy, I do. A lot of tweets. I've had a single tweet all week.
Starting point is 00:46:05 We'll edit around this. It's been a tweet for a week. Nate Handley on Twitter. Thanks, Nate. At Handley Blogs. Watch Maggie. Great take on a zombie movie. Arnold actually acted.
Starting point is 00:46:14 There you go. So there you go. Yeah, great. Good for him. We should check that out. We will. He's, you know, OJ Simpson was originally going to, was considered for the Terminator, but James Cameron thought that he was too friendly?
Starting point is 00:46:27 Huh. But then he real-life murdered somebody. Well, allegedly. No, criminally he didn't murder anybody. Civilly he did murder a whole bunch of people. Great. Yeah. As long as he was murdered.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Also, he did steal all that sports memorabilia, which is why he's in prison for life or something. I don't know. Stuff's funny, isn't it? Boy, is it. You know what? He's good in the Naked Gun movies as know. Stuff's funny, isn't it? Boy, is it. You know what? He's good in the Naked Gun movies as well. He's quite funny.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Oh, sure. God damn it. Anyway, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yeah, so yeah, it's just this one-off kind of horror. Yeah. It's a horror film with a sci-fi premise in it. Lance Henderson was also considered as well for The Terminator. Nah, wouldn't have worked.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Well, no, but that would have been like a more infiltration kind of... Yeah, I guess that's true. Because he's just a worked. Well, no, but that would have been like a more infiltration kind of... Yeah, I guess that's true. Because he's just a tank. Yeah, absolutely. He's kind of... There's no subtlety to him at all. No. He's just...
Starting point is 00:47:12 He's sort of learning as he goes, but he's really just kind of sees something and he just walks towards it. Yeah, sure. Yeah. And shoots it or whatever. I like the Kyle Reese dude. I like that... He was great in that.
Starting point is 00:47:24 He is really good, right? Yeah. I don't see how Jai Courtney can be as good as he, Michael Biehn the Kyle Reese dude. I like that. He was great in that. He is really good, right? I don't see how Jai Courtney can be as good as he, Michael Bean is in that. No. Yeah. Michael Bean's great in everything. I think he had an alcohol problem in the nineties.
Starting point is 00:47:33 He was probably great at it. Yeah, he probably was. One of the best. Just putting back, putting him back, just throwing him back. The last thing I saw him in where he didn't look like,
Starting point is 00:47:42 he looks quite old now. He looks great, but was, he's in The Rock. He's one of the command, like that's the last time I saw him and where he didn't look like, he looks quite old now. He looks great. But was, he's in The Rock. He's one of the command, like that's the last time I saw him and was like, yeah, he's great. One thing that I didn't,
Starting point is 00:47:52 there's a few things I noted. I haven't written them down, but they're in the old brain. Big Scooter. Big Scooter, certainly. Secondly, when Michael Biehn arrives in the past. Yeah, he's naked. He's naked and he steals some pants
Starting point is 00:48:04 from a homeless guy and they're real dirty pants. So he goes through an entire movie and he changes some of his other clothes, but he goes through the entire movie wearing these dirty, stained, just disgusting tramp pants. Drawstring pants. Drawstring tramp pants, right?
Starting point is 00:48:20 And he... And no socks? Nikes, but I don't think any socks, yeah. That bothers me. Put some socks on. Yeah't think any socks. Yeah. That bothers me. Put some socks on. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:28 He's got the future. He wouldn't care. I guess so. But at the same... But, like, he gets with Sarah Connor at the end. Boy, does he. He's got some amazing game if he's getting with Sarah Connor with dirty, stinking hobo pants.
Starting point is 00:48:40 You know what I mean? Well, it's a heightened kind of emotional state. Oh, yeah. Definitely, yeah. You see past that. Yeah. They also spent a night in a drain. They did spend a night in a drain so yeah yeah you know what's good about him i mean i haven't seen the new one but he's quite wiry and he looks
Starting point is 00:48:54 like he's just been eating rats and running oh yeah absolutely yeah but jai courtney looks enormous yeah in the new like he's very muscular and and that's how you have to look i guess but in hollywood now otherwise you're ridiculous yeah otherwise it's a like the the joke is that you Yeah. In the new one. Like, he's very muscular and that's how you have to look, I guess. In Hollywood now. Otherwise, you're ridiculous. Yeah. Otherwise, it's like the joke is that you look like a normal human. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Or you're Jason Segel or whatever. You know what? I like how he's come through the time portal and he's got no proof of who he is. Yep. And so he basically has to either, you know, he has to pretty much kidnap Sarah Connor and like force her to believe right and then he tries to explain it to the cops and doesn't really go about that incredibly intelligently yeah i thought the the script was the script is great in the sense that
Starting point is 00:49:35 they built this scenario where he doesn't have any way to prove of anything so he he could you know it's it's not one of those scenarios where some people believe him and they're on his side and blah blah blah like everybody thinks he's crazy yeah because it's a it's a robot that looks completely human and and they're like well we put some rounds in it but body armor exists yeah exactly and he's probably on drugs or whatever and then he's like you know you have no proof there's no you don't have any future technology because you couldn't bring anything to the time portal like it is definitely the scenario of an insane man which I think is that's pretty great
Starting point is 00:50:08 that is a good grounding for a horror movie because there's these two people on the run there's no proof that they're not in the wrong and crazy and it turns out even at the end that nobody believes them so that's pretty great do you like the future stuff?
Starting point is 00:50:26 We see a little bit of future stuff. We see a tiny little bit of future stuff. It's very good given what I assume is a very limited budget. Yeah, yeah. The stop-motion flying hunter-killer looks pretty good. I don't think it's stop-motion. I think it's like a... James Cameron just holding it in his hand and moving it about.
Starting point is 00:50:40 No, I think it's on like a string or whatever. Okay, sure. I don't think it's stop-motion. But the skeleton men are, yeah, which is good. Yeah, great. So what are they called? Doesn't matter. It's great.
Starting point is 00:50:53 It's good. I like how they refer to other things that happened in the war. Like they referenced, look, the T-600 was, we could spot them because they had rubber skin. Yeah, yeah. We do see them in a later Terminator movie. I have problems with that. Oh, yes. But we'll talk about that
Starting point is 00:51:05 because they're 9 feet tall and other things I guess we should leave that there it's great here's a little thing and it's one of those things that it's taken me this long to notice there's a scene in
Starting point is 00:51:18 Sarah Connor goes Sarah Connor's on the run from the Terminator she hasn't been intercepted by Kyle Reese yet and she goes to a bar called Tech Noir from the Terminator. She hasn't been intercepted by Kyle Reese yet. Yep. And she goes to a bar called Tech Noir. Yes. And the Terminator, who has already previously killed the other two Sarah Connors in the phone book. Yep.
Starting point is 00:51:33 He shows up. He finds her. He draws his gun. He cocks it. Yep. And he points it at her. And that gives Kyle Reese just enough time to shotgun him in the back about 30 seconds yeah but like that that kind of it blows the whole suspension of
Starting point is 00:51:51 disbelief why is he not read why isn't he ready oh why isn't it he's the terminator right right what he didn't have to do that for any other sarah connor that's very true but i guess you they needed that extra bit of time and a little bit of extra attention yeah exactly doesn't work should have just shot her I mean be prepared the Terminator
Starting point is 00:52:09 yeah he should have been prepared yeah I wasn't going to say but I I like that though how Kyra Reese didn't even know
Starting point is 00:52:16 which one he was because it's sort of implied in that one as well that they don't all look like him yeah because otherwise
Starting point is 00:52:23 he would have been like well yeah they all look Austrian exactly yeah it. Because otherwise he would have been like, well, yeah, they all look Austrian. Exactly, yeah. It's all the giant tank men. Yeah. But then that's kind of in the later movies, they're kind of like,
Starting point is 00:52:33 yeah, they're pretty much all Schwarzenegger. Except if you're a different model, I guess. But then in the Sarah Connor Chronicles TV show, it's different again. Yeah. I think in the... Because there's a... We'll talk about Terminator yeah um you're talking about the trailer for that or the teaser for that no but you could mention that but um in the novelization to the terminator into terminator 2 go on uh which i
Starting point is 00:53:00 believe elements of that are taken and put in Genesis, like the opening sequence of Genesis. Yes, that's correct, yeah. But in that one, so in the first movie they send back Kyle Reese and the first Terminator, they go to like another chamber and they discover like the forge that built the T-1000 and they're like, oh, they've sent another thing back in time. Let's find. We didn't break the time machine.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Yeah, exactly. Quick, fix the time machine again. Somebody learn temporal physics and we'll fix this. And then John Connor goes through a bunch of Terminator models. He's like, we've got to send something back. We've already sent Kyle Reese. We need to send something else. And he goes through like a chamber of Terminator models.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Do you reckon there was a shuffling? Like, we need somebody else. And there was just like a hands in pockets, kind of a shuffling. I got a, yeah, I got, oh boy. But he goes through a whole bunch of like Terminator models. And he's like, that one. Why? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Really? Yeah. I guess maybe because he remembers it from his childhood. Of course, he would. Yeah, you're absolutely right. He would have remembered it. But yeah, I guess so. That's a great scene.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Yeah. I hope we see that. But it doesn't make any sense ultimately. Look, if every time you send someone back in time, you change the past, no, it doesn't make sense because otherwise time is cyclical and you can't stop the judgment. Here's the thing. We've mentioned this before.
Starting point is 00:54:19 I like time travel movies to make sense. It upsets me when they don't make any sense, but the Terminator movies get a pass for some reason. I don't care when they don't make any sense but the terminator movies get a pass for some reason i don't care that i don't make any sense the 80s whatever yeah it's fine the 80s and 90s it doesn't matter anyway but i think he's but yeah it doesn't really make any sense because it would imply that his prior to him sending this terminator back his mother described in incredible detail the original Terminator I don't think he would have chosen it then yeah if he knew that because she sees it and she's horrified right
Starting point is 00:54:52 exactly also I think the one in Terminator 3 is a slightly different model than one it's a t850 yeah because it's old because it's older. And I think if I recall, the one in Terminator 3, he sends that one back. Because it looks like. Because he has fond memories of the previous one. But we'll get to that later. Bloody get to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Also, here's a bit of a behind the scenes, a little tidbit for you. O.J. Simpson. The reason they all look the same is because Arnold Schwarzenegger played all of them. It's a little BTS behind the scenes for you. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:32 You're a real bloody Harry Hollywood over here. That's right. Yeah, also, we've mentioned this before. There was a teaser trailer for it. For Terminator 2, yeah. For Terminator 2, where I guess a lot of people would have been confused as to how the Terminator's back because he got crushed
Starting point is 00:55:46 where they're just rolling him off of the assembly line and they all look like Arnold. So, you know, that's pretty great. Terminator 2 is one of the best sequels of all time, right? Oh boy, is it ever, yes.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Is it better than the first Terminator though? I think it is. Okay. More money, more crazy stunts. More power. Mini gun minutes,
Starting point is 00:56:04 which you know I love. Absolutely. There's a mini gun minutes. There bloody is. I agree. Special effects are amazing. Correct. You know what?
Starting point is 00:56:13 The time travel effect isn't great, that ball. It looks hand drawn. Okay, right. Fair enough. Go back and watch it. Yeah, there is a director's cut. Yes. I can get our DVD or Blu-ray.
Starting point is 00:56:26 It's interesting. I don't think it's as good. No, and when they say it's director's cut, I don't think James Cameron had any hand in it. I think they were just like, we have these leftover scenes and people have already purchased this on DVD. Let's put them all back in and see what happens and see if people buy it again.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And a lot of the stuff was definitely cut out for a particular reason. It's interesting. The extra stuff is interesting, but I still prefer the original kind of. Yeah. There's a scene towards the end. Do you want to unravel the plot of this first one? Okay. So basically, this time it's personal.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Oh, yeah. Well, again. So they send back two terminators and i guess if they didn't spoil in the trailer you wouldn't know one of them is a t-1000 which is a liquid metal terminator i don't know how he travels through time because nothing synthetic can go through i don't know loophole loophole and the other one is the arnold schwarzenegger model who has been reprogrammed to protect john connor john connor's he's supposed to be nine i think no i'm pretty sure he is no he's a that's supposed to be nine, I think. No.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I'm pretty sure he is. No, that's a sassy nine-year-old if that's the case. You see his birth date in it. He would have to be. I think it's set in 93 and he would have been born in 85. So. I don't know. I think he's older.
Starting point is 00:57:41 He's definitely older. Yeah. But I think he's supposed to. He's driving a little motor scooter thing. He's a rebel man. I guess that's true. You forgot he was a rebel man. I did forget he was He's definitely older. Yeah. But I think he's... He's driving a little motor scooter thing. He's a rebel man. I guess that's true. You forgot he was a rebel man. I did forget he was a rebel, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Yeah. So basically, and then... Which reminds me, in the first Terminator, you don't know that he is a robot until quite far into the film. Is that true? Yeah, we don't get the revelation of that pretty much until... So in Terminator 2, we discover that you assume up until the point
Starting point is 00:58:10 where Arnold Schwarzenegger and the T-1000 meet in the shopping mall, you assume that the T-1000 is the good guy and Arnold is the bad guy again. But in the first Terminator, until we get to tech Noir the bar and Michael Bie Bean shoots Arnold yeah there's no indication that he is and then he explains
Starting point is 00:58:28 I mean he punches a guy's heart out yeah but he's pretty big yeah he's pretty big exactly that's what I'm saying yeah but there's no indication of what he is specifically
Starting point is 00:58:36 until he gets shot a whole bunch of times and he gets up again I think and also then Kyle Reese explains what he is oh yeah
Starting point is 00:58:41 but I think also that would have been spoiled going in like people would have known that there would have been there would have been a trailer it's like machines sent through time yeah blah blah so yeah that's interesting there would have been actually i bet there's a trailer where he pulls his eye out definitely the first one yeah because trailers back in the day were awful yeah they were like and they'd explain who everybody was and what they're up to and yeah hopes and dreams hopes and dreams mostly Hopes and dreams, mostly.
Starting point is 00:59:05 So, yeah, it's another cat and mouse game, but at this time it's two Terminators. One is the tank, and they actually described it as one's a tank and one's a Porsche. Oh, sure. Also, interesting tidbit, which I heard on the- A real wet Porsche. What's that one?
Starting point is 00:59:21 I Was There Too podcast. They had the woman who played John Connor's stepmom. Yeah. I can't remember her name. But she said the T-1000, here's what she sees with his ears. Oh, yeah. So like in the way he kind of tilts his head and the way he kind of takes in information.
Starting point is 00:59:34 And when I saw it again recently, I was like, yeah, he does do that. Jeanette Goldstein. That's her name. She's great. She's an alien. She's in a bunch of stuff. She's really good. I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:59:43 She's Vasquez in Aliens. She is, yeah. And a lot of people thought that she was South American. gonna say she's vasquez in aliens she is yeah and a lot of people thought that um she was south american or what's vasquez from i don't know china okay don't judge i'd never i would never yeah i like that arnold is the obsolete model but you know what unlike three it's never really it's not they don't spell it out like we understand that he's not uh-huh he's not up to it. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And they should just run away, which is what they do until they kind of come back for whatever reason. We've mentioned this before. Yeah. I really appreciate, especially in the first two movies, that Terminators are just silent killers. Oh, I see what you mean. There's no banter.
Starting point is 01:00:21 There's no T-1000 versus T-900 where they tell each other that they're obsolete. Do you think they're going to be rebooted or shut down or I'm going to crash your system. None of this. They just go at each other. I bet there's a lot of that in Terminator Genisys. No, I hope not. No, surely not. It's got the mind of John Connor or whatever.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I think we even see it in the trailer where he's like, you're a relic and I'm a new Terminator. Okay, right. You can tell by my new effect. That isn't as good as the old effect. It's just like Transformers 4. Do you like my new effect? It isn't as good. It's a little grainier than Transformers 4, but it's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I like Sarah Connor in this as well. She's great. And that transition, they didn't just replicate the first movie and she kind of walked away like she went crazy oh yeah like I guess not great she's right yeah but she's clearly but again everybody assumes she's crazy yeah and she spent all that she's become the car race she spent all the time training herself and training John at all sorts of weapons expert and you know and computers and whatever and miniguns and and hiding in the desert and stuff desert trapdoors yeah and then they change that message that poem or whatever it's different in the first one so you know that no fate but what we make yeah but it's different
Starting point is 01:01:36 in the first one oh they change it okay and then they decide to go and stop skynet by exploding skynet and throwing away the Terminator arm, which the Terminators made themselves. Is that right? Correct. So it's cyclical because the reason they made Terminator is because they got the chip from the first Terminator and the arm so they know that they can make Terminators. And then they make Terminators. Let's talk about Terminator.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Let's talk about the Terminator timeline. Okay. Actually, we'll talk about when we talk about Terminator 3. But this is supposed to be closed. There's only supposed to be one and two. At the end of this one, the message is you can choose your own destiny. You can choose your own adventure. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:17 But the message of the third one is, oh, wait, no, you can't. Right. But then, so we'll get to it in a minute. Okay. Yeah. In fact, again, if we're talking about the Terminator novelization and i know we are ultimately that's always what i'm talking about there is a scene at the end of that where sarah connor wakes up yeah and she's in like like a beautiful white dress and she goes out and it's a like a utopian future yeah and she's like
Starting point is 01:02:40 oh my gram hanging out with my grandkids or whatever that's also a deleted scene at the end oh there you go it's not she's yeah she's at the playground with john'm hanging out with my grandkids or whatever. That's also a deleted scene at the end. Oh, there you go. Yeah, she's at the playground with John Connor. And John Connor has a kid and she's old. And she's like, yep, this is pretty good. We did it all right. This is pretty sweet. That's the last line in the movie.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Sure is pretty sweet without the Terminator 2. Oh, no, that's how it ends. Yeah, so she says, it's pretty sweet without the Terminator. And John Connor's like, yeah, I think it's pretty sweet without the terminator and john connor's like yeah i think it's pretty sweet without the terminator two looks at camera credits but it's left way more ambiguous they just kind of drive off there's like a road and they're like maybe everybody this road could go anywhere maybe the terminator could learn humanity maybe we all can learn humanity do you think the terminator learned humanity i think it just
Starting point is 01:03:29 learned a bunch of rote responses yeah pretty much yeah that's what i think it learned some rote responses and it learned to randomize 90s catchphrases ultimately is what it did yeah there's one of the deleted scenes is interesting they take the they switch the cpu in its head which means it can learn yeah because it's when it's sent back through time it's sent as read only yeah so it can't learn and so there's yeah there's the extended scene where they cut his head open yeah they pull the chip out they they sarah connor contemplates smashing it yeah um but then john connor's like no we need him to live Yeah. We need him because he's big and strong. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:04:06 You know what's good in this? The action scenes. Yeah. The fight scenes between, I love the, there's probably two hand-on-hand fight scenes between the Terminators. There's the one in the Insanus Island. Oh, there is too.
Starting point is 01:04:19 I was talking like hand-to-hand combat. Oh, okay, right, right, right. I just like the way it highlights their strengths. I think the Arnold one may even be stronger. Yes, I'd say so. Because he's got form. Yeah, I feel that
Starting point is 01:04:29 the T-1000 is probably no stronger than like a regular human. Oh, it's probably a little bit stronger. All right, fine, whatever. Just a little bit. All right, fine, whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Like a human that works out a bit. Okay, sure. Yeah. Like Patrick Dempsey. Like Patrick Dempsey, thank you. I couldn't remember his name so I just said Patrick Dempsey, the real actor. Robert Patrick. You were close. couldn't remember his name, so I just said Patrick Dempsey, the real actor.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Robert Patrick. You were close. There we go. Yeah. Yeah, so it's kind of like Arnold's just brute force and he's kind of finesse and blades. Yeah. Could have probably stabbed him through his chassis. Chassis?
Starting point is 01:04:57 Chassis. Probably couldn't actually because it's reinforced polyurethane or whatever. Sure, yeah. It's reinforced polyamory. Correct. Anything else about this one? No no but you're right great action sequences yeah um yeah no real good yeah and very creative use of the t1000 i thought definitely there's some just incredible scenes that you know it can replicate anyone it can touch you know etc etc um it's making multiple use of all its blades and stuff. It'll push a blade through elevator doors and then turn them into bloody hooks and then
Starting point is 01:05:31 hook the door open or whatever. And then take a shotgun to the head. Yeah, take a shotgun right to the head. A lot of that's practical as well. I've talked about that before. A lot of that's puppetry, which is awesome. There's the scene where the security guard goes to get a coffee from the coffee machine and he steps over the floor and then the floor turns into him exactly stabs him right in the eye just after he
Starting point is 01:05:49 got a full house yeah yeah this is lucky day yeah and a lot of stuff like the practical stuff like when they had the two security guards standing there they're twins yeah so instead of being like oh we'll do a weird split screen thing and it won't look good no we just get two guys who look the same. And Linda Hamilton as a twin also. Correct. So for that scene where, well, there's a couple of scenes where, well, there's one particular where it replicates her.
Starting point is 01:06:13 And then later, oh, sorry, in that deleted scene where they take the chip out with the mirror, that's two versions. They're just looking at each other and doing the same thing at the same time. Do you think all this stuff was lessons Arnold learned from the movie Twins? Definitely. Yeah, that's what I thought. Though I think that may be... Oh, no, Twins would be before that, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 01:06:32 Here's a question for you. I'm ready. Why does the Terminator have a different haircut than the first one? Is it how long they're on the rack for? Is it your hair grows out? Probably, yeah. I think so, yeah. He's got sweet, gelled hair in two.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And in one, he's kind of got like a floppy cutter. He does have some's got sweet gelled hair into yeah and one he's kind of got like a floppy cutter he doesn't he doesn't have some floppy floppy hair in the first one you're right interesting is like we do you want to talk about three let's talk about three i've seen this bit of trivia for every for this latest terminator movie and three they're like arnold managed to get the same body measurements for this one as he did the number two and this one it said four or five said the same thing about three so they really talk up the like no he's still he's still got it he doesn't like if you look he doesn't look the same in the third one as he doesn't he looks great sure i think he's like mid 50s and and whatever but they don't show him as clearly as they do in two and 1. No, absolutely. Yeah. The wheels really fell off here though, didn't they?
Starting point is 01:07:26 That's right, yeah. Oh, so here I think we can get into the Terminator 2, the Terminator timeline. Yes. Okay. Here's my understanding of it. Okay. And I think whoever is putting these Terminator movies together
Starting point is 01:07:41 understands this, but in editing, the wheels have fallen off and it doesn't seem to make any sense. So in the first movie, Terminator is sent back in time because we know there's going to be the war. Yes. In Terminator 2, they destroy the chip, they destroy all the Terminator stuff, so we've stopped Judgment Day.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Not going to be a war. In Terminator 3, the war happens again, but it happens years later than it was supposed to happen. They just delayed it. Right. So the third one seems to suggest, the scripting seems to suggest that this event, this war between humanity and artificial intelligence is inevitable.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yes. There is nothing they can do to change it. But I think two and four suggest that, yeah, there is no fate but what we make. But Skynet keeps trying to create itself. Yes. And so this is now an ongoing time war. Yeah. So it's...
Starting point is 01:08:42 Like a Doctor Who. Like a Doctor Who. Three is saying that this war. Yeah. So it's an, so like a doctor who, like a doctor who three is three is saying that this war is inevitable, but the overall arc of the Terminator movies are saying it's not inevitable. It's just, there's so many, this there's so much time travel happening that it's just the, the individual events that lead to the war keep changing. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Yeah. So I guess if you go by the logic of three and they're like, it's inevitable you could just push it back five years every time you could yeah like potentially yeah just keep postponing it basically but yeah i like the idea of this ongoing kind of and it's a sky net seems to be always on the verge of defeat yes and then they're like okay we'll do this oh i've thought of another thing yeah well Yeah. I'll send back a woman Terminator whose breasts can change size. That'll get them.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Well, that's also the idea with Five, where they send back a Terminator to kill Sarah Connor as a child. Yes. And that's how that starts. So they're up to all sorts of shenanigans, aren't they? Because I guess there is a limit to how far back they can go Yeah in killing one of the you know
Starting point is 01:09:48 someone in the Connor family line Yeah without also eliminating themselves Yes Because the further you go back
Starting point is 01:09:53 the more descendants are altered Yeah and the more I guess the fabric of society is altered Yeah and then inevitably
Starting point is 01:10:00 maybe the SkyNet's not created. Yeah, good point. So there's this limited window, which apparently begins in the 80s. Or the 70s, as it were, in Part 5. Oh, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:13 You know, I don't hate Rise of the Machines. You should. I should. Look, and I said this in the video, which again will be out because it's pretty much done. You say that. Here's my future prediction. You lose it all. Hard be out because it's pretty much done i say that i say i read here's my future prediction you lose it all hard drive crash it's all gone you have to start again it won't be out by the time this podcast comes out i see it as more kind of like a almost like a
Starting point is 01:10:37 parody or a nod it is a parody in the first one yeah and i'm okay with that because it's all jokes it's all jokes like the first things that happen are... One of the first things is, first of all, the Terminator can enlarge its breasts and trick an officer into nothing. Yep. And Arnold walks into a strip bar and makes... Yeah, it's supposed to be...
Starting point is 01:10:59 He goes into a bar like in Terminator 2. Yes. We're expecting it to be filled with dangerous Hell's Angels bikers. And so, yeah, it's a gay bar pretty much. No, it's not. Oh, it's not. It's a strip club. It's a strip club.
Starting point is 01:11:10 It's a male strip club with like hundreds of women. And he goes to this and the guy says, talk to the hand, the stripper. And he grabs his hand and talks into it and says, give me your clothes. Right. And then he goes outside. He doesn't wear the little stripper hat, the little leather hat, which I'm disappointed. Yeah. And then he puts on a pair of star glasses.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And I remember when I was in the cinema, everybody laughed because that's a good little joke. It is a good little joke because they weren't cool, dangerous sunglasses. They were funny little star glasses. And that sets him on a, I guess, a quest for the perfect sunglasses. There's actually, and I've included this in my video,
Starting point is 01:11:45 all Arnold Schwarzenegger's commentaries are him explaining things that are happening. Literally that are happening at that moment. Or being sexist. Yeah, sure. And there's a scene where he's- The Terminator 3 is worth it. Just get the DVD of the Blue Away or whatever
Starting point is 01:11:57 for the commentary because it alternates, I think. It's the director, Kristana Loken, who plays the TX and Arnold Schwarzenegger and i saw that and i'm like oh this is going to be a fun commentary yeah but they're not all recorded together they're all recorded separately and they alternate what's yeah what's happening and the director talks about blocking and scenes and the plot or whatever and christana logan talks about her process yeah and you know what's happening in the symbolism or whatever and arlen schwarzenegger literally talks about what is happening on screen at that moment.
Starting point is 01:12:27 There's a bit where he explains that how, oh, in this scene where he's annoyed, not because the guy is his enemy, but because he got his glasses broken. And so that's why he's, and he's like explaining it. First of all, that's wrong because the Terminator shouldn't be like, I need a pair of sunglasses.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Right, uh-huh. It doesn't make any sense. Like, why does he need a pair? Because he has had sunglasses before. Yeah, that's the answer. I guess. What do you think of the Terminator, the TX? I feel like it's almost a step down.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Yeah, it really is, yeah. Because it's got a metal chassis body. Yeah. I mean, it's got a plasma cannon. That's pretty good. Sure, yeah. But it's... It has a whole bunch of weapons we've never seen in operation.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Yeah. Like, a whole bunch. And a cutting tool. Sure, yeah. But it's... It has a whole bunch of weapons we never see in operation. Yeah. Like a whole bunch. And a cutting tool. A cutting tool. It also has a 56K modem. Oh, sure, yeah. Do you remember that bit where it rigs up the internet and it makes the internet sound?
Starting point is 01:13:16 Yeah, I do remember that, yeah. You know what? Oh, but speaking of the commentary, so there is the scene in the movie where the TX is driving a car. She's stopped by the cops. She sees a billboard for like a push-up bra or something like that. And she expands her breasts. Correct.
Starting point is 01:13:31 And then Arnold Schwarzenegger in the commentary is like, oh. It's like every woman's dream is to. We wanted to see what it would be like. I'm not going to do the Arnold impression. It's basically he's saying that that this is a new twist on it and kind of every woman would like to have this kind of gift to expand their breasts on a whim. And it's just crazy.
Starting point is 01:13:57 But it's really great. So, yeah, I've included some of that in my video. So if it didn't crash, it'll be there. Yeah, but the TX, you're right, it is a step down, because she can change shape to a degree. Yeah, but she can't go into the floor. Can't turn into a floor, can she? No. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I mean... Can't shape change into a bin, can she? You know what I mean? Probably not, no. Yeah, I don't know. It's okay. Yeah. I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 01:14:21 They needed a gimmick. Yeah. Is Arnold the only returning character in this movie? Actor-wise? Yeah. They needed a gimmick. Yeah. Is Arnold the only returning character in this movie? Actor-wise? Yeah. Is this a trick question? Yes. I mean, no.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Oh! Because Terminator 2 has a return of the psychologist. Correct. Yeah. And Sarah Connor. Yeah, all right. All right. We all know things that would happen in movies. Dr. Silverman's in this one. Yeah, all right. All right. We all know things that happen in movies.
Starting point is 01:14:47 He's in, Dr. Silverman's in this one. He's in three. He's a trauma counsellor. Oh, that's right. Where they go to Sarah Connor's grave. It's not really a grave. It's a coffin filled with guns. That's right.
Starting point is 01:14:55 He is too. Yeah, okay. And he sees Arnold. And he runs away. And he runs away. Yeah, okay, good. And again, it's just a joke. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Because in the second one, it's not a joke. like because in the second one it's not a joke it's he experienced what happened in the first one and he was like that was weird and then he for whatever reason he takes
Starting point is 01:15:11 he rationalized it as just a lunatic with a whole bunch of guns because he wasn't there when it happened like he'd left the station he that is the closest call
Starting point is 01:15:19 in that movie yes Terminator another go back to Terminator 1 here's another scene that I enjoyed so Arnold Schwarzenegger goes to kill Sarah Connor yep Yes. Go back to Terminator 1. Here's another scene that I enjoyed.
Starting point is 01:15:28 So Arnold Schwarzenegger goes to kill Sarah Connor. He goes to her apartment and he doesn't know what Sarah Connor looks like. Yeah. So he shows up and Sarah Connor's roommate is there. And so he assumes that's Sarah Connor and goes to kill her. But of course, she is being defended by her boyfriend. A man in some bikini briefs. And they have a scuffle and it's very one-sided except for a scene where the boyfriend, like,
Starting point is 01:15:53 tackles Arnold Schwarzenegger by the legs and lifts him off the ground and, like, throws him, like, out of shot. I included that in my video. The Terminator's got to weigh 400 pounds. Well, that's the thing though because later... First, okay,
Starting point is 01:16:06 there is a way around this if you think about it. Yes. That's the same model as the second one and you kind of see John helping him up when he's all beat up.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Okay, so you think he's a lot lighter weight. I guess he was made of titanium. Exactly. But in the third one, he's a slightly different model and they can't lift him off that car when he gets mashed into the car.
Starting point is 01:16:22 That's right, yeah. So, I don't know how much he weighs. I guess there's not a way out of it no it's my actual point anyway back to back to three what do you think about the cgi in the third one i think the damage to his face is good yes but there's a bit where he just has a cgi head that she kicks off right yeah remember that bit i do remember that yeah and that's not as good the cgi peaked at two did well you know what they there's a bit where they flip a truck in it and it's clearly a cgi truck right because it's from 2003 you're like that's a yep cgi the era where you you could have you can cgi anything but you shouldn't but they did exactly yeah it does have your favorite thing in a movie, though,
Starting point is 01:17:07 where a guy gets his car side-swiped and he goes, Hey, asshole! Yeah, that's great. Which is your favorite thing. Which is my dream role in a movie, to be that guy who's annoyed in clearly what is some sort of horrible crisis situation, but he's got places to be. He's like, Hey, asshole! Yeah, that's real solid.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Yeah, the special effects peaked with two two yeah and i think they just overdid it with this one though i think that's what it was yeah i think and i i've mentioned this before and i don't know if this is true if somebody out there is in special effects let me know well visual effects more than anything else no special we want them to be special okay they're gonna be special if you're a special boy or girl out there but i I guess in 2, because there's the T-1000 and it looks incredible, and every time they've attempted to do something like that, like in 3 with the TX, the outer coating of the TX, and in what looks like in Terminator Genisys,
Starting point is 01:17:55 the effect isn't as good. Or any time any sci-fi movie is like, we'll get a morphing kind of effect. I get the sense, and somebody please email in and let us know, that, practical effects aside, this was kind of the cutting edge of special effects at the time, visual effects. And they had to do like every frame. Oh, okay. Like one at a time.
Starting point is 01:18:21 And this was like the frontier of this kind of effect. Yeah. And now that people know how to do it, they've just built like an algorithm in Adobe Premiere or whatever. So you can just be like, okay, well, I want this person to start off as a human and turn into a truck with a morphing effect and you just click and click and then it fills it all in between. Yeah. But in Terminator 2, they had to do it frame by frame.
Starting point is 01:18:40 That's probably true. And so now you can do it easier and cheaper, but there's no finesse to it and it's just kind of whatever the middle step is the computer did it for you kind of yeah like i think a lot of that the in that second one that our brain kind of fills it in because we hadn't seen it before okay right there is nostalgia associated with it i don't know there's some pretty great mirror i completely agree i completely like when he morphs like there's a scene where he um he's a he's a floor
Starting point is 01:19:06 yeah there's the floor this is yeah but there's also a scene where he's he's the motorcycle cop yeah he smashes his head through he smashes he hangs onto a helicopter he smashes his head through the windshield of the helicopter and then he sort of morphs through the holes and it looks incredible and you see all the reflections yeah in the liquid metal and stuff but you also got to look at the way that's the way that's lit is very different than 3, where everything that happens in 3 is bright and technicolour and in the open in daylight. Because it's a parody.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Because it's a parody. Of 2, yeah. Yeah, but like that bit, that happens at night and it's in very specific lighting conditions and I think it works more for that. So you don't... I think they were smarter about hiding it as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:44 They're like, this is good, but we don't i think they're smarter about hiding it as well yeah like this is good but we don't want to have it right one and two were good at hiding limitations exactly we were talking about the future scenes in the first terminator they didn't they clearly didn't have that much money yeah but they're like okay we'll we'll work around that exactly and then in three you've just got a thousand terminators just stomping about and whatever. And those future scenes look good, but they're clearly like, well, you've just all CGI'd this. Like in the Terminator 2, they put like half a Terminator rig
Starting point is 01:20:13 on top of a person and then that person would walk. So it would give that, you know, make it look like it was walking and things like that. Also, we should tell the story about how you owe Robert Patrick a dollar. I can't remember this, but it sounds plausible. What did I say? We were watching Terminator 2 years ago, and I think I looked up the IMDb trivia,
Starting point is 01:20:32 and I said, apparently there's a scene where the T-1000 is flying the helicopter where he's got like three arms. I remember that, yeah. And you said, there is no way that I have missed that, and that is the thing that happens. But if you watch any cut thing that happens but if you watch
Starting point is 01:20:45 any cut of that movie if you look very closely he's flying that helicopter with three hands yeah because he's flying he's flying the heli he's because you need you need two hands to operate a helicopter yeah and he's got a third hand holding a machine exactly it's insanity but you know what they do it and they don't draw attention to it yeah yeah yeah which is great yeah so hashtag you owe I guess I do it's weird yeah
Starting point is 01:21:08 it's weird that he didn't do more stuff like there's some innovative use of that we're bouncing all over the place that's fine but there's the scene in towards the end of Terminator 2 where Arnold punches
Starting point is 01:21:18 the Terminator the T-1000 in the face yeah and his hand just sort of goes through it yeah and sort of gums up yeah
Starting point is 01:21:24 and then the T-1000 morphs around so that now he's got him in a lock he's got him in like a wrist lock and then he just belts him
Starting point is 01:21:31 it's great it's pretty good you're right more of that I guess if they did that at the start you know they'd be like well that's
Starting point is 01:21:37 we need to build from that yeah that's all we got yeah and you don't really know that he can kind of do that because you're kind of finding out as it goes speaking of you know I said I was terrified of one.
Starting point is 01:21:47 When I saw two, I was nothing but this is the best movie I've ever seen. Yeah, totally. Like it's not, I guess it's tension filled, but it's not a horror movie. No. It's different than. It's balls to the walls action. You know what also, okay, jumping back to three for the last thing. I think there's some humor in that that works.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Give me an example of anything there's the there's a bit where katherine brewster who's john connor's wife for whatever reason yeah is in the back of the truck yeah and she's like hitting on the thing and and she's like let me out of here whatever and he's like relax like he just yells he just yells relax at her okay that's funny yeah and there's also a bit where she's like why why are you kidnapping me? Why are you doing this? Who do you think you are? And John kind of knocks on the front bit of the car and he goes, tell her who I am.
Starting point is 01:22:32 And he's like, this is John Connor. He's leader of the human resistance. He's destined to save mankind. He's like, see, that's... Yeah, yeah. So that's pretty good. But generally, it's... I think it's fun.
Starting point is 01:22:42 It's not... But it's... You know, how was that drink? It was pretty good. It was great. I finished my energy drink. I's not, but it's, you know. How was that drink? It was pretty good. It was great. I finished my energy drink. I feel I'm so wired.
Starting point is 01:22:49 So much energy. Yeah, it's... You don't drink energy drinks, do you? No. You're going to be up for days. I'm going to be up for days. I don't drink them. I try not to.
Starting point is 01:22:56 They're bad for you. You'll die. I drank six in a day and I was fine. And then I felt a really intense pain in my heart for about a solid minute and then went away and I was fine again. So I'm assuming I'm now invincible and will never die. Okay, so... Terminator Salvation, I guess.
Starting point is 01:23:10 No, hang on. We had... I think it's okay. It's not... Oh, that's what I was going to say. It's the third installment, yeah. And that's, generally speaking, the last gasp for anything. Correct.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Until Fast and Furious proved that wrong, three was the death knell for pretty much everything, right? Yeah. Hollywood assumed you had three shots at anything, and at that point the cost versus profit analysis was like, it's not worth doing another one. You're making video-on-demand Universal Soldier movies. Precisely, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:43 With no original cast members. Universal Soldier movies. Precisely, yeah. With no original cast members. Best part of the movie where the TH-50 is going to set off its plasma power source and blow up the T-X
Starting point is 01:23:53 and he says that you are terminated. And he's correct. Yeah, he's correct. But he doesn't need to say it. Just be a silent killer, alright? Also, he pulled his battery out. If I pulled the battery out
Starting point is 01:24:02 of this recording device right now, that would stop. Because he already threw out the previous battery. He had two and he already threw one away. Emergency power. Yeah, I guess he probably does. That's right. Maybe he's plugged into a wall socket.
Starting point is 01:24:14 We don't see that. You're terminated. Wait, give me a minute. Click. Yeah, there's a deleted scene where we pan backwards and there's a cable and it's cut it cuts to john connor and katherine brewster on treadmills and they're running and they're powering on they're powering his back up you can do it yeah we believe in you tell tell tell her what you're gonna do when you do it tell tell us she's terminated
Starting point is 01:24:39 uh you know what actually the end of that movie is quite grim, though. It's all kind of a fun kind of la-di-da, the future's inevitable. And then it's like nuclear war. Yeah. And that's the end of the movie. Yeah. But you know what, I like how the Terminator's goal there was, I'm just going to get you to safety.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Yep. And then that's it. I'm done. No time to avert the war. Correct. We can't do it. Worked last time, probably not going to work again. Why bother?
Starting point is 01:25:06 Exactly. Terminator Salvation. Oh, yeah. No returning characters. Great. Or are there? We'll get to that. I wish the psychologist came back.
Starting point is 01:25:17 And he's just standing there in this apocalyptic... Can he not believe it still? Yeah, and he's like, boy, I really should have seen this coming. I mean, I was told about this at least three times. I mean, potentially more times in between three and four. I mean, who's to say? Who is to say? I saw many things.
Starting point is 01:25:36 You're right, though. I think you mentioned before he had the closest call in Terminator 2. Yeah. Oh, in Terminator 1 and 2. 1 and 2. Oh, that's true, yeah. Because he leaves, like, he's about to leave the police station he passes arnold on the way exactly yeah you're right and then he even he stays in like the the foyer of the of the police station for like a
Starting point is 01:25:55 couple of seconds yeah and then he thinks about that and then he leaves like if he stayed in there another two if he'd stay there another 30 seconds he would have been run over by a car, at least. At the very least. Yeah, and then in two, he's there when the T-1000 is chasing Sarah Connor and John Connor and the Terminator. Yeah, yeah. And he sees him walk through the bars. Yeah. And then he just, and it just kind of runs past him.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Like, but that would have, if everyone else hadn't have been there, he would have killed that guy. Yeah. Are they built to not tell people there's Terminators? Who? The Terminators. I'd say so. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Oh, you mean, why did he walk through the, why did he walk through the bars? Yeah. That's kind of a giveaway. I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 01:26:36 that's his, of course he's gonna, because that's, yeah, because that's his target. Yeah. But generally, I guess they're like,
Starting point is 01:26:41 we should, I should blend in. I don't want people to know I'm a robot. Yeah. You know what though, there is a weird bit in one where the't want people to know I'm a robot. Yeah. You know what, though? There is a weird bit in one where the Terminator's car crashes and he runs away. Yeah. But is that because he's injured?
Starting point is 01:26:51 I think that's because he got his eyebrows burned off. That's really distracting, isn't it? It's incredibly distracting. And they would never do that these days. No. They'd never be like, oh, one of our starring characters, we're going to get rid of their eyebrows. He looks so weird. He looks so weird.
Starting point is 01:27:04 But it's only Brick. And I guess he's not. He's the villain, not the main character. And then very shortly afterwards, he pulls one of his eyes out and wears sunglasses. At night. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm assuming he was injured. Because he's apocalyptic future so bright, he's got to wear shades.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Anyway, Terminator Salvation sucks. It's a garbage film. I don't understand how people say this is better than 3. Because it's darker than 3. Yeah, I guess. Look, I haven't actually written out the story here. I've just written out all the plot holes. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:35 But I guess we should talk about the story. It's the year 2019. Yep. There are Terminators. Sure. John Connor is... But this is prior to time travel technology being developed. Yes, 10 years prior.
Starting point is 01:27:44 But for some reason, even though the war started later yep they've already built the arnold schwarzenegger terminator right yeah but then again they destroyed at the end and whatever it sucks did i mention that yeah yeah i remember seeing the trailer and being like that looks pretty good i think i thought that as well and i remember thinking there are elements and even now there are elements in it. I like parts of it. Like some of the ideas. I like the idea of a Terminator-human hybrid that hadn't been done.
Starting point is 01:28:12 But then they revealed it in the trailer. They sure did. Do you want me to just do plot holes? Let's do plot holes. Yeah, I'm big on the plot holes in this movie. I mean, look, the biggest plot hole ultimately is that he jumps into a submarine. All right, there's that.
Starting point is 01:28:27 All right, but the overarching problem with the plot is that the entire plot, the scheme of Skynet is to trick John Connor into going to a particular building where they will kill him and end the war. Correct. Because he's the linchpin that is holding the human resistance together. If they kill him, they've got the whole thing in the bag. So they bring him to this building, and then they send one Terminator to kill him in that building.
Starting point is 01:28:58 One that he's seen before. Yeah, but it's not like... Do you reckon they were like, let's send the one that he's seen? Yeah, but it wasn't like... Do you reckon they were like, let's send the one that he saved? Yeah, but it wasn't like, oh, John Connor could do anything and we Skyner have to wing this. They're like, this is our plan from the beginning to get him to this particular building, like to trick him into going here thinking it's the solution
Starting point is 01:29:23 to all their problems. Because there's a virus that can apparently shut down Skynet. That's right. Which is a great trick because they trick everybody into thinking this virus is real. They even crash one of those hunter-killers on purpose to be like, yeah, it's definitely real, the virus. So they get him to this building and then in order to kill him
Starting point is 01:29:42 they bring in one guy, like one Terminator. this building and then in order to kill him they bring in one guy yes like one terminator and the idea is because skynet has appears to have developed this personal grudge against john connor and what like wants to kill him with this this version of the terminator that he's seen before but like the skynet doesn't have any emotions it's an artificial intelligence it's not like poetic justice exactly like if you if your whole plan was to get him to this building you get him in the building you lock all the doors you fill the building with poison gas and then you blow it up yes that's that's correct yeah also they know who kyle reese is and that he's john connor's father yep i don't know how they
Starting point is 01:30:20 know that uh-huh it makes no sense and if they do know that why did they kidnap him yeah and then use him also to lure john connor in when they could just kill him and john connor would never be born correct there's also the submarine bit oh you sure yeah where there's a rolling ocean this is my video and there's a submarine which is the headquarters of humankind and the resistance and john yeah all of them. Michael Ironside, who's great. Sure. And he's like, John Connor's like, I'm in a helicopter or something above.
Starting point is 01:30:49 I'm coming into the submarine. And they're like, don't do it. And then he pin drops into the ocean. And in the next scene, he's inside the submarine, sopping wet. And there's no explanation for how that happened. Is there like a weird kind of airlock on a submarine that I don't know about?
Starting point is 01:31:08 Not that kind of submarine. I don't think so. I mean, it's the future. Yeah, okay, good point. The other thing is, the whole point, every time you see the future in 1 and 2, they make a very clear point that you fight at night because there's less chance of being detected.
Starting point is 01:31:24 This one is all daytime. Yeah. You see, that's the thing, though. That's 10 years ago, though. That's 10 years prior to the futures in Terminator 1 and 2. So maybe they've learned in the 10 years. No. John Connor knows this.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Like, he would have been told that. Oh, I see. The general. Yeah, okay. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. And the other thing is, everybody- So he would have future knowledge, and he would say-
Starting point is 01:31:43 He has every bit of knowledge that is... Because he knows all the Terminator models that are going to be released. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, exactly. It's like knowing all the iPhones, except they kill you. Yeah. Which isn't as good, I guess.
Starting point is 01:31:54 These ones don't kill you. That we know about. Apple. The other thing is... My social commentary. I just say the name of a company yeah what else am i gonna say he's also prophesied to lead the resistance to victory but the only reason that would be the case is because a sarah connor told a bunch of people before she died
Starting point is 01:32:16 yep right so we know she dies before three so she dies sometime in the late 90s even if that is the case he's perpetuating that rumor by telling people that he is the leader and he has to do this and whatever. Do you have to, like... Would you do that? Or would you be like, it's inevitable, so... I'll just lead.
Starting point is 01:32:35 I'll just kind of hang around for a bit and eventually Ironside will, you know, be out and then I'm in. Anyway. They reveal in the trailer the Terminator-Human hybrid. I think that's an interesting idea to do that. they don't do anything with it it's crap the terminators don't kill anybody in this they just grab them and throw them across the room that's right there's a lot of
Starting point is 01:32:54 three or four times yeah which is weird because the classic terminator move is punched through the heart exactly unless a man in jocks tackles you with the legs so yeah right other thing is you see the the long kind of spoken about t600s which are the precursor to the t800s which are rubber skin but the easiest there was a t700 in the middle it was just all human flesh just because they were like well we've we've we've we've gone with robot with rubber skin over the top. We've had some success. Some success. Middling success.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Future version, we're thinking about a cyborg with human flesh. So maybe we'll just try a big wobbly sack of human flesh with a gun tape to it. What do you think would be more successful? A wobbly sack of flesh or the T-600s? T-600s look pretty badass. They did, but they're supposed to be... Because Kyle Reese kind of made a point in the first one of being like, there were supposed to be these infiltration units.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Yeah. But again, like you said, they're eight feet high. They've got like rubber skin hanging off them. Yeah, like stapled on. Exactly. And they've got mini guns drilled into their arms. Yeah. Like, and they're sort of like, yeah, but, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:08 they're wearing shoes. Yeah, sure. Like, why are you wearing shoes? You're nine feet tall. Look, they're great at infiltrating, provided the infiltration is like just waving from the other side of a ravine. Like, hey, we are human resistance also.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Don't come any closer. We'll see you at night time. We'll come visit. It also has a heart surgery scene. Yeah, so... This is also in my video. There's a bit where John Connor takes a metal spike... Through the heart.
Starting point is 01:34:42 Like, right through. Yeah. Like, through the middle. And he doesn't die yeah immediately for some reason but then also marcus phoenix is no that's the guy from giz of war marcus who's the terminator he's the sam worthington the sam worthington terminator he's the sam worthington that movie let me tell you he's actually not bad at that i would say there's a bit where the terminator he he's fighting the Arnold one, kind of zooms in on his heart and it says vulnerability
Starting point is 01:35:08 and then it just punches him right in the heart, stops his heart because it's a human heart. Yes. I don't know why he needs that to live. I guess it's a brain function or whatever. Oh, sure. So he's dead for minutes and then John Connor zaps him back to life. But because John Connor then gets stabbed through the heart,
Starting point is 01:35:24 they're going to replace what I presume is just pulp. Yeah. That punched up heart with John Connor's heart. And then you don't need any kind of drugs to kind of stop your body rejecting it and you'll just live and everything will be fine and you'll lead the resistance. So the rumor was. Yes. I don't think it was a rumor it was i think that was the story the story was and i guess it was leaked that at the end of terminator salvation yes john connor was going
Starting point is 01:35:54 to die yes and then sam worthington's character yeah was going to be plastic surgery into looking like john connor yeah and he was going to lead the resistance. Yeah. So the leader of the resistance, who eventually defeated Skynet, was the cyborg man. Yeah. Which I think is quite a good idea. I think that was a better idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:14 So instead, they went with something that makes less sense, which is that... Two men with irreversibly damaged hearts. Swapped hearts. Yeah, exactly. So I guess Sam Worthington died? Yeah. Bit sad, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:36:34 That's not probably the word. But yeah, so I guess they scripted this, and they're like, well, actually, we want John Connor to still be human or whatever. We want him to live because it's Christian Bale and he's a bigger star or whatever. But I like that twist a lot. Yeah. It's better.
Starting point is 01:36:54 But they had the footage where they are both... Stabbed through the heart. Brutally injured in the heart, yeah. Isn't that weird that... You wouldn't give him a vulnerable heart. You wouldn't give him the punched heart. You wouldn't give him the punched heart. You'd give him somebody else's heart. Give him like a metal chassis over that heart.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Put it in a box. Yeah. I don't know. I'm just saying. I don't know. And of course, we can't neglect to mention... What if the reveal in Terminator Genisys, and we don't know what it is yet, but what if the reveal is that John Connornor is sam worthington i think people
Starting point is 01:37:27 would be like oh does that one count right yeah actually that's a really good point yeah i think they're not considering that yeah because that would make a tiny little bit of sense based on anybody liked that movie yeah nobody does they do that yeah because then people were like oh i had to remember that yeah um terminator salvation however did give us the famous Christian Bale rant. Correct. Is that worth the presumably $120 million budget? Nope. There's one more thing we've got to mention.
Starting point is 01:37:53 The cartoon Arnold Schwarzenegger. Wait, what? They CGI him. Oh. I didn't mind it. You hated it. I hated it. You should watch it now.
Starting point is 01:38:03 I won't. I'm going to have that precious memory in my mind and my heart, my super damaged heart forever. And again, that was in the era where they were like, no, we could definitely do this. You can't. Look, I'm glad they did it just so the one in this latest one looks pretty good.
Starting point is 01:38:19 It does, yeah. So it's not perfect, but I'm like, that's pretty good. Yeah. It's good enough. I think the initial shot of young Alan Schwarzenegger we see in the Genesis trailer is just the clip from the first Terminator. It may very well be. I think that shot in the first trailer is also,
Starting point is 01:38:34 I think they polished it compared to the later ones. I think it's actually gotten better. Okay, interesting. It remains to be seen how it looks. It probably looks fine. Yeah, I bet it's great. We neglected to mention there's a deleted scene in Terminator. Oh, by the way, Terminator terminal salvation is the worst yeah there's a deleted scene in terminator
Starting point is 01:38:49 three where there's a there's an army officer called sergeant william candy yep who is arnold schwarzenegger with a kind of hick hillbilly southern accent and they're modeling the future of robotics off him and then they're like, I don't like the voice, so they swap it out for an Austrian guy's voice. And it's a big joke. It is a big joke, yeah. I mean, they deleted it, but... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:12 It's a good one, isn't it? It's the best part of the movie, probably. That's not in the movie? Yeah. Okay. Well, that's... Anything else about the Terminator? Nope.
Starting point is 01:39:21 It's probably about... It's mostly... You clearly have high hopes for Terminator? Nope. It's probably about... It's mostly... You clearly have high hopes for Terminator 5. But remember, and we've talked about this before, Fast and Furious rules. Number 5 is where they get good again. Let's see if that rule comes into effect. All right, if it happens, this is the rule now.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Okay. It's the Fast and Furious Terminator rule. Gotcha. 5 is the one where it gets good now. Okay. It's the Fast and Furious Terminator rule. Gotcha. Five is the one where it gets good again. Okay. And we have to... Every movie then becomes the exception to the rule. When inevitably the fourth sequel to things is terrible,
Starting point is 01:39:53 we'll be like, well, that's an exception. That's weird that that's an exception to the rule, that a fourth sequel was bad. Because I can think of two movies where the fourth sequel was good. The fifth Star Wars movie isn't very good. It's Attack of the Clones. Yeah. Yeah, it's not good.
Starting point is 01:40:07 That's a saga, though. That's different, isn't it? Yeah. Yep, all in all, they're pretty good. The first two are the best. The third one's okay. I think you should watch some of them, though, Mason. I've watched bloody all of them.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Okay. Have you ever seen any of the Sarah Connor Chronicles? I watched... It's actually not bad....almost all of the first season.icles? I watched. It's actually not bad. Almost all of the first season. Yeah. I think. It's not bad.
Starting point is 01:40:28 It goes after two. It just kind of ignores the other ones. Good idea. They jump to the present day fairly quickly. Yeah, because it starts off in the 90s. Yeah, 95 or 97. Yeah, they introduced forward time travel, which I thought was interesting. That was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:40:41 There's a bunch of different Terminators. But they conveniently cut out the scene where they all time travel forward and they all end up presumably in the near future all naked. And John Connor's naked with his mum. That didn't cut that out. Oh, this is weird. That didn't cut that out.
Starting point is 01:40:56 This is weird and awkward. They're in the middle of a freeway. Oh, great. Yeah. God, that's not a smart play, is it? Yeah, it's pretty good. Also, I think that show ended with John Connor going right to the future and being like...
Starting point is 01:41:09 Oh, that's right. It did too, yeah. Or maybe season one ended with that. No, I think the final episode ended on a cliffhanger. And he's like, oh, yeah, this is the future and it's much worse than you imagined. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
Starting point is 01:41:24 Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na. that's good about that theme song you can play it intense and action-packed we can play it sad and emotional and real man That's how they did it back in the day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You could do either. Yeah. I have a friend who cried when Arnold died at the end of 2. Was the friend you? Yes. No, it wasn't.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Okay. It was my friend David. Okay. Hello, David, if you're listening. You're a dickhead. You're a big crybaby. You're a big crybaby dickhead. You're a dickhead, mate.
Starting point is 01:42:01 It's publicly known. All right. You know what it's time time for what's it time for our favorite segment oh what we read in oh what we're gonna read should i do the theme song yeah theme song put it in edit it in i'm doing the thing what are you reading well actually i'm to do a shameless plug at this point. You would, nerd. Yeah, here's something you can bloody go and read. And by read, I mean listen to.
Starting point is 01:42:30 So a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned my friend Michael Williams. He's a stand-up comedian. I remember. He has a whole bunch of podcasts. Yeah. And he has one called It's a Duck Blur, where he and his wife Sarah watch an episode of DuckTales every week, and then they just sort of break it to
Starting point is 01:42:45 pieces. And I was on this week's episode. What was the episode that you did it on? The episode is called Made of the Myth. Okay. And so basically we watched a 22 minute episode of DuckTales and then we ripped it to pieces for like an hour and a half. It was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:42:59 Some would say that's overkill, but I would say it's just enough. Anyway, I had a really great time. Do I need to watch the episode to understand this no because michael puts in a lot of audio drops from the episode itself excellent so you understand what's going on but if you just go to google and you type in maid of the myth m-a-i-d of the myth yes it's like on daily motion or vimeo or whatever so i'd probably recommend just uh watch that yeah as much as you can of that episode. And then listen in and destroy it with us. Anyway, It's a Duck Blur is the name.
Starting point is 01:43:28 It's on iTunes. And check it out. Did you solve a mystery? Yeah, and then we rewrote history. I was going to say. Terminator style. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
Starting point is 01:43:38 Yeah, it's really good. Anyway, that's what I'm reading. I'm not even listening to that because I'm on it and I don't know how it turned out. How dare you? And you don't even listen to your own podcast. Correct. So there's a real endorsement.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Even you listen to it. That's right. Great. I'll check that out. It's a dark blur. Yeah. You might solve it. No, I did that.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Look, I've got a What We Read and we're going to talk about later. Okay, great. We're going to do it with a letter. But also, I'm going to see Terminator Genesys on Monday. Oh, yeah. And I'm going to hopefully have a review up that day as well. Nice. Pretty exciting.
Starting point is 01:44:06 Time for letters. Now, we. I'm going to hopefully have a review up that day as well. Nice. Pretty exciting. Time for letters. Now, we had a theme song. Yep. Last week I asked for a theme song because we, I, because I'm incredibly selfish, ask our listeners to send in a theme song of a different genre every week. Correct. And last week it was reggae.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Yep. We had big band swing it was reggae. Yep. We had big band Swing at one point. We did. This week I asked for Mumford & Sons style folk rock. Yes. And thanks to everybody who sends them in. Yes. We got one from Chris.
Starting point is 01:44:37 We got one from Chris. We can't play it. Because the rule is, because James refuses to edit it in, because it's one more piece of editing that he refuses to do. So what i ask is people send him in and then i play it through my phone correct the format chris sent it through i can't play it through my phone that's right i'm tapping away here it's not working judgment day judgment day thank you for sending it in so that's the rules but he sent it as an mp3 that's what i'm saying thank you though okay and make sure you tweet at nick mason at wikipedia brown to let him know that there's one in the
Starting point is 01:45:08 can. Ready to go. Yeah. Because otherwise I might miss it. Letters, then? Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Letters, dun, dun, dun. Do you want to request another folk song or do you want to give Chris another chance to
Starting point is 01:45:20 redeem himself? I'm going to give Chris another chance to redeem himself. And by redeem himself, I mean re-enencoded as an MP3 and send it again. Okay. But don't feel obligated, Chris. No, not at all. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 01:45:30 Here's a question. James. Oh, this is to do with what I'm reading. I think it's you or maybe it's Nick. Who does not like the comic tie-ins? Hang on. The question basically is one of us doesn't like the comic preludes that leads into movies. Do you agree? I think it depends the comic preludes that leads into movies. Uh-huh. Do you agree?
Starting point is 01:45:46 I think it depends on the preludes to movies. I read the Guardians of the Galaxy one. Oh, yeah? How'd that go? And it was kind of a nebular origin, and then it was all the original Guardians of the Galaxy Star-Lord shit from the 70s. Oh, yeah, sure. So I'm like, this is 18 bucks, and it's garbage.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Right. And then I got tricked again this week. I didn't get tricked. I knew that would happen. I downloaded the Ant-Man one, which is like 15, 16 bucks. You get a Scott Lang story. That is a lot of money. It is.
Starting point is 01:46:14 You get a Scott Lang story. Are these original content stories? Yes. Are these? Okay. But they obviously lead directly in. So it's Paul Rudd and you get a Hank Pym origin. And then you get a bunch of old Ant-Man crap from the 60s.
Starting point is 01:46:26 Oh, sure, yeah. So, come on. How good are the likenesses? Is it a good Paul Rudd? It's close enough, yeah. Is it a good Michael Douglas? Yeah, it's close enough. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:34 Yeah. Those stories are quite good. They're okay. They're not worth the price of admission, that being many dollars. But that's not the only question, Mason. But how do you feel about the Journey to the Force Awakens program, which is meant to bridge the gap,
Starting point is 01:46:47 or something like Fury Road prequel comics, which are coming out after the movie? Thanks, Kenny from Pennsylvania. P.S. Can I be the official dickhead of the podcast? Yes. Yeah, we already thought of that, so. Yeah. Nah.
Starting point is 01:46:57 Look, I've heard that the Furiosa Mad Max comic is garbage. Oh! Yeah. Heard it's garbage. Ouch. Because it's garbage. Ouch. Because it's, you know how in the movies the brides are like, bad stuff has happened to them. Sure.
Starting point is 01:47:13 But they're not defined by that. Yeah. Like they're people in their own right and, you know, they've gotten the... The gusto. They've gotten the gusto to escape on their own and do all this sort of stuff. Well, in the comic books, apparently, spoiler alert, I guess, but don't read it, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:47:32 They're just these weak-willed kind of, we're just... Because in the movies... Spoiler alert if you haven't seen this, but everybody's seen Mad Max, surely. Sure. They're like, they begged Furiosa to come with them. Like, we're escaping and you've got to come with us because blah, blah, blah. Sure. You know, they're like, they begged Furiosa to come with them. Like, you know, we're escaping and you've got to come with us because blah,
Starting point is 01:47:47 blah, blah. Yeah. Kind of thing. In this, like she rescues them all and they escape. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:51 Like it's kind of, it's sort of apparently directly contradicts the movie in a lot of ways. So. Well, that's not very good, is it?
Starting point is 01:47:56 No, it's not very good. Yeah. I read one of the prequels. It might've been Nux or something. And I was like, yeah, it was all right.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Okay. Right. One of them. I can't remember which one. Right, right, right. No,
Starting point is 01:48:04 I read that artwork stuff. Oh, sure. and that was pretty good because it was artwork well yeah that's yeah how do you feel about the journey journey to the force awakens which is meant to bridge the gap though i haven't seen it i don't know anything about it um well there's also a bunch of novels that are coming up there's one called aftermath or aftermath how do you however you say after mash after did you ever watch that? No. The MASH sequel series? No. Probably not very good, I've heard. Yeah, so in October they're going to start rolling out
Starting point is 01:48:30 kind of what happened after Return of the Jedi. I'm excited for that though. If it's a novel or a legitimate comic or whatever, then yeah, I want it. But I don't want it if you're just selling me old crap. Sure, yeah. That I wouldn't. If it's reprints of the old Marvel series from the 70s.
Starting point is 01:48:46 At least include some good Ant-Man stories like this, because there are, like Ant-Man season one is great. It's a good kind of origin to the character and whatever, like a retell. There's a bunch, anyway, whatever. Thanks, Kenny. You're pretty good. Hello, my name is Philip and I'm a 14-year-old boy from Missouri.
Starting point is 01:49:02 And I'd like some tips on making a podcast as I'm planning on producing one in the future. Thanks a bunch. Just do a podcast. Just do a podcast. Don't do it on like comic book movies and TV shows. No, that's covered. And video games because we've got that.
Starting point is 01:49:16 Quite frankly, we can do without the competition. We're slowly sinking here. Everybody's producing podcasts that are better than ours. So don't do that one day we'll probably do a q a episode where people just send in or maybe put on patreon put on the patreon exactly questions and yeah we can go into more depth with that on the technical side of things i guess oh sure yeah it's not super technical though is it no you just need some money and then and then that's pretty much it yeah like a few hundred bucks um anyways i just
Starting point is 01:49:43 want to uh to let you guys know that I'm currently writing a book about a gay sophomore boy named Colin who gains telekinetic powers. And I'm writing this purely to give the world a properly represented gay superhero. If you give your thoughts, that'd be great. Also, I'd like to be official. James's only American son
Starting point is 01:49:57 that he knows about on the podcast. Cool. Do you have any writing tips? Because I have something to say. If you have a... No, go ahead. I'd like to hear your writing tips. Well, it sounds like you're writing a character that obviously maybe not a reflection of you
Starting point is 01:50:09 or something that you know a lot about because that's kind of your world. They say when you're writing something, especially initially, you should write what you know. And I've never written anything. I don't know that. So I think if you're looking, it gives you a good frame of reference and a good starting point to kind of write a character that you can kind of relate to because then you can kind of get inside the head and kind of convey how they're feeling or what they're doing in realistic situations to how you might react. And if you could also gain telekinesis from now and when you write the book.
Starting point is 01:50:37 Oh, that'd probably give you a different perspective, real in-depth perspective of a man with telekinesis. Definitely. Should he be a bald telekinesis 14-year-old boy in a wheelchair? Yes. Okay. Professor X doesn't with telekinesis definitely should he be a bald telekinesis 14 year old boy in a wheelchair yes okay professor x doesn't have telekinesis no he doesn't sorry he has hypnosis yeah any writing tips i guess i mean aside from that telekinesis thing uh they say practice a lot yeah just write just write a bunch write a bunch of stuff. Don't overthink every sentence. That's what editing is for later. Correct. Just put it all out there and just type and type and type.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Whatever you do. Or handwrite. Handwrite. Get your quill pen. Dip it in your little thing of ink. Doesn't matter if the ink goes all over your pantaloons. Just keep writing. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:51:22 Push through. Push through. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But we're not really the authority on that, are Just keep writing. Doesn't matter. Push through. Push through. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But we're not really the authority on that, are we? No. Yeah. We bloody wing it.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Some people ask, do we write this? No, there's no script to this. Is that being asked? Yeah. How could this possibly be written? I know. I mean, I write some stuff down to be like, we'll talk about this next. Like these letters aren't made up.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Like you've got a note there that says, don't forget to talk about the Terminator movies. Right? Correct. Yeah, yeah. Last letter. Hey, guys. As Hannibal was cancelled just one day after James said he was going to start watching the show.
Starting point is 01:51:54 Isn't that crazy? Yeah. You were like, when's Hannibal coming back? And I said, sounds exciting. And then, bang, cancelled. Yeah. I've decided to do whatever everyone does on the internet and make a rash decision and blame you guys for the cancellation of the show.
Starting point is 01:52:07 No problem. And it's all your fault. That means you have to get it back. Hashtag safe Hannibal was trending worldwide at one point and Fannables have been constantly asking slash annoying Netflix, Amazon, Hooli workers as we try to get someone to pick it up. It'd be great if we could share the safe Hannibal message on the show, ideally via this email, which would mean I would get a shout on the show,
Starting point is 01:52:24 a bloody win. I'd also like to take the title of the friendly neighborhood cannibal of the show uh what do you think of Hannibal do you think it should come back should there be some kind of hashtag thing it's interesting I do really enjoy the show it is a comp it is just a series of people trying to convince each other they're insane and murderous and then becoming murderous uh I enjoyed a lot. I think all the performances are great. I think it's got a lot of style, the show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:47 A lot of grace. Yeah, exactly. Yes. Yeah, Vogue. Well, the thing about it is it is sort of a TV series that has a limited shelf life. Yeah. I guess in the sense that it's going to have to at some point
Starting point is 01:53:01 segue into The Silence of the Lambs. Oh, okay. Because it's all a prequel to Red Dragon. The book or the movie? Well, there was a – this is complicated. Is this set in the modern day? Yes, it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:15 Okay. And so this is the first – chronologically the first Hannibal Lecter story was Red Dragon. Yep. And then Silence of the Lambs. But Silence of the Lambs was the first movie to really hit it big kind of thing. So most people consider that the first one. But anyway, Hannibal the TV series is set prior to those stories.
Starting point is 01:53:36 So eventually it has to segue into those. So either they'd have to sort of remake those stories on TV, which I'd kind of like to see. Sure. But they're also already there. They already exist. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know, I guess if we don't get them...
Starting point is 01:53:52 Then we have the movies? We have the movies, I guess, yeah. Sure. I'd kind of like... It is kind of a harrowing TV series. Yeah. I don't know. I'd like to see more of it, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:01 Save Hannibal, guys. Let's bloody get it out there. It's pretty good. All right. Well, look, I'm going to watch it first and then I'll decide whether it should be saved. Okay, good idea. I feel like this has a pretty good chance of getting picked up.
Starting point is 01:54:11 Yeah, it's solid. I think they were also saying that maybe one of the reasons is that next season they'd have to introduce Clarice Starling, who's the character from Silence of the Lambs, and there was some sort of legal wrangling so they couldn't get her. Wait, is she introduced after he gets locked up though, right? Yeah. So he does get,
Starting point is 01:54:30 he will get locked up this season apparently. That's a good question. Because otherwise, are they going to change it? Because he's working with someone called Will, is that right? Yeah, so the plot of the movie is essentially Red Dragon and Hannibal
Starting point is 01:54:42 and the other couple of sequels is that he was like he's a forensic psychiatrist and he worked with this criminal profiler called Will Graham. Yes. Will Graham eventually realized that he's a serial killer and puts him away and then after Hannibal like scars him up and tries to kill him or whatever. And then in Red Dragon and Hannibal, people go to... Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs, various people go to Hannibal who's locked up
Starting point is 01:55:20 and ask him for advice about other serial killers. And he's still a dangerous man even though he's locked up and asking for advice about other serial killers. And he's still a dangerous man, even though he's locked up on property, blah. Yeah. So I think there'd probably be another season. Maybe there'd have to be this season, then a season where he's in jail and that replicates the movie Red Dragon and then another season, which is Silence of the Lambs.
Starting point is 01:55:41 And then who knows? And then the movie where he gets out and it's not very good. Yes. Hannibal Rise? No, the Hannibal. It's just Hannibal. It's just Hannibal, yeah. God, that Hannibal movie's not good.
Starting point is 01:55:51 I bet Hannibal Rising's not good either. Red Dragon's quite good, which is surprising because Brett Ratner did it. Yes. It's so amazing. He's the McG of films. He is, isn't he? They're both the McG. They're both the McG of films.
Starting point is 01:56:04 All right, well well that's the show for this week isn't it yes where can people find us well if they want to write us a letter yes they can send it to
Starting point is 01:56:10 weeklyplanetpod at we're also at weeklyplanetpod on twitter and facebook and bandcamp which is where we have
Starting point is 01:56:17 all our movie commentaries what's the last one we did Jurassic Park Jurassic Park and we're going to do Terminator 2 and then we didn't then we forgot
Starting point is 01:56:23 sorry we didn't forget we ran out of time we're very busy we're just having and then we didn't. Then we forgot. Sorry. We didn't forget. We ran out of time. Yeah. We're very busy. We're just having a sleep. Correct. If you want to support the show, slash MrSundayMovies.
Starting point is 01:56:30 That's right. Thank you to the Brit and the Basilisk for the themes. Yes. Next week, it looks like I'm going to be away. You are going to be away. So you're going to bring on a very special guest. I'll bring on a very special guest. And by very special guest, it means whoever I can get at the time.
Starting point is 01:56:46 I have some people in mind. You haven't told them yet. Maybe you've heard of them. Maybe you haven't. Yeah. You probably haven't. Listen. And I haven't asked anybody yet,
Starting point is 01:56:54 but we'll get to it. We'll bloody get there. And what we'll probably do is watch Genesis and we'll talk about that together. Correct. We'll all bloody have a big... Oh, I won't.
Starting point is 01:57:03 You will. Yeah. But a good old time. A bloody great bloody have a big, oh, I won't. You will. Yeah. But a good old time. A bloody great time. Great. Fantastic. Also, the Weekly Planet on Twitter is a good place to follow as well. Keeps you abreast of things and such.
Starting point is 01:57:14 Where can people find you? Oh, I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at Mr. Sunday Movies. Send us your thoughts on Terminator Genisys, I guess. And Mason might read them out. Who knows? Who knows if I can access the emails? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Awesome. That's the show for this week. I'll say my catchphrase. Grab that gem, everyone. And now you say whatever catchphrase comes to mind. Who ate all my biscotti? Yeah. Bye, everyone.
Starting point is 01:57:42 I thought you forgot. No. Never.

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