The Weekly Planet - 94 Best & Worst Mission Impossible Films

Episode Date: July 27, 2015

This week, we take a wild ride though the Mission Impossible films in the lead up to Rogue Nation! The highs, the lows, the hair.Plus we talk the X-Men and Fantastic Four films crossing over, Spectre,... Pixels, an Emoji film and a sequel to Jurassic World. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Register today at That's Red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your butt hole. The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet. Welcome back everybody to another... My voice, that didn't... Hang on. Keep it rolling. We can do this. The Weekly Planet, The Weekly Planet My name is James, you might know me as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. Believe in yourself. My voice was fine, like the second before I started, no?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Was it? Yeah. I was hoping you'd trip up. I'm hoping you'd sabotage this podcast. And it's mine. All the stuff in here. Speaking of, there is a weird echo in this room. All the nothingness.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yeah, took out a bunch of stuff. You did take out a bunch of stuff. It's a weird echo. So sorry about that. But it wasn't like acoustic tiling or anything like that like it was just random garbage like there was a rug made out of jeans and i think your mother gave you it was on the back of the couch you took that out there's there was some stuff in the corner and you removed that and now there's just a weird wet brown stain but i gotta
Starting point is 00:01:41 get fixed i hope this is building a picture in the listener's mind of what conditions we do this under. The idea is that I'm going to set up a proper room at some point. Oh, sure. Approximately soon. You're going to bring back the jeans blanket, right? Definitely. Okay, great. It's a staple of this podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:56 People didn't know it. It also seems to be getting foggier in here as we talk. I don't know why that is. Are we underground? Is this underground? Yeah. It's very cavernous in here anyway we've been walled in like an edgar allen poe story correct uh i'm with the news yes roughly the news roughly the news let's do it probably called uh bob wants to know what do you think
Starting point is 00:02:18 of the made-up name bob now that's a real human what's his full name bob oh i don't know if he wants me to disclose that but but it's Bob Steven. No, that's very much a made-up name. Well done thinking on your feet and making up a full made-up name for him. Continue. So two first names, Bob Steven. What he's pointed out here is that Bryan Singer said that there are talks for an X-Men Fantastic Four crossover movie in the future. He also says it'll work because they're both ensemble films which is
Starting point is 00:02:47 true uh-huh and there's a natural uh mechanism to deal with it which involves uh time so i'm assuming some kind of time travel well because they said at different this is that's never been said in hollywood before or any kind of fiction writing is this will work definitely because of time travel right so basically Yeah, you're right. So basically what's going to happen here is either, because the X-Men films are on a pretty good run at this point, either they're going to elevate the Fantastic Four franchise or the Fantastic Four franchise is going to bring the X-Men franchise down.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Drag it right down. Okay, if you've got four Fantastic Four members, does that mean you just have to pick out four X-Men? Or do you have like 27 X-Men? It's a really good point. Do you it's a really good point yeah there's been comics about it that i haven't read probably are you against any of that i guess ah they have to do time travel though because the current x-men team is young and sexy and cool and in the 80s and in the 80s so they have there has to be and you can't have the you can't have the the new Fantastic Four meet the old X-Men. Because that would be weird, right?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Yeah. Because if anything, the Fantastic Four should be more established than the X-Men. Because that's how it worked in the comics. It was X-Men first. Oh, okay, right. Yeah, yeah. It was Fantastic Four first and then the X-Men. But Ant-Man was one of the first Avengers.
Starting point is 00:04:00 And then he hit his wife. I mean, and he was the most recent movie. Yep. So, you know. Oh, yeah, good point. Yeah. Look, I don't know. Yeah, fair enough. Avengers and then he hit his wife. I mean, and he was the most recent movie. So, you know. Oh, yeah. Good point. Yeah. Look, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah. Fair enough. That's a pretty good answer. Isn't it though? Hang on. This is unplugged. Give me a sec. This is a fucking disaster today.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I don't know what's going on. Sorry. But we're still on there. Yeah, we're still on there. We're fine. Okay. So, what am I doing? You also said, though, this very much depends on how the Fantastic Four movie turns out,
Starting point is 00:04:31 like how it's received. Like how far it's going to tank. Yeah, exactly. So if it only tanks a little bit, we'll do it. But if it tanks super hard. I can't read this movie how it's going to go. No, me neither. Like I want to, I genuinely want it to be, no be no i'm genuinely i don't care whether it's good or bad but i'm interested to know how what way it's gonna go yeah because i it might because
Starting point is 00:04:53 the fantastic four movie like the franchise famously yeah it only still exists like they keep having to make one every x number of years, otherwise they'll lose the rights to it, which is odd because they've never made a good one. And they make money though, right? Yeah. No, they did. They both made money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:15 The ones that have been, well, except for the, I know about the one from 94 and whatever, but that was clearly made for this. This will be fascinating if they just keep, like they keep making bad ones, but then they keep making bad ones. What if this franchise, what if this becomes the longest running comic book franchise ever? Robert Downey Jr. stopped suing Iron Man, so they stopped making them and blah, blah, blah. But they just keep making Fantastic Four movies because they make just enough.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Because they'd rather that. This is a 70-year-old franchise. We're on to our 27th Fantastic Four movie. But the thing is, I don't feel like they're trying to make bad ones except for the first one, which was from 94, which was never going to be released. But the other ones have been genuine, including this one, look like genuine attempts.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Like, even though they have to make them. But it would be amazing if they kept trying to make genuine attempts. And they're all bad, yeah. But yeah, you're right, I can't read this one at all. And I feel like the filmmakers can't read it either because there was that trailer that looked like Interstellar and there's one that looks like they're teens.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And then it's one where, yeah, is there jokes or what? I don't know. But the other thing is I think, of course, Bryan Singer's going to come out and say, hey, maybe there'll be an X-Men Fantastic Four crossover because this movie's out in two weeks.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And as far as I'm aware, nobody really cares. Sure. I mean, people care, but it's not like a Batman v Superman or whatever Marvel are bringing out.
Starting point is 00:06:41 You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've seen some more 80s costumes from the X-Men. Oh, yeah. We've seen some more 80s costumes from the X-Men. Oh, yeah? We've seen Quicksilver's in his costume. Yeah, I haven't seen that. It's just a regular costume.
Starting point is 00:06:50 They've gotten rid of his weird silver thing. He's still got the goggles. Okay. But they're just regular goggles. Great. How do you like that? Yeah, that's fine. Great, yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Apparently there's going to be an even more Quicksilver scene in this one. Ooh! Do you think that's done, though? Like, can you imagine that they could do anything that could top the last one? It has to be at least three times as good. It's okay. So they're going to have to bring me in, specifically,
Starting point is 00:07:14 and have me watch the scene. And if I judge that it's three times as good, then it's out. Then they put it in the movie. Otherwise, everybody involved is killed. Okay, fair enough. And the actor that plays Quicksilver is digitally erased from the movie. Great.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And then killed. In that order. Yeah. What about, like, I'm just trying to think. I don't even know what I was going to say. It doesn't matter. It's not important. Yeah, look, I think, I'm sure they have plans to cross over the X-Men and Fantastic Four.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Uh-huh. If this goes well. Sure. Or if this goes middling. Right. So, you know, everybody wants their crossover versus universe, don't they? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:50 So everyone's doing it. All the cool people. Speaking of universes of – this isn't a segue, is it? No, it's the best segue. Continue. James Bond Spectre trailer. Oh, that came out, didn't it? It's not called James Bond Spectre.
Starting point is 00:08:02 No. It's called Spectre colon James Bond brackets. Is it? Question mark? So what do you think about this? Brackets don't emphasize colon. Did it ring any bells with you? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:08:16 Like would you go to your neighbors and ring their doorbell and be like, watch this on my phone? Yeah. Okay. Obviously. Cool. You didn't love Skyfall did you no it's not as good as people i it's you know it's i've said this before it's brisk and it's fun it looks great yeah it looked like i re-watched it recently because i'm like i'll give some movies a more of a chance
Starting point is 00:08:39 kind of thing yeah and it looks great his cinematography is great looks incredible yeah but i feel like they would they've been trying really hard to kind of bring everything back to the original status quo. Yeah. Which is fine. But at the same time, they're like, okay, well, he's got to have the same gun he had in the 60s. Yeah. And the M's got to be Ralph Fiennes. And so it's got to be male and all.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Like, you don't have to bring it all the way up. And also, the villain's plot made no sense. No. As we've talked about. Get captured on purpose. The whole thing. Like, the James Bond movies are always just a mishmash of whatever's popular at the time.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And they went, okay, well, the Dark Knight worked really well. Yeah. Let's have our villain be the Joker, but it's what's-his-face. Yeah. Javier Bardem. Javier Bardem. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It looked like him. Yeah. It didn't look like him. No, it did. It was like even the outfit. Oh, the joke. Yeah, exactly. It looked like him. Yeah. It didn't look like him. No, it did. It was like even the outfit. Oh, the joke? Oh, yeah. Even the outfit looked the same?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yeah, it did. It looked like the Frank Miller kind of joker. Yeah. More than anything. And again, his whole scheme, like it was this incredibly elaborate 15-year scheme, but the final step of the scheme was he just walked into parliament dressed as a cop and just started firing indiscriminately. Like that was in the plan.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah. And just do that. Why would Q put his hard drive into the MI6 mainframe? Yeah, none of them made any sense. Well, that's a topic for another day or the day we reviewed it, I assume. Were we doing this? No, we weren't. Okay, we'll come back to it.
Starting point is 00:10:00 That was 2012. Let's do a James Bond episode. Yeah, absolutely. What we've always been training to do. People have been saying do a James Bond one. So I think if Let's do a James Bond episode. Yeah, absolutely. People have been saying do a James Bond one. So I think if we do do a James Bond commentary, which we will,
Starting point is 00:10:09 I reckon we do Skyfall because it's easy to talk about. Like Casino Royale is a better film. Yeah. But I'll just end up talking, like just watching Casino Royale. Oh,
Starting point is 00:10:18 look at the car flip. You know what, the other thing I don't like about these current James Bond movies, which on the whole I do like, I like Daniel Craig and they're all, they're way better. Oh, also I don't like about these current James Bond movies, which on the whole I do like. I like Daniel Craig and they're way better than the last ones. Also, I didn't like Skyfall because he had weird skinny suits.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Like they were super skinny. Like if you want to wear them, that's fine. That's the thing that people love most about these movies. It's the thing you hate the most. People love the fashion. I guess so. Anyway, you couldn't run around in those. No.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Like you said, doesn't he have different jackets for different suits? Yeah, he has a big one for actual moving and a medium one, a large one for moving and then a medium one for just standing around stock still and holding a martini, like, just one wrist up, like, ooh. You know what I mean? I know what you mean. Wouldn't you want to see him swing and he just bursts out of his suit? Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Do you want to see that? Yes. Absolutely. Sorry, you were saying the one thing you hate about those movies. Yeah, it's all this returning James Bond to its status quo, but it's happening really slowly. Like every movie ends with, and now he's James Bond. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:13 But then the next one is like, it's a secret from his past. And he's still finding his feet. Well, we should talk about the Spectre trailer. Yeah, sure. That's right. It's a piece of news that came out. Yeah. Which is that again. Yeah. So I've got Dave Bautista. he's in it as the henchman and his his secret henchman
Starting point is 00:11:32 ability seems to be able to just punch a guy's head off what the hell there's a bit you can see his eyes going punches a guy's eye out so i don't know whether i think i think you can also do the one-headed neck snap that's which is difficult at the best of times yeah you know apparently he's like he's very kind of um like he's also very charming and smart like he's not just a standard henchman oh okay what's the last henchman that you remember is it vulcan from tomorrow never dies no it's done the face yeah okay was he oh he was a henchman wasn't he yeah oh no actually oh I don't know that movie's not very good
Starting point is 00:12:06 it was unclear do you remember Vulcan from Die Now Live and Die Tomorrow's Get the Newspaper or whatever it's called Vulcan from
Starting point is 00:12:14 Australian Gladiators yeah yeah I don't remember that no okay he's in one of them great I think the last really iconic
Starting point is 00:12:19 henchman must have and maybe the only is Jaws well there's Jaws there's Oddjob oh yeah there's Oddjob you're right yeah but they all
Starting point is 00:12:28 they died out they died out when Jaws got married in space yeah he flew out into space with the love of his life yeah weirdly though
Starting point is 00:12:37 he comes back in the last Pierce Brosnan Bond role which is a game called Everything or Nothing. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And the actor who plays Jaws came back in like mo-capped or whatever. Richard Keel. That's him. And you fight. Who's the late Richard Keel now? I think he died. I think he died. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:12:55 So you fight, you're Pierce Brosnan and you fight like in his prime Jaws. Right. So it's back in time. Yeah, I guess. It's a flashback. Yeah. I mean, it's in the story. so it's back in time. Yeah, I guess. It's a flashback. Yeah. I mean, it's in the story. It's as you go.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Well, obviously it's going to be in the story. You fight Willem Dafoe. Oh, that's right. And it doesn't matter. It's actually a pretty sweet game, or it was for the time. Anyway, Spectre. Spectre trailer, we're getting back to it. We see a little bit of that guy.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Blofeld? Yeah, Blofeld. The actor that is clearly playing Blofeld. Yeah. And we see Ralph Fiennes fighting with the character from Sherlock. Moriarty. Moriarty from Sherlock, who is obviously, like on all the photo calls and all the press conferences,
Starting point is 00:13:42 he's MI6 agent,ny goodman or whatever and then clearly he's gonna turn coat and be a bad guy and they i love how like people knew that was gonna happen because that guy looks he doesn't he looks like real life sinister oh yeah but then they have him in the trailer wrestling with him yeah so that's that twist kind of revealed like why would you put that in it was a fast enough cut though that i think a lot of people would have missed it yeah i, I guess so. Yeah, I don't know. So you had,
Starting point is 00:14:07 what's his bloody name? Christoph Waltz. There we go. He's clearly Blofeld. He's got the bloody Blofeld jacket as well. Or a similar kind of modern... Well, that's the standard issue Bond villain jacket.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I guess it is. So they're like, probably on the whiteboard at MGM, they're like, we've got to bring back the Bond villain jacket. Narrow jacket, Mandarin collar.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Bring it back. Do you reckon, though, some people would say- Turtlenecks. White cats. He could be Dr. No. I guess so. Do we see his hands? No.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Oh, yeah, probably. I don't know. I mean, he doesn't have to- He could maybe get his hands- He could get his hands cut off in this movie. Yeah. And then he's got pincer hands. You're right.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Pincer hands, that's it. But in this movie, it seems to be that James Bond you're right but in this movie it seems to be that James Bond has a dark secret yet again it's like his twin no it's like his adopted brother
Starting point is 00:14:50 or something because that was in the last trailer like he grew up with this guy and then he's like oh James Bond you've returned
Starting point is 00:14:57 and you know we're friends or we were friends or something you know there's all that biz though do you need it to be like a dark secret
Starting point is 00:15:05 from his past or could he just do a mission i would rather he just did a mission that's what all the other bond movies were about doing a mission do a bloody mission yeah because the last one was also a lot about going back into his past and look it's his family home and kincaid is there and i feel this whole run has been they want it to be this long ongoing saga i don't think it should be like you were saying i think he should have been james bond by the end of casino which he was he was yeah exactly he's got the outfit he's got the gun he says bond james bond yeah that's it and then but they just want to keep this run going yeah and have him they want everybody wants to weave destiny
Starting point is 00:15:39 into these movies yeah yeah exactly which is why i like the mission impossible movies which we're going to talk about later but there's no destiny he's just doing a mission there's no destiny there's no rhyme or reason it's just just masks and missions just taking off masks one after the other all right that's enough about that because i feel like i want to veer off into other territory which we did five or six times okay so logan's run is getting a remake well that's already been announced they were talking years ago they were talking like were talking like Ryan Gosling was going to be in it and whatever. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:08 You're a fan of the original? Is Logan's Run the one where you were killed after a certain age? Yeah, you're like 29 or something and they kill you. I can't remember the exact age. So Gosling has to be out because he's over the age. Yeah, but he looks – They could de-ageify him, I guess. They don't need to.
Starting point is 00:16:22 He looks like 26. Yeah, that's true. He's fine. If they were like he's 45, he's 25, I'd be like, yeah, he's ending in all of those things. That's fine. But apparently Simon Kinberg is going to do the story treatment, who's done a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:34 He's doing one of the Star Wars spin-offs. He did Days of Future Past and a bunch of other stuff. Oh, yeah, okay. He's the man of the moment. He's the new... Who's the guy who did Into Darkness? Linda Loff, except people like him. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Great. Does he have that on his business card? Yeah. I'm the new Lindelof, except people like me. So, yeah, what do you think about that? All right. I liked all that stuff. That movie's from 76, but it feels like it was from early 70s
Starting point is 00:17:02 because Star Wars was just the year after. That's right. And there's a big difference between star wars and logan's run i haven't seen logan's one in ages but i liked it i remember liking it but it's all that it's it's that very kind of stanley kubrick x everything's very future and you know the society is gonna get you there's a lot of slow zooms onto things there is yes it's also it's it's basil exposition is the lead guy in the original. Oh, of course he is. That's right, yeah. So that's pretty sweet.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yeah. Don't know the actor's name. No, it doesn't matter. Yeah, he doesn't listen, so it's fine. Unless he does and there's just a single tear. Single British tear. No, I like that. That feels like a movie ripe for a remake,
Starting point is 00:17:41 but at the same time we did recently get In Time with Justin Timberlake, which is also about young people on the run. Otherwise, they'll become old or something. No, they run out of time and they die. They run out of time and then they die, yeah. That's what I meant. Sorry. Yeah. So, yeah, fine, whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yeah. Do it. I don't think it's, people would get upset. People don't love it enough to get upset if they remake it. Do you know what I mean? And people love it, but I feel like it's not like a Star wars where if you remade star wars people would lose their minds do you think that they're gonna sort of make because it feels to me because it's about young people being young yeah sure they're gonna hold on to being young but then they've got to be old and grow up yeah
Starting point is 00:18:16 and not be young anymore do you think it's gonna be like a like a maze runner like a divergent like a whatchamacallit what's the one with the arrows arrow hunger game yeah hunger games there we go which there was a new trailer for this week what did you think i didn't say it i agree with you was it exactly the same was it just bits from the last movie there was a bit of extra bits it's just did you get sad when philip seymour hoffman was in it yeah did you get happy when stanley tucci was in it I didn't see him. Oh. So that worries me. We're looking out for you, Tucci. Yeah, it looks fine.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I'm looking forward to it. We'll do our annual Hunger Games slash Doctor Who episode. Oh, yeah. Great. Two great things mashed together that shouldn't be. Anyway, what were you saying? Oh, are they going to make it a Hunger Games style young person's movie by the way
Starting point is 00:19:08 that it as it's been developing up until this point I don't think so but if this is kind of new blood and whatever yeah it's entirely possible because at this point
Starting point is 00:19:16 who cares about Logan's Run but who cares about teen movies teens teens teens bloody love them yeah
Starting point is 00:19:24 actually there was also a Maze Runner I think trailer this week or recently Maze Runner keep on mazing about teen movies teens teens teens bloody love them yeah actually there was also a maze runner i think trailer this week or recently maze runner keep on mazing get out there yeah it's um i didn't mind that movie actually i i would see the second one i probably wouldn't go to see it but i get out of the maze in the end yeah but then is it is it are we ever out of the maze within a maze something like that makes it oh no. It doesn't matter. Okay, great. It's not important.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Was it too complicated a movie for you? Yes. Yeah, that's true. Sure, that'll do. Yeah. It'll stop me having to explain it. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Anyway, the director of Birdman, what's his name? I can't remember. Yeah. Is it Alejandro something? Let's not make any leaps. Sure, okay. Anyway, he's doing a movie called The Revenant. I was going to say Jose Ramos Horta, but I think he's a dictator.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Okay, right. Anyway, yeah, the director of Birdman, he's doing The Revenant, a movie currently, which has Leonardo DiCaprio and... That sounds like a movie that's been a long time coming. I recognise that name. It's... What is it? Alejandro Gonzalez in Arrito okay cool I was right there I'm gonna look up Jose Ramos Horta good it's uh Leonardo Caprio and Tom Hardy and it's basically it's a 19th century kind of explore explorers film where they you know come across you know Native Americans and there's all sorts of trials and tribulations it's like pocahontas but like after that happened oh sure yes and like really
Starting point is 00:20:51 like grim and gritty and okay and all that bizzo he's so it's a gritty reboot of pocahontas yeah basically what the point i wanted to make is apparently it's gone way over budget it started off at 95 they always do these historical episodes and And it's gone to like $135 million. And the other thing is apparently there's infighting between the cast and crew and the director because he's really pushing the limits. It sounds like an Apocalypse Now kind of situation. It sounds more like an Entourage the movie situation. If anything, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Leonardo wants more money to do the movie, but Ari won't give him more money to do the movie. I mean, he would, but then bloody Billy Bob Thornton won't give any money to do the movie. You know what I mean? But they've all got the money to do the movie. I mean, he would, but then bloody Billy Bob Thornton won't give any money to do the movie. You know what I mean? But they've all got the money to do the movie. I mean, Turtle could give him the money. Turtle could give him the money to do the movie.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Just take Turtle's money, Leo. Yeah, exactly. A lot of the problems stem from he's only shooting with natural light. Oh, that's, yeah, okay. So his actual filming window is like three hours a day. I guess so, depending on, and also he's filming it in order, which is unheard of for a movie. Well, not unheard of. It does happen.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And not only that, he's doing it in one shot like he did with Birdman. Now, it's not actually one shot because there are cuts in Birdman. Yeah. But... He's doing that weird tracking effect for the whole movie. So this is just apparently spiralling, which I find fascinating. Look, I don't really have anything to say about it other than I'm very interested to see how this turns out.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Me too. Have you ever seen Heart of Darkness, the Apocalypse Now documentary? I've not, no. Me too. I want to see it, though. Let's watch it now. All right. Pause.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Also, just for the record, Jose Ramos-Horta is the United Nations Special Representative. He's not a dictator. He's not a dictator, so I apologize to Jose Ramos-Horta. Please don't send me an email, Jose Ramos-Walter. Now, Pixels isn't out here this week. You heard anything about Pixels? I've heard nothing but bad things.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I've heard people are mad because somebody ruined its perfect 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It had a perfect 0% and then somebody was like, oh, it's actually not bad, and everybody's like, boo! No, you're wrong. Isn't that? The same thing happened with, they call it the Bucky Larson, don't they? The what?
Starting point is 00:22:51 I think Film Drunk called it pitching the Bucky Larson. Oh, that's great. Film Drunk's great, by the way. Good website. But yeah, they reckon it's going to only open in number two in the US with like 23 million behind Ant-Man. Apparently it's going to only open in number two in the US with like 23 million behind Ant-Man. Apparently it's just a disaster. Well, I've heard it's, yeah, look,
Starting point is 00:23:11 we're not going to do an episode on it. I'm not going to watch it. You know, if it was out this week, like the same week as the States, then I'd probably talk about it. But I'm not making people listen to it, like two weeks after it's out. I've heard it's just soulless
Starting point is 00:23:25 yeah like it's just there's no enthusiasm there's no enthusiasm they don't even look like they care about like all the characters are supposed to be these former video game experts in the 80s but it looks like none of them played them or care about like apparently like the way that they also use the games in the movie doesn't make sense like they have cheat codes sometimes they work sometimes they don't. But, like, why do they? And then you get, apparently, at the end, so spoiler alert, I guess, if you care, they bring in Q-Bert, right?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Oh, that's right, yeah. And he helps them because they win him, I guess. Yeah, right. So he's like their minions. Oh, sure, yeah. Every movie needs a minion. And I'm talking about the actual movie minions, by the way, not like, you know what I mean? Like a little thing you can sell
Starting point is 00:24:05 and whatever. I know you know. But just in case there was that. Secrets I didn't know until he told me. And at the end, apparently he's one of the only good things in it, Q-Bert. Right. Because people love Q-Bert.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yeah. Because of Wreck-It Ralph. Because of Wreck-It Ralph, yeah. And he gets turned into a sexy lady for josh that's right yeah like he wins this prize which is a woman which is a boy yeah like it's odd that wreck it ralph did this like three years two three years ago something like that much better and nailed it yeah and in this movie in pixels like the space invaders are the bad guys but then pac-man's a bad guy and then then they're the ghosts of the good guys.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I feel like as well, this is almost unfuck-uppable, this movie. I don't know how, when you bring in Adam Sandler and Kevin James as the president. Right, sure. I haven't seen it. I shouldn't, you know. We have seen it, though. But again, like I've said many a time, if I watch a trailer to something and they can't trick me into thinking it's good, it cannot be good.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Like if you get the 90 minutes, two hours of a movie, you compact it down to two minutes and you can't find two minutes of good material or like a couple of minutes of jokes that are good that you can sell, it's not a good movie. Yeah, fair point. I looked at it and went, this looks terrible. The special effects look really good. They can sell yeah it's not a good movie yeah and they could i looked at it went this looks terrible this the special effects look really good they do yeah just watch the short film yeah which is three minute short film and i hope the guy who made that got a lot of money for this
Starting point is 00:25:34 because he's never selling anything else again but you know what the other thing is futurama did this and they did it much but do you remember that episode it's a great episode i i think i can't remember i saw a review or read a review where the person said this could have been ghostbusters this could have been ghostbusters yeah yeah and it's just you gave it to the wrong people right chris columbus though directed who did he's done a bunch of good stuff he did the first couple of harry potters which i don't love but yeah i don't think they're i think they're probably the weakest harry potters but you know they kicked off the but I think they're probably the weakest Harry Potters. But, you know, they kicked off the universe and they're kids' movies,
Starting point is 00:26:06 so they're not for me. Oh, sorry. Adil wants to know if we could do a video game movie episode. Sure. Yeah. We'll do it when, so whenever the next one comes out, say it'd be Assassin's, I think it might be Assassin's Creed. It's going to be Assassin's Creed or Hitman, Agent 47 maybe.
Starting point is 00:26:21 One of those. We'll do one of those. Okay, right. So, yeah. Okay, tell you what, we'll do that. We'll do, we'll start, we'll kick it off with a brief review of Hitman Agent 47, which you can just copy paste from here. It's not very good.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And he looks weird bald, the guy in it. Just copy and paste that. We'll put it in that episode and then we'll talk about video game movies. I'm trying to think who would be a good, the hit man. Jason Statham? Yeah, Statham would be the best. You have to get a guy who already looks good bald. yep and neither of those two got all often didn't this new guy doesn't yeah oh no what about the new transport let's have a solid neck as well you
Starting point is 00:26:54 need a solid neck because otherwise you look like you're real skinny in the color yeah you're right maybe you've got leukemia people say vin diesel for years i don't feel like it suits him though and he'd have to be pale they'd'd have to digitally pale-ize him. Yeah. Yeah, he gets a bit of sun, doesn't he? Yeah. He's out there. Torstein wants to know what we think about a very serious thing that happened this week.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Uh-oh. In terms of there was a massive bidding war between three major studios that Sony ended up winning, putting in millions of dollars for the rights to make an emoji film. This is Battleship at worst, right? Because at least there's rules to Battleship. I love how we've got to a point where we're like, well, at least Battleship was like that. At least Battleship had a solid concept.
Starting point is 00:27:39 There's ships and they battle. You know what I mean? Then maybe aliens could, I don't know. Wow. I wish I'd invented emojisjis i'd be a billionaire by now would you though because like is that the thing that you can monetize right or monetize i don't know yeah anyway somebody clearly has the rights to it i guess you're right yeah i suppose i don't know but you know what if pixar could do it i don't think anybody else yeah what about like i, I mean, the Lego movie worked. People have said that.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Sure. But what is this? What is it? Like, are they people? Have you seen Inside Out? Yeah, I saw Inside Out. I actually really liked it. Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:28:17 So is it like emotions that are? Yes, that's true. But people would just be hanging out to see the poop with eyes though, surely? Now that's true. But people would just be hanging out to see the poop with eyes though, surely? I thought Inside Out was like, I've felt, for me, Pixar movies have been a bit of a downward slide. Like we've kind of seen it all, but I'm like, Inside Out was really good. Yeah, no, I enjoyed it a lot.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Yeah. Though I did mention in my review that I get really, it worries me that it's all inside the human head and it's such a finite world. Like those little people are trapped inside that girl's brain. Oh, sure. And that really. Do you think that's where insanity comes from yeah definitely of course it does so yeah there you go but look leading on from that terrible idea yes um look i'm on board because it didn't it's not going to cost me any money is it sure if i was a studio head i'd be very
Starting point is 00:29:02 concerned yeah absolutely um but duane johnson though he's re-teaming with Brad Payton who they did San Andreas together. Oh, yes. To make a Rampage movie based off the video game Rampage. I had that on the Atari links. Is he going to be the giant monkey man? I don't think they can because then he's mostly not in it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Okay, for those people who don't know, Rampage is a game from the 80s and I guess 90s. It's been ported like a billion times. Probably not a billion. That's probably an exaggeration. But where there's three characters in it. I guess you can call them characters and they get transformed into a giant lizard,
Starting point is 00:29:37 a giant rat and a giant gorilla. I think so, yeah. And then you pick one of those characters and you just smash up a city. Right, yes. And you do that for like a hundred levels. And that's essentially the game. It's a lot of fun, but it's very repetitive.
Starting point is 00:29:50 That's what I remember about it. And I guess this would... That's so odd that they're... They're taking another swing at video game movies? Well, no, they're taking another swing at just smashing a city movies. Same director in The Rock. Hey, let's just have The Rock react to the city being smashed but i guess the reason that a lot of people hated san andreas well it wasn't very good but also there's no villain in that no like you have like you have you was it yeah we go and griffith they'll use you and griffith there we go oh dominic where it doesn't matter um and
Starting point is 00:30:23 yeah there's there's nobody to blame for the destruction. It's just pretending we've got, we've just, I guess it could be funny. Aren't they, yeah, that's what I think they're going to do. Aren't they mistakes of science? The Rampage monsters, yeah. Aren't they like scientists who, well, one of them is? I don't know. That is a good question.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Are you looking it up? No, I'm looking at Rampage World Tour, which was the sequel. Yeah. So they flew them around the world to smash up different cities. Yes, that's right. Yep. Oh, yeah. What are we deciding on?
Starting point is 00:31:00 No, no. Yeah, they were humans. And then if you take too much damage, you revert back to humans. yeah uh yeah which is the dream isn't it absolutely isn't that what you want i don't want to be this monster anymore oh god um yeah like i guess because we've done godzilla super serious sure monster smash and city movie and we've had pacific rim which is kind of Monster Smash and City movie, and we've had Pacific Rim, which is kind of super serious, bad accents, little bit of levity. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I guess there's room for a funny one. I guess. And Rampage would be the funny one. I feel like we're going away. I've got a letter later on it on Dark and Gritty. Yep. Anyway, we can talk about that later. Or we can talk about it now. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Do you want to talk about it now? No, let's talk about it later. Oh, man. I just scrolled down. I'm scrolling up again. Scroll up again scroll up again idiots uh we got to get out of this new segment what feels like hours ab initio del toro apparently eyed for a star wars episode 8 villain oh yeah great good as any uh jurassic world has
Starting point is 00:31:56 topped the avengers for the third highest grossing film of all time wow with on the back of that they announced uh jurassic world 2 i guess it's's Jurassic Park 5 for June 22nd, 2018. I hope it's Jurassic World 4 brackets. I hope it's Jurassic World 2 brackets, Jurassic World 5. Yeah. I'll watch that. So, yeah, third highest grossing film of all time. There you go.
Starting point is 00:32:20 The three highest grossing films. You're welcome. You're telling me that? Just the filmmakers. Sure. Do you think it's worthy of being third? It knocked off the Avengers. The third highest grossing.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It was a solid popcorn movie. Yeah. That's what they do. They sell a lot of tickets. Yeah, it's mass appeal, man. They must have to go down the militarized dinosaur route for the next one, right? Because you can't do another park or come back to another abandoned route for the next one, right? Yes. Because that's the only... You can't do another park.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah. Or come back to another abandoned park. Yeah, no. I think so. Yeah. And we've got B.D. Wong in the chair and he's stroking like a white little dinosaur. He's a pet little dinosaur Blofeld style. Great.
Starting point is 00:32:57 He's wearing the Neru jacket. Of course he is. He's wearing the Bonneville jacket. Okay, I'm on board. He would be a good Bonneville. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. That was what you were saying. Yeah. Just pointing things out that you say. Oh, yeah. Okay, I'm on board. He would be a good Bon Vel. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. That was what you were saying.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Yeah. Just pointing things out that you say. Oh, yeah. Okay, look. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:33:23 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's We were going to talk about the Fantastic Four movies this week, but we've decided that we're not going to do that.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Correct. So we're going to talk about, take through the Mission Impossible, the journey, the 19-year journey that's been the Mission Impossible films. Wow, has it been 19 years? 96 was the first one, so there you go. You can't tell. Yeah, you can. In what aspect do you mean, you can't tell. Yeah, you can. In what aspect do you mean you can't tell?
Starting point is 00:34:06 Okay, the first Mission Impossible movie opens, because I re-watched one and two today. It opens on somebody observing some data on a two-foot-thick CRT monitor. And that at the time would have been meant to be like, this is the cutting edge of technology. But you know what? I find the first one, unlike the second, it's of the time, but it doesn't feel dated.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Because it's all like, it feels more like a real movie. Like 2 isn't a movie. It's just a series of ridiculous action sequences and dead-end suits. So much swirling. Yeah, exactly. But yeah, you obviously know that the whole thing is based off a TV series.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I do, from the 60s. And early 70s, I think. It went for a really long time. Yeah, it went for like eight or nine years or whatever it was. Peter Graves, I think his name was, who was the original John Boyd's character. Jim Phelps. Jim Phelps, that's the one. He was going to come back for the Mission Impossible movie.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Oh, interesting. I can't remember whether he was going to play that role, so it was going to come back for the Mission Impossible movie oh interesting I can't remember whether he was going to play that role so it was going to be a continuation but he hated the idea of that character turning bad a lot of people did yeah because he was the
Starting point is 00:35:13 like he was the main man he was the Ethan Hunt he was the M no oh no he wasn't was he he was the he was sort of the Ethan Hunt of the TV series
Starting point is 00:35:20 yeah and he's the that is the only original character I think that made it to the movies that is correct I saw a handful of mission impossible episodes as a kid oh yeah so i didn't have a particular love for it but i'm like oh this seems to be interesting there's gadgets yeah there's masks there's masks yeah exactly but yeah like apparently because that's something i never thought about that there was apparently a big backlash from the of the first
Starting point is 00:35:42 movie i can't remember of fans of the original tv series who are like you can't make him the villain you can't kill john voight you can't kill john voight exactly spoiler alert by the way yeah sure yeah um we should do some kind of rating system for these okay actually about this there's two questions i want answered i'm ready for this what's what's the mission okay because a lot of them it's like what is what are they doing like there's a lot of them it's like what is what are they doing like there's a lot of that and the second question is does he go rogue okay or who goes rogue who goes rogue right and there's i'm gonna say off the bat that in this because we're doing this because next week uh mission impossible rogue nation company's coming out yeah and in it it seems like
Starting point is 00:36:22 everybody thinks the im team has gone rogue again and i feel there should be a scene in it where ethan hunt's just like hey remember the three other times you thought we went rogue and then it turned out it was actually somebody else who went rogue and we copped the blame for them going rogue but then it turned out we we did all the work and we fended off you and the guys that had actually gone rogue. And then we proved that we hadn't gone rogue. It was the other guys who went rogue. Anyway, you remember that?
Starting point is 00:36:49 Well, it's probably not us again. All right? I'd imagine every time the IMF agency is like, well, because they must be sick of us by now attacking them. So maybe this time they've gone rogue for real. That's probably true, yeah. Because they're like, oh, we pushed them pretty far. To be fair jim phelps in the first one did go rogue yes probably because he'd been pushed too far by a series by the by every event in the tv series or the the government assuming he'd gone rogue so eventually he did go rogue he went fuck it all right i will
Starting point is 00:37:20 uh okay and we should also have a third rating which is the tom cruise hair rating yes for each movie do you want to do that at the Tom Cruise hair rating for each movie. Do you want to do that at the end after we talk about each one or at the start? Let's do it at the end. Okay, good call. So what is the mission for this first one? In the first one... Because I re-watched it as well, yeah. In the first one, there's something called the knock list, right?
Starting point is 00:37:40 It's the non-official cover list. Yes. So you've got people who were in the CIA, right? There's spies in the CIA. And basically, if you're a spy in the CIA, you get captured by, say, the Soviet Union, who still exist. No, not really, but really. Basically, you say, hey, I'm a spy for America. And then the government, the American government goes, yeah, they are a spy. And then you just swap. Like if you've got a captured Russian spy, you switch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:06 But what happens if you're- Are there masks involved? There are no masks involved. Interesting. So that's the thing. That's the thing. You get prisoner exchange. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:13 You get off scot-free, but you don't get to wear any masks. Knock free. Yeah, exactly. You get bloody knock free. But if you're on the non-official cover list, you're like, the IMF are like a, they're sort of like a freelance team, really. So if they get caught, you just,
Starting point is 00:38:26 they just kill them. There's a lot of opportunities to go rogue there, isn't there? There's a lot of opportunities because as they say at the start of every Mission Impossible movie, if you are caught or killed, the secretary, who I assume is a government secretary, not just a secretary,
Starting point is 00:38:37 will disavow all knowledge of your actions. So basically if they get caught, the government's like, we've never heard of them and they get killed. So basically the knock list, which is the list of all those unofficial agents, gets into the hands of the bad guys, or half of it does anyway. You need the decoding part. You need the decoder.
Starting point is 00:38:52 You need the other half of the list. You need the real names list. And anyway, what happens is, hang on. This is the thing. I think this movie. I saw this literally like three hours ago. It's good, but it's unnecessarily complicated. Here's the thing. I think this movie... I saw this literally like three hours ago. It's good, but it's unnecessarily complicated. Here's the thing, though.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I think audiences have gotten dumber. I remember at the time going, oh, yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Yeah, this is good. I think you can kind of gloss over a lot of it, though. Yeah, that's true. You can. Okay, so basically the first scene is a sting yeah like basically uh
Starting point is 00:39:27 the the government has determined that they know someone's they know they know someone's gone rogue they know it's a guy this they know somebody on the team has gone rogue yeah and they're gonna sell this knock list to max so basically they've set up a they've set up a sting to send all the team to retrieve this knock list. Yeah. Or to get photographic proof of somebody stealing the knock list. Yeah. And then they're going to catch who was on that bad guy's team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And then it turns out that everybody is killed except Ethan Hunt. So they're like, well, he's probably done it. Yeah. You know? Even though he was. That's direct dialogue from the film, he's probably done it. Yeah. You know? Even though he was. That's direct dialogue from the film. He's probably done it. Though I think only in the end, only two of those team members ended up dying at the start.
Starting point is 00:40:11 So Emilio Estevez, who's in it, which is great. He's uncredited. He's still playing Elevator. He's uncredited in that movie. I think it's because he was in a Tom Cruise movie. Yeah, he was in... Tom Cruise was in a movie. Tom Cruise was in Young Guns.
Starting point is 00:40:21 There we go. And he's uncredited. Exactly. Yeah. So that's a... And... No, no. Okay. So Emilio Estevez is killed.s. There we go. And he's uncredited. Exactly. Yeah. So that's a. And. No, no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:25 So Emilio Estevez is killed. Yep. Elevated. Kristen Scott Thomas's character is killed. Correct. She's stabbed to death. Yep. Hannah is killed.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The other lady. The other one. She's blown up. Who looks a lot like Julia Stiles. Yeah. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And Jim Phelps and his wife fake their own death but to what end criminalness criminal activity criminal activity going rogue going rogue going rogue
Starting point is 00:40:52 so it's not like a flat out action movie is it well there's no gunfights there's no gunfights it's the only Mission Impossible movie without a gunfight
Starting point is 00:40:59 they're really overcompensated into there's pointing of guns oh boy did they there's a lot of pointing of guns but you know what you don't the movie's not poor for, boy, did they. There's a lot of pointing of guns, but you know what? The movie's not poor for it.
Starting point is 00:41:07 No, that's true, yeah. There's a lot of very tense action sequences. And one very silly action sequence at the end. On the train? The helicopter. I think that's amazing. No, it is not. It is garbage.
Starting point is 00:41:21 You ever try and fly a helicopter down a tunnel, you'll crash straight away. Look, I can't say I have. I can't speak to the validity of that scene. But I think that action sequence looks amazing for the time. Okay, fine. Because, okay, let's all blue screen that, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Obviously, they didn't really strap into a speeding train, which they would have done now. Yeah. Because that was in the era as well. You know the bit where Tom Cruise runs from the fish tank? Yes. That was the first kind of stunt they got him to do in it, because the director was like, that looks like shit when we use a stuntman.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Right. Can you do it? So there's a scene for anyone who hasn't seen it, but if you haven't seen it, what are you doing listening to this? There's a scene where he's got the explosive- Red light, green light. Red light, green light, hostile lasagna. So 90s.
Starting point is 00:42:06 So Emilio Estevez to say hostile lasagna anyway but you smoosh it together and you slap it on something and it blows up after five seconds and he blows up the fish tank to escape from his uh his imf handler yeah kind of guy who he probably could have just punched probably could i mean the whole restaurant was imf wasn't it mostly yeah yeah i, a few innocent bystanders. Probably. Yeah, but they can be attacked by fish. It's fine. That is fine.
Starting point is 00:42:32 So, yeah, so then he does his little, like, I know people say Tom Cruise is amazing at running, and he is. He looks weird. Yeah, he does, yeah. He looks weird. What do you think of the heist part of it, though? Because there's that, the most iconic moment, which is probably the worst part of the film also, because it just got parodied for 20 years. Oh, it did too.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Like every MTV Movie Awards, there was a Ben Stiller. Yeah, every Leslie Nielsen movie. Yeah, yeah. Every scary movie movie. Yeah, true. Oh boy, did it ever. Yeah. But that's an excellent scene.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I agree. Yeah. So basically, so then he goes to steal the knock list for real so that he can sell it to Max to root out the real mole. Yeah. Which is John Boyd and it's Bible verses and I can't really remember. There is a scene, there's, because it was 1995, 96? Six, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:22 So the internet was just a thing. Yeah. So what I did notice about these movies is they are very keen on putting the latest piece of technology in the movie. And in this case, it was the internet. So he goes to Usenet, which was like pre-internet message boards. And he goes to like, he figures out that Job is communicating to Max via Bible verse news
Starting point is 00:43:47 groups. And he goes to like all these Bible news groups, which each enable you to make a post on each chapter and verse of the Bible. Oh, so he's got, okay. Yeah. Yeah. And so he goes to Job 3.14. That's what that was.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Cause I was kind of doing it. What like also editing at the same time, I got one eye on it. I'm like, what's this? I'm like, that doesn't matter yes it's one of those weird contrivances where before anybody knew what the internet could do yeah somebody in the script department is just like you could probably make posts on chapters and verses of the bible on the internet why not that's probably a thing that exists now it probably is a thing that exists it's probably a reddit thread for every chapter and verse on the Bible. I do not doubt that. Somebody send us that link. All of them. No, don't.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yeah, but the heist. So he basically has to steal the knock list for real. So he gets together a ragtag team. He's got Ving Rhames who's great. He's the only one other than Tom Cruise who's in every one of these movies. That's true. He doesn't feature prominently in every one. He takes the guy who's not
Starting point is 00:44:43 Gerard. Jean Reno. I was going to say Gerard Depardieu. Jean Reno and he- Wow, this is a real Jose Ramos Waters situation. It's Jean Reno. Jean Reno and they get, and the bird, the wife, whose name I don't remember,
Starting point is 00:44:56 the actress's name. I could look it up but I'm not going to. Don't worry about it, man. Let's just call her Angelina Jolie Light. Okay, great. That's what she looks like. It's weird that John Voight is married to the in the movie to a woman who looks like his daughter
Starting point is 00:45:10 it's not that weird it's a lot of people in Hollywood look kind of the same yeah I guess so you're probably right yeah but yeah so he drops on the ceiling and he's on the bloody mac or whatever and he's tapping away on the keys and there's sweat coming off the glasses and he because the floor's pressurized so he can't let anything and it's and it's a sound like it sounds sound detecting chamber yeah it's a temperature detecting chamber there's a dude who's like vomiting oh yeah he's trying to come back into the room but then he keeps vomiting it's a very tense scene yeah and you know what at the end he knows that they came in yep and. Because they accidentally dropped the knife.
Starting point is 00:45:45 John Reno drops the knife and then they escape and he realises somebody's downloaded the knock list. Yep. Like, he could have just probably come in, quickly downloaded that and left. Like, it didn't afford them that much time to escape. Right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:59 Like, they would have still been in the vents when the security was called and whatever. They should have just invested in a really fast winch. Yeah. Zip down, tap it away, zip up again. Zippity up. Yeah, you're right. That is the...
Starting point is 00:46:13 Or like some sort of... Just zip down and put like something that blocked the door. Yeah, exactly. A piece of wood. A piece of wood to block the door. That's what I'm saying. What a weird chamber. Yeah. Yeah. A piece of wood. A piece of wood to block the door. That's what I'm saying. What a weird chamber. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Yeah. But it looks great. Like, it's a really cool kind of aesthetic and it's a very, like I said, it's a very tense scene. And it's probably the highlight of the movie, I guess. I mean, the train bit's great as well. Why do you hate the train bit? Because it's weird and blue screeny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:43 I don't hate the train bit. I just hate the helicopter chase. Okay, sure. Because it looks, again, you can't fly a helicopter down a bloody... What about that sweet wind machine they got? They got a specialised wind machine. Oh, yes. You can blow 140 miles per hour.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Right. Oh, that's pretty good. And so you can see the ripples in Tom Cruise's face or whatever. For sure. It looks like there's incredible speed on that train. Yeah, yeah. And with him hanging on to it, it very much feels that way. Did you like the way, though, Jim Phelps was mashed by the helicopter?
Starting point is 00:47:11 Oh, he really gets mashed. Yeah. Great. I feel like there are a lot of great, like, 80s, 90s villains' deaths, but we don't get that anymore. No, that's true, yeah. Like, you know, Speed? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Bloody, what's his name? We very rarely get people falling off a building now, like a very extended shot of somebody, like a view from the top of a building. Hans Grubering. Hans Grubering, when somebody falls off a building. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, I guess you're right. Yeah, what's it?
Starting point is 00:47:37 Dustin Hoffman. Not Dustin Hoffman. Dustin Diamond. No. Lou Diamond Phillips. Lou Diamond Phillips. What's his name? He's dead now. He's in Bloody Easy Rider. No. Lou Diamond Phillips. Lou Diamond Phillips. What's his name? He's dead now.
Starting point is 00:47:47 He's in bloody Easy Rider. Oh. Dennis Hopper. He kind of takes his head off on a speeding train. Another speeding train moment, which is fantastic. You know what I feel? Here's where I feel it disappeared. In Blade.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Yeah. Blade pushes Donald Logue's face into the side of a train. Yeah. Because he's a vampire, he regenerates. Yeah. And I think that's the turning point because people are like, well, you can't do that to a regular person now. You can only do it to a vampire.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Because if you do it to a regular person, that's cruel. You know what I mean? I'm okay with it. Yeah, I know. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. It's brief. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:23 So it's fine. You know what? This movie is good. Okay. No, I haven't Exactly. That's what I'm saying. It's brief. Yeah, yeah. So it's fine. You know what? This movie is good. Okay. No, I haven't finished, all right? I feel you would like this movie a lot because there's practical effects in it. Yeah, I do like that. There's a scene right at the end where Tom Cruise takes off his Jim Phelps mask.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah. And that's a real mask. You know what? They say that. It is. The collar's big as well. You can notice it. I'm sort of making a video and i don't know whether i'm gonna put it out i don't know whether i'll finish it in time but it's so it's it's so dead on yes i just i i can't i i there must be some cgi there no i don't think there is they say that that was pre-cgi and also
Starting point is 00:49:02 you'll notice that it's a lot thicker than the regular like in the other ones there's like a quick cut yeah somebody pulls the mask off yeah what i also enjoyed is that in the first mission impossible movie um tom cruise's ethan hunt exclusively disguises himself as people that look almost exactly like ethan hunt like he disguises himself as some sort of kremlin officer right at the start who's just a slightly wrinklier Tom Cruise with a mustache and then in the first time they attempt to retrieve the knock list he's like a southern senator who looks exactly like Tom Cruise except he's slightly wrinklier and has grey hair.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And he's also on TV? Yeah. So does that mean that he's established himself over years as... No, that's the real guy. I don't know, man, because he looks exactly like Tom Cruise. That's what I'm saying. No, he looks... That's the real guy i don't know man because he looks exactly like that's what i'm saying no he looks that's the real guy but that's what i'm saying there's tom cruise ethan hunt only disguised himself as people that he looks almost exactly like but in the rest of the movies they're just like yeah just chuck on a mask yeah yeah look i do i
Starting point is 00:49:59 do love that jim phelps mask i do but i don't know i just think there's something else there i reckon there's a practical effect behind the scenes thing that we'll find and you'll be pretty embarrassed. Is it a classic movie Mason? I reckon it really
Starting point is 00:50:12 I reckon it's super solid. I reckon it stands up on its own. I agree. Yeah. Like even if they never did any sequels
Starting point is 00:50:18 I reckon you'd be like hey remember that Tom Cruise movie Mission Impossible? I haven't seen it in 10 years. It was pretty good. Good practical mask scene good good practical mask
Starting point is 00:50:25 scene good practical mask scene people will remember that yeah yeah yeah um yeah no it's great i think people should watch it yeah okay so the questions were we've established the plot he's gone to gray okay who went rogue jim phelps and ethan hunt oh he did go rogue didn't he yes he did oh it's true that's good all right he did. Oh, that's true. That's good. All right, that's one black mark against Ethan Hunt, I guess. What's the mission? We did that. We did that.
Starting point is 00:50:52 How's his hair? Solid 90s hair. Solid 90s hair. It's a bit long. A bit of a flat top. Yeah, it's a bit longer at the front. If that movie had come out like a year before, he would have had like the George Clooney, like the Roman cut. It was just the same.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Didn't that come out after? Maybe, I don't know. A couple of years either side, he would have had that weird bangs. The Kaiser Sozai. The Kaiser's the male bangs look with the Roman soldier look. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:51:20 Who does Nicholas... The caster Troy haircut. Yeah, exactly. The bloody... The Gallagher. The dumb and or dumber. Yeah. No, it's good.
Starting point is 00:51:31 It's a solid, solid movie. Yeah. And all those things we said are true. Yeah. Now, let's go on to something that isn't a solid movie and is, in fact, a bad movie, Mission Impossible 2. Let's skip forward to the year 2000. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Now, also, I should mention, I remember reading, I couldn't remember where, that the first Mission Impossible movie initially was going to have the original team getting killed off at the start. Oh, that would make a lot of sense. I don't remember whether that's true though or not. I remember reading it. I don't know whether it's true. But they all hated it.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Yeah, that's right. A few of them stormed off and they were all kind of going to do it and then they were like, this doesn't like the one we were in. But I mean, if they were in their prime in the late 60s, they can't carry a franchise, surely. No, they certainly can't. There would have been a bloody love boat, the movie. No one's making that a franchise.
Starting point is 00:52:17 I bet there will be. You don't see bloody Captain Stubing with a bomb in his head, do you? You don't see Captain Stubing hanging on the side of a plane. Other things that happened. Other things, yeah. So, Mission Impossible 2. I didn't watch this one this week. I watched this today.
Starting point is 00:52:31 You just watched it. Like an hour ago, yeah. What is it? What's going on? It is the complete... You know what? It's weird if you watch them in sequence. It's odd that in the Mission Impossible timeline,
Starting point is 00:52:44 there's a brief period where Ethan Hunt's like, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to fire two guns at once all the time and just flying spin kick people and just shoot at things till they explode. Like in the first one, he's all, I know some martial arts or whatever. I'm a special operative.
Starting point is 00:53:02 He has restraint. He has restraint and he thinks things through but in the second one he's just like i'm just gonna spin around on a motorcycle and just shoot guns like all the time well this is obviously the john woo influence this is well yeah i did watch the 40 minute behind the scenes on this yes because i'm it was amazing i had such a good time watching it but a lot of it's just like yeah tom cruise is amazing he's a great guy and whatever and he's doing all his own stunts it's and john was like yeah look i made the action sequences and then we wrote the story around it you can tell yeah it's very evident they're not even that good
Starting point is 00:53:35 that's what i was gonna say they're not like they're so they're so non-ultra non-realistic yeah there's no weight to them and because the story doesn't make any sense, you're not invested in any of the characters, nothing matters. And it's kind of boring. Yeah, absolutely. Because it's the case of like Ethan Hunt can do no wrong. Yeah. I understand why they wanted to get John Woo for America.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Because if you watch some of these old ones, if you watch The Killer, that's pretty amazing. There's some other ones. Face Off. It's a other ones. Face Off. It's a good one. Face Off is actually pretty good. Paycheck. No.
Starting point is 00:54:09 But I think there's a certain point, and it is Mission Impossible 2, where they're like, okay, what does John Woo do? He does people shooting with two guns. He does people spinning around and the camera follows them and they spin around. He does doves. He does doves and fire. He does all these weird stunt things and whatever. And they're like, okay, just do those.
Starting point is 00:54:30 We don't want to see anything else. We don't want to see any nuance or anything. We just want this and we want... No, it's no good. Initial cut was three and a half hours and it was R-rated. A lot of blood and whatever. That would have been better. You know what?
Starting point is 00:54:42 The one kind of scene that I'm impressed with, you know the bit where he's got the knife near his eye? Oh, yes. That's real. And that was the side of the last minute, and they just tied a cable to the knife and had Doug Ray Scott using all his weight. Oh, to push down on it.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Wow. Yeah, so that could have gone very south. Oh, yes. But all the behind the scenes is just that. They're like, well, you know, we're going to get somebody else to do the rock climbing, and then Tom Cruise is like, I'll do the rock climbing. And Tom Cruise is the greatest man in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:55:08 It's like at the peak of Tom Cruise. Oh, yeah. Is he crazy kind of fame? You know what I mean? Like it's just around before he broke up with Nicole Kidman and all these kind of rumors started flying about or whatever. What's the mission though? The mission is, is it?
Starting point is 00:55:24 No, there's a virus There's a virus called Chimera Right? And there's a cure to the virus called Bellerophon Right? Yes And basically Tom Cruise's buddy
Starting point is 00:55:34 Who is Boris the Bullet Dodger from Snatch I think Okay He's the same actor Yep Anyway he's a scientist and he's developed this And basically he's like Okay I've got to get this virus to ethan hunt so he injects it into himself okay and then he escapes but he has to you have to get you have to be cured of it before 20 hours passes otherwise
Starting point is 00:55:58 you die and then he he is he is recovered by what he thinks is Ethan Hunt, but it's actually Dugray Scott wearing an Ethan Hunt mask. Because he was the MIF guy. Yes, he was an IMF guy who doubled for it. They say that twice he doubled for Ethan Hunt, but they never explain why. Why, yeah. Maybe it's family functions that he didn't want to go to or something like that.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I don't know. They're clearly not the same height either. No, exactly, yeah. So that's why the same height either. No, exactly. Yeah. So that's why he's got all the Ethan Hunt masks. Yeah. Fair enough. And then basically, okay, so it's Ethan Hunt's job to assemble a ragtag team of IMF agents and destroy the virus.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Yeah. Because if the bad guy's only got the virus and not the cure, if the bad guy doesn't have the virus, he's only got the cure, then he's got nothing, right? Yeah. And the bad guy scheme is to, well, there's two bad guys. Yeah. There's Tom Elliott?
Starting point is 00:56:58 What's the British guy's name? He's a British bad guy. Oh, Dougray Scott. No. Dougray Scott's mission, Dougray Scott. No. Doug Ray Scott's mission. Doug Ray Scott wants. This is great listening. Doug Ray Scott wants to.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Watch us unravel. Listen to us unravel the plot of Mission Impossible 2. He wants $30 million from the head of this bio company. Yeah. To purchase $30 million worth of stock options in that company. So that when they release the virus into the general population, everybody will have to go to that company for the cure and their stock options
Starting point is 00:57:31 will be worth billions of dollars and they'll get super rich. Brendan Gleeson's in it. Brendan Gleeson is the other bad guy. That's the guy I'm thinking of. Okay, there you go. Anyway. He's great.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Yeah, so... Not in this. Anyway. Which is weird because surely if you... Because they do they get they wrest the stock options out of Brendan Gleeson
Starting point is 00:57:49 in this scene yeah look anytime there's an action movie there's stock options involved you've got a bad movie I'm pretty sure but anyway they're like
Starting point is 00:57:56 okay now you Dark Knight Rises at gunpoint they're like yeah and at one point they're like okay we're gonna we're gonna kill you
Starting point is 00:58:02 unless you sign over let us buy these stock options. And he's like, oh, you'll never, whatever. Surely they could just wait until his company is worth billions of dollars and then get him at gunpoint again and take billions of dollars from him. Oh, yeah. What's the difference? You're right.
Starting point is 00:58:16 It's the same. They should be like, give us the stock option. He'd be like, no. And then be like, okay, we'll be back in a year. It's much of a muchness really, isn't it? It really is, no. And then be like, okay, we'll be back in a year. It's much of a muchness really, isn't it? It really is, yeah. But anyway, he has to assemble a team, including Ving Rhames. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Some guy, Australian, real Australian guy called Billy. Okay, right. Something. Is he a hacker? No, he's a helicopter pilot of sorts. Great. And he's just a general guy. He's kind of the Simon Pegg character.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Is he anybody that we would know? No. He looks familiar, but I couldn't tell you who he is. Okay. I'll look it up later, but I won't. It's probably on Blue Heelers. It's probably been on Blue Heelers. In fact, I am going to look it up.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Type in Billy Mission Impossible Blue Heelers question mark. Well, look, you know what? And also Tandy Newton. Yeah, who's great, actually. Who is Dougray Scott's former girlfriend in the movie. Yeah, and Dougray Scott tricks her at one point because he's wearing the Ethan Hunt mask. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Can you explain to me the scene where Ethan Hunt puts the Ethan Hunt mask on Richard Roxburgh? Oh, that's right. Richard Roxburgh's in this movie. Which is actually a sweet scene. I forgot that Richard Roxburgh's in this movie. He's the rake. He's Australian rake.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah, he's Australia's rake. He's good. I should like him a lot. But how does he... It's a shame he's in so many garbage movies. Van Halsey. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It's a shame he's in so many weird Victorian era sci-fi bad movies, right? So in that scene,
Starting point is 00:59:40 Ethan Hunt's wearing a Richard Roxburgh mask and Richard Roxburgh is wearing an Ethan Hunt mask. Yes. And Ethan Hunt drags in what looks like himself and Duke Gray Scott shoots him. Yep. With those masks, can anybody put them on
Starting point is 00:59:54 or do they have to match your facial structure? Well, at the start of two, they're like, okay, well, Duke Gray Scott can double for Ethan Hunt because they've got a certain match. Sure. And apparently not, though. Apparently Richard Roxburgh and Ethan Hunt also have a match. They've got the exact bone structure.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, did he... Where did he get the Ethan Hunt mask from? He just had a money. And did he also bring a Richard Roxburgh mask? He also brought a Richard Roxburgh mask. Yeah, yeah. Look...
Starting point is 01:00:20 This movie is just a cavalcade of people taking masks. It's just mask on mask, mate. Yeah. Also, the thing about these masks... You know, before I watched this, I distinctly remember a scene where somebody's wearing a mask, they take off the mask, and then they take off another mask. It's a third person.
Starting point is 01:00:33 But that did not happen in this movie. It's just wishful thinking on my part that there's a three mask scene. I'm surprised there's no three masks in this movie. That is amazing to me. You know what the other thing that's wrong with this movie? He's invincible. Yes. Like, he's invincible and he's good at everything yeah he can rock climb he can spin around on a helicopter yeah and that's and a lot of a lot of what's good about four is that he makes a lot of mistakes and a lot of the tech is kind of breaking down yes but this is just whatever everything's great there's so many
Starting point is 01:01:00 there's about four or five scenes where he just shoots at something and it explodes. Yeah, yeah. He shoots a, there's a scene where, there's a scene where Tandy Newton's like, they're trying to escape from this facility that has the biological weapon in it. Oh. And she's like, oh, you can only leave with, only one of us can leave alive, can't they?
Starting point is 01:01:20 And he's like, yep. And then he just, he throws a bomb at a wall and he shoots the bomb and the wall explodes. And he just, he leaps out and he's like yep and then he just he throws a bomb at a wall and he shoots the bomb and the wall explodes and he just he leaps out and he opens a parachute and he escapes where's she she just stays there what what a part what part of that could she not just run with him jump together grab the legs grab the legs exactly it's ridiculous and then he shoots like uh he's escaping from the the facility at the end and he shoots a barrel of hazardous waste which then explodes then there's there's a part there's the there's the chase sequence where all the bad guys are driving
Starting point is 01:01:56 mid-90s ford falcons which for america i don't think americans have them they have they have ford sure yeah we there's a specific car in australia called the ford falcon everybody had one for a 20 year period every suburban bogan in australia had a ford falcon in a weird shade of green with the stripe actually like a real thin stripe down the side yeah and they're the instead like it normally in these movies like the the bad big aerial yeah not only in these movies the bad guys are driving audis or porsches or something like that but clearly in this there weren't enough because this this one is filmed in australia and clearly there wasn't enough budget to you know or there weren't enough porsches around to just blow up so they're just like yeah just get some falcons whatever yeah they're cheap yeah you can steal them Oh, man. I can't remember what I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:02:45 It's not fun. Oh, I guess it's fun. It's not fun. There's the Limp Bizkit song. Take a look around. I think that's, you know what, don't hate me, but I actually don't mind that song. Of course you don't.
Starting point is 01:02:55 It's got the good guitar riff. Like, it's not a good song. Sure. Have you seen the film clip? Yeah. It's very funny. Yeah. But best hair though, right?
Starting point is 01:03:08 I don't know. I feel it's too much. Okay. Like I feel four. You've changed your tune on that hair, mate. It's pretty good, but I feel like it's too floppity. Okay. Like it's too, it's very much of its time, definitely.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Sure. All the haircuts are very much of their time. Let me tell you. But Tom Cruise has the best. Tom Cruise is the man with the best hair of his era. He's got the most adaptable hair. He's got the most adaptable hair. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:03:34 I remember when NY2 came out, I'm like, I'll grow hair like that. You can't just do it. No, you can't. It's impossible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:39 It's a real mission impossible. In a way it is, isn't it? Also, I should mention that Dougray Scott was, we've talked about this before, but he was going to play Wolverine. That's right.
Starting point is 01:03:49 And the reason he didn't play Wolverine is because this movie ran long. Oof. So that cost him dearly. Oh boy, did it ever. But then again... I mean, that's not to say he would have been Hugh Jackman and had Hugh Jackman's career.
Starting point is 01:04:00 No, exactly. Like, Jackman has... Jackman is inherently more likable. Definitely. Imagine putting Dougray Scott in that Wolverine role. He'd be like, ooh, he's career. No, exactly. Like, Jackman has... Jackman is inherently more likable. Definitely. Imagine putting Dougray Scott in that Wolverine role. He'd be like, ooh, he's unpleasant. He's really charming, even though he's cutting a guy's head off or whatever. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:04:14 The other thing is, Ian McCallum was supposed to play the Anthony Hopkins role, and he turned it down, and because of that, he was then able to go and make X-Men and Lord of the Rings. Wow. This is a movie of missed opportunities for everyone but Tom Cruise, I guess. And Ian McKellar. But he did it. He made the right call.
Starting point is 01:04:31 I mean, Anthony Hopkins was in it, but that damaged him in no way. No, because he's in it for like 10 minutes. Yeah. And he's like, this is Mission Impossible. I think he says that, doesn't he? He says it's not Mission Difficult, it's Mission Impossible. And then Ethan Hunt throws the sunglasses and they explode. Your timing's out slightly, but that is more or less what happens, yes.
Starting point is 01:04:48 It's sunglasses and then Anthony Hopkins. Oh, really? Yeah. Like, does he call him or does he appear? They have a scene in person. Great. Yeah. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:04:59 You know what the other thing about these action sequences? A lot of these action sequences are done in one continuous shot. You know the bit where he leaps off the motorcycle and they collide together boy do i that happened because john woo wanted to joust with motorcycles right those were his exact words i've watched the behind the scenes i know this that they did they managed to do that in one shot where the motorcycles are speeding and they're cabled up and they leap off and they crash together yeah but it's cut in a way where it doesn't look like it's one shot. That's true.
Starting point is 01:05:26 So it looks worse. Yeah. Like if you can do that in one shot, leave it as one shot. Yeah. Anyway. John Paulson, who plays Billy. I don't know him. No, you don't have to.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Best known as starring opposite Russell Crowe and Jack Thompson in The Sum of Us. Also, he is the founder of Tropfest. Is he? It's the short film competition. Oh, that's good. The world's largest short film festival. So he's done some good things. Yeah, it sounds like he was doing this as a lark, if anything. Yeah, I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Yeah, I'll do it. Great. So there's nothing about this movie you like? No, don't even watch it as a joke. It's not. Do Grey Scott's double denim suit. What about that? It's triple denim, actually, because I think it's...
Starting point is 01:06:06 He's got a vest. I think it's a three-piece. Yeah. That's of the time. Yeah, boy, is it? Yeah. There you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Richard Rockford's South African accent. Mm-hmm. You know what? I like the Metallica song from it. Like, I genuinely like that song. Take a look around. No, not take a look around. I disappear.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I disappear. I know it's like late 90s Metallica or early 2000s. It's not like heyday Metallica. No. But it's good enough. Sure. It's not St. Anger bad. I understand.
Starting point is 01:06:34 No, it's certainly not. That film click cost like $2 million. The one that they filmed on top of a mountain? Yeah. Isn't that what I Disappear? It's just them on top of a mountain. No, in I Disappear, a whole city explodes. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Yeah. Two million bucks. How many metal bands' entire careers could you fund with two million dollars? That's a good question. Well, there you go. Even the Australian version of the soundtrack even had a Powderfinger song. I think that's on the international one, though. I know they're definitely different, but I think the Powderf sticks and i remember hearing at the time actually i remember i got up early
Starting point is 01:07:08 to hear the new powder finger song from this yes which is it's an okay song yeah um and it's a bit dour for a mission impossible it is it doesn't fit no no because it's not in the movie either but i i remember hearing that tom cruise liked this song and he picked it personally i went i remember the time i'm like, bullshit, Tom Cruise doesn't listen to music. He listens to space music and only space music. So let's skip forward. Worst, I guess. It's the worst movie ever.
Starting point is 01:07:39 We determined the mission. Who went rogue? Just do Grey Scott. Yeah, Tom Cruise doesn't go rogue. I think it might be the only one where he doesn't go rogue. No, he doesn't go rogue in... No, you're right. I am right.
Starting point is 01:07:52 You are right, yeah. No, I was thinking of... No, he definitely does go rogue in all the others. All right, let's skip forward to three. Wait, hair. Oh, no, we talked about the hair. I think it's his best hair. I think it's his...
Starting point is 01:08:02 I think it's his third best hair. Wow. Of the four we've seen seen what do you put it behind i put it behind three and four i reckon four is his best hair you go back and you watch i i did watch it yeah i think two is too costumey it's costumey hair is it too feathery it's feathery hair yeah exactly i don't know i agree to disagree about okay mission impossible 3 what if that was what tore this podcast mission impossible 3 yes uh so this rackets are just mission impossible 3 yes that's right so this is um jj abrams first feature film it's also the highest budget for a first-time director 150 million dollars well and tom cruise picked him personally
Starting point is 01:08:45 and I think again for this one he tried to get the original director back and he tried to get him for two as well and he was like no I'm done with this. So
Starting point is 01:08:52 yeah it's it definitely revitalizes the franchise. Yes. Now I only watched clips of this this week and I don't think you didn't watch this one.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Didn't watch it at all. Have you seen it? Yeah I liked it a lot but it's a movie that I liked a lot but I've got no urge to revisit. Exactly. You know why not but I think we might be for different reasons. I don't watch it at all have you seen it yeah I liked it a lot it's a movie that I liked a lot but I've got no urge to revisit exactly you know why
Starting point is 01:09:06 but I think we might be for different reasons I don't like it because it's like it's got the sad subplot like it's got well not the the sad wife subplot
Starting point is 01:09:15 yeah it's got because Paul's got that yeah but no but I this one it's at the forefront okay like his wife's being held hostage I don't like that
Starting point is 01:09:23 I don't like I don't like these personal stakes in these spy movies necessarily. Fair enough. I just want him to go on a mission that may or may not be impossible, and then it turns out it was quite possible. That's a reasonable request. Yeah, thank you. But you know what?
Starting point is 01:09:36 I feel like with this one, it's not as memorable as the second one, but not in a bad way. Right, okay. Like it's obviously a better film, Yeah. Like, in every way. Uh-huh. But there's not as much as where you think about it and you go, oh, yeah, that was pretty good. Like, two, I just remember, this was bad.
Starting point is 01:09:52 I could list, like, ten things. Oh, you know, actually, that I remembered, I may have forgotten to note it down because I didn't note down anything, but in two, there are two completely bloodless, soundless neck snaps. Like, there's a scene right at the start where the bad guys hijack the plane that the scientist is on and they crash into a mountain
Starting point is 01:10:13 and they kill like Dougray Scott as Ethan Hunt, like kills the scientist. And he does it like he leans over and he just sort of twirls the neck and there's no noise and the scientist just falls down dead. Like there's no, like you'd expect that. That's not fun at all, is it? That's no fun at all. It's completely unsatisfying.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Like, did you just squeeze him until he fell asleep? And there's another one later where Ethan Hunt like drops down on a guy and like grabs his neck with the legs and he spins him around. Yeah. And it's clearly meant to be a neck break but he doesn't hear it well seem to sleep well some asleep yeah mission impossible sorry what yeah what I'm basically saying is two is more bad than three is good oh I see that makes that's fair does that make sense yeah and three is solid I remember seeing it
Starting point is 01:11:00 at the time and going well they actually did something with this this also came out at the time where Viacom, like, wiped their hands with Tom Cruise. They publicly came out and said, he's a weird lunatic and he doesn't make us any money anymore. Which isn't – he did make them a lot of money. That part's not true. The other part is, that's completely up.
Starting point is 01:11:19 That's completely personal opinion. People who know him better than I do. But it's – okay, what's the story he's do you remember he's retired he's retired and he's but he's he's semi-retired and he's just an imf training yeah he does all that and philip seymour hoffman who's the best villain i think in all of these movies yeah fair enough um he is he's an arms dealer yep and he wants certain weapons or whatever and for whatever reason i I can't remember. I should have probably watched this.
Starting point is 01:11:48 He kidnaps Ethan. Nah. He kidnaps Ethan Hud's wife. Look, it's a mark of a good movie if you can remember having not seen it in several years. So if we have a poor recollection of this movie, it's not our fault. It's the filmmaker's fault. Fair point. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:03 And this introduced the idea of the new kind of team. You know what it is? It's the Fast and. Fair point. Yeah. And this like introduced the idea of like the new kind of team. You know what it is? It's the Fast and Furious 4 of Mission Impossible movies. Mission Impossible 3 is Fast and Furious 4 where it gets everybody else back and it finds its feet. Yeah. But it's not amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:15 But it kind of sets the tone for the rest. Okay. Yeah. Good. Does that make sense? That does make sense. It's also, it made the least money of all of them. But I think that's Two's fault, not this. Oh, absolutely, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Because Two made way more than one. Yep. But Two had, like, that had an amazing trailer and hair. Yeah, and that built a solid audience. Yeah. Who were bitterly disappointed and then resolved to never see another Mission Impossible movie. Exactly, exactly. So this movie not making as much money, it made like $100 million less than they wanted it to.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Is not, I feel, its own fault. Yeah, yeah. There's a bomb in the head. That's pretty good, isn't it? Yep, there's so many bombs in heads. And when the bomb goes off, the eyes point out. I remember, I recall there being a very solid action sequence at the start with Ethan Hunt and...
Starting point is 01:13:02 Oh, the Felicity... From Felicity. Felicity from Felicity. Kerry Russell. Kerry Russell, that's her name. and Felicity from Felicity from Kerry Russell that's from Felicity yeah who's the JJ Abrams favorite yeah absolutely well there's a lot of kind of TV personalities and is Greg Grunberg in it Greg Grunberg I'm fairly certain he is I can't remember at what point but yeah there's also a scene he gets the coveted hey asshole role where you bump him in the street he's like hey asshole you know what there's a couple of really good standout action sequences though there's a bit where tom cruise on the bridge and a missile hits the car and he
Starting point is 01:13:34 gets flung into the side of a van or another car yeah yeah and and that's great and they really threw him into that car yeah he would have demanded it throw me harder Throw me harder into the car. What is the infiltration scene? Is there one in Mission Impossible 3? There is, but I don't remember what it is. Okay, great. You know what? They grab Philip Seymour Hoffman in the toilet and they copy his face. That's right.
Starting point is 01:13:58 There's that part, which is pretty good. And there's also a bit, the cold opening of the film is they shoot Tom Cruise's wife and it turns out to be one of Philip Seymour Hoffman's henchmen wearing a Tom Cruise's wife face sure a lady henchman or a man henchman? a lady henchman
Starting point is 01:14:14 that would have been amazing that feels a bit contrived in so far as there are no lady henchmen in the previous two Mission Impossible movies and then all of a sudden they're like well we're getting Lady Henchmen. And then one of them just happens to be wearing Tom Cruise's wife's mask. Do you think Tom Cruise would be good enough to spot those masks?
Starting point is 01:14:33 Tom Cruise the actor? Certainly, but more so the character of Ethan Hunt. Because your face is probably raised like, what, half an inch, quarter of an inch? Right. So do you think he'd be like... On his wife, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he was distressed. think he'd be like... On his wife, definitely. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:46 I mean, he was distressed. Plus there'd be the cutouts around the eyes. Batman mask style, you know, where they've just filled it in with weird coloured make-up. So if you look at it for more than 10 seconds, he's got weird mascara around his eyes. There's also the sequence where Tom Cruise runs for like 30 seconds straight,
Starting point is 01:15:02 and he runs through like, I think it's Singapore, some Singapore. Sure. I don't know. Singapore from sea to shining sea. And the camera just stays on him and he goes through crowds and whatever. Yeah, yeah. It's pretty sweet.
Starting point is 01:15:20 It's not an action sequence so much as a pretty good long shot of. They're after the rabbit's foot, right? Yes. What's that? Explain it. I reckon it's probably a decoder if I had to guess that'll do yeah
Starting point is 01:15:27 there's also a bit though just this mysterious object which is classic bloody JJ Abrams a mysterious thing we don't know what it does it may as well be a box with a question mark
Starting point is 01:15:36 on it that was every episode of Alias okay we gotta retrieve this Grimaldi artifact Grimaldi McGroldy
Starting point is 01:15:43 it doesn't matter but that was every episode yeah apparently that's why Tom Cruise Grimaldi artifact. Grimaldi? McGroldy. It doesn't matter. But that was every episode. Yeah. Apparently that's why Tom Cruise picked J.J. Abrams because he saw Alias and he's like, Alias is a good show. Let's get that guy and whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:54 And that's what happened. It was a good show, but it was one of those shows that spiraled into nonsense. Like Lost. Like Lost. Another J.J. Abrams show. But it's like one of those ones where if you look at the character timelines,
Starting point is 01:16:05 you go, oh, everybody in this show has died and come back to life and has 10 different alternate identities. Greg Grunberg? Grunberg. Is he in it much? Can't remember. Interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:16 There's also a scene in it which is identical to a scene that happens in Lost, and this movie came out after this scene happened in Lost, where somebody dies and they resuscitate him but it's a really long drawn out resuscitation scene and you think it's not going to work and then they pop back up. Oh yeah. Like it's identical. It's the same scene except for this one because Tom Cruise has a bomb in his head because
Starting point is 01:16:37 they shoot a bomb up his nose. That's right. And so then his wife. Electrocutes him. Yeah. Like zaps his head with those heart... Defibrillator. Defibrillator.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Yeah. Which actually don't work. That's not the way they work. Yeah. The way they're designed is they'll only go off if the person has an irregular heartbeat or no heartbeat. So if it doesn't detect that in your head, it won't work. It won't work.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Right. So I guess... We've discussed that on the show before, I think. I'm sure we have. There seems to be a lot of scenes in movies where they need to defibrillate somebody and then it doesn't work for a while, then it does. Did it happen in San Andreas, right?
Starting point is 01:17:09 Yes, on the boat, yeah. What they are now, it's literally you don't have to touch someone, you put them on the chest and you stand back because you don't want to have your hands on that person when that goes off. No, you'll be electrocuted. And the idea as well, they don't restart your heart, they stop your heart if it's murmuring and then it just kicks it back into gear. It's Motley Crue they don't restart your heart. They stop your heart if it's murmuring, and then it just kicks it back into gear.
Starting point is 01:17:27 It's Motley Crue that'll kickstart your heart. But they're not always available. That's right. Imagine what they could have done with $2 million. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's fine. Coke. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Just a two-minute transaction and $2 million worth of Coke. So, yeah, it's fine. I wouldn't say I highly recommend it, but it gets the series back on track. Yeah, okay. Who went rogue in it? Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise went rogue. Because Billy Crudup, who's actually the bad guy, thinks that Tom Cruise has gone rogue
Starting point is 01:17:56 and then releases Tom Cruise, who actually then goes rogue. But then it turns out Billy Crudup has also gone rogue. And all the villains in Mission Impossible are former agents who have gone rogue? Maybe they should shut down the IMF as a whole. Because there's a lot of... Which is the story for five. But then everybody would go rogue, wouldn't they? Yeah, because you're just releasing rogue agents into the universe.
Starting point is 01:18:16 Because you'd be like, well, what else am I going to do besides go rogue? I mean, I've got all these skills that are only either for not going rogue or going rogue. And I can't. My option for not going rogue or going rogue. And I can't. My option for not going rogue. That's gone. It's gone forever. You did this, IMF. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:18:33 You did this, whoever is running the IMF, this movie. Lion's Fishburn. Oh, yeah, because was he in three? I think it's a different head every time. It is a different head every time. In four, it's the British guy who's not British in it, Tom something. Kavanagh. Yeah, Tom Kavanagh.
Starting point is 01:18:47 That's good enough. He's in Full Monty. I can't remember his name. Brendan Gleeson. Yeah, it's Brendan Gleeson. But then he gets shot in the head like immediately. That's right, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:57 So, look, yeah, Mission Impossible 4, the latest one that is out. Yeah. That you can actually watch. And it's probably the best it is definitely the best look i like the first one a lot yeah because it has that very old school slow paced charm to it sure like it's for me it's a rare movie like waiting for a bus exactly it's like waiting for your death but it's it's a rare movie for me that is from pre-99 before the matrix before the matrix that has a slow pace that i'm a lot like oh why did they like it is rare that the there's no gaps
Starting point is 01:19:35 that you desperately want them to just fill in with action and not just have people just walking slowly to a telephone to get the call or whatever like it's kind of slow and it's got a slow build but there's no gaps in it and because you found that with jurassic park didn't you going back to that yes there's a lot of downtime in that movie oh boy oh boy yeah so sure what's the mission in mission impossible for ghost protocol everybody's on a ghost protocol very much so they go rogue, obviously. Oh, everybody goes rogue in this one. So basically, what is it?
Starting point is 01:20:12 Look, I watched the first 10 minutes before this. I watched it today or yesterday. What happens in it? Okay, so the Kremlin explodes because there's a guy who wants to ignore that Kremlin thing. That does happen, but it doesn't help the plot. There's a guy who basically wants to start nuclear war to kind of refresh the earth and start from scratch. Which is a big call for a Mission Impossible movie.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Absolutely. Normally it's a list, not a foot. Because the new one's also a list. Yeah. Like Rogue Nation is a list. Yeah. So it's basically about Tom Cruise trying to stop him from doing that with his with his crew but in the process that guy broke blows up the kremlin we think of um mission
Starting point is 01:20:50 impossible three hair ah it's back to basics yeah it's slightly longer it's meat and potatoes meat potatoes hair isn't it but pretty good at the time also i forgot to mention in two the um we're going back there we're go back to two just because i just remember this is why i'm saying two is more memorable than three yeah that's true yeah to the the piece of equipment is the digital camera digital cameras which like it was 2000 and they were just banging on about digital cameras the whole movie like the whole there's a there's there's some there's evidence that this the scientist was killed with this virus on this digital camera and people just keep going back and people people are putting people are putting bloody memory cards in a
Starting point is 01:21:30 digital like giant like credit card size memory cards and digital cameras at least postage stamp sized screens on them and people like wow people minds would have been blown in that you know what's ridiculous about that Because the previous movie from four years earlier had like, you wear a pair of glasses that look like glasses that give you crisp like streaming footage
Starting point is 01:21:52 to like a watch or something. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I guess because it's an actual real thing you can buy, they really...
Starting point is 01:21:58 But again, in the first movie, the internet, that was the... Anyway, sorry. Which is what it's for. That's fine. So somebody wants to start
Starting point is 01:22:04 a nuclear war. Yeah, and Ethan Hunt has to stop that that from happening does he do it with a ragtag team yeah he does right but you know what i'll say this when when this started i was like this is not going to be good right because there's a scene where ethan hunt is sitting in a russian prison cell and he has a rock it's just a rock and he's throwing it and it's hitting like the window of the cell and then like the bar and then he catches it and he's doing that like it's just a rock and he's throwing it and it's hitting like the window of the cell and then like the bar and then he catches it and he's doing that like it's a fucking baseball
Starting point is 01:22:28 like so it's one of those things where it's this two again where he's just good at everything for no reason but that's like the only kind of thing in it
Starting point is 01:22:36 where you're like then you realise he's been in there for three months yeah but even then you cannot that's not possible rocks are very spongy
Starting point is 01:22:43 in Eastern Europe I don't know if you know that I've never been actually I have they've got a bit don't know if you know that. I've never been. Actually, I have. They've got a bit of spring to it. You know that. I didn't touch the rocks. Well, you missed out, mate.
Starting point is 01:22:51 You know what? You're right. I guess if you're there for three months, you'd be pretty good at it. That's literally all you have to do. Yeah. I mean, how many times would he have thrown it and then he had to get up? Yeah, that's right. I'm saying a lot.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Yeah. So in that way, I was like, I don't know about this. Also, if anybody can bounce a rock off a thing, it's Tom Cruise. Yeah, you're right. He'll devote himself to that. Do you think it has the best action sequences? Sequence. There you go.
Starting point is 01:23:12 There's probably one standout one. No, there's the... There's a heist. There's a heist, which I enjoy a lot. It's a sweet heist. There's some sweet hand-to-hand in the building in Dubai, wherever they are. That's pretty good. Yep yep i reckon best action sequences
Starting point is 01:23:28 they're not ridiculously overblown yeah like in two and they exist unlike in one sure so obviously the the big draw cover this movie is they went to the tallest building in the world and tom cruise like swung around outside he sure did and you know and you can tell because when you watch it, it's obviously not green screen. It looks incredible. And look, all of that he was cabled up. He didn't really climb up the side of it with sticky gloves.
Starting point is 01:23:54 But he's really out there. And malfunctioning sticky gloves. That's it. And that's the thing. And that's what makes this movie more exciting than a lot of the other ones is because nothing is working. Right. It even starts off at the start. He goes to a payphone that has a ipad in it or something
Starting point is 01:24:09 that's right yeah and then it then it goes to self-destruct like all the stuff does in mission impossible movies and it just doesn't work yeah mission impossible 4 also brings back the title sequence where you see the fuse you see no well you see the few you see that in all that but you see clips from the movie. Yeah. Which happens in the first one, not two or three, and then it comes back. Isn't that odd? It is odd, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:33 It gives away time. That's very TV. Yeah. You watch a movie and you watch a TV and you watch a TV. I watch a TV. You watch a TV show and they'll show clips from you know episodes and they just they built that into the first movie for some reason like you can sort of figure out who the bad guy is yeah if you watch just the opening sequence but i'm really paying attention but i feel like that's
Starting point is 01:24:53 also the problem with this movie the bad guy isn't clearly defined like and there's a bit where you know he chases a guy through the sandstorm yes and it's the bad guy's henchman and then he takes off his mask and it turns out to just be the bad guy. Yeah. But like, why? Right. Did they just want to have a working mask in it? Yeah. Because they hadn't really had a mask. Because there's no mask.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Nobody wears a mask in their team. They go to make a mask. And then it malfunctions, right? To do it. Yeah. And they can't. So they have to do it with their real faces. And Jeremy Renner's taking photos of a nuclear launch coat or something with an eye.
Starting point is 01:25:22 You know. Oh, yeah. I remember that. Yeah. Yeah. There's a bit in the... The heist where they have to steal something thing is decent. Jeremy Renner does the Mission Impossible... He does the Mission Impossible hanging from the ceiling dive thing
Starting point is 01:25:38 except with a magnetic mesh suit. But the sequence at the end is also pretty good where they're in the car park and Tom Cruise is trying to get the briefcase and whatever and he's fighting that 55 year old man whatever but tom cruise is pretty old now i guess yeah but i'll tell you what there's little things in that where i'm just like tom cruise is amazing like genuinely amazing there's a bit where before that car park scene he's just running down the street and he just leaps a car like he leaps slides across the top and it's like a just running down the street and he just leaps a car like he
Starting point is 01:26:05 leaps slides across the top and it's like a van like it's not and he just keeps going that dude would have been close to 50 when he did that and i'm just watching that going i would break every bone in my body if i attempted like tempted to do that like that is incredible you break bones just get into a car it's just regular so that's like he's he is amazing yeah like despite his you know whatever you think of him personally what do you think of him i think he's great and that's the thing a lot of the behind the scenes things for these movies they just are tom cruise is so great and he's just kind of in the background like waving and every time he laughs though he's kind of yeah exactly yeah it's really it seems like he's a it's like he's a person pretending to be a real person yeah yeah that's fair i told you how
Starting point is 01:26:55 christian bale modeled american psycho off tom cruise makes a lot of sense did you know about that i didn't know that but if you read the book and I don't recommend it because it's not very good. In your face. In your face, Brett A. Snellis. It's like I understand. If you've never read the book, it's basically a series of incredibly boring sequences of a rich guy going about his daily life. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:27:21 And choosing his clothes and being a businessman and then an incredibly graphic murder scene and then it just repeats and like that is the point of the book yeah like the idea being that he in american psycho he's either he's either a real serial killer and nobody notices because it's the 80s and everybody's so self-involved yeah or he's just it's all in his head and he's mentally ill and nobody notices because everybody's so self-involved. Or he's just, it's all in his head and he's mentally ill and nobody notices because everybody's so self-involved. Like that's the entire premise.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Yeah. But the book itself is not very good. The movie's better. But I was going to say the reason you brought that up is because there's a sequence in the book where it turns out that Tom Cruise lives in the same apartment building as the main character. Because that is apparently that is the apparently the
Starting point is 01:28:05 number one defense in libel like if you if you based if you based a character on say a famous actor yeah and that the character you've created is a really bad guy yeah then what you do is you have a scene where they meet that they meet the actor then you can be like, well, obviously this isn't Tom Cruise because he's just met Tom Cruise. So, you know. There you go. Yeah. The thing that I heard Christian Bale say was he saw an interview with him and Tom Cruise is all jovial and laughing and having a good time,
Starting point is 01:28:35 but there's just nothing. You just look at his eyes. There's nothing behind his eyes. So is Tom Cruise a psychopath pretending to be a real person? Impossible to say. Sure. Sure. Yep, it's a great movie. What's his hair like?
Starting point is 01:28:49 Who goes rogue? All the things. All the things. Everybody goes rogue, right? Everybody goes rogue. Everybody's rogue in that movie, yeah. It really establishes the team, except every movie they swap out the girl. Yeah, they do, don't they?
Starting point is 01:29:02 It's weird. Yeah. That's disappointing. yeah they do don't they it's weird yeah that's disappointing they've got a weird like there's some weird attitudes towards women in these movies sure two especially
Starting point is 01:29:12 yes two because they're like yeah no it's no good though Michelle Monaghan does reappear in four that's true yeah at the end
Starting point is 01:29:19 so his wife's not really dead yeah but she thinks he's dead no because she sees him and she's like, hello. And he's like, I'm Tom Cruise. I mean, I'm Ethan Hunt. I'm wearing a Tom Cruise mask.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You were probably one of my potential wives. Well, that's, yeah. See, yeah. I think she was on the list. I'm sure she was. Where did you, so that list got leaked. Do you want to explain that?
Starting point is 01:29:41 I don't think it got leaked. I think that's just. You think it's a made up thing? Maybe. Supposedly... No, I'm not even going to bring it up. You do some research.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Everybody just look up Tom Cruise wives list. Okay. There's also a Scarlett... I don't want to get put on a list. There's also a Scarlett Johansson story which may or may not be true about because she was signed up
Starting point is 01:30:01 for one of the Mission Impossible movies. Oh, yes. And there was some... Apparently some Scientology stuff happened and she was like i don't like any of this okay right and she backed out let's talk about it and whatever yeah it doesn't matter uh so everybody goes rogue uh why am i so afraid of tom cruise his hair's great though let's get back on track yeah it is so you think it's his best hair? I think so. Some of the best gadgets as well. Agreed.
Starting point is 01:30:30 This is where the Mission Impossible movies surpassed real life, I think. Yeah, definitely. Because we had that holographic hallway system. That's great, isn't it? Yeah, that was good. That's really good. And also it malfunctioned. Yeah. So that's fun.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Well, it didn't actually, did it? Because there was just more people. Yeah, there was more. It only worked with one guard and then two guards show up yeah good stuff you know that's even cool they bothered to even say that that
Starting point is 01:30:50 only specifically does that like that's pretty impressive yeah yeah totally god they measured it right too because it hit that hit that corridor
Starting point is 01:30:58 exactly great it's all good anyway I think it's time to move off this until next week when we come back to it oh yeah sure excited for Rogue Nation yes very much so apparently it's very good the early word is it's
Starting point is 01:31:08 pretty solid so you're looking forward to tom cruise being strapped to a plane and yes i'm looking forward to a motorcycle chase that actually looks good sure it's great yeah you know what he wears a hawaiian shirt in that i saw that long sleeve hawaiian shirt do you think do you think that's what a person who's 50 early 50s thinks is a cool shirt do you think that's what a person who's early 50s thinks is a cool shirt? Do you think that's what that is? Or do you think he's gone rogue, so he's just wearing... No, I think he's gone rogue. I think that's what a person that age, in whatever disguise he's in, would be wearing.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Okay, sure. Okay. Is he supposed to be as old as he is? That is a really good question. I reckon he's supposed to be like 35. For this whole thing? Yeah. good question i reckon he's supposed to be like 35 for this whole thing yeah for every movie he's supposed to be 35 i feel like he could be 25 i think he's early 30s in the first one i feel like he could be 25 in the first one so maybe he's 40 mid 40s okay all right okay but yeah anyway there you go you know what it's time for now what's the
Starting point is 01:32:01 time for what we're reading oh what are we going to read I'm doing the theme what are we reading today I did put the theme song in great I remember fantastic what are you reading
Starting point is 01:32:17 what do you know I didn't even put in a what we're reading this week I can still say something what do you got oh well I'm going to read what I'm going to read is because last week
Starting point is 01:32:24 we mentioned or maybe the week before we mentioned Archie vs. Predator. You did mention that. Last week you mentioned Lando, the comic. I did mention Lando, the comic. Yeah, which was good. I enjoyed it a lot, actually. Oh, cool, good.
Starting point is 01:32:33 This week, will we see the debut of Archie vs. Sharknado? Oh, God. They're going mad at Archie comics. I don't understand what's happening to them, but I love it. People have written a few times saying, would we do like a Sharknado kind of episode? I don't want to. No, neither do I.
Starting point is 01:32:49 There's nothing to them. That's the problem. Yeah, I don't want to watch them. I don't think you can intentionally make a B movie because you're kind of in on the joke. The room, which I haven't seen, is the way it is because when they made that, they weren't intending to make it like that.
Starting point is 01:33:03 It's supposed to be a serious study of human whatever, and it's nonsense. But you can't manufacture that. No, exactly. Yeah, anyway, Archie comics clearly is – there's clearly like there's two departments in Archie, and one is just like, hey, just have Archie in high school and all the fun stuff is happening and teen problems or whatever. And the other is like, what if Archie and one is just like, hey, just have Archie in high school and all the fun stuff is happening and teen problems or whatever.
Starting point is 01:33:26 And the other is like, what if Archie was killed and resurrected as a cyborg or whatever? You know, there's just the other department. It's two camps. Yeah, exactly. So I'm kind of enjoying that. One of them has gone rogue, it seems. One of them has definitely gone rogue. Yeah, because there's afterlife with Archie.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Yep, yep. And there was one like, there were two alternate realities where he married Betty or Veronica and they both turned to hell for some reason. I don't know what's... And then I think he was assassinated at one point. God, okay. Anyway, yeah, I would like to... These are all Elseworlds stories, obviously.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Yeah, I guess so, yeah. But to counteract that, I'm actually also going to read a comic book. I think it's an indie comic book. It's called Wolf. Okay. It's called Wolf by Alice Cottff uh alex alice cott lee loffridge sure uh and it's sort of it's it appears to be sort of a a film noir kind of supernatural kind of thing it's like it's like your la it's like la confidential crossed with i don't know it's black and white. No, it's in color. Oh, boy. It's not like L.A. Confidential.
Starting point is 01:34:25 It's a name. Yeah, all right. Anyway, it's kind of like L.A. Confidential meets something Neil Gaiman, maybe, kind of thing. Is it spelt like wolf, like the regular way of spelling wolf? It's spelt like wolf, W-L-F-O-L-F, but the character's name is Antoine Wolf. W-L-F-O-L-F. W-O-L-F. Okay. Look, I can't spell words.
Starting point is 01:34:46 Anyway, it was good. Great, I'll check that out. Yeah. Hard-boiled paranormal detective with a death wish. Sounds good, right? Yeah. Sudden responsibility for an orphan teenage girl who might be the key to the impending apocalypse.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Plus it's LA Confidential. How about that? Because it's in black and white. Yeah, because it's not in black and white, though, it's in color. Oh, okay. I just thought, because, you know. Oh, totally, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Sure. Well, look, I'm reading Sweet Tooth again, which I think I've talked about before. You have, yeah. I don't want to get into it, but it's great. If you haven't read Sweet Tooth, it's super cool. It's kind of like The Walking Dead meets a boy with deer antlers.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Oh, sure, that's right, yeah. If you like any of those things. Oh, boy. And, of course, we're going to see Mission Impossible this any of those things. Oh, boy. And of course, we're going to see Mission Impossible this week. Which I'm genuinely excited for. I have another one.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Oh, speaking of, because we were talking about Scientology, I finished watching BoJack Horseman the second season. It's really good. I'm enjoying it.
Starting point is 01:35:37 I mentioned it last week, I think, maybe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there is an episode where Todd, who's BoJack's best friend, joins a cult-like improv group that is definitely not Scientology. No, sir, it is not.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Do they even say this is not Scientology? They do, yeah. In fact, Tom Cruise apartment style, he has the opportunity to join Scientology, but then he goes one office over and there's an improv. Oh, there you go. It's pretty good. Oh, also, I forgot to mention this.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Last week I was on an episode of Pop Quiz Hotshot, which is a podcast about, it's a pop culture quiz show. Hotshot? Hotshot, precisely. And it was like an MCU Marvel special to coincide with the release of Ant-Man, which was last week. And you were bloody up against it, weren't you? I was bloody up against it. You were backwards against the wall. Backwards against the wall of Ant-Man, which was last week. And you were bloody up against it, weren't you? I was bloody up against it.
Starting point is 01:36:25 You were backwards against the wall. Backwards against the wall because I don't, again, as I mentioned on the show, I'm not competitive at all and I don't know anything. And it's me versus... It's a great way to go through life. Yeah, it is, isn't it? It's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:36:37 You won at least one of those things. I was by my friend Michael, who's a comedian, and it was me versus his wife, Sarah, and award-winning comedian Simon Keck. So you should check that out because it's good fun. I will check that out. Pop quiz hotshot.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Does it say Nicholas Mason in the title? Might say Nick Mason. Or Mason. I don't know. Cool. Excellent. I listened to your duck blur episode. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:56 There you go. It was great. I really enjoyed it. Thank you. On It's a Duck Blur. I've got a letter here from Rob. He says, hey, Nick and James. As a fellow Aussie, I wanted to point out an Australian movie I watched called Kill Me Three Times.
Starting point is 01:37:07 I know what you're going to say. And yes, most Australian television slash movies are garbage. But this one is pretty great. It's all star Simon Pegg. Alice Braga, the sniper chick from Predators. And I probably said that wrong. And also the Borg Queen? No.
Starting point is 01:37:21 The sniper chick from Predators isn't the Borg Queen. Okay, never mind. Yeah. And the other, other Hemsworth. Oh, sure Queen Okay never mind Yeah And the other Other Hemsworth Oh sure If you like bumbling idiots Chad Hemsworth Exactly
Starting point is 01:37:30 If you like bumbling idiots Trying to kill each other I think you'll love it So watch it Or don't I can't really make you Keep up the good Good or terrible stuff
Starting point is 01:37:37 Thanks for the laughs Rob Yeah I've saw the trailer for that It actually does look like a lot of fun I've heard of it And yeah it looks Looks good yeah And it's Australian Which is
Starting point is 01:37:44 I feel like the only way I'll watch an Australian movie like a movie like that is that they have to get somebody international in it. Oh, sure, yeah. And I'm like, okay, I'll watch it
Starting point is 01:37:51 because Ethan Hawke's in it or whatever. You know, like that Australian vampire movie that has... Daybreakers. Daybreakers. That has Ethan Hawke in it.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Yeah, yeah. And there's also, those guys also did a time travel one with Ethan Hawke recently which is apparently okay. I don't know what it's called. But yeah. Did you see... Daybreakers 2, this time we do time travel one with Ethan Hawke recently, which is apparently okay. I don't know what it's called. But, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:06 Did you see... Daybreakers 2, this time we do time travel. Exactly. Great. Daybreakers is fine. All right, should we get into the letters for this week? Yes. Well, before we do, Mason,
Starting point is 01:38:15 you got a ton of letters theme songs this week. I did. So, every week you refuse to edit in a letters theme. Correct. So, I request that the listeners send one in by means of recording it and putting it on YouTube and then tweeting me the link at Wikipedia Brown. Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Let me see if I can find one. So he's going to pick one at random? No, hang on. It's whichever one I can find first. Sure. Hang on. You can edit this out. Now, you requested a specific thing last week.
Starting point is 01:38:45 You said... I said tiny instruments, if you could. But you'll take whatever, if it's good, right? Yeah, totally. Wait, hang on. I do have a tiny instruments one here. I've got to find it. So this is from Chris Semmelbeck.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Good work, Chris. A letters theme song, Ant-Man edition. Hope you enjoy. Here we go. It's pretty good so far Time to read some letters. Time to read some letters. Time to read some letters with James and Mason. That's pretty great. Pretty great, right?
Starting point is 01:39:32 Thanks, Chris. I like that a lot. That's his real voice? Yeah, it's his real voice. It's kind of sad in a way, but at least he's finally found some use for it. There we go. Okay. This is from Sean.
Starting point is 01:39:43 So my fiance and I and one of her friends recently started Marvel Movie Monday, where after work we watched one of the MCU films. I consider this a giant victory for our relationship, as this is the same person who has not seen Lord of the Rings or the Star Wars trilogies or even Jurassic Park and feels that is an acceptable way to live one's life. So the first one we watched was Captain America, the first Avenger this past Monday.
Starting point is 01:40:05 They've already seen the Iron Man films. And during the scene where he crashes the hydroplane into the ice, my fiance screams, so that's why they call him the Winter Soldier after he gets out of the ice cube. Of course, after screaming, no, you idiot, three things came to mind. One, our marriage is doomed.
Starting point is 01:40:23 One, the nickname does kind of make sense for Steve Rogers, only after he gets out of his ice cube, of course. Two, hope she still marries me. Three, how the hell does Bucky Barnes get the name The Winter Soldier? Sorry for the long email. I hope it led to some laughs. Thanks, Sean. P.S., can I be the official capsicle of the podcast?
Starting point is 01:40:41 Yes. He makes a good point. Correct. Because, yeah, Captain America should really be the Winter Soldier. Right, okay. In terms of stuff that happens to him. Right. So the Winter Soldier, the term is from Tom Paine, who's like an American revolutionary.
Starting point is 01:40:58 Sure. And he basically said- Wait, is this history? You're teaching me something. This is real history. I'm teaching you. This is edutainment, all right? And basically, in one of his speeches,
Starting point is 01:41:07 he talks about soldiers who are summer soldiers, like so people who are soldiers when times are pretty good and everything's fine and we're all, it's peacetime and everything's cool, right? And so basically a winter soldier is someone who's there all the time, like even in super bad times or whatever. So he's the winter soldier because he's there no matter what. But in many ways because he has no choice
Starting point is 01:41:28 because his brain has been mind controlled. But that's the premise. So I think people actually at the time when the character was invented were like, this is kind of offensive. Because there was also a... Oh, really? Well, I think in the 70s there was like a... Now I've run out of history.
Starting point is 01:41:43 But in the 70s there was a a now I've run out of history but in the 70s there was like a there was a there was a winter soldier inquiry and it was like people it was like I think it was Vietnam era soldiers who were like like who had PTSD
Starting point is 01:41:54 and like were badly treated by the government yeah and I think so people were like well why have you called this guy the winter soldier this kind of offensive
Starting point is 01:42:01 to those veterans okay but I think he definitely was referring to the original thing oh okay gotcha like a guy of a soldier who's there all the time yeah yeah fair enough so it's not because he was also frozen no that's a coincidence but it i mean it also applies it also definitely applies doesn't it yeah okay there you go i thought you'd know something about that and there we go there you go uh i'm just gonna look that up keep keep going but i'm gonna look
Starting point is 01:42:23 that up to make sure i didn't get everything completely wrong this is from Tony from Ohio hey Mason and whoever love the show I started listening to that episode 60 and I've since gone back you just got edutainmented god damn it it's my least favourite thing
Starting point is 01:42:36 yeah and I've since gone back to listen to the old ones I'm just curious how much of American culture has an impact on Australia I hear you guys reference a lot of the same TV shows and movies I watched growing up
Starting point is 01:42:44 meanwhile I don't know shit about Australia except for koalas and Hubert Jackman. Anyway, sorry most Americans are self-centered ignorant dickheads. With that being said, can I be the official self-centered American dickhead of the podcast? Thanks, Tony. I don't find that about Americans. I mean, I've never met Americans in America
Starting point is 01:43:01 because I've never been there. But in my travels. Oh, yes. But most Americans I've met Americans I've met have been very nice sure yeah so I mean I think I've also met Americans that I don't like but I've met a lot of people from a lot of places I don't like so absolutely I don't think it applies to to Americans yeah I've said this before people say Americans are the worst tourists but Australians are the worst tourists oh absolutely because they're fucking
Starting point is 01:43:22 everywhere yeah and I don't and they're loud and annoying and dickheads and they're always drinking out of the biggest beer in the room and wearing a flag as a cape and lighting their balls on fire. That's every Australian who's around. So, yeah. Anyway, American culture. Yeah. Oh, did you find anything about the Iceman?
Starting point is 01:43:43 Yeah, it's pretty – Look, the Winter Soldier investigation publicised war crimes and atrocities by the United States Armed Forces and their allies in the Vietnam War. There you go. And there was, I think, in Winter Soldier Iraq and Afghanistan an inquiry into American war crimes
Starting point is 01:43:57 during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan held in 2008. So I think that's probably where... Oh, okay. Wait, wasn't Winter Soldier before that? Yeah, maybe. I think it was like 2005. Yeah, probably. I don't't Winter Soldier before that? Yeah, maybe. I think it was like 2005. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 01:44:07 I don't know. I don't know, Mason. I can't tell you. I don't know. Because you haven't been edutainmentized properly. Yeah, correct. I haven't. Why does he have a metal arm?
Starting point is 01:44:13 What's that about? What is that? No, it doesn't matter. Yeah. Look, wasn't that bit good in Winter Soldier where Black Widow throws like a thing on his arm and then like disables his arm? Yeah, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:44:23 That's pretty sweet. Good solid work. Yeah, I don't know. Cap goes rogue in that. Boy, does he. It's great. Yeah, I don't know. We get so much American culture here.
Starting point is 01:44:34 I'm not saying Australian culture is bad. I am. Like pop culture. No, there's some solid stuff. Yeah, there's some solid stuff. The thing about it is our population is so much smaller that the ratio of great stuff to bad stuff is probably about the same. But as a result, there's a smaller amount of Australian good stuff,
Starting point is 01:44:51 which we enjoy, but then because there's a massive ton of American stuff, then there's an equivalent massive amount of good stuff. You see what I'm saying? I see exactly what you're saying. So we get a lot of American good stuff. And if you maybe don't see the Australian stuff, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:05 So like we can, it's weird because we can automatically translate American stuff. Like we get all the American references. Yeah, we do. Like if somebody talks about... The Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier, for example. You can explain it to them. Or like a weird brand of cereal or something like that.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Yeah. We get it. Yeah, even though we don't get Captain Crunchy, I know what it is. Yeah, exactly. But it doesn't translate the other way. Yeah. And that's your Even though we don't get Captain Crunchy, I know what it is. Yeah, exactly. But it doesn't translate the other way. Yeah. And that's your fault, America. Do you guys have Dunkaroos?
Starting point is 01:45:29 I think they do have Dunkaroos. They might have Dunkaroos. Do you guys have LeSnacks, which I think is... I don't think they have LeSnacks. They do in France. They're just called LeSnack. Very good.
Starting point is 01:45:39 Vegemite's good too. I know a lot of people hate it. It's how you do it. Watch a video of Hugh Jackman showing people how to do Vegemite and then try it or don't i feel i stole that joke i did my friend jonathan schuster there's a joke about the snack does he listen to this show no then i'll let it this out right climbing it as my own um yeah i don't think it got so what's some good uh australian culture from our childhood i remember liking liking Around the Twist. Oh, sure, yeah. I remember watching The Ferals,
Starting point is 01:46:05 which is like a knock-off, like a knock-off grosser version of The Muppets. Oh, yeah. Do you remember them? Yep. What else was there? The Ocean Girl? That was a show.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Was Hercules filmed here? Yeah. Or was it filmed in New Zealand? It doesn't matter. Yeah. It doesn't matter. But a lot of shows also come over here and they change them
Starting point is 01:46:26 like we have we mentioned Gladiators before we had an Australian version of Gladiators we have like American Gladiators it was called in America yes it was
Starting point is 01:46:36 yes we had like what else did we got we got like we get like Australian Idol and the Australian version of The Voice and all that
Starting point is 01:46:43 although our Australian version of The Voice is judged by Ricky Martin, the Madden Brothers. One of them. One of the Madden Brothers. It doesn't matter. Delta Goodrum. Delta Goodrum and then another American guy probably. Yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 01:46:57 Maybe the dude from Black Eyed Peas, but that might be another show. No, that's not him. Yeah. No, what's not Will Arnett? Will I Am. No, he is in one of them he's definitely okay fine maybe he's in the british one also i watched a lot of british stuff when i was a kid growing up my parents love like the bill and like midsummer murders australia was
Starting point is 01:47:14 good because it was an it was a weird center point where we got a lot we got all the best american stuff we got all the best british stuff so we're kind of spoiled in that way but a lot of the stuff like the the kids shows would come in like dribs and drabs so you couldn't just you never even knew when things were going to be on necessarily and then switch out shows for no reason so you'd go to watch ninja turtles and then you get toxic crusaders sure right or whatever which i also loved but yeah we just kind of got a bit of everything we got some astro boy didn't we yeah dragon ball z we got power rangers We just got it. We got it all. But I felt like you kind of... We got Super Force.
Starting point is 01:47:49 What was that one? Super Force was a... Like he was a pre-Iron Man. It was about a guy. He was an astronaut. Great. Good start, right? It's set in the year 2020 where crime's gone out of control in 2020 right and he's a guy
Starting point is 01:48:05 he's an astronaut and he went he stopped being an astronaut and he went back to earth and then it turned out his brother who was a cop had gone missing so he joins the police force yeah and then it turns out he doesn't have the firepower to stop crime so he goes to like uh he goes to like this this high-tech firm and they build him a super suit called Superforce. And he gets an armoured suit and he gets a cool motorcycle. You've told me about this. Do you have this on DVD? I have it on tape somewhere.
Starting point is 01:48:32 I have some copies that I taped off the TV in like 1991. Now, just to be clear, his name is Superforce. Well, I don't think the name is ever referred to. Former astronaut who uses an advanced combat suit and motorcycle to fight crime in the city of Metroplex during the year 2020. The city of Metroplex, the Transformers robot. No, it's a coincidence. But it's weird because it was all adults on the show.
Starting point is 01:48:57 Yeah. But it had like a Power Rangers vibe? Yeah, but it was... I don't know who it was for. Was it the 80s or early 90s? It was the early... October 1990 to May 1992. Why isn't it out on DVD?
Starting point is 01:49:09 I don't understand. It also had Patrick McNee, the late Patrick McNee from the Avengers, as like a computer simulation of the former boss of the company that built the suit. The boss of Super Force. The Super Force suit, yeah. Because Force implies to me that there's a few of them.
Starting point is 01:49:24 It's like a team. It's just the one guy. It's just the just the one guy look it made little to no sense and if somebody can find me a copy of it digitally please send it to me somehow because i would i would watch the hell out of that but it was also it was pre because you know how iron man like he's got a super streamlined set because it's all cgi well this is pre that so he has like a big astronaut helmet so he's like a big astronaut helmet. So he's like a guy in this armored suit, but he's also got this giant head.
Starting point is 01:49:49 It's pretty great. Well, that sounds amazing. Yeah, it's great. All right, cool. Does it still hold up? Absolutely not. No, it doesn't. But like three episodes in,
Starting point is 01:49:58 he shoots down a helicopter with like several people in it. It doesn't sound like it held up for the time. No. Hi, my name is Rodri and I'm from Wales. I wanted to ask whether you like the grittier tone that movies are going for nowadays and do you think they'll keep that? Thanks, James, and get Mason to make a YouTube channel.
Starting point is 01:50:18 Make it, do it. I won't. Okay, I tried. You tried, didn't you? Yeah, that's more than anyone can do. So what do you think about that? Grittier time. We talked about before,
Starting point is 01:50:27 I feel like things are going the other way. I feel we're finding a balance and I'm happy with that. But I feel like it's going to go the other way. Like we'll find a sweet point and we'll just keep sliding. I see. And then we'll be dying another day again.
Starting point is 01:50:39 Yeah, but I think maybe at this point it's unavoidable. But I mean, if you think of like, even we're just talking about Mission Impossible movies. First one, pretty much deadly serious. Second one, even more deadly serious, even in the face of incredible ridiculousness and it being a bad movie.
Starting point is 01:50:55 And then third one, a couple of funny touches. I feel fourth, like four was the sweet spot. Like we've got Simon Pegg, we've got some funny touches. We're all having fun, but it's good solid action. I think that that's where i want to be and i think five is going to be basically the same sure yeah so but i'm talking like for everything though for literally like gritty captain crunch and stuff yeah it's like a gritty reboot of captain crunch the serial like i'm worried that everything's going to be like dracula untold or oh i see right which i actually didn't hate but you know what i mean like yeah like yeah. Or like everything's Blade and...
Starting point is 01:51:26 But like the bad parts of Blade, not the... Oh, I see. Do you like gritty stuff? Like, but not... See, like a prime example of gritty but good gritty is obviously The Dark Knight. But that's the only one that kind of did it. It's quite a...
Starting point is 01:51:40 It's a fine balance because if you... If Ledger's performance had gone any... Like a step weirder, it would have just been ridiculous. Yeah, it would have been the new Joker. It would have been Dark Knight Rises. I recently re-watched those movies, like all of them in a row. I was like, I'm having fun with these.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Bane sounds exactly like Kenneth Williams, who was one of the actors who was in all the British carry-on films. Weird choice that, isn't it isn't it it is weird do you think that we saw like heath ledger and he's like well i better do a thing yeah they also went back and ad art over all these lines apparently it led you no obviously not idiot mason sorry no i'm bane oh i couldn't understand him they released some the opening sequence in imax or whatever and people like what is this? Right, right. So it's weird how clear his voice is.
Starting point is 01:52:28 Clear and ridiculous. Clear and ridiculous, yeah. Look, we've got some... Ali from went to London Comic Con, London Film Comic Con 2015. If you look up in that video on YouTube, if you type in the exact words, London Film and Comic Con 2015,
Starting point is 01:52:42 he's done a sweet Weekly Planet video. I saw that, saw that with a whole lot of grab that gems he got david prowse yeah he's patron saint of the show yeah it's calum mulvey when calum mulvey isn't around yeah it's it's david prowse but he also got ray park so i won't play the whole video but i'll just play this part of Ray Park nope stop I went too far you went too far like usual oh it's Ray Park you saying this yeah so why am I showing you I don't know gone mad it's gone you've gone mad with your incredible YouTube abilities I should be better at this don't you think no god damn it's not working. I don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:53:25 But look, you got Ray Park and who played Darth Maul. Yes. And who was the other one I said? David Prowse. David Prowse to say grab dat gem, which means we have two Sith Lords saying grab dat gem. Yeah. Which means we only need Christopher Lee, who's dead. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:53:42 And Ed McDermott, who's not dead. Great. And do we need also the voice of of Darth Vader what's his name James Earl Jones yeah get James Earl Jones what do we already get Darth Vader oh that's a good question no we should get you let's just get James Earl Jones as a backup sure yeah isn't that incredibly exciting I was really excited to see that so yes you know what Ray Park is amazing and I don't understand why he's not in more things. There was a period of time where you're like, well, Ray Park's going to be in everything.
Starting point is 01:54:07 And he's kind of not as much. I want to bring him back. If they do the Obi-Wan film, they'll obviously bring him back. Yeah, totally. Yeah. But he's great. He's a good stuntman. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:17 He's probably just retired off his G.I. Joe residuals. Oh, that's right. He's Snake Eyes. I thought he was Snake Eyes. All right. That's the show for this week did you get any emails about raps in movies oh yes i did uh boy so we threw out the call last week is there an example of a movie where a person appears in that movie and then they rap the theme song to that movie so they have to appear as themselves or not even in that movie
Starting point is 01:54:43 and then also do the theme song. So it was Vanilla Ice in Ninja Turtles 2. Two, right. Was there a previous example of that? Boy, we're going to have to, you're going to give me a minute. Oh, here we go. A lot of people have said Bobby Brown on our own from Ghostbusters 2.
Starting point is 01:54:57 Sure. Was he in that movie though? Apparently he's like behind the mayor or something. I guess that counts then. All right. That's the earliest one, as far as I can tell. Okay. So thank you for the GeoTenant.
Starting point is 01:55:05 Sent that in. And some other people who also sent that in. Yes. But especially that guy, because you're the first one we saw. That's right. But probably the last to send it in. All right. Where can people find us, Mason?
Starting point is 01:55:15 Oh, they can find us at Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and Gmail and Facebook. Correct. If you want to send in a theme for next week, we're doing Mission Impossible again. So maybe a Mission Impossible-styling theme tune. That would be great. Yeah. And I'm at WikipediaBrown on Twitter. I'm at MrSundayMovies.
Starting point is 01:55:31 If you want to send us a couple of bucks a month to support the show, you can go to slash MrSundayMovies. That would be great. I would love that. And if you want to follow at The Weekly Planet, they do some real good work. Yeah. They do, actually. Hang on.
Starting point is 01:55:44 What's this? Oh, yeah. The Killing Joke is becoming a movie. What? Did you hear work. Yeah. They do, actually. Hang on, what's this? Oh, yeah, The Killing Joke is becoming a movie. What? Did you hear about that? No. An animated movie. So Mark Hamill wants in, so that'd be great. Yeah, that would be good, actually, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:53 I meant to bring that up earlier. That's great. Yeah. So next week... Yeah. That's another thing we do. Get out there.
Starting point is 01:56:00 We'll do a commentary at some point. Oh, yeah. All right, guys. Have spaghetti. Grab that jam, everybody. Bye. Bye.

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