The Weekly Planet - 95 Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation (The Roguiest One Yet?)

Episode Date: August 3, 2015

Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation bloody impossible missioned itself into cinemas over the weekend so we get into that.Plus news of three Star Wars TV series coming to Netflix, Fantastic Four’s very ...late review embargo, the Channing Tatum Gambit fiasco and more. Thanks for the support! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies and comics and TV shows and sometimes we just pause in the intro and take a drink of water.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Ooh, let's do that now. Yeah. If you're first time listening, that's about the standard. If anything, we've raised the bar. My name's James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always, my co-host, Nick Mason. I'm wearing a blanket. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Yeah. All right, into it. Did you hear the rumor? Now, this is just a rumor that star there will be three uh netflix star wars series that are live action what yeah three three netflix well they all star wars yes all those things so uh well they you know how they're doing i don't know if you heard this i think they announced it earlier this week uh daredevil oh sorry the marvel netflix stuff is happening one every six months. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:45 That's the rough timeline. So we're going to get Jessica Jones in October and then we'll get Daredevil again towards the first half of next year and then I think Luke Cage is next and whatever. So, yeah, Star Wars. What are your thoughts on that? I'll watch a Star Wars series. Me too.
Starting point is 00:02:02 I mean, that'd be stupid not to do that, right? The only thing is there would be a lot of cost associated with doing that kind of thing. Yes. That being said, Battlestar Galactica. Yeah. I would think, though, even if, I mean, ratings don't matter so much. No. And also, it's TV.
Starting point is 00:02:20 So, I think people would be okay with, say, them reusing all the CG from the prequels. Yeah, specifically all the Phantom Menace models. But, like, you know, that's all there. Your Dexter Jetsters. Yeah, your Dexter Jetsters. Watu the Junk Dealer. Everybody in that weird 1950s diner. But, yeah, but, like, you know, they've built,
Starting point is 00:02:41 there's a CGI Millennium Falcon, there's a CGI, you know, X-Wings and all that sort of stuff. Like the templates are all there. Exactly. Just chuck them in, mate. Chuck them in. Yeah. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Well, also people have said, well, look, they've obviously built a lot of sets for the new movies and because you got your Rogue One and whatever else is coming. So a lot of that could be reused. Yeah. A lot of that stuff though, they do put up and then tear down and like, would it be difficult if they filmed it in England like they have for a majority of the new Star Wars and whatever? But do you remember there was talk from 2005
Starting point is 00:03:12 that they were going to do a live-action Star Wars TV series when George Lucas still had the rights and him and Rick McCullen were talking about it? No, I don't remember that at all. You know Rick McCullen, right? He's the guy, he's the Star Wars producer. He did a lot of work on the re-releases and all the prequels. Everybody hates him.
Starting point is 00:03:27 They call him the biggest yes man in Hollywood and whatever. That makes a lot of sense now. Okay, sure. Like his famous quote was from the Star Wars prequels, every shot is so dense, there's so much happening. Yeah, that's exactly what we didn't want. We thought we wanted it, but ultimately we did not. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Anyway, he spoke about that for years, and the idea was they kept waiting for production costs to go down. He used the example of the young Indiana Jones Chronicles, so he could get it down to that kind of budget and do the series. But Daredevil, it's clear that the budget is a lot lower than, say... I mean, the budget was still huge on Daredevil, but you don't have your big CGI whatever. No, exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And I think that's the kind of thing that you'd get from this, just like your kind of, you know, your little. Your space street urchins. Yeah, exactly. Just hustling. Your little hand solos. Little hand solo. I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Playing like a little shell game on the street. Exactly. Little three-card Monty. They actually wrote 50 scripts for that, though, that old one I was talking about. Yeah, which George Lucas had a hand in, but that can't be good, like none of that. 50 scripts for 51-hour episodes.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Where are they? I don't know. In a bin somewhere, I'd imagine. One would assume in a bin, yeah. So that's that. No, I'm very excited for this. I hadn't thought about that because you know how now the expanded universe is called the star wars legend series correct and it's no longer canon
Starting point is 00:04:49 and whatever yeah so it's legend so it's like oh maybe this happened yeah kind of thing but surely a lot of that is like no this definitely did you know if if luke skywalker's off doing something surely people would know about it they wouldn't be like, hey, legend says. Yeah, you're right. You're absolutely right. But I think they just had to blanket kind of wipe everything because otherwise it would have been really difficult. I think they should have called it Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Suck it, nerds. Nah. People have really upset, in particular, that the old Republic was wiped. Yes. But there's been hints that a lot of that stuff still happened. But again, I think I said this when this happened, when you start picking and choosing, oh, this book's canon, this one isn't,
Starting point is 00:05:33 this video game's canon, this one's not, like it gets really complicated. So I can understand why they wiped all that. Because when they started that, they were under the impression that they weren't going to be any Star Wars sequel movies, that that was going to be Star Wars forever. they didn't think we'd get 50 scripts that were binned and then potentially three different shows see that's the thing i can't believe they were
Starting point is 00:05:52 binned somebody would have them oh they must be shredded yeah i'm sure everything everything's like prince's vault yeah but it's lucas's vault everything uh yeah the hell the duck puppet is in there and suit whatever that was no everything was handed over right so like and so lucas had a script treatment also for episodes seven eight and nine we've talked about this before yeah and he his original plan was i'll make episode seven and then i'll sell it to disney right and then they can do eight and nine and disney were like we'd rather just handle it ourselves sure if it's all the same we want this to continue yeah this franchise to continue if you don't mind so he gave abrams and they they
Starting point is 00:06:31 spoke about what he would have done right and apparently his version again this is all rumor his version was featured a lot of um younger younger cast than what they what they are a little handsomer yeah i think that would have been like more 14 15 kind of but they're more kind of Luke's age it looks like maybe between 19 and 25 that's the way it looks but Star Wars is
Starting point is 00:06:52 exciting isn't it I really want to see Netflix that that's bloody sure I'm excited about that yeah you could do your bloody Obi-Wan series on Netflix you just do
Starting point is 00:07:02 Tatooine it's just a desert you don't need a bunch of stuff do you that's right just film it at the bloody beach that's it just face the camera away from the water yep you're done mate that's it yeah uh so mission impossible has been a successful movie uh we're not jumping into that movie which we will talk about the newest one but there tom cruise mentioned or someone mentioned i don't know that you know who see see how you can tell
Starting point is 00:07:25 who mentioned it yeah just say the quote and then just go and if that if that sounds right it was tom cruise yeah no uh i think it was too tom cruise actually said that mission impossible six will start filming next year which if that's the case that'll be the shortest turnaround for a mission impossible movie i think before that'll be the shortest turnaround for a Mission Impossible movie. I think before that, the previous shortest turnaround was between four and five, which is only four years, which is still quite a long time for a sequel. But all the other ones,
Starting point is 00:07:53 actually the first one and second one was four years, and then it was six between two and three, and that doesn't matter. That was all very important. And then it was five between six and between three and four. And oddly, Mission Impossible 7 was between two and three. It's weird, right? Nobody mentions that one.
Starting point is 00:08:10 So, yeah. And also, Tom Cruise also has an idea for an Edge of Tomorrow sequel or Live, Die, Repeat or whatever they ended up. Because they renamed that when it went to DVD or Blu-ray or whatever. Did they really? Yeah. It's Live, Die, Repeat again. I think it's Live, Die, Repeat. It's think it's one of, it's, it's, I think it's Live, Die, Repeat.
Starting point is 00:08:26 It's not Edge of Tomorrow, which isn't a great title, is it? No. Yeah. So he basically, Tom Cruise said he's got a great idea. He rang the director and he's like, I've got a great idea. Oh, yep. And then he said, what a, what a, ha, ha, ha, ha. I can't talk.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I'm in a, I'm in another meeting. I can't, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. But, so he's, he's got a great idea. I hope it's called live, die, repeat, rinse, repeat. Yeah, that would be pretty good. And he wants to do it. And he also said, we've got to get Emily Blunt back on board. And she was like, give me a year to kind of.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Oh, sure. Did she have a kid? I can't remember. She did months and months of training for that. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe she didn't have a kid. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Anyway, what do you think? Maybe push-ups are her kid. Did you think about that? I didn't think about that. Maybe she didn't have a kid. I don't know. Anyway, what do you think? Maybe push-ups are her kid. Did you think about that? I didn't think about that. Maybe stomach crunches are her kid. Yeah. Maybe burpees are her kid. Sure, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Or maybe she had a kid. I don't know. Yeah. Any of those things could be her kid. It's not about business, quite frankly. No. Edge of Tomorrow sequel, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I mean, you're happy with Mission Impossible sequel, I'd imagine. Or do you want to talk about that? We'll talk about it. Edge of Tomorrow, though. Yeah. You okay with that? Yes. I feel like... Yeah, I'd imagine. Or do you want to talk about that? We'll talk about it. Edge of Tomorrow, though. Yeah. You okay with that? Yes. I feel like...
Starting point is 00:09:28 Yeah, it's interesting. It's a... I feel like they kind of went, you know what, not enough people saw this. Let's make another one. It is more or less exactly the same. Yeah, because that's what... I feel that is a standalone.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yep. Like the storyline absolutely finishes. Wraps up. And if you start it again, it's the Highlander movies. If you're back on the edge of tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah, you're right, it is.
Starting point is 00:09:49 So I can't imagine what's the story idea where, because basically the premise of that movie, if you haven't seen it, which a lot of people now have since it's been released on home video. And a lot of people haven't. A lot of people haven't. Don't exclude them. Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:02 That Tom Cruise gets kind of a magic alien power, which means he can relive the same day again and again, which means you could change all sorts of things and be really awesome at stuff. Sure. But every time you die, you wake up again. Yeah. And he gets really good at piano.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yep. And punches Stephen Tobolowsky in the face. Oh, so many times. Can't save that homeless guy, though, can he? No, he can't. Some things just fade, isn't it? And he bloody gets it on with Andy McDowell. There we go. so many times. Can't save that homeless guy though, can he? No, no, he can't. Some things just, just fade, isn't it? And he bloody gets it on with Andy McDowell.
Starting point is 00:10:27 There we go. I couldn't, couldn't remember her name, but it's Andy McDowell. Yes, it is. Yeah. She looks great.
Starting point is 00:10:32 You seen her recently? No. She bloody looks after herself. She's doing her burpees. Burpees are her children. And maybe she has real children. Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Oh, certainly. Great. Yeah, no, but it does feel like it's, I, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:42 I, if they're going to do a sequel, I would assume that basically aliens would show up and maybe they'd erase the entire first movie. But only Tom Cruise remembers. Yes. Because he's on the Edge of Tomorrow. That's right.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yeah. And again. Okay, great. Did you hear the news? Otherwise, Edge of Tomorrow goes tropical. Yes. I go to Hawaii. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Chris Pine has been cast as Steve Trevor in the Wonder Woman movie. For those people who don't know, Steve Trevor is Wonder Woman's love interest. He's a fighter pilot. Yes. And he's just a regular dude. He's got no special powers, but he's a pretty integral character in the DC Universe, in particular to Wonder Woman stories. You've nailed it.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Thank you. Chris Pine... There was you. Chris Pine. There was rumors of Chris Pine being Steve Trevor and then it was like, oh, maybe he's Hal Jordan and this ended up happening. Sure. What are your thoughts on that? Let's give Green Lantern a rest for a little while. Well, that's not happening.
Starting point is 00:11:35 A little while longer. We're getting Green Lantern calls. Remember? Oh, yeah. Yeah. But there was also a rumor, and I don't know whether this is possibly or probably incorrect, that Steve Trevor will be a Green Lantern as well. Do you like that?
Starting point is 00:11:49 No, I don't like it. Is that because you love the character of Steve Trevor? Or do you think it changes the dynamic between him and Wonder Woman? Yes, it does. Yeah. That one. I have no particular... I'm indifferent to Steve Trevor, I think, generally.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Sure. But don't make everybody a superhero. Sure. Come on. Yeah. And you know what's good about Chris Pine in Star Trek? He's just a guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And one of the best parts of that first movie is where he's, like, fighting Romulans, and they're much stronger than him. And he has to use his kind of cunningness and his wit and his handsome face. Sure. And his Spock, because he has a Spock with him. Yeah, he's got to throw a Spock at him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Sure. Yeah. He uses his incredible tact and wit and tactical knowledge and he's like, hey, Spock, you're really strong. You should use that. Just hit him. Hit him real good. That's it.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Yeah. So you're okay with that? Yeah. Great. Ivan Reitman has dismissed the talk, mostly of Dan Aykroyd saying this, that there's got to be another Ghostbusters spinoff with all a male cast. Oh, yeah. Do you remember mostly Dan Aykroyd saying this, that there's got to be another Ghostbusters spinoff with all a male cast.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Do you remember when Dan Aykroyd came in and he was like, there's got to be movies and comic books and TV shows. We're making this the Marvel Universe for Ghostbusters. Oh, he did that. Yeah, absolutely. Just get one in the can. Let's just see how that goes. Get one that works.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Or even is okay. Sure. And then work on that. But I thought also, I don't doubt that they will probably do something like that down the line but i think with this um ghostbusters reboot coming out with the all-female cast they don't want that overshadowed no by saying like listen don't worry about that one just you can give that one a miss because there's a real one coming down sure yeah
Starting point is 00:13:19 so i'd imagine that's probably some of the reason behind him saying that as well i don't know what are your thoughts on any of that thing? Yeah, let's just get one good one back in the bag. Yeah. Or just one. Yeah, this is a franchise that finished 20-odd years ago. So let's just see if it still works as a concept before we make more lunchboxes. That's it.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Exactly. Channing Tatum. I was just about to mention that. Oh, what? You want to go for it? Is he in or is he out? Oh, he's back in. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:48 But he was out early in the week. Yes. I thought that was going to be our news. Out of what? Oh, Gambit. Yeah. Gambit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Remy Lefeu? Pepe Lepeu. Pepe Lepeu. Sorry. Yes. I was getting that confused. Beignet Croissant. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 00:14:03 So, yeah. So, the rumor was that he was potentially going to leave the gambit yes but they were still going to make a gambit they were just going to get i don't know literally anyone else who can do a french accent exactly which i assume that he can't i'm guessing yeah do you think he needs to do it it's tough because i don't know is that i i strongly feel because he has to commit it? It's tough because, I don't know, I strongly feel- Because he has to commit to that. If he doesn't, he has to do it for every movie.
Starting point is 00:14:30 He has to do it for every movie. He has to do it for every scene. Yeah. He has to- Look, funny voices in superhero movies don't fly with this guy. This guy being me. Yes, good. I knew who you meant.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Right, specifically the Nolan Batman movies right if it's got a silly voice I cannot take the character seriously I'm not saying the New Orleans accent is silly
Starting point is 00:14:51 I'm saying somebody doing that accent and if it's not theirs like he's gonna have to nail that yeah yeah I think I don't know
Starting point is 00:14:57 maybe just make it really subtle yeah sure where is he from Perth I don't know yeah he's from Perth so just use your
Starting point is 00:15:03 normal Perth accent Channing yeah and just put a little touch of it in there yeah sure yeah absolutely um but he's back in he's back in so the idea was or the rumor was that he was leaving because there was a whole lot of the back-end compensation that he would have got from the movies and there was uncertainty concerning the multi-picture deal that was going to make. Because they're also talking he's going to be like the staple of the franchise in the way Hugh Jackman is now. Because Hugh Jackman's out.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Yep. So you kind of need somebody, I guess, you want to put in every movie. Yeah, absolutely. Inexplicably. So I think they feel like they need that. But I don't necessarily think you do need. I don't think you should hang it on one person. I think that's a mistake.
Starting point is 00:15:42 I think Marvel, they initially did that with Robert Downey Jr., but now all those, a lot of different characters, there's four or five which you could easily plug into whatever movie and it would work. And I think that's the way you should do it. Channing Tatum is from Alabama. Perth, Alabama. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:01 So, yeah, you're happy he's on? Yeah. Great. I'm a fan of Channing Tatum. Me too. I'm a fan of the Tate. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Channing Tatum. I couldn't think of an nickname. Mr. Potato Head. Yes. Because he does have a big potato head. There we go. He does, doesn't he? Did you ever see Foxcatcher?
Starting point is 00:16:20 He's a little bit... No. Is that good? I don't know. I've heard mixed positives. I've also heard mixed things. Yeah. I heard he's good. Yes. But the movie's not necessarily great... No, is that good? I don't know. I've heard mixed and positive. I've also heard mixed things. Yeah. I've heard he's good.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yes. But the movie's not necessarily great. Okay, sure. Couldn't even catch that fox, apparently. That's how it ends. What an idiot. Anyway, what were you saying? That's all I got.
Starting point is 00:16:37 You started to say something that I cut you off. I don't know. He's quite bulky. Yeah. Maybe that's a... I don't know. Slim him down? Yeah, Gambit seems a little... He's quite wiry. Does Gamb that's a... I don't know. Slim him down? Yeah, Gambit seems a little...
Starting point is 00:16:45 He's quite wiry. Does Gambit need Hugh Jackman's physique? No. Because he's kind of wiry. He's not wiry. No, I mean, you're right. Hugh Jackman's more tall and long than Wolverine traditionally should be. I'm not saying...
Starting point is 00:17:02 He's still great. I think he's really good in it. But I don't even know. What are we doing? Who knows? The Red Pool... Red Pool. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Red Pool. The Red Band Deadpool trailer. The Red Pool. The Red Pool, yeah. Back yourself. That's going to be out this Tuesday. Ah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Okay. The teaser or the trailer? The trailer. And then on with the Fantastic Four. That'll be a good two minutes, 40 seconds. Yeah, bloody oath. Well, it's 17 seconds longer than the Green Band trailer, which will arrive with the Fantastic Four next week.
Starting point is 00:17:32 If you forgot, the Fantastic Four is out this week. So we'll talk about that next week. Great. I got a question about it later, but I'll get to it because some shit went down with that this week. But we'll get to it. When you say that, do you mean that we attempted to get tickets to the premiere and for some reason too many people.
Starting point is 00:17:49 We did, yeah. Too many people had already bought tickets. Who knew that would happen? Yeah. God damn it. Anyway, so the Deadpool trailer. I never thought I'd go to a movie theater and say, hello, I'd like to purchase one ticket to a Fantastic Four movie.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Never thought I'd say that again. But it's going to have to happen, isn't it? It's bloody 2005 all over again. I suppose I could buy tickets to something else and then sneak into Fantastic Four. But then seats are assigned now. Seats are assigned now, yeah. God, I hate that. Anyway, that's great. You happy with that?
Starting point is 00:18:16 I'm excited to see it. I guess I'll suffer. No, no, no, sorry. Deadpool trailer. No, but I mean, are we going to get it though in Australia? Are we going to get it? Oh, that's probably not actually. It'll still be released online. Oh, but I mean, are we going to get it, though, in Australia? Are we going to get it? Oh, that's probably not, actually. It'll still be released online, I imagine.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Oh, good, so we don't have to watch it for Netflix anymore. I only want to... I have to watch it for Netflix. You have to watch it. God, there's no way out of this, is there? I only really want to... I'd be happy if I only saw the red band one. I'd be like, yeah, that'll do me.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah, absolutely. But obviously, I'm not going to close my eyes if the green band one comes on. No, that looks pretty sweet. I hope it does well. Last thing before we get into the thing. Oh yeah. Stephen Amell says Arrow could go 14 seasons and he'll never grow a goatee. That's commitment.
Starting point is 00:18:54 You okay with that? You know what? At least his take's going to stand. Because Ben McKenzie on Gotham is like, oh my. Like people have just been hammering him on Twitter. Do you mean us specifically? Us specifically and our listeners with hashtag McKenzie mustache. And look, he's like, oh, one day maybe he's a mustache. Right, but Stephen Amell put down.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I like it. Yeah. And I don't think he needs it necessarily. I don't think it's a defining characteristic. I think he'd look weird with it. He also has a little hat. He doesn't wear that either. Doesn't wear the little jaunty hat.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Precisely, yeah. So, you know, that's fine. Yeah. But Gordon's know, that's fine. Yeah. But Gordon's look is trench coat moustache. Yeah. Two things. That's all he's got.
Starting point is 00:19:31 He's got glasses. Glasses. He doesn't have them either, does he? No. I bet there's a scene in Gotham, if it goes for longer than two seasons, where he goes, oh, you wear glasses? Yeah, I had to get them for reading. And then that's how they kind of... Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:43 So he doesn't wear them all the time. Right, right, right he's slowly they put them on just for like some behind the scenes photos that they yeah he's got the glasses on let's watch because he's got the glasses like the god we know with the comics and then we're like oh we've been let down again wearing the glasses yeah that's it fx is Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly
Starting point is 00:20:09 game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.
Starting point is 00:20:26 All right. We saw Mission Impossible Rogue Nation this week, didn't we? Yeah, we did. At cinemas. Yep. Presented by Dolby Atmos. Oh, God. So we went, side note.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Yeah. We're nothing but a series of digressions here. Correct. So I know we went there and instead of like just a blank screen before the movie started, we got Mission Impossible Rogue Nation brought to you by Dolby Atmos. And then just the Mission Impossible theme playing, which goes for like 48 seconds. I timed it. 48 seconds.
Starting point is 00:20:59 48 seconds. 20 minutes worth in a row. That's generous. I reckon it was at least 30. Wow, really? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Anyway, worth in a row. That's generous. I reckon it was at least 30. Wow, really? Yeah, absolutely. Anyway, we all went insane. And what I realized from that is that when you're watching a Mission Impossible movie
Starting point is 00:21:11 and the Mission Impossible theme kicks in in that movie, it's much less impressive and atmospheric if you've just heard the theme for 30 minutes in a row. That is absolutely right. That is correct. I actually went, ugh. Yeah. Still going. And as I said, when we were in the theatre,
Starting point is 00:21:27 they should have put every fourth one, they should have put the bloody Limp Bizkit version. Take a look around. Exactly. Think from MI2. Break it up. Yeah. Anyway, what did you think of the Dolby Atmos surround sound
Starting point is 00:21:38 that they pushed on us? I found it irritating. Why's that? There's a scene actually where somebody in the movie gets a phone call from off screen and it appears behind us. Oh, because then you're like some idiot's phone's gone off. Yeah, some idiot's phone's gone off. It doesn't keep you...
Starting point is 00:21:51 The movie's in front of us. That's where the... Yeah, that's where it's happening, right? That's where it's happening, exactly. The only time I guess it really would work, and I think they do this in cinemas anyways, where like a car like zooms past. Yeah. And then because you're like, I'm not like, oh, somebody that's got his bloody car in
Starting point is 00:22:03 here. God, switch your car off, yeah but they did i missed the start i actually because spoiler alert you were like this this dolby atmos demonstration will never end i'll just go out yeah and take a phone call i've heard of it but i had to because i just set up my internet but i just kept going because i was reading the terms and conditions and i'm like i'm gonna miss the big thing and i was really in a panic but i just made going because I was reading the terms and conditions and I'm like, I'm going to miss the big thing. And I was really in a panic, but I just made it. I just made it for the big thing.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Anyway, as we normally do when we talk about movies with Dolby Atmos, we're going to do non-spoilers and then spoilers. Yes. So if you haven't seen it, we'll let you know very clearly and then jump back in at a later point in the podcast. Okay. And should we talk about, as we talk about all Mission Impossible movies, we should talk about what the plot is.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Yes, correct. And who goes rogue. Who goes rogue and Tom Cruise's hair. Tom Cruise's hair. Those are the three things. Okay, great. Do you want to break down the plot? Hang on, let me settle in.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Okay, so, okay, well, tell you what, we don't need to this isn't a spoiler because it's in the trailer in the trailer we see Tom Cruise they're on a mission
Starting point is 00:23:12 it's a bit of a romp of a mission we've got Simon Pegg he's in the undergrowth you know under a camouflage tarp and you know
Starting point is 00:23:19 things are happening and then Tom Cruise in order to stop the distribution of chemical weapons or whatever it is he jumps on the side of a plane as it's taking off and he's 5,000 feet in the air and it's an amazing stunt.
Starting point is 00:23:30 That stunt is right at the start and it has no bearing on the rest of the plot. Correct. Yeah. It's the best stunt also. It absolutely is. But you know what? I wouldn't say the movie suffers for putting it first. I think they were like, let's just get this out of the way.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Right. And I wasn't getting towards the end and was like, screw the rest of this. I think it does, but... Oh, really? Yeah. We'll get to that then, won't we? Yeah, let Buddy get to that. So I thought one of the problems with,
Starting point is 00:23:50 and a lot of people have said this with the last one, is that the tower thing happens in the middle of four where he climbs a tower and then it's kind of like... And then he... He's just running through sandstorms. Running through sand and then he fights a car park or something. He does fight a car park. And that's a great movie.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Like, I enjoyed it a lot. But I found that this one was like, get that out of the way. And look, you're right. There wasn't a stunt that was equal to that. But I thought the action was good enough where it wasn't the peak of the movie. Right. In terms of things. So basically in this movie, they have a bit of a crazy romp.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Yeah. You know, then Alec Baldwin, who's the new cia section chief or whatever he's like your imf team it's you're crazy and you're just you're going rogue all the time i don't like that and we don't like that and your your methods are basically chance which is true mostly yeah when he was making these points i I was like, yeah. Really, yeah. And he's like, okay, well, we're disbanding the IMF again. Yeah. Did we last time?
Starting point is 00:24:50 Who knows? Don't go rogue. Don't go rogue. But then, then... He has to go rogue. Well, he has to go rogue because basically, if everybody recalls the end of Mission Impossible 4, at the end of Mission Impossible 4, Tom Cruise gets a mission to track down the syndicate. Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:09 The anti-IMF. Yeah, there's some sort of criminal team and he's got to track them down. And it turns out that from in between 4 and 5, he's been tracking down this syndicate. Yeah. But at some point, the IMF and the CIA have come come to believe that syndicate doesn't really
Starting point is 00:25:27 exist even if they gave him the mission yep yep so now he's everybody thinks he's tom cruise is chasing these ghosts that aren't real like real life like in real life that he's chasing thetans they call them thetans bit of respect mate uh and so he's he's doing that and they're like now we're gonna disband the imf because it's not doing anything. Yeah. Tom Cruise could very well be making all this up. Yeah. You know, they're saying,
Starting point is 00:25:50 you know, Alec Baldwin says they're, you know, the IMF are both the arsonists and the firefighters. Yes. They're creating these problems and then fixing them. Maybe, who knows? It's pretty true though.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Yeah, in many ways. It's almost always rogue agents from there. But anyway, so. If it's not John Voight, it's bloody Billy rogue agents from there but anyway so it's not john voight it's bloody billy crud up isn't it yes absolutely it is yeah so so basically but then it turns out almost immediately yeah that uh the syndicate is real yeah as we see from the trailer and do you think they should have held on to that fact a little longer yeah like the whole time okay yeah so he was just chasing ghosts yeah absolutely okay but then he yeah so the the syndicate is real yeah and they got it out for
Starting point is 00:26:30 tom cruise even hunt tom cruise now tom cruise it's just tom cruise it is isn't it anyway he's gonna he's gonna reorganize he's gonna get a ragtag team together yeah to defeat the syndicate absolutely um i agree with all those things you said. I agree with your synopsis. They are simple facts. Yes, they are. But why don't we talk about cast before we get to hair? Okay, sure. Tom Cruise. He's back.
Starting point is 00:26:52 What do you think? How do you mean? What do you think of him in this one? Ah, look, I enjoy his work. Yeah. But- He's bloody committed. They've, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I think there was a little touch of two in this in that he seemed a little bit invulnerable. Well, there's even a line where he's like, he's a force of nature and he can't be stopped. He's destiny and he's there. Yeah, that's true. But I laughed because I was like, that's- Everybody laughed.
Starting point is 00:27:17 But I don't think it was intended for people to laugh. Oh, was that not a joke? I didn't think it was a joke. I thought that was a joke. That's a good joke. Here's the thing though, Alec Baldwin, because it was the mistake to get Alec Baldwin to say it. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Because he had 10 seasons on 30 Rock and Roll. He's the funniest straight man in the world. Yes, exactly. So everybody assumes that when he gets deadly serious and he says something deadly serious, it's a joke. But I don't think that line was intended as a joke in the movie. I think that was a... I like that a lot.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I think people... That was really funny. Yeah, everybody did, but I don't think it was was intended as a joke in the movie. I think that was a... I like that a lot. I think people... That was really funny. Yeah, everybody did, but I don't think it was supposed to be sold like that. You know what? Actually, I'm going to bring up a thing later I was going to say, which I thought was also a joke.
Starting point is 00:27:53 It wasn't a joke, but it felt like a joke. We'll see. Okay, so yeah, the cast. Tom Cruise, so your problem with his, he's too invulnerable maybe. So I feel,
Starting point is 00:28:00 at this point I'm like, he's like Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious or The Rock in anything he's in. He is what he is in this. And I'm okay with that. I like that. I mean, he gets into some scrapes. Boy, does he.
Starting point is 00:28:12 But at the same time, he almost immediately recovers from said scrapes. Sure. Yeah. Fair enough. I'm just writing some stuff down for later. Because I always write stuff down and I'm like, I never write down enough. And then as we talk, I remember more things. Isn't that just like love? What about his female counterpart, Rebecca Ferguson?
Starting point is 00:28:31 As Ilsa Faust? Yeah. I thought she was really good. Yeah, great. Yeah, really bloody... I mean, it's a shame they just... All the female cast members are just interchangeable. Yeah, I hope...
Starting point is 00:28:39 In Mission Impossible movies. I wouldn't even say they're interchangeable. I would say... Well, they're not interchangeable, but... I'd say they're all good, but they don't come back. Yeah, they just switched out, which is odd, right? So, but- I mean, we lost Ving Rhames for a movie.
Starting point is 00:28:49 No, he's in all of them. Yeah, but he wasn't only briefly in one? He's, the rule of thumb is he only, he appears most in every second one. Right. So, like, he's obviously in one a lot. He's barely in two. He's in three a lot. He's barely in four.
Starting point is 00:29:03 He's in, like, at the end. And this he's in probably half, maybe? Yeah, okay, yeah barely in four he's in like at the end and this is in probably half maybe yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah i thought she was really great though you know a lot of these movies and we've the the worst um the worst example of this is hallie berry's jinx in die another day where they're like she's bod's equivalent whatever it just didn't work it was terrible but this But this, I thought you actually, she was kind of Ethan Hunt's equivalent in a lot of ways. Right. Remember that. Did you feel that?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Yes, I did. Yeah. Yeah. And it kind of, it kind of peters off towards the end and whatever, because he's the best and whatever. But yeah. What about Ving Rhames? I thought he had good, Jeremy, him and Jeremy went and worked.
Starting point is 00:29:41 They had a little bit of good chemistry. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. him and Jeremy went and worked. They had a little bit of good chemistry, yeah. I don't know because surely Simon Pegg and Ving Rhames are now one of them superfluous, right?
Starting point is 00:29:50 Yeah, but only one of them has hats. Oh, that's a good point, isn't it? Yeah. Simon Pegg's hair is getting thicker. You mentioned that. I mentioned it. Do you find that suspicious? No, it's fine, mate.
Starting point is 00:30:02 It's Hollywood. Bloody thickening it up. That's fine. I don't know. I just thought that was apparent. suspicious? No, it's fine, mate. It's Hollywood. Bloody thickening up. That's fine. But I don't know. I just thought that was apparent. So, yeah, that's fair enough that one of those guys wouldn't be needed. Yeah, because they both kind of hack and open doors and stuff. Precisely.
Starting point is 00:30:14 But, though, Ving Rhames' role in this was because Simon Pegg and Tom Cruise kind of go rogue together. And Ving Rhames goes rogue with Jeremy Renner. Yeah. So they both need a computer guy, I guess. Yeah, totally. Okay, right. All right, we all need a computer guy. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:30:29 But what about Jeremy Renner? I thought it was good. Yeah, do you think they are grooming him to take over? That was the idea. But do you think that's working? No. No, it's gone back to Ethan Hunt, hasn't it? Yeah, it's gone back to Ethan Hunt.
Starting point is 00:30:40 That was the idea for four, where someone's going to step out of this. Tom Cruise will become unpopular or not want to do it, and then we'll get Jeremy Renner, like they did with Bourne, which also didn't really work. Not at all. I think he works well as a side character, just like he does in The Avengers and a bunch of other stuff, and I have no problem with him as an actor.
Starting point is 00:30:59 But he's not, for better or worse, he's not Tom Cruise. Correct. Yeah. Simon Pegg? I like Simon Pegg and everything me too yeah
Starting point is 00:31:07 do you think he was underused no I think he was he had a bigger part than a lot of the other ones that's true or the other one he's in yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:31:15 he's got more you know he qualified as a field agent in four yeah and now he's oh wait is he in three as well
Starting point is 00:31:21 he is in three sorry you're right he's been in three of them yeah yeah yeah you're right and now he's out there isn't he Is he in three as well? He is in three. Sorry, you're right. He's been in three of them. Yeah, you're right. And now he's out there, isn't he? Oh, yes. Getting into it.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Alec Baldwin. We talked about him. Yeah. I mean, I agree with all that you said about his comedic chops and whatever. But he's good, right? As the head of the CIA. He's fun to watch. Yeah, he is.
Starting point is 00:31:39 That's true. Yeah. He's also going to be in that Bradley Cooperley cooper emma stone movie that's out that's done already it's hadn't done apparently it's the worst movie ever made aloha there we go he has that incredibly funny line in that trailer though yes yeah but that's apparently that's that's the best part of the movie yeah apparently there were no fun times which is what he says is like that's right yeah reflective of the movie. Oh boy, that's a shame.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah, yeah. Villains! Oh yes. Did you see that, them? Yeah, squinty man. He looked like bloody Voldemort. Yeah. He had a weird kind of Voldemort voice and he was kind of like...
Starting point is 00:32:18 Sean Harris. Yeah, that's him. With snake face and whatever. I thought he was really great. Yeah. Snake face and whatever. I thought he was really great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Look, here's the thing about... This is my... The type of movie that I really enjoy. Yeah. Well, movie, TV series, whatever. I love a romp. Yep. I know that. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:35 But I also love it when the good guys meet their opposite number. Yeah. I love it when... Spock meets Spock with a goatee. Evil Spock. Like the evil teen. Yeah. Clones clones i like that i like it when uh you know a team meets the evil version so i was bang up for this because i'm like well the syndicate of the anti-imf yeah but they didn't do as much anti-imf
Starting point is 00:32:56 as i thought oh you thought they'd have more masks maybe i thought they'd be masks i thought but there'd be more gadgets yeah i thought they thought they were very much, it was more, they were more just a team of manipulators, really. Yeah, I guess so. And I didn't, I wanted more gadgets. Fair enough. I wanted to see two teams of gadgeteers just gadgeting each other and wearing masks of the opposite team. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:17 Okay, yeah, absolutely. Speaking of, though, yeah, there wasn't a hell of a lot of gadgets in this one. No. Yeah, so more gadgets. More gadgets. And we'll talk about masks later because that's kind of a spoiler i guess for that yeah but i thought he was i mean i always find the kind of like i just want to destroy the world for whatever to bring chaos i'm like wait what are you doing stop it right like no one would really do that yeah like probably uh-huh like that that is all kind of like standard stuff but i thought him
Starting point is 00:33:42 himself was he was very kind of menacing and creepy. At the same time, I feel he was very menacing and creepy. Yeah. But he also had some of the, he also had some of the mannerisms of like a cartoon villain. Like an action movie. Not a spoiler, I feel. But, you know, Ethan Hunt maybe foils a plan or something like that. And Sean Harris, in his anger, shoots one of his henchmen for no reason.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Oh, yeah, he does do that. You know what I mean? In the balls? No, he kills him. I thought it looked like it was in the balls. No, did he? No, I'm imagining that. I think you're imagining it.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Yeah. But, I mean, that's not, like, if you want a kind of a semi-realistic espionage kind of world, nobody's shooting their, you know, their subordinates because they did nothing wrong. You're in a hotel. You've probably got to get rid of that guy somehow. You've got to put him down the garbage chute. You know what I mean? He was making a point.
Starting point is 00:34:36 It's like yelling. Oh, okay. Well, then that makes more sense. Okay, fine. Yeah, that makes sense. I did like how, as far as story-wise that it ties directly into four when we talked about this where it's like you bloody that nuclear weapon hit the bloody monument or whatever that's right yeah that was pretty good yeah and how even alec bourbon says
Starting point is 00:34:55 i was at the cia headquarters in mission impossible one where you broke it and you bloody stole that list right yeah with your shenanigans like i enjoyed i enjoyed that um what about the action sequences, though? Really good. Yeah. For the most part. Sure. We had the motorcycle chase that you see in the trailer.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yep. Spectacular, I thought. Let's not say what order they happen in. We'll say the ones that appeared in the trailer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. That is a spectacular scene. It doesn't really come across in the trailer,
Starting point is 00:35:23 but as it's happening, you really get a sense of the danger and the speed yeah when his knee goes real close to the ground yep that makes me nervous he's just wearing jeans yes and whatever actually there's a bit of one pirate shirt he wasn't a pirate shirt yeah uh there's also obviously the plane bit at the start which do you think was the high point in terms of action? In terms of spectacle, obviously. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Like there's nothing he does that's bigger than that. I think the motorcycle scene action-wise is better. Yeah, oh, definitely. Because there's nothing to that plane thing. He just got, I mean, obviously there's a lot to it, but it's one kind of shot and then he's on the plane and then he's in the plane. That's pretty much it. There's also the car chase. And there in the plane. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's pretty much it. There's also the car chase.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Mm-hmm. And there's also the heist. Oh, sure. Now, the heists are a big part of these movies. Yes. Some of them. Did Two have a heist? I did.
Starting point is 00:36:15 He went through a louver and whatever. Yeah, it was essentially the heist for Mission Impossible 1 again. But bigger. Slightly bigger. And then there was a shootout. A two-handed slow motion twirl in the air shootout. Yeah. What did you think of the heist though?
Starting point is 00:36:28 Disappointing. Fair. Disappointing and felt too surreal and CGI-esque. I thought the same. Because a lot of it's underwater. And you do see this in the trailer. Yeah. And it does feel, it does look, he looks CGI.
Starting point is 00:36:43 It all looks. There's a lot of moving parts that are CGI does look, he looks CGI. It all looks like not a real room. There's a lot of moving parts that are CGI. Yeah, I completely agree. I mean, it was a scene that clearly defined the danger. Like we know, okay, you've got to do this and this, and you've got this amount of time because of these reasons. And so you knew the stakes, but at the same time,
Starting point is 00:37:02 he's not really underwater. Or he might be, but he doesn't look like he's underwater. But there's parts he is but there's parts where he doesn't where you don't obviously there's also a cgi car flip in this right which looked really cgi yes remember that you kind of see it in the trailer where sim and simon peg go up and a thing oh yeah and that that was looked a bit yeah and i feel that a lot of for me a lot of the appeal of the mission impossible movies is you ask tom cruise to do something insane and he'll do it yeah and i think maybe they're like okay for insurance reasons we can't drown we can't
Starting point is 00:37:31 drown tom cruise but he was probably bang up for it so just let him let him do that let him drown himself put a little scuba thing under the water and then he can you know scuba up scuba up yeah i agree like a champ yeah i agree but also at the same time, that was really CGI-y and all that. That is true. But that was still a very tense scene. I've got a letter about that scene later, which I'll save for spoilers. Excellent. So we can maybe talk about it then.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I guess that's before we get to spoilers. Is there anything else you want to say? I thought the pacing was way off. Too long? Too long meandering. Yep. Very meandering. I thought that you ever watch like a superhero movie and meandering. Yep. Very meandering.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I thought that... You ever watch like a superhero movie and you're like... Yeah, I've watched some of them. Yeah, you've watched some, but you're like, has he forgotten the powers that he has? Why can't he just use some of those? I feel that there was a lot of scenes where... Could he use the mask or two? Could he use the mask?
Starting point is 00:38:20 Could he use the classic glasses with the video camera? It would have solved a lot of problems. If you've got the technology, this is a world where, you know, they're not. That didn't even occur to me. You're absolutely right. There's a number of scenes in the movie where if they had even a fraction of the technology they had in one. Because he's trying to prove that this is real.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah, we'll get to it in a second. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you're right. Absolutely right. Well, I'm going to say best movie ever. Yep. I think it's probably, I think it's on par with four. Actually, maybe I enjoyed four a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I enjoyed them both for different reasons. Right. I still think one and four are probably still the best, maybe. I don't know. What do you reckon? Here's my definitive ranking of the Mission Impossible movies. Four is at one. Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:05 One is at two. Three is Impossible movies. Four is at one. Yeah. One is at two. Three is... Wait. Five is at three. Yeah. Three is at four. Two is at five. God, that's tough.
Starting point is 00:39:14 But it's right. I think you're fine. No, I mean, it's tough. It also works the other way around. I just mean it's tough to put in my mind what you just said. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah. But again, yeah i i was expecting
Starting point is 00:39:26 i think that four raised the bar for me personally yeah and i was hoping for more bar raising yeah more bar raising and i don't know i i felt the pacing was off i felt a little bit flat yep um didn't love the villain he was you know he was okay he's a creepy man. See, I thought the fourth villain was weak. This guy was much better, I thought. And also I didn't... There was a few anonymous henchmen that I thought would have... How can I put this without... You know what, without spoiling it,
Starting point is 00:39:59 there's a scene in the trailer where Tom Cruise, he's been captured and they're going to beat him up and torture him or whatever and Ilse Faust deals the first blowout and then they sort of rescue each other in a kind of way. He does some shirtless... He does some shirtless fighting and he's like, who are you? What's going on? Kind of thing, right? In that scene, he's about to be tortured by like a heavy called the bone doctor.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Yeah. And in that scene, he knocks him out with one kick. Yeah. Like he kicks him and the guy falls over and hits his head on a pipe. He's out. Yeah. And he's supposed to be the main antagonist through the movie. Like he's the main heavy, but he's got knocked out on a pipe.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Yeah. I didn't feel, I didn't, he's supposed to be but he's got knocked out on a pipe uh yeah i didn't he's supposed to be the most threatening you know henchman but i'm like who cares there's there's an explanation for why they did that it doesn't make sense okay we're gonna spoil this from now okay cool we're gonna say you're gonna say best movie ever i'm gonna say best movie ever yeah i'd say if you liked four you're probably like this one yeah look at me i can't it has to it can't it's not the worst movie ever. That's Mission Impossible 2. So I guess by default it has to be the best movie ever. But I have my reservations.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Sure. Fair enough. That's absolutely... Spoilers. Spoilers. Remember that bit when... Yeah, that's right. So, yeah, he had to be knocked out
Starting point is 00:41:18 because they wanted that henchman to live on to not do that much. Yeah, sure. But if he was knocked out, then Ilse Faust could have stayed on the team, the syndicate. Right, sure, yeah. That's why it was done. It doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Because everybody else was killed. Everyone else was killed. Because they literally killed everybody else in that scene. And had a thing that you hate. Oh, no, it wasn't. I was going to say there was a neck snap with no break. No, she just flips it. But she doesn't, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I was like, oh, that thing happened, but no, you're right. I thought it was going to happen, but no. Yeah. With the heist. Yes. Got a letter here. I thought it was going to happen, but no. With the heist, I've got a letter here.
Starting point is 00:41:47 During the great underwater sequence, why did Benji have to go in at the exact same time? Could they not have just done the underwater stuff and then he could have just gone in the next day or something? Correct. I guess this way to an increased tension over Benji's life despite the fact it wasn't necessary. Yeah, it's all a good point. So if you haven't seen it and you're still listening,
Starting point is 00:42:03 Tom Cruise needs to change. No, bloody get out of here. Watch's not what the hell uh yeah tom cruise has to change like a disc in the underwater computer right and to put in benji's profile otherwise when he walks through uh to get into the compound he'll be tased and killed and shot in the balls and whatever yeah so yeah that makes perfect sense maybe they'll press for time maybe you could have waited 10 minutes could have waited exactly yeah um didn't occur to me and also how do the guards change those cards who changes the cards normally like if you get a new employee who volunteers to dive into the underwater computer
Starting point is 00:42:42 system maybe they turn off the bloody security. Sure, huh? But then they could have probably turned off the security. Again, it is a case of... They just want to get Tom Cruise in a weird room. Yeah, it's a case of the video game logic of, well, you have to go into this enemy headquarters filled with traps and bad guys and flamethrowers in the roof or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:03 How do the employees go to to work in the you know just in the daytime they clock in and they leap over the burning how does how does the goomba get past the pipe precisely with the bloody yeah fire breathing little plant in it yeah yeah uh yeah fair point um you know a bit i thought was funny and people laughed i'm ready it cuts to six months ahead after Tom Cruise has gone rogue. Oh, that's right. And he's got a beard and he's doing push-ups. That was a good laugh in the cinema where they're like, we'll have him within 24 hours and it cuts to six months later
Starting point is 00:43:33 and he's still on the run. Yeah. And he did have a weird... Was it a real beard? I doubt it. Really? Yeah. Huh, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I thought he would have... If Tom Cruise wanted a fake Ethan Hunt on the run for six months beard, I feel it would have been a lot better than that. No, sorry. It's a fake beard they put on Tom Cruise. No, I'm aware. Yes. But that's what I thought you meant.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I thought, did Tom Cruise really grow a beard? That's what I'm saying. No, he didn't really. I mean, I don't think, I think Ethan Hunt- Why are we arguing about this? Okay, I think Ethan Hunt really grew a beard. Yeah, no No, he didn't really. I mean, I don't think, I think Ethan Hunt. Why are we arguing about this? Okay, I think Ethan Hunt really grew a beard. Yeah, no, absolutely he did, yes. But Tom Cruise in real life did not grow a beard.
Starting point is 00:44:11 That's what I'm saying. I feel like it looked like a solid real life beard. Like an un-Hollywood groomed beard. I'll give you an example. The Rock's beard in Hercules was a fake beard. Okay, sure. So, you know, beard technology has come a long way. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Your bloody beard dars off mate oh man that's all right you know a bit i didn't like actually when tom cruise bloody stacked it off that bike yes and then he got up almost immediately god that every just all his skin would have come off absolutely yeah i thought that was bullshit absolutely that was the only bit which is ridiculous i mean i was fine with a bit where he came back to life and then got in a car chase but that was the bit did you like that bit because I know you're a big fan of when somebody's shocked by a defibrillator it crossed my mind it crossed my mind even though as you've pointed out multiple times uh if you put a defibrillator on somebody who's not in cardiac arrest nothing happens
Starting point is 00:45:01 nothing happens yeah I was okay with it it's it's what it is it is what it is it works within the logic of the mission impossible universe sure yeah there's nothing if it'd be weird if they if they were like that's not how defibrillators work yeah like i would have been like that's not how these movies that would have been great what if what if you you know uh simon peg's standing there and he's like we gotta go ethan or whatever and then he just hears a really loud click behind him and he turns around and Ilse Faust is just there holding two defibrillator paddles and he's like it's not how it works and she just punches his face punches his bloody face you know I thought there was a lot of lot of good laughs coming out of that scene where Tom Cruise comes back from the dead and then he gets in the car chase and he's kind of stumbling about and his memory's kind of in and out I thought
Starting point is 00:45:43 Tom Cruise isn't a funny person sure I think his role in tropic thunder is way overrated just screaming swear words yeah and you're in a fat suit doesn't make you funny i'm sorry is that just me um i think the grown-ups franchise would beg to differ but it's fine i don't think there's any fat suits in that i know there is if adam sandler's his sister or whatever but that's a different movie that's Jack and Jill yeah so I thought that was quite funny
Starting point is 00:46:08 and he did quite a solid pratfall sliding across the hood of the car yeah I thought that was quite good did you like the comedy in this?
Starting point is 00:46:15 like there was a bit of laughs to be had yeah but I don't know if they were always going for the joke necessarily like I said before obviously the Simon Pegg
Starting point is 00:46:23 stuff is and all that and they threw a mask in in that scene yeah is that the only mask in the movie no he had one at the end i did too that's right yeah yeah yeah uh so what did you think of the brit so that so basically the british government set up the syndicate right for to be an independent agency to do all the covert stuff that the government didn't want to know about and whatever. But the British then denied doing it or one guy in particular so that And the Prime Minister said don't set this up.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Don't bloody do it. I'm against it. But they did it anyway. And then they didn't tell the American government because they didn't want to take responsibility because this bloody syndicate has gone rogue immediately. Which is what happens. They should know that. Well this is the earliest going rogue I think
Starting point is 00:47:06 in a Mission Impossible movie Tom Cruise Tom Cruise goes rogue within five minutes oh like straight up straight up yeah yeah he does go rogue yeah
Starting point is 00:47:14 that's record roguing yeah but uh that's you you mentioned the the um you know the scene where it's all revealed
Starting point is 00:47:21 yeah and you I forgot about the mask until that last second. But I remember in that scene, I remember thinking Tom Cruise could be literally anyone in this scene wearing a mask. He could have been Alec Baldwin.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yeah, he could have been. He could have been Jeremy Renner. He could have been the British Prime Minister. He could have been the MI6 director or whatever. Could have been any single one of those people. And he could have ripped the mask off and been, I bloody got all of you. I remember very distinctly thinking,
Starting point is 00:47:51 which one's he going to be? Because it's got to be one of them. One of them, yeah. Yeah, that's funny. But again, there's a... I found it very... Like we were talking about pre-spoilers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:02 In Mission Impossible 1, Tom Cruise puts on the video glasses yeah and then the the imf handler sees that it's jim phelps who's the bad guy where did that technology go we haven't seen it since you're right but it's now it's contact lenses oh it is too what am i saying yeah there's a scene where ilsa Faust goes to a MI6 handler and he's like, I've got to get out of the syndicate, blah, blah, blah. And he's like, well, I'll just say you've gone rogue and blah, blah, blah, whatever. Where's her bloody contact lens?
Starting point is 00:48:34 Yeah. Put one in. You've solved your problem. You could have done it months ago. Ethan Hunt could have done it when he got gassed. Yes, exactly. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I mean, he probably doesn't got them in all the time, but if I was him, I'd have them in all the time. Yeah. Exactly. I mean, he probably doesn't got them in all the time, but if I was him, I'd have them in all the time. Yeah. Just sink into my phone this whole time. Or just get your phone out and take a photo of him. He would have run away. Yeah, I guess that's true, yeah. Like, that's a weird, something that I can't get past.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Like, everybody's got a phone all the time i agree look i'll put this to you yeah this is not as dumb as the fast and furious movies yep but would you say but this should be smarter like you can probably forgive more in fast and furious because it's intentionally dumber right i assume it's intentional yeah if it's not i don't know how they've done that i feel these movies you shouldn't be able to go out of them or even during. I feel there should be enough fake logic at least. Yeah. That within the duration of the movie, you don't question any holes in it.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah, that's fair. And in this, I question. I'm like, why doesn't it just take a video. Which one is Tom Cruise? Have somebody else with you take. Just slip a guy five bucks and have him film the MI6 handler and then give you the footage or email it or whatever. And then just send it to the CIA. Come on.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Yeah. It's bloody silly. Send it to bloody Baldwin. He'd want to know, wouldn't he? Yeah. I did like the idea of this syndicate, though, in terms of there are a whole lot of agents presumed dead or missing
Starting point is 00:50:03 who have just joined up with this crew i like that but i think you're right they didn't really show in any way that they had those skills yeah i mean we have a brief scene we have the scene in the opera that was that i think that was my favorite action scene actually okay that was pretty good yeah and then we had and it was just like it was ilsa faust and two real burly guys with guns. Yeah. Like where's the... That was the first time I've seen in a movie,
Starting point is 00:50:29 and maybe it's not actually, where they acknowledge Tom Cruise's height. Right. Where he's fighting a guy, or he's about to fight a guy on top of an opera thing. Yeah. And he's in the rafters, and the guy stands up and he's like a foot taller than Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Oh, yeah. I've never seen that. Yeah, that's absolutely right. It's all camera tricks to be like, oh, they're probably about the same. Yeah. Yeah. So that was cool. But yeah, no, I wanted, and again, this is probably not for everybody
Starting point is 00:50:54 and what I want, I can't always have what I want, but where's the reverse Simon Pegg? Where's the reverse Bing Rames? You know what I mean? Sure. Yeah. Maybe they could have got the team from Enemy of the State, like your Jack
Starting point is 00:51:08 Blacks, your Seth Greens. Oh yes, absolutely. Who else was in that? Maybe Giovanni Ribisi, I don't remember. He was in, you're thinking of the Mod Squad. Was I? Yeah. Was that a movie as well? You're always thinking of the Mod Squad. Was that a movie? Yeah. Claire Danes was in it, probably. Oh shit, I didn't even know that.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Based on the TV series yeah oh there you go how come they haven't got five movies like Mission Impossible it's a really good question yeah
Starting point is 00:51:31 did you like how the British government were behind everything I mean they ultimately weren't behind everything well one guy was one guy was it was weirdly
Starting point is 00:51:41 apologist for governments I thought like I thought it was very... Given that the American government and the British government and our government are just doing bad things all the time, I thought it was very weird for the British Prime Minister to be like, I told you to stop doing those things.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Well, yeah, you're right. Wishful thinking, huh? It's a movie. Yeah, but why even bring the Prime Minister in? Yeah, you're right. Wishful thinking, huh? It's a movie. Yeah, but I mean, why even bring the Prime Minister in, I think? Yeah, good point. You could have made it the, I don't know, a different corrupt... The secretary of the something something. Yeah, whatever, some British dude in a weird British wig
Starting point is 00:52:17 from the House of Commons, which is possibly a thing. A judge from the House of Commons. Yes, Rumpole the Bailey. Rumpole the Bailey could have been in there Did you like the twist ending though? Where Tom Cruise had the mask And he tricked the bad guy to reveal that He'd had the syndicate and Alec Baldwin was there And all that
Starting point is 00:52:39 No, it was real dumb Really? I found it was real dumb, yeah So do you genuinely think that speech that Alec Baldwin gives to the British Prime Minister... Was intended to be serious, yes. ...where it's like Tom Cruise, not Tom Cruise, whatever. His destiny.
Starting point is 00:52:52 His destiny is a force of nature. You can't stop him. He's everywhere and nowhere. Yeah. Yeah. I thought that was intended to be serious. Wow. And, yeah, and it was also, yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:01 and I didn't like the weird sodium pentothal reveal where everybody got shot with truth darts or whatever it was. Okay. Didn't like that. What did, I'm trying to think, what was the final? So what about the end, how he caught the syndicate and put him in a box and pushed the box over? That was very Fantastic Four.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Because they all combined their powers, you know what I mean? They all got together, yeah. They all stood at one side of the box and they're like, we got you for freedom and for justice and for love and for friendship. Mission impossible accomplished. Yeah. Did you like that? No.
Starting point is 00:53:34 See, I was cool with that. Yeah, I bloody bet you were. Yeah. You didn't need to push that box over though. No. Do you think- Also, if you push the box over, the gas would come out from the bottom. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Maybe they had a little plug that they put in. Probably, yeah. Also, I didn't like the part where Ethan Hunt memorised hundreds of money routing numbers. See, that's the thing, though. I don't know if he did. He just remembered the one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Okay, that makes more sense. But also, that's the thing about that character. Yeah. Maybe he can do that. I don't, you know what i mean yeah i don't know i feel they keep he keeps wavering between being kind of a regular guy who's pushed to the limits and just a guy who can do anything yeah i don't know i want the i want more of a uh john mclean than a than a john mclean isn't even john mclean anymore yeah that's true i want an 80s john
Starting point is 00:54:22 mclean and mission impossible to ethan hunt is that too much to ask maybe yeah i guess uh i'm He isn't even John McClane anymore. Yeah, that's true. I want an 80s John McClane in Mission Impossible 2, Ethan Hunt. Is that too much to ask? Maybe. Yeah, I guess. I'm trying to think. Also, I cannot believe they fell for the old, the box is in the secret thing, we've got to get it out. And then they went and they got it out. And it was like, it was always the syndicate's plan
Starting point is 00:54:41 for us to get the box out of the thing because they couldn't do it. There should be some, if they're an anti-IMF, they should have a team that should be able to go in and get it. Yeah. You know what I mean? They could have just had like, just probably paid off like three guys. I don't know. And the thing, the red box can only be opened by the prime minister
Starting point is 00:54:56 and they've got us, they're black, so we're going to just kidnap, steal the prime minister. Did you think Ethan Hunt could have been the prime minister? Yes. Did you say that before? Yes. Him hutt could have been the prime minister yes did you say that before yes specifically could have been literally anyone in that room i thought that would have been great yeah i kind of i kind of knew that was coming because it would have been good hear me out yeah what it because you know uh uh the only example i can think of is wolverine origins yeah where at the end like the post-redit sequence, it's a random one depending on which cinema you went into.
Starting point is 00:55:25 I would have loved multiple versions of Mission Impossible 5. You get a random one depending on which cinema, and it's a random person in that room who pulls off their mask, and it's Tom Cruise. And then you just... What if there were two Tom Cruises? No, that'd be crazy. Maybe one cinema and a thousand.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Everybody takes something. No, it's all takes up no it's all Tom Cruise it's all it's one or all of them actually I was speaking to Macy you mentioned this last week
Starting point is 00:55:51 you know Macy yeah she was saying how I remember Mission Impossible 2 I was actually first of all I was taking her through the Mission Impossible hairs
Starting point is 00:55:58 and making her choose but anyway I go wait which one did she like the best she hated 2 but she loved three because it wasn't as nonsense.
Starting point is 00:56:07 No, that makes sense, yeah. Because she said, two's too nonsense for a spy. That's what I said. It's too flouncy. You're right. And she said five's like a weird bowl cut. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Which we will talk about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, she also said she remembers a scene like you said in Mission Impossible 2 where he pulls off two masks. Right. So you're not the only one who has that memory of a thing that didn't happen. Well, I spoke to somebody. Yeah, she also said she remembers a scene like you said in Mission Impossible 2 where he pulls off two masks. Right. So you're not the only one who has that memory of a thing that didn't happen. I spoke to somebody.
Starting point is 00:56:28 I ran into, at the screening afterwards, I ran into somebody I knew and we had that conversation. And they also said, I remember that time he pulled off the two masks. And I'm like, you think that's what happened? And that's what I thought as well. But it's actually a sequence where the bad guy is wearing a Tom Cruise mask and Tom Cruise is wearing a bad guy's mask. They're in separate locations and they both pull their masks off at the same time.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I understand why you're confused. Yes. Great. Yep. Do you think there was enough masks though? No. More masks. I think the novelty of-
Starting point is 00:56:59 Yeah, the novelty of the mask is- No, but the novelty of four was that there was no mask. So I'm like, well, now's the time to bring back the mask. Yeah. Oh, I see. Now's the time. Oh, yeah. But they kind of had a weird kind of what-if scenario
Starting point is 00:57:10 with Simon Pegg's wearing a mask. Yes, they did. That was okay, I guess. That was kind of fun, yeah. I like their new mask-building technology as well. Like a 3D printer. Yeah. Which makes sense, I guess.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Yeah. Hair. We've got to rate hair, as we always do. Yep. I think it's one of his weaker hairs. Yeah, me too. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:27 I feel four was the pinnacle. I think it's gotten a little too... I think in going rogue so early this time, and he went rogue for so long, like he was six months of going rogue. Yeah. I feel that his hair went a little too wild and woolly. I feel like his hair was the same before he went rogue and after. Like it was the same.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Yeah, no, that's fair. Yeah. But I mean, what I'm saying is if he didn't go rogue, he would have reconsider like his hair was the same before he went rogue and after. Like it was the same. Yeah, that's fair, yeah. But I mean, what I'm saying is if he didn't go rogue, he would have reconsidered his hair at the start of the movie and he would have gotten a slight trim to go back to four, I feel, is his premium hair. But I think the five hair was approaching two and that's too far. But you said four.
Starting point is 00:57:59 No, you said four was your favourite. Four's the best hair, yeah. But four's as close to two as you're going to get, mate. But that's what I'm saying. It isn't, though. What? It as close to two as you're going to get, mate. But that's what I'm saying. It isn't, though. What? It's close, but there's a threshold.
Starting point is 00:58:10 You cross that threshold. It's silly. Yeah. This hair was not. Four was great Tom Cruise hair. It's at the limits. It's at the bloody red line of Tom Cruise hair. You know what I mean? I think three, realistically, is the most practical and suited to a person of his position.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Absolutely, yeah. I'm not saying it's the best. It's not my personal favorite. That is two. Right. Fine. Because it's like, I don't know, his hair looks like eight birds in two. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Look, you're right. Three is the most practical hair. Well, I guess one is. But it's not versatile, is it? No. He looks like an army guy. Yeah, exactly. And you don't want that because you're a bloody spy.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah, so you want to be, when your son's wig, you want to just have some cool hair. Yeah. So three is the most practical, and it's short enough that he could put a hairnet over it and then put a wig, wear a mask, he rides. It's not flopping in his face. It's not flopping in his face, exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:02 What do you think he's going to go next? I think he's going to go short again. Crew cut? Tom crew cut. Yeah. I reckon maybe in the next one they'll throw him in prison at the start
Starting point is 00:59:12 and he'll have shaved head. He's already been in prison. Yeah, but a worse prison where they shave your head. That is the worst kind of prison. Yeah, I know. He won't shave his head. No, you're right.
Starting point is 00:59:22 His worst hair in real life is his Valkyrie hair. That was real bowl cutty. I don't know if you remember that. Oh, yeah, it was too, yeah. No, you're right. His worst hair in real life is his Valkyrie hair. That was real bowl cutty. I don't know if you remember. Oh, yeah, it was too, yeah. Yeah, not good. Well, that was hair talk. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:35 At the end of the day, do you want to see another one of these? Yes. I want to see a different director again. I like how they keep switching it up. Right, okay. I think the director did a good job, and I think it's a solid continuation from 4.
Starting point is 00:59:48 But give it to somebody else now. Brad Bird again. Maybe. I think Brad Bird will do one. I agree but I like the idea of giving it to somebody new to see what somebody else does. I don't want to fall into the same thing again and again. Okay. Where there's like a big thing and then Okay, well since we're Hollywood bigwigs, how about we give it to
Starting point is 01:00:03 somebody new next and then Brad Bird gets another shot since we're Hollywood bigwigs, how about we give it to somebody new next? Yep. And then Brad Bird gets another shot. Fine. And then Tom Cruise gets to direct. No. Okay, fine. Great. Sorted.
Starting point is 01:00:13 You reckon they'll get to seven? They probably will. Yeah. Even if the next one tanks, they'll go, well, we'll do one more. One more just to try. Well, Fast and Furious, they got to seven. They did.
Starting point is 01:00:22 I reckon we'll get seven out of this. All right. And that's great, right? Yeah. Yeah. That'll do it. And of course, in this one, they've rebuilt the IMF. Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:30 We close it out Skyfall style, where Alec Baldwin's now the new secretary of the IMF. Yes. And then et cetera, et cetera. You happy with that? Everybody's back on the team. Yes, I am. Do you think he'll go rogue again in the next one? I don't think he can. No, I don't again in the next one? I don't think he can.
Starting point is 01:00:45 No, I don't think he will. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, somebody might think he's going to go rogue. Sure. I don't doubt that. Because everybody in the world only has two switches. One of which is I think he's going to go rogue.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Yeah. But I think we're going to have some great Alec Baldwin scenes. Yes. Where he's like, he's in the- Chewing out Tom Cruise? He's chewing out Tom Cruise or they're going on a mission and great alec baldwin scenes where he's like he's in the chewing out tom cruise he's chewing out tom cruise or they're going on a mission and he's watching on a screen and he's like ah we're blowing out the budget yeah you've you know because he's there because he wants to keep proper tabs on him he's like you go you you you're jumping off too many buildings don't go don't leap on the ledge oh he's gone on the ledge there's
Starting point is 01:01:22 going to be a bit of that that would be great i think that'd be great i think think there's going to be a scene where Alec Baldwin has to go out in the field. Yes. He doesn't want to, but he's like, he's, you know, Tom Cruise is in a bit of trouble. And then Alec Baldwin looks over and there's the mask making machine. And he's like, oh no, it's only programmed for posh lady. And he has to dress as a posh lady. How good would that be? I want to see where Alec Baldwin's chewing out Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Yes. And Alec Baldwin takes off his mask and he's Tom Cruise. And Tom Cruise takes off his mask and he's Billy Baldwin. Correct. What about that? That'd be very good. All right, that'll do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:59 You know what it's time for? Oh, what's it time for? What we reading? Oh, what we gonna read? I'm doing the thing what are we reading today tell me what you're gonna read because i completely forgot we did this segment so okay sure well i'm gonna start oh actually no i remembered um wet hot american summer first day at camp is oh you watched it all did you i watched the first episode and i enjoyed it a lot i were you a fan of the original yes did you see it when it came out uh like a year later i think
Starting point is 01:02:28 i watched it i've only only watched about two years ago and it's solid but i'm like this ain't great right fair enough i think there's a lot of nostalgia i think i've had a scene in 2001 is that when it came out i would have loved it but i was like this is pretty good i like a lot of the people in this and i like a this but not all these stories land right okay and who's the lead guy in this? ah well there's a lot of I know there's a lot of like
Starting point is 01:02:52 different characters there isn't really a lead yet this is much more ensemble no no I'm talking the movie oh I can't remember because it's not the most famous guy is it Michael Showalter? might be
Starting point is 01:03:02 I think it is he's gotten a lot bigger okay sure I'm very much enjoying that this is set a year after isn't it isn't it day one uh it's first day of camp the next year oh okay so it's so they're all 16 or 17 now but they're all in their late 30s and 40s but i think this sort of this harkens back which is your favourite thing to do, which is harken back.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Like a dickhead. Like a dickhead to those teen movies where everybody's clearly in their 30s and playing teens. And I think it works really well. So would you say, do you need to watch the movie to appreciate it? No. Yeah, because I'm actually really looking forward to it. What an amazing cast.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Yeah, and there's new people in it. We've got Bradley Cooper's in it we've got most of the cast of Mad Men for some reason John Hamm is in it and John Slattery and
Starting point is 01:03:51 um ah bloody the guy who plays Pete Rich Summer is that his name? no who does Rich Summer play? he's kind of a big guy
Starting point is 01:04:00 with a potato head he's real charming I can't remember no it's alright great he loves board games in real life. There's a fact for you. I don't like board games.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Wow. In your face. Wow. Great. That sounds great. I'm going to watch that. Yeah. Everybody's, again, looking a decade older for obvious reasons.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Even Paul Rudd? No, Paul Rudd's looking younger. I don't know how he did it. He's pretty great. Yeah. I actually read Star Wars. You know the Star Wars comic that's running? It's looking younger. I don't know how he did it. He's pretty great. I actually read Star Wars, you know the Star Wars comic that's running? It's number seven. And what it is, instead of revealing if Han Solo has...
Starting point is 01:04:32 It's Rich Summer. Oh, of course. I know him. He's great, actually. He's a good dude. He leaves Mad Men, doesn't he, pretty early on? Yes. I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:04:40 I haven't finished watching Mad Men yet. Anyway, Star Wars 7, instead of revealing who Han Solo's wife was, which is where the last one, click, hang it on, this one is a flashback where Luke is reading Obi-Wan's journal when he was on Tatooine. Okay. And it's basically he goes on a little adventure and there's like a water shortage and Jabba the Hutt's gangsters
Starting point is 01:05:01 are like, you know, holding people up and taking people's money and whatever. And he's kind of struggling with not stepping in anymore. Sure. And should he do something? But he's also got to protect Luke. But also Owen doesn't want him around because of what happened to Anakin and whatever. I want to see more of that.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Yes. But just whether it be an ongoing comic series or whether they do that movie they've been talking about or whether they do a Netflix series. Yeah, yeah. Which may be the best way to do that. Yeah, maybe. Feels a little old man Logan. It is a bit old man Logan.
Starting point is 01:05:31 He can't step in. Yeah, it's a lot like that. Even though he could be chopping all kinds of limbs off. I don't even... Wolverine style. I don't even think he uses a lightsaber in it. I'm fairly certain. Yawn.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Boring. But no, it's great. Also, I do want to watch Justice League Gods and Monsters, the animated movie. Yes. Which is apparently incredible. It's a different take on the Justice League or the Trinity, as it were. So Superman's not Superman and Bama's not Batman. Yeah, I watched the shorts.
Starting point is 01:05:57 I haven't seen the movie. Yeah, yeah. By all accounts, really amazing. Excellent. So let's check that out. Okay. Do you want me to read letters now? Yeah, letters. Do you have any to read letters now? Yeah, letters.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Do you have any letters themes for this week? Give me a minute. I'll give you no minutes. But I... All right. While you're doing that, I'm going to ring my orthodontist. Okay. No, not really.
Starting point is 01:06:16 All right. I was going to say. I don't even have an orthodontist. That's probably a rich person's dentist. Is that right? Is that how they work? Yeah, they just give you gold teeth. Have you ever seen somebody who's got gold teeth? Great. how they work? Yeah, they just give you gold teeth.
Starting point is 01:06:26 You ever seen somebody who's got gold teeth? Great. Went to an orthodontist. Do you want me to read some Twitter while you're doing this? Yes. This is from Gabe. Your podcast and videos are so funny, you make me laugh every time. Keep up whatever the hell you're doing.
Starting point is 01:06:37 We will. We're in a blanket. I just watched MI2. This is from Nathan. I just watched MI2 for the first time and wow, you really aren't kidding when you say there's a lot of masks in that movie ooh
Starting point is 01:06:47 let us from Cognitiveness mm-hmm let us theme Mission Impossible sight unseen let's give it a whirl
Starting point is 01:06:55 alright what do you think it was the one what do I think the plot was where it is where it is mask on mask mate yeah yeah I think the plug was. Man is. Man is.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Mask on, mask on. Yeah. Yeah. Man is. Man is. Man is. Spectacular. Spectacular.
Starting point is 01:07:20 He's bloody done it again, probably for the first time. Yeah. Thanks, buddy. Just a quick shout out to Alex. I just read your tweet. My brother won't stop saying the polka dot man in your accent please make him stop it's getting really annoying did we at any point say the polka dot man isn't he some kind of villain some kind of batman villain oh the polka dot man polka polka dot man i don't think i want to crush your brother's creative liberties quite frankly no look if you if it really bothers you just throw
Starting point is 01:07:44 him down a flight of stairs it's fine i'll offer new listeners um james won't edit in a letters theme so i get listeners to send them in uh if you have one for next week yep um you got to upload it to youtube and send me the tweet tweet me the link at wikipedia and he'll play it through his phone that's how it works are you gonna request for next week it is fantastic for week next week it's fantastic for a week um i'll think about it. Okay. I'm going to come back to this.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Okay, great. Yeah. Okay. Speaking of, Juan has asked on Twitter, I wonder what you thought of the fan four stick review embargo.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Bad idea or terrible idea? Here's an idea. Cancel the movie. Now, do you know about this? I'm aware. So they basically told all the media outlets you can't review, you can't release your review of Fantastic Four until a day before it comes out?
Starting point is 01:08:29 I think so. In some cases. I think in some cases the day of. The day when it comes out, yeah. I think print media is day of. Right. And the other one is day before, like online is day before. That's troublesome.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Well, that's never a good sign that's never happened yeah i'm sure there are examples where that has been the case and the movies turned out fine or maybe even slightly better than fine can you give me one example no i can't i'm saying i'm sure there are um yeah but generally speaking it is the kiss generally speaking it's the kiss of death look i want to be like I've said this before, last week we talked about we couldn't get a read on it, how it's going to turn out. This is definitely, that's a massive warning sign.
Starting point is 01:09:13 And there has been warning signs, but we both kind of said benefit of the doubt. Let's see how this turns out. Also, we're contractually obligated because of the gypsy curse that makes us do this podcast. So we have to say it. Correct. We've got no choice.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Yeah. I don't know. Do you think there's a chance that this could be good? There's a chance that... We keep seeing mixed messages in the trailers. Yeah. So maybe it's a bit muddled and they don't know how to sell it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:42 And they think the reviewers won't know which way it's going. So they don't know how to sell it yeah i think the reviewers won't know which way you know which way it's going so they don't know you know they might be like well we'll just let the audience decide whether it's good or not yeah yeah so maybe maybe maybe it's too complicated for a regular superhero movie yep and they think that your standard issue superhero movie reviewer us won't know how to review it and they'll be like thumbs down when it might actually have a bit of, a little bit complicated. I have no vested interest in the Fantastic Four. No, neither do I.
Starting point is 01:10:11 So even if it was a complete retelling of the origin, they shook it up and I don't care. Yeah. Like if it's good, I'll still enjoy it. Uh-huh. I hope it's good. I genuinely hope it's good. Me too, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Yeah, because I like the cast. I like the director's first film. Uh-huh. I genuinely hope it's good. Me too, yeah. Yeah, because I like the cast. I like the director's first film. Oh, if you want to send me a latest theme in honour of Miles Teller, star of Fantastic Four, just some sort of weird brush drum solo, if you could do that, like a 20-minute drum solo, that would be great. Can you put any J.K. Simmons at the end,
Starting point is 01:10:43 like putting a stop to it? Oh, sure, yeah. Yeah, that'd be great can you put any jk simmons at the end like putting a stop yeah yeah that would be great yeah so you know both of those things we'll talk we'll see next week man this is that's going to be a very interesting episode next week either way hey mr sunday and the other less happy one my name is james wait a second i'm more happy than you let's have a bloody happy off mate i'll kill you with happiness no fists yeah good lord my name is james i'm a very lazy man from england and consequently i love your podcast i listen to it every week i recently got into an argument with a friend about what is better
Starting point is 01:11:15 the dark knight or the avengers i claim the dark knight because i think it works on so many levels even if you aren't that into comics whereas i feel that if you weren't into comics you couldn't help but spend a lot of the Avengers asking yourself, why is Loki riding around on a golden jet ski? Am I supposed to forget that that's clearly just Sam Jackson in an eyepatch and things like that? Can you help settle this argument? Keep up the good work.
Starting point is 01:11:36 That's a tough call. That is a tough call. They're completely different, obviously. Yeah, it's... I remember enjoying The Dark Knight more when I came out of that. Interesting. And I enjoyed The Avengers a lot. Right. But I think I was more blown remember enjoying The Dark Knight more when I came out of that. Interesting. And I enjoyed The Avengers a lot. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:46 But I think I was more blown away by The Dark Knight. Okay. And Avengers, I was like, that was an awesome, fun time. Yeah. I think that's the difference for me. Yeah, I think they're different animals. They're movies. Oh, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Go on. Have we been reviewing animals this whole time? But I feel that if i just want to have a fun movie time just watch some fun action sequences it'll probably be the avengers sure i don't know i i think that the dark knight wouldn't hold up as well without he pledges performance i'd agree with that i think if you took that out it would be it would seem a lot more average you'd be like eckhart what are you doing yeah exactly get it together why is there no primary villain in this yeah who did this to you yeah and i don't know because loki is very charming in that movie yeah he's not super threatening really he's just a guy
Starting point is 01:12:36 who's got his own ulterior motives and the villains themselves are a bit they're your standard issue weak marvel villain how about how about this you had you've got four or five people around and you decide to watch a movie and they say mason you choose a movie and you can't choose a new fantastic four movie ah but it's gonna be so good maybe probably not though what do you choose of those two yeah and they're average friends they're not like none of a particularly massive movie or comic book fans what What do you choose? Ooh, that's tough. Yeah. Because the Avengers, that is, I feel that's a very fun action movie.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Yeah, great. But it does have a lot of, there's a lot of comic book stuff happening in that movie. But I don't think you're lost from it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My answer would be Captain America, The Winter Soldier, but that's off the table. So I think it's the Avengers. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:25 See, I remember I was really excited a few years ago to show one of my mates The Dark Knight who hadn't seen it. I'm like, you're going to love this. Right. It's going to be amazing. The Avengers, I'd be more like, this is a really fun movie. And I couldn't say which is better. Maybe we should do an episode.
Starting point is 01:13:41 You know, we do like a superhero versus episode. Oh, yeah. Maybe we should do people send in two movies and we pick which one's better. Yeah. And whether they're good, bad or whatever. So you might pit, say, Mission Impossible 2 against Fast and Furious 2. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Sure. Yeah. What do you think of that? That sounds great. Anyway, no definitive answer. They're both pretty good. How about that? Sure.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Yeah. All right. Hey, Nick. Oh, but what about that part where the Joker kills the guy with the pencil? That's amazing. Pretty great, right? Yeah. The boom.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Yeah. What about the bit where Colson gets stabbed through the chest? Yeah, that was pretty fun as well. Two good things. Yeah. Hey, James and Nick, it's Barry, the official bloody baboon of the podcast. I remember hearing you talk...
Starting point is 01:14:19 I'm on board with that. You two talk about True Detective and how you really enjoyed it. I was wondering if either of you have been keeping up with Season 2. seven and eight seven of eight is on next sunday and i've been liking it so far a lot of people are saying it's not as good as season one but i think it's unfair to compare the two as they're clearly different animals they're actually not they're television shows he said take my word for it brackets there's actually shows not very good
Starting point is 01:14:41 wow that's amazing so yeah just wanted to hear your thoughts on it. In particular, Vince Vaughn's performance, who has been quite polarizing. That's it. Thanks for making me laugh with your dumb antics every Monday. Keep it up. Barry, Dublin, Ireland. Barry, Dublin, Ireland.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Are our antics dumb? I thought we were quite highbrow. Oh, we're dumb. We're two dumb idiots. I just realized. Oh, we're so dumb. It hurts. I have five episodes in the True Detective season two. Yep. Just realized. Oh, we're so dumb. It hurts.
Starting point is 01:15:05 I'm like five episodes into True Detective season two. Yeah. I'm one behind whatever they're up to. Okay, right. I don't hate it. Yeah. I know a lot of people do hate it. I think if they do a season three, I think things will balance out.
Starting point is 01:15:22 But I think what has happened here is because we've got the first season of True Detective, we've got two very solid performances in the leads and there's more devices happening. We've got the flashbacks to the 90s and then we've got the framing story where the characters are being interviewed and then we've got the weird pseudo-mystical situation. And I think people went into the first the new season expecting there to be like this more this this dark mythology around the characters again yeah and i think
Starting point is 01:15:52 they expected like another you know sort of narrative device and in this they've gone i think there's some solid there's some solid characters but it is much more of a straight ahead police procedural kind of situation. I'd agree with that. But I think the intensity is increasing as the... How far are you in? I'm one behind whatever they're up to. Okay, right.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Cool. Because I feel... Do you remember... Can we spoil season four-ish? Probably won't. Season four. Episode four. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Episode four. Season one. There's a big action thing. Yeah. Oh, season one. In season one, episode four, I, it also comes to a head. There's an extended action sequence that's all shot in one take, and it's very intense.
Starting point is 01:16:35 And I feel, I don't know, I felt not a lot happened. In season two, the first few episodes, not a lot happened. It was more kind of, there was more's they're juggling more characters certainly yeah and i don't and they don't all get as much screen time i think that's an issue but yeah there's a really intense action sequence in episode four of season two as well yeah and it is like it is brutal yeah it's good and i think and they really linger on it yeah boy do they yeah yeah um i don't know but again i think if we get to a season three i i think this true detective is an anthology series about various true detectives about various true detectives precisely they're all very true
Starting point is 01:17:17 all vying to be the best true detective the truest detective yeah the truest blue detective and i don't know i think because there's a contrast here i think people like well it's not it's not season one again but i think if we get to three yeah i think we'll be like oh it's it's just distinct detective stories yeah and they're not all going to be the same yeah but i think i don't know are they going to get to season three who knows i think so yeah i think they'll do it look I'm glad it's not the same thing. I think they might lean... I think from some of the hints we've seen,
Starting point is 01:17:50 I think this may happen more in the latest episode, which I haven't seen. They do hint more towards like cults and underground weirdness. Right. Because there's a little bit of that in three? Episode three? Well, yeah, because Rachel McAdams' character, her father is the head
Starting point is 01:18:05 of a yeah sort of a wellness yeah pseudo and there's something that has gone on there yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:18:10 I'm finding also with this season you really gotta watch closely yeah there's a lot because I'm like who's this what there's a lot of land deals
Starting point is 01:18:18 and a lot of money happening and I'm doing a lot of a lot of that because normally like I've said this before I'm normally doing something I watch something but this
Starting point is 01:18:24 you really gotta watch it. And I really haven't been paying as much attention as it should be. Yeah, there's more layers of politics in this season. Yeah, definitely. And I think if you're not paying attention, it's a sort of a case of, oh, they're just interviewing a guy and interviewing another guy. And then Colin Farrell, he's having trouble with his kid or whatever.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Yeah, yeah. But I think, yeah, I think in this, the writing in this case is focused on these layers of intrigue. Yeah. Yeah, give it a shot.
Starting point is 01:18:51 I also find, and I don't think it's, I don't think it's a purposeful decision because they probably would have been filmed around the same time. Vince Vaughn's mobster character
Starting point is 01:19:00 is very similar to the Kingpin from Daredevil. Yeah, okay, that's true, yeah. Not as crazy and violent and whatever, but there's a lot lot of like i had issues growing up and i've got some manga yeah that's interesting isn't it under the surface is it more a case of just people in show you know the people in this crime genre are like let's humanize these villains definitely that's just a trend of that i guess yeah uh-huh and that's i don't hate i like his performance i agree i didn't know it was an issue to be honest look because I haven't really been following it online
Starting point is 01:19:25 the reaction but other than I know some people aren't wrapped with it right but also at the same time I haven't seen a Vince Vaughn movie in a very long time
Starting point is 01:19:34 sure so I think you didn't watch the one where he worked at Google no Google buddies whatever it was he missed Google buddies
Starting point is 01:19:42 yeah it was Google buddies so I think a lot of people are coming off the back of a decade of Vince Vaughn just Google Buddies, whatever it was. Yeah, he missed Google Buddies. Yeah, it was Google Buddies. So I think a lot of people are coming off the back of a decade of Vince Vaughn just hamming it up on screen for a paycheck or whatever. And I think that's colouring the same with Alec Baldwin and 10 Years of 30 Rock. Sure. Where people can't see him as a serious actor anymore because he's been goofing around with a serious face.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Yeah, exactly. But I think people are like, oh, Vince Vaughn, he's just a goof and he's an idiot or whatever. Yeah. I think this performance is pretty good. Yeah, I agree. Look, also, when I watched the first season,
Starting point is 01:20:13 I watched seven episodes in like a day or two days. Right. So I kind of got the flow of the story straight out. This I'm kind of like, I come back to it and I'm like, who's this? What's happening? Whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:22 So I'd say I'm probably not enjoying it as much as I enjoyed season one at the moment, but I'm still enjoying it more than I enjoy most TV shows. There you go. Yeah. And look, the way the next three or four episodes, however many I've got left, will determine whether this, who is the truest detective. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Alright, I know I don't normally do this. I'm doing four letters this week. This is a short one. It's just more a comment. Oh, there more a comment. Oh, there's a question. Oh, for those who want to send in an email, it's weeklyplanetpod at People miss that for some reason.
Starting point is 01:20:52 I know. We should do that. Declan says, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed off will you be if Ant-Man doesn't ride on one of Hawkeye's arrows in Civil War? Thanks in advance. Now that you've put it in my head,
Starting point is 01:21:02 pretty mad. Because that's a classic move. It is. I mean, it's more a classic, pretty mad. Because that's a classic move. It is. I mean, it's more a classic, it's very much a classic Green Arrow, the Atom move. Oh, yeah. So now that I think about it, I'm going to be really mad
Starting point is 01:21:13 if that doesn't happen in an episode of Arrow. Way to go. You might be potentially really angry about two things now. We'll just find out who gets it first. Yeah, we will. Absolutely. Bloody hell, that'll be interesting. I think it'll be Ant-Man, Hawkeye.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Well, Arrow will come back towards the end of this year, as long with Legends of Tomorrow, which might be actually early next year. But I think they're going to split them up. I don't think the Atom's going to appear in Arrow. Okay. Interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Anyway, I'm ready to be really mad. Ten. You're blowing my stack. All right. Thank you to the Bruton and Basilisk for the themes. Thank you, guys. I think we forgot to thank them the last few weeks. Yeah, we did.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Yeah. Where can people find us? We're at Weekly Planet Pod on Gmail and Facebook and Twitter, although we don't really use the Twitter so much. No. But if you follow the Weekly Planet on Twitter. They have all the facts and all the stuff. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:22:03 I'm at MrSundayMovies. We respond on those ones for the most part. Nah, sometimes. if you want to listen to our commentaries.
Starting point is 01:22:11 We should do another one very soon. Yeah, I know. Maybe this week. Who's got time? Yeah. We'll make time. Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Not only that, slash MrSundayMovies if you want to support the show. Yeah, totally. You don't have to. You can support it with your ears and your listening.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Yes. You can support it by just not telling people that it's shit. Keep that to yourself. That is all we ask. Next week. One day, because all our listeners send in artwork and they send in theme music and they send in all kinds of stuff. One day, our listeners are going to realize that they're more interesting and talented than us and then they're going to rise up and destroy us absolutely maybe that day will be today somebody said to you that i'll show you because you're sitting right
Starting point is 01:22:51 here unfortunately i can't show the listeners although i think this is on somebody put this on the weekly planet twitter page oh yes oh the sorry the good people the good person who runs that check that out wow that's good. Yeah. That is a bit of... That is Mr. Sunday Movies as Han Solo at the Mos Eisley Cantina. That's a bloody... Solid work. That's a sweet as goat. Who is...
Starting point is 01:23:12 DeviantArt user Dorsk188. Bloody love it. Yeah, it's really, really good. It's solid work. Yeah. So that's on the Weekly Planet Twitter? I'm going to put that on my wall. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 01:23:21 I think I might, actually. Yeah. That's really good. I'd have to explain it though you know what i've had people people when people come around who don't know that i do this yeah this is how the conversation goes they come into the room and they're like oh do you play music no i don't i do a podcast oh that's the end of the conversation because people don't know yeah what that is or even like, it's one of those dickheads
Starting point is 01:23:45 who does a podcast to nobody. Sure. But we do it to some people, don't we? Yeah, we do. Yeah. All right. Yeah, if you have an opinion on Fantastic Four, send it our way and I'll probably read out three or four
Starting point is 01:23:57 for next week. Wow. Yeah. Even five. Maybe. Yeah. Chances are good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:03 All right, everybody. Wrap that gem, everybody. Where's my spaghetti? Yeah. Okay, bye. Maybe. Yeah. Chances are good. Yeah. All right, everybody. Wrap that gem, everybody. Where's my spaghetti? Yeah. Okay, bye. Bye. FX is the Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London.
Starting point is 01:24:22 One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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