The Weekly Planet - 97 Civil War, Star Wars & The Man From U.N.C.L.E

Episode Date: August 17, 2015

With D23 taking place over the weekend we got heaps of news covering all things Marvel and Star Wars, Pixar and more.Plus we get into The Man From Uncle, despite no-one having seen it. Fun. Hosted on ...Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Visit Red hot comic book movie news Shooting up your butt hole Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies and TV shows and comics and various things. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday with me as well as my co-host Nick Mason. Hello. We're here in the man cave. Shut up. It's just a room.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Is it though? It's just a room with some boxes. I've yet to unpack stuff. You've got a big bass on the wall. I do have a big bass. Like a big mounted bass. I've next to it, I've got one of those joke bass that talk when you walk past it. We're both wearing fezzes.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Like we're in the water buffaloes or whatever from the Flintstones. Got my little bloody bar in the corner. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. It's nothing like that. It's literally a room with some things on the floor. Yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah. Some bloody leopard skin, bloody beanbags, mate. This place will be sweet. Or leather. Or maybe a combination. I think we should get, because you said earlier before this, because we're setting up your man cave. It's not a man cave.
Starting point is 00:01:43 We're going to get some proper podcasting chairs. I think we should get those super fancy Aeron chairs that they had like in the dot-com boom. And they had like a little remote and you could move them and real adjustable or whatever. And that's how they all went bankrupt and failed. So that's what we're going to get. They still sell those?
Starting point is 00:01:59 We could probably get some for cheap. That's what I'm thinking, yeah. I'm sure if you just went to a landfill, we could find one. We could drag some out, yeah. Great. All right, we'll put a chain on the ute and we'll drag some out news yeah let's do it roughly the news yes indeed it said that tom hardy is going to produce and possibly star in an adaptation of a hundred bullets very nice okay it's pretty good for dc or i think it's vertigo but vertigo is a subsidiary of dc right yeah yeah so he's going to be asian graves well he'll produce it so but there's no word yeah. So he's going to be Agent Graves.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Well, he'll produce it, but there's no word yet on whether he's in it. But I'd say he wouldn't just... He wouldn't be one of the minor background characters. He wouldn't be one of the people who's been wronged and he's in one episode and then he gets revenge and then he's fine. Exactly. That would make a great TV show, though, don't you reckon?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah. As opposed to a movie, which this is. Oh, right. Wasn't listening. Now I am. I'm fully on board. Yeah, now it would be a better TV series. What is he doing?
Starting point is 00:02:53 That's fine. There's not enough time to build the universe. You need a hundred bullets. You need a hundred bullets and you need bloody, you need them to assemble the Minutemen, the team, over a period of time. You can't do that in two hours. Maybe that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Maybe it's like they're starting a universe or whatever. Good luck to them, man. I feel like, because he obviously turned, he was Rick Flag in the Suicide Squad. Yes. I think he's like, well, I kind of want to have my own franchise, whatever. Because that's like Will Smith and Margot Robbie and whatever. Yeah, yeah. I think he's like, I'm a big star.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I'm Mad Max. And, you know, I'm assuming. But good on yeah. I think he's like, I'm a big star. I'm Mad Max. And, you know, I'm assuming. But good on him. I think it'd be great. That's how we greeted the day every morning on the set of Mad Max. And now it's stuck. He does it to every movie. Wherever he goes.
Starting point is 00:03:34 That movie where he's the Krays, the Kray brothers. He gets up and he's like, I'm Mad Max. And then he goes, I'm also Mad Max. Twins. Twins. That Krays movie looks really good. Yeah, I know, right? Looks totally Kray.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Am I right? You're lucky we're in the man cave right now when you can get away with bro talk like that, all right? So here's some interesting news. Fox, 20th Century Fox, say that they are committed to the Fantastic Four franchise. When did they say that? No, no, that's very good.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah. That's one of your pieces of fake news. No, no, that's real. Yeah. My laugh was genuine. It sounded like a fake guy's laugh. Yeah, yeah. I mean, look, it wasn't genuine, but I laughed earlier.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Oh, yeah, sure. Absolutely. I'm just going to go with that. You practiced in front of a mirror earlier. That's right. How does that sound to you? Why? I think what it is,
Starting point is 00:04:27 it's still in cinemas. They're not going to come out and go, we're ditching this a week after it comes out. So, you know, they'll make as much money as they can.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Listen, this movie's been out for a week and we have no faith in it. Just letting you know, don't even bother. Exactly. You can't wring any water
Starting point is 00:04:42 out of a dry sponge that makes no sense and the director and studio hate each other as the same have you puzzled it out have you fun because you you've been obsessed with me what's going on i made a video and i was happy with it and then like during the week like other stories came out about apparently josh trank and miles teller came chest to chest at one point and they did that whole throw a punch i dare you you know what yeah you know what guys do which is amazing because what are you arguing about on that i want to be i demand to be stretchier
Starting point is 00:05:10 let me be stretchier on this movie you'll be as stretchy as i say you are that's how that goes we're doing your stretchy arm with a camera trick we you're i'm doing the stretchy arm with a with a big bit of pvc pipe and we're gonna throw it across the across the set that's how we're doing it you want to you want to go down but yeah I wrote that video I made
Starting point is 00:05:30 it's good up to a point right and I actually I pissed off what's his name Max Landis with it
Starting point is 00:05:37 I said it he co-wrote Chronicle yes because it's what Josh Trank said on the Fat Man or Batman anyway somebody tweeted
Starting point is 00:05:44 to him and he saw it and he corrected me that he didn't. He didn't write, he just wrote. He wrote the screenplay and he has co-story writing credits. Oh, well, Lani Dar. I'm like, sorry, man. Jesus, this is just what he said. Sorry to split some hairs there, Landis.
Starting point is 00:05:58 No, it's all right. Yeah, fine. All right. NBC are developing a series in conjunction with DC. It's called Powerless. And it's kind of like The Office, but it's set in the DC universe, but it focuses on regular people working at an insurance agency. So it's damage control.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Exactly. Except, I mean, without all the fun. Yeah, sure. No, it's The Office. Right. So for anybody who doesn't know, Marvel in the 90s had a series called Damage Control. Which you love. I love Damage Control.
Starting point is 00:06:26 But that was more construction and stuff, wasn't it? Yeah, it was basically Damage Control were a construction firm employed by the city of New York to rebuild New York in its entirety every time superheroes destroyed it. The third Ant-Man was in that as well at one point. Irredeemable Ant-Man. He was part of it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:43 In his story arc. Before he died, now he's a robot. Oh, I see. That's been built into that. Yeah, now point. Irredeemable Ant-Man. He was part of it. Oh. In his story arc. Before he died, now he's a robot. Oh, I see. That's been built into that. Yeah, now he's a robot or something. Right, right. Okay, sure. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah, but that was a very fun series and it's a shame. People, there's been some rumors that Marvel might have been going to do another series. I think that's just us hoping for that. Yeah, it is, isn't it? Yeah. But this, to me, this sounds pretty good. Hmm. I mean, and apparently there's no like Superman, Batman or whatever. I mean, I'm sure they'll probably be mentioned. Now, this sounds pretty good. And apparently there's no Superman, Batman or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I'm sure they'll probably be mentioned. Now, it sounds good. What's it going to be like? The office. The American office. But is it going to be funny, though? Well, the office took a season to get funny. No, but I mean, they're saying it's the office,
Starting point is 00:07:18 but do they mean it's set in an office? Yeah, no, I think it's set... The sense I get with any DC property is it's not going to be funny. So when they say it's like The Office, they mean it's going to be like a series, you know, it's going to be an interview. It's a camera crew following people around in an office. I'm fairly certain that's what it's going to be.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And it's not going to be funny. I think, look, it's with NBC and they did Parks and Rec in The Office. Yeah, sure. I think it'll be fine. It's a completely different thing from the movies. I think it'll be, it's with NBC and they, and they, they did Parks and Rec in the office. I think it'll be fine. It's a completely different thing from the movies. I think it'll be, it'll be good enough. Sure. In spirit.
Starting point is 00:07:50 You happy with that? Yeah. Why not? You probably get some. What's it called again? Powerless. Okay. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Isn't there a British series like that? No, it was about superheroes in a bar. That was no heroics. Yeah. That's funny. What did you think of the Hateful Eight trailer? Quentin Tarantino is doing a Western again. Another Western.
Starting point is 00:08:11 That's interesting. I think he's doing a Western trilogy. I think he's going to do another one at some point. He wants to do a Man With No Name style trilogy. But do we have a recurring character? No, and all the men have names. As far as I know. Yes, that is so true.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah, I don't think so. Maybe he'll come back as his Australian whatever that was. Remember he did an Australian accent in Bloody... Oh, yeah, that's true, yeah. That wasn't good. But, you know, he exploded. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it looks good.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I mean, he did do two plus crime films in Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, so why not two? And Jackie Brown. Brown, yeah. So, yeah. Yeah, whatever. Why not? Looks good.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Whose career is he resurrecting in this? Is it Jennifer Jason Leigh? Possibly. Yeah. I want to say Kurt Russell. No. No, no. Kurt Russell's always been popular,
Starting point is 00:08:56 but I feel like he's not like, everybody loves Kurt Russell, but he hasn't had like a big breakout. Right. Give him an award kind of thing. Do you know what I mean? Right, right. But I feel,
Starting point is 00:09:04 I think, so do you think Tarantino's given him a second shot at this after Death Proof? Death Proof was balls. Yeah, I know it was balls. I'm saying that. That's potentially what I'm saying. But what I mean is like do you think he's like, well, this isn't – I don't think people will be like, well, he's back in for Oscar contention
Starting point is 00:09:21 for this. I think it's kind of – I think he gives everybody one shot. You know, Pulp Fiction. Yep. What's his face? Oscar contention for this. I think it's kind of, I think he gives everybody one shot. You know, Pulp Fiction. Yep. What's his face? Your mate Travolta. Not my mate. No, he's your best mate.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Don't like him. Yeah. Tim Roth is back in this one. Tim Roth's back. Yeah. He was his bloody go-to for one. He gave him a shot in Reservoir Dogs. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:40 He was to give a shot too. Heaps of people. Heaps of bloody people, mate. Yeah. Who else is in this? Michael Madsen is back, of course, because he's the good luck charm. I've never seen him so enthused. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Sorry, since Kill Bill 2? Right, yeah. I think it was in one briefly as well. Yeah. Michael Madsen's only good in a Quentin Tarantino movie. Yes, that's very true. I've never seen him do anything of note. I think he's in Species, but I don't think that's a good movie.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's a lot of phoning it in, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Samuel L. Jackson. What about Walking Dead Season 2, the video game? Michael Madsen said that. Apparently. Wow, there you go.
Starting point is 00:10:17 He would have literally phoned that in. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Samuel L. Jackson. Yep. Great.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Who else? Anyone else? Playing old Samuel L. Jackson. Walton Goggins is in this. Who's he? He Yeah, Samuel L. Jackson. Yep, great. Who else? Anyone else? Playing old Samuel L. Jackson. Walton Goggins is in this. Who's he again? He's from The Shield. Okay. Or Wally Goggles, as I like to call him.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And if everybody in his life doesn't call him Wally Goggles, there's something wrong with this world. That's right, yeah. Agreed. Yeah. Oh, and Zoe Bell's in it. She's not in the trailer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:39 But Zoe Bell is another Quentin Tarantino good luck charm. She is a stunt double. Well, she was a stunt double. Oh, yeah, she's in Death Proof as well. She's in Death Proof, yeah. And she's Uma Thurman's stunt double. There we go, yeah. Bloody, what's it called?
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah. Ninja. The car stunts in Death Proof are good. Yes, they are. It's just not a good, it's just a long, boring, nothing film that goes for too long. It's not that long, but it feels really long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:05 What's going on there? that tarantino you want to you ought to one of your amazing films isn't as good as the other ones he's he's do you reckon is he getting better not better is he's evolving right or he's that is a really good question because i think inglorious bastards is probably as good as pulp fiction in my eyes i think the pacing is better maybe yeah like if you go back to pulp fiction because I think Inglourious Bastards is probably as good as Pulp Fiction in my eyes I think the pacing is better maybe like if you go back
Starting point is 00:11:28 to Pulp Fiction I really I rewatched that recently it's still very good but I feel there's some dead spots in it maybe and I think maybe
Starting point is 00:11:35 he's getting better in filling in those gaps because these I mean Django was real long as well right yeah that was a movie and a half yeah I like Django
Starting point is 00:11:43 but I didn't I didn't love it so we're saying he's getting worse as a director that's what we're saying now i've changed our minds yeah i've changed my bloody tune mate and the westworld trailer speaking of westerns the western is back not really no certainly not it's not going to survive on its own boy although deadwood went a really long time right then it was cancelled there was actually talk this week of a uh deadwood movie, potentially. I haven't watched Deadwood.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I've got it, but I've yet to watch it. Have you watched it? No. There's a lot of cussing. Sure. I don't know if I approve. And delightful character actor Stephen Tobolowsky. He's in it.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Oh, good. He's great. And Ian McShane, who can't do anything outside of Deadwood. You know what I mean? I know what you mean. He's in the next season of Game of Thrones. Yeah. Westworld, though I know what you mean. Are we using the next season of Game of Thrones? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Westworld, though. What do you think? Looks pretty good, right? It does. I mean, it doesn't show much. No. Apparently, the focus... There seems to be a lot of Androids
Starting point is 00:12:34 being 3D printed. Yes. That seems to be the big thing. I like that. There's a lot of... I was going to say... It's HBO. A lot of the focus of this,
Starting point is 00:12:42 apparently, is on the Androids. So, they'll be staying there and it'll be just be different people coming through. So for those people who don't know, there was a Western in the mid to late seventies called Westworld that had Yul Brynner. It had Yul Brynner,
Starting point is 00:12:53 yes. Who I love. When he was alive. And he was alive. And he kind of played the same character that he played in Magnificent Seven, which is another great movie where people would come to this town and you kind of live out a fantasy of, it's set in the future. So all the cowboys are robots and you have like a fake gunfight
Starting point is 00:13:07 and you go to a brothel or a saloon or whatever. You know what I mean? So a fake gunfight, but a real brothel is what you're saying. Yes, exactly what I'm saying. Okay, great. And, you know, it's kind of like Jurassic World with cowboys, I guess. Yeah, sure. Robot cowboys.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Oh, yeah. But then everything goes wrong. Yeah. West world style. Yeah. And, yeah. Robot Cowboys. Oh, yeah. But then everything goes wrong. Yeah. Westworld style. Yeah. And, yeah. So, James Marsden's in this. Anthony Hopkins.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Who is the Yul Brynner character? I think it's James Marsden. Oh, maybe. I don't know. But my question is, is he going to malfunction every week? I hope so. Great. Settled.
Starting point is 00:13:39 And they chewed him up and they're like, yeah, it should be fine. This is definitely it. If there's any problems, turn him off and then turn him back on again. I can't leave him. I'm taking vacation. If there's another massacre, give me an email. Shoot me a text and I'll come back in a week and I'll fix him. Maybe we'll consider
Starting point is 00:13:55 not giving them real bullets. We'll see how that goes. Alright. D23. Disney's big thing. DisneyCon. Lassiter was there. Making announcements. He was. Disney's big thing. Oh, DisneyCon, sure. DisneyCon. Lasseter was there making announcements. He was making all sorts of announcements.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Do you want me to start with the most exciting news? Incredibles 2. Yeah, sure. Is that not your favourite? That's mine. It's a Toy Story 4. There's a lot of sequels on this slate, if I'm being honest with you. I did have that doubt.
Starting point is 00:14:23 The Incredibles 2 is definitely one of the most exciting. My exciting one wasn't really exciting. Oh, I see. It was the least exciting. You were doing a comedy bit. I was doing a thing. Okay. So yeah, they announced that. Wait, wait, do it and I'll act like it's...
Starting point is 00:14:33 Okay. Pirates 5, Orlando Bloom's back. Hey, but you don't... Oh, you're doing a comedy bit. Great. But the interesting thing about that is, it's not that interesting. Okay. Orlando Bloom appeared, the last one in 2007. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:49 And then he had to go on a ship to escort souls to hell or heaven or the afterlife. Oh, and he comes back every 10 years or something? So it will be 10 years when this rolls around. Oh, so that's fun. That's a real life. I wouldn't say fun is not the word. No. It's an odd coincidence.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Drawn out. Yeah, it's a drawn out kind of coincidence. Is Keith Richards back in this one? I don't think so. Is Australia's own Geoffrey Rush back in this one? You know what? He's really good in those movies. Yeah, I know, right?
Starting point is 00:15:14 But I don't know. All I know is Johnny Depp's back and Orlando Bloom's back. Great. Is the big wheel that Johnny Depp runs on and goes, Oh, no. What's happened? I'm sword fighting two different people who are maybe sword fighting each other. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:31 That's back. That's an amazing effect. Yeah. It's total balls though, right? Absolutely, yeah. Some of those movies are good, but I couldn't tell you which ones. The first one's good. Yep.
Starting point is 00:15:41 The fourth one is the second best, but because i did you were two and three you weren't on like the fourth one was wasn't one of them is not original screenplays based on a book right oh really on stranger tides might be continue talking and i will think about it okay so yeah cars three toy story four which i think we already knew was happening but yeah the big and there's a bunch of other ones but the big one was Incredibles 2, which Brad Bird is coming back to direct. Yeah. And he recently did Tomorrowland, which we didn't mind.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Yeah. It's not perfect, but that like tanked like bad. And it got very mixed kind of reception. Yeah, yeah. But I'm glad he's back for Incredibles 2. I'm sure he's back because he's got a good idea and he wants to do it. Because he doesn't seem like the kind of guy
Starting point is 00:16:24 he just does things. What if it was just a shot for shot Fantastic Four reboot remake but much better? That would be Incredibles 2. Absolutely it would be Incredibles 2. Yeah. So what makes you excited about Incredibles 2?
Starting point is 00:16:39 More than say Cars 3. I'm not going to answer that. I'm not going to dignify that with a response. But I am going to say Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides based on the novel On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers. Okay. So it wasn't like they've taken the plot of this book, which I haven't read, but it's apparently quite good, and they've just put Johnny Depp on it.
Starting point is 00:16:59 On it. Yeah, they've just put Johnny Depp right on it. On Stranger Tides. 1987 historical fantasy novel featuring a lot of big spinning stone wheels. Perfect. Skeletons, medallions. There's a skeleton on the cover. Good.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Has it got a medallion? It's got a telescope and a parrot on its shoulder. Sounds piratey enough. Yeah, good. Okay, what else are they doing? Toy Story enough. Yeah, I know, right? Yeah, good. Okay, what else are they doing? Toy Story 4. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Didn't they all die? No, you're thinking of Schindler's List. I'm thinking of Schindler's List. No, some of them got away. Oh, that's true, yeah. Though some people say that Toy Story 3 is the Schindler's List of Toy Story movies. Yeah, Schindler's Toy Box is what they call it. Toy Story 4, it's apparently a love story
Starting point is 00:17:41 where Woody goes to find Bo Peep. Because in 3, if you remember, Bo Peep was given away or something. You don't find him or she's not there. So him and Buzz go on a little adventure. Right. Which is the best. When you get those two together, that's the best Toy Story. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Because they've got great chemistries. Even though they're toys, they're obviously not real. But the voices of the people, they're real. Do you know what I mean? It's movie magic. I don't want to get into it. The Toy Story movies, do they record the voices together or separately? It depends on the movie.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I think they do them separately for Toy Story but i know for monster zinc it wasn't working so they got john goodman and um billy crystal together and it yeah so i think i think it just depends i'm fairly certain i'm probably wrong that tom hanks and tim allen didn't meet each other to like the premiere of the first one there you go but that's probably a thing that isn't real i just made. I'm having some water. Okay. You've earned it. I feel like I have.
Starting point is 00:18:30 All right. Do you want to hear about Star Wars? I guess. Oh, because this was part of D23, wasn't it? Sorry, I should say, do you want to hear about Star Wars at length? Oh, then definitely, yeah. They produced a set photo for Rogue One, didn't they? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Looks pretty good. Yeah, what do you think? It's real dark. It's real gritty. It's dark and gritty. Yeah. But it's still a little bit of spark in their eyes, hey? Just a little bit. A little bit of that magic. It's now officially
Starting point is 00:18:52 called Rogue One, A Star Wars Story. I think Star Wars Rogue One. Star Wars Rogue One, yeah, exactly. Because a lot of people will stop reading. They'll be like, Rogue One, oh no. Exactly. Someone sent me a tweet. One, oh, no. Exactly. Someone sent me a tweet. Close the browser.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Close the laptop. Switch off the laptop. Turn the car around. Away from the movie theater. Go home. Drop the kids off. Drive the car into a lake or something. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:18 I know what you mean. Yeah, we've all done it. I got this tweet from Thomas, and he sent me a picture of the Rogue One, and he said, so that's it, huh? We some kind of Rogue One. Yeah, that's pretty good. That's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Which is obviously a play on that other movie. That's the thing that Will Smith is in. Yeah. So they announced all the cast, like Ben Mendelsohn's in it. For sure. What's his name? He's in Species. He's the last King of Scotland.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Natasha Henstridge. That's him. Yeah. What's his fucking name? Forrest Whitaker. Forrest Whitaker's in it. Really Scotland. Natasha Henstridge. That's him. What's his fucking name? Forrest Whitaker. Forrest Whitaker's in it. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Okay, great. Felicity Jones, who was, I think, the only person that was announced. And it is set before A New Hope, which I think we already knew. They didn't show any footage of anything, by the way, which J.J. Abrams actually announced earlier this week. But also there was a big thing in Entertainment Weekly about Star Wars. Yes. Where they showed a whole lot of pictures and look at the magic of filmmaking and whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Do you want to hear about it? Yeah, tell me about it. Look, I don't want to hear about it, quite frankly, but it's not about me anymore, is it? No, no, it really isn't. It's about the weekly wackity-doos, our loyal listeners. I'm bringing that back, by the way. Bringing it back? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Good. Do you know how Kylo Ren's name was kylo ren sure apparently ren is is like an order of knights so they're the knights of ren okay sure and so he's and they're opposing the knights of stimpy believe it or not you're the first person to make that joke i'm joking shut up oh well time to get in the car and drive it into a lake. Close the laptop. Yeah. Also, he didn't release all the last names for a reason. So there's rumors that Kylo Ren, the Adam Driver character, is bloody Han Solo's son.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And the girl, Daisy Ridley, is bloody also Han Solo's son. There's just so many Han Solo's sons. Yes. Did you see the leaked picture of- Mark Hamill. Yeah, what did you think? Yeah, I did. I mean, it might not be legit, but it looks pretty legit. So many Han Solo sons. Yes. Did you see the leaked picture of- Mark Hamill. Yeah. What did you think? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I mean, it might not be legit, but it looks pretty legit. It looks pretty- Look, it looks legit insofar as it's different colors to all the previous Jedi costumes. Like the fan art. Yeah, and the fan art and the whatever. So, yeah. They've finally gone, hey, maybe Jedi don't always dress exactly the same literally all the time. Yeah. For no reason. I like it. Yeah, it's good. Yeah. They've finally gone, hey, maybe Jedi don't always dress exactly the same, literally all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:26 For no reason. I like it. Yeah, it's good. Yeah. Do you think he's going to do some sweet CGI flips? I hope not. I hope every scene you think he's going to and then he's like, actually, I'm really old. This isn't that kind of movie.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Star Wars. It's not this kind of Star Wars at all. Also, they released a whole bunch of toys, like some images of the upcoming toys. And interestingly, it's packaged as the Force Awakens, but it doesn't actually say Force Awakens on it
Starting point is 00:21:54 because, and all the other ones do, there's toys of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader from Empire Strikes Back. Okay. So there's a flashback sequence? That's what I was thinking, yeah. I mean, it may just be, here's your bloody Darth Vader toy.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Here's what you want to shut up. Just take it, yeah. But I think so because- We're legally obligated to put these in the pack for some reason. That's right. Yeah. And that-
Starting point is 00:22:16 If we don't, David Prowse gets the rights to Star Wars. If we don't release a Darth Vader figurine, the actor who played David Prowse in the original movies gets the multi-billion dollar franchise. Correct. After being... Which he will then drive into a lake.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Yeah, after being cheated out of royalties his entire life, he's like, I finally found that loophole. Oh, poor Prowse. Yeah, because Luke's lightsaber, or it's Anakin's lightsaber who gets handed to Luke, factors Prowse. No, they're all right. Yeah. Yeah, because Luke's lightsaber, or it's Anakin's lightsaber, who gets handed to Luke, factors into this movie. So maybe they'll show Vader retrieving that or whatever. And that's the one when his hand got cut off in best spin.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Flew into the bloody whatever it did, into that weird pit. Yeah. Didn't that just go into like a gas planet? No, because remember Luke falls into a little tube yeah and then he goes to the bottom and then for some reason a door opens and he falls onto an upside down tv antenna oh and then he's like fucking come and get me yeah do you remember i remember that scene yeah yeah okay that's a great scene so the lightsaber was in cloud city is what's happening yeah okay right yeah i want to see i want to see real-time vader trudge down yeah it's got a little light on his helmet yeah that's it do you want to hear about the head solo solo
Starting point is 00:23:34 movie well now i do good um apparently he's going to be aged 10 at the beginning i don't want to say it i'm joking oh you're clever no k, Kathleen Kennedy, who's president of Lucasfilm, she's aware that not everything in the Star Wars universe needs to be explained or the origin of that. Hindsight is 20-20, isn't it? Thanks for realising that now. I've got to spare this nine hours of garbage, but all right. But he will be in his late teens to early 20s.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Yeah, that's fine. That's fine, right? And I think also you can get away, because he's about 35 in the first one, so you can get away with casting someone who doesn't look exactly like him, which you can't do because... Well, there's no one like Harrison Ford.
Starting point is 00:24:14 There's no one like Harrison Ford. Except for de-aged Harrison Ford, or just get Andy Serkis to replicate perfectly the mannerisms of Harrison Ford, and then we use the weird CGI deID aging from Ant-Man to make him look exactly like Harrison Ford. I would love that. Get Circus on the phone.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Let's do this. Well, he's in the Star Wars anyway, isn't he? Yeah, just get him into all the characters. Yeah. He's bloody Supreme Leader Snoke. That's his name. Great. That's good, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:38 How do you think they come up with these names? I think they just spin a wheel and it's got a whole bunch of dumb names on it. That's what I think. Yeah, but how do they build the dumb wheel in the first place? That's a good question. Yeah. Not how do they assign the dumb names. Where do they get the dumb names from?
Starting point is 00:24:51 I think they just take regular words like spoke and go, let's just change one letter. Great. And they just take whatever. That's how I think it works. Like Kylo instead of Kylie. They change one letter and they're like, yeah, fuck it. Whatever. It'll do.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Great. Spin the wheel. How do you think they come up with it? that was pretty much okay good yeah did you see the sweet poster though of um bloody uh the new star wars movie it's in the tradition of star wars posters oh i need that back because it's got all my information on it and i won't be able to do the rest of the show yeah fair enough don't stamp on it i got enough i information on it and I won't be able to do the rest of the show. Yeah, fair enough. Don't stamp on it. I was going to... You could drop it in that glass of water. I was going to do some sweet foley work that made it sound like I was breaking something,
Starting point is 00:25:32 but there's literally nothing in this man cave. You'd think with all the stuff in this man cave, all the manly stuff in here, that there'd be something I could use to make the sound effect, but there isn't, so... There's your phone back. Thanks, man. What do you think of the phone?
Starting point is 00:25:43 It looks good. It looks nice. Yeah, it does look good. It seems... That looks like part one in. Thanks, man. What do you think of the phone? It looks good. It looks nice. Yeah, it does look good. It seems that looks like part one in a series, though. Yes. Because normally you get the Star Wars, the one sheet poster, and it's every character. Yeah, yeah. Where's all the rest of the characters?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Good question. Maybe they're not ready to reveal the other ones. Well, that's true, yeah. Yeah. Good stuff, everybody. That's the first poster we've seen, believe it or not. Who does that art? Is there one guy who's been doing it for years?
Starting point is 00:26:05 I think he died and it's a different guy. I can find out because I'm literally on that page. This new poster, blah, blah, blah. This poster was created by artist Drew Struzan, who's famously styled. His famous style has great posters for the other films in the Star Wars saga as well, the Dean and Jones film. Oh, I thought he died.
Starting point is 00:26:21 There you go. He's alive. Good for him. That's great. Yeah. He does make some sweet posters. Yeah. Do you remember when they re-released one of the trilogies,
Starting point is 00:26:30 one of the times, and they just had those... It was just like a crap kind of Photoshop. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like this kind of style much better. They've decided on the director for Star Wars Episode IX. This is the last thing, not a joke. Great. I'm ready for it to still be a joke, but okay.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Do you want to have a guess? I mean, you probably don't. It could be any director ever. You're right, it could, but it's not. It's one in particular. One in particular. Is it a lady director? No.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Don't be sexist. I don't have any ideas. Who is it? Okay, I'll give you another clue. Okay. Someone who's made a movie this year that did reasonably well. I'll give you another clue. Okay, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Dinosaurs. I'll give you another clue. Yes. Jurassic World. I'll give you another clue. Okay, I'm ready. Dinosaurs. I'll give you another clue. Yes. Jurassic World. I'll give you another clue. Yep. Colin Trevorrow. I'll give you another clue.
Starting point is 00:27:10 No. Colin Trevorrow. Correct. Right. Did you like Jurassic World? You liked it, didn't you? I liked it. It was a good fun film.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah. It wasn't like brilliant, but a lot of people were like, oh, I didn't, because a lot of people don't like Jurassic World. So like, well, that doesn't sound like
Starting point is 00:27:20 this is going to be good, but I feel like he worked well in the world of Jurassic World. Yeah. So it was fine. I think the story's mapped out. So whatever, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:30 As good as any. It does seem to be a case of how much, like I wonder at this point how much personality he brings to a movie generally. Because I mean, with Jurassic World, he was a kind of a new director. And I think, you know, the executives and producers and stuff would have been like, make the film like this. And he pretty much had no choice to be like, oh, okay, sure. I can do that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So, I don't know. Have we seen him do... He did Safety Not Guaranteed. Yeah, okay. Which is great. But we haven't seen him do anything big with his own stamp on it yet. Smartly though, he's going smaller next. I can't remember what it is.
Starting point is 00:28:00 And then he's going to do this. So that's... I like that they're getting different directors. I think that's smart. Yeah, yeah. That's what they did for the original Star Wars. He's doing it. I can't remember what it is. And then he's going to do this. So that's, I like that they're getting different directors. I think that's smart. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:06 you don't, that's what they did for the original Star Wars. And then, so what happened last time? Didn't we? They were all really good. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:16 FX is the veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Civil War. Let's talk about Civil War. Okay. There was some footage. This is D23.
Starting point is 00:28:48 This is also D23. Okay, right. This is the last thing. Civil War. I thought they were going to release the trailer, but they didn't. So I didn't prepare a video for this Sunday because I always do a Sunday video.
Starting point is 00:28:59 It's part of the name that I saddled myself with. All the things you missed from the Civil War trailer, idiot. Exactly. But then they didn't release it, so I had to madly scramble to put some crap together. So that's, you know. Great. Go and watch that one.
Starting point is 00:29:13 But yeah, it had some Black Panther. I haven't seen it, by the way. It hasn't even been leaked. They made everyone cloak their phones. Like literally put them under a cloak. Correct. There has been some set footage, set photos leaked of the Black Panther.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Yeah. He's climbing a building. Yeah. Or leaping off a building. Who's to say? He's apparently a third party in it. So like there's Stark and bloody Steve Rogers. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:34 And then Black Panther's got his own kind of agenda. Hey, what's going on, guys? It's me, Black Panther. You guys having a civil war? He's got a vibranium weave outfit, doesn't he? Yes. That should be interesting. Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I like that. And the Vision's also vibranium. Bloody, everyone's got vibranium. Do you reckon Tony Stark will have a vibranium suit by the end? Probably, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That sounds pretty good.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Oh, yeah. Apparently, Tony Stark says to Captain America in it, I want to punch you in your perfect teeth. Uh-huh. That's pretty harsh. Yeah. Apparently, we see a bit of Hawkeye versus Black Widow because they're on different sides. Ooh. to Captain America and I want to punch you in your perfect teeth. Uh-huh. That's pretty harsh. Yeah. Apparently we see a bit of Hawkeye versus Black Widow
Starting point is 00:30:07 because they're on different sides. Ooh. Do you know who's with who? No. Do you know the answer? Yes. Well, it's rumored. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:15 So this is a 50-50 rumor, basically. Yeah, essentially. Yeah, great. Black Widow's with Tony Stark. Okay, sure. Which is,
Starting point is 00:30:22 you wouldn't think they would go that way because her and bloody Captain America are good friends or whatever. They were always going on a road trip. That's true, yeah. They went that one time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It's amazing anybody's on Tony Stark's side when you think about it. Well, he's got the vision and that's pretty much his butler. And who else has he got? He's got War Machine who's, he gave him his armour. Yeah, sure. He probably shut it down remotely. So you don't really have a choice
Starting point is 00:30:45 no spider-man none of that i think you remember how like with the vision they kind of saved that until the last trailer they did yeah so i don't think we'll see any of that for a while and also there's a bit where ant-man's kind of fawning all over captain america he's like oh my god it's bloody captain america you're pretty great all that kind of stuff yeah so that was me explaining the description that somebody else gave of the footage that they saw. Let's spread it around like it's real. Definitely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:09 That's it though. That's all the bloody news. We did. Did I miss something? Let me just go back. I heard a rumor that Odin Fair is going to be the new, he's going to be bloody Craven the Hunter. Yeah. I heard that too.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So I should put that in. That's great casting. Yeah. Good, right? Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. Maybe give him some hair. Nah. Can he grow hair he grow hair that guy yeah he's got hair okay sure when
Starting point is 00:31:29 does he not have hair oh i'm thinking of somebody else you're thinking i was thinking of arnold vosloo i was gonna say you're thinking of bloody they're both in the mummy yeah but arnold vosloo no he's i was gonna say he's in iron man he's not there's another bald guy who's bad at this we are uh no that'd be great i'd feel be great it'd be amazing he can grow a terrifying beard and that's He's in Iron Man. He's not. There's another bald guy. We're bad at this. We are. No, that'd be great. I'd feel it'd be great. It'd be amazing. He can grow a terrifying beard and that's what you want.
Starting point is 00:31:50 With some white in it. Yeah. Very good. He used to be about the right age as well. He's in Resident Evil 3. Yes, he is. Yeah. Yeah. And probably other ones.
Starting point is 00:31:58 He's in several of the Resident Evils, I think. Or just one. They all blow together. I don't know. I didn't see the last one. That's the one where they made like replica like Tokyo or whatever. Oh, yeah, it was too. Did you see that one?
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah, I must have. I've seen all of them. Interesting. Yeah. Anyway, that's great news. I'd like that. Oh, they're also making another Resident Evil. I don't know if you knew that.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Great. Let's see it. There's no way out of this. Should I watch the last one where they have replica Japan or whatever? All right, I will. All right, well, let's talk about the movie that nobody saw. Oh, did nobody see it? The Man from UNCLE.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Opened $14 million in the US. On a budget of? $75 million. So it's not a complete. Well, worldwide. It'll make it. It'll make that back, yeah. On the flip side of that, Straight Outta Compton, which isn't out here,
Starting point is 00:32:40 which I would like to talk about. That's the whitest thing you've ever said, by the way. On the flip side, straight out of Compton. It made $57 million. Oh, wow. Okay, great. That's bloody massive. I don't know if that's, hopefully that'll get a release here.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I feel like they'd be like, well, there's no market for that. I feel like that's- Absolutely it will, yeah. But I feel like that's how it would be perceived by the movie studios. At the very least, it'll get like an indie release at your indie cinemas. Okay, sure. Now, before you say what you think of The Man from Uncle, I've got a letter for you.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yes. Hello, James. You can email us at weeklyplanetpod at You can email us any time of day. Any time of day, but not night. No. If we receive an email night time, Australian time, we will throw it in the bin.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Correct. We'll throw it in the bin. That bin goes in the car. The car goes in the lake. All right? So check your times first. Hello, James with The Other Voice. I've been recently catching up on your shows,
Starting point is 00:33:37 specifically the Mission Impossible Rogue Nation and Ant-Man reviews, and I noticed that Mason was not very enamored with either film. This, despite them being both entertaining, entertaining fun and good films by all accounts and ones i'd rather i'd rank among my favorites of the summer usually you both usually you are both on the nail with your opinions compared with my own what happened is he okay time to cheer the fuck up matt from england are you okay i think you got hit in the head at some point. Matt from England or me?
Starting point is 00:34:05 Yes, precisely. Both of you probably. And your opinions have gone all skew-whiff. I agree with you on Ant-Man. I was like, I liked it, but I didn't love it. Yeah. Yeah. People love Ant-Man.
Starting point is 00:34:17 People love Ant-Man. Yeah, it's cool. Post Fantastic Four reboots, everything seems pretty great. Coming out of that, I'm like, wow, I was pretty harsh on like coming out of that I'm like wow I was pretty harsh on Ant-Man now that I think about it like it was
Starting point is 00:34:28 like considering what it could have turned into yeah you're right but you know you judge a film when you see it and whatever you're
Starting point is 00:34:34 bloody feeling at the time don't you that's right there we go what do you think of Man From U.N.C.L.E. pretty good
Starting point is 00:34:40 yep it's good solid we're not going to have a lot to talk about in this episode I don't feel I mean I like it but this is the latest Guy Ritchie I mean, I like it, but.
Starting point is 00:34:45 This is the latest Guy Ritchie. I haven't seen a picture of Guy Ritchie recently, but I'm pretty sure at this point he's like a perfect sphere because all his edges have been sanded off. Like he's got no edge left, this guy. If I'd just seen Snatch and then you presented me, or Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and you presented me with Man from Uncle and said,
Starting point is 00:35:04 who directed this, I would have had no idea. You've got to remember that he was with Madonna for like 10 years. Sure. Can't a buddy wear a man right down? I guess that's true, yeah. Yeah. And she made him make Swept Away. Yeah, that is true.
Starting point is 00:35:16 The story of Man From Uncle, what did you think it was? Which is my standard question. That is good. So we've got two extraordinarily impossibly handsome men. Correct. One is Henry Cavill, who's playing the American Napoleon Solo. Yes. And he is a former criminal turned CIA agent or just government,
Starting point is 00:35:39 American government. I think he's CIA. CIA agent. And he's doing missions for the government to lessen his sentence. Yep. To get out of going to jail. Yep. And he encounters the man mountain that is...
Starting point is 00:35:52 Army Hammer. Army Hammer, as Ilya Karekherin. I'm just going to call him Army Hammer for the purposes of this episode. Yep. Who is a Soviet agent. Yep. And they don't get along, but they've got to get along for purposes of hijinks. And nuclear weapons.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Nuclear weapons. We've got no spoilers in spoilers? Yeah, why not? Sure. Is Armie Hammer really that tall? Apparently he's like 6'5", yeah. How tall is Henry Cavill? Like 6'1", 6'2", maybe.
Starting point is 00:36:17 That is... All right. See, that... You don't approve? Well, this is the Batman v Superman that we never really got because Armie Hammer was going to be Batman. He was cast. That would have been...
Starting point is 00:36:28 You'd be like, why is Batman so much taller than Superman? I think that's how they're doing it in the new movie, though. Huh. Yeah. So is traditionally Superman bigger than Batman? Traditionally, Superman is 6'4". Yeah. Batman is 6'2".
Starting point is 00:36:38 6'1". Oh, 6'2". I know. Okay, good. That may have changed. I haven't checked that since the 80s. Sure, yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Yeah, they're both good, right? Yeah, good. That may have changed. I haven't checked that since the 80s. Sure, yeah, yeah. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Yeah, they're both good, right? Yeah, sure. I mean, who's the actress? Alicia Vikander. That's her, who's also great. Yeah. What did you think? She's also very good looking.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Sure. A lot of very good looking people in this movie. What did you think of their accents in general? Look. No, pretty solid. Good enough, right? Yeah, good enough good enough exactly at no point did they take me out of the movie yeah yeah people don't like the army hammer russian accent but i was like that's whatever have you seen any of uh the man from uncle the tv series no i haven't i've seen selected episodes yeah and like because most because they man from uncle had a lot of odd guest stars yeah
Starting point is 00:37:23 like they had a lot of guest actors but like before they were famous i've seen there's an episode i think in the first season that is uh it's got william shannon and leonard nimoy in the same episode pre-star trek which is pretty good that's pretty great so like totally this is robert vaughn it's robert vaughn who um magnificent seven magnificent seven yeah base he's in basketball Seven. He's in basketball. I think he's in basketball. Is he? I think so.
Starting point is 00:37:47 He's in that Star Wars knockoff. It's not The Last Starfighter, but it's something like that. He's in- You would probably know him best as the rich guy in Bullet who's all like, Bullet, get on the case. You're so Bullet. And then Bullet gets on the case and then it turns out Robert Vaughn's kind of a bad guy and he's Bullet, get on the case. You're so Bullet. And then Bullet gets on the case
Starting point is 00:38:06 and then it turns out Robert Vaughn's kind of a bad guy and he's like, get off the case, Bullet. You're too Bullet for this case. Yeah. So it's him and it's David McCallum, who is... Is David McCallum in... He's in NCIS.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Oh, he's in it now, yeah. Yeah. But was he in The Greatest Guy? I think he was, yeah. Yeah. But he is... Yeah, so Robert Vaughn was Napoleon Solo. Yep. Ilya was played by David McCallum, who is Ducky in NCIS,
Starting point is 00:38:33 the eccentric British medical examiner. Was that a very progressive show? Because it was obviously made in the Cold War era. Yeah. And one of the protagonists was a Russian KGB agent? It was more that... Like in the same way that Star Trek had a very kind of multicultural past. I wouldn't say it was progressive.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It was more that... Oh, by the way, Mason's 57 years old. Yeah, I'm very old. It was more like the uncle was sort of like... It wasn't strictly speaking the United Nations because I don't think they were allowed to say, because it's UN, similarly. I think it was supposed, they were like,
Starting point is 00:39:09 I think initially it was ambiguous as to whether it was the United Nations or whatever. So it was like, it's all the best agents and they're stopping evil. The evil of thrush. I can't remember what thrush stood for. It doesn't matter. I don't think it stands for anything. No.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Look, they're just here to stop thrush. They're like Doctors Without Borders. They're trying to stop thrush worldwide. Good. Yeah. Anyway, I've seen assorted episodes. Yeah. Did this capture the spirit of it?
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yeah, sort of. Okay. Well, tonally, they've found it. Kai Richie's kind of found a nice spot in the middle. Yeah. Because the early ones were in black and white, like tonally they were kind of they were more serious yeah and then it got increasingly wackier over the years i think okay and then i because it was four seasons and i think by three it was super wacky yeah and campy yeah and then ratings were
Starting point is 00:39:59 dropping they're like well we've gone too far here let's make it more serious okay and they sort of wound it back a bit but it was was too far, and then it got cancelled. It's too late. Yeah, it's too late. But I think they've sort of found a sweet spot in the middle. Do you think it was pretty funny, right? I thought it was. Some of the jokes fall a little flat.
Starting point is 00:40:11 You know what? I think it thinks it's funnier and cleverer than what it actually is. Right, yeah. But that's not to say that I didn't enjoy it. I went with my dad because I thought he'd enjoy it because, you know, he's as old as you are. It's impossible to tell what dads are going to like, though, isn't it? Yeah, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:40:24 It's really difficult. He's like, yeah like yeah it was fine my dad really likes team america world police does he yeah which is that's funny yeah it's weird i'm like why do you like that dad dads aren't supposed to like that movie you know what i mean but i thought because my dad loves all this kind of movies like you know all that kind of era and whatever yeah he was like bloody hugh grant i'm like you hate hugh grant he's like, bloody Hugh Grant. I'm like, you hate Hugh Grant? He's like, yeah, kind of. Like, why? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:50 So I found out my dad hates Hugh Grant. That's wild. Who I like a lot. What a revelation. Yeah. Yeah, but so- He's not in that much. Strictly speaking, pretty much every episode I've seen of The Man from Ark Hall, it's sort of this idea of, here's the regular world and here's the world of espionage.
Starting point is 00:41:02 And they sort of cross paths. Okay. And there'll be like an innocent bystander who gets sort of caught in the crossfire. Sure. And like the good guys have to protect them and blah, blah, blah. So that sort of fits in because they get... Alicia bloody...
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah, Vikander. Vikander, yeah. What's her face name? Yeah. Gabby is her name. But she joins one of the team, mate. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:22 And then it's bloody on and there's triple and double crosses all the way to the bloody end yep um did you like the accents we've talked about the action i'm going to say action did you like the action yeah good but like i said with guy richie now like if we take it right at the start there's a car chase i liked that opening sequence fun yeah but didn't you feel like if there was a lot of green screen time? Oh, definitely. Yeah, yeah. Like, if you think of, like, when I think of, like, Snatch. It looked like Sin City. Yeah. With colour. Yeah, with Snatch or with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,
Starting point is 00:41:55 when there's a scene with cars, at some point somebody's going to get their head beaten with a car door. Yeah. You know, it feels very street level and kind of real and solid yeah with this this you know it was it was fun and tense but at the same time weird and plasticky yeah sure yeah you're right but i enjoyed that but i think that action scene isn't there's nothing as funny or as interesting as that right in the rest of the movie yeah like i enjoyed how army hammer's like the russian terminator kind ofinator kind of guy. I also enjoyed the fact that it's not a guy who's fast and nimble and smart
Starting point is 00:42:31 and a guy who's giant and an idiot. Like they're both quite competent in their roles kind of thing. They just have different accents. They just have different accents, precisely. And fashion sense. Different fashion sense, certainly. Oh, that's what I wanted to ask you. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You're a man of fashion. Sure. What did you think of the fashion?. Different fashion sense, certainly. Oh, that's what I wanted to ask you. I'm ready. You're a man of fashion. Sure. What did you think of the fashion? Not bad fashion. Look, Napoleon Solo. That's a rigging endorsement. Napoleon Solo's gone for a bit of a Pierre Cardin look. Bit of Pierre Cardin.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Bit of John Steed in the Avengers. Like his three-piece suits and stuff. But he's, of course, a giant man, so it's not quite. Sure, doesn't quite work. Yeah. And what would you put a giant man in? A big duffel coat?
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yeah, a big duffel coat. Just a burlap sack or a barrel. It says big man on it. Yeah, a barrel with suspenders on it. And we got bloody Army Hammer as sort of a street urchin. Yeah. Looks pretty good. Big Oliver.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Yeah. Precisely. His little hats. But he knew stuff about women's fashion. Yeah. And that was nice. Well, in the TV series, he actually, because there was a reunion movie, I think, in maybe the 80s.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Okay. And he retired and became a fashion designer oh really yeah so that's a fun little i should have done a bloody easter egg video it's too late but who cares nobody cares yeah people have already switched off um what i'm thinking of the other action sequences what about like you know the bit on the boat yes i guess this is sort of a spoiler i guess let's just review this okay so uh so performances were great. It was pretty fun. I had a good time. I wouldn't recommend it.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Hush. No, I'd say if it's something you... It's okay. It's fine. So on that, it's like... I felt there was a lot of exposition, especially early on. There's a lot of people. There's a lot of Napoleon Solo being smug and explaining something at length.
Starting point is 00:44:23 There's a lot of that, which sort of takes me out of the movie yeah if you can't do it with action yeah do it with words do it with words precisely yeah yeah fair enough yeah but no no i give it a 10 i give i say best movie ever because it's not offensive yeah and it's fine what do you say i say best movie ever as well as well because of the fashion would you say it was yes because of the fashions because of that pierre cardin. Oh, yeah. Yeah. How do you feel this stacks up to the most recent Guy Ritchie stuff? I think it's better than the Sherlock movies. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Those have no, speaking of no edge. Yeah. Like, I know people like those, but I don't think they're anything. Right. Have you seen them? Yeah, I've seen the first one. I mean, I didn't see Revolver and I didn't see Rock and Roller. No. I've seen bloody Snatch. I mean, I didn't see Revolver and I didn't see Rock and Roller. No. I've seen bloody Snatch and Lockstock.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Right. Sherlock Holmes is... What do you think he's going to do next? Do you think he's going to... He's doing King Arthur. Right. So he's not going to do... So it's been a long time since he's done an actual original Guy Ritchie kind of property.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yeah, I guess so. Well, no, he did... No, Rock and Roller was that kind of thing. Toby Kebbell was in it. Yeah, but that's been a few years now, right? Oh, maybe. Yeah, probably like 2006. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:27 But I think at this point he's like, I'll just make the big Hollywood movies. Yeah. Finally. Well, he's only, he'd be mid-40s. Yeah. So I don't know what he's up to. What's his deal, mate? So yeah, there's an action sequence where Armie Hammer's flying around a speedboat
Starting point is 00:45:43 and Henry Cavill's just watching him and eating food i thought that was fun i did but i thought it went for too long i'm like this again this is a moment where you think this is cleverer than it actually right but you don't have the full appreciation of a man slowly eating a sandwich in a truck that's probably true which i enjoy a lot so look i'm sure there's a thousand youtube channels dedicated to that very thing. So maybe I'm just desensitized. But yeah, I thought that was... You know what I've been watching a lot of recently? What?
Starting point is 00:46:09 And we should have saved this for what we're eating, but I'll say it now. Is you ever watch a YouTube video of somebody like bursting a blackhead? Oh, what? No. They're really satisfying. I don't want to watch that. You should. Just get one.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Just get a couple under your belt. You'll be like, wow. You're a weird creep, mate. Yes. They got a lot of views, let me tell you. Not my man cave. All right, they would yeah i watched something of like do you know the the tsetse fly yes that's basically yeah so for those people don't know it's a this is off topic but uh these bugs that there's this type of fly that lay like the eggs under your skin yes and
Starting point is 00:46:41 then it grows into a maggot and you can feel them crawling around like in your skull so what you gotta do you put a bit of tape over it and it dies because there's no oxygen and then you pull out like you know like a two centimetre
Starting point is 00:46:52 long maggot or an inch whatever whatever the American so you've been watching videos of that no I haven't watched them
Starting point is 00:46:58 I'm saying that is like something that's as bad as I'll go I'm not gonna bloody watch a guy bloody okay fine with a fucking blackhead. What other action sequences were there?
Starting point is 00:47:11 They kind of, there was a lot of shooting in that last bit because they infiltrated a thing. Yes. But it's just kind of. As a montage. I felt that was the point. There was a lot of split screen montage. I thought that was kind of interesting in so far as we've seen that a million times.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Yeah. Especially this kind of 1960s, we'll all put on the Black Berets and have machine guns and shoot up a James Bond-style island castle headquarters kind of thing. So I think it was kind of smart for him to go, we've seen it, skip it. It's fine, we'll get to the meat of this.
Starting point is 00:47:40 There was a bit of, which was in the first Sherlock Holmes, I don't know about the second one, where it's sort of that quick reveal of what happened. Oh, yeah. Do you hate those? No, I don't hate it,
Starting point is 00:47:52 but you can't tell me something and then, okay, so the one that I hated because they kept doing it was the last one where he goes, we can trace the signal where the ship is or whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And then literally two minutes later they had a flashback to him saying, we can the season even two minutes yeah you're right it was like 30 seconds i was like i'm not an idiot like i remember like that's and that's another example of like this movie thinks it's smarter than what it is like it's like so you didn't catch that did you no i noticed because you just said it like i did i didn't miss it yeah no i felt again i'm not against those and see that that i feel is that's what guy richie has left kind of thing like that is his like that's a bit of that is a bit of signature guy richie that he's put in there like and that's that's all the
Starting point is 00:48:36 personality he's given to this okay i didn't think the movie was entirely without personality i thought it was fun fashion was good fashion was good. Fashion was good. Yeah. That Pierre Cardin look. Yeah. Yeah. What about the action sequence where they're driving in the forest or whatever? That went on way too long. Didn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:54 It was, that felt more. I like the villain of smarmy 1960s Italian. More of that? Yeah, that was great. He had a great Pierre Cardin look. I could have to look this guy up. Yeah. Or fashion brand? up yeah or fashion brand it's a fashion brand that's sort of gone to the dogs but it's back in the day good yeah they're
Starting point is 00:49:12 also talking like i said as well i did a review of this um they're talking sequel for this okay and i wouldn't mind that because i sort of had a sequel in the credits did you stick around for the credits i didn't what happened in the credits well look in the credits. Did you stick around for the credits? No, I didn't. What happened in the credits? Well, look, in the credits, because they're like... My dad was just yelling about Hugh Grant. Speaking of Hugh Grant, I enjoyed... I assumed Hugh Grant was going to be the bad guy in this. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:32 But then it turned out obviously not. But you know how at the end he's like, we're all going to Istanbul? Yeah. In the credits, just in stills behind the credits, it's the stuff they're doing in Istanbul. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Okay, there you go. It's kind of fun. So there's your bloody sequel. Like it's them in Istanbul. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay, there you go. So there's your bloody sequel. Like it's them in Istanbul wearing the Istanbul equivalent of the Pierre Cardin look. Just being there and, you know, it's fun. And you see all the file cards with all their vital statistics and stuff like that. Did you leave straight away?
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah, man. I was like, let me out that door. Okay, fine. Yeah. But I would watch a sequel to this. Me too. I think it has legs. And I think, and again, I said this in my review,
Starting point is 00:50:06 you can have it like your super serious Bond or Bourne. Yeah. Where it's all gritty and grimy and he's wearing like a real gross sweater and running through fucking Prague or whatever. You're going to have that. A real gross $10,000 sweater. Just so we're clear. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I fucking hate Prague, by the way. That's a story for another day. But I was going to say. But this is more. You can have this. You can have some fun stuff, man. I fucking hate Prague by the way that's a story for another day but um I was gonna say but this is more you can have this you can have some fun stuff man yeah
Starting point is 00:50:30 did you feel it was reminiscent of a Bond movie in the 60s what do you feel yeah I did again that's something like a bloody broken record
Starting point is 00:50:37 from the 60s mate because records are from then um yeah it feels like that like it feels like Quentin Tarantino made a real
Starting point is 00:50:44 watered down 60s Bond movie. Right, okay. Which he actually wanted to do. So you mean, like, does it feel like Quentin Tarantino got the keys to the Bond franchise? He said, I'm going to make this movie. And they're like, but not so fast. You've got to take a lot of stuff out, this kind of thing. And he doesn't really do that, obviously.
Starting point is 00:51:03 No, so that's, yeah, right, right, right. Okay. But that's amazing that he can just do whatever he wants all right what a bloody legend yeah what a bloody coke that that does feel yeah yes allegedly um yeah no that does kind of you're i think you're right that does does feel kind of like that so it does it feels like it's it's faster paced than a bond movie from that era certainly but it is yes so yeah imagine if this was a bond movie from the 60s you'd be like this one's amazing yeah i know right but its expectations have changed yeah you're absolutely right he's not walking down slowly down a hallway to get a pick up a phone in the hotel lobby while the james bond theme plays for some reason
Starting point is 00:51:39 yeah what pacing it was um i like this movie now that I think about it. Yeah, I liked it too. He was... I was going to say, he wanted the rights, Quentin Tarantino. To the man from Uncle Toothpick. No, no, sorry. He wanted the rights to Bond after Die Another Day. He's like, give me the keys.
Starting point is 00:51:57 He's like, I'll make a Pierce Brosnan 60s era Bond movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they were like, no. And then they obviously didn't. Yeah. But I want to see a 60s Bond movie, man. There's were like, no. And then they obviously didn't. Yeah. But I want to see a 60s Bond movie, man. There's a lot of appeal in that era. Because they make, very occasionally they will release a new Bond novel.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yeah. Set in the 60s. Okay, sure. I can't remember who wrote the last one, but it's him writing as Ian Fleming. What? Like he writes the- Oh, okay. So he's not like, I'm Ian Fleming and I'm writing as Ian Fleming. What? Like he writes the... Oh, okay. So he's not like,
Starting point is 00:52:27 I'm Ian Fleming and I'm writing a James Bond novel. It's not that. Yeah, you know, it's like... It's not an account of Ian Fleming writing a James Bond novel. Yeah, it's like... Oh, I can't remember the name. It's written in his style, is that what you say? Yeah, it's written in his style and it's quite good, actually.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Okay. I've never written... I don't think I've ever read any of the Bond novels. They're not great. Look, speaking of this Man From U.N.C.L.E. reboot being better than some of those movies, the latest Bond novel is a lot better than some of Ian Fleming ones. Did you know Ian Fleming created some of the concepts for Man From U.N.C.L.E.?
Starting point is 00:52:56 Really? He created the character Napoleon Solo. What do you think of the name? I like the name. Me too. Yeah, it's good, right? It's a good name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:03 What else did he think of? How many women should be struck per episode? Probably. He also came up with a character from The Girl from Uncle, which was the spinoff series. Oh, really? What was that like? I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:53:12 I didn't watch any of those. I don't know. I don't know really everything he has to say about it. Yeah, that's fair. It's pretty good, I guess. Yeah, great. I've got a letter here about it while you're looking up a thing. Okay, ready.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Hey, James and Nick. I watched The Man from Uncle today and.C.L.E. today and thought it was relatively fun but ultimately quite a forgettable movie. I wouldn't be offended by the thought of a sequel though. Yeah, that's exactly it, isn't it? Yeah. I was wondering... Now that they've set the table, let's have some The Bloody Main Course.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I was wondering what you thought about the accents in the movie. I thought Armie Hammer's Russian accent wasn't the best but at least he committed to it. Alicia Vikander just used her own Swedish accent. And when her character was German, I couldn't place Elizabeth Debicki's accent at all. It wasn't Australian, but wasn't Italian, which is where I assume her character was from. Overall, pretty mixed bag, which took something away from the otherwise good performances to me. Thanks, Colin.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I thought it was like very sleek and very cool and, you know, it was brisk-ish. Yeah, sure. It was fine. Yeah, it's great. That'll do it? That'll do it. Sebastian Falks, he wrote Devil May Care in 2008
Starting point is 00:54:15 in the style of Ian Fleming. That's a good name for a Bond movie. Yeah, pretty good. Apparently they're running out of James Bond books to borrow the titles. Oh, they're done. No, no, there's more titles they can take. One of them is James Bond Goes to New York. Oh, James Bond in New York.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah, that's one of the short stories. They're never going to use that, are they? No, exactly, yeah. Well, Quantum of Solace was just... It's name only. It's name only and it was like a short story in a compilation, the name of which I forget. Great name though.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Yeah. Not a great film. No. Anything else? No, that'll do it. You know what it's time for then what's the time for what we're gonna raid i'm doing the thing so we're doing it now, apparently. Yep. What do you mean? Aside from gross bloody YouTube videos. You know what?
Starting point is 00:55:11 We talked about this last week. I re-watched Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer. Oh, did you? It is so much better than the reboot. Wow. Like, there's clearly some kind of hokey moments in it. Yeah. Like, you know, there's a scene where Reed Richards goes to his... To a dance club?
Starting point is 00:55:24 Yeah, he goes to his bachelor party and he starts doing groovy dance with all his stretchy limbs or whatever. But it's quite solid. Wow, really? It's quite solid. Like, because I don't think we'll talk about this in the show, but we saw the first Fantastic Four movie together, the one from 2005.
Starting point is 00:55:40 We saw them both together. Yeah, and the first one was incredibly bad. Yes. Although we haven't seen it together. Yeah. And the first one was incredibly bad. Yes. Although we haven't seen it since. True. And then the new one came out and I went in with my expectations so low. I'm like, this is going to be total garbage. Why are we doing this?
Starting point is 00:55:53 Because we hate ourselves. And I went in and I'm like, oh, that's pleasantly surprising how good it was. And I've always thought, well, maybe it's just Stockholm. Good's not the word. Are you going to say good? I'm saying it was generally, yeah, good. Wow. And then, but the whole time I'm like, maybe it's just because my expectation was so low. Sure. I thought it was generally yeah good and then and but i'm the whole
Starting point is 00:56:05 time i'm like maybe it's just because my expectation was so low i thought it was good i'll because it was off the back of spider-man 3 as well yeah yeah it wasn't good so i re-watched it it's good it's fun jesus like it's i'm gonna have to watch it it's silly and it's not like it's it's certainly not um modern day mcu good yeah but it's pretty good fun i like this chris evans is great in it. Yeah. As Johnny Storm. He's obsessed with like
Starting point is 00:56:28 building the Fantastic Four brand and becoming even more famous than he already is. Chickless is in it. Jessica Arle was pretty good. Yep. And they're like, Mr. Fantastic isn't great, is he?
Starting point is 00:56:38 He's alright. Really? He's kind of goofy, but it's alright. He's better than bloody the one we got recently. Old tough guy McGee. And like they're both,
Starting point is 00:56:44 like yeah like and mr fantastic and invisible woman are like adults they're like reed rich is like i'm sorry i did all the science stuff on our wedding day i ruined everything and she's like well we we're stopping the world from being destroyed so it's fine like i understand i'm not an idiot both of us are adults yeah exactly okay there you go it's good fun i like i remember liking the conclusion where johnny gets all the powers and beats up Dr. Dirt. Oh, yeah, that was good.
Starting point is 00:57:06 I remember enjoying that. And I also like the Silver Surfer stuff in that. Yeah. I don't like Galactus. That's obviously not good. No, it's never really... Big cloud. Yeah, the backstory is never fully established,
Starting point is 00:57:17 because we never see Silver Surfer's origin really. No. So we never really understand why he's built his allegiance to a big cloud like because in the car but it's a pretty big right because in the comic book in the comic versions you know it's an actual entity and he can speak to it and blah blah blah and you know and you sort of and you understand like how he gives the powers to the silver surfer or whatever but how does a big cloud give why doesn't he just turn the Silver Surfer guy into a big cloud? That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:57:47 It is a smaller cloud, really. Smaller Silver Cloud. You wouldn't turn him into a bigger cloud. That's madness. Yeah, it's madness. I never understood why the Silver Surfer's like... Because he kills Silver Surfer's family, doesn't he, and the whole planet where he's from. No, he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Oh, that's the condition. That is the condition. Is that in the movie? No, it's never mentioned. Okay, all right. We did say that. Okay. Yeah, and he...
Starting point is 00:58:03 So that's why he does it. That makes way more sense. Yeah the in the original comic books um silver surf uh galacta is going to destroy the planet and noren rad who's the guy who becomes a silver surf he's the only guy on the planet with a spaceship because everybody else is like yeah space travel who cares so he's like i got this yeah so he's like i got this because he he's always wanted to be like an astronaut or whatever yeah but society's like, yeah, whatever. We did that and it's boring. And so he flies into space and he confronts Galactus and he's like,
Starting point is 00:58:31 look, you know, you move too slow or whatever. So you only have to just destroy whatever planet you find, but I can do it faster. And then Galactus is like, well, you will because I'll give you all the powers. Shazam. He was pointing to Shazam who flew past. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:47 That's interesting. Okay, good. Now, in the comics, can you explain to me how Galactus, original Galactus, would eat a planet? Because he's like nine feet tall. He's not. He doesn't really like in the originals he's got. Because Galactus is just sort of a concept more than he is like an actual guy.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Okay, sure. Because like his size varies all the time. And it's not like an artist's era. It's like sometimes he decides to be 30 feet tall and sometimes he decides to be 100 feet tall or whatever. Okay, sure. But what he does is because he's got a big spaceship and he gets to the planet and he like...
Starting point is 00:59:17 He's got a big chair, doesn't he? He's got a big chair and he'll drop down like big Jack Kirby style machines on the planet and they will convert the life energy of the planet to a plate of broccoli. Yeah, a plate of broccoli. And then he eats the broccoli at his little cosmic powered table. Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:59:32 So he doesn't actually chomp down. I mean, there's a lot of, like, there's a lot of Galactus art where he's literally chomping on a planet or whatever. But he's not totally his thing. He never actually does that, yeah. Oh, that's very deceptive. I know. This gets a bloody bad rap, mate.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Yeah. What have you been reading? Well, I just want to know, what does he do with it? What is he doing that? What do you mean? What is he bloody... Well, Galactus is the last survivor of the previous universe that existed before the current universe.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Yeah, but there's a reason that that universe no longer exists, because it's stupid. Yeah, it was stupid. Just big, stupid men running around. Yeah, no, you're right. But no, but he wasn't a big guy. He was just a regular guy. Oh. And then he survived, well, I assume.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Oh, no, actually, he was, I think, from what I remember. Was he a celestial? No. So they're a different thing. They're a different thing. So he, basically, there was, I think there was one civilization left in the previous universe. Yeah. And they're like, we're going to survive the thing.
Starting point is 01:00:17 So they all merge into like one guy. Yeah. And then he does something and he survives the destruction of the old universe. And then he comes out of it and he's Galactus. And he has to eat planets to live. And if he dies, the universe dies. Which is why nobody can just kill him. Like, that's the question.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Why don't we just... Like, if all the superheroes teamed up, they could probably kill him. Who cares if the old universe dies? No, this universe would die. Oh, fine, I guess. God. God. What have you been reading this week?
Starting point is 01:00:45 That guy sounds like... I don't know, man. I like him. I like what he's about. I've been reading American Vampire. Oh, yeah. I've been recommended it a few times. It's Scott Snyder and Stephen King, famous authors, both of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:57 It's really great. It's kind of set in two kind of time periods, and it does also move forward through various eras. But it starts off kind of in the old West and also 1925 and it and it parallels these two stories about oh yes i've heard about this yeah it's so that you've got your kind of your original like your classic kind of weird bloody transylvanian european euro trash vampires and like they accidentally turn this outlaw this american out outlaw, into a vampire who has none of the weaknesses of a vampire.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Right, gotcha. Like Blade. But he's like a monster. Like he's not a good bloke by any stretch. Right, sure. He's not a Tom Cruise in an interview with a vampire. I've never seen that movie. No, no, they're right.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Let's watch it now. Let's watch the sequel as well. Yeah. Yeah, and it's great. It's really good. It's kind of, of it's obviously very gory and whatever but i like what they've done with the law i like there's lots of volume so i can bloody read through it mate yeah and just bloody get into it i'm gonna actually reread devil my care the uh james bond all okay give that a whirl what's the theme song for it oh okay so are we doing no sorry one more before we do that ready that was the next thing yeah uh this is what we're reading from um bailey from london yep hey james and dick
Starting point is 01:02:11 dick grayson a long time actually says dick gayson but you know yeah you've cleaned it up a long time listening to the podcast on this podcast just running a few blokes i'm going to see southpaw that's out on the 20th in australia Gyllenhaal. I saw it a few Sundays back and it's got great performances and also surprisingly gritty and realistic for the situation this guy's in, despite a few leaps in logic towards the end. Tragic story to endure with a great ending. Can I be the official Rob Schneider slash Roy Schneider of the show? Thanks, lads. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yeah. Are you going to see Southpaw? You can also be the Roy Shire of the booth.. Yes. Yeah. Are you going to see Southpaw? You can also be the Roy Shire of the booth. All those three things. Are you going to see Southpaw? Yeah. I think I will. I won't rush out and see it,
Starting point is 01:02:52 but I've heard it's incredibly grim and depressing. Like Gyllenhaal I heard is really good in that. Yeah. And I think he's kept his Prince of Persia abs. Oh, great. Wait. Do we have a theme for letters this week, Mason? Well, as you know, and as the listeners know,
Starting point is 01:03:09 you refuse to edit in a letters theme every week. Correct. So I asked the listeners to send me a new letters theme every week. So if you want to do that, record a letters theme, put it on YouTube, tweet me the link yep so i can play it through my phone because that's the only way this is happening basically you only pick one don't you yes and it might not even necessarily be the best one it's whatever one that it's whatever i find first basically i get a lot of tweets who knows anyway this week as i said in
Starting point is 01:03:39 honor of you're a bit of a bloody internet celebrity are you you're bloody making your way up in the world you're a bloody bloody, you're going to be a bloody nostalgia critic, aren't you? Yes. A bloody Doug Walker, mate. Yep. So go on. A bloody James Rolfe. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:03:51 He's good. I like that guy. He's good. Anyway, so this week I said, could people send in a letters theme, like a spy themed one? Because we're talking about the man from Uncle. Sure.
Starting point is 01:04:00 And we've got one from Ben Standbridge. Great. Here we go. He is unheard. Here we go. Ears Unheard. Here we go. We're going to play it through the thing. Good. Oh, good start.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Let's start. That is haunting. That was haunting. That was haunting. Kind of sexy. Thank you, Ben. That was great. I enjoyed that. I enjoyed also the audio of me saying spy theme, just in case it wasn't spy theme enough.
Starting point is 01:04:59 So thanks. That's great. Cool. Let's listen to some letters. What about next week? Bearing in mind, I think we're going to watch Agent 47 for next week someone emailed in they said
Starting point is 01:05:07 stop watching movies every week because I don't want to go see a different movie every week good point which I can understand yeah sure hopefully this will be the last one because I want to do a regular show
Starting point is 01:05:16 yeah me too I'm sick of this I'm sick of seeing movies yeah they're no good are they movies are bad if you want to send us a letter weeklyplanetpod at
Starting point is 01:05:26 I think we mentioned that. But yeah, that'd be great. Sorry, the latest thing for next week though? Do you want to think about it? I'll think about it.
Starting point is 01:05:32 All right, sit on it, mate. In a polite way. In a happy day style of sitting on it. Exactly. Okay,
Starting point is 01:05:37 great. This is from Michael. I'm from Sweden. Do you want me to do the accent? Yes. I'm from Sweden. Very good. Oh,
Starting point is 01:05:43 it's so offensive, isn't it? Yeah. And I tried to get my friends to listen to the podcast, Yes. I'm from Sweden. Very good. Oh, it's so offensive, isn't it? Yeah. And I tried to get my friends to listen to the podcast, but they said they hate people with Irish accents, which made me laugh so hard. Irish are all right, aren't they? No.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Bloody greens, mate. That's right. I don't know if you remember that. But I was wondering, do you guys have any favourite Swedish actors? Do you want to name some? Because he's listed four. But if you want to name some. Is Mads listed four. But if you want to name some. Is Mads Mikkelsen Swedish?
Starting point is 01:06:07 He's not on here. Then it's Mads Mikkelsen. I don't know. Tell me some Swedish actors. Peter Stormare. Okay. Jurassic Park 2. Peter Skarsgård.
Starting point is 01:06:18 That's Stellan Skarsgård. Stellan Skarsgård, sure. You know Peter Stormare, right? No. He's in Fargo. He's in Jurassic Park 2. Okay, yeah. I think he's in Joey, the sitcom Joey. Oh, sure. You know Peter Stormare, right? No. He's in Fargo. He's in Jurassic Park 2. Oh, okay, yeah. I think he's in Joey, the sitcom Joey. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 01:06:29 He's in Arrow. He's Count Vertigo in Arrow. Oh, okay, great. Yeah, he's great. Yes. He's in Armageddon. He's the Russian guy in Armageddon. He's the big rock in Armageddon.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Yes, he's the big rock. Stalin Skarsgård. Stalin Skarsgård. He's pretty good, yeah. Thor 1 and 2. Alexander Skarsgård. Oh, he is? He is. Wait, you said Peter Skarsgård. I can't Skarsgård. He's pretty good, yeah. Thor 1 and 2. Alexander Skarsgård. Oh, he is. He is.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Wait, you said Peter Skarsgård. I can't remember what I said. Which one's Alexander Skarsgård? You know. Which one's he? What's he in? I'll bring him up. Where's he from?
Starting point is 01:06:56 He's in True Blood. Oh, that guy. He's that guy. Yeah, I know him. He's in Battleship. So he's Swedish. Yes. Okay, there you go.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Look up bloody Hannibal. Mads Miklas. He'd be on here. Greta Garbo. She's Swedish. Who's she? I know her. For those people who don't know,
Starting point is 01:07:14 Garbo is the slang term for garbage man in Australia. Correct. Yeah. Dolph Lundgren. Great. Apparently he's in Kindergarten Cop 2. It's a real thing. There you go.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Great. Michael Prenderbar. Oh, yeah. Penderbrant. He's in The Hobbit 2 and 3. If you remember, you only saw the third one, didn't you? Yes, I did. He's the guy who drops off an eagle and turns into a bear.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Do you remember that? Not really. That's unfortunate. Believe me, mate. It's a real thing that happens. Okay, good. Great. And Malin Ackerman. Malin Ackerman. Yeah, who's in Watchmen. Yeah, Watchmen, mate. It's a real thing that happens. Okay, good. Great. And Malin Ackerman.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Malin Ackerman. Yeah, who's in Watchmen. Yeah, Watchmen, yeah. Yeah. They're all good. And she's great in Children's Hospital as well. Okay, yeah, yeah. It's great fun.
Starting point is 01:07:54 I think she's in the one where Ben Stiller gets married and he's like, I think I hate my dumb wife. It's not called that. Should be, though. Yeah. Joel Kinnaman, Robocop. He's Swedish. Is he?
Starting point is 01:08:03 Yeah. There's quite a few. I know. There's quite a few I know There's plenty more Swedes Ingrid Bergman Bergman Ingmar Bergman Are they the same person?
Starting point is 01:08:10 No they're different people Any others? No that's it This is just some of the most famous ones You can choose But you can choose anyone else Also can I be the official Swedish guy Of the podcast?
Starting point is 01:08:20 Yes Yes you can You have to be the official Swedish chef though Correct Yeah Also my favourite Swedish actor Is Mads Mikkelsen Where's he from i think he's from denmark i don't know hmm do you want another letter yes this is from curtis uh this is from andrew from he is from denmark all right great good guess thank you you know you're that it regions of the world no
Starting point is 01:08:39 he's got that he's got that pierre cardin look you know what I mean? I know. That trash look. Because that's what it is now, right? Yeah. That's what you said, your words. Andrew from Texas, the official question of the podcast. Greetings and salutations, Nick and James. This past year has sparked the rise of that television show reboot with upcoming projects such as Heroes Reborn, which apparently the creator said, by the way,
Starting point is 01:09:01 that it's going to be better than Heroes, if you can believe that. I cannot. Yeah, I guess. You'd hope so, that it's going to be better than Heroes. If you can believe that. I cannot. Yeah, I guess. You'd hope so, wouldn't you? You would really hope so. With Full House, the X-Files miniseries, Twin Peaks, etc. As well as several in development, including the recently announced Fresh Prince.
Starting point is 01:09:17 They're doing that again, by the way. Xena Warrior Princess and Xena Fort Warrior Princess. With all these former shows returning, like an undead horde, I was wondering if there are any shows that you would like to see brought back to the small screen, aside from Firefly, because we're never going to get that back, unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Anyways, keep doing it. No, no, we're going to do a petition. That's still going, isn't it? That petition is still going, so we're definitely going to get Firefly back. Joss Whedon doesn't want to make big movies anymore, does he? No, he does not. Why would he?
Starting point is 01:09:42 He wants to resurrect a dead property. That nobody watched initially, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. I do like Firefly, but yeah, it's not coming back. I would like to see a reboot of the computer animated cartoon series Reboot. I genuinely would. I think they're doing that.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Great, good. Yeah. Great. You know, I'm going to say something. I did want a Psycho Star remake shot for shot of Batman 89 for the next Batman solo film. Yes. Nick, you understanding madman?
Starting point is 01:10:09 That's right. I don't need any of these. Just make new stuff. Why do we have to keep going? Thinking is hard. Thinking of new stuff is hard. Yeah, but like, I'm sick of all this nostalgia bullshit. Can't we just make new stuff and move forward?
Starting point is 01:10:22 No. Oh, yeah, I guess you're right. Yeah. And I mean, that means- Quickly think of a new idea. Quickly think of one. I can't we just make new stuff and move forward no oh yeah i guess you're right yeah and i mean that basically think of a new idea quickly think of one i can't mate okay teenage mutant yeah cats great samurai pizza cats you're thinking of samurai pizza cats you're thinking of a samurai pizza cats reboot exactly no it's hard to think of a new thing, I guess. But I'm just saying, like, I feel like a lot of the times, like, okay, for example, the guy who does bloody, what's it called? That comedy that got cancelled. Arrested Development.
Starting point is 01:10:53 What's his name? Mitch Hurwitz. Mitch Hurwitz. I'd like to see him make a new thing. Don't keep forcing him to make and talk about Arrested Development, which is an amazing show, but I'm sure he's got other ideas if you just let him do it. Maybe he's only got the one idea, though, and outwardly he's like, oh, well, look, the fans want Arrested Development,
Starting point is 01:11:11 so I talked to Netflix and I got more, but that's what you want, I guess. But then he leaves the press conference like, oh, I did it again. I convinced people that I had other ideas other than Arrested Development. Yeah, I guess. Look, to be fair, out of those, I'm interested to see what the X-Files series is like. Yes. But then again, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:11:30 I probably won't watch Heroes. Yep. I will. Yeah. I'll probably watch the Full House trailer. Yes. Twin Peaks, I never watched originally, and I heard if you go back and watch it now,
Starting point is 01:11:41 you're just like, what is this? A lot of people still have it. They love it. I know it's very popular, but I've heard it doesn't necessarily hold up. Right. Is that true? Have you seen it? No, not recently.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Okay, good. But, you know, then again, the directors, you know, if Twin Peaks comes back and you can just like jump in and watch it, I'll probably just do that. Who? It's a signed a multi-year deal with Netflix. He'll be executive producing Flaked starring Will Arnett. I don't know what that is, but it sounds great.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Yep. And Lady Dynamite starring Maria Bamford. That sounds great. I don't know what it is, but I'm on board with it. All right. Both of those sound all right. Great. You win this round, Hurwitz.
Starting point is 01:12:15 You have two more ideas that we know about. Good for you. Hey, James and Mace. I've been listening to you guys for about a year now. I just want to say I'm a really huge fan. The only thing is I've yet to find someone who finds the podcast as well as James' YouTube channel as terrific as I do. I live in Canada, so I understand that the blizzards and igloos and polo days may get in my line of vision. And the politeness, probably. Probably.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Causing it to be difficult to spot a fellow Weekly Planet fan, but maybe we can think of some sort of mating call in order to identify a fellow obsessed listener. Thanks so much. Love, Mike. P.S. I'd like to be official Wolverine's left side burn of the podcast. Smiley face. Love it. Should there be some kind of mating call?
Starting point is 01:12:57 I think you should yell whack-a-da-doo really loud. Whack-a-da-doo. Like that. Over. Yeah. To indicate you're a weekly whacker to do, which again, we've established I'm bringing back. I don't, you know, do you like it when you listen to a video
Starting point is 01:13:12 or a podcast or whatever and they're like, and I've said this before, I don't like when someone's like, hey, and they give you a name or whatever. Oh, sure. Which is what we've done here. Sure. I'm like, don't call me a thing. Well, ours is ironic.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Yep. One assumes. I don't know. I've lost track. Sure. I'm like, don't call me a pig. Well, ours is ironic. Yep. One assumes. I don't know. I've lost track. Sure. Whack a do-do. Say just some of that. Yeah, a bit of that.
Starting point is 01:13:32 All right, great. Which won't be embarrassing in public at all. Just so we're clear, also, if I see somebody in public and they say it to me, I'm not doing it back. Because we run it. Yeah, that's right. So we don't have to. Yeah. I'll just give you like a Two half thumbs up
Starting point is 01:13:46 And then I'll walk away Good And a knowing look Yeah Alright that's the show You know it is Because I'm bloody locking my phone That's right
Starting point is 01:13:53 Where can people find us? Oh they can find us Weekly Planet Pod At Gmail And Facebook And Twitter And Bandcamp Yes
Starting point is 01:14:01 I'm at Wikipedia Brown On Twitter I'm at MrSundayMovies Wait Slash MrSundayMovies MrSundayMovies. Wait Slash MrSundayMovies Dot com
Starting point is 01:14:08 Thank you to the Brute and the Basslist For the theme songs Yes We did that almost Without a hitch How good is that? Nearly
Starting point is 01:14:14 Yeah So like I said Look If we go see Hitman And it's not good I don't want to talk about it Unless it's like so bad We'll pick another topic
Starting point is 01:14:22 Yeah Unless it's brutally bad You know what I emailed the Fox's brutally bad. You know what? I emailed the Fox and I'm like. You know what, guys? If you could send me a letters theme for next week in honor of Hitman, just some sad violins because it's probably not going to be very good. Or just like a theme song that's just,
Starting point is 01:14:39 imagine just squeaking a bald man's head. Just you could do that for like 30 seconds. Like all squeaky and make a theme song out of that. I would appreciate it. Absolutely. Or do whatever you want bald man's head. You could do that for like 30 seconds. Like all squeaky and make a theme song out of that. I would appreciate it. Absolutely. Or do whatever you want. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Like a record scratch with a bald man's head. Yes. Great. I'm all for any of those things. Yeah. Yeah, I emailed Fox. I'm like... Make some better movies. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Come on, guys. Get it together. We've got some content to fill on a podcast if you could, if you wouldn't mind. Anyway, you emailed Fox. Yeah, and I said, are you guys screening this? Are there any preview screenings or whatever? And they're like, no, we're not screening this one.
Starting point is 01:15:12 That doesn't mean they're not screening it overseas. It just means they're not screening it here. Okay, sure. Though I've seen some clips and I'm like, the action looks okay. We'll see, though, won't we? It's got Zachary Quinto. Oh, yeah. Heroes zoned.
Starting point is 01:15:24 He'd look good with a shaved head why isn't he the main guy I don't know he needs to keep his bowl cut for bloody Star Trek that's probably true yeah all right so we'll do that and then the week after we'll do something that isn't reviewing a movie maybe we'll do another versus episode people have been asking okay let's do another versus I'm ready for that what have we done we did hero versus hero we've done maybe just go back just whoever versus whoever great yeah just whatever so guys if you want to if you want to hear us debate who would win in a fight between blank and blank send us in those two not yet no i won't i won't start getting okay we'll do it next week otherwise i'll just get flooded okay cool yeah all right not yet mason fine jump the gun
Starting point is 01:15:58 put it away all right put it away close the laptop drive into a lake correct and then come out of the lake in a week and send us your suggestions. What have you got? We'd appreciate it. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. That's the show.
Starting point is 01:16:09 I think this is a shorter one. Well, I'm going to close out with my classic catchphrase, grab that gem, and then you can close with your classic catchphrase, I'm not going to say, where's my paschetti? Could you say that? So grab that gem, you guys. Could I just go, can I have total silence? No, you have to say. I'm not going to say my classic catchphrase, grab my bloody spaghettis, mate.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Great, we did it. Okay, bye everyone. Bye. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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