The Weekly Planet - Best Of The Weekly Planet 2017

Episode Date: January 2, 2018

Huge thanks to RAWCollings for putting together this clip show of all the *best* clips from 2017. Thanks for all the support in 2017 and we’ll see you on the 22nd of January.08:45 Welcome back every...body…10:45 Marvel News19:32 Star Wars News28:10 DC & Dab News41:00 Movie/Topics: Mason, What Do You Think The Story Was?01:39:10 Two-Hundred Episode Celebration & Best Guests Ever!02:18:31 Hate Mail but there’s an “8” in the “H8”02:24:15 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read2:32:42 Letters, It’s Time For LettersAmazon affiliate link: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors. Like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction
Starting point is 00:00:32 that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's That's Red hot comic book movie news Shooting up your butt hole The Weekly Planet, The Weekly Planet James?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Hello James, I've just come to the house Yeah, yeah, yeah And I can't help but notice you've got a bloody There's a bloody for sale sign out the front And look, I know Mate, I've just come to the house and I can't help but notice you've got a bloody, there's a bloody for sale sign out the front. And look, I know, mate, I know times are tough, but do you have to sell the man cave? What have you got us into this time, Mason,
Starting point is 00:01:14 this scenario that you sprung on me last minute? Mate, mate, come on, mate. Look, you're doing all right, mate. Come on. How am I going to come in here and grab myself a bloody energy drink out of out of this branded fridge how am i gonna where am i gonna put my throw pillow that says one tequila two tequila three tequila floor what do you bring that with you anyway how am i how am i gonna look at this bloody this bloody picture of a bearded man punching a shark all this stuff
Starting point is 00:01:39 that i love but i sense james i sense you just don't feel the passion for the man cave and the podcast anymore. So I'll tell you what I'll do. What will you do? We've got to work together as a team, James. What I'm going to do is I'm going to get out of here. I'm going to engage in some cockamamie schemes to see if I can get the money to save the man cave. And in the meantime, what I want you to do is I want you to focus on some of the fond memories that we have of the man cave. Maybe just from the last year.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Okay. No further back than that. That's very specific. Just the last 12 months. So you are going to have a cockamamie scheme. Yes. And I have to sit here. Just focus on fine memories.
Starting point is 00:02:16 You can do it, mate. Come on. Instead of focusing on fine memories, can I get, say, Raw Collings to edit together a clip show and I can just insert that in? Oh, you just email him. Email him while I'm away with the scheme. Yeah. And then he'll put together a clip show and i can just oh you just email him email him uh while i'm away with the scheme yeah and then he'll put together a clip show and he can just just good you can just insert it in here we probably won't have to do an episode this week and i can eat fruit or
Starting point is 00:02:33 whatever you need some fruit i'd love to eat some fruit it's summertime i love fruits nice uh for people in uh wondering who maybe don't make it all the way to the end of all these classic memories we'll be back on the 22nd of January. That's right. So after this it's going to be two weeks off. There'll be some videos If we get the man cave back, I mean you might have to, you gotta get to the end because maybe there won't be any more episodes of the Weakly Planet
Starting point is 00:02:56 You don't know. You don't know. That's what's happening there. There'll be some stuff on the YouTube channel though going up. I'm ramping it all down for the next couple of weeks but there might be some bloody caravan of garbage in the works and a few bits and pieces here and there very nice worry about that but huge thanks to raw collings over putting this together that's right how did you do it i don't know i mean editing yeah probably editing software yeah it's got ears it's got ears and a brain yeah yeah and a heart and a heart you need that yeah all right uh all right anyway get you
Starting point is 00:03:20 get your slow typing fingers ready and your fast banana eating fingers. And I'm going to go out and scheme and we'll be back in an hour or so probably. It's much longer than that. More than an hour. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet. Official podcast of where we talk movies, comics, to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of, where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me, Zoey, is my co-host, Nick Mason.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It's me, and I'm in a flurry, a McFlurry, because you, before the show, you said some crazy things. I did not. I said very reasonable things about breakfast menus. At every cafe, it's all the same. A big breakfast, a vegetarian vegetarian breakfast eggs on toast a corn frittata avocado smash it's the same like five things yeah but what i'm saying is that the quality levels differ and i said no but it's all pretty good in melbourne it's either really bad or it's fine yeah no i think i think there's some great places and then i I said, what about a waffle?
Starting point is 00:04:25 How good's a waffle? And then you said, no, you can get frozen waffles at the supermarket. No, because you said, I want waffles now. Where can I get them? And I said, you could go and get them from the supermarket if you really want them. Yes. That's not how I would eat them. But I'm saying if you really want them, you can.
Starting point is 00:04:38 But anyway, in any case, I've found them on Uber Eats. And I'm going to get them delivered during the podcast. I do not endorse this. It's happening. It's too late. You the podcast I do not endorse this it's happening it's too late you know what I do endorse though what's that with me as always
Starting point is 00:04:48 my co-host Nick Mason that's right the guy who doesn't know what Star Wars is oh no he's back I hope nothing Star Wars related happens this week
Starting point is 00:04:56 because he don't know nothing about it this is my least favourite recurring joke on this podcast saying it's a character is very generous also it is the merest wisp of a character
Starting point is 00:05:05 that I maintain for literally seconds at a time and then I give up on it. Let's see what happens, shall we? I think we should. This will be like a Things Missed. Oh, yeah, okay. What did you see? The secrets.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Tom Holland's not American at all. That's right. Hello. Well, I saw the Avengers. I saw the Avengers in the cinema with all my mates. And who knew that very shortly afterwards I'd be in the Avengers and I'd be Spider-Man. Did you notice his Hollywood hair? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:38 He's got Hollywood hair now. He's got Hollywood hair now, right? It only takes a few months, doesn't it? He's got Hollywood hair. It's something in the water. Something in that LA water. It must be. It's the water and the sunshine, baby.
Starting point is 00:05:46 You should get some shipped down. I think so. If you live in the area. Well, let's talk about Spider-Man, though, because there's a few- Now I'm friends with Robert Downey Jr. and whoever was on my left. I can't remember. So Thanos.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, right. We see a bit of concept art. We see him and he's got a nice sleeveless tee on. Absolutely. He does look a bit like Vin Diesel, doesn't he? He's got that kind of look. He should probably wear a hat. He looks a bit weird with his bald head.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Because he looks like a big purple egg. Yeah, he sounds like a purple egg. He looks like a purple Twitter egg. They were talking about... The ultimate villain. There's somebody trolling you on Twitter. They were talking about how... He's had a reimagining.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Absolutely, yeah. They were talking about how since like pretty much day one, or since the Avengers, it's been... Or like Captain Laymerica, send... You want me to do more Tom Holland? Sure. Just cap it. Bookend it.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Oh, yeah. Go. Hello. Freshen your drink. He has to get everyone's drinks. Yeah, absolutely. Why do you think he's got the mocap? I reckon maybe it's web fists.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Oh, cool. Web fists would be great. Yeah, maybe. I glued me hands together, sir. Mr. Stock. Maybe it's to stop him touching his hair. Maybe it's to stop touching himself at night. Perhaps.
Starting point is 00:06:57 He's a young man. All right. Next topic. Yeah. Spider-Man posters. Spider-Man Homecoming. Yes. We've got three
Starting point is 00:07:06 yeah we did were they international potentially maybe I liked the look of them though did you enjoy what they're about me too did you say me did
Starting point is 00:07:13 me did me did I've been talking a lot this weekend yeah um there's one where he's on the side of the Avengers tower yeah that's what I was gonna say I woke up this morning
Starting point is 00:07:23 feeling really from the strangest dream I was going to say. I woke up this morning feeling really high. From the strangest dream. I was big as a dummy. The world has never seen. We're marching as one. On the road. The Holy Grail. Man.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I'm just a collector. Can we do the whole thing? Do you mind? Let's do it. It's a classic Oz Rock anthem. I woke up this morning. Don't do it. Feeling high.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I nearly did it you know right what if we got trapped in a loop forever uh i just felt i felt really hung over and i didn't drink yesterday it was just just so much interaction with other human beings it just broke my brain absolutely talking about homecoming homecoming yeah they were very colorful i like primary colored yeah great i would that i would like that suit more and more the more i see it spider-man homecoming as a new trailer makes sure does i did a breakdown of it if you're wondering specifically how the the bank robbers give spider-man a bit of trouble i was actually yeah uh it'll tell you how oh it's with some sort of special gravity your dog's just made an awful smell that's the worst it's you
Starting point is 00:08:25 no it's very it's so unpleasant what is wrong with your dog can you not smell that that is horrendous take a deep breath believe in yourself no you have to it's your dog it was better when you're out of continuity dog when he didn't exist ruined my life with your smells. Anyway, the point is we see even more of that action sequence where he fights the bank robbers in Spider-Man Homecoming. Yes. They're revealing who every character is.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Right, great. There's a few characters that I don't actually know who they are, but it's a month out. It's a month out. Just let it go. We're all going to see it. Just pump the brakes, mate. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:03 We got Tom Holland showing up before the movie I'm watching going, Hello, it's me, Tom Holland. It's a month out. Just let it go. We're all going to see it. Pump the brakes, mate. Exactly. We've got Tom Holland showing up before the movie I'm watching going, hello, it's me, Tom Holland. It's my dream. Hang on, where's my Tom Holland voice? Where's the range? Hello, it's me, Tom Holland. I just wrapped up on my movie and I'm so happy to be here telling you to watch the trailer for Spider-Man Homecoming.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I'm just a poor boy from London. I'm just happy to be away from the bleak cold of old Blighty in sunny Southern California. We were saying before, also before, this is not Black Panther related. It's all comic books, isn't it? Yeah, it's fine. It's the vibe.
Starting point is 00:09:38 That's the important thing. We're not talking about my miserable life either. So this is fine. It's on point. We've got some more Marvel news, Mason. I'm ready. This is interesting. Some people hate it.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Some people love it. I tend to love it. Let's see what you think. Okay. Spider-Man. I hate it. Peter Parker is in Iron Man 2. He's the kid.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Oh, that's right. With the Iron Man mask who Tony Stark saves from the war machines. That's not what they are. Yeah, that's right. The Justin Hammer. So there's the Hammerbots. The Hammer drones, I guess. They all get activated
Starting point is 00:10:07 and they run rampant through the Stark Expo, which is in Queens. Yes. It's taking place in Queens. And Peter Parker, who is from Queens originally, they're saying is the little boy who stands up to the Hammer Drones
Starting point is 00:10:18 and then Iron Man flies in and blasts him and then he takes off again. Yeah, and that's why it's his hero. Yeah, and then the reveal was, because apparently Tom Holland went to Kevin Feige and he was like, Hello. Hello, it's me. I've got one wish.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Begging your pardon, Mr. Feige. But he read on the internet that this theory was a thing and he went, Mr. Feige, Master Feige. Oh, bless your cotton socks and Feige was like yeah it's true fine whatever yeah well it doesn't
Starting point is 00:10:50 change anything really does it I think it adds a little bit I don't mind you know this kind of stuff it makes sense in the universe look we all love this kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:10:58 yeah that's it alright Marvel's Inhumans got a teaser trailer which I don't really remember told us and showed us nothing yeah there was something about overthrowing someone else.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yep. Presumably Black Bolt. And then we got... Do you know what his real name is? No. It's Blackagar Boltagon. Is it really? Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Blackagar Boltagon. Correct. Great. I'm just going to double check. That's off the top of my head. I just remembered that, but I'm just going to double check. I need to know whether that's true, and I need to know now. Or I'm bloody having a lender view. Yeah if it's not that it's almost equally stupid well
Starting point is 00:11:28 look if it's not that that's what we're going to call his name is black agar baltagon very good yep yeah it's very convenient yes it is in a way do you think the name black bolt came first and then they gave him the like then they retconned it to be yeah i know his real name yes black agar yes it's not like they called him it's not they were like they went to be, I know his real name is Blackagar Baltergon. It's not like they called him... It's not like they went in the Marvel offices one day and somebody's like, I've got an idea for a superhero secret identity. His name's going to be Blackagar Baltergon. But I just can't think of the name.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I guess he could be like a regular guy. But when he's in his costume, what is he then? I don't know. And then just some intern. Like, we cut to this montage and they're just, it's on a blackboard. It's not the whiteboard.
Starting point is 00:12:10 A black-a-gar board. Yeah. And they're just going back. It's the 60s and they're just going back and forth and they're drinking cups of coffee and days on the calendar are flying off.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Everyone's darting off. Yeah, exactly. And then one day, like a young Stanley who should be there already because he's a middle-aged man at this point. He's 44. And he just walks up and he scratches off a gar and a gon. People are like, he started again.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Who is this wonder kid? I actually have old man news, if you don't mind. Not old man Logan news. Your old man. No, he's fine. He's loving life, mate. Great. But remember that old man?
Starting point is 00:12:44 It's in the Best Of episode, if anybody listened to that. The slowest old man in the world. Shuffling down your street, yeah. I went outside today to take my bins out, as I do. It's a classic move. Sunday, it's bin night. That's exactly it. Anyway, so he's there.
Starting point is 00:12:56 He's got his old man clothes. He's got his cane. Cardigan. No, because it's hot. It's hot here, isn't it? Yeah, right. It might have been a polo. Old people can't tell, though.
Starting point is 00:13:03 They're always in a cardigan. That's true. They don't know. Maybe he's in a summer cardigan. I didn't appreciate how trim this man was until seeing him. Like, he's 90 if he's a day. Yeah. But he's shuffling up there, and I'm like, look at this guy go.
Starting point is 00:13:13 He's got the abs. He's got the V. The V, yeah. He's got the V at his crotch. So he looked exactly the same in every way except backwards hat. Nice. He had a backwards hat on. Nice.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I don't know why, but I appreciate it. World's raddest grandpa, if you ask me. It reminded me of that ad from The Simpsons where all the old people are drinking soda or whatever and they're like, yeah, extreme. It was like that. It was the best thing I've ever seen. Anyway, he's still outside.
Starting point is 00:13:38 The best old man thing I've ever seen is I was going past a shopping mall one time and I see this Harley Davidson pull up to the curb. It's like this mint Harley Davidson with this incredible roar and like this dude gets off and he's in the jeans and the boots and the leather jacket.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Just black and chrome, mate. And he just takes the helmet off and he's like one of those Silver Fox old guys. He's like, you know, 70 or whatever but he's like trim and he's on a bike and he's like maintained his cool
Starting point is 00:14:01 and he just steps off the curb and like as he puts his foot down like he gets bumped by a guy the same age but in a full beige outfit and just pushing a little cart. That sounds like a beef. That sounds like there was some beef there. They started out both just as cool young men and they went in different directions. One went Peter Fonda and the other one went... Jane Fonda. I was going to say Jane Fonda, but isn't she still cool. I bet they were, yeah. They went in different directions, yeah. Yeah. And one went Peter Fonda and the other one went...
Starting point is 00:14:26 Jane Fonda. I was going to say Jane Fonda, but isn't she still cool? I bet she is, yeah. Yeah, I bet she is. Yeah, good on her. But very interesting. We've also reached... It's currently winter.
Starting point is 00:14:36 It's autumn in Australia. And so we've reached the point where I'm going to be... All the leaves are brown. The leaves are brown. And the sky is grey. And the sky is grey. And the sky is grey. I went for a walk. I went for a walk on a winter's day.
Starting point is 00:14:53 On a winter's day. Anyway, so I was going to say that we've reached the point where I'm going to be continually sick for about six months. So you're going to have to keep editing out coughs. Oh, no. Yeah. We'll have to leave that one in to kind continually sick for about six months. So you're going to have to keep editing out coughs. Oh, no. Yeah. We'll have to leave that one in to kind of make sure people get that. Do you love Star Wars, Mason?
Starting point is 00:15:11 It's pretty good. So you're not the guy who doesn't know what Star Wars is today. Not today. Okay, good. That makes my job much easier. There was a new The Last Jedi TV spot. Oh, who's this at the door? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Come in, I guess. Who could this be? Hey, Oh, no. Come in, I guess. Who could this be? Hey, it's me. Yeah, what? Oh, sorry. This is the wrong house. I'm going to go. I couldn't be bothered doing it.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Did you leave when he came to the door? Or did you answer the door? No, I was just sitting here mortified that someone would be here interrupting our fine podcast time. I wonder what that guy's deal was. I didn't... Yeah, I don't know. What? So he didn't want anything.
Starting point is 00:15:53 It was just in the wrong house. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, I hope he finds what he's looking for. Me too. If he goes under a bus. How about that?
Starting point is 00:15:59 He's all right. What else we got here? Okay. Look, I did a breakdown of The Last Jedi D23. And you had a breakdown also. I had a breakdown doing it. That's on my YouTube channel. I'll link it below.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Feel free to check it out, Mason. Okay. On your own time, obviously. Okay, cool. Time is money here. All right, no, I understand. We need to get through this. Yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah. Anything that you liked from it because I'm sick of it. Well, there was a nice little send-off. Carrie Fisher had a little. Yeah. She said it was all about family. That was nice, I thought. Let me think.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Mark Hamill was in it. It was, wasn't it? There was an Admiral Ackbar joke towards the end there. He said it's a wrap. Yep. Because it sounds. Yep. He has a catchphrase.
Starting point is 00:16:40 That's what you would say at the end of a film shoot. You'd say that. Yes.ase. That's what you would say at the end of a film shoot. You'd say that. Yes. Yeah. That's good. Admiral Ackbar loves raps. He does, doesn't he? He loves a salad rap.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah, he does. What else? We get some Daisy Ridley and what's his name? Big hair, big ears. Adam Driver. That's a name. I actually really like him as an actor. They're doing some training.
Starting point is 00:17:06 He's fighting two guys at once. She gets hit with like three sticks and she blocks three at once. Could be like the Knights of Ren. Could be. Which would be cool. We don't know whether any of the Knights of Ren are... Could be the three musketeers. They're back.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yes. I'm referring to the ones from the 90s. Chris O'Donnell, Kiefer Sutherland, Oliver Platt. Charlie Sheen. Charlie Sheen. I did it. You did it all. I think I can do the Man in the Iron Mask one.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Okay, go ahead. Jeremy Irons, Gerard Depardieu. What's his name? Who's D'Artagnan? Quickly. What's his name? He was the devil
Starting point is 00:17:40 in the Schwarzenegger devil movie from the 2000s. Andy Garcia? No! Al Pacino? No! I'm blown it.
Starting point is 00:17:49 It's done. Was it not Andy Garcia? Not in that one. Okay, right. Yeah. Carry on then. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:56 That was not a bad effort, though. Yeah. It's admirable. It's pretty good. I can't name the one. That was an admirable effort for the dumbest thing. For one of the dumbest things that we've done on the show. Name all the iterations of the Three Musketeers.
Starting point is 00:18:10 From the 90s. From the 90s, yeah, okay. There was one from like three years ago, remember? It had the kid from Percy Jackson. Yeah. And Orlando Bloom was the villain. Yeah. That's all I could tell you about that one.
Starting point is 00:18:20 All right. What are we talking about? Sorry. Do you think this movie is going to suffer from a lack of... What a tremendous breakdown we just did. And that new Star Wars behind-the-scenes footage. Well, there's a video below. If you want a breakdown, it's there.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Yeah, it's a good point. You can just click on that, I guess. Also talk about some Star Wars theories related to Episode VIII. There's some good ones in there. Have you ever heard of Bigger Luke? No. I might have spoiled it for people. Bigger Luke.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yes. Do you want me Bigger Luke? No. I might have spoiled it for people. Bigger Luke. Yes. Do you want me to tell you? Yes. Okay, so there's a hypothesis that in the Star Wars universe there exists two versions of Luke Skywalker. Oh, yeah, maybe I remember that. One is Luke Prime, one is called Bigger Luke, and they switch scene to scene until their final confrontation
Starting point is 00:19:00 in the cave on Dagobah where Luke Prime destroys Bigger Luke. So that's Bigger Luke in the mask. Right. Okay. I get it. Because scene to scene in the first Star Wars movie, there's variations in Mark Hamill's height depending on angles or whether it's a body double or whatever. So that's the theory behind Bigger Luke.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And the idea is that one of them is a clone and there's all sorts of hints towards Bigger Luke throughout the trilogy. Incredible. It's pretty great. So I spent a good two to three minutes on bigger luke very good uh ryan johnson also says from here on out don't watch any or read any of the publicity stuff okay i'm gonna go in because i'm spoiling it he says yes i'm deliberately putting a spoiler in every every promotional piece of work i'm a real piece of work that That's right. I think I'm going to do one more trailer.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Okay. I'll do that breakdown and then that'll do me. I'm done, yeah. But people love them, right? Yeah, I know. But they're killing you? Not even that. I just don't want to know.
Starting point is 00:19:56 You know what I mean? I want to go in. I want to have something kind of, you know. Sure. Keep the mystery alive, Mason. It's the same with the relationship. You can always keep them guessing. Never satisfy. Always on the the mystery alive, Mason. It's the same with the relationship. You can always keep them guessing. Never satisfy.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Always on the run. Yeah, good. Be emotionally distant. You know this. Oh, absolutely. All the classic moves. Wear a hat with a feather in it. Negging.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Goggles. Goggles. Wear some goggles. Mason, do you want some Han Solo news? Yes. Bear in mind, even I think screen geek themselves are like, this is a rumor and this is what we heard, okay? So Disney is bracing themselves for the Han Solo movie to bomb.
Starting point is 00:20:35 They were worried about it before the last Jedi controversy, but now they're essentially writing Solo off. The lead actor, Alden Einhenreich, can't act oh and they had a dialogue coach on hand for all of these scenes on top of that the script is unworkable it's going to be a car crash they should have said spaceship crash crash i think exactly yeah because a millennium foul crash that's true yeah well didn't we hear many months ago... An imperial star destroyed. It wasn't the...
Starting point is 00:21:07 There we go. Thanks. Nice. It's a trap. Nice. Didn't we hear months ago that the reason... This isn't the deal, Darth Vader. It's Milando.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I've got a bad feeling about the acting abilities of the main character of the movie. Who knows how this is going to go, Mason. One thing's for sure, though. What is that one thing that's true? I need another Star Wars quote. I thought this smelled bad in the movie theater. Yeah. Good, good, good, good.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I think I could have done a better one. No, this is the best possible one Don't even worry about it I should have said I thought this smelled bad At the script writing process Good, nice Or at the casting call
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah Or inside this taunton Where we've been writing a script It's covered in taunton guts That's why we can't read it Mason, do you love The Lion King? No. Really?
Starting point is 00:22:08 I've never seen it again. I'm not going to get into that. Okay. I wish the guy who's seen The Lion King would knock on the door. Get him in the Blake podcast. Yes, hello. Hello, it's me, a man who loves The Lion King. Hey, what do you like about it?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Oh, jeez, I've got to go. I'm late for my dreary office job. I've got to go. I'm late for my dreary office job. I've got to go. I'd give you my opinion. I'd give you some nuanced opinion, but I don't have time. I've got to go. That's a shame, isn't it? It is a shame, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:35 That was the perfect guest for this particular news item, but he couldn't stay. What's he even doing here, quite frankly? That's a really good question. I don't know. Is he a fan? How did he know? And if he is, why does he know where I live? Don't come to my frankly? That's a really good question. Is he a fan? How did he know? And if he is, why does he know where I live? Don't come to my house.
Starting point is 00:22:48 That's not odd, obviously. Once I've finished my office job, I'm coming back. No! For you, James! I'm going to murder you! So the cast can see... I'm a crazy fan and I love the Lion King. See, that's the kind of guy you don't want here, right?
Starting point is 00:23:03 You're right. You're absolutely right. I'd rather take you, I guess. Okay. Bearing in mind, I haven't seen The Lion King. I have no opinion. Game of Thrones, Mason's going to be filming apparently right up to mid-next year, meaning, this is what that means,
Starting point is 00:23:15 we won't get those new episodes, those sweet new drops, Mason, those fire, other cool terms. Yes. You know what I mean? You're really nailing it. I love it 2019 we won't get those sweet game of thrones dabs until 2019 everybody's doing a dab on the set i don't believe it john snow doing a dab are you surprised we haven't seen any of the game of thrones people
Starting point is 00:23:40 doing a dab on a snapchat i mean they probably they probably have but we're not in that wheelhouse yeah exactly what do you think of the dab i don't understand what it is yeah i know what it is people doing a dab on a Snapchat. I mean, they probably have. They probably have, but we're not in that wheelhouse. Yeah, exactly. What do you think of the dab? I don't understand what it is. Yeah, I know what it is. There's nothing else behind that though, right? Yeah, it's like planking. It's like teabagging.
Starting point is 00:23:54 It's just a thing that people do for an amount of time and then everybody hates it all at once. Mustache news. We've got to talk about this. Yeah, this is very good. Right, so... Can I take the lead on this one? Absolutely, you can. So apparently they've had to do some resho This is very good. Right. Can I take the lead on this one? Absolutely, you can.
Starting point is 00:24:05 So apparently, they've had to do some reshoots on the set of Justice League. Yes. With Henry Cavill. Yep. The man himself, the Superman. The Superman. Superman in Justice League confirmed. We got it.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Hot scoop. Hot scoop. Nobody's eating poop today. That's right. But they've had to bring him back, but Henry Cavill is the villain in Mission Impossible 6, for which he's grown a ridiculous mustache. I think he looks good.
Starting point is 00:24:33 He looks pretty good. Because he's very handsome, though. That's why. Yeah. Like us, we couldn't pull off that mustache. No, absolutely not. But apparently there's been a tiff between, I guess, Warner Brothers and Paramount over whether or not he's going to shave the mustache to go back and film Justice League.
Starting point is 00:24:54 And Paramount have won the tiff. Well done. So Superman is currently on set filming with a mustache. And what are they going to do? They're going to CGI the mustache, I guess. Yes. Nice. This is what we've always been waiting for, honestly.
Starting point is 00:25:11 This is... This is what... I feel this is one of the... This must be a hypothetical I feel we may have discussed before. Maybe not on the show. Right, yeah. But, like, this... You know what?
Starting point is 00:25:20 It's the Cesar Romero is the Joker. It's exactly it. The grease paint. They just grease paint over it because he refused to shave it. That's incredible. I've got two hair facts for this video, Mason. Two maybe hair-related facts we might have missed. My first one is that they've stuck with the Superman hairy chest
Starting point is 00:25:34 from Man of Steel. That's true, yeah. That was the, like, Henry Cavill and Zack Snyder decided on Man of Steel. Look, we're going to do the hairy chest Superman of the 90s. Listen, literally nothing else about this movie matters. It doesn't matter whether it's any good or it makes sense. But the one thing we were 100% determined to have is a hairy chested Superman.
Starting point is 00:25:54 You better believe it. And you had a comment about Henry Cavill's stance and posture? Look, I'm sure he's a very well-postured, muscular man in real life. But if you go to the 39, 40-second mark, there's a moment he's standing in a cornfield or whatever it is, and he turns, and he looks like a duck. I'm right. He's positioned weirdly.
Starting point is 00:26:17 His hips are all displayed out. He's got a big old duck butt. He's got a big old duck butt. He looks like Donald Duck. Maybe the fact that he's standing in the cornfield is to cover the fact he's not wearing any pants. He's got a big old duck butt. Looks like Donald Duck. Maybe the fact that he's standing in the cornfield is to cover the fact he's not wearing any pants. He's Donald Ducking it.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Absolutely. I don't know. Yeah, yeah. Mason, you'll love this. I think you'll genuinely... You'll like this. You know that Danny Elfman is scoring the Justice League movie.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Fum, fum, fum, fum, fum, fum, fum, fum, fum, fum, fum. Justice League, yes. Correct. We've heard before he's going to bring a version of the John Williams Superman theme. But he's going to bring a version of the John Williams Superman theme, but he's going to flip it on its head, if you can imagine that. He's going to do a dab.
Starting point is 00:26:50 He's going to do a dab. Dabby Elfman. Dabby Elfman. He's also apparently going to include elements of the 1989 Batman theme. All right. Which, the reason I think you'd love this is because it lends credence to your theory. They're set in the same universe. Even though there's many things to contradict your theory.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Like what? Like that the ages don't line up. Nah. Like that they- Alfred fell in a Lazarus pit. Okay. Fair enough. Or he's hush.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yep. Maybe he's hush. Bruce Wayne used to have a perm and a turtleneck and now he doesn't. He doesn't even wear glasses. Fashion baby and LASIK surgery. Okay. You can okay you can lasik hair straight yeah is that a thing no but you can do with your eyes i'm sorry what lasik surgery on your eyes oh i thought it's why it doesn't wear glasses anymore okay gotcha yep good good good did i mention the glasses i may have okay good yeah fine they're set in the same universe what do you want yes and also because you're talking about this is the
Starting point is 00:27:43 second joker and there was a Robin and blah, blah, blah, and all that kind of thing. So that means it's also set in the Schumacher universe. Unless Schumacher's not canon. We can pick and choose, can't we? Exactly. Anything's canon, whatever you want that thing to particularly be. Do you have anything else to say about that?
Starting point is 00:27:59 No. Okay, so Tom Welling opened up about the season finale of... Was he sobbing? Because he did? Because you never... You said opened up. Nobody opens up in a happy way. Sure.
Starting point is 00:28:13 He's always sobbing. Well, you know, the point of contention of that final episode, which to be fair, I didn't follow it all the way through. Right. But Superman is... He's in it for like the last minute and you don't see him up close. Correct. And whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:25 So this is the original idea, right? He says, our finale was supposed to be in the first act, Clark puts on a suit and flies around, saves Lois on a plane, and does some other stuff. He said, in the end, I felt like we gave them a good jumping off point for the imagination as to what could happen. Yeah, I think he's right. I think he's wrong.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Wow. Let's get Tom Welling on the phone. I just think that was the point of the show. I mean, maybe not a whole episode, but something. Have him do something as Superman. Oh, like maybe like... I mean, he did do something, but I don't know. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Something more interesting than what they did. What if the last, very last scene was him saving the plane? Isn't that what it is? No, he just flies off. Oh, okay. Like he just flies off into the whatever. Like you that what it is? No, he just flies off. Oh, okay. Like he just flies off into the whatever. Like you never actually
Starting point is 00:29:07 see him doing it. Don't you see him go up to the plane of Lois in the plane and he waves to the window? I'm 100% sure you see that. I don't think so at all. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Well, look, play it in silence. I will. Okay, good. But it would have made you somewhat happier if the last two minutes was there's going to be
Starting point is 00:29:22 a plane crash or whatever and he flies up and he catches the plane and that's the final thing, like him doing something superhero-y. Yes, I think that's better. Okay, right. That's right. Well, just imagine it then, you dullard.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Well, imagine this. Yes. I imagine you giving me the finger. What was that? Oh, is this? Oh. Imagine this, Mason. Yep, it's great. Okay, so there's... I should turn this down. Yep, it's great.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Okay, so there's... I should turn this down. I've got two windows open. What are you doing? That's how you open the very first... No, there is. He does fly in it. It's not at the very end, but he does do it.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yeah, because he flies out of the Fortress of Solitude and puts it on. Oh, this looks like shit. Theme song. Somebody save me. Don't care how you do it. Don't react like that. Look. Fucking hell.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I don't. That's a terrible way to start. I think. We've just lost mostly everybody. Listen, we've got Remy Zero, though. That's true. So they'll be on board
Starting point is 00:30:26 they're gearing up their lawyers they're ready to sue honestly I don't think they can use the internet so I think
Starting point is 00:30:32 we'll be fine are they still around I don't know what's going on Megacity 1 is moving ahead yeah
Starting point is 00:30:37 Carl Urban's in talks he's in talks to be dread love it he doesn't need to be in every episode what else is he doing
Starting point is 00:30:43 occasionally a Star Trek film I hope it's a prequel and he doesn't wear the helmet but they just obscure his face like wilson oh yeah every episode yeah for nine seasons and at the end he doesn't put the helmet on because it's better in your mind because you i'm a fuckwit and this is what i think oh no you'll never get a job with the cw, mate. You'll never get... All right, give me some plot summaries for the next few seasons of Arrow. He gets mad at his family. He gets mad at his family. The city's in trouble.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Yep. He's okay with killing people, or he isn't. Yep. Sometimes his sister's dead, and then she's alive. Everybody's come back to life. There's a team-up. Team-up. Different coloured arrows. Yep. Someone goes rogue, and he doesn't like life. There's a team up. Team up. Different coloured arrows.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Yep. Someone goes rogue and he doesn't like it. Yep. That's right. Even though he's literally gone rogue heaps of times. Deathstroke's back.
Starting point is 00:31:33 He's back to the cast. He's cool. I like him. No, I don't hate Arrow. I'm not against it. I'm not against it either but I think you need a break. It's one of those shows
Starting point is 00:31:40 where you need a break. And I took a break like two years ago and I never went back to it. But anyway, Mega City 1, there's also some concept art. What I want though, so Judge Dredd lives next door to the offices of the judges. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And the new judges go next door to offer advice, to get advice from him like Wilson, except it's an upside down fence. Nice, so you just see the bottom. That's pretty great. You know what it is? It's a garage door that's stuck midway and he refuses to duck under and he won't let anybody in but it's just it it's just it like
Starting point is 00:32:13 just below the nose height and so he gives advice from the garage door that would be great you could film it from anywhere yes it's perfect carl urban's actual garage that's right last bit of news before we get into Star Wars, Mason. I'm sorry, what? Yes, continue. You garbage asshole. This other trailer though,
Starting point is 00:32:33 I'm not sure that you would have liked it as much. I'm curious to get your thoughts. Rampage. Oh, yes. So there's a, what are the monsters? So there's a giant crocodile
Starting point is 00:32:43 or lizard. There's a giant wolf and there's a gorilla. And I think in the sequels there's a giant crocodile or lizard. There's a giant wolf. And there's a gorilla. And I think in the sequels there's some other stuff. And they're mates? It seems that way. It seems like in the games they're having a bit of friendly competition. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:32:56 To see who can smash the most buildings. Who can rampage the most. Claire, we can see you creeping around outside the podcast studio, Claire. I'm measuring up to a factory. Wow. In my own house. Can you believe it? You've been told. Now I've lost my train of thought about a movie I'm never going to see. Oh, we're seeing it. All right. Do you think a wolf, okay, if a wolf and a gorilla were the same size, who wins that fight? Gorilla. Yeah. Gorilla's got hands as well. Yeah. You know, wolf doesn't have hands.
Starting point is 00:33:25 That's true. Wolf does not have hands, Mason. I need you to remember that. Okay. Write it down. Just for emergency situations. I'm in a burning building and I'm like, oh, I've got to remember the thing that James said. I get the card out.
Starting point is 00:33:35 It just says, wolf does not have hands. Yeah, I don't know, man. I mean, do you think they're going to end? I don't think they're going to end I don't think they're going to end up killing any of these creatures no you know what they'll probably kill
Starting point is 00:33:48 the crocodile because you can kill a crocodile because it's got like a lizard face that's true you can't kill a dog in a movie no you can't kill
Starting point is 00:33:55 how many wolves did Liam Neeson kill in a wolf fight did he kill any of them it kind of happens at the end and you don't really see it I think he kills one
Starting point is 00:34:04 but there's probably others killed during the film. That's a great film. Liam Neeson's wolf fight. Yeah, it really is. I mean, don't go in expecting wolf fights because there's very little wolf fights. Wow, that is misleading on a drive level.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Yes, it is. But also, bearing in mind, it's not called wolf fight. That's what we call it. It's called the grey. Anyway, Rampage will not be good because it was by the director of San Andreas. So I think that really is hanging. The dog wants to go out.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Okay. I'll let the dog out. Who let the dog out? Mason did. Mason did let the dog out. Who let the dog out? He just did it. Just then.
Starting point is 00:34:40 The dog's out. Who let the dog out? Mason let the dog out. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready to go. Stop doing that. Okay. King Kong.
Starting point is 00:34:50 You just saw it today, didn't you? Kong Skull Island. King Kong Skull Island. King Kong boy. Monkey man. Monkey man. Magic man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:58 So it's going to apparently take the top spot in the cinema from Logan. What, are we done with news? Yeah, that's it. Okay, cool. What do you want from me, mate? You want more news? In a way, I do. I don't have any more.
Starting point is 00:35:07 That was too long as is. All right, fine. King Kong. So Kong, I'm just going to call it King Kong, all right? Yeah. Is that fine? You can say Kong? Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:35:15 But you have to lead with King Kong. Okay, right. So do whatever you want. Live your life. Anyway, what was the story? God, all right, hang on. What do you think the story was? The story is this island, Skull Island.
Starting point is 00:35:25 It's filled with... It's not really shaped like a skull, is it? It's more subtle than this one. Not relevant! Anyway, there's an island, and John Goodman wants to go there because he thinks there's some stuff there. He thinks there's some King Kongs there.
Starting point is 00:35:38 But he tricks people. He's like, hey, why don't we all survey this island? Hey, army blokes and Tom Hiddleston and journalist lady, let's all go in and we'll survey this island because who knows what an island would look like when you're on it. Who knows? Certainly no monsters there. Just let's go and look at the pretty scenery.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Ah, there's monsters that tricked you. There's too many. Too many. That's exactly what it is, Mason. Okay, so we went and saw XXX2 the return of xander cage yeah my night didn't start off super well we saw it on a wednesday night a preview screening and my train broke down uh 51 minutes walk away from the screening so i walked through the city in the heat yeah you did to get to triple x3 the return the state of xander cage where's he yet where is
Starting point is 00:36:23 he he was there wasn't he i i googled Before we got there, I googled XXX. And the first result, it's like XXX, The Return of the Zander. That's what people are searching for. It's not, you don't mess with the Zohan, people. It's a different thing. So, yeah. I took the tram in relative comfort. You were very comfortable.
Starting point is 00:36:42 XXX, Return of the Zander Movie. XXX, Return of the Zander Cage. XXXX Return of the Xander movie, XXX Return of the Xander cage, XXX Return of the Xander trailer. They're the top three search results for that film in Australia. But you know, sometimes Google remembers your searches. Oh no!
Starting point is 00:36:56 Do you buy Vin Diesel as this super sexy spy who's like sexing all the ladies? At one point he has sex with six women at once six women at once he goes to have sex with one woman and that woman goes I don't want to have sex with you but luckily there are six women
Starting point is 00:37:14 here who will have sex with you and then you see and then it cuts to like presumably 48 hours later and they're all asleep from being sexed so well and he's like my job's so hard then he puts on his dirty piss stained fur coat the dirtiest ugly coat that's ever existed it looks oh it's like a dead ram it's horrible it's all matted and knotted up yeah it's no good
Starting point is 00:37:40 and there's all these things of like because the bit the bit that really stuck out stuck out for me was he meets this cia uh assistant lady who's as a she's like a sexy lady but she's got glasses or whatever and her immediate reaction is you're the most good-looking man i've ever seen i can't believe i'm standing in the presence of xander cage bearing in mind he looks like a fucking egg in a vest. He does, yeah. And I'm not saying he's a bad looking man, but the way they talk about him is like there has never been a person this good looking. And they're like...
Starting point is 00:38:16 He seems real charming and fun, and I bet if you hung out with him he'd be fun. And he's probably real life good looking. And I bet, you know, and I bet there's tons of women out there who are like, how charming and handsome is he? But to find six supermodels in the same room
Starting point is 00:38:33 who are all like, yep, absolutely. Definitely, 100% my type. Yeah. Very odd. We've got to talk about Resident Evil. Oh, no. That's where we're at this week. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Do you mind if we do full spoilers like we did for Xander Cage last week? No, let's do it. So, we went and saw Resident Evil, the final chapter. They thought they could bribe us with bottles of water and... And ice creams. And vanilla ice creams. Yep. Mason, what do you think the story was?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Oh, right. Gotcha, Mason. Mila Jovovich is in a world full of zombies. Yes. I, all right. Gotcha, Mason. Milla Jovovich is in a world full of zombies. Yes. I will say this. There are certain elements of this that make it look like a
Starting point is 00:39:10 more expensive movie than it is. It's loud. Yes. There's so many jump scares in this movie. I think I owe Xander Cage an apology.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Uh-huh, yeah. I think I kicked that movie last week, but at least it was fun. Anyway, more like Resi-don't-evil, Mason. Nice. Got him. Worst movie ever. Garbage.
Starting point is 00:39:28 More like Resident... Weevil. Weevil, Keevil, Deevil. Yeah, but I'm just... Keevil, Heevil. Resident Peevil? Yuck, yeah. Yeah, sure. Great. Resident Peevil. Yeah. I'm not going through the rest of the alphabet.
Starting point is 00:39:44 You got to pee. You're pretty close. That's true. Yeah. What about not going through the rest of the alphabet. You got to pee. You're pretty close. That's true. Yeah. What about Resident Queefle? Oh, pretty good. Very nice. Yeah, I'm not happy with it, if I'm honest.
Starting point is 00:39:53 You should be. All right, Mason. Yeah. Big week for movies. Yeah. Fifty Shades of Darker. Oh, yeah. Lego Batman.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Mm-hmm. John Wick 2. Yeah. How many of those did we see zero bloody goose egg mate because one of them we've got no interest in
Starting point is 00:40:10 yep and the remaining two are not out here not out here yet John Wick 2 is never coming out here will you rise with the sun to help change
Starting point is 00:40:20 mental health care forever join the sunrise challenge to raise funds for CAMH the centre for addiction and mental health to support life saving progress in mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming to IMAX and theaters everywhere. What a wonderful day!
Starting point is 00:40:58 This summer, one movie event will reign. It is our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. bend for your king never kingdom of the planet of the apes only in theaters may 10th tickets on sale now apparently there is the best of my knowledge there is no release day for that and lego batman's being saved for the uh for the school holidays. Which, who knows when that is?
Starting point is 00:41:28 Who bloody knows? So what we thought we'd do this week in celebration of Keanu Reeves. In all his glory. Who I'm a big fan of. Same. Are you? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:39 We thought we'd talk about the Keanu. We thought we'd do this every now and then. Take an action star and just go through their movies. Some of the best and the worst. Just pick them off one by one. Just take decades. They're decades long over all the work that they've tried, worked so hard on and bloody slaved away on.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And just be like, good, bad, good, bad, hate it, no good. This guy sucks. See you later. Who's next? That's what we're going to do. I'm excited. Me too. I thought of a rating system.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Our normal rating system is best movie ever, worst movie ever. Yeah. But I thought if it's bad, we could say Keanu, and if it's good, we could say Kea-yes. Great. What do you think? Keanu. No, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:42:21 It's great. Great. We talked about all the Keanu Reeves movies. Okay, here's a wrap-up. What do you reckon about Keanu Reeves as an action kidding. It's great. Great. We talked about all the Keanu Reeves movies. Okay, here's a wrap-up. What do you reckon about Keanu Reeves as an action star? He's great. You know why? He puts his body back into it.
Starting point is 00:42:31 He's 52. He trains. Is he really? Yes. Yes, I know. I respect that. Me too. We should come at him.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah, right? Just to see what happens. You go at him and then when he runs off, I'm waiting. Yeah. You're going to brick and a bat. Didn't see that coming, did you, Keanu? Anyway, in general, a big Kia yes. I agree.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Even though he's done a lot of garbage. I think when we do another one of these, our rating system should still be Kia yes and Kia no. No problem. I'm happy to do it. Well, Mason, what a week. How do you mean? It's just everything's happening week. How do you mean? It's just, everything's happening.
Starting point is 00:43:07 You know what I mean? This is the part where you slowly start sliding down your chair. Exhaustion's caught up to you. What a week, man. I tried to get real swell for the podcast. Yeah, you did. I'm all dehydrated. We do have a shirt-off section.
Starting point is 00:43:23 We don't talk about it, obviously. That's right, yeah. But it does happen every week. We thought we'd talk about some interesting Wolverine stuff. We've talked about the X-Men movies and the Hugh Jackman Wolverine movies. We've done that to death.
Starting point is 00:43:34 But let's do it to death some more. It's not necessarily stuff like, the first issue was in 1974. It was blah, blah. I don't know when the first... Somewhat time in the 70s. It's 1974. You're actually correct
Starting point is 00:43:45 Oh look at you So you had that fact I already got it You nerd idiot Incredible Hulk 180 Yes I don't normally remember numbers But he appears right
Starting point is 00:43:53 So his very first appearance Wolverine's first appearance I was just going to say though I was about to say We're not going to do generic facts like that Oh okay right But apparently we are No we're going to do it
Starting point is 00:44:01 No we're going to do it I've got some Look This is all I have, is weird facts about characters preloaded in my brain that would normally come out at parties and alienate me from everyone, but here's my safe space,
Starting point is 00:44:15 so I'm just going to shoot them all out and vomit them all out of my mouth. What do you want to know about Wolverine? Well, what... Okay, here's a question for you. So he debuted in The Hulk. Yes. But what did we know about his past
Starting point is 00:44:27 before they revealed every second of his past? Because you always said the character was more interesting before they went, he was a little Lord Fauntleroy. Yes, that's right. He was a fancy little lad in Canada. Yeah. He was the most polite boy in the land.
Starting point is 00:44:41 And then he became Wolverine. Well, all we knew... Initially, we knew nothing about him. Yeah. So the issue of the Hulk, he goes to Canada to fight the Wendigo. Right. He's like Canada's Sasquatch. Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:54 And then he defeats the Wendigo. They're off-brand Sasquatch. Yeah, exactly. We've got the Yeti. Yeah, that's right. Do we have the Yeti? What do we have? Do we have the Gobbledonk?
Starting point is 00:45:04 We have the potato chip mascot, the Gobble Donk. Yes, we do have that. But we also have the bunion. We have the bunion, that's right. We have Tucker Bag. Yep. We have... Let me tell you that my brother met Tucker Bag.
Starting point is 00:45:22 You've probably even mentioned it on this show. We've done so many episodes. I'm not going to talk about Tucker Bag? You've probably even mentioned it on this show. We've done so many episodes. I'm not going to talk about Tucker Bag. The supermarket mascot. The animated paper bag Tucker Bag. Yes. He's not animated. He's a puppet. He's got a little flappy mouth. Oh, right. Okay, yeah. Anyway, my brother met Tucker Bag. Great.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Wait, which brother? The one you like. Oh, good. Great. Good stuff. Anyway, go on. So, he defeats the Wendigo. I don't think he did. I think it's a false memory. But anyway, sorry, go on. So he defeats the Wendigo. I don't think he did. I think it's a false memory. But anyway, sorry, go on. Yeah, right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:48 And then, what, you're saying your brother... Imagined meeting Tucker Bagg. Wow, that's very Wolverine. Do you think your brother was implanted with a false memory in which he met supermarket mascot Tucker Bagg? That's so Wolverine. Sorry, continue. at mascot, tuck a bag. That's so Wolverine.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Sorry, continue. Anyway, he defeats the Wendigo, who is a gigantic white furry monster of the stature of the Hulk. Right. And then Wolverine leaps in and is like, if you had a problem with Wendigo, I'm going to defeat you because I'm a tiny little man.
Starting point is 00:46:25 I'm a five foot four little man with claws. Watch out. Watch out. Because this was probably, like he didn't have, at this point he didn't have anything. No, well I found out as well that originally he might have been a Wolverine. An actual Wolverine. That evolved into a man. Correct.
Starting point is 00:46:41 That his spikes were actually in his gloves. What a perfect opponent for the Hulk. Just a guy with gloves. And then, yeah, I think they were like, okay, if we were going to give him a second appearance in this kind of context, we would have revealed that he was just an actual Wolverine that had
Starting point is 00:47:00 evolved into a man, or mutated into a man. And yeah, and he just worked for the Canadian government. He was just like, get out of Canada, the Hulk. How dare you touch the Wendigo? It's me. He's our tucker bag. It's not important.
Starting point is 00:47:14 What is important? Two things are important. One, my waffles are here. Secondly. Are they? I think so. According to this. No, he's going in the wrong.
Starting point is 00:47:23 No, he's going down the wrong street. This guy's an idiot. That's the perils of ordering waffles online. He's on a bicycle. There's ice cream in there. It's going to melt. This guy. No, wait, he's coming back.
Starting point is 00:47:36 No. No. Get a GPS, mate. Did you check the address? Yes. I'm not going to say what your address is. Please don't. Not on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Wait, he's coming back. It's okay. It's all right. It's all right. Okay, good. ETA one minute. Let's knock this off in 30 seconds. All right, good.
Starting point is 00:47:51 No, I'm just kidding. For anybody who didn't listen to the Luke Cage Iron Fist Primer last week, or if you don't know much about Iron Fist, Iron Fist has his Iron Fist powers because he plunged his hands into the molten heart of Shao Lao the Undying, who is literally a dragon. And yet, there's no flashback to that.
Starting point is 00:48:09 If that happened to me... It's all you would think about. That's all I would flashback to. In fact, that's the only memory I would have. Somebody would come up to me and be like, oh, hey, man, you didn't come to my birthday drinks. And I'd be like, yeah, I forgot. Because at that time, I punched a dragon's heart.
Starting point is 00:48:23 And they'd be like, oh, that's fair. You know what I mean? Yeah, it makes total sense. But he's having flashbacks to the time he was on a mountain and he saw a hawk. That's exactly right. And I understand there's budgetary limitations. Yeah. But again, you can write around that.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I think it would have been funny. It would be nice to have a running gag where he keeps, he's just about to have a flashback to the time he fought a dragon and we see that light effect and then like some mean New Yorker is like hey hey idiot step back into it
Starting point is 00:48:53 he's at a bus stop and he gets splashed by a bus or car or whatever hey step out of it idiot and so we never see it I'm walking here but there's no reason why we couldn't see it
Starting point is 00:49:03 and we don't I mean budgetary obviously yeah this guy does not know what he's doing he keeps going up the same wrong street I'm walking here. But there's no reason why we couldn't see it and we don't. I mean, budgetary, obviously. This guy does not know what he's doing. He keeps going up the same wrong street. Do you want to wait outside for him? Wave him down? My ice cream's melting.
Starting point is 00:49:17 My waffle's getting cold. Maybe he's not on a bike. Maybe he's on a scooter, a motorized scooter. He's definitely on a bicycle. It says Uber bicycle. It's got five stars. Not anymore, buddy. What if it says Uber bicycle it's got five stars not anymore buddy what if it gets here
Starting point is 00:49:27 and it's not melted you're still going to rank him down no I'm not alright good anyway continue did you see Saban's Power Rangers
Starting point is 00:49:35 I did see Saban's Power Rangers what did you think of Saban's Power Rangers I think whether I'd seen it or not yeah it wouldn't make any difference you could have just said
Starting point is 00:49:43 whatever you know of it. Yeah, I guess so, yeah. Like you've mostly seen from the trailers. Actually, that's not necessarily true. Oh, he's changed his mind. No, we learn more about the characters. Oh, he's saying different things. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:49:54 We learn that they're all... He's saying his opinions. Interesting. Yeah, they've had tough lives. They have. I mean, not strictly speaking. Some of them had totally normal lives and just screwed them up for no reason. That's what we learn about them.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Yeah. But it's also going to fall behind beauty and the beasts second or third week now for people who are tweeting me ah you dickhead i was i meant to shame you in front of everybody in the crowd and i forgot oh live you're gonna shame me now's my opportunity i would have fought all of them live to be fair if you'd had a go, I would have just run through everyone. Just anyway. Blood would have run down the aisles of that theatre. So you said that nobody was interested in Beauty and the Beast and why are they rebooting it? This is going to make no money.
Starting point is 00:50:37 But then it made a lot of money. It's made a lot of money. So I'll concede that, but I will not concede that a lot of people seem not to be enjoying it that much. Okay. What's this space, Mason? What's this space? He's giving me the finger, folks.
Starting point is 00:50:50 No, wait, he's turned it around. He's given two fingers, but now he's turned it around on himself. Oh, no! And he's crying because the fingers were actually meant for him. It's not true! Because he's sad on the inside. He's using theatre of the mind. I actually rolled him, but that's not how that came across then.
Starting point is 00:51:04 No, he rolled himself. got rekt mate yeah oh what what did you think the story was that's our classic segment oh there's a i know you're tired so i'm gonna cut you some slack okay um you can do it i thought it was gonna be 100 slack you weren't actually gonna ask me what the plot was i'm just gonna say you can you can half-ass it a slightly more than you normally do fantastic all right here we go uh there's a small town some kids in the small town they're like oh my lives lives aren't perfect i'm worse it was sad and we're on the detention or something and then that's like hey let's go to the bloody a bloody mine shaft or something oh we found these gems coin gems things can we spoil this probably it's like the first two minutes right yeah who cares yeah yeah who does care about anything oh no i'm leaving oh no what about the
Starting point is 00:51:51 planet oh no i guess i'll steer this ship 24 hours later oh no it's we're bankrupt and i kicked over the microphone yeah apparently in every world there's a crystal in that world and it gives life to the world. And if you pull the crystal out, the world dies. And Bryan Cranston, for some reason, cares. I'm going to say that's not scientifically accurate. What do you know, mate? What do you know about anything?
Starting point is 00:52:15 We'll see about that 24 hours later. Oh, no, the world's been destroyed. And I've kicked over a microphone stand. All right. My faves. Ghost in the Shell. Oh, yeah. Hard left turn back into this.
Starting point is 00:52:29 What did you think the story was? I forgot. Oh, okay. The story. Okay. There's a lady. She's called Johansson. And she was in an accident or something.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And now she's in a robot body. And she's Ghost in the Shell. Oh, wow. Dum-dum. Anyway. Japanese imagery. Yep. Plenty of that.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Pretty good. That was a great summation. Thank you. I couldn't have... I probably could have... It's intrigue. I could have done it better, if I'm honest. Yeah, I know. It's fair.
Starting point is 00:52:56 The It trailer is like the most watched trailer of all time. Is it really? Yeah. More than size Gangnam... Is It really? More than size Gangnam style? The trailer? The trailer? The trailer for his album.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Whatever it's called. I assume it's called Gangnam Style. I was away when that song came out. And then I came back and I'm like, what the fuck is this? Why is everybody talking about this song? Why is everybody doing Gangnam Style? I didn't get it. I didn't know what was going on.
Starting point is 00:53:21 People were mad for it. You showed up at the airport and there was a sign that had your name on it and the guy's doing gangnam style and you're like, what's happening? Good on him. Wasn't he in like a North Korea propaganda song, hate America video? Like someone dug up one from like years back? No, I think he was.
Starting point is 00:53:39 No, I don't think he's a hate America guy. No, I don't think so either. I think he's more of a... He's an activist. Right. More than anything else. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I don't know if that's true. I mean, he's rich now, so he's probably not an activist. He's like Chumbawamba. They were... They were activists? They were activists. But then the song that hit was... I know the song, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:01 I came back from the airport. There was a guy singing that. Yeah. Excuse me. Are you here to pick me up? I'm going song, yeah. I came back from the airport. There was a guy sitting there. Yeah. Excuse me. Can I... Are you here to pick me up? I'm going to knock down. I'm going to knock down.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I just want to... Is that... I just want a taxi. Can you get me a taxi? I'm going to kick my dad. I'm going to knock down. Anyway, good on Cy. We may have slandered him
Starting point is 00:54:22 or we may not have. I don't know his past. Yeah, look at that dog. You don't understand because you're a dog? Yeah, I know. Maybe she does. Oh, God. I feel a little bit bad now, but not a lot bad.
Starting point is 00:54:34 She's giving you the dog bird. Oh, no. It's turning on herself now. No. The dog's full of hate for itself. It's not the end of the show, Mason. There's at least two segments left. You say that as I'm putting my coat on.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Take it off. I'm walking out the door. No. But, uh... You're yelling it to my Uber driver. He's not finished yet. We're going to talk about the Fast and the Furious. Yeah, we are.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Whatever I said it was called up top. Yes. Big week. I feel like last week we barely had enough content to fill the show. But this is too much, if I'm honest. So, as we always do with these reviews, non-spoilers, spoilers, and then we ask what we think the story was. I never ask that. It's always asked of me. Correct.
Starting point is 00:55:20 So, like every Vin Diesel movie this year Yep Somebody's stolen an important device Some sort of secret service CIA device Yep Which in this case is, I don't know what it is What was it? Nukes Nukes
Starting point is 00:55:36 Codes for nukes Codes for nukes Just change the codes Just change the codes, exactly It's not hard It's just disable the weapon that you have Yeah Anyway, go on yeah uh you know what
Starting point is 00:55:46 i can't get over in these movies what's that is whenever somebody jumps out of a car and just rolls across the concrete like it happens very early on at one point a taxi driver does it not even like it's not even ludicrous playing a taxi driver it's just a regular taxi driver and he just abandons his passenger he'd be dead is me. You'd be like shucking a cob of corn. Your skin would just fly off. It just would. Yeah. So Vin Diesel does it in a tank top very early on in the movie because he does a pretty good
Starting point is 00:56:16 drag race at the start, which I enjoyed that moment. In the previous film, do they all open on a drag race? Probably. They all open on a drag race? Probably. They all open on a race war. Yeah, in Fast and Furious 7, the drag race was called Race Wars. And in the first one. Yeah, I was hoping this one would be called Ethnic Cleansing or something like that, but it wasn't. Very disappointing.
Starting point is 00:56:39 But he challenges the coolest guy in Colombia or something? That's right. Oh, is he in Cuba? Yeah. I think it's Cuba, right? Could be Cuba. Because his cousin's car is on the line and he or something? That's right. Or is he in Cuba? Yeah. I think it's Cuba, right? Could be Cuba. Because his cousin's car is on the line and he won't have any of that.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Yeah. And he uses Cuban Nos? That's right. It's spicier than regular Nos. That's what it is. It's infused with Caribbean rhythms. That's why it's better. It's such a funny movie.
Starting point is 00:57:04 I really enjoy stuff like that. I don't know why this movie for me gets a pass and I just trash so much other stuff. Mason. Yes. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. It's finally here. Two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Yep. For us. But what do you think the story was and is still? Oh, no. So this is set about a couple of months after the first one. The year of 2014. So it's still 2014 in this particular universe. Oh, what an era. is set about a couple of months after the first one. The year of 2014. So it's still 2014 in this particular universe. Oh, what an era.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Can you remember 2014? No, what happened in 2014? I don't remember. Well, can 2014 just be over, please? I didn't know that they had the watches. And I feel like they might have Fantastic Four, but they just haven't told us yet. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Because I think Fox might just be like, we're not doing anything with this. They're never going to make a good one, yet. Yeah, maybe. Because I don't think, I think Fox might just be like, we're not doing anything with this. They're never going to make a good one ever, ever, ever. And they might just not, even if they did. Imagine if they just showed up in Infinity War. Yeah. They didn't, they didn't, they didn't, like, they cast it in secret. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:56 And they were just like, surprise, here they are in the fantastic car, just showing up in space. Jessica Alba's back. Jessica Alba's, Johan Griffin's back. Chris Evans is pulling double duty. Imagine if, in Infinity War, Thanos disintegrates Captain America. We know he's going to come back, but just for the dramatic tension, he disintegrates Captain America,
Starting point is 00:58:17 and then the Human Torch played by Chris Evans just shows up again. Incredible. But he's got that kind of radical early 2000s attitude. They could de-age him. they could de-age him they could de-age him they wouldn't need to but they could couldn't they yeah oh that would be incredible and chickless and michael chickless is back yeah as the commish the thing couldn't make it but it's me the commish all right uh shit all right okay okay um alien covenant what did you think the story was of alien oh you distracted me with video game talk all right hang on so all right uh so it's post prometheus yes and it's
Starting point is 00:58:53 years later 10 years 10 years to the very day why there hasn't been an alien in this haunted house for many a year i haven't seen a prometheus around these parts in nigh of a decade. Nigh on a decade. Nigh of a decade. Go on. So now the human ship, the Covenant, is on a mission to go to a planet they hear is pretty good for... That's the word.
Starting point is 00:59:19 terraform, to create a new colony of humans because apparently we've ruined the Earth again. But apparently then things get a little bit terrified instead. Instead of terraformed. Correct. For all its flaws, I wasn't like, this is offensively bad. It's just there's a lot of missed potential here and really stupid characters.
Starting point is 00:59:40 There's so many stupid characters. Look, okay, so for fast and furious right yes those are not intelligent movies but fast and furious is very aware of what it is yes it's a bunch of dumb people mostly bald yeah sliding around on car bonnets and jumping over submarines or whatever this as i said in my review it masquerades as like high concept sci-fi and the ethical dilemmas about what it means to be human and blurring the line and and exploring other planets and colonization and and and what and whatnot but then it is undercut by like you said the dumbest people that you could possibly send
Starting point is 01:00:17 into space yeah right is your question why couldn't they just send like a probe or a drone or something i don't understand why every single person didn't go this seems like a trap yeah right one of them did new ripley did but everybody else was like no this seems legit yeah sure no one know what nobody said yes why is there this song playing from this planet yeah right nobody said that which is insane yeah and nobody's yeah and nobody said oh look at this wheat this is definitely wheat. Exactly. Well, the guy said, this is wheat, and it's set out like it's farming.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And nobody said, do you think there might be some kind of people or something alive here? There must be, right? And they just went, hey, let's go down to this planet. Should we wear spacesuits? No. Are you kidding me? Just because there's oxygen, as I said in my review, doesn't mean there's not viruses, which there was. And then there's people splitting up.
Starting point is 01:01:09 They're splitting up in caves. One guy, he just goes off to have a dart. Just dart up wherever, mate. You're on a planet. You can do whatever you want. You're outdoors. Everyone darts up in the alien movies. Remember in the first alien, people are just darting up on the ship?
Starting point is 01:01:21 Just punching darts. Just punching durries. That's right i'll be back in a minute all right i'll be here i'll hold the fort i'll hold the regular room this is this is apparently podcasting now everybody this is uh this is where we're at some people put effort into like they research and they do like this how they have journalistic integrity and they spend you know months crafting a story in a world
Starting point is 01:01:46 and sometimes you just fucking order waffles and leave the room and then you're just left with I'm gonna get a fork I'll be back you're not eating them now we're on the podcast
Starting point is 01:01:55 nah I'll leave now I can hear you chewing through the headphones I'll be quiet you're an idiot this is great this is so good how many wafflers?
Starting point is 01:02:06 three wafflers okay good alright get a fork I'm so sorry everybody I don't if he's chewing too loud I'll put a stop to it I'll bloody stamp it right out
Starting point is 01:02:19 or I'll just let it go I don't know see see how that goes look at this guy with a knife and a fork this is outrageous this is not podcast protocol let it go. I don't know. Let's see. See how that goes. Look at this guy with a knife and a fork. This is outrageous.
Starting point is 01:02:28 This is not podcast protocol. This is 2017 at its worst. We're making our own rules. We're the Mavericks. Do you want to take a waffle break? Yeah, let's take a waffle break. All right. Because that, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I'll be two minutes. No, it's all right because I'll play some bloody Sniper Elite 4 which I'm well into. Nice. So guys, I'm going to edit this. If you also want to eat waffles where you are.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Waffle break for everyone. How melted is that ice cream? Oh, that's pretty melted. No, no, no. The edge of it is, but the center is fine. Okay, good. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:53 We'll be back, everybody. Yay, waffle break. But no time for you would have passed unless I edit in the entire length of this pause. We're back, baby. All right. We did it.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Some would say that was the most unprofessional moment in the podcast, but I would say it was the most unprofessional moment in the podcast, but I would say it was the realest moment. It's about standard. You got one? What do you got?
Starting point is 01:03:11 Let's have a look. Okay. This is outside the normal realms of our rules, but also who cares? Yeah, who cares? Let's see. This is from Derps and P. Derp. I know him.
Starting point is 01:03:23 I believe he's made many appearances before. He would like to know who would win in a fight between Predator and Kevin McAllister. That's very opportune because I'm wearing a Lutcrate. You are wearing a Lutcrate Predator t-shirt. From the Lutware collection. It's a Predator t-shirt. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:37 So it's set in Kevin's house from Home Alone 1. Oh, home ground. Kevin has 24 hours prep time, and Predator isn't aware of what Kevin can do. Also, presumably Predator's been scoping out the neighborhood, but Kevin knows he's... Yeah, I guess so. Because Kevin's aware of the threat.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Yeah, he's aware of the wet bandit, so he must be aware of the Predator. Here's a question. Yes. Is Kevin a killer? Yeah. Yeah, he would have killed those guys, wouldn't he? He'd lit them on fire. It's weird that they aren't dead, right?
Starting point is 01:04:04 They've got glass in their face. There's something wrong with that kid. He's hitting people in the... He could have just gone to, wouldn't he? He lit them on fire. It's weird that they aren't dead, right? They've got glass in their face. There's something wrong with that kid. He's hitting people. He could have just gone to the police station and said, hey, my parents left. Can you call them or something? Can you find them? How hard would it be?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Find out the hotel they're going to and call them. But it's one of those weird universes where the parents, the adults don't believe the kids. You know what I mean? It's one of those situations. Yeah, that's true, yeah. And don't they cut the phone lines or the power line or something? I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Yeah. He couldn't find a quarter to use a pay phone? Come on. Yeah. Come on. Also, he was there because he wanted to kill him. And also, as we know from Predator 2 and from, well, actually from all the Predator movies, he won't, if he is on a, like if somebody doesn't have a weapon, he won't attack them,
Starting point is 01:04:42 the Predator. Right. We're talking about the Predator, not Kevin McCallister. Kevin McCallister will attack anyone. So you don't think he would ever shoot at Kevin McCallister? No, I don't think he would. I think he'd see a worthy, I think he'd see a fellow killer, a fellow hunter.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Well, maybe Topher Grace's character for Predators is grown-up Kevin McCallister. Twist. That is a twist. Yeah, I think also, I mean, he's got the cloak. But Kevin McAllister has access to flour, doesn't he? He does, that's right. He has a big bag of flour.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Flour and feathers. And also he electrocutes the ground, so that would fry the system as well. Does a predator wear shoes? I don't think he does. No, they're barefoot. But he's got claws, so he wouldn't slip on ice, but he'd step on broken glass.
Starting point is 01:05:26 That's true. Yeah, his head would be lit on fire. He's got greasy dreads. I feel he'd stand on broken glass, and then he'd pause a moment to throw his arms in the air and be like... At which point, iron on a string to the head. BB gun.
Starting point is 01:05:38 If Kevin McCullough's to pull the BB gun, though, on him, that's it. There would be shoulder cannon explosion. That's true, yeah. Probably... You know what? If he pulled a BB gun though on him, that's it. There would be shoulder cannon explosion. That's true, yeah. Probably, you know what, if he pulled a BB gun, I feel the Predator would throw that disc and chop Kevin McCallister's hands off probably. I was going to say the barrel of the gun, but probably his hands.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Yeah. Well, yeah, so I think the Predator would endure a lot of damage until Kevin McCallister pulled a BB gun. But would he? Yes, because he does. He has BB gun. But would he? Yes. Really? Because he does. He has. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:06 And also he throws bricks. Would the Predator perceive that as a threat? No. No. Throwing a brick. A kid throwing a brick. I don't think the Predator would perceive Kevin as a threat until he was in the murder house. Like I think if he was for some reason.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Why is Predator breaking in? I don't know. He's robbing houses at Christmas. What would he need in the house? Maybe he'd be... He's in his prime, so he wouldn't be injured. He wouldn't be looking for refuge. Maybe his spaceship's been shot down.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Okay, it's in the backyard. And there's like a derelict old one that McAllister's house is built on. Gotcha. So he needs to get to it. Yeah, okay, cool. And he has to go... Okay. He has to go through Kevin McAllister's house is built on. Gotcha. So he needs to get to it. Yeah. Okay. Cool. And he has to go. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:48 He has to go through Kevin McAllister. Yeah. But Kevin McAllister knows he's coming. Yes. He's like. Not on my watch. That's right. Yeah. Not on this Christmas.
Starting point is 01:06:53 So I think he, I think he wouldn't perceive McAllister as a threat until, until he gets in the house and he's being attacked with like kitchen knives and bricks and hot irons and whatever. Yeah. And he's like, I might actually die if I don't get through this. So do you think he'd then kill him?
Starting point is 01:07:08 Because those traps are still in effect regardless. That's true. So even if he did kill him, a lot of them would still be activated. I think he would attempt to avoid Kevin McAllister until he got hit with a bag of flour, at which point he's not invisible anymore and he's realized that McAllister wants to kill him right okay at which point he's like well it's kill or be killed here I'm gonna kill this small child so then he would kill him and win yeah I think so or would he I think he would what is the most lethal thing that McAllister has in that house everything it's all lethal
Starting point is 01:07:39 he's swinging paint cans no but that wouldn't kill a predator. But he's only flesh and blood. He's real big though. Yeah, he's big, but you can be shot. You can make him bleed. You hit him in the head. Yeah. But then again,
Starting point is 01:07:52 Joe Pesci got hit in the head with a paint can. Were there any chainsaws? I don't remember. I don't think so. Maybe? Maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:00 It might come down to Kevin McAllister with a chainsaw versus Predator with those arm blades. I think also, if Kevin McAllister knew the Predator was coming, he would ramp it up. Yeah, he'd ramp up the lift out of you.
Starting point is 01:08:11 That's true, yeah. Like it might be the first trap you get beheaded by a chainsaw. That's true. And the Predator... Man, this is a good fight. It's a great fight. But also the Predator is aware of traps. We know that because Dutch tried to lure him into that spike pit.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah. And he saw it. That's true. But he doesn't know a house, does he? Yeah, I think he knows a jungle spike pit because he'd be like, well, that's the normal ground. Yeah. And I can see that there's a pit's been dug.
Starting point is 01:08:38 And he would have done a lot of jungle hunting around the universe. I don't think he's done any suburban hunting. No, in Predator 2 maybe, but it's a different predator every time. That's true. Yeah. I don't think he'd done any suburban hunting. No, in Predator 2 maybe, but it's a different Predator every time. That's true. I don't think he'd be aware, because he'd just see some shelves of regular household accoutrements. He wouldn't be aware that one of those
Starting point is 01:08:53 is connected to a string that's going to swing and hit him in the face. Yeah, that's right. All right, so it's Kevin McAllister, because Kevin McAllister would go lethal. Immediately. Yeah. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Because it's an alien as well. Who cares? That's true, yeah. Because it's an alien as well. Who cares? That's true, yeah. If you kill a monster from space, that's fine. Yeah, yeah. He clearly would have killed those men. Absolutely. So I don't think he'd have any problem killing an alien.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Let me think, though. Yeah. But I think if the Predator had a line of sight and knew he was a threat and had his shoulder cannon, that's different. Also, and regardless, unless McAllister beheads him immediately, he's going to set that self-destruct. And that whole neighborhood's going up. The wet bandits are not robbing any houses.
Starting point is 01:09:38 And after that... No houses. Are we giving it to McAllister? I think so, yeah. All right, cool. The winner is McAllister. The loser is the rest of the neighborhood because it's going to go up in a nuclear fireball.
Starting point is 01:09:50 It's insane. Yeah. But no, my favorite joke is where Simon Pegg turns up to, I'm just going to call him Simon Pegg because that's just easier to me, and he's replacing the previous constable from the town and he's meeting with the boss of the station and the boss says really sinisterly, Played by that guy what's his name he's for he's brita jones's dad
Starting point is 01:10:11 yeah we'll look it up later anyway he's great but he says you can't can't can't he goes but i'll tell you what you know there's something that that uh he had that you're lacking yeah and he goes what's that and he goes a great big bushy beard that's pretty good yeah that's an amazing joke that's true and it also he stumbles across
Starting point is 01:10:32 that guy's body later and he's got the beard so it also ties into the story and it's a joke yeah it's incredible
Starting point is 01:10:39 yeah I just think that's what a it's such a good joke because you think that it's just this this the police chief is just this weird eccentric guy.
Starting point is 01:10:48 And like, oh yeah, that's just a throwaway line. But then it turned out, yeah, we know what happened to him because he was horribly murdered by the rest of the town. Exactly. I guess one of the pioneers for product placement is Bond. Like the suits and the clothing and things like that. So how do you feel about that kind of product placement? You say that's a better use of it. But it's not as like, for me, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:11:14 I don't know what that suit is and I'll never get it. Also, I wouldn't look good in it. I get, but I mean, what is weirdest to me about that is that, okay, in the last couple of movies, the suits are all made by Tom Ford, who's a you know a well-regarded designer but first but firstly the suits he designed he makes for the film don't look anything like the suits he makes like for his own fashion why is that i don't know but also they fit really poorly it looks like a sausage in all those movies if you know he's so muscular yeah I think I mentioned
Starting point is 01:11:45 he's got fighting jackets yeah I've mentioned this on the show before fun fact that's only fun to me but he has in the last couple of Bond movies
Starting point is 01:11:52 Daniel Craig has two sets of wardrobe like identical sets of wardrobe one is like it's called the hero wardrobe I believe and it's so tight
Starting point is 01:12:00 that he can't move in it right so like if he's just standing somewhere like a sausage like a sausage he's standing there and it's so like and he wants to move in it. So if he's just standing somewhere... Like a sausage. Like a sausage. He's standing there, and it's so like... And he wants to show up, he's rippling biceps or whatever.
Starting point is 01:12:10 He's got them in a certain size, which is too small. But if he needs to do anything, presumably they have to strip him naked on set and then put an identical set of clothes on him that's a size bigger. So he can wave his arms. So he can literally do anything. If he needs to jump or kick or punch or whatever, they have to put the biggest suit on him.'s a size bigger. So he could wave his arms. So he could literally do anything. If he needs to jump or kick or punch or whatever,
Starting point is 01:12:26 they have to put the biggest suit on him. It's embarrassing. Just give him one suit that fits. Did you... He looks like an idiot. And also, the point... The thing about Bond is, like, the idea is he dresses well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:41 But the original version of Bond, he dresses well because in that era, everybody just a suit right yeah if you're a businessman you wore a suit and tie or if you went to a casino it had some sort of veneer of being classy so you'd wear a tuxedo yeah but the idea was he doesn't stand out in any way but if you saw daniel craig at like an airport wearing his tiny little sausage suit like he's with his little drain pipe trousers and his bulging glutes coming out the back he'd be be like, who's that guy? You'd go businessman, businessman, businessman. Killer. Killer, exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Even Almighty, I would do this one. Okay, sure. I've lost $88 million. This, to me, feels like it should have made a lot of money. Yeah, right. Apparently, it's not very good. Oh, right, sure. But they took Steve Carell's character
Starting point is 01:13:24 from the first Bruce Almighty, which did very well. They pumped $175 million into it. Yes. A lot of animal stuff. So, you know, it's dangerous. Yeah, right. That is, yeah. Real animals or CGI animals?
Starting point is 01:13:34 Both. So it's expensive and it's hard to wrangle for many reasons. And don't work with children or animals. Yeah, exactly. Isn't it a case of Bruce Almighty, all the jokes have been done? Do you think they really rang out all the potential in Bruce Almighty? I think also that's why they took it in a different direction. Because Bruce Almighty is, he can do literally everything.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Evan Almighty is, he has to build a boat. True, stakes are lower. But you can't do that with a sequel. You can't make the stakes lower in a sequel. No, you certainly can't. You can't make the stakes lower in a sequel. No, you certainly can't. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:05 So that's what that is. And also, it's a movie universe in which there exists a god who appears to be benevolent in some way. Yeah. So there's no stakes. No. You could just get Jim Carrey back to fix everything. You could. It's not like it's going to end with,
Starting point is 01:14:21 oh, I didn't make the boat in time, and then it's just 20 minutes of people drowning in the most horrific ways and just a father going like, no, and his children have fallen off a bridge and they're drowning. He's like, ah, no, and then he shoots himself. Imagine that. Imagine if it went in a real weird direction at the end. Oh, I would see that.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Yeah. Because I would be, you need to see this. Yeah. Because I would tell, I would be, you need to see this. I'm not going to tell you anything about it. Trust me. Don't walk out. You're going to be a little bored.
Starting point is 01:14:51 You're going to be a little bored until the third act. And then, it's going to be the best thing you've ever seen. Yeah, right? Oh, incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Anyway, it's probably shit. Probably how it turned out. Get over it, Mason. I won't. Just suspend your disbelief for once in your fucking life. I will never do that. All right, let's get into the offenders then. We're going to go non-spoilers then spoilers.
Starting point is 01:15:16 It's definitely... I'd imagine a lot of people would have seen it by now because it's way brisker. Yeah. The hallways of New York, look out. Just bloody look out. The defenders are here and you are going to get wrecked. So, yeah, we'll mark very clearly when it's spoilers.
Starting point is 01:15:32 I guess we'll just talk in generalities. But if you don't really want to know anything, maybe just watch it before. That could be our catchphrase. I suppose we'll just talk in generalities. Yeah, we'll just kind of trade them off. Mason, the Defenders get together. Defenders of the Earth. Defenders.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Out of the sky, his rockets ignite. Gets into battle, flying faster than light. Flashcore. Lord of the jungle, the hero who stalks. The beasts call him brother, the ghost of war. Defenders of the Earth Yep But what do you specifically think this story was this time?
Starting point is 01:16:10 Oh no Hang on Let me think I haven't had to do one of these for a while Alright so New York New York New York's back baby
Starting point is 01:16:17 Get out of here Yeah I'm walking here Forget about it Flickering corridors So many corridors Anyway The Hand are in New York.
Starting point is 01:16:25 They want to destroy New York. Classic. Classic The Hand. Or is it? Do we know their plan leading up to this? No. Not really. No.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Anyway, keep going. You're doing a great job, by the way. Thank you. And then, then the Defenders are going to stop them. Aren't they just? But first, they have to work out whether they... Are the Defenders. And they are. They're the Defenders. Definitively. to work out whether they... Are the defenders. And they are.
Starting point is 01:16:45 They're the defenders. Definitively. Do they say the defenders? I don't think they do. There's like, they say the word defender defending and whatever,
Starting point is 01:16:51 but not specifically. Danny Rand says I'm the immortal iron fist about 90 times. Well, he is. He certainly is. He's not wrong. But he is.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Anyway, everybody's back. Yeah. All your favourites. Some of your favourites Jessica Jones Luke Cage Matt Murdock Matt Murdock's friend
Starting point is 01:17:10 Foggy Murdock Foggy Murdock Foggy Nelson Colleen Wynne Colleen Wynne Stick is back, you're right Madam Gow is back Bakudo
Starting point is 01:17:23 Rosario Dawson's character, Claire, she's back. Turk Barrett is back. Turk Barrett's back briefly, baby. Yeah, Josie's back. Misty Knight is back. Yeah. That's all the characters that we know and love, they're back. Got him.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Bloody got him by his absence. We bloody got him. Do you think... What did you think of this, though? I liked it. Yeah, I liked it. I enjoyed it. You thought of a fantastic topic.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Yes, because- The best topic. Because last week or several weeks ago or in the future, I think somebody mentioned about feuds on this podcast and then I couldn't get it in my head. What are the best feuds in Hollywood? Hollywood feuds. Like these are on set movie feuds we're talking about? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yeah. So notuds, yeah. Like these are on-set movie feuds we're talking about? Yeah, I think so, yeah. So not characters. Yeah, not like, wow, Vin Diesel and The Rock really went at it in that movie. Yeah, boy, this Batman and this Joker character. But they do behind the scenes. That's true, Batman and this Joker character, they don't care for each other. Why don't they kiss and make up? Tommy Lee Jones hates Jim Carrey.
Starting point is 01:18:22 So Jim Carrey went up to him in a restaurant Before filming And he said the blood drained from Tommy Lee Jones' face In such a way that I realised That he was in pain or something And he got up, kind of shaking Hugged me and said I hate you I really don't like you
Starting point is 01:18:38 And I was like Wow, okay, what's going on man? And he said I cannot sanction your buffoonery That's amazing, right? And he said, I cannot sanction your buffoonery. That's amazing, right? But Mason, you've got a hot Ragnarok scoop. I was going to say, a perfect segue into our favorite game on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Hot scoop or a shot of poop. Now, for anybody who isn't aware of this game, what happens is... We need you to line up a scoop and a poop. So one of us presents some exclusive news, some behind-the-scenes, a bit of something that we believe is maybe exclusive to this podcast. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. That's the scoop.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Yes. And then, eventually later, it turns out that this isn't true James has to do a shot of poop wait this is your scoop correct so why
Starting point is 01:19:31 hey man I don't make the rules alright yes you do what you made this rule oh okay I kind of did
Starting point is 01:19:37 anyway fine I'll do it great for the podcast alright anyway Thor Ragnarok it's exceeded expectations
Starting point is 01:19:44 Mason people thought it would do Anywhere between Thor Yes Very good 100 Are you ready for a series of
Starting point is 01:19:50 Increasingly laboured Thor puns Throughout this? You get three Do I get three Or do I get Thor That's two Damn it
Starting point is 01:20:00 I've only got two left No, you've got one left Ah, what Alright, you can have two more. Yes. Because, yeah, I know you're excited. Or two Thor. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:20:11 I'm hitting you with so many, you won't know how many it is. I really won't. Vindicated. Yeah. So in the last couple of weeks, somebody gave us a hot scoop in our famous segment, Hot Scoop or Shot of Poop. It's true. And you ruined that surprise for the internet.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Absolutely, I did. Seeing that, I'm like, this would have been much better played. Now, the person who told me that also told me that one of the Hemsworths was going to be Thor, but I didn't want to spoil that because I was like, which one? And he was like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:38 That's a Jurassic Park reunion, Mason. Now, as per the rules of this, because it's correct, you must now do a shot of poop. No, it's the other way. Man, I don't make the rules, all right? I don't make the rules of this Because it's correct You must now do a shot of poop No, it's the other way Man, I don't make the rules, alright? I don't make the rules for this And we've established that you have And you did establish a rule that wasn't this
Starting point is 01:20:51 I don't remember that at all Anyway, rules are rules, man So get on that Maybe next week By the way, people You are hearing a live recording Of the garbage truck picking up my bins Which I have put out
Starting point is 01:21:02 But enough about you on this podcast Hey, come on, mate We're picking up some bins, which I have put out. But enough about you on this podcast. Hey, come on, mate. We're picking up some bloody garbage, all right? Anyway, what did you think the story was? Oh, jeez. Now I feel vindicated. I know, right? All right, hang on.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Okay, so I didn't think we were actually going to... It's two years after Agent Ultra. Why does it take me by surprise every time? It's a really good question. Yeah. I've been doing this for at least 100 episodes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Because I'm like, think about some good stuff about the movie and the bloody special effects and whatever. All right. Okay. So it's after Age of Ultron. Two years. Two years after. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:37 And Thor's been searching for Infinity Stones. Had to go. Didn't find any. Yep. But. Oh, by the way, if you don't want to know anything at all, don't listen to any of this. We're good at revealing spoilers and non-spoiler sections. Let me think.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Okay. Hasn't found any Infinity Stones. Yep. But he's been on a real adventure. A jaunt. And now he wants to go back to Asgard and see what's happening there. Yep. But troubles are brewing.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Maybe there's a new villain yep villainess Cate Blanchett yeah she's hella yeah yeah it's you've nailed it Mason
Starting point is 01:22:10 thank you that was probably your worst one thank you and that is saying something thank you oh god yeah there is it's weird because they
Starting point is 01:22:18 I like James look I don't want to be the one to say it but you should probably you should probably you should ask the question oh sorry ask the question oh my god I don't want to be the one to say it, but you should probably ask the question. Oh, sorry. Ask the question. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:22:29 I can't believe I forgot. For the purposes of this, ask the question. I'm just going to put in my Melbourne is all in lanyard. He's got a lanyard. Did you get any swag? I got a swag. I got a Wonder Woman Funko Pop. Great.
Starting point is 01:22:39 A packet of Pringles. Oh, because they're themed, right? They're sponsored. I don't know if mine were. What flavor did you get? I don't know. Wow. You didn't get Batman barbecue? I might have. You didn't get Aquaman sea salt? No, I might have. They were red. What's red? That's original. Yeah. So it would have been Superman. Bland. I love Superman. I don't mean that. But yeah, I actually got two because when I went up, they said you've got a friend coming, but you had to work. So I went, yes, and I took it because I was going to make you wear it.
Starting point is 01:23:10 But then I just found out that Claire threw it in the bin and I went out to the bin to try and find it. Oh, you were going to make me wear it during the podcast. Or at least attempt for you to wear it. Wow. It says Melbourne is all in, Mason. Yeah, right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:25 You know what I love about these things, and this was very much the case, Wow. You don't wear it. Wow. It says Melbourne is all in, Mason. Yeah, right. Okay. Very. You know what I love about these things? And this was very much the case. The person who gets up and explains the movie at the start, it's like they've never seen a movie before. Yeah, right. They're reading off their phone. They're like, welcome to, she said, Snack Snyder.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Nice. Justice League film. The fifth film, it's a comic book world and maybe she'd suffered some sort of personal tragedy immediately beforehand look all you get up
Starting point is 01:23:53 and say you say thanks for coming to the Justice League premiere we really hope you enjoy the film don't spoil anything don't spoil anything when you leave also they always say
Starting point is 01:24:02 we have night vision cameras yeah right I've never seen it they never do I've never seen it. They never do. I've never seen it. It's a lie. Also, maybe she got hit in the head and it reversed her personality. Maybe she was the most incredible Warner Brothers spokesman ever.
Starting point is 01:24:14 She got hit in the head on the way in and now she's like, oh, I don't know. Anyway, get the question out of the way. Anyway, I should do it. I'll do it for all of their films. Okay. You don't even have to pay me. I'll do it. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Yeah. Mason, what did you think the story was? Oh, no. You've asked me the question and I wasn't it for all of their films. You don't even have to pay me. I'll do it. Yeah, right. Mason, what did you think the story was? Oh, no. You've asked me the question and I wasn't prepared for it. Hang on. I'll have to do it. I can't believe of all films. This is not what I'm asking.
Starting point is 01:24:33 But Superman's dead and everyone's sad for some reason, even though he's a menace. And then Batman saw a vision of the future in which Superman was going to kill everyone probably and destroy the world. So he's like, we better get the team together and fix, we'll get a team of superheroes. All right. Then there's Mother Box.
Starting point is 01:24:53 They're going to find the Mother Boxes. Anyway, that's the plot of the movie. Yeah, absolutely it is. Yeah. So they get together an Aquaman. They get together at the Flash who runs like a man who's never run before in his life. Maybe he was hit in the head and his personality changed.
Starting point is 01:25:05 It's pretty possible. Maybe he was a decathlon runner and he was hit in the head. Mason, we want to talk about superhero fatigue though, but Mason, I'm all bloody fatigued already. Oh, yeah. We should talk about it. Let's do it. Where are you on superhero movies?
Starting point is 01:25:20 Should we shut down this podcast? No. Do you want to change it to cooking? What have you got in the boil right now? Eggs. Boiled eggs. Yes. So what you're saying, hypothetically speaking,
Starting point is 01:25:30 is if we stop talking about superhero movies and started talking about cooking, your opening salvo on our cooking podcast would be boiled eggs. Four minutes on a high heat. Oh, yes. That would get you a great boiled egg, Mason, straight up. You wouldn't go with three. Three minutes. I've mason all right my first egg related rodeo i'm just saying it might that that sounds like a sounds like a very hard boiled egg is what i'm saying
Starting point is 01:25:53 no no it's not it's soft in the middle but the white part's cooked that's what you want right no i want it all i want it all runny then you don't boil an egg then you just eat an egg just eat a raw egg. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. I'm telling you. It's good. I've been doing boiled eggs. What if that was what the podcast became?
Starting point is 01:26:14 Just you suggest. One of us suggests a recipe and the other one's like, no, I just eat it all raw. No, I think we should suggest how long you cook an egg for. So we start with one minute. Yeah. And then we do that. That's episode one.
Starting point is 01:26:24 Yep. And then we work our way up to 100. Okay. To 100 minutes. It's like that. Have you seen those, have you seen that, those YouTube videos
Starting point is 01:26:34 where they just crush everything in a giant drill press? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it'd be that. We just do a video series where we just boil an egg for one to 100 minutes. It'd be less interesting,
Starting point is 01:26:42 I feel, but whatever. Yeah. But Mason, what did you think the story was? Without spoiling everything. All right, I can do this. Okay, here we go. Ryan Gosling.
Starting point is 01:26:51 The Goose. He's K. Yeah. He's a cool dude. He's okay. He's okay. Yeah. And he, he's a guy and his job is to retire replicants.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Yes. Who are human seeming robots. Yep. That are going rogue. Correct. By doing things like trying to live their lives. But he goes to them and he kills them. Yeah, so he's essentially the Harrison Ford character from the first one, yeah. But then he uncovers a mystery.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Oh, no! And what's he going to do? Solve the mystery and cry a lot. Maybe he'll team up with Harrison Ford. They'll certainly meet in a very orange place like they do in the trailer. No spoilers. It's in the trailer. They'll point some guns at each other or something.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Yeah. Jared Leto's in it too. And a lady with a very severe fringe. That being said, everybody else is really good. Yeah, everybody's getting good performance. David Batista's good in this David Batista's fantastic he's really
Starting point is 01:27:47 might be his best performance yeah oh hang on Greg's just calling me okay for everybody at home Greg is what I call my wife it's not weird
Starting point is 01:27:55 Greg what's up yeah no I gave it to him it's all good next Saturday I think oh great alright Mason and I are recording so can I call you back
Starting point is 01:28:06 I'll speak to you later okay love ya bye Greg that was my wife Greg he loves his wife what a lame word come on man nah
Starting point is 01:28:16 Colette says also thank you to all the people who we mentioned it briefly last week she fell over running and knocked a lot of her teeth out she sure did
Starting point is 01:28:23 which are now it's looking are now it's looking much better looking pretty yeah you barely notice yeah but uh she's um yeah it's only temporary but she's gonna fix it again she actually did an episode on it uh of her podcast just make the thing which i'll wow you can bloody check it out it's a real kanye west moment for her in what sense he broke his jaw did he he was a uh a, not recently. This was years ago. I was going to make a lewd reference to a self-act. Yeah. Well, potentially.
Starting point is 01:28:49 No, because he, because you know, he's a rapper. Is he? Yeah. Well. I'm also a rapper. You're not. You can't rap or dab, all right? Oh, come on, mate.
Starting point is 01:28:58 But he started out as a hip hop producer. Yes. And it was in the era where you couldn't be a hip hop producer and be like a rapper. You couldn't cross over. Right. But he was like, no,
Starting point is 01:29:07 I want to be one. And then he broke his jaw in a car accident. And then he recorded a song called through the wire where he raps with a broken jaw. Oh yeah. This was obviously a long time ago. This was a long time ago. It's not really a relevant story then is it?
Starting point is 01:29:19 Oh, what? I mean, I'm just saying, I mean, it's a different, it's a different injury and it happened in a different era. That's true. And to different people now that I think about it's a different injury and it happened in a different era. That's true.
Starting point is 01:29:25 And to different people now that I think about it. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, she's doing well. Thank you for all the nice messages. But the fact that they didn't show like he had 10 screens in his brain. Yeah, right. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Clearly he's getting some sort of weird input in his brain and we don't know what it is. I thought that was interesting. They look like floating poos. All right, steady on. Don't you think? No. You don't think? No, not really okay
Starting point is 01:29:45 i like the noise they made yeah no i had actual noise which i liked flush just out of toilet flush noise it's time for an ad no we did that already i think it's oh this is worse than an ad we're going to talk about geostorm yay i put the call out on twitter I want to be clear. At no point did we have to talk about Geostorm, but you kind of insisted. I floated it on Twitter and then I dragged you along. Because I wanted to say, do people want us to talk about Geostorm?
Starting point is 01:30:17 And people did. I didn't want to say it, but I did say it. And I hated it. It was real bad. It's my least favorite genre of film. Well, let me tell you about Geostorm. Let me tell you about Geostorm. Let me tell you about Geostorm.
Starting point is 01:30:31 It's a bad movie, but I loved it. Here's the thing. A lot of the time, a big blockbuster movie will come out, and people will be like, okay, if you're going to see this movie, don't wait for DVD. You've got to see it on a big screen. You've got to see it on IMAX. You've got to see it on double IMAX. You've got to see it wait for DVD. You've got to see it on a big screen. You've got to see it on IMAX. You've got to see it on double IMAX.
Starting point is 01:30:46 You've got to see it in 3D. You've got to see it with a surround sound. You've got to see it with a rumble chair. You're going to get a big popcorn and all that sort of stuff. Then you'll get the full experience. I say not with this movie, but with this movie, if you're going to see it, see it while sitting next to a friend of yours
Starting point is 01:30:59 who is hating every second of it. Because I don't know if that was definitely part of it. We got the best seats we've ever had in a movie also ever and you spent a lot of it with your head in your hands just and I'm like
Starting point is 01:31:12 this is on paper this movie isn't very good no and in reality it's not very good also uh huh I mean
Starting point is 01:31:20 I look I hate all of these yes and this is the worst one yeah right and that that's that is really saying something. So these movies were big in the 90s, and I hated it because it was like Twister, Volcano.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Uh-huh. I feel you would have loved Twister back then. No, I hated Twister. Interesting. I hated it. I remember at the time, people were like, did you see the cow? Yeah, fucking, yeah, the cow that went across the screen. Yeah, I saw it.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Uh-huh. And that movie's no, it's no good. Who talks about Twister now fondly? Did you see the cow? Yeah, fucking, yeah, the cow that went across the screen. Yeah, I saw it. And that movie's no, it's no good. Who talks about Twister now fondly? Aside from the fact that Bill Paxton or Pullman's in it. Yeah, right. Even Independence Day. It's not good. People like the sequel's not good.
Starting point is 01:31:57 They're both not good. But they're both better than this. This has so many tropes of the Roland Emmerich, Deanlin-iverse. Can I ask you a question about this movie? What did you think the story was? I'm turning it on you. So because the world's gone to shit. Yep. Weather-wise.
Starting point is 01:32:14 Weather-wise, yeah. So Gerard Butlers, he's the best scientist in the world. He's a genius. But he's also a bit of a bloody renegade. Yeah, that's right. So he builds a net around the earth. Not a literal net. No, it's a net. He builds a full-negade yeah that's right so he builds a net around the earth uh not a literal net no it's a net he builds a full-on fisherman's net it's got hot it's got holes in
Starting point is 01:32:30 it obviously but it's it's covers the entire earth and from a space station they can control the weather called is it icarus or something like that dutch boy dutch boy that's right but the other thing is about it's called d boy, but he refers to it as a she, like a couple of times. So it's confusing there in terms of what, he's supposed to know it back to front and sometimes he does, but sometimes he doesn't. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:56 So like, you'll be like, oh, I didn't hear that noise. That means something's broken loose and you should have got this thing checked out because cause he gets fired. Anyway, I'm just going to go into this bathroom and he opens the door and it's a supply closet. Exactly. Anyway, so he's... So he doesn't know the basic layout, but he knows the noises that it makes.
Starting point is 01:33:10 Yeah, so anyway... Let me finish! All right. So I don't believe in 2022 or whenever this is set that the man who's literally saved the world could get fired by another man who could not exist in the real world. Who's like, we saved the world, but you're fired.
Starting point is 01:33:27 And he's like, well, you didn't save the world. I didn't see you up on my space station. I can't believe that that wouldn't go to Twitter. Hey, they fired the guy who saved the world. It just would not happen. The backlash alone. So fucking implausible, this entire thing. I just couldn't wrap my mind around how something this fucking stupid got this far.
Starting point is 01:33:49 You don't recognize the guy who built the station? He's probably the most famous man in the world. And you work on the thing that he built. Yeah, right. And you don't know who he is. Haven't you seen the poster in your room of him? And it is hilarious. It's $120 million.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Yeah. Where is the budget? The special effects are laughable in places. Like, really terrible. But I like that idea of the world coming together to solve this common problem. So you're saying you like this movie? Shut up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:22 I think Dean Devlin's an idiot. I couldn't find the interview There's an interview around the Star Wars re-release I looked and looked for it But I couldn't find it where he's talking about the first time That he saw Star Wars And then there was a bit where Darth Vader came into the room For the first time and the whole cinema booed
Starting point is 01:34:38 And I was like how does everybody know to do that I don't know because he just came through the door With the space Nazis who just gunned down 40 men. He's dressed in all black. There's ominous music. He's terrifying. Everybody's standing
Starting point is 01:34:52 out of his way. What do you think everybody booed? What do you think the reasoning is? How did everyone figure it out at once? What do you think
Starting point is 01:34:59 the booing was for? It's a great new segment. Anyway, good on you, Dean Devlin. I'm sorry I yelled at you. That's not nice. You're just doing your best. You're's a great new segment. Anyway, good on you, Dean Devlin. I'm sorry I yelled at you. That's not nice. You're just doing your best.
Starting point is 01:35:08 You're probably a very nice man. Yeah. Apologies. Great stuff. So what did you think the plot was? So... In fact, keep it rolling. I got something.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Hang on. What do I do? Just keep it rolling. I don't know what to do by myself. I just remembered something. I think he's just gone to the toilet. I think this is an elaborate route so he can go to the toilet. He's going to come back and hand me some hand soap and be like,
Starting point is 01:35:28 this is for you. And I'll be like, that's the hand soap from my bathroom. But he'll be like, no, it's slightly different. It's only half full because I dropped it at the supermarket. But I want you to have it. He's still not back. I don't know what he's doing. Is he wrapping a gift?
Starting point is 01:35:43 This guy, man. I'm so sorry. Episode 200, everybody. You still filming, James? Yeah. No, we're not filming. It's podcasting. Did you run to your car?
Starting point is 01:35:55 Yes, I got something. Hang on. I'm hoping he wheels in a big cake. He's just standing outside. I don't know what he's doing. Maybe he's climbing inside it. Maybe he has climbed inside it. I hope he's not going to light sparklers okay so he's brought in a cake that he's probably baked himself almost
Starting point is 01:36:16 certainly even though it's on a plastic tray and it says 198 because for those who are long-time listeners of the show. Happy 198th appearance on the Weekly Planet, James. Yeah. Because I have missed two episodes. Once for my honeymoon. What was the other time I missed it? You had a kid. I went to Japan.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Nice. Yeah, I didn't miss it for having a kid. You left the door open, you dumbass. What kind of cake is this? It's a rainbow cake. Oh, do you make it? No. I appreciate it. Thank you very much. I literally got you nothing. No, you got me that glass of water.
Starting point is 01:36:51 Oh yeah, good point. Alright. On with the episode. Straight into it? Yes. Should I blow the mouth? If you want. Yay! I did it! Next week we might have a special guest. Might have a special guest. My grandparents. Oh no! I'll get the shovels. Do you want to kick it off?
Starting point is 01:37:09 Oh, absolutely. James, we've had some incredible guests on this podcast in the past. Not true. Your wife. Yep. Our friend Ben. Yep. A dog.
Starting point is 01:37:17 Yes. But I think by quite a wide margin, this is going to just blow them out of the water. Absolutely. So you know him from a whole bunch of things we love. Shaun of the Dead. Hot Fuzz. The World's End. Spaced. Now he's got a new movie out it's a heist it's a romp it's two things that i love it's called baby driver it's out right now as we speak uh it's mr edgar wright edgar wright how are you sir thanks for having me how are you feeling i have tons lighters yeah if i'm completely honest but i did have the amazing experience last night of a doing a q a with
Starting point is 01:37:46 dr george miller we saw that yeah uh the sydney premiere but b him giving me a second opinion on what the doctor said about my tonsillitis because him as a real doctor it was like a funny thing where he said uh he said he was asking me what the doctor prescribed and he had some of his own thoughts which was amazing so i, I'm actually literally getting like a sort of second opinion from Dr. George Miller. So something we always... Tell me more about Ben and your dog. What's to say?
Starting point is 01:38:13 Ben's a guy we know and a dog is a dog that lives in my house. That's kind of the extent of it. We just wanted a guest we didn't have to purchase from a pet shop. And we reached out. So there's a great scene right at the start with the harlem shuffle it's so well integrated into the scene i i get the sense that maybe it's just my own bias that the some of these songs have been rattling around in your head for for a number of years and you've sort of built a scene around is that yeah i mean quite a few i'd say when i wrote the first draft
Starting point is 01:38:39 of the script which i started doing like six or seven years ago, I had like 10 of the songs earmarked of what eventually would become 35 songs. The 10 of them I had nailed down in terms of, I knew what song it was and I basically knew what scene it was. And then when I was writing the rest of the script, I basically sort of like wrote it where it's like, it's a song per scene.
Starting point is 01:39:02 So if I got to a scene where I didn't have a song, I would not start writing until I found the right song. There you go, wow. And if I got to a scene where I didn't have a song, I would not start writing until I found the right song. There you go, wow. And then I'd literally go, okay, so it's a diner scene, he's meeting Debra for the first time and it's dreamy and she walks in
Starting point is 01:39:14 and it's like he's imagining, he doesn't know whether this is really happening, whether it's a dream, so he's in a slightly dreamy state. Okay, I'm going to find something that's this kind of tone. Okay, how long is this scene going to be? This scene's going gonna be like two and a half minutes long okay let me look at my songs between two and two and a half minutes incredible i'd find something that was the right duration
Starting point is 01:39:32 so what i wouldn't do is think oh this track's five minutes long but the scene's only two and a half minutes so i just cut it yeah right find the song that's the right length and then write the scene to that song which is exactly then it's like this beach boy's instrumental is perfect but then the other thing i did in that process which became incredibly instrumental to the sort of the the finished screenplay was um was interviewing ex-cons oh wow sure so i started in one of the best guys actually for that was this guy called joe lawyer who actually ended up being the script consultant and plays the security guard in the movie as well. He's in the post office heist. He,
Starting point is 01:40:11 um, you know, he'd been in prison for 10 years. So if he hadn't done it himself, he had met somebody like one of these people. It kind of reminds me of this guy. And then you'd always get something anecdotal out of it that would be really useful. And so I would end up interviewing them and asking them very general questions
Starting point is 01:40:27 and then very specific questions. So the very specific questions would be, would you ever listen to music on the way to a heist? And Joe Lawyer answered at one point, and his thing was all about his getaway song afterwards, but he said, I'd never listen to music on the way to a heist because I already have enough demons up here making music. Oh, right. His getaway song afterwards, but he said I'd never listened to music on the way to a heist Because I already have enough demons up here making music. All right
Starting point is 01:40:51 Boy what a line Write that down Jamie Foxx says it later and then the other bit in that section Which is also from a complete different writer a guy called Rick Moranek who is a Boston Ex armored Karl Robert and now crime writer. I asked him the same question. I said, would you ever listen to music on the way to a heist? And he said, no, no, on the way to a heist. He goes, well, you know, there was this one time. You know when anybody says there was this one time that the next bit's going to be gold?
Starting point is 01:41:17 Right, absolutely. And he said that we're on our way to a job and the radio is on and the radio is playing Knocking on Heaven's door by guns and roses and one of the guys in the back starts flipping out and saying this song is bad luck and this is a bad omen and this is a jinx and we should not do this job because we just got hexed so that just so i thought that's amazing incredible and then that became a whole thing
Starting point is 01:41:41 about hex songs and then just the final thing on this is that jamie foxx read that bit and he says my heck song is hotel california by the eagles and i said why is that and he said well when i was growing up and playing a little pool in dallas anytime hotel california would come on the stereo i start losing so hotel california is unlucky that's my heck song so then i wrote that into the script when we did a. So then I wrote that into the script. When we did a read-through, I wrote that into the script without telling Jamie and then he came upon it and he laughed. So that's Jamie Foxx's heck song. So if you see Jamie Foxx playing Paul,
Starting point is 01:42:13 please don't play Hotel California by the Eagles on the jukebox. Thank you so much for this. Unless you're competing against him. You want to shark out. Definitely do that. Love it. We really appreciate it. Good luck.
Starting point is 01:42:24 Well done with this good luck with your next project with the baby drive a tour whatever you got going on I appreciate it absolute pleasure thank you so much
Starting point is 01:42:31 hope you enjoyed that interview yeah we did because we were there how did you feel doing that nervous yeah me too it's not really our thing
Starting point is 01:42:38 it was super nice though it was super nice yeah I mean and speaking of because again he did have tonsillitis and our assumption was that at any given moment, they were going to cancel on us. And the fact that he was very sick and still didn't cancel on us, very appreciative.
Starting point is 01:42:54 And we were thinking, if anybody out there did like that little interview, hopefully at some point we might do some other interviews, or we might want to talk to Edgar Wright again next time he's in town. If you're on the Twitters, if you want to add Edgar Wright and let him know and just say thanks. If you want to just say thanks for having these couple of bloody boys. And maybe at us in and at the Weekly Planet, which is the Royal Collings run.
Starting point is 01:43:18 That'd be nice. Yeah, so that might... I don't know, because I still feel like people are like, who are you? What's this? Now, Mason, there's never been a girl in the regular room before. We forebode it. We did, absolutely. Minus the dog.
Starting point is 01:43:32 What? Dog can be women too, Mason. That's true. It is 2017. You're right. I was going to forebode it, but you're right. It's 2017. That's it.
Starting point is 01:43:40 And with that in mind. If you can hear that other voice cackling away. I do like to cackle. You love a cackle. That's because my wife Claire's here to talk a little bit about Wonder Woman before we kind of wrap this up. Now, Claire, we're willing to spoil as you've walked into the tail end of our conversation, but you were lucky enough to attend
Starting point is 01:43:55 the Melbourne premiere, a real event. Oh, tell us about that. With all the stars from Neighbours that just happened to be sitting behind us. They were sitting behind us. Anyway, so Wonder Woman 2017, you had some thoughts that I'd love you to share. What did you think of this film, the first, let's say, good female superhero movie since? The wonderful Wonder Woman film.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Since none of the others because they're all terrible. Yeah, they are all terrible. What did you think? Well, I loved it and I didn't think it was the best movie ever in the whole world. Well, there's only two ratings on this. Yeah, there's no nuance here. So I thought it was the worst movie ever. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:44:33 Once you cross the threshold into the man cave, you've only got one extreme or the other. In this world, there are only two ratings. No, I really loved it. And I loved it because I saw a kick-ass woman being kick-ass and I was really believable and she looked really strong and really fun and clever and she knew lots of languages and she wasn't stick skinny. I thought that was so great to see.
Starting point is 01:44:58 Like I think you said on your YouTube review, James. Go on. Well, you said this movie is pretty good but it's not a game changer. Not in terms of storytelling yeah but and I'd say maybe not in terms of us watching it
Starting point is 01:45:10 but I think it is definitely a game changer in terms of women yeah watching it or young women watching a film
Starting point is 01:45:17 and going like that could be me yeah exactly just brandishing a sword alright steady on yeah come on let's not go too far alright
Starting point is 01:45:24 yeah there was one thing I did say to James which I found interesting Just brandishing a sword. All right, steady on. Yeah, come on. Let's not go too far, all right? Yeah. There was one thing I did say to James which I found interesting. You're sleeping on the couch. You're sleeping on the couch again. Come on, mate. You're in the doghouse. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:45:36 With the dog. Out of our two possible rating systems, would you give it a best movie ever? Yeah. You've got to give it a best movie ever made. I have to, do I? Yeah. How dare you yeah or you're in the doghouse get out into the doghouse in the cold yeah no i i really enjoyed it uh where can people find you though claire you got stuff going on uh you won't take my last name in real life but you're still my last name for twitter well. Jumping on the back of my popularity. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Our popularity. Yes, I know. Shameless. That's me. You can find me at I think that's a, that'd be a TV.
Starting point is 01:46:14 That'd be something. It's probably a pause. It's probably something. I'll just double check that. We'll edit that out. That's fine. No, so you can find me at...
Starting point is 01:46:22 Yeah, don't go to that. That's not true. Is it terrible? Oh, no. Oh, no. Anyway, so you can find me at... Yeah, don't go to that. That's not true. Is it terrible? Oh, no. Oh, no. Anyway, so go on. Let's buy dot com dot au and see what happens. No, so you can find me on Twitter at MrsSundayMovies or Claire Tonti.
Starting point is 01:46:37 But I'm also starting a podcast. Well, I have. I started. And it's called Just Make the Thing. And it's really just about how to start making a thing and keep on making it because I am historically terrible at that particular thing. Yeah, you are. I love how you have my back over there, husband man.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Well, he's in a bind there because he can't be like, no, no, you're great at making a thing. Why would you make a podcast about it because you're good at it? You've thrown him under the bus either way. Good work. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of the Weekly Official Podcast of, where we talk movies, comics, TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday.
Starting point is 01:47:18 With me always is my co-host, career of the champ, Nick Mason. It's me. I won again. He's back. I won the Weekly Planet last week, and now I'm back to do it again. But we've got a special guest this week. We do. We do.
Starting point is 01:47:29 A competitor. Oh, no. That's how it works. Well, see, that's pretty much why I've always won. Because I've had no competition. Absolutely. Well, a very special guest. One third of the very funny podcast, Do Go On, which I'm a big fan of.
Starting point is 01:47:43 You've been on it. I have been on it. Award-winning comedian. He was the winner of Raw Comedy. That's Australia's nationwide young comedy type person, type search. Sexiest comedian. Sexiest comedian in Australia 2014. It's Mr. Matt Stewart.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Hey, Matt. Welcome. Hey, Nick. Thanks so much for having me. I missed the Sunday. Thank you for being here. We appreciate it. I just had your face
Starting point is 01:48:05 revealed to me yeah literally just now just now I had my eyes closed terrifying no suitable
Starting point is 01:48:12 oh man what a lovely surprise I'll take that thank you very much here's some more facts about Matt Stewart from Wikipedia I'm ready
Starting point is 01:48:19 ready for this did you get a Wikipedia I don't think so he's a linebacker he's been part of the Atlanta Falcons, the Cleveland Browns, the Arizona Cardinals, the Dallas Cowboys, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. What are you doing, man?
Starting point is 01:48:32 I'm a journeyman. I was going to say. So, Matt, how many facts do you think you retain from your podcast? Because it's a fact-based. It's all facts. We should mention as well, you're going to be part of Planet Broadcasting also, and you're going to be there. Just you, not the other two.
Starting point is 01:48:44 Yeah, no, we don't want them. Oh, no. I'll let them down easy. I'm catching up with them later. So that's going to be fun. Tell them after the show. Yeah, I'm going to tell them during. Yeah, it's pretty exciting to be over.
Starting point is 01:48:57 We just tweeted that news out to our friends who follow us on Twitter. Absolutely. That's how that works. That's exactly how it works. And's exactly how that works, yeah. And they seem excited. Cool, yeah. One person said, what does that mean? And I turned off my phone and went into a different room
Starting point is 01:49:15 because I wasn't fully sure how to answer. But I know it's exciting. Absolutely it is. Well, we've got to get straight into the news. No, no, but the thing about the facts. Oh, sorry. Sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:49:26 How many facts do you think you retained? I reckon I leaked a lot of them. I reckon maybe 20 to 30% maybe. That's still a good rate. That's quite good. We'll talk about a movie on an episode, and then the next week I'll have no memory. It's like you hadn't seen that movie.
Starting point is 01:49:40 It's like I hadn't seen the movie, exactly. We'll talk about an upcoming movie for like 10 weeks, and then it'll come up and I'll be like, this totally took me by surprise. When did they announce this? Batman and Superman. That's right. Actually, I found out an interesting fact the other day.
Starting point is 01:49:56 Med students' brains actually slightly expand, apparently. I heard this from a med student during the exam period, because they just cram in all this information, and so it expands to kind of fill, I don't know, by how much? Less than a millimeter. And then it shrinks back afterwards. Just med students. That sounds like a med student showing off.
Starting point is 01:50:15 Med students and podcasters. Surely, yeah, surely all people studying. Your brain's real swole, man. Yeah, it is. Yeah, it's shredded. My brain's shredded. I dehydrate my brain just before the exam, so it looks totally shredded.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Real cut. Yeah. Real cut brain. But maybe there's other things happening this week, Nick Mason. In what sense? I'm throwing to you. Yes. You're going to...
Starting point is 01:50:36 I'm ready to catch. Here we go. You're going to introduce... Lead me into this. I can do it. I'm ready. Hey, Dad, it's me. It's your son.
Starting point is 01:50:45 It's Master Sunday Movies. Yep, here he is. I'm so glad you finally let me exist in the podcast world. This is how you reveal that you can speak. Yeah, exactly. Amazing. You've never heard me talk until now. Why would a toddler reveal that they could speak on any other medium than a podcast?
Starting point is 01:51:02 Any child of yours would provide content to you. Exactly. It's not your child. He tried to make me talk on Twitch once. I was like, this is a dying format that I'll never catch on outside of video gaming. Oh, can I actually do an actual intro? That'd be great.
Starting point is 01:51:19 No, it's fine. Leave it. There is a dog here. Yeah, there is. Hello, dog. It's me. I'm your dog. Hey, what's up? Oh, no. It's a it. There is a dog here. Yeah, there is. Hello, dog. It's me. I'm your dog. Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 01:51:26 Oh, no. It's a man. He's had many lives. He's a DJ. He's a restaurateur. He's a raconteur. He's a podcaster. He's a podcaster.
Starting point is 01:51:34 The greatest honor of all to be a podcaster. It's Andrew Levins. Levins is here. Welcome. Thanks for having me. No problem. Thanks for coming out. You know what?
Starting point is 01:51:44 What I admire is your restraint that you've gone this entire episode without saying as a dad. You could have prefaced every single thing today with, listen, as a dad, I think the best comic book adaptation is this. But you haven't. I respect that. I was going to just try and sabotage this and just make James talk about father stuff. Because I've been loving that seeping into the podcast now that you're allowing it if there's one thing
Starting point is 01:52:06 that I hate it's other dads and I don't mean like you I mean like you get the dad at the park and he's like best job in the world and I'm like fuck off
Starting point is 01:52:12 get the fuck out of my face I want to talk to regular people like and my friends anyway I just wanted to talk to James about fatherhood and CrossFit
Starting point is 01:52:21 I bloody bet you would best podcast ever how about this if people have an example of something that they feel is better, they could hit us up on Twitter. A comic book, if you will. Yeah. Add us all on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Not just anything. Yeah, not anything. At MrSundayMovies. I think free-riding jakes are better than cage eggs. Shut up, Tommy. Fight me. At MrSundayMovies, at WikipediaBrown, at LevDog. Do you want to spell that?
Starting point is 01:52:44 L-E-V-D-A-W-G. It's not the way your grandma spells Dawg. You better believe it. Yeah. So if you've got some good examples, yeah, we'd bloody love to hear about it. James, shut up. You shut up. Stop talking for one second if you could, if you wouldn't mind, because we've got a special guest.
Starting point is 01:52:59 We do. And I'm going to introduce the special guest. I'll be here too. Part of Planet Broadcasting. Yep. A fantastic podcast it's called human ordinary ira glass of this american life has said the writing is spectacular that's right i've got it i mean it says it says dot dot dot the writing is spectacular dot dot
Starting point is 01:53:13 dot so who knows what's what's on the other side of those those dots but so i could say for an idiot or is that yeah yeah or like i i am never going to say about this podcast that the writing is spectacular unless i'm is spectacular, yeah. Unless I'm tricked into it. That's it. Absolutely, yeah. But you know what? I've been listening to it very recently,
Starting point is 01:53:30 and the writing is spectacular. Absolutely. Don't take the word of podcasting superstar, amazing storyteller Ira Glass. Take the word of this idiot. So to watch this today, I was at work, and I Googled just watch Prometheus online for free. And the first first like there's
Starting point is 01:53:45 a there's a put locker link for it and whoever's uploaded it has put this little description of Prometheus I wonder if you guys would like would
Starting point is 01:53:51 agree with this sure the sentiments here as you could visualize this film is quite scary great probably yeah okay I discovered a number of the action
Starting point is 01:54:02 scenes in Police Academy 6 really startling but let me let you know several of the action scenes in Police Academy 6 really startling. But let me let you know, several of the scenes in Prometheus take soiling yourself to an entire new level. And it's simple to see why. The film capabilities three from the most frightening things known to man. Space aliens, dark caves and mysterious ooze. You're not wrong.
Starting point is 01:54:21 Those three. I'm not finished. When the crew in the Prometheus entered that scary old dark cave, I could barely hold off my Fanta with fright. Fanta? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:54:33 I much prefer a Ripley that's surviving on grit and tenacity as opposed to just being able to rip an alien in half. Yeah, true. Yeah. But there's also a bit of sympathy that she seems, like affinity that she has with him as well. And she does feel that remorse when she sucks that alien, which I guess is her kid.
Starting point is 01:54:54 Yeah. Which is a pretty good death. That is awesome, actually. Yeah. Yeah. I was saying to you before, like, you know, now that I'm a dad, like my daughter. As a dad. As a that I'm a dad, like my daughter is.
Starting point is 01:55:06 As a dad. As a dad. As a father. That whole scene affected me in a way that I had never imagined. I've seen that movie a few times, but watched it the other day. And I was, that scene. It's screaming to her. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Yeah. And I'm like, oh, no. Oh, her kid. I feel we should introduce a new segment in future called As a Father. And we'll review a film, and maybe it's just some dumb action film, and you have to segue into it. But As a Father, I think this. You can get guests in. It'll be great.
Starting point is 01:55:37 Absolutely, we can. Yeah, you can become friends with more dads. Oh, that's my dream, isn't it? Now, Mason. All right, cease your prattling, James. Okay, sorry. About whatever we were talking about just then. I'll stop.
Starting point is 01:55:45 If you could. I have. Hey, here's a question for you. When you were a kid and you were listening, you were listening with rapt attention to the radio, Triple J, you were loving it. When you were watching the TV, you were watching ABC TV,
Starting point is 01:55:57 you were loving the Gruen transfer. Yes. When you were just, when you go into the comedy festival and laughing your ass off with thousands of other people, did you ever think for any moment that at some point you'd be sitting in a room with your childhood hero me every day is a blessing i'll tell you that much as a side note we've brought in a very special guest who may very well have been on the radio triple j who's been on tv who's had a million
Starting point is 01:56:25 billion shows at the melbourne international comedy festival sellout shows it's it's it's will anderson it's bloody will anderson hello hey hey mate hello that was very good actually i like that whole bit oh i did a bit i was like this actually my appearance on this show is not going to be as good as that bit i know disagree no. Disagree. Isn't that fun? I mean, is there any chance that people think if you play the Joker then you're going to die is the reason that Jared Leto got cast? Is there someone out there who just... He really took that to 11 in a bad way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Artie goes like, you know, you were sending them used condoms in the mail to get in character. And I'm like, that's a workplace, you know? It really is, yeah. If we did that in any of our workplaces, I'm just trying to get you motivated for the next Gruen episode, Russell, so here's my used condoms sticking inside your head. No, that's inappropriate.
Starting point is 01:57:18 Absolutely. I'm sorry. I don't think so. Calm down. Just act. There's an X. You stand on the X, and you say the words you're supposed to say, an X you stand on the X and you say
Starting point is 01:57:26 the words you're supposed to say and then you get off the X and you go home at the very least here's how much you have to think about it like that makeup takes a while to put on
Starting point is 01:57:33 just from the minute they start putting on your makeup until when they finish doing that that's probably an hour minimum probably a couple of hours
Starting point is 01:57:40 but like an hour minimum right just for the head if he's wearing a jacket that's fine. Just joker it up from there. If you can't become the joker in an hour, then you are the wrong guy for this job.
Starting point is 01:57:53 I understand there are flaws to that movie, but I only think there's only one flaw to the entire movie, which is in the final fight scene between Bane and Batman on the steps, that one where he comes through the crowd and Bane sees him, you know, and he's like, you're back to die with your city. I think that's Yoda, actually. But I can't do voices, sorry.
Starting point is 01:58:13 And he goes, no, I'm back to stop you. No, you can do voices. And it's one of those things where you're like, could have said anything. Nah, don't say anything. Just don't say anything. Just start the punching. That's not my Batman. Yeah, we all know why you're like... Could have said anything. Nah, don't say... Or nothing. Just don't say anything. Just start the punching. That's right.
Starting point is 01:58:25 That's not my Batman. You don't do... Yeah, we all know why you're here, mate. Yeah. Yeah, we all get it. You're in the suit. There was the big fire. No, even Bane doesn't think that you'd come back to die with the city.
Starting point is 01:58:36 Bane was saying that in a... Bane gets that you're there to get him. That's why he's saying that. That's Bane kind of playing off the situation. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We've actually got a Charlie Clawson from Tofop. A Charlie Clawson? Did I say A Charlie Clawson? saying that. That's Bane kind of playing off the situation. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:45 We've actually got a Charlie Clawson from Tofop. A Charlie Clawson? Did I say a Charlie Clawson? It sounded like you said a Charlie Clawson. The Charlie Clawson from Tofop.
Starting point is 01:58:52 I probably am. No, there is another Charlie Clawson. There was this kid called Charlie Clawson who would troll me on Instagram for like a year.
Starting point is 01:58:59 Every time I would post something, he would post in the comments hashtag saint. And it was one of those things where I just should have let it slide. But for some reason, I don't know, maybe would post in the comments, hashtag same. And it was one of those things where I just should have let it slide. But for some reason, I don't know, maybe I was hungover one day, it was really bugging me. And so I direct messaged him and said, look, mate, it's been a year of hashtag same. It's not fun anymore. And
Starting point is 01:59:15 then one of his mates commented, like he must have gone and cried to one of his friends. He was about 12. Is he Australian? I think American. Right, yeah. Because then his mate had a go at me and was like, you know, a big shot celebrity like you shouldn't be beating up on kids like this. And I'm like, well, I am not a big shot celebrity.
Starting point is 01:59:31 It would have been awesome. Have you read that George Miller's Justice League script? I have. We've got a video on it where we talk about it. I mean, goofy, right? Like the opening scene, all the superheroes in costume at a funeral. I just love the idea of seeing like all those guys
Starting point is 01:59:45 sitting in pews in a cool costume it's like there's a scene in Batman Forever which always makes me laugh where it's just they're showing a bit of musical footage
Starting point is 01:59:53 and it's how it's Harvey Dent becoming Two-Face where Tommy Lee Jones gets acid and then they cut to the crowd and Batman is leaping from the chairs
Starting point is 02:00:00 in full Batman yes which suggests up until that point he'd been sitting there quietly watching the trial unfold before leaping from his seat to try and stop it.
Starting point is 02:00:10 That's right. I forgot that. That's very 1960s Batman. We'll hold like a press conference or something. Yeah. That's amazing. Anyway, thanks again, Charlie. No worries.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Thank you. Thanks again, Mason. Thank you. Thank me. Thank you. Thank you, Charlie. Can you do just because I'm a fan of the show and I'm here, can you do your famous catchphrase? Do it, Mason. Thank you. Thank me. Thank you. Thank you, Charlie. Can you do just because I'm a fan of the show and I'm here, can you do your famous catchphrase?
Starting point is 02:00:28 Do it, James. What's my catchphrase? You know. Do it. Hey, Charlie. Hey, who ate all my biscotti? Yay! God damn it, Charlie.
Starting point is 02:00:38 He's done it. Thank you, sir. That's the only reason I came. Just to hear that. This week, I am your host, Nick Mason, regular host of James' Mr. Sunday movies. He's in Hollywood. He's Hollywooding about.
Starting point is 02:00:50 He's gallivanting about. He's pointing at signs, and he's being on movie fights, and he's getting into real fights with those cosplayers out at Hollywood Boulevard. You know what I'm talking about. Anyway, listen, I can't do this alone because I'm technically very incompetent. So we're going to talk about the movie It, and I'm a big old fraidy cat, so I figured
Starting point is 02:01:08 I'd employ my two bravest mates. They are stand-up comedians. They are writers for the television. They are podcasters. They have their own great podcast, Two in the Think Tank, and the bravest thing of all, they're both dads. So the bravest job in the world. The real heroes.
Starting point is 02:01:26 In a way. So may I introduce Andy Matthews and Alistair Tremblay-Virtual. You may. I'm Andy. And I am Alistair George William Tremblay-Virtual. Thank you for having me on your podcast. Thank you, Nick. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 02:01:37 It's a bloody pleasure to be here. Let's see. Who loves Marvel movies here, guys? I really love Marvel movies. I enjoy a lot of Marvel movies when I see the movies. But you don't seek them out? No. Generally, I would say I'd probably maybe go see 50%.
Starting point is 02:01:53 Well, there you go. Good strike, Ryan. One for another? Okay. What's been your fave, Andy? Look, all least fave. Or one you found that was okay. Man, this is the lowest stakes question, but I'm so terrified I'll get it wrong
Starting point is 02:02:05 and I'll say a DC film or something. The Diary of Anne Frank movie. No! No! Should we talk about the movie It? Now, James is overseas in Hollywood, having a protein shake with Hollywood Hulk Hogan or something, whatever he's doing. And so I said to you guys, hey, do you want to go see It?
Starting point is 02:02:28 And Al, you said, there's a session at midday. And I went, oh, thank God. Because I'm a real fraidy cat. My only clown experience, and it's not technically a clown experience, but it was in that time period. And I've mentioned this on the show before, but we've got new listeners and people have probably forgotten that New Year's a couple of years ago it was about a it was a super super
Starting point is 02:02:49 boiling hot day it was about 40 degrees celsius yes and i went past uh a hotel in richmond that was having some new year's celebrations yes there were people lining up at the front and there was a man out the front and he was dressed in like head to toe hessian sack but like tied up with rope like a kind of resident evil like a like an oily when you say head to toe you mean like head like yeah head covered with like a sack on it like no no eye holes no nothing wow and he was just standing there like looking out onto the road and he had in each hand he had, without exaggeration, he had a chain in each hand that went down to the ground. And at the end of each chain was like a burning piece of fabric. And he was just sort of casually whipping these flaming chains about.
Starting point is 02:03:36 You know, that's not a clown. I know. That's not a clown story. Yeah. Unless you've been brought up on some really weird clowns. But, oh man. He's odd. And then I went back later and he was gone.
Starting point is 02:03:48 So I assume he had been taken away by the police. Or he'd gone into a sewer. I don't know. Or he just caught fire, right? Hesham, I imagine, is a pretty flammable material for a guy who's got just some flames he's whipping around. I guess it is scary to think that under that bag he also had his face painted as a clown. That's true. It could have been painted as anything.
Starting point is 02:04:06 Yeah. I maintain that if you open your door and there's a guy standing in a clown outfit, you can attack that person. I agree. I absolutely agree. You're 100%... Because that's a threat. Yep.
Starting point is 02:04:16 You shouldn't shoot them. I'm astounded no one was shot during the spate of clown silence. I just feel like if I open the door and there's somebody standing there one second and I'm on that person. Yeah, no, I agree. Like straight away. Yeah. And they're not supernatural.
Starting point is 02:04:30 They'll go down and hit them in the head with a shovel. That's right. Try running away with your big floppy feet you can't. That being said
Starting point is 02:04:37 I'd probably get beat down. Oh, certainly. Alright. Do you want to introduce our fantastic guest? Yes. Our returning guest to the show. I think it's our first ever returning guest.
Starting point is 02:04:46 There you go. Yeah. Now, listen, this week we're going to talk about the cinematic oeuvre of Mr. Harrison Ford. Correct. So we figured who better to bring in than the man who's been closer to Harrison Ford than anyone else except perhaps his jeweler or his flight instructor from the Steel Wars podcast, Steel Saunders. How are you, buddy?
Starting point is 02:05:03 How are you, guys? He touched my shoulder. He did Yeah That's a fantastic interview So It was fate It must have been
Starting point is 02:05:09 It was just the will of the force And you had an opportunity To speak to him You actually managed to like Crack his craggly veneer And get a smile out of him It was crazy This should make for
Starting point is 02:05:18 Entertaining podcasting Alright This is This is interesting Apparently the DCEU Doesn't exist As As Oh thank god So forget everything All right, this is interesting. Apparently the DCEU doesn't exist. Oh, thank God.
Starting point is 02:05:29 So forget everything. All right, well, we're going to talk about Blade Runner 2019, which is not the name of it, but it's the year that it's set because the new one's Blade Runner 2049. Mason, can I ask you a question? Yes. All right, you're in a desert. Uh-oh. Right, you're walking along, you see a tortoise.
Starting point is 02:05:44 Yes. Upside down. He's struggling. Do you fuck it? you're in a desert oh right you're walking along you see a tortoise yes upside down he's struggling do you fuck it sorry still can go do you fuck it oh
Starting point is 02:05:53 I do love that that way like that's the way that they determine replicants like the machine it also
Starting point is 02:06:00 it breathes because it takes in what every time someone fails the test they shoot and it's like was he a replicant well the gunshot does not lie and then out the back they've just got all these quiz masters with incredible and it's all the. All the next interrogators, they really softball the next round of interrogations. So you see a tortoise and then you flip it over, but then you flip it back. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:06:34 Don't even worry about it. What's a tortoise? Doesn't matter. You're doing great, mate. You're doing great. Good job. It's a type of cake. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:41 But I was listening to that question and turtles are my second favorite animals behind cats. Sure. So I was just there getting caught up in it. It's like, flip it back. Help him out. Yeah. But first scratch his little tummy. Like, that is fun.
Starting point is 02:06:55 Can they feel that? Oh, that's a good question. I met a giant tortoise in... Was it a man dressed in a Donatello costume? No, no. He was in the water. I'll show the video after this. But like... donatello no no he was in the water i'll show the video after this but like the donatello costume was in the water so like if you hold your hands out in a circle out the front of you yeah like that's how big his shell was yeah and i met him i got to pat him i was i was crying it was so emotional to meet a tortoise of this magnitude or any tortoise i don't
Starting point is 02:07:21 want to discriminate between smaller tortoises or not. They're all great. They're all great. But to meet a big one in the water was... Yeah. I'm not a replicant. That's all I'm going to say. Can I ask you a question? Yeah, yeah, yeah. With Krang, would you rather be the brain in the belly
Starting point is 02:07:34 or the body that gets to walk around? The body's not sentient as far as I know, or limited sentientality. Mason? Yeah, it's just a... Yeah, it's no replicant. It's just a big old bod. Yeah, it's a big bod.
Starting point is 02:07:46 Yeah. And it's kind of a paunchy bod as well. Yeah. All right. It's got guns in it though. Deeper question. In your relationship as podcasters, who's the krang and who's the bod?
Starting point is 02:07:56 Somebody's already done fan out of that. I'm the brain. Yeah, that makes sense. Because I'm kind of like the loose structure, but you keep the ship afloat. So you're saying you're carrying the load? Would that mean? No, I wouldn't.
Starting point is 02:08:09 No. Now I feel you've really twisted it on me, Steel. I mean, I do edit it, so yes. Yeah. And I do love- Oh, it was Fergal. It was our friend Fergal. Oh, what a legend.
Starting point is 02:08:18 Oh, he's great. I do love that I come up with this. I think, oh, this is a good premise. It's like, no, we've had that one in fair enough. Shut up, Steel. There's already a T-shirt. Don't even worry about it. Damn it.
Starting point is 02:08:30 Where can people find you specifically? What's your address? It's apartment301. No, I do a podcast called Steel Wars where each week we interview a Star Wars fan of note so it's easy to recommend because like your show
Starting point is 02:08:48 for example because it's a great show so yeah aww thanks James thumbs up Mason you get one too nice we're all doing a thumbs up
Starting point is 02:08:54 like it's a weird Mexican standoff but with positivity Mason I'm here and we've got a guest too unbelievable isn't it though that's fairly believable
Starting point is 02:09:03 yeah we've had guests in the past we mentioned this last week briefly we've got Adam Knox in from the Filthy Casuals podcast. Comedian, chimp cop, man about town. That's me. There's a voice to prove it. He's done it. Maybe one of you is doing a great impression. Mason, drink a glass of water while I talk. Okay, here we go. I'm a dumb idiot named Mason. Oh, he tricked me. I was doing theatre of the mind.
Starting point is 02:09:29 I was literally drinking as well and I couldn't respond. You son of a bitch. He's good. I like how you start your podcast by acting as though you've just taken a brief break shorter than a week. Right.
Starting point is 02:09:39 You started as though it's been a few seconds since you last spoke to everyone. We're straight into it. We don't muck around here. Absolutely. Should plug up top, your podcast, Filthy Casuals,
Starting point is 02:09:49 which is on the Planet Broadcasting Network. On the Planet Broadcasting Network. Plug it now, Knox. Clearly an experienced podcaster who immediately gets a mouthful of ice before having a talk. Luckily, it melts quite quickly. Yeah, it's about video games.
Starting point is 02:10:03 It's on Planet Broadcasting. It's me and Tommy Dassel and Ben Vanell who've both been on this show before, I think. We've done it. We've done the hat trick. We've done them all. Yeah. So, no, it's a great show.
Starting point is 02:10:12 I listen to it literally every week. Oh, great. Yeah, I liken it to this, except video games and funnier. Oh, well, that's very nice and accurate. I just wanted to get general thoughts on is there any areas from the Star Wars saga of all eras or new eras that you would think would make an interesting TV show
Starting point is 02:10:30 and or trilogy of films, Star Wars films? It's also a competition, so. All right, here we go. Lightsabers. It's the best thing. I can't compete with that now. That'd be pretty cool. I would love to see a a thing about the first,
Starting point is 02:10:46 like lightsaber blacksmith. I'd like to see heaps of shit, just like almost anything that they could do, but like something really actually far away from everything they've done. Yeah. Something very separate. There's not been a lot of ground level stuff. That's true.
Starting point is 02:11:01 Yeah. Really? Like I have always liked the thought of them doing a very kind like just like a noir film yeah right on coruscant or something you know there was a tv show that was planned called star wars underworld which is going to be set between uh episodes three and four that george lucas was working towards there's apparently a hundred hours of it were planned out and it was exactly that oh right that's probably where i've gotten that from you've stolen that yes yeah you are disqualified mason you win yes george lucas then george lucas
Starting point is 02:11:30 would never accept idea theft yeah but yeah something small scale i would like to see mason bigger scale oh okay just just giant lightsaber just just just imperial super weapons fighting each other every episode i'm gonna going to go the other way. Just Death Stars fighting Death Stars. Just Looney Tunes, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker running in with bigger cannons each time. That's right. Until one of them's the size of a planet. Do you want to talk more about Star Wars, everybody, but video games? I mean, moments ago I was thinking, God, I'm actually kind of exhausted just thinking about Star Wars.
Starting point is 02:11:59 You haven't even begun to get exhausted. Yeah, let's do a whole episode on it, though. Sounds really good. There's a big-ass universe of Star Wars out there. You know it. Yeah. We're going to talk the best video games, the worst video games. We're going to forget a bunch of them.
Starting point is 02:12:13 We're going to get letters for a week about it. Email in. I was trying to look up a chronological list of Star Wars games before and couldn't do it within the first four links, so gave up. I've got a reasonably comprehensive list here. You are on board. You are. That is the Weekly Planet ethos, so congratulations.
Starting point is 02:12:29 The movies are almost exclusively committed to somebody getting a limb or a head or something cut off, but the games will never do it. It's always just hitting people with sticks. Yeah, which was what I found the Force Unleashed games were. Totally. You whack someone with a lightsaber and they crumple a bit. Yeah. But decapitation is weird in video games.
Starting point is 02:12:49 For some reason, there's specific ratings laws in most countries around decapitation. I think in Japan, you can't show intestines coming out, but you can show limbs get cut off. Here, I'm pretty sure you can't have any decapitation. That might not be the case anymore. What if you put a bit of a shoulder into any decapitation that might not be the case anymore if you put a bit of a shoulder into the decapitation if you went at an angle
Starting point is 02:13:10 I think that would be the worst thing you could do what if you just put the lightsaber right up their dick like all the way could that be the worst? it's a different thing you're violating there it's not really about decapitation it turns into a different thing you're violating there. It's not really about decapitation. It turns into a different rating. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 02:13:27 It becomes too hot. As long as there's no gambling, a straight ratings board will allow it. Gambling's the one thing they don't give a fuck about at the moment. Yeah, interesting, isn't it? Where are you, Knox? Is it Adam G. Knox? Yeah, I'm Adam G. Knox on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:13:40 is the easiest place to go for us. So we don't have to say those five things every time nah we like to say them tell us your favourite bloody Star Wars game it's not that it's just occurred to us now that we wouldn't have to say it
Starting point is 02:13:50 oh no this is actually the last this is the last time we're recording here because as you know my house is upside down Knox is going to burn the place down
Starting point is 02:13:57 yeah that's right that's what I do eat some asbestos burn the house down I'm impervious to it grab that gem whenever you like oh thank you.
Starting point is 02:14:05 Stop grabbing your gems, Mason. Nah, I won't. You're a weirdo. You have to assume there's going to be some murderers. Yeah. If a series goes this long and there's this many people involved, you have to assume at least one person's going to become a murderer. As with the launch of Planet Broadcasting,
Starting point is 02:14:19 there's so many great people involved, but invariably one of them's going to be a murderer. Invariably, the people will find Adam Knox's body. I was going to say Adam Knox too. Definitely Adam Knox is going to be revealed as the murderer. He's got a beard and a knife, that man. Hate mail, but the hate has an eight in it. Hate mail, when you don't like what people say because you're a bitch.
Starting point is 02:14:44 So I got a bit of flack for my negative review. Hate mail when you don't like what people say because you're a bitch. But so I thought I'd bring back. So I got a bit of flack for my negative review. No, you won't. So I decided to bring back hate mail, but the hate has an eight in it. Fantastic. Where I read out eight bits of hate mail, but it's never eight. I'm ready. Are you ready?
Starting point is 02:15:00 Yes. Here we go. This is from Andy Peters. What a moaning C-bomb of a reviewer did he say c-bomb no he did not hello this review is shat all right this is from carlos you you suck at reviews just say it's okay stop trying it's spelt t-r-y-n to explain spelt x and then play why would you explain anything in a review i wouldn't't. Just say it's okay. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:15:26 Why waste minutes? This one's from Sean McClure, and it just says one trillion thumbs down. Brutal. See, that's the thing. That's a record, right? Yeah, but I mean also. Is that to me or the movie, actually? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:15:39 I don't know. See, that's the thing. If you just said it's okay, what does that mean? But this guy, one trillion thumbs down, is he referring to you or the movie or the breakfast he had you know dog what are you doing get away from my mind this is from mr guess who just says fuck this channel and there's five exclamation marks yeah feel strongly about it i appreciate i respect that this one says you only like generic movies with ton of joked? I got two more. This is from Kalo B. Couldn't finish your video, bro.
Starting point is 02:16:12 Your voice is okay. Not good. Try again when your balls drop. It's not going to happen now. No, it's too late. They're wedged way up there. This is from Rinstinkt. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 02:16:27 You've drawn a lot of hate with an eight this week. I have. Piece of shit Marvel fanboy. Nice. Good. That's you. Silver tongue. So, wait.
Starting point is 02:16:34 So, people, this time around, yeah, they're very mad at you for liking Marvel too much. But also not liking. No. But also not hating this. But not hating this. Yeah. Right. It's a very narrow, ever-shifting band.
Starting point is 02:16:47 And if you're not in it, they hate you, which is good. This is from Isabel. So women can be hateful too, Mason. Oh, yeah. Bitch, this movie was awesome. Shut up. This is from Pineapple Tart. In fairness, you are a bitch.
Starting point is 02:17:01 I know. Pineapple Tart, always got to be one reviewer to clickbait by going against the grain. Oh, yeah. This is from Music. So just Music. The concept of Music. The concept of Music. Maybe the band The Music.
Starting point is 02:17:13 Do you remember that? Maybe it's Madonna's album Music. Oh, is that a good one? No. Oh, that's okay. Some of it's all right. Okay. She's got a good producer on it.
Starting point is 02:17:21 Six out of ten? Yeah, six out of ten. Okay, good. Another pathetic hater trying to sound different by hating on Wonder Woman. Fuck this review. And don't you fucking dare try to praise the shit-fest Captain Marvel when it drops, or I'll expose your ass, bitch. Jeez, alright.
Starting point is 02:17:36 Sorry, or I'll expose your bitch ass. Well, a lot of people are calling you a bitch this week. This is a good week for hate mail. Also, he's pre-written his Captain Marvel review, and it's not coming out for like years. Yeah, it's like two years away. Jeez. Gee whiz, this guy.
Starting point is 02:17:53 No, music. Oh, yeah, music. Music got you there. That's true, yeah. Gian Lucas says, you really don't understand a single thing about movies and Star Wars in general. This movie sucks so hard it hurts to sit through it. This is from
Starting point is 02:18:05 kancho komocho this half millennial slash half feminist propaganda film is not the star wars this is something completely different than the original trilogy that's always at least pre-proof region yeah right no i think that's correct i think if you confuse then and then you can just ignore their whole opinion really uh this is from yep i don't know how to say that fuck your goddamn videos i'm clicking for 10 things but you are a trolling son of a bitch stop doing this shit fuck you and your fucking friend this video is such a mess hey Hey, wait. Guess what? We've got a friend each. Sucked in, idiot. You don't have a friend. This video is such a mess.
Starting point is 02:18:49 They are just having a conversation. Yeah. That is bad. What the? How many of these do you have? I've got so many. I've got two more. All right.
Starting point is 02:18:59 This is probably too many. Is this too many? No, this is good. This is a good amount. I just kept screenshotting them. This is my favorite. Okay. This is a good amount. I just kept screenshotting them. This is my favorite. Okay. This is from Jolo.
Starting point is 02:19:07 You're the dumb and dumber of YouTube. You should be taken down by the CIA or NBI. Nice. Imagine that. That means men in black, right? No, NBI. What's the NBI? Dunno.
Starting point is 02:19:22 I love the fact that the CIA would be like, you know what? These guys are... Look, we don't like these guys' videos. They're clearly just having a conversation and not breaking down 10 things we missed. Yeah. Let's kill them. Let's go after them. Okay, so the NBI is the National Business Institute of Australia.
Starting point is 02:19:42 That's probably not it. It's also the Philippine Consulate or the Northern Beaches Interchange. It's probably the Northern Beaches Interchange. We'll never go on those beaches again. I love hate mail. It's good, right? We should do it more,
Starting point is 02:19:56 but I don't like to overdo it. You know what I mean? Yeah, right. Because it also encourages negative comments. I like the kind of good community that we've built. More so here, obviously, than YouTube. Sure, right. Anyway, now it really is time for what we're reading.
Starting point is 02:20:11 Oh, we're reading what we're going to read. Yeah. It's time for letters? Wait, don't we have another segment? No, sorry, what are we reading? We're reading what we're going to read. I am flying this week. No, you are nailing this.
Starting point is 02:20:20 I'm doing a thing. What are we reading today? All right, well, first of all, here's the thing. I was in a comic book store the other day. Congratulations. What do you want, a bloody medal that says, I'm the biggest dickhead? That would be good, actually.
Starting point is 02:20:37 How big's the medal? The size of a house. Yeah, good. What's it made of? Bread. All right. Yeah, good. Great. Anyway,? Bread Alright Yeah, good, great Anyway, I saw that the final issue of Dark Knight 3 is out
Starting point is 02:20:48 Should I read it? No Really? You know what? Reading it all together is probably not that bad Okay Because I read it over 10 months or however long it took Yeah
Starting point is 02:20:57 It's better than 2 But it's just not great It's just whatever Yeah, okay, right, okay Yeah, you know what? Give it a read Yeah Give it a read, yeah
Starting point is 02:21:04 Should I wait until it's like a buck an issue on comixology or something yeah but what is it now like three yeah that's true yeah that's actually you know you're right yeah and that's true but also sell that bread metal yeah right uh tell you what i'm gonna read yep because it's back apparently game of thrones yeah that's what i had. It's about fun tomorrow. We're back into it, Mason. No, I'm not. Me and you. No, I'm against it. G.O.T. bros.
Starting point is 02:21:28 No, we're not G.O.T. bros. We're not G.O.T. bros. Hashtag G.O.T. bros. Oh, geez. All right. If you're a G.O.T. bro like Mason, hashtag G.O.T. bros. Back into this bloody,
Starting point is 02:21:38 this bloody desolate universe, this desolate, depressing universe. This is where it gets all magic and dragons. I hope so. It all happens. I guess the benefit is this season, again, because it's the pointy end of Game of Thrones, the series, most of the people in it are dead now.
Starting point is 02:21:56 Yes. So I don't have to remember as many names. Just a lot of locations have been destroyed with green fire. Yep. A lot of people have been destroyed with green fire. A lot of people have had their eyes torn out or been eaten by dogs. I don't have to think about them anymore. I just have to focus on the five people that are going to live. Well.
Starting point is 02:22:16 Potentially. The two or three people who are going to live. Wow. The one guy who's going to live. Wow. Is Peter Dinklage going to live? I don't know. I don't know. You want know you want to hear you want
Starting point is 02:22:25 to hear the most la story i have yeah okay why have you been wasting time on this kingsman review right so i've never been to la or the us before i liked a lot of it i like most of it i should say this sounds like a james hates your country kind of story no no i just think stories about me meeting nice people no you're right i caught up, you know, the guy who did the Batman Superman animation. Yeah. Great joke. Willits. Great man.
Starting point is 02:22:48 I caught up with some cool dudes over, Andrea from Loot Crate, who was awesome. We went out for dinner together with her husband also. It wasn't just like a secret rendezvous, Mason. Okay, right. No, they were really awesome. This wasn't your Joss Whedon scenario. No, it wasn't. It wasn't.
Starting point is 02:23:04 That's what I'm going to call it from now on. You're Joss Whedon. It No, it wasn't. This wasn't yours. Your Joss... That's what I'm going to call it from now on. Your Joss Whedon. It's your gimme. That's it. But I was getting in an Uber. I got in an Uber, sorry, to go to the airport because then I had to go to Vegas
Starting point is 02:23:15 where a guy got glassed. That's another story. I'll tell that another time. But... One of your friends specifically, not just a guy. He wasn't... It was in the group.
Starting point is 02:23:25 Okay, right. Did I tell you this? Did you glass him? I didn't glass anybody. You're like, you're not directly one of my friends. You didn't go to school with me. Glassed. But, uh, so I got to the group and the guy's like,
Starting point is 02:23:35 I'm going to do the accent. Oh, no. I'm sorry. When you say accent, do you mean American accent or Indian accent? I'm going to do the Indian accent. No, American. Okay, great. So he's like, hey, man, how you doing? That's not good, is it? No, that's a very... Yeah Do you mean American accent Or Indian accent I've been The Indian accent No American Okay great
Starting point is 02:23:45 So he's like Hey man How you doing That's not good is it No that's a I'm sorry That's a very good Vague American accent
Starting point is 02:23:51 And I'm like I'm good I'm fine We got an email this week Somebody said I'm from Wales Can you do a Welsh accent No
Starting point is 02:23:58 No Definitely not And I'm like No I'm good Yeah how are you I can only do Pierce Brosnan In GoldenEye, where he goes, bear me a pain.
Starting point is 02:24:09 You know that bit? To Sean Bain. He's like, bear me a pain. Which I assume is slightly Welsh. I assume when he screams, it's slightly Welsh. Isn't he Irish? I don't know. I thought Pierce Brosnan was Welsh.
Starting point is 02:24:20 I don't think he's Welsh. I'm thinking of Christian Bale. Yeah, or maybe Dalton. Is Dalton Welsh? I don't know. One of them's Welsh. I don't think he's Welsh. I'm thinking of Christian Byer. Yeah. Or maybe Dalton. Is Dalton Welsh? I don't know. One of them's Welsh. Bond wouldn't drink a pint. That's true.
Starting point is 02:24:31 Yeah. Yeah, all right. Anyway. But what do we got? So he goes, I'm like, yeah, good, how are you? And he's like,
Starting point is 02:24:36 yeah, great, man, great. Like this week, awesome. Last week, not so much. And I'm like, oh, why is, okay, why is that? And he goes, well goes well today you'll never believe this it's my one year anniversary and then he pauses so i go oh congratulations and
Starting point is 02:24:55 he's like and then he goes don't don't congratulate me yet you don't even know what it's for so i'm like okay you don't know the ways of banter with a cabbie mate yeah this is not this is not gonna end well he is Pierce Brosnan he's Irish he's Irish okay there you go and I go okay what's your anniversary
Starting point is 02:25:11 and he goes it's today's my one year anniversary of being a vegan and I'm like oh fuck wow this is a 50 minute trip
Starting point is 02:25:19 yeah so then he's proceeded to spend 50 minutes telling me about the perils of eating meat I just straight away I'm'm like, I'm vegetarian. I'm not vegetarian, but I don't want a lecture.
Starting point is 02:25:29 I know eating meat is not good for the environment and probably your body. I'm very much aware of that, but I don't need a lecture. Wait, okay. So, okay, continue. You're still on Brost. I'm still thinking about it. I'll get to it in a second. And the kind of the conversation culminated in,
Starting point is 02:25:45 he was like, don't you reckon they should take all the money out of nuclear war and war in general and put it into education? And I'm like, yeah, probably. But that's not a startling revelation, do you know what I mean? And also, there's a lot of steps
Starting point is 02:25:59 in between those two things to make that happen. It's not just a matter of distributing funds. But also, what I like about this particular interaction is that one of the clichés about a vegan is, hey, how do you know somebody's a vegan? They'll immediately, yeah. They'll tell you. And you go, hey, man, you know,
Starting point is 02:26:19 vegans literally harm no one, you know, and nothing. Yeah. Given the benefit of the doubt. They're good people. I know vegans that are fine. Yeah. But then he's just that guy all of a sudden. God, he really got me. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:32 What do you do, though? What do you do? Oh, you leap out. I can't. How? I need to get to the airport. Am I going to risk my amazing Uber rating? I don't think so, Mason.
Starting point is 02:26:42 All right. Actually, I don't really care. I don't even know what my rating is. Anyway, fuck that guy. Anyway. All right. Famous. Okay.
Starting point is 02:26:51 Famous Welsh celebrities. Here we go. Catherine Zeta-Jones. Catherine Zeta-Jones. Christian Bale. Richard Burton. Anthony Hopkins. Anthony Hopkins Welsh.
Starting point is 02:27:00 That's what it says here. No way. That's what it says here. Anyway, pick one and I'll do a Welsh impression using them as the basis. What are my options? Anthony Hopkins. Catherine Zeta-Jones, do that one. Okay, right.
Starting point is 02:27:12 Oh, no, he's doing the stretchy thing from Entrapment where he's going under the lasers. And then I'm out. I reach the lasers. I've gone past the lasers. Bam, it paid. All right. Mason, what have you been reading or doing or watching a play i uh had a date of myself so i caught up on star trek discovery and i enjoyed a
Starting point is 02:27:31 lot it's good yeah it might be my favorite star trek series well mason you're wrong because you're not a real fan oh what yeah i don't know but this has this has good solid action it's got great sets it's got good effects. Really good effects. It's got, I don't know, I like all the characters. Doug Jones is in it. He is in it. As is another of his wibbly wobbly skinny weird characters. It's pretty good. You know what I don't...
Starting point is 02:27:55 If you've got a lady named Michael, then you know it's the bloody future. I tell you what, Mason. You know what I don't like? And even though I understand why they do it, because I guess you can't really have the Klingon speaking English. Klingon is a horrible language to listen to. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:08 It's just, it's just that. And there'll be like 10 minute sequences of people just going, like, listening to each other. Yep.
Starting point is 02:28:18 Am I wrong? You can't turn the volume down. It's horrible. It's not the volume, it's the, I do not like it at all. You know what I liked? I liked the action sequence. I said I liked the action sequence because it's horrible. It's not the volume. It's the... I do not like it at all. You know what I liked? I liked the action scenes.
Starting point is 02:28:27 I said I liked the action scenes. It's great. Stop doing that. Also, I saw Hamilton. It's great. Yeah, okay. It's really good. Are you going to write some sort of rap after this?
Starting point is 02:28:35 Yes. Are you ready? I've actually already written it. I'm ready. No. You can do it to the latest theme. How about that? Sure.
Starting point is 02:28:42 All right, here we go. It's loading. Yeah. James is going to do his theme. How about that? Sure. All right, here we go. It's loading. Yeah. James is going to do his rap. Buy me a pant. Nice. That is going to be the impression of everything from now on. We're going to do letters.
Starting point is 02:28:57 Buy me a pant. You got some letters, Mason? I'll find a letter. This is such a shit episode. No. What do you got? Yeah, you got some tweets or some letters letters, Mason? I'll find a letter. This is such a shit episode. What do you got? Yeah, you got some tweets or some letters there, James? I got many tweets and maybe some letters. I tried to make them all related to your butt.
Starting point is 02:29:15 Oh, what? Gotcha. Comic-Con. Yeah, nice. What do we got here? This one, Chef. Nick Fury could potentially be a skull. A scroll? He would be a skull. He could be a skull a Skrull
Starting point is 02:29:25 he would be a Skrull could be a Skrull yeah discuss hashtag weekly planet pod oh that's a good question I think after someone's going to be a Skrull
Starting point is 02:29:33 in Avengers Infinity War someone's going to be like oh shit Ant-Man was a Skrull for this last however long yeah right wow okay I think you don't write them in without later
Starting point is 02:29:43 who do you think could be a Skrull then any of them yeah it's true yeah I think they don't write them in without Who do you think would be a Skrull then? Any of them Yeah, it's true I think they might even kill Captain America And then be like, that wasn't Captain America Yeah, right I guess my larger question would be At what point do you think you'd replace somebody with a Skrull?
Starting point is 02:30:00 Would somebody be a Skrull since the 90s? Yeah Because they kind of did that with Hydra as well They already did like Everybody was secretly Hydra scroll would it be would somebody be a scroll since the 90s yeah i think somebody was yeah well that's because they kind of did that with hydra as well they already did like everybody was secretly hydra that's right yeah bloody playstation yeah that's fine uh yeah i maybe what do you think that's what they'll do uh well i think if they're going to they will on agents of shield yeah i think if they're going to introduce the scrolls in the 90s i think they've got to put in an agent from the 90s.
Starting point is 02:30:26 Maybe they have to reveal... Maybe that dude from Ant-Man, that henchman. What's his name? What's his name? I was going to say George Michael. Louis Peña? No, no, no. The dude who Michael... Michael Caine.
Starting point is 02:30:37 Michael Douglas cracked his head on the table. Oh, right. Sure, yeah, maybe. Turned out to be Hydra. Okay, yeah. I mean, if he's Hydra and a Skrull, is that too much? Yeah, that's right. But not all Skrulls are evil, also, are they?
Starting point is 02:30:47 No. Yeah. Not all Skrulls, Mason. That's precise. They're very correct. Hashtag. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:30:54 I feel you have to... I don't know. I guess they could... They could make Hawkeye's wife a Skrull. They have kids, though. Yeah. That'd be weird. Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 02:31:03 But you could have replaced him at some point. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Someone has to be a Skrull? They have kids though. Yeah. That'd be weird. Yeah, I guess so. But you could have replaced him at some point. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Someone has to be a Skrull, Mason. I agree. Who is it? Skrull Hunt. But the problem also is that if you make somebody a Skrull, then you take away some of their
Starting point is 02:31:17 achievements. Yes. So if you were like, okay, this person's been a Skrull since Avengers 1, then you're like, well, what have they done? The Skrulls done all the work, you know? It's a Mad-Eye Moody situation. It is, isn't it? Do you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 02:31:30 Not really. Mad-Eye Moody was actually David Tennant the whole movie. And then at the end you find out that he was David Tennant. And then the real Mad-Eye Moody shows up at the end and also in the next movie. What movie are we talking about? Harry Potter. All right, okay.
Starting point is 02:31:45 Good. Hey, David, here's a bit of? Harry Potter. All right. Okay. Good. Hey, David, here's a bit of a bloody spin-off question. Oh, yeah. This is David Tennant. This isn't bloody... Is this Doctor Who related? This is Doctor Who related. Adam Beadle wants to know what do we think of the casting of Jodie Whittaker as Doctor
Starting point is 02:31:56 Who? Fine. Me too. Thank you. Yeah. We've done this so many times, I feel, that I've developed a fable. It's called The Man Who Gets Really Mad About Cheese. So imagine if you will, there was a man,
Starting point is 02:32:07 and he really loved a particular type of cheese. Yeah, yeah. He loved it, which is fine. Could be any one of us. But then imagine he loved this particular type of cheese so much that if you said, hey, I love that cheese too, he was like, oh, yeah? Tell me all the ingredients of the cheese in order.
Starting point is 02:32:21 Because that's the only way you can properly appreciate cheese is knowing all the mighty details. You can't just enjoy it. You have to really be a prick about it. Anyway, one day he goes down to the supermarket to get his cheese. They've changed the box, changed the shape of the box, and he gets real mad about it. He's like, I've been eating this cheese for 40 years.
Starting point is 02:32:35 Is it the same cheese? It's the same cheese. Yeah. He's like, never again. I'm sick. I've been a good customer. What they're doing, it's not the same with a different box. It's different. People are like like why don't you eat the cheese
Starting point is 02:32:48 maybe it's the same cheese it's not the point, it's the principle of the thing now it's just the cheese company they're pandering to people who like cheese but don't like cheese as much as I like cheese, it's pandering to people who don't like cheese at all, they think they'll get more people to eat cheese if they change the box
Starting point is 02:33:03 it's just the bloody dairy justice warriors out there changing the shape of the cheese. It's a nightmare. That's what this is. That's how I feel about cheese. Yeah, right? Exactly. And you might say people out there,
Starting point is 02:33:17 some gooses out there might be like, no, Mesa, your metaphor doesn't hold up because this new doctor's a lady and so she might characterize this doctor as a lady with lady stuff and lady problems. Sure. And that's not what the doctor's about. Except, so it's like if they changed the recipe for the cheese,
Starting point is 02:33:34 then the cheese would taste different. Sure, okay. Your metaphor falls down. Except the doctor, when the doctor dies, the doctor changes their appearance and their characterization. Like a cheese, like a different cheese. the Doctor changes their appearance and their characterisation. Like a cheese, like a different cheese.
Starting point is 02:33:47 So if this bloody... If Jodie Whittaker changes the characterisation of the Doctor or acts exactly the same as a previous Doctor or does whatever, that's still within the characterisation of the Doctor. Of the cheese. It's the same. Of the cheese. Yeah, of the cheese. My metaphor's falling apart.
Starting point is 02:34:01 No, I agree with you. It's just a different box. Yeah, that's right. And it will also change again. Yeah, it'll change you. It's just a different box. Yeah, that's right. And it will also change again. Yeah, it'll change again. In three to five years. And it's bloody... What you're saying is
Starting point is 02:34:12 that the Doctor can look like anyone and have any characterisation except for a look that I don't want and a characterisation that we don't know yet. Yes. And I'm mad about it. The other thing is,
Starting point is 02:34:22 and we talked about this maybe even a few years back yeah we saw this coming yeah you have to have seen this coming because i think my theory was they put capaldi in because he was older and they went let's test the waters let's do something different then they made the master or woman which set the grounds for the universe that time lords could change sex yeah they did that leading up to this, clearly. Yeah, apparently they've been seeding it for ages. Anyway, look, again, I don't watch it anymore.
Starting point is 02:34:51 What's next? Are they going to change the box of the cereal? Yeah, who cares? Yeah, it'll be someone else again. But you know what? What's next, Jane Bond? Fine, good, great. We've said that for ages.
Starting point is 02:35:00 Yeah, please do. Or don't. I don't care. Anyway, good stuff. But yeah, the other Or don't. I don't care. Yeah, right? Anyway, good stuff. But yeah, the other thing is, if you don't like it, there'll be another version that you do like or don't like. You know what I mean? It changes.
Starting point is 02:35:13 It's in flux. It doesn't matter. It's temporary. Yeah. God. Cheese. Yeah. Shut up about it.
Starting point is 02:35:20 I didn't get your metaphor. Should we get cheese afterwards? Yeah, let's get some cheese. Jeff. Bearing in mind mind I like cheese more than you How dare you I don't like it since they changed the box Got a letter Mason? I'm still looking man hang on
Starting point is 02:35:33 Good gravy Ain't nothing gonna break my stride Oh no I got to keep on moving Ain't nothing gonna break my stride me down. Oh no. I got to keep on moving. Don't stop. If you break my stride I'll murder your wife. Oh, here's a good one. Okay. So this is from John Wright. This is on the email
Starting point is 02:35:57 It's titled Harrison Ford Ultimatum. Anyways, he found the podcast a few months ago. He loves it. He said something nice about the show. Harrison Ford did? No, John Wright did. Harrison Ford wouldnimatum. Anyways, he found the podcast a few months ago. He loves it. He said something nice about the show. Harrison Ford did? No, John Wright did.
Starting point is 02:36:08 Harrison Ford wouldn't listen to this. He's a guy with a CB radio in his head. He would not listen to a podcast. Thanks for introducing me to the folks that do go on. They're a lovely bunch. No problem. Again, I think I've said this on the show. I've certainly said it to you in person.
Starting point is 02:36:20 I'll recommend that show to people, and they're like, oh, yeah, I'll give it a try. And then a week later, they're like, I've listened to every episode so here's the ultimatum would you rather have to tell Harrison Ford
Starting point is 02:36:30 that he's too old to fly and you've come to revoke his pilot's license or tell him he's too old to wear an earring and that you have come to remove said earring well it's a question
Starting point is 02:36:40 of which is funnier yeah I feel like the pilot's license one would be dangerous. Like he'd fight you for that, but he might not fight you on the earring because you see him at events and he sometimes doesn't have it in.
Starting point is 02:36:51 I think he would fight you on the earring. Really? I think opposite. I think if you said, Harrison Ford, I've come to revoke your pilot's license, I think he'd say, I don't believe you and also I'll see you in court. You can talk to my lawyer about it kind of thing. But I think if you were like i'm here to take your earring from you
Starting point is 02:37:08 do you okay so if he says no do you have to get it off him i think so yeah so you have to rip it out of his i'm assuming yes you have to physically take it from him yeah do you reckon either of us could beat up harrison ford yeah i mean he's old but he's pretty strong you don't know that he looks he's fit he looked after he broke old, but he's pretty strong. You don't know that. He's fit. He looked after himself. He broke that leg because he went through a door the wrong way. No, the door fell on him. That's what I mean. I'm pretty sure that would break anybody's leg.
Starting point is 02:37:32 Yeah, right, fine. Yeah. I think we could take him together. Yeah. And then we could take his license and his earring. Yeah. What are... I think the earring would be a funnier conversation to have.
Starting point is 02:37:45 Really? Yeah, because I reckon I could talk him out of it. Just be like, what are you doing? How old are you? Like 74? People don't do this. Nobody even wears earrings anymore, man. I guess it depends on what he's more proud of.
Starting point is 02:37:56 You know what I mean? Right. Well, I think he's more proud of pilot licensing, I'd imagine. Or do you think he's more proud that he's cool enough to wear an earring? When does he wear the earring? Does he wear the earring when he's hanging out with Ally McBeal? Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:38:09 Does she love it or does she hate it? That's a really good question. You might have to get Ally McBeal on site. Yeah, that's what I mean. Surely she doesn't. Because it's not even... It's like a weird stud as well. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 02:38:22 It's a diamond stud. I'm not against earrings, but I just don't feel it even... It doesn't suit him at all. Maybe one of his kids gave it to him as well. Yeah, right. Do you know what I mean? It's a diamond stud, yeah. I'm not against earrings, but I just don't feel it even... It doesn't suit him at all. Maybe one of his kids gave it to him or something. Right, yeah. Then you'd have to... You'd really have to fight him for it. Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:38:32 He'd give up the pilot's license for it. Why are we talking about this? Because you brought it up. I did bring it up. Yeah. I'm glad we came to the bottom of that conundrum. Did we come to a consensus on that? Yeah, earring, I guess.
Starting point is 02:38:43 Or you pick the other one. I'm going to say earring. Yeah, earring. Done. Yeah, nice. As long as we can get Alan McBe that? Earring, I guess. Or you pick another one. I'm going to say Earring. Yeah, Earring. Done. As long as we can get Alan McBeal on side. And we can beat him up. That's all I want. That's all I want.
Starting point is 02:38:53 All right. If you do want to reach the show, hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. They've got a few Twitters here. What have we got here? This is from RoboTrader or RobotRadar. Take that however you want. Do you think Iron Man is stealing other MCU movies? Oh, in terms of like, is it Spider-Man Homecoming?
Starting point is 02:39:14 Spider-Man, Iron Man 3, he was all over that. His character is divisive, I think, now. Yeah, I don't like him. Yeah, right, exactly. Not that I don't like seeing his movies and I don't like seeing him stuff, but I don't like him as a person. I think he's terrible. I'm glad he got beat up. Yeah, right. Exactly. Not that I don't like seeing his movies and I don't like seeing him stuff, but I don't like him as a person. I think he's terrible. I'm glad he got beat up.
Starting point is 02:39:28 Yeah, right. It was great to see. After Age of Ultron, I'm like, fuck this guy. He's terrible. Yeah, like I think- He never learns anything. They need to redeem his character in Infinity War or the next one. They need to have a scene where he's like,
Starting point is 02:39:41 I'm sorry I tried to kill all of you, and I'm sorry I keep building these weapons of mass destruction. Civil War was a lot of that, though. Yeah, Iron Man's always been my favorite character, but I can only forgive this character so much before I'm like, what are you doing, man? So the killer robots, it's not enough for you? No.
Starting point is 02:39:59 That he made a whole bunch of killer robots? Or he made one that they made a whole bunch of robots? Yeah, that was bad. Yeah. And he keeps yeah like the the sokovia accords are put in place to stop him specifically yeah and then he's like i think this is a great idea you shouldn't fly in and stop terrorisms in other countries that aren't yours you're doing this yeah right this is for you yeah you never see captain america run into iraq and you know do whatever you shouldn't build unlicensed weapons
Starting point is 02:40:23 i've built hundreds of them. I've got more Iron Man suits I could ever wear my whole life. I've got to build into everything. I've got one built into a helicopter. I've got one built into a watch. I've got them all over the place. My shower turns into an Iron Man suit just in case I'm attacked in the shower. Then I can just retaliate and blow up their home country.
Starting point is 02:40:44 No. Yeah, he's a terrible bloke. Yeah. So there needs to be a scene where he's like, again, in Civil War, where he learns that the Winter Soldier killed his parents under mind control. And he loses it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:40:58 He loses his shit. Yeah, grow up, mate. God. How many parents has he killed? So many. So many. And indirectly or sometimes directly yeah god he's a bad bloke but also that's what i like about him i like that he's sure i enjoy watching him because i kind of hate him man he's got some sweet suits doesn't he certainly does but
Starting point is 02:41:18 i also love seeing captain america like beat the shit out of him i really enjoyed that yeah he deserved that. It was a long time coming. Yeah, look, if this is one long arc where at the end he's like, I'm really sorry about all this. Yeah. And now I'm going to retire from the limelight forever. I think that would be a good send off.
Starting point is 02:41:34 Yeah, absolutely. But if he's still the way he is in the next couple, I'm like, yeah, that's going to divide audiences. Yeah. I'm kind of over his quips as well. Yeah. It's a bit kind of, yeah. Anyway, it's a bit much, Mason.
Starting point is 02:41:48 It's a bit much, isn't it? Are you ready for another letter? I'm ready for another letter. Okay, this one's from Salam Udin. Yes. It says, do you think summer blockbusters are dying with Star Wars, Justice League, Thor, Ragnarok being released in November, December? We've talked about this before, right?
Starting point is 02:42:03 How any month can be a blockbuster month, Mason. So not the blockbuster is dying, just the idea that some are blockbusters. Yeah. We call them winter blockbusters. We sure do. We still call them summer blockbusters. We call them chilly blockbusters.
Starting point is 02:42:20 Ice blockbusters. Put on an American flag cardigan. Get out there. Yeah. No No I just think it's just shifting I don't understand why they Load the middle of the year with all blockbusters Yeah right It makes no sense because a lot of them don't do well Yeah and I don't have time to watch
Starting point is 02:42:38 John Carter of Mars Correct Yeah like I could do a blockbuster a month, but I can't do four in a month. No, it's too much. I should have time, but for some reason I don't. I'm too busy just being asleep or staring at the space. I don't want to.
Starting point is 02:42:52 Yeah, I don't need that many either. You get to do so many videos. Too many. Too many videos. So many things missed, so many Easter eggs. I don't know. Oh, yeah, Bonapascua, Mason. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 02:43:01 That means get a good Easter. It means no worries until the end of your days. End of your Easters. Yeah. Do you have a good Easter? Having a good Easter? It's still Easter. It's fine. Yeah, isn't it? Everything's fine, Mason. Oh, thank you. That means get a good Easter. It means no worries until the end of your days. End of your Easters. Yeah. Do you have a good Easter? Having a good Easter? It's still Easter. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:43:08 Yeah, isn't it? Everything's fine, yeah. Did you get any egg? I've eaten no egg. I could probably get you an egg. Oh, thanks. Just a regular egg. Good.
Starting point is 02:43:15 That's what I wanted. I called you bluff. That's what I wanted, just a regular egg. This has been my game plan for this whole time, is for you to offer me an egg live on the podcast. And you did. What an era we live in. I know.
Starting point is 02:43:28 All right, Mason, that's the show. We'll be recharged and ready to go next week. Yep. But right now we're buggered. What's the end of the show? Okay, so you know what? If you want to, you know what you should do. Go to
Starting point is 02:43:46 We have it. The site's up. It's happening. The site's up. We're going to record some new audio things. We did some ads we did not agree with to get that done. That's right.
Starting point is 02:43:55 No. All sorts of casinos. So many casinos. You can go to our Amazon affiliate link, which is directly in the episode description. I'll do it. What can you buy? What's fun that you could buy?
Starting point is 02:44:09 Eggs. In what context are eggs fun, James? You can eat them. You can throw them. That's not fun. Eggs. Look, all right. Hang on.
Starting point is 02:44:20 How are you preparing the eggs? I'm not. So I'm eating raw eggs. Yes. Is that fun? For me to watch you eat the eggs i'm not so i'm eating raw eggs yes is that fun for me all right get some eggs guys if you buy some eggs on amazon get someone to eat them yeah get some that is fun then send us a tweet of a unsuspecting friend being forced to eat raw eggs anyway but if you do that by clicking through our amazon affiliate link we're gonna kick back somehow you pay the same low prices for eggs youback somehow you said you paid the same
Starting point is 02:44:45 low prices for eggs you're gonna make it and you get the unlimited entertainment value of forcing your friend to eat raw eggs coerce we get a kickback somehow yeah that works
Starting point is 02:44:54 all right thanks for this grab a jam you guys we'll see you next week wait don't because maybe the rules have changed of the universe Mason what do you mean because of the quitter
Starting point is 02:45:02 quill thing do we have to change it because the origin of Graham that gem is from the Guardians of the Galaxy episode I think we should change it we have to change the universe, Mason. What do you mean? Because of the Quitter Quill thing. Do we have to change it? Because the origin of Graham That Gem is from the Guardians of the Galaxy episode. No. I think we should change it. We don't have to change the merch.
Starting point is 02:45:09 It'll have to be, where's my paschetti? It'll have to be, no. No, it is. It'll have to be. No, it is. That's the rules. Hey, who ate all my paschetti?
Starting point is 02:45:16 We won't change it. We're not changing it, all right? Okay, Graham That Gem, you guys. See you next week. Bye. I should get new headphones, actually. Dog, you've got to get up. You've got to get up, man.
Starting point is 02:45:23 Dog. What are you dogging about? You're dogging about. Come here. Come here, up. You've got to get up, man. Dog. What are you dogging about? You're dogging about. Come here. Come here, dog. You've got to get up, you dog. She was asleep. You dirty dog.
Starting point is 02:45:30 I've woken you up. Yeah, I know. I know. I'm a bad bloke. But luckily, I can pick you up in this blanket. She does not like that at all. Hello. James, I'm back.
Starting point is 02:45:44 How do you feel now? I've ate so much fruit. Yeah? Yep. That's the thing that definitely I said multiple hours ago. That's right. I've carried that over. But you're ready to go back and bloody podcast for another year?
Starting point is 02:45:57 It depends, Mason. What have you got in store for us in terms of schemes? James, I saved the man cave. Oh, good. I got all the money together to save the man cave. I opened a lemonade stand. I got the band back together for one last gig. What band?
Starting point is 02:46:15 I sold some missiles to Iran. I won a hot dog eating contest. Yeah, I know. I don't even like hot dogs. No, not that one. But I did it for the man cave. Anyway, we saved it for yet another year that's lucky Mason
Starting point is 02:46:29 I appreciate it that's why you're the co-host with the most Iran selling weapons dealing attitude the lemonade was really good was it?
Starting point is 02:46:37 yeah a really rich man in a limousine bought some oh good that helps that's a lot yeah well thanks for listening to this everybody
Starting point is 02:46:44 thanks for raw collings thanks for happy new year obviously thanks for listening to this, everybody. Thanks for Raw Collings. Thanks for that. Happy New Year, obviously. Thanks for everybody who listened this year. Yeah, it's been last year. Couldn't have done it without you. Well, this year and last year. Oh yeah, also, yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:53 Yeah. Big thanks to Andrew. All the years. All the years. People have been listening. Huge thanks to Raw Collings though because he does all of that. And how does he do it most?
Starting point is 02:47:00 As again, with editing software. Editing it is. Got the eyes and the ears and the brain. Yeah, all those kind of things. We're back on the 22nd. As I said, there's going to be stuff going up on my YouTube channel if you're interested in some caravan of garbage and that because Mason saved the regular room.
Starting point is 02:47:13 I did it. He did it. How does he do it? And James, now that I own the man cave, there's going to be a couple of changes. One new rule. Keep being great friends and have even more fun oh man that sucks all right grab that jam everybody happy new year have a safe holiday if you're on holiday or go to work
Starting point is 02:47:35 okay bye oh i'm married bitch nice that's what you say now yeah it's good this podcast is part of the planet broadcasting network visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks.

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