The Weekly Planet - Captain Marvel's Horrible Fate - Caravan Of Garbage

Episode Date: March 4, 2019

Captain Marvel or Ms Marvel showed up in an early 90's X-Men The Animated Series and she had a terrible time of it.Video Version: Captain Marvel on Amazon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Hey everybody, it's Caravan of Garbage. It certainly is. That's the posh way to say it. Is that true? Yeah, that's right. I've been spending some time with my rich relatives.
Starting point is 00:00:16 What do they like? Too posh, I don't like them. Anyway, this is Caravan of Garbage. Garbage. Yeah, and coming up in March, it's bloody Captain Marvel, isn't it? Can't wait. I also can't wait. Yeah. But we thought in March, it's bloody Captain Marvel, isn't it? Can't wait. I also can't wait. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:27 But we thought we would... What are we doing here? We thought we'd watch an episode of a cartoon that Captain Marvel's in. Features very briefly and then never shows up again. We're talking about the 90s X-Men cartoon. That's right. Why doesn't the fucking movies use this thing? I do not understand it it why don't they put
Starting point is 00:00:47 it in well instead they use that the art the memorable movie x-men theme which is um is that what it is i don't i can't think of it i know it when i hear it and it's fine but this is yeah this is a hundredfold better right it absolutely is yeah yeah anyway this episode maybe that's because it's been drilled in our brains as children you're probably right but i think it is better generally generally genuinely genuinely and you've only just heard it recently which is better that's what i'd like to know good anybody who'd never watched this show anyway this episode should be called rogue not be touching because she's not she's not be touching nobody can't be touching nobody yeah she wants to be touching but she can't be touching yeah because she's
Starting point is 00:01:28 she's stealing people's bloody uh powers and memories and trapping them in her mind or whatever it's a very weird characterization of ms marvel because ms marvel at this point not captain marvel yeah right i'm not really sure what version it's supposed to be we'll get into that okay sure a little bit later how does it start though there's a mugger trying to steal an umbrella as all classic is that what happens okay from a woman from a woman he's trying to get because he doesn't have an umbrella he's like give me your umbrella but then that woman wow what a way to turn to crime do you think it's the penguin all the umbrellas in the city yeah that might be it actually ah but it's mistake yes she
Starting point is 00:02:04 spooks him by being a monster and then she meets up with mr sinister who's like defeat the x-men and then i'll you can have your daughter back or whatever and she's should be like so you brought me all the way across the city for this you're in this episode for like two seconds man i had to i had to walk through in the rain i had to turn my arm into an umbrella yeah she changes back later from mystique to the woman and then she grows the umbrella really i didn't even so she couldn't have even given him the umbrella if she wanted to exactly yeah also just have an umbrella you're just getting your hand wet yeah that's true actually yeah that's gross isn't it it's a little gross yeah i understand
Starting point is 00:02:37 that uh we find out that professor x has been professor x'd at this point in the series yeah for sure he didn't explain that well obviously. Well, obviously, Professor X, being an Omega-level mutant who can pretty much do anything in the psychic realm, he's too powerful. He can solve anybody's problems almost instantly. Anybody who can make somebody else crap their pants is too powerful. Exactly. So the easiest way to introduce some drama into a series
Starting point is 00:03:01 is to eliminate him as quickly as possible. So what's happening with him this time? Is he in a coma? I don't remember. Has he been kidnapped? Where is he? But look, if you've ever seen an X-Men movie, literally every one of them, he gets Professor X'd.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah, for sure. Like he loses his powers because it's a serum or he's in a coma or he explodes. Or he's gassed. Or he's gassed, yeah. That's actually a step down from the one where he explodes. I don't know why I brought it up. No, no. It's important that we cover most of them.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And we have, I feel. Sometimes he just slumps over in his chair and he's not sure why. I can't help you because... Anyway, then we get some... They're like, Professor X, no! And he's putting on one of those floppy hats
Starting point is 00:03:39 and snuffing. You see him, he's leaning over to snuff out his candle and they're like, no! And then he says... He's's leaning over to snuff out his candle and they're like, no. And then he says, he's too far gone to help us now. So then we get some sort of league of evil mutants
Starting point is 00:03:53 smashing up a carnival. It's the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. That's the one, yeah. I didn't know which one they were doing in this series. I watched a lot of this series in the 90s, but like sporadically and completely out of order. Did you know in the comic books, the Brotherhood of evil mutants were were they were basically all recruited by the government and took the name freedom force really yeah great which i feel is that's very
Starting point is 00:04:15 governmental isn't it it is a bit isn't it brotherhood of evil mutants that won't fly no freedom force freedom force for fun and ice cream exactly yeah brotherhood of evil french fries anyway so they're just they're just what are they they're just hanging out of fun carnival just causing trouble causing trouble then enter some x-men some of the x-men storm rogue should not be touching uh wolverine and cyclops yes uh all classic characters in their own way uh there's there's a fight then a woman stares at no i want the big stuffed teddy bear no i want it it's good isn't it it's good uh then a woman stares at rogan and
Starting point is 00:04:51 she gets she gets nightmares she gets spooked she gets spooked she gets so spooked she goes into her mind and whatever and this woman this woman's everywhere this this blonde woman's like um you've betrayed me or you've trapped me or i'm not friends with you and i'll appear everywhere and we're like who's this i'll never invite you to brunch i thought there must have been an episode prior to this that explains it but it gets explained later in this episode why why this is happening that's called foreshadowing james very good ever heard of it no not until this point i didn't didn't expect this layer of complexity in such a cartoon. In an X-Men cartoon, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:26 That's it, exactly. So anyway, then she gets trapped in her own mind, and the woman in there is like, you took my life away. What are you taking my life away for? You shouldn't be touching. That's right. And then Jean probes her mind and is like,
Starting point is 00:05:39 oh no, there's someone else in her mind, in Rogue's mind. I mean, Professor X could have fixed this, but he's fallen asleep. Yeah. So I'll do it. I'll give it a try. give it jean's power is a comparable if not better she can shoot lasers from her head yeah yes yeah yeah professor let's do that flip a thing exactly yeah it's ridiculous anyway uh so jean flies off mystique finds her and knocks her out or something doesn't she yeah let's just say that she does and takes her to uh to find a mysterious woman who's referred to as jane doe who's in a coma in a hospital yeah and it turns out that
Starting point is 00:06:10 nurses call her sleeping beauty that's right which is odd but do they how many women are in comas in this no only the most pretty one gets oh called sleeping beauty okay if there's a better looking woman comes in she becomes a new sleeping beauty and the previous one becomes snoozy ugmo i get it suzy snoozy ugmo i get it yeah so it's into this point where the other x-men come after them cyclops gambit wolverine but they're but they're trapped they're trapped by some the brotherhood of uh ice cream and fun yeah they're all friendly force friendly force they're all smushed together yeah there's a big fire lion from pyro one of the only australian comic book characters that i remember caught this caught this he says and then wolverine has a fight with a with the blob briefly it's very x-men wolverine origins like he punches right into him
Starting point is 00:06:55 finally yeah and the blob's like feels delicious i don't think so but then storm just uses a hurricane use the hurricane earlier storm a lot of things have been happening. Use the hurricane earlier, Storm. A lot of things have been happening. Open with the hurricane. Open with the hurricane. What are you thinking? Yeah. Hurricane and lightning bolts pretty much will kill anybody. Agreed. This is the point where Mystique gets Rogue
Starting point is 00:07:12 to remember what happened. So we get some flashback to Rogue's past. She kisses a boy. Nice. The boy falls over dead or in a coma. It's not really explained. Freaking he's dead? He explodes off screen.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Dead horny. Dead horny. Am I right? Dead horny um he explodes off screen dead all right dead horny and he explodes off screen and then mystique trains her so this is rogue's origin so he's like she's like you can join the she did not recall if i recall no this is so this is her remembering all these things happening her memories are coming back to her uh and then mystique trains her to do all these secret mutant things. They steal a jet. One of the secret mutant things. Then Ms. Marvel shows up in her sash and black outfit,
Starting point is 00:07:49 which was the classic Ms. Marvel outfit. One of them. There's been a few. And flies into the plane, peels the roof off like it's a bloody tin can, and tries to land the plane. Is this the first, I wonder, appearance of just a regular superhero in this universe? Like outside of the X-Men. Outside of the X-Men, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:04 That's a very good question. It's never really explained. It's never like, it's never really explained. It's never like, is she a mutant too? Nah. Space explosion, I think. Machine blow up? Radiation, I don't know. Yeah, something along those lines.
Starting point is 00:08:16 She can fly, Matt. So Ms. Marvel's trying to land the plane and bring it back, but Rogue decides to hold on to her. She shouldn't be touching, but she does. Yep. And grabs her for a really, really long time. And Mystique's like, just keep holding her. It's going to be great.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Imagine she's a real pretty boy. You're a pretty boy. You want to kiss him. But he doesn't want it. So you're going to hold him until he kisses you. That's right. Just keep holding on. And in doing so, and this is the same as the Rogue story in the comics for a while, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:08:42 She absorbs all of Mss marvel's powers all her powers permanently yeah and then puts her it puts ms marvel into a coma yeah and in this case into her mind also so she's trapped in her mind and then a rogue runs runs away and that's when professor x gets his dirty grubby hands on her yeah and and wipes her mind he goes look i can't i can't fix this but i can make you not remember and that that's just as good, isn't it? Just as good, yeah. I would say it's not. Actually, maybe I could do something more.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Oh, into a coma for me. Yeah, so basically he says, look, I can't put her back in her body, but I can shut her up. Yeah. Is that what you want? Which I think is the most humane thing. To just trap her in there. Just trap her in there.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Don't even worry about it. What are you doing? Because it's not like in this version of Ms. Marvel. It's a very black mirror. It is. Yeah. But this version of Ms. Marvel, she's not evil. She just doesn't want to be trapped in someone's mind who trapped her in there.
Starting point is 00:09:32 She just seems really annoyed. I'd like to be annoyed too. Absolutely. Also, there's moments where she shapeshifts into a Skrull. Do you notice that? Does she? Like she turns green. Oh.
Starting point is 00:09:42 So I'm like, what version is this? Right. So it's probably whatever version of the comics were running around this time, I'd imagine. No, I think what happened there is she, because Rogue had absorbed Mystique's powers. Yeah. So she had the shapeshifting abilities. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:55 But in her mind, she was- Oh, I didn't say that. Ms. Marvel was- I tuned out for a second. It wasn't my fault. It's not important. Rogue has absorbed some of Mystique's powers. She shouldn't be touching, but she is.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Ms. Marvel's able to take over the body of Rogue and transform back into Ms. Marvel. Yeah, right. I'm free, it's my body now, I love it! Which is fair. I think so too. I think it's absolutely justified. But Jean gets there and then there's a-
Starting point is 00:10:15 Rogue was committing a crime. I'm not sure if you're aware of that. She was stealing a plane. Yes. But that's when Jean gets there and traps them all in their mind and there's a mind battle. The orphans were going to get on that plane and go to Aruba. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:10:29 Yeah. But there's no vacation to Aruba for the children, the orphan children. I know, right? Oh, man. I mean, the worst that she did was peel the roof back, but then she put it back. She did put it back, yeah. She just slid it right on back. That's right.
Starting point is 00:10:40 So anyway, you're in the mine. Jean's real big. There's a fight. Ms. Marvel loses and they put her in a cage Jean puts her in a mind cage Yeah And then Rogue Covers it in concrete
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah mind concrete So Why? Very cruel So cruel Yeah And then They come out of the mind
Starting point is 00:10:58 And Mystique's like Now you're my daughter We're friends And you're my daughter For some reason Even though you're 22 I think when i first found you oh yeah right rogues like no fuck no you made me steal that jet i got a woman in my
Starting point is 00:11:10 mind in a concrete box this is a lot yeah you're no mother of mine i just want to kiss boys yeah that's right exactly and then uh so basically to wrap up this this very strange episode gambit makes a weird comment about how rogues dressed he's like i wish you'd dress up like that for me she's like no i'm going to visit carol danvers ms marvel in the hospital so she goes there and the hospital staff are like oh you never nobody ever visits bloody sleeping beauty that's good that you turned up and she's like yeah we've known each other for a really long time aka she's trapped in my mind trapped in my mind because I touched her for too long. But also, as she leaves, Carol Danvers smiles.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Yeah, and her little monitor beeps for the first time in a long time. So what's happening here? Good question. I'm sure they'll revisit it in the next few episodes. They never do. They never do. So has she got a copy of her mind in her mind and the regular ms marvel is also trapped in her mind in her old body yeah did she jump back into her old body
Starting point is 00:12:13 how could she she was in concrete agreed yeah anyway like you said it's never brought up again this is not this does not paint any of the x-men well not at all it's it's a it's a story about trapping a far superior superhero for doing a really good deed yeah yeah she probably had more superheroing to do that day no doubt the day of like she was like okay i'm gonna rescue this i'm gonna i'm gonna put this plane back yep the orphans are gonna go to a ruper and then i'm gonna they're gonna love it i'm gonna put out some fires i'm to bloody help those earthquake victims or whatever. And then she's just like, well, guess I'm in a hospital bed forever now. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Professor X is a notoriously terrible person. Oh, yeah. And they've fleshed that out more in the comics, you know, in the last couple of decades. But good Lord, what are you doing? Yeah. That's a whole person's consciousness that you've just gone, we'll just wall that off. Just put that in the too hard basket, quite frankly. I'll do it tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And then Jean just does the same thing. Yeah. God. And also you don't need the concrete is what I'm saying. Yeah, right. You're trapped in there. Yeah. At least if you're in a mind scape,
Starting point is 00:13:18 you want to look at all the pretty pictures and colours swirling about. The flying eyeballs. What is going on in there? But now you just have to stare at a gray wall until rogue dies yeah and even then yeah and even then who knows bloody hell yeah x-men no good uh i liked this show as a kid but this was not a good episode no no i think i think we've got fond memories of the very little we remember of it also i think it i think when we were kids we probably were not aware of the consequences of what was happening. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Because we like the main characters. Sure. So who cares what happens to the side characters? Yeah. But these days, I'm like, what the hell, man? This show did a really good job of kind of condensing some classic comic book storylines. They did like Days of Future Past. That's true, they did.
Starting point is 00:13:58 They did the Phoenix Saga over a series of episodes. I guess they did this one comic where something similar happened to Ms. Marvel and rogue grabbed her shouldn't be touching but she is what's touching so yeah but this is uh no i didn't i didn't this i just i feel sad we do came out of this and i don't which ultimately is the goal of this youtube series i think so yes because it's called caravan of garbage it happens every tuesday and we feel like garbage we certainly do sometimes we do a video game or a TV show or a comic book or a movie. It's up to you. Sometimes we literally just root through garbage. That's right.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Yeah. That's our favorite episode probably. Found plenty to eat. There's also videos here every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. And we have a podcast called The Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. If you want to check that out, it's linked below. It comes out every Monday morning. There's also a video version of this if you're like man i want to see all these horrible events happen and you know in real time it's a little
Starting point is 00:14:51 bit shorter it's a little bit shorter and better that's right uh and you can find me at mr sunday movies on twitter i'm at wikipedia brown on twitter say something to us if you want on twitter you don't have to yeah what's your favorite episode of the X-Men animated series? I would like to know. Is it this one? What's the highlight? Yeah. It's not this though.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Surely not. Remember Mr. Sinister was in it for a second? Yeah. And then he was gone. Remember they keep threatening him in the movies? Like Mr. Sinister's
Starting point is 00:15:17 going to show up. Brian Cranston says he wants to be Mr. Sinister. Look that's his bag. It says Mr. Sinister on it. Mr. Sinister's bag. Don't touch. Do not touch. Yeah. Alright guys. Take it easy. Grab that gem you guys. It says Mr. Sinister on it. Mr. Sinister's bag, don't touch. Do not touch.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah. All right, guys, take it easy. Grab that gem, you guys. We will see you next week. Goodbye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want.
Starting point is 00:15:40 It's up to you.

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