The Weekly Planet - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Caravan Of Garbage

Episode Date: May 9, 2024

2014 saw the release of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, set 15 years after the previous movie kicked off the ape-pocalypse. Caesar and friends have set themself up a nice little comminity in the separate from the old world until a bunch of humans come knocking setting both person and ape against one another. It all culminates in a bonobo riding a horse into battle weilding two machine guns. Ten out of ten not notes thanks for checking our our Caravan Of Garbage reviewSUBSCRIBE HERE ►► support the show and get early episodes ► ►' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► ► The Weekly Planet iTunes ► The Weekly Planet Direct Download ► Affiliate Link ► HERE ►► Edition ► support the show and get early episodes ► ►' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► ► The Weekly Planet iTunes ► The Weekly Planet Direct Download ► Affiliate Link ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of Caravan of Garbage where we're making our way through the Caesar Planet of the Apes trilogy. Oh, it's too brutal Oh is a bit of that in this little bit isn't there sometimes you think your mate who's a is an ape or whatever Is a good blight, but he sucks killed a bear for you earlier. So you think he's on your team I can't believe you betrayed me the most obviously evil ape that there is With that face the betrayal face you've got the evil betrayal face. He does have that doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:00:28 A lot going on. Yeah. But you know who never betrays us? The viewers. That's right. The viewers and listeners. By leaving us a like. That's right.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah. If they don't leave a like that is obviously a betrayal. That's maximum betrayal. But they never do that. That's right. Because they're always supporting us. That's right. They're boys.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yeah. Gotta support your boys. Family. That's right. We're family. Yeah. YouTubers and viewers. Family. Family. I'm doing sign language. I'm doing the podcast to sign language. I'm doing the heart. Yeah, nice. The heart with my hands. The YouTuber sign language. Yeah. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways, in the lead up to this, Rupert Wyatt, who directed the first movie, decided not to return because he wasn't comfortable with the May 2014 release date a mere three years after the last.
Starting point is 00:01:12 And it turned out he was afraid of apes also. Oh, yeah. I didn't even get through that first one. Maybe he didn't know it was a monkey film until they did all the special effects. Then he was like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah, right. Terrifying. I thought this was about San Francisco being taken over by people in grey body stockings with dots on them. They're being lured across the golden gate bridge with a tennis ball and a stick in front of their faces. But it was apes, I hate them!
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah, yeah, it's a... So they had Matt Reeves step in. Never heard of him. Well, he directed The Batman, among other things. I have heard of him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And didn't he direct Dawn of the Planet of the Apes? Actually, that is true.
Starting point is 00:01:46 But the original draft was set much further in the future and it had apes speaking almost flawlessly. But with this version about 15 years after, we're not quite there yet. And Caesar also played a much smaller role. But Reeves thought, let's, you know, I'm gonna rewrite this. I'm Matt Reeves, I'm here to write a good movie.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I'm gonna change it so it's only set 15 or so years after. He's also a huge fan of the original. Him and Michael Giacchino, who was the composer for this, they still have the original Planet of the Apes toys. I bet they suck as well. What are you even doing with that? I don't believe in science. Well, I do believe in science. It's the I believe in science action. He squeezed the legs together I do believe in science and now I'm gonna do a big ape judo chop a Bunch of big fans of Planet of the Apes in this. Oh, yeah notable Judy Greer who is who is who's Cornelia? Yep, who is Caesar's wife? Mm-hmm unrecognizable unsurprisingly
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah, but I recognized her. Yeah. Yeah, so she worked with Andy circus on 13 going on 30. That's my brother's favorite movie, which brother the one you don't like Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, or suddenly 30 depending on where you're from sure Ah, but as I understand it, he knew she was a big fan and so invited her to be on this movie She had a Planet of the Apes themed wedding. Oh my god with a with a with an ape bride and groom Cake topper. Did you know that? I didn't know that. Well that's fun right? So yeah James Franco, he's killed pretty much everybody on the planet. Thanks a lot James Franco. RIP in real life obviously. Absolutely. We'll never know what
Starting point is 00:03:15 he was really like. But you can really see the advancements. We can guess though. There's some clues, some hints. But you can really see the difference that leaps forward in technology here. I mean, opening it on Caesar's eyes and pulling back, and it's raining wet fur, Mason. And then he's like, I suppose you're wondering how he got here. No.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Record scratch. I wasn't wondering. They ran into the woods in the last movie. I wasn't actually wondering at all. I remember. One million hairs per chimp. What do you think of that? Like those numbers? Those are good numbers, yeah. They've moved the model forward a little bit, especially Caesar. It's more Andy Serkis-esque, which you probably noticed.
Starting point is 00:03:57 He also, he's different from a lot of the other apes because he walks more upright because he was raised in a human household. They had to redesign. He's always leaving the toilet seat up. Classic. Classic men behavior, am I right? Oh, he's eating the last banana out of the fridge. You keep your bananas in the fridge. He does.
Starting point is 00:04:14 He was raised by James Franke. Oh yeah, I know what he's like. I mean we don't really know what he's like because he died. They also redesigned all the primates to make them more capable of speech because that's obviously a more detailed model that you need to do in particular one of the things that was a challenge was the raspberry the Uh-huh sure because when you directly translate that from a human to an ape the facial structure is completely different So you can't do it like that they had to like it's the process of just doing that alone
Starting point is 00:04:42 I watched a video on it. I'm like this is too much I just wouldn't have done it. There's a general in a hermetically sealed bunker in a deleted scene where they're looking at footage of the monkeys and they're like, their entire facial structure's been altered by the virus! They can blow a raspberry now! Another big difference in this one is that 85% of this is on location, real location. They built most of that ape village and just had people walking around in gray jumpsuits and etc So that's really impressive to be able to do all of that outdoors wet moist all of these things But movies are real movies and movies are back. Yeah, it was so over. Yep
Starting point is 00:05:16 2014 is back so back. Yeah side note just what I loved going back to this movie I loved that I'm like, okay time to relax, You know, there's a lot going on in the world currently. Time to go back to the before times 2014 and watch a nice film about a virus that spreads across the earth and gives everybody a really bad some reason. These movies, they're so sad. Like you think like, oh, these are fun action movies about gorillas and whatever. And they are, but it's mostly just grim stuff. Yeah, I didn't forget. I did. And I find the complexity of the characters really interesting. So Gary Oldman, he's not really a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:06:02 He's just a guy who lost his family. He's trying to keep his community together, and he's just like, I'm just gonna have to kill all these apes and myself in the process. Like he's not happy about it, he's not cackling away, he's just like, you fucking back me into a corner here. So in this movie, of course, the apes have spread out across the world and there's, you know, most of- Well, not really.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Well, most of San Francisco. And most of humanity's died out, but of San Francisco. Yeah. And most of humanity's died out. But the this this little pocket of humanity needs to go to a dam and fix the dam so they can get electricity to, you know, to get over it to get over it. Exactly. But they encounter the apes and there's a, you know, a bit of a to and fro. Yeah, you know, exactly. But yeah, like Gary Oldman is the leader of this kind of colony. And there's there's a moment where he's... Yeah, when you see his humanity where the dam is repaired
Starting point is 00:06:49 and the power comes back on and his iPad lights up. And you see like a little... He's like, oh, Flappy Bird. Yeah, you see a little photo of his family and he's like, oh, and he's all sad. And I'm like, I would have just used my memory to remember my family, idiot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Flappy Bird would have been funny though. Yeah, that would have been. I'll tell you what though, there's some classic dad behavior in this, particularly with Caesar. There is a big father son dynamic and they give your son a scar pretty early on because they kind of,
Starting point is 00:07:19 you got to make the main ones look different enough. Yes, absolutely. So if you can have a bare scratch one across the body, that's easier later on in the movie. Apparently- You can wear like cool jackets and stuff, like a varsity, you know? That would be so cool.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yeah, nice. It says college ball on the back. That's right. Yeah. It says super monkey ball on the back is what it says. Apparently there was a healthy seven figure deal given to Andy Sergis to return. You need him though, don't you? And
Starting point is 00:07:46 Kobe now is played by Toby Kebbell. That's right. Formerly Doctor Doom? Or later to be Doctor Doom, I can't remember. Later, yeah, the next year. Oh, he was gearing up for Doctor Doom. Big time. Couldn't wait to see that one. Awful on set, he's like, guys, I'm just slumming it here as a gorilla. But I'm way better than any of this and all of you. Yeah I'm gonna be shooting into the stratosphere later. I'm going into the MCU. Nobody tell him. That's right.
Starting point is 00:08:11 I'm actually being dosed with cosmic radiation as we speak in my trailer. So yeah I'll see you losers. Absolutely. Some other time. I think as a villain as well, like he sucks obviously, but it makes sense It's like yeah He was tortured by humans his entire life and then he got in a big punch-up on a bridge Yeah, and so a bunch of his mates get machine gunned. Yeah. Yeah, of course. He's a lunatic. Of course. He's like this I love his little Kaiser so Zay turns like oh
Starting point is 00:08:39 God when he's interacting with humans and he's there's a moment where he's like having fun playing with him And then he turns away and he's like Evil. Yeah, evil evil glare incredible that bit where yeah, we picks up the machine gun and he's just sitting down together It's probably not specifically a machine gun. Shut up gun nerds. They're always in here. There was any amazing Talking about different stocks go somewhere. They're always in there going bloody the bloody AR-15 it stands for assault rifle 15 they're always saying that they're always saying that yeah that's why you're correct but just really a solid decision to bring that character back in this capacity I really enjoy that and to make him the head of the apes erection that's right
Starting point is 00:09:20 no don't say that wait this is still is still in though. Yep. Yep. We couldn't think of anything better. So it's the apes erection. Did you notice the bit where he was standing on the American flag and they were hurting humans into a camp? Was that an accident? What? You know, revenge upon the humans. No. No, I think it's like as a shot Oh, it's putting a scene in a movie that might mean something. Does that mean anything or is it an accident? I think most shots in movies are accidental. Okay, cool. That's the beauty of art Yeah, you just get the camera rolling you have people just walk in front of it. You see what happens Yep, absolutely some human characters that appear in this no returning human characters, which is often the way with these movies That's true smart. You don't have to Jason Clark was great in this He was gearing up for Terminator Genisys. Australia's Own?
Starting point is 00:10:07 Woo! Yeah, that's right. He was gearing up to sit in that tiny room with Oppenheimer and yell at him. Oh, that's a great scene. Isn't it, Joss? Oh, God. I'm glad he got that role. He's good.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Me too. Really good in this. Better than Terminator Genisys. Yeah, it's a little bit better than the movie Terminator Genisys. Yeah, Gary Oldman as mentioned. Felicity, what's her name? Not Felicity. Kerry Russell.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Her name is not Felicity, James. I don't know that. Kerry Russell's in this. Cody Smith McPhee. Just a really good human cast. That guy who's sinister, he's sort of the bad guy, but he's just afraid. He's just afraid all the time. That guy.
Starting point is 00:10:42 All of that's really good. So the big eight battle at the end, what I love about that is I see both sides. I see how we got here. I see Koba shooting Caesar and pretending he didn't shoot Caesar and the human shot Caesar. And so you see he learned that from us. He learned that classic betrayal from us. Betrayal online, that's human stuff. That's true. Just gorgeous work. Yeah, at the end when Caesar kills him, he's like, you're a bloke, you're a bloke. I hate that about you or whatever. You know, it's a spectacular action scene, you know, with the tank and all of that and
Starting point is 00:11:14 it's spinning, it's kind of the one and you see the carnage unfold. There's a moment where, you know, he's running, he's got two machine guns and he's on the horse. God, that's what we're here for. This is the good stuff. You know what, I like the last one. You know. Yeah, I like it a lot. It's great. And it's been a slow build and you know, and that was fine.
Starting point is 00:11:31 You know, nice slow build, building that tension. But this is what we want. We want apes on horseback firing machine guns. I think the reason why the first one works as well is that it is, it could easily just exist on its own. And the future is the child has to want or whatever. It doesn't really matter. Oh, yeah Where they took elements from that which was sort of threads to what could happen next and they built on it in a really organic
Starting point is 00:11:51 Way, they didn't start this and go we're doing the play the game trilogy We're gonna do we're gonna do three movies then we're gonna set two unused in the future This is Matt Reeves. I'm Matt Reeves. I'm coming. I'm taking over I'm gonna do Batman, I'm Reeves., you guys stop me. I'm gonna do it. We better do what he says. Yeah. Yeah, love all of that. I think he's got a gun in his old timey waistcoat.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I do. But look, that battle's all great and it's also very tragic because you're just seeing so many people and various primates getting gunned down and it's all for naught. Why is this even happening? Just stay in your lanes, both of you. You've actually taken this too far, I see both sides. I'm an enlightened centrist. I bring that to just all aspects of life. Okay. Well, I'm on the side of that guy who was afraid and he brought a gun everywhere.
Starting point is 00:12:35 That's my guy. And look, man, I love the battle. It's great and tragic, but my favorite part is where they tip the bus onto all the apes So you're on the side of my guy as well, I guess I am it would have done that if he'd lived to that point It would have yeah, but I tell you what just Watching a chimpanzee and a bonobo have a punch-up on top of a skyscraper Like it's the end of spider-man and they're screaming each other and just seeing that just made me go huh, we've come a long way in movies haven't we? It's amazing that you can watch that and it's not silly. It's really like, because they took the time
Starting point is 00:13:16 to build the characters up and they took the time to give Cobra a very ambiguous death in case they wanted to bring him back. He fell in a way where it's like, I've seen an act take a fall like this in real life. He didn't fall into helicopter blades or something. No, exactly. That's exactly right. What's also interesting about these movies is they don't really follow up what happened to anybody like the previous humans. But I actually have information on what happened to Jason Clarke's character.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Is this in a spin-off comic book or something? It's in the novelization of Wat Pota. War of the Planet of the Apes. Okay. So apparently Malcolm, which is... It just says he died on the toilet. Yeah. He fell into the toilet, he was stuck, he said,
Starting point is 00:13:55 Help, no one hurt him, he died. He's stuck there and he died. Well... Bum first. Tragic, isn't it? Yeah. It's not even thematically related to this series. Doesn't mean anything. It's nothing, but that's the nature of war, isn't it? Yeah, it's not even thematically related to the series. Doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:14:07 It's nothing, but that's the nature of war, isn't it? And survival, sometimes you get stuck on the toilet. That's right. So Malcolm was let into McCullers' tent, so that's Woody Harrelson's character, we'll be talking about next week, and begged him to make peace with Caesar and the other apes. Malcolm told the Colonel that Caesar was not just an animal, but he was also a great leader. This was dismissed and he was promptly executed for support of the apes.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Sit on that toilet. Not again, no! Sit on it! So yeah, pretty tragic stuff. Okay. For old Jason Clarke, Australia's own. Yeah, that's right. Do you got any more notes?
Starting point is 00:14:43 Here's a fun little fact that I didn't notice the first time I watched this is that Cody Smith McPhee's character is carrying around in his backpack a copy of black hole by Charles Burns Novel that he teaches that he that he shows to Maurice and helps him learn, you know helps him with his reading. Yeah, I'm like boy That's if you've read that that's a real That'd be a real that'd be a real odd book to explain to an intelligent ape I feel you think yeah Maurice is pretty intelligent he already knew sign language before he got super smart that's true hmm dogs here everybody yeah I tell you
Starting point is 00:15:17 what man that how do you how do you explain the how do you explain the concept of fiction to an ape oh god because first of all you have to remember which one is fiction and nonfiction Oh god, yeah You have to do that little dance in your head Yep, okay, so it's non-real Not real. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So is that non-fiction? No, it's the other one. Okay Where are you going Maurice? Why do you have that big rock in your hand Maurice?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Where are you leading me? To the toilet? Oh no Maurice no The apes have just set up a toilet in their village. That's right. Just for that purpose. Sacrificial toilet. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Love that. Yeah. Anything else? No, that's everything. You know what it's time for then? What's it time for? It's time for Dawn of the Trivia of the Apes of the Trivia. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:57 The trivia section of the show. So Gary Oldman said in 2014 in an interview that he didn't like many of the films that he's made. He just acted in them because like money and stuff. Even the critically acclaimed ones, some of them. Didn't like many of the films that he's made And he just acted in them because like money and stuff even the critically acclaimed ones some of them didn't like dracula Huh? I thought he did a good dracula. I think he did too I mean he did bad things within the movie and I don't condone that but uh, I thought he did a good dracula I condone everything he did in that movie. Okay, cool. Yeah, but he said he decided I don't condone what he did as commissioner gordon Wow, yeah, that's right steal batman's car for a minute to blow up a bridge or whatever he did as Commissioner Gordon. Wow. Yeah, that's right. Steal Batman's car for a minute to blow up a bridge
Starting point is 00:16:25 or whatever he did. Sure, yeah. Not cool, man. That's Batman's car. That's right. Get out of it. That's right, that's theft. You should be in prison, Commissioner Gordon.
Starting point is 00:16:34 But he said he decided to work on this film because he was fan of the original movies and he thought the script was very good. So that's nice to hear. Right, for now. Yeah, he also did Robocop this year. Not this year, the year that this came out. Two good movies. Also, you mentioned the photos He also did Robocop this year. Not this year. The year that this came out. Two good movies.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Also, you mentioned the photos. Was he in Robocop? Robocop remake? Yeah, he's Robocop's dad. He builds Robocop. He's like, Robocop, I've made you. Robocop's like, can you kill me, please? And he's like, legally, no.
Starting point is 00:16:58 No, maybe. But no, just no, I won't. They paid me a lot of money to do a Robocop. So I'm obviously not going to do that. I'll just pretend I'm conflicted about all the ethics behind this, whatever, thank you. But you mentioned the photos on his iPad. That was Gary Oldman's real family.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Maybe he hates them, maybe that's why he was able to cry. He's like, God, my family, ugh. I do acting to escape my family. Apparently James Franco didn't know that he was in this movie, and the footage that was used was left over from the previous one, but also he wouldn't know that because he died. movie and the footage that was used was left over from the previous one But also he wouldn't know that because he died. That's true. Yeah, all right
Starting point is 00:17:28 He wasn't a real one, but I don't know why I just get the feeling that he wasn't a real one You know vibes I think yeah vibes. Yeah. Yeah, and how's about this? Most of the apes were digitally animated after real-life Examples and so the one in particular which caught my eye Well, not in the way that it caught other people's eyes Cornelia who plays Caesar's wife played by Judy Greer They said they used the sexiest female chimp they could find and then build her out from there. Who's judging that? There's a video of I watched a video where a guy said sexiest female chimp. So ask him What's the lady? What's the lady ape in the Donkey Kong franchise?
Starting point is 00:18:05 Was it just photos of her? Trixie Kong? Maybe yeah, maybe it was the lady ape from Donkey Kong. Anyways on a budget of $170 million it made 710 million. Nice Movies are back. Movies are back. That's up on the 481 movie in the previous one made which was terrific But this is even more terrific. again These movies just sort of quietly yep come in and everybody's like love apes. Yep. Let's make this happen I've seen the previous one. Nah, there'll be like a map at the start and there's red lines Are there gonna be any sexy lady apes? Yeah Yeah, I'm sure action tomorrow everybody
Starting point is 00:18:44 Anyways, we're gonna be back next week to talk about war of the planet of the ants right and you can actually see that early If you head over to big sandwich co that is our private subscription service We don't pay wall anything except we do those things we said behind this behind this thing. That's right So the videos got there early we do movie commentaries We have done one on the original planet of the apes if you want to watch along with us. That's right That's a lot of fun. We do video game let's plays. We do bonus podcasts. We do a comic book club, don't we? Yeah, unrelated. We also did a video once on where we played one of the Planet of the Apes games, right? Yes, we did. Atrocious.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Atrocious game released in conjunction with the Tim Burton version, but based on the original movie. Yeah, that's a fun video. And you might say that that particular mishmash wouldn't work and it doesn't. Check that out if you like. Also we have a podcast called The Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and tv shows that comes out every Monday if you are keen. Speaking of of course we will be talking about the new Planet of the Apes movie when it comes out which I'm looking forward to talking about. Me too.
Starting point is 00:19:44 But not before. Do you think the astronauts are gonna come back? When are the astronauts gonna come back? the new Planet of the Apes movie when it comes out, which I'm looking forward to talking about. Me too. But not before- Do you think the astronauts are going to come back? When are the astronauts going to come back? Yep. Nice, great. I think they're all going to come back.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I think they're going to come back. Who would be the Charlton Heston? Charlton Heston. Glenn Powell? No, Charlton Heston. Charlton Heston. Charlton Heston, bring him back. I guess they can.
Starting point is 00:20:00 They've got technology. They've got technology. And he's not around to stop them. That's right. James Franco, you can bring him back bring him back Digital how did I end up in this spaceship? Thought I died in the franchise and in real life you did Yes, you just bits and bytes on this mainframe in hell. That's where you are. Oh
Starting point is 00:20:21 Thank you so much to Ben and Lawrence for the edit Thank you Ben and Lawrence and we'll see you see you on the next one. Grab that gem you guys, we'll see you next week. Grab that banana. Banana! Minions, they were saying banana. Oh they have not said that. They're always saying banana. Don't die in the toilet folks. Don't do it. That's my sign off now. That's a good one.

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