The Weekly Planet - Spider-Man Night Of The Clones - Caravan Of Garbage

Episode Date: December 6, 2018

Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse isn't the only multiple Spider-Man movie or whatever. Spider-Man Night Of The Clones sees multiple Spider-man go head to head with his evil clone. What an era. What a ...time to be alive. Presumably.Video Edition: â–º â–º â–º â–º Weekly Planet iTunes â–º Weekly Planet YouTube â–º Spider-Man Trilogy Amazon â–º Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. You know, Spider-Man, there's too many Spider-Men and women. He's not the only Spider-Man, there's too many Spider-Women movies. Are you talking about Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse? I'm talking about Mason. It was a little bit unclear, but I picked it up from context. I'm sure the thumbnail and name of this video will make that clear, Mason.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Yeah. Well, look, big comic book fans would know that in 1975, in the comic books, Spider-Man's nemesis, the Jackal, cloned both Peter Parker and his deceased girlfriend Gwen Stacy. That son of a Jackal. That's right, which culminated in a battle
Starting point is 00:00:37 between Spider-Man and his clone for supremacy, which resulted, I believe, in an explosion which seemingly killed both the jackal and spider-man's clone and he was like and spider-man was like well i'm the original not to worry just i'm just going to dump this body in a smokestack and i'm going to get out of here but in the 90s it was we we we reveal that the spider clone actually did survive and seeing that he no longer had a life in new york because you know, there could be only one Peter Parker.
Starting point is 00:01:05 He moves to the West Coast. He forgot about it. He forgot about it. And he moved to the West Coast and he became the Scarlet Spider. Anyway, there's a whole big clone saga. It went for years. There were so many different Spider-Men. Fake outs.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Fake outs. And who's the clone and who's not the clone. And just twists and turns and so many weird variants of Spider-Man and mutants and all sorts of crazy stuff. But what I didn't know is that in 1978, there was a Spider-Man television show, which maybe was an homage to the original 1970s storyline. It seems to... The episode Night of the Clones.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Night of the Clones. Or as I would probably call it, two men in Spider-Man costumes scuffle for a bit for about a minute right at the end. That's what I'd call it. If you're expecting those twists and turns and crazy new characters, you ain't going to get it. No, none of that. This is a tough watch. We watched this all the way to the end.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And I got to about three minutes before the end. And I'm like, is this going to be a two-parter? Is the battle between Spider-Man and his clone going to be the entire next episode? No, it's just right at the end and I'm like, is this going to be a two-parter? Is the battle between Spider-Man and his clone going to, you know, be the entire next episode? No, it's just right at the end. Yep. So anyway, it starts off, there's some science award that they're going to be giving out in New York.
Starting point is 00:02:14 And the whole Daily Bugle is fired up about it. They can't believe it. They've got to split up into teams to cover all the incredible science happening. To get the photographs of all the individual scientists. But they've already got photos of the scientists. Yes, exactly. They hand out photos of the scientists. No, they want them on the street, TNZ style.
Starting point is 00:02:31 They want some candids of those scientists. They want to pap those scientists, you know? That's it. So Parker goes to see the scientist who should have won the award for the past five years. How do you feel about Peter Parker in this? He's 40 years old. I looked it up just now. He do you feel about Peter Parker in this? He's 14 years old. I looked it up just now.
Starting point is 00:02:46 He's like 28, I think. What? He's like 28. He was born in 1950. He looks like my dad. This is Nicholas Hammond. He was one of the Von Trapps in The Sound of Music. I mean, he's good, to be fair.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I thought he was quite good. I think he had a certain youthful... I think he had a certain... He looks kind of old, but I think his demeanour has a certain youthful exuberance. Yeah. And he has a beige suit and the worst hair I've ever seen. Yes, he does, yeah. So he goes to see the scientist who should have won the award five years running yeah this guy's super into cloning dr moon dr moon so he explains
Starting point is 00:03:13 the process of cloning explains it really weirdly he says something like so instead of a man and a woman and they come together and they they replicate a person and make a human being and then that person grows from various cells. This is, cloning is where you take one thing and it produces asexually. Just say it's a copy. Just say, you know photocopies? It's that.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah, maybe cloning was the new thing in the 70s and they're like, we better get dead. Oh, it was the nanobots of their day. Yeah, it was the nanobots of their day, I think. I also like that the Daily Bugle, there is a secretary that Peter Parker can bounce exposition off. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Who doesn't seem to understand anything. Who is that supposed to be? Betty Brandt? Maybe. I didn't catch her name. I didn't catch her name also. I couldn't tell you. I've just written here on my notes, God, this show looks like shit.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Okay, here's the thing also. We watched what I can only assume is a VHS rip. Yeah. So I'm not going to blame it too hard. But that being said because there was so little detail in the version i saw you couldn't even see the spider legs on the insignia on his costume man in pajamas so it looked like he was wearing a spider-man costume but his logo was mr hanky the christmas poo that's what it looked like so we get a very slow
Starting point is 00:04:20 segment where we watch a man in real time plant a bomb inside an elevator yeah so he connects the box and then he pulls out the plastic explosives and he molds it he molds it with his hands and then he puts the wires into it several connections pump he has to pump he has to prime that explosive yeah and then he gets the detonator and you see him pull the aerial out really yeah that's right and he stands near the elevator because who he's trying to kill is two of the scientists who are judging this award. It turns out. These rock stars who are presiding over this prestigious award.
Starting point is 00:04:52 That's exactly it. So he blows the cables in the elevator. It turns out it doesn't kill the two scientists. Just grievously injures them. That's right. And there's a woman there who's also the daughter of one. A young Morgan Fairchild I think. Okay. And she's the daughter of another scientist
Starting point is 00:05:07 who's on the committee. Who's not there yet. But he's on the committee maybe. She's come ahead to smooth some stuff out. But at this exact same time. Oh so we see who it is and it's bloody Dr. Moon. It's Dr. Moon. Can you believe it? I can't believe it. So we cut back though to the lab and Dr. Moon is also there
Starting point is 00:05:23 somehow. At the same time. At the same time. And he goes, I'll tell you what, I'm going to do a little bit of science for you today, ladies and gents. You're going to bloody love this. I'm going to science your balls off, ladies and gentlemen. This is my partner, and he holds up a frog, and a woman's like, your partner. And he's like, come on.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Come on. I'm just kidding around. A bit of science humor. You probably don't get a lot of science humor around in i'm just just kidding around a bit of science humor probably don't get a lot of science humor around in journalism school but this is a bit of science humor don't even worry about it mate settled in because i'm gonna size your balls off or your ovaries young lady i'll size them right off so he says he's going to clone a frog at this point our copy of the uh of the show glitches yes tv glitches uh and then everybody stands around for what i assume is several hours and watches a frog go from a single cell to a tadpole to a little frog to a regular sized frog
Starting point is 00:06:14 and no one's talking they're just taking photos that would be that is like watching a clock there should have been one of those calendars with all the pages coming off as the days pass. Everyone's grown beards. So he signs everyone's balls off. He goes, look, I've got two frogs and they all take photos. It's pretty incredible. Incredible. He had a frog and now he's got another frog. The two, the species with the most individually distinct
Starting point is 00:06:37 beings in it, you know what I mean? Exactly. One frog always different from the other frog, but these two frogs identical. Yeah. It's at this point I realise something must be amiss because, well, first of all, there's two versions of him, obviously. There's two frogs and he has never won this science award despite the fact that he has invented cloning. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:56 In the 70s. Mm-hmm. What other science experiment even comes close to that? Right. I mean, I know it's a comic book universe, but I mean, what is better than that? Well, maybe this exists in the larger Marvel universe. And so people are just inventing time travel and artificial intelligence and whatever in the 70s.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And they're like cloning. Who cares? We did time travel this year. Yeah, come on, man. Yeah. So it turns out that, because those scientists lived there, some cops went to investigate. And they're like, yeah, the cable just broke in the elevator.
Starting point is 00:07:27 We're not treating it as suspicious. We investigated it. I mean, there's all these burn marks on the wall or whatever. And there was a loud bang. Yeah. So Peter Parker turns up. And there was a man hiding in a pot plant with a remote control. Peter Parker turns up.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And he's looking in the elevator. And this is where his spider sense kicks in. His eyes flash which is quite which is very different in the in the in the in the comic books and in the most of the movies it's it's a precognitive danger sense when danger is coming right at him he knows it's coming and he can dodge out of the way but in this it appears through time he can see backwards through time he can see a cable and an elevator, and he knows it's been blown up. Yes. It's more, it's something else.
Starting point is 00:08:08 So he Spider-Mans into there. You see, because he wants to know what's going on. Yeah. The bomb is still hanging from the cable. Yeah. So clearly they didn't look into it at all. And then a guy looks into the elevator. He's like, hey, Spider-Man, get out of the elevator shaft.
Starting point is 00:08:21 The cop. That's the cop, sorry. That's the police sergeant. The lead detective is like, get out of there amongst shaft. The cop. That's the cop, sorry. That's the police sergeant. The lead detective. He's like, get out of there amongst that stuff we haven't investigated at all. And they chase him up to the rooftop. Yep, and he does a sweet tumble off the side and crawls down. I respect the web swinging and climbing stuff in this show.
Starting point is 00:08:40 There's no web swinging in this show. Not in this particular episode. Okay, right. But because they do all of this for real. They just hang a man from the side of the building. Oh, right. Okay, yeah. And so he does kind of moves his hands like up and down.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I think they're very proud of the wall crawling. Yep. But there's also a lot of him just skulking about on the ground. Yes. Which I guess is what, like, I guess when you think of a spider. Yeah. A lot of the time there's just one skulking, like skulking along, like going under your door frame or whatever. And you're like, ugh.
Starting point is 00:09:06 I don't really generally think of a spider as swinging across the rooftops. That's a really good point, Mason. You've never seen a spider inspect an elevator bomb situation? I've never seen that happen. Really? Never once. Okay. I was going to say it might just be an Australian thing, but you are Australian.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yeah, it's true. So he goes to the head of the... Fun fact, Nicholas Hammond lives in Australia now. Does he really? Yeah, he does. He retired to Sydney. We should get him on the show. We should get him on the show, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:29 So they go visit the head of the Daily Bugle, who is J. Jonah Jameson. I was surprised. Because it doesn't look anything like him. But he's got the attitude. He does, it's true. So Peter Parker's like, look, I've got photos of two frogs for the front page.
Starting point is 00:09:42 He's like, we don't want no photos of frogs, you dumbass. We want photos of two frogs for the front page. He's like, we don't want no photos of frogs, you dumbass. We want photos of an elevator. So he just wants photos of elevator doors after there was an accident. You can take a photo of any elevator. And because it's the 70s, nobody checks. Nobody knows. Nobody checked the actual elevator if there was a bomb in it in the first place. It looked, from the outside, it just looks like a regular elevator shaft.
Starting point is 00:10:02 He's like, we want sexy and we want violence. We want frogs. We want frogs. That's what we want. And Peter Parker's like, but you sent me to take photos of the frogs. And he's like, I don't care. We're the journalism. Everyone's balls off.
Starting point is 00:10:14 That's right. Yeah. So he's like, listen, there's a science party coming up and you need to go to this science party and take photos of all the celebrities. All the celebrity scientists. And you've got to do it in costume. Yeah. So there's the B-plot. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Peter Parker has to get a costume for the costume party, but all the costume hire places are all sold out. And he has to pay for it himself. The boss is like, that's not a work expense, which is kind of, well, it's not true, is it? No. It's his job. So it turns out, by the way it's revealed that the
Starting point is 00:10:45 evil the evil clone uh did did the elevator there's an evil clone a good clone of dr moon uh he's just like there's a regular guy sorry there's a what yeah sorry there's just dr moon yes and then there's evil dr moon yes because the cloning makes you evil yes so presumably one of those frogs is regular and one of those frogs is evil yeah exactly yeah so uh but when you get cloned you keep all your memories the clone keeps all your memories they just turn evil they just turn evil they have a conversation that the two the two dudes the good ones like i'm gonna knock you out so you don't can't ever leave here and there's a there's a very short old man scuffle with the
Starting point is 00:11:17 and the and the evil clone wins i couldn't tell in this episode whether those guys were twins or because the quality was so bad so I'm like did they just get twins for this maybe if so well done but I just don't know but the bad clone takes over the Dr. Moon's role he's now out in the world which is terrifying Mason
Starting point is 00:11:36 but Spider-Man he can't get a costume as you said he's ringing around so he goes to Aunt May and he says hey Aunt May why don't you make me a costume and she's like oh no I can there's one in the cupboard
Starting point is 00:11:48 I could give to you and he's like no no I don't want that I want you to make me one what do you want me to make oh just whatever as long as it's no effort whatever's easiest
Starting point is 00:11:56 for you Aunt May well I can give you this one no no make me one but whatever's easiest yeah whatever's easiest Aunt May there's a lot of costume time on this episode
Starting point is 00:12:04 it really is, yeah. Way too much. So, okay. You've got to find your place again. Yep, so Peter sees, using his time travel sight abilities, he sees that Moon was the one who set the bomb. So he goes to the lady who you said is the actor. Morgan Fairchild.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Morgan Fairchild. And he's like, this is an attempted murder I think I suspect and she's like it would never be a murder not in the science community it was just a freak accident those guys both have
Starting point is 00:12:30 enemies in their own countries that they're from and that's probably what it was it's not science related no okay I mean it is
Starting point is 00:12:37 yeah cool the lady is then called by the moon clone the clone of the moon clone of the moon and Spider-Man leave your security detail come visit me come visit me don't tell anyone you're coming to visit me just do it it's very
Starting point is 00:12:48 important for science which is like oh for science yeah i'm the regular moon i'm not a clone of the moon so she she goes across town and then in real time we get peter parker following her across the tops as spider-man as spider-man but god he's just it's a very slow chase isn't it they put it all in don't they sure do and again he's But God, he's just, it's a very slow chase, isn't it? Yeah. They put it all in, don't they? They sure do. For every second. And again, he's not web swinging. He's just running.
Starting point is 00:13:09 He's just a man running. She meets Clone of the Moon. And I think he tries to kiss her or grab her. Is that what's going on? But he's also got a gun. Oh, he does have a gun. And we know that because Spider-Man breaks in the window. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:19 And he immediately turns around and starts shooting. Yep. Peter Parker gets shot. He gets shot in the hand. But he manages to kick his gun away. And then he runs away. And then he runs away. Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Leaves the gun. With the proportionate strength of a spider and the ability to shoot webs out of his web shooters and web up a dude who might be threatening you with a gun. And he could see the future in the past. And he just runs away. He runs away. He just hobbles down the stairs.
Starting point is 00:13:42 He just pop, pop, pop, pop down the stairs. They hide in a vault because there's a very old man looming with a gun yep but again spider-man could have turned his head into paste yeah well we one finger we know that because they get locked in the vault and they're worried they're gonna run out of air and she's like you're a bad guy spider-man he's like that dude had a gun and shit he shot me and he was gonna grab you or something yeah right he's like i don't believe it for a second. My dad's good.
Starting point is 00:14:07 They're mates or whatever. They're science. They're bonded together with science. Don't worry about it. That's right. So Spider-Man uses his incredible strength, which he must have been saving for this point. Yeah, I mean, don't waste it on an old man who's trying to kill you with a gun.
Starting point is 00:14:19 He breaks open the door of the vault in real time, which we get, which is good. Yeah. And then... Here's a bit of that. There's a bit of that, yeah. So Peter Parker's trying to figure out what's going on. And some guy's like, well, it couldn't have been Dr. Moon because he was in two places at once.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And Peter, he doesn't immediately twig that it could possibly be cloning. He's just like, hmm, that is a situation, isn't it? Yeah, it sure is. It's a real situation. Clone of the Moon manages to get some blood of Spider-Man. And using the blood of an oily rag, he creates a copy of Peter Parker. Hairstyle and all. Hairstyle and all.
Starting point is 00:14:53 For two reasons. One, so he'd know who Spider-Man was. Which I like that little wrinkle. He just didn't come out in a spider suit. Which I feel like in a slightly worse show that would have happened. Yeah, right. So he knows who Peter Parker is and then also because
Starting point is 00:15:07 everyone turns evil including the frog probably yeah so he wants an evil Spider-Man so Peter Parker visits him and he's like hey can you is it possible for you to clone a man and he's like not in science so I don't know what you're talking about so anyway I gotta get back to my experiment
Starting point is 00:15:22 and Peter Parker's like can I see your experiment and he's like nah can I see your experiment? He's like, nah. Nah, it's just a normal experiment. It's not suspicious at all, but you can't see it. That's it. Nah. So he's got to use Peter Parker. He's feeling pretty good.
Starting point is 00:15:33 They go to Peter Parker's apartment while he's out. Yep. Meanwhile, Peter Parker is going to the hotel room where the regular Moon is. And he meets the daughter again and the dad. Is that right? Is that when that happens? Yes. And they're like, Moon's a good guy and he's not a clone.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And I don't know what you're talking about, but he's a good dude. And he's like, well, I heard he shot Spider-Man. And they're like, unlikely. Yeah. But meanwhile, back at Peter Parker's apartment, Evil Moon and Evil Peter Parker go to Peter Parker's secret compartment in his apartment. Secret compartment apartment.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Exactly. His apartment compartment. And they get one of his spare. Secret compartment apartment. Exactly, his apartment compartment. And they get one of his spare Spider-Man costumes. Yes, but it's missing the belt. It's missing the belt so you can tell the Spider-Man apart when they fight later. Yeah, for that 30 seconds. For that 30 seconds, yeah. Then Peter Parker gets an Errol Flynn costume from Aunt May. I love this exchange because she's like,
Starting point is 00:16:20 this is one of your old costumes and I've made it sure it's your size. And she's like, why don't you try it on for me to see if it fits? And he's like, I don't have time for that. I've got to get out of here. And she's like, this is one of your old costumes and I've made it sure it's your size. And she's like, why don't you try it on for me to see if it fits? And he's like, I don't have time for that. I've got to get out of here. And she's like, oh, come on. And he's like, look, how long have you been making my clothes for me? You know what size I am. How long have you been making my beige suits and cutting my hair?
Starting point is 00:16:35 That's a very good question though, isn't it? Yep. So he puts it on. He's looking good in his Errol Flynn outfit, isn't he? But. Agreed. Hilarity in shoes. Rips the pants.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Rips the bloody pants and then he realized oh no i do have a costume i could wear my spider-man costume so he goes to his apartment compartment yes and he opens it up and he gets out one of his spider-man costumes at no point does he notice that he's missing a spider-man costume and i guess he just had the belt on him yeah the belt was missing but when the evil clone went there to get it yeah right uh-huh anyway they go to the party and lo and behold there's three spider-men at the party real spider-man evil spider-man and a secret will save yes miscellaneous fat spider-man yes that's right yeah so the the secretary who is i guess not a complete dummy because she comes up and she's like oh it's you peter parker and i know
Starting point is 00:17:21 that because you're carrying your camera i'd recognize that anywhere so he's obviously he's there for work dressed as spider-man but then he goes up to the lady and he's like it's you, Peter Parker, and I know that because you're carrying your camera. I'd recognize that anywhere. So he's there for work dressed as Spider-Man. But then he goes up to the lady and he's like, it's me, the real Spider-Man. She's like, what are you doing here? He's carrying his camera. People know that it's Peter Parker. What are you doing? Why would you say that? Look, all the supporting characters are going to be gone by the end of the episode.
Starting point is 00:17:43 It doesn't matter who you tell. That's a really good point. So he goes to the bathroom to check his hair, I guess. Yeah. Does he? I don't know why he goes to the bathroom. He goes to change his film over. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Because this was back in the day. This was back in the Stone Age where you had to change your film over. In a bathroom. In a bathroom, yeah. But behind him, who but doth appear? Yes. Is it Spider-Man? It's evil Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:18:03 It's evil Spider-Man, yeah. This is the line. Oh, yeah, it is. I wrote it down. It's evil spider-man yeah this is the line oh yeah it's the best yep that's right peter i'm you and you're me and this is a gun yeah one of the great lines of tv history i feel one of the great comic book lines yes history so they go outside they're going to go to the roof and they both put their masks on because they have to because it's the 70s that's how you do special effects yeah for sure and then they just do some punching oh first of all spider-man spider-man loses his belt oh yeah so then you don't know who the real spider-man you can't really see anyway so it doesn't really matter and then one spider-man
Starting point is 00:18:38 tries to choke out the other so they're on the rooftop one spider-man tries to choke the clone of the moons there yep yeah evil spider-man one spider-man tries to to choke out the other. The clone of the moon's there. Yep. Evil Spider-Man. One Spider-Man tries to choke out the other Spider-Man. Then there's some slow punches. Then one Spider-Man is on the ground. And then the second Spider-Man shoots the web. The one web shoot in this whole show. He shoots the web across to a nearby building. To escape?
Starting point is 00:19:01 And then he ties it to a pole near him. And then he's sort of flying foxes across the across the web the web snaps and he crashes into some sort of electrical transformer and just explodes into nothing and that's it and then real and then the other spider-man's like hey it's me i'm the real spider-man i survived yeah there's no way for you to know that there was no clue. Yeah. But I just, I survived. It's me.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I survived that. What I love about that though, that implies to me, because he's a clone, even though he's evil, that could just happen to regular Spider-Man. You'd think that he would have the skill. That's an accident that could fall him. And that's the thing, it could very well have. You know? Did he get all the skills of Spider-man or a spider and spider-man skills
Starting point is 00:19:46 are so low that he could do that that's a really good question it's a mystery isn't it we won't know though because he exploded exploded so clone of the moon's like he's dying he's like oh all the age is catching up with me and he gets old really quickly there's some old man makeup going on it took me a while to figure out that they were doing that because he's initially an old man anyway yeah it's true so he's like well why don't you why don't you admit to me that you and the real dr moon did this yourselves and he's like it was all me i'm the evil clone why would you admit that also just say it was actually the other guy he made me do this yeah he's even more evil but the weird thing is if i was peter parker i'd be like well you're evil so you're probably lying to me yeah like you probably did this together but it's just believed on face value
Starting point is 00:20:31 that the other guy was fine which he is anyway peter thinks that's okay and then at the end they go back to the party and the police chief turns up and he's there to unmask spider-man oh yeah he gives him a bit of a bloody drumming down, doesn't he? Yeah, he does. Gives him a talking to, and he pulls off the mask. And who is it, Mason? It's J. Jonah Jameson. And there's a bit of a kind of... And then Peter Parker, who is also in a Spider-Man costume, takes a photo of it. He's like, this would be good for the newspaper, eh?
Starting point is 00:20:58 This is going to journalism some balls off. Am I right, everybody? But the police chief never goes, hey, you're also in a Spider-Man costume. Maybe you're Spider-Man. It just ends. That's the end of the show. And you're dressed as a Viking. Maybe you sacked some villagers a thousand years ago.
Starting point is 00:21:15 You're under arrest too. And you're dressed as a nurse. I'm arresting you for malpractice. This guy's not smart. So that's this show. Look, there is a charm to it and bearing in mind that it is from a very very long time ago yes i think it started in 1978 actually yeah it doesn't really matter but i just think it's what an era of of comic book and it's
Starting point is 00:21:37 i would say it's almost completely forgotten yeah i would say that yeah yeah because you've watched other episodes you've mentioned before i remember there was one about about a nuclear bomb or something. There's an atom bomb. Yeah, I've watched that episode. Yeah, I think that was on VHS at my local video store. So I've seen that one. All in all, I give this 100 points out of 100. Wow. That's how much I enjoyed this.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I give it three Spider-Mans out of a possible two frogs. Three Spider-Mans out of a possible two frogs. What's the conversion rate on that? It's one Spider-Man to half a frog. Okay, good. Anyway, this has been Caravan of Garbage. We do this every Tuesday, but there's also videos here every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Starting point is 00:22:14 If you've got something to recommend, please leave it below and we'll probably get around to it at some point. Yeah, we'll get around to it. There's also a video version of this if you want to check it out. I'll link that below. So many pictures.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And full motion video. And that's right, yeah. Also, we have a podcast called The Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows and that comes out every Monday. Feel free to check it out. We've got an Into the Spider-Verse episode coming up. We might even like it more than this.
Starting point is 00:22:34 How many Spider-Mans and frogs will we rate it? Who's to say? Swing on by and find out. Or skulk around on the ground. Exactly. All right, guys. Thanks very much. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you the ground. Exactly. All right, guys. Thanks very much. Grab that gym, you guys.
Starting point is 00:22:46 We'll see you next week. Goodbye. There is also an extended audio version of this if you want to check that out. I'll link it below. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want.
Starting point is 00:23:04 It's up to you.

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