The Weekly Planet - The Italian Job (2003) - Caravan Of Garbage

Episode Date: August 9, 2019

Fast & Furious Hobbs & Shaw hints towards to being a sequel to the 2003 heist film The Italian Job starring the Fast & Furious' own Jason Statham and Charlize Theron plus Mark Whalberg, Mo...s Def, Seth Green and Edward Norton. This is Caravan of Garbage review of the classic(?) heist movie in the title. Thanks for watching.Video Version â–ş Coming FridayEvery Thor Ever â–ş Thing Caravan Of Garbage â–ş' Twitter â–ş's Twitter â–ş â–ş Itunes â–ş TWP Direct Download â–ş TWP YouTube Channel â–ş Amazon Affiliate Link â–ş T-Shirts/Merch â–ş Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:53 Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back to Caravan of Garbage, everybody, where we look at a thing. It could be good, it could be terrible. I was weighing up on which Jason Statham is in a driving movie to do in relation to the Fast and Furious spinoff release, right? Yeah, I mean, we... Stinkin' Death Race initially. And then we thought maybe one of the random movies that are all on Netflix. All those Jason Statham movies that he does in between his big movies. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:01:16 There's just a whole bunch. I think he does like six a year. One of the four Transporter movies. I know he's not in one of them. It doesn't matter, does it? It's irrelevant. movies i know he's not in one of them it doesn't matter that's irrelevant but it turns out and will confirm or deny this at the end that the fast and furious universe may be in the same universe as the italian job 2003 universe which by the way isn't set in the same universe as the original
Starting point is 00:01:37 italian job because they show that on a tv at one point in the movie despite mark warburg's character having the same name as the as michael kane's character yeah in the movie, despite Mark Wahlberg's character having the same name as Michael Caine's character in the original. Make of that what you will. I hated this when it came out. I didn't see it when it came out. This is my first viewing of this movie. Because, first of all, I really like the original.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yes, me too. With Sir Michael Caine. It's very silly and British. It's kind of slow, but it's also kind of kooky and fun and a lot of colourful characters and I'm like I don't want to besmirch that with this new version also the 2003 version famously had a trailer
Starting point is 00:02:16 that revealed the entire movie in it I think that's why I didn't like it those exact two reasons that being said going back to this it's quite good it's held up I think and I say that as someone who didn't like it yeah those those exact two reasons that being said going back to this it's quite good it's held up yeah i think and i say that as someone who didn't watch it originally yeah it's held up from my it's really exceeded my expectations of a movie that i didn't see 15 years ago most of it is held up i i feel you can watch this in 2019 and the future sure and it's still pretty good
Starting point is 00:02:40 some some of it has not aged well yeah soundtrack has not aged well. There's a Boomcat song on this. Wow, I haven't heard Boomcat in... I don't even know. Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in the movie yesterday, but I'm the only person in the world who still remembers Boomcat. But what do you do with that information? Everything's the same. There's no change.
Starting point is 00:03:00 It's the same. So that hasn't held up. It certainly exists in a post oceans 11 yes remake world so there's a lot of people staring at computers with like 3d yeah models moving around while there's like heist music playing they say this and the remake of the thomas crown affair and oceans 11 other movies that kind of kicked off the new wave of heist movies but they were that that was it though well i so, but I feel like this is more of a Fast and Furious movie than some of the early Fast and Furious movies,
Starting point is 00:03:31 including the one that came out that year, which was Too Fast, Too Furious. For one, that movie doesn't use a lot of real cars in it. Well, I was going to say, Too Fast, Too Furious isn't a car movie. It's Speed Racer. It's Speed Racer. It's people yelling, and then we watch a video game. Yeah. Because none of those cars are real, nor do they look real in that movie.
Starting point is 00:03:50 But this movie, credit to F. Gary Gray, whose output I've variously enjoyed or not enjoyed over the years. Including a Fast and Furious movie. Exactly. Yeah. Everything in this movie is real. Yes. To the best of my knowledge.
Starting point is 00:04:01 There's like a hundred car traffic jam at one point. Yep. It's all real cars. They got 30 real minis. Crashed several of them. They crashed most of them, I think. They hit one with a helicopter. Yep, they certainly did.
Starting point is 00:04:12 And I think that's why it holds up. And you can still look at, in particular, the car chases. Yeah. Because it all feels real. And also they got the actual actors to do most of the stunt driving. Charlize Theron was apparently the best by far. That makes sense. She's got kind of like a,
Starting point is 00:04:28 she's got that dead-eyed thousand-yard stare of like, she wouldn't flinch. No, absolutely. I doubt she would flinch. Apparently the producers went to her initially and were like, we're going to build you a custom automatic car and we're going to give you an extra two weeks of driving school just in case.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh, because you're a girl. Yeah, she was like, fuck off. Take all the gears out. In fact, take the accelerator out. Take the floor out. I'm going to drive it like a Flintstones car. So yeah, I thought that was really interesting. The other thing about the cars is you'd actually go into the subway at one point.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yes. For real. You can't bring a gas-powered car into a real subway in Los Angeles. So nuclear-powered. Nuclear-powered, exactly. No, they ended up having to custom make three electric minis just to make that scene happen. Where are they now?
Starting point is 00:05:08 That's a very good question. I reckon they probably split them up. Maybe they're in Jason Statham's new movie, Mason. Oh. The original minis, by the way, absolute death traps. Sure. People were rolled and crushed and mashed and killed and torn apart they're they're a horrible car if you if you would have run across the road too quickly and you clipped one with your
Starting point is 00:05:29 foot it didn't flip they're so small every time i see one in real life i'm like bloody hell but i remember back in the boot of my car absolutely but i remember back in 2003 you had a problem with that new version of the mini and why is that regular size cars aren't they just regular size cars but there is something about them they're they? They're just regular-sized cars. But there is something about them. They're a nice-looking car. They've got a bit of zip to them, it would seem. They're safer than what they used to be.
Starting point is 00:05:51 This isn't an ad. I was going to say, we're being sponsored by Mini Cooper. They're safer than they used to be, I guess. Mini Cooper. I would never buy one. But, you know, I think this is also apparently said to be one of the best examples of modern brand integration in a movie. Because the entire movie is an ad for Mini Coopers.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And Stolen Gold. And Napster. That's true. Was Napster still around at this point? Maybe barely. Yeah, right. That's actually the real Sean Fanning in this movie. He makes the cameo in that moment.
Starting point is 00:06:23 That really dates this, though, doesn't it? To be like the guy who in that moment. That really dates this though, doesn't it? For sure, yeah. Well, that's exactly, I mean, it's not even like Napster is still around, but it's a pay service. Yeah. It's just gone.
Starting point is 00:06:32 You know what? I find the cast of characters pretty compelling all in all. I really like Mos Def, but there is a Chekhov's he's scared of dogs moment. There absolutely is, yeah. It comes up a couple of times, but he never confronts dogs or explains his story. He doesn't have to deal with any of it. Well, that was going to be the sequel.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Oh, yeah, right. The Brazilian Dogs. There was a sequel called The Brazilian Job. Apparently, it's still in the works. Yeah, absolutely. The Italian Job 2, most deaf scared of dogs. Most deaf's big day out. Big dog day afternoon, The Italian Job.
Starting point is 00:07:03 What do you think of the actual Italian job in this movie? Because it's up front. Well, that's what I was going to say. This movie shouldn't be called the Italian job. Well, what's interesting to me... Well, originally it was going to be the Mediterranean Sea, which, you know, Italy is in that general area, but that's even less of the Italian job than this is.
Starting point is 00:07:20 When I first watched this, I got the impression that this was like a heist movie script for something else. Right. And they got the rights to the Italian job and then they just put some minis in it. But apparently this is like the writers of this saw the original Italian job once and then wrote a script. It's barely an Italian job. There is an Italian job in it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:40 The movie that they show. Yes, correct. The original, yeah. That's right, yeah. It's kind of like if you watch the movie Ocean's Eleven and there were three guys in it. Yeah, right. And they're like, yeah, remember a few years ago we did Ocean's Eleven
Starting point is 00:07:52 and there were 11 guys? Well, some of them retired, so now we're down to three. Whatever. You didn't see the original. Yeah, we're still calling it Ocean's Eleven. We saw the original. We've got a video on it. It's atrocious.
Starting point is 00:08:02 One of the worst. We should do the third one, but anyway. I think a mistake in this movie is though that they didn't have Michael Kane play his original character and just put him in the Donald Sutherland role. Yeah. Just have him come back and do a last heist. Because he did come back for the Stallone remake of Get Carter. Yes. There was a Michael Kane remake trilogy. There was this Get Carter Alfie. That was his era. Yeah, right. You can watch them all. I think, though, at this point, they hadn't quite perfected the how do we get people to come back for the remakes kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:08:32 So maybe they didn't even tell him they were going to do an Italian job remake. Yeah, you're probably right. Pepsi Blue, is that still a thing? I don't think so. There's probably one can existing, still sitting doubt In a vault Ready for someone to steal Sure The second heist is quite good And what I like about it is
Starting point is 00:08:49 They plan it in its entirety And then they just throw it out Yeah, right And they do an entirely new one And it kind of keeps it fresh And you're on edge Because you know Edward Norton is ready for it Yes
Starting point is 00:09:00 And they've got to do a lot of this stuff on the fly And I find that really compelling That's what worked about this, and what didn't work about, say, some more recent heist movies like Ocean's 8. There's dramatic tension in this. They have a plan. They've got to change the plan.
Starting point is 00:09:13 They get the plan in motion. Some of it doesn't work. They've got to think on the fly. Yeah, absolutely. That's how you do one of these movies. Yeah, and also a lot of the Ocean's movies, maybe not so much the first one, oh, but even that,
Starting point is 00:09:22 it's mostly told in flashback. They're like, no, we already stole it like three weeks ago right like that fabergé egg from motions 12 whatever that movie's about charlie's the ron as the safe cracker yes she ends up cracking that last safe by touch but if i had that exact safe in front of me i could also hear when it clicked over really loudly onto the numbers that opened the safe but would you believe it would you be like this is to see what what she's done is she's worked she's fought through the mental barrier of this would be this is too easy yeah because what you'd be like is you'd be like no that can't be right i'll start again yeah no and then they'd be on you yeah but she's like
Starting point is 00:10:03 no this is quite easy. You're right. I would second guess myself. My assumption was when we hear her crack that safe, that's only in her head. Yeah, you're right. Everybody else can't hear it. You're absolutely right. What do you think of the rest of the cast?
Starting point is 00:10:14 Good for the most part. You know what? One of the reasons that I avoided this maybe for so long watching the remake is because Mark Wahlberg's in it. And I hate Mark Wahlberg. He's a hero. He could have stopped 9-11. Well, that's true.
Starting point is 00:10:25 According to him. In this, he's quite tolerable. Right. Is he tolerable? What? Well, because Charlie's Throne is clearly the tallest. Oh, I see where you're going with that. Apparently he wore heels for a lot of this.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Okay, right. I get it. Something's happened to him between now and the Transformers movies to make him a nightmare to watch. Human growth hormone? Probably both of those two things, yes. So you're more whatever this guy's name is than Cade Jaeger. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:52 More croaker than Jaeger. Yeah, sure, that makes sense. That's going on my tombstone. He was always more croaker than Jaeger. What I find fascinating about this also is Edward Norton was contractually obligated to do this movie. For the studio, he'd signed on to three, but he kept rejecting scripts.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And this is off the back of like Primal Fear from years earlier. Yeah, right. So they forced him into this. And he was like, I'll grow a weird lopsided mustache. Yes. That'll teach him. Because apparently on set, he was made to the cast and the crew and he clashed with everybody. You know, with like American History X, he kicked off the director and did his own edit incredible hulk i think he attempted incredible hulk a
Starting point is 00:11:28 similar thing and that's kind of why he's out of the universe but apparently they sent him a gift when the movie ended up doing well because it did it made quite a bit of money and he sent it back with a note that said give this to somebody you actually like or someone who actually likes you but also another fun fact edward norton chose his wardrobe to make his character a little quirky so i guess he was into it yeah right in some respect yeah right well i mean you got you know if you're at a job you hate you know how some people you're you work at the video store or whatever that's a dated reference but you know you work you work at one of those dvd rental vending machines right but you know you work there you don like the job, so you make your name tag a little
Starting point is 00:12:06 crooked. Sure. It's just a little way of, you know, just sticking it to the man. Well, that's what he was doing. Yeah. No, you're probably right. Well, he did it, didn't he? He got it.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Edward Norton's character, though, he does get his comeuppance, Mason. They march him away and he's like the Russian mobs, the Ukrainian mobsters or whatever, they march him away and he's like, oh, you guys. But we know that he's going to be tortured to death in a in a warehouse also those lines are 80 yards he's being dragged away you can zoom in on his face and he's just his mouth's just not moving but he's like come on don't do this but he's not saying anything i see uh off the back of this movie uh first of all the pioneered flying a helicopter under an overpass for real that's impressive i know right three feet off the ground all that helicopter is real because mostly helicopters now are all cgi you can't even get a real helicopter in hollywood
Starting point is 00:12:48 anymore it's pc gone mad absolutely you know that yeah but there was just because they killed a few kids that time yeah there was a 22 increase in sales of that helicopter no no sorry in the of minnie coopers and of course there was a uh the sequel we talked about the brazilian job in development but it's just in development hell. Every few years, someone will be like, yeah, we're doing it. And the last thing we heard about it was in 2015, Mark Wahlberg said it was still in active development.
Starting point is 00:13:14 But I think the Fast and Furious and probably the Talk franchise. Do you remember the movie Talk? Yeah, of course I do. It was Fast and Furious, but motorcycles. Yeah, that's right. It's already kind of killed any chance of that happening. Yeah, I think, but that's the thing though, but motorcycles. Yeah, that's right. It's already kind of killed any chance of that happening, I guess.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah, but that's the thing, though, because I think, I guess in terms of like Hollywood, the life cycle of this sort of genre film, it's kind of come and gone. But I think it's a whole different animal to a Fast and the Furious movie. Yeah. I feel like there's more smarts to it. Yeah. But maybe that's it. People don't want smarts anymore.
Starting point is 00:13:41 They just want... Farts. Exactly. Yeah. I was going to give you a more laboured metaphor, but they want farts, not smarts. Is that good enough? Yeah, it's very good.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Yeah, but I would still see another one of these. Also, this cast, they look mostly the same and they're all doing these kind of movies-ish, aren't they? It's true, yeah. Yeah. But the reason we're talking about this in relation to Fast and Furious is because in Hobbs and Shaw, Jason Statham's character, Hobbs or Shaw Walks past his collection of cars
Starting point is 00:14:09 And there's a Mini Cooper from 2003 Or that era in his collection And he says, that was from a job I did in Italy a few years ago Mate, don't ever worry about it, governor You remember? I do remember, yes Thank you for playing that clip from the movie But the thing is, it's more of a nod Absolutely, it's a stretch I do remember, yes, yes. Thank you for playing that clip from the movie.
Starting point is 00:14:29 But the thing is, it's more of a nod than a tie it in. It's a stretch. Also, it's not the car that he drove. I think he drove the white one. Also, he didn't do that job in Italy. He did it in Los Angeles. But people don't get the reference if he went, it's a job I did in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:14:41 That's true. But earlier than that, a guy stole some gold from, it's a whole donald sutherland donald sutherland was there remember him yeah yeah so i think it's more of a fun reference than for sure yeah also they're different film studios so can they come together like sony and marvel unlikely i'd imagine yeah here's something i didn't like about this movie seth green character is a real creep he's monitoring his ex's phone calls. Oh yeah, that's right. His dream is to buy a sound system that's so good it'll blow the clothes off a woman. And when it does at the end, we don't see it, but she screams. Because she's deaf.
Starting point is 00:15:13 She's deaf and nude in a strange man's house, yes. If you blast somebody with enough sound to tear their clothes off, you've probably killed that person. You've gotten rid of the top layer of their skin as well, certainly. But that's The Italian Job 2003. I would say if you haven't been spoiled by the trailer or this video then it's okay. I think it's worth a watch. I think it's definitely worth a watch.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yeah, it's a really decent cast. It's a decent action movie slash heist movie. You like a funny little moustache on Edward Norton and a silk shirt? You got it. You got it. You got it. Just Google Napster beforehand so you know what you got it you got it just google Napster beforehand so you know
Starting point is 00:15:46 what you're getting into yeah that's probably a good idea anyways this has been Caravan of Garbage we do this every week you got something that you want us
Starting point is 00:15:51 to look at no problem at all next week's Blade it's already edited you got no choice it's gonna be Blade it's from weeks ago but if you want us
Starting point is 00:15:57 to look at a rash or something you got let us know tweet it at us let us know also we do a podcast called The Weekly Planet where we talk movies
Starting point is 00:16:03 and comics and TV shows recently we did do an episode on Hobbs and Shaw. It comes out every Monday. That is linked below. I'm at MrSundayMovies on Twitter. I'm at WikipediaBrown on Twitter. And that's this video. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Goodbye, I guess. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. Grab that gold bar from a safe, blow it through a floor and then... That's a crime. Don't do that. You're right.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Don't do crimes, folks. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you.

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