The Weekly Planet - Titanic - Caravan of Garbage

Episode Date: December 8, 2022

Long before Avatar and even longer before Avatar The Water the greatest and best movie of all time was James Cameron’s Titanic. Expected to be the biggest bomb of 1997 the Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate... Winslet led period drama defied expectations to became a critical and commercial smash. Something something and now this review. Thanks for watching!SUBSCRIBE HERE ►► Edition ► support the show and get early episodes ► ►' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► ► Weekly Planet iTunes ► Weekly Planet Direct Download ► Affiliate Link ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:26 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:00:41 for. Register today at That's We are on the way to Avatar 2. Look out! We could drown in this one. Aye! Can they drown? It doesn't matter. We'll talk about it when it comes out. James, it does matter. You build that universe, you don't want to factor in whether
Starting point is 00:00:59 they're going to drown or not? I think some should drown and some shouldn't, and they don't explain why. Oh, I think some should drown and some shouldn't and they don't explain why. Oh, I think they should. I think some should drown and some shouldn't drown and there should be a really long involved situation where some of them
Starting point is 00:01:10 are at the doctors and they're like, you've got the gene for, you drown, you're an avi, you can drown. It's very sad. Don't go near the water. I know you're all about
Starting point is 00:01:18 the way of water, but don't. You shouldn't do it. So if everyone could please leave a like because on the way there we're going to look at three movies which inform that movie coming out.
Starting point is 00:01:28 And the second on our list is 1997's Titanic. And the thing for me, Mason, about this movie is, considering the scale and the story and the effects and the attention to detail to replicate everything and the cost of it and the way that it was a nightmare to make and come together. The wetness. The wetness and the era it was made in. A very dry era.
Starting point is 00:01:53 A very dry era, yeah. So, you know, making it wet was all the more difficult. I think this movie is great, but I feel like it should be the movie Pearl Harbor. What does that mean? Because that movie's not good. Oh, you're saying, break this down for me, James. You're saying in theory, this movie should be bad, but it's good somehow. Yes, that's what I'm
Starting point is 00:02:13 saying. I would even go as far as to say is it might be James Cameron's best movie. Now you've never seen this before. I've seen it now. Good. I'm glad because I'm about to ask you, what do you think of this? Look, this is one of the most popular movies of all time. Oh, wow, mate. So that's a really interesting opinion. Well, here's what I'm saying is literally billions of people have seen this, so I don't know, and this is decades later, I don't know if I'm going to have any fresh takes on this,
Starting point is 00:02:41 but here's one that I think you'll find particularly fresh. It's pretty long, isn't it? It is pretty long. It's is pretty long movie but was it something that you were like boy this is dragging well here's the thing also perhaps it's just because of the nature of most of the movies that we watch for this series yeah at the start of this movie i'm like huh this is a fun novelty sort of a historical drama romance this is absolutely delightful and then when the ship hits the iceberg at like an hour 45 and i check the runtime and there's still like an hour 45 left i'm like oh we're doing this in real time are we we're gonna pretty much just gonna sink in real time okay here we yeah from then on yeah it's it's pretty much because i do know you know i do i do know what's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:03:22 yeah to the famous ship, the Titanic. It's going to sink, and then it's going to be the namesake of a bunch of novelty Thai restaurants throughout the world. Yeah, well, that is true. But also, you love a slobs versus snobs story. I do. Well, that's why I like the first half of this so much. Those rich, smug fucks. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:03:43 And their little petticoats and their long tails, Mason. I hate them. We got such a beautiful protagonist in the form of a young Leonardo DiCaprio, so young that a present-day Leonardo DiCaprio would potentially consider dating him, which I think is wonderful. We've got Kate Winslow. It's a very charming, very charismatic leads in there. Just a wonderful cast.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Generally, we've got Kathy charismatic leads in there. Just a wonderful cast generally. We've got Kathy Bates in there. We get... Arnold Schwarzenegger cameos apparently at one point. What, is he one of the smokestacks? That's right. I think he's just in the background at some point. Yeah, yeah. But you know what's interesting about this?
Starting point is 00:04:18 There are other people. I just mentioned Kathy Bates. I'd love to see... Who was it? Victor Garber is the designer of the Titanic. I thought he did a great job. I'd love to see the scientist from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, Secret of the Ooze, as Billy Zane's right-hand man, Mason.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I love that. But, you know, the production of this actually began in 1995 because James Cameron shot footage of the real wreck of the Titanic and he did so by persuading 20th Century Fox to give him $4 million up front because he said, well, look, give me $4 million. That seems like his style. It does, doesn't it? Because he thought, give me $4 million or I will kick you in this office.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I'll kick you. I know it's your office. It's irrelevant. But I'll kick you. I'm the king of this office and I will kick you. No, it's your office. It's irrelevant. But I'll kick you.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm the king of this office and I will kick you. Because also it was excellent marketing for this that James Cameron was doing all this research. And he really did. Because, you know, everybody in this, even characters who don't have speaking lines, feel real due to costuming and research and casting. I think that works really, really well. Let me ask you this question, James.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Bill Paxton, as the captain of the diving team with his cable knit sweater and his little gold earring. Love it. Is that James Cameron? Is that also meant to be James Cameron? Oh, it's probably James Cameron. Did he have a little gold earring in that era in the 90s? I couldn't tell you for sure, but I like to think so.
Starting point is 00:05:44 He has gold earring in the 90s vibes though, doesn't he? Oh, big time, massively, yeah. But the thing is as well, it was cheaper to shoot all this footage, a lot of which they used in the actual movie, than to replicate that using model work. Yeah, I bet. So it absolutely makes a lot of sense. And also I figured something that you love about this
Starting point is 00:06:03 is Deborah Lynn Scott's costuming. Now, considering there's 100 speaking parts in this movie and over 1,000 extras, all of which needed to be dressed in lavish period costumes, Mason. Sumptuous. Surely that was something you appreciated. Oh, definitely, yeah. From the My Fair Lady style transition of DiCaprio
Starting point is 00:06:23 in his ratty old pea coat and his flannel shirt and his suspenders into his white tie and tails. Oh, my goodness. A real rags to riches story, but still a slobs versus snobs story. I agree. Those slobs, though, they know how to have fun. I like those rich people smoking their brandy or whatever they're up to.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I don't know what they're doing. Throwing some poor people on the fire. Yeah, that's right. Down in the coach class cabins, you know, poor people are only going in the fire if they want to. That's exactly right. For a bit of a thrill. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Another thing that I appreciate in finally watching Titanic, I got to finally understand all the memes. It's been 84 years. I'm the king of the world paint me like one of your french girls in the nutty you know yeah i remember that yeah yeah i get them all now which is great makes perfect sense doesn't it but did you all nude style yeah i think i think the reason though why this got so many people is that it really is literally like one of those four quadrant films but it works in all of those quadrants.
Starting point is 00:07:27 See my dad's favorite part of this movie was seeing all the big piston spin about. I bet it was. That's not a joke. I remember seeing it. My dad afterwards was like, I wish we saw more of the ship, how the ship worked.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah. You uncover an old VHS copy that's been hidden behind some other stuff in your dad's office and you get it out and you're like, what what's this why is it why is it stuck at this point this tape and you put it in and it's just the pistons going it's like get out of it get out of it if there were some blueprints in this movie oh my god well they got the real blueprints they went back to the original place that housed them they thought they they were lost. The Blueprint House? The Blueprint House. And they did it because they built a pretty much two-scale Titanic, one side of it.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And then when they filmed on the other side, they just like, they reversed the footage. They probably parted Leonardo DiCaprio's hair on the other side. Oh my God. For continuity's sake. They would have had to swap over all the buttons and all the jackets.
Starting point is 00:08:22 They did that. That's exactly right. That's flawless in that case. I completely agree. Well done them. Yeah. But I think the love story on this, it really takes its time to establish the characters.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And, you know, it is cheesy. No, it's cheesy. And, you know, he negs the hell out of her. And the way he finally wins her over is like. That was the style at the time. It was the style at the time. Negging and peacocking and so forth. That's right.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Putting a feather in your cap and calling it macaroni and so forth. Yeah, you're absolutely right. Some things never go out of style, Mason. That's very true. But the way he convinces her is like, you're a spoiled brat, but I love you. You should leave your husband or whatever because I'm great. You're rich. I hate you.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Look at me do this skateboard trick. I do remember, though, at the time, and Kate Winslet spoke to Mark Maron about this more recently, is that she felt that there was a lot of personal scrutiny concerning her weight in this movie and in this era, which is also ridiculous because it's like the last thing you think when you see her. You're not like, oh, man, a bit on the heavy side, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:27 She's obviously like a beautiful and fit woman. What a crazy era. And there's still a little bit of that now, but at least you can put somebody who's not like heroin chic in a movie and everyone's like, or most people are like, yeah, that's a normal person or a very good looking person. Insanity Mason. Make you think, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:09:47 It makes me think all the time. Now, you mentioned the iceberg. Now, the iceberg is actually- I didn't, I did no such thing. You said at the halfway point they hit the iceberg. Oh, I did say that, yes. A lot of people don't know this, but the iceberg was actually a big factor in the Titanic sinking. Huh.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah. And what I think this movie does really well- I thought it was the Irish. I thought it was the Irish's fault thought it was the Irish's fault. No, the Irish were the heroes, Mason. They built the ship. The ship that was the... Oh, the unsinkable ship that sunk?
Starting point is 00:10:09 Well done, the Irish. Yeah, but what I think is great about this movie is it really conveys just the incredible slew of bad luck and just the arrogance. I mean, mostly the iceberg, honestly. Yeah, but just the way that if they had have hit it head on, they wouldn't have sunk. If it hadn't have bre have hit it head on, they wouldn't have sunk. If it hadn't have breached that many compartments,
Starting point is 00:10:29 they wouldn't have sunk. If the people looking out for the iceberg hadn't been looking at Rose and Jack, it wouldn't have sunk. If the band had simply stopped playing on and gotten out some buckets and done some bailing, I think everybody would have survived. I completely agree.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Well done, the band, who are probably Irish. But what's really cool about the way this ship sinks is every time it happens... Excuse me? What's really cool, Mason? Why don't you go and tell that to the bloody survivors of the Titanic? What's really cool about how the ship sank... Hey, listen up, everybody who survived. They're all dead, I think.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Nah, nah, nah. I don't care. I'll say anything. Yeah, that's true. What's really cool is at the start of this movie, there's the guy who very crassly, you know, describes and shows to 100-year-old Rose, hey, this is how the Titanic sunk.
Starting point is 00:11:15 You know, it hit this and it goes up and it breaks off and it floats down. It was sick as hell. It was sick as hell. And then you watch that unfold so you know how it's going to happen. That's true. And I think that's a really clever way of filling the audience in on what's happening. So if you're an idiot and watching this, you're not like,
Starting point is 00:11:32 why is the ship standing up? That doesn't make any sense. I don't get it. There should have been some cutaways then during the sinking of the Titanic back to the present day and that guy's just like checking his watch. I said this. God. I said it would tip up and I said this. God. I said it would tip up.
Starting point is 00:11:46 God. This lady. My God. You're preaching to the choir lady. I told you that. That's right. You're old. And we talked about the abyss last week
Starting point is 00:11:58 and the idea of like sinking sets and using water in movies and all of that and how maybe you'd accidentally nearly get someone killed. We'll talk about it later. I've got a whole section on that, Mason. Sounds like someone hasn't learned their lesson. Sounds like someone who's had massive success with his normal working process has decided that's the way to go
Starting point is 00:12:16 and he's going to do it again. Maybe, Mason. I also, I don't think we've ever seen panic on this scale captured on film quite like this. Just people climbing over each other like rats. You know, there's shots where, you know, roses in the water. You obviously haven't seen any footage of Black Friday sales. Well, that's very true, Mason.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Gotta get that flat screen TV. But that's real, Mason. That was real footage and this was all lies. Yeah, this was reenactments. DiCaprio, imagine you can't get that last flat screen tv but you know that shot where rose comes out of the water after the ship goes under and it pulls back yeah and there's just a thousand people just writhing and panicking at the same time and so she's just one of many and then lena dicaprio
Starting point is 00:13:02 punches that guy who's drowning that's right yeah. Yeah, so that's good stuff, Mason. Cop that snob. Yeah, cop that snob. Yeah, and even things like the terror of, well, one, Billy Zane chasing them around with a gun with his floppy wig. Love that. But when you know when Rose... We've got bigger problems currently, Billy Zane.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Give it a bloody rest, mate. Stop it, Billy Zane. God. Have you seen outside with all the water and so forth? Oh yeah, you were going into this, your one memory of this movie was when he says, another round of drinks, my good man. Did you feel like there was a moment that captured
Starting point is 00:13:34 the spirit of that? As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly
Starting point is 00:13:58 game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever?
Starting point is 00:14:18 Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's Register today at That's Like a slick rat in a wig. Like a slick rat in a wig, exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:07 He's wearing a wig, just so everybody knows. Yeah, it's a good wig. It's a good wig, yeah. It's a great wig. But you know the moment where DiCaprio is like chained up under the sinking ship? Not under, he's in it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And she's just roaming the corridors looking for help. Just harrowing, and she's dipping in and out of real frozen water in real life. And there's somebody trying to drag her upstairs. It's's like a horror film it's it's all the quadrants mason do you think there was any moment on set where somebody considered for a moment hey you know when she goes to chop the handcuffs off what if she cut off one of his hands and he had to run around for the rest of the movie with us with us with a squirting stump. Pretty funny, right? That would be pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And that would hit a quadrant as well. That would hit a quadrant. Got some standout moments here that I want to talk about. Now, you mentioned it already, but I love Bill Paxton's big 90s hoop earring. Big fan of that. Oh, yeah, definitely. Love it.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Glad you brought it up, but I wanted to bring it up again. I think there's one effect in here which is not quite up to the standard of literally every other miniature and CGI effect and real sunset that they filmed and wig and all of that. Well, how could it compare to the magic of nature, James? Yeah, that's a great point. Sunsets and so forth. No, no, you're right, you're right.
Starting point is 00:16:16 So there's a moment where they're being chased down the corridor by a big swell of water. I'm going to get you. And it's a very clear face replacement on the two leads. Oh, yes, absolutely. And I've always thought it was odd, because I hadn't seen this in like 20 years. I never realised why.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And now it's just like, oh, you attempted something way too early and for way too long. They do it in Jurassic Park. Just two surly stunt guys. Yes, right. One of them smoking a cigarette. They had to cut that out as well. Exactly. They do it in the first Jurassic Park. They should it in Jurassic Park. Just two surly stunt guys. One of them smoking a cigarette. They had to cut that out as well. Exactly. They do it in the first Jurassic Park. They should have left it in.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I agree. But have you seen, though, even more recently, somebody put Arnold into this movie over Kate Winslet? Oh, I didn't see that. And it's just like this flawless deep fake, which you could just do now at home. Yeah, incredible. Another thing I like. Or in a park. Do that and enjoy the wonders of nature also. Yeah, I know. You're right. You're right. I love when the guy hits the propeller on the way down. Yeah, incredible. Another thing I like. Or in a park. Do that and enjoy the wonders of nature also.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Yeah, I know. You're right, you're right. I love when the guy hits the propeller on the way down. Sure, of course. Big fan of that. He spins more than that propeller's spinning, Mason. It's really fun. That guy's dead.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Yeah, he's dead. But he'd be dead now anyway. Yeah, true. No big loss. No, I don't think so. And also, I love that that rich guy got his brandy. Oh, yeah. So he's like, oh, yeah, we're all going to drown together.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I'd love a brandy. And you just think it's some offhand remark by some dipshit. And it is. But then when you cut back to him and he sees the horror of the drowning unfolding, he's got a brandy, which means somebody got him a brandy. I think that's terrific. Now, there's a number of ways that people interpret the ending of this movie, Mason. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So I like to think that in the world of Titanic, which is our world, Mason, Rose and Jim... But a little bit more magical. Yeah, a little bit more magical. Also, the staircase is bigger. They made a few things in this bigger or smaller to make it look better. So the staircase was smaller in real life than what they made it here. I want more grandeur.
Starting point is 00:18:02 The hallways, way bigger. In real life, they would have been squeezing through. Everybody had to die hard through all the hallways. How do you- Go on a cruise, they said. You'll have a great time, they said. I interpret it that they end up in the afterlife together, right? Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:18:18 He's been waiting on the Titanic the entire time, which makes me wonder, where's her husband waiting? The guy that she married afterwards. Where she met him outside of 7-Eleven. That's what I was going to say. Like, is he waiting at like a heaven's gas station or something? Like, what's going on there? Great point.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Is she going to like do shifts? Like come back and forth? Between her two great loves. I want to know who it is. Because does he compare to a young Leonardo DiCaprio Mason? We'll never know. That's true. Would you like a sequel to this? Who Did Rose Marry? Yeah. 100%. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:52 It's just called Who Did Rose Marry? Who was that guy? Yeah. Cuck-tanic. Titan-cuck? Titan-cuck. Titan-cuck. Very good. Now there's something also I wanted to talk about and then show you explicitly. Now, I just feel like Old Rose should have just given
Starting point is 00:19:08 Bill Paxton the diamond. Sure. The thing he's been looking for forever. And she... You don't want it. She doesn't need it. She doesn't need it or want it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Now, I'm going to show you something and then we're going to cut ahead to after you've seen it. Okay, great. This is the alternate ending that they... So this is real? This isn't Corridor Crew or something? No, no. This isn't No, no, no. This is... This isn't Smridor Crew no no this isn't
Starting point is 00:19:25 no no no this isn't Smosh no it's none of those things okay this is real so we're just
Starting point is 00:19:31 going to halt the recording for a second okay first of all awful so for people who haven't seen it
Starting point is 00:19:37 I want to apologize for how long that is in real time by the way oh my god so for people who haven't seen it so at the end of
Starting point is 00:19:44 at the end of regular Titanic, a present-day Rose, it goes out onto the research ship by herself, and she throws the precious jewelry over the side of the ship to represent her finally having some closure or whatever. And it was heavy. She was sick of carrying it around. Yeah, right? So this clip, in this alternate ending,
Starting point is 00:20:08 the research crew follow her onto the deck of the ship and they all have a big round-robin conversation about whether she should or should not throw the jewelry overboard. And Paxton's like, oh, can I just hold it for a second? And she's like, all right. You'd think he'd just snatch it.
Starting point is 00:20:27 You'd think he'd snatch it or somebody would, the big guy with the beard and glasses would tackle her or something. Yeah, exactly. You'd think because he's James Cameron he'd kick her over the edge. I'll kick you. I'll kick you. Give me it. I'll give you one of my big signature kicks.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And there's a lot of conversation, and then Rose explains the theme of the movie in words for people who didn't get it in the previous three hours. She's like, sometimes the important thing is living your life and having fun in every moment. Look out. Look out, yeah. And sometimes the most important thing isn't a big jewellery,
Starting point is 00:21:07 which is why I'm going to throw the big jewellery over the board. And then Bill Pax is like, good point, lady. Anyway, hey, Rose's daughter, you want to dance on the ship? Everyone laughs. Yeah. And then some guy's like, oh, you think this is funny? I've got to call my wife. And it fades out.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I've got to call my wife, and she said she I've got to call my wife and she said she'd divorce me if I didn't find this jewellery. Have you ever seen such a clear-cut example of leaving something out of a movie and it benefiting so much? I mean, the only other example I can think of off the top of my head is just that cut moment in the end of Terminator 2 where the T-1000's pretending to be Sarah Connor but we pan down think of off the top of my head is that uh just that cut moment in the end of terminator 2 where uh the t-1000 is pretending to be sarah connor but we panned down and she's got like those big
Starting point is 00:21:50 those big liquid metal booties i like that bit yeah you would you would mate but wouldn't i do so whom did cameron cut this out of his own volition yes he did yeah he was involved in so much of the well he's very hands-on and foot-on often. Absolutely. Some executives have found. That's right. So, yeah, I would imagine this final decision came down to him. Also, though, I guess... I guess if you've got them all there, though, and you're on the set,
Starting point is 00:22:14 you may as well film it just in case. Yeah, totally. You could put in some snippets of it or use one line or something. Well, they clearly use some stuff from it, like when it lands in the water and spins about. There is some stuff in there that we see. But the score in this movie, James Horner, incredible. Really incredible.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And that Celine Dion thing was a very late addition because he didn't want any modern music in it. I see. But that song went to sell. It went multi-flattening probably. Bad news for Chumbawamba. They were going to use tub thumping for most of this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:46 That's right. I get knocked down, but I get up again. Oh, no, I'm DiCaprio. I've drowned. Man, very sad. What if it turns out that he sucks? Like they stayed together and she was like, this guy sucks.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I just want to go around the world and be a rat. I just want to jump various ships and be a rat on the ship. I want to get free grub. and be a rat. I just want to jump various ships and be a rat on the ship. I want to get free grub. Come be a rat with me. Rose. Anyways. Also, I fall in love with every woman I meet. That's why they're all in my sketchbook.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I'll see you later, baby. I'm a rat. I'm a horny little rat. Yuck. I agree. This'm a horny little rat. Yuck. Yeah, I agree. So this was a nightmare of a time, and here's a section called, this was a nightmare of a time for Kate Winslet. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I mean, for everybody, but more specifically her. So the crew felt that James Cameron had an evil alter ego and nicknamed him Midge, which is, of course, Jim spelled backwards, Mason. Oh, I get it. Now, many of the cast and crew members came down with colds, flu or kidney infections after spending hours in cold water, including Kate Winslet.
Starting point is 00:23:53 James Cameron infamously threatened to fire anyone who would dare get out of the tank for a bathroom break while shooting the lifeboat scenes. Just piss in the lifeboats. They would have done it. They would have done a piss in the lifeboats. Leading to more than a few actors, including Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, relieving themselves in the water.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And Kate Winslet was one of the few actors who was not allowed to wear a wetsuit during the water scenes because of the clothes she was wearing. You would see it. And as a result, she got hypothermia and nearly quit the production. Several people left. Three stuntmen broke bones. And both cast and crew got exhausted from all the peril and long days of shooting. Kate Winslet admitted that often she woke up on days of shooting
Starting point is 00:24:32 thinking, please God, let me die. That's bad. I agree. It's one of the worst things you can think, I reckon. Kate Winslet's jacket got caught on the iron bars at one point. What? Yes, that's right. Jacket's in peril.
Starting point is 00:24:46 She was underwater, Mason. I had to sort of shimmy out of the coat to get free. I had no breath left. I thought I'd burst. And Jim said, or Midge, I guess, Okay, let's go again. That was his attitude. I didn't want to be a wimp, so I didn't complain.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Kate Winslet suffered bruises so impressive that the makeup artist took photos to use for reference later. Oh, no. She also chipped a bone in her elbow. Kate Winslet said also, as a result of this, you'd have to pay me an awful lot of money to work with James Cameron again, even though she is apparently an avatar. Look, some of us can drown.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Interesting. He does have a lot of money to throw around. That's true. Yeah, it's a big-budget movie, isn't it? Lena DiCaprio also acknowledged that it was a tough shoot. He does have a lot of money to throw around. That's true. It's a big budget movie, isn't it? Leonardo DiCaprio also acknowledged that it was a tough shoot, yet stated that if he was ever to do another action movie, he would do it with James Cameron as a director.
Starting point is 00:25:35 So there you go. Also, do you know this story? I don't know what. You haven't said it yet. Let me tell it. Tell the story and then ask the question. Somebody may or may not have spiked some clam chowder in this movie that went to the cast and crew with PCP. Now, this is a fascinating tale,
Starting point is 00:25:54 but I have an entirely separate video on this. If people want to check it out, it's linked below. That's a bit of sizzle. I think so. That's a bit of sizzle for the clam chowder, I'll tell you what. Definitely. Are there famous suspects? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:06 DiCaprio? No. Huh. Yeah. Kathy Bates? Yes. She would, wouldn't she? She did it.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Was it the Irish? It was the Irish too. I knew it. They teamed up. I knew it. Yeah. Do you have anything to say before Green Trivia? No.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Mason, it's time for Green Trivia slash that guy shouting Rodney. Hooray! Most of the stuntmen in the engine room, which my dad loved, by the way, were only five feet tall to make the engine room look bigger. They even did that thing they did in Aliens where they used a big mirror to make it look like there was more space and stuff. They did that in Aliens with the pods opening because they couldn't build all the pods. Oh, that reminds me.
Starting point is 00:26:38 There's a little guest, there's a little cameo appearance from that lady. From Aliens, yeah. His name is Janine... Garofalo. No. Oh. Jeanette Goldstein. There we go.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Famously not Mexican. Correct. Or Irish. Yeah. Yeah, she does it all. Shout out to my dad, whose favourite thing was the big pistons. Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:57 James Cameron. He drew the sketch of Rose himself. Huh. He has a background in artistry and special effects and all that. He did a lot of that before he was a director because he wanted to get absolutely right. Now, the drawing reportedly sold for around $16,000, but neither the concluding price nor the identity of the person
Starting point is 00:27:15 who bought it was revealed. Oh. Some pervert, probably. That's right. Now, Kate Winslet actually beat out a number of very well-known name actors, including Reese Witherspoon and Gwyneth Paltrow. My goodness. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Maybe she regretted it because of the chipped elbow bone and the fact she nearly drowned multiple times. Reese Witherspoon, Gwyneth Paltrow swanning about with their perfectly unmarred elbows. Look at them. They think they're better than us. Gwyneth Paltrow selling, you know, elbow-healing goop from Goop. Kate Winslet's there cutting a check every month.
Starting point is 00:27:46 This is a slobs versus snobs story, isn't it? It sure is, isn't it? River Phoenix was wanted for Jack before his passing. Johnny Depp reportedly also passed on the role, which he regrets, before it went to DiCaprio. Have you seen the Titanic in comparison to a modern cruise liner? It is dwarfed. Anyway, here's the picture.
Starting point is 00:28:05 You'll see it when the video comes out. You have to watch this video too. Yeah, great. Dwarfed both in terms of size and disease. Just floating disease vectors. Can you believe they're checking people for lice on this? Ridiculous. Just let them on the boat. Who cares? Just let them on the boat. Just let them off
Starting point is 00:28:22 wherever. Just let them mix with the population, whatever they have. Don't ask anybody's name. Yeah, exactly. Early in production, the film's brief decoy working title was Planet Ice. Now, planet translates roughly to blue and ice to harvest, which was also obviously the working title of the original Star Wars. That Planet Ice thing is real, though.
Starting point is 00:28:43 It's not real. You've done it again. That's the joke that I do. You've done it again. But the Planet Ice part is though. It's not real. He's done it again. That's the joke that I do. He's done it again. But the Planet Ice part is true. It's terrific. Yeah, great. When you die,
Starting point is 00:28:49 we're going to chip all of those onto your tombstone, all the Blue Harvest jokes. In 2012, Entertainment Weekly reported... I'm Bob Newhart. I'm the other one. ...reported that the movie was going to be re-released in 3D.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Now, James Cameron... Was it? Yes. Nice. James Cameron didn't update a single effect or fix any errors except for one. He put it in 3D. Well, that. And Neil deGrasse Tyson, who's un-actually personified
Starting point is 00:29:26 on the internet, just ruining fucking everything for everybody. The fun stopper. And sometimes wrong also often wrong. Sure. He said the stars in the sky were wrong you know, because of the position of the where the boat was and whatever. So they changed the stars. Thanks Neil, you're a real service
Starting point is 00:29:41 to science. Wow. Fucking sick of that guy. Sick of his shit Shut up In 2013, pop science show Mythbusters Attempted to nix once and for all The idea that both Rose and Jack Could have fit on that big bit of wood, right? Right, because it's not just about the space
Starting point is 00:29:59 Of the bit of wood It's about water displacement or something Thank you for saying that Mason Now they figured out that if Rose had have scooched over a bit oh no uh and but scooching wasn't a thing back then couldn't do it there was too much chivalry if you're like excuse me could you do a scooch they'd be like excuse me what did you just say my husband is gonna challenge you to a duel how asked me to scooch with you so they figured out if she removed her life jacket gave it to jack and he would tie it to a portion of the door underneath that he was occupying, then yes,
Starting point is 00:30:28 apparently it could have worked. If only they had have thought of that at the time, Mason. If only in the panic of nearly drowning and being abandoned in the middle of the ocean, they'd thought to do some rough back of the envelope calculations on water displacement. Also, there's some scooching. Also, they're two of the only people in this movie that weren't real people. Yeah. And also, you can actually visit the real Titanic, as in the sunken Titanic. The Thai restaurant.
Starting point is 00:30:56 No, Mason. The sunken Titanic. You have to apply, though, to be a mission specialist, whatever that is. It's paying a lot of money. It is. And that's right. At Ocean Gates, term for someone who is part of the submersible
Starting point is 00:31:06 team, Mason, and pay $125,000. There it is. As easy as that. I'd be really disappointed seeing that staircase. The staircase is slightly smaller. Also, apparently the stairs are not there anymore. Box office! Because everybody takes a piece. If you're a mission specialist, you get to take one bit of the Titanic. Now, the box office return
Starting point is 00:31:23 for this movie, Mason, it had a $200 million budget, which get to take one bit of the Titanic. Now, the box office returned for this movie, Mason. It had a $200 million budget, which was more than the cost of the Titanic itself to build, right? How ironic. I agree. Also, one of the initial ideas was to just rebuild the Titanic for $10 million. And then James Cameron was like, how many times can I sink it? And they were like, well, once.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And he was like, well, I might need to put some of it on a platform and tip it up and whatever. So no, they spent a lot more to build various models and sections and all of that. And the whole thing could dip into the water. Incredible. Despite it costing that much money, it was in theaters for more than nine months. And as a result, replacement reels had to be sent out
Starting point is 00:32:04 because people had worn through their copies. Looking at that piston scene, no doubt. No doubt, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's the stuff. That's the stuff. Some people seeing that piston scene,
Starting point is 00:32:15 nine months later, they're taking a baby to the showing of Titanic. You know what I mean? See the piston scene. Just see the piston scene. Correct, yes. It had 14 Oscar nominations, and it won 11. Harrison Ford actually demanded that they moved the release of Air Force One from the
Starting point is 00:32:29 same day because it was like, we might be in trouble here. But do you know what was released on the same day? The Postman. And it destroyed not only that movie, but I feel like the career of Kevin Costner for a while. Maybe. That was the end of the big... You sure that wasn't the postman that destroyed Kevin Costner's career?
Starting point is 00:32:47 The movie The Postman? Yeah, maybe you're right. The post-apocalyptic postman who had to go across a blighted landscape to still deliver the mail? Which was just Waterworld except he was a postman or whatever. Correct, yes. But that was really the end of the big Kevin Costner epic, you know? That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:02 So in its initial run, it made $1.8 billion, but with re-release, it has made $2.2 in total. When you don't adjust for inflation, this is still the third highest-grossing movie of all time. The returns on this were massive, and James Cameron actually forfeited his $8 million salary up front as a director for a percentage of the initial gross because the studio were concerned, and they were like, we're not going to make any money back on this we think anyway fuck
Starting point is 00:33:28 it let's let him give up his share but massive mistake yeah anyways i genuinely think and i make my lot on merch i'm genuinely googling right now to see if there's titanic funko pops here we go let's yes there are who we got we got? Rose and Jack. Billy Zane? Just says Rose and Jack here. The guy who built the ship who was sad, and every now and then Rose would run past him and he'd be looking at a clock being sad. Sad Victor Garber.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah, he's there. Yeah, he's got one. What about those children that drown with their mother in a bed? Do they get a Funko Pop? Yep. Great. Yep. What about Billy Zane shooting himself after the Wall Street crash?
Starting point is 00:34:06 Yeah. Yeah. Depression era. Depression era. Great depression era. Billy Zane shooting himself. Yeah. He's got one.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Got two alternate heads. Wow. Swap it out. Yeah. Yeah. So does Jeanette Goldstein's character. She's got two swappable heads. Oh, that's great stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, Mason. Now you'd probably disagree because you've only just seen this. I think this might be his best movie.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Not Terminator 2. I love Terminator 2. But I think this just, again, all the quadrants work for me, Mason. Right. Everybody's so charming in it. It shouldn't work. And yet it does. It was, I just think if you add, and I know there's people who might come at this and I know definitely at the time who were like, the love story I could take or leave that.
Starting point is 00:34:48 But I think even if you took that out. Sure, right. This would still work. Just a sinking ship. Just a sinking ship and just the panic and the people and getting to know everybody and all that. I think it still works. See, I would have preferred if they were going to take one thing out, it'd be the sinking ship. I prefer to just say the love story.
Starting point is 00:35:03 And then they're like, well, we got to New York. We'll go. So they change the ending of Titanic? Rose and Jack get off the boat at a waypoint. And then they leave and then the ship sinks. And they read about it in the paper. And they go, huh, I knew some of the people on that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I knew Victor Garber. And then Rose meets a guy at a 7-Eleven and he's like, hey, you want to go on a date? She's like, I'm married? How dare you? Scooching up on me. Yeah, absolutely. Trying to get in on this. Well, I'm married to Jack What's-His-Face.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Dawson. Yeah, whatever. Yeah. There was a Jay Dawson actually on the ship. Oh. Yeah. But unrelated and dead. Mason.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Go on. Do you want a hint towards next week? Yes. It's Avatar. Huh. Yeah, which I haven't seen in a long time. Same. I don't remember loving it.
Starting point is 00:35:51 I am interested to revisit it, though. I'll tell you that much, Mason. But if people want to see that early, of course they would. They can actually head over to where guess what? What? There's early videos. There's bonus podcasts. There's movie commentaries.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Our podcast, The Weekly Planet, where we talk movies and comics and TV shows, goes up there a day early on Sunday as opposed to Monday. But, of course, you can just listen to that on regular wherever it's in. That's right. You can become a mission specialist over at for $9 per month. You don't need to pay $125,000 for that. You don't have to. Just $9 to become a Big Sandwich mission specialist.
Starting point is 00:36:23 In the long term, you would if you subscribed long enough. You just want to send us $125,000. That's what's't have to. Just nine to speak. I'm a big sandwich mission specialist. In the long term, you would if you subscribed long enough. You just want to send us $125,000. Oh, that's fine too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Everybody's money is good there. Except the Irish. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I love the Irish. All right. Thanks, everybody. Grab that jam, you guys. We'll see you next week. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:36:42 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from istanbul to paris and london one woman has a secret the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost fx is the veil starring elizabeth moss is now streaming on disney plus

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