The Weekly Planet - Transformers: Dark Of The Moon - Caravan Of Garbage

Episode Date: July 30, 2020

We return yet again to the Michael Bay Transformers universe with the third entry, Dark Of The Moon. Shia LaBeouf is back along with not Megan Fox who was fired and replaced by Rosie Huntington-Whitel...ey. This time Leonard Nimoy steps up as the villainous Sentinel Prime, a new alley to Megatron and the Decepticons up against Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and all the other differently accented Autobots. There's also a horrible CGI President, a Space Bridge or something, Cybertron, wing suits and point blank executions. Is this the pinnacle of the franchise? Find out in our latest Caravan Of Garbage review!Help support the show and get early episodes at HERE ►► Edition ►James' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► Itunes ► Direct Download ► YouTube Channel ► ► Affiliate Link ► ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. We're back for Caravan of Garbage to cap off the Michael Bay Transformers trilogy. The first trilogy. The first trilogy, yeah. Uh-huh, sure.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Look, we might be going a bit further. We'll talk about it more at the end. Leave a like if you could. That might help. He's probably a guy who's like, whenever he makes a movie, he's like, the first one's his epic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Or his, you know, and the second one's his, my duology. That's right. Exactly. This is my duology. That's right. Exactly. This is my intention the entire time. We don't know much about Michael Bay in his real life, but we're just going to make a lot of presumptions.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Yeah, exactly. I've got some information in particular about what happened to Megan Fox on this film. Oh, my goodness. I'm going to save that towards the end because, of course, she does not return for Transformers 3, the dark side of the moon. And if you're wondering why, in a narrative sense,
Starting point is 00:01:07 she doesn't return, I looked it up on Quora, the answer to all things, all questions you might want to know. And it says here, why did Sam and Michaela break up? Sam was dating Carly Spencer by the time the third movie started. Sam says of her that she was somebody who appreciated him for who he was. This line leads us to conclude that Michaela must not have appreciated him for who he was. This line leads us to conclude that Michaela must not have appreciated him for who he was. Basically, Michaela didn't appreciate Sam
Starting point is 00:01:29 so she broke up with him. Problem solved. The parents also mentioned that she was mean as well. Like, oh, she was kind of mean. Was she? Seemed kind of nice. Seemed like straight down the line. Again, she is, I mean, if you don't really remember what she was like, just look at this new character because she's the same.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah. And the reason for that is because this was down to the wire, switching these characters. Where, of course, we're introduced to Carly. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, well, we're introduced to her butt, aren't we, initially? Oh, that's right. I've written here, gratuitous butt shot.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, we had one of those in the second one with Totoro. I think the problem with that character in this movie is not her, because she's in two other things. One of them is Mad Max Fury Road. That's right. It's that she's not given anything to do in this movie. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:02:13 That's really it. She just kind of stands there. Well, no, she's given Michaela's job that Michaela would have had in this movie had she actually... Working for a cars dude. Working for a cars dude, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But she's not about cars.
Starting point is 00:02:25 She's about making sure they're all in a row or whatever her job is. Curator? I can't remember what her not real job is in this universe. Already, this is too much stuff. This movie... Again, I had not seen this one. This is the one...
Starting point is 00:02:38 Oh, really? This is my Dark of the Moon. This is my blind spot because I'd not seen... I'd seen one, two, four and five. Yeah. And I hadn't seen this one. My God it long even even by the standards of what i said last week which was just do some other stuff i cannot imagine seeing this in the theater when i can't just stare at my phone and and do my online banking or whatever like this has so much plot
Starting point is 00:03:01 yeah and then no story there's just so much. I was thinking about this today. So apparently on Michael Bay's sets, all his crew, they refer to the very specific chaos and mayhem of his sets as Bay-oss and Bay-hem. Good stuff. Because it's like his signature. Like it's so big and explodey or whatever. And I decided that we should have a term for the viewers,
Starting point is 00:03:22 which I'm going to call Golden Baytime, which is the point at the movie where you would think that we're headed into like the third act and things are wrapping up. They're going to come to a head and finish off in a big blazing finale. Storylines are colliding, right? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:37 And it's then you check the time code and realise that the movie isn't nearly done. It's only just getting started. Yeah. And for me, I was watching this movie and I'm like, oh, here we go. This is this. We're coming down to Hawaii. It's only just getting started. Yeah. And for me, I was watching this movie and I'm like, oh, here we go. This is this.
Starting point is 00:03:46 We're coming down to Hawaii. Here's the big finale. And I checked and it was one hour and there was one and a half hours left. And I'm like, good Lord, this movie's long.
Starting point is 00:03:54 That's a heck of a golden bay time. I watched a lot of, it's an Australian ice cream reference for everybody. That's what it is, yeah. But I was watching the behind the scenes for this and they talk about how,
Starting point is 00:04:03 look, the last movie wasn't great and people didn't love it and there was too many shenanigans. And I think this movie, it does attempt to be more earnest and saccharine past the first half an hour when Sam's parents disappeared or wherever they go to in this movie. Do you still wish they were dead? Yes, Mason!
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah, me too. I never don't, but they might be dead. And we'll talk about that more at the end. Oh, okay, that's a good point. Because, look, in this one I'm like, no, you're being a bit harsh. In the previous one you were like, in the because look in this one i'm like no you're being a bit harsh and the previous one you're like in the previous one i was thinking you know you're being a bit harsh on them but in this one i'm like like legitimately you know you you want you want the best for your boy obviously and you maybe you're disappointed that he's not you know a crack and success but he literally saved your lives in the previous movie and
Starting point is 00:04:42 everybody's life on earth and you're still like you haven't got a job, Sam, come on. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. At the same time, I understand why he feels unappreciated because he did, you know, help save the world multiple times in previous movies. But at the same time, he's very aggro for a guy with a very enviable, like just an amazingly, like a life that anyone would kill for.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Like he lives in this amazing, like multi-level, like beautiful vintage apartment. He's got this beautiful model girlfriend who adores him just like the previous girlfriend for no reason. He's got like a $5,000 fridge. And he's still like, I'm so mad. And here's the thing about Sam. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:22 He's a fucking loser. And the reason why he doesn't have a job with a hero medal yeah that's the thing like despite you having saved the world multiple times and getting a medal from the president and you can't tell anybody your big secret how you saved everybody you're still a mess you know what i mean like you don't have any appealing characteristics and the reason people don't want to hire you is because you're a fucking nightmare and because you wear jeans to an office interview. I think Sam's mother was right.
Starting point is 00:05:47 He should have worn real pants. How did he get here? Why is he not working for the government? What did he do? What's wrong with him? The only reason that I can conclude is they don't want him there because he is a nightmare. And he's incompetent. He just happened to stumble into the world of Transformers by pure happenstance the things he could do you could give to literally anybody he's just paranoid and jealous
Starting point is 00:06:10 and erratic and he's like sell your car that your boss gave you so we could buy a house together you're fine you don't need that what's wrong with you i don't know patrick dempsey's like a bad guy and again it's mystifying that she's like oh sam, Sam, I still love you and adore you and I'm a model, even though you yell at me all the time. That's right, exactly. So the story behind this. Yes. Ancient Autobot something, something, space bridge. There's an artifact.
Starting point is 00:06:33 There's a whole bunch of artifacts on it. There's so many artifacts. There's a space bridge they need that's inside a Transformers ship. It's the Autobot ship that's sort of from the cartoon, sort of. And they have to get it. The Decepticons are bringing Cybertron through the portal for whatever reason. It's the Autobot ship that's sort of from the cartoon, sort of, and they have to get it. Decepticons are bringing Cybertron through the portal for whatever reason. Side note, the opening sequence of this movie,
Starting point is 00:06:52 maybe I should have said it at the start, it's surprisingly sparse and sedate, and you can tell what's going on. It's very grey, though, isn't it? And I think that's because it's the opening space battle and the Ark attempts to escape Cybertron, and I think it's because there's no live action stuff to obey, to like get his claws into. And he's just,
Starting point is 00:07:10 I think it may be, they just made it in post and he's just like, I'm not looking at that. What a boring aesthetic for Cybertron though. Just a gray world and a gray ship and gray pilots. You know, it's just not that interesting. What I found fascinating about the start of this movie though,
Starting point is 00:07:23 we're still so close to the start of this movie. It's a long movie. This might be the longest one. Yeah. Is it the unbelievable JFK CGI? That's exactly what I was going to talk about. It's astoundingly bad. He looks like a different character frame to frame.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I don't understand it because, first of all, these are flawless, these movies, in terms of special effects, except for this moment here. And there's a moment where Sam whizzes past the camera CGI later. It's not here nor there. But it's strange because you don't see JFK, right? And then you see him kind of
Starting point is 00:07:49 through the lens of an old style television. So you're like, oh, that's a bit wonky. But then you see him up close and I blame Tron Legacy and Forrest Gump for them thinking they could pull this off because they certainly can't. And what's strange about- You can see his eyes vibrating.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Oh, it's so strange. But what's also really bizarre about it is that there's two other presidents in this, three if you count Statue of Lincoln, and they use a completely more reasonable trick to pull that off. They use a body double for Obama and they use a double for Nixon. Why are you CGI-ing Kennedy? What are you doing? Just don't.
Starting point is 00:08:22 What are you doing? I don't know. I don't understand. Yeah. Tron Legacy, Forrest Gump, it's their fault. Maybe. Yeah. What are you doing? Just don't. What are you doing? I don't know. I don't understand. Tron Legacy. Forrest Gump. It's their fault. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Yeah. Sentinel Prime. Originally was going to be Ultra Magnus. That was the idea. Okay, but then they probably weren't. He's too good a guy. You know what I mean? No, their names don't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:08:40 No, it's true. It's just random names pulled out of a, I guess they just input all the names from the cartoons and the comics and they just had a random output. And they went, sent on all prime? Okay, I guess so. Yeah, that's fine. That's absolutely fine. So they wanted Sean Connery initially.
Starting point is 00:08:52 That's who they kind of modelled him off. You can see that Connery in his face, right? Oh, yeah, okay, sure. Connery had retired by this point. Why? He wasn't going to be lured back by a... A horrible film? He wasn't going to be lured back by getting to sit in a sound booth
Starting point is 00:09:03 with dots on his face so they could motion capture him. Weird. Yeah, I know, weird, right? But I don't know, just Leonard Nimoy's a good choice. It's a throwback to, you know, to the movie. Oh, so I get to wear this grey leotard, he says. That's Sean Connery. I needed more time to prepare, but it's fine.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I thought you were doing Nimoy. Either way. Sorry, it's the perfect middle ground. It certainly is, yeah. Yeah, because he was Galvatron in the Transformers animated movie. That's right, yeah. And I think he wanted to be back for a previous movie as well, maybe The Fallen.
Starting point is 00:09:30 But it's weird about the Sentinel Prime character. He seems to be already a firetruck when they find him. Like he's crashed on the moon, but his shape, you look at him, he's red like a firetruck. He's got the windows on his chest. I don't know what happened there. Did he scan the future and get that? It doesn it doesn't matter what am i doing what are you doing i don't know don't look for logic in this here's another thing i hate about these movies so last
Starting point is 00:09:52 week i was like it's not so bad you know what i mean but seeing three of these in a row yep it's it's fun it's a lot it really is it just piles on and i think this one is worse than last week's i think it is yeah definitively so they use actors like John Malkovich, John Turturro, who's just whatever in every movie. He's just whatever, isn't he? He's just doing a different dumb thing. Sometimes he's in the NSA and sometimes he's a best-selling novelist. In one of the later ones, he's just on the phone to Anthony Hopkins
Starting point is 00:10:19 for some of the movie, remember? Almost every human actor in this has won an Emmy or an Oscar. And you've got Ken Jeong, Andy Daly, Frances McDormand. They're not doing... Do something with them, please. Here's a few notes. If I'd seen this before I'd seen
Starting point is 00:10:33 Three Billboards outside of Ebbing, Missouri, I never would have been able to take Frances McDormand seriously in that movie at all. But here's the other thing that you mentioned before. Again, all-star cast. I love Andy Daly.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Love Dr. Ken. Love Alan Tudyk. Alan Tudyk went to Juilliard. Did you know that? Actually, he's pretty good in this. All right, subplot. So here's a fun fact about Alan Tudyk in this. I don't know if you've ever seen the movie 28 Days.
Starting point is 00:10:58 The Sandra Bullock one? Yes, he's in that as like a recovering addict. And he decided during the filming of this that they were the same character. So what he decided was that after the events of 28 Days that character straightened himself out. He joined the army. He became a special ops killer. And then he decided that he'd
Starting point is 00:11:15 gone too far and that he was going to turn his life around. So there's a line in this movie where he goes oh, that was the old you. He's referring to his character from 28 Days. Oh my goodness. Pretty good, right? So that means the 28 Day universe also extends to the Friday the 13th universe. That's the connection we made in the first video.
Starting point is 00:11:32 This universe is wild and bad. But anyway, here's the thing. This movie also contains this weird office drudgery sitcom that's just been welded to it. Because of the office, right? Because of the office. It was huge. It was like they were right in the middle of kind of office fever and i think
Starting point is 00:11:47 michael bay was just going to be like give us some give us some wacky office characters there's a whole there's a guy like there's a whole if they were going to make a copy a gag if they were if exactly if they were going to make this into a sitcom it'd be called like what does anybody do at this workplace i would know i would have called it like dorks and babes because it's just like a bunch of goobers and then just like just hot model women and there's there's this guy in there who's like don't come in here dressed as a hoochie mama what's the point of this guy what's the point of any of this it's well and here's the thing james here's the thing sure so in this movie patrick dempsey the actor patrick dempsey is in league with the decepticons and he knows that their plan
Starting point is 00:12:23 as you previously mentioned, is to open these space bridges around the world and bring hundreds of Decepticons to Earth and bring Cybertron to Earth and remake the Earth in Cybertron's image. And then afterwards, he will be one of the survivors who gets to thrive on this new world, I guess. Probably gets a new watch. So his plan is to get Sam a job
Starting point is 00:12:42 at the one location where there's a guy who also knows the Decepticons' evil plans and is manipulating satellite data for them and can tell him the whole story. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit
Starting point is 00:13:10 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's not a detective. He's not going to go seeking this out. He stumbles into things.
Starting point is 00:13:47 He stumbles into this. And later there's a part where Patrick Dempsey, the actor, who's in league with the Decepticons, is like, well, actually, you're going to work for me and you're going to give us the information on the Autobots. We need a man on the inside. Sure. If you didn't do the thing you did first,
Starting point is 00:14:03 all the Autobots would be dead because hundreds of Decepticons would have come in and destroyed them all. What are you doing? Are you just covering for your mistake in the first half of the movie? It must be. It's nonsensical.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Well, the introduction of Patrick Dempsey. Actor Patrick Dempsey playing Patrick Dempsey. Correct. He happened to run into Michael Bay. Michael Bay was like, do you want to roll in this? Then it was the next day. Oh, and he just showed up.
Starting point is 00:14:25 So it's like, what were you doing prior to that? Who did you have? Did you fire somebody? Was there nobody? Maybe they just created the character on the day. It's entirely possible. Here's some things I like. Laser beak goes on a bit of a murder spree.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I'm kind of a big fan of that character in this. Yeah, I mean, and he is. It's like an insane turkey. And again, it's not. Yeah, he's an insane. Again, you know, he's laser beak in name only in the sense that I guess he's like an insane turkey and again it's not yeah he's an insane again you know he's laser beak in name only
Starting point is 00:14:47 in the sense that I guess he's a raptor but he's also got this weird chameleon power where he can turn into a at one point he turns into like a pink version of Bumblebee
Starting point is 00:14:53 to like lure a kid in just kind of fun at one point he does turn into like a high fire on a wall so I guess that's kind of yeah he does whatever
Starting point is 00:15:00 yeah he's a computer at one point he's murder spree he's kind of fun yeah there's a nod to the omnibots where we see like the in between form of the transformers that they can fire when they're that's fun Yeah, he's a computer at one point. His murder spree is kind of fun. Yeah. There's a nod to the Omnibots,
Starting point is 00:15:07 where we see the in-between form of the Transformers. Oh, that they can fire when they're vehicles. That's fun. Yeah, it only took them three million years to figure that out. Brilliant. Good work. Good work, guys. And there's a moment that I really enjoyed from The Hide the Seeds where they're like, hey, we're tilting this room
Starting point is 00:15:19 and everyone's sliding down in the room and it's crazy and no one's ever done anything like this. This is some Bayhem. This is some Bayos. That's right. I was going to say, is that the Golden Bay time in the room and it's crazy and no one's ever done anything like this this is this is some bayhem this is some bayos that's right i was gonna say is that the the golden bay time in the movie maybe it is where they tilt the room but i'm like what do you mean no one's done that okay but i was like what do you mean no one's done this they did this in spider-man 3 like four years prior to this like it's amazing that they did it but don't be like no one's ever tilted a room before
Starting point is 00:15:42 inception did it also and presumably uh some sort of game show called Tilt the Room. I bet one exists. That is a real game show. Things that I liked. I liked Mad Max Desert Dump Truck Megatron with his little cloak that he wore. Why is he wearing a cloak? Why hasn't he repaired his face? What is the point of Megatron in this movie?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Other than being goaded. The one thing that Carly does. It's to show up and interact with optimus prime for the last five minutes and and sam not at all i don't think no they don't meet sam also kills star screen with a grappling hook and whatever all right that's right yeah it's fine uh bill o'reilly's in this i've just written what a fucking asshole that bloke is i don't really have anything else to say about that there is the product placement in this movie of that that milk that they use in the next one.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Yeah, Shuhua milk. Yeah, I'm like, oh, wow. That's a recurring. Yeah, see, again, that was it. Maybe I would have enjoyed Transformers more if I knew that there was some deep lore in this one that revealed the secret Shuhua milk that Tooch just wildly gulps down in the fourth one.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Here's something that I think is, it starts off bad, but then it kind of has a bit of a happy ending. Okay. If you noticed in this, the highway chase scene, where one of them looks like the predator, it's got the dreads and the mandibles.
Starting point is 00:16:53 That's dreads? Mandibles. Yeah, yeah. A transformer like smashes in the front of a car. That's a recycled shot from the island, which is a previous Michael Bay movie. And the reason they did that is because there was a horrible on-set accident.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So Gabriella Cedillo ended up having a permanent brain injury because a cable snapped under tension and smashed through the windshield of the Toyota she was driving. The thing is as well, she wasn't a stunt person. The extras were paid $25 per day to drive their regular car in this highway sequence. Weren't informed of the risk. And she ended up with this injury, this brain injury permanent.
Starting point is 00:17:27 But as a result of this, she was given an $18.5 million settlement, which is good, obviously. But also you have a permanent brain injury. Yeah, right. So that's not cool, is it? No, uncool. Yeah. Einheit dies in this.
Starting point is 00:17:40 You could just touch the Matrix to his chest and bring him back. I know he turns to rust or whatever, but I don't... How does it work? How does anything work? Exactly. Doesn't matter. And again, or you could just replace him with another guy that turns into like a big ambulance or electrical truck
Starting point is 00:17:53 or an APC or whatever. Whatever the character is in the next one, they just move him along. There's another guy. It doesn't matter, does it? So you pointed this out last week, but they don't put the vote quarter on Soundwave? They don't.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I hate it. He sounds like Dr. Claw because Frank Welker is obviously the voice of Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget. By the way, this is what Dr. Claw looks like, everybody. Oh my God. Wow. Yeah, I know. The actual reveal. Is it a toy?
Starting point is 00:18:17 Yeah. Is it the reveal that he just looks like Inspector Gadget? Are they twin brothers? I can't remember. Oh my God. Yeah. But it's, I mean, what are you doing with Soundwave even in this? He's also tiny. He's like the size of bumblebee another character oh here
Starting point is 00:18:29 we go it's time for one of james's trademark rants about a character i've got a few i'm gonna get through star scream is just like a sputtering moron he's just spitting oil at sam when he turns up where's the where's the class where's the civility in these characters do you know what i mean yes they need to be sputtering monsters with sharp teeth and red eyes all the time Sam when he turns up. Where's the class? Where's the civility in these characters? Do you know what I mean? Do they need to be sputtering monsters with sharp teeth and red eyes all the time? No, you need to have a pinky out. Exactly. That I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Written here, Megatron is as big of a loser as Sam. How did he get goaded into that fight at the end? I know we talked about it earlier. It was really great when we saw Sam fight Dylan. That was a great sequence in the movie. You know what? The entire Decepticon rampage through the city, you'd think it'd be interesting, but it's not.
Starting point is 00:19:11 It's just so dull. Yeah. Why are they flying drop ships? I don't know. Why do we drive cars when we could run everywhere? That's a great point. But I can't run as fast as a car. That's a good point, actually.
Starting point is 00:19:24 The only one of the highlights, at one point we see a Decepticon drone or drop ship or whatever it is, just absolutely disintegrate a crowd of people just into ash. Yeah. And then the next shot of it just flings Sam into the air because he's got plot force field. He's got main character force field, I guess. That seems like it's taken from Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds.
Starting point is 00:19:43 But in that movie, you see Tom Cruise nearly get incinerated like multiple times. Yeah. But that, yeah, okay. Optimus Prime in this. Right. First of all. Do you have a great line from Optimus Prime? Because I've got one saved up if you want to.
Starting point is 00:19:56 You can use that for the end if you want. Because I've got some other things to say. First of all, he's got his trailer, which I like. Yes. And also does things. It's got like a little kit in there that he can fly about on. I mean, the character himself still looks like a party shirt, you know, brought to life. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:10 But look, he does have the trailer. It's got the nice stripe on the side. Yep. Looks pretty good. Nothing wrong with that. Here's my problem though. There's a moment in the film, it's about the two hour mark, where he flies into some cables, right?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Yes. And he gets tangled up and he's like, ah! Eight minutes later, nearly nine, they cut back. He's still in the cables. Ah! He's got a sword, by the way. Seven minutes after that, he shows up again. So for 15 minutes, minimum, he's just tangled in some cables. You don't want to have him like a Decepticon capture him or something.
Starting point is 00:20:44 He just flies into them. Yeah, like a... Like a moron. Like a bird into a windshield. And then, of course, he point blank executes somebody at the end of the movie. I've written here, Optimus sure has done a lot of executions in this franchise so far. It's a whole bunch. I mean, you could take it as a character arc that he's getting more and more fed up with being betrayed and humanity, but he's just a lunatic.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Like he has the voice of Peter Cullen, but in no way does he resemble any kind of noble leader who's all about sacrifice. He's a lunatic. I don't have any quotes here in particular, but I think Peter Cullen did say during the production of one of these or in the aftermath, there's a lot of lines in this I didn't want to say, but, you know, the money people were like. where he's like let's kill everybody yeah yeah is there
Starting point is 00:21:28 something like that here's a line the line i've saved up my favorite quote from optimus prime in this in this uh movie was you die yeah pretty good right i mean it's not give me your face no that's true but i mean you know you you work with what have. So we'll touch on this in a later movie, but Sam dies off screen, I think. In this, does he? No, in between movies. Oh, yeah, good point. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And he's just... He's mentioned in the Anthony Hopkins one and he's like, the last of the Wiki line is gone and they show a goofy picture of him. So presumably... He pooped too hard and he fell in his own poop and he drowned in his own poop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:04 What a way to go. I mean, I think based on this, Shia LaBeouf should have known to be nice to Michael Bay. I agree. Do you ever wonder where the Bay-oss comes from? Got a bit of trivia here. I'm ready. Go for it. This is some Bay trivia in general. People love trivia. I brought it back.
Starting point is 00:22:19 That's right. So Michael Bay conceived of Driller's destruction of the skyscraper while doing stomach crunch exercises. Of course he did. Looked down at his abs and he's like, what if they were a big robot snake? Imagine the damage they could do. Am I right, everybody on set? And they went, yep.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Because he's doing crunches on set. Of course he is, yeah. The original script also ended with Optimus Prime accepting Megatron's truce and forming peace with the Decepticons. Megatron would have left for Cybertron while the Autobots remained on Earth, trying to build up a new Transformers civilization together on two separate planets. The original ending was used in the novel and comic adaptations,
Starting point is 00:22:57 but because these came out before the movie and thus revealed the twists, Michael Bay elected to change the ending to Optimus refusing the offer and executing Megatron. Cool. Great. And this is a bit of trivia that's called back to your bit of trivia from last week.
Starting point is 00:23:10 As the Decepticon mothership crashes, Brains... One of the little guys. Yeah, sure. Screams to Wheelie, we're gonna die. This was the catchphrase of the Maximal Rat Trap
Starting point is 00:23:20 who appeared in Beast Wars Transformers 1996. Stop doing this. I don't like it. It's no good. Watch the last week's episode if you don't know what that means. So anyway, here's a couple of miscellaneous notes. At one point during the, I guess the final, final assault on the Decepticons or somewhere in the middle, I don't know, I got a little bit lost.
Starting point is 00:23:36 At one point, all the military guys leap out of a plane in wingsuits because they've got to get a thing or shoot a thing or blow up a building or whatever. At one point, they make a point to show that one of the wingsuits guys is trapped on the plane as he tries to leave and no one stops to help him he just dies in that plane as it crashes i guess um uh look here's something i noticed in watching this first of all buzz aldrin's in this we didn't even mention that the second man to ever walk on the moon is in this movie. And it's kind of wild. But I think because he's very much like,
Starting point is 00:24:08 he does not care for people who think the moon landings were fake. He punched that dude in the face. It's amazing. So it's wild to me that they were like, we're going to say they were real, but they would scope out some Transformers. And he went, sure thing. And I'm wondering if maybe they didn't tell him.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Okay. And they just. Who am I talking to? You're talking to President Lincoln. Okay, then. I don't know. Like, I wonder if... Look, I'm not a fan of reaction videos,
Starting point is 00:24:32 but I think I would have loved to see a reaction video of Buzz Aldrin in the cinema watching Transformers Dark of the Moon and seeing what they turned him into in this. But also, side note, astronaut style, when the Transformers arrive on the moon later when an optimus arrives on the moon we do see the apollo 11 lander yes but it's still got like the escape craft on it okay clearly they just googled so they did fake it apollo 11 lander and just
Starting point is 00:24:57 copied and pasted a 3d model in there that thing lead like they put the astronauts in it and then they leave it's real i think they built it. Huh. Yeah. They built it like a bunch of dumbasses, didn't they? Because that wouldn't be there. It'd be back on Earth. Sure, yeah. They should have put that on Earth. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Maybe in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:25:11 But they built it, so you've got to use it. Yeah, I guess that's probably true. Yeah. Yeah. So to get into the Megan Fox stuff. So she was fired for this quote. Michael Bay is a nightmare to work with. He's like Napoleon and he wants to create this insane, infamous madman reputation.
Starting point is 00:25:25 He wants to be like Hitler on sets, and he is. So he's a nightmare to work with. He's like Napoleon and he wants to create this insane, infamous madman reputation. He wants to be like Hitler on sets and he is. So he's a nightmare to work with but when you get him away from set and he's not in
Starting point is 00:25:31 director mode, I kind of enjoy his personality because he's so awkward, so hopelessly awkward. He has no social skills at all and it's endearing to watch him.
Starting point is 00:25:38 So Spielberg, upon hearing this, even though this was weeks before they were starting to film, he said, fire her right now. Spielberg did it? Spielberg was his producer on these films.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Making a movie like Schindler's List and Spielberg being Jewish, I can't imagine he took that very well. Like, I understand why they fired her. I get it. But there's kind of more to this than just that. Yeah, right. Okay, sure. So, her people at the time said that she declined to return, that she just wasn't really interested in coming
Starting point is 00:26:04 back, which turns out to not be true. That was of a pi spin shyla buff more recently has said uh megan developed spice girl strength this woman empowerment that made her feel awkward about her involvement with michael who some people think is a very lascivious filmmaker the way he films women which is not inaccurate the butts the butts yeah he points the camera at their butts yes and he goes a wuga a wuga on set that's right but you can't hear that because the microphone is not inaccurate the butts the butts yeah he points the camera at their butts yes and he goes awooga awooga on set that's right but you can't hear that because the microphone is not pointed at him it's pointed at the women's butts that's right yeah michael bay also mentioned the time that she said some very ridiculous things because she's 23 years old and she still still has a lot of
Starting point is 00:26:36 growing to do nobody in the world knew who megan fox was until i found her and put her in transformers i like to think that i have some luck in building actors careers with my films there There was also of course a recent Jimmy Kimmel interview that resurfaced where she talks about how Michael Bay put her in Bad Boys and because she was 15 at the time they couldn't have her drinking so they put her in a bikini under a waterfall or something which is a very odd thing to do. I don't remember that at all but all right. Yeah there'll be a clip of it. Okay cool. But there's also when that came to light a of people were saying that Megan Fox was exploited by Michael Bay and those involved with this film, and she has released a statement saying that,
Starting point is 00:27:10 look, there are names that did exploit me and tried to get me to do things, but Michael Bay was never as bad as everybody else. So yeah, look, there's definitely some friction there, but he wasn't the one that kind of drove her away from making movies. She said, there are many names that deserve to be going viral in council culture right now, but they are safely stored in the fragmented recesses of my heart. And also Michael Bay is quoted as saying that,
Starting point is 00:27:34 and there's video of this, where that she looked different in between movies because she got plastic surgery and he didn't want her back anymore. So yeah, great stuff all around. Oh my God. Yeah. Anyway, look, I think Megan Fox does get a raw deal, though, in general. I think she is good in things.
Starting point is 00:27:48 You ever seen This Is 40? Yeah. She's really funny in that. Anyways, this was a weird and bad movie, and I don't hate it. I hate it through and through. So you don't hate it? It sounds like you said you don't hate it. No, I do hate it.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Oh, you do hate it. Interesting. Yeah, no, this was definitely the worst one so far. Yeah. Again, I have somewhat fond memories of four sure just because of stanley tucci running around screaming guzzling milk and a fond memories of five as a as a fantasy movie about dragons that the transformers are in sometimes right but uh yeah no this so far this has definitely been the worst one drag real drag uh so yeah we look i think eventually we are going to finish off the
Starting point is 00:28:27 transformers movies the live action transformers movies there's a lot in them to talk about but i think we probably need a week to like just relax our brains and maybe so if people want to suggest something what do we push through oh maybe we'll go more insane let know. I think we should maybe just do a week. Maybe just suggest something for us just with a movie where nothing transforms in it. A palate cleanser. Just a movie with normal humans. Normal humans?
Starting point is 00:28:56 Exactly what they seem. Normal humans? So boring they'll make you scream. Get home from work and grab a snack, sit on the couch, turn on TV, watch a Transformers film. Oh! Yeah, I know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:10 So you're saying we watch a Transformers movie? I don't know, see how we go. Let us know what you want us to do. Just do what's in your heart. Yeah, that's right. What's the opposite of a Transformers movie? Maybe we'll watch that. Marriage Story.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I don't want to watch Marriage Story. Of course, though, if you do want to see uh what's coming next and what's coming early you can actually go to big that's right you can sign up we've got early videos we've got bonus podcasts we're doing a book club at the moment on very successful and famous comic books that's correct recently did batman year one we also have a podcast called the weekly planet where we talk movies and comics and tv shows that comes out every monday morning if you want to swing by for that, just subscribe. Do it.
Starting point is 00:29:47 You know you want to. It's great content all every day of the week. So next week. Not every day of the week. No, no, no. Some days, some weeks. So next week. We'll see, won't we?
Starting point is 00:29:55 We sure will. Okay. Goodbye. Grabbed our jam, you guys. We will see you next week for something. Yep. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies
Starting point is 00:30:12 on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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