The Weekly Planet - TWP Presents - Do Go On

Episode Date: May 31, 2018

Hello, so we thought we'd give this a go, doing the occasional upload of another podcast of the Planet Broadcasting network.  This week is Do Go On. Informative and hilairous and well worth a listen....  Find Do Go On all these places and more: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, everybody. You might be thinking, what's going on? There isn't an episode on a Thursday. And you're right, there isn't. That isn't what this is. This is us plugging another show, a better show in many ways. Absolutely. In almost all the ways.
Starting point is 00:00:11 Correct. It's called Do Go On. Some of you, a lot of you already listened to it, but it's basically a comedy podcast about three best friends riffing and chatting and just getting along. Boy, you're really selling this. There's nothing I like better than a couple of best friends really getting along. Boy, you're really selling this. There's nothing I like better than a couple of best friends really getting along.
Starting point is 00:00:29 That's right. And chatting and riffing. And chatting and riffing, yeah. So basically one of them presents a topic, kind of like a book report but interesting, and the other two try to derail it. And it's informative and very funny and it's very charming and it's just a couple of mates chatting and riffing,
Starting point is 00:00:43 which I'm sure some of you... Just getting along, you know? Just getting along. Sometimes they don't get along, though. But spoiler alert, by the end, they're probably getting along again. Anyway, it's an absolute blast. So this is an episode that we thought might be a good one to start on. It's linked below if you want to check out the entire thing.
Starting point is 00:00:59 They're on Spotify and iTunes and a bunch of other places. There's a couple of episodes that we're on from time to time. Absolutely, they are. That's it. We've been lucky enough to be on the show. So if you're interested after this one, just pick a topic that you're interested in or even not and you're guaranteed a good time. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I think if you listen to a couple, you'll probably end up listening to more. I've listened to all of them. Yeah, me too. Yeah. Anyway, we'll be back on Monday. But yeah, thank you for the ongoing support. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Yes. This podcast is part for the ongoing support. Yes. Yes. Yes. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Hello and welcome to another episode of Do Go On. My name is Dave Warnke and as always I'm joined by Matt Stewart and Jess Perkins. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Thank you for joining me. And welcome to the news. It did feel a bit newsy, didn't it? Yeah. It always feels like a barbershop quartet to me. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Hello. Yeah, Matt's got to do the team one. Good fun. We do have fun, don't we? So the way, Dave, this is how the show works, right? One of the three of us does a report on a topic that's been suggested by a listener. One of the three of us know what that topic is, the person who's done the report. The other two do not know.
Starting point is 00:02:21 The other two of the three. The other two of the three, in case you're wondering which two of which. The other two do not know. The other two of the three. The other two of the three, in case you were wondering which two of which. And the person doing the report starts the report, gets us on topic by asking the other two a question. This week Dave is doing a report.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Dave, what is your question? All right, here's my question. Patreon people voted for this topic. My question is, when it comes to serial killers, what is the scariest weapon they can use? Oh, good stuff. I guess it's like I'd say. Something blunt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:54 A spoon. A spoon. Oh, yuck. He was struck with a spoon 996 times. That's a classic Robin Hood Prince of Thieves line. He goes, I'll cut your heart out with a spoon. And his cousin or whatever is like, why a spoon? Use a knife.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Because it's dull. It'll hurt more. Great line. It'll also just be a lot more work for you. A lot more work. Imagine trying to break skin with a spoon. Picturing a wooden spoon. Obviously.
Starting point is 00:03:21 The only spoon I use. Stir my coffee with a wooden spoon. I'm guessing a knife. Machete or a kitchen knife. Butcher knife. Oh, rope. Getting closer. That would take a few hits unless you're really good. It wasn't machete. Spear.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Nuclear bomb. Guns. It is sharp. It's sharp. My wit. Prepare to die. Say something. It's an axe. And my axe. An axe murderer.
Starting point is 00:03:54 No. You don't get like this at all. Is this about Mike Myers' movie, So I Married an Axe Murderer? It's a good movie. It's a fine movie. No, it's a good movie. Did you forget that that existed? He's talking about the size of the kid's head.
Starting point is 00:04:09 We've lost him. We've lost him. Okay. An axe murderer. You hear a lot about axe murder. I say it's just a common trope for a murderer, but I've never really come across an axe murderer in real history. I would call a creepy-looking man an axe murderer. Right. He looks like an axe murderer in real history. I would call a creepy-looking man an axe murderer.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Right. Like he looks like an axe murderer, you know, but I don't think I know of an actual axe murderer. Do you know how many axe murders? The only one that comes to mind to me is the woodchopper in Little Red Riding Hood kills the wolf with an axe. Oh, yeah. So is he not an axe murderer?
Starting point is 00:04:42 He is. Wow. An heroic axe murderer. More like an axe hunter? He is. Wow. An heroic axe murderer. More like an axe hunter, I think, if you're killing an animal. I think you can call yourself a hunter. Okay. I don't think butchers or people who... They're fucking murderers, mate.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Oh, I agree. As a vegetarian, I agree. Even after... Meat is murder. So even at the butchers when the meat is well and truly dead. Oh, yep. Every cut is still. What, does he think that cow was born dead, does he?
Starting point is 00:05:08 He knows. Does he think that that cut's going to bring it back to life, does he? Yeah. I don't know. If you're a butcher, get in touch. Tell us what you think. No, this is about an axe murderer. This topic is called, and I put it up for the vote
Starting point is 00:05:24 with a few other pretty sensational sort of sounding topics, but of course this one got picked, The Axeman of New Orleans. Oh, so is that? For some reason I thought you were doing a general report on the idea of axe murdering. No, no, I was just using that question because I knew you probably haven't heard of this axe man, I imagine. Axeman. I imagine. Axeman.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I hadn't. No. Ax is. Dimebag Darrell's the most famous Axeman I know. It's just such a. He also died, so it's not too good for the Axeman. Yeah. Moment of silence for Dime.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And we're back. Okay. So the Axeman of New Orleans, you haven't heard of this topic. I hadn't. It was one of those ones that jumped out at me in the hat amongst the thousands of suggestions. Yeah, I've never noticed it. Because it sounds fucking crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And it does not disappoint. Okay, 1918. Let me take you back to New Orleans. New Orleans. I know Americans often call it New Orleans, but we usually say New Orleans. Nola, right? It doesn't make us right. I know, but should I pick one and go with it?
Starting point is 00:06:28 Yeah. I think you can go with it. Just commit. Go with your heart. New Orleans. Okay. People in Rome don't call it Rome. They call it Rom.
Starting point is 00:06:37 They call it Paris. Yeah. It's very confusing. It is confusing. They're like, when in Paris? It's like, what? The rest of us say, when in Rome? They go, what's Rome? It's like, what? The rest of us say, when in Rome? They go, what's Rome?
Starting point is 00:06:45 It's very confusing. Italians. Okay, 1918, New Orleans, the Big Easy, the birthplace of jazz, home of Mardi Gras, often referred to as the most unique city in the United States. Well, this unique city was about to be terrified by a very unique serial killer. God, you are just so good at this.
Starting point is 00:07:08 This is what happens when you put time into the reports. I don't do that. Time and passion. Time and passion. Is this our second New Orleans report? Was your witch? Oh, no. No, not witch.
Starting point is 00:07:19 She was like a voodoo queen. Voodoo queen of New Orleans. Oh, yes. The voodoo queen of New Orleans on New Orleans. New Orleans sounded better. For that one, yes.odoo queen of New Orleans. Or New Orleans. New Orleans sounded better. For that one, yes. Yeah, yeah. But this one weren't New Orleans.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Now, to truly set the scene for this murderer, we have to go back a few years earlier to 1910 where there was a spate of attacks on Italian grocers. Approximately eight years earlier. Math. That's correct. So New Orleans Italian grocers were being attacked. They were from Rome.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Originally. Most of them Sicilian, I believe. Because they're very French. It's quite a French. Yes, the French Quarter is there. But out of all the cities in the south of the US at the time, that had the biggest Italian population, most of them Sicilian. According to Miriam Davis in her book, Axe Man of New Orleans, The True Story.
Starting point is 00:08:06 So you know it's true. She could be sued if her book wasn't true, if she named it that. So she's confident. She put it on the line. I like that. On August 3, 1910, Harriet Crutty awoke from her sleep to a man standing over her brandishing a meat cleaver and demanding money.
Starting point is 00:08:25 And if she didn't give it to him, he would, quote, do to you what I just did to your husband. So that point. It would have been like this. I do it to you what I just did to your husband. Not speaking with his hands. Remember, my nana is Italian. So you can do that.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Maybe just call her Nonna. Nonna. Just to be safe. Okay. So cultured. Molto bene. I do it to you. Well, just because the killer, the victims are Italian,
Starting point is 00:08:58 doesn't mean the attacker is Italian. Oh. May just be a big fat racist. Oh. Let's not discount that theory Are they definitely fat though? Yes Now
Starting point is 00:09:09 We'll get to that Now So the meat cleaver said I'll do to you what I just did to your husband The meat cleaver said it Yeah It was a puppet show Sidekick
Starting point is 00:09:22 She was like I dropped some acid last night. This is fucking weird. I really don't want to be doing this. Well, it's too bad. You will do it. Oh, you better do what he says. I can't control him when he's like this.
Starting point is 00:09:41 So basically he's threatened her saying, I'll do to you what I just did to your husband. It was at that point because she'd been asleep up until now. She looked over and saw her husband covered in blood thinking he was dead. So she panics, reached under her bed and handed over the then sizable sum of $8. But this wasn't enough for the attacker who demanded more. His puppet show was worth more than $8. Fair.
Starting point is 00:10:01 You know what? When you're an artist, the hardest thing is knowing the worth of your art and not just taking free gigs. Like, no, I work hard. I deserve to be paid. She's like, I've got a free beer. Would that be enough? It's like, make it two.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And I'll be happy. And a $4 pizza. Thank you. Thank you. Is this a particular gig you've got to face with? I don't know. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Is this a particular gig you've got a face with? I don't know. This $8 wasn't enough for the attacker who demanded more cash. Harriet, however, lied and said that was all she had, even though she had heaps more stuffed under her mattress. Yeah, bitch. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:42 My life is worth a lot more than that. Yas, queen. Yes, she gets it. And the attacker fled after this. On his way out, the attacker grabbed the family's pet mockingbird's cage, took the cage outside, threw the cleaver in the yard, put his shoes back on. After all, he didn't want to bring mud into the carpet.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Oh, he's polite. Then he freed the bird from the cage, rolled a cigarette and smoked it on the back porch before leaving. Okay, that's odd. Also, I like that she had $8 stashed in case of robbing. That's smart. So you have two bank accounts, your main one and the one you want to get robbed. Your rob account.
Starting point is 00:11:17 The one you want to get... So you can allocate which one is to be robbed. Unfortunately, I did label it rob this one. And don't rob this one. It has a lot more in it in the other one. Okay, I guess that's very clear. I mean, I suppose I'm targeting that one. So this, when, what, did you say 1800s?
Starting point is 00:11:38 1910. 1910. So this is pre-DNA, pre-fingerprints probably. So he's happy to just throw the. There is early fingerprinting, but they don't use it. It's so early on they don't use it in any of these cases. Yeah, because that's not much. What a great time to be a criminal.
Starting point is 00:11:52 You just throw the weapon into the yard. It's really the golden age of serial killing. Yeah. Yeah, now with all the bloody... If you were like someone with compulsions to kill, you'd be now, you'd be like, damn it. Yeah, it would really suck, wouldn't it? It would really suck.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Living in this day and age with a compulsion to kill, no good. That'd be the one downside. Obviously that's a pretty crazy story about this meat clipper guy. Some historians debate that it may have been exaggerated, this one. But what is definitely true is that both Harriet and her husband survived. Right. So was that blood? Or had he been eating a pie in bed again?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Because I swear to God, George, if you fucking get more crumbs in this bed. That's a saucy pizza. He's covered so he looks like he's covered in blood. He's falling asleep because he's full. I was thinking for a second that this thief was so genius that he made him look. That's exactly what I thought. Fake blood.
Starting point is 00:12:54 That is so smart. No, he chopped the shit out of him. He just didn't chop him enough. Right. That's disappointing to me. So smart. Why didn't they just pour fake blood on him? Duh.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Yeah, I mean, is he a mate clever? You think he's the butcher or her? Women can be mass murderers too. Thank you. Yas, queen. Maybe it was Harriet all along. See, that's always someone close. It is always someone close.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It's often someone close, isn't it? I mean, you guys are probably the people I see most frequently. Shout out to your family. Is that a threat? No, I'm just a little concerned now. Oh, okay. Me too. Yeah, you always get killed by one of your podcast co-hosts.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I've heard that. It's an old adage. So many statistics. From 1910. The attacks continued, and although they were vicious, none were fatal until 1911 when Grocer Joe Davies' body was found. He wasn't just gross. He was Grocer.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Showing injuries that appeared to have been inflicted by a meat cleaver. His body was fucked up and his brains were literally beaten out of his skull. Ew, Dave. I don't know why I'm mad at you, but I am. Yeah, don't say fucked up. Sorry. His brains were effed up and his brains were literally beaten out of his skull. That's the bit I don't like.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Change that bit for me and the other bit for Matt. His body was effed up and his brains remained inside his skull. Thank you. Probably don't even have to make a note of that. You would have assumed it. I assume you would have assumed. But I'm thorough. You know, assuming makes an ass out of you and me.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yes. Now, what connected these murders to... I think assuming makes an ass out of you and Ming. When I was growing up, we had a dog called Ming. Well, that's who we're talking about here. You're going to make an ass out of me and Ming. Yep. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:14:56 What connected these attacks together were both the types of victims, Italian grocers, and the fact that the attacks used meat cleavers and the weapons had been found in the people's own house. So this guy wasn't BYO meat cleaver. Right. He broke in, went to your kitchen, grabbed your meat cleaver and then attacked you with it. I don't have a meat cleaver.
Starting point is 00:15:16 He would have left. As a vegetarian, I guess you wouldn't. I don't either. You don't cleave much meat. I've got knives, but they're for chopping veggies. That's a classic thing in some horror movies, some scary movies. Maybe I'm just thinking of Scream. But, you know, they'd show a shot of the kitchen,
Starting point is 00:15:31 there'd be knives on display. Later in the movie, or not long later, they'd show it again and there'd be clearly one of them missing. Yeah, yeah. Like there's a little sign that says, put sixth knife here. Yeah, or it's like dusty, so it's less obvious. It's a little silly. They haven't used that knife in a while. I hope they wash knife here. Yeah, or it's like dusty, so it's less... It's a little silly. It's not really obvious.
Starting point is 00:15:46 But they haven't used that knife in a while. I hope they wash it first. Yeah. Don't want to get cross-contamination. Dust infection. Ugh. Nothing worse. Some people are allergic to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:54 You don't want that. Yeah, yeah. Imagine. Imagine if that's what killed you. You survived the stabbing, but the dust infection got you. You didn't get dust in me, did you? Oh, I'm deaf. I need my EpiPen.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Down I go. Goodbye, cruel world. Paul! Paul! I wasn't mad until I saw the dust. You know, sometimes people kill themselves. What am I going to do? With dust.
Starting point is 00:16:24 With sitting in the car, running the part from your exhaust into your car. Sure. But these people would do it from their vacuum cleaner, run it on reverse. Hook it up to a snorkel. That's so fucking stupid. And I love it. I love where your brain goes. People killing themselves with a vacuum cleaner.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Jeez Louise. What a way to go. That sounds painless. Just imagining them testing it on a bowling ball. You know when vacuum cleaner ads are always like, look, it can pick up a bowling ball. Look, it can suffocate this bowling ball. That's the fucking dumbest thing.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Somehow you made it dumb. I know, sorry. I see something and I think I'm just going to add some dumbness here. So this first actual killing led the murderer to be referred to as the Cleaver. Oh, I like that. Hello, I'm the Cleaver. Where is this? New Orleans.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Oh, yes. Now do your voice. Do it again. Hello, I'm the Cleaver. Hello, I'm an expat cleaner. Expat cleaner? Oh, he's given away some more of the story. Spoiler.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Suddenly, the Cleaver's attacks stopped. The Cleaver seemed to have given up. The Cleaver referred to themselves in the third person. I'm giving up. I've had enough. I've had enough. All right. All right. I also spent some time down under.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Picked up a couple of their phrases. Oh, the dingo's got me fucking, baby. G'day. It's like aloha. You can use it to start the end., baby. G'day. It's like Aloha. You can use it to start the end. All right, g'day. I'm off, g'day. What is wrong with us?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Okay, so the attacks stopped. This is the preamble, by the way. This is the little intro to suck people in. Yeah, isn't this about an axe murderer? So the attacks stopped. But thankfully for this report, the attacks again to suck people in. Yeah, isn't this about an axe murderer? So the attack stopped. But thankfully for this report, the attacks again started six years later, December 1917. I'm back, baby!
Starting point is 00:18:53 That's a fair gap. If you're saying it's the same killer. All four members of the Andalina family were attacked in their home by an unknown assailant brandishing a small hatchet. That's a type of axe. Small axe, here we go. And also a terrible book that I read in year seven. I had to study.
Starting point is 00:19:10 The hatchet or hatchet, one of the two. It was real shit. It's also what chickens do. You going to take a little time out over there, Matt? Yeah. You just look like you're about to give yourself one. So you jumped in. Time out.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Let me put you out of your misery. I was trying to do the Dave thing and make it something dumber, but I overcooked it. Much like a chicken. Much like a chicken. I know. All four members of the Antelina family survived, and at the time it wasn't clearly linked to the Cleaver attack
Starting point is 00:19:43 earlier in the decade. In hindsight, though, we now know that the killer was back. On May 22nd, 1918, a few months later, Joseph Maggio and his wife Catherine were sound asleep above their grocery shop.
Starting point is 00:20:00 He's attacking Italians. They were Italian and grocers, so Italian grocers. He's got a weird vendetta against grocers and Italians. They were Italian. And grocers. So Italian grocers. He's got a weird vendetta against grocers. And Italians. Or is he an Italian grocer taking out competition? Good early theories like this. A man broke into the home. Mole people.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I was going to ask you a few theories later on. I assumed it was going there. I'm glad we've gone early. Mole people. Always. So a man broke into the home while they were sleeping, and not just any man. This was an axe man.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. Wake up, people! Rips a sick guitar solo. Doing a lot of devil horns with his fingers. Yeah, and they were all like, this is awesome. I was tired, but this has awoken me. He gained entry into their house by chiseling off one of the panels of their back door and crawling through.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Holy shit. He really wants this. Walked into their bedroom. He first sliced the couple's throat with a straight razor. He's got the need to cleave. Whilst they slept. Ask me what I've got the need for. What have you got the need for?
Starting point is 00:21:05 The need to cleave. Schwing. Cut their throat. Why do you get a boner? Schwing. Schwing, schwing. Then he, just to make sure that he was doing it properly, after he cut their throats, he bashed their heads in with their own axe.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Okay, so they had an axe. Yeah. Presumably somewhere around the house. Yeah. They didn't have a garden shed. No, it was just lying around. They just had an axe. Yeah. Presumably somewhere around the house. Yeah. They didn't have a garden shed. No, I was just lying around. They just had an axe lying around. The lesson here is pick up after yourselves, people. You live in filth, you'll die in your own filth. Filth being an axe. Now, sleeping
Starting point is 00:21:36 in the room next door was Joseph's brothers Jake and Andrew, who were awoken by the throat-cutting kerfuffle. Joseph, they heard the boner. I don't know if that can be counted as a kerfuffle. Double murder. It'sting kerfuffle. Joseph. They heard the boner. I don't know if that can be counted as a kerfuffle. Double murder. It's a kerfuffle. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Is it a double murder? Joseph initially survived. Initially. But quickly died after his brothers discovered him. By which point Catherine was already dead. So, yes, it's a murder. Her throat having been cut so deep that her head was nearly severed from her shoulders. Okay, all right. So, yes, Matt, it is a murder. Her throat having been cut so deep that her head was nearly severed from her shoulders. Okay, alright.
Starting point is 00:22:05 So yes, Matt, it is a double murder. The people want blood. Yeah, true, but I also would have liked to sleep tonight. I actually had a nightmare last night. Not kidding. Based on the recording. I think it was from this.
Starting point is 00:22:20 I really want to tell you about the dream I had last night. Okay, was it about the Axeman? No. Can I tell you about the dream I had last night. Okay. Was it about the X-Men? No. Can I tell you real quick? Yeah, yeah. So last night I had my alarm set for 9 o'clock this morning and I. Me too.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. This is terrifying. And I had a dream that I woke up at like 12 and I had to be at work before 1. So I was like, oh, no. But then I actually woke up from that dream, checked my phone. It was quarter past 8. I was fine.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I went back to sleep. Had the same dream again, except this time in my dream, my boyfriend had – I had slept through the alarm and he had woken up and turned it off and gone back to sleep. You would have been furious. I woke up at like 12.30. Anyway, so then I actually wake up from the dream and now I have no idea what the fuck's happening.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I don't know if I'm awake or not. The alarm's gone off. I'm awake. And I told Aidan the dream and then he said he had a dream in which he'd heard about this TV show that had won 12 Emmys and it was entirely in Morse code. Daytime Emmys or regular Emmys? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Regular, let's say. Wow. I love that that's your question. Wow, that's pretty good. But he was like, he'd heard about this show in his dream. He's like, I've got to check that out. Morscode. His dream beat my double dream.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I thought it was cool that I had a double dream. No, a double dream is pretty, like, same thing. I think your dream won. Isn't that crazy? But in the second dream I was aware of the first dream. And then when I actually woke up I was like, I don't know what fucking year it is. Feels like an annoying TV show.
Starting point is 00:23:53 My dream was about an axe murderer. So let's talk about him now. Sorry for derailing. Just wanted to share. No, it's fine. The only calling card left behind by the killer was the bloodied axe. Police ruled out robbery as a motivation for the attacks as money and valuables left in plain sight were not stolen by the intruder.
Starting point is 00:24:10 It was all very mysterious and chilling. Police made the connection with the murder of the Maggio couple with the previous spate of Italian grosser attacks six years earlier that I talked about at the start of the episode because in addition to the similarities in victim, using a weapon in the home and the method of entry, one clue that seemed to suggest a possible connection was they found outside possibly a second calling card.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I may have lied about that because there was a message found in chalk near the scene of the crime that said, quote, Mrs. Maggio will sit up tonight just like Mrs. Tony. The last victim of the previous spree of attacks was found to have been a man by the name of Tony Sciambria. Tony and his wife had been attacked in bed also. Perhaps she was the Mrs. Tony.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Mrs. Tony. She was talking about. Well, she had firstly her own first name and that's her husband's first name. Please, my wife is Mrs. Tony. You can call me Tony. Okay. Don't know why I called you Mrs. Tony, but all right. Hi is Mrs. Tony. You can call me Tony. Okay. Don't know why I called you Mrs. Tony, but all right. Hi, I'm Tony.
Starting point is 00:25:09 This is my wife, Mrs. Tony. I don't know. So they did make a connection. Police were now praying that this was not the beginning of another murder spree. Spoiler alert, it definitely was. Thank you so much for putting in spoiler alert there so I had the chance to skip forward 15 seconds and go. We've got another killing here.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Lewis Bessemer and his mistress, saucy, Harriet Lowe, were discovered in the back of his grocery. Another Harriet. Yes. Interesting. This is true. Lewis and Harriet. He's not married, just his mistress. That's okay, Dave. Let's This is true. Lewis and Harriet. Not married, just his mistress.
Starting point is 00:25:47 That's okay, Dave. Let's not shame people. I'm not shaming them, but that was quite scandalous in 1918 New Orleans. So a baker named John Zanker was making his morning deliveries to all the different groceries. He should have been a banker, not a baker. Banker Zanker. You got one wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Idiot. You just couldn't quite hear the careers counsellor. Sorry, what was that? A banker. Baker? All right. I'm really good with numbers and terrible at bread, but okay. Also got very bad hearing.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Help me. No one answered the front door when he knocked, so he went out the back and Lewis himself came to the door, covered in blood and claimed to have been attacked. His mistress, Harriet Lowe, had also been assaulted by an axe-wielding man who had first struck Bessemer Lewis in the right temple, leaving him with a skull fracture, and then slashed his lover over her left ear. She was unconscious.
Starting point is 00:26:38 The axe, which had belonged to Lewis himself, was found in the bathroom of the apartment. The intruder had gotten in the same way, chiselling out a panel of the back door. And crawling in like a little dog. Yeah. Like a little, he's made a cat flap. He's made a small cat flap. He crawls on in.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Meow. Lewis survived the attack and Harriet would hang on for seven weeks before dying of her injuries. She used her final weeks, according to this mysterious universe, to make, which is a cool website, to make, quote, increasingly rather bizarre and contradictory statements to police about who she thought the attacker was, end quote. First saying it was a black man, then a white man.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Because she said initially that it was a black man, they arrested Louis Uberkin, who was a black guy who had just started working at the grocery store. Harriet then changed her story and said it was actually black man, they arrested Louis Uberkin, who was a black guy who had just started working at the grocery store. Harriet then changed her story and said it was actually her lover, Louis, another Louis, who had attacked her, the guy that had a fractured skull. She was like, no, he was the axe guy, and accused him of being a German spy.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Okay. So she's sort of pointing fingers, describing varying descriptions of who the attacker is. This caused a media storm because of the vicious nature of the crime, the fact that it was the second attack by this possible serial killer. It was between two unmarried lovers, so a bit of a scandal there, one of whom might now be a German spy.
Starting point is 00:27:52 So the media are laughing. And this is World War I now, right? Yes. Yes. Yes, the year was 1941. 18. Okay, I fucked it up. It's not World War I. 1918, yes, it is. 1918? Yes. I was thinking 18. Okay, I fucked it up. It's not World War I.
Starting point is 00:28:06 1918, yes, it is. 1918? Yes. 18? Oh, my God, I'm so confused. Okay. This is 1918. That is World War I.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Can confirm. Can confirm. The grocery store worker, Louis Zubicon, that Harriet originally fingered, went to trial but was found not guilty. I enjoyed writing that. He was found not guilty, mainly because her husband. He was found not guilty mainly because her husband, who'd also been attacked, kept saying, it's not our worker, it wasn't our worker.
Starting point is 00:28:31 She just said it was me too and I'm not a German spy. So Harriet eventually passed on after pointing the finger at many different people. She also had quite a head injury and nobody thought, maybe cognitivelyly something's not yeah. QR. But we'll come back to them later in the show. Oh my god, yay!
Starting point is 00:28:52 About a month later on August 5th, the Axeman struck again. Eerily it was the same day that the aforementioned Harriet Lowe succumbs to her injuries. So the day she passed on he struck again. On the night of August 5th, as I said, 28-year-old, eight-month pregnant Anna Schneider awoke to a dark figure standing over her.
Starting point is 00:29:10 He then repeatedly bashed in her face with what was later speculated to be a lamp. Their axe was also missing from the back shed. Her husband returned later than usual that night to find his wife covered in blood. But thankfully she survived and gave birth to a healthy girl just two days after the attack. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Did you say she was pregnant before? Yeah, eight months pregnant. Eight months, very pregnant. Oh, my God. I would have been writing that a lot harder. Yeah, I looked at you like, oh, he's going to be very upset here. That's why I got to it quite quickly. Is this a surprise birth?
Starting point is 00:29:40 Did they know? Ta-da! I tried to get to it quite quickly to put you at ease. I appreciate that. No need. No need. Apparently, because he wasn't paying attention. Mrs. Schneider, the one that had given me.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Mrs. Schneider. And their axe was missing. Mrs. Schneider, your axe is missing. Look, I'm just reading it as I see it, which is incorrectly. Mrs. Schneider, couldn't recall I'm Rob Schneider. Do you know that episode of South Park? Fucking great one. Rob Schneider is a stapler.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Rob Schneider is a carrot rated PG-13. Anyway, Mrsisha Schneider Couldn't recall This is the one that's given birth Couldn't recall much of the attack But claimed that she had been attacked by a dark figure That resembled some sort of phantom The phantom of the opera is here
Starting point is 00:30:40 What does phantom mean? I just thought Because the phantom's the guy in the purple And the phantom of the opera wears a suit And phantoms are going on the purple. Yeah, the ghost of the war. And the phantom of the opera wears a suit. And a mask. Does it just mean they're a ghost? Wearing a mask.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Yeah, it's just another word for ghost. Ghost and mask. Phantom. Here we go. Phantom menace? What does that mean? The ghost of menace. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:01 No, the ghost menace. I put of in there. The phantom of menace. Phantom. Noun. A ghost. A fig the ghost menace. I put of in there. The phantom of menace. Phantom. Noun. A ghost. A figment of the imagination. Not real.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Oh, okay. So that's actually. So she resembled. Something not real. Okay. All right. Is her name Harriet as well? Honestly, no.
Starting point is 00:31:22 What's she? Mrs. Schneider. She's Mrs. Schneider. Harriet Schneider. She's Mrs. Schneider. Harriet Schneider. No. It was at this point the lead investigators began to publicly speculate that the attack was related to the previous incidents involving Beshima and Maggio.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Beshima. Yes, the city had a serial killer on its hands. On its hands. Oh, my God. It's only been successful in one out of the three attacks, but still serial killer. You know any time on the news they're like, oh, somebody's wielding a knife and they name a suburb in Melbourne?
Starting point is 00:31:50 I'm like, oh, God. No. That's terrifying. Oh, yeah. This is crazy. They're like, okay, Melbourne, there's an axe murderer loose. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Well, Jess, this next sentence is not going to make you feel any better. The Axeman's thirst for blood was queely. Damn it. Was he right? Does this make you feel worse? Yeah, I'm shitting myself. I'm terrified. Stop.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Please, Dave, you're killing me. Was clearly not quenched by the attack on Anna Schneider. Queely. Because just five days later, he struck again. Imagine how chilling that would have been if I didn't fuck it. You would have been chilled to the core, Matt. Yeah. I'd give you time.
Starting point is 00:32:35 This would be like five minutes of thawing out time. Matt's already. That's already lukewarm. Oh, fuck. It's like a tepid soup. That's not what you want to be tepid. What do you want to be tepid? Hug. You want a tepid soup. That's not what you want to be tepid. What do you want to be tepid? Hug.
Starting point is 00:32:48 You want a tepid hug? I don't want a hot hug. That's weird. Exactly. Warm is nice. Warm hug's nice, Dave. Tepid pool. Pool water?
Starting point is 00:32:56 Oh, yeah. Good one. If it's supposed to be or if there's just been some kids in it, that's not good. Oh, no. Oh, God. What does tepid mean? It means a ghost, okay? Stop making me Google words.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Because it's somewhere between. I thought it was like a room temperature-ish. Yeah. Is it? So, your own blood? All right, new show idea. Someone picks a word from the dictionary and the others have to try and guess what they think it means.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Oh, I love it. Boulderdash. I'm just Googling it. Last thing I Googled was how do you know you have a tapeworm? So that's good. Wow, do you reckon you've got one? I don't know. My stomach hasn't been great for a couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:33:37 That's why I was playing that tapeworm song by System of a Down when you walked in before. Oh, I had no idea. I thought you were... I didn't know what you were doing. Tepid. Only slightly warm. Lukewarm. Yeah, there you go, Matt. were doing. Tepid. Only slightly warm. Lukewarm.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Yeah, there you go, Matt. So you are tepid. Sure am, baby. Fuck, that wasn't worth it. Sorry, Dave. Do go on. All right, here we go. So he struck again.
Starting point is 00:33:55 The quench was not thirst. Other way around. You know what I mean. Jesus. Pauline and Mary Bruno, two sisters living with their 80-year-old uncle Joseph, awoke when they heard the sound of scuffling coming from their uncle's bedroom. Scuffling. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:34:08 They ran in and claimed to have seen Joseph being attacked by a tall, dark, heavyset figure in a dark suit who was wearing a slouch hat. Oh, yeah. Fat racist. Mm. The attacker ran when one of the girls screamed out. The sisters would later emphasize that despite the man's size, the intruder had been, quote, awfully light on his feet.
Starting point is 00:34:28 A dancer. Oh, I like that theory. Or maybe it's someone who's wearing clothes to look heavyset when they're not. Oh, a fat suit. Definitely. Big Mama's house. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Or it could be like a 1980s AFL footballer. There were a lot of big units there who were very athletic. Tony Plugger Lockett. Yeah, I think you're really making generalisations if you assume that all people who are maybe a bit more heavy set are going to walk around like doom, doom. That's silly. That's ridiculous, Dave.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Well, take that up with Pauline and Mary Bruno who are no doubt dead by now. Yeah. But also some people just walk really heavy on their heels, you know, and it doesn't matter how big you are. You just, like, if you have to live with them, you're like, shut the fuck up. Yeah, Dave, stop fat shaming is the moral of that story. I think they're mainly trying to imply that he's some sort of phantom.
Starting point is 00:35:21 See the word ghost. See the word tepid. See tepid. Page 161 of the concise Oxford Dictionary. I think we should do that as a bonus episode of where we choose a word. That's fine. Okay, we can do that. Choose a word each and the other two have to.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Maybe we'd have to come in with a few words probably. Yeah. I'm not riffing for like 10 minutes a word. Let's get some suggested words. Ah, very good. Ones that you... I mean, I was going to say weird words, but we couldn't even decipher the word phantom or tepid.
Starting point is 00:35:52 So any word. Teacup. What is it? What does it mean? It's a cup for tea, Dave. I don't know. I'm going to Google it. Your little face, though, was so cute just then.
Starting point is 00:36:02 What does that mean? What does it mean? What is it? Teacup. Definition. Doesn't even come up with? What does it mean? What is it? Teacup. Definition. Doesn't even come up with a definition. That's how obvious it is. Teacup.
Starting point is 00:36:09 It's when you're zhuzhing up a room, adding more. Teak. Teak. You teak it up. I love it. Teacup. Took way too long to get there, Bob. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Thank you for jumping in. Jess, you're not right, but you're not wrong. How? A cup from which tea is drunk. Yep. All right, you are right, but you're not wrong. How? A cup from which tea is drunk. Yep! Alright, you are right. You're just not wrong. So the attacker ran away, awfully loud on his feet, despite
Starting point is 00:36:34 being heavy. Loud on his feet? Did you say loud on his feet? Dave, please stop this The attacker floated away through the wall. He heard someone yell out free buffet and ran to the window. All you can eat. I'm a fatty boy. I've got to go.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Bye bye. You're doing the opposite of what I requested. I'm a fatty boy. He's such a fat man. Probably couldn't drive. He's too fat to get in the car. Also pretty early for cars. I think they were early.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Yeah, they were around. Not everyone had one. Not every ex-murderer had a car back then. Uncle Joe. Remember Uncle Joe? 80 years old. He'd been hit on the head and received two large cuts. He managed to walk to the ambulance. Pay cuts. He managed to walk to the ambulance once it arrived,
Starting point is 00:37:23 yet he died two days later due to severe head trauma. Are you kidding? It's pretty good, isn't it? Getting hit, struck twice, you can't just tell the ambulance and then. Do you know what? If I'm calling an ambulance, I don't care what it's for. They can come get me. Like, you know, I pay my ambulance membership.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I've got to check that. Put me in the. Yeah, you really do. Put me on the trolley thing and wheel me out. Okay? You're trained to do it. I'm not walking. Trolley thing.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Another one. We don't know the word. Gurney? Yeah, I was thinking it. I will call it a trolley thing because I pay my membership. I pay their wages. I love it when people say that. That's good.
Starting point is 00:38:00 I pay your wages. Especially now that you work for the ABC. Yeah. And the taxpayers pay my wages. Thank you, Australian taxpayers. I want to get my eight cents worth, Jess. Well, tune in, Triple J. So Uncle Joe, he's gone.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I'm so sorry. He died. But when police arrived, they discovered that the back door had again been chiseled in and a bloody axe was found in the backyard. Does he ever just try the lock? You know? He probably tries that first. Ah, I'd hope so.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Or he just likes chiseling. Who doesn't love a good chisel? I love it. People were very scared now. It seemed like the Axeman could strike at any time, able to gain access and disappear at will. There was now a state of extreme chaos in the city, with residents living in constant fear of an Axeman attack.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Newspapers started to refer to the attacker at this point as the Axeman, and this did nothing to quell people's fears. If anything, it made him seem even more terrifying. People began to make numerous reports about missing axes, reports of shadowy figures lurking in the darkness, and even some finding their doors chiseled open. Wow. So people are like... The first few you could be like, you misplaced the axe.
Starting point is 00:39:11 That figure was a shadow. That shadowy figure was a shadow. That door. The chiseled door, that one's harder. That door always had a missing panel. An angry bear, hello. Hello. You've got food in there.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Yeah. Bear's hungry. Okay. Leave food out for a got food in there. Yeah. Bear's hungry. Okay. Leave food out for a bear, you idiot. Yeah, leave it out. Are you kidding? Don't leave it in. How stupid are you?
Starting point is 00:39:34 At nightfall, people began to barricade themselves in their own homes because now there's an X-Men and bears on the loose. It's very dangerous out there. It's a terrible time. Armed men started keeping watch over their families and their neighbourhoods. More police were deployed to patrol the streets. In short, the city was fucking terrified.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Yeah. Imagine what happened now. You'd be so scared. I'd be scared. Matt wouldn't be scared. Well, I mean, everyone has CCTV now. Yeah, no, it sounds awful. So we've got vision of you being smashed in the face with an axe.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Yeah, but then we've got the guy who did it. True, but what if it's a phantom ghost? Oh, yeah, you're right. They never show up on camera. Not on CCTV, certainly not. Oh, on September 13, just over a month after. Floating cloaks. What's that?
Starting point is 00:40:23 What's that? That's just a floating trench coat. I can't identify that. Just over a month after... It's floating cloaks. What's that? What's that? That's just a floating trench coat. I can't identify that. Just over a month after the killing of Uncle Joe, a man named Paul Durrell Jr. went to open his corner store when he found a panel from the store's door removed. Outside, police later found footprints on the fence surrounding the yard. They suspected that the axe man had attempted to get into their house.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Durrell and his family survived, sleeping soundly throughout the night. The intruder had been able to get the panel off the door, but he could not stick his hand through to open it from the inside. That's because Daryl had stacked cans of tomatoes in front of the door, and those cans of tomatoes may have just saved their lives. On purpose? Daryl's really leaning into the Italian stereotype. Just a delivery. Hey, I bet you were really enjoying that podcast
Starting point is 00:41:09 because if you made it this far, you must have been. But guess what? That wasn't the full episode. There's more! Yeah, that's right. But that's linked below. I mean, it'd be weird if it just ended like that, wouldn't it? That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:41:18 So if you just jump over to the subscription and click over to that, you can subscribe and check out all the episodes for free. iTunes, Spotify, wherever you find us, you'll find them. Correct. See you guys at a different time than now. Inhale. Ha!
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