The Weekly Planet - Warcraft - Caravan Of Garbage

Episode Date: June 6, 2024

WAR. And craft. Well I've never heard of such a thing but regardless let's get into the 2016 Warcraft film adaptation directed by Duncan Jones. Acting as an origin story for the conflict between the ...orcs of Draenor and the humans of Azotha it both sides this epic conflict with more motion capture than the average brain can possibly comprehend. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage reviewSUBSCRIBE HERE ►► support the show and get early episodes ► ►' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► ► The Weekly Planet iTunes ► The Weekly Planet Direct Download ► Affiliate Link ► HERE ►► Edition ► support the show and get early episodes ► ►' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► ► The Weekly Planet iTunes ► The Weekly Planet Direct Download ► Affiliate Link ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of Caravan of Garbage where we're looking at badly made movies that did badly at the box office video game edition! Huzzah! Wow, or should I say bleep-bloop-bleeeeep? Nice, good. That's the one-up noise. Yes, it is. And never is it more appropriate than this one Warcraft? Yeah. I'm always getting a one-up in those games as far as I know. It's getting the fire flower in these games. I remember using a hand to look over a map and I put the hand over a big one up and I pick it up and then my hand gets a one up and I've got two hands.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Yep, good, good. You've played it, haven't you? I've played the Warcraft games. I've never played World of Warcraft. Me neither. And I know we look like people who've played World of Warcraft. I know I look like, look, I know I either look like a guy with a three monitor set up or a guy who lives in a lighthouse, but I'm of those things. All right, I'm somewhere in the middle
Starting point is 00:00:48 So what does that mean? I'm a regular man. That's not true either way in the comments Am I a regular man? Am I normal? Let him know Let him know if he's normal and a regular man, but I did play the original Warcraft in Warcraft 2 So they're like the real-time strategy ones not the not what it's become the MMORPG The monolith the monolith that is world of Warcraft. I knew it from the moment. I saw it I'm like I cannot devote a single second to this because otherwise it will destroy my life. Absolutely You're saving up that lighthouse as well. That's true. You gotta pick one. You gotta pick a road I'm gonna have so many monitors in that lighthouse. You better believe it stack them high in a lighthouse
Starting point is 00:01:23 Leave a like if you could. This is a pretty impressive undertaking for a movie that nobody saw or remembers. Absolutely. So this is Duncan Jones. Zowie Bowie himself. That's right. He directed Moon. A movie that I think is generally very highly regarded. He directed Mute, a movie I've not seen. That's alright. Okay then. But he directed Source Code. Well I was going to say, I mean last week we talked about Jake Gyllenhaal. Creep. This week we're talking about Duncan Jones. I'm like, oh I wish I was watching Source Code.
Starting point is 00:01:52 It's all coming together isn't it? Toby Keble's in this. Toby Keble's in this twice. He's back, he was in it last week. And he's back with two roles. He's like, one's not enough for me. This is a big if for Toby Keble. And by that I mean us talking about movies that Toby Kebbell are in
Starting point is 00:02:07 They are movies Toby Kebbell are in it's yeah So this opens with Cal and Mulvey the patron saint of our podcast the weekly planet who looks like he's about to get stomped By an orc mmm, so that was actually filmed as an initial teaser. That's the first thing they ever did Oh, and they slot it into the front of this movie to be like remember a time before this I'm like, well, I don't know what this is. So I don't Well, I mean that's to me that is the I like it though the movie itself as well that and that opening I like it sure sure. I do like it. Yeah, absolutely I think the question that this movie gave to me was do the fans love this one?
Starting point is 00:02:43 I'm sure we'll get to it later but I but I there's a lot of lore in this and there's a lot of kind of... The mailbox is a big deal apparently. People are like, there's a mailbox like in the game. You know, you wave the hand over the mailbox, you pick up the mail. Nope.
Starting point is 00:02:57 And it says, cha-ching. One up. One up. No, I don't know what that is, no. Okay, fair enough. No, let's talk about it. Let's talk about the movie, James. Well, do you wanna talk about the lead up?
Starting point is 00:03:06 Because initially it was announced in 2006, but then it was canceled by Blizzard or postponed really because they were worried of the similarities to Lord of the Rings. But really that's probably a good time to do it. Absolutely. Cause Lord of the Rings was done. There was no big fantasy property probably outside of Harry Potter that was doing any kind of real numbers. And this had a huge fan base then, right? Anyway, Sam Raimi came on board in 2009 with a script by Gary Whitter, who of course wrote Rogue One, or some of Rogue One. I don't know who
Starting point is 00:03:38 wrote Rogue One. Nobody knows. It's one of those Hollywood mysteries. I think it was one of those situations where every single person wrote one page and then just Handed it off to the next writer and I couldn't they couldn't read the previous pages to write another page Absolutely, but he ended up getting replaced by Duncan Jones in 2013 Duncan Jones I said that that original script was very one-sided So the humans were the good guys and the monsters were the bad guys So when he came on board he was like he scrapped all of that and he wanted to tell both sides of that story which I love because you see both I see both sides my salute I see the sides of the humans who seem to be mostly good
Starting point is 00:04:12 except for that corrupt wizard and all of the Yorks who are mostly terrible aside from maybe two sure absolutely and the others are just like yeah who we stomping yeah whatever I was we're not stomping them now we're stomping this guy all right all right that fits with our code of honor Apparently which we have that's right. It doesn't they don't they don't look like I mean, you know I'm not I'm reading I'm judging a book by its cover, but they don't look like you know A race of beings that have a code of honor, you know what I mean? No, they don't and that doesn't that doesn't like it doesn't feel to me. I don't know. Maybe it's as an orc racist
Starting point is 00:04:42 How does it feel to you as an orc racist? I kind of feel like the orcs depiction in the media whether it be this or Lord of the Rings or Maybe like a war hammer. Yeah, you know the orcs strike me as like chaotic kind of party dudes You know yeah, I don't strike me as big big boys running amok But again, maybe that's you know in the world of Warcraft world sure Maybe that's maybe they're all about that honor, you know, you might be right. So the source of this movie So this code yeah the source code of this movie. So apparently this a lot of the story from this I can't speak to this at all. It's taken from the books rise of the horde Okay, which tells of how the orcish horde was formed and the last Guardian which shows the human side and reaction to the Orcish horde was formed, and the last guardian, which shows the human side and reaction to the Orcish invasion. There was also another director who put their hand up
Starting point is 00:05:29 for this project, I might save that to the end. Because it's a fun one, and a fun mean quote, which you know I love. Great. It was filmed over 123 days, looking at a lot of the behind the scenes stuff, like huge sets, everything's big and thick. And it makes people look small.
Starting point is 00:05:47 They're in like giant halls and giant chairs and they look teeny tiny. Why are you building your stuff so big? Right? You're little. Build it normal. Build it normal. Or smaller. Then the actors don't have to work out.
Starting point is 00:05:59 That's right. Because they'll already look big. It's a very busy movie at least initially because I was trying to keep track of like names and locations and I think that wouldn't be a problem if I was immersed in this universe I think it'd be like oh my god but to me it's just sounded like we've got to get the blog and sphere King Grampton needs the hexa dwarf and I'm like hate all of that but all that kind of falls away also doesn't really matter to the ultimate storyline
Starting point is 00:06:25 Yes, this movie grew on me by about the halfway mark that I was on board And I think it's probably not so much that I'm I've become endeared to the characters But more that I've I've done that there's been a realization that none of these none of these names really matter It seems like if you know it It's a nice little nod and I think I know mentioned this earlier, that people on the whole do like this. It got savaged by regular critics like us. That's right. The Illuminati.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I thought we were men of the people. No, Mason, we're the Illuminati. Oh, what? I could have been getting Illuminati benefits this whole time. No, you haven't filled out the form. Oh, man. I could do with some Illuminati healthcare, if I'm honest.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I mean, this is not something to go by normally, I would say, and you could even disregard this but it's got a pretty significantly high Rotten Tomatoes audience score. And I think that indicates that like I said nobody's seen this but if you have seen it you're a fan and then you would go to this to voice your approval. So that's how I read that. I'll tell you what I like about this movie. I think all the character designs are great.
Starting point is 00:07:24 All the various orcs, they've clearly taken a lot of time with every orc design, or at least every main orc character. They've all got a nice different look, they've all got different bejeweled tusks. They've got a big tusk, or they've got assorted animal skeletons that they're wearing as armor and all that sort of stuff. Nooks and crannies all over them. All of their various nooks and crannies of course. And of course Paula Patton as the half-orc who they just went, oh let's just have a regular lady and paint her a sort of pus green. Yeah, initially I'm like, is this a tall woman?
Starting point is 00:07:55 I mean she's tall-ish. Sure, yeah. But she's not that much taller than a regular woman or maybe even ideally the same height. Yeah. And two notes to that. I think one is obviously that she has to interact with the humans the most yeah So you need one that isn't as heavily CGI to the other trick exactly and also They want to give her a sort of you know a little bit of a romance situation
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yeah, need that between her and Travis Fimmels character But I do think it would be better if she was just a regular orc in that situation right absolutely That's funny. Yeah for you. It's funny and also upsetting because you a regular orc in that situation, right? Yeah, absolutely. That's funny. Yeah, for you it's funny. And also upsetting because you're an orc racist. That's correct, yes. Just to be clear though, I'm also an orc racist. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I also think one thing I find really funny about this universe and this movie is that pitting a normal person or even a soldier against an orc is insane. That's like fighting a bear in armour who can use a mace. Like that is wild. One of them just throws a horse at one point and I know you use skills and speed to get around them. Yeah but you can't dodge a horse can you? A horse being hurled at you.
Starting point is 00:09:00 But I mean you don't, in a lot of cases you don't need that because if you're a main character, you have that plot armour, that special kind of plot armor where you get flung out of danger instead of being squashed flat Yeah, it's one of those movies Yeah And I'm sure also the balance in this works the same way as it does in the video games where everybody has a different Whatever, you know what I mean when your star crafts come in they fly in on their spaceships right fighting the old Yeah, yeah, yeah, it all makes sense doesn't it? It all balances out, one guy's got strength, one guy's got speed, but I don't think, I
Starting point is 00:09:29 think one side should have strength and speed. It seems like one side does have strength and speed. Yeah good. Reflects real life, sometimes somebody's just better than you. Also I felt emotions during this. There's a moment where- Did you need to pee? No Mason, no never.
Starting point is 00:09:47 There's a moment where Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings, Travis Fimmel, his son gets killed and it's like that's a sad thing. And for me I'm like go get some revenge man. No see for me that happened and I went, did we see his son before this? I don't remember. Look that- I was paying attention but I'm like good emotional stakes if I'd met that kid before. Did we see his son before this? I don't remember. Look, that was- I was paying attention, but I'm like, good emotional stakes if I'd met that kid before,
Starting point is 00:10:09 and I don't know if I had. Yeah, I'm sure you had. There was probably a moment where it was like, I believe in you and whatever. You know, I believe in you and whatever. Sure. Whatever you need to hear. Anyways, Wizards and Magic.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I just want to say, sweet gig for Ben Foster, who spends most of this movie lying on the floor or taking a bath Absolutely pretty cool man. Yeah, he just gets to lie under a statue Oh the dream just up just to lie down and just fall asleep. Oh my god Yeah, but also I feel like they were setting him up for a fall because I imagine last day of filming They're like, all right nine hours in the makeup chair. Actually. Oh, yeah, cuz he was an evil wizard actually wasn't he was an evil wizard all along. Yeah, got that coming. Did you know I didn't I mean He used some evil wizard magic pretty early on didn't it almost immediately and all his behavior was evil wizard behavior. Yeah, that's right Yeah, makes me wonder why they were all like all my oh Ben Foster my good wizard friend
Starting point is 00:11:01 My wizard friend for decades is he your mate that's always acting out for your friends with him anyway? You know that guy? Well he's a wizard. You know, and then maybe one day at a bar he gets beaten up and all your friends are like, yeah, we kind of saw that coming. Yeah, we could have stepped in but you know, he kind of deserved it. He kind of deserves this one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I do like the magic of this world though, I feel like it's pretty impactful. There's fun little moments where just a guy gets turned into a sheep and left. Yep. I don't know how that works. I know it's in the game, but like do you turn back? Is anybody coming back? It lasts a minute when you're not listening, James. No? And the bad guy, the bad wizard, it was pretty crazy when he took his cloak off. He's a big muscular guy. He was ripped!
Starting point is 00:11:36 He was ripped, man. Yeah. That was crazy. He's the strongest and the fastest and he's good at magic. Yep. Because sometimes life is just like that. Sometimes you have a go at a guy at a bar and it turns out he's actually really big and really strong and fast And he can do magic and he pulls a coin out of your ear, and then he sticks it up your nose and you're like
Starting point is 00:11:53 Man you'll hug the life value. There's that moment where he's got the human next to him And he's just like feeding off him slowly vape style. Oh, he's got a constantly get a puff of that human soul vape You've got to constantly get a puff of that human soul vape. Mmm, delicious. Yeah, and I was more invested as it went along in the final battle and it's happening on multiple fronts. You've got a wizard showdown with young kid wizard and Ben Foster. That's right. You know, and you've got to open the gate because the orcs are going to come through.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah, yeah, this is a close the gate movie. It is. You've got to close the gate. Every movie of this genre is either a capture the orb movie or a close the gate movie. Sometimes both. Sometimes it's both, but it's never neither. And this is a close the gate movie and I respect it. At least with this close the gate movie.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Glenn close the gate. Whoa, very good. She's in this, she gets an uncredited cameo. I think she recorded that in a closet on her phone camera, they just CGI'd everything around her. Yeah. You know? Yeah, I think you're right. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Glenn close. Good to see her, right? Mmm, yeah. Or were were you like this could be anybody could have been anybody no I knew it was Glenn Close and I loved it no but I mean like do you think that could have they could have given that role again to Toby Kebbell maybe no because Glenn Close is the world's biggest World of Warcraft fan I didn't know that I knew it does she know that if you dig really far down in World of Warcraft you'll get to the Dungeon Keeper universe. Did you know that? And if you go into the sky it's flight simulator. That's amazing. All these games are linked. They're all connected.
Starting point is 00:13:11 That's wild. But I was invested in that final battle. This kind of snuck up on me. Normally a movie like this you get less invested as you go along but it's the opposite. What do you think that was? Do you think it's the emotions? I think it's the emotions. Do you think it's because the orc visual effects, they clearly worked on them enough that you actually can see them emoting? Yes. Whereas a lot of this sort of movie, it could be anything. Yeah. You know what I mean? I mean, you know, it's the Gollum, it's the Andy Serkis team, it's all of that. It's Toby Kebbell. It's Toby Kebbell. Yeah. So it makes sense that it looks like this. And also, you know, people die
Starting point is 00:13:43 in this that are important. Like the lead orc dies, as does his wife. And then you're like, oh, anything can really happen here. I hope Dominic Cooper doesn't get stabbed. He does! He does, he gets stabbed! He's Tony Stark's dad! Yeah, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah, man. Just linking it to Marvel, you gotta. You think that's through a portal somewhere in this movie? It's definitely through a portal. Maybe a manhole in New York City, baby. Yeah, you dig deep enough. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're gonna come out in New York City.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Also love that if you're fighting against the orcs and you're a half orc woman, and you know, you're fighting alongside the king and the king says, why don't you just stab me edges quickly? And then you do that. Code of honor. Code of honor. All the orcs are just like, great. You weren't getting swarmed by orcs and look, we were gonna kill you, but then at the very last second,
Starting point is 00:14:27 you killed this guy and now you're the best. I don't know, man. I don't know about all that. Do you think it should work like that in real life? Like maybe you're a long line at the supermarket and everybody's upset, but you just kill a guy and they're like, wow, you can go first now. They probably would let you go first.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I think they would definitely let you go first if you did that. You might not get too far. The Woolworth security guard might give you a bit of a run for your money. Those gates that would probably close on you now. Yeah, that's right. That's fun, isn't it? Oh, and there's a showdown at the end, a big revenge showdown. Against Travis Fimmel and a guy with the gooiest, spikiest hand. He killed his son.
Starting point is 00:15:03 That's right. Look, I like how it went down, go for the nuts, makes sense. Bold move also. Do you know? Do they even have nuts? Exactly. Well they have babies. Yeah, but maybe not from there.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Oh, that's a great point actually. We don't know. Yeah, that's true. Could be all Tusk related. Could be Tusk related. Yeah, but it's not, because they got him in the nuts. I was kind of hoping for more of a knock down, kind of drag out brawl. Cause I had seen this at the movies.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I'd forgotten most of it. Yes. But you know, whatever I guess. But boy, doesn't this set itself up for a movie to come. Oh yeah. The stakes have never been higher. Don't worry about it though. Do we get it?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Do we get the sequel? No, or we can talk about that after we do trivia craft? I like that, yes, good. It's the trivia section of the show. Here's some names that were considered for the lead. Paul, which lead the main guy Travis Fimmel, Travis Fimmel. Okay. Australia's own. Is he? Yeah. Good for him. Yeah. Good for him. Vikings. He's in Vikings. He was a male model. He hasn't got it now. He's not as good looking. I was gonna say, was he a male model for awful scraggly beard magazine? I mean he's now. Yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm a creep who lives
Starting point is 00:16:11 in a lighthouse magazine. No he's very good looking still Mason. I've got a three monitor setup magazine. He wouldn't have three monitors. His phone probably flips out he's a man of the land as far as I can tell from his Instagram. Paul Dano feels more wizard related don't you think? He could be the little wizard man yes Anson Mount that works he's more the king though I agree yeah okay all right he's too big to be the king you need a little king yeah makes everyone else look big props look bigger yeah Anton Yelchin okay I would see him more as the Sun maybe or the wizard he could be the young wizard the young wizard
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah, I pay one of the grades. There's a lot of video game stuff in this as mentioned So there's a bit where remember it zooms over the battlefield. Oh perfect. I'm like, I wish there was a big hand I wish there was a big hand Mason. Sure. Yeah, they're little war tables got little hexagonal parts to it Okay, they're great. Good games. That is from games. The mailbox, it's from games. The mailbox is from games, it's true. It's undeniable. And remember how I mentioned another director threw his hat into the ring for this?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Oh yes. Now, there was a man who ran amok between the years, I don't know, roughly 2000 to 2010, just making any kind of video game adaptation that would allow him. Oh, I know who this is. Yeah. Is it mr. Uwe Boll? It certainly is so he contacted Blizzard about directing the film, but what is a great start? You're if you're walking down the street putting out resumes But Blizzard refused we've seen everything you've done They said if a bowl spoke to MTV news and this is how he frames it I got in contact with Paul Sam's of Blizzard and he said we will not sell the movie rights They said if a bowl spoke to MTV News and this is how he frames it
Starting point is 00:17:45 I got in contact with Paul Sam's of Blizzard and he said we will not sell the movie rights not to you Especially not to you because it's such a big online game success Maybe a bad movie would destroy that ongoing income which is possible. I guess I mean this survives outside of bad movies Yeah movies that don't do well, so I'm sure's fine right? It's quite refreshing that he just said. Yeah. He didn't sugarcoat that at all. He didn't say, oh they said you'd be too good at this. We'd never be able to make a sequel because your movie would be too good.
Starting point is 00:18:13 At least he said, no we won't sell it to you because your movie will be bad. Anyway in terms of budget, it cost $160 million which at the time, not adjusting for inflation was the most expensive video game movie. Okay. All right. Was it also the most successful video game movie at the time? It was one of because the return of this was 439.1 million. It also did really well in China. It holds the record for the largest weekday to midnight opening in China, in communist China, which you love. Do I? Is that a new piece of law for this?
Starting point is 00:18:49 Sure. Okay. These last few weeks, we've been calling this a series of badly made movies that did badly. But compared to some of the massive flops of the last couple of years, these are doing quite well. This is also on the upper echelon for me of video game movies by quite a long way. It's a pretty good one Mason. Yeah, but I mean you think about like the last couple of Marvel movies.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah. You know, there's been some soft box office openings recently. The fall guy. Precisely. $400 million is not bad. No. Well, according to THR, it needed $450 million to break even. Oh, well then it is bad.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah, and executives say that it lost probably 30 to 40 million dollars for them, which is funny because it's just executives. Yeah, it's not our money. That's funny to me. That's right. What are they going to spend the money on anyway? No, they're just going to put it in their bank account and watch an umma go up. That's right.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Now, director Duncan Jones, though, he's acknowledged the problems with this movie and stated that the initial cut was going to be 40 minutes longer, but there is no extended version. I don't think that's what would have saved it. Well, here's the thing, right? Yes? It's not like a clean 40 minutes. It doesn't exist. I see, okay. So he said, trying to make a movie like Warcraft, you get killed by the death of a thousand cuts.
Starting point is 00:19:57 You go through a writing process up to the deadline of shooting the thing, you lose ideas in the writing process, then sets change for whatever reason and notes come in. You're changing things around a three and a half year process. shooting the thing, you lose ideas in the writing process, then sets change for whatever reason and notes come in. You're changing things around a three and a half year process, you get these little changes that are constantly course correcting, when you make a little change it doesn't seem like a big deal, when you keep making those little changes, suddenly you're basically spending all of your
Starting point is 00:20:16 time trying to work out how to patch up what has been messed around with, and as a result, a lot of scenes ended up not being filmed or omitted in the early phase. They cease to exist because the effects work never gets done. Some of it is not even at that stage, so there is no possibility of there ever being a director's cut. It's purely in my head." And he said that he's equally proud and furious about Warcraft, but would be open to the suggestion
Starting point is 00:20:37 of a sequel. Okay, so it wasn't just like a solid 40 minutes where the king teaches the half-orc lady to be prim and proper like in My Fair Lady. Oh my god. Maybe it is. I mean that would be cheap. She's just painted past yellow or whatever. There's no need for special effect. Not a single one. I mean he would have to stand in a little litch so she looks taller. He's not that tall though. He's not that tall Mason. That makes her look bigger.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Also Duncan Jones, his wife got cancer during the filming of this Oh, but she got through it and his dad David Bowie you might have heard of died. So this is like again amazing that it's like this, you know Yeah, pretty good. I was gonna say could there be a David Bowie song on the soundtrack? Maybe maybe that would have saved it What would be a good song? Let's Orc dance could have been called you could have called in a favor. He could have. Hey dad, could you do a little remix on this? Yeah, so there are these things called Orcs. And if you could, if you wouldn't mind. He's just like, I'll do it. I don't want to hear.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I don't want to know about computers. You know, China girl, Orc girl. Could you do that? What about Orc China girl? Nice. Yeah. Under pressure from the Orcs, the invasion of the Orcs. Could you do- There's a lot of them. Yeah. They come through that gate and they walk into it and then they get flipped upside down and they pop out of it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 But then at the end, the gate's standing up. It's crazy how you can, what you can do with gates these days. If you could incorporate all those as lyrics, Dad, that would be, that would be helpful actually. Anyways, Daniel Richmond, who's a popular scooper and people have been like, ah, he actually, ah, scoop like he actually scooping at shut up Sometimes he's right. Sometimes he isn't it's just something to talk about in the video. All right, that's right
Starting point is 00:22:11 So Daniel Richmond though revealed in 2020 that there is another Warcraft movie in the works But we don't know what that is. I would say it's almost certainly not a sequel to this No But I would if I had to guess I would say full CGI animated Yep And on Netflix all episodes at once and everybody will immediately forget about it Uh-huh, and they'll say not a patch on the original. Mm-hmm. Not a patch on it No, all those cutscenes from Warcraft and Starcraft same same game
Starting point is 00:22:35 Shared universe shared just is oh, it's just the same Mason. Yeah. All right. All right. Guess what? We got one more of these to do. Oh and why not end on a real low? Okay, all right. All right. Guess what? We got one more of these to do. Oh, and why not end on a real low? Is a hint why end on a real low? Here's a hint. Oh, is it Assassin's Creed? It is Assassin's Creed I gotta watch all of Assassin's Creed. Yeah, I've never gotten through it. We have attempted it before I've attempted it repeatedly. Look it could have been need for speed. So count your lucky stars, mate Mmm. Yeah. Anyways, if you do want to see that early, you can actually head over to where these always go up quite early, don't they? That's correct.
Starting point is 00:23:07 That's not the only thing up there. There's exclusive stuff. We do video game let's plays. We do movie commentaries. We do bonus podcasts. Also, we have a podcast called The Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. That comes out every Monday, but of course there on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:23:21 All of that is ad free as mentioned exclusive, but you don't have to. You can just subscribe here and hang about. Yeah, just watch all this stuff with ads. Maybe you love ads. Maybe you love ads. Also, we have a podcast. Did I say that?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah, the podcast, it's got its own YouTube channel. It's on Spotify, it's on Apple. It's on TikTok. Is it? Oh yeah, some of it's on TikTok. That's right. Clips, snippets, get a feel for it. Clippets.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And then say, not for me. But young kids with video games. They like to talk. They love video games and tick-tock They love getting a one-up. They do don't they love getting to level three You know when you watch a TV show or movie or something and you know Why do you unplug the TV? It was almost level three Cuz I'm a bitch Movies, you know would be a bitch. Yeah in the 90s. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Thanks everyone. Grab that jam you guys We'll see you next week. Goodbye

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