The Worst Idea Of All Time - 13: The Impossible

Episode Date: February 4, 2019

Guy is coming to us from Bangalore, India. Tim is outside a live music event featuring Usher in Auckland, New Zealand and facing some troubles from the guards. Unfortunately, this ep is another deep d...ive into the world of Charlotte’s bowel movements AND Guy’s on his trip in the subcontinent. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We just have a good rhythm together, you know, he sort of feels me out, I feel him out, and we go for it. Hello, and welcome to episode 13 of The Worst Idea of All Time, in which Tim and I delve back into the world of Carrie Bradshaw and her merry band of thieves, as we watch Sex and the City, the movie. This is Guy Montgomery broadcasting live from Bangalore, India. How about that? Bangalore, India. He's not even kidding, folks.
Starting point is 00:00:36 He's really there. What's happening, Guy? Paint me a picture. Well, the picture I've got for you right now is mostly one of a hotel room so we're looking at a lot of uh sort of faux wood covering of a pretty solid sort of desk i don't know what is a faux wood covering of maybe real cheaper wood right uh it's a beautiful sort of impressionist painting of um hay i think in front of me i gotta say tim though there's a lot of background noise coming from your end of the call where god's green earth are you well i could tell that this episode was always going to be fun but i think
Starting point is 00:01:19 this is going to be a little bit tricky because um i'm really detecting the fact that you are coming to me from the you know deepest darkest parts of the world because that that internet connection is dicey but it doesn't matter because the listeners won't hear that what they will hear is me on a sunday night um just outside the gates of a music festival called friday night jams which makes no fucking sense but it's happening um literally they've been sitting up all day just just outside my door you'll know guy that i live very close to a big music venue and i thought you know what if you can't beat him grab your microphone head on down
Starting point is 00:01:55 isn't usher playing at that gig yes dude little john usher salt and pepper genuine this league is off the fucking chain there's a lot of people roaming in. That's going to be a lot of fun. I can't imagine for me, as I hear it filtered through two internet connections and a set of headphones, but certainly for the young and old patrons who head on down for Friday night jams, of course, on a beautiful Sunday evening in Tamaki Makota. It's not even fun for me because I don't have a ticket.
Starting point is 00:02:29 It's just happening real close to my house. So I thought I'd come down to the outside of the gates. I guess that makes sense. It's not a freebie. Surely it won't have sold out. You can get one on the door if you want. I just got some bangers, dude. Hey?
Starting point is 00:02:43 Nah, you're not. I'm just sort of trying to encourage you with elements of the lineup. Yeah, I mean, look, Salt-N-Pepa, very tempting. Incredibly tempting, both as a seasoning and as a musical act. But it just isn't going to happen today. Name three songs by Salt-N-Pepa. Let's talk about sex. Can't remember.
Starting point is 00:03:09 There was a biggie. That was huge. Yeah. Was that them? Yeah. Yeah, it is. Yeah, absolutely. That was by far and away the biggest hit.
Starting point is 00:03:26 This actually takes me back to my radio days. I feel like I'm doing a cross. Can you tell me what order you think that people will be performing in? Say again, sorry? Well, like, you've got Salt-N-Pepa, you've got Usher, you've got Little John. Yeah. Who headlines that show and who opens you'd think Asher
Starting point is 00:03:46 Asher and Little John seem to be co-headlining which I think is like appropriate eh although Asher was he was a fucking superstar when we were in high school man
Starting point is 00:03:58 like the guy could not be beat I'm going to assume you are getting so much wind from my end for which I apologise I'm in a very exposed spot no no not at all i should discover justin bieber anyway look this is all just color this is all background noise it is it is this 13th screening of sex in the city yeah which i woke up to do
Starting point is 00:04:18 uh as always a dangerous move and not an enjoyable one i brought my laptop and the film into my marital bed uh which in this instance is just a hotel bed and uh we did not make fast friends are you there i've lost it completely now no no i can hear you i'd just like to say uh commendations to the wind surrounding you wind one of my favorite elements uh Not to be trifled with, a very powerful element. Capable of kicking up quite a lot of stink and quite a lot of noise. My apologies for that. I'll try and fashion a device. At any rate, look, this is all just fluff, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:04:58 We're here to talk about a fucking movie. And that movie is Sex and the City. Is this the first time, by by the way that we're speaking to you in india on this season of the podcast yeah it is uh it absolutely is and you know that's of course it's not without reason you spent half of season one in india um broadcasting broadcasting from bangalore actually weren't you Yeah, I've made the pilgrimage back to the home of podcasting. Bangalore is actually the Silicon Valley of India, a little-known fact for people outside of India, presumably.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And you really get that feel. There's a lot of people rolling around on electric scooters, wearing Google glasses. Genuinely a city of the future. And how is sex in the city? How does it hold up when you're in the glasses. Genuinely a city of the future. And how is Sex and the City, how does it hold up when you're in the subcontinent? This movie knows no borders. It knows no bounds, Tim.
Starting point is 00:05:58 It's a steaming hunk of shit wherever you take it. I did not enjoy it. Actually, that opening... You know, the sort of relentless music that underscores Carrie's opening monologue, that sort of re-rubbed edit of the Sex and the City theme song, really got under my skin today. Had no time for that. And pretty much all went downhill from there i eventually sort of found a few little moments to enjoy um but it was it was not a healthy morning
Starting point is 00:06:35 not a good morning i was uh much happier having diarrhea across three different cities in india than i was with my sound bowel and sex and the City in my hotel room this morning. Let me tell you that. Oh, sorry, say that again. Which one would you prefer? Do you want the squirts and no Sex and the City or Sex and the City and no squirts? I think now that the movie's over,
Starting point is 00:06:56 I'd probably take the Sex and the City experience as it only lasted two and a half hours as opposed to five days. Yeah, that's true. But while I was watching the movie, I craved to not be. You know, getting up and down and shitting pure liquid is one thing. How bad's the diarrhea?
Starting point is 00:07:12 Hey, guy, give me a blow-by-blow of your bowel movements over the last little while. I'm going to go straight for the highlight, Tim. The deepest empathy I felt during the movie today was reserved for no one nemesis of Guy Montgomery, Charlotte Goldenblatt, when she pookipsied her pants in Mexico. A situation not dissimilar to the one I found myself in
Starting point is 00:07:39 on the overnight train from Kolkata to Delhi. Oh, man. I've heard those trains can be not the best environment if you've got a bit of a rumbly-tumbly as well from friends of yours. That wasn't the real issue. I was on a top bank. I got up and down four or five times over the night to do my, at the time, very unique brand of poos.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And by the time the sun had come up i was um feeling pretty good about myself actually i'd made it through the night uh nearly a hair of shit in my underpants to be seen i went to the bathroom for a single purpose trip i thought it was just going to be a wee my first standing up we have the trip and of the last few days, sort of, I guess there was something about the body language and positioning which sort of programmed in me a self-confidence that I did not deserve to have, and I made the rookie mistake of trusting a fart, which resulted in pure liquid arriving in my underpants effective immediately. Sounds like a real roll of the dice.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Guy, you have to forgive the big pauses. Sometimes I don't know if you've cut out or if we've just paused for effect, but either which way you cut it, it sounds like a harrowing experience of you versus a porcelain disaster. No, well, the big pauses, Tim, are actually to account for the un-fucking-holy amount of noise you've chosen to surround yourself with as we record this episode of a podcast a medium which exists almost exclusively in audio while i understand the excitement and the sort of you
Starting point is 00:09:18 know the logic underpinning the decision i've got to say as your co-anchor who's on a very dicey hotel internet connection with a pretty high quality pair of cans on either side of his ears it is a most regrettable decision you have made But I'm in it now, you know, I'm here, I've made the commitment, so that's
Starting point is 00:09:37 that's where we're at and we're just going to have to deal with the decisions It's kind of a metaphor both for the podcast as a whole and particularly this season i was thinking a lot a lot about today it's just like well we've done fucked up again um here we are you would have thought we had learned our lesson where you clearly haven't but um the bet is made and in it we lie well yeah i mean i i don't disagree but i do feel like the decision that you've made to stand next
Starting point is 00:10:05 to music concert is one that has a far greater impact on uh me guy montgomery than you tim bett we all know audio up front uh if you're in the room if you're in the stadium if you're standing outside the gates of the stadium watching teenagers file in, or perhaps in this instance Generation X file in as they try and reminisce of their high school days, that's going to be fine. But if you're receiving that audio through two or three sources, it's a disaster. It sounds like someone is trying to strangle a microphone. Does it? it's a disaster it sounds like someone is trying to strangle a microphone does it well yeah there's no accounting for um the technical barriers which uh not nothing on this ep but uh it's it's a bit of fun you know it's a bit of spice it's a bit of fun we've got so many watches this fucking movie to do guy that um i think it's very important
Starting point is 00:11:02 much like the the relationships that we see in sex in the city we're going to shake it up baby tim what was the uh low point of your viewing this week um there was one actually hey buddy yeah go for it take a piss um there was oh i've brought with me a bunch of post-it notes guy why why wouldn't you oh i've got it here it is um okay so i'm pretty sure it's shut uh wait who says this who says this who says this charlotte says to miranda you really can't forgive him talking about steve because steve cheated on you and her response to that is are you suggesting something yeah i fucking think she is i think she's suggesting miranda that you forgive her
Starting point is 00:11:50 the clue was in the sentence that she said yeah every time i say that and it gets my gut miranda uh came across as a pretty uncompromising uh and needlessly stubborn figure in this watch. And her and I are usually allies, but I don't know. It's not a secret exactly that both of our hearts go out to Steve. Not necessarily for his misdemeanors, but just generally.
Starting point is 00:12:19 We've got a lot of time, got a lot of respect for the guy. And this, you know's call it a sound bit of plotting or script writing or storytelling but watching miranda hound carry for that forgiveness and three days after her uh confession you know just the absolute um having the blinders on as she did about her situation with steve and the parallels contained therein really shat me i was like you're an intelligent woman you're a lawyer you're also emotionally intelligent you're a great mother you're a um yeah an inspiring figure to your
Starting point is 00:12:56 friends just take a step back do some fucking work on yourself and look at what's happening here yeah i actually wanted to ask you about Steve this week because actually it's been, you won't hear the gap, but there's been quite a while since Guy and I last recorded and subsequently watched the movie. But where do you come down on the whole Steve thing?
Starting point is 00:13:20 Like, do you, do you, what do you reckon? I know that you're very happy that they get back together, but if you were Miranda, if you were in her shoes, do you think you would have made the same decision? Well, I mean, we have, you've got to bear in mind, Tim, you and I have more information than Miranda. Miranda, maybe wisely, maybe not,
Starting point is 00:13:42 does not demand to know who Steve cheated on her with. Now, you and I are sitting here securing the knowledge that Steve fucked Smith Jarrett. And in a way that went beyond just a casual lover's tryst. But there was some sort of soul bond or connection that was made that suggests the relationship that both of those men should be in is one with each other. suggests the relationship that both of those men should be in is one with each other uh so given the information that miranda has i think i would have done things slightly differently i think i probably would have forgiven steve sooner yeah um she's very she does seem very against the idea i know that eventually she comes around but she seems very ardently against the idea of forgiving him. She's holding on for dear life.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Can I say, though, just because this is related, the bit where Steve comes, I think it's to pick Brady up for the New Year's Eve shenanigans, and he's in that black coat. Fuck, he looked good this week. I was like, oh, Steve, you've turned it on, mate. You look great. Did you take a second look at the therapy outfit
Starting point is 00:14:52 that you so callously made fun of previously? It was there. I saw it. Still not a fan, man. It's not my vibe at all. I was probably a little harsh on it okay and you remember guy i've been all across the map on the fashion on this movie i i mean it wasn't four maybe five episodes ago that i uh brought up in kind of a self-owned moment how good
Starting point is 00:15:18 runkel's pink tie was i've seen the light you you couldn't be more right it's atrocious but it spoke to me in the mind so um things will change it's really a metaphor for life isn't it you know you make a decision in the moment and you can all you can do is stand behind it for you know for the decision that it was at the time that doesn't mean that with hindsight you don't look back and realize you've made a mistake but you got to take your lumps um that leads me to a question actually guy i want to throw at you and it came to me i wrote it down it was the first thing i wrote down on my first post-it this watch because i really want to ask you hey guy montgomery what the what the fuck is this movie about uh it's about printing money it's about opening a mint uh ignoring you know u.s
Starting point is 00:16:08 government rules and regulations and printing a fuck ton of cash so the sjp and matthew broderick can put another wing on their house that's the main thing it's about in a financial sense in terms of storytelling, who cares? Well, yeah, but it's about watching the, it's about growing old together. It's about watching the people you love, the people we know intimately, the people who we've grown old with,
Starting point is 00:16:37 settle into the next phase of their life. No better summarized than in the final toast, where Carrie says to Samantha, 50 and fabulous and to us and the next 50 it's about transitioning from being young woman looking for love to uh you know to middle age essentially i guess call me um a creep or or whatever you want i'm just a fan of comedy at the end of the day I want to see Samantha Jones on the fuck at age 100 I want to see that Sex and the City movie
Starting point is 00:17:11 some fucking horny ass grandma in a home and it's just not slowing her down one iota yeah is there a is there a correlation or is there like a medical age at which studies have shown libidos go down
Starting point is 00:17:26 because I don't know I hear a lot of things about old people's homes STIs are rampant because A there's not a hell of a lot to do B because of the what's it called Viagra
Starting point is 00:17:41 that all the grandpas are popping and I actually don't know if there's a female equivalent of Viagra, which is, I don't know. Do you know? Is there? I think it might just be Viagra. I think beyond giving you a solid boner, it can just turn your sex drive up. Viagrit.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Viagrit, Viagra. It's the female equivalent. It's a swing and a miss or a time delay from the internet. I'm going to choose the latter and move forward. At any rate, I want to see the movie of a 100-year-old Samantha Jones, man. I'm laughing just thinking about it. Yeah, she'd certainly be a horny yet elderly stateswoman. She'd certainly be a horny yet elderly stateswoman.
Starting point is 00:18:30 You can imagine the wittier sides as she rules the retirement village with an iron fist and also an iron pussy. Can I tell you what really got me, Tim? Yeah. A little moment that really irked me amongst many was uh at the tail end of that very indulgent bridal couture photo shoot for vogue and another power house performance by um is her name candice burgeon you got it yeah yeah shit she really she she shows up week after week she's one of my faves no doubt
Starting point is 00:19:08 so they finish the photo shoot and then Carrie's at home and she says and then the impossible happened and it sort of bothered me and I haven't known exactly why week in week out but I think I've figured it out because what Carrie Bradshaw
Starting point is 00:19:24 is describing as the impossible happening is one of the brands that have paid to be featured in the movie have paid to be featured in the movie a little bit more. So she says, and then the impossible happened while she's holding up a dress with a big card in front of it that says Vivienne Westwood. Yeah, that's right. What she is describing as impossible is the miracle of advertising.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Even within the world of the film, it's not impossible that she would be given that dress. She wore it as an advertisement in a popular fashion magazine. It's totally within the realm of possibility. What do you think Carrie Bradshaw would do if she saw something truly impossible? If she was like, and then, or what would she say if she saw Rose, the baby, flying around the room?
Starting point is 00:20:19 Just like, hey, turns out Rose is an X-Man. Didn't see this coming. Wasn't aware she had mutant abilities and she's sure exhibiting them a lot earlier than uh than x-men generally do but she's a mutant and she can fly do you think her as a professional writer grasp of the english language is not capable to like kick up a notch would it still just be and then the impossible happened rose around the room i'm not here to cast doubt or shade at carrie's ability to write or her skills as a professional writer i think her emotional intelligence um and empathy levels
Starting point is 00:20:58 might mean that she could be in a room with rose who's flying around and completely oblivious because she's spiraling out that Big has brought home a brand new set of, you know, quite expensive kitchen knives for his latest venture. Yeah. Oh, some Ginsus. Then the impossible happened. John brought home some Ginsus.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah. I mean, she could be in a room while, you know, kidnappers have broken in and taken Rose from the room and Carrie would be looking a room while, you know, kidnappers have broken in and taken Rose from the room and Carrie would be looking in the mirror, you know, working on her in a monologue and she'd be completely oblivious. Then Charlotte would come in and Carrie would be like, why does this have to be about you right now, Charlotte?
Starting point is 00:21:39 John's bought more knives home. We've run out of drawer space. What sort of device are you recording? space yeah I'm recording a podcast for my podcast I'm like a kilometer away yeah I'm not in the show though i'm out here well like i said yeah i can't have any recording devices in here but this was the park i'm not even inside the gates yeah i realize that they have a patent and a copyright, so... You can... I just live literally just up in that street there. So if someone needs to come and remove me, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:22:32 But I'm just doing a podcast here. So I literally can't really pick up anything from this distance anyway. It's a handheld mic. Okay. Okay. Where were we? What seems to be the problem, officer? Oh, the high fidelity recording I'd clearly be able to get
Starting point is 00:22:55 from conservatively 750 metres away with a handheld microphone from the stage. Yeah. It's an issue because of patents. Is she afraid that you are going to record this show from distance and re-release it live or recently enough to undercut the people who have paid tickets to see the concert live? Is that what I picked up?
Starting point is 00:23:23 I guess that's the working theory that we're going on at the moment and we'll we'll see how that shakes out but yeah i think that is uh the rationale hey people are bored man because like the show's kicked off so there's there's like a hundred people here in high viz and uh lanyards who just don't have a lot to do at this point so i'm here i'm something fun to do you know yeah you should have said you were recording your podcast which was a live review of the gig really seen what happened there i just wanted to lie though was there if it was a live review of the gig my review from bangalore of a concert happening live in western springs right now would be it's no good to be honest it's causing me uh headaches it's scrambling my brains is it actually quite bad because i've got no perception of like how much of it you can hear
Starting point is 00:24:17 through the telephone look tim you're someone who more than anyone else I know respects high quality audio. I love it. I love the stuff. And dislikes sort of any sort of superfluous or unnecessary interference running through audio connections. I get the feeling if you were listening to the abomination that I've been listening to you would not be in such shiver spirits but look what would I know this is for me man this is for my own sanity because I was just
Starting point is 00:24:53 I was in the studio and the bass was just shaking the house like the windows were rat like I was like you know what those kids are having fun if you can't beat them join them flout patent law. Grab a mic and get down there amongst the riffraff. Is there anywhere from which you have a free view of the stage?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Oh, if I went back up to my house, it's not bad. You can get a bit of an overview because it's up top. But I'm on the same level, so I can't see anything from here. Yeah. I mean, I can see the entrance. it's about a lot of people coming in um hey so while while we're talking about audio fidelity and and and whatnot um i know we've already talked about charlotte shitting her pants once but i do have a a note here um what i've written down is not diarrhea solid loaf loaf. Because when you hear the defecate,
Starting point is 00:25:48 I don't even know if that's a noun, when you hear it happening from Charlotte, it is like the sound designer, sound artist, has really had some fun with that. It's not the kind of shit you would expect with an upset tum where you have very runny poos you can hear that when someone has that issue you can hear it but what what they've selected instead is a bunch of sound effects like she's eaten a mcrib or six and she's just trying to get those things out and it's like
Starting point is 00:26:22 just a dense solid loaf that she's formed in her pants i love the use of the describing words dense solid loaf uh i think that that is appropriately disgusting there's a tim and eric sketch about a device that sigco make which is like an anti-diarrhea pants but it'll only work for diarrhea no solid lives and they they do remind you of that so i think that's where i'm borrowing the language from but it's a great word to describe what i'm trying to convey a good solid life you can hear it guy in the audio look as uh brothers in pants i'd like to say i think yeah i think that charlotte's situation is not necessarily like is it possible to have diarrhea with a truly solid stool there's got to be some element of uh evasiveness of
Starting point is 00:27:13 lubrication of uh slipperiness if you will yeah yeah definitely i don't think you can pass the healthiest of shits you know involuntarily, so there's some sort of element of loosening of the sides, perhaps. But if I could, yeah, if I would grade it on a scale of 0 to 100, 0 being the hot, wet mess I made on the overnight train from Kolkata to Delhi, and 100 being a healthy stool that comes out in a soft S shape, as I once saw from a poo expert on the Oprah show, I would grade Charlotte's shit somewhere in the early 20s.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Wow. That's a real... On the solid side of runs. Gotcha. Yeah, and you can tell, right? That's not just me. You can hear that. Look, I mean, I've always been taken by the stomach sounds that precede the shit,
Starting point is 00:28:13 the sort of grumblings and rumblings. I didn't really give the actual shit sound effects enough mind this week to be able to weigh in with any confidence, but I've no reason to distrust you Tim there is almost forever another week to go or another watch to see you know
Starting point is 00:28:33 you'll catch it on the next go that's true it's the inherent genius of that format can I talk to you about shining lights Tim? yeah, light on me. Could be a shining light, could be editing inconsistency
Starting point is 00:28:52 or a goof. Either way, I loved it. The pace at which Carrie takes the word love, you know, the key, she gets, when St. Louise is leaving to go back to get married
Starting point is 00:29:04 in St. Louis to her, you know, sweetheart. Yeah. And she gives the keys back to Carrie. And Carrie, in less than like two seconds, manages to remove the key ring that says love to offer it back to St. Louise. Before she says, no, no, I've found mine. You need that. Yeah. Remarkable.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I don't know what her nails are doing. I don't know what the situation is. But I've been in circumstances recently where I have spent over 10 minutes trying to get a key ring or a key off of a key ring. And to see someone with such dexterity and efficiency take care of a problem, or it's not a problem, but, you know, just do it so quickly. problem or not it's not a problem but you know just yeah just do it so quickly god nothing but respect for my president president carrie bradshaw we used to call that a camera trick back in the day because i'll bet that took so many takes in some sort of weird setup to make it that fluid
Starting point is 00:29:59 i tell you as a man who uh bites his habitually, got nothing but respect for a clean ring, a clean key gotten off a ring. It's so impressive to me because it's so unattainable. And, well, then, I mean, something for you to look forward to next week. You'll get to enjoy the moment as I did today. How good will that be? Are you done? Can I give you mine?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah, yeah, I'm done. It's Smith giving Samantha the gift for the five-year anniversary, which is the ring that she bid on, unbeknownst to her against him by the tally. What do you call those people bitter tally bitter at the auction and uh so like he clearly knows he says we met five years ago today happy anniversary we met five years ago today and samantha clearly did not know this information she is surprised she recovers pretty well but what's my shining light about it is that nothing
Starting point is 00:31:02 comes of that and And thank God. Because we don't need another fucking thread like that in this movie. It would just be another simple solution, a silly little thing. So as cynical as it may be, my shining light is a thread they didn't pick up. They kind of could have. They opened the door. They shut the door immediately. Yeah, it's an interesting way to look at the movie
Starting point is 00:31:28 is living in fear of every possible storyline or element that they open up with every line of dialogue. And it's actually quite a fun little game you've stumbled into there, Tim, and one I look forward to playing on the next screening. No, tell me now. I'm going to put you on the spot. Tell me what's a storyline
Starting point is 00:31:45 you're grateful for that does not come up in Sex and the City 1, the film. Pretty much anything Carrie Bradshaw says which would mean that she gets more screen time and the same for Charlotte.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I know that Samantha is sort of here as light relief but while you say you're glad that they didn't pick up that thread would you not happily substitute carrie's umming and ahhing about her life and some of her jilting to see some i guess they do a pretty good job of sharing out samantha's story but and as far as sam make the storylines go you know this is one of her least interesting ones and that is just her discovering that she's not ready to be in a long-term relationship uh it wouldn't kill us to see more of that it's interesting because with a project like this usually you know you see opportunities for the story to change or diverge from its beaten
Starting point is 00:32:46 path and you crave them but this week because of how long the movie is and where your head was at i guess you saw that opportunity and you were grateful they didn't take it yeah it was just so hot in their guy in the studio doors closed glass rattling at the base produced by these wonderful artists. It's summer upon Auckland. Yeah, it is. Streaming in. Can't get enough of the stuff. It's a beautiful time of the year.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I'm very jealous of you. I mean, not that it's not warm here in Bangalore. Rest assured, it's been a sweltering little holiday I've been on. Can only imagine. Adjoined across India. You don't get diarrhea in the cold country. Yeah, go on. Can I ask you a question as we sort of work towards the end of this episode, Tim?
Starting point is 00:33:35 The grand gesture that Big performs that sort of, at least, is the initial softening of Carrie or persuades her to take him back, is he writes up old love letters from a book she found and borrowed from a library he types up old love letters and emails them to her every day yeah how persuasive is some fucking boomer that's like one of the least
Starting point is 00:33:58 inspiring things I can think of like he's done nothing this is how this is how low the bar is in big and carrie's relationship that she is so taken aback by that i mean it's not nothing guy he's he's because he's not a man his love language is not a language it's not expression he never tells her sweet nothings he's a baller he's just sitting in the office every day trying to figure out what all them symbols and colours mean. You know, where to put the next $100 million mutual fund he's in charge of.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Where to put those chips on the board. He doesn't understand love and human interaction. But Kerry's okay with that. They make it work. So this is a big thing for him. But for normal mortals who have, you know, less than eight digits in their bank account and the gift of literacy,
Starting point is 00:34:52 it doesn't seem like a lot to just copy and paste other people's work. That's like an hour in one afternoon and just schedule your inbox to send them out. And then you can just go out, you know, for however many months it takes for that to persuade Carrie to take you back, go out, get on the lash, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Just absolutely hooning on anyone who comes past. Is that what you do, Guy? When you need to make a grand romantic gesture, you look for the shortcut so you can head to the pub. One for her, fucking three for me. Look, I haven't been in a situation where I've had to make or have made any seriously grand romantic gestures
Starting point is 00:35:31 in my life. But I just think, you know, Carrie Bradshaw obsessed with love, a love author, you know. Yeah, you're right. It is uniquely her, isn't it? There's an element of her settling here element of her settling here it's like it's just too is at this point too hard for her to start a relationship all over again yeah the
Starting point is 00:35:53 amount of leg work that you have to get through to get to know the person to the point that you're convinced of the one you like i mean as you get older i think you do start not cutting corners but you've got a more refined idea of who you want to be with so maybe the process doesn't take as long but to me it's just like ah yeah he did the bare minimum i'll take him back um can i introduce a new segment i've just thought of to our podcast for this season and it's just little it's just we it's called pop quiz and it is simply you and i asking each other a question just to make sure we are absorbing the movie you know that we're capturing the info i get the feeling i'm about to be asked a question how old is carrie bradshaw
Starting point is 00:36:37 during the events of sex in the city one colon the movie? I would say 42. Oh, you're very close. She's 41. How do you know? Because she says, Runkle opens the door and says, what, no costume? She says, look closer.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I'm dressed as the scariest thing in New York City. 41 and jilted. Actually, I should have known that, because her whole feature in the Bridal Couture Vogue is about her turning 40. Yes. There's a nice little tidbit that you took away, though. So she's obviously, the movie follows the same linear path of time as real life,
Starting point is 00:37:19 and she ages year by year. Inspiring stuff. Not like these parabolic aging curves we've heard so much about on other films, particularly romantic comedies. I love an algorithm. While I've been quite negative and I have found this to be quite a challenging record,
Starting point is 00:37:35 I just want to say that after Carrie's toast, as the camera pulls out from the restaurant or bar in which they're sipping Cosmopolitans and talking about how great their lives are. And we arrive on a New York City street as we see four young women lining up to enter a club. And then we pan across as we continue to pull out and see yet four more young women walking down the street together having a good night out. I felt something akin to inspiration. Not necessarily to see the movie again, not by what we're doing,
Starting point is 00:38:09 but just like I felt the emotion that I feel like the filmmakers were trying to conjure. And that in and of itself, both by the filmmakers and myself, esteemed critic Guy Montgomery, was no minor feat. And while I dread diving back into this film it is a glimmer of hope that there is still something in the beautiful love language that is cinema that stirs my loins through this project
Starting point is 00:38:39 That's really sweet and I like that it's the last thing that's in the movie for you as well so it's kind of the enduring image someone that you can take away with you absolutely beautiful button on it guy i'm going to get out of here before i get arrested or tossed out or whatnot go back to my home can i just say as well before we do fully wrap this up i'm so fucking confused by the clientele of this gig we have got tens of thousands of people descending onto this venue at an average age of i would say 20 these artists i mean they
Starting point is 00:39:13 were some of them long in the tooth when we were kids guy salt and peppers from the fucking 90s man usher is timeless true uh honestly to hear a group of 20 year olds piling in there is a surprise to me I've got the line up up here it's not a bad bit
Starting point is 00:39:32 of programming not for us you got Usher and Little John Salt and Pepper Eve Tayo Cruz I think that's a
Starting point is 00:39:40 young play Naughty by Nature Ginuwine Estelle, Shafu and the Crates, Kings, and it's all hosted by Fat Man Scoop. Yeah, man. I think I heard him warming up the crowd earlier.
Starting point is 00:39:55 It was fucking high energy. I'll tell you that for free. I love it. Well, to you I say, good luck and God bless. Thank you very much. Guy, it's so good to speak to you. Have fun with the rest of your Indian trip. It's not long to go, eh?
Starting point is 00:40:12 You don't have a ton more time there? No, there's about eight or nine days left. Oh, it's a little. Yeah, yeah. No, I've been here for a while. Truly, it is a different country experienced when healthy and when sick. And I'm so proud and pleased to say I've staged a full recovery. Later today, I'm flying to Goa for a four-day break.
Starting point is 00:40:34 It's sort of a beach region, so I'm looking forward to that. Fantastic. Well, thank you again to our sponsor, Solid Loafs. Keep them solid, everybody. Catch you in the next one, guys. See ya. We just have a good rhythm together, you know. He sort of feels me out, I feel him out.
Starting point is 00:40:52 And we go for it.

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