The Worst Idea Of All Time - 40: The Musical

Episode Date: May 9, 2019

Guy is in his girlfriend's childhood bedroom in the nation's capital, recovering from hosting a comedy show for new comics that did not go well. Tim's in the sunken place with the film but it's not en...tirely bad. However the meat of this episode, is Timbo and Guyguy plotting Sex and The City: The Musical. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we just have a good rhythm together you know he sort of feels me out i feel him out and uh we go for it hello and welcome to uh big big honkin episode 40 a huge a huge number huge achievement i uh i should be in bed right now i don't want to be here hey do you know i've set up a little um portable audio recording studio in the bed i'm staying in i'm in uh our nation's capital wellington new zealand i'm staying at my girlfriend's mom's house in my girlfriend's childhood room. I don't know. Is that weird?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Nah. Is it lovely? I don't know. It's impossible to tell. It's all good. It's lovely. It's sort of been semi-converted into a spare room, but there are still a few, you know, little trinkets and pieces of memorabilia strewn throughout the place. Have you learned any horrifying secrets about your girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Not. Do you want to? No. I mean, if the secrets are described as horrifying, oh, that's a good question. Because otherwise they'll just remain unknown. No. I've got two words for you third nipple oh that's okay where you would expect uh even so it's a new brain guy oh no is she sick yeah dude yeah absolutely that's not where nipples need to be that's where
Starting point is 00:01:47 brains are supposed to be so this is uh it's bad and um i feel like i was pretty pretty callous in the way that i told you but i also feel like you just needed to know how do you have that information um you know you hear things did you find out from your partner no did you find out from your partner who's a doctor no no no is your partner breach patient doctor confidentiality absolutely not i i just you have you just dropped yourself in the soup here tim i like what you this jujitsu and this bit that you're performing it's a good throw Zoe is so staunchly for the rules that she wouldn't even see your girlfriend she'd be like get out of my fucking
Starting point is 00:02:30 office with your weird freaky internal third nipple so you admit she did see Zoe no I'm saying she wouldn't because that's what would happen if she'd I watched the movie last night
Starting point is 00:02:45 all in one bite uh till when do we knock off sort of 2 a.m um right now it is a crispy eight minutes after eight we're in the same time zone which is fun had a little hedgehog come and visit us because we leave the door open so rufus can um go pee outside, who is a dog. Didn't think about it enough because, obviously, hedgehogs love dog food. So I came in and they greeted me last night, so I was getting ready to have some sleep. And I feel tired, man.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I feel pretty sleepy. Yeah, I'll bet. When you say us, is that you and Zoe or you and Rufus or you, Zoe, and Rufus? Sorry, what do you mean us and what with the door you're saying we and us there's a collective yeah I don't know what I was talking about though
Starting point is 00:03:33 if it was the door then I guess it's one of those tricky things it's not we all open the door rather that no one shut the door you know it's freaky it's more like we wrapped up at 2 a.m. Oh, sorry. We is the royal we.
Starting point is 00:03:48 That's just Timbo solo. Oh, nice. Well, I got to Wellington yesterday, and last night I hosted a show called Raw Meat Monday. Oh, man. Was it awesome? It's raw comedians doing six minutes of material uh purportedly with a professional host and i'm gonna tell you tim i don't know if it was me or the audience but i could not have stunk up the place anymore. Wowee. It was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Isn't that so good? This is what I love about stand-up comedy, is that you just, like, I watched you. I watched you on stage perform to, I think it was about, was it like 2,000 people? Yeah. A sold-out festival gala show that was televised and you absolutely fucking kicked it out of the park and then let's put you on a plane and put you on a room to just look after the
Starting point is 00:04:54 fucking newbie comedy night and the audience is like fuck you bro we hate it we absolutely hate it absolutely they were so deathly silent. I was meant to do eight to ten minutes at the start. I did 15 minutes when I was just trying to elicit anything out of them because it wasn't even, you know, like a visceral, tangible sort of disdain for me. It was just this like neutrally agreed upon indifference. Like 45 people who I asked them i said are you here to watch comedians or are you here to experience various different iterations of white noise
Starting point is 00:05:31 in six minute increments because i do not know what you want out of me and then all the comedians would come out and just perform to abject silence fucking hell it was one of the most relaxed energies i've felt backstage because i had immediately reduced the gig to something of no consequence there was no way to gauge how you were performing everyone sort of started relaxing into the second half and the start of the second half i was talking to some people in the front row i said how was your break i said it was okay i said did in the front row. I said, how was your break? They said, it was okay. I said, did you have any conversations? And they said, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And I said, did people respond to the things you were saying? And they said, yeah. And I said, that must be nice. What did you talk about? And they said, mostly the show. And I said, oh, yeah. Well, I'm almost afraid to ask, but what do you think? And one of them said, I'm writing a review.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Oh, guy. I'm writing a review on the Raw comedy show on a Monday night. It's not a heat. It's not a final or anything. It's just a random show in the middle of a proper comedy festival. I probably laughed harder than anyone in the entire room when I found that out. Okay, I'm going to make some enemies here, dude, but I need you to see if you're on my side or not.
Starting point is 00:07:04 This is a fucking Wellington thing. This is like, there's something a little bit Wellington about the story you just told. That every second bearded individual has a fucking blog where they concurrently review micro breweries and craft beers from Australia and comedy nights where reviewers are really not encouraged to be it because people are trying stand up for the first time in their damn lives yeah i i mean i don't want to agree with you because i've always quite enjoyed coming to
Starting point is 00:07:37 wellington i think wellington has been kind to me but yeah i'm fucking surly just because i'm tired but i don't know i don't think you get that kind of behavior in auckland no i think there's some truth to that like i've not experienced that sort of it was it was mind-boggling and like you know i i didn't do my best job but i did a job that was i did i did my job yeah you turned out to work i did yeah i turned up and i tried and i was just unbelievable anyway so after that experience when the show finally wrapped up I handed the running order to the reviewer so that the review
Starting point is 00:08:13 will be if nothing else an accurate account of people who were on the bill and I toddled I toddled home I climbed into bed and I watched Sex and the City for the 40th time. Fuck me.
Starting point is 00:08:31 And it wasn't good. I spoke with Chelsea this morning. It was the aforementioned girlfriend. And she said to me, how do you feel when you watch Sex and the City? And I hadn't really thought about that question before, but the answer is like an idiot. Like a prize fucking idiot. You feel small? You feel stupid?
Starting point is 00:08:57 I don't feel small. I do feel stupid. How do you feel um do you know there is undeniably for me a small element of comfort there is just a small bit of that familiarity it's uh it's not wholly bad you know there is some other um component to it you're in the sunken place i'm in the sunken place i'm drawing on those memories of when you're a child and you you get the same movie out from blockbuster rip um week after week and you just keep watching it it it's sort of, there's a bit of that going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Because in this crazy mixed up world, man, there's something to be said for just the regularity and total predictability of watching a movie 40 times in 20 weeks. You've been here before. This is, you've articulated this before as treating it almost like church yes this this uh the feeling i had for number 40 was less spiritual and more a sense of it's a sense of safety is what it is putting my finger right on it just because there's there's not going to be any surprises i know exactly what's coming down the pipe every second and i you know i'm singing the songs along with them i'm sort of getting pretty good at quoting um you know say about
Starting point is 00:10:38 50 or slightly more of the movie now and when i'm by myself i like to try and do the karaoke along with the film hey that's great man that's not for nothing it's important work you're doing if we are going to talk about music um so oh are we i like that that's a good way to have a conversation don't ask someone about something but give give them an imperative on what the next topic is yeah guys um really really great to see you. Can you take a seat there? I'm going to make you a coffee,
Starting point is 00:11:08 and you and I are going to talk about the music in Sex and the City. No, no. I'll be like, yeah, cool, man. No, that's not what happened. If I came in to your house and I said, I was reflecting on an experience, and I said, yeah, I thought the music was okay, but ultimately the story didn't really do what I wanted it to.
Starting point is 00:11:29 You could then say, okay, but let's talk about the, you could pick it out. It was offered on the tasting platter of conversation. It's different from me pinning you on a seat and saying, let's talk about music. Yeah, I didn't mean to be a negative thing either. I think also because I'm so tired, like it'd just be lovely for someone to just take the wheel.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Jesus, take the wheel. Have you had any fruit or caffeine this morning? I've got a coffee that I'm sipping on at the moment while I talk to you. There's no time. I stayed in bed till the absolute last moment and actually a little bit beyond because I would have nailed the timing. I was slightly late because my dog got in the way. Understood.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Are you there? Oh, that's good. Yeah, I'm here by the skin of my teeth though. You sound like you're being attacked by a robot sometimes when you talk. Oh, sorry. It's the internet. i don't know what to do about that so talk to me about the music my man what's what's going on uh when when carrie watches meet me in saint louis the generous and i think like you know that there's a disparity in a representation even though she is gift she's giving two gifts to herself,
Starting point is 00:12:49 one to her better self and one to her true self, when she exchanges gifts with St. Louis. Maybe St. Louis is a thoughtful gift, you know? Yeah. Self-care via presenting your imaginary friend. Exactly. But it's, you know, she's spoken about a cultural touchstone and carrie i guess is in some way expressed it might have been faux but you know some sort of uh regret or you know she's just i actually haven't seen that and you know presumably yeah louise said oh well you really should it's great guy i i hate to interrupt you and i do it far too often, but can you just recap for people who may have forgotten
Starting point is 00:13:27 just what's going on with a bit more specificity? So just recap us on St. Louis for those tuning in who may have forgotten. You mean their relationship or just who she is? Who she is. Let's just bring everyone back up to speed. Okay. Well, Carrie, when she gets back from mexico she has a full-on mental breakdown and hires a personal assistant but she doesn't actually hire
Starting point is 00:13:51 another person she hires uh an alternative personality she creates within herself who is portrayed in the movie by jennifer hudson and uh jennifer hudson sort of writes the ship she does quite a lot of emotional heavy lifting on behalf of carrie and by the sort of rights the ship. She does quite a lot of emotional heavy lifting on behalf of Carrie and by the end of the movie, you know, the two facets of her personality are realigned and she becomes one singular Carrie again. But she is represented by the actor Jennifer Hudson
Starting point is 00:14:18 for a solid 45 minutes and is treated as an entirely unique character from Carrie Bradshaw, even though they are one singularity. Anyway, so yeah, really thoughtful gift. And Carrie just goes and buys her the first and ugliest Louis Vuitton bag she sees because money does not exist to her and she is insane. Oh, I had it around the other way i thought you meant the um dvd of meet
Starting point is 00:14:48 me in saint louis was the not thoughtful gift he's saying that is the thoughtful one yeah i think that is thoughtful but louise has been like pining after these hideous handbags and spending money renting them such as her want to just you know to to grapple with one of these alligators of the shoulder i just i just carry finally fulfilling her wish i get the feeling that louise uh thought about this gift for two weeks before she bought it for carrie but because of carrie's financially advantageous position she didn't have to think about it at all she literally like on the way back to the house one day, stopped into a Louis Vuitton store and bought it with just loose cash,
Starting point is 00:15:32 just the first bag. I said, are you sure you want that one? Cash, cushion, money. Yeah, whoever worked at Louis Vuitton said, are you sure you want that one? It's really fucking ugly. And she goes, you know, I don't give a shit. She said it like that.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I don't care. The dark side of it like that. I don't care. The dark side of Carrie that's not really represented on screen. Anyway, all of this is a roundabout way of getting to the actual when Carrie sits down with a cup of noodles on New Year's, even watches Meet Me in St. Louis and disrespects the movie entirely. Something I can't identify with. I respect all movies I watch. I was just listening to these big orchestral swells
Starting point is 00:16:04 and I was kind of a bit exhausted and in quite a spacey mindset but i was like it isn't there's so much to be impressed by with music this movie is presumably from like the 50s maybe around that era maybe earlier even because it's just it's in black and white isn't it think of how many instruments they figured it yeah i mean but the the number of instruments that they figured out how to use not even in that century but from earlier and just that it's represented by little little blotches on a on a sheet you know and then when everyone gets together this incredible thing happens and i was listening to this music and this song, and I was like, even if you don't like the story, like, stick around for the music, Carrie.
Starting point is 00:16:52 But she doesn't care. She just turns it off. That's so great, man. I'm like, I'm so happy for the fact that you can still, like, tap into this sort of stuff in a positive way that's a really it's like a superpower almost to get to watch 40 and still appreciate something in the film even if the thing you're appreciating is actually a different film which is within this film very briefly but that's still like you know there's there's um you're holding on to your positivity, and that is a very commendable thing.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah, if they're going to leave these little crumbs, these little tasty morsels, I'm going to gobble them up. Good on you. They're there for you. Music is a wonderful thing, Guy. It's quite magical, really, isn't it, the effect that it has on people i know that music's uh this is almost a redundant thing because i think for like 95 of the population uh music is very important for them and so to say music is very important to me in my daily life seems stupid but there is one in 20 people out there for whom music is not important and And those people fucking terrify me, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:18:06 I've met them. I know that they exist in the world. And it's scary. Because you probably have spent enough time with me, guy. This slightly infuriates my wife, I think. I think. But at least she knows this about me. I will have to chuck some music or the radio on at all times. Like if I'm in the living room, if I'm in the kitchen,
Starting point is 00:18:28 I can't go more than a few minutes without there being some banging tunes on. I need to be just awash with music at all times. I am somewhat similar. I put on music to help me wake up. It's a mood enhancer. You can help control your mental state if you apply music correctly. We're on the same page here.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Absolutely. Hey, here's a question. Sex and the City, has that ever been adapted for Broadway? Not that I know of. Wouldn't that be screaming out for a musical yeah absolutely on the one hand i think i mean no there's no need you know why not create an original production but broadway is as interested in rebooting popular materials as it is in creating original stuff so it's all right i'm to make a proposal to you.
Starting point is 00:19:26 You have to leave in like about 15 minutes or so. Should we try and create this musical with the time we have left? Let's try and map this out. Okay, so it's going to be an original story? Yes. We're not going to have... I reckon sort of a bit of an amalgamation, like it's going to be a broad sweeping arc using the characters,
Starting point is 00:19:51 so there's little moments from the TV show, you know, little references. But not entire, I feel like not entire storylines, but knowing nods, lines and outfits, moments, iconic moments where the performers can sort of break the fourth wall and just very gently wink at the audience in a way that if you weren't looking at that
Starting point is 00:20:09 actor when they were doing that wink you wouldn't know it happened but those who are looking think they see us they hear us yeah yeah i mean in musicals you talk to the the audience a bit through song so i think um this is cool first things first we're recasting aren't we we're not going to get the original four actors to play these roles oh boy this would be fun yeah absolutely you're right uh okay so playing carrie bradshaw matthew broderick oh my god okay this is immediately taking a very different direction From what I imagined No no no I can't stand by it I'm sorry Tim casting choices are final
Starting point is 00:20:52 Matthew Broderick's playing Carrie That's not to say we can't win it back with the casting Of the other three characters Alright well guess what Samantha Jones will be portrayed By someone who is actually in the film Sex and the City the movie Lin-Manuel Miranda. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:21:08 You know, I kind of noticed that you're casting... I'm blind casting, Guy. The term is blind casting. Oh, I see. You don't see gender. Exactly. And the role... You feel free to... Can I cast someone?
Starting point is 00:21:26 Please. Is that okay if I have a turn? I would like to cast Zendaya as Charlotte. Oh, wait. Who is she? Zendaya. She's a young actor and musician or singer, sorry. I first became aware of her in the wake of a Twitter video
Starting point is 00:21:53 where she was cast in some sort of animated film and she was playing a character called Michi. Yes, this is who I thought it was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's my sole reference point for her. So I know she can sing and dance, but saw her um her acting chops were on full display in spider-man homecoming she plays mj in that spider-man reboot oh her yeah fantastic there's going to be a huge discrepancy in the age of some of these characters you know you look at matthew broderick lynn manuel miranda and zendaya rolling around as a three and you think jesus christ it's called blind casting folks we see one thing and that thing
Starting point is 00:22:31 is talent and we don't see anything else we don't see gender we don't see age and so this would leave the role of miranda to be played by none other than aspiring politician Cynthia Nixon. Oh, okay. Nice. Do we know if she can... No. Oh, okay. Casting is final. That's good.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Do we know if she can sing? I read a Teen Vogue article about her when she was a teen, so when she was 17. And she was performing on Broadway then. I don't know if they were in, you know, dramas or musicals, but... Good enough for me. That'll do.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Yeah. I just think she would bring a... Like, for the diehards who are upset by the other casting decisions, she would bring a certain, you know, prestige element to the production. Oh, you think Matthew Broderick isn't prestige? I don't the production oh you think matthew broderick isn't prestige i don't i am not on broadway i think he's very prestige but i think in a broadway production
Starting point is 00:23:32 of sex in the city him portraying k bradshaw might not be regarded as prestige it's so good because um sarah jessica parker auditioned for the role oh my god she just doesn't have the experience she doesn't have the experience so here's the story um we open up it's it's morning and it's spring in new york city uh we're in carrie bradshaw's apartment carrie bradshaw is very um young so we've got matthew broderick in a wig and how young um 24 okay and can i is it too early to ask how many years is this musical going to span like two decades and a and a classic three-act structure what will happen is the first act will be um sort of you know the origin story of the gals within their context hey of like their friendship it'll be there coming together that's exciting and of being at New York City. I can't wait to see that.
Starting point is 00:24:48 We're going to be using, from memory, we're going to be using the Carrie Bradshaw Diaries canon of pre-Sex and the City Carrie backstory, which means I think she's from, fuck, we went through this recently, she's from another part of America. I don't think she's from New York City, and she travels to New York City to fulfill her dreams of being like a fashion journalist. She's looking for labels and love. She's looking for labels.
Starting point is 00:25:15 She's looking for love. That's her first musical number. Yes. She's looking for labels. She's looking for love. Also, I'd just quickly like to say due to some budgeting mistakes and constraints we cannot afford a set and so to replace that we've blown out the back wall of the prestigious gramercy theater and sort of like on those morning breakfast shows you see
Starting point is 00:25:36 we look directly into time square new york city is the fifth character in this broadway production and that you can literally see the street behind them. Also, you can hear the street noise. People can wander in off the street onto the stage. It is as New York as you're going to get. NYC has its bare ass showing in this production, and it's a beautiful thing. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:26:04 So our introductory number is carrie bradshaw in her tiny little shoebox apartment um looking for labels looking for love struggling with money struggling with cum fuck i don't know i didn't really stick the landing on that i think we'll just stick with looking for labels looking looking for love. Maybe in the liner notes you can put in the epilogue for the song title. Sure. That sounds good. What is Samantha's journey? She's working at Hebe Jebe's at this point?
Starting point is 00:26:35 That's right. Would that be too late for that? Absolutely not. She's at Hebe Jebe's. Okay. So this is so fun. This will be so fun. So we've got Carrie Bradshaw's number to open and then Samantha's song.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And she is in the bar. Can I make a suggestion? Please. So at the end of Looking for Labels, Looking for Love, Carrie Bradshaw stumbles into Hebe Jebe's. And she's downcast. She's downtrodden. She's not found any labels or love and she sits at the bar and she looks up and she says bartender one manhattan please and who should be standing on the other side of the bar but tony award-winning performer lin-manuel miranda
Starting point is 00:27:20 finally back on the broadway stage to play the role he was born to play, Samantha Jones. Yes, absolutely. So then Samantha has a big number about living a carefree life. What's it called? um what's it called you really you put me on the hop here looking for labels looking for love it's carrie bradshaw and then um fucking around is samantha jones big song it's called fucking around and it's a it's it's a double entendre you see Guy because it's both referencing
Starting point is 00:28:08 the carefree way in which Samantha goes about her life but also the fact that she is sleeping with a lot of people I like that, I like that it's raunchy, I like that it's bolshie, I like that it lets the audience know that what they're watching is not some you know
Starting point is 00:28:22 PG diluted, watered down version of the beloved Sex and the City franchise, but this is a show for adults. This is a show that's going to be touching on the same themes in an exciting new way with a pretty exciting new cast. I mean, to see Lin-Manuel Miranda cheering up Matthew Broderick, both in heavy drag. This is just good fun. This is good Broadway fun.
Starting point is 00:28:50 This is what Broadway was built for, baby. So do we think that all the characters should meet in this bar? It's a bit neat for me. I've got it. So fucking around. The big song and dance number finishes. By the end of this, Carrie and Samantha have formed a union that one would imagine would only last for the night.
Starting point is 00:29:09 You know, one of those drunken friend trips that you strike up and are over as quickly as they began. A friend trip. I love it. They stumble out of the bar into the New York City morning. They are on the Upper East Side, we'll say. Well, no, they're sort of midtown, actually. And they stumble out of the bar, the harsh morning light.
Starting point is 00:29:30 You know, they're bleary-eyed, and they accidentally stumble into a very important and busy businesswoman walking down the street, carrying a manila folder full of information. Who should it be but the one and only cynthia nixon reprising her popular role as miranda brilliant so you know what we're what we're creating here is a streamlined circumstance in which we're going to actually see the friendships taking place uh you know almost immediately we're still in the first act here. Yeah, yeah. But this is getting the scaffolding up for the rest of the show.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And Miranda's song is called Gotta Get Going, Gotta Get Moving. And so she becomes cross at them. She says, you know, life is serious. How could you take your life for granted like this? And then they're sort of counterbalanced. Samantha comes hard at her on the other side and says, how can you take your life for granted like this and then yeah they're sort of counter balance samantha comes hard at her on the other side and says how can you take life so seriously life's a romp life's a laugh and carrie sort of as we will soon find out you know her role maintains throughout the series and the and the broadway production she's this middle ground where
Starting point is 00:30:39 she's torn between two worlds two lives one in which she wants to pursue her journalism career with the same sort of ambition that made her move to new york city in the first place and the other which wants to have this devil may care attitude because samantha looks like a lot of fun she looks like she's enjoying her life so it's like this miranda opens the song but it becomes this tit for tat between her and samantha and then carrie sort of breaks out while the other two freeze in the middle of the song, and we hear her in a monologue as she's struggling with who she wants to be
Starting point is 00:31:09 as she's finding her feet in New York City. Okay, let me grab the rain now. So that is our first introduction to Miranda, but it's somewhat fleeting, so it sets her up as a presence in this world, but they don't strike up the friendship just yet. It would be too easy so samantha goes home we follow carrie bradshaw back to bed she puts her head down in her bed for like one second and in absolute brilliant comic timing matthew broderick pops right back up at the sound of her phone ringing um and what do you know Carrie's late for a date with some
Starting point is 00:31:46 random guy where she was supposed to meet at the local art gallery. She quickly chucks on a dress puts her face on redoes her slash Matthew Broderick's hair and then we hop, skip and a jump
Starting point is 00:32:02 and suddenly we're in the art gallery How's the date? It's awful. This man is terrible. And who is portraying this person? It's Rainn Wilson, who people might remember from The Office, The American Office or Kick-Ass. I really hope I'm thinking of the right person. Anyway, he's deplorable and who kind of helps her out of this sticky situation but a very intrigued fellow art gallery goer by the name of charlotte york
Starting point is 00:32:33 i like this and so charlotte sees a woman in trouble and sort of intervenes and pretends that she's carrie's long lost friend and they haven't seen each other in ages and kind of pulls her away out of the date and it's very important for those of you playing along at home to remember that Charlotte York is not in fact being played by Kristen Davis but being portrayed by the 22 year old Zendaya so very wise beyond her years absolutely well she's playing up I mean she's actually of all of the pieces of casting so far this is probably Zendaya's moment to shine because I mean Charlotte York's 25 at this point in the story but 32 to 25 isn't a huge stretch I think
Starting point is 00:33:17 you know she's playing against a perhaps 60 year old Matthew Broderick though so that's um slightly tricky but you know that's her burden to bear. Yeah and not playing against you know the terrifying dynamic of you know he's 16 she's 22 and that they're alone in an art gallery but they're playing as friends as
Starting point is 00:33:37 women of the same age. A woman shepherding another woman. Yeah away from danger. Yeah. Well, hey, look, that's why it's called acting, folks. You know, you got to get some suspended disbelief. Her opening number, it's called Art Above Men.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And it's all about elevating art and the things you love over pursuing romance, which is obviously a position that eventually as the story wears on uh charlotte will sort of not necessarily grow out of but um you know like it doesn't take long for charlotte to also confess that she what she's looking for is true love true romance this sounds right to me in this particular song as a means of comforting car and sort of, you know, almost she's persuading herself as much as she's persuading Carrie. It's like, you know, you're going to meet a lot of crusty men out in the world, so you might as well enjoy some art along the way.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Nice. That's really great. It's a showstopper. Yeah, it's a cool song. I feel like it's a bit of a jazzy song that's like a bit of a swing so well now we now we have the introduction of the core four they've all got some sort of interpersonal relationship to each other save for miranda doesn't know charlotte and samantha no there needs to be a coming together so this is
Starting point is 00:34:59 going to be this is i think our first challenge is to close the first act. We need to find a circumstance in which all four women come together. Perhaps they could be united by all going on. I mean, here's a question that we haven't asked or addressed yet. Is this set in 1990s New York or is this set in modern New York? This is the 90s. We're having fun with the era. It's a bit of a nostalgia kick this is how you sell tickets when you've forgotten to build a set and you have to blow the ass out
Starting point is 00:35:30 the end of your theater okay you put in some 90s hits uh alongside some incredible original compositions um so we need to create an environment in which they can all come and run into each other. Well, how about this? The Met Gala. How are they all... This is some Willy Wonka shit. How have they all got tickets to the Met? None of them have tickets to the Met. But they're all planning in their own unique way.
Starting point is 00:36:04 They're either going to go and stand on the fringes to watch it watch it go by or planning to blag their way in and they all arrive so at the end of the charlotte and carrie scene that's sort of uh you know the i guess it's it's like a blackout for a second and when they come to all four characters are standing at the opposing four corners of the stage and they all just they're all running towards each other going the met gala the met gala and they all just run into each other and fall down this is so brilliant four of them at top speed i think they've all four independently in their songs mentioned why they want to go to the met gala and it's all for different reasons.
Starting point is 00:36:45 So Miranda's trying to close a business deal, and she knows that, or she's trying to land a job with a big firm, and she knows that the hiring person is going to be at the Met Gala. Samantha Jones is sick of fucking all these low-class schmucks in her bar, so she's looking for some top-tier cowboy talent. So she's got her eyes set on the Met Gala. Charlotte is there for the cultural event of the season. She feels like this will give her experience of being in New York
Starting point is 00:37:14 some real resonance and reason for being. And Carrie Bradshaw is there to cover the fashion. This is one of the biggest fashion events in the world, and she knows that uh if she can make it here hey she can make it anywhere that's right they're all independently trying to sneak in and then we kind of go a little bit oceans 11 as they concoct a plan to try and sneak into the the gala i think after they crash into each other but the orchestra swells as they play the mission impossible theme yeah um well that that might have to do it on our um writing session guy because i think you have to go we get to the end
Starting point is 00:37:52 of act one i do just everyone knows i've got to go i've got i'm gonna do what i'm doing i'm about to put on my running gear and i'm gonna run to a voiceover job i can't tell if that is legendary or incredibly unprofessional because i'm gonna arrive at this audio studio covered in sweat but it's what you got to do go down across you've also got to talk about sex in the city you put them all together this is what you get um i just quickly like to before we get out of here tim it's important that we share our shining lights oh fuck is it do you have one um look i keep coming back to the auction scene because there's just more and more people there's a young woman with black hair who is behind
Starting point is 00:38:33 samantha i think no not samantha she's behind one of the gals and i'm just i'm watching her reactions quite a lot at the moment i'm liking what she's doing that's great mine would have to be the marriage therapist between miranda and steve who uh i love this week i really felt like she was minimizing steve's actions and derailing the marriage because uh she says just like you don't know that steve might not have another indiscretion. And I'm like, call it what it is. The guy fucked a border collie alongside all sorts of other people. It's not an indiscretion. The guy's a maniac. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:14 And I thought it was funny. Yeah, that's a good shining light guy. You know, we should put her in the musical as well because she's actually a Broadway actor. Do you know who else we should put in the musical? Who? Norm Lewis, who he's in Star of Sex and the City 2. Remember at the big gay wedding?
Starting point is 00:39:33 There are two people who say Miranda's had work done or something. I love your dress. Yes. Yes. He's one of those two. He's the superior actor. Great. Put him in. And he's a Broadway those two he's the superior actor great put him in
Starting point is 00:39:46 and he's a Broadway star absolutely alright we're gonna we'll pick this up soon everybody don't worry we're not gonna leave you on edge
Starting point is 00:39:53 we'll get the other two acts done I love you too man have a great voice session and yeah we'll talk soon goodbye everybody best of luck out there
Starting point is 00:40:03 we just have a good rhythm together you know We'll talk soon. Goodbye, everybody. Best of luck out there. We just have a good rhythm together, you know. He sort of feels me out and I feel him out. And we go for it.

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