The Worst Idea Of All Time - And Just Like That... Part 10 (w/ Becky Lucas)

Episode Date: February 13, 2022

And Just Like That the fellaz have completed their journey with this Sex and The City reboot - what an adventure. Joined by Australian comedian Becky Lucas, Guy and Tim desperately try to communicate ...the plot of this episode and get derailed every time, while Becky elevates the discussion by sharing a current haunting she and her boyfriend are experiencing. Today's guest also shares her love of the original TV show, and crippling disappointment with this series, Guy tries to dissect what rankles him about Che Diaz one last time, and Tim believes he knows what the plan is for the next stage of the expanded-Sex And The City Universe.Follow Becky on Instagram / See her in Melbourne and SydneyTWIOAT Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Website / Patreon GUY Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Website TIM Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Website Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh my god, they're only doing sex in the city again. This truly is the worst idea of all time. Hello everybody and welcome to this, the final installment of, and just like that's coverage by the worst idea of all time, my name is tim bat i am guy montgomery and to round out what has been a roller coaster season of emotional and you know storytelling competence uh we have star of instagram becky lucas hi becky why are you saying that why are you saying just a fun little thing i've started saying since we got on this call and you tried it before we started recording as well and becky expressed that she didn't like i didn't try it i didn't try it because you know you know you know the implications it carries that we all know that instagram's on the decline oh no no i think your star your star is shining and will continue to shine so bright, Becky. We don't have washed up has-beens on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:07 No, the whole platform. It's anchored by two washed up has-beens. Have you seen Meta's share price this week, mate? I've not. Becky's career is in the toilet. The whole infrastructure that's set up around her is crumbling into the ground. Exactly. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's just like, anyway, but I wouldn't expect a tiny mind like yours to have a background of knowledge around the tech world and the comings and goings and social influence get his ass becky i'm just glad you strung together a whole sentence i feel like you've arrived in the podcast now um so we tim and i have just watched the the 10th episode of and just like that and i am a swirl of emotions becky i understand that you saw this maybe as it was released more immediately afterwards have you been following the season along closely not our season but the tv show the tv show yeah because i mean i find it interesting with you guys that you never watch the original. And I find that really upsetting because it is a really good show.
Starting point is 00:02:11 It is. It's a great. I'm not saying it's not a good show. At many times it's authentic and they speak to each other like friends and it's really nice. And, like, I will go on the record. Like, it's one of my favorite shows. Does it still hold up, do you think?
Starting point is 00:02:25 This show. Yeah, yeah. I rewatched it recently. Like my boyfriend, like it's great. It's a great show. Look, I don't doubt that it's fantastic. It's just not part of the Six in the City universe. No, I know, I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:02:36 So I have been watching it just like this. And I think it's just like that. I like your one. Just like this I'm a religious watcher that's kind of a great way to describe it you're like yeah I'm obsessed with this show but I don't know the name of it and I hate it but I also want them to make 14 more seasons yeah yeah but no I do think it's like as a cultural you know it does feel I don't think it meant to be
Starting point is 00:03:06 but i think it's such high art because in the way culture feels at the moment like there was this good thing and it's like i feel like everything we experience now is just shitty photo photocopies of what was good and it's like do you not class this season as part of that though of being like a shitty facsimile of what was a groundbreaking yeah that's what i'm saying it's right that's what i'm saying but like so it's like it's the worst show but it's also like it it's got to be an artifact to explain to future generations like the decline of our culture like the decline of oh nice yeah yeah it's like it's so bad and i can't and i i listened to a couple of episodes you guys did and i feel so angry that you don't hate chay diaz more like why across the season shay has been uh driving me
Starting point is 00:04:00 specifically more and more wild to the point in this like their behavior i almost admire the show for leaning into making shay as insufferable as possible and totally it's almost like they're daring us they're like you better like this character because they're non-binary and it's like why don't you fucking do the work and make them likable why are you giving the worst attributes to these people and then telling us we've got to just love them? It's insane and it makes us feel crazy and bigoted. I've been forecasting doom for Miranda and Shay's relationship. I thought Miranda was coming in too hot, too much, too fast. And Shay has been on the record as saying
Starting point is 00:04:42 that I want something non-traditional. And then in all the ways that things were forecast I never in a million years could have guessed that Shay would be given one of the biggest sticking points for this episode and season that really just shows that this is a fabrication on reality
Starting point is 00:05:00 is that Shay has been given a pilot Dude, three seasons of Real Rob exist. St exists starring written by and directed by rob schneider two seasons to god yeah that's true i'm just hoping that's how i'm going to announce my pilot i'm going to get all of you guys in a room and i'm going to do cabaret i think think for those who haven't watched the show, which I have no idea how many people that is who are listening along to us, but it must be a few.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Becky, can you remember what happens in this episode? Do you want to take us through roughly? Do I want to sort of kick it off? Yeah, if you wouldn't mind. Yeah, so I believe we begin. Do we start with Carrie going on a date? Easy. No.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Podcasts are big now. Oh, yeah, she's podcasting. What is – I don't know. This is the final episode of XY and Me. Okay, but wait. We can't go there yet. We're going in sequence, but I know what you want to talk about. I know all the things that have peaked guys in church.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I just know. But I'm going to first of all all the first thing when they're doing the podcast and shay makes that hilarious joke they they are all talking about how they get have their worst breakups and shay says broken up over facetime she seems so nice she should have they should call it two face time and everyone's laughing and it's like such a crack up and that is that is what we will get you a pilot those kinds of jokes yeah there's a yeah hold on you go ahead becky continue i was silencing guy oh okay good we should be silencing guy that's something they would say on the x what is it y z and me x y and me x y and me um oh yeah and then like i thought carrie was going to allude to something from what happened in because she's got so many dating
Starting point is 00:07:02 stories and and famously in the series there was a whole episode about her getting broken up with on a post-it note like it's a very iconic episode so when they were talking about it i thought like oh cool carrie's gonna say like well i got broken up with by on a post-it note but she doesn't't. She just says her husband died again. Again, yeah. But that's great because it's finally a chance for people to say, congratulations, Kerry, you win, which is all she's wanted the entire season is people to say, you win this conversation.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Guys had this long, I mean, I sort of buy into it, the long-running kind of conceit of this podcast that, you know, the series, as he mentioned, is not canon to what we do. But it's as if it's treated like they don't have the rights to reference the intellectual property of the original show. Maybe they don't. It's so weird. Maybe they don't.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Well, but then we've got the last thing that happens in this episode, which obviously we'll get to in sequence. True. But suggests that they do have the, and I mean, they do. They definitely do. This is sex in the city it's just like they've given it a different name but it's so weird how they have to dance around all of this shit and never reference stuff that happened in the television show it's very odd absolutely and i'm like who's writing this show because like are you fans of sex in the city
Starting point is 00:08:21 yeah i don't think they've seen it and i mean again that just goes to prove like you know i feel like kids now like they learn about you know they'll hear about neil young because of a joe rogan controversy but like that's how they experience it's like the universe is experiencing self in a weird way but nothing is it doesn't have the original nugget of what it was like cultures it's memes all the way it's also worth saying that uh becky you're old and tim you're old as shit as well and i'm old and um no one cares that we like neil young in the original sexton city it's not i mean i don't even like i was just that was the first example yeah i actually don't even like, I was just, that was the first example. Yeah, I actually don't like him. I'm not pro-E. Yeah, you're a massive Rogan guy.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I am. I like him. I do. He seems like a nice guy. But, yeah, it just feels so like, just give any of us an afternoon with this script and we would have made it feel better. But this is the thing is this,
Starting point is 00:09:27 this like weird sort of, I don't know if it's a matte finish or the weird polish. I put it like, this is the, this is the junk food that people want to consume. This is what we crave to put in our bodies. And this is why the feeling that the series gives of like, it's like this,
Starting point is 00:09:42 this weird duality of not wanting to look at it but being unable to look away like and i had so many feelings inside of me you even said you were disappointed this is the last episode of the season because we don't get to see the treatment of shay's pilot yeah yeah like they well no i've got a theory i think they're going to try and make it as a separate show no tv show i think they will i really do no because who's making is this showtime who's making this hbmx right i think they're gonna try and like make sure that's can't that's that can't be happening yeah honestly that would be so much fun could you not imagine it feels very 2022 to be to be like creating this character and just ignoring the
Starting point is 00:10:23 fact that it's obvious everyone hates them like online the the shade discourse that i've been seeing on twitter is some of the the most vitriolic conversation against the single character ever do you i mean i think it would be it would be peak 2022 for a corporation that makes media to go no it's the children who are wrong and just steam ahead and make the Shay show. Well, can we talk, something we haven't discussed a lot across the season is Sarah Ramirez's performance as Shay Diaz, which I think they do a fantastic job.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I mean, I despise the character and I don't know that that's entirely deliberate, but it is a very, the character stirs up feelings in response. The character is genuinely like yeah i know it's almost like it's a it's a um it's an exercise in practicing love you know it's almost it's a buddhist kind of exercise to to to give love even when it's not easy yeah so okay to love so we start on the podcast um carrie lays down she wins uno by
Starting point is 00:11:27 slapping down my husband died is the worst breakup and everyone says you win carrie and there's a there's a satisfaction in that because this entire season has been carrie walking around trying to get someone to acknowledge that she wins because she has a dead husband so that's gratifying to me she's so checked out yeah well this is very fuzzy looking all right this was another issue with the not this we better open that door sorry becky just that um we're podcasting in like 100 humidity it's about 28 degrees and we're in a room that has no ventilation so incredible oh my god you should take your shirts off. We might. Yeah, we very well may. I thought you'd like that, my rippling arm hairs.
Starting point is 00:12:10 But the thing of it is, like, there was a period in the season, I can't remember what episode exactly, where it felt like we'd finally graduated from, like, we're finally in the present day experiencing the characters' lives in the story of the actual season, where we were no longer grieving big with every other opportunity and we were no longer texting samantha and then to finish all that to finish the season to dig all of that back up i feel like we're jumping ahead fine i will sequence out what
Starting point is 00:12:35 happened in the episode what are you doing i'm having a free-forming conversation with my friends about a program we all just watched i didn't realize that there were fucking guard rails on this podcast as you so aptly mentioned carrie goes on a date with 2018's uh teacher of the year for new york state peace totally now he is a mocha drinker big time and what do you think of mocha drinkers you know they just like the little simple pleasures. His eyes are just so wet. Like he's, he's so fucking like, Oh, it's,
Starting point is 00:13:10 it's pathetic. Do you know what Becky, in all earnestness, I said when he said, um, so they went on their date and then they were on Carrie's stoop and he said, I want to kiss you now. Would that be okay?
Starting point is 00:13:22 I've seen that moment in so many films and in television and I was like that's one of the better approaches I've seen for that yeah this is an audio only product but Becky looked like she was trucking down vomit when I announced it you don't think it was smooth or cool I guess yeah I mean I I that's I I, that's, I, I don't like that. I think, you know, and again, it feels like this nod to like consent. Like, it's like these people have a checklist of all the things that they've seen on Twitter. And it's like, don't ask if you can kiss, like pick up on the, like, it's great. It's gross. It's actually harder to say no. Like, it's better to just read a vibe yeah
Starting point is 00:14:05 than ask and make the other person say no that's me that would affect me more mattress bike look king i feel like has over corrected a lot because there's been you know various think pieces that are revisiting a show that was made in the 90s and in the movies which and vitally recontextualizing it today exactly and uh and I think he's freaked out. Well, this is the thing. Has he freaked out? Or it's kind of what you were saying before about Shay. Is he lashing out through the material?
Starting point is 00:14:34 Is this what you fucking want? Well, that's the thing. That's how it feels. Even in this episode, Carrie spurns that kiss, and for reasons that might be grieving, but then also when she's talking to Seema, who is either getting her or fucking the brains out of a guy called Zed in a hotel room for three days
Starting point is 00:14:49 while they chain-smoke Dunhill's. Legend. Why are we not in the hotel room for some laundry? I know. I just want to see people fucking smoke like it's the 90s. When Carrie's on the phone to Seema, she's saying, he asked, and I understand that's conceptually nice, but it was not the vibe.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Like, even in the episode in the world of the show these things that metra spikelet's trying to introduce to address society now are being you know spurned on feel totally but that's how i mean and i i do feel like the vibe i get you know like the best thing about friendship is like you know you're with a good friend when it's like you can say anything and you're not careful about it. You're not trying to – like you don't feel like you're being watched. Like there's such an openness there.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And this show feels like every time characters are together, they're talking like somebody is going to cancel them. Do you know what? There's an outstanding distillation of I think what makes this a sort of like a very thinly drawn sketch of probably what made the original series, which I don't know about and don't talk about,
Starting point is 00:15:55 like so vital and feel so alive is because the way you're talking about it, it's like you're watching real friendship and you're watching people talk to each other. Maybe this is how boomers feel now in the world. It's like there has literally been global protests against the one percent we are baying for blood at this point everyone is just marred in student loans and you know terrible job prospects and low wages that we are coming for the elites and the elites are like um we've got black friends
Starting point is 00:16:22 and some of them are non-binary and we're trying to do better with recognising that. And it's like, fuck you guys, we're banging down the door. I know. They feel scared. Like the whole show, all the characters. Yeah, that's what you said. They feel really scared.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Totally. It's almost like, yeah, we're, I don't know. I was just thinking it before. Like they're trying, they think that like good art or something is like, I don't know. I was just thinking it before. They're trying, they think that good art or something is like teaching us morals or like what it's like to be a good person in this day and age. And it's like that's never been good art. Like good art is like truth and honesty and making people feel in a world of like, you know, shitty, you know know at least having something to look at and and
Starting point is 00:17:05 connect with and it's like you've taken that away yes they just made us feel crazy they have right because like what i understand of the the tv show is that they're also deeply flawed with the different flavors of neuroses and um you know character flaws and in this show it's like everyone is on this epic journey to be perfect and there's so little kind of warts and all being shown by the characters which is always going to be the least interesting story you could like it's that's basic storytelling it's like the first thing they teach you if you do any kind of storytelling screenwriting whatever it's just like an engaging character is one that is heavily flawed that That's who we want to see.
Starting point is 00:17:45 But yeah, it's interesting that this, again, I can't help but think that, you know, there's this confused, this confused self-sanitized product that they've created, which isn't quite like it's got a feet in two camps and where it's trying to
Starting point is 00:17:58 be in the middle is like shoots right between its legs. It's not nailing anything, but no, something about missing twice is what makes it so compelling like it is just so moorish i'm like that's what i'm saying it's like it yeah it is it's art because you couldn't sit down and write it it's fucking some people must have i don't know you know it reminds me oh my god you know when you're on YouTube
Starting point is 00:18:26 and there's those countdowns and they're like top 10 worst dictators in the world they're like Mussolini this Italian guy had a little too much pasta it's like
Starting point is 00:18:40 I think it's honestly like AI writing it it felt like that's how this feels it's like AI aggregating all this if we think about the actual creative process a lot of like mattress pike clit has had his fingers all through this season like this is his kind of creative vision alongside sir jessica parker and then a lot of the other writers are young like you know much more gen z sort of uh new blood
Starting point is 00:19:03 people and you can see the point at which they're meeting in the middle and the you know like a compromise is neither party being exactly happy yeah but there's like there's a much wider birth on this compromise where it's like totally it's uh i can i reckon that maybe the because gen z are more based than people like millennials are kind of woke and corny and gen z are actually way more based yeah so i reckon that it's a psyop it's got a bit sorry if you've already like discussed no we haven't no but i love this is a psyop this show definitely totally like it's a it's a psyop to make it to be like it's pretending to be woke it's in and it's enraging it's like a dog whistle
Starting point is 00:19:41 don't you reckon like even at the end and i'm sorry i'm doing what guy does when It's enraging. It's like a dog whistle. Don't you reckon? Even at the end, and I'm sorry, I'm doing what Guy does, at the bar mitzvah where Rock is just like, yeah, nah. I don't want to. So a lot of this episode centers around Rock, Charlotte's child, rejecting all labels. And they're supposed be like doing their um is it is it called like a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah depending on the gender of the person going through right
Starting point is 00:20:12 they're like i don't hey i don't know i only know the catholic system a tiny bit so whatever they're like jewish confirmation process um yeah and they kind of get to the to the end of it and runkle is uh sort of on the sidelines hoping that rock is going to learn the the, to the end of it. And Runkle is, uh, sort of on the sidelines, hoping that Rock is going to learn the, the bits from the Torah that Rock has got to do with the ceremony. But Rock's just like playing video games the entire time. Even Anthony steps in. I don't think he's very Jewish,
Starting point is 00:20:37 but he's, he's, you know, taking the reins. And it was honestly a massive failing on Charlotte and Runkle's behalf. That's on, that's entirely on them this is their 13 year old child heading up for the bar mitzvah yeah like it's up to you to prepare the child for
Starting point is 00:20:51 this and they're like oh we don't know what happened rock won't learn the lines of the torah that they need to do it it's so and but that's why i feel like it's like these yeah writers being like see look it's just privileged people who don't want to do any, they don't want to fit into anything because they can, because they're so privileged. To me, that's what it feels like. Rock goes on a tirade where they say, I don't want to be labeled anything.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I don't want to be a boy. I don't want to be a girl. I don't want to be Jewish or Muslim or a New Yorker. That was a big laugh line for us watching along. It was interesting when Rock did
Starting point is 00:21:28 reject the very notion of speaking at this event that Charlotte had painstakingly organized and this is a classic oversight and
Starting point is 00:21:35 dynamic in Charlotte's sort of friendship and her role as a parent which is like it's all detail it's all about the way it's
Starting point is 00:21:41 perceived and there's not a lot of accounting for how the people inside of the experience are actually going to engage with it. But I was frustrated and I hear what It's all about the way it's perceived. And there's not a lot of accounting for how the people inside of the experience are actually going to engage with it. But I was frustrated. And I hear what you're saying about it's the parent's responsibility to prepare the child.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah. I was frustrated on behalf of them that Rock did not bring any of these issues to the surface until the very day of the event. And this is the baiting nature of the show, which is like. Here's what I think has happened that the cameras didn't capture. Rock's got into video games. You mean the writers didn't bother to put into the fucking show oh yeah we'll get to that because there's a couple i've got some the cameraman's like i don't have any fucking thing to do with this i just point and shoot mate via the video games that rocks into they've gotten really into
Starting point is 00:22:20 twitch and they've started mainlining like hassan picker piker and uh gotten into like chompski and that's why they're rejecting all of these society norms and labels and stuff which i'm here for a matter of time until they start poisoning me go ahead i want you guys to have this debate i just it's like i mean good on you like this is what this these kids it's like have some honor just do the thing like you have to be pushed into things sometimes because it's like that's life like duty and and doing shit you don't always want to do is like the foundation of life you know nice bicky and i'm sorry and i'm like that life is struggle. As Ram Dass says, death is like taking off a tight shoe at the end of the day. Being alive is difficult.
Starting point is 00:23:12 So fucking buck up, Rock. Are you serious? You're so rich. Someone give this woman a kiss. There's like 14-year-old kids in China studying and working on the farm, and they have nothing. And Rock is just so spoiled. I was furious.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And then out of nowhere, Charlotte, like having expressed no desire for a bat mitzvah herself or not even any kind of theme throughout the series where she's like questioning like what it is to be a woman and what that means and maybe this could have been some nice none of it all of a sudden she's just doing it yeah to be like ah the payoff that was it there was such a funny tune so rock refuses to go through it so charlotte's like i paid for all this i organized all of this it is now my bat mitzvah. Which is, I was into it. Do you know what else? Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Candy looks so good on camera. Oh, the candy bar? I was blown away by how good it looked. It was like a modern day Willy Wonka. There was just candy everywhere. And I was like, this is the best looking scene in the whole series. I know. It's like rock.
Starting point is 00:24:23 It's like, yeah, you don't mind being identified as a freaking candy lover do you like get your hands out of the goddamn lolly jar and i i would have been that well i would have been furious i appreciate that we've all now gone non-linear and we're just talking about things as they occur and in that spirit i'd like to maybe we should go back okay this guy tries to do it i'm like go back okay becky do you think you're representing like a um a version of stoicism to the to your approach to parenting rock yeah i mean like of course you would want to them to feel good and to have you know like i'm not a monster but it's just that when you're a child which rockers at 13 you do have to do some things that you don't want to do and you do have to kind of trust or your parents sort of do have to force you into some stuff
Starting point is 00:25:21 because you don't have the wider picture of what it means to be part of a group you know in this case judaism totally and i do think like we live in such a culture of like oh i feel anxious i can't answer my text messages and like oh i just need to look after myself and it's like have some decorum that lack of resilience thing hey yeah with respect to that happening at the event like I feel like Charlotte It was a feature of the season Charlotte and Runkle did go In their own way They went to some extended effort
Starting point is 00:25:54 To accommodate Rock's Decision to be non-binary Rabbi Jen You would have to be such an entitled child To not see the lengths to which your parents are going And try and meet them midway somewhere. Literally, you know, amongst meeting the three rabbis and not saying anything because you haven't learned any of the Torah
Starting point is 00:26:12 to not come out of your room. And the fucking Willy Wonka version of a bar mitzvah. And she wasn't even like kind of, like I feel like you'd be a little bit bewitched by like Hari Neff who played the trans... Rabbi Jen was fantastic. She was great. And it's like, would Rock not look at her and be like, like there could have been sweet little moments there where, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:33 Jen was able to bolster her and, you know, teach her something that is really beautiful. Like there are so many beautiful passages in the Torah the torah and like in jewish culture like they're so moving they would have been so right they walked right up to that opportunity of having this like progressive modern version of what it means to be a new york jew yeah that could have kind of ushered rock through the process of you know identifying that their um gender non-binary or they're not quite what they think and they're sort of having that journey but still affirming their jewishness and like rabbi jen what a perfect character to act as a mentor through that but they were like
Starting point is 00:27:18 nah fuck all this we'll have some laughs in a bathroom scene. They just made her not be able to operate the hand dryer. Also, sprinkled like star dust and so much comedic energy and like X through every scene. When they came out of the room with Rock at Charlotte and Runkle's place and were like, this is the situation. And then again, when they came to the cubicle in the middle of Charlotte and Carrie's, not Charlotte, Miranda and Carrie's very, you know, challenging conversation where they weren't quite seeing each other
Starting point is 00:27:48 was honestly the most captivating part of the entire season finale. Someone who's introduced and thrown away like a disposable piece of candy. Once again, just to kind of put the context on, so we've got Carrie and Miranda having an argument in the bathroom. Do you want to talk about this maybe tell people what maybe maybe we should go back oh yeah i actually agree in this instance i agree okay what's even more insane than jumping around is going in backwards order okay which is what we're now where do you think we need to what do we need to tell people um so we i think we were
Starting point is 00:28:22 just at the date and then um we we haven't actually gotten to the to the ghost oh yeah i forgot the fucking ghost yeah so big haunts this episode literally through a lamp that keeps turning off and on because yeah presumably carrie's going on dates with other men or at least that's what carrie yeah it's kind of funny and i um i'm actually having a ghost experience current like right in this minute but i feel like it's such a long story that we should probably just keep soldiering no i feel like this is a podcast and you've just teased a ghost story you absolutely need to tell us what's happening well um so like a week and a half ago I was I was in bed but I wasn't asleep like the lights were on I was like on my phone and I could feel my hair being tugged and I was I didn't really
Starting point is 00:29:15 think anything over it and I was like checking to see if it was the cat or like a bug or whatever but it was like nothing there didn't think about it kept kind of happening and I was like it was like nothing there didn't think about it kept kind of happening and I was like it's weird and then the next night I it my hair was being tugged and then there was breathing in my ear and it was like next to a wall my boyfriend wasn't home and even then I just kind of like brushed it like didn't really think about it the next night the breathing the hair tugging and then undeniably i felt something grab my wrist and i know it sounds so crazy it's like i get it you know like one minute i'm saying this next minute i'm like on hoarders being like don't take my bag of cat shit or fucking murdered maybe it's important you put this on a podcast so we know what happened to you i know and then so then i go I go, I come out into the lounge room because I had just forgotten to talk about it with my boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And my boyfriend's like quite practical and very stoic himself. And I told him, expecting him to be like, whatever. But then his eyes like start opening and he's like, oh, God. He said, it's been happening to me too, but I didn want to say anything um like in case you know whatever in case he got bullied by you like literally no i just wanted it to go away oh my god if i was dating you i would not mention that i thought i was being haunted by a ghost. That's so funny. But like so anyway, like I've been like kind of – so that happened like last week.
Starting point is 00:30:58 And anyway, I was talking about it on me and Cam's podcast. And then someone messaged me saying that a lot of the time people think they're having ghost experiences, but it's a gas leak in their home, which makes sense because, you know, it often happens in older homes. But also I was thinking about it and I was like, why do I not – I don't like the motif of hauntedness. Like it's quite tacky usually, you know. It's like haunted houses at the Easter show and it's like it's quite tacky usually you know it's like haunted houses at the easter show and it's like it's always kind of like hillbillies being like there was a god like it doesn't have
Starting point is 00:31:31 a trust and a trustworthy kind of feeling and then i realized like it it might actually be a class issue because if if there's poorer people living in houses where there's more gas leaks experiencing ghost phenomenons and they're the people most vocal about it that's why people poo-poo it so much so if you don't believe me if you're listening to me and you don't believe me you're actually classes every everything should be viewed through a class lens including ghost sightings because guess what it is a class issue it is do you think you've got a gas light it's so fucked up well um i i don't know i actually did smell a little bit of gas a while ago when i was down in the garage you should get look at the very least becky get a you can get like a co2 meter thing buy one, put it in your house because if you are being poisoned, you should know
Starting point is 00:32:28 and if you're not I'm going to come around and we're going to catch this ghost also it sounds like you need to check your butt why? because you've got a gas leak you've got to check your butt I've just been listening to XY and Me
Starting point is 00:32:43 I'm trying to get more quick more quippy right right right well just quickly when i asked my boyfriend i was like what's what's it been doing to you he said oh it's been tugging my hair and the same i've been hearing breathing he's like but it's also been grabbing my ass so it's probably just some slut from Bondi Who's having a passing over I'm actually furious I'm like who is this bitch Shit man that's intense I know I mean not to dismiss
Starting point is 00:33:16 Your own supernatural experience out of hand You have been super dismissive so far But let's circle back to Carrie's being haunted by the spirit of Big As she believes it And then Miranda is so... You're sorry, you go. No, no, I'd rather talk about Miranda because Miranda was infuriating in this episode. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:34 She's totally lost her mind. She's been gaslit, to be fair. Yeah. Cheers by Shay. So there is a scene where Shay is is like come with me we're going to a bar or so oh no she's like you're gonna meet my family and miranda's telling the other girls like i'm gonna meet their family this is a big step for us it's exciting we're moving forward and then shay goes to a bar sits miranda in between like her grandma and her auntie or some shit no context
Starting point is 00:34:02 she totally fits in it's on stage with a bed and miranda quite rightly i had sympathy for her in the scene she's like hey uh anyone know what the fuck is going on here and she gets up and starts singing um beach boys right california girls yeah and uh and then not even that good a singer i don't know why you would stage that kind of a performance if you i like the lines before before she sang i like that they said um i'm not going to subject you to my stand-up i thought that's a nice little annoying reference to how your dog should it stand up shay yeah but you also know she doesn't believe it it's a it's no they think they're very good she's heard someone else say it and it's like you you don't have the capacity to be self-deprecating
Starting point is 00:34:44 yeah and then shay announces i got a pilot i'm going to los angeles and then miranda's like, you don't have the capacity to be self-deprecating. And then Shay announces, I got a pilot. I'm going to Los Angeles. And then Miranda's like, what? And then they talk about it. And Shay's like, Miranda, I want you to come with me. And Miranda's like, what? And well, Miranda's like, what? This is all fucking crazy news to me.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And then Shay says, yeah, and you're going to. You're coming. Which does feel, I understand what you're saying. It does feel sort of like, maybe that is what Shay wanted all along. But also, it's the same way to present the information. Miranda sucks, but Shay is also gaslighting her. Both things can be true at once. Well, I've never seen Shay and Miranda have any kind of moment
Starting point is 00:35:21 that I feel is interesting. Finger blasted in a kitchen? You kidding me? Yeah, I guess. I guess there's been a couple times. That was also intriguing because of its forbidden nature. That was, you know, that lightning in a bottle can occur, well, I guess until Miranda left Steve, you know.
Starting point is 00:35:38 And then it's, this is the problem with cheating on people, eh? It's like, I don't know. I don't really have experience in this area. Speak freely. It feels like a thing we do. Don't try and make it sound like it's an objective. Well, it does. It feels like the excitement of it is around the forbidden nature of it.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And then, well, once that's done, then what have you got? You're just at the beginning of an unstable relationship. With someone who you've proven cheats on their partner. Yes. You know. I don't want to be like a once a cheater, always a cheater person. But, you know, you've at least got some evidence that they're not always. I just worry so much for Miranda inside of this relationship with Shay when things do go badly.
Starting point is 00:36:21 The pilot doesn't get picked up. It is not funny or success all we've seen is shay kicking goals this entire season it's like my awful podcast is a massive hit my terrible stand-up comedy is a huge success on netflix i'm getting a pilot and every you know so so by that um definition it's going to be a hit like well you've never seen shay fail it is also funny that i mean shay they're so arrogant and they're so self-centered but we're all supposed to be like so happy that like move over straight white men it's like why for this new breed of the worst type of person like why is this better than the it can't just be i'm gonna be honest we hate
Starting point is 00:37:07 the behavior not the visual representation she annoys me but i do not share in the internet guy montgomery and becky lucas's true disdain for this character like i don't feel myself invested enough in them to to have this depth of um hatred do you know part of it is i think also i speak for myself here it's uh american exceptionalism and self-congratulate it's the ability to celebrate one's own successes oh so it's mediocrity it's not part of i think what is bothering me is that it's a big cultural clash you're right because new zealanders and and australians i would say like antipodeans we are pretty like bashful self-effacing not at all self-aggrandizing and americans kind of have to be in the entertainment industry they're like the biggest
Starting point is 00:37:57 self-congratulatory self-promotion every episode they they gather people around them yeah like yeah do something whether it's at a rally or yes to do cabaret or to announce the end of the podcast there's always a gathering element shay is literally surrounded constantly with yes people i just just boosting there's also i have this i haven't i didn't mention it on the episode but i have this distinct vision of do you remember when miranda went around to shay's to do a surprise drop and visit with shay's favorite cookies and she said i was writing i can just visualize shay hearing the door knock and grabbing a notepad and like putting it on a desk like putting a pen and just like frantically creating the scene of someone who's doing something and then opening the door and being like, oh, you just caught me. I'm in the middle of the creative process here.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah. And why did we never see Shay with their comedy friends? Because who would hang out with Shay? Bobby Lee, America's sweetheart who is on the show. Purely professional. america's sweetheart who is on the show purely professional bobby lee got married in this where his character got married in this episode um which i genuinely was delighted to see because i feel like bobby lee floats above the fray of this terrible show he just exists in his own ratified ear of he's just a good guy he does seem like a good guy and i um you know i think it's a shame that he kind of has to be involved in this.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Are you kidding me? He would have been paid so much money to be on these episodes. I'm happy for him. And it introduces him to an audience that I think would never otherwise have met Bobby Lee. The main that Kristen Davis, Sio Jiska-Paka, and Cynthia Nixon are all getting, I believe, just as performance fees, a million dollars per episode here. Oh, really? Yeah. Did you see that? What have you you been doing reading you're not supposed to do reading after we watched that episode i was on the imdb trivia page becky would you like to um
Starting point is 00:39:54 discuss samantha jones appearance or not in this episode because i don't think we've brushed on that yet oh when when oh she told samantha okay samantha jones comes up in text when she talks to her after the date yeah i'm sorry i did miss the scene which did bug me of where she goes to drop the light off at the electrician it's like one third of the scene and i don't know why it's there yeah she's like my lamp's turning off and on is that normal and the guy's like no that's not normal and then we cut to another scene. That's it. It's like, what the fuck are we doing in the shop? It's to explain away people like us watching it at home, and if they don't have that scene, we go, why don't you take the
Starting point is 00:40:31 fucking lamp to the shop, Carrie? There are such bigger potholes than the lamp. Yeah. The lamp has a story reason to exist, which is the ghost. And as we just heard from Becky's and Throttling Tales, ghost stories rule. I was truly captured by it. So just leave it there. Don't take it to an electrician. the ghost and as we just heard from becky's and throttling tales ghost stories rule i was truly captured by it so just leave it there don't take it to an electrician i know and then it's so
Starting point is 00:40:50 funny when carrie tells miranda about the ghost and or like expresses any kind of spirituality where miranda just shuts her down immediately like some kind of richard dawkins i love miranda's been watching a lot she got miranda into stand-up miranda's been watching a lot of early rick and gervais specials she's been like she's got a printout lemon at poster rick and gervais with that it's microphone is the cross and aphid across his chest and blood and it's even more fucked up than like miranda not believing in ghosts it's because because Carrie starts talking about Big being in heaven now. And Miranda says, you don't believe in heaven, do you? I thought we cleared this conversation up.
Starting point is 00:41:35 She literally, I wrote it down. She says to Carrie, recently widowed Carrie Bradshaw, I thought we were on the same page about this. Talking about their beliefs on the afternoons. It's the most heinous thing to say to someone that I've ever seen and, like, no one reacts to it. It's fucking psycho. And, like, it's like these women, like, she's at the university studying.
Starting point is 00:42:02 She's been through, like, Steve's mum passed away and she was very religious like surely the church was very helpful to them in that time of you know like as if she hasn't had any kind of like contact with religion that has been helpful and would know you know like it's like who are these it's really sad i think She's like a 4chan poster in this series now for some reason. Just like, religion, you fucking dummy. You rube. You think big sitting on a cloud somewhere?
Starting point is 00:42:32 It's like, as you say, this is a university educated lawyer who's been living in New York City for her entire 60 years of life. What the fuck is this? I think Miranda's just short-circuiting because uh because she's experiencing like pure love or you know this she's so blinded by her desire to be with shay and also the breaking from the conventions that have defined her life that she's literally like she's out of her mind yeah you know like when she keeps bringing up all this insane new information to her closest and oldest friends like you know after she's made the decision in
Starting point is 00:43:10 a day before she leaves roughly and her friends go wow this is a lot of information and process like what the fuck why can't you be happy for me yeah i'm in love i'm going to los angeles i'm quitting my university no one's trying not to be happy for you miranda i'm throwing my scholarship in the garbage and i need you to get on board instantly you've completely gone off the fucking and becky as as i screamed at the television you know when all this was transpiring while miranda was absolutely spiraling attaching herself to shay's pilot which they got greenlit in los angeles not as the boys can tell you not all pilots come. Not all of them get a series order, even in America. To be sort of crowing and skiting off about a pilot in this day and age
Starting point is 00:43:52 is humiliating. That's another part of the American exceptionalism I don't like. You do not get all of your loved ones to say you got a pilot. That is insanity. Miranda has such a steady line of work that she's very passionate about and loves and all of this is being sacrificed for a comedian and podcaster to move to los angeles to make a pilot that is so concerning yeah it is and at no point do you does does it cut away to miranda's face even contemplating that yeah like it started with
Starting point is 00:44:26 her being so sure that this is what she wanted and then there's no kind of acknowledgement that the character is in any way torn and we're all supposed to just be like she's following love and rock is not doing the thing and everyone's just doing what they want and it's like if that isn't the most neoliberal shit like fucking capitalist like it's crazy yeah like everyone's just doing exactly what they want without any kind of care for their family i need to pursue to the nth degree my individual um yeah desire that is my momentary desire the thing that i want in this moment. That's why candy is such a big part of this episode. It's a metaphor. These people are all pursuing candy.
Starting point is 00:45:10 They don't recognize that you've got to eat your greens. You've got to chase your vegetables. You do. Yes. Yeah, you need carbs, you need fats, and you need protein. That's right. Look at the food pyramid. Candy is in the smallest bit of the triangle.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Steve is a massive kielbasa steve is oh yeah i mean i don't know steve wasn't in this episode at all but i like to imagine he was just swanning around the streets of new york fucking anyone who would have him i like to think that that's not what he wants this is the beauty of steve i i imagine he's um reconnected with a couple of high school mates who he hasn't seen in like 12 years because it got a bit hard. Sounds like Steve's gone alt-right. No, he's just watching sports. He's at a bar sinking beers just watching the game.
Starting point is 00:45:54 That's his, that's pretty much it. Well, you know what? He gave up the hottest chick called Debbie in the original series. She was so cool. She was like from the Bronx, had fake nails, nice tits, so cute. And he broke up with her for Miranda. Huh. Who begrudgingly took him.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Yeah, and then fucked him around. It's like, I just hope he's reconnected with Debbie, because he deserves it. Good on you, Becky. I just, you know, that poor man. I can't remember what I was going to say. I was really excited about it, though. It was something really insightful and cutting. Well, I just want to bring up the Samantha Jones
Starting point is 00:46:31 angle. So Samantha Jones, unfortunately, is dragged back into this final episode, this end bookend to the series. Yeah. It's just... It's a season finale they are posturing for a second run i've said this so many times but i find it incredibly disrespectful to kim cattrall who created this character no one else could have created the cultural phenomenon
Starting point is 00:46:57 of samantha jones through the series like she's the only tolerable bit of the two films really as a character and then they drag her back into these fucking sms back and forwards with carrie and carrie's gonna meet up with her because carrie goes to paris to scatter big's ashes and uh she says to samantha on a text message she's like do you want to get a cocktail and she says tomorrow i'm like tomorrow fuck you guys man fuck the writers and the producers and as if Samantha would like to to stop a lifelong friendship because your friend doesn't want you to be their publicist anymore and it pisses you off so much that you don't contact them when their husband dies yes like Samantha was doing Carrie a favor Samantha's standing as a publicist was so much higher than carrie's as an author who drove the face of the cliff didn't write anything and then keep
Starting point is 00:47:51 complaining her books turned out dog shit because she did them the night before they were due and samantha's the decency to be like i'm gonna keep representing you because we're friends and also i'm gonna block you from the bad press that i know you don't have the ego to handle. And then it's just insanity. And then to keep... And why is... You go ahead, Becky. It's just reiterating what Tim's saying. To keep dragging her back into this world and to very clearly,
Starting point is 00:48:15 essentially try and bait Kim Cattrall into appearing in a second season if it is to happen by being like, Samantha not only still exists, she's meeting with Carrie again. Ooh, I wonder what will happen in between this and the next season. Also, they finally told us how long the season, the time span this took place over. Like, there was just no sense of time at all. And then Richard Biggs Brothers, like, for everyone at home,
Starting point is 00:48:40 it's been a year. About a year. It's been about a year since this started. home it's been a year about a year it's been about a year since this yeah what did you think about um him offering her the the burial the i i enjoyed the complexity i the crypt the family crypt i enjoyed the complexity of that for carrie because i could see the appeal if she was still in early morning i could see the appeal of wanting to spend eternity with big but then as someone who is still young to be experiencing uh you know the next wave of romance or love i could see the challenge in making a decision that you feel beholden to that might restrict your ability to live your life to the
Starting point is 00:49:12 full in the present day it was actually quite a delightfully sort of two-sided issue that was introduced and they spent no time exactly they do it a few times in this show they introduce things that genuinely have two interesting sides to discuss and they just gloss over them. Yeah, it's so funny. There's these moments of like brilliance trying to peak through, not brilliance, but like I don't know. I didn't listen to your episode from last week.
Starting point is 00:49:36 We did it anyway. There was a line that Miranda said and when she said it, her whole face came alive and I was like, that's something Miranda would have said in the TV show. When she said something, she said something like, I immediately repressed it. It was some kind of funny throwaway comment, but like you could tell the cast was being quite fun and playful because the writing was a bit better. Vicky, can I, I'm putting you on the spot here a little bit, but we now have seen the entire series. So this is the answer to the question. Becky, I'm putting you on the spot here a little bit, but we now have seen the entire series.
Starting point is 00:50:07 So this is the answer to the question, what would happen if we made another season of Sex and the City in 2021-2? If you could wipe this clean, but you've got the budget and the actors, what would you like to have seen this series being? Well, I think that, you know, you don't have to go. Sorry, you're probably going to want. Do you want me to be funny? No, Becky.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I want you to be yourself. Becky Lucas. Which is serious. Which is not funny. Yeah. Yeah. We want the piece of shit we hang out with in between podcasts. God.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I mean, I'm going to be earnest because to be honest i haven't really had the chance to speak about this with anyone properly i've had a couple of text conversations with a friend but you know no one else in my life is watching it in the same way that i am but like why can't they just write a show that was going to be for women that age? Like, my mom and stepmom and stuff really loved this show. They're the same age as these women. And it's, like, the, you know, grief and, like, all these things that come with aging and your place as a woman. Like, there's so – all they had to do to make this good was speak honestly as women that age like how is that how did they not get any can't you get like get
Starting point is 00:51:33 there's amazing female authors who have insights on motherhood and and menopause and all these why not get some of them to come in and consult on this stuff and out of that would have grown great natural comedy and dialogue and i don't understand how they fucked it so badly i really can't it's it makes me feel insane do you think it's because in this current world of streaming platforms basically soaking up all of the money and like quote-unquote television that their 18 to 35 market is so incredibly important now because that's who advertisers want to hit that even shows about women in their late 50s need to be directed at a 28 year old woman yeah i mean possibly that's it does have the vibe of a show that was written based on data. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 00:52:25 you know, it was like, we have to mention this topic. And all that, that sort of means with, with the flaws that are in the algorithm, you know, it's like letting an algorithm crash the stock market.
Starting point is 00:52:38 It's like the algorithms absorbed all of the information online about sex in the city. And they're like, right. Who does everyone hate? Samantha. Don't have her in the season. It like no you fucking you missed it you dumb ai everyone loves samantha ais can't experience love yet or write compelling dialogue for women over 50
Starting point is 00:52:57 and that's just something that we've got our best scientists working on oh yeah we've got it we've got to get better guys i also want to mention one and you've probably already mentioned it but i love that like miranda has finds this new friend as like the professor and we're all supposed to care about her fertility journey where we're like but like miranda has stopped hanging out with her but we're still hanging out with her, but we're still hanging out with her. I'm like, we met her because of Miranda and she doesn't eat, but we're there. I don't know this woman. It seems like we can only care about it as much as you let us.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And you are like telling us about it while keeping us at arm's reach. And then to be sprung on a hang with her when Miranda's not there. It's so out of, it's like. Going to Coachella and someone's brought their cousin and then they're like i'm gonna go to the bar and it takes them three hours you're just stuck with this fucking random person oh my god that's so yeah absolutely it's just it's so funny we do every exactly every episode we do um favorite character least favorite character and becky you can it's totally up to you because
Starting point is 00:54:05 i know that you have watched the show with the earnestness of a fan of the original television show so you can do like a season wide version of this or just episode specific for the the My favourite character. I mean, like I like Harry because Harry has never really changed. Runkle's Runkle. You know, he's, yeah, he's. Wait, why is he called Runkle now? It's a long. No, it's not that complicated. It's just because Guy watched Entourage. No, no watched entourage no no i only knew him from californication and so when we first came across him in the
Starting point is 00:54:51 movies i was like wow ronkle's here of course he has a long-standing career as an actor that predates my experience mainly known as harry goldenblatt i would call him Runkle. Yeah, you were confusing me when you did that. Oh, sorry, Buki. Yeah, you actually confused me, so, yeah. Yeah, I like him because he's always just been kind of a good guy, puts up with Charlotte's shit and probably the most attuned to, like, you know, even when they went to that dinner party and Charlotte's like, you you've got to read that you know like he's got a sense of humor and a knowing kind of grin about all of it i like that so probably yeah probably him um excited for your least favorite
Starting point is 00:55:39 fun seamers i know you keep going least favorite no no i want to hear about Seema. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell us about Seema first. Well, I just think Seema has potential. I imagine that she smells like a mix of really expensive perfume and cigarettes, which is such an alluring smell to me. Is that how you would like to smell? Chanel No. 5 and Dunhill Blues, the most intoxicating fragrance. It's so good. It's so good it's so good um it's not how i'd like to smell but
Starting point is 00:56:08 it's it's something i like to smell on other women thank you this is a hot tip for people pursuing becky lucas irl the ghost that haunts becky is listening to the podcast and i think my least favorite i mean don't make me say it no you have to it's part of the podcast rhymes with um it rhymes with hey well it rhymes with diaz you know i think at the end of 10 episodes not just this episode but the entire experience you're well within your rights for Shay to be your least favourite character in the show. Yes, and I mean, maybe that's where they're heading with it.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I think they haven't really given Miranda any, like, how can they be heading into another season? Is it all just going to keep going swimmingly when they follow? No, it's not interesting if it keeps going well. They're literally banking on Kim Cattrall seeing this and getting involved in another season of it, that is as crazy in real life as Miranda is being in the show. It's fucked in the head.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Yeah. And if she does come back, like, what, they're just going to hurl all the other, like, POC characters? It would be. They're like, never mind, Samantha's back. Fuck off. Imagine the baggage between those actors of you know sarah jessica parker and cynthia nixon and uh kristen davis against because i read an
Starting point is 00:57:34 article recently that apparently it's always been like that that kim cattrall they they like shot on location maybe it was for one of the movies and kim cattrall stayed in a different like accommodation to the rest of them they were all in one house and kim cattrall stayed somewhere else like they've always frozen it's not good isn't it sad you know i hate i hate knowing no i'm happy i'm so happy now though that she like she made she saw the check that was available to her for the show and i don't know it doesn't appear to me that kim cattrall was making a huge amount of money on screen and she still had the um uh what's it called like yeah exact integrity self-respect to go no i'm not gonna put myself through that again fuck that totally i mean she would still be a millionaire many times over like it's very easy to have integrity when your face she's got
Starting point is 00:58:22 options it's true yeah but you're right. The others have that as well, and they still went for it. It is interesting. And also, can I say one thing? Cynthia Nixon would have made a terrible mayor. Governor? She ran for governor? Yeah, governor of the state.
Starting point is 00:58:35 It's like, governor of the state. It's like, you couldn't even see this script and advocate for yourself. You couldn't even have power with the cast and crew and writers. I understand what you're saying, but I feel like all of her concentrated energy went into running for governor and then when that didn't happen, it was like, okay, path of least resistance is back, baby. I don't need to see these scripts.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I'll show up on set and do it all day. But no leadership, no leadership. Such a funny angle to me that you couldn't even lobby Sarah Jessica Parker successfully. How do you think your chances will be against Congress? Who you just named, were they your series or episode best worst? I think that was series. Maybe in the episode, I do think Hari Neff was the only, like,
Starting point is 00:59:22 shining light. It's Rabbi Jean. Yes. And then least favorite would have to be Miranda and her just idiot, bad mom, bad friend, just a bad person. It's crazy. Yeah. My favorite.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I do like that she's dyed her hair red again that wasn't that was that was a yeah that was nice i guess i don't know yeah and then to like she does to use brady as an audience surrogate you see i did something yeah so i agree with your your favorite choice rabbi j. Outstanding. Really funny. Really also, like, the performance was fun and the character's really fun. I like the level of investment that Rabbi Jen has in this, they mitzvah, as they call it. It's sort of like, yeah, I'll do my best,
Starting point is 01:00:15 but also this is a fucking insane situation that I'm not taking responsibility for. Like, that level of engagement in life is really admirable. And there was just a fantastic energy exuding from rabbi jen and they're my least favorite um conversely and just for the sake of uh changing it from one of the people i've been cycling through as a source of frustration on the season would probably be rock just for the way that the entitled way in which they spurned this event that Charlotte and Runkle, they're not perfect parents,
Starting point is 01:00:48 but they are doing their best. And as a 13-year-old, I understand that life is challenging and that Rock is having some questions about their own identity, but meet them a little bit of the way. You've got to go further than 1%, which is just putting your head down and video gaming until the moment. And then, you know it just it bothered me anthony had well we are this take i think but anthony had little um you know he had his bread men wearing rainbow yarmulkes
Starting point is 01:01:19 you know i mean that that that is effort on a minute level. That is small details being made by everyone in your life and you can't be fucked sitting up straight. Brock is always slumping in a fucking... Sit up. We are 80. Sit up and pay attention. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I don't care. You know what? Growing up is real realizing you're not important. And there's just some things that aren't true about life. I don't know how anyone could disagree with Becky's selection, I think. Although. Rabbi Jen. Yeah, Rabbi Jen and Miranda.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Like, you know, that's firmly locked in for me. There's no more to be said about that. It's just watch the episode itself. And did Brady also, just quickly, did Brady, was he told that his mom is off to fucking? Brady's checked out. Brady doesn't care about what Miranda does anymore. Brady is chasing tail.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Miranda's looking out for Miranda. And Brady's looking out for Brady. And I believe Steve. He doesn't know that there's a divorce. He does know. I would love to have seen that Wait did they have that conversation in the show? We know that the dynamics change Because Brady and Steve show up to paint that
Starting point is 01:02:36 Yeah but that Conversation would have been worthwhile Too difficult for the AI to write Going back to what we were saying What's interesting in characters floors What's interesting on screen in terms of like moments conflict give me a mother who has broken up her marriage with the the child's father of decades to pursue a um a queer relationship for the first time ever like that's something i want to see with a comedian yeah with a comedian like most pertinently you know it's just like it's not gonna end well and like yeah look into your son's eyes and
Starting point is 01:03:10 like break his heart although let us in i i do i have to kind of i have to check myself a little bit because i have said so many times through this series that my mattress parklet king is just dealing with all of these issues that he has no kind of understanding or King capability to grapple with. So this might fall into that. Move fast, make mistakes. Good on your mattress.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Silicon Valley. I also, I also like that. I just remembered as well, before we sign off as a piece of miscellanea, but that like Carrie's big break or breakthrough in this episode is she gets scattered to host a podcast. I know that there's
Starting point is 01:03:45 money in podcasting but like 10 episodes and at the end of it's like hey carrie you got what it takes to be a podcast host jesus christ she was famous like in the not famous but in the original series you know like she was a woman about town which is not easy to do in new york city to be like a who's who you know she had clout people would often be like oh i'm such a big fan yeah why is she so why does no one recognize her on the street anymore or any it's like she's invisible she might not exist you might be right what we were putting forward but i like that too i really like this well you know like maybe she died oh god and all of this has been a huge hallucination,
Starting point is 01:04:26 like Seema, everything, and Big's still alive. This was the gas leak season of Sex and the City. Yeah, it actually was a gas leak. You could see Carrie starring the Wayne in Sex and the City 2 at the big gay wedding when those fans met and go, I'm a huge fan. When are you going to have kids? And he goes, I'm not going to have kids.
Starting point is 01:04:43 And her big fans are like, what the fuck is wrong with you you're not having children all right well this is um i think being uh our longest episode and rightly so it's not every day we get becky lucas on the pod so becky can you please plug your own podcast um yes i'm fucking head i really don't want to disclose that right now. I have a podcast called the Becky and Cam Hotline and people call up and we offer advice. It's, you know, sometimes silly, sometimes genuine. And it's, yeah, it's cool. Actually, we should get you guys on during Melbourne.
Starting point is 01:05:23 I would love that. I'm not coming. I will physically be there. I've got a child now Becky I can't risk my infant son with COVID going around And you're doing a comedy show in Melbourne I am It's called So Funny Good title
Starting point is 01:05:37 Who is the So Funny referring to? Duh Me I'm going to be so funny depending on what night you come sometimes i'll be mean and aggressive okay well that's a gamble i'd love to take i'm on the precipice of passing out from the heat exhaustion in this room yeah it's been such a pleasure, as it always is, talking to you, Becky. Thanks for coming on the pod.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Thanks, guys. It's so nice to see you. Thank you for being on this journey. Thank you. Okay, perfect.

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