The Worst Idea Of All Time - And Just Like That... Part 8

Episode Date: January 29, 2022

Tim is coming around to the show while Guy is becoming more and more irate at the things people are laughing at inside of the And Just Like That universe. After the show realises it's had a total... lack of hogs thus far, it's playing catch up and so we have two penises to discuss this episode. Also, a relationship going from strength to strength (in the form of Charlotte and Runkle) while Miranda decides to blow everything up with scant regard for the feelings of our hero, Steve. Carrie is no longer mourning Big or texting Samantha - frankly, a triumph. Will the boiz miss the gals once they are gone? Only time will tell!JOIN US ON FACEBOOK: ( THE LITTLE EMPIRE PODCAST NETWORK: ( US ON PATREON ( Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh my god, they're only doing sex in the city again. This truly is the worst idea of all time. Hello everyone and welcome along to episode 8. Bewitched, bothered and bewildered of Tim Bett and Guy Montgomery's watch-along with the wickedly talented, the one and only, and just like that. It is the reboot, reconstituted, yesterday's muck-cooked-again meal of the Sex and the City universe as set in the current era.
Starting point is 00:00:41 We are recording this in the year 2022, and we've both recently watched the eighth episode of the 10 episode season they are doing stuff tim they're doing a lot of stuff i'm good man this was probably my favorite episode of the series so far i do feel like i'm on board and uh there was enough. Maybe it was the conditions of which I watched it on a TV again. Huge treat. What a treat. Watched it on a TV
Starting point is 00:01:11 with Zoe and my wife and we had a good time. Did you do this yesterday evening? Yes, watched it last night at an appropriate TV watching time and I was so tired. see it's fascinating isn't it how how much that can contribute to a positive viewing experience
Starting point is 00:01:33 not like i mean watching it with another person obviously can help but watching it at a time when you associate with watching television you know not watching it in a weird little corner of your day where you can just sneak one past the goalie. I'd love to hear about your shared viewing experience. I know that you're up to speed with the season. Zoe, I imagine, as a woman of refined taste, has been choosing to dip in and out, perhaps? Correct. Tell me about it. Set the scene, brother.
Starting point is 00:02:03 All right. So, listen. Got a lot of threads happening in this episode basically this this is an episode of and just like that of big chats chats with husbands chats with children chats with downstairs neighbors there's a lot of chatting this whole show is basically just chats really a lot of chats oh do you know what big chats and big dicks we had not one but two hogs in this uh episode of in just like that and i tell you guys i missed runkel's penis on the watch i didn't even clock that it was on screen it is on screen quite briefly but it's a it's a big penis and i looked it up uh just before we got on the record.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah, there it is. You've got to guys just waved a screen in front of me with a screenshot. He's taken on his phone of it. So to enjoy here. So like physically so much with respect to rankles elephant cock. And also it seems crazy to me that in the eighth episode of a 10 episode run, they're like,
Starting point is 00:03:04 we haven't featured a single penis we've got to get penis heavy and boy do they i look it's it's i don't know if it's worth speculating but i imagine runkle due to the the sort of you know his his uh standing as an actor i feel like this is prosthetic i feel like it is not his real penis i looked it up before i got on the call with you so this is the sequence of events guy last night i watched the episode and i for somehow one reason or another miss harry goldenblatt's cock being on screen cut to this morning about an hour ago and someone on Twitter has tagged me into a tweet saying, hey Tim, can't wait to hear what you two have to say about Runkle's cock. And I said,
Starting point is 00:03:51 what are you talking about? And they said, well, this is what we saw in the UK. What did you boys get in New Zealand? So I went back and rewound the tape, the VHS that i had uh of episode eight of and just like that and lo and behold for about i would say eight tenths of a second we do see charlotte about to blow harry with his um his penis swinging in the wind in the bathroom and um so i looked it up to see if it was uh even handled his penis because we now i can't remember who this was but when we were in la we were talking to someone who was either like a celebrity Or sort of celebrity adjacent Who from memory told us a story about
Starting point is 00:04:31 Evan Handler getting his penis out Like at a party Does that ring any bells? Yeah, only just I had wiped, you know You pick up so much miscellany in a lifetime There's only room for X amount of it. And that one, until you'd unearthed it just then,
Starting point is 00:04:48 blowing some of the dust off this archaeological memory, I couldn't remember it. But, I mean, it makes, and this is not to say that perhaps, you know, Evan Handler's penis isn't even larger in real life. Maybe it is. There's something about his standing in the series as an actor that sort of just suggested to me, because it's quite out of the blue, that it wasn't his penis.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Whereas later on, we see there's a handsome sort of debonair asshole who's dating Carrie's hip younger neighbor who lives beneath her. And we see what is, I have to trust, the genuine bonafide article, which is sort of penis at turgid time. And, you know, it's incredible to think, isn't it, that on the back end of watching a year's worth of softcore pornography and, you know, a man whose sole ambition in life is to inspect a boner, ideally,
Starting point is 00:05:47 but I'm sure a turgid cock would also satisfy some part of his needs. It is a cruel irony that it's not until we delve into the world of him just like that that I feel bombarded. Yeah, it's interesting that I really liked Charlotte's storyline. Tell us about it, Guy. Just like that season, I will. Miranda and Charlotte's standing. I came into this season, you know, I've said it before, I said it again, Charlotte and I have had a hard time with each other.
Starting point is 00:06:24 And I've always had a soft spot for Miranda. But the pendulum of favor is swinging. Basically, in this episode, Charlotte is putting Harry under pressure to wear a fitness ring. And Harry, he doesn't want it. I can't believe I'm calling him Harry. And eventually, they're sort of having a bit of fun in the bathroom. Their relationship's actually in pretty good stead.
Starting point is 00:06:46 And he says, well, if you want me to wear your ring, you've got to do it properly. And she gets down on bended knee and proposes that Harry wears this fitness ring. And Harry says yes. And this is cheeky, but you know, what happens inside of a marriage is entirely someone else's business. He says, while you're down there, perhaps
Starting point is 00:07:02 you could tend to my elephant hog. and he doesn't call it an elephant hog but it's you're paraphrasing a level and charlotte's sort of like do we have time and rungle says yeah and i think i like this i like this for these guys like i'm happy for them and uh he he unfills his he undoes his pants and his penis comes out and Charlotte's about to get to work. And then they've left the bathroom door open and Lily marches up to the door and they both panic. Charlotte slams the door in her daughter's face.
Starting point is 00:07:36 And basically the uncertainty of whether or not Lily saw what was happening and Charlotte's fear, both of it being seen and also then being a prude and setting a poor, you know, sex negative example for her daughter dictates her storyline for the entire episode. She, again, three episodes running, gets given one of the most fantastic lines on the episode and in the show,
Starting point is 00:07:58 which was, I was just checking daddy's penis for cancer. That's funny. That's funny. That's funny. It doesn't matter who you are. It's a funny sequence of words to put all together in a sentence. And it's a funny lie. But, you know, like, I just, I liked, especially later on in the episode, basically in this episode, we're still fucking looking for some justice for Steve here.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Steve has been like an absent party in the demise of his marriage. Tell me about it. Miranda's entire story arc in this episode is that she, Shay, and I actually want to talk to you about this. We'll set the table, eh? We'll set the scene. First thing we see, and my eyes, you know, rolled all the way back
Starting point is 00:08:45 in my head until i was looking at my own skull uh the the the episode opens with shea diaz hosting an lgb or lg oh no i've humiliated myself lgbqt plus i believe lgbtqi plus qi i missed i i apologize to my intersex brethren but i and she's doing an abysmal job but people are loving it they're going ballistic well yeah yeah i've got it you have the adjective but i've written down in my notes, I said, Miranda is at an LBGTQI concert? Protest? Demonstration? Middle of the day, in a park, weird number of people there. So I'm not, it's like.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And it's cold. It looks like a rough autumnal day for this event. And the turnout reflects that. And Shay's rousing the crowd like there's some sort of proposed law they're trying to get on the books or overturn or whatnot doing doing a good job at whipping up the crowd but then it's sort of like it's just very confusing as to what exactly this event is that shay is emceeing. But the important parts here are Miranda is in attendance and so is Brady. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And we just get to see a glimpse of Brady and it's, you know, it's heartening to see Brady and his partner, who's name I still can't remember, at the rally. Miranda becomes very embarrassed and starts scuttling away just as Shea is ramping up to a speech about how hiding is so five years ago ago it's not cool
Starting point is 00:10:26 you've got to live your full life and then afterwards we have this conversation where shay confronts miranda who's returned with coffees to say i saw you sculling away there what's with that shit and rand says oh my son was here i didn't want my son to see and shay says well what what didn't you want your son to see does your son not know about me and uh miranda's like yeah no doesn't know about you doesn't know about me and then shay has made the assumption that miranda is in an open marriage and it's sort of it it again i enjoyed it because i felt like we were in not morally murky but slightly ambiguous waters over whose responsibility it is in what situation to to open these conversations in their relationship
Starting point is 00:11:10 and um i thought this was awesome i i really enjoyed this conversation i first of all i thought that shay and i don't know the actor's name who portrays shay but i thought they did a fantastic job in this scene like i bought it i bought the outrage i really did i thought it also struck me that cynthia nixon and i was watching this scene play out i was like it's it's so funny that she very recently ran for new york governor and then lost in this now like i guess I'll go and do this again. Miranda really has one gear. Like, Cynthia Nixon has one gear. And it is an apologetic approach with a smile where it's like, I'm on the back foot and unwilling to fully admit to that.
Starting point is 00:11:59 But I will try and sort of smile my way through making a mistake. So this situation is great. You know, classic misunderstanding, classic mix-up. Miranda's been out and out, cheating on her husband. Yeah. Like, there's no two ways about it. And Shay has been of the understanding that Steve has sort of known about this at least in format, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:26 at least in the possibility that Miranda is sort of, there's an agreed arrangement within the relationship that she can be involved with other people outside of the marriage in a sexual way. But Steve doesn't know any of this shit. And it's just a great reminder that it doesn't matter how confused you are or in an exploration zone with your own sexuality, that doesn't excuse you fucking around on your partner at all. No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:56 It does not dismiss common decency. And that's something that Shay sees. And Miranda basically doesn't. Her entire life is in revolution and accordingly just basic social etiquette has gone out the window as well because miranda's episode and it is again it is incredible to think like it is so i i you know what would this series be if cynthia nixon made it into office like i just cannot see a harder pivot in someone's life than her not getting voted in and being like okay well i guess miranda hobbs is still fucking
Starting point is 00:13:32 out there somewhere i'll go you know mingle my my soul with her body but yeah so her the entire episode is like her trying to to write this wrong And also, I've got to say, it tracks perfectly with my forecast in our last episode with Chris Parker. You can see Miranda is careening towards an absolute catastrophe here as she goes about abruptly ending her marriage to Steve. Steve, I could not have felt more sympathy and empathy for Steve. Like, here's a guy who could not be more blindsided by, like, just the weight of what Miranda's been going through
Starting point is 00:14:13 and her inability or, you know, lack of empathy to communicate any of it until it arrives at breaking point is staggering. This was another great scene in the episode like this was a good chat between the two of them because you're loving the chats i'm loving the chats and this show is essentially nothing but chats a lot of chats and two hogs it's that's the secret um absolutely to make a good episode for and just like that this is such a grounded conversation because it's miranda got like it's it's very such a grounded conversation because it's miranda got like it's it's very sort of relatable and understandable it's miranda going look i've
Starting point is 00:14:50 been unhappy for a long time i need more than this relationship i can't believe you didn't see it this way and steve's like what the fuck are you talking about our relationship has been in constant tumult the entire time and in the last 10 years we've finally gotten into a groove where we've got some semblance of normalcy and reliability and we can sit on the couch and enjoy some evening television and each other's company and raising our child together and you're like i need more chaos and i i was like, I get it, Steve. I understand it. I'm not at a stage in my life yet where I sort of am desperately desiring
Starting point is 00:15:31 that sort of quiet comfortability and a lot of couch time. But I understand I'll get there probably when I'm his age with two hearing aids. Oh, totally. And the thing to me is like I'm not against Miranda getting out there and exploring herself and figuring out what she wants. Getting fingered in a kitchen? You know, I could give two hoots about that.
Starting point is 00:15:53 All power to her. But you cannot. The amount of effort she put into sustaining or communicating what's happening to Steve or, like, you know, exploring their relationship as it exists is she kind of lured him into fingering her in their kitchen once, out of the blue. Yeah, and he hated it.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yeah, and it went poorly for both of them, but that's the extent to which she was like, Steve, I need more in this relationship to Steve. So you've got Steve at home watching a game of baseball like safely ensconced in his really lovely coddled little middle class brooklyn lifestyle and fucking and there's no good time for these conversations go ahead tim the thing that gets me about it is i feel that steve has earned this period of his life, you know? Like, he ran a bar in New York City. That's fucking hard.
Starting point is 00:16:47 He's been with Miranda for decades. That's gotta be really hard. He's finally found a good rhythm for himself, and it's all about to be taken away. And they've raised this incredible son, and yeah, it's just he's just trying to watch
Starting point is 00:17:04 a game of baseball. And all of a sudden, he's getting a divorce. And Miranda is so self-interested in this conversation. And it's fine, you know, like it's a hearty conversation that they have. But Miranda's agenda is so front and center the whole way through that afterwards like steve is understandably devastated basically he's been living on a foundation of lies for the last 10 years of their relationship and there's a lot alluded to in the conversation which is stuff that might not be canon about the ups and downs of the relationship and how steve wasn't necessarily enough i think it
Starting point is 00:17:39 was referenced maybe in the prologue of one of the movies where it was like they were talking about how everyone's journeys and how Miranda wasn't sure about Steve, but he was the guy who wound up getting her pregnant. So they sort of wound up being together. He was never enough. And he'd never got his way through this and made his peace with it and still provided enough to be that person.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Miranda's like, hey, Steve, turns out this whole time, my gut was right. You're not enough. I haven't spoken to you about it for 10 years. So I lulled you into a false sense of security fuck off i'm pursuing a comedian yeah guy montgomery's sworn enemy i also earlier in this episode i i accidentally misgendered shay i referred to shay as she and i'd like to apologize to show diaz i don't want you to think that's anything to do with my disdain for you
Starting point is 00:18:26 it is purely the way you carry yourself as a comedian but basically then Miranda like calls up Carrie after the conversation she's like and Carrie's like well how did Steve take it and a rare flash of empathy from Carrie and Miranda's like oh yeah
Starting point is 00:18:42 he was upset but the headline is he said he wants me to be happy so i'm getting on a plane to cleveland to surprise was an insane takeaway from from that like conversation come breakup for miranda hobbs to be like yeah the headline is he wants to be happy he's like he said a lot of other shit before he said that and we we heard all that stuff i i like you know i did in my heart of hearts i know that he's going to be okay he was sort of just like resigned he was like hey miranda you've done this before a version of this i'm not gonna fight for it and i also really loved it when steve was like she was miranda was saying her piece and
Starting point is 00:19:25 steve was like whatever whatever i was like fuck but the thing of it is like the i i thought the first time this episode aside from that charlotte storyline i was sort of like this feels like air like we should be getting somewhere right now because we're, we're arriving at the end of the season. It just, it was a lot of these chance, but without the depth, you missed one big ticket item, which is that Shay did say to Miranda that Shay said they were in love with
Starting point is 00:19:57 Miranda. Yes. But also you need to fucking sort your life out. There were two, there were, yeah, there were two things that were tacked onto that. You need to sort your shit out. I's a bit your marriage there were yeah there were two things that were tacked onto that you need to sort your shit out i'm not a home wrecker and also i love
Starting point is 00:20:11 you but i cannot give you something traditional and miranda this is this is where i fear for miranda and i think that we're gonna we're gonna be approaching some sort of car crash towards the end of the season because miranda is so swept up in the excitement of realizing that she's gay and she's feeling passion and love and she feels alive again. And all of Miranda's eggs are in the Shea Diaz basket. And I just think it's going to be too much too soon for Shea. How's Miranda going to deal with Shea wanting an open relationship
Starting point is 00:20:42 or being polyamorous? Surely I think it's going to be too much too soon. I don't know if Miranda's definitely gay. I think she's figuring it out. I think there's a myriad of options of how it's going to land. I look forward to finding out alongside Miranda. Absolutely. And at the end of the episode, Miranda's excitedly,
Starting point is 00:21:02 and this is another sort of teaser I thought for the demise or like, you know, the challenge of Miranda's romantic act with Shaz. She's on the phone, in the car, in the cab, on the way to Cleveland. And I mean, I love a big swing. I love a big gesture. But just, I just feel like she's not going to arrive to see what she wants to in Cleveland. And Carrie's like uh rand is so
Starting point is 00:21:27 excited and carrie can't quite take it away from me it's like i'm in a romantic i'm in a rom-com i'm in a romantic comedy and uh carrie's like okay have a safe flight do you know what's um what's funny about this episode as well is that we've got charlotte who is grappling with um trying to present a sex positive but still responsible version of parenting to her uh 15 year old daughter who has a walked in on her um about to give her husband a blow job but b is sort of exploring her own um what would you call it? She's got an Instagram account where she's putting some nice photos of herself up. She's a teenager. She's in the throes of puberty. It's a challenging-
Starting point is 00:22:13 It's a fascinating time for any person to go through. It's scary. Charlotte finds a photo of her, and I wouldn't even describe it as at all provocative, but just a photo of Lily where she's wearing like remotely tight um fitness clothing and charlotte freaks out so she's navigating all these things which is like you know it's some some juicy territory for um parenthood we've got uh cynthia nixon's failed gubernatorial run which has led to her returning to miranda hobbs who is now struggling
Starting point is 00:22:43 to find out what it means to be in a long-standing marriage with someone raising a child losing the love questioning your sexuality exploring a non-traditional relationship the first of its kind in your life while you're in your 50s and we've got carrie bradshaw whose through line in this episode is she's got a neighbor she has a neighbor downstairs but you know it's interesting isn't it because it was one of carrie's best episodes we did not mourn big for a second in this and we didn't hear from samantha so well done everyone and didn't that feel relaxing didn't you feel like the show was finally realizing what it could be which was a show about the characters who are fucking here yeah yeah yeah yeah and not carrie yeah importantly it's like we're checking on carrie but i don't need to be also too long i've got to talk about
Starting point is 00:23:37 uh carrie's neighbor or i mean the neighbor she seemed quite cool she's a successful jewelry designer from california who's moved to new york for the lifestyle she uh was always having friends over they're staying up late it's keeping carrie up carrie feels like she's a sort of an old witch the wicked witch of the west side and um you know she's she's stoop girl i didn't catch her name but i just wrote down uh that she is stoop girl yeah because she hangs out on the stoop and makes too much noise every night, keeps her up. I just want to quickly talk about the, not the neighbor,
Starting point is 00:24:12 not stoop girl herself, but the company she's keeping because I mean, I've been on both sides of the noisy neighbor situation. I've been a noisy neighbor. I've been next to neighbors who are noisy. It's just, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:24 growing pains in life. And this stoop girl is keeping some pretty – I thought Shade Diaz represented some of the worst comedy for the greatest reward in the show. But the guy that stoop girl is dating, who turns out to be a real piece of work, he gets unceremoniously dumped for sleeping around at the end of the episode. It's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:48 There's a few people gathered on the stoop now, and one of them is talking about how I was flying first class, and when the plane landed, I said, I don't care that we landed. I'm not leaving. And it gets big peals of laughter. And that in and of itself bothered me. It's like this guy is telling this anecdote with too much too much confidence it's not this funny these people are laughing you hate to see people in this show get a laugh
Starting point is 00:25:12 you can't stand it that bothered me but what bothered me more is when the friend of stu goes uh he said this is what he said. He's doing a tag on the other guy's gag. He goes, air marshal to first class. We have a hostile hipster. And that gets an even bigger laugh. And that made me even angrier because it was such a big swing for such a bad gag.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And I wanted to see the moment where you take a big swing on a gag and it bombs. And I wanted to see him feel vulnerable. But everyone's rolling. It's a great hang hang and they're all laughing and i at that moment because i was like these people look cool they're having a good time they're hanging out on a stupid new york i wouldn't mind being there but listening to what they were laughing at all of a sudden all my empathy poured into carrie bradshaw and i was like if they were being funny maybe then funny or
Starting point is 00:26:00 interesting maybe i could tolerate these noisy neighbors but for them to be sitting outside cackling at some of the worst material i've heard drives me up the fucking wall but this was okay i know it's television so it shouldn't be reflecting real life super accurately but this is what it's like to be with a bunch of friends you get on a roll someone throws a dinger out there it doesn't matter spirits are high man you you you buoy each other and you raise each other up and you share your laughter freely and without question. I only laugh when someone says something funny. That is a guiding principle. It's just a big part of how I live my life.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Look, you're right, Tim. And I'm glad that you said it out loud to me. you're right Tim and I'm glad you said it out loud to me is that I do, I hate to see I hate to see a character get a laugh on this show unless I co-sign the laugh
Starting point is 00:26:53 I I don't know who I was talking to someone about this, I think last year in the year of our lord 2021 famously one of the better years there's ever been about like what in the year of our Lord, 2021, famously one of the better years there's ever been, about what it means to be a person who people really want to hang out with. And I reckon a key component
Starting point is 00:27:15 that doesn't get talked about enough is being an easy laugh. If you can do a genuine, easily gifted laugh to people in conversation, you are instantly so much more likable, and I want to hang out with you. It's undeniable. I think of Alice Sneddon as one of the great laughs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Alice Sneddon is a great hang because you will always feel like you are on a roll in her company. But there's also a discernment to it. Chelsea's actually a great laugh, but it's split between laughing at what you're saying and if you tried to be funny and it fails, there's a very clear delineation in the way she's laughing where she's laughing at you. And, you know, I respect that.
Starting point is 00:28:01 But it hurts. It hurts too. Later on, that same guy who was telling the first class story says he's telling a story about how his landlord or someone wants him to move out and his his big line that gets a big laugh we don't even see this being delivered we just hear it from carrie's apartment is so i said yeah i can move out i can move out whenever you want how's never i missed that one oh man it sucks fair enough that one sucks um sema is also in this episode just as sort of i mean i would say a handbag for carrie to sort of produce at times when they need to showcase they didn't forget about diversity um sorry if that sounds a little cynical but that was my reading of um her placement in this show really for your read in this episode
Starting point is 00:28:50 uh and so carrie what's going on with carrie this episode guy she is exploring her past through her fashion which for the first time ever i was sort of on board with. You look so confused. She's got all of her clothes laid out in a big walk-in wardrobe, and Lily's coming over periodically to sift through and I think help organize and maybe take a few pieces home that she can now sort of fit because she's growing up. Carrie's quite small, so I guess they're the same size. And Carrie produces a dress that is a shit who was it um it's versace and it's a versace dress gray feathers she referred to as her pride and joy produces it
Starting point is 00:29:36 for seymour and says that she's only worn it twice ever once at um fashion week in mulan or paris or something in another where she um sat at home and ate some cake i think wearing it which like yeah yes queen etc the dress sucks you know for my i don't know anything about fashion but i'm like i don't get it the color's very like drab and it's it's uh it's too puffy i don't get it man yeah i was totally with you but yeah i mean our eyes are probably off on this but i was like this is my pride and joy and i thought carrie your apartment should be your pride and joy this dress is a piece of shit it's like but again to that point of the best people to be around are kind of
Starting point is 00:30:17 um uh easy and genuine laughs sema is just right on board with it she's like this is this is absolutely gorgeous what am i looking at here how do i obtain it see sema is a good hang and also there's actually a moment i really enjoyed where uh that it's after the dress reveal and carrie shows it and sema says um i wrote it down actually i've got to make sure i get it okay does it oh sema says what are you going to do with it aside from leaving it to me in your will? And Carrie does this great little laugh, which is like an acknowledgement of a joke, but not one that she found sincerely funny.
Starting point is 00:30:52 But it's like an amusing thought. And she goes, ha ha. I love that. I love that little moment. Do you know, this is another thing I'm noticing now. I like it when the laugh corresponds exactly to how funny I think the thing is.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Oh, okay. Yeah. Scale is important. Sort of a, a, um, appropriate response. What is it called? Proportionate. You want a proportionate response in the laughter. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Um, I've got two finer things I want to bring up here, Monty. The first is I just can't understand why Shay is in love with Miranda. I know that you're not Shay's number one fan, but let's just take the character as they present it. Yeah, I like this angle of thought. Successful comedian, successful podcaster, really can whip up a crowd. Not successful for no reason.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Oh, I also forgot a moment that I really liked in this episode yes 100 carrie bradshaw ringing bobby lee to go hey how do i ask my neighbor to be quiet and it's like uh you're a 54 year old woman but bobby lee's really nice about it he does a a great job. And Bobby Lee's like, she was like, I didn't wake you, did I? And Bobby Lee's like, no, my girlfriend is sewing. And she's like, you got a girlfriend? And Bobby's like, yeah, I got a whole life. Yeah. Great line.
Starting point is 00:32:16 It's just a perfect reminder that Carrie Bradshaw just has never investigated a single detail of either of her podcast co-hosts lives no which is right yeah like even as her her friend literally explodes her marriage of yeah however long for her podcast co-host and boss carrie barely bats an eyelid or shows any invested or level of depth of interest and in either end of that relationship. She's just quietly like, well, okay, Miranda, you know best. It was insane. The amount of shit that everyone's been through for Carrie's major and minor tiffs with partners. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Return the favor. Just before we get to what does Shay say to Miranda, there's another thing. Because Miranda goes out with charlotte and carrie and it's again it's a great scene for chat we've got three women who've all got different things to bring to the chat and miranda's undeniably is front and center it's hey guys tonight after this meal when i'm having dessert with my husband i'm gonna ask him for a divorce because, you know, I've been fucking your boss,
Starting point is 00:33:28 Carrie. And everyone's like, wow. And it feels like it's sort of just about to be treated with the gravitas. And then I can't remember how it happens, but Charlotte winds up telling about how she was afraid that Lily saw her about to blow Harry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And then Miranda like totally parks this life altering decision, which to me tells me that like, you know, again, she's, she's set in what's happening. And is like, you still blow your husband? And then just keeps banging the you still blow Harry joke. Yeah, the line is, you still blow Harry, is said by both Miranda and Carrie so many times. It's like, guess what? some people are still enjoying their marriage
Starting point is 00:34:08 and some people's husbands are still alive get used to it but I really that gave me a lot of respect for Charlotte and like my respect for Charlotte has grown imagine if when she was saying
Starting point is 00:34:24 that they had a little nod to Arrested Development, Charlotte just said, oh, you're outraged by that? Well, I'm sorry, Gary. Not everyone's husband is dead. I'm sorry. That was completely inappropriate. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Let's track back here. Let's track back to what does Shea Diaz see in Miranda Hobbs? Oh, yeah. So what's their first meeting? Is Miranda exploding at Shea? And this is coming from a place of, I think, deep, unresolved frustration in her life. But Shea gives Brady weed andanda blows up and shay calls miranda rambo arguably she's you know hey listen there's no definitive answer on this but i would
Starting point is 00:35:15 say she's probably with any rights to get really pissed about that because he's still a minor right like brady the rat king may be a fuck machine but i think he's still like what 17 what's the age of consent in new york you've got to assume it's less than however old brady is in the world of the show but that's that's their meeting so that that they meet and shay see like i'm just trying to visualise what Shay sees in Miranda from the outset and that is... It's 17 There you go. Shay sees a very strong minded
Starting point is 00:35:52 passionate articulate woman who loves her family and while you know a lot of that might have been directed towards Shay, there is still I think from Shay a lot of that might have been directed towards Shay, there is still, I think, from Shay, a respect for that level of love and self-belief in one's values.
Starting point is 00:36:12 And ferocity. Yeah. From there, I guess, do you know what? I mean, to me, a big part of what Shay would see in Miranda would be the allure of not an attainable woman, because we are to believe that Shay thought Miranda was in an open marriage. But like, is Miranda alluring to Shay? She must be. Look, she's very beautiful. There's no getting away from that.
Starting point is 00:36:39 But she's a little bit older than Shay. She is sort of at least straight passing at the start, but you're right. I guess maybe there is an element of the chase in it for Shay, but it just, I don't know. After that first bit where Miranda gets really angry at Shay for giving her son weed, she's such a shrinking violet and the rest of her interactions with Shay.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And it just, it appears to me that Shay, as Shay is presented in this show, they would want a partner that is at that kind of level of intensity and, um, self-actualization and I don't know, just like having themselves figured out a little bit more. I guess maybe,
Starting point is 00:37:22 but the heart wants what the heart wants well yeah also there's probably you know it might be a turn on it's probably quite empowering to to help someone realize their sexuality and to be the object of desire to someone is that you know sort of self-actualizing as you say or like you know starting to identify who they are beneath all the layers they've put on. And I imagine that there's a powerful sort of erotic mystique to being that person for someone else. And I also guess the other thing that we need to consider and that Miranda needs to consider,
Starting point is 00:37:57 although Shay does say that they're in love with Miranda, is that Shay is probably having a lot of good times on the side with other people. Shay can't offer something traditional. Shay's out there looking out for Shay. And so, yeah, I mean, it's a great question. And again, it does all feed into my unified theory that Miranda is careening towards heartbreak. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:38:23 But, I mean, Shay professed their love for Miranda in this episode, so that's what makes me think you're wrong. But I don't even care about that because, Guy, I've got a more important question to throw at you, and that is once Brady the Rat King finds out that Miranda has ended her longstanding marriage to Brady's father, Steve, is there going to be rodent hell to pay for this? Do you think that Brady the Rat King
Starting point is 00:38:46 will corral his armies and circle the wagons to launch some sort of attack on his mum it's an interesting question I think Brady will you know
Starting point is 00:39:01 it'll be a lot to process for Brady because Brady will want to support as we can see by Brady's attendance at the parade slash rally slash beat poetry gig. There'll be a lot of love and support for Miranda and to realize that his mum was hiding part of herself through his entire childhood will be challenging. But I think he'll have a lot of empathy for Steve. And to be honest, we're looking at a former mayor of New York,
Starting point is 00:39:30 a man who has happily, I think, retired a lot of his vim and vigor as he's settled into a comfortable pace of life in a very sound place in his marriage. I'd be looking out for Steve. I think if steve comes to brady and says son we need to put some energy into my life i think that's when we're going to be looking at um you know a lot of well just like there's a lot of energy between the three members of that family even as they go their separate ways, there's a lot of energy
Starting point is 00:40:06 and a lot of potential to create havoc. I don't know that his parents splitting up is enough to drive Brady to doing anything totally rash because I feel like Brady himself is in a pretty good spot. But I do feel like if Steve gets on his back and is like, son, I'm going to need some rats. I'm going to need them here at this time. I think Brady's not a long way away from activating that.
Starting point is 00:40:31 We may have had the correct premonition about Brady's eventual fate, but had the timeline slightly wrong with him becoming the Rat King. I know that you think he's on sure enough ground at the moment and maybe he's he's a young adult now so he's kind of um old enough to weather the emotional storm of his parents splitting up with a little bit more capacity than if he was a younger lad but maybe we're wrong on that um because maybe this is the turning point this is when he uh starts to descend into the sewers of the big apple and figures out how to teach rats how to train other rats because as we all know um teach a rat
Starting point is 00:41:12 and you've got one rat under your command but teach a rat how to train other rats and you've you're braiding the rat an army of rats yeah um so it's look i i look as we're getting tantalizingly close to the final episode now i still hold out hope that we're going to see the realization of our vision for brady the rat king um i couldn't really give too much of a shit about the rest of these women with the possible exception of um i'm going to say charlotte like i am kind of keen to see where everything lands with rock wasn't in this episode at all as well and i feel like that's quite a big storyline to just not you know this sort of keeps doing that they keep picking up sort of interesting things and looking at them in front of the camera and then the next episode you're like i wonder if they're still going to be
Starting point is 00:41:59 you know analyzing this storyline or pursuing this concept and then they've just put it back down where it was. In fact, should we have an in memoriam for people who weren't in this episode? Rock, not in it. Anthony and the Hotfellas, none of them are in it. Samantha, blessedly, kept out of it. Both not in it and not mentioned. Also, let's pour some out for uh hold on here we are lisa todd wexley friend of charlotte oh yeah yeah yeah and lisa's been in this quite a lot
Starting point is 00:42:34 with her husband yeah dr naya wallace and andre richard wallace not featured uh herbert wexley not featured and then do you know who I Let's cast our minds back to Big Secretary who I felt like was going to be Such a big part of the season Not featured She was in one episode guy Oh no two
Starting point is 00:42:58 And she was like they were gearing up for Her to be a big friend Peter Carries potential romantic interest at the end of the last episode rest in peace brother lest we forget but do you want to do a favorite um favorite character least favorite character i'd love to favorite character charlotte wow i'm a lot we've gone a long way baby and the great words of fat boy slim i had a great time with her this episode i'm just like i'm happy for her and runkel's relationship
Starting point is 00:43:34 i'm happy for charlotte i feel like she is of the three protagonists of the show her character arc and storyline across the season has shown the most growth. She's shown the greatest capacity for empathy towards her family and her friends. And I think I came to this season expecting her to continue her sort of hapless entitlement. And so for that reason, I'd like to bestow the current honor of my favorite character, least favorite character.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I've probably already done it, but I have no issue with reissuing a stamp for Miranda, who I just found to be conducting herself. I mean, on one hand,'m still happy for for this journey of self-discovery but on the other hand i'm just like there's a lot of collateral that she is choosing to ignore on this journey and i i um you know you know i'm a big steve guy i know you are i've got a um three-way tie for favorite character, which I know is outrageous, but I can't separate them in my head.
Starting point is 00:44:49 We've got Shay Diaz, and this isn't just to antagonize you guy. Legitimately thought that Shay had some great points to make to Miranda's face and did so with, with courageousness and a lack of abandon or awkwardness about just meeting a challenge head on about a relationship. That was good. Steve, hashtag justice for Steve,
Starting point is 00:45:15 because I also thought Steve was just like, I was watching that conversation just going, fuck, man, I hear you. I hear every syllable coming out of your mouth this is a goddamn tragedy for you um and stoop girl was my also tied for third place um stoop girl i thought is is a vision of myself that i remember fondly from you know probably my mid to late 20s hanging out with friends being too loud uh carousing on steps of houses and buildings with people making too much noise too late at night but then also stoop girl went and apologized to carrie for making so much it's great didn't hurt as well that
Starting point is 00:46:00 you know um zoe and i bought both brought this up while we were watching she is absolutely gorgeous and just she's wearing some very cool clothes Carrie walks in because she's left the music on and she's fallen asleep and the music's really loud it's four in the morning and she's just like passed out on her couch with this really
Starting point is 00:46:20 beautiful champagne flute and this gorgeous dress just draped on her a real vision it's a very elegant coma it really is um oh i did have someone for this who was it uh least oh it's stoop girl's boyfriend um but you know for kind of obvious reasons he was a real jerk real piece of shit um nice to see his penis nice to see any penis uh great to see two in this episode but his was a real one so yeah that was good but it doesn't change the fact that he's a piece of shit absolutely he's got a bad sense of humor and
Starting point is 00:46:54 his friends aren't funny either uh as as soon as i said my least favorite was miranda i couldn't help but think just how frustrated i got at the company that was being kept on that stoop. But I'm glad that my frustration has been represented through your least favorite character. And I'm glad that we've got another episode in the bin. I mean, there's two to go. And it is interesting to think whether or not this is a show and an experience in terms of making this podcast. I'm going to miss. I like that you said in the bin like normally you say in the can
Starting point is 00:47:25 which i think is an old hollywood term for putting the real of celluloid in a sealed container to you know process later but the episodes of our podcast you're right they're completed and they are thrown into a trash can of your podcast feed dear libertarian listener so i enjoy the rubbish we make i consider your brain and its processes as my garbage repository so thank you for listening and i look forward to seeing you next week

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