The Worst Idea Of All Time - Ep04: Screensavers

Episode Date: May 9, 2020

Guy outlines how Home Alone 3 came into being and there were MISSED OPPORTUNITIES, y'all. We're worried about the marriage of Mr and Mrs Pruitt Apple, and suburban Chicago's top sex therapist, Mrs. Plus a chat about level of violence and prevalence of guns in this family friendly flick. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you want to fuck Mrs. Hess, my bro? Oh no, no, too wild for my taste. Hey Guy, why did they kidnap a dog in this movie? So that they would blend into the neighbourhood, I suppose. You're less likely to suspect someone who has a reason for walking around the block repeatedly than someone who's doing it without a dog. Although it doesn't make any sense because it's doing it without a dog although it doesn't make any sense because it's a well-known dog within the neighborhood yeah i mean what you're saying is is true that is the reason like if there was a reason to do it that would be it
Starting point is 00:00:56 but it's so stupid in terms of a reason um because you gotta like break a dog in you know it's like a wild horse the dog will be um loyal to the owner but some criminal from parts unknown can't just roll in and kidnap a dog and the dog's like well i guess you own me now dogs are famous for having very accurate accurate reads on people you know um so you gotta imagine if they're being manhandled and stolen for a walk i guess actually that's the point where i think the dog's loyalties would be called into question as once it realizes it's on a walk in a familiar environment it would be like actually this isn't so bad and it's not like they're not particularly mean to the dog it fucks me off tim i'm furious the whole movie this is um it's a familiar feeling and it's it's it's flat what this is only our fourth watch
Starting point is 00:01:54 hi everyone welcome to the worst idea of all time emergency season uh we were watching home alone three episode four yeah home alone four uh this is undoubtedly this forever this feels like a big mistake a big big big mistake i i can't imagine a movie having a more precipitous drop off and enjoyment than what i've experienced from the first screen to the fourth screening i was just so unbearably unbelievably bored like this did not spark any enjoyment no investment i was totally indifferent to all of the characters how much of this do you think is the movie and how much do you think it's the outside world infiltrating your watch experience i think they're working in tandem i don't think it's the movie now at this point and this is sort of what i guess i wanted to happen without considering
Starting point is 00:02:54 the actual psychological impact but the movie now does represent the national if not global state of affairs and so my watching the movie represents the fact that uh we are all as a species currently in a heavily compromised situation and it would be like it's like a hamster wheel seeing the wheel in its cage using it to pass the time and then becoming frustrated that the wheel does not advance their cause of getting out of the cage and then so being like fuck i hate this wheel and it goes back to you know a more reclined relaxed position in the cage and then it gets bored of reclining and it looks at the wheel and it's like well i guess i i go on i do it again it's like that it's just i think that has been your decision making process
Starting point is 00:03:47 For getting back into Worst idea territory Writ large Yeah And I live with the consequences Of my decisions As we all do Tim You championed this
Starting point is 00:04:01 I championed it and I still think that there's value to be extracted from it, so long as you can prod me in the right places to try and drill down into why I am so angry right now. Well, maybe you're just plain wrong, because I want to read you a review from a professional film reviewer. Call me cold-hearted. No, sorry. Call me hard-hearted. Call me cynical. But please don't call me if they make Home Alone 3. These words from my review of Home Alone 2 now have to be eaten. To my astonishment, I liked the third Home Alone movie better than the first two. I'm even going to go so far as to recommend it,
Starting point is 00:04:39 although not to grown-ups unless they're having a very silly day. This movie follows the exact formula of the first two which uh but is funnier and gentler has a real charmer for a hero and provides splendid wish fulfillment and escapism for kids and say the lower grades three stars roger rest Rest in peace, Ebert. Jesus. I think somewhere in my cursory research, I came across the fact that he submitted that review, and I believe I also read at the same time that Siskel almost fell out of his chair at the reveal of it.
Starting point is 00:05:23 But I kind of understand. I imagine i imagine you know lazy shit that he was our boy roger only went and saw home alone three once and if i walked out of the cinema after seeing it once i would have had almost exactly the same reaction gentler's questionable the use of guns in this movie is um how much of the first two films do you remember though very vague recollections of both because the thing is the acts of violence that kevin mccallister enacts on the wet bandits are visceral like they show you a close-up of the nail going into harry's foot it's it's a bit more more violent than what we just saw for example and the the it's not just that it's more violent it's kind of like
Starting point is 00:06:04 the decisions they've made around how to more violent it's kind of like the decisions they've made around how to depict it as way more realistic like you you you feel the full weight of an iron falling down on a man's head you know oh yeah with this they use kind of cartoon sound effects and stuff it sort of takes the load off a bit yeah they do they sort of temper it um yeah i i i respect roger ebert as a film film critic and i think i can honestly respect that review like i i stand behind everything i said in the first episode it's just it's remarkable now to consider where i am and how i feel considering that the source material is the same i actually um in my frustration was on the imdb unsurprisingly and found what i think
Starting point is 00:06:42 a piece of trivia that you'll you'll be very interested in and i'd love to speculate as to what this film could have been sure which is that uh when macaulay so macaulay colgan was approached and offered this movie home alone 3 and he he said no because he felt like they'd done everything they could within the universe and that the kevin mccallister character had you know he was finished with it wow um So he declined to reprise his role as Kevin for the third outing. And then John Hughes briefly considered writing the screenplay with Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern reprising their roles as burglars Harry and Marv, who target Kevin's cousin, Fuller,
Starting point is 00:07:19 who of course was played by Macaulay's brother, Kieran. Is Fuller the one who keeps wetting his pants? Because that would be a great tie-in with the Wet Bandits. And Fuller would be the main character, with Jerry Bammond and Terry Snell reprising their roles as Fuller's parents, Frank and Leslie, who go on vacation and leave Fuller home alone to defend himself against Marvin Harry.
Starting point is 00:07:41 That's so much better! The idea was scrapped as Pesci and Stern refused to reprise their roles and wanted to pursue other projects, and Kieran felt he couldn't follow in his brother's footsteps as the lead, and that is how we got Home Alone 3. Dang, I can fully understand how everyone came to those decisions that they made, but that
Starting point is 00:07:58 would have been a fucking stonking movie and created such a cool weird universe where there's this McAllister gene gene which is like this genetic predisposition to have a unabomber level of inventiveness in terms of creating weaponry around your home yeah um that that like creates a whole mythos which i think just elevates not just the third movie but the first two as well i love i mean i i like the idea of following the same crooks as well yeah like i i like that we would fill out their backstory because i think one of the challenges
Starting point is 00:08:33 with this one is i just i don't i don't care about alex at this point i just i just don't i don't care about their family i I don't care about the missile ship. Alex is a cute kid. He's fucking cute. He's a good actor. He's a good actor, yeah. And even then, I don't care. I also will say this.
Starting point is 00:08:53 While undeniably in parts this is a remarkably horny movie, I do worry for the union of Alex's parents. I feel like they're both incredibly attractive and they're very caring, but it might have come at the cost of a sexual spark in their relationship there's not a lot of physical affection between them they barely share a scene
Starting point is 00:09:13 or a moment there's no real on-screen chemistry and I'm wondering what it would take to really re-stimulate their sex life and whether or not the introduction of a third someone like perhaps Don't say Mrs Hess Mrs Hess
Starting point is 00:09:28 Why not I think it would be a mismatch I think You see the way that Mrs Pruitt Talks about Mrs Hess It's one of kind of a Elder member of the community Nah man You get her in the bedroom It's one of kind of an elder member of the community. Nah, man.
Starting point is 00:09:45 You know, like a grandma. You get her in the bedroom. She'd come in in the role as a sort of sex therapist or relationship therapist and identify some of the points of contact that have been lost. And I honestly think it's at the cost of raising their three kids who have a pretty wonderful life. The oldest brother, obviously,
Starting point is 00:10:02 is going to be an absolute handful in the years to come i mean stan's going to commit some crimes and that's really sad but also inevitable yeah he's he's he's a thug he's a young one everyone in this film is the is a victim of the 90s i feel like uh mrs pro it has got this dual responsibility now of maintaining a functioning family and household. But also because of where everything's at, she feels compelled to be following her career as closely as everything else. And really push herself to see where she can get at the bank, I want to say. Can I say this? She's so obviously far superior at her job to the husband
Starting point is 00:10:47 she's like she's competent she's a vital cog in the machine that is jp morgan um jp morgan chase the husband however is revealed across the board to just be like a an affable goofball we know from the opening scene where he's got his lobster claw oven mitt on he's on the phone saying he can't sell anything down the phone when he's going to go to the airport he forgets his trousers he's a fantastic dad but he's a fucking lousy salesperson why don't we just get that guy take him out of the workforce just put him in the house as a full-time stay-at-home dad let mama bear go out and earn that sweet sweet honey and this is suburban chicago in the mid 90s man it's it's not even on the radar that it's a thing you could do it is if this movie wants to be taken seriously as the feminist text that has has been presenting itself as since dot one,
Starting point is 00:11:46 they could fucking ring in some serious changes. And I think having Mrs. Hess from an underrepresented group in cinema, a beautiful, older, feline, sexual woman coming in to the house and identifying the problems in their relationship, fucking and sucking both of them dry and then saying here's what you guys need to do to move ahead as a family unit christ alive can i ask you a serious question of course and are you going to give me a serious answer undoubtedly do you want to fuck mrs hess my bro oh no no too wild for my tastes i think um unless you have a really open mind or are willing to have your confidence explored and your boundaries explored in the bedroom that mrs hess is not for the faint of heart here's someone who why are you throwing her at the
Starting point is 00:12:41 pruitts then man they don't strike me me as the kind that have a solid enough sexual psyche to take on Hurricane Hess. About my personal life, I'm in a heavy position. I don't feel like I'm under the same amount of strain, familial strain, as the Pruitts are. And Mrs. Hess is like like it's not explicitly stated but we know she is frustrated by how she is perceived in the neighborhood we know that those around her in terms of geographical proximity those closest to her don't have a full understanding about the
Starting point is 00:13:20 depth and breadth of her life when she's called upon to go over and look out for Alex because he's been left home alone, she mumbles disgruntledly to herself about the fact, oh, we'll just get Mrs. Hess. She's retired. What could she possibly be doing? The thing that she is frustrated about is that she is a hands-on sex therapist
Starting point is 00:13:39 who is single-handedly reviving the connections of those in the neighborhood around her, and she still has a deep sense of moral obligation to do well by societal standards which means involving making herself available to be an emergency babysitter or whatever i think mrs hess outside of you know how fulfilled and gratified she is sexually needs to do a better job of being open about her line of work and industry with those around her so they will give her the space that she needs to do her job as well she can and in turn to then give those around her the most fulfilling relationships that
Starting point is 00:14:16 they could possibly have so who's holding her back the neighborhood uh the neighborhood are holding her back but that's on account of her own like she encourages honesty and transparency in relationships and in the bedroom with her clients but she is struggling to be totally honest with those around her the members of the neighborhood that aren't aware of her livelihood or vocation uh can't afford to give her the space that she needs to operate and And if she's given that space in turn, she can then revive their relationships. It's sort of a vicious cycle of people not being able to
Starting point is 00:14:50 be totally honest and open with those around them. You know, we call them our neighbours, but so rarely do we see them nay. She's very grumpy for a lot of the film, which seems to sort of fly in the face of what you're talking about. She perpetually, when we're seeing her, it's at moments when she can't get her end off she's in an airport she's rushing to and from a flight she's lost the baguette that she was also going to use as a dildo oh boy she can't get no satisfaction that's right she left her bread in san francisco
Starting point is 00:15:20 hey i looked that up by the way it's a tony bennett song did you know that if you're going to san francisco no i left my heart in san francisco can you sing you're going to san francisco is a whole other kettle of fish but i think they're referencing the tony bennett song for no reason in particular can you sing the chorus line for me no i can't because i don't remember it i looked at it i could sing you the the chorus for if you're going to San Francisco. Would that help? I've already got that. If you're going to San
Starting point is 00:15:52 Francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair. Anyway, people love hearing podcasters sing over Zoom. They sure do. Two things I want to talk about.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Hit me. Number one, Alex has a desktop computer in his room with the iconic Windows Aquarium screensaver. Let's get that back out there. How good was that? Yeah, what happened to screensavers man we've got oled screens now that occasionally still suffer from burn-in bring back screensavers they bring back not new ones the old ones they would go off that was so much fun that one in
Starting point is 00:16:37 particular i'd watch those fish swim around for hours yeah man yeah i'm totally with you it was like the best bit of the computer and your savers were a unique joy as a child do you think that was um for lack of anything else that the computer could do it was kind of like it can turn on and then it can do this yeah i think they realized people would get bored of whatever activities they'd put on the computer quickly and so they needed a sort of a coverall a reason to remain engaged but passively it's a good example of that every generation goes through the same cycle a because like when we were growing up our grandparents for example would have been looking on being like god
Starting point is 00:17:17 this generation's living so fast look at their these crazy computers and and uh cordless phones and whatnot and now here we are talking about how cool an aquarium screensaver was and kids got cell phones and stuff with like you know candy crush they go what in the fuck are you talking about well i would save your screen yeah from what exactly yeah what i think it was from burn it was from burn. Because if stuff was left on the screen too long, it would burn into an image on top of everything else you would see. So that's why you couldn't leave a VHS pause too long on an old TV. Yeah, yeah, I think it's the same thing. Did you ever rub a magnet over an old TV?
Starting point is 00:18:02 Not that I remember. Yeah, I fucked up a TV or two when I was a kid. Why were you rubbing magnets on old TV? Not that I remember. Yeah, I fucked up a TV or two when I was a kid. Why were you rubbing magnets on the TV? Because it fucks them up. It does stuff. Why were you fucking up TV? You seem like a kid who would love TV.
Starting point is 00:18:16 You've got a bit of Mike TV in you. Mike TV? I'm not a cowboy. Ah, I wouldn't say that, Tim. I think you're a cowboy. You're a bit of a rogue. You operate outside the bounds of normal society. But I don't dress like a cowboy.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I don't have a big gallon hat. What are you fucking talking about? I can hear your spurs jangling underneath your desk right now. I can barely see the top of your forehead because of the big gallon hat. That's not a gallon. This is a Panama hat. They're different. Well, you need to get a smaller size
Starting point is 00:18:46 Because you look like a god damn cowboy Alright or Just change everything else about me to match the hat The second thing I wanted to talk about with you Is the performance of one of the dogs Not the dog who was taken out But when the police Who by the way involved the janitor from Scrubs
Starting point is 00:19:01 Which we haven't addressed either Fantastic little cameo from him He now is probably more known as being the dad from uh is it modern no the middle oh yeah yeah i think that is it but no he's he's not to me um but they go freeze and there's a dog in there and the dog is moving it's a great performance by an animal and it's on screen for less than three seconds but that that dog turns in a very convincing performance well you gotta you gotta talk us through what it does because they go for they have first of all they've got guns drawn which again i don't know man i know it was very common in the 90s maybe it is still today but seeing that in a kid's movie
Starting point is 00:19:39 still weirds me out so they've got their handguns turned toward whoever is the occupant of this house that they think is a burglar and it turns out it's just a dog and they say freeze and the dog just has one paw in the air and looks at them and goes yeah it's fantastic it's all we get from the dog but fuck me if i didn't make make a point of writing it down so i could tell you yeah i'd like to know more about that dog i want to know other movies that it did i'd like to know what its representation was i hope that it how did dogs get paid in hollywood i guess i don't know i guess big human comes in and takes their clip and by the time you finish the dogs pretty much just eating some high-end purina or some other variety of dog food. Worst lobby of all. I was feeding the cat here fig this morning, and we'd been feeding it out of these little cans,
Starting point is 00:20:31 and I was scooping it. Sometimes Chelsea would just feed fig straight out of the can, and I just think that's so disrespectful. And so I always make a point of scooping the food out of the can and putting it into the feed bowl. And I was using a teaspoon to make sure that fig got maximum value for money by getting all the food out of the can and putting it into the feed bowl. And I was using a teaspoon to make sure that fig got maximum value for money by getting all the food out of the can. And I was thinking to myself, no teaspoon sets out in its life
Starting point is 00:20:55 in the pursuit of being used for cat food. I think the loftiest aspirations a teaspoon could have would probably be a cup of tea. That's where you really want to be is a teaspoon could have would probably be a cup of tea. That's where you really want to be is a teaspoon. Yeah, a nice English cup of tea made by the pros. A cat food is the very bottom end of the rung of aspirations for a teaspoon. You'd be devastated. And some of these teaspoons, they're varying from job to job in one day.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah. They're being washed between. Even the sort of teaspoon in a cup of tea, they've got like different variants of that because you could be at like a high tea with the ladies who lunch with the crumpets and the macaroons and whatnot. Or you could be out in the garden shed
Starting point is 00:21:36 with some DIY pseudo farmer who's inventing stuff who's had the same teaspoon in there stirring his tea for eight years never cleaned it why would you yeah he cleans the spoon that's true fuck spoons pixar should really get on top of spoons they kind of did in that last toy story didn't they didn't they make a spoon the main character was it a spoon or a fork oh yes it was a spork there you go You know what, good on them, you're right This is why they're making the money And we're making the podcasts, I think
Starting point is 00:22:10 They're always one step ahead, aren't they Well what about this It's Toy Story, but with cars Now we're talking Now we've got a movie and a doona Bedspread Hey, what kind of jackass just sits in their room bouncing a basketball? Have I mentioned this before?
Starting point is 00:22:30 The sort of jackass that's meant to be fulfilled by listening to whatever lame-ass punk music that he is. The song that he's listening to is about a singer who wants a skateboard and then is given a skateboard. Also, this guy does not want for anything. His room is decorated by, I guess he was meant to be 12 or 13 he's got a lot of sort of fhm style or you know soft core erotica posters on the wall like i was always jealous of what i imagined as the quintessential american kids bedroom the way that they're represented in movies and tv like often you're seeing middle class bedrooms and they all just have it's a byproduct of american culture but they're just absolutely packed to the hilt with all the
Starting point is 00:23:09 paraphernalia and junk of the most prominent brands and so by association you crave those things i always thought hey arnold arnold from hey arnold he had oh my god the dopest bedroom pinnacle that is god tier bedroom eh fucking. Didn't he have a motorized thing that would reveal the skylight? Yeah, he had it all. That's fucking awesome. But this kid's got that, and it's going to waste.
Starting point is 00:23:33 He's just sitting in his room bouncing a basketball like a fucking idiot. He's also got the most intelligent bird I've ever come across in any piece of cinema. We probably need to talk about the bird, because as smart as 8-year-old Alex Pruitt is, this parrot owned by his dumb ass brother Stan is the smartest character
Starting point is 00:23:53 in the entire plot of the film. Doing so much heavy lifting. The bird not only has these very advanced conversations with multiple different characters, but it is very manipulative as well and getting its own way it keeps insisting on buying silence from people um using an increasing amount of crackers yeah and it's sort of it it flits between parroting as uh you know birds want to
Starting point is 00:24:20 do what it hears around it but then also like showing remarkable instinct and initiative and choosing exactly a passage of speech that couldn't possibly have learned like you know the bird kills a guy at the end yeah it's a baddie because the baddie only has one cracker to offer instead of two yeah and the bird demands two um they're in an igloo which is quite weird actually i never thought i've considered that before but they're in an igloo and we see we see the igloo earlier in the film like we see him stealing stan's box of fireworks and going to an igloo that we just accept is there and emptying yeah that's normal that's chicago for you yeah and we don't even we don't even question it or the fact that he's preemptively
Starting point is 00:25:05 put like he knows ahead of time that mr be pray is it um yeah i did write this down this time because i i thought it was very funny uh yeah po pray well at least that's how the hong kong weapons dealer says it who pray he knows that he's going to wind up in the igloo that parrot deserves as much credit as um alex by the way is another difference between uh alex's outlook and attitude towards being a glory boy than uh kevin mccallister is alex sort of very proudly advertises the fact that he's involved in in capturing the crooks whereas kevin McAllister, he acted anonymously. I can't remember how he drops them off or how they get caught in the Home Alone movies.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's not public. It's not the way that Alex does it. It's different. Well, Alex is, I think, dealing with um absurdly higher stakes like a true criminal enterprise um of you know they're obviously a bit bumbling but they're trained professionals who want to kill him and he's eight years old that's a ratcheting of the stakes on from the first two films absolutely i've got to say like obviously mrs pruitt isn't aware
Starting point is 00:26:26 of that context but she's got a son who's got the chicken pox and this applies for both parents i direct my my critique to both parents we just see a lot more of the mum on screen he over the course of two days when he's left alone, calls the cops in succession and insists that there's burglars, even if you assume he's making it up, you definitely would not leave him alone again on the third day, right? Because you're like, this kid's got a psychological problem
Starting point is 00:26:57 and we definitely shouldn't be fulfilling the criteria that, you know, just adding the circumstances that were added in the previous two days which got the police force arrive on our doorstep and tell us off yeah we need to look after this kid we need to get him into some counseling or something something's going on with this kid yeah it's true actually i didn't even consider it's a total refusal by the parents to learn any lessons from their negligence the first or second time because once more they leave him at
Starting point is 00:27:25 home alone i mean they sort of very softly put bumpers on him to you know to safeguard him through the offer of mrs hess but you're on the money tim it's it's ludicrous roger roger ebert's praise in his review because there was more i just didn't include it there's a lot to do with how unrealistic the first two films are but how fucking realistic is it that you're going to leave your kid alone on the third day when they called the cops on the first and second day when you did that realism does seem an obscure thing to pull out of this film and champion yeah the reason that it stands a very stupid yardstick to to measure home alone either one, two or three with. Did you have a shining light?
Starting point is 00:28:10 Nah, because I'll tell you why. I guess I'll pick one. Who delivers a line that I like? I don't know why this sticks out but when his dad says something like have you got this all under control vis-a-vis the house and he says uh, absolutely oh really, you like that?
Starting point is 00:28:35 I did this time, don't know why drives me nuts one I do like every time and really enjoyed today in a way that was almost like it was quite visceral is when uh his mom is about to leave and alex lies and says that the neighbor who was asking after her son's toy car has come to pick it up she's like uh did you give it to her he's like absolutely
Starting point is 00:28:59 and she goes i hope she felt foolish And it's the way she says foolish. It's a borderline turn on for me. Wow. We need to get you out of lockdown, I think. You've got a big horny coloring book that you're painting Mrs. Hess. I guess that's actually the wrong analogy. You've got like a paintbrush maybe that you're painting Mrs. Hess as this sexual instructor. I'm not painting anyone i'm just i'm just reporting on the movie i'm watching and were i to be painting i'll tell you where a
Starting point is 00:29:30 lot of the fucking color would be going outside the lines oh gross mr hess is the big of this film consider that the unseen mr hess oh no sorry i meant mr pruitt oh yeah that's a guy that's a guy i'd love to see in the shower maybe you're right tim maybe i'm not doing so well maybe i'm not holding up as well as i might have thought i watched uh this movie. I went old school on it. And I saw half an hour of it last night after doing... I've got to be honest, man. I have done a nauseating number of quizzes the past couple of weeks with friends over Zoom. That you've been hosting? Too many quizzes.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I've hosted like one. I've hosted, yeah, just one. But too many. I'll never do a quiz again in my life. It's good to see everyone and it's good fun, but last night's quiz was 10 rounds. It was insanity. So I got to bed at like 11.30
Starting point is 00:30:37 and then gobbled down half an hour of Homework Free. It makes me feel physically ill. And then woke up and consumed the rest of it i i'm like i i feel like my relationship to home alone because the idea that this is an emergency season once we're set free from our homes will be set free from the film means that i think all of this exists on an accelerated curve. And so my relationship to it now, obviously it's in a much darker place than I would expect ordinarily to be after four watches because it's not four of say 52,
Starting point is 00:31:13 it's four of 10, 11 question mark. And I could not bring myself, I'd left myself so much runway to watch this movie this morning and I couldn't bring myself to do it until it was literally to the minute that it was like if you don't start watching the movie now you're going to miss the record time
Starting point is 00:31:32 and watching it that way is so challenging because if you give yourself two hours, it's a one hour and 45 minute movie two hours at least you've got 15 minutes of wiggle room to pause it and go and take a shit make a coffee, do something else but one hour hour 40 it's like you're just strapped in it's um and it's just oh it's you can take your shit while watching this
Starting point is 00:31:54 the movie's growing stronger and longer by the second stronger when we uh pick a new season the first thing i do is download the movie to all the like devices i own so i've got on my desktop computer my laptop my tablet and my phone so no matter where i am or what i'm doing i can still watch it so often i'll like i'll be on a bus and i'll be watching or i'll be on the toilet and watching I'll be making a coffee and what you know this is this this begs a bigger question that I wonder about is like there I've got friends who do not take their laptops into bed because they want to create create a very strong point of delineation between like where they work or where they absorb that stuff and where their their private spaces and so I wonder the same thing for this, whether or not it's healthier to only consume the movie
Starting point is 00:32:47 in concentrated bursts on certain devices so that you have very clear demarcation where it's like, this is where I do this thing. And in your approach, which is like this sort of, it bleeds into every corner of your life and every space that you exist in. Do you have any consideration for how life would be or how you'd feel if you went the other way or do you think it's just the only way because
Starting point is 00:33:09 it's the only way you can make it work man i'm a messy bitch and this is just how i exist in life you know work is play play is work i've got home alone three on four different devices this is just our timbo rolls yeah that does that does scream timbat doesn't it home alone three on four different devices. This is just our Timbo roles. Yeah. That does scream Timbat, doesn't it? Home Alone 3 on four devices in a lockdown where you are bound to stay only in one space. I respect the shit out of that, Tim.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And I've got no respect for anyone involved in this movie. Although I do want to ask before we go, earlier in the season, you said that you do not enjoy Scarlett Johansson's performance. You specifically singled her out to say you don't like it. What is it about said that you do not enjoy scarlett johansson's performance you specifically singled her out to say you don't like it what is it about it that you don't like because i think she turns in a pretty strong showing she's too cold and there's a particular
Starting point is 00:33:54 delivery of when you're in the hallway and i think it's when alex has called the cops for the first time and we're dealing with the fallout of that false alarm. And Stan says, you've cost this family, what is it, much-needed cash replacing the door on the neighbor's house and goes on about some other stuff. And then Scarlett Johansson, Molly, says, and worst of all, you've stained the family name. And it's the way she says that and then she smiles where it's like we'll pick one either staining the family name is a bad thing or you're
Starting point is 00:34:33 smiling but like you can't kind of have it both ways you gotta be kidding me i love that line i love that that's her saying you're staying the family name like but she has the family name she cares less about the family name than making her younger brother feel like an absolute piece of shit and she sticks the landing in a big way she's too cold she's too cold for me even buzz there's like i guess they do it at the end they follow the exact same beats but buzz buzz's relationship with kevin in the first two movies is that he's he's the state he's the he's the older brother who's like a real bully and has a porn stash and they actually even look kind of similar like they've done a good casting job finding that stan dipshit older brother yeah um so buzz is the og stan and uh but buzz like i don't know you just buzz is less of a two-dimensional cartoon character
Starting point is 00:35:27 maybe i think i need to watch it won't be anytime soon but the first two movies i think maybe i'm giving them undue praise i'm remembering them too fond man i feel like we're getting it's not nice but we're getting somewhere here we're getting really murky and like the the edges of normalcy are fraying around us because i think that they are good films and i think your memory is accurate but you're spending so much time with home alone 3 that your perception of how much you enjoy them is making you question it like there's no reason just because you've been exposed four times to home alone 3 that doesn't give you reason to doubt your feelings towards Home Alones 1 and 2. I haven't seen them in a long time, though.
Starting point is 00:36:09 You've been Home Alone too long. I'd like to say this, Tim. I love you. I fucking hate this movie, my man. I really do. Yeah. Yeah, I'm with you on that. It's no good at all.
Starting point is 00:36:23 I think we're done here, mate. Thanks for joining us, everyone. And we'll see you in the next rollicking ride that is the worst idea of all time, emergency season. I feel beaten. I feel tired. I hope I can rally for the next episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Look after yourselves. Wash a dish. Wash one dish. If you've got all clean dishes, dirty one up, then wash it. I'm going to go do that right now. Thank you.

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