The Worst Idea Of All Time - Episode Thirty Five - Sushi Delivery

Episode Date: October 24, 2015

KARMA COLA showers the boys in sponsor kisses this week. Guy takes us back to his Canadian adventures, Tim is now working in a bar. Mr Big meanwhile has found a way to sell octopus feces to the masse...s. Coffee Guy is putting rockets in shoes, on account of his inventor father, ya see? Meanwhile Carrie and Big have been spotted off the usual film set and they have NOT been well received. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hello and welcome to the worst idea of all time episode 35 Season 2 Warriors on a quest. On a quest to watch Sex and the City 2 more times than anyone else. Than anyone else has ever done it. If not that, at least more times than is necessary. Big time. A threshold which I would argue we've already crossed over. Oh, yeah. Hey, let me say this right from the outset.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I would like to thank someone who's helping us. And by someone, I mean something. And by something, I mean Karma Cola, this episode's sponsor. Karma Cola, it's good for you. It is. Well, I don't know if that's medical. It's as good as a cola can be for you. There you go.
Starting point is 00:01:19 You're holding, first of all, the shape of the bottle is what I'd like to emphasize. Let me just put that in my head. Okay, very sharp. Have you got a visual? Yeah, it's a nice curvy. Glass Blonde. Every piece and installation. They hire a very reclusive but sort of well-established within the art world glass blower
Starting point is 00:01:37 who lives in the Himalayas to blow every bottle. A Himalayan glass blower. They're actually losing money on the venture. Oh, no. That's right. I mean, it's ridiculous, really. They're importing these sort of individual art installations as bottles and then just giving them out to be recycled.
Starting point is 00:01:51 It makes no sense. But such is their commitment to quality, this is what they're doing. And that's true of all of Karma Kohler's operations, really. They're all about the quality. From woe to go, the Koh the cola itself top-notch stuff really top-notch product really good stuff um i would like to remind everyone that it doesn't have disgusting things in it all those artificially things it's just got good sweet things like real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup and they're a great company because they give back
Starting point is 00:02:23 to the farmers that they take the cola beans from. One in every hundred bottles contains a laminated check for $10,000. I heard that. Redeemable to cash. I heard that. It's a rumour. It's a rumour that's going around. It's on the rumour mill.
Starting point is 00:02:37 A lot of rumours going around. Another rumour going around is this movie we just watched, Not So Good. That's right. I don't know who's out there working the gossip mill, but they're spreading vicious and heartless and, frankly, baseless and unfounded rumors vis-a-vis Sex and the City 2. What are they saying, Guy?
Starting point is 00:02:53 What are the Mark Pedler's out there pushing? They're saying it's too long. They're saying it's water long. It's flogging a dead horse. They're saying there's no chemistry remaining. There's no storyline. It's flogging a dead horse. They're saying there's no chemistry remaining. There's no storyline. It's offensive. All this stuff is untrue, patently untrue.
Starting point is 00:03:10 This film is a triumph. It is a real piece of work. And I mean that in the most sincere sense I can mean it. That's right. It's an ambiguous term. And the way you said it, it didn't make it explicitly clear that what we are advocating right now is the movie. It's great, is what I want to say.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Sex and the City's great. That's why I had such a fun time watching it today, by which I mean I was very depressed watching this film today. I can see it in your eyes. And I know why it is. It's because it's so good. It's so all-absorbing, all-encompassing. It's such a journey to another destination that all of your personal woes and problems,
Starting point is 00:03:57 the reason that we watch movies, all become apparent when watching Sex and the City 2. You were so upset to know that you had but two and a half hours away from the hubble and stubble and trouble of everyday life. There is an element of that because of the nature of how we conduct ourselves while we're watching the movie. We like to shut ourselves off.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I've got to say, I flirted with that line today, and I ordered a pizza halfway through. Turned my phone back on and ordered a pizza. You even wrote a positive affirmation in the message to the pizza maker. Yeah, like a smartass. I hope they appreciate it, though. I feel like it was in earnest. It's difficult to convey time through text.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, it is. I was really just trying to convey the notion of having a good day. Because, you know, if you work for a pizza place, good on you, is what I say. But it's not the world's funnest job at all times. Sometimes you're dealing with some real pieces of shit and you've got to go to their house because that's the nature of pizza delivery. I like the idea of being a pizza boy.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You do or you don't? I do. Yeah, I feel like I could get on board, eh? Maybe it's like Futurama really kind of put it in my head that it would be a cool thing to do. In Montreal, I lived there for a summer. I worked at a sushi restaurant, quite a flashy sushi restaurant that would deliver sushi
Starting point is 00:05:15 to people's homes. And it's actually, I think it's a legal requirement in Quebec that you have to be bilingual. You have to be able to hold it. Like every interaction has to be opened in French and you have to be able to speak both French and English to hold down a job there and guy may I take this opportunity to say parlez-vous français non non non which is French for no no no uh anyway one day one of the drivers who delivered the sushi was sick and I got to
Starting point is 00:05:41 step up to the plate and I've got to, I have not had a better afternoon at work. I was driving around Montreal in this flashy neighborhood to these sort of half-French people, just giving them sushi. And were they cool to deal with, these peeps? I was actually pretty nervous talking to all of them because I didn't speak any French. Yeah. But it was fine.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Awesome. I did my first bar job the other weekend. Last weekend. At Brothers. It was awesome. Working can be fun. As long as you don't do it too much. That's my takeaway.
Starting point is 00:06:15 It's good to get your opinion on these things, Tim. I've played that game. I played that game for many years. Allegedly 40-hour week. Worked in many call centres is what I did. Now is it true that one of your colleagues made himself a screensaver?
Starting point is 00:06:31 Of what? Of the work thing. Is that you? No that's what we in the stand up community call a construction. A fabrication if you will. I genuinely believe that. This whole time I've known you.
Starting point is 00:06:46 There's enough specificity to the joke. That's what makes a joke real. Give it specificity. Give it life. Anyhoes. No one knows what we're talking about. It was a bit I used to do on stage, on the stage when I was doing stand-up about...
Starting point is 00:07:02 It wasn't a bit. It was real. Let me believe it was real. It was a guy that I used to know at my old job, and he created a screensaver which looked like him doing work. So he just used to bash the keys on an unplugged keyboard while his screen animated itself to no end, like he could have just been doing the work. But that was kind of like an amalgamation of people I worked with
Starting point is 00:07:24 where they would go to such great lengths to do not the work and it would be easier to just do the work than to find all these very exotic ways of getting out of it. Yeah. That was the point I was trying to convey. Hey, and you did a great job of it. Thank you so much. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:07:42 To the movie. To the film. To the movie we just watched it's a joy you know who my favorite character is harry bradshaw why she's identifiable yes she's everything a protagonist should be she's empathetic she's funny she's got pizzazz she's got panache a great group of friends they say that the measure of a person is the people around that person yes
Starting point is 00:08:07 Carrie Bradshaw keeps only the finest company she's in a rock solid marriage she understands she is the perfect audience surrogate I identify with Carrie Bradshaw you're just like Carrie Bradshaw
Starting point is 00:08:22 I'm just like Carrie Bradshaw you're also a writer living on New Yorkork city's upper east side i am currently married to an investment banker aren't we all aren't we all i guess when you really dig dig deep dig deep down in there we all are carrie bradshaw we all are writers in some way we all are demonstrating to others and communicating how the dating life works In New York City in the modern era We're all big though, you know what I mean? We're all smooching Aiden We're all Miranda
Starting point is 00:08:54 We are all Charlotte We are all Aiden We are all Brady We are all Brady We are not all Brady We are all of us Brady are all Brady. We are not all Brady. We are all of us Brady, and Brady is all of us. Brady represents all of us.
Starting point is 00:09:15 This was a hard watch this time, a really hard and harsh one. It was troubling, unsettling and unkind and unrelenting. Why do you think that is, Tim? I think it's just there's so many now. We've really stacked them all up. Do you know what I'm saying? It's gotten too much. We've piled it a bit too high.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And the foundations are weak. Yeah. And we knew the foundations were weak in week one, but we kept building. We kept putting another level on. What's he building in there? What's he building in there? We built it on sand with terrible untreated timber. We've built a 34-story building using all the three different types of metal. Which, of course, are...
Starting point is 00:09:52 Iron. Yes. Steel. Yes. And wood. The building's too high. The foundation's too weak. The materials are inarguably the best.
Starting point is 00:10:06 But materials aren't enough. All three kinds of metal. We've got it all. A lot of other buildings are thinking of using a similar makeup. The building's coming down, though. This is my concern. The building's getting very shaky. The building's being tested at the moment.
Starting point is 00:10:21 That's what I felt, like a big tremor going through it today. The earth shook beneath me. Shook my beliefs to my core. Why is the earth shaking? Because there is a two-and-a-half-hour elephant in the room, which I need to engage and deal with on a weekly basis. It's not really an elephant, though, is it? It's an elephant.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Traditionally, it is ironic that whenever you are in a room with an elephant You aren't allowed to address it Because your impulse When you're in a room with an elephant Is obviously immediately to be like Well I'm going to be honest with you guys This is pretty unusual for me Anyone else seeing the elephant
Starting point is 00:10:59 Like is this just me or are we all on board And they all know we're noticing them Elephants you mean Yes of course they do yeah they're not idiots they're not they're very intelligent highly emotional and they have great memory skills they can use their trunk as a snorkel doesn't make they can go underwater for a very long time what are you serious do they do that yes like do they have a concept of how to do it themselves yes they are highly intelligent cool um the elephant in the room is always a trunk can pick up a peanut something as small as a peanut that's very dexterous with its trunk very strange turn of phrase the elephant in the room if there is an elephant in the room it's going to be priority one right it almost doesn't
Starting point is 00:11:41 matter what else is happening in the room the room could be on fire and you're still going to go yeah i'd say dudes we need to kind of figure out the situation with the elephant. Depending on the severity of the fire, I would say the elephant is the more immediate, I don't want to say threat or risk, but it's certainly the first thing I would consider. It's just there. There's no getting around it.
Starting point is 00:12:01 A fire you can kind of ignore for a little bit before it starts really kicking up. But an elephant, man. You're going to address that. Anyway, maybe gorilla's a better metaphor. This is like a big 250-pound gorilla that's in the room and it's pissed off and it's about to ruin my day and rip my face off.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I've just done it. Yeah. And now you're just sitting in the aftermath. It's interesting, isn't it? Because it's like we do need to mic ourselves up and do a, oh, we're going to do a commentary at some point soon anyway.
Starting point is 00:12:29 But once we get to the end of the film, we're both very spent emotionally, which I think we've communicated on the podcast before. But there's also a certain level of elation which comes through. Like if we were talking to you while the movie was on,
Starting point is 00:12:43 it would be a horrible, mucky mess of depression this podcast I don't know just be sadness nah the first bit I think I generally think
Starting point is 00:12:51 that we are good at staying upbeat and entertaining each other for an hour yeah that's why it's so sad when we're apart
Starting point is 00:12:58 and we've got to watch it separately someone actually I can't remember I should really know their name a fan sent us a message saying that once we've watched Sex and the City 2 for the 36th time I believe
Starting point is 00:13:08 we will have spent, we will have clocked up more hours with Sex and the City 2 than we did with the entirety of Grown Ups 2 in the first season. With a mere three dozen watches under our belts, that is hey go us or good god yeah, that really
Starting point is 00:13:24 put it in perspective for me Because you're still sitting on another 16 screenings of a movie That's a lot Fuck Fuck That is a lot That's four months worth of movie Man alive
Starting point is 00:13:34 That's too much I would say Got a lot on your plate Tim There's no way a man as wiry as you Is going to be able to digest all that food Well look If our terrible Terrible Rotten rotten foundations on sand can hold up a 30-whatever-story building that's currently there,
Starting point is 00:13:51 I've got faith in my own foundations as a human, as an individual being. That's right. And sitting there on the 34th floor of this shaky building with a book, a leather-bound book, absolutely packed to the gills with thoughts, ideas, etchings and sketchings, brimming with entrepreneurial potential. It's Mr. Big and his big book of ideas. Let's crack it open today and see what we're dealing with.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Oh, that's a funny drawing. Look at that. It looks to me like a boy, but he's got a unicorn horn on his forehead. What an interesting concept. We'll turn the page. We'll flip the page on that one. Oh, look at that one. It's a little girl riding a trike, but she's got rockets attached to the back.
Starting point is 00:14:35 This seems a little dangerous for a kid. I quite like that. We'll turn the page on that one. Okay. Let's see what else we've got here. Oh, that's a funny joke. It's good. You see how the door works in there
Starting point is 00:14:46 It's more visual than anything Sorry, I won't dwell on that one Here we go, here's a fresh page from Big's Big Book of Ideas Jesus Christ, that is unsightly Is that a It looks like some sort of huge
Starting point is 00:15:02 industrial scale laboratory almost like the milking sheds where they milk cows It looks like some sort of huge industrial-scale laboratory, almost like the milking sheds where they milk cows, but it's like an aquarium, and there are these caged captive octopuses, or octopi, I believe is the plural. You got it. And it would appear that there's some sort of apparatus which is being engaged with the asshole of the octopus and it's extracting a shit.
Starting point is 00:15:32 A fecal matter. A fecal matter and then compressing it into the shape of a small diamond. like Mr. Big, on a very large scale, is forcing shit from octopi and peddling them across the world in the jewellery markets as black diamonds. Wow. Game changing. It's a revolution. So is this why he gets Carrie the black diamond ring at the end?
Starting point is 00:16:01 I would believe so. Spoiler alert, everyone. When Carrie cheats on her husband, she gets a diamond out of it but it's black it's octopus shit but if it's an octopus shit that makes more sense from a character point of view because big giving her a diamond makes no sense but big giving her an octopus shit parading around trojan horsing if you will as a diamond hilarious she shows all her mates they're all holding their nose going oh isn't it funny that Carrie lost her sense of smell and doesn't realise
Starting point is 00:16:27 this is an octopus shit. You don't think that Mr. Big has figured out how to cover the smell of an octopus shit? You think that these black diamonds that are being sold still absolutely honk? Yeah, dude. If you heat them up, if they're at anything above room temperature they will smell to high heaven.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Have you ever smelt an octopus fart before? I have. I can't say I have. I go snorkeling every second weekend, and let me tell you something. It is not a pleasant odor. People tend not to be able to pick up smells in the ocean. Not if you're a fucking rookie diver, bro. If you are a proper diver and you have learned how to breathe through your nose while you're underwater,
Starting point is 00:17:04 then you know all the smells of the ocean. And you're not wearing a mask, which would prevent any smells or gases from being able to... Not if you're a fucking some level beyond noob, bro. If you're a pro diver like me that's getting out on the water every fortnight, then you absolutely don't need a mask. I think pro divers get out in the water more than once every two weeks, Tim. I kicked it back a little bit to fit more things in my life because diving was taking over, I've got to be honest with you, Guy.
Starting point is 00:17:28 It was not a good scene. It was not a good scene at all. What was going on down there? I kind of got addicted to the smells. It's so overwhelming and overpowering that you, it's sort of a Pavlovian element to it as well. You know that if you're in the water, you don't have to deal with the dredge of everyday life.
Starting point is 00:17:46 You're free. And then I started to associate that with the smell, and it just became this whole concoction of getting in the water as soon as I could to just escape it all. And I'd spend hours down there, guy, circular breathing, like I learned from the Aborigines when I was in Sydney. And I'd be down there under the water, just smelling all the smells, talking to the starfish.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Sparkling conversationalists that they are. And every now and then when I'd see a little baby squid or a little octopus there, oh wee, you know I'd be cutting a trail in the opposite direction because those things, if you're anywhere near them when they blow off, that stink takes a while to shower off. And you think the smell registers with humans who haven't had intricate and vivid experiences diving with these creatures. You think the smell is so...
Starting point is 00:18:31 It's not like a refined, learned smell. As the old saying goes, an octopus fart is an octopus fart. I call a spade a spade, and we've all smelled an octopus fart, and it's terrible. It's yuck. Well, I mean, in which instance,
Starting point is 00:18:45 this doesn't seem like the most promising of business ventures for mr big on account of the transparency of the fraud i mean if these diamonds smell and this is this is the beautiful thing about it he's going off selling all these rings because he's been so uh what's the word i'm looking for burnt spurred by his lover spurned thank you Spurned. Spurned, thank you. Spurned by his lover, Carrie, his wife. She cheated on him. He's kind of taking it out on the whole gender because guys traditionally don't buy black diamonds.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It's more of a thing for women. So he's like, screw women, and he's selling all these octopus hoops. Wow, he's really working through some stuff right now. Yeah, but he's making, as always, a quick buck on the side. I would never accuse Big of making a quick buck on the side. I would always say that Mr. Big is having a real good, honest go of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:35 The sort of successes or, you know, I mean, you've got to look at a guy who's throwing shit against the wall every week in the hopes of something taking off and say, this guy obviously doesn't have a lot of business acumen if none of these ideas have taken to seed I mean the guy's floundering Yeah, you're right about that guy Montgomery, no doubt
Starting point is 00:19:56 I just What's he doing? Why is he Scoirreling? Squirreling. That's the question that we ask every week. Pretty outside of the box. There's a dude in this film, and we've had a couple of people talk to us recently and say, hey, look, watched the movie, didn't see Coffee Guy.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Well, guess what? He's in there. You're not trying hard enough. Ever so briefly. And he's in the background of a shot as well. He's in the background of a shot as well he's in he's in the film for before we watched the movie today to uh prolong the amount of time before we had to confront the untameable gorilla we really put it on we uh we were youtubing behind the scenes or outtakes from sex in the city 2 uh which i mean it's cheating because it was in the universe. It felt kind of like looking at the very, very bottom of the YouTube barrel.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah. We struck upon an interview with Chris Knoth and Sarah Jessica Parker, which was recorded, I guess, as part of the press junket for this film. Neither of them look particularly stoked to be there. And it's unscripted, which I think we saw the Grown Ups 2 one of that as well, if I'm not mistaken, one day, when we were trying to avoid watching that. We probably were in the exact same situation.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And it's them kind of interviewing each other and they get user-submitted questions to chat about and stuff. And I tell you what, not a fun pairing to listen to unscripted. I didn't think... Yeah. Your experience with Sexist C2 probably coloured your opinion of the back and forth.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Don't you try and defend them. Chris Noth is a bit of a dullard. I was doing a wee when you were watching the beginning of it, so I just came in on the tail end of it. Well, I'll give you a heads up. Chris Noth, a bore. Not interesting. Doesn't know how to engage with people in an interview setting.
Starting point is 00:22:08 That's not relevant because another one of the videos we watched was that we were watching the shooting, the raw footage of the cafe scene being shot and which coffee guy stars. And we became very excited at the prospect of seeing him maybe even break character, which I don't know is possible because as we understand, it's sort of a character piece. I just wanted more of him because it's like,
Starting point is 00:22:29 if I could find a single additional frame to the 11 seconds of footage we have of him right now, I'd be happy. I'd be very happy indeed. A little more context to this complex layered character. But in terms of what the guy was going to do with all of his Java-based energy, I mean, where exactly was that?
Starting point is 00:22:48 I mean, he had a real pep in his step. He had rockets in his shoes. The man was moving at such pace. He did. His father was an inventor, wasn't he? Was he? Of course he was. And as a child, Coffee Guy watched a lot of Inspector Gadget,
Starting point is 00:23:02 and he just couldn't get enough of those contraptions that were built into pieces of Inspector Gadget's body. That was what really tickled him. Like a big old propeller coming out of a hat and rockets and shoes. You know? That was what he was a fan of. He actually, the
Starting point is 00:23:17 advertising campaign for the first pair of rocket shoes was set to the tune of Buckets of Rain, I think, by Bob Dylan. He's got rockets and shoes, and rockets and shoes. Now the rockets brought him in shoes. I mean, it wasn't a great song, but it certainly... It sold the fucking shoes. Well, I think the lawsuit, when Bob Dylan sued him,
Starting point is 00:23:35 that was really what put it on the advertising map, so to speak. Which is called the Barbra Streisand effect, if anyone wants to Google that. When you try and sue someone to stop attention being drawn to you, which inevitably draws much more attention to you. That is correct. Now, what you've got to know about Coffee Guy's inventive father is that he was one of the first American fans of the anime series Astro Boy.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And I'm not talking about the new post-film Astro Boy. I'm talking about og astro boy that would make a lot of sense in the timeline of this fable uh he obviously you know he wasn't he wasn't watching astro boy in the post movie yes correct because as we know that java loving man's father is not with us father java for And hasn't been with us for a long time. Father Java did a lot of trips to Nippon. He actually served in the war during the latter years. He was quite young to be in the army, but, you know, 19 years old,
Starting point is 00:24:33 so definitely of age to serve. Ended up falling in love with a young sushi waitress at a local restaurant when he was stationed in Japan. Fell in love. They had a child. He nipped back to America and would periodically come back to his former lover and fell in love with the culture, fell in love with the food, the music, the artifacts that were around and really took a liking to Japanese style cartoons and animation. And he was the one who basically started the manga movement in America.
Starting point is 00:25:05 He brought Astro Boy over initially. And I think the world's better for it. If I'm being brutally honest, I think we've all reached the rewards. Undoubtedly, unenviably. But you can imagine as the child of such an adventurous, revered and respected figure, I mean, it's a lot to live up to. It's a lot of pressure. Father Java set that bar high.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And he also made Java Jr. very aware. That's right. That he had very high expectations of his boy. He told him that he was not to be given anything, that all of the work he had done was for him, and if Java boy was to make a name for himself, he was going to have to go about it of his own accord. The only gift he left to him in the will as he passed away
Starting point is 00:25:47 was one set of size 11 rocket shoes. Of course, at the time, Java Boy was so overcome with grief, he put them away in a box and sort of forgot about them until one fateful day in the year 2008 or 10, whenever the film was made. 10? 10. 10. It was 10.
Starting point is 00:26:11 He opened the box, he saw the shoes, he went for a coffee. Mm-hmm. So overcome with emotion he was, while he was trying to make this fateful decision whether or not to put the rocket shoes on, that there was only one way that he could settle his mind, and that was to sit down at his favourite cafe
Starting point is 00:26:26 and absolutely smash the ever-loving fuck out of a cup of joe, a hot, steaming, lovely pile of java. That's right, and the drinking technique that you do see in the film is one that he learned from his father. Some historians argue that the spirit of Father Java actually overtook Java Boy in that moment, and the two souls did meet, essentially forming one sort of entity. Which, of course, is why we see Coffee Guy run off as he does. He feels the spirit starting to enter him, and he realises that he needs to get to a slightly more sacrosanct setting.
Starting point is 00:27:08 That's right. He also realises he was wearing the rocket shoes the whole time. Sort of, you know, one of those the rocket shoes are inside you type discoveries. And that is why, if you look closely, you can see his, as you pointed out to him, visibly, he's got rockets on his... A lot of Wizard of Oz references in this film scattered throughout. Coffee Guy's just one of the more obvious examples. But also, Carrie very subtly weaves in the line,
Starting point is 00:27:32 I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. Very subtly. Did you know that... Blink and you miss it style line. Do you know that is from the movie The Wizard of Oz? Did you realise that? No, I didn't. We all know about Coffee Guy's rocket shoes.
Starting point is 00:27:43 The rocket shoes were always inside you. We were all... This is fucking right there. Hits you over the head. But did you realise that? No, I didn't. We all know about Coffee Guy's rocket shoes. The rocket shoes were always inside you. We're all, you know, this is fucking right there. Hits you over the head. But did you realise that I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore Toto is from a book that was then made into a film? I'm not a historian and I'm not a nerd, Tim, so that has escaped my attention. This is the beauty.
Starting point is 00:27:59 This is the genius of Michael Patrick King. MKP, Michael Patrick King. These little literary breadcrumbs for you to just gobble up. And sometimes you get them, and sometimes you're not learned enough yet to get them. So that's why you've got to keep watching the movie every week to see if you are gaining more cultural references and touchstones.
Starting point is 00:28:14 And if you're not sure that you're going to get it, it helps to buddy up, as I have done here with my partner Tim. It's a buddy system, everyone. That's right. Jump in the pool. The water's fine. We're on the back of a horse this week. We're doing a separate activity while we record the podcast i mean this is the meaning of friendship when's the last time you did two activities at once presumably never when was the last time you
Starting point is 00:28:34 shared a horse with a man a horse and a film if the answer is longer than the previous six months take the headphones out look in the yellow pages, find a company which provides that exact service and get involved because, frankly, you disgust me. Yeah, real friendship's what it's all about. That's what Guy's trying to communicate there. It's very important, very important. So, look, a shining light, I'm going to go with Samantha's shorts in the scene when she's in the marketplace making a right goose of herself
Starting point is 00:29:03 and about to get chased down by a bunch of local men who are very perturbed by her outcries and her waving around condoms and screaming at people, I have sex. I like her shorts that she's wearing. They're cool. Brightly colored. Yellow.
Starting point is 00:29:20 You know, Tim, you literally plunked this shining light just from, it was a sort of say what you see situation. I know for a fact because we were nearly at the end of the film and I said out loud, I was focusing very intently and you tried to say something to me and I said, I'm trying to find a shining light. And I feel like in that moment the trigger in your mind went off.
Starting point is 00:29:40 It was like, oh, shit, we're running out of time. I'd also better have a hunt. And I feel like you saw that. How how dare you you said it out loud you remembered it to yourself just so that you could claim it and i respect the god given crap out of you for it because i am drawing absolute blanks so reductive your attitude toward my shining light it was legitimately legitimately my favorite part of the film this week and for you sir my shining light shut your eyes and think Montgomery
Starting point is 00:30:11 my shining light my shining light you probably can't help me on this my shining light this week and forgive me if you've heard it before very near the start of the film when the girls walk into Bergdorf Goodman to do a great piece of exposition and explain that the two sworn enemies
Starting point is 00:30:29 from the television show Sex and the City put their differences aside and are getting married, there's a man in the background of the, what's it, sort of the till or the counter at which they're being served, and he's on the phone. And he's on the phone every week. Every week this guy, this character, comes back into the film. I mean, he's not essential, but he comes back.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And he's on the blower, and he's looking pretty much, he's barreling the camera, he's looking right through it, and he's, I like to think, week in, week out, this guy is toiling away, and he's reporting in to some higher being, presumably Michael Patrick King, and saying, yes, yes, they're here. The boys are back. They're watching it again.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Don't worry, everyone. Everything's going completely to plan. They're here. That's exactly right. And it is that moment. So that's your shining light. It happens very early in the film, but every week. I definitely have used this one before.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I care not. Look, you also were waving in guests as I was explaining it, which is a very distracting thing to do. I dispatched friends to get me pizza here, and now it's here. So I'm going to put a pin in this. Gladly. You're a real piece of shit, Timbette. I realise that.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And let's all take that on for the next seven days until next we meet. I love you all sincerely and dearly. Please communicate with us online and for the love of holy God, find yourself a karma cola and just buy it. Buy many. Put them in a bathtub and soak in it. Drink it in,
Starting point is 00:31:53 folks. It's good stuff. That'll do, pig. That'll do. It's the worst idea of all time. It's the worst idea of all time. It's the worst idea of all time. It's the worst idea of all time. It's the worst idea of all time. Season 2.

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